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ENNIFER J. MANALILI Commissioner ATTY. ARISTOGERSON T. GESMUNDO - Assistant Commissioner EDGAR C. COSTIBOLO Officer-in-Charge., Information and Communications Technology Division JESUSA D. MENDOZA - Officer-in-Charge, Internal Audit Services Division PRISCILLA C. REYES - Officer-in-Charge, Planning and Monitoring Division ATTY. CARLOS G. ALMELOR - Secretary, Professional Regulatory Boards SOSITA V. ONG - Assistant Secretary, Professional Regulatory Boards

LICENSURE OFFICE : AMELIA T. EMPAYNADO - Director, Licensure Office REBECCA C. GARCIA - Officer-in-Charge, Application Division MEDEN M. CALDERON - Officer-in-Charge, Examination Division GINA A. CONSIGNADO - Officer-in-Charge, Rating Division ALFONSO C. VILORIA - Officer-in-Charge, Educational Statistics Division

Board of Medical Technology Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969 Practice of Medical Technology = A person shall be deemed to be in the practice of medical technology within the meaning of this Act, who shall for a fee, salary or other compensation or reward paid or given directly or indirectly through another, renders any of the following professional services for the purpose of aiding the physician in the diagnosis, study and treatment of diseases and in the promotion of health in general: 1. Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and body fluids by various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic, serologic, immunologic, nuclear, and other laboratory procedures and techniques either manual or automated; 2. Blood banking procedures and techniques; 3. Parasitologic, Mycologic and Microbiologic procedures and techniques; 3. Histopathologic and Cytotechnology; provided that nothing in this paragraph shall inhibit a duly registered medical laboratory technician from performing histopathologic techniques and procedures. 4. Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use of and/or application of medical technology knowledge and procedures; 5. Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains and others, provided such reagents, standards, stains and others are exclusively for the use of their laboratory; 6. Clinical laboratory quality control; 7. Collection and preservation of specimens A person who engages in the work of medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician authorized by the Department of Health in places where there is no pathologist and who having passed the prescribed course (Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene) of training and examination is registered under the provision of this Act.

Code of Ethics for Medical Technologists Introduction

Ethics is defined as principles of conduct governing an individual or a group. Usuallyprofession includes among its distinguishing characteristics a provision for self regulation anda code of ethics. Most of the health-related professionals, including medical technology havesuch codes. The Main Objectives of the Professional Code of Ethics: 1.To define professional privileges, behaviors and responsibilities towards the members of the community in general. 2.To promote professional quality, professional conduct and a moral method of procedures. 3.To defend private professions from undue interference by the government or by other agencies. 4.To preserve the dignity of the profession and the confidence of the public. 5.To defend clients from unscrupulous individuals. 6.To fix certain standards of the compensations for services or work. The guidelines given below when followed will insure proper behavior leading to mutualrespect among medical technologists and among other members of the health team. This Codeof Ethics of the Medical Technologists are read during the oath-taking ceremonies of thenewly-licensed medical technologists. Code of Ethics of the Medical Technologists I enter into the practice of Medical Technology; I shall accept the responsibilities inherent to being a professional; I shall uphold the law and shall not engage in illegal work nor cooperate with anyone engaged; I shall avoid associating or being identified with any enterprise of questionable character; I shall work and act in a strict spirit of fairness to employer, clients, contractors,employees and in a spirit of personal helpfulness and fraternity toward other members of the profession; I shall use only honorable means of competition for professional employment or servicesand shall refrain from unfairly injuring, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation,projects or business of a fellow medical technologist; I shall accept employment from more than one employer only when there is no conflict interest;

I shall perform professional work in a manner that merits full confidence and trust carried out with absolute reliability, accuracy, fairness and honest; I shall review the professional work of other medical technologists, when requested,fairly and in confidence whether they are subordinates or employees, authors of proposals forgrants or contracts, authors of technical papers or other publications or involved in litigation; I shall advance the profession by exchanging general information and experience with fellow medical technologists and other professionals and by contributing to the work of professional organizations; I shall restrict my praises, criticisms, views and opinions within constructive limits and shall not use the knowledge I know for selfish ends; I shall treat any information I acquires about individuals in the course of my work asstrictly confidential, and may be divulged only to authorized persons or entities or withconsent of the individual when necessary; I shall report any infractions of these principles of professional conduct to the authoritiesresponsible of enforcement of applicable laws or regulations, or to the Ethics Committee ofthe Philippine Association of Medical Technologists as may be appropriate. To these principles, I hereby subscribe and pledge to conduct myself at all times in a manner befitting the dignity of my profession

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