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20070 1 040866 (798898-A)

No. 47-0 1, Jalan N{olek 2/l,Taman tVlolek
Ne TM 962$
61 1 00 Johor Bahru,iohor.
,a t
Fort Date

Delivery Location Ir"'L Vessel's Name

Bunker Tanker's Narne ll\4O No.

License No. Gross Tonnage

Alongside Vessel Ou;ner / Operator

(Date /Time)
Commenced Pumping ETD
(Date / Time)

Completed Pumping Next Port

(Date /Time)

Fuel Characteristics Quantity

Product Name Gross Observed Vol (Litres)

Viscosity p 40 C or 50'C, mm2/s

( so 31 04)
I Gross Standard Vcl (Litres)

ks/m3 Quantity (Metric Tons)

Water Content % V/\l
(lso 3733) Barrels at 60-F

Flash Point'C Volu me Correction Factor

lso 2719) (ASTAI Table 548)

Sulphur Content, oh m/m Wei ght Conversion Factor

(iso 14s96 qr l50 87s4) (ASTlVl Tab e 56)

"'lhe COQ (Certifrcate of Quality) Density stateri above is for fuel specification only and not for transfer quantity determination

Seelaration that bunker fuel suppiied confirnrs with MARPOL Annex Vl We acknowledge receipt of the above product and confrr.rn that the following
samples were jointly taken by continuous drip sample at the vessel! manifold,
f:lt ..lrr-i;: rg that the bu n ker fuel su pplied confo rrrri with Reg u latlon 1 8.3 of th is
sealed and numbered:
l\nner ;;rej that the sulphur content ofthe iuel oil supplied does not exceed:
Seal no. Counter Seal no. (if any)
Please mark (X ) in the applicabie box(es) below:
f] the Iimit rralue given I;y Reqr-rlation i4.1 of this Annex;
fJ tne limit value given by Reguiation '14.4 of this Annex; or IV]ARPOL
I the purchaser's specifieci limit value of_(o.zo m/m),
Bu nker Ta nker
ascompleted by the fuel Oil suppiier's representative and ori the hrasis of the
purchaser's notification that the fuei oil is intended to be used:
Su rveyo r
1.ln combination yvith an equivalent means of compliance in accordance with
Regularion 4 cf this Anner; or Others
(To specify) (To specify)
2. ls subject to a reievant exernption for a ship to conduct trials for suiphur.
r:xides emission reduction aild acntrol technr:logy research in accordance Acknowledged by:
rarith Regulatiori 3.2 of tfris Annex.


Company's Name

Slqnatu re Of l\4aster / Chief Engiireer ./ Time

Signaiure of Cargo

Full Name in Block Letters

Fuli Name in Block l etters

EunkerTaitker's SIamp

ORIGiNAL - T|\4D-F-OPS-018 REVio

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