Sex Education 1

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Sex Education

Episode 1

Before watching
Ex. 1 Match the words with their definitions and then translate them into Russian:

1) to explode a) a psychiatrist
2) to charge b) a person's way of understanding and thinking about
3) for good c) to be sexually attracted to someone
4) a shrink d) forever
5) to affect e) 1) to ask an amount of money for something, especially a
2) to make a formal statement saying that someone is
accused of a crime
6) to fancy smb f) to have an influence on someone or something
7) outlook g) to break up into pieces violently
8) to split h) divide into two or more parts

Ex. 2 Answer the questions with active vocabulary telling true stories about yourself or your
relatives and friends:

1) Have you ever visited a shrink?

2) Is there a celebrity you fancy?
3) Has there been an event in your life that completely changed your outlook?
4) Have you stopped doing any hobby for good?
5) Have you ever been overcharged at a shop or cafe?
6) Do your emotions ever affect your decisions?

While watching
Ex. 3 Watch the episode and insert the words from active vocabulary in ex. 1:

1) Otis: “Just because he's the only other gay in our year, - it doesn't mean you have to
________ him.”
2) Otis: “No, no, she's like a a _________. But instead of talking about mental health stuff,
she talks about sex. People's sex lives.”
3) Adam: Please, new kid. It feels like it's gonna ___________. And not in a good way.
4) Otis: It is interesting you mention your father. How does being the headmaster's son
____________ you?
5) Otis: Yes, you're very visible in the school due to your father's position. But neither is
likely to change. But your ____________ can.
6) Otis: We won't tell anyone. If you leave my friend Eric alone. __________
7) Headmaster: Do you have any idea what you have done? I've had multiple parents
threatening to take their children out of school. They were going to ____________ you
with public indecency if I hadn't intervened.
8) Maeve: We'll ________ for every appointment and ________ the cash.

After watching
Ex. 4 Translate the sentences using active vocabulary:

1) Мама Отиса - психотерапевт, и она не заинтересован в романтических

2) Друг Отиса, Эрик, - гей, и ему нравится другой мальчик-гей, который с ними в
одном классе.
3) Адам так переел виагры, что думал, что его пенис взорвется.
4) На него очень влияло то, что он был сыном директора.
5) Отис считал, что Адаму нужно изменить своё мнение и не обращать внимание на
6) Отис хотел, чтобы Адам навсегда отстал от его друга.
7) Адама хотели осудить за его недостойное поведение в школе.
8) Мэйв предлагала Отису проводить сеансы секс терапии, брать деньги за них и
делить их поровну.

Ex.5 Answer the questions using new words and retell Episode 1:

1) The episode starts at the house of a teen boy Otis and his Mum Jean. What do we learn
about them? How does Otis treat his Mom’s sexual partner? Why do you think he does
2) What do we learn about Otis’s friend Eric? What do we learn about their relationships
with other kids at school? Who are “the Untouchables”? What do we learn about Amy
and her relationships with Adam Groff?
3) What happens at the school meeting at the first day of school year? Who is Jackson?
What does he have to do with Maeve?
4) What do we learn about headmaster’s son (Adam Groff) character and behaviour? Why
does he go to Otis’s house? What happens there? Why does he consider Otis and his
mom freaks?
5) Which lesson does headmaster ask the teacher to give? What happens at the lesson that
compromises Otis?
6) After Maeve goes to talk to him, they find Adam in the toilet. What problem is he
having? How does Otis help him with the problem? What does Otis ask in return?
7) What does Adam do in the cafeteria? How does his father react to it?
8) What does Maeve offer Otis to do at the end of the episode? Does he agree?

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