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Impact Analysis of Distributed Generation on

Protection Devices Coordination in Power

Distribution Systems
2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Latin America (ISGT Latin America) | 978-1-6654-4421-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISGTLATINAMERICA52371.2021.9543073

Cleberton Reiz, Jonatas Boas Leite

Dep. of Electrical Engineering
São Paulo State University
Ilha Solteira, Brazil,

Abstract—Integration of distributed generation in power used, and techniques adopted to ensure the coordination and
distribution networks provides many advantages and challenges selectivity.
to electric power system. Among challenges are the increase in
levels of short-circuit currents and changes of power flow From concepts of the specialized bibliography, this work
direction. These characteristics can interfere in the interruption proposes a method to determine the coordination and
capacity of protection devices, which are responsible for selectivity of protection devices in DNs through an
maintaining the integrity of distribution networks. Therefore, it evolutionary algorithm. In addition, the impact of DGs on
is essential to understand the effects of distributed generation on DNs is assessed using different levels of DG penetration. The
protection systems to determine strategies that aim to solve the developed and dedicated genetic algorithm (GA) determines
challenges imposed by this technology. The present work, first, the parameters of 51P/N overcurrent relays, as well as their
proposes the mathematical formulation to coordinate time of operation in characteristic 50P/N, under restrictions of
overcurrent relays and fuse links, considering permanent and coordination and selectivity among protection devices.
temporary faults. The solution is obtained through a dedicated Parameters related to the specification of fuse links are also
genetic algorithm. Subsequently, this solution method is determined by the GA. The solution provided by proposed
analyzed under different levels of penetration of distributed methodology is used to evaluate the impact of DGs on
generators, allowing to identify points most susceptible to loss of coordination of the protection system.
Keywords—Power system protection, Power distribution
faults, Distributed generation, Circuit analysis computing, Digital Short-circuit (SC) currents for different fault types allow
relays, Fuses determining protection sensitivity. Nominal values for fuse
links must be greater than 1.5 times load current of their
I. INTRODUCTION respective branches and less than 25% of phase-to-ground
Protection systems are fundamental for the safety of fault current with 20 Ω contact impedance, Ø . The same
distribution networks (DN) components, in addition to direct fault intensity is used to coordinate fuses with overcurrent
impact in the continuity indices of energy supply service. relays, functions 51P/N and 50P/N. Linear interpolation
Parametrization of protection devices and their location in described in [1] is used to get the fuses behavior, modeled
power feeders should mitigate temporary faults and protect the using samples provided by manufacturer.
physical integrity of the DN against permanent faults, Operating curves of overcurrent relays are based on IEC
reducing as much as possible the number, time and frequency 60255 [2]. The pickup current value, , for 51P is set between
of consumers without power energy supply.
TABLE I - Coordination Techniques Review
DNs are generally meshed and operate with radial Analyzed Devices

topology. This configuration reduces project costs from the Method /

developed protection system. However, the presence of Reference Objective
1 2 3 4 5 6 software
distributed generation, despite providing several economic
and technical benefits, imposes new technical challenges for [1] D ✓ ✓ ✓ GA Allocation
distribution companies. Distributed generators (DGs) can [3] D ✓ Elec. Circ. Analysis
cause bidirectional flow in DNs and islanded operation. The [4] D ✓ ✓ ✓ PSCAD Analysis
increasing installation of DGs can make insufficient the [5] D ✓ ✓ GA Coordination
classic protection philosophy in DNs, requiring the [6] D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PSO Coordination
determination of new criteria and protection schemes. [7] D ✓ ✓ PSO Coordination
Several approaches are proposed in literature to avoid [8] D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PSO Allocation
losing coordination and selectivity among protection devices [9] D ✓ ✓ ✓ ATP Analysis
in DNs with coupled DGs. Table I contains a summary of [10] T ✓ ✓ GA Coordination
some proposals available in literature. We highlight the [11] T ✓ ✓ GA Coordination
protection devices in the protection scheme, the most suitable [12] D ✓ ✓ Fuzzy Coordination
network type for each methodology, methods or software D: Distribution systems T: Transmission systems
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento HGA: Hybrid GA PSO: Particle Swarm Optimization
de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES - Finance Code 001), 1: Fuse links 4: Distance Relays
Fundação de Amparado à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – Brazil 2: Overcurrent relays 5: Recloser
(FAPESP Grants 2015/21972-6 and 2014/22377-1). 3: Directional relays 6: Fault current limiter

978-1-6654-4421-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV ESTADUAL PAULISTA JULIO DE MESQUITA FILHO. Downloaded on October 12,2022 at 11:28:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
1.2 to 1.5 times the load current at the overcurrent relay objective function (OF) as is given in (7). The first part of the
branch, and 0.1 to 0.3 times the load current for 51N. The equation includes the sum of operating times for 50/51P/N of

and ! for relays, and for fuses). An " factor multiplies

maximum phase-to-phase SC current in the relay branch is each relay, and of fuses installed in the DN (represented by
used to calculate the operating time of the characteristic 51P.

# , $ , % , & , and ' are relevance coefficients, as well.

The operating time of 51N is calculated through a phase-to- the operating times to adjust its relevance in the OF. Factors

Parameters () and (* refer to the quantities of relays and

ground SC current without contact impedance. Moreover, the

fuses, respectively. Parameters (+), (+)*, and (+* are the

operating time for a phase-to-ground fault with high
impedance is performed for both units, phase and ground,
51P/N. Coordination restrictions of reclosers and fuse links numbers of pairs of relays, relays-fuses and fuses respectively.
are based on [13].
protection devices. Coordination times , , , , Δ
In (7), other parts represent coordination times between
Fig. 1 (a) shows an example system with two fuses, F1
(protected device) and F2 (protector device). The coordination are related to relays and are calculated using (8)-(10),
between fuses is ensured using (1), where the total-clearing
are represented by Δ and Δ
respectively. Coordination times between relays and fuse links
(TC) fuse time, , is less than or equal to 75% of the ./01 ./01
, and are
minimum-melting (MM) fuse time, .
between fuses are represented by Δ
obtained using (11) and (12), respectively. Coordination times
0,75 Ø
≥ Ø
(1) and calculated using

the coordination of the 2- ℎ pair of protection devices is not

(13). If any coordination time is less than zero, it implies that
In Fig. 1 (b), the coordination and selectivity between
acting as a penalty in the OF. Otherwise, the penalty is null.
adequate. Thus, the expression will result in a positive value,
overcurrent relay and fuse is guaranteed by (2) and (3) for
functions 50P/N and 51, respectively. The coordination factor
of characteristic 50, , considering two operations 50,

BC = min F" GH( + )+H L+

has a value of 1.35. The coordination time, , considers
a safety margin between devices operating time, is usually set
to 0.3s. K K

≥ Ø (2) +# H MNΔ − OΔ ONP + $ H MNΔ − OΔ ONP +
≥ Ø

In Fig. 1 (c), there is an example system with two (7)
+% H MNΔ − OΔ ONP +
./01 ./01
relays/reclosers, R1 and R2. Coordination and selectivity
between relays are achieved through (4), (5), and (6). Values
defined for coordination times , , and are
+& H MNΔ − OΔ ONP +
0.02s, 0.02s, and 0.3s, respectively. ./01 ./01

≥ +
(4) .


./01 ./01
≥ Ø
+ (5)
≥ Ø
Δ = − −

Δ = − −
It is important to highlight that only protection devices
with characteristic 79 use the coordination criteria in (4) and
(5) with 50TD function. Protection devices composed only by Δ = = − − (10)
overcurrent relays have no intentional delay, acting only on
Δ = − −
instantaneous characteristic (50) for three-phase SC currents. (11)

Δ = −
A. Mathematical Formulation ./01
= (12)
, = 0,75 −
The problem of optimized coordination of reclosers, fuses,
and overcurrent relays is mathematically modeled by = (13)

F1 F2 B. Genetic Algorithm
a) Sub
The solution technique for coordination and selectivity of
protection devices uses a dedicated GA, which is simple and

GA population can vary the mutation rate, ' , according to

R1 F1 solve non-linear problems with low processing time [10]. The
b) Sub
(14). This propose prevents solutions in which a large portion

individuals, > . In (14),

R1 R2 of their genes are equal concerning other population
c) Sub is an adjustment factor that

process, while ?@ is a maximum mutation factor. A 00 is the

allows defining a minimum mutation rate throughout the GA
Fig. 1 – Example systems with different configurations of protective
devices. number of similar solutions in the i-th generation.

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A 00
' = − ( − )
the new population replaces the current, the next generation
> ?@ (14)
established number of generations, >a .
begins, and the GA repeats this process until it reaches a pre-

The coding of population individuals has the number of

genes dependent on the number of protection devices installed III. RESULTS
in the DN. The characteristic 50/51P is coded using four genes Proposed method is implemented in C++ programming
for each relay, four genes are used to 50/51N, and two for each language because of its speed and computational efficiency.
fuse link. Fig. 2 shows an example of the proposed encoding Simulations are performed in a 135 bus test DN. Simulations
and the genes arrangement on the chromosome. are performed on a computer with an Intel® Core ™ i7-8700
The initial procedure of the genetic algorithm generates a CPU @ 3.20GHz and 16GB of memory. Other information
randomly controlled initial population, respecting the about this paper and tested system is found in [14].
constraints for each gene, which are indicated in (15)-(21). A. GA Solution Proccess
Restrictions (15)-(19) are specific to the genes of i. to v.,
parameterization ", #, $, Q, %, &, and ', whose values are
The GA resolution process depends on factors of
respectively. Most of 50 and 51P/N restrictions of overcurrent
relays are the same, that is, genes ii. to iv. and vi. to viii. use
equal to 15, 70, 90, 90, 60, 90, 60, in that order. The number
(16) to (18), in this order. Restriction (20) imposes current
of generations, population, and maximum and minimum
limits for the gene ix., while (21) limits the types of available
mutation rates are defined as 1000, 900, 0.009, and 0.002,
fuses. Both restrictions are based on the preferential fuses of
respectively. The achieved sum of operating times is equal to
K and T types. Restrictions (17), (20), and (21) are integer
23.029 s. In order to assess the quality of used model for the
type, while others are continuous.
variable mutation scheme, a test is performed considering a
1,2 ?@
U ? ≤ + !
≤ 1,5 ?@
U ? (15) fixed rate of 0.005. The obtained solution for the objective

0,05 ≤ WXY ≤ 1,00

function is 28.077s.
1 ≤ WZ+[ ≤ 4
Fig. 3 illustrates a comparative graph with two line charts
(17) showing the progress of OF during the execution of the GA.
0,02 ≤ t ]^
≤ 0,50
This figure presents the results obtained after 100th generation,
(18) because the OF value before is very high, making hard the
0,1 ?@
U ? ≤ + !
≤ 0,3 ?@
U ? (19)
graphical analysis. The GA with variable mutation decreases

1≤ ≤8
until reaching 345.44s, this value takes into account the
, (20) multiplicative factors. The minimum OF value using the fixed
1 ≤ WZ+[ ≤ 2
mutation rate is 421.15s. OF results and its progression show
(21) the feasibility of using the proposed variable mutation rate.
GA has the first generation initialized calculating the B. Protection Devices Coordination
operating times of protection devices for each individual in The configuration found by the GA for reclosers/relays is
current population. These times are calculated using IEC shown in Table II, while the fuse characteristics are indicated
60255 for overcurrent relays and linear interpolation for fuse
in Table III. Coordination times , , ,
links. In the following procedure, coordination times between
and are defined as 0.3s, 0.2s, 0.02s, 0.02s and
pairs of devices are calculated, indicated by (8) to (13), to later
calculate the OF by (7). The best solution, or fitness is stored, 1.35, respectively. The latter value is normally used when two
rates of recombination and mutation are calculated, and the automatic reclosing is performed.
selection process begins.
relays R3, R6 and R7 ( b c and d c , respectively), for
Table II shows the operating times in characteristic 50 of
In the recombination stage, the process is performed by
randomly choosing one, or two points in the pair of individuals phase and neutral units, have values very close to the
selected to exchange information between them. If the choice minimum allowed by (18). The absence of other downstream
is only one point, the genetic crossover occurs from the chosen devices provides more clearance to R6 and R7 relays
point until the end of the vector, while by choosing two points, restrictions, allowing the GA to achieve solutions close to
the crossover occurs from one point to another. 0.02s. The same occurs with relay R3, but in this case there is
a 25T fuse downstream that did not impose restrictions on the
Mutation process allows modifying the gene of any coordination of respective recloser.
individual, within limits established from (15) to (21). Finally,

i. Pickup current of phase relay units; 580

OF (variable mutation)
OF with multiplicative factors

ii. TMS value for phase units;

iii. Curve type for phase units; 540 OF (fixed mutation)
iv. Operating time of reclosers 50TD phase units;
v. Pickup current of ground relay units; 500
vi. TMS value for ground units;
vii. Curve type for ground units;
viii. Operating time of reclosers 50TD ground units; 420
ix. Nominal fuses current;
x. Curve type of fuses. 380

e1 e1f C1 eg egf Cg 340

100 300 500 700 900
i. to iv. v. to viii. ix. to x. … i. to iv. v. to viii. ix. to x. Generation
Fig. 2 –Example of chromosome encoding. Fig. 3 – OF progression value for different mutation rates.

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(k) WXY WZ+[ Protector element Δt t
TABLE II - Relays Configuration
Relay 10
F6 F5 and F7 R5
R2 0.017
R1 (P) 328.90 0.393 NI 0.112 F5 F7
R3 0.883 2
10 F6
R2 (P) 272.82 0.319 NI R4, F2 0.008 0.092

time (s)(s)
R3 (P) 34.33 0.630 VI F1 - 0.020

de atuação
R4 (P) 207.93 0.244 NI R5, F3, F4 0.002 0.068 1 Coordination range
R5 (P) 170.43 0.145 NI R6, F5, R7, F7 0.045

R6 (P) 12.74 0.050 NI - - 0.023 0

10 R5(51)
R7 (P) 57.77 0.050 NI - - 0.020
0.001 1Ø
R1 (N) 29.66 0.925 NI R2, R3 0.108 -1 Imin
0.522 10 1.35xR5(50)
R2 (N) 27.28 0.743 NI R4, F2 0.001 0.088
R3 (N) 3.27 0.597 NI F1 - 0.021
R4 (N) 23.29 0.566 NI R5, F3, F4 0.084 0.062 -2
10 2 3
0.208 10 10
R5 (N) 14.20 0.405 NI R6, F5, R7, F7 0.042 Electrical current (A)
R6 (N) 1.07 0.051 NI - - 0.020 Fig. 4 – Coordination and selectivity: R5(N), F5, F6 and F7.
R7 (N) 4.81 0.050 NI - - 0.020
protected section by R7. The operating times between the
Table III shows the rated current of 40A is adopted for relays in characteristic 50P satisfies the coordination time
most fuses, with the majority of K type and two fuses of T type established in (3), with the safety margin indicated by the
closer to the substation. Fuses F1 and F6 are the only ones horizontal line dashed in red. Besides, the operating time of
with a lower rated current, where F5 is protected by F6. The relay R7 (51P) for a phase-to-phase fault in its section is also
inclusion of fuses T type offers the GA greater flexibility to above the respective safety margin, as indicated in (10).
satisfy the associated restrictions. F2 is an example of this, C. Impact on Protection Devices Coordination considering
where the choice of the 40K fuse is infeasible for (19), while Different Penetration Levels of DGs
the use of the 40T fuse is feasible and has less impact on
coordination compared to the next available K type fuse, 65K. The SC currents used in the model restrictions are shown
in Fig. 5 with 10 and 50% penetration because other levels of
Fig. 4 shows an example of coordination between the evaluated currents are within that range. Vertical red dashed
recloser (R5) and two fuses (F5 and F7), as well as the lines represent penetration levels.
coordination between fuses F5 and F6. Horizontal red dashed
line represents the actuation curve of F5 and F7 plus . Five synchronous DGs were considered in the system and
Minimum coordination range is the lowest SC current which are installed on buses 46, 102, 112, 128, and 135. The first test
R5 characteristic 51 remains coordinated with fuses F5 and considers 10% of penetration with power equally distributed
F7. The maximum range is limited by the maximum current among DGs. This value is increased by 10% for each
which R5 (50) remains coordinated with the respective fuses. subsequent test, up to 50%.

The coordination range shown in Fig. 4 includes the high- Considering the parameterization of relays obtained by the
impedance phase-to-ground SC current. However, this model and presented in Table III, it is possible to calculate the
coordination does not secure the protection of the 50N coordination times and OF for different levels of DG
characteristic in a phase-to-ground fault without impedance. penetration using IEC 60255. Tests are performed with the
An interval of this size is complex to coordinate, so only the GA considering the five penetration levels and maintaining
51N function is configured for this type of fault. the parameters established in the test without DGs.

In Fig. 4, it can be seen that the coordination of F5 with F6 In simulation with only 10% penetration, the solution
is ensured since the operating times of F5 are longer than F6 obtained without DGs becomes infeasible due to characteristic
with a safety margin, as indicated in (13). This condition
allows F6 to melt first whenever the fault occurs in its 3
protected section, reducing the number of consumers not R5 R7
supplied. 2
Fig. 5 shows the coordination between relays R5 and R7. Coordination range
time (s)(s)

The minimum and maximum coordination range are

de atuação

determined by the high impedance SC current that sensitizes 10
R5 and the maximum phase-to-phase fault current in the

Chi[ WZ+[ Δ (N)

TABLE III - Fuses Parameters


F1 25 T 0.0001 -1
F2 40 T 0.0129 10
F3 40 K 0.5434 R7(50)+0.02
F4 40 K 0.5578 -2 R7(50)
F5 40 K 0.0009 10 2 50% 10% 3 10% 50%
10 10
F6 15 K -
F7 40 K 0.0034 Electrical current (A)

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allowable value. The coordination time for the pair , b
51P of R7, which is coordinated close to the minimum

without DGs and with 10% of DGs penetration are 0.002s and
-0.0023s, respectively. If penetration levels increase, the
current injected into the DN is increased, the current injected
by the substation is reduced, and DGs contribution to SC
currents increases. Therefore, the coordination solution
obtained for the case without DGs becomes more infeasible as
increase the penetration levels. Fig. 5 shows that the phase-to-
phase fault current used to sensitize R7 increases with higher
levels of DGs penetration. The opposite occurs with the SC
current for high impedance phase-to-ground fault.
If penetration levels increase, other coordination problems

between relays R4 and R5 (51P), , l This loss of

begin to emerge. After 30%, there is a loss of coordination

coordination is related to the 16% increase in phase-to-phase Fig. 6 – Coordination time progress of 51P
SC currents downstream from R5. This increase reduces the
operating time of R4 and R5, not reaching the safety margin
of 0.3s.
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