RX Substitution

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School of Business Management

MBA Pharmaceutical Management

Declaration by the Researcher

Dear Sir/Madam, I assure you that the information shared by you will be strictly kept confidential
and anonymous. It will be used for research purpose only and will not be used for any commercial
purpose whatsoever. Thanking You.

Q.1. Do patients ever request you for change in their brand prescription?

 Always  Very often  Sometimes  Rarely  Never

Q.2. What are the common reasons for the patients requests for changing their brand

Please tick () the reasons and tick () the occurrence of the reasons
(a) Price of the prescribed  Always  Very often  Sometimes
brand is high
 Rarely  Never
(b) Non-availability of the  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(c) Non-availability of the  Always  Very often  Sometimes
brand strength or formulation
 Rarely  Never
(d) Want to buy generic  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never

Q.3. Patients request for changing their brand prescriptions is mostly for;

Please tick () the reasons and tick () the occurrence of the reasons
(a) Chronic therapy  Always  Very often  Sometimes

 Rarely  Never
(b) Acute therapy  Always  Very often  Sometimes

 Rarely  Never
(c) Both chronic and acute  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never

Q.4. Do patients buy the entire course of therapy as recommended by the doctor in their brand

 Always  Very often  Sometimes  Rarely  Never

Q.5. What is the incidence of patients request for changing their brand prescription in the
following therapy?

Please tick () the requests Please tick () the occurrence of the requests
(a) Cough and cold  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(b) Anti-inflammatory, Anti-  Always  Very often  Sometimes
pyretic and Analgesics
 Rarely  Never
(c) Antacids and drugs for  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(d) Antifungals and anti-  Always  Very often  Sometimes
infectives for topical
dermatological use  Rarely  Never
(e) Antibiotics and anti-  Always  Very often  Sometimes
infectives for systemic use
 Rarely  Never
(f) Antihistamines and  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(g) Drugs used in diabetes  Always  Very often  Sometimes

 Rarely  Never
(h) Drugs used in hypertension  Always  Very often  Sometimes

 Rarely  Never
(i) Drugs used for asthma and  Always  Very often  Sometimes
respiratory disorders
 Rarely  Never
(j) Drugs used for ulcers and  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(k) Drugs used for lipid  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
Q.6. What is the incidence of patients request for brand prescription change for the following

Please tick () the requests Please tick () the occurrence of the requests
(a-1) AUGMENTIN- GSK  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(a-2) AMCLAID- INDOCO  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(b-1) COREX- PFIZER  Always  Very often  Sometimes
Cough Syrup
 Rarely  Never
(b-2) COSOME- MERCK  Always  Very often  Sometimes
Cough Syrup
 Rarely  Never
(c-1) PAN- ALKEM  Always  Very often  Sometimes
Ulcer, Gastritis, Hyperacidity
 Rarely  Never
(c-2) ACIBAN- CADILA  Always  Very often  Sometimes
Ulcer, Gastritis, Hyperacidity
 Rarely  Never
(d-1) ROSUVAS- SUN-RANBAXY  Always  Very often  Sometimes
Cholesterol Lowering
 Rarely  Never
(d-2) ROZUCOR- TORRENT  Always  Very often  Sometimes
Cholesterol Lowering
 Rarely  Never
(e-1) TELMA- GLENMARK  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(e-2) SARTEL- INTAS  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(f-1) GLYCOMET-GP- USV  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(f-2) ISRYL-M- SYSTOPIC  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
Q.7. What according to you could be the reasons when patients are not buying the entire course
of therapy as recommended by the doctor?

Please tick () the reasons Please tick () the occurrence of the reasons
(a) Cost of full course is high to  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never
(b) Patients feel they get  Always  Very often  Sometimes
relieved with less dose
 Rarely  Never
(c) Non-availability of the  Always  Very often  Sometimes
entire course of therapy at the
time of buying  Rarely  Never
(d) They are worried about  Always  Very often  Sometimes
side effects of drugs. So they
buy less  Rarely  Never
(e) Any other:  Always  Very often  Sometimes
 Rarely  Never

Q.8. What would you say regarding patients requests for changing their brand prescription over
the past 5 years (from 2000 to 2015)? Please tick () any one

 Request has increased considerably

 Request has increased moderately

 Request has increased slightly

 No Change

 Request has decreased slightly

 Request has decreased moderately

 Request has decreased considerably

Q.9. What would you suggest to pharma companies to minimize patients changing their brand

i) _______________________________________________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________________________________________

i) _______________________________________________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________________________________________
Q.10. When patients request for brand prescription change, what would you say on the

Please tick () the reasons Please tick () the occurrence
(a) Patients consult their  Always  Very often  Sometimes
doctor when they request for
brand prescription change  Rarely  Never

(b) Patients trust us when we  Always  Very often  Sometimes

help them with the required
brand prescription change  Rarely  Never

(c) We help patients asking for  Always  Very often  Sometimes

brand prescription change
because it aids in their  Rarely  Never

Thank You.


Area: Experience: Years
Date: Time:

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