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(Trình độ)
Elementary (Tuần) (Kỹ năng)
1 (Điểm Ielts) 1 - 6
4.0 - 5.0
(Sơ cấp)
4.5 - 5.0 Reading (Đọc)

5.0 - 5.5 Listening (Nghe)

4.0 - 4.5 Writing (Viết)

4.0 - 4.5 Speaking (Nói)

2 5.5 - 6.0 7 - 12
(Trung cấp)
5.5 - 6.0 Reading (Đọc)

6.0 - 6.5 Listening (Nghe)

5.0 - 5.5 Writing (Viết)

5.0 - 5.5 Speaking (Nói)

Upper intermediate
3 6.5 - 7.0 13 - 21
(Trung cấp cao)
6.5 - 7.0 Reading (Đọc)

7.0 - 7.5 Listening (Nghe)

6.0 -6.5 Writing (Viết)

6.0 - 6.5 Speaking (Nói)

(Thành tựu - tiếng Việt)

Hiểu được nội dung chung của bài và từng đoạn

Phân biệt được các dạng bài tập cơ bản và kỹ thuật làm bài cho từng dạng câu
hỏi: Điền vào chỗ trống, tìm ý chính của đoạn văn, T-F-NG, v.v
Giới thiệu và vận dụng kỹ thuật tìm "Từ khoá" để tìm thông tin trong bài đọc
Hoàn thành toàn bộ bài đọc trong thời gian cho phép (60 phút)

Hiểu được nội dung chung của đoạn đối thoại

Phân biệt được các dạng bài tập cơ bản và kỹ thuật làm bài cho từng loại: điền
vào chỗ trống, chọn đáp án đúng, bản đồ, v.v
Giới thiệu và vận dụng kỹ thuật tìm "Từ khoá" để tìm thông tin trong bài đọc
Hoàn thành bài nghe với số câu đúng lần lượt là: 7,6,5,4 cho bài nghe số 1,2,3,4
Viết được dạng bài cơ bản:
Task 1: Mô tả biểu đồ đơn
Task 2:bịNêu
kiến cơ
vềchủ đề đề
1 vấn quen thuộc: ngôn ngữ, máy tính, mội
trường, sở thích, giải trí
Có khả năng sử dụng các từ đồng nghĩa để tránh lặp từ khi viết văn
Hoàn thành bài viết trong thời gian quy định (60 phút)

Nắm được các dạng bài cơ bản của 1 bài thi nói
Trả lời được những câu hỏi cơ bản về cuộc sống thường ngày: thông tin cá
nhân, sở thích, môi trường sống, trường học, gia đình, bạn bè
Sử dụng đúng thì và từ loại khi nói
Trả lời câu hoàn chỉnh, dài từ 1-2 câu cho 1 câu hỏi

Hiểu được nội dung chung của bài và từng đoạn

Làm tốt dạng cơ bản: điền vào chỗ trống & T-F-NG
Làm đúng được 30% câu hỏi của dạng bài khó (tìm nội dung chính cho đoạn
Hoàn thành toàn bộ bài đọc trong thời gian cho phép (60 phút)

Nghe hiểu kĩ càng nội dung của bài kiểm tra 1 & 2, đồng thời nắm được nội
dung chính cuả bài nghe 3 & 4
Nhận biết các bẫy thường gặp trong bài nghe khó 3&4
Giới thiệu và vận dụng kỹ thuật tìm "Từ khoá" để tìm thông tin trong bài đọc
Hoàn thành bài nghe với số câu đúng lần lượt là: 9,7,6,5 cho bài nghe số 1,2,3,4
Viết tốt dạng bài cơ bản:
Task 1: Mô tả biểu đồ đơn
Task 2:bịNêu
kiến cơ
emvềvềchủ đề đề
1 vấn học thuật: Bất bình đẳng giới tính/xã hội,
chính trị, kiến trúc, lịch sử, ô nhiễm môi trường, tôn giáo
Có khả năng sử dụng các từ đồng nghĩa để tránh lặp từ khi viết văn
Hoàn thành bài viết trong thời gian quy định (60 phút)
Trả lời phần 1 trôi chảy và nắm được kỹ năng trả lời cho phần 2. 3
Trả lời được những câu hỏi chủ đề học thuật: Bất bình đẳng giới tính/xã hội,
chính trị, kiến trúc, lịch sử, ô nhiễm môi trường, tôn giáo
Sử dụng kết hợp được thì hiện tại và quá khư khi trả lời câu hỏi
Trả câu hỏi với số lượng hạn chế lỗi sai

Hiểu được kĩ càng nội dung của từng bài & đoạn văn
Làm tốt dạng cơ bản: điền vào chỗ trống & T-F-NG
Làm đúng được 50% câu hỏi của dạng bài khó (tìm nội dung chính cho đoạn
Hoàn thành toàn bộ bài đọc trong thời gian cho phép (60 phút)

Nghe hiểu kĩ càng nội dung của bài kiểm tra 1 & 2, đồng thời nắm được nội
dung chính cuả bài nghe 3 & 4
Nhận biết các bẫy thường gặp trong bài nghe khó 3&4
Làm quen với kỹ thuật hoàn thành bài nghe dài và khó (3 & 4)
Hoàn thành bài nghe với số câu đúng lần lượt là: 9,8,7,6,5 cho bài nghe số
Viết tốt được dạng bài cơ bản:
Task 1: Mô tả biểu đồ đơn
Taskhiện được
2: Nêu quancủa
ý kiến điểm
emvề vềcác chủđềđề học thuật: Bất bình đẳng giới tính/xã
1 vấn
hội, chính trị, kiến trúc, lịch sử, ô nhiễm môi trường, tôn giáo
Trích dẫn nghiên cứu khoa học / số liệu để củng cố luận điểm
Hoàn thành bài viết trong thời gian quy định (60 phút)

Trả lời câu hỏi phần 1 lưu loát và hoàn thành phần 2 trong thời gian quy định (2
Thể hiện được quan điểm về các chủ đề học thuật: Bất bình đẳng giới tính/xã
hội, chính trị, kiến trúc, lịch sử, ô nhiễm môi trường, tôn giáo
Sử dụng kết hợp từ 2-3 thì và 3+ từ đồng nghĩa trong 1 câu trả lời
Trả câu hỏi với số lượng hạn chế lỗi sai
(Thành tựu - tiếng Anh)

Able to
to understand the general
distinguish standard testtopic of the
format andsession andthem:
how to get each paragraph
Filling in the gaps,
choose correct answer, T-F-NG, paragraph topic mapping, predict next paragraph's
Able to apply the key-words scanning technique to find the correct information
Able to complete a standard reading test, 3 seesions included, within allowed time (60

Able to understand the diallogues' overall content

Able to distinguish standard test format and how to get them: Filling in the gaps,
choose correct answer
Able to apply the key words scanning technique to find the correct information
Able to complete section 1,2, 3,4 with 7,6,5,4 correct answers accordingly within
allowed time (60 mins)
Able to write the basic format of (i)Task 1 (single graph/chart) and (ii)Task 2 (give
Able opinion about a topic
to _x0008_acquire / to knowledge
basic what extentofdocommon
you agree or disagree
topics: withcomputer,
language, the topic)
environment, education, transportation
Able to use synonyms or paraphrased sentences to express ideas
Able to complete task 1 & task 2 within allowed time (60 mins)

Able to understand the standard speaking test format

Able handle basic questions about daily life topics: personal information, hobby,
neighborhood, school, family
Able to use correct tenses & synonyms when answering questions
Able to give a completed and 1-2-sentence length answer

Able to understand the general topic of the session and each paragraph
Able to perform well with fill-in-the-gap & T-F-NG test formats
Able to complete topping-mapping test format with 30% of correct answer
Able to complete a standard reading test, 3 seesions included, within allowed time (60

Able to understand thoroughly session 1 & overall content of the other 2 sessions
Able to distingiush tricks often used in session 2 & 3
Able to apply the key words scanning technique to find the correct information
Able to complete section 1,2, 3,4 with 9,7,6,5 correct answers accordingly within
allowed time (60 mins)
Able to perform well the basic format of Task 1 (single graph/chart) and Task 2 (give
Able opinion about a topic
to _x0008_aquire / toknowledge
basic what extent
of do you agree
academic or disagree
topics: with the topic)
gender inequality,
politics, architecture, history, crime & seccurity, pollution
Able to use diversity of synonyms or paraphrased sentences to express ideas
Able to complete task 1 & task 2 within allowed time (60 mins)
Able to answer part 1 fluently
Able handle basic questions about academic topics: gender inequality, politics,
architecture, history, crime & seccurity, pollution
Able to use present & past tense correctly
Able to express ideas with limited number of error

Able to understand thoroughly each paragraph's content

Able to perform well with fill-in-the-gap & T-F-NG test formats with minor errors
Able to complete topping-mapping test format with 50% of correct answer
Able to complete a standard reading test, 3 seesions included, within allowed time (60

Able to understand thoroughly the 2 first sessions and overall meaning of the last 2.
Able to distingiush tricks often used in session 3 & 4: mixed information, new words,
speed of reading
Able to _x0008_handle the long & tricky task 3 (map) & 4 (paragraph completing)
Able to complete section 1,2, 3,4 with 9,8,7,6 correct answers accordingly within
allowed time (60 mins)
Able to perform well the basic format of Task 1 (single graph/chart) and Task 2 (give
your opinion
Able about a topic
to give opinions / to whattopics:
on academic extent gender
do you inequality,
agree or disagree
politics, with the topic)
history, crime & seccurity, pollution
Able to use science reference/ data reference strengthen arguments
Able to complete task 1 & task 2 within allowed time (60 mins)

Able to answer part 1 fluently and part 2 within 2 minute

Able handle advanced questions about academic topics: gender inequality, politics,
architecture, history, crime & seccurity, pollution
Able to combine 2-3 tenses & 3+ synonyms when answering questions
Able to answer a question with limited numbers of errors
(Sách tham khảo)

1. 15 days of writing
2. 15 days of reading
3. 15 days of speaking
4. 15 days of listening
5. Exam essentials practice test

1. 15 days of writing
2. 15 days of reading
3. 15 days of speaking
4. 15 days of listening
5. Cambridge Ielts test ( 6 - 9)
5. Cambridge Ielts test ( 6 - 9)

1. Cambridge Ielts test (10 - 14)

2. Actual test (1-3)
3. Practice test plus (1-3)

Week Day Date Topics Skills Content

Tuesday Aug 31 Introduction of Ielts test
- Introduce the format of Speaking,
Reading, Listening
- Introduce & Writing
the strategic test to
deal with each type of test
All 4 skills - Practice with some test samples

- Introduce the Shadowing methodology

to enhance students' English
Sunday Sep 5 Get started with Listening & Speaking test
Listening - Check Task 4
- Learn detailed techniques to deal with
specific question types
Speaking - Check Task 1 & Task 5
- Get to know specific tips to knock out
Speaking test part 1

Tuesday Sep 7 Get started with Writing and Reading
Reading - Check Task 2
- Learn detailed techniques to deal with
"Overview question" type
Sunday Sep 12 Get started with Listening & Speaking test
Listening - Check Task 6
- Classified lexical items (1)
Speaking - Check Task 7 & Task 8
- Part 1: Common topics (1)

Tuesday Sep 14
Writing Task 1 - How to write a chart
Reading Check Task 10
Reading Day 3

Sunday Sep 19
Listening Check Task 11 & Task 12
Classified lexical items (2)
Speaking Check _x0008_Task 13
Part 1: Common topics (2)
Tuesday Sep 21
Reading Check Task 16
Reading Day 4: Detailed question (1)

Sunday Sep 26
Listening Check Task 18 & Task 19
Classified lexical items (2)
Speaking Check _x0008_Task 20
Part 1: Common topics (3)
Tuesday Sep 28
Writing Day 4: Report writing (2) Task 1

Reading Check _x0008_Task 21

Exercise on detail question (1)
Tuesday Oct 5
Listening Check Task 23 & Task 24
Multiple choice questions

Speaking Part 1: Common topics (3)

Sunday Oct 10
Writing Check Task 26
Day 6: Report writing practice part 1
Reading Check _x0008_Task 28
Details questions (2) - True/False/NG
Tuesday Oct 12
Listening Check Task 30 & Task 31
Day 6: Gap filling
Speaking Part 1: Common topics (4) - Day 6
Sunday Oct 17
Writing Check Task 32
Day 5: Writing diagram & process
Reading Check _x0008_Task 33
Day 7: Exercise on details questions (2)
Tuesday Oct 19
Listening Check Task 34 & Task 35
Day 7: Gap filling
Speaking Part 1: Common topics (1) - Day 7
Sunday Oct 24
Writing Check Task 36
Day 6: Pactice writing diagram & process
Reading Check _x0008_Task 38

Tuesday Oct 26
Listening Check Task 39 & Task 40
Speaking Part 1: Common topics (1) - Day 8
Sunday Oct 31
Writing Check Task 41

Reading Check _x0008_Task 43

Tuesday Nov 2
Listening Check Task 44
Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5 -
Speaking part 1
Sunday Nov 6
Writing Check Task 45

Reading Check _x0008_Task 47

Tuesday Nov 9
Listening Check Task 48
Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5 -
Test 2 - Speaking part 1
Sunday Nov 13
Writing Check Task 49

Reading Check _x0008_Task 51

Tuesday Nov 16
Listening Check Task 52
Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5 -
Test 3 - Speaking part 1
Sunday Nov 21
Writing Check Task 53

Reading Check _x0008_Task 55

Tuesday Nov 23
Listening Check Task 56
Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5 -
Test 4 - Speaking part 1
Sunday Nov 28
Writing Check Task 57

Reading Check _x0008_Task 59

Tuesday Nov 30
Listening Check Task 60
Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6 -
Test 1 - Speaking part 1
Sunday Dec 5
Speaking Mock test

Speaking Mock test

Tuesday Dec 6
Reading Mock test
Writing Mock test
Tuesday Dec 14
Writing Check Task 61

Reading Check _x0008_Task 63

Sunday Dec 26
Listening Check Task 64

Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6 -

Test 2 - Speaking part 1
Tuesday Dec 28
Writing Check Task 65
Reading Check Task 67
Tuesday Jan 4
Listening Check Task 68

Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6 -

Test 3 - Speaking part 1&2
Sunday Jan 9
Writing Cam 6, Writing test 1 - task 2
Reading Check Task 71
Tuesday Jan 11
Listening Check Task 72

Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6 -

Test 4 - Speaking part 1&2
Sunday Jan 16 are given pocket money every week
Writing have less problems managing money
Reading when
Task become
75 adults. To what
Tuesday Jan 18
Listening Check Task 76

Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 7 -

Test 1 - Speaking part 1&2
Sunday Jan 23
Writing Cam 6, test 2, writing task 2
Reading Check Task 79
Tuesday Jan 25
Listening Check Task 80

Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 7 -

Test 2 - Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Feb 8
Listening Exam - Cam 7 test 4
Writing exam Cam 6 test 4 & cam 7 test 4
Sunday Feb 13
Reading Exam - Cam 6 test 4
Speaking exam cam 7 test 4
Tuesday Feb 15
Listening check task 84
Part 1: Ielts Cambridge practice test 7 -
Test 3 - Speaking part 1&2
Sunday Feb 20
Reading Check task 83
Tuesday Feb 22
Listening check task 86
Ielts Cambridge practice test 7 - Test 4 -
Speaking part 1&2
Sunday Feb 27
Reading Check task 87
Tuesday Mar 1
Listening check task 88
Ielts Cambridge practice test 8 - Test 1 -
Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Mar 8
Reading Check task 89
Sunday Mar 13
Listening check task 90
Ielts Cambridge practice test 8 - Test 2 -
Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Mar 15
Reading Check task 91
Sunday Mar 20
Listening check task 92
Ielts Cambridge practice test 8 - Test 3 -
Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Mar 22
Reading Check task 93
Sunday Mar 27
Listening check task 94
Ielts Cambridge practice test 9 - Test 2 -
Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Mar 29
Reading Check task 95
Sunday Apr 3
Listening check task 96
Ielts Cambridge practice test 9 - Test 2 -
Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Apr 5
Reading Check task 97
Sunday Apr 10
Listening check task 98
Ielts Cambridge practice test 9 - Test 3 -
Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Apr 12
Reading Check task 99
Sunday Apr 17
Listening check task 100
Ielts Cambridge practice test 9 - Test 3 -
Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Apr to 19
Reading Check task 101
Ielts Cambridge practice test 9 - Test 4 -
Speaking part 1&2
Sunday Apr 24
Listening check task 102
Tuesday Apr 26
Reading Check task 103
Ielts Cambridge practice test 10 - Test 1
- Speaking part 1&2
Sunday May 8
Listening check task 104
Tuesday May 10
Reading Check task 105
Ielts Cambridge practice test 10 - Test 2
- Speaking part 1&2
Sunday May 15
Listening check task 106
Tuesday May 17
Reading Check task 107
Ielts Cambridge practice test 10 - Test 3
- Speaking part 1&2
Sunday May 22
Listening check task 108
Tuesday May 24
Reading Check task 109
Ielts Cambridge practice test 10 - Test 4
- Speaking part 1&2
Mon May 30
Listening check task 110
Tuesday May 31
Reading Check task 111
Ielts Cambridge practice test 11 - Test 1
- Speaking part 1&2
Tuesday Jun 7
Tuesday Jun 1 4
Tuesday Jun 28
Tuesday Jul 5

Sunday Jul 10
Tuesday Jul 12
Sunday Jul 17
Tuesday Jul 19
Sunday Jul 24
Tuesday Jul 26
Sunday Jul 31
Tuesday Aug 2
Sunday Aug 7
References Homework Deadline Link

- Where do you study?

15 Days of Speaking-Task
your dream
- 15job andofwhy
Days you like
Reading Sep 5, 2021
doing that?
15 Days of Reading Finish 40 questions in Day 1 section (from Sep 7, 2021
15 Days of Listeningany
13 to 20)
4: Listening Sep 7, 2021
15 Days of Writing (ii) Insert at least 3 -words/phrase
15 Days of Listening
in each
(i) Listen and answer question 1 to 10 (page 13 Sep 5, 2021
& 14) of wordstress, intonation and
Youtube Sep 3, 2021

Task 6: Exam essentials test 2

15 Days of ListeningListen and complete Listening 4 sections Sep 12,2021
family? [Why?]
15 Days of Speakin Sep 12,2021
Topic 2:
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and
Task Sep 10,2021
vocab.9: 15 Days of Listening
Listen and write down the script of listening part Sep 12,2021
about Australia in Day 1

Task 10: 15 Days of Reading

15 Days of Reading Sep 14, 2021
Complete Sample Reading 1,2,3,4,5 of Day 2
Task 11: Exam essentials test 2
Listen and write down the script of Listening Sep 19,2021
Task 12: Exam essentials test 2
15 Days of Listeningtest 1, section 2 question 11- 14 Sep 19,2021
Listen and complete Listening test 1
Task 13: 15 Days of Speaking
15 Days of Speakin Sep 19,2021
Complete all of
mindfulness thewordstress,
exercises in day 3 and
Sep 17,2021

Task 15: 15 Days of Writing

15 Days of Writing Choose 1 of 3 examples in Day 3 to write a Sep 21,2021
complete writing task 1
Task 16: 15 Days of Reading
15 Days of Reading Sep 21,2021
Complete Passage
mindfulness 3 to 9 ofintonation
of wordstress, Day 3 and
Sep 17,2021
Task 18: Exam essentials test 2
Listen and write down the script of Listening Sep 26, 2021
Task 19: Exam essentials test 2
15 Days of Listeningtest 1, Question 30-34 Sep 26, 2021
Listen and complete Listening test 2
- Record answers for 2 questions as asigned
15 Days of Speakin by each person Sep 26, 2021
- Read through all the topics in Common topics
Task 21: 15 Days of Reading
15 Days of Reading Complete Day 4 sample reading: 2 (page 66), Sep 28,2021
mindfulness of wordstress,
4(page 71), 6(page intonation
78), 8 (page 83) and Sep 24,2021
Task 23: Exam essentials test 2
Listen and write down the script of Listening Oct 3,2021
Task 24: Exam essentials test 2
15 Days of Listeningtest 2, section 1 Oct 3,2021
Listen and complete Listening test 3
- Record answers for 2 questions as asigned
15 Days of Speakin by each person Oct 3,2021
- Read through all the topics in Common topics

Task 26: 15 Days of Writing

15 Days of Writing Oct 2, 2021
Write a reportofofwordstress,
mindfulness a chart in page 63 and
Oct 1, 2021
Task 28: 15 Days of Reading
15 Days of Reading Oct 5,2021
- Finish all 7 passages from page 86 to 104

Task 29: Exam essentials test 2

Listen and write down the script of Listening Oct 12,2021
Task 30: Exam essentials test 2
15 Days of Listeningtest 3, section 2 Oct 12,2021
Task and15
Days ofListening
Listeningtest 4
Oct 12,2021
Listen the day 5

Task 32: 15 Days of Writing

Oct 17, 2021
Write a reportofofwordstress,
mindfulness a chart in page 88 and
15 Days of Writing Oct 15, 2021
Task 33: 15 Days of Reading
15 Days of Reading - Finish all 5 sample reading from page 106 to Oct 17, 2021

Task 34: Exam essentials test 2

Oct 19,2021
Listen and15
Task 35: complete
Days ofListening
Listeningtest 5
15 Days of Listening Oct 19,2021
Listen the day 6

Task 36: 15 Days of Writing

Write a report of 2nd process about nitrogen in Oct 24, 2021
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and
15 Days of Writing page 90 Oct 22, 2021
Task 38: 15 Days of Reading
15 Days of Reading - Finish all 7 passage reading from page 121 to Oct 17, 2021

Task 39: Exam essentials test 2

Oct 26,2021
Listen and15
Task 40: complete
Days ofListening
Listeningtest 6
15 Days of Listening Oct 26,2021
Listen the day 7

Task 41: 15 Days of Writing

complete 2 reports of task 1: Oct 31, 2021
1 graph in page 88 and another one in page 90
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and
15 Days of Writing Oct 29, 2021
Task 43: Exam essentials test 2
15 Days of Reading Oct 31, 2021
Reading test 1

Ielts Cambridge Task 44: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5

practice test Nov 2,2021
Listen and complete Listening test 1

Task 45: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5

15 Days of Writing Oct 31, 2021
Writing test 1-
mindfulness oftask 1.
wordstress, intonation and
Oct 31, 2021
Task 47: Exam essentials test 2
15 Days of Reading Oct 31, 2021
Reading test 2

Ielts Cambridge
Task 48: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5
practice test Nov 9
Listen and complete Listening test 2

Task 49: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5

Ielts Cambridge prac Nov 13
Writing test 2-
mindfulness oftask 1.
wordstress, intonation and
Nov 10
Exam essentials test 2
Task 51: Exam essentials test 2
Nov 13
Reading test 3

Ielts Cambridge Task 52: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5

practice test Nov 16
Listen and complete Listening test 3

Task 53: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5

Ielts Cambridge prac Nov 20
Writing test 3of- wordstress,
mindfulness task 1. intonation and
Nov 17
Exam essentials test 2
Task 55: Exam essentials test 2
Nov 20
Reading test 4

Ielts Cambridge
Task 56: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5
practice test Nov 23
Listen and complete Listening test 4

Task 57: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5

Ielts Cambridge prac Nov 28
Writing test 4of- wordstress,
mindfulness task 1. intonation and
Exam essentials test 2
Task 59: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5
Nov 28
Reading test 1
Ielts Cambridge Task 60: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6
practice test Listen and complete Listening test 1 Nov 30

Task 61: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6

Ielts Cambridge prac(i) Listentest
and1 repeat the conversation with Dec 5
Writing - task 1.
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and
Exam essentials testvocab.
Task 63: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5
Nov 28
Reading test 2

Ielts Cambridge
Task 64: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6
practice test Dec 7
Listen and complete Listening test 2

Task 65: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6

(i) Listentest
and2 repeat the conversation with Dec 19
Writing - task 1.
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and
Task 67: Ielts Cambridge practice test 5
Dec 19
Reading test 3

Task 68: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6

(i) Listen Jan 2
Listen andand repeat the
complete conversation
Listening test 3 with
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and Dec 31

Task 70: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6

Jan 4
Task test
71: 3 -Cambridge
Ielts task 1 practice test 5
Jan 4
Reading test 4

Task 72: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6

(i) Listen Jan 11
Listen andand repeat the
complete conversation
Listening test 4 with
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and Jan 11

Task 74: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6

Jan 16
Writing test 4 - task 1
Task 75: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6
Jan 16
Reading test 1

Task 76: Ielts Cambridge practice test 7

(i) Listen Jan 18
Listen andand repeat the
complete conversation
Listening test 1 with
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and Jan 18

Task 78:

Task 79: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6
Reading test 2

Task 80: Ielts Cambridge practice test 7

(i) Listen Jan 25
Listen andand repeat the
complete conversation
Listening test 2 with
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and Jan 25

Task 82:

Task 83: Ielts Cambridge practice test 6
Reading test 3

Task 84: Ielts Cambridge practice test 7

(i) Listen
Listen andand repeat the
complete conversation
Listening test 3 with
mindfulness of wordstress, intonation and

Task 86: Ielts Cambridge practice test 8

Listen and complete Listening test 1

Task 87: Cam 8 test 1

Task 88: Ielts Cambridge practice test 8

Listen and complete Listening test 2
Task 89: Ielts Cambridge practice test 8
Reading test 2

Task 90: Ielts Cambridge practice test 8

Listen and complete Listening test 3

Task 91: Ielts Cambridge practice test 8

Reading test 3

Task 92: Ielts Cambridge practice test 8

Listen and complete Listening test 4

Task 93: Ielts Cambridge practice test 8

Reading test 4

Task 94: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Listen and complete Listening test 1

Task 95: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Reading test 1

Task 96: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Listen and complete Listening test 2

Task 97: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Reading test 2

Task 98: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Listen and complete Listening test 2

Task 99: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Reading test 3

Task 100: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Listen and complete Listening test 3
Task 101: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9
Reading test 4

Task 102: Ielts Cambridge practice test 9

Listen and complete Listening test 4

Task 103: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Reading test 1

Task 104: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Listen and complete Listening test 1

Task 105: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Reading test 2

Task 106: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Listen and complete Listening test 2

Task 107: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Reading test 3

Task 108: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Listen and complete Listening test 3

Task 109: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Reading test 4

Task 110: Ielts Cambridge practice test 10

Listen and complete Listening test 4

Task 111: Ielts Cambridge practice test 11

Reading test 1
Task 112: Ielts Cambridge practice test 11
Listen and complete Listening test 1

Task 113: Ielts Cambridge practice test 11

Reading test 2

Task 114: Ielts Cambridge practice test 11

Writing test 1
Ielts Cambridge practice test 11 - Test 2 -
Speaking part 1&2

Task 115: Ielts Cambridge practice test 11

Writing test 2
Ielts Cambridge practice test 11 - Test 3 -
Speaking part 1&2

Task 115: Ielts Cambridge practice test 11

Writing test 3
Ielts Cambridge practice test 11 - Test 4 -
Speaking part 1&2

Cam 11 test 4

Ielts cam 11, test 2

15 days of speaking - Homeland topic

Cambridge ielts 12, test 1

Ielts cam 11, test 3

Cam 12 test 1

Ielts cam 11, test 3

Cam 12 test 1

Ielts cam 12, test 2

Cam 12 test 2
15 days of speaking
Cam 12 test 7

Ielts cam 11, test 4

Cam 12 test 8
Cam 12 test 8

Cam 12 test 8
Cam 12 test 8















Target Skills Learning material Frequency

Practice actual Ielts test in 4 skills, focus on - Actual test 1,2,3 1-2 test/day
a time limited condition
Brainstorming answers tofor Reading
Speaking& -15Practice
days oftest plus 1,2,3
speaking 10 questions/ day
popular speaking test
Improve speaking fluency Speaking Read out loud the 1 scripts/day
and grammarly
Practice 1-1 mock test Speaking listening script questions
Cam speaking 1-2 full speaking
Brainstorming ideas for Writing 15 days of writing test/day
1-2 topic/day
popular academic
Memorize writing
and practice Writing ielts jay writing task 2 1 full writing test /
writing task 1 & 2 popular day
Upload your work in this link:
Paste the link of your work in the your cells

Week Skill Task Deadline

Jul 31 - Aug 7 Reading Cam 12, test 5 Aug 7th
Summarize 2 news in international Aug 4th
Writing newspaper/magazine
Watch (eg: The Gaurdian,
the video and summarize its contentBBC,
and your
5th learn https://www.youtub
Listening & Write down the script and intimate the video Aug 2th
Speaking below:

Minh Duong Uyen
Question Minh Duong Uyen Check
1 temporary temporary temporary
2 doctor doctor doctor
3 Africa Africa africa
4 youth teenager x Youth
5 May May may
6 cheese cheese cheese
7 Arbuthnot Arbuthnot arbuthnot
8 dG74PH DG74PH DG74PH
9 Tuesday Tuesday tuesday
10 presentation presentation presentation
11 A A A
12 c C C
13 b B B
14 b B B
15 h H H
16 c C C
17 f f E x f
18 g G G
19 i I I
20 b B B
21 classification classification x
22 worst example x
23 slides slides slides
24 issues issues issues
25 f F F
26 b B x
27 c E F x
28 e C C
29 g D x
30 b E x
31 garden garden garden
32 political political x
33 study work work x
34 fountain fountain x
35 social social social
36 lively lively x
37 training training training
38 culture culture x
39 nature nature x
40 silient silent

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