Words For Spelling Bee 1st Part - 3th 0 4th

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“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
Words for Spelling Bee 1st part

3rd and 4th grade word bank.


DATE: 24/10/2022

1 Red: of the color 42 Cave: a natural 84 Torch: a burning stick of

red chamber or series of resinous wood or twist of
chambers in the earth tow used to give light and
or in the side of a hill usually carried in the
or cliff hand
2 Yellow: of the color 43 Jungle: an 85 Rate: a quantity, amount,
yellow impenetrable thicket or degree of something
or tangled mass of measured per unit of
tropical vegetation something else
3 44 86 Ray: any of an order of
usually marine
cartilaginous fishes
having the body flattened
dorsoventrally, the eyes
Pink: a ship with a Coast: the land near a on the upper surface, and
narrow overhanging shore enlarged pectoral fins
stern fused with the head
4 Green: of the color 45 Face: the front part of 87 Dark: devoid or partially
green the head that in devoid of light
humans extends from
the forehead to the
chin and includes the
mouth, nose, cheeks,
and eyes
5 46 88 Pin: a piece of solid
Orange: a globose Fire: the phenomenon material used especially
berry with a of combustion for fastening things
yellowish to manifested in light, together or as a support
reddish-orange rind flame, and heat by which one thing may
and a sweet edible be suspended from
pulp another
6 47 Beautiful: having 89 Wood: the hard fibrous
qualities of beauty substance consisting
basically of xylem that
makes up the greater
part of the stems,
branches, and roots of
trees or shrubs beneath
Blue: of the color the bark and is found to a
whose hue is that of limited extent in
the clear sky herbaceous plants
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
7 Purple: having a 48 Clown: a fool, jester, 90 Tube: any of various
color between red or comedian in an usually cylindrical
and blue entertainment structures or devices
8 49 91 Puppet: a small-scale
figure usually with a cloth
Brown: having the Pet: a pampered and body and hollow head
color of wood or usually spoiled child that fits over and is
chocolate moved by the hand
9 Black: having the 50 Important: marked by 92 Rock: to move back and
very dark color of or indicative of forth in or as if in a cradle
the night sky or the significant worth or
eye's pupil consequence

10 51 93 Cold: having or being a

Yesterday: on the day
White: having the temperature that is
last past
color of new snow uncomfortably low for
or milk humans
11 52 94 Snow: precipitation in the
form of small white ice
Explore: to investigate, crystals formed directly
study, or analyze from the water vapor of
Gray: of the color the air at a temperature
gray of less than 32°F (0°C)
12 Game: a physical or 53 Field: an open land 95 Rain: water falling in
mental competition area free of woods drops condensed from
conducted and buildings vapor in the atmosphere
according to rules
with the
participants in
direct opposition to
each other
13 54 96 Earth: the fragmental
Ship: a large seagoing
Houseboat: a boat material composing part
fitted for use as a of the surface of the
dwelling globe
14 Snake: any of 55 Farmer: a person who 97 Storm: a disturbance of
numerous limbless pays a fixed sum for the atmosphere marked
scaled reptiles with some privilege or by wind and usually by
a long tapering source of income rain, snow, hail, sleet, or
body and with thunder and lightning
salivary glands often
modified to
produce venom
which is injected
through grooved or
tubular fangs
15 Cat: a carnivorous 56 Dentist: one who is 98 Soil: to stain or defile
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
mammal long skilled in and licensed
domesticated as a to practice the
pet and for catching prevention, diagnosis,
rats and mice and treatment of
diseases, injuries, and
malformations of the morally
teeth, jaws, and
mouth and who makes
and inserts false teeth
16 57 99 Clay: an earthy material
that is plastic when moist
but hard when fired, that
Driver: one that drives
is composed mainly of
Hand: the terminal fine particles of hydrous
part of the aluminum silicates and
vertebrate forelimb other minerals, and that
when modified as a is used for brick, tile, and
grasping organ pottery
17 Bag: a usually 58 Doctor: an eminent 100 Heat: to become warm or
flexible container theologian declared a hot
that may be closed sound expounder of
for holding, storing, doctrine by the Roman
or carrying Catholic Church
18 Apple: the fleshy, 59
usually rounded
red, yellow, or
Teacher: one that
green edible pome
fruit of a usually
cultivated tree of
the rose family EXTRA WORDS
19 60 1 Roots: the usually
underground part of a
seed plant body that
originates usually from
Never: not ever the hypocotyl, functions
as an organ of
absorption, aeration, and
food storage or as a
Board: a piece of means of anchorage and
sawed lumber of support, and differs from
little thickness and a a stem especially in
length greatly lacking nodes, buds, and
exceeding its width leaves
20 Cupboard: a closet 61 Father: a male parent 2
with shelves where Stem: the main trunk of a
dishes, utensils, or plant
food is kept
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
21 62 3 Leaves: a lateral
outgrowth from a plant
Brother: a male who stem that is typically a
has the same parents flattened expanded
Computer: a as another or one variably shaped greenish
programmable parent in common organ, constitutes a unit
usually electronic with another of the foliage, and
device that can functions primarily in
store, retrieve, and food manufacture by
process data photosynthesis
22 Desk: a table, 63 Uncle: the brother of 4 Seed: the grains or
frame, or case with one’s father or mother ripened ovules of plants
a sloping or used for sowing
horizontal surface
especially for
writing and reading
and often with
compartments, and
23 64 5 Pollination: the transfer
Funny: affording light
Ruler: a smooth- of pollen from an anther
mirth and laughter
edged strip that is to the stigma in
usually marked off angiosperms or from the
in units and is used microsporangium to the
as a straightedge or micropyle in
for measuring gymnosperms
24 Butterfly: any of 65 6 Reproduction: he act or
numerous slender- Sad: affected with or process of reproducing
bodied diurnal expressive of grief or
lepidopteran insects unhappiness
including one
(Papilionoidea) with
broad often brightly
colored wings and
usually another
comprising the
25 Bread: a usually 66 Lemonade: a beverage 7
baked and leavened of sweetened lemon Cone: a solid generated
food made of a juice mixed with wáter by rotating a right
mixture whose triangle about one of its
basic constituent is legs
flour or meal
26 Hungry: feeling an 67 Burguer: hamburger 8 Fall: to descend freely by
uneasy or painful the force of gravity
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
sensation from lack
of food
27 68 9 Form: the shape and
Play: the conduct,
structure of something as
course or cion of a
Thirsty: feeling distinguished from its
thirst material
28 69 Hospital: a charitable 10
Strong: having or institution for the Germinate: to cause to
marked by great needy, aged, infirm, or sprout or develop
physical power young
29 70 Medicine: a substance 11
Community: a unified
Weak: lacking or preparation used in
body of individuals
strength treating disease
30 Good: of a favorable 71 Bone: one of the hard 12
North: to, toward, or in
character or parts of the skeleton
the north
tendency of a vertebrate
31 Bad: failing to reach 72 Fever: a rise of body 13
South: to, toward, or in
an acceptable temperature above
the south
standard the normal
32 People: human 73 Cure: spiritual charge 14
beings making up a
East: to, toward, or in the
group or assembly
or linked by a
common interest
33 74 Flu: any of several 15
Reptiles: an animal that
virus diseases marked
crawls or moves on its
especially by
belly or on small short
Old: dating from the respiratory or inestinal
remote past symptoms
34 75 16 Amphibians: any of a
class (Amphibia) of cold-
blooded vertebrates
Young: being in the Skeleton: a usually intermediate in many
first or an early rigid supportive or characters between fish
stage of life, protective structure or and reptiles and having
growth, or framework of an gilled aquatic larvae and
development organism air-breathing adults
35 76 17 Mammals: any of a class
(Mammalia) of warm-
blooded higher
vertebrates that nourish
Skin: the their young with milk
integument of an secreted by mammary
animal separated glands, have the skin
from the body Matter: a subject of usually more or less
usually with its hair disagreement or covered with hair, and
or feathers litigation include humans
36 Help: to give 77 Solid: being without 18 Herbivorous: feeding on
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
assistance or
support to an internal cavity
37 78 Glove: a covering for 19 Blood vessels: any of the
the hand aving vessels through which
Blanket: a large separate sections for blood circulates in the
usually oblong piece each of the fingers and body
of woven fabric the thumb and often
used as a bed extending part way up
covering the arm
38 79 20 Absorption: the process
Energy: dynamic Particle: a minute of absorbing something
quality quantity or fragment or of being absorbed
39 Open: having no 80 Cell: a small religious
enclosing or house dependent on a
confining barrier monastery or convent
40 Clean: free from dirt 81 Flow: to issue or move
or pollution in a stream
41 Phone: telephone 82 Terminal: leading
ultimately to death

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