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we MCMB311 - Constru Management, MRP n Materials MCMBLI- Contact Sutera Mager Materials Planning «Te isthe scientific way of determining the requirements of rae materials, components equipment, machinery nd spares chit are required for meeting the resource requirement of a projec within the overall nancial investment policies ofa company ‘ Tefllows, that the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) function ia sub-system inthe ‘overall planning activity Right Time, for MRP Primary Concern- Cost of wo esting ead very gh sem edt delay n project complton + Demand oe materi ina projet dete: Gris equement for materials i worked ext tho Deva Project Report (DPR) stage ee + From the Projet Acity Network the period at which dhe demand eto be mt ao determi and known from the poet network © Blemeat of uncertainty incorporated fom the ‘certainty in acy Fea Construction Materials * Demand for materials i knowa as 300m asthe esource requirement is Finalise ‘These materials as normally required before the "They are to be planned for avalability prior to construction phase ofthe project. Capital Equipment #Thoschave to be planned in such a vay hat the a avaiable atthe site jst before te erection isan of these eure + Since diferent equipment are to be ersted/inalled at Aree periods, sequential rival of eit ‘ipments based on thlé respective installation period ‘sdesied instead of geting all the capital equipment t fone ne an string them il they are installed ‘© This requires deed coordination of various gsr like ccna constants, designers suppliers, tansport Consumables 14 project uses many consumable items, this varies swith the nature of projects ‘Used throughout the project duration and the total Fequirements are known, ‘+ Consumption rate a different periods is different but deterministic ‘ Toaccount forthe varying demand rate we should first draw the ageregate consumable materia demand for the entire project duration 1 ABC analysis is used For better inventory contro MCM311 - Construction Materials Management, MRP Important Guideline for MRP In working out the horizan for planning process, the longest lead times tht are anticipated must bbe taken into account so that the materia are adequately covered Nad preequite i good motrasplaingo _frcstng thot dens sould b fully eanvrnt tt he anceps of MCAT 13 ~ Exrmaion ond Quan Saresing and MCM211 ~ Pryjee Managers Sze Bill of Materials (BOM) 4+ Abi of materi lis the type of mates, the amount, the vendor and the cost, + The BOM should also relate che material othe specific construction activity. + Purchase orders are generated from the BOM. Basic Estimation Steps:- ‘Desert cv deepion wh pete edi cbs dare ref mth Bil of Qe BOQ) Fer gle wan ing esas cere eel tet ore Becerra seas QP moon Basic Estimation Steps ...contd. $._ Allowance for wate and lot are needed afer determing the ttl equirement 6 Alleomputtion shouldbe apps on the estimate work shee ata al woe Fr eo of hc atrel 2. Use chock cso chiminat any omissions rom materia |. rom Hine to time aera virions fom origin 9, fo mistakesoromson: hve en made inter the heck ist or etinate, the materi etimate wil ona 39 sccurat anti for ach tm on th i Typical Materials Provisioning Process, Fe prin er ‘Sindee Materials Packages + Materials package inches all types and ques of materials needed to perform a given activity ora work iter ‘+ Materials packages also help the Materials Manager since the entire package procurement i outsourced to specialist firms. More so for EPC project Examples of packages ae like HVAC package or power bick-up and stand-by et '@ -

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