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Suesh Kuman lKousbhyap A

Subject CCS

Answenl Judo Strat egy when a Smal HHm t y to


Cwoid dinect Competitucon with a bigger Hm

and y to Contest tn the new graynd using
the agile nakue and eping the Suncipals
in mind.

example 1 NETFLIX" nts

Recent incheased Manet penetratanby DSheyt DiSheyt
Hatstax" in OTT marret, ed to huge manhet
Shane ass to netit.
Netax maseo to the Merchandise segment
avd ths an Unccontested GrcUnd.
MoveMenT New UncOntejtes Aoshicon 8egment.
BALANCE Disney t Haitstah takes o lat meeting tn
board oom t paus decusion and sa ehey
will not ente thu's ashicon segment any SOon

LEvERAGnE DSheys Aaeger with Hatstan and heaw

estment in Ahoduct obn hause) make

it Les litely to ente Foshien Segmenr

Swigg whg oran dldveaey happend
Tomata tNesed heavly in tKaA tpa ttrbon
won't be able te Campebe qwckly
Balence Tomatn x Gane , becaue apto
MONemen E NS Mevexaghng auee heauy
weptment a zamata an Snad delluerue

Puinciples to eep
Me to Oncanteed qOJM to auot

head an callisi uith o r a t e r play e

-Aaunchg new precodvctu, uutng neuw pauetg
Modela, wew distbui busrn fmodcls
2Be lextble, and pul when othen ta puhing .
Retaliasan in snt alotgae dght
apponet "8
Jeodto auuh oasn lowMng
3 bplalt euexuge wouk and ehanje he
Pont whee yah appcan ent is hngy twestrd
Stategienuetments, eoopeate uitn otheu
u h a e twheathene
oy y n opponen t

Donot extena thhe thatyou can nat ao.

should nat dorpete a n
SMaller A
puce wad, b u use juda &braregy


Zara falous the fast fashian clos ely and manulactun-
the ptaduct with vey speedy poductron, nd
doesnot brand teel a a tend seter ah a
eongg lating foshlamoble cloth.
Zaa's Competitive Stiateg
High Respansiveness i t toke arly 2 weer fe
Zadra to pradUce Cv neu
phoduet cnd each the 9 t e
paduc loy 3 week.
Stoe Manages aie to pmodoction
ine abcous phaodvct conumer
Sne preeencea,
Crosc-bDder intexmedication-Zanals nmast
the prodUat aA
is happening tn-hause and they hase set
P Een Tradig campanies in difeerttont

Hong Kong
Zadra i céattng 'Uawe fsr its Cus Eomer u a there

high repanaiveneAs fabl etitent phoducttesu

time becae which t is alole tco de
it'S custome neterdy dothes faster
othe cM peti Ens
Z a a kas '8et Backward integratton
iS maactwuna and awesea buineis house
Jey &ess inuentsui in stehaues.
Ta HeAtuct imitotond Zaka ouwns akas e part
t ' s yalwe chain, veuy ouo Adventistnq cast

uics elicient development cycle.
H&M is the zara's ckos est Competu tox
becaye ie alo torgeting the Same ost
with veey CCompet/ttve
oshion udienc

pucing. H&Ms aulso not Seen a4 a

e gaod qualty cloths, but fastfoshican.

AnSwe-3» Caa compared to itS Campettao

is dsing farl well
was Seu
e uer
Accond ing to Case itSANet tncome
than cts claseee Compeetos
bat dwuny
did wel0 ond h a
the pandemie z a s a ve
lesde-in fast faskaDn
Decame a mareet

et the vettreal tntegat an feur

ga et
u Cother c a v n t u e s
ItS ep Dmstcon
the poducttcn done by aEh¢
T ge OutsawNuny

prcodvotivtu when expandvny

tto invease
magtns.eaust Caunthie
and neop qreate
Cuhene labout cast s ouw).
Mast d U8/20) plants o zara ave tn Sweden

ewhieh maues t a Vey cccen traked mrkej

H&M drops puces in bhat region it
wodd be v e disupting Zara
Tinveat in Auextisuny- with changinq times

Zara's ouudience Condumer become alod

ano Les fashieSn ented the newe enerautron
wht be nawtng abaut zwro be codey
Uy eas (lese than
ndus y
Spent n Aduert srng.
HoC On Locatloon o Stawres 2arc Cn 3lauuly
MOOVeto newe Locatiwnd keephg the oemano
fotam e pavti'eula egin i'n min ano mayhe
Ja July anlhe far 8peohic kegrcon, Sawne
locatian setup Cost

Ansue- ELenents o
IKEA to tice Cus eame
may CulEe ond ccoun&ka to
shap at IKGA.
Regianal changeb IkEA based the mateta
Calar Ombinat on pelerence
People o derent cesuntries,madled hein
poducts. eferings 1KEA in difeent ccounek/es
wauld be according t taste peopte that
Pramatiovmal Sbrategy IKEA we Attractive prot
tionaletnatepy E
attact Custamers.
hodoct for evey Segment KG/has prduct
fo evey Secties
Socety ano i ewas doe t» the cast-
Lecadership and Helatranships with supplies

asy taye away- IKGA S torea had same expenjene

because of the Nocastoun,
ayaut o Stene ,buyer w
ed co aNe dt
then homelano kEA -
they howe twcA
hat ollaud
easy tos tare ouay padvctd
Custaher to buy @m them

0nine presence, incity pickup P

TKEA'S Key escwrce
and eetent Valbwe
gy inteqnated
Relattans with SuPpliers
Hwge iwestment ih
brand name h d
beand 1odentity.
Well setup distubutran
Hesawces awd
t's SKILled hwman

IKEA'S Key Capabiltties

TS Jelat'ond uith fvs Supplierd.

Huge aeal o Stores so bhey Con display pradvcte

with reate appeal.
Standodidi sation apcaduct allcound themn
t incHeae thet podvott o,
allouus then to prodUce
EConomies Scole
Cheaper Carst out gosd ualy.

Answe 5 Recommendalraun tos Peppey to

Compete co th IKEHn Indan Mathet

noha beng an pce senstue mayek,

Peppey shauld enut cowe puce

by builoing elattcendhi'ps wih sppliers.

Locationa Staes Jn India peaele Prfer

pfer to
SEares Jrauthar
visit neaeby
than gag to shane locatons juutta ge
the epewehce Stare n y pick up patint.
wuld be prelee
sti'll nat candart
No. Uhe steaelPeaple are
alde in buying High invayemene
presov ct/via onlhe channel. So they hane tan ine
thevmber of One stares.
Cultwral fercus- May inda whLle buying
Puxutwre , still s o fr the
wood used welght o Awntwe desin mg ht be
Culthal ao egon spece so
ghoul cdd thaut toa, to whe pantJales
Spend an Adyerti hieuhg any Actoo feo
bhe Acs. houwta
bhand ambasado waukd nereas e the brand
awahene ar peppeyA

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