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Negative Items From Your Credit David Goggins
Point of Retreat: A Novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diary of a Report
Colleen Hoover Wimpy Kid, Book 1 Robert Pemberton I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One
Jeff Kinney Woman's Obsessive Search for the
American Sniper: The Spy School Secret Service Golden State Killer
Autobiography of the Most Lethal The Return of the King: Book Three Stuart Gibbs Michelle McNamara
Sniper in U.s. Military History in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Chris Kyle J.R.R. Tolkien Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing Inside Out: A Memoir
the Lies About Who You Are so You Demi Moore
Good to Great: Why Some It: A Novel Can Become Who You Were Meant
Companies Make the Leap...And Stephen King to Be Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza
Others Don't Rachel Hollis Party
Jim Collins The Silmarillion James Dean
J.R.R. Tolkien The Wife Between Us: A Novel
The Great Divorce Greer Hendricks Legendary: A Caraval Novel
C. S. Lewis Orphan X Stephanie Garber
Gregg Hurwitz The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of
A Dog Is a Dog Secret Identities to Transform Your Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a
Stephen Shaskan Life of the Former Personal Attorney to
Powerful Business Idea
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Laporan Pendahuluan dan Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien dengan kasus

Hidrokel di Ruang IBS RSD dr. Soebandi telah disetujui dan disahkan pada :

Hari, Tanggal :


!eber, "ktober #$%&


I(titahur Rohah, S.Kep.

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Pebibing kadeik  Pebibing Klinik 

-akultas Keperawatan Ruang IBS

ni/ersitas !eber  RSD dr. Soebandi

00. 00.

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Negative Items From Your Credit David Goggins
Point of Retreat: A Novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diary of a Report
Colleen Hoover Wimpy Kid, Book 1 Robert Pemberton I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One
Jeff Kinney Woman's Obsessive Search for the
American Sniper: The Spy School Secret Service Golden State Killer
Autobiography of the Most Lethal The Return of the King: Book Three Stuart Gibbs Michelle McNamara
Sniper in U.s. Military History in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Chris Kyle J.R.R. Tolkien Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing Inside Out: A Memoir
the Lies About Who You Are so You Demi Moore
Good to Great: Why Some It: A Novel Can Become Who You Were Meant
Companies Make the Leap...And Stephen King to Be Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza
Others Don't Rachel Hollis Party
Jim Collins The Silmarillion James Dean
J.R.R. Tolkien The Wife Between Us: A Novel
The Great Divorce Greer Hendricks Legendary: A Caraval Novel
C. S. Lewis Orphan X Stephanie Garber
Gregg Hurwitz The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of
A Dog Is a Dog Secret Identities to Transform Your Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a
Stephen Shaskan Life of the Former Personal Attorney to
Powerful Business Idea
Todd Herman President Donald J. Trump
Bob Burg
Michael Cohen

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A. K$%&ep Te$r' (e%()%* Pe%+)'(

1. Re-'e A%)($/' F'&'$0$*'
Testis erupakan dua organ glandula 1ang eproduksi seen, terdapat
di dala skrotu dan digantung oleh (enikulus speratikus. Pada janin, testis
terdapat dala ka/u abdoinalis di belakang pertoniu. Sebelu kelahiran
akan turun ke kanalis inguinalis bersaa dengan (enikulus speratikus keudian
asuk ke dala skrotu. Testis erupakan tepat dibentukn1a sperato2oa dan
horon laki3laki, terdiri dari belahan3belahan disebut lobulus testis 4S1ai(uddin,
Testis enghasilkan horon testosteron 1ang enibulkan si(at
kejantanan setelah asa pubertas, di saping itu (oli6le stiulanting horone
4-SH5 dan lutein horone 47H5. Testis dibungkus oleh:
a. -asia spreatika eksterna, suatu ebran 1ang tipis eanjang ke arah
 bawah di antara (enikulus dan testis, berakhir pada 6in6in subkutan inguinalis.
 b. 7apisan kresasterika, terdiri dari selapis otot. 7apisan ini sesuai dengan '.
"bli8us abdoinis internus dan kasies abdoinus internus.
6. -as6ies speratika interna, suatu ebran tipis dan enutupi (enikulus
speratikus. -asia ini akan berakhir pada 6in6in inguinalis interna bersaa
dengan (asia trans/ersalis. 7apisan otot ini sesuai dengan '. "bli8us
abdoinis internus dan (asian1a.
Pebuluh darah testis :
a. rteri pudenda esterna pars super(isialis erupakan 6abang dari arteri
 b. rteri perinealis super(isialis 6abang dari arteri pudenda interna
6. rteri kreasterika 6abang dari arteri epigastrika in(erior.
Skrotu adalah sepasang kantong 1ang enggantung di dasar pel/is, di
depan skrotu terdapat penis dan di belakang terdapat anus. Skrotu atau
kandung buah pelir berupa kantong terdiri dari kulit tanpa leak dan eiliki
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What is Scribd? Books  Audiobooks  Magazines  Podcasts  Sheet Music  Documents  Snapshots
Negative Items From Your Credit David Goggins
Point of Retreat: A Novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diary of a Report
Colleen Hoover Wimpy Kid, Book 1 Robert Pemberton I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One
Jeff Kinney Woman's Obsessive Search for the
American Sniper: The Spy School Secret Service Golden State Killer
Autobiography of the Most Lethal The Return of the King: Book Three Stuart Gibbs Michelle McNamara
Sniper in U.s. Military History in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Chris Kyle J.R.R. Tolkien Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing Inside Out: A Memoir
the Lies About Who You Are so You Demi Moore
Good to Great: Why Some It: A Novel Can Become Who You Were Meant
Companies Make the Leap...And Stephen King to Be Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza
Others Don't Rachel Hollis Party
Jim Collins The Silmarillion James Dean
J.R.R. Tolkien The Wife Between Us: A Novel
The Great Divorce Greer Hendricks Legendary: A Caraval Novel
C. S. Lewis Orphan X Stephanie Garber
Gregg Hurwitz The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of
A Dog Is a Dog Secret Identities to Transform Your Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a
Stephen Shaskan Life of the Former Personal Attorney to
Powerful Business Idea
Todd Herman President Donald J. Trump
Bob Burg
Michael Cohen

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sedikit jaringan otot. Pebungkusn1a disebut tunika /aginalis 1ang dibentuk dari
 peritoniu skrotu 1ang engandung pigen, di dalan1a terdapat kantong3
kantong, setiap kantong berisi epididiis (enikulus 4S1ai(uddin, #$%%5.
Se6ara ebriologis, lapisan /is6eral dari tunika /aginalis berasal dari
 peritoneu perut dan en6akup anterior dua pertiga dari testis, ebentuk ruang
 potensial 1ang erupakan rangkaian rongga intra3abdoinal 4Parks 9 7eung,
#$%*5. Skrotu kiri tergantung lebih rendah dari skrotu kanan. Skrotu
 ber/ariasi dala beberapa keadaan, isaln1a pengaruh panas pada lansia, dan
keadaan leah, skrotu akan eanjang dan leas. Sedangkan dala keadaan
dingin dan pada orang uda akan eendek dan berkerut. Skrotu terdiri dari
dua lapisan :
a. Kulit: warna ke6oklatan, tipis dan epun1ai (lika  rugae, terdapat (olikel
sebasea dikelilingi oleh rabut keriting 1ang akarn1a terlihat elalui kulit.
 b. Tunika dartos: berisi lapisan otot polos 1ang tipis sepanjang basis skrotu.
Tunika dartos ini ebentuk septu 1ang ebagi skrotu enjadi dua
ruangan untuk testis 1ang terdapat di bawah perukaan penis.

. De'%'&'
Hidrokel adalah kupulan 6airan di dala ruang potensial diantara kedua
lapisan ebrane tunika /aginalis. Hidrokel kongenital terjadi akibat adan1a
 prosesus /aginalis 1ang enetap 4hubungan antara kantong s6rotu dan rongga
 peritoneu, sehingga 6airan peritoneu dapat terkupul di dala s6rotu. Pada
orang dewasa, hodrokel tidak berhubungan dengan rongga peritoneu, kupulan
6airan terbentuk sebagai reaksi terhadap in(eksi, tuor, atau traua, 1aitu akibat
 produksi 6airan 1ang berlebihan oleh testis aupun obstruksi aliran li(e atau
/ena di dala (unikulus speratikus. ;airan 1ang terkupul dan assa 1ang
terbentuk dapat berbentuk lunak, kistik, atau keras 4Pri6e dan <ilson, #$$=5.
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Negative Items From Your Credit David Goggins
Point of Retreat: A Novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diary of a Report
Colleen Hoover Wimpy Kid, Book 1 Robert Pemberton I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One
Jeff Kinney Woman's Obsessive Search for the
American Sniper: The Spy School Secret Service Golden State Killer
Autobiography of the Most Lethal The Return of the King: Book Three Stuart Gibbs Michelle McNamara
Sniper in U.s. Military History in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Chris Kyle J.R.R. Tolkien Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing Inside Out: A Memoir
the Lies About Who You Are so You Demi Moore
Good to Great: Why Some It: A Novel Can Become Who You Were Meant
Companies Make the Leap...And Stephen King to Be Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza
Others Don't Rachel Hollis Party
Jim Collins The Silmarillion James Dean
J.R.R. Tolkien The Wife Between Us: A Novel
The Great Divorce Greer Hendricks Legendary: A Caraval Novel
C. S. Lewis Orphan X Stephanie Garber
Gregg Hurwitz The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of
A Dog Is a Dog Secret Identities to Transform Your Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a
Stephen Shaskan Life of the Former Personal Attorney to
Powerful Business Idea
Todd Herman President Donald J. Trump
Bob Burg
Michael Cohen

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!. Ep'de/'0$*'
Kejadian hidrokel kronik uun1a terjadi pada laki3laki 1ang berusia di
atas >$ tahun 4Pri6e dan <ilson, #$$=5. Insiden hidrokel ?$@3&$@ terjadi pada
 ba1i baru lahir laki3laki, akan tetapi enurun hingga di bawah $,&@ pada anak 
usia di atas # tahun. Pada uun1a hidrokel non kounikan terjadi hapir ?$@
 pada ba1i baru lahir dan biasan1a se6ara spontan en1erap kebali sebelu usia
# tahun. Rasio perbandingan kejadian hidrokel pada laki3laki dan perepuan
se6ara keseluruhan =$$: % 4-aurie dan Banieghbal, #$%+5.

2. E('$0$*'
Pen1ebab pada anak3anak 4Pri6e dan <ilson, #$$=5:
a. Belu sepurnan1a penutupan prosesus /aginalis
 b. Belu sepurnan1a s1ste li(atik di daerah skrotu
Pen1ebab pada orang dewasa 4Pri6e dan <ilson, #$$=5:
a. Idiopatik 
 b. kibat adan1a tuor, in(eksi, traua atau kelainan pada testis atau epididiis

3. K0)&'')&'
Berdasarkan waktu terjadin1a dibedakan enjadi dua jenis, 1aitu:
a. Hidrokel kounikan

'elibatkan PPA 1ang eanjang hingga ke dala skrotu. Pada kasus ini
PPA bersabung dengan tunika /aginalis 1ang engelilingi testis. De(ek 
 pada hidrokel ini lebih ke6il sehingga han1a terjadi akuulasi 6airan 4!enkins,
#$$& dala 'aha1ani dan Daraja1a, #$%#5. Terjadi karena adan1a prosesus
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Negative Items From Your Credit David Goggins
Point of Retreat: A Novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diary of a Report
Colleen Hoover Wimpy Kid, Book 1 Robert Pemberton I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One
Jeff Kinney Woman's Obsessive Search for the
American Sniper: The Spy School Secret Service Golden State Killer
Autobiography of the Most Lethal The Return of the King: Book Three Stuart Gibbs Michelle McNamara
Sniper in U.s. Military History in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Chris Kyle J.R.R. Tolkien Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing Inside Out: A Memoir
the Lies About Who You Are so You Demi Moore
Good to Great: Why Some It: A Novel Can Become Who You Were Meant
Companies Make the Leap...And Stephen King to Be Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza
Others Don't Rachel Hollis Party
Jim Collins The Silmarillion James Dean
J.R.R. Tolkien The Wife Between Us: A Novel
The Great Divorce Greer Hendricks Legendary: A Caraval Novel
C. S. Lewis Orphan X Stephanie Garber
Gregg Hurwitz The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of
A Dog Is a Dog Secret Identities to Transform Your Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a
Stephen Shaskan Life of the Former Personal Attorney to
Powerful Business Idea
Todd Herman President Donald J. Trump
Bob Burg
Michael Cohen

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/aginalis 1ang terbuka 1ang engarah ke berbagai julah 6airan serosa dala
testis 6a/u /aginalis. Risiko jangka panjang hidrokel berkounikasi adalah
 pengebangan hernia inguinalis. 4Borgann, #$%>5

 b. Hidrokel non kounikan

Berisi 6airan 1ang terperangkap dala tunika /aginalis pada skrotu.

Prosesus /aginalisn1a tertutup sehingga 6airan tidak dapat terhubung dengan
ruang abdoen. Hidrokel ini uu terjadi pada ba1i, dan biasan1a 6airan
akan direabsorbsi sebelu uur % tahun.

4. P)($'&'$0$*'5P)($0$*'
Hidrokel adalah pengupulan 6airan pada sebagian prosesus /aginalis
1ang asih terbuka. Kantong hidrokel dapat berhubungan elalui saluran
ikroskopis dengan rongga peritoneu dan berbentuk katup. Dengan deikian
6airan dari rongga peritoneu dapat asuk ke dala kantong hidrokel dan sukar 
kebali ke rongga peritoneu. Pada kehidupan (etal, prosesus /aginalis dapat
 berbentuk kantong 1ang en6apai s6rotu. jung bawah kantong ini
engelilingi testis dan disebut tunika /aginalis. pabila terjadi atro(i pada ujung
 proksial dan tengah sehingga bagian distal 1ang engelilingi testis tetap
terbuka, aka terjadi hidrokeltestikularis. Hidrokel dapat diteukan diana saja
sepanjang (unikulus speratikus, juga dapat diteukan di sekitar testis 1ang
terdapat dala rongga perut pada undensensus testis. Hidrokel in(antilis biasan1a
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Negative Items From Your Credit David Goggins
Point of Retreat: A Novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diary of a Report
Colleen Hoover Wimpy Kid, Book 1 Robert Pemberton I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One
Jeff Kinney Woman's Obsessive Search for the
American Sniper: The Spy School Secret Service Golden State Killer
Autobiography of the Most Lethal The Return of the King: Book Three Stuart Gibbs Michelle McNamara
Sniper in U.s. Military History in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Chris Kyle J.R.R. Tolkien Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing Inside Out: A Memoir
the Lies About Who You Are so You Demi Moore
Good to Great: Why Some It: A Novel Can Become Who You Were Meant
Companies Make the Leap...And Stephen King to Be Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza
Others Don't Rachel Hollis Party
Jim Collins The Silmarillion James Dean
J.R.R. Tolkien The Wife Between Us: A Novel
The Great Divorce Greer Hendricks Legendary: A Caraval Novel
C. S. Lewis Orphan X Stephanie Garber
Gregg Hurwitz The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of
A Dog Is a Dog Secret Identities to Transform Your Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a
Stephen Shaskan Life of the Former Personal Attorney to
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Todd Herman President Donald J. Trump
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Del(, '. H. %?. Major Diagnosis Fisik . !akarta: GC;.

Cra6e, P. ., dan Borle1, ). R. #$$?. At a Glance Ilmu Bedah. Gd. *. !akarta: Penerbit Grlangga

-aurie, )., dan Banieghbal, B. #$%+. Pediatri6 H1dro6ele:  ;oprehensi/e Re/iew. Clinics in Surgery. #: %3?.
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