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Week 4

PROPÓSITO DE APRENDIZAJE: Analiza la responsabilidad de los jóvenes en el cuidado del
medio ambiente y el uso de energías renovables; expone su anuncio publicitario promoviendo
el uso de recursos renovables.

Activity 1: Look at the picture and answer the questions below

What do you see in the pictures?


What do you think about youth in action? ¿why?



Activity 2: Watch the video and fill in the missing words.

1. _________ _________ it is real, it’s serious.

2. It’s up to us to ______________ ______
3. _____ _________ drought and chronic water shortages could impact billion people.
4. If we embrace ______ and wind _________ to their potential.
5. Already ___________ generates 27% from ____________ _____________
6. ____________ has shown it can produce more wind energy that it can use.
7. Mexico City has an exterior that breaks down air _______________.
8. Paris installed street tiles that harvest ________ from foot traffic.
9. Companies _________ and all ___ ___ working together, real change is ____________
Let’s summary:
What is the video about?

Week 4

Activity 3: Read the text and think about the author’s message.
COP26 – the UN Climate Change Conference
Introduction countries together to act. Since then, 190
The United Nations Secretary-General countries have joined the Paris
António Guterres recently said, ‘2021 is a Agreement. The goal is to keep global
make or break year to confront the global warming to well below 2ºC, ideally 1.5ºC.
climate emergency.’ This means that action To do this, countries need to reduce CO2
taken now will decide whether we succeed emissions as much and as fast as possible.
or fail completely. ‘If this task was urgent However, time is running out. Despite the
before, it’s crucial now,’ said Patricia Paris Agreement, not enough has been
Espinosa, a UN climate change leader. The done to limit climate change or to manage
COP26 summit is seen as a last opportunity its impact on people and the planet.
to limit climate change What’s the plan now?
to 1.5ºC and meet the The aim of the COP26
goals of the 2015 Paris conference is to bring
Agreement. international leaders together
What is COP26? to make faster progress
This year will see the towards the goals of the Paris
26th United Nations Agreement. The UN is asking
Climate Change the biggest CO2-emitting
Conference. These countries to come to COP26
events are also known with ambitious plans to cut
as ‘COPs’, which stands for ‘Conference of their emissions. The 2021 event has four
the Parties’. The conference was due to goals, set by its hosts, the UK and Italy:
take place in 2020, but it was postponed • agreeing to more ambitious action to
because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The reduce carbon emissions
meeting of world leaders will now be held • strengthening adaptation to the effects of
from 1 to 12 November 2021, in Glasgow, climate change
Scotland. The United • making money available for climate
Kingdom and Italy are the hosts and share action
the presidency this year. Sir David • improving the way countries work
Attenborough, the British natural historian together on energy change, clean road
and much-loved TV personality, has been transport and nature.
named the COP26 People’s Advocate for COP26 brings together country leaders,
climate change as part of the preparations. experts and environmental campaigners to
The 2015 Paris Agreement work on the biggest challenge the world
COP26 is an opportunity to get the world on faces today. It is time for people to come
track to meet the objectives of the 2015 together to take ambitious and fast action
Paris agreement, which was signed at against the climate crisis.
COP21. The Paris Agreement represented
an important moment in the climate
change process because it was the first time connection
there was a legal agreement bringing

Week 4


Activity 4: Complete the exercises below.

4.1. Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8).

1. …… a natural historian
2. …… CO2 emissions
3. …… a host
4. …… an advocate
5. …… a summit
6. …… to be due to
7. …… a campaigner
8. …… adaptation
a. a person who participates in activities that are designed to change something in society
b. a formal meeting between leaders from two or more countries
c. to be expected or planned to happen at a particular time
d. a place or organization that provides the space for a special event
e. someone who studies plants, animals, rocks, etc.
f. someone who publicly supports something and speaks in favor of it
g. quantities of carbon dioxide that are sent out into the air and that are harmful for the environment
h. the process of changing to suit different conditions

4.2. Are the sentences true or false?

1. The UN wants people to understand that COP26 is just one step in a long
and slow process. ----------
2. The COP26 conference was supposed to happen last year. ----------
3. Sir David Attenborough has criticized the goals of COP26. ----------
4. The 190 countries that have signed the Paris Agreement are aiming to
limit global warming to below 1.5ºC. ----------
5. Countries need to reduce carbon emissions dramatically to meet the
goals of the Paris Agreement. ----------
6. The four objectives for COP26 were proposed by the UK and Italy. -----------

4.3. Complete the sentences.

1. The conference tackles the issue of climate ……………………………… .

2. Environmental ……………………………… were unhappy when the conference was postponed.
3. COP26 is a last opportunity for countries to meet the ……………………………… of the Paris Agreement.
4. The aim is to limit global ……………………………… to below 2ºC.
5. Countries need to present their plans to cut CO2 ……………………………… .
6. International ……………………………… will come together at the summit to discuss the action needed.
7. The UN is asking for ambitious ……………………………… for change from the countries with the highest
carbon emissions.
8. Climate change is the greatest ……………………………… the world faces today.

Week 4


Activity 5. Match the words below to their meanings

A) a little drawing that represents the company

B) a word or short sentence that gives the main idea of the advert

C) a photo or drawing

D) words that are in smaller letter that give more information about
what is being advertised

E) a short phrase that is easy to remember and represents the

company e.g. “Just do it” (Nike)

5.1. Look at this McDonald’s advertisement and label the parts with the words above.

5.2. Match the slogan with the product.

a. What product or service is advertised? ------------------------------------------------------------------

c. What is the message of the ad? ------------------------------------------------------------------

d. What catches you attention immediately? ----------------------------------------------------------

e. What would you change about the ad? ----------------------------------------------------------------

f. Do you think the product/service would change your life? Why/ why not?
Week 4


Activity 6: Edit your advertisement draft and and record a video sharing and explaining why you
have considered some details on it.

✓ Before to record your video check the rubric below to address your task.

Productive and interactive skills: Oral assessment

Criterion A: Language
How successfully does the student command spoken language?
• To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied?
• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?
• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?
• To what extent do pronunciation and intonation affect communication?

Marks Level descriptor
1–3 Command of the language is limited.
Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate to the task.
Basic grammatical structures are used.
Language contains errors in basic structures. Errors interfere with communication.
Pronunciation and intonation are influenced by other language(s). Mispronunciations are
recurrent and interfere with communication.
4–6 Command of the language is partially effective.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task.
Some basic grammatical structures are used, with some attempts to use more complex
Language is mostly accurate in basic structures, but errors occur in more complex structures.
Errors at times interfere with communication.
Pronunciation and intonation are influenced by other language(s), but mispronunciations do
not often interfere with communication.
7–8 Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and varied.
A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used.
Language is mostly accurate. Occasional errors in basic and in complex grammatical
structures do not interfere with communication.
Pronunciation and intonation are easy to understand.


How proud do you feel about your advertisement?

If you could do it better, how can you improve it?

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