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Ministry of Education, Sports & Creative Industries

Date: 17th May 2022 Class: K Subject: Social Studies Student Activity:
[ ] Independent
Topic: School Bus Rules (Follow the Rules on How to get to School) [ ] Cooperative
[ ] Peer Tutoring
[ ] Hands-on manipulation
[ ] Technology integration
[ ] Other
Time and Duration:
Pre-requisite/Previous Knowledge: Material/Media/Technology:
[ ] Handouts
Students are familiar with the different means of getting to school. [ ] Textbooks
[ ] PowerPoint/Screencast/Video
[ ] Projector
[ ] Charts
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to
[ ] Project/Case Study
[ ] Google Class/Meets and
1. Students will review the different means of getting to school.
other technologies
[ ] Other:
2. Students will be able to identify important Safety workers and their roles
(Crossing Guard, School Bus Driver, School Bus Conductor)

3. Students will be able to list important School Bus Rules.

4. Students will be able to Identify common traffic signs and symbols. (if
there is time)

Set Induction/Introduction:

Students will sing the “Wheels on the Bus” song

Procedural Development and Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment:

1. Students will review the different means of getting to school.

2. Students will define Rules and their importance. Students will then be
engaged in a discussion about the most common means of getting to
school. Students will be informed about School Bus Rules, its important
safety workers and their roles. - Crossing Guard, School Bus Driver,
School Bus Conductor

Crossing Guard - control and guide traffic and students.

School Bus Driver - safely transport students to and from school or special

School Bus Conductor - collects bus monies and assists students on the bus in
different ways. Eg. finding a seat, assisting with luggage.

School Bus Rules

- Arrive Early
- Wait at a Safe Distance from Road
- Board Safely
- Stay seated while bus is moving
- Buckle up
- Secure personal items (under seat, in lap, not in aisle)
- Never distract the bus driver
- Do not hang arms or head out of the windows
- Talk quietly
- Use the hand rails
- Wait until bus comes to complete stop before disembarking
- Never walk behind of the school bus
Ministry of Education, Sports & Creative Industries

3. Students will participate in a School Bus Skit practicing the rules from

Conclusion/Closure: Assessment/Practice
Each student will orally list one School Bus Rule [ ] Worksheet
[ ] Textbook pg: ………..
[ ] Case study
[ ] Question/Answer
[ ] Puzzle/Games, etc
[ ] Tests/Quiz
[ ] Rubrics
Teacher Reflection of Lesson and Achievement of Goals: Other:

Evaluation (HoD, Master/Senior Teacher, Deputy Principal, Principal, EO): Homework/Drill &

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