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J Physiol 594.

5 (2016) pp 1113–1125 1113


Sir Joseph Barcroft: one victorian physiologist’s

contributions to a half century of discovery
Lawrence D. Longo†
Center for Perinatal Biology, Department of Basic Sciences, School of Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA

Abstract During the first half of the 20th Century, Joseph Barcroft, KBE, FRS of Cambridge
University became a world leader in respiratory physiology. He determined the role of neural
stimulation in the oxygen consumption of several organs, established many of the factors
that regulate the binding of oxygen to haemoglobin, explored the determinants of a human’s
acclimatization to high altitude and developed the field of fetal cardiovascular physiology. Chair
The Journal of Physiology

of the Cambridge Department of Physiology from 1925 to 1937, he served as a consultant and
member of many UK governmental committees. During World War I, he led a British research
unit exploring the effects of poisonous gases on pulmonary function and related problems. In
addition to his almost 300 publications, several of his monographs are considered as classics.
(Received 27 March 2015; accepted after revision 26 April 2015; first published online 1 May 2015)
Corresponding author L. D. Longo: Center for Perinatal Biology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma
Linda, CA 92354, USA. Email: † Dr. Lawrence D. Longo passed away in January 2016.

Introduction Barcroft’s scientific career may be divided into four

major phases of inquiry: that of oxygen (O2 ) consumption
Among those who changed and vitalized the course of
in tissues; the definition of the oxyhaemoglobin saturation
physiological research in the first half of the 20th Century
[HbO2 ] curve; establishing the limits of human tolerance
was the seminal investigator Joseph Barcroft (1872–1947;
to high altitude; and pioneering the exploration of various
later Sir Joseph; ‘JB’ or ‘Jo’ as he was known to his friends)
aspects of oxygenation of the fetus in utero (some suggest
of Cambridge University (Fig. 1). Of Quaker heritage,
a fifth area: the role of the spleen on the storage of
Barcroft grew up in Ulster, Northern Ireland. In 1888,
erythrocytes; West, 2013). In each of these topics, his
at the age of 16 years, with a keen interest in science, he
contributions were vital in opening new fields of thought
was sent to Leys School, Cambridge. In 1896, he graduated
and investigation. A number of writers have presented
from King’s College. At Cambridge, he served as president
various aspects of Barcroft’s life and work (Anonymous,
of the University Natural Science Club, the membership of
1947; Barron, 1973; Breathnach, 1974; Dale, 1949; Dunn,
which during its first 100 years included 10 future Nobel
2000; Franklin, 1953; Holmes, 1970; West, 2013; 2015;
Laureates. After graduation, he joined the Physiological
Young, 1992).
Laboratory founded and directed by Michael Foster (later
Sir Michael; 1836–1907). During these years and the next
few decades, Cambridge was a virtual hotbed of scientific
Salivary gland metabolism
talent. The question arises: what we can learn from the life
and work of one born almost a century and a half ago and After his graduation from Cambridge University, and as a
who died seven decades ago? member of the Physiological Laboratory, Barcroft’s earliest

Lawrence D. Longo (Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA) completed a residency in obstetrics and gynaecology at the
University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Hospital. Following fellowship, he served on the faculty of the University of
California Los Angeles and the University of Pennsylvania. He has authored more than 250 scientific publications and more than
120 review articles/book chapters. His most recent books are The Rise of Fetal and Neonatal Physiology: Basic Science to Clinical Care
(2013) and, as co-author with Lawrence P. Reynolds, Wombs with a View: Illustrations of the Gravid Uterus from the Fifteenth through
the Nineteenth Century (2015). Both volumes are published by Springer.

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1114 L. D. Longo J Physiol 594.5

studies were suggested to him by the departmental chair Blood gas analysis and haemoglobin
John Newport Langley (1852–1925). A controversy at
During the course of his studies, in an attempt to
this time was the role of neural input into the secretory
measure blood gases in ever smaller samples, Barcroft
activity of salivary glands. By use of the submaxillary gland
developed the differential blood gas manometer and
in the anaesthetized dog, Barcroft explored the gland’s
also the tonometer for equilibrating blood with gas
respiratory gas metabolism and its changes during several
mixtures. He then employed these tools to characterize
active states: that of the relationship between the quantity
the properties of haemoglobin, exploring its affinity
of O2 utilized by the organ under basal conditions and
and reversible equilibrium with O2 , thus defining the
that when secreting saliva. He determined the oxygen
oxyhaemoglobin saturation [HbO2 ] curve, and its shift
consumption of the salivary gland and the manner in
in response to changes in temperature, electrolytes, CO2
which this increased in response to neuronal stimulation.
and other factors (Barcroft, 1908; Barcroft & Camis, 1909;
To accomplish this, however, he had to surmount
Barcroft & Haldane, 1902; Barcroft & Nagahashi, 1921;
the problems associated with quantifying oxygen (O2 )
Barcroft & Roberts, 1910), as well as the changes at high
and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) in extremely small blood
altitude (Barcroft, 1911; Barcroft et al. 1923). In his 1914
samples (Barcroft, 1899; 1900a). Barcroft demonstrated
publication, The Respiratory Function of the Blood, Barcroft
that oxygen consumption increased significantly during
summarized this area of research over the previous decade
stimulation and continued even after the flow of saliva
and a half (Barcroft, 1914).
stopped (Barcroft, 1900b; 1900c; 1901). These studies
demonstrated for the first time several quantitative aspects
of organ metabolism under various circumstances, and led Studies at high altitude
to the concept of oxygen ‘debt’ in muscle and other tissues.
In collaboration with other specialists, he also quantified Another problem at this time was the extent to which, if
tissue O2 consumption in the kidney (Barcroft & Brodie, any, the pulmonary alveolar epithelium secretes O2 into
1904a; 1904b; 1905), pancreas (Barcroft & Starling, 1904), the capillary blood, particularly under hypoxic conditions
liver (Barcroft & Shore, 1912; Gotch et al. 1908) and heart such as those experienced at high altitude (Barcroft et al.
(Barcroft & Dixon, 1907). Barcroft’s joining of circulatory 1920). A related question regarded the extent to which
and respiratory investigation served as a prelude to his blood oxygen affinity changed with hypoxia. In an attempt
life’s work. to determine the mechanism of O2 transfer across the
alveolar capillary membrane, Barcroft participated in
three expeditions to high altitude. The first, in 1910,
was to El Teide, a massive volcano (3718 m, 12198 feet)
on Tenerife (also Teneriffe), the largest of the Canary
Islands a Spanish archipelago southwest of the coast of
Morocco. The Alta Vista hut (Fig. 2) was at 3353 m
(11000 ft). This expedition was led by the German physio-
logist Nathan Zuntz (1847–1920) (Barcroft, 1911; Durig

Figure 2. Alta Vista Hut, Teneriffe, 1910 (Franklin, 1953).

Figure 1. Sir Joseph Barcroft.

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& Zuntz, 1912; Gunga, 2009; Starling et al. 1912). The studies, including the 1911 ascent of Pike’s Peak (4302 m,
following year (1911), Barcroft also spent some time on 14115 feet), Colorado, with several other physiologists,
Monte Rosa in the Swiss-Italian Alps (4554 m, 14941 feet) John Scott Haldane (1860–1936) obtained data to suggest
at the Capanna Regina Margherita or Margherita Hut that, at high altitude, the lung secreted O2 into the
(Fig. 3) on the Signalkuppe [summit signal]. His third arterialized blood so that the O2 partial pressure in
and most productive high altitude expedition was to arterialized blood exceeded that of the pulmonary alveolar
Cerro de Pasco (4300 m, 14108 feet), Peru, for 1 month gas by 7–32 Torr (Douglas et al. 1913; West, 2012).
in December 1921/January 1922 (Barcroft, 1922; West, Appreciating that this idea was probably untenable and
2013). Their mobile laboratory in a railway car is shown in that some of the assumptions made in the calculations
Fig. 4. may not have been valid, in February 1920, Barcroft
As noted, a question at this time was the extent performed an experiment on himself, spending 6 days
to which, if any, under various hypoxic conditions, in a plate glass chamber at Cambridge (Fig. 5). In
the pulmonary alveolar membrane secretes O2 into the that study, over several days, the ambient O2 level was
capillary blood. The studies of several European physio- decreased to approximately one-half atmosphere (84 Torr,
logists had suggested this to be an important mechanism equivalent to 5486 m, 18000 feet). At both rest and
(Breathnach, 1974; West, 2013). In addition, in other during exercise on a bicycle ergometer in which his O2
consumption was doubled, arterial blood was obtained
from his surgically exposed and severed left radial artery
(Barcroft et al. 1920). The period of almost 1 week of
hypobaric exposure was chosen because Haldane and his
co-investigators maintained that the ability of the alveolar
membrane to secrete O2 into the blood increased with
the time under hypoxic conditions. In Barcroft’s rather
heroic studies, under no circumstances, including during
exercise, could pulmonary O2 secretion be demonstrated
(Barcroft et al. 1920; West, 2013). As an aside, again, as
he had experienced earlier at Tenerife, Barcroft suffered
the effects of diminished O2 partial pressure on his
nervous system, including distressing headaches and
visual impairment (Barcroft et al. 1923; Barron, 1973).
Barcroft summarized these studies from the high altitude
excursions and the glass chamber experiments in his
publication, Respiratory Function of the Blood. Part I,
Lessons from High Altitude (Barcroft, 1925).
Figure 3. Capanna Regina Margherita, Monte Rosa, 1911 (Franklin,

Figure 4. Interior of mobile laboratory, Cerro de

Pasco, 1921–1922 (Franklin, 1953)

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During World War I, rather than joining one of the tasks) on three groups of individuals: the expedition
Royal Combat Services, compatible with his Society of physiologists, mining engineers originally from sea level
Friends heritage, Barcroft interrupted his research at but who were acclimatized to high altitude for months or
Cambridge to serve as a civilian Chief Physiologist at years, and the indigenous high altitude people (Barcroft,
the British research facility, Royal Engineers Experimental 1925; Barcroft et al. 1923). Barcroft noted that his own
Station, Porton Down, near Salisbury, Wiltshire. There, mental concentration was more difficult and that ‘Time
he studied the medical aspects of gas poisoning, which, was wasted in trivialities and bungling’ [not being able to
in 1915, the Germans had introduced into warfare organize or perform tasks efficiently] that would not take
(Franklin, 1953; Roughton, 1948). The chemical weapons place at sea level (Barcroft et al. 1923, p. 453). Among his
tested included chlorine gas, phosgene and mustard gas. observations, Barcroft concluded that, ‘The acclimatized
In 1917, following a series of studies of the toxicity man is not the man who has attained to bodily and mental
curves in several avian (canary, chicken, pigeon) and powers as great in Cerro de Pasco as he would have in
mammalian (cat, dog, goat, rabbit, rat, others) species, and Cambridge . . . Such a man does not exist. All dwellers at
in another classic case of self-experimentation, Barcroft high altitude are persons of impaired physical and mental
exposed himself and a large dog (weighing 12 kg) to powers’ (Barcroft, 1925, p. 176). As may be imagined,
one part in 2000 of hydrogen cyanide within a glass this statement incited considerable controversy. The
chamber. Although Barcroft experienced only moderate Peruvian physician–physiologist Carlos Monge Medrano
respiratory distress, the dog was in extremis within 1.5 min; (1884–1970) took great exception to this view, stating
however, by the next day, it had recovered (Barcroft, 1931; that ‘ . . . Professor Barcroft was himself suffering from
Roughton, 1948). (Another biographer stated incorrectly a subacute case of mountain sickness without realizing it’
that the dog died; Anonymous, 1947). One valuable (Monge, 1948; West, 2013; 2015). In a paper published
consequence of this experiment was a demonstration of after his death, Barcroft observed, ‘I have seen quite
the large species differences in response to toxin exposure, amicable people, when living at a height of 15000 feet or
although the biological basis for these differences remains so, become troublesome, garrulous or morose. This may
unknown. be the result of oxygen deficiency . . . ’ (Barcroft, 1951,
During his month at Cerro de Pasco, a mining town p. 1177).
in the Peruvian Andes, at an altitude approximately Following the Great War, Barcroft extended his studies
matching that of Pike’s Peak, and after recovering for a of high altitude physiology and the mechanisms by which
few days from soroche, a mild form of acute mountain the body acclimatizes to long-term hypoxia, participating
sickness, in addition to the respiratory studies, the in another chamber experiment (Barcroft et al. 1931; West,
Barcroft group conducted a number of neuropsychiatric 2013; West & Sidebottom, 2006). With his great interest
measurements (memorization, multiplication and other in hypoxia, he commenced studies of blood storage in the

Figure 5. ‘Glass Chamber’ at Cambridge

University, 1920 (Franklin, 1953).

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spleen and its relationship with blood volume (Barcroft, right ventricle via the ductus arteriosus equalled the volume
1926a; 1926b). Based on his 1929 Edward Kellogg in the left ventricle that had flowed through the foramen
Dunham (1860–1922) lectures at Harvard University, in ovale (Barcroft, 1935a).
1934, Barcroft published his monumental Features in the An example of the manner in which Barcroft could
Architecture of Physiological Function (Barcroft, 1934a). Of synthesize data, incorporating and expanding upon the
this work, the Nobel laureate Schack August Steenberg work of others, is illustrated by his determination of the
Krogh (1874–1949) stated it to be a volume ‘ . . . which fetal and maternal oxyhaemoglobin saturation curves.
gives an integration of physiology of such a kind that it A master in analysing blood and its oxygen affinity,
ought be read by everyone who is going into experimental Barcroft stressed the essential nature of haemoglobin and
work in physiology. It gives the general ideas which cannot its physical and chemical environment in determining
be obtained from any other book in existence’ (Franklin, blood O2 binding characteristics. The St Thomas’
1953, p. 213). Hospital physiologist Arthur St George Joseph Huggett
(1897–1968) had reported the fetal blood oxygen affinity
to be significantly different from that of the adult
Studies in fetal development
(although reporting it to be less rather than greater, e.g.
As noted, during the latter 1920s, Barcroft became inter- P50 40 Torr) (Huggett, 1927). With his great interest in
ested in blood volume, its stores and the role of the this topic, using blood at constant conditions (38°C, P CO2
spleen as a reservoir of erythrocytes. For the most part, 50 Torr), Barcroft and colleagues reported the correct
he studied this in dogs in which the spleen had been curves for the newborn goat and its mother (P50 = 30 and
exteriorized, developing several methods for observing its 37 Torr, respectively) and also compared these at several
change in size. Somewhat serendipitously, he observed times during the course of gestation (Barcroft, 1933; 1934c;
that the spleen of one of his dogs at rest was contracted Barcroft et al. 1934a; Windle, 1940). In a subsequent study,
to an unusual degree. At autopsy, the animal proved to Barcroft and colleagues compared [HbO2 ] and O2 capacity
be pregnant with widely dilated uterine veins (Barcroft in fetal sheep blood from 63 days to term at 145 days
& Stephens, 1928). This raised in his mind the question after conception, reporting on apparent peak in [HbO2 ]
of the quantity of blood required by the uterus during of 70% at 100 days, decreasing from that value until term
pregnancy. He then measured the amount, finding it to be (Barcroft, 1935a; Barcroft et al. 1940a; 1940b).
unusually large, even during the early stages of pregnancy Barcroft also recorded that, during pregnancy, uterine
(Barcroft, 1932; Barcroft & Rothschild, 1932). Shortly venous [HbO2 ] declined, reaching such low levels that
thereafter, Louis Barkhouse Flexner (1902–1996), then it appeared impossible to maintain a normal state of
of the Department of Anatomy at the Johns Hopkins fetal oxygenation (Barcroft, 1935a; 1935b; 1935c; 1935d;
University, spent 2 years as a fellow with Barcroft. Barcroft et al. 1940b). These findings, along with other
With Flexner, Barcroft performed his initial study in studies (Barcroft, 1941; 1942; 1943), contributed to his
developmental physiology measuring cardiac output in concept that the ‘newborn’s first breath was the fetus’
the fetal goat (Barcroft et al. 1934a) and fetal oxygenation dying gasp’. Thus, arose the dictum of the fetus being
in the rabbit (Barcroft et al. 1934b). Following other studies at ‘Mt Everest in utero’ (Barcroft, 1933).
conducted together (Barcroft et al. 1936), Flexner went on David J. Mellor has recalled an incident in the early years
to become a leader in both neuroscience and placental of these studies:
exchange mechanisms.
Prior to the fourth decade of the 20th Century, there was Prof Huggett said that he had shown Sir Joseph Barcroft
little interest in the physiology of the fetus or newborn how to do his first Caesarian section in sheep. He claimed,
infant. Hitherto, the subject comprised a miscellany and I want to emphasize the words ‘he claimed’, that
of studies: anatomic morphological and comparative he anaesthetized a pregnant ewe, did a ventro-lateral
abdominal incision, and just as he was moving viscera
anatomy, histology, embryology and the occasional bit of
aside in order to draw out the uterus, Barcroft . . . elbowed
biochemistry. In an historical perspective, Donald Henry him to one side with words to the effect, ‘I can take it
Barron (1905–1993), who worked with Barcroft from 1935 from here Huggett!’, whereupon he promptly incised the
to 1940, noted that his interest in the course of blood flow rumen!
through the fetal heart and the timing of the closure of (Longo, 2013, p. 23)
the ductus arteriosus arose from his studies on the oxygen
environment of the fetal brain, as well as the dramatic Fortuitously, in the summer of 1934, Barcroft met
changes at the time of birth with expansion of the newborn Donald Barron, a Fellow of the National Research
lungs and arterialization of blood (Barcroft, 1938; Barron, Council, USA, working at Cambridge on spinal cord
1979). Barcroft concluded that the crossing of the superior action potentials (Barron & Matthews, 1935). At that
and inferior vena caval streams in the heart was essentially time, Barcroft headed one of the most spacious and
complete, and that the quantity of blood ejected from the well-equipped physiology departments in the UK. In

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a chance conversation at afternoon tea, upon learning on the train returning to Cambridge, Barron suggested to
that Barcroft had purchased 50 ewes for his studies, Barcroft the potential value of cineradiology in the study of
Barron inquired as to whether he proposed to study the long-standing problem of the course of the fetal central
the functional development of the mammalian nervous circulation and the timing of ductus closure. Barcroft with
system. Admitting that he knew nothing about this topic, Barron then developed a collaboration with Franklin and
Barcroft asked Barron to edify him on the subject. After Barclay that lasted from 1937 to 1940 (Barclay et al. 1944,
learning of the little that was known, and questions p. vi; Dawes, 1994). Barron has recorded some of the
regarding the controversy as to the applicability of findings vicissitudes of these studies (Barron, 1979). Particularly
in the nervous system of a salamander to that of mammals, annoying was the fact that, without consultation with
Barcroft invited Barron to join him in studying some either Barcroft or Barron, Barclay and Franklin published
aspects of its functional development (Longo, 2013). a detailed account of these studies, in which they claimed
By use of the technique developed by Huggett, of that the ductus closed prior to clamping of the umbilical
performing a Caesarean section in a warm saline bath cord or visualization of air in the trachea (Barclay et al.
to maintain the placental circulation, in November 1934, 1938). On later analysis, this erroneous interpretation
Barcroft and Barron commenced their studies on a sheep was shown to have resulted from the obscuring of the
fetus at 46 days of gestation. Fortunately, for the future ductus by pulmonary vessels (Barron, 1979). Subsequent
of the project and the field of developmental physio- cineradiographs of the pattern of circulation in the fetal
logy, the fetus showed considerable activity, ‘respiring’ heart and great vessels demonstrated closure of the ductus
spontaneously with rhythmic diaphragmatic movements arteriosus some minutes following birth. In these studies,
(Barcroft et al. 1936). In the spring of 1935, shortly before they also compared the central circulation in the fetus with
he was made Knight Commander of the British Empire, that of the adult (Barclay et al. 1939). In relation to this
Barcroft invited American investigators from opposing fiasco, Barron noted that ‘The celebrated German physio-
schools of thought regarding neural development to logist Carl Ludwig [(1816–1895)] is said to have remarked,
collaborate with him on this line of investigation. One “In science, method is everything.” In this study it was!’
of these, William Frederick Windle (1898–1985) from (Barron, 1979, p.3).
New York University, accepted the invitation. In the winter Following the outbreak of World War II, in 1940 Barron
of 1935–1936, Barcroft, Barron and Windle attempted to returned to the USA and, in 1943, joined the Department
determine the extent to which the first movements by the of Physiology at Yale University, where he continued his
fetus represented a response to local reflexes, as opposed studies on the fetal circulation and the placental exchange
to mass movements. Although the group could not agree of respiratory gases (Barron, 1946; 1952). In a critical
on the interpretation of their findings, they demonstrated review of the changes in the central circulation from fetus
that these movements appeared before the central nervous to newborn at the time of birth, Barron placed the entire
system was fully functional (Barcroft et al. 1936; Barcroft field into perspective (Barron, 1944).
& Barron, 1936; 1937; 1939). In conjunction with these During the decade following his initial studies, Barcroft
studies, they performed some of the earliest studies on published a number of contributions on fetal respiration,
development of fetal breathing movements (Barcroft & blood volume and circulation (Barcroft et al. 1933; 1939a;
Barron, 1936). 1939b; 1940a; 1940b; Barcroft & Kennedy, 1939). The onset
Barcroft’s and Barron’s further studies, demonstrating of World War II, however, terminated these productive
the importance of the ductus arteriosus being patent collaborations. During the war, Barcroft chaired the UK
in the fetus but closing during the newborn period, Food Investigation Board and founded Britain’s Nutrition
raised the question of when and by what mechanism Society (Franklin, 1953). In the early 1940s, Maureen
this occurs. A serendipitous and fateful event at the Young, later of St Thomas Hospital Medical School,
March 1937 London meeting of the Physiological Society worked with Sir Joseph. She has written:
significantly influenced the course of fetal physiology.
A film made by Barcroft and Barron, ‘Experimental I assisted ‘Jo’ . . . in a study at Cambridge towards the
“chronic” lesions in the central nervous system of the sheep end of WWII. I had been at the South West London
foetus’ (Barcroft & Barron, 1937), was shown immediately Blood Transfusion Unit for two exciting years when Nora
before one made by Kenneth James Franklin (1897–1966) Edkins and Margaret Murray persuaded me to join them
in the Department of Physiology at Bedford College,
a fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, and a colleague, ‘X-ray
Bedford, as a Demonstrator, to ‘keep the lamp of learning
cinematographic film of a dogs heart’. As recorded by burning’. They had been evacuated to Cambridge where
Alfred Ernest Barclay (1876–1949) and colleagues, ‘This our teaching took place in the theatres and lab when free
accidental juxtaposition of the two films suggested to of their own students. Jo, already in his early 80s, was still
Barron the new line of attack’ (Barclay et al. 1944, p. v). working. We all were invited to ‘assist’ at his experiments
Barron has recorded, ‘The clarity of his pictures was on foetal sheep, which at this time was delivered into
impressive’ (Barron, 1979, p. 2). Following this meeting, a huge saline bath! At the end of the day, we all were

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rewarded with a most welcome lamb joint to take home from which a likeness of the organism is commencing
for Sunday lunch. to emerge . . .

One day Jo stopped me in the corridor and said that he had As regards the scope of the book, it purports to deal
asked Dr Edkins if I might give him a little of my time to primarily with researches in which I have had a hand
help him with a small study. He said, ‘my fingers and eyes myself, and with observations by others germane to such,
are no longer organs of precision!’ The fetuses of pregnant but it goes a little further and includes work by colleagues
rabbits treated with progesterone became post mature and which I have been privileged to see . . . The general aim,
died ‘in utero’. Jo wanted to know if they had outstripped then of this book is to trace the development of function in
their placental oxygen supply and needed blood samples the mammalian foetus, never losing sight of the fact that
from them . . . He found an animal table on which he one day the call will come and the foetus will be born. Not
could work in his small office and asked Adaire – another only has the foetus to develop a fundamental life which
delightful ‘retired’ gentleman in the lab – to teach me will suffice for intra-uterine conditions, but at the same
how to use the original van Slyke apparatus to measure time it has to develop an economy which will withstand
the blood oxygen content. It was a splendid experience. the shock of birth, and will suffice, nay more than suffice,
Taking blood from the carotid artery of the rabbit foetus for its new environment.
did not prove a problem, and gave me courage to use the (Barcroft, 1946, p. ix)
perfused placental preparation later on in my career. The
fetuses also provided another small observation, namely Sir Joseph ‘ . . . was “nettled” by people who volunteered
that the umbilical cord had a little sphincter only at its facile explanations for fetal circulatory responses, based on
junction with the abdomen. Jo found me cutting sections their knowledge of adult physiology only’ (Young, 1992,
of this one day and said that it should be published in p. 608). In twenty-two chapters, in each of which he clearly
Nature (Young, 1953), and there it is! stated a specific question to be explored, Barcroft reviewed
what was known regarding the topic. Early chapters
With great charm and marvelous curiosity to the end of
consider aspects of the maternal and fetal placental
his life, Jo joins Widdowson and McCance for creating
the stimulus for our interest in and the great progress vasculature and nutrient exchange, determinants of fetal
which has been made in the subject of Perinatal Physiology growth, fetal blood volume and oxygen consumption.
worldwide during the last eighty years. In Chapter V, ‘The relative claims of the foetus and
(Longo, 2013, p. 28–29) mother to available nutritive material’, Barcroft stressed
the symbiotic relationship of fetus to mother, at a time
During and following his studies on the fetus, Barcroft in which the fetus was considered a ‘parasite’. Applying
summarized his work in several lectures and reviews the principle that nutrient partition among organs was
(Barcroft, 1933; 1935; 1936; 1943). Each of these determined by their metabolic rate, he argued that, with its
was notable for the manner in which Barcroft posed relatively high rate of metabolism, the fetus could compete
provocative questions to explore. Some of his many awards with maternal tissues. The latter two-thirds of Researches
and honors are given in Table 1. on Pre-natal Life summarize much of Barcroft’s and
His reviews laid the groundwork for Barcroft’s collation Barron’s work that considered blood pressure and vascular
of these and other studies, into his last monograph, reflexes, fetal blood oxygen capacity and oxyhaemoglobin
Researches in Pre-natal Life, Part I (Barcroft, 1946). In saturation curves, the central circulation with roles of
this volume, Barcroft reviewed in extenso the discoveries the ductus venosus and ductus arteriosus, and the onset of
to that time, and the many factors to consider with respect respiration at birth. Seven appendices included variations
to oxyhaemoglobin relationships in the fetus and mother in respiratory activity at birth, measurements of blood
of humans, as well as that of other species (Barcroft, 1946). sugar, lipids and the molecular weight of sheep fetal
In the preface of this work, which he dedicated to Donald haemoglobin. Also included were recently derived blood
H. Barron ‘ . . . to whom the work . . . owes so much’, gas values obtained by Barron, ‘ . . . from the small
Barcroft stated: arteries and veins going to and leaving a cotyledon,
and . . . therefore more fully representative of placental
This work partakes very much of the nature of a will – I conditions’, which again suggested a significant decrease
hope not my last. In the days of bombs it seemed
near-term (Barcroft, 1946, p. 285). In several asides
to me only the due of the many who had given me
encouragement and support, not least the Rockefeller in the volume, Barcroft considered the difficulties in
Foundation, that I should set down in some connected acute studies of obtaining reliable samples of fetal blood
form such information as I had accumulated concerning (umbilical vessels, p. 187, and carotid artery, p. 197),
pre-natal life; then, if the bomb came my way, the that truly were representative of its physiological state.
information, for what it was worth, would remain. I say He noted that:
‘in some connected form’ because not the least interesting
part of the work has been the fitting together of individual . . . such results are frankly worthless – some guarantee
items, dealt with in individual papers, into a picture must be given that the blood in these vessels, so sensitive

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Table 1. Honors and awards

1910 Election, Fellow of the Royal Society

1918 Commander British Empire
1922 Awarded Royal Medal of the Royal Society
1935 Knight Commander of the British Empire
1938 Elected Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1943 Awarded Copley Medal of the Royal Society
1944 Fellow ad eundem Royal Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

to any kind of manipulation, is coursing at the normal in the preface to his 1914 volume on the respiratory
rate; some guarantee must be given that the foetus is in function of the blood, he observed:
a normal state; some guarantee must be given, and this
is often overlooked, that the circulation in the mother is At one time, which seems too long ago, most of my leisure
also normal: and lastly when the worker has satisfied his was spent in boats. In them I learned what little I know
readers and, what is probably more difficult, himself, that of research, not of technique or of physiology, but of the
the data are as nearly correct as may be, there remains the qualities essential to those who would venture beyond the
question – to what stage of pregnancy do they refer? visible horizon.
(Barcroft, 1946, p. 187)
The story of my physiological ‘ventures’ will be found
in the following pages. Sometimes I have sailed single
It would be two decades later that Meschia, Barron handed, sometimes I have been one of a crew, sometimes
I have sent the ship’s boat on some expedition without
and coworkers first reported on the use of chronically
me. Any merit which attaches to my narrative lies in the
indwelling catheters for in vivo measurement of fact that it is in some sense at first hand . . . I should like
respiratory gas values in fetal blood that made such to have called the book, what it frankly is – a log; did not
measurements of physiological relevance (Meschia et al. such a title involve an air of flippancy quite out of place in
1965). This technique of chronic catheterization placed the description of the serious work of a man’s life. I have
the study of the fetus in utero on a firm physiological basis. therefore chosen a less exact, though more comprehensive
Barcroft had intended to prepare a second volume, Part title . . . .
II, that would deal with both the nervous system and
After all, the pleasantest memories of a cruise are those
metabolism. With his demise shortly following the 1946 of the men with whom one has sailed. The debt which
publication, this was not to be. It must be recalled that I owe to my colleagues, whether older or younger than
Barcroft was in his early sixties when he embarked upon myself, will be evident enough to any reader of the book.
his studies of fetal physiology, and upon which he worked It leaves me well-nigh bankrupt – a condition well known
for the next decade and a half. to most sailors. But I owe another large debt of gratitude
Publication of Barcroft’s Researches on Pre-natal Life, to those who, as teachers, showed me the fascination of
immediately following the end of World War II, appeared physiology . . .
at the beginning of what some call the ‘golden age’ of (Barcroft, 1914, p. vii)
medical research. Governmental support for biomedical Of note, he repeated this account in both his volumes on
studies increased greatly, as did increasing interest high altitude (Barcroft, 1925, p. vii) and on the respiratory
in biology, from cellular and subcellular mechanisms function of the blood, part II haemoglobin (Barcroft, 1928,
to organ and systems function, as well as clinical p. v).
care, including that for the mother and newborn Several of Barcroft’s colleagues also have addressed
infant. With concomitant technological advances that the issue of his approach to investigation (Barron, 1973;
allowed ever more detailed determinations and studies, Breathnach, 1974; Dale, 1949; Franklin, 1953) (Fig. 6). For
Barcroft’s volume had considerable impact with respect example:
to promoting basic research and also that of translational
and clinical medicine (Anonymous, 1947; Dawes, 1968; . . . he never really grew old and he never lost the knack of
1994; Holmes, 1970; Longo, 2013; Young, 1992). reducing a problem to its simple elements and then finding
an answer by the most direct method. One of his most
fruitful methods was to look for help in all directions, to
Barcroft’s research style bring in new recruits and to get as a catalyst in translating
their ideas into practical outcome. Many worked with him
One might ask, what was it about Barcroft’s research that and experienced his remarkable power of forging ahead
helped to keep him on the forefront with fresh ideas? all the time
Although Barcroft wrote essentially nothing in this regard, (Adrian, 1949, p. 3–4)

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. . . he never lost that air of youthful enthusiasm, the Barcroft’s lectureship style
attitude which regarded research as an amusing adventure.
In many ways he seemed to have the ideal research Although even as Departmental chair not having to carry a
temperament, not over-elated by success or cast down heavy teaching load, Barcroft was noted to be an engaging
by lack of it, or put out of countenance by the unexpected. lecturer (Fig. 7), commencing with a joke, and recounting
He never lost his eagerness, but always tempered it with a anecdotes to maintain his audience’s interest. He lectured
humorous equanimity without notes, telling his brother-in-law, ‘I look things up
(Dale, 1949, p. 10) before the lecture. If the student is expected to remember
what he hears for all time, we who tries to teach him
The direction of Barcroft’s research was not, as a super- ought to be able to retain in his own head, for a few
ficial survey might suggest, that of a craft carried by hours, that which he intends to say’ (Breathnach, 1974,
the winds and currents on a random course, but one p. 234–235). His engagement as a lecturer was said to be
determined by a sure hand on a tiller that took advantage accomplished, in part, by use of analogy and anecdote to
of both on a voyage of discovery . . . Barcroft saw in join the experience of his audience with the material he
the familiar . . . questions which opened the way to the was presenting.
disclosures of new mechanisms and a broader under-
standing of their role in the economy of the whole animal.
His interests were in architecture and only secondary in Personal life and philosophy
the building material
Not a great deal has been written of Barcroft’s personal
(Barron, 1973, p. xxi)
life. Probably of Norman origin, the early years of the
Barcroft family, from the de Berecrofte (or ‘barley-crafters’;
Breathnach, 1974) of the 13th Century to the late

Figure 6. Joseph Barcroft measuring blood gases, 1928 (Franklin,

1953). Figure 7. Joseph Barcroft lecturing, 1935 (Franklin, 1953).

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18th Century have been traced in the historical survey physiology . . . After the introduction of the saline-bath
Barcroft of Barcroft (Barcroft, 1960). In 1903, he married technique in the twenties of this century, physiological
Mary Agnetta (Minnie) Ball (1875–1961), daughter of facts have accumulated rapidly – largely under the
Sir Robert Stawell Ball (1840–1913), the Astronomer Royal influence of Barcroft’s drive, personality, and ability
of Ireland and later Lowndean professor of astronomy to see the essentials of a problem, to dissect it into its
component parts, and to inspire workers . . . to tackle
and geometry at Cambridge University. Lady Barcroft
the several aspects so exposed . . . we must look forward
‘ . . . inherited her father’s sense of fun, and the laughter to a synthesis of all these lines of approach directed
which, like a nosegay, decorated their joint lives made to the study of the peculiarly foetal problems of how
them the most perfect partners and the most perfect function is initiated in the embryo and how it can be
hosts’ (Anonymous, 1947, p. 431). Barcroft’s first son, controlled . . . The modern applications of biophysics
Henry Barcroft (1904-1998) MBBS, MD, FRS, also devoted must come into the field of experiment, to explain how
his life to physiology, contributing to an understanding the gene, the hormone, the vitamin, and the nutrient
of the regulation of the systemic circulation and limb react with the mother to produce the newborn.
blood flow, and chairing the Departments of Physio- (Huggett, /1947/1948, p. 232)
logy at both Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland and the In his obituary notice of Fellows of the Royal Society, the
Sherrington School of Physiology, St Thomas’ Hospital Cambridge biochemist–physiologist Francis John Worsley
Medical School, London (Greenfield & Roddie, 2000). Roughton (1899-1972) recalled:
In reference to his consummate Victorianism mentor
Sir Joseph, Donald H. Barron recorded, ‘ . . . he appears . . . [he] retained his youthful freshness of mind and sense
to have inherited that emotional balance for which so of wonder right through till the end of his days . . . He
many strive but so few achieve. It never deserted him. would be apt to choose a field which was not at the
Equanimity and self-mastery came early to him . . . His moment in the forefront of the battle, . . . however slight
heritage . . . included . . . a belief that the only guide to his knowledge at the start . . . he would soon be asking
a man’s conduct must be his own “inner light”, that truth shrewd questions and talking in telling fashion about the
is to be sought, that life is to be lived . . . ’ (Barron, 1973, existing ideas and conceptions of the subject. Then, by
p. xiv-xv). some process of intuition, which rarely seemed to fail
him, he would succeed in picking out new and salient
In terms of philosophy of life ‘ . . . he often remarked,
points of attack which, for one reason or another, had
in substance, that there are two categories of things eluded his predecessors. Next he would gather round him
about which one should never worry; those that you can one or more younger colleagues and infect them with his
do nothing about, and those about which you can do own enthusiasm for the new venture. In their company
something’ (Barron, 1973, p. xix). In a paper discovered he would buckle to and, if need be, devise methods
following his death, an address to the student Christian which were often simple . . . , but would almost always be
movement, Newnham College, Barcroft addressed the singularly effective in guiding him quickly to significant
issue of Christianity as a ‘ . . . working hypothesis’ results . . . The results, once established to his satisfaction,
(Barcroft, 1951, p. 1177). In his usual manner, he would then be prepared for final publication with an ease
commenced with a question, ‘ . . . what is it that needs and a gusto which many scientists, who find ‘writing up’
reconciling?’ He then explored the relation of the mind so irksome, might well envy.
(Roughton, 1948, pp. 329–330)
to the brain and body and the pursuit of morality and
truth, whether in science or religion (Barcroft, 1951). A 1949 symposium in Sir Joseph’s honor devoted
This ‘hard problem’, the existence of the mind and to the chemistry and physiology of haemoglobin,
consciousness in the cerebrum, had long been an issue in includes tributes to him (Roughton & Kendrew, 1949).
the history of ideas during this time, and was the subject Acknowledging the inspiration he received from, and
of considerable discussion by philosophers, psychologists debt to, Barcroft, Barron recalled a number of aspects
and others (Pratt, 1920; Strawson, 2015). of Barcroft’s contributions to life (Barron, 1973). In an
earlier essay, he had noted:
Eulogies I loved Sir Joseph above all men. I loved him for his
passionate devotion to the truth; for his charity towards
Following his death, Huggett wrote a tribute to Barcroft his fellow man in all walks of life; for his devotion to young
in which he cited Researches on Pre-natal Life as ‘ . . . a men and a host of other intangible qualities. To emulate
landmark in experimental physiology, a fitting successor him was and will remain my life’s purpose; I can conceive
to [Wilhelm Thierry] Preyer’s (1841–1897) volume [1885] no higher purpose . . . No one has contributed more
on the physiology of the embryo in the last century’ generously to the physiological thought of this country
(Huggett, 1947/1948, p. 231). He continued: than he. The host of students who went through his
laboratory, learned his methods and acquired new vistas
Barcroft’s death marks the end of an era in the are spread throughout this country, and they recall with
physiology of the foetus . . . era . . . of observational advantage the days and weeks they enjoyed as members of

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his School. And there are those yet unborn who will catch Barcroft J (1901). The gaseous metabolism of the submaxillary
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pen. Few have given so much; fewer there are who had so respiration of the gland. J Physiol 27, 31–47.
much to give. Barcroft J (1908). Differential method of blood-gas analysis.
(Barron in Franklin, 1953, pp. 339–340) J Physiol 37, 12–24.
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