01 - Activity - 1 Faclities Management Final

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Name Tisha F. Parajeli Date: September 29, 2021

Course &Section: BSBA201B Due: September 30, 2021

Essay (5 items x 5 points)
Instruction: Answer the following questions in no more than three (3) sentences.

1. The management of ABC Corporation finds it efficient to simply outsource utility services and other
non-core services of the organization. Which phase in the history of facility management is being
described and how will ABC Corporation maximize operational efficiency using the latest practices of
facility management?

- This phase in the history of management that is being describe is in 1980s. And the ABC
Corporation will only maximize its operational efficiency by using the latest practices of facility
management which is stated and enclosed in the phase of 1990s and 2000s. As to answer the
question how, the facilities management of ABC Corporation must add services such as
property management, space planning, relocation as well as add business processes such as
payroll and human resources because this is the only way that they can maximize their
operational efficiency.

2. An employee of XYZ Group proposes a plan to inject the practices of facility management to their
company operations. However, the management is uncertain about the logical grounds and benefits
of applying facility management in their business operations. Based on the rationale of facility
management, propose three (3) organizational benefits that will be received by XYZ Group.

- I will propose (3) organizational benefits that will be received by the XYZ Group for them to be
certain about the logical grounds and benefits of applying facility management in their business
operations. These three organizational benefits that they will receive if they will apply it are,
allow their business for future change in the provision and use of space, provide competitive
advantage to the core business and lastly enhance the organization’s culture and image.

3. The main objective of Atlanta Inc. is to establish organizational procedures relative to the
management of their facility and services. However, the company is unsure of their options
concerning the implementation of their desired course of action. Propose ways on how Atlanta Inc.
will be able to achieve its main objective based on the steps in facility management approach.

- The Atlanta Inc. will achieve its main objective only if it will develop its facility management
strategy, determine sourcing model, procure the services, deliver the services and lastly manage

4. Pacific Industries established an objective that optimizes its expenses over the life cycle of its
operations. In addition, the company recently announced its initiative to protect the wildlife in line
with its plans for facility expansion. Decide and justify which key concept of facility management is
being described in the given scenario.

- It is sustainability. As per stated in our handouts, the key concept of facility management that is
being describe here in the scenario of Pacific Industries that optimizes its expenses over the life
cycle of its operations was indeed Sustainability.
5. The success of Asia Group of Companies is strongly attributed to its facility management initiatives
that consider the needs of the organization and end-users. In addition, the company became the
market leader in the industry because of its established well-defined service requirements and
targets. Decide and justify which key concept of facility management is being described in the given

- It is The Informed Client Function. This is exactly based on what I have read and through our
discussion last time I am certain that the only key concept of facility management which
established a well-defined service requirements and targets. Is The Informed Client Function.
From the phrase “well-define service requirements and targets” that’s how I decide which is

Rubric for grading:

Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting
details, and factual scenarios
Grammar Used correct grammar, punctuation, spelling,
and capitalization
Organization Expressed the points in clear and logical
of ideas arrangement of ideas in the paragraph

01 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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