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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology

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Preparation and Application of Nanoemulsions in

the Last Decade (2000–2010)

A. Maali & M. T. Hamed Mosavian

To cite this article: A. Maali & M. T. Hamed Mosavian (2013) Preparation and Application of
Nanoemulsions in the Last Decade (2000–2010), Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,
34:1, 92-105, DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2011.648498

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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 34:92–105, 2013
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0193-2691 print=1532-2351 online
DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2011.648498

Preparation and Application of Nanoemulsions in the

Last Decade (2000–2010)
A. Maali and M. T. Hamed Mosavian
Chemical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
Mashhad, Iran


An emulsion is a system containing two immiscible phases: a dispersed phase and a continuous
phase. Components needed to prepare an emulsion are oil, water, surfactant, and energy. The
nature of surfactant determines the type of emulsion (oil-in-water (O/W) or water-in-oil
(W/O)). A nanoemulsion is an emulsion with 20–200 nm droplet size. The required energy to form
a nanoemulsion can be obtained from a mechanical device (high-energy emulsification) or from the
chemical potential of the components (low-energy emulsification). High-energy emulsification
consists of high-pressure homogenization (HPH), ultrasonication, and microfluidization and
low-energy emulsification consists of phase inversion temperature (PIT), phase inversion compo-
sition (PIC), and solvent diffusion. O/W nanoemulsions have been studied more than W/O nanoe-
mulsions and the preparation of nanoemulsions with high-energy emulsification is more reported
than low-energy emulsification. The small droplet size of a nanoemulsion enhances the emulsion
stability; therefore, nanoemulsions have various applications in the industrial field, such as per-
sonal care and cosmetics as well as health care, food, and agrochemicals. Pharmacy and cosmetics
are fields where more direct applications of nanoemulsions are proposed.
Keywords High-pressure homogenization, nanoemulsion, phase inversion composition,
phase inversion temperature, ultrasound

An emulsion is a system containing two immiscible
phases, one of which is the dispersed phase as droplets
(internal phase) and the other is the continuous phase
Received 15 November 2011; accepted 1 December 2011.
(external phase).[1] There are two types of emulsions:
Address correspondence to M. T. Hamed Mosavian, Chemical
Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Ferdowsi Univer- water-in-oil or inverse emulsion and oil-in-water or direct
sity of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. E-mail: emulsion.[2] Emulsions can be categorized into three groups
or depending on the emulsion droplet size (EDS):micro


(10–100 nm), mini (nano) (100–1000 nm), and macroemul- translucent (50–200 nm) and milky (up to 500 nm).[12] As
sions (0.5–100 mm).[3,4] nanoemulsions have a small size, they often possess long-
The inherent stability of an emulsion increases as the term physical stability and their properties are superior to
droplet size decreases. This is evident from the Stokes- the conventional emulsions.[10] Nanoemulsions can be pro-
Einstein equation, which expresses that sedimentation rate duced at moderate surfactant concentration (in the range
depends on the square of the radius of the droplets.[5] of 4 to 8 wt%) while for formation of microemulsion with
There are many degrees of freedom in the preparation high concentration of surfactants is needed (usually inthe
of emulsions, such as emulsification process and con- range 10–30 wt%).[12] One can produce nanoemulsions by
ditions, the type and amount of surfactants, the location two methods: high-energy and low-energy emulsification
of surfactant, the presence of electrolytes and co methods.[10]
surfactants, etc.[1] In this review, we will discuss four topics: Section 2 is
If only mechanical agitation is used, dispersion of the dedicated to fundamental principles of emulsification pro-
dispersed phase in a continuous phase is usually unstable. cess and the role of surfactants. In Section 3, we consider
This is because, if stirring stops, the two phases are sepa- production of nanoemulsions using high-energy emulsifi-
rated. To overcome this problem, that is, to make a kineti- cation which consists of HPH, microfluidization, and
cally stable emulsion, the surfactant or emulsifier is added ultrasonication. In Section 4, production of nanoemulsions
to the emulsification system as a third component. The nat- using low-energy emulsification, which consists of PIT, PIC,
ure of the surfactant determines the type of the emulsion. If and solvent diffusion is considered. Application of nanoe-
the surfactant is oil-soluble the resulting emulsion is a mulsions and some examples of it are given in Section 5.
water-in-oil (W=O) emulsion. On the other hand, if the sur- In this article, the methods of preparation of nanoemul-
factant is water-soluble the continuous phase of emulsion is sions, the pattern of usage of each method and various
water and the emulsion formed is an oil-in-water (O=W) application of nanoemulsions in the past decade (2000–
emulsion.[6] Generally, the phase in which the emulsifier 2010) is studied.
is most soluble is considered as a continuous phase. The
choice of right emulsifier is very important. The desired
stability of emulsion cannot be usually obtained by using 2. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF EMULSIFICATION
a single surfactant. It is known that a surfactant with a PROCESS AND THE ROLE OF SURFACTANTS
broad chain length distribution usually makes a more Components needed to prepare an emulsion are oil,
stable emulsion. Moreover, the emulsion stability can be water, surfactant, and energy. The total free energy of
improved by utilizing a mixture of surfactant.[1] In this formation of an emulsion (DG) can be obtained using the
way, the dispersed phase from coalescing into a macro- following equation:
scopic phase is prevented.[7]
Griffin[8,9] based on the stability of the emulsion, intro- DG ¼ DAc þ TDS;
duced the concept of hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB).
The HLB number is a measure of the size and strength of Where DA is the increase in interfacial area, c is the inter-
the two hydrophilic and lipophilic groups in an emulsifier facial tension, T is the temperature of process, and DS is the
molecule. Rather than the over-all efficiency of the emulsifier, amount of change in entropy. The value of DG is positive
this number indicates what kind of an emulsion is produced. because the value of entropy of dispersion TDS, which is
It is better to use a mixture of surfactants with the same positive, is greater than absolute value of consumed energy
HLB number. The mixed HLB values were calculated by (jDAcj). The positive DG leads for nonspontaneous
the following equation: emulsion formation and hence energy is required to have
produced the droplets. The formation of large droplet
HLBmix ¼ HLB1 W1 % þ HLB2 W2 % þ . . . ; emulsions (macroemulsions) is easy. Therefore, to produce
macroemulsions, high speed stirrers such as the Ultraturrax
where W% is weight percentage of each surfactant.[10] HLB or Silverson Mixer is adequate. In contrast to the formation
number affects spontaneous emulsification and EDS. For of small drops (nanoemulsions) is difficult and requires a
formation of O=W emulsions Surfactants with HLB >10 large amount of energy.
are suitable.[11] During emulsification various processes occur, among
Since the 1980s, attention has been focused on emul- which disruption of droplets, adsorption of surfactants
sions with nanometric droplet size, which are referred to and droplet collision are some examples. Each of the above
as nanoemulsions, mini-emulsions, fine-disperse emulsions, processes occurs numerous times during emulsification and
homogeneous emulsions, submicron emulsions, or unstable the time of each process is about a microsecond. This high-
microemulsions.[10] Nanoemulsions can be divided in to lights the dynamic nature of the emulsification process and
two groups based on droplet size namely transparent or events that occur in a microsecond range are very important.

Surfactant reduces the interfacial tension (c) and, conse- conventional homogenization using Ultra-Turrax homoge-
quently, the droplet size is reduced. Some mixtures of surfac- nizer, at a speed of 24000 rpm.
tants lead to lower interfacial tension than when either is In a standard procedure, materials are passed among the
used individually. In addition, surfactants have an impor- narrow gap of homogenizer in high pressure (50–200 Mpa).
tant effect on the deformation and disruption of droplets This high pressure causes a strong disruptive force such as
and prevent coalescence during emulsification. Surfactants shearing, collision, and cavitation. Intensive turbulency
with HLB > 7 form O=W emulsions and HLB < 7 form and hydraulic shear cause coarse emulsion change to
W=O emulsions. The disperse phase volume fraction (U) is nanoemulsion.[22] The droplet size depends on the number
the most important factor in emulsification. Increasing the of cycles, the pressure, and temperature of the system. The
disperse phase volume fraction causes an increase in droplet more the number of cycles and the pressure, the smaller the
collision and, hence, coalescence during emulsification. In size of droplets produced[22,23] (Figures 1 and 2).
addition, increasing U, leads to increase of the viscosity of In addition, this size also depends on emulsion com-
the emulsion, which could change the flow from being position (e.g., organic and aqueous phase and surfactant),
turbulent to being laminar. The increase in U induces turbu- emulsifier’s characteristic (e.g., adsorption kinetic, interfa-
lence depression in turbulent flow resulting in larger dro- cial tension depression, and stabilizing properties), and
plets. In addition, if polymers are added to the system, physicochemical condition of different phases (e.g., viscosity
turbulence depression tends to remove the small eddies and interfacial tension).[23] HPH can be processed in high
and, hence, larger droplets will be formed.[13] temperature (hot HPH technique) or in low temperature
The required energy to form nanoemulsions can be (cold HPH technique), which then later is used for proces-
obtained from mechanical device or from the chemical sing temperature labile drugs.[24] Comparing to other proce-
potential of the components. Preparation of nanoemul- dures, HPH has many advantages such as easy scale up,
sions can be categorized in two groups: i) dispersion or avoidance of organic solvents, and small process time.
high-energy emulsification methods and ii) condensation HPH is widely used in many industrials specially in
or low-energy emulsification methods.[14] pharmacy and cosmetic.[25] The pattern of usage of HPH
is illustrated in Figure 3.[19,23,26–81]


High-energy methods use intense mechanical forces to Oil and aqueous phase are mixed together and enter the
disrupt droplets into smaller droplets, and typically involve homogenizer to produce coarse emulsion. This coarse emul-
the use of mechanical devices.[15,16] The methods in this cate- sion enters the microfluidizer to produce stable nanoemul-
gory have a drawback, which is that they need high energy sions. In the microfluidizer, a high-pressure pump is used.
to prepare nanoemulsions and, therefore, they are unfavor- This pump, which works in high pressure up to 2000 psi,
able for many industrial applications.[13] The formation of forces the produced emulsion to pass through the interac-
nanoemulsion droplets directly depends on controllable for- tion chamber, which has some microchannels. Therefore,
mulation parameters such as the amount of energy, the the emulsion’s droplet will be very small.[20,22] The diameter
amount of surfactant and the nature of the components.[17] of nanoemulsions’ droplets depends on the pressure of the
High-energy methods can be categorized in three operation and the number of microchannels in interaction
groups: i) HPH,[14,15] ii) microfluidization,[18,19] iii) chamber. As illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, the more the
ultrasonication.[14,15] pressure and the number of cycles, the smaller the size of
HPH and microfluidization can be used at both laboratory
and industrial scale while ultrasonication is primarily used at
laboratory scale. Although high-energy methods are effective
in reducing droplet size, they are undesirable for labile drugs
and macromolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, for
which low-energy emulsification methods are used.[20]

3.1. HPH
Conventional HPH works in 50–100 Mpa pressure.
Although with new equipment pressure of 350 Mpa is reach-
able, O=W nanoemulsion with methylcellulose as a surf-
actant can stable with the pressure less than 150 Mpa.[14]
In,[21] the authors prepared nanoemulsions by a simple
homogenizer to avoid high-pressure condition. They FIG. 1. Effect of homogenization pressure on droplet size of nano-
prepared nanoemulsion containing Itraconazole by simple, emulsion: HPH (~); microfluidization (&).[19]

FIG. 2. Effect of homogenization cycles on droplet size of nanoemul-

sion: HPH (~); microfluidization (&).[19]

nanoemulsions’ droplets. The produced nanoemulsion can

be filtered through a 0.2 mm filter under nitrogen to remove
FIG. 4. Effect of emulsification on temperature of emulsions: micro-
large droplets and have a uniform nanoemulsion.[20] fluidization at one cycle – with cooling (~), and without cooling (&).[82]
Generally, inertial forces in turbulent flow along with
cavitation cause droplet disruptions in the microfluidizer.
Due to high input energy disruption of droplets is high. As
The advantage of microfluidizer is that the distribution of
long as the disruption is successful, new droplets are pro-
droplets in nanoemulsion is narrower than that of other
duced. However, new droplets are thermodynamically
emulsifying devices. However, microfluidization is unfavor-
unstable and tend to re-coalescence. If the re-coalescence is
able in specific cases, such as high pressure and longer emul-
higher than the disruption, the EDS increase. Increasing
sification time, since it leads to re-coalescence of emulsion
the energy over the optimum limit causes over-processing
droplets and an increase in EDS. The temperature of nano-
because, in high flow rates, the average time of residence of
emulsions at the exit of the interaction chamber is linearly
emulsion decreases. Therefore, the stability of the new inter-
dependent on pressure and emulsification time. Higher tem-
face is low due to slow adsorption of the emulsifier. This
perature leads to a decrease in viscosity and interfacial ten-
results in the re-coalescence being decreased with residence
sion and facilitates droplet breakup. The most important
time and the EDS being increased. Fast stabilizing new inter-
problem in high-energy emulsification is the increase in tem-
face through choosing proper and sufficient surfactant mole-
perature which leads to re-coalescence of emulsion droplets
cules can be used to prevent droplet re-coalescence after
and increase in EDS. To alleviate this and to have small dro-
disruption of large droplets. This prevention can be done
plets, a cooling jacket is used. The effect of the cooling jacket
using hydro-dynamical effect, for example, increasing the
on temperature of emulsification is shown in Figure 4.[82]
viscosity of continuous phases.[82] The pattern of usage of
The input energy during microfluidization can be
microfluidizer is illustrated in Figure 5.[18,19,29,82–101]
improved by increasing the operation pressure or the time
of emulsification. This is done by repeating the operation in 3.3. Ultrasound
two or more cycles. The final EDS is the result of competition Ultrasound is very effective in decreasing the droplet size;
between disruption of droplets and re-coalescence of them. however, it is appropriate for small batches. The process

FIG. 3. The pattern of usage of HPH in the last decade. (Figure avail- FIG. 5. The pattern of usage of microfluidizerin the last decade.
able in color online.) (Figure available in color online.)

diameter.[82] The pattern of usage of ultrasound is illustrated

in Figure 7.[15,82,89,102–145]

Nanoemulsion, in addition to high-energy methods, can
be obtained by low-energy methods. Such methods only
require gentle mixing and involve the physicochemical
properties of the surfactants and co-surfactants.[17,146–148]
To form a nanoemulsion, this method involves only a low
amount of energy. For the mixing process, the magnetic stir-
ring must be fast enough. But stirring did not break the dro-
FIG. 6. Effect of 3 different ultrasonicationresidence time on particle plets and the yield of emulsification and droplet size did not
depend on the rotation rate of the magnetic stir bar.[149]
These methods have been extensively attractive in both
efficiency depends heavily on ultrasonication time in theoretical studies and practical applications,[150] because
different amplitudes.[14] In this equipment, ultrasound of their low equipment cost.[10] Low-energy methods are
energy large droplets disrupt to smaller ones.[22] In ultraso- based on the spontaneous formation of emulsions under
nication, the temperature is linear function of the time. specific system compositions or environmental conditions
Ultrasonication has a similar behavior to microfludization which are results of change in interfacial properties.[151]
at a high temperature. The ultrasonication time has an impor- These changes can be achieved through different ways,
tant effect in droplet size. As the time increases, the amount of such as keeping the composition fixed while the tempera-
energy increases as well, leading to more droplets to be dis- ture is changed (PIT) and the temperature is kept constant
rupted and, therefore, to a decrease in EDS. Increasing the and the composition is changed (PIC).[147,152]
residence time over the optimum limit has no effect on Low-energy emulsification to form nanoemulsion can be
EDS, but wastes energy (Figure 6). Therefore, one should categorized in three groups: i) PIT,[12,153] ii) PIC,[146,147]
not expect that droplet disruption increases and droplet sizes iii) solvent diffusion.[14,154]
decreases when the amount of energy increases. The input
energy should maintain at a level at which the EDS is the low-
est. Usually there is no over-processing in ultrasound emulsi- 4.1. PIT
fication. This is because residence time of emulsion in PIT method which was introduced by Shinoda,.[155,156]is
emulsification region, which is equivalent to sonication time, an emulsification technique with low energy, which provide
is high in equipment, while the residence time in interaction the formation of nanoemulsions without the use of high
chamber in the microfludizer is about millisecond.[82] shear forces.[157] Advantages like being low cost make the
Despite the simplicity of the ultrasonication, it results in a PIT method achieves more attention in recent years. The
less than optimal heterogeneous distribution of nano- PIT concept is based on one type of phase inversion in
droplet size. Moreover the ingredients would suffer from emulsions (transitional inversion) induced by changing
the damage due to high-energy output.[22] The distribution temperature which affect the HLB of the system (vertical
of the size of droplets depends on coarse emulsion input arrow in Figure 8).[13]
to ultrasound. If the coarse emulsion entered to sonication
chamber has larger EDS and vaster distribution, the
produced nanoemulsion will have droplets with larger

FIG. 7. The pattern of usage of ultrasound in the last decade. (Figure FIG. 8. Phase inversion of emulsification.[146] (Figure available in
available in color online.) color online.)

When the affinity of the surfactant for the water phase the nonionic surfactant are hydrophilic, and hence O=W
equilibrates its affinity for the oil phase Transitional phase macroemulsion is produced. If temperature increases, the
inversion occurs. The variation in the affinity or HLB of the surfactant gradually becomes lipophilic and is solubilized
surfactant can be performed by changing temperature.[6] It by the oily phase (Figures 9b). In Figure 9c, the tempera-
is based on the changes in affinity of polyoxyethylene-type ture increases and reaches PIT, therefore, a bicontinuous
nonionic surfactants with temperature. At low temperature, microemulsions is formed. If temperature is brought above
the surfactant monolayer has a large positive spontaneous the PIT, the O=W emulsion inverts to W=O emulsion, and
curvature (more convex) and becomes hydrophilic and because of minimum interfacial tension in PIT, the droplet
hence O=W emulsion is produced. At high temperatures, of emulsion is small and W=O nanoemulsion is produced
because of dehydration of hydrophilic tailin a nonionic sur- (Figure 9d).[151] The difference in droplet size, before and
factant, the spontaneous curvature becomes negative (more after inversion can be clearly be seen (Figure 10). The crude
concave) and the surfactant becomes lipophilic and, there- emulsions (before inversion) are ‘‘milky’’ and opaque
fore, W=O emulsion is produced. At intermediate tempera- meaning that large droplets. However, the nanoemulsions
tures (the HLB temperature), the spontaneous curvature (after inversion) are almost transparent.[157]
becomes close to zero (neither convex nor concave) and a The characterization tools for determination of the PIT
microemulsion (bicontinuous, D) or lamellar liquid crystal- point include: conductivity,[153,160,161] viscosity,[157]dynamic
line phase region appears. The interfacial tension is very low light scattering,[12,162] cryo-TEM,[157] light microscopy,[157]
at the HLB temperature, and hence very small-sized emul- turbidity,[153] optical microscopy.[153]
sions are produced.[14,148] It is possible that these nano- By monitoring the changes of the conductivity and tur-
dropscoalesce to form a macroemulsion with drops in the bidity with temperatures in emulsion system with nonionic
1–10 mm range and beyond. If there exists a large amount surfactant for preparation W=O nanoemulsion (Figure 11),
of Surfactant and=or if some liquid crystal structure are there will be a sudden drop in the conductivity curve and
formed near HLB of 0, then the nanoemulsion droplet does sudden increase in turbidity curve (inverse relation), this is
not coalesce immediately and while the HLB is moved away because, with increasing temperature, O=W emulsion
from the unstable region, the droplet size remains in the change to an intermediate phase and then change to W=O
50–100 nm range.[158] Therefore, although emulsification is emulsion. For preparation of O=W nanoemulsions, the
favored at the HLB temperature, the emulsions are very result of this experiment is reversed. An average temperature
unstable.[14] This means that a quenching process needs to between the temperatures at the maximum and minimum
be undertaken to produce stable and fine nanoemulsions,
and the final nanoemulsions need to be stored at a tempera-
ture far from the PIT point.[148] If the emulsion prepared at
a temperature near the PIT is rapidly cooled or heated,
kinetically stable emulsions with small droplet size and
narrow size distribution can be produced. if the emulsion
is rapidly cooled, the W=O emulsion invert to an O=W
emulsion, and if the emulsion is rapidly heated, the O=W
emulsion invert to an W=O emulsion occurs.[146,159] If the
cooling or heating process is not fast, coarse emulsions
are formed.[14]
The mechanism of formation of the W=O nanoemulsion
from a D microemulsion is shown schematically in Figure 9.
In Figure 9a, the temperature is below the PIT, therefore,

FIG. 9. The mechanism of phase inversion temperature for producing

of W=Onanoemulsions (adapted with permission Anton and Van-
damme.[151]) (a) temperature is below the PIT, (b) temperature is FIG. 10. Nanoemulsion before inversion (right) and after inversion
increased, (c) temperature is at the PIT, (d) temperature is above the PIT. (left).[157] (Figure available in color online.)

PIC methods as illustrated in Figure 13 in five steps: i)

first surfactant and co-surfactant (Smix) are mixed, then
oil and Smix mixed together to form oil phase; ii) water is
added drop wise to the surfactant and oil mixture (the
addition rate is very important and should be adjusted
to ensure it is slow enough such that the bicontinuous
D phase or oil-in water phase is formed; if this rate is very
slow, the droplet size increases due to emulsion destabili-
zation. Water droplets are produced in a continuous oil
phase by adding water into oil (W=O microemulsion);
iii) as the water volume fraction increased, the droplets
start to become bigger; iv) an increase in water volume
fraction causes droplets to merge together and bicontin-
uous or lamellar structures to be formed; at this time
emulsion inversion point is reached, which surfactant
curvature changes and minimal interfacial tensions are
achieved and, therefore, the emulsions with small droplet
is formed; the emulsion inversion point can be deter-
mined by conductivity measurement. If in the inversion
FIG. 11. The relation between turbidity and conductivity versus zone, W=O emulsion converts to O=W emulsion
(Figure 14), a sharp increase in conductivity will be
observed; in contrast if O=W emulsion converts to W=
conductivity and turbidity value consider as PIT O emulsion, a sharp decrease in conductivity will be
point.[12,153] The pattern of usage of PIT is illustrated in observed; v) further increasing the water content, the
Figure 12.[12,148,151,153,157,160,162–178] emulsion inversion point is passed and the bicontinues
structure decompose into smaller oil droplets; from this
stage increasing the water does not change the droplet
4.2. PIC size. For a complete solubilization of the oil near the
emulsion inversion point, a high surfactant concentration
a. In this technique a transition in the spontaneous curva- is required.[146,148,181,182]
ture obtained by changing the water volume fraction,
Instead of the temperature. This transition is referred to The PIC emulsification method for preparation of
as catastrophic phase inversion (horizontal arrow in nanoemulsions enjoys many advantages, such as, low
Figure 8).[146,148] For PIC, the emulsification method preparation cost, absence of organic solvents, good pro-
continuous phase components are slowly added over duction feasibility, long stability, and thermodynamic stab-
the dispersed phase components. As a result, in some ility.[183] The pattern of usage of PIC is illustrated in
place along the emulsification path, a phase inversion Figure 15.[10,15,16,146,147,150,152,179,181–214]
occurs in which bicontinuous phase appears.[179]
Although nanoemulsification is a spontaneous process,
the driving forces are small and reaching equilibrium sys- 4.3. Solvent Diffusion
tem needs long time.[180] Emulsions are prepared using Solvent diffusion emulsification technique depends on
the many parameters, such as, interfacial tension, interfacial

FIG. 13. The mechanism of phase inversion composition for produc-

ing of O=W nanoemulsion: water (&), and oil (&). (a) oil phase, as the water
FIG. 12. The pattern of usage of PIT in the last decade. (Figure avail- volume increases: (b) forming water droplets, (c) the droplets become lar-
able in color online.) ger, (d) forming bicontinuous structures, (e) forming O=W nanoemulsion.

FIG. 16. The pattern of usage of solvent diffusion in the last decade.
(Figure available in color online.)

nanodroplets instantaneously formed; for reaching the equi-

librium system, stirring should maintain for about 30 min-
utes; iii) by evaporation under reduced pressure for 45
FIG. 14. The relation between electrical conductivity versus water minutes, organic solvent is removed from the system and oil
weight fraction.[150] droplets dispersed in an aqueous phase.[154]
The oil viscosity, the HLB of surfactant and the water
and bulk viscosity, phase transition region and surfactant solubility of the organic solvent are important parameters
concentration and structure.[154] In theory, the solvent in determining the quality of the nanoemulsions obtained
diffusion nanoemulsification process can provide the same by solvent diffusion emulsification process. Based on the
amount of O=W as W=O nanoemulsions, but most studies nature of the oil used, there is a large difference in the aver-
concern O=W generation. This technique is based on the age size of droplets. The most viscous oil, gave drops with
rapid diffusion of an organic solvent (e.g., acetone, etha- the smaller size. However, to obtain emulsions with small
nol...) from the oil phase to the aqueous phase. Evolution drops size the high viscosity of oil is not a sufficient con-
of the system is improved by diffusion of a solute into the dition.[154] Some limitations of solvent diffusion method
phase in which it has greater solubility.[17] are as follows: i) low amount of oil which dispersed in
Nanoemulsions can be formed in the absence of surfac- aqueous phase (typically 1%); ii) selection of appropriate
tants and strong shearing, known as ‘‘diffusion and strand- organic solvent that is soluble in water in all proportions;
ing’’ or the ‘‘Ouzo effect’’.[14,215] In Ouzo effect, oil droplets iii) removal of solvent.[14]
are produced and their diameter is a function of the ratio of The pattern of usage of solvent diffusion is illustrated in
excess oil to water-soluble solvent. In some studies related Figure 16.[149,154,216–223]
to this method, surfactants have been added to the system.[14]
The method to obtain nanoemulsion with surfactant has
three steps: i) preparation of the organic phase and aqueous 5. APPLICATION OF NANOEMULSION
phase; organic phase consists of oil and a lipophilic surfactant Nanoemulsions have various applications in the indus-
in organic (water–miscible) solvent and aqueous phase con- trial field, such as personal care and cosmetics as well as
sists of water and hydrophilic surfactant; ii) under magnetic health care, food, and agrochemicals. Nanoemulsions are
stirring, the organic phase is injected in the aqueous phase; appealing principally due to the following reasons:
by diffusion of the organic solvent in the aqueous phase, oil
i. no creaming or sedimentation occurs on storage of
nanoemulsion because of very small droplet size that
reduces the gravity force and Brownian motion.
ii. no separation occurs in nanoemulsion because the
small droplet size prevents any flocculation.
iii. ncomparison to microemulsion, preparation of
nanoemulsion need low concentration of surfactant.
As illustrated in Figure 17, the pharmaceutical and cos-
metic application of nanoemulsion.[27,30,37–41,43–48,51,53–62,
FIG. 15. The pattern of usage of PIC in the last decade. (Figure avail- in comparison to food industry.[23,26,31,35,36,42,74,76,79,80,
able in color online.) and other industry.[84,110,144,176,181] is substantial.

b-cypermethrin is achieved that in comparison to conven-

tional O=W microemulsion pesticide has more economical
and environmental friendly.
In Fallah and Falamaki,[110] an application of nanoemul-
sion in catalyst engineering is considered. In this article a novel
methods for production of rod shaped 2Li2O=MgO catalyst
nanoparticles on the internal surface of porous carriers (a 
Al2O3) for the Oxidative Coupling of methane reaction is dis-
closed. The required nanoemulsion for this technique is W=O
FIG. 17. Application of nanoemulsions in the last decade. (Figure nanoemulsion which is produced by ultrasonic probe.
available in color online.)
In Choi and Kang,[84] a new method to prepare a nano-
emulsion system containing much smaller dye particles of
Nanoemulsions are used in the pharmaceutical field as nanosize in the range of 110 to 130 nm has been investi-
drug delivery systems. This is due to the following reasons: gated. Six nano-disperse dyes were prepared using O=W
nanoemulsions, which were produced by the microfluidizer.
i. Nanoemulsions can be formulated in variety of formu-
There are potential applications of nanoemulsions in
lations such as foams, creams, liquids and sprays.
food technology, but there isn’t much specific application
ii. Nanoemulsions have a much higher surface area than
in recent articles. As illustrated in Figure 17 application
conventional emulsion and therefore it is suitable or
of nanoemulsion in food technology is limited to recent
delivery of active ingredients through the skin.
years. For example, Yuan et al.[79,80] investigated the pro-
iii. Nanoemulsion deposit uniformly on skin and has high
duction of b-carotene (an important dietary antioxidant
penetration, due to the small size of the droplet and
and precursor of vitamin A) nanoemulsion. In these articles
low interfacial tension.
b-carotene is considered as the dispersed phase.
iv. The transparent and fluidity nature(at reasonable oil
As discussed above, pharmacy and cosmetic are fields
concentrations) of the system, may give nanoemulsion
where more direct applications of nanoemulsions are pro-
a pleasant aesthetic character and skin feel.
posed. In pharmacy, most of the drugs are lipophilic and such
v. Nanoemulsion can be applied for delivery of fragrant,
drugs are preferably solubilized in O=W nanoemulsions.[187]
which may be suitable in cosmetic and perfume
Therefore, as illustrated in Figure 18, the production of
O=W nanoemulsions (in high-energynanoemulsifica-
vi. Nanoemulsions may be applied as a substitute for
liposomes and vesicles which are much less stable 82–96,102–106,109,112,113,118–120,122,124,125,127,138,140,142,143,224]
vii. Nanoemulsions constitutes the first step in producing
low-energy nanoemulsification is[10,12,15,16,146,148,150,152–
nanocapsules(encapsulated drug nanoparticles) and nano- 154,162,163,165–179,181–186,188,190,191,193–195,197,198,202,203,205,208–214,
spheres (drug nanoparticles in polymer matrix).[13,154] 216,222]
) very much than W=O nanoemulsion (in high-energy
nanoemulsification[110,116,145] and low-energy nanoemulsifi-
The following are some examples of pharmaceutical appli- cation.[160,164,204,226])
cation of nanoemulsion: cancer and tumor therapy,[111– With respect to Figure 19, in spite of requirement high-
anti-inflammatory,[97] malaria trea- energy input, High-pressure homogenization,[27,30,37–41,43–
[103,224] 48,51,53–62,64–73,75,77,78,81]
tment, nonviral vectors for plasmid DNA and ultrasonication[102–109,111–118,
delivery,[123] treatment of coronary artery disease,[132] ocu- 122–127,129–137,139,140,142,145,224]
methods are more attractive
lar drug delivery.[137] Celecoxib nanoemulsion for arthritis
and osteoarthritis treatment,[183,199–202] Carbamazepine
nanoemulsion for anticonvulsant drug,[189] Ramipril
(antihypertensive drug) Nanoemulsion,[182,194–196] and
Calixarene-entrapped nanoemulsion for uranium skin
Creams and lotions formulated with Buriti oil (Mauritia-
flexuosa),[177,178] palm oilesters-in-water, and virgin coconut
oil-in-water,[184] are examples of nanocosmeceuticals. With
respect to agrochemical applications.[181] O=W nanoemul-
sions are produced as solubilizing water-insoluble,
b-cypermethrin. The system consists of water, polyoxy FIG. 18. The pattern of usage of two different methods in nanoemul-
ethylene nonionic surfactant and methyl decanoate which sification and type of nanoemulsion in the last decade. (Figure available in
serves as an oil phase. In this article spray formulations of color online.)

are proposed. In pharmacy, because of the lipophilic nature

of drugs, production of O=W nanoemulsion is more than
W=O nanoemulsion.

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