Resume Webinar Internasional

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Nama : Aslikhatul Aini

NIM 200701042

1. Pembicara 1 Ibu Dr. Nurul Ain Hidayah Abbas : Ethical Research during pandemic
 Research is A systematic investigation, covering research development, testing and
evaluation. A systematic approach includes the collection and analysis of information
and/or bio-specimens either quantitatively or qualitatively.
 Etich Is a systematic study of morals – a branch of philosophy that critically considers
what is “right/ wrong”, “good/ bad”,
 And The Ethical Research Are systematic approach of “analysing our values in seeking a
decision on how to act” in a research.
 In a Research, They have a ETHICAL NORM OF RESEARCH. Include :
- Promote the aims of the research
- Promote the values that are essential to collaborative work
- Helps to ensure that researchers can be held accountable to the public
- Help to build public support for research
- Promote a variety of other important moral and social values
 Main Areas of Research Data Management Include :
- Data Collection
- Data Sharing
- Data Storage
- Data Ownership
 Conficlt of interest :
- Financial
- Scientific
- Personal relationship
- Personal beliefs/ideology
 Social Responsibility Od Research
- Justice
- Honest
- Communicate
- Awareness
- Protect
- Check & balance
- Transfer
- Matters
- Indigenous People
- Children (below 18 years old)
- Patients with mental health problems
- Disabled athletes
- Elderly people
- Mentally or emotionally or developmentally disabled persons
- Economically or educationally disadvantaged persons
- People diagnosed with disease
- Intervention(s) that include medical or psychological treatment
- Purpose of the research , Procedures and consequences, potential,
duration , plan, person that will review the information
- Compensations
- Necessary to get referral
- Voluntary participations
- Contact person
 Informed Consent :
- Implied Consent
- Explicit Consent
- Active Consent
- Passive Consent
- Written Oral
 Types of Risks
- Physical Risk
- Psychological Risk
- Social Risk
- Economic Risk
- Political / security Risk
2. Pembicara 2 : Bp. F. Risallah M.A. : Preserving truth and values in humanities
 Truth
- Truth it’s mean There are known and unknown things within and before
human perception, either in physical sense or metaphysical sense
- Human can establish knowledge with certainty through 3 channels:
o Sound Senses (external and internal senses and faculties),
o True reports of scientific or religious nature,
o Reason and intuition.
- Objects of knowledge are limitless, but human senses and faculties of
cognition are limited. There is a limit of truth for human
 Value
- Value It’s mean the regard that something is held to deserve; the
importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
 In search of true and valuable of knowledge.
Knowledge too and it’s many branches and disciplines some of which, have
more important bearing upon our life and destiny that others
If someone grades that according to various levels and priorities and classifies
the various sciences in relation to their priorities putting each one of them in it’s
proper place, then that adab toward knowledge
3. Pembicara ke 3 : Ibu. Ima Fitri Sholichah S.Psi., M.A : Implication Research Ethics in indonesia
 Ethics is the disciplined study or morality….and morality asks the question…what
should one’s behavior be (jeff cooper)
 Introduction :
- Research and Publication
- The knowledge
- Exercise in sound and moral way
- Must adhere to right behavior
 Ethical issues in research
- Deception
- Invasion of privacy
- The right of participants to obtain information related
to research
- Conflict of interest
 American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Standards on
Research and Publication
1. Institutional Approval
2. Informed Consent to Research
3. Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images in
4. Client/Patient, Student, and Subordinate Research
5. Dispensing With Informed Consent for Research
6. Offering Inducements for Research Participation
7. Deception in Research
8. Debriefing
9. Humane Care and Use of Animals in Research
10. Reporting Research Results
11. plagiarism
12. publication credit
13. sharing research data for verification
14. duplicate publication of data
15. reviewers
 BAB IX UU HIMPSI Penelitian dan publikasi pasal 45- 55

 Researchers should enhance social responsibility, maintain the

integrity of human values, and protect the welfare of the
research subjects and animals in compliance with the
international law and safety standards

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