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“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
Words for Spelling Bee 1st part

5th, 6th and 7th grade word bank.

DATE: 22/10/2022

NAME: Valentina Rosado Bravo

1 Thanksgiving: a 42 Microscope: an optical 84 Herbivorous: feeding on

public instrument consisting plants
acknowledgment or of a lens or
celebration of combination of lenses
divine goodness for making enlarged
images of minute
2 Pawn: one of the 43 Intelligent: having or 85 Settlement: the act or
chessmen of least indicating a high or process of settling
value having the satisfactory degree of
power to move only intelligence and
forward ordinarily mental capacity
one square at a
time, to capture
only diagonally
forward, and to be
promoted to any
piece except a king
upon reaching the
eighth rank
3 Bishop: someone 44 Stomachache: pain in 86 Refraction: deflection
having spiritual or or in the region of the from a straight path
ecclesiastical stomach undergone by a light ray
supervision over or energy wave in passing
others obliquely from one
medium (such as air) into
another (such as glass) in
which its velocity is
4 Garbage: food 45 Headache: pain in the 87 Forecast: to calculate or
waste head predict (some future
event or condition)
usually as a result of
study and analysis of
available pertinent data
5 Marbles: limestone 46 Thirsty: feeling thirst 88 Squirrel: any of various
that is more or less small or medium-sized
crystallized by rodents
that ranges from
granular to compact
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”

in texture, that is
capable of taking a
high polish, and that
is used especially in
architecture and
6 Jumping rope: a 47 Toothache: pain in or 89 Refrigerator: something
rope used for about a tooth that refrigerates
exercises and
children's games
that involve
jumping over the
usually twirling rope
each time it reaches
its lowest point
7 Fantastic: based on 48 Establish: to institute 90 Crown: a reward of
fantasy (something, such as a victory or mark of honor
law) permanently by
enactment or
8 Wing: one of the 49 Express: to represent 91 Trumpet: a wind
movable feathered in words instrument consisting of a
or membranous conical or cylindrical
paired appendages usually metal tube, a cup-
by means of which a shaped mouthpiece, and
bird, bat, or insect is a flared bell
able to fly
9 Friendly: of, relating 50 Exchange: the act of 92 Crab: any of numerous
to, or befitting a giving or taking one chiefly marine broadly
friend thing in return for built decapod
another crustaceans
10 Pumpkin: a fruit of 51 Prepare: to make 93 Multicellular: having,
any of various ready beforehand for made up of, or involving
cultivars of some purpose, use, or more than one and
herbaceous plants activity usually many cells
of the gourd family especially of living matter
that is typically
round and orange
but may be another
color or shape, that
has a hard usually
smooth skin with
shallow longitudinal
grooves, and that is
grown for
ornamental use or
for its fibrous pale
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
flesh used especially
in baking or as feed
for livestock
11 Candle: a usually 52 Promise: a declaration 94 Heartbeat: one complete
molded or dipped that one will do or pulsation of the heart
mass of wax or refrain from doing
tallow containing a something specified
wick that may be
12 Rooster: an adult 53 Receive: to come into 95 Swallow: any of
male domestic possession of numerous small widely
Chicken distributed oscine birds
that have a short bill, long
pointed wings, and often
a deeply forked tail and
that feed on insects
caught on the wing
13 Snake: any of 54 Repair: to restore by 96 Toothpick: a pointed
numerous limbless replacing a part or instrument (such as a
scaled reptiles with putting together what slender tapering piece of
a long tapering is torn or broken wood) for removing food
body and with particles lodged between
salivary glands often the teeth
modified to
produce venom
which is injected
through grooved or
tubular fangs
14 Proud: feeling or 55 Rest: repose, sleep 97 Landslide: the usually
showing pride rapid downward
movement of a mass of
rock, earth, or artificial fill
on a slope
15 Magical: of, relating 56 Smile: to have, 98 Unbeatable: not capable
to, characterized by, produce, or exhibit a of being defeated
or producing magic smile
16 Brave: having or 57 Smoke: the gaseous 99 Earthquake: a shaking or
showing mental or products of burning trembling of the earth
moral strength to materials especially of that is volcanic or
face danger, fear, or organic origin made tectonic in origin
difficulty visible by the presence
of small particles of
17 Scary: causing fright 58 Suggest: to mention or 100 Groundwater: water
imply as a possibility within the earth
especially that supplies
wells and springs
18 Hide: to put out of 59 Translate: to turn into EXTRA WORDS
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
sight one's own or another
19 Glass: any of various 60 Organize: to form into 1 Surplus: the amount that
amorphous a coherent unity or remains when use or
materials formed functioning whole need is satisfied
from a melt by
cooling to rigidity
20 Sleep: the natural, 61 Decide: to make a final 2 Esophagus: a muscular
easily reversible choice or judgment tube that conveys food
periodic state of about from the mouth to the
many living things stomach and that in
that is marked by humans is about nine
the absence of inches long and passes
wakefulness and by from the pharynx down
the loss of the neck between the
consciousness of trachea and the spinal
one's surroundings, column and behind the
is accompanied by a left bronchus where it
typical body posture pierces the diaphragm
slightly to the left of the
middle line and joins the
cardiac end of the
21 Blanket: a large 62 Complain: to express 3 Heartbeat: one complete
usually oblong piece grief, pain, or pulsation of the heart
of woven fabric discontent
used as a bed
22 Clap: to strike 63 Develop: to set forth 4 Digestion: the action,
together so as to or make clear by process, or power of
produce a sharp degrees or in detail digesting
percussive noise
23 Cloud: a visible 64 Divide: to separate 5 Earthquake: a shaking or
mass of particles of into two or more trembling of the earth
condensed vapor parts, areas, or groups that is volcanic or
tectonic in origin
24 65 6 Liver: a large very
vascular glandular organ
of vertebrates that
secretes bile and causes
important changes in
Gravity: dignity or Discover: to make many of the substances
sobriety of bearing known or visible contained in the blood
25 Helicopter: an 66 Advance: to accelerate 7 Muscle: a body tissue
aircraft whose lift is the growth or consisting of long cells
derived from the progress of that contract when
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
aerodynamic forces stimulated and produce
acting on one or motion
more powered
rotors turning about
vertical axes
26 Calculator: a usually 67 Advise: to give 8 Organism: a complex
electronic device for (someone) a structure of
performing recommendation interdependent and
mathematical about what should be subordinate elements
calculations done whose relations and
properties are largely
determined by their
function in the whole
27 Camera: a device 68 Announce: to make 9 Unbeatable: not capable
that consists of a known publicly of being defeated
lightproof chamber
with an aperture
fitted with a lens
and a shutter
through which the
image of an object
is projected onto a
surface for
recording or for
translation into
electrical impulses
28 Computer: a 69 Accustom: to make 10 Throughout: all the way
programmable familiar with from one end to the
usually electronic something through other of
device that can use or experience
store, retrieve, and
process data
29 Knife: a cutting 70 Bunch: a number of 11 Community: a unified
instrument things of the same body of individuals
consisting of a sharp kind
blade fastened to a
30 Machine: a 71 Lunch: a usually light 12 Pottery: a place where
mechanically, meal, especially, one clayware is made and
electrically, or taken in the middle of fired
electronically the day
operated device for
performing a task
31 Invention: a device, 72 Punch: a tool usually 13 Kidneys: one of a pair of
contrivance, or in the form of a short vertebrate organs
process originated rod of steel that is situated in the body
after study and variously shaped at cavity near the spinal
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
experiment one end for different column that excrete
operations waste products of
32 Tongue: a fleshy 73 Bench: a long seat for 14 Unicellular: having or
movable muscular two or more persons consisting of a single cell
process of the floor
of the mouths of
most vertebrates
that bears sensory
end organs and
small glands and
functions especially
in taking and
swallowing food
and in humans as a
speech organ
33 Touch: to bring a 74 Watch: to keep vigil as 15 Germinate: to cause to
bodily part into a devotional exercise sprout or develop
contact with
especially so as to
perceive through
the tactile sense
34 Delicious: affording 75 Dolphin: any of 16 Pollination: the transfer
great pleasure various small marine of pollen from an anther
toothed whales with to the stigma in
the snout more or less angiosperms or from the
elongated into a beak microsporangium to the
and the neck micropyle in
vertebrae partially gymnosperms
35 Smooth: having a 76 Accept: to receive 17 Vertebrate: any of a
continuous even (something offered) subphylum (Vertebrata)
Surface willingly of chordates that
comprises animals
36 Shiny: having a 77 Cheerful: full of good 18 Settlement: the act or
smooth glossy spirits process of settling
37 Sweet: being, 78 Shy: easily frightened 19 Blood vessels: any of the
inducing, or marked vessels through which
by the one of the blood circulates in the
five basic taste body
sensations that is
usually pleasing to
the taste and
typically induced by
38 Angry: feeling or 79 Extroverted: having or 20 Reproduction: the act or
showing anger showing the process of reproducing
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”
characteristics of an
39 Hungry: feeling an 80 Light: something that
uneasy or painful makes vision posible
sensation from lack
of food
40 Beautiful: having 81 Nice: polite, kind
qualities of beauty
41 Terrible: extremely 82 Absorption: the
bad process of absorbing
something or of being

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