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Definition of gastroenteritis
Signs and symptoms of
Causes of gastroenteritis-
Complication of gastroenteritis
Diagnosis of gastroenteritis
Treatment of gastroenteritis
Prevention of gastroenteritis
Nursing intervention of
Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the lining of the intestines
caused by a virus, bacteria, or parasites

Symptoms of gastroenteritis
Children may not have all symptoms, but in general,
:gastroenteritis symptoms can include
1- Loss of appetite
2- Bloating
3- Nausea
4- Vomiting
5- Abdominal cramps
6- Abdominal pain
7- Diarrhoea
8- Bloody stools (poo) – in some cases
9- Pus in stools – in some cases
10- Generally feeling unwell – including lethargy and body aches

Causes of gastroenteritis in children

Gastroenteritis is caused by different things – including viruses,
bacteria, bacterial toxins, parasites, particular chemicals and
.some drugs
If your child gets gastro more than once the cause may be
.different each time
Infectious gastroenteritis in children
Gastroenteritis can spread quickly. Infectious gastroenteritis is
caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. It is usually ingested
through food or drink. Some of the common types of infectious
:gastroenteritis include
1-Escherichia coli infection
2-Campylobacter infection
3-Cryptosporidium infection
7-Viral gastroenteritis

Complications of gastroenteritis include the

3- Transient lactose intolerance
4-Chronic diarrhea
5-Systemic infection (meningitis, arthritis, pneumonia) especially
with Salmonella infections
6-Sepsis (Salmonella, Yersinia, Campylobacter organisms)
7-Toxic megacolon

8-Persistent diarrhea

Gastroenteritis is usually diagnosed by the symptoms that it
produces, primarily diarrhoea. However, if the symptoms are
severe or persistent, your doctor may take a stool (faeces)
.sample to identify the cause of the gastroenteritis
Stool samples may be taken during outbreaks of gastroenteritis,
such as those occurring on cruise ships and in hospitals and
nursing homes, to identify the virus or bacteria that has caused
the outbreak. Also, identifying patients with similar histories of
food or drink they have recently consumed often helps to
determine the source of the outbreak

Most people with gastroenteritis recover within a few days
without the need for medical treatment, as long as they stay
.properly hydrated
To help keep yourself comfortable and prevent dehydration
: while you recover, try the following
Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine
Avoid sugary, fatty, or highly seasoned (spicy) foods
Drink plenty of liquid every day, taking small, frequent sips,
including clear thin broths or soups, diluted non-caffeinated
sports drinks (e.g., Powerade or Gatorade), and rehydration
formulas (e.g., Gastrolyte) that are available without
prescription from a pharmacy
Make sure that you get plenty of rest

The following actions can be taken to avoid getting and
:spreading gastroenteritis
Frequent and thorough hand washing, especially before eating or
preparing food, and after going to the toilet or contact with an
infected person
Ensure that children wash their hands frequently and thoroughly
Avoid direct contact with infected individuals, if possible
Stay home from work and keep children away from day care or
school until symptoms have gone
Washing the clothing, bedding, and toys of an infected person
Cleaning and disinfecting kitchen surfaces, especially after
working with raw meat or chicken, or eggs
Avoid eating undercooked foods, especially meat, chicken, and
Avoid drinking untreated water

Avoid eating raw meats, fish, shellfis unless you -1 are

sure that they have been fre shly prepared and are from a
reliable source

Nursing intervention
Reduce infection transmission
Promote skin integrity
Prevent dehydration
Maintain adequate nutrition
Maintain body temperature
Assess for abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, hyperactive
.bowel sounds, frequency, urgency, and loose stools
Educate the client about perianal care after each bowel
Teach the client about the importance of hand washing after
each bowel movement and before preparing food for other

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