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Diploma In EarlyChildhood

Semester 2 2020


Introduction To Children Development

MATRICULATION NO : 010611070112001

IDENTITY CARD NO : 010611-07-0112

TELEPHONE NO : 016-3289169


LEARNING CENTRE : Pulau Pinang Learning Centre

PART 1(TWO Developmental Domains)..........................................................................................4
PART 2 (Have to observe and evaluate a child between ages 1 to 6 years old.).............................7

There is a Chinese Folklore saying: "Look at the old when you are three, and look at the
young when you are seven." It means that the temperament of a child at the age of three can
predict his mental and behavioral behavior in old age and his behavior at about seven years old.
The characteristics can predict his behavioral characteristics during childhood from 7 to 8 years
old to 11 to 12 years old .

Child development is divided into several main areas are physiology (physical),
intelligence (brain), communication (sign language and spoken language) and social
(relationship with others). Any action of a child may include skills in various fields. For
example, a child reaches out his hand. He used this movement for a person to hold . In the
physical skill showing he stretched out his hand. Intellectual skills is looks he want knows you
and want to become your friend. In communication skills that he tells you what he wants.
Last ,for social skills shows he likes you to hold him. In a simple act, but with a lot of skills that
we need to know .

The educational content of kindergartens is comprehensive and enlightening and can be

divided into physical development,cognitive development, language development and social
emotional development and other five areas can also be divided into other different. And the
content of each field penetrates each other, which can promote the development of children's
emotions, attitudes, abilities, knowledge, and skills from different perspectives. Therefore,
learning in the five major areas is very necessary for the development of children. But this
asignment i will choose to focus on language development and social emotional development.
PART 1(TWO Developmental Domains)

Social emotional development refers to a person’s learning activities in the affective

domain in order to better adapt to the social environment, establish social relationships, fulfill
social obligations, and complete social work in the process of their growth and development.

The emotional behavior and emotional skills necessary for these activities include not
only the relevant course learning during school learning, but also the practical learning carried
out in social activities.There are two main views on the emotional development of children.
One group believes that children’s emotions are inherent, while the other group believes that
they are acquired. Some researchers believe that children have basic emotions at birth, such as
sadness, anger, happiness, fear, etc.

Adults can become realization realization of their emotions through the facial expressions
of children. But other researchers believe that children have limited emotions at birth, and their
emotions are actually acquired through learning over time and are related to social cognition.

Especially in the one to two years after the birth of the child, this situation is especially
obvious.The early social and emotional development of children is the most important period of
growth and development from birth to school age. In the early stages, children not only take the
first step or say their first words, but also establish expectations for the world and others through
relationships with other people, and for the first time cultivate the social and emotional abilities
to get along with other people in life.

Conclusion, the express and manage multiple emotions is the abilities first cultivated
are very important to children, because they form the basis of children's continuous development.
If they are not handled properly, they will affect their current and future physical and mental
health and well-being. Babies are natural communicators, able to experience and express
multiple emotions. Through multiple positive interactions with caregivers, babies will develop a
good sense of self and enjoy relationships with other people. They will also learn how to
manage multiple emotions and how to communicate effectively to meet their own needs.
Second , language is a tool for communication and thinking. The development of
children’s language throughout the field also has an important impact on the learning and
development of other fields while children use language to communicate, they are also
developing manpower, the ability to understand others and the ability to judge interaction
situations, and the ability to organize their own thoughts. The pragmatic ability that children
grow up in the process of communication is mainly manifested in how children use
appropriate language to express their communication tendencies.

The development of human language is a process that begins in the early stages of life.
Language is a medium for learning and understanding things around. The golden period of
children's language development is from birth to six years old. The baby does not understand
language at first, but by the age of 10 months, the baby can recognize the voice and start to speak
until he can finish speaking a paragraph. The speed of language development varies with
individual factors.

The development of human language is a process that begins in the early stages of
life. Language is a medium for learning and understanding things around. The golden period of
children's language development is from birth to six years old. The baby does not understand
language at first, but by the age of 10 months, Although he can't speak yet, he can understand
what you are saying. Afterthat ,the baby can recognize the voice and start to speak until he can
finish speaking a paragraph. The speed of language development varies with individual factors.
Some children develop faster or slower than normal.

Crying is the only language used by newborns at birth, because they only use crying to
represent their emotional and physical reactions such as hunger, pain, and urination. And babies
of 2 to 3 months have involuntarily made "ah", "yi", "oh" and other sounds. Some children have
early language development. They can consciously call "dad" and "mother" when they are about
1 year old. Later, they begin to express more meanings in simple forms, such as "fanfan" for
"this is rice". Or "I want to eat" etc.

When children are 2 to 3 years old, their pronunciation skills are greatly improved, and
their vocabulary is also greatly increased, and they can use single sentences or even simple
compound sentences to express their wishes or surrounding situations. The development of
speech promotes the budding of self-awareness. Children begin to distinguish themselves from
objects and use "I" to express their needs and wishes. Although the pronunciation is not
completely accurate when they are 3 years old, they have basically mastered the phonetic system
of their mother tongue. 4-year-old children can talk clearly and enjoy talking with family and

At the age of 5-6, children no longer focus on self-expression in their communication

with peers and adults. They can consider other people’s feelings more and adjust the content of
the conversation, and their language expression skills are significantly improved. At this stage,
children have basically mastered the language system of their mother tongue, and can control
language, the most important communication tool, more freely.

Conclusion and Outlook, sometimes our anxiety comes from being overwhelmed and
unable to find a way or direction. If you have a complete parenting map, even if you encounter a
boulder on the way, you will be determined to move forward and find a way to remove the
boulder. So when we understand the characteristics of each stage of the children's social and
emotional development, we can hold this parenting map and accompany the children gently and
firmly. A stable circle is the driving force for the child to move forward, and it can also help
parents think about how to respond to the child effectively and support the child to continue to

PART 2 (have to observe and evaluate a child between ages 1 to 6

years old.)
Emotion is an important aspect of mental activity. It reflects the relationship between
objective things and personal needs, and has the function of establishing, maintaining and
changing the relationship between individuals and the outside world. Generally speaking,
emotion is the concrete form and direct experience of emotion, and emotion is the generalization
of emotional experience.

Emotions are of great significance to children's physical and mental development and
personality formation. Emotionally happy young children, physically healthy and full of energy,
can deal with difficulties and setbacks calmly and objectively, and find ways to overcome them.
Children who are depressed, their motivation, determination and desire to succeed are more
likely to be suppressed and destroyed, which will hinder them from developing the ability to
learn from experience. It can be said that although positive emotions can guarantee a child's
future success, it can at least lay the foundation for success.

Children already have the most basic emotions when they are born, with the possibility of
gradual socialization. Soon after birth, children can express happy or angry emotions. When
interacting face to face with people they know, children will show positive emotions. At this
time, children will begin to learn how to express their emotions. When you meet someone you
don't like, you will choose not to approach him. On the contrary, encounters that can give them a
sense of happiness and security will choose to approach them. When faced with danger, it will
show fear and tension.

Children can learn how to cater to the emotions of others in this process. Children
often observe adults, gradually remember when and which emotions should be used to respond
to adults, and through interaction with adults, they constantly adjust their behavior to make them
more appropriate. For example, the interaction between a 3-month-old child and the mother is
very close. If the mother smiles, the child smiles; the mother looks cold and the child looks cold;
the mother avoids the child, and the child also avoids the mother.

It can be seen that children as young as 3 months have initially acquired the ability to
adjust behavior and emotions and can interact closely with their parents. At the age of 1 to 2,
emotions such as shyness, embarrassment, jealousy, pride and guilt develop rapidly. In the
process of interacting with others, children between 1 and 2 years old begin to understand what
embarrassment is, what is shy, and what is guilt. All these emotions are very helpful to the
development of children's self-awareness. When children feel ashamed or embarrassed, there
will be some corresponding behaviors, such as covering their face with their hands, lowering
their heads, etc.

When children are three to four years old, all their emotions are exposed. They laugh
when they are happy, and cry when they are anxious; they stay close to those they like, and stay
close to those they don't like. Their emotions are not disguised or false, they are pure and true.
They are not good at controlling and regulating their emotions, and they often show that their
tears are still wet and they laugh happily. For example, when they get a toy, they laugh with joy,
and when the toy is taken away, they cry anxiously. In addition, children at this stage often lose
their temper due to changes in the environment or small things. They can't control themselves at
all. They can't even listen to good words and cannot calm down in a short time. At this time, the
children will present themselves according to the family members’ giving or expressing their
emotions. The responsibility of being a family member is to demonstrate your role well.

When children is five to six years old, for the sentence master stage. Children can use
simple sentences and more complex sentences, master most of the grammatical structure, and
can understand the abstract relationship of words a little bit. At this time, the communication
between parents and children should pay attention to complete sentence expressions, and
serve as a model for the children.

At the same time, children should be trained to follow instructions and do things, so as to
prepare language for school. 5 years old “adult”, complete grammar stage. Since then, children
have gradually established adult-like language skills, and in this process, children are still
constantly expanding their vocabulary, improving their expression and language application in
the environment, but no longer adding new language forms. This period is a period of significant
growth in individual communication ability. From this time to 12 years old, language
development will undergo fundamental changes, not only the complexity of sentences, but also
the meaning of sentences and the use of language develop to advanced levels. The most
significant change is that children learn to read and write in language.

Let's talk about an example in life. When a child arrives at a bookstore and wants to
choose a book that she likes, lastly she was chooses 5 story books, and her mother tells her that
it is not possible, you only can choose one stroy book. At this time, the child lost her temper and
started crying. Some parents would think that crying means winning and choose to compromise.
At this moment , mother told to the kids kindly that we can only bring home a storybook this
time. Next time you if you are obedient, mom will buy for you another one. When a child is a
certain age, she will become a little mature and slowly choose to accept things on the ground.
Small conclusion ,from this situation that can happened daily in each family, we can see that
communication between children and parents is very important. When the child is right, the
parents have to give it to the child. On the contrary, when the child makes a mistake, we cannot
tolerate but tell them the correct way to setteld the problem.We always have to think that
children can listen well than adltus.

As family members, we can provide support for children's social and emotional
development through the following ways frequent face-to-face communication, including eye
contact, smile, and laugh together comfort and help children manage their emotions; use social
and emotional skills by ourselves .

Second ,show your children how these abilities work example talk to your children
about your own mistakes, apologize, try to do things better, and show your children that these are
all part of life for everyone learning opportunities.

Third, the most important thing is to provide opportunities to interact with other
people such as playing with other children, inviting other children to your house, going to the
park to play with other children, etc. So that children can be higher than others Social and
emotional skills.

Of course in life, we can try to let the children come into contact with some fresh things
by themselves, and the parents will silently support them later. Let me share the real events in
life. A parent has two children aged 5 and 6. In the eyes of others, they will get what they want.
But they did not. All things must rely on their own efforts in exchange for. When they realize
their mistakes, they will not choose to lose their temper but to accept.

At the end, young children develop their social and emotional abilities through a vast
network of relationships including other adults and children. Children's social and emotional
abilities are constantly developing. But different children may have different developments in
ability. Provide them with multiple learning and practice opportunities, which can benefit them.
Next , Language is the most important communication tool for human beings and the
main way of expression for people to communicate.From babies to the elderly, language is
certainly important to us. It represents the information to be conveyed and allows us to better
understand the ins and outs of things.

Language is a tool for communication and thinking. Early childhood is an important

period for language development, especially oral development. The development of children’s
language throughout the field also has an important impact on the learning and development of
other fields: while children use language to communicate, they are also developing manpower,
the ability to understand others and the ability to judge interaction situations, and the ability to
organize their own thoughts.

Language preparation stage – (stage 1 to 3 years old children's early stage). The first
phase of language development-words and sentences: from the 12th to the 18th month of the
child's birth. Children in this period often use a simple vocabulary to replace and express the
meaning contained in a complete sentence. Will use gestures, facial expressions, etc. to assist in
expressing their wishes. For example, when the baby is hungry, he will cry to tell him what is
happening now.

The second stage of language from the 18th month to the 24th month. As children in
this period have a deeper understanding of the surrounding environment, their vocabulary has
increased rapidly. Children use two or three unrelated simple words instead of expressing the
meaning of complete sentences. Outside, the car, which means: push the car to go outside.
The third stage of language between 24 months and 36 months. During this period, the children's
vocabulary has increased significantly, and they will use simple sentences that are strong in logic
and contain subject predicates. At this time, the child will start to learn how to listen to the
parent’s language and also try to understand what the parent/teacher expresses.

Language completion period also known as the transitional period of compound

sentences (5-6 years old children). Children in this period will use the vocabulary they have
mastered to express their wishes, simply describe their inner thoughts, pronounce them correctly,
and learn the rules of forming words into sentences. However, simple sentences still occupy a
certain proportion in life. With the increase of age, simple sentences are replaced by more and
more compound sentences. From this time to the age of 12, the development of language will
undergo a fundamental change, not only the complexity of sentences, but also the meaning of
sentences and the use of language to advanced development. The most significant change is that
children learn to read and write in language .

Early childhood is the most sensitive and critical period for language learning, as well as
the fastest period for vocabulary storage. Therefore, early childhood language training is worthy
of attention, and it is urgent to cultivate children's language ability.

How to cultivate children's language skills? The first parent/teacher must learn to
listen carefully. As a parent/teacher, while you work hard to express to your children, you must
also work hard to listen to the children's various words. By doing this, you will let your child
understand.When you or other people speak, he should also listen carefully. When we face
children aged 5-6, we don’t have to worry because they have enough understanding to
understand what we want to express, but when I observe, I will find that when parents/teachers
face age when the younger children are young, they lose their care and ignore them. They just
start to learn how to speak and are a little unclear but sometimes we feel annoying and ignore
them. Such behavior can cause harm and prevent children from expressing their emotions.

Second, we can keep the sentences short. If you want your children to focus quickly,
the best way is short. Short words are usually more influential. The younger the child, the
shorter your sentences should be to create a good language environment for the child. For
example, you can’t do this. A simple explanation will let the child understand in a short time.
Language learning is not only related to children's individual differences, but also closely related
to the language communication environment. A free and relaxed language communication
environment can enable children to develop good language communication habits.

The conclusion with the further development of language and social communication,
children gradually learn to adjust the content of their language according to who their listeners
are and when and how to use them, and gradually learn to express them in an appropriate way.
The vast majority of 4-year-old children already know how to adjust their language in some
obvious situations. For example, they use longer sentences and more complex grammatical
structures when talking with adults than when talking with 2-year-olds. The further development
of this language enables them to have more accurate and coordinated conversations in their daily
interactions with adults.




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