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Code 417 ere Oa Moonen aeeeenn Errata aed Coy ZT eNLLS aS SLES era ASLO SUMITA ARORA ~-— -DHANPAT RAI & Co. 72 Scanned with CamScanner SCHEME OF UNITS AND ASSESSMENT ce of instructions consisting of Units meant for developing employability is is a planned sequen . + e Tc al eompetencies of students of ass DC opting for vocational subject along with generat education subjects. ‘The unit-wise distribution of periods and marks for Class IX is as follows : ; No. of Periods for Max. Marks for pits Theory and Practical | Theory and Practical 100} | Part A _| Employability Skills Unit 1: Communication Skill 10 Unit 2: Seltmanagement Skis 10 Unit 3 : Basic ICT Skilis-1 10 10 Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skil 15 Unit $+ Green Skis. 05 | part 8 | Vocational Skills Unit 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Al) Unit 2: Al Project Cycle Unit 3 Neurat Network 40 Unit 4 : Introduction to Python* (+ To be assessed in Practicals only) Practical Examination } iva Voce 35 i [reno |pojea woninea van Practical File/Student Portfolio Viva Voce 15 i = | Scanned with CamScanner UNIT CONTENTS PART A : EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS (COMMON FOR ALL VOCATIONAL COURSES) Unit 1: Communication skills — 2. | Unit 2 : Self-management Skills ~ | a 3. | Unit 3 : Basic ICT Skills ~ 1 a 4. | Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills — 1 I 5: | Unit 5 : Green Skills - 1 = 2 Total 50 ee Unit 1 : Communication Skills — 1 s. Learning i act onan Theory Practical Prds. 1. | Demonstrate ‘ Methods of communication. ‘4 Writing pros and cons of written, knowledge of various | ¢ Verbal, verbal and non-verbal methods of © Nonverbal, communication. communication. esa 4 Listing do's and don’t for avoiding 7 common body language mistakes. 2. | Identify elements of | + Meaning of communication ‘ Draw a diagram of communication communication cycle. | ¢ Importance of communication skills cycle (vii) feedback “ Elements of communication cycle : (sender, (if ideas, (i) encoding, (iv) communication channel, (v) receiver, (vi) decoding, and ‘% Role plays on communication process related to the sector/job role. knowledge of basic | % Phrases writing skills % Kinds of sentences % Parts of sentence % Parts of speech Use of articles Identify the factors | “ Perspectives in communication % Group discussion on factors affecting affecting our © Factors affecting perspectives in perspectives in communication. ‘ Perspectives in communication ‘% Sharing of experiences on factors | 10 ‘communication % Visual perception. affecting perspectives. ik Language. ‘% Sharing experiences on factors hb © Past experience. affecting communication at , ® Prejudices. toa i @ Feelings. 4% Enviconment. 4. | Demonstrate the ‘Writing skills related to the following : Demonstrate and practice of writin, sentences and paragraphs on topic related to the subject. Scanned with CamScanner ~ Unit 2 : Self Management skills - 1 5 at poe Practical Prds, No. Outcome 5 elf TT bearbe the meaning ‘Meaning of self-management. Wentcaton of set-manogoment | 9 1d importance of Positive results of ne js 2ayemanagement. self-management. ‘strength and weakness analysis & Selfamanagement skills F ing selt- | * Role play exercises on building ‘dentify the factors that | ¢ Factors that help in bulding se . taps building confidence social, cultural, and | _ self-confidence. Seonfidence. physical factors 4 Use of positive metaphors/words, 4 self-confidence building tips ~ | & Positive stroking on wakeup and getting id of the negative thoughts, | before going bed. thinking positively, staying hapPY | ¢ Helping others and working for with small things, staying clean, | ~ community. hygienic and smart, chatting with positive people, ete Total duration in periods 0 Unit 3 : Basic ICT skills ~ | isi Learning ] fee ote Theory Practical Prds. 1 [Bese the rae of ct | & introduction to ter % Discussion on the role and in dayeto-day life & Role and importance of ICT in| importance of ICT in personal life and personal life and at workplace at workplace. 4 ICT in our daily life (examples) | Preparing posters/collages for % ICT tools - Mobile, tab, radio, TV, | showing the role of ICT at email, etc. |__ workplace 2 ie the vetous | @ pee leoncnaray of computer | + Identify and name the various ‘computer system | Hardware and software. ics eae rea leanne + List few hardware and software, & Primary and secondary memory. | & Identify and name the primary and Input, Output and Storage devices. | secondary memory. % Identity the various input, output and 3. | tdentify various noes pecans List various peripheral devices. 10 % Examples of peripherals, Sracectenenenties ol cerlebere) vices ras pacientes Practice using peripheral devi pci % Procedure for starting and Stare the compe ~ perations | shutting down a computer Ean acts tare © Operating System (08) 4. Seavence and get the ial screen, tee . % Identity the installed OS on Types of 05 ~ 008, windows, computer eloai % Identify th nd its var iles and folder + Work with deskto, be Seton and mouse operations. | # Creat file and fol ‘ommon desktop opera ir lesktop operations. % Perform keyboard and mouse 7 operations viii Scanned with CamScanner Ss. Learning No. Outcome ea Practical Pris. | Connect with the world | + Introduction to Internet. Introduce with internet. {sing internet and its | 4 Applications of internet. 4 Explain the applications of Intemet. Spplications Internet Browser 4 List the various internet Browsers. $ Websites and webpages. 4 Search the websites & Email applications 4 Create Email account. 4 Email accounts. 4% Send and receive email & Sending and receiving emai. _| + Use social media for education. Introduction to social media. | & Use Blog. Use Twitter. Blog. + Twitter & Use Facebook 4 Use Youtube % Facebook, Youtube. | + Use WhatsApp. + Use Digtl India Whatstpp. + oigital nda Total duration in periods 10 Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills ~ Ss. Learning es Pris. Wo.| _ Outcome Theory Practical ds. 1 [identity various | # Types of businesses sence, | ® Prepare posters of business activities found in | 09 types of business | manufacturing, hybrid tiies/uilloges, using pictures. activities 4 Typesof businesses found in| > Discuss the various types of actives, generally our community, Business suopted by smal businesses ina loca community. Setivty around us. 4 Best out of waste Costing of the product made out of waste. { Seling of items made from waste materials % Prepare lst of businesses that provides goods and Senes in exchange for mon Z| Demonstrate the | # Meaning of entrepre- prepare charts showing advantages of entrepre- | 05 knowledge of neuship development. eurahip over wages. vretmatning | & Distinguishing characteristics | & Group discussions on role and features of tharactersties of | of entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship | 4 Role nd rewards of © Leetures/presentations by entrepreneurs on their entrepreneurship. texperiences and success stores 4 Identify core skis of successful entrepreneur, Total duration in periods 15 Unit 5 : Green Skills ~ | S. Learning Theory Practical Pris. No. Outcome 1. | Demonstrate the } introduction o environment. Group discussion on hazards of cama of the factors | & Relationship between society and | | deteriorating environment. influencing natural environment, ecosystem and + Prepare posters showing resource conservation. factors causing imbalance. environment conservation. “etalon yesouree conservation, | % Discussion on various factors that 4 Environment protection and influence our environment. conservation. 7. | describe the importance | # Definition of green economy % piscussion on the benefits of ereen : ‘of green economy and | % Importance of green economy skills and importance of areen stil. treen economy. 4 Prepare a poster showing the impor. tance of green econemy with the help of newspaper/magarine cuttings, [Total duration in periods | Scanned with CamScanner PART B : VOCATIONAL SKILLS Part B : Vocation Unit 2 : Al Project Cycle Unit 3 : Neural Network Unit 4 : Introduction to Python {To be assessed in Practicals only) Unit 1 : Introduction to Artificial intelligence (Al) Learning Outcome ‘Session/Activity/Practical and appreciate Artificial Intelligence ‘and describe its applications in daily life. Session : Introduction to Al and setting up the context of the curriculum Ice Breaker Activity : Dream Smart Home idea * Learners to design a rough layout of floor plan of their, dream smart home. To relate, apply and reflect on the Human- Machine Interactions. To identify and interact with the three domains of Al : Data, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Recommended Activity: The Al Game Learners to participate in three games based on different Al domains. © Game 1. Rock, Paper and Scissors (based on data) * Game 2. Mystery Animal (based on Natural Language Processing - NLP) Game 3. Emoji Scavenger Hunt (based on Computer, Vision - cv) ‘To undergo an assessment for analysing progress towards acquired Al-Readiness skills. Recommended Activity : % Al Quiz (Paper Pen/Online Quiz) | To imagine, examine and reflect on the skills required for futuristic job opportunities. Recommended Activity : To write a letter, ‘Writing a Letter to one’s future self ® Leamers to write a letter to self-keeping the future in context. They will describe what they have learnt so far or what they would like to learn someday Learners to relate to application of Artificial Intelligence in their daily lives, Video Session: To watch a video * Introducing the concept of Smart Cities, Smart Schools and Smart Homes To unleash their imagination towards smart homes and build an interactive story around it. To relate, apply and reflect on the Human- Machine Interactions. Recommended Activity: Write an Interactive Story * Learners to draw a floor plan of a Home/School/ City and write an interactive story around it using Story Speaker extension in Google docs. To understand the impact of Artificial Inteligence ‘on Sustainable Development Goals to develop ‘responsible citizenship. Session : % Introduction to UN Sustainable Development Goals Recommended Activity : Go Goals Board Game *® Learners to answer questions on Sustainable Develop- To research and develop awareness of skis ‘equired for jobs of the future, To imagine, examine and reflect on the skills equired for the futuristic opportunities, ment Goals Session: Theme-based research and Case Studies % Learners will listen to various case-studies of inspiring start-ups, companies or communities where Al has been involved in real-life Scanned with CamScanner Learning Outcome ‘Session/Activity/Practical To develop effective communication and collaborative work skills Learners will be allotted a theme around which they reed to search for present Al trends and have to visualise the future of Alin and around their respective theme. Recommended Activity : Job Ad Creating activity Learners to create a job advertisement for a firm describing the nature of job available and the skill set Tequired for it 10 years down the line. They need to figure out how Al is going to transform the nature of jobs and create the Ad accordingly. ‘AV Ethics ‘To understand and reflect on the ethical issues around Al To gain awareness around Al bias and Al access. To let the students analyse the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence. ‘Video Session : Discussing about Al Ethics Recommended Activity: Ethies Awareness Students play the role of major stakeholders, and they have to decide what is ethical and what isnot for a given scenario. Session ; Al Bias and Al Access ‘Discussing about the possible bias in data collection 4 iscussing about the implications of Al technology Recommended Activity : Balloon Debate students divide in teams of 3 and 2 teams are given same theme. One team goes in affirmation to Al for their section while the other one goes against it 4 They have to come up with their points as to why ALis |" beneficia/ harmful for the society Unit 2 : Al Project Cycle Sub-unit ‘Learning Outcome Session/Activity/Practical Problem Scoping Identify the Al Project Cycle framework, ‘Session: lntroduction to Al Project Cycle ‘+ Problem Scoping Data Acquisition 4+ Data Exploration _ Modelling‘ Evaluation [earn problem scoping and ways to set goals for an Al project. ‘Activity : Brainstorm around the theme provided and set a {goal for the Al project. “Discus various topics within the gen theme and select one. “4 List down/ Draw a mind map of problems related to the selected topic and choose one problem to be the zal for the project. Tdentify stakeholders involved in the problem scoped. Brainstorm on the ethical issues involved around the problem selected ‘tivity: To set actions around the goal 4 List down the stakeholders involved in the problem. > Search on the current actions taken to solve this problem. 4b Think around the ethics involved inthe goal of your project. Understand the iterative nature of problem scoping for in the Al project cycle. Foresee the kind of data required and the kind of analysis to be done. Activity : Data and Analysis ‘What are the data features needed? Where can you get the data? How frequent do you have to collect the data? ‘What happens if you don't have enough data? ‘What kind of analysis needs to be done? How will t be validated? How does the analysis inform the action? Pee eees Share what the students have discussed so far. Presentation : Presenting the goal, actions and data. identify data requirements and find reliable sources to obtain relevant data. ‘Activity ; Introduction to data and its types. @ Students work around the scenarios given to them and think of ways to acquire data, xi Session/Activity/ Practical Learning Outcome To understand the purpose of Data Visualisation ‘Session: Data Visuali lee isualising data ae eee Use various types of graphs to visualise acquired data, ' Graphical Tools ~ 4 To select an appropriate graphical format to represent the data acquired. +t Presenting the graph sketched. Understand, create and implement the concept of Decision Trees. ion: Deco Tee " “> Tolnvoaice bse srcureof Decon Tees tostudens, Recommended Activity: Decision Tree {t To dein 2 Dedsion Tree based onthe data given Understand and visualise computer's ability to identify alphabets and handwriting. ei Recommended Activity: Pixel it + To create an “Al Model” to classify handwritten letters. * Students develop a model to classify handwritten letters by diving the alphabets into pixels, ‘* Pixels are then joined together to analyse a pattern ‘amongst same alphabets and to differentiate the different ones, Unit 3 : Neural Network Learning Outcome Session/Activity/Practical LEARNING OUTCOMES, | Understand and appreciate the concept of Neural Network through gamifiation. fe Session : Introduction to neural network % Relation between the neu + Describing the function of ral network and nervous sy: stem in human body neural network. Recommended Activity: Creating a Human Neural Network Students split in four teams each re hidden layer 1 (Y studer student) respectively, | & Input layer gets data whi Presenting input layer (X students), is), hidden layer 2 (Z students) and output layer a |e Rose Ta ge ee and oes mean Unit 4 : Introduction to Python NOTE. Python should be assessed through Practicals only and should not be assessed with the Theory Exam Session/Activity/Practical Recommended Activity * ® Introducing python, ® Students go th Expressions, % Students wil Practical os os Data Types = try some si Python Lists Introduction to programming usin Online Gaming Session % Introduction © Python language Programmi Practical Python bases eee AN its applications ough lessons on imple problem-solving exe Wariables, Arithmetic operators, Ne Print() and input() functions} elses on Python Compiler. strings, usi Scanned with CamScanner CONTENTS PART A: PART A : Employability Skills Skills anil 1 session 1 al Introduction 12. Ways of Communication 13. Hements of Communication Importance of Communication Skills What is Communication ? 14 jon 2. Verbal and Non-Verbal Sessi Methods of Communication 24 Introduction 22 Types of Communication Session 3 Visual and Written Methods of Communication 3.1 Introduction 3.2. Visual Communication 33. Written Communication Session 4 English Language Skills I ~ Parts of Speech 44 Parts of Speech Session 5 Capitalisation and Punctuation Rules 5.1 Rules about Capitalization 5.2 Rules about Punctuation Session 6 Pronunciation Rules Competency Based Questions Qiesuanle Session 1 What is Self-Management ? 1.1 Introduction 1.2. What is Self-Management ? 1.3 Impact. of Self-Management 14 Self-Management Skills Ad Ad AS AS A.10 A10 A10 aay Aar AaT Aang A23 A23 A26 A.26 A27 A29 Ash Ash Ash ASS A55 (COMMUNICATION SKI Session 7 Sentence Formation 1 AB? 7.1 Basic Sentence Structure A33 Session 8 Introducing Oneselfand Others 4.35 8.1 Introduction 335 8.2 _ Introducing Oneself Formally A35 8.3 Introducing Oneself Informally A35 8.4 Responses to Follow after Greeting A36 85 Closing Conversation A36 Session 9 Greeting Others A38 9.1 Introduction A38 9.2. Greeting in a Formal Setup 438 93 Greeting in an Informal Setup (Friends /Acquaintances) A38 ‘session 10. Sentence Formation 2 A39 ‘session 11. Talking about Family At 111 Introduction Ast 312. Family Relationships Abt 13 Deserbing Family and Relationships A} session 12. Framing Questions Aaa 32.1 Framing Questions Ade session 13 Sentence Formation 3 Ass ‘session 14 Sentence Formation 4 Aas A50-A.51 2 Knowing own Strengths and Weaknesses 2.1 Introduction 2.2. Knowing Oneself Session Aso As9 As9 jon 4 Personal Hygiene & Self-Grooming 4.79 itive Thinking 4.63 Session Session 3 Self-Confidence & Positive 63 4.1 Introduction 0 3.1 Introduction 42 Personal Hygiene Ar0 3.2 How to Build Self-Confidence and ae ero an Self-Esteem 33. Positive Thinking oe . AT7-A.79 Competency Based Questions anit 3 Session 1 ICT and its Impact A82 4.3 Working with Mouse and Keyboard Aa 11 Introduction As2 4.4 Explore your Computer Ang 12 Introduction to ICT A82 4.5 Files and Folders A119 13° Roleand Importance of ICT 82 4.6 Shutting Down a Computer Ades 14 ICTin our Daily Life 483 Session 5 Working with Linux 0S (Ubuntu) A.132 15 Ic Tools ABS 5.1 Introduction A132 “ Session 2 Basics of a Computer System 5.2 Starting Ubuntu A132 j and A Mobile Device A89 5.3 User Interface A132 | 21 Introduction A289 54 Linux Directory Structure A136 j 2.2 What is acomputer ? AB9 5.5 Some Basic Linux Commands A136 j 23 Functioning of a Computer 90 Session Internet and its Applications 4.138 24 Functional Components of aComputer 4.91 aC 6.1 Introduction coed | 25 Characteristics of aComputer . A92 6.2 Internet and its Components A138 2.6 Basic Features of a Mobile ‘Device Ae 63 World Wide Web (www) A138 Session 3 Input, Output, Memory and Storage 64 Internet Terminology A139 Devices of aComputerSystem = gg bg Web Site A40 3.1 Introduction A99 66 Web Pages Ange 3.2 Computer System - An Overview A99 6.7 Web Browsers Ange 3.3 Memory in a Computer System A99 68 Blogs Aa | 3.4 Input Devices A104 1 : eNocmee Arog 558'09 7 Internet Services A149 | 3.6 Peripheral Devices aos 79 Tatoduetion ie 37 Internal & External Computer Hardware A106 35 Ema ectroni mai) “ ? 3 Usis | Session 4 Basic Computer Operations 74 pe ae “ ; z ion to Social . 116 7.5 Digital nai 42 Introducing 0S Windows 7 Als — om unit 4 STE eT TES on Session 1 What are Entre and Bas nteBtenership 12° Whats Entrepreneurship ? A170 ? A170 13 Busi 11 Introduction hue Business vs, Entrepreneurship Aare xiv Scanned with CamScanner Pee session 2 Types of and Fields s 3.2 Entrepreneurship vs. Employment A.182 for Entrepreneurship A175 —-3.3._-Risks, Rewards and Challenges of 21 Introduction Ams Being an Entrepreneur A186 22. ‘Type of Fields where One Session 4 Entrepreneurship can be Entrepreneur ATs Development Process Aas7 23 Entrepreneurship at Various Levels. = A.178=—4.1._“Imtroduction ‘Als? session3 Entrepreneurship vs. Employment A.182 4.2 ‘Entrepreneurship Development Process A.187 3.1 Introduction A182 Competency Based Questions . ‘A.190 - A.191 unit 5 ass iy 20) Session 1 NaturalEnvironment andUs A.194 Session 3 Natural Resource Conservation A.205 14 Introduction ‘A194 34 Introduction A205 12 WhatMakesNatural Environment? A.194 «3.2. Saving and Conserving Natural 1.3. How Environment is Crucial for Us A196 Environment 4.205 Session 2. Our Influence on Session 4 Green Economy and Green Skills A.213 Natural Environment A199 4.1 Introduction A213 21. Introduction ‘Aga 42.-Green Economy A213 2.2 Human Impact and Influence on Environment 43 Green Skills A2t6 ‘A199 44 Green Jobs. A215 Competency Based Questions A.217 - 8.220 ANSWERS TO CHECK POINT (PART A) A.221 — A.224 PART B : Vocational Skills unit 1 imeem Session 1 Introduction to AT 1.1 Introduction 12 What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ? i 13 Domains of AI 19 14 Artificial Intelligence and Future 18 Session 2 Alin Daily Lives ar 21 Introduction wy 22 Smart Cities wD 23 Smart Schools es 24 Smart Home sa Session 3 AI and UN Sustainable Development Goals 51 Introduction js What is Sustainable Development ? A 3.3. UNSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 52 3.4 Impact of AI on Sustainable Development Goals 52 Session 4 Skills Required for the Jobs of the Future 60 4.1 Introduction 60 4.2 Present Al Trends 60 43. Some Future Trends of AL 6 4.4 Al Jobs and Skills of the Future 2 og 68 5.2 Ethical Issues Around AI e | Session 5 AL Ethics 5.3 Albias and AI Access i S.1 Introduction , EG unit 2 ONS 3 Acquisition Session 1 Introduction to AI Project Cycle Session 5 cx a 11 Introduction se) SL ned h ta Requirements S 1.2 Stages of Al Project Cycle 88 5.2 entifying Data Rem 16 . 5.3 Finding Reliable Data Sources 135 Session 2 Problem Scoping — Set Goals 94 ee 94 Session 6 System Maps for ction 22. Choosing a Theme for Problem Scoping 9% the Problem Depiction “s 23° Identify Problems Around the 6.1 Introduction 145 Selected Topic 7 6.2 System Map 145 Session 3 Problem Scoping — Session 7 Data Visualisation 149 Identify Stakeholders, Actions 7.1 Introduction 49 and Ethical Issues oe 7.2 Data Visualisation and Its Need 149 3.1 Introduction 10573 Ways to Visualise Data 150 2 ea ae The goat tng Session 8 Modeling 162 i ions Around The Goa : j : : - 8.1 Introduction 162 a4 Ethics Involved in The Goal of the Project 112 82 Types of AI Technologies 162 Session 4 Problem Scoping ~ Explore and 8.3 Al Modelling 164 Understand Data ng 84 Decision Trees aes 4.1 Introduction 1985 _entifying Patterns/tmages 170 4.2 Preparing and Assessing Data to be Collected 119 unit 3 Nae EE Session 1 Introduction to Neural Network 186 1.2 What are Attificial Neural 11 Introduction Networks (ANNs) ? unit 4 INTRODUCTIONITOIPYTHON| yer : Session 1 Introduction to Programming Variables and Expressions } 11° Introduction 204 a 3 Data Types fe Session 2 Introduction to Python 209-34 The input ) FUNCTION Revisited 223 21° Introduction 209 3.5 Statements 226 22 Working in Python 209 Session 4 Introduction to Lists 235 { 23° Getting Simple Input 214 4.1 Introduction 235 i Session 3 Python Basics 21742 Introdueing Lists ea | 34 Introduction ziy 43 What are Python Lists ? 237 ANSWERS TO CHECK POINT (PaRr 8) Scanned with CamScanner ~

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