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FIRST INFORMATION REPORT (Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) (rer 154 woe aff eT) ‘District (Rtem:SOUTH-EAST —_P.S.(HIFI):SARITA VIHAR Year(a): 2021 FIR No(w.q.fea.):0245 Date :29106/2021 2. eter) Section(syeret: = IPC 1860 07194 3. Occurrence of Offence (snr #t eT}: (@)day(fe7): MONDAY Dato From(eate@): 26/06/2021 Date To(feates wx: 28/06/2021 Time Period (wnat raf ‘Time From (waa @): 11:00 hrs Time To (Hae): 11:00 hrs (b}Information received at P.S (erat ael GAT MTA FE): Date(REwt): 29/06/2021 Time (HA): 00:56 hrs {c)General Diary Reference (rama ee} Entry No,(Hf&R 2.):007A Date/Time( fetter}: 29/06/2021 00:56, 4. Type of information (Guat aT WATE): Wten 5. Place of Occurrence (treaTE=H } (@)Direction and Distance from P.S (xra1 @ fl she Ream): SOUTH-EAST, 30. Kis) Beat Noftz #.): 09 (6) Address(a): A285. VWJAY KA MAKAN, BERI BAGH ,AALI VIHAR NEW DELHI {6)In case, Outside the limit of the Police Station (aft arr ef & arg): Name of P.S(2r1 118) District 6. Complainant Informant (Ferrara erat): ()Name(aTay: MEHTAB (S/O) LT MOHD ASLAM KHAN. (0)DaterYear of Birth (ara FAR fn: 1995 Nationality (xterm); INDIA (c)Passport No,(aTenté Date of Issue (318 et FAR): Place of sue (a8 3 a ear): (@)Occupation (array: (e)Address(wen): SOUTH-EAST, DELHI, INDIA, 7. Details of Known/Suspect!Unknown accused with full paticulars(attach separate sheet if necessary)(ara! fer iorara strqas ar ge Fee er at): (2) ~ VISHNU (S/O) SHOBHA LAL (RIO) VILL-LALGANJ, BHAIRAVSTHAN, MADHUBANI, BIHAR, INDIA ~ DEEPU @BALLI (SIO) LALA RAM (PIO) GALINO. 17, BERI BAGH, AALI VIHAR, SARITA VIHAR, SOUTH-EAST, DELHI, INDIA. 8, Reason for delay in reporting by the complainantiinformant (Fwracraat / stare rer Peete BEB of area TE): NO DELAY 9. Particulars of the properties stolenvinvolved (attach separate sheet if necessary) SLNo, (#.%1) Property Type(Description) Est. Value(Rs >a (® #)) Distict: soumersr Ps. samamnan Year, #2 FIRNe: caus Date: 00 410-Total value of property stolen (at gaat a gr Pa} ‘inquest Report U.D. Case No. if any (ra ewer PRE 4.9. save a, a ATE 12.F.LR. Contents (attach soparate sheot, f required) (tam ara Feké a=) Bam ara AgaTaA@rtel Slo FAo Ho srAoT WM Rio A-285, fasta a Hens, A ar, anft ferere aE freA, Age-26 ara, Mob. No. 7428907489 carr Fever Fs # cr ech oe oereh oe eee ce a geoTT IT rena rem, FMEA, eve weet aH ee Fae Be or a aT ave Bi FH a The ahem TET aw TT BR tet RO S/o st oer aT Tae Th, TAT AgeleTeCTA, FHT Ragnar y@ucchGet Slo PATCARTA WaT Toft ao 17, Ae am, arreht Ferenc ag Feel ara eee Bi wet 27/06/2021 apt fereny eer Sty@acch Ae ore are F Be hat A aver arre a arer H ererear at aft A rer at Ae a AK cheat Fewg sar Sy@acch an srret Arran at srr erie 28/06/202 1a waa atta 8-9 ast Yag Feroy ter Ay@aeeht A ora RL Pred 3 wens are gt ga Hat A ara F doar erera hat SH fey a Ey@acch yee she aera ars fry ‘waEA oa GH HA Tee ererer care BH fet wear ane Aeea eran orane GATT YA: SATT et Tar Tt far A aechi@ary a wer fae caps are Ht at SeeHl arava B fe 8 fos a erera gat at Hera st Ay@aceh 4 ys wHs ae aS oe am ate Fry 2 aR eae HY cay ea are arm agp Sea AAT tO 2-3 ae eG Bae ae FF ae ay@arch 4 et ors & ares At Paar @ A are ret oa am cer A ge, pe onalety ference Erqq@areh Be Freres arrht area Ht a aM ARTSY Torre aah AE car ee st eT aT Shes Bi Sd Hindi Attested Sd English 28/06/2021 star Duty Officer amt after er Raa sa war ¢ fe fein 28/06/2021 wt 7a SI wt DD No. 54A fort ox ra Htepr A-285, fester apr Hears, Ae ar arreft fetgre as Pert a gal Ct. Mahesh No. 2181/SE Ugat Het We YwaTS We ATA Torr FR 2-3 Sa aT TST Ea FT injured ‘ATATEGA Hospital 1 YeHT Bl Ht HteHr Ue aT GA TST Fa AT SH AA SI A Hat oe Crime team Aerrane Wet BT ‘Ysa aeeN Ta Het Photographs FTA are, Inspection Crime team # Hee & Har aaTT B Exhibits Sondra gw nr eae en vor ge ra ge Cerra SI OD No 68A ata MLC ‘ers we AA S| Fa BATT Ct. Mahesh No. 2181/SE STa sce Safdarjung Hospital 1at Het MLC No. 25691/2021 1 Pt. Mehtab S/o Aslam Rio Aali Vihar etf@et Hospital Gra Arga Hen Sit AA S| ¥ Hospital T MLC grfeter & fra ae Dr. area F A/H/O physical assault (cut injury on front of neck by knife) H/O alcohol consumption on 28/06/2021 @ 11:00AM CLW of size on front of neck Sem X 2cm X tom Agee FETA ‘Ta Pt. fit for statement Age HATA Gt AA SI 7 injured Mehtab@Golu S/o Late Md. Aslam Khan Rio A- 285, Vijay aor Hep, AE ae arreft felgre ag feeeht Ta-2eaTer @ yore st wg Fray ocr ox acterra Fs Foy aan Qy@accht 4 era at ears sae srret oan 8 Gar ara S are Ht Alaa @ geen Ppa Bi Gt Aa S| injured Mehtab@Golu vat sum @ arg Yours ars feral Sah are Wa S| Wa gAUTET Staff gfe sar aaT aT PCR Call @, #tan arera @, MLC @ a2 injured % sara @ arrerer u/s 307/34 IPC ar erat Tra Sra @ fete he care ah HaeT oot ay fers Duty Officer st Handover frat a WT Bl PRCA TF register Wy FHA ear f angear certian, SHO aga % aneerqare ASI Satender No. 974/SE % garet t STA Fa S| AEH aT ‘areftet Zi Date & Time of occurrence:-28/06/2021 at about 11:00AM Place of occurrence:-A-285, Vijay ka makan, Beri Bagh, Aali Vihar New Delhi, Date & Time of hand over Rukka 29/06/2021 at 12:45AM Sd English SI Roshan Lal PS Sarita Vihar No. D-5458 PS Sarita Vihar yfera «ht arefargt, ara # wet ‘Rana Wy, UE PHCAT THs ame HF CCTNS Project # Computer ERI et Hz Computer Copy of FIRT fRrnrac ASI Satender Singh No. 974/SE aga at & 781 St SHO eget & srearqane FIR Tae at art AT Facer Ro sea acer Ufa Sees & gre sy sifeennfeat st Far F weqa eh By DO. Distt: sounveasr Ps: saRTaMnan Year #2 FIR No: Date: ow 413.Aetion Taken Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as mentioned at Item No. 2: (6th wef: es aetna ora @ PH Ppa a are we, 2. oak er aI): (i)Registered the case and took up the investigation: oR (a) (eset eae ate arta rea: (iDirected (Name of the 1.0,(a1a afir®| gram); SATENDRA SINGH Rank (92): ASST. SI (ASSISTANT SUB-INSPECTOR) No(e.); 28932292 to take up the investigation (ait ata amet area a3 % fry FREw fear ma) ORC) (upRetused investigation due to(st& Fa); OR (@ ree Gere Frat a) (wv) Transferred to P.S(name)(arm): District fram: ‘on point of jurisdiction (at @-mfere Ws orem geet) F.LR read over to the complainanvinformant,admitted to be correctly recorded and a copy given to the complainanvinformant, free of cost: (Rrerarrerat J arrarat Bt ane we we GATE Meh, EN GE MTT ea aT Pages Prt I at): ROAC(aTat.eah): 414.Signature/ Thumb Impression Signature of Officer ‘of the Complainant / informant: (Cerra | errant & gee! sir Peary: Nameftm): PAJENDER SINGH Rank (Wa): ASST. SI (ASSISTANT SUB.INSPECTOR) Nowa): 28860403, 15.Date and Time of despatch tothe court: (area er Rene aa}

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