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Republic of the Philippines


Brazil St., Concepcion, Marikina City


Second Long Test

First Semester, School Year 2022-2023

Last Name: First Name: Score:


Test I – Subject-Verb Agreement
Directions: Underline the correct verb in the parentheses.
1. Some articles in Philippine History (seem, seems) to be revised.
2. Where (has, have) all the pens gone in this house?
3. One of my sweaters (has, have) moth holes in the sleeves.
4. There (is, are) plenty of reasons for not going to the party tonight.
5. Each of the marathon runners (receive, receives) a special T-shirt.
6. The records in my collection (is, are) arranged alphabetically.
7. Football players who (scores, score) touchdowns (get, gets) much of the glory.
8. The major story on all the news programs (concern, concerns) the president’s
state of health.
9. Both of the drive-in windows at the bank (close, closes) at three o’clock.
10. Here (is, are) my address and phone number so you could get in touch.
Test II – Tense and Aspect
Directions: Each sentence contains a mistake either involving (1) Standard English or
irregular verb forms, (2) subject-verb agreement, or (3) consistent verb tense. Underline
the incorrect verb and write the correct form in the space provided.
remain 1. Only two pieces of lemon meringue pie remains on the plate.
______ 2. Every morning, he starts the car, tuned in the radio, and adjusts the heat.
______ 3. The basketball team’s center growed almost five inches between his
freshman and sophomore seasons.
______ 4.Uncle Edwin became frightened as we approached the airport, for he had
never flew before.
______ 5. Each of the cupcakes for Jenny’s birthday were decorated with blue roses.
______ 6. I came home, settled down for a short nap, and sleep for three hours.
______ 7. On my way home, an oncoming car’s headlights were so bright I have to slow
down till it passed.
______ 8. When the accident victim complained of dizziness, the paramedics told him
to lay on the stretcher.
______ 9. After I checked my bank balance, I realize I did not have enough money for a
new stereo.
______ 10. The full moon covered the beach with a cool blue light, and the water
shimmers as a soft breeze blows off the lake.
Directions: Mark each sentence as P (parallel) and NP (not parallel). Rewrite the
sentences with non-parallel structure in the space provided.
_NP 1. She has to assume responsibility for her own decisions and has her own duties.
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 2. Reading the assignment and to take lecture notes are equally important.
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 3. Benjamin Franklin was a statesman, a writer, and he was also an inventor.
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 4. The Prime Minister recommended an increase in taxes and that several fees be
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 5. Mr. Roberts found teaching in the classroom more inspiring than to manage the
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 6. To give is as important as receiving.
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 7. The new Philippine President-elect has already shown himself to be not only
charming but also a person of political sophistication.
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 8. The conscientious objectors came to listen and with questions.
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
___ 9. Taking the oral examination is usually harder than to write the dissertation.
Answer: ______________________________________________________________
___ 10. The psychologist recommended plenty of work, friends, and eating good food.
Answer: ______________________________________________________________
Test IV – Active to Passive Construction
Directions: Transform the following sentences to the passive construction.
1. Thick fog delayed the flight from London.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
2. Mercedes Benz has patented many safety inventions.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
3. Gun culture decivilizes and devalues life.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
4. Certain places still observe dress codes.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
5. High risk investment strategies triggered the crisis.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
6. The owners have closed down the old school.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
7. Environmental scientists found an enzyme that cleans water of pollution.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
8. A small core of professionals do the essential work in Shamrock.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
9. How do you encode that, please?
Answer: _____________________________________________________
10. Only voluntary contributions fund the humanitarian organization.
Answer: _____________________________________________________
Test V – Passive to Active Construction
Directions: Transform the following sentences to the active construction.
1. New ways of selling products are being explored by banks.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
2. The body is relaxed through exercise.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
3. Heavy demands on time and energy are made by businessmen.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
4. Cave paintings have been found near Avignon by the French Ministry of Culture.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
5. Smoking is not permitted by Cathay Pacific on any flight.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
6. The government had been accused of using public funds for foreign visitors.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
7. The dean must have been told about the case.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
8. In management, tension is reduced by decision making.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
9. It seems top management is involved in all joint ventures.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
10. I’m sorry, but that can’t be done.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
Test VI – WH-Questions
Directions: Construct a wh-question in each of the given core sentences.
1. Grammar study is exciting.
Answer: _______________________________________________________
2. Those big dogs chased the cats.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
3. Their teacher gave a test.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
4. He planted fruit trees.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
5. The children catch yellow butterflies.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
6. Liza bought a beautiful house.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
7. Luz went to Canada.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
8. Our new President-elect is Bongbong Marcos, Jr.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
9. Inday Sara Duterte won the Vice-Presidential race.
Answer: ________________________________________________________
10. VP Leni Robredo lost her presidential bid.
Answer: ________________________________________________________

Test VII – Yes/No Questions and Tag Questions

Directions: Construct a yes/no question with a tag question and possible answer in each
of the core sentences. Number 1 is done for you.
1. Your sister is fond of sweets.
y/n: Is your sister fond of sweets?_____________________________________
tag: Isn’t she?_____________________________________________________
answer: Yes, she is.________________________________________________
2. You can speak Chinese.
y/n: ____________________________________________________________
tag: ____________________________________________________________
answer: _________________________________________________________
3. We are supposed to attend the meeting.
y/n: ____________________________________________________________
tag: ____________________________________________________________
answer: _________________________________________________________
4. They have eaten.
y/n: ____________________________________________________________
tag: ____________________________________________________________
answer: _________________________________________________________
5. The baby walks.
y/n: ____________________________________________________________
tag: ____________________________________________________________
answer: _________________________________________________________

Prepared by:


English Instructor, CASED

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