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OGL-CD-ROM (PDF) Information

f Important Notice on Product Safety

Elevated voltages are inevitably present at specific points in this electrical equipment. Some of the
parts may also have elevated operating temperatures.
Non-observance of these conditions and the safety instructions can result in personal injury or in prop-
erty damage.
Therefore, only trained and qualified personnel may install and maintain the system.
The system complies with the standard EN 60950 / IEC 60950. All equipment connected has to comply
with the applicable safety standards.

The same text in German:

Wichtiger Hinweis zur Produktsicherheit
In elektrischen Anlagen stehen zwangsläufig bestimmte Teile der Geräte unter Spannung. Einige Teile
können auch eine hohe Betriebstemperatur aufweisen.
Eine Nichtbeachtung dieser Situation und der Warnungshinweise kann zu Körperverletzungen und
Sachschäden führen.
Deshalb wird vorausgesetzt, dass nur geschultes und qualifiziertes Personal die Anlagen installiert und
Das System entspricht den Anforderungen der EN 60950 / IEC 60950. Angeschlossene Geräte
müssen die zutreffenden Sicherheitsbestimmungen erfüllen.

All designations used in this document can be trademarks, the use of which by third parties for their
own purposes could violate the rights of their owners.

Copyright (C) Siemens AG 2002.

Issued by Information and Communication Mobile

Hofmannstraße 51
D-81359 München

Technical modifications possible.

Technical specifications and features are binding only insofar as
they are specifically and expressly agreed upon in a written contract.

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Information OGL-CD-ROM (PDF)

This document consists of a total of 11 pages. All pages are issue 1.

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Working with the CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Installing the CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Entry to the Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Searching for Documents from the “Home Page for Operating Documentation”
2.3.1 Searching for Documents by Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3.2 Searching for Documents by Code Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.3 Searching for a Document by Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.4 Navigation in the Entry Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Working within a Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Help Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

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Fig. 2.1 Example: Entry window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Fig. 2.2 Example: “Documents listed by Task” window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Fig. 2.3 Example: “CP-Platform HW Maintenance” window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Fig. 2.4 Example: “MMNs for central system of the CP-Platform” window . . . . . . 8
Fig. 2.5 The toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

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Information OGL-CD-ROM (PDF)

1 Introduction
All the documentation required for the operation of a network node is electronically avail-
able on CD-ROM. The documentation includes descriptions and manuals assigned to
specific function areas and tasks.
Readers of manuals for operation (OMN), maintenance (MMN) or non-standard mainte-
nance (NM) require the same basic knowledge as for the use of documentation on paper
(see Register OGL-MN).
This register, OGL-CD-ROM, provides information on:
• installing the CD-ROM (see Section 2.1)
• entry to the application (see Section 2.2)
• searching for documents by tasks (see Section 2.3.1)
• searching for documents by order number (see Section 2.3.2)
• searching for documents by title (see Section 2.3.3)
• navigation in the entry window (see Section 2.3.4)
• working within a document (see Section 2.4)

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2 Working with the CD-ROM

2.1 Installing the CD-ROM

A prerequisite for use of the CD-ROM is a PC with a CD-ROM drive.
For information on how to access the documentation and for installation instructions just
open the file README.TXT in the root directory of the CD-ROM.
Entry to the electronic documentation on CD-ROM, and navigation through it, is effected
by means of the Adobe (TM) Acrobat (TM) reader, supplied with the CD-ROM.

2.2 Entry to the Application

Start the program by double-clicking on the “Documentation” icon. The reader displays
the “Home Page of Operating Documentation”.

Fig. 2.1 Example: Entry window

This window shows the options for accessing the required target document.
The main route will be via “Tasks”. Apart from this, there is also provision for accessing
documentation via a document index sorted into reference number sequence, or an in-
dex sorted by title. Under “Help” will be found this document.

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To use links:
Links from a triangle lead to a sub-menue.
Links from a dot lead directly to a document.
Move the pointer over a linked area ( ligth-blue text).
The pointer changes to a pointing finger. Click to jump to the linked page view.

2.3 Searching for Documents from the “Home Page for Oper-
ating Documentation”

2.3.1 Searching for Documents by Tasks

The description below shows the most frequently applicable way of searching for a doc-
ument; in this example, a CP maintenance manual is being sought.
To find the documentation for a specific task (e.g. the maintenance of a system compo-
nent) click on the link “Documents listed by Tasks” in the home page for operating doc-
umentaion (see Fig. 2.1). This opens the “Documents listed by Tasks” window
(see Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2 Example: “Documents listed by Task” window

This window shows the task areas according to which the operation documentation is
organized and further importend documents. The maintenance area “CP-Platform-HW
Maintenance” is activated by clicking on the “CP-Platform-HW Maintenance” link. The
“CP-Platform-HW Maintenance” menu is then opened (see Fig. 2.3).

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Fig. 2.3 Example: “CP-Platform HW Maintenance” window

The window displays the maintenace manuals for the peripheral system of the CP-Plat-
form and a link to the central system or the CP-Platform. If you click on the link to the
“Central System”, the window for the maintenace manuals for the central system of the
CP-Platform is opened (see Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.4 Example: “MMNs for central system of the CP-Platform” window

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The associated documents are listed.

This completes the path to the target document.
For example, if you click on the “Coordination Processor CP113C/CR” link, the reader
will open the index for “MMN:CP”.
Light-blue underlined lines indicate references. Clicking on these lines moves you to the
corresponding positions in a document.
Entry to other tasks, such as operation or nonstandard maintenance, proceeds in the
same way starting from the “Documents listed by Tasks” window.

2.3.2 Searching for Documents by Code Number

To search for a document whose code number is known, start from the “Home Page of
Operating Documentation” (see Fig. 2.1). Click on the link for “Documents sorted by Or-
der Numbers”. A window is displayed with a list of all documents sorted accorded to or-
der number.
• You can scroll through the list using the forward and backward scrolling symbols in
the window’s scroll bar until you have found the desired code number. The reader
displays the selected code number.
• Using the “Find” function (binoculars icon) in the reader’s toolbar, or by clicking on
the “Find” symbol in the tools menu you can search for a specific document.
• Clicking on the corrresponding button takes the user straight to the document con-
cerned (content list). Continue as already described.

2.3.3 Searching for a Document by Title

To search for a document whose title you know, start from the “Home Page for Operat-
ing Documentation” (see Fig. 2.1). Click on the link for “Documents sorted by Titles”. A
window is displayed with a list of all documents sorted by title.
• You can scroll through the list using the forward and backward scrolling symbols in
the window’s scroll bar until you have found the desired title. The reader displays the
selected title.
• Using the “Find” function (Binocular icon) in the reader’s toolbar, or by clicking on the
“Find” symbol in the tools menu you can search for a specific document.
• Clicking on the corresponding button takes the user straight to the contents list of the
required documentation. Continue as already described.

2.3.4 Navigation in the Entry Window

The document search procedure indicated above gives a complete path to the target
In addition to the above, there are a number of specific aids in the toolbar.
The ‘skip back’ symbol (double arrow pointing to the left) is frequently used. Each click
on this takes the user back one work step, and redisplays the window concerned, even
where this involves one or more changes of document.
The ‘skip forward’ symbol (double arrow pointing to the right) then allows the user to go
forwards again by any required number of work steps, but of course only as far as the
point from which the last “reversal” was effected using the skip back symbol.

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2.4 Working within a Document

Clicking on the button which corresponds to the title ultimately required displays the con-
tent of this document, starting at the contents listing. To the left of this is a margin bar,
containing bookmarks.
As here, in the contents listing, so elsewhere in the document some individual charac-
ters of lines are in color (light-blue). This means that the point identified has a branch
(link) which can be activated. If the cursor (normally the hand symbol) is moved onto
such a marked position, the hand changes to a hand with pointing index finger. When
the cursor looks like this, a click with the mouse button triggers the link, i.e. a jump to the
linked place. This might be a place in the same document, or any other one. For exam-
ple, from the contents listing into the introduction, from there into a fault clearance pro-
cedure, and on to the task manual.
Dealing with a “fault clearance” procedure requires exactly the same basic foreknowl-
edge as when the paper documentation is used. This is described in the register OGL-
MN, and will not be further explained here.
The use of active cross-references for navigation will normally be adequate for operation
and maintenance tasks. Some additional aids are provided in the toolbar, for example
for browsing in the document, jumping to its start or end, and for searches. Their function
is initiated by clicking once on the corresponding icon.

Aids to working in the document

The most useful aids and their icons are described below in the order of the latter ap-
pear, from left to right.

Fig. 2.5 The toolbar

The first icon is used to expand the screen display to fill the full width of the screen.
The second icon displays the bookmark bar down the left-hand margin. This bar con-
tains the destinations for branches, generally to sections in the document.
The third icon is used to display down the left-hand margin a ‘thumbnail bar’. This shows
the position of the page which is currently displayed on the screen, within the complete
document, and shows a page number and a greatly reduced ‘thumbnail’ image of four
pages. It is possible to “scroll” backwards and forwards within this bar. Clicking on a
thumbnail image brings a defined section of this page into the screen window.
The third and fourth icons are zoom functions (enlarge/reduce a section of the screen).
Clicking on a zoom icon changes the cursor from the “hand symbol” to a magnifying
glass. Magnification or reduction is effected by clicking on the appropriate point, holding
the mouse button down, dragging the cursor (to define the section to be resized) and
then releasing the mouse button again. This function can be used repeatedly, i.e. can
be applied again to an area which has already been enlarged or reduced.
The zoom function can only be canceled again by clicking on the “hand symbol” in the

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The zoom function takes precedence over the branch function which can be activated
by a cross-reference (button, underscored text), i.e. a change from the magnifying glass
symbol to the hand with pointing index finger symbol.
The seventh icon, for text selection, is used to mark text to be stored in a temporary store
(clipboard), e.g. for printing out.
The next group of icons is provided for page-by-page navigation.
The first of the four icons takes the user back to the start of the document.
The second icon is used for browsing back towards the start of the document (decreas-
ing page numbers), the third icon for browsing towards the end of the document (in-
creasing page numbers).
The fourth icon allows the user to jump to the end of the document.
The use of the skip back and skip forward icons within a document is again similar to
their use in the entry windows (skip backwards or forwards one work step at a time).
The next three symbols change the size of the display of the document page.
The first icon in the group of three displays a section of the document with margin bars
(electronic layout).
The last icon in the group of three displays a section of the document in its paper format
(full screen).
The middle icon is used to select a page layout display, i.e. the entire page is displayed
in the document window.
The next tools, for searches, are represented by icons showing binoculars.
The first of these search icons is used to look for particular terms within the text and
graphics of the document which is open, by means of the FIND function.
The second search icon, the binoculars with a page of paper behind, initially starts a
SEARCH ENGINE (search utility). This caries out a first stage in which the required term
is sought in all the documents of the document set. An auxiliary window then lists out all
the documents in which the required term was found. In order to extend the search, the
document which is to be searched must be marked in this auxiliary window.
Further details will be found in the Acrobat Reader Help.

2.5 Help Functions

The Help functions are accessed from any window .“Help” offers the user explanatory
assistance in navigating through the menus and submenus.
Clicking on the “Help” link in each window (see Fig. 2.1) opens the contents of the OGL-

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