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Health and illness | [EEA Phrasal verbs and verb-preposition collocations for health and illness Pm fighting off a cold at che moment. [trying to get rid of] : Marge isn’t in today; she’s gone down with flu. {has caught, usually a non-serio won't be going today. I've come down with a dreadful cold. [wit “down had a virus last week, but I got over it quite quickly. (got betrer/recovered] My sister's recovering from a major operation, [getting better: used for more serious illnesses] Harry suffers from hay fever and sneezes a lot if he is near grass or flowers. [used for long-term problems} He died offfrom lung cancer. (Not: He died-wieh lung cancer] illness] Health systems "n Britain, healthcare! is paid for enough. Hospital treatment and visits to.” through taxes and national insurance? family doctor (or GP)* at a surgerys payments taken directly from wages oF clinic are free, but there isa 1 ‘and salaries. The government decides _Preseription charge’. Dentists and opricians ‘how much will be spent on the ‘charge fees. Private healthcare is available National Health Service’, but a lot and a large number of insurance schemes ‘of people feel they do not spend exist to enable people to ‘go private". 1 general expression for all ofthe services offered by hospitals, clinics, dentists, opticians, etc. 2 tax paid by most adults which covers the costs of healthcare for everyone 3 British name for the service that covers hospitals, clinics, dentists, etc. 4 doctor who looks after people's general heath: GP means general practitioner 5 small centre with just two or three doctors « large centre with several doctors and kinds of services 7 charge for the medication the doctor prescribes, which you pay at a pharmacy © choose private healthcare Serious illnesses and health problems Here are some serious illnesses, with the word-stress underlined. Make sure you know the stress-pattern when learning longer words or phrases. It is a good idea to make a note of it. diabetes: disease where the body does not properly absorb sugar and starch “bronchitis: inflammation in the breathing system, causing you to cough ‘heart disease: serious illness connected with the heart which can lead to a heart attack ‘kin cancer / Jung eancer / breast cancer: harmful tumours in those areas ‘TB (or tuberculosis): infectious disease in the lungs cholera: an intestinal disease that can be caused by bad drinking water hepatitis: inflammation of the liver typhoid: fever, with red spots on the chest and abdomen heart attack/failure: when the heart fails 128 _Englah Vocabulary in Use (Advonced) 55.3 Exercises ‘Which is the odd one out in each group, in terms of the main word stress? Ipeatinesiacwrsviaaue icra EXAMPLE tablets medicine prescription (answer: prescription; stress on secor 1 diabetes bronchitis cholera —e neonate 2 heart attack sore throat lung cancer 3 hepatitis typhoid ruberculosis. 4 illness disease ness 5 consultant doctor surgeon 6 hospital smbulance transfusion 7 heart disease surgery TB Set thine very pirate ein and expreions ‘connected with health and illness into ‘groups, depending on whether they have posit ings wit to group, depending om whch they have positive or negative meanings with regard to Now fill the gaps using the expressions above. EXAMPLE [Nurse to visitor in a hospital] ‘I'm sorry, Mr Pickering is rather poets. today and we're not allowing visitors.” 1 [Someone speaking to a colleague just returned to work after an illness] ‘Hello, Frank, ‘good to see you Be ges ne 2. [Person ringing their place of work] ‘Jo, I won't be in today, I've = a a cold.’ 43 [Person in hospital, just beginning to get beter, talking to a visitor] ‘Ob, I'm OK. Tm now. I sill feel bad, but I should be out within a week: or 50. 4 (Parent to a child with a cold} You'll — 5 [Someone to their partner, who is wort ‘Don’t worry, darling. Everyone has a cold now and then. it? ied about them] ‘Don’t worry. Ie’ nothing that all serious. I’m just feeling, mower 6 [Someone ringing a workmate] ‘I'm trying 80 .0-—— a the fla, but nothing seems to help. I don’t think Pll be in work tomorrow. 7 Hllary wa quite last week, But She ner OW a ‘should be back at work next week. Which ofthese collocations are normal, and which are not normal? Correct the inappropriate ones. 1 Her mother died with skin cancer. 2. Is there a prescription price in your country? 3 In Britain, national security is a separate tax from income tax. 4 Healthcare is the biggest item in the nation’s budget. § Are there insurance societies for private healthcare in your country? 6 Private dentists charge very high fees. 7 She suffers of a severe allergy and can't be in a smoky room. English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) 129 | a ee ee " Health and illness 2 [BA Minor ailments and ways of talking about minor problems [Note that hurtis different from ache: ‘My arm hurts where I banged it against the car door. [gives pain caused by an injury] ‘My wrists ache from too much typing at the computer. The fixed expression (the usual) aches and pains is often used to refer in a non-serious How’ve you been keeping recently, Mona? 1 Oh fine, you know, just the usual aches and pains. Gst-she-wsua-peins-and-aches) ‘The fixed expression cuts and bruises can refer to minor injuries, ‘4: Theat you fell off your bieycle. Are you allright? 1 Yeah, fine, jst afew cuts and bruises, nothing serious. (ust-«-few-bruises-end-euts) Some other kinds of physical discomfort: ‘My hand is stinging since I touched that plant. [sudden, burning pain} ‘My head is throbbing. [beating with pain] Ihave a'stiff neck from turning round to look at the computer screen all day. I'll have to ‘move the monitor to a better postion. [pain and difficulty in moving your neck round] feel a bit dizzy. I think I should sit down. (a feeling that you are spinning round and can't balance] She was a bit fevetish this morning, so I told her to stay in bed. [with a ratun Thad a terrible nauseous feeling after taking the medicine, but it passed. [/ lin that you want to vomit] ‘He was trembling all over; | knew it must be something serious. [shaking] ‘My nose is all bunged up today with this horrible cold. [blocked] Other informal expressions that mean ‘not well, but not seriously ill’: ‘You look a bit off-colour today. Are you all right? Iwas feeling abit $0 I stayed home that day. Tm just feeling a bit out of sorts it's nothing to worry about. Pll be fine tomorrow. Alternative medicine ‘Nowadays a lot of people prefer alternative medicine (different from typical western systems). For example: chiropractic /Kawou'prektili herbal medicine noumi'opabis taking tiny amounts of natural substances to treat anillnes Joraumo'Derapil: using aromatic oils and massage 130 Engish Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) Exercises 56.1 Correct the mistakes in these sentences, 1 She was feeling out of the weather and a bit fevering so she took the day off 2 [felt really off my colour yesterday and my head was throwing, so I took a tablet. 3 felt abit off the sorts and seemed to have more pains and aches than usual. 4 My arms are hurting after carrying that heavy suitcase of yours. 56.2 Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using words and phrases from A. 1 Iwas feeling quite as if had a high temperature. 2. The drugs always gave her a feeling that she wanted to vomit. 3 felt as if my head was spinning and went and lay down for an hour. 4 My nose was blocked so I got a spray from the chemist. 5 a pain in my neck from driving a long time in an awkward position. 6 Joanna was shaking and looked unwell, oI asked her if she needed help. 56.3 Complete these sentences with words from the box. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 Lean's take penicillins Pm it, 2 Before you take those pills, read the label to see what the correct —. 3 Pm going abroad next month so I have to get the necessary’... 4 If you consult a new doctor you should tell him or her if you are already on any 5. Did the doctor give you a -? Do you want me to take it to the chemist’ for you? 6 Lrtold the doctor my nen » but I don’t think she was listening. 7 The doctor gave Me & n—-vnm--nnenanew for my employer. I was off work for two weeks, 56.4 What do we call the type of altemative medicine which ... 1_uses herbs and other natural plants? 2. uses oils which smell nice and are rubbed into your body? 3 uses needles to stick into specific parts of your body? 4 uses tiny amounts of substances which cause the illness the doctor is trying to cure? 5 manipulates your spine and bones to ease backache and other pains? 56.5 Here are four pictures of things to do with health and medicine which are not on the ‘opposite page, Can you match them with the labels? a) donate blood b) have physiotherapy d) have a filling i Engish Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) 131 ) get contact lenses 7 Health and medicine om TBE A Maintaining good health Bessemer ay god heath rap yu nat rice your ses ve? up your srengh by deing pany of exerelse- Ne beta oat wit gone eerie ros ou oad do alt ol sports nt Fyporarto wath wht you st Thaw ts ‘needa goon cat st stg rtood il ap yutobu uprestanca ws dorece, she was wate that psc sour of wemtrepe” | We wera ee by erg | ent oo ey monies. | youn tn mere sbeut ngayon medi erbedrsabr-s ase ee sory Ferre pent ngage mn octonpaetwchhaed t mei refecna 78. Engh Centon a We and 57 Health and illness 3 BBP). Medical information teats ede nc ined ina phe of hendacke ils, ci ich oe rman ayy ng owns hc Ok cea a once ghd Md 22

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