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Career Forecast: I am planning on pursuing the career of Aerospace Engineering,

although the tangential track of Robotics is also of interest to me. While the field used to

be in decline, novel projects such as the Artemis program, reusable rockets, and

carbon-neutral jetliners, have caused the growth to bounce back to the national

average. It is important to gain hands-on experience because there are many skills that

cannot be taught in a classroom, and internships and my robotics team can help with

that. Skills needed lean heavily on math and science, with use of Physics and Calculus

being featured in the field. The colleges I would like to go to are fairly selective, so I will

need to keep up my grades and show that I can take difficult college level courses.

Mission Statement: I aim to act professionally and to represent Prosper High School in

a positive manner. I aim to make people feel welcome and respected regardless of who

they are. I aim to respect myself and make sure that I am doing the best for me through

my education, social life, and beyond.

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