E290 Zool11 LaboratoryExerciseNo.2

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Zool11 (Fundamentals of Zoology)

Exercise No. 2 Animal Tissues


Instruction: Answer all activities and guide questions in this worksheet. Submit your
outputs in PDF file to any online platforms like facebook, messenger, e-learning portal, or
to the following emails presented below. Make sure to rename the file as:

Activity 1. (10 points)

Label the images provided below. Write your answers in the space below the image.

Figure 1. Cross-section of a frog’s ovary viewed under LPO (100x). Image were taken from prepared microscope
slides by F.M. Jose (2020).

1. Granulosa Cells 2. Antrum


2 3 4

Figure 2. Spermatozoa. Retrieved from: https://openstax.org/books/biology-2e

1. Acrosome 3. Midpiece 5. Nucleus
2. Head 4. Tail

Guide questions
1. Choose three organs in your body. In the table below, list down the tissue/tissues that
comprise these organs. Describe its function. Write your answers in the table below.


• Absorbs; secretes mucous and

• Epithelial Tissue enzymes
1. Uterus
• Propels substance along internal
• Muscle Tissue passageways of the body
Muscle Tissue • responsible for keeping
• the heart pumping blood around the
2. Heart body
• Lines the outer of heart which allows
• materials to pass through
Epithelial Tissue
• Nervous Tissue • Transmit signals throughout the
3. Brain
• Connective • Support their structure and
Tissue metabolism

4. What is the major difference between epithelial and connective tissues? (2

points) Answer:
Epithelial tissue lines the body, internal organs and cavities whereas Connective
tissue supports, connects and separates different types of tissues and organs in
the body.

5. Differentiate voluntary from involuntary muscle. (3 points) Answer:

Voluntary muscles function under our control while Involuntary Muscles are
muscles that we have no direct control of.

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