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Productivity Engineering

The Role of Industrial Engineer

in Productivity Improvement
1. Industrial Engineer is a
system integrator and a big
picture thinker. He should be
able to improve productivity
at corporate level instead of a
local optimum
2. Industrial Engineer has skill to
be an engineer and a
manager and capable to
design, improve, and install
an integrated system to be
more productive.
3. Generally Speaking that
Productivity Specialist is the
“most hated” person.

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Industrial Engineering : Definition Revisited
IE according to AIIE:
“Industrial Engineering is According to ABET 2006-
concerned with the 2007:
design, improvement, Ability
and installation of
integrated systems of “The program must
people, materials, demonstrate that graduates
information, equipment, have the ability to design,
and energy. It draws Object develop, implement, and
upon specialized improve integrated systems
knowledge and skill in the that include people,
mathematical, physical, materials, information,
and social sciences equipment and energy. The
together with the Knowledge
program must include in-
principles and methods of depth instruction to
engineering analysis and and skill accomplish integration of
design to specify, predict, systems using appropriate
and evaluate the results analytical, computational
to be obtained from such and experimental practices”

Industrial Engineer : Skill, Ability & Object

Knowledge & Ability Object
Design Integrated systems:
Develop -people
Implement -material
Improve -Information
-Soc. science Install -Equipment
-Principles &
methods of
eng. analysis/ -Specify
design -Predict Output (the results):
-Evaluation Efficient & effective
(productive) systems
Industrial Engineering : Working Scheme
Kebutuhan fisik

TEKNIK INDUSTRI: perancangan/perbaikan, SISTEM

pengembangan, dan implementasi INTEGRAL
System app.



Eng. Anal/syn
manusia, material,
dan energi

Syarat-syarat kebutuhan operasional

Engineering VS Management

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Engineer VS Manager

Page 7

Sains VS Engineering VS Industrial Engineering?

Page 8
System and Productivity


Produc3vity ↑ if :
• Output ↑ and input
• Output dan input ↓
• What else?

Page 9

Productivity of an Integrated System

• Man • Transformation
• Equipment process
• Material (Physically/Non)
• Information • Value Added OUTPUT
• Energy process (Economic • Finished
• Finance & Function) Goods
• Productive >< • Services
Non productive


Page 10
Problems Solving for an IE
What is Problem?
Gap between Plan and Actual
Problem can be an “existing” or “created” problem
Industrial Engineer should see a problem in a system perspective
(where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts). The
problem is the problem of the whole system not a particular part
of the system.
Always remember that all solution should refer to productivity
During Studying in TI UII, you will learn many methods, tools,
strategy to solve the problem of the integrated system and to
improve productivity (Please refer to the previous slide)
In this class we will learn further how use those methods and tools
more practically.

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week 01 : Introduction
week 02 : Productivity in Industrial Engineering
week 03 : Productivity from System Perspective
week 04 : Strategies to Improve Productivity
week 05 : Tools for Productivity Improvement
week 06 : Seven Tools : Revisited
week 07 : Human Resources Management and Leadership
week 08 : Mid Exam
week 09 : Challenge for Time Study
week 10 : KPI: You cant manage what you don’t measure
week 11 : Introduction to System Matrix (1)
week 12 : Introduction System Matrix (2)
week 13 : Optimum meeting and Time Management
week 14 : RACI
week 15 : Communication and Conflict Resolution
week 16 : Final Exam
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Grading System

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Grading System
(adjustment is possible as needed)
• A : min 80
• A- : min 75
• A/B : min 70 For the final grade, some
• B+ : min 65 conditions may apply :
• B : min 60 • Competition for “A” if the
• B- : min 55 average class grade is not
• B/C : min 50 satisfying. “A “ is only given for
• C+ : min 45 best 5 students (others must
• C : min 40 follow the standard).
• C- : min 35
• So, if you give inappropriate
• C/D : min 30
help to your friends (specially in
• D : min 25
exam), it can be your
• D- : min 20
• E : min 10

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Grading Contribution

Mid Exam : 40%

Final Exam : 40%
Assignments : 20%

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