Nations and Nationalities

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What nationality

are you?

Time: 45 minutes


- Lecture slide: Foundation 1 - Lesson 22 - What nationality are you?

- There is 1 video for this lesson:

1. Slide 2:
- Flashcards
- Whiteboard and pen.

General notes:

- Speed: For each level, speed is really important. Speed will be decided based on the
student's English level. The higher level, the faster speed. Speed will also depend on
the students’ characteristics.
- Pronunciation: For ESL student, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class using the back-chaining technique.
- The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
- As students are adults, T should ask a lot of questions as well as giving examples to
enhance interaction and to check S’s comprehension. T may ask S to share their own
experience related to the lesson topic.
- If the student cannot answer, the teacher can ask guiding questions to help the S to
get to the answer.

- For students at low levels, T should explain the vocabulary/ grammar points/ answers
with simple sentences and examples.
For students at higher levels, T should ask S to explain their answers.

!!! Please make sure that the student tool mode is ON during class. For writing
activities, please ask the student to TYPE on the slide or in the chat box.

Evaluate the student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to
fill in the performance evaluation for the student via Kyna Teacher’s App or . This is compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be
noticed that the form should be filled in for each class within 24 hours.


(1 min)

Teacher introduces himself or herself; ask for student's name

- Teacher introduces his/her name, nationality
- Teacher asks "What is your name?" and helps the student to reply.


How many countries and

nationalities can you

(3 mins)

T: Let's learn some new words about nations and nationalities through a video. Then answer
the question.

T plays the video and lets S watch without interruption.

Then T asks the question: How many countries and nationalities can you remember after
watching the video? (It's ok if S can't remember all of them.)

Answer key:
Countries: Viet Nam, Japan, America, Korea, Canada
Nationalities: Vietnamese, Japanese, American, Korean, Cananidian.

Now, let's have a look at the flags of some countries in the world.
And listen to me carefully!"
The first one is ... Viet Nam - I'm from Viet Nam.
Vietnamese - I'm Vietnamese.

And the next one is ....Japan - I'm from Japan.

Japanese - I'm Japanese.

Let's continue with ... America - I'm from America.

American - I'm American.

Ohhh, It's ....Korea - I'm from Korea.
Korean - I'm Korean.

And finally, it's .... Canada - I'm from Canada.

Canadian - I'm Canadian.
Look and fill in the missing word

Example 1 2 3

Nation Malaysia Viet Nam Korea


Nationality Malaysian Canadian

……………….... ………………....

(4 mins)

T: Let's check your memorization of what you have learned. You will look at the pictures and
put the words into the correct column. Le'ts have a look at the given words first.

T asks S to read each given word first.

T continues: Let's look at the example first. This is a flag of Malaysia and its nationality is
Malaysian. So I will write the word 'Malaysia' here. (circle the word to demonstrate).Now, your

T circles each picture and signal S to say the answer orally first. Then grant tool for S to type
the answer.

T gives feedback and corrections. T should fix S's pronunciation errors as needed.

Answer key:

1. Vietnamese
2. Canada
3. Korean

Look and fill in the missing word

Example 4 5 6

Nation Malaysia Japan

……………….... ………………....

Nationality Malaysian American English



Answer key:

4. America
5. Japanese
6. England

Unscramble the letters

1 2 3

glEandn Canaad iceraAm

4 5 6

nKeaor apsaneJe etnViseame


(4 mins)

T: Now, let's look at these words! There are 2 unnecessary letters in each word, your job is to
cross them out to get a correct spelling. Then write the word again in the blank.

T circles each word and asks: What word is this? - and signal S to say it aloud and identify
which letters are not necessary. Then T grants tool for S to cross the letters and type the
correct word in the blank.

T gives feedback and corrections.

Answer key:
1. England
2. Canada
3. America
4. Korean
5. Japanese
6. Vietnamese

Point and say

Hi. I'm Nick. Where are you


Hi, Nick. I'm Jane. I'm from America. I'm


Zed Soobin Akiko Tony Anna


(4 mins)

T: Let's practice with this exercise. Let's have a look at the example first. I will be Nick & you
will be Jane.

T and S role-play the example.

Then T asks S to practise the conversation with other people: Now you imagine that you are
Zed, Soobin, Akiko, Tony and Anna. You introduce your name, where you are from and your
nationality to me. OK? ... Let's go!

T and S role-play the conversation. T should fix S's pronunciation errors.

Answer key:
1. Hi. I'm Zed. I'm from Canada. I'm Canadian.
2. Hi. I'm Soobin. I'm from Korea. I'm Korean.
3. Hi. I'm Akiko. I'm from Japan. I'm Japanese.
4. Hi. I'm Tony. I'm from Australia. I'm Australian.
5. Hi. I'm Anna. I'm from England. I'm English.

Read and fill in the blanks

Korea, Japanese, Americans, Korean

Japan, America, England, Sunday

Hello. I’m Julia. Today is (1) _________. I have Julia Mary + John
a picnic with many friends at the park. I’m from
(2) __________. Mary and John are from (3)
___________. They are (4) ____________ .
Kasuke is (5) __________. He is from (6)
__________. And Hyun is from (7)
___________, a (8) __________. My friends
and I like picnic very much.
Kasuke Huyn

(5 mins)

T: Let's read and choose the correct word to fill in each blank.

T signals S to read the given words first. Then introduces the friends and asks S to guess their

Then S reads the text and choose the correct answer to fill in each blank and types it. T gives
feedback and fix their pronunciation when needed. T should avoid interrupting S when S is

Answer key:
1. Sunday 2. England 3. America 4. Americans
5. Japanese 6. Japan 7. Korea 8. Korean

Sample Conversation

Hi. My name is Zoey. What

is your name? Hello. I'm Kiko.

Ohh, Kiko. Where are you

from? I'm from Japan.

Where in Japan? Tokyo.

And what nationality are you? Japanese. Where are you

from Zoey?
Zoey Kiko
Oh I'm from Australia and I Your nationality is
live in Sydney. Australian, right?

That's it! I'm Australian.

Nice to meet you too.
Nice to meet you, Kiko!

(3 mins)

T: Let's go through a conversation between Zoey and Kiko and learn some structures about

T asks S to look at the sample conversation.

T lets S read the conversation in 30 seconds. T asks S to identify the questions about
countries and nationalities in the conversation.

Then T asks S to role-play the conversation before exploring the new structures.

Asking and answering questions about someone's nation and hometown

1. Where are you from?

--> I'm from + country.
2. Where is he/ she from?
--> He's/ She's from + country.
Example: 3. Where in + country?
Where are you from? --> town or city's name of
I'm from Viet Nam. the country
a) Where is he from?
He's from America.
b) Where is she from?
Where in Japan?
She's from Canada.

(3 mins)

T: Now, let's learn new structures to know how to ask and answer questions about where
someone is from.
When you want to ask where someone is from, we can say: Where are you from? And you can
answer this question: I am from ... or I'm from ...
Then T points to the example and asks S to identify the structure, then role-play.

T follows similar steps for other structures.

Then T recaps the structures by asking S:

1. What question do we use when asking someone where they are from? - Where are you
2. With 'He', 'She', how can you make the question? - Where is he/ she from?
3. What sentences do we use when answering those questions? - I'm from.../ He's from ..../
She's from .......
4. If you want to ask more about the place in the country, how can you say? - 'Where in' plus
the country.
(T can remind S by emphasizes the structures on the slide if they can't remember)

After that, T reminds S the attraction forms of 'I am', 'He is', 'She is' and asks S to repeat twice.

Asking and answering questions about someone's nationality

1. What nationality are you?

--> I'm + nationality.

What nationality are you?
I'm Vietnamese.

2. What nationality is he/ she?

--> He's/ She's + nationality.

a) What nationality is he?
He's American.

b) What nationality is she?

She's Canadian.

(3 mins)

T: Now, let's keep going with another structure to know how to ask and answer questions
about soneone's nationality.
To ask about the nationality, we say: What nationality are you?
We answer: I am .... . For example: I am Korean.

Then T points to the example and asks S to identify the structure, then role-play.

T follows similar steps for other structures.

Then T recaps the structures by asking S:

1. What question do we use when asking someone's nationality? - What nationality are you?
2. With 'He', 'She', how can you make the question? - What nationality is he/ she?
3. What sentences do you use when answering those questions? - I'm/ He's/ She's plus
(T can remind S by emphasizes the structure on the slide if they can't remember)

Point and say

Where are you from?

I'm from ......................... .

Malaysia Australia Japan England


(4 mins)

T: Okay, let's practice asking and answering questions about where these people from. Let's
look at the example first! I will be the man and you will be the woman. Now, I will ask you:
T: Where are you from? (signal S to answer about himself/ herself)
S: I'm from ...... . (depend on S's country)

*the 1st round:

T continues: Now imagine that we're these people (circle the 3 other students on the slide), we
will take turns to ask and answer the same as the example.

*the 2nd round:

After that, T says: It's time to change the question into Where is he/ she from? to ask about
where they are from. For example: Look at the 1st person!
I will ask you: Where is she from? (signal S to answer)
S: She's from Malaysia.

Then T and S take turn to ask and answer with the rest.

T should fix S's pronunciation errors.

Answer key:

*the 1st round:
1. I'm from Malaysia.
2. I'm from Australia.
3. I'm from Japan.
4. I'm from England.

*the 2nd round:

1. She's from Malaysia.
2. He's from Australia.
3. She's from Japan.
4. He's from England.
Point and say

What nationality are you?

I'm ............................ .

Malaysian Australian Japanese English


(3 mins)

T: Now, let's continue to practice asking and answering questions about nationality. Let's look
at the example first! I will be that teacher and you will be the student. Now, I will ask you:
T: What nationality are you? (signal S to answer about himself/ herself)
S: I'm ...... (depend on S's nationality)

*the 1st round:

T continues: Now imagine that we're these students (circle the 3 other students on the slide),
we will take turn to ask and answer the same as the example.

*the 2nd round:

After that, T says: It's time to change the question into What nationality is he/ she? to ask
about their nationality. For example: Look at the 1st girl!
I will ask you: What nationality is she? (signal S to answer)
S: She's Malaysian.

Then T and S take turn to ask and answer with the rest.

T should fix S's pronunciation errors.

Answer key:

*the 1st round:
1. I'm Malaysian.
2. I'm Australian.
3. I'm Japanese.
4. I'm English.

*the 2nd round:

1. She's Malaysian.
2. He's Australian.
3. She's Japanese.
4. He's English.
Unscramble the words

1. from/ where/ you/ are 5. you/ what/ nationality/ are

___________________________ ? ___________________________ ?

2. he/ from/ is/ where 6. from/ she's/ Canada

___________________________ ? ___________________________ .

3. is/ from/ America/ he 7. nationality/ he/ what/ is

___________________________ ? ___________________________ ?

4. in/ England/ where 8. Australian/ is/ she

___________________________ ? ___________________________ .


(4 mins)

T: Now, let's unscramble the words to make complete questions and sentences.

T asks S to say aloud each sentence/ question. T checks and gives feedback. Then T grants
tool for S to type the correct answers on the slide.

Answer key:
1. Where are you from?
2. Where is he from?
3. He is from America.
4. Where in England?
5. What nationality are you?
6. She's from Canada.
7. What nationality is he?
8. She is Australian.

Point and say

Linda An Dan
A: What's her name?

B: Her name is Linda.

A: Where is she from?

B: She's from America.

A: Where in America?

B: New York.

A: What nationality is


B: She's American.
New York Ha Noi Osaka

(3 mins)

T: Let's practice speaking using the structures we have learned today. Let's have a look at the
example first. This is the information about Linda. Now, we will role-play the conversation to
ask and answer the questions about her.

T and S read the conversation. Then T and S change the role of each other to ask and answer
the information about Ann and Dan.

If there's remaining time, T asks similar questions about S.

T should fix S's pronunciation and grammar as needed.

Answer key:

A: What's her name?
B: Her name is Ann.
A: Where is she from?
B: She's from Viet Nam.
A: Where in Viet Nam?
B: Ha Noi.
A: What nationality is she?
B: She's Vietnamese.

A: What's his name?
B: His name is Dan.
A: Where is he from?
B: He's from Japan.
A: Where in Japan?
B: Osaka.
A: What nationality is he?
B: He's Japanese.
and remember to do


(1 min)

Teacher summarizes the lesson and ask the student to do homework.


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