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C3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en


Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 1 05/10/2022

3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en

3.1 Introducción a los Fluidos Compresibles

3.2 Velocidad del Sonido
3.3 Flujo Estacionario Adiabático e isentrópico
3.4 Flujo Isentrópico con cambio de área
3.5 Toberas Convergentes y Divergentes
3.6 Turbinas y Compresores
3.7 Flujo compresible en tuberías con fricción
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Joaquín Pinto Espinoza

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Joaquín Pinto Espinoza

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➢ When a fluid moves at speeds comparable to its speed of
sound, density changes become significant and the flow is
termed compressible.

➢ Such flows are difficult to obtain in liquids, since high

pressures of order 1000 atm are needed to generate sonic

➢In gases, however, a pressure ratio of only 2:1 will likely

cause sonic flow.

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➢ The two most important and distinctive effects of

compressibility on flow are:

(1) choking, wherein the duct flow rate is sharply limited

by the sonic condition, and

(2) shock waves, which are nearly discontinuous

property changes in a supersonic flow.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 8 05/10/2022

Ma =  1
where V is the flow velocity and a is the speed of sound of the

➢ Under small-Mach number conditions, changes in fluid

density are everywhere small in the flow field.

➢ The energy equation becomes uncoupled, and temperature

effects can be either ignored or put aside for later study.

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➢ The equation of state degenerates into the simple statement

that density is nearly constant.

➢ This means that an incompressible flow requires only a

momentum and continuity equations.

➢Mach numbers greater than about 0.3 and thus exhibit non
negligible density changes.

➢ If the density change is significant, it follows from the

equation of state that the temperature and pressure changes are
also substantial.

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➢ Large temperature changes imply that the energy equation can
no longer be neglected. Therefore the work is doubled from two
basic equations to four

1. Continuity equation
2. Momentum equation
3. Energy equation
4. Equation of state

to be solved simultaneously for four unknowns: pressure, density,

temperature, and flow velocity (p, ρ, T, V).

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 11 05/10/2022


➢ Aerodynamicists especially make a distinction between the

various ranges of Mach number, and the following rough
classifications are commonly used:

1) Ma < 0.3: incompressible flow, where density effects are


2) 0.3 < Ma < 0.8: subsonic flow, where density effects are
important but no shock waves appear.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 12 05/10/2022


3) 0.8 < Ma < 1.2: transonic flow, where shock waves first
appear, dividing subsonic and supersonic regions of the flow.
Powered flight in the transonic region is difficult because of the
mixed character of the flow field.

4) 1.2 < Ma < 3.0: supersonic flow, where shock waves are
present but there are no subsonic regions.

5) 3.0 > Ma: hypersonic flow [13], where shock waves and
other flow changes are specially strong.

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➢ These five categories of flow are appropriate to external high-
speed aerodynamics.

➢ For internal (duct) flows, the most important question is

simply whether the flow is subsonic (Ma < 1) or supersonic (Ma >

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 14 05/10/2022


➢ The elementary treatments are confined to the perfect gas with

constant specific heats

p = RT

R = c p − cv = const

c p
= const
c v
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 15 05/10/2022
➢ For all real gases, cp, cv ,and k vary with temperature but only
moderately; for example, cp of air increases 30 percent as
temperature increases from 0 to 5000°F.

➢ The gas constant is related to a universal constant divided by

the gas molecular weight

Rgas =

where Λ= 49,720 ft2/(s2 °R) = 8314 m2/(s2 K).

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 16 05/10/2022

➢ For air, Mgas= 28.9

R = 1717 ft2/(s2 °R) = 287 m2/(s2 K); k = 1.400

cv = = 4293 ft2/(s2 °R) = 718 m2/(s2 K)
k −1
kR 6010 ft 2/(s2 °R) = 1005 m2/(s2 K)
cp = =
k −1

➢ The changes in the internal energy û and enthalpy h of a

perfect gas are computed for constant specific heats as

uˆ2 − uˆ1 = cv (T2 − T1 )

h2 − h1 = c p (T2 − T1 )
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 17 05/10/2022
➢ For constant cp we obtain the analytic solution for the entropic

T2 p2 T2 2
s2 − s1 = c p ln − R ln = cv ln − R ln
T1 p1 T1 1
➢ For isentropic flow, we set s2 = s1 and obtain the interesting
power-law relations for an isentropic perfect gas

k /( k −1) k
p2  T2   2 
=   =  
p1  T1   1 
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 18 05/10/2022
3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en

3.1 Introducción a los Fluidos Compresibles

3.2 Velocidad del Sonido
3.3 Flujo Estacionario Adiabático e isentrópico
3.4 Flujo Isentrópico con cambio de área
3.5 Toberas Convergentes y Divergentes
3.6 Turbinas y Compresores
3.7 Flujo compresible en tuberías con fricción
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 19 05/10/2022
➢ It is the rate of propagation of a pressure pulse of infinitesimal
strength through a still fluid. It is a thermodynamic property of a

➢ The expression for the wave speed is given by

 p   
c =
 1 + 
    
➢ The larger the strength ρ/ρ of the wave, the faster the wave
speed; i.e., powerful explosion waves move much more quickly
than sound waves.

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➢ In the limit of infinitesimal strength ρ → 0, we have what is
defined to be the speed of sound a of a fluid:

 p 
a = 

  
➢ The correct expression for the sound speed is assuming that
the process must be adiabatic because there are no temperature
gradients except inside the wave itself.

1/ 2 1/ 2
 p   p 
a =  
 =  k 

  s   T 
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 21 05/10/2022

➢Finally, for a perfect gas, the speed of

sound equation becomes

1/ 2
 kp 
a=  = (kRT )1 / 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 22 05/10/2022

¿How can we evaluates the speed of sound of solid or liquids?
See Table 9.1, speed of sound for various materials
For liquids and solids it is common to define the bulk modulus
K of the material
𝐾 2

For example, at standard conditions, the bulk modulus of carbon

tetrachloride is 163,000 lbf/in2 absolute, and its density is 3.09
slugs/ft3 . Its speed of sound is therefore [163,000(144)/3.09]½
2756 ft/s, or 840 m/s.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 23 05/10/2022

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 24 05/10/2022
3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en

3.1 Introducción a los Fluidos Compresibles

3.2 Velocidad del Sonido
3.3 Flujo Estacionario Adiabático e isentrópico
3.4 Flujo Isentrópico con cambio de área
3.5 Toberas Convergentes y Divergentes
3.6 Turbinas y Compresores
3.7 Flujo compresible en tuberías con fricción
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 25 05/10/2022
➢ Consider high-speed flow of a gas past an insulated wall, as in
Fig. 9.2. There is no shaft work delivered to any part of the fluid.
Therefore every stream tube in the flow satisfies the steady-flow
energy equation, where point 1 is upstream of point 2.
1 2 1 2
h1 + V1 + gz1 = h2 + V2 + gz2 − q + wv
2 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 26 05/10/2022

➢ The potential-energy changes of a gas are extremely small
compared with kinetic-energy and enthalpy terms. We shall
neglect the terms gz1 and gz2 in all gas-dynamic analyses.

➢ Inside the thermal and velocity boundary layers in Fig. 9.2 the
heat-transfer and viscous-work terms q and w are not zero. But
outside the boundary layer q and wv are zero by definition, so that
the outer flow satisfies the simple relation

1 2 1 2
h1 + V1 = h2 + V2 = const
2 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 27 05/10/2022

➢ The constant in Eq. before is equal to the maximum enthalpy
which the fluid would achieve if brought to rest adiabatically. We
call this value h0, the stagnation enthalpy of the flow.

1 2
h + V = h0 = const
➢ For a perfect gas h=cpT, and Eq. before becomes

1 2
c pT + V = c pT0
➢ This establishes the stagnation temperature T0 of an adiabatic
perfect-gas flow, i.e., the temperature it achieves when decelerated
to rest adiabatically.
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➢ An alternate interpretation of this Eq. occurs when the enthalpy
and temperature drop to (absolute) zero, so that the velocity
achieves a maximum value

Vmax = (2h0 )1/ 2 = (2c pT0 )1/ 2

➢ No higher flow velocity can occur unless additional energy is

added to the fluid through shaft work or heat transfer

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 29 05/10/2022

Divide the mechanical equation through by cpT to obtain

V2 T0
1+ =
2 c pT T
But, from the perfect-gas law

(k − 1)V 2
2a 2 T

= 1+
(k − 1)Ma 2
; Ma =
T 2 a
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 30 05/10/2022
➢ Since a αT1/2, the ratio a0 /a is the square root of. See plot in
Fig. 9.3.
1/ 2
a0  T0 
=  = 1+
(k − 1)Ma 2
a T  2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 31 05/10/2022

➢ If the flow is also isentropic, then for a perfect gas the pressure
and density ratios can be computed from as a power of the
temperature ratio. The quantities p0 and ρ0 are the isentropic
stagnation pressure and density, respectively. These are also
plotted in Fig. 9.3.

 (k − 1)Ma 
k /( k −1) 2 k /( k −1)
p0  T0 
=  = 1 + 
p T   2 
 (k − 1)Ma 
2 1 /( k −1)
1 /( k −1)
 0  T0 
=  = 1 + 
 T   2 
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➢ In an adiabatic nonisentropic flow p0 and ρ0 retain their local
meaning, but they vary throughout the flow as the entropy
changes due to friction or shock waves. The quantities h0,T0, and
a0 are constant in an adiabatic nonisentropic flow.

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➢The isentropic assumptions are effective, but are they realistic?
Yes. To see why, differentiate,

dh +VdV = 0
➢ For a isentropic process, ds=0; dp
dh =

➢ Combining, we find that an isentropic stream tube flow must be

But this is exactly the Bernoulli relation, for

dp steady frictionless flow with negligible gravity
+VdV = 0
 terms. Thus the isentropic-flow assumption is
equivalent to use of the Bernoulli.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 34 05/10/2022

The stagnation values (a0, T0, p0, ρ0) are useful reference
conditions in a compressible flow, but of comparable usefulness
are the conditions where the flow is sonic, Ma=1.0. These sonic,
or critical, properties are denoted by asterisks: p*, ρ*, a*, and T*.
They are certain ratios of the stagnation properties. Ma = 1.0; for
k = 1.4

k /( k −1) 1 /( k −1)
p*  2  *  2 
=  = 0.5283; =  = 0.6339
p0  k + 1  0  k + 1 
1/ 2
T*  2  a*  2 
=  = 0.8333; =  = 0.9129
T0  k + 1  a0  k + 1 

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 35 05/10/2022

➢ In all isentropic flow, all critical properties are constant; in
adiabatic nonisentropic flow, a* and T* are constant, but p* and
ρ* may vary.

➢ The critical velocity V* equals the sonic sound speed a* by

definition and is often used as a reference velocity in isentropic or
adiabatic flow

1/ 2
 2kRT0 
V * = a* = (kRT *) 1/ 2
= 
 k +1 

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 36 05/10/2022

A gas flows at V = 200 m/s, p =125 kPa, and T = 200°C. For (a)
air and (b) helium, compute the maximum pressure and the
maximum velocity attainable by expansion or compression.

p =125 kPa, and 1) GASES IDEALES
A) AIRE Pmax=?, Vmax=? 3) ISENTROPICO
B) HELIO Pmax=?, Vmax=? 4) ADIABÁTICO

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 37 05/10/2022


A) AIRE ; k=1.4; R=0.2870 kJ/kg K

𝑎 = (𝑘𝑅𝑇)1/2 = 435.95 m/s

Ma = = 0.459

𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎2
𝑇0 = 𝑇 ∗ 1 + =492.93 K

𝑇0 𝑘/(𝑘−1)
𝑝0 = 𝑝 ∗ =144.39 kPa

𝑉max = (2 ∗ 𝐶𝑝 ∗ 𝑇0 )^( )= 995.38 m/s
𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑝0
Ma max = = 2.28 𝑝 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑘 = 11.91 kPa
𝑎 1+
𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑥2 𝑘−1

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 38 05/10/2022


A) HELIO ; k=1.667; R=2077 J/kg K

𝑎 = (𝑘𝑅𝑇)1/2 = 1279.92 m/s

Ma = =0.1562

𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎2
𝑇0 = 𝑇 ∗ 1 + = 476.99 K

𝑇0 𝑘/(𝑘−1)
𝑝0 = 𝑝 ∗ = 127.55 kPa

𝑉max = (2 ∗ 𝐶𝑝 ∗ 𝑇0 )^( )= 2225.76 m/s
𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑝0
Ma max = = 1.738 𝑝 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑘 = 22.35 kPa
𝑎 𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑥2 𝑘−1
1+ 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 39 05/10/2022

3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en

3.1 Introducción a los Fluidos Compresibles

3.2 Velocidad del Sonido
3.3 Flujo Estacionario Adiabático e isentrópico
3.4 Flujo Isentrópico con cambio de área
3.5 Toberas Convergentes y Divergentes
3.6 Turbinas y Compresores
3.7 Flujo compresible en tuberías con fricción
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 40 05/10/2022
By combining the isentropic- and/or adiabatic-flow relations with
the equation of continuity we can study practical compressible-
flow problems. Figure 9.4 illustrates the one-dimensional flow

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 41 05/10/2022

If, however, the area change is small and the wall radius
of curvature large then the flow is approximately one-
dimensional, as in Fig. 9.4b, with V  V(x) reacting to area change

1; h( x ) R( x ) (9.36)

Compressible-flow nozzles and diffusers do not always satisfy

conditions (9.36), but we use the one-dimensional theory anyway
because of its simplicity.

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For steady one-dimensional flow the equation of continuity is

 ( x )V ( x ) A( x ) = m = const (9.37)
The relation between velocity change and area change in
isentropic duct flow is given by:
dV dA 1 dp
= =− (9.40)
V A Ma − 1
V 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 43 05/10/2022

Since infinite acceleration is physically impossible, Eq. (9.40)
indicates that dV can be finite only when dA = 0, that is, a minimum
area (throat) or a maximum area (bulge). In Fig. 9.6 we patch
together a throat section and a bulge section. Although supersonic
flow downstream of a nozzle requires a sonic throat, the opposite is
not true.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 44 05/10/2022

For a perfect gas it possible to obtain a relation between areas and
match number;
1 2
𝐴 1 1 + 2 (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎
= (9.44)
𝐴 ∗ 𝑀𝑎 1
2 (𝑘 + 1)

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 45 05/10/2022

Chocking: For given stagnation conditions, the maximum possible
mass flow passes through a duct when its throat is at the critical or
sonic condition. The duct is then said to be choked and can carry no
additional mass flow unless the throat is widened. If the throat is
constricted further, the mass flow through the duct must decrease.
Consequently, the maximum mass should be:

(1 / 2 )( k +1)( k −1)
•  2 
m max = k 1/ 2
 (k + 1)  A *  0 ( RT0 )1 / 2 (9.46)
 

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 46 05/10/2022

Equation (9.46) gives the maximum mass flow,
which occurs at the choking condition (sonic exit).
It can be modified to predict the actual
(nonmaximum) mass flow at any section where local
area A and pressure p are known.

m RT0 2k  p 
  p  k −1 / k 
=   1 −    (9.47)
A p0 k − 1  p0    p0  

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 47 05/10/2022

P9.40. Air, with stagnation conditions of 800 kPa and
100°C, expands isentropically to a section of a duct where
A1= 20 cm2 and p1=47 kPa. Compute (a) Ma1, (b) the
throat area, and (c) mass flow . At section 2 between the
throat and section 1, the area is 9 cm2. (d) Estimate the
Mach number at section 2.

p01=800 kPa
T01=100°C 3
A1= 20 cm2=0.002 m2 1
p1=47 kPa
a) Ma1=?
1) Estado estacionario
b) A*=?
2) Fluido compresible isentrópico
c) Mass flow=?
3) Gas ideal
A2= 9 cm =0.0009 m2
Dr. Joaquín Pinto2Espinoza 48 05/10/2022
4) k=1.4, R=0.2870 kJ/kg K
d) Ma2=?
2 𝑘/(𝑘−1)
𝑝0 1 𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎1
= 1+
𝑝1 2

𝑝0 1 (𝑘−1)/𝑘 2
𝑀𝑎12 = −1 =6.05
𝑝1 𝑘−1

𝑀𝑎1 =2.459

1 2
𝐴 1 1 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎
= 2
𝐴 ∗ 𝑀𝑎 1
(𝑘 + 1)

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 49 05/10/2022

𝐴∗ = (1/2)(𝑘+1)/(𝑘−1)
= 7.88𝐸 − 4 𝑚^2
1 2
1 1 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎1
𝑀𝑎1 1
(𝑘 + 1)

2/𝑘 𝑘−1/𝑘
2𝑘 𝑝1 𝑝1 𝐴1 𝑝01
𝑚ሶ = 1− = 1.27 𝑘𝑔/𝑠
𝑘 − 1 𝑝01 𝑝01 𝑅𝑇01

1 2
𝐴2 1 1 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎2
= 2
𝐴 ∗ 𝑀𝑎2 1
(𝑘 + 1)

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 50 05/10/2022
The Normal-Shock Wave
We select a control volume just before and after
the wave, as in Fig. 9.8. The analysis is identical to
that of Fig. 9.1; i.e., a shock wave is a fixed strong
pressure wave. To compute all property changes
rather than just the wave speed, we use all our
basic one-dimensional steady-flow relations, letting
section 1 be upstream and section 2 be

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The Normal-Shock Wave

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 52 05/10/2022

The Normal-Shock Wave
𝜌1 𝑉1 = 𝜌2 𝑉2 = 𝐺 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡 (9.49𝑎)

P1 − P2 = 2V22− 1V12 (9.49b)

1 2 1 2
h1 + V1 = h2 + V2 = h0 = const (9.49c)
2 2
P1 P2 1 2
= (9.49d ) c pT + V = c pT0 (9.49e)
1T1  2T2 2
If we assume that the upstream conditions (p1, V1, 1, h1, T1) are
known, Eqs. (9.49) are five algebraic relations in the five unknowns
(p2, V2, 2, h2, T2). Because of the velocity-squared term, two
solutions are found, and the correct one is determined from the
second law of thermodynamics, which requires that s2>s1.
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 53 05/10/2022
The Normal-Shock Wave
The velocities V1 and V2 can be eliminated from Eqs. (9.49a) to
(9.49c) to obtain the Rankine-Hugoniot relation

1 1 1
h2 − h1 = ( p2 − p1 )( + ) (9.50)
2  2 1

Introducing the perfect-gas law h= cpT = kp/[(k -1)], we can rewrite

this as

2 1+  ( ) k +1
= ; = (9.51)
1  + P2 P k −1

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The Normal-Shock Wave
We can compare this with the isentropic-flow relation for a very
weak pressure wave in a perfect gas

1/ k
 2  p2 
=   (9.52)
1  p1 
Also, the actual change in entropy across the shock can be computed
from the perfect gas relation

s 2 − s1  P2  1  

= ln     (9.53)
Cv  P1   2  

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Mach-Number Relations
For a perfect gas all the property ratios across the normal shock are
unique functions of k and the upstream Mach number Ma1.

P2 1  2 1V12 
=  − (k − 1) (9.54)
P1 k + 1  P1 

But for a perfect gas ρ1 V1 2 /p1 = k V1 2 /(kRT1) = k Ma12, so that Eq.

(9.54) is equivalent to

P1 k + 1

2kMa12 − (k − 1)  (9.55)

The Eq. (9.55) enables that p2 > p1, if Ma1 > 1 “Upstream”
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 56 05/10/2022
Mach-Number Relations
But, what happen Downstream?

P2 1 + kMa12
= (9.56)
P1 1 + kMa22
By equating Eqs. 9.55 and 9.56

Ma 2
(k − 1)Ma + 2
2kMa12 − (k − 1)

Since Ma1 must be supersonic, this equation predicts for all k >1 that
Ma2 must be subsonic. Thus a normal-shock wave decelerates a flow
almost discontinuously from supersonic to subsonic conditions.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 57 05/10/2022

Mach-Number Relations
Further manipulations provide the following relations

(k + 1)Ma12
1 (k − 1)Ma1 + 2 V2

1 − (k − 1)
 
T2 2 kMa
= 2 + (k − 1)Ma1
T1 (k + 1)2 Ma12
T02 = T01
k / ( k −1) 1 /( k −1)
p02  02  (k + 1)Ma  2
 k +1 
= = 1
p01  01  (k − 1)Ma12 + 2   2kMa 2 − ( k − 1) 
 1 

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 58 05/10/2022

Mach-Number Relations
Of additional interest is the fact that the critical, or sonic, throat area
A* in a duct increases across a normal shock
(1 / 2 )( k +1) / (k −1)
A *
Ma2  2 + (k − 1)Ma 
2 1
A *
1 Ma1  2 + (k − 1)Ma 

The preceding analysis of the fixed shock applies equally well to the
moving shock if we reverse the transformation used in Fig. 9.1. To
make the upstream conditions simulate a still fluid, we move the
shock of Fig. 9.8 to the left at speed V1; that is, we fix our
coordinates to a control volume moving with the shock. The
downstream flow then appears to move to the left at a slower speed
V1-V2 following the shock. The thermodynamic properties are not
changed by this transformation, so that all our Eqs. (9.50) to (9.59)
are still valid.
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 59 05/10/2022
Mach-Number Relations
Such relations can be seen at Fig. 9.9

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 60 05/10/2022

Problem 3.1. An ideal gas flows adiabatically through a duct. At
section 1, p1=140 kPa, T1=260°C, and V1=75 m/s. Farther
downstream, p2 = 30 kPa and T2 = 207°C. Calculate V2 in m/s and
s2-s1 in J/(kg K) if the gas is (a) air, k = 1.4, and (b) argon, k =

Flujo adiabático
P1=140 kPa
T1= 260°C
1 2
P2=30 kPa
V2=? 1) Fluido compresible
s2-s1=? 2) Estado estacionario
a) Para aire 3) Gases ideales
b) Para argón
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 61 05/10/2022
1) Calcular la temperature de estancamiento o remanso en el punto
1. Asumiendo que Cp= 1.005 kJ/kg K @ T

𝐶𝑝 ∗ 𝑇1 + 0.5 ∗ 𝑉1^2 1005 ∗ 533.15 + 0.5 ∗ 75^2

𝑇01 = = = 535.95 𝐾
𝐶𝑝 1005

2) Para flujo adiabatico, las temperaturas de estancamiento o

remanso son iguales, asi T01=T02

𝑉2 = 𝑅𝐴𝐼𝑍 𝑇02 ∗ 𝐶𝑝 − 𝐶𝑝 ∗ 𝑇2 ∗ 2 = 𝑅𝐴𝐼𝑍 535.95 ∗ 1005 − 1005 ∗ 480.15 ∗ 2

= 334.90 m/s

3) Para flujo adiabatico, calcular cambio de entropia.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 62 05/10/2022

3) Para flujo adiabatico, calcular cambio de entropia.

𝑇2 𝑃2 480.15 30 𝐽
𝑠2 − 𝑠1 = 𝐶𝑝 ∗ 𝑙𝑛 − 𝑅 ∗ 𝑙𝑛 = 1005 ∗ ln − 287 ∗ ln = 336.88
𝑇1 𝑃1 533.15 140 𝑘𝑔 𝐾


1) Calcular la temperature de estancamiento o remanso en el punto
1. Asumiendo que Cp= 518 J/kg K @ T
𝑇01 = 538.58 𝐾

𝑉2 = 246.04 m/s
𝑠2 − 𝑠1 = 266.38
𝑘𝑔 𝐾

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 63 05/10/2022

Ejemplo 3.2 Air flows isentropically through a duct. At section 1
the area is 0.05 m2 and V1=180 m/s, p1=500 kPa, and T1 = 470 K.
Compute (a) T0, (b) Ma1, (c) p0, and (d) both A* and m˙. If at
section 2 the area is 0.036 m2, compute Ma2 and p2 if the flow is
(e) subsonic or (f) supersonic. Assume k 1.4.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 64 05/10/2022

A1= 0.05 m2
V1=180 m/s,
p1=500 kPa,
T1 = 470 K.
(a) T0= , (b) Ma1= , (c) p0= , and (d) both A*= and m˙=.
A2= 0.036 m2,
e) Subsonico: Ma2= and p2=
f) Supersonic= Ma2= and p2=
Assume k 1.4.

1) Estado estacionario
2) Flujo isentropico
3) Flujo subsonico antes de la garganta
4) Flujo supersonico después de la garganta
5) GasPinto
Dr. Joaquín ideal, aire, k=1.4
Espinoza 65 05/10/2022

𝐶𝑝 ∗ 𝑇1 + 0.5 ∗ 𝑉1^2 1005 ∗ 470 + 0.5 ∗ 180^2

𝑇01 = = = 486.12 𝐾
𝐶𝑝 1005

1 𝐽
𝑎1 = (𝑘𝑅𝑇1)2 = 1.4 ∗ 287 𝐾 ∗ 470 𝐾 = 434.56 𝑚/𝑠

𝑉1 180
𝑀𝑎1 = = = 0.4142
𝑎1 434.56

𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎12 1.4 − 1 2
∗ 0.4142 1.4−1
𝑝01 = 𝑝1 1 + = 500 ∗ 1 + =
2 2
562.76 kPa

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 66 05/10/2022

1 2
1 1 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎
𝐴∗ = 𝐴1/ 2
𝑀𝑎 1
2 (𝑘 + 1)
𝐴∗ = 1 = 0.0323 𝑚^2
1.4+1 / 1.4−1
1 2
1 +
1 2 1.4 − 1 ∗ 0.4142
0.4142 1
2 1.4 + 1

2/𝑘 𝑘−1/𝑘
𝑚ሶ 𝑅𝑇0 2𝑘 𝑝 𝑝
= 1−
𝐴 𝑝0 𝑘 − 1 𝑝0 𝑝0

2/1.4 1.4−1/1.4
𝑚ሶ 287 ∗ 286.12 2 ∗ 1.4 500 500
= 1−
0.05 562.76 1.4 − 1 562.76 562.76

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 67 05/10/2022

𝑚ሶ =33.332 kg/s
e) Subsonico: Ma2= and p2=

𝐴2 1 1 + ( ∗ 𝑘 − 1 ∗ 𝑀𝑎22 1
= ∗ { 2 }^[ ∗ 𝑘 + 1 / 𝑘 − 1 ]
𝐴∗ 𝑀𝑎2 1 2
∗ 𝑘+1

0.036 1 1 + ( ∗ 1.4 − 1 ∗ 𝑀𝑎22 1
= ∗{ 2 }^[ ∗ 1.4 + 1 / 1.4 − 1 ]
0.0323 𝑀𝑎2 1 2
∗ 1.4 + 1
1 1 + 0.2 ∗ 𝑀𝑎22
1.1145 = ∗{ }^3
𝑀𝑎2 1.2
1.1145𝑀𝑎2 ∗ 1.2^3 = {1 + 0.2 ∗ 𝑀𝑎22 }^3 𝑀𝑎2 = 0.674

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 68 05/10/2022

𝑚ሶ =33.332 kg/s

𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎22
𝑝2 = 𝑝02/ 1 +

𝑝2 = 1.4 = 415.08 𝑘𝑃𝑎
1.4 − 1 ∗ 0.6742 1.4−1

f) Supersonic

Ma2= 1.399 and p2=177.04 kPa

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 69 05/10/2022

Problema 3.3
Air flows from a reservoir where p = 300 kPa and T = 500 K
through a throat to section 1 in Fig. E9.6, where there is a
normal-shock wave. Compute (a) p1, (b) p2, (c) p02, (d) A*2,
(e) p03, (f) A*3, (g) p3, (h) T03, and (i) T3.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 70 05/10/2022

1) Air flows
2) p = 300 kPa and
3) T = 500 K
4) Throat to section 1 is a normal-shock wave.
5) Compute (a) p1, (b) p2, (c) p02, (d) A*2, (e) p03, (f) A*3,
(g) p3, (h) T03, and (i) T3.
6) Área sónica= 1 m^2
7) Área entre 1 y 2= 2 m^2
8) Área en 3= 3 m^2
1) R=287 J/kg K
2) Cp= 1005 J/kg K
Consideraciones: 3) k=1.4
1) Estado estacionario 8) Presión de remanso
2) Flujo isentrópico constante igual a 300 K
3) Gas ideal (aire) hasta el punto 1.
Dr. Fluido compresible
Pinto Espinoza 71 05/10/2022
1) p = 300 kPa and
2) T = 500 K

(a) p1,

𝐴1 1 1 + ( ∗ 𝑘 − 1 ∗ 𝑀𝑎12 1
= ∗ { 2 }^[ ∗ 𝑘 + 1 / 𝑘 − 1 ]
𝐴∗ 𝑀𝑎1 1 2
∗ 𝑘+1
2 1 1 + ( ∗ 1.4 − 1 ∗ 𝑀𝑎12 1
= ∗{ 2 }^[ ∗ 1.4 + 1 / 1.4 − 1 ]
1 𝑀𝑎1 1 2
∗ 1.4 + 1
𝑀𝑎1 =2.1972

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 72 05/10/2022

(a) p1,
𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎12
𝑝1 = 𝑝01/ 1 +

𝑝1 = 1.4 =28.18 kPa
1.4−1 2.19722 1.4−1
1+ 2

(b) p2

𝑃2 1
= 2𝑘𝑀𝑎12 − 𝑘 − 1
𝑃1 𝑘 + 1
𝑝2 = 𝑝1 ∗ { 2𝑘𝑀𝑎12 − 𝑘 − 1 }
𝑝2 = 28.18 ∗ 2 ∗ 1.4 ∗ 2.19722 − 1.4 − 1 = 154.02 𝑘𝑃𝑎
1.4 + 1
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 73 05/10/2022
(c) p02,

𝑃02 𝑃02 = 0.6281* 𝑃01 = 188.43 kPa

= 0.6281

(d) A*2

=1.5920 𝐴∗2 =1.5920* 𝐴1∗ = 1.5920 𝑚^2

(e) p03=p02=188.43 kPa (de 2 a 3 es flujo es isentropico, pero con mayor entropia
aguas arriba).
(f) A*3= A*2=1.5920 m^2 (de 2 a 3 es flujo es isentropico, pero con mayor entropia
aguas arriba).
(g) p3 1
𝐴2 1 1 + ( ∗ 𝑘 − 1 ∗ 𝑀𝑎32 1
= ∗ { 2 }^[ ∗ 𝑘 + 1 / 𝑘 − 1 ]
𝐴∗ 3 𝑀𝑎3 1 2
∗ 𝑘+1
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 74 05/10/2022
(g) p3
2 1 1 + ( ∗ 1.4 − 1 ∗ 𝑀𝑎32 1
= ∗{ 2 }^[ ∗ 1.4 + 1 / 1.4 − 1 ]
1.5920 𝑀𝑎3 1 2
∗ 1.4 + 1

𝑀𝑎3 = 0.3296

𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎32
𝑝3 = 𝑝03/ 1 +

𝑝3 = 1.4 = 174.36 kPA
1.4 − 1 2
0.3296 1.4−1

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 75 05/10/2022

(i) T3.

𝑇03 𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎32
= 1+
𝑇3 2

𝑇03 500
𝑇3 = = = 489.36 𝐾
𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎32 1.4 − 1 0.3296^2
1+ 1+ 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 76 05/10/2022

3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en

3.1 Introducción a los Fluidos Compresibles

3.2 Velocidad del Sonido
3.3 Flujo Estacionario Adiabático e isentrópico
3.4 Flujo Isentrópico con cambio de área
3.5 Toberas Convergentes y Divergentes
3.6 Turbinas y Compresores
3.7 Flujo compresible en tuberías con fricción
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 77 05/10/2022
Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
A) Converging Nozzle

First consider the converging

nozzle sketched in Fig. 9.11a.
There is an upstream reservoir at
stagnation pressure p0. The flow
is induced by lowering the
downstream outside, or back,
pressure pb below p0, resulting in
the sequence of states a to e
shown in Fig. 9.11b and c.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 78 05/10/2022

Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
A) Converging Nozzle

➢For a moderate drop in pb to states a
and b, the throat pressure is higher than
the critical value p* which would make
the throat sonic. The flow in the nozzle
is subsonic through out, and the jet exit
pressure pe equals the back pressure pb.
The mass flow is predicted by subsonic
isentropic theory and is less than the
critical value mmax, as shown in Fig.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 79 05/10/2022

Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
A) Converging Nozzle

➢For condition c, the back pressure
exactly equals the critical pressure p*
of the throat. The throat becomes sonic,
the jet exit flow is sonic, pe=pb, and the
mass flow equals its maximum value
from Eq. (9.46). The flow upstream of
the throat is subsonic every-where and
predicted by isentropic theory based on
the local area ratio A(x)/A* and Table

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 80 05/10/2022

Joaquín Pinto Espinoza

Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
A) Converging Nozzle

➢Finally, if pb is lowered further to
conditions d or e below p*,the nozzle
cannot respond further because it is
choked at its maximum throat mass
flow. The throat remains sonic with
pe=p*,and the nozzle-pressure
distribution is the same as in state c, as
sketched in Fig. 9.11b.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 81 05/10/2022

Class example
Ejemplo 3.4 (P9.64) Air in a large tank at 100°C and 150 kPa
exhausts to the atmosphere through a converging nozzle with a 5 cm2
throat area. Compute the exit mass flow if the atmospheric pressure is
(a) 100 kPa,(b) 60 kPa, and (c) 30 kPa.

• Air
• T0=100°C
• P0=150 kPa
• Converging nozzle
• A= 5 cm2.
• A)Compute the exit mass flow if the atmospheric pressure is (a)
100 kPa,
• B)Compute the exit mass flow if the atmospheric pressure is(b)
Dr. kPa, and
Pinto Espinoza 82 05/10/2022

• C) 30 kPa.
• Gas ideal
• Converging nozzle (tobera convergente)
• Estado estacionario
• Flujo isentrópico
• Adiabático


Encontrar condiciones críticas (sónicas) en la garganta (ec. 9.32)

𝑝∗ 2
𝑝0 𝑘+1
2 1.4−1
𝑝 ∗= 150 ∗ = 79.24𝑘𝑃𝑎
1.4 + 1

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 83 05/10/2022

a) Encontrar el número de Match a la salida (ec. 9.28a). Dado que p salida
es mayor que la presión crítica el flujo será subsónico. Calculamos el Ma a la
salida y luego el flujo másico

𝑝0 𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎2
= 1+
𝑝 2

𝑝0 𝑘 1
𝑀𝑎 = 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑧 − 1 /( ∗ 𝑘 − 1 )} = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟖𝟑𝟔
𝑝𝑠 2

2/𝑘 𝑘−1/𝑘
𝑚ሶ 𝑅𝑇0 2𝑘 𝑝𝑠 𝑝𝑠
= 1−
𝐴 𝑝0 𝑘 − 1 𝑝0 𝑝0

𝑚ሶ = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟏 𝒌𝒈/𝒔
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 84 05/10/2022
b) Dado que p salida es menor que la presión crítica el flujo estará
bloqueado y la presión de salida será sónica ps= p*. Calculamos el flujo
másico máximo bloqueado a la salida.

• 0.6847 ∗ 𝑝0 ∗ 𝐴𝑠
𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑥 = = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓𝟔𝟗 𝒌𝒈/𝒔
𝑅𝑇0 1/2

c) Dado que p salida sigue es menor que la presión crítica el flujo estará
bloqueado y el flujo máximo de salida deberá seguir siendo el mismo del
inciso anterior.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 85 05/10/2022

Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
B) Converging-Diverging Nozzle
Now consider the converging-
diverging nozzle sketched in Fig.
9.12a. If the back pressure pb is low
enough, there will be supersonic flow
in the diverging portion and a variety
of shock wave conditions may occur,
which are sketched in Fig. 9.12b. Let
the back pressure be gradually

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 86 05/10/2022

Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
B) Converging-Diverging Nozzle
➢ For curves A and B in Fig. 9.12b
the back pressure is not low enough to
induce sonic flow in the throat, and
the flow in the nozzle is subsonic
throughout. The pressure distribution
is computed from subsonic isentropic
area change relations, e.g., Table B.1.
The exit pressure pe=pb, and the jet is

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 87 05/10/2022

Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
B) Converging-Diverging Nozzle
➢ For curve C the area ratio Ae/At
exactly equals the critical ratio Ae/A*
for a subsonic Mae in Table B.1. The
throat becomes sonic, and the mass
flux reaches a maximum in Fig. 9.12c.
The remainder of the nozzle flow is
subsonic, including the exit jet, and

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 88 05/10/2022

Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
B) Converging-Diverging Nozzle
➢ Now jump for a moment to curve
H. Here pb is such that pb/p0 exactly
corresponds to the critical area ratio
Ae/A* for a supersonic Mae in Table
B.1. The diverging flow is entirely
supersonic, including the jet flow, and
pe=pb. This is called the design
pressure ratio of the nozzle and is the
back pressure suitable for operating a
supersonic wind tunnel or an efficient
rocket exhaust.
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 89 05/10/2022
Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
B) Converging-Diverging Nozzle
➢ Now back up and suppose that pb
lies between curves C and H, which is
impossible according to purely
isentropic flow calculations. Then
back pressures D to F occur in Fig.
9.12b. The throat remains choked at
the sonic value, and we can match
pe=pb by placing a normal shock at
just the right place in the diverging
section to cause a subsonic diffuser
flow back to the back pressure
condition. The mass flow remains at
maximum inEspinoza
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Fig. 9.12c. 90 05/10/2022
Operation of Converging and Diverging Nozzles
B) Converging-Diverging Nozzle
➢At back pressure F the required
normal shock stands in the duct exit.
At back pressure G no single normal
shock an do the job, and so the flow
compresses outside the exit in a
complex series of oblique shocks until
it matches pb.
➢Finally, at back pressure I, pb is
lower than the design pressure H, but
the nozzle is choked and cannot
respond. The exit flow expands in a
complex series of supersonic wave
motions until it matches the low back
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 91 05/10/2022
Class example
Ejemplo 3.5 (P9.70) Air, at stagnation temperature 100°C, expands
isentropically through a nozzle of 6 cm2 throat area and 18 cm2 exit
area. The mass flow is at its maximum value of 0.5 kg/s. Estimate the
exit pressure for (a) subsonic and (b) supersonic exit flow. Answer:
(a) 388 kPa; (b) 19 kPa

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 92 05/10/2022

Class example
1) Air,
2) at stagnation temperature 100°C,
3) expands isentropically through a nozzle
4) A*= 6 cm2 throat
5) As=18 cm2 exit area.
6) m max= 0.5 kg/s.
7) A) Ps for subsonic exit flow
8) B) Ps for supersonic exit flow.
• Gas ideal
• Converging-diverging nozzle
• Estado estacionario
• Flujo isentrópico
• Dr.
Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 93 05/10/2022
a) (1/2)(𝑘+1)/(𝑘−1)
1 2
𝐴𝑠 1 1 + 2 (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎𝑠
𝐴 ∗ 𝑀𝑎𝑠 1
2 (𝑘 + 1)


• 0.6847 ∗ 𝑝0 ∗ 𝐴𝑠
𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
𝑅𝑇0 1/2
• 1/2 )/(0.6847
𝑝0 =( 𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑥* 𝑅𝑇0 ∗ 𝐴𝑠)

p0=398.27 kPa

𝑝0 𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎2
= 1+
𝑝 2
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 94 05/10/2022
p0=398.27 kPa
𝑝0 𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎𝑠 2
= 1+
𝑝𝑠 2

𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑎𝑠 2
𝑝𝑠 = 𝑝0/ 1 + = 387.59 𝑘𝑃𝑎

b) Fluido supersonico


Pas=18.83 kPa

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 95 05/10/2022

3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en

3.1 Introducción a los Fluidos Compresibles

3.2 Velocidad del Sonido
3.3 Flujo Estacionario Adiabático e isentrópico
3.4 Flujo Isentrópico con cambio de área
3.5 Toberas Convergentes y Divergentes
3.6 Turbinas y Compresores
3.7 Flujo compresible en tuberías con fricción
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 96 05/10/2022

➢ A turbine extracts energy from a fluid which possesses high

head, but it is fatuous to say a turbine is a pump run backward.
Basically there are two types, reaction and impulse, the
difference lying in the manner of head conversion. In the
reaction turbine, the fluid fills the blade passages, and the head
change or pressure drop occurs within the impeller.

➢ Reaction designs are of the radial-flow, mixed-flow, and axial-

flow types and are essentially dynamic devices designed to
admit the high-energy fluid and extract its momentum.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 97 05/10/2022


➢ An impulse turbine first converts the high head through a

nozzle into a high velocity jet, which then strikes the blades at
one position as they pass by. The impeller passages are not
fluid-filled, and the jet flow past the blades is essentially at
constant pressure.


➢ Reaction turbines are smaller because fluid fills all the blades
at one time.
➢ Reaction turbines are low-head, high-flow devices. The flow is
opposite that in a pump, entering at the larger-diameter section
and discharging through the eye after giving up most of its
energy to the impeller.
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 98 05/10/2022
➢ The first efficient inward-flow turbine was built in 1849 by
James B. Francis, and all radial- or mixed-flow designs are
now called Francis turbines. Figure 11.21 shows sketches of
runner designs for Francis radial, Francis mixed-flow, and
propeller-type turbines.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 99 05/10/2022

➢ Figure 11.22 shows a radial
turbine runner. Again assume
one-dimensional frictionless flow
through the blades. Adjustable
inlet guide vanes are absolutely
necessary for good efficiency.
They bring the inlet flow to the
blades at angle 2 and absolute
velocity V2 for minimum “shock’’
or directional-mismatch loss.
After vectorially adding in the
runner tip speed u2=r2, the
outer blade angle should be set at
angle 2 to accommodate the
relative velocity w2 ,as shown in
the figure.
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 100 05/10/2022
➢ Application of the angular-momentum control-volume
theorem, to Fig. 11.22 yields an idealized formula for the
power P extracted by the runner:

where Vt2 and Vt1 are the absolute inlet and outlet
circumferential velocity components of the flow. Note that
Eq. (11.35) is identical for a radial pump, except that the
blade shapes are different.

➢ The absolute inlet normal velocity Vn2=V2 sin 2 is

proportional to the flow rate Q. If the flow rate changes and
the runner speed u2 is constant, the vanes must be adjusted to
a new angle 2 so that w2 still follows the blade surface. Thus
adjustable inlet vanes are very important to avoid shock loss.
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 101 05/10/2022
Power Specific Speed
Turbine parameters are similar to those of a pump, but the
dependent variable is the output brake horsepower, which
depends upon the inlet flow rate Q, available head H, impeller
speed n, and diameter D. The efficiency is the output brake
horsepower divided by the available water horsepower gQH.
The dimensionless forms are CQ, CH and CP, defined just as for a
pump, Eqs. (11.23). If we neglect Reynolds-number and
roughness effects, the functional relationships are written with C,
and CP as the independent variable.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 102 05/10/2022

Power Specific Speed
➢ Figure 11.21d shows typical performance curves for a small
Francis radial turbine. The maximum efficiency point is called
the normal power, and the values for this particular turbine are

➢ A parameter which compares the output power with the

available head, independent of size, is found by eliminating the
diameter between CH and CP. It is called the power specific

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 103 05/10/2022

Power Specific Speed
➢ For water, =1.94 slugs/ft3 and Nsp=273.3Nsp´. The various
turbine designs divide up nicely according to the range of
power specific speed, as follows:

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 104 05/10/2022


For high head and relatively low power, i.e., low Nsp, not only
would a reaction turbine require too high a speed but also the high
pressure in the runner would require a massive casing thickness.
The impulse turbine of Fig. 11.25 is ideal for this situation. Since
Nsp is low, n will be low and the high pressure is confined to the
small nozzle, which converts the head to an atmospheric pressure
jet of high velocity Vj. The jet strikes the buckets and imparts a
momentum change similar to that in our control volume analysis
for a moving vane. The buckets have an elliptical split-cup shape,
as in Fig. 11.25b. They are named Pelton wheels,

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 105 05/10/2022


Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 106 05/10/2022

➢ The force and power delivered to a Pelton wheel are

where u=2nr is the bucket linear velocity and r is the pitch

radius, or distance to the jet centerline. A bucket angle =180°
gives maximum power but is physically impractical. In practice,
=165°, or 1- cos =1.966 or only 2 percent less than maximum
From Eq. (11.38) the theoretical power of an impulse turbine is
parabolic in bucket speed u and is maximum when dP/du =0, or

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 107 05/10/2022

For a perfect nozzle, the entire available head would be
converted to jet velocity Vj=(2gH)1/2. Actually, since there are 2
to 8 percent nozzle losses, a velocity coefficient Cv is used

By combining Eqs. (11.36) and (11.40), the theoretical impulse

turbine efficiency becomes

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 108 05/10/2022

Ejemplo 3.6. Una turbina de agua Pelton trabaja bajo una altura
neta de 240 m. Sus características son: Cv = 0.98;  =165°,
n=4.93 rev/s. Diámetro del chorro: dchorro = 150 mm; Diámetro
medio de la rueda: D1 = 1800 mm.
a) La potencia desarrollada por la turbina
b) El rendimiento teórico

𝑃 = 𝜌𝑄𝑢 𝑉𝑗 − 𝑢 1 − 𝐶𝑂𝑆𝛽

𝑉𝑗 = 𝐶𝑣 2𝑔𝐻

𝑉𝑗 = 0.98 2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 240 = 67.24 𝑚/𝑠

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 109 05/10/2022

𝜋 𝜋
𝑄 = 𝑉𝑗 𝐷𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑜2 = 67.24 ∗ ∗ 0.152 = 1.1882 𝑚3/𝑠
4 4

𝑟 = 𝑟1 + 𝑟2 = 900 + 75 = 975 𝑚𝑚 = 0.975 𝑚

𝑢 = 2𝜋𝑛𝑟 = 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 4.94 ∗ 0.975 = 30.26 𝑠

𝑃 = 1000 ∗ 1.1882 ∗ 30.26 ∗ 67.24 − 30.26 1 − 𝐶𝑂𝑆 165

= 2613921.293 𝑘𝑔 3 = 3502.65 𝐻𝑃

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 110 05/10/2022

b) El rendimiento teórico

𝜂 = 2(1 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽)𝜙(𝐶𝑣 − 𝜙)


𝜙= = 0.44
(2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 240)^0.5

𝜂 = 2 ∗ 1 − cos 165 ∗ 0.44 ∗ 0.98 − 0.44 = 0.934

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 111 05/10/2022

3. Sistemas de flujo de fluidos compresibles en

3.1 Introducción a los Fluidos Compresibles

3.2 Velocidad del Sonido
3.3 Flujo Estacionario Adiabático e isentrópico
3.4 Flujo Isentrópico con cambio de área
3.5 Toberas Convergentes y Divergentes
3.6 Turbinas y Compresores
3.7 Flujo compresible en tuberías con fricción
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 112 05/10/2022
Compressible Duct Flow with Friction

Consider the elemental duct

control volume of area A
and length dx in Fig. 9.13.
The area is constant, but
other flow properties ( p, ρ,
T, h, V) may vary with x.
Application of the three
conservation laws to this
control volume gives three
differential equations

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 113 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
continuity : V = = G = const
d dV
or + =0 (9.60a )
 V

x momentum : pA − ( p + dp) A −  wDdx = m (V + dV − V )

4 wdx
or dp + + VdV = 0 (9.60b)

Energy : h + 1 V 2 = c pT0 = c pT + 1 V 2
2 2
or c p dT + VdV = 0 (9.60c)
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 114 05/10/2022
Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
Since these three equations have five unknowns—p, ρ, T, V, and
w—we need two additional relations. One is the perfect-gas law

dp d dT
p = RT or = + (9.61)
p  T

To eliminate w as an unknown, it is assumed that wall shear is

correlated by a local Darcy friction factor f
1 1
 w = fV = fkpMa2
8 8
All equations can be written in terms of the Mach number Ma(x)
and the friction factor, by using the definition of Mach number

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 115 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
V 2 = Ma 2kRT
2dV 2dMa dT
or = + (9.63)
V Ma T

For Adiabatic Flow

2 1 + ( k + 1) Ma
dp dx
= − kMa f (9.64a )
p 2(1 − Ma ) 2
d kMa 2 dx dV
=− f =− (9.64b)
 2(1 − Ma ) D
dp0 d 0 1 dx
= = − kMa f2
(9.64c )
p0 0 2 D
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 116 05/10/2022
Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
dT k ( k − 1) Ma 4 dx
=− f (9.64d )
T 2(1 − Ma ) 2
dMa 2 1 + ( k − 1) Ma 2
= kMa 2 2 f (9.64e)
Ma 2 1 − Ma 2 D


Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 117 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 118 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
To derive working formulas, we first attack Eq. (9.64e), which
relates the Mach number to friction. Separate the variables and

L* dx 1.0 1 − Ma 2
= 2
4 1 
dMa 2 (9.65)
kMa 1 + (k − 1) Ma 2 
 2 

f L* 1 − Ma 2 k + 1 ( k + 1) Ma 2
= + ln (9.66)
D kMa 2
2k 2 + ( k − 1) Ma 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 119 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
Equation (9.66) is tabulated versus Mach number in
Table B.3. The length L* is the length of duct required to
develop a duct flow from Mach number Ma to the sonic

The length L required to develop from Ma1 to Ma2 is

given by

f L  f L*   f L* 
=   −   (9.67)
D  D 1  D  2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 120 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
For convenience in tabulating the results, each expression is then
integrated all the way from (p, Ma) to the sonic point (p*, 1.0).
The integrated results are

1/ 2
p 1  k +1 
= (9.68a )
p *
Ma  2 + (k − 1) Ma 2 

2 1/ 2
 V 1  2 + (k − 1) Ma 
= = (9.68b)
 * V Ma  k +1 

T a2 k +1
= *2 = (9.68c )
T *
a 2 + ( k − 1) Ma 2
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 121 05/10/2022
Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
(1 / 2 )( k +1) /( k −1)
p0 0 1  2 + (k − 1) Ma  2
= *= (9.68d )
p0 0 Ma 
k +1 

For finding changes between points Ma1 and Ma2 which are not
sonic, products of these ratios are used.

p2 p2 p* 𝑝2
= * (9.69) 𝑝2 𝑝∗
p1 p p1 =
𝑝1 𝑝1∗
(9.69 𝐵𝐼𝑆)

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 122 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
P9.86 Air enters a 3-cm-diameter pipe 15 m long at V1=73 m/s,
p1=550 kPa, and T1= 60°C. The friction factor is 0.018. Compute
V2, p2, T2, and p02 at the end of the pipe. How much additional pipe
length would cause the exit flow to be sonic?

L=15 m
V1=73 m/s,
p1=550 kPa,
T1= 60°C.
f = 0.018. 1 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 123 05/10/2022

D=3cm 1
𝑎= (𝑘𝑅𝑇1)2 = 1.4 ∗ 287 ∗ 333.15 0.5 = 365.87 𝑚/𝑠
L=15 m
V1=73 m/s,
p1=550 kPa,
𝑉1 73
T1= 60°C. 𝑀𝑎1 = = = 0.1995
f = 0.018. 𝑎 365.87
p2= 2
T2= 𝑘−1 𝑀𝑎1 𝑘−1
𝑝01 = 𝑝1 ∗ 1 + = 565.48 𝑘𝑃𝑎
p02= 2

𝑓𝐿∗ 𝑓𝐿∗ 𝑓Δ𝐿

= −
𝐷 2 𝐷 1 𝐷

𝑓𝐿∗ 1 − 𝑀𝑎12 𝑘 + 1 (𝑘 + 1)𝑀𝑎12

( )1 = + ln = 14.6143
𝐷 𝑘𝑀𝑎12 2𝑘 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎12

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 124 05/10/2022

𝑓𝐿∗ 0.018 ∗ 15
= 14.6143 − = 5.6143
𝐷 2 0.03

1 − 𝑀𝑎22 𝑘 + 1 (𝑘 + 1)𝑀𝑎22
5.6143 = + ln
𝑘𝑀𝑎22 2𝑘 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎22

𝑝1 1 𝑘+1
= = 5.4692
𝑝∗ 𝑀𝑎1 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎12

𝑝2 1 𝑘+1
= = 3.6997
𝑝∗ 𝑀𝑎2 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎22

𝑝2 = 𝑝1∗ 𝑝1 = 372.1 𝑘𝑃𝑎
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 125 05/10/2022
𝑉∗ 1 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎2
= = 4.5934
𝑉1 𝑀𝑎 𝑘+1
𝑉∗ 1 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎2
= = 3.1369
𝑉2 𝑀𝑎 𝑘+1

𝑉2 𝑉2 𝑉 ∗ 𝑉2 𝑉 ∗
= 𝑉2 = 𝑉1 ∗ ∗ = 106.8947 𝑚/𝑠
𝑉1 𝑉 ∗ 𝑉1 𝑉 𝑉1

𝑇 𝑘+1
𝑇 ∗ 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎2 𝑇2 = 330 K

1/2 (𝑘+1)/(𝑘−1)
𝑝0 1 2 + (𝑘 − 1)𝑀𝑎2
= 𝑝02 = 395 𝑘𝑝𝐴
𝑝0∗ 𝑀𝑎 𝑘+1

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 126 05/10/2022



𝑓Δ𝐿 𝑓𝐿∗ 𝑓𝐿∗

= −
𝐷 𝐷 2 𝐷 3

𝐷 𝑓𝐿∗
Δ𝐿 = = 9.357 𝑚
𝑓 𝐷 2

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 127 05/10/2022

Choking due to Friction
➢The theory here predicts that for adiabatic frictional flow in a
constant-area duct, no matter what the inlet Mach number Ma1 is,
the flow downstream tends toward the sonic point.

➢There is a certain duct length L*(Ma1) for which the exit Mach
number will be exactly unity. The duct is then choked.

➢But what if the actual length L is greater than the predicted

“maximum’’ length L*? Then the flow conditions must change, and
there are two classifications.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 128 05/10/2022

Choking due to Friction
➢Subsonic inlet. If L > L*(Ma1), the flow slows down
until an inlet Mach number Ma2 is reached such that L=
L*(Ma2). The exit flow is sonic, and the mass flow has
been reduced by frictional choking. Further increases in
duct length will continue to decrease the inlet Ma and
mass flow.

Supersonic inlet. From Table B.3 we see that friction has

a very large effect on supersonic duct flow. Even an
infinite inlet Mach number will be reduced to sonic
conditions in only 41 diameters for f=0.02. Some typical
numerical values are shown in Fig. 9.15, assuming an
inlet Ma = 3.0 and f= 0.02. 129
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 05/10/2022
Choking due to Friction

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 130 05/10/2022

Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
P9.88 Air enters a 5- by 5-cm square duct at V1=900 m/s and T1=
300 K. The friction factor is 0.02. For what length duct will the
flow exactly decelerate to Ma=1.0? If the duct length is 2 m, will
there be a normal shock in the duct? If so, at what Mach number
will it occur?

a=347.19 m/s

Ma1= 2.5922 (entrada supersónica)

De=0.05 m

L=(0.05/0.02)*(0.451)=1.1277 m

b) If the duct length is 2 m, will there be a normal shock in the duct? If so, at what
Mach number will it occur?

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 131 05/10/2022

Isothermal Flow with Friction
The adiabatic frictional-flow assumption is appropriate to high-
speed flow in shortducts. For flow in long ducts, e.g. natural-gas
pipelines, the gas state more closely approximates an isothermal
flow. The analysis is the same except that the isoenergetic energy
equation (9.60c) is replaced by the simple relation

T = Cte; dT = 0 (9.70)

Integration of the Mach-number–friction relation yields

f Lmax 1 − kMa 2
= 2
+ ln( kMa 2
) (9.71)
D kMa
Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 132 05/10/2022
Isothermal Flow with Friction
➢This friction relation has the interesting result that Lmax becomes
zero not at the sonic point but at Macrit =1/k1/2 =0.845 if k =1.4. The
inlet flow, whether subsonic or supersonic, tends downstream
toward this limiting Mach number 1/k1/2. If the tube length L is
greater than Lmax from Eq. (9.71), a subsonic flow will choke back
to a smaller Ma1 and mass flow and a supersonic flow will
experience a normal-shock adjustment similar to Fig. 9.15.

Dr. Joaquín Pinto Espinoza 133 05/10/2022

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