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Introduction and thesis statement

My thesis statement is going to be: “Managing a business is very good, it
gives you a lot of experience and gives you money. But you have to be
aware of the dangers and the difficulties of owning one. My thesis is that
to manage any business you have to study and to be sensitive on your
environment and that is what I am going to prove establishing this essay
from the point of view of owning a family business.”
In the intro. I want to explain what do you need to manage a business
no matter from where it comes. One advantage and one disadvantage.
And finally a sentence that gives foot to begin the essay.

Paragraph 1
Topic sentence about me, and this first paragraph is going to be about
my personal experience in this field. And finally a sentence that gives
foot to the second paragraph.

Paragraph 2
Topic sentence. This paragraph based in my personal case is going to
be about advantages and disadvantages of owning a family business
and some other data that is going to help in this idea.

Here I am going to said why my thesis statement was fine, and my own
opinion about this theme.

Managing a business is very difficult. You have to know a lot about

numbers and a lot about people. But before starting we have to know for
what is this essay about, so my thesis statement is: Managing a
business is very good for society in general, it gives jobs to different
people and it gives you a lot of experience with money on it. But you
have to be aware of the dangers and the difficulties of owning one. The
nucleus of this essay's thesis is that; to manage any business you have
to study and to be sensitive on your environment and also in owning a
familiar one, you have to be aware of the dangers, advantages and
disadvantages and if you are, and you want to continue in this travel, you
have to know if you are going to be able to live with the consequences.
This is what I am going to prove establishing this essay from the point of
view of owning a family business, an idea that has been more common
to the pass of the years. I hope this essay give a lot of ideas to
undecided young people if they should take a family business or simply if
they want to start one, toi think in what is the best for themselves and
also for their environment.

By first, I want to tell you my personal experience. For you to have a

better background of the development of this essay I have chosen to
give as an example my case, it is no my business but the essay is
written with what do I am sure could happen if I inherited the business,
some advantages and some disadvantages.

There is a business that a member of my family has now, it is about car

washing in malls. Firstly, I like business, I like treating with people and I
like the idea of creating works; but this is a very difficult business it is
about fighting a lot to charge the bills to the car-washers and you have to
talk a lot to the managers of the malls.
Now you know in a very reduced way how this business works, I can
enter to the abstract part: let's imagine that I inherited my father's
business. In this part of the essay, I am going to show some advantages
and some disadvantages that are real and things that some would and
others could happen. In the first place, I will mentioned the physical
advantages and disadvantages that could happen: the personal is going
to try to go from ready because they will thought I do not have the
experience, I am different from my father so I could do things different .
But some advantages are: I can give new ideas to the business, a new
perspective, also because my father has explained me the business
since I was a kid, I know some of the problems and deficiencies of the
business and I also know how to solve them. In the other hand, as the
employees of my father knew him, I am going to have their respect and
their loyalty (obviously with the relevant payment and benefits.)

Now I am going to express some difficulties that my family could express

to me; they are going to detrahere me and the how I am managing the
business, but the bigger trouble I see if I manage the family business are
my brothers: this is a problem that can be exponential through time;
when they grow up, when they know (if is the case), that my father gave
to me the business, there is a probability that my brothers get jealous
and with this they get mad with my father and with me, cracking down
the family and splitting it up. Of course this is in a extreme case, but we
have to know that when there is money and family in the middle there
can be problems, so this is the work disadvantage I see in managing a
family business.

To conclude, I want to make myself clear and I want all readers to see
my opinion and to conjunct the facts that support it basing myself on the
text before.

As I have written in the first paragraph as my thesis statement; (“to

manage any business you have to study and to be sensitive on your
environment and also in owning a familiar one, you have to be aware of
the dangers, advantages and disadvantages and if you are, and you
want to continue in this travel, you have to know if you are going to be
able to live with the consequences.”)

As you can see the thesis statement has been supported in the text
before with real arguments that some people could take as subjective
but finally, arguments presented with an actual case and with actual
problems so the thesis statement is well sustained.

So as this thesis has been proved, now I want to give my opinion of this
theme: I repeat; having a business is very good for everyone who is in it,
but if you as a future owner of a familiar business are thinking in
accepting that proposal of the owner before, you have to be aware of the
troubles in the industry in which you are going to work, but also in the
familiar ones.

To finish this essay I want to give my final opinion: If you really like the
business of your family and you are disposed to face the familiar (in first
place) problems, you should take it, but you need to think a lot and see
the advantages and the disadvantages of owning it.

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