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INSTITUTO CAMBRIDGE de Cultura Inglesa – MARZO 2014

1 TIME: 2 hours



5 x 0.3=1.5 marks
extra words

flip-flops turned on put on tested opened plastic took off switched off

Ben went into the bathtub. He was going to take a nice bath so he 1)_______________ the hot and cold  water
taps. He 2)________________ the temperature. It wasn't hot enough. He adjusted the hot water tap. The
temperature was just right. He was ready for a truly relaxing moment after a tiring day. Ben
3)_______________ his clothes and his 4)__________________ and went into the tub. He grabbed the bar of
soap out of the soap dish and started washing his face. While his eyes were closed to keep out the soap, he put
the soap back into the dish. Then he reached for the 5) _________________ container of shampoo on the tub.
The bottle slipped out of his hands and landed on his left foot. What a horrible pain!


1- Students are not _____ wear jeans in this school. a) let b) make c) allowed to
2- Did you _____ that jacket before you bought it? a) put on b) try on c) get on
3- _____ Meg was tired, she went out with her friends. a) Despite b) Although c) However
4- Paul offered _____ me a lift home. a) giving b) give c) to give

MATCH A LINE FROM “A” WITH A LINE FROM “B”. Write the corresponding
4 x 0.25 = 1 mark
number from B in the box. There are two extra phrases in column B.

a You can’t go out and play 1 if you do your homework.
b I will tell her the truth 2 must be at work.
c She had a pain in her leg and can’t walk.She 3 if I had finished my exercises.
d Mrs Kent asked me 4 unless you finish your work.
5 can’t have gone to work.
6 when she comes.

TN4-MOD 01M 1
EXCHANGES Match a line from A with a line from B to make short exchanges. Write
4 x 0.25 = 1 mark
the corresponding number from B in the box. There are two extra phrases in B.

a What on earth happened? 1 That’s really miserable!

b Do you fancy going to tonight’s concert? 2 I’m sorry.

c I got a part-time job! 3 Can I leave a message?

d I’m afraid Mrs Kingston can’t speak to you now. 4 Yes, what time does it start?

5 Good for you!

6 I almost fell down to the ground.

REWRITE THESE SENTENCES. Use the words in brackets without changing them. 6 x 0.25 = 1.5 marks

1) I bought a magazine at the station. Then I got onto the train.



2) I’m not eighteen yet and I cannot travel without my parents’ permission.


3) “Did you see the accident?”, the policeman asked.



4) I’ll see Paul tomorrow.I’ll give him the book then.


5) A man is standing at the door. He has written many books. (WHO)


6) They are investigating the crime. (INVESTIGATED)



OF THE VERBS IN BRACKETS. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, the Past Simple
10 x 0.2=2 marks
or Continuous, the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous, the Past Perfect, the ‘Going to’ or
the Simple Future.
Samantha 1) (rent) ___________________ flats since she can remember and she is really tired of it. One reason is
her rent keeps going up. Every year her landlord 2) (raise) ___________ the rent by five percent. Another reason is
her neighbours. “The new neighbours seem to be more inconsiderate than the ones who moved out," she said. "My
first neighbour 3) (be) ____________ a door-slammer. After he 4) (move) _______________ out, a saxophonist
moved in. He practised two hours a day. On Saturday his friends would come over and I could hear a whole band. I
called the police, but they said saxophone playing is permitted in apartments for up to four hours a day”.
"I 5) (be) _______________ lucky all my life," said Howard, a middle-aged man. "My neighbours couldn't have
been any better if I 6) (choose) ________________ them myself. One neighbour was a chef. He 7) (bring)
_________________ me the best cakes in the world. Another neighbour was a pianist. She played the most
delightful music.”
Different persons have different attitudes. One day Samantha got home while her neighbour 8) (play)
___________________ the saxophone. She found it very irritating. Yet, Howard regarded him as exciting. Millions

TN4-MOD 01M 2
of people 9) (be) _______________ happy if they had such a neighbour! However, there 10) (be) _______________
millions who wouldn’t.

READING . Read this text and circle T for true or F for false 8 x 0.25=2 marks

A cartoonist working for a major newspaper heard about what happened and did a cartoon about it. The
owner of a shop in New York saw the cartoon and decided to make a stuffed toy bear, which he later
put in his shop window. The new toy was immediately popular, and the name ‘Teddy’ became popular.

Strangely, at the same time the teddy bear was also invented in Europe by people who almost certainly
didn’t know about the Roosevelt story. A small business in Germany run by a woman called Margarete
Steiff had been producing stuffed toy animals such as dogs, cats and elephants for about twenty years.
One day, her nephew Richard suggested that the company start making bears as well. The new toy was
first produced in 1902. The first bears produced by the Steiff Company had long snouts, just like real
bears, while ‘Teddy’s Bear’ in New York had a more rounded head.

Just over a hundred years after it was invented, the teddy bear is possibly still the world’s most popular
toy for small children. No doubt many people reading this will remember having a teddy bear when
they were very small – in fact some have probably kept that bear. It isn’t only children who acquire
teddy bears, of course; they are also a popular present on St Valentine’s Day.

The most common story about the invention of the teddy bear involves Theodore Roosevelt, who was
president of the United States in the early years of the twentieth century and whose nickname was
‘Teddy’. In 1902, the President was on a bear hunting trip when the other hunters asked if he wanted to
shoot a bear that they had tied to a tree. As he didn’t think this was proper hunting, he refused.

TASK A: Number the paragraphs in the correct order

TASK B : Circle T for True and F for False

1 A cartoonist made the first stuffed teddy bear. T F

2 Toy animals were sold in Europe before the teddy bear. T F
3 The bear was given the name of a group of hunters. T F
4 The text explains why teddy bears are sold on Valentine’s Day. T F

TN4-MOD 01M 3

WRITING 10 marks

Use 110 to 140 words to write AN EMAIL to a friend. You are now on holiday in your favourite
city/seaside resort. You have been there for a week now. Tell him/her about the journey, where you are
staying, what you have done so far and your next week’s plans.


TN4-MOD 01M 4
TEXT: 1-turned on 2-tested 3-took off 4-flip-flops 5-plastic
CIRCLE: 1-c 2-b 3-b 4-c
MATCH: a-4 b-6 c-5 d-3
EXCHANGES: a-6 b-4 c-5 d-3
REWRITE: 1) Before getting/ before I got onto the train, I bought a magazine at the station. 2) If I was/were
older/18, I could travel without my parents’ permission. 3) The policeman asked (me) if I had seen the accident.
4) When I see Tom (tomorrow), I’ll give him... 5) The man who is standing at the door has written many books.
6) The crime is being investigated.
TENSES: 1) has been renting 2) raises 3) was 4) (had) moved 5) have been 6) had chosen 7) brought / would
bring / used to bring 8) was playing 9) would be 10) are
READING: Task A A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2 Task B 1-F 2-T 3-F 4-F

TN4-MOD 01M 5

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