Basalo BSN 2a Essay Rizal

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Name: Jhannyt Jyn Basalo

Course/Year/Section: BSN 2A

WRITE AN ESSAY with THE FOLLOWING guide questions:

1. What is freedom?

Freedom is a broad concept that encompasses a vast range of possibilities and is,
in some ways, subjective. One might see freedom, as essential in the field of democracy,
which entails citizens being represented and having the freedom to provide knowledge
and information that can influence the country's new course. In its simplest form,
democracy implies the rule of the people. To summarize, freedom means being able to
be free of slavery and oppression. Freedom is the ability to think, speak, and act as one
wishes, without interference or restriction.

For me, freedom is about having all the same rights and privileges of citizenship
as any other citizen. Of course, with freedom comes responsibility. Also, it is when I’ll be
able to walk on the streets without fear, when I’m not influenced by others, and I even
can love or marry whom I love.

Furthermore, in the sphere of press and media, one can consider freedom to be
crucial. As the saying goes, freedom of the press prohibits the government from
interfering with the spread of publicly available information and authoritative
perspectives. However, freedom has its bounds, rules, and ethics that define us as
civilized people.

2. How is the lack of freedom portrayed in the novel of Rizal?

Lacked of freedom is portrayed in the novel of noli me

tangere and el filibustersmo through the word that Rizal
wrote about how Spaniards want to control us and it was
also included in the novel about the slavery of the
Spaniards to the Filipino's
Lacked of freedom is portrayed in the novel of noli me
tangere and el filibustersmo through the word that Rizal
wrote about how Spaniards want to control us and it was
also included in the novel about the slavery of the
Spaniards to the Filipino's
Lacked of freedom is portrayed in the novel of noli me
tangere and el filibustersmo through the word that Rizal
wrote about how Spaniards want to control us and it was
also included in the novel about the slavery of the
Spaniards to the Filipino's

The lack of freedom is depicted in Rizal’s novels Noli me tangere and el

Filibusterismo about how Spaniards desire to rule us, and it has been included within
the novel about the Spaniards' slavery and oppression among Filipinos. The novel's
theme was depicted through symbolism, and Rizal wonderfully and artistically depicted
the events and characters in such a way that the reader fully understood the text's
meaning. Various social difficulties were prominent, inequalities were ailing the country,
and a loss of control to speak up for our freedom and liberty led to many conflicts
affecting society, corruption associated with poverty, and inequities leading to abusive

There is some plot in the novel which shows Spaniards’ injustice among Filipinos.
Sisa, the mother of Crispin and Basilio represents the country at that time, which
became invincible as a result of the Spaniards' mistreatment. Thus, his son Crispin was
abused by a friar and forced to work as a servant and repay debts. Maria Clara was
assaulted by a priest and committed suicide as a result. She was the voice of the
Filipinas who had been tormented and abused during Spanish rule. Don Rafael Ibarra
spent time in prison dying after being arrested without judicial process, with allegations
relying on rumors instead of solid proof.

3. How is the situation in the novel different from the present time?

Rizal, therefore, remains relevant to 21st century Filipinos.

Unfortunately, this also means that many of the social ills he
fought against continue to afflict Philippine society, more than a
century after his martyrdom. The unequal treatment of
colonized nations is still the predominant feature of
neocolonialism, which is nothing but a rearrangement of old
colonial ties. Foreign powers, like the U.S., treat our
archipelago as though it is its own backyard that needs to be
fortified from enemies, which explains the presence of
American troops through the Visiting Forces Agreement,
Balikatan Exercises, and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation
Rizal therefore remains relevant to 21st century Filipinos.
Unfortunately, this also means that many of the social ills he
fought against continue to afflict Philippine society, more than a
century after his martyrdom. The unequal treatment of
colonized nations is still the predominant feature of
neocolonialism, which is nothing but a rearrangement of old
colonial ties. Foreign powers, like the U.S., treat our
archipelago as though it is its own backyard that needs to be
fortified from enemies, which explains the presence of
American troops through the Visiting Forces Agreement,
Balikatan Exercises, and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation
The scenarios depicted in the novel, that was meant to represent the situation at
the moment, have nothing to do with what is going on today if we take it exactly.
However, if we examine it closely and consider the consequences of all the elements
that affect our economy, our lives, and all the aspects that Filipinos meet in their daily
lives, we find that things have remained the same, with the exception that they have
been sensationalized.

Up until now we are still politically and economically dominated by the west,
whereas in the novel, we are now governed in a more enhanced way. Filipinos were
always be degraded, treated as if we are naïve, despite the fact that Filipinos have made
significant discoveries and inventions in science as well as in the arts. It's very sad
how Filipino farmers are victims of economic transactions, which is similar to what
Filipino farmers and tillers went through under the Spaniards' dominion. Apart from in
the novel, in which the church wielded more decision-making authority, things work
differently today, with the separation of church and politics codified in the Philippine
constitution. Nevertheless, just as previously, the church continues to engage in
government issues, trapping and igniting the general public’s sentiments with its
doctrines. Even since they lack the very same authority, they can boldly declare their
beliefs as long as it does not offend the public with unlawful views or indecent deeds.

With these correlations between both the past and the present, we must not
overlook the lessons we may learn and reflect on from Rizal's literary work. A literary
work that stirs our hearts and instills in us a sense of patriotism and a yearning for
nationalism. A composition that encourages us to support our country, recognizing that
we can only succeed if we have a sense of unity a resource that we can gain through
studying the past.

4. What is the role of the youth in the development of the future and society?

The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain.

Youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of our
society including leadership, innovations, skills etc. Youth are
expected to advance the current technology, education, politics,
peace of the country. On the other hand, youths have also to
maintain the culture of our culture, all good values in the
societies and development project
Rizal mentioned that “Youth is the hope of the future.” Thus, with this, we can
already differentiate how critical the role of the youth is since they are labeled as the
nation’s hope. Younger generations will become future leaders who will carry on the
heritage of prior generations of leaders. Hence, the responsibility of youths in the
development of the future and society is to educate themselves and voice their
viewpoints, as this would allow them to gradually transform the world. 

Furthermore, the youth's role is to value time, discipline, renew, think before
taking an action, be character-driven, goal-oriented, and preserve. Youth have a
responsibility to value the importance of time since they need to take immediate action
at all times, thus timeliness is essential. The importance of discipline in life must be
understood by youth. Young people can't work enthusiastically if they don't have
discipline. Youth will undoubtedly improve the country's existing technologies,
education, leadership, and other aspects.
However, youth tends to act impulsively. It is critical to consider their options
before acting. Here's how the youth may contribute to the development of a
responsible society. Young people must be morally strong, attentive, and committed, as
this will motivate them to take appropriate actions for the country. When a generation
of young people is goal-oriented, their purpose, or should we say mission and vision
appear absolutely evident. Lastly, Youths, on the other hand, must preserve our culture
as well as all of society's beneficial ideas and development initiatives. They must
preserve it, improve it, and embrace the changes that will undoubtedly occur in the near
future and in the following generation.

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