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Notification Recommendation

For PR Creator For PR Approver

Assigned comments
(Will notify you when any comment is as-signed to a Enable Enable
team member in a task you're watching)
Resolved comments Enable Enable
Comment assigned to me
(Will notify you when a team member as-signs you a Enable Enable
Comments I'm mentioned in Enable Enable
New comments Enable Disable
Reactions Disable Disable
Disable, or Don't notify me when Disable, or Don't notify me when
new tasks are created new tasks are created
Asignee changes Disable Disable
Recurring Notifications Enable Enable
Status changes Disable Disable
Tasks assigned to me Enable Enable
Dependency: Waiting on Disable Disable
Dependency: Blocking Disable Disable
Dependency: Unblocked Disable Disable
Dependency: Linked Disable Disable
Location changes Disable Disable
Description updated Disable Disable
Descriptions I'm @mentioned in Enable Disable
Attachment changes Enable Disable
Task Name changes Disable Disable
Merged Disable Disable
Checklist items created Disable Disable
Checklist items assigned to me Disable Disable
Checklist items resolved Disable Disable
Custom Filed Changes Disable Disable
Start and Due Dates
Due Date changes Enable Enable
Due Date overdue Enable Enable
Before Start Date reminder Disable Disable
Before Due Date reminder Enable Enable
After overdue reminder Enable Enable
Daily Due Dates summary email Enable Enable
Start date changes Disable Disable
Priority Changes Disable Disable
Tags added Enable Enable
Tag removed Disable Disable
Time estimate added/changed Optional Optional
Time tracking added/changed Optional Optional
Sprint points added/changed Optional Optional
Incomplete warning resolved Optional Optional
ClickBot notification Disable Disable
Github Disable Disable
Gitlab Disable Disable
Bitbucket Disable Disable
List Info
Comments I'm @mentioned in Enable Enable
Descriptions I'm @mentioned in Enable Enable
New comments Enable Disable
Reactions Disable Disable
Assignee changes Disable Disable
List assigned to me Enable Enable
Attachment changes Disable Disable
Prioortiy changed Disable Disable
Chat views
Comments I'm @mentioned in Disable Disable
New comments Disable Disable
Reactions Disable Disable
Reminders Enable Enable
Task shared with me Enable Disable
Folder shared with me Enable Disable
Pages I'm @mentioned in Enable Disable

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