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The words we speak are incredibly powerful.

They shape our outlook, our thoughts, our beliefs,

and even our daily experience of reality. By consciously harnessing the power of the spoken
word, we can permanently “rewrite” what we believe to be true about ourselves and the
world—we can, in effect, create an entirely new reality. This is because words not only carry
a strong vibrational message out into the universe, which responds in kind, but also (when
used in repetition) have the power to rewire our brain’s neural pathways for lasting inner

Affirmations are positive statements of what you are

wanting to call into your life—but they’re phrased in such a
way that the outcome is already here, in the present, which is
the key to successfully manifesting it in your reality.

Affirmations are a potent way to change your beliefs about abundance (or any topic you
choose) and eliminate feelings of not having enough. Whether you’re wanting to increase
your finances, love, health and well-being, or even the number of miracles in your life,
affirmations of abundance will call these in.

Use these 20 powerful affirmations from Abiola Abrams to shower yourself in positive
thoughts about abundance. Cut them up, carry them with you, tape them to your doors or
mirrors—but most importantly, say them aloud, ignited with the force of your emotions every
single day until you see your life shift.

I give easily I am a
and freely. magnet for
I receive freely miracles
and easily. and money.

©️ Hay House, Inc. 1

Great Everyone
opportunities around me
find me prospers
everywhere I go. with me.

My life is I am always
filled with fun being guided
in the right

Divine Abundant love,

blessings flow money, and
to me happiness are
so easily.

©️ Hay House, Inc. 2

I easily
What I desire
receive and
desires me.
radiate love.

I am so Every day in
grateful every way life
and so is working out
prosperous. for me.

It feels so Everything
good to live I need finds
abundantly in me at the
perfect time.

©️ Hay House, Inc. 3

Every penny I
I am always spend comes
so well taken back to me
care of. multiplied and

It is safe for
All I do is win.  my blessings
to always

Everything Abundance is
I touch turns my birthright.
to gold.

©️ Hay House, Inc. 4

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