New York Tribune 1893 Dvorak Estreno

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STlDr. HIS RIFLE AT HIS SIDE. Washington, Dec. 14.Mr. Mendonca, the THIRTY DATS1 The handsome country home of C lionel S. V.
IMI'i:i**''.\MI.VT .VNII TO
TIED TO A FENCE NEAR HY R. Cruder, at Rayvllle. L I., four miles from
Brazilian Minister, haa been Informed by his
The Rev. Vernon Murray Olyphart. a young What was supposed to nave been an accidental
Oovernment of Fie arrival of the Nlctheroy on
TAT A FTNI'. OF e^'iO-AN APPEAL LootlSt Valley, was totally destroyed by fire at FIRST-THE ADMINISTRATION BELIEVED
Presbyterian clergyman, lies dead at the house death on the railroad at Iselin. a village three WILL tl TAK IA fi o'clock yesterday morning. At that hour Mrs.
father, at N". lin Madison-ave., with a miles south of Rahway, is gradually evolving lt* the <. ast of Brazil. She reached there Tuesday, TO BE PKEPABOra T'l " CRAWKISH."
of his
right temple. That the wound ami since then hm been under the cntrol nf The decision of Judge Barnard, adjudging John Cruger, known tu tho literary world as Jullen
bullet hde In his self into a mystery and the shadowy outlines ,,<
tlc- Brazilian Navy Department. The America, Y. McKati'-, Supervisor and Chief of Police uf Cordon, was avvak"i)'d by a noise calming from [BY IBMUII TO TllE TRini*KE.J
was self-Inflicted flflflinfl almost
certain from the a murderer are appearing in, the background.
| An investigation yesterday by whose machinery was disabled on ber way from th- town of Gravesend; Richard v. it Netrton, near her desk. I'pon examining the floor Washington, Dec. 14..Although more than a
story so far developed, Tribune reportet a
New-Tork to the Weet ln.ii.-s, he has als., been JUStlCS of the Peace, and Election Inspectors near the desk sh* was surprised to find week has passed since the Senate adopted Mr.
The dead man was the flOCODd son of Robert brought to ]|Rht the probable fact that Jame,
Informed, will lease Um port where repairs are Johnson, Crandall and Cropscy, of tin* aame lt hot, and soon discovered that the I.''s reoolutlon reipiestlng the President to
Murray Olyphant. well krt'iwn for many years Dunn, one of the most popular yoting men of the
being made on Saturday or Sunday for Brazil. town, guilty *>f contempt *if court In their ac¬ beams underneath the ii.. wera
ablaze. COmmunloatS the Instructions and other orders
as th" president of the
Delaware and Huds m till**!-, whose body was founl lying in a ditch
The Minister was not authorised t.. mention the tions *.ii Kiection hay. was filed yesterday In Bhe ran t" thfl bedroom occupied by her hus¬ given to American Ministers In Hawaii since
Canal Company. Hi*areelder brother, Robert, and .long the railroad near Menlo Park, Tueaday th'' Supreme Court, In Brooklyn. The full pen¬ band and told him that the house waa on fire. 18X1. together with the diplomatic correspond¬
port at whidi the Nlctheroy had arrived
members of the firm of
Kensett, his junior, evening, was not killed by the rats aa flttpp !
the but met his death under clrcumstanT*es Indicating the West Indian port where the America ls alty of the law Was imposed on them, and they lb- dressed himself hastily, summoned his hut* ence liming that period affecting the Hawaiian
Ward at ''lyphaiit, who have offices in being repelled, were eaoh flenteneed to thirty days' imprison¬ Ier and cachman, and sent them
to the quarters Islands, no response has yet been made by the
Coal and Iron Exchange. The family ls one murder. No mention has been made in any of the cable ment In tho county Jail and to pay a line nf occupied by the farmhands for help They re- Stats Department, and no one seems to be aware
of the oldest in the State, and tho famous china "i oung Dunn had been subpoenaed to appear
¦messages received by Mr. Mendoncsof of Um IJ.'.O. Thia result of the legal proceedings, which Bponded quickly and negen lighting the flames. when the President and Secretary Gresham will
house at David Otyphant la still remembered in before the Grand Jury at New-Brunswick In thc beginning of hostilities In the harbor Rio, as took place last week, was hailed arith delight .\x-m were procured and Colonel Cruger and his sc* tit to throw th*- Hgbl which the Senate asks
case of Mrs. John Martin, charged with selling began .-h..[.ping boles In th.* floor so upon some recent Incidents in Hawaiian di¬
this city. reported by Captain l'i. king to the Navy Depart¬ by ail lovsn of law and order, all K"*"i citi¬ assistants
Mr. Olyphant was thirty-tlnve years old, and liquor without a li -ense. Dunn decided to drive ment here. RespecUng Um report nails by zens and the public generally In llrooklyn. that water could be thrown upon
the flames. By plomacy. It vvas expected that seven days would
twelve years flvfO WM graduated with honors at to the County Court House and took with him Captain l'i. king yesterday of UM declaration of Public sentiment vvas stirred to such a degree this time the room vvas so filled with smoke that bfl time enough to get tht Information asked for
princeton. Then he took a theological course, James Hogan, another young man subpoenaed in martial law tit P-ernambuco, Minister Mendonca by ii.u'rages and frauds on Election Day, Colonel and Mrs. Cruger wera forced to stop Into print, and there was general confidence
and three years later was ordained a minister, the case. On the way home te stop vvas made said that it vvas not new; the tact had bean and by the groat mass-meeting held a few days lighting the tire for fear of being overcome. The
a bout the Capitol that Mr. Cleveland would send

having paaflfld through the Princeton Seminary. at Walsh's liquor store at Menlo Park, when published a fortnight ago, at the time <-r Um th. .eafi. r, that lt ls regarded as an excellent smoke ao affected the C >l mel, In fact, that he had
in his promised message to-day. No message
But ill health early attacked him. Ht suffered Hogan left Dunn to go to work at Ifetuchen. arrest of a leadlng member "f the Insurgent alga that the '*hi*f offender. John T. McKane, to be assisted from the room by thc servants. .ame from th" White House, however, and the

a severe attack of nervous prostration

from There are two roads from Walsh's shop to Iselin, Senate, thinking lt useless to sit walting for the
party In thal city upon the request of
the has been brought to justice, and thal lc will He revived, however, ahortly afterward. He then
Which he never entirelyandrecovered. A cheat Ottfl on each side of the track. Dunn left
Federal autborlUea at Rio, who bad discovered be placed behind prison bara for his flagrant tried to telephone the Are department atOlen Cove Intelligence which the Administration seemed in¬
complaint troubled him, in his weak con- Walsh's at five minutes of 5, taking the ma i on bul the telephone failed to work. clined to suppress Indefinitely, adjourned in
hla correspondence with Mello. disregard aif the courts.
A toon as ('lionel and .Ms. (Yager saw that
dltlon he was never able to take charge of a the west side of the track, which ls hilly, Th- dispatch from Lisbon published this morn¬ lb* baa founi. In iplte ..f ins bold asser¬
weariness until Monday next. The long-delayed
chunh or accomplish any active clerical work. tion, wh.-n surrounded by his in Graves¬ they could not save their h i*. theysome hastened to instructions to Minister Willis are not likely,
ing ann. urning the arrival Utera of the British
in*- ur. vu 1:1 stim, o» THE i IE8.
In the last eight years he had liv* d the life waa shown to end on ElseUon Day, timi "Injunotiona don't the lower tl.. and tried to tavi of the therefore, to bs made public for several days to*
At ten minutes past .". thc flection gnni*; on the .teamship Nile, from Pernambuco, valuable painting* aad furniture. Mrs. Cruger come, unless the President, to accentuate his con¬
of a student, although he became known down way home to Iselin found th- body of Dunn In a the Minlater. Mr. Mendonca -aid: "That whole go here." that they do "go" then as well as sue .led in carrying out, with the aaalatai
In the Fourth Ward as a missionary of the ditch, with his head resting on thc tics. There atatementa elsewhere, and that Gravesend and Coney the farmhands) th.* dining-room furniture and tempt for tie Benate, should choose to send the
dispatch is a aeries ot remark.Ms di sired Information to-morrow or Saturday to
Church of the Sea and Land. Hp was also were two fractures of tlie skull, one beginning at In the first place, tbe voyage ..f the Nile Itself I-;.* i. leapQte hla autocratic rule, are a part ;i .mas. The res) of th" furniture was
the House of Reprea-ntatives, while the "de¬
Identified with the Madison Avenue Church, ix* k
..f UM crown and running down the back of the is the quickest on record between ¦Pernambuco of tli" Second TV,.artm.-nt of tin* Supreme Court lost.
In addition to the furniture Colonel ami Mrs. liberative branch." which made the first request
which I>r. Thompson is pastor. h.-nd, the other on tbe forehead over the lefl eye, and Lisbon by two daya and fourteenal hours, least.
of the State of New-Tork. Although every pos¬ Cruger lost ail "f their clothing, and had to for the instructions, had closed its doors for a
sermons written by him had been published, and a later investigation disclosed no other wounds or which, li' nu.-, la worthy of mention sible legal device win be reaorted to In order borrow garments from their servants. Many
brulaea The section men, knowing young Dunn, In the next place, the offlcers of the Nile
he had contributed many able* articles on church and to prev.-nt the execution of the sentence, it valuable pi.-.-.-s of art, bric-a-brac, laces, furs, three-days' lecSflfl", _,
having seen him pan by earlier ir. the liv port that the insurgents have betn greatly and Jewelry wars also lost Colonel Cruger DEMOCRATS wi i.r, not UPHOLD HIM.
"The Presbyterian" and other theo¬ Admiral da ii nol be doubt.¦ I thal tin- lear-cul decision succeeded
subjects to in te buggy, began a flearch for the rig, which strengthened by tlc accession never been In¬ "f in Baving bia watch and pocketbook.
logical paper*. they found *m tha lower road acruaa the track [<;.una and hla friends. I hav.- of of Judge Barnard will be auatai.I by tim Mra Cruger also a number of manuscripts It is expected, however, that the President ll
Mr. Olyphant had never at any time evinced a from the on" Dunn had taken. The horse was clined tn minimise the effect Us Rama'a higher courts, and that .'iii Kalie and his a.'- and ¦ collection of autograph letters. Among anxious to keep Mr. Willis's Instructions secret
securely tied to the fence with ..f the reina. declaration in favor of the Insurgents, but thal was a new article
flt dates will have to rn rvs their terma In Ray- the manus, ripts destroyed
distaste for life or tl disposition to suicide. The Thc train sheets at the Iffcnlo 1'ark telegraph the officers of the Nileof should have been able which sh., had Just completed, translated from
as long as posslhle, In the hope of somehow

only chang** noticed him when he took lunch¬ from proclamation upon ni.1 Street Jail. *liverting attention from their assailable char¬
in "thee show that no traine pas*-., l either way to describe the effect li- the Italian.
eon with the memben of the family yesterday the time Dunn left Walsh's until
lc- waa the country, when th. y had left the allowa port a daj ti -il MONT v.; tlXST WW HIE. The los* |a estimated I7S.O0O,
at of which $30,000 acter by a forced construction of them In the
section men. The h..rsc driven or tw.. before it wai promulgated,
that coveted by insurance, lt js believed that the
was that he fleetned to be more animated and found dead by the animal and would run Th.- proceedings for contempt of the inJuncUon is light, of the wholly unexpected turn taken by oc¬
cheerful than usual. by Dunn was a spirited .-haine. Neither th.- h >rae
the*) are moat remarkable men.
th.- steamer tire was rinsed i,y a spark from a grate Are. currences In Hawaii since the original orders
away at the slightest "Th*' statements with reference to and al***" In which Judge Barnard Issued the day before the Colonel I'rugei's place waa known <>f as idlesse.
At 3 o'clock, according to his custom, he went
nor the buggy, which vvas new. sh..vv any signs l'ar;ili\ ba in the Lisbon dispatch, Mendonca said, election srere begun agalnsl the five defendants Th" house, vvhi.-h stoodwas in the centre a sixfy- were given. The debate in tbs Senate on the H*a»
of *>f accident. There was not a flcratch on the from London Mr. "

the finest on
up stairs to his study, which ls in the front wuhan ipiestlon has shown conclusively that the
the dlspat' !. te p|.,t ,,f ground, ..tie ,,f
"demonstrate to me thal some ofabout the news, al found guilty, snd Poliee Sig.-un Murphy and of 200
the house and on the third floor, for an after¬ polished woodwork of theOfbuggy th*' sen* are several .1 lined In tv llspatchea Braslllan Policeman Na IL The 'wo last, named proved Long
Island. It had a frontage original Cleveland policy of restoration, whether
''ii the cushioned back
noon's work. His sister. Miss Grace V. Oly¬ dark stains <>f bl.Hid about the size of a penny, affairs originated *.vltli people who sre not
about, that they wei--- present when the lervlce of by persuasion or force, would be utterly repudi¬
phant, pitting in her room on the second floor, whichflrstwould seem t<> abow thal Dunn received
buggy, lt took
lar with what th.-y are writing
In Brazil called ¦Parahyba, the papers waa disregarded, and iii- pro.Ungi BUFFALO THEATRES BUHCfED. ated by the great majoiity of the Democratic
about ten minutes later heard a dull, muffled his injuries whli- in theminutes There ls a province written PROPERTY VALUED AT tl,800,000 DF.STROYKD Ab
were dismissed, A greal mai Senators, and this disclosure has undoubtedly
of heavy fall. Dunn not more than three to cover or Parahlba, or, aa lt lals agenerall) river In Brazil
against them
THK RESULT Ol A SW. HAL OAS ¦__.PLOC.OV. forced the Administration Into some scheme of
sound as a 'he distance from Walsh's atora to the point here, Paralba, and there The affidavits was presented .it the hearing before
dnipping his books," she would have li. called ii.-- Parnahyba. names you will modiiied construction which will be sought to be
"Vernon has been where he met his death,
and lill easy Quitter I": any Ott* I" Steal lip l"-!iiii
and lt
different, and there ar.- Judge Kait. nd. The principal affiants for the Buffalo, Dec. H..The block at Clinton and put upon the orders alluded to In the President'*
thought, and'wont *.n with her work. Twocame. him and fracture his skull with theblow a aa he named both aftei 'l"- province and the river. iii..11 were Col in I A, 8. Bacon, 1). M. Main sts.. extending back to Washlngton-st.,
a half hours passed, and the dinner hour message as given for the restoration "within
His walked his hors*' tlie hill in d rirkt,. I vi terday it wa ann meed thal ilc-
Ix* I by Grout, W. j Gaynor. E. s. Doubleday, Herbeii s known as the Arcade, was destroyed by fin* this
Vernon was called, bul did notThe respond. hat worn by Dunn has n..t yet l-'i. i. Pa ra I had 1 Worth;.¦*-. I'et.r Rosenback, the Rev. Robe J morning, and Robins..n's Munee Theatre and
c.nstitutional limitations" of the status quo In
st tidy door Th** s*ift feltWho
father went up stairs to pet him. handle and walked been found. took Dunn's home from wh<*re Mell '-¦ force* yesterday .¦;lixIhi Informatloi inb»<al Pal a*
K- ni and I...uis Stol ber, and they deposed i" Bub* Bhea'fl concert hal! are in ruins. At 7 **>'cloa;k
WM dosed. He turned tin* the body lay down on th.- lower road and lied thnt he fl and cree
Mr. Vest's significant assertion yesterday that
In, and saw his son lying dead on the couch be¬
him to the fen-- is a question whi.h many .nc |<>ln< ¦! .M.-ii..'*. !. i To da) m ..¦
Lbs flame atatem nta ol" lu th.- neighborhood heard a muffled ex¬ the President, In attempting to put the Queen
fore him. asking. r|i..t Uv* of th" f T "t of the Para* A bi ti .i- the c immltment ui !..:. the decision plosion. Th.* scrubwoman in * barge <>f the
On the floor by the sofa was a coagulated hot, and that the soldiers de- upon the throne by force, would clearly commit
F.NF.MII's M.Vi'K BT 111-* IK-TIM NV h> ba had Jv :.... Barnard and entered aa an tn..ruing work about the building had Just ar¬
pool of blom!. Across the chair at the elbow of tailed for the put -.
p- an act of war, can scarcely be explained on any
the young man was a Wlnchest* r rifle, such aa That Dunn had made enemies by hla testimony *ii .-...* nmI i¦ w rel -i ...'..¦. orders and order .>f the court, lt the duty of the rived and had begun her wak. When the PX- ground than that the Administration has
the dead m<an had used in his visits to the
before the Qrand Jury there ls no doubt Efl lire ..: e still she Iff to arr al the defendants an! send them plosion came she rushed through the corridors
Adirondacks. Dr. Robert Watts, the family ..Hw The fact ls
la a v
their 'erins in jail and to olleol the crying "Flref" and the nlghi watchman mused decided to "cravllsh" on Its jnillcy of "righting"
was had i.;i made t.. hav.. him remain
aa o
physician, of No. 4J> West Thirty-sixth-st., :,
Fal of

the Ai who occupied apartments in the building,

t'D-een Liliuokalani, "wrongs." and will e_-
called, but life had longnever been extinct from the C.rand Jury t" rm. l*v- v ii: ..:-:! ai. 1 .
Ell 'I*' int deavor to disclaim, flo far as lt plausibly can,
Mr. Olyphant had married, had no The Incidents leading up v. Mt M ap Han Naiv ired pa pei All ihe ii- tped, though the flames the restoration programme which only two weeks
business or sentimental trouble, feasible and the de¬ hav.- been exciting and .-ii_-*-r which were In . v.. I tl migs pending an appeal. If the spread with great rapidity.
the only expla¬ pearanoe motive I" and that ag.) a*as loudly proclaimed a_ an urgent moral
pression of ill health a bitter feeling, and may furnish the Parnnhj bu
is i
.-. l th- defendants '.vii' remain lt was evident from the first that lt was hope¬
nation of his self-destruction. as any on'- caa nd crew hav. Joined the duty and this Government's "only honorable
for Dunn's death. As far back .-..¦ is quite pi nbabl e. .- ao, under B.O0* ball. In which the] hav.- i.n held less to think of saving the Arcade I'.uildlr.g, and
remember there ha-* been onl} liquor at *e course." To presume otherwise would trane-
n' Iflelln, whi.h is als., a combilla- n gr- cry, and tl I -ire th. iran f -r -, until tbfl especial attention was directed t.> checking the
TESTIMOyY AT con, HI f S'S Tr. I AL.

eu vvius |. if. i!y |u form Mr. Vest from a champion and defender ot
:m*l for yeera lt has lieen lu the I nina family.
inti.-- -. theil rai Term. Tn.- matter can progress of the fire toward Rflgle-st. The the Administration In its present desperate
Mrs. Martin went there thro** months ago, able rated tin* building of Faxon.

al Tl rm :.!.': V
TELL WHAT THEY SAW THE NI.HT took oul a Oovernment license only, and ).. the bench, his place Williams ,v I'iivoti. wholesale grocers, and the plight Into a critic as severe and radical aa Mr.
*T!ir.!:. buslneaa. lt ls alleged ihat tic- widow Hoar or Mr. Frye; for the Missouri Senator, In
CRONIN WAS KIl.LKH HU v V- Bl Immediately t>. do a big bunine**! by chairing in General Tenn arill !>.. lilied by Judge Cullen, fit" of J. N Adam's big drygoodfl st..f" vvas advocating a p tiley of absolute n^n-lnterference
hard fight was made at the
i..w prices. As consequence b slnesi al Ihi Tl RK1MI PRIM 1 URI h.-: I in queetl .ri by thfl heavy tire wall and fl withdrawal of all support, moral or
<**hic_co. Pee. 14.A a
FF.ll bul aa the latte only
this morntai by "nts lawyer, Dunn establishment fell offi and the V'F.F.N ..j: the north or Ure .-id.-. With streams fr-.rn
.;! I i rr material, from Liliuokalani's cause, occupieal
trial of Daniel OoufhUa from him he will probably
ex-Judge Wing, to keep on the Jury all testimony lenient spent its time and money I*, lhe wldnw's
. v .ll la,'*.I *.
nut h* il. and ll will b de. Ida by Building, however, th" firemen kept the Sames
pu r "th and isl sides ..! tlr- Arcade ground as antipodal to that taken In Secretary
of the Gresham's memorandum aa any possible P.e-
of the policemen who saar the right
Sile the , irt.. li¬

der at different points on the Northmen and a trunk widow's friends defied them. Last wi
; lace.
The Dunns talk d pro* litton, and the Tl * ' j.i m.- ii a fll i ma .1
well iu har..!, and it aoon be .nae licking
lhe hinze liol done its worst In
apparent that
up two
publlcan critt- ..f the Administration's original
Quia *tlc programme can take.
ter's wagon with three unknown trial t" tentlon *.f th-to Orand Jury at New-Brunswl**k it ll may be a yeai >r moi.. be¬ Wllllama
Court blocks :ti" Immense Arcade and tbs Faxon,
In it. An effort was made at the previous was brought th- widow's place, an I a nh I ea cl I \ Faxon ii
exclude the testimony. The court ruled that lt was
..f sui'!'-...tia** follow) i. The Dunna wi .¦

tbrenl I at the I--** vi mts sa ff. r the penalty nf the la tr, Thi !'.. w.-r.. Several narrow escapes. Manager It will surprise n**> one. accordingly, If the mes¬
circumstances .,f being responsible for thia but thi... they deny intj j i*i ti i.r debt- Franklin, ..:' the Muse) Theatre, roomed on thc
not for him to say what effect the the sage when it comes shows an attempted re¬
would have on the jury, and dec;.Ll to admitoccu¬ As Tu. .*,!.¦>.
the the day of hearing, approached, bul ail
rden tliltd il ir, and was not awakened until th"
versal f opinion on the moral duty of monar¬
testimony of the policemen feeling between the two factions be* ...
-' I Ma mi wet i
Barnard's ha .".it off his .-seale b) tia- stairways,
testimony. The
tense, .-md open threats of violenceci natdi
were The .llowlns is the teal of Judge ll- waa .. cued with a ladder, aim.-stth**overcome chical restoration which will drive the present
pied the rest of thea day. officer for the village of 1 v ti .tn aides. Young Dunn was been a hall In th* Ural li vi.- t
l.v the smoke. Proprietor Shea, of concert "cuck-hi" defenders of the President to a sudden
John Wade was special witness, because hent had nea DR --f ii

made Ins wa) out Hu'..ugh 1'.in.ling smoke.

in May. Iflflfl. About damaging ii'll.
i the ir -. .-r I, a town iii Ku chane-* of note, and neats a new and extensive
Edgewater, north of Iaak>- ofView, fellow in the widow's place *

ny til
thur f M
id I people wit >0krt ".liv the in'- nae heat almost blisteringwindowsneeh lils
market for letters of gratitude on which the
1 o'clock on the morning May *, he was standing lMinns openly lay hla death 1" 1 : Acid call f'.r a regl rteveral women were rescued from ly
like when he heard New-Brunswick. Coroner McDoud, of New* peixoi In thia etty vote of al ...-i.. patent taken out the other day by Mr. Mils will
a block from the abor* of tba il;., firemen .ci (ai

coming Brunswick, vvas informed yesterday ol th" dr*


railroad tracks i of Da Osma Ai th) ulrli the ... v..te the town nibitantlulh for years Among those who will suffer by the tire atv: be quits melesa and out of date. Such at least
a vehicle paflalllfl over the ..( !.,'¦ re "i census wai taken. In iv- fall of that
of a lamp the cnn,stances, un-l announced his Intention -c- rumor thal inn* iori of Shea <_ M s. Robinson, Buffalo ;s Benatorlal ..pinion, which ls quick at all
east from Evanston-ave. In the light V.Mr tte Vet- lif tile "A tl IV I'. t If II. ,| t 0*4 I
- -.

examination to-day. fri. -i ls of Mella regarding th* Clothing Ci.-aniiig Co., T. C. Tanke, jeweler and times to snuff the beginnings of any Presidential
watchm'-n flaw two men drivers walking ahead of the h-lding an « ,s r '¦ .¦. I.-
and Nlctl eiof..¦ Pin this to 6, The tie- fall of I rj
eras .1 candidate
ul ra arose
¦..;. ian: Theabaud Co., dyers; Harvey A Co., doublings or contemplate*) changes of base.
seat. Ootafl tip I ...¦-, :;.!¦¦! da plaintiff abo
wagon anl a third cn the .it i.v tit
Important office, lo beI to voti f..r in thc Xovi spirit merchants; Felthausen «.. Co., plumb-Ts;
to the solitary driver, W ; la Called out, to
"What's up HE HIEl> TO SAVE His FAMILY. .. .i-.,
and Vlctheroy
le uti I ¦I I tl Inspector!* f el J, Neuman, photographer; B, -evyn, cigars; D.
at this time of night?" "Wa Pt* going
.¦. Mello.
ill bb soon ;
foi roplei of the Ititi In each of the sis district*
of lhe toa i, which il vo in one building. The lavin, clothier;
Misfit clothing Co., Otto 1*1-
ar.d are looking for the Lake Shore drive," replied tii.t HIS brich, stationer; Faxon, williams
poop. WORKMAU KILLS him-: I.'* appll.;,h.,n waa ful The pl iii Oeneral Committee, the
the man on the wagon. lil VI t M COMMER E ibis airt f..r Itt .ii in ompelllng the production grocers; the Republican SUPPOSED DISP.VTt H FROM MR. BI_*.Di_S
To put his companions on guard, the wilwin¬ WI FF AND CHILI.KI'.N MI,HT
VI II.I. I'l: .1! T AMKRICAN '
the lists so thal the plalntlfl mid cop* them Five Cent Store Cu.. and a number of occupants A
ls no I Ns 'K.vS"* I. ON Big LIFE VTI.Y i'l The Court tnatructed thc Inipectora .'-. to the right of the offices and tenants of the living apart¬ NOT OX THi: FILES.
dri ver shout'-d: "Tlie watchman says there THK ,1!. i.'.'.i Ni! NIT ACT IM'II'IMH the plaintiff to hav* copli i, but thal ments.
John Oroblensky, a machinist, untilWrecently
Lake Shore drive this far tenth." Then two men OTU F.R VATIONS !**. rit'.iVI*. MARCH* las righi wis im greater than the right of other Th-- tire w is caused by an explosion of natural
came forward from the direction of the lake. OM employed in the potter Printing Pre gas under the boilers, Which lavHad nearly In the

[Xfi nv i:tn CltlSi r.s THK 6 VC V KT A RVS WSW!!; TO Mil. STEVENS'S

aald: "1 guam not, 1 can't t.nd it." Wade's sus¬ yesterday ino; ti¬ The Inspectors were again applied to by pei Arca.i.. building it occurred
picions were aroused, however, and h.- passed Plainfield, committed suicide work and provide Rio .bi. .;r.. Dee. li Thomaa I* Thmnpson, actli
¦. the plaintiff In lulflclitnl numb*
tic- li ta were produced,
to centre of the
win n the t!.. an.- and concert hall were running HEQi'i'.-r poi ta-MTKDCTIOXS can¬
he thought was ing because he could not get itrazil. announces the lists wiih du.- sj...-1 lt
around the wagon observion He waa ubi.- to ;. "f ihe Court wai isa i by the In- the loaa of life would have been
what to
for bis family. TTie recent work hard timbi pn tne I'nlt* I .-'..'.- Minister loni may do, tli- United the Instruction not BI*. F"l'ND.
au old-fashion l tool cheat. with whom receiving either In that, whatever other natrun. battle the plaintiff. Pei « ho a "re M. c. shea, proprietor ..f tbs roncerl hail.
ocriba- to tbe and jury the .<s _,t WO.000 with onl) tlO.ObO in-
man the man fn>m rr.- from ali encroach*
*' the Hits refu I Washington. Pee 14. .No Hawaiian news ls
he had thc conversatl in. ".'.oney the Fox," ls be¬ Y..ik Philadelphia or Newark. Iq consequence apparently employed In cpi lng eatlmatea iii-*
been thal that he look rn rrphlne, the Insurgent nival treeaela The _l\.- them up, or i" permit copies loipyl he made limul
*-, for it ls aurance.
Mr. Robinson, proprietor of the Musfle now expected before Monday next, unless per-
lieved t*. hav.- ma
"Th. Evening 1' .st" to-day says tbat Josephls Mr- be became m, despondent for during the protection taneouxly with these pretend Theatre, thlnka his losa -.viii Fax nol be far from
rs., thnt his family might be provided ha carried althdraadng
in * i.em.r made. liar.s something may come by the Australia on
Foy'a brother, of Scotland, ex¬ ,,f other nation fully that ii re .1 copy wa
nol 1100,000, Faxon, Wllllama
n'a store la a
which :.. merchantmen Ly th.-ir naval

Iaaughlin, Mr- inspectors could

to reach Chicano vvit...n a week or ten da vs, the winter by the Insoranoe afforded The lim were nol posted. The with the contents The build¬ Baturday. The White House and the Execu-
pected in on his life. A short note which Oroblensk) formerly ai atti mpl i,. found The combination t.. prevent the publicity total loss, together al 12 1.000. The firm did a
and that he will probably testify for the state thees facts efforta t.< of ihe list- Included the entire body of th- bi¬ ing was valued Uve Department are looked to to furnish the
the Coughlln trial. Efforts have been mada to pre¬ wrote to his wife gave was told the InaurgentB In their li ri The di f* ndani n have made an general grocery business, and carried a very
vent McLaughlin from coming to chicago, iii.- atory The insurance, which Oroblensky ., t, ;.;
mon ii i.v. ai to iii.- conduct ..f the plaintiff'!* copyists. stock bf groceries, liquors, cigars, etc next hat*h of interesting Information on the
being:.--i publlsX -i Itara and abroad that ne waa sus¬
paid the helw ol a * tai who com has round ri"
correspondentrhlcl )¦-* i.n The Issue ls of t..ii" Importan under large another large Both houses of Congress having called
pect of beim; "J. B. Btmonds," McLaughlin, and would be ar¬ would be t..
12,000. 'iii** Ancient ;. c.. '
¦. the vi -w i*nly yesterday they purchased subject.
rested If h.* WM to America. how¬ nitt'd suicide, amounts toheld the risk. lt Rio -inc ifi- ar- Insurgent ...... mi the plaintiff, he did not, tie
nts say they asked for grocery atora
farther up Maln-st. and from on th** President to communicate to them ths
ever, has i.-en aaauraxl thal his Innocence is known Order of United Workmen reported lo i persons in ii.*- harbor. Provision** abun- not, f.i the lists. His aa there they will a itinue to do buMnesa. The) instructions given IO Minister Willis and Com¬
to the Stat.-. By McLaughlin the State will prove
¦-.. ,r. h
cluan, .in. nd ord-r la thc-i in 11 civil and 1. coming manner. The and .1
were Insured for about 185,000, and the loss or
that Andrew Foy narratedtha- to him the organization
show of effort. f.-nd mis say that ih.- request was mud rude!) exceed that the stock missioner Blount, it is uno-lelally announced
of th.- i.lot ami .1.-tulls of killin.- of Dr. Cronin ITIKSTIFIF.D RY SHIV TOMB WITAESSES :ir,
Th-- Government f leia
will .'it any
.!. «iirn.l t< I ii iv
n>->» 1,ncling irlthoul tl nt leif-hontrol which
should their gooda will
ether. Thia bel uk valued at $100,000. James Mooney esti- thal tin- formal reply is ali ready for trans¬
as already published In the statement of Mrs. Foy! 1.1 ...ia n mi ict I nu 1.
In Hi-
Jackson, Tenn., Dec. H.-In th- Howard r.-r liri v. ir 'hip-
- l-
north m !.. "f thc city, and gi facl la ni The ll is w ta- 11 ii ITIHleS Iii |..s< on th" Area.le bullatln*. at |_00.. mittal. Bul tbs statement Is also made that
were called to ft ,,, !,. Hnti .i" (lal whether the request made rudelythai -ir ..
with ab.cit Jv.. Insurance T. bul c
terday aeveral New-Tork witnesses who were not here ;,;¦ Morn -it *.r politely The plaintiff's >.f case, thui made, ihows
valued ids Jewelry atock at S60.000, it was not deemed compatible with the publio
TIIIS FIDDLES MA ELIE I) TOO OFTEN. the fltaad hv th** prosecution,
'.i '¦*. t* 'i he l.u made which Tanke until the safes con¬ to these official docu¬
I .a.ondoti. to-day a a .<nadditional the voters the publicity

n- !. .: nm n was int..fasts to give
waa Edward -ii.I m..rc. lt bis .s^ cannot be estlmat* d

at the former trial. Among them the United Frees i bU .-.Iffairs In Brasll tecem* gooda are found liandr-
mother, Martha Piper. They both t< facti un- t- Mlle Balled. proved lt. The las 1 rovldlna r-r ,1 regk ti 1 di taining the most valuable il. 00 Frank
ments In tims I" have an unauthorized synopsis
and his h* n th iti
a mlnorlt) repres* ni nix In ih* board ol li |; his Insurance la of their contents telegraphed to San Francisco
THRKI". WIDOWS OM WHITE, DHnp TEAM AT that !.:. Hess, manager of the European
,;u ra in I Hal liva, tlc || -tiri-.-ri' .;.¦
175,000 worth of st *ck.
them In New-Tork
C, ;,.-. ,! tors li calle 1 f- r publti Ity of ii.-- vey, liquor dealer, carri.-.I lat.-st of the and bo conveyed to H molulu by the steamer
thl or.AVi*. c.;* a COLORED don .man and ,\ gi mv, rented olllcea from iboul half Insured. The estimate OVER ins pknsion. City, in Iflflfl, and that they knew him well.lheThey bar
Ai-Pi. vi, 'I'* -ruv OURT. total l...... places it al aboul H.5 0.000. Alameda, which was to have Siiiled from that
that tha defendant at liv real >o of tha unfalthfulneas of the The livery and sale stables of Bari Lob .-. at
pori for tbe Haerallaa islands to-day. but has
When the crack of the rifle was heard no more both said posit B. lyH Bateman, real estate br n
iv .

Rosa Board of Registry, tba aecurltj to ii: mdldnts \ *¦' Baynee-sL, were destroyed by (Ira nt 1 I.,, n delayed nntll to-morrow.
after Appomattox, John Stevens, colorer!, nave tip w,,a i;
N. v., lastUed tbat bi UflO heaald rented
entir.-iy failed. Neither the names of thin fraudu¬ o'clock this morning, Twenty-nine horses Another reason which iras been assigned for
the work of soldiering, and took to that of fiddling, ,,f Brooklyn, u.i. in Brooklyn; thc tai j ii ed in the fl u
and later still to that of marrying on a scale more u offlca to P. G. How I ¦, i.. mber 15. lent reglati y nor th* plao ol i- ld* rn of il e -

the d.nay in transmitting thi correspondence has

allowa on his <i""i" was "European
Claim Agency. rotera could be obtained, and election boards made
elaborate and abundant than the law sign OVERWORKED FIRE DEPARTMENT attracted much attention iii Congrssn lt is
Black was the winning color the first time John nised a c. Howard and E. inRosa of him aa the aame up "f these Inipectora would be no protection to TR >T'8 Dec. ll Thia city la sufferlni from fre¬ asserted that certain "iii. lal .Jlflpntch., assumed
alliance, and then lt the defendant aa front <-' «oward John A I/,,, !.n Dec. ii A dispatch
from Buenos Ayr i tin- minority candidate. Under these circumstances Tray,
i;i.°. and gnat uneasiness piavella. Befor
matrimonial there !.'. to havs baan written i.v Becretary maine in re¬
entered into a
man h.* knew can i.r. ot New-York, aald he de* Presldenl Pelxoto has Issued a decree the plaintiff- applied to thia court for Ita aid. Tha quent
shifted to white, when a paleface claimed him for Murphy, letter months to i". Rosa, ¦<¦¦ mana¬ that \ null .il .1 i * lim i ri tr.i.tor. watchers an the part ol the Republican part} th.- Uremen bad time to recuperate fr..m their sp,,use t.. ¦ most fltgnlflcant dispatch from Min¬
her very own, and then again an Afro-Ain.Tlcun iiv.rrd mall for severalclaim on St party Frear conflagration, an alarm was
European t" Howard Agency, became the obji et of bu -pi. lan, although ippo
The ! atfr the ister Stevens, dated Mandi **. UH, are missing
lady made Mr. Stevena tu>- thc line. Thus there ger of tha letlera in tn>- sun- office.
bj the regular authority for oihei iu< rh cases tn Boa No. M, caused by tte- discover*
wete in all three wive*.
also delivered the defontlant ns Robi A -;
111.I GRAPHIC NOTES piniriti-K nm.I.- application Bent In from the reeorda. Thfl ttter of Mr. Btevens, the
"identified to the ..r a Hr.- in tha cellar of the Thlrd-st. store of the

These interesting facts became known only when H.. a hat men-haul,
of New-York, teatlfl* which a ¦!'.. apo. In ted. All the rei answer lo which apparently never came, is im¬
John dl"i. aboul .i vv. k aaa, andin a Mit!" shaun he knew the defendant beforemen
was In Miller Mm i Harrla lb had mana-
ii stat- Controlter-elect Roberts plaintiff was to have faithful watchem st the polia.
used to drive ana-, th* A, M. Church Drygooda Co. The loss trill not ea
portant In the light ol' subs.mumu occurrences.
Hills Cemetery. He lived
Cypresslea-ave.. .ir,.i g.-r of the Dominionroon.n Employ Elghth-ave I Bureau". Dec. ..r t'otonel \\..v Violence had be**** ......i COW; Inauied. shortly after o'clock this
Boulevard.i>*-an- appointment thia Port, as and tl -

Brooklyn, near tt.the Datep, ann inc**, th* violence anticipated to drive awaj it was nol inciud.-d in the published volume of
on rt rented him three New-York City,
al.inns rang .raf from Bos Mo. c.
when the undertaker, Joseph of
the i. dy Uustave that hat
Fisher, knew defendant aa clerk, of Morgan, ex-c'ollirctor "t Customs at watcher!. poaa proof uf the facti above detailed, afternoon tw
st.-ry of ..Foreign Relations" for UM flsnt to congress.
Bt and Scheu.ctii'i.-ave appeared to take he Joaeph i., puty Controller. ..11 ijunction grante tl. watcher* a tlr" having been discovered in the top
away foi burial, skin andbenn hair, toor, fly.noraTh**strictly testified Handaon, messenger of the American ii A flood, far more dlaastroua ants ii.:* nerina with ihe nm -x to ttl.- ,i. and m \\ uren a) Co, kardwara A notices hla incl la thal many Importna! state
three charl"* the land an 1 c ¦.,-,.. ... iii. Dec. from the liepub*
sp'-.iklng, skin and pool
one Instate*i oa get¬ Fmbassy the In laondon, waa placed on
Dr. Prederlck Howard, aa t of May, II ,i', breaktired h.-r.- estonia)
v with the power of appointment at Broadway Rlver-st li wai in t.
papers relating to Hawaii ara dow tor the first
wives were on hand, and eachWife defendant, n ,-
bj In the Illinois and Hean on. h../iii.>ti. No atiemfM *i.i- m. building thal the iain.-.ti!.- fr.un til.- I-'ri-rir
ting Into the Ilrst carriage. No. 1 won. The identified Moore, whom he had visited in Londo it vi." occasioned and cellar* on the north m alda ware fen wini tbe watchers previously appointed, al¬ had been placed as a precautionary measure, time taken tooan the secret archives of the
others, in ttre words of the song, being unable to William Lordwith a Scotland Yard detective Haml¬ Michigan Canal, "f tiv.- f.--t The damage per* though lt b*. plain, under the tacts bj proven by sj.,r.. them wei.. ,,n the floor where the
carriage" to maintain even "a bicycle in company contract signed hv Moore, agreeing ii.leal (¦. aetty depth the affidavits, that theyInt-were ornotlu designed to i.ur nolie -1.of an.! they were again removed. The Division "f Rolls and Indexes lg the State De¬
"support a or
tha hearse crying, and in produced a will reach M.flflfl, the Interest Ure st nt
built f..r two."' ran after tear when all that area leavi England. h.n.ii proi
M Jobs Westgarth,
th*- buy Laka nf the Republican
In the plaintiff!party, which had nomi loss uii! i.e very heavy, but la ure
t tlie Warren
covered by "Ut
lt partment Library. This letter toon Mr. Stevens
Wera present to drop awas Chicago, Dee, Bo ci aft reads SS follows
committed to Mother him for office. The bill of complaint wai iltuated
mortal of the fiddler ,- a ho last
.t calling for '10,000 proper was reported that another had been discovered In
going cttSSIDEF.F.Ii. f..r the plaintiff, similarly
Who ls to get :.,,
meet him the i.,k** ail .personi factory,
Earth. The question now ls.
anneal Inandthl* mounted" men to
''i!> Tuesday night, was yesterday
are without any adequate n med) the Bari At wilson collar ...

to th.- sci r.e. only tO .Iis.'iver that tht»rc

MU. -ST! Vl-'.N's's I.KTllii'
the pension?
colored lawyer, having an meeting of the Southern Nevv-Vork Baptist front ;it Oeneva, III. A a-iir--.- of combination and conspiracy was estab¬ was sentHr.'. and that the rumor was that result "f t'nited Staten Legation.
Rufus L, Ferry, a
city, was on the A
held yesterday afternoon at tha adjudged insineInd.. lished in respect i" tl..- registry, ami violence had was HO
the employee of.'. Tim. Wallerstein Hon-u'.u, March 8, UBI
office at No. ISO N.ussau-rit..forthis John when he died, Association was Dec u C. .!. \\*.|ner, one of been us.-i teemingly to prevent personi from put¬ .: panic among factory. o'clock InI lam:*
ava Of securing a pension
and he says that wife No. 1 ls certain to be the Twenty-third Street Baptist Church, to consider fr.un
tri(. r-ecelvets of the lr..n Hal) order, arrived hara ting themselves where Qlegal act) could be .n m r,,'» collar
In Della Toohey'a millinerv store King* Slr: la view of posflflMfl i-o.itiim* nc-ies In Hess
bene-ctary; but the other two women threaten to the appeal of the Kev. James W. Putnam veal riav Hei by la destroua of sluring in th- dlvi- ana reported ind th.- Illegal usu!! prevented
and baa mada p> aid the plaintiff In Alvina; The ¦' -vis
(rutted, and Mrs. Toohey was Blands, 1 ask for iii* iin't:-.clioBfl of the Depart-
Committee of the Bap¬ the reviver here, the wer difficulty. nent of State on the following, via:
make it "hot" before the light ls won. action of the Investigating he was a.ulvtant Rqulty
,'),.,,...a. i. ti, lan his p. i, .irued witk
a lawful purpose at midnight,
Itlon to the latter by which h.- proposes itai protection to agents having The Wsrren Bra vvas still burning tirm
tist Tabernacle, of which from him the rightpsstOl hand ,.' ..f,,rm.his r the tHO.000 in his DCMaeaakm, If allowed lo view, and one protected bi positive las and but
thl ls nearly out. A member of the says the If the I'.overnment here should be surprised
iverturaod by an orderly and pea...ul
WISHED TO DIE BEC .tr SH sll E IV Aft MISERABLE and which has withdrawn }!i.i,.i aenrwea Tba offer was prompt!) re- one nea'ded to
a final ludgment
give him a
I nt'
that loss will be over $60,001. Firemen have suffered in-
loiiary movement, largely of native reyuiu-
suicide by woman oc¬ of fellowship. let ted pn.of
the ragtatr) was fraudulent: timi thi inspectors t.-ns.-ly from the weather. u.d h provisional or republicanihegovernment or-
An attempt to commit a rh.ir_.-s against the formal ..p. nins sf conspired
Mr. Putnam had made grave
curred at the Grand l'nlon Hotel last evening. Rev. Dr. D. C. Potter, the church's pa-tor. and tba I.|vii!e, CoL, Dae.willH.-Th.*
Sunday, lt ls to make it fraudulent, and to tiiat thal end
Um DF.CLISXi ASD FALL OF A RAILROAD MAMMATM. raalsed and proclaimed, would hereI nlted
commander be
th,, ivanhoe Tunnel next th.- publicity of the |UrU; .milter and naval
twelve miles west of Buppreeaed were appointed for form ti responding affirmatively to the call of the mem*
Detective Duncan, while going his rounds at 9:36, church had sustained the pastor. Sixty-eight on th" Midland the
third longest tunnel in th.- i'nlte*l watchers Hrs! appointed should have retired wh.-n their Nashville. Tenn., Mee. H.-The arrest of Colonel hts of the removed Government to restore them
heard groans In room No. ;*_._. which was occupied churches were represented, each hiing entitled 10 her*- and la."ii do
away with Dina miles of the succeaaora only, am! thnt they arith the "f this
appeared (i.-orge af. Klee, In Chattanooga, charged with for- ., '-stiver or replace thea: in posi<esaa.0n of the
by Mrs. Minnie Chapman. He broke ojien the door, its pastor and two
other delegates Tha Rev. s,,,.'.. dangerou" it
pan ol the road seer the t'ontl- court, if such an act was needed, but they could history of toverament bulldiaga. Or ^ulf *^ ^.^ffgg
which was locked, and found Mrs. chapman un¬ send moat .'i1*' **' gBfy, baa brought to light a startling confine themselves
conscious and suffering from narcotic Dr. Thomas
poisoning. A Francis of th** Riverside Armitage presided and the Rev. J
Baptist Church, waa I,elli.ll
DOO.,}*'"_I''lvlJ. W*»»l kerman, chief en¬
remain without offence to the Injunction
ovr.awirr.i.MiN'i PROOf flOAIXgl m'ka.m*. ByatematlC swindling, extending over four months. Vc uslvelvandto naval
the preservation of American Divp-
'-erlcan citizens and tha
The name?* of at leant ten wealthy and prom¬

secrecy was observed, tba PlttsbUlga Allegheny ..minty I_lsht Pompany,

A four-ounce vial containing laudanum was found secretary The greatest and n'lmlssion heine by curd gineer of the It was not within the power of the defendant fte inent citizens of Chattanooga have been forged to
on the table. Dr. R. Irving Wllmarth, of the Ho¬ doors being guarded
To a man who said
he was a Baptist clergy¬ Vi ,s instantly killel f anwaseiectrir shock this morn¬
bumed and question the propriety of the Injunction order; If notes in various amounts, aggregating over RJOQ.
tel Devonshire, was hastily called. He brought a only. from Brooklyn, admission was refused aaRev. M ing Another employe at the severely
mecloua sm,.. tim,, 1(ll, will hud Jurisdiction of the't its older The signatures In each Instance wereama remarkably if the police station, witn its
stomach pump, which he applied so effectively that man
".um the proper JWort The rrnden 1!'recover. v..iiiikern.aii Inadvertently th- court wellI" counterfeited, and the psper disposed
.Yn- anal ammunition, and this accomplice*!.
consciousness was soon restored. Mrs. Chapman, Hr lt not produce tl.-** Rev "r w I*. P, Faunce ,,mi.ii.iv i dangeroua pi*- - of maehteery. muit h.- obeyed. (The People as rei tra Van Beran, .-i v.- forger at a liberal dhustunt to .* asoney
S. MacArthur, Wa* tie- ..rd.-r disobeyed, and by broker Rice alleged that these notaa were given ,e roval palace and the iJova-rmm-n.building,
when aska»d why she had
only Bay that
attempted suicide, would an.l many of the
lt was because sh.- was miserable. lnatlon were for te stten **nv^*^rmanot
£»«. _?h**l*v-
th- di.rn-
Dr. Potter
Birmingham. ofA--**-lt. De* n Al Xaspsr yesterday,
M. uooi before the Reglater whom? lbr.* the proof
UM s* v.. M.)
ls oui a Ital 11) lng In favor by the makers in payment of insurance policies
waa at one
ontainintc the
Ty Cabinet offices end arc! -. would
soon be captured, the latter buildingstation.

An officer waa summoned and sheShe was taken to a short time amt*,
on application waa ap* of th.- disobedience of Mr, McKane. He was the tu a company represented bv himfor He Cincinnati bout one-third of a mlle from tl" |.. lie;
Bellevue Hospital under arrest. arrived
with her husband,
at was in-sent
The" session wastook a long
par his
on-, and .n? greater
in tile debate. .«,-. j'l.t-
P»rt of -rValker
..,;.,,. I rvceiver of
County, £ Judge¦ A. OamWe
the < Coal Company, a In rhief of police of the town. H.-
which Mr. A. S. Iiacoti and utters were carried Southern
m.t the carriage time contracting freightcame originally from N'ew-
Railroad, lia
agent the
n lt be justifiable to
such contingencies would here to restore the
the hotel about a week ago, delegates to plead case. All that could owningextttnaive _*«0Q one time presi¬ the United States forces
from Montreal. Yesterday morning her husband Of the
wo* present J.,,Logion abojM acres af i.,i..-ie
o al minga around .CW York, and ls said to have lieen atElmira. ise
Jovernment bulldlnga to tbe posaesaloa of the
left the hotel, saying to the clerk tnat he waa go¬ namlearned of the result was that m. final action mineral* Undi and OeaHaai of
I dent a railroad terminating at
a business trip. Mrs. Chapman ls a was taken, but that a commutes waa appointed
ing awayofonrefined and her apparel la lurtatr. dova.
and -fashionable.
manners to consider the matter

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