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An adage says, "Rich are getting richer, and poor are getting poorer," and there is
no iota of doubt that it stands vindicated for a rising India too. Our country has
seen this phenomenon uncoiling at a population scale with startup speed in a
short span. Many proletariats have lost their jobs, and the ones who have a job are
earning little over sustenance. This is coming when the CPI, though within the RBI
limits, is high. This, in turn, has got a snowballing effect when it comes to their
children's education, health, and other necessities.

This is not to say that the GOI is not doing anything; it has taken a series of reforms
and steps necessary to mitigate these herculean problems.

But the question arises, 'What can the business leaders do?', 'Do businesses need
to care about this?', 'Social Responsibility is a purview of Government, not the
businesses, right?'

Most of us might not be apprehensive about these issues even after taking
cognizance of it. But like a needle in a haystack, one business leader thinks of
these very questions as the bread and butter of his life and is trying his level best
to come up with the solutions for the same. Christopher Blessing, CEO of Caere
India, has a vision of mitigating these desolate affairs in his capacity to transform
the lives of the lowest strata by giving voice to his team members (workers) and
creating higher value for them.

Chris had a vision of Transforming Spaces when he founded the company by

enhancing the customer experience. Over the period, as the company expanded
and grew, everyone except these workers grew along with it. Chris realized that
these workers were still making the bare minimum though they formed an
integral part of the company. Even today, they get a similar minimum wage
regardless of their experience. The skilled and experienced workers add more
value to the company as they are more efficient. Chris wants to change this
practice and reward people fairly. With experience, higher-level employees are
exposed to career management and career planning processes, which helps them
further their careers. But this is not the case with the workers. No one cares about
skilling these people, let alone bringing professionalism. This is because most
companies and the public in general still don't see them doing a respectable job.
He wants to change this scenario and work with a mission to Transforming Lives
by making these workers become self-sustainable and grow as the company
grows. But Chris was not sure how to make these workers self-sustainable*?

*A group of workers is self-sustainable if workers share ownership and responsibility for the work they do and
are able to resolve the disputes, if any, without any outside intervention.




Caere India was formed in 1999 with a mission of Transforming spaces to Ease
Lives and Enhance Performance. The spaces include all major industries like
hospitality, hospitals, manufacturing, retail, corporate offices, etc. Caere is
headquartered in Hyderabad, Telangana. The company started as a small
commercial cleaning company out of Hyderabad, which has now evolved into a
leading Pan India facility management company employing over 5,000
employees across 18 locations (refer to Appendix 1). The company is serving in five
regions and is serving various industries across 22 cities in India. Caere India caters
to below two verticals:

1. Integrated Facility Management: Integrating best of services ranging from

Housekeeping, Security, Landscaping, Engineering to Pest control and
corporate support services to deliver customized and comprehensive solutions
of client's properties. Other services include waste management, road
maintenance, Guesthouse management, etc.
2. Home Caere Division: People of India are very fond of their hygiene, but when
it comes to social hygiene, they wince, let alone Homes. GOI tackled this
problem by way of Swatch Bharat Abhiyan, but when it comes to taking care
of Home, the company is there to help. The company offers specialized
services such as carpet and upholstery shampooing, water tank cleaning,
Home organizing, to name a few.

Caere India is working across five regions in India: North, West in Mumbai,
AP/Telangana, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Each region has its Regional Outcome
Owner(ROO). Each ROO takes care of 4-5 states like Delhi ROO takes care of
Delhi/NCR, Punjab, U.P., Uttarakhand, and Haryana. The ROO of any region owns
the business, customer, and outcomes of that region.

In each region, the company has support and operations activities. The support
activities include the HR, Accounting, and Administrators Team.

The HR team does documentary level checks, enrolls the workers in the company
system, issues uniforms ID cards to the workers, assists in creating bank accounts,
any legal compliance, generation of employees' payrolls, and monitoring the
workers' attendance. Currently, there is training in place to skill the workers, but it
is not effectively instituted.

Each region is further divided into 2-3 large areas in charge by an Assistant
Manager. The number of Assistant Managers associated with a region depends on
how big the region is. Like, North India region has about 3000 workers which ROO
themselves can't manage. So, it is further divided into three areas, and an
Assistant Managers manage each area.



Under each Assistant Manager, there are various Field Officers. Each Field Officer
manages about 15-20 sites and 120-200 workers on average. These field officers are
the first point of contact for the workers as well as clients. They are in constant
contact with the workers and assign work to them. Once a new contract is in
place, he is responsible for onboarding workers who have previously worked with
the organization or searching and onboarding new members. If the sites have
more than 10 workers, supervisors are assigned for that site who help the field
officers by managing the workers.

At the lowest level of the pyramid, there are workers. Each worker works on
minimum wage. They are hired for a particular contract, and once the contract
ends, the worker's tenure terminates due to the cost-plus business model. These
workers are assigned to different clients and report to field officers.
To better understand the structure and compensation received at different levels,
kindly refer to Appendix 2


The core values of any organization describe who they are, what they do, and how
they do it. Currently, core values at Caere India are the following:

1. Ownership: Leaders are owners. They think long-term and don’t sacrifice long-
term value for short-term results. They act on behalf of the entire company,
beyond just their own team. They never say “that’s not my job."
2. Compassion & Respect: Leaders treat Adults as Adults and unconditionally
respect one another, they go out of the way to support and bring out the best
from people around them.
3. Customer Obsession: Leaders start with the customer and work backward.
They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay
attention to competitors, they obsess over customers - they put in every
needed effort to know their customers completely well.
4. Learn & Be Curious: Leaders are never done learning and always seek to
improve themselves. They are curious about new possibilities and act to
explore them.
5. Insist on the highest standards - Quality / Deliver WOW through Results:
Leaders have relentlessly high standards — many people may think these
standards are unreasonably high. Leaders are continually raising the bar and
driving their teams to deliver high-quality products, services, and processes.
Leaders ensure that defects do not get ignored and problems are permanently
6. Think Big: Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create and
communicate a bold direction that inspires results. They think differently and
look around corners for ways to benefit all stakeholders.
7. Bias for action & be a Change Agent: Speed matters in business. We value
experiments with thoughts via calculated risks that drive change and do not
need extensive study.



8. Frugality - Do more for Less: Accomplish more with less. Constraints breed
resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and invention. There are no extra points for
growing headcount, budget size, or fixed expense.
9. Earn Trust and build Honest Relations through Honest Communication:
Leaders listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat others respectfully. They are
vocally self-critical, even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing. They
benchmark themselves and their teams against the best.
10. Create a Fun and Be True to Yourself, Live with Passion and Purpose: Leaders
believe that they are different and are brave enough to just be themselves.
Leaders believe in having fun while at work and creating memorable experiences
for themselves, their colleagues, and their customers.
11. Team Obsession: Leaders are fanatics of self-managed and multi-disciplinary
teams. They believe in enhancing overall teams' abilities and performance.
Leaders believe that creating value for the team is the only way to create lasting
value for themselves.


In this fast-paced world, most of the company's credo is shareholders centric. But
a select few believe that shareholders' return is an outcome of how well you treat
your employee, customers, and the environment. Caere India is one among them,
with a vision to transform not only Spaces but also the lives of the lowest strata of

The company believes in allowing the ground employees a higher level of

engagement and say in the company's functioning. Currently, there is an
incentive system in place for the field officers based on the number of workers
they are managing (refer to Appendix 3). Unfortunately, this incentive method is
only limited to field officers and above levels. Thus, the firm is analyzing other
methods by which all the employees can be benefited from it. Team Members like
the company's organizational culture as it shows zero tolerance to
unparliamentary behavior, thus providing a safe environment for them; moreover,
the company never, in its 21 years existence, backed down from timely payments
to its team.

Feedback of both customers and team members is given importance in the
organization. It is of paramount importance to the company that the workers are
doing their job diligently and maintaining high quality. Also, it tries to protect the
interest of the workers by ensuring that there is a healthy working environment in
the workplace.

The clients are asked to fill in Customer Comment Cards (refer to Appendix 4) to
rate the workers' performance on various metrics such as professionalism, good
conduct, and dedication to work. The clients could write about all the good and
bad things about a particular worker.



The workers are asked to fill out an Employee Satisfaction Survey (refer to
Appendix 5). From this, the company tries to understand the likes and dislikes of
the workers towards their job, Caere, and their clients. Chris found that the
workers are reluctant to give bad reviews and always agree to the system. He is
looking for an effective and transparent feedback system from the workers.

In case of disputes between the workers and the client, the field executives
generally act as a moderator and try to pacify the situation. If the matters get
worse, different workers are sent to the particular client. Doing this, the company
also makes sure the workers are not ill-treated if a case arises, the company talks
to clients, ensuring a safe working environment.

Kanakama has been with Caere India for the past 16 years. A quintessential caring
mother of three, passionate, disciplined, and the head of the family, she has always
tried to outperform herself professionally and personally over time. She gets up
early and, without any prodding, starts her assigned work. The unfortunate part of
her story is that she draws the same salary, checked with inflation, as she began
with 15 years back.

The predicament doesn’t end just there; her family has taken several loans, in
denominations of a few lakhs, from the private lenders and relatives at a colossal
interest rate to conduct the marriage of elder daughter apart from the higher
education of the children. When a daughter is married to someone, there is
common thinking that she will lead her life peacefully without any problems.
Contrary to that idyllic scenario that we often hear and see about in our daily lives,
though she left home, the issues, be it financial or personal, stuck to her like a

It's difficult to fathom what these people go through, let alone empathize with
them. That’s the truth and Chris is exposed to these grim stories often and he
knows Kanakama and many others like her personally, and these Kanakamas of
the world have instilled an inspiration for Chris to do something for them. He
realized that everything was changing for the rest of the world but not for these
people. This self-actualization moved him to lead his life with a purpose: to
transform home spaces and the very lives of the workers associated with Caere

Nobody pays 10% more to someone whose efficiency is slightly more. If given a
choice, the majority of the customers wouldn't even like to pay them the
minimum wage and provide them with social security, let alone the bonuses,
thanks to the statuary backing of the government, that these workers at least get
something. Instead of treating them as adults, people criticize them with a
condescending tone most of the time.



Being a veteran in the industry with 32 years of experience, Chris wants to break
this social taboo and create a working space where each employee is treated with
respect irrespective of their job. And he feels that it is high time for the companies
to become more people-centric. He feels that these workers are adding the most
value to the company by upholding the quality of their work. There is a common
notion that the workers are complacent towards their work, and constant
supervision is required so that the workers do not escape their work. The
supervisors end up getting more salaries.

Chris wants to eliminate the supervision model and create self-sustaining teams.
By self-sustaining, he envisions an environment that fosters learning, caring, and
an optimistic world where the team takes ownership and accountability for what
they do. This value creation will ensure a better, more productive workplace and
customer service excellence. There is no need for constant supervision. These
teams will help the company reduce costs, increase operational efficiency,
customer happiness, and individual satisfaction. The company wants to use the
money saved not only in creating more value for its employees, but also the
society in general.

This very thought of transforming their lives is something Chris wants to put into
action to live their lives to the fullest and earn commensurate with the hard work
they do.

Q1. How can Chris transform the worker's life and create more value for them?
Q2. How can he change the organizational structure to create self-sustaining
Q3. How can he make the workers more participative in the feedback process to
gain more insights about the clients and the working environment?
Q4. What are different KPIs that Chris can consider to measure the happiness of
workers and the growth in value created both for the workers and the





Avenue Supermarts M/s.MULTIVISTA
International Pvt Multivista Global Pvt Avenue Supermarts Avenue SuperMarts
Limited-Bng- GLOBAL PVT LTD-
Ltd-Mng-City Centre Ltd-Bng Limited-Bng-Udipi Ltd-Vayanallur
Hennur-DC CHN 1

Avenue Supermarts Life Style Life Style

Avenue Supermarts Avenue E-commerce POTHYS PRIVATE
Limited-Bng- International Pvt Ltd- International Pvt Ltd-
Limited-Bng-Garuda Limited-Hennur FC LIMITED
Siddapura Chn-Alwarpet Chn-Marina Mall

City Max Hotels India BANGALORE Life Style Life Style

Avenue Supermarts Multivista Global Pvt
Pvt Ltd- Bng-VR INTERNATIONAL International Pvt Ltd- International Pvt Ltd-
Limited-Bng-Kassia Ltd-Chn

Life Style Life Style

Relevance Lab Avenue Supermarts International Pvt Ltd- Avenue SuperMarts International Pvt Ltd-
International Pvt Ltd-
Private Limited-Bng Limited-Gulbarga Chn-Phonix Market Ltd-Hosur Chn-Brookefields-
City Shoe Mart

Kaya Clinic - Skin &

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Life Style Life Style TAMIL NADU NEWS
Hair Care
Limited-Bng- Limited-Bng- International Pvt Ltd- International Pvt Ltd- PRINT AND PAPERS
Devanahalli Srinivagelu Chn-Vadapalani Chn-Marina Mall Hc LIMITED

Kaya Clinic Skin

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Life Style
&Hair Care- Avenue SuperMarts Riddhi Corporate
Limited-Bng- Limited-Mng- International Pvt Ltd-
(Indiranagar, Ltd-Trichy 2 Services Limited
Kanakapura ATTAVAR ROAD Chn-Brookefields


Avenue Supermarts Kaya Clinic Skin Life Style Avenue SuperMarts Life Style
Limited-Bng- &Hair Care-(Near ITI International Pvt Ltd- Ltd-Avaniyapuram International Pvt Ltd-
Bommasandra Layout, Bengaluru) Chn -Ea-Hc Madurai Chn-Prozon Mall

Kaya Clinic Skin Life Style Life Style

Life Style
Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts &Hair Care- International Pvt Ltd- International Pvt Ltd-
International Pvt Ltd-
& Infra Ltd- Bng Limited-Bng-Sira (SADASHIVA NAGAR, Chn-Lawsons Road- Chn-Brookefield
Chn-Lawsons Road
Bengaluru) Electrician Mall-HC

Life Style Life Style

Avenue Supermarts City Max Hotels India Kaya Clinic Skin Life Style
International Pvt Ltd- International Pvt Ltd-
Limited-Bng-R T Pvt Ltd- Bng-Tridom &Hair Care-(HRBC International Pvt Ltd-
Chn-Lawsons Road- Alwarpet HC -
Nagar PMC Layout, Bengaluru) Chn Phoenix City Hc
Carpenter Warehouse

Life Style Life Style

Avenue Supermarts City Max Hotels India Kaya Clinic Skin Life Style
International Pvt Ltd- International Pvt Ltd-
Limited-Bng- Pvt Ltd- Bng-RMZ &Hair Care-(HSR International Pvt Ltd-
Chn-Brookefields- Chn-Brookefields-
Hongasandra Yelahanka Layout, Bengaluru) Chn -City Centre
Loader Tailor

Life Style
Avenue Supermarts Kaya Clinic Skin Kaya Clinic Skin Life Style As Shukoor
International Pvt Ltd-
Limited-Bng- &Hair Care(Phoenix &Hair Care-(JAYA International Pvt Ltd- Matriculation School-
Gottigere Market city) NAGAR, Bengaluru) Chn-Vr Mall Ambur

Kaya Clinic Skin
Avenue Supermarts MATRICULATION
Avenue E-commerce &Hair Care- City Max Hotels India TVS Supply Chain
Limited-Bng- HIGHER
Limited - C K Palya (Mayflower Block-JP Pvt Ltd- Chn Solutions Limited
NAGAR- Bengaluru)

Life Style
Avenue Supermarts City Max Hotels India Avenue Supermarts
International Pvt Ltd- M T L INSTRUMENTS Avenue Supermarts
Limited-Bng- Pvt Ltd- Bng-Vega Limited-BNG -
Chn-Lawsons Road- (P) LTD Ltd Ts-Champapet
Bannerghatta City HENNUR-DC



Chukkapalli Sankara
Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts ICOMM Tele Limited-
Rao Educational
Ts-Tower1,2 & 3 Ltd Ts-Warangal Ltd Ts-Kompally Ltd Ap-Guntur Nagaram

Metro Cash And Avenue Supermarts Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Carry Uppal-TS Ltd Ts-Malakpet Diamond House-Ts Ltd Ap-Kurnool Ltd Ap-Gajuwaka Ltd Ap-Tanuku

Hyderabad Central Mezzequity Ho Hyd- Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Fabindia -Vasant
Panjagutta HK-Ts Ts Ltd Ap-Vizag Ltd Ts-Miyapur Ltd Ap-Ananthapur Kumj Okhla

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Megha Engineering Avenue E Commerce
Volta Green-Ts
Ltd Ap-Tirupati Ltd Ap-Kakinada Ltd Ts-Karimnagar Ts-Unit-4 Jeedimetla Ltd-Kushaiguda

Avenue Supermarts
Metro Cash And Avenue Supermarts Metro Cash And FocalCXM Private
AP & TS Relievers Ltd Ap-Guntur Ring
Carry Kukatpally-TS Ltd Ts-Kavuri Hills Carry Kompally-TS Limited

Oyster Owners Rainbow Vikrampuri- Atlas Copco India Avenue Supermarts TechnoGen India Avenue Supermarts
Association Ts Limited-Ts Ltd Ts-Khammam Private Limited Ltd Ap-Nellore

Metro Cash And Avenue Supermarts

Avenue Supermarts Megha Engineering The Platina Valet Turbo Megha Trujet-
Carry Shamshabad- Ltd Ts-
Ltd Ap-Vijayawada Ts-Guest House 1 Drivers-TS TS
TS Vanasthalipuram

Corporate Aesthetic Avenue Supermarts

Avenue Supermarts Rainbow Cmd Avenue Supermarts Malik Auto Zone
Refurbishing Ltd Ap-Vijayawada
Ltd Ts-Sanath Nagar Residency-Ts Ltd Ts-Balanagar Private Limited
Enterprises Pvt Ltd Airport

Avenue Supermarts
Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Ltd Ts-Sanath Nagar-
Ltd Ts-Kukatpally Ltd Ts-Secunderabad Ltd Ts-Tolichowki Ltd TS-Kachiguda Ltd Ts-Bandlaguda

Sri Venkata Sai Avenue Supermarts

Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts The Platina Security Avenue Supermarts
Medical Services Pvt Ltd Ts- Laxmipur,
Ts-Mytas Ltd Ts-L B Nagar Services-TS Ltd Ts-Nallagandla
Ltd Warangal

Avenue Supermarts Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Singareddy Prathapa
Ltd Ts-Hyderguda Ap-Dokiparru Ltd Ap-Marripalem Ltd Ap-Tuni Ltd Ap-Gudivada Reddy Residency

The Platina Avenue Supermarts

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Megsan Diagnostics
Engineering Ltd Ap-
Ltd Ts-Ramanthapur Ltd Ts-Moosapet Ltd Ap-Eluru Private Limited
Operations-TS Machilipatnam

Avenue Supermarts
Avenue Supermarts Mezzequity Hyd Avenue Supermarts The Platina AFM &
R K INTERIORS Ltd Ts-Patancheru
Ltd Ts-R C Puram Office-Ts Ltd Ts-Kushaiguda House Keeping-TS

T.M.Inputs And
Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts
Services Private
Ltd Ts-Amberpet Ltd Ts-Attapur Ltd Ap-Rajahmundry TS-Brahmaiah Villa Ltd Ts-Mancherial
Limited-Jubilee Hills



Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Align Retail Trades
Anupama Nandi
Ts Ts-Unit-1 Ltd Ts-Patancheru- Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Pvt Ltd -Mum -
Jeedimetla Dc-1 Non Core Boisar Badlapur Pawane

Interactive Data
Avenue Supermarts Avenue E- Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Avenue Supermarts Systems Limited-
Ltd Ts-Yellampet Commerce Limited - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum -Virar
Ltd Ap-Bhimavaram Subba Reddy
DC1054 Mum -Kalyan FC Dombivli 1/W

VEERA BHADRA Avenues Supermart Avenue Supermarts

Swetha Singareddy Avenue SupermartS Avenue Supermarts
CHOWDARY Limited -Pune - Limited -Guj -Rajkot
Residency Limited -Guj -Anand Limited -Mum -Karjat
GODAVARTHI Hadapasr Kalawad

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenues Supermart Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Ltd Ts-Isnapur Ltd Ap- Limited -Mum - Limited -Pune - Limited -Guj -Gondal Limited -Guj -
Payroll Rajahmundry-2 Dahisar Ro Satara Road Road Rajkot Manjalpur

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Brilloca Limited
Ltd Ts-Kompally DC Limited -Guj - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum -
9829 Waghodia Seawood Sanpada Ghansoli

Avenue Supermarts Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Avenues Supermarts
Ltd Ts-Warehouse Ts-Neelima Reddy Limited -Mum - Limited -Guj - Limited -Mum -
Limited -Mum -Vasai
Isnapur Patancheru Residency Khoperkharne Makarpura Powai

GAR Corporation Pvt Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue E-Commerce
Turbo Megha
Ltd-Tower 8 & 9 Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum -Mira
Hyderabad Nalasopara Bhayander Panvel Road FC

Lifestyle Avenue Supermarts Mahindra &

ICOMM Tele Limited- Mahindra Agri
Home CAERE International Pvt Ltd Limited -Mum - Mahindra Ltd -Mum -
Cherlaplli Solutions Ltd -Mum
-Mum -All Stores Kandivali 1/E Kandavali

Avenue Supermarts Mahindra & Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts

Avenue E Commerce MAPMYGENOME
Limited -Guj - Mahindra Ltd -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum -
Sabarmati Construction Dept Kalamboli Vidhyavihar

Mahindra & Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenues Supermarts

Avenue Supermarts Avenue E Commerce
Mahindra Ltd -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum -
Ltd Ts-Hafeezpet Ltd-Gachibowli-FC
Area Office Ambernath Kanjumarg Antariksh Dc 1021

Megha Engineering Hyderabad Central Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Ts-Vattinagulapally Panjagutta Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum -
Limited-Mum-Nerul Limited -Guj -Vasna
Guest House Maintenance-Ts Kolshet Antariksh Dc 1036

Megha Engineering Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Sreenidhi Estates
Ts-Rajesh Reddy Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - DC
India Private Limited
Residency Kandavali 2/W Malad Dahisar 1085

Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts

GAR Corporate Manasa Saloon -
Home Caere Limited -Mum - Limited -Guj -Lalpark Limited -Mum -
Services Pvt Ltd- Mum -Ghatkopar
Kalyan 1/W Rajkot Antariksh Dc 1039

Mahindra &
Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts Avenue Supermarts
Avenue Supermarts Mahindra Ltd -Mum -
Ltd Ap-Benz Circle Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum - Limited -Mum -
Limited-Safilguda Factory Primises &
Vijayawada Kavesar Mulund Antariksh Dc 1012



Avenue Supermarts Limited -Mum AVENUE SUPERMARTS LIMITED- Lifestyle International Pvt Ltd -
Megha Eng-Greater Noida
-Virar 2 GUJ-Surendranagar Mum -Max

Avenues Supermarts Limited - Manasa Saloon -Mum - Viviana Mall Avenue Supermarts Limited -
Megha Eng-Hapur
Mum -Andheri Thane West Kolkhe Panvel

Avenue Supermarts Limited -Mum Avenue E-Commerce Limited -

Lifestyle International Pvt Ltd Megha Eng-Dasna
-Khargahr Mum -Belapur

Avenue Supermarts Limited -Mum Avenue E-Commerce Limited -Guj

Reliance UP Megha Eng-Sicunderabad
-Antariksh Dc 1040 - Navanaroda

Avenue Supermarts Limited -Guj - MOTHER DAIRY FRUIT &

Reliance Delhi Megha Eng-Bijnor


Avenue Supermarts Limited -Mum
VEGETABLE PRIVATE LIMITED- Megha Eng-Kaushambi Megha Eng-Ataur

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd -Mum - Avenue E-Commerce Limited - Rhea Retail Pvt Ltd-Mother Care
Fabindia -Vasant Kumj Vk
Transmission Shop Mum -Mulund Vikaspuri

Avenue Supermarts Limited -Mum Avenue E-commerce Limited-

Reliance Haryana Reliance Brands Limited - UP
-Belapur Sardar Nagar

Avenue E-Commerce Limited -

Manasa Saloon -Mum -Oberoi Mall Jahangirabad - Surat-Mum -Kalyan Fabindia -City Mall Saket Fabindia -Vasant Kumj Mro

Avenues Supermart Limited -Pune venue E-Commerce Limited -Mum Reliance Digital Platform & Project
Megha Eng-Delhi
-Kalyani Nagar -Kanjurmarg FC. Services Limited-All Delhi Stores

Reliance Clothing India Private

Avenue Supermarts Limited -Mum Avenue Supermarts Ltd -
Fabindia -Gurgaon Ambience Limited-Time Squire Payless -
-Versova Ulhasnagar

Avenue Supermarts Limited -Mum Lifestyle International Pvt Ltd - Rhea Retail Pvt Ltd-Mother Care Reliance Digital Platform & Project
-Antariksh Dc 1023 Mum -Wfc Model Town Services Limited-All Haryana Sites

Avenue Supermarts Ltd-mum- Lifestyle International Pvt Ltd - Reliance Digital Platform & Project
Reliance Haryana others
badalpur 2 Mum -Cl Regular Services Limited-All Up Stores

Lifestyle International Pvt Ltd - Avenue Supermarts Limited -Guj - METRO CASH & CARRY INDIA PVT
Reliance UK
Pune -Icc Mall Sardar Nagar LTD - SEELAMPUR DELHI





(1-1.25 Lacs)

Assistant Administrators
Managers Head
40K (1-1.25 Lacs)

HR Team Accounting
(30-35K) Team





Head Count Additional Point Value Per Man
Additional Executive
for Base Pay Base Salary Earning for Incentive Power Cost
Man Power Cost

30 12000 0 0 75 12000 400

35 12000 5 375 75 12375 354

40 12000 10 750 75 12750 319

45 12000 15 1125 75 13125 292

50 12000 20 1500 75 13500 270

55 12750 25 1875 75 14625 266

60 13500 30 2250 75 15750 263

65 13500 35 2625 75 16125 248

70 16500 0 0 75 16500 236

75 16500 5 375 75 16875 225

80 16500 10 750 75 17250 216

85 16500 15 1050 70 17550 206

90 16500 20 1400 70 17900 199

95 16500 25 1750 70 18250 192

100 16500 30 1950 65 18450 185

105 16500 35 2275 65 18775 179

110 16500 40 2600 65 19100 174

115 16500 45 2925 65 19425 169

120 16500 50 3250 65 19750 165

125 17000 55 3575 65 20575 165

130 17000 60 3900 65 20900 161

135 17000 65 4225 65 21225 157



Head Count Additional Point Value Per Man
Additional Executive
for Base Pay Base Salary Earning for Incentive Power Cost
Man Power Cost

140 18000 70 4550 65 22550 161

145 18000 75 4500 60 22500 155

150 18000 80 4800 60 22800 152

155 18000 85 5100 60 23100 149

160 18000 90 5400 60 23400 146

165 18000 95 5700 60 23700 144

170 18000 100 6000 60 24000 141

175 18000 105 6300 60 24300 141

180 18000 110 6600 60 24600 141

185 18000 115 6900 60 24900 141

190 18000 120 7200 60 25200 141

195 18000 125 7500 60 25500 141

200 18000 130 7800 60 25800 141

205 18000 135 8100 60 26100 141

210 18000 140 8400 60 26400 141

215 18000 145 8700 60 26700 141

220 18000 150 9000 60 27000 141

225 18000 155 9300 60 27300 141

230 18000 160 9600 60 27600 141

235 18000 165 9900 60 27900 141

240 18000 170 10200 60 28200 141

245 18000 175 10500 60 28500 141



Head Count Additional Point Value Per Man
Additional Executive
for Base Pay Base Salary Earning for Incentive Power Cost
Man Power Cost

250 18000 180 10800 60 28800 141

255 18000 185 11100 60 29100 141

260 18000 190 11400 60 29400 141

265 18000 195 11700 60 29700 141

270 18000 200 12000 60 30000 141

275 18000 205 12300 60 30300 141

280 18000 210 12600 60 30600 141

285 18000 215 12900 60 30900 141

290 18000 220 13200 60 31200 141

295 18000 225 13500 60 31500 141

300 18000 230 13800 60 31800 141





Dear Customer,

We consider it our honor to have you as our client. Our endeavor is to excel in
providing clean work environment. Your comments and suggestions will
serve us as valuable pointers and guide us in this direction.

Regd. Office: A1005, 10th floor, The Platina building, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
solutions@caereindia.com Website: www.caereindia.com






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