Investiture For Outfit - SCRIPT

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Sponsoring Institution

I. The Opening Prayer (Senior Scout)

II. The Entrance of Colors (Selected Senior Scouts)

III. The Philippine National Anthem (Senior Scout)

IV. Panunumpa Sa Watawat Ng Pilipinas (Senior Scout)

V. The Opening & Welcome Remarks (Scouting Institution Head)

VI. The Outfit Investiture Ceremony Proper (Outfit Advisor)

a. The Candle Lighting Ceremony (Selected Senior Scouts)
i. The Scout Oath
ii. The Scout Law
iii. The Senior Scout Code
b. The Scout Badge, Motto & Slogan
c. The Scout Sign & Salute
d. The Senior Scout Medallion
e. The Scout Neckerchief & Carabao Slide

VII. The Donning of Neckerchief Parents and Guardians

VIII. Introduction of the Guest Speaker Asst. Outfit Advisor

IX. Inspirational Message CSE / Other guests

X. Closing Remarks A Parent (Committee Member)

XI. Closing Prayer (Senior Scout)

XII. The Exit of Colors (Selected Senior Scouts)

XIII. The Scout Benediction Assistant Outfit Advisor

Master of Ceremony




Lord, Heavenly Father, Almighty Eternal God, we raise our minds and hearts to you
at the beginning this Ceremony as we lit this candle that symbolizes the Spirit of
beg for your guidance, protection and forgiveness of our sins. Grant us the grace to
learn the virtues of your youth and apply the Scout Oath and Law in every action in
your honor and glory.

Deign to bless the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and the Scouting Movement in this
institution, as well as our brother Scouts all over the world. Fill the soul of our
Scoutmasters with your own spirit of knowledge; of wisdom and of reverence, that
influenced by your divine leadership, he may, by word and example lead us on to
imitate the virtue of your boyhood.

Our Crew Leaders, who has the responsibilities to lead their Crews, we ask you to
help them to know their members and be sensitive to their needs, help them realize
that attitudes and good example are more important than skills and be fair and
generous to all. Grant our Crew and Outfit a happy spirit; bless all our projects and
help us to make constructive progress, so that our training will fit us for real service
now and in the future.

We thank you for granting us our ever loving and supportive parents and by making
them your representatives. Help us carry out conscientiously by ready and cheerful
obedience to our father and mother. Let us be ever attentive to their wishes, eager to
make them happy and patient to accept their corrections, all these we pray in your
most holy name. Amen.


The Emcee calls for the Entrance of Colors: Please all rise for the Entrance of Colors
and remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem. The Emcee calls for the
person in-charge.


The Philippine National Anthem - Scout Salute!

The Emcee: Please remain standing for the Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng
Pilipinas to be led by ____________.


Facing the audience - Let's recite the Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng

Pilipinas in unison. Facing the Philippine Flag - Scout Sign! The Person In-Charge
recites the Pledge. After the recitation. Ready front!

The Emcee calls the Principal or Representative to give the Opening & Welcome
Remarks: and to give us the Opening & Welcome Remarks, please welcome
__________, (designation) of (name of School/Institution).


(Person In-Charge delivers Opening & Welcome Remarks)

Emcee: Thank you very much _________, for such a wonderful words of welcome
and opening our ceremony this afternoon. We shall now have our Outfit Investiture
Ceremony Proper. Let’s all welcome (The Session Leader) Outfit Advisor to formally
officiate our ceremony.


Outfit Advisor: “Senior Crew Leader, bring the candidates forward.” (SCL escorts
the candidates in front of the stage, facing the Outfit Advisor, back to the audience.
SCL stands in front).

Outfit Advisor: "You have presented yourself before this Outfit and asked to be
made Scouts. Is this your own wish?"

Participants: "Sir, yes sir!"

Outfit Advisor: "In this ceremony you will be received into this Outfit and into the
world brotherhood of Scouting. Before you is a single, lighted candle. It represents
the Spirit of Scouting.

The Scout Ideals as contained in the Scout Oath and Law present a code for living
and a standard of conduct that must be observed by all members of the Scouting
Movement at all times. Scout spirit is living every day in accordance with our Scout
Ideals. You show it in the way you act and the things you say and do in Scouting as
well as in your daily life.
As you become Scouts you will learn more about the Scouting Spirit. The law of the
Outfit is the Scout Law. It is known and followed by millions of Scouts. You will
learn and follow this law, too. The Senior Crew Leader will now lead the rededication
of the Scout Oath & Law.

Participants pledge themselves to the Scout Oath and Law.

(The Lighting of 3 Main Candles which represents 3 Main Duty of a Scout namely
Duty to God and Country, Duty to Others and Duty to Self, followed by the
lightning of 12 candles w/c symbolizes the 12 points of the Scout Law, the 12 candles
will be lit by 12 Scouts individually, one at a time after it was mentioned.)

The SCL leads the Scout A, B, & C in reciting the Duties and lighting of the three (3)
main candles Each Scout/Participant approaches the single lighted candle and lit their
candle and proceeds in the lectern/podium. Each Scout/Participant reads their part
before the audience.

SCOUT A: "On my honor, /I will do my best/ to do my duty/ to God and my

Country, the republic of the Philippines (lights the center candle)

On My Honor... Honor is your most precious and sacred possession in life. It

includes your good name, your integrity and good reputation. When you commit
yourself to the Scout Oath, you promise to live by its precepts in order to give
meaning and idealism to your way of life.

I will Do My Best... In everything you do, you promise to do the best you can. If
anything worth doing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. Doing your best is
your personal challenge. Always strive to do your best in everything you do.

To Do My Duty to God and My Country... We, who belong to the Scout Movement
believe in God. We may not all worship Him in the same way, but we are one in our
faith and belief that He is the Supreme Being, our Lord and Master. To do your duty
to God, you must worship Him and follow His teaching according to your own
religious beliefs. You will find happiness in life if you faithfully do your duty to God.

SCOUT B: "On my honor/ I will do my best to obey the Scout Law, and To help
other people at all times;/ (lights left candle)

And to Obey the Scout Law... In trying to live up to the Scout Oath - you will need
the Scout Law to guide you. The twelve points of the Scout Law are our norm of
conduct as we travel along the Scouting trail through life. Thus, you are asked to
commit yourself to the Scout Oath and Law as your way of life.

To Help Other People at All Times... One reason why Scouting has flourished in
this country is because it has received the willing support of the public. Scouting
merits this support because Scouts have demonstrated that they are useful members of
society. This is evident when Scouts perform rescue work in case of disaster fires,
earthquakes, typhoons and floods. During emergencies anywhere, Scouts are always
among the first to volunteer for service and perform tasks which are ordinarily belong
to adults. In normal times, Scouts have shown that they are ready to participate and
even initiate community and service projects that benefit the community. The spirit of
service is in the heart of all true Scouts.

SCOUT C: "On my honor/ I will do my best/ To keep myself physically strong/

Mentally awake, / And morally straight. (Lights right candle).

To Keep My Self Physically Strong... By now, you have learned certain rules of
health and hygiene in school which if observed will help you live a healthy and happy
life. Sound minds swell in sound bodies. If you want to have an alert mind and be
always ready to serve others, you must keep yourself physically healthy and strong.

Mentally Awake… Being mentally awake reflects mental alertness and mental
health. It is not a enough that a Scout is physically healthy; he must be mentally
awake too. His reflexes, his responses, his movements must be ready to respond to his
needs and the needs of the situation.

And Morally Straight… A Scout always must be a model of moral uprightness. His
norm of conduct must be beyond reproach. His thought, words and deeds should
always reflect his high ideals and sound moral values.



EMCEE: The Scout Law. Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous,
Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent." (Each
Scout/Participant approaches the center stage, lit their candle and recites each point of
the Scout Law).

A Scout is Trustworthy... A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is
part of his code of conduct. People can always depend on him.

A Scout is Loyal… A Scout is true to his family, friends, scout leaders, school,
nation, and world community.

A Scout is Helpful... A Scout is concerned about other people. He willingly

volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward.

A Scout is Friendly... A Scout is friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He

seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs that are different
from his own.
A Scout is Courteous... A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age and position.
He knows that good manners make it easier for other people to get along together.

A Scout is Kind... A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats

others as he wants to be treated. He does not harm nor kill any living creature
needlessly but will strive to save and protect all harmless life.

A Scout is Obedient... A Scout follows the rules of his family, school and Outfit. He
obeys the law of his community and country.

A Scout is Cheerful... A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does
task that come his way. He tries to make others happy.

A Scout is Thrifty... A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for
the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses his time and

A Scout is Brave... A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has courage to
stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him.

A Scout is Clean... A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes round
with those who believe in living these same ideals. He keeps his home and
community clean.

A Scout is Reverent... A Scout is reverent towards God. He is faithful in his religious

duties. He respects the belief of others.

The Outfit Advisor: "You have heard the words of the Scout Oath and the twelve
points of the Scout Law. Do you accept these three duties and the twelve points of
this law as a Scout?"

Participants: "Yes, we are!"

The Outfit Advisor: "Do you promise to do your best to live and pledge yourself to
learn and follow the Scout Oath & Law?"

Participants: "Yes, we are!"

The Outfit Advisor: "Very well. We began in almost total darkness. Now in the light
of these candles, we can see one another well and have renewed ourselves in the
Spirit of the Scout Oath & Scout Law. Now, I shall call your Senior Crew Leader to
lead the recitation of the Senior Scout Code.

The Senior Crew Leader: to all our newly invested Senior Scouts, please raise your
right hand in Scout Sign and repeat after me:

As a Senior Scout,

I will live the Scout Oath and Law, the Senior Scout Motto, and Slogan;

I will be familiar with the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, especially my rights
and obligations as a Filipino citizen;

I will share in the responsibilities of my home, school, church, neighborhood, community, and

I will deal fairly and kindly with my fellowmen in the spirit of the Scout Law;

I will work to preserve our Filipino heritage, aware that the privileges I enjoy were won by hard
work, sacrifices, clear thinking, and the faith of our forefathers;

I will do everything in my power to pass on a better Philippines to the next generation.

The Senior Crew Leader: I shall now call our Asst. Senior Crew Leader for the
Presentation of the Scout Badge.

The Asst. Senior Crew Leader: My fellow Scouts, before you is the Scout Badge.
The Scout Badge is composed of the trefoil and the scroll with an overhand knot
attached to it. Each point of the three pointed trefoil, which is the main part of the
Scout Badge, represents the three points of the Scout Oath, namely-duty to God and
Country, Duty to Others and Duty to Self.

The single band joining the three points of the trefoil symbolizes Unity and Universal
Brotherhood. The design and color inside the trefoil which is derived from our flag
have the same symbolism and meaning. The stars further symbolize the ideals of
faith, truth and knowledge, the foundation of Scout Citizenship.

The Scroll with the Scout Motto turned up at its end is a symbolic reminder of the
eight point of the Scout Law, "A Scout is Cheerful." The rope attached below the
scroll serves as a reminder to the Scout to do a good turn to someone every day, the
slogan being "Do a Good Turn Daily."

As your personal commitment, do promise to depend and uphold the highest

traditions and noble ideals of the Scout Badge as member of the World Organization
of the Scout Movement and the Boy Scouts of the Philippines?

Participants: "Sir, Yes, sir!"

The Asst. Senior Crew Leader: Very well, with that, I'm with you in this endeavor.
I shall now call our Outfit Scribe for the commitment to the Scout Motto.
The Outfit Scribe: As previously mentioned in the part of the Scout Badge is the
Scout Motto, which is "Laging Handa" or "Be Prepared". The motto reminds a Scout
of the meaning and purpose of his membership and the training he gets from

A Scout is being prepared and trained for responsible citizenship and servant
leadership. As he requires the necessary knowledge and skills in Scouting, his mind is
conditioned and he is able to offer the same knowledge and skills not only for himself
but in the service of others. Scouting therefore, is a preparation and readiness to serve
others, hence our Scout Motto "Laging Handa." Do you accept this motto as your
own and promise to live with it in your daily lives?

Participants: "Sir, Yes, sir!"

The Outfit Scribe: I am glad and happy to hear your commitment to our Scout
Motto. Now, I shall now call our Outfit Quartermaster for the presentation of the
Senior Scout Slogan.

The Outfit Quartermaster: The Senior Scout Slogan is "Once a Scout always a
Scout". In the case maybe, our Slogan will be simple reminder for all us, even though
we ceased to be a fine young men - in this little world, we will always be a Scout not
only in uniform but more so in thoughts, words and deeds. Do subscribe in the Senior
Scout Slogan?

Participants: "Yes, we are!"

The Outfit Quartermaster: Very well then, I am one with you, this slogan-Once a
Scout always a Scout, may we always be. I shall now call our Outfit Treasurer for the
commencement of the Scout Salute and the Scout Sign.

The Outfit Treasurer: My fellow Scouts, before us are the Philippine Flag and the
BSP Flag, and as sign of respect, let us execute the Scout Sign.

The Scout Sign is made with the right hand palm forward with forefinger, middle and
ring pointed upward, the thumb folded over the little finger. The forearm forms a
right angle with the upper arm which is horizontally in line with the shoulder.

The three fingers pointing upward indicate the three components of the Scout trefoil.
They also signify that a Scout reaches upward to bigger and nobler Ideals. The thumb
and little finger joined together represent the unity of the Scouting Movement and
symbolize the bond of brotherhood of all Scouts all over the world. The Scout Sign is
used by Scouts when he makes a solemn pledge, while reciting the Scout Oath and
Law, as well as the Panunumpa sa Watawat. It is also used as a greeting or
recognition sign among Scouts and Scouts all over the World. Ready front!
Fellow Scouts, Scout Salute! The Scout salute is made with the right hand in the
Scout sign. The hand is brought up smartly (taking the shortest distance) with the
forefinger touching the edge of the right eyebrow. If wearing a brimmed cap or hat,
the forefinger must touch the brim slightly to side of the right eye. When in uniform,
the salute is rendered as a sign of respect to the flag and the National Anthem. It is
also used between Scouts and Scouters as a sign of courtesy and respect.

We shall now have the presentation of the Senior Scout Medallion to lead by our
Senior Crew Leader

The Senior Crew Leader: Fellow Scouts, before you is the symbolic presentation of
our Senior Scout Medallion.


It represents all that Senior Scouting stands for. red double 5 letter embossed in a
field of gold and represented as a winding road leading to the distant horizon
symbolizes the exciting outdoor trails of life which a Senior Scout must take in
adventure filled journey to good citizenship. The golden field upon which the double
letter S is lain symbolizes those golden values that every Senior Scout must strive to
possess as he goes through life. The trefoil on the emblem reminds him that, as a
Senior Scout, he belongs to a world-wide brotherhood of young people committed to
a life of selfless service to God, Country and Fellowmen.

The double S also represents the three (3) sections of the Senior Scout programs
namely the Land, Sea and Air Scouting. It symbolizes the pathways traveled by Land
Scouts as they wind their way through the woods. It also symbolizes the red sails of
sailboats that flaps in the wind as Sea Scouts go into an adventurous voyage along the
coast. So. too, does it symbolize the flight curvature of spaceships hurling into
infinity as Air Scouts set their sights on a highly challenging odyssey into the future.
The double S is represented in the red for the courageous spirit that Senior Scouts
must exemplify on their joyful journey to a better life.

I shall now call our Assistant Outfit Advisor to lead the presentation of the Scout
Neckerchief and the Wooden Carabao Slide before our acceptance and donning

The Assistant Outfit Advisor: My fellow Scouts, before you is the Scout
Neckerchief and the Carabao Slide, allow me to present to you its symbolism before
the donning ceremony.

Our Neckerchief represents as the identity and basic uniform of a Scout...The

Universality of the Scout Movement Serves as many practical purposes such as
Bandage and tourniquet, Signal Flags during emergencies, In absence of ropes, may
also be joined together to be used as one and Protects the head from the heat of the
The Wooden Carabao Head as Slide... The symbol of hard work, humility,
perseverance and strength... An animal of burden which is so valuable, an asset to the
Filipino farmer. It Exemplifies kindness, friendliness, hospitality, patience and
persistence which are held highly by every Filipino and Our national animal - that
possesses "good character", which also render selfless service to all. You may now
prepare yourselves and accept your charge as we request your parents and guardians
to lead the Neckerchief Donning Ceremony.


The Outfit Advisor: May we request all parents and guardians to don the
neckerchiefs of their sons as symbol of acceptance in the Scout Movement.

The Outfit Advisor: "And now for the official acceptance, let us all welcome our
Institutional Head/Principal.

The Institutional Head/Principal: "By the authority vested in me by the Boy Scouts
of the Philippines, Council, and as the Institutional Head of (name of
institution). I now officially declare you as full fledge member of Scout Outfit
No.____ of (name of institution). You may now accept your Membership IDs from
your Scout Officials in the presence of your loved ones the symbol of your
membership. Welcome to the Outfit! Best Scouting Wishes and Thank You very

(Play the song "On My Honor")


THE EMCEE: Congratulations to everyone! Now, it's time for us to reaffirms the
values that we commit to fulfill, with that, allow me to introduce to you our Guest
Speaker for this afternoon. He/She is no other than ____________ (designation)

The Emcee introduces the Guest Speaker.


The Guest Speaker delivers his/her Speech

The Emcee thanks the speaker and calls a Parent or Guardian (a member of the
Institutional Scouting Committee) to give the Closing Remarks.


First, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and congratulations to everyone,

especially to our parents and guardians, Scout Officials and my beloved Scouts. As I
carefully observe the ceremony, it was really an eye-opener and enlightenment at the
same. A very timely call to renew our desirable customs and traditions, morale values
and character through Scouting. Having your commitment to the Scout Ideals shall
help strengthen the moral fiber of our society, with the Scouts as future servant

I would just like to summarize my remarks in two challenging rules - rule #1 is to try
live up with the ideals of the Scout Oath & Law, with much courage and perseverance
- rule #2, during tough times and challenging years try not to compromise rule #1.
And God, our great Scoutmaster will help you to do it. Again, congratulations and
happy Scouting.


Let's bow down our heads, join us and be with our God's loving presence. Dear Lord,
we thank thee, for gracing our Outfit Investiture Programme. As this ceremony comes
to an end, we humbly beg for your guidance.
Lord, make us TRUSTWORTHY; so we can lead if we can be trusted.
Lord, make us LOYAL; always true and faithful to our God, to our country and to
our fellowmen.
Lord, make us HELPFUL; teach us to follow what You said: "I did not come to be
served but to serve.
Lord, make us FRIENDLY; a friend can only be a true friend when he does not look
after his self interest but the welfare of his friends.
Lord, make us COURTEOUS; You always taught us to be gentle as doves and to be
meek as lambs.
Lord, make us KIND; mercy can only be obtained if we also show mercy to others.
Lord, make us OBEDIENT; our love is better expressed in our obedience to Your
laws, to the laws of our country and the Scout Oath and Law.
Lord, make us CHEERFUL; we can only understand the meaning of happiness when
we have learned to share with others.
Lord, make us THRIFTY; not a miser but one who understands that there is always a
tomorrow to prepare for.
Lord, make us BRAVE; not brave to inflict pain on others but brave to uphold truth
and to abhor lies; brave to do good and brave to avoid wrongs.
Lord, make me CLEAN; for You once said: "Only the clean of heart shall see God.
"Make me clean in thought, in words and in deeds.
Lord, make us REVERENT; Teach me to love You with all my heart, with all my
mind and with all my strength.
Lord, my Scouting started with let my Scouting end with You, the Great Scoutmaster
of all.
All these we pray in your most holy name. AMEN.


The Master of Ceremony announces “The Exit of Colors”. Everyone stands in
attention as the color detail marches toward the stage to take the Flags.


Scout Sign! Push it Forward! "May the Great Master, of all Scouts, Be with us, until
we meet again"

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