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FICHA 2387128






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1. Descargue el material “Guidelines for creating an advertising

campaign”,ubicado en la sección “Let’s listen”. Escriba una publicidad
radial de unacompañía X y preséntela de manera oral en la sesión virtual
(encuentrosincrónico) “Creative Brief”, habilitada y programada por el
instructor. Lapublicidad debe durar dos minutos como máximo
2. .2. . En la sección “Let’s write”, descargue las instrucciones para
elaboraruna campaña publicitaria (Radial, de televisión o
promocional) y eldiligenciamiento de un brief. Agregue el brief
diligenciado en estedocumento y envíe la publicidad en el formato
de su preferencia alinstructor.

Name of the company
Lucyche footwear, comercial society.
Trade’s name
Luz & Chelín
Company’s activity
Manufacturing different kind of

2.COMPANY HISTORY What type of advertising and what

problems did they show?

footwear, except leather and skin footwear.

Manufacturing leather and skin footwear

with and any type of sole.

The origin of the name with which the

company originated, has its foundations in
the combination of Luz, as a tribute to Mrs.
Lucila Arias, founder of the company.

The name of the company is based on the

Has the company traditionally been combination of Luz, as a tribute to Mrs.
advertised? What publicity? Lucila Arias, and the Che- was added as a
combination of the English currency Chelín,
whose figure was that of the majestic
Queen Elizabeth II.

I try to advertise through the social page on

Facebook, along with the Whatsapp App to
make it easier to deal with my customers.

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I am also in charge of elaborating a virtaul The advertisingwe perform is digital flyers

catalog, so that it is easy to access, and my on footwear models
clients can see the designs.

manufactured by the company, it doesnt

exist a propper digital language or a brand
consolidation, about corporstive values
and strategic platform. The main issue is
the non monetization of the, page, the lack
of a web support, and the lack of
proffesionals that didnt perfom the

What were the previous objectives of

the campaign? A previous objetive doesnt exist,

imitate the rivals and to sell more.

What are the characteristics of the

product? The product counts with the aplication

of layers and a resistent a highly though

heels on the surface which reduces the
noise generating a silent walk. The internal
cover counts with a shoe plate that
absorbs impact when youre walking and
rejects the humidity accumulation

The shoe only has external costures. The

main packaging its ecologycal , because its made with recicled fibers and it can be
decomposed easily or reused again. What is the current position of your

product in the market? Our company place its not principal

because as a brand and with theirs
doesn’t have an important placement on
market, or belogs to the leaders
challengers of footwear sector.

3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION For high heels lovers, r100 models arrives,

with foam and expanded latexor expanded
pvc (2mm caliber) located between the
structural plate and the luxury internal
plate to, protect the, users heel and.
Provide comfort to the foot, anti-slip sole
made on pvc. Vibratingcolors, variety on
heights, and 100% quality certified.

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-Camrel bag for each pair of shoes. -

Microcorrugated card by pair of shoes.

-Micro-corrugated card of greater

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are constantly looking for promotions

who are constantly looking for

Demographic profil Sex: female.

Ages: 17-60 years old.

Occupation Female workers, dynamic sectors of

the economy.

Level of studies Technician, technologist and


Surroundings Neighborhoods with easy access, all


Location Easy access neighborhood, with all


Psychographic Profile Shoes are an article of clothing,

which has become a very important
aspect of personal presentation for
important aspect of personal
presentation for women, they must
show their femininity, they
femininity, it also frames the values of
each woman, as well as her style.
women who are active in the
workplace, who are involved in
entrepreneurial activities
who buy the articles with the intention
of an end use, that is to say, they are
end users.end users.

7. COMPETITION Direct competition: local companies in

the city that produce the same lines
and are followers in the market.
lines and are followers in the market.

Indirect: local, national and foreign

companies that produce other lines

dimension for several pairs.


1.With our current staff we are

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Strengths achieving to respond the

2.Potential market its

considerably high on main
cities and medium ones.
3.Team work and good politicals
on sale
that can substitute the product. can
Weaknesses substitute the product.
1.There are not enough
Principal: large for the areas. footwear
2.There are no plans for
producers, national brands with tradition
strategic distribution detailed
and a high level of positioning that tradition
and established.
and high positioning that are leaders in the
3.Need to renew technology.
Opportunities market.
1.Credits support and
capacitations for micro
8. PROJECT OBJECTIVES Establish new customer relationships:
2.E-commerce grow.
throughattention and service
the collection of relevant
Threats information and processing it beyond
1.Positional competencyand processing it
relevant information
beyond thecrisis
databases, in order to know you,
3.Economy slowdown
survey the level of satisfaction databases, in
5.BUDGET For theorder
advertising campaign,
to get to know you, to survey the level
of satisfaction withof
in the amount $6,000.00
the products or services,
pesos and
will be allocated,
to products or services, in order to
as radio spots, paid advertisements in
increase the value of the products or
social networks and press will be
services offered. services offered.
6. Positioning
the brand website implementation, depending on the product or
service, add shopping cart and payment

Potential Peopleservice
who wantto addtheshopping
whoand payment
gateways, with space for
work in administrative, commercial data
and hotel sectors. administrative,
collection forms and customer service data
commercial and hotel sectors.
collection forms and customer service
support; it can also be implemented the
Target The potential market is all women
creation of implemented the creation of
from different sectors who have
medium-high on social networks,
with medium-payment and
high incomes. omnichannel strategies, and
additionally link networks with your website
to improve
At present search
the market onhas
that Google
captured, middle-income women who
Implementation of a web page,

Branding consolidation depending of the product or service to add,a shopping car

and payment passarels, with spaces on
forms to collect data and support on client
support; also it can be implemented the
creation of accounts on social media, pay
and apply strategies of omnichannels, and
addiccional to join

webs with its page to improve the search on

google adwords.

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9. MARKET SEARCH A more informed consumer, who compares

prices and who is exercising two roles the
shopper who is an influencer of other users,
and shoppers who are conscious of ecological
or social causes.
10.DISTRIBUTION AND A selective distribution system with a
CHANNELS short indirect channel is chosen to avoid a
high number of intermediaries. to avoid a
large number of intermediaries, and also to
reduce distribution costs and facilitate the
and ease in the handling of the merchandise,
allowing the products to be in certain points
of sale. products at certain points of sale. It
benefits the brand with the creation of a
higher quality of the product in the eyes of
the customers. customers.

Radio advertising

Today delivering Premium footwear, Luz&Chelin in your shoes. That's right, enjoy discounts of
up to 50%, paid in cash. We receive all means of payment.

Place your orders at @CalzadoLuz&Chelín on Facebook or on Instagram at.

@Luz&Chelín_Calza and participate in the raffle of a spectacular combo (mail,bag and shoes)
or in our store Av.1 10-50 with Quinta street, downtown. Our motivation, is to see you leaving
looking brand new and happy.

Yes ma'am, it is to see you with a smile from ear to ear, after making your purchase. We
accompany your moments in every step you take. Variety in

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designs, tones and styles, do not worry about the size because we have them all to make you
feel comfortable. We pamper your feet with comfortable and elegant shoes, and at the same
time we pamper your pocket with our spectacular discounts.

Always with you, on Mother's Day, Secretary's Day and Women's Day, every day of the year.
Walk with safety and confidence: non-slip soles, thermal pads, and breathable materials, with
a quality that characterizes us and that you already know.

If you don't know us yet, come, we are waiting for you.

Here in our virtina Calzado Luz&Chelin Av.1 10-50 with Quinta street, downtown.

Make yourself at home.

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