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If I had been given a chance to live a life wherein I could stay home for days doing things that I
always wanted to do but never did, binge watching movies and shows that I always wanted to
see, attending schools online, following my passion and working on myself then I would have
happily accepted the offer.

But this corona induced lockdown has changed my insight on various things that I believed in
before. I realized how immature and naïve I was at times and ungrateful to the various pleasures
that life had to offer back then.

This lockdown made me understand the importance of interacting with my family, to spend time
with them and to enjoy the small momentary happenings of our life. For me, personally, this is
the longest time I have ever spent along with my family. During this period, I met with the real
stress-free versions of my family members and found an awesome friend in all of them.

As a socially less-oriented person, I realized that our friends are one of the few most precious
pearls of our life. I miss the days we spent together in school, annoying the teachers, laughing at
our un-sensible jokes, hanging out for movies and everything else. Even though, we have the
luck of chatting with them over social media, the feeling associated with it is incomplete without
our old physical interaction.

Following methods like social distancing, quarantine, using sanitizers, keeping a mask handy,
etc. has not only secured us from this deadly slayer but also has taken my self-discipline and
patience to a whole new level.

Psychology suggests that it takes 21 days to form a habit and coincidentally I had a lot of time to
kill so I started working on forming few awesome habits. Henceforth I began practicing deep
meditation, made it a purpose to read a book every day, to listen to life influencing programs
especially the Ranveer Show, to do dishes and other household chores. Being a gym freak,
initially I was disheartened that gyms were also closed. And to make peace with myself, I
somehow got a mini gym in my house and working out is now something like addiction.

One of the few great things about this scenario was the quick paced development in the field of
education and technology, things that would have taken years to happen, happened overnight. I
find that online classes has not only taken education a step further, but has made it even better. I
not only have more time through the day but can also enroll for learning other useful skills like
learning programming languages, entrepreneur skills and following my interests in the physics
and mathematics.

Somehow, there was a betterment in my humanitarian skills. Due to added responsibilities in life
like looking after two young cousins, preparing for the worst case scenario where my parents
could be infected, etc. I became more responsible than I ever was. I could somehow contribute to
helping in running the house. Due to economic conditions everywhere, I realized that sometimes
being miser was better than spending.

In this vast expanse of time, I had the opportunity to reflect on my past actions, justifying a few of
them or repenting upon my mistakes, to shake my deep rooted beliefs, to ponder over questions
that I never had an answer to and to strategize about my career. All this led to growth of my
curious side. I began asking questions about everything which directly or indirectly had an effect
on me. The answer to these questions really made me a better controller to a better database
that is my brain.

Unlike all the good stuff, this phase has made me lazier and unmotivated about the various
aspects of life. I often find myself being a thinker rather than being a doer. However, I am eager
to go back out into the real world and enjoy the beautiful moments of life.
~ Adios

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