RFP Assessing Finance Sector in Africa

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Property no.118, Along Dagoretti Road, Karen

P.O BOX 62440-00200, Nairobi
Tel: 0722203407, 0202124744







To be received on or before

23rd September 2022

E-mail: tenders@wwfkenya.org
Letter of invitation

WWF-Kenya is in the process of sourcing for proposals for consultancy services to assess the status of
the Finance Sector in Africa, Strategy Development and Capacity Building

Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all costs and taxes, must be expressed in Kenya shillings and
shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the closing date of the tender. Interested eligible
candidates should submit completed Proposal Documents marked with the Tender Name
(Consultancy to assess the status of the Finance Sector in Africa, Strategy Development and
Capacity Building) and Number, addressed to the procurement officer and sent by e mail to
tenders@wwfkenya.org to be received on or before 5 pm on 23rd September 2022.

For any clarifications, please send your queries to kenya.procurement@wwfkenya.org not later than
2 days before the closing date.

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ii. “Fraudulent practice” means a misinterpretation of facts in order to
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Application Form
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Date: ____________________

To: P.O BOX 62440-00200

Property no.118, Along Dagoretti Road, Karen
1. Having examined the tender documents including, Ref. No…………….(insert number),the
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……………………at a total cost of Kshs …………………………including
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2. We undertake, if our application is accepted, to deliver services in accordance with the
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3. We agree to abide by this application for the period of processing. Preparation and execution
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Dated this__________________day of_____________20__________________


_________________________ _____________________________
(Signature) (In the capacity of)

Duly authorized to sign tender for and on behalf of __________________

Rubber Stamp/Company Seal

Terms of Reference

Assessing the status of the Finance Sector in Africa, Strategy Development and Capacity

1. Background and Context

Over the past decade, Africa has experienced unprecedented growth across a range of development
indices. However, this growth often comes at the expense of Africa’s biodiversity and ecosystems,
jeopardizing the livelihoods of millions of people depending on the goods and services provided by
nature. Encouragingly, Africa can still take a more sustainable path. The trade-offs between the needed
economic development and the likely impact on nature must be managed in a way so that the
appropriate economic and development decisions are made to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development.
The positive economic outlook for Africa is influenced by rich natural resources and positive trends
regarding factors that have attracted or influenced financial flows and foreign direct investments,
sovereign bonds and financial markets, personal equity funds and related investments both within and
outside the region. The potential for investment is high in the region. Africa represents one of the last
frontiers for large-scale agricultural development, with the continent representing only 10% of global
agricultural output, while hosting over 25% of the world’s arable land (Jayaram et al. 2010). In
addition, the world’s largest reserves of bauxite, cobalt, industrial diamonds, manganese, phosphates,
platinum group metals and zirconium are believed to be in Africa (USGS), ready to be exploited. Mega-
infrastructure projects and special economic zones are also being planned and developed, crisscrossing
much of the continent, supporting regional integration and linking interior production to external
markets. Oil and gas exploration and exploitation is also on the rise as new deposits are regularly
Financial flows have more generally been increasing within and into the region, only to be put on a
temporary hold lately due to COVID-19 global crisis. The major components of capital inflows for
SSA are Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), foreign aid and remittance inflows; with FDI taking an
increasing share of the pie. This rise in investments is accompanied by a strong rise of Africa’s financial
services sector in recent years with the financial services sector being lauded as one of the continent’s
brightest prospects. This is attributed to Africa’s rising natural resource base, rising middle class,
growing consumer base and increase in financial services and institutions.
The call for ‘Green Recovery’ and ‘Building Forward Better’ after COVID is a sign that indeed
the world, including Africa, is increasingly aware of the need to define and adopt development
trajectories that do not jeopardize our long term planetary health. As WWF Africa,
understanding, and where possible, influencing decisions around financial investments is key
to our ability to promote and enable a development trajectory that is compatible with the continent’s
longer-term ecological futures.
The scope of this assignment captures some the main essence to the ‘Making Nature Count’
pillar of the WWF Africa Conservation Strategy, which aims to transform the behavior of
governments, corporates, financial institutions, and society to balance the needs of people and the
planet. In this regard, the assignment will build on past and ongoing work under various WWF-led
programs, including:

 The Africa Sustainable Investment and Infrastructure (ASI) programme: The Africa
Sustainable Investment and Infrastructure Programme aims to promote sustainable investment in and
development of sustainable infrastructure projects in Africa through: (i) building partner and Civil
Society Organisations (CSO) capacity in sustainable finance and infrastructure; (ii) lobbying African
regional institutions and national governments to adopt and implement legislation, policies, and plans,

enabling sustainable investment and infrastructure and; (iii) lobbying Finance Institutions and
companies to integrate sustainable infrastructure development principles and standards into their
investing/lending portfolio and operations.
 The Africa Ecological Futures Initiative: The first African Ecological Futures (AEF)
report, published by the African Development Bank and WWF in 2015, was designed to guide policy
and investment decisions of governments, inter-governmental organizations, development banks,
bilateral and multilateral agencies, amongst others, and also critically, to inform the strategies and
investments of development finance institutions (DFIs) like the African Development Bank (AfDB).
A new phase of AEF is currently being launched, with renewed attention for the role of finance and
investment as an enabler of development.
 The Natural Capital for African Development Finance (NC4-ADF) programme: The
NC4-ADF programme is a joint initiative between the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Green
Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) and WWF (as lead Implementing Partner), to mainstream
natural capital approaches in African development finance. The programme comprises four key pillars
of work: (i) apply natural capital approaches to African infrastructure finance projects; (ii) build
consensus for natural capital approaches among multilateral development banks (MDBs) and related
partners; (iii) Integrate natural capital practices in African sovereign credit ratings; and (iv) Build
capacity for natural capital accounting and assessment in Africa.

The proposed components of work under this assignment include:
1. Finance and Investment status and trend analysis
2. Development of a WWF Africa Finance Sector Strategy
3. Engagement with African Finance Institutions

The deliverables under this assignment will include:

1. Report on Finance and Investment status and trend analysis

In order to influence, we first need to understand the current state of affairs and trends in finance and
investment in Africa, including how these shape development trends in key economic sectors. The
main sectors of focus, in this regard, will be infrastructure, food systems, energy and the extractives
industry (but could cover other elements as appropriate). The analysis would assess where investment
is coming from (the sources), how and by who finance and investment decision-making is happening
by various stakeholders in the process (Governments, finance institutions, investors, etc.), and how
this influenced by the prevailing economic and political ‘climate’. In particular, this part of the analysis
would consider how, and to what extent, trade-offs between ecological (Natural Capital) and economic
considerations are incorporated in decision-making, including through the consideration of nature-
positive alternatives. This would lead then into the identification of opportunities for engagement and
influencing finance and investment decision-making through key partners and processes. The output
(report) would form a tool for defining WWF’s Finance Sector Strategy for Africa, as well as serve
as a reference document for the Africa Ecological Futures process.

2. Africa Finance Strategy

Based on the finance and Investment status and trend analysis, the next step in the process
would be to develop a comprehensive WWF Africa Finance Sector Strategy. The process of
developing this strategy will involve a series of (virtual) working sessions involving focal
points from country offices, relevant regional programmes and Practices. The Strategy will
take a Pan-African approach, while also engaging focal points from WWF Africa country

office in a dialogue that will (i) create awareness on the key challenges and opportunities
for influencing finance and investments as a means to achieve our conservation objectives;
(ii) build the capacity of our country office teams to engage in such processes; and (iii) help
define a clear strategy to do so.

3. At least 2 learning and capacity building sessions targeting the network of African
Development Institutions
Building on ongoing efforts under the above-described programmes, the third component of work
involves the coordination and direct engagement with African Finance Institutions. In particular, this
will involve a roll-out of the Finance and Investment Status and Trend Analysis to the network of
African Development Finance Institutions (through the Association of African Development
Institutions). In addition, this component seeks to continue the ongoing efforts for mainstreaming of
Natural Capital consideration in finance decision-making, through roll-out sessions of the Natural
Capital Academy online learning program that is currently under development as part of the NC4-AFD
project, in collaboration with the African Development Bank and other partners.

Work plan

Component Output Timing

Finance and Investment Report on finance and Investment status and Aug-Nov 2022
status and trend analysis trend analysis
Development of Africa Africa Finance Sector Strategy Nov-Dec 2022
Finance Sector Strategy
Engagement with African At least 2 learning and capacity building sessions Oct-Dec 2022
Finance Institutions targeting the network of African Development

Submission of Technical and Financial Proposals

The consultant will be expected to take complete responsibility for all the activities identified in the
Terms of reference (TOR). The Technical Proposal should contain:
 Consultant’s interpretation of the TOR.
 Complete description and elaborate explanation of the proposed methodology.
 Names and qualifications of allocated personnel and any other resources that the consultant
will make available to execute the assignment and achieve the objectives.
 The financial proposal that should stipulate the consultancy fees for the assignment expressed
in Kenya shillings.
 A detailed work plan within the stipulated timeline

Requirements in response to the ToRs

1. Technical Proposal

Statutory Submissions

Bidders that do not submit the following documents will not be considered for evaluation.

 Individual Consultant:
o PIN certificate
o Copy of National I.D
o Bank Details
o Tax compliance Certificate
o Declaration form duly signed by the signatory authorized to execute the

 Company
o Company PIN
o Certificate of Registration
o Tax Compliance Certificate
o Bank details
o CR12 Form (Or equivalent for non-Kenyan applicants)
o Application form duly signed by the authorized signatory

NB :
 This bidding is open to non-Kenyan nationals.
 For non-Kenyan bidders, please attach equivalent registration and
statutory legal documents applicable in your jurisdictions. i.e. CR 12
Form, a legal document confirming the registered office of the company,
the shareholders (including postal address) and shareholding and the
directors (including postal address).

2. Budget and Resources Required

The budget to be submitted should only cover consultancy fees. The consultant is responsible for
government taxes and insurances. WWF will deduct the statutory 5% withholding tax. Transport,
accommodation and other logistical arrangements will be covered by WWF-Kenya as per WWF

3. How to apply
Interested consultancy firms/individuals should submit their technical and financial proposal. The
technical proposal should have: The interpretation of the TOR, Proposed methodology, names and
qualification of implementing team, detailed work plan with timelines. The proposal should be sent
to: kenya.procurement@wwfkenya.org by 23rd Sept. 2022. The subject line should be; Assessing
the status of the Finance Sector in Africa, Strategy Development and Capacity Building

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