Bsib522 Icpc Coversheet Requirements

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College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Bachelor of Science in International Business

2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022


ALL questions and requirements presented in this project shall be answered or complied by the student or
Marks will be awarded for good presentation and thoroughness in your approach.
NO marks would be awarded for the entire project if any part is found to be copied directly from printed
materials or from another student.
Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your In-Course Project Output.

Student Declaration:
I declare that:
I understand what is meant by plagiarism (illegal copying of one’s work).
The implication of plagiarism is tantamount to cheating (work will get no pts.)
This project is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published and unpublished works of
other people.
Students’ Signature:___________________, ____________________, _________________ Date: ________________

Total number of pages including this cover page

Program Course Section Time/Days Due Date Date Submitted
Course Title Philosophy of Business and Wealth of Nations
Group Members: BH
Student Number and Full BH
Name BH
Professor’s Name MAHMOOD ALI AKBAR
Teacher’s/Marker’s Comments Marking Scheme & Rubrics (As attached)
I. Introduction 5
II. Discussion of Your Topic Analysis how the economic 10
systems benficial to the country you have selected.
III. Evaluate the factors of economic 10
IV. Demographic transition. 5
V. Suggestions to further improvement that country can 5
make on implementation of best economic systens and
VI.Conclusion and Recommendations. 5
VII. References 2
VIII.Project Presentation 5
IX. Presentation Material (PPT Slides /Video) 3
Marker’s Name Total Marks/ Marks Awarded 50
Signature Grade Equivalent
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

BSIB522 – Philosophy of Business and Wealth of Nations

Direction: Read the following information about your In-Course Project. which listed below
to prepare your research.

Project Guidelines:

In writing the contents of your research paper, consider the following:

Research Paper Structure and Outline:

 Title Page. This contains the name of your project, school year, trimester, and the
members of your group.
 Table of Contents. List the main topics and page numbering of contents.

I. Introduction. This is an (a) overview about the topic chosen. Introduce

the main idea about it . Select any country, Identify which economic
systems applying. (5 marks)
II. Discussion of Your Topic Analysis how the economic systems benficial
to the country you have selected. (10 marks)
III. Evaluate the factors of economic. (15 marks)

IV. Demographic transition. (5 marks)

V. Suggestions to further improvement that country can make on
implementation of best economic systens and transition. (5 marks)
VI. Conclusion and Recommendations. Conclude and evaluate your research
study based on the benefits obtained (3 marks)
VII. References. List down all references used in the project. (2 marks)
VIII. Project Presentation. Create your presentation slides to be used for your
project presentation. If you are not going to actually present your project,
you may pre-record a video presentation in lieu of it). The presentation slides
and video presentation will be forming part of your project and will be
submitted. (5 marks)
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Documentation Format:
 All paragraphs must be justified and double-spaced.
 Information can include proper diagram and pictures wherever necessary with table or figure
 The entire document should be in Arial 12 pt.
 All section headings must be in Arial 12 pt bold.
 Include this cover page with all the required information from your group. Student signatures
are essential. Do not miss it.


 This is a group project (maximum of 4 and minimum of 2 members in each group).
 Use this document to work with your project. No project will be accepted without the
 Follow the format as prescribed.
 Submit/Upload the softcopy of your In-Course Project in the Moodle. Upload link will be
provided on or before due date.
 Submit Plagiarism Report together with the ICPC.
 Should you have any inquiries, kindly send me a message.
 Project presentations will be done starting the 12th to 13th Week of the trimester.

Application – Illustration/Figure/Diagram/Drawing (5 & 10 Points Rubric):

9 -10/ 5 All accurate facts/concepts are displayed in the diagram/illustration/ Details/parts (including labels) support the
main idea/ The graphics used represent information appropriately.

7 – 8/ 4 At least 3 accurate facts are displayed in the diagram/illustration/ Detail is added to support each main idea/
Most graphics/parts represent the information appropriately.

4 – 6/ 3 At least 2 accurate facts are displayed in the diagram/illustration / More is needed for understanding/ All
graphics/parts relate to the topic but do not represent appropriately.

1 – 3/ 2 Fewer than 2 accurate facts are displayed/ Very little detail is provided for the main ideas and understanding is
limited/ Graphics/parts do not relate to the topic.

0/ 0-1 Inaccurate facts are displayed/presented/ No details provided for the main ideas and understanding is missing/
Graphics/parts do not relate to the topic.

Essay Questions (50 Points Rubric)

Content (10) Organization (15) Development (10)
Use of Language (15)
Answer is appropriate to the Clear sense of order. Begins with a Develops each point with may Uses technical or scientific
question. Content is factually thesis or topic sentence. specific details. terminology appropriately and
correct. Supporting points are presented Answers question completely. correctly. No major grammatical
in a logical progression. or spelling errors.
Answer is appropriate to the May lack a thesis sentence, but Each point supported with some Accurate word choice. No more
question. Content may have points are presented in a logical details and evidence. than 2 major errors and a few
one or two factual errors. progression. All important points minor errors.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Content relates peripherally Logic of argument is minimally Sparse details or evidence. Ordinary word choice; use of
to the question; contains Question only partially answered. scientific terminology avoided.
significant factual errors. perceivable. Points presented in a Some serious errors (but they
seemingly random fashion, but all don’t impair communication).
support argument.
Content unrelated to Lacks clear organizational plan. Statements are unsupported by Limited vocabulary; errors impair
question. Reader is confused. any detail or explanation. communication.
Repetitious, incoherent, illogical
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

I. Introduction.

An economic system is a way by which societies or governments organise and

distribute available resources, services, and products throughout a geographic area
or nation. Economic systems manage the components of production, including land,
capital, labour, and physical resources. An economic system contains various
organisations, agencies, entities, decision-making processes, and patterns of
consumption that compose the economic structure of a specific society. There are
various sorts of economies across the globe. Each has its own distinct qualities,
however they all share certain fundamental elements. Each economy runs based on a
unique set of circumstances and assumptions. Economic systems may be grouped
into four broad types: traditional economies, command economies, mixed
economies, and market economies. The country's we have picked in our project are
economy has risen despite sanctions by its neighbours, Saudi Arabia and the United
Arab Emirates. Petroleum and natural gas are the foundations of Qatar's economy
and account for more than 70 percent of overall government income, more than 60
percent of gross domestic product, and around 85 percent of export profits. The
economy of Qatar is one of the wealthiest in the world based on GDP per capita,
placing typically within the top 10 richest nations on global rankings for 2015 and 2016
statistics published by the World Bank, the United Nations, and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) (IMF) Qatar has the world's third biggest known natural gas
reservoir and is the second-largest exporter of natural gas.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Qatar was a poor pearl diving nation prior to the development of the
petroleum-based sector. Oil and gas exploration started in 1939. In 1973, oil
output and revenue grew substantially, vaulting Qatar out of the world's
poorest nations and presenting it with one of the world's highest per capita

Between 1982 to 1989, Qatar's economy experienced a decline. OPEC

(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) output limits, a lower oil
price, and a generally unfavourable outlook on international markets all
contributed to a decline in oil revenues. As a result, the Qatari government's
expenditure plans had to be adjusted to account for the decreased revenue.
The recessionary local business environment that resulted forced several
enterprises to lay off expatriate employees. With the economy stabilising in
the 1990s, expatriate numbers increased again, notably in Egypt and South

Oil production will not maintain at its current high of 500,000 barrels (80,000
m3) per day indefinitely, since oil fields are expected to be fully drained by
2023. Large natural gas deposits, however, have been discovered off Qatar's
northeast coast. These offshore gas fields may also contain considerable
amounts of oil and condensate. For instance, in the 1960s, the state-owned
QatarEnergy firm discovered two offshore oil resources. Production was too
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

costly at the time. However, technical advancements enabled manufacturing

to begin more than 30 years later.

In specialised refineries, gas condensate may be converted into conventional

oil products. While the expenses are somewhat higher, it is becoming more
common for businesses to use gas condensate. Offshore oil output for the PS-
2 and PS-3 blocks was around 31.1 million barrels (84,995 barrels per day) in
2008. Joint Ventures (PS-1, ALK, K & A): In 2008, these three joint venture
producing facilities produced 57.4 million barrels (156,873 barrels per day). As
with gas fields, there are other offshore blocks that need to be investigated
and might potentially expand oil production. Thus, the 500,000 barrels per
day peak and depletion in 2023 are postponed. With increased oil prices,
offshore exploration of oil and/or natural gas reserves is projected to
continue. In June 2016, oil output seemed to be approximately 670,000
barrels per day, down somewhat from February 2016 levels of 692,000 barrels
per day. Qatar already exceeds a million barrels per day when all liquids are

Qatar has the third-largest proven gas reserves in the world, totaling more
than 7000 km3 (250 trillion cubic feet). In 1991, the economy was
strengthened by the completion of Phase I of the $1.5 billion North Field gas
production. Qatargas started exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Japan in
1996. Additional billion-dollar phases of North Field gas production are at
different stages of planning and development.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Qatar's large industrial projects, all of which are headquartered in Umm Said,
include a refinery with a daily capacity of 50,000 barrels (8,000 m3), a urea
and ammonia fertiliser factory, a steel mill, and a petrochemical facility. All of
these businesses rely on natural gas as a fuel source. The majority are
collaborative partnerships between European and Japanese companies and
QatarEnergy, the state-owned energy company (formerly QGPC). The United
States is Qatar's largest equipment provider, and US businesses are essential
in the development of the North Field gas field. 890- Qatar is pursuing a
rigorous "Qatarization" campaign, in which all joint venture enterprises and
government ministries work to promote Qatari citizens to positions of higher
influence. Qataris with foreign education, notably those educated in the
United States, are coming home in increasing numbers to fill crucial posts
formerly held by expats. Qatar has tightened the management of its foreign
manpower programmes during the last few years in order to contain the flood
of expatriate employees. Qatar's rigorous entrance and immigration laws and
regulations are primarily motivated by security concerns..

Evaluate the factors of economic.

Qatar is the subject of an extensive PESTEL investigation (Qatar country profile). It

explores how macroeconomic issues impact the nation and the solutions it has
created to capitalise on opportunities and overcome obstacles. Officially, Qatar is
known as the State of Qatar. For a lengthy period of time, it was controlled by the
House of Thani.

Factors of politics and their influence on Qatar

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Qatar is a tiny Middle Eastern nation. However, its effect extends well beyond
national boundaries. It often seeks to reconcile conflicting factions in the Middle East
and abroad. It is a close ally of the US, China, and Turkey. It also has a cooperation
deal with Iran.

Qatar often hosts worldwide academic, economic, religious, and political events and
conferences. It has increased its international stature and is now regarded as a
medium power. It is a member of the United Nations, OPEC, the GCC, the Arab
League, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, among other international
organisations. However, Amnesty International (2021) reports that the country's
freedom of speech is constrained.

Economic considerations affecting Qatar

Qatar's GDP was about $146.37 billion in 2020, much less than in 2019. This
demonstrates the economic effect of global lockdowns on the nation. However, GDP
is estimated to grow to $195.00 billion by the end of 2022, owing to anticipated
increases in gas production and investment for the 2022 FIFA World Cup (Trading
Economics, 2021).

Qatar's biggest exports are petroleum gas, crude petroleum, refined petroleum,
ethylene polymers, and nitrogenous fertilisers, which are mostly sent to Japan, South
Korea, India, China, and Singapore. On the other side, its primary imports include
aeroplanes, spacecraft, gas tribunes, iron pipes, and jewellery, all of which originate
in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and Germany (OEC, 2021).

Qatar is one of the world's wealthiest nations. Indeed, it is the wealthiest, with a per
capita GNI (Gross National Income) of $116,799 (Suneson, 2021). The country's
unemployment rate is 0.2 percent, one of the lowest in the world.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Qatar's oil reserves are enormous, accounting for 13% of world supply. Other sectors
like as tourism and hospitality, Islamic banking, fertiliser manufacturing, agriculture,
and fisheries are all seeing tremendous growth. However, its low-cost hegemony in
the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is now being challenged by Australia, the
United States of America, Egypt, and Mozambique (World Bank, 2020).

Social considerations affecting Qatar

Qatar is a tiny nation with a population of around 2.9 million people (Worldometer,
2021). Qataris, however, are regarded a'minority' in their own country, accounting for
just 15% of the overall population. Arabs, Indians, Filipinos, Nepalis, Bangladeshis,
Egyptians, and Sri Lankans are all prominent ethnicities in the country.

Technological considerations affecting Qatar

The technological environment is the next component of the PESTEL study of Qatar
to explore (Qatar country profile). Without a question, Qatar is one of the most
progressive nations in the world when it comes to accepting and adapting new
technology. It long ago resolved to diversify its economy. As a consequence, the
energy-based economy is progressively transferring its emphasis to one based on
technology and information.

The domestic information technology market is booming. Around 95% of the

population uses social media. The most popular social media networks include
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat, and LinkedIn. Additionally, the government
is committed to investing in technology. Developing and cultivating a domestic talent
pool, on the other hand, is a problem for the nation.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Factors affecting the environment and their influence on Qatar

Qatar has lately placed a high premium on tourism, mostly in reaction to the embargo
enforced by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. The sector is
growing at a quick pace, attracting worldwide travellers. Numerous tourism sites
have been constructed, which, when combined with natural charms, have expanded
the country's attractiveness to both domestic and foreign travellers.

Factors of law and their influence on Qatar

The legal environment is the last component of the PESTEL study of Qatar (Qatar
country profile). The country's legal system is a synthesis of civil and Islamic law. The
Labour Law protects the rights and wellbeing of workers. The maximum number of
hours in a work week, excluding breaks, is 48; however, during the fasting month of
Ramadan, the maximum number of hours is decreased to 36. (Qatar Labour Law,

Demographic transition.

Qatar's Population Growth

Qatar's population is somewhat uncertain, since the Qatar Statistics Authority
estimated it at 1.9 million in 2013, although other sources put the figure at 2.03
million. In any case, the population quadrupled in the decade before 2011. Qatari
(Arab) nationals account for less than 15% of the overall population, followed by
other Arabs (13%), Indians (24%), Nepalis (16%), Filipinos (11%), and
Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan nationals (5 percent each). Filipinos make up
250,000 of the country's expats, making them the third biggest group. Due to a
massive inflow of male workers, women make up just 25% of the population.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Qatar's Surface Area and Population Density

Qatar claims 11,586 square kilometres of the Saudi Arabian peninsula. It has a
coastline of 563 kilometres and has an 87-kilometer border with Saudi Arabia.
When the current estimated population is included, the computation yields a
population density of around 232 persons per square kilometre for Qatar.

Qatar's Capital and City Centers

Doha is Qatar's biggest city and capital, with a population of 344,939 people.
Additionally, this city was just named one of the "Urban Wonders" by the New 7
Wonders Cities.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

II. Suggestions
Despite adversity, Qatar's economy remains one of the most competitive and strong
in the region. Qatar, which is well-known for its gas reserves, has not been as
adversely impacted by the collapse in oil prices as other nations that depend
significantly on oil exports and are now compelled to make harsh public expenditure
cuts. While lower oil prices have resulted in a decline in hydrocarbon income, the non-
hydrocarbon sector is growing rapidly and is predicted to increase at a rate of
roughly 5.7 percent in 2017, contributing to an overall GDP growth rate of just under
3%. This is an enviable rate in comparison to the rest of the globe and the highest
anticipated rate in the GCC. Qatar has retained its leadership position in terms of GDP
per capita on the world stage.
Qatar's position of strength is a result of the country's intelligent and foresighted
leadership. Qatar has an ambitious and long-term development strategy outlined in
the National Vision 2030 to diversify its economy, with infrastructure expenditure in
areas such as transportation, education, sports, healthcare, telecommunications, and
hospitality playing a critical role. Economic growth that is robust in times of lower oil
prices demonstrates that the concept of economic diversification is already bearing

Non-hydrocarbon growth is dominated by the construction industry, and with the

government renewing its commitment to investing on critical projects in advance of
the World Cup, top-down government spending on infrastructure will continue to be
the dominant engine of the economy. Qatar is developing one of the world's most
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

modern multi-modal transportation infrastructure networks, enabling long-term

sustainable economic development via the mobility of people, products, and
information. By air, Qatar's renowned Hamad International Airport links the country
to over 150 locations worldwide, and when paired with Qatar Airways' massive fleet
of cutting-edge aircraft, Qatar is proving to be more than a match for the global
aviation industry's established carriers.

Conclusion and Recommendations.

Qatar has made significant progress in reforming the education system, led by Qatar
Foundation and a number of international institutions with offices in Education City.
Along with the universities, Education City is home to world-class scientific and
research institutions housed in the Qatar Science and Technology Park (QSTP), and
significant investment has been given to new schools. Qatar's health sector's
expansion and increase in quality has also been a notable success storey. The first
National Health Strategy (NHS), which ran from 2011 to 2016, contributed to the
achievement of the health goals outlined in the National Vision 2030, with the human
development pillar including a comprehensive and contemporary health care
infrastructure that is accessible to everyone. Qatar's investment in health is also far
more forward-thinking than merely constructing and staffing new healthcare
facilities. One of the NHS's seven strategic objectives is to establish an ambitious
homegrown healthcare research programme, which will only help Qatar's
transformation to a diversified, knowledge-based economy.

Any evaluation of Qatar's economic strength should also include the achievements of
Qatari banks and the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), our sovereign wealth fund
that invests oil and gas income surpluses to diversify revenue streams and mitigate
risk associated with energy price volatility. With assets presently expected to be
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

approximately $330 billion, the QIA is assisting Qatar's economic sustainability in the
future by not only offering new sources of revenue, but also by successfully
safeguarding Qatar's excellent sovereign credit rating. Qatar's economic foundations
remain strong, and the country will continue to be a regional economic success
storey thanks to prudent leadership.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
2nd Trimester, AY 2021-2022

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4. Kazi, M. K., Eljack, F., El-Halwagi, M. M., & Haouari, M. (2021). Green
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5. Hassen, T. B. (2020). The state of the knowledge-based economy in the Arab

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6. Al-Hamrani, A., Kim, D., Kucukvar, M., & Onat, N. C. (2021). Circular economy
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7. Saif-Alyousfi, A. Y., Saha, A., & Md-Rus, R. (2018). Impact of oil and gas price
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