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Revisión del PGOU de Rincón de la Victoria


Apellidos y Nombre o Razón Social


Correo postal Comparecencia electrónica (Requiere certificado digital)
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Provincia C.P.

I come to report on my own behalf and on behalf of the affected neighbors that we suffer from unsanitary conditions and
poor hygiene in our properties due to the poor condition of a part of the garden owned by the adjoining neighbor D. XXXX.In
addition, said the poor maintenance by the aforementioned owner of his garden is causing damage and deterioration in our

The reason for these damages and inconveniences is caused by a series of numerous cypresses planted in a line just xx
centimeters from the boundaries and with little difference between one and the other, these being a total of xx trees with a
height of approximately about xx meters high each. The branches of these trees are introduced into our properties about two
meters today, specifically on our back terraces, dirtying both the ground and other areas, causing darkness, pigeons to nest
in them and dirtying our farms even more, attracting a large number of insects and consequently spiders and, what is more
annoying, suffering from an infestation of rats in the area. The same happens with some ivies, in turn planted a few
centimeters from our properties.

The affected neighbors have already informed the owner of the property to remove these trees or, at least, control their
growth and care, and he flatly refused any of our requests despite seeing the damage caused in situ and acknowledging the
existence of rodents It has also been communicated to him via burofax, without receiving any type of response to the
request by this means.

For the reasons stated,QUE ACOMPAÑA
I request the xxxx City hall to order the owner of the farm D. .........................., with address
in .................................., remove these trees and at least cut them down, as required by legal regulations .

On the other hand, I also request the City hall of xxxx to carry out a rat extermination process in the area.

En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la normativa sobre protección de datos personales, se le informa que: El Responsable del tratamiento de sus datos es el
Ayuntamiento de Rincón de la Victoria. Plaza Al-Ándalus, nº 1, 29.730 Rincón de la Victoria, Málaga. Teléfono: +34 952 40 23 00. Email: La finalidad de los datos proporcionados es gestionar las sugerencias y alegaciones que se presenten por la ciudadanía y
entidades, en la tramitación del planeamiento para el desarrollo de actividades urbanas y durante la tramitación del planeamiento urbanístico. Puede ejercer sus
derechos de acceso, rectificación y supresión, así como el resto de los derechos reconocidos en el art. 15 al 22 del Reglamento General de Protección de
Datos, con copia de su documento identificativo.
Más información adicional y detallada disponible en nuestra página web:

Sr. Alcalde-Presidente del Ayuntamiento de Rincón de la Victoria

En Rincón de la Victoria, a de de 202

Fdo.: D. /D.ª

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