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Crear el menu customizado

Supplier Contacts Administration

q Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant
1 Contacts AP_APXVDMVD_MENU Suppliers (AP_APXVDMVD) Supplier Contacts *
Supplier Information
Management (Buyer
2   View)     *
3   HTML Supplier Tab Main     *
Crear la responsabilidad

Metalsa AP Global Supplier Contacts


Supplier Contacts Administration (XXFIN_AP_SUPP_CONTACTS)

Type Name Description

Function Supplier Banking Buyer Main Page Supplier Banking Buyer Main Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Organization Page Supplier Organization Details Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Tax Details Page Create Supplier: Collect Details Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Address Book Supplier: Supplier Address Book
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Business Classification Page Business Classifications
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Product and Services Page Supplier: Buyer View: Product and Services Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Create Supplier Page Create Supplier Page **** la primera
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Create Supplier Page Create Supplier Page **** la segunda
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Create & Update Sites Page Create & Update Sites Page
Function Supplier Manage Address Sites Supplier: Manage Supplier Sites Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Updated Address Approval Supplier: Buyer View: Updated Address Approval
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Updated Contact Approval Supplier: Buyer View: Updated Contact Approval
Function Buyer View: Surveys Buyer View: Surveys
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Tax Details for sites Supplier: Buyer View: Tax Details for sites
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Create Employee Sites Page Create Employee Sites Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Accounts Page Supplier: Supplier Accounts Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Tax and Reporting Tax and Reporting
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Purchasing Purchasing
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Receiving Receiving
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Payment Details Payment Details
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Invoice Management Invoice Management
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Tax and Reporting for sites Supplier: Buyer View: Tax and Reporting for sites
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Relationship Create relationship for third party payments
Function Supplier: Buyer View: New Contact Approval Supplier: Buyer View: New Contact Approval
Function Supplier: Buyer View: New Address Approval Supplier: Buyer View: New Address Approval
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Site Creation for New Address Supplier: Buyer View: Site Creation for New Address
Function Supplier Registration: Manage Approvals  
Menu Supplier : Terms and Control Supplier : Terms and Control (Side List)
Menu Supplier: Buyer View: Approval History  
Asignar los profiles

Profile Option Name Site Application Metalsa AP Global Supplier Contacts
GL Ledger Name     Metalsa Mexico
MO: Security Profile     SEC1
Los demás son automáticos

Asignar Metalsa AP Global Supplier Contacts a RFLORES

Nota: Si no se ve o no tiene permisos la pagina web hay que borrar cache de la aplicación
Probar la responsabilidad


NOTA: Ahora hay que personailzar para que no aparezcan los botones de Save y Create de Quick Update
Personalizar las pantallas WEB
1) quitar los tres botones de creacion de provedores

Quitar Button: Register New Supplier

Cambiar a False

Asi quedá
Vamos a repetir los mismos pasos para los demás botones que
vamos a esconder (Rendered No a nivel responsabilidad)
Esconder Button: Enable As Supplier

Esconder Button: Create Supplier

Ahora ir a la pantalla de quick update y esconder el botón de Save y Create(s)

Esconder Save
Esconder Create
Este botón esta en dos secciones, hay que entrar a la liga de persnaliacion de cada sección
a) Key Purchasing Setups
b) Key Payment Setups
Finalmente revisar que ya nos estén los botones





How to Configure the R12 Supplier Form so that Only the Contact Directory
may be Modified (Doc ID 466699.1)
There is no way to make only certain pages inquiry only. You can make the whole form inquiry, but it is all or
You can approximate this by excluding certain functions and menus from a responsibility. The pages associated
with the excluded functions will not be present in the form.
Exclude the necessary functions and menus
In the Responsibilities form, query the responsibility that you will assign to users that have only access to the
Contact Directory and exclude the following Functions / Menus

Type Name
Function Supplier Banking Buyer Main Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Organization Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Tax Details Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Address Book
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Business Classification Page
Function Supplier: Buyer View: Product and Services Page
Function Buyer View: Surveys
Menu Supplier : Terms and Control
Menu Supplier: Buyer View: Approval History
A more involved method would be to use form personalizations to suppress the Create and save Buttons in the
various pages.

Create the Page Personalizations

Using the Responsibility you plan for this ... Note; This can not be done only for one user.

Query any Supplier in the Supplier form

In the Quick Update page ...

1) Click on the "Personalize Page" link in the Upper Right portion of the page.
2) Click on the "Expand All" link
3) Scroll down looking for "Submit Button: &Save" under "Page Button Bar"
4) Click on the Personalize link (Yellow Pencil icon)
5) Look for the "Rendered" attribute
6) In the Responsibility region choose "false" from the drop list
7) Click on the "Apply" button, then the "Cancel" button
8) Scroll down looking for "Submit Button: Create" under "Table Actions"
9) Click on the Personalize link (Yellow Pencil icon)
10) Look for the "Rendered" attribute
11) In the Responsibility region choose "false" from the drop list
12) Click on the "Apply" button, then the "Cancel" button
13) Close the browser.

The next time you open the Supplier form using this responsibility, the "Save" and "Create" button on this page
will not be displayed. With the exclusions we created in place, the only links on the left side menu are Quick
Update and Contact Directory.

Repeat the process for other pages you do not want to allow data creation or update.

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