20221108-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. To Mark Butler MHaAC & Event201 MR T Inglesby & C Rivers

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3 Mark Butler The Minister for Health and Aged Care (Australian date and time) 8-11-2022
4 minister.butler@health.gov.au
6 Cc: Mary-Anne Thomas The Minister for Health (Victoria)
7 mary-anne.thomas@parliament.vic.gov.au
9 Mr Anthony Carbines, Minister for Police & Ors
10 anthony.carbines@parliament.vic.gov.au, minister.carbines@justice.vic.gov.au
14 20221108-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. toMark Butler The Minister for Health and Aged Care
15 & Event201 Mr T Inglesby & C Rivers (Part 1)
18 Sir,
19 Previously I Cc’d you copies of my correspondence to Mary-Anne Thomas and Mr Anthony
20 Carbines which refers to my grandson Dion Schorel where as I understand it he ended up with
21 “AUTISM and Echolalia” due to childhood vaccinations required by the State of Victoria.
22 About 4 decades ago ma trial judge made known that my tactic of cross-examining witnesses
23 was that of a “TRAPDOOR SPIDER” as His Honour made known that I would extract some
24 details in cross-examination and then continued upon this to extract more and more. In other
25 legal proceedings an opponent barrister then complained that I was “surgically taking apart his
26 witness Affidavit” during cross-examination. Working for a private company I was known to act
27 on my guts feelings that regardless if as a quality control officer found a product being
28 manufactured according to the drawing requirements I would still put a REJECT notice on the
29 work where I had a guts feeling that something was nevertheless wrong with it. And afterwards
30 time and time again was proven to be correct. For example while the product was what the
31 customer required it was not what was ordered and so I insisted they had to provide a deviation
32 order regarding the incorrect order as otherwise I would not release the products.
34 Olga my wife attended to a heart specialist on 2 October 2019 having been through various
35 testing (privately charged) and then given the result she essentially had no issue to be concerned
36 about. I have no medical or scientific formal training and much to the ire of my wife that she
37 used to make clear never to be with her at a doctors consultation. However, on 10 August 2019 I
38 held my wife was in ill health and needed medical attention. She initially brushed i9t off but I
39 insisted to take her to a hospital and well she ended up in ICU and spend 10 days in hospital
40 having “Heart Failure” and other comorbidities. The doctor gave me the understanding that had I
41 waited a few hours Olga would likely have died. From that time Olga insist I will be at her side
42 whene3ver she attends to a doctor. She discovered that somehow I use “common sense” and turn
43 out to know a lot more than she ever realised previously.

8-11-2022 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 2

1 When then the claim went about that there was a SARS-CoV-2 virus I decided to make sure
2 Olga wouldn’t end up being harmed and so spend thousands of hours searching on the internet
3 for articles/videos, etc.
4 Early 2020 I realized that this SARS-CoV-2 claimed virus might be a mere fiction such as the
5 WMD (Weapons of mass Destruction) claimed in Iraq and over time I realized that it might be
6 actually something in the air as happens with Hey fever. I actually read that Neil Ferguson (UK)
7 (of the computer modelling disgrace) suggested that Hay fever should be used as a variant of
8 COVID-19 so the investors could make a lot more money. As Such, to me it appeared to be a
10 Over time I even wrote that I didn’t think it was a virus from China.
11 I read up about the so called “Spanish flu” where actually it appears that at Fort Detrick in the
12 USA soldiers had been injected with some vaccine and then when they travelled to Spain they
13 spread the illness that was flu like and the mask caused more harm in the process. At Fort
14 Detrick they did clinical trials proving that the flu could not be transmitted from one person to
15 another. As such, what was dubbed the “Spanish flu” appears to have been something appearing
16 to be a flu but a manipulated alternative that could be transmitted.
17 I understand that in early 2019 again at Fort Detrick there was an outbreak and a person died and
18 subsequently in August 2019 the Fort Detrick laboratories were temporary closed. Still it appears
19 to me that likely one or more soldiers may have travelled to Europe and so to Italy and may have
20 caused some infection to spread in Italy where blood samples dated 3 September 2019 and later
21 in September found antibodies of what now is referred to as COVID-19 to be in the blood of
22 cancer patents. As such, the spread of the call it “Ford Detrick disease” (wrongly named
23 COVID-19) was in my view from Fort Detrick originating. From there it was spread to Europe
24 and likely if any country maintained blood samples in storage of cancer patients as they did in
25 Italy then you may find that they too have antibodies contained in those samples.
26 There is therefore also an issue that prior to the games being held in China the Chinese
27 Government already held an exercise to spray a person coming from a plane pretending her to be
28 infected with some disease. More than likely in about August 2019 the Chinese Government
29 became aware of there being a disease going on.
31 Video “Italy, September 2019” by Dr John Campbell Re 3 September 2019

34 Italy and numerous other countries attended to the October 2019 Military Sport event in Wuhan
35 China albeit Australia is not listed. This may be why Australia was not particularly affected until
36 sometime later, albeit it was wrongly assumed it were the “flatten the curve” and the mandates.
38 I understand that Italy had a severe outbreak and this was deemed to indicate how severe this
39 was, rather than that the disease already have likely been going around the world and so also had
40 been going about in Italy. Therefore the actual number of people infected may have been a lot
41 more than was originally assumed.

8-11-2022 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 3

1 It neither must be ignored that already Bill Gates had been using mosquitos to purportedly
2 combat other mosquitos but I understand that this was later abandoned when people died.
4 I also wrote to India medical staff about my concerns regarding mask being assembled in
5 Mumbai slums and dumped on the ground as my concern was the dust from the mask could be
6 very harmful. Well I later u8nderstood that the BLACKDEATH went about in India and wrote
7 again urging to stop using mask that may have been contaminated in Mumbai slums.
9 I also became aware that an ICU doctor in New York warned that people were really being killed
10 using ventilators because those ventilators were not programmed for the use of people suffering
11 from so to say high altitude sickness. The ventilators were therefore really being killing
12 machines. I mat the time wrote that I suspected that likely mosquitos could have been released
13 which may simulate the malaria disease causing high altitude sickness. Subsequently I
14 discovered that AstraZeneca apparently engaged 2 scientist who had been working with Malaria
15 issues.
17 In Melbourne I became aware that certain Age care centres seemed to have deaths whereas
18 others not in the same manner. Checking all kinds of video’s I noticed that so called “deep
19 cleaning” of a age care centre was worthless because some person from the4 kitchen using
20 personal protection equipment (PPE) would then go to the dump-master and touch it with the
21 gloves and later returned with the now contaminated gloves to the kitchen and so may likely
22 have been the cause of the spread of whatever killed the elderly as well as staff members.
24 Another issue is that Pfizer appeared to indicate that the so called vaccine (which it is not) should
25 not be injected into the blood stream but into the muscle. Well, it appears to me that in Taiwan
26 there is a strict rule that it must be injected into the muscle and the person injecting must aspirate
27 first (by pulling back the plunger to see if any blood is drawn) and then if no blood is drawn then
28 the injection can proceed. However, numerous videos I watched shows not single person
29 injecting actually did aspirate. Generally they push the needle into an arm while already having
30 their thumb on the plunger which indicates they will not aspirate and show they indeed didn’t.
31 Meaning that all deaths and other harm cannot be blamed on the content of the so called vaccine
32 as many may have been by directly injecting the content into the bloodstream.
34 Australia has a legal principle embedded in its constitution of “political liberty” and this includes
35 FREEDOM OF SPEECH and yet the Federal government with its minions were preventing this
36 constitutional rights.
38 We had EVENT 201 and I noticed that Jane Halton indicated to get the press on site. Well it
39 appears the Federal Government so to say bribed the media by handing out cash to them while
40 allowing small businesses to be wrecked.
42 While the general purpose of EVENY 201 appeared to be to prepare for the issue of a pandemic,
43 in reality this was already going with what I refer to as a “Fort Detrick disease” and so the
44 EVENT 201 to me was really to indicate that governments must align themselves with the World
45 Health Organisation as to pursue the W.E.F. (World Economic Forum) DEPOPULATION
46 goals.
47 I understand that Klaus Schwab (W.E.F.) himself acknowledged this was an opportunity for the
48 Great Reset.
50 While the release from Fort Detrick may have been accidental they lacked proper safety
51 measures to prevent the spread of whatever disease was not leaked when a person was reported
8-11-2022 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4

1 to have died from the disease. As like with the misnamed Spanish Flu that I understand also was
2 originating from Fort Detrick we had a repeat of the same and this just underlines that by
3 misnaming a disease to get the USA of the hook is a dangerous thing to allow for.
5 When there appears to me a spider web of connections then it may be reasonable to
6 assume that there might be more to it all, after all, the covid scam must have involved
7 a lot of people around the world., and it appears to have been originated from
8 W.E.F., the WHO, etc. medical doctors apparently provided with a kickback for
9 prescribing certain medication, etc. Now it is about holding the evil doers legally
10 accountable and pay for the harm inflicted.
11 You can download the document from:
12 https://www.scribd.com/document/604063723/20221031-Mr-G-H-Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-
13 B-to-R-Kershaw-Chief-Commissioner-of-the-AFP-Suppl-92-HIGH-TREASON-Etc-
14 Supplement-1
17 This document also sets out certain matters and more are available at my “inspectorrikati”
18 Scribd blog.
20 As I indicated in my previous writings it appears to me that the State of Victoria kidnapped my
21 grandson Dion Schorel and well as Dion is disabled and so falls within the exclusive
22 constitutional legislative powers of “(xxiii) invalid and old-age pensions;” then the State cannot
23 even use its so called child protection legislation to override the Commonwealth powers.
24 It means that at best the State of Victoria could have raised an issue with the Commonwealth if it
25 had any concerns about my grandson Dion Schorel, failing that they had no legal powers
26 whatsoever to kidnap Dion, let alone subject him to the absurdity of mandates like compulsory
27 wearing a face mask that restricts his air intake, etc.
28 Dion should have been medically assessed as to his health and wellbeing even in regard of any
29 vaccination.
30 However, as like the covid craze to force jabbing at all cost the same has been with other
31 vaccinations this even so the States have no legislative, executive and/or administrative powers
32 to force any vaccination upon any child relating to any “man-kind” infectious disease.
34 Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
35 Convention)
36 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
37 I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is
38 intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
39 quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.
42 In my view the Federal government had no legal authority to engage in any secret contract with
43 any pharmaceutical company and then conceal from Australians what it was about. There is a lot
44 more to it all but that will be for further parts I will provide in due course.
46 When I wrote to the Victorian Ombudsman on 8 April 2020 and the Victorian Human Rights
47 commissioner on 13 April 2020 I did not receive any satisfactory response and neither from the
48 Victorian State government either. I also by now filed over 5,000 pages of complaint with the
49 Australian Federal Police and well more than likely will have to pursue further matters to get
50 appropriate action

8-11-2022 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 5

1 One thing is I did not wear a mask in 2020, 2021 and/or in 2022 and neither was jabbed and
2 likely this is why I am still alive. My wife is this month turning 90 and likely because of
3 protecting her against the murderous regime that caused so many to suffer and even die. In my
4 view we need to hold tribunals and anyone convicted with the covid scam should be awarded the
5 death penalty. No amnesty as now has been claimed should be provided as those who were
6 involved in this elaborate mass murder shall have to face the legal consequences of their deeds.
8 Olga’s specialist secretary Mary made known that the hospital refused to provide any service
9 while she was unvaccinated and so for any cancer treatment she had to be vaccinated. She was
10 vaccinated and later stated to Olga and myself her cancer was in remission. When my wife
11 attended to the specialist the secretary now there advised that Mary was on her death bed. She
12 actually died that day, due to the inflammation of the cancer far worse than before.
13 Olga’s hairdresser vowed she would not be jabbed as it was too dangerous. Well the Victorian
14 government simply send someone around that if she didn’t get vaccinated then her business
15 would be closed down. When Olga later attended she made known that she was vaccinated
16 because she had just signed a 3 year rental contract and couldn’t afford to be closed down.
18 We had this nonsense that unvaccinated had to be locked up in quarantine centres because it was
19 the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and they then were killers and anti8-socierty not caring
20 about others. Well it turned out that Pfizer and also Moderna never tested for any prevention of
21 infecting others, this despite that the CDC, Fauci, Joe Biden, and numerous others around the
22 world claimed that vaccination would stop spreading it, even would prevent a person to get sick.
23 It was all based upon lies and I did way back in 2020 write to Premier Daniel Andrews but he
24 ignored it all. Yet claimed that “every life” matters while in fact he did precise the opposite to
25 cause more deaths, etc.
27 I in 1985 designed a document titled “ADDRESS TO THE COURT” (written submissions) and
28 well one day a judge made clear he was not going to read it. I then appealed this and the Full
29 Court made clear that the judge didn’t have to read it but he still had to consider it as part of his
30 judgment and he failed to do so. This means that anyone may not desire to read my writings but
31 when they make a decision and/or fail to make a decision having not considered my writings
32 then well they can be held legally accountable. Not uncommon an opposing lawyer at a hearing
33 suddenly realises that he didn’t answer my “ADDRESS TO THE COURT” and then find I
34 oppose any adjournment successfully as their ignorance should not justify any adjournment.
35 The same is with my writings otherwise, those who fail to act appropriately may just discover
36 that in time there will be no excuse for having done so.
37 Last year I wrote about the scientist Franc from Poland and about the eggs he discovered in vails.
38 Now embalmers find cloths in the corpses. I can assure anyone that if harm further comes to
39 Dion due to having been jabbed then well the legal consequences will be pursued to every
40 extend. I view the Federal government would do better to place a moratorium upon all
41 vaccinations and to immediately investigate what can be done to prevent those vaccinated (If you
42 can call it that regarding mRNA) to end up being harmed by cloths, etc.
44 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal
45 constitution!
47 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
48 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


50 (Our name is our motto!)
8-11-2022 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati

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