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GACAssessment event 4.

Brandon Gerardo Blanco Ruiz


Cause and effect:

Human Health

Student name:Brandon Gerardo Blanco Ruiz

Student ID#:0218992

Teacher: Angel Reséndiz

Due date: 18 March 2019

Word count:
GACAssessment event 4. Brandon Gerardo Blanco Ruiz


In Mexico a7 out of 10 preliminary investigations initiated for crimes against health are linked to
the crime of possession, according to data from the Attorney General's Office; which reflects,
according to the CIDE Drug Policy Program, that consumers are de facto criminalized and
equated to drug dealers.

Possession can be punished with up to three years in prison when the allowed weight is exceeded
and it is confirmed that the drug possession is not for sale or trade.

But any consumer faces a process of criminalization and deprivation of liberty: when arrested for
possession, the police present it to the Public Prosecutor and it can take up to 48 hours to
determine whether or not it carries more than the weight indicated in the General Law. of health.

In this context, on Thursday President Enrique Peña Nieto announces in the Ministry of Health
his government's plan to stop the criminalization of consumers.

Peña Nieto said on Tuesday in the Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
(UNGASS) on the issue of drugs that the country will seek an approach "that resolutely combat
criminals, but instead of criminalizing consumers of opportunities and alternatives. "

There are several causes why a person could start to use drugs:
• Satisfy curiosity about the effects of certain products.
• Pressure of the pairs: belong to a group or be accepted by others.
• Have new, pleasant, emotional or dangerous experiences.
• Express independence and sometimes hostility. Badly integrated personality.
• Emotional, intellectual, and social mismatch.
• Discontent of their quality of life, absence of life project.
• Lack of self-esteem Lack of information about the dangers of drug abuse.
• Unfavorable environment, family crises and easy access, often to substances that
produce. Dependence.
• Escape from pain, tension or frustration.

The possible pharmacodynamic properties of the drugs can be, depending on the drug used:
• Relief of the pain of anxiety.
• Decrease inhibitions. Sense of well-being.
• Relaxation and dullness of consciousness.
• Feeling of relief from fatigue.
• Production of euphoric states, etc.

These consequences are very diverse and can be grouped into two large groups: Health: the
use of drugs originates or intervenes in the appearance of various diseases, damages,
damages and organic and psychological problems. For example:
• Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Cardiovascular disorders, Depression, Psychosis, Paraonia, etc.
• Social: drug addicts are often involved in aggression, public disorder, racial conflicts,
marginalization, ...
• Economy: given the huge volume of money that moves the drug and drug trafficking
market, both consumers and countries incur significant debts; organized bands are
created; there is national economic destabilization, etc.
GACAssessment event 4. Brandon Gerardo Blanco Ruiz


Human health (2014),National climate Assessment [online],Available at: [accesed 11 March 2019]

4 de cada 10 detenidos por drogas llega a la cárcel por llevar menos de 500 pesos en
sustancias (2016),Animal Político [online], Available at:
llevar-menos-de-500-pesos-en-drogas/ [accesed 11 March 2019]

How scientists rank drugs from most to least dangerous — and why the rankings are flawed
(2015),Vox[online], Available at:
cohol-marijuana [accesed 11 March 2019]

Las drogas: Causas más comunes de uso y cómo prevenirlo(2012),Instituto de

Neurociencias[online], Available at:
[accesed 11 March 2019]

Las drogas, el cerebro y la conducta: la ciencia de la adicción(2014), National Institute on drug

abuse[online], Available at:
el-comportamiento-la-ciencia-de-la-adiccion/la-adiccion-y-la-salud [accesed 11 March

Cómo prevenir el uso de drogas en los niños y los adolescentes (segunda edición) 2014),
National Institute on drug abuse[online], Available at:
1-los-factores-de-riesgo-y-los-factores-de-proteccion/cuales-son-los-fa [accesed 11
March 2019]

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