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FALL 2022, GENE 60
Date of submission: WEEK 5

NAME: …vishaldeep singh….

ID: ……4337730………





Item Marks Marks

Introduction 5
Rationale of 5
Accomplishmen 5
Career 5
Total 40


Utilize self-assessment tools and techniques to identify skills, abilities, strengths
and weaknesses
Assignment #1 – 10%)


Make sure you have completed the assessments on pages 4-19 in your copy of “Get a job”
workbook before attempting this exercise.

In paragraph format, answer the following questions:

1. Introduce yourself (Tell me a little bit about yourself, your academic background etc.)
Answer 1: My name is Vishaldeep Singh, and I am 22 years old and doing my study at St
Lawrence alpha college, Scarborough campus with a computer system technician course. I am
living in Brampton, Ontario. I am international student here. Basically, I am from the village
Bandalla which is situated in the district of Amritsar, Punjab, India. Moreover, I have completed
my senior secondary studies with non-medical in Amritsar public school, Amritsar, and
completed my elementary studies in St Francis convent school. My hobbies are playing football
and studying mathematics that why not only do I always wins first in any football matches but
also score the highest grade in mathematics. in my family, there are four members my parents
and elder brother and my father is in the Indian army and my mother is a housewife and my
brother is an engineer .furthermore, as in my childhood I have a keen interest in studies and
exploring the new countries and after completing my senior secondary education I was very
confused what to do next as I have many dreams to fulfill and my father knows my each and
everything about me and after a long discussion with my father he decided to send me aboard
because he knew that I have a childhood dream to go study overseas and explore new countries.
And in very next morning I started doing IELTS and after a month I got desired band and then I
was very happy and starts with the process to go aboard and within a month I got email from
Canada embassy that I have approved to studies in Canada .moreover, I am an outgoing person
with a good sense of humor and I make friend easily. My friends always says thati am funny and
fun to be with . I sometimes go out of my way to be nice to people and help them out. I guess
this is rooted in my sense of responsibility which was honed into me by my parents and I always
looking for ways to develop my skills and learn new thing and always motivate my friends and
sometimes I feel pride myself as a motivational person and I always feel free to help other
without any overthinking because of that I never feel alone as I know that I always stand beside
who need help and god always help me in the tough time

2. Why did you choose this area/program of study?

Answer: In this world, everything is changing day by day the thing that never changes I think
is electronic things like computers and the way of communication and many more through
this technology never change but this will update day by day. That’s why In my childhood I
made up my mind to study computer systems and after completing my elementary studies
with discussion with my friends, family, and teachers they help me to adopt the computer
subject with nonmedical in secondary education and in secondary school I many learned my
skills and techniques which always help me to save my times and whenever I have difficulty
to anything in a computer I always feel free to ask my friend and teachers and they are
cooperative in that session not only I have learned many thing about computer but also I have
made many friends and with the help of friend and tutors I have gained the 85 marks in 12
grade and after completing my secondary education I have many options and I am a little bit
confused to choose and one of my friends is going to Canada to pursue his further studies and
then we both choose computer system technician course in St Lawrence alpha
college .moreover thing that insists me to do the course is I can repair computers, whether it
is hardware or software related problems and a technician responsibilities may include
building or configuring new hardware, installing software and update software and maintain
the computer network after completing this I have many options to do jobs like computer
network technician, information system technician , computer technician, apart from this,
This program focused on using skills and expertise to install, configure, and troubleshoot
desktop and cloud environments as well as some network problems including messages and
managing the network system. This job is completely using industrial standards and software
that is used in any company
3. What will a potential employer find attractive about your current or past
accomplishments and/or education?
Answer: Everyone is looking for a good employee, nobody wants to hire a person to give
chance. They always look for your behavior, talent, and enthusiasm toward your work and
their company because you are the one who can boost their company, and these are skills
employers will look for in their worker such as
Communication skills: communication skills are needed in any profession. employers desire
team members who can successfully interpret what is being asked to them as well as
effective communication with other team members
Teamwork skill: teamwork is important in any worker who is part of a good association, and
many employers consider teamwork skills a must when reviewing applicants for an opening
Problem-solving skill: problem-solving skills refers to the ability to manage challenging
situation at work productively and positively. This important skill is needed in any worker
who is working in large or small organizations
Learning skill: learning skills are a skill that enables you to learn new things and adapt to the
new situation within the workplace having these good learning skills can set you apart from
other worker and show employers your willingness to learn and change when necessary
And impressing employers with your observation skills in another talent which you can
impress your employer or supervisor with your hard work and make them believe that your
observation skill is superior to anyone else
These are skills that I have and help to get a job in any computer field job and also help me to
give a good impression to employers to give me the job

4. List your top 5 marketable skills, related to your area of study and give at least one
example of how you have put each of them to practice. (You can include your
transferable skills and technical skills.)
Answer: There are five marketable skills which is relevant to my field of study and some
relevant examples are:
Observing: this skill is very important in my sector because this skill is helping me to do
more things in daily life observing new things will teach me something new and help me to
do good work and fewer mistakes in the future. This is a skill that I have from my childhood
and these things will improve my knowledge
Researching: This skill is highly useful for anybody who is working in the I T field because
day by day new technology takes place as well as helps the association to grow on top.
Nowadays person can get data from google there are many books is available in shops that
person can buy and read as I am very good in collecting the data like always read newspaper
which help me to updated with time to time
Operating: I am always willing to learn new things. Most of time when I saw the new
machine I have a keen interest to know more about it. I little bit remember that last year In
the corona pandemic I do volunteer work on a computer system by printing the poster of
coronavirus Which help the villager to know to dangers of coronavirus as this skill will help
me in the future whenever I am looking for a job
Creating: new ideas always inspire me to do new things as this will enhance my knowledge
And reduce the mistake in future and by doing a new thing, the person will face the problem
and then Intact with an experienced person that also helps to make good relationship bonds
for example; a couple of years ago during my elementary studies the class project I have
created a project with technology although it is very difficult for me to do but got the second
position because of my ideas
Motivational skill: this skill always helps the person to do new things without any hesitation
In this field person or employee will only grow when they do new things like I always
motivate my friend or worker to do a new experiment without any fear of mistakes this will
help them to work properly

5. What is your biggest career aspiration (now or for future)?

Answer: Career aspiration is a long-term dream or goal that a person wants to pursue. During my
childhood I loved all the subjects and when I grew up and after finished my studies I wanted to
become a computer technician. In this position, I hope to increase my technical knowledge and
solve computer problems. And this goal I want to achieve this through my current and incoming
days. Moreover, my long-term aspiration is to work with a company where I can learn a new
skill that enhances my work ability and takes more responsibility in my workplace, and earn
respect and value in the team as I am a jolly nature person I also help other teammates to work in
a good environment. at the end, I would love to become a computer system technician as this is
my childhood dream and for a long time, I am looking forward to focusing on and utilizing my
technical talent in this position.


 Computer type, no hand written assignment please

 Font size: 12
 Font style: Times new roman
 Gap between the lines: 1.5
 Five to seven pages

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