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Table of Contents
Part 1. Introduction of the Company...........................................................................................................1
Part Ila. Corporate Governance Structure...................................................................................................2
Roles of board of directors......................................................................................................................2
Role of chairman of the board.................................................................................................................3
Relationship: Top executives, chief operating officer, and stakeholders.....................................................3
Part Ilb. Role of Audit Committee in:...........................................................................................................4
Safeguarding the Integrity of Financial Reporting...................................................................................4
Responsibilities and Obligation to Take Action........................................................................................6
Reporting a Concern................................................................................................................................6
Detailing a Concern.................................................................................................................................7
No Retaliation..........................................................................................................................................8
Rights as an Employee.............................................................................................................................8
Common freedoms..................................................................................................................................8
Workplace Behaviors..................................................................................................................................8
Exercises Related to Technical Standards..............................................................................................11
Exercises Related to Open Source Software..........................................................................................12
Public Speaking and Press Inquiries.......................................................................................................12

pg. 1
Part 1. Introduction of the Company
A wide range of organizations all around the world are rehashing themselves with portability.
Enterprises like flight, policing medical services use Apple gadgets and applications to do fundamental
business assignments. As portability turns out to be significantly more vital to the work environment,
organizations need to ensure that they're money management

in secure stages and laying out cycles to stay up with the latest. To support this degree of strength,
organizations are embracing a cutting edge way to deal with testing and it that is proactive, deft and
never-ending to refresh programming. Moving rapidly and persistently with programming refreshes
makes huge benefits that can keep the venture climate a stride in front of arising security concerns and
guarantee the most significant level of stage respectability. This assists organizations with limiting
margin time and similarity issues, better serve clients

furthermore, empower workers to have the best client experience.

With macOS, iOS and iPadOS, it's simple and instinctive for your clients to refresh their gadgets. With
simply a tap, they can download and introduce the most recent rendition of Apple's working
frameworks. You can likewise plan programming refreshes on administered gadgets utilizing your cell
phone the executives (MDM) arrangement.

Yet, before you brief your clients to redesign, it's basic to test every beta rendition on the grounds that
your innovation environment has extraordinary necessities. What's more, similarly as significant as
testing every beta delivery, key components in your current circumstance — your IT foundation,
outsider MDM arrangement and business-basic applications — should be prepared when another
variant is openly delivered to your clients.

The Apple stage reception life cycle incorporates four continuous exercises for each time a beta is
delivered: setting up your current circumstance, assessing key region of Apple's foundation, submitting
criticism and preparing for your rollout.

At the point when you execute a cutting edge way to deal with life cycle the board, besides the fact that
you be can certain when workers update, however you'll likewise appreciate upgraded information
security, further developed efficiency, most extreme uptime and more prominent representative

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This report is planned to assist your IT association with understanding the advantages of executing
Apple life cycle the board, consider every one of the components that go into dealing with this
interaction, and lay out a reasonable and repeatable interaction to guarantee that you're prepared to
keep awake to date with the most recent programming from Apple.

Part Ila. Corporate Governance Structure

Roles of board of directors

The governing body at the Apple Company is comprised of seven individuals. Five of the seven barricade
individuals make the supervisory crew. At the organization, the directorate plays a few parts. The initial
job is arrangement of business authority through setting of the present moment and long haul
organization methodologies. In addition, the board plays the part of guaranteeing that monetary and
other business assets are sufficient, yet in addition lined up with the essential target of being the
forerunner in development in the PC market across the globe (Apple Inc standard. 6). The governing
body at the organization is enabled by organization's statement of purpose to guarantee that exhibition
of the executives is streamlined inside the qualities and principles of the business targets (Drucker 19).
What's more, the job of the top managerial staff is to go about as the regent for the partners and
investors by guaranteeing that their advantages are met and obviously surmised.

Role of chairman of the board

At the Apple Company, the executive of the governing body plays the essential part of driving the board
in all gatherings and dynamic cycle. Hence, the executive is the consul of the top managerial staff and is
proactive in setting the plan, establishing a dynamic discussing climate, and certifying the organization's
association culture. Furthermore, as the correspondence chief to the governing body, the administrator
has the obligation of guaranteeing that thorough, on-time, and exact data is passed to different
individuals (Arjoon 26).

Relationship: Top executives, chief operating officer, and stakeholders

At the Apple Company, the directorate under the authority of its administrator has the command to
employ, proactively regulate, and occasionally assess the top leaders. Furthermore, the governing body
is answerable for assessment of the financial and different pay to the chief group (Drucker 21). For

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example, following the end of Steve Jobs, the governing body talked with, assessed, and prescribed Tim
Cook to be the following CEO of the Apple Company.

As a proactive board, the overseers of Apple Company have been key and steady in giving important and
feasible business heading in counsel with the ongoing CEO. For example, the iPhone 6 task was a result
of an inventive methodology which the board suggested after a progression of interview gatherings with
partners and investors (Apple Inc standard. 9).

The Apple's corporate administration procedure works on the mainstays of straightforwardness,

responsibility, initiative, and solid norms of corporate administration, which is built up by the
directorate. The governing body has the obligation of dealing with the undertakings of the organization
as well as setting the business approach. The board additionally makes the gamble the executives and
moderation arrangements other than guaranteeing that the organization is consistent with various
administrative commitments like business morals, leader execution, and adaptable association culture.
Inside the five branches of the Apple Company, there are groups assigned the obligation of full material
revelation, administration, and direct commitment of the local area in the business exercises. Among
the local area commitment drives incorporate a schooling trust, wellbeing funding, and supporting
different far-reaching developments (Arjoon 22).

The Apple Company has three structure blocks of getting the hang of comprising of a steady learning
climate, substantial educational experiences, and proactive initiative that builds up development, which
are implemented by the executive of the directorate fully supported by different individuals. The chief
supervisors are normal by the governing body to assume a critical part in setting up the learning climate
for the representatives (Drucker 31). This culture is intended to establish an optimal environment for
advancement and correspondence among the representatives. The Apple's collaboration culture spells
the guidelines of commitment and anticipated execution of the representatives through the CEO. These
guidelines value variety and maintain trustworthiness in judgment as cherished in the organization's
vision and statement of purpose. By and large, the organization is focused on consistence and reception
of standard strategic policies through the activities of the governing body in overseeing different
business capabilities and partner interests.

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The target of the directorate of the Apple Company is to give adequate data to the administration of the
establishment on the genuine administration objectives that work with the event of good
administration, because of business key preparation. This goal proves contrasts in administration,
representative way of behaving, and amazing skill in observing control framework to the greatest
advantage of the investors and different partners. Accordingly, the leader the executives should involve
this data from the governing body in further developing observing frameworks, financial backer's
certainty, and comprehensive organizing as the market might interest (Arjoon 38).

A very much organized foundation comprises of a mastery commanded with the obligation of
methodical information gathering from which testable and positive consolidated results are feasible.
Comparable to the Apple Company, the master job is given by the CEO of the association for the benefit
of the governing body who addresses the interests of the investors. To improve the accomplishment of
the equivalent, the governing body deals with a few inside control strategies that make consistency and
business supportability of the Apple Company.

Part Ilb. Role of Audit Committee in:

Safeguarding the Integrity of Financial Reporting

Apple conducts business morally, truly, and in full consistence with material regulations and guidelines.
This applies to each business choice in each space of the organization around the world.

The accompanying standards guide Apple's strategic policies:

1. Trustworthiness — Demonstrate genuineness and high moral guidelines in all transactions.

2. Regard — Treat clients, accomplices, providers, representatives, and others with deference and

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3. Privacy — Protect Apple's private data and the data of our clients, accomplices, providers, and

4. Consistence — Ensure that business choices conform to material regulations and guidelines.

Apple anticipates its providers, project workers, experts, and other colleagues to follow these standards
while giving labor and products to Apple or following up for our benefit. Apple additionally requires its
providers to agree with the Apple Supplier Code of Conduct.

The Business Conduct Policy applies to all full and parttime workers of Apple and its auxiliaries, and gives
a standard manual for what is expected of everybody at Apple. Pertinent segments additionally apply to
individuals from Apple's Board of Directors. The Business Conduct Policy likewise gives data on extra
assets accessible to representatives, including the Business Conduct Helpline and the Business Conduct
site, which contains direction and regularly posed inquiries to help workers in understanding Apple's
way to deal with Business Conduct.

All representatives are expected to finish yearly, online Business Conduct preparing, and audit and
confirm how they might interpret the Business Conduct Policy. Representatives are likewise expected to
finish online Respect at Apple and Privacy stages of preparation, and contingent upon work liabilities
and area, might be expected to take part in extra required web-based stages of preparation on
unambiguous points, like enemy of debasement. Zeroed in live preparation is additionally organized
occasionally on Business Conduct and other applicable themes.

Now and again, nearby regulations might force prerequisites on Apple and representatives contrast
from those set out in the Business Conduct Policy. Contact a nearby People Business Partner for more
data on how these regulations might concern you.

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Any waiver of this Policy for our chiefs, top dogs, or chief bookkeeping official might be made exclusively
by our Board of Directors, and will be unveiled as legally necessary or pertinent posting rules.

Responsibilities and Obligation to Take Action

All that we do is an impression of Apple. they anticipate that you should:

1. Follow the Policy. Agree with the letter and soul of Apple's Business Conduct Policy and all
relevant legitimate prerequisites.
2. Shout out. Assuming you see or know about any infringement of Apple's Business Conduct
Policy, other Apple approaches, or legitimate or administrative prerequisites, you should advise
either your supervisor, People Team, Legal, or Business Conduct.
3. Utilize great judgment and clarify pressing issues. Apply Apple's standards of business direct,
and audit our strategies and lawful prerequisites. If all else fails about how to continue, examine
it with your director, your People Business Partner, Legal,

or then again Business Conduct. Any inability to consent to Apple's Business Conduct Policy — or
inability to report an infringement — may bring about disciplinary activity, up to and including end of
work, likewise expected to completely participate in any Apple examination, and keep any data
imparted to you private to protect the respectability of the examination.

Reporting a Concern

To report a worry or pose an inquiry about Apple's Business Conduct Policy, you can contact Business
Conduct by telephone, email, or web structure. For contact subtleties, visit the Business Conduct site or
the Resources segment toward the finish of this strategy. Apple's outer helpline (
likewise permits workers and outside gatherings to report worries with the choice of staying mysterious,
where allowable under appropriate regulations. The outside helpline gives nearby, complementary
telephone numbers that interface workers and outer gatherings to a multilingual revealing assistance.
Your data will be shared exclusively with the people who have a need to be aware to assist with

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responding to your inquiries or research concerns, guarantee the brief implementation of this Policy,
and, if proper, decide disciplinary activity. Assuming your data includes bookkeeping, finance, or
evaluating, the law might expect that fundamental data be imparted to the Audit and Finance
Committee of the Board of Directors. Apple's Business Conduct Policy is managed by the Business
Conduct association, under the oversight of Apple's Chief Compliance Officer, who gives customary
updates to the Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Directors. The Business Conduct group is
accessible to help all workers and answer inquiries on business direct issues, approaches, guidelines, and
consistence with lawful prerequisites.

Detailing a Concern
To report a worry or pose an inquiry about Apple's Business Conduct Policy, you can contact Business
Conduct by telephone, email, or web structure. For contact subtleties, visit the Business Conduct site or
the Resources segment toward the finish of this strategy. Apple's outside helpline
( likewise permits workers and outer gatherings to report worries with the choice
of staying unknown, where allowable under relevant regulations. The outer helpline gives nearby,
complementary telephone numbers that interface workers and outside gatherings to a multilingual
revealing assistance.

Your data will be shared exclusively with the people who have a need to be aware to assist with
responding to your inquiries or research concerns, guarantee the brief implementation of this Policy,
and, if fitting, decide disciplinary activity. Assuming your data includes bookkeeping, finance, or
reviewing, the law might expect that essential data be imparted to the Audit and Finance Committee of
the Board of Directors. Apple's Business Conduct Policy is managed by the Business Conduct association,
under the oversight of Apple's Chief Compliance Officer, who gives standard updates to the Audit and
Finance Committee of the Board of Directors. The Business Conduct group is accessible to help all
workers and answer inquiries on business direct issues, approaches, guidelines, and consistence with
lawful prerequisites.

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No Retaliation
Apple won't fight back — and won't endure counter — against any person for detailing an honest
intentions concern or protest to a chief, People, Legal, Business Assurance and Audit, Finance, or
Business Conduct, or for taking part in the examination of a worry or grumbling. We don't endure
purposely misleading revealing.

Rights as an Employee
While we anticipate that representatives should follow the Business Conduct Policy, nothing in this
Policy ought to be deciphered as being prohibitive of your entitlement to talk uninhibitedly about your
wages, hours, or working circumstances.

Common freedoms
Apple is focused on regarding universally perceived basic freedoms. Apple's way to deal with regarding
common liberties depends on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the
worldwide norm on business and basic freedoms

Workplace Behaviors

Medications and Alcohol Apple thinks often about the wellbeing and security of our representatives. You
are supposed to conform to Apple's rules with respect to liquor, medications, and smoking, whether it is
in the work environment, at Apple-supported occasions, or while directing Apple business. You are not
allowed to be affected by any lawful or unlawful medication that hinders your capacity to play out your
work, and representatives are restricted from assembling, requesting, circulating, having, or involving
any unlawful medications or substances in the working environment, or while working. Utilize great
judgment and remember that you are supposed to perform to your full capacity at work. For more data,
see the Alcohol, Drugs and Smoke-Free Environment Policy.

Climate, Health, and Safety (EH&S) Apple is focused on safeguarding the climate, wellbeing, and security
of our representatives, clients, and the worldwide networks where we work. Apple's EH&S group gives
direction on the most proficient method to lead your occupation while meeting or surpassing all
relevant ecological, wellbeing, and security prerequisites. Utilize great judgment and consistently put

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the climate, wellbeing, and security first. Work proactively with the EH&S group to expect and oversee
EH&S takes a chance sooner rather than later. For more data in the EH&S group, strategies, preparing,
and programs, visit the EH&S site.

Provocation and Discrimination Apple is focused on giving a working environment liberated from
badgering (counting lewd behavior) or segregation in light of an individual characteristic. Individual
qualities incorporate race, variety, lineage, public beginning, religion, doctrine, age, mental and actual
incapacity, sex, orientation, sexual direction, orientation personality or articulation, ailment, hereditary
data, conjugal status, military or safeguarded veteran status, or some other trademark safeguarded by
regulation. We are committed to keeping an inventive, socially different, and steady workplace, and
don't endure separation or provocation of representatives or non-workers with whom we have a
business, administration, or expert relationship. This applies to all cooperations where you address
Apple, incorporating connections with representatives, clients, providers, and candidates for business. In
the event that you have been irritated or oppressed, or have seen such way of behaving, report the
episode to anybody in the People Team, a boss or director at any level, or Business Conduct. For
additional data, see the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and People approaches for your locale.

Precision of Records and Reports Accurate and fair records are basic to meeting our lawful, monetary,
and the board commitments. You ought to guarantee that all records and reports, including timecards,
client data, specialized and item data, correspondence, and public interchanges are thorough, fair,
exact, opportune, and reasonable. Try not to misquote realities, exclude basic data, or change records or
reports in any capacity to misdirect others, and never help others in doing as such. Deliberate control of
Apple records is a type of extortion.

Precision of Business Expenses You are liable for seeing all approaches and techniques with respect to
costs of doing business, including dinner and travel costs, and for submitting exact cost repayment
reports. Rules on everyday feast costs fluctuate around the world. For additional data, see the Travel
and Expense Policy.

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Records and Information Management Apple possesses all records and data in any structure, for
example, electronic or paper, that is made or gotten throughout doing Apple's business. Records are a
kind of data that should be kept in light of the fact that the data meets specific rules, and are recognized
in the Global Records Retention Schedule. Models incorporate corporate assessment reports, budget
summaries, plan archives, and staff records. Workers are liable for overseeing and safeguarding data
and records as per the Global Records and Information Management (RIM) Policy. Security regulations
might direct the way that long these records can be held. On occasion, Apple should hold records and
data past the typical maintenance period for lawful reasons or reviews. On the off chance that you have
records and data that are classified as under a "lawful hold" you shouldn't modify, obliterate, or erase
them in any capacity. Lawful will inform you of any legitimate holds you might be exposed to and what is
required. For more data, see the Global Records and Information Management site or contact the Global
Records and Information Management group.

Side Deals or Side Letters Apple officially records all agreements of the arrangements into which it
enters. Legally binding agreements characterize Apple's privileges, commitments, liabilities, and
bookkeeping medicines. We don't acknowledge business responsibilities beyond the conventional
contracting process oversaw by Legal. Side arrangements, side letters, or other casual documentation
made by workers without Legal oversight are impermissible. You shouldn't commit to any oral or
composed responsibilities that make another arrangement or adjust a current understanding without
getting endorsement through the proper contracting process.

The Apple Identity and Trademarks The Apple name, names of items (like iPhone), names of
administrations (like AppleCare), slogans, (for example, "Think Different"), and logos on the whole make
the Apple personality. Before freely utilizing any of these resources, survey the Trademark List,
Trademark and Copyright Guidelines, and Corporate Identity Guidelines for how to appropriately do as
such. You ought to likewise check with Legal prior to utilizing the item names, administration names,
slogans, or logos of any outsiders.

Outsider Intellectual Property Apple regards outsider protected innovation. Never utilize the protected
innovation of any outsider without consent or legitimate right. Assuming you are told or suspect that

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Apple might be encroaching on outsider licensed innovation, including licenses, copyrights, brand
names, or proprietary advantages, contact Legal.

Copyright-Protected Content

Never use or duplicate programming, music, recordings, distributions, or other copyright-safeguarded

content at work or for business purposes except if you or Apple are legitimately allowed to utilize or
make duplicates of the safeguarded content. You ought to never utilize Apple offices or hardware to
make or store unapproved duplicates. For more data about private substance on Apple-possessed
gadgets, see the Employee Use of Electronic Systems and Communications Policy.

Apple Inventions, Patents and Copyrights

Apple has a vigorous patent program that safeguards developments connected with our current or
future items and administrations. You ought to present your development revelation to the Apple
Patent group by means of the Apple Patent System. It's ideal to present your development divulgence a
long time before you share a creation beyond Apple, regardless of whether under a NDA, in light of the
fact that doing so may think twice about's patent freedoms.

You might seek after, for your very own possession, innovations that (a) are not created utilizing Apple
gear, supplies, offices, or restrictive data; (b) didn't result from and were not proposed by work
performed by you, Apple, or Apple exclusive data; and (c) are not connected with Apple's flow or
expected business, items, exploration or improvement.

Be aware of conceivable encroachment of Apple's licenses and advise Legal of any potential
encroachments. In the event that you make unique material for Apple that requires copyright security,
for example, programming, put Apple's copyright notice on the work and present a copyright exposure
structure to Legal. For more data, see the Copyright Policy.

Exercises Related to Technical Standards

You should get the board and Legal endorsement prior to partaking in any exercises connected with
specialized guidelines. This incorporates joining a principles association or working gathering,
contributing innovation or code to a norm, or involving a norm in the improvement of an Apple item. For
more data, see the Standards Legal Policy or contact the Legal Standards group.

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Exercises Related to Open Source Software
Open source programming is typically by and large created programming with its source code made
accessible under an open source permit. Prior to utilizing, adjusting, or disseminating any open source
programming for Apple framework, or as a component of an Apple item or administration improvement
exertion, you should get the executives and Legal endorsement. For extra data on the most proficient
method to submit demands, visit Open Source at Apple. This site likewise incorporates data about
private commitments to Open Source and required endorsements.

Public Speaking and Press Inquiries

All open or outside talking commitment that connect with Apple's business or items should be pre-
supported by your administrator and Corporate Communications. Assuming your solicitation is
supported, you may not ask for or acknowledge any type of individual pay from the association that
mentioned your investment, yet you might acknowledge repayment for brought about costs. All
requests from the media, industry, or monetary investigator local area should be alluded to Corporate
Communications or Investor Relations.

Apple is focused on treating everybody in our business and production network with poise and regard,
to maintaining basic freedoms across our worldwide organization of providers, and to safeguarding the
planet we as a whole offer. Illegal exploitation and the utilization of compulsory work are completely
disallowed in Apple's store network and our own business activities. On the off chance that you become
mindful of illegal exploitation or conduct supporting illegal exploitation, you should report this action to
Business Conduct straightaway. Some Apple representatives who collaborate with the U.S. government
should keep extra prerequisites set for government workers for hire. For more data, see the Anti-Human
Trafficking Policy

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1. Apple Inc. Business Application Development. 2014. Web.

2. Arjoon, Surendra. Corporate Governance: An Ethical Perspective, Trinidad: University
of the West Indies, 2009. Print.
3. Drucker, Peter. People and Performance. Massachusetts, Boston: Harvard Business
School Publishing, 2007. Print.

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