Engines Together

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(Camera closes in on the Island of Sodor, then shows various locations of the

island as described)

Narrator: The Island of Sodor is a small island located between both England & the
Isle of Man. It is a place unlike any other, surrounded by a beautiful, shimmering
blue sea with coastal sandy beaches. It also has bright blue sky with the sun
always smiling bright, and spread throughout are beautiful lush green fields, along
with hills and mountains, with forests and rivers that give the island that feeling
of being in a storybook land of wonder.

(Shows the Main line with Gordon speeding through with the express, and montages of
the different engines and various locations of the railway)

But what really makes the Island of Sodor famous are its railway lines, which are
vital aspects of the island’s history and economy, especially the Northwestern
Railway, a standard gauge line founded in 1914. The Northwestern Railway has a main
line that extends all the way from Barrow & Furness past the Vicarstown Bridge, all
the way to Tidmouth Station, where the railway’s main headquarters are at. It also
has several branch lines such as the Ffarqhuar, the Brendam, and the Little Western
lines to name a few, that serve various towns and villages, as well as different
industries such as farms, quarries, harbors, and even historical landmarks.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller standing at the platforms at Tidmouth Station)

The person running the railway is none other than the Fat Controller, Sir Topham
Hatt, a stout gentleman with a suit and top hat that assigns the engines their jobs
and to make sure that everything runs like clockwork. He is a kind and thoughtful
man that loves his engines dearly, treating them fairly, being strict with them if
they misbehave, and looking out for them just like a father-figure would.

(Shows various engines doing different jobs, but cuts to Gordon, Percy, Edward,
BoCo, Henry, Skarloey, and Rheneas being used as the examples descried)

But this railway would not be complete without the engines that run on it. All of
them play a huge part in running the railways of Sodor. Not just economically, but
historically to, as they are in fact the most famous engines, not just in the UK,
but also the world. They have been on the island for many generations, from 1914
when the Northwestern Railway was first formed, to 1981 where our story begins. But
what makes the engines of Sodor unique is the diversity of engines from many
different backgrounds; there are big engines, small engines, steam engines,
diesels, standard-gauge, narrow-gauge, the list goes on. The majority of them are
steam engines, as most other railways use either modern diesels or electric
engines, and that is because the engines & railways of Sodor have fought against
the control and greed of British Railways since the 60’s when dieselization was
taking place, and after the Northwestern Railway became its own independent
facility, and steam engines thrive even to this very day, as well as being
civilized, as they’re not just vehicles and objects used to keep a business a
running, but also individual living beings that can speak, think, and advocate for
themselves, as on Sodor, they’re their own engines who can choose who they want to

The engines are also known for having lots of adventures/misadventures based on
their own ideals, opinions and many other petty traits, as they have been known to
get into various arguments and rivalries over their size, strength, work ethics,
appearances, and many different engine types, and its these petty flaws that can
get them in to trouble every now and again. However, they are good engines with
wonderful characteristics and ambitions, and they do their best to live and learn
from their past exploits, and are always looking out for each other, as they are a
family that will stick together through the test of time. They work hard and stand
together like Really Useful Engines, and the tales of their adventures will still
continue in the Island of Sodor, a land of heritage, prestige, and character, a
magical place where dreams can come true.

(Ends with Thomas passing by under a bridge)

(Thomas passing past the Windmill like in the Classic Series opening)

Narrator: Thomas the Tank Engine has run his branchline for many years, and knows
it very well. He is proud to running up and down the line from Knapford, all the
way to Ffarqhaur, the top station on his branchline with his two faithful coaches,
Annie & Clarabel. Over the years, Thomas has had many adventures along the way, but
always stands out as being a “Really Useful Engine.” One morning, Thomas stood at
Ffarqhaur, having just run around Annie & Clarabel after the morning journey and
was enjoying a short rest before the run back down the valley. At the platform, his
driver and fireman were beside his cab talking to the guard, who had brought some
startling news.

Guard: Hey lads, did you hear that the Ffarqhaur Stationmaster was robbed last

Thomas: Really?

Narrator: Exclaimed Thomas as he awoke when he heard the news, and both his crew
looked at each other surprised and shook their heads.

Thomas’ Driver: You don’t say?

Thomas: I didn’t realize he had anything worth stealing though.

Thomas’ Fireman: You’d be surprised Thomas, he’s actually won trophies for
gardening, but now they’ve all been taken, and worse, the scoundrels had the cheek
to pinch his own car in order to carry them away in.

Thomas’ Driver: Oh god, not that new one he’s so proud of?

Guard: Afraid so! And that car he’s so proud of is expensive, so imagine what the
bill would be like if it was stolen?

Thomas: Well then, in that case, if we see or hear them, we’ll let the authorities
know immediately, as we gotta look out for those in need.

Thomas’ Driver: Sounds like a plan Thomas.

Narrator: Just at that moment, the signal rose to show that the line was clear. The
Driver and Fireman climbed into Thomas’ cab, the Guard blew his whistle, waved his
green flag, and got into Clarabel, and Thomas set off.

(Thomas puffs down the line, going through Hackenback Tunnel and next to Terence’s

Narrator: By the time they were through the tunnel, the train was running nicely.
Both the road and the railway were beside each other here, with only a hill and
fence between them.
Thomas would often remember his race with Bertie the Bus many years ago: he had
only won because he could go through the tunnel in the hill, while Bertie had to go
over it. As Thomas was puffing down the line were both rail and road were separated
with only a steam between them, he noticed a flash of red color on the road that
caught his eye. He tired to go faster look more closely.
Thomas’ Driver: Steady Thomas, there’s plenty of time.

Thomas: (Panting) Oh I’m not speeding up because of that! Look at that car!

Thomas’ Driver: (Confused) Yeah? What about it?

Thomas: Can’t we get any closer to it? It looks like the Stationmaster’s to me.

Thomas’ Driver: Lots of cars look like that. (Realizing something might be
suspicious himself.) But I suppose we could have a look.

Narrator: Just his driver opened the regulator and began to catch up, they noticed
two men driving the car. They waved when they saw Thomas and tried to go faster.
Then his driver looked closer and saw the car’s license plate, and realization

Thomas’ Driver: That’s the car alright Thomas.

Thomas: I knew it! And those two must be the thieves.

Thomas’ Fireman: Yeah, but we can’t stop them, and they’ll be gone long before the
next station.

Thomas: (Realizing something) Maybe we don’t have to. Driver, do you have your
notepad and pencil with you?

Thomas’ Driver: Always, why?

Thomas: What we need is a pencil, paper, and something to put a note in. Then we’ll
throw a message out at the next signal box.

Thomas’ Fireman: That’s brilliant, we can use me lunchbox, I just finished eating
back at Ffarqhaur.

Narrator: Quickly the Fireman wrote the note about the car and put it in his
lunchbox. Then drawing ahead of the car, Thomas whistled to attract the signalman’s
attention. They slowed down so the Fireman could throw the box up to him, and as
they went past, Thomas, his driver and fireman, all shouted, “POLICE”. By now, the
stolen car had gone well ahead, and Thomas & his crew didn’t see it again.

(Cut to the car, pulling over in front of a Police Barricade)

Narrator: But the Signalman telephoned police headquarters at once, and the thieves
were stopped at roadblock about 10 miles farther on. Later that afternoon, Thomas
brought his last train to Knapford Station. When he arrived, he was surprised to
see that the whole station was packed with engines and people. Once he stopped,
there stood the Fat Controller along with the Ffarqhaur Stationmaster who came as
well in his now recovered car, as they told the passengers the whole story, and
then the Stationmaster thanked Thomas, his driver, and fireman for their prompt
actions. The engines and passengers cheered loudly, and they cheered even more when
they heard that the Stationmaster’s gardening trophies had all been found undamaged
in a sack in the truck of the car.

TFC: A long time ago…

Narrator: Said the Fat Controller, holding his hand up for silence.

TFC: Thomas showed how valuable he is to the smooth running of my railway after he
had rescued James when he first came to Sodor, and my father rewarded him his very
own branchline.

(Cuts to James looking down and blushing with embarrassment at that memory.)

TFC: And through many trials and tribulations, he has become one of the most
successful and most popular engines in my fleet. I am sure toy will all agree that
today, he has once again proved himself to be a Really Useful Engine.

Narrator: Thomas beamed!

Thomas: Oh thank you sir! Just doing what’s right!

Percy: Still, three cheers for Thomas:

Everyone: Hip, hip hooray! (3X)

Narrator: Thomas couldn’t have felt more proud. Even though it was all in a days
work, he was quite pleased to have stopped a burglary, and help someone in need.
But that was only the beginning, as the little blue tank engine, and all his
friends will have many more adventures yet to come.

Narrator: Percy the Small Engine had never known his good friend, Tom Tipper to be
anything but cheerful. Tom is a local postman on Sodor, who would often work
alongside Thomas & Percy on their mail runs, and every time they would meet, he
would have cheerful words for the two tank engines, as he helped to load the mail
bags into their trains. And then either engine would take them along the line and
to the Post Office at Elsbridge, where the letters and parcels would be sorted. The
engines know that wherever their rails won’t reach, Tom Tipper would make sure to
deliver everyone’s letters and parcels in his trusty post van safely come rain or

(Shows Tom Tipper handing mail to a resident, then cuts to Elsbridge Junction where
Percy pulls in, and Thomas & Tom Tipper are there)

Narrator: He’s also happy when collecting letters and parcels from the engines mail

Percy: Thank you Tom!

Thomas: Indeed, you’re a really useful postman.

Tom Tipper: Ah! Naht a prahblem lads! Boeht where wooheld I be wethooeht me van? We
make a grand pair.

(Shows Tom leaving in his Post van, then fades to Percy pulling into Elsbridge and
a substitute Postman)

Narrator: But one morning, Tom was taken ill, and a postman they didn’t know on a
bicycle had taken his place. Instead of stopping to load the bags onto the train,
he just dumped them on the platform and cycled away rudely without another word.

Percy: What happened to Tom?

Percy’s Driver: And his old van? No wonder why the relief postman looks cross.
Trying to carry mail bags on a bicycle would make anybody miserable.

(Cuts to the next morning with Percy, Thomas and Tom at Elsbridge)
Narrator: The next day, the engines were glad to see Tom recovered and back at
work, but he didn’t look very cheerful as he usually did.

Percy: Good morning Mr. Tipper! It’s great to see you back.

Tom: (sighs) Oh, hello Percy. Tahp o’ de mahrnin Thomas.

Percy: You okay Tom, what’s the matter?

Thomas: And why do you have a bicycle?

Tom: (sighs) De pahst master decided dat me van was too expensive to roehn, so ‘e
decided to coeht cahsts by replacing it wit dis wee bicycle.

Percy: What? Now that just sucks!

Tom: Aye! It soehcks a lath! Boeht oehnfahrtunately, dere’s nahthin I can do

aboohet it, and de roohends take lahnger ahn me bike. I’m sahrry, boeht I can’t
stahp to ‘elp you.

(Tom walks away)

Percy: Shame, I wish there was some way I can cheer Tom up.

Narrator: Sighed Percy the Small Engine. He was just thinking of how this could be
done when his thoughts were rudely interrupted. A porter was shouting at Tom.

Porter: Mr. Tipper, wait, you gotta come back to the Stationmaster’s office
immediately! He needs you to sign some important papers right away.

Tom: Oh dear! Ahh dear! Dis is goin to make me later stell!

Narrator: He asked Percy to keep an eye on his bike while he was gone, and
carefully propped it on the side of the platform. He was gone for 5 minutes and
didn’t return when it was time for Percy too leave. Some boys were playing on the
platform and Percy became worried, as he knew that children that age can get into
all sorts of mischief.

Percy’s Driver: Sorry Percy, but we have to go, time and the Fat Controller wait
for nobody.

Percy: Okay, but I hope Tom’s bike will be okay.

(Percy starts puffing away from the platform)

Narrator: Once Percy was departing, no one noticed that one of the boys had picked
up Tom’s bicycle and began to fool around with it. He peddled too far alongside the
platform and was picking up speed. One he realized, he tried to stop, but he sped
out of control towards the line.

Boy: Whoa, HELP!


Percy: (Gasps) OH NO! DRIVER STOP! STOP!

(Cuts to Percy’s wheels trying to brake, and the boy falling off the bike, and the
bike swerving on the track until Percy comes and crunches it)
Narrator: Luckily, the boy fell off at just the right moment before the bike
swerved and disappeared into Percy’s wheels with a crunch. Percy’s crew surveyed
the damage, and all they could find was Tom Tipper’s bicycle in pieces. Tom saw
what happened, and he, the Stationmaster and the guard caught and reprimanded the
boys, telling them of how naughty they all were, and lucky that they’re still
alive, and the Stationmaster also threatened to call their parents to.

Percy: I’m sorry Mr. Tipper!

Tom: Never mend Percy! It wasn’t yooehr faoehlt, and I never liked dat bike moech
anyway. Boeht now I’ve ahnly me legs to get de mail delivered! Whatever’ll ‘appen

Narrator: Tom Tipper soon found out.

(Cuts to a few days later)

Tom Tipper: A few days later, he was waiting happily for Percy.

(Percy pulls into Elsbridge)

Percy: Peep, peep! Is that a smart new van I see?

Tom Tipper: It is indeed! Dat accident ded me a good toehrn Percy. Yooehy
controller ‘eard aboohet what ‘appened, and ahrdered me chief to let me use my van
after all. Moech better dan an ahld bike, and wahrth de expense.

Percy: That’s wonderful! So now you can always be on time and help us again!

Tom: Exactly! Dank you Percy! I dahn’t know what I’d do wethooeht you.

Percy: Hey, what are friends for right? I’ll see you later Tom.

Tom: You too Percy! Bye!

(Cuts to Tom leaving in his post van, then to Percy)

Percy: So I did help, but by accident you might say!

(Percy breaks the 4th wall by winking at the audience and blowing his whistle)

Narrator: One morning on the Little Western, Oliver the Great Western Engine didn’t
feel well.

Oliver: (Stuffy voice) I’m all stuffed up in my funnel. I don’t know what it is,
but I just can’t breathe properly.

Oliver’s Fireman: That’s odd! You were working just fine and I gave your smokebox a
good cleaning yesterday. I’ll have a go at your tubes this evening, maybe that’ll

Oliver’s Driver: Hmm! You sound just like me when I’ve got a cold. The good news is
that at least you don’t have to keep blowing your nose like I do.

(Fades to Oliver’s firebox)

Narrator: The fireman sure to clean Oliver’s tubes, but unfortunately, it made no
difference. They even brought an inspector to see him, but not even he could find
anything wrong with Oliver.
(Fades to Oliver still being checked at Tidmouth Hault Sheds, and Duck pulling a
ballast train and Toad behind it)

Narrator: While Oliver was being checked over, Duck had to see to Oliver’s trains.
This annoyed him of course, as this would often make him late before his first
passenger run of the day. And Donald & Douglas couldn’t assist today, as they were
called to help out on the Main Line today. One day, when the trucks were being more
troublesome than usual, Duck bumped them. It wasn’t intentional, but his buffers,
instead of bouncing like they should’ve, gave Duck a nasty jolt.

Duck: Oof! Oh dear, should’ve been more careful there. Oh well, best be off.

Narrator: Of course, Duck shouldn’t have assumed. While he noticed no ill affect at
the time,
soon after he started with his passenger train, he began to feel cold and wet,
above his left hand heels.

Duck: That’s funny! I’m sure we filled up with water before we started. We can’t
have used that much already. Driver, could you check the water gauge please?

Narrator: They did, but the water level continued to drop, and Duck’s driver
stopped the train, and got out to take a look. Once they did, they were surprised
to find a steady dribble of water in the corner of Duck’s tanks.

Duck’s Driver: Here’s the problem! You must’ve loosened a plate when you bumped
those trucks.

Duck: Oh crap, I shouldn’t have assumed! But what should we do now?

Duck’s Fireman: Hmm… well the next stations not that far from here. Well get the
passengers there, and a bus can get to Tidmouth immediately instead of us.

(Fades to Duck at Callan Station, and Bertie leaving)

Narrator: So Duck made his way too Callan Station, and Bertie collected the
passengers. While Duck’s fireman sent for Oliver to help Duck home.

(Fades to Oliver down in front of Duck)

Narrator: Oliver thought it a great joke.

Oliver: (Chuckles quietly)

Narrator: He chuckled too himself. He was still laughing when coupled to Duck, and
they began their journey home.

(Cuts to Oliver passing under a bridge)

Narrator: It was hard work, and Oliver was feeling the strain.

Oliver’s Driver: Steady Oliver! Don’t go putting yourself out of action to.

Narrator: Oliver heaved and strained, pulling hard as he could, then he felt a
sharp pain in his funnel.

Oliver: (Groans) Oh god, my funnel, I feel like I’m gonna pop!

Narrator: No sooner did Oliver say that, suddenly, something shot from his funnel
in the air like a rocket. No one saw it land, but Oliver didn’t care, because now
he felt well again, and was able to bring Duck and the coaches back home again, in
fine style.

(Cuts to Tidmouth Hault Sheds with Duck, Oliver, and his driver)

Oliver’s Driver: you must’ve had something jammed across your funnel. But the extra
pulling of Duck unjammed it and blew out.

Oliver: Yeah indeed! Kinda like how Henry once sneezed at those boys many years
ago. Now I feel ready for anything.

Oliver’s Driver: That’s good (chuckles)! Your next trains due, you’ll have no
trouble with that now.

(Showing Oliver puffing away from the sheds)

Narrator: And Oliver didn’t!

Narrator: Gordon the Big Engine has lived on the Island of Sodor for many
generations. In fact, he has lived on the island longer than any other engine to
date, and proud of it. While he always has a tendency to boast due to his pompous
behavior, he’s goodhearted to, and quite wise and experienced. However, he would
still let his many years of experience go through his smokebox, believing that he
knows best, and would be too proud to admit when he’s wrong. Though that would
change one day.

(Cuts to the shunting yards)

Narrator: One autumn morning, Gordon was at Yards being prepared for his morning
service. Just as the fireman was oiling Gordon’s rods, the Foreman strode up,
clutching a piece of paper.

Yard Manager: Good morning lads! The new timetable just arrived from the printers.
Stationmaster said to make sure you got one.

Gordon’s Driver: Huh, thanks!

Narrator: The driver smiled! And then he and the fireman started to look it over.

Gordon’s Fireman: Well, the only changed I could spot is that it says Gordon must
arrive 10 minutes early than usual.

Gordon’s Driver: 10 minutes early? Nah, that can’t be, surely that’s a mistake.

Gordon: Ah, it’s not to reason why! Fat Controller’s orders, and we must do what he
says. If the timetable says I must arrive early, then I will. That’s the correct
way to run a railway.

Narrator: Gordon’s crew could only roll their eyes, but there wasn’t any time to
reason with Gordon now, as he was due to collect his train.

(Cuts to Gordon thundering down the line with the express)

Narrator: Soon Gordon was rocketing by with the express. But because he took
timetable schedule seriously, he was trying his hardest to go faster than usual,
which didn’t go down well with the coaches.

Coaches: (Panting) Why the rush? (Panting) Why the rush?

Narrator: But Gordon ignored them.

Gordon: I must arrive early today, I must!

Narrator: But he said this too himself.

(Fades to Elsbridge Junction)

Narrator: Gordon reached Elsbridge Junction in excellent time, and because he was
so early, there was no sign of Thomas. Gordon stood there, hissing steam, growing
evermore restless, and eyeing the station clock impatiently.

Gordon: Well, best be off now, I mean, I have to be 10 minutes early, schedule

Gordon’s Driver: For the last time, it was a mistake.

Gordon: Pah, no it isn’t a mistake, we have to leave immediately. I’m expected

early because I don’t have to wait for little Thomas anymore. A long overdue change
if you ask me, but I’m sure he must have received his new timetable as well.

Gordon’s Driver: Oh god, do you hear yourself right now Gordon? If you can just get
out of that thick headed pride of yours, and learn to think about the comfort of
the passengers, not your own needs and wants.

Gordon: Pardon?

Gordon’s Fireman: You’re required to stop here to collect passengers from Thomas’s
branchline as you are a guaranteed connection. And even the Fat Controller wouldn’t
approve of you being too early as this would cause trouble for the passengers.

Gordon: Nonsense, they could always catch the local train with either Henry, James
or Bear, I’m an express engine, and I should not stop to collect passengers from
branch line trains.

Narrator: Gordon’s driver, fireman and guard all attempted to reason with him, and
then the stationmaster and later the passengers to. But the big engine was too
insistent. Everybody ended up red in the face, but ultimately convinced that Gordon
might be right.

Gordon: I knew you’d all come around to my way of thinking

Narrator: Gordon grinned as he steamed away. But just as he left, who should up
sooner than Thomas puffing down the branch line. The passengers got out of Annie &
Clarabel, expecting to join Gordon’s train, but they couldn’t. Unfortunately, one
of those passengers just happened to be the Fat Controller, and he looks even more
annoyed than the passengers.

The Fat Controller: What is the meaning of this?

Elsbridge Stationmaster: (Stuttering) Um…uh…oh dear! I’m afraid Gordon has already
gone sir!

TFC: Gone? Whatever for?

Narrator: The Stationmaster went on explaining about the new timetable, and the
argument that occurred.
TFC: (Groans) Oh Gordon! Well he’s certainly wrong, that was obviously a “mistake!”
Printing error most likely!

Narrator: The passengers began to crowd round. They were saying what a bad railway
this was, and he didn’t like that. Thomas who had overheard, came up with an idea.

Thomas: Excuse me sir, I think I might have a solution! My next train was to be a
stone train bound for Brendam Docks. But it can wait once I help get you and
everyone else to Knapford.

TFC: Well done, Thomas! That’s the most sensible thing I heard all morning! Thank

Narrator: He beamed! Though while he was proud of Thomas, he was still deciding
what to do with Gordon once he dealt with him. And when he found him later that day
at the coal hopper, he wasted no time in scolding him.

Gordon: Oh, good afternoon sir, um…is something the matter?

TFC: Why yes indeed Gordon! The fact that today you deliberately missed Thomas’s
train, and the passengers had missed their guaranteed connection.

Gordon: Oh that? But sir, I thought…

TFC: Well you thought wrong, as I heard from the Elsbridge Stationmaster that
you’ve been very persistent about arriving early because of a timetable error,
especially causing a whole argument were you made everything about yourself and not

Gordon: Error?

TFC: Yes Gordon, let me tell you that the part in the schedule that you and your
crew saw was a mistake, as in reality, that would cause a great disruption for the
timetable in general.
Especially since I was one of the passengers on Thomas’s train, expecting to join
your guaranteed connection.

Narrator: Gordon gasped! But unfortunately, even though he was sorry deep down, he
was still too proud to admit he was wrong.

Gordon’s Driver: We tried to reason with him sir, but he was being too insistent
and stubborn to even bother to listen to reason.

TFC: Oh I don’t blame you Jerry! But you Gordon, you have done a lot of careless,
inconsiderate and selfish things due to your pompous nature, but I would never
think you would sink this low. Yes, of course schedules are important, but it
doesn’t supersede with common sense. Passengers come first on my railway, not your
own needs and wants.

Gordon: But sir, I was trying to do what was right for you, and I shouldn’t have to
wait for branch line trains like little Thomas

Gordon’s Driver: (Sternly) Gordon!

Gordon: And the passengers could always take to local train, not like its important
as mine, but error or not, we should…

TFC: (Angrily) GORDON!

Narrator: Everybody went silent at once!

TFC: (Calming down a bit) So you’re gonna argue with me right now, huh? It seems as
if you’ve learned nothing after all your past mistakes. Very well Gordon, if you’re
gonna keep being selfish, then I’m afraid you leave me no choice.

(Cuts to the Goods siding at Knapford Station)

Narrator: So as punishment, the Fat Controller had ordered Gordon’s crew to move
him into the goods siding at Knapford Station.

TFC: You will stay here in this siding until you’ve learned sense, and Henry can
see to the express until then.

Narrator: Then he strode on his heel, and walked sternly away, with Gordon’s crew
following behind. But Gordon was still too stubborn to admit he was being selfish.

Gordon: Pah…no matter, I’m sure the Fat Controller will come around eventually,
this won’t last long.

Narrator: And Gordon went to sleep! But the next morning…

(James whistles)

Gordon: Ah! What the devil?

Narrator: James came in pulling his local train.

James: What are you doing there Gordon? I didn’t see you at the sheds last night,
and then I saw Henry pulling the express?

Gordon: Well…um…I’ve been positioned here as an example to all you smaller engines!
So you can example of what a fine engine looks like.

Narrator: James of course didn’t believe a word of this, and he puffed away

James: Yeah, of course you are Gordon, just try not to attract pigeons (Laughing).

Narrator: Gordon fumed. But he just yawned, and went crossly back to sleep.

(BoCo coming down the line with milk tankers)

Narrator: He next awoke to the sound of BoCo rumbling by with a milk train.

BoCo: Hello Gordon, what are you doing here?

Gordon: Oh, good day BoCo! Just taking some time off from work.

BoCo: Okay, but don’t take too long.

Narrator: Said BoCo, clearly not believing him. Dawn was already breaking, and
Gordon was no beginning to feel both bored and cold.

Gordon: Oh, I must’ve been here all night! Good lord, the Fat Controller really
meant what he said! Then again, this is the Fat Controller, he always means what he
says! It seems like this whole timetable situation, I was thinking more about
myself than everybody else after all.
(Sighs) I really let the Fat Controller down this time.

Narrator: He pondered, wondering if the Fat Controller would ever forgive him.

(Fades to next morning, showing various engines passing by with trains, and Percy
and Oliver passing by shunting)

Narrator: Gradually, Knapford Station grew busy once more. As commuters arrived to
catch trains to work, tank engines scampering past looking for trucks and coaches
to shunt, and other engines passing by with their regular trains.

(Cuts to night with Henry stopping by)

Narrator: Then at night, Henry passed by on his way back from pulling the Flying

Henry: You’ve been on that siding for quite some time now Gordon. Come down with
boiler ache?

Gordon: Oh goodness me, no! Never been better! I’ve just been too asked to stay
here and keep an eye on all you other engines! You know, just to make sure your all
running on time, that sort of thing.

Henry: If you say so Gordon! Now, if I’ll excuse me, I must get back to my nice
warm shed.

Narrator: Instead of being cross, Gordon just sighed and shivered. The weather was
colder tonight, and his fire still wasn’t lite. He realized he had much to think
about, and plenty of time to do it.

(Cuts to next morning at Wellsworth Station with Edward & Henry)

Narrator: The next morning when he took the express out, Henry decided to discuss
the matter with Edward.

Edward: Oh my word Henry! Gordon’s been on the goods siding for two days, whatever

Henry: That’s just it, I don’t know! And neither does anyone else. I mean, Gordon
has done lots of pompous things over the years, but whatever he’s done this time,
he’s too proud to admit, and even more than usual. Honestly, I hope he’s back in
service soon. I mean, I love to pull the express every once in a while, but it’s
exhausting every day, especially because this is interfering with my other work.

Edward: Indeed! Don’t worry Henry, I have to deliver some supplies over to
Knapford, I’ll make sure to have a word with him and see what I can do. This really
needs sorting out!

Henry: Thank you Edward!

Narrator: The big green engine smiled, as he departed.

(Cuts to Knapford Station were Edward pulls up next to Gordon)

Narrator: Later that day, after Edward delivered his train, he stopped by next to
Gordon, who was still sulking.

Edward: Good afternoon Gordon!

Gordon: Oh, um…hello Edward!

Edward: You do look upset, penny for your thoughts?

Narrator: At first, Gordon tried to back track, thinking of another excuse, but
then realized that he was still in hot water with the Fat Controller for letting
his pride get the better of him. So he knew now that if he ever wanted to leave the
siding, he had to admit the truth.

Edward: Come on Gordon, you can tell me anything, I’ll understand!

Narrator: So Gordon toke a deep breath, and explained to Edward everything.

Gordon: So as you see, there was an error with the timetable schedule, that I
actually thought was true, and I wanted to use it for my… (Clears thought) my own
advantage. So I didn’t wait for little Thomas… I mean Thomas’s train, and the
passengers, even the Fat Controller, missed their guaranteed connection. And when
the Fat Controller confronted me about that, I argued back, and even said some
rather thoughtless and inconsiderate comments about the passengers…and everybody

Edward: Oh my Gordon… you of all engines should know better than to make everything
about yourself. It doesn’t matter who you are, passengers need to catch their
trains on the Main Line, as it is a guaranteed connection, and also, you should
never argue back with the Fat Controller, especially on these petty issues.

Gordon: You’re right Edward… and being in this siding is only making me realize
this! I mean, I was only trying to do what I thought was the right thing, but it
seems I only cared more about myself, and not even admitting I made a mistake with
even something as slight as a printing error. It finally made me realize…that it
seems… (Sighs) I was wrong!

TFC: (Sternly) You certainly were!

Narrator: Said a stern voice. It was the Fat Controller, who had heard everything.
Gordon was worried he’d still be cross… but thankfully, he was smiling proudly at
the big blue engine.

TFC: But hey, I can see you’re sorry now Gordon, and that you realize sometimes,
it’s okay to be wrong, as that’s how we learn from our mistakes.

Gordon: Thank you sir! I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused!

TFC: That’s alright Gordon! Besides, even I can make mistakes every now and again
to. But will say no more of this and move on. Edward, please take Gordon to the
water tower please, he’s just in time to pull the afternoon express.

Edward: Yes sir!

(Cuts to Edward shunting Gordon to the water tower in the Shunting Yards)

Narrator: As Edward shunted Gordon to the water tower, Gordon now felt happier this
time, and he thanked Edward as well for helping him admit the truth.

Gordon: What a relief! It seems that even experienced engines such as myself
sometimes forget about what matters most, but we can always learn from that. In
future, I’ll do my best to remember that passengers come first no matter what.

Edward: And I’m proud of you Gordon. Good for you!

(Opens at Tidmouth Sheds with James, Edward, Gordon and Henry)

Narrator: One evening, James the Red Engine was feeling sorry himself.

James: (Sighs) I’m getting old! I just can’t get about like I used to. It’s alright
for you younger ones, but my wheels are getting stiff.

Edward: Young engines? What are talking about James, we’ve all been on this railway
longer than you have.

Gordon: Indeed! You just don’t work as hard as I do. Perhaps if you worked more,
and whined less, you wouldn’t be stiffening up, and not sulking like you are now.

Henry: (Annoyed) You poor old groaner! It’s no use for you just sitting there
moaning. Why don’t you just tell the Fat Controller that you’re past it!

Narrator: James didn’t like the idea. Not all old engines, so he had heard, were
preserved. Some, they said, were sold for scrap. James shuddered, and decided not
to take a chance on it.

(Cuts to the next morning)

Narrator: The next morning, James’s Driver could see how worried he looked, and
decided to find out why.

James’s Driver: You alright James? You look miserable!

Narrator: James told him about what Henry had said last night.

James’s Driver: Well it is true James, you have been quite lazy, and you always try
to get out of jobs you are required to do. But the Fat Controller cares for all his
engines, and he would never dream of having anybody scrapped, even you.

James: Well, that is true.

James’s Driver: Exactly! Anyways, tonight you will have a chance to prove yourself,
as we’re on the Midnight Goods Train for the time being.

James: (Annoyed) WHAT? Why me?

James’s Driver: Because BoCo & Bear are unavailable as of right now, as Bear is
away helping out on the main land, and BoCo is having his yearly service. Now come
on, it’ll only be until either of them get back. Plus, at least you can prove the
other engines wrong.

James: (Sighs) Oh fine!

(Cuts to James shunting trucks at the shunting Yards at night)

Narrator: Now, the night goods always left Knapford at midnight. Usually, BoCo &
Bear would take turns in rotation pulling the train each night. But as James’s
Driver said, Bear was away, and BoCo was being mended. And when both were
unavailable, James would be one of the few engines to take it instead, and of
course, he grumbled like anything.

(James shunts some trucks in reverse)

James: (Annoyed) All this extra shunting.

Narrator: He snorted indignantly. It wasn’t common for James to hate doing goods
work. But thinking about Gordon & Henry’s comments, he said nothing.

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds in the morning)

Narrator: Two days later, an inspector came to the sheds to see James & his crew.

Inspector: People who live near the yards are complaining. They say there’s a sort
of loud groaning noise which keeps them awake, and even the Fat Controller has been
getting lots phone calls regarding this too.

James’s Driver: Really? Because I don’t remember hearing anything, and we were only
there until midnight.

Inspector: That’s right! That’s when they said it stopped!

Henry: It’s probably only James! Moaning & groaning about the extra shunting!

James: (Groaning) Aw shaddup! If you had to shunt at night, you’d moan and groan
louder than anybody.

Henry: Pah! I pull the Flying Kipper at night, and I’m used to working late hours!
What’s your excuse?

James’s Driver: Well one thing’s for certain, we better have a listen and figure
out what it is.

(Cuts to the Shunting Yards at night)

Narrator: Later that night, James’s Driver & Fireman listened carefully, and they
heard a loud metal groaning screech when James was shunting a long line of trucks
in place.

James’s Fireman: It is you James!

James’s Driver: And here’s the problem; you’re brake blocks aren’t holding your
wheels properly, and when they rub against each other, they make a groaning sound
as you’ve just heard.

James: Oh, I see!

Narrator: James found this most embarrassing! Now he began to understand why his
wheels had been feeling stiff. Here he was complaining about doing the midnight
goods, only to have him physically groaning and keep the town of Knapford awake.

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds next morning, with James, the Fat Controller, and the

Narrator: The next morning, when the Fat Controller was informed about James’s
groaning, he acted at once.

TFC: I cannot have complaints about my railway. Inspector, tell Donald & Douglas to
take turns on the midnight goods until BoCo & Bear return. James, you must have
your brakes seen to at once.

James: Yes sir, thank you sir!

Narrator: James was pleased not to have to pull the night goods, but his nickname
of “Old Groaner” stuck for several weeks afterwards. He even began to feel, that it
might’ve been better to do the shunting after all, whether he liked it or not.

(Opens to Trevor working at the scrapyard, then Edward rushing by)

Narrator: Trevor is a traction engine that lives at the Vicarage Orchard at

Wellsworth. While he may be old-fashioned to some, he doesn’t care, as he knows
he’s still useful like his best friend, Edward the Blue Engine, whom the latter
saved from scrap many years ago.

(Cuts to the Vicarage Orchard with Trevor working)

Narrator: One morning, Trevor was chuffing cheerfully through the Vicarage Orchard,
as he had exciting news for Edward, who was waiting at a red signal.

Trevor: The Vicar says that not all children are able to afford enough money for a
holiday by the seaside, so he’s hosting a garden party to raise money for a seaside
trip. I’m going to be the star attraction, giving rides to all the visitors.

Edward: That sounds nice! In fact, maybe I could help out to, though without my
rails, I wouldn’t be much good at a garden party.

Trevor: Oh, you never know Edward, we could always another hand, or wheel I should
say (Chuckles).

(Fades to the next scene with Edward puffing through Wellsworth Station)

Narrator: After Edward’s line was clear, he was puffing down the line, thinking of
something he could do to help. I wish there was something I could do to help for
the Vicar’s fundraiser, I would like to be useful, like Trevor.

Edward’s Driver: You’re helpful in your own way Edward, and that’s on the railway,
I’m sure that something might come up.

(Edward passes under the bridge, then fades to Crock’s Scrapyard)

Narrator: Turns out the next day, Edward’s chance had come, as Trevor was working
at Crock’s Scrapyard, and now it was his turn to look concerned.

Trevor: Oh Edward, thank goodness I have chance to speak to you. The Vicar has been
so busy that he’s forgot to put up the posters, now no one will know about the

Edward: Oh my, now that is a shame, hmm…

Narrator: But then, Edward had an idea!

(Shows a fantasy of Edward having the posters pasted on him)

Edward: I know, what if the Vicar and his staff can put his poster on my cab, my
tender, and my coaches, like the billboards they would do on buses, so that way
wherever I go, they’ll go to, and people will know.

Edward’s Driver: Well done Edward. I’m sure the Fat Controller would agree.

(Cuts to Edward’s Crew and the Vicar at the Fat Controller’s Office)

Narrator: As indeed he did. But he also made sure that the other engines would have
it posted on their passenger runs as well. They didn’t mind, as they knew it was
for a good cause.

(Cuts to Edward pulling in at Crosby Station)

Passenger 1: Hey look, the Vicar at Wellsworth is hosting a garden party.

Passenger 2: That sounds lovely, I love garden parties.

Passenger 3: Yes, looks go make some arrangements.

(Cuts to Trevor at his shed)

Narrator: A few days later, Trevor was resting in his shed at the Orchard, when
Bertie arrived.

Bertie: Hello there Trevor, we are you dosing their like an old stick in the mud.

Trevor: (Annoyed) I’m not dosing, I’m resting. Tomorrow is the Vicar’s party.

Bertie: Ah yes, that! I’ll be there too, dropping of passengers who paid good money
for it. Though I’m not sure people would wanna ride in an old traction engine like
you, when they should really take a cruise in a small red bus like yours truly.

(Bertie drives away)

Narrator: Trevor felt upset. While he and Bertie did know each other, Bertie hadn’t
really appreciated the kind of vehicle that a traction engine was, and he would
sometimes pass by teasing Trevor with some rather rude comments.

(Cuts to next morning)

Narrator: The next morning, the party day arrived. Though it had rained heavily
during the night, and the Orchard ground was soaked.

(Cuts to Trevor’s shed)

Trevor: Rain and mud won’t spoil my day.

Jem Cole Jr.: No indeed! We’ll stay on the roads, then we won’t get bogged down.

(Cuts to Trevor leaving his shed, and then pulling his cart for the hay rides)

Narrator: Trevor was so busy trundling down the quiet country lane, carrying lots
of laughing children. He was just turning the corner, when he heard Bertie.

Bertie: Hello old timer! I’m taking everyone to the party, people have come from
all over the island.

Narrator: Trevor gave Bertie a cheerful whistle and turned back toward the Orchard.
As he was doing so, then there was trouble.

(Shows Bertie bogged in the mud at the entrance)

Bertie: Help, I’m stuck!

Narrator: Bertie was trying to make it into the party, but forgetting the storm the
previous night, his wheels sank deeply in the orchard mud. The passengers
thankfully got out of Bertie’s door safely, but the poor bus was sunk deeply in the
mud, as he desperately tried to back out, but his wheels turning only sank him in
deeper. Just then, Terence the Tractor, who was giving hayrides, saw everything,
and he arrived just in time, but he and Trevor couldn’t help laughing.

Terence: (Laughing) I'm de one who 'as to plooehgh fields, we’d better get you
ooeht o' 'ere Bertie.

Narrator: Using strong ropes, Terence & Trevor pulled Bertie clear off the mud.

Trevor: (Chuckles) This will teach Bertie a thing or to.

Narrator: Trevor chuckled to himself. At last, Bertie was on firm, solid road

Bertie: (Sighs) Free at last! Thank you Terence, and thank you to Trevor. I think I
owe you an apology, I never got to appreciate you for real.

Trevor: That’s alright Bertie, better late than never I suppose.

Bertie: Well one thing is for certain, you’re not a stuck in the mud after all.

Trevor: No, but you were, just for a little while.

Terence: Yeah, anyone wooehld dink you were becombing a peg, and dey prefer moehd
any day.

Narrator: And everybody had a good laugh about that. The Vicar’s Party was a
success, everybody was enjoying themselves, and Bertie, Trevor and Terence were
cruising around the old land giving children and their families rides. And Bertie,
after spending time getting to know Trevor, began to appreciate him a lot more now.

(Cuts to Wellsworth Station)

Narrator: Later that evening, when Edward was getting ready to take the guests
home, the Vicar came to see him and his crew.

Vicar: I wanted to come and thank you and your crew today Edward. Thanks to your
good idea, hundreds of people came to pay for the party, and now, we’ve raised lots
of money for our seaside trip next week.

Edward: That’s good to hear Vicar. I’m glad I can help, anything for a friend.

(Shows Trevor sleeping in his shed)

Narrator: Edward departed the station pleased, and Trevor fell happily asleep,
thinking about his new friend Bertie, Edward’s support, and the children who would
finally get to the seaside at last.

(Shows various waterways on Sodor, and then Knapford Harbor, and the vans being
shunted by Duck)

Narrator: On starry nights when the moon’s full and the air still, you can hear the
sounds of faraway ships and distant laughter. They echo over the hills and through
the valleys, down calm canals and sleepy inlets. Every engine knows these are the
sounds that the harbor is hard at work at Knapford. One night, a special load of
fish was ordered, and the Fat Controller decided that extra vans must be added to
the train, which the men called, the “Flying Kipper”, a special fish train usually
pulled by Henry, that is delivered to various towns on Sodor, and the remainder is
delivered too Barrow over on the main land. The only spare vans that were available
were old ones that had been standing unused in a siding for some time, which the
workmen were cleaning them quickly, and they were shunted onto the tail end of the
train by Duck.

(Shows Thomas coming up with the Post Train)

Narrator: Thomas puffed by with the post train, were he saw Duck, just done
shunting, before heading to Wellsworth later on.

Thomas: Hello Duck! Nice night, huh?

Duck: Oh, it sure is Thomas, but after all that shunting, I’m not done yet. I have
to head to Wellsworth to bank trains up Gordon’s Hill for the night.

Thomas: Okay, at least you’re not going fishing, because if you did, I’d take care
if I were you?

Duck: Why?

Thomas: Well for one thing, remembering my own experience many years ago, if fish
get into an engine’s boiler, they would cause the feed pipe to get clogged, and for
said engine to explode.

Duck: (Shudders at the thought)

Thomas: Yeah! And for another, fish can be awfully smelly. And I know what I’m
talking about. Good night.

(Thomas puffs away leaving Duck worried)

Narrator: Two hours had passed and all the vans that were listed on the manifest
were all coupled onto the train. Henry grumbled dreadfully, but he knew nothing
could’ve been done.

Henry’s Driver: (Sighs) Well, you’ll just have to put up with it Henry, as least
the extra load will mean we can have a banker help us up Gordon’s Hill.

Henry: (Sighs) Well, you are right about that. But I just hope nothing bad happens.

Narrator: Just, then the last van doors were locked shut, the tail lamp was lite,
and Henry steamed out of the harbor with his long, heavy train.

(Shows Henry heaving the Flying Kipper for a few minutes, then cuts to Duck at

Narrator: Duck was waiting at Wellsworth Station so that he can helps the heavy
trains from pushing behind.

(Show Henry puffing across the Coastal Route, then fades to him reaching

Narrator: Henry was making good progress in spite of his extra cargo. When they
reached Wellsworth Station, his driver stopped the train beyond the platform.

Henry: (Blows whistle) Peep, peep! I need help please!

Duck: (Blows whistle) Peep, peep! I won’t be long Henry!

Narrator: Duck buffered up gently behind Henry’s train. He was not coupled on, that
way Henry would be able to run on without stopping when they reached the top.
Duck: (Blows whistle) Ready!

Narrator: He whistled! And off they left!

(A montage of Henry & Duck pulling the train is shown, then shows the duo tackling
Gordon’s Hill)

Narrator: Soon, the two engines were at Gordon’s Hill.

Henry: Pull hard, pull hard!

Duck: We’re doing it, we’re doing it!

Narrator: Henry was pulling harder then he realized.

(Shows the tail lamp falling off and Duck slacking behind)

Narrator: Duck felt the weight of his buffers slacking, until he realized something

Duck: There’s no sign of a tail lamp.

Narrator: He whistled, but there was no reply, as nobody from the front could hear
him. Then Henry realized something else.

Henry: My train’s getting heavier! I’m slowing down!

Narrator: Then there was trouble!

(Duck crashes into back of the train, the vans shatter, his front gets damaged, and
Henry stops in shock)

Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt, but Duck’s front was badly bent, and the
shattered pieces of the vans’ wooden panels had fall on him, denting his funnel and
front handrails in the process, and giving him a black eye. Worse still, a strong
sense of fish hung in the air.

Henry: Oh my god! Duck, are you okay?

Duck: (Groans) Oh, I’m alright, but the train, the lamp, my front… oww.

Henry: Oh my! We better get help!

(Cuts to next morning with the mess being cleared)

Narrator: The guard went down the hill to warn the signalman, and when daylight
came, Edward had brought the breakdown train to clear the mess, Henry carried on
taking whatever was left of the train. Workmen found the broken tail lamp on the
side of the hill, and that lamp iron holding to the van was rusty, it snapped off,
causing it break lose and roll down the bottom of the hill. The Fat Controller came
and spoke kindly to Duck.

TFC: Don’t worry Duck, this accident wasn’t your fault. We should’ve checked that
the lamp iron holding the tail lamp was fixed on properly. We’ll soon have you
repaired and in working order again.

Duck: (Sighs) Thank you sir! Thomas did warn me last night to be careful of fish.
They got me in right pickle didn’t they.
(Opens at Terence’s Field with Thomas puffing down the line)

Narrator: Thomas the Tank Engine was puffing cheerfully down his branchline with
Annie & Clarabel. It was a beautiful day.

(Shows field of cows nearby)

Thomas: (Blows whistle) Peep, peep! Good morning!

Narrator: He whistled to some cows at the farm, but the cows didn’t reply.

Thomas: Never mind, they’re busy with their breakfast.

(Shows Bertie struggling down the road)

Narrator: Next he saw Bertie the Bus.

Thomas: Ah, good morning Bertie, care for a race today.

Narrator: But all Bertie could say was…

Bertie: Ow, that’s another hole in the road!

Thomas: Oh, I’m sorry Bertie.

Narrator: Said Thomas concerned, as he puffed away.

(Thomas puffs away, then cuts to him at Hackenback)

Narrator: Thomas was still in good spirits, when Bertie arrived. Needless to say,
he was still disgruntled.

Thomas: Bad luck Bertie, now it you were a steam engine, you would run on a pair of
reliable rails.

Bertie: Humph! Reliable you say! I’m annoyed because the railway was supposed to
deliver tar to mend the road about 2 weeks ago. You can’t trust a thing that runs
on rails.

Thomas: Easy Bertie, I was just joking! I happen to run on rails, and you can trust
me. Tell you what, I’ll go to the Shunting Yards later and find out what’s

Narrator: as soon as the guard blew his whistle, Thomas made his way towards

(Shows Thomas casually puffing down the line, then cuts to James grumpily shunting
at the Shunting Yards)

Narrator: Meanwhile, James on the other hand was just as grumpy, as he was snorting
about in the yard.

James: It just sucks right now! I mean, Percy gets to go work at Brendam Docks, but
the Fat Controller has me, a splendid red engine shunting dirty trucks in dirty
sidings. And to make matters worse, I have to go on the dirty branchline of
(James bumps the trucks hard)

Trucks: OH! Just you wait James, will show ya, ya oversized hot dog!

Narrator: Gordon, who was filling up on water, witnessed everything, and all he
could do was laugh!

Gordon: Seems like you’ve been demoted to branchline work I see.

James: Oh shut up! I’ve not been demoted…I just hate working with goods, and on
branch lines.

Gordon: Relax there James, I’m only teasing! I know how you feel, and I’ll tell you
what, if you pretended to be ill, you wouldn’t trucks here, or go to Anopha Quarry
there, could you?

James: Hmm…sounds like a great idea, but wait a minute, didn’t you try this with
Sir Handel a few years back?

Gordon: While I admit it failed then, but here we are years later, so it’s bound to
work now.
James: Alright then, I’ll try it. Look, here comes Thomas! This is his branchline
of course, so, I’ll start pretending now.

(Thomas comes in)

Narrator: Thomas was searching for the missing tar tankers, but was sorry to see
the big engines looking miserable.

Thomas: Cheer up you two, it’s a beautiful day.

Gordon: Maybe, but it’s not for James.

Thomas: (Suspiciously) Why, what’s the matter?

Gordon: Why can’t you tell, he’s sick!

James: (Groans) Yeah, he is…I mean I am! One minute, I was the pride of line, but
now (Groans) I just don’t feel well at all.

Narrator: Thomas was skeptical about this at first, and he was still focused on
keep his promise to Bertie, but he thought to himself, it would be nice to help
someone, even if they’re sick. So he lets his good nature get the better of him.

Thomas: Don’t worry James, I’ll help out if you’re ill. Besides, this is a stone
train on my branchline, so I got enough time, and I’ll just look for the tar wagons
along the line.
James: Thank you Thomas, you’re a really good friend, I know I can always trust

Thomas: My pleasure!

(Thomas leaves)

Narrator: As soon as he left, Gordon & James snickered quietly to each other.

James: You’re right Gordon, he totally fell for it (Laughs)

Gordon: He sure did! (Laughs) Tank engines, they’ll believe anything!

James: Yeah! (Recovers from laughter) But he did seem to notice a little bit that I
was faking.

Gordon: Yes, but at least he’s doing your work now, and maybe you can back to
pulling coaches.

James: Yeah, your right!

Narrator: So the two arrogant engines left the yard, still snickering at their

(Shows Thomas puffing down the branchline)

Narrator: As soon as James’s trucks were coupled behind Thomas, he steamed away to
Anopha Quarry. The trucks were still cross with James’s abuse, and were not gonna
let it slide.

Truck 1: We couldn’t pay James back for bumping us, so we’ll just play tricks on
Thomas instead.

Truck 2: Yeah, one engine is as good as another.

(Cuts to Thomas leaving Anopha Quarry with a loaded train, and then shows him
crossing over the old bridge Toby was hanging over once)

Narrator: But Thomas didn’t hear them, he collected all the stone from the quarry,
and was on his way back to the yards. But trouble was coming around the corner, as
there were two sets of track from the entrance of the quarry. The first one would
be continuing from the line back to Ffarqhuar, but the second was an old siding
leading into a large pond, with a rickety old car ferry that used during the pre-
Northwestern days, to get one or two stone trucks to the other side. But when the
branch was reopened in 1924 after Thomas took charge, they would rebuild the line
from Anopha Quarry to Ffarqhuar Station, and there was no use for it, and the old
rail barge had just been sitting there ever since. One force from a runaway train,
and the barge, carrying anything on it, would snapped from the dock, and float to
the other side. That’s when the trucks seized their opportunity.

Truck 1: Now for our plan lads!

All the Trucks: Yeah, go faster, go faster!

Thomas: What? Hey!

Thomas’s Driver: Uh-oh, they pushed us over the switch, we’re head towards the

Thomas: Whoa! STOP! STOP!

Narrator: Thomas shouted, and his driver applied the brakes, but it was too late.

(Shows Thomas crashing through the buffers and onto the barge, and then the docks
snaps, and he drifts away, crashing to the other side)

Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt, as Thomas’s crew had jumped clear, but poor
Thomas lay dazed and surprised as the rail barge was slowly sinking, and a toad
eyed him suspiciously, then laughed.

Thomas: Ah, bust my buffers, and the day started so well to.
(Shows Duck pulling the trucks away, and Thomas being craned out of the pond)

Narrator: Duck was called over from the Little Western to take away the trucks to
the harbor, while Edward arrived with the Breakdown Train to help Thomas out of the

(Shows Edward pulling Thomas down the line)

Narrator: Just as Edward was taking Thomas to the Sodor Steamworks, Thomas
remembered the missing tar, and he told Edward all about it.

Edward: I’m glad you brought this up Thomas, because there are two tar tankers in a
siding at my station. Those must be the ones Bertie was anxious about. Driver, make
sure to tell the Fat Controller, and make sure it gets to the roadways as soon as

Edward’s Driver: We’ll do Edward!

Thomas: Thank Edward! Boy, this has really been a day, just keeping promises, and
remembering them can be pretty hard at times.

Edward: Don’t blame yourself Thomas, nobody’s perfect, we just do what we can.
Besides, James was supposed to do Percy’s work today, but I’ll make sure to let the
Fat Controller know about this to.

(Cuts to the Steamworks)

Narrator: Later, Thomas was at the works when Gordon & James arrived, with a
certain gentleman on board.

TFC: Ah, there you are Thomas! I heard about happened today from Edward’s Driver,
and I made sure to bring James & Gordon here, as these two have something important
to say.
(Turns to the two sternly) Go on you two!

James: I’m sorry about your accident Thomas, and so is Gordon, we didn’t mean to
get you into trouble.

Gordon: But we did indeed, but as well that ends well.

TFC: Certainly not you two, and I honestly wonder when will you two ever learn to
not go against my orders, instead of focusing on your pigheaded pride.

James: Yes sir!

Gordon: Sorry sir, and sorry too Thomas!

TFC: That’s better! But still, I’ll deal with both of you tonight.

(Bertie shows up)

Narrator: Just then, Bertie arrived, he looked much more cheerful than he did that

Bertie: Afternoon all, good news, my roads are being mended now!

Thomas: Now that is wonderful Bertie!

Bertie: And thanks for all you did, I’m sorry for getting snappy you by the way.

Thomas: Don’t worry about it, what are friends for right.

Bertie: Well now I know I can trust railway engines, especially if one of them is
named Thomas the Tank Engine.

Thomas: Of course, just keeping a promise. Besides, we always gotta do our best to
show we can trust one another (eyeing Gordon & James sternly)

TFC: Quite right you two, and I’m proud of you as well Thomas, better even then
these two over there.

(Gordon & James slowly backing away)

Narrator: Said the Fat Controller, as he and Thomas glared sternly at the two
pompous engines. Gordon & James puffed quietly to Tidmouth Sheds.

TFC: Well, what a day for surprises you two.

Thomas: Indeed! Said Thomas, but how will you get home sir.

Bertie: You leave that to me Thomas, I’ll get you back to Knapford sir.

TFC: Thank you Bertie, though we may have an unexpected passenger who will need our
help first.

Narrator: Of course he we referring to the toad from the pond, who had stowed away
and was sitting on Thomas’s wheel arch, nosily agreed.

(Opens with Percy struggling to keep the trucks under control at Tidmouth Station)

Troublesome Trucks: Hold back, hold back!

Percy: Argh! Come on you jerks, get moving!

Trucks: Yeah, like that’s ever gonna happen (laughing)! Hold him back, cut no
slack, dirty Percy’s going to crack…

(Donald’s whistles blares, and then he shows up)

Donald: (Teasing) Och laddies! Tis truck bashing time!

Trucks: EEP!

(Donald bumps a long line of trucks into another, then Douglas blows his whistle)

Douglas: Aye, is this a private pairtie, or kin a'body jyne?

(Douglas some trucks, and the truck Percy’s shunting begin to quiver in fear)

Donald: Noo lads? Urr ye gonnae behave, or wull Douggie 'n' ah hae tae dunt ye even

Trucks: Okay, okay, will be good, will be good! Sorry Percy (Whimpers)

(Shows Donald & Douglas winking at Percy, and Percy whistling thank you, then shows
a montage of the twins doing what they do best)
Narrator: Donald & Douglas the Scottish Twins didn’t mind what job they did, as
they are mixed traffic engines, and very strong and versatile to handle any job
given to them, and are seen practically everywhere on the railway. Whether it was
coaches or trucks, it was all the same to them. Which meant, often than not, they
mostly pulled trucks, since the big engines all dislike them.

(Shows Donald, Douglas & James talking at Knapford Harbor)

James: You don’t really mind them, do you?

Douglas: Och, tis a' wirk laddie! If we didnae dae thaim, somebody wull!

James: Good point! Honestly, you two are the best!

Narrator: Said James admiringly, who obviously hated trucks himself, but he had to
admit that Donald & Douglas managed to make them behave better than anyone else
did, just like Edward. The secret of course, was that the trucks had not forgotten
in incident while they were still on trial, when Douglas had smashed a rude and
spiteful brake van. It had been an accident really, but no one told the trucks, and
they still thought that Douglas had done it on purpose.

Truck: Keep on the right side of those two!

Narrator: They said when either of the twins were about.

(Shows Donald passing through on the Main Line and stopping at Vicarstown)

Narrator: One day, Donald had to take empty trucks to the other railway, and bring
back loaded ones. The empty ones behaved well, and when Donald reached Vicarstown
Station, he was feeling good.

Donald We git those trucks licked intae shape.

Narrator: He congratulated himself. But what he didn’t realize was that the loaded
ones he was due to tale back were visitors from the Mainland, who were severely
lacking in discipline, and had never been licked into shape by anybody.

(Shows main land trucks, and Donald backing down onto them)

Mainland Trucks: What’s this? We want a proper engine, not an old fashioned steam

Narrator: They should of course had none better, but then again, trucks never do.

Donald: Auld fashioned? Och, ah will teach ye a' lesson! tak' that!

(Donald bumps the trucks)

Mainland Trucks: Ouch!

Donald: Thir's mair comin' shuid ye misbehave!

1stMainland Truck: Oh dear boys, he’s cross!

2ndMainland Truck: Yeah, let’s ‘ave some fun!

(Shows Donald leaving the yards with the trucks)

Narrator: They behaved well for a while, and Donald began to think he had them
under control. But like the trucks, he should’ve known better.

(Shows Donald at Crovans Gate)

Narrator: By the time they reached Crovans Gate, an axle box on one of the trucks
had run hot, and they had to shunt that one of the train.

(Show the truck at a siding at Crovans Gate, and Donald leaving, then cuts to him
Killdane Station)

Narrator: At Killdane Station, the guard had to fasten a brake rod, which slipped
on, accidently on purpose.

(Shows Donald looking disgruntled)

Narrator: One delay followed another, and Donald was beginning to lose his

(Shows Mainland Trucks bumping into one another then Donald, while they stop at

Donald: Aye! Noo cut that oot! Och, stupid buggers!

Mainland Truck 3: Oh, what does he know about it?

Mainland Truck 4: Yeah, were more modern! We’re not out of date like his clapped-
out kind.

Mainland Truck 5: He’s just another one of ‘em useless teapots.

Donald: Ah shut up ye idiots!

Narrator: But the trucks just laughed it off. All Donald could do was sigh, he had
to think of something if he wanted to the trucks to behave, and for his journey to
go smoothly.

(Cuts to Donald and his train on top of Gordon’s Hill)

Narrator: Later, when they reached the top of Gordon’s Hill, Donald stopped so that
the brakes could be checked along the train.

(Shows the guard blowing his whistle)

Narrator: Unfortunately, because Donald was in a rather bad temper thanks to the
trucks’ mischief, he started more quickly than he meant to, and the jerk caused an
old coupling to snap with 10 trucks and the brake van at the end. Feeling the
snatch, Donald’s Fireman looked back, and even though they were already a little
way down the hill, but coming after them and gathering speed on the incline was the
last 10 trucks.

Donald’s Fireman: Guid laird! We gotta keep ahead o' thaim Donal’, 'n' quickly tae.
Ah juist hawp thir's nothin’ at th' platform at Wellsworth Station.

Donald: Urr ye kidding? We’re suppose tae stoap thare 'n' lea some o' thae trucks!

Donald’s Driver: Sorry Donal’, bit we cannae hulp that! If they trucks catch us,
we'll stoap even earlier, fur they'll chap us aff th' rails!

Donald: Aye! Then whit ur we waiting fur then? Full throttle!

Narrator: So his driver put on more speed, and Donald raced as fast as he could.

(Shows Donald’s wheels speeding up, then sees him racing under the bridge of the
Gordon’s Hill entrance, and a montage of them out running the runaway train)

Narrator: It was touch and go for a while, but if the guard’s brakes hadn’t been
holding the brake away slightly, Donald couldn’t have kept ahead. But he managed
it, just.

(Cuts to Wellsworth, with Douglas on the other platform, and Duck about to shunt
some trucks into a siding, and BoCo sleeping nearby, the Donald blares his whistle)

Narrator: That’s when they saw Wellsworth ahead, and Duck shunting trucks into the
(Donald blows his whistle)

Narrator: Whistling loudly, Donald raced towards the station, while the trucks
followed screaming in terror. Quickly, the signalman set the line ahead as far as
he could, and Donald clattered by safely.

(Shows Duck shuffling into the siding quickly before Donald races past, and BoCo
waking up in shock, then the trucks show up slowing down)

Narrator: Then came the trucks, but the signalman saw with relief that they were
slowing down by the time they reached him.

(Trucks stop)

Narrator: With a groan of relief, they stopped, just beyond the station platform.

(Shows Donald far away on the same zig-zag line were Edward lost some cattle trucks
from some cows)

Narrator: A few minutes later when he was sure that the trucks had stopped, Donald
stopped too, half a mile further on.

Donald: (Panting) Och, ah think we lost thaim!

Donald’s Driver: Ah think sae tae. Bit we shall need premission fur afore we gang
back. Nip back 'n' clear it wi' th' signalman please!

Donald’s Fireman: Aye, richt yer!

(Shows Donald reversing back at Wellsworth past Duck)

Narrator: When he had permission, Donald was able to go carefully back towards the
trucks. Once there, he didn’t hesitate to give theme a fierce bump!

Mainland Trucks: OH!

Donald: Serves ye richt ye bastards! Noo, urr ye gonnae behave, or am ah gonnae

clobber ye a' sae all yer rivets wull fall oot?

Narrator: Thankfully, the trucks scared even themselves, they knew they had to
comply or else.

Mainland Trucks: (Stuttering) Ah…yes! We will! We’re…s…s…sorry, we’ll never

misbehave again!
Donald: Guid!

Douglas: Weel dain Donnie! Yon trucks wilnae dare git th' better o' us!

BoCo: Indeed, great job there Donald!

Duck: Yes indeed!

(Guards whistle blows)

Donald: Aye, thanks lads! Fur na trucks wull dare fankle wi' th' buffers o' me 'n'

(Fades to Donald leaving)

Narrator: And after they dropped off the last 10 trucks, Donald finished his
journey, with no more trouble at all.

(Opens to Gordon resting on the siding at Knapford Station)

Narrator: One summer morning, Gordon was resting in a siding. It was a hot day, and
the express had been heavy.

Gordon: (Sighs) Oh I get so out of breath these days, but nobody cares.
(Sarcastically) They’ll just say I’ll be alright after a rest. They just don’t
understand, I’m just not as young as I once was.

(Shows Thomas idling up alongside him)

Thomas: Well if that’s the case Gordon, then maybe you should ask the Fat
Controller to give you new tanks and a bunker. You’ll feel a new engine. We tank
engines never get out of breath you know.

(Thomas puffs off laughing, with Gordon looking red in the face and annoyed)

Narrator: It was lucky for Thomas that poor Gordon, hadn’t the energy to reply.

(Fades to Gordon being looked over at the goods shed next to Tidmouth sheds)

Narrator: That evening, the men inspected Gordon all over. But not even they could
make him better.

Workman: You need new tubes Gordon, you’ll have to go the Steamworks to have them

(Cuts to Bear coupling up to Gordon, and taking him to the Steamworks, then to the
Fat Controller talking to Henry)

Narrator: While Gordon was away being repaired, the Fat Controller chose Henry to
pull the express.

(Shows Henry pulling the express across the viaduct, then him passing James by the

Narrator: Henry was delighted, he loved having the chance to go flying down the

(Cuts to Henry at Tidmouth Sheds, looking very sick)

Narrator: However, his high spirits dissipated, as the day before Gordon was due
back, he became ill too. The workmen tried everything they could to get him ready,
but it was no good.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller with an Inspector at Knapford Shunting Yards, then
shows Thomas resting in a siding nearby, then Duck & Percy about to take on water)

Inspector: There’s nothing we can do sir, the only spare engine we have is Thomas.
But he can’t pull the train on his own.

TFC: No indeed! (Pondering) Hmm… could he managed if Percy helped?

Inspector: Hmm… I suppose the two of them with Duck might be able to manage, but
it’ll be hard work.

Thomas: We’ll try sir! Whatever it takes!

Percy: Yeah, we’ll do our best!

Duck: Anything for the passengers!

TFC: Then it’s settled then! Don't worry about being late, just do your best you
three, and good luck!

(Shows Thomas puffing in with 6 of the green express coaches, then Duck & Percy
backing down)

Narrator: And so it was arranged! The three tank engines were coupled together,
with Percy in the front, Duck in the middle, and Thomas in the back, coupled up to
the coaches. The passengers climbed into coaches, and before long, the guard’s
whistle blew. It was time to go.

Percy: Come on, come on!

Duck: We’re doing it, we’re doing it!

Thomas: Pull harder, harder!

(Shows the trio leaving the station with the heavy train, then showing a montage of
them puffing through different areas of the Main Line)

Narrator: The cavalcade moved slowly out of the station, and before long, they were
traveling along the Main Line. The engines couldn’t move as fast as Gordon or
Henry, but the passengers didn’t mind, as they knew, Thomas, Percy & Duck were
doing their absolute best. Now express trains aren’t like local or branchline
trains, as they don’t stop at every station along the line, which meant that the
tank engine trio never got a chance to stop and catch their breath. Soon the trio
began to feel tired, and there, stood just ahead of them was Gordon’s Hill.

(Shows them passing under the bridge of Gordon’s Hill, then to the very top)

Narrator: They surged ahead with all their might, struggling up the hill, but the
strain was beginning to show. But soon they reached the top, and began coasting
down the side.

Thomas: Phew, that was a near thing. Thank god we didn’t stick there, Gordon
would’ve never let us hear the end of it.
(Then shows Percy struggling once they reach the very bottom)

Narrator: But Thomas had only spoken to soon. As the ordeal from earlier proved too
much for poor Percy. His driver blew his whistle to warn the others. And the whole
train came to a halt.

(Shows Percy’s Driver talking to him)

Percy’s Driver: we can’t take you off here Percy. Do your best to keep your brakes
off, it’s not much further to Crovans Gate.

Percy: (Panting) Okay! I’ll try!

Duck: Tired or not, we can’t just give up then and there.

Thomas: Exactly, we’re almost there, let’s go!

(Shows the train departing again)

Narrator: So the cavalcade started again, but this made the journey much harder for
Thomas & Duck, even if Percy wasn’t tired, though they still struggled on.

(Shows a montage of them struggling to Crovans Gate)

Narrator: As the works station grew closer still, they both used every last ounce
of strength and steam they had, to summon a last brave effort to reach the station.

Duck: Nearly there, nearly there.

Thomas: We can do it, we must do it!

Narrator: Poor Percy had no steam left to say anything, but at last, Crovans Gate
itself had pulled into view. They were on the final approach, when all of a sudden,
Duck found he simply could go no further. Thomas tried his best, but he just
couldn’t pull the heavy coaches, and push two tired tank engines in front all on
his own, so the cavalcade came to a stop, right in front of the works station.

(Shows Gordon watching in shock)

Narrator: There, witnessing the whole ordeal was a newly repaired Gordon, starring
in disbelief at he just seen.

(Shows the Fat Controller climbing out of the coaches to congratulate the three
tank engines)

Narrator: The Fat Controller had been on the train, and he came to tell the three
tank engines how proud he was of them.

TFC: Well done you three, you all did very well to get this far, and I’m very proud
of you. You three can stop and have a long rest, and when you come back to
Tidmouth, I shall have the workmen give you new coats of paint.

Percy: (Exhausted) Yes sir! Thank you sir!

Thomas: (Exhausted) Just trying to be useful!

Duck: (Exhausted) Certainly the Great Western way!

(Shows the trio being uncoupled and leaving, and Bear coming to take the train

Narrator: So Thomas, Percy and Duck were uncoupled from the train, moved off to a
siding, while Bear was called in to take the express onward.

(Shows the three tank engines resting, with Thomas taking on water, but him
exchanging a friendly smile with Gordon)

Narrator: As the Percy & Duck were moving into sidings wearily, Thomas went to take
on water. But as he did so, Gordon looked at Thomas, and gave him a friendly wink.
He didn’t need to say anymore, as Thomas knew exactly what he meant, and smiled.

(Then shows Thomas finishing, then leaves)

Narrator: Spring had come to the Island of Sodor, and the narrow gauge engines of
the Skarloey Railway were clearing their railway of any fallen trees and branches.
Making sure that the line was clear from any debris and obstruction that could be

(Shows Peter Sam & Rusty working, and Rusty shunting Peter Sam to a water tower)

Narrator: Peter Sam & Rusty were working especially hard, as while Rusty was a
professional with doing maintenance work, he couldn’t do it on his own. Peter Sam
was happy to help, as he is that sort of engine, but he forgot to listen to some
important advice Rusty was giving him. Later, Peter Sam was running low on water,
so Rusty helped him to the nearest water tower.

Peter Sam: (Panting) Thank you Rusty!

Rusty: Not a problem Peter Sam. Now, I’ll be back later, as I have to go see if the
lines by the picnic area are clear from any other obstructions, so you and your
driver must make sure that the coupling between you and your train is secure, as
there could be a runaway if the coupling snaps.

Peter Sam: Okay, I’ll remember Rusty, and thanks!

(Rusty leaves)

Narrator: Peter Sam was enjoying his drink so much, that he forgot what Rusty said,
and the Troublesome Trucks became bored.

1st Truck: Oui, lads, Peter Sam’s distracted!

2nd Truck: Yeah, let’s break away, then we’ll really ‘ave some fun.

Narrator: The trucks kept holding back, as their loads were heavy, and coupling was
old, and it started to snap.

(Coupling snaps and the trucks runaway)

Peter Sam: OH NO!

Narrator: Cried Peter Sam!

(Shows the trucks running away down the line)

Trucks: (Laughing) On, on! Faster, faster!

Narrator: But what was worse was that were was a speed limit sign say “slow, steep
bends & ravine ahead”, but the stupid trucks didn’t even say it.

(Shows the Old Iron Bridge, and the trucks derailing and plummeting into the
Narrator: Then it happened, as the trucks rounded the bound, and onto the Old Iron
Bridge, it was too late.


(Trucks fall into the river, then cuts to Peter Sam showing up at the scene)

Narrator: Peter Sam arrived, and saw what happened.

Peter Sam’s Driver: Oh dear! This was all our fault, we should’ve remembered
Rusty’s advice and secured the couplings properly, looks like we’re gonna have to
get help.

Peter Sam: (Moaning) Oh no, the Thin Controller is going to kill me!

(Cuts to the Skarloey Railway Sheds, with Skarloey, Rusty, Peter Sam, Duncan, and
Mr. Sam)

Narrator: And he was right, the Thin Controller was not happy when he heard about
Peter Sam’s dilemma.

Thin Controller: Honestly Peter Sam, I expected much better from you. Your accident
caused us both the trucks, and their loads which were meant to be properly disposed

Narrator: Peter Sam could only just blush, feeling really embarrassed.

TTC: You will shunt trucks in the yards until I can trust you again.

Narrator: And the Thin Controller turned on his heel, and strode sternly away, but
one he had gone, Duncan could only just laugh rudely at Peter Sam’s misfortune.

Duncan: (Laughing) Fancy nae securing yer trucks properly oan a hill. They'll come
back tae spoke ye, 'n' yer special funnel. Oohhh, ha, ha, ha!

Skarloey: That’s enough Duncan! Peter Sam had an accident, there’s no cause to be

Rusty: Exactly, and who’s not to say you’re afraid of ghosts?

Duncan: Ghosts? Things that go bump th' nicht? Rubbish!

Skarloey: Well in that case, maybe I should tell you a story that will make your
own funnel quiver, and…this story was actually true.

Rusty: (Intrigued) Hmm…really, please tell us about it Skarloey.

Skarloey: Of course, but I must warn you, what about to tell you, it’s actually
quite disturbing. A long time ago…

Narrator: The little old engine began

(Shows a flashback of the Skarloey Railway in 1885, with Skarloey, Rheneas, and
Skarloey: When Rheneas and I were the only engines on the line, our controller
purchased a new engine to help out with the extra workloads. His name was Proteus,
and he was the very class as Sir Handel. In fact, he was also number 3 like Sir
Handel, but he was painted in a bright yellow, and had a very distinct headlamp,
that can shine brightly, even in the darkest night, and can be seen from miles and
miles. In fact, at the time, it was said his lamp can have a connection with the
spirit world, though Rheneas and I didn’t think much of this at the time. Now
Proteus was indeed a very useful engine, though he was more reserved back then. He
was very polite and humble, and he also made sure to get the job done, but he was
more reserved, and we swore we might have heard this engine chanting some ritual.
But that would change soon in 1918, when something awful happened.

(Shows the flashback of Proteus’s infamous demise)

Skarloey: One night, when Proteus was finished with a job at the slate quarry, he
was headed home during a misty moonlit night. But as he crossed the Old Iron
Bridge, he lost control thanks to a defect in the rails, and then plummeted into
the swamps below.

(Proteus falls into the river)

Skarloey: He and his driver were never found again. And Rheneas and I were
devastated, but still didn’t understand our ex-#3 at the time, so we were both left
confused at this strange engine. But many of the workmen have witnessed, and have
claimed they see a little engine with a strikingly-strange lamp trying to get home
on that same bridge, but he never reaches the other side.

(Cuts back to current time in 1983)

Peter Sam: How awful.

Rusty: Oh Christ!

Skarloey: Indeed! So what do you say to that Duncan?

Duncan: Pah, nonsense, there’s na sic hings as ghosts! And even if thare wur, I’d
shaw thaim nae tae fankle wi' a plain-speaking engine lik' me.

(Duncan puffs away)

Rusty: Don’t worry about him Peter Sam, I’m sure he’d be frightened if he saw a
real ghost.

Narrator: This gave Peter Sam & his driver an idea.

Peter Sam: Are you thinking what I’m thinking driver?

Peter Sam’s Driver: Oh yes old boy, let’s go play a trick on old Duncan.

(Fades to Peter Sam working in the yard, then Peter Sam’s crew talking with

Duncan’s Driver: Now that does sound like a good idea, we’ll do it tonight. Duncan
has been quite insufferable lately, so maybe this prank with know some sense into

(Shows Duncan puffing down the line and through the Old Iron Bridge)

Narrator: Later, Duncan was taking coal trucks to the Slate Quarry, then bring
loaded slate trucks back. Duncan’s driver thought, that as part of the plan, they
would take Duncan across the Old Iron Bridge. Though Duncan try to brush it off.

Duncan: Fancy that senile auld steamer trying tae scare me. Haunted bridge,
rubbish! It’s as tame as a pet rabbit!

Narrator: He said haughtily. But secretly, Duncan couldn’t stop thinking about
Skarloey’s story, and about Proteus himself. He’s beginning to feel paranoid, but
didn’t wanna admit it.

(Cuts to Duncan at the Slate Quarry)

Narrator: In fact, by the time Duncan reached the Slate Quarry, he tried to rush
his crew to hurry up faster.

Duncan: Och, this is taking forever! If we don’t gang noo, Sir Handel micht tak'
mah favorite plook in th' sheds.

Duncan’s Driver: Sorry Duncan, but we can’t go until we collected all our trucks.

Duncan: (Nervous) Och, fine! Bit juist please hurry up a'richt.

Narrator: He said. The driver and fireman could see the plan was working, as Duncan
was starting to get very nervous.

(Cuts to nighttime with Duncan leaving the quarry)

Narrator: Night fell, and Duncan was setting off with the return train. The mists
were rising around the Old Iron Bridge.

(Shows Duncan coming up, then stopping in the middle of the bridge, and a
supernatural presence right on the other side)

Narrator: Duncan whistled, and the sound echoed all across the canyon. Then Duncan
stopped on the middle of the bridge, as he could see right ahead of him, were
flickering lights flying all over the other side. His driver knew they were just
harmless little fireflies, but to Duncan, they looked like an engine. But then,
something quite surprising happened, as steam was hissing from where the firefly
shaped engine was. It made deep hissing sounds, and had a look similar to Sir
Handel, but painted yellow. And it had a large distinct headlamp on top of its
smokebox. Duncan was beginning to feel cower in fear, especially because he felt as
if he could see right past the engine, like as if it wasn’t even there. The little
engine had a very serious and stern look towards Duncan, and just as if the
Scottish engine hadn’t seen enough, its headlamp shown as bright as the moon,
blinding him.


Narrator: Then the engine let out an incredibly loud and shrill whistle that echoed
even louder than Duncan’s.

(Shows a rock falling into the ravine)

Narrator: Duncan was beginning to tremble even more, but if he thought he hadn’t
seen enough, his driver, who had carried a huge piece of slate from the quarry,
secretly threw it out from Duncan’s cab while he wasn’t looking, and it plunged
into the ravine.

(Duncan reverse in fright, but then, the ghost engine disappears in a cloud of
steam and its whistle once he’s gone, then cuts to Duncan in his shed)

Narrator: Later, after Duncan made his delivery, he reached the safety of the sheds
at Rheneas station. He still had his eyes closely.

Duncan’s Driver: (Laughing) Spooked are you Duncan?

Duncan: (Stuttering) Uh…no…I’m…I’m…I’m asleep! Yeah, ye two better go home.

Duncan’s Driver: Very well, good night Duncan.

(Shows Duncan opening his eyes a little bit)

Narrator: And Duncan refused to open his eyes, but did though, when his driver
wasn’t looking, just to make sure he was still there.

(Cuts to next morning at the Skarloey Railway Sheds with Duncan, Peter Sam,
Rheneas, and Rusty)

Narrator: Next morning at the Skarloey Railway Sheds, Duncan rolled in, tired, but
still trembling, as he still couldn’t comprehend what he just saw. The other
engines could tell, especially Peter Sam, whom the Thin Controller decided had been
punished enough, was let back on regular duties. But the young engine had promised
to be a lot more careful when securing his loads properly.

Peter Sam: Hello Duncan! Where have you been all night?

Duncan: (Nervous) Um, well…I wis fauchelt ye see, sae efter mah delivery o' slate,
ah went tae Rheneas station, as ah thought it wid be a nice shed tae bunk fur th'

Rheneas: (Sarcastically) Uh huh! Well, it looks like you didn’t get any rest at
all, in fact, you look knackered.

Duncan: (Nervous) Ah…well…it’s just that…um…

(Hears Skarloey’s whistle)

Duncan: Och mah, looks lik' i’m gonnae be late fur mah mornin' commuter, by ye
three! Yipes!

(Duncan leaves, then Skarloey shows up)

Skarloey: (Laughing) Looks like that spooked him good!

Rusty: (Laughing) Yeah, maybe he’ll think twice then to put others down for their

Peter Sam: Thanks you too. But what do you think Duncan saw last night? His crew
told mine that they saw an engine that looked like Sir Handel, but he was asleep
that night when we all were. Not to mention, it looked rather misty when surrounded
by those fireflies.

Rusty: Well it couldn’t have been any of us then…

Narrator: The engines broke into silence, until at last Skarloey spoke.
Skarloey: I think somebody must’ve found out and played a little part in our

Rheneas: Oh my, Skarloey, you don’t mean…

Narrator: Skarloey just gave a solemn look.

(Cuts to the Old Iron Bridge on a misty night, and the ghost engine, that’s
Proteus, going across slowly again)

Narrator: Skarloey & Rheneas could tell what it might’ve been, but didn’t want to
tell the other engines, fearing they might not understand. But between you and me,
there is one thing that is clear to us…somethings, are better left, unsaid.

(Shows Proteus disappearing for a final time with a cloud of steam, fireflies
swarming, and a deep, creepy whistle)

(Opens at Knapford Station, with different trains leaving the station, by James,
Edward, and Gordon, the cuts to the Fat Controller’s office where we see his
signature top hat, and the man finishing phone call, then he puts on the hat, and
watches his railway running like clockwork proudly from his office window)

Narrator: The Northwestern Railway has always been for its variety of engines, but
the engines wouldn’t running on the railway without the man that runs it, that of
course being their boss, Sir Topham Hatt, a.k.a. the Fat Controller. The Fat
Controller is the superintendent of the Northwestern Railway, as it’s his job to
oversee the railways’ operations, which also means he’s the one who assigns his
engines and staff their jobs, and to make sure every train is on time and that
everything runs like clockwork. He loves his job, and railways and locomotives are
his specialty, and but he is also a family man to that loves all his engines as if
they were his own family. As he is so proud of them each day, each and every single
one, though of course he can be very strict and meticulous with them if they break
the rules and go against his authority, as he certainly doesn’t approve of any
misbehavior or bullying of any kind. But other than that, if you were to ask the
Fat Controller who his favorite engine was, he has none, because all the engines
are his favorite, just with his own family. But most importantly, if there was ever
a crash, a smash or a muddle, he’s there on the double no trouble, as this is the
Fat Controller’s railway, and he always considers it to be a railway exquisitely
fine. However, there are also times when the Fat Controller, like most other human
beings, would age, and the older they get, the harder it would be for them to keep
up with their daily routine, both physically and mentally.

(Shows Charles, the second and current Fat Controller)

Narrator: The current Fat Controller is a man named Charles Topham Hatt II, who
took over the family business in 1954 from his father Bertram, who was originally
known as the Fat Director. He was honored and thrilled at the time, and inherited
his father’s baronetcy, after his death. It was thanks to Charles, many
accomplishments were made for the success and efficiency of the railway, as he
constructed Knapford Harbor, reopened the Brendam and the Little Western branch
lines, and would also give chances to plenty of engines in need of a home,
especially the diesels, as Charles was a man who believed in positive
characteristics, and that everybody deserves a chance to prove themselves, no
matter who or what said engine is. In fact, when dieselization was taking place,
Charles stood firm, as he believed the Northwestern Railway is a haven for steam
engines, and first generation diesels, as money doesn’t mean a thing too him, as he
despises selfishness and greed, and when the Beeching axe was rearing its ugly
head, he fully cut ties after 1967 and he and his engines proved their worth, and
steam was allowed to stay, and the railway and its engines became more civilized.
Now Charles was getting old, and soon, his own son, Stephen Topham Hatt III, would
be taking over.

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds with the original 7 engines and Sir Charles, with his son
Sir Stephen)

Sir Charles: Good morning engines!

The engines: Morning sir!

Sir Charles: Now, I’m sure you are all aware at this point, that lately I have been
having problems with my physical health.

Narrator: The engines had grave expressions, as they had a feeling of what was
going on.
Sir Charles: As after moments of struggling with stress from my work, and after
advice from my doctor, it has been decided that at the end of this month, I am
going to retire.

Percy: Retire?

Sir Charles: Yes Percy, I’m not getting as young as I used to be. As you all know,
we humans are nothing like engines, as we don’t get overhauled so we can keep
going, as the human body can get old and age, but it just can’t keep going on. I
know the seven of you had the same experience with my late father back when he
retired, but now, history’s repeating itself, and now I’m gonna retire by the end
of this month.

Edward: We understand sir. In fact, we’ve been noticing this lately, and we have
been getting quite worried in fact, as we appreciate everything you have done for
us during your time as controller, we all agree that it’s for the best, as in all
honesty, we worry what would happen if you did go on like this.

Sir Charles: Thank you Edward, I was worried that this might’ve come off as an
inconvenience for all of you.

Henry: It isn’t sir, we all had that feeling this day was gonna come, but the real
concern we have is who will take over.

Sir Charles: Don’t worry about that Henry, it’s been decided that my son, Stephen
will take over.

(Shows Stephen beaming)

Sir Charles: After all, this is the family business, so a Hatt will always be in
charge no matter what.

Sir Stephen: Quite so father! Don’t worry engines, I promise you’ll all be in good
hands, as father has been training step-by-step in what to do as controller, and
I’m honestly quite excited if I do say so myself. But I will make sure that
everything is under control, and that everything is running like clockwork.

Toby: That’s the good to hear sir, and we will make sure to do whatever you say.

Sir Stephen: Thank you Toby! Now I won’t be fully taking over at the end of the
month, so I will be supervising the work and brush up on the railway’s operations.
So I will ask all of you to work hard, be on time and be your best behavior. That
is all.
The engines: Yes sirs!

(Shows each engine leaving, then to Stephen supervising the railways)

Narrator: While Charles was handling the paperwork and answering phone calls in his
office, Stephen took it upon himself to check up on the engines and supervise their
work. Now the engines were doing their best to please Stephen, as even though he
was gonna be their controller, he was still their friend ever since they knew him
since he was a child. So because of their closeness, they wanted to do their best,
and really didn’t want to let him down. However, Stephen himself was feeling the
same, but didn’t want to show it, as he wanted to be a controller, but he only
hoped he would live up to the name his father and grandfather started.

(Shows Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Duck, Donald, Douglas,
Oliver, Bill, Ben, BoCo, Bear, Mavis, Daisy and Stephen Hatt at Knapford Station)

Narrator: A week later, just as his father was finished and went back home one
evening, Stephen had an important announcement to make at Knapford Station, and he
wanted to do so without his father there.

Sir Stephen: Evening engines, now as you are all aware, my father will be retiring
by the end of the month next week, and I will be taking over in his position. While
I will run the railway accordingly, I do was planning to have a special occasion
planned at the same time.

Gordon: Special occasion sir?

BoCo: What might that be? And shouldn’t your father be hear for this?

Sir Stephen: Ah, that’s because it’s a surprise BoCo. As I had to make sure my
father wouldn’t be here for this, as what I’m really planning on is a surprise
retirement party for my father.

(The engines blow their whistles and horns)

Narrator: All the engines cheered when they heard.

Sir Stephen: Okay, settle down engines.

Narrator: Stephen said raising his hand for silence.

Percy: (Grinning) Oh, a surprise, oops!

Sir Stephen: (Laughing) It’s fine Percy! Now, I plan next week, the day before he’s
meant to retire the best one there is throughout his career, and I will make the
arrangements as well for the occasion.

Mavis: That’s very thoughtful of you sir, it’s really nice you would do that for

Bear: Yeah, and will help out in any way we can.

Donald: Aye! We wilnae let ye doon!

Sir Stephen: Thank you engines. I will let you all know what changes in the
schedule will be made in the due course of time. That is all!

(Cuts to the next morning at Knapford harbor)

Narrator: The next morning, everybody was preparing to make sure that Sir Charles’s
retirement party would go off as a success. But they were also hoping to do Stephen
proud as well. Bear was waiting at the harbor, as he was to pick some of the party
decorations and bunting.

Bear: Good morning! Are the vans of decorations here?

Foreman: Yeah, siding 3?

Bear: Ah thank ya!

(Shows Bear coming to the siding, were he sees the yard in chaos)

Narrator: Once Bear arrived, he could see that the sidings were cluttered, and the
trucks were being as troublesome as ever.

Bear: Ah geez! How did this happen?

(Hears Bill & Ben’s whistles)

Narrator: Just then, bear heard a pair of familiar whistles.

Bill: (Laughing, then speaking sarcastically) Oh dear Bear! How did this happen?

Ben: This looks terrible, maybe we can help you sort this out.

Narrator: Bear only cringed, as realization dawned.

Bear: Oh no, you two again, I bet you both have something to do with this. But hang
on, shouldn’t you both be at the clay pits?

Bill: Well the clay pits is closed today silly!

Ben: Yeah, and the Fat Controller, or should we say the “new” controller needed
some shunters to help out in the yard, so now, you got us. (Chuckles)

Bear: Oh of course! (Trying to be nice and remaining calm) Well, if you two could
least help me get my train that would be a great help.

Bill: Well of curse we can Bear…eventually!

Ben: Yeah, not it! (Cackling)

Bill & Ben: Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! HAHAHHAHHAHA!

Bear: Grrrr…those little buggers, I outta…

Bear’s Driver: Steady Bear, calm down! It’s no good chasing them, it’ll just waste
our time. I guess we’ll have to clear the sidings ourselves in order to get to our

Bear: Aye, might as well, but only because we need to get going.

(Shows Bear trying clear the yards, then shows Donald leaving the yards
disgruntled, and Bill & Ben making things worse)

Narrator: So Bear reluctantly set to work clearing the maze of disorganized trucks
that Bill & Ben set about, though it was causing not just him to fall behind
schedule, but even the other engines. Worse, was that Bill & Ben were still full of
mischief, and anything that Bear, would set right, either Bill or Ben would try to
mess it up and ruin it. Unfortunately, this was causing the Hymek Diesel a great
deal of patience. While Bear was a kind-hearted and friendly diesel that was always
determined to help and got along well with anyone, he can have a tendency to lose
his temper if anything like this would test his patience.

(Shows Henry coming into the yards)

Narrator: About 20-minutes later, Henry had to come and collect a train of fuel
tankers for Kellsthorpe Road Station. He could see Bear was having trouble.

Henry: Oh, hello Bear, what’s going on, is everything okay?

Bear: (Groans) It’s those China-Clay clowns, Bill & Ben, the Fat Controller brought
them down to help as the Clay Pits was closed, but yet, all they’ve done was cause
trouble. So now I’m sorting out there mess, and this is making me late pick up the
decorations for the upcoming retirement party.

Henry: Oh my! Yeah, you could never really trust Bill & Ben, it’s like in the
funnel, and out the frames! They just don’t listen! Only if only Edward or BoCo
were here right now, they would. Tell you what Bear, I’ll give you a buffer, but
also because I gotta get going to.

Bear: Thanks Henry!

Narrator: Once Bear & Henry were sorting out the trucks, Bear finally got to his
train. Unfortunately, the vans were just as obnoxious as the twins. And it was
thanks to the twins’ behavior, that the trucks stubbornly didn’t want to move.

1st Van: What’s this? We want a proper looking engine, not a giant green toaster.

2nd Van: Yeah, neither a grizzly bear.

Bear: (Getting angry) What was that?

2nd Van: Yeah, I mean like, this diesel seems to be in a real fit shunting those
trucks. Well you’re not gonna shunt us lard ass.

3rd Van: Yeah, we’re comfortable here, we want Edward or the Scottish Twins.

1st Van: Or maybe even those bumble-bee bums who shunted us here in the first


Henry: Easy Bear, calm down! Now listen here you trucks, nobody here cares how you
feel, Bear here has a train that needs to be delivered, and its 20-minutes late,
especially since this is for the Fat Controller. So don’t make this about
yourselves, know your place, and do your part to finish the job, or Bear hear is
gonna get angry, and you want like him when he’s angry.

4th Van: Oh whatever your oversized pickle. We do whatever we want, so stay out of

Henry: Well I never!

Bear: Last chance you little bastards! Come on!

1st Van: Oh no, looks the bear here is really losing it.
3rd Van: Temper, temper!

4th Van: Look out boys, there’s a bear in the woods, run for your lives!


(Shows Bear red in the face and furious)



(Bear bumps the vans hard and the party decorations fly out, and Bear is covered in
streamers, flags, bunting, etc.)

Bear: (Groaning) Uh-oh!

Henry: Oh dear, Bear, are you alright?

Bear: I’m alright Henry, but the only thing I can say that’s hurt is my pride.
(Shows Bill & Ben)

Narrator: Just then, Bill & Ben showed up, cackling rudely as ever.

Bill: (Laughing) Well, well, well, not so tough are you big grizzly.

Ben: Actually Bill, I think we should call him Smokey, like Smokey the Bear, as he
really lost it with those trucks.


Henry: Hey you two, SHUT UP!

Narrator: Both twins stopped at once! Usually when an engine shouted angrily at
them, they would stop what they were doing and get shaken up real easily.

Henry: Didn’t anyone tell you, it’s disrespectful to laugh at others misfortunes.
Especially since Bear’s accident, and the vans’ behavior was really your fault.
Plus, this was for the current Fat Controller’s retirement party, and you idiots
blew it! I can’t even begin to think what both the Fat Controller and his son, and
even what “Edward”, will say when they find about this, like as if you both got
nothing better to do.

Narrator: After hearing that, Bill & Ben surveyed the damage, and how miserable
Bear looked. And remembering the Fat Controller’s retirement, and his son taking
over. They began to feel very ashamed.

(Shows Edward with the Breakdown Train clearing up the mess, and both Fat

Narrator: Later, while Edward had brought the Breakdown Train to clear the mess,
and Henry took what was left of the decorations, along with the fuel tankers, and
did his best to make up for lost time for him and Bear. While that was happening,
both Fat Controllers surveyed the mess, and scolded the twins severely, as did

Sir Stephen: You both have been absolutely immature and careless. I asked you both
to come here because I knew you both would’ve been bored sitting in your shed at
the clay pits, but now I can see that was a big mistake, as even when I’ve
specifically warned you both to behave yourselves, you went against my order and
defied me, and now you have both cause severe damage to the vans, and poor Bear to
be on the receiving end of your childish prank.

Sir Charles: Indeed, Bear shouldn’t let his anger take control of him, and the
trucks should’ve done as they were told, this was still both of yours’ fault.

Edward: And may I just say I am also just infuriated as both out controllers, as I
honestly expected better from you two, as while I don’t approve of your tricks, I
also don’t approve of you hassling other engines. Just look at poor Bear right now.
He’s gonna have to go to the Works now because of what you two did.

Bill: (Whimpers) We’re sorry sirs!

Ben: (Whimpers) And we’re sorry too Edward, we won’t do it again!

Sir Stephen: Regardless, I’m not sure if I believe that, as you’ll both go behind
our backs again and keep playing tricks. You both well be sent back to the Clay
Pits, and left in your shed until further notice.

Bill & Ben: (Sadly) Yes sirs.

Narrator: And both twins scampered away to the Clay Pits.

Sir Stephen: Honestly, I should’ve known better than to trust those two.

Sir Charles: Don’t blame yourself Stephen, those two are always getting into
trouble, and sometimes, I don’t trust that much either.

Edward: Indeed! Don’t worry Stephen, when I get the chance, I’ll speak too those
two further, and make sure they really behave themselves.

Sir Stephen: Thanks you two.

Narrator: Stephen said, cracking a small smile. But deep down, he really wish he
could’ve controlled the situation better.

(Fades to James puffing down the Main Line)

Narrator: Later, James was puffing down the line with a local train, and was
boasting per usual. And with Stephen taking his father’s place, he was determined
to make him proud…his way. Though this wasn’t going down very well with his

James: Ha-ha, I’ll show those common engines how first impressions for your new
boss are made.

James’s Driver: Steady on already James! There’s no need to rush, as the passengers
prefer a comfortable and relaxing ride along the Main Line.

James’s Fireman: Exactly, I mean they don’t call this the “local train” for nothing
you know.

James: Oh Pah, we’ll be fine, as with a splendid red engine like yours truly, you
get the absolute best, a smooth ride, and right on time.

(James stops roughly at Wellsworth, and the Red Coaches bumps into one another)
Passengers: OOF!

James: Ha-ha, see? Right on…

Passengers: (Groaning in pain and complaining bitterly at James)

James: (Nervous grin) Whoops!

(Gordon shows up)

Gordon: (Laughs) Oh James, haven’t you forgotten to not stop so quickly, the
passengers don’t like to be bounced around like peas in a frying pan.

James: Humph! Well at least I got my passengers in the end Gordon. Besides, it was
just a minor mishap, my brakes must’ve failed.

Gordon: Uh-huh, sur they did James. But regardless though, I can make far better
first impressions than any of you engines. I mean, I am a powerful LNER express
engine with mass appeal, and great strength and speed.

James: Oh really? Like would these so-called first impressions involve stalling on
hills, plunging into filthy ditches, going down a branchline, oh, and lest we
forget misreading a timetable schedule.

Gordon: Pah! That could happen to any engine! At least it’s not as bad as fixing a
brake line with bootlaces, crashing into tar wagons, getting stung by a bee, oh, or
whining like an old man because he doesn’t wanna do the night shunting, and
literally letting everyone know about it.

James: Oh you galloping sausage, of course you do realize, this means war Gordon!

Gordon: Very well, I rise to your challenge!

Narrator: Just then, the guard’s whistle blew, and Gordon left.

Gordon: May the best engine win.

(Guard’s whistle blows and James leaves)

James: I intend to!

(Shows Gordon puffing very fast)

Narrator: Gordon was puffing exceptionally fast. Too fast for his own good.

Gordon’s Driver: Whoa Gordon! Slow down, we’re making good time as it is, this is
just really immature of you to except a challenge like this from James.

Gordon: Well I must, in order to prove that mixed-traffic idiot wrong.

(Shows Gordon running, but then a red signal, then sees Duck coming down the line
with a goods train)

Narrator: But Gordon was so determined to beat James, he failed to realize the red
signal. But by the time he did, it was too late!


(Shows Gordon’s wheels screeching, and both engines blare their whistles in


(Gordon crashes into Duck’s train)

Gordon: OOF!

Duck: Gordon, what’s the big idea? I had the right of way you know!

Gordon: (Groans) Oh the indignity!

(Gordon hears the passengers complain, then cuts to James speeding, then being
switched into one of the goods sidings at Tidmouth Station)

Narrator: James of course was doing much worse than Gordon. As he was determined to
beat the big blue engine, he too failed to realize there was a red signal right in
front of him as he was approaching Tidmouth Station. And he only realized when
being switched onto one of the station sidings.


(James brakes his wheels, and comes up to the buffers with a thud, derailing him
and his coaches in the siding)

Narrator: Fortunately for James, he didn’t crash through the buffers, but he did
hit them hard, especially with enough effort from his brakes, but the impact did
cause his coaches to derail, and the passengers, not severely injured, but few cuts
& bruises on some, some were in shock, but some also had angry faces!

James: Ow! Uh-oh!

BoCo: Goodness there James, are you okay? You needed to be more careful next time.

Narrator: Scolded BoCo! James didn’t argue back or make any excuses now, as he knew
he was right.

(Shows Gordon & James at the Steamworks, with both Fat Controllers scolding them)

Narrator: That night, after both accidents were clear, Gordon & James were sent to
the Works, and both Fat Controllers scolded for how childish and dangerous their
stunts were, and how all they did was a make a “bad” impression. The two arrogant
big engines could only look at each other apologetically.

(Shows Percy shunting at Tidmouth Yards)

Narrator: The next day, during the afternoon, Percy was shunting trucks in the
yard, though was having a hard time due to the trucks’ mischief. As he did so, he
saw Oliver in a siding, looking rather upset.

Percy: Oh, hello Oliver! Is everything alright?

Oliver: Oh, not really Percy, my injectors have failed, I can’t go anywhere at that
moment. I was feeling fine this morning, but now, I’ve broken down. And it’s a
shame too, as I was meant to take some trucks of sugar to the chocolate factory.

Narrator: The train Oliver was referring to was 9 trucks long, and had the logo of
Mr. Jolly’s Chocolate Factory, with a picture of the man himself on the vans.
Percy: Hmm…I can help you out Oliver. Besides, the trucks here have been really
giving me a hard time today, so this’ll be a nice change. Plus, sugar is a really
nice load to take, very…sweet (chuckles)

Oliver: (Having an “uh” look before regaining a smile) Ahh…yeah! There for the
treats as part of the reception for the Fat Controller’s retirement party, so this
will be something special, so I’ll lend you Toad for the trip.

Toad: Of course, I wouldn’t coming along with you Mr. Percy!

Percy: Sure, thanks Toad. Don’t worry Oliver, I’ll get the sugar there. Besides,
anything for both Fat Controllers.

Oliver: Thank you Percy!

(Shows Percy being coupled to the train)

Narrator: As soon as Percy was coupled to the train, and Toad was added to the
back, he puffed away.

(Shows Percy puffing down the Main Line, then the Chocolate Factory, then the oily
rails into a siding)

Narrator: Mr. Jolly’s Chocolate Factory was located on the Peel Godred line, with
special sidings leading to the outside by the platform. And in front of the siding
is the warehouse were they distribute their products. However, a leaky truck had
passed by earlier, leaking brake fluid all over the rails leading into the siding
Percy was supposed to stop at. And before that line was a hill. Percy was making
good time, but once he reached the bottom, he slipped on the oil.

Percy: WHOA! Oh no, help!

Narrator: His driver slammed on the brakes, and Toad’s guard also did the same, but
it wasn’t enough!

Toad: Argh! Something wrong Mr. Percy?

Percy: There is Toad, the rails are slippery, I can’t stop, and the factory is up

Narrator: And thanks to the oil, and access speed, it was too late!

(Percy crashes through the buffers and into the warehouse, then out through the
other side)

Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt, but poor Percy, his crew, and Toad, were
covered in sticky, gooey, chocolate, which began to solidify thanks to Percy’s warm

Percy: Bluck! Eww! Chocolate!

Toad: Ooh! Well, that could’ve gone a little smoother.

Narrator: Toad whimpered beneath the chocolate in the wrecked warehouse. Percy can
only agree.

(Shows the wreckage being cleared)

Narrator: Later, Edward & Henry were sent to clear the damaged, and Butch the
Breakdown Lorry had been sent to clear the mess by pulling Percy and his train each
back onto the rails, were the little green engine was loaded onto a well-wagon.
Percy was worried that both Fat Controllers would be cross with them, but
thankfully, they weren’t.

Percy: Oh sirs, I’m truly sir about this, I didn’t mean for…

Sir Charles: Don’t worry about this Percy, it wasn’t your fault, we should’ve known
that one of the trucks that was being shunted here earlier was leaking its brake
fluid, plus I know you and Toad did your best to stop.

Sir Stephen: Indeed, no worries, you had a trying day just as we had. (Frowns and
looks at the damages) Though, it will take a while to pay for the damages (sighs),
everything seems to be going wrong lately.

Sir Charles: Stephen?

Sir Stephen: I’m okay dad, I just need to be alone for the time being.

Sir Charles: (Seeing his son is upset) Oh, of course son, I’ll survey the

Narrator: And Stephen walked sadly away. Leaving both Charles & Percy looking very

(Cuts to the Shunting Yards)

Narrator: The next day, Stephen was looking at the yards, watching different
engines coming through, either tank engines & diesel shunters shunting trucks, or
different engines large & small coming in to collect their trains.

Sir Stephen: (Sighs) Some controller I’ve turned out to be.

(Toby shows up)

Toby: Hello Stephen. Penny for your thoughts?

Sir Stephen: Huh, you could say that Toby. Things lately have been going wrong. I
just thought everything would work out before I would become controller.

Toby: I understand sir, I’ve heard about the 3 incidents that have occurred lately,
and that’s basically why I’m here, to check up on you.

Sir Stephen: I appreciate that Toby, in fact, I’m honestly glad it’s you of all
engines, only because, even though I never had a favorite engine on this railway,
as you’re all like a family too me, you’re the one engine on Sodor that I’m the
most closest to. I mean, I still have fond memories of when my late grandparents
took me & Bridget when we were kids on holiday to East Anglia, were we met you and
Henrietta for the first time.

Toby: (Chuckles) Oh yes, how could I forget. It was thanks to you and your family’s
visit that brightened me & Henrietta up when the road vehicles were taking over our
jobs, and what would later inspire your grandfather to purchase us both, and gave
us the life we’ve had now.

Sir Stephen: Indeed! Not only that, when father was showing me the ropes, you
yourself would even mentor me on different railway operation, especially on branch
lines. And whenever I felt upset about something, you would always be there to help
console in case something bad happens.

Toby: Of course, just like now. And I understand that even though you wanted to
become the new Fat Controller, you also feel it’s becoming a burden for you at the
same time.

Sir Stephen: (Sighs) Well you’re right about that Toby. I was excited, but also
nervous as well. I do feel the burden of living up to the reputation that both my
father and grandfather achieved, and I wonder what will happen if I took charge of
the railway, and worry if I make a mess of things. What if I end up destroying the
railway and put it through the toilet. Hell, I even worry what would happen when I
decide to show my son, Richard the ropes when he would become the controller years
later. But then again, I don’t even know if Richard himself would even be
interested, as he’s gotta life of his own anyway.

Toby: Okay, well I wouldn’t think that far ahead yet sir. That’s many years from
now. Just forget about what everyone else is, and focus on what you are. As we know
deep down you’re doing your best, and trying to achieve for the same magic that
your predecessor’s brought during their time. But trying to achieve a level of
perfection is impossible, as in the end, nobody’s perfect, as your father back
then, he was just as nervous as well when he took charge, but after doing the best
he could, and many positive feedback from the passengers, staff, and us engines, he
ended up loving it. In fact, when Henrietta and I were purchased by your
grandfather, I was excited, but yet, nervous myself on how my new life would be
compared to my old life in East Anglia. Only after spending the first few days
there after giving it a chance, I ended up loving it, and Sodor became my home for
many decades to come.

Sir Stephen: So even you were nervous to.

Toby: Of course sir, everybody gets nervous, human or engine.

Sir Charles: Quite right Toby!

(Shows Sir Charles walking up smiling)

Narrator: Said a familiar voice. It was Sir Charles, who also came to comfort his
son, and he had everything as well.

Sir Charles: Toby’s right Stephen, it’s okay to be nervous, as that’s what happens
when you take on a new job. There’s always gonna be something that would sound
challenging along the way, and when I felt the same way to when I became
controller, and so was your grandfather. But even so, despite being the
superintendent of the whole railway, that doesn’t mean we can ask for help. Plus,
you have the same traits and charisma that me and your grandfather brought, like
you did reprimand the Vent Vans, Bill, Ben, Gordon, and James for going against the
rules very well.

Sir Stephen: True, I did feel I had that level of discipline and self-control
there, but I honestly felt these accidents could’ve been prevented.

Sir Charles: I felt that way to sometimes when I took charge at the time. But then
I realized, accidents do happen every now and again, and we just gotta be ready to
deal with them. And the same for disciplining the engines if their egos get to big
and they misbehave.

Toby: Exactly, and you needn’t worry too sir, as we engines will be there to help
you, as your in charge, and I will be there to counsel the other engines if they
Sir Stephen: Your both right, even a grown man such as myself isn’t always perfect.
I know I just gotta run the railway as best I know how, and ask both engines and
staff on the different aspects involved.

Sir Charles: Exactly. And don’t worry about getting something wrong the first try,
as the first few times will be the struggling part. But once you get through them,
you won’t have to worry about it anymore, as you’ve learned from that mistake. You
don’t have to be great to start son, just start in order to be great.

Sir Stephen: (Smiling) Thanks father, and thank you too Toby. Your right, I’m gonna
make sure that everything does work out, I only wanted to make sure your last day
was a great one dad. And, I was gonna keep it a secret, but I was even gonna throw
you a retirement party to show that appreciation.

Sir Charles: You were! Oh Stephen, that’s very kind of you, I really appreciate
that. And that would explain the party decorations in Bear’s train, and the
chocolates that Percy crashed into. I’m really flattered, but again, you didn’t
have to work hard at making my last day great, as knowing the engines are doing
their jobs, and everything on the railway is running the way it is, and that you’re
in charge, has been very special for me.

Sir Stephen: Oh, I see! Well, you’re right, though I still plan the party, I’ll
just make sure I run it just as it’s a normal day.

Toby: That’s the spirit Stephen, and like I said, we’ll be there to help you.

(Shows a various montage of the railway running properly)

Narrator: So after that pep talk, Stephen now felt confident in what he had to do,
and ran the railway seriously, but not pushing himself too much. He was in such a
good mood, that he decided to forgive Bill, Ben, Gordon & James, and let the China
Clay twins out, and shunting in the Knapford Yards, and after Gordon, James, Percy,
Bear & Toad were repaired, he decided not to punish Gordon & James, but he let them
and the China Clay Twins off with a warning to behave and do the best for him once
he took over, and the 4 kept their promises and worked hard.

(Shows Knapford Station decorated for Sir Charles’s retirement party)

Narrator: Then, the great day arrived, for Sir Charles Topham Hatt’s last day as
controller, and the retirement party, while not exactly perfect, was looking
wonderful. All the engines were there, and so was the staff, and the entire Hatt
family to. Charles had to admit it was the best last day he ever had. Then, the man
himself made an important announcement.

Sir Charles: First off, I would like to thank you all for many years for hard work
and dedication, and for even looking out for one another, and being the engines
you’ve all been for many years. Despite some mishaps that occur every now and
again, and moments of cheekiness, arrogance, and mischief, I’m very proud of you
all, and I know you’ve all been doing your best during my last few days on the
railway as controller. I could never have asked for better engines to work on my

Narrator: The engines were flattered, and they all cheered. But as soon as the
noise died down, then Stephen made an announcement.

Sir Stephen: And I’m proud to be taking over the mantle too father. As I admit that
I was nervous on how this was gonna turn out, but after going over and correcting
the mistakes that occurred...
Narrator: Gordon, James, Percy, Bear, and the China Clay Twins blushed, but Stephen
smiled at them reassuringly.

Sir Stephen: I’m willing to let that slide, as nobody’s perfect, and we just gotta
keep moving forward. It doesn’t matter who you are, you don’t have to be great to
start, but to start in order to be great. I like to thank the engines & staff for
your cooperation and support, and for the feedback of from passengers, clients,
staff and engines alike. Thank you everyone, and I look forward to taking over as
the Fat Controller.

Toby: And we in return look forward to the many adventures we’ll have with you in
charge sir.

Henry: Here, here! Three cheers for both Sir Charles & Stephen Topham Hatt.

(Engines blowing their whistles, then shows Stephen now taking charge as the new
Fat Controller)

Narrator: And all the engines cheered. Few days later, Stephen had grown accustomed
to running the Northwestern Railway, and was wearing that suit and top hat with
pride. Charles himself, while he enjoyed retiring, he had other plans in mind, but
that’ll have to see when the time comes. The engines were proud to, and despite
Charles, they still felt like the magic and charm that he had was still there, but
in Stephen, as with him in charge, they knew know they were all in good hands, as
Stephen Topham Hatt III, as now the new, Sir Topham Hatt, the head of the
Northwestern Railway.

Narrator: If you were too ever visit the Island of Sodor, you would notice that
mostly steam locomotives are the main traction of its railways. This is the one
aspect that makes the Northwestern Railway stand out from other railways, as it’s a
place that keeps the faith of steam alive. Though the Fat Controller preferred
steam engines, that wasn’t to say he didn’t find diesels useful. Diesels are a
strong and efficient type of engine that could be allocated anywhere, and handle
any different job given to them, whether it would be with coaches or trucks.

(The Fat Controller talking to BoCo & Bear)

TFC: You’re all versatile, real mixed-traffic engines. I don’t see there’s anything
you couldn’t do, as these are the traits I look for in “Really Useful Engines.”

Narrator: The Fat Controller’s diesels, BoCo, Bear, Mavis and Daisy, were very
proud of this, and the steam engines on the railway were proud of them to, as over
the years steam & diesel have learned to get along and appreciate one another,
thanks to engines like BoCo & Bear proving those who were prejudice towards diesels
wrong. And the engines all accepted each other as one of the family. However, there
was one engine who couldn’t stand diesels, and you could guess which one that was.

(Shows James just sitting in his shed, glaring at the diesels coldly from a

Narrator: James had never liked diesels, and he was certainly not impressed with
them even in the slightest. While he only liked BoCo & Bear, he treated all other
diesels with deep suspicion, especially after the time a certain Class 08 shunter
was on trial, and framed Duck for saying he insulted him, Gordon and Henry. But
despite this, he was very snooty and discriminating towards them.

(Cuts to James ranting bitterly to Thomas, Gordon, Henry, Duck, and the Scottish
James: Diesels are just the ugliest, filthiest, and awkward contraptions. I mean,
they don’t even use coal & water like us. How could you trust an engine that isn’t
normal in its habits? You could even call them engines.

Narrator: The other engines could only just groan and roll their eyes, as they’ve
known James to make a lot of dark and hurtful comments due to his arrogant and
stubborn demeanor, though it was understandable, as some visiting diesels that
would visit the island with a delivery of goods trains from the Main Land would
boast about how special they were, and lash out at any steam engine in sight.
Because of this, BoCo, Bear, Mavis and Daisy would be there to stand up for their
friends, and smoothing their ruffled feelings.

(Shows a BR Class 40 Diesel numbered 40125 dropping off a mixed-goods train, and
making his way to Tidmouth Sheds, were James, Henry, Gordon, Thomas, Duck and BoCo)

Narrator: One day, a particularly haughty diesel came from the British Railways
with a mixed-goods delivery for Knapford Harbor. Once said visitor made his
delivery, he made his way to Tidmouth Sheds, but when he found out that he had to
share the sheds with actual steam engines, he only just stopped outside in disgust,
and stubbornly refused to go any further.

Old-Stuck Up: Dear god, why on earth does your Controller keep such outdated pieces
of rubbish.

Narrator: He growled rudely as the engines just glared.

Old-Stuck Up: (Shuddering snootily) I mean look at all of you, a bunch of dirty,
smoky, and fragile furnaces on wheels, ugh! At least on our railway, steam engines
are kept strictly in their place, and not allowed on the mainline without special
permission. If I had my way here, I would demand that all of you tin pots get
melted down, and made into parts that are meant for us more modern and efficient

Narrator: The engines just seethed with fury, and were just about to retort, until
BoCo, who was escorting the diesel, stood up for them.

BoCo: Well, if that’s the case then, you could do us all a favor. Stay outside or
sleep in the goods shed if you’re so proud about it. I’m going to stay here and
join these engines, who are my friends. To you mainland diesels, you just see steam
engines as outdated rubbish, but to diesels like me, they’re engines to, who
without them, we wouldn’t have built, you should treat steam engines around with

Old-Stuck Up: Well I’m not surprised diesels on this railway are even speaking up
for them in the first place, especially you, Metrovick Co-Bo class, oh, how many of
your class is left after you embarrassed our kind.

Gordon: Oh shut your big filthy mouth you ingrate, BoCo here is more of an engine
then you’ll ever be.

BoCo: Thank you Gordon. And besides, “modern” you said earlier? Diesels like us
aren’t even that modern as we once were, as we were all built during the 50’s and

Thomas: BoCo’s right, here on Sodor, every engine is equal, steam & diesel alike,
it doesn’t matter who we are, were not all different from one another.

Henry: Indeed, and we certainly don’t approve of attitudes like yours, so you can
either say something nice, or don’t say it at all.

Old-Stuck Up: Pah, you’re all just useless and pathetic, and its scum like you that
should respect engines like me, as we’re…

James: Listen here you old-stuck up piece of junk, we’re not gonna stay here and be
insulted from a dick like you, so shut up, and go and take your filthy mouth with

Old-Stuck Up: Humph!

Narrator: And the diesel sulked crossly away.

Thomas: Can you believe that guy? Honestly, just no tact.

Duck: Indeed, his mind is really stuck in the past.

James: Yeah, why can’t other diesels be more like you BoCo?

BoCo: There are James, it’s just that’s life sometimes, some engines and humans can
be nice, and some can be rude, not everybody’s the same.

Gordon: He’s right James. I go down to the end of line every day, and yes, it’s
true there are mostly diesels there, but the ones that work there are actually very
nice, and they’re only just doing their jobs. I mean, who blame them?

James: Well I don’t give a crap on who you’re talking about, they’re all the same
to me, and that visiting diesel is no different. I hope its cold tonight and he
can’t start in the morning. At least here on Sodor, we’ll always be preserved no
matter what. But who’d need a scum like him…Old-Stuck Up, ugh!

Narrator: The other engines knew that what James said was very hurtful and wrong,
but after their confrontation with Old-Stuck Up, they were too tired to argue with
him, as James was to stubborn and dead-set in his ways. So they just went to sleep.

(Fades to the next morning, and the engines leave for work, while Old-Stuck Up is
left in a siding)

Narrator: The engines were glad when morning came, they went to fetch their trains
as early as they could, and Old-Stuck Up was left alone, coming out the goods shed
were he had spent the night.

Old-Stuck Up: That’s better. Who can an engine such as myself rest with all that
hissing and clanking?

Narrator: But Old-Stuck Up was so full of arrogance, that he forgot he would need
cleaning and refueling before heading home, and the cleaning equipment and fuel
supply were in the part of the shed that BoCo & Bear would share whenever they came
to visit. It was getting late when he remembered, but he also didn’t want to go in
the sheds at the same time, as he was still full of disgust over the fact that
steam engines reside in those particular sheds.

Old-Stuck Up: If I go in now while the sheds are still empty, then those steam
puffing fools won’t know I’d be, that was I don’t have to spend one minute on this
wretched place with those outdated contraptions and those traitorous diesels.

(Old-Stuck rushes into Tidmouth Sheds but ends up slipping on oil)

Narrator: Old-Stuck Up was so eager and selfish to leave Sodor that he scuttled
forward quickly, too quickly, as the rails where BoCo stood that night were oily,
and when he tried to stop, he couldn’t and soon realized his mistake.

Old-Stuck Up: WHOA! Brake blocks and buffers I’m slipping.

Narrator: He wailed, as his wheels locked, and slithered, as he shut his eyes in

(Old-Stuck Up crashes through the wall)

Narrator: Luckily, Old-Stuck wasn’t badly damaged, but a dreadful draft came
through a hole in the wall.

Old-Stuck Up: (Groaning in pain) Well that could’ve gone smoother.

(Shows Douglas with the Breakdown Train, and pulling Old-Stuck Up back onto the

Narrator: Douglas was sent over at once pull Old-Stuck Up back on the rails, and
the Fat Controller gave the pompous diesel an earful about his snobby attitude, and
insults towards the engines. And when the Fat Controller mentioned he would be
informing his manager about his actions, the diesel could only shudder in terror,
wondering what the future might bring.

(Shows Gordon, Henry, James, BoCo, Bear, Donald, Douglas, and Duck)

Narrator: When the other engines returned home, Douglas told them the whole story,
and they could only laugh.

Henry: (Chuckles) So, Old-Stuck Up, came unstuck did he?

Douglas: Aye, he sure did, and he really kept his mouth shut after the Fat
Controller berated him.

Gordon: Glad he did! Guess we won’t be seeing him for a while. Say BoCo, what’s the
word the Fat Controller calls you, Bear and the other diesels.

BoCo: Oh, it’s versatile! It means being able to adapt many different functions or
activities around you. Though that’s not what he called Old-Stuck Up, in fact, I
couldn’t hear everything he said, but it didn’t sound very polite.

Bear: Well given how horrible his attitude was, I hardly think so (Chuckles).

James: Yeah, but you could say he could be used in a demolition derby.

Narrator: And all the engines just laughed, though unfortunately, Old-Stuck Up’s
mishap would only be the beginning of James’s newfound arrogance, and enforced his
racism for diesels even more.

(Shows James puffing by and being arrogant and grumpy as usual)

Narrator: James the Red Engine was becoming insufferable. Ever since Old-Stuck Up’s
visit last month, as well as the latter’s mishap involving him slipping on BoCo’s
oil and crashing into the sheds, James kept using the diesel’s misfortune as an
opportunity to gloat about how bad of an influence diesels were to railways, as I’m
sorry to say, the Old-Stuck Up’s incident had only enhanced the big red engine’s
arrogance and his racism towards diesels even more.

(Shows James arguing with Daisy when meet as a guaranteed connection at Elsbridge

Narrator: Now most of the Fat Controller’s engines had accepted diesels, and those
who used to have prejudices towards them, have learned to get over it and not judge
a diesel before they would know them. James on the other hand, just never liked

(Shows James arguing with Edward, Henry, Toby, and Duck at Tidmouth Sheds)

Henry: Oh come one James, you’re not even giving other diesels a chance. The
actions of diesels like Diesel or Old-Stuck Up doesn’t mean all of them are

James: Yeah, but that still doesn’t make them any less vulgar than them being

Duck: JAMES! That is the most brutal thing to say, especially coming from an engine
like you. Haven’t you forgotten diesels like the ones we got now?

James: Well diesels like BoCo & Bear are rare cases.

Toby: Oh, but what about Mavis & Daisy?

James: Mavis is okay I suppose, but why should I get to know a common diesel, oh
and don’t get me started on Daisy, that skank of a diesel. But then again, diesels
are just an embarrassment to railways.

Toby: Oh my god James, you are just so stubborn. Mavis is a very kind and
hardworking diesel who may have started out stubborn, but she matured over time,
and can actually be a mother figure towards the younger engines. And Daisy maybe
arrogant, but she’s no skank, in fact, she means well, and in fact, she’s a lot
like you given your boastful attitude right now.

Edward: Toby’s right James! This prejudice you have towards them is getting out of
hand ever since Old-Stuck Up’s visit. Haven’t you forgotten that any engine, steam
or diesel, can have different personalities, some can be cruel, but some can be

James: That’s not my point Edward! In fact, physically they’re so unappealing, I

mean they look so awkward and ugly. I mean, how can tell the front from the rear if
you take the face off?

Henry: Really James? Now you’re gonna pick on the looks? I mean, the design is
alright. Plus, one advantage is that they’re mixed-traffic engines, like you, me
and Edward.

James: You mean mixed-up engines you mean? I mean look at them, with windows at
each end. How can they tell if they’re coming or going?

Toby: Hey, I have two cabs at each end, and I get on alright.

James: That’s because you’re just a silly little tram engine Toby. If an important
engine like yours truly didn’t know where to turn, what would the railway come to?

(Guard’s whistle blows, and James leaves)

Narrator: The guard’s blew, and James grumpily departed, leaving a cross set of
engines behind.
(Fades to Tidmouth Sheds with Henry, Duck, and Donald)

Narrator: All the engines agreed that James was becoming much to puffed up in his

Henry: I don’t believe James sometimes. Making out his royalty or something. It’s

Duck: Yeah, in fact, I knew an engine called King James, in the old days at
Paddington on the Great Western. King James I he was. Though he didn’t swank about
like that compared to our James.

Donald: Ock, dinnae be telling James that! It'll be even mair th' misery he'll be
making oor lives.

Henry: Exactly, but who’s gonna trim his wheels for him.

Narrator: The engines tried and thought of all sorts of ideas to bring James down-
to-earth, but nothing worked.

(Shows James leaving Knapford, and Thomas, Gordon, Henry and Percy relieved to see
him leave, and the coaches in the yards as well)

Narrator: James grew so conceited, that the others were glad when he was away. Even
the coaches twittered anxiously towards each other, if he was too ever pull them.

(James backing angrily into Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: One day James stormed into Tidmouth Sheds, fuming as usual.


James’s Driver: Now James, we’re not gonna get into a debate about what jobs to do
again, so watch that mouth of yours. Besides, both twins are away on Edward’s
branch line, and you’re the only one available, now stop you’re whining and come

James: Humph!

(James departs and sees him shunting in the yards, very roughly)

Narrator: With that, James reluctantly set to work shunting his train. This was
doing nothing to improve his attitude, but it did however please the other engines
so they wouldn’t have to put with him for a while now that he was confined to the
yards. Now the shunting should’ve been easy, but James was in such a bad temper,
that he bumped them crossly.

Trucks: Oh, oh, oh!

Narrator: The trucks cried, and some them slipped their brakes despite James.

(Shows James’s train nearly complete)

Narrator: At last, James had only two trucks to fetch before his train was ready.
Two of these trucks James had to shunt on his train were called well-wagons. A
well-wagon is a type of long flatbed truck with boogie wheels at each end, and
their namesake comes from having a low section between them, which is used to carry
cars, tractors, and other heaven machinery, including engines.
(Cuts to the signal box in the yards)

Narrator: Meanwhile, the Signalman in the nearest signal box found it hard to see
what was happening. James’s Driver told him James would whistle when James would
whistle when they collected all the trucks and were clear of the points. They had
almost finished when James heard a sharp whistle which came from Donald who had
just left with his train. Unfortunately, the signalman heard it to, and assumed it
was James saying he was ready. James, who desperately wanted to get his job over
with, thoughtlessly blew his whistle at the worse moment, and the signalman,
without thinking also, he pulled the lever, setting the points for the main line.

(Shows James coming up pushing the two well-wagons with tractors on them)

Narrator: But James wasn’t ready. The points changed when one of the well-wagons
was halfway over them. One boogie went the right way, but the other was diverted
towards the Main Line. Worse, a signal stood right in its very path. James finally
began to realize.

James: (Gasps) DRIVER STOP!

Narrator: His driver slammed on the brakes, but it was a moment too late.

(Shows the well-wagon knocking over the signal)

James’s Driver: Uh-oh! That’s torn it! The Fat Controller isn’t gonna like this.

(Shows Duck with the Breakdown Train)

Narrator: And he didn’t, first he spoke severely to the signalman.

TFC: I know accidents are bound to happen, but you my good man need to listen more
carefully next time.

Signalman: Yes sir! Sorry sir!

Narrator: Then, the Fat Controller spoke severely to James.

TFC: James, you aren’t to blame for the accident, but the way you were shunting
those trucks was very careless and rough, and you should’ve been more patient and
calm, even when you’re doing a job you dislike. The signal you crashed into was
very important, and thanks to your attitude, its loss is very inconvenient.

James: (Sadly) Yes sir!

TFC: Not only that, I’ve been getting loads of complaints from the other engines
regarding your behavior. I’ve heard that ever since that incident with the visiting
diesel, you have been getting to haughty, and using this as an example so you can
bad-mouth the diesels again.

James: But sir, the diesels…they…

TFC: I don’t wanna hear your petty reasons James! What the visiting diesel you
called "Old-Stuck Up" did was uncalled for, and he already got what he deserved
after literally getting some sense knocked into him, it was very disgraceful of you
to use his accident as an excuse to justify why you can’t stand his kind. Your
attitude on diesels is very unhealthy and cold-hearted, and I do not tolerate that
behavior from my engines. The world is changing James, and you need to change with
it, as I heard everything from my office that day when you ranted about them
towards Henry, Edward, Toby, and Duck, and that’s all the more reason why I had you
shunting, as you have been absolutely obnoxious with your boasting, and what you
said about the diesels was very disgraceful, and I believe that your anger is what
caused this accident as well.

James: Um… I uh....

Narrator: James stuttered, struggling to think of what to say, even though he knew
that was true.

TFC: I thought so. I hope this incident will teach you not to put others down, and
to appreciate other engines for who they are, and not what they are. As any engine,
steam or diesel is welcome, and like Edward said, everybody has different
personalities. And diesels have their uses to, especially with any increasing
workloads. However, as punishment, you will stay in your shed for 2 weeks, and I’ll
send Edward to finish the job. I hope that will give you time to think about your

James: Yes sir! Sorry sir!

Narrator: James said gloomily!

(Cuts to the sheds, with the original 7 engines)

Narrator: That night, James stayed quiet that night. The other engines found it
rather funny though. At last, Henry spoke.

Henry: I suppose it must be difficult to know which way to go when you have two
cabs. But to go two ways at once with only one cab, that really is something.

Narrator: James pretended he hadn’t heard.

(Opens with Thomas puffing down his branchline)

Narrator: Thomas the Tank Engine has ran his branchline for many years with Annie &
Clarabel, and knows it very well. It is full of many beautiful places, from the
watermill, the windmill, the farms, as well as the hills and rivers. But he also
admires the different towns on his line, and the people that live in each one, as
Thomas knows everybody, and everybody knows him. Whenever the children hear Thomas
coming along, they stand on the bridge at the village of Toryreck Station and eave
till he is out of sight. The Ffarqhuar Branch was a very special, and Thomas was
always very great at running his branchline, and always doing what job needed
doing. However, passenger numbers were increasing as of late, and new timetables
were added to accommodate them, and this was making Thomas very late. One morning
Thomas was at Ffarqhuar were Percy was nearby shunting trucks in the yard.

(Sees the signal change to green)

Percy: Hurry up Thomas, if you’re late, the Fat Controller might consider getting a
new engine to replace you.

Thomas: Rubbish Percy, he would never do that to any of us. Though mind you, things
have been getting quite rough lately.

Percy: I know Thomas, I was just kidding, as you are the best this branchline has
to offer. I just hope that nobody does replace you.

Thomas: Don’t worry Percy, like I said, that won’t happen.

Narrator: But secretly, Thomas was worried.

(Shows Thomas puffing down the line, but stops at the Toryreck Goods Station)

Narrator: As Thomas was puffing down the line, hoping to make up for lost time, he
noticed up ahead was a stationmaster waving a red flag at Toryreck.

Thomas: What’s going on here? This has gotta be some sorta mistake, as this is
station is meant for goods, not passengers.

Stationmaster: Sorry Thomas, but this is an emergency, the children over on that
bridge need your help.

Thomas: Help? What for?

Children: Help Thomas, help! We’re glad to see you. Please will you take us home?

Narrator: The Stationmaster explained that the school bus had broken down, and that
all the parents would be worried if their children were late.

Thomas: I see! Well, in that case, we better help before their parents start having
a panic attack. Bertie is at Dryaw right now, so I’ll take them over to him right

Stationmaster: Excellent, thanks Thomas.

Annie: Thomas, this is going to make us late.

Clarabel: Yes, very late indeed.

Thomas: I know you two, but we don’t really have much of a choice.

Narrator: So Thomas waited as the children walked down from the bridge, and boarded
Annie & Clarabel.

(Thomas departs and meets up with Bertie at Dryaw, but then cuts to home puffing at
Knapford where Percy & Henry are waiting)

Narrator: Then Thomas took them to Dryaw, the airfield station, were Bertie was
waiting to take them home. But when Thomas finished his journey, he was very late,
and worried the Fat Controller would be cross with him.

Percy: Oh dear! I warned Thomas, he’s been late the 4th time this week.

Henry: No kidding! It’s like this scheduling is really taking a toll on him.

Percy: Yeah, he’ll be in trouble now.

(Shows Thomas looking worried, then cuts to him puffing into Knapford the next

Narrator: But the next morning, when Thomas was collecting his passengers at
Knapford, and hoping to make up for yesterday as well, the Fat Controller was
nowhere to be seen.

(Thomas looks around each part of the station, but no sign of the Fat Controller)

Thomas: (Sighs) Thank goodness!

Thomas’s Driver: Indeed! Don’t worry Thomas, I’m sure he’ll understand. I mean, he
has to.

Thomas: Regardless driver, we have to be on time today. I want to show him I can
meet up with the new timetables, as this branch line is everything to me, and I’m
not about to lose my career.

Thomas’s Driver: (Sighs) Alright, but take it easy, okay?

Thomas: Of course, count on it.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Thomas departs)

Narrator: Thomas made sure to run at a good pace, but just soon as he was puffing
down the line, disaster was about to occur.

(Shows bent rails, and Thomas coming down it)

Narrator: Just up ahead was a stretch, were the hot sun had bent the rails on the
track Thomas was traveling on.

Thomas’s Driver: Careful Thomas!

Narrator: Called his driver, but it was too late!

(Thomas hits the bump and derails)

Thomas: Ah! NO! Argh, damn it this cannot be happening. (Sighs) This just isn’t my

Thomas’s Driver: Yeah, that’s really done it, looks like we can’t get any further

Thomas: But what about the passengers?

Thomas’s Driver: Don’t worry, they’ll be look after.

(Shows Daisy collecting the passengers, and Toby with the Breakdown Train helping

Narrator: So Daisy had collected Thomas’s passengers, and Toby arrived with the
Breakdown Train to lift Thomas back on the rails. There wasn’t any damage to him,
Annie or Clarabel. But unfortunately, the branch line had to be closed for repairs.
Toby, Mavis and Digby the Ballast Spreader were repairing the bad bits of line, as
the bump Thomas hit wasn’t the only one. Percy went to work with Duck at Knapford
Harbor, Daisy was working on the Main Line, while Thomas had to shunt trucks in the

(Shows Thomas shunting and Bertie coming up)

Narrator: Poor Thomas felt very miserable. The other engines, especially the big
engines had heard about what happened, and they felt sorry for their friend to. But
there was nothing they could do to cheer him up. Bertie showed up, seeing how
depressed Thomas looked.

Bertie: Hello Thomas, I understand you need my help again.

Thomas: Yes please Bertie. I can’t run without my rails, and the passengers on the
line won’t have any trains to get them to their destinations once the branch is

Bertie: Of course. Don’t worry Thomas, I’ll make sure to do so.

(Shows Hackenback Station with the sign “Sorry No Trains Available”, and Bertie
collecting the passengers)

Passengers: Hello Bertie! We’re glad you’re here!

(Shows a montage of Bertie driving along)

Narrator: Bertie drove along the road that runs along the railway. He stopped at
each station on the branchline and brought them to the junction, were the big
engines would meet for the guaranteed connection. Though being a bus, Bertie would
stop between stations to let people off closer to their homes.

(Thomas still looking glum in the yard while shunting, until he meets up with
Edward & Gordon)

Narrator: But two days later, Thomas still felt miserable, and Edward & Gordon who
were chatting nearby could tell.

Edward: Is everything alright Thomas?

Thomas: No Edward, everything is not alright. I feel I’ve lost all my passengers to
Bertie. I appreciate what he’s doing for, but I feel the passengers are gonna like
him better than me. I might as well kiss the branch line goodbye.

Gordon: That’s nonsense! The Fat Controller would never do that Thomas! He knows
that you work just as hard as any to earn that branch line, and without we wouldn’t
have a railway.

Thomas: Thank you Gordon, that’s very appreciative you to say that.

Gordon: Of course, you’re my friend Thomas, and over the years, I’ve learned to
respect branch lines a little bit more after the mix up with me and Edward that one
time. Besides, we need passengers and goods from your branch anyway, and clearly,
it does feel strange not seeing you there. Bertie is doing a great job at least,
but it just isn’t the same.

Edward: Gordon’s right! Though I can see it must be deeper Thomas, as I know you
all too well to understand something is going on.

Thomas: Well Edward, your right about that. Ever since the new timetables, it’s
been very hard for me to keep up and be on time, especially for all my passengers.
I feel like lately, I’m beginning to lose my touch.

Edward: Don’t blame yourself Thomas. These delays aren’t your fault, and what
happened the other day with the children was understandable, and even the Fat
Controller knows this.

Thomas: He does? I thought he was gonna be cross.

Edward: Not at all Thomas. I spoke with him this morning, he’s well aware,
especially since his daughter Emily goes to that particular school.

Thomas: Oh, I didn’t know that, though I did think one of the children looked
Edward: Exactly, don’t lose faith Thomas, the Fat Controller knows that you are a
responsible, reliable and really useful engine that’s always willing to help
anyone. He would never close down the branchline.

Gordon: Indeed! And he would certainly never replace you, as there could only be
one engine that runs the Ffarqhuar Branch better than anybody.

Narrator: For the first time that week, Thomas began to smile happily.

Thomas: Thanks you two. Your right, I shouldn’t dwell on this my whole life, as
I’ve had a good thing going for many years, and I won’t let it stop me.

(Thomas puffs away, and fades to the next morning with the Fat Controller talking
to Thomas at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: And Thomas puffed happily away knowing his friends were right by his
side. Two days later, the Fat Controller arrived to see.

TFC: Good morning Thomas! I’ve got good news, your branchline has been completely

Thomas: Oh that’s wonderful sir, thank you! And also, I’m sorry about the delays
last week.

TFC: Please don’t worry about that Thomas, there’s nothing to be sorry for. I
should’ve known that the timetables as of now were stressful for you. Plus, I
understand you were helping the children the other day to after their bus had
broken down. Especially since my daughter Emily goes to that school to. So I’ve
decided that since Toby & Daisy are busy with their own work, the Bus Company and I
had a meeting after the incident, and we have rearranged your timetable, that way
you and Bertie can work together more. You are a valuable asset to this railway,
and you should know I would never replace you, nor shut the branchline, or any
branchline down, as nobody runs it better than you do.

Narrator: Thomas beamed!

Thomas: Thank you sir! That really means a lot!

(Cuts to Thomas arriving at Hackenback Station)

Narrator: Thomas arrived, and saw to his relief, there were all his beloved

Passenger 1: We are so glad to have you back Thomas.

Passenger 2: Yeah, Bertie is a great bus and all, but we miss our train rides with
you, Toby and Daisy.

Harriet Kyndly: Yes indeed! Welcome back my dear!

Thomas: Thank you everybody! I missed all of you too. But there is another certain
someone I need to thank!

(Cuts to Thomas pulling into Ffarqhuar were Bertie is waiting)

Narrator: Of course, Thomas knew who that was once he reached Ffarqhuar.

Thomas: Thank you for looking after my passengers Bertie, I honestly don’t know
what I’d do without a bus like you.
Bertie: Oh that’s alright Thomas. You helped me two years ago with the tar, so here
I am repaying the favor. I always like to make new friends, but I’m glad to share
them with you.

Thomas: You’re a really good friend indeed. And always will be.

Narrator: One night the engines were all having a conversation about their paint

Gordon: Flying Scotsman, and all my brothers and sisters were all painted green. It
was all very well in its way back on the Great Northern, but after becoming part of
Sodor, I now prefer my blue. It makes me different you see, as it helps me fit in
with the family, and it’s very suitable for an important engine like me.

Donald: Funny ye shoud mention thon Gordon. The engines on the caledonian railway
usit tae be blue, but no as dark as we are. Douggie an me niver were thouch, we
haed tae be black.

Douglas: Ock aye! But honestly, we perferrit bein black anyway, at least it helps
us stand oot.

Henry: I like my green paint just as much as you all like yours. Mind you, I would
hate to be red like James here. People would think I was a fire engine.

James: Hey, I resent that! At least with my red paint, being such a splendid
engine, people can see me coming, as I don’t disappear into the background like
some engines I could mention.

Henry: Humph!

James: I mean, if it wasn’t for the noise, you’d need yellow and black hazard
strips like Mavis.

Narrator: Henry’s protests were drowned by the laughter of the other engines. And
the big green engine went to sleep, wondering how to pay James out.

(Cuts to Henry backing down roughly on his train at Knapford Station)

Narrator: The next morning, Henry was still in a foul mood, so much that he bumped
his coaches without thinking.

Coaches: Oof!

(Guard’s whistle blows and Henry departs)

Coaches: What could be wrong? What could be wrong?

Narrator: Wondered the coaches anxiously, as Henry pulled away from Knapford.

Henry: Do come along! Do come along!

Narrator: Snorted Henry impatiently! They had a nice, fast run, but unfortunately,
this did nothing to improve Henry’s temper.

(Shows Henry puffing all the way to Vicarstown and bumping the coaches)

Narrator: He bumped the coaches roughly till they reached Vicarstown, and again for
the return journey. He just still simmered there angrily as the fireman fastened
the coupling.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Henry departs)

Narrator: However, nobody noticed a rattle from beneath Henry’s footplate, as he

snorted away. As time passed, the train began running well.

Henry: Ah, now we’re making good time. Maybe I shouldn’t have let James’s comments
get too me.

(The train splits between henry & his tender pulling the coaches, but both Henry
and the train stop)

Narrator: But Henry had spoken too soon. Suddenly he heard a loud crack from below
his cab.

Henry’s Driver: Whoa, look out! Oh dear, we must drop Henry’s fire. It will be
dangerous to let him boil dry, now that we can’t get more water from the tender.

Narrator: The fireman agreed, and wasted no time in doing so.

Henry’s Driver: Sorry old boy, just when we were going nicely to. But if you hadn’t
dwelled on your argument with James last night, and banged about losing your temper
like that, you wouldn’t have broken your tender coupling.

Henry: (Sighs) Your right. Sorry driver!

Narrator: While the fireman dealt with the fire, the driver went back to warn the
signalman of what had happened.

(Shows the fireman trying to deal with the firebox until disaster strikes)

Henry’s Fireman: Hey wait a minute, the sleepers on the rails, they’re smoking, and
(Smells) is that, holy crap! FIRE!

Henry: Fire? Oh god, FIRE! TAKE COVER!

(Henry’s Driver returns to find his engine covered in a thick cloud of black smoke)

Henry’s Driver: I’m back, and…oh my god, WHAT’S GOING ON?

Henry’s Fireman: Henry’s fire had set the sleeps a lite! You and Henry, stay here,
I’m going to phone the fire brigade!

Henry’s Driver: Right!

(Henry inches a bit, and Edward comes to collect his train)

Narrator: The driver eased henry clear of the blaze, and then Edward came to take
his train onward. Henry felt absolutely uncomfortable and humiliated. After the
fire brigade put out the fire, the workmen made a temporary tender coupler and
rejoined him to his tender. And after everything was secure, and the signalman gave
the all clear, Henry’s crew lite a new fire, and drove him gently home.

(Shows Henry at the yards, with the Fat Controller letting him off with a warning)

Narrator: Once they reach Tidmouth Yards, Henry’s coupling was replaced with a
strong and proper one, though the Fat Controller scolded Henry, and let him off
with a warning about losing his temper and taking it out on others, even more than

(Shows Edward talking with Gordon, James, BoCo, Donald, Douglas, and Percy while
Henry is there, but then the next day at Tidmouth station with Henry snorting, and
James smirking at him)

Narrator: Later that night, Edward who of course had witnessed the whole incident
after collecting Henry’s train told the others, but were careful of what they
talked about that night. But as for Henry, he was touchy on the subject of fire for
some time afterwards. But James was quick to notice that from then on, Henry
stopped making rude remarks about the color red, which is the color of “fire

(Opens with Duck & Percy shunting at the harbor)

Narrator: There were some occasions were Percy & Duck would be sent to Brendam
Docks of the workloads got increasingly busy. Now Brendam Docks is one of the main
harbors on the railway along with Knapford Harbor. It’s located on Edward’s
branchline, though any engine on Sodor can travel there if they have a delivery, or
requested by the Harbormaster to help out. Even bigger engines like Gordon or Henry
can travel there, as the rails on the branch are very strong and sturdy enough as
they are on the Main Line. Percy & Duck would occasionally work at the docks,
shunting trucks to and from the quay.

(Shows Percy & Duck exhausted)

Narrator: But one morning, the two tank engines were exhausted, as the workload was
getting increasingly busy, and the harbor was busier than ever. The Fat Controller
realized this, and promised Percy & Duck that he would bring an engine from the
mainland to come and help them until the work load decreased.

Percy: Huh! It’s about time!

Duck: Indeed, I ache so much I can hardly get my own wheels to move. Plus, we’re
needed back on our regular duties on our own lines.

Percy: Yeah, it was hard for Thomas to keep up with the timetables until the Fat
Controller requested Bertie too help.

Duck: Yeah, and I can only wonder right now how Oliver and the twins are getting
on. But let’s just hope this visitor isn’t like Old-Stuck, and a cooperative on
like Edward or BoCo.

Narrator: Said Duck, and they waited for the engine to arrive.

(Shows a familiar black Class 08 Shunter slyly coming up to the duo)

Narrator: Though unfortunately, it came as a shock when it did, as the two tank
engines goggled in horror to see it wasn’t just any engine.

Diesel: Good morning!

Narrator: He purred in an oily voice. Percy & Duck were horrified, it was Devious
Diesel, the same engine who had framed Duck for saying he insulted Gordon, Henry
and James. The engines had never seen Diesel for many years after his banishment,
and the fact he was right there next time made them seethe with fury.


Diesel: No calm down Duck, you’re worthy “fat”, um…the Fat Controller sent for moi.
I hope you are all please to see me again, as I am to shunt some dreadfully
tiresome trucks.

Percy: Shunt where?

Diesel: Why from here to there my dear Percy. And then again from there to here.
Easy isn’t it?

(Shows Diesel thoughtlessly bumping some trucks)

Narrator: With that, Diesel, as if to make himself clear, thoughtlessly bumped some
trucks hard.


Diesel: GRRRRRR! Get in line you little maggots', or I’m gonna see to it they chop
you up in turn you into kindling (Cackles evilly)!

(Shows Percy & Duck horrified, then hiding in a goods shed)

Narrator: Percy & Duck were so horrified that they just went to one of the goods
sheds and stayed there. It didn’t surprise them though that Diesel didn’t change.
And they just didn't want to put up with him, knowing what he was capable of.

(Shows the Fat Controller in his office)

Narrator: Though even that made things worse, as when the Fat Controller was having
tea and a cream bun until the telephone rang. And, it was the harbormaster at
Brendam Docks.

TFC: So there’s trouble in the harbor yard, oh dear. Don’t worry, I’ll be there
right away.

(Shows Diesel shunting and causing trouble)

Narrator: Diesel of course was working loudly and alone, and was making everything
at the docks difficult, even without Duck & Percy. Because of him, cargo lay on the
quay, ships and passengers were delayed, and the engines had a hard time getting
through to their own trains. Worst, everybody was complaining about the Fat
Controller’s railway. Soon the Fat Controller realized why that was.

(Cuts to Percy & Duck sulking until TFC arrives)

Narrator: Percy & Duck were still sulking in the shed, until…

TFC: There you two are! What’s all this?

Percy: (Stuttering) Oh…uh…we’re on strike sir!

TFC: Strike, why?

Duck: Beg pardon sir, we really didn’t want to do this, but it’s just that we won’t
work with an engine like Diesel sir.

Narrator: The Fat Controller’s went from angry to concern, as now he understood.

TFC: Oh, I had a feeling it was because of that.

Duck: Yes! Just, your father sent him packing years ago sir.

TFC: Now listen you two. I understand your feelings, and my father told me the
story about what happened between you and Diesel, Duck. But there really wasn’t
anything I could really do about it, as apparently, the other railway said he was
the only engine available. Look, I’m just as unhappy about this as you two are,
believe me, but Brendam Docks has been busy for quite some time, and I had no
choice but to give Diesel a second chance. I’m sorry you two, but sometimes in
life, you have to make the best out of a bad situation, whether you like it or not.
Besides, he’ll be gone once this is all over.

Percy: (Sighs) Yes sir!

Duck: But we’re only doing this for you and the railway.

TFC: That’s understandable, now off you go you two, we can’t afford anymore delay.

Narrator: So Percy & Duck reluctantly went back to work. Though once they did,
Diesel kept on causing trouble for the two tank engines.

(Shows Diesel behind Percy and Duck in a goods shed)

Narrator: The next day, things were no better. Diesel’s Driver thought he had put
his brakes on properly, but indeed they weren’t, and Diesel started to move. He
went bump, straight into Percy.

(Percy rolls his eyes surprised)

Diesel: Wake up there Percy! You and that quack pot over there have work today, now
get moving, or I’ll bump you even harder!

Narrator: He scowled! Worse, he didn’t even say he was sorry to poor Percy.

(Shows Diesel causing trouble constantly and being rude to the other engines)

Narrator: Later Diesel was still causing even more trouble and enjoying every
moment of it. He kept bumping trucks, even derailing them accidently on purpose,
over ran red signals, shunted the wrong loads in the wrong spots which caused
numerous delays, and was very rude to the engines, the workmen, and the trucks, who
he kept bossing around. And when Percy & Duck were shunting a train for Donald,
Diesel shunted his own trucks on the train by bumping them so hard, some trucks
derailed, and the load spilled everywhere.

Percy: Oh my god, Diesel just won’t stop. I just don’t know what the Fat Controller
is gonna say.

Duck: Isn’t it obvious Percy? He won’t like it!

Diesel: Oh dear, then who’s going to tell your Pillsbury Dough Boy of a Controller,
two goodie-goodie tattle tales like you I suppose?

Narrator: The green engines looked at one another.

Diesel: Yeah, I know you would, but that’s fine, go ahead and tell him, if you got
the axels (Cackles).

Narrator: He smirked triumphantly. Percy & Duck did not what to be tattletales, so
they said nothing. Diesel, thinking he could get away with his bad behavior, was
ruder than ever.
(Diesel shunts a line of China Clay Trucks into a siding)

Narrator: The next day, he was shunting a line of China Clay Trucks, and was
planting to shunt them to the other side of the harbor, but he wasn’t watching
where he was going and shunted them on a dock siding right by the quay. And all of
sudden he surged the trucks right into buffers, but the buffers weren’t secure.

(All trucks plummet into the bay, then cuts to the Fat Controller’s office)

Narrator: At last, Diesel gasped in horror as the China Clay trucks were sunk,
taking their loads with them. The Fat Controller heard the news as well, and he
acted at once.

(Shows a Salvage Barge and the Breakdown Train recovering the trucks, the Fat
Controller scolding Diesel)

Narrator: A tugboat had arrived with a salvage barge, and Edward came with the
Breakdown Train to recover the damages. The trucks were hoisted from the bay, but
the Clay load in them was washed away and lost. The Fat Controller wasted no time
in speaking severely to Diesel.

TFC: The harbormaster has told me everything, you Diesel have caused nothing but
confusion & delay, and I realize now regardless of what British Railways said, it
was still a big mistake for me to bring an engine like you back. You’re just too
much of a devious, arrogant, and malicious troublemaker who keeps disobeying my
orders, and carelessly getting into mishaps such as the crap you’ve given me and my
engines these past few days. If my father was here, he would’ve advised me not to
give you a second chance, but I certainly won’t be giving you any. I’m sending you
back to BR, and I will not be inviting you back!

Diesel: But sir, you can’t be…

TFC: I have spoken! Now Duck and Percy, I really apologize with what you had to go
through, but this will put you both at a disadvantage I’m sorry to say.

Percy: No that’s okay sir!

Duck: Yeah, we can handle the workload for the time being. Anything’s better than
getting help from a “Devious Diesel.”

Narrator: Diesel said nothing!

Edward: Don’t worry you two, I’m here right now, and I’m not busy at the moment.
I’ll lend you both a buffer.

TFC: Excellent idea! Seems like things will work out after all! Thank you Edward!
Percy: Yes, thanks indeed Edward!

Duck: Let’s get started!

Narrator: Whistling cheerfully, Percy & Duck went back to work, with Edward helping
them this time. While Diesel sulked slowly away once again in disgrace.

(Diesel slowly leaves)

Narrator: The Skarloey Railway was busier than ever. More goods and passengers were
traveling up and down their line. Though the engines didn’t mind, as they liked to
keep busy, and working hard to please both their passengers and goods clients.
However, there was only one engine who of course couldn’t stand doing this, and you
can guess which one that was.

(Cuts to Sir Handel complaining to Peter Sam)

Narrator: One morning, Sir Handel was complaining per usual, even more so than
Duncan ever would.

Sir Handel: Ugh, it’s time that I had a rest. Passengers, humph! Anyone would think
we had nothing better to do but give them rides all day. Important engines like me
shouldn’t be treated like this.

Peter Sam: Oh come Sir Handel, you know what happened back on the Mid Sodor Railway
when there were no passengers, let alone work in general. It was closed because of
that. We’re lucky if you ask me.

Sir Handel: I didn’t!

Narrator: He snorted rudely, and he puffed noisily away.

(Show Sir Handel shunting in the yards)

Narrator: Now Sir Handel was an engine who felt the world revolved more about him,
and always felt wronged if nothing went his way, but this was only because he was a
pompous, selfish, cynical, and bad tempered and stubborn engine with a massive ego.
While Duncan would complain endlessly about anything and everything, Sir Handel was
just more of a pompous spoiled brat who would even question authority to selfishly
get out of work, which always got him punished by the Thin Controller every time.
As Sir Handel was grumpily shunting in the yard, he made a plan. A bolt that was
holding the top part of his cab had worked loose. He could feel it wobbling.

Sir Handel: (Inner monologue) Hmm…if I rock and roll as much as I can like Duncan,
I could shake my cab even looser. Then, I can have my well-deserved rest while it’s
being mended.

(Sir Handel leaves, then puts his plan into action while puffing along the line)
Sir Handel’s Driver: Steady old chap!

Narrator: Warned his driver, as he bucketed along the line. But Sir Handel ignored
him, and just grinned to himself. He was so determined to get out of work, he
bounced more than ever.

(Shows Sir Handel’s crew inspecting him in the shed that night)

Narrator: The driver and fireman cheeked Sir Handel’s springs before heading home.
But nothing seemed wrong, though they felt deep down something was up.

Sir Handel’s Driver: whatever the problem is, I’ll mention that bad bit of line to
Rusty & Mr. Hugh, but something tells me Sir Handel is up to something.

Sir Handel’s Fireman: Yeah, even more than usual I imagine.

(Shows Sir Handel worried, then still scheming the next morning)

Narrator: Sir Handel pretended he hadn’t heard. The next day, Sir Handel bounced so
much, that he almost derailed himself at Rheneas station. Though he quieted down
after that.

(Shows Sir Handel grinding to a halt)

Narrator: Then suddenly, with a bump, the cab bolt broke altogether.

Sir Handel’s Driver: Oh, now you’ve done it. But we don’t have to time to mend you
right now, as you still got a train to pull. Skarloey & Peter Sam are up the line,
and there isn’t time to get the others ready.

Narrator: This made Sir Handel even crosser.

(Sir Handel puffing down the line)

Narrator: Each time Sir Handel puffed, his cab rattled, until part of it caught on
his whistle’s chain.

(Shows Lakeside, with Sir Handel coming in, and Skarloey waiting)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Skarloey was waiting at Lakeside Station, but in the distance,
he heard a strange noise. It sounded as if an engine wanted to whistle, but
couldn’t. Then Sir Handel came into view. As he crossed each rail joint a puff of
steam came from his whistle, and every time, he gave a feint “peep”.

Skarloey: Oh my Sir Handel, you sound as if your whistle is out of tune.

Narrator: Said the old engine, trying to hold back his laughter. But Sir Handel’s
crew, the coaches, and the passengers didn’t even try, as they thought it was a
huge joke. But Sir Handel could only seethe with fury, as he had never felt so
humiliated in all his life.

(Shows Sir Handel puffing down the line as Rheneas, Duncan, and Duke laugh at him)

Narrator: But Sir Handel got even crosser as he kept puffing down line, and his
short, but shy whistle was heard throughout the hills and villages near the
railway. The other engines couldn’t help but laugh at the blue engine’s expense.

Rheneas: (Laughing) Hey Sir Handel, they should really put you in a marching band,
you’ll bring the whole orchestra down a peg.

Duncan: (Laughing) Hey Sir Handel! Wad ye keep it doun, yer whistle is causin
everyone tae have blues.

Duke: (Laughing) Very out of tune there young one, even his grace would’ve heard
better music than that.

(Shows Sir Handel at the Skarloey Railway Sheds, where Bear & Oliver are)

Narrator: Later, Sir Handel was being mended, and Oliver & Bear, who were nearby
could only laugh after hearing the events from Skarloey with his commuter train.

Oliver: (Laughing) Well Sir Handel, trying to get out of work again, eh? Well,
anybody would think that if you didn’t wanna be a railway engine, you could
certainly get a career in music. Your whistle is probably the best instrument.

Bear: (Laughing) Careful Oliver, you don’t wanna get him to mad, as the only music
we might here is his whiny temper (Chuckles).

Oliver: (Chuckles) Yeah, but hey, if he was going through an instrument stage or
music audition, the judges would’ve hated, and even given him a 0.

Oliver & Bear: (Laughing)

Narrator: Sir Handel just said nothing, he was already too upset as he was as the
two standard gauge engines left. Just then, his crew, who were recovering from
laughter came to see him.

Sir Handel’s Driver: We’re sorry we laughed. But it turns out you’re whistle chain
got caught on your cab, and the crosser you got, the more you rattled, the more you

Narrator: Sir Handel found this most embarrassing!

Sir Handel’s Fireman: Yes, but in all seriousness, once we fix your cab, we better
hope for your sake you’ll never pull a stunt like that again.

The Thin Controller: No worries gentleman, I don’t think he would, and even if he
did, I’ll make sure of it.

Narrator: Sir Handel gulped. He knew that voice all too well as the Thin Controller
strode over to him.

The Thin Controller: Normally I would punish you whenever you try another selfish
attempt to get out of work Sir Handel, but needless to say, (trying hold his own
laughter), I think you punished yourself, in a hilarious fashion. But now I think
you got your so-called rest, but next time. You’ll be back to work tomorrow doing
your usual duties, and that is all, then you can have a rest, and I want no more
nonsense or complaining.

Sir Handel: Yes sir! I’ll stop!

The Thin Controller: I hope so Sir Handel, I really do!

Narrator: As the Thin Controller walked away, laughing just a little bit at Sir
Handel’s exploit, Sir Handel himself finally began to realize his idea wasn’t such
a good one after all.

(Opens with Gordon passing through with the express)

Narrator: Winter had come, and for many days now held everything in an icy grip.
The countryside was frozen, the trees and ground were white with frost, and icicles
hung from bridges and water columns. Mercifully, there was little snow, but the
weather was proving difficult, especially James when he was taking the local
commuter service.

(Shows James’s crew trying to keep warm in the cab)

James’s Driver: Brrr…too cold for that, thank goodness!

Narrator: Shivered James’s Driver, as he and the fireman huddled in the sheltered
side of James’s cab. James had an open footplate, and every day, his crew came to
work muffled to the eyebrows with scarves and jerseys. Because of the weather,
sometimes even the water columns would freeze to, and then the engines could not
get the water they needed. But thankfully, this didn’t happen at Crovans Gate, and
one day when the frost seemed harder than ever, James’s Driver stopped him beside
the water column there.

James: (Sigh) Finally! The works here definitely got the best water column compared
to the other stations. Please hurry up driver, I wanna get going as soon as
James’s Driver: Just stay calm James, we’ll give you a good topping up while we
can. There’s no telling where we might get some more.

Narrator: James shivered as the icy water cascaded into his own tender, but he knew
his driver was right. They filled James’s tender to the brim, because the fireman
forgot to tell the driver to turn the tap off.

(Shows James’s tanks overflowing)

James’s Fireman: AAHHH! WHOAAA! SO COLD!


Narrator: Thankfully, the fireman remembered now, and that’s what he did.

James’s Driver: Dear god that was close. Right, let’s be off! I want to warm us all
up shoveling coal.

James’s Driver: Hold on Reg, we can’t leave yet, they haven’t even loaded the
luggage van.

James’s Fireman: Well I wished they’d hurry, I’m freezing from standing on that

James: Tell me about it, I’m freezing after that drink. Brrr!

(Guard’s whistle blows, and James departs, then sees him puffing down the Main

Narrator: Soon as the luggage van was loaded, and all the passengers were on board,
the guard blew his whistle, and James left, relieved to finally warm up, just as
much as his crew were. Now all engines have a tap called an injector, it allows the
driver or fireman to transfer water from the tender to the boiler. It’s very
important just as all the other functioning parts on an engine, as without the
injector, the water level in the boiler could become too low to make steam
properly. They hadn’t gone far before James began to feel dehydrated.

James: (Panting) Oh man, driver, I need a drink please.

James’s Driver: Sure, no problem!

Narrator: The driver switch on the injector, but nothing happened. The fireman
tried a duplicate, still nothing.

James: (Groans) Oooh, I got such a pain!

James’s Driver: Yeah, and I think I know why! You’re injectors failed. Blockage in
the pipe most likely. We’ll have to stop and deal with your fire.

James: Okay, but at the very least, just don’t the sleepers on fire. Henry will
never let me hear the end of it.

James’s Fireman: Don’t worry about it James. That’s because he caused his tender
coupling to snap. You’ll be alright if we just damp you down. There’s no need to
throw the fire out as Henry did.

(James stops at a Signal box, until a “new” diesel engine arrives)

Narrator: So they stopped James at the nearest signal box, and asked the signalman
to tell for help. And as they did so, James was horrified, to see that the
Steamworks had sent a diesel, a new one that James had never met before. It was a
BR Class 47-Brush-Type Diesel with yellow warning panels, the numbers D4 written in
white, and was painted in a nice shade of blue, and with the Steamworks logo
printed right in the middle. And he also had a big pair of eyeglasses over his

James: (Groans) Oh no! This is the last thing I need, rescuing by a diesel. It’s
degrading, I won’t go!

James’s Driver: (Sternly) Now James, haven’t you learned anything after the signal
incident, the Fat Controller warned you, no bad-mouthing the diesels, or he’ll
punish you again. Plus, you don’t have much of choice in the matter, as your fire
is out, and your boiler is cooling.

Narrator: After the incident with the signal, James had learned to keep his
opinions too himself, though he still hadn’t full gotten over his hatred for
diesels, thus the other engines hadn’t exactly forgiven for his arrogance at the
time. James soon began to realize what his driver also meant, as he felt the icy
wind. So he had to change his mind whether he liked or not. But just then the
diesel spoke.

The Diesel: Hello there, it’s James I presume?

James: Um…yeah…that’s me!

The Diesel: My name is Marlin, and I’m here to lend you a hand. I’m gonna take you
back to the Steamworks, and get you repaired and warmed up.

Narrator: He said reassuringly, causing James to realize this diesel was actually
very friendly. So, Marlin coupled to his train, and towed him back to Crovans Gate.

(Marlin and James make their way to the Steamworks)

Narrator: James at first was quiet, but remembering the Fat Controller’s warning,
he decided to speak with Marlin.

James: So uh, Marlin is it? Um…thanks for helping me. I take your on trial.

Marlin: (Chuckles) Not at all! I’m your new maintenance diesel for the Northwestern
Railway, I’m gonna be in charge of overseeing the operations at the Steamworks and
handling rail maintenance.

James: Oh, really!

Marlin: I also can tell you may not have the best experiences with diesels by the
sound of it. But no worries, I’m nothing like that, and I can even help you look at
diesel in a positive light.

Narrator: James was surmised, and quiet at first, but by the time they reached the
Steamworks, Marlin had won him over, while Donald was dispatched to take James’s
train onwards.

James: Thank you Marlin!

Marlin: Ah, no problem my friend! I have to get going, we’ll talk when we get the

James: Sure thing, bye!

(Marlin leaves, and James’s crew inspect James)

Narrator: So with a friendly toot of his horn, Marlin left. Soon, James’s Fireman
and the workmen found the problem. The fireman tried to open the fillet cap, but it
was frozen shut.
James’s Fireman: There’s your answer James! After that incident with the water
column, your fillet cap froze solid after the water overflowed, my fault though,

Workman: That would mean ice was stopping air from getting into the tank. So the
injector can’t work. You’ll be alright as soon as the ice defrosts.

(Shows James leaving the Steamworks, and he and Marlin exchange friendly

Narrator: Once it did, James did feel alright. But that wasn’t all, thanks to his
new friend Marlin, even James had to admit that diesels had their uses to. And the
Fat Controller and Marlin have had different sessions for James booked on his free
time, in order to help him get over his racism towards diesels. Though how James
gets over his bigotry…well, that’s another story.

Narrator: It had been just a week ago ever since the Fat Controller had bought the
new diesel, Marlin to take care of the Steamworks, as he need a permanent engine to
handle the operations there, as well as handle the maintenance trains and tow any
engine that needed to be repaired when the other engines weren’t available. The
engines became instant friends with Marlin because of his kindness and wisdom, as
he was a highly intelligent diesel with an IQ of 525, and very knowledgeable about
different classes of engines and how they work, and he always acted in emergency of
disaster were to occur. And he was also a professional psychiatrist on the railway
like Edward, so if the engines had any mental health issues, Marlin have sometime
in the afternoon to help console engines over their problems. All the engines liked
him, especially James, whom he himself was still struggling to get over his hatred
of diesels. James still showed his gratitude to Marlin after the diesel helped him
when James’s fillet cap overflowed in the freezing cold, and the excess water froze
it solid. While James was grateful for the diesels help, and while it did help him
see diesels had their uses to, his racism towards them still needed to be sorted
out. As after the incident with the well-wagons knocking over a signal in the
Shunting Yards, he had some time to think in the sheds while he was being punished
for letting his hatred consume him. He only vowed to keep his petty thoughts to
himself, and too not boast about how bad diesels are, but he still couldn’t let go
of his nasty opinions towards them, and while he was on good terms with the other
engines to some extent. They haven’t fully forgiven him for his constant gloating
and bad temper, and they still knew that James still had a grudge against diesel

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds with James talking to the other engines)

Narrator: And one morning, James was boasting about this per usual, and just like
usual, the other engines were still getting very fed up as before.

James: You know guys, I gotta say, this Marlin has really become something special.
At least he knows place for a… (Shudders), diesel, just like how BoCo & Bear hear
have earned their keep.

Narrator: BoCo & Bear just glared at him as the other engines did.

James: I mean, if it hadn’t been for Marlin, I would’ve been stuck out there in the
freezing cold. At least a common diesel like him saved me…Sodor’s National
Treasure, from turning into a Popsicle. Marlin, BoCo and Bear are an example to us,
though we certainly don’t need any more of those disgusting, unreliable…


Narrator: Everybody remained silent, and at once, James stopped gloating.

Gordon: National Treasure? Humph, not the words I used to describe you, especially
by the way you’re acting, especially putting other diesels down after that.

Henry: Gordon’s right, James. Haven’t you learned anything after your punishment
for the signal incident? And we appreciate that at least you were grateful to
Marlin for helping you, but deep down, you think you’re better than him, or any
diesel for that matter.

Bear: Aye, and how you even used me and BoCo to back up your damn ego! Like, “KNOW

BoCo: Easy Bear, calm down, steady, breathe.

Bear: (Inhaling and exhaling breathes)

BoCo: Easy there. Though Bear has a point James, is that really how you feel about
us, do you really think of diesels like us that way?

James: (Nervous and sweating) Well, I…uh…

Toby: (Sarcastically) Yes James, we’re all interested now, is that true?

James: Um…uh…I think diesels are…well, not as good...


James: Well isn’t obvious, the diesels have practically obliterated our kind have
stolen our work. Hell, most steam engines like us were scrapped, and the majority
of us are the very last of our kind. I mean like remember when Diesel first came
here, we thought we could trust him, until he framed Duck, and had you, me and
Gordon turn on him. And it became apparent that diesels are nothing but a bunch of
oily, devious, and treacherous machines out to get us steam engines.

Gordon: Oh come on James, that was years ago, and even though I felt the same way
to. BoCo and Bear over here, and not to mention Mavis, and I guess to some extent
Daisy, have proved to us that the actions of one diesel doesn’t justify the
characters of all diesel kind.

James: Yeah, but haven’t you forgotten what happened last summer? The Fat
Controller brought Diesel back again to help Percy & Duck at Brendam Docks, and
look how that turned out. He was causing absolute chaos of the place, all just to
try and get our railway shut down. I mean, come on Duck, you should know how that
feels, you too Percy!

Duck: Oh don’t use us in this James. Yes, what Diesel was doing was horrible, but
the Fat Controller sent him away in disgrace. Plus, it’s not like the Fat
Controller wanted to bring him back, as British Railways doesn’t even like us

Percy: Yeah, and it wasn’t just us he was causing trouble for right?
BoCo: That’s right Percy, even Diesel and I had a confrontation to. Yes, a diesel
caused trouble for another diesel like me. In fact, you have to remember James,
even diesels like us are getting just as old as steam engines, so we’re all in the
same boat at this point.

James: No were not!

BoCo: Oh yes we are! Don’t you remember? My class was suffering from loads of
issues that BR didn’t even bother to spend time fixing, and I’m one of the only two
of my class left. Oh, and what’s more, BR is so obsessed with power and money, that
they would even scrap whole classes of diesels. Remember what I said to Old-Stuck
Up when he first came here? We’re not even that modern anymore? We aren’t, as
nowadays, electric engines and high-speed trains are being built now, and this is
putting old diesel-electrics, diesel hydraulics, and diesel shunters like Mavis out
of work, and some also are being preserved, while others scrapped. Like steam

Narrator: James paused at this for a moment. Normally, he would believe a sensible
engine like BoCo. It seemed he believed him at first, especially seeing that looks
of seriousness in his eyes, and how angry he was with him for his stubborn

James: I…uh…well.

Edward: He’s right James! Railway lines all over the region, and the world are all
considering using modern technology, and most engines, steam or diesel outside of
Sodor aren’t really that lucky. This is why the Fat controller welcomes engines of
all trades, no matter who or what they are.

Percy: Here, here!

James: But, uh, what about Mavis & Daisy. I mean, you little engines had to put up
with them because they were just as difficult.

Thomas: Don’t call us little James. And those two diesels have proven to be
valuable just as BoCo & Bear. Yeah, in the past they were, but they did reform.
Okay yes, Daisy did start out as one of those arrogant mainland diesels that didn’t
like steam engines, but after Percy’s accident, she reformed. And she gradually got
over her grudges, and she learns to work hard and show a little more consideration.
She’s not perfect by all means, and she can still be just as vain and egotistical
as you are, but those events showed that even those who were like that can change.
People and engines can change overtime, thus, the Fat Controller and his
predecessors believed in second chances and redemption.

Toby: Well put Thomas! And Mavis on the other hand wasn’t invested to much in the
rivalry, but she used to be as arrogant as the bad diesels from the mainland as
well, but that was because she was young and eager. And after all those hardships
such as the Crossing incident, and the time I nearly fell to my death over a raging
river on a disused bridge, she kept to her word, and look at her now; she’s a
matured, kind-hearted, open-minded, and even a motherly figure towards the younger
engines to.

James: Well, okay, but somebody back me up here, I mean, what about you Gordon, and
Donald, and Douglas, the three of you hated diesels.

Gordon: Well I cannot deny that James, yes, I did, but I realized that it was wrong
of me to hold a grudge like that. Especially after BoCo came to aid when Bill & Ben
were trying to terrorize me.
BoCo: That was a joke Gordon.

Gordon: I know BoCo, but regardless, you came to me when they were trying to make
those stupid wisecracks, and it made me realize that diesels weren’t so bad. And
when Flying Scotsman visited back ’67, I began to realize that diesels aren’t that
different from us at all, especially when I see them every day down at either
Vicarstown or Barrow. There are really nice diesels that are great if you get to
know them.

Douglas: Aye! Gordon’s richt! At first it took Donnie me a while until we finally
got ower our own grudge, but whan we met BoCo an Bear, an after a scoldin bi the
Fat Controller's father, we realizit thon they may have been in a worse position
than we were.

BoCo: Exactly! Face it James, your outnumbered, and your just gonna waste your
breathe by boasting and arguing with us.

Edward: Not to mention, you’re still being incredibly selfish and stubborn to
listen to reason. You need to let this go, the world is changing, and you need to
change with it, like the Fat Controller said. Don’t forget, the Fat Controller said
that if you keep this up, he’ll have you locked up in the sheds again, do you want

James: Uh, no! Of course not!

Gordon: Good, then do us all a favor and just shut up!

Narrator: And with that, each of the engines one-by-one, went back to work, still
very cross with James for his attitude, leaving the big red engine to feel very

(Shows James puffing down the Main Line with a local passenger train)

Narrator: Later, as James pulling a local, he decided to ask his driver and fireman
about it.

James’s Driver: Well they are right James, what you said this morning was quite
insensitive and hurtful. But worse, it showed that you really didn’t learn from
what happened with the signal incident. Then again, you always think about yourself
on a daily basis.

James: (Sighs) I know. Maybe what I said was hurtful, but I just feel that the
other engines hurt me, like is if nobody is siding with me on this, as I was hurt
by dieselization more than anybody. I mean, me and my brother Riley are the only
two members of our class still left, despite being prototypes. Now here we are in
1984, and it’s like the others are befriending them, not forgetting the harm
diesels have caused.

James’s Driver: James, nobody has forgotten what happened. And everyone is on your
side. But it’s just that that was many years ago, and moving on and living life the
way it is, that’s the proper and even healthier thing to do. Holding a grudge
against others and believing in stereotypes is considered a sin, I mean have you
forgotten during the Holocaust during the Second World War? The Nazis had
slaughtered 6 million people because they were Jewish, and their antisemitism, let
alone bigotry, and how they dehumanized the Jews was a crime against humanity.

James: Yes, it was very depressing, I know, but the diesels were trying to do the
same to us.
James’s Driver: Well you can’t believe in that stereotype James, remember, it was
British Railways that built the diesels, and the diesels were basically their
pawns, and it’s not like any of them asked to be built. I mean, when was the last
time you’ve ever asked yourself that?

James: Well, I take your point. But what BoCo said, about diesels like him and the
others not being as modern, is that even true?

James’ Driver: I’m afraid it is James. It’s not just steam engines, when railway
lines are shut down, anything that was serviced their goes along with the ship,
especially the engines that used to work there, and even the diesels are dragged
along with them. In fact, some classes of diesels built during the Modernization
era, there are very few of each class, and they’re getting so old, even they need
to be maintenance. But, if any engine breaks down, or has an accident, BR can be so
cruel and greedy, they won’t hesitate to scrap that engine, regardless of what kind
it is.

James: (Pondering) Ah! I see!

Narrator: James began to ponder on his driver’s words. Maybe all that time, he was
so forgetting to see the big picture. Maybe, he was letting his own hatred consume
him, that it corrupted him from seeing the world around him.

(Fades to night time with James pulling the express)

Narrator: That night, James was rostered to pull the Midnight express train for
Gordon, as the Fat Controller though that the big blue engine needed a rest, so he
called James to take it. Normally, James loved doing this job most of all than
anything, and it did help brighten his spirits a little bit, though the words of
his driver and the other engines was still swirling around in his smokebox.

(Cuts to James at Vicarstown)

Narrator: Once James had reached Vicarstown after his run was complete, he was
waiting, light engine to go home, though he had to wait until a passing freight
train from the mainland came by. And just when it came through, James could also
see some trucks that were loaded with scrap, but something that really caught his
eye was a familiar blue shape loaded onto the flatbed, covered in rust and decay.
James thought he was dreaming, but he thought the shape looked like a Class 40
diesel that he may have seen before.

James: Um, driver, I know were headed to back to Tidmouth, but do you think we
could follow that goods train for a bit?

James’s Driver: Why, since when are you interested in trucks?

James: I’m not, but, I swore something on one of the flatbeds looked familiar. I’m
just curious to see.

James’s Driver: Um…okay, I suppose, it’s headed to the Smelter’s Yard. But let’s
not be out too long, as its getting very late and Reg and I want to go home like
you do.

James: Of course, just, one hour.

(Signal changes and James follows the train)

Narrator: Just as the goods train was clear, the signal changed to green, and
James, eager to see what that familiar blue shape was, followed after it.

(Shows the Smelter’s Yard)

Narrator: James’s Driver was right, as the train itself was bound for the Smelter’s
Yard. Now the Smelter’s, or the Scrap Yards is were old engines, rolling stock and
road vehicles, once their working life is done, are sent to retire, permanently, as
it is the equivalent to a graveyard for engines. They are sent there to be cut up,
burned, crunched, or melted down, were their scrap metal would be reused or remade
into other things. The engines, especially the steam engines like James hated it
there, and didn’t even like going there, as the idea of engines like them being
sent to be scrapped, and seeing dead scrapped locomotives all over the place was a
depressing and devastating state, which can even cause mental trauma for an engine.
After the diesel that was pulling the train had left, James made his way into the
hellish red lights of the Smelter’s Yard buildings. Once he was inside, he saw
where some of the scrap trucks from the goods train that the diesel was pulling
were shunted into. Seeing the scrapped pieces of what was once living engines made
James feel very intense and uncomfortable. But to his surprise, there were even
some diesel locomotive parts in the trucks. But if that didn’t convince James
enough, that’s when he finally saw the familiar shape, which was a Class 40 diesel,
and James could even make out the color to be blue. But if that wasn’t shocking
enough, he looked at the number through the grime and rust, making it out to be
40125, and then he saw the engine’s traumatized face and realized, it wasn’t just a
diesel, it was Old-Stuck Up.

James: Oh my god…it can’t be!

Old-Stuck Up: Ah, who goes there, oh, it’s you!

James: Oh my god, Old-Stuck Up, is that you?

Old-Stuck Up: Yes, I know this may not be pleasing to you, um…its James is it?

James: Yeah, that’s my name. But what are you…how are you…?

Old-Stuck Up: I was exiled here, as I’m going to be scrapped, and I think that
might please you right now.

James: Actually, I don’t think I am, I just didn’t think a diesel would be sent to
be scrapped. In fact, when I saw you on that goods train, I thought I saw something
familiar, I had to check it out. And now that I have, I’m honestly quite shocked,
and devastated at what I’m seeing right now. And the fact you said you were gonna
be scrapped, that’s even more shocking, I mean, what happened to you?

Old-Stuck Up: Well, as you know, back in February this year, when I visited your
railway with a goods train, I made a lot of unkind and brutal comments about your
kind and your traditions, and I realize that was horrible thing for me to do. But
what lead me to realize my mistake was after I desperately wanted to leave, I
slipped on the oil your friend BoCo leaked on the rails, and crashed into the walls
of your home. After that, the Fat Controller had berated me severely, and even
threatened to call my controller, which made me quiver even more. After I was
repaired, I was sent back, but when I got there, my controller ripped me a new one,
he chastised me for my actions, and how I’ve been nothing but a failure to him.

(Shows a flashback of what happened to Old-Stuck Up)

Other Railway Controller: D40125, you disappoint me! Not very wise! Sir Topham Hatt
has reported to me about the impression you made toward his engines, and that you
so desperate to come here, you slipped and crashed into the wall of their shed. I

Old-Stuck Up: But sir, it was full of steam engines, I couldn’t stay there.

Other Railway Controller: Oh yes, blame it on the steam engines, because they spoil
your image, well I can care less about your reasons. In fact, I’ve had it with your
childish excuses, as ever since you were first built, your track record has been
abysmal. You’re too lazy to do whatever we say, you’re too arrogant and
overconfident, thinking everything revolves around you, and your attitude towards
the other engines, both steam and diesels is just plain horrid. Because of your
wretched personality, you keep getting into accidents over and over, AND IT’S
GIVING ME A HEADACHE! I honestly have no idea why they reallocated you too me. In
fact, I don’t know why the Fat Controller bothered to repair you after your
accident, as he should’ve sent you here unrepaired, as let’s just say, you saved me
the trouble yourself.

Old-Stuck Up: What do you mean sir?

Other Railway Controller: I’m saying, that British Railways have had enough of your
overconfident and incompetent behavior that we are taking you out of service



(Sees D261, coupling onto him)


D261: My job you idiot! Something you never do a whole lot, but then again, you
were nothing but a failure anyway. I may dislike steam engines as you do, but at
least I actually do my work and not have accidents. But at least now, you can join
them in the molten steel of hell.

Old-Stuck Up: D261, please, don’t do this, I beg you! BROTHER!

D261: Don’t call me that, we were never brothers, you failed all of us diesels.
Plus, our leader, he has had it with you to. So you’re dead to all of us, just like
our Controller here thinks the same. In fact, I disown you entirely.

Other Railway Controller: Well put D261. Now, get this fool out of my sight and far
away from me as possible!

D261: With pleasure sir.


(Shows D261 shunting him away, and then sees Old-Stuck Up)

Old-Stuck Up: I was then sent to a scrap siding, and left out there for months in
the cold brutal months. The workmen there came at me with blow-torches and
sledgehammers, using my parts to mend the other engines. They even spat on me, and
plenty of trespassers came spray painting me in graffiti. The weather worsened my
condition, and in August, they even took me to a steelworks, were my wheels were
removed, and placed on this flatbed you see me sitting on tonight. Even the leader
of the diesels disgraced me, and even used a large crane arm with a claw, and did a
lot of serious painful damage to me. Then he cursed at me, saying how I disgraced
our group, then left disowning me as well.

(Fades back to present day)

James: (Nearly choking up) Oh…oh god! They did that to you?

Old-Stuck Up: Yes, the staff of British Railways, and even fellow diesels. But some
of the steam engines did show empathy, and I was even able to make peace with the
ones I insulted. Which is a good thing you’re here now James. I know it’s long
overdue, but, I’m sorry! I’m sorry for how horrible I’ve treated you and your
friends! It was cruel and wrong. In fact, they sent me here to Sodor, as obviously
British Railways doesn’t like your railway that much, so they had a diesel send me
here to join the steam engine’s in their demise.

James: Demise? But we’re not going anywhere, and who’s this leader of yours, he
sounds familiar?

Old-Stuck Up: He’s the Lord of the Diesels. You know, the one who rallied up
diesels who were like me in a diesel revolution along with former board member of
BR, Phillip Boomer. Who he and the lord chased an old steam engine, and caused her
to crash. I don’t know the full story, but you get the idea.

James: I do know.

Old-Stuck Up: And you’re right about what you said James, your railway and your
friends won’t be going anywhere, because this island is a sanctuary for all
engines, steam, diesel, electric, you name it. BR doesn’t care one bit about any of
its engines like me, as all they care about is power, money, and vanity. That time
in the Scrap Siding made me realize that how I treated steam engines, always
snubbing them was very pretentious and cruel, and I realize that what BoCo said was
true, we’re all engines, and that nobody is better than anybody, as at the end of
the day, we’re just doing our jobs, and we need to get along and put our petty
issues behind.

James: I know how that feels, and even been guilty of that behavior. In fact
D40125, I forgive you, and I apologize about what I said about your kind in return.

Old-Stuck Up: Thank you James! We’re certainly not that different, but don’t bother
saving me, there’s nothing that can be done. It’s all over for me. I just want to
do in peace.

James: And I’ll respect your decision my friend. Goodbye! And rest in peace!

Old-Stuck Up: Goodbye James, live to fight another day!

Narrator: And James reluctantly left, feeling very devastated. Tears were rolling
down his eyes. He finally began to understand!

James: (Crying) Oh boy, I’ve been a real fool!

James’s Driver: It’s okay James! It’s a lot to take in, I know, but I think we
should go speak with Marlin about this.

Narrator: And James agreed.

(Cuts to the Steamworks)

Narrator: The next morning, James, on his spare time, made sure to talk things with
Marlin. He had previous sessions before, and this time, it was finally about time
to settle his bigotry once and for all.

Marlin: Crickey James! You’re saying, this diesel, who you used to call Old-Stuck
Up, was being scrapped after all that happened since his last visit.

James: Yes! Turns out his accident was all BR needed. After hearing his story, I
finally began to realize how my prejudice has only made me nothing but a bad-
tempered and stubborn jerk that’s blind to the big picture. And gradually, the
diesel himself while he was in the process of being scrapped felt the same exact
way. We had the same issues, and went through all those horrible experiences to
make us realize how awful we’ve both have been.

Marlin: Well, I’m glad you admit to that James. Because I heard about the argument
you had with the other engines yesterday, and the Fat Controller asked me to see
you, though you already saved me the trouble. In fact, it seems like seeing the
diesel and hearing what everyone was telling you has finally got to your smokebox.

James: Yeah, it really has Marlin! I’m sorry I’ve been so prejudice towards your
kind, and said all those really uncalled for comments.

Marlin: It’s okay James! Now you finally see, how being a upstanding bigot has
corrupted you, and if you keep insulting diesels like this, than you’d not only
stoop to their level, but others would be prejudice of you to.

James: (Sighs) You’re right, I know it has!

Marlin: But what the diesel said to you last night was true. It’s not just steam
engines, even we diesels are in just as much danger of being scrapped because of
British Railway’s greed. Hell, there’s only 116 members of class that have
survived, as the remainder had also been scrapped, as even old diesel-electrics
like me, D40125, BoCo, and the rest on Sodor have aged. With electric engines and
high speed trains being built, the less of both your kind, and mine are being used
less. In fact, not too long ago, a BR Class 46 was used in Nuclear Crash Test
against his rights, and was beyond repair, that even he was condemned to scrap.

James: I see what you mean! The world really is changing, and I can’t do anything
about it.

Marlin: Your right James, nobody can. The only thing we can change ourselves. The
Fat Controller and I have agreed to let you have more sessions with me on your free
time, and I promise, I will help you get over your prejudice, and help you see
diesels in a new light. However, you do need to apologize to the other engines
after what happened, and I recommend you tell them about your experience last

James: Thank you Marlin! I’ll go speak to them.

(Fades to Tidmouth Sheds at night)

Narrator: That night, James wasted no time in doing so. The other engines didn’t
see him that much since yesterday, but James explained what happened, and the
engines were shocked.

Gordon: Oh my word! So, Old-Stuck Up, or D40125, has been sent here to be scrapped
at the Smelter’s?
James: Yes he has Gordon. Though, on his behalf, he’s really sorry about what
happened, and seeing that, and hearing his experience, made me realize not only he
changed his views on steam engines like us. But that steam engines and diesels
aren’t so different after all, and that we all need to come together. I realize my
racism has corrupted me, like how the Nazis were terrorize the Jews during the
Holocaust, segregation in the States, etc. It’s time to get over are prejudices,
and accept others for who they are.

Edward: I’m glad you see it that way James. In fact, we’re proud of you for coming
to terms with reality.

James: Of course, though I’m not done yet. Everybody, I’m sorry about how awful my
attitude has been lately. And BoCo, Bear, I’m sorry for badmouthing and demeaning
your kind the way I did. It was so inappropriate, and I promise I will never speak
or think so badly about diesel kind again. Do you think you can forgive me?

BoCo: Of course we can, we’re friends James. Thanks for apologizing, and we promise
to help you see diesels in a new light.

Bear: Exactly! We’re all Sodor engines, we stick together to the very end.

Henry: Indeed! We’re very proud of you James, you did the right thing by letting
this go and making amends with us. Thank you!

James: You’re welcome Henry. Let’s start over fresh.

Narrator: So thanks to the sessions with Marlin, James finally stopped hating
diesels, and in fact, he now respects them, and always stops to help them in need,
and is loyal to them as he is with the rest of his fellow engines. Of course, he
can still be very arrogant and vain, and his stubbornness can still get him into
trouble every now and again. But ever since Old-Stuck Up was scrapped, he learned
to consider the feelings and opinions of others, and now has accepted diesels as
equals, and that it’s time to let go and move on.

(Shows Mavis going past the bridge near the waterfall on the entrance to Anopha

Narrator: Mavis is a BR Class 04 Diesel Shunter that works on the Northwestern

Railway as a shunter for Anopha Quarry, which is also called Ffarqhuar Quarry, as
it is an industrial site at the end of Thomas’s Branchline. She is a very beautiful
diesel shunter with six driving wheels hidden by cowcatchers and side plates like
Toby, had her name and company’s logos printed in white, a tall funnel, and painted
in black with yellow and black hazard stipes at each end. Her main job is really
shunting the stone trucks at the quarry into their proper places, though every now
and again she would pull trains from the quarry not just to Ffarqhuar, but also to
various other places on Sodor every now and again. Now everybody who has known
Mavis would remember how back when she first came to Sodor, she used to be very
over-eager, full of her own ideas, and only preferred doing things her way, which
caused her to come off as very feisty, overconfident, and far too stubborn to
listen to advice, which got her into a feud between her and Toby. Though after
getting herself in an incident when trying to take a line of trucks without her
manager’s permission and getting stuck at Ffarqhuar Crossing, and a few weeks after
that when trying go down the line again, but causing Toby to be the unintended
victim, which nearly had him hanging on a tightrope bridge over a raging torrent,
she learned from her mistakes, and began to listen to advice more, and thankfully
became a really useful engine. Now she is a very kind, sweet, and mature diesel
engine that is actually very wise and benevolent, even coming off as a mother
figure to the other engines, though still a bit feisty, as she isn’t afraid to be
strict with them when they’re the ones being irrational. Ever since the Fat
Controller purchased Marlin as his 4th diesel, he also realized that Mavis is part
of the railway, and so was Anopha Quarry, and that he liked the idea of all the
engines being together, so he purchased Mavis, and now she is Diesel #5 on the
Northwestern Railway, as despite working at Anopha Quarry, shunting and making
stone deliveries to different parts of Sodor, he also used Mavis to help out with
other odd jobs when the quarry was closed or if the other engines were busy. This
was usually goods train, as Mavis didn’t really mind, as she preferred working with
trucks anyway. Though that wasn’t until one day.

(Shows Mavis at her shed and the Fat Controller coming up)

Narrator: One morning, the Fat controller came to see Mavis at her shed.

TFC: Good morning Mavis.

Mavis: Oh, morning sir! Is there something you need?

TFC: Yes indeed. Now Percy is out today because unfortunately been wheezing
terribly, as his pipes are all clogged up, so he has to go to the Steamworks for
the time being. So I’ve decided, how would you like to cover his trains until he’s

Narrator: Mavis was delighted to hear.

Mavis: Of course sir, I’d be happy to.

TFC: Excellent! I asked Toby, and he will be looking after quarry for the time
being. Plus, I know that you like to try other things, and I agree, as doing the
same thing can be great, especially if you’re good at it, but it is healthy to try
and do other things, especially some of Percy’s passenger trains.

Mavis: Oh, yes of course sir! But doesn’t Percy usually take trucks.

TFC: He does, but that’s not to say he can’t pull passenger trains either, as on
some occasions he’s pulled coaches.

Mavis: I see! Well, I’ll do my best sir.

TFC: Thank you Mavis, I knew I could rely on you.

Narrator: While Mavis said that reassuringly, the truth was that she’d rather be
working with Percy’s goods trains more, as she had never pulled passenger trains,
never less shunt coaches before either. She was very worried, as she knew there was
a difference between coaches and trucks, she knew nothing in general about coaches.
She began to worry.

(Shows a few clips of Percy pulling passengers, even Annie & Clarabel, then shows
Mavis doing different goods work with ease, then fades to her at Ffarqhuar when the
Stationmaster shows up)

Narrator: Now what the Fat Controller said was true that while Percy was a goods
engine mostly, there were occasions he did pull coaches, not just shunting them,
but actually pulling his own passenger trains. There were even moments every now
and again when he would pull Annie & Clarabel when Thomas was out, especially the
time when he covered for him during a hurricane when getting the Vicar’s Sunday
School students home, including struggling through a flood that one time. Mavis did
well for the most part keeping Percy’s trucks in order, and the other engines
praised her to. She was feeling pleased with herself, that wasn’t until the
Stationmaster at Ffarqhuar showed up.

Ffarqhuar Stationmaster: Mavis, there you are, we need you to take the next
passenger train. Thomas is delayed coming from Knapford, and there is no other
engine available.

Mavis: Of course sir. Which coaches am I to use.

Stationmaster: Those 4 red branchline coaches over by the sheds. Your train will be
bound for Tidmouth.

Mavis: Right, thank you sir! I’ll be on my way.

(Shows Mavis backing down on the Coaches)

Narrator: So Mavis was switched on the siding to back down the coaches. But as she
did so, she was so nervous about making a great impression that she wasn’t focusing
too much, and bumped the coaches.

Coaches: OH! Careful there!

Mavis: Huh? Oh, sorry!

Mavis’s Driver: It’s okay Mavis, just take it easy. The first thing to remember
with passenger trains is that coaches do not like to be bumped. Unlike trucks,
they’re very delicate, and must be treated with absolute care, especially for the
passenger’s sake.

Mavis: Right, I’ll remember that. Thanks driver!

(Shows Mavis departing)

Narrator: As soon as the shunter fastened the coupling, Mavis left, trying to be as
careful as possible. Despite her gentle nature, she always had a rough exterior
when dealing with the trucks, so trying to control her habits was easier said than

(Mavis reverses to Ffarqhuar platform)

Narrator: As Mavis reversed to Ffarqhuar platform, she tried to be as slow as

possible, but stopped with a rather rough bump.

Coaches: OW!

Mavis: SORRY! (Sighs) Oh my, this is going to be a very long day.

Mavis’s Driver: Don’t worry Mavis, you’re gonna do great, because I’ll be right
Narrator: The passengers were honestly hoping so as well, noticing Mavis’s
performance. They were rather nervous, and cringed as they boarded the coaches. The
guard blew his whistle, and Mavis blew her horn, as at least she was aware of doing
that. This time, she slowed quickly a little bit, picking up her coaches one-by-
one, with the first helping the second, the second helping the third, and third
with the brake coach.

(Shows Mavis trundling down the line)

Narrator: Mavis did her absolute best keeping her train in order, and hoping her
passengers were okay. Even though she mostly works with trucks, she was aware that
passengers are not cargo, and they would really hate being bumped around like it
was a rough game of dodgeball. At the very least though, the beautiful sites of the
branch line did help in taking Mavis’s mind off of her nervousness. And she did her
best not to dwell over some of her follies, as Toby had once taught her, it’s
better to learn from mistakes than dwell on it.

(Shows Mavis stopping at Elsbridge, and there’s Daisy)

Narrator: Mavis was at least doing well for the most part, and made sure to not
stop roughly at stations. Of course thanks to her driver and the guard. And each of
the passengers, seeing she was still learning, and made sure to give the young
diesel credit where credit was due. Mavis was flattered. But that all changed when
Mavis got to the Elsbridge Junction, and there was Daisy, waiting to take
passengers down the branch line. The diesel railcar was surprised, and scoffed the
way she normally did. And Mavis was so distracted, she stopped roughly, causing the
coaches to bump into each other like dominoes falling into each other.

Mavis: AH!

Coaches: OOF! NOT AGAIN!

Mavis: Sorry!

Daisy: Humph! And I should think so, what are you doing here Mavis? Shouldn’t you
be handling Percy’s trucks while he’s away being mended?

Narrator: She demanded indignantly!

Mavis: Well for your information Daisy, I have to cover ALL his trains, including
his passenger ones. In fact, I thought you would’ve known.

Daisy: Well I honestly think he shouldn’t pull passengers, being such a

rambunctious little engine, and neither should you. You goods engines don’t
understand noting about passengers.

Mavis: Well, hey, I’m still learning, what did you expect? At least I do care for
the comfort of my passengers, and I wouldn’t have bumped the coaches if you hadn’t
been distracting me with your rudeness.

Daisy: No excuses there young lady!

Narrator: Mavis just rolled her eyes, Daisy was always a very bossy and stubborn
perfectionist, who always wanted to make everything her way, even forcing it on
other engines.

Daisy: I’m not being rude, I’m teaching you! Passenger trains are everything. I
really don’t care for coaches, let alone pulling, but you must give them a
luxurious ride, and make sure that you leave on time and no more. You must keep
yourself in pristine condition, as that’s fitter’s orders.

Mavis: Oh don’t try to boss me around. I’m doing my best, and I know that’s what
the Fat Controller would want. We just learn from our mistakes. And I would think
you would know, for all the times you tried to skip work for your own selfish

Daisy: Humph! Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if the passengers would complain so

much, they would condemn you from pulling passengers again.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Daisy leaves)

Narrator: Just then, the guard’s whistle blew, and Daisy left.

Daisy: Good bye my dear! And remember what I said!

Mavis: Ugh! That stubborn railcar, she just never thinks about anybody but herself.

1st Coach: Ah forget ‘er Mavis, we know you’re doing your best. Just keep goin’ as
you are.

2nd Coach: Yes, but no bumping alright? My bruises got bruises!

Mavis: Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks lads!

Narrator: Though while that helped a little, Daisy’s words were playing in her
mind, and she wanted the best for the passengers, and tried to push herself to do

(Cuts to Mavis exchanging trains with Donald, then meets up with Gordon at

Narrator: Just soon as Mavis exchanged passengers with a guaranteed connection from
Donald, she continued on her way, still thinking about Daisy’s rude comments. As
she made her way to Knapford, she met up with Gordon, waiting to leave with the

Gordon: Oh, hello Mavis, fancy seeing you here. Though I never thought I’d see you
pulling coaches.

Mavis: Yeah, I’m filling in for Percy, and this is one of the passenger runs, it’s
kinda hard for myself to imagine Gordon, but I hope to finish it soon, as I’d
rather be pulling trucks.

Gordon: Well, to each their own my dear. How’s it been so far?

Mavis: A little rough to be honest, I had a hard time when backing down, and there
were a few rough spots. It honestly feels pressuring though meeting the passengers
need, (getting a little annoyed) trying to make sure I’m absolutely pristine
condition because of fitter’s orders.

Gordon: (Sternly) Nonsense, there’s always time to keep yourself in pristine

condition, but work comes first, and so do the passengers’ needs. Where did you
here this from?

Narrator: And Mavis recounted to Gordon about her argument with Daisy.

Gordon: Of course. And I thought I was self-centered, but take no notice my dear,
Daisy only says this just to please herself. The important rule of being a
passenger locomotive is to always put your passengers first, especially in an
emergency. Of course it’s important not to bump the coaches, but it’s also
important to run things as you are. Just continue as you were, and forget about
what that obnoxious railcar said.

Mavis: Yeah, your right, thanks Gordon.

Gordon: Of course my dear. When you ask from the best from an engine such as yours
truly, and then it makes you the best.

Narrator: Said the big engine proudly. Though Mavis had to remember, while Gordon
meant well and can give positive advice now and again, he could still have moments
of being prideful. Though deep down, Mavis was still uncomfortable, and honestly
would be happy to be done once it was over. Just then, the guard’s whistle blew,
and Gordon departed.

Mavis’s Driver: Come on old girl, we better get you refueled before we get ready
for the return train.

(Fades to Mavis ready to leave, and sees her coming to Tidmouth Station)

Narrator: After Mavis was refueled, she made her way to Tidmouth first before going
down the branchline, were she met Oliver. The Great Western engine secretly had a
crush on the diesel, but he was afraid to admit it.

Oliver: Hello there Mavis, long time no see.

Mavis: Oh, hello Oliver! I’m just filling in for Percy until he’s repaired.

Oliver: Oh, that’s nice. Though I never thought I’d see you pulling coaches.

Mavis: Oh, well, gotta get out of the comfort zone a little…heh, heh! I really hope
I can finish though, it’s just…

Oliver: Hard? I understand, mean it’s not for everybody, it took me a while to
learn how to handle trucks, but I got the hang of it…well, despite a few trials and

Mavis: That’s easy for you to say Oliver. You can pulls goods trains just fine, but
as for me, I really don’t enjoy this particularity, but it’s just a petty though,
as I’m only doing this because the Fat controller asked me, there was no other
engine available.

Oliver: I understand. I mean, I still have trouble with trucks, but it doesn’t stop
me from taking them, but you can always talk to the Fat Controller though. But
really, when asked to do something, you’d have to do it every now and again, so
maybe this experience will help you in learning how to handle this.

Mavis: Yeah, but I really hope that I’m able to do this right though, as it feels
like passenger trains are so important, you have to push yourself towards
perfection for them.

Oliver: Perfection?

Narrator: And like with Gordon, Mavis told Oliver about Daisy’s upbringing.

Oliver: Really? She said that? Well, that diesel really needs a huge reality check,
if she did leave a passenger behind, then maybe she should be the one who’s
condemned. Forget about her Mavis, just don’t push yourself.

Mavis: Okay, I won’t.

(Guard’s whistle blows, and Mavis leaves)

Narrator: Just then, the guard blew his whistle, and Mavis departed. I’ll see you
later Oliver, and thanks.

Oliver: Don’t mention it Mavis.

Narrator: Though Oliver only looked on worried for her.

(Shows Mavis trundling down the branchline again)

Narrator: Though despite Gordon & Oliver’s advice, as well as Daisy’s attitude, it
was hard for Mavis to focus, and as a result, she did push herself.

Mavis’s Driver: Steady on Mavis, we’ll be on time.

Mavis: I know driver, but I’m not about to be proven wrong by that bitch of a
(Some school children sneak onto the rail lines)

Narrator: But there was trouble ahead. Some immature school boys who though it fun
to cut school without anyone knowing, thought it’d also be fun to play near the
railway line. They slipped through the fence, and ran down the hill, playing on the
line near Hackenback Tunnel, and next to Terence’s field. They of course should’ve
known better, but then again, children like them are so immature, they never do.
Thankfully, Terence and Farmer Finney who were ploughing nearby, witnessed the
whole thing.

Terence: 'ey, wee lads! Get ooeht o' de tracks, its dangerooehs dere!

Narrator: But the naughty children only laughed it off and ignored him.

Farmer Finney: No he’s serious, you kids better get off or I’m phoning the police.

Child: Yeah, well, you can’t make us, you can’t make us!

Narrator: Before Terence or the farmer could retort again, all of a sudden, they
heard a loud horn!

Terence: Uh-oh!

(Shows Mavis coming down)

Narrator: Mavis was coming down the line, still lost in thought, until up ahead,
she saw the boys on the line, and everything happened at once!


Narrator: Mavis’s Driver applied the brakes hard on, and the guard in the brake
coach did the same thing, but it wasn’t enough. The boys didn’t feel rebellious and
outspoken now, as the two ran away in fright, but the third one was so petrified in
fear, he couldn’t move, until the farmer in Terence, jumped down, and moved him off
the line just in time, but Mavis braking hard on the curve, began to feel her
wheels straining, and the skidding caused her wheels to leap off the rails and
crash right into the field.

(Mavis derails and crashes through the field)

Narrator: Luckily, nobody was hurt, and Mavis’s driver had jumped clear, the last
two coaches were still on the rails, but Mavis and the first two coaches had
ploughed right through the earth of the field. Mavis was quite shocked than hurt.

(Shows the accident being cleared)

Narrator: It didn’t take long until help arrived. Thomas, who had just came back,
brought the brought the Breakdown Train, and Toby came to help to. Bertie arrived
to collect Mavis’s passengers, and Terence helped first towing the two coaches,
then he towed Mavis out of the dirt. The Ambulance and the police arrived to check
the incident, and thankfully, nobody was hurt, but they were in shock. The Fat
Controller who had arrived in Thomas came and spoke severely to the boys, who were
rather shaken. He was gonna threaten to call their parents, but there was no need,
as the parents were some of the passengers on board Mavis’s train. They spoke even
more severely than the Fat Controller for skipped school, trespassing on property,
and nearly getting themselves killed. As punishment, they grounded the boys for 3
months, and to not leave their homes except for school until trusted. Then, the Fat
Controller went to Mavis, who was loaded on a well-wagon.

TFC: Mavis, are you okay?

Mavis: Oh I’m okay sir, it’s just, this has been a rather horrible day. My first
job of pulling passengers, and I ruined it. I’m terribly sorry!

TFC: Don’t beat yourself up Mavis. This accident wasn’t your fault, the boys who
trespassed are being dealt with, as their parents were on board your train, though
I have heard that you’ve been having trouble lately. In fact, Oliver told me when
he saw me at Knapford, and he says you’ve felt uncomfortable doing this.

Mavis: I had sir! But it was your orders, I knew I couldn’t say no!

TFC: I understand Mavis. I know you didn’t mean to bump the coaches, as it’s a
mistake any engine could make on their first day. Though I don’t expect my engines
to push themselves, no matter what job it is their doing, as he also told me about
what Daisy said. I promise I will deal with her later today, but you shouldn’t have
let Daisy’s arrogance get to you like that, as what she said was rubbish.

Mavis: I see!

TFC: Don’t worry, Mavis, I don’t expect a whole lot from any of my engines, as I
felt nervous last year when I first took charge of the railway after my father. You
just have to learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward by going on how you
know best. But I also can see you don’t prefer passengers, and how uneasy it made
you feel. You don’t have to worry Mavis, as while it’s important to do as I so, I
am always willing to listen to my engines. And listen, you don’t really have to
pull passengers at all.

Narrator: At last, Mavis began to smile.

Mavis: Thank you sir! But who will handle that job while Percy is out?

TFC: Don’t worry, leave everything to me Mavis, I’ll make some arrangements that
will meet all our needs.

(Cuts to the Branchline Sheds at Tidmouth were Daisy is, and the Fat Controller
scolding her)

Narrator: That night, the Fat Controller spoke severely to Daisy.

TFC: I heard from Mavis today that you were rude to her, and tried bossing her
around into agreeing with you on your own ideals, which I must say are very
terrible ideals. My engines need to focus on their work first, and their own needs
and wants later. I won’t stand for your selfish behavior Daisy!

Daisy: Uh, yes sir! I understand!

TFC: Do you really? My father have told you hundreds of times, all jobs are equally
important as passengers, and nobody should have to push themselves harder for
perfection, as we can’t always expect to be perfect the first time. You will
apologize to Mavis, and you’ll be working at Anopha Quarry yourself for 3 weeks,
allowing Toby to go to his regular jobs, and Mavis will be handling the goods
trains even when Percy comes back. And I’ll expect no belittling or bossing around
of the other engines, understood?

Daisy: Yes sir!

TFC: Good!

Narrator: With that, the Fat Controller, strode on his heel, and walked sternly
away to his car.

(Shows Mavis coming back from the works, working on the branchline with goods,
Percy returning home, and Daisy at the Quarry)

Narrator: Two days later, Mavis returned from the works, cleaned and repaired, and
thankfully, was able to go back to work. But thankfully, Percy was also repaired at
the same time, and he took over the passenger trains along with Thomas, while Daisy
was serving her punishment filling in for Mavis at the Quarry, so this allowed Toby
to go back to his regular duties. Daisy kept to her word and apologized to Mavis,
and promised not to interfere with other engine’s work ethics, and thankfully,
Mavis forgave her. Mavis is glad to be working with trucks, as she is much happier
there. But if she ever had to pull passengers again, this time, she knew what to
do, and with support from the other engines, kept doing things the way she did, and
never felt uneasy again.

Narrator: Bill & Ben are the most mischievous engines working on the Northwestern
Railway. Each are painted bright yellow, with 4 small wheels, tiny chimneys and
domes, and short squat cabs and saddle tank boilers. They’re usually found working
at the China Clay Pits on Edward’s Branchline, and shunting trucks pulling their
loads of China Clay to Brendam Docks.
(Shows Bill tricking a workman at the hopper, then the SCC Manager reprimanding
Narrator: Anybody who has met the twins would know that they love to have fun
together, and are always found teasing and playing tricks on the other engines and
the workman. Though their mischievous antics usually get them into a lot of
trouble. Despite this, they too are very hard-working and friendly, and always
striving to be really useful.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller talking to the twins)

Narrator: One morning, the Fat Controller came to see them.

TFC: Important goods have been arrived in Wellsworth Yards, and neither and Edward
nor BoCo could manage alone because of the increase of goods trains, and I’m not
able to spare any of the other engines. Bill & Ben, I need you to help shunt the
trains for the other engines, and no tricks this time.

Bill & Ben: Of yes, of course sir!

Narrator: Replied the twins. So they set off happily on their important mission.

(Shows BoCo at Wellsworth Sheds, then the twins showing up next to him)

Narrator: BoCo was resting at Wellsworth Yards when he heard a pair of familiar
high-pitched whistles.

BoCo: Mmm….here come trouble.

Bill: Morning BoCo! The Fat Controller told us you were tired.

Ben: Yeah, he wants us to take all your trucks for you.

BoCo: (Chuckles) You two never stop do you! But I’m wise to your pranks, because we
do need help here.

Bill: Of course, just tell us what to do BoCo.

(Shows Bill & Ben shunting)

Narrator: The twins set to work, shunting the heavy trucks into their proper
sidings. They even behaved themselves, but only playing tricks on the trucks, not
the engines. They also shunted trains for BoCo, Edward and the other engines for
their deliveries. At last, the day’s work was done.

(Shows a whole aerial view of Wellsworth Yards, and then Bill & Ben using the

Narrator: At last, the day’s work was done. The twins now became excited, they were
gonna use the turntable for the very first time, as they never had one at neither
the Clay Pits nor the Docks. Bill went first!

Bill: This is fun!

Narrator: He shrieked to Ben. He didn’t wanna move off at all. That was until the
Yard Foreman stopped the turntable.

Foreman: Now, now, a turntable is not a toy! Please make way for the other engines

Narrator: He said sternly! Bill did so, but the foreman didn’t realize he
accidently stopped the turntable in the wrong place. Bill was on the wrong track,
and there was Ben, who was so impulsive to get on, he wasn’t looking where he was
going, and puffing directly towards his brother.

(Shows both twins halt in front of one another)

Narrator: Everything seemed to happen at once, and both twins came to a grinding
halt. They gazed grimly at each other.

Bill: Hey, I was here first!

Ben: No you’re in my way you idiot, so you’ll have to back up again!

Bill: I won’t!

Ben: You will!

Bill: I won’t!

Ben: You will!


Narrator: The twins stopped arguing at once, they knew who that voice was, but were
still glaring angrily at each other.
TFC: I saw what happened earlier, and it was an accident. Bill, please back up!

Bill: But sir, Ben was in my way!

Ben: No, it’s your fault Bill!

TFC: Enough! I don’t care who started it! If you both don’t behave, I shall not
allow you both here again! Now GO!

(Cuts to the next morning with BoCo talking to Bill)

Narrator: The next day, things didn’t improve. Bill & Ben were still cross about
the incident, they refused to work with one another, and stubbornly refused to
listen to reason. Bill came up and complained about this to BoCo.

Bill: That Bill! Imagine him getting in my way on the turntable. I tell you BoCo,
he’s a really stubborn engine!

BoCo: The way I’ve heard it, it was just an accident, and sounds really like you
were both to blame.

Bill: Well…you…you must’ve heard the story all wrong!

Narrator: Said Bill, and he stubbornly puffed away. The twins complained about each
other to BoCo all day. Worse, their grumpiness was even interfering with their
work, taking their anger out on the trucks. And any engine that came to collect
their train would be on the receiving end of the truck’s mischief, as they would
run late. Even kind, old Edward, who was great at keeping the twins in order, was
beginning to lose patience. So he told them stop complaining or he was gonna report
their behavior to the Fat Controller, and if they couldn’t get along, maybe he
could make a deal with the Fat Controller in separating them. That made them behave
at once, but they were still too stubborn to speak with each other.

Edward: Honestly, all this grumbling over petty issues like this is spreading a bad
atmosphere in the yard.

BoCo: You’re quite right Edward. That’s why I’ve come up with a plan to make them
see sense.

Narrator: So BoCo whispered his plan to Edward.

(Cuts to BoCo’s driver telling the Fat Controller)

Narrator: Then he had his driver tell the Fat Controller.

TFC: Excellent idea there Matt. I’m glad BoCo thought this up, I’ll start making
arrangements right away.

(Cuts to the next morning with Bill & Ben coming up to the Fat Controller)

Narrator: The next morning, he called Bill & Ben into the yard.

TFC: Ah, Bill & Ben, just the two engines I wanted to see. Now, BoCo is taking a
special train to Knapford Harbor. His regular heavy goods train is waiting on the
siding next to the sheds, waiting to go to Vicarstown. Now, an engine like BoCo can
take this with ease, as it’s too heavy for one tank engine to pull alone, so since
you both are a duo, you can pull it together.

Bill: But?
Ben: But?

Narrator: Protested Bill & ben, who still didn’t wanna speak to one another.

TFC: Excellent, I knew could rely on you two.

Narrator: He said, and left with a sly smile.

Bill: Okay, in that case, I’ll take the train myself!

Ben: Knock yourself out!

(Shows Bill & Ben at the side of the yard, with Bill coupled to the train)

Narrator: When they arrived, Bill coupled himself to the train, but it was so long
and too heavy for him to alone.

(Shows Bill’s wheels struggling)

Ben: Well go on!

Bill: (Teeth gritting) I CAN’T!

Narrator: Bill only budged a few inches, but began to feel tired.

Ben: Hmm…I didn’t think so! Maybe I’ll try next!

Bill: (Panting) Humph! Be my guest!

Narrator: So Bill moved away crossly, and Ben smugly took over. But because they
were identical in every way, Ben found that not even he could budge the train as
much as Bill.
(Shows Ben’s wheels struggling)

Bill: Go on! At this rate, you might get the train to Vicarstown by Christmas.

Ben: (Panting) Shut up! (Panting) I can get this even one cylinder.

Narrator: Then Ben realized he was only moving a few inches at a time, and at
least, he stopped out of breath)

Bill: Well, go on!

Ben: I can’t! Face it Bill, were just not strong enough alone (then his face begins
to turn to sorrow)

Narrator: Then, Bill & Ben, realizing they used all their anger when struggling
with their train, and in the first time in the past few days, they finally began to
realize their mistake, and look at each with sorrow.

Bill: I guess BoCo & Edward were right. It really was an accident.

Ben: Yeah, we were just there in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now, this
is where we are.

Bill & Ben: (Laughing)

Ben: You know what Ben, let’s just let it slide! I’m sorry!
Bill: Me too! No more taking turns, let’s just take this train together, eh?

Ben: Yeah, let’s!

(Shows Bill & Ben pulling their train over the Sodor Suspension Bridge, then
arriving on time in Vicarstown)

Narrator: Both twins were delighted. They took the train together, and got it to
Vicarstown right on time. The twins felt very proud, as it did feel good to help
each other.

(Then shows the twins at Brendam Docks)

Narrator: Best of all, it was good to be getting along again. And even though they
would occasionally argue like all brothers do, Bill & Ben will always be brothers
working and playing together to the end.

(Shows Gordon thundering down the line)

Narrator: Gordon the Big Engine is the fastest locomotive on the whole Northwestern
Railway. He is always thundering down the line with the express known as the Wild
nor’ Wester, from the railway’s headquarters, Knapford Station, all the way to
Barrow n’ Furness on the Mainland. He always uses his high-speed capabilities to
get his passengers to their destinations, as to Gordon, speed is everything, as he
is an LNER A0 built by the late great Sir Nigel Gresley, who had built many famous
locomotives built for express passenger trains. Because of their reputation, Gordon
is always striving every day to live up to the name of his Doncaster relatives. But
one day, it seemed like he may have met his match.

(Shows Donald talking to Gordon, Henry, James, Thomas and Duck at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: One morning, Donald was excited, as he was explaining something

interesting he heard from British Railways.

Donald: The diesels at barrow, say thon on British railways, they have a new class
o callit hich-speit trains. They have a diesel at ilka end, an can gae at 125 miles
an hour.

Gordon: Pah! An engine at each end? Nonsense! There’s only one of me, but I bet I
can go faster than those smelly boxes on wheels. Probably even faster.

(Cuts to Gordon the next morning boasting to Donald, Edward and Henry)

Narrator: The others said nothing, as they knew Gordon had a tendency to boast over
the years, and it was so hard to reason with him as well due to his stubbornness
and pride. The next morning he was still boasting.

Gordon: Speed’s nothing to me, why, my cousin the Great Mallard went 126-miles an
hour, and broke the world’s speed record for it in 1938. As Doncaster engines like
me were built for high-speed, as it’s in our fenders.

Donald: Aye, careful now Gordon! Tae much puff an no enouch steam.

Gordon: Pah! I’ll still show these so-called high-speed diesels a thing or to. Just
as I’m gonna show all you engines, just you wait and see.

Narrator: And he puffed grandly to Knapford Station, though Donald could only
Donald: He's really gonna get himself i trouble soon.

Edward: You’re quite right Donald. Though somehow, I think that might be sooner
than expected.

Narrator: Said Edward, who knew Gordon all to well to figure out that was the case.

(Shows Knapford Station, and Gordon backing down to his train)

Narrator: Now Gordon normally pulled the express, though there were times when
Henry, James, or Bear substituted for him if was ill or away. Many visitors came to
see the Fat Controller’s railway, they often take the express there, as it was
usually very full and heavy with passengers. Gordon was determined to beat the
HST’s records and give the passengers a fine sight, however, there was a setback.
There had been a frost during the night, and now the weather was wet and sleety,
with sleet settling on the rails, making an icy film across their surface. The
carriages of the express stood under the cover of station’s glass roofs, but when
Gordon was coupled to them, his cab and front end had to stand outside. He began to
feel increasingly cold, as he waited impatiently for the guard to blow his whistle
and wave his green flag.

Gordon: (Annoyed and shivering) Come on, come on! Are we going or what?

Narrator: At last, all the passengers were on board, and Gordon heard the whistle.

Gordon: Come on, come on, come on!

(Gordon’s wheels slipping)

Narrator: He shouted indignantly! But as he did so intending to show-off and keep

warm, his wheels slipped on those icy rails, and he just stayed in one place. The
sudden movement made water in his boiler surge forward, and Gordon’s Driver
couldn’t even shut off steam. Gordon moved a yard, and slithered to a standstill,
held back by the heavy train. His wheels were still spinning furiously, but neither
Gordon nor his train budged an inch.


Narrator: But no one could, and when the engines passed by with their own trains,
they could only laugh. His wheels kept spinning even faster until his rods ached,
but he could do nothing to stop them. His driver tried every tick he knew, then he
called an inspector over to try and figure it out, but it was no good. Even the Fat
Controller came to see what the fuss was all about, and he tried to speak with him,
but Gordon was making so much noise, he couldn’t hear him properly, so the Fat
Controller decided to wait. Sparks showered from the rails, and Gordon’s wheels
kept on spinning until the quarter of an hour before Gordon had used up all his
steam, reduced pressure allowed the driver to finally close the regulator, and with
a deep sigh of relief, Gordon finally slowed down and ground to a halt, in the same
spot he was at.

(Gordon’s wheels stop)

Narrator: The silence was amazing. At last, the Fat Controller spoke.

TFC: Gordon, what was all that about?

Gordon: I was…just trying to keep to speed.

TFC: I understand, but there wouldn’t be any need to rush, nor show-off…again! I’ll
talk to you later tonight.

Gordon: Yes sir, sorry sir!

(Shows Donald coupling onto Gordon, and henry covering for the express)

Narrator: Donald came to take Gordon to the sheds, and Henry came to cover for the
express. And once he had gone with the train, Marlin and the workmen came to
replace the rails were Gordon had been standing, because his spinning wheels had
caused deep groves right in them.

(Shows Donald shunting Gordon into Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: The shed was empty until at last, Donald spoke!

Donald: Sae Gordon, this is whit ye get for breakin a hich-speit record. Ah well,
we aw live an learn, A mean, at least ye didnae get yer dome blown aff i the wind.

Narrator: He laughed, as the Caledonian laughed, tactfully remembering he had

another job to do. Gordon just sulked.

(Cuts to nighttime, with Gordon, Henry, James, Duck, BoCo, and Thomas)

Narrator: That night, the engines could only just laugh as usual.

Henry: What’s this now Gordon? Going for a spin when trying to beat a high-speed
engine’s record? I mean, haven’t you forgotten the last time you tried to beat a
speed record, your dome got blown off on the viaduct.

James: Yeah, and wouldn’t a “dignified” engine also need to get their train moving

Duck: Yeah, you would never see a wheel-slip as horrendous as that on the Great

Thomas: Yeah, but at least you got to stretch your wheels, though I’m sure no HST
would even need to go ice-skating.

(Engines laughing)

Narrator: All the engines laughed, except for Gordon, who just went grumpily to

(Opens with Gordon feeling cold at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: It had been two days after Gordon’s wheel slip on some icy rails, but the
big blue engine was still feeling bunged up one winter morning.

Gordon’s Fireman: It’s the cold Gordon, it’s been clogging up your tubes something

Gordon: I thought it’d be something like that. Well, don’t just stand there, get
some workmen and unclog it.

Gordon’s Fireman: I’m sorry Gordon, but we haven’t the time right now. Look, we’re
just gonna have to put up with it.

Gordon: (Sighs) Blast! Alright fine, as long it doesn’t interfere with our work and
disrupt our timetable.
Narrator: Henry, who had overheard, rolled up alongside.

Henry: Well if that’s the case then Gordon, why not have a good sneeze, I mean, it
work that one time I punished a bunch of delinquents for dropping stones on me and
my coaches. It’s a worth a shot if you want your tubes cleaned out faster.

Gordon: Oh, certainly not Henry! The Fat Controller wouldn’t approve, he already
gave me a full lecture about my mishap with the icy rails, and I am not getting in
trouble with him again. In fact, if I recall, the original Fat Director didn’t
approve your sneeze that very day.

Henry: No, but the parents did ground those boys when they found out what they did,
and he only let me and my crew at the time off with a warning. Better you just do
it out in the open when nobody’s in site.

Gordon: Humph, that’ll be the day.

(Cuts to Knapford Station with Gordon backing down to the express)

Narrator: The next day, Gordon was nervous as he backed down onto the express. The
good news was that the rails weren’t icy, but the bad news was that he was still
feeling clogged up than he did yesterday.

Gordon: Alright, let’s hope I don’t slip up today, though I’m sure I’m gonna be a
laughing stock with the other engines if I don’t keep to time.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Gordon departs, then shows him puffing down the line)

Narrator: Though he needn’t have worried, by Gordon passed Elsbridge, he was

running nicely. But as he approached Wellsworth Station, Gordon’s Fireman began
making up the fire.

Gordon’s Fireman: Let’s get a good run at the hill while you have the steam to do
it, I don’t trust this low grade coal.

(Cuts to a wedding at Wellsworth)

Narrator: But that was when something awful occurred. At Wellsworth, a party of
wedding guests in all their best clothes were standing on the platform. But just as
Gordon swooshed through running hard for his namesake hill, smoke from the newly
made fire streamed through his funnel and right on the wedding guests. He had
disappeared into the distance and left a black smokescreen settling over the
station. It covered everything, the wedding guests were all covered from head to
toe in soot and smut.

(Wedding guests scream and complain angrily)

Wedding Guest 1: Oh come on!

Wedding Guest 2: Ah, my new dress!



Narrator: All the waves to Gordon became shaking angry fists, and the whole party
became an angry mobbing marching furiously to the Stationmaster’s Office.
(Cuts to Vicarstown with Gordon, BoCo, and an inspector)

Narrator: Once Gordon reached Vicarstown, there waiting for him was an inspector,
who had a message from the Fat Controller, which was short but not sweet.

Gordon: What, I don’t remember doing that!

Inspector: Well Gordon, I may not have been there, but I’m only just delivering
this message. I mean, you of all engines should know better than to let off smoke
like that, especially if it means crashing a wedding. Anyways, the Fat Controller
will deal with you once he sees you.

Narrator: And the Inspector marched sternly away, leaving Gordon feeling even more
disgruntled than ever, especially over a misunderstanding.

Gordon: It’s not fair BoCo, how could I help the smoke, it’s not my fault the coals
dirty and that I crashed a wedding! It was an accident!

BoCo: Never mind Gordon! We know it wasn’t your fault. I mean, where would I be if
I got upset if somebody called me smelly. Anyhow, soot’s good for the garden my
driver says.

(Guard’s whistle blows and BoCo departs)

Gordon: Yes, but not good for expensive Wedding attire.

(Cuts to Gordon puffing down the Main Line, and the Fat Controller at Wellsworth
with the wedding crowd)

Narrator: Later, Gordon was extra careful on the way home, but it just wasn’t his
lucky day. The Fat Controller cancelled a trip to the Mainland to apologize to the
wedding guests at Wellsworth. He had done his best, and was waiting for the next
train until at that moment, Gordon came by. But just as the express thundered
through, a cloud of soot flew from his funnel and landed on the Fat Controller’s
new top hat. He was most infuriated!


(Cuts to Gordon entering Knapford)

Narrator: When Gordon made it back to Knapford, there was another message waiting
for him, and needless to say, it was even worse than the one back at Vicarstown.

Inspector: Sir Topham Hatt says that Gordon blew soot and ashes on his top hat as
he passed through Wellsworth.


Gordon’s Fireman: Easy, inside voice Gordon. Look inspector, I’m sure the Fat
Controller must’ve made some sorta mistake. This is clearly a misunderstanding.

Inspector: Sorry boys, but I can’t help it. I’m only just delivering the message.
He’ll speak to Gordon when he gets home.

Gordon: Oh the indignity!

(Cuts to Gordon reversing into Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: Gordon was sent sadly back to Tidmouth Sheds. Unfortunately, the other
engines heard, and as usual, they couldn’t help but tease him again.

Henry: So Gordon, seems like you really did let off steam, though at a wedding?
(Laughing) Anybody would think you were a wedding crasher.

James: Now, now Gordon, no respectable engine would let off all that smoke and soot
at stations, or even at weddings.

Duck: Yeah, you’d never see such a thing like that on the Great Western, in fact,
anybody would think you were having a serious congestion.

Narrator: And all the engines laughed, all of course, except Gordon, who went
crossly to sleep as he did three nights ago.

(Cuts to next week with Gordon at Knapford with James)

Narrator: The very next week, Gordon was still worried about what the Fat
Controller might say to him, he did not look forward to seeing him, but he was
determined to make up for his mistakes.

James: Driver told me the Fat Controller is coming home tomorrow.

Gordon: So you say (sighs), I really screwed up James. I just feel every time I
boast, some mishap of any sorts will occur and knock in the smokebox when I least
suspect it. This almost brings me to the moment when I was banned from the express
after crashing into a ditch.

James: Well, I’m sure the Fat Controller will figure out that it was an accident. I
guess you just gotta keep working hard and try to make it up to him. If it makes
you feel better, we’re sorry we teased you Gordon.

Gordon: Don’t worry about that James, it did serve me right, as I’m sorry that my
boasting was getting out of buffer again. You right, I’ll just have to do well
today. A good run today might help if the Fat Controller hears about it.

(Shows Gordon leaving Knapford, and then leaving Elsbridge)

Narrator: But things did not begin well at first. Thanks to a last minute
passenger, they were late starting. Which meant Gordon had missed his path at
Elsbridge Junction, which meant he was delayed there to. But thankfully, it was a
clear run after that. He flashed through Wellsworth going splendidly this time.
They were halfway up Gordon’s Hill when there was a clatter beneath Gordon’s cab,
suddenly he felt a blast of cold air up his middle, as if there were a gap between
his boiler and his cab.

Gordon: Whoosh, what’s happening?

Narrator: The fireman look at the fire, and spotted a gaping hole in the middle
were his fire bars collapsed, and a large part of his fire had disappeared.

Gordon’s Fireman: You’ve lost part of your fire Gordon, and what a place to do it

Narrator: And no sooner than they found out, Gordon began to feel weaker. Without a
full fire, his steam pressure fell quickly. But just then, his driver had an idea.

Gordon’s Driver: Wait a minute, find the biggest piece of coal you can, and put it
across the hole. It’ll stop some the cold air from entering and his steam will be
held in better.

Gordon: Brilliant idea driver! But hurry, or the hill will beat us, because I’m not
gonna let that happen again!

Gordon’s Crew: Right!

Narrator: So the fireman hurried, and found a large lump of coal lay near the front
of the tender, and quickly he moved it into place with his shovel and a long steel
bar. Gordon felt better at once.

Gordon’s Driver: Now build the fire gently around the edges.

Narrator: He said as the driver did so, and the driver adjusted Gordon’s controls
to make the best use of his steam.

Gordon’s Driver: Right Gordon, now it’s up to you.

Gordon: Then let’s do it!

Narrator: Gordon tried his hardest, but it was tough going.

Gordon: I must do it, I MUST DO IT! I’ve stuck on this hill plenty of times over
the years, but I’m not gonna let that stop me this time! FULL POWER! I’LL DO IT,

Narrator: Gordon panted! But he was careful not to do it too loudly in case he blew
away what was left of his fire. He shut his eyes and struggled on. At last, Gordo
felt the slope easier to climb, and cautiously opened his eyes. He was nearly at
the top.


Gordon’s Fireman: Alright, that was splendid Gordon. After this, you definitely
deserve a rest.

Narrator: A signalman turned them onto a goods loop, and telephoned the Steamworks
for a pilot engine to be prepared. And while they waited, the passengers got out
and told Gordon what a useful engine he was.

(Cuts to Crovans Gate where BoCo’s waiting, and the big green diesel couples onto

Narrator: BoCo was at Crovans Gate ready to help. And the two engines finished the
journey without any further trouble.

(Cuts to Vicarstown with the Fat Controller waiting)

Narrator: At Vicarstown, the Fat Controller was waiting for them. But to Gordon’s
surprise, he was smiling.

TFC: Thank you BoCo, and thank you Gordon for a splendid effort. While I’m pleased
with your work today, but, uh hum…certain other things leave much…

Narrator: But before he could finish, a guard’s whistle blew, and the Fat
Controller had to hurry into his next train.

TFC: We’ll talk about this later, see you later you two.
Narrator: Once again, poor Gordon was left in suspense.

(Cuts to the Steamworks, with BoCo shunting Gordon in a siding where Marlin is

Narrator: Once Gordon was uncoupled, BoCo had shunted him into a siding, and the
Metropolitan Vickers Diesel had left to take Gordon’s return train back to
Knapford. Marlin could see Gordon looked rather upset and nervous.

Marlin: I heard about your efforts today Gordon, congratulations, but you look as
if you had a rough day.

Gordon: Oh more than that Marlin, like a rough 2 weeks.

Marlin: Oh, penny for your thoughts?

Narrator: Gordon sighed, and he told Marlin everything that has been going on, and
an even deeper reason for his behavior, as well as the other misfortunes that were
caused upon it, but that’s another story.

Narrator: Two days had passed since Gordon’s repairs after his efforts getting his
train over his namesake hill despite his firebox having a puncture, but the big
blue engine was still feeling his position deeply, as some many things have gone
wrong for him. First he tried to break a High-Speed Train’s record, only to cause
his wheels to slip on some icy rails, then his pipes were clogged up, and he
accidently blasted out soot at a Wedding reception at Wellsworth, then on the Fat
Controller on his return journey. Now Gordon began to worry, as despite his best
efforts that day, his pride hadn’t been repaired, and was nervous of what the Fat
Controller would say, despite the soot incidents not really being his fault that

Gordon: I really hope that the Fat Controller would forgive me soon. I hope he
would realize it was an accident.

Narrator: He said to himself. Though deep down, ever since Donald had brought up
the topic of High-Speed Trains being invented, he was very nervous deep down about
being replaced, given that these diesels are a lot faster than any engine, steam or
diesel. And with all the mishaps he’s had, Gordon was beginning to think the Fat
Controller would demote him from his career, and his days as an express engine
would be numbered. Though after talking to Marlin while he was being repaired, the
diesel assured him that wouldn’t happen, and that he would speak to the Fat
Controller himself once he returned. While Gordon was grateful for that, he was
still nervous, as realistically, he was getting old, and someday he could be

(Shows Gordon pulling into Barrow n’ Furness)

Narrator: But thankfully, there was one event that did help improve for Gordon one
day when he approached a big station on the Mainland known as Barrow n’ Furness,
where he found the platform crowded.

Gordon: Hmm…wonder what’s going on there today?

Gordon’s Driver: It’s a rail tour, going along the coastal route to Carlisle I

Narrator: Just then, the Barrow Station Master came up.

Barrow Stationmaster: Ah Gordon, can you help please? The passengers for the
Carlisle rail tour are stuck because their train has failed. Do you think you could
take them in your train please?

Gordon: Hmm…I don’t know, what do you think driver?

Gordon’s Driver: (Chuckles) I don’t see why we couldn’t. I mean, you’ll have to
hold them back, eh Gordon? But you’ll need the Fat Controller’s permission, because
for one, what about our return train?

Narrator: They phoned the Fat Controller, who actually agreed, much to Gordon’s
surprise. But he didn’t bother figuring that out right now.

Barrow Stationmaster: One thing though, who’s gonna cover for Gordon while he’s

Gordon’s Driver: Hmm…well, there’s a High-Speed Train visiting from British

Railways that came in yesterday. It’s only got one power car working, but it should
stick to the timetables just fine.

Barrow Stationmaster: Very well then. I'll call for the arrangements.

(Cuts to Knapford Yards were we meet Pip & Emma)

Narrator: So the Yard Manager spoke with the visiting diesels themselves. Their
names were Philippa, who preferred Pip for short, and Emma, and they were delighted
to fill in for Gordon.

(Shows Pip & Emma speeding down the Main Line)

Narrator: They were making splendid time, though unfortunately, Pip’s cooling
system had failed, making her hot and bothered, but Emma didn’t mind doing all the
work, as they had heard a lot of stories about the Northwestern Railway, its
engines, and the Fat Controller, and were honored to visit, and the engines and
people they passed gave them a warm welcome.

(Shows James at Kellsthorpe Road Station)

Narrator: Meanwhile, James was following a little later with a stopping train, and
was surprised that a Signalman at the Station beyond Crovans Gate came up.

Signalman: Bad news, that High-Speed Diesel’s failed. Go gently till you reach
them, and push it onto the next loop. Then go around front and pull them back home.

James: Phew, but what about the express passengers? They don’t want to make our

Signalman: Sorry but it’s too bad James. Better than the people on your train
missing their stations.

James: Hmm…yes…good point! Right then, I’m on my way.

(Guard’s whistle blows and James departs, then meets up with Pip & Emma)

Narrator: So James found the failed diesels 2 miles in front. Then he pushed them
to Killdane Station, and once he got there, he was switched onto the other line so
he could go in front, and Emma was could to the train. Then James got ready to
Emma: I’m sorry we can’t help, um…James right?

James: Yeah, that’s me! What’s your names?

Emma: My name is Emma, and on the other end you just met is Pip.

James: Well, nice to meet you two. And don’t worry about this, this breakdown
wasn’t both of yours fault. Besides, this isn’t the first time I had to help
stranded engines, I just hope we can keep to time.

Emma: Oh that’s alright James! If it makes you feel any better, we are special
light-weight coaches.

James: Oh, that’s lucky!

Narrator: James said, who was already feeling puffed, but he found it easier than
expected. Once the train was moving, the coaches followed smoothly.

(Shows James dropping of passengers at Wellsworth were Edward is waiting, then

James departs with Pip & Emma)

Narrator: As for the passengers, they wondered about the extra stops, but they
didn’t complain.

(James reaches Knapford were the Fat Controller was waiting)

Narrator: They finally made it too Knapford at last, were the Fat Controller was

James: I’m sorry we’re late sir!

TFC: Oh that’s alright James! I understand and I’m proud of you. You’ve saved an
awkward situation. And Pip & Emma, I’m pleased to have you visiting my railway, and
I’m also pleased with your efforts as well, I know you both did your best, and I
commend you two.

Narrator: The three engines beamed.

Pip: Why thank you sir!

Emma: It is we who are honored, Pip and I are your biggest fans, and this is such a
treat to come to Sodor. But really James is the real hero.

Narrator: James blushed a deep shade of red that was as bright as his paintwork. He
also was taking a liking to Pip & Emma, especially since he had finally gotten over
his former prejudice towards diesels after 2 years.

TFC: He sure is! Thanks you two, I’m really flattered. I hope soon you come and
visit us plenty of times in the future. Now James, please make Pip & Emma feel
welcome in the Sheds wile I arrange their journey home.

James: Yes sir!

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds with Pip & Emma talking with Thomas, James, Percy, Edward,
Henry, Toby, Donald, Douglas, Duck and BoCo)

Narrator: The other engines were quiet at first, worrying that the diesel twins
would snub them like the other Mainland diesels, but soon realized that wasn’t the
case. In fact, both Pip & Emma were very friendly and very sweet. They were soon
talking and laughing together.

Thomas: It really is great meeting with you two. Not to be rude, but I’m really
glad that your nothing like the diesels on BR.

Pip: Don’t worry Thomas, we get that a lot, but were not. In fact, we don’t really
like the diesels who do look down on steam engines.

Emma: Yeah, as more diesels that are being built each year, most have acted so high
and mighty, they would say some very cold-hearted comments about them. And with the
leader of diesels lurking around on BR, you can bet they’re so-called cult
following had made diesels like us very nervous.

Percy: I’m nervous myself. I hope I never meet this diesel leader, after hearing
what he once did to that lost steam engine he crashed.

Toby: Don’t worry Percy, I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon.

Emma: You’re right Toby! In fact, Pip & I are glad we haven’t even met him, as we
get the shivers in are fans if we ever saw him.

Henry: Indeed! But moving aside, I’m pleased to hear not only do appreciate us, but
that you just adore us, that’s really sweet, we’re honestly quite flattering.

Pip: Of course, you engines are just…legendary. The way you all push through when
our kind were taking over, and who you engines look out for those in need, it’s…
it’s just amazing.

Emma: Most of the diesels on BR aren’t even like that, and we honestly wish we had
more engines like you. The stories about you are so entertaining…and inspirational.

Pip: We really hoped we get the chance to meet Gordon. He was the engine that
inspired us to do what we do.

Narrator: The engines looked rather worried, especially Henry & James.

Henry: (Whispers) It’s a good thing Gordon is away Carlisle.

James: (Whispers) Yeah, last thing we need is him insulting these two, who’ve been
so kind to us.

Narrator: But Edward overheard them.

Edward: (Sternly) Now, now you two, you have to remember, Gordon isn’t that
judgmental as he’s been in the past. If Pip & Emma want to meet him, then let it

Donald: Ock aye, but he has gotten jealous ower Hich-Speit trains after A broucht
it up. Na offense ye twa!

Pip: Don’t worry about it Donald! Like we said, we’ve heard the stories about you
lot before, so we understand what Gordon has gone through.

Emma: And even if he doesn’t like us, then, Pip & I can hold our own, and at least
we’ll know.

BoCo: I’m sure he will two, as you both are making a good impression on all us
right now.
Thomas: And who knows, maybe someday, you both could come and work for us.

Emma: Oh, that’s our dream, and honestly, we hope so!

Pip: But if any other HST try to insult you, they’ll have to get through us.

Edward: Indeed! In fact, once Gordon comes home, maybe if you two have the time,
you could talk to him, as right now, he’s feeling rather upset.

Emma: Oh, why’s that? In fact, Donald, you said Gordon was paranoid about HST’s
like us. Do you think you could tell us?

Narrator: So the engines explained about Gordon’s recent exploits. Pip & Emma felt
very empathetic at once.

Emma: Oh my, we’re sorry to hear that. Well, I hope he’ll be okay.

Pip: Yeah, and before Emma and I leave, we’ll make sure we talk to him. And again,
if he doesn’t wanna listen, at least we tried.

Duck: Thanks you two! It’s been really great getting to know you, but right now
(yawns) better get some sleep.

Douglas: Aye, we got a long day ahead tomorrow once A get ye both home.

Donald: Ye can say thon again Douggie!

Pip: Indeed, good night everyone!

All engines: Good night!

Narrator: And they all drifted off to sleep!

(Shows Gordon returning home)

Narrator: The next day, Gordon finally come home, and there waiting was the Fat
Controller. Gordon gulped, fearing for the worst, but thankfully, the Fat
Controller was smiling.

TFC: Hello Gordon! How was your rail tour?

Gordon: (Nervous) Oh, it was wonderful sir! I…uh…

TFC: It’s okay Gordon, I’m not gonna bite your funnel off. Listen, I actually want
to apologize for falsely accusing over what happened these past couple of days.
Marlin told me at the works what you said after I left that day. I’m sorry I
thought you deliberately spoiled my hat and the smokescreen at the wedding party.

Gordon: So, you know those incidents weren’t my fault.

Narrator: The Fat Controller laughed.

TFC: Absolutely! What really happened was that a steward was emptying an ash tray
from the carriage window. Don’t worry Gordon, your good!

Gordon: Oh thank you sir! I also apologize before that with the wheel slip.

TFC: Please don’t worry about that Gordon. I’m sorry I was hard on you that, in
fact, Marlin told me that you’ve been feeling very insecure about HST’s, and the
fear of being replaced.

Gordon: It’s true sir! After Donald brought it up, I got nervous, so I boasted,
worried that someday in the near future, I really could be replaced.

Narrator: The Fat Controller smiled and looked at him warmly.

TFC: Gordon, what did my father once say before, nobody is gonna ever be replaced
on my railway. And I intend for that quality to, as what would this railway be
without our premiere express engine. But people do get old, and my father had to
retire 2 years ago because age was catching up. Yes, steam engines are beginning to
age, but I won’t retire you out of service. I’ll always have something for you to
do Gordon, especially passenger work. Though I will always make sure to have my
engines overhauled with the amount of money we make each year, and that you’ll
always be really useful.

Gordon: Now that is comforting to hear sir! To be honest, it just gets worrying how
time goes fast, and the world changes so quickly.

TFC: It is Gordon. There are things in life you can’t do anything about, but what I
can tell you is that you just have worry about that when they day comes, and really
you just have to focus on the good things throughout your life, and enjoy those
moments while you can, just keep moving forward.

Narrator: For the first time that month, Gordon beamed. This was a lesson that
would stick with him for the longest time.

Gordon: Thank you sir!

TFC: My pleasure! Anyways, here’s some other news, while you were in Carlisle, we
borrowed an actual HST, they’re names are Pip & Emma, but despite their best
efforts, they’ve failed, and I need you to take their passengers home. Show them
how we do things, eh?

Gordon: I certainly will sir!

Narrator: Said Gordon, regaining his spirit, and a new confidence towards life now.
He was soon turned around, and at Platform 1 as usual.

Gordon’s Driver: Right! Today Gordon me ‘lad, you’ll give them the run of your

Gordon: Yes indeed! And I do hope I get to meet Pip & Emma soon. They sound really
friendly, and I definitely want to thank them.

Gordon’s Driver: Don’t worry Gordon, you certainly well, as the Fat Controller says
they’re dying to meet you. Anyways, you ready!

Gordon: (Laughing) I was built ready!

(Guard’s Whistle blows and Gordon departs, shows him greeting Henry, James and
Thomas as he passes by, then shows Douglas pulling pip & Emma, and Gordon thunders

Narrator: And Gordon puffed out of the station, just the same way he usually did.
Douglas was waiting to pull Pip & Emma back home when Gordon passed.

Gordon: (Blows whistle) Hello there! Express coming through!

Pip: Wow, so that’s Gordon.

Emma: Humph, he really is fast, though maybe we should have a race someday.

Douglas: Ock, yon Gordon is ane o the best whan it comes tae bein a Hich-Speit
engine. But its me wha's pullin the Hich-Speit train.

Narrator: And the three engines laughed as Douglas pulled the twins away. At
Barrow, they soon met Gordon, and the three were talking like old friends. Gordon
thanked the twins, Pip & Emma looked up to him, and it was thanks to them and the
Fat Controller, that Gordon kept enjoying his career while it lasted, and even
promised the twins that maybe someday, they could become part of Sodor soon to.

(Shows various clips of Percy & Duck working at Brendam Docks)

Narrator: Every once in a while, Percy & Duck are rostered to help out with the
work at Brendam Docks on Edward’s Branchline. They like these occasions working at
the harbor, shunting the trucks and delivering their cargo from their respective
lines to there, and on a clear summer’s night, there’s no better place to be. They
also love to watch the different boats and ship sailing into the harbor. The big
cruise ships known as ocean liners carry passengers. Cargo ships carry different
kinds of freight from all over the world, and tugboats are usually at work hauling
them to port, and making deliveries in their barges. Percy & Duck puff backwards
and forwards with the crates of cargo as they are loaded and unload by the quay.

(Shows Duck & Percy watching the horizon)

Narrator: One morning, the two green tank engines noticed that the horizon was
packed with sails flapping against the bright blue sky.

Duck: (Sighs) You know Percy, sometimes I wish I could sail away too far away
lands; see different countries, learn different languages, experience different
culture, but honestly, sail right in the middle of the beautiful blue sea, with the
sea breeze blowing in my face, hearing the calm sounds of the waves splashing.

Percy: Yeah, that’s great Duck, but you do realize, that engines like us can’t
really go sailing, because engines can’t really float. I mean, yeah they can be
loaded onto ships, but you wouldn’t really consider, right?

Narrator: But Duck still had his dreams. Suddenly, they were rudely interrupted by
a familiar buzzing sound.

(Shows Harold hovering down)

Harold: Wakey-wakey.

Percy: Oh no, you have got to be kidding me?

Duck: (Annoyed) Beg pardon Harold, but do you mind? I’m looking at the boats.

Harold: Oh, sorry old chap, I just need to rest and refuel for a bit. But anyways,
glad you’re enjoying the view, as that’s the regatta. Lots of boats, lots of races,
great fun, I hover around in case I’m needed.

Duck: Fascinating! Do you go to the horizon?

Harold: Yes and beyond.

Percy: Beyond, eh? I didn’t know there was a beyond.

Harold: Well it is a big world out there Percy. The sea does stretch for miles and
miles, all the way to the ends of the earth.

Duck: Wow, do you go to other places at sea too?

Harold: Certainly, and being a helicopter, I can land on ships you know.

Narrator: So Duck & Harold began chatting about the sea, travel, boats, and various
countries, which to Percy felt like ages. He usually got very annoyed by Harold,
and this sorta subject was one that was never really interesting, as he really
didn’t want to see the world that much. But just then, Harold’s radio crackled into
life, and his pilot answered it.

Harold: Ah, it appears as if there’s a distress call coming. I’d love to stay and
chat more Duck, but duty calls. Must fly, goodbye!

Narrator: Duck sighed! Looking out at the horizon even more in admiration, which
Percy could only roll his eyes, annoyed. He went on talking all about the regatta
and traveling the sea for the next few days. Percy was usually very close with
Duck, but even this was beginning to test his patience a little bit.

(Shows Duck & Percy shunting at the harbor station)

Percy: Well Duck, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have my wheels here on
nice solid rails, I mean, you are engines after all.

Duck: I know Percy, but don’t you wish someday you could travel the sea, and
explore different worlds?

Percy: (Snorts) No! In fact, you almost sound like Thomas once did. I prefer being
here on Sodor, there a lot of beautiful places that are rails can take us, that we
could ever wish to see.

(Alarm sounds)

Narrator: But before Duck could reply, an emergency siren sounded off.

Duck’s Driver: Oh dear, that’s an emergency!

Duck: Emergency! What’s going on?

Duck’s Driver: I don’t know, but I’ll check with the Harbormaster.

Narrator: He came back a few minutes later with bad news.

Duck’s Driver: One of the sailors taking part in the regatta has broken his arm.

Duck: Oh my, nothing serious I hope!

Duck’s Driver: No, but still injured! We’re to take him to the hospital at Suddrey

Duck: Okay, but wait a minute, what about Harold, wouldn’t that be quicker?

Duck’s Driver: (Chuckles) Not really old boy! He’s needed on guard at the regatta.

Duck: Well then, what are we waiting for, come on!

(Shows Duck leaving, and Harold landing near the helipad at the sidings until Duck

Harold: Ah, good to see you again Duck, old chap! And just in time!

Narrator: Whirred Harold, as he landed carefully on the helipad. The sailor was
gently helped to safety by Duck’s crew.

Duck: Good thing you there at that moment Harold.

Harold: Why thanks, but honestly, you’re the hero now Duck, as my job is to stay at
sea in case of other emergencies. So unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to take this
gentleman to the hospital myself.

Duck: Well, why thanks Harold! I mean, we couldn’t have that can we, as we’re all
needed for the jobs we do best.

Narrator: Both Duck & Harold laughed.

Harold: Indeed! Anyways, must fly, tallyho!

Narrator: And Harold took off into the skies, as duck watched in admiration again.

(Shows Duck puffing down the line and him stopping at Suddrey were Bertie was

Narrator: Duck set off on his journey. Soon he was steaming well, and his wheels
were thundering along the track. They soon reached the station, and the sailor
thanked everyone, as Bertie got ready to take him to the hospital.

Bertie: You look splendid flying along the line Duck. I saw you coming from the
distance. It’s no wonder why they call your named after a bird, because you were
soaring gracefully like one.

Duck: Why thank you Bertie.

(Bertie departs)

Narrator: As Duck reversed back to Brendam, he began to think about what Percy

Duck: You know what, Percy’s right, engines are happiest when their wheels are
firmly on the rails.

(Cuts to Duck & Percy at the sidings at the horizon)

Narrator: That night, Percy & Duck were finished with all their work for today, and
decided to stay for a little longer by the quay. It was a very calm and relaxing
scene, with the beautiful breeze rushing by them, and sounds of the ocean and the
ships sailing by.

Percy: You know something Duck? It really is a beautiful site. I’m sorry I was
being quite a killjoy lately, after you helped the injured sailor, I took a look
around the horizon while working, and now I’m beginning to understand why you love
it so much.

Duck: That’s okay Percy, but you were right to. It’s nice to fantasize travelling
the world by sea, but we should never forget who we are. We’re railway engines, and
we provide the best travel there is by are nice steel rails as we puff down the

Percy: Too right!

Narrator: But just as the two were still gazing, Duck saw something gleaming in the

Duck: Well I’ll be, it’s a shooting star.

Percy: (Laughing) Don’t be daft, look, its Harold, he’s hovering overhead.

(Shows something fluttering down)

Narrator: Just then, a piece of paper fluttered down towards Duck. His driver
caught it, observed it, and showed it to him.

Duck’s Driver: It’s a flag from the Regatta, Harold and the sailors are giving it
to you as a present Duck.

Duck: Aww…that was kind of Harold and those men. THANKS HAROLD!


Duck: You know Percy, Harold may have a whirly propeller instead of rails, but he’s
still a good friend who always knows just what an engine needs.

Percy: Yeah, he really is.

Narrator: Said Percy calmly, as the two friends kept watching the beauty of the
harbor at night.

(Shows Duck with Percy & Thomas in that iconic shot from the actual episode)

Narrator: Duck still wonders about the lands beyond the horizon, and still dreams
about travelling to different worlds and experiencing them for himself. But he’ll
always enjoy being an engine puffing along the rails and working and playing
alongside all his friends. But I think he knows that sometimes, the best travels
are those we can only dream about…don’t you?

(Shows Daisy gallivanting down the line, and being as conceited as usual)

Narrator: Daisy is a diesel-railcar that works on Thomas’s branchline providing

passenger services alongside Thomas. Though unlike other engines, both steam or
fellow diesel, a diesel-railcar, or DMU as they’re also known as, can carry
passengers inside of them, and wouldn’t need to pull coaches behind them. However,
Daisy is very proud of that fact, and when she first came to Sodor, she considered
herself very “highly sprung, thoroughly modern, and right-up-to-date”, as she was a
self-obsessed perfectionist who was very arrogant, conceited, as well as very lazy
and stubborn, only wanting to do what work she choose, and no more. However,
despite being very egotistical and bossy towards the other engines, she has a
caring side to and always works hard, and would learn to put others needs before
her own.

(Shows the Fat Controller coming up to the Branchline sheds to see Daisy)

Narrator: One morning, the Fat Controller came to see Daisy, he had an important
announcement for her.

TFC: Ah, good morning Daisy, now, on Saturday, there will be a special concert
performance at by the famous Italian Opera Singer, Alicia Botti. She will be
performing at Knapford Station, and I would like you to collect her.

Narrator: Of course, Daisy’s eyes beamed with delight whenever it came to hearing
news like this.

Daisy: Ah, very brilliant idea sir, though not surprised, being a highly-sprung and
thoroughly modern railcar like Moir take someone as…

TFC: (Sternly) Ahem! Before that, I want you to make sure you look your absolute
best and to do your best as well for the occasion, and I want no boasting.

Daisy: Oh, um yes…of course sir, Daisy said.

Narrator: As the Fat Controller walked away, Daisy of course was still letting the
pride of taking a famous opera singer like Alicia Botti go right through her
exhaust that she used this at every opportunity to boast.

(Shows her arriving at Hackenback were Thomas is)

Daisy: Ah, hello there Thomas, I’ve got some exciting news that.

Thomas: Oh, what kind of news? Taking an express goods to Vicarstown?

Daisy: What, no! I’m going to take one of the most famous singers of all time for a
special concert at Knapford.

Thomas: Oh, who’s performing, Burt Bacharach, Ringo Starr, Elton John, David Bowie?

Daisy: No cheeky! In fact, I’m not interested in music from that genre, I’m taking
one of the finest opera singers of all time, Alicia Botti!

Thomas: (Chuckles) I’m joking with you Daisy, I know that, and so does the rest of
the island. Alicia Botti has probably the best singing voice of any opera, I mean,
I’m not a big fan, but I do enjoy listening to any kind of music out there.

Daisy: Oh yes, you can laugh and make jokes Thomas. But at least an opera
performance like hers can educate common steam engines like you on what elegant
music is. And with the Fat Controller choosing a diesel like Moir, it will really
give her concert a Grande entrée. You all wait and see.

(Signal changes to green, and she passes Thomas, Annie and Clarabel)

Annie: Ugh, how rude!

Clarabel: Yes, very rude indeed Annie!

Thomas: Oh, just ignore her you two, if Daisy’s looking for a grand entrance, she’s
got another thing coming.

(Shows Daisy at Tidmouth, when Percy comes in)

Narrator: Later, Daisy was resting in a siding when Percy came in with a load coal

Daisy: Ugh, do you mind there Percy? Keep those filthy trucks away from me.

Percy: I think you should mind Daisy? These trucks are needed to be in those
sidings. In fact, if you don't stay there, go find another.
Daisy: Pah, that’s the problem with you steam engines, you all lack personal
hygiene, relying so much on that filthy coal.

Percy: Well you run on oil which is just as filthy. Look, I’ve been working non-
stop in the yards shunting these coal trucks into their proper spots, and I don’t
have time to be cleaned.

Daisy: Well it serves you right, I mean, who would want to travel in a filthy steam

(Smirking) Especially in “Dirty Percy”.

Narrator: Percy seethed with anger. He hated being called that, while it was bad
enough that the big engines would call him that, to hear it from someone as
conceited and snooty as Daisy made him feel very upset.

Percy: Don’t call me Dirty Percy, it’s not my fault I’m looking like this. I’m just
doing my job, something you never really do.

Daisy: Well I’m more efficient and of high-class to do something like this.
(Smugly) Plus, the Fat Controller say I need to be at my best, as I am to take
Alicia Botti, the famous singer for the opera at Knapford. There is no way she
would want to travel in a filthy engine like you.

Percy: But, I pull passengers to, and they don’t mind when I’m dirty or clean
sometimes. You should know after how rude you were to Mavis that one time.

Daisy: Yes, but to be the best, you must show them your best, and that includes not
doing such low-ranking positions. I must be off, ta-ta, “Dirty Percy.”

Narrator: And Daisy clattered away laughing. But poor Percy felt rather hurt.

(Cuts to Knapford with Daisy boasting to Duck and Oliver)

Daisy: Listen Duck, Alicia Botti is coming to this very station here, and I will be
arriving in fine style. A real Grande entrée, for such a fine engine such as
myself. It will be bold, with a grand orchestra, beautiful melody, and the sound of
Alicia Botti singing as grand as she a coloratura.

Duck: Yeah, that’ great and all Daisy, but…

Daisy: And me taking her that will make this an auspicious occasion. I must be off,

Duck: Yeah, see you later Daisy.

Duck: (Sighs exhaustedly) That engine, she is such an egomaniac that it really
kills me to keep yessing her.

Oliver: I know how that feels, it’s one thing to listen to her boast, it’s another
in getting her to shut up.

(Cuts to the branchline sheds with Daisy dreaming)

Narrator: That night, while Daisy was asleep, she kept letting her thoughts of the
concert go through her cooling fans.

Daisy: Ah, imagine, opera, the fancy orchestra, the fines actors and performs, and
Alicia Botti, the fancy coloratura herself singing those high notes.

(Shows a small black object with yellow glowing eyes scampering into a gap in
Daisy’s doors and hiding under her seat)

Narrator: Though she thought this too herself. As some small object was scattering
around, and secret snuck into Daisy and hid under one of her seats without
noticing, but the railcar was still in dreamland, she couldn’t even hear or see it.

(Cuts to the Saturday with Daisy getting ready)

Narrator: Two days later, Saturday had come, and Daisy was being readied up for the
great day. But as they were about to leave, they heard an unusual squeak.

Daisy: What was that? Oh no, not a squeak, I can’t have that.

Daisy’s Fitter: Indeed, I’ll go oil it up.

Narrator: So the fitter oiled up Daisy’s lubrication points, and the diesel-railcar
set off.

(Shows Daisy stopping at Elsbridge, but not picking up any passengers)

Narrator: But Daisy was being even more stuck-up and selfish as usual, she wouldn’t
allow any of the passengers in her train, only wanting to make room for first class
or Alicia herself once she arrived.

Daisy: Ugh, dogs! I will never allow dogs to travel in Moi.

(Daisy slinks off)

Passengers: HEY, COME BACK!

Dog: (Barking)

(Shows Daisy at Tidmouth mocking a man with a male tank top)

Daisy: Ugh, no way would I allow somebody with sleeveless fashion boarding my
service. Find someone else like some common branchline engine.

Sleeveless Passenger: Oui! Come back ‘ere!

(Shows Daisy headed to Knapford Harbor)

Narrator: As Daisy was headed down the line, she kept hearing that same awful
squeak, and she was beginning to panic, as she didn’t know what it was. It was
getting even louder, and her driver looked around but couldn’t find out what it
was. Just as they arrived, there was Alicia Botti herself, waiting for Daisy to
arrive. She looked marvelous, and very grand. Though Daisy, still concerned about
the squeak, was hoping to be at her best, and as she was to be lead in Daisy, they
found the source of the squeak right in front of them.

(Shows a mouse inside Daisy)

Alicia Botti: OH MY…A MOUSE!

Daisy: A WHAT?

Alicia Botti: (Screams loudly)

(Shows the windows screaming, and Gordon, Henry, James and the Scottish Twins in

Narrator: Ms. Botti screamed as loud as she could, and even Daisy, being a snob,
couldn’t help but scream herself. Though Ms. Botti screamed so loud that the
windows at nearby buildings began to shatter. And even the other engines and people
nearby were beginning to feel the strain.

Douglas: Ock aye, whit's gang on?

Henry: I don’t know, but it sounds like something must be wrong with Daisy.

Gordon: Whatever it is, at least it’s proved one thing, Alicia Botti is definitely
a coloratura at best.

James: Yeah, but did it have to be that loud, especially with Daisy screaming.

Narrator: Alicia herself was most upset.

Alicia: This will not do. I refuse to travel in a diesel infested with mice.

Daisy: Oh my word! I can’t believe it, a mouse. How could I not notice a mouse?

Daisy’s Driver: I don’t know, but it really his from us well old girl.

(Shows Percy coming down the line with a passenger train)

Narrator: Just then, Percy came down the line, with three red branchline coaches in

Alicia: Well, now there’ a wondrous sight. Look at the little green engine. He is
so-a-cute, so-a-sweet, and so-a-dirty like a proper steam engine. I’d like to
travel on-a him.


Percy: Yes, I am pleasant, and I clean up nicely.

TFC: I couldn’t have put it better myself.

Narrator: Just then, the Fat Controller showed up, looking sternly at Daisy.

TFC: Daisy, I want you to go over to one of the goods sheds to be inspected.

Daisy: The goods sheds, but…

TFC: But nothing! I want you cleaned out, and I will speak with you later!

Narrator: Then the Fat Controller tipped his hat at Alicia Botti and apologized for
the inconvenience, but she understood, and said she’s rather prefer riding with
Percy anyway. Percy felt delighted.

(Cuts to the goods shed near Tidmouth Sheds where Daisy is)

Narrator: Later Daisy was being examined at the goods shed near Tidmouth Sheds, and
the inspector caught the mouse, but instead of exterminating it, fed it some his
leftovers from lunch. And the Fat Controller came by and bought a cage for the
mouse, intending to instead keep for a pet. Daisy was cleaned out and fumigated,
but the only thing that couldn’t be mended was her pride, and shuddered when the
Fat Controller came up to here.

TFC: Daisy, when I assigned you this position, I was hoping a more responsible,
humble, and versatile engine such as yourself could take Ms. Botti, as the other
engines would’ve been busy with other passengers.

Daisy: But you wanted me at my best, I didn’t know about that mouse sneaking inside

TFC: (Groans) You really just don’t get it Daisy, I told you millions of times, not
everything in life is about you or your own needs and wants. I heard after I
assigned you the job, I heard you have been boasting to the other engines, mocking
them, belittling them just to make yourself feel important, and I also heard how
incredibly rude you were to Percy, saying a lot of hurtful comments. Not only that,
I also heard you selfishly wouldn’t allow other passengers because according to
your driver, you refused to let them in because you wanted high-class passengers
just to please yourself for Ms. Botti, WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU? And this mouse
wouldn’t have snuck in if you and your fitter would’ve spent time looking around
before that little problem became a big one like it is now. Being at your best
means working hard and putting yourself out there for others even if it means being
dirty or clean, not using this as an advantage for your own selfish needs, as you
Daisy have been a very arrogant, selfish and irresponsible engine, and since you
put Percy down for shunting coal, you will not only apologize to him, but you’ll
also be shunting coal at Tidmouth for a whole month, and I hope it will teach you
more about humility. Do I make myself clear?

Daisy: (Gulps) Yes sir!

TFC: Good!

Narrator: With that, the Fat Controller, with the mouse in its cage, walked sternly

(Shows Percy reversing in)

Narrator: After he left, Percy, who the Fat Controller awarded with a through wash-
down for all his hard work and taking Alicia Botti where she needed to be, came to
comfort the now, humiliated Daisy.

Percy: Hello Daisy, not coming to the show?

Daisy: I don’t think I deserve to after the way I acted. But what are you doing

Percy: Came to check up on a friend. You may have been horrible to me, but even you
didn’t deserve that.

Daisy: Thank you Percy, and listen, I’m very sorry I was harsh and belittled you
like that, it was very disrespectful, and I know that dirty or clean, being really
useful means working hard no matter condition you’re in.

Percy: Exactly! Come on, we can still go to the concert, at least that will
brighten you up.

(Shows the engines at Knapford listening to Alicia Botti)

Narrator: So they did, and the concert was very successful, and the engines &
people were enjoying themselves, especially Daisy.
(Shows the mouse in its cage at the Fat Controller’s office)

Narrator: And as for the mouse, the Fat Controller grew found of her, and the mouse
enjoyed her new home, and Daisy even suggested to him, calling her, “Alicia”.

Narrator: One morning, Toby the Tram Engine was wearing a brand new bell that shown
like gold. He was excited as today, he was on his way to the seaside at Tidmouth.

(Shows Toby trundling down the line, and a fantasy of Trevor at the parade)

Toby’s Driver: There’s a seaside village at Tidmouth, as it’s right on Duck’s

Branchline. And every year they have a special parade with special attraction just
for the visitors. This year Toby, you’re the special attraction.

Toby: Oh that’s wonderful, thanks for telling me driver. But what does the special
attraction of the parade do.

Toby’s Driver: Oh, just smiles and blows whistles, or in this case rings bells at

Toby: Now that is “special.” I’m gonna make sure I give them exactly what they came
for. In fact, we’re almost there, listen, you can hear the gulls.

(Shows Toby pulling into Tidmouth Hault)

Narrator: Toby pulled into Tidmouth Hault Station expecting a big welcome, but
instead, there was just one man.

Toby’s Driver: Hmm…it’s the Mayor of Tidmouth, I wonder what he’s doing here alone.

Narrator: Toby’s Driver spoke with the mayor, and once he finished, the Mayor left,
and Toby’s Driver returned with bad news.

Toby’s Driver: Well if that doesn’t take the biscuit.

Toby: Why, what’s wrong?

Toby’s Driver: Turns out that ran out of room in the parade and don’t really need a
special attraction after all.

Toby: (Sadly) Oh, I see! So much for that!

Toby’s Driver: Yeah, we’ll have to go home I’m afraid Toby, I’m really sorry old

Toby: (Sighs) So am I.

Narrator: Sighed the old tram sadly as he puffed disappointedly back to Elsbridge.

(Fades to Percy shunting trucks in the yards and coming up to the upset Toby)

Narrator: Meanwhile, while Percy was shunting trucks, he was surprised to see Toby
back, as well as siting in a siding still feeling rather upset.

Percy: Oh, hello Toby, what are you doing back so soon?

Toby: Oh Hi Percy, turns out the parade was already full of contenders that they
didn’t need a special attraction.
Percy: Oh really? Why not?

Narrator: But before Toby could answer, the Stationmaster came up to him.
Stationmaster: Leave your trucks right hear Percy, there’s an emergency at Knapford

Percy: Oh, what’s wrong?

Stationmaster: No time to explain, the Fat Controller needs you double quick! Toby,
we’ll need you to handle the shunting here.

Toby: Of course sir!

Percy: Oh, um, okay! On my way!

Narrator: As Percy was making his way, his driver had a thought.

Percy’s Driver: I wouldn’t be surprised right now if this is trouble caused by old

Percy: Bulstrode? Who’s Bulstrode?

Percy’s Driver: Ah, Bulstrode, is a very bossy and disagreeable barge that never
stops complaining.

(Fades to Bulstrode at the quay at Knapford Harbor arguing with the trucks nearby)

Narrator: His driver was right about Bulstrode. He was a special motorized barge
used for carrying heavy stone. He was a very cynical, stubborn and bad-tempered
barge that was always in a grouchy mood, and would boss everybody around. He
prefers to run everything at a fast pace and to be full of much cargo as possible.
But even if things were going his way, nothing ever seemed to be right for him
regardless, and he grumbled unceasingly. Needless to say, the trucks were also
beginning to lose their patience to.

Bulstrode: Come on, come on! Why aren’t trucks where you should be? How can I load
if sit there dawdling about, eh?

1st Truck: Ah, hello Einstein, we’re trucks, we can’t just move on our own power.

2nd Truck: Yeah, and there’s no engine. And we can only go where we’re put. You’re
in the wrong place, not us!

Bulstrode: Yeah, well to bad, I’m not due to leave until tomorrow, so unless you
want me out of here, somebody better shake a wheel.

Narrator: They argued for some time until Percy arrived. Now he began to understand
about Bulstrode when hearing the argument.

3rd Truck: Oui Percy! Thank goodness you’re ‘ere.

4th Truck: Our stone is for Bulstrode. Please put us in a siding so we can load him
up and be rid of him as soon as possible.

Percy: Alright!

(Percy begins shunting the trucks)

Narrator: As Percy began shunting them in place, he was accidently switched into a
different siding that was right by the edge of the quay where Bulstrode was docked.
Percy thought he had the trucks under control, but while shunting them, they were
so loaded with stone, that the 3 trucks he was shunting began losing control and
running away at a fast pace.

Percy: Oh no!

Narrator: He cried, as Percy tried to catch them. The shunter tried to stop the run
away, but their speed only broke his pole, and they hit into three other stone
trucks like dominoes falling, and broke through the buffers.

Trucks: HELP, HELP!

Narrator: They wailed. Bulstrode, who was couldn’t see what was going on, heard the
noise, and could tell what was going to happen.

Bulstrode: Oh crude!

(Shows all 6 trucks falling off the pier and crashing into Bulstrode, then Percy
showing up looking shocked)

Bulstrode: (Gurgling voice) OOOHHHH! HELP! I’M SINKING!

Narrator: The trucks in the nearby sidings were upset about losing their friends,
but didn’t care one bit about Bulstrode.

1st Truck: Humph! Serves you right! You were always barging in and moaning.

(Shows the wreckage being cleaned up)

Narrator: It took some time to clear the mess. Percy stayed for a while with the
Breakdown Train to recover the trucks, and the salvage team helped to recover any
of the stones that were left over. As for Bulstrode, well, the accident left a
terrible blow in his hull, he only groaned dreadfully as a tugboat had towed him to
the beach. Percy could only look down feeling sorry him, but the trucks wouldn’t
show wouldn’t show any sympathy.

(Shows Bulstrode at Tidmouth Beach)

Knapford Harbormaster: There you are!

Narrator: Exclaimed the Harbormaster.

Knapford Harbormaster: You Bulstrode have caused me, as well as my employees, the
trucks, the engines, and all the other boats and ships in the harbor enough trouble
than you have in the past. All you do is piss and moan about even one slight thing,
and are rude to those trying their best to please you, and this incident really
takes the cake. So I’m completely taking you out of commission, and leaving you on
the seaside were you will stay. Children can play in you, and at long last, you’ll
be really useful.

Bulstrode: (Groaning miserably)

(Shows Percy coming cheerfully into Elsbridge next to Toby)

Narrator: When Percy got home, he and Toby exchanged all their news.

Toby: So, Bulstrode really had it coming to him, huh?

Percy: Yeah, but I still feel bad for causing the accident. Even though driver says
it wasn’t my fault.

Toby: He’s right Percy, you wouldn’t have known this was going to occur. But I
guess Bulstrode you can say has become a “special attraction” anyway.

Percy: Yeah, sorry that you couldn’t take part in the parade.

Toby: Oh that’s alright, I was able to be a special attraction anyway, just every
time we go down our own line.

Percy: What do you mean?

Toby: Just by carrying on as usual, but in the end, all we got to do is smile, and
blow whistles at everyone.

(Ends with Toby & Percy blowing their whistles cheerfully at everybody)

Narrator: One afternoon, Thomas was waiting at the Old Harbor on his branchline
collecting a supply of fish that was to be added to Henry’s train, known as the
Flying Kipper. However, the work was taking a long time, as the fisherman were
using old equipment that had to be treated delicately, though Thomas was beginning
to worry.

Thomas: Please hurry up, I’m going to be late. These vans needed to be added to
Henry’s train tonight, and he won’t like that, (sniffs indignantly) phew, neither
this smell for that matter.

Narrator: Said Thomas annoyed, remembering his own experience after getting some
fish caught in his own tanks after fishing from River Els. But just then, he was
rudely interrupted when a crane was trying to lift a palette with crates of fish,
but the cable snapped.

(Crates fall on Thomas)


Crane Operator: (Nervous laugh) Oops!

Narrator: His driver & fireman laughed.

Thomas: Oh stop laughing, it’s not funny.

Thomas’s Driver: (Trying to recover) Sorry Thomas, can’t help ourselves, but at
least the fish oil has made your paint shiny.

Thomas: Not making me feel any better driver. But, phew, what a pong.

(Shows Thomas puffing down the coastal route)

Narrator: Soon as the mess was finally cleared, Thomas began travelling down the
coastal route, along the line leading to Brendam Docks, which did take his mind off
the smell. But just then, he noticed a inspector standing on the line holding a red

Thomas: (Sighs) What’s the matter now?

Inspector: High tides are damaging the ground under the tracks, I marked the spot.
Thomas’s Driver: Oh, well, then we’ll go and inspect.

(Thomas arrives at the tide damaged tracks)

Thomas: Cinders & ashes. The tides really did a number on the line, the ground
holding them in place is practically eroded.

Thomas’s Driver: Yeah, good thing that inspector warned us.

Narrator: Thomas’s crew surveyed the damage to see if it was safe to continue.

Thomas’s Driver: Well, it would be dangerous for a big engine like Henry to travel
across, but for an engine like Thomas, it’s safe enough.

Narrator: So the guard got out and left a red lamp post by the damaged area.

Guard: When we get to the docks, I’ll warn them to close the line and re-reroute
Henry tonight.

(Shows Thomas traveling, then fades to Henry waiting impatiently at the Brendam

Narrator: Henry was waiting impatiently for Thomas by the quayside.

(Shows Thomas shuffling in)

Henry: Humph! You’re late! And that smell is making me feel ill.

Thomas: Hey, I can’t help it alright! It’s the fish, and there’s danger on the
coastal route. That’s why we’re late, so don’t go blaming me for this.

Henry: Pah! You’re the only danger on the rails Thomas. Now stop wasting time, and
get your vans hitched onto my train.

Narrator: Thomas, who didn’t like being spoken to that way, puffed crossly to the
back and shunted the vans at the end.

(Cuts to the Dock Manager’s office, and Henry leaving with the Flying Kipper)

Narrator: Later, Thomas’s crew went for a drink over at the Dock Manager’s Office,
when Henry away with the long, heavy Flying Kipper in tow.

Thomas’s Driver: Um…Clark, what route is Henry taking tonight?

Dock Manager: The Coastal Route, it’s the quickest.

Thomas’s Driver: WHAT? Argh, you idiot, I told you earlier the ground under that
route has been eroded by the tides, and it’s too dangerous for big engines like

Dock Manager: (Gasps) Oh no, I forgot about that, I better call ahead!

(The Dock Manager rushes to pick up the telephone, just as Henry races past the
Signal Box)

Narrator: The Dock Manager phoned the signalman, just as Henry roared past the
signal box.
Henry: Alright, I’ll soon be able to make up for lost time.

Narrator: Unfortunately, because of Henry’s puffing, the signalman couldn’t hear

the manager properly, but once he got the message, Henry had already passed
through, and was far away in a cloud of steam.

(Shows Henry puffing down the Coastal Route)

Narrator: Once Henry reached the Coastal Route, his hopes for a fast run were
dashed, as a thick pea-soup fog was floating everywhere.

Henry: Argh, I can’t see!

Henry’s Driver: Neither can I old boy, and not even our head codes are doing
anything. We’ll just have to keep on going.

Narrator: That was of course a big mistake. And when once Henry & his crew could,
it was far too late.

(Shows the red lamp, then Henry failing to stop in time, and he plunges off the
rails and into the sea with the vans all following behind him, then Henry spits out
a mouthful of seawater. But then it fades to the morning with Henry loaded on a
salvage barge)

Narrator: The next morning, as soon as the tide was wide enough, the salvage team
and the breakdown gang with Marlin arrived to help clear up the mess. Thankfully,
most of the fish was recovered, but Henry was craned out of the water and loaded on
a salvage barge, that was loaded with the fish from his train. The Fat Controller
was standing in front of him.

TFC: Henry, I know you wanted to have a nice run with the Kipper, but you should
never have rushed like that, safety comes first. I also heard that Thomas tried to
warn you, but you disregarded his advice and were rude to him as well. You need to
learn to stop and listen, because engines don’t go swimming Henry. You were meant
to deliver fish, not swim with them. Then again, you should really know that by now
(smirking a bit).

Henry: Yes sir! I’m sorry sir!

TFC: It’ll be a while till we have you repaired, so I’ll have to assign Bear,
Donald & Douglas to look after your trains for the time being. But before that,
phew, you really need a good cleaning as soon as possible, bluck.

(Shows Henry being towed to Brendam Docks in a barge)

Narrator: So Henry was towed in the barge to Brendam Docks, were Cranky the Crane
was to unload him, but he couldn’t help but laugh.

Cranky: (Laughs) My, my Henry, I except you'll have some fishy tales to tell. But
take my advice, have a good hose down first.

Narrator: But there was worse to come, as there was Bill & Ben on the quay.

Ben: Look Bill, they caught all this fish, and a giant green whale.

Bill: No, that’s no whale Ben, it’s a giant green monster.

Narrator: And the twins, the workmen, and Cranky all howled with laughter. Henry
had never felt embarrassed in all his life.
(Shows Henry now on the rails next to Cranky, and Thomas backing down to him)

Narrator: That evening, Cranky lifted Henry back onto the rails, and the fish was
taken off him. Thomas had arrived to take Henry to the works, and after today, he
now felt sorry for Henry to.

Thomas: Come on Henry! What you need is a good wash down. You’ll feel much better

(Thomas tows Henry away, and cuts to both engines at the Steamworks with Henry
being cleaned)

Narrator: And Henry did!

Henry: I’m sorry I was rude to you last night Thomas. I should’ve listened to you
instead of being so stubborn.

Thomas: Oh that’s alright Henry. Just be glad that now both you and I got those
rather nasty fish smells off our boilers. Though can you smell another smell?

Henry: Oh, what’s that?

Thomas: Nice fresh air!

Henry: Oh, yes, that is nice.

Narrator: Replied Henry happily.

(Shows the engines busy)

Narrator: It had been a week since Henry’s accident with the tide damaged rails.
The engines were doing their best to keep up with the workload until Henry was
repaired. While Henry wasn’t damaged terribly, he still needed to cleaned out from
all the seawater from the incident, and had to be on test runs to make sure he was
still in good working order. Without his strength though, this was making things
hard for the engines, even for Bear and the Scottish Twins, while it helped a
little, it wasn’t enough as they were needed for their own duties.

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds with the Fat Controller speaking to Thomas, Percy, James,
Edward and Gordon)

Narrator: One evening, the Fat Controller came to see the engines at Tidmouth

TFC: Engines, I have some good news and some bad news, regarding Henry’s repairs.

Percy: What’s that sir?

TFC: The good news is that Henry’s repairs are nearly complete, and his exam will
be finished sometime tomorrow.

Thomas: That’s good sir. I was worried about him after his accident near the sea.

TFC: You and me both Thomas. And don’t worry, he’s learned his listen and learn to
take great care with such matters.

Edward: But sir, who will take care of the express goods train tomorrow that was
bound for Barrow?
TFC: That’s the bad news. Normally, it would be simple for me to use BoCo, Bear,
Donald or Douglas, but I’ve sparred them far enough that I can’t keep taking them
away from their regular duties. I know you are all fine engines, but you all have
your own work, so unfortunately, British Railways is once again loaning Diesel to
come and help again.

(Shows flashbacks of Diesel’s usual tricks)

Narrator: The engines were horrified, and for good reason to. They all hated
Diesel, as he was nothing but an oily, scheming and arrogant diesel shunter that
was always very rude and nasty to the other engines, and always delighting in
showing off and causing trouble all because he hated steam engines, believing that
they are outdated kettles that should all be scrapped and replaced by his own kind.
He showed no mercy in trying to make any engine’s life a living hell, and if he
felt wronged, would always seek horrible vengeance against them.

TFC: I know this comes as an inconvenience to you all, and believe me, I’m not at
all happy about this either, but you know British Railways, they always have to
send in engines like Diesel because of the grudge they have against for the way we
do things, and after we cut ties from them back in the 60’s.

Gordon: We shouldn’t be too surprised about that, I mean, there are many other
engines, and British Railways can’t let any good ones take a chance, how vulgar.

TFC: Yes, I know Gordon, but don’t worry, it’s just for tomorrow, as Diesel will be
taking that goods train to Barrow, and that’s it. But I promise if Diesel does
cause any more trouble again, he’ll have to me deal with.

Edward: Indeed, and we’ll do our best to put up this. Isn’t that right everyone?

Thomas: Exactly!

Percy: Uh, of course.

Gordon: I suppose so.

James: Well if it’s for today, then alright.

TFC: Thanks engines, don’t worry, this won’t last long.

Narrator: And the Fat Controller walked away to his car, still unsure of this

Percy: (Sighs) I hope Henry’s tests are finally done soon.

James: Same here Percy, because he moves more trucks than even three diesels put

Thomas: Yeah, and it’s too bad BoCo or Bear couldn’t be sparred right now, but at
least Diesel will have a hard time dealing with the trucks. And we all know how
Diesel and the trucks have this grudge against one another.

Gordon: Oh please, trucks are no one’s friends.

Edward: Oh come now Gordon, not all trucks are troublesome. You have to remember,
some trucks can be friendly with engines.

Gordon: Yes, but I’m an express engine, so that doesn’t mean I have to like them.
James: Yeah, join the club.

Narrator: And Gordon & James just went to sleep. The other engines didn’t bother,
as they knew the duo were too stubborn to reason with, and plus, they were tired
themselves anyway, and went unhappily to sleep.

(Shows Diesel shuffling into Knapford Harbor, shows BoCo, Donald, and Toby all
looking suspiciously at him)

Narrator: The next day, Diesel arrived. Needless to say, he hadn’t changed, as the
other engines could only cringe in fury whenever they saw him, but Diesel just
scoffed, as he had had another scheme of his up his exhaust.

(Diesel bumps the trucks viciously)

Diesel: (Evil Laugh) Hello lads, did you miss me?

Trucks: No we didn’t! We don’t even like you that much!

Diesel: Well too bad, I don’t like any of you either, but at least you’re gonna
serve my plan.

Truck: What plan?

Diesel: Since that Old-Square Wheels Henry has been taken out of service after
taking a little swim so I’ve heard, the worthy fat…err…Fat Controller has sent me
to cover for him. And not a moment too soon, that fact he would have a pathetic,
creaky and outdated peace of rubbish like Henry to pull a whole train to the
Mainland, how pathetic. And it’s too bad none of those traitorous diesels that like
those puffballs can’t assist. But there shouldn’t be any need, they’re pathetic
excuses for diesels anyways.

Narrator: The trucks were appalled, despite some of the mischief, they did actually
respect BoCo & Bear, and didn’t even dream of causing trouble for them. And Duck
who had overheard Diesel’s rude comments confronted him.

Duck: Now listen here Diesel, BoCo & Bear are more than diesels than you’ll ever
be. And steam engines like me & Henry may be old, be we still manage to push

Diesel: Yes, sure you do you Quackpot, but you will not interfere, so kindly, SHOVE

Duck: Humph!

Narrator: Duck snorted as he puffed angrily away.

Diesel: (Snorts) No matter, I’ll still show those fools how outdated they all are,
because once Fat-Hatt sees how strong and versatile I’ve performed, and taking a
whole line of you lot, he’ll have no choice but to give in and get rid of steam
engines once and for all.

Narrator: And Diesel bumped them as roughly as he did, sorting them in place. And,
he was gonna do it his way. The trucks of course were put off by Diesel’s behavior,
as they also really like Henry, and Edward was right in the fact that not all
trucks were troublesome, but if an engine mistreated them, or were rude to their
friends, especially if it was the engines, they can be very territorial, and would
scheme to pay them out. They could see Diesel wanted to prove his strength, so they
decided to take full advantage of that.

Trucks: Is that all, you can haul, Henry’s loads are longer. Is that all, you can
haul, Henry must be stronger.

THAN ANY STEAM KETTLE. (Calms down and speaks in a posh manner) In fact, my class
in general, the 08’s were the strongest and most efficient shunters on British
Railways. Even stronger than a big steamer like Henry.

Trucks: Yeah sure! Push us all, that’s the longest, push us all, you’ll be

Narrator: Now Diesel was beginning to lose his temper, as his face went as bright
red as James’s paintwork.

(Shows Diesel’s wheels still slipping away furiously)

Narrator: He kept pulling and pulling, but nothing was happening. The other engines
who were passing by watched with interest, and couldn’t help but chuckle at
Diesel’s expense.

Diesel’s Driver was beginning to worry.

Diesel’s Driver: Calm down Diesel, you’re gonna strain yourself!

Diesel: Well I don’t give a crap if the trucks break into pieces like last time,

Diesel’s Driver: (Sighs) Fine, your funeral!

Narrator: Nothing was working, and needless to say, Diesel was straining the
coupling between him and the first truck. He pulled, he pulled, and he pulled,

(Shows the coupling snap, and Diesel shooting off like a rocket and crashes through
some buffers off a dock siding)


Narrator: He wailed, as a shunter nearby had switched him into the same siding were
some stone trucks had crashed into Bulstrode about a month ago.


Diesel: (Groaning in pain) Grease and oil! Oww! I hate manure! Bluck!

Narrator: The trucks, and even the engines and the dock workers couldn’t help but
laugh, as there was Diesel, laying battered and bruised, in a barge filled with

Trucks: (Laughing)

(Shows Henry coming with the Fat Controller who berates Diesel)

Narrator: Soon, the Fat Controller arrived on a newly repaired Henry, and he tried
not laugh, as of course, he was furious, and looked down angrily at Diesel.

TFC: You have caused nothing but a significant amount of trouble for me once again
Diesel. I hoped that you finally behave yourself and not let this horrible grudge
about steam engines consume you, and now, you’ve delayed this train, and damaged
yourself, and worse, (Sniffs) phew, have caused yourself to smell like crap, and
the trucks even mentioned all the absolutely horrific comments you said about BoCo,
Bear and Henry, and I have had about this rude and arrogant behavior Diesel. So for
that, I won’t repair you, and I’ll send you back to the mainland, in a barge.

Narrator: Diesel only just seethed with fury as he looked down crossly at the
manure he had crashed in.

Henry: Don’t worry Diesel, at least you’re not the only who’s had an accident like

TFC: No, but he certainly has had a much worse that you have Henry. (Chuckles) But
in all seriousness though, since you’re repaired, could you make up for lost time

Henry: Of course sir. And don’t worry, this time, I will pay close attention to
make sure safety comes first.

Narrator: Henry said as he reversed triumphantly onto the train. So the shunters
this time released the brakes, and repaired the coupling that Diesel snapped.

(Guard’s whistle blows, and Henry departs)

Narrator: And Henry pulled all 30 trucks and the brake van away, as easy as pie.
The engines all cheered, proud that their friend, Henry the Green Engine has
returned, and pulling the train, but safely this time.

(Shows Diesel being hauled onto a salvage barge)

Narrator: Diesel had once again had been sent away in disgrace, as he was lifted
onto salvage barge that was towed away by a tugboat to England.

(Shows Thomas & Percy talking to Gordon at Knapford Station)

Narrator: But the engines had learned something after this, as Thomas & Percy told
Gordon at Knapford.

Gordon: So, the trucks took care of Diesel themselves, eh?

Thomas: They sure did Gordon. Edward was right, looks like trucks can even do us
all a favor sometimes.

Percy: Yeah, like getting rid of the “smelly old diesel.”

Gordon: Yes, and emphasis on the word, “smelly”, after what happened to him.

Narrator: And all the engines laughed.

Narrator: Mavis the Quarry Diesel has worked at Anopha Quarry for many years, and
is proud of what she does, shunting the stone trucks in place, and even making
deliveries to different parts of the island if Toby or the other engines are busy.
Though she loves her job arranging the trucks, she does enjoy going on journeys
outside the quarry, as it gives her a chance to stretch her wheels. Besides, it
could be quite dull sometimes doing the same thing every day. Most of the way, the
Quarry Line runs beside a road, and Mavis is always very careful when traveling,
especially at the crossing where Thomas had once got into a confrontation with a
police officer. However, the council realized how stupid the law was in the fact
that the farmers along the line are very careful with their animals, and that the
policeman at the time was a very overzealous and bad-tempered jerk, who got demoted
for his nasty behavior. So even though the law was revoked, Mavis was still nervous
as even though there are warning signs at the crossing, some cars and Lorries come
around the corner much too fast.

Mavis’s Driver: There’ll be an accident one day.

Narrator: He would say as they would pass the crossing, and Mavis feels certain
he’s right. One morning, Mavis was running late, as the trucks had been in all the
wrong places and she had to waste time in sorting them out.

(Shows Mavis trundling down the line)

Narrator: However, the trucks were up to their usual antics, and as Mavis came down
the line, they surged against her.

Mavis: Oh, oh, hey, stop pushing!

(Shows a lorry driving down the road)

Narrator: As they neared the crossing, Mavis saw a lorry coming towards them.

Mavis: Oh my, I hope he stops until he sees us.

Narrator: Mavis hoped. But what she didn’t know was that the lorry driver was new
to the island, and the last thing he expected to see was an oncoming train. Much to
fast the lorry approached the corner, and too late the driver realized it was
sharper than he expected. He braked hard and swung the steering wheel, but it was
too late.

(The Lorry collides with Mavis and crashes)

Mavis: AHHHH!

Lorry Driver: WHOOOOOAAA!

Narrator: The lorry caught Mavis’s cowcatcher and the lorry itself diverted off the
road and skidded into a ditch, falling on its side. Mavis, who had already stopped
just watched in horror.

Lorry Driver: Oh, goodness gracious!

Mavis: Oh, I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to push you over.

(Mavis’s Driver jumps down from the cab)

Mavis’s Driver: Don’t worry old girl, this wasn’t your fault, but I hope the driver
of that lorry is alright.

(Shows the Lorry Driver struggling to get out, until Mavis’s Driver helps him)

Narrator: The Lorry’s left hand door was deep in the ditch, and the driver was seen
struggling to climb out the other side. Mavis’s Driver helped him, and he got out

Lorry Driver: Is this a train?

Mavis’s Driver: Yes it is, though I take you must be new here, not seeing us

Lorry Driver: No, certainly not! I had no idea about this, sorry!

(Shows Butch coming to help, and the ambulance showing up, while Mavis carries on)

Narrator: Soon, Butch arrived to help the driver’s wrecked lorry, and the ambulance
came, though thankfully the driver wasn’t hurt, but he did get a ticket for the
incident, and had to practice driving the line to prevent an accident like this
from occurring again. Mavis carried on and got her train of stone to Ffarqhuar
Yards. Her driver, an inspector, checked her over, and she wasn’t badly hurt, but
her front cowcatcher was bent. The Quarry Manager and the Fat Controller sent her
to be mended at the Steamworks, so the Fat Controller decided to ask Toby to
substitute while she was away.

(Shows Toby, Percy and Thomas talking with the Fat Controller at the Branchline

Toby: Of course sir, but what about the trucks here? Percy can’t handle them on his
own. Not to mention Thomas has his own work to handle.

TFC: Don’t worry Toby, Thomas will help out a little bit along the way, it’s a good
thing the law he got in trouble with that time has been revoked, or we’d be
struggling with the workload. Plus, I also arranged for another vehicle to help,
and he’s not an engine.

Thomas: Your right sir, and don’t worry, I’ll do the best I can. Let’s just hope we
don’t have another accident like Mavis’s, or who knows what will happen. And all 4
of them agreed.

Percy: But sir, what do you mean our extra help is not an engine?

TFC: You’ll see Percy, I arranged it with Farmer Finney.

(Fades to the next morning were we see Terence helping out)

Narrator: The next morning, they soon found out, it was actually, Terence the
Tractor. Whenever Percy was busy, and Thomas had to run his passenger services with
Annie & Clarabel, Terence would help with the shunting at Ffarqhuar Yards. While
the engines were grateful for his help, they were quite annoyed when Terence began
boasting about it.

(Cuts to the Branchline Sheds with Terence, Thomas, Percy and Toby)

Terence: Adaptable, sin's what Farmer Finney says táim. Téigh anywhere, do
anything, sin's me.

Thomas: Yeah, that’s great Terence, but we can handle just as much as rails to.

Terence: Yes, yes, but take my advice and scrap your rails, broaden your outlook
like me.

Percy: Pah! Me, plough a field, I prefer to stay on my rails pulling trains, thank

Terence: Tá a fhios agam Percy, táim only joking. Though steam engines did plough
once upon a time, and ran ar roads.

Thomas: Oh yeah, like Trevor, the Traction Engine at the Wellsworth Vicarage.
Toby: Indeed! He sure has provided great service for many years.

Percy: Yeah, at least steam power still remains strong even in road vehicles.

Terence: Sin siad do.

(Cuts to Toby busy with Stone Trains to Anopha Quarry)

Narrator: They all had to agree on that. Repairs to Mavis took longer than
expected, and Toby became used to trundling to the quarry each morning. Because of
his small water tank, his crew had to arrange with the Quarry Manager that they
should bring loaded trucks down from Ffarqhuar at lunch time instead of the
afternoon. It saved time to, as Toby would’ve otherwise needed an extra journey to
refill his tanks. This way we he made his delivery and refilled on water in one
visit. A month passed, and the weather became colder with hard frosts during the
night. They didn’t worry Toby though, as his fire kept him nice and warm, and he
puffed happily to and fro, arranging trucks and taking them to the yard, and
bringing back empty ones. One particularly cold night, the ground froze solid, and
even Toby began to feel chilly.

Toby: Brrr…

Narrator: He shivered, as he set out light engine towards the quarry.

(Cuts to the Quarry Crossing, and Toby derails into the tarmac)

Narrator: When the ground freezes, it swells up, and at the Quarry Crossing, frost
had swelled in the earth and the ruts inside the rails so much, that when Toby
approached, his own wheels were lifted up and clean of the tracks.


Toby’s Driver: Whoa Toby!

Narrator: Exclaimed his driver as he put the brakes hard on as he dared. Shakily,
Toby came to a stop, with all 6 wheels firmly on the roadway.

Toby: Oh dear, now what?

Toby’s Fireman: No problem old boy. With care, we’ll have you re-railed in no time.

Toby: I don’t see how. We’d need the Breakdown Train.

Toby’s Fireman: But that could take hours Toby. Look, your wheels crunched through
the tarmac making ruts that your wheels can easily fit on. If we reverse and do it
carefully, we might get you back on the rails.

Toby: Okay, but let’s hope so.

(Toby reversing on the road)

Narrator: Directed by the fireman, the driver carefully reversed Toby along the
ruts his wheels made.

(Toby manages to re-rail himself)

Narrator: At last, with a thud and a jolt, the little tram engine felt nice, firm,
steel rails safely beneath his wheels once more.
Toby: (Sighs with relief) Phew, your right Anthony, we did it.

Toby’s Fireman: Alright, great job Toby! Now I’ll spread a few hot ashes from your
fire along there so it doesn’t happen again. Then we can get safely up to the
quarry and no one will ever be the wiser.

(Shows Toby continuing on his way)

Narrator: Though they reckoned without the Fat Controller.

(Shows Mavis at the Branchline Sheds where Toby, Percy, Thomas and the Fat
Controller are)

Narrator: When Mavis came home the next day, he came to see the engines.

TFC: (Slyly) What’s this I hear Toby, trying to be a traction engine were you?

Narrator: Toby blushed, but the Fat Controller wasn’t really at all cross.

TFC: Don’t worry Toby, I know it wasn’t your fault, and I’m actually quite
impressed with what your fireman told me about how you and your driver maneuvered
back onto the rails. Jolly good I must say.

Toby: Thank you sir! Though I know this has proved what Terence said to some

Narrator: He said, as he explained to the Fat Controller about what Terence said
last month. The Fat Controller and the other engines just laughed.

TFC: Take no notice, if I were you, I’d leave roads to what they made for. Just
stay on the rails, you’ll find them much more comfortable.

Narrator: Toby and the other engines were quick to agree.

(Shows the Fat Controller talking to Thomas, Percy, Toby and Daisy at the
Branchline Sheds)

Narrator: One morning, the Fat Controller had an important announcement for the
engines of the Ffarqhuar Branchline.

TFC: The Bridge along River Els is beginning to age, and is in need of repair.
Services will continue, but a little differently as a weight limit will be placed.
Percy, Toby, and Daisy, you three can cross it just fine, but Thomas, you’ll be too
heavy for it.

Thomas: Oh, really? (Sighs) But how could I run my line if I’m not there.

TFC: Don’t worry Thomas, Percy will take care of Annie & Clarabel for you while
you’re gone, and Bertie will help out as well, as Toby & Daisy can’t carry all the
passengers own their own. In fact, I was wondering, would you like to go help
Edward on his branchline?

Thomas: Oh yes please sir!

Narrator: Said Thomas happily.

(Thomas puffs away to Wellsworth where Edward is)

Narrator: Even though he wouldn’t be running his own branchline, Thomas did feel
glad his friends would be taking care of things. But he also felt pleased to be
working with his good friend Edward. Especially because he never got to work on his
branchline as much, despite making goods deliveries there, so working on it was a
nice change. He found Edward at Wellsworth, and the two set to work at once.

(Thomas and Edward double head a local passenger train. Then Thomas puffs past
various locations along Edward’s Branchline, greeting BoCo, Donald, Douglas,
Trevor, and Cranky. Then cuts to Thomas resting at Wellsworth Yards the next day
with Bill & Ben showing up)

Narrator: He was enjoying himself enormously. The next day, Thomas was dozing in
siding, and was just waking up, ready to start his next job, when Bill & Ben the
Tank Engine Twins arrived. Now Thomas had known the other residents on Edward’s
line for a long time, and even though he heard of Bill & Ben, he never properly met
the twins before, and wasn’t aware of the mischief they were known for.

Thomas: Oh hello, you must be Bill & Ben. Pleased to meet you, I’m Thomas.

Narrator: But of course, the twins didn’t answer, as they were full of mischief,
and looked at the blue tank engine cheekily.

Ben: Oh dear Bill. Not another blue engine! First Edward, then Gordon, and now

Bill: You’re right Ben. The Fat Controller should really learn to paint engines a
proper color, like us.

Ben: Yeah, blue is too sad. Anybody would get the “blues” by looking at Thomas

(Both twins laugh rudely)

Thomas: (Angrily) Excuse me! Blue is a proper color! A proper color for a proper
Narrator: But the twins only pretended to act surprise.

Bill: (Sarcastically) Oh my, we’re so sorry! We had no idea that you were a proper

Ben: (Sarcastically) And are those you’re “proper” coaches?

Thomas: Why no, there BoCo’s. I have to shunt them to the platform for him in a

Bill: Oh, well allow us.

Ben: Yeah, since you’re such a proper engine, you deserve a rest.

Thomas: Oh no thanks I got this. I have to another train ready later on, and take
it to the docks.

Bill: Oh, but we insist.

Ben: Yeah, it’s just our way of saying sorry for our rudeness.

Thomas: Oh, okay, thanks then you two.

Narrator: As Thomas fell back asleep for a bit, he didn’t hear Bill & Ben
snickering quietly to each other, as Thomas had fallen for their trick.

(Shows the 3 red bogie coaches blocking Thomas in his siding)

Narrator: So when Thomas did wake up a few minutes later, he was surprised to find
the coaches blocking his siding.

Bill: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Not so proper now, aren’t you Thomas!

Ben: Yeah, now you’ll be late to do your own work.

Thomas: Argh! You sneaky little…

Narrator: Thomas shouted angrily.

(Shows BoCo coming up)

Narrator: Just then BoCo clattered in, as he had heard everything that was going
on, and didn’t hesitate to reprimand the twins, and threatened to take away the
trucks he had brought for Bill & Ben like he did when they pranked Gordon all those
years ago. That made them behave at once as Bill shunted the coaches out of
Thomas’s way, and they scampered off with their trucks back to the Clay Pits.
Thomas while, grateful for BoCo’s help, was still cross.

Thomas: Thank you BoCo! I honestly don’t know how you and Edward do it, keeping
those two in order.

BoCo: No problem Thomas! You just don’t have to take them so seriously. Reminds me
of when I first met them. There’s no real harm in them really. But yeah, they can
be quite “maddening” at times.

Thomas: (Chuckles) That’s a good word to describe them BoCo. I think might know
some way to keep them in order, as they do remind me of myself when I was young.

BoCo: Don’t worry Thomas, you’ll learn over time. And if they do prank you, they’ll
have me or Edward to answer to.

Thomas: Thanks BoCo! Anyways, I better get to my next train.

(Thomas puffs away, then cuts to a lorry struggling)

Narrator: Near Brendam Docks, the line crossed a lane, which led to a farm which
supplied butter, and produced milk, eggs, wheat, etc. that would be supplied to
grocery stores and shops in the local towns. One morning, the farmer had
difficulties starting his lorry. He was able to at least, but the lorry jerk along
in fits and starts.

Farmer: Oh dear. That milk be churned into butter soon.

Narrator: He muttered to himself. But unfortunately, as he struggled on, his lorry

broke down, right on the railway crossing.

Farmer: Oh crumbs!

Narrator: He groaned. The back of the lorry was sticking out over the line. The
farmer tried to start it again, but it wouldn’t budge. He got out to telephone for
help, but then, he heard a whistle.

(Shows Thomas coming down the line)

Farmer: (Gasps) Uh-oh! HEY STOP! STOP!

Thomas: (Gasps) CINDERS & ASHES!

Narrator: Thomas’s Driver applied the brakes hard on, but it was to late.

(Thomas crashes into the lorry, and eggs, butter and milk fly everywhere, but
mostly land on Thomas)

Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt, but the lorry was damaged, and poor Thomas was
covered in eggs, butter and milk.

Thomas: (Groans) Oh no, disgusting!

Farmer: My poor old lorry! What a way to make an omelet. Sorry about this!

Narrator: Thomas’s crew surveyed the mess, and while they did feel sorry for their
engine, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Thomas: Oh stop you two, it’s not funny.

Thomas’s Driver: (Laughing) Sorry Thomas! It’s just at least you’re not standing
where we are, you look like a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs.

Thomas: That’s not helping! Just clean up please, this is embarrassing enough as it

Thomas’s Fireman: Okay, we'll try!

Narrator: Thomas’s crew tried to wash away the mess. But no matter how hard they
tried, they heat of his boiler had cooked the eggs, and they had stuck fast.

Thomas’s Driver: Sorry Thomas! We can’t block the line any further. We’re just
gonna have to carry on, and we’ll clean up at the docks.

Thomas: (Sighs) Very well! I just hope this doesn’t get any worse.

(Cuts to Brendam Docks where Bill & Ben are when Thomas arrives)

Narrator: But when Thomas did arrive at Brendam Docks, things did get worse, as
there was Bill & Ben, who still couldn’t help but tease him.

Bill: Hello, what’s this, it must be a new engine.

Ben: No Bill, its only Thomas.

Bill: Yeah, but it’s our color Ben. And Thomas says blue is a proper color for a
proper engine.

Ben: Are your joints stiff Bill?

Bill: Um, no!

Narrator: But it wasn’t either twin, as they looked over, and realized it was
Thomas, gnashing his teeth and red in the face as he glared crossly at the twins.
Bill & Ben were actually quite intimidated, as they usually backed down when Edward
& BoCo would scold them, but seeing how angry Thomas looked right now, that was
quite scary. Fearing he was gonna yell severely at them, they both scampered off,
quite afraid of what would come next. Then Edward came in, looking quite stern
himself, as he had overheard everything.

Bill: (Nervously) Um, I think we should get back to the Clay Pits.

Ben: (Nervously) Yeah, um lots of work to be down (Nervously laughs).

(Bill & Ben leave frantically, then cuts to Thomas being cleaned)

Edward: Are you alright Thomas?

Thomas: (Sighs) The only thing hurt Edward, is my pride right now. It’s like those
two have got nothing better to do.

Edward: Don’t worry about them Thomas. Just don’t take them too seriously. They can
wind an engine up, but they do mean well, and are actually quite good-hearted and
hardworking when you get to know them.

Thomas: True, I know I used to be like that, but certainly not in the way that Bill
& Ben are.

Edward: You’re right there. As these two are really more into playing tricks on the
other engines, and you have to remind them of their boundaries? But anyways,
there’s something I also need to tell you though Thomas.

Thomas: Oh, what’s that?

Edward: (Seriously) I’ve just been told a storm is coming tonight. Make sure you
get yourself cleaned, and get back to Wellsworth as soon as you can. I want
everybody to arrive back safely.

Thomas: Of course!

Narrator: Thomas said!

(Shows Thomas, Edward and BoCo in Wellsworth Sheds during a storm)

Narrator: Edward was right, it was a fierce storm that raged across the island.
(Lightning strikes and Thomas gets startled)

Thomas WHOA! Geez, hope it won’t be too hard to get any sleep.

BoCo: Same here!

Edward: Let’s hope this storm passes through real soon.

(Fades to Bill & Ben in their sheds at the Clay Pits, also looking worried, then
cuts to next morning with the yards flooded)

Narrator: When the engines woke the next morning after the storm died down, they
were shock to find the whole yard itself flooded. Cargo was scattered, trucks had
derails, and water was everywhere. The yard itself was a mess. Edward looked down
at his buffers concerned.

Thomas: Don’t worry Edward, we’ll put everything right.

Edward: Thanks, but that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m really more concerned
about the twins. There’s a large dip at the entrance of the China Clay Pits that
can get flooded by access water. I just hope they don’t go near it, or they can end
up in a worse jam then Percy did years ago when he covered for you.
Thomas: Very true!

Narrator: Thomas said, feeling just as concerned as Edward.

(Shows Bill & Ben making their way down the line with a train of China Clay trucks)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Bill & Ben were puffing down the line to Brendam Docks with a
train of China Clay. As they did so, they were arguing about last night’s storm.

Ben: I was not scared of the thunder Bill.

Bill: Yes you were Ben. You were whimpering like a sissy.

Ben: Was not!

Bill: Was to!

Ben: Was not!

Bill: Was to!

Ben: Was not!

Bill: Was to!

Ben: Was not!

Narrator: But Bill & Ben were bickering so much, they didn’t realize the danger
until they rounded the corner.

(Shows the dip in the line flooded, and Bill and Ben submerge into the water)

Narrator: It turns out that Edward was right. The dip in the middle of the line
leading to the Clay Pits was flooded thanks to the storm.

Bill: Oh no! STOP! STOP!

Narrator: Both twins applied their brakes, but the access speed and the heavy train
pushed them until it was too late. The twins were submerged so deep that the water
sloshed around their cabs and extinguished their fires. Both Bill & Ben were stuck.
The guard climbed out of his brake van, and struggled from the waist up through the
flood, and made onto the land, to set down the line for help.

(Shows Thomas shunting at Wellsworth Yards)

Narrator: The Yards at Wellsworth had been put back to normal. The water had been
drained, and Thomas was shunting the last of the trucks in line, until he noticed
Bill & Ben’s guard looking sopping wet and exhausted.

Thomas’s Driver: Oh, heel there, you alright mate.

Guard: Been worse, don’t suppose you got a towel.

Narrator: And he explained what happened to the twins.

Thomas’s Driver: Well then, looks like we’re going on a rescue mission Thomas.

Thomas: Now that is exciting! Let’s go!

(Shows Thomas trundling down the line)

Narrator: Thomas sped excitedly down the line. He couldn’t wait to tease Bill &
Ben, hoping to get even with them for their mischief. But as he arrived at the dip,
he saw how miserable the twins looked, and decided this was no time for jokes.

(Thomas puffs up from a safe distance with a cable, then pulls the twins out)

Narrator: He got as close as he could from a safe distance, and his crew attached a
long steel cable between them. And with a heavy tug, Thomas pulled the twins and
their train to safety.

(All three engines blow their whistles in triumph)

Bill: Thank you Thomas!

Ben: Yes, thank you Thomas!

Narrator: Thomas beamed.

(Thomas pulls the twins and their train, then fades to Thomas, Edward and the Twins
at Wellsworth Yards)

Narrator: That afternoon, the twins spoke to Thomas.

Bill: Thank you for helping us today Thomas.

Ben: Yeah, we would’ve been sunk if it hadn’t been for you.

Edward: (Sternly) And is there something else you two would like to say?

Bill: Yeah! Thomas, we’re so sorry we were rude to you.

Ben: And sorry that we tricked yesterday with BoCo’s coaches. We’ll never be cheeky
to you again.

Thomas: Oh, that’s alright you to. I used to play tricks on the other engines when
I was young. Particularly Gordon.

Bill & Ben: Oh please, tell us about it.

Narrator: Asked the twins eagerly. So Thomas did, and Bill & Ben kept to their
word, and knew now it would very ungrateful to ever tease Thomas again. And Thomas
was glad to have made new friends in the twins.

Narrator: One morning, Trevor the Traction Engine was feeling depressed. He
couldn’t breathe properly.

Vicar: Your boiler needs mending. But unfortunately, I can’t mend it at presence.

Trevor: (Sighs) I understand Reverend.

Vicar: Don’t worry Trevor. I pray something will come up.

(Phone rings)

Narrator: Just then, the Vicarage Telephone rang. The Vicar answered it, and ran
out to see Trevor.
Vicar: Good news Trevor, you may be a bit under the weather, but you could manage
this I’m sure. The local farmer has a tree chopped down, and once you to help saw
it up for him.

Trevor: Oh thank you sir! That will be nice.

(Trevor trundles out of his shed, then cuts to a field near the railway line where
Thomas passes by)

Narrator: When Trevor had steam, they went to the farm and set off to work at the
field near the railway. Thomas who was still working on Edward’s Branchline for the
time passed with Edward’s coaches, and whistled cheerfully. Edward liked trucks
more, and was delighted to let Thomas have his coaches for a while.

(Edward passes by Trevor)

Narrator: When Edward passed later that morning, he was pulling trucks with a sort
of tent over them. These were important for carrying China Clay, as the workmen
called them hoods.

(Cuts to Thomas talking to Bill & Ben at Brendam Docks)

Thomas: It’s an interesting concept you two. Though why hoods?

Bill: Oh, the hoods are those big tent like things, or tarps as they’re called.
They keep the clay dry, especially if it rains.

Thomas: That makes sense. But isn’t wet China Clay important to.

Ben: It is, but they are usually kept in tankers like these.

Thomas: Ah, I see!

(Cuts to Trevor at the field)

Narrator: But to Trevor, they were still just trucks. He was enjoying himself,
though the only thing he liked better then sawing logs was giving children nearby
rides. He chuffered happily as a pile of logs grew beside him.

(Edward passes by)

Narrator: Edward returned with some empty trucks. As he passed the field where
Trevor was working, the line seemed to wobble under him.

Edward: Oh my, that rail feels a little loose. We better tell the maintenance crew.
(Cuts to Edward arriving at Brendam Docks)

Narrator: Once at Brendam Docks, Edward exchanged the empty trucks for full ones,
and set off back to Wellsworth again.

(Cuts to Trevor dozing)

Narrator: Trevor dozed, and it seemed no time at all that he heard Edward coming
back. Trevor whistled a cheerful greeting as he watched Edward, but he did not see
one of the trucks near the end sink, jump and shudder just as the place where
Edward felt the weakness in the line that morning. Sparks flew, the truck’s wheel
jammed, and with a crack, the coupling snapped.
(The back half of Edward’s train breaks away and derails)

Narrator: The last few trucks and the brake van lurched, bumped, and stopped. The
guard safe in his van blew his whistle, but Edward far in front, didn’t hear it,
and hurried on without realizing what had happened. Thankfully, Trevor was closer
to the brake van than Edward. He heard the whistle, and looked up to see the trucks
derailed in strange angles.

(Trevor whistles frantically)


(Cuts to Edward)

Edward: Driver? Did you hear that? That’s Trevor, what’s wrong?

Edward’s Driver: I don’t know, but we better stop and see.

Narrator: The Fireman climbed onto the tender.

Edward’s Fireman: Uh-oh, I can see why. It’s not Trevor, it’s us!

Narrator: The Guard went to protect the train, and the fireman went to the
farmhouse to phone for help.

(Cuts to Donald with the Breakdown Train)

Narrator: Thankfully, Donald had arrived with the Breakdown Train soon arrived to
clear the line.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller speaking to Trevor at his shed)

Narrator: That evening, the Fat Controller came to see Trevor.

TFC: Thank you Trevor! I heard about your boiler, and because you saved a nasty
situation, and are great friends with my engines, I spoke with the Vicar, and
agreed to have you sent to the Steamworks to be repaired. Would you like that?

Trevor: Oh sir, thank you very much!

Narrator: If you should ever visit the Island of Sodor, the most famous aspect
there is the different railway lines, and the various diverse fleet of engines that
run on it. But there are also the non-rail vehicles that also play a vital part on
the island, and one of them doesn’t need rail or road, but the air.

(Shows Harold the Helicopter hovering around the skies and various locations on

Narrator: Harold is a white patrol helicopter that always hovers the skies
patrolling the island in case of any emergencies. He’s usually hard to not notice,
as he’s always seen flying through the air on rescue missions such as delivering
supplies, inspecting unsafe areas, and helping people and engines if they’re in

Harold: All present and correct, time to return to base.

Narrator: He is a natural hero, and always takes his work seriously. However,
Harold knows this, and this has made him at time act rather arrogant and conceited,
believing that railways are out of date and not as reliable as wings. This of
course can get on the other engine’s nerves, particularly Percy, who had challenged
Harold to a race when they first met, and the little green engine himself won.
While Harold has matured a bit from that, he still thinks of himself more useful
than railways. But that soon change following one misadventure. One evening, Percy
who was pulling the post train was feeling tired. Usually, he loved pulling the
mail, but lately, loads of deliveries were needed, and some of the post deliveries
were given to Harold, much to Percy’s dismay.

(Shows Percy & Harold at Dryaw Airfield)

Harold: Good evening Percy. The post runs are nearly complete. If there is any more
that’s becoming a burden, I can help deliver it for you in a jiff. After all,
that’s what friends are for.

Percy: Humph! I hate to break it to you Harold, but delivering the mail is an
engine’s job, actually, my job. No thanks Harold, I can take it very well from

Harold: Suit yourself, just trying to help though, as wings work wonders you know.

(Harold takes off)

Percy: Argh! Cheeky chopper!

Percy’s Driver: Don’t let him get to you Percy. Realistically he does have a point,
you can’t just carry all the mail on your own.

(Cuts to the Branchline Sheds)

Narrator: That night, Percy was so tired, he decided to spend the night in the
branchline sheds instead of Tidmouth, as he was too tired and cross to go. He
complained about Harold to Thomas & Toby.

Percy: Anybody would think I was out of action the way he was boasting.

Thomas: No you’re not! Don’t worry about him Percy, I know Harold can be annoying
sometimes, but he’s helped us out on numerous occasions, and he is a very good
friend, and is always there when we need him the most. Even if he can be a little

Percy: Conda, what?

Toby: Condescending Percy. It means when somebody tries to show off and prove how
important they are, but by patronizing them.

Percy: But that’s what Harold does. I mean, we deal with this from the big engines

Thomas: But the big engines have matured over the years Percy, and we’ve all worked
together and are still friends. And you and Harold are also friends, right?

Percy: Um, yeah, I mean, he can be quite friendly, and helpful.

Thomas: I know how you feel Percy. I mean, I always felt that way about Bertie ever
since we met, and even though we have our disagreements, he’s still a very close
friend, and has helped me out with the passengers when there are too many for me to
take or where our rails can’t reach. Same with Harold.
Toby: Exactly! I think you two need to find some common ground. Still, let’s just
get some sleep. We gotta busy day tomorrow.

Narrator: So that’s what they did.

(Cuts to Percy with the post train passing a with a village below)

Narrator: Next early morning, Percy was taking the post train along the branchline,
which did help take his mind off of Harold a little bit. But despite what Thomas &
Toby said, Percy was determined to make sure that all his deliveries were made, and
that none would be even taken at all by Harold.

Percy: (Inner monologue) Gotta be on time, gotta be on time!

Narrator: He thought to himself. But as he made his way down the line, he noticed
right up ahead, was a red signal.

Percy: Oh no, this is the last thing I need. What’s the matter now?

Workman: The signal box up ahead is broken. We’re trying to fix it as best we can,
but we don’t know how long it would take. You’ll just have to wait here I’m afraid.

Percy: No! Now I’m going to be late! But what about the mail? People still need to
get their letters & parcels! And it’s not even my fault!

Percy’s Driver: Sorry Percy, but it’s not safe to travel with a broken signal.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller in his office)

Narrator: Just two hours later at 8 AM when the Fat Controller was in his office
having a crumpet and tea, he got the call.

TFC: What’s that you say? The signal box at Hackenback is out of order, and Percy
is stuck with the mail. Oh bother! Don’t worry, I’ll call Harold and ask him and
his pilot to take the post for the time once the signal is repaired.

Narrator: Just then Harold came hovering ahead.


Percy: Oh no! You have got to be kidding to me!

(Harold lands)

Harold: The Fat Controller says you’re in need of assistance. I’m glad to help you,
I mean, that’s friends are for right.

Percy’s Driver: (Whispers) Percy be nice, alright, the Fat Controller has made up
his made.

Percy: (Sighs) Fine! (Tries to crack a fake smile, but is still angry) Um, thank
you Harold, I appreciate the help.

Harold: Think nothing of it old chap. I’m glad to help you, I mean, that’s friends
are for right?

Percy: Yeah, right? (Whispers to his driver) Last time we gave the mail to Harold,
it made me feel like a really useless engine.
Percy’s Driver: I know Percy, but the mail still needs to be delivered on time,
like it or not.

Narrator: Deep down, Percy was really upset, but when the Fat Controller made up
his mind, that was final, and there was nothing he could do about it. All Percy
could do was watch his driver and fireman, as well as Harold’s pilot load all the
mail bags into Harold’s cargo net.

Harold’s Pilot: Hmm…maybe take a few mail bags at a time. They are very heavy, even
for us.

Harold: True, but it also means we’d make too many trips. Therefore we’d be as slow
as Percy.

Percy: (Sighs quietly) Ugh, here we go!

Narrator: Percy muttered darkly to himself. Soon, the mails bags were all loaded
into Harold’s net, and he was ready. Don’t worry Percy, I’ll have the mail
delivered in no time, tallyho!

(Signal changes to green)

Narrator: But just Harold took off, the signal changed to green.

Workman: It’s fixed!


Narrator: But it was too late. Harold had already taken off, and Percy could only
watch helplessly as his own mail bags were being taken by Harold, again. But he
still had to set off. But as the little green tank engine was puffing along, he
started to hear a strange noise, and it seemed to be coming from Harold. He was
struggling to stay in the air.

Harold: Maybe we should’ve dropped some bags off. I didn’t realize I’d be
struggling too much.

Harold’s Pilot: That’s not all, WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TREES!


Percy: Oh no! Driver, Harold’s in trouble! We have to help him!

Percy’s Driver: Right!

Narrator: All of sudden, Harold’s net caught the tree, and it broke loose, dragging
down, and crashing him into a bale of hay at Farmer McColl’s farm.

(Harold crashes into the hay bale)

Narrator: Luckily, Harold’s pilot managed to jump clear with a parachute just for
the crash, but Percy ran to Harold as fast as his wheels could carry him.

(Percy arrives at the farm)

Percy: Are you alright Harold?

Harold: Oh I’m alright old chap. But the mail bags have fallen into that bale. You
can have it back, just make sure to get them on time, and to get help as soon as

Percy: Got it!

Narrator: Percy’s crew and Harold’s pilot all the bags into his mail vans, then
Percy puffed away.

(Percy puffs away, and Toby arrives with the Breakdown Train)

Narrator: Soon, Toby arrived with the Breakdown Train, and Harold was loaded onto a
well wagon, and Percy after he was done, took him back to Dryaw Airfield.

(Cuts to a few days later at Tidmouth Sheds, where Harold is, talking with Percy,
Thomas, James, Gordon, Henry, Bear, Donald and Douglas)

Narrator: A few days later, Harold was repaired, and he came to Tidmouth Sheds to
see the engines.

Thomas: So, how are you felling Harold?

Harold: Oh I’m good Thomas old boy. It’s great to be back in action.

Percy: I’m glad to. Say, you wanna trade some of my parcels again sometime.

Narrator: Asked Percy, but this time, kindly.

Harold: Oh no thanks Percy. After that accident, I think it’s better I leave that
job to you.

Percy: Thanks, but just in case I have an increase.

Harold: Deal! At least I have learned one thing though, it doesn’t matter what
transport you use, as long it gets handled in the end.

Thomas: Now that we can agree on.

Narrator: As all the engines did, but as Harold was about to take off into the
skies, he came to Percy, hoping only he could hear.

Harold: Thanks again for helping my old chap. I’m sorry I was condescending to you
like that.

Percy: Its okay Harold, I’m sorry I was rude to you to. I mean, what are friends
for right?

Harold: Indeed!

Narrator: and from that day on, Harold never looked down on railways ever again.

Narrator: If you should ever travel on Thomas’s Branchline, you would think the
line would terminate at the top station of the Branchline’s namesake, Ffarqhuar.
While Ffarqhuar is the main station on the line, there is more beyond it past the
line leading to Anopha Quarry, as diverting off it is the line leading all the way
up to the village of Ulfstead. Ulfstead is located at the very center of the Island
of Sodor, and lies deep within the mountains. The engines love providing services
to the village of Ulfstead, but of all of them, this line is mostly serviced by
Toby, as he works the quarry line with Mavis, and usually handles the services
there. He loves it there, as the people are very benevolent, and the sites are very
beautiful, especially because it reminds Toby & Henrietta of their old line back in
East Anglia. The village of Ulfstead relies on the railway more, especially if the
roads leading there are out of commission.

(Shows Toby near the river at Ulfstead)

Narrator: And that wasn’t any different one day, as lately a storm had broken out,
and it had been raining hard for weeks. Making things hard for engines large &
small, but work still needed to be done. Toby felt miserable, as usually the
village was very lively, but now, not a lot of people were coming out because of
the storm. Everywhere Toby went was just wet, wet, and wet. But the worse was that
the river that supported Ulfstead’s waterworks was overflowing. Beyond the line of
the village was a large dam that the line ran over, ending in a siding at the
waterworks. It helped keep the river stable and prevented excess water from
overflowing. But the now the dam was beginning to age, and the villagers worried
that it could break away.

(Shows Percy coming up to Toby)

Narrator: One day, Toby was sent to go and inspect the dam. Mavis who was
delivering a train of supplies just as he was able to leave

Mavis: Driver tells me that it might not be safe there. Please be careful Toby.

Toby: I’ll try!

(Toby trundles down the line past the old bridge where we cut to Harold inspecting
the dam)

Narrator: Replied Toby nervously, and the little old tram engine set off. His
journey took him over an old wooden bridge right past the village. The river surged
dangerously beneath it.

Meanwhile, Harold the Helicopter was inspecting the dam as Toby arrived.

Toby’s Driver: Be brave Toby, we have to see if the dam is still safe.

Toby: Right!

Narrator: He agreed! Though that was easier said than done.

(Silent scene of Toby crossing the dam)

Narrator: As Toby slowly made his way across, he noticed something below that made
him, his crew, and Harold shiver with fright. Water was leaking in different spots
of the dam’s walls.

Toby: (Gasps) Oh no! The dam’s breaking up!

Toby’s Driver: We have to get out of here! We’ve got to warn everyone.

Harold: Go Toby, I’ll make sure that the village is evacuated. You and crew get to
safety immediately!

Toby: Right!

Narrator: And Toby trundled as fast as his wheels could carry him.

(Toby reverse fast, while Harold hovers away, but then cuts to Percy on the other
side of the old bridge)
Narrator: Percy was on the other side of the old bridge waiting for Toby to return.
But the river was rising so high that now even the bridge was in danger of

(Toby arrives)

Toby: Percy, we have to get out of here now! The dam’s about to crack and we must
find high ground ASAP!

Percy: I know, I just heard from Harold. You better hurry Toby, because you're only
chance is to cross this bridge. It’s gonna break apart any minute.

Toby: It still doesn’t look safe to me!

Toby’s Driver: I know, but we don’t have a choice! If the dam breaks, we’ll be done

Toby: Okay, but go slowly! Any fast movements, and the bridge will snap, with us on

Narrator: So the driver eased open the regulator, and Toby made his way slowly and
carefully across the bridge. But as he was just halfway across, the pressure of the
water on the other side of the dam was increasing, until…

(Cuts to the dam breaking and horrifying flood to stream, then cuts to Toby, until
the flood breaks away under the bridge he’s getting across)



(Toby drifts away on the bridge across the raging torrent)


Percy’s Driver: And so we shall! We’ll follow him down line, it meets the river
further down.

(Percy reverses away fast, and Harold races after Toby)

Narrator: As Percy & his crew were racing to save Toby, Harold, who had witnessed
everything in the air, raced to the rescue as fast as he could.

(Cuts to Toby floating on the bridge)

Narrator: Poor Toby was trapped on the broken bridge, and floating helplessly along
the flood waters. His crew were embracing the controls nervously for dear life, and
had his emergency braked secured to keep him anchored to the bridge, as the torrent
was knocking him around and the water sloshing his wheels, like if somebody pulled
the cork from a bath tub. But then, they notices a sign up ahead that made them all


Toby’s Driver: If we go over that waterfall, we’re doomed!

Narrator: But thankfully they saw Harold hovering ahead of them.



Narrator: And they did, to one of Toby’s buffers. And with Toby’s emergency brake
screwed on. Just then Percy arrived just in the nick of time as Harold flew over to
them pulling Toby on the broken bridge.


Narrator: So once they did, Percy’s driver caught it, and tied it onto Percy’s rear
coupler. And the latter pulled with all his might!

(Shows Percy pulling Toby to safety)


(Toby on the bridge budges right onto land)

Narrator: Thanks to Percy, Toby was nearly there, just as Harold and his pilot
dropped another rope, and Toby’s Fireman made it out and tied to a nearby rock so
they couldn’t float away. Toby was safe at last!

Toby: You did it Percy, thank you! And thank you to Harold!

Harold: Good to be of service!

Narrator: He said!

(Cuts to Thomas with the Breakdown Train helping Toby)

Narrator: Later, as the rain stopped, and the flood was dying down, Thomas had
arrived with the Breakdown Train to help Toby back safety.

Thomas: Phew, thank goodness you’re safe Toby. I was worried sick, are you alright?

Toby: I am now, thanks to Harold, and to you to Percy.

Narrator: Percy could only blush, and gave a shy smile.

Percy: Oh, well, I couldn’t just let you drift off in that flood. It’s nothing

Toby: (Laughing) Nothing, Percy, you and Harold saved me and my crew’s life. I owe
my gratitude, thank you!

Narrator: Then Toby’s smile turned to a nervous frown.

Toby: Still, I did feel quite paranoid, to think if I didn’t get off that bridge,
it would’ve been the end right then and there.

Thomas: Well we’re just glad that’s not the case.

Toby: True, but really, I’m just worried for the villagers, are they safe?

Thomas: Don’t worry Toby, everybody evacuated from the village just in time after
Harold warned them. Ulfstead is only half flooded, but the mess will soon be
cleared. The important thing is, everybody is safe and sound.

Narrator: Toby smiled, relieved!

Toby: Good!

Thomas: Still, we better get you to the Steamworks, just to make sure you don’t
have any damage.

(Shows Toby with Marlin at the Steamworks smiling as he’s being repaired)

Narrator: Thankfully, there wasn’t that much, as all Toby needed was a good boiler
flush from all that flood water, and his tubes were replaced with new ones.

(Fades to Ulfstead in beautiful weather, and a party with Toby, Percy, Thomas,
Daisy, Mavis, Harold, Bertie, Terence, Trevor and the Fat Controller attending)

Narrator: A week had passed, as the storm and floods were finally over, and the dam
and bridge were mended, and the village of Ulfstead was back to normal, the
villagers and engines had a big party honoring Toby’s bravery, hosted by none other
than the Fat Controller.

TFC: You were very brave when faced in that situation Toby, and I’m very proud of

Toby: Oh thank you sir! But it’s really all thanks to Harold, and to you too Percy.

Percy: Awe, thanks! But I don’t think I could ever be as brave as you Toby.

Toby: Oh you were Percy, because again, if it wasn’t for you and Harold, I wouldn’t
be standing here right now! You just never know until you try sometimes.

Narrator: Though Percy was flattered, deep down, he secretly hoped that he’d never
have to.

(Opens with Percy, James and Gordon at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: One morning, Percy was talking to James at Tidmouth Sheds.

Percy: My guard has been telling how lonely he gets in his van. I was thinking that
maybe he ought to take passengers sometimes. It might cheer him up.

James: Yeah, well he’s not allowed to. It’s against regulations. Guards are
important, and the passengers might distract them, so they couldn’t look after the
train properly.

Percy: Oh, oh dear…yes, I suppose they might.

Gordon: Not true James, they can do it on the Midland. Someone told me about that
when I went to Carlisle with that special. Unfortunately, they don’t it on British
Railways, just on a heritage railway where they haven’t got any coaches.

Percy: Interesting! You see James!

James: Um…well…if they haven’t any coaches, that’s different. I’m sure the Fat
Controller wouldn’t approve though.

Percy: Humph! Little you know!

(Percy departs, then cuts to Toby at Dryaw)

Narrator: And Percy puffed away to collect some trucks from the harbor. Meanwhile,
on the branchline, some passengers got out of Henrietta at Dryaw Station. They all
went through the ticket barrier, except for two. A man and a woman.

Ticket Inspector: Oh hello, you’ve come too far I’m afraid. You should’ve got out
at the last station.

Narrator: The passengers looked at him. Then they looked at each other and shook
their heads.

Ticket Inspector: (Annoyed) Ugh…the last station. You must go back there.

Narrator: There was a long pause. Then the man said something to his wife in a
language that the Ticket Inspector couldn’t even understand.

Foreign Man: Di cosa diavolo sta parlando? (Translates to “What on earth is he

talking about).

Narrator: Now he began to understand, so he asked the porter bring the


(Percy puffing down the line, then stops at Dryaw)

Narrator: A short time later, Percy came chunttering happily along the branchline
with his train of trucks from the harbor. Just then, he noticed the signal near
Dryaw set at danger, and the Stationmaster wiating for him on the platform with a
red flag.

Percy: Oh no, there must’ve been an accident. I hope nobody’s hurt.

Narrator: He thought as he stopped. The Stationmaster can over to the platform with
the two passengers.

Stationmaster: Ah Percy, we really need your help right now. I’m giving the guard
these two passengers to travel in the brake van. Their tourists from Italy that
came to far on Toby’s train by mistake. Will you stop at Elsbridge and let them off

Percy: Passengers? But this is a goods train!

Stationmaster: That’s right Percy. They’re going to travel with the guard in his
brake van.

Percy: Are you sure that’s alright? It’s just earlier, James says against regu…

Stationmaster: (Chuckles) Regulations?

Percy: Yeah, it’s not allowed!

Stationmaster: Yes, and while James is right there Percy, I don’t think both James
or the Fat Controller would mind us helping two foreign visitors to our island who
don’t even speak our own language very well. Do you?

Percy: No! You’re right, forget what James thinks, we can’t just leave them
Narrator: Said Percy confidently, realizing that was alright.

(Percy travels down the line to Elsbridge)

Narrator: The guard saw that the visitors were as comfortable as they could be in
his van. And soon, they reached Elsbridge, the right station the visitors wanted,
they came in front of the train to see Percy. They nodded and smiled, and shook
hands with the driver, fireman, and guard as a thank you. Then, the guard showed
them to a taxi, which was waiting to take them on the rest of their journey.

(Fades to Percy at the Branchline Sheds with Thomas)

Narrator: A few weeks later, a parcel arrived with brightly colored foreign stamps
on the wrapping, and inside, were warm new scarves and gloves for Percy’s driver,
fireman, and guard. And a letter addressed to the Fat Controller, saying how
splendid his railway was, and how much of a clever, sweet, and friendly engine
Percy was to. Percy was proud.

Thomas: Great job Percy! It’s a good thing you and you’re guard were there to help
them. At least hearing that might get James to shut up for a while.

Percy: Yeah, but I think it’s better we keep that between us.

Thomas: Oh, you’re not gonna tell him?

Percy: Nah! It might make him jealous, and that would never do.

Narrator: Oliver the Great Western Engine and his trusty brake van, Toad, enjoyed
their lives on the Island of Sodor ever since they were saved from scrap by
Douglas. Oliver can handle both passengers and trucks just fine, and enjoys
traveling down the coastal route of the branchline. However, he can get bored real
easily if he’s doing the same thing constantly, as being an adventurous locomotive,
he enjoys excitement whenever around the corner, especially traveling down the Main
Line every now and again. One day, the Great Western Auto Tank was feeling very
gloomy, and both Duck & Toad could tell.

Toad: Excuse Mr. Oliver, but seems today something is not well with you, if you
forgive me for mentioning it sir.

Oliver: (Sighs) You’re right Toad. I love working on this branchline. But it feels
that every day I’m always traveling up and down the line with either passengers or
freight, and nothing exciting actually seems to happen. It’s like the same thing
all the time. I long for a nice long run, it’s what an engine really needs.

Duck: I understand Oliver, but we still have to handle our own jobs every here to.
You could always enjoy the same thing, but see it in a different way.

Oliver: That’s easier said than done Duck.

Toad: I know how you feel Mr. Oliver. But may I suggest you talk to the Fat
Controller about your problems?

(Cuts to Oliver shunting Ballast Trucks near the ballast chute at Arlesdale west)

Narrator: But Oliver just only gave an agreeable grunt, as deep down, he didn’t
really say anything. In fact, he just grew even grumpier, and when shunting a
ballast train needed for Knapford, he was taking his anger out on the trucks.

Trucks: OH, OH, OH!

1st Truck: You’re no good Oliver, you’re dangerous!

2nd Truck: Yeah! We want Duck!



(Oliver shunts the line of ballast trucks hard and the chute collapses from the

Narrator: And Oliver, in fury, bumped the trucks hard, and the line of trucks set
for the Ballast Chute from the Arlesdale Railway were all rammed into one another,
and right into the buffers, causing the support beams holding in place to collapse,
and the trucks under to shatter.

Oliver: (Nervous) Um…uh oh!


Bert: Yeah, way to go Oliver!

Narrator: Then the Small Controller, Mr. Duncan, whom had witnessed everything,
came up to him. And he was just as furious.

TSC: What has gotten into you Oliver? It’s one thing to expect this behavior from
Mike, but for you to just throw a tantrum like that, well, that was very immature
and dangerous. It’ll take a long job to put the chute back together, and we’ll have
to cancel ballast traffic once it is. I’m sorry Oliver, but I’m gonna have to
report this to the Fat Controller.

Narrator: Oliver now began to feel very guilty for losing his temper like that. And
the other engines and workmen looked very disapproving towards the Great Western

(The Fat Controller’s Car drives up to Callan Sheds, where Oliver, Duck and Toad

Narrator: That night, the Fat Controller came to see him.

TFC: Oliver, you have cause a great deal of confusion and delay. I thought you
could control trucks, as well as your temper. It’ll be quite some time until the
ballast chute is reassembled. What on earth was all that about?

Oliver: (Stutters) I…um…well…I…

Toad: Please sir, Mr. Oliver didn’t mean to lose his temper. He’s been feeling
quite bored and unhappy lately.

TFC: What do you mean Toad?

Narrator: Toad explained to the Fat Controller about what Oliver told him that
morning. The Fat Controller thought about this.

TFC: Hmm…I see! Well Oliver, I can understand that, but I also agree with Toad, you
should’ve told me about this and I would’ve accommodated you right then and there.
I don’t approve of my engines just withdrawing all that, and letting their temper
get the better of them. I’ll let it slide for now by letting you pull the main
train with Percy tonight, but I really hope the night air will clear your smokebox,
and that this won’t happen again. I really can’t keep letting you just go off on a
whim and let you lose your temper like that.

Oliver: (Sadly) Yes sir! I’m sorry sir!

TFC: Good.

Narrator: And the Fat Controller left calmly but still annoyed at the events of

Oliver’s Driver: Cheer up old chap! At least the Fat Controller is giving you a
chance. The Post Trains are one of the most important jobs on the railway for a
grand engine like you.

Duck: He’s right Oliver. We’ll let it go to, and the Ballast Chute will be
repaired, just don’t let your anger out like that, okay?

Oliver: Okay!

Narrator: Said Oliver, smiling a little. But he still felt ashamed of acting so
immature, and he thought he still had let everyone down.

(Shows Oliver puffing along the Main Line and stops at Maron Station)

Narrator: But as soon as Oliver collected his mail vans at Tidmouth, and briefed by
Percy on what he had to do, he was able to cheer up a lot more. The cool night air
as he was puffing along the Main Line couldn’t help but brighten Oliver’s spirits.
He first had to make a stop at Maron Station, where he had to collect some
important parcels from Tom Tipper the Postman

Oliver: (Sighs) Where is he?

(Tom Tipper shows up at Maron)

Narrator: Oliver groaned. About 10 minutes later, a familiar red post van showed
up, and out came Tom.

Tom Tipper: Sahrry táim late Oliver. Traffic was moehrder ooeht dere. I 'ad to make
sure naht to break any traffic violations. You know 'ow it is.

Oliver’s Driver: That’s understandable. But we’re gonna be late for our first mail

(Shows Oliver puffing down the line at a Red Signal)

Narrator: As Oliver puffed down the line just beyond Kellsthorpe Road, he
approached a signal at red. After 5 minutes, Oliver grew impatient, and blew his
whistle impatiently.

(Oliver blows his whistle, and shows the Signalman asleep)

Narrator: The truth was really that the Signalman, who was new, dozed off and
forget to set the signal to green.

Oliver: Argh! What’s taking this signal so long?

Oliver’s Driver: I don’t know. But we’ll go further down the line to the signal box
and see what’s wrong.

(Oliver puffs through Kellsthorpe Road Station and goes down the wrong line)

Narrator: As they were puffing down towards Kellsthorpe Road itself, they didn’t
realize that there were points on the exact line that they were on near the
platform, and went down the wrong way.

(Oliver puffing down the old Kirk Ronan Branchline)

Narrator: Oliver felt the bumpy rails underneath him. They were old and rusty, the
sleepers decaying, with various weeds and grasses growing beneath them. Trees and
bushes were spread throughout the area, with many derelict, abandoned buildings
along the line. The auto-tank himself was beginning to feel tired.

Oliver: (Panting) I hope we find a way out of here soon.

Oliver’s Driver: Same, because your tanks are running low. We need to find a water
tower as soon as possible.

(Shows an Old Station with a shed at the end, and Oliver crashing into the shed)

Narrator: But instead, they headed down a line leading to an old station with an
old engine shed at the very end were disaster lay ahead.


Narrator: Luckily, Oliver’s crew jumped out just in time. But Oliver crashed
through the old goods shed, dazed and surprised with pieces of fallen lumber on top
of him.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller at Knapford Station)

Narrator: Meanwhile, at 6 AM, the Fat Controller paced outside the door of his
office, staring at the station clock and looking very nervous.

TFC: Oliver hasn’t returned. He should’ve been finished by now.

(Percy arrives)

TFC: Excuse me! Percy?

Percy: Oh, yes sir!

TFC: Have you seen Oliver?

Percy: Not after we collected the post at Tidmouth, and briefed him on what to do.
No sir!

TFC: Hmm…this is very strange. We can only assume something must’ve happened to him
last night. Percy: Oh no! I hope he’s alright! I would’ve looked out for him.

TFC: Don’t worry Percy, it’s not your fault. I’m worried for him to. We’ll have to
send out a search party.

Narrator: Just then, Duck pulled up.

Duck: Search party? Forgive me for eavesdropping sir, but what’s wrong.
TFC: Duck, Oliver has gone missing with the post train, he hasn’t arrived back yet.

Duck: Oh no!

TFC: I’ll call Harold’s pilot and see if he can give me a lift, that way we can
find him from the sky.

Duck: Is it okay if I help sir? Oliver is my best friend, and I wouldn’t want
anything bad to happen to him.

TFC: Certainly! I’ll ask Donald to cover your first train.

Duck: Thanks sir!

(Harold hovers around the air, while the Fat Controller is looking down)

Narrator: Soon the Fat Controller was searching high in the high skies in Harold
the Helicopter, while Duck was searching by rail. Harold soon reached the old
branchline that Oliver was diverted on last night, and then saw right below them,
was Oliver himself.

TFC: Ah ha! There they are.

Harold: Bravo! Mission accomplished!

(Harold lands down at the Old Station, then Duck arrives)

Narrator: As soon as they landed, the Fat Controller called Duck’s crew on his cell
phone, and Duck himself arrived, and pulled Oliver and his train out of the shed.

Oliver: Thank you Duck!

Duck: Of course Oliver, I’m so glad you’re alright. What happened?

Narrator: Oliver and his crew explained about the events from last night that led
to them ending up on the old line.

Oliver’s Driver: So we were trying to find a way back, until we saw this shed, and
we couldn’t stop in time. This time, it wasn’t Oliver’s fault sir.

Oliver: Indeed, and if you’re still mad at me for yesterday sir, I’m still sorry
about that to.

TFC: Relax lads, I’m aware of that. And please don’t worry Oliver, what’s done is
done, and the ballast chute is being mended even as we speak. I shall also speak
with the signalman, but the important thing is that we found you, and that you’re
all safe.

Duck: Just one question sir. What is this place exactly?

TFC: Oh, this place Duck, well, this is the old Kirk Ronan Branchline. It used to
be operated by the Sodor & Mainland engines, until the line was closed down during
the Great Depression. Grandfather used to tell me and Bridgett many stories about
the line.

Narrator: Then he noticed an old house right by the line.

TFC: And this old house here is my old childhood summer home. We used to come here
on holidays until the house was close because of bankruptcy. Hmm…the people at Kirk
Ronan don’t really get their services as much by rail since the line was shut down.

Duck: Do you mean you plan to…restore it sir.

TFC: I’m thinking it’s about time we did Duck.

Narrator: Then, he turned proudly to Oliver.

TFC: Well done Oliver. Despite the mix-up last night, at least it did help benefit
one thing. I was hoping to find the old Kirk Ronan line someday when I became
controller, and now, this is our chance. It will take a long time to completely
restore it, but we will make sure the branchline is as good as new, that way the
people along the line can get their services by my railway. And as for my old
house, well, I’ll make it a nice Inn were visitors can come and rest and
recuperate. As well as have tea, crumpets and other refreshments.

Oliver: Thank you sir! I’m glad I could help, even if it was by getting lost.
Getting lost can be interesting sometimes, but being found is much nicer,
especially if it makes an engine feel very useful for bringing back an old line.

Duck: Indeed! Come on Oliver, let’s get you to the Steamworks.

Narrator: Oliver was soon repaired, and back to his normal duties on his
branchline. While he enjoys getting out and having adventures, sometimes, it better
to appreciate seeing those same things in a different way. But at least now, he
promised to talk the Fat Controller if he ever wanted a change of pace. At least,
if he didn’t get lost, the Kirk Ronan Branchline, wouldn’t have been found.

Narrator: It had been 2 months since Oliver’s misadventure which involved him
taking a detour with the Mail Train, and being diverted onto the old Kirk Ronan
Branchline. After Oliver’s discovery, this prompted the Fat Controller to do a full
restoration of the branch, so that way the people that live on the towns along the
line can have their services provided by the railway for the first time in 59
years. The Kirk Ronan Branch Line was first established in 1853, when railways were
at the dawn of a new era on Sodor, and was operated by the former Sodor & Mainland
Railway. It used to be operated by three Neilson Box Tanks named Clive, Neil and
Matthew, that worked the line, even when the Northwestern Railway was formed in
1914. But when the Great Depression hit, and all the original Sudrian engines were
sold for scrap to make some money, except Neil being one of the very few, the Kirk
Ronan Line was closed down in 1930, and no engine set wheels on it until Oliver
did, by accident. The line’s main terminus started at Kellsthorpe Road, then passes
another station called Rolf’s Castle, another abandoned station, and then further
ends at its namesake station, Kirk Ronan. It has a lot rural farm areas, as it was
a farm branchline back in its day, but also had a harbor line, were goods from the
other lines, as well as slate and ore from the Skarloey Railway were brought to
local towns and villages and exported to other areas of the world, as well as a
ferry boat service at Kirk Ronan itself that went to other places in the British
Isles. There was also another line diverting away from it before Kirk Ronan, ending
at another station called Ronan End, which had a shed at the end were some of the
S&M engines would reside, and were Oliver crashed into by accident, as well as the
old Summer Inn that the Fat Controller and his family would visit on holidays.

(Cuts to present day with construction on the line commencing)

Narrator: Now, the Fat Controller ordered its restoration, and the project for it
commenced. The engines were quite excited, as they set to and from delivering
supplies and restoring each different section of the line. However, there was still
much of the line that hasn’t exactly been explored that much.
(Cuts to Edward & Henry at night by the goods shed at Wellsworth Yards)

Narrator: One moonlit night, Henry was preparing to take a goods train of building
materials and supplies to another separate line at an old station by a lake called

(Owl hoots)

Edward: Be careful out there tonight Henry. There’s a legend on the old Kirk Ronan
line that says that whenever an owl hoots, a mist roles in.

Henry: (Snorts sarcastically) A mist?

Edward: Indeed! They say that when there’s a mist about, there’s a ghost about to.

Henry: (Sarcastically) Ooh, scary! Really Edward, ghosts, you honestly believe
that? There’s no such thing!

Edward: That maybe at first glance Henry, but there’s a rather dark history of the
separate line to Hawin Lake, and the reason for why it shut down. You see, this
line was actually closed even before the whole Kirk Ronan line was shut down during
the depression.

Henry: (Sarcastically) Okay then, why is that?

Edward: Because of an old Stationmaster that used to run the station there you’ll
be taking those supplies to. I’ll explain later, but all I can say is take care on
that old line Henry.

Henry: (Sarcastically) Yeah thanks Edward, I’ll be sure to do so.

(Owl hoots)

Henry: (Sighs annoyed) Stupid bird!

(Shows Henry puffing down the line)

Henry: Owls, mists, ghosts! Humph! Edward’s gone completely soft in the boiler in
his old age, there’s no mists!

Narrator: But Henry was wrong. As he was switched down the branch, that’s when a
thick mist rolled in, and descended around the area. Henry now began to feel
uneasy, as the air grew dense, wind was hollowing in the trees, and even though his
fire was lite, his boiler felt cold with fright. The situation now began to feel
rather tense.
Henry: This is the line, surely this must be some sorta mistake.

Henry’s Driver: Can’t be, this is where the Foreman said we were supposed to be
last night.

Narrator: But just as Henry was slowly puffing down the line, he saw high up in one
of the decaying old tries was an old lamp, which was lite.

Henry’s Driver: That’s an amber lamp, which means proceed with caution.

Henry: That’s odd, who’d be here…in the middle of nowhere.

Henry’s Driver: (Nervous) That depends. WHO’S THERE?

Narrator: They waited for a few seconds, but nobody replied. The driver eased open
the regulator, and Henry crept slowly forward.

(Henry stops at Hawin Lake)

Narrator: As they did so, they approached another old tree right by an old station,
and there, they saw a sign nailed to it, which said “BEWARE THE VIADUCT”.

Henry’s Driver: What? Nobody’s warned us about that before.

Henry’s Fireman: No, but then again, nobody’s ever been down here before, but look
up ahead, that signal’s red, and the crossing gates are closed!

Henry’s Driver: (Stuttering) Yeah…an…and…there’s a fog man’s coat! But where’s its

Henry: Um…guys, look ahead.

Narrator: They did so, and noticed inside there were lights flickering on in the
derelict old station building, and there stood a strange figure from inside. It
stared at them with big glowing yellow eyes that seemed to pierce right into their


Henry’s Driver: (Nervous) Something very strange is going on here.

Henry’s Fireman: (Nervous) No kidding! I think for our sake’s, its better we leave
the trucks at Rolf’s Castle, and head back home…now!

Henry: So do I, let’s go!

Narrator: And they puffed away terrified, while the strange figure just kept on
staring at them with those horrible yellow eyes.

(Cuts to Henry reversing into Tidmouth Sheds, were Gordon, James, Edward, Toby, and
Duck are)

Narrator: After Henry dropped his train at Kirk Ronan, he reversed slowly into
Tidmouth Sheds, still in shock at what he saw.

James: Whoa, slow down there, tender engines like us can’t go at a fast pace
backwards you know.

Toby: Are you alright Henry? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.

Henry: (Shudders) I saw…no I can’t tell you, you wouldn’t believe me.

Gordon: Oh come now Henry, what’s wrong?

Henry: Okay…I have seen ghosts!

James: HAHAHAHAHA! You’ve seen what?

Henry: Seriously ghosts! You were right Edward, I’m sorry I didn’t believe me, I
saw it right there, with those piercing yellow eyes.

Narrator: And Henry explained the events that took place.

James: (Chuckles) Really now Henry, a station? I’ve heard you scared of poppycock
over the years, but this one’s a doozy. HAHAHAHA!

Gordon: (Chuckles) Indeed! I mean, first the rain, then an elephant, now some old
station with some eyes as bright as our head codes? Whatever will you be afraid of

Narrator: But Edward, Toby and Duck didn’t find the whole story even remotely

Toby: Okay you two, that’s enough! Look, Henry’s rather spooked right now, whatever
he saw must’ve been serious.

Duck: Maybe Toby, but there must be a rational explanation for it. I mean, for all
we know, it could be some teenagers playing a ridiculous prank.

Edward: Maybe Duck! But it is possible Henry might’ve saw the ghost of Seymour

Toby: Seymour Whittle? Who’s he Edward?

Edward: Seymour Whittle was the original Stationmaster of Hawin Lake.

Henry: Was that who I saw last night?

Edward: Possibly Henry! Again, we don’t know if it is a prank, or some paranormal

activity. I’ve been on this railway longer to heave heard many stories that have
taken place even before our railway was formed.

Henry: Edward, you said that the line was closed even before the whole branch was
shut down, what does this Seymour Whittle have anything to do with it?

Edward: Well, I’ll tell you, but be warned, what happened was quite disturbing.

Narrator: And this was the story that Edward toward them.

(Flashbacks to 1912 on the old line with Neil, Clive and Matthew working on it)

Edward: Long ago, before our railway was formed, the Kirk Ronan Line was serviced
by the Sodor & Mainland Railway, with their three engines, Neil, Clive and Matthew.
They worked on the old line, and even provided services over to old line at Hawin
Lake. While the lake itself was beautiful, the engines didn’t like going there, as
the stationmaster on the line was a rather cold-hearted workaholic that only cared
for his own job, and not the lives of those around him. His name was Seymour
Whittle. He was described as being cold-hearted, ruthless, and an overzealous and
stingy stationmaster that would bark orders very harshly, and even make threats
towards his staff, the workmen, the engines, and even the passengers, who had a
rather intense fear of him. The only one who would put Whittle in his place was the
manager, but he secretly would behave monstrously behind his back. He was obsessed
with power, and never payed his employees, only keeping the money for himself. You
say, Mr. Whittle cared more himself and his job, as he had no life of his own, no
friends, no family, the station was all that mattered as well as his money. But two
years before the Northwestern Railway was announced, the manager decided because of
Mr. Whittle’s ruthless and greedy behavior, that he would fire him, but keep the
line intact, as there was a viaduct passed the station, following a river, and
ending at an old harbor that would export goods from other lines, and supply fish
for the Main Line. But it didn’t end as there was a loop line that swerved around
it in a figure-8 style, hence why there was a crossing there with crossing gates,
that way no engine had to be turned around. Once Mr. Whittle heard that the board
was gonna fire him, he snapped, and decided if he couldn’t have his station, no one
would. So on the night of his last day, which was coincidently on a dark misty
night, he killed his employees with a handgun that he had kept behind the board’s
back, then with a can of kerosene, spread it all around each different area of the
station, then shot a bullet into it setting the place on fire. Then, he went into
his office, and painted in red, “I WILL ALWAYS BE PART OF MY STATION, AND NOBODY
WILL TAKE ME AWAY FROM THAT”, and with his own gun…

(Gunshot noise, then cuts to present day)

The engines: (Gasps)

Gordon: Oh my word! You mean, he…he…

Edward: I’m afraid so Gordon, he contemplated suicide. At that moment, he just


Toby: What happened afterwards?

Edward: The fire brigade came to put out the fire, and the police even arrived at
the scene, and found Whittle’s body, burned and gored. That’s when the manager
decided after that disturbing incident, to have the line shut down, even while Kirk
Ronan was still in service at the time, but built a new harbor somewhere else, to
preserve the memories that Whittle murdered, but not Whittle himself. During
construction of the Northwestern, they rerouted the harbor near Kirk Ronan itself.

Henry: But why would the Fat Controller restore it now? Plus, if that was Whittle’s
ghost, why would he warn me about the viaduct if he was such a ruthless scum?

Edward: I suppose the Fat Controller’s doing it just for the station, and not the
rest of the line. Especially because the harbor near Kirk Ronan station is much

James: But surely Edward, I mean, what happened was just sick, but surely this was
all just a prank.

Edward: Maybe James, but we don’t know for sure. It just doesn’t hurt to keep an
open mind.

Narrator: And the engines went uncomfortably to sleep.

(Cuts to the next morning with Henry taking a local and stopping at Wellsworth)

Narrator: The next morning, Henry stopped at Wellsworth with a local train in tow
as the Stationmaster came up to them.

Stationmaster: Henry, could I have a word with you and your crew for a moment

Henry: Sure Jerry! What’s up?

Stationmaster: I heard from the stationmaster at Kellsthorpe Road that the supply
train that was meant for Hawin Lake was sent to Rolf’s Castle, and during the
construction, Douglas had brought it there. Why was that?

Henry: Well, the thing is sir is really because of this, presence.

Stationmaster: Presence? What presence?

Narrator: Henry and his crew explained what happened that night.

Stationmaster: Oh, I see! That is rather strange, seems like you gentlemen had a
hard night last night. But thank goodness you didn’t cross this viaduct last night.

Henry’s Driver: Yes, but that’s just the trouble, we don’t even know who warned us.

Stationmaster: Indeed! I’ve heard the story about Seymour Whittle before, but I’m
sure there must be a logical explanation to all of this. There’s no way there could
be a ghost. I’ll check with the Fat Controller and the foreman at the construction
project and conduct an investigation. If that viaduct was out of order, the Fat
Controller would've already known. And if necessary, we may even need to get the
police involved.

Henry’s Driver: Will do! Thanks!

Narrator: Just as the Stationmaster left, he saw right in the distance was Toby in
a siding, and talking to a strange old man on a hand truck. He was dressed in a fog
man’s hat and coat. As Henry looked even closer, he thought the fog coat he was
wearing looked striking similar to the same one he saw hanging in the tree last
night. He made a rather strange laugh, and left on his hand truck. Henry began to
become even more suspicious.

Henry: (Inner monologue) Maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye.

(Cuts to Henry at Tidmouth Station as Toby shows up)

Narrator: Later that day, as Henry was resting in a siding at Tidmouth, he saw Toby
coming to take a rest as well, and Henry wasted no time in asking the old tram

Toby: Oh that man. Why that’s Old Bailey, the local fog man at Rolf’s Castle. He’s
a very strange fellow, but he means well.

Henry: So you say, but it’s just that the coat I saw on that tree last night after
I told you about the supposed ghost encounter looked like the one he was wearing.

Toby: Hmm…that is strange Henry. I may need to talk to Old Bailey about this. But
don’t worry Henry, I’m sure what you saw was not paranormal activity. Anyways, I
have to go, I’ll see you later Henry.

Henry: Okay, bye!

(Toby departs)

Narrator: Just then, Henry’s driver came back.

Henry’s Driver: Good news old boy! After the investigation, the viaduct has been
repaired, so we can take our next supply train along the old line tonight.

Henry: (Sarcastically smiles) Wonderful! Just wonderful!

Narrator: Henry said trying to put a brave smile. But secretly, he really didn’t
want to.

Henry’s Driver: Also, they say the loop line today is damaged, so unfortunately,
we’ll have to push the train from the back.
Henry: Okay then. Not the worst thing that could happen, but after last night, I’d
rather have the train in front in case Whittle’s ghost shows up.

Henry’s Driver: Relax Henry, we’ll get through this. It’s probably a bunch of
teenagers trying play a stupid prank. We’ll get through this tonight, I promise.

Henry: Okay! I’ll take your word for it.

Narrator: Henry said bravely! But it still wasn’t convincing of what he saw.

(Cuts to Henry at Wellsworth with goods train at night)

Narrator: But when night fell, he was sizzling nicely, and it took his mind off of
any anxieties. But just then, an owl hooted again, and then out of nowhere, and
then Gordon thundered by with the midnight express.

(Gordon thunders by and blows whistle)

Henry: AH!

1st Truck: Oh look lads, Henry’s spooked!



(Guard’s whistle blows, and Henry departs, then cuts to henry puffing down the line
to Hawin Lake)

Narrator: But he was. As Henry approached the line, the fog came down, but even
heavier this time. Then, they saw the amber lamp again.

Henry’s Driver: (Nervous) Oh crap, here we go ago.

Narrator: Then, unbeknownst to Henry, the gates mysteriously closed by themselves.

And the signal turned red, as well as the same light flashing on in the station.
The trucks had seen everything, and they were spooked.


Henry: STOP! STOP!

(Henry’s train crashes through the gates)

Narrator: Shouted Henry. But they couldn’t, as Henry’s train burst through the
crossing gates just as a mysterious figure from the station watched Henry go by.
But just as they were speeding up, ahead there was a landslide blocking the line to
the viaduct. Henry braked hard, but the trucks hit some of the rubble and plunged
into the ravine below.

(The trucks fall to the bottom of the ravine, then shows Henry spooked)

Narrator: Thankfully, the last flatbed, the brake van, and Henry himself were still
on the rails. Henry was in shock, trying to reflect on everything that had just

Henry’s Driver: Whoa, that was close. Whoever was operating the gates, was probably
trying to warn us about this landslide.
Henry: But who?

Narrator: But no sooner did Henry say that, a mysterious figure was coming up
towards them on pump truck. As it got closer, the crew realized who it was and

Henry’s Fireman: Well, I’ll be, that’s our ghost, its Old Bailey, the fog man!

Narrator: And it was. Needless to say, Old Bailey was very cross.

Old Bailey: I tried to warn ya about the viaduct, and you acknowledged it. But why
didn’t y’all pay attention about this?

Henry’s Driver: Oh, we’re sorry Mr. Bailey. You see, it was just that…

Narrator: And he explained about last night, and the story of Mr. Whittle.

Old Bailey: Ah yes, that old tale! I’ve heard that story loads of time. But I’ve
worked on this line for years, and there really is no ghost. But I understand why
you did, the line at night can be rather spooky, especially in the fog. I was
trying to come out to warn you last night, but I guess because of the fog, you
assumed that I was that ghost of Seymour Whittle.

Henry: Well the fog does have a funny way of playing tricks on our minds. We’re
sorry we assumed. Thank you for trying to warn us at least Mr. Bailey.

Old Bailey: My pleasure boys! It is a good thing the line is being restored. You
have no idea how many of the locals here believe in this paranormal crap.
Henry’s Driver: No kidding! Is there anything we can do for you to show our
gratitude for saving us?

Old Bailey: Actually yes! I’d like to help operate that old station by the like
once the line is restored. My grandfather used to work there, and unfortunately was
one of the victims that was shot in Whittle’s rampage. And in his name, I’d like to
right his wrong, and bring that magic to the station. If you let me, I promise I
won’t spook you two or Henry again.

Narrator: Henry smiled relieved.

Henry: You gotta deal Mr. Bailey. We’ll tell him.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller’s office)

Narrator: The next morning, Old Bailey met with the Fat Controller.

TFC: Thank you again for saving my engine and his crew last night Mr. Bailey.

Old Bailey: My pleasure sir! But please, call me Harry. That’s my real name.

TFC: Of course Harry! Given the backstory of Mr. Whittle’s insane crime, I think
that once the line is restored, we will correct his mistake, and even have the area
around the lake restored into a nature preserve.

TFC: Oh, we’re gonna preserve it as tourist sight. We don’t have any use for it, as
we already have the bigger one. But the loop we shall keep. First thing’s first
though, let’s get rid of those dead trees.

Old Bailey: I agree, let’s bring back that peace and make this line is better than
what it used to be.
(Shows work on the line, then cuts to two weeks with Edward, Henry and Toby at the
opening ceremony)

Narrator: So restoration of the line at Hawin Lake went back to normal. The old
trees were cut down, and new ones were planted in its place. The rails were
repaired, and the old station was demolished, with a new one built in its place.
And two weeks later, the old line at Hawin Lake was the first repaired was
repaired, and Old Bailey’s wish was granted. Henry, Edward and Toby came to the
opening ceremony of the line.

Old Bailey: When Seymour Whittle ran this station, everything felt like a horror
show with his reign of terror, especially when his final straw came when he was
about to be fired, and my grandfather was one of the victims that was shot in his
massacre before he took his own life. But I can assure you that I will not let a
thing like that happen no matter what happens. I wandered around this line for
years hoping to see the line someday in full glory. But now that I’m in charge, I’m
gonna make sure that the reputation Whittle brought will be erased. Thank you

TFC: And thank you again for everything you did for us Harry. You and your station
we’ll be really useful. Let’s hear a hearty thank you to Harry Bailey, the
friendliest, uh, ghost, on the island.

Narrator: And everybody cheered. Especially Henry, who was the happiest of all.

(Opens with Thomas & Percy resting at Ffarqhuar Yards)

Narrator: One day in spring, Thomas & Percy were idling in the yards of Ffarqhuar
Station, when Bertie the Bus arrived.

Bertie: Good morning you two, have you both noticed some lately?

Thomas: What sorta something?

Bertie: About your controller. I’ve been passing by on my route and, well, he seems

Thomas: Now that you mention it Bertie, he’s been that way for about a week now.

Percy: Yeah, and only yesterday when I was on my mail run, I even noticed him
staring at the clouds in awe.

Thomas: Hmm…I wonder why?

(Cuts to Topham Manor with the Fat Controller and Lady Hatt)

Narrator: The reason was quite simple, it was his wife, Helen a.k.a. Lady Hatt’s
birthday. Both were very excited, especially because the Fat Controller had a brand
new outfit in black and white.

Lady Hatt: It looks perfect for my birthday. You’ll look splendid Topham dear.

TFC: Why thank you my love. And I’ll even wear my finest hat just for you.

Lady Hatt: Excellent! Plus, I even like the idea of having it at Crovans Gate as
well. Haven’t seen the Narrow Gauge engines nor Mr. Sam for a while. The children
and I will be making our way there by rail early on BoCo’s commuter service.
TFC: Excellent! You’re birthday is always a great occasion.

Lady Hatt: It is indeed! But please don’t be late.

TFC: Don’t worry my dear! I shall be spic and span and right on time.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller in his new tuxedo and top hat)

Narrator: Later that day, the Fat Controller changed into his new tuxedo and top
hat, and was preparing to leave.

Butler: You look marvelous sir!

TFC: Thank you Winston.

Butler: Anyways, you best get going sir.

TFC: Indeed! The engines are busy enough as it is. I’m just gonna drive there in
the car.

Butler: With respect sir, is it reliable?

TFC: Certainly! This car had been in my family for generations, and I wouldn’t be
anywhere without it.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller driving in his car until it hits a pothole)

Narrator: But the Fat Controller only spoke to soon. As he sped along, he suddenly
saw a large pothole in the road. He braked hard, but it was too late.


(Shows the Fat Controller inspecting his car’s wheel flat until Caroline rolls up)

TFC: Just when we were going along nicely, my tire’s got a puncture. Worse, if I
change my wheel I would be sure to dirty my suit, or if I spend anytime fixing it,
I’ll be late in general, and that would never do. (Sighs) Think Stephen, think!

(Hears Caroline’s horn)

Narrator: Just then, he heard a horn, and there in the distance, was Caroline, the
old car, whose owner decided to go for a stroll.


Caroline: Oh, hello Sir Topham!

Caroline’s Driver: What’s wrong sir!

TFC: My car has hit a pothole, and I need to make it to my wife’s birthday party in

Caroline: Where would that be?

TFC: At Crovans Gate. Could you get me there please?

Caroline: I’ll try sir!

TFC: Thank you! I’ll call for Butch to come tow my car too the repair garage.
(Caroline drives away but breaks down)

Narrator: But that was easier said than done, as being an old car, Caroline hated
going too fast.

Caroline: Oh my, stop, I’m hot, my engine will overheat!

Narrator: And it did!

Caroline: (Coughs) Told you so!

Caroline’s Driver: (Nervous grin) Sorry Caroline!

TFC: (Annoyed) Bother, bother!

(Shows George grumpily showing up)

Narrator: Then, they all heard a loud and very rude whistle. Caroline groaned, as
it was George the Steamroller. As usual, George was nasty to Caroline once he saw

George: Oh what’s this, broken down again Caroline? Humph! You’re a disgrace to the
road. Find yourself a nice scrapyard to rot in.

TFC: GEORGE! Watch your mouth!

George: (Nervously) Oh, um, Sir Topham…I…um

TFC: I told you thousands of time I will not tolerate that volatile and outspoken
behavior from you.

Jem Cole Jr.: Neither will I, so apologize to Caroline at once!

George: (Nervously) Yes sirs! Sorry Caroline!

Jem Cole: I really must apologize on behalf of George’s behavior sir! We saw your
car had hit a pothole and were wondering if there was anything that we could do to

TFC: As a matter of fact Jem, there is. I need to get to my wife’s birthday party
on time. It’s at Crovans Gate.

Jem Cole: Well, it is slower there by road, but we could take you to Thomas. I
heard he’s just down the line.

TFC: Thank you, that will be much obliged.

(George departs)

Narrator: So they rumbled away on George.

Caroline: What about me?

TFC: Don’t worry Caroline, I’ll send for help. I guess Butch will have to make two
trips for both you and my car. Just stay where you are.

Caroline: But that’s all I can do!

(Shows a montage of George rolling down the road)

Narrator: George was enjoying rolling down the lane, but not the Fat Controller.
All the steamroller was thinking of was showing off, hoping to upstart the railway,
which also caused oil from his cab to splash on the Fat Controller’s suit.


George: Oops, sorry!

Narrator: But worse was to follow, as George was still busy grumbling and showing
off, something awful happened!


(Shows George running out of control and crashing into a ditch)

Narrator: George veered out of control and crashed into a muddy ditch, and both the
Fat Controller and Jem Cole fell off and into the mud bank as well, right near
Thomas was taking on water.


(Cuts to the Fat Controller climbing up the hill to Thomas, and Jem Cole scolding

Narrator: Thomas had witnessed everything, needless to say, he had never seen his
own controller, nor his predecessors in such a mess.

Thomas: Cinders and ashes sir! Are you alright?

TFC: I’ve been better! I was on my way to my wife’s birthday, and every transport
I’ve taken by road has all gone wrong. And thanks to George here!

Jem Cole: Good point sir! Because it seems that you George have been trying to show
off again to prove that roads are superior to rail that your swanking about caused
your axle to snap and spiral out of control, and now both me and the Fat Controller
are filthy, and it looks as if Butch will have to make 3 journeys now thanks to
your aggression. I’ll deal with you later.

George: (Miserably) Yes sir! Sorry sir!

Thomas’s Driver: Still, is there anything we could do to help sir?

TFC: Yes please! Get to me to Crovans Gate as fast as you can!

Thomas’s Driver: We can, but I’m afraid our fireman right now has sprained his

TFC: Oh my, I’m sorry to hear!

Thomas’s Fireman: A'll be alricht sir! but A wonae be able tae shovel at the

TFC: Hmm…yes, and we won’t have time right now to call a relief. Tell you what, I’m
dirty enough as it is. I’ll be your fireman!

Narrator: Thomas was honored.

(Cuts to Thomas puffing down the line, and the Fat Controller working in Thomas’s

Narrator: The Fat Controller had to work hard. Coal dust and soot flew everywhere.

(Thomas puffs under the bridge and arrives at Crovans Gate)

Narrator: At last, they reached the station. The Fat Controller looked at the

TFC: Phew! Just in time!

Narrator: He gasped! He hurried and picked up a huge bouquet of flowers.

Thomas: Good luck sir!

TFC: Thank you Thomas!

(Cuts to the party room at the station)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Lady Hatt, their children Richard, Charlie and Emily, and the
rest of the Hatt family and friends were all waiting for him. As the clock struck
3, the doors burst open, and there stood the Fat Controller, tired, but triumphant.
He gave his wife the flowers, and the family all embraced.

Lady Hatt: Why thank you my dear! I knew this was my special birthday party, but I
didn’t know it was fancy dressed.

Narrator: And everyone laughed!

Richard: Shouldn’t we get you cleaned up dad?

TFC: Maybe later Richard. I think its better to enjoy ourselves right now. Don't
wanna waste any more time.

Lady Hatt: Indeed, the important thing is that you are here. I love you Sir Topham!

TFC: And I love you to my dear! Let the party begin!

Narrator: And it did, and everybody had a wonderful time, especially Sir Topham
Hatt and his beloved wife, Lady Hatt.

(Ends with the doors closing)

(Opens with Bill & Ben shunting at the Clay Pits)

Narrator: Bill & Ben the Tank Engine Twins were working hard shunting trucks into
their proper places, and to and from the quay at Brendam Docks. Despite their
cheeky and mischievous nature, the twins meant well, and always worked hard in what
they did, but every now and again, they would grow restless.

Ben: Listen Bill, could you hear something?

Bill: What sorta something?

Ben: Something different.

Bill: Really? I can’t hear anything different!

Ben: Exactly, everything is the same, sounds the same, looks the same, and even
smells the same.

Bill: Yeah! It has been feeling quite dull lately. What we need is a surprise!

Ben: Yeah, but surprise what?

Narrator: Asked Ben. But before Bill could answer, the China Clay Manager arrived.

CCM: Ah, good morning you two, I just received an important message from the Fat
Controller. He needs you two to head to the shunting yards at Knapford Station. All
will be explained.

Bill: Oh, yes sir!

Ben: Of course sir!

(Shows Bill & Ben heading to Knapford Station yards)

Bill: I wonder what we’ve done wrong this time?

Ben: Don’t know! It must’ve been you.

Bill: You kidding, why me? I’ve not done anything. Maybe it was me.

Ben: Was not!

Bill: Was too!

Ben: Was not!

Bill: Was too!

Ben: Was not!

Bill: Was too!

(Shows Bill & Ben arriving in the yards where the Fat Controller was waiting)

Narrator: They stopped arguing immediately when they saw the Fat Controller.

TFC: Ah, Bill & Ben, right on time. Listen, important goods arrived at the harbor,
and we don’t have enough engines to organize the yards, so I want you to help out
look after the trucks there. And as you do, make sure to Gordon’s express coaches
ready for him for the midnight express.

Bill: Yes sir!

Ben: We’ll do our best sir!

Narrator: Said the twins eagerly. Though as they left, the Fat Controller could
only look down at his shoes, doubting his decision, hoping Bill & Ben would behave
themselves, and do their job properly. Though he wasn’t the only one concerned
about this.

(Shows Bill & Ben coming up to the coal hoppers near Knapford Sheds were Gordon is)

Narrator: While Gordon was finishing up on his load of coal, Bill & Ben crept up
behind him and tooted their whistles in an alarming way.
Gordon: AH! HALT, WHO GOES THER… oh it’s you two again.

Bill: Hello Gordon! Did you miss us?

Gordon: You two! Certainly not! Anyways, I hear you two are helping out today. Now
pay attention, you both must behave here! This isn’t your China Clay Works, this is
the Main Line.

Ben: Actually Gordon, when we saw you, we thought this was the Smelter’s Yard.

Gordon: ARGH! You two terrors never stop do you?

Narrator: Scowled Gordon indignantly! While Gordon had learned to be respectful and
appreciative towards tank engines over the years, he just didn’t really like Bill &
Ben all that much. Not only because of their relentless mischief and immaturity,
but how a many years ago when the big blue engine was accidently diverted on
Edward’s branchline after a mix-up, and when Gordon woke up at the Docks, Bill &
Ben played a joke thinking he was a pile of scrap that had to be disposed of, with
Bill favored shunting him to Crock’s Scrapyard, while Ben favored pushing him into
the quay. Thankfully, BoCo put a stop to their game, though Gordon never forgave
them despite it being a joke. But that was okay to the twins, as of all the engines
they loved playing tricks on, Gordon was their favorite victim.

Gordon: (Annoyed) Look, just make sure to get my coaches ready for my evening
train! Is that hard to ask?

(Gordon departs)

Narrator: And he fumed away!

(Bill & Ben shunt around the yards)

Narrator: The twins just laughed, and soon after, set to work.

Bill: Edward says looking after trucks on the Main Line takes a lot of practice,
but this is easy! It’s just like shunting trucks at Clay Pits.

Ben: Yeah, and the yards at Wellsworth. I mean, we know all about trucks.

Narrator: Though I’m afraid they didn’t. The only reason the trucks in the Clay
Pits, or anywhere on the Brendam branch never gave them trouble, was because
Edward, BoCo, Donald & Douglas were able to get them to behave even before Bill &
Ben would handle them. But not that the twins were handling them in the main yards
at Knapford, that was a whole different story.

Trucks: No need for that! We’ll show you around. We just wanna help.

Bill & Ben: Thank you very much!

Narrator: Said the twins, suspecting nothing! Though the twins should’ve known
better, as the trucks giggled, as the twins foolishly playing their games.

(Cuts to the Shunting Yards in the evening)

Narrator: Evening came. The whole yard and harbor was in a dreadful muddle. Bill &
Ben were horrified and embarrassed that the trucks had tricked them into making the
yard look like a maze.

Bill: Oh dear! What have we done?

Ben: We fell for the trucks’ tricks, that’s what! Worse, even if we do get the yard
back to normal, we’re gonna be late shunting Gordon’s coaches to the platform. He’s
not gonna like this.

Narrator: Ben said, as the twins shuffled around, trying to put things back where
they were.

(Cuts to Gordon & the passengers waiting impatiently at Knapford as Bill & Ben
shunt the express coaches there)

Narrator: But things only got worse, as it was now 10 o’clock, and Gordon and the
passengers waited impatiently by the platform, as Bill & Ben came, exhausted from
sorting everything out.

(Guards whistle blows, and Gordon departs angrily)

Narrator: But by the time Gordon was able to leave, it was very late indeed.

Gordon: Ugh, the indignity! I knew we shouldn’t have trusted those morons.

(Shows Bill & Ben looking down sadly at their buffers as the puff sadly away)

Narrator: The twins looked at their buffers, feeling sorry for themselves.

Ben: Oh dear Bill, we really screwed up.

Bill: Yeah! The Fat Controller’s gonna be cross with us.

Ben: Yep! And imagine what Edward would say if he was here to. Let’s go home!

Narrator: And the twins puffed sadly out of the station.

(Cuts to the next day with Bill & Ben working at the Clay Pits)

Narrator: The next day, Bill & Ben were back to work at the Clay Pits. They were
still upset about their mistake, but tried to work extra hard today, in hope that
the Fat Controller would forgive them. Just as they stopped to take a breather,
they heard rocks tumbling.

Bill: That’s a strange noise. I’ve never heard anything like that before.

Bill’s Driver: (Worried) I have! It sounds like a rockslide to me!

(Emergency sirens blare)

Narrator: Just then, the alarms blared!


Bill: (Worried) How are we gonna get everybody out of here in time?

Ben: I know how! Our trucks, we’ll pull them out! EVERYOBDY, GET IN THE TRUCKS,

Narrator: The workmen heard, and wasted no time scrambling into the trucks.

Bill: Great idea Ben! And it’s a good thing we’re here anyway!
Ben: No kidding! NOW HURRY!

Narrator: Bill just left, but then…


Narrator: The manager had been left behind. Ben waited as he made it, and climbed
carefully aboard, as both twins made it out of the quarry just in time.

(Shows the rockslides causing severe damage to the Clay Pits)

Narrator: Everybody was safe, but rubble, debris, and fallen buildings lay all
around. The China Clay Pits was destroyed.

Bill: Oh dear! This wasn’t our fault! I hope the Fat Controller will understand.

(Fades to the Fat Controller and Edward talking to the twins.

Narrator: As indeed he did! Two hours later, he arrived on Edward.

TFC: Bill & Ben, you still have a lot to learn about how we do things on the Main
Line don’t you.

Narrator: The twins blushed with embarrassment.

Bill: Yeah, sorry about that sir!

Ben: We were only trying to be useful!

TFC: It’s okay you two, I understand, as we all can make mistakes. That’s we how we
learn from them. Though you did make up for it, as you acted bravely and carefully
in an emergency like this, and I’m very proud of you both. Had it not been for you
two, the manager and workmen wouldn’t be alive right now.

Bill & Ben: Why thank you sir!

Edward: And I’m very proud of you two! But sir, what will happen to the Clay Pits?
We’ll still need the China Clay.

TFC: Oh don’t worry Edward. We’ll have it repaired, but it will be long.

Bill: Well we’ll help to repair it and make it good as new sir.

Ben: Yeah, this is our home, and we’ll put things right.

TFC: Thanks you two! Though for now, everybody, let’s give a big three cheers for
Bill & Ben, our heroes!


Bill: Oh thank you sir! Being called heroes, well…

Ben: It’s a really nice surprise.

Narrator: Said the twins happily!

Narrator: It was a beautiful day on the Island of Sodor, and James the Red Engine,
was feeling very cheerful, as his red paintwork gleamed in the sunshine, and he
sped along the line. The Fat Controller had an important job for him at Brendam
Docks. James was feeling pleased as lately he had been having a great week so far,
as he was working hard lately, the passengers and staff had been praising him, the
trucks hadn’t even given him any trouble, and he was right on time. He reached
Elsbridge Junction to wait at a signal, just as Percy came some in with some box
vans into a siding.

James: What are you doing here Percy? You should’ve been at Tidmouth right now.

Percy: I know, but these trucks have been giving me trouble all morning.

James: That’s no excuse Percy, nothing like dirty trucks should stop us. The Fat
Controller relies on us to be on time.

Percy: I know that, and I don’t need you bossing me around right now. Anyways,
what’s got you in such a giddy mood?

James: Well if you must know Percy, the Fat Controller has a special assignment for
me in bringing a line of fruit vans from the Brendam Docks to different stations on
the Main Line. Of course, he would choose me especially.

Percy: And I thought you’d be grumbling about that James, fruit vans is goods work.
I mean, you hate pulling trucks.

James: I do! But pulling fruit or other groceries is actually one of those “rare
instances”, as I don’t really mind doing so. At least it doesn’t get my paint
dirty, and (chuckles slyly) red does go nice when people think about food.

(Gordon thunders by and James departs)

Narrator: Just then, Gordon passed through, and the signal dropped.

James: Right, signals down, must be on my way. Ta-ta little Percy, and remember
what I said.

Narrator: And James puffed smugly away, leaving Percy fuming.

Percy: Humph! Bossy boiler! Why can’t James appreciate the hard work that everyone
does, especially tank engines like me.

Narrator: And Percy puffed crossly away, ready to take the goods train that was
bound for Tidmouth. It was always common for James to boast, as he felt nobody
worked as hard as he did. But hearing James boast to him, was something that made
Percy seethed with fury. As he was headed to Tidmouth, he was thinking to himself
on how to pay James out.

(James arrives at Brendam Docks)

Narrator: James arrived at the harbor, as he was right, today was market day, and
he actually enjoyed delivering groceries to different areas of along the Main Line.
There was a large number of fruit being delivered from ships from lots of foreign
countries, and James watched as his vent vans were all being loaded with
strawberries, grapes, oranges, apples, melons, bananas and all different types of
fruits were all being loaded into his vans. Once the last doors banged and the
guard blew his whistle, James set off down the line to make his deliveries.

(Shows James puffing down the line and meets Thomas at Elsbridge junction)

Narrator: He was enjoying himself enormously, but with his optimism, came his
boasting, as he delivered the fruit to each station on the Main Line. When he
arrived to drop of some vans at Elsbridge Junction, he me Thomas, who was there to
collect some of the vans bound for the branchline.

James: Oh hello Thomas! Nice day today!

Thomas: Why yes it is! You seem chipper. And when it comes to pulling trucks.

James: Yeah, I may not like trucks, but this job is one of the best goods trains
out there. And I’ve been running on time at every station. Really reliable, that’s
me. Though pity the same can’t be said for Percy.

Narrator: Thomas just rolled his eyes as he shunted the vans to Clarabel, and added
the brake van, then ran around to couple to the front. He heard what Percy told
him, and felt James needed a good talking to.

Thomas: You know James, arriving on time isn’t always everything, and I respect you
appreciate this job, but credit is given when credit is due, as at the end of the
day, it’s just a job, just like all jobs. I mean, I love to run my branchline more
than anything, but it’s still just work.

James: Yes, but you and Percy don’t understand Thomas! Main line engines like me
have a reputation to hold to always be reliable and right on time.

(Guard’s whistle blows and James departs)

Narrator: Just then, the guard blew his whistle, and James had to leave.

James: Oh I’d love to stay and talk Thomas, but like I said, must be one time.

Annie & Clarabel: What was all that about?

Narrator: Said Annie & Clarabel.

Thomas: That’s just trouble waiting to happen to James, and maybe Percy to if he
tries to prove himself, I hope those two don’t get themselves into any trouble.

(Cuts to Jams puffing down the line and stops roughly at a signal)

Narrator: Unfortunately, Thomas was right. As James was making his way to Knapford,
he was so busy thinking of what he would say to Percy once they met at Tidmouth, he
didn’t notice a red signal up ahead.

James’s Driver: Whoa James! STOP! STOP!

James: (Gasps) WHOA!

Narrator: His driver applied the brakes just in time, but James stopped to roughly
and near collided into Duck coming in the opposite direction.


James: Uh-oh! SORRY DUCK!

Narrator: But as James’s driver tried opening the regulator, James felt a terrible
groaning sound beneath his wheels.


Narrator: His crew surveyed his wheels.

James’s Driver: (Groans) Now you’ve done it! You were so busy show-boating and
nearly ran that signal, that you’ve jammed your brakes hard on with that horrendous
stop. Perhaps if you had listened to Thomas’s advice instead of showing off like
that, this wouldn’t happen. Now we (impersonates James) can’t be on time.

James: Oh don’t you mock me driver! I get it! (Sighs) Just what do we do now?

James’s Driver: I’ll call the signalman and see if anyone takes the train for us,
while we have your brakes seen to.

(Cuts to Percy shunting in Tidmouth Yards)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Percy was busy shunting in the yard. He had the trucks &
coaches in good order, and everything was running on time. However, he was doing it
so well, now even he began to boast like James, and was still thinking of what to
say to him when they next met. And he got his chance as the Stationmaster came up.

Stationmaster: There you are Percy, leave those trucks here, we have an emergency.

Percy’s Driver: Why, what’s happened?

Stationmaster: James’s brakes have jammed, we need Percy’s help right away.

Percy: Right away sir!

(Percy sets off and meets with James)

Narrator: Percy was off to the rescue. He was looking forward to seeing James that
he couldn’t help but see the big red engine, who was looking both embarrassed and
miserable, but cringed when he saw that Percy was the one who came to help him.

James: (Groans) Oh no! You have got to be kidding me!

Percy: Well, well, well! Got yourself in a bit of a jam, eh James? A sticky

James: Oh put a heap of coal in it you contemptible green caterpillar! It’s not
funny having James brakes and you know it!

Percy: Yeah, but also not very reliable either. I heard the whole story, and I’m
really surprised you let it happen James. You said it yourself, (Impersonates
James) nothing should stop us engines.

James: Oh you little green imbecile, I…

Percy’s Driver: (Sternly) Alright, that’s enough you two! Look, Percy, we have to
make up for lost time. Can you push these trucks? They have to go to Tidmouth after

Percy: Of course! There’s no time to lose. James has done too much of that already!

Narrator: James angrily hissed steam, as Percy ran around back to take the vans of
him, and push them on the way. They had to remove the brake van, as unfortunately,
its brakes were damaged after trying to stop James, so they had to be careful
without it.

Percy: Off we go! I’ll have to go fast to get there on time. (Chuckles) Those big
engines are so unreliable.

(Percy sets down the line to Tidmouth, but goes into the wrong siding)

Percy’s Driver: Be careful Percy! We can’t go to fast!

Narrator: But Percy was in a hurry. He was too busy thinking of showing James up,
and that the switch up ahead had failed, and he had been diverted into a runaway
siding. The signalman who witnessed everything ran out with a red flag and blew his


Percy’s Driver: (Gasps) LOOK OUT PERCY!

Percy: (Gasps) UH-OH!

Narrator: His driver applied the brakes, but it was too late!

(Percy’s trucks hit the buffers and the train derails, and the vans get shattered)

Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt, as his driver and fireman had jumped clear. But
the vans were shattered, and boxes of squashed fruit lay everywhere, and some had
landed all over Percy.

(Shows Percy getting covered in squashed fruit)

Percy: (Squash pours on him) Oh! Bluck, blah, ugh! (Spits fruit out)!

(Shows Marlin arriving with the Breakdown Train, and James pulling Percy out of the

Narrator: Marlin soon arrived with the Breakdown Train, and James, who had just had
his brakes repaired, pulled him out of the wrecked vans. There standing there was
the Fat Controller. He did not look happy.

TFC: (Sternly) Percy, you are not to blame for the switch failure. But I run a
railway, not a jam factory!

Percy: (Nervously) Uh, yes sir, no sir!

TFC: And James, this accident wouldn’t have happened if hadn’t been boasting again!

James: (Sadly) Yes sir! Sorry sir!

TFC: I will speak to both of you tonight!

Percy & James: (Sadly) Yes sir!

Narrator: Said the two engines gloomily, as they both puffed sadly away.

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds with Percy being cleaned, and the Fat Controller scolding
him & James)

Narrator: Later that afternoon as Percy was being cleaned, the Fat Controller spoke
to both engines about how foolish it was to be boasting like that, and how they let
their competitive behavior get in the way of their work.

TFC: So hope by now, you both have learned that doing your jobs is a lot less
better than boasting about to make yourselves feel important. I’ll let you both off
with a warning for now, but next time, you both better stop racing or competing,
and get along. Is that understood?

James & Percy: Yes sir! Sorry sir!

TFC: Good!

Narrator: And the Fat Controller turned on his heel, and strolled sternly away.

(Shows Percy, James, Thomas, Edward, Gordon and Henry in Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: That night, the sheds were silent, as James and Percy were still feeling
sorry for themselves. Until at last, Edward spoke.

Edward: You know you two, there’s still more than one way to get into a jam when
you’re boasting or competing, and you lost sight of everything, I’m sure you two
learned that today.

Narrator: Still, there was silence.

Edward: What’s more, even when engines help each other out of a jam, things can
still go wrong if you’re not careful.

James: So?

Edward: So, you both learned a lot today. And therefore, you two should’ve known
better to compete like that, and that really, it’s just a job. It’s better to
appreciate having jobs like this, and to approach these accomplishments with
humility. Which in the end…

James & Percy: We’re really useful engines after all.

James: In that case, I’m sorry I was bossy towards you Percy.

Percy: And I apologize for being so immature. Still friends?

James: Of course!

Thomas: Good job you two! I’m sure the next time when either of you handle the
fruit trains, you’ll learn better next time.

Narrator: James & Percy agreed, but deep down, smiled nervously at each other,
hoping that deep down, there wouldn’t be…a next time.

Narrator: If someday you should every visit the Island of Sodor, and travel with
Thomas the Tank Engine along his branchline, then you would also travel to the
heart of the island, at the mountain village of Ulfstead. It is a very special
place, as the engines know everybody, and everybody knows them. Though the line is
usually serviced by Toby, sometimes Thomas’s service can alternate on special
occasions, as on the starting points, he would stop at Ffarqhuar and Tidmouth from
time-to-time, but at the ending terminus, at would usually stop at Ffarqhuar, but
can occasionally run a special service at Ulfstead, especially if Toby was busy.

(Shows Thomas with a Mail Train at Ulfstead)

Narrator: And this was especially true, as very soon, Christmas was coming to the
Island, and one December morning, Thomas whistled to all of his friends.
Thomas: It’s nearly Christmas, and I’ll make sure that I’ll bring you lots of
letters and parcels.

Little Girl: Thank you Thomas. It wouldn’t be Christmas without you.

Father: Yeah, anybody would think you wear playing Father Christmas.

Thomas: Well then ho, ho, ho, maybe I could be. But until then, I hope you all have
a very Merry Christmas to you and your families.

(Thomas departs as the villagers cheer Thomas goodbye, but then cuts to a blizzard
at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: But that night, an early snowstorm came.

(Shows a montage of every part of Sodor being buried in snow, then cuts to morning,
and shows the engines struggling)

Narrator: The next morning on Christmas Eve, the Island of Sodor was covered in a
thick blanket of white snow. The engines were finding work difficult, and some even
had to help clear snow from the tracks, and workmen hacked away at the frozen banks
of ice.

(Shows Thomas and Percy at the Branchline Harbor)

Narrator: Thomas and Percy were collecting important post for Christmas at the
Branchline Harbor, trying to make up for what they can with the snow in the way.

Thomas: Driver said there’s an increase of parcels for Ulfstead, I’ll need an extra
mail van for it all.

Narrator: He said! Even though Thomas was excited, Percy was feeling left out.

Percy: It’s not fair, you’re not leaving any for me.

Thomas: I’m not! Oh, sorry Percy! The Fat Controller said he wanted me there
yesterday. I would’ve told you, but he told me it’s a job for just one engine.

Percy: (Sighs) I understand, it’s just that I haven’t seen the villagers for a
while. I never get the chance to go there that much. Yeah, I know I make goods
deliveries there, but that’s only on occasion, as Toby mostly works that line.

Thomas: But what about the time you saved Toby from the flood last year, we got to
see them together during that celebration.

Percy: Yeah, but it just wasn’t the same.

Thomas: Oh, I’m sorry Percy. Tell you what, I can tell them for you.

Percy: Thank Thomas!

Narrator: Though Percy’s chance just came sooner than he thought.

Thomas’s Driver: There’s been a change of plan. The Fat Controller needs us at
Knapford Station for something important. Percy, you’ll have to cover for Thomas’s
mail runs along the branchline to Ulfstead.

Narrator: Now it was Percy’s turn to be excited, and Thomas was now disappointed.
Thomas: (Sadly) Bother! I won’t be able to wish Merry Christmas to all my friends.

Percy: Don’t worry Thomas! This time, I’ll do it for you.

Thomas: (Sighs) Thanks Percy! It’s not the same.

(Thomas departs, then fades to Percy making his way to Ulfstead)

Narrator: Sighed Thomas! Soon, Percy was making good time on his way to the village
when suddenly…

Percy’s Driver: What’s that?

Narrator: Exclaimed Percy’s driver. There standing on the line was a fog man
holding a red lamp.

Percy: What’s wrong?

Fog man: The village is cut off by the snow. We need snowplows, workmen and a
helicopters. Leave your trucks in the nearest sidings and go back quickly.

Percy: Right!

(Percy reverses, then cuts to him approaching Dryaw to speak to Harold)

Narrator: Once Percy dropped of his mail vans, he raced as fast as he could to
Dryaw Airfield, knowing who to go to first.

Percy: Peep, peep! Wake up Harold! We got an emergency!

Harold: Of course what’s the matter old chap?

Percy: The Mountain Villagers of Ulstead need your help, they’re stranded in the

Harold: Whizzo! I’m on my way! Besides, I like an emergency to keep me warm.

(Harold takes off)

Narrator: And Harold buzzed away to the rescue.

Percy: Excellent! Now, what’s next?

(Sees Thomas approach with the Breakdown Train and Terence)

Narrator: Suddenly, he saw right in the distance to his delight was none other than
Thomas, who was pulling Terence the Tractor and a Works Train.

Percy: Thomas! Is this why you were sent to Knapford?

Thomas: It sure is! Looks like we’ll both be going to Ulfstead after all! Now come
on Percy, follow me!

(Cuts to Thomas and Percy pulling the Works Train to Ulfstead)

Narrator: The two tank engines battled their way through the heavy snow until at
last, they made it all the way to Ulfstead. The villagers were overjoyed to see
(Harold drops packages for them)

Narrator: Harold was hovering ahead dropping Christmas dinner and supplies to the
villagers below.

(Shows the Workmen clearing up and Terence ploughing the snow)

Narrator: Terence and the workmen soon set to work.

Terence: Lovely stuff!

Narrator: Said Terence cheerfully, as pushed the snow aside.

(Cuts to the villagers applauding Percy & Thomas)

Villagers: Well done, Percy! Well done, Thomas! You’re the best Santa Claus this
village has ever had!

Thomas: Of course, we couldn’t leave any of you stranded. Especially on Christmas


Percy: Yeah! By the way Thomas? What’s a Santa Claus? I’ve heard that somewhere

Thomas: Oh, Santa Claus is the symbol of Christmas. He’s a jolly stout gentlemen
like the Fat Controller, who’s dressed in red, and drives in a sleigh up in the sky
being pulled by reindeer, giving all the good children of the world presents down
chimneys on Christmas Eve.

Percy: Oh, I wonder if…

Thomas: (Chuckles) No! Chimneys at houses, Percy! Not funnels! Which reminds me,
your mail train is still back at the siding, isn’t it?

Percy: Oh yeah, I forgot! Better give the villagers the parcels.

(Shows Percy rushing away, then shows Toby pulling up beside Thomas)

Narrator: So as Percy hurried away to fetch the mail vans, Thomas heard a familiar
bell he knew all too well and smiled. There was Toby, pulling in with Henrietta.

Thomas: Toby! You’re here too!

Toby: (Chuckles) Of course! I do work this line to.

Thomas & Toby: (Chuckles)

Toby: Anyways, we brought hot drinks and food for the villagers.

Narrator: The villagers soon gathered around, and were enjoying themselves, as
Percy arrived with the mail vans, and the drivers, firemen, guards and workmen were
passing out the food, drink and Christmas mail to each person, and everybody had a
happy time.

(Cuts to night with the villagers climbing into Henrietta, and Toby setting off
down the line to Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: But soon, it was the night of Christmas Eve, and Thomas and Percy took
Terence and the Works Train and went back home. Except for Toby that is. The
villagers had asked him to stay as they made a plan to thank the engines. They
loaded paint pots, paint brushes, and parcels into some vent vans coupled behind
Henrietta. And once they boarded, they all set off through the moonlit winter

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds as Toby enters quietly into the yard)

Narrator: All the engines were fast asleep in Tidmouth Sheds as Toby ran silently
into the yard. He had no idea what the villagers were planning, but he knew it was
going to a big surprise.

(Fades to Christmas morning with Thomas, Percy, Edward, Gordon, Henry, and James
waking up to find the sheds decorated)

Narrator: When the engines awoke on Christmas morning, they could not believe their
eyes, as they were surprised to find that the sheds had been repainted in beautiful
red, white and green, and redecorated in Christmas decorations.

Gordon: Well I never!

Edward: (Chuckles) Wow!

Percy: What’s going on?

Woman: Merry Christmas engines! We set this up while you were asleep.

Thomas: You did? All for us?

Man: Yeah! It’s our way of saying thank you helping us in that snowdrift.

Another Woman: So today, on Christmas! We would like to repay that favor to all of
you engines.

Thomas: Why thank you! This is really flattering!

TFC: I couldn’t agree more!

Narrator: Said a familiar voice, as there was the Fat Controller and Lady Hatt and
their children, who arrived on Toby and Henrietta. And soon, showing up were BoCo,
Bear, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Duck, Bill, Ben, Mavis, Daisy and Marlin all showed
up outside as well, joining in on the festivities, as well as the road vehicles and

TFC: Thomas & Percy, I’m very proud of you two for all your hard work yesterday, as
I’m proud of all you engines. For the past 5 years since I’ve become controller, I
couldn’t have asked for better engines, and despite our ups and downs, I’m proud of
you all, and I’m so glad to have engines like all of you, working hard and being
really useful. And I’ve decided since we are all gonna have this Christmas Party,
it’s with a heavy heart that from this day forward, every year on Christmas Eve, we
shall a party on a different part of the island, were everybody is invited, and we
can all celebrate Christmas on the Island of Sodor together, like the big, happy
family we all are. Especially since next year, will be the start of a new decade
into the 90’s, and I can’t wait to see what fate will bring. But until then, let
the Christmas party begin. Merry Christmas everyone!

Narrator: And everybody cheered! The engines all whistled in delight, and everyone
agreed that was a really Happy Christmas on the Island of Sodor.

Narrator: One morning, Gordon the Big Engine was in a foul mood, and couldn’t
explain why. He started to feel grumpy, and was complaining endlessly for no
reason, feeling he needed to enforce how “vital” he was to the railway. Needless to
say, the other engines were getting quite fed up with his boasting.

James: Alright Gordon, why are you complaining all the time?

Gordon: Because I am a big and grand express engine that knows everything, and I
shall complain whenever I want. Then again, you just wouldn’t understand, being a
small red engine with ideas above your station.

James: Pah! Above my station, never heard that before.

Percy: Well, I can’t see any.

Gordon: Any what?

Percy: Ideas above the station. The whole sky is empty.

James: (Chuckles) Yeah, like your smokebox Percy.

Percy: Humph!

Gordon: One of these days, I’ll show you all what express engines like me can
really do!

Percy: Like what?

Gordon: Oh say, not speak to naïve little green engines for a start!

Percy: HEY!

Narrator: But before either James or Percy could retort, Gordon puffed importantly

(Cuts to the Fat Controller speaking to Gordon at the goods shed near Tidmouth

Narrator: Later that day, the Fat Controller came to see him.

TFC: Gordon, as you know, the Kirk Ronan Branch line will be restored to it’s fully
glory in about a week from now, so I would like you too take an empty express today
to test the main station of Kirk Ronan itself at the end of the line. It’ll only be
one stop today, so you can make up time afterwards.

Gordon: WHAT? ME, A BRANCHLINE ENGINE? But sir, why can’t Henry do it, he likes
idling in stations. Or Donald or Douglas, they’re more suited for jobs like this on
branch lines.

TFC: (Sternly) You will do as you are told Gordon! Remember, no engine is too
important to do whatever work is given, as you are equal to every other engine.
It’s either that, or a slow goods to Barrow.

Gordon: (Sadly) Yes sir! Sorry sir!

(Fades to Gordon puffing down the line)

Narrator: So Gordon did just that. But along the way, he began to feel unwell.

Gordon: (Groans) I just can’t get up to speed!

Gordon’s Driver: No kidding! It seems like it’s time for another visit to the
works. Your pipes must be clogged.

(Shows Gordon speeding down the rural Kirk Ronan branch, then to Kirk Ronan itself)

Narrator: Thankfully, as Gordon was switched onto the Kirk Ronan branch, he
actually began to enjoy it, and actually took in the rural sights of the line,
which helped him take his mind off his condition. And as soon as he passed the
harbor and reached Kirk Ronan itself, he was in awe, as the area was at an elevated
level above the town. There were sidings at the end, but the tracks were set up so
tender engines could move without a turntable. Gordon was impressed, as it reminded
him a little bit of King’s Cross, but his mood soon changed to how he felt that
very morning, as in front of him was large blank wall at the end of the line. He
was most indignant.

Gordon: Humph! What a boring view! Important engines like me should have a
panoramic view, where I could see people, and people can see yours truly!

Narrator: And the big blue engine whished angrily! But he was pleased when it was
time to leave.

Gordon’s Driver: Okay Gordon, now can really have a good run. As long as your pipes
will let you.

Gordon: Excellent! Let’s get moving then.

(Shows Gordon speeding uncomfortably)

Narrator: But Gordon’s issues only seemed to get worse.

Gordon: COME ON! COME ON! I can go faster than this! Sick, me? Never!

Narrator: But he spoke too soon. As he kept pushing himself, he started to feel
very feeble, and could go no further.

(Gordon breaks down in the middle of the line)

Narrator: Then Gordon’s boiler began to rumble and squeal something awful as black
soot was pouring from his funnel. With one final whish, he came to a complete stop
in the middle of the line.

Gordon: (Groans) What happened?

Gordon’s Driver: Something has broken inside you Gordon. Now you’ll really have to
go to the works.

Gordon: (Groans) Oh the indignity!

(Shows James coming to collect Gordon’s coaches)

Narrator: To add to Gordon’s dismay, James arrived to collect Gordon’s coaches. He

could only delight at the latter’s misfortune.

James: Well, well, well! So much for knowing about everything! You got too puffed
in your own boiler and it serves your right.

Gordon: (Sarcastically) Oh hilarious! Just get me to the works already alright!

(James pulls Gordon and his train)

Narrator: So James coupled up in front and pulled Gordon all the way to Crovans
Gate, while he uncoupled to let Marlin to shunt the big blue engine to the

(Shows Gordon on the turntable at Tidmouth Sheds where Edward & Henry)

Narrator: Unfortunately, when Gordon returned from the Works a few days later, he
was still boasting.

Gordon: I have never felt better! Just look at my gleaming livery. I am the finest
engine on the island, no, probably the finest in the world.

Henry: Wow, even after your breakdown last week, you’re still unbelievable.

Edward: Indeed! If I were you Gordon, I’d be careful with that boasting of yours.

Henry: Edward’s right Gordon. Look where it’s gotten you in the past.

Gordon: Pah! I wouldn’t let those incidents happen to me! I’ve come so far to let
anything like that happen. Now if you two will excuse me, I’m must be off, I’m
headed to the Grand Opening of the new station. Ta-ta!

(Gordon departs)

Henry: (Groans) Why do I get the feeling that something dreadful is gonna happen
whenever he boasts like that?

Edward: Take no notice Henry. He’ll come around eventually, because somehow, karma
is just around the corner.

(Shows Gordon speeding down the line)

Narrator: And Edward was right. Gordon was speeding down the line, determined to
make a grand entrance. But as they were approaching the station, there was trouble.
Neither the driver nor the fireman could apply the brakes. They were terribly
jammed, and they tried to reduce steam, but Gordon was picking speed up.



Narrator: But worse was that the station was up ahead!

Gordon: OH NO! HELP!

Narrator: He shouted! People at the edge of the platform, including the Fat
Controller were waiting to cheer and clap for him, until realizing that Gordon was
in trouble.


(People screaming and running away in terror)

Narrator: All the guests ran out like a flock of birds out of the station, and so
did the Fat Controller, and got out of the way just in time.
(Gordon speeds up, blows his whistle frantically and crashes through the wall)

Gordon: (Groans) Ow! Help me! Please!

Narrator: Thankfully, everybody got out just in time, but Gordon was damaged
terribly in the front, and his crew were still alive, but were quite injured, and
the wall and platform were smashed through.

(Shows Donald & Douglas pulling Gordon back)

Narrator: Donald & Douglas had arrived to help Gordon back onto solid rails, as
Gordon’s crew were load into ambulance vans, and taken to the hospital, while the
workmen, disappointed that all that work they spent had been damaged, set about
repairing the platform, so the grand-opening was postponed. The Fat Controller came
up to see him.

TFC: (Smirks) Well Gordon, I’m glad you’re alright, and I heard from your driver
that you wanted to have a panoramic view, but (Chuckles) this is really not the way
to achieve it.

Gordon: (Sadly) Yes sir! Sorry sir!

Narrator: Gordon said sheepishly. He now began to understand what Edward & Henry

(Cuts to Gordon pulling two boogie coaches and arriving to Kirk Ronan safely, where
Thomas, Percy, James, Henry, Edward, Duck, BoCo, Bear, Oliver, Donald & Douglas are

Narrator: A week later, Gordon was fully repaired, and a replacement driver and
fireman took his place while his regular crew were recovering. And thankfully, he
stopped boasting after his accident to, and was puffing down the Kirk Ronan
branchline with a train of guests and the Fat Controller for its re-grand opening.
This time, he arrived both safely and humbly, and the people clapped and cheered,
and the other engines who attended blew their whistles with applause for their
friend. But as he stopped, he noticed instead of a boring, generic white wall,
there was a hole in it, in the shape of Gordon’s smokebox. Gordon was impressed, as
the Fat Controller stepped out and proudly presented it.

TFC: Here Gordon, is your very own panoramic view, and it is here to stay. I trust
you will always be able to see through it from the safety of your own rails.

Narrator: Everyone laughed, and Gordon hearted agreed. As soon as the laughter died
down, the Fat Controller made his speech.

TFC: Last year, Oliver had found this branchline by mistake when on a detour with
the post train one night in April.

Narrator: Oliver from nearby smiled, but blushed a deep shade of red.

TFC: But it was thanks to his discovery, we had found and have finally been able to
restore the Kirk Ronan Branchline to its full glory. It was a shame when it was
shut down during the Great Depression, especially visiting on holidays with my
family back when I was young. But now, we have reopened the line, and it is here to
stay, providing goods and services to the people living in the Southeast part of
the Island of Sodor. Now I’m not able to find a permanent engine to run it at the
moment, but for now, Donald, Douglas, and Bear will all take turns on running the
line every now and again, until I can find a permanent engine someday that can run
the line. So without further or do, I hereby declare the branchline of Kirk Ronan,
officially opened.

Narrator: Everyone cheered, especially Gordon, who for the first time, felt happy
that day.

(Opens with Henry puffing beside the canal, then shows Henry puffing across
different locations described in the opening)

Narrator: Henry the Green Engine has lived on the Island of Sodor for many years.
He wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. He loves every part of it, from
the beautiful green fields and valleys where the flowers bloom, sandy yellow
beaches of the coastal track, the relaxing, rushing rivers under bridges. But there
is one place on the whole island that the Green Five loves visiting more than any
other, and his driver knew this to.

Henry’s Driver: Come on Henry! We’ve made good time today, and have nothing else to
do in the meantime, we’ll go to the signalman, and ask him to switch into the
passing siding and stop for a while by the forest.

Henry: You’re read my mind driver. I could use this time to relax.

(Shows Henry approaching the Forest)

Narrator: Henry loved it here. The forest on the Main Line was a beautiful and
ancient place, full of broad oaks and tall pines, and animals inhabiting the area.

(Shows a flashback with Henry, Toby, Bear, Terence and Trevor)

Narrator: Henry could remember about 10 years ago when he, Toby, and Bear helped to
bring some new trees to be planted, and Terence and Trevor helped to haul them into
place. The Fat Controller’s father understood this, and he built a passing siding
near the Main Line, so any case Henry did visit the forest, he and his crew would
ask special permission from the Signalman to be switched onto the passing siding.
This is what’s known as Rule No. 55, meaning it is important for the Signalman
would know an engine’s position on the railway, as it is too dangerous for an
engine to stall on the middle of the Main Line, which could cause an accident. So
that problem was solved, and no accidents ever occurred once, and now Henry see the
trees growing strong and tall on the hillside. If you would’ve known him for many
years, Henry had his occasional moments of being quite grumpy and cocky sometimes,
and had a hard time dealing with reality. But he’s matured over the years, and is
really deep down a very kind-hearted, polite, and wise locomotive that can offer
great moral support for a friend in need. Sometimes dealing with reality could be
too much, so Henry always felt better for coming here, as it he felt it helped him
to escape from reality. It may be surprising at first to hear a steam locomotive
being a nature lover, but his driver and the other engines understood.

Henry’s Driver: It’s peaceful.

Narrator: He would say to Henry.

(A storm sweeps across the island, but then cuts to the Henry, James, Thomas,
Gordon, Toby and Bear in Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: But one night, everything changed. A fierce storm had swept across the
island. The engines were resting inside Tidmouth sheds.

Thomas: Listen, can you hear a strange whistling sound?

Toby: Yes indeed! It’s the wind, blowing strongly past our sheds. Though in all my
years, I’ve never heard it like this before.

James: Do you know, if Gordon wasn’t here now, I saw it was him thundering by with
the express.

Gordon: Hah! Very funny James. Or it could be Bear, growling his engine like

Bear: Ha, ha! Watch it! Even my engine is not as loud as that.

Narrator: And all the engines laughed, except for Henry, was feeling rather

Henry: (Inner monologue) I hope the winds won’t harm the forest.

Narrator: He thought sadly to himself.

(Cuts to morning with the forest destroyed)

Narrator: Next morning, the fierce winds had finally gone, but the damage was done.
The forest was destroyed terribly in the storm. Henry, who was still worried was
taking on water, when the Yard Foreman came and told Henry’s Driver the bad news.

Henry’s Driver: Bad news old boy. The storm last night had damaged the forest
terribly. Trees have now fallen on the line, and we must help clear the tracks.

Henry: (Sadly) Right! Though I know I won’t like what I’m gonna see.

(Shows Donald and Henry setting off down the line to the destroyed forest)

Narrator: Donald set off pulling the Breakdown Train, and Henry followed with
flatbed trucks in tow. Once they arrived, Henry was right about what he said, as
the forest was destroyed, as trees had fallen everywhere, and the hillside where
they once stood looked so bare. Henry felt very devastated by this.

Henry: What will happen to all the animals that live here? This forest was so full
of life, and now it’s all gone.

(Henry puffs away and arrives at the Sodor Lumberyards)

Narrator: He thought sadly to himself. Once Henry’s flatbeds were loaded with logs,
the big green engine took them to the Lumberyards where they would be turned into
furniture, houses, and many other objects made out of wood. Even though Henry was
glad the wood was being put to go use, he was still distraught that his favorite
place on the Island of Sodor was lost. He just didn’t know how he could get over

(Shows Henry at Knapford a week later, still depressed)

Narrator: Several days had passed, and Henry was still distraught. While he was
able to do his work just fine, it was hard for him to get over the loss his forest.
The other engines were very concerned about the well-being of their friend. Even
though they couldn’t understand how Henry could be interested in the environment,
they knew how much the forest on the Main Line meant to him. They remained
respectfully silent, but still were hoping to help, especially Bear & Toby, who had
worked with him that day. After all, the forest meant a lot to them as well.

Toby: Poor Henry! It really is sad for the forest to go out like that thanks to
that storm. I honestly hope there was a way we could make things better for him
again. The animals are losing their habitats, and they could soon…no I can’t say
that, it just doesn’t feel right.

Bear: Aye, I know what you mean Toby. But what can we do, I mean, we can’t just
mend broken trees, let alone a whole ecosystem.
Toby: No, but I know somebody who could give us a hand. (Sees the Fat Controller)
Excuse me sir.

Narrator: Toby called out, and the Fat Controller came strolling towards the two

TFC: Oh, hello Toby, Bear! You two need to speak with me?

Toby: Indeed we do sir. We’re worried about Henry. The forest has been a special
place for him ever since we helped set it up 10 years ago. And thanks to that
horrendous storm, most of it is gone.

Bear: Yeah, and we’re just as sad about this to. It’s like the wildlife there has
grounded to a halt, and Henry’s own happiness has with it. Especially if lots of
devastating things could occur from this.

TFC: Indeed so. I understand you two, as I would come to visit that forest
sometimes myself. Though I won’t stand there and let it die like that.

Toby: You mean, you have a plan sir?

TFC: That I do Toby. We’ll soon put this right, just like you two and Henry did 10
years ago. Were there’s a will, there’s a way. I have an important job for you two.
There are some vans that I have waiting at the Harbor.

Bear: What sorta vans sir?

TFC: Wait and see.

(Cuts to Toby & Bear by the quay with some open wagons with trees)

Narrator: When Bear & Toby arrived, they found there were lots of long open tube
wagons that were loaded with splendid young trees. There were even vent vans with
all different kinds of stuff to keep wildlife going.

Toby: (Chuckles triumphantly) Now this is the best job we’ve ever had.

Bear: Ya got that right Toby. Now the forest will never die out. Henry will be
really pleased when he sees this.

(Both Bear and Toby depart, then cuts to Henry arriving surprised to see work being
down for the forest)

Narrator: Two days later, Henry was puffing down the line with flatbed headed to
the forest. He was still upset at losing his forest that he was too pained to see.

Henry: Why didn’t the Fat Controller tell us why?

Henry’s Driver: I don’t know. But I guess we’ll soon find out.

Narrator: Once Henry arrived, he was shocked to see Toby & Bear helping the workman
delivering the young trees and planting them in their places, as well as building
habitats, while Terence and Trevor helped pull away the torn stumps and branches,
and put new trees into their proper place. Henry was so happy to see this, he began
to cry tears of joy.

Henry: (Chuckles) What is this?

Terence: Look Henry! We’re begennin again! De 'illside'll look beautiful dan ever
befahre. You’ll see!

Toby: And we told the Fat Controller, and he actually planned on this just a week
after the storm.

Henry: Thank you everybody! You’re all the greatest friends this big green engine
could ever ask for.

Bear: Ah, don’t mention it Henry. We’re just happy to help.

Toby: Indeed! Even when something looks like it’s at it end, that special something
can always come back, and life always finds a way.

Narrator: Henry felt very happy than he did for the first time he did that whole
week. And soon, they all set to work restoring the forest back to the way it was.

(Shows random shots of Henry’s Forest, and ends with Henry enjoying and watching
the sights and sounds)

Narrator: Once the forest was restored a few days later, the Fat Controller made it
a special preserve, and decided to call it, Henry’s Forest, knowing how of all
engines, this place meant a lot to Henry the Green Engine. Now whenever Henry comes
by to relax on his free time at the forest, he can see the new trees growing strong
and tall. Everywhere is very quiet and peaceful, and at other times Henry can hear
leaves rustling, or a bird’s wings rushing through the air. Often he can hear the
distant sounds of children laughing. But most importantly, he’s always happy here,
as is it helps him find peace, and that life is good, and life goes on.

Narrator: Even though the Island of Sodor is famous for having many railway lines,
as well as diverse fleet of different locomotives with different characteristics
and backgrounds, there are also different non-rail vehicles that have been around
on the island for many years, and come in many different shapes and sizes,
providing very great services. There is Harold the Helicopter, who patrols the
island from the skies, helping in anyone in distress. There is Bertie the Bus and
his friends at the bus depot, that help transport people wherever they need to be
by road, as well as Butch the Breakdown Lorry, helping broken vehicles in
emergency, as well as Terence ploughing in his field, and Trevor working at the
Orchard, and the Sodor Construction Company, or the Pack, handling different
construction jobs. They are all really useful, and are very good friends with the
engines. However, there is one non-rail vehicle that is not at all very friendly,
in fact, he isn’t really that pleasant at all.

(Shows George trundling along and being a jerk)

Narrator: This is George. George is a steamroller that resides in Suddrey, and is

used to mend the roads when they’ve been damaged or under terrible conditions,
which you can say are as terrible as his personality. He is a very bad-tempered,
cynical and abrasive steamroller with a horrible attitude, and to get a friendly
whistle from him, it’s simply unheard of. Even if you try to be nice to him, and
haven’t actually met George, he wouldn’t return the favor, as he would just be
nasty to them by berating them with horrid insults and bullying them for no reason.
The reason for his nasty behavior is because he cannot stand the sight of railways.
In fact, he loathes them, and would even go as far as rebelling because he simply
wants to flatten them up and get rid of them, believing that roads are superior,
and that they shouldn’t be in use.


Narrator: He would always rant. He is very stubborn, and his temper is hard to cool
down, as the only thing that makes him happy is tearing up railways and causing
trouble for the engines. None of the engines even like him one, especially Sir
Handel, whom despite being unpleasant and selfish himself, he couldn’t stand
George, and the cynical pair held a rivalry with one another since the day they

(Shows Percy arriving by the Slate Transfer Yards with Skarloey, Rheneas, Peter Sam
and George)

Narrator: One morning, Percy was sent to collect George from the Slate Transfer
Yards, and bring him to a construction site right on the Peel Godred Branchline. As
usual, George was being very nasty to the Skarloey Engines.

George: To think I should be working alongside you useless kettles. Engines like
all of you are worn-out wheels on worn-out rails.

Rheneas: More like you need rocks for that roller of yours.

Skarloey: Indeed! We’re only just trying to help you George.

George: Grrrr…what I need is to flatten a bunch of pathetic little engines like you
in the scrapyards for all I care.

Narrator: Then engines just snorted indignantly, and so did Percy when he came into

Percy: Geez George, there’s no need to be so horrid all the time. You know, life
isn’t all that bad as you think sometimes. If you give it a chance.

Peter Sam: You’re right Percy! There are plenty of good things in the world.

Skarloey: Yes, and instead of complaining, you should come to terms with the fact
that both railways and roads should work together, and the deliveries getting to
their destinations.

George: Good? There’s no good in this world, because of how happy and cheerful you
all are. It just makes me sick. The only good is me tearing up your rails, and
flattening up engines like until you’re nothing.

Percy: (Annoyed) Argh…oh just shut up and come on!

Narrator: Percy crossly bumped the flatbed, and was coupled on, as George was still

(Percy departs with George)

Narrator: The little engines were pleased George was gone, but felt sorry that now
Percy and the bigger engines now had to put up with the abrasive steamroller.

(Shows Percy pulling George as they puff along the line as they pass Killdane)

Narrator: Percy was pulling George to a construction project where the Pack was
working, as he was to turn any old railway lines there into roads. George was only
a part-time member of the Pack, as he was still owned by Jem Cole Jr., but that was
okay, because the steamroller never really liked working with them. But then again,
he usually hates everybody. As usual, George was still ranting and raving.


Percy: (Annoyed) Oh shut up! We get it! God!

(Shows Percy arriving at a part of the old line at Peel Godred)

Narrator: Percy soon arrived at the area.

George: Bumpy ride on rotten rails. I’m glad that’s over.

Percy: So am I!

George: Humph! At least when I’m flattening up old railway lines, I’m in my
element. Now get lost!

Narrator: Percy just left in a huff. He did not like being spoken to that way, and
just ran off angrily without another word.

(Cuts to Percy and Thomas at Elsbridge Junction)

Narrator: Soon, Percy arrived at Elsbridge Junction to take on water, where he met
Thomas getting ready to take a goods train. The little blue tank engine could tell
his friend looked upset.

Thomas: Hello Percy! Is everything alright?

Percy: No! I’m just having a really rotten morning!

Thomas: Oh, what’s wrong?

Percy: It’s George! I had to take him to that construction project, and he was
going on and on about how railways were useless and pathetic. I just don’t
understand why he has to be such a jerk all the time.

Thomas: (Sighs) I can’t argue with you on that Percy. But you shouldn’t let him get
to you. If you ever comes across George, just ignore him, and pretend that he’s not
even saying a word. That’s what I would do, as it’s not worth it to argue with that

Percy: Alright! Thanks Thomas!

Thomas: Of course! I have to go now, see you Percy.

(Thomas departs, and then cuts to George at the Construction Site)

Narrator: Meanwhile, George was working away at tearing up the old rails. These
rails were once part of the Mid Sodor Railway that crossed over the Standard Gauge
line. Needless to say, George was having the time of his life.

George: Ah, ripping up rails. What a life.

Narrator: The workmen, as well as the Pack who were also working there to, took no
notice, but still quite annoyed at George’s gloating.

Jack: Sheesh, can you believe this guy?

Alfie: I know right! He’s no fun. And I thought Max & Monty were bad.

Oliver: Oh pay no mind you two, best to get out of his way.

(Thomas shows up with Construction supplies)

Narrator: Just then, George saw Thomas, whom had arrived with building materials
for the project.

George: Eh, Thomas! I’m tearing up you’re pathetic old railway lines, what do you
say to that you old teapot?

Narrator: But Thomas just ignored him as he arrived. The Pack and workmen were glad
to see him, so they wouldn’t have to listen to George. George himself felt
insulted, and kept trying even more.

George: You’re a useless blue puffball! You should be scrapped while I give you the
Narrator: But Thomas took no notice and kept ignoring him. He was enjoying talking
with the Pack members and the workmen. As he left with the construction waste,
George just snapped.


Narrator: A few minutes later, the workmen had now come to the cross section of the

Workman 1: What should we do here?

George: What does it look like? Tear it up! TARMAC IT!

Workman 1: Um okay? (Whispers to another workman) Why are we taking orders from
that steamroller?

Workman 2: Beat’s me, as long as we’re getting payed.


Both Workmen: Um yes, right away George.

Narrator: So reluctantly, and without Jem Cole or Miss Jenny knowing, they did just
that. But not properly, and George knew it.

Jack: Hey! What do you think you’re doing?

George: Teach ya blokes a listen for not paying attention to me.

Alfie: You are unbelievable, you know that George. If don’t stop right now, we’ll…

George: You’ll what? Tell on me? Humph! I’d like to see you try.

Narrator: And George had trundled away laughing, leaving Jack & Alfie worried.

(Cuts to Thomas puffing down the line)

Narrator: Later, Thomas was coming down the line pulling box vans of vegetables
from Farmer McColl’s farm to Kirk Machan, and he was enjoying himself, puffing down
the peaceful line, and making good time. However, the signalman had not been
alerted Miss Jenny about George’s scheme, as she wasn’t aware at the time, as she
was on her lunch break.

Thomas: Ah, this is nice. We’re almost there, and we don’t even need to stop.

Thomas’s Driver: Um, yes we do! Look up ahead!


Narrator: His driver applied the brakes, but it was too late.

(Thomas hits through the tarmac and derails and rolls down the hill, and crashes
into a nearby chicken coop)

(Chickens cluck)

Thomas: Ah, ARRGHHH! WHAT WAS THAT? You okay you two?

Thomas’s Driver: Oh we’ll live, but how could the road over there just be paved
over an active railway line like that?

Thomas: I think I know who.

(Shows George trundling down the road)

George: (Cackles evilly) Serves you right you useless blue teapot. That will teach
you to steal attention from me!

Thomas: ARGH! It seems that George just never gives up in trying to cause trouble
for our railway.

Thomas’s Driver: Oh he better give up soon, because we shall report this to the Fat

(Shows work being to clear up the mess)

Narrator: Soon, the Pack and Butch had arrived to help Thomas out of the mess, and
even set about clearing the mess that George forced the workmen into creating for
his scheme. Kelly helped lift Thomas onto a flatbed that was being pulled by Marlin
to the Steamworks.

Thomas: Thanks for helping me out of this guys.

Kelly: Of course Thomas. Jack & Alfie said they tried to stop George, but they
didn’t want to be a bunch of tattletales.

Thomas: Oh they wouldn’t be. It seems like George has a vengeful streak even when
you do try to ignore him.

Miss Jenny: I quite agree.

Narrator: Said a voice, and both Thomas and Kelly could see Miss Jenny, whom had
just arrived.

Miss Jenny: I apologize ar behalf of what happened Thomas. I was on mé my lunch

break, and I didn’t know about seo until the foreman called me. Nevertheless, I
will report this to the Fat Controller, because I will not let George’s actions go
unnoticed, especially after threatening Jack, Alfie, and the Workmen like that.
(Cuts to Percy at Knapford with Gordon)

Narrator: Later that afternoon, Percy was told about what George did to Thomas, and
now he had to cover his passenger service. While he was collecting passengers at
Knapford Station, he told Gordon all about George and his antics.

Gordon: Humph! You and Thomas are just small engines, that’s why he’s been causing
trouble for you both.

Percy: Hey! No need to be rude!

Gordon: I’m not, I’m just stating it as a fact. It’s just that ill-mannered rolling
pin wouldn’t dare cause a big engine like me any trouble.

Percy: (Annoyed) Oh, and what if he does?

Gordon: Simple, I’ll just come up, look him in the eye, and give him so discipline.
My size and strength alone would be enough to oppose this lunatic.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Gordon departs)

Gordon: Trust me Percy, I won’t let some renegade steamroller try to terrorize me.

Percy: (Sighs) Gordon, you’re great and all, but you’re boasting is so
overwhelming. (Inner monologue) To be fair, I’d rather put up with Gordon or the
other big engines’ boasting than George’s, I hate to admit.

(Cuts to George working at Crosby, then Duck shows up)

Narrator: Meanwhile, George was out paving the car park and road entrances at
Crosby Station. He still felt proud of himself for causing Thomas’s accident that
he was now thinking of another scheme to cause trouble for the railway. Just then,
he saw Duck, coming into the yards with a mixed goods train of Ballast and
groceries need for Crosby. George had a rather devious grin when he realized how
long Duck’s train was, and without hesitation, the steamroller darted out right in
front of the Pannier before he could even get into the sidings.

Duck: WHOA!

(Duck grinds to a halt, touch the tip of George’s roller, and trucks bump one
another, as his whistle blares out in alarm)


George: Well anything to get you worn-out rail rolling scum in the scrap heap.
Because I’m busy here!

Duck: George! I don’t have time for this, alright! Now beg your pardon and let me

George: I said I’m busy, you’re just gonna have to wait!

Duck: I can’t wait! I have to clear my train from the Main Line right now. Gordon
will be coming down here with the express anytime sooner.

George: Well then that galloping blue sausage well have to wait to.

George: Well anything to get your stupid railway shut down and ripped up. The
people on this island are bloody stupid to be traveling as so called “passengers”
on your god forsaken railway, that this will be a lesson to all of ya.

Narrator: Duck couldn’t believe what George was saying! This steamroller was really
gonna do everything he can to get what he wanted. Duck, his driver, fireman, guard,
as well as George’s driver, and even the stationmaster all tried to argue with him.
But the steamroller was too stubborn to listen. The Stationmaster could see what
was going on, and ordered the guard to try and warn Gordon to stop.

(Shows the passengers inside the express and Gordon thundering down the line)

Narrator: As Gordon thundered down the line with the express, his passengers were
singing his praises, and the big blue engine felt his position deeply.

Gordon: Ha, ha! I really am the greatest! The fastest and the best, I pull the
express! Just watch me fly by!

Narrator: Gordon was enjoying himself, but not for long, as he saw Duck’s guard on
the platform at Crosby, blowing his whistle and waving his red flag, and Gordon
could even see the signalman had the signal up ahead set at danger, and soon he
realized why when Duck’s brake van came to view.


Narrator: Gordon tried to apply his brakes and blared his whistle in emergency, but
it was a moment too late.

(Gordon tries to stop but crashes into the train and derails)

Narrator: Gordon had crashed right into the brake van and last 3 vans of Duck’s
train and derailed. The passengers weren’t hurt, but there were a few cuts and
bruises. They were in both shock and outrage at what just happened.


Narrator: But George slunk away before anybody could reprimand him, feeling quite
pleased with himself.

(Shows the mess being cleared)

Narrator: Soon, Marlin arrived to clear up the mess with the Breakdown Train, and
the Ambulance arrived to take those who were injured to the hospital. The Fat
Controller had arrived, and both Gordon & Duck were worried that he might be cross.
He was, but not with the two engines, as he spoke kindly to the duo.

TFC: Don’t worry you two, I know this wasn’t either of your fault. But I believe
whoever caused this incident is also responsible for Thomas’s accident on the Peel
Godred Branchline earlier today.

Duck: That’s right sir! It was George, he came in here acting like an idiotic
lunatic like he usually does, and caused this accident as another point that
“railways are no good”. He even wanted the passengers on Gordon’s express to see
his point of view.

TFC: Did he now! Well George is gonna get it once Jem and I are though with him.

Marlin: What are you gonna do with him sir. According to what Thomas & Duck said,
he’s just too stubborn to listen.

TFC: I got something in mind Marlin. Something that, that steamroller will hate.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller and Jem Cole berating George at Suddrey)

Narrator: So that evening, the Fat Controller and Jem Cole spoke severely to George
about his rebellious and nasty behavior, now causing George to subside. He tried to
make up an excuse, but neither his owner nor the Fat Controller wouldn’t buy it,
and decided to give the cynical steamroller what they believed to be a suitable

(Cuts to the Sodor Lumberyards with Thomas and Percy coming in and seeing George

Narrator: Three days later, Thomas was repaired, and he and Percy came to
Lumberyards, surprised to find George there. For his punishment, his roller was
removed, and his flywheel was attached to the sawmill, as he was gonna be used cuts
wood. Of course, he felt miserable, and this time, he wasn’t grumbling now.

Thomas: Well, well, well, look here’s. Seems like karma finally got you, didn’t
George. Maybe we’ll finally get some peace at last.

George: This isn’t over puffballs. I’ll be back, and your railways will be…

(Sawblade goes off)

Percy: What’s that George? We can’t here you?

Foreman: Don’t worry lads, with him being the engine driving our sawmill, at least
he’s shutting himself up. Now you George, shut your mouth and get cutting.

Thomas: (Chuckles and speaks sarcastically) Yeah, but even after his punishment is
done, he’ll probably be rude as usual. Eh, George?

Narrator: I hope not, don’t you?

(Opens with Terence giving hay rides, and Thomas giving him a friendly whistle)

Narrator: Autumn had arrived on the Island of Sodor. Everyone was quite busy
lately, but none more so than Terence the Tractor. On the weekends, he could be
found chugging about in his field, hitched to a cart of hay, and giving children
rides all day long. Terence loved doing this, and the engines would give him
cheerful greetings as they passed-all except for Daisy. One morning, she questioned
the Terence while waiting at a signal.

(Shows Daisy and Terence talking at his field)

Daisy: I don’t understand!

Terence: What’s not to understand? The children love getting rides.

Daisy: Yes, but how ever can they be comfortable sitting on itchy hay in a bumpy
and rotten old cart? They’d be better off travelling in me. I’m thoroughly modern
that I have cushions, big windows for relaxing views, heating, and…

Terence: Everything but the wash press.

Daisy: Ugh! Really!

Terence: (Chuckles) Oh relax, your rails wouldn’t even take you through my field
anyway. You needn’t worry, Daisy. I’ve no designs on stealing your passengers.

Daisy: You! Ugh! The very idea! I’d like to see you try.

(Daisy departs and fades to several days later with her passing Percy, and arriving
at the Branchline Harbor)

Narrator: The signal dropped, and Daisy flounced away furiously. Terence only
chuckled and went about his work. Several days later, Daisy was taking the Sunday
school children on a trip to the Branchline Harbor. She was quite please with
herself. On the way, she passed the gangers pilling hay for Percy to collect.

Daisy: (Shudders) Horrid, scratchy stuff!

Narrator: She muttered. Daisy left the children at the harbor, rested for a bit,
and then set off for home. She was excited, as her driver had promised to give her
a thorough cleaning at the Branchline Sheds. As she was daydreaming per usual, she
felt her brakes come on, as one of the gangers was flagging them down.

Ganger: Sorry to hold you up, but we need your help. Some hay arrived late and
Percy left before we were ready to load it into his trucks. Would you mind fetching
a spare truck and taking it with you?

Daisy’s Driver: Hmm…actually, I’ve got a better idea. We’ll load into Daisy, it’ll
save us a trip.

Daisy: Wait, you’ll what?

Daisy’s Driver: Oh will you just relax? We’re cleaning you out at the sheds anyway.
Besides, it’s only hay.

Daisy: No, no, no! You simply can’t! That’s my point entirely!

Daisy’s Driver: (Sighs) Why not?

Daisy: Oh well, it’s fitter’s orders, and he wouldn’t be happy with you…

Daisy’s Driver: Oh no, don’t you even dare try that old trick on me. You’ve been
getting too big for your radiators for a while now, so I think this will be a good
lesson in humility for you. So like or not, we’re taking the hay, and that’s that!

(Shows the gangers baling the hay into Daisy, and the gangers sitting inside her)

Narrator: So the gangers loaded the hay into Daisy, who could only shudder. After
what felt like ages, the gangers climbed aboard, but to add to the railcar’s
annoyance, they didn’t sit on her seats, but instead chose to sit on the hay they
loaded in. Daisy wanted to retort, but her driver sternly shushed in case she would

(Shows Daisy showing up at the Tidmouth station where Toby is)

Narrator: At Tidmouth Station, Toby was preparing to take the hay to the farms,
when Daisy slunk in, looking pale and miserable.

Toby: Oh hello Daisy, what’s gotten into you?

Narrator: Daisy tried to think of an excuse, but before she could reply, her driver
peered out of the cab.

Daisy’s Driver: Hang on, Toby! We’ve got more hay for you!

Toby: I’m sorry, hay? (Looks at the gangers unloading Daisy) Oh! (Chuckles) So,
it’s “hay” that’s gotten into you.

Narrator: Daisy only just red in fury.

Toby: Oh well, in any case, you should feel proud of yourself Daisy. It was very
useful of you to carry this hay. I should thank you, and so will Terence, as I know
he’ll be glad to happy to see his hay arrived safely. Goodbye!

(Toby departs, then fades to Daisy stopping by Terence’s Field)

Narrator: Daisy gulped in horror. She rather hoped Toby wouldn’t mention this to
Terence. But evidently, when she stopped by his field the next day, the story had
already spread.

Terence: So Daisy, you were scared I’d steal your passengers, only to give them a
hayride yourself.

Daisy: Well it’s not like I wanted to!

Terence: No, but you did a great job at least for getting the hay there safely, so

Daisy: (Sarcastically) Oh don’t mention it!

Terence: Yeah, but how would you fancy being a new hay cart?

Daisy: (Annoyed) Oh, keep your hay, you’re welcome to it!

(Daisy departs)

Narrator: And Daisy fumed, while Terence could only chuckle again. It seems Daisy’s
questions about hayrides had been more than answered. In fact, she never questioned
them ever again.

Narrator: Christmas had arrived on the Island of Sodor once again, and with it came
the holiday rush. Passenger trains were rushing to and fro, getting people to their
destinations for the holidays, goods traffic was increasing, and the yards were all
increasing with trucks that needed to be sorted. The Wharf in particular was
feeling the increase. Now the Wharf is a special goods yard and harbor located on
the Eastern side of the Island on the Norramby Branchline, owned by the Sodor
Shipping Company, the Northwestern Railway, and the Skarloey Railway, where goods
would arrive on ships or being exported to other areas of the world. It is serviced
by both the standard gauge engines and the narrow gauge engines, as it is quite a
big yard with lots of sidings, sheds, and dual gauge track, as well as canal in
between so some boats are able to dock in with their cargo to be unloaded. With the
holiday season coming forward, both engines large and small felt worked off their
wheels, so the Fat and Thin Controller knew they would need some help in easing the
work load, and there was one engine in particular the Fat Controller knew he could
turn to.

(Shows the Fat Controller taking to Toby at the Branchline Sheds)

TFC: Toby, the workload at the Wharf has been increasing lately, and the Thin
Controller and I really need your help in helping to organize the yards. The other
engines will help to, but I’m choosing you based on your experience.

Toby: I understand sir! Don’t worry, I’ll be there right away. And, I haven’t seen
the Skarloey engines for a while, so it will be nice to see them again. Plus, I
haven’t really met Duke though every time I did visit them.

TFC: Thank you Toby, I knew I could rely on you. And your right, this will be good,
as I know you haven’t met Duke, even after he was salvaged from his old shed on the
old Mid Sodor Railway 22 years ago. Being wise old sages, I think you two will get
on nicely.

Toby: Thank you sir!

(Shows Toby on his way to the Wharf)

Narrator: So after Toby was ready, he set off for the Wharf. He was quite excited,
especially because Christmas was coming, he was certainly in the holiday spirit.
And, he was also looking forward to meeting Duke for the first time. The only
reason he didn’t was because Duke was away doing something else, and Toby never got
the chance. When Toby arrived at the Wharf, he can see what was going on. Trucks
were everywhere, cargo lay on the quayside, and different engines of both gauges
were scuffling around shunting them in the right place. Just then

Toby: Hello everyone! Long time no see!

Skarloey: Oh, hello Toby! What brings you to our yards?

Toby: The Fat Controller has sent me to help you in sorting out the workloads here
in the yards.

Donald: Oh that’s great! Thank ye Toby, at least we’ll have ane voice o experience
along wi Skarloey and Rheneas that we can cooperate wi more.

Narrator: Toby look confused.

Toby: Voice of experience? What do you mean Donald?

(Duke puffs vigilantly into the yard)

Narrator: Before Donald or anyone else could answer, a brown narrow gauge tender
engine that Toby had never met before, puffed into the yard with a serious look on
his face.

Duke: (Strictly) Hello, what’s going on here?

Donald: Oh na, here we gae.

Duke: No back talking there young Donald!

Donald: Humph!

Duke: We have a tight schedule to keep up with, and it would never suit his grace
if we’re just standing here idling about in one place.

Peter Sam: We’re sorry Granpuff, it’s just we were catching up with a friend of
ours from the big railway.

Duke: I see! May I ask what your name is?

Toby: Oh, it’s Toby! And you must be Duke.

Duke: That I am!

Narrator: The old engine looked up and down at the tram.

Duke: So, what is your reason for being here?

Toby: Oh, I was told by my controller that you needed help here at the Wharf.

Duke: Good then! We’ll need all the help we can get. But now’s not the time for
chatting, you can start with the trucks by Marshalling Sheds Toby, be quick now.

Narrator: And Duke puffed sternly away, leaving Toby quite surprised, and a little

Toby: Will do.

(Shows Toby shunting and talking to Peter Sam, Sir Handel and Duck)

Narrator: So Toby shunted the trucks as best as he could. Now being an old
experienced engine, Toby was a master at shunting, and handled the trucks into
their proper spots. However, he still felt a bit uneasy after his encounter with
Duke. He decided to talk about it while shunting with Duck, Peter Sam and Sir

Toby: I’m a little nervous I have to admit. I wanted to meet Duke, especially after
all the stories I’ve heard about him, and being a fellow wise engine like me. But
I’m not so sure, he seems rather…uptight and stubborn.

Duck: Well your right about that Toby. He always kept correcting me, despite the
fact I didn’t do anything wrong. He kept saying that I wouldn’t suit his grace if I
ran things like I did back on the Great Western.

Toby: Okay, well, I will be honest in that you don’t have to do everything Great
Western Duck, in fact, any way you do things can always work, especially if it
means getting the job down properly. It seems to Duke, whichever way you do it, he
seems to be more enforcing of his upbringing.

Peter Sam: I understand Toby. Yes, Duke may act like an old fusspot, but he is a
very noble, wise and hardworking engine. He certainly means well, it’s just that he
is very persistent, thinking his upbringing by his grace was the proper way in how
things were done. Though Sir Handel and I would make sure to get our own.

(Sir Handel & Peter Sam chuckles)

Sir Handel: Yeah, he’s still our own Granpuff.

Duck: True you two, but the Fat Controller sent Toby here for a reason, as what he
knows is classified, he’s just as experienced.

Toby: (Blushing) Awe, it’s nothing, but I’ll try to cooperate with Duke as best as
I can, and show him what I do.

Narrator: Though Peter Sam could see that Toby was as wise as Duke, he forgot how
sometimes Duck could be too proud himself sometimes, and felt worried what if the
two old brown engines got into a feud.

(Shows a montage of Duke bossing Toby around)

Narrator: Over the next few days, when Toby would try to make friends with Duke, or
shunt the way he normally would, Duke would still get dead set in his ways, and
would unintentionally boss the poor tram engine around.

Duke: What are you doing Toby?

Toby: Shunting these vans to the canal. The foreman said they need to be loaded.

Duke: Well don’t dawdle, the ship can’t wait all day.

Toby: I’m not dawdling, we have to inspect the…

Duke: Toby, don’t give me excuses, it would never suit his grace. Now get going or
you’ll be late.

(Duke storms off, then sees the trucks giving Duck a hard time)

Narrator: Later, Duck was having trouble with the trucks.

Duck: Come on you trucks, move!

Trucks: HAHAHAHAHAHA! You’ll have to better than that! You’ll have to better than

Toby: What’s wrong Duck?

Duck: Oh these trucks are giving me trouble, they won’t cooperate.

Toby: Don’t worry, I have an idea.

(Toby bumps the trucks nearby)

Trucks: OOF!

Toby: Listen you trucks, Duck here has a schedule to keep, so no nonsense, or
either both of us could bump you again.

Duke: HEY! I hardly think so!

Toby: What?

Duke: There are other ways to discipline trucks, but being rough with them would
never suit his grace.

Toby: But…

Duke: No buts! (To the trucks) Now you scallywags well show these two engines
respect or I’ll let the foreman know what you’ve been up to.

Trucks: Yes Duke! We’ll stop Duke!

Duke: Good, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get my train ready!

(Shows Toby and Duck just looking at each other, then Toby at a water tower)

Narrator: Then later that day, when Toby was filling up on water.

Duke: What are still doing here Toby?

Toby: I’m filling up on water.

Duke: There’s plenty of time for that later, you can’t just stay here and waste

Toby: Duke, it’s not that simple for me, my tanks aren’t that big.

Duke: Making excuses again, are we? Well that would…

Toby: (Annoyed) Never suit his grace! Actually, it seems to never suit you! In
fact, everything I do feels wrong with you, and now I’m beginning to lose my

Narrator: Duke was surprised! Usually everybody listen to what he said, but to have
an engine speak up to him like that with an outburst, that was unexpected. The
other engines had witnessed it to, and they were just as shocked to hear Toby shout
like that. But Toby just stood there, looking quite fed up.

Toby: Look Duke, I don’t know who you’re grace is, but he’s not here, and really,
you’re the only one giving me orders. In fact, ever since I came here, and with the
other engines working, that seems to be about the only thing you do. I mean, I
don’t understand why you have to keep bossing everybody around.

Duke: Bossy? Now look here young Toby, I…

Toby: YOUNG? I’m not young, I’m just as old as you are. Maybe not that old, but
I’ve been around for many decades, and in fact, I’ve been in active service on
railways for many years, I mean look at me, I’m not fresh out of the workshops now
am I?

Duke: Well, no, but…

Toby: But nothing! Like you said! (Calms down and sighs) Look Duke, I’m trying to
be patient here, all I’ve ever tried to do was work hard and make sure the wharf is
running like clockwork, and even try to be nice. All I’ve done was try to establish
a friendship with you, but you act as if I’m some outsider.

(Skarloey, Rheneas, Peter Sam, Duck and Donald come in)

Donald: Aye, Toby’s richt Duke, any engine ye see come an gae, ye order thaim aboot
like as it were inexperiencit.

Duck: Indeed! Begging your pardon Duke. The only reason Toby bumped the trucks is
because that’s how you get the really obnoxious ones to behave if they won’t
cooperate, which they weren’t.

Duke: So you’re all saying that everything that I lived up for, everything I try to
do for you, it’s all wrong.

Peter Sam: No, not wrong Granpuff, more…um…

Duke: Well what Stuart, speak your mind…

Donald: Ock, cool yer pistons thare Duke. He canae be expectit think in an instant.
But then again, ye niver bother tae listen whit we have tae say anyway.

Skarloey: Okay, calm down Donald! I think what Peter Sam is trying to say Duke is
that, your way is not wrong, but you’re using it at the wrong moment. There’s
always a time to be firm, but always a time to be fair. We know you’re trying to
help, but sometimes you have to let others do things the way they know. That’s
Rheneas and I always did, we have to be patient and gentle with younger engines,
but strict with them only if there being deliberately difficult. Toby has never
been like that in his life, and what he says is true, he’s been around for many
years, which comes with many years of experience, like you.

Rheneas: Same with me and Skarloey for that matter, but yet you always kept
correcting us, despite the fact we have our own way of doing things to. Plus, you
assume everyone around you is young, but yet we’ve all been around just as long as
you have. You should’ve spent time getting to know each engine first before
deciding if they need counseling, and even if they did, I don’t think your grace
would expect you to come off as harsh as that.

Duke: Oh, um, no…he wouldn’t.

Toby: Exactly! Not everybody can do things the way you can Duke, we each have our
own experiences, and honestly, being a wise engine, I thought you know that, and I
was looking forward to meeting you, but I’m not so sure. If it makes you happy, I’m
done with my drink, so I’ll just go back to work now.

Skarloey: I agree, come on everybody, let’s go!

(Everyone leaves except Duke)

Narrator: As everybody left, Duke now looked down at the tracks, feeling quite
ashamed with himself.

Duke: Oh dear, what have I done?

(Duke shunting by the Canals)

Narrator: Later that day, Duke was shunting, and was pondering over what Toby and
the other engines told him.

Duke: Hmm…I never realized how sometimes my own upbringing was that harsh. I was
only trying to help.

Duke’s Driver: I know Duke. Everyone does, but different ways work for different

Duke: Well, seems like back in my days, I was dealing with more young engines that
were deliberately difficult. Yet Toby wasn’t, and he’s no youngster. I know I can
get dead sets in my ways, but I also admit that this is the only way I know best.

Duke’s Driver: True, though not every engine needs counseling that’s for sure.
Young or old.

Duke: Indeed! If my grace was here, I don’t think he’d be pleased with how bossy,
and stubborn I’m being.

Duke’s Driver: Don’t be so hard on yourself Duke, we all make mistakes, even
experienced ones like you.

Duke: Indeed, I know one thing that his grace would approve of. When I see Toby
later, I’ll go and apologize.

(Shows Duncan struggling, then on a runaway)

Narrator: Though that would have to wait, as Duncan was shunting some trucks with
bricks into a siding, the trucks began to give Duncan a hard time.

Duncan: ARGH! Bloody trucks, why canae move along whan I neit ye tae.

Trucks: Nice try, nice try, we’re staying here so you can cry!

Duncan: CRY! CRY! Hou aboot ye cry whan A shove yer asses, now MOVE!

Narrator: But the harder Duncan banged, his coupling got snagged, and the trucks he
banged had there brakes released from the jolt, and were sent rolling down the line
towards the very siding, with Duncan dragged with them. Worse, Duncan’s driver and
fireman were knocked off thanks to the latter’s vicious jerk, so nobody could stop

Duncan: Oh na! HELP!


(The trucks burst through the buffers)

Narrator: The brick trucks burst through the buffers, with one truck each falling
through the canal, and after the last two still hanging to Duncan were hanging over
the peer helplessly, with Duncan struggling to stay on rails. But the last two
trucks, even with the bricks falling out and into the water, were still too heavy.

Duncan: Ock, lord! Someone, HELP!


Narrator: Duke bravely made his way to Duncan, and coupled on, pulling with all his
might, but without Duncan’s crew, it was difficult for Duke to keep a straight
grip. Worse still, the strain was too much for the old engine.



(Second to last truck breaks off and plummets into the canal)

Narrator: Just then, the second to last truck snapped off, and plummet into the
canal, while the last slipped and was hanging dangerously, with Duncan’s wheels
crunching onto the brick wall, and Duke struggling with every ounce of strength.


Duncan: Oh great, juist great! We’re doomed!

(Toby’s bell rings, and Toby comes into view)

Toby: Not if I can help it.


Toby: Don’t worry you two, I’ll get you two safety.

Narrator: So Toby’s crew and the workmen fastened a chain from Duke’s rear
coupling, to Toby’s front, as well as Duncan's crew being able to climb back in his
cab and take control, and together, the two elderly engines pulled Duncan and the
last truck, back onto solid rail.

Duncan: (Panting) Oh ma! Thank ye Duke, an thank ye tae Toby!

Toby: My pleasure! Are you two alright?

Duke: Oh, I’ll manage, but not that I could say for some engines. What were you
playing at Duncan? You could’ve gotten yourself sunk, and the bricks from those
trucks were nearly lost.

Duncan: It wasnae ma fault! The trucks werenae behaving!

Duke: Well next time, you should bump them if they won’t cooperate!

Narrator: He said sternly, but then smiled and gave Toby a knowing wink. Toby was
quite surprised, but could see Duke had learned.

Toby: Yes indeed! You know Duncan, instead of losing your temper, maybe you could
learn a thing or two from us “golden oldies.”

Duncan: (Annoyed) Ugh!

Narrator: And both Toby & Duke laughed.

(Fades to Duke and Duncan being inspected at a shed)

Narrator: An inspector came to look Duke & Duncan over, and thankfully, there
wasn’t much damage. Then Duke spoke kindly to Toby.

Duke: Toby, I thought about what you and the others said earlier, and now I’m
beginning to see what you all mean in how there are different ways of handling
things, and the time and place for each of them. I’m sorry that I’ve been giving
all of you a hard time lately.

Toby: Oh that’s alright! I know how you feel sometimes, as we all try to imply what
we learn, and use them to help benefit others, but that doesn’t always make us
right. Trust me, I understand as in my young days, oh ho, I used to be very

Duke: (Chuckles) Well you could’ve fooled me. And you know something Toby, I can
see that you know exactly what you’re talking about, as I don’t know myself on
different ways when handling a situation. Shall we be friends?

Toby: It will be my honor. And don’t worry, I’ll teach on my way of working hard
and keeping others in order. Though I now know I can keep you in order now

Duke: Very funny (Chuckles)

(Shows Toby and Duke working hard at the Wharf)

Narrator: So Toby & Duke began working hard, and had now become great friends. They
made the trucks behave better, counseled any other younger engines more fairly, and
made sure to be patient and take time with one another. On their free time, Toby &
Duke began chatting like old friends, with Duke telling him stories about his
grace, and the old days of the Mid Sodor Railway, and Toby told him about his
adventures on Sodor, and his life back in East Anglia, as well as how he tried to
keep engines like Daisy & Mavis in order. A few days later before Christmas Eve,
the Wharf was finally clear, and both engines large and small were able to get
their trains properly, and make their deliveries on time. Both Toby & Duke looked
at it proudly.

(Ends with Toby, Duke, Skarloey and Peter Sam at the Wharf, until Toby departs

Toby: We sure got the Wharf sorted out nicely.

Duke: And trains running to time. We definitely make a great team, don’t we Toby.

Toby: We sure do! Glad I can help.

Duke: Well thank you in return for showing me the way you handle things. Even
though I will help to guide any young engines in need like a mentor would, I will
stop to get to know said engine first.

Toby: That’s great Duke! I hope I can come see you in time for Christmas. Maybe you
could tell me more stories from the Mid Sodor Railway.

Duke: I’d be glad to.

Skarloey: Well done you two, I’m glad you’re both getting along nicely.

Peter Sam: Indeed! This yard wouldn’t have been cleared thanks to you “golden

Duke: (Chuckles) Good one youngster, in fact, I like the sound of that. Anyways,
I’ll see you soon Toby, and Merry Christmas Toby.

Toby: Merry Christmas Duke, and to you as well Skarloey and Peter Sam.

Peter Sam: Of course, bye Toby!

Narrator: And Toby made his way back home to the Ffarqhuar Branch, feeling glad to
have made a new friend, in Duke the Old Mid Sodor Engine. Duke likewise, felt the

Narrator: The express, also known as the Wild nor’ Wester, is a long heavy
passenger train that is usually pulled by Gordon, from the main headquarters at
Knapford, and all the way to Barrow on British Railways. He could only pull it as
far as there, because there are no coal and water stops for steam engines in this
day and age. Once there, another engine takes the coaches from there to London. It
is one of the most iconic and important trains to, and must always run on time, no
matter what happens.

(Shows Henry & James in different clips pulling the express, then cuts to Henry
boasting to Donald & Douglas)

Narrator: Now if Gordon is ill, or busy somewhere else, Henry or James would be the
secondary engines to pull it. They do their absolute best, and do it as well as
Gordon. Maybe too well perhaps, because sometimes the importance of those occasions
would go to their smokeboxes, and makes them very arrogant, boastful, and
conceited. And one morning, Henry was feeling particularly pleased with himself.
He’d been running the express to time, and the Fat Controller had congratulated
him, and he was now boasting to Donald & Douglas.

Henry: (Sighs smugly) You know you two, I don’t know what the Fat Controller would
do without me.
Douglas: Oh, have a care! Ower much puff aboot yourself, an ye'll maybe run oot o
puff ane day.

Henry: Oh pah! Haven’t you two forgotten? I pulled two trains and a failed diesel
once, and the Fat Controller’s father said I was an “enterprising engine.”

Donald: Aye, A mind it well. A wis thare tae tak the goods train from him gin ye
recall. But Douggie is richt, puff goes before a fail.

Narrator: The Scottish Twins were wasting their own puff of course, because Henry
stubbornly took no notice whatsoever.

(Cuts to the next day with the steam engines struggling, and the Fat Controller at
the Steamworks)

Narrator: The next day however, the railway had to begin using a new sort of coal.
It was dusty and burned with clouds of thick black smoke. The Fat Controller was
cross, and the engines hated it to.

James: Filthy rubbish!

Narrator: They grumbled. But what was worse was that the new coal made think ash
to. Before long, all the steam engines began to have pains their smokeboxes. Hot
ash collected there and gave them the most awful indigestion.

(Cuts to Henry reversing into Tidmouth Sheds, then to him later struggling to
Wellsworth where Douglas is)

Narrator: One evening, Henry felt dreadful when he got back to Tidmouth Sheds. His
fireman began to clean out an enormous pile of ash from his smokebox before he felt
better. The next day, Henry couldn’t make steam properly. He struggled to
Wellsworth Station, but could go no further. But to make matters worse, Douglas was
there, taking on water.

Douglas: Well, well, well, whit have we got here?

Henry: (Stuffy voice) I can’t breathe (Coughs)!

Douglas: Oot o puff are ye? Didn’t say dinnae warn ye.

Narrator: Henry was so stuffed up, he couldn’t even answer.

(Shows Douglas pulling Henry’s train, and work being done on Henry)

Narrator: So Douglas took his train for him, while the crew tried to set to work
fixing the big green engine. The fireman cleared away more ashes, but when he tried
to close Henry’s smokebox door, it did not make the air tight fit that is should’ve

Henry’s Fireman: Those host ashes have bent your smokebox door. Worse, air is
coming in so you can’t breathe properly through your fire. But I have an idea on
how to cure that.

Narrator: He filled a bucket with water, the he fetched all the old newspapers he
could find from the station’s bookstore. The driver helped tear them into stripes,
which they soaked into the water.

Henry: Um…what are you doing?

Henry’s Driver: We’re making something called papier Mache. When this paper is
soggy enough, we’ll past it in your air leak, so you can breathe properly. It won’t
last forever, but it will get us back home.

Henry: (Sadly) Oh!

Narrator: Said Henry unhappily!

(Fades to Henry feeling better, then arrives at Tidmouth Sheds where Donald,
Douglas, Gordon, James, and Bear are)

Narrator: Sighed Henry unhappily. His driver was right. When the job was done,
Henry felt much better, and even the driver and fireman where surprised with how
well he steamed.

Henry’s Driver: We what do you know.

Henry’s Fireman: Indeed, we’ll have to get the Fat Controller to make it permanent.

Narrator: Henry went very carefully, and reached Tidmouth Sheds without mishap.
However, the story of his folly was there before him of course. Donald & Douglas
didn’t say anything, but now and then made some sort of breathless, puffing noises.
Henry could only cringe, as he though they must have a very odd sense of humor.

Narrator: A week had passed after Henry’s problems due to the bad coal, and it
seems that despite his smokebox door being bent in the process, age was catching up
on the big green engine. The Fat Controller has noticed this, and one day came to
see him.

(Shows the Fat Controller talking to Henry at Tidmouth Sheds)

TFC: What you need Henry is an overhaul.

Henry: I see sir. But does that mean I have to go to Crewe again like I did 57
years ago?

TFC: (Chuckles) Oh, not this time Henry me ‘lad. In fact, you won’t believe it, but
nowadays, the people at Crewe couldn’t do the work you need.

(Henry just stares in shock)

TFC: (Chuckles) Don’t worry, we can do everything at the Steamworks now. All I have
to do is get you there. Hmm…if James takes the express tomorrow, you couple up in
front. Just do what you can to help, and you can go to the Steamworks in style.

(Cuts to night with Henry talking to James)

Narrator: So Henry told James that night, and as usual, all he could do was whine.

James: Help me! I don’t need help! I can pull the express by myself thank you.
Humph! Overhaul indeed! Two engines on one train is an overhaul if you ask me.

Henry: I didn’t! Look James, I know you’re not happy, but this is the only way for
me to get to the Steamworks tomorrow, and the Fat Controller has already made the
arrangements. I know for a fact he won’t take kindly to your whining right now.

James: Pah! Whatever!

Narrator: Try as he might, the arrangements had been made, and James knew deep down
he had to suck it up.

(Fades to the next morning at Knapford Station with James backing down to the
express, then Henry backing down to him)

Narrator: Next morning, James backed down onto the coaches at Knapford. Then Henry
followed, and was coupled in front of James. Now James was not in the best of
tempers, but when the Fat Controller came to see them both off, James wisely not
tried to show how cross he was.

TFC: Good luck Henry! The men at the Steamworks know what to do, so you won’t be
there too long. James & Bear will take turns with the express, should Gordon be too

Henry: Right! See you soon sir!

(Henry and James blow their whistles, and both engines depart, and a montage of
them puffing along the Main Line)

Narrator: As soon as Henry & James were out on the Main Line, they were both
enjoying themselves, and even James was beginning to feel his temper drift away as
they soared along the line. Now the express only has a few stops before it reaches
Barrow, and one of those stops is at Crovans Gate where the Steamworks is. But
because of his leaky smokebox, Henry couldn’t help that much. But he made sure to
save his hardest efforts for Gordon’s Hill.

(Shows Henry & James struggling up Gordon’s Hill)

Narrator: Both the green and red engines raced up it faster than they had ever
done. When they reached the top, James was feeling better.

James: Well, that was fun. We might even be early at Crovans Gate. Besides, we
shall need extra time to uncouple you anyway.

Henry: (Chuckles) Good point! Let’s keep going and make sure we do.

(Shows Henry & James crossing the Sodor Suspension Bridge)

Narrator: Though both engines spoke to soon. They had just cross the Suspension
Bridge, when Henry felt something wrong with one of his wheels.

Henry: Driver! Something’s wobbling!

(Shows Henry’s wheels spinning)

Narrator: Just then, they heard a cracking noise!

Henry: OUCH! Whatever it is, I think it’s broken!

(Shows them passing Cronk Station, and disaster strikes)

Narrator: Just as they were passing Cronk, something hit the platform, and a brick
flew past Henry’s cab. It bounced off James’s boiler and disappeared.



Narrator: Just then, James & his driver heard Henry whistling to warn them that he
wanted to stop. More bits and pieces flashed by, and some hitting the carriages.
Using the brakes skillfully, Henry’s driver stopped the train.

(The train grinds to a halt)

Narrator: While the guard went to make sure the train was protected from behind.
James’s driver went to see if any passengers had been hurt from the flying debris.
Thankfully, nobody was, but one of the coach’s windows had been shattered. Henry’s
crew inspected his wheel, and the trouble was not hard to find.

Henry’s Driver: Your wheel has a steel rim called a tire.

Henry: Oh I know that driver, ever since that time the trucks pushed me down
Gordon’s Hill, and Diesel came up with that horrid Old-Square Wheels nickname.

Henry’s Driver: Oh, right! But this time it didn’t run flat. It had broken and come
off, though it’s a miracle that it didn’t do any more damage.

(Shows James shunting Henry into a siding at Killdane Station)

Narrator: James pushed Henry into a siding at Killdane Station, then went back the

James: (Chuckles) An overhaul is it? It sounds like you need retiring you poor old

Narrator: He rolled with laughter at his own wit, and puffed away.

(James departs)

James: But still, thanks for helping me with what you did at least (Chuckles).

Henry: Don’t mention it. See you later James (Chuckles)! I don’t know about
retiring, but I certainly feel tired.

Narrator: It had been about a month since Henry was sent to the Steamworks for a
second overhaul. The other engines were all doing their absolute best to handle the
workload without his strength for the time being. For the most part, they were
doing very well at least, but they did miss their friend. But James one the other
hand was feeling pleased with himself the day when Henry had to go for his
overhaul, after he had pushed the stricken big green engine while pulling the
entire express, and as usual, he was boasting once again to the other engines.

(Shows James boasting to Gordon, Bear, Donald, Douglas, and Duck at Tidmouth Sheds)

James: You know, I don’t know what the Fat Controller would do without me. I am
after the brightest and most splendid engine on the whole railway.

Gordon: (Groans) Oh no, here we go!

James: Poor Henry was suffering dreadfully since that bad coal order we got, but
yet me, James the Red Engine, had pushed the big fella when he was out of order,
and pulled the heavy express all in one shot. Sure I had a little help from Henry,
but that event proves that I’m not just the most splendid, but even the strongest.

Gordon: Pah! Any engine could succeed no matter what situation they’re in. If I
seem to recall correctly, you were against the whole idea after Henry told you, and
all you did was rant and whine like usual.

James: Humph! I may not have liked it at first Gordon I admit, but I did get over
it after the run I had with the express.

Gordon: And because the Fat Controller was there to I heard, and you know what he’s
like if he did hear you ranting.

Duck: Yeah, and what about the incident were the debris from Henry’s snapped tire
was flying everywhere and causing damage in sight?

James: Oh come on Duck, I got over that to, and I’m still here.

Donald: Aye! An aw ye can dae is boast like usual. Gin anybody wis helpin Henry tae
the works, the same incident coud've occurrit.

Douglas: Quite sae Donald. An ye probably wouldnae heard us talk aboot it after
thon event, because we wouldnae be boastin aboot it.

James: Humph! Shows what a couple of generic goods engines would know.

Donald: Ock!

Douglas: Ye juist dinnae get it.

Narrator: Just then, Bear had an idea in hopes to slap some sense into James.

Bear: Well then James. If you feel you’re both the strongest engine and the most
splendid, maybe you should prove that. It’s my turn tonight to pull the Flying
Kipper, so maybe you could pull that heavy fish train to Barrow and back.

Narrator: The other engines were quite surprised Bear had challenged him, but James
was so cocky that he did so.

James: Normally I would spend this nice, peaceful night getting my beauty sleep,
especially dealing with that dreadful and atrocious smell of fish. But I would
certainly want to show you all how strong I am, and how to really pull a goods
train. I rise to your challenge Bear.

Bear: Excellent then. Good luck!

Narrator: So James & Bear asked their drivers, and when they said yes, James puffed
snootily away to collect the Flying Kipper.

(Cuts to Knapford Harbor with the Flying Kipper)

Narrator: Because Henry was at the Steamworks, the other engines also had to help
with his favorite train the Flying Kipper to. James of course didn’t like the
Flying Kipper, but then again, he couldn’t stand trucks in general. Once he arrived
at the harbor, he began to shudder and hold his breath.

James: Phew! Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! I don’t know why Henry likes this
train. All those smelly vans, bluck! You can’t get the smell off your tender for

James’s Driver: Oh come on James. I’m very fond of a good kipper.

James: Yeah, well you’re welcome to it.

James’s Driver: Ooh, somebodies a right old misery tonight. Look James, you already
accepted Bear’s challenge, and he would probably be too tired if he tried to take
it back. Now let’s get a move on, or the Fat Controller will give you something to
complain about.

Narrator: But James stubbornly wouldn’t back down to the train. His driver and
fireman, as well as the workmen all argued with him, but he took no notice. And
because they were tired, James’s crew reluctantly gave in to James’s demand and set
back to Tidmouth Sheds.

(James backs down)

Narrator: The big red engine snuck in quietly, and whispered to Bear, who was
already asleep.

James: Psst…Bear…wake up…you’re gonna be late.

Bear: (Drowsy) Huh, what? Oh James, it’s you, shouldn’t you be pulling the Kipper
right now after I challenged you?

James: Oh no, it’s your turn tonight. In fact, I don’t even know what you’re
talking about. You must’ve dreamt something like this. If you don’t go now, you’ll
be late, and the Fat Controller will be cross.

Bear: (Wide awake) Goodness lord he will be. What am I doing? I better get going!

Narrator: Luckily, Bear’s driver hadn’t gone home yet, and he was so tired, that he
foolishly believed James’s lie to. So Bear pulled out with a rev of his engine,
though still fatigued.

James: Ha, ha! Sometimes it’s great to be kind to other. But at the end of the day,
it’s great to be kind to yourself to.

Narrator: And James smugly went fast asleep.

(Shows Bear leaving with the Flying Kipper and stopping at various stations)

Narrator: While Bear, still fatigued, left to make up for lost time with the
kipper. However, thanks to James’s lie, he was running late, and the Hymek diesel
began to feel miserable, as usually Bear always ran his trains on time. And by the
time he arrived back home at Tidmouth Sheds, he was so late, that he went to sleep

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds in the morning)

Narrator: The next morning, Bear woke up, still feeling exhausted as everybody was
being readied for the day’s work, when the Fat Controller arrived, and he didn’t
look happy.

TFC: Bear, I’d like to have a word with you for minute.

Bear: (Worried) Um…yes sir?

TFC: What happened last night? I asked you to look after the Kipper tonight because
I know you’re very reliable and versatile. But you came in late for some reason,
and then after you set off, you were late with every delivery, especially with the
last stop at Barrow, and this isn’t usually like you. Is there something you wish
to tell me?
Bear: (Worried) Well sir…I’m sorry…it’s…well its’s just that last night I had a
dream that James was boasting about his accomplishment of helping Henry to the
Works that it got on our nerves like it usually would. So I thought maybe I could
get him to see sense by challenging him for the night. Only to realize James
himself warned me I was dreaming and that it never happened, which I is why I ran

Gordon: Oh no Bear! You weren’t dreaming at all. In fact, you did challenge James
in order to shut him up. We were all awake at that point, and we were quite
surprised, but agreed that it was a good idea, because a certain red engine
standing right there had been boasting again.

TFC: (Suspiciously) He did huh?

Douglas: Aye! An James acceptit thon challenge, an we aw assumit he pullit the


TFC: (Suspiciously) Oh did he. And the dream you described, Bear, it sounds quite
odd, wouldn’t you agree?

Bear: Oh whole-heartedly sir.

Narrator: Said Bear, as all eyes turned suspiciously to the big red engine, who
looked nervously, trying to think of an excuse, but he knew the game was up.

TFC: (Suspiciously) Well James? What do you have to say for yourself?

James: (Sighs) Alright it’s true. Bear did challenge me, and I went to the harbor,
but as soon as I smelt the disgusting fish, I went back, and I made up the story to
avoid pulling the Kipper. Hence why it was late last night sir. (Nervous laugh)

TFC: (Sternly) Oh James, can I get one or night day without you trying to get out
of goods work for your own selfish reasons. Thanks to you, you have caused a great
deal of confusion and delay, and put Bear in a rather terrible position.

Narrator: He paused, and looked sympathetically to Bear.

TFC: Well Bear, seems as if I owe you an apology with what you had to go through.
In fact, I think you were right to challenge James, especially because his boasting
has been quite overwhelming as of late. In fact, you can have the night off, as you
deserve it, and James, you will pull the Flying Kipper, for real this time.


TFC: (Sternly) Hey! James, what do I always say whenever you try to make up excuses
and go against my authority?

James: (Nervously) Um…really useful engines don’t argue?

TFC: Correct! And?

James: All jobs are important, and need to be completed no matter what?

TFC: Exactly! I think in order to make for your promise to Bear, you will pull
tonight’s Kipper, and I will not have you trying to throw a tantrum and skip out of
it like a spoiled child. Is that understood?
James: (Sighs) Yes sir! I’ll do it sir!

TFC: Good! I’m glad we didn’t have to do this the hard way.

Narrator: And the Fat Controller turned on his heel, and strode sternly away.

Gordon: So James, trying to get out of goods work again, and this is what happens.
Well at least you can prove how strong you are now.

Duck: (Chuckles) Good luck James! You’re gonna need it!

Narrator: And the other engines could only laugh, leaving James feeling both
humiliated and nervous about pulling the Flying Kipper, and dealing with the smell
of fish.

(James arrives at Knapford Harbor and reverses down to the Flying Kipper)

Narrator: That early morning, James arrived reluctantly at the harbor. Everything
was getting prepared early after last night’s delay, so the vans were already at
the quay, while men in aprons worked busily, loading them with boxes of fish.

James: Pooh!

Narrator: Said James wrinkling his nose. He was soon coupled to the vans, but they
weren’t ready as there was still more fish to be loaded. Despite being early,
James, who of course wanted to get the job over with, whistled impatiently.

(James whistles)

James: Come on, come on! I want to get this stupid job over with so I don’t have to
put up with this horrendous smell of this horrendous fish.

Narrator: But that’s when it happened. He had not been waiting long when a forklift
truck, carrying create more of fish rounded a corner, and towards him in a hurry,
all because the driver was overwhelmed by James’s bossiness. In fact, another that
was also fed up with James, hurried away for a new load came to fast in opposite
direction. The loaded on try to swerve to avoid the other one, and its heavy loaded
shifted and fell right onto James.


Narrator: He shuddered. Broken fish and boxes lay everywhere. For once, James was
right, the smell was horrendous. His driver and fireman couldn’t help but laugh!

James’s Driver: Well James, this is what you get for trying to get out of jobs you
dislike, and when you try to rush to get it over with.

James’s Fireman: But look on the bright side, at least that fish oil has made his
paint shiny, something he would usually want.

James: Oh shut up! It’s not funny!

James’s Driver: Oh but it is, look at your footplate.

James: What? Oh no, smell fish, ew, they’re all over my footplate, oh god.

Narrator: All the dockworkers at the quayside couldn’t help but laugh. Luckily
though, there was plenty of time for them right now to clean up the mess before
James had to leave. At last, all was ready, the guard blew his whistle and waved
his green lamp.

James: Ugh, thank goodness!

Narrator: Now there was a speed limit for entering and exiting the harbor, so James
couldn’t start quickly. The train seemed heavier tonight to, and so when he reached
the spot where the forklift spilled the fish boxes, he was moving no more than
walking pace. The rails seemed clean but oil and scales from the spilled fish were
still there, coating them with a slippery film. As soon as James reached the spot,
his driving wheels, with nothing to grip, began to spin helplessly.

James: ARGH! Fish! I knew they were smelly, but now I’m not going anywhere.

James’s Driver: Well if you hadn’t been bossing the workmen around, this wouldn’t
have happened. Worse, the Kipper will be delayed again if we don’t get moving.
We’ll have to get another engine to help us double head the train.

Narrator: So as the crew phoned the yards, the workmen brought hoses and washed the
rails. Poor James grew very wet and uncomfortable. Though as they put sand on the
rails, James saw the relief engine that would come to help them, but much to his
embarrassment, it was Bear, who was very well rested and active.

(Bear backs down to James)

James: (Groans) Oh crap!

Bear: Hello James. So I see your keeping your promise. Though I thought you said
you were both the most splendid and strongest engine, though instead, it seems more
splendid, phew, and smelly to say the least.

Narrator: James looked down at his buffers, as he was too humiliated to say

Bear: Oh well, we can all live and learn. And after my well-earned rest, I better
lend you a buffer. Come on, let’s hurry before the Kipper gets delayed again.

(Bear and James leave Knapford Harbor and puff down the line)

Narrator: So once Bear was coupled to James, at last, they were able to move the
train. While only 5 minutes late, with Bear’s strength and speed, they were off the
fish quay. Thankfully, the two engines were able to even make all the deliveries on
time at least. Then they both set for home.

(Bear & James head home)

Narrator: Both engines didn’t say anything, but Bear smiled, as while he knew that
James saying he was glad finish the job would be putting it mildly, but after that
mishap, he never boasted about his strength and appearance ever again.

(Opens with Henry at the Steamworks)

Narrator: Henry had been in the Steamworks for almost 3 months know, and he began
to find life there rather boring there. The workmen tried everything they could to
overhaul him, but it seemed like ages before he was ready. At last, when he had
passed the test to make sure he was mended properly, the painters came to repaint
him. But Henry saw that instead of nice bright apple green paint, they had
something very different in the paint pots.

Henry: Oh no, that’s not right. The Fat Controller wants me to be green with red
stripes! Not red all over like tomato sauce.

Painter 1: (Chuckles) Oh relax Henry. We still think you would look very handsome.

Painter 2: Yes, but don’t worry. This paint is really a special sort of undercoat.
Once it’s dry, you shall have your proper green and red stripes before we’re

Henry: (Sighs) Fine! Just don’t take too long. Ugh, undercoat indeed. Whatever will
the other engines say, if they saw me looking like this?

Narrator: The painters laughed as they carried on painting. And by the time they
were finished, Henry was painted from boiler to wheels in bright red. Early next
morning, when Henry was due to be repainted in his proper green livery, his driver
came frantically.

Henry’s Driver: Wake up Henry! There’s an emergency at Knapford, and the Fat
Controller says you’re to help not that your repairs are done.

Henry: But I can’t go out looking like this! They’d all laugh like anything!

Henry’s Driver: No choice I’m afraid! The visiting diesel pulling the express has
failed, and the Fat Controller needs you to take over. Besides, it’s either that or
a long walk for the passengers, and you know the Fat Controller wouldn’t like that.

Henry: (Sighs) Oh, right! Alright, we better get going, I guess.

Narrator: Henry sighed reluctantly. So the fireman raised steam as quickly as he

could, and Henry, blushing with embarrassment, set off for Knapford.

(Cuts to Henry at Knapford Station with the Fat Controller)

Narrator: Once he arrived, there stood the Fat Controller was pleased to see him.

TFC: Ah, good morning Henry! How are you feeling after your overhaul?

Henry: Oh I feel I ca work properly. But I feel so ridiculous looking like this.

TFC: (Chuckles) Well you do look unusual I’ll admit Henry. But you had helped me
out of a very awkward situation with your strength. So don’t worry about it, you’ll
be repainted once this is over.

Narrator: But Henry did worry, as his cheeks were still blushing as red as the
undercoat he was painted in. But soon, too soon for Henry, it was time to start.
The express was heavy than usual, and Henry felt the drag of the coaches.

(Henry departs and is shown puffing down the Main Line)

Henry’s Driver: Hmm…looks like we’re gonna need help on Gordon’s Hill today.

(Shows Henry at Wellsworth)

Narrator: But they were in trouble earlier than that. As they approached
Wellsworth Station, the brakes went wrong on the last coach of the train, and they
had to stop and uncouple it. But to make matters worse, Donald, who should’ve been
there to help had been called away. So Henry had to shunt the coach into a siding
all by himself. He didn’t mind shunting these days, but was still worried that
without Donald, there was nobody to help bank him and his train up Gordon’s Hill.
Henry’s Driver: Never mind Henry, you can do it! You’re an enterprising engine

Narrator: Henry snorted, he didn’t feel very enterprising just then. But the men at
the Steamworks were as good as there word and had mended Henry very well. His
driver gave him a good of start as he could. It was hard going, but now, Henry felt
fired with determination.

(Shows Henry struggling up Gordon’s Hill)

Henry: You know what, let them laugh at my red undercoat all they want. I’ll still
show them. And slowly, he struggled upwards.

Henry: (Panting) I can do it, I can do it! Oh dear, will the top ever come.

Narrator: Then suddenly, there it was.

Henry: (Panting) I’ve done it! I’ve done it!

(Shows Henry arriving at Barrow N’ Furness)

Narrator: Puffed Henry proudly. After that, it was much easier, and they reached
British Railways quickly. The Fat Controller, who had been on the train, came to
congratulate Henry.

TFC: Well done Henry! I’m very proud of you. Perhaps all my engines should be
painted red.

Narrator: Henry looked nervous at first, but the Fat Controller just laughed.

TFC: (Chuckles) Relax Henry, I’m just joking. In all seriousness, you have
certainly earned your proper green and red stripes. So now, you can go back to the
Steamworks, and have your proper repaint right now.

Henry: Oh thank you sir!

(Shows Henry at the Steamworks being repainted into his trademark green livery)

Narrator: Which thankfully is just what Henry got. He felt proud of himself now,
though quite ashamed for being so embarrassed.

Henry: (Inner monologue) You know, despite being in a different livery, I still
worked hard today. I guess sometimes, heroes can come in all colors.

(Fades to Henry pulling grandly into Tidmouth Sheds, where Thomas, James, Gordon,
Edward, Toby, Percy, Donald, Douglas, Bear, and Duck.

Narrator: And when he at last returned to Tidmouth Sheds. There was a warm welcome
for Henry the Green Engine!

Narrator: Toad is a small grey, 16-ton Great Western Brake Van that works with
Oliver on the Little Western. The two have met back when they used to work on the
Great Western Railway, and have been best friends ever since, especially after they
escaped from their old line to avoid being scrapped when dieselization was at its
peak, and then later saved by Douglas. Since then, they have both lived on the
Island of Sodor for many years, and Toad is always used by Oliver, and occasionally
Douglas. While Toad is a happy, humble and very polite brake van that enjoys his
work in keeping Oliver’s trucks in order and helping to brake if there’s an
emergency, however, there were times he felt rather bored with it, as being a brake
van meant he had to be at the very end of a train, and always facing backwards to
keep a lookout, as he couldn’t move under his own power. All he could do was watch
the engines puffing down the line forwards, with both confidence and optimism. He
began to feel miserable.

(Shows Toad talking with Oliver, Mike and Bert at Callan Sheds)

Narrator: One morning, Oliver could tell Toad was upset, and decided to find out

Oliver: Morning Toad. You seem rather upset. Penny for your thoughts?

Toad: Oh, it’s just that I love my job Mr. Oliver, but I’m always going backwards.
I just have forward thinking views, as I wish I could be a leader if you know what
I mean?

Mike: Pah! You can’t be a leader without a train to follow you. I mean you’re a
brake van for calling out loud Toad, you can’t even move under your own power. If
anybody should be following, its silly brake vans like you.

Bert: Shut up Mike, you’re not helping!

Mike: Humph!

Bert: Don’t bother listening to him Toad. We may not use brake vans on our railway,
but we know how important they are. Especially you, as what Oliver and the other
engines tell me, you’re the best brake van out there.

Oliver: Bert’s right Toad! You’re brakes are very strong, you help run the trains
to time, and you help keep the trucks in order should they misbehave. I mean, you
did help me when teaching Scruffy a lesson all those years ago.

Toad: I know, I know, and that’s great and all, but I think it would be exciting to
go forwards for a change, instead of seeing things slide away from me.

Oliver: Well I can understand that. Maybe we can work something out along the way.
Right now, we have to get going, there’s a goods train we have to take to Maron,
maybe that might take you mind off things.

Toad: I suppose it might. Thanks Mr. Oliver.

Narrator: Unfortunately, the trucks that were to be used on Oliver’s next train had
heard everything, and they were quite cross.

Truck 1: Who’s he to start complaining?

Truck 2: Yeah, he’s lucky to be able to look after us.

Trucks: Yeah, let’s teach that brake van a lesson.

Narrator: They said, as Oliver shunted them into place.

(Fades to Oliver puffing down the Main Line past Wellsworth Station)

Narrator: As Oliver was puffing down the line, Toad was still feeling bummed out as
he kept looking at everything sliding past him, backwards. But had he not been
distracted, he would’ve heard the truck’s plans, which they decided to carry out
once they reached Gordon’s Hill. Now the trucks were wise not to play tricks on
Oliver, but they were so busy trying to teach Toad a lesson, they forgot.
(Shows Oliver puffing up Gordon’s Hill when the train brakes away)

Narrator: Once Oliver began coasting up the gradient, they began their tricks.

Trucks: Hold back, hold back!

Oliver: Hey what’s going on?

Narrator: Before Oliver, Toad or the Guard could act, they jerked at the coupling,
which snapped.

Oliver: UH-OH!

Toad: WHOA! HEY!


Narrator: Toad was in a state of shock, he didn’t know what to think. And the guard
couldn’t apply the brakes, as the jerk knocked him right out of the van. Oliver
chased after the runaway train in reverse as fast as he could.

(Shows Toad and the runaway train speeding down Gordon’s Hill)


(Shows Oliver still speeding after them)

Narrator: Toad did find it quite fun for a while, as it seemed like his dream was
coming true. But the fun was soon over, as up ahead the level crossing that lead to
Edward’s Branchline, and the gates were closed. Without the guard, Toad couldn’t


Bertie: Oh god! AH!

(Bertie reverses back and Toad smashes through the gates)

Bertie: I wonder what that was all about.

(Bertie drives away confused, and then Toad almost about to crash into BoCo at

Narrator: Just then, Toad realized he was on the wrong line, as was BoCo, waiting
at the platform with a commuter train.



Narrator: The signalman saw what was going to happen, and immediately he set the
points to the middle line just in time.


BoCo: What on earth?

(Shows Toad still speeding through the Main Line)



Narrator: Toad wailed! But then he went pale again when up ahead he saw James
pulling a slow-goods train down the line.



Narrator: Luckily, the signalman up ahead did, and set the points just in time.

(Shows Toad nearly missing James)

James: What was that?

Narrator: Exclaimed James! The Signalman knew this wasn’t over, and warned the
Stationmaster at Crosby Station.

Signalman: We have an emergency, there’s a running coming, evacuate the station


Stationmaster: Roger, will send them into the sidings!

(Cuts to Crosby Station)


Narrator: Cried Toad as he was switched into the sidings at Crosby. Then, Toad saw
some buffers up ahead.


Narrator: But the signalman didn’t know how fast Toad was coming that he was too
late to set the points into the runaway siding.


(Shows Oliver passing through Wellsworth)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Oliver was racing as fast as he could to try and save Toad.

Oliver: (Panting) I must catch Toad, I must! Hold on Toad, I’m coming!

(Shows Toad speeding right past Daisy and Donald at Elsbridge Junction)

Narrator: Toad was speeding right through Elsbridge Junction past Donald & Daisy at
the junction. Both engines were surprised. Then, he was switched onto the shortcut
that led back to the Little Western. But there was worse to come.

(Fades to the Pack, as well as Marlin with a Maintenance Train working on a road

Narrator: Marlin was with the Pack, repairing a road bridge right before the middle
section of the Three-Way Road Bridge, until they were warned about the runaway Toad
and his train. Marlin had an idea.
Marlin: Wait! There’s a runaway siding were the points lead to that pond. It’s our
only chance.

Workman: Right!

Narrator: Said a workman, who set the points, just in time as Toad and his train
were diverted into the siding leading into the muddy pond.

(Toad crashes into the pond)

Toad: (Coughs) Pluck! Stopped at last! (Sighs)

Narrator: Just then, Oliver arrived, glad that Toad was alright. But smiled, and
couldn’t help but chuckle a bit when he saw where Toad crashed in.

Oliver: Well (chuckles), a pond is the only place for a Toad I suppose.

Narrator: Toad didn’t say anything. It seemed like his dream of going forwards,
turned out to be a nightmare. Oliver had pulled Toad out of the pond, but he also
bumped the trucks severely for pulling a stunt like that.


Trucks: (Fearfully) Yes! Take care with Mr. Oliver! If you play tricks on him,
you’ll never be the same truck again.

Marlin: Indeed! Though what about Toad? He’s the one you’ve been causing trouble

Trucks: Yeah, we’re sorry Toad! We shouldn’t have pushed you like that.

Toad: No, no, this is all my fault. All I wanted was to go forwards, but after that
runaway now, I’d rather go backwards. I should’ve been more focused on my work.

Oliver: It’s alright Toad. Anyways, I managed to collect the guard right after he
fell out of you. So we should be safe.

Toad: Thank you Mr. Oliver.

(Shows Oliver puffing down the Main Line to Maron, then fades to him and Toad at
Callan Sheds)

Narrator: So the guard called permission from the signalman to carry on like normal
to Maron. And thankfully, they did, making up for lost time and without any
trouble. That night, Toad, who was being cleaned at the sheds spoke to Oliver.

Toad: I’m so sorry if I caused you any embarrassment, Mr. Oliver.

Oliver: Oh that’s alright Toad, you didn’t. Besides, everybody makes mistakes, even
you. But after all that, what did you think about going forwards.

Toad: Well it was fun at first, but then it got quite scary, so from now on, I’ll
be happy to look forward to the future, busy going backwards, so the speak!

(Oliver & Toad laugh)

Narrator: Donald & Douglas the Scottish Twins are some of the most versatile and
efficient engines on the Northwestern Railway, as they can be used anywhere from
the Main Line to the branch lines, handling any job given to them. But as of late,
they were rushed off their wheels. The Fat Controller understood this, and came to
see them one day at Callan Sheds.

TFC: Good morning you two. Now, I know you both don’t mind hard work, and being in
many different places on the railway, but even I know you can’t be everywhere at
once. You both will need some help on the branch lines.

Donald: Aye, thank ye sir!

Douglas: But sir, whit is thes help yoo're plannin' tae send us?

TFC: Wait and see. I have a plan.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller in Gloucestershire, and then meets Wilbert)

Narrator: So the Fat Controller went to see a friend of his in Gloucestershire, and
explained the problem. He then took him to the Dean Forest Railway, to meet its
main engine, Wilbert. A smart blue Austerity Saddle tank engine with 6 wheels.

TFC: Hello there! So you’re Wilbert.

Wilbert: That I am, and you must be Sir Topham Hatt. I’m so please too meet you,
I’ve heard about your railway and engines for many years. To what do I owe this

TFC: Well two of my engines are very hard-working and versatile, but lately they’ve
been rushed off their wheels with any excessive workloads, so your controller says
you can come and help me for a while. Would you like that?

Wilbert: Oh, yes pleas sir! I love my job here on the Dean Forest railway, but I
never get the chance to stretch my wheels that often.

TFC: Oh I can understand that. Oh, but there’s another reason for inviting you, as
you’re class, the Austerity Saddle Tanks were known for being strong, versatile,
and very efficient tanks engines, so if you are as good of a worker as I think you
will be, then I know where I can find another Austerity tank like you. Then you’ll
be able to go back home.

(Cuts to the engines at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: The other engines were excited to hear the news, especially Percy.

Percy: Another saddle tank sir, is he like me?

TFC: (Chuckles) You could say that Percy, but he’s actually bigger and stronger
than you. I’m sure you’ll get the chance to meet Wilbert, but right now, I need him
to help Duck & Oliver on the Little Western, as Donald & Douglas are needed on the
Main Line. Besides, you and Toby can manage the trucks for the time being.

Percy: I understand sir.

Narrator: Percy sighed, as he did feel worried what if he couldn’t meet him.

(Cuts to the next day at Tidmouth Sheds with rain)

Narrator: During the week before Wilbert came, it was cold and wet, and the engines
were worried it might never stop raining. While they didn’t want to go out, they
still had jobs to do, as passengers and trucks were waiting.

Percy’s Driver: Well, just the sort of weather when you need porridge for

Percy: Porridge? What’s porridge?

Percy’s Driver: Porridge, well…it’s rather difficult to describe, it when you boil
oatmeal and water, which makes this kinda stick soup. Then you add milk and sugar,
delicious, eh?

Percy: Yeah, sounds like it. Even though engines like me can’t eat.

(Cuts to Elsbridge Junction with the porters unloading sacks from vans)

Narrator: Meanwhile, at Elsbridge Junction, sacks were being stacked on the

platform. The men who had filled them were working so fast, that they hadn’t tied
the sacks properly. As the porter lifted the last sack, the signal arm dropped with
a clang.

Porter: Better hurry, here comes Percy.

Narrator: And he swung the heavy sack onto the pile. But not properly, as hit the
stack, and knocked the top one over, causing several of the sacks to topple onto
the rails. And thanks to the rain, it poured onto the spilled load of oatmeal,
creating a thick puddle of porridge covering the tracks.

Porter: Uh-oh! This is bad!

(Shows Percy coming)

Narrator: At that moment, Percy came down the line pulling the post train, and
that’s when he saw the puddle of porridge.

Percy: Oh horrors! Driver STOP!

Narrator: Percy wasn’t going fast, but he couldn’t prevent himself from plowing
into the porridge.

(Percy ploughs through the porridge)

Percy: EW!

Narrator: Luckily, there was no damage, but porridge had dripped from Percy’s
wheels, rods, and frames. He felt awful; wet, stick and cold. His crew got down to
inspect the mess.

Percy’s Driver: (Chuckles) Oh dear! Well Percy, you found about porridge, but the
hard way haven’t you?

Percy’s Fireman: (Chuckles) Yeah, and even though you said engines can’t eat, it’s
supposed to be eaten, not paddled in.

Percy: Okay, okay, just stop with the jokes alright, it’s not funny.

Percy’s Driver: Sorry! But the good news is, we can just clean you up with soap and
water, so you’ll be fine.

(Shows Wilbert puffing down the Main Line)

Narrator: They telephoned the Fat Controller, who telephoned to Barrow, just in
time to stop Wilbert, as they explained the situation. And seeing as they had to
pass Tidmouth, Wilbert agreed to help shunt Percy there to be cleaned before
heading to the Little Western.

(Shows Wilbert arriving at Elsbridge Junction to shunts Percy, and shows Douglas
pulling the mail)

Narrator: So Wilbert arrived, and shunted the porridge covered Percy, while Douglas
came to pull the rest of the Post Train onwards. He got Percy to the Branchline
Sheds at Tidmouth, and decided to rest there for a bit before heading to Duck’s
Line. Thanks to Wilbert, Percy cheered up at once just as the rain died down.

Wilbert: Well, that’s one way to start off the visit. Nice to meet you Percy.

Percy: Thanks Wilbert. I wanted to meet you, but I didn’t think it’d be this way.

Wilbert: Oh that’s alright, it can happy to any engine. All you need is a good
cleaning and you’ll be back at work in no time.

Percy: Thanks! Porridge is alright for breakfast my driver says, but it makes a
mess of an engine that isn’t expecting it.

Wilbert: True, but not unless you were Goldilocks in the Three Bears (Chuckles).

Percy: Oh, I forgot that’s what where porridge was from. But I hope you enjoy your
stay Wilbert, and you’ll really like Duck’s Branchline.

Wilbert: I’m sure I will, but I definitely would love to get know everyone else to.
Please Percy, tell me about yourself.

Narrator: Percy was delighted, and while he was being cleaned, he and Wilbert began
talking like old friends.

(Opens with Wilbert working on various parts of Sodor)

Narrator: Wilbert the Forest Engine had been enjoying his stay on the Island of
Sodor. He had been working very hard in handling the work that Donald & Douglas
would usually handle, and the other engines had made him feel welcome, especially
Duck & Oliver on the Little Western. In fact, Duck even let him double-head his
next train by traveling in the front, so that he could see what the branchline was
like. Wilbert enjoyed this, but found running beside the sea very different from
his sheltered valley on the Dean Forest Railway in Gloucestershire. He even made
friends with the Arlesdale miniature engines when taking ballast trucks, and Rex,
Bert, Mike, Jock and Frank all enjoyed talking to him and telling them about their
adventures. Though he did get to work on other parts of Sodor as well, but
regardless, he was enjoying himself greatly.

(Shows Wilbert talking with the original 7 engines at Tidmouth Sheds)

Wilbert: You’re lucky to have such a long railway, with plenty of long branch
lines. Mine unfortunately is only 1 ½ miles long, with a station at Norchard and
another at Lydney. It’s nice, but

Gordon: I’m sorry to hear. I understand that engines on heritage lines can feel
depressed if they don’t get a chance to stretch their wheels every now and again.

Wilbert: Thanks, but it’s not really at all bad Gordon. The scenery is super
though, and my driver says it’s better up the valley. Our volunteers are going to
open that bit to. They work hard, but it takes a long time.

Henry: Well I wish all of you luck with that, your line sounds very beautiful. I
can understand myself, as I have a love for forests to.

Wilbert: Really Henry? That sounds wonderful, is it that forest on the Main Line
outside of Killdane?

Henry: That’s the one. It would be nice to see a whole railway, sheltered in a
forest, my kind of paradise.

James: (Smirks) Yeah, maybe you should go live there then.

All Engines: JAMES!

James: What, I’m just kidding.

Wilbert: (Chuckles) It’s alright lads, I understand how that feels, but like I
said, I’m proud of my home. At least me and my friends are preserved there, and not
under threat of being scrapped, or under strict supervision from British Railways.

Edward: Indeed so! Just as we’re all grateful that were kept in service here on

Percy: Here-here.

Wilbert: Oh, by the way, Thomas, I even got to travel down your line today to the
Lead Mines at Toryreck.

Thomas: Oh, you did, interesting! What do you think of it?

Wilbert: It’s wonderful. I had to go there to bring some Lead for Knapford. In
fact, that’s another thing, I also like how your railway serves different
industrial companies that rely on railways more than roads for their deliveries.

Thomas: I’m glad so, oh but just one word of advice. Don't travel past the danger
notice there, as back when I was young, I ignored it and fell down a mine once.

Percy: (Sadly) Yeah, and I did something similar and fell into the bay at Knapford

James: Yeah, very silly of you both indeed.

Henry: I mean it says danger there for a reason.

Gordon: Really you two? That was in the past, we all make mistakes like that, but
we learn.

Edward: Alright, that’s enough you three.

Wilbert: It’s okay Edward. They’re just joking. Don’t worry Thomas, I didn’t pass
that sign, as I’m aware of danger notices myself, as before working at Dean, I used
to work in a colliery.

Thomas: You did?

Wilbert: Oh yes, as my brothers and sisters we’re all industrial engines, working
for various collieries owned by the National Coal Board right after the Second
World War. And as you are all aware, working in an industrial area is very serious
business, as there’s no fooling around, as our managers warned us of what we should
and shouldn’t do. Most of us obeyed the rules and did our duties there. However,
there was one brother of mine who thought he knew better.

Toby: Oh, what happened?

Wilbert: Well…

Narrator: Wilbert paused, remembering it well.

(Flashbacks to a Steelworks on the Mainland in 1956)

Wilbert: This engine didn’t really have a name like we do, just a number. Sixteen,
but he worked at a steelworks. He was anything but friendly, in fact, he was
arrogant, rude, awkward, ill-mannered, and always getting into mischief. One of the
jobs that Sixteen and his friends had to do was to take the waste through the works
in special trucks to a place they called the tip. Now Sixteen would he always got
tired of stopping in the same place. He tried to go further, but his driver always
saw through his scheme and would prevent him at every moment. The other engines
would try to stop him to.

GWR 56xx: If the notice says “danger”, then you shouldn’t pass it.

Sixteen: Ah, what do you know? Nothing bad will happen, and I’ll pass when I want,
so shove off.

Wilbet: He would say bluntly. No matter what you would tell him, Sixteen stubbornly
wouldn’t pay attention. He thought he could do whatever he want, whenever he
wanted, and always made a lot of snarky and sarcastic wisecracks, as he was always

Sixteen’s Driver: Don’t be stupid, we mustn’t pass it, or goodness knows where
we’ll end up.

Wilbert: But Sixteen wanted to know.

Sixteen: Pooh! I can take of myself, thank you very much!

(Cuts to Sixteen passing the danger board and is on the gradient)

Wilbert: One wet day, Sixteen’s chance came. The rails were slippery, and when his
driver try to put the brakes on, he couldn’t, as you see, Sixteen had asked the
trucks he was shunting in front of him to pull him and carry on pass the warning

Sixteen’s Driver: ARGH! You fool, now look what you did!

Sixteen: (Innocently) What I did? Oh driver, I’m hurt, this wasn’t my fault. It was
those stupid trucks.

Trucks: HEY!

Sixteen’s Driver: Oh no, don’t lie to me! I know how much you always wanted to pass
that board. I believe you ask them to drag us accidently on purpose.

Wilbert: Just then, the foreman, who had witnessed the whole incident ran towards
Foreman: Oui, what are doing there driver? It’s not safe!

Sixteen’s Driver: Sorry mate, but the trucks dragged us. Apparently my engine asked
them to.

Foreman: So I see! Well come to the office with me driver, and you fireman, get
your engine back on firm ground before it’s too late.

Wilbert: But as they were walking away, it was already too late. The earth beneath
Sixteen’s wheels sank as the rails sagged. Sixteen’s fireman knew that if he tried
to move his engine know, it would only make things worse.

Sixteen: Whoa! Oh, HELP!

Wilbert: Suddenly, the ground finally gave way thanks to Sixteen’s weight, and they
fell away completely. As the fireman leapt from the cab to safety, Sixteen
overbalanced as the coupling between him and the trucks broke and he rolled off the
hill cab over wheels.


(Sixteen collapses off the rails and rolls down hard on the ground)

Sixteen: (Whimpers) Ow! Help!

Wilbert: He gasped weakly! The driver, fireman, and foreman all ran back towards
him, and needless to say, the three of them were furious.

Sixteen’s Driver: Well Sixteen! You wanted to see what happens if we past the
danger sign, and now you know why, the hard way that is! I hope you’re happy with

Foreman: Indeed! You’ve been nothing but trouble ever since the day you came here.
You’ve been rude to many of the engines and workmen for no reason, bumping the
trucks violently, going against many regulations, and have spoken out against us
when we’re only trying to help. You are nothing more than an arrogant,
inconsiderate, macho, and an outspoken and rebellious engine. When I speak to the
manager, oh-ha-ho, we’re going to make sure you never speak out like that against
authority again.

Wilbert: For once in his life, Sixteen didn’t feel outspoken and clever now. In
fact, he could only look at his own damages, and down on the earth he lay on,
wondering what the future would bring.

(Cuts back to the present at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: The engines were all silent.

Toby: Dear god, what happened to Sixteen after that?

Wilbert: Oh he was salvaged, but he was never repaired, and was sent to the back of
the sheds in disgrace, while the manager decided what to do with him.

Thomas: Is he still there?

Wilbert: Oh he got better than he deserved. Some preservation members came and
bought him, and now he lives in the Midlands. I haven’t heard from him since, but I
think he’s lucky to be given a second chance.
Narrator: The engines could only agree.

Wilbert: Anyways, I gotta head back to my shed. Busy day tomorrow.

Thomas: Yeah, agreed.

Edward: Good night Wilbert!

(Wilbert departs)

Narrator: As Wilbert departed back to Knapford Sheds, the other engines went to
sleep, but each wondering what happened to Sixteen in the Midlands, and if he
really reformed.

(Shows Wilbert working on the Ffarqhuar Branchline)

Narrator: Wilbert had been working hard with helping on the Little Western to take
any pressure off of the Donald & Douglas’s workload. However, as mentioned before,
he also worked on other parts of the railway, especially on Thomas’s Branchline if
needed. One of the first jobs that Wilbert did was work at the Lead Mines were
Thomas once past a danger notice. But the other job he had to handle is at a dairy
at Toryreck where the lines divide, with one being the goods line going past the
Lead Mines and all the way to the Branchline’s Harbor, and the rest going all the
way to Elsbridge Junction and the rest of the branchline. Every afternoon, special
tanker wagons are pushed into the dairy siding, where they are filled with milk,
and Percy or Toby take them to Elsbridge on their first train every morning. One
day, Percy had been called to help Mavis at Anopha Quarry, and Wilbert was sent to
cover for him for the time being. Thomas explained what Percy’s jobs inquired, and
how the milk train being the first to Elsbridge.

Thomas: There’s a hosepipe which pours the milk into the tankers. They’ll be ready
by the time you get there for the first train.

Wilbert: Sounds easy enough. Thanks Thomas.

Narrator: Thomas explained many other important details to, and Wilbert listened
carefully, trying hard to remember them all. Now while Wilbert was a very hard-
working, intelligent, and responsible engine that loved his work, he loved it too
much, as he could also be a perfectionist that focuses too much on getting the job
done correctly, to the point where he would get distracted with his own
responsibilities, to the point where he forgets to pause and take things easy, and
overestimate himself.

(Shows Wilbert puffing down the branchline)

Narrator: Later that day, he enjoyed himself. Wilbert of course was a much more
powerful engine than Percy, so he found he could cope easily with Percy’s trains,
as well as the Scottish Twins’ back on the Little Western. Even the trucks behaved
well to, which helped even more.

Truck 1: (Whispers) He’s a strong one, he is.

Truck 2: (Whispers) Don’t dare upset Wilbert, or you might do to get his own back.

(Cuts to Wilbert shunting Milk Tankers at Toryreck)

Narrator: The next day, Wilbert was taking loaded stone trucks from Anopha Quarry
to the Branchline Harbor. On his way back with empty tankers, he stopped by
Toryreck, and pushed the empty tankers into a siding. Once he left them, he set out
towards the junction, pulling just a few full ones tankers.

Wilbert: Alright then, I’ll just leave these at the junction, and bring the empty
tankers back. And once those are put in the dairy siding, I’ll take the stone
trucks to Ffarqhuar. It’s all coming along nicely.

(Cuts to Wilbert at Elsbridge with James)

Narrator: Once Wilbert arrived at Elsbridge, they met James who was collecting
passengers. James of course enjoyed Wilbert’s company, and ask him how he was
getting on. Wilbert chatted excitedly about the jobs he was given to do that day.

James: Wow, I mean, I may not like trucks, but I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.
But one word of advice, it’s best to take thing slowly at first.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

James: Oh I’d love to stay and chat, but I gotta get these passengers to their
destinations. Cheerio!

(James departs)

Narrator: And the big red engine puffed away.

(Cuts to Wilbert back at Toryreck)

Narrator: Wilbert continued his journey, and reached Toryreck easily. However, his
fireman was worried about his water.

Wilbert’s Fireman: Oh my, we should’ve filled up at Elsbridge. But you were too
busy shunting and chatting with James.

Wilbert: I was? Oh, oops, sorry!

Wilbert’s Fireman: Never mind old boy. We’ll refill on water here.

Narrator: Now the tankers were at the end of the train, so all Wilbert had to do
was shunt them into the dairy siding. Then, he drew forward, and stopped beside the

Wilbert’s Fireman: Ah, just in time.

Narrator: Said the fireman, and he connected the hose into Wilbert’s tank. But as
he turned the tap, the driver spoke to him. The fireman was about to reply, but all
of a sudden realized…

Wilbert: Whoa, hey, this doesn’t taste like water.

Wilbert’s Fireman: No, because it’s not water! IT’S MILK! OH DEAR GOD, YOU’LL BE

Narrator: So quickly, they put out Wilbert’s fire, and the fireman telephoned for

(Thomas shunts Wilbert to goods yard at the carriage sheds at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: Thomas came as soon as he could, and pulled Wilbert to Tidmouth Sheds,
and shunted him over to the carriage side on the other side. Wilbert’s tanks were
emptied out, and the Austerity tank was given a thorough clean.
(Fades to next morning with Wilbert, still at the carriage sheds at Tidmouth)

Narrator: Next morning, he was quite alright again, as Thomas came to check up on

Thomas: Morning Wilbert, how are you holding up?

Wilbert: Oh, I’m fine, though my pride is hurt a little bit. All this could’ve been
avoided. My first visit, and I took on milk by mistake.

Thomas: Oh, it’s alright Wilbert, it could happy to any engine. Besides, you’re all
better now. Your work ethic is great, but you have to stop and take things easy,
you could get distracted and get into trouble.

Wilbert: You’re right Thomas. It could’ve been worse. One thing for certain though,
I wouldn’t want the taste of milk to fill up my boiler now that I know what it
takes like. Besides, my fireman is lactose intolerant (Chuckles).

Thomas: So is my driver (Chuckles). But look on the bright side, you and Percy make
a great pair. Two saddle tanks taking on different dairy products, as he had the
porridge, and you had the milk (Chuckles).

Wilbert: Well, then we better make sure not to spoil people’s breakfasts if that

Thomas: Believe me, I know how that feels.

(Thomas & Wilbert laugh)

Narrator: And the two blue tank engines laughed, and Wilbert made sure to relax and
not overwork himself to let that happen again.

(Opens with the Fat Controller talking to Wilbert at the Branchline Sheds)

Narrator: A day after Wilbert’s incident with the milk, Percy was finally back on
regular duties after helping Mavis. His visit was nearing its end, and the Fat
Controller came to see the little blue tank engine before he was about to start

TFC: Good morning Wilbert. You’ve been doing well so far, apart from drinking all
that milk.

Wilbert: Oh yes, about that, I’m sorry sir, I…

TFC: It’s alright Wilbert. This is a mistake any engine can make. Nobody’s perfect,
as regardless, your performance since you came has been outstanding. Your trains
have ran on time, the trucks and coaches are on their best behaviors, no complaints
from passengers and goods clients, and all the engines on my railway hold you in
high regard.

Wilbert: Oh thank you sir.

TFC: Now there is one job I need you to do today on the Little Western. There is a
line of ballast wagons that have to be loaded up, then brought here to Tidmouth.
Some of the sidings need re-ballasting.

Wilbert: Right away sir.

(Wilbert departs, and arrives at the Ballast Chute at Callan)

Narrator: And Wilbert set off to collect the trucks. He soon arrived at Callan,
where the Arlesdale engine greeted him, as Wilbert already made friends with the 5
of them, and then shunted the trucks to the chute. Like the other trucks, Wilbert
already made such a good impression, that even the ballast trucks, despite being
the most obnoxious trucks on the railway, made sure to behave themselves instantly.
Duck, Donald, Douglas, and Oliver kept them all in order, but Wilbert made sure
they all never forgot what the engines on the Arlesburgh line had taught them.

(Shows the coupling between the trucks and Wilbert coming loose)

Narrator: Once the trucks were full, Wilbert tried to pull them away in reverse,
but as he did so, there was a loud crack, and the blue saddle tank shot backwards.
The fireman got down and surveyed the damage.

Wilbert’s Fireman: (Sarcastically) Well isn’t this nice! The coupling hook on the
first wagon has come loose! How can this get any worse!

Wilbert: Calm down John. I’m sure we’ll think of something. Like Thomas & James
said, we just gotta remain calm and take things slow. I’m sure we can figure
something out.

Bert: I think I might be able to help with that.

Narrator: Said a voice. There on the platform of the minimum gauge track, was Bert
the Blue Arlesdale Engine, watching with interest.

Bert: I pulled a train which was glued together once when one of my couplers broke.

Wilbert: Thanks Bert, but we’ll need more than glue here.

Narrator: Then, Wilbert noticed a coil of signal wire, lying beside the line.

Wilbert: Hmm…just maybe though…could we do anything with that?

Wilbert’s Driver: You’d never move a whole train with wire.

Wilbert: No, but what about just one truck? I bet I could pull one truck with wire.

Wilbert’s Driver: He’s right John. Anything’s better than not getting the train
moving at all. We’ll just have to move that one truck out of the way.

Stationmaster: Brilliant!

Narrator: Said the stationmaster, who had come to see what was wrong.

Stationmaster: I’ll go tell the signalman what you’re doing. Just let me know when
you’re ready.

Narrator: So the fireman wound the wire around the truck’s buffer beam, leaving
long loops. This he twisted into a rope, making a small loop at the end, which he
fastened to Wilbert’s front coupling hook. A shunter uncoupled a truck from the
rest, and at last, everything was ready.

Wilbert’s Driver: Right Wilbert, gently now.

Narrator: His driver opened the regulator very carefully, easing Wilbert slowly
backwards. The wire tightened, stretched and held.
(Wilbert shunts the broken truck away)

Narrator: Slowly, the truck followed out of the siding, and he could then push it
into another, out of the way. Then he went back to his ballast train.

Bert: Alright! Well done Wilbert, you did it!

Wilbert: Thanks! Though if you didn’t give me the idea about the glue, I wouldn’t
have done it. Thanks Bert.

Bert: Anytime! Never overlook a little engine.

(Bert departs)

Narrator: Peeped the little blue engine cheerfully, and puffed away to collect his
passenger train. Wilbert then went back to the rest of the ballast train, and this
time, there was no trouble at all.

(Wilbert puffing down the line to Tidmouth)

Narrator: He made his way down the branchline, and reached Tidmouth late, but
safely. The workmen cheered, and Wilbert felt proud to have completed the job. It
wasn’t perfect, but at least he came up with an idea thanks to Bert, and succeed
with it.

(Fades to Wilbert at Knapford Station about to leave, with the Fat Controller and
the other engines there)

Narrator: By the end of his stay, the Fat Controller was so pleased, he now knew
that an Austerity Saddle Tank like Wilbert was exactly what he needed.

TFC: I’m a delighted to have you visit our railway Wilbert. You’re quick thinking
yesterday had helped finish the job, and you have proven to be a very responsible,
reliable, and really useful engine, as well as the rest of your class. Please make
sure to take our best wishes to your friends in the forest of Dean. We hope your
line there will be as successful as your work and personality here.

Wilbert: Thank you sir! I hope whichever of my brothers and sisters you get will do
a wonderful job. And if you ever need any help again sir…

TFC: Of course, you’ll be one of the first engines on my list.

Narrator: The other engines whistled and cheered as they saw Wilbert off.

Wilbert: Thank you everyone. I’ve had a wonderful time, but I’m looking forward to
getting home. Goodbye, and thanks again.

(Wilbert leaves and then cuts to him going through Henry’s Tunnel)

Narrator: And with one might toot of his whistle, Wilbert rounded the curve and
disappeared into the tunnel back home.

(Opens with Donald & Douglas doing various jobs)

Narrator: Donald & Douglas are some of the most hardest-working engines on the
Island of Sodor. They are mixed-traffic engines that are both versatile to handle
goods and passengers with ease, and are happy to be helping out on both the Main
Line and the branch lines. Their crew and the Fat Controller would refer to the as
“engines of all trades”! Donald & Douglas are very proud of that, however, there
was one job that the Caledonian twins had yet to do.

(Shows Gordon pulling the express)

Narrator: This is none other than the express, usually pulled by Sodor’s premiere
express engine, Gordon. Gordon is very proud of pulling the express, as his trains
run to time, and the passengers sings his praises. Even so, sometimes pulling the
express can be tiring for him, and even he needs a rest himself every now and
again. The Fat Controller knew this, and decided it was about time he had another
for the remainder of the month. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Henry &
James, the secondary express engines, to begin boasting again!

James: I wonder, whoever will the express.

Henry: I know one engine the Fat Controller will choose. A big green engine like
yours truly. I mean it may have been a year ago, but this overhaul has really down
my wonders.

James: In your dreams, Henry. An engine like you is too common and generic. A
splendid red engine like me would be perfect.

Henry: Yes, but you’re not as big and strong like me, as the express requires a
much bigger engine. Plus, you can’t climb hills.

Donald: Och, ‘ere we go.

Douglas: Nae sleep fur us tonigh’.

Henry: Pah! You’re both just jealous. You’re both only goods engines after all.

Donald: We’re mixed traffic. Same as ye, if ye recall.

James: Yes, but some of us are better suited for “important trains” than others.
That's why more appealing and dignified engines like us would take the express when
old Gordon is worn out, and why you two filthy Scots take dirty trucks from dirty

Douglas: Watch yer tongue ye twa. We only tak trucks because o the fuss ye lot make
aboot thaim. We'd treat the express like any other train. A job tae be done, an
done well.

Gordon: (Yawns) Very well said Douglas. As I trust you both anyday. Now can we
please quite down and get some sleep? It’s been a long day.

Narrator: Henry & James only huffed, but said no more.

(Fades to Henry & James boasting, and then later to Gordon, Donald and Douglas at
the Shunting Yards)

Narrator: The next morning however, the two big engines were still boasting,
competing with each other on who should pull the express, and even belittling the
other engines, such as teasing Gordon for being a worn out old man, and teasing
Donald & Douglas for being a bunch of common goods engines with filthy paint work
and that they would be too rough with the coaches, and the passengers would only
cringe if they pulled the express. Needless to say, Gordon was beginning to lose
his patience.

Gordon: (Groans) Those two could certainly do with having their wheels trimmed.
There boasting is maddening at times! I mean yes, I boast every now and again to,
but at least I’m honest about it, and can certainly see how far it goes and how it
affects others. At least I can do my best to learn from my mistakes, but those two
act as if they didn’t learn a thing every time the Fat Controller gives either of
them the express.

Donald: Aye, we can see thon ye've maturit Gordon. But wi Henry & James, they're
juist tae immature. Especially Henry! Ye think after the incident wi the bad coal,
gettin thon overhaul o his, an bein paintit red last year, he wad've been more

Douglas: Ah, but thare's nothin we can dae aboot it, A'm afriead.

Gordon: Actually, maybe there is. If you two pulled the express while I’m on my
break, it would certainly knock some sense into them. After all, you two are some
of the most hardest working and dedicated engines I have ever known, and you both
deserve to. I know that if Thomas, Percy and Duck could manage like they did a few
years back, I know you two will do just as splendid.

Donald: Thank ye Gordon, thon daes sound like an honor. But only gin the Fat
Fontroller asks us ower, we will. But for now, we got trucks tae sort.

Gordon: Of course. You two do what you have to. I’m sure someday you both will get
your chance.

Narrator: The twins gave cheerful whistles and puffed back to work, leaving Gordon
wondering how to give them their chance. Fortunately, the big blue engine wouldn’t
have to do a thing.

(Cuts to the next morning at Knapford Station at the yards)

Narrator: The next morning, James & Henry were being readied in the yards for the
day’s work. James was taking on water, while Henry was being refilled on coal.
Nearby, Donald & Douglas were shunting trucks ready for their morning goods train.
The big green and red engines kept on ridiculing them.

James: Ah yes, as to be expected, you’d never see prestigious express engines

shunting dirty trucks in dirty sidings.

Henry: Indeed! It wouldn’t do for us to look to shabby for the passengers.

(Henry’s tender jumps the points and derails)

Narrator: The Scottish Twins only rolled their eyes, but trouble was only around
the corner. Perhaps, if Henry hadn’t been so pretentious, he would’ve noticed by
now that the points by the water tower weren’t set properly. Too late, his wheels
jumped the points, and his own tender toppled over. Luckily, no one was hurt, but
Henry had completely derailed, which also caused James to be trapped in the siding.

James: ARGH! YOU BIG GREEN IMBECILE! You did that on purpose to prevent me from
getting the express.

Henry: ON PURPOSE! I’d never! If you hadn’t been distracting me…

Narrator: The two big engines kept arguing back and forth on who was to blame, as
Donald, Douglas, and the other engines who had been watching couldn’t help but

(Shows Duck arriving with the Breakdown Train, and the Fat Controller comes in)
Narrator: Duck soon arrived with the Breakdown Train, and the Fat Controller
arrived on the scene. And seeing how strict he looked, Henry & James wisely kept
their mouths shut.

TFC: You both have caused a great deal of trouble today. I’ve heard from Edward
that you both have been very conceited lately when I announced that Gordon was
gonna have a rest from the express, you both have been competing on who should pull
it instead of focusing on both your work and safety, especially with your
arrogance, Henry, if you hadn’t been so cocky, you wouldn’t have that accident, and
now, the points are damaged, and neither you nor James can pull the express. But
worse than that, I also heard that you have said a lot of degrading and insensitive
comments about Donald, Douglas and Gordon, and this is honestly the last thing I
expected from you both. I am very disappointed in both of you, for being so
conceited, pretentious, spiteful, and very irresponsible, and saying all those
nasty insults about the other engines…your friends.

Henry: Yes sir!

James: We’re sorry sir!

TFC: And?

James: To Donald & Douglas, we’re sorry we’ve treated you so poorly like that.

Henry: And to you Gordon, you’re not worn out, everybody needs a rest every once in
a while. We’ll never treat you three like that again.

TFC: Indeed! You can stay there until we get the trains sorted out. I hope the next
time I assign you both the express, to never let this go through your smokebox

Narrator: James & Henry just looked shamefully at their buffers.

Edward: Excuse me sir, but with Henry & James out of action, who will for the
express now?

TFC: (Sighs) I’m sorry Gordon. I really hate to do this to you, but it seems like
you’ll have to pull the express on more time before your month’s rest.

Gordon: Sir, if I may, why not Donald & Douglas pull the express? I mean, they work
so hard in everything they do, that they never had the chance to pull it before.
Besides, Edward, Duck and I can handle the other work for the time being anyway.

Narrator: Henry & James gasped, they never thought Gordon would ever give the
express so readily before, nor volunteer to do other jobs, but of course, they
should’ve known better, as Gordon has matured over the years more than they ever
had. Duck & Edward however were quick to agree, and the Fat Controller pondered.

TFC: Hmm…yes, that is a good idea, and it’ll be a nice change to. Well you two,
what do you say?

Donald & Douglas: Och, we'd be honorit sir.

TFC: Excellent! I’m sure you’ll both do great. Off you both go. Show the passengers
what fine hardworking engines are capable of.

(Shows Donald & Douglas departing, then backing down to the express)
Narrator: The twins set off, leaving Henry & James speechless. Soon, they both back
down to the train, which was 10 coaches long.

Donald: Ready Douggie?

Douglas: Ready Donnie!

(Guard’s whistle blows, and Donald & Douglas depart, then shows a montage of them
puffing along the Main line)

Narrator: Donald & Douglas puffed valiantly out of the station. The twins were
gentle with the coaches, gave the passengers a smooth ride, and charged over
Gordon’s Hill. The other engines and gave them cheerful whistles of encouragement.
They had no trouble keeping to time. In fact, they were often early. The twins had
never enjoyed themselves that much then they ever had in their whole lives.

(Donald & Douglas arrive back to Knapford Station where Gordon and the Fat
Controller are waiting)

Narrator: By the time the twins returned back to Knapford, Gordon was there with
the Fat Controller, singing their praises.

Gordon: You two look splendid flying along the line! Dare I say we ought to call
you the “Flying Scots”, I’m sure my own dear brother would agree if he could see
you both right now.

Donald: Aye, but couldnae have done it without ye, thank ye Gordon! But it's aw in
a day's work.

TFC: Regardless though, I’m proud of you both, and as a special reward for your
hard work and efforts, you both can double head express for the month while Gordon
is on his break.

Douglas: Aye! Thank ye sir! The pleasure has been ours.

Narrator: Then they all looked at James & Henry, who were both in the yard

Donald: A suppose, some o us are better suitit for important trains.

Narrator: And all of them chuckled.

(Shows Donald & Douglas pulling the express, Gordon pulling the local, and Henry
and James on goods work)

Narrator: And so for the remainder of the month, Donald & Douglas pull the express,
and were enjoying themselves gratefully, and were running it very well, while
Gordon was enjoying his rest in pulling local passengers and occasionally goods.
And as for Henry & James, well, the Fat Controller punished them by having the pull
goods trains also for the whole month, and they remained respectfully silent,
promising to never say anything rude about Donald & Douglas, and their work, ever

Narrator: The engines of the Island of Sodor had been incredibly busy as of late.
Ever since Wilbert’s visit last year, the Fat Controller was inspired to buy an
Austerity Saddle Tank Engine for his railway to help handle any of the increasing
workloads to take any pressure off of Donald & Douglas. He was still searching as
best he could, and with the amount of work going on late, the engines were finding
life difficult until one could be found.
(Cuts to Percy arriving at Brendam Docks)

Narrator: One day, Percy had arrived late at Brendam Docks with a train of stone,
and Cranky the Crane was quick to criticize.

Cranky: Humph! Well it’s about time you showed up. Where’ve you been? These ships
can’t be kept waiting, they have important cargo. If they miss the tides, they’ll
be delayed at docks. You should look up to the ships and show more respect.

Percy: HEY! Don’t blame me for this Cranky, we got so much work and we’re busy
enough of as it is.

Cranky: Well, in that case, perhaps a lorry should do your work then.

Percy: A l…l…lorry!

Narrator: Percy was horrified!

(Shows Percy coming up to Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: Later that afternoon, he told the other engines at Tidmouth Sheds. They
were appalled by what Cranky said.

Gordon: What cheek! To think that crane could criticize us engines like that, it’s

James: Disgusting!

Henry: Despicable!

James: It’s a load of stuff and nonsense.

Henry: We engines are the heart and soul that keep this island running night and

Edward: Indeed! Don’t take any notice Percy. Cranky may be well…cranky, but he
means well. It’s best not to take his rants seriously.

Percy: I know, but what if a lorry does come?

TFC: I’m afraid that it’s true, Percy.

Narrator: Said a voice, it was the Fat Controller, who arrived to speak with the

TFC: I have brought in three Lorries on loan from the Mainland to help with the
increasing workloads. It’s just to help ease your workloads until I can purchase
the new engine.

Narrator: The engines were upset, but they knew they had to cope as best they can.

(Fades to Brendam Docks where 3 red Lorries are unloaded by Cranky)

Narrator: A few days, the three lorries arrived. Cranky was delighted as Percy
came, dropping off some supplies.

Cranky: Oui, little green mite! You’re job’s done now, these lorries are gonna take
over. In fact, one of them wants to talk to you.
Narrator: And the lorry did, but in a very rude and brutal tone.

Lorry 2: Bluck! What’s that steaming lump of scrap iron? You only make us sick at
the fact you’re still kept in service. But we three will change that, so BE OFF


Narrator: And Percy left in a huff whishing steam at the horrid lorries, but the
trio didn’t care.

(Cuts to the lorries causing trouble)

Narrator: But it only got worse! The lorries were still very inconsiderate and
vulgar. They wanted to make themselves known, as they denied being on loan, and
wanted to get the railway shut down, and make sure the engines were scrapped, as
they would rudely steal the their jobs, bark a lot of hurtful insults, and would
even be nasty to anybody that would disagree with them. Worse, they not only
threatened on taking the engine’s workloads, but they would even drive dangerously,
and not caring at nearly putting innocent lives at risk.

(Shows Lorry 1 darting across Suddrey Crossing in front of BoCo)



Lorry 1: NOT MY PROBLEM SMOKEY (Evil Cackles)!


(Cuts to Lorry 1 being rude to Percy, James, and Thomas at Elsbridge Junction)

Narrator: The next day after they arrived, Percy was dropping off goods at
Elsbridge, when he saw the first lorry dropping off supplies at the station, and
unfortunately, was being very nasty to Thomas & James. But he then saw Percy and
lashed out at him to.

Lorry 1: Oh look! It’s a little green goblin on wheels! Worse, he’s with an
undercooked hot dog, and a moldy blue sandwich.

Thomas: Hey! Shut your mouth there! If you wanna be working on this island, than
you better stop with the attitude!

Lorry 1: I don’t take orders from some little blue teapot! Me and my bros will act
and treat you anyway we like! You’ll all be scrapped! Just you wait and see!

(Lorry 1 departs)

Narrator: And he rumbled away rudely before any of the three engines could retort!

Thomas: Well bust my buffers! What a “horrid” lorry!

James: Yeah, and a despicable one to. What are we gonna do now?

(Cuts to Toby working at Anopha Quarry when Lorry 2 shows up)

Narrator: The next engine to meet a lorry was Toby at Anopha Quarry. Toby tried to
be friendly, but the second lorry could only laugh rudely and bark nasty insults.

Lorry 2: Well, well, I thought I’d seen it all! No wonder why this pathetic
railway’s a mess. An old packing crate on wheels belongs in a shabby old museum,
not working in a quarry!

Narrator: Toby was most offended!

Toby: Watch your tongue! I might look old, but I’m really useful!

Lorry 2: Useful, pah! More like useless! I’m taking you job, so do us all a favor
and tootle off a bridge you pile of firewood!


Toby’s Driver: Don’t bother arguing with this idiot Toby. Let’s just take our loads
to the harbor, we’ll show how useful you are there.

(Cuts to Donald at the Flour Mill)

Narrator: Later, Donald was sent to work at the Flour Mill, when he saw the third
lorry there before him.

Donald: Whit? Whit are ye doin here?

Lorry 3: Ain’t it obvious you steaming bagpipe, we three are now doing your work,
because you’re two slow! We move heavier loads like this, so why don’t you go shove
yourself off into the sea and rust, there’s a good engine!

Donald: Oh shut up ye heaving, manipulative, devil!

Narrator: Just then, the foreman came up and spoke to his driver.

Foreman: I’m sorry, but the lorry was so insistent, that we decided to use him for
our deliveries instead. Times are changing I’m afraid.

Donald’s Driver: Now ye sir are makin a big mistake! These lorries have been nothin
but trouble! The engines may be old ay, but they are very uisefae! Come on Donal',
let's gae tae the farms, they'll still use us.

(Donald departs)

Narrator: Donald puffed sadly away, as the lorry smirked in triumph. But for him
and his brothers, it wasn’t to last.

(Cuts to Toby puffing down the Quarry Line)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Toby was puffing down the Quarry Line with his train of stone,
still brooding over lorry’s abrasive attitude. His driver assured him that he was
still useful, and they would never be replaced. The line leading into Anopha Quarry
travels through a narrow gorge. Above or the roadways for the vehicles to travel
through. But unlike the engines, they had to tackle a steep and dangerous road, and
steel guard rails are kept in places to prevent vehicles from falling off. But if
not careful, they could break through and fall off. As Toby made his way through
the gorge, he heard some skidding, and looked up, and saw the lorry he encountered
earlier. He was loaded with a ton of rock and skidding dangerously!

Lorry 2: WHOA! STOP! STOP!

Toby: Good lord, it’s that lorry again, and it looks like he’s in trouble!

Narrator: And he was right! The lorry was nearly about to hit an oncoming car, but
he swerved too quickly and off the road. The driver, sensing what was about to come
next, jumped clear just in time, as the lorry burst through the guard rails and
plunged off the cliff, and hard onto the ground near the rails!

Lorry 2: (Goofy holler)

(Lorry 2 smashes onto the ground)

Narrator: Toby and his crew were shocked. The horrid lorry, was now severely
damaged. His driver, who was all the way on top shouted furiously down at him.


Narrator: But all the lorry could reply was with a painful groan, and a feeble…

Lorry 2: Ouch!

Narrator: Toby and his crew couldn’t help but laugh.

Toby: (Chuckles) Well, we better get help then.

(Cuts to Percy helping the wrecked lorry, and him being inspected at Brendam Docks)

Narrator: Eventually, Percy arrived with the Breakdown Train, and pulled the
wrecked lorry to Brendam Docks. His damages were beyond repair, as Toby, who was
just finished his work, came to see him along with Percy. The two both laughed at
the lorry’s comeuppance.

Percy: Well, well, well, what’s this steaming lump of scrap iron?

Lorry 2: Oh I’ll be back pipsqueak, so you can wipe that stupid smile off your

Toby: Actually, I got a better idea. Why don’t you wash that filthy mouth of all
those insults with you, because your attitude has only been your own undoing!

Narrator: And Percy & Toby whished the lorry with enough steam that shut him up
real good.

(Donald shows up, and Butch arrives towing Lorry 3)

Narrator: Just then, Donald arrived hauling a train of fram produce, and he joined
in laughing to.

Donald: Aye, noo that’s funny lads, bit it gets even better.

Narrator: He chortled, as Butch the Breakdown Lorry arrived towing the lorry from
the Flour Mill, who was in just as much damage as his brother.

Toby: Huh! What happened to that one?

(Shows the flashback of Lorry 3’s comeuppance)

Butch: Oh him! Well, after Donald left, this hooligan was motivated in that stupid
fantasy of shutting down the railway, that he insisted on delivering a lot of
flour, but he didn’t watch his limits like his brother and overloaded himself,
which really took a toll on his engine.

Donald: Aye, 'n' he tried tae dart richt fernent me at th' crossing, bit he broke
doon, 'n' his tire git snagged oan the rails 'n' snapped aff. 'n' th' floor` he wis
carrying fell oot 'n' burst a' ower him.

Toby: (Chuckles) Not so useful now are you?

Lorries 2 & 3: GRRRRRR!

Narrator: Growled the humiliated lorries. But then it got even funnier when Edward
who was nearby, called out excitedly.

Edward: Look lads, there bringing in the first lorry on a barge.

Narrator: And they did, as there was Lorry 1, sitting on a salvage barge, soaking
wet, covered in rust, kelp, and seaweed, with his windows and headlights smashed,
and smelling like rotten fish.

Edward: (Chuckles) What happened to that one?

(Shows the flashback of Lorry 1’s comeuppance)

Dock Manager: Och him, weel, th' glaikit lorry wis sent tae deliver fish, bit he
wis tae stowed bein' nasty tae everbody 'n' boasting aboot how superior he wis, he
wasn't watching wur he wis gaun, 'n' reversed aff th' dock 'n' landed straecht
intae th' sea. Rock bottom in fact. We hud tae hauld yer horses 'til heich tide tae
git him oot, hence how come he's in a sorry state! Ah bet he wilnae be bullying a'
body noo (Chuckles)!

(Cuts to the Docks where the Fat Controller berates to lorries and Cranky)

Narrator: The engines all laughed out loud as the lorry trio just sulked miserably.
But then they froze with fear as the Fat Controller who arrived on BoCo spoke
severely to them.

TFC: (Sternly) Well I never, if it isn’t the brother’s grim, “Smashed”, “Broken”,
and “Sunk”. Talk about pathetic! I sent you lorries to help my engines when the
workload for them was getting rough, but instead, you only caused trouble. You have
been giving my engines nothing but verbal abuse, as you’ve been too arrogant and
overconfident, as your clearly deluded at the idea of having my railway shut down,
even though that won’t happen. Worst, you have disobeyed a lot of traffic
violations that nearly put lives at risk, ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR ABRASSIVE, ARROGANT,

Lorry 2: But sir, the engines…

punishment, I will be sending you back to the Mainland, and I will be writing to
your benefactors, and let them deal with you personally.

Narrator: Then he turned to Cranky.

TFC: And as for you Cranky, I heard from Percy what you said too him before the
lorries arrived. It wasn’t his or the engines fault that they were delayed, but you
have been nothing but bossy and rude. I thought you would’ve learned to be a lot
more cooperative and courteous to the engines like after what happened on your
first day. Do you want me to remind you?

Cranky: Oh, ah, no sir! I’m sorry sir! I’ll apologize to the engines, I promise!

TFC: I better hope so! You can start by getting these 3 horrid lorries out of my
sight. I will never invite them back ever again.

Cranky: Yes sir!

Narrator: And the Fat Controller turned on his heel, and climbed back into BoCo’s
cab, as the Metrovick Diesel took him back to his office.

(Shows the engines working hard)

Narrator: And the Fat Controller was right, the lorries never returned again. But
even though the goods work had eased up a little, and the Fat Controller was still
searching for the Austerity tank he was looking for, the engines decided to work a
little bit harder to make sure no one like the lorries never will.

Narrator: Springtime on the Island of Sodor was always very special, with the
beautiful warm, breezy air, the birds singing, and the start of new life for
nature. This goes for the flowers, which were now being picked, and used to
decorate the stations. Everyone was happy.

(Cuts to Percy working busily at Knapford Harbor)

Narrator: Everybody that is…except for Percy. With the Fat Controller still looking
for his own Austerity engine, Percy had to help Donald & Douglas with some of their
jobs, as well as his own. Needless to say, he was feeling rather overwhelmed, and
very tired. Especially working at Knapford Harbor all day. The smell of fish was
beginning to add to his frustration.

Percy’s Driver: Okay Percy! Job’s done now, it’s time for us to go home.

Percy: Please sir, couldn’t I have a wash down first. I smell horribly, and my
paint is covered in grime. The big engines won’t let me here the end of it.

Percy’s Driver: Sorry Percy! There isn’t time tonight, the Fat Controller is
waiting for us at Tidmouth Sheds with an important announcement.

(Cuts to the engines at Tidmouth Sheds, with the Fat Controller standing on Duck)

TFC: There is to be a festival of flowers, as starting tomorrow, we well be

cleaning, refurbishing and decorating each station on the railway with different
flowers for a special competition. This sign here made by me and my dear wife will
be awarded to the winner, and we will hold a celebration in honor of that winning
station. Please help with the arrangements, and show that our stations on our
railways have the best appeal even in modern times.

The engines: Yes sir!

Narrator: The engines said excitedly, as they each discussed their favorite
Thomas: This is going to be exciting. My favorite station is Ffarqhuar, obviously
so, at is the main terminus on my branchline.

Edward: I know how that feels Thomas, as mine is Wellsworth. What about all of you?

Gordon: Knapford is easily my favorite. It is grand, prestigious, and full of

activity. Not to mention, it reminds so much of the beauty of King’s Cross on the

Henry: I respect that Gordon, but Killdane is my favorite, because it is by the


James: Well mine is Tidmouth. Or is it Crosby, or Maron, can’t decide which, as

they all have class.

Toby: Well mine is Maithwaite. It reminds me of the old halt on my old tramway back
in East Anglia. Percy, what’s yours?

Percy: (Yawns) What? Oh, the docks.

James: Ha! We can tell!

Gordon: The docks are full of cargo, not passengers, or beautiful flowers. Though
with you around, you probably would make anywhere smell like a harbor.

Toby: Okay you two, no need to be rude. But really Percy, you like the docks?

Percy: (Annoyed) Okay, I didn’t mean that. I also like Maithwaite!

Toby: Oh, the same as me. Well, I guess we’re in good hands then.

Percy: Well that’s why I like it, especially when none of you are there and not
saying I’m a silly or dirty little engine! Good night!

Narrator: And Percy reversed grumpily into his berth. Leaving the other perplexed.

James: Humph! What’s his problem?

Toby: Leave him be everyone, I think he’s had a long day. Let’s just let him rest.
Narrator: And no one said no more.

(Cuts to Percy at Knapford Harbor)

Narrator: The next morning, Percy was given a quick wash. He was feeling in a much
better mood right now, and was on his way to Knapford Harbor to collect some
trucks. They were loaded with beautiful flowers and vegetables.

Percy’s Driver: These are for Maithwaite on our line, to be displayed on the

Percy: Excellent, let’s make that station the best dressed then.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Percy departs, then fades to him meeting Harold down the

Narrator: On his way there, Percy saw Harold hovering above them.

Percy: Ugh, why’s Harold buzzing about this time? I haven’t time to race him today.
Percy’s Driver: I don’t he’s intending to Percy. There’s something up ahead on the

(Shows a ram blocking the line)

Percy’s Driver: Why bless me, it’s a ram

Ram: Baa!

(Percy stops)

Percy: Bother! Now we’re gonna be late. I should’ve known Harold was trying to warn
us about him.

Ram: Baa!

Percy’s Driver: Don’t worry old boy, I got just the ticket to get him off the line.
It’s a good thing we’re carrying vegetables.

Narrator: And the driver plucked off some cabbage leaves from one of the trucks,
and the ram chomped happily away.

(Percy blows his whistle)

Percy: Okay, that’s kinda cute. Now can we please go?

Ram: Baa!

Narrator: The ram blurted happily, as Percy made his way.

(Percy arrives at Maithwaite)

Narrator: When Percy arrived at Maithwaite, his driver told the stationmaster what
had happened when he inspected one of the cabbages in the train.

Stationmaster: Oh I’ve heard about this very ram. Yeah, he’s always hungry. He
doesn’t truly mean any harm. In fact, I had to give him some of my salad from my
lunch to shoo him away.

Percy: Well I hope he doesn’t put Maithwaite Station on his menu, because we got to
make the station look perfect.

Stationmaster: Indeed! Let’s get started!

(Shows Maithwaite Station decorated)

Narrator: A few minutes later, Maithwaite was cleaned and polished to perfection,
and decorated with lots of beautiful flowers.

Percy: Wow! Maithwaite will definitely win first prize for sure. Toby will be

Narrator: Then Percy remembered how he snapped last night, and felt bad, especially
because of how he lashed out at one of his best friends.

Percy: Oh well, I’ll apologize when I see him later.

(Cuts to Percy switching into the goods sidings)

Narrator: Then he left his coaches at the platform, and then went onto the passing
loop and went into the goods siding near the water tower where no one could see
him, and he could have a nice long rest before setting out again.

Percy: (Yawns) The things I work my wheels off for. But it’s worth it, as I’ve just
earned myself a nice nap.

(Noise clattering from the station)

Narrator: But it wasn’t!

Percy: Whoooaaaa, what was that?

Percy’s Driver: I don’t know, but we better investigate! This cannot be good!

(Percy arrives at the station behind his coaches)

Narrator: Percy and his crew where horrified. All the hard work they did for
Maithwaite was ruined, as flowers were scattered everywhere.

Percy’s Driver: Oh damn! It’s that ram, he’s made a meal of the station.

Percy: ARGH! And to think we all worked hard on make this station as beautiful as
it is. That stupid animal!

Narrator: But that wasn’t the only thing they’ve noticed, as along with the mess,
they also noticed a whole mob of angry passengers crowding around the station

Percy: What’s going on?

Man: We can’t get into the waiting room, that’s what’s going on!

Stationmaster: Why not?

Woman: Because that stupid ram trespassed and he won’t let us.

Narrator: They all peered in, and looked at the ram, and the ram starred back at
them. But then he turned his head left of the waiting room, as the ram looked as if
he was trying to show them something. Percy’s Driver went and saw an even more
surprising site.

Percy’s Driver: Oh my, he’s not alone!


Stationmaster: Well what do you know! Those boys in there that are the culprits,
not the ram. He only came to the station to stop them from doing any more damage.

Percy: Wow, and to think he was only wanting to eat, when really, all that time, he
wasn’t being stubborn, he was looking out for the station.

Percy’s Driver: Good point Percy! Looks as if we jumped to conclusions here.

Stationmaster: (Sternly) Indeed! What do you three rascals have to say for

Boy 1: We’re truly sorry! We only thought it’d be fun.

Stationmaster: (Sternly) Fun? You call vandalizing property and causing mischief

Boy 2: Not anymore! We’ll put everything back, we promise!

Stationmaster: (Sternly) I’m gonna hold you boys to that, and some of the
passengers here right now are your parents. (Turns to the parents) I’ll let you
deal with this.

Parent 1: (Sternly) Thank you! Come on you three, to the car park! Now!

Narrator: And the three boys went over their like jackrabbits, where their parents
grounded them for a month, and had them clean up the mess and restore Maithwaite to
its full glory. And that was that!

(Cuts to Thomas, Percy, Toby, Daisy, Mavis, James, Edward, BoCo, and the Scottish
Twins headed to Maithwaite)

Narrator: A few days later, Maithwaite Station was declared the winner of the “Best
Dressed Station” award, and invited the engines on the branchline, and some of the
other engines that were light enough to travel on branch lines for the celebration.

(Cuts to the engines mentioned at Maithwaite)

Edward: Now this is a grand occasion.

BoCo: I’ll say, even though its not on our branch, Maithwaite looks marvelous.

James: I couldn’t put it better myself BoCo. You did a great job in making
Maithwaite look the best on your line Percy.

Percy: Thanks James! But I really couldn’t have done it without that ram. Oh, and
also, about the other night, I’m sorry I snapped like that.

Toby: Don’t worry about it Percy, we all have those days. You made the right choice
in making Maithwaite the best that it is, and trusting that ram when he stopped
those hooligans.

Thomas: Indeed! Shish, here comes the Fat Controller.

TFC: Ladies and gentleman, engines and crews, in light of giving Maithwaite the
grand prize of Best Dressed Station, I like to offer this one big prize to our good
friend the ram. Whom yet I think we should give a name.

Percy: Excuse me sir! But I was thinking, what about Buddy. Because, he really does
feel like a buddy.

TFC: Good suggestion Percy. Thanks to Buddy, I decided to give him this nice, big,
juicy pumpkin. And I’ll eat my hat if you don’t like it. Thank you Buddy.

Narrator: And everyone cheered! Though by mistake, Percy whistled happily the Fat
Controller nearly lost his balance and lost his top hat.

Percy: Uh-oh, sorry sir!

TFC: It’s fine Percy, I’d better (sees Buddy near his hat) oh bother!

(Buddy eats the hat)

Buddy: Baa!

TFC: Oh, ahem! Seems I wouldn’t have been able to eat my hat even if I had to.

Narrator: Everyone, from the engines and the passengers laughed, and the only sound
from Buddy was a contended hiccup.

Buddy: Hiccup!

(Opens with Percy coming into the Shunting Yards where Thomas & James are)

Narrator: One morning, Percy the Small Engine puffed grumpily into the yards. The
little green saddle tank was feeling “put upon” as of late, and said so.

Thomas: Oh good morning Percy. You look rather upset, is everything alright?

Percy: No! In fact, I feel “put upon”.

James: Put upon what? The rails?

Percy: No! With work! Driver says he is to. It’s that I have been helping out with
some of the jobs that Donald & Douglas do until the Fat Controller finally finds
that new engine he promised to help them. And all of us for that matter, as I have
to do their work as well as my own. It’s been so hard as of late that I have been
worked off my wheels, and filthy again from smokebox to bunker.

James: Rubbish! You’re just lazy Percy! You don’t work as hard as me!

Thomas: James, shut up! I find that really hypocritical coming from you. Don’t
listen to him, Percy, I understand. But these things aren’t that simple. You have
to remember, there aren’t that many steam engines like us out there in the world.
Not to mention, the process of purchasing a new engines takes time, and money, as
well as filling out the paperwork for his or hers reallocation.

Percy: I know, but it’s been a whole year, I just hope he hurries up though.

James: Well perhaps if you worked more and grumbled less, than this railway would
be a much happier place.

Thomas: Oh shove off James, you’re not helping!

Narrator: And James crossly left with his goods train, grumbling like anything.

(James leaves)

Thomas: Still Percy, we all know you work harder than any engine. Just your keep
your chin up and it will work out. Though I will admit, “put upon” is a rather
funny saying.

(Thomas leaves)

Narrator: Said Thomas, as he left for his branchline train. Though Annie &
Clarabel, who felt sorry for Percy to, admittedly liked it, and sang about it.

Annie & Clarabel: Percy’s been put upon, put upon, put upon. Percy’s been put upon,
put upon, put upon, poor old Percy.

Percy: (Sighs) Yeah, Percy is being put upon. I am, I am, I am!
Narrator: Sighed the green engine miserably, as he set to work.

(Shows Percy doing various jobs)

Narrator: Now because Donald & Douglas are the most versatile engines on Sodor,
they would usually be seen anywhere on both the Main Line and Branch lines doing
various odd jobs. Percy, being a goods engine, would to, but usually handling the
trains on Thomas’s Branchline. Even though other engines would help to, it was
beginning to be too much for poor Percy. Today, he had to shunt together a whole
goods train that consisted of steel from the Smelter’s Yard, coal from the
Colliery, stone from Anopha Quarry, flour from the Mills, lumber from the
Lumberyards, produce from Farmer McColl’s farm, lead from the Mines, milk from the
Toryreck Diary, and fuel from Vicarstown. It was hard work getting each different
goods traffic, and the harder he worked, the dirtier he became, and he had nearly
ran so low, that he to stop and refill on coal and water at each station. Once that
was complete, he delivered his whole mixed-goods train to Brendam Docks.

(Cuts to Percy at the Callan)

Narrator: Last, he had to collect some ballast on the Little Western. The Ballast
Trucks were quick to criticize, and even the Rex & Mike can see how annoyed he was.

Truck 1: Oh disgusting! Who on earth is this dirty little engine?

Truck 2: Indeed! He’s not fit to be seen! We want Duck!

Truck 3: Or Donald!

Percy: ARGH!

Truck 4: Yeah, or better, Douglas!

(Percy bumps the trucks)

Percy: OH SHUT UP!

Mike: (Chuckles) Oh dear, looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the shed
this morning.

Rex: Yeah, and probably a dirty side to. (Chuckles)

Percy: Oh don’t you two start! I’ve had enough as it is. I’ve been to put upon
lately helping Donald & Douglas. What’s your excuse?

Rex: (Chuckles) Put upon, eh? I like the sound of that, “Put upon Percy”

Mike: (Chuckles) For once, I think we can agree on that Rex. I mean, he’s certainly
put upon by his temper, and the more it becomes a burden, he’s be put upon to
explode like a tea kettle.

Narrator: Percy was fuming!

Duck: Alright you two, that’s enough! You two have got your own trains to pull, and
you both might be put upon with fear if the Small Controller hears you teasing
another engine in their misfortunes.

Narrator: Rex & Mike, seeing what they did felt sorry for Percy at once, and wisely
took Duck’s warning as a sign to leave.
(Rex & Mike leave)

Narrator: Duck even scolded the Ballast Trucks, and threatened to get Oliver over
here if they kept taunting Percy.

Duck: Cheer up Percy! Pay them no mind, we all know you’re doing your best.
Besides, it’s only temporary.

Percy: I know Duck. But it’s hard to ignore, because I really do feel put upon.

(Percy leaves, then fades to him at Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: That night, the big engines could only laugh at him.

Henry: Well, well, well! Dirty Percy strikes again.

Gordon: At least there’s someone to handle all those filthy trucks on those branch
lines so big engines like us don’t have to.

James: Yeah, but needless to say, we can see what’s been “put upon” you, eh Percy?

Thomas: Oh just knock it off you three! He’s already had enough as it is. If you
were in his position, you three would know.

TFC: I couldn’t agree myself Thomas!

Narrator: Said a voice. The engines turned, to see the Fat Controller, glaring
sternly at Gordon, Henry and James.

TFC: Just be glad you 3 that one engine has been working hard. (Turns to Percy).
Percy, you’ve done a good day’s work. Now, you deserve a good night’s rest. The
Austerity engine will be coming real soon.

(Fades to Percy at the Sodor Colliery)

Narrator: Nest morning, Percy was sent to bring trucks over to the Colliery, as
Donald had been called away to the Kirk Ronan Branch. Then he had to shunt a long
line of trucks to the mine shaft, where they were to collect fresh coal bound for
Tidmouth. But when he arrived, there was trouble.

Foreman: The trucks are stuck on the mechanism to help roll then into the mine.
It’s dangerous for an engine to go in these tunnels, so all they need is a good

Percy: Of course, I’ll do it right away sir.

Narrator: But as Percy was doing so, he reversed backwards to where a large canvas
barrier was used to protect his line from loose rocks. But just as he was about to
give them a good shunt, the trucks still continued to be rude to him.

Trucks: Clickety-clack, don’t look back, dirty Percy’s on our track!


Narrator: Percy shouted, but he was so angry at the trucks’ taunt, that he charged
at them too fast and too hard.

(Shows the Trucks on a runaway throughout the mine)

Narrator: The silly trucks broke free, and ran out of control to the mines below.


Narrator: The miners, sensing what was about to happen, ran away like jackrabbits,
and just in time when there was a sharp bend ahead.

(The trucks derail at the bend and hit the support)

(Cuts outside the mine and Air Raid Sirens blare)


Percy: (Gasps)

(Shows the mines caving in, along with an avalanche coming in, and Percy running
away fast)



Narrator: And he was right! But worse still, the track he was on began to crumble.

Percy: (Pants) OH HELP!

Narrator: Wailed Percy! But as he kept running, fearing they wouldn’t make it out
in time, he remembered something from earlier.




(Percy arrives at the canvas barrier, and avalanche starts to bury him in it)

Narrator: And they were just in time!

(Shows the huge piles of dirt and rock covering Percy in the exact spot)

Narrator: Percy was right! The good news was that the canvas did indeed save them,
but the bad news was that the miners didn’t know that.

Foreman: The avalanche has buried Percy & his crew. We must help them or they’ll

(Marlin, Thomas & Duck arriving with the Breakdown Train and the Pack to save him)

Narrator: Thankfully the Pack were also there to help dig him out, and Marlin,
Thomas and Duck arrived to help as well, and no time, Percy and his crew were
rescued. Once they were, the Fat Controller spoke to his Driver & Fireman, then to

TFC: Your driver, Keith told me how brave you were Percy.
Percy: But I still feel bad sir! This wouldn’t have happened if I lost my temper
with the trucks and started this avalanche.

TFC: Please don’t worry about that Percy! My engines’ safety and courage matter
more to the most, and the trucks should’ve known better than to tease you like
that. The colliery will be up and running soon, but for now, you have been a very
brave and hardworking engine despite the hard struggles, which I must say, I’m
really sorry I asked so much from you, and I know it was frustrating, but I’m very
proud of you. As a reward, once you’re repaired, you’ll have a through wash-down,
and best of all, a new coat of paint.

Percy: Oh yes sir! Thank sir!

(Cuts to Percy a few days later looking spotless at Knapford with Thomas, Duck,
James, and Gordon)

Narrator: A few days later, Percy returned, and his coat was glistening in the sun.

Thomas: Wow Percy, you look great!

James: You sure do! And we’re so sorry that we’ve teased you!

Gordon: Indeed! You’re a valuable asset to this railway Percy, and we promise to
not tease you like that again.

Duck: And I should hope so you two! The good news though Percy is that your
workload has been eased, and while you were at the Steamworks, the Fat Controller
has finally purchased one of Wilbert’s brothers from the Great Central Railway to
now help Donald & Douglas.

Percy: That’s wonderful! So now I can get back to my own jobs?

Thomas: That’s right Percy! So now you won’t be put-upon anymore.

Gordon: Yes, but now I can see you were certainly put upon by that avalanche.
That’s for certain!

Percy: Yeah! But in the end, it was worth it, because look at my gleaming green
paint. Now I don’t mind that being put upon me.

Narrator: The engines all laughed.

James: Definitely not, and I know how you feel.

(Guard’s whistle blows, and James departs)

James: Anyways, I have to get going, see you Percy! And keep up the great work!

Percy: Thanks James!

(Then Gordon leaves later after his guard blows his whistle)

Thomas: Glad that’s all sorted.

Percy: Yeah! So, Duck, this engine that’s sent to help Donald & Douglas, who is he?

Duck: Well, according to what the Fat Controller told me Oliver and the Twins last
night, his name is Kirby, and he comes from the Great Central Railway in the
Sheffield area. That’s all he knows so far.

Thomas: Really? Nothing else?

Duck: Not right now, no! I don’t even know what he’s like. But the Fat Controller
said he’ll be arriving next week on Thursday.

Percy: Well, let’s make sure to give him a big welcome. I mean, he is Wilbert’s

Thomas: Yeah, but I guess we’ll have to wait and find out what this Kirby engine is

(Cuts to the Mainland at evening, where a mysterious dark green Austerity Saddle
Tank is puffing down the line past a passing goods train, and ends with his whistle

Narrator: Though I’m afraid to say, that’s a story, for another day.

(Opens with Douglas & Bear at Tidmouth)

-Narrator: One morning, Douglas was taking on coal at Tidmouth Yards, while Bear
came in with a goods train he had to shunt.

-Bear: Ah, top of the morning Douglas, how are you on this fine day?

-Douglas: Och, I'm fine Bear! I'm juist relaxing a wee bit afore starting wirk. 'n'
wi' that freish engine comin', a'm waantin' tae mak' a guid impression fur him.

-Bear: Indeed! It’s a good thing he is, as now you and Donald can handle your
workloads easily again. As you both are two of the strongest steam engines I know.

-Douglas: Aye, thanks, bit wur nae as young as we wance wur.

-Bear: Ah, true, none of us are for that matter, but we keep pushing through.

-Narrator: Bear said with a wink.

-Bear: Nonetheless, we could use yours and your brother’s help as soon as possible,
as I know the workload has been too much for all of us, especially after those
Horrid Lorries came and tried to ruin everything.

-Douglas: Aye, 'n' thank laird thay git thair asses handed tae thaim. Nae tae
mention how me 'n' Donnie’s workloads teuk a toll oan poor Percy whin he wis sent
tae hulp us.

-Bear: Yeah, the poor fellow nearly got crushed by an avalanche thanks to the
trucks being idiots as usual. But thankfully now that this new engine is coming
maybe things will ease up a little. Especially because of the fact he’s one of
Wilbert’s siblings. What did the Fat Controller say his name was again?

Douglas: Kirby, 'n' tae be honest, even though we wull need th' hulp, I’m kinda
curious tae ken whit he’s lik'.

-Bear: Of course, can’t go by first impressions. Do you know what time he’ll be
coming in?

-Douglas: Aye, I think he’s said to arrive in…

(An engine’s whistle blows and a green Austerity Saddle Tank comes into the yard)

-Narrator: Before Douglas could finish, a loud shrill whistle sounded, and then
both engines looked back and saw engine they had never seen before coming into the
yards. He was an Austerity engine like Wilbert, but the only difference was that
instead of dark blue, he was painted dark green, and he had a yellow buffer beam
with hazard stripes on it. He also had brass handrails, white and black wheels, red
side rods, and on his boiler was his nameplate, which read Kirby, and on his cab,
were the letters N.C.B., written in yellow, and the number 3846. He had a very
grimy look to him, and his expression on his face seemed very serious and grumpy.
Douglas & Bear were surprised, but both still tried to make him feel welcome.

-Douglas: Aye, good morning! You must be Kirby, pleased to meet you, my name is…

-Kirby: Douglas! Yeah, yeah, I can read you know Scotty! I wasn’t built yesterday.

-Narrator: Said the engine is a very blunt Yorkshire accent that didn’t sound very

-Douglas: Ock, ah wis ainlie trying tae be freendly?

-Kirby: Yeah, well do it some other time mate, because I ain’t here to make
friends. I’m here to work, as with an Austerity like me around, I can help improve
this railway and fix out all the menial work that you old chumps have been
struggling with.

-Bear: Menial? Hey, who are you to talk to us like that. We only need help because
the work load is increasing lately, and it’s too much for us to keep up.

-Kirby: Pah! More like you’re all worn out to carry on, and I’m surprised a modern
diesel can’t keep up. With engines like me, we are efficient, strong, versatile,
and manage to prove our use even in modern times. We are much stronger, faster, and
more active than any tank engine, tender engine, or even generic and pointless

-Bear: (Angry) Generic & pointless?

-Kirby: Yeah, I don’t see why we need diesels, as there was no need for them to be
made, as steam engines, especially handsome devils like me can handle anything, and
we don’t need help from both a Caledonian bagpipe, and a toaster on wheels. Now, I
expect you all got work for me?

-Douglas: (Trying to hold in his anger) Weel as maiter o' fact, yes thare is.
There’s a train o' empty ballast trucks that need tae be taken tae Callan. If ye
tak' that, ye it’ll save me a wee bit o' time afore mah neist passenger train.

-Kirby: More than a wee bit I imagine. I’ll show you how an engine like me gets the
job done. So kindly, push off and let me handle this job properly you old relic.

(Kirby bumps the trucks)

-Narrator: Then Kirby backed down on the empty ballast wagons nearby, and bumped
them for no reason.

-Trucks: OOF!

-Kirby: Alright you lot! Now, you better not cause me any trouble. I’m keen to make
a good impression from this Fat Controller, so any tricks, teasing, or any cheek, I
can bump you lot till your axels hurt.
(Kirby leaves)

-Narrator: And Kirby puffed away, leaving Douglas and Kirby shocked.

-Bear: Well I never! What a rude engine!

-Douglas: Aye! 'n' a conceited yin tae. Bit, I guess we don’t hae a choice bit tae
pat up wi' it. Ah mean, we’ve dealt wi' worse engines in th' past.

-Bear: Indeed! To be fair, at least he is eager to work, even though he boasted


-Douglas: True, bit he can’t juist bump trucks unless thay misbehave. 'n' sin he’s
dealing wi' yon ballast wagons, weel, he micht in fur a rude awakening his-sel.

-Bear: Well, we’ll just have to see. I have to get to my next train. See you
Douglas, and good luck.

-Douglas: Aye, see ye Bear!

(Bear leaves, then cuts to Kirby puffing down the Little Western)

-Narrator: Douglas replied seriously, as deep down, he was rather worried about
Kirby, and really hoped he wouldn’t get into any trouble. Though as the green
saddle tank was headed down the branch line, he was going rather fast, and
determined to prove himself and run on time. He didn’t stop to take in the sights,
and didn’t even give a friendly whistle or smile when passing by. All he did do was
just boast and carelessly speed. Whenever the trucks would try to whisper one of
their plans, Kirby would bump them rather hard. In fact, when he passed through
Haultraugh, there was Duck collecting passengers, and Kirby just blew steam at him.

-Duck: OH! HEY!

-Kirby: Out of my way pannier tank!

-Duck: (Angry) Ugh, how absolutely rude and vulgar. That must be the next engine.
But why was he in a hurry. And also, why did he whish steam at me like that when we
never even met?

-Duck’s Driver: Good question old boy? It seems he’s going to Callan to fill up
those trucks on ballast, I guess we’ll find out there.

-Duck: Yeah, because I’m really interested to know.

(Shows Kirby still puffing down and makes it to Callan)

-Narrator: As Duck was still pondering, Kirby was still being rough with the
trucks, and speeding quite fast. He did reach Callan though, but as he did, he
stopped roughly, causing the trucks to hit each other.

-Kirby: Ha-ha! There in record time! Nothing to it!

-Trucks: Oooh! Speak for yourself!

-Kirby’s Driver: Calm down old boy! I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this is not a
competition. In fact, you’re rather early, and I find it very hard to handle you.

-Kirby: Oh come now driver, my class was the best, and we’re quite the easiest to
handle. We have a schedule to keep, there’s no need to stop and smell them roses.
At least I got the train in the end.

-Kirby’s Driver: Ugh, you just don’t get it. It’s important to slow down and enjoy
the sights as we’re going along. Plus, your attitude is only setting a bad example.
I mean, you were rude to those two engines back at Tidmouth, you bumped the trucks
even when haven’t caused trouble, oh, and you just whished that green engine we
just past earlier for no reason.

-Kirby: Oh please, an engine like me doesn’t need friends. They just want to tell
me I’m not doing my job properly and boss me around. And trucks are nothing but
scum of the earth, and they need discipline at all cost. I’ll show them all.

-Narrator: Just then, the Stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Ah, you must be Kirby. Welcome to the Arlesburgh Branch. In fact,
you’re rather early.

-Kirby: Why of course sir, as to be expected.

-Stationmaster: (Nervous grin) Ha-ha, right. Well, you can shunt the trucks under
the hopper. Jock will come by with his ballast train to fill yours up, then you can
send them over to Knapford where they’ll be needed, and then another engine will
take them on.

-Kirby: Right ye’re!

-Narrator: So Kirby shunted his train under the chute, and looked over and saw the
tracks of the Arlesdale Miniature Railway and scoffed.

-Kirby: Pah! This is hilarious! Some of the engines I admit are odd, but this is
ridiculous, a small toy railway that works alongside this line, this is comedy

-Kirby’s Driver: Oh stop it already Kirby! If you want to make a good impression,
then you had better stop bad-mouthing the other engines. We only just came to this
railway, and they’re not doing anything to you.

-Narrator: But Kirby only scoffed, and disregarded his driver’s lecture. The
Austerity engine back down next to the water column to fill up on water, when Duck,
who still was suspicious of Kirby’s behavior, pulled up to the platform.

-Duck: Excuse me, but are you Kirby?

-Kirby: Why no, I’m Joe Pesci. Read my nameplate thicko!

-Duck: Beg pardon, that’s very rude!

-Kirby: So what?

-Duck: So, we do not tolerate that sort of behavior.

-Kirby: Well who are you to tell me how to behave?

-Duck: Well who are you to just come by wheeshing me with steam like that?

-Kirby: Because you engines would just tell me I’m not doing my job properly, and
think I’m inexperienced. Well this old dog ain’t not infant.
-Duck: Well you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Looking out for others is what
we do best.

-Kirby: Oh I know what’s best. I mean, who are you anyway?

-Duck: I’m Duck, and I’m the main engine that runs this branch line.

-Kirby: (Rolls with laughter) Duck, huh? I was named after the last name of one of
my old driver’s back on my heritage line. Who would name an engine after some
aquatic bird?

-Duck: Well for your information, my real name is Montague, it’s just that people
and other engines said I waddle when I really don’t, but I found it catchy, so it
ended up being my official name when I got here. Do you have a problem with that?

-Kirby: More like a problem with this railway. I mean, this so called Island of
Sodor is just too bizarre, these different types of engines and the way they do
things, it just doesn’t stick with me. But engines like moi around we can change

-Duck: Well there’s no need to boast. We’re all special in our own ways. I mean
where do you come off being so rude to us, and acting like you know everything?

-Kirby: Because I do know everything. I don’t need help from other engines like
Great Western Panniers telling me what to do, thank you very much.

-Duck: I’m not telling you to do anything. It’s just we don’t tolerate that sort of
behavior here.

-Kirby: Well I don’t give a crap where I am, because the only authority I will take
is from your controller, not other wanna-be engines like you.

-Duck: Beg pardon, what do you mean wanna-be engines?

-Kirby: Because no engine out there is as good as my class, as we Austerity’s are

stronger and more powerful than any engine out there, and I know your class would
wish to be the same.

-Duck: Ugh, you are so unbelievable right now.

-Narrator: But before the argument could keep going, the stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Okay Kirby, you’re trains full, you can go to Knapford right now.

-Kirby: Right away sir! Love to stay and chat Ducky, but duty calls.

-Narrator: And Kirby puffed away smugly, leaving a rather furious Duck behind.

-Duck: Humph! Well I never!

(Guard’s whistle blows and Duck departs, and we then cut to Kirby out on the

-Narrator: Duck muttered crossly, as he puffed away to Arlesburgh. Meanwhile, Kirby

was puffing down the line with his loaded ballast train, and puffed way in a huff,
not thanking the engines or workmen for loading his train. And as he puffed down
the line, he still kept on speeding and not socializing with anybody but himself.
He just kept on gloating about how great he was. His driver found him really hard
to handle, and at this point, the trucks, who had enough of Kirby’s abuse and
judgements decided instead of whispering a plan, they’ll bump him anyway, and
that’s what they did.

-Kirby: Argh! That’s it, I warned you lot to shut up, and now you’ve gone and made
me angry. And now here’s the penalty.

-Narrator: And once they were going through the Castle Tunnel, Kirby bumped them
again, but even harder this time, and then…

(Brake squealing sound effect)

(Kirby stops outside the Tidmouth Castle Tunnel)

-Narrator: Kirby stopped outside at the other end of the tunnel.

-Kirby: What just happened?

-Kirby’s Driver: Argh! You stupid engine, now you’ve done it! You’ve been bumping
those trucks so harshly, now you’ve bumped a hole in the brake line.

-Narrator: The crew got down to inspect, and the first truck behind Kirby had a
huge blow in its brake line. The guard went back to place a red oil lamp further
behind the train to warn any oncoming engines.

-Kirby’s Driver: I warned you about this. Your obsession with running on time, and
now we’re gonna be late.

-Kirby’s Fireman: Indeed! There’s no way we can take the truck off this train, as
it’s dangerous to stay in the middle of the line.

-Kirby: Why not patch it up or something, like with a rag or newspapers?

-Guard: That sounds brilliant. I got some old newspapers and an old wire rope.
We’ll just make it into a patch. It’s funny though, I think I heard about something
like this happening on this railway before.

-Kirby’s Driver: Worry about that later John, just go get them or we’ll not only be
late, but other trains will be to if we don’t get a move on.

-Narrator: So the guard got the old newspapers and rope, and then patched around
the damaged truck’s brake line, then tied the rope around it as tight as possible.
Once that was settled, he went back and removed the oil lamp, climbed back into the
brake van, and Kirby set on his way, feeling quite embarrassed, hoping his story
wouldn’t spread.

(Cuts to Kirby make it to Knapford where the Fat Controller and Edward are)

-Narrator: He then made it to Knapford, about 5 minutes late, where there waiting
for him was the Fat Controller, along with Edward.

-TFC: Ah, there you are, Kirby. I’ve been waiting for you for some time now. Your 5
minutes late, and on your first day.

-Kirby: Sorry about that sir! It was the trucks, they’ve been giving me trouble,
and I had to teach them a lesson. A minor setback, but at least I’m here in one

-Edward: (Suspiciously) Trucks were giving you trouble? What kind of trouble?
-Kirby: Um…well…they were going to conjure up one of their tricks, so I bumped them
to make sure they wouldn’t start any nonsense.

-TFC: I can see you have!

-Narrator: The Fat Controller said sharply, raising an eyebrow, as he surveyed the
damaged brake line on the first truck.

-TFC: It didn’t seem like they were giving you any trouble, Kirby, but you did.

-Kirby: Huh?

-TFC: Because I noticed that the 1st truck has some homemade patch on its brake

-Kirby: Well, I made one mistake, it was just that…

-TFC: Silence! I do not tolerate excuses, Kirby. Driver, what exactly happened?

-Kirby’s Driver: Well sir, when Kirby came, he immediately bumped the trucks
because he assumed they were gonna cause trouble, even though they weren’t, though
he did tick them off, but Kirby would keep bumping them whenever they tried to
whisper their plans. In fact, he agitated them so much that on the return journey,
they tried to pay him out, but Kirby bumped them so hard, he cause the first
truck’s brake line to have a puncture, so the guard helped fixed it with old
newspapers and a rope.

-Edward: I see, very ironic wouldn’t you say sir?

-TFC: Indeed, like James’s incident when he was still new here.

-Kirby’s Driver: Oh, and not to mention, he kept speeding thinking to get the job
done, and was rude to the other engines here.

-TFC: Oh was he now!

-Kirby: Um, sir, I know that it sounds that way, but I was trying do what’s needed,
by running on time and showing how efficient I am.

-TFC: I do not tolerate engines that make excuses to justify their actions, no
matter how bad they are. On my railway, every engine is special for who and what
they are, and they do their work properly and follow the rules, including not to
bump jump trucks if necessary and speed to get on time. But since this is your
first day, I will let you off with a warning that if you want to be part of my
railway, you follow all the rules and don’t try to act all high and mighty. Your
class, the Austerity Saddle Tank have their uses, but every engine has their
limits, and that doesn’t give you the right to disobey the rules and treat other
engines poorly. While I appreciate your confidence, and eagerness to work, I want
to be on your best behavior and respect everybody around you. Is that understood?

-Kirby: But sir, I was only…

(Sees the Fat Controller’s stern glare)

-Kirby: Um…yes sir!

-TFC: Good! Now then, Edward will be taking the rest of the ballast train down to
his branchline, but you can shunt the bad truck with the punctured brake line to
the siding over there. After that, you will shunt trucks in the Callan yards for
the time being until I can find work for you.

-Kirby: Yes sir!

-Narrator: Said Kirby reluctantly! But as soon as he left for his office, Edward
spoke calmly to him.

-Edward: We appreciate your help Kirby, but it’s better to be humble about your
gifts rather than boasting. It doesn’t give you the right to think you’re above
everything and anything. But we can live and learn. If anything is on your mind,
don’t hesitate to come talk to us, and we’ll be here to listen.

-Kirby: (Sarcastically) Yeah, thanks!

-Narrator: As Kirby pulled the damaged ballast wagon away, Edward switched onto his
line, and took the train onwards. However, Kirby refused to listen to either the
Fat Controller or Edward’s advice, as all he could do was grumble about it, as he
headed back to the Little Western.

-Kirby: Humph! This Fat Controller guy, and that old blue teapot, they really just
don’t get how important I am, and now I have to shunt trucks like a common shunter,
this is intolerable.

-Kirby’s Driver: Oh will you knock it off with this arrogance of yours Kirby. What
happened was your fault, and the Fat Controller and Edward had a point. Don’t
forgot, you’re still on trial, and if you keep questioning the fat Controller’s
authority like that, he could banish you back to Sheffield, do you want that?

-Kirby: Uh, no, obviously not!

-Kirby’s Driver: Exactly! The Fat Controller is after all, the man in charge of
this railway, and what he said was true, you have got to behave yourself. You know,
the board back on the Great Central were so determined to get rid of you because of
all the times you boasted and belittled the other engines, and how ungrateful you
were towards them after your old owners didn’t want you.

-Kirby: Yeah, okay, I’ll listen to him, but that old teapot just thinks of me as
some inexperienced tike.

-Kirby’s Driver: (Sternly) Oh stop it Kirby! His name is Edward if you recall, and
he wasn’t belittling you, as that was words of wisdom. He was only trying to help.
Look the Fat Controller said if you want to be part of this railway, you have to
stop believing you’re above the other engines and obey the rules. Now will you
please be on your best behavior.

-Kirby: Okay, I’ll try!

-Kirby’s Driver: You’ll try? Trying shows you’re not making an effort Kirby.

-Kirby: (Sighs) Fine, I’ll do it!

-Kirby’s Driver: That’s right!

-Narrator: Said his driver, as Kirby made his to Callan.

(Shows a montage of Kirby causing trouble)

-Narrator: But even after the pep talk with his driver, Kirby was still being
boisterous and boastful. He kept on bumping the trucks as he shunted them, and kept
on gloating about how great he was towards the other engines, especially in the
sheds that night, which really disrupted their sleep. Next morning however, things
were no better, as he kept on brushing off everyone’s advice and was incredibly
rude and sarcastic to the other engines for no reason other than to put them down
for how pathetic their classes were, and how Austerity Tanks like him were
superior. Worse still, he kept breaking the rules by speeding, nearly missing other
engines when he overran red signals, left to quickly and left his guard behind, and
because of how rough he was, the trucks and coaches didn’t trust him either,
especially the trucks, who were determined as soon as possible to pay the green
saddle tank out.

(Fades to Kirby at the Branchline Sheds)

-Narrator: One day, Kirby was waking up at the branchline sheds where he spent a
night, and was just waking up, as his crew were getting him ready, when the
stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Ah, good morning Kirby, now the Fat Controller says that there is a
train of empty trucks that has to go from here to the Slate Transfer Yards at the
Skarloey Railway. Once your train is filled with Slate, you will take it to
Knapford Harbor. Don’t delay, the ship will be leaving later at 4:00 today.

-Kirby: Ah, yes sir!

-Stationmaster: And remember, if you need any help, make sure to ask, especially
because you haven’t been to the Transfer Yards. The Signalman will show you the

-Kirby: Yes sir, I know!

-Narrator: Said Kirby quickly. But deep down, he was brushing off important advice
again, as the Stationmaster of course, was only trying to help, but Kirby still
felt everybody saw him as an inexperienced newbie.

(Shows Kirby waiting at the coal hopper behind Thomas, Percy, and Duck)

-Narrator: Before he had to collect his trucks, he had to go refill on coal water,
but had to wait behind Thomas, Percy and Duck.

-Kirby: Ah, good morning, ordinary tank engines. Not to be rude, but hurry up if
you please, I got an important job that needs doing, and I don’t want to waste my
time behind a bunch of old dawdlers like you lot.

-Thomas: Well there’s no need to be so rude, as we also have important jobs that
need doing.

-Percy: Yeah, we’ll each be finished, just wait your turn.

-Duck: Or better yet, use another coal hopper, there’s plenty of them as this is a
big yard after all.

-Kirby: Yes, but this is the closest one to where I am. So I cannot waste me steam
fussing to find another one, or I’ll be late. Now move out of my way.

-Thomas: Well it’s lucky for you Kirby that I’m just about done, but if you wait
longer behind Percy & Duck right now, you’ll be later still, and you can’t have
that now, can you?

-Duck: Well put Thomas!

-Kirby: Humph! I suppose you have a point, but I’m going to wait for my coal load
here and now.

-Percy: Well don’t get your couplings in a twist mate! I’m hurrying!

-Narrator: But Kirby was so impatient, and too stubborn to swallow his own pride,
he kept waiting, just as Percy finished. Then Duck went up next, but Kirby was
still impatient that he bumped Duck thoughtlessly, which also startled the hopper’s
operator, that he pulled the chain too hard, and the Great Western Pannier was
boiler deep in coal.


-Kirby: Well I’m sorry Duck Dodgers, I have more important needs than you, so I
shouldn’t have to wait, or waste my time finding another hopper.

-Narrator: The other engines, and the workmen were so shocked, that they could only
star disapprovingly at Kirby, for doing such a vulgar act.

-Kirby: Now why are you lot staring at me? It’s not polite to star you know.

-Percy: We’re staring because what you did was not very polite at all. You can’t
just bump other engines like that.

-Foreman: Indeed! Thanks to you, we now have a coal hopper out of order, and an
engines out of commission until we get him cleaned out.

-Kirby: Well that’s your problem! Humph, maybe I will go to another hopper, you
happy now?

(Kirby departs)

-Narrator: And Kirby rudely left, disregarding his actions.

-Thomas: Hey, come back here, we’re not finished with you yet.

-Foreman: No, but this is far from over, I will report this to the Fat Controller.

(Cuts to Kirby looking for his train)

-Narrator: After Kirby used the coal hopper near Knapford Sheds, he then went to
find the empty trucks he was meant to deliver, but of course, Kirby didn’t know
which trucks he was meant to take, until he noticed a train of 12 hopper wagons.

-Kirby: This must be the train of empty trucks that was meant to be taken to this
transfer yards.

-Narrator: Of course, Kirby only assumed, as the train he was meant to be taken was
a load of open plank wagons that was in the other siding next to him, and the
hoppers were already loaded with ballast that was meant for the China Clay Pits on
Edward’s Branchline, as after 5 years since the incident with rockslide, the Clay
Pits were nearing its completion and would be reopened real soon. But with thinking
or asking the manager, Kirby thoughtlessly backed down on the train despite his
driver and fireman’s protests. The shunter who assumed that Kirby was meant to be
taking the train, coupled him on. Then, the guard blew her whistle, and Kirby set
out of the yards.

-Kirby: Ha-ha! Now I’ll show you all what we Austerities can do! Look at me now!
-Narrator: But now sooner then he left, BoCo, who was meant to be pulling the train
arrived. And soon, everything happened at once!

-BoCo: Hey, wait a minute, stop! Stop! That’s not your train, wait!

-Narrator: BoCo called frantically! But it was too late, Kirby’s smokebox was
completely in the clouds, he couldn’t hear BoCo. But worse still, he had already

-BoCo: Oh great! Now what are we gonna do?

-BoCo’s Driver: I don’t know old boy? But we will report this to the Fat

(Shows Kirby puffing down the Main Line)

-Narrator: Kirby was already puffing down the line with the hopper wagons that he
assumed were empty, and were going to be used for the slate. Of course, he kept on

-Kirby: Out of the way, important engine coming through!

-Narrator: He boomed, as he sped past James, collecting passengers at Crosby.

-James: Important engine? Yeah right!

-Narrator: Then he passed through Wellsworth, and Bill & Ben were shunting trucks
nearby. But when Kirby gloated, the twins could only just laugh like anything. They
clearly weren’t taking him seriously. But Edward, who was also there noticed
something rather odd about the kind of train Kirby was pulling.

(Fades back to Duck getting cleaned out at Tidmouth Yards)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, the Fat Controller was furious to discover what Kirby did, as
he surveyed the mess, as the wasted coal that spilled on Duck was loaded into
trucks, and Toby had shunted Duck into the Branchline sheds were the workmen were
cleaning him top to bottom. But his frustration increased even more when BoCo
arrived, and his driver told him about Kirby taking his train by mistake.

-TFC: Oh damn! Damn! This is just infuriating, I brought that engine to help out
with the extra workloads in order to take pressure off of Donald & Douglas, but yet
he goes around causing trouble and boasting because he thinks he’s above
everything. Thanks to his overconfident and arrogant attitude, he’s upset my
arrangements, as we have a train missing, and Duck is out of commission for the
time being.

-Duck: (Coughs) Beg pardon sir? But what do you purpose we do?

-TFC: Well, for now, I’ll have to get Douglas to do your work for the time being,
Duck, until you’re cleaned out. And since the ship that is carrying the slate from
the Transfer Yards leaves at 4, I’ll have to ask Donald to finish the job. BoCo,
I’ll need you to help me go find Kirby so we can get your train of ballast wagons
back, and so I can deal with Kirby personally.

-BoCo: Yes sir!

-TFC: And so the Fat Controller got into BoCo’s cab, as they set out to find Kirby.
(Shows Kirby puffing down the Main Line to the Transfer Yards)

-Narrator: As for Kirby himself, he was still determined to run right on time,
though his driver was still finding him hard to handle.

-Kirby’s Driver: Kirby slow down for Christ’s sake, there’s no need for you
speeding again, plus, I really think we should go back, because realistically, how
can you load slate into hoppers?

-Kirby: Oh, um, I’m sure they’ll find a way. But we have no time to waste, so we
must get there now.

-Narrator: As they were going along, the Signalman saw Kirby coming down the line,
as he was notified to set Kirby down the line to the Transfer Yards, though he
looked confused when he saw the train he was pulling, and how his lamp was set on
the right. The reason being is that engines are required to not only have their
lamps on them at all times, but they need to have them set on different side or on
top of them, as the arrangement of their lamps, or head codes in this case, is made
as a signal to show what train they are pulling, that way the signalman can see the
from their signal box, and would know where to send them. However, a lamp being put
on the right meant the engine was pulling an empty train of wagons, but Kirby was
pulling a full train of ballast. But regardless though, he set the line for
Transfer Yards.

(Kirby arrives at the Slate Transfer Yards)

-Narrator: When Kirby arrived, he only scoffed at the idea of seeing a narrow gauge
railway was also present on the island.

-Kirby: Oh, now this is hilarious. First a bunch off aged, inadequate steamers, a
bunch of smell diesels, a life-sized model railway, and now an ancient narrow gauge
line that looks well beyond its time.

-Kirby’s Driver: Oh give it a rest Kirby!

-Kirby: What, I’m just stating my opinion.

-Narrator: But then he arrived at the halt, where Skarloey, Rheneas and Peter Sam
were waiting to load his train.

-Skarloey: Hello there! You must be Kirby.

-Kirby: That I am little ones! I am here to collect your slate from this, narrow
gauge railway.

-Rheneas: Well, no need to be rude. But how can we load them in those hoppers?

-Kirby: Well you have a crane don’t you?

-Peter Sam: But that could take a lot of time.

-Narrator: But just then, the foreman, who felt just as confused, decided to
inspect the train. He climbed up to see what could be done at first, but only for
him to goggle in surprise at what he was seeing.

-Foreman: If this is some kind of joke here, it’s not funny!

-Kirby: Not funny, what do you mean? I’m not kidding around!
-Foreman: Well, there’s no way we can load the slate into these hoppers. But even
so, there wouldn’t be any need to load them in anyway, because they’re all full to
the brim of ballast.

-Kirby: BALLAST?

-Foreman: Oh, so you didn’t know about this, huh? Well, I suppose I better talk to
the Fat Controller, and the Thin Controller, and see what could be done.

-Narrator: The narrow gauge engines could only laugh, knowing that Kirby had made a
complete fool of himself.

-Rheneas: (Chuckles) Okay, now this we got wrong here, we did not order any

-Peter Sam: (Chuckles) But even so, what do we do with it.

(Rusty passes by)

-Rusty: (Chuckles) Yeah, but it won’t matter, because you Kirby had made two
mistakes in one.

-Skarloey: (Chuckles) Indeed! But in all seriousness though, as since you have the
wrong trucks, now you have to go back and fetch them, especially because this slate
is urgent.

-Kirby: (Blushing) Yeah, no kidding!

(Kirby leaves)

-Narrator: And the Austerity engine went back in a hurry to head back to Knapford
Yards as quick as he could.

(Shows a montage of BoCo & Kirby headed down the Main Line)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, BoCo was headed down the Main Line with the Fat Controller on
board to find Kirby, while Kirby, who was turned round was trying to head back for
Knapford, though unaware the Fat Controller had found out about his mistakes, and
was on his way to deal with him. Though as he was going through, he purposely ran
yet another red signal, much to his driver’s horror.


-Kirby: We’ll be fine driver! We have to keep to time, as I don’t wait for the
stupid signals, they wait behind me. I am a strong and efficient engine, so I will
go back, get the right trucks, and my reputation will be…OH MY LORD!


-Narrator: Both BoCo and Kirby skidded their brakes helplessly, and until at last
they came both came to a grinding halt, with their buffers touching each other by
the tip. Kirby opened his eyes, as there, standing right in front of him, was a
shocked, and really angry BoCo, who was red in the face, and glaring sternly at the
Austerity engine.

-BoCo: (Angrily) I have been looking everywhere for you! But not only did you steal
my train, worse, you nearly got both of us, our crews, and the Fat Controller
-Kirby: I didn’t intend to, but I…wait, the Fat Controller?

-TFC: (Angrily) THAT’S RIGHT!

-Narrator: Kirby winced, as peering out from BoCo’s cab window, was the Fat
Controller, who was just furious as BoCo was.


-Kirby: I…uh…I…


-Narrator: For once, Kirby said nothing.


-Kirby: (Nervously) But I was headed back to Knapford sir, honest! I realized my



down) Right now, since BoCo is hear, we will stop at Maron, where he will take the
train onward to the Brendam Branch, and since you’re on trial, I won’t send you
back, but you will stay in Callan Sheds until I can trust you to behave.

-Kirby: But what about the empty trucks sir? If you give me the chance, I can make
up for it.

-TFC: Too late for that Kirby! Because the ship has a deadline, Donald will be
taking care of that. You have caused me enough trouble, especially these past few
days since you’re been here. But, since we need help, and because looking for
another Austerity would take an even longer time, I will extend your trial and give
you once last chance to redeem yourself. But only if I find work were you won’t
boast or bad mouth my engines. And if you keep this attitude up, that will be the
end of you. Do I make myself clear?

-Kirby: Yes sir! I’ll be good! I promise!

-TFC: Good! And you better keep your promise, because you have one more chance.
Maybe your time in the sheds will make you think.

(Shows the montage of everything being sorted)

-Narrator: So BoCo and Kirby reached Maron, where the Austerity engine was
uncoupled, and BoCo took the train over. As the Metrovick Diesel left, Kirby sadly
went back to the Little Western without another word. While that was going on,
Donald arrived at the Transfer Yards, with 2 hours to spare, as everything was
being sorted.

-Skarloey: Thank you for taking over for us Donald, I was worried our goose
would’ve been cooked. And that we would’ve lost the slate contract with the
shipping company.

-Donald: I'm glad ah kin hulp Skarloey. Especially efter a' that trauchle yon
Kirby’s bin causing.

-Rheneas: Yeah, he sure was condescending, that I was worried that he would’ve been
gloating and saying a lot of condescending things about us. He must have been
giving you a hard time.

-Donald: Aye, true! Bit tae be fair though, he is ferr pure tough, 'n' he is eager
tae wirk, despite howfur rude he wis. In fact, ah heard that th' Fat Controller
really gave him an earful.

-Peter Sam: So it seems! Do you know what happened to him Donald?

-Donald: Nae a hail lot Peter Sam, as ah ainlie heard a wee bit o' th' Fat
Controller berating him whin ah passed by, bit ah think he said that he’ll be
confided tae th' sheds oan oor line fur th' time bein'.

-Rusty: Well it would serve him right.

-Rheneas: Yes, but, I hope this won’t put a strain on you and your brother, Donald?

-Donald: Ah, na worries, Rheneas, it won’t. Bit th' wee engine in quaistion micht
wanna spend some time think twa times noo efter th' wey he’s acted thae bygane few

(Fades to Kirby at Callan Sheds, along with Duck, Donald, Douglas, and Oliver)

-Narrator: That night at Callan Sheds, Kirby could only sulk miserably, as Duck,
Donald, Douglas, and Oliver couldn’t help but tease him.

-Douglas: Look lads, there’s yon Kirby, wha says that engines lik' him ur stronger
'n' mair efficient than us.

-Duck: Yeah, but if he’s that efficient as he says he is, surely he would think to
act efficiently. As an efficient engine would show some manners and regard safety

-Oliver: Yeah, and surely he’d also stop and think about the kind of train he was
pulling before leaving with it. Ah well, we can live and learn, eh Kirb?

-Narrator: But Kirby said nothing. Even though he was sorry deep down, he still had
a lot to learn, and his real comeuppance would be 10 times worse than his current
one today. But that’s a story for another time.

(Opens with Kirby at Callan Sheds)

-Narrator: It had been about a week from now after Kirby’s mishap with the missing
train. The Fat Controller had made him stay in the sheds as punishment for his
arrogant and careless attitude, until he could find work for him in a hopes for him
to redeem himself. But all the Austerity engine could do was sulk. However, he also
had some deep feelings of guilt, remorse, but was too afraid to show it, and was
too stubborn to swallow his pride. Even when the other engines would try to comfort
or console him, he would selfishly push them away, as he didn’t want others to
think he was vulnerable, but we know deep down he really is. One morning, the Fat
Controller came to see him and the other engines.

-TFC: Good morning Kirby! How are you feeling now? And this time, please be honest
with me.

-Kirby: Well, I still feel upset, and quite afraid to that you might yell at me.

-TFC: I understand, and I’m not offended, because after that stunt you pulled last
week, and how your actions have caused nothing but trouble as of late. First you
bumped a hole in one of the truck’s brake lines, pushed Duck under the coal hopper,
took the wrong train without stopping to think twice, and worse, overrunning a red
signal and nearly colliding into me and BoCo. Not only that, your attitude towards
the other engines has been quite frankly horrid, as your class may be useful, but
every engine on Sodor, and the world is equal, and we all have our pros and cons.
That doesn’t give you the right to belittle my engines and disregard important
advice. But I will let you out as I have an important job for you as one last
chance for you to redeem yourself. The yards at the Wharf over at Ballahoo are
cluttered, and I will need both you to work alongside Duck to shunt the trucks in
their proper places, and then arrange them for mixed goods trains that will be
taken over to the Shunting Yards at Knapford, as there is cargo that is needed for
the harbor.

-Kirby: Ah, yes sir! I can handle that job with ease, as to be expected with such

-TFC: HEY! What did we just talk about?

-Kirby: Oh…uh…no boasting, and that I am equal to every engine, and that I need to
respect them and listen to their advice.

-TFC: Correct! Now I understand I can’t force you to change personality overnight,
but I do expect you to have self-control in being more polite to my engines and to
know your limits. Like I said, this is your last chance, and if I find out that
you’re still gloating, bumping the trucks unprovoked, and refusing to listen to
others advice, I will send you back to your old heritage railway, and see if I can
find another Austerity engine like your brother, Wilbert. So, this is your final
warning, be on your best behavior and don’t let down.

-Kirby: Yes sir, I’m sorry, I’ll learn to listen.

-TFC: That’s a good engine, now off you go.

-Narrator: So Kirby’s fire was lite, and the he set off to the shunting yards to
meet Duck. As the Fat Controller was watching the little green engine leave, deep
down, he was beginning to have doubts about his own decision, and wondered if Kirby
really could change.

(Cuts to Kirby at the Shunting Yards where Duck, Gordon, Henry, and James are)

-Narrator: So Kirby made his way to the yards, where Duck was waiting. The big
engines were also there, and they could only just look suspiciously at the
Austerity Tank.

-Kirby: Ah, good morning there Duck, and good morning, Gordon, Henry, James.

-Duck: Oh, good morning Kirby.

-Gordon: (Groans) Morning Kirby. Come to gloat again.

-Kirby: Why no dear Gordon, nothing of the sort, I will do my best to behave, and I
will not cause any trouble.

-Henry: Good then, well?

-Kirby: Well what Henry?

-Henry: Aren’t you going to apologize?

-Duck: Henry’s right Kirby, that’s what a responsible engine would do.

-Kirby: Pah, I don’t need to apologize! What’s done is done, and we let bygones be

-Henry: UGH! You just don’t get the point!

-James: Just who do you think you are going around and treating us like this?

-Duck: Indeed! Kirby, the Fat Controller says you better behave yourself, and
apologizing is the proper way, now say it, or maybe you will get sent back.

-Kirby: (Groans) Fine! I’m sorry I was so horrible to you, you happy now?

-Duck: KIRBY!

-Kirby: Okay, I’m really sorry, it was wrong, and I won’t do it again!

-Duck: (Calms down) That’s better! Now, I’m here right now as I’m going to escort
you to the Wharf, that way you’ll know your way around, as the Fat Controller told
me not to let you go alone. In case you’re wondering.

-Kirby: Um, yes Duck, I understand. I guess we better get going.

-Duck: Exactly, now I’ll lead, now come on.

(Kirby & Duck leave)

-Henry: It’s nice that Duck is at least keep a watchful eye, but ever since Kirby
came here, he had been nothing but dis…

-Gordon: Disgraceful!

-James: Disgusting!

-Henry: Despicable!

-Narrator: The three big engines went crossly to work, hoping that Kirby’s behavior
wouldn’t get any worse.

(Fades to Duck & Kirby puffing down the Main Line to the Wharf)
-Narrator: Meanwhile, both tank engines were headed light engines to the Wharf, but
Kirby, who still felt that he was still in the right, kept on boasting any engines
or people that they were passing by. Both Kirby’s Driver & Duck were really getting
fed up with this.

-Duck: Come on Kirby! We keep on telling you to stop boasting!

-Kirby: I’m not boast, I’m just expressing enthusiasm, not like you would know. The
Fat Controller won’t even dare send me away, as soon as I work hard in the yard,
and show you all how efficient I am, he’ll consider keeping Moi, and making sure
all you engines will be like me.

-Duck: ARGH! You just don’t get it! Well you better do as I say, because I can
report you to the Fat Controller right now since you’ve been boasting.

-Kirby: Okay, okay, I’ll stop! Everybody’s equal, I should know better, okay?

-Duck: Exactly! Now come on, don’t wanna be late again.

(Duck & Kirby arrive at the Wharf)

-Narrator: So both Duck & Kirby arrived at the busy Wharf, where the Skarloey
engines were hard at work brining in their trains and shunting trucks for the
various industrial companies set up there.

-Kirby: Wow, so this is the Wharf, I gotta say, I’m really impressed. A yard for
standard and narrow gauge engines to work together.

-Duck: Exactly! It really is a special place. See, if you give things a chance,
you’ll find yourself enjoying it.

-Kirby: Well that I can agree on Duck. So, you wanna get started or what?

-Duck: Now hold on Kirby, we have to wait to be briefed by the Manager first before
we start.

-Narrator: Just then, the Manager, Mr. Carson came over to see the two tank

-Mr. Carson: Ah, hello Duck! So this is Kirby?

-Duck: Why yes it is sir! Kirby, this is Justin Carson, he’s the Wharf’s manager.
He’ll be the one you will see regarding the Wharf’s activities.

-Kirby: Oh, please to meet you sir!

-Mr. Carson: Same here, now, we have a lot of trucks lately that need to be sorted,
and some have important cargo of mixed-goods going to the other end at Knapford.
For now, I want you to shunt the trucks into their proper places first, then,
arrange the trucks and their cargo for your next trains. It will be a long job, as
this will require multiple journeys with the amount of trucks we got, and you’ll
both have to take turns in shunting, but don’t take too many trucks, because I
can’t have you both straining yourselves.

-Duck & Kirby: Yes sir!

-Mr. Carson: Excellent, good luck you two!

-Kirby: Well, now I can show you how we Austerities get the job done. I’ll not only
shunt this whole lot, but have plenty of trucks to send over to Knapford.

-Duck: Now hold on Kirby, Mr. Carson said we have to take your turns, and you were
warned not to boast and watch your limits. You can’t take more trucks as needed, as
I have to shunt some, and you’ll only strain yourself.

-Kirby: Oh pshaw Ducky! I can handle it, I mean, at least I’m doing you and the
whole Wharf a favor in “saving time”, that way all the trains can get through the
yard, and the remaining trucks can go to Knapford.

-Duck: (Groans) Let’s just get to work, and I’ll be watching you to make sure you
don’t cause any trouble.

-Narrator: And Duck steamed off in a huff.

(Shows a montage of Duck & Kirby shunting)

-Narrator: Soon Duck & Kirby set to work, shunting the trucks into their proper
sidings, as well as some to be loaded and unloaded by the quay. However, try as he
meet, Kirby still wouldn’t stop boasting, and he kept on biffing the trucks, still
assuming that all trucks were troublesome.

-Workmen: OUI! WATCH IT!

-Narrator: But Kirby just huffed. His boasting was really getting out of hand, as
deep down, he did ignore the Fat Controller & Duck’s warnings, but only when either
of them weren’t present. Even the other engines, both standard and narrow were
really fed up with Kirby’s behavior. There was unfortunately one engine who
particularly was getting quite irritated more than the others, and it was Sir
Handel, who was being punished yet again for behaving so selfishly, as he refused
to pull a train of livestock to the farm, so the Thin Controller had him confined
to the Wharf in hopes to get him to behave. But when he saw Kirby, all he do was
argue back…like he usually does in his unpleasant and ill-mannered way.

(Sir Handel bumps some trucks)


-Kirby: I beg your pardon.

-Sir Handel: It is just shameful to treat an important engine such as myself to

goods work at this filthy Wharf, the worst it comes is I have to be surrounded by
some boisterous saddle tank who goes on and on about how superior his class is and
how he’s gonna conquer the railway.

-Kirby: Oh and who might you be in such a foul mood?

-Sir Handel: I’m Sir Handel, the most punctual and most prestigious engine on the
whole railway.

-Kirby: Ha, a little blue, narrow gauge shrimp like you (Cackles). Give me a break!
I mean, what kinda stupid-ass name is Sir Handel?

-Narrator: Of course, Sir Handel seethed with fury.

-Sir Handel: That is the name of the superintendent of the Skarloey Railway, a man
with a knighthood. You should show him, and his namesake engine a little more
respect. But mostly me!
-Kirby: Well narrow gauge tikes like you should also show me more respect, as I
will make this railway better than it already is, unlike you ancient old artifacts.


(Skarloey’s whistle blows)


-Narrator: It was Skarloey, bustling into the yard to stop the commotion. Peter Sam
also followed, as he never liked conflict himself.

-Skarloey: (Sternly) Sir Handel, you’re already in enough trouble as it is, and
don’t make it worse by letting the Thin Controller hear you vent again. Now,
there’s a train of crate that have to be taken over to the quay to be unloaded into
a barge, now get going.

-Sir Handel: Humph!

-Narrator: Sir Handel just huffed as he puffed away indignantly, determined to pay
Kirby out.

-Peter Sam: I’m sorry my friend was so rude Kirby, Sir Handel can have quite the
temper tantrums, but he’s quite nice really.

-Kirby: Humph, don’t seem like it.

-Skarloey: Yes, well you seem to be stooping to his level in a way. So right now,
there are a flatbed of pipes that need to be taken to the Depot, so if you can
shunt them there, that would be great.

-Kirby: Ah say no more Skarloey, I’m on it!

-Narrator: But Kirby only just scoffed.

-Skarloey: Oh my, he’s quite the handful.

(Shows Duck talking to Skarloey, Rheneas and Rusty by the warehouse)

-Narrator: Later that day, Skarloey, Rheneas and Rusty were all having a breather
by the warehouse for a bit, when they say Duck shunting nearby, looking quite

-Skarloey: Ah, hello Duck. What’s wrong?

-Duck: Huh? Oh, hi Skarloey, hi Rheneas, Rusty.

-Rusty: You look positively down in the dumps? Everything okay Duck.

-Duck: Not really Rusty. It’s just that I have such a hard time dealing with…

-Rheneas: Kirby, again?

-Duck: Yeah!

-Rheneas: We know how you feel Duck. He’s been driving us crazy to. Every time he
comes by, we see him being rough when shunting trucks, and even lashing out at all
of us with horrible insults.
-Duck: Yes, and I promised the Fat Controller I would keep an eye on him, but now
he’s getting carried away, and he won’t even listen to anything say! When you tell
him to slow down, he speeds up! When you tell him to be careful with the trucks and
bump them if they misbehave, he’ll judge a book by its cover and bump them anyway.
And when you tell him to show some respect, he treats everybody around him like
their worthless! It’s so infuriating, I mean, he whooshed me with steam when we
first met, because he believes that everybody around him thinks he’s a pathetic

-Skarloey: Oh, now that is very disrespectful.

-Duck: Yeah! And after I tried to lecture him back at Callan, he brushed me off,
and kept boasting on his return journey, and then bumped the trucks again causing
the one of them to have a puncture in his brake line.

-Rheneas: Really? You mean, just the same way James did when he was still new to

-Duck: That’s right Rheneas! And just like James’s incident, they had to fix it up
with old newspapers and a rope, but no bootlaces this time.

-Skarloey: I see! Even after the mix-up last week with the ballast hoppers, and his
near miss with BoCo. He really has such an unhealthy mentality.

-Duck: It seems that way Skarloey. I just don’t understand why he has to act so
brash and so snarky all the time. In fact, back at the sheds on my line, he seemed
to sulk, and even look down at his buffers in shame, like as it he had done
something horrible before he came here. I tried to talk it out, but he kept pushing
me aside when I tried to console him.

-Skarloey: Now that does sound unhealthy. Judging by the way he acts, I guess he
just wants to prove himself. Maybe where he came from he probably felt like an
outcast that never got much respect, or maybe he just never got the chance to show
what he could do.

-Duck: It’s possible Skarloey. Though even though he uses this to boast, Kirby did
have a point in that Austerity Saddle Tanks like him & Wilbert were very efficient,
even back when British Railways was ruling out with their modernization plans. In
fact, there’s only 70 of his class still left, as the remainder were scrapped. But
maybe Kirby might have been one of the unfortunate ones that never really had a
great working life or maybe he was mistreated.

-Skarloey: Whatever the case is, the important thing is that you keep looking out
for him, even if he doesn’t return the kindness. It’s best not to take his
arrogance seriously.

-Rheneas: Exactly! I mean, we have to put up with Sir Handel’s pompousness or

Duncan’s grumbling, but we always care about them

-Duck: True, I mean at least he’s not like malicious like Diesel was, and when the
Fat Controller had to send him away about three times.

-Rusty: Whatever the case is, I think you and Kirby need to work these issues,
because everybody always has a reason for why they act the way they do.

-Duck: That’s right Rusty, and whatever it is, I’ll find out, and I’ll get Kirby to
humble up as best I can. Thanks you three.
-Skarloey: Anytime Duck. Anyways, there’s a load of fish vans right by the quay,
you can add them to one of the goods trains you’ll be taking to Knapford.

-Duck: Thanks Skarloey! I’ll be there right away!

(Duck leaves, then fades to Sir Handel pondering)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Sir Handel on the other hand was still disgruntled about
Kirby more than his punishment, and was still pondering over a scheme to pay Kirby

-Sir Handel: (Inner monologue) He really seems to boast about being the strongest,
well he certainly wouldn’t, and if he was pulling a really long train of like 50
trucks then…yes…now that would shut that grimy, green imbecile up for good. Then
we’ll see whose strong or efficient then, ha, ha, ha.

(Kirby comes in bumping trucks)

-Sir Handel: (Inner monologue) There he is. I’ll start tricking that simpleton
right now. (Back to his actual voice) Ah, say Kirby, have you got a moment?

-Kirby: Oh, it’s you! I’ve no time to chat with you short stuff. I got work to do.

-Sir Handel: Yes, I know, but I would like to apologize in regards to my behavior
earlier. And to make it up, I have a suggestion in how you can “prove” you’re more
efficient than any engine in the world.

-Kirby: I don’t take advice from common engines like you.

-Sir Handel: Oh, but this can be your way to prove to me and everybody, and it’s
that, maybe I was wrong, but I won’t accept it until you prove it to me.

-Kirby: Oh, is this a challenge?

-Sir Handel: Well what do you think? Here’s what you can do to prove how efficient
you are; shunt together and take as many trucks as you can, then pull that long
train and don’t stop. We’ll see who’s more efficient and reliable than, but if you
don’t want to, then maybe I can tell everybody that…

-Kirby: Okay then buddy, then you got a deal. I’ll show you, I’ll show everybody
how powerful and more versatile my class truly is. We’ll see who’s laughing then.

-Narrator: And Kirby stormed off in a huff. He didn’t see however, Sir Handel
snickering to himself, not realizing what he agreed to. But Sir Handel didn’t care
a bit, as he just sat in his siding lazily, and went to sleep. Though unknown to
both engines, Rusty had been watching the whole scene.

-Rusty: (Inner monologue) Now what does that angry egomaniac think he’s playing at
with the other egomaniac.

(Cuts to Kirby shunting a train together)

-Narrator: And Kirby took Sir Handel’s scheme to heart, and began shunting every
single one of the trucks that was ordered to go to Knapford. First he biffed 5
trucks together. Then 10, then 15, until all of a sudden, he had an enormous line
of 50 trucks together. Open wagons, box vans, tankers, flatbeds, etc., Kirby’s
train was so long, that his driver and Mr. Carson were getting very concerned.

-Mr. Carson: What on earth is all this?

-Kirby: Well Mr. Carson, you wanted me to get the se trucks to Knapford, so I
thought I’d take most of them, just so we can save time. Besides, Duck can manage
with the rest, as it is only an amount of 20 trucks. I did the math.

-Mr. Carson: I appreciate your efforts Kirby, but this is far too much, even for
you. Maybe Duck, or another should come and help double-head the train at the very

-Kirby: Nonsense, I don’t need help! I’m an Austerity Saddle Tank Engine, the most
efficient tank engine in the world, and I don’t need help from any engine. Now if
you’ll excuse me sir, I’ll be on my way.

(Guard’s whistles blow and Kirby leaves, but Duck puffs right in)

-Narrator: The guard blew his whistle, and Kirby thoughtlessly pulled the train
away with all his might, just as Duck came in shocked at what he was seeing. Mr.
Carson kept calling Kirby to stop, but the green tank engine just wouldn’t listen.

-Duck: Mr. Carson? What’s going on? Why is Kirby pulling such a long and heavy
train like that?

-Mr. Carson: That’s what I’m wondering! He was very persistent and stubborn in
taking this train. Looks like that damn foolish engine is really determined to
prove himself.

-Duck: He sure is! ARGH! I warned him to watch his limits, and now if he keeps this
up, he’s more than likely gonna hurt himself.

-Sir Handel: Well it serves him right!

-Narrator: Said a voice, and there chortling into the yards was Sir Handel, who
looked on pompously and content with his scheme.

-Sir Handel: If that stupid fool breaks down in the middle of all this, than it
will prove that he isn’t as strong as he says he is.

-Duck: Sir Handel! This is no joke, if Kirby pulls a heavy train like that, he
could really hurt himself. Or worse, somebody could get hurt in the process. And by
the looks Kirby’s train, it looks like he’s gonna get more than he bargained for.

-Rusty: Quite right Duck!

-Narrator: Said another voice, and this time, Rusty came into the view, giving Sir
Handel a very accusing glare.

-Rusty: And it’s thanks to Sir Handel over here, something dangerous could happen
to Kirby.

-Duck: What do you mean Rusty?

-Sir Handel: Yes, because that’s preposterous, I don’t know what you’re talking

-Rusty: Oh don’t you lie again Sir Handel. Earlier I saw you talking with Kirby,
and overhearing how you challenged him to take a very heavy goods train that is too
much for him to bear. Of course Kirby’s ego just took the challenge like an
insecure teenager, but you should’ve kept your anger under control and ignored him.
And now, you’re stunt can cause a very dangerous accident that could seriously put
Kirby or his crew’s lives at risk.

-Sir Handel: Well…uh…I…well he shouldn’t have boasted.

-Duck: (Angry) Well that’s so hypocritical coming from you Sir Handel. Kirby may be
vain, but he’s not as pompous as you, and at least he does his work. But you are
just as bad as he is!

-Mr. Carson: Indeed! I will report this to the Thin Controller. Thanks for
informing me Rusty. And you Sir Handel, stay where you are and don’t set wheel out
of this yard. Duck, when you collect your train, I want you to go after Kirby and
stop him before something bad happens.

-Duck: Right away sir!

-Narrator: And Duck went to collect his train.

(Cuts to Kirby struggling on the Main Line)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Kirby was puffing with every ounce of steam he had, pulling
50 trucks and the brake van was very hard, especially for a little tank engine like

-Kirby: (Panting) Oh my! Pulling a train like this…it’s much heavier…than I

thought. But…I’ll…manage.

(Kirby stops at a red signal, but struggles, then the trucks bump him)

-Kirby: OOF! Argh!

-Kirby’s Driver: Oh good lord, this is ridiculous Kirby, even for you. If we carry
on like this, we’ll struggle to get the train started, you’ll strain yourself, and
worse of all, you could run out of water, which reminds me, you’re half full, so we
might as well refill along the way. In fact, we might as well split the train in an
out-of-view siding while we’re at it.

-Kirby: No! Not a chance, not a chance at all! That ignorant blue engine questioned
my honor, and I’m going to prove him, as well as every engine, and even the Fat
Controller wrong. So kindly…shut up and drive!

-Kirby’s Driver: Ugh, don’t talk to me like that, I’m only trying to help!

-Kirby: Well if I need help, I’ll ask for it, which is unlikely, now mind your

-Kirby’s Driver: Ugh, fine! But if something bad happens, don’t come whining to me.

-Narrator: Just then, the signal changed to green, and Kirby, with whatever
strength he had, pulled with all his might.


(Cuts to Kirby struggling up Gordon’s Hill)

-Narrator: Of course, the Austerity engine wouldn’t have reckoned with Gordon’s
Hill. The young engine charged up the hill furiously with every ounce of steam he

-Kirby: (Panting) ARGH…COME ON…COME ON!

-Narrator: He charged, tugged, and slipped, but he was only at the middle part of
the hill, and it was a struggle for him to get to the top, and down the other side.
But Kirby’s Driver began to notice something even worse.

-Kirby’s Driver: You blooming idiot! Now you’ve done it, we’re stranded on this
hill, and worse of all, your water tanks are nearly running low, which is very
dangerous, as we can’t just stall here in the middle of the line, or we’d be
disrespecting Rule 55. Worse, we can’t just reverse backwards to the nearest
station, especially if any oncoming trains would come through here…oh and on our
line to, which if they’re not alerted, we could cause a serious accident. You’ve
really put us in a really horrible predicament this time Kirby.

-Kirby: Okay, okay, I should’ve listened, but I could still get us over this…


-Narrator: For once, Kirby said nothing, as he was rather taken aback, as he knew
his driver had a point.

-Kirby’s Driver: (Calms down) Anyways, the guard is already setting detonators down
the line even as we speak, and will be alerting the signalman. That way no oncoming
engine would crash behind this ridiculously long train of ours. But in case you
don’t want to get us into any further trouble, I suggest you swallow your pride and
except the help given to us.

-Kirby: (Sighs) Fine!

-Narrator: Turns out it wasn’t just Kirby’s driver and other engines that were
annoyed with Kirby’s stubbornness, as the Troublesome Trucks, whom have had just
about enough of Kirby’s abuse and constant gloating were also whispering quietly to
one another, in a plan to get revenge on the latter.

(Henry arrives behind Kirby’s train)

-Narrator: Turns out the engine that was coming from behind was Henry, who was
pulling a goods train of fuel tankers. The big green engine was quite surprised to
see how long Kirby’s train was, and quite annoyed to the Kirby was unintentionally
holding him up.

-Henry: Kirby, it’s me, Henry! What on earth is going here? You of all engines
should know better than to pull a train that long. I mean like, how many trucks are
you even pulling?

Kirby: 50!

Henry: (Surprised) 50? Are you joking right now? I know you wanted to prove you
were strong, but this is ridiculous, even for you.

-Kirby: Well you’re a big engine, you can handle long trains.

-Henry: Yes, but even engines like me need to know our limits, something that you
lack. But we’ll worry about that later. Listen, I have an idea on how we can both
get our trains through.
-Kirby: (Sarcastically) Oh, do tell me?

-Kirby’s Driver: Oh give it a rest Kirby! I told you to stop with this childish
behavior, now let’s just listen to what Henry has to say.

-Kirby: (Sighs) Fine! What is it?

-Henry: If I push from behind, and if you pull with whatever water you have left,
we can not only get to the other side, but you can stop over at Wellsworth to
refill on water, and split your train over there in the yards, decreasing your
train with a more suitable amount of trucks, and maybe whoever is there like Edward
or BoCo could even help take the remainder to Knapford.

-Kirby: Hmm…that (notices his driver glaring) sounds like a great idea Henry.
Thanks for suggesting it, we’ll give it a try and make sure that I refill on water
and rest a little bit. I’m really grateful.

-Henry: Good, about time you started giving others credit where credit is due, but
also because I have to get going to.

(Shows Henry & Kirby struggling up the hill)

-Narrator: So Henry buffered up behind Kirby, but didn’t couple on, that was Kirby,
with enough water left could make it to Wellsworth to refill. But the trucks, had
an idea thanks to Henry’s plan.

-Trucks: When we get to the top of the hill and begin coasting down, we’ll bump him
with all our might, and set him on a runway, that that egomaniac wouldn’t even have
the strength and energy left to stop us. Then we’ll see how much of fraud he truly

-Narrator: But the trucks said it to themselves. So with Kirby pulling, and Henry
pushing, as well as pulling his own train, the two engines began snorting to the
top of Gordon’s Hill.

-Henry: We can do it! We can do it!

-Kirby: I’ll do it! I’ll do it!

-Narrator: Henry could only groan as Kirby was still caught up in his childish
pride, but once they reach the top, that would all change very soon. Soon, Kirby
was approaching the very top of the hill, then the rest of the truck followed, and
one final push from Henry, Kirby’s whole train made it over the other side.

-Kirby: Ha-ha! I’ve done it! I’ve done it!

-Henry: You mean we’ve done it!

-Kirby: Yeah, sure whatever!

-Kirby’s Driver: Ahem!

-Kirby: (Groans) I mean thank you Henry! Anyways, we better slow down.

-Narrator: But before Kirby’s driver could apply the brakes, the trucks saw this as
their chance.

-Trucks: NOW LADS!

-Narrator: And all 50 trucks together surged violently into Kirby, and he shoot
down the hill violently forward, knocking the driver and fireman right off the
footplate onto the ground severely injuring themselves, and he sped down at a very
dangerous speed!




(Shows the montage of Kirby on a runaway)


-Narrator: He wailed! The guard tried to put the brakes on his vans, but with how
long and heavy the train was, and Kirby’s driver and fireman knocked out of the
cab, it wasn’t enough, and brakes in the van snapped. The guard, assuming the worse
that was about to come, jumped clear right near the stone bridge at the bottom.


(Kirby keeps running and smashes through the gates Suddrey Crossing, nearly missing

-Narrator: Up ahead was Suddrey Crossing, where Bertie the Bus had to cross. But
then he gasped in horror as he was saw Kirby speeding like a rocket towards him.


-Narrator: And Bertie darted out of the way just in time!


-Bertie: Jesus Christ!

(Cuts to Kirby speeding past Edward & Donald at Wellsworth Station)


-Narrator: Kirby wailed as he sped through Wellsworth Station.


-Donald: Aye, it sure wis! 'n' if looks lik' he's in trauchle!

(Fades back to Henry & Duck each trying to find Kirby)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Duck, who was still worried about Kirby, was racing on to
find him, though unaware he was on a runaway, and that Henry, was chasing after him
to, with his injured crew members he helped pick up.

(Cuts back to Kirby)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Kirby, who was no low on water, and his steam pressure
surging in his boiler dangerously, was having the most terrifying time in his life.
He had already sped through Crosby and Elsbridge, but he still couldn’t stop. Worse
still, his wheels were getting worn out, and he kept panting in order to keep up.
But without his crew, he couldn’t stop or maintain his speed, and was forced to go


-Narrator: The signalman nearby, saw Kirby was in danger, and had him switched onto
an old siding right before Crosby Tunnel. The siding itself was a gradient, which
at the bottom before the tunnel, lead to an old tree, which was rotten and
decaying, and would soon be in danger of collapsing because of natural causes.
Worse still, a goods train passed through here, and one of the trucks brake fluid
sprung a leak onto the old siding. Kirby had approached the siding, and skidded
even faster down the gradient. And thanks to leaked brake fluid, his speed limit
exceed even more, causing the rivets on his boiler to pop thanks to his steam
pressure surging!


(Kirby crashes through the buffers, and down the hill, and crashes into the tree,
falling on his side. The tree falls right on him with a terrible crash, causing the
scene to fade to black. But then it fades back revealing the crash)

-Narrator: Luckily, the runaway was over, but the damage had already been done. The
last 15 trucks and the brake van were still on the rails in the old siding, but the
rest of the trucks ploughed into one another, some intact, but rest damaged, as
well as some of the cargo. But Kirby got the worse of it all, as he lay cab over
wheels, battered, bruised, and severely damaged in the ploughed dirt, broken
trucks, and with the now damaged tree right piling right on top of him.

-Kirby: (Whimpers) Ow! Help!

-Narrator: He whimpered pathetically.

(Henry arrives, then Duck follows in)

-Narrator: Then Henry, who had heard Kirby’s wails and screams of terrors when the
crash happened, surveyed the scene, shocked by what he saw. Then Duck followed in
to just as horrified, as both engines looked on, while still upset with Kirby, also
felt sorry for him.

-Henry: Oh my god! I was worried about Kirby taking a train like this, and now look
at what his outspoken and arrogant attitude has gotten him into.

-Duck: Wait a minute Henry? You knew about this?

-Henry: Actually, I helped him up Gordon’s Hill earlier on, which is how he ended
up like up this. I thought he would’ve gotten himself to Wellsworth, but it looks
like after all those time he’s been abusing the trucks, looks like he learned his
lesson, the hard way.

-Duck: Indeed! He may not have deserved this, but at least he won’t be boasting or
lashing out at others now, he’s in shock.

-Narrator: And he was right. The two engines could see how traumatized he looked.
Being in a very dangerous situation like that really put him Kirby in so much shock
that he couldn’t speak, but lay there dazed and surprised, with his eyes twitching,
and tears falling from his face. Though Kirby’s Driver, who had broken his elbow,
and his fireman who broke his ribs, tore into him even more from Henry’s cab.


-Henry’s Driver: Calm down mate! He's in enough shock as he is. But I know the Fat
Controller is going to have kittens when he finds out about this. Still, we better
get you two to the hospital, as the ambulance are waiting at Knapford, and we
better send for the Breakdown Train.

-Duck: Indeed! But let’s also get our trains delivered.

-Henry: Right! We’ll be back Kirby, we promise.

-Narrator: And the two engines set off urgently for Knapford.

(Cuts to the mess being cleared)

-Narrator: Later, after he had delivered the remaining trucks, Marlin arrived with
the Breakdown Train, and Terence, Butch, and the Pack even arrived to help. The
workmen even helped in salvaging whatever goods were still intact, and Duck helped
pull the remaining vans to Knapford, while Donald helped pull whatever trucks and
cargo left to there as well, and the Fat Controller even had some lorries help out.
Kelly had helped lift the branches off of Kirby, and Terence towed him right side
up, then towed him to the slope, where one of the cranes lifted him onto a well
wagon. His pride was completely shattered, but then he winced even more, as there
standing in front of him was the Fat Controller, who look frustrated, but kept
himself under control a little, realizing how traumatized Kirby was.

-TFC: (Angry) You Kirby have caused me a significant amount of trouble today! I am
very furious with you! I hope that when I would send you to help Duck and the
Skarloey engines at the Wharf, that you would’ve learned to change and grow from
your mistakes, but I can see I was so horribly wrong. What you did today was very
rash, foolish, and most of all, very “dangerous”. Your driver has broken his elbow
and your fireman has shattered his ribcage. IT’S A BLOODY MIRACLE RIGHT NOW THAT
NOBODY GOT KILLED IN THIS STUNT OF YOURS! You, yourself would’ve been to,
especially as your driver has told me that you nearly ran low on water, and your
pressure gauge nearly cause your boiler to explode thanks to that excess speed. I
warned you to behave yourself and respect all authority around you, but you
stubbornly refused, all just for the sake for your pig-headed pride. I should’ve
known better than buy an engine like you, as while you were eager, you have been
nothing but an irresponsible, arrogant, overconfident, rude, bad-mannered,
stubborn, and obnoxious engine that only uses every trait about your class to
boast, and I’m sorry to say, you have disgraced all other Austerity Tanks like
yourself. I can’t even imagine what Wilbert would even say to you if he saw you
right now! But now you get the idea, every engine, even your class, has its limits,
and that you should never go around and bad mouth other engines to make yourself
feel important.

-Kirby: (Depressed) But sir…I’m sorry!

-TFC: Sorry, huh? So now you’re admitting your wrong? Well, I understand you’re in
shock, but I just don’t know if I can trust you after how ungrateful and stubborn
you’ve been.

-Duck: Beg pardon sir, but if I may, this accident wasn’t all Kirby’s fault. He was
tricked apparently.

-Narrator: The Fat Controller’s eyes fixated on Duck, quite surprised.

-TFC: What do you mean by that Duck?

-Duck: Before this accident started, Sir Handel was getting quite annoyed with
Kirby’s gloating, that he wanted to forcefully teach him a lesson by challenging
him into taking a train that long. I would know, as Rusty had witnessed everything,
and Mr. Carson said he will speak to the Thin Controller.

-TFC: Hmm…I see! Well it would make sense for Sir Handel, and I will also inform
the Thin Controller of the consequences to make sure Sir Handel would never pull a
stunt like that again. Thank you Duck! (Sternly to Kirby) But still Kirby, you
should’ve ignored Sir Handel, but also have listened to the other engines advice.
Rules and regulations are there for a reason, and it doesn’t matter who you are,
every engine must obey the rules for the safety and care of the lives around us.
And that you should listen to advice, as it helps us to improve. I just don’t know
if I can trust you, or if you could change. But you’re already in a state of shock,
and we still need help around here. Your repairs will take a long time, so it’s
lucky I will think about whether I will let you stay or not due to the predicament
we’re in if I send you back. But even if I did, I will be writing to your old
controller, and we’ll both decide on what happens then. So while you’re being
repaired, I want you to think about how horrible and obnoxious your behavior has
been, and that you will never disobey the rules or belittle other engines ever
again. Is that clear?

-Kirby: Yes sir! Sorry sir!

-TFC: (Sternly) Good! Marlin, take him to the Steamworks.

-Marlin: Yes sir! I’ll even try to help by counseling him as best I can.

-TFC: That will be most helpful, as I know you’re a professional counselor, so I

really hope you can figure him out.

-Marlin: I’ll do my best sir! (To Kirby) Come on you!

(Marlin leaves with Kirby)

-Narrator: And Marlin set off pulling the disgraced and damaged Kirby away. Duck
and the Fat Controller could only watch, as deep down, they both felt quite sorry
for him.

-TFC: Thank you though for trying to help in looking after him by the way Duck.

-Duck: Of course sir! But do you really plan to send him back?

-TFC: To be honest, I’m not exactly sure. Realistically, I can’t keep spending so
much money, and looking for another Austerity Tank would be very challenging.

-Duck: True! But if I may, I had a conversation with Skarloey, Rheneas and Rusty
about Kirby’s attitude, and we felt maybe there was a reason why he acted the way
he did?

-TFC: That’s always possible. I hope Marlin could figure it out before I come to a

-Duck: Do you really think he could change?

-TFC: (Sighs) I hope so Duck. I hope so.

(Fades to the Skarloey Railway Sheds at night with the Thin Controller reprimanding
Sir Handel)

-Narrator: That night at the sheds of the Skarloey Railway, the Thin Controller who
was informed by Mr. Carson, Rusty, and the Fat Controller spoke severely to Sir

-TTC: (Sternly) I am absolutely appalled by your actions today Sir Handel. I hoped
confining you to shunting at the Wharf would get you to learn sense, but instead,
you keep behaving as pompous and cynical than ever. But hearing what you did today,
I have never been so furious with you in my life through all the bone-headed,
selfish, and malicious things you could ever have done. Do you realize that what
you did was not only malicious, but worse of all, dangerous! And I mean it, your
stunt today in challenging Kirby put a lot of lives at risk! In fact, Kirby’s crew
are in the hospital thanks to your selfishness!

-Sir Handel: But sir, that engine was…

-TTC: ENOUGH! I don’t want to hear your childish excuses! While Kirby shouldn’t
have been boasting and being so abusive to the trucks, you should’ve ignored him
and mind your own business!

-Peter Sam: Yes Sir Handel! I mean, do you not even care that somebody could’ve
died in your scheme?

-Sir Handel: Um…uh…no!

-TTC: Oh, well that just makes it worse than! Just what is wrong with you! When are
you ever gonna learn to stop being so prideful and selfish? Regardless though, you
will stay in your shed until you have learned to behave! I better hope you don’t do
something as childish and stupid as that again!

-Narrator: And the Thin Controller strode on his heel, and walked sternly away. The
other engines glared crossly at Sir Handel, and went to sleep, ignoring him, as all
Sir Handel could do was sulk miserably.

(Cuts to Duck talking to Donald at Callan Sheds)

-Narrator: At that same time, when the engines on the Little Western were settling
down, Duck recounted with the Fat Controller said to Kirby to Donald. And even what
he heard from Henry when the big green engine heard his crash.

-Donald: Weel at least th' Fat Controller won’t be sending him back outright lik'
Diesel. Bit efter whit he did, a'm feelin' ower sorry fur him.

-Duck: Indeed! Despite being rude, at least Kirby was eager to work. The strange
thing though was that when he was about to crash, Henry said he shouted the words,
“not again”, which really baffled me. It makes me wonder, maybe he must’ve had a
harmful experience like this in the past.

-Donald: Aye, 'n' given his blunt 'n' impolite attitude, 'n' his tendency tae brush
us aff, ah wonder if… (gasps) OCK!

-Duck: Donald? Are you alright?

-Donald: Aye, something just occurred to me Duck. Something about Kirby that

-Duck: Familiar? What do you mean?

-Donald: (Yawns) Weel, it's a lang story, bit tis getting late. I’ll tell ye th'
morns mornin'. As th'morra, ah hae a supply train tae tak' tae th' Steamworks, 'n'
ah wis gonnae blether tae Kirby aboot it? Bit fur noo (Yawns) let’s git some rest.

-Duck: (Yawns) Will do. Besides, tomorrow, I have to go for my yearly service, so
we could both talk to him then.

-Donald: Aye, soonds lik' a plan.

-Duck: Good night Donald.

-Donald: Good night Duck.

-Narrator: As both engines went to sleep, Duck began wondering what theory Donald
had in mind regarding Kirby.

(Fades to Kirby at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: As for Kirby, well, he sat there alone and still in disgrace. He didn’t
boast or lash out anybody this time, instead, considering his actions, and feeling
very sorry for himself, and for the first time, he could only wonder now what the
future might bring.


(Opens with Donald & Duck at Callan Sheds)

-Narrator: One morning, a day after Kirby’s horrific accident, Donald, Duck, and
the other engines were waking up, and getting ready for a useful day’s work. When
Douglas & Oliver were out of sight, Donald decided now was a good time to let Duck
in on his theory regarding Kirby’s behavior, especially since both engines were
headed to the Steamworks later since Kirby was being repaired, as Donald was taking
a supply train, and Duck had to go for his yearly service. Donald told Duck about
the thoughts that occurred to him, and Duck was quite intrigued, but that I won’t
spoil what it is till later.

-Duck: Oh my word, Donald. That sounds like a very good theory, but do you think it
might be possible?

-Donald: Aye, it cuid be? But we’ll hae tae ask Kirby wance we see him.

-Duck: Exactly. Though I hope this time Kirby is finally in a listening mood. I
even hope Marlin was able to get through to him as well.

-Donald: There’s ainlie yin wey tae fin' oot. Forby, Douggie 'n' ah wantit hulp fur
a hail year noo, 'n' it’ll tak' a while if th' Fat Controller does decide tae send
him awa'. Sae ye cuid say we tried.

-Duck: Indeed! Anyways, we better get going.

-Donald: Richt!

-Narrator: So Donald was soon coupled in front of Duck, as steam engines that have
to have their yearly maintenance cannot be in steam so the workmen could inspect
them, as it would be too hot to touch their boilers if their fires are lite. Then
Donald shunted the Great Western Pannier to the front of his train, and the two set
off down the line.

(Cuts to Kirby & Marlin at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, at the Steamworks, Kirby’s repairs were still going on. The
young Austerity was still feeling very sorry for himself, and while he did console
Marlin about his actions a little bit, he didn’t open up enough, and Marlin could
tell Kirby was hiding something, but didn’t pressure him, as he knew he had to give
Kirby time to build up his comfort zone and talk about it when he was ready.

-Kirby: (Inner monologue) If only I had listened to the Fat Controller and all his
engines. I didn’t realize the engines were trying to help me, but they’re just so
good, and I treated them like scrap iron. And now I’m stuck in the works, all
because I kept patronizing them like that. I’m sure I’ll be sent back to Sheffield,
because I’m sure none of the engines on this railway would want to see my face

-Narrator: Just then, Donald pulled in with Duck and the supply train in tow, and
Marlin came over to speak with them.

-Marlin: Ah, hello Donald, hello Duck. Thanks for getting these supplies over here.

-Donald: O' coorse Marlin. Bit since Duck 'n' ah 'ere, kin we ask ye favor?

-Marlin: Sure, anything!

-Donald: We’d lik' tae speak wi' Kirby fur a wee bit.

-Duck: We’re not mad at him anymore, but we both are curious to ask him something.
Something regarding why he acts the way he does.

-Narrator: And both engines told Marlin everything Donald theorized that morning.
Marlin was intrigued.

-Marlin: Hmm…I see! Yeah, it could be possible. I haven’t really asked Kirby
further because mental healing takes time, even longer than physical repairs, as
overcoming whatever problems an engine or person has went through can’t just be
solved overnight.

-Duck: Of course, it’s important to build up one’s comfort zone until they’re
ready, but with the Fat Controller debating on whether Kirby can be trusted is
still up in the air, so we might as well ask, and hopefully help Kirby get his act
together before it’s too late.

-Marlin: Of course, in fact Donald, since you’re return train won’t be ready yet in
20 minutes, you can stay with Duck and speak to Kirby until then.

-Donald: Thank ye Marlin! Ah appreciate that. Let’s go ask yon kirby, 'n' see if we
kin hulp him.

-Narrator: So the three engines went to the inspection shed of the Steamworks, to
find Kirby still feeling sorry for himself. But the Austerity broke out of his
sorrow when he saw Donald & Duck come in.

-Kirby: What the? Donald? Duck? What are you two doing here?

-Donald: Aye, mornin' Kirby! I’m juist delivering a supply train, 'n' yon Duck haes
tae hae his yearly maintenance th'day.
-Duck: But while we we’re here, we also thought we might check up on you, to see
how you’re doing after your accident.

-Kirby: Really? But why? I mean, I haven’t really been that all nice to any of you.

-Duck: Yes, you were horrid to all of us, and it was wrong of you to push us aside,
and what happened yesterday was your fault, but that doesn’t mean we can just hold
petty grudges like that, as that’s what we Sudrians do best. We look out for others
in need and never give up on them, even if they don’t repay the favor.

-Kirby: Oh, really?

-Marlin: That’s what I’ve been telling you earlier Kirby. Just give these two their
chance, and you’ll be surprised at how well this works out, as no engine is too
important to have friends.

-Donald: Exactly! Noo, let’s git ye shunted ower thare Duck, 'n' we’ll talk.

-Narrator: So Marlin went back to work to give the three engines their space, as
Donald shunted Duck next to Kirby, then he reversed to the other side next to the

-Duck: So Kirby, how are getting on?

-Kirby: Well, to be honest, I still feel very humiliated, and quite shaken up after
that accident. And I feel very guilty of how I treated you all ever since I came
here. I didn’t mean to be so crude, I just wanted to prove myself, and I didn’t
think I needed any help. But I guess I was wrong, every engine, even Austerity
tanks like me, we all have our limits.

-Duck: That’s true! No engine is perfect, like even though I am proud of being
Great Western, I know that my way isn’t always perfect, but I also have to keep in
mind in how rambling on about it can annoy the other engines.

-Donald: Aye, it's true Kirby. Yin time, Duck 'ere git oan mah nerves whin oor
branchline wis foremaist constructed, that ah poked fin at his name tae git him tae
haud his whish.

-Duck: (Smirks) Very funny Donald. Though I did get back at you by giving you an
actual duck (Chuckles).

-Donald: Aye, bit don’t forgoat ah replayed that favor by leaving an egg under yer
bunker (Chuckles).

-Narrator: Both engines laughed at their own joke, and Kirby smirked a little bit,
admitting that, that was kinda funny.

-Kirby: (Chuckles) Well, seems like lots of crazy stuff happens on this railway.

-Duck: True, but that’s what makes it special.

-Kirby: Yeah, but I didn’t act like I appreciated being here, as I know its long
overdue, but I’m really sorry that I was so rude to all of you, and for boasting
about myself like that.

-Duck: Well I forgive you now that you’ve said so. And I was wondering if you were
doing this because you felt you had to prove something, and I was right.
-Kirby: It’s not just that Duck, I was scared. I had no friends because when others
tried to help me, I pushed everybody away like I did now, and made a lot of
mistakes. I just thought I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and when
somebody was trying to be nice to me or give me advice, I would treat them like
dirt, as I was afraid everybody would really think I was inexperienced.

-Duck: I can see that, but nobody would think your inexperienced, Kirby. Every
engine had to start somewhere, and we all needed help in order to stay on the right
track and succeed.

-Donald: Exactly, Duck. In fact Kirby, ah tae hud a feeling that might’ve bin th'
trial, bit ah an' a' felt ye hud an experience that enforced yer behavior even
mair, or tried tae shift oan fae it. Bit forcefully that is.

-Kirby: (Suspicious) Experience? What are you talking about, Donald?

-Donald: Weel, ah hud a theory that ye might’ve hud a ill experience in yer lee
that caused ye tae act th' wey ye did, 'n' ah tellt Duck aboot whit ah thought this

-Duck: It’s true Kirby! That’s why I saw you looking so miserable when you were
confined to the sheds after the mix-up with BoCo’s trucks. In fact, Henry even said
you shouted the words “not again” the moment you crashed into that old tree. And we
think it might have had something to do with this.

-Kirby: Well that depends, what is it though? What do you think I could be hiding

-Donald: Weel, as ye probably know, yer brother, Wilbert, cam tae oor railway tae
hulp me 'n' Douggie lest year.

-Kirby: Oh that I know. That was the reason why your controller wanted to buy
another member of our class to help you lot, and why I’m here now. What does
Wilbert’s visit last year have to do with this?

-Donald: Juist let me finish lad. Ye see, during his visit, he tellt mony o' us a
wee stoory aboot yin o` yer siblings that used tae wirk in a steelworks, 'n' hud
ainlie a batch, bit na name. Juist lik' ye, he wis gey rude, overconfident 'n'
arrogant, whilk git him intae trauchle. Bit that a' changed whin yin day he asked
some trucks tae pull him bygane a danger notice he desperately wanted tae gang
bygane, thinking hee haw ill wid happen. Bit whin his plan worked, something ill
did happen, as th' ground under th' rails gave awa', 'n' he rolled doon th'
embankment, 'n' fell cab ower wheels. Th' foreman o' yon steelworks wis so furious
at th' fact this engine deliberately disobeyed thaim, 'n' his damages wur sae
serious, thay hud him confined tae a shed in storage, bit thay ne'er repaired him,
as thay hud enough o' his outspoken behavior. Bit according tae Wilbert, he wis
bought by some preservationists, 'n' noo resided oan a heritage railway. Though ah
dae think he mist hae a lot o' time back then tae think in that shed though…didn’t
ye Kirby?

-Narrator: Once Donald finished the whole story, Kirby went pale, and the pupils in
his eye shrunk, his jaw dropped open in horror. He couldn’t utter another word.
Duck was surprised to, and so was Marlin working nearby, as he had heard

-Duck: Oh my god! It…it…you’re that engine… (Gasps)…you’re Sixteen, aren’t you?

-Marlin: Well I’ll be damned! Is this true Kirby?

-Kirby: Well…that actually was the number back when I worked at that steelworks on
the Mainland, yes! I’m really surprised though…Donald, how did you know that?

-Donald: Weel, whin yer brother cam 'ere, ah awready knew ye wur an industrial
engine lik' th' rest o` yer class, as i’m aware Sheffield is an industrial toon,
juist lik' Glasgow. Plus, yer wit ye hink o' bein' gey impolite 'n' rash hud
awready gave it awa', as ah kin tell yer incident pure git ye tae think, bit ye
ne'er pure git tae develop yersel' as ye hoped. Ye juist felt sae traumatized by
these experiences, ye desperately wanted tae shift oan, bit ye made th' wrong

-Duck: Yeah, and why you looked so miserable and didn’t wanna open about this at
night while you were being confined to the sheds. And why you shouted “not again”
when you crashed yesterday. Basically, you had an experience like that when you
fell down the slope, and how you didn’t wanna open up about those bad memories.

-Kirby: Yes! Yes, it’s true. Like you said Donald, I did have a lot of time to
think in that shed, but I just never really reformed, it’s just that falling off
the gradient really knocked some sense into me, and it made me realize how serious
my predicament at the time was. And then when those preservationists from the Great
Central Railway were looking for steam engines to preserve, they took pity on me
and purchased me. And realizing that I was being given a second chance, I was
determined not to waste it. But it’s just when I was repaired and started work
there, it’s like nothing changed as even though I learned my lesson that day, old
habits die hard. That’s the problem with negative traits like mine, it gets easier
the more you do it. I was so determined to make such an impact and move on, that I
ended up boasting, and even when other engines tried to be nice to me, I was very
rude to them. I didn’t mean it, but I was being rather thoughtless, and the
preservationists would even wonder if they did the right thing in giving me a
second chance.

-Marlin: I see. But it is true that you can’t spend your whole life being rude to
others and boasting, as like you said, it becomes a habit that really develops you
in a bad way. Because if you push others aside and belittling others, you’re
already painting a horrible picture of yourself. I imagine the other engines,
forgive me for saying this, they didn’t trust you did they.

-Kirby: Oh more than that Duck, they rejected me. But who can blame them, in fact,
some of the other engines I worked with back at the steelworks just never wanted to
see my face again after the way I treated them, and I don’t blame them, as I did
realize it was my fault. When I came to Sodor, I thought I had a chance, but I was
so scared that everybody was gonna reject me, or even belittle me, thinking I was
inexperienced. In fact, one of the engineers at the Great Central’s workshop was
the only true friend I ever had, as he was the one I went to for advice, and he was
the only one who tolerated me, and his advice I did listen to. It’s just without
him, I felt so lost. His name was Tom Kirby, which as you can imagine, that’s how I
got my name, though his surname I thought sounded cool.
I just felt nobody would even would want to see me again after the way I behaved.

-Marlin: I can understand why you’d think that, but you’re wrong. Here on Sodor, we
all have our faults, but we’re still family, and we all have to live and work
together. That also means looking out for one another in need. And nobody has to be
an Austerity tank like you and Wilbert to be important, as having a diversity of
different engines makes this railway, or any railway special and diverse, as nobody
really can be the same now can they.

-Kirby: True! Even if the Fat Controller sends me back, I’m very sorry that I
treated all of you lot so horribly. I should’ve confided with everybody about my
past instead of just acting like it was no big deal.
-Duck: Well, you don’t have to worry Kirby, because at least you’re admitting your
mistakes and I’m actually quite proud of you for opening about yourself. I know
it’s not always an easy thing to do, but at least you saw the error of your ways,
and are making amends with all of us. And even though the Fat Controller is still
deciding, I think maybe we can give you another chance.

-Kirby: You mean it, Duck?

-Duck: Absolutely! Everyone deserves a second chance, even those who acted like
jerks, but are very eager to work hard and be useful.

-Donald: Duck’s richt! I imagine workin' in an industrial area wid influence yer
behavior, as ah ken a steelworks is a very tough place tae wirk in, as th' engines,
workmen, 'n' th' foreman wid be very abrasive 'n' bad-tempered. Douggie 'n' ah wid
ken back whin we deliver steel trains in glescae. Wur an' a' aware that th' trucks
thare ur sae obnoxious 'n' relentless that they’re th' type tae mak' yon ballast
trucks keek weel behaved.

-Kirby: Well you’re right about that Donald. Yeah, there was nobody I could really
confide in, and everybody was being such a jerk, and being a young engine, it
really gave me a bad influence of how people and engines act, hence why I pushed
away those that were trying to be nice to me. But it still isn’t an excuse for my

-Ducks: No, but it does explain it. And like I said, everybody deserves a second
chance, and I’m proud of you in making the right choice, and for that, we’ll speak
to the Fat Controller and try to convince him to give you another chance.

-Kirby: You’d do that?

-Marlin: Of course Kirby, because that’s what friends do for one another. Oh, that
reminds me, Donald, your return train is ready.

-Donald: Thanks Marlin! (To Kirby) In fact, sin ah hae tae git gaun Kirby, I’ll
tell the Fat Controller whin ah see him.

-Kirby: Then I now have respect for you all. Thanks Donald! Thank you everyone!

-Donald: Aye! Thank you for fixing yer mistake.

-Narrator: The Caledonian engine said proudly, as he puffed away.

(Shows Donald talking to the Fat Controller at Knapford)

-Narrator: Later that day, Donald saw the Fat Controller at Knapford, and told him
everything Kirby told him Duck & Marlin at the Works. The Fat Controller was quite
surprised to hear about Kirby’s backstory, but then decided to give it some thought
and would speak to Kirby as soon as possible.

(Fades to Duck & Kirby at the Steamworks a day later)

-Narrator: The next day, Duck’s yearly service was nearly complete, and once he
passed, would soon go back to work on the Little Western. Kirby was still there, as
there was still plenty of work to do because of the damages he took. Even though
the Austerity engine was proud that he did the right thing yesterday, he was
worried what if the Fat Controller did send him back and wouldn’t take what he told
Donald and the others into account.
-Duck: Cheer up Kirby! I’m sure everything will work out. You have to remember the
Fat Controller is a kind and honorable person that is not the man to jump hastily
into conclusions, and I’m sure that Donald told him and he’ll give him some
thought. Remember, he did say he’ll think about it.

-Kirby: I know Duck! But if he and the board back in Sheffield might make up their
mind. What if it’s already too late?

-TFC: Don’t worry Kirby, it’s never too late.

-Narrator: Both the Austerity and Pannier tank looked and there was the Fat
Controller standing on the platform of the Steamworks next to where Kirby was.
Kirby was nervous the Fat Controller was still mad at him, but he was smiling.

-Kirby: (Nervous) Oh, good afternoon sir…I…uh…

-TFC: Relax Kirby, I’m not angry with you anymore. In fact, I actually came to see
you as I’ve had a deputation yesterday, as I had heard from Donald that you opened
to him, Duck and Marlin about your past, that you were the engine, Sixteen, that
Wilbert told me and my engines about during his stay last year.

-Kirby: Yes sir! It’s true, I was that engine. Hence why…well, you know.

-TFC: I see! But after he told me, he said you actually made amends with everybody,
and that you’re sorry for your actions, especially because my engines think you
deserve another chance.

-Kirby: Deep down I do sir, but I understand if you don’t want to trust me, and I
quite understand if the other engines don’t wanna speak to ever again.

-TFC: Oh don’t beat yourself up Kirby, because it already happened, but I gave it
some thought and even spoke with your old controller, and we both decided that once
your repairs are done, we’ll give you one more chance.

-Kirby: You mean it sir? Even after all the trouble I caused?

-TFC: Exactly! Everybody deserves a second chance. As that’s what my father and
grandfather were aiming for back in their days as controllers, to provide chances
for engines in need of a home, where they can be still be on service and improve on
their character. I admit that your behavior was very inconsiderate and thoughtless,
and what you did two days ago was very dangerous, despite being tricked by Sir
Handel. However, after hearing your backstory, while I admit it doesn’t excuse your
behavior, I understand now why you acted the way you did.

-Kirby: Oh thank you sir! But still, I’m sorry for how obnoxious I’ve been these
past few days. I just didn’t wanna make a fool of myself, but I did, and acted like
nothing was a big deal. But it was a big deal, as I felt I wanted to be a really
useful and versatile engine like my class, especially Wilbert, as everything that
he does, he seems to do better, and I admit that, I am rather jealous of him.

-TFC: Nobody’s perfect Kirby, not even Wilbert. In fact, as versatile and courteous
as he is, he can be a perfectionist himself, and he made a mistake to where he
accidently took on milk, confusing the hosepipe at the Toryreck Dairy for a water
column. But he didn’t let that bother him, as he moved on and later to take things

-Kirby: Oh yeah, I forgot something like that happened.

-TFC: Oh it did! Wilbert’s not afraid to admit it though. But it still doesn’t
excuse how I acted that day when you had your accident, and I said you disgraced
your class. As what you did was very dangerous, I should’ve known better than to
say something like that, and I’m sorry.

-Kirby: No sir! This was my fault, and I honestly felt to myself that I was at
times, and I just will not be anything like Wilbert.

-Duck: Please don’t dwell on that Kirby. Forget about being like Wilbert, he’s a
great engine, but jealousy is an even worse trait to carry. Don’t compare yourself
to other engines, focus on who you are, and just stop to think about how to act.
That’s the best you can do.

-TFC: Exactly Duck! (To Kirby) Plus, what you did in opening about your past and
apologizing for your actions was really useful, as even a really useful engine
needs to stop and admit when they’re wrong. And at least you did that, and I’m
proud of you for taking the first step. Once you’re repaired, there is one job I
need you to help with.

-Kirby: Of course sir! I’ll do anything to redeem myself.

-TFC: The China Clay Pits at Brendam has been under construction for 5 years after
a landslide hit, and very soon, construction will be over, but aside from Edward,
Donald, Douglas, or any of my diesels, I can’t just spare a lot of engines to help
Bill & Ben repair their home. So I will need you to help until construction is
complete and the Clay Pits are reopened.

-Kirby: Yes sir! I promise that once I’m repaired, I will work hard and listen to
everyone’s advice.

-TFC: Thank you Kirby! But remember, I’m giving you one more chance, so I really
need to keep to your promise and be on your best behavior.

-Kirby: Yes sir, I’ll try my…no, what am I saying…I’ll do my best.

-Duck: Well done Kirby! I believe in you!

-Narrator: Said Duck proudly!

(Cuts to Kirby leaving the Steamworks and helping out with construction at the Clay

-Narrator: Two weeks later after Duck’s maintenance was done and he went back to
work, Kirby’s repairs were finally complete, and he was as good as new right before
his accident. He passed each of his test runs, and was ready to start work again.
Though this time he was reassigned to a new driver as his crew were still
recovering from their injuries from the accident. Kirby’s main job was to bring
ballast from the Little Western to the Clay Pits on Edward’s Branchline. This was
the job got mixed up on with BoCo during his first week on Sodor, as the Clay Pits
was being rebuilt after 5 years due to a horrific landslide that destroyed
everything in its path. Bill & Ben who had saved the workmen that day had been
helping out with the construction as this is their home. Kirby, worked with Edward,
BoCo, and whichever engine was available in restoring the quarry to its full glory.
Whilst he was working there, Kirby kept to his promise and he actually behaved
himself. He made sure to focus on actually doing his work instead, he obeyed all
the rules, and even apologized to the other engines for how horrible he was to
them, even opening about his backstory to them. The engines were surprised, but
they began to understand, especially the big engines. Even Bill & Ben understood,
and began to respect Kirby, and dared not even play any tricks on them, and the
twins became great friends with the fellow saddle tank, especially given their
snarky sense of humor. He even said please and thank you, and made sure not to
boast. Anytime somebody tried to give him advice, this time, he didn’t argue back,
as this time, he listened and did everything carefully. Kirby began to realize the
more he was polite to everybody, and the more humble he was and how hard he worked
made him actually feel very pleased with himself. However, the only ones that did
not trust Kirby, were the Troublesome Trucks. Even after causing Kirby’s accident,
to them, it wasn’t enough, and they still wanted revenge on Kirby for bumping them.

(Cuts to some trucks talking at Callan Yards)

-Narrator: It wasn’t until 3 days later after Kirby’s repairs were done that they
began conspiring with one another.

-Ballast Truck: Ugh! I can’t believe Fat Hatt is giving that airheaded idiot
another chance.

-Box Van: I know!

-Narrator: Said a box van who also was one of the 50 trucks that was involved in
Kirby’s train.

-Box Van: I thought for sure after we pushed into that tree that the Fat Controller
would’ve gotten rid of his like he did with Diesel.

-Tanker: Ah, that’s because Fat Hatt’s too much of a softie, treating all his
engines on a pedestal, not to mention those pampered coaches. Yet we trucks are the
ones doing the real work in carrying dirty freight and getting pushed around, and
nobody takes any notice or appreciates us.

-Ballast Truck: You think that’s bad, that Kirby did something rather horrible to
us on his first day.

-Box Van: What might that be aside from the usual abuse?

-Ballast Truck: Well he pulled me and a few of me pals on this line and kept
bumping us even if we were behaving. He judged us, thinking we were gonna cause
trouble when weren’t…though actually, we tried to hatch up a scheme, but he kept
bumping us, and even after getting told off by that snob, Duck, he disregarded his
advice, when we tried messing with him again, the bloke bumped us even harder
outside the Castle Tunnel and popped one of me mates brake lines.

-Tanker: WHAT? That bastard! To think he can treat trucks like us in that regard.

-Ballast Truck: I know right! In fact, his crew fixed up that brake line the same
way they did for James after he bumped a hole in one of his coaches…but without the
bootlaces I might add.

-Box Van: Well what can we do? My friends and I back at the Wharf already sent him
on a runaway down Gordon’s Hill and into that old tree, which had to have been the
worst thing we could’ve done for an engine like him. But yet it even seems that
wasn’t enough.

-Ballast Truck: I have an idea. Me and me mates are gonna be the very few trucks
that he’ll be taking down the Brendam Branch, so when he pulls us, we’ll try and
aggravate him so much again, that we’ll send him on another runaway, but we’ll have
to make it even worse than the tree incident. I don’t care what we’ll do, but we’re
gonna crash Kirby, and only Kirby, to the point where he fails at his so-called
second chance that the Fat Controller would have to send his lard ass back to the
-Box Van: Well mate, whatever you and your friends got to do, do it! Because our
revenge can’t be complete until that egomaniac is sent packing.

-Narrator: And the trucks snickered quietly to one another, as one way or the
other, they just wanted Kirby gone for good. Just then, Kirby himself actually
arrived to collect his next load of ballast. He shunted the trucks into place under
the chute, including the open wagon that was to be added to his train that was
intending to humiliate him. As his trucks were being loaded with ballast, Rex
pulled up alongside him.

-Rex: Take care out there Kirby. I heard from Donald that the trucks you’re pulling
are said to be the worse ones on the line, and will cause trouble at any moment if
you’re not careful.

-Kirby: I’ll keep that in mind, thank you Rex.

-Narrator: Just then, the trucks were all full and the guard blew his whistle. Then
Kirby set off down the branchline.

-Open Wagon: (Whispers) Yeah, good luck Kirb, you’re gonna need it.

(Fades to Kirby puffing down the Main Line)

-Narrator: As Kirby was puffing down the Main Line, it seemed like things were
going well for the most part. He was making sure to staying focused on the track
ahead, but also taking sometime enjoying the sights. But he made sure not to get to
distracted, but unbeknownst to him and his crew, the ballast trucks, still intent
on their revenge were waiting for the right moment to strike. Just as they were
coming down a gradient, the trucks saw this as their chance.

-Open Wagon: Ha-ha! Now’s our chance! ON! ON!

-Narrator: The ballast truck yelled, and the trucks surged ahead pushing Kirby down
the gradient.






-Narrator: And the ballast trucks kept on bumping Kirby at a very dangerous speed.

(Shows Kirby on a runaway down the Main Line)

–Narrator: At first, Kirby’s trauma seemed to come back, and he was so scared that
he felt helpless. But then he realized that if he was able to change his ways
towards the other engines and the Fat Controller, then this time he should be able
to deal with runaway trucks.



-Narrator: But that chance unfortunately never came, as the trucks managed to push
Kirby past a red signal, and switched onto another line.


(Gordon’s Whistle blares)


-Replacement Driver: And it sounds like he’s coming down on our line.
-Narrator: And sure enough, far in the distance, Gordon was thundering down the
line with the express!

-Gordon: (Gasps) OH NO!

-Kirby: OH CRAP!


-Replacement Driver: OH MAN!

-Open Wagon: OH GOD!

-Narrator: Everyone, even the open wagon that started this were in terror, as even
he didn’t plan on something like this, and no was beginning to regret it. But then,
Kirby saw some points switched into a siding near a brick wall with some fish vans
shunted there for the Flying Kipper.




-Narrator: Using whatever speed he had, Kirby darted forwards as quick as he could
right into the goods siding were the vans right before Gordon sped down the line.
But once he did…

(Kirby crashes into the vans and topples on his side, causing him and the trucks to
derail after Gordon thunders by)

-Narrator: Luckily, Kirby didn’t hit Gordon, but he did hit the vans, and lay on
his side rather upset that his second chance, to him it seemed, was ruined. His
substitute driver and fireman jumped clear before the crash and weren’t injured
like Kirby’s other crew members thankfully. Gordon was quite surprised at what he
saw after Kirby got out of his way.

(Cuts to Duck with the Breakdown Train with, and BoCo, Henry and the Fat Controller

-Narrator: Soon, help arrived with Duck bringing in the Breakdown Train, and BoCo
arrived to take the recovered ballast along the way to the Clay Pits. Then Henry
arrived with the Fat Controller on board. Kirby winced, fearing for the worst.

-TFC: Kirby, are you alright? I was on Gordon’s express and witnessed your
accident! What happened?

-Kirby: (Nervous) I was trying to…stop a…a…runaway sir! This time it wasn’t my
fault, the trucks pushed me past a red signal, and then…then…this happened.

-TFC: I see! Now I’m not gonna jump to any hasty conclusions, but I thought you had
yourself under control these past few days.

-Ballast Truck: (Nervous) Um…actually sir, this was really all our fault.

-Narrator: The Fat Controller turned to see the lead ballast wagon, who was in
quite the shock and guilt.

-TFC: You huh? So it’s you trucks then? What is the reason for causing something
like this might I ask!

-Narrator: The wagon explained why he and his friends had caused Kirby’s runaway.
The Fat Controller was furious, but this time it was with the trucks, not Kirby.

-TFC: (Angry) Oh of course it had to be you devils didn’t it! ARGH! Don’t you
trucks just ever learn your lessons! It seems as if this time Kirby wasn’t causing
trouble, but you lot are! Yes what Kirby did that day is wrong, but you lot only
made this worse by jumping to conclusions and letting vengeance get the better of
you! Kirby already learned his lesson after your friends had sent him on a
dangerous runaway into that old tree, and he’s doing his best to make amends with
those he had wronged, even trucks like you! But worse, you nearly caused a runaway
that nearly got me, my engines, my staff, and loads of passengers on the express
killed. Oh, and you’d probably realized by now you all would’ve been killed to, DO

-Trucks: Yes sir!

-TFC: I hope so! But once we recover and have you all repaired, you lot will be
working on the scrap trains for the Smelter’s Yard! Maybe it will teach you not to
jump to conclusions and thinking about revenge, which nearly caused a lot of
serious casualties!

-Trucks: Oh bullocks!

-Narrator: Then the Fat Controller calmed down and turned kindly to Kirby.

-TFC: Well done Kirby! You really have proved to me that you are indeed a very
useful and very honorable engine.

-Kirby: Really? But I thought…

-TFC: Oh please don’t worry about this, Kirby, this wasn’t your fault! While I
admit I don’t approve of the idea of engines deliberately having accidents, I
understand on this one, as thanks to you, you’ve prevented a much worse accident
from occurring, which thanks to you, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.

-Kirby: Why, thank you sir!

-TFC: No, thank you Kirby! In fact, as a reward for your quick thinking, as well as
your hard work and efforts in making amends with everyone, you will be sent back to
the Steamworks to be repaired, and once they’re done, you will become a permanent
resident here on my railway, as our 12th engine on the Northwestern Railway.

-Narrator: Kirby beamed!

-Kirby: Oh thank you sir! But if it’s okay, I have one request though.

-TFC: Sure, anything!

-Kirby: If I’m to be part of the Northwestern, is it possible for me to repainted a

different color, as I’ve never really like this NCB Green that much, and I
certainly never liked the reddish-brown livery I had before that.

-TFC: Absolutely my friend. Here on Sodor, any engine can be whatever livery they
choose to be, unlike how British Railways treats their engines. Just tell the
workmen what color it is you want to be painted.

-Kirby: Thanks sir!

-Duck: Well done Kirby! You really proved yourself there. You had difficult
choices, but at least you took the right one that saved millions of lives.

-Henry: Indeed! You really came along from the engine that fell cab over wheels all
those years ago! You maybe snarky and cocky, but you are indeed a really useful
engine that has gained the power to do what’s right.

-Narrator: Kirby smiled happily for the first time since he arrived.

(Shows a montage of the engines working and the China Clay Works being reopened)

-Narrator: Work continued on Sodor as usual, but after Kirby had made amends with
everyone he was rude to, the other engines were beginning to miss him. Duck in
particular, whom had grown close with him since he arrived, missed him dearly, and
Gordon, who was grateful to be alive along with his crew and passengers thanks to
Kirby’s quick thinking and sacrifice, missed him as well. Thankfully though, the
China Clay Pits in no time at all, was restored back to its full glory, and Bill &
Ben were back to working taking China Clay trucks to and from the Clay Pits to
Brendam Docks or other parts of the railway. But of course, they’d still be used
for other jobs if needed.

(Fades to the main 11 engines at Tidmouth Sheds when Kirby arrives with the Fat

-Narrator: About a few days later, the main 11 engines were at Tidmouth Sheds, with
the Little Western engines wondering they’ve called, and wondered if it might have
had something to do with Kirby.

-Duck: I wonder if this might have something to do with Kirby.

-Toby: We might not know until the Fat Controller comes.

-Percy: Still, I hope he gets back soon.

-Thomas: So do us all Percy.

(Kirby’s Whistle blares)

-Narrator: Just then, a deep booming whistle blared in the distance, and the
engines can see coming in the distance was the very sight of an Austerity Saddle
Tank that had all the same features Kirby did, but instead of dark NCB Green, he
was painted in a bright beautiful shade of purple, and instead of his NCB logo and
number, he had a large yellow #12 painted on his cab. Right away, the engines
erupted into a chorus of whistles as they knew right away who it was.

-Duck: Kirby! It’s you!

-Kirby: That’s right Duck, can’t keep a good engine down!

-TFC: Certainly not!

-Narrator: Laughed the Fat Controller as he climbed down from Kirby’s cab.

-TFC: Engines, I’m glad that I can gather you all here, as may I present to you
all, our 12th engine of the Northwestern Railway, Kirby the Austerity Engine. He’s
here to stay, helping out on various spots on my railway when Donald & Douglas are
busy, but will mostly be seen on the Main Line and the Little Western.

-Narrator: The engines cheered!

-Gordon: I must say, it’s great to have you back Kirby, but if I may, what made you
decide on purple?

-Kirby: Well Gordon, I never really liked the two liveries I’ve had in my past life
back on the Mainland, and I always loved the color purple, as it felt like a
refreshing and to me, it represents intelligence and dignity, and that I finally
found peace in my life now that I have opened about my past. Thanks to you lot of
course, because now, I finally feel like I have a place in the world thanks to all
of you, my new best friends. Again, thank you all for putting up with me, I’m very
sorry about my overconfident and thoughtless behavior.

-Edward: Awe! That is nice to hear! And don’t worry, we forgive Kirby, as that’s
what we Sudrians do, we look out for others and help to console them in doing the
right thing.

-Kirby: That’s right Edward. But I also owe everything to Duck & Donald here for
being the first to help me. Thanks you two.

-Donald: Aye, say na mair laddie, wur glad tae hulp ye stairt fresh.

-Duck: Exactly! That’s what friends are for!

-TFC: Indeed, welcome to my railway Kirby!

-Narrator: Kirby smiled. Today, the original 11 engines had now changed to 12.

(Shows Kirby working on various different parts of Sodor and growing accustomed to
his new life)

-Narrator: Now Kirby has finally made peace with his past traumas, and has grown a
little bit wiser and has now learned to be more open and a lot friendlier to the
other engines. He had now grown accustomed to his new life on Sodor, and enjoyed
working in various different locations wherever he was needed, especially if Donald
& Douglas were busy. He and all the engines have now become great friends, except
for Sir Handel, who hasn’t seemed to learn anything, and still would mock him
whenever he saw him, but Kirby would get back at him with his own sense of wit,
knowing that he used to be just like him. He also follows the rules, and never even
dares disobeying them, as he knows that it’s for his safety, and for the sake of
everyone around him, and he and the trucks overtime would learn to gain each
other’s respect. He takes great care in his work, but he only bumps the trucks only
when they’re being troublesome. Of course, he’s not always perfect, as I’m afraid
to say there are moments he can still be rather wisecracking, and sometimes quite
cynical and stubborn on occasion, and while he’s still cocky, it’s not as big as it
was before, though he can still boast every now and again and make a lot snarky-ass
remarks at their other engines’ expense, but only because he is the sort of engine.
But the engines don’t mind, as they know that’s his way, and that he has learned to
have some self-control, and seeing how far he has come. As deep down, Kirby is a
hard-working, kind-hearted, and intelligent engine with a snarky sense of humor,
and is very social and outgoing. Regardless though, he is proud to become the 12th
engine of the Northwestern Railway.

(Opens with Thomas, James and Percy at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: Thomas, Percy and James were all waking and getting ready for work one
beautiful morning, looking at the early sunrise.

-Thomas: Ah! Everybody is so much happier when summertime comes.

-James: Yeah, everybody except the Fat Controller.

-Percy: (Snickers) Uh-oh, here we go again.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) I know that tone of voice anywhere. What’s wrong this time,

-James: Well it’s just that when summer comes, the Fat Controller just has to work
us harder than ever. I’m tired of these runs up and down the line with goods

-Percy: Oh come one James, it can’t be that bad. He just wants everything to ready
for the summer holidays. It may be hot, but it is beautiful, especially going to
the seaside, as salty air makes me all cheerful in my smokebox.

-James: Pah! It’s pulling passenger trains in the countryside that gets me all
fired up. In fact, it’s the only place to be! Good day you two!

-Narrator: And James puffed grumpily away to pick a goods train from the Harbor.

(Fades to Thomas & Percy puffing around the yards collecting scrap)

-Narrator: Later, Thomas & Percy were sent to take some empty trucks to the
Scrapyards at Peel Godred. Once they were shunting their trucks near the loading
docks to wait for the Scrapyard’s Manager, they saw right next to them, and off the
rails, was an old, and grimy coach, who looked very depressed and lonely. The two
tank engines took notice, and tried to cheer her up.

-Percy: Oh hello! I don’t recall seeing you before.

-Harriett: Oh, hello my dears. I’ve been here for many years, but they moved me to
this spot recently.

-Thomas: But, why, you don’t even look all broken and rusty, why would you be
placed in a scrapyard?

-Harriett: Oh, it because I used to carry passengers back on the Main Line back,
but when more modern coaches were built, I was replaced. In fact, the passengers
enjoyed coaches like them, they would ridicule me by calling “Old Slow Coach” and
saying I’m not useful anymore. I’ve been here ever since, and now (sniffs) only the
mice ride in me (Crying).

-Narrator: And the old coach started crying miserably.

-Thomas: Awe, don’t think that way, people can be snobby sometimes. You may be
dirty, but you do look in perfect shape, and could easily be repaired and

-Percy: Yeah, Thomas and I have been teased in past, saying were just a bunch of
“silly little tank engines”, but we didn’t let that stop us, as we proved them
wrong time and time again, we still keep rising to the top.

-Thomas: Exactly, as little engines can do big things. And even old coaches are
just as important. Anyways, my name is Thomas, and this is Percy. What’s yours?

-Harriett: My name is Harriett. And I thank you both, but I don’t know what the
railway would do with me now.

-Narrator: Just then, the Scrap Manager came over to them.

-Scrap Manager: Ah, there you both are! Before you go, there is a train of steel
that I need you to take to Tidmouth. Donald was supposed to deliver them, but he’s
busy at the moment. I’ll need you two to help double-head the train.

-Percy’s Driver: Yes sir! Before we go, we wondering, could you tell us about this
coach, Harriett?

-Scarp Manager: Harriett? Oh, Old Slow Coach, she’s been here for 60 years. She’ll
be broken up soon, when we find the time.

-Thomas: (Sadly) I see! Well, we’ll be right there sir.

-Narrator: Thomas, Percy and their crews were all very dismayed, and looked
sorrowful at Harriett.

-Thomas: Don’t worry, we’ll try and help you. We won’t let you be scrapped.

-Narrator: Said Thomas reassuringly. But deep down, he had no idea how to do so.

(Fades to James out on the Main Line)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, James was puffing down the Main Line with a train of fuel
tankers, and was cooling down a little bit. While the beautiful summer breeze and
peaceful countryside were doing wonders for his attitude, he was still a bit grumpy
at pulling trucks.

-James: (Sighs) This is just misery. It’s a beautiful day, I’m puffing out on the
Main Line, but I’m pulling dirty trucks. Why can’t there just be one day, no, every
day, I can just pull coaches.

-Narrator: But James only spoke to soon, as he was so grouchy that earlier when
getting his train from Vicarstown, he bumped them, causing the 5th tanker in his
train to puncture, as the tankers themselves were very old and badly maintained.
And thanks to James’s puncture, fuel was leaking from the trucks, and then, the
worst just happened.

-James’s Driver: Hey (sniffs) do you smell smoke?

-James’s Fireman: Oh, that’s the fire coming from James’s firebox silly.
-James’s Driver: No not that kind of smoke.

-James: Yeah, in fact, I can smell a nasty diesel fume scent that usually happens
when the diesels are refueling.

-James’s Driver: Then it might be (looks back) OH MY GOODNESS, IT’S THE TANKERS,


-Narrator: And James took off like a cheetah running for his life. But he couldn’t
as he was still coupled to the tankers.


-Narrator: Luckily, James saw one up ahead!

-James: OVER THERE! (Blows whistle) HEY, HEY, SWITCH THE POINTS!

-Narrator: The signalman did in the nick of time. One James made it into the
runaway siding, his fireman uncoupled him, and the big red engine distanced himself
from the tankers before they went off. Then his driver pulled out his cell phone,
and contacted the Sodor Fire Brigade.


(Cuts to James in the siding, and the fire brigade putting out the fire, and ten
Thomas & Percy arrived)

-Narrator: As Thomas & Percy approached the siding, they saw the smoke and the fire
brigade with their fire engines. They also saw James’s Guard, holding a red flag,
and he informed the two tank engines of what happened.

-Guard: It turns out James was still in horrible mood earlier, that he bumped the
tankers causing one of them to have a puncture due to their old age. It began
leaking, and sparks from James’s funnel and from the wheels turning on the trucks,
they both set the train a lite. The fire is under control now, but it’s quite a
mess. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to pass.

-Percy: Thanks! (To James) Well James, I thought you said the countryside got you
all fired up. But I didn’t think you meant it in this way.

-James: Pah! It’s the stupid tanker’s fault, not mine!

-James’s Driver: Oh don’t try to act all haughty right now James. It was your
fault, you’re the one who bumped the tanker causing the leak, and your sparks set
them off. We all know what happens when it comes to you and trucks. Nonetheless,
we’ll be reporting this to the Fat Controller. Maybe it’ll teach you to have more
control of your temper.

-Narrator: James wisely remained silent. Just then, the Fire Chief called out.

-Fire Chief: Okay you two, the fire has been put out, it’s safe to pass.

-Narrator: As Thomas & Percy left, they couldn’t help but feel sorry for James.
(Cuts to Thomas & Percy arriving at Tidmouth)

-Narrator: Soon, Thomas & Percy made their way to Tidmouth, and shunted their train
of steel right into the goods shed. After that, they both took on water before
returning back to the Ffarqhuar branch, when all of a sudden, they heard an alarm
bell going off, and a huge commotion that seemed to be coming from the Shunting
Yards, as from that area, they both thought they could see a large cloud of thick,
black smoke.

-Thomas: Oh horrors! What’s going on now?

-Thomas’s Driver: It looks like there’s another fire, coming from the yards. We
better go see what we can do.

-Thomas & Percy: Right!

(Cuts to Thomas and Percy approaching the Workman’s hut at the Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: Once Thomas & Percy arrived, they were shocked, to see it was coming
from the Workman’s breakroom.


-Foreman: There’s was a gas leak in the boiler room, and one of the workmen, who
was smoking a cigarette didn’t dispose of it properly, and the gas fumes caught up
with it setting the hut on fire.

-Thomas’s Driver: Oh damn! What idiot would do that?

-Foreman: One of our flunkies, Newman, that’s who!

-Thomas’s Driver: Of course… (Groans) Newman!

-Newman: Hey, I said I was sorry.

-Foreman: We’ll deal with you later! Right now, I called the fire brigade, and
they’re on their way.

(Fire engines approaching)

-Narrator: The fire engines arrived, but now there was an even worse problem.

-Fire Chief: Oh damn it! We’re completely out of water after rescuing James, and
hadn’t enough time to refill.

-Percy: But what about by the sea?

-Fire Chief: Can’t! If we do, it will clog the hoses! (Sighs) I can’t believe I’m
saying this, but we’ll just have to let that building burn.

-Thomas: No wait a minute Chief! There’s still a chance, you can use the water in
me and Percy’s tanks we just refilled them!

-Fire Chief: Brilliant idea Thomas! ALRIGHT MEN, HOOK UP OUR HOSES TO THESE

-Narrator: The firefighters wasted no time, and soon, they were using every last
gush of water, and putting out the fire with ease.
-Percy: Ha-ha! We did it!

-Thomas: Indeed! Mission accomplished!

-Percy’s Driver: Alright, you both are very clever engines!

-Fire Chief: I couldn’t have put it better myself. You’ll both get a medal for

-Narrator: The Fat Controller soon arrived to survey the scene. The fire was out,
but the hut where the workmen in the yard took their breaks in was destroyed.

-TFC: Newman! I warned you not to smoke, and you have broken some many regulations
due to your laziness. As for that, you are fired for this incompetence. I’ll ask
you to return your uniform and your badge tomorrow morning.

-Newman: Yes sir, sorry sir!

-TFC: And I should think so to. I’ll never understand why I kept you around.

-Foreman: Yeah, and thanks to him, the workmen will need a place to stay in case
they need their breaks, especially to put their stuff in. It will be a long job to
rebuild it to.

-Percy: I think I might have a solution.

-TFC: Oh, what’s that Percy?

-Percy: Sir, do you by any chance remember an old passenger coach that’s residing
at the Smelter’s Yard? She goes by the name Harriett.

-TFC: Harriett? Oh, you mean the one they called Old Slow Coach?

-Thomas: That’s the one sir! We met her earlier today. She’s really depressed that
nobody wants to use her, and we really don’t want her to be scrapped. But if you
could restore her, she would be perfect for the workmen.

-Percy: Yeah, and comfy to.

-TFC: Hmm, not that is a great idea you two. I’ll make the arrangement, as I think
its about time Harriett got what she deserved. I’m proud of you both, proving once
again you are both really useful engines. As a reward, you both will be given a new
coat of paint.

-Thomas: Yes sir!

-Percy: Thank you sir!

(Cuts to the Steamworks with Thomas, Percy, Marlin, and Harriett)

-Narrator: Thomas and Percy were repainted with their coats gleaming bright, and
Marlin even had Harriett delivered to the Steamworks, and a few days later, she was
clean, refurbished, and restored to her full glory. She was painted in a beautiful
Great Western livery of cream and chocolate, with golden handrails and stripes. The
Fat Controller invited Thomas & Percy to come see her.

-Thomas: Wow Harriett! You look very beautiful! Just like a proper coach.

-Harriett: I can’t thank you both enough, I feel splendid.

-Percy: Of course, anything for a friend in need.

-Thomas: Exactly, because that’s a friend in deed.

-Narrator: So the two engines left the Steamworks pulling Harriett to her new home.

(Shows Harriett at the Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: Everyone agreed that there was nothing old or slow about Harriett. And
now thanks to Thomas & Percy, she enjoys letting the workmen rest in her, and
carrying them along in case of an emergency. And now, she’ll always be “really
useful indeed.”

(Opens with the engines preparing for Halloween)

-Narrator: The engines on the Island of Sodor were all looking forward to
Halloween. Every year, they enjoyed seeing the stations decorated with spooky
ornaments, the children dressed in their favorite costumes from wizards, to
witches, but most of all, they loved hearing ghost stories told by none other than
Edward. Edward, being an engine who has lived for many decades, has heard many
different tales of railway paranormal activity, and was always very creative in
creating different stories from ghost engines, haunted sheds, and other strange
supernatural activity on railways. Just the day before Halloween, he told them the
tale of…the bad luck brake van.

(Shows Edward telling the Thomas, James, Gordon, Henry, Toby, Percy, Donald,
Douglas, Oliver, Duck, Kirby, BoCo, Bear, Mavis, and Daisy the story at Knapford

-Edward: They say that every year on Halloween night, it roams the rails in pursuit
of the engine who deliberately bumped it to pieces. Legend has it that, if you see
it roll past, you’ll never make it back to your shed in time-you’ll find yourselves
taking a wrong turn in the mist, and ending up off the rails, or worse…in the scrap
yards instead!

-Other engines: (Gasps) Ooh! Ahh! Spooky!

-Thomas: That was a great story Edward! When it comes to horror stories, you really
got a knack for creating them.

-Henry: Indeed! Anyone would think you just became Sodor’s very own Stephen King

-Edward: (Chuckles) I almost could, couldn’t I?

-Narrator: All the engines laughed…all except for Oliver, who was honestly in a
very grumpy mood.

-Oliver: Ugh…I can’t believe all of you lot! You honestly find a story about scrap
like that entertaining. What absolute rubbish!
-Narrator: The other engines turned…shocked at Oliver’s outburst.

-Edward: Oliver! What’s wrong?

-Oliver: This story is wrong, that’s my problem Edward! It’s not right, using scrap
in a cheap ghost story like this!

-Gordon: Humph…well you’re in a right mood, aren’t you Oliver?

-James: Yeah, it’s just a story! Geez…no need to be such a killjoy!

-Kirby: Oh no, I don’t think it’s that he doesn’t like it James. I think Oliver is
a Scaredy engine.

-Oliver: Oh shut up, Kirby! I am not afraid of anything!

-Duck: Now, now you two, that’s enough! Oliver, are you alright? I know how you
feel whenever it comes to scrap.

-Oliver: I’m fine Duck! But it’s just talking about scrap like that is not funny
for anyone! And you Edward, you should try being on the run with the threat of
scrap looming closer every day!

-Other engines (except Kirby): (Gasps)

-Mavis: Oliver!

-Edward: (Sternly) Oliver, calm down! Look, I’m sorry if this is upsetting you, I
really am…but it’s just a story. Listen, I know scrap is serious, but we’re all
safe here on Sodor, as nobody is ever going to be scrapped!

-Duck: Exactly Oliver, Edward here is the last engine who’d want to cause any

-Oliver: Yeah, but ghost stories like this are nothing but a load of rubbish. In
fact, I don’t even know why I bothered coming here.

-Kirby: Yeah, because you’re a Scaredy engine that’s too touchy about scrap! You’re
worried the “bad luck brake van” will come to hunt you down (Makes ghost noises).

-Oliver: (Angry) I am not afraid of anything! I mean you should know what it’s like
nearly being scrapped yourself…Sixteen!

-Kirby: Hey! I resent that!

-Oliver: Well you should, so don’t call me a scaredy engine because I’m not afraid!
I just don’t like being reminded of scrap, okay! Good night too all of you!

-Mavis: Oh Oliver, come back here!

-Kirby: Scaredy engine, scaredy engine!

-Other engines: (Sternly) Kirby!

-Edward: Gee, I didn’t mean to offend him like that.

-Thomas: Don’t worry Edward, we know you didn’t.

-Bear: Yeah, he’ll get over it eventually. Let’s not let his temper run all the

-Henry: Indeed! Anyways, do you have more stories?

-Edward: Well as a matter of fact I do?

-Narrator: So as Edward began telling more stories, Oliver was puffing back home
crossly to Little Western!
-Oliver: Stupid ghost story! I can’t believe Edward would talk about something is
traumatic as scrap like that to an engine. And that Kirby…maybe he should see what
it’s like to be on the run from scrap like I was many years ago. He’s wrong, they
all are, I’m not a scaredy engine!

-Narrator: But deep down, he was…a little!

(Fades to Oliver picking up passengers at Haultraugh with Douglas on the other


-Narrator: The next morning, on Halloween day itself, Oliver was still in grumpy
mood as he was collecting passengers at Haultraugh station, when Douglas arrived.

-Douglas: Mornin' Oliver! Happy Halloween!

-Oliver: Pah!

-Douglas: Sheesh! Na need tae git a' crabby, ah wis juist bein' freendly!

-Oliver: Well I don’t need to be reminded it’s Halloween, thank you very much!

-Douglas: Aye, what’s gotten intae ye lately Oliver? Every year whin Halloween
comes, you’re lik' this. Then whin Edward wis telling that ill luck brake van
story, ye juist snap at everybody!

-Oliver: Douglas! I just don’t like Halloween! It’s a bunch of stupid childish
nonsense, and when people always dress up in stupid costumes and try to scare each

-Douglas: Bit Halloween is sic a fin time! Fowk dressed in costumes o' thair
favorite monsters or characters, eating candy, listening tae scary tales 'n' huvin
fin at parties. Especially wi' th' yin we’ll be huvin at Knapford th' nicht!

-Oliver: Well its just a bunch of childish nonsense! And I am a mature and sensible
engine that doesn’t given into this kiddie crap! Oh, and then Edward’s ghost story
really gets me pissed off. I mean, a story about a brake van that goes around
causing engines to end up in scrapyards. And I’m surprised that you and Donald
haven’t really turned pale as I did regarding the trauma all three of us faced of
nearly being sent to the cutter’s torch.

-Douglas: Oliver, relax! Lik' Duck said, Edward is nae that kind o' engine that
offends a' body like that, as it's juist a story. He kens scrap is gey sensitive
fur ony engine, bit he aye helps us cope thro' it. Forby, he saved yon Trevor mony
years ago richt?

-Oliver: Yes!

-Douglas: 'n' efter that, he tellt me th' story, 'n' ah overcame mah ain fear o'
scrap, whin ah met ye 'n' Toad, 'n' helped ye bothescape.

-Oliver: Yes…I know, but it still isn’t right. Then Kirby has the cheek to be an
insensitive jerk, and say I’m being afraid.

-Douglas: Aye, dinnae tak' him seriously Oliver! Ah admit how Kirby acted wis
immature, bit ye micht be escalating th' situation worse than he is! Besides, it's
okay tae be scared, th' brave pairt is whin we admit it.

-Oliver: (Angry) But I’m not a “scaredy engine”…I just hate scrap…and Halloween is
just a bunch of childish nonsense. I only went with you guys last night because
Duck made me. I never intend on joining in on any parties, and I won’t this year!

(Guards whistle blows and Oliver departs)

-Oliver: Good day too you Douglas!

-Narrator: And Oliver puffed grumpily away! Douglas just sighed.

-Douglas: Aye, he’s a tough nut tae crack.

(Shows Oliver puffing down the line, then with him at Callan Sheds)

-Narrator: Now while Oliver was always a very kind, easy-going, and well-meaning
engine, sometimes he had a tendency to be rather grumpy, uptight and really
stubborn, especially if it revolved around scrap. He had never really gotten over
his fear of scrap, even after his escape from his old line many years ago. He also
really preferred seeing himself as a tough, serious, and mature auto tank, that
really just thought Halloween was beneath him, but deep down respected if others
liked it, but just didn’t want to get involved. This year, he was in a very grumpy
mood, and was grumpier still when the yard manager told him he was too help
organize the last place he hated more than ever…the Smelter’s Yard. But if wasn’t
enough, he was also would that shift with Edward, and to his anger…Kirby.

-Oliver: (Sarcastically) First Edward tells me that stupid horror story, and now I
got to work at the dreaded Scrapyards with that purple wise-ass. This day just gets
better and better!

-Oliver’s Driver: Oh will you just stop already! Look, it’s only for the night, and
if Kirby keeps teasing you, just ignore him…that’s the most sensible thing to do.

-Oliver: Humph! Whatever!

(Cuts to Oliver working at the Smelter’s with Kirby & Edward)

-Narrator: That night, Oliver reluctantly made it to the Smelter’s Yard. Even
though he was trying to hide it…deep down, he was feeling very tense inside. This
was the last place he wanted to be. Just as he was looking for Edward & Kirby, a
line of trucks filled with scrap came out of nowhere right in front of him.

-Kirby: BOO!

-Oliver: AH!



-Kirby: (Chuckles) Oh come now Ollie boy, can’t you take a joke! It is Halloween
after all!

-Oliver: (Sarcastically) Yeah, I suppose that make sense for your type.

-Kirby: Now what the hell does that mean?

-Oliver: I mean, an engine as immature as you would give into something as childish
as this.

-Kirby: Oh says the engine who doesn’t wanna admit he’s afraid of scrap. (In an
eerie voice) Especially if…the “bad luck brake van” is gonna come get you after you
escaped from scrap.

-Oliver: The only bad luck on the rails tonight is you. So you better watch your

-Edward: Now, now you two, that’s enough! Kirby, can you shut those flatbeds over
in the sidings at the back.

-Kirby: Ah sure Edward, I’m on it.

(Kirby departs)

-Edward: Calm down Oliver! Just don’t take him so seriously. Nobody’s brave all the

-Oliver: (Angry) Oh I’m very brave to handle this Edward, there is not a damn thing
in this world that can scare me, not even that stupid story of yours! So if you
really want to frighten somebody, why don’t you give yourself a good scare when it
comes to scrap, and tell me how you feel!

-Edward: (Angry) Oliver!

-Oliver: In fact, if you’re so wise, then perhaps you’d be wise to focus on your
work instead of this stupid paranormal rubbish.

-Narrator: And Oliver scampered off angrily, leaving a rather hurt Edward to shunt
alone, all by himself, very sadly. Oliver still was in a bad temper, and whenever
Kirby passed by, the purple Austerity tank kept on teasing him.

-Kirby: Be careful the brake van doesn’t get you old Ollie.

-Oliver: There’s no such thing! You keep this up, and I might as well come and get

-Kirby: Ha, ha, ha, I’d like you to see you try, ya Great Western pretty boy!

-Oliver: ARGH!

-Narrator: An hour passed, and Edward already left with a train of steal that he
was to drop off at Wellsworth. After that, he would go straight to the party at
Knapford. Oliver, who was taking on water, was so eager to leave, when the Scrap
Manager came up.

-Scrap Manager: Ah Oliver, the brakes on the van for Kirby’s return train to
Wellsworth aren’t working properly. Could you be his banker please? That way, you
can back home, and Kirby can pick up a spare brake van at Wellsworth?

-Narrator: Begrudgingly, Oliver agreed. He found Kirby coupled to some trucks, and
taking a little nap on the through track before leaving. At first, Oliver, who was
still in a bad temper, was thinking of getting revenge on Kirby for his snarky
remarks towards him.

-Oliver: (Inner monologue) Hmm…I could come up and give him a shock from the other
side like he did to me…nah…that’s the oldest trick in the book.

-Narrator: But then, that’s when Oliver noticed on the opposite track on the other
side of the points were was the badly maintained brake van. Now it wasn’t like
Oliver to be malicious, but his anger was really clouding his mind, he wanted to
desperately wanted to teach Kirby a lesson, so he recounted Edward’s story, and
decided to use it for his advantage. He came up and bumped the brake van, giving it
a nudge, and it creaked and groaned as it rolled alongside, and passed Kirby. It
was at that moment that Kirby himself woke up to the creaking, and noticed the
brake van slowly roll up alongside him.

-Kirby: What the devil? I don’t remember that brake van here.

-Narrator: And with Kirby, still surprised, and a little uneasy, Oliver quickly
switched tracks and came up behind the trucks, nudging the train, which shot Kirby
forward a little.

-Kirby: (Nervous) Ah…oh lord, what’s going on? (Looks nervously at the brake van)
Oh…um…I guess we better get going then… (Nervous grin)…yikes!

-Narrator: And Kirby left the yards a little bit faster, and with Oliver coupled
behind. He was snickering quietly to himself as he kept pushing the jumpy saddle
tank in front.

-Oliver: (Whispers) Kirby…you magnificent bastard…now you’re gonna really know what
it’s like to be on the run from scrap (Evil chuckles).

-Narrator: But he said it to himself.

(Fades to Oliver pushing Kirby down the line)

-Narrator: Out of the darkness on the countryside, Oliver started wailing

ghoulishly. (Oliver wails like a ghost) Kirby heard from what was going behind, but
wasn’t aware at all that Oliver was shoving from behind. Then, a thick mist rolled
in, and Kirby was now getting very paranoid.

-Kirby: (Nervous) Um…hello…is anybody behind me?

-Oliver: (In a ghostly voice) Oooh…Kirby…Kirby!

-Kirby: (Nervous) Eep! What the hell’s going on? Who are you?

-Oliver: (In a ghostly voice) It is I, the bad luck brake van! Oooh! You Kirby have
been nothing but an unsympathetic and wisecracking scoundrel for too long.
Especially teasing engines that were nearly on the brink of being scrapped, yet you
must’ve forgotten yourself of what that must’ve been like.

-Kirby: (Nervous) No…you don’t know what you’re talking about! Go away…leave me

-Oliver: (In a ghostly voice) SILENCE! You have no idea what it was like to be
scrapped whenever you tease other engines that were once in that position, and now
for your insolence, you will come with me, to face my WRATH! Oooh!

-Kirby: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Leave me alone mentally, demented one! AAAAHHHHH!

-Narrator: Kirby was running for his life, and even the trucks on his train were
just spooked, but Oliver was taking great pleasure in this. But unfortunately, it
wasn’t to last, because as soon as the mist burned off, Kirby, who was still
frightened, and at a loss for words, saw a red signal ahead. He braked hard, but
Oliver, to busy playing ghosts and wanting revenge to notice kept pushing at a very
high speed.

-Kirby: (Blares whistle and shouts) HEY! STOP! STOP!

-Narrator: Too late, Kirby felt his wheels, bump over the points, along the
sleepers and off the line. Some of the trucks derailed to, and Kirby fell right
into a river.

(Kirby splashes into the river)

-Narrator: At last, Oliver, finally snapped out of his prank, and was horrified by
what he had done. But thankfully, nobody was hurt. Kirby’s crew had jumped clear,
but Kirby himself, who was dazed and surprised, sat footplate deep in the river, as
the impact from the crash damaged his axles.

-Trucks: Help! It’s the bad luck brake van Kirby! He’s crashed us, and now we’re
gonna be sent to the scrapyards. We’re doomed!

-Oliver: (Nervous) Um…actually…uh...there is no bad luck brake van…it’s only me!

-Narrator: Came the quivering reply. Kirby was furious!

-Kirby: Wait a minute, Oliver? You mean, that was you? You utter jerk! I can’t
believe you would even do such a thing!

-Oliver: Well if you hadn’t been making those stupid wisecracks, then maybe I
wouldn’t have crashed you!

-Kirby’s Driver: Alright you two, enough! We’re gonna have to call for the
Breakdown Train. The Fat Controller is gonna have kittens I imagine.

-Narrator: And he was right.

(Shows Edward coming with the Breakdown Train which clears the mess, while the Fat
Controller reprimands Oliver & Kirby)

-Narrator: Soon, Edward arrived with the Breakdown Train, and with the Fat
Controller, whom Edward had told him regarding Oliver & Kirby’s actions, and
needless to say, he was not happy.

-TFC: (Angry) Oliver, you have caused a great deal of confusion and delay this
Halloween night, and I am absolutely frustrated with you. Edward has told about
your behavior as of recent, and I honestly expected a lot better from you. I
understand you haven’t gotten over your fear of scrap, but how you reacted to his
story last night was really uncalled for. You shouldn’t have taken his story that
seriously, as it’s just a story, told for fun, not as a taunt. Edward did nothing
wrong to offend anyone, and you shouldn’t have let your temper get the better of
you like that and lashing out at others, and spoiling their fun. Everybody gets
scared of something Oliver, but hiding it and taking your anger out on others is a
very unhealthy and inconsiderate way of dealing with that, and just because you
don’t like Halloween, doesn’t give you the right to harshly criticize others,
especially when they’re only trying to have fun. Especially because Edward told me
you had also said a lot of rather hurtful and brutal comments towards him regarding
his story, not to mention, your prank on Kirby was the most immature and most
heinous thing I would ever think you of all engines would do. You have been very
uptight, irrational, cantankerous, rude, and very immature lately, and I would’ve
preferred if you would’ve been more open and honest about your feeling instead of
acting all tough and lashing out at everyone.

-Oliver: (Sadly) Yes sir! Sorry sir!

-TFC: (Angry) And as for your Kirby! Even though it was dangerous and immature of
Oliver to play this prank on you, you should’ve been a lot more courteous and
considerate to his feelings, and lot more careful with what you say. I thought you
would’ve learned your lesson about being rude to others after your exploits the
first month you came here. Talking about things like scrap is very traumatizing for
an engine, and teasing them about will make you look like a very nasty and spiteful
engine. After all, Sixteen, you of all engines should also remember what that’s
like before those preservationists from the Great Central Railway came to buy you
from that horrible fate after the trouble you caused back at the Steelworks.

-Kirby: Yes sir! You’re right sir! I should’ve known better.

-TFC: (Sternly) Indeed you should’ve had. (To Oliver) Oliver, you will take Kirby
to the Steamworks, and while he’s being repaired, you will be doing his jobs for
the time being, and while you Kirby are being repaired, I hope that both of you
will get along, and will learn to be a lot more sensible and more considerate about
engine’s feelings, and open and mindful about yours. Is that understood?

-Oliver: Yes sir!

-Kirby: Sorry sir! It won’t happen again we promise!

-TFC: Good!

-Narrator: And the Fat Controller strode on his heel, and climbed sternly back into
Edward’s cab. Both Oliver & Kirby, without hesitation, spoke.

-Kirby: I’m really sorry that I’ve been so rude to you lately Oliver. It was very
immature, and I should’ve realized how I made you feel. I do know how scrap feels,
I just was so traumatized by those past experiences that I just was too scared to
admit it, so I tried to joke about it, which was not the right thing to do,
especially towards another engine that went through the same thing.

-Oliver: It’s alright Kirby! And I’m sorry that I played this stupid prank! I
didn’t mean to let things go this far. And to constantly keep losing my temper like
that. (To Edward) And Edward, I’m sorry that I was so rude to you. You actually
tell great stories, and I shouldn’t have gotten so worked up over this, and kept in
mind that you were only just having fun with the other engines. But all I did was
ruin it like a killjoy. I was afraid, but I was too embarrassed to admit it, and
worse, I lashed out at everybody that has been a good friend to me since the day I
came to Sodor.

-Edward: That’s alright you two. Everybody gets scared of something, and that’s
alright. Admitting that you afraid is actually a very brave and mature way to deal
with it.

-Oliver: Thanks, but I shouldn’t have taken things too far.

-Kirby: Me neither!

-Edward: Yes, but at least you both learned your lessons. And maybe by next
Halloween, I’ll have plenty of time to think of better and scarier stories that we
can all enjoy.

-Narrator: And all three engines and the Fat Controller had to laugh.

(Fades to Oliver shunting Kirby to the Steamworks)

-Narrator: As soon as Oliver had shunted Kirby to the Steamworks, both engines were
talking about their past experiences, and becoming better friends.
-Oliver: You know something Kirby, that actually felt good, and I think soon, I can
finally manage to overcome my traumas of scrap.

-Kirby: (Chuckles) Same here! At least I’ll say one thing, you did at least give me
a good care though, that’s for sure.

-Oliver: (Chuckles) That I did! And you know, Halloween is actually quite a fun
holiday after all. Even though it would be far to get to Knapford, we can still
have fun watching the fireworks from here.

-Narrator: And he was right. Both engines watched the fireworks, feeling glad to
admit that sometimes, being a scaredy engine, wasn’t so bad after all.

(Opens with the engines and the Fat Controller at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: One morning, Thomas the Tank Engine was feeling very ill. Every time he
tried to build up steam, but he felt rather stuffed up. The workmen tried to mend
him, but it was no use. An inspector was making notes in his book, and discussing
them with the Fat Controller.

-TFC: It seems Thomas that you’ll have to go to the Steamworks, as your pipes will
need to be thoroughly cleaned out.

-Thomas: (Stuffy voice) I understand sir! But what about…

-TFC: Oh don’t worry, you’ll be back soon. Especially in time for Easter. It should
take just a week.

-Thomas: (Stuffy voice) Okay! But what about my branchline?

-TFC: Don’t worry Thomas! I have something arranged for the time being.

-Narrator: Soon, Marlin the Works Diesel arrived, and shunted Thomas to the
Steamworks. The other engines were rather dismayed to see their friend absent for
the time. But then the Fat Controller turned to them reassuringly.

-TFC: Fear not engines, Thomas will be back soon, but in the meantime, I have
managed to find and loan another engine to help out here on trial.

-Percy: You have sir?

-TFC: That I have Percy. I have borrowed a brand new tank engine from the Lavender
Line in East Sussex. I really intended for him to help out at Knapford as a new
station pilot, that way I don’t have to keep sparing which tank engine or diesel
shunter I got when they’re needed elsewhere. But with Thomas out of commission, I
have decided he can substitute for the time being. And since he’s on trial, he will
become a new member of my railway, like with Marlin & Kirby.

-Edward: That’s wonderful sir! Another new engine to join our family.

-Henry: And a fellow steam engine like us. Diesels are fine, but we definitely need
more steam engines.

-TFC: I understand Henry. In fact, this new engine is actually quite excited

-Gordon: Well then we’ll make sure to give him a good welcome, but may I ask sir,
who is this new tank engine, and what class is he?
-TFC: Wait and see, Gordon, it’s a surprise. He’ll be arriving in 2 days’ time.
Until then, I trust you will all make him feel welcome when he arrives.

-The engines: Yes sir!

-Narrator: As the engines were all setting out to work, they still couldn’t help
but wonder what this new tank engine was, and what he would be like.

(Fades to Tidmouth Sheds two days later with the engines meeting a white Hudswell
Clarke Tank Engine)

-Narrator: The next morning, the engines were dozing, about to wake up for another
useful day’s work, when all of a sudden, they heard in the distance, a powerful,
shrill whistle that they had never heard before.

-Percy: Huh? I wonder whose whistle that is.

-Toby: I think we’re about to find out Percy, because look!

-Narrator: Coming in the distance and puffing onto the turntable, was a very sleek,
stylish, and shiny looking saddle tank engine. The engines all gasped in amazement.
None of them had ever seen an engine like him before. He was painted in a beautiful
metallic, white color, with red wheels, and a charismatic and friendly smile. And
instead of a black smokebox and funnel like the other engines, it was bright,
metallic silver that, along with his steam pipes that reflected in the sun. The
engines were amazed. Even James had to admit that the engine looked very splendid.

-Stanley: ‘Ello everyone, mate! Is this Tidmouth by any chance?

-Henry: Why, yes it is?

-Narrator: Just then, the Fat Controller climbed down from the new engine’s cab.

-TFC: Good morning engines! I would like you to meet our new tank engine on trial.
This is Stanley! He is a hybrid of a Hudswell Clarke and Kitson’s Austin I Saddle
Tank Engine. He will be staying until Easter, covering for Thomas first, then
working as station pilot and pulling heavy goods trains for the time being. If all
goes well, he will join the railway. I hope you will all make him feel welcome.

-Edward: Absolutely sir!

-Percy: We will sir!

-TFC: Thank you! Anyways, Stanley, since you’re here, I need you take Thomas’s
morning train, his coaches, Annie & Clarabel, are in that shed over there.

-Stanley: Right away sir!

-Narrator: The Fat Controller, satisfied, walk away.

-Stanley: It’s really too nice too met yer lot! I’m gonna make sure to enjoy

-Edward: And we shall enjoy your company Stanley! Welcome to the Island of Sodor.

(Stanley reverses off the turntable)

-Henry: My word, I wonder what Thomas will see when he gets back.
-Narrator: Henry said curiously.

(Cuts to Stanley coupling up to Annie & Clarabel at the carriage sheds)

-Narrator: So Stanley switched tracks, and was coupled to Annie & Clarabel. The two
coaches were just as surprised as well to be seeing this silver tank engine.

-Annie: Oh my! Um…hello there, who are you?

-Stanley: I’m Stanley! You two must be Annie & Clarabel.

-Clarabel: That we are! But why are you coupling onto us?

-Stanley: Because I’m covering for your engine, Thomas, until ‘ee gets back!

-Annie: Oh, okay!

-Narrator: Said Annie! Even though Annie & Clarabel were cooperative with whichever
engine pulled them, they were a little uneasy about this new engine, and also
because they loved Thomas dearly, and would miss him very much when he was absent.
But they also could see Stanley was a very nice engine, so they thought, why not
stick it out and give him a chance. So once Stanley was coupled on, the white tank
engine set off to Knapford to start work.

(Shows Stanley going around Sodor and making an impact)

-Narrator: Soon, Stanley was already working hard and beginning to make a huge
impact on everybody. His sleek, silver appearance and loud whistle got everyone’s
attention, and he was very gentle with Annie & Clarabel.

-Annie: Oh, such nice manners!

-Clarabel: We are delighted to go out with a young fellow like him.

-Narrator: Stanley beamed! Thanks to him, everything was running on time. And when
he handled any of Thomas’s goods work, the trucks, seeing how much of a strong tank
engine he was didn’t even dare try to taunt or play any tricks on him, but even if
they did, Stanley would give them a hard bump just enough to discipline him. In no
time at all, the passengers, the engines, and the Fat Controller were beginning to
sing his praises.

(Shows Duck & Henry at Crovans Gate when Stanley is there)

-Henry: Wow! Stanley really is impressive! He’s only been here for 2 days, and he
is already leaving such a strong amount of charisma.

-Duck: I know, I mean, he’s really efficient and very hardworking. And if there’s
any job that needs to get done, he’ll do it with no problem.

-Henry: He sure is Duck! And he’s very polite, like he’s very polite, and quite
social, and he’s been telling us many great stories of his life back when he worked
on British Railways.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Stanley departs)

-Stanley: Right! I’ll see you all later!

-Duck: See you later Stanley!

-Henry: And keep up the good work!

-Narrator: However, the engines were beginning to enjoy the company of Stanley,
they completely forgotten their own friend, Thomas’s absence.

(Shows Stanley puffing around Sodor with Annie & Clarabel)

-Narrator: As he was puffing down the line, Stanley himself was also enjoying his
time on Sodor.

-Stanley: This place really is amazin’! This railway is a place unlike any uver,
and ‘onestly, my ‘ome, or any ‘eritage railway for that matter don’t even come
close. It’s like time is officially standing still ‘ere. And the fact there are
more steam engines like me workin’ ‘ere, but only a few diesels.

-Annie: Well I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself Stanley. I take it must’ve been very
hard when dealing with these changes.

-Stanley: (Sighs) Well, it was ‘ard to say goodbye ter me old life on the LNER,
Annie. I don’t blame the diesels though, but when it came to penny pinchers like
Dr. Beechin’, you felt the bleedin’ whole world around yer just became gray, and
yer sit there worrying about the inevitable.

-Clarabel: Oh my, but how did you survive?

-Stanley: Well, I was one o’ the few lucky engines that worked ‘ard ter make sure I
got preserved. Life on the Lavender was nice, but being ‘ere on Sodor, it’s a whole
different world entirely.

-Annie: Well I’m glad it worked out in the end.

-Clarabel: Indeed Annie! And I really hope you soon get too meet Thomas! You both
are very much alike in a lot of ways.

-Stanley: I intend ter! In fact, Thomas is actually the bloomin' reason I wanted
ter come ter Sodor, right? I were already aware o' the bloody Railway Series, and
that TV Series based off o' it, that I enjoyed them ever since. Let’s just say I
were more intrigued by Thomas adventures, and 'e straight up became like me
favorite character…if yer will. A fellow tank engine like me that proves was more
than just shunters, but right useful engines that can do big things.

-Annie: Well, that’s our Thomas! Always proving to be useful, despite trials and

-Clarabel: Quite the trials indeed, Annie! (Cute giggling)

-Narrator: And the three friends laughed as they were puffing down the line.

(Cuts to next week with Thomas coming out of the Steamworks)

-Narrator: A whole week had passed, and Thomas was finally cleaned out, and eager
to start work as soon as possible.

-Thomas: Ah, it feels great to be back. I can hardly too get back to my branchline
soon. Thanks for all that you and the workmen did Marlin.

-Marlin: My pleasure Thomas, me lad! Anyways, you best get going.

-Narrator: So Thomas, with a friendly whistle, set off cheerfully back for home.

(Shows a montage of Thomas puffing down the Main Line until he reaches Knapford
where James is)

-Narrator: Once Thomas got to Knapford Station, he met James.

-Thomas: Hello James! It’s great to be back, how were things while I was gone?

-James: Oh things have been great since Stanley came over.

-Narrator: James replied gleefully, and not exactly paying attention to the fact
Thomas had just arrived back.

-Thomas: Oh, um, you don’t say, who’s Stanley?

-James: What, you’ve been under a rock, Stanley was the new engine that was
covering for you while you were gone.

-Thomas: Oh, so that’s what the arrangement the Fat Controller made. Um…but aren’t
you gonna say hello, I’m standing right here.

-James: What, oh, hi Thomas, didn’t notice you fully…uh…err…its great your back,
but you have gotta meet Stanley, I mean, for a tank engine, he’s just so cool.

-Thomas: (Angry) For a tank engine! But I’ve been here for years!

-James: Yeah, but no offense Thomas, that’s the point, you’ve been a successful
sight for years, but now that Stanley has come, it’s a whole different story. He’s
got so much pizazz.

-Narrator: Just then, the guard blew his whistle, and James set off, leaving a
rather upset, and quite hurt blue tank engine behind.

-Thomas: (Sadly) He didn’t seem to care that I was back or not.

-TFC: Ah, Thomas, there you are! It’s great to see your back!

-Thomas: (Tries acting happy) Huh? Oh, hello sir! I heard from James you got
another engine to cover for me?

-TFC: That I have! His name is Stanley! I bought him from the Lavender Line on the
Mainland on trial. He was initially going to be both station pilot and utility
engine, but I had to reassign him to help with your work on the branchline.

-Thomas: Oh, I see!

-TFC: But don’t worry, he’ll be shunting in the yards tomorrow, so until then, I
will need you to handle that work for the time being.

-Thomas: (Sadly) Oh, yes sir! I’ll take care of it immediately!

-TFC: (Startled) Why thanks! Thomas, are you okay? Aren’t you glad to be back?

-Thomas: (Tries acting happy) Oh, I am sir! I love to run my branchline, but I can
handle any job, it’s only for today (Nervous chuckles). Thank you sir, bye!

-Narrator: And Thomas puffed away, leaving the Fat Controller pondering. He could
tell something didn’t seem right with the little blue tank engine. Now in recent
years, Thomas has matured greatly, and is always very kind and friendly, and going
out of his way to help everyone. Even though he loves to run his branchline, he was
always happy to handle whatever job was given to him, and would never complain, as
he always strived to please others. However, he was quite upset, just at the fact
he had no idea so new tank engine shows up covering for him, and James earlier on,
didn’t seem to care. As Thomas was shunting, the yard manager came up.

-Yard Manager: Thomas, leave those trucks there, there is a train of milk tankers
and food vans that is bound for Elsbridge as it’s needed for the local market.

-Thomas: Yes sir! Right away!

-Narrator: And Thomas set off. At least he’ll able to travel down his branchline,
or at least a part of it.

(Thomas arrives at Elsbridge, and sees Stanley talking to Percy)

-Narrator: As soon as Thomas reached Elsbridge, he was preparing to shunt the vans
into their proper siding, where he saw his best friend, Percy, talking to a large
white saddle tank with a silver smokebox, and pulling Annie & Clarabel.

-Thomas: (Inner monologue) Oh coal bunker! That must be Stanley!

-Narrator: He thought, and Thomas tried to whistle out to his friends, hoping to
get their attention. But strangely, they didn’t seem to pay attention. Thomas was
shocked by this.

-Thomas: (Inner monologue) They can’t even hear me. I’m a few paces away from them,
and they can’t hear me. Let alone notice me.

-Narrator: Just as Thomas was shunting the vans, he wasn’t paying close attention,
and he bumped it up against the buffers rather roughly.

-Thomas: OOF!


-Thomas: Oh crap! SORRY!

-Narrator: Then the stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Be careful there Thomas! Some of those groceries could be eggs you
know. And you know how fragile those are.

-Thomas: Oh, sorry Martin!

-Stationmaster: Yes, well, just pay attention a little more, okay? Anyways, since
you’re headed back to Knapford, there’s some trucks full of straw that Toby left
here, could you take them on your back please?

-Thomas: (Sadly) Of course sir! I’m on it!

-Narrator: And Thomas sadly uncoupled and went to collect the straw. Leaving the
stationmaster perplexed. Percy & Stanley, who did notice nearby, could see Thomas
collecting the trucks, and set off back to Knapford, still upset and confused.

-Stanley: Eh up, that’s Thomas! Now I can finally meet ‘im. Do yer think ‘e noticed
us Percy?
-Percy: I think so! But maybe we just didn’t.

-Narrator: Said Percy, though he noticed the downcast look on Thomas’s face while
he was shunting, and had no idea why. And even Stanley looked confused.

(Cuts to Thomas waiting at the signal gantry with Gordon)

-Narrator: Later, as Thomas was making his way back, he stopped at a red signal at
the junction just before Elsbridge, where he met Gordon.

-Gordon: Oh, hello Thomas! I see you finally came back.

-Thomas: Yeah, that I have Gordon. It’s nice to be back at least.

-Gordon: Yes indeed, say, have you met that new tank engine, Stanley, that has been
covering for you while you were away.

-Thomas: (Sighs) I saw a glimpse of him at Elsbridge earlier.

-Narrator: Thomas said, trying to hide his disappointment. He felt as if Gordon was
more interested in Stanley than him. But before either engine could continue, a
loud whistle could be hear, as passing them both was Stanley, with Annie & Clarabel
in tow, as they were headed down the branchline. Annie, Clarabel, and the
passengers were enjoying themselves enormously, as Stanley passed, letting out a
friendly whistle to both Thomas & Gordon as he passed.

-Gordon: Now there’s an engine who I gotta to say who knows how to have fun, and
handle his job at the same time.

-Thomas: What? But I always know the difference between work and play.

-Gordon: Yes, but it seems Stanley just does it better.

-Narrator: Now Thomas was beginning to feel quite angry. Gordon really didn’t mean
to offend him, but the fact the whole day the other engines seemed to praise
Stanley more than him, that felt quite hurtful.

-Gordon: Say, is something wrong Thomas?

-Thomas: (Sighs) Nothing Gordon. Forget I said anything.

-Narrator: Just then, Gordon’s signal dropped, as his path was clear.

-Gordon: Well, I guess I’ll see you later then, Goodbye Thomas!

(Gordon departs)

-Thomas: (Sighs) Goodbye Gordon!

-Narrator: Thomas said sadly. He really hoped maybe things wouldn’t get any worse
than they were.

(Fades to Thomas making his way to Tidmouth Sheds to find Stanley there with the
other engines)

-Narrator: Later that night, Thomas had finished his work, and was hoping to go
have a nice rest in Tidmouth Sheds to let off his emotions. But his hopes in doing
so were dashed when he approached the sheds, to find they were all full, as Stanley
was resting in one of the berths. Thomas was surprised, but felt even more hurt
when Stanley was having fun and talking with the other engines. Stanley blew his
whistle at a little bit of a loud pitch, as to not wake up any residents that live
nearby the yards. But when the other engines tried to blow their whistles to
compare, they were in for a shock. As Gordon blew his whistle, it sounded deeper
than usual. And when Henry tried blowing his, it also sounded deeper. Percy even
blew his whistle, at sounded more in a sweet, deep tone that made the sheds feel in
an peaceful mood. The engines were amazed, but then jumped to hear another whistle
outside the sheds. A very angry whistle!

-Gordon: Oh, Thomas, I didn’t notice you were there.

-Thomas: (Angry) No, it doesn’t seem any of you did!

-Stanley: Oh, ‘ello! So yer’re Thomas! It’s nice ter finally meet yer. My name is…

-Thomas: (Angry) Stanley, yeah, so I’ve heard!

-Narrator: The engines were surprised! None of them had ever seen Thomas so angry
like this before!

-Edward: Um…Thomas, is everything alright!

-Thomas: (Angry) Well that depends Edward! I come back from the works just today,
and I’m not informed some new engine comes in to fill in for me. But nobody tells
me, and worse, nobody seems to care that I even exist. Like, didn’t you guys even
bother to even say hello or ask how I am! But instead, you Stanley, just seem to
steal that attention from me. And if you’re here to steal my job, well then forgoet
it, as tomorrow, I’ll be running my branchline as normal, and I don’t need anybody
to steal my thunder, or you lot make me feel I don’t exist!

-Henry: Whoa! Thomas, calm down, it’s not that we didn’t, we…

-Thomas: (Angry) Just what Henry! Huh? What’s your big excuses guys, hmm?

-Stanley: Listen, Thomas, I don’t know wot’s gahn on, but I’m sorry, I could move
out if…

-Thomas: (Angry) No Stanley, if you feel you’re so high and mighty, you can keep
this spot! In fact, I’ll just go sleep somewhere else, where I don’t feel ignored!
Have a good night everyone! And enjoy your new company, with Stanley, you’re new

-Narrator: And Thomas puffed away angrily, leaving a group of upset and very
confused engines behind.

-Stanley: Gee! Was it sumfink I said?

-James: Ah, don’t worry Stanley! Thomas is just being a drama tank engine! He’ll
get over it!

-Edward: Don’t be so rude James! I think we may have hurt Thomas’s feelings.

-Gordon: Yes, and unintentionally to I think.

-Edward: Tomorrow, I’ll go check up on him. Let’s just give each other time to cool

-Stanley: Right! And I think I might do the same. Because I feel just as bad.
-Edward: Don’t worry Stanley, you didn’t do anything wrong. But we’ll wait until
morning. Good night everyone!

-Narrator: And the engines all went sadly to sleep.

(Cuts to the Branchline Sheds with Thomas, Toby and Mavis)

-Narrator: That night, a hurt, and rather jealous Thomas decided to spend the night
at the Branchline Sheds with Toby, and to his surprise, even Mavis was there.

-Thomas: Oh, hello Mavis! What are you doing here?

-Mavis: Oh, evening Thomas! I was delivering a supply of stone to Knapford Harbor.
I was tired, so I decided to spend the night here and go back to the quarry

-Thomas: Oh that’s nice! I see Daisy’s not here, huh?

-Toby: Oh, she’s at the shed over at Toryreck for the night.

-Thomas: (Sighs) Oh, that’s nice!

-Mavis: You look rather upset about something Thomas. Is everything okay?

-Thomas: (Sighs) I wish it were. Especially after getting back from the Works. I
met up the new engine that was substituting for me, Stanley. And nobody has
informed you, and feel like lately he’s shown me up, even after only meeting him
today. It feels that most of the engines on this railway seem to like him more than
me. In fact, when I tried to catch up everybody, nobody seemed to care that I was
home, because this Stanley engine just had to show up, and everybody seems to want
to spend more time with him. Hell, all the berths at Tidmouth Sheds were taken
because Stanley was in the last one, so that’s why I came here. I just feel like
Stanley might take over on my branchline, and that all the other engines will hold
him on a pedestal, while I just fade into the background, even after 80 years since
I’ve been on this railway with Edward.

-Mavis: Aww! Thomas, I don’t think that’s true honey! I met with Stanley himself
when he was collecting stone trucks from the quarry a few weeks ago, and he’s
actually a very nice engine. He was very polite to everybody, and has a very good
sense of humor. Not only that, he’s very strong, and has made even the worse trucks
we’ve had, be on their best behavior. But that’s not to say we don’t appreciate all
you’ve done for us.

-Toby: Exactly! We can’t even picture this railway without you Thomas. As somebody
has to run the branchline. I take by the sound of things, you must be jealous.

-Thomas: (Sighs) I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t Toby. I just feel like the Fat
Controller would replace him over me.

-Toby: (Laughs) Nonsense! The Fat Controller would never replace anybody, as he
knows you run that branchline better than anybody. Just because Stanley is stronger
and more sleek looking, that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about you, as we
appreciate you, and the Northwestern Railway wouldn’t even be the same one bit
without you.

-Thomas: Thanks Toby! At least you, Mavis, and even Edward I’m sure always care
about me. But the other engines don’t. Especially James & Gordon don’t.

-Toby: Well that’s the big engines for you. But I think that with this sudden new
arrival of Stanley, and his charisma and hard work ethic that most of the engines
seem to have been taking you for granted.

-Mavis: Exactly! Plus, you’re a very good friend to everybody around you, and you
always make every engine, big or small, steam or diesel, feel welcome, and convince
them not to be afraid of who they are.

-Thomas: Thanks! Though I think I may have hurt Stanley’s feelings, as I said
somethings I shouldn’t have, and I just don’t know if he’d want to speak to me
after tonight.

-Toby: Don’t worry Thomas! It’s all hot air. Tomorrow is a new day, and I’m sure
you both will work things out. But I think it’s better you and the other engines
cool down first tonight. You have to remember, he’s only on trial, as the Fat
Controller has planned to have him start off as Station Pilot at Knapford by
tomorrow. I’m sure he probably told you that.

-Thomas: He did! I wish he did tell me about Stanley in the first place though.
That way I wouldn’t feel so jealous and neglected.

-Toby: I’m sure nobody has neglected you. But you can’t let jealousy get the better
of you like that. Envy can corrupt even the nicest of engines, and it would cause
you to lose sight of everything, and the fact, those who care about you, they’ll
always care about you. Remember when you and Daisy first met, our when Stepney
first visited our railway back in ’62?

-Thomas: You do have a point there.

-Mavis: Not only that, Stanley has even told us he really wanted to me you, as
apparently, he’s a big fan of yours.

-Thomas: He is?

-Mavis: That’s right, sweetie! He really wanted to talk and get to know you more,
and that’s another reason he came and hoped to be part of Sodor.

-Thomas: Oh bother! And I lashed out at him tonight! Oh great! He might not want to
speak to me now.

-Toby: Oh I’m sure he will. He’s not the kind of engine to hold grudges against
others, and really great when you get to know him.

-Thomas: I see!

-Mavis: Plus, no matter what happens, we’ll still appreciate and care about you
Thomas. Don’t ever forget that.

-Narrator: Thomas began to smile the first time that day.

-Thomas: Thanks Toby! Thanks Mavis! I really appreciate that!

-Mavis: Of course, sweetie! Now you go get yourself a nice rest. I’m sure
everything will work out tomorrow morning.

-Narrator: And with that, the tree engines drifted off to sleep.

(Cuts to the morning with Thomas waking up)

-Narrator: The next morning, Thomas was waking up, and although Mavis had already
gone back to Anopha Quarry, both her and Toby had helped Thomas so much, that he
was now feeling his fold self a little bit. He went to the carriage sheds but near
the main sheds, and coupled up to Annie & Clarabel.

-Annie & Clarabel: Thomas! We had missed you Thomas!

-Thomas: I missed you both two! I trust that Stanley treated you both well.

-Annie: He did a wonderful job in fact Thomas.

-Clarabel: And even though he was nice company, we really missed you more Thomas,
as it just wasn’t the same without you Thomas.

-Narrator: Thomas was very touched.

-Thomas: Thanks you two!

-Clarabel: Though…and forgive us for mentioning it, we heard about that argument
from our shed last night. That’s why we thought we could cheer you up.

-Thomas: It’s okay Clarabel. After talking to Toby & Mavis, I’m feeling a little
bit better. Though if I see Stanley or any of the other engines, I’ll apologize.
Besides, Easter is coming tomorrow, so I can’t let that ruin that holiday.

-Annie: That’s a very good choice Thomas.

-Clarabel: A very good choice indeed, Annie.

-Thomas: Thanks! Right you two, let’s get started.

(Thomas departs, then cuts to Knapford, where we see Stanley shunting)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Stanley was doing his best to keep a positive spirit, but
still wanted to try and make amends with Thomas. Nonetheless, he had a job to do,
so he thought he’ll tell him when he sees him later. As he was shunting, the Yard
Manager came up to him.

-Yard Manager: Excuse me Stanley, there’s a load of stone trucks that Mavis brought
in last night from Anopha Quarry. Do you think you could bring it over to the quay,
that way it could be unloaded.

-Stanley: Sure, right away sir!

(Stanley departs, and goes to collect the trucks)

-Narrator: Stanley found the trucks in one of the sidings. It was 10 trucks long,
and they were rather territorial. Now while Stanley is a very strong, honest, and
humble tank engine, he was quite cocky. He’s by no means arrogant or boastful, but
he was so eager, he did have a tendency to overestimate his abilities. And this was
true, as the trucks were too stubborn to move.

-Truck 1: Oh what’s this? We want a proper engine!

-Truck 2: Not an oversized mirror!

-Stanley: And wot the ‘ell does that mean, then, eh, mate?

-Truck 3: I mean pal, you look so shiny, you could cause a blinding glare with that
paint job!
-Truck 4: Yeah, like everybody’s gonna have to start wearing sunglasses!

(Trucks laughing)

-Stanley: Yeah, well I’m going to shunt you lot to the quay, whether you like it or

(Stanley bumps the trucks)

-Trucks: OH, OH, OOF!

-Stanley: Now, right, yer better start behavin'! I’m expectin’ no nonsense!

-Truck 1: (Whispers) We’ll give him nonsense.

-Narrator: When they were crossing over the bridge of the yards. Stanley was
pulling them, in reverse to the quay. But when they were going down the slope.

-Truck 1: Now lads!

-Narrator: And the trucks bumped Stanley hard, that he began to start sliding down
the gradient and through the harbor.


-Narrator: Despite Stanley being strong, his brakes weren’t enough to stop the
runaway, as he thundered by Bear.


-Bear: OH MY GOD!

-Narrator: But Stanley worse of all was switched to a siding which lead into the
ocean. Stanley kept braking hard, which was slowing the train a little bit, but not
even enough. The momentum and force that the trucks were pushing him at caused him
to break through the buffers.

(Stanley crashes through the buffers, and his back side hanging from the dock)

-Stanley: WHOA! ‘ELP!

-Narrator: Stanley cried frantically! The trucks were too heavy, that any moment,
their weight could push Stanley, dangling from the dock, and into the sea below.

-Truck 2: Ha, ha! Got ya now!

-Truck 5: Have a nice dip, Stannie boy!


-Narrator: And hearing that, the trucks realized what their stupidity got them
into, and began to regret their mistake!

-Truck 8: Oh right!

-Trucks: HELP!

-Dock Manager: Dear god! I’ll go get help!

(Cuts to Thomas and Edward at Knapford)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Thomas was reconciling with Edward at Knapford.

-Thomas: I’m sorry for my outburst last night Edward. Especially towards you.
You’ve been like a father figure to me the day we first came to Sodor, and I’ll
never forget that. I just wish I could’ve controlled my temper better.

-Edward: Thomas, it’s okay! I’m not angry with you as I do understand! Don’t worry,
I didn't forget about you, and how could I? I did notice when you came to Tidmouth
Sheds last night, and I was hoping to see you. Even though I appreciate Stanley’s
help, and enjoy his charisma, nothing could ever replace the respect I have for
you. I’m really more disappointed in the other engines for acting quite neglectful.

-Thomas: Same here! But we’ll work on that in due time. I just hope to find Stanley
soon so I could apologize. I hope I can find him later.

-Narrator: Just then, the alarm bell rang, and both blue engines were in shock, as
the Fat Controller came running up to them.

-TFC: Thomas! Edward! We have an emergency, the trucks had pushed Stanley towards a
dock siding, and he is hanging over the pier, and he and his train at any minute
will plummet into the sea. Leave your trains here and proceed immediately. Percy
will handle your jobs Thomas, while Donald will handle yours Edward.

-Thomas: Right away sir! Come on Edward!

-Edward: Indeed! We must hurry!

(Shows Thomas & Edward puffing down the line to the quay to save Stanley)

-Narrator: Both Thomas & Edward, with the Fat Controller aboard, wasted no time in
getting there, and were just in time, as Stanley wasn’t completely dangling, but
any minute, the weight of the trucks would push him into the ocean.


-Stanley: Oh thank yer both! But, not ter be rude, but please ‘urry!

-Edward: Absolutely! Quickly now!

-Narrator: So both blue engines got in place, with Thomas coupled to the brake van,
and Edward coupled behind Thomas. Just then, Stanley’s wheels slipped a little bit
on the bricks.

-Stanley: WHOA! OH GOD!

-TFC: Oh dear! Is the couplers secured.

-Thomas’s Fireman: Absolutely sir!

-Edward’s Fireman: Strong as an ox!

-TFC: Excellent! Alright, are you both ready? HEAVE!

(Shows a montage of Thomas & Edward saving Stanley)

-Narrator: So both Thomas the Tank Engine & Edward the Blue Engine, used all their
strength and might to pull the trucks, and Stanley back onto firm rail.

-Stanley: Phew! Oh thank lord! I thought I was done for there! Thanks you mates!

-Thomas: Of course! (Panting)

-Narrator: Said Thomas, who along with Edward, were tired, but triumphant.

-TFC: Stanley! Are you okay? What happened?

-Narrator: Stanley explained the whole situation with the trucks.

-TFC: Of course, it just had to be you lot again, didn’t it?

-Truck 5: Um…sorry!

-TFC: Well sorry isn’t good enough of lads! Once you’re shunted and unloaded at the
quay, Stanley, I want you too shunt them in an out of view siding, until I decide
what punishment I could give them for nearly causing all of you to sink to the

-Trucks: Ah bullocks!

-Stanley: Yeah, but still, Thomas, Edward, I can’t thank yer both enough for savin’
me life.

-Thomas: Of course! (Sadly) But still, I hope this makes up for last night!
Stanley, I’m so sorry that I lashed out at you last night like that. I didn’t mean
to be so horrid to you, I just…

-Stanley: Thomas, it’s arright! I understand w yer was so furious. I’m the one who
should be sorry. I didn’t realize I were makin' yer jealous.

-Thomas: No, Stanley, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault. You’ve
been nothing but helpful since the day you came.

-TFC: Indeed he has! But still Thomas, I understand now how you felt, and Edward
told just this morning, and I feel I’m too to blame. I’m sorry that you’ve been
feeling unappreciated lately. I should’ve told you I brought Stanley in to
substitute for you. I just got excited with the arrangement and Easter, I forgot
about you. I hope you can forgive me.

-Thomas: Of course sir! You’re my controller, in fact, it was all just a

misunderstanding. It was the other engines that I was upset with. It’s just they
acted like they didn’t care.

-TFC: I see! Which ones?

-Thomas: So far James & Gordon. Though Gordon, mind you I think showed concern.

-TFC: Right! We’ll I’ll make sure to let them know how you feel. But still Thomas,
don’t ever think we don’t appreciate you. My grandfather rightly rewarded you that
branchline because you deserved it for all your hard work in the past. This railway
would never be the same without you, as regardless, you’ll always be a really
useful engine, our #1.

-Narrator: Thomas blushed, and nearly began to shed some tears in his eyes.
-Thomas: Awe! Thank you all so much! That really means a lot to hear. But honestly,
Stanley, you have been such a great big help, and I thank you for looking after my
branchline while I was out. I hope now that you can become part of our railway, and
that we can be great friends.

-Stanley: O' course Thomas! I’m so 'onored I finally got ter meet yer, and even
more 'onored that we can be mates.

-Edward: (Laughs) Well done you two! I’m so proud of you both! I think you Stanley
will become a valuable member of our railway.

-TFC: Indeed! Now Thomas, since Percy has taken Annie & Clarabel for the time being
after todays, ahem, events, you’ll have to do his work for the time being. He was
meant to shunt here today, and later take a goods train from here to Maithwaite.
You don’t mind do you?

-Thomas: Not at all sir! I don’t mind what job I do, as long as I’m working and
being really useful. In fact, since I was the first station pilot, I’ll give
Stanley a buffer and show him the ropes.

-Stanley: Yer’d do that!

-Thomas: Absolutely!

-TFC: That’s a wonderful idea Thomas. I do appreciate that! Let’s just get these
scamps over to the quay, and get started.
-Narrator: So once the trucks were shunted to the quay, Stanley shunted them to the
out of view siding, while the Fat Controller would figure out their punishment.
While that was going on, and Edward went back to handle work on his branchline,
Thomas & Stanley were shunting trucks around the yards, and Thomas teaching the
silver saddle tank the same methods that Edward taught him many years ago. The both
were having a lot of fun, and were soon talking like old friends. Thomas told
Stanley the many adventures of his tales of how he came to be, both old and new,
and ones Stanley had never heard before. While Stanley told the little blue tank
engine about his old tales back when he worked on the LNER, shunting coaches at
King’s Cross, and how he stood up to the haughty big engines that tried to boss him
around, and his life leading up to that when he worked on British railways, and
preserved on the Lavender Line. And even complimented Thomas on how his railway has
more steam engines, and only a few diesels, compared to the Mainland. As soon as
Thomas arranged his train for Maithwaite, he whistled goodbye, leaving Stanley to
handle the trucks and coaches at Knapford on his own. With his strength and smarts,
he did so…easily!

(Fades to Knapford Station the next day with the engines celebrating Easter)

-Narrator: The next day, Easter had come, and because of their new found
friendship, Thomas got to allow Stanley to pull the Easter special he was meant to
take as an act of kindness. Stanley was delighted, and he arrived at Knapford on
time, and everybody was enjoying themselves. The station was decorated with
beautiful Easter decorations and pastels. While everybody was socializing and
enjoying themselves, the other engines spoke to Thomas.

-Gordon: Thomas, we’d like to apologize the other day for acting so neglectful. I
saw something was wrong, but I was acting quite ignorant.

-James: And I apologize to. I did care you were back, but when Stanley came, I
completely forgot. You mean a lot to us more than you will ever know. I guess we
just took things for granted.
-Gordon: Indeed! You are a very valuable asset to the whole railway, and without
you, we would all feel the burden of not having our #1.

-Henry: We’ll always appreciate you Thomas.

-Percy: Yeah, you’re still my best friend, and I could never dream of replacing

-Thomas: Thanks guys! That means a lot.

-Mavis: See Thomas! We all care about you, and that’s why none of us should take
our friends for granted.

-Toby: Yes! Isn’t that right?

-James: (Nervous) Um...yeah…absolutely Toby!

-Edward: Yes, but anyways, the Fat Controller’s about to make an announcement.

-TFC: Ladies & Gentlemen, Engines and Road Vehicles. It gives me a great pleasure
to say how wonderful this Easter Luncheon is, but it wouldn’t be special without
the engines that run it. Both the old ones, and the new ones. Long ago, my
grandfather, Sir Bertram Topham Hatt I, had rewarded our #1 engine, Thomas, with
his own branchline after all his hard work and selflessness, and even after the
past 80 years he’s been alive and working on my railway, he’s become very
successful. And thanks to him, this has allowed me too now buy our new tank engine
from the Lavender Line in Sussex, Stanley, the White Tank Engine. Ever since he
came, he has been very hardworking, responsible, humorous, and very versatile and
compassionate, and I am proud to say is a new addition of my railway, as our 13th

-Narrator: Both Thomas & Stanley beamed.

-TFC: So in honor of these events, let’s get a hardy thank you, and three cheers
for Thomas the Tank Engine, and Stanley the White Engine.

-Narrator: All the engines & people cheered. Thomas & Stanley’s whistles were the
loudest of them all. Thomas felt this was the best Easter he ever had, spending
with his old family, and the newest addition to the family; Stanley the White
Saddle-Tank Engine.

(Opens with Thomas waiting at Ffarqhuar Station, until the sound of a create knocks

-Stationmaster: Oui! Be careful mate! The Fat Controller needs that for jubilee.

-Thomas: Jubilee, eh? I wonder what he’s talking about.

(Guards whistle blows and Thomas departs, then cuts to him approaching Tidmouth
Sheds where Percy, Gordon, Henry, and James are)

-Narrator: Thomas was lost in thought, as he puffed away with his mid-day service.
Later that day, Thomas asked the other engines what they thought this so-called
“jubilee” was, and if they had heard anything about it.

-Henry: Well, I know what a jubilee is. He’s an engine called “Bahamas”. I met him
at Crewe, he’s an interesting old chap. Maybe he’s coming to visit Sodor.

-Percy: I thought a jubilee is some sort of party. I remember, Thomas and I took
some scouts to one once.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) No Percy! That’s a jamboree!

-Percy: Oh, was it? Sorry, they sounded kinda similar.

-Gordon: (Chuckles) Nonsense! A lot of you couldn’t be any further from the truth.
It’s actually a special express train. The silver jubilee was pulled by my cousin
Silver Link, one of the original silver A4’s, and back in the day, it was the
fastest train running from London on the Mainland.

-Henry: (Smirks) Yes, but we’re not in London, Gordon. Let alone the whole

-James: Yeah, but if it’s a train, why do we need it?

-TFC: Simple, we don’t.

-Narrator: The engines turned to see the Fat Controller standing next to them.

-TFC: Our jubilee is different from what you just mentioned Gordon. This is a
golden one. As you all know, this year is 1995, 50 years since our stories were
published in the Railway Series by the Thin Clergyman, Reverend Wilbert Awdry.

-Thomas: Oh, that, I almost forgot!

-TFC: Yes indeed Thomas, this year really has been the biggest for all of us. Not
just with the books, but the TV series based off of our stories is currently in its
4th season. Could you believe it? Plus, they finally got the Skarloey engines,
Stepney, and a few other friends and enemies we made in it, and adapting their
stories. Plus, the BBC has even broadcasted a documentary with Wilbert Awdry,
interviewing him and a few other people involved in making us successful to this
very day. So I thought it would be a good idea to have our own celebrating for this
occasion, here on Sodor.

-Percy: Oh, so it is a party.

-TFC: (Chuckles) In a way, Percy, yes! Now I won’t spoil the details yet, but you
will all find out about it in due time.

(The engines blow their whistles)

-Narrator: The engines cheered excitedly. They’ve had plenty of celebrations and
parties in the past, but nothing like this. Celebrating 50 years of their own

-Gordon: If you don’t mind me asking sir, will there be a special train sir? And if
there is, is it okay if I pulled it for you?

-TFC: Yes & no. There is a special train Gordon, but I will not be able to spare
you at the moment I’m afraid. Sorry old boy!

-Gordon: Oh, I understand sir! I almost forgot, they don’t have coal and water
stops like they used to anymore on the Mainland.

-TFC: Don’t worry Gordon, it’s not a total loss, as let’s just say I’m calling in
some old friends.

-Gordon: Old friends sir?

-TFC: Do you remember Pip & Emma, the High Speed Trains we met a few years ago when
you went to Carlisle?

-Gordon: Of course! How could I forget, those two are wonderful. So I gather
they’ll handle the golden Jubilee train?

-TFC: That they will! They will be pulling a special train from London, and with a
very special guest.

-Gordon: That’s wonderful sir! Pip & Emma deserve to pull that train more than any

-TFC: I’m glad you agree Gordon. Anyways, please do your best to help with the
arrangements. That is all, have a good day engines.

-Thomas: Yes sir!

-James: We’ll do our best sir!

-Gordon: Absolutely! Anyways, I better get to the express.

(Gordon departs, then cuts to him the next day puffing down the Main Line)

-Narrator: The next day, Gordon was puffing down the Main Line back to Knapford. He
was making good time, though he reckoned with the birds. Near Henry’s Tunnel, the
Main Line passes through woodlands, and at this time of year, the high branches of
the trees were full of bird’s nests. It wasn’t uncommon to see great flocks of
birds circling around the railway lines. Gordon usually saw them circling in the
fields nearby. Today, the birds were much closer to the line than usual.

-Gordon: I say, that doesn’t look right. Oh well, I’ll just give a good whistle and
that should clear the birds away.

(Gordon whistles)

-Narrator: But that only made things worse.

-Gordon: (Gasps) Uh oh!

-Narrator: A thick black cloud of birds flocked around the railway line. Without
warning, they all dived down, flying in front of Gordon and his train.

-Gordon: ARGH!

(Gordon stops outside Henry’s Tunnel)

-Gordon: Oh lord! Why are we stopping?

-Gordon’s Driver: It seems as if somebody has pulled the emergency cord. Don’t
worry Gordon, the guard will tell us what’s wrong in a minute.

-Narrator: But the guard was just as confused as the rest of them.

-Guard: Well, it’s clear there’s a leak in one of the brake pipes. No worries lads,
I’ll go and check.

-Gordon’s Driver: (Laughs) Looks like we may have to get some bootlaces ready, eh,
-Gordon: (Groans) Perish the thought. You better not say that when James is around,
he won’t let me hear the end of it.

-Narrator: Though the fireman returned, shaking his head.

-Gordon’s Fireman: I can’t understand it! Not a single leak along the entire train.

-Gordon’s Driver: What? Then how on earth are the brakes stuck then?

-Gordon: Probably because of those blasted birds flew across. I think one nearly
hit me, then…the brakes came on. Oh my word.

-Gordon’s Fireman: Then that would mean. (Runs to Gordon’s front) Ah ha! Here’s the

-Gordon’s Driver: Well I’ll be damned!

-Gordon’s Fireman: That bird must’ve knocked the seal of your brake line Gordon.

-Gordon’s Driver: In all my years, I’ve never heard of a birdstrike on a steam

engine before.

-Guard: Oh it’s happened. A crew managed it on the great Western in 1915. I only
read about it last week.

-Gordon’s Driver: Well Gordon, I guess that’s something Duck could tell you about.

-Narrator: Gordon was soon on his way again. He hoped the incident would stay
between him and his crew. However, news travels around fast on Sodor.

(Cuts to Gordon backing down to the express at Knapford were Thomas & James are)

-Thomas: Poor old Gordon! Fancy being stopped by a bird. I guess that’s nothing to
“crow” about. (Laughs)

(Guards whistle blows and Gordon departs)

-James: (Laughs)

-Gordon: Oh the indignity!

(Opens with a montage of Edward’s Branchline and the engines and road vehicles that
run on it)

-Narrator: With the Golden Jubilee just around the corner, worked had picked up on
the railway, especially on Edward’s Branchline. Work was so busy there, the Fat
Controller had to bring Donald & Douglas to help out. But of course, with their
help, and with wise old Edward leading the way, everything on the branchline was
going to schedule. However, they had reckoned without the Main Line.

(Shows Edward at Wellsworth)

-Narrator: One morning, Edward was assigned to work with a new driver and fireman.
They had to wait for a guaranteed connection service pulled by James. However, the
two men he was working with were young, and really eager to work, that they were
becoming impatient with some parts of their responsibilities.

-Edward’s Driver: ARGH! 10 minutes, 10 minutes late! Can you believe this!
-Edward’s Fireman: The fact we have to wait for another train, you gotta be joking.
We should just leave right now, there are plenty of other trains out there.

-Edward: Now, now you two! That would be very rash, as we are a guaranteed
connection service after all.

-Edward’s Driver: And to hell with whoever came up with guaranteed connections.

-Edward: (Sternly) Now that would the Fat Controller’s grandfather. This is vital
for all railways, especially for the passengers who have places to go along my
line. So I suggest you be careful with what you say.

-Edward’s Driver: (Nervous) Oh…uh…yes Edward…sorry Edward.

-Edward: It’s alright! Just remember, this is still your first day on the job,
there could be worse things that could happen.

(James arrives in)

-Edward’s Driver: Ugh, about time!

-Edward: Now, now! Remember, be polite, or don’t say anything at all.

-James: Sorry I’m late Edward. There was a delay at Tidmouth, and Henry stalled his
train on the points outside the station. I tried to…

-Edward: It’s alright James. It wasn’t your fault. At least you tried and you’re
hear now, and that’s what’s important.

-James: Oh, of course. Thank you Edward!

-Edward: You’re welcome James. (To his driver) Now we can get a move on their

-Edward’s Driver: Great! I always liked a good challenge.

(Guards whistle blows, and Edward departs, where we see a montage of him traveling
down his branchline)

-Narrator: Edward hurried along the line, but his new crew were so determined to
make up for lost time, that the fireman shoveled in coal as fast as he could, and
his driver kept on increasing speed.

-Edward: Be careful you two! I know we’re late, but an accident will make us even

-Edward’s Driver: Fine! Sorry Edward! I’ll slow down.

-Edward: There we go, that’s better. Thank you!

(Cuts to Suddrey with a porter crossing with a luggage trolley)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, at Suddrey Station, a porter was crossing over the railway
line with a luggage trolley. As he was crossing the line, a small box fell off the
trolley and landed right in the middle of the rails. Unfortunately, the porter
didn’t notice, and carried on with his work. And to make matters worse…

(Edward approaches and hits the luggage)

-Edward: OOF! OH MY WORD!

-Edward’s Driver: Uh-oh! That can’t be good! I’m sorry Edward, but I think we may
need to stop.

(Edward stops in the middle of the line)

-Edward’s Driver: Okay, here’s a good spot. Sid, do you think you could check
what’s wrong.

-Edward’s Fireman: Right yer!

-Narrator: The fireman went and looked all over Edward’s front truck, but didn’t
seem to find anything. Or at least…not now.

-Edward’s Fireman: Nothing wrong here Charlie, were good to go.

-Edward’s Driver: Very well! I hope things don’t get any worse than this.

-Edward: Oh don’t worry Charlie. I still could be worse. Let’s just carry on as

-Edward’s Driver: Alright!

(Edward departs)

-Narrator: But as they were going along, something awful happened.

-Edward: Hold on, something on my front bogie, it feels lose all of a sudden.

-Edward’s Fireman: Wait, what?

-Narrator: The fireman leaned out of the cab, and he saw something rolling along
the ground next to them. It was very metal, very round, and very blue.

-Edward’s Fireman: HOLY…BRAKES!

-Edward’s Driver: WHAT?

-Edward’s Fireman: NOW!

(Edward stops)


-Edward’s Driver: Uh-oh! Looks like it did get worse.

-Edward’s Fireman: No chance in finding that wheel out here I’m afraid. And even if
we did, there’s no way we can put it back on.

-Edward’s Driver: Any faster, and we could’ve had an accident. We’re sorry Edward!

-Edward: It’s alright. Now you can see why I told you to slow down earlier before
we hit that luggage at Suddrey.

-Edward’s Driver: Indeed so! Thanks Edward.

-Edward’s Fireman: Seems as if now we know how things like this could be worse.
-Edward: (Chuckles) Oh no Sidney, it still could’ve been worse than that. Like back
in 1923 when I was finally steaming after such a long time, the guard at the time
forgot his lunch, which could’ve happened here.

(Everyone laughs, then fades to the Fat Controller in his office at Knapford

-Narrator: Meanwhile, at Knapford Station.

(Phone rings)

-TFC: Hello! Oh yes, Farmer Collet, good afternoon…how are things…Wait, hang on,
what was that…an engine’s wheel rolled in your cabbages…I quite agree…Must’ve been
a great surprise for you…oh lord, one of Edward’s you say…is he alright…oh…that’s
good to hear, thank you very much Farmer Collet, I’ll see you later. (Hangs up) Oh
deary me, it’s a good thing poor Edward didn’t end up in the cabbages himself. What
that be like?

(Cuts to the BoCo shunting Edward at the Steamworks)

-Edward: Thanks for getting me too the Steamworks BoCo.

-BoCo: My pleasure Edward. And don’t worry about the branchline. The Fat Controller
says that Douglas will look after your trains until you return. And hey, who knows,
you might be fixed in time before the Jubilee.

-Edward: Thanks BoCo. I’ll see you later.

(BoCo leaves)

-TFC: Ah, Edward, there you are. I got good news, the damage to your wheel is
minimal, as all we have to do is adjust your front truck, add a new wheel, and
you’ll be up and running in time before the jubilee.

-Edward: Why thank you sir! I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world.

-TFC: Indeed! After all, you were the first engine Wilbert himself wrote about.

(Both Chuckle)

-TFC: In the meantime though, your new crew wants to see you.

-Edward’s Driver: Hello Edward!

-Edward: Hello Charlie, Sidney! Oh my, where did those come from?

-Edward’s Driver: Oh, it’s a little gift from Farmer Collet. Though he did tell us
that if we wanted more cabbages in future, there are more safer ways of cutting

-Edward’s Fireman: And we didn’t want you to miss out, so we got some for you.

-Edward: Well that’s nice!

-TFC: Indeed! I think I’ll go for some myself.

-Edward’s Driver: We also talked with the Fat Controller, and he said that he
intends to give us another chance, so it looks like you’ll be stuck working with us
for a while once you’re repaired. You don’t mind do you?

-Edward: Not at all, because I’m always willing to give everyone a chance.

-Edward’s Fireman: Excellent. Because after all, we need somebody to keep us in

-TFC: That I agree on. And who better to do so than our wise, old #2 named Edward.

(Everyone laughs)

(Opens with Thomas puffing down his branchline)

-Thomas’s Driver: Eh up, RABBITS!

-Thomas: Rabbits? What do you mean rabbits?

-Thomas’s Driver: Look up ahead, they just put that sign up today. Apparently
rabbits have been burrowing holes under the line. So we have to take extra

-Thomas: (Sighs) Alright, but it’s just a harmless little rabbit, they can’t be
that dangerous.

-Thomas’s Driver: Oh don’t tempt fate Thomas. You have no idea how much damage
these floppy eared rodents can do. The Fat Controller is doing this for our own
safety after all.

-Thomas: Okay, but it is the steepest part of the line. What if I stall because I
don’t get enough speed?

-Thomas’s Fireman: Oh don’t worry Thomas. You of all engines can manage. It’s just
Percy I’m worried about.

-Narrator: Thomas said noting.

(Cuts to Daisy waiting at Elsbridge Junction)

-Narrator: Now most of the engines managed to get used to the new speed
restrictions. All except for Percy, who found it most difficult to cope with his

-Daisy: Ugh! Where is Percy? He should’ve gone past by now.

-Narrator: But Percy was nowhere to be found, until…

(Percy approaches the junction)

-Percy: (Panting) Oh, sorry I’m late Daisy. My train was too heavy, and I couldn’t
do it.

-Daisy: (Sighs) Well at least you managed it in the end Percy. Anyways, I have to
get going.

-Percy: No, wait, you don’t understand…I…I had to leave half of my train behind at
the bottom of the hill. I’ll just go get that as soon as I can. Sorry Daisy!

-Narrator: Daisy was speechless!

(Cuts to Thomas & Daisy at Elsbridge Junction the next morning)

-Narrator: The next morning, Daisy was complaining about this to Thomas at
Elsbridge. She was still in a rather grumpy mood.

-Daisy: (Sighs) Half an hour! My trains were delayed by half an hour.

-Thomas: (Yawns) Well, it’s hardly Percy’s fault.

-Daisy: Oh no, no, no, I’m not blaming Percy for this, because it wasn’t his fault.
All I’m saying is that the sooner the Fat Controller does something about those
annoying rabbits, the better!

-Thomas: Agreed! Though to be honest, I still don’t see what the fuss is all about.
It’s not like these rabbits are Bugs Bunny or something.

-Daisy: Who?

-Thomas: Oh, Bugs Bunny! From Looney Tunes?

-Daisy: Sorry, I don’t follow. I never pay much attention when it comes to

-Thomas: (Chuckles) My crew showed me. The Looney Tunes are some of the most famous
in the world, and one of them is a smart-talking rabbit named Bugs Bunny. He’s
hilarious, as apparently he can outsmart absolutely anything, while chewing on a
carrot and going (impersonates Bugs Bunny) “yeah, (chewing noise) what’s about

-Daisy: (Chuckles) Good one Thomas!

-Thomas: Thanks! I do think these rabbits are harmless, it’s just a bit of fuss
over nothing after all.

-Daisy: Okay, if you say so.

-Narrator: Just then, the stationmaster came up to them. He was in a very good

-Stationmaster: Good news you two, work is about to start on that section of the
line were the rabbits are.

-Daisy: Really? That’s wonderful!

-Stationmaster: Now hold onto yourself Daisy, the bad news is that because of this,
the line will have to be closed.

-Daisy: Really? Oh bother!

-Stationmaster: However, there is a way to keep trains running. Thomas, you’ll have
to go to Ffarqhuar and take your trains like normal to the station at the top of
the hill. Bertie will then take your passengers onward, where they will be
collected by Daisy, and taken to the junction. But don’t worry, this system will
only be temporary until the line’s repaired and free from rabbit problems.

-Thomas: Well it’s better than nothing I suppose.

-Stationmaster: Yep! Anyways, Thomas, you head over to Ffarqhuar now.

-Thomas: Thanks Martin! I better get going, see you later Daisy.
(Thomas departs)

-Daisy: Goodbye Thomas!

(Cuts to Thomas puffing down his branchline)

-Narrator: Thomas was making good time as they were puffing down the branchline.
His driver checked his speed as they approached the limit.

-Thomas: Humph! Silly little rabbits! I just don’t get what damage those little fur
balls could do. (Laughs) Wait, hang on (Thomas sways a bit) WHOA! HELP!

(Thomas derails)

-Thomas: OOF! Oh, me and my big mouth!

-Narrator: luckily, Thomas wasn’t going too fast, so Annie & Clarabel remained on
the rails behind him.

-Clarabel: I say, what on earth happened?

-Annie: He’s derailed Clarabel!

-Clarabel: Oh dear! Oh Thomas, are you okay?

-Thomas: Oh I’m alright, just my pride though.

-Thomas’s Driver: (Chuckles) Looks like Bug Bunny got the better of you, eh,

-Thomas: Driver! That is so not funny!

-Thomas’s Driver: (Chuckles) Sorry! We better see what we can do. Hmm…I guess I
could call the harbor.

(Fades to Percy shunting trucks at the Branchline Harbor)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Percy was shunting a line of empty trucks at the Branchline
Harbor when the Dock Manager came up to him.

-Dock Manager: No point taking those wagons back Percy.

-Percy: Why? What’s up?

-Dock Manager: Thomas has derailed on the hill, and he’s now blocking the line.

-Percy: (Chuckles) Really? Looks like the rabbits did get the better of him after

-Dock Manager: (Sarcastically) Yeah, funny! Anyways, please take some workmen,
collect Annie & Clarabel to Elsbridge, and then come back to help Thomas. Toby will
handle your work for the time being.

-Percy: Yes sir! Right away sir!

(Shows Percy coming down the line to where Thomas is)

-Clarabel: Well I’ll be. Percy! How good of you to join us dear.
-Annie: What’s that Clarabel?

-Clarabel: Percy’s arrived Annie.

-Annie: Oh that’s nice. Has he come to save the day?

-Percy: Absolutely! Can’t leave you three stranded now can I.

(Percy couples to Annie & Clarabel and leaves)

-Annie: Oh just don’t forgot about Thomas, Percy dear.

-Clarabel: Yes please! We don’t want him to be stranded.

-Percy: Oh don’t worry you two, I’ll come back for him later.

-Narrator: As Percy was headed to Elsbridge with Annie & Clarabel, the crew and
workmen examined the line.

-Workman: It’s no use, damn rabbits have dug too many burrows under the ground. Too
unstable for a crane, but even then, we don’t have one.

-Thomas: But wait a minute, what about being pulled back on the rails by like say
Terence? Or maybe even Butch?

-Workman: I’m afraid that’s not possible Thomas. Terence is already busy with his
own work, and Butch is helping out elsewhere on another part of the island.

-Thomas: Aw damn!

-Thomas’s Driver: Why don’t we just have Percy pull him back on the rails like

-Workman: Not unless you wanna destroy more of the line.

-Thomas’s Driver: No, but since Thomas mentioned road vehicles…that’s it! We can
use a bunch of jacks to lift him up like a car, then we can use a pair of spare
rails to support Thomas, and then we can get Percy ro pull back on firm rails.

-Workman: Well, it’s gonna take a while, but at this point, I’m willing to try
anything. Better get those jacks ready.

-Thomas: Wait! How long is a while exactly?

-Thomas’s Driver: Can’t say old boy. Probably be 3 hours, or 2 if we’re lucky.

-Thomas: (Groans) Oh crude!

(Shows a montage of the workmen levering Thomas back in the right position in the
span of hours)

-Workman: Okay, easy does it…perfect, that ought to do.

-Thomas: You sure about this Bob, this doesn’t feel safe.

-Thomas’s Driver: Considering that those rails aren’t secure to the ground, no, not
really. But, this is gonna take a lot of thought, determination, and a whole lot of
(Percy arrives in, and the Fat Controller comes in the scene as well)

-Percy: How you holding up Thomas?

-Thomas: Oh, I’ll be alright, I just hope I get back on the rails soon.

-Narrator: Just then, the Fat Controller arrived, he surveyed the scene in front of

-TFC: I had hoped that we could’ve avoided any further incidents this close to the
jubilee Thomas.

-Thomas: Sorry about that sir!

-TFC: No worries, I know this wasn’t your fault. Though I do find it odd, that
first Gordon, then Edward, and now you, my three main blue engines had been having
some sort of unlucky chain of events before the grand celebration. Weird isn’t it?

-Percy: But, it could be worse, right sir?

-TFC: True Percy! But we’ll just have to make the best of a bad situation.

-Narrator: Just then, the workmen fastened the cables between both Percy & Thomas.

-TFC: Alright, are you ready? HEAVE!

(Shows Percy pulling Thomas slowly back on the rails)

-TFC: Ha, ha! Well done Percy! Fine effort indeed! Now that Thomas is back on the
rails, I’d like you to shunt him to the Steamworks please.

-Percy: Yes sir! Right away sir!

(Percy couples up to Thomas and leaves)

-Thomas: Thanks Percy! Glad that was over with.

-Percy: Not a problem Thomas. What are best friends for, eh?

-Thomas: Exactly! After that, I’ll never underestimate rabbits like that ever

-Percy: You got that right, doc!

(Ends with Thomas & Percy laughing as they head down the lines to the Steamworks)

(Opens with the engines getting prepared for the Golden Jubilee, then cuts to
Henry, James, Duck, Donald, Douglas, Daisy and Stanley at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: The engines were all getting ready to prepare for the Golden Jubilee,
even after the recent mishaps with Gordon, Edward, and Thomas. Thomas and Edward’s
repairs were done, so the two were expected to arrive soon. Everybody was excited,
everyone that is…except for Henry. One morning, Henry had just arrived after taking
the Flying Kipper, whilst the engines were all awake and chatting amongst
themselves about the Jubilee, and what was gonna happen.

-Douglas: Laird sakes, what’s wrong wi' ye Henry?

-Henry: This is event is going to be a disaster. I just know it. A day where
there’s important people, a special train, the railway’s reputation, on the line,
oh, and going by our own track record these past few days, we are going to stuff it
up royally.

-James: Ugh! Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the shed this morning!

-Donald: Ock, you’re overreacting Henry! Look oan th' bricht side fur god’s sake!
Juist because o' whit happened tae Gordon, Edward, 'n' Thomas these past few days,
doesn’t mean something is goin' tae go wrong with the Jubilee.

-Daisy: Exactly! I’m sure it’ll be alright!

-Duck: Of course it will! Have you ever known the Fat Controller’s plans to go

-Henry: Well there was that time he tried to make it too Lady Hatt’s Birthday back
in ’89.

-James: Oh come on! That was just a series of bad coincidences. You superstitious
bother. Besides, remember when the Queen visited the island back in 1953, that went
as smoothly as anything.

-Stanley: Yeah, but if I’m not mistaken, didn’t sumfink bad 'appen ter yer in
general 'enry. Wiv yer dome getting some “icin'”, on it?

-Narrator: The engines had to laugh. Though Henry just groaned.

-Henry: Oh very funny Stanley!

-Stanley: Relax ‘enry! I’m only pullin’ yer wheels.

-Douglas: Exactly! See Henry! Yu’re juist worrying ower nothing. Juist enjoyth'day,
'n' focus oan whit kin gang richt. A'richt?

-Henry: (Sighs) Fine! Don’t any of you forget, there’s a first time for everything.

(Everyone groans, then fades to tomorrow with the Fat Controller talking to Edward
at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: The next day was the morning of the Golden Jubilee, on the May 12th,
which was the exact date the first Railway Series book was published back in 1945.
And now since it was 1995, 50 years late, the Fat Controller wanted this to be a
very special event for the whole island. He went to see Edward at the Steamworks.
His front truck was fixed and his wheel was back in place as he simmered happily.

-TFC: Morning Edward! I see Thomas has already left.

-Edward: Oh yes sir! He wanted to get a head start to Elsbridge so to speak.

-TFC: Ah yes! That’s understandable, and I see your repairs are finally complete.

-Edward: That they are sir! All ship shape and ready to go.

-TFC: Excellent! And since you’re here, I have a rather special job for you. And a
rather familiar one to I might add.

-Edward: Of course sir! Anything!

-TFC: I’d like you to run head of the special train and make sure the line is

-Edward: Oh my, sir, does this mean?

-TFC: (Chuckles) Wait and see! I need to wait at Elsbridge along with the Ffarqhuar
engines for Pip & Emma.

-Edward: Right away sir!

(Edward departs, then fades to Gordon, Henry, and James at Knapford Station)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, at Knapford Station, crowds began to gather. A red carpet had
been laid out neatly on the platform. There were to be speeches, and a special
luncheon the visitors. Gordon, Henry, and James had watched the event unfold by the

-Gordon: Now I say, this is quite the occasion, isn’t it? Last time we had a red
carpet, it was for Queen’s arrival. And now it seems history is repeating itself.
This is going to be spectacular.

-Henry: Says you Gordon! Something is going to go wrong, I can feel it.

-James: (Angry) Ah for crying out loud, we’ll you just quit being such a sourpuss
already Henry? Now you’ve gone completely mad, everything is going smoothly,
there’s nothing to worry about alright! It’s like you want something to go wrong!

-Gordon: Indeed! I’m half convinced your “iced cake dome” from the last time we had
a royal visit might cause this superstition. Just stop whining and relax and enjoy
the event for God’s sake Henry, is it really that hard.

-Narrator: But for Henry that was easier said than done.

(Cuts to Elsbridge with Thomas, Edward, Percy, Toby, Henrietta, Daisy, and Mavis)

-Narrator: Later, Pip & Emma were due to arrive soon at the junction at any minute.
Edward and the Ffarqhuar engines were waiting hopefully for them.

-Thomas: Brrr…the winds picked up, it’s a little cold.

-Edward: Yes, hopefully it doesn’t get strong enough to disrupt the event.

(Pip & Emma’s horns sound, and the diesels arrive with the special train)

-Emma: And, we’re right on time.

-Thomas: Oh hello…um…Pip or Emma?

-Emma: (Giggles) Emma! Pip’s in the back today. It’s so great to see all of you

-Edward: Same here!

-Emma: Oh, hello Edward! Got your head codes arranged?

-Edward: Yes indeed! I’m ready when you both are.

-Emma: Excellent! Off you go Edward, we’ll follow you in a few minutes.
-Narrator: Just then, there was an unusually strong gust of wind.

-Signalman: Alright, I better let Edward go…

(Sound of something malfunctioning)

-Signalman: Huh? What on earth?

(Cuts to Gordon, Henry and James at Tidmouth)

-Henry: I told you something was going to go wrong!

(Cuts back to the engines at Elsbridge)

-Narrator: Then engines all watched on with confusion. Just then the signalman ran
out of the box.

-Signalman: Bad new I’m afraid! All the signals and points from here to Tidmouth
have failed.

-Mavis: Oh dear!

-Percy: (Annoyed) Great!

-Toby: (Annoyed) Well this would happen on a day like today now wouldn’t it.

-Emma: Does this mean the train’s cancelled? Are we just gonna be stuck here?

-Thomas: I don’t think so Emma! Because if you remember our stories, we Sudrians
are not the kind of engines to give up.

-Edward: Indeed! Once there is a problem, you find a way to pull through and solve
it. We just need a plan.

-Thomas: I think I got one Edward!

-Edward: Well I’m all for it.

-Toby: Same here!

-Emma: Anything to get us through!

-Signalman: Count me in! By the way, what is the plan Thomas?

-Thomas: You said that the signals and points have failed, correct?

-Signalman: Well, yes…there’s no chance of controlling them.

-Thomas: Yeah, but that’s only from the signal box, we can still turn the points
manually by the levers, right?

-Signalman: Yeah…hold on, are you suggesting that…

-Thomas: I am! It’s our best bet. It may take longer for each of us to arrive.

-Edward: Well it is better than not having the Jubilee at all. Excellent thinking
Thomas! In fact, I got another idea to add to it. We shall write a note to the Fat
Controller, and I’ll deliver it to him so we can inform him about the delay.
-Signalman: Right then, I’ll make the arrangements immediately!

-Narrator: So within minutes, the arrangements were made and Edward set off from
the junction to set things right.

(Edward puffs down the line)

-Narrator: Along the way, he was flagged along by various workmen, who also
manually set the points to allow him to pass. It was a long and slow process, but
it assured that the trains kept on running. And soon enough, Pip & Emma departed
the junction with their special passengers, followed by the rest of the Ffarqhuar

(Cuts to the other engines at Knapford)

-Narrator: At Knapford, everyone was getting impatient, and were beginning to

worry, and so was the Fat Controller, and he kept looking at the clock.

-Henry: I knew it! I absolutely knew it, it’s all gone horribly wrong. There’s
still no sign of Edward, never mind the special train.

-James: (Annoyed) Oh will you just shut up already! Look, I’m sure there’s some
delay, and there’s a perfectly rational explanation. Your whining isn’t helping. In
fact, you’re just making things worse yourself Henry.

-Henry: Hey, I have a right to be like this James, I’m being realistic, okay! I
mean it’s not like Edward is just going to come around that corner right…

(Edward’s whistle blares)

-James: (Smirks) You were saying!

-Gordon: Always look on the bright side Henry! You’ll be surprise at what wonders
it does.

(Edward arrives at Knapford)

-TFC: Edward, there you are! What’s happened? Why have you taken so long?

-Edward’s Driver: Excuse me sir, but we got a note for you from the Knapford signal
box, it explains everything.

-TFC: Let me see! (Reads the note) Oh! I see now! An unfortunate mishap indeed. But
I’m proud of you for pushing on there Edward, well done!

-Edward: Thank you sir! But this was really Thomas’s idea.

-TFC: Well, then thanks to both of you then. That’s a very clever plan of his.
Speaking of which, when do you think him, the other Ffarqhuar engines, and the
special train will arrive.

(Shows Thomas, the other Ffarqhuar engines, and Pip & Emma arrive at Knapford)

-Narrator: Sure enough, the other engines did arrive. Pip & Emma pulled into the
platform, and stepped a very important person of royal heritage; Prince Charles,
a.k.a. the Prince of Wales.

-TFC: I apologize for the delays your majesty. There was an incident with the
signal box and…
-Prince Charles: No need to apologize Sir Topham, I understand, as I saw and heard
everything from my carriage, and I must say, I am very impressed with how the
situation was handled. My utmost thanks to these engines for bringing me here…and
without whom, I’m sure we’d all be stuck back at Elsbridge.

-Narrator: So the Fat Controller soon introduced the Prince to each and every
engine, both old and new. He gave notable thanks to Thomas for his strategy to
combat the signal failure, and Edward for suggesting the note, and carrying out the

-Prince Charles: I have heard all about you engines after the Queen had visited you
many years ago. I can assure you all that is such an honor to meet you all in
person for the first time.

-Edward: The honor is ours your highness. And thank you!

-Narrator: All the engines cheered.

-Prince Charles: My mother was right, your railway and your engines are a credit to
you and your family Sir Topham. There will never be anything like it…anywhere!

(Ends with the engines whistling in cheer)

(Opens with the Toby & Thomas at the Branchline Sheds)

-Narrator: One morning, Toby the Tram Engine was waking up on a beautiful sunrise
morning, feeling very excited.

-Thomas: Good morning Toby! What’s got you in a cheerful mood?

-Toby: Oh I’ve got a special job today Thomas. The Fat Controller’s eldest son,
Richard is visiting for the summer from King’s College, so the Fat Controller
choose me to take him, Richard, and his daughter Emily to the seaside.

-Thomas: That’s wonderful! But what about his second son, Charlie?

-Toby: Oh Charlie is on his own vacation over in Canada, and Lady Hatt is going to
be spending time with her friends, so it will be just me, Henrietta, and the three
of them.

-Thomas: Oh that’s nice! Have fun Toby!

-Toby: Thanks!

-Narrator: And he puffed away to fetch Henrietta.

(Cuts to Toby meeting up with the Fat Controller, Richard and Emily Hatt)

-Narrator: He soon arrived at Tidmouth Station, where the Fat Controller, and his
two children, Richard & Emily Hatt were waiting.

-TFC: Ah, Toby, right on time! Thank you again for taking us out.

-Toby: My pleasure sir. Hello Richard, hello Emily. How are you two?

-Emily Hatt: Everything’s great Toby, thanks for asking. Great to be with you when
I’m not the guard on your train this time.
-Toby: (Chuckles) I know, it’s funny isn’t it.

-Narrator: They all laughed, as Emily worked part time as a guard in training for
Toby’s trains. She loved the railway, and like her father, Toby was the engine she
was the most closest to.

-Toby: Anyways, are we ready?

-TFC: Absolutely, let’s go and enjoy ourselves on this holiday.

(Cuts to Toby puffing down the line to Tidmouth Hault)

-Narrator: As soon as they all boarded into Henrietta, Toby set off down the Little
Western to Tidmouth Hault. On their way, the family were catching up.

-TFC: So Richie, how’s King’s College?

-Richard Hatt: Oh, it’s been alright. As much as I’d love to work on the railway,
the studies for it can be quite challenging. In fact, my final exam was just 2
weeks ago before I left. Feels great though to get them out of the way (Chuckles).

-TFC: (Chuckles) I imagine. There’s of course those parts in the things we like
that have its pros and cons. Anyways, we’re at almost there, you can see the
seaside right then and there.

(Toby arrives at Tidmouth Hault)

-Narrator: Soon, they arrived at Tidmouth Hault. The Hatt’s got out and enjoyed
themselves peacefully. Later on, Richard & Emily were playing in the sand, and
building a splendid castle. The Fat Controller was impressed.

-TFC: My word you two, that’s a very fine castle.

-Emily Hatt: Thanks daddy.

-TFC: Have you seen a real one like it?

-Emily Hatt: Yes we have, granddad told us about it once when we were little.

-Richard Hatt: Yeah, I have my map. It’s right here on this spot of the island.

-Narrator: So they showed him the map, and it looked as if the castle they built
was located somewhere in Ulfstead, on some old lines connecting to Thomas’s

-TFC: Hmm…say kids, how would you both like to go exploring for this castle? It’s
on the Ffarqhuar Branch after all. And since we’re traveling with Toby, we can get
there fine, as he runs the line to Ulfstead.

-Richard Hatt: That’s sounds wonderful! Let’s do it!

-Narrator: So they met back with Toby, who was waiting along with Henrietta at the
Sheds at Tidmouth Hault.

-TFC: Come along Toby. We are going back to the Ffarqhuar Branch, as we are going

-Narrator: And he explained everything.

(Shows a montage of Toby heading down Thomas’s Branchline, then to unknown

-Narrator: Soon, they were back on the Ffarqhuar Branch, and they soon passed
Ulfstead, where they were on the wildest part of the Island. Toby was excited. He
had never traveled beyond the branchline before. They soon stopped by a lonely
signal box in the middle of the line.

-Signalman: Oh, hello sir, where are you and Toby going?

-TFC: My family and I are trying to find an old castle.

-Narrator: And he showed him the map.

-Signalman: Oh I know the place sir, there’s an old junction not too far down the
line, and a few miles before the bridge. Just set the points.

(Fades to Toby arriving at the junction)

-Narrator: When the fireman switched the points, they headed down the old line, and
their adventure really began. Toby pushed through branches and bushes, until they
came to another little junction. There they saw to signs, describing where they
lead, one said to “Ulfstead Castle”, and the other said to the “Mines”.

-TFC: Interesting. So this was Ulfstead Castle I see. Hmm…since we’re looking for
that, we’ll go there first. Then we’ll take a look at these Mines.

(Toby arrives at Ulfstead Castle)

-Narrator: So the fireman set the points again, and they made it through, stopping
at an old Halt, and there, high up on a plateau was an old, but beautiful old

-Emily Hatt: Wow, there’s the castle. It looks amazing!

-TFC: It does indeed! So I know where Ulfstead Castle was. My good friend Sir
Robert Norramby said he always had dreams of finding it, but also planned to
restore it someday.

-Richard Hatt: Seems you beat him to it dad.

-TFC: Indeed I have Rich. But at least I helped him clear the path to it first. I
can’t wait to call him soon and let him know.

-Narrator: So the Fat Controller and his kids examined it, and took various
pictures of it. Toby stared in awe himself.

-Toby: Wow Henrietta! To think our branchline had points that led to this castle.

-Henrietta: Indeed Toby! It really is a site to behold. Though I’m curious to know
what this old mine is like.

-Toby: Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

-Narrator: Soon, the family got back after walking around and exploring the Castle.

-Emily Hatt: Well that was fun.

-TFC: It sure was hon. But we’re not done yet, as now we shall visit the mines.
(Fades to the Old Mines, then Toby later arrives)

-Narrator: Once upon a time, in the early days of Sodor before the Northwestern
Railway was formed, the mines were operated by the engines of the old Mid-Sodor
Railway. The mines themselves were shut down right before the whole railway was,
but the lines of both standard and narrow gauge track were still in place, and
everything was rusty, decaying, and overgrown. The Fat Controller and his children
were most impressed, but Toby was rather frightened. The mine not only looked very
creepy, but rather depressing, as it brought Toby and Henrietta back unwanted old
memories of when their old tramway was being shut down.

-Toby: Oh my. I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was haunted.

-Narrator: Though they were both glad after the Hatt’s explored like they did with
the Castle, and when it was time to go home. Though this wasn’t the last they would
hear from it.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller talking to Toby at the Branchline Sheds)

-Narrator: A few days later, after the Fat Controller’s holiday was over, he came
to speak to Toby.

-TFC: Good news Toby. After our holiday, I have decided that Ulfstead Castle and
the Old Mid Sodor Mines didn’t deserve to be places that Sudrian history forgot, so
I have decided to fund projects to have them both reopened.

-Toby: You have?

-TFC: Yes indeed! And seeing as both are rather close to the Peel Godred Branch, I
will even build special extensions so engines from the Main Line can come through
their, as the branch is strong enough to hold the weight of big engines. The Thin
Controller has even agreed, and they’re building an extension from the Skarloey
Railway to there as well. Even though my friend, the Earl, Sir Robert will plan on
doing a full restoration of Ulfstead Castle in the near future, and I won’t be able
to reopen the Mid Sodor Mine for its original purposes, I think both landmarks for
now would be perfect attractions for tourism in order to raise that kind of money.
But first they will need hard work first.

-Toby: (Nervous) Oh, yes sir! I’ll do my best to help.

-TFC: Thanks, but you look nervous Toby, is everything okay? I noticed you felt
that way when we visited the mine last week.

-Narrator: Toby decided to tell the Fat Controller how he felt about the mine.

-TFC: Oh, I understand. But I do assure you Toby, that those mines are perfectly
safe. I know it looks creepy at first glance, but that was when the Old Mid Sodor
Railway closed down. But I promise, there’s nothing to worry about.

-Toby: Thanks sir.

-TFC: Toby said. But he was still uneasy.

(Cuts to Toby & Kirby working at restoring the Mines)

-Narrator: Two days later, the Fat Controller’s plans were soon put into action.
Toby & Kirby were clearing up and restoring the Old Mines. Toby worked hard, but he
still felt rather scared.
-Toby: (Sighs) I don’t know if it’s me, but I’m pretty sure this place is haunted.

-Toby’s Driver: I just spoke with the foreman, and it’s our turn to stand on guard
tonight, Toby.

-Toby: (Nervous) Oh, yes of course, why not?

-Narrator: Just as his trucks were being loaded, he thought he heard something. It
sounded rather feint, but only Toby could hear it.

-Toby: What was that?

-Kirby: What?

-Toby: I don’t know, but it sounded like a voice. Like somebody was trying to say,
hello or something.

-Kirby: (Chuckles) Oh, that’s probably the ghost.

-Toby: Ghost? What ghost?

-Kirby: The “Old Warrior” Ghost. It’s a legend on the Old Mid Sodor Railway. He’s
an old warrior that guards the abandoned mines, protecting it from vandals. Duke
told me about him once. Every night he lights his fire, then goes hunting. Anyways,
I have to get going, good bye!

(Kirby leaves)

-Toby: Humph! Nonsense!

-Narrator: Kirby of course was only joking. But Toby deep down was rather worried.

(Fades to Toby guarding the Mines at night)

-Narrator: But when night came, a mist rolled in, and it played into Toby’s
anxieties. Everything looked rather spooky.

-Toby: (Nervous) Oh my! Now I’m sure this place is haunted.

-Mysterious Voice: Not really old boy! It’s quite nice when you get used to it.

-Narrator: Shouted a mysterious voice that echoed across the mine. Toby gasped!

-Toby: (Nervous) IT’S THE GHOST!

-Toby’s Driver: What ghost?

-Toby: (Nervous) It’s the old warrior ghost, like Thomas said. He’s come to hunt me

-Narrator: The mysterious voice spoke again.

-Mysterious Voice: Hunt you down? (Chuckles) Why I’d never. Who is that from the
other side?

-Toby’s Driver: (Laughs) Don’t be so daft old boy. I’m sure there’s a logical
explanation. We’ll go over and investigate.
-Narrator: So he and the fireman climbed out of the cab, and left to check it out,
leaving Toby on his own, which to him felt like ages. But really it was only 5
minutes, as right then and there, they came back chuckling to themselves. Now Toby
was even more confused.

-Toby’s Driver: We just found the old warrior Toby, and apparently he wants to meet

-Toby: (Suspicious) Meet me? Can’t it wait until morning?

-Toby’s Driver: Not really, as I’m afraid “ghosts” don’t work day shifts. We’ll
show you, he’s actually quite friendly.

-Narrator: Now Toby became even more confused.

-Toby: Well, then let’s not keep him waiting.

-Narrator: So Toby made his way down some old through lines that hadn’t been
inspected yet, and stopped by an old mine shaft.

-Toby: (Gasps) Well bless my bell! That’s what I got scared off?

-Narrator: There, in the mine shaft was a little old narrow gauge engine that
looked just like Duke, but was in a darker shade of brown.

-Bertram: Hello there old boy! My name is Bertram, sorry to give you a fright, I
just didn’t know anybody was here. But it’s so good to talk to another engine.

-Toby: I’m pleased to meet you Bertram. So, you’re the old warrior?

-Signalman: That he is Toby. He’s your ghost, it’s just that it was his nickname
back when he worked in the mines. He’s called the old warrior, because he’s so

-Toby: I can see he is (Chuckles). Seems as if Kirby told me half the story. Though
I don’t think he nor Duke would’ve known you were here.

-Bertram: Nobody would Toby, but I do thank you for finding me. I had lots of
adventures back when the Mid Sodor Railway was in service, and I even worked in the
Mine, even saving those in dangerous situations. Shall I tell you some?

-Toby: (Laughs) Perhaps later Bertram. I think we better get you repaired first.

-Toby’s Driver: Indeed, because I think you’ve been here long enough, because I
think you might be what the Fat & Thin Controller need for these mines once again.

-Narrator: And Toby’s driver explained everything.

-Bertram: Oh ho, ho! Now that does sound like an honor, to be restored after all
these years! And to think years from now when enough money is raised, and the mine
can be restored for its original purpose. I’d be delighted! Thank you all!

-Narrator: Toby smiled! My pleasure Bertram!

(Shows Toby & Bertram working the lines to Ulfstead Castle and the Mines)

-Narrator: A few weeks later after Bertram was found, he was restored, and so was
the Castle and the Mine. Both Bertram and Toby became very good friends, and thanks
to them, Ulfstead Castle and the Old Mines became very popular with tourists, and
Bertram couldn’t have been happier than he had in years. After he was restored,
Bertram became even became a new member on the Skarloey Railway, becoming it’s 9th
engine. He did general duties around the railway, but mostly handled the tourist
trains around his old home at the mines. But once the mine would go back to
producing coal, Bertram would be able to go back to his old position brining in
coal from the mine tunnels like he did all those years ago. Sir Handel and Peter
Sam were pleased to see their old friend after all these years, but Duke of course
was very happy to be reunited with his younger brother most of all. Bertram still
loves to tell his tales of his bravery and heroism, though some find his stories
rather questionable, believing they are just exaggerations. But both Toby & Duke
know deep down, most are true, as Bertram does like by his name, the Old Warrior,
that “never gives up and never surrenders”, as he says, especially after being left
in the mines for decades. But even if there are any ghosts around, he and Toby
certainly help to make the place feel very happy.

(Opens with different locations on the Island of Sodor, and Thomas puffing down his

-Narrator: It was holiday time on the Island of Sodor. And all the engines were in
a cheerful mood, and working happily together. One morning, Thomas was taking empty
trucks to Ffarqhuar Yards, when he spotted Terence the Tractor working in a field
close to the line.

-Terence: 'ello Thomas! Nice day fahr it tahday, wooehldn't you agree?

-Thomas: It sure is Terence. But what is it a nice day for exactly?

-Terence: ‘aven’t you ‘eard? Mrs. Kyndly’s daoehghter, Nina, is getting’ married

-Thomas: Of, yes of course!

-Narrator: Replied Thomas, as he went on his way. Now the Kyndly’s are a family
that live in a cottage near Hackenback Tunnel on Thomas’s Branchline. They are a
very peaceful, happy, and benevolent, caring family that are very good friends with
the engines and the Fat Controller, especially after Mrs. Kyndly’s mother,
Rosemary, had helped saved Thomas from a landslide by waving her red dressing gown
while she was ill at the time. And the Fat Director back then had helped by sending
her to the seaside to be cured, and the Kyndly family have been great friends with
the engines and well known throughout the island ever since. But of all the
engines, Thomas is the one they’re the most closest with, and their daughter Nina
today, was going to get married. Nina is the granddaughter of Rosemary, and the
daughter of Harriett. She is an incredibly beautiful young woman who is very tall
and slender, with long, chocolate, brown hair, beautiful green eyes that put you
into a trance, and the sweetest smile that make those around her feel in awe. She
is a very kind, loving, and gentle young woman that’s a teacher at Hackenback
Junior School, and whom is very good friends with the engines to, but just like her
parents and grandmother, Thomas is her favorite engine, and the two have been very
close since she was a little girl. The little blue tank engine was excited for the
wedding, and hoped that she and her fiancé, Chris Parker, the current stationmaster
at Ffarqhuar, would have the best wedding and a happy and healthy future together.

(Cuts to Thomas meeting up with James at Ffarqhuar)

-Narrator: When Thomas arrived at Ffarqhuar, he met James. The big red engine was
sent to shunt trucks there, and as usual, he was in bad temper about it.

-James: (Annoyed) I don’t believe this. The Fat Controller just “had” to choose me
of all engines now did he, and…oh, hello Thomas.
-Thomas: Oh, hello James! You look like you’re woke up on the wrong side of the
shed this morning, what’s gotten into you this time?

-James: The fact that I’m sent down here on a branchline, and shunting dirty trucks
in dirty sidings, bluck!

-Thomas: (Sarcastically) Of course it is.

-James: I mean, why should a splendid red engine like me take messy stone trucks on
a branchline, instead of pulling shiny coaches on the Main Line. Percy, Toby or
Mavis should do it, I’m too important for this.

-Thomas: James, you say that every time, and the Fat Controller has said all
engines and their jobs are equal. You know what James, why don’t you spend one day
for once in your life thinking about something or someone else for a change than
yourself. Not everything in life is always about you, you know, so you’d surprised
at how much better you’ll feel of you do.

-James: Oh please! Being important is the only thing for me to think about, I mean
I got better things to do than this!

-Narrator: But before either engine could reply, they noticed Mrs. Kyndly, on the
platform, looking rather depressed.

-James: Hey, isn’t that Mrs. Kyndly?

-Thomas: That it is! Shouldn’t she be preparing for her daughter’s wedding?

-James: I’ll say, she looks miserable.

-Narrator: Put in James, empathetically for once. His driver George went right up
to her.

-James’s Driver: Hello Mrs. Kyndly, what’s the matter.

-Mrs. Kyndly: My sister has told me that she can’t make it to the wedding. She hurt
her knee, and worse, she was supposed to bring the good luck package for the bride,
but that plan backfired. (Sighs) I was so looking forward to her visiting, even
after the wedding. This just had to be so unfortunate.

-Narrator: Hearing that, James began to feel sorry for Mrs. Kyndly, but Thomas was
determined to help.

-Thomas: Don’t worry Mrs. Kyndly, we’ll help you in any way we can. But what
exactly is the good luck package supposed to be?

-Mrs. Kyndly: Well Thomas, this good luck package must contain something old,
something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

-Thomas: Hmm…well, we’ll certainly try.

-Thomas’s Driver: Indeed!

(Cuts to Thomas & James’s drivers at a phone booth, then to the Fat Controller in
his office)

-Narrator: Soon, both Thomas and James’s drivers telephoned the Fat Controller, who
-TFC: Oh my, poor Harriet. We must cheer her up as best we can, especially on the
day her own daughter is getting married. Send Harold the Helicopter to pick her up

-Stationmaster: Yes sir!

(Cuts to Harold at Dryaw Airfield taking off and hovering to Ffarqhuar)

-Narrator: A few minutes later, there was a surprise for Mrs. Kyndly.

(Harold lands)

-Harold: All present and correct. I’m here to take you to the wedding, jump on
board Mrs. Kyndly, and fly the skies with me. Compliments of Sir Topham Hatt.

-Mrs. Kyndly: Oh how lovely. Thank you Harold!

(Harold takes off)

-James: (Angry) Ah great! Now Harold’s made my paint dustier than ever. And now I
have to find some good luck package with a strange poem, and no clue of what they
are and where to find them. Worse, I have until 5 PM.

-Narrator: Thomas just laughed.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) Relax James, you have plenty of time to get cleaned and find
the package. Plus, at least you’re doing the Kyndly’s a big favor.

-James: Big favor? And wait, where are you going?

-Thomas: To the Norramby Branch. That’s where the wedding is going to place. My
driver just got a call from Mr. Kyndly, as now I they have a big favor for me.

-James: (Sarcastically) Oh wonderful!

-Thomas: Just remember what I said James, making someone happy will make you happy
to. Goodbye!

(Thomas departs)

-Narrator: And Thomas puffed away, leaving James in thought for once.

-James: (Inner monologue) Hmm…well it would be nice to help someone in need,

especially on an important occasion, wouldn’t it?

(Harold hovers over Sodor with Mrs. Kyndly on board)

-Narrator: Soon Mrs. Kyndly was flying the skies with Harold. She was enjoying
herself so much, she began to cheer up.

-Mrs. Kyndly: Oh my, I’ve never seen the island like this before. It’s wonderful!

-Harold: Trust me Mrs. Kyndly, it gets even better once we land, there’s a special
surprise for you.

(Cuts to James at Brendam Docks where he meets Edward)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, James arrived at Brendam Docks with his trucks. Thomas’s
advice was circling around in his smokebox all day. He didn’t boast, he didn’t
complain, he didn’t lose his temper, and he didn’t lash out at anybody or even
think about himself. This time, he was only thinking about finding the good luck
package, and making Nina Kyndly’s wedding a very happy one, though that may have
been easier said than done. As he was searching, he saw Edward getting some coaches
ready, and being cleaned and decorated.

-Edward: Oh, hello James! I heard from Thomas that you’re helping out with the
wedding today.

-James: Yes I am Edward. We’re looking for a good package.

-Edward: Yes indeed! Something old, something new…

-James: Something borrowed and something blue I know, but I just don’t know what
they are and where to even find them.

-Edward: (Laughed) Oh there, there James. They’re probably just staring you in the
smokebox. You’ll know. Now I have to get going. I’m taking guests to the wedding.

(Edward departs)

-James: Starring me in the smokebox, pah!

-James’s Driver: He means you’ll know what they are by the moment you see them
James. Never doubt old Edward.

-James: I’m not, but how would I know once….hey, driver, look over there.

-Narrator: James noticed right by the quay was a small flatbed with a set of shiny
new buffers.

-James: Wow, amazing. Say, can we use those please Cranky?

-Cranky: That depends James. What do you even what them for?

-Narrator: James explained about the wedding. Cranky had to admit it was quite
surprising for James to be acting quite selfless, but he obliged knowing it was a
good deed.

-Cranky: Well I suppose you can, I mean, those buffers are meant to go to Norramby
anyway. Just make sure you bring the flatbed once you’re done, alright?

-James: Thanks Cranky! The flatbed, eh? That means it’s, “something borrowed.” Wow,
seems like I’ve killed two birds with one stone (Laughs). But what about the other

-James’s Driver: Don’t worry James, I’m sure will find them to. Now, we have to go
to Knapford, that’s where the return train will be.

-James: Right!

(James departs, then cuts to him at the Knapford Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: As James was shunting his trucks into a siding, he heard a voice.

-Harriett: Hello James!

-Narrator: It was Harriett, who used to be called Old Slow Coach, whom Thomas &
Percy saved from scrap last year.

-James: You’re it!

-Harriett: I’m what it?

-James: The something old for the wedding.

-Narrator: And James explained about the whole event.

-Harriett: Oh yes, I’ve heard about that. It would be an honor to go, and to be
part of the good luck package. Thank you James.

-James: Not a problem Harriett. Plus, you and the bride’s mother share the same
first name, so that will make it even special.

-Harriett: (Giggles) Charmed I’m sure.

-James: So that’s 3 things done, and one more to go. The something blue, but what
could it be, and where?

-James’s Driver: Oh you’ll see James! I just got a call from the Fat Controller, he
said we are to head to the Norramby Branch immediately, all will be explained.

-James: Okay then.

(Cuts to James with Harriett and the flatbed with buffers on the Norramby

-Narrator: At last, James reached the village of Norramby where the wedding was to
take place. Up ahead, there was a small engine shed, and in it, was a face he knew
all too well.

-James’s Driver: (Chuckles) What do you think of this James?

-James: What the? Thomas? What are you doing here, covered in streamers, and

-Thomas: (Laughs) Surely you guessed James, I’m the something blue for the wedding.
That’s what the phone call my driver got back at Ffarqhuar was. Nina suggested it.

-James: Oh! Right, and I think she made a wise choice. You look great Thomas.

-Thomas: Thanks James! And you did a great job in finding the whole package.

-James’s Driver: He sure did! Now James, Mrs. Kyndly has heard all you did, and as
a special reward, she’s chosen you be her special guest of honor.

-Narrator: James beamed for the first time since this morning.

-James: Well it would be…well, my honor.

-James’s Driver: Brilliant! We only got 3 hours to get you cleaned up and decorated
before the wedding, so let’s get started,

(Fades to 3 hours later at Ballahoo Cathedral with the wedding, and Thomas & James
puffing down the line, where Edward, Toby, Percy, Donald, Douglas, BoCo, Bear,
Mavis, Daisy, Bertie, Trevor, Terence, Harold, Caroline, the Fat Controller, and
the wedding guests are)
-Narrator: Thomas and James arrived just in time with their decorations, and the
good luck package. Some of the other engines and road vehicles were invited to, and
everybody was enjoying themselves, as they were listening from outside. And once
the bride and groom made their vows and the preacher saying, “you may now kiss the
bride”, everybody, human and engine roared with applause. The whole party came out,
with Chris carrying Nina in his arms outside the Cathedral. Once he put her down,
Thomas and James were in awe, as Nina looked very beautiful. She looked like a
princess, with her gleaming white wedding dress glistening in the afternoon sunset.
Soon, the Fat Controller in his fancy wedding tuxedo and hat addressed everyone.

-TFC: Ladies, gentlemen, engines and road vehicles, may I present the good luck
package for Chris & Nina’s wedding; something old, something new, something
borrowed, and something blue. All found by the noble and honorable efforts of James
the Red Engine and his crew.

-Narrator: The two engines whistled in delight, and everyone cheered, for the
wedding of Chris and Nina Parker. Just then, Nina came over herself, with a really
happy expression, and tears of joy over to the blue & red engines. James couldn’t
help but gawk, he never properly met Nina, but he had to admit, she was just
incredibly gorgeous.

-Thomas: Hello Nina! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and Chris.

-Nina Kyndly: Awe, but this wedding wouldn’t have been successful if it hadn’t been
for you both. Thank you Thomas, and thank you James, for everything you both have
done. It is the best good luck package I’ve ever had.

-James: (Nervous) Well…your welcome…my dear… (Nervous laugh), this is a lovely

wedding by the way, and you look very beautiful.

-Nina Kyndly: (Giggles) Why thank you! In fact, I’d like to express my gratitude
even more, (To the drivers) say you two wouldn’t happen to have a stepladder by any
chance right.

-Narrator: You didn’t have to tell the crews twice, as with a stepladder, she
climbed up on both footplates, and kissed both Thomas, and James. Thomas was
flattered, though James could only blush a shade of red even deeper than his
paintwork. Everyone had to giggle. But then, Nina spoke quietly to Thomas.

-Nina: But really Thomas, I’m just so flattered you and James did this for me,
especially you, as you’ll always be my something blue. You really are the best
engine I ever met. Thank you!

-Thomas: Awe! And I’m so proud to be your friend. I love you Nina.

-Nina Kyndly: Me too sweetie.

-Narrator: She said, and patted the blue tank engine on the buffer, as the two
smiled lovingly at one another, as their friendship was really that strong.

(Shows the wedding party going on, with the song “Carnival” by the Cardigans
playing in the background, and then later with Thomas & James at the shed at

-Narrator: The wedding was wonderful, as many of the engines and humans talked with
one another, as Terence & Trevor were giving hayrides to the children, as well as
music and dancing going around, with a DJ scratching records and announcing for
dance contests, and speeches from both Nina & Chris, and their family members. Even
Thomas & James got to make some speeches sending their love, and they were very
heart felt. Later that night, when the wedding was over, and all the engines, road
vehicles and guests had home, Thomas & James decided to stay at Norramby for the
night, relaxing to the nighttime breeze, and watching and listening the ocean
currents splash back and forth on the shore, and looking at the nighttime sky.
Then, James spoke to Thomas.

-James: You were quiet right about everything Thomas, making someone happy really
does cheer you up. I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk this morning.

-Thomas: Oh that’s alright! I’m proud of you for doing the right thing today James.
Plus, at least you got to meet Nina and the rest of the Kyndly’s.

-James: Indeed! She really is special, and I can see why you’re so close with her
and her family. And I’m glad that I got to make the wedding a truly magnificent
night. Thank you Thomas, for everything.

-Thomas: Of course! You may be a jerk sometimes James, but deep down, you are a
very good friend who always puts others needs before your own.

-James: Thank you Thomas! And you’re such a great friend to.

-Thomas: My pleasure! By the way, how did you feel when Nina kissed you? I enjoyed
my kiss, did you enjoy yours?

-Narrator: But James was embarrassed, and instead, pretended to fall asleep, as
Thomas chuckled, watching the waves, and dreaming happily about Nina & Chris, and
their future as husband and wife.

(Opens with various clips of Stepney working on Sodor and interacting with
different engines, then to the Fat Controller talking to Stepney at the Branchline

-Narrator: Stepney the Bluebell Engine was visiting the Island of Sodor for a week,
once again after 33 years. It felt great to visit the Northwestern Railway, and
seeing how much has changed since the last time he came, and even got to meet some
of the other engines that join the fleet after his first visit. Even though he
loved his home, the Bluebell Railway in Sussex, he loved visiting different
railways and trying new things, but he loved visiting Sodor the most, as he enjoys
doing different jobs, especially working with trucks, and getting a nice stretch on
his wheels. Now, it was Stepney’s last day before he was due to return to the
Bluebell Railway. As he was resting at the Branchline Sheds at Tidmouth, the Fat
Controller came to see him.

-TFC: Morning Stepney!

-Stepney: Oh, mawnin sir!

-TFC: Now, I know that tonight you have to rest over at Vicarstown Depot before you
head back home to the Bluebell Railway tomorrow. But since you’ve been enjoying
your visit, I was wondering before you go, would you like to help Toby & Mavis at
Anopha Quarry? Normally I’d send Percy, but he’s pretty busy with his own work, and
there is a massive shipment of stone coming in.

-Stepney: Of course sir. Shall I be away long?

-TFC: Oh, just for today. Though be careful, it’s just that on your way home, it’s
easy to get lost at night, so make sure you get to Vicarstown Depot before dark.
-Stepney’s Driver: We will sir!

(Shows Stepney trundling down the Ffarqhuar Branchline and arrives at Anopha Quarry
where Toby & Mavis are)

-Narrator: Stepney soon arrived at Anopha Quarry. Toby & Mavis, whom Stepney met
during his visit, greeted him warmly.

-Toby: Hello Stepney. We’re glad you’re here to help us. There’s been an increase
in stone as of late, and we’ll need all the help we could get at this point.

-Stepney: No' a problem Toby. Are 'hose my 'rucks?

-Mavis: Oh, only some of them, there’s masses more in the sidings.

-Stepney: Brillian'! ‘he mawe 'he merrier!

(Stepney puffs away, while Mavis is surprised)

-Toby: He loves working with trucks, there really aren’t many of them on the
Bluebell Railway.

-Mavis: Oh, well okay then, let’s get started.

(Shows Stepney working hard with Mavis & Toby, and even shunting a train of stone
trucks behind for Henry’s at Elsbridge Junction, as Henry departs)

-Narrator: Stepney soon to work. The harder he worked, the dustier he became. He
shunted the trucks into their proper sidings, and helped bringing trucks to
Ffarqhuar, and even shunting for trains on the Main Line at Elsbridge Junction. He
even kept the trucks in order, as they didn’t even dare cause the Terrier any
problems, due to his optimistic and bubbly nature. Mavis & Toby were very

(Shows Stepney being washed at the Quarry)

-Narrator: The job was nearly complete. Later that afternoon, while Stepney was
being cleaned, the Quarry Manager came to see him and his crew.

-Quarry Manager: Ah, there you two are. Now, we have a night special that’s bound
for a construction site over at the Peel Godred Branchline. Normally, I would send
Mavis, but she asked me if you wanted to pull the train instead. Would you like

-Stepney’s Driver: Oh yes sir!

-Narrator: Stepney and his fireman looked at each other nervously, as really he
should’ve thought of asking the Fat Controller first.

-Stepney: Paul, I’m all faw doin differen' jobs like 'his, bu' we should really
'alk 'he Fa' Con'roller. Remember? We’re supposed 'o be a' Vicarstown befawe dark.

-Stepney’s Driver: Yes, I know, but this we’ll be nice to stretch your wheels
Stepney. Plus, it’s only that one train, and we’ll have plenty of time to get

-Stepney: (Sighs) Okay driver. Bu' only jus' 'his once.

-Narrator: Said Stepney nervously. As even though he like long distance runs, he
was beginning to have doubts about this, especially because his driver was being
pretty stubborn.

(Fades to night with Stepney about to leave, while Mavis & Toby are there)

-Narrator: That night, Stepney was preparing to leave with the train of rocks bound
for the Peel Godred Line.

-Toby: Be careful Stepney.

-Stepney: I will, an' 'hank you faw a lovely day. Toby, do you 'hink you could say
goodbye an' 'hanks 'o 'he o'hers faw me?

-Toby: (Chuckles) Of course.

-Stepney: Splendid! Oh, an' Mavis, 'hank you faw le''in me 'ake 'his 'rain. Though
I wouldn'' mind if you did.

-Mavis: Oh it’s fine Stepney. Though again, be careful, as the line at Peel Godred
can be very spooky at night. Just don’t get lost, okay?

-Stepney: Ov course. Thank you faw 'he warning, bye!

(Stepney departs, then he travels down the line, and then makes it to a
construction site on the Peel Godred Line)

-Narrator: Stepney soon arrived on time, and made the delivery of rocks. Then, as
soon he was uncoupled, he set for home, light engine.

(Shows Stepney traveling through the fog and the dark eerie line of Peel Godred)

-Narrator: That’s when the trouble began. As Stepney was puffing down the line, fog
floated everywhere.

-Stepney: Mavis was righ'. Suddenly every'hin does look spooky.

-Narrator: Needless to say, Stepney and his crew were feeling rather creeped out,
as everything was dark, the fog was so thick it was hard to see, it gave everything
around the line a very eerie and creepy look to it. But just then, Stepney and his
crew noticed something up ahead.

-Stepney: Driver, look, 'here's a signal box.

-Stepney’s Driver: Yeah, and the signal light ahead, it’s green. Somebody must’ve
been expecting us.

-Narrator: But they weren’t!

(Stepney passing an old windmill and getting switched onto the wrong line)

-Narrator: Stepney tried to find his way back to the Main Line, but because of the
fog, and the fact he had never been on this line, it was difficult for him and his
crew to get a fix on their location. But there was worse to come. The points up
ahead that led to the Main Line were set in the wrong direction, but Stepney didn’t
realize this.

-Stepney: 'ome, 'ere we come!

(Shows Stepney approaching an unknown area)

-Narrator: Then they began to approach an unknown area, realizing now they made a
wrong turn.

-Stepney: Oh no! Where are we?

-Stepney’s Driver: I don’t know! But I think its best we wait here until the fog

-Stepney: Wha' are 'hose strange sounds?

-Narrator: Wondered Stepney. But as soon as the fog slowly cleared, he saw the
remains of scrapped engines, rolling stock and road vehicles, the sounds blow
torches and molten steel pouring, and hellish red lights all around. Stepney’s
smokebox went cold when he realized where they were.

-Stepney: Oh no! We're in a scrapyard! ‘his...'his mus' be 'he railway's


-Narrator: Stepney said with a fright. The Bluebell Engine hated scrapyards just as
much as any steam engine, as from his own personal experience of nearly being
scrapped and saved three times. The third time, which was when he was preserved by
the Bluebell Railway was the worst one for him, and he had some rather unpleasant
traumas of scrap ever since.

-Stepney’s Driver: Something very strange is going on here.

-Stepney: I’ll say! (Angrily) I 'old you we shouldn'' 'ave 'aken 'ha' 'rain, or
'ell 'he Fa' Con'roller, an' nah look wha' you've go''en us in.

-Stepney’s Driver: I know, I know, I’m sorry Stepney. Look, John and I will go get
help, just stay put, we’ll be right back.

-Stepney: Okay, jus' don'' 'ake 'o long.

(Stepney’s crew leave)

-Narrator: As Stepney’s crew left to find help, the gold terrier was left alone.
But not for long, as a few minutes later, two 08 diesel shunters came out of
nowhere and crept up beside him.

(Shows the twin diesels showing up beside Stepney)

-‘Arry: Well, well, well! Look wha' we go' us 'ere Ber'.

-Bert: Ano'her stinky steamie. An' a really old steamer 'ha' is.

-‘Arry: Ah, no' jus' any old steamer, i's 'ha' famous golden engine, Stepney I
believe 'is name is.

-Stepney: Um, yes! Who are you 'wo?

-‘Arry: My name is 'Arry, an' 'his is Ber'. We're 'he Ironworks Diesels. Awer, 'he
Grim Messengers ov Doom.

-Stepney: What?

-Bert: Yeah! (Evil chuckle) An' you'll make very fine scrap indeed.
-Stepney: What? Dis is some saw' ov mistake. You can'' scrap me, I’m a preserved

-‘Arry: Preserved? Pah! Who would wanna preserve an old relic like you? Steam
engines like you don'' deserve a place on railways, le' alone 'he wawld. Buffer 'im

(Bert bumps into Stepney, and the two diesel shunt him to the Smelter’s Shed)

-Stepney: 'ey! Le' go ov me! Dis engine's no' faw scrapping!

-‘Arry: (Evil cackle) Well we'll see if 'he grabber 'hinks 'he same 'hin.

(Both diesels cackle evilly)

-Narrator: Stepney tried to fight back by forcing his brakes, but without his crew,
he couldn’t do so. But just then, ‘Arry & Bert shunted him into the large Smelter’s
Shed, where at the end were three siding, with a large pool of molten steel at the
bottom, and above Stepney was a large grabber. Stepney couldn’t help splutter in
horror, as Bert uncoupled from him, and the two diesels were about to leave him to

-‘Arry: Goodbye Stepney! See you in 'ell! (Evil cackles)


-Narrator: ‘Arry & Bert’s look of sadism and delight turned to horror when they saw
right of platform above was the Fat Controller, with Stepney’s Crew. He stood
there, looking both horrified and furious at the duo. Stepney was relieved.

-TFC: It’s a good thing I was visiting this yard tonight, just in time to see you

-‘Arry: Uh, well, we saw 'his engine, an' we 'hough' ov jus' playin a joke.

-Bert: Yeah, we weren'' really gonna scrap 'im! 'onest!


-‘Arry: (Nervously) Yes sir!

-Bert: Righ' away sir!

(Shows ‘Arry & Bert leaving in fear)

-Narrator: And the diesels took off like jackrabbits. The Fat Controller calmed
down and turned to Stepney.

-TFC: Thank goodness you’re safe Stepney. I really must apologize for their
homicidal behavior. ‘Arry & Bert are my new scrap diesels, and I was hoping they
wouldn’t do something like this. Don’t worry, I’m gonna make sure they get the
punishment they deserve. Are you alright?
-Stepney: Oh, yes I am sir! I'm still in sta'e ov shock, bu' I’m gra'eful 'o be
alive. Thank you!

-TFC: You’re more than welcome my friend. It’s a good thing I was visiting, then
your crew arrived and explained everything. And I will agree that this wouldn’t
have happened if you had just let me know before hand, if you Paul would’ve asked
my permission first, as you should’ve listened to your own engine. Saving Stepney
from scrap seems to be a near habit for the 4th time. Next time, you let me or your
manager know what you’re up to before deciding to do something.

-Stepney’s Driver: Yes sir! Sorry sir!

-TFC: Right! Anyways, now that, that’s sorted out, we better get you to Vicarstown
Stepney that way can go home tomorrow. And don’t worry, the fog has burned out, and
I called ahead, you should be good to go.

-Stepney: Thanks sir! Bu' af'er 'oday, I 'ave learned some'hin.

-TFC: Oh, what’s that?

-Stepney: Even 'hough I love 'o come visi' Sodor every nah an' again, in 'he end,
'here’s no place like 'ome.

-TFC: That’s understandable. And don’t worry, that’s exactly where you’re going

(Cuts to Stepney puffing down the Main line and sleeping at Vicarstown Depot)

-Narrator: So Stepney made his way to Vicarstown, and made it to the depot, were he
slept sleep and sound.

(Cuts to ‘Arry & Bert the next morning hauling rubbish trains)

-Narrator: The next morning, the Fat Controller scolded ‘Arry & Bert severely, and
while he gave them another chance, he had them both collect rubbish at each station
as punishment for trying to murder Stepney, until they learned to be respectful to
steam engines, and never commit murder like that again.

(Shows Stepney puffing down the Main Line past Gordon, BoCo, Donald, and Marlin,
then through the Vicarstown Drawbridge in the beautiful golden sun)

-Narrator: As for Stepney, as soon as he woke up his bunker and water tanks were
refilled, and made his way back home to Sodor. The other engines he passed wished
him goodbye, and even though Stepney was still welcome to Sodor, there really was
no place like home, on the Bluebell Railway.

-Stepney: Bluebells fawever!

-Narrator: Bill & Ben the Tank Engine Twins have worked at the Sodor China Clay
Pits for many years, shunting trucks, and taking loads of China Clay to Brendam
Docks. While they do work hard, they are known for being naughty, immature and
mischievous, especially if their workload can be very hot and very dirty. One day,
work at the China Clay Pits was increasing, and the twins were both feeling very
naughty indeed

(Shows Bill & Ben arguing over a line of trucks)

-Bill: That’s my line of trucks!

-Ben: No it’s not! It’s mine, yours is over there!

-Bill: It’s mine!

-Ben: It’s not!

-Bill: It’s mine!

-Ben: It’s not!

-Bill: It’s mine!

-Ben: It’s not!

-Bill: It’s mine!

-Ben: It’s not!

(Shows BoCo idling up to them)

-Narrator: Their arguing was so loud, that their good friend BoCo the Metrovick
Diesel was beginning to worry.

-BoCo: Alright you two! That’s enough! Remember the last time you two had an
argument about that?

-Bill: Stay out of this BoCo. This is between me and Ben.

-Ben: For once, I’ll agree! But how about we race to see who gets the trucks first.

-Bill: Oh you’re on!

-BoCo: Oh no you two! You two better stop quarreling, or the only thing you’ll have
left to share is…

(Bill & Ben head to the trucks, but collide into each other at the siding)

-BoCo: (Sighs) Trouble!

-Bill: OW! Silly, now look what you did!

-Ben: Silly yourself, this was all your fault Bill!


-Narrator: The twins went pale when they realized who that voice was, and it was
the Fat Controller, standing right in front of them, and looking very stern.

-TFC: Bill & Ben, you both have better behave yourselves, or shall consider leaving
you in your sheds for the day.

-BoCo: Sorry sir, I tried to stop them.

-TFC: Oh I don’t blame you BoCo, and I know that work here in the Clay Pits has
increased as of late, and I know I can’t keep asking too much of you. But it’s
pretty clear that at this point, what we need is a new diesel. I purchased one two
weeks ago from British Railways.
-Narrator: The twins gulped.

-Bill: (Nervously) Another diesel sir?

-TFC: Yes Bill! You two already have your work cut out, and I can’t just keep
sparring BoCo, especially since you both have been giving him a very hard time
lately with your antics. We’re all trying to help you right now, so you two must
help us. So when this diesel comes, I want you both to behave yourselves and make
him feel welcome. He’s friendly like BoCo is, and keen to make a good impression.
So both of you, don’t let us down.

-Bill: Yes sir!

-Ben: Sorry sir!

-TFC: Alright then. BoCo, please fetch the Breakdown Train to get these two back on
the rails.

-BoCo: Yes sir!

-Narrator: Before BoCo left, he looked sternly at the twins, and whispered a
lecture to them.

-BoCo: (Sternly whispers) If I were you two, once you’re both back on the rails,
I’d stop arguing, stop getting into trouble, and concentrate on your work, that’s

-Narrator: And the Metropolitan Vickers Diesel oiled grumpily away, leaving the
twins ashamed.

(Shows the Fat Controller in his office)

-Narrator: Later, the Fat Controller was in his office, having some tea and
crumpets for a snack, feeling concerned. As he wanted to have another diesel help
out on Edward’s Branchline, and working at the Clay Pits for a while now, he was
beginning to have doubts about his own decision, regarding the very diesel he

-TFC: (Sighs) I really hope that the new diesel doesn’t cause any delays.

-Stationmaster: Why sir, is he a bad sort?

-TFC: Oh no, no, no! He’s nothing like in the ranks of Diesel. In fact George, he’s
very friendly and eager to work. The problem is that he’s a BR Class 17 Paxman, the
kind of diesels that were bound to have…err, um…teething troubles.

(Shows the new diesel, Derek, struggling up Gordon’s Hill)

-Narrator: And he was right. The next morning the new diesel arrived.

-Derek: Oh my grease and oil, I wasn’t expecting this hill. Oh, what’s that?

(Derek breaks down)

-Narrator: No sooner did the diesel make it up Gordon’s hill, his engine
spluttered, and he broke down.

-Derek: Oh bother!
(BoCo arrives)

-Narrator: BoCo was dispatched to come to the rescue.

-BoCo: Hello! You must be the new diesel?

-Derek: Indeed I am. I’m sorry for the trouble, it’s just that I have teething
troubles you see.

-BoCo: (Chuckles) There’s no need to apologize my friend, it’s not your fault. And
I know how you feel, as I had teething troubles myself when I was first built, but
after I worked hard and was purchased by the Fat Controller, he not only let me
stay, but my faults were rectified, and now I’m really useful. I’m sure they’ll do
the same for you, um…forgive me, but what’s your name?

-Derek: I don’t have a name unfortunately, everyone just calls me “Paxman”. But I
don’t really like it to be honest.

-BoCo: Mmm…I see! Well, I won’t call you that if it makes you feel uncomfortable,
but I’m sure we’ll find you name, and that your engine problems will be fixed.

-Derek: (Sadly) I hope so!

(Fades to Thomas and Percy at Elsbridge Junction)

-Narrator: The story of the diesel’s breakdown soon spread.

-Thomas: Apparently he’s said to have teething troubles.

-Narrator: Confided Thomas to Percy. Though Percy misunderstood what Thomas meant.

(Shows Percy arriving at the Clay Pits)

-Bill: Here your trucks Percy!

-Percy: Thanks you two. Oh, by the way, I heard about that new diesel that was sent
to help you, and unfortunately, he’s got a “toothache.”

-Bill: A toothache?

-Percy: Yeah! Good luck!

(Percy departs)

-Ben: Okay! Now why would Percy want to wish us good luck?

-Bill: Isn’t it obvious Ben. Because he knows we’ll need it, that’s what! A diesel
with a toothache must be the worst one of all.

-Narrator: Just then, their manager came to see them.

-SCC Manager: Ah, there you two are. Now, I need to take your loads of Clay to the
Docks right now and rest there for the night. There’s a lot of hard work to be done

-Bill: Yes sir!

-Ben: Right away sir!

(Shows Bill & Ben shunting their trucks to the quay, and head over to the sheds
where Edward is)

-Narrator: That evening, the twins left their trucks by the quayside where they
would be unloaded. Then, they went to sleepover at the sheds where Edward was.

-Edward: Hello Bill & Ben.

-Bill: (Sadly) Oh, hello Edward.

-Edward: Oh my, you both do look glum. Penny for your thoughts?

-Ben: Yeah, it’s the new diesel we have to work with. He’s got a toothache.

-Edward: A toothache?

-Narrator: And the twins explained what Percy mentioned to them earlier. Edward
could only laugh.

-Edward: I’m afraid you two got it all wrong. Percy is a good engine, but he
doesn’t know exactly the full story. The diesel doesn’t have a toothache, he’s got
teething troubles.

-Bill: Oh, it almost sounded like that.

-Edward: I know that it would Bill, but you two must remember, engines never have
problems with their teeth. “Teething troubles” means that when something is new,
small problems begin to occur, and turn into big ones. You see, this diesel is new,
and he has some issues that cause him breakdown, which in this case, it’s his
cooling system as Marlin told me when I visited the works earlier.

-Ben: Oh! Now I see! I thought that he was gonna be one of those devious diesels.

-Edward: Not at all you two, in fact, I spoke with him, he’s really friendly, and
very eager to work. It’s just that his class were known as BR Class 17 Paxmans,
which were known for having terrible design flaws. Don’t you both remember when
BoCo first came here, his class had the same issues, until the Fat Controller’s
father had him overhauled. Just give him a chance, and you might be surprised,
because this diesel has been through more than you’ll ever know throughout his
working career.

-Narrator: While the twins were convinced about what Edward said, as they never
questioned him, they still were a little skeptical.

(Fades to Bill & Ben shunting, until Derek arrives)

-Narrator: The next day, Bill & Ben were preparing a long train to the docks when
they heard an unfamiliar horn.

(Derek’s horn blares)

-Bill: (Groans) Oh no! It’s the new diesel!

-Narrator: And he was right.

-Derek: Hello you two! You must Bill & Ben!

-Bill: Ah yeah, that we are.

-Ben: What’s your name?

-Derek: I don’t have one unfortunately, but I’ll figure it out soon enough
(Chuckles). Anyways, I’ll help you sort this train, you take the front, and I’ll
push from behind, (Chuckles) what fun!

(Shows Bill, Ben & Derek laving with the long train)

-Narrator: It seemed that all went well at first as they set off. Then they came to
a gradient right by the Drain.

-Ben: Come on! Come on! Push harder you silly diesel.

-Narrator: Shouted Ben! But the diesel couldn’t, as his engine wasn’t responding
like he wanted it to.

-Derek: (Panting) I’m overheating again! I’m not gonna make…

(Derek breaks down)

-Bill: Oh pah!

-Bill’s Driver: Oh dear! (Sighs) You know what, we can still try again, I mean,
we’re almost there. Let’s try and finish this job anyway, though that means we’ll
have to pull the diesel to. Can you do it twins?

-Bill & Ben: We’ll try!

(Bill & Ben pull the train and make it to Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: Chimed the twins. And they did so, and managed to make it to Brendam
Docks just in time. Tired, but triumphant, the twins made it, and were very pleased
with themselves.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller, seeing Bill, Ben, BoCo, and Edward at the Docks Sheds)

-Narrator: That night, the Fat Controller came to see the twins when they were
resting at the Docks.

-TFC: Well done Bill & Ben. You both were able to get the load of China Clay on
time despite Derek breaking down. Even though you two get into trouble, I’m still
very proud of you.

-Bill: Thank you sir!

-Ben: But sir, Derek?

-TFC: Oh, that’s the name the diesel chose. I visited him at the Steamworks earlier
after I him sent him back for repairs. I decided to let him become part of the
railway, as he does have a good work ethic and a positive attitude. So when I let
become part of the railway, he asked to be called Derek after his first driver back
on British Railways. His repairs might take some time, but do you think you two
could manage alone for the time being.

-Bill: Yes sir!

-Ben: We will sir!

-TFC: Excellent then.

-Edward: But sir, what about Derek’s teething?

-TFC: Oh, we will be giving him a thorough overhaul, but unfortunately because of
how tight money is, we won’t be able to fund a full overhaul for an engine
replacement like BoCo had. So at least he won’t break down frequently, but until we
can save enough money to fully overhaul Derek, my hands are tied at this point.

-BoCo: We understand sir! It’s a shame to, he’s really such a likable engine.

-TFC: He is indeed BoCo, that’s why I’m letting him stay here forever, as everybody
deserves a chance.

-Bill: Yeah, though indeed sir!

-TFC: Yes! Anyways, good night engines, and great job to you all.

-All engines: Good night sir!

-Ben: Hey, um BoCo? Bill and I wanna say, we’re sorry we were giving you such a
hard time. We know we may be pests, but we do our best to work hard, and care about

-BoCo: Thanks you two, and don’t worry, I care about you both just as much, as
that’s what friends are for.

-Bill: Yeah, and you know, Derek was actually quite friendly after all.

-Edward: He was indeed! And you know what friends do?

-Ben: What’s that Edward?

-Edward: They always say good night to each other.

-Bill: Oh yeah!

-Narrator: But as tired as they were, they still chatted about Derek all night.

(Opens with Derek and the Fat Controller at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: Derek the Paxman Diesel had been in the Steamworks for 2 weeks as of
now. After his teething troubles, the workmen were doing their best to give him a
thorough overhaul. While the Fat Controller wasn’t able to raise enough money at
the moment for a full overhaul that included an engine replacement, this overhaul
would however, make his engine stronger so that way the breakdowns wouldn’t be so
constant. One morning, after his overhaul was complete, the Fat Controller came to
see him.

-TFC: Good morning Derek. How’ve you been?

-Derek: Oh, I’m alright sir. I wanted to say thanks again for giving me this
overhaul, and a place on this railway.

-TFC: Of course Derek, as I understand life on British Railways has not exactly
been all that kind to you. So I will go out of my way to make sure that you are
treated with the proper and utmost respect. If there is anything bothering you,
don’t hesitate to let me know, and I’ll help out in any way I can. Not only that,
since you’ll also be part of the Edward’s Branchline, Edward himself, along with
BoCo, and even Marlin can help you in case you need anything.
-Derek: Oh thank you sir! So, what jobs will I be doing?

-TFC: Well mainly I will need to deliver China Clay trucks from the Clay Pits to
different parts of the island, so at least you can see different parts of my
railway and meet many of my engines. But you will also handle mixed-traffic work on
the Brendam Branchline in general, as even though this isn’t a complete overhaul,
the breakdowns won’t be so frequent, and you can even make it up Gordon’s Hill just

-Derek: Why thank you sir!

-TFC: You’re more than welcome. So Marlin says you passed each of your trial runs,
so you should be good to go, and ready to start work now.

-Derek: Thank you sir! I’ll be on my way.

-Narrator: So Derek set off for his new job.

(Fades to Derek headed down the Main Lin to the Brendam Branch)

-Narrator: Soon, Derek was trundling down the line to the Clay Pits. He was
enjoying himself peacefully. In fact, the Steamworks did such a good job, he didn’t
feel any signs of overheating, and the fact that he was clattering just fine to
made him feel even more cheerful. He began to take in the sights and sounds of the

-Derek: Ah, now this is peaceful. I really wish British Railways was like this.
Though I hope that hill won’t be an issue.

-Narrator: Sure enough, Derek did come up to Gordon’s Hill, but once he went up it
with ease just fine, he began to feel glad.

-Derek: Ha, ha! I did it! This is working out wonderfully.

-Narrator: Cheered Derek as he coasted down the hill.

(Shows Derek working and socializing with the other engines, but the breaks down on
Gordon’s Hill)

-Narrator: Soon Derek started working, and began to grow accustomed to life on
Sodor just fine as he delivered china Clay to different parts of the railway, as
well as taking local passenger trains, and hauling freight. The trucks didn’t even
seem to give him trouble, and like Edward & BoCo, he even managed to keep Bill &
Ben in order. After misadventure before he went to the Steamworks, Bill & Ben began
to grow fond of the Paxman diesel, and he soon became friends with each and every
engine on Sodor. However, there were two in particular that Derek didn’t gain any
respect from…and you can probably guess which two those were. Gordon & James didn’t
really dislike Derek, especially since they both learned to get over their
prejudices over diesels and respect them. But they did however find the Paxman
diesel to be rather absurd looking because of his shape, and found it very annoying
at the fact that an engine like him would have breakdowns constantly. One day,
Derek was headed up Gordon’s Hill with a China Clay train for Vicarstown, when

(Derek’s engine bangs and breaks down on the middle of Gordon’s Hill)

-Derek: Oh my grease and oil! What happened?

-Narrator: Said Derek worriedly. His driver, Laura climbed down to inspect his

-Derek: (Sighs) I really thought for sure my teething troubles would’ve been cured.
But then again, the Fat Controller said he couldn’t fund a full overhaul, so I
guess somethings never change.

-Laura: Don’t worry Derek, it’s not as bad as you think. The overhaul is working
just fine, this is just a dead fuse. This can easily be fixed in a jiffy.

-Narrator: But just as Laura was fixing Derek’s fuse, Gordon came past with the
express, and all he could do was scoff at Derek.

-Gordon: Really Derek, another breakdown. Humph! That’s the 3rd one this week.

-Derek: Sorry old bean! It’s just a loose fuse. We’ll have it fixed in a jiffy.

-Gordon: A dead fuse? Pah! It’s lucky for you that you didn’t breakdown on my line,
you would’ve delayed the express. I may respect diesels, but why the Fat Controller
just had to purchase a diesel that is unreliable and useless as you instead of
proper working ones is beyond me.

-Narrator: Gordon said rudely, as he puffed to the top and coasted down the other
side with ease. Leaving a very hurt Derek behind after his driver fixed him, and
the diesel clattered slowly up the hill with his train.

(Fades to Derek at Wellsworth with James)

-Narrator: Later on, James pulled into Wellsworth with a local train in tow, when
Derek returned back with the return train of mixed-goods. As he was shunting them
into the nearest siding next to the station itself, his engine suddenly coughed,
and dark fumes billowed right onto James.


-Derek: Oh, sorry dear chap, I didn’t mean to. It was a force of habit really. I

-James: (Angry) Force of habit! I just got this paintwork of mine polished this
morning you jerk. You know pal, it’s one thing to breakdown 24/7, but it’s entirely
different to an ugly, dirty diesel that has given your kind a bad name.

-Narrator: Now Derek felt even hurt, as James puffed away fuming.

(Fades to Edward at Wellsworth where Derek is sitting in a siding)

-Narrator: Later that day, Edward arrived at Wellsworth, while Henry was resting in
a siding. They both looked over, and saw Derek sitting alone in a siding, looking
very melancholic.

-Edward: Oh, hello Derek. How are you? Is everything alright?

-Narrator: At first, Derek, due to his own experiences of being bullied, was rather
hesitant to talk to Edward, but then he remembered what the Fat Controller told him
that day he left the Steamworks after his overhaul, and decided to confide in the
wise engine.

-Derek: (Sighs) Well, I thought everything would start to turn around for me after
my teething troubles were sorted out after my overhaul, but a few mishaps with my
engine occurred, and Gordon and James have been saying a lot of hurtful comments,
and it wasn’t even my fault.

-Edward: Don’t feel bad Derek, because it wasn’t your fault. Besides, your full
overhaul will come very soon, plus, you have been working very hard lately, and
proving to be a really useful engine.

-Derek: Thanks Edward. But Gordon & James haven’t. In fact, they’ve been horrible
to me, and have treated me with absolute disrespect, which really brings back a lot
of memories back on British Railways. I didn’t really have any friends except my
driver, Edward, and their behavior reminds of the diesels who looked at me in

-Edward: I’m very sorry to hear that Derek. Don’t worry, you are not useless or
unreliable in any regard, as it doesn’t matter who we are on the outside, but what
matters on the inside. What the diesels on the mainland said was just absolute,
vulgar rubbish, and they are just as insecure and vulnerable, that they feel they
need to put others down to make themselves feel important, which is really their
biggest downfall. You shouldn’t let them get to you, as here on Sodor, all of us
engines on Sodor are your friends. And if anybody tries to pick on you, they can
answer to all of us.

-Henry: He’s right Derek!

-Narrator: Said a voice, as Henry, who had delivered a train to Brendam Docks, was
stopping to take on water. He overheard everything, and also wanted to help console

-Henry: I know how you feel Derek, as I was in a similar position to you once many
decades ago. And don’t worry about Gordon & James, as those two aren’t exactly
perfect themselves. They’ve have gotten into their fair share of mishaps, and
scolded plenty of times by the Fat Controller and his predecessors. (Smirks) Plus,
there’s a reason that steep hill on the Mainland is called, “Gordon’s Hill”. I’ve
known those to longer, and they may be a little judgmental and pretentious, but
they do come around eventually.

-Edward: Exactly! As Gordon & James are really good engines at heart that can learn
from their mistakes. I’ve proven myself to them time-and-time again, as have the
other engines, and they have learned to respect us as all part of the family. And I
know that you’ll do the same to Derek.

-Narrator: Just then, Bear the Hymek Diesel arrived with a local, and honked his
horn for Edward’s assistance.

-Bear: Hey Edward! Sorry to interrupt you there, but I need you to help me bank my
train up Gordon’s Hill please.

-Edward: Certainly Bear. I’ll be right there.

-Narrator: As Edward started to make his way, Derek was impressed.

-Derek: Oh my word! Edward, you’re a banker?

-Edward: (Chuckles) That I am old chap! I know that does surprising, even for my
old age, but I’ve been helping to bank other engines up Gordon’s Hill for many
decades. Especially after Gordon stalled on it when he was still knew, hence why it
was named after him.

-Derek: (Intrigued) Really!

-Henry: It’s true Derek, Edward is the best banker there is. He’s always there to
help us when our trains are too heavy to get over the incline.

-Bear: And he never even breaks down or stops to call for help himself, as he
always puts himself out there to help us.

(Guards whistle blows, and Edward and Bear depart)

-Derek: Wow, now that is impressive how you’re able to overcome that adversity
Edward. Unfortunately, I don’t think I will, as my class always struggles when
banking trains or climbing hills.

-Bear: Ah, don’t let that discourage you Derek. Those are just stupid words. You’re
more powerful than you or those bastards on British Railways give you credit for.
Besides, you had that overhaul, so I think that’ll give you an extra advantage.

-Edward: Exactly! And you could even bank a heavy train up Gordon’s Hill someday.
And if you do, you’ll be the one to break that curse, and prove that the actions of
one can triumph over all that ridicule. Goodbye Derek, and have faith in yourself.

-Derek: Thank you Edward! Thank you Bear! Now that is reassuring. I just hope I
have what it takes.

-Henry: Oh I’m sure you do Derek. But sometimes instead of hoping, you just gotta
do it. Like I said, I myself was once in your position many years ago, and so was

-Narrator: Henry said, and told Derek, about his history in how he used to be a
poorly designed hybrid of Gordon’s class, an LNER A1 and a C1 Atlantic, that had
problems building up steam and getting sick at the worse moments, but through all
trials and tribulations, and after his first incident with the Flying Kipper,
became the successful engine he is today.

-Henry: And I’m sure Derek, you can prove that you are just as useful. And don’t
worry about Gordon & James. Tonight, I am going to have a talk with those jerks,
and tell them otherwise.

-Derek: Thank you Henry!

-Henry: Of course! Anyways, I have to get going, I’ll see you later. Goodbye Derek,
and remember what we said.

-Derek: Thanks Henry, I will.

-Narrator: And Henry puffed way, leaving Derek in thought.

(Cuts to Tidmouth Sheds at night)

-Narrator: That evening, Gordon & James were still complaining bitterly about Derek
again, and needless to say, the engines were quite appalled by their behavior.

-James: I just can’t understand why the Fat Controller had to buy that clap-
trapped, alligator looking diesel. He is just too smelly, ugly, and rather

-Gordon: And vulgar to. I mean the fact he just keeps breaking down at every moment
is such a joke.
-Douglas: Ock, 'ere we gang! Hating oan diesels again ur we ye twa?

-Gordon: What? No! I’ll have you know Douglas that I have a high respect for
diesels ever since my brother, Flying Scotsman visited, and helped me to get over

-James: Yeah, and I got over my racism after making peace with that Class 40 we
used to call Old-Stuck Up, right before his unfortunate demise.

-Percy: Okay, then where is all this grumbling coming from?

-Gordon: (Sighs) It’s Derek my dear Percy.

-Percy: Derek?

-Gordon: Yes! That diesel has been on our railway for a few days now, and all he
does is breakdown more than Bill & Ben, or even the trucks get into their usual

-James: Yeah, not to his shape is just so awkward, and bizarre, ew! I mean, like
look at him, his cab is far too narrow, and his front and back ends are like thin.
He’s like a deformed alligator, it makes me wonder if his designers were on drugs
when they built that gas guzzler.

-Thomas: Really you two. It’s bad enough you guys have to keep bad mouthing Derek
for a problem that is beyond his control, but to criticize him for his looks,
that’s shallow even for the two of you.

-James: Shallow! We’re just stating facts about him Thomas. He’s a disgrace to not
only this railway, but to even diesels in general.

-Gordon: Indeed! I mean, have you heard what happened, he broke down after he got
back from the Steamworks, but breakdown again, and Bill &
Ben, for once, had to help him. I know we all have to accept all engines of
different shapes, sizes, and classes, but I just don’t know why the Fat Controller
ever had to chose someone as diabolical as him and…


-Narrator: The engines looked up, and there came Henry, puffing onto the turntable,
and about to be switched into his berth.

-Henry: I can’t believe you both. You both have learned a lot about respecting
diesels in the past, back when it comes to Derek, you both are acting like your old
selves, and that is just really shallow and brutal, even for both of you.

-Thomas: Absolutely Henry! I can’t stand listening to this myself, and yet you two
have to be jerks, and pick at Derek for a design flaw that wasn’t even his fault,
and for his looks. Edward once said to see others for who they are on the inside,
not the outside.

-Duck: Exactly! I met Derek, and he is incredibly kind, and has actually worked
very hard and eager to work. Far more than I can say for both of you.

-Gordon: Well…I didn’t mean to upset all of you, but you all have to admit that

-Henry: It doesn’t matter Gordon. In fact, tell me two, has Derek been like those
horrid Mainland diesels that say a lot of cold comments?
-Gordon: Well…uh…no!

-Donald: Aye, 'n' haes he even played tricks, or haes boasted aboot how steam
engines ur oot o' date?

-James: Well…not exactly!

-Douglas: Then how come dae ye baith him tae thrash th' wee lad? Donnie 'n' ah hud
gotten ower oor prejudice tae diesels, 'n' actually git tae git tae ken Derek. Sae
how come can’t ye twa?

-Duck: Exactly! It wasn’t Derek’s fault that he was built that way. Not to mention,
none of us engines had ever asked, how and why we were built now have we?

-Gordon: No…they haven’t.

-Duck: Exactly! Plus, remember when BoCo first came to Sodor, you not were both
rude to him, but he had the same problems Derek had to.

-Thomas: Yeah, Derek wasn’t even that lucky! In fact, the poor guy was an outcast
on British Railways, and even the horrid diesels ostracized him, calling his
siblings an embarrassment to diesel kind, just like they did to BoCo or any of the
diesels that cared about steam engines like us.

-James: You don’t say!

-Thomas: I do James!

-Henry: Here, here! Plus, there are only two of the Class 17 Paxmans left. Derek’s
one of them. In fact, I’m surprised you both keep calling him a failure, yet you
both forget you are talking to a formerly failed engine right here tonight.

-Narrator: Gordon & James paused, trying to take in what henry said at that moment,
but then they gasped when they realized.

-James: Oh no Henry! We didn’t mean you!

-Henry: I know James. But don’t you see my point! You both have been so nasty to
Derek, yet, you both have forgotten I was in his position once to. Don’t you, and
especially you Gordon, have any idea how hard it was to even be pleased with
myself, or how hard I wanted to work, but got ill every worst moment, how I
struggled with my trains and ran late, and the absolute thrashing I got, despite
how all I wanted to do was work hard and please the Fat Director back then. The
same can be said for Derek. You both had made him feel hurt about himself, as we
all have fought against the arrogant and devious diesels years, and with Derek, you
both are repeating those actions, which is even worst.

-Narrator: Hearing that, Gordon & James now began to feel guilty.

-Gordon: Oh, Henry, we’re so sorry for being so insensitive. But now I can see how
Derek felt.

-Henry: Exactly! Plus, if you both were in Derek’s position, how would that make
you feel?

-James: We see your point Henry. In fact, tomorrow, when either of us see Derek,
we’ll apologize immediately when we see him.
-Henry: I should hope so. Anyways, let’s just get some rest.

-Gordon & James: Right!

-Narrator: And all the engines went to sleep, while and Gordon & James
finally began to consider their actions and felt very ashamed.

(Fades to Wellsworth the next day with Edward & Derek)

-Narrator: The next morning, as Derek was now feeling cheerful this time thanks to
Edward, Henry, and Bear’s kind words and moral support, Edward himself came to
speak with him.

-Edward: Morning Derek. Now, the Fat Controller says that he needs to organize the
yards for the time being, as I am pulling a morning passenger train today. BoCo
will handle the China Clay traffic. Can you manage the yards alone by yourself
while I’m busy?

-Derek: Absolutely Edward! You can count on me?

-Edward: Excellent! I am confident that you will do an excellent job. See you later

-Derek: By Edward, said the diesel confidently.

(Cuts to Knapford at the Shunting Yards, with James & Stanley)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, James was tasked to take a morning goods train today. As he
approached the yard, he could see Stanley having trouble organizing the trucks.

-James: Something wrong Stanley?

-Stanley: Yer’ll wanna be careful James, especially wen yer get to Gordon’s ‘ill.
Fese trucks ‘ave been right badly behaved lately.

-James: No kidding! Thanks Stanley! I’ll handle these lot just fine. And hopefully,
maybe I could be able to pull me some coaches after this.

-Stanley: (Chuckles) Well, we’ll see about that. Off yer go yer!

-Narrator: Stanley joked, as James puffed away with his mixed goods train. Though
looking after these trucks was only easier said than done.

(Shows James struggling on the Main Line, until he gets stuck on Gordon’s Hill)

-Narrator: James was soon out on the Main Line, and the trucks were already giving
him hell.

-Trucks: James is rusty and rather slow, so he’ll nearly crumble and blow.

-James: Oh shut up you cretins!

-Narrator: But then James came up the gradient of Gordon’s Hill, and he struggled
half way up, but the trucks were being so obnoxious, that the big red engine could
go no further.

-Trucks: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You can’t pull us, you can’t pull us!


-Narrator: Hearing that, the trucks subsided.

-James’s Driver: Okay James, calm down! No need for brutal threats! Besides, we’re
already in enough trouble as it is. We’re on the express line, and Gordon will be
coming through here any minute.

-James: Oh. Right.

-James’s Driver: I’d better call the signalman.

-Narrator: So James’s driver pulled out his cell phone, but hung up when he heard
some bad news.

-James’s Driver: The signalman says that Gordon was already scheduled through, and
has just passed the signalbox.

-James: Oh damn!

-James’s Driver: Yeah! So we’re gonna have to flag him down.

-Narrator: So James’s guard ran with his red flag in hand to warn Gordon. And when
Gordon saw the red flag itself, he was cross.

-Gordon: Oh bother, someone’s stalled on the hill on my line. If I stop now, I

won’t be able start…unless…yes, that might be an idea.

-Narrator: Gordon said as he headed up the gradient, and laughed even more to see
who it was that got stuck.

-Gordon: (Laughs) Well, well, well, isn’t this a dozy. Stuck on my hill again, eh,
James? Not only that, it seems like the last time, you’re gonna need help from
yours truly again.

-James: (Sarcastically) Ha, ha! You’re hilarious my friend. Now shut up and get
pushing, will you?

-Gordon: Oh relax James, don’t get your couplings in a twist. I’m sure I’m just as
strong to get both you, your dirty goods train, and my express over this dreaded

-Narrator: Gordon teased, as with enough momentum, he gently buffered up behind the
brake van, and his driver slammed the regulator, and Gordon used every ounce of
strength he had to pull and push both trains up his namesake hill.

-Gordon: (Pants) Come on! Come on! Come on! This can’t be any harder…isn’t it?

-Narrator: Realizing that it wasn’t enough, Gordon’s driver applied the brakes, and
the big blue engine stopped, with him and James, stranded on Gordon’s Hill with
their trains.

-James: Strong to get us both up the hill, huh? Well your plan failed genius!

-Gordon: Well don’t blame me James, how was I supposed to know!

-Gordon’s Driver: Well one things for certain, we’ll need a banker, or I’ll trains
will be late. I’ll call Wellsworth and see if they got an engine to help us.
(Cuts to Derek at Wellsworth)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Derek had finished shunting the trucks into their proper
sidings, and was feeling quite pleased with himself. As he was refueling, the
stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Derek, we have an emergency! Gordon and James are stranded on

Gordon’s Hill with their heavy trains, and they can’t go any further. You’re the
only one in the yard, so we’ll be needing your help.

-Derek: Me sir? But what if I breakdown, and I’ll get stranded there to?

-Laura: But what if you won’t? I know you’re nervous Derek, but you can do it.
Remember, the overhaul the Fat Controller gave you has prevented you from having
frequent breakdowns, and you are much stronger now to pull heavy trains. As well as
push them. Plus, remember what Edward, Henry and Bear said, well this might be your
chance to prove those who have ridiculed you wrong once and for all. I know you can
do it Derek, because I’ll be there with you. That’s a promise!

-Derek: You’re right Laura! I can’t doubt myself. At least I did try, but I won’t
give up. Let’s go!

(Shows Derek headed down the line to Gordon’s Hill where Gordon & James are)

-Narrator: So Derek headed down the line, determined to his best to help Gordon &
James. Once he reached there, he called out to the two big engines.


-Narrator: The two big engines were really concerned this time, as after Henry’s
scolding, they now began to care about Derek, and didn’t want him to strain

-James: Oh my, Derek, we’re all for it, really, but you could strain yourself.

-Derek: I might, but you two must get your trains through. I’ll try right now.

-Narrator: So Derek gently buffered up behind the brake coach of the express, and
pushed with all his might. But he struggled at first.

-Gordon: Oh no! Derek, please, you don’t have to do this. I don’t mean to be rude,
but you’re not powerful enough to get two engines up the hill. You’ll have to go
back and ask the signalman to send another engine like BoCo or Bear. Just don’t
overstrain your engine just for us.

-James: Yeah! We’ve already given you enough trouble as it is. And we’re really
sorry about that.

-Narrator: Derek was surprised, but flattered. It seemed Henry really did talk some
sense into those two, and really were good hearted. But he didn’t back down.

-Derek: Thanks you two, but I didn’t come this far to give up. I can do this, as I
believe I can. Now let’s do this chaps.

-Narrator: So Derek revved his engine once more, and this time, he put his mind to
it, and kept pushing firm, until at last, James’s wheels started turning, and so
did Gordon’s. And soon, the whole train, slowly but surely, was coasting up
Gordon’s Hill.
-Derek: Ha, ha! I can’t believe it! I’m doing it! I’m doing it! Ha, ha!

-James: Alright Derek! Woohoo! Yeah! Show them what you got!

-Gordon: Indeed! Full power! Full power!

-Narrator: Soon, James & Gordon were finally able to grip the rails, and they even
helped to, and the long train was picking up speed. The trucks, not wanting the
three snorting engines to ruin their plan, tried to hold back, but it was no use,
as the three engines strength was just too much for them to handle, they
immediately gave up. Derek’s engine kept on roaring, his engine straining, until at
last, Gordon, James, and their trains all made it over the hill.



-Derek: (Panting) Thanks you two!

-Narrator: The long cavalcade coasted down the hill, until at last, the reached
into Maron station, where many of the passengers were surprised to see the long,
but strange train pulling into the platform. Some students were nearby, and
couldn’t help but comment on the matter.

-Boy: Wow! What a strange train! An express train, and a goods train, packed

-Girl: They don’t usually come like this.

-Another boy: No, but I think that the diesel in the back was what brought them
there. He must be the strongest and most reliable engine, helping two the big
engines and their trains.

-Narrator: For once, Gordon and James just had to laugh.

-Gordon: It’s true kids. This diesel really is a very reliable engine, for without
him, we wouldn’t be on time right now.

-James: Indeed! So we have him to thank for that.

-Narrator: Derek smiled happily than he ever had since the day he came to Sodor.
Best of all, he finally won the respect of the big blue and big red engines.

(Cuts to Derek, Gordon, James, Edward, Henry and Bear at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: That night, Derek visited Tidmouth Sheds, where he was given a hero’s
welcome, and Gordon and James spoke to the Paxman diesel.

-Gordon: Derek, James and I would like to say how absolutely horrid and vulgar our
behavior has been since the day you arrived. We’re very sorry that we kept
ridiculing you both like that. It was quite frankly, well, disgraceful.

-James: Yeah, and Disgusting!

-Henry: (Sternly) And despicable to. But I’m glad you both learned your lesson.

-James: We have indeed Henry! Still Derek, thank you for helping us today, it was
just so incredible. I hope after this, we can finally bury the hatchet. Gordon and
I promise to never treat you or any diesels like that ever again.

-Derek: Thanks you two! And apology accept! Besides, you two do have good hearts
and are a lot kinder and mature than I’ve noticed.

-Gordon: Trust us, we’ve both had many misadventures that led us to who we are.

-Derek: I can understand that. Besides, I have experienced much worse behavior from
other steam engines that were pompous, and from some Mainland diesels that
constantly called me “improper”, and an embarrassment to their kind.

-James: (Laughs) Well I can assure you Derek that you are none of those horrid
insults, they are. Those horrid diesels are really the ones that are improper. In
fact, they’re the ones have given their kind a bad name. Like we have dealt with a
lot of those diesel jerks that just try to give us hell, but one thing they all
have in common, they failed miserably. (Laughs) Like this idiot 08 shunter that
tries to cause trouble for us so he can shut us down, and got sent away three

-Gordon: Indeed! And that snooty Class 40 that got a bowler hat clogging his air-
intake, and becoming sick as boiler sludge.

-Bear: Yeah! And I knew a whiny and delusional Class 46 that wanted everything his
way, and moaned for his fitter, but broke down, only to have the signalman threaten
that idiot with a freaking tin opener. And he really meant that by the way.

-Narrator: All the engines, even Derek, laughed out loud at that.

-Edward: But still Derek, you are a really useful engine, and we’re all very proud
of you. Being really useful has nothing to do with how you are built, it’s about
being honorable, kind, and always eager to do what’s right. It’s about the spirit
and willingness to work hard, help other in need, and not give up.

-Derek: Thank you Edward! Thank you all of you!

-TFC: You’re more than welcome Derek.

-Narrator: Said a well-known voice. It was the Fat Controller, who had arrived,
smiling proudly at the big green diesel.

-TFC: I’m very proud of you today Derek. Thanks to Edward, Henry and Bear, you were
able to push yourself beyond your limits, and prove that you are capable, flexible,
and very dedicated to what’s right. You are indeed a really useful engine, and I’m
happy to give you a place on my railway. As a reward, we will give you a new coat
of paint. And hopefully soon, with enough, money raised, we can finally give you
the proper overhaul my father had given BoCo all those years ago. Welcome to the
Northwestern Railway.

-Derek: Oh thank you sir! The honor is mine!

(Shows Derek now part of Sodor)

-Narrator: Soon Derek was repainted, and his coat glistening brighter than ever. He
works hard now, and only occasion he breaks down, but it’s not as bad as it was
back on the Mainland. He is very thankful for his new life on the Island of Sodor,
and is very good friends with everybody, especially with Gordon & James. Thanks to
him, he even scolds and keeps Bill & Ben in order just as well as Edward & BoCo
have. And it was thanks to the engines and the Fat Controller, they helped Derek to
overcome his bad experiences of bullying and ridicule in the past, and helped him
to feel more confident and cheerful about himself. As deep down, Derek knows that
the spirit of Sodor is in him, and he is glad to become a vital part of the
Northwestern Railway.

-Narrator: Recently the Thin Controller and the Fat Controller have been planning
on building a brand new slate quarry to serve both the Northwestern Railway and the
Skarloey Railway, that way the Skarloey engines wouldn’t have to take longer when
delivering slate from their usual quarry all the way to either the Transfer Yards
or even the Wharf, as slate is a valuable resource that their railway supplies. So
now the Fat & Thin Controller thought they could build a slate quarry so the
standard gauge engines can get their slate without having to wait, and it could be
done quicker. They decided to build a new quarry right below these high and ancient
mountains behind the Transfer Yards. It was a rocky mountainous terrain that
nobody, human nor engine, has set foot or rail in for centuries. But high up in
these mountains was a mysterious and oddly rounded boulder, that has stood there
alone for centuries. But as months passed, workmen were setting up railway lines
and different buildings in the area below. But because of the boulder, they had to
take extra precaution.

(Shows Rusty coming up to Oliver & Henry at the Transfer Yards)

-Narrator: One morning, Rusty the Little Diesel was bringing in some slate to the
Transfer Yards, where he met Oliver & Henry.

-Oliver: Hello Rusty! Where’s all this slate coming from?

-Rusty: This mountain rock is great for many things like the slate at the regular
quarry. Although we have to take precaution, as it is dangerous up there.

-Henry: Oh, why’s that, Rusty?

-Rusty: It’s because of this gigantic boulder, placed high up on a slope. I don’t
know, but I think it’s watching me and the workmen.

-Oliver: What? How can that be? Boulders are rocks, and rocks aren’t alive!

-Rusty: Well, Oliver, I know that does sound crazy, but there is something really
strange about this one, and its giving me and my driver the creeps.

-Narrator: And Rusty’s driver pulled out a picture he recently took of the
mysterious boulder, which really got the two green engines puzzled.

-Henry: Oh my god! That’s the boulder? Huh, looks rather strange to be honest. I
mean, no boulder would ever be that perfectly round, even if weathering and erosion
were doing its job for…who knows how long that thing has been around.

-Rusty: I know that does seem strange Henry, but that’s what makes me even more
suspicious. Skarloey told me that it had been around since prehistoric times on
Sodor. That the ancient Sudric tribes had carved it.

-Oliver: Why?

-Rusty: I don’t know. It could’ve been made as a booby trap, or for cult rituals,
nobody knows. We’d have to get a historian or archaeologist or something to figure
this out.

-Henry: True, because looking at this right now, I admit, it is rather creepy.

-Narrator: Just then, Marlin the Works Diesel came in, hauling a new piece of
machinery. The engines all stared in amazement at what they were seeing.

-Rusty: Oh, hello Marlin. What’s that?

-Marlin: More like who’s that, Rusty. This is Thumper. He’s a new quarry machine
that we created at the Steamworks. He’s built to collect and clear rocks faster.

-Henry: I see! Hello Thumper!

-Thumper: Yo dude, what’s up?

-Oliver: Um, we’re great (Looks at Marlin).

-Marlin: He also has a tendency to speak in American surfer lingo for some reason.

-Thumper: Yeah, like I was legitimately built like that for some reason. But
honestly, it is awesome, man.

-Rusty: (Giggles) That it is! Anyways, let’s get started.

(Cuts to Thumper working at the Quarry)

-Narrator: Soon Thumper was working hard in clearing away the rocks. The workmen
were pleased, but nobody even bothered to check the boulder, as apparently, the
part of the mountain that Thumper was drilling was right in it way. Rusty could see
this could only spell disaster, but the foreman in charge stubbornly wouldn’t

-Foreman: Oh pah! That boulder has stood up there for centuries. There’s no way it
would come loose. Even if it did, we’ll just use that quarry machine to tear it to

-Rusty’s Driver: You’re missing the point sir! We have to…

-Foreman: Oh I don’t wanna hear it, you and that rust bucket of a diesel have been
boring me to death enough as it is. Now take you’re stupid trucks and get out of

-Narrator: And the foreman stubbornly left without letting Rusty or his driver

-Rusty: Humph! What a rude foreman! And the Thin Controller put him in charge!

-Rusty’s Driver: I know. He even treats the quarry workers with disrespect, as I
heard he doesn’t pay them, he takes all the credit for himself, he’s very bad-
mannered, and just to overconfident and only focuses on his own image. But let’s
not worry about him Rusty, as if he does keep up with this stubborn attitude, he
could get fired.

-Rusty: True! Though my only concern right now is that boulder.

-Narrator: Rusty said nervously. But when it rained later on, the workmen were
dismissed and set off for home. They all packed up their tools and placed tarpaulin
on their machines, especially Thumper, then they climbed into Duke’s works train,
as he was ready to take them back. As they were headed back, Rusty and his driver
decided to examine the area for a bit. They were nervous, as they looked up and
shivered at the sight of the unusual boulder. But if that wasn’t enough, a large
slab of rock fell out of nowhere, right on the rails in front of them. Rusty was
shocked, and so was his driver, who made a decision.
-Rusty’s Driver: It’s best we leave until the weather’s better. Rain came sometimes
loosen rock.

-Rusty: Yeah, or I think it could be boulder. Sending us a message to leave, or

they’ll be trouble.

-Narrator: Rusty’s driver nodded, and they set off back for home.

(Rusty leaves, then shows a cold-looking stare on boulder)

-Narrator: The next morning, the rain passed and the sun shone, and everybody was
back at work. Thumper was working harder than ever, but the foreman was still just
was as ignorant as yesterday, that he still didn’t even bother to check the
boulder, despite Rusty and his driver, as well as the workmen’s warnings, as all he
cared about was the progress. But that all changed when Rusty noticed something.

-Rusty: Hey, lads, I think we better stop, the boulder is moving.

-Foreman: Hogwash! It can’t, it’s a stupid rock, it can’t move by itself you orange

-Rusty’s Driver: No he’s serious you idiot, LOOK!

-Narrator: And they were right. Thumper’s drilling, combined with the rain from
last night, loosened the rock that boulder was standing on, and it gave away.

(Boulder tumbles and falls onto the rails in front of Rusty)

-Rusty: (Sarcastically to the foreman) You were saying!

-Foreman: (Nervous grin) Oops! DANGER, CLEAR THE QUARRY!

-Narrator: The workmen cleared the quarry as fast as they could, when suddenly…

-Rusty: Oh no, the boulder…it’s moving towards us. RUN!

-Narrator: Rusty’s driver climbed back in, and set the reverser on full, and the
little diesel ran as fast as his wheels could carry him.

(Shows the boulder chasing Rusty)

-Narrator: Rusty kept running, until his driver saw some points the lead to a

-Rusty’s Driver: QUICK, IN THERE!

-Narrator: They stopped, and Rusty’s driver set the points, and got his engine in
just in time.

(Boulder passes them)

-Rusty’s Driver: Phew, that was a close one!

-Rusty: Yeah, but we’re not out of the woods yet driver, that boulder looks as if
its headed down to the Transfer Yards. We have to get down there before somebody
gets hurt…or worst.

-Rusty’s Driver: Okay, but how?

-Rusty: I don’t know, but let’s follow that thing and see what we can do. Phone the
Transfer Yards Manager up ahead to sound the alarm.

-Rusty’s Driver: Right!

(Fades to Peter Sam being chased by Boulder)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Peter Sam was shunting empty trucks on his train up to the
quarry, until he saw boulder coming though down his line.

-Peter Sam: OH NO! HELP!

(Shows the boulder chasing Peter Sam)

-Narrator: The boulder was now catching up fast. A shunter saw what was going on,
and with quick-thinking, had Peter Sam and his train switched into a siding that a
water tower next to it on a hill.

(Boulder thunders through and demolishes the tower, causing he debris to fall on
Peter Sam, then Rusty comes in)

-Peter Sam: OOF!

-Rusty: Peter Sam! Are you alright?

-Peter Sam: Yes! Just what are we going to do?

-Rusty: My driver phoned the yards, I just hope everybody clears out in time.

(Shows the boulder chasing after Rheneas)

-Narrator: Boulder was still running amok down the line when it rounded a bend, as
there ahead was Rheneas, who was most surprised.

-Rheneas: Oh no! It’s that giant boulder, and IT’S RUNNING LOOSE!

-Narrator: He cried! His driver pulled his reverser down, and he ran down the line
as fast as he could.

-Rheneas: HURRY! (Panting)

(Rheneas is switched into a siding and crashes through the buffers derailing, then
boulder thunders by)

-Rheneas: ARGH! OW! You alright driver?

-Rheneas’s Driver: Oh, yep, better a smash than a squash.

(Cuts to Oliver at the Transfer Yards)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Oliver was collecting trucks at the yards, when air raid
sirens blared out.

-Oliver: What’s going on?

-Narrator: He asked! But before his driver or fireman could answer, he saw the
boulder racing down and everything seemed to happen at once at that point.
-Oliver: Oh my god! That must be that boulder, Rusty showed me in that picture.

-Oliver’s Driver: Oh you’ll be fine old boy! It’s just that the boulder is headed
to the goods shed, loaded with dynamite, and fuel for the machines.

-Oliver: (Gasps) Oh god!

-Narrator: The workmen were running and screaming for dear life as fast as they
could, as Oliver shut his eyes, fearing for the worst.

(The boulder speeds down fast past Oliver, then crashes into the goods shed loaded
with dynamite and fuel, causing an explosion, then a fire)

-Narrator: Luckily, everybody had cleared the area just in time. Rusty arrived at
the scene, devastated by the damage that boulder had caused. The fire brigade
arrived and put out the fire, but the goods shed was destroyed, and there stood the
boulder, unscathed. The Fat & Thin Controller arrived to survey the area as it was
being cleared, but they spoke severely to the ignorant foreman responsible.


Regardless though, you have been nothing but an arrogant, stubborn, bossy, and very
ignorant man that is only obsessed with just doing the job, and not regarding

-TTC: Quite right Sir Topham! (To the foreman) You can forget about coming to work
from now on, as because of your incompetence and pride, you are fired! You can
start by packing your things and handing over your ID Badge, because I don’t want
your face seen on our railways again.

-Foreman: Yes sirs!

-Narrator: So the foreman handed in his badge and left, feeling distraught over the
damage he caused. Thumper who arrived on the scene felt bad though.

-Thumper: I’m sorry sirs! That dude, he kept bossing us around, and I kept on
drilling and…

-TTC: It’s alright Thumper, it wasn’t your fault. The good news is that there are
no causalities that’s for sure.

-TFC: Indeed so! Regardless, I still plan to build a standard and narrow gauge
slate quarry, but doing it from here and the Transfer Yards was probably a bad
idea. I’m closing off the “Boulder Quarry” as we’ll call it, and relocate to a
different area where both the standard and narrow gauge lines meet.

-Narrator: Then he looked suspiciously at the boulder.

-TFC: (Sighs) I think it’s better that we should’ve left this part of the island…

-Narrator: And both the Fat & Thin Controller left, pondering over the events,
while Rusty, still feeling traumatized, could only look at the boulder just as
suspicious as both controllers did.
(Shows boulder on a slope with Rusty looking up at it)

-Narrator: The mess in the Transfer Yards was clear, and the goods shed was being
rebuilt. Kelly the Crane had boulder moved to a small hill far away from the yards
and out of sight in the now abandoned boulder quarry where it can do no harm to
anyone or anything. However, Rusty would sometimes think of those events, and is
still suspicious about the ancient boulder, as he believes it’s possible it might
be alive. Maybe, he thought, “it could be an ancient spirit of the Island of
Sodor”. The little diesel is sure that on a clear night, a face could be shown, and
it is gazing high up at the mountains in the distance, and that its sighs are being
carried on the wind, where it once used to stand, proud and silent. I wonder if
Rusty is right, don’t you?

-Narrator: One morning, Rusty, Peter Sam, and their newest member, Ivo Hugh, were
headed to the slate quarry today. They were to work alongside Rheneas & Duncan in
transporting slate. As after the incident at the Boulder Quarry 2 years ago, the
Fat & Thin Controller were still set on creating a new slate quarry that would
serve for both standard and narrow gauge, that way the Skarloey engines don’t have
to constantly make long journeys to the yards at Crovans Gate or the Transfer Yards
to deliver slate to the standard gauge engines. In fact, they had searched high
near the Peel Godred Branch just a year after the incident, in have found a special
spot for a new quarry foundation, and called it the Blue Mountain Quarry. So named
for the how the rocks and mountains were all a slivery slate blue. Construction had
been going on even as we speak, just a month after both the Fat Controller’s
father, Sir Charles II, and the Reverend Wilbert Awdry had passed away, so this was
all dedicated in their memory. Another reason for transferring was that the old
slate quarry past Skarloey Station, and through the Old Iron Bridge where Duncan
was once spooked by a supposed ghost was getting old, and was going to be sold to
none other than the Ministry of Defense as a new ammunition base. So the engines
could still travel down the line there to collect slate until the Blue Mountain
Quarry’s construction was complete, which would take up to 5 or 6 years, according
to the Thin Controller. Now the engines liked working at slate quarries like this
one, but it’s no place to fool around, especially when working on the old incline
there. Now the incline is a large machine on the top of a hill that loads slate
trucks for the engines to take. It does so by bringing up the empty trucks to the
top with the cable on one side, while the other side would send loaded trucks down.
Because of their weight, the trucks on each side are attached to the same pulley
system, where the loaded trucks would be sent down, and bring the empties up. The
engines loved seeing the incline in action, but it is very serious, as no engine is
allowed to go up the incline, or to have trucks break away, especially after a long
line of loaded trucks crashed into Peter Sam in an attempt to get revenge on Sir
Handel. The engines of course, knew they had to take great care when working on the
incline. Well…except for one, you’d probably guess who that was. Duncan doesn’t
like working at the incline. As he would rather be doing something else, as he is
very impatient, and would rather get back to Crovans Gate to rest, feeling
overworked, and doesn’t stand it. And I’m sorry to say, this makes him careless,
and gets him into all sorts of mischief.

(Shows Duncan confronting Rusty, Peter Sam, and Ivo Hugh)

-Narrator: Rusty hoped Duncan would stay out of trouble today, but hope only goes a
long way.

-Duncan: A'richt ye lot! A'm a plain blunt engine, 'n' ah speak whin ah say,
collect yer bloody slate trucks 'n' be quick aboot it.

(Duncan departs)
-Ivo Hugh: Humph! Bossy boiler!

-Peter Sam: Well he seems in a right mood. Even more than how bad Sir Handel has
been right not.

-Rusty: Take no notice of him lads. It’s just him moaning like usual. He just
thinks he’s overworked again and wants to go back to the junction and get it over
with it. It’s better to ignore him and just carry one like normal.

-Narrator: Rusty assured them kindly, as he and the two engines set to work.

(Cuts to Duncan complaining to Skarloey, Rheneas and Ivo Hugh)

-Narrator: Even though the engines were carrying on like they normally would,
Duncan was still growing even more rude and impatient than ever. He wanted
everybody to work faster.

(Duncan biffs a truck)

-Duncan: Ah don’t believe ye a'. You’re a' suppose tae be helping me, bit you’re as
slow as snails.

-Rusty: That’s because we’re proper engines Duncan. We follow the rules. Something
you lack!

-Duncan: Weel thae “rules”, ur making mah life difficult.

-Ivo Hugh: But we’re supposed to follow them aren’t we? I mean, that’s we’re
supposed to do right.

-Duncan: Aye, you got to think for yourself Ivo. That’s what a really useful engine

-Rheneas: I don’t think you get the point the Duncan. We have to follow them, and
learn from them, to gain common sense. This attitude is exactly why you have
accidents at this place daily. And if you keep up this up, the Thin Controller and
the Ministry of Defense will really be infuriated, as for them, this is the last

-Duncan: Weel it's nae mah fault ah hae thae bloomin' accidents. Thay juist wantae
overwork me, ah git na rest.

-Rusty: Well you won’t if you keep whining.

-Duncan: I’m nae whining! Juist wirk faster, is that sae hard. Ah git better hings
tae dae this crap!

-Narrator: And Duncan biffed his slate trucks and stormed off in a huff.

-Ivo Hugh: Wow! I know I’ve only known all of you for 2 years since I was built,
but I get have a hard time going up to Duncan. He just seems so stubborn, and rude,
and grouchy.

-Rusty: Take no notice Ivo. I’ve known him longer than anyone since the day we met.
Duncan’s always like that sure, but he does mean well and has a really good heart.
He just like it when things go his way, and always tried to rebel to prove his
point. But he does admit when he’s wrong and will try to make amends.

-Rheneas: Indeed! And look on the bright side Ivo, at least he’s not as bad as Sir

-Ivo Hugh: Ugh! Don’t remind me! To be honest, I’m more afraid to go up to Sir
Handel than I am with Duncan. At least like you said, Duncan is a little bit more
friendlier, he just complains a lot. But Sir Handel just has an opinion on anything
and everything, and honestly, I don’t think he really likes me all that much.

-Rheneas: Well you’re right about that Ivo. Now that you mentioned it, Sir Handel
has been a lot more repulsive and cynical lately than usual.

-Rusty: You don’t say. Even after he caused Kirby’s accident 4 years ago, he still
seems so selfish and stubborn more than Duncan has. But then again, Duncan would
never go that far, but I guess we’ll just have to keep an eye on Sir Handel if he
causes anymore trouble. Anyways, we better get back to work before Duncan keeps
throwing a hissy fit.

(Rusty leaves, then shows Duncan biffing around the yards)

-Narrator: Duncan was still going on relentlessly, and his attitude was becoming
more unbearable. He was working hard to get the job over and done with, but his
driver kept holding him back, and even the foreman or workmen would scold severely.
But then, Duncan had an idea, that he think might work and could benefit the
workload, and so he can go back to the junction.

-Duncan: Ah aye! Noo ah git it!

-Peter Sam: Got what Duncan?

-Duncan: Ah ken whit th' kinch is 'n' how come progress is taking sae slow.

-Peter Sam: Oh really, like you being lazy (Chuckles).

-Duncan: (Sarcastic laugh) Na! Baith ye lot taking sae slow, 'n' ainlie filling up
a bare minimum o' 4 or 5 trucks up th' incline.

-Skarloey: Well that’s because Duncan, that’s the right limit. Rheneas and I have
worked here longer, and the first rule of the incline is, it can only pull up 5
trucks, nothing more. Anything over will cause the cable to snap.

-Duncan: Pah! Rubbish! We juist haven’t tested that yit, as th' ainlie wey we kin
finish it quicker is if we used 10 slate trucks.

-Narrator: Skarloey, Peter Sam, and Rusty all look at each other in shock, and

-Rusty: You’re joking, right Duncan? 10 slate trucks? That’s dangerous!

-Duncan: Nonsense! Ye a' ur juist bin a bunch o' cowardly, goodie-two wheels that
ur afraid tae tak' chances, git messy, mak' mistakes! In fact, i’m gonnae provide a
field test. Ta-ta!

(Duncan leaves)

-Peter Sam: (Groans) Oh dear, he’s lost it!

-Thumper: He sure has dude!

-Narrator: Thumper said drilling nearby, as he overheard everything.

-Skarloey: Duncan is really just being incredibly selfish right now by getting this
job over with, he’s really ignoring his common sense.

-Thumper: Like I know how you feel dude. That Duncan, was like a totally uncool
dude. He kept bossing me around about loading his slate trucks man. Like he’s gotta

-Rusty: You and me both Thumper. But trust us, we’ve known Duncan for a long time,
and to “chill” is really not the kind of word to describe him.

(Fades to Duncan at the incline, while Rheneas and Ivo Hugh are watching)

-Narrator: Later, when working at the incline, Duncan put his plan into action.

-Duncan: Haw, haw! Noo I’ll shaw ye a' how fast really useful engines lik' me git
th' jab dane.

-Narrator: And Duncan thoughtlessly bumped one slate truck into another, and then
another, and then another. And after 6 more trucks were bumped in line, Duncan has
his long line of 10 slate trucks.

-Duncan: Haw! Ye see! Nothing tae it!

-Rheneas: Uh-oh!

-Ivo Hugh: Um...Duncan! I don’t think that’s right!

-Duncan: Och go ahead 'n' be sic a goodie-two wheels Ivo, because ah ken whit I’m
daein' 'ere.

-Rheneas: No he’s right Duncan. Ivo may be young, but he’s no infant. In fact,
after the way you bumped those slate trucks, they might pay you back real soon.

-Duncan: Och please! Ah kin manage bloody slate trucks, thank ye very much!

(Duncan leaves, then shows the other engines leaving)

-Narrator: Now unlike the trucks on the standard gauge railway, the narrow gauge
trucks, especially the slate ones are always very well-behaved, and don’t even dare
to cause trouble for an engine. However, if an engine like Duncan or Sir Handel
mistreats them, they become determined to pay them out. And the slate trucks at the
quarry right now were set on getting revenge on Duncan for his thoughtless abuse
towards them. And not a moment to sooner they thought, as Duncan was so proud of
his tactic of biffing the trucks into a line of 10, he became conceited, and kept
boasting to any engine in the yard that came by. The other engines could see that
Duncan was even more stubborn than ever, so they carefully left with their slate
trucks bound for their specific locations.

(Cuts back to Duncan at the incline again)

-Narrator: That afternoon, Duncan was still up to no good, as he was preparing to

shunt another line of 10 trucks up the incline. Needless to say, his arrogance was
getting to him.

-Duncan: (Smirks) Noo, I’ll shaw that know-it-all diesel, 'n' those lazy steamers.

-Duncan’s Driver: Be careful old boy. If you keep this impatient attitude up,
you’ll be asking for trouble.
-Duncan: Pah! What’s th' wirst that kin happen?

-Narrator: Of course, worse things could always happen, as what Duncan didn’t know
was that he was so desperate to get the job done so he can back to Crovans Gate,
that him rushing and bumping the trucks around caused his front coupler to get
tangled between him and the first truck. The Slate Trucks knew this, but said
nothing, and decided to use this to their advantage. As the incline began to pull
upward, Duncan soon found himself being pulled up with them.


-Slate Trucks: (Laughing) WE GOT YOU NOW, WE GOT YOU NOW! (Laughing)

-Narrator: No sooner had Duncan and his trucks had been pulled up the incline,
Rusty, arrived and saw everything. Duncan’s driver and fireman tried to put the
brakes on, but it wasn’t strong enough against the winch. They knew what was gonna
happen and jumped clear.


-Rusty’s Driver: Don’t blame yourself Rusty. This is Duncan we’re talking about, he
never listens!

-Rusty: Oh damn, this is bad! (To the foreman) Isn’t there anyway to get him down
from there?

-Foreman: Afraid not! The incline’s winch is automatic, there’s no of stopping it,
even if Duncan wasn’t on that thing!

-Rusty: Uh-oh!


-Narrator: Duncan wailed helplessly, as the trucks were smirking and laughing as
they kept going up. But thanks to the extra weight of the past 10 trucks Duncan
shunted up, this lot, as well as Duncan himself being coupled on by accident, was
feeling the strain. And when they got to the very top, the cable holding the first
truck in front couldn’t take the strain, and it suddenly SNAPPED! Duncan, and his
trucks, plummeted down the incline.


(Duncan is switched into a siding outside the quarry, and crashes through a wall
and falls down)

-Duncan: (Goofy holler)

(Duncan and the trucks land in a mucky swamp)

-Duncan: (Groans with mud in his voice) Glub, glub, glub! Buggle mah boiler!

-Narrator: Duncan groaned. Now the Scottish engine felt both very foolish…and

-Swamp Owner: Hey!

-Narrator: Shouted a man in nearby cottage!

-Swamp Owner: Whit urr ye daein' in mah swamp?

-Duncan: (Groans) Uh-oh!

-Narrator: Duncan groaned beneath the mud. Soon, Rusty and the workmen arrived with
the Breakdown Train to help clear the mess. Terence the Tractor, who had been
working nearby, could only laugh.

-Terence: Well I never thought I'd see you takeng a swim Duncan. I suppose dat
mucky water, ‘ad really cooled you down ‘as it.

-Narrator: Duncan just said nothing, as Terence from a distance pulled him out of
the swamp, then onto the hill where Rusty was with the Breakdown Train, which
loaded the disgraced Duncan onto a flatbed.

(Shows Duncan at the Steamworks where the other engines are laughing at him)

-Narrator: Later, Rusty shunted Duncan to the Steamworks, where there waiting were
Rheneas, Peter Sam, Ivo Hugh, and a very cross Thin Controller, but like Rusty,
even they just couldn’t help but laugh at Duncan’s mishap.

-TTC: (Trying to recover from laughing) Well Duncan, I see a mud bath has really
cooled you down finally after all that anger you had in wanting to get the job done
hasn’t it.

-Narrator: Duncan couldn’t even think of a sensible to thing to say.

-TTC: (Sternly) But regardless though, I’m sure that today’s incident has really
taught you a jolly good lesson. You have been a very irresponsible and repulsive
engine. Your impatience and selfishness has caused a great deal of trouble, and you
have been very bossy to the engines and workmen. Nobody has been overworking you at
all, you’re just being selfish. In fact, you can start right now by apologizing to
these engines for your constant boasting and rudeness.

-Duncan: Aye sur! I’m sorry a'body, fur how awful I’ve bin! I’ve acted lik' a jerk!

-Rheneas: (Smirks) Indeed you have!

-Ivo Hugh: Yes! There was no big deal Duncan, you would’ve gotten the job done
anyway, and still would’ve been back at the junction.

-TTC: Well said Ivo, I couldn’t have put it better myself in fact. (To Duncan) So
Duncan, once you’re cleaned and repaired, you will start taking our advice as you
will be working at the Slate Quarry until you have learned to be patient,
courteous, and careful.

-Duncan: Yes sur!

-Narrator: Said Duncan gloomily. And after that, Duncan learned its better to
actually do whatever job is given to him without trying to rush to get the job
done. Because after his double dip, I think he’s learned a thing or too about
common sense…don’t you?

(Opens with a montage of the Skarloey Railway)

-Narrator: The Skarloey Railway has been one of the most successful and popular
railways on the Island of Sodor, just as popular as the standard gauge,
Northwestern Railway. It is a special narrow gauge railway with a heart of gold
that has been around for many decades, with the most beautiful sights, as well as
the most famous engines that are just as famous as the Northwestern’s engines.
There are the founding engines, Skarloey & Rheneas, the wise old sages that have
been on the Island of Sodor more than any engine to date. There is also Peter Sam,
the cheerful and friendly optimist, Rusty, the kind-hearted and tame maintenance
diesel, Duncan, a grumpy engine with a bad temper, but a good heart, Duke, another
wise old engine that once ran the old Mid-Sodor Railway, and their recent addition,
Ivo Hugh, the youngest, and most purest and friendliest engine that is always
striving to work hard. They really were a successful and dynamic fleet that was
beloved and cherished by many people on Sodor or far and wide. They know everybody,
and everybody knows them. However, there is one engine in the Skarloey Railway
fleet that I’m sorry to say, is not exactly liked that much by everybody, as he
doesn’t really like anybody but himself, and is anything but pleasant as the other
engines are.

(Shows Sir Handel’s shenanigans)

-Narrator: Sir Handel, who once used to be called Falcon back when he worked on
Mid-Sodor, is a blue narrow gauge engine with an incredibly unpleasant attitude. He
is known for being an engine with a high superiority complex, as he always thought
him above everyone else, and was not afraid to show that, as he was always very
arrogant, pompous, rude, stubborn, and incredibly bad-tempered. Unlike other
engines who only do what their told for the sake of passengers and goods clients,
Sir Handel is a very selfish and inconsiderate engine that only cares about his own
needs and wants, and coldly pushing everyone aside only so he can get his way,
disregarding others thoughts or feelings. He’s an engine that feels he should be in
charge, and would always try to boss others around, and this would even put him at
odds with even the Thin Controller, who honestly didn’t really like Sir Handel that
much, as he was always very conceited and arrogant, boasting about an “important
engine” such as himself should have his needs and wants before others, and the Thin
Controller would always punish him severely every time he tried to rebel against
his authority. Other engines have tried to be kind to him, but even though they do,
Sir Handel is just rude to them for no reason, and thoughtlessly giving anybody in
his sight very hurtful insults or criticizing them harshly, which in return, the
other engines, the coaches, the trucks, and even the people really don’t like him
due to his selfish and mean-spirited attitude, and question if he even has a heart
somewhere in his stubborn boiler. Just whatever anybody tried to do, Sir Handel was
too much of overwhelming handful due to his uppity, rebellious and bad-tempered
attitude that would always try to rebel just to get only his point across, and I’m
sorry to say that one autumn in 1998, he went too far.

(Show James & Sir Handel at Crovans Gate)

-Narrator: One morning, James was waiting at Crovans Gate for a connecting service
between him and Sir Handel. The red engine was determined to be on time today, but
for some odd reason, Sir Handel himself, didn’t even show.

-James: ARGH! Oh my god! Where the hell is he? It’s already 20 minutes, and that
egotistical maniac hasn’t even shown up.

-Narrator: No sooner did James say that, he heard a familiar and pompous whistle.

-James: (Groans and speaks deadpan) Oh great, here comes his royal highness.

-Sir Handel: I heard that you rusted, red piece of rubbish.

-Narrator: And in pulled Sir Handel, even more disgruntled than ever.

-Sir Handel: Get a move on you peasants.

-James: Hey! Don’t speak to your passengers like that Sir Handel! And for that
matter, don’t speak to me like that.

-Sir Handel: You watch your tongue their James. I do not care for such matters. You
get to pull beautiful nice and shiny coaches, while I’m left with these filthy,
outdated cattle trucks.

-Coaches: JERK!

-Sir Handel: Don’t speak when you’re all spoken to!

-James: Whoa! Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the shed. I mean,
you aren’t really taking any of our matters seriously. You’re 20 minutes late you
jerk! What gives?

-Sir Handel: It wasn’t my fault…you jerk! My driver woke me up to get to this

passenger train, and all I wanted was to have my beauty sleep, but he insisted I
pull this train for these passengers, or he’d threatened to tell the Thin
Controller and put me on goods work.

-James: Beauty sleep? You delayed my train just for the sake of beauty sleep? What
the hell’s wrong with you? I mean, yeah, I don’t mind some shut-eye myself, but
even I gotta do what’s right for others. Same to you, the Fat Controller and his
predecessors had always taught me that, and 3 years ago, Thomas even taught me that
making others happy, will make me happy to. The same could even be said for you!
Instead of taking your anger out on everybody and focusing on other’s needs, and
that we have to be flexible and responsible.

-Sir Handel: Oh poppycock! I don’t even care about that, the only thing that will
make me happy is if I could be in charge of the railway, doing whatever I wanted,
whenever I wanted, and everybody doing what I say!

-Narrator: James was appalled by Sir Handel’s behavior. He knew that he and Gordon
had their selfish moments in the past, and though they’ve matured, their arrogant
behavior was never anything compared to Sir Handel’s.

-James: You little rotten bastard. That’s no way to speak, besides, you can’t even
be in charge, you’re just an engine like me. We’re all equal. I’m only trying to do
my job and run on time, and all you can do is insult others and whine about

-Sir Handel: Well why you are so persistent about being on time anyway James?

-James: Four reasons! One, because it’s for the sake of the passengers, not us,
two, you must never keep a guaranteed connection service waiting, especially a Main
Line train, as that disrupts the timetables! Three, this helps provide money to
keep our railway, and us running, and four, (Sighs and calms down)… for a more
sediment reason, not only for the values Thomas & the Fat Controller taught me, I
made a promise to myself last year after the Thin Clergyman, Wilbert Awdry, and the
Fat Controller’s father, Sir Charles Topham Hatt II, passed away last year. It’s
that I would do my best to be a responsible, reliable, and really useful engine
that does my job the best I can and on time to.

-Sir Handel: Humph! I never thought I’d hear that coming from you James. I don’t
really care that some to old fools had passed away!

-James: (Angry) What?

-Sir Handel: I met that overweight controller of yours. Both your current one, and
his father, Sir Charles, and I don’t understand why those oversized controller of
yours would even be running your pathetic railway.

-James: (Gasps)

-Sir Handel: I just do not like his tone, that strict tone of his.

-James: You bastard! That’s the same way you feel about your own controller, and
their being strict for a legitimate reason! Being strict is to let you know when
you’ve done something wrong.

-Sir Handel: Well there the ones that are wrong my dear engine. And as for Wilbert
Awdry, who gives a damn about him? That old, pacifist fool is better buried under
dead if you ask me.

-Narrator: James was furious! And so were both their crews, and the coaches, and
even the passengers that were disembarking for James’s train. But no sooner did Sir
Handel vent like that, Skarloey arrived, appalled by Sir Handel’s cold comments.





(Guard’s whistle blow)


-Narrator: And James puffed both angrily away.

-James: (To himself) Humph! And they say I’m the stuck up one.

-Skarloey: (Calms down) I am very ashamed with you Sir Handel! We’ll talk about
this tonight!

-Narrator: As Skarloey’s passengers boarded, the elderly engine left, leaving Sir
Handel fuming even more.

-Sir Handel: (To himself) We’ll talk about this tonight. I have no interest.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Oh no, we are gonna talk about this tonight Sir Handel! You
have been acting like an insufferable, anti-social brat for some time, and you have
already caused enough tension today with your selfishness, now come one!

-Narrator: And Sir Handel’s driver drove the pompous engine, much to Sir Handel’s

(Cuts to James talking to the other engines at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: That night at Tidmouth Sheds, James told the other engines everything
that happened that morning with Sir Handel’s behavior, and his really cold-hearted

-Thomas: He said what?

-James: I know! That’s exactly what I was thinking Thomas!

-Gordon: Well I never! It seems as that Sir Handel is even worse than usual. I know
that you and I, James, we’ve had our moments of being boastful and selfish, but we
always cared for others and always saw what we did wrong, and we always tried to
make up for it.

-Edward: Indeed! Because unlike Sir Handel, you both have come a long way over the
years, as you both are very good-hearted and caring of everyone, and knew when you
went over the line.

-James: Thanks Edward! I appreciate that, but Sir Handel, it’s like he doesn’t care
at all. I mean, the guy is so cynical, I even wonder if he even has a heart.

-Gordon: It’s hard to tell sometimes James. I’ve noticed his behavior in recent
years whenever I reach my connecting service at Crovans Gate. It seems lately, his
behavior seems to be getting really out of control, but even we never acted that
high and mighty as he did. The things he says and does are just disgraceful!

-James: Yeah, and disgusting!

-Henry: Despicable! To think that little blue brat can treat others that way!

-Thomas: Yeah, and to think he can even be that inhumane to say such things about
our controllers, including our current controller’s late father, Sir Charles, and
the great Reverend W. Awdry, well, that just makes me sick.

-Percy: But why would he say all those horrible things?

-James: (Sighs) I don’t know Percy! But whatever his reasons are, it can’t be good.

-Percy: Yeah, and to think that little blue jerk had caused Kirby’s accident when
he was still new here. I mean Kirby may have been overconfident and haughty, but
not like that. But then he makes things worse by tricking him into taking that
whole train of 50 trucks, and getting Kirby involved in that accident that nearly
got him and his crew killed.

-Henry: Yeah, and whenever he does something bad, he usually feels no remorse, and
only the Thin Controller can put him in his place.

-Toby: That’s true Henry, but even after he does, Sir Handel just goes back to
acting like spoiled brat. Not to mention, no matter how many times we try to be
polite, he barks hurtful insults at us, and always complains when he doesn’t get
what he wants. I mean, that is so immature and immoral.

-Gordon: Indeed! He just doesn’t seem to appreciate anything about life in general.
But the question is; why is he is so outspoken and arrogant? I mean, what could
even be the cause for him to act that way, or even say such heinous things about
our controllers, and Wilbert Awdry?

-Thomas: Good point Gordon. I mean, usually there’s gotta be some motivation behind
-Bear: Motivation behind what Thomas?

-Thomas: Oh?

-Narrator: The engines looked, and there was Bear, coming in to visit the engines
for a bit.

-Henry: Oh, evening Bear! What brings you hear?

-Bear: Oh, I was just finished with a night passenger train, and I just thought I’d
stop by and chat with you lot for a bit. Hope you don’t mind?

-Edward: Oh, not at all Bear, we enjoy your company.

-James: Yeah, especially after today.

-Bear: Today? In fact, I overheard you all a little bit as I was coming in,
debating about something, what’s wrong?

-Narrator: The engines told Bear everything about Sir Handel’s actions that

-Bear: Oh my god, Sir Handel said all those horrible things?

-James: He sure did Bear. He was insufferable.

-Toby: It just seems Sir Handel cares more about himself instead of anything else.

-Bear: Yeah, that is something to make an engine seethe in fury.

-Edward: Indeed! We know Sir Handel has been pushing it with his attitude for far
too long. But if he keeps this behavior up, he could get into serious trouble even
more than his past mishaps.

-Gordon: What do you mean Edward?

-Edward: Well, if both the Fat & Thin Controller find out about what Sir Handel
said, they might give him an even worse punishment that could be the one thing to
really breakthrough to his smokebox and convince him what he’s doing is wrong. But
the only logical thing we can do is ignore him, which will make him look like an
even bigger fool.

-James: That may be easier said than done Edward. As unfortunately, I gotta take my
afternoon local service tomorrow, and once at Crovans Gate, I have exchange
passengers with of all engines…Sir Handel. He’s probably gonna be even worse than
ever, and I would try, but a lot of the things he said when make any engine boil.

-Percy: Plus, you do tend to lose your temper all the time James. So imagine if you
went up against Sir Handel again, that would add more fuel to the fire (Chuckles)

-James: (Sarcastically) Ha, ha, ha! Very funny Percy, real hilarious. If you think
you’re such a comedian, maybe you should confront that pompous bugger maybe that
would lighten him up.

-Bear: (Chuckles) Okay, that’s enough you two. Don’t worry James, I have an idea,
what we swapped jobs for tomorrow?

-James: Swap jobs?

-Bear: Yeah, you can handle my jobs, while I do your jobs, including your local
service tomorrow afternoon and deal with Sir Handel. Though it will include trucks
though. You won’t mind right?

-James: Of course not Bear. Only if it’s on special occasions.

-Bear: Great! Plus, since some these are goods deliveries to the Mainland. So at
least the runs can help clear your smokebox, while I take care of Sir Handel.

-James: That’s awfully nice, thank you Bear. But are you sure about this? Dealing
with Sir Handel?

-Bear: No worries James. I’ll make sure I have a word with that jerk. I’ve dealt
with many pompous engines back on the Mainland that were just as bad as him, like
Spamcan, and I always stand my ground when dealing with those gits. I won’t stand
for how he’s been treating all of us, so I’ll deal with him personally, and make
sure he doesn’t insult you or anyone else.

-Thomas: Well, if you’re sure than Bear.

-Gordon: I’m sure he is Thomas. Bear is big enough and strong enough to not let Sir
Handel’s nonsense get to him.

-Edward: Yes indeed, but be careful when you deal with him tomorrow Bear. Like I
said, if he says or does anything, just ignore him.

-Bear: Don’t worry Edward. I don’t get bothered by insults that much, so I’ll make
sure not to let him get to me.

(Cuts to Sir Handel arguing with the Skarloey, Rheneas, Peter Sam, Duke and Rusty
at the Skarloey Railway Sheds)

-Narrator: At the same the standard gauge engines were having their debate about
Sir Handel, the narrow gauge engines of the Skarloey Railway were all confronting
Sir Handel himself about his behavior. Duncan & Ivo Hugh were not present that
night, as they were sleeping somewhere else, but that was okay, as the others
didn’t want them deal with Sir Handel’s attitude anyway.

-Skarloey: Sir Handel, you have been behaving horribly ever since the day you first
came to our railway, you have been nothing but outspoken, pompous, rude, selfish,
and very nasty to everybody, and for no reason I might add except for this
superiority complex you enforce on the other engines. Then you get into all these
horrible mishaps because you want to prove your point. Derailing yourself on
purpose, pretending to be ill, your confrontations with George, jamming your
whistle, causing Kirby’s accident, damaging your fire bars, but today, those events
were nothing compared to this. Speaking horribly about the dead like that after
your argument with James, that is just outrageous, even for you. I’d like to ask

-Sir Handel: (Angry) Why? Well, like I said about Fat Hatt, I never liked him being
strict with me like that, the same with the Thin Controllers.

-Rheneas: You never like it when people are being strict with you, despite the fact
you’re being deliberately difficult.

-Sir Handel: No! You all are! Making my life hell!

-Peter Sam: We’re not Sir Handel, we’re trying to help you.
-Rheneas: Yes, but we’ll ask about that later. Just, what about the Reverend Awdry.
Where’s this grudge you have against him coming from all of a sudden?

-Skarloey: Exactly! The Thin Clergyman is a marvelous man that has cared for all of
us engines, just like our controllers. In fact, it was thanks to his books, he made
all of us the famous engines we are now. The whole Island of Sodor wouldn’t get the
vast amount of tourists from all over the world that it does today. He even made
you famous to Sir Handel, as he does care about you though.

-Sir Handel: Famous! More like infamous! You don’t know the whole story here
Skarloey! That old fool never wrote one good story about me.

-Skarloey: What do you mean?

-Sir Handel: What I mean is that every story he wrote about every inadequate engine
on this island got a good story, except me. Even after the mishaps of some of the
standard gauge engines, they get a redemption story, including that filthy Scot
Duncan. But what do I get? Nothing! You hear me, nothing! Worse of it all,
everybody that comes to visit our railway always point fingers at me, and they even
dread going into my train. They try to be nice, but I do not tolerate nice, as
they’re just gonna tell me what to do.

-Peter Sam: (Angry) Well nobody is like that you judgmental JERK! You think
everything in life is so horrible, but that’s because you’re an arrogant, pig-
headed and selfish idiot that thinks everything should go your way. WELL YOU’RE

-Narrator: The engines, even Sir Handel, were quite taken aback. None of them had
ever expected Peter Sam to lose his temper like that.

-Sir Handel: Wrong? WRONG? Well if anybody here is wrong, it’s you Peter Sam,
you’re so, oh look, everything’s all happy and good, and you go around the line,
la-de-da, while you’re completely clueless to the world around you, and I do the
real work.


-All Engines: (Gasps)






-Duke: (Angry) ENOUGH!

-Narrator: Now all the engines went silent.

-Duke: (Sternly) Both of you, stop it!

-Narrator: They did! But both Peter Sam & Sir Handel were still eying each other
with anger.

-Duke: (Sighs Calmly) Peter Sam, I understand you’re upset, but you should know
better than to let you’re temper get the better of you like that.

-Peter Sam: (Crying) I’m sorry everyone!

-Duke: It’s okay Stuart. (Sternly to Sir Handel) As for you Falcon, that was
extremely uncalled for. The fact you would even talk to Peter Sam like that, an
engine who’s been nothing but a brother to you. And the fact you would do all these
things right now, I am so ashamed of you.

-Skarloey: We all are Duke.

-Rusty: Same here, just I don’t understand Sir Handel, why are you always so angry?


-Skarloey: Sir Handel, enough! Stop yelling! You nearly started a riot with your
argument with Peter Sam, and the poor engine is hurt thanks to you. I’m glad Ivo
Hugh isn’t here to listen to this. He’s so young, I don’t think he would even grasp
being in an intense argument. And I can’t begin to think what Duncan might say
either after what you said about him, as he and the other engines got redemption
stories because they did the right thing out of the kindness in their hearts. But
you haven’t, and have done nothing to benefit anybody but yourself. You never
learned anything nor changed. If you think you’re unappreciated, than you should
wake up, and see what reality is really like for you.

-Duke: I couldn’t have put it better myself Skarloey. Falcon, I don’t want to hear
another word from you tonight. You have already done enough damage as it is with
this self-righteous and cynical behavior. On behalf of all the engines, I want you
to calm down, stop, and think about everything you have said and done, not just
tonight, but your behavior these past few years. It’s time you start to think about
the well-being and mentality of others around you. So stop this behavior right now
before it goes too far, because if you carry on like this, it will only get worse.

-Sir Handel: Humph! I will do as I please, and I don’t need to spend my time
arguing with all of you…good night!

-Narrator: And Sir Handel puffed back in the sheds, and angrily went to sleep. The
others just sighed, and they all went sadly to sleep to, worried about would happen
if Sir Handel continued behaving this way, and hoping things would not get as worse
as they already had today.

(Cuts to the next morning at the Sheds)

-Narrator: The next morning, Sir Handel was still in a bad mood. He refused to
listen to anybody, and was too stubborn to pull his passenger train.
-Sir Handel’s Driver: Come on Sir Handel! We’ve all had enough of this.

-Sir Handel: No, I’m tired, let Peter Sam go. He’d love it!

-Narrator: Peter Sam, still furious at Sir Handel, said nothing. But his driver
stood firm.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Oh will you just stop already. Your behavior has already been
outrageous as it is, and what you said to Peter Sam was uncalled for. Now stop
acting like a brat, and let’s go!

-Narrator: So he and the fireman got in the cab, and moved a reluctant Sir Handel
from the shed. Peter Sam still looked gloomily at his buffers, hurt by Sir Handel’s
outburst. Skarloey understood this.

-Skarloey: Don’t listen to him Peter Sam, you’ve worked harder than anybody, and
you always help put a smile on every engine’s face.

-Peter Sam: (Depressed) Thanks Skarloey! But I just can’t help but feel what Sir
Handel said was true. I feel what if I am just a pathetic softie.

-Skarloey: No you’re not! Sir Handel is wrong about everything, there are good
things in the world, and it is important to appreciate the little things in life.
But we know that you’re serious Peter Sam, and we’re proud of you.

-Peter Sam: Thanks Skarloey. But I thought that nobody would talk to me either…
after my outburst. I’m sorry I said those things by the way, I didn’t mean…

-Skarloey: It’s okay Peter Sam! We understand. Sir Handel brought out the worst in
everybody. But I will talk to the Thin Controller once I see him.

-TTC: Look no further old boy, I’m right here.

-Narrator: Both engines could see the Thin Controller right next to them, looking
very concerned.

-Peter Sam: Oh…good morning sir!

-TTC: Morning Peter Sam! Morning Skarloey! I overheard what was going on, and I
heard people who live near the yards were in shock last night as they said there
was an intense argument. I just need to know, what was going on last night?

-Skarloey: Well sir! That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. We’ve been having
issues lately…regarding Sir Handel.

-TTC: Sir Handel? (Groans) Oh no, what has he done this time?

-Skarloey: We’ll sir, fasten your seat belt, because let’s just say Sir Handel had
done some rather…unthinkable things, even for him.

-Narrator: So Skarloey & Peter Sam calmly told the Thin Controller everything about
Sir Handel’s recent actions. While that was going on, Sir Handel was making his
mood known, as he bumped the coaches, even harder than usual.

(Shows Sir Handel collecting his coaches in the yard and meets with Duncan)


-Sir Handel: (Sternly) Shut up and get in line you worthless cattle trucks. I
haven’t time to dawdle.

-Duncan: Humph! Weel you’re in happy mood Sur Handel!

-Sir Handel: That is none of your business Duncan! An important engine’s matter is
his own. Unlike a filthy common Scottish engine that loses his temper like a street
thug, and then uses the incline like it’s a water slide at an amusement park two
months ago.

-Duncan: Ock, shut up! I’ve learned mah lesson okay, unlike ye. Ah may complain 'n'
lose mah temper, bit that’s quite hypocritical comin' fae ye.

-Sir Handel: The only difference is that you Duncan, complain about anything and
everything, I have my reasons, I’m more punctual, I…

-Duke: Have a bad temper, and I, won’t hesitate to tell the Thin Controller if you
don’t stop with these pompous excuses Falcon. NOW GET TO YOU’RE JOB!

-Narrator: And Sir Handel grumbled away.

-Duke: I'm really sorry about that Duncan.

-Duncan: Ock it's a'richt Duke. Ah juist dinnae understand how he kin still be this

-Duke: Don’t worry, because I think with that arrogance of his, he’s really gonna
regret it. I warned him last night not to take things to far, but he didn’t listen.
And it looks like karma will knock him in his smokebox…the hard way.

-Duncan: Aye! it looks lik' it wull. Ah heard aboot whit happened lest nicht, 'n'
ah can’t believe he’d dae that. Even ah wid ne'er gang this far.

-Duke: True Duncan. But, let’s just hope things don’t get any worse than this.

(Cuts to Sir Handel puffing down the line causing trouble)

-Narrator: I’m sorry to say that things did get worse, as all that the other
engines were trying to tell Sir Handel, were playing on his mind, and of course,
being the pompous git he usually is, he took it the wrong way and his anger
increased even more. If that wasn’t bad enough, he was even giving the passengers a
very rough ride, and trying his crew’s patience.





-Sir Handel: HUMPH! (To himself) That will be day. I simply do not believe in
forgive or forget, in fact…yes…that’s an idea.

-Narrator: Sir Handel grinned deviously! But he said it to no one in particular, as

he still wanted everybody to agree with only “his” opinions, and thought of
enforcing it on James. To Sir Handel, there was one way he was gonna settle this,
and that was his way, and he knew how. Thanks to Sir Handel’s temper, it was
causing the steam pressure in his boiler to increase, and if the pressure
increased, his driver would realize and would make an abrupt emergency stop. But
once steam engines make emergency stops, the crew have to wait and let their engine
cool down, because it would be too dangerous for them to keep moving if their
pressure gauges were on high. But the worse was that in the process of cooling
down, is that because that metal conducts heat, the emergency stop combined with
the steam pressure would take a very long time for the engine to cool down and that
the controls such as regulators and the brakes in the stop process would be jammed,
as it would be too dangerous for the driver to touch them, as the controls would be
so hot to, and he would burn his hand. Sir Handle knew this, and he decided to use
it in another selfish advantage of his. Later that day, when Sir Handel was headed
down the line to Crovans Gate, on the way for James’s afternoon local service, he
put his plan into action, and kept on losing his temper at every moment, and even

-Sir Handel’s Fireman: WHOA! We’re going way too fast aren’t we?

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Yeah, and too roughly! Sir Handel’s up to something again,
but I just don’t know what.

-Sir Handel’s Fireman: Yes, well scold him at the next station, and see…OH MY GOD!

-Sir Handel’s Driver: What? (Looks, then gasps) Oh Christ, his steam gauge is
nearly gauge high. STOP!

-Narrator: And without hesitation, Sir Handel’s driver slammed on the brakes hard
right on the top of a hill, in a lonely part of the line. Sir Handel was pleased,
his plan seemed to be working, as he had a smug grin on his face. The passengers,
furious about being stranded, crowded out of the coaches, and towards Sir Handel’s
cab to confront the crew, at first telling them about what a bad railway this was
at first, but when the driver explained about Sir Handel’s supposed action and
recent behaviors, they marched around him from a distance, and telling him what a
bad engine he was.

-Young Man: You blithering, selfish idiot! Now look what you’ve done.

-Young Woman: Some of us need to get home.

-Elderly Man: We’re going to be late.

-Narrator: But of course, Sir Handel didn’t care a bit, in fact, all he just did
was scoff and insult the passengers instead. The driver calmed them down, and
apologized on behalf of his engines, and suggest maybe they go and explore their
surroundings until Sir Handel’s boiler cooled down. They did just that, but he and
the fireman spoke severely to him.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: (Angry) We know you’re doing this deliberately Sir Handel!
This is just another one your childish tricks, all because you and James had a

-Sir Handel’s Fireman: More like a disagreement with everybody around you. You got
some serious issues Sir Handel. Thanks to you, you’re boiler will take a very long
time to cool down, so we can’t touch any controls or examine you in case we get

-Sir Handel: Humph! It’s not my problem. It’s all your fault for disrupting my rest
and making do…this work for common passengers.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: (Angry) ARGH! What is wrong with you? You are just so

-Sir Handel’s Fireman: Let it go Warren. We’ll deal with him later, until his
boiler has cooled down. Let’s just focus on the passengers, and later, we can
report him to the Thin Controller.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Good point.

-Narrator: So the driver and fireman left to sooth the passenger’s angry feelings,
while Sir Handel, contempt with his plan, and smiled smugly.

-Sir Handel: (Inner monologue) Ha, ha, if this doesn’t teach James and all those
simpletons to respect me and let me do as I please, I don’t know what will, but
hopefully, I’ll make sure the Thin Controller finally sees my way of thinking.

-Narrator: He thought to himself, as he dozed, feeling quite content with himself.

(Fades to Bear coming in at Crovans Gate)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Bear had just arrived with his commuter service at Crovans
Gate, waiting for Sir Handel. But as he pulled in and looked to the other side, he
couldn’t see him, but the other engines passing by with their trains.

-Bear: Hmm…that’s odd. I don’t see him, he should be here right now…shouldn’t he?

-Bear’s Driver: I don’t know me lad. It’s either he’s late or we’re early.

-Bear: Of course not driver, we’re right on time, it’s 3:30 PM right now.

-Bear’s Driver: That is true. I just hope we don’t wait too long.

-Bear: Same here! Nonetheless, we’re just gonna have to wait here for the time
being until Sir Handel shows up. (Sighs) And I hope he does driver, because the
passengers have to catch the ferry at Knapford, which will be in leaving soon at

-Bear’s Driver: You’re right Bear. I just hope Sir Handel isn’t up to anything.

-Bear: Same here, because after the way he spoke to James like that, I’ll make sure
I’ll give him a good talking to with enough time we have. (Looks at the station’s
clock, then looks at the narrow gauge track) In fact, I really hope we have just
enough time in general.

(Fades to Sir Handel back at the Hill)

-Narrator: Though, what Bear didn’t know was that Sir Handel was up to his old
tricks, and was feeling quite pleased with himself, and becoming even more
apathetic and selfish than ever. The passengers tried to argue with him, but it was
no good, as Sir Handel even hurled derogatory insults to them, and even to his own

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Alright, that’s it, I’ve have just about enough of this Sir
Handel, you’re gonna get the whole railway into trouble. It’s been just about 2
freaking hours, and you’re holding us all up.

-Businessman: Yeah you twat. Some of us need to catch a ferry.

-Sir Handel: So what, you can always get another. Plus, my advice, walk back
instead of exploiting an important engine such as myself.

(Passengers complaining)

-Sir Handel’s Fireman: Calm down everybody. Listen, I got some good news though,
Sir Handel’s boiler has reduced pressure and has cooled down a little bit, so we
can still make it to Crovans Gate.

(Passengers muttering in delight)

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Okay Sir Handel, you had better not screw this up right now.
We’re all in a big hurry, so I’m giving you one more warning, stop making this
about yourself and please cooperate.

-Narrator: But Sir Handel was still too stubborn to let this go. As when the driver
released the brakes, and opened back the regulator, Sir Handel did start, but only
slowly. The passengers began to complain even more. The coaches were really getting
quite fed up, and his crew were beginning to lose it.


-Narrator: But Sir Handel stubbornly wouldn’t as he smugly kept on going.

(Cuts to Bear at Crovans Gate)

-Narrator: It was already 5:20 by now, and Bear was still waiting, and needless to
say, the Hymek diesel was beginning to lose his cool to.

-Bear: Where on earth is that scoundrel? We’re going to be late!

-Bear’s Driver: Oh we’re already late Bear, by 2 hours.


-Narrator: No sooner did Bear say that, he heard a very loud, pompous, and
unwelcoming whistle from a certain blue narrow gauge engine. Sir Handel came in at
a slow speed, and stopped roughly at the platform. The passengers burst out of the
coaches and marched furiously at the stubborn engine in question like a swarm of
angry bees. While all Sir Handel on the other hand was quite surprised at first to
see he got the wrong engine, but it didn’t matter, because at least if he couldn’t
teach James a lesson, at least he can take his anger out on his friends.

-Sir Handel: Well isn’t this surprising. I’m surprised James isn’t here, but a
disgusting and ugly looking diesel is.

-Bear: (Angry) You shut your mouth Sir Dickweed! I was filling in for James after
the drama you put him through yesterday after what you said. Speaking of which,
where the hell have you been? You’re later than you were yesterday? Plus, the
passengers have to catch a boat to the Mainland, and we might miss it!

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Well Bear, it’s all because Sir Handel wanted to make his
point clear that we should make everything about him like his royal highness and
agree on only his opinions, that he decided to take matters into his own buffers
yet again by raising his boiler pressure, so we had to make an emergency stop in
the middle of the line to wait for his boiler to cool. Once it did after 2 hours,
he came here at a slow moving pace, and has been insulting all of us for
disagreeing with him.

-Bear: (Angry) Prove your point? (Gasps) You mean, you did this on PURPOSE? You

-Young Man: I know, that’s what I said!

-Sir Handel: Well it’s not my problem that you are such an inadequate engine in
Awdry’s mind Bear.

-Narrator: The passengers all stood up for Bear and argued with the rebellious blue
engine even more, until the stationmaster, and both Bear & Sir Handel’s crew lead
them away.

-Bear: (Angry) Ooooh, I hope you’re happy with yourself Sir Handel! In fact, I
really hate to be in your wheels right now when both the Fat & Thin Controller hear
about this! Come on driver! Let’s go!

-Narrator: So once all the passengers were all on board, the guard blew his
whistle, and Bear departed from the station, determined to make up for lost time,
while a gleeful and smug Sir Handel smirked in triumph.

-Stationmaster: Alright you! Stay where you are! I’m gonna tell the Thin

-Narrator: But before he could, Sir Handel, once again thinking he could get away
with his bad behavior, took off like a rocket, leaving the shocked coaches at the
platform, and deflecting on the responsibility of his actions yet again.

-Stationmaster: Ugh, this is gonna get really ugly, I just know it.

-Narrator: He said to one of the porters. And he was right.

(Shows Bear racing down the Main Line)

-Narrator: Out on the Main Line, Bear was rushing as fast as he could to make up
for loss time. The Hymek diesel was still shocked that Sir Handel would commit such
heinous acts, and this time, was really put off by his attitude and insults, and
determined the passengers get to their boat, he had a hard staying focused.




-Narrator: So they did, as Bear used every last drop of fuel to get to Knapford as
he could, one way, or the other. He flew past stations, and thundered by many
engines who were very shocked and confused. The signalman, noticing what was wrong,
and how the schedule was far behind, made sure to have the points set and the
signals green for Bear’s path. However, that’s when it happened, Bear was still
angry about Sir Handel’s words and actions, and keen to get on time, didn’t notice
a red signal until two late.




(Shows Gordon, James, Stanley and the Fat Controller at Knapford)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, the Fat Controller was with Gordon, James and Stanley at
Knapford, and all three of them were wondering why Bear hadn’t arrived.

-TFC: Where on earth is Bear? He’s usually always on time! Aside from that incident
with the kipper one time, he always runs his trains on the clock.

-Gordon: I don’t know sir! Unless…something must’ve happened to him.

-James: Yeah, especially since he was covering for me when transferring passengers
at Crovans Gate with…Sir Handel.

-TFC: Sir Handel? What’s he got to do with this? Did something happen yesterday
between you two?

-James: Well sir! This is gonna be really hard to explain, especially regarding

-TFC: What, me?

-James: Yeah, you see sir, yesterday, Sir Handel did…

(Bears horn blares)

-Gordon: Oh my word! That looks like Bear! And it looks as if he’s in a hurry!

-TFC: I’ll say he is Gordon. He’s supposed to arrive at Platform 2, not the…
bookstall...oh no!

-James: And it doesn’t look like he can stop in time! BEAR! STOP! STOP!



-Stanley: OH NO, OH NO, OH NO!

-Station Announcer: EMERGENCY! The next train that was delayed for the Knapford
ferry service is out of control, and running dangerously into Platform 4. Clear the
area immediately and don’t go back for anything! Run, NOW!

(People running out of the bookstall and screaming)


-Bear’s Driver: NO…I CAN’T JUST LEAVE…


-Narrator: Reluctantly! Bear’s driver jumped clear at the platform just in time


(Bear spirals out of control and crashes through the buffers, and crunches through
the platform and head onto the bookstall which explodes and catches fire)

-Gordon, James, Stanley, and TFC: NO!

-James: BEAR! OH MY GOD!



(Shows the wreckage being cleared)

-Narrator: Luckily though, there were no deaths, but most of the passengers on
Bear’s train, had severe injuries, but the rest were still alive, but traumatized.
Stanley managed to get the Breakdown Train, while the Fat Controller had called
Marlin to come help clear the mess, as well as the Fire Brigade and the EMT’s to
help as well. Thankfully, the fire at the bookstall was put out, and Bear was still
alive, but the damages were very severe. Along with Marlin & Stanley, the Fat
Controller had even rostered Edward, Gordon, James, Duck, and Kirby to help. As
after that traumatic accident, the Fat Controller decided to have all services of
the Northwestern Railway suspended for the night. Stanley had already shunted the
re-railed coaches out of the way, and behind Marlin’s maintenance train, as the
Works diesel was gonna take him and Bear to be mended, while Marlin himself pulled
bear through the crunched platform, and back onto the rails. The Hymek was in a
state of shock, and worried at what the Fat Controller would say, but he wasn’t
angry with him at all.

-Bear: Oh sir! I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry about this! This isn’t usually like me,
I know…I was delayed…and the crash…I…

-TFC: It’s okay Bear, calm down, I know this wasn’t fault! But what happened
though, why were you delayed in the first place.

-Bear: I…I tried…to…to make up for loss…time…after Sir Handel…delayed me!

-TFC: Sir Handel again! Hmm…that’s odd (To James) James, you mentioned earlier
before the crash that Sir Handel might have had something to do with Bear’s delay.
In fact, was he the reason why both you’re driver phoned me and asked if they could
swap jobs that morning?

-James: Oh yes indeed sir! You see, Sir Handel’s behavior has gotten worse as of
late. But, you might wanna prepare yourself, as here’s what I was gonna tell you…

-Narrator: And James told the Fat Controller everything about his incident with Sir
Handel yesterday, and all his actions, as well as the cold-hearted insults about
him, his father, and Wilbert Awdry. The Fat Controller, and some of the other
engines at the scene where all gobsmacked.


-Gordon: It’s true sir! James told us last night about what happened between him
and Sir Handel. He really thought that about you and your father. But we disagree,
you and your father are marvelous.

-TFC: Thanks Gordon, but the fact he would say those horrid things behind our
backs. I can only assume he meant the same about Mr. Sam as well didn’t he?

-James: He mentioned him to, yes sir!

-Duck: I don’t believe this! But why does he hate the Thin Clergyman?

-James: I don’t know Duck.

-Edward: You know, it just occurred to me tonight James, it might’ve had something
to do with how he was depicted in his books. Remember? Every story Sir Handel was
in, he never really did anything to redeem himself.

-James: Yeah...why didn't I think about it before?

-Gordon: Same here!

-TFC: Well whatever it is, I intend to find out tonight! BECAUSE THAT LITTLE

-Bear: (Groans) Sounds like it sir!

-Marlin: This is just absolutely appalling. I cannot believe that an engine like
him would do something so horrid, and cruel I might add.

-Bear: You got that right Marlin! He didn’t seem to care one bit, and said “it’s
not my problem that I’m such an inadequate engine in Awdry’s mind.”

-Kirby: Well you are not inadequate Bear. He reminds me of myself when I was young,
but worse. And to think he caused my accident 4 years ago when I first came here,
but that’s nothing compared to this.

-Stanley: Yeah mate, yer’re right, we can’t just let that brat get away wiv this.

-TFC: No indeed Stanley! Especially since he also wanted to send a message to me


-Edward: What do you purpose sir?

-TFC: Well since I’m suspending operations tonight after…this, I’m gonna call the
Thin Controller. George, make sure you call every station along the line, and
inform my engines of what happened, and that we are all going to Crovans Gate,
because Sir Handel has been rude to all of you engines, as well as the people for
so long, I think it’s about time we go there and pay our respects.

-Stationmaster: Yes sir!

-Gordon: Do you mean sir…

-TFC: Oh yes Gordon! It’s about time we all had a word with that arrogant,
pampered, and repulsive brat once and for all.

(Cuts to the Skarloey Railway Sheds at night with Sir Handel looking smug)

-Narrator: Just an hour later around 8 PM, Sir Handel was at the Sheds feeling very
content with himself, despite how heinous his actions were. His crew talked to him
severely after he tried to avoid being punished by the Stationmaster earlier, and
they even tried to leave him and the shed, but he still scoffed and kept acting
apathetic...that was until…

-Sir Handel’s Driver: (Angry) I am just steamed right now Sir Handel, you’ve done a
lot of selfish things before, but this ridiculous for you to delay Bear’s train
like that, and insult the passengers, all for the sake of boasting you’re massive
ego. You are unbelievable, you know that?

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Oh hush driver! You two make haste, and leave me be, I
deserve my well-earned rest.


-Sir Handel: What?

-Narrator: Sir Handel was surprised, as reversing next to him was Duke, who glared
furiously at him, followed by Peter Sam, who glared very coldly at him, then by
Skarloey, then Rheneas, then Rusty & Ivo Hugh, and lastly by Duncan, and on board,
was a very strict, enraged, and disgusted Thin Controller, along with none other
than the superintendent of the Skarloey Railway, Sir Handel Lloyd Brown II, as all
glared coldly at Sir Handel. For the first time in his life, Sir Handel didn’t feel
smug and outspoken now. In fact, he was absolutely horrified.

-Sir Handel: (Nervous) Ah…uh…uh, what’s going on?

-Rheneas: Oh you’re about to find out, Sir Heinous!

-Sir Handel: What?

-Narrator: No sooner did Sir Handel react to Rheneas’s comment, the workmen flashed
the lights hard on at the sheds, and much to his shock, a whole mob of the standard
gauge engines came in, and they looked just as furious. All of them, from steam &
diesel, big & small, and standard & narrow, as well as many railway staff and their
families all crowded around Sir Handel in anger. They glared furiously at him. But
just before Sir Handel could grasp what was going on, the Thin Controller shouted
at him.

-TTC: I wanted to ask you this for some time Sir Handel…WHO THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU

-Sir Handel: UHHHHHH….


-Sir Handel: WHAT?

-Sir Handel’s Driver: What are talking about sir?

-TFC: I can answer that. Your engine not only delayed a train just so he can prove
his point to James, but worse, thanks to you, Sir Handel, BEAR WAS TRYING TO MAKE

-Sir Handel: (Gasps) WHAT?

-Sir Handel’s Driver: NO! THAT HAPPENED!

-TTC: It’s true Warren, Sir Handel nearly killed innocent people just for the sake
of his ego.



-Mr. Brown: Quite so! What you did today Sir Handel, I have never been so horrified
in all my years since I’ve been running this railway. When you’re old railway
closed, we gave you a home. Oh, and my father, my dear old late father, he tried to
make you comfortable by naming you after him. But I believe that has only enhanced
your arrogance. But more to the point, you never show anybody on this railway, or
this whole damn island any respect at all. What on earth were you THINKING?

-Edward: You’re right sir! That was the most careless and cruelest thing any
engine, no matter who they are I might add can do. On behalf of all of us, Sir
Handel, why did you do this, why in fact are you so arrogant and so cold hearted

-Sir Handel: But…but…I’m not cruel…I…

-Edward: Answer the question Sir Handel!

-Thomas: And this time, tell us the truth! We’re all eager to know?

-Duke: Tell them Falcon…now!

-Sir Handel: Okay...okay, okay! I just was upset about everything back on Mid Sodor
being shut down, the fact me and Peter Sam and I lost our home, and were separated
by Duke for so long. I just thought all our glory days were lost. But when we came
to this railway, I wanted things to go back to the way they were…I became so bitter
about it.

-Skarloey: I see! But that’s no way to handle your situation Sir Handel. In fact,
this won’t get us anywhere because you’re just too stubborn. In fact, you never
apologized to me when you called me rubbish when we first me, in fact, you never
take any responsibilities for your own actions at all whatsoever.

-Sir Handel: But…but it was just a mere delay (cracks a nervous smile), and the
Awdry family deserved it after ruining my legacy.





-Sir Handel: NO, I WOULD NEVER, I…

-TFC: OH YOU JUST DON’T GET IT, DO YOU! In fact, maybe we should show you, Marlin!

-Marlin: Right away sir! What do you have to say about this Sir Handel?

-Narrator: Marlin pulled in, and on a flatbed, was a very badly burnt, badly
mangled, badly shattered, and badly shocked Bear, who glared coldly at the pompous
engine. Sir Handel gasped in horror. Even he deep down would’ve never wanted this.

-Sir Handel: (Gasps) No! Be…Bear…I didn’t mean…

-Bear: Shut up! Just shut up! I don’t want to hear it. I hope you’re happy with
yourself Sir Handel! I hope proving your point made you really satisfied.

-Ivo Hugh: (Sadly) Yeah, and saying those horrible things about our controllers and
the Thin Clergyman.

-James: You really had this coming to you for a long time Sir Handel, and this
time, oh ho, you’ve gone too far pal.

-Narrator: Sir Handel winced at everybody’s remarks. He never expected both

railways, standard and narrow to confront him like this as an angry mob. He had
never felt so low, and hearing James’s last words finally made him realize what
Duke meant last night.

-Sir Handel: But sirs, everybody, I didn’t mean to let things…


-Sir Handel: You too Peter Sam?


-Sir Handel: Peter Sam, sirs, everybody…I’m so…I’m sorry!





-Sir Handel: Monster? I…Duke…Granpuff, please tell them…





(Everyone yells at Sir Handel)

-Duncan: TRAITOR!






-Mr. Brown: Indeed Roger. I think there is only one thing I can do for an engine
like you, something we should’ve done a long, long, time ago. Gentleman!

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Our pleasure!

-Narrator: And much to Sir Handel’s horror, his crew and the Thin Controller came
at him with pick-axes and crowbars, and removed his nameplates and numbers.

-Percy: Oh god! I can’t look!


(Everyone gasps)

-TTC: Consider that as part of the punishment Sir Handel. Because Mr. Brown have
been thinking, that there can be no place for you on this railway. As of tonight,
for your repulsive acts, your name, your number, and your position on this railway,
will be nullified. And since we are working on the project of our new Blue Mountain
Quarry, you will stay in one of the sheds there, and you’re crew will be assigned a
different engine.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: You mean it sir?

-TTC: Absolutely Warren! Because you and Jeff deserve it, after all the hell Sir
Handel has caused you over the years. So you Sir Handel, you’ll be taken there and
left in a shed for a long time, I don’t care how long, and once allowed out, you
will work on the construction, and become a privately owned quarry engine, and will
work there until you finally begin to learn to act like a decent engine, show so
manners, do your work without fuss, and realize the world doesn’t revolve around
you! (To Rusty) Rusty, get him out of our sight!

-Rusty: With pleasure! Come on Sir Handel!

-Sir Handel: NO PLEASE, RUSTY!


-Narrator: And Rusty pulled him crossly away, as the other engines, still upset,
began to calm down a little.

-TFC: Well, good riddance to him I’ll say! Bear, I’m so sorry again about what
you’ve been through tonight. I promise first thing in the morning, we will have you
repaired in a jiffy, and the Knapford Station bookstall will be restored to its
fully glory, and I will hold plaques at the station for my father and Reverend
Wilbert Awdry, the two men that made this island the success it is today.

-Thomas: And we’re with you sir!

-Edward: Indeed! I said during his funeral, as long as we’re alive, we’ll carry on
his legacy.

-Skarloey: True words Edward!

-Marlin: Indeed! Come on Bear! Let’s get you and the coaches in the Steamworks!

-Bear: Thanks Marlin!

-TFC: Indeed! Come on everybody, let’s go home.

-Narrator: And one-by-one, every engine and human left, and went back home, tired,
and having had enough of all that drama that had happened. The Skarloey engines
went to sleep to, but Peter Sam still felt upset. While what he said to Sir Handel
was harsh, but true, he wondered if it was ever his place to ever say such a thing.
But he just didn’t know if Sir Handel could ever be trusted again, as he went
unhappily to sleep.

(Cuts to Rusty shunting Sir Handel in a shed at the Blue Mountain Quarry
construction project)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Rusty coldly shunted Sir Handel into one of the sheds at the
Blue Mountain Quarry construction project, and then gave him a few choice words.

-Rusty: Well Sir Handel, this is it! You have already caused nothing but trouble,
and if you ever want to be a member of the Skarloey Railway again, then stop with
the attitude, and think about what you’ve done. Because Duke is right, you really
have, gone too far!

-Narrator: And the little diesel left, leaving Sir Handel miserable, cold and
alone. The words everybody said had finally got to him. He finally began to realize
what he did not just today, but his past actions of rebelling against authority,
being nasty to others, and having such a high opinion of himself was wrong. And he
finally began to regret it, as well as wonder gloomily what the future might bring
for him. I really do think he deserved this punishment, and really hope the next
time he comes out, he might be a different engine…don’t you?

(Opens with Thomas, Percy, Toby and the Fat Controller at the Branchline Sheds)

-Narrator: One morning, Percy wasn’t feeling well. His joints ached, and he
couldn’t breathe properly. The Fat Controller came with an inspector, and made
notes in a small book. When they had finished, the Fat Controller looked serious.

-TFC: It seems that you’ll have to go to the Steamworks I’m afraid Percy. They’ll
repair you better, and you’ll be back soon, but the process in doing so will be a
rather long job.

-Percy: (Stuffy) Oh, but who will look after my trucks? Toby can’t do everything on
his own.

-TFC: No, her certainly can’t. And I’m afraid to say I can’t spare Donald, Douglas,
or Kirby at the moment, so I’m gonna have to borrow another engine from the
Mainland. And he walked away, leaving the three branchline engines wondering who
exactly he would bring.

(Shows Diesel making his way to Sodor, then Duck at Crovans Gate)

-Narrator: Unfortunately, the only engine that British Railways could spare them
was none other than a certain black, Class 08 diesel shunter. One whom the engines
hated. Duck was at the Steamworks as he had brought Percy there. He was about to
leave until he had heard an oily purring noise. He inched out to see who it was,
and once he saw which diesel was, and was aghast to see who it was, as he
recognized the new arrival at once.

-Duck: Oh no! It’s Diesel! What’s he come back for again? I thought the Fat
Controller had sent that bastard away in disgrace? Even after 3 failed trials. This
cannot be happening!

(Shows the Fat Controller in his office very disgruntled, then cuts to Diesel
meeting up with Thomas at Elsbridge)

-Narrator: The truth was the Fat Controller was really appalled by this to, but he
needed to cover for Percy, and Diesel was the only one available. When Diesel
reached Elsbridge Junction, Thomas was there, waiting with Annie & Clarabel.

-Diesel: Ah, good morning Thomas!

-Thomas: (Suspiciously) Oh, hello Diesel! I suppose you’ve come to help Toby. Well,
I’m gonna tell you right now, just focus on your work, and no tricks, mind you!

-Narrator: Diesel looked pained.

-Diesel: Tricks…what, me? Now you got me all wrong my dear Thomas. I’m just
delighted to be of assistance you “really useful engines”.

-Thomas: (Sarcastically) Good! (Angry) I’ll believe that when I see it!

(Thomas departs, then fades to Diesel meeting Toby at Ffarqhuar)

-Narrator: Diesel pulled some trucks carefully to Ffarqhuar where he met Toby.

-Toby: (Sternly) Oh, it’s you, is it?

-Diesel: Oh the one and only Toby old boy!

-Toby: (Sternly) Don’t you old boy me anything Diesel. Just do your shunting
please, and take these stone trucks to the harbor.

(Toby departs, then cuts to Thomas, Toby and Diesel at the Branchline Sheds)

-Narrator: That night at the Branchline Sheds, Thomas & Toby decided to lay down
the ground rules for Diesel.

-Thomas: Alright Diesel! Toby and I are gonna make this perfectly clear to you, and
you had better damn well listen, because we’re only gonna tell you this once
tonight. We all know how much of a scheming weasel you truly are since the first
time you came to Sodor. We all haven’t forgotten about the history between you and
Duck, and how you tried to frame him so you could get your way, in trying to
forcefully have every steam engine booted out and replace them with your kind.

-Toby: Indeed! And not to mention the other incidents after that such as causing
all that trouble at Brendam Docks for Percy & Duck, only for your plan to backfire
when shunting China Clay trucks into the sea.

-Thomas: Or that stupid world’s strongest engine crap when you tried to show up

-Diesel: Oh come now you two, that’s behind me now. I would never dare do those
horrid things like that again.

-Thomas: Oh spare us the sarcasm Diesel, we all know you’re lying. And you may not
take us seriously now, but we are gonna warn you if you really want the Fat
Controller, as well as us to trust you, you better do as we say, when we say it,
and don’t even think about causing any trouble. Because I’ll even be talking to the
other engines, and make sure that they all keep an eye on you. Not to mention the

-Diesel: A pity! You all don’t trust me, do you?

-Toby: Well obviously you still don’t like any of us, and would try to keep causing
trouble no matter what. And I know deep down you’re just trying to play innocent so
you could continue to do as you please.

-Thomas: Yeah, and you better not lie to an engine like Toby here either Diesel. As
he’s so wise, he can easily tell if an engine is lying, especially like right now.
So if you try any malicious intent or any cause of trouble on our railway, we won’t
hesitate to tell the Fat Controller.

-Diesel: Oh what, two goodie-goodie tattle tales will tell on me even if I didn’t

-Toby: Well I heard that from your mouth. We know you’re still trying to sweet talk
us Diesel.

-Thomas: Exactly! We’ll do anything to keep our railway in a safe and happy
environment for everybody. So if you want our trust, be a mature engine and earn
it. Fail, we’ll let the Fat Controller know if you even think of scheming. Capiche?

-Diesel: Yes Thomas. I understand Thomas…of course Thomas.

-Thomas: Okay…for now! We’ll see how you do tomorrow, good night!
-Narrator: And the three engines went to sleep, unbeknownst that the Troublesome
Trucks, nearby in their sidings, had overheard everything, and could tell
themselves Diesel was still quite smug, and was only yes both steam engines just to
do as he pleases. Not on their watch.

(Fades to the next morning, with Diesel shunting trucks at Ffarqhuar Yards)

-Narrator: Now the trucks knew that the Fat Controller had sent Diesel away three
times for his troublemaking schemes. So they decided to take advantage of that.

-Trucks: Let’s have some fun!

-Narrator: They sniggered. They teased Diesel, and tried to annoy him by slipping
their brakes on accidentally on purpose. But one morning, they went too far.

-Trucks: (Laughing) Oh no! Look out lads, its evil Diesel! Oily creature! Yes
Thomas, of course Thomas, anything you say Thomas! (Laughing)


-Old Truck: Oh no! Diesel’s having a hissy fit! Yep, he wasn’t telling Thomas the
truth. He’s still is just as devious as ever. Now all we need is him to gloat about
how special he is, and how we trucks are his soldiers, and this yard, his boot


-Trucks: Oh no! The horror, the absolute horror. Especially if sing the one song
that will really drive him mad.

-Diesel: (Gasps) YOU WOULDN’T!

-Trucks: Oooh oh! Trucks are waiting in the yard, tackling them with easel, show
the world what I can do, gaily boasts the diesel. In and out he creeps about, like
a big black weasel, when he pulls the wrong trucks….POP GOES THE DIESEL! (Laughing)


-Narrator: And Diesel gave the line of trucks a sharp bump, shooting them fast into
a siding. The oldest truck in the yards that started it, who was also the most
rudest was at the very front, and too late, he began to realize his mistake, and he
saw what would happen.

-Old Truck: WHOA! HELP!

-Narrator: He screeched in horror! And with a loud crash, he hit the buffers very
hard! For a moment, the oldest and rudest truck was squeezed between the buffers
and other trucks, then, with Diesel shoving even more violently, he and the
buffers…collapsed, and were pushed right through the brick wall!

(The old trucks gets demolished through the buffers and brick while yelling out the
Wilhelm scream)

-Diesel! GGGRRRRRRRRRR! Come on you! Anymore nonsense and I’ll squash you all flat!
Just like your friend!

-Narrator: The trucks, who were shaken up by what Diesel did…wisely kept their
mouths shut, and did no more.

(Shows Toby with the Breakdown Train clearing the mess, and the Fat Controller
berating Diesel)

-Narrator: Later, Toby had brought the Breakdown Train to clear the mess, as well
as the Fat Controller, who was furious. First he berated the trucks for their
immature and thoughtless behavior, then he spoke severely to Diesel himself.


-Diesel: But sir…the trucks…they had to…


-Narrator: And the Fat Controller strode on his heel, and walked sternly away.

-Diesel: Humph! Good! I don’t even wanna bother staying here in this outdated, god-
for-saken place.

-Narrator: Diesel harrumphed!

(Fades two days later with Daisy headed to Maithwaite)

-Narrator: A day or two later, Daisy was running downhill, when she felt something
warm and wet splashing her wheels. When she arrived at the Maithwaite, she felt
hot, and her joints were stiff.

-Daisy: Oh my word? Whatever is happening?

-Daisy’s Driver: Oh dear old girl. You lost your oil. Looks like Bertie will have
to take your passengers.

-Daisy: (Sighs) Oh…this is just not my day. I’ll have to report this to my fitter.

-Bertie: Don’t worry Daisy. I’ll get your passengers to the next station.

-Daisy: (Sighs) Oh, thank you Bertie. Merci beaucoup.

-Bertie: Eh, no problem. (To his driver) I have no idea what she meant!

-Bertie’s Driver: Me neither old boy! I don’t even speak French.

-Narrator: Just then, Thomas arrived with Annie & Clarabel, full of people on their
way home from market.
(Shows Thomas coming up the gradient)

-Narrator: Thomas started confidently up the hill, but his wheels began to slip on
Daisy’s leaked oil, and then he, he slithered to a stop. Then…


-Narrator: Near the bottom of the hill, were special points to divert runaway
trucks off the line. Thomas to break hard and regain grip, but he couldn’t stop his
heavy train from pulling him down the hill, towards the runaway siding. Clarabel’s
back wheels were directed off the line. They sank firmly into the mud, until at
last, Thomas stopped.

-Guard: Humph! That’s torn it!

-Narrator: Said the guard. He helped the passengers back to Maithwaite.

(Shows Diesel at Hackenback Station)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Diesel was waiting at Hackenback Station, pulling his last
train before going back home in disgrace once again. He sniggered slyly when he
heard about Thomas’s accident.

-Diesel: (Smirks) Humph! Serves he right (Chuckles)…Mr. I’ll believe it when I see
it. (Chuckles) Wait a minute, Thomas has blocked the single line. The same line I
have to go through to get out of here, which means…

(Diesel shunts the trucks in a siding)

Diesel: Oh grease and oil! I shall have to help, or I can’t get home.
(Sarcastically) This visit just keeps getting better and better!

-Narrator: So Diesel reluctantly set off to the rescue.

(Diesel arrives at the gradient, and starts helping Thomas)

-Narrator: At the oily place, he stopped, before creeping carefully forward, until
he could be coupled to Thomas. Thomas was surprised by the fact Diesel was the one
rescuing him, but seeing that Clarabel had derailed in mud, and he and his coaches
were blocking the line, he knew he didn’t have a choice if he wanted to get out of
there. Meanwhile, workmen had already put sleepers under Clarabel, to make a slope
up to the line. Then, they cleaned the oil from the rails, put dry sand on them. At
last, everything was ready. Diesel dug his wheels into the sand, and pulled with
all his might. But he was careful not to pull too hard, in case a coupling broke.
With sanded rails, Thomas could help to, and the engines moved forward a little
way, then stopped. Then, a bit more, until inch by inch, Clarabel came safely back
into the rails.

-Thomas: Wow! That was impressive! I’d never thought I’d say it, but thanks Diesel.

-Diesel: Um…yeah…sure…you’re welcome. But were not out of the woods yet Thomas. We
still have to your passengers, and I have to get home.

-Thomas: Yeah…right!

(Diesel & Thomas make it back to Maithwaite, then fades to them reaching Elsbridge

-Narrator: The two engines said awkwardly. Thomas didn’t know what to think, but he
could sense that Diesel wasn’t only just doing this to get home. Maybe, just maybe,
he really was helping out of kindness. And just maybe, there was a little more to
Diesel than meets the eye. Clarabel was unhurt, so they went back for the
passengers. Then, using plenty of sand, both Diesel & Thomas pull the train up the
gradient, then the soon reached Elsbridge Junction.

-Clarabel: Thank you Diesel! That was splendid.

-Narrator: Clarabel said gratefully. Diesel was surprised. First Thomas thanked
him, and then Clarabel, and Annie also thanked him to. Then all the passengers did
the same to.

-Diesel: (Awkwardly) Um…your welcome everybody. I guess!

-Narrator: Diesel never felt something like this before, but maybe being a
responsible and really useful engine wasn’t so bad after all. In fact, doing a good
deed, he felt his anger vanish a little bit like a storm cloud blowing away, and
began to feel sorry he was going home.

(Shows Annie & Clarabel talking to the Fat Controller, then the other engines at
Elsbridge saying goodbye to Diesel as he leaves)

-Narrator: Clarabel had asked the Fat Controller to forgive him. At first he was
surprised to hear Diesel had helped her Thomas and Annie out that he decided to do
so to let Diesel leave on good terms. And everyone else had heard, and while they
still didn’t trust him, they slowly gave Diesel a little recognition, which did
make Diesel feel proud. And when Percy came home the next day, all of the engines
were at Elsbridge, wishing Diesel a goodbye and thanks, and hopes that Diesel will
come back to Sodor again, this time, a better engine. And while Diesel wouldn’t
admit, for now, he hoped so to.

-Narrator: The Northwestern Railway has been expanding as of late. It was the turn
of the 21st century in the year 2000, and new projects where being conducted all
over the Island of Sodor. The Fat Controller’s engines were busy assisting in
construction of new rail yards, performing maintenance of major stations, upgrading
to the latest mod cons to keep up, but still making sure to stay faithful to the
old traditions of what made the Northwestern Railway successful, and building new
industries. Many more passengers, enthusiasts and holiday makers were traveling all
across the world to Sodor to see the engines and their railway. The engines
themselves were kept busy rushing along the Main Line and Branchlines with
passengers and freight, safely to their destinations, and on time. One of the new
industries on the railway is a special Container Terminal based at Knapford Harbor.
It is where large, steel containers that carry a large inventory of valuable goods
would be stored in, and would be loaded onto the flatbeds of the engine’s goods
trains, or loaded by lorry, or even loaded onto cargo ships bound for different
parts of the world, as the Container Terminal itself was right by the sea. Because
of this, it wasn’t just engines on Sodor that brought deliveries to and from the
yards, but even engines from the Mainland, who were mostly diesels, would make
goods deliveries there. Some were the stereotypical mainland diesel that would
dislike Sodor, and begrudgingly go there, and whom the engines would view with
distaste, but some are good diesels like BoCo, Bear, or Derek, for example, that
view steam engines with high respect, and are welcomed additions to Sodor. One of
these engines is Patrick, a BR Class 40 Diesel that has regularly visited Sodor
since 1999, when the Container Terminal was first built. Patrick is a very kind and
thoughtful diesel that views steam engines as equals, and is one of the very few
that would defend them, should any rude diesels try to gloat at how inferior they
were. He loves visiting Sodor and delivering goods from the U.K., and the engines
of Sodor really enjoyed his company since the day they met him. Of all of them, he
and BoCo are very close friends, as they’ve known each other for many years back
when the latter worked on British Railways. And because of this, Patrick would even
tell the engines of Sodor of any current events happening on the Mainland. One day,
Patrick himself was waiting at Knapford Station, where some of the other engines

(Shows Patrick at Knapford Station with BoCo, Thomas, Gordon, James and Duck)

-Patrick: Evening all!

-Other Engines: Hello Patrick.

-BoCo: Hello Patrick! How’s it going?

-Patrick: Oh, alright! It’s the same things you usually see on the Mainland,
everything keeps changing day-by-day.

-Thomas: You got that right, I can’t believe it’s already the year 2000. Every time
we start a new, I can’t help but feel a little nervous, it feels like time goes by
so fast, even when we least suspect it.

-Duck: Indeed! And at the start of the 21st century no doubt. We see the world
changing and growing each year, and it’s so hard to believe now we’re in a new

-Gordon: You’re right about that Duck. Because technology has really come along
way, back to when we were first built around the early 20th century. Whichever time
you live in, it’s hard to believe it’s all changed now, television, music, mobile
phones, it almost feels like each day was only yesterday.

-James: Yeah, but at least we’re not gonna retired anytime soon.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) Yeah! Because whatever happens on Sodor, stays on Sodor, as no

matter how much the world does change, our island makes sure to keep those old
traditions alive, especially on our railway.

-Gordon: Well this is the UK, Thomas, the country where history will always be
preserved. Especially compared to how everything changes over in the States.

-Patrick: Here, here! That’s why I admire you Sudrians, as it’s in you, the
memories of the past still live on. I honestly feel the same in myself, as diesels
like you and me BoCo, well, it’s hard to believe we were first generation diesels
built during the 50’s and 60’s.

-BoCo: Indeed! We’re not getting any younger ourselves to.

-Patrick: Exactly! As now, newer engines are being built, some are more modern
diesels built in more recent times, and others are full-on electric engines. No
joke, the passenger engines are all conjoined into each other like a moving rake of

-Thomas: Damn, now that would really make Daisy literally green with envy.

-Duck: I’m sure she would be Thomas. At least they are hardworking and less harmful
to environment at least.

-Patrick: That they are Duck. In fact, most I ran into are at least good-natured
and polite, some are just like the kind of diesels that gave our kind a bad
-Gordon: Of course! It’s a good thing though we never see them that much.

-James: Indeed! Because they don’t have what it takes to be real engines.

-All Engines: JAMES!

-James: Ugh, sorry, I just can’t help it. I just admit that I do feel a little
overwhelmed about all these changes, that’s all.

-BoCo: It’s okay James. We all are.

-Patrick: Yeah, because in fact, diesels like you and me BoCo, most are in the same
position that steam engines were once in. Some are being withdrawn from service and
preserved, while others are being sold for scrap. Like my late brother, D40125, who
you all remembered as Old-Stuck Up 16 years ago. And whom you James, spoke with the
moments before his unfortunate demise.

-James: (shudders) Oh, how I‘d like to forget. But if it wasn’t for those events,
at least I wouldn’t drop that “racism” I initially had towards diesels. I wish I
wasn’t like that.

-BoCo: Don’t worry James, at least you did learn. But what really gets me concerned
is the fact some engines weren’t as lucky as we are, I mean at least so are you are
too Patrick after you had been preserved, but I still feel sorry for other engines
who never got their chance. Steam engines, first generation diesels, like at least
some were preserved, but the fact that some have been scrapped…well, it just feels
so wrong. Especially because of the old friends that you and I had back in those
days Patrick.

-Patrick: You’re right BoCo. Not to mention, preserved engines, some aren’t that
lucky either, as some would never move again.

-Gordon: Indeed! I should be glad my brother, Flying Scotsman is still out there
steaming and doing rail tours. But of course, with special permission from British

-James: Yeah, to think they could oppress our kind like that.

-Duck: Oh come you two, at least it’s not as bad as it is now, especially since BR
does care about its passengers that want to see live steam engines at work on their
main line.

-Thomas: Yeah, but then you got the heritage railways like ours, which while great,
doesn’t seem to have too much going on, especially for engines that would like a
good long run to stretch their wheels, like Stepney & Wilbert.

-BoCo: Indeed! I had a dream, ever since I found out why diesels like me and
Patrick were being built, that we could turn that image around and show steam
engines that were not all that rude and arrogant stereotype that’s been forced down
our throats. That we could all see each other as equals, and work and befriend one
another in peace and harmony. And safe from the greedy clutches of British

-Thomas: Wow! That’s really thoughtful for you to say BoCo, I honestly hope that

-Gordon: Same here! But how can we all that make happen, I know we got lucky in
recent years when we had engines like Marlin, Kirby, Stanley, and Derek, ever since
our current Fat Controller took office two decades ago, but it just seems
impossible to find more of our kind, and the same kind as you BoCo and Patrick.

-Patrick: Maybe Gordon. But maybe not. I mean, how have things been on your railway
recently with the increased services?

-Duck: Oh it’s been fairly good Patrick, but since the beginning of this year, it
feels like its increased lately, like more passengers have come to our railway
since our popularity thanks to Reverend Awdry, and we do get more goods traffic as
plenty of industries rely on the railway, but each day, especially as we get older,
it just feels hard to compete.

-James: Nonsense! It’s nothing we can’t handle Duck. Perhaps if we worked more and
chatted less, than…

-Thomas: Than what James? Duck’s right, it’s good were still in service, but we
don’t have much engines in our fleet. And the Fat Controller always says we have to
find ways to keep going if we’re to adapt.

-Gordon: True, but how? Like I said, finding more steam engines like us, or first
generation diesels like BoCo or Patrick is impossible.

-Duck: Oh but the Fat Controller does have ways.

-Patrick: Exactly! Maybe we could find other engines, and I am from the Mainland,
so maybe I could ask other engines if there are any steam or diesels available.

-BoCo: Sounds like a plan Patrick. Maybe we could. Even if the world does change.
There’s still hope.

-Patrick: Indeed!

-Narrator: Just then, Stanley shuffled in with a goods train coupled behind

-Stanley: Oui, right, Patrick! Yer’re return train is ready.

-Patrick: Right, thanks Stanley. Anyways, I have to get home, I’ll see you later,
and I’ll see if there are any engines around, best wishes everyone.

-All Engines: Bye Patrick!

(Patrick departs)

-Gordon: Let’s hope for sure there are any other engines he could find. Anyways, I
have to get going myself, express coming through.

(Gordon departs)

-BoCo: Hmm…there’s gotta be some way.

-Narrator: BoCo thought to himself.

(Fades to the next morning with BoCo trundling down the Main Line and arrives at
the Steamworks where he meets Victor)

-Narrator: The next morning, BoCo was sent to deliver some supplies for the
Steamworks. After his conversation with Patrick and the other engines last night,
he began thinking about what he himself said, as after being built, and the
atmosphere he experienced from the steam and diesel rivalry going on at the time,
he really hoped that there would be a way to bring peace towards both engine
diversities, for them to overcome their prejudice and arrogance, and to work
together, get to know one another, and get them to realize they shouldn’t be
enemies, when really they need to overcome their true enemy, that being, British
Railways. Even though BoCo knew deep down he couldn’t just make everything change
by force, he learned from his old friends back then that it’s in the little ways
that help to make a difference in the world. And just maybe, in this new era, maybe
he could do just that. Soon, BoCo arrived at the Steamworks where he met Victor, a
red, Cuban, narrow gauge engine that worked there, supervising the charge the
narrow gauge maintenance on Sodor. But he was the only narrow gauge engine that was
owned by the Fat Controller.

-BoCo: Good morning Victor!

-Victor: Ah, BoCo my friend, Buenos Dias.

-BoCo: I have the supplies that you and Marlin need.

-Victor: Excellent, just place them in the loading dock. The workmen will unload
them in no time.

-BoCo: Gracias!

-Narrator: So as BoCo shunted the vans where they needed to be, Victor noticed BoCo
seemed to be lost in thought over something.

-Victor: Is everything alright my friend, you seem rather lost in thought.

-BoCo: Oh, you could say that Victor. Do you think I have time to tell you?

-Victor: Absolutely BoCo. What’s up?

-Narrator: BoCo recounted to Victor about his conversation with Patrick and the
other engines.

-Victor: Ah, I see my friend! That is very thoughtful of you to think of doing that
for other engines. And I can’t see why you shouldn’t.

-BoCo: Really? You don’t think it’s ridiculous.

-Victor: Of course not. There’s nothing wrong with wishful thinking. At least you
are approaching the situation with an open mind. The world is changing, and deep
down, we need to change in order to catch up with the times.

-BoCo: Indeed! I really hope for sure that maybe we can find other engines and give
them a new lease of life. Especially to make up for any traumas that they might’ve
faced when working under BR ownership.

-Victor: I’m sure you can BoCo, as there are millions of engines, steam and diesel
alike in this world that do need help. Why, I even hoped that to when I came to
Sodor about 2-years ago. Even after that incident at Brendam Docks I had. I almost
thought I was a goner.

-BoCo: Oh yes, just a month after Sir Handel got exiled for causing Bear’s
accident. Where Marlin came to save you after you fell off your boat that day. What
happened again exactly?

-Victor: Well, on our way to Sodor, there was a fierce storm, which caused the
chain holding me down to the deck to snap, and when being unloaded, another narrow
gauge engine like me at the time insisted on being unloaded, that by mistake, he
swung on the end of the hook, and bumped into me, which was what caused me to take
a dive, and land on jetty.

-BoCo: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

-Victor: Ah, so was I. Because I was sent to a new country, I had a hard time
adjusting, and I didn’t know what to do. That’s when I learned your language. And
my first word was “red.”

-BoCo: Red? You mean like your livery?

-Victor: Yes my friend. After I was repaired, I had to be repainted, and red was
the color I choose, for my bright new life on the Island of Sodor. And thanks to
Marlin and the Fat Controller, I learned your whole language, and now I feel I’ve
lived on Sodor all my life.

-BoCo: (Chuckles) I’m glad you do, as you and Marlin do a marvelous job in keeping
the Steamworks running.

-Victor: Why thank you BoCo.

-BoCo: One question, whatever happened to this other engine who you were with?

-Victor: That’s the strange part. I really don’t know. After the incident, I never
saw him again, nor do I know his name, as keep in mind, I didn’t know English back

-BoCo: I see! So basically, since the Fat Controller gave you a chance, maybe it’s
possible there could be more chances to other engines.

-Victor: Exactly my friend. And whilst we’re on that subject, do you know what
those parts we ordered for the Steamworks are?

-BoCo: Why no! Do tell me!

-Victor: Well, the Fat Controller is aware of the current situation, so he is

ordered many different steam engine parts, as he plans on doing live steam
restorations for any new engines.

-BoCo: Really? That means, he’s really considering looking for any new steam

-Victor: That’s right my friend. Though he also ordered diesel engine parts, as he
also plans to give chances to first generation diesels, like you.

-BoCo: That’s wonderful, especially since Derek will need a full overhaul real

(BoCo & Victor laugh)

-Victor: And here’s where you can get your chance BoCo. Henry said a while back
that the Kirk Ronan Branch is in need of a permanent engine, especially since they
can’t keep sparring Donald, Douglas or Kirby so much.

-BoCo: Indeed! And now that you mention it, maybe I could help the Fat Controller
find one to run the line.

-Steamworks Manager: Excuse me BoCo, your return train is ready, it’s gotta go to

-BoCo: Thanks sir! Anyways, I better get going, I’ll see you later, thanks for
bringing this to my attention Victor.

-Victor: Anytime my friend. Now get going, and good luck.

(Shows BoCo trundling down the Main Line to Tidmouth where Edward, Henry and
Douglas are)

-Narrator: So BoCo was coupled to his return train, and set off down the Main Line
to Tidmouth. As he was doing so, BoCo was now feeling hopeful that the Fat
Controller is planning to give other different engine diversities a chance to be
saved and preserved on Sodor. Especially, since they were in a new era, they had to
find ways to adapt in order to keep up with these challenging times ahead. But to
do so, there had to be a plan.

-BoCo: (Inner monologue) Maybe?

-Narrator: BoCo thought to himself.

-BoCo: (Inner monologue) Just maybe, I could help find some. I’ll have to ask some
of the other engines.

-Narrator: Thankfully, he got the chance, as once he dropped of the trucks in a

siding, there he saw Edward, Henry, and Douglas all talking at the station sidings.
BoCo had an idea.

-BoCo: Hello lads!

-Edward: Oh, hello BoCo.

-Henry: Morning BoCo. How are you?

-BoCo: Oh I’m good Henry, its more hopeful really.

-Douglas: Och, how sae?

-BoCo: Well, first, if it’s okay Douglas, I’d like to ask you a question?

-Douglas: Och, um what’s up?

-BoCo: Do you know where I can find another engine?

-Douglas: Anither engine? Hmm…well, that depends BoCo? Whit kind o' engine, 'n'

-BoCo: Like for example, the same place where you found Oliver & Toad.

-Douglas: (Gasps) Ye mean, oan th' ither railway?

-BoCo: Indeed! I’m hoping to help look for new engines.

-Narrator: And BoCo explained to the 3 engines about the recent conversations he
had with Patrick and Victor, the steam restoration the Fat Controller planned, and
the current situation with the Kirk Ronan Branch.

-Edward: Wow, the Fat Controller is really planning this?

-BoCo: He is indeed Edward. Victor confirmed with me the supplies I delivered to
the Steamworks were new parts for both steam and diesels alike.

-Henry: But how can he find any new engines? The Fat Controller’s father admitted
after Oliver & Bear came to Sodor that steam is hard to find.

-BoCo: That maybe Henry, but there is so much of the region that is unexplored.
It’s not just saving those from scrap, maybe there are some engines from heritage
railways that we could recruit.

-Edward: Heritage railways you say. Hmm…now that is a good idea, especially for
engines that are there on static display after being withdrawn.

-Henry: Yeah, and the fact they can’t move anymore, and staying in one spot talking
to people over and over, and not doing any work, that’s gotta be maddening at

-BoCo: Indeed! So that’s why I thought that maybe there is a way we could save
other engines and give them the chance any engine would want. So I thought I could
tell you guys about it, and get an insight on how that could be done. Like if we
went to the Mainland.

-Douglas: That’s a wonderful idea BoCo, 'n' we lik' tae hulp, bit thae days it's
ainlie diesels that gang thare.

-Edward: Exactly! Steam engines like us are needed on Sodor, but it would be
impossible to go all the way unless there was a designated stop, as there are no
coal hoppers and water towers at stations anymore.

-BoCo: That’s a good point Edward. Hmm…maybe, that’s where I’ll go. I mean, I take
the Midnight Goods train every other night.

-Henry: Are you sure BoCo?

-BoCo: Absolutely! I’ll talk to the Fat Controller about it.

-Douglas: Brilliant plan BoCo. He said he’s cawin a meetin th' nicht at Tidmouth
Sheds. I’ll tell whit ye hae in mynd whin ah see him.

-BoCo: Thanks Douglas! I have to go, I’ll see you all later.

(BoCo departs)

-Douglas: Tak' care!

(Fades to Tidmouth Sheds at night with the Fat Controller talking to BoCo, Gordon,
James, Thomas, Henry, Duck, Edward, the Scottish Twins, Bear, and Derek)

-Narrator: That night, the Fat Controller had gathered some of the engines for the
meeting about his plans.

-TFC: Good evening engines. Now, as you all are aware at this point, we are now in
the 21st century, a time of new technology, new economics, and a new way of life in
general. More to the point, the world changes every day in order to survive, as
must we.

-Gordon: What are you saying sir?

-TFC: Well Gordon, with these new changes occurring on railways as of now, we need
to adapt to new changes in order to adapt, especially with new services that we
need to provide people on our island. Our economy is good, but we as the railway
need to find ways to make sure its stable, as with the influx of passengers from
all over the world, and new industries I’ve made contracts with to carry out goods
services, we need more engines to handle these jobs. Now I know you are all
wonderful engines that have come a long way since Day 1, and I’m always proud of
you all, but as of now, especially in modern times, you all need help.

-James: Oh, sir, you mean…

-TFC: (Chuckles) Don’t worry James, it’s not one of those moments we’re British
Railways would always send another devious diesel on trial, and I have to keep
justifying “they were the only engines available”. This time, I’m gonna make sure I
find new permanent engines that we can find to help our railway improve, and too
help all of you to keep on going for many years, and we need to give more chances
to other engines that need it. And I don’t just mean diesels (Winks at BoCo).

-BoCo: (Gasps) Do you mean sir?

-TFC: That’s right BoCo! Douglas told me everything you had in mind when you told
him, Edward and Henry that morning. Yes, I’m going to make sure that I find many
different engines from all over the UK, and make sure that they get a chance that
they never had because of British Railway’s greed.

-Henry: But sir? What if BR tries to stop us?

-TFC: They won’t Henry, because I had a meeting with the chairman of the railway
board and good friend, Mr. Richard Gallagher, and he and I have made a contract
with British Railways, that instead of giving into BR’s scheme where they would
send us unethical diesels that try to show us up and cause trouble, that we will
require our fleet of engines that we will save from scrap, because as long as we
find and save them by any means necessary, and that they can find a home and work,
then they won’t be scrapped, and we won’t get in trouble.

-Henry: Even if this means it was stealing sir?

-TFC: Even if it does sound like that at first glance Henry, it won’t be, as we
would basically be saving lives that are being forced on the scrap heap. As with
our new contract, it will allow us to require a number of different engines, being
saved from scrap, oh, and engines from heritage railways that would want to work
here, then nothing would happen. After all, we were able to persuade BR to keep
Donald, Douglas, Oliver and Toad when they all escaped.

-Donald: Aye, that’s true!

-Douglas: We hae yer faither tae thank fur that sur.

-TFC: Indeed you two. As with all these new projects for the railway, I now have
one involving the engines, where I will be holding a steam restoration to any new
recruits in need of a home. You BoCo had already heard this from Victor this
morning, and were the one rostered to deliver these new parts.

-BoCo: That I was. And I’m really glad you plan to do this sir. I had this same
dream you had to.

-TFC: That’s great to hear BoCo, because together, we can make this dream a
reality, as my father and grandfather believed all engines of different trades
deserve a chance, and here, in the new era of the 21st century, we finally can.
And, since you were the one who was thinking highly about this BoCo, and were one
of the reasons I made this announcement BoCo, I was thinking, if this would go in
favor with you, how would you like to go on a trip to the Mainland itself to see if
you can find any new engines?

(Everyone gasps)

-BoCo: Me sir, to the Mainland? On rescue missions?

-TFC: That’s right BoCo! I felt since this was a dream you had to help another
engines in need, I felt maybe I could send you on to British Railways, to save one
engine each. Don’t worry, its not all the time, it’ll be like every two or 3
months, as I know I’ll need you here to attend to your duties. And don’t worry,
I’ll let you think about it?

-BoCo: You don’t have to give me time sir, because I accept this mission.

-Bear: You mean it BoCo?

-BoCo: That’s right Bear! It’s about time we gave other engines a chance, as this
will also help benefit us to, if we are to keep the railway going by any means

-Derek: Brilliant then!

-Thomas: Wow! You got guts BoCo, I like it!

-Edward: Indeed! I did everything in my power when I saved Trevor from being
scrapped at Crock’s Scrapyard many years ago, and I have faith you will be
successful in saving another engine.

-BoCo: Thanks Edward! First things first, we need another engine to run the Kirk
Ronan Branchline for once, and I think that I’ll find an engine who can do just

-TFC: Excellent, as I can’t just keep sparring many engines. So that’s a good start
for now. Good initiative BoCo.

-BoCo: Thanks sir! But hold on, who will look after my trains here on Sodor?

-Derek: I could help BoCo, if it’s okay sir?

-TFC: You could Derek, but I’m gonna ask British Railways if they could loan
Patrick for a while to cover for BoCo. Though mind all of you, with the amount of
engines that could come in later years, that may not exactly be an issue anymore.

-BoCo: Excellent! I won’t let you down sir!

-TFC: Oh I have faith you any day BoCo. You will be leaving in two days’ time. So
tomorrow, we will prepare you for your mission.

(Everyone cheers, then cuts to two days from now with BoCo at Vicarstown Station)

-Narrator: Everyone cheered, delighted that there was still hope yet, but nobody
felt even happier, than BoCo the Metrovick Diesel. Two days had passed after the
Fat Controller had made his announcement. BoCo had been checked out at the
Steamworks, and was good to go. He was at Vicarstown Station that morning with one
of the breakdown trains, a well-wagon, a works unit carriage, and a break van.
While he was waiting, the Fat Controller came to see him along with another figure
that BoCo knew all too well.
-BoCo: Oh, hello Richard! What brings you here?

-Richard Hatt: Morning BoCo, I heard from dad that you’re going to the Mainland on
a rescue mission. Well, I’m actually coming with you.

-BoCo: You are?

-TFC: He is indeed BoCo. I talked about it with Richard, and he offered to join you
on your “crusade”, so to speak.

-BoCo: I don’t see no harm in that Richard. Are you sure?

-Richard Hatt: Absolutely! When dad told me your plan, I offered to help, as not
only do I think it’s a good cause, but on my travels from the Mainland, I know a
few places we can look in order to go and rescue other engines to join our fleet.

-BoCo: That’s wonderful Richard. In fact, that would be a great help, as I know the
lines of the Mainland on the back of my buffers to, so we’ll do this together.
Thank you!

-Richard Hatt: My pleasure! Plus, the other reason, if any scrap merchants try to
stop us, I’ll persuade them, as being the director of public affairs for the
railway, I’ll make sure they listen to us whether they want to or not.

-TFC: (Chuckles) That’s my boy! I know you and BoCo will do great Rich! Good luck
you two, and be careful!

-BoCo: We will sir! And I’ll make sure Richard is safe and sound with me.

-Richard Hatt: And I’ll make sure I’ll keep BoCo himself and whichever engine we
come across safe to.

-Narrator: Just then, Patrick pulled up.

-Patrick: Morning all! I heard that the plan to find more members for the railway
is going through. That’s wonderful everybody.

-BoCo: Indeed it is! Thanks for covering for me Patrick.

-Patrick: My pleasure old friend! Just make sure you find more engines to save and
to help keep Sodor running by any means necessary.

-BoCo: Indeed!

-Narrator: So after Patrick came, Richard took a ride in BoCo’s cab, the signal
dropped, the guard blew his whistle, and the big green diesel set off for the

-TFC: Good luck BoCo, and good luck Richie, and be careful!

-Narrator: The Fat Controller called out.

(Shows BoCo flying down the Main Line past the Vicarstown Bridge, Barrow and
Furness, and running through the Mainland)

-Narrator: So BoCo, with the Fat Controller’s son Richard on board, set off to
England, to see if they could find any new recruits to save. BoCo was excited, and
pleased so far that his plan went into action. He didn’t know what he find on the
Mainland, but he was determined to make a difference to benefit the railway and any
engine that needed a home. And as soon as he passed Barrow, he boldly made his way
down the line, and through the territory or British Railways.

(Opens with BoCo making it to Manchester where he meets Pip & Emma)

-Narrator: Soon, BoCo was making his way down the tracks of British Railways, in
order to find different engines to save from scrap. As he was doing so, he soon
made his way to Manchester Station where there he saw were two other familiar faces
he remembered all too well.

-BoCo: Ah, well I’ll be, hello there, um, which one are you?

-Pip: (Giggles) Oh I’m Pip. Emma’s in the back today (Giggles).

-Emma: Oui, Pip, who’s that up there you talking to?

-Pip: It’s BoCo, Emma, he’s here on the Mainland.

-Emma: Oh, well I’ll be. Hello BoCo!

-BoCo: (Chuckles) Hello Emma!

-Pip: (Giggles) Haven’t seen you or the other Sodor engines in a while, what brings
you to Manchester, let alone the Mainland itself?

-BoCo: Well Pip, you see, I’m actually on a mission you see. With the dawn of the
21st century, things are beginning to change, especially on Sodor. New industries
and lines are now in service, so we need other engines to help keep them running.

-Pip: I see! So you’re here on business?

-BoCo: You could say that, but also rescue.

-Pip: Rescue?

-Narrator: And BoCo explained to Pip & Emma about the Fat Controller’s big plans to
improve the Northwestern Railway, and rescue and restore many different engines, as
well as his own contribution for the railway, and how he was sent.

-Pip: Wow! That is so…noble, the fact the Fat Controller is going all out to help
other engines in need. And the fact he’s sending you to save other engines, it’s so
heroic, (Blushes) and really sweet. Another reason why we love Sodor so much.

-BoCo: Thanks Pip. No engine will get left behind on my watch. Though I can only
save just one engine at a time, and every so often, as I will need to get back to
work on Sodor really soon (Chuckles).

-Emma: True! But still, it’s just amazing BoCo. But the fact the Fat Controller is
sending you, a diesel like us, to save other engines.

-BoCo: Well, yes, but only because the steam engines can’t for obvious reasons.

-Emma: True! But I’m saying mentally, the fact a diesel will save a steam engine
from scrap that should really change everything. You have no idea how hard it is
when Pip and I are constantly getting ridiculed by the really pompous steam

-BoCo: Oh believe Emma, I do. I dealt with that hate before back when I was first
built. I just couldn’t believe it myself that this war between both engine
diversities existed. I mean, we shouldn’t be enemies, if it weren’t for the steam
engines, we wouldn’t even exist.

-Pip: Exactly! I mean, do they not think that we don’t care, I mean, when we saw
steam engines and fellow diesels placed in scrap sidings, we were bawling our eyes

-Emma: Indeed! But at least there some steam engines that trust us.

-BoCo: Exactly! That’s another reason for doing this, as it’s to change that
“perception”, and show we diesels are on their side and always have been. We are
engines just like them, and we shouldn’t be enemies, but rather team up and prove
our worth to our real enemy, British Railways.

-Pip: True words never spoken.

-Emma: Here, here. But are you sure you’re able to find one BoCo?

-BoCo: Honestly, I’m just making this up as I go along. I was hoping if I ran into
any old friends…

-Pip & Emma: (Giggles)

-Emma: You don’t have to tell us twice BoCo, because it’s a good thing you met up
with us right now.

-Pip: Indeed Emma. We’re not due to leave yet BoCo, so you’ve come to the right
place at the right time.

-BoCo: Excellent! Anything I should know?

-Pip: Well, first and foremost, you should stop at a station for the night to rest
and refuel before heading out again. As for finding other engines, well, Emma and I
are not the best when it comes to search and rescues we admit, but we could ask
around and see. But there is one place that may be convenient.

-Emma: It’s the Woodham Bros. Scrapyard in Barry Island, Wales. Dreadful place it
is. They still might have some engines there. But be careful.

-BoCo: Barry Island. Thanks you two. It may be a long ride though. It may take me
all day and night.

-Pip: You needn’t worry BoCo. If you feel tired, use the nearest station, and ask
to rest there and refuel. And your crew could even use the nearest hotel or
something nearby.

-BoCo: Excellent! I’ll make sure to do just that. It’s not just me, I even got
another guest helping me.

(Richard peers out)

-Richard Hatt: Hello you two!

-Pip: Oh, Richard, you’re here to.

-Richard Hatt: That I am! I volunteered to help accompany BoCo on the mission,
especially if any scrap dealers, inspectors, or any goons start questioning our
motives, I’ll back BoCo up. Especially if we come across any engines in Barry
Island, I’ll be there to bargain with them.

-Emma: (Giggles) Sounds like a plan.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Pip: Oh, that’s our guard’s whistle, we have to go. Goodbye BoCo. Goodbye Richard,
and good luck.

-Emma: And maybe we can even ask around and see if there are other engines out
there. Bye!

(Pip & Emma depart)

-BoCo: See you later you two. Woodham Bros. Scrapyard it is then.

-Richard Hatt: Indeed! First I just need to get us something to eat at the café,
then we’ll head over there and see what we could find.

-BoCo: Sounds like a plan.

(Shows BoCo traveling down the line)

-Narrator: So after Richard, BoCo’s driver, and the workmen aboard bought
themselves lunch for the journey, BoCo departed from Manchester, and headed down
the line. However, it was getting late, the sun was beginning to set with all the
hours they’ve been traveling.

-BoCo: (Yawns) Oh my! We’ve been traveling so much, I’m feeling worn out.

-BoCo’s Driver: Same here old boy. I’m beginning to lose track of how long we’ve
been out.

-Richard Hatt: Indeed! I guess we should take Pip & Emma’s advice and find a place
to stay.

-BoCo: Indeed! I remember, the next station up ahead is Birmingham, so we’ll stop

-Richard Hatt: Sounds like a plan. I’ll see if I can get us hotel to stay in to.

-Narrator: So that is what they did. BoCo soon arrived at the goods yard Birmingham
to rest for the night. Richard got down and asked the Yard Manager there if they
could do so. He said yes, and even recommended them a nice hotel near the yards
they can go to rest at. So as they set off, BoCo settled into the shed, and began
to doze.

-BoCo: (Yawns) Let’s hope we do find something in Woodham Bros. wouldn’t want the
mission to go in vain. But then again, the whole UK is so big, there’s gotta be
other places to check. Hmm…since I did let Pip & Emma in on the plan, I guess I’ll
even ask other engines to if they can help.

-Narrator: BoCo thought to himself. And the big green diesel went to sleep, assured
that a plan that may sound impossible at first, can be considered possible with the
help of friends in high places. And when morning came, he wouldn’t know how right
he would be. As Richard, BoCo’s Driver, the guard, and the breakdown gang arrived
after breakfast and checking out, they made it to the yard to get started again.
The driver got BoCo to the fuel pump, where BoCo’s fuel tanks were well and truly
full, and the workmen all got back to their spots in the works unit coach, as well
as the guard in the brake van, and Richard got back into BoCo’s cab as well, ready
for the long journey to Barry Island.

-BoCo: Okay, now that were set, we need to find a route we could take to Woodham.

-Richard Hatt: Indeed! I could ask the Yard Manager.

-BoCo: Indeed! (Looks in the distance) Or, we could ask another old friend.

-Richard Hatt: What do you mean?

-BoCo: I don’t if the Yard Manger would be willing to help, given how BR is, but I
know an engine who could. Look over there. (Loud A3 whistle chimes)

-Narrator: Richard looked where BoCo was, at there at a platform, much to his
surprise, was the very engine who looked like he could help. He was the same class
as Gordon, but he has two corridor tenders, the first one saying the letters
“LNER”, and the second saying the number “4472”, a double chimney, German-styled
deflectors, and was painted in a bright apple green with white and black lining.
BoCo knew right away who it was, and so did Richard. It was Gordon’s brother, the
Flying Scotsman, who would occasionally visit Sodor every once in a while,
especially to visit Gordon.

-Richard Hatt: Well then, let’s do it.

-Narrator: So BoCo made his way to the platform right where Scotsman was. Scotsman
himself was quite surprised to see him.

-BoCo: Hello Scotsman. Surprised to see me?

-Scotsman: I’d say I am, hello BoCo, didn’t think I’d see you here in Birmingham,
what brings you here?

-Narrator: BoCo explained to Scotsman what he told Pip & Emma yesterday, and that
he was resting for the night. Scotsman was amazed.

-Scotsman: Well I say, that’s a very great plan to hear BoCo. And I think the Fat
Controller made a right choice in picking you for the mission.

-BoCo: Why thank you Scott. Anything to keep the legacy of railways preserved and

-Scotsman: Here, here! (Chuckles) I think even the late Sir Nigel Gresley would be
impressed. I think even my original owner Alan Pegler would be impressed to hear,
because the idea you gave the Fat Controller reminds me of when Pegler saved me
back in ’62, and when Sir William McAlpine managed to buy me back from the United
States after my rail tour there went bankrupt.

-BoCo: Indeed! I imagine that, that must’ve been scary back then, having a fate

-Scotsman: Indeed! I honestly just don’t know which was worse, nearly being
scrapped, or being left in a faraway country, with an uncertain future. I imagine
whoever you’d save would have the same feelings I did.

-BoCo: Exactly! So that’s why I’ve come to ask, would you know by any chance a path
I could use to get to Barry Island.

-Scotsman: (Chuckles) That I do my dear engine, as I do railtours around the UK

24/7, so you’ve asked the right engine (Chuckles). You keep going down Southwest.
First you have to pass through Cheltenham, then Gloucester, then go along the River
Severn, and then pass Newport, then you make your way to Cardiff Central Station,
down another line that will take us to Woodham Bros. itself.

-BoCo: Excellent! Thanks Scotsman!

-Scotsman: My pleasure BoCo. And since you told Pip & Emma about your plans, I’ll
even ask around and see if your railway can take in other engines to. I was saved
several times, so I’ll pay it forward by helping another engine.

-BoCo: Thanks Scott, that would be much appreciated.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Scotsman: Anyways, I must be off. Good luck BoCo, and be careful there.

(Flying Scotsman departs)

-BoCo: I will! See you later Scotsman, and thank again.

-Narrator: After Scotsman left, a signal dropped, and BoCo’s path was clear.

(Shows BoCo making his way down the Main Line of British Railways until he
approaches Barry Island by nightfall)

-Narrator: Soon BoCo was making his down the line, and past the stations Scotsman
described. It took him all day to travel to Barry Island. Until at last when he
made it to Cardiff, he refilled there, and then, the Stationmaster pointed to where
Barry Island was, and he set down. Darkness fell and the cold wind blew, as BoCo
finally made his way down the line, and to the gates, of the Woodham Bros.
Scrapyard. Once he entered, BoCo began to feel uneasy.

-BoCo: Oh, what’s that?

-Narrator: It was only the sounds of the lonely and cold scrapyards. He saw the
scrapped remains of engines that were once alive, both steam and diesel. All lined
up single file in the scrap sidings. Covered in rust and moss, with paint marks of
graffiti, parts missing, and still and lifeless. The diesels that were still alive,
were just silent and still, and lined up on guard.

-BoCo: Oh dear god. This is the one thing I was dreading to see. The fact that
these were once engines, full of life, and puffing or clattering down the line with
passengers and goods.

-Richard Hatt: I know what you mean. Let’s just hope we can find an engine that is
still alive.

-Narrator: Richard said, as he and BoCo took a moment of silence, for devastation
and demise of the engines that lost their lives to the scrapyards. Until…

(A trucks bumps forward in front)

-BoCo: AH!

-Richard Hatt: WHOA!

-Splatter: Um…sorry for the bump there pal, I was just shunting this lot and I say
you come by. Helps in the intimidation I guess.
-BoCo: (Groans) Oh no!

-Narrator: BoCo groaned, as he had met this annoying diesel before. He was an 08
Shunter like Diesel. But before BoCo could scold him, a horn blared, and another
diesel that looked like him rolled beside the Metrovick. They were twin 08
Shunters, like ‘Arry & Bert. Though they certainly weren’t intimidating like those
two, just plain annoying. They were both painted in a dark gray, but their front
panels, roofs, radiators, side rods, running boards and cabs each were painted in a
signature livery. The one in front of BoCo, called Splatter, was painted purple,
the one beside him, Dodge, was olive green.

-BoCo: Well, I never, if it isn’t the Splodge pair.

-Splatter: Um…actually, it’s Splatter.

-Dodge: Yeah, and Dodge.

-BoCo: (Annoyed) Yes I know, but I’m not here to play games right now. In fact,
what are you two even doing here?

-Dodge: Oh can’t you tell, we work here um…buckoo?

-Splatter: No I think it’s Rambo.

-Dodge: No maybe its blambo.

-Splatter: Or Bingo. Oh, bingo, bingo, I think I got…

-BoCo: It’s BoCo you idiots!

-Dodge: Oh, what kinda of name is BoCo?

-Splatter: Yeah, I think I liked Rambo better.

-Dodge: Ever seen Johnny Rambo movies?

-Splatter: Can’t say I have, but it sounds pretty cool.

-BoCo: (Groans) Shut up!

-Splatter & Dodge: GAH!

-BoCo: Listen you morons, I’m not here for your games! I’m here to find another
engine, and I’m not gonna waste time.

-Splatter: Okay, okay, geez! What are doing here?

-Dodge: Yeah, don’t you live now on that Island of Sodor or something?

-BoCo: I do! I’m here on a mission. I’m looking for another engine.

-Splatter: Well, look around, there’s plenty.

-Dodge: Yeah, yeah, plenty of them, they’re everywhere.

-BoCo: Not the one I want. I need a live one, one that’s still living, and hasn’t
been melted down yet.
-Splatter: Um…well, we don’t know if there is one.

-Dodge: Maybe there was, but haven’t checked.

-Splatter: We just can never keep track of what comes in or out of this yard.

-Dodge: Well, except my driver’s take out at Dunkin Donuts.

-Splatter: Oh yeah, which did he order, the munchkins, or the glazed double

-Dodge: I think it was glazed with rainbow sprinkles.

-Splatter: Mmm…now those are my favorites.

-Dodge: Yeah, same here, he eats them all the time. Though he goes to the wash
closet 24/7.

-Splatter: Yeesh, that’s gotta be hell.

-Richard Hatt: Oh my lord, you know these hooligans BoCo?

-BoCo: You don’t even want to know Richard. I used to work with them and that
friend of theirs back on BR. They are annoying, talkative, and dumb as the steel
they’re built from.

-Dodge: Hey, we ain’t dumb. Dumb is more of an exaggeration.

-Splatter: Yeah, were…uh…uhhhh….

-Dodge: More average intelligence? Uh…

-Richard Hatt: Absent-minded perhaps?

-Splatter: Yeah, that’s it! Whatever that means!

-Dodge: Yeah…what he said. I mean we are…

(D261 comes in)

-D261: Hey, you two! What are you both doing standing around talking too this
contraption of a diesel, my train is due out in 15 minutes. Oh and you blockheads
are slacking off…again!

-Splatter: We ain’t slacking Bowler…we’re shunting around the yard, till we saw
this diesel come in.

-Dodge: Yeah, thought we’d soften him up.

-D261: Oh stop with your excuses you idiots! No wonder why you both were sent here,
because you spend more time talking, and less time working, so how about you
simpletons be good shunters and do vice versa, BY GETTING MY TRAIN READY YOU DOLTS!

-Splatter: (Gulps) Oh, uh…yes Bowler!

-Dodge: Right away Bowler!

(Splatter & Dodge scram)

-D261: AND DON’T CALL ME BOWLER! Honestly, I can’t believe those blockheads are
still kept in service.

-BoCo: I can’t believe you are yourself, D261. What the hell are you even doing

-D261: I was about to ask you the same question, relic!

-BoCo: I’m here on business.

-D261: Business? With a breakdown train? What kinda business?

-BoCo: That’s for me to know, and you to find out!

-Richard Hatt: He’s right! And I won’t stand for your intrusiveness either, Bowler.

-D261: And who in pray tell are you?

-Richard Hatt: I am Richard Topham Hatt IV, the son of the current Fat Controller,
Sir Stephen Topham Hatt.

-D261: Oh, of course. From that pathetic, outdated Northwestern Railway, I mean, I
should know, considering you’re without this pathetic excuse of a diesel with you.

-BoCo: If I were you I’d watch your tongue Bowler.

-Richard Hatt: Exactly! Because since I am the son of railway controller, as well
as the director of public affairs for the Northwestern Railway, you will show some
respect or I could inform whoever your owner is about your rude and arrogant

-D261: Oh fine, sure, but that may be easier said than done. Seeing as I’m
surrounded by a relic who gave diesels like me a bad reputation.

-BoCo: What? You’re still on that. That was 5 decades ago, and it wasn’t me and my
siblings fault that we were given those design flaws you know.

-D261: It was, you Metrovicks were just as horrible as the steam engines. You were
an absolute embarrassment to diesels.

-BoCo: Oh don’t you get all snobby because of what engines like me are on the
outside. It was diesels like you that gave our kind the bad reputation. You think
my class was bad, take a look at yourself.

-D261: No, NO! Diesels like me are the future, we are more efficient and modern,
better any day than those outdated kettles, and you diesel imposters with those
atrocious design flaws.

-Richard Hatt: Silence! BoCo here is more of an engine than you’ll ever be. He is a
true diesel. You my friend, your mind is stuck in the past, your class isn’t even
that modern anymore. And BoCo here is right, if anybody is an embarrassment to your
kind, its engines like you, I mean, how else did that nickname of yours “Bowler”
come about, eh?

-BoCo: Thanks Richard! And don’t think we haven’t heard when you betrayed your own
brother many years ago, and left him to die like that at our scrapyards.

-D261: That was because he failed us after crashing into one of your sheds.
-BoCo: At least he saw sense in the error of his ways, unlike you.

-D261: Pah! Bullocks to both of you! I don’t even know why I waste my time with you
pathetic delusional Sudrians.

-Richard Hatt: Oh stop with the hypocrisy, because we pathetic delusional Sudrians
could inform your current owner about your behavior if you keep bad mouthing us
like that, so this is your last warning. You could either give us a hand, or get
out. Besides, you have a train to take anyway, don’t you?

-D261: ARGH!

-Narrator: D261 just said nothing, as he flounced away.

-BoCo: Thanks for backing me up Richard.

-Richard Hatt: My pleasure BoCo. Nobody talks to my friends like that. I remember
granddad telling me about that diesel, and the time he sucked an inspector’s bowler
hat into his air intake.

-BoCo: Indeed! He still has a bad reputation even to this day.

-Richard Hatt: Did you know him personally?

-BoCo: I’m afraid I did, he was one of the rude diesels that I encountered back on
the Mainland, along with Splatter & Dodge, as well as the leader of the diesels at
the time.

-Richard Hatt: Oh, you mean that Warship with the strange grappling arm on his

-BoCo: The very same. I’ll explain later, right now, we need to see if any engines
are still alive and salvageable.

-Narrator: No sooner did BoCo say that, a voice called out.

-Scrap Manager: Who are you?

-Narrator: It was the manager of the Woodham Bros. Scrapyard. BoCo plucked up
courage at once, and Richard even got himself prepared to ask him some questions.

-BoCo: Good evening there sir! I’m from the Northwestern Railway on the Island of
Sodor, and I’m here to see if there any engines to be salvaged.

-Scrap Manager: The Island of Sodor, eh? And you want to take an engine with you?
Humph! Fat chance!

-Richard Hatt: Now come on good sir, let’s not be so hasty, we’re here on official
business. We just need to know if there are any live engines that haven’t been
scrapped yet that we could save, and at least give him a home on our railway.

-Scrap Manager: Well we ain’t letting that happen. Steam engines have no place on
British Railways, and everything here is done on the clock.

-BoCo: Oh, and how so? By say…killing off innocent engines because you just think
they’re worthless?

-Scrap Manager: It’s nothing personal.

-Richard Hatt: Ah, but it will be for you mate. You see, my father is the current
controller of the Northwestern Railway, whom has made a deal with the chairman of
the railway board.

-Scrap Manager: You’re joking right? Mr. Gallagher?

-Richard Hatt: That’s right! He is after all an actual steam enthusiast himself.
And he made a contract with my father that if we save an engine and making sure
that they find a home on Sodor, they won’t be scrapped. And were not stealing if
that’s what you think, because whatever we can find, I will be paying legally. And
if there on our railway, then guess what, that’s our problem, not yours!

-Narrator: Now the scrap manager subsided.

-Scrap Manager: Um…oh…I see now. Okay, wouldn’t want to disappoint Mr. Gallagher.

-Richard Hatt: Good, so at least now, we can cooperate with one another. Now then,
have you got any living engines in your sheds?

-Scrap Manager: No none!

-BoCo: Okay, then what about the sidings? And we don’t mean the ones you’ve already

-Scrap Manager: Um…one! We have one, a tender engine, he’s in the back, you can’t
miss him.

-Richard Hatt: Excellent then! We’ll just go and inspect, and I got my checkbook
out to. Thank you!

-Scrap Manager: (Sighs) You’re welcome!

(BoCo heads over to the back where a rusty 2MT Ivatt Class is, named Barry)

-Narrator: In the back, was an LMS 2MT Ivatt Class, with a 2-6-0 wheel arrangement,
and was covered from front end to tender in rust and moss. The years had not been
kind to him, and he stood depressed and alone in the cold, overgrown siding. BoCo
took great interest.

-BoCo: (Inner monologue) Ah ha! That’s the one!

-Narrator: BoCo thought, as he clattered over, and the rusty tender engine was
snapped out of his depression, and stood in fear at the diesel.

-BoCo: Hello there!

-Barry: (Nervous) AH! Stay away from me! This engine’s not for scrapping! I don’t
need another diesel to torment me in how useless I am.

-BoCo: Ssh, relax, I’m not going to do that. I’m a friend. I know what you’re
thinking, but I’m not like those diesels. In fact, I’m here to ask, would you like
to work on a railway, where there are more steam engines, and where you can have a
place to call home.

-Barry: (Nervous) Um…that depends. None of the crews on BR don’t really like me you
see. As, I’m a jinxed.

-BoCo: I don’t know what you mean by that, but our railway is the kind to give
chances to everyone, where nobody has to face being ridiculed, where an engine,
steam or diesel can be who they are and work hard. And you can be one of them,
because we are going to get you out of here.

-Barry: (Gasps) You mean that.

-Richard Hatt: Absolutely! (Climbs down from BoCo’s cab) You see, we’re from the
Northwestern Railway on the Island of Sodor, and we are on a special rescue mission
to save another engine from scrap. And that means you.

-Barry: Really?

-BoCo: Absolutely! Come on lads, let’s get to work!

-Narrator: BoCo called. The engine himself, was rather pleased.

-Barry: Thank you! Anything’s better than spending the last 37 years in a scrap

-Narrator: So they all set to work, as Richard was with the scrap manager making
the purchase for the mogul, BoCo and the workmen soon set to work freeing the
engine. They couldn’t let him move on his own wheels due to his current state, so
they cleaned up any debris or undergrowth, and with the breakdown train, they
hoisted him up after the past 37 years he had been there, and loaded him onto the
well wagon. The workmen then fastened strong chains to keep him into place. But
they still needed to get his tender, so Richard asked the scrap manager if they had
any spare trucks, and there was a line of well wagons in a siding he was willing to
give them. So BoCo shunted the other well wagon behind the one the mogul was one,
and with the same process, the engine’s tender was loaded on, and the workmen
fastened it tight.

-Richard Hatt: I got him cheap BoCo. We should be good to go. Well just rest back
in Birmingham, then tomorrow, we could go through Manchester again, and get back

-BoCo: Excellent! Anyways, are we ready!

-Workmen: Yep, he’s all well and secure.

-Richard Hatt: Excellent then. And thank you there sir for letting us buy this

-Scrap Manager: Oh don’t mention it, as least somebody’s gonna use him.

-Narrator: And he walked hastily back to his office.

-BoCo: Right then, let’s go!

-Narrator: So off BoCo set, with the engine on board his train, past the ghastly
remains of scrapped engines, as well as brooding lines of diesels.

-Splatter: Huh?

-Dodge: What the?

(Splatter & Dodge collide and derail on some points)

-Splatter & Dodge: OOF! OW!


-Splatter: The boss is going to kill us!

-Dodge: You mean you, you’re the one who wasn’t watching were he was going!

-Splatter: No you were!

-Dodge: No you were!

-Splatter: You!

-Dodge: You!

-Splatter: You!

-Dodge: You!

-Barry: (Sighs) Well I’m glad to get away from those louts. They were so annoying
to listen to.

-BoCo: Tell me about it, I used to deal with their blunders to.

(Pass D261)

-D261: What the devil? Where are going with that old, useless, scrap iron!

-BoCo: Just down the line! And for a new lease of life. Where every engine is


(D261 chases after them)

-Narrator: And then, D261 chased after them, leaving his train behind.

-Barry: Oh no! He’s trying to stop us!

-BoCo: Like hell he will! Hang on!

(Shows a chase scene with D261 chasing after BoCo & Barry)

-Narrator: And BoCo raced as fast as he could, with D261 chasing after them, as he
was determined to make sure a steam engine would be scrapped, one way or another.
But perhaps if he hadn’t been so selfish, and letting his anger get the better of
him, he would’ve noticed that the signalman had already given BoCo and his train a
clear path. And just the Metrovick Diesel with the Mogul in tow sped onto his line
just in time, he set the signal to red, and D261, saw, but he couldn’t stop in

(D261 derails on the points a crashes into a hill)


-BoCo: Ha, ha! That’ll teach you, you snooty, delusional, moron! (Chuckles)

-Barry: Wow! That was impressive! And I can’t believe it, after 37 years, I’ve been
saved. Thank you…um…what’s your name?

-BoCo: (Chuckles) BoCo! My name is BoCo! What’s yours?

-Barry: To be honest, I never had a name. The crews only referred to me by my old
number, 46489. I was never really lucky you see. Because I was a jinxed. I had so
many misfortunes, that the crews were scared to drive me, and even called me a
death engine. My old manager hated me to, so he withdrew me, and I’d been in the
scrapyard ever since. At least until you showed up.

-BoCo: I’m sorry to hear mate! I know how you feel. Me and my class used to have
terrible design flaws, which meant that we would break down at the worst moments.
But after my controller’s father purchased me, he gave me a chance, and overhauled
me, and those faults were rectified for good, and I’ve been in service on Sodor
ever since. I’m sure we can help you in any way we can, um…46489. We need an engine
to run one of our branchlines, and we might think you might be the one.

-Barry: That sounds lovely. I just hope I got a new chance on Sodor. I’ve heard of
your railway before, and I never got the chance to work there, but at least you’re
willing to help me.

-BoCo: Of course, because on Sodor, every engine is equal, and no engine gets left

-Barry: Thank you! Without sounding rude, I’m really surprised that a diesel is
saving me.

-BoCo: (Chuckles) I understand, but don’t worry, were not all like them, as Sodor
has even saved diesels like me, as we were in just as much danger of being scrapped

-Barry: Really?

-BoCo: Really! Once we get to Sodor, I’m sure the Fat Controller will even think of
a name for you if you’d like.

-Barry: Thanks BoCo. Though I actually think I thought of a name. Um…Barry!

-BoCo: Barry? You mean…after Barry Island, where you were?

-Barry: Yes! It just feels like a name to remind myself. You understand, right?

-BoCo: Of course I do. Don’t worry, “Barry”, you’ll be safe with us. I promise.

-Narrator: And the Metrovick set down the line, with his new friend, Barry, in tow.
They made it back to Birmingham again by midnight, and BoCo rested in the same
spot, as the same yard manager let them stay there, where BoCo parked himself and
Barry in the same shed, as Richard, the driver, guard, and workmen, left for
another hotel.

-BoCo: We shall stay here for the night, and tomorrow, we’ll head home to Sodor.

-Barry: That’s great to hear. Does your controller really plan on saving other
engines like me?

-BoCo: That he does Barry. And even diesels like me as well. I’ll explain in the
morning, but for now (Yawns), excuse me. I think we should get us some shut eye.
Good night Barry!

-Barry: Good night BoCo! And thanks for saving me!

-Narrator: And the two engines went to sleep at once. The next morning, both
engines woke, and just like yesterday, the men arrived after breakfast and checking
out from the other hotel, and BoCo was refuel at the fuel pump. Just as they were
about to leave, a small black tank engine with six small wheels, red lining, and
British railways logo came in and coupled onto a goods train. BoCo was surprised,
as he even knew this engine to.

-BoCo: (Gasps) Oh my lord, is that?

-Jinty: Well I never, BoCo, is that you?

-BoCo: Hey, Jinty! I don’t believe it, it is!

-Jinty: Same here mate! I don’t believe it myself.

-BoCo: Well it’s really great to see you! What are you doing here?

-Jinty: Oh, I’ve been preserved now by the Great Central Railway, I’m picking up
these trucks of coal here, and take them back. I see you were successful in your
first recuse mission.

-BoCo: Why, yes, I am! How did you…

-Jinty: Pip & Emma told me about what happened when they stopped Loughborough, and
I was impressed not that I got to hear from you, but what about your plan. I was so
thrilled that you were able to carry out that dream you had before the Fat
Controller at the time purchased you to come to Sodor. And I’m glad you did!

-BoCo: Thanks Jinty! Anyways, this is Barry! Barry, this is Jinty, one of the few
engines I worked with, who mentored me in everything I know. And, he actually has
known every engine on Sodor even before they came there.

-Barry: Oh, hello Jinty! Pleased to meet you! You’ve been to Sodor before.

-Jinty: That I have Barry. It was back in ’56, when the original 8 engines were off
to an event in London to prove that they aren’t children’s book characters, and
that they are real. I got to cover for their number 1, Thomas the Tank Engine.
Wonderful chap he is! How’s everyone been on Sodor, BoCo?

-BoCo: They’re just fine Jinty. Still hard at work and having adventures like

-Jinty: (Chuckles) That’s good to hear mate! And now that you got a new friend, I’m
sure they’ll be even more adventures. You Barry, if it’s okay to say, you must’ve
been through a lot.

-Barry: That I have. I’ve been in the Woodham Bros. Scrapyard for 37 years, hence
why I called myself Barry. I thought of my own name last night you see.

-Jinty: I understand! Well you needn’t worry Barry, you’ll be safe on Sodor, as
they take good care of their engines there. Speaking of which, BoCo, I was
thinking, since I heard about you and the Fat Controller’s plan, and after you told
Pip, Emma, and Flying Scotsman, I’ll even help you two, as there are plenty of good
friend from the good old days that really want to come to Sodor.

-BoCo: That’s wonderful, you mean engines like Arthur, Murdoch, and Paxton.

-Jinty: The very same. I’m gonna help by talking to my manager, and see if that can
be arranged, and if some of our friends can be sent over there for a new lease of
-BoCo: That’s wonderful! Thank you Jinty! Who knows, maybe you could even work for
us to.

-Jinty: (Chuckles) That is a nice thought, but I still have work to do on the Great
Central, and (Whispers) for that secret society our friend Ian founded.

-BoCo: (Whispers) Oh that. Yeah, let’s make sure that, that psychotic brother of
his is not out there causing trouble.

-Jinty: (Whispers) Yeah! (Stops whispering) So yeah, maybe someday BoCo, I would
really love to become part of Sodor, but for real this time.

-BoCo: Same here!

-Jinty: Anyways, I better be off. And don’t worry, I’ll see if I can get any
engines to come to Sodor as soon as possible. Goodbye!

-BoCo: See you later Jinty! Right then Barry, you ready to go to Sodor.

-Barry: I’m ready. But I hope it will all work out better, even before I was sent
to the scrapyard.

-BoCo: Don’t worry Barry, have faith, as like Jinty said, they take good care of
engines like us on Sodor. And if anything happens, I’ll be there.

-Narrator: So BoCo was coupled to the train, and he set off with Barry back to
Sodor was their line was cleared.

(Shows BoCo traveling down British Railways, past Manchester and Barrow, and over
the Vicarstown Bridge)

-Narrator: Soon, they were making their way down the line, and many passengers and
enthusiasts who saw them by, were amazed to see an engine from the Island of Sodor,
a diesel as well, saving a steam engine from scrap. They were even greeted by
fellow engines that also supported the cause, as well as those BoCo had already met
up with the past two days, giving them cheers and whistles as they passed through.
And when BoCo and Barry passed through Barrow, BoCo smiled, as there in sight, was
the beautiful sight of the Vicarstown Drawbridge.

-BoCo: Ha, ha! There it is!

-Barry: You mean, we’ve made it.

-BoCo: Yes we have Barry. That’s the Vicarstown Bridge. We’re crossing over the
border, back home on the Island of Sodor. Mission accomplished!

-Richard Hatt: Definitely accomplished BoCo. I called father this morning, and I
told him about our adventure, and he’s very pleased, he’ll be greeting us at the

-BoCo: Excellent! Let’s go over there and introduce you to them, Barry.

-Barry: Okay!

(Fades to the Steamworks where the Fat Controller, Edward, Henry, Donald, Douglas,
Skarloey, Rheneas, Marlin, and Victor)

-Narrator: The Fat Controller was at the Steamworks waiting of course with Marlin
and Victor, but also there to welcome BoCo and Richard back where Edward, Henry,
Donald, Douglas, and even Skarloey and Rheneas were there to. Just then, they say a
familiar green shape backing in the Steamworks.

-Douglas: Aye, ‘ere he comes!

-Narrator: Announced Douglas! BoCo finally returned home, with Barry and his tender
loaded onto to the well wagons. BoCo had already put the Breakdown Train back, and
the workmen all returned home, so now he shunted Barry into the Steamworks.
Everybody cheered for BoCo’s success.

-TFC: Well done Richard and BoCo! And welcome home!

-Richard Hatt: Thanks father! It’s great to be back, and here’s the engine we
saved. This is Barry.

-Narrator: The engines were in awe at the rusty old Ivatt. Barry was at first shy,
but realized now he finally had a home, all thanks to BoCo.

-Edward: Still, you did the right thing in saving this engine BoCo, and we’re very
proud of you.

-BoCo: Thanks Edward! You saved Trevor many years ago, which later inspired us to
save many other engines, so now I decided to do the same.

-Henry: It’s a good thing you did BoCo. You and all the other diesels on this
railway, aside from ‘Arry & Bert that is, really are true diesels.

-BoCo: Thank you Henry!

-Skarloey: Indeed! You really have what it takes to be a Sodor engine BoCo.

-TFC: That he does Skarloey! And I’m very proud of both you and Richard, BoCo, and
as a special reward, you shall have a nice rest after your crusade, and you shall
be inspected for any wear, and given a new coat of paint.

-BoCo: Thank you sir! But what about Barry?

-TFC: Oh yes! How ignorant of me! Sorry about that Barry, I almost forgot that BoCo
saved you.

-Barry: It’s okay sir! At least you all acknowledge I exist, unlike my previous
owners and fellow engines.

(Everyone sighs)

-Marlin: Wow, you my lad sound like you’ve been through a lot.

-Barry: Yeah, I suppose you could say that. I had a lot of misfortunes back
throughout my working career, and the crews on British Railways were afraid to go
near me. They even considered me a death engine, despite the fact nobody really
died in any of my mishaps. I just don’t know if I could be part of the railway.

-TFC: Oh, don’t doubt yourself my boy. I may not know what your old life on BR was
like, but I am not one of those controllers who would ever talk down or abuse my
engines like that, and I certainly would never use them just for the sake of money.
On my railway, every engine, steam and diesel is not only safe, but they are always
given chances to show how useful you are.
-Edward: Exactly! Don’t worry Barry, we will help you in every way we can.

-Donald: Aye, fur we Sudrians hae tae stick th'gither. Plus, Douggie 'n' ah know
how yer feelin', as we wur gonnae scrapped tae.

-Douglas: O' coorse, bit efter mony trials 'n' tribulations, we proved ourselves,
'n' efter a deputation, we became pairt o' Sodor.

-Barry: Wow, really?

-Donald: Aye, tis true Barry!

-Victor: They’re right my friend, and I felt that same way when I first came here.
Just give us a chance, and everything will work out.

-TFC: The engines are right Barry. We shall give you a new complete restoration,
with new parts, cleaning from the inside out, removing all the rust and decay, give
you a new coat of paint, and make sure we give you test runs to make sure your
performance is in good working order.

-Marlin: Indeed sir! Don’t worry Barry, you’ll feel like a brand new engine.

-Barry: Thank you everybody. If you guys have faith in me, then I believe I got a
chance here.

-Rheneas: Ha, ha! Now that’s the spirit Barry.

-Henry: And we’ll be here in case you need to talk.

-Barry: thanks! Though I really want to thank my new friends, BoCo and Richard
Hatt, I wouldn’t have been here now if it hadn’t been for you two.

-Richard Hatt: Of course! We’re glad we could help.

-BoCo: Indeed! The honor is ours Barry. Welcome to the Northwestern Railway.

-Narrator: So soon as BoCo was done being inspected and repainted, he went back to
work on Edward’s Branchline, and Patrick went back home to the Mainland, not before
the Class 40 congratulated BoCo for rescuing Barry, and he even laughed when BoCo
told him about his encounter with his conceited brother, D261, and his comeuppance
when abandoning his train to try to foil the mission. In fact, Richard did inform
BR of D261’s behavior, and they were not at all pleased with the pompous diesel’s
mishap, in abandoning his train and trying make sure an engine was dead, as well as
damaging the points that lead to Woodham Bros. Scrapyard, and as punishment, was
forced to collect rubbish from the stations in that area, and boy he hated it like
anything. And after BoCo told, Pip, Emma, Flying Scotsman and Jinty about the Fat
Controller’s current plans, they kept to their word and asked around to see if
other engines were available. And they were, but those are stories that will be
revealed later on. But as for the Northwestern’s first new arrival, Barry, well,
Marlin, Victor and the workmen set about in having him restored, but Barry’s
adventures on Sodor had only just begun.

(Opens with Barry being restored at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: It had been 2 months since BoCo had saved Barry, the first new addition
from the Woodham Bros. Scrapyard in Barry Island. Work had already began on
restoring the Welsh Ivatt, and once he was restored, Barry would become the main
engine that would run the Kirk Ronan Branchline, handling both passengers and
freight. Though every now and again, other engines would be summoned like Donald &
Douglas, until new engines would come later on. Although Barry was grateful to be
saved by BoCo, he still felt rather misfortunate deep down, as while very polite
and kind, and eager to work, he was a worrisome, superstitious, paranoid, and
highly strung engine that has suffered from the trauma of being neglected and
worrying of the day he might be scrapped. The reason he was withdrawn and sent to
the scrapyard was because he had been involved in a lot of unfortunate accidents
back when he work on British Railways, and they weren’t even his fault. But because
of this unfortunate track record, the crews back then were scared of going near
Barry, even referring to him as “death engine” or a “jinxed engine”, which really
felt hurtful to the Welsh engine. Some of the engines he worked with back then were
sympathetic, but the pompous big engines, surely you guessed, were very prejudice
to him. The board of British Railways didn’t like the idea of a jinxed engine on
their rails, so in 1963, they withdrew poor Barry, and he spent the past 37 years
isolated in the scrapyards. Now that he was on Sodor, he really hoped deep down
that he would have a chance here, but still worried of being overcome by his
traumas. But on the plus side, he was making friends with the other engines when
they would visit the works, and they were all there supporting him after they were
informed of his backstory, especially engines like Donald, Douglas, and Oliver,
after their own experiences of being saved from scrap. Edward, Skarloey, and Duke
would tell Barry about the Island of Sodor, its people, history and railways, and
even the diesels like BoCo, Bear, and Marlin would even tell Barry about how things
have changed on the Mainland since BR let go off steam. So far, Barry had all his
parts were replaced, rust removed, and his steam tests were being conducted. So far
he had passed most of them.

-Marlin: Excellent now Barry. You’re doing just great.

-Barry: Thank you Marlin. I really hope all my tests go just fine, and I can still

-Marlin: Relax Barry, just remember what I said, block out all the negative
thoughts that can go wrong, and only think of the positives that can go right.
Besides, we’re right here just in case.

-Barry: Okay, I’ll remember that! Thanks Marlin!

-Marlin: Of course. Now what we need to do next is conduct your boiler test. I’ll
have to shunt you over to our water towers to see how well your water capacity will

-Barry: Okay.

-Narrator: So Marlin shunted Barry over to the water towers, and the workmen began
to start filling him up.

-Marlin: Alright lads, remember now, keep his boiler pressure at 100 PSI. Do not
exceed the limit, and make sure you keep a good eye on the water coming in.

-Workmen: Will do sir! Okay lads, let’s get started.

-Narrator: Now the boiler test was handled with each of the workmen taking it in
turns to watch Barry’s pressure gauges, and if he succeed, then Barry would be able
to move under his own power once again.

-Workman 1: Okay, looking good so far. Now we just have to slowly get it to 100,
then stabilize it, and make sure that Barry’s ready to go.

-Workman 2: Excellent!
-Narrator: So far, everything seemed to be going well…until.

-Workman 1: How are we doing there Jeff?

-Workman 3: So far we’re doing good, we just need more water to keep him going.
(Opens the lid) What the? OH CRICKEY!

-Workman 1: What, what is it?

-Barry: Um…what’s going on?


-Workman 1: WHAT? HOW?

-Workman 3: I DON’T KNOW, BUT IT IS?


-Marlin: That means if there’s no water to keep you going while we do the boiler
test, then pressure can’t be stabilized. It will exceed the limit and cause a
massive boiler explosion!


-Marlin: Calm down Barry! Don’t panic, you’ll exceed the limit even more. All we
need is to fine the nearest steam engine, and see if they can transfer their water
into the tower, and things will stabilize again. Who’s the nearest engine? Mr.
Coleman, who’s the nearest engine?

-Mr. Coleman: That would James, he’s at the station with a local!

-Marlin: Excellent sir! Send him over!

-Mr. Coleman: Right!

-Narrator: So Mr. Coleman, the chief engineer of the Steamworks phoned the
stationmaster, who went over to James urgently.

-Stationmaster: Leave your coaches here James, there’s an emergency at the


-James: Why? I’m already taking the local, and my passengers can’t be stranded.

-Stationmaster: Well this is an emergency James, they’ll understand! One of the

water towers used for Barry’s boiler test is low, and his boiler could be in danger
of exploding!

-James: WHAT?

-Stationmaster: You’re the nearest engine to help stabilize on water. Marlin said
he’ll take over to Vicarstown, and you can restart from there. Proceed immediately!

-Narrator: Without hesitation, the fireman uncoupled him from the coaches, and
James set off as fast as he could. He arrived there just in time, as the workmen
began hooking up his tender to the tower, and transferring about enough water into
the tower, and stabilizing Barry’s pressure as it went back to 100 PSI.
-Barry: (Sighs of relief) Thank you James! Oh god, I thought I’d be done for there.

-James: Hey, don’t mention it, I’m just glad that nobody’s dead. You alright Barry?
What on earth happened?

-Marlin: The water in that tower just ran out for some reason. The boiler test was
going just fine, until the water just ran out for some strange reason.

-James: Really? That’s odd. How can it just run low like that?

-Barry: Yes, it’s not like I was drinking gallons.

-Marlin: Indeed! We’ll have to conduct a further investigation. In the meantime,

I’ll have to cover for your local James. I’ll get it to Vicarstown, and you can
pick it up from there.

-James: Thanks Marlin.

-Narrator: So Marlin set off. Barry, still feeling bad, tried to speak to James. I
really must apologize for taking you off your train, James.

-James: It’s fine Barry. I just can’t believe this just happened, and with no
explanation why.

-Barry: I think I do. It’s because I’m a jinxed. Bad things like this always
happened to me when I was back in service. And the reason why I was sold for scrap.

-James: What? That’s outrageous, I mean, selling an engine off for scrap because
they think he’s cursed. That’s just a bunch of stupid conspiracies.

-Barry: Yeah, you’d think, but every time I was out on the Main Line, I got
involved in lots of different accidents, and near disasters like, well…this.

-James: But Barry, you can’t just put yourself done over this. I mean, we don’t
even know what happened, plus, this was British Railways your talking about that
considered you a “death engine”, and sent you to the scrapyard. You gotta remember,
they don’t even steam engines like us. Which is why the cringe when some get
preserved, and why our island exists.

-Barry: Hmm…you gotta point there. I just hope nothing bad happens while I’m out
working. But thank you again James.

-James: Of course, what are friends for, eh? You’ll do fine Barry. If anything
happens, it’s not on you, God strike me down if I’m wrong.

-Narrator: Barry felt a little better, but despite James’s kindness, he still felt
very unsure of himself deep down.

(Cuts to a 4 days later, with a newly restored Barry painted in his current livery)

-Narrator: A few days later, Barry’s tests were finally complete, and he was
considered safe to work. He was finally restored, and repainted into a BR Black
livery with white and red lining, similar to Donald & Douglas. He also had red
boiler stripes, and sported a large #14 on his cab, and the logo of the LMS Railway
on his tender, which Barry had never had before, given he was only built three
years after nationalization on BR. He actually felt quite proud to be having the
logo of one of the big four railways his class was built from. Just then, the Fat
Controller came to see him.
-TFC: Ah, good morning Barry, how are you feeling now that your restoration is

-Barry: I feel pretty good sir. I’d almost forgotten what it was like to be in
steam. The warmth in my boiler just feels so calm. And the fact I have the LMS
logo, which I never had before, it makes me feel proud to connect more with my

-TFC: (Chuckles) That’s good to hear. Now that your restoration is complete, you
will be the main engine on the Kirk Ronan Branchline that runs from Kellsthorpe
Road, to its main station of Kirk Ronan itself. You will be handling both
passengers and freight, but don’t worry, you won’t be alone, as the other engines
do come down the line to help, though now I need a consistent engine to run it.

-Barry: Thank you sir! That sounds nice, I always enjoyed handling work on
branchlines than main lines. Though, I do enjoy the Main Line, but on occasions

-TFC: I quite understand Barry. Don’t worry, only on occasion you’d be handling
Main Line trains, especially if you’re tending to any goods traffic or charter
trains to your branch.

-Barry: That sounds nice! Well don’t worry sir, I’ll do my best, and I promise not
to let you down.

-TFC: Splendid, but don’t feel your under pressure Barry, just take it with a grain
of salt. I called ahead, just head down to Kirk Ronan itself, the Stationmaster
will tell you what you have to.

-Narrator: So Barry headed down to the Kirk Ronan Branch happily. He was determined
to make sure everything would work out better before his withdrawal back on BR.
However, there was one other thing though that was rather worrisome for the Mogul.
The driver and fireman the Fat Controller assigned to work with Barry, while they
seemed well-meaning, they were young, and keen to make a good impression. Perhaps,
too much of a good impression, as they really thought they could handle their jobs,
and that they didn’t need help from any engine they would drive. What was worse,
was that they didn’t seem to be aware of the kind of engine Barry was mentally.
They soon arrived at Kirk Ronan Station, where the stationmaster greeted them.

-Stationmaster: Why hello there! It’s Barry, isn’t it?

-Barry: That’s correct sir. Pleased to be working with you Mr…um.

-Stationmaster: (Chuckles) You can call me Matt.

-Barry: Oh, nice to meet you Matt? So, what kind of work would you need me to do?

-Stationmaster: Well, today I need you to pull a local passenger train. Douglas was
meant to do it, but since you’re here, now you can. It’ll be due to leave in 15

-Barry: Okay! Might as well get coaled up then. Anything else?

-Stationmaster: Well the main thing you will need to worry about is the Flying
Kipper. It’s a special fish train that Henry pulls every other night.

-Barry: Oh that, Henry told me about that when he saw me at the works.

-Stationmaster: I see, well I’m sure he mentioned that each and every night, he
would stop by each junction to pick up fish vans from different branchlines. So
during those times, you have to collect some fish vans from the harbor on our line,
and deliver them to Kellsthorpe Road, and Henry will pick them up along the way.
It’s an important train for the Mainland, so it can’t afford to be late.

-Barry: Right. Anything else?

-Stationmaster: No worries mate, just look after it like you would with any other
branchline. I’ll come by and fill you in on the schedules.

-Barry: Thanks sir!

-Narrator: Barry said content, as his driver drove him to the turntable at Ronan
End to get ready. Ronan End was the station where the Fat Controller’s summer inn
used to be, and where Oliver had accidentally crashed into an engine shed 11 years
ago, which was how the line was rediscovered. Not, instead of a simple engine shed,
past the little halt there is a turntable, with 6 different engine sheds, as well
as twin coal hoppers and a water tower for the engines to refuel. But because of
the eagerness of Barry’s new crew, they were only making things difficult for the
Ivatt. Once they turned him round on the turntable, they ran him into reverse in
the refueling sidings much too fast, and hit the buffers hard.

-Barry: OW! Careful!

-Barry’s Driver: Oh relax there Barry. It wasn’t that hard. We had to get in there

-Barry: We, but it didn’t have to be that fast. I could’ve derailed or gone right
through the buffers.

-Barry’s Fireman: Oh P-Shaw, it could be worse. Not bad on your first day, eh,

-Barry’s Driver: I see we’re doing quite well, Marvin.

-Narrator: Barry would’ve said something, but he felt rather shy to do so. The two
reckless crew members set about filling Barry’s tender with water first. They did
just fine, but then they backed down to the coal hopper, and the fireman pulled the
cord just a little too much, and Barry was getting nervous.

-Barry: Um…don’t you think that maybe just a little too much though. (Heaps of coal
spill) (Coughs).

-Barry’s Driver: Okay Marvin, that’s enough (Coughs). Well, that went well. It’s
lucky for us that didn’t spill.

-Barry: (Annoyed) Yes, very lucky indeed.

(Barry departs showing a huge pile of spilt coal on the sides. Then shows Barry
working on the branchline)

-Narrator: But despite being very eager and stubborn, Barry’s crew weren’t
incompetent, and were quite polite, and did know how to drive engines, but being
that they were young, they had a lot to learn. Soon, Barry was able to handle his
passenger train just fine, and he enjoyed exploring the line. He even went around
the loop line to the Hawin Maritime Museum, and at Hawin Lake, where he became good
friends with its stationmaster, Old Bailey, who even told the young engine the
story of the line, and about the reign of terror of Seymour Whittle, the former,
psychotic stationmaster, much to Barry’s shock. He was even surprised to hear from
the other engines the stories about how the line was found by Oliver when he made a
wrong turn with the post train, or how Henry thought he saw the ghost of Seymour
Whittle, and before the line’s completion where Gordon couldn’t stop in time and
crashed through the station’s wall when Barry asked about the huge hole at the
barrier of Kirk Ronan. In fact, hearing many of the other stories from the other
engines and their adventures really surprised him, though he hoped he wouldn’t have
that problem. Though he would only speak to soon. Two days later after Barry was
growing accustomed to life on Sodor, he was headed down the line with a train of
supplies for the Sodor Lumberyards. He made it to the loop line, and as he was
headed home that afternoon, as he made it to the signal gantry before Kellsthorpe,
he saw James puffing down the line with a goods train for Crosby. Normally, the big
red engine hated goods trains, but as soon as he saw Barry, he cheered up and gave
him a friendly whistle, and Barry whistled back. As the signalman was setting the
points to divert Barry on the up line to go home, the points jammed halfway.

-Signalman: What? Oh no! Not now! (Gets out of the signal box) OUI! BARRY, STOP!

-Barry: WHAT? WHOA!

-Narrator: It was a moment too late, and Barry, with his vans, jumped the points,
crossing over the line, and rolled off the slope and landed in a pit.

-Barry: OOF! OW!


-Barry: OW! I think so, but my axles and undercarriage have been smashed. Even
after being restored. I was worried this would happen.

-James: Now hold on, there’s no such things as jinxes, I told you that!

-Signalman: He’s right, I don’t know what happened. The points just jammed. It’s
not your fault Barry, but we’ll have to get you out of there, and mend those
points. I’ll call for help.

-James: Right, and I’ll even come and help you out of there to.

-Narrator: Soon, after James had dropped off his goods train, he went back to the
scene of the accident to see how he could help. Marlin arrived with the Breakdown
Train, and even Percy came to help to. Bear had taken what was left of Barry’s
return train and onwards, and both James & Percy positioned each crane on either
side to help lift Barry out of the pit. Then Percy was ready to shunt the flatbed
in its place once Barry was lifted out. Now the Breakdown Train’s operators, Judy &
Jerome, were really unsure about this, as they knew the task at hand would be
difficult, but they still had a job to do. When directing the operations of the
Breakdown Train, Judy and Jerome each would direct from each crane, and whenever
they needed to talk or call out to someone, they would stick a large megaphone from
outside of the cab window of the crane, as it would be too dangerous for them to
stick their head out the window, and it would be exhausting for them to shout,
especially with the loud machines outsides.



-Percy: Okay then.

-Marlin: Alright you two…READY…GET SET…GO!

(Shows Judy’s crane lifting Barry’s tender first onto a well wagon)

-Percy: Alright! Way to go Judy!



-Barry: Um…thanks! (Mutters) I hope it is worth it.

(The cranes start lifting Barry)



-Marlin: Ha-ha! You’re both doing great! Keep him steady fellas!

-Percy: Alright! You’re free Barry!

-James: Yeah, you’ll be repaired at back to work sooner than you know it.

(James blows his whistle, then the crane jams with Barry still on it)


-Jerome: (Megaphone) (Nervous chuckles) UH-OH!


-Marlin: I’ll say it hasn’t! What happened?

(Both Judy and Jerome check the cranes)

-Judy: Oh bugger, the cables are jammed! And Barry’s still hanging! If the cable
snaps with him on it…

-Barry: EEP! I don’t want to think about that. Just get me down from here!

-Judy: It’s okay Barry. Everything is totally fine! (Giggles, then whispers to
Jerome) Everything’s not fine!

-Jerome: No kidding! The sun will be setting soon. We’ll have stay here all night
and fix the blasted cables, even in the dark. It’s risky, but we can’t just leave
Barry hanging…no pun intended.

-Marlin: (Deadpan) Quite! But the point is, we also can’t take him like that
either, we’d violate regulations. We have to do this carefully!

-Judy & Jerome: Right!

-Percy: Oh bother! Do you think they might get Barry down from there?
-James: I’m sure we well, and that we can get to the Steamworks all in one night.
That is…if we don’t get “jinxed” (Winks at Percy).

-Percy: (Shudders) I hope you didn’t speak to soon James.

(Fades at night with James puffing down the line to the Steamworks, at night)

-Narrator: About 4 overwhelming hours later, the cranes were fixed, and Barry was
loaded onto the well wagon and fastened on. But now the cranes were needed to
repair the points, which did have to be done at night, so no trains that would be
running at night would get into an accident. Percy had to leave to take the post
train, so James took him onwards while Marlin, Judy & Jerome stayed with the plate-
layers, as the cranes at the Steamworks would unload Barry. Night had already fell,
and James had to get the wrecked Ivatt in safely. Victor, as well as Edward and
Duke were there that night, making sure James got Barry in safely.

-Victor: Alright! Good work my friends! Now, just approach slowly now James.

-James: Sure thing Victor, I’m coming in.

(James’s whistle blows and the lights outside go out)

(Everyone gasps)


-Edward: OH MY WORD!




-James: I DON’T KNOW! I DON’T KNOW! (Mutters) Come on James, think, think!



-Narrator: James felt reassured, but that wasn’t to last, when he blew his whistle
again. But then all of a sudden, when the transfer table was about to slide to
James’s line, and it shorted out and stopped.

-Transfer Table Operator: WHOA! BLOOMING ‘ECK! WHAT’S GOING ON!




-Barry: WE’RE TOAST!

-Narrator: James tried to stop, but Barry’s flatbeds were too do so, and just
before the guard can apply the brakes in his van.

(James falls into the Transfer Table’s well)


-Duke: I’ll say there is!

-Victor: UGH! OH DIOS MALDITA SEA! Now we got three things to fix!

(Cuts to a week later with Barry back to work, and at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: Thankfully though, the damages weren’t as much for the transfer table
and James. After the big red engine was lifted out, and the power outside restored,
the transfer table and its well were soon repaired, and James was mended quickly.
The workmen made sure to get Barry as soon as possible, and thankfully a week later
he was and back at work. One morning, he was sent to collect some cattle from
Brendam Docks. There, he met with Edward, James and Cranky.

-Edward: Good morning Barry! How are you feeling?

-Barry: Oh, I’m fine Edward, still managing.

-James: Hey, at least you’re still in one piece, eh?

-Barry: True! How are you feeling James?

-James: Oh I’m just fine Barry, don’t worry! It was just one accident, it’s not the
end of the world.

-Cranky: It could be much worse for all we carry Barry. Just concentrate on your
work and forget this stupid jinx nonsense alright! I’ve been hearing about for some
time now, and it’s driving me bananas!

-Barry: (Nervous grin) Right, sorry Cranky!

-Edward: Now Cranky, no need to be so rude, Barry’s been through a lot before BoCo
saved him.

-James: Yeah, just for the blooming record, everything drives you bananas.

-Cranky: Not everything! (Thinks for a minute) Okay, mostly everything!

-Edward: Anyways, your trucks are right here. They are loaded with sheep that need
to go to the farm on your branchline.

-Barry: Right! Then we better get started. So the sheep were loaded into the cattle
trucks. And Barry was due to leave.

-James: Alright, good luck Barry, and don’t worry about it, okay!

-Barry: I’ll try! Thanks James!

(James blows his whistle, then Barry departs as we see him heading down the Main

-Narrator: Soon the guard blew his whistle, and Barry set off. Barry was making
good time, and so far, James’s advice helped him to take his mind off his
“supposed” curse. However, his driver and fireman were once again eager to prove
themselves, and decided to speed up and finish early.

-Barry: Whoa! Say driver, don’t you think we’re going about too fast?
-Barry’s Driver: Nonsense! We’ll need all the speed we can get if we’re to be on
time, don’t we (Smirks).

-Barry: But we’re running just fine! Plus, you’ll get us into trouble!

-Narrator: But Barry’s crew only scoffed rudely, and kept on speeding, much to the
Ivatt’s concern. They raced fast down Gordon’s Hill, and all Barry could do was
look on in fear. He just didn’t know what else to do, as he wasn’t really capable
of standing up for himself, especially because both his driver and fireman were
just being too stubborn to listen. But things only got worse.

(Cuts to Barry reaching Killdane Station)

-Narrator: At Killdane Station, the signal up ahead was red, and Barry’s driver
saw, but because of their fast speed, they braked roughly, and halted at the red
signal with a loud BUMP! Then, the locks on the first three cattle trucks broke
open, and the flock of sheep inside each of these vans ran out onto the track beds,
and the platforms of the stations, and into their unknown surroundings. Then they
took interest to the Welsh tender engine in front of them, and swarmed around in
front, much to Barry’s horror!


-Sheep: Baa! Baa! Baa!

-Narrator: The sheep went all over the platform causing a ruckus. Some of the
passengers were in awe, but others were frightened. But Barry himself was just at a
loss for words. The stationmaster call the Fat Controller, who sent Toby to come
help. Barry was grateful for Toby’s help, but the wise, old tram could see he was
still nerved.

-Toby: Is everything alright, Barry? If you don’t mind me asking? Why were you
going so fast?

-Barry: Oh, it’s my crew! They just wanted to finish the job early.

-Toby: Finish the job early? What nonsense! You really shouldn’t let them do that
to you Barry.

-Barry: But their my crew, and I’m just the engine, and we engines have to listen
to our crew.

-Toby: That is correct! But even crew members need to listen to their engine as
well. It’s important for engines and crew to have verbal communication.

-Barry: Trying telling them that, all they can do was laugh it off!

-Toby: Hmm…I see! That just makes it worse than. Barry, you don’t have to take that
from them you know. I understand you’ve been through a lot, but you have to show a
little self-confidence and stand up for yourself. Especially if you know what
they’re doing is wrong.

-Barry: I hope I can! Anyways, I have to go! Thanks Toby!

(Barry departs)

-Toby: Take care Barry!

-Narrator: Toby said. But as he watched Barry go, he felt quite concerned for him.

(Cuts to the next day with James & Percy at Elsbridge Junction)

-Narrator: The next day, James, who had heard what had happened to Barry, still
felt quite concerned. He did support him, especially for the fact that like Barry,
he himself was a Mogul, meaning they were tender engines with a 2-6-0 wheel
configuration. Plus, Barry was a nice engine, who really was very pleasant, but it
seemed his traumas in his past made him rather shy, less confident, and very
worrisome. He talked about it with Percy as they were exchanging passengers at
Elsbridge Junction.

-James: I just don’t understand Percy! That poor engine, he’s been through a lot
thanks to BR’s pigheadedness and greed, and now he’s believing in these stupid
conspiracy theories that he’s a jinxed.

-Percy: Yeah, but I just been thinking…

-James: Thinking? Thinking what?

-Percy: I’ve just been thinking maybe Barry could be jinxed, but only by you.

-James: Excuse me!

-Percy: Yeah James! It seems that you might be the reason why Barry could possibly
be jinxed.

-James: What utter nonsense! Percy, there’s no such things as jinxes, its just you
you’re silly little imagination again!

-Percy: (Smirks) No, I’m just saying James its possible he could be jinxed.

-James: Oh, and how would you know? And even if there was, why would you say I’m
causing his misfortunes?

-Percy: (Smirks) Because you happen to be there when they happen, right?

-James: Well, I…

-Percy: Look, every time you’ve gone past or got closer to Barry, you’ve blown your
whistle, which causes his misfortunes.

-James: WHAT? That’s impossible! We engines have to blow our whistles to let people
know we’re coming, don’t we? Besides, it’s just me being friendly to him.

-Percy: Yes, but every moment you came into contact with him, you’ve blown your
whistle, and you think it wouldn’t cause a mishap, but it always does, think, the
water tower, the points, the crane cables, the transfer table mishap, the sheep,
need I go any further.

-James: Oh come off it Percy! That’s just a bunch of coincidences!

-Percy: Call it what you’d like James, but it does seem to coincidence Barry when
you do it.

-James: Yeah, but the water tower I know wasn’t me, I mean, I wasn’t even there
before the stationmaster told me!

-Percy: No, but you were the one coming in to Crovans Gate that moment, weren’t

-James: Well, yes.

-Percy: And didn’t you blow your whistle the moment you entered the station?

-James: Yes, I did, like I should!

-Percy: That proves it then. Especially since you were the one who transferred
you’re water to Barry. Look, tell Barry to meet me at the Shunting Yards, I’m gonna
be there later to shunt some trucks, and I’ll provide a little field test for you

-James: (Sighs) Okay, but this had better be worth it Percy.

(Guard’s whistle blows, and James sets off, then cuts to Percy, James, and Barry at
Knapford Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: Now Percy wasn’t the kind of engine to jump to conclusions, but he
didn’t know what to believe sometimes, and the idea of Barry being a jinxed engine
was quite surprising for him. Plus, he did note that every time James was in
contact with Barry, he blew his whistle, which caused his mishap to happen. Later,
when Percy was the Shunting Yards, James brought Barry, who has delivered a train
of straw to Knapford Harbor. There, the little green engine began to explain things
to the latter.

-Barry: Hello Percy! James says you wanted to see me?

-Percy: Yeah, and it’s about the string of bad luck you’ve been having.

-Barry: Oh no, you’re not going to tease about it are you…

-Percy: Relax Barry, I’m not the kind of engine to do that. Really provide a field
test, as I think I may have solved the problem, and James here might have something
to do with it.

-Barry: What?

-James: It’s just a bunch of nonsense Percy.

-Percy: Well let’s just see if it is…Jamesy boy!

-James: Ugh!

-Percy: Here I shunted three old mineral wagons into this siding in front of you.
The shunters had just fastened the brakes. Alright, James, do it, blow, twice!

-James: Ugh, fine!

(James blows his whistle)

-Percy: Now Barry, give the trucks a nudge.

-Barry: Um…okay!

(Barry rolls forward and taps the mineral wagons)

-Percy: Okay. Looking good so far, now you can roll back a little.
-Barry: Okay.

-James: Okay, here’s your field test Percy. You happy now! Proving once again it’s
a pointless exercise, and there are no such things as jinxes.

-Percy: No it wasn’t James…looook.

-James: What? OH!

-Barry: Huh?

-Narrator: And much to both James & Barry’s shock, the trucks, despite having their
brakes on, began rolling down the siding and hit the buffers.

-Barry: OH…OH MY!

-James: No! No way! That’s impossible! It can’t be!

-Percy: Just as I thought! It turns it is you James.

-Barry: James! You mean, you’ve been causing my jinxes?

-James: No, it’s nothing like that Barry, honest! This was Percy’s idea!

-Percy: That it is! It’s just I’ve been noticing lately every mishap you’ve had
occurred when James was there, but “only” when he blew his whistle.

-Barry: Hmm…come to think about it, you’re right Percy. I mean, back on BR, none of
the engine’s whistles caused my accidents.

-Percy: No, but for some reason, James’s whistle is.

-James: But I don’t get it, I still don’t know if it’s real, but even if it was,
why me?

-Barry: Hmm…that’s a good question. I do like you James, but you know what this
mean, do you?

-James: Well, I’m still skeptical after what I saw, but for now, I promise not to
whistle whenever you’re nearby, you have my word.

-Barry: Thank you! And thank you to Percy! Though I really hope that was the

-Percy: Honestly, so do I Barry!

(Cuts to Barry back at Kirk Ronan at night)

-Narrator: That night, Barry was still lost in thought over what Percy had shown
him. Was James’s whistle really what was causing his bad luck on Sodor? This never
happened to him before, but he did remember the other engines back on his old
railway would tease him about his reputation, and use their whistles to taunt him,
which did get him nervous back then. But even so, why was it only James’s whistle?
But either way, at least when he had to wake early in the morning to collect the
fish vans for Henry’s kipper that morning, and take them to Kellsthorpe Road where
the big green engine would pick them up, that maybe he wouldn’t have an issue,
especially since James wasn’t even there. However, he reckoned without his over-
eager and careless crew members. Barry set out of his shed, but before he did so,
there was another issue. One of the hoppers at the coal stop at Ronan End had a
terrible supply of bad coal that was meant to be taken back that morning by Marlin,
and disposed of later. However, his crew, still wanting to get the job over with,
didn’t realize this, and thoughtlessly filled him with the hazardous coal, and
worse, even forgetting to clean out his ashtray to.

-Barry: (Coughs) Oh, driver! Fireman! We should probably check what coal we’re
taking first!

-Barry’s Driver: Nonsense old boy! We need plenty of coal, and here we are right
now. All steam engines need to burn coal no matter.

-Barry: (Coughs) I don’t think you seem to be aware of what kind of coal you’re
filling me up on.

-Barry’s Fireman: (Laughs) Well what’s the difference.

-Barry: There’s a big difference!

-Narrator: Barry said, remembering Toby’s words, as now he was beginning to lose
patience with his crew’s careless behavior.

-Barry: And also, did you clean out my ash pan, and refill my sandboxes.

-Barry’s Driver: Oh P-Shaw, you worry too much Barry. We’ll do it later! Besides,
anyone would think you were some worrying hypochondriac the way you’re going.

-Narrator: Now Barry began to feel quite offended. This time he wasn’t feeling shy,
he was hoping for the right moment to shout at his crew for their incompetence.
Soon, they reach Kirk Ronan Harbor, and were coupled to the vans. It was a cold,
damp morning, and the rails were wet, and with wet rails, engines would need to
pour sand on them with their sandboxes, which would allow them to gain a strong
grip, so they wouldn’t slip or crash. However, Barry’s crew carelessly didn’t check
them, let alone refill them, and the Ivatt’s worries were justified that morning.
As soon as the brake lines were secured, the fish was loaded and the van doors were
locked. The guard blew his whistle and showed his green lamp. Barry tried to puff
steadily, but with what little sand he had, his whistles slipped violently, and
sparks went flying from his wheels, and out his funnel, and he began to cough like

-Barry: (Coughs) Oh god, this is dreadful!

-Barry’s Driver: Oh come on Barry! You’re stronger than this! We can make it
without sand! Now stow it and get moving.

-Narrator: Barry’s kept slipping, but at last, he gripped the rails. But what he
and his crew didn’t know, in all that struggling, some of the sparks landed on the
vans. As soon as Barry was out on the branchline, he was thinking of what he could
say to his crew as soon as they were done. The other reason was because, the crews
he had back BR didn’t like him, and were just as bad as the engines that taunted
him to. He hoped that he could improve on his behavior soon, but that would
probably happen sooner, because as they were headed to Kellsthorpe, he began to
hear a small crackling noise.

-Barry: Eh, driver?

-Barry’s Driver: (Sighs) What Barry?

-Barry: Do you hear a crackling per say?

-Barry’s Driver: Hmm…maybe I do! I’m sure it’s nothing.

-Barry: No, seriously! (Sniffs) And I think I smell something. Some burning!

-Barry’s Fireman: It’s your fire dummy!

-Barry: No, not that (Looks back) oh no!

-Narrator: Barry’s crew looked back, and at once, they started to take things
seriously when they saw a…

-Barry’s Crew: FIRE!!!!

-Barry: HOLY ____! STOP! STOP!

-Narrator: But Barry’s crew didn’t! The driver in a mad panick, pulled the regular
down, and they raced down carelessly! Causing the fire to spread to the other vans!




-Narrator: And Barry, forced his own brakes on! His crew were about to argue again,
but Barry, with enough confidence, shut his crew up, and forced them to uncouple,
and they inched Barry away from the burning train. Then the Welsh engine forced
them to call the fire brigade, which they did on their cell phone. The fire brigade
soon arrived, and put out the fire. But the damage was already done! The fire chief
had given Barry’s crew a huge scolding.

-Fire Chief: I don’t know what you morons were thinking, but at least your engine
here had common sense! I’m gonna be phoning your controller, and letting him know
about this!

-Narrator: For once, the crews didn’t feel so overconfident know, as all they can
do was gulp and look at each other nervously, as Barry glared at them with fury! At
Kellsthorpe Road, Henry was waiting impatiently for Barry, but had no idea about
the fire.

-Henry: Ugh! Where is he? The kipper can’t wait all not, and the fish could rot. I
just hope this jinx bull crap hasn’t caused him to…

-Narrator: But before Henry could grumble any further, he was in absolute shock at
what he was seeing! There was Barry, slowly puffing to the junction, shocked, and
with 4 of the vans burnt to a crisp, but only three remained unscathed. Barry felt
nervous about what Henry was going to say.

-Henry: (Gaps) My Beautiful vans…destroyed!!!

-Barry: Henry, I know this looks bad, but I can explain!


-Barry’s Driver: Please Henry, it wasn’t his fault. It was ours.

-Narrator: And the crew explained everything to the big green engine.

morons better get your stories straight, because I can’t even begin to imagine what
the Fat Controller is gonna say about this.

-Barry: I’m sorry Henry! I tried to tell them!

-Henry: No it’s not your fault Barry! These two have to know there place, that’s
all. But take my advice, after you hitch the remaining vans to my train, you’ll
have to go to the Steamworks to get checked out.

-Narrator: So Barry shunted the remaining vans to the back of Henry’s train, and
the big green engine set off for the Mainland, while Barry followed to go to the
Steamworks to be inspected. The Ivatt sighed. Perhaps it was more than just James’s
whistle that caused his jinxes, maybe he was just a death engine overall, despite
what happened wasn’t his fault. He now began to wonder what his future on Sodor
would be like now. And as for the crews, they already knew what would await them
the moment they got to the Steamworks.

(Opens at the Steamworks with the Fat Controller & Marlin scolding Barry’s crew,
with Barry being inspected)


-Kenny: But sir…we only just wanted to make a good impression.



-Marvin: Okay, okay, so we made a few mistakes, but we won’t let it…


-Marvin: That we could get the job down in time (Kenny elbows Marvin). OW!

-Kenny: Listen sir, we’re really sorry, but we promise it won’t let it happen
again. We only assumed…


-Marvin: Oh come on man!


-Kenny: FIRED?


-Narrator: And fearfully, Kenny Mordecai and Marvin Rigby handed their badges, and
ran out like jackrabbits, they realized it was a moment too late for them, and they
were never coming back again unless they had a train to catch. The Fat Controller
and Marlin turned politely to Barry, who was still shaken from the whole ordeal.

-TFC: I really must apologize Barry, I can only blame myself for this to, I
should’ve known better than to hire those idiots.

-Barry: Thanks sir, but I just don’t know, I mean, I feel like it’s partly fault
to, I should’ve stood up for myself, but I was too nervous to.

-Marlin: Please don’t blame yourself Barry, I understand with the amount of trauma
you endured for many years, it was hard to do so.

-Barry: Yes, but what if I really am a death engine? What if I really am a jinxed?

-TFC: Now don’t you think like that Barry! You are not a death or jinxed engine?
Even despite your former crew’s blunders, you’ve worked very hard at least and ran
your trains to time. And at least you saw sense in their behavior.

-Barry: Thanks, but I’m not exactly the most confident of engines, and all those
other mishaps, even after that experiment Percy conducted.

-TFC: Oh yes, I’ve heard about that from James. Well, I actually told him and Percy
what happened in terms of these mishaps. The incident with the water tower was
because the workmen had forgotten the previous night to refill them properly for
the test, the first time your ex-crew filled you up with coal of course was because
of their carelessness, the points that you jumped near the signal box before
Kellsthorpe was because they had jammed at the worst moment, so that really
could’ve happened to any engine, the same with the breakdown Train, which was all
bad timing. The power outage at the Steamworks was just a regular power outage, the
incident with the sheep was again, because of your crew’s stupidity, and as for
Percy’s demonstration with the trucks, well…that was because they were old, and the
nudge he made you give them was strong enough to release the brakes. Really, these
mishap weren’t just your ex-crew’s fault, but also unfortunate coincidences
happening at the wrong place at the wrong time.

-Barry: Really?

TFC: Oh yes, in fact Barry, you’re wrong about being a death engine, as I even
looked through your old track record from British Railways, and I found out some
really interesting stuff.

-Barry: Oh? What kind of interesting stuff?

-TFC: That apparently, the reason the crews were calling you a jinxed was because
they haven’t given you a chance, and put any effort in your work. In fact, right
after they requested to drive another engine, they were fired. In fact, it was
really all their fault given the track record, as they caused all your mishaps.

-Barry: What?

-TFC: Yes! In fact Barry, to justify this, were your crew members back then like
Kenny & Marvin, where they were careless, and didn’t listen to you?

-Barry: Well now that I remember, yes! I tried to tell them to do the right thing,
but they kept telling me to be quiet and that engines should speak when they’re
spoken to. Then again, that’s how British Railways treats their engines in a
nutshell. After they caused the mishaps, they blamed everything on me, and the
board members of British Railways, the workmen, the passengers, goods customers,
and the engines, they believed them, and judged me right before they got to know
me. They kept ridiculing me for incidents now that I realize that weren’t my fault,
and BR disowned me and sold me to Woodham Bros. Scrapyard.

-TFC: Ah, I see now! That all makes sense doesn’t it. Why didn’t you say anything?

-Barry: Because I was afraid to sir, and I used to think I was a jinxed…until,
well, you brought all this up.

-TFC: I see! And I just realize, being in a negative environment influences

someone’s behavior, human or engine. I’m really sorry that you had to endure all
this Barry. But, I promise that you won’t anymore. However, after your repairs are
done, I will need to ask you stay in the Steamworks for the time being, and not to
do with you, but really that I am going to find a more proper, professional and
emphatic crew that will treat you like both an equal and a friend, who will help
you feel more comfortable, and to make up for all that prejudice and bullying you
dealt with in the past. Derek will be brought in to look after the Kirk Ronan

-Barry: Yes sir! Thank you sir!

-TFC: You’re more than welcome my friend! And just remember, you can always come
talk to me, Marlin, or even the other engines like BoCo or Edward in case you need
help. Just remember Barry, you’re not a jinxed, and you most certainly aren’t

-Narrator: Barry smiled, and began to cry a little bit.

-Barry (Sniffs): Thank you sir! (Crying)

(Fades to the next morning)

-Narrator: The next day, Barry’s inspection was successful after the workmen
repaired him and checked to make sure he was safe and in good working order. Now he
had to wait until the Fat Controller found new crew members to take drive and
really take care of him. Thankfully, in the afternoon, the Fat Controller had found
just the men.

-TFC: Afternoon Barry, how are you feeling since yesterday?

-Barry: Oh, I’m doing alright sir! I’ve been talking with Marlin & Victor each, and
they’ve been helping me build some coping techniques.

-TFC: That’s good to hear! Anyways, Mr. Coleman told me that you passed your tests
and are free to go. So to make sure you don’t have any more misfortunes, I hired a
brand new driver and fireman, and very experienced men who know exactly how to take
care of steam engines.

-Narrator: And the Fat Controller introduced them to two men, who looked like they
were in their 40’s. They smiled warmly at the Ivatt.

-Barry’s Driver: Hello, Barry, my name is Clark Chandler, your new driver, and this
is Steven Black, your fireman.

-Barry’s Fireman: Hello Barry! Pleased to meet you!

-Barry: Pleased to meet you both two. You’ve both worked on steam engines before?

-Barry’s Driver: That we have! We used to work on the Great Central Railway, and we
moved to Sodor with our families when we heard about the Fat Controller’s new plan
for a steam restoration, so we took the job as new crew members, and now we live
here on Sodor, so now we can work with you. Now, the Fat Controller tells us that
you’ve had some bad experiences in the past, which is what caused BR to
thoughtlessly send you to Woodham Bros.?

-Barry (Sighs): Yes sir. It’s true! I realize now that nobody gave me a chance, and
they weren’t very patient when dealing with me.

-Barry’s Fireman: I see! And it seemed like British Railways, and the drivers
assigned you with just didn’t even give you a chance. That was very unprofessional.
But you can trust us Barry, as we’ll help you cope and overcome your traumas.

-Barry: Thanks! I just hope it works out.

-TFC: It will Barry. Just remember, just work hard and believe in yourself, and
don’t let anybody put you down.

-Barry: Thanks sir! I’ll do my best. And I won’t let you down.

-TFC: I know you won’t Barry, but don’t let yourself down either. Derek has been
looking after your line very well, so I decided he will also be working with you
for the time being as well.

-Barry: Thank you sir!

(Barry sets out from the Steamworks, and to Kirk Ronan where he meets Derek)

-Narrator: So Barry set off from the Steamworks, down to his branchline. Once he
made it to Kirk Ronan, there was Derek, standing by with a passenger train.

-Derek: Oh, hello Barry! I see you’ve returned from the Steamworks.

-Barry: That I have. And I have a new crew now instead of those irresponsible

-Derek: That’s wonderful to hear old chap. And don’t you worry, I’ve taken care of
the Branchline in your absence to.

-Barry: Thank you Derek.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Derek: Oh, I must be off old chap, must get these passengers to the junction,
we’ll take tonight at the sheds. See you Barry.

-Barry: See you later Derek.

-Narrator: Just then, the stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Ah, Barry, it’s great to see your back. Anyways, there’s a goods
train of crates that have to go to Kellsthorpe. There for Wellsworth Station.

-Barry: Right away sir! On my way!

-Narrator: As Barry collected the crates from the harbor, he set off as soon as his
guard blew his whistle, and his driver and fireman handled him with ease and care.
He made sure to stay focus, and it seemed for the most part that things were going

-Barry’s Driver: You’re doing great so Barry. Just remember, just focus on your
job, and block out anything negative in your mind. You got this.

-Barry: Yes, thanks driver. This is nice right now.

-Barry’s Driver: That’s good to hear. Besides, you gotta look at the positives,
you’re here on Sodor, where every engine is taken good care of. And that all those
reports on your track record were false and unfair accusations.

-Barry: I know that now, but I just wish I didn’t come from this really horrible
background, and treated with so much abuse, and spent 37 years confined in that
hell hole of a scrapyard.

-Barry’s Driver: Yes, I know, but there’s nothing we can do about the past,
instead, all we can do is focus on right now, and how we could move on from this,
and to help you live the life you never had.

-Narrator: The words circled around in Barry’s smokebox. He was making good time
and soon made it too Wellsworth to bring his train into the yards. As he was
shunting, BoCo came to see him.

-BoCo: Hello Barry! It’s great to see you back, how’ve you been?

-Barry: Oh I’ve been good BoCo. Just had to get all those…issues I had out of my
mind lately. You know.

-BoCo: I do indeed! I heard about what’s been going on, and I was worried at first,
but after I heard that you stood up to your former crew for their irresponsible
behavior and are seeking help after all your traumas, I’m very proud of you.

-Barry: Thank you BoCo. And thanks gain as well, you know, for saving me last

-BoCo: Of course Barry! No engine, steam or diesel, deserves to treated like that.

-Barry: Yes, but it’s still gonna be hard for me to move past all the ridicule I
faced, now that I know all those incidents back on the Mainland weren’t even at all
my fault.
-BoCo: True, because getting over ridicule like that those take a lot of time,
patience, and support from those we care about it. It took me help from my friends
on BR to help me feel I was equal with them, that I have a humanity. And I vow to
help do the same, because I not only saved you because of pity, and not only
because we needed more new engines, but also because I saw the good in you, and
that you can be useful, and that all that torment you went through, you could start
over fresh.

-George: Or to deal with the absolute torments again, because he’s nothing but a
curse to this bloody island, like all you pathetic engines are.

-Narrator: Both steam engine & diesel were shocked by that outburst, and then they
looked over, and standing there, with a very dirty and cold glare was George the

-George: Yeah, that’s all we need, another pointless, careless, and clapped out old

-Barry: EXCUSE ME?

-George: You heard me! It’s bad enough I have to work alongside you useless, good-
for-nothing pieces of scrap iron, but now with this plan that, that big green power
box and your overweight controller has thought up, I feel like it’s a trip to hell,
that more and more of you railway freaks have to be brought here when you should do
us all a favor and drop dead in scrapyards, especially one that I heard was a so-
called “jinxed”. You should’ve just left him to rot BoCo, no need in saving him, in
fact you useless, take my advice, best let me scrap you now and put an end to your

-Barry: (Gasps)






-Narrator: Both engines and steamroller looked, and there was Henry coming into
view with a commuter train.

-Henry (Sternly): Listen here George! BoCo and the Fat Controller are doing what’s
right for both this railway, and the lives of engines that never got a chance of
happiness thanks to BR. And Barry here, he’s not a jinxed whatsoever! He’s a
survivor that has faced the hardships, but has soldiered on like a really useful
engine. What have you ever done but whine and treat everybody around you with
verbal abuse!
-George: Actually, I take it back, that engine over there doesn’t have bad luck,
he’s just careless (Cackles).



-BoCo (Sternly): He’s right George! And that seems to be quite hypocritical of you
to call him careless.

-Henry (Sternly): Exactly BoCo! So do us all a favor George, get out now, and take
that horrible mouth with you, you rolling dictionary of insults!

-George: ARGH! This isn’t over! I’ll see to it that, that string of bad luck over
there rots in the scrapyards where he belongs! (Departs) Railways are no good, turn
them into roads, pull ‘em up, turn them into roads!

-BoCo: I really must apologize for what you had to experience there Barry.

-Barry: It’s okay BoCo, but George is it?

-Henry: Yes! Don’t waste your time with him Barry. He’s like that with everybody.

-Barry: But why? I mean, what does he have against me except those rumors from my
old life?

-BoCo: Oh it’s a grudge against the whole island really, and he’s just using that
jinxed conspiracy that was forced upon you to justify his own needs and wants. He’s
always hated railways you see.

-Barry: Ah! I understand! He reminds me of those engines who would torment me on

regular basis back on BR. The ones that made me feel I was useless, and a disaster
waiting to happen.

-BoCo: Now Barry, don’t you think like that! George is completely wrong, you are
none of those things, and like I said, I saved you not only because I pitied you,
but because I saw the value in you and how much potential you truly have.

-Henry: BoCo’s right! And you’re certainly not careless either, as at least you
have common sense, but were never able to stand up for yourself because of the
negative environment you were placed in back then. Whilst I’m on the subject, I was
hoping to find you today to apologize.

-Barry: Apologize, for what?

-Henry: For yelling like that and initially blaming you. I’m very sorry Barry, I
didn’t mean it, it’s just those vans were essential, and I didn’t want to delay,
and I…lost control.

-Barry: It’s alright Henry! You have nothing to be sorry for. I just wish I
could’ve been here, on the Island of Sodor. It’s just such a lovely, happy place
where every engine is treated like they’re…well…human.

-Henry: You’re right there Barry, because that’s another reason why I wanted to
come talk to you, because I know exactly how you feel.

-Barry: You do?

-Henry: Yes, because you remind a little bit of myself when I was young.
-Barry: Wait, does this have to do with that story you mentioned to me back at the
Steamworks, when you were a…thoroughbred?

-Henry: Oh yes! Because I was sorta in a similar position to you back then. What
happened was that I was a poorly designed hybrid locomotive of an LNER A1 and a GNR
C1 Atlantic that was created out of a scandal. When the builders at the time
realized what they did, they sold me to the Fat Controller’s grandfather, who was
desperate for engines at the time. The problem with my design back then was that
the firebox was just to small to burn regular coal, and I would struggle miserably
to pull trains, and got sick on a regular basis, that I couldn’t even pull the
train, at all. And back then, I was often the subject of ridicule to, especially
from Gordon & James, and the workmen who built me at the time. And only with Welsh
coal, I was able to steam properly, but it was too expensive, and deep down, I was
worried I might’ve been just too problematic for the railway. In fact, the original
Fat Director, he could’ve so easily have sold me off scrap, and replaced me with
another engine. But that didn’t happen, because just like his grandson, the Fat
Director empathized, and vowed to help rectify my malfunctions.

-Barry: Wow! Well, at least you were in good hands back then.

-Henry: Yeah, I was. And after my crash with the Flying Kipper, I was beyond
repair, and was scared that this could’ve been the end right then and there. But it
wasn’t, as the Fat Director and William Stanier instead had me rebuilt into my
current design, an LMS Black 5 shape, and since then, I felt glad that I was a
capable and versatile engine, but the thought that I was created out of greed, and
that I could’ve been scrapped back then, well…that would still haunt me. But with
help from my friends, and the reassurance that I am a really useful engine that
survived despite what happened, I’m able to cope, and live my life peacefully.

-BoCo: Exactly! And I was in a similar position to once Barry, same with Derek.

-Barry: Thanks you two. That’s comforting to hear. At least I know I have good
friends I can confide in, who make me feel I have a purpose.

-Henry: Exactly! Plus, the other thing about you being a jinxed was all because the
crew members were just incompetent idiots that didn’t know how to take care of

-Barry: True! But I always fear of when my next mishap would happen.

-Henry: You shouldn’t Barry, because accidents do happen, and there’s no possible
way you could even know. In fact, my favorite job, the Flying Kipper, the staff
came up with this crazy conspiracy theory saying the Kipper is a jinxed train.

-Barry: Really?

-Henry (Chuckles): Oh yes! Because of the mishaps it’s had in the past, but that’s
because they were all caused by carelessness, such as snow and ice freezing the
signals and points, faulty tail lamps, and failure to warn me about the tides…and
the fact that last was partially my fault (Nervous grin). But each were years
apart, and caused by forces I couldn’t have foreseen.

-Barry: Oh!

-Barry’s Driver: It’s what we’ve been saying before we got here Barry. Those
conspiracies about bad luck, such as broken mirrors, walking under a ladder, black
cats, the #13, and using good luck charms like horseshoes, 4-leaf clovers, etc.,
that’s just in our imaginations, and have never really been proven. They are all
caused by carelessness.

-BoCo: Exactly! So all you have to do Barry is believe in yourself, work hard and
remain conscious, and you’ll do just fine.

-Barry: You’re right! I just hope it works out.

-Henry: It will Barry. (Guard’s whistle blows) Oh, that’s my guard. I have to get

-BoCo: So do I! But again, if you need help, just give us a shout, and we’ll be
right there.

(BoCo & Henry leave)

-Stationmaster: Excuse me Barry, but there’s a train of tankers that need to go to

your line at Rolf’s Castle.

-Barry: Right away sir! I’m on it!

-Narrator: Barry said, confidently this time.

(Shows Barry making his way to Rolf’s Castle)

-Narrator: As Barry was making his way, he had the same feelings he did before he
brought the crates to Wellsworth. Henry & BoCo’s advice helped him gain a new
confidence, as well as the support from Clark & Steven. It even helped him take his
mind off of George’s brutal insults. And he made it back to Rolf’s Castle without
any trouble.

-Derek: Ah, hello old chap. How did it go?

-Barry: Oh, it went great so far Derek. Apart from a rather nasty encounter with
that repulsive steamroller.

-Derek: Oh, you met with George didn’t you?

-Barry: Yeah, that’s his name. I just still feel upset at what he said to me. He
says that I’m not worth of surviving because I’m a careless idiot that causes bad
luck, and that he should scrap me on the spot.

-Derek: Well he’s certainly wrong about you old chap. Listen, don’t take George
seriously, he’s always gotten into trouble whenever he rebels about railways.

-Barry: Yes, but I still have a hard time dealing with bullies that lash out at
others with such hurtful insults.

-Derek: I understand old chap, as I was in a similar position to you, as I always

had these horrible teething troubles, and everybody kept teasing me for it. But
even if I didn’t have any friends back then, I still kept a straight face, as my
driver taught me to ignore their insults, and pretend like they don’t even exist.
Just don’t give into what George says Barry, as if you ignore him, he’ll be the one
looking like the pathetic fool.

-Barry’s Driver: He’s right Barry! Remember, it was even those folks at British
Railways, and those crew members back in those days that were the pathetic fools.

-Barry: (Realizing) Yeah, that’s right, especially Kenny & Marvin. Well, okay then,
I believe everything can work out.
-Derek: Exactly, and we’re there to help you.

(Fades to next morning with Barry working hard and being successful)

-Narrator: So the next morning, Barry kept working hard at what he was doing, and
remember what his new crew and new friends had taught him. And he began to adapt to
using this motto to help motivate him into enjoying life and moving on from his
past traumas. His trains were running right on time, the trucks and coaches behaved
well, and there were no accidents or any mishaps this time, as everything was
turning out well so far. The other engines gave him cheerful whistles as he past
them, especially James, whom Barry was glad that it wasn’t his whistle that was
causing any trouble. In fact, the Fat Controller was pleased with Barry’s hard
work, he even entrusted him with a special delivery.

-Narrator: Now Barry, since you’ve been working hard, I’ve decided since Percy is
busy, I would like you to deliver this package from me, to Ms. Parker, the daughter
of Mrs. Kyndly. She’s at Hackenback.

-Barry: No problem sir, I’ll be there right away.

(Cuts to Barry at Hackenback with Nina Kyndly)

-Narrator: And he did so, where he met Mrs. Kyndly’s daughter Nina for the first
time. She was waiting on the platform, and impressed to see the new arrival, as his
driver stepped out of the cab and gave her the package. And in it was a beautiful
yellow hat.

-Nina: Awe! Thank you Barry! You’re very kind!

-Barry: My pleasure ma’am. Happy to help out a friend in need.

(Barry departs as Nina smiles at him, then cuts to Barry on the Main Line, then
George near the Brendam Branch)

-Narrator: So far, everything was going quite well for Barry. However, George was
up to know good once again. The stubborn steamroller had been assigned to fix the
roads near Edward’s Branchline. Of course, he still didn’t like the idea of working
near the railways, and he grumbled like anything.


-George’s Driver: Oh will you just shut your big, obnoxious mouth right now,
George! You’re giving me a headache!

-George: Like I give I crap! I just can’t believe I have to work alongside these
worthless machines they call “engines”. I should spend time at Crock’s scrapyard
flattening them with my roller, not paving this freeway near that contraption
called a railway track. I mean, really, two rails nailed down on each side with a
piece of wood. Come on!

-Narrator: Then George had a devilish idea. Without thinking twice, he abandoned
his job, by swerving violently, breaking through a fence, and onto the railway
line, stalling there.

-George’s Driver: ARGH! Are joking right now George not this again! Get off there
-George: Humph! Like that’s ever gonna happen! I’ll shut this railway down one way
or another. If any of those worthless, upstarting contraptions wanna get through,
they’ll have to go through Moi!

-Narrator: No sooner did George start rebelling, the workmen and foreman all tried
to get him to move. But they moved away when they all heard a loud horn blare in
the distance. It was Derek, returning to the branchline with a train of vents vans.

-George’s Driver: Oh my god! George, I’m serious, get off the line, NOW! YOU’RE

-George: Oh shut up driver! He’ll stop! He should know better that railways should
never exist, and that it’s their time. They should all just quit while they’re

-Narrator: George harrumphed! No sooner did Derek see him, he tried to put on the
brakes, but the vans, who had heard about George’s rebellious behavior, wanted to
get their own revenge on him. So they violently shoved Derek!



-George’s Driver: YIKES! THAT’S IT! I’M OUTTA HERE!

-Narrator: And George’s driver ran out of the cab, but George still remained
stubborn, confident his plan would work.

-George: Oh, he’ll stop! He’ll stop! And then once he does, this whole railway will
be stopped!

-Narrator: George thought maliciously! But he soon began to realize his scheme
would backfire, as he didn’t count on how fast Derek was being pushed, and how
strong he would be to push him. Derek braked as hard as he could, but it was too

(Derek hits George, and both skid with Derek’s front truck derailed, and George
starts careening down a slope and hits the ground hard, and Derek starts dangling)


-Narrator: George groaned in pain. But the worse was that Derek was dangling after
his front truck derail in the impact, and the poor diesel began to look down in


-Narrator: He cried! Derek’s driver thankfully got out, and the workmen tried to
fasten chains to the train to keep Derek safe, but it wasn’t enough. Very soon,
Derek’s front would take a dive because of his weight, and he and his train would
fall down the slope and get smashed at the bottom like George. Just then, Barry was
headed down to Brendam Docks in the same direction with a stone train from Anopha
Quarry, and saw what was going on, and he was horrified!

-Barry: Oh my goodness! What’s going on?

-Foreman: George tried stall on the point for another one of his selfish rebellions
against railways, and Derek was coming in, and the trucks pushed into him out of
revenge, and they crashed into him. George has fallen down already and smashed on
impact, but Derek’s front is dangling, and he’s endanger of falling.

-Barry: Oh no! Not Derek! I can’t let him get mangled!

-Foreman: No indeed! Uncouple from your train, and help pull him back up

-George: Oh great, if ain’t the death engine himself! He won’t be able to help,
he’ll only make things worse, and fall down the hill himself. He’s a disaster he

-Foreman: Oh shut up George! That’s quite hypocritical coming from you, considering
this accident, and you getting smashed was your own fault!

-Barry: Exactly! I don’t care what you say George, I won’t let my friend fall
thanks to your “disaster”. Come on Clark, Derek needs our help!

-Barry’s Driver: Right! And not a moment too soon!

-Narrator: And so Barry uncoupled from his train, and slowly came up to the brake
van, and the guard coupled him up.


-Narrator: And with all his might, Barry pulled as hard as he could! It was
difficult at first, but Barry slowly started to ease the train, and Derek started
to roll backwards a little.

-George: Humph! No use at all! Give up and plunge yourself down steamer before…


-Narrator: And George’s driver, fed up with his horrid behavior, even threw a rock
at his smokebox, which really shut the steamroller up. With much wheel slip, much
sand, and much determination, the Welsh engine finally pulled old Derek back onto
the rails too safety!

-Derek: Ha-ha! You did it Barry! I’m saved! Oh, thank you!

-Barry (Panting): Not a problem Derek. Just helping a friend in need.

-Narrator: The crews, the foreman, and the workmen all cheered.

-Barry’s Driver: Ha-ha! Well done Barry, I knew you could do it! You blocked out
all negativity, and focused on saving Derek, that you managed to save him.

-Barry: Yes, I did, but honestly Clark, you and Steven are the real heroes for
helping me to cope with that and save Derek. So I have you both to thank for that.

-Foreman: Well regardless, it was all you Barry. You really are a hero, a rescue
engine one might say.

-Workman: I’ve checked Derek, his front is badly bent, thanks to George down there.
He can’t move on his own power.

-Barry: If I may sir, maybe I could push Derek and his train to Brendam Docks, as
well as my train, and we’ll get it done right then and there.

-Barry’s Driver: Are you sure Barry?

-Barry: Absolutely! Trains must get through.

-Barry’s Driver: Very well then. Let’s do it!

-Foreman: Excellent then! Great job again Barry. (To George) And as for you George,
I’ll be talking to your owner and the Fat Controller, and they will deal with you
personally about your behavior as of late!

-Narrator: George gulped nervously! He knew he was in trouble now.

(Barry shunts Derek and both trains to Brendam Docks, then arrives back at the
Steamworks where the Fat Controller, BoCo, Marlin, and Jem Cole Jr. is)

-Narrator: Soon Barry coupled back onto his train, and pushed the damaged Derek and
his train to Brendam Docks, making up for lost time. They made it there, and
everybody who had heard of Barry’s achievement, all cheered for him. Even Cranky
gave him recognition, and apologized for his rudeness to him a few days ago before
the sheep incident, and Barry accepted. Then, he took Derek himself to the
Steamworks. The Fat Controller, BoCo, Marlin, and Jem Cole Jr. were there waiting
for him.

-TFC: Ha-ha! There you are Barry! I heard all about what you did, and I must say, I
am just so proud of you right now! You are indeed a really useful engine,
especially the way you conquered your demons and kept yourself motivated to the
task at hand.

-BoCo: I second that to sir, I knew I made the right choice in saving you from
scrap Barry.

-Barry: Why thank you everyone. But I couldn’t have done it without all of you. I’m
really going to love working on Sodor, as I feel now I finally got the chance I’ve
never had, especially thanks to you BoCo. While the scars still burn, and I’ll
still need time to heal the mental damage that was done to me back in my old life,
I’m finally starting to find peace now.

-Marlin: That’s wonderful to hear Barry. And again, we’re here for you no matter

-Barry’s Driver: Same here Barry. Between you and all of us, we ain’t going

-Jem Cole Jr.: Indeed! But someone is going to. As placed on a flatbed right behind
BoCo, was a very battered, mangled, and very disgraced, George the Steamroller. Jem
Cole stared at him furiously!

-Jem Cole Jr. (Sternly): Now as for you George, you have pulled a lot of stupid
stunts for your own selfish gain, but this is stunt should be placed to the word
idiotic in the dictionary. What you did today was very careless, selfish, and very
irrational and dangerous. But then again, that’s all that you do whenever you cause
trouble for these good engines. You’ve not only damaged yourself and Derek here,
but I was also informed about you lashing out at Barry & BoCo at Wellsworth
yesterday, and judging a book by its cover.

-TFC (Sternly): Indeed! Barry has been through a lot then you’ll ever know George,
and he is never careless, he is a sensible, kind, responsible, helpful, and
dedicated engine that cares about the well-being of those around him. As needless
to say, the only who has been careless is you. I will not tolerate such brutal
comments and dangerous rebellions against my railway or my engines.
-George: But, sirs, I…

-TFC (Sternly): ENOUGH! You will apologize to Barry at once!

-George: You gotta be jok…

(BoCo nudges the flatbed and shakes George)

-George: AH! Okay, okay! I’ll say it! Barry, I’m so…I’m sor…

-BoCo: Last chance George!

-George: Okay, I’m sorry Barry! You really are a useful and helpful engine.

-Jem Cole Jr.: Oh you don’t mean that. Then again, you never care anyway. But once
you’re repaired, I’ll see to it that you get a much proper punishment, and we
expect much better from you in future! Understand?

-George (Sadly): Yes sirs!

-Jem Cole Jr.: Again, I really must apologize to you all on behalf of George’s
behavior, especially you Barry.

-Barry: It’s okay Mr. Cole. I dealt with much worse, but what they say doesn’t
matter anyway. Because I’m not listening to blokes like him again.

-TFC: That’s a good engine! As a special reward, Derek will be repaired, and you
both will be given a new coat of paint.

-Barry: Oh thank you sir!

-Derek: Thanks indeed! But you deserve it more Barry, because you truly are a
rescue engine.

-TFC: Hmm…Barry the Rescue Engine. That sounds like a fitting title, considering
how vigilant and cautious you are, and how brave you were to help out in
emergencies Barry.

-Barry: I think I like it sir! That really does make me feel glad to be part of
this railway. In fact sir, I was hoping, even though I run the Kirk Ronan branch,
if you ever need an extra set of wheels…

-TFC (Chuckles): Don’t worry, you’re one of the first on my list, as you can even
be another utility engine like Donald, Douglas and Kirby. So consider that a second

-Barry: Oh thank you sir!

-BoCo: Indeed! Welcome to Sodor Barry!

(Shows Barry working hard on Sodor, and George’s punishment)

-Narrator: As soon as Barry was repainted, and Derek repaired, they both set back
to work. As for Kenny & Marvin, well, the Fat Controller still made it clear that
they would never work for the railway again. So instead, they work for Ms. Jenny at
the Sodor Construction Company. They didn’t dare try to get their work over with
and laze about, especially because of how strict Miss Jenny was. And as for George,
well, as punishment, the current stationary boiler at the Steamworks was in need of
repairs, so George was placed there as a temporary replacement until those repairs
were done. But once George was done serving his time there, Jem Cole decided to
have him removed from the roads for the whole year, and only allowed out during the
Vicarage fair. He hates it, but everybody around does tell him to promptly shut up,
which he does! Barry was no longer that shy and worrisome engine that dealt with
all those years of depression and trauma, he is now a self-confident, kind,
vigilant, and responsible engine that always works hard in what he does, and
everything he does on the railway, he does for his friends, and the people that
rely on him. He still can get anxious and worrisome, but with support from his crew
and the other engines, as well as the advice they gave him, he’s able to block out
all the negativity, and work hard, and believe in himself. He is very close with
BoCo, and still grateful for the Metrovick’s help from saving him form scrap, and
he and James are very good friends to, as both Moguls do have to stick together,
and he even thanked Henry for his insight as well. He runs the Kirk Ronan Branch
very well, but whenever the other engines need help, Barry will always lend a
buffer, as he isn’t just any ordinary engine, he is Barry the Rescue Engine.

-Narrator: The engines on the Island of Sodor always enjoy working hard, especially
since they each have a favorite job that they’re very good at. Thomas loves running
his branchline with Annie & Clarabel, Percy loves pulling the mail train, Gordon
loves to pull the express, the Wild Nor’ Wester, and Henry loves pulling heavy
goods train, but his favorite being the Flying Kipper. Doing these jobs always
makes them feel useful, however, there is one place none of the engines, especially
all the steam engines don’t like to go to, the Smelter’s Yard. Not only did they
despise it because of how engines go there to be scrapped after being withdrawn
from service, but also because of the two diesels that live there, Iron ‘Arry &
Iron Bert. Twin Class 08 Shunters that take great pleasure in scrapping steam
engines, but of course only engines in the Smelter’s that are condemned for scrap,
and not live ones. The Fat Controller only purchased them 5 years ago just to
maintain the yards, as he knew they were devious characters that could never be
trusted, due to their grudges against steam engines, especially a month after he
purchased them when Stepney came for his 2nd visit to Sodor, but made a wrong turn
on his last day and ended up at the Smelter’s, and ‘Arry & Bert were intent on
scrapping the Bluebell Engine, only for the Fat Controller to catch them in the
act, and had them confined to pulling rubbish trains as punishment for this
horrific act. Since then, the Fat Controller has been keeping an eye on the
Ironworks Diesels, and made a deal with the scrap manager that if they try to harm
any engine, whether it was under his ownership or not, he would have the Smelter’s
held liable, and have its funding cut, and yard demolished and used for something
else, and ‘Arry & Bert would scrapped instead. ‘Arry & Bert knew this, and were
honestly terrified of that, but they weren’t going to admit, nor would they change,
as since they were on probation after their attempted murder on Stepney, all they
could do know was go around taunting the engines, and playing really spiteful
tricks on them, but only when the Fat Controller wasn’t around. Lately, the devious
duo were causing all sorts of pranks on the engines, including having the engines
be shunted in the middle of their trains…accidentally on purpose.

(Shows Percy coming to the Smelter’s Yard)

-Narrator: One morning, Percy had arrived to collect some trucks of steel for
Brendam Docks. He was worried, as of all engines, ‘Arry & Bert loved playing tricks
on him the most, thinking he was a pathetic little wimp.

-Percy: Okay, good, those two are nowhere in sight.

-Percy’s Driver: Yeah, they’ve been causing trouble for every engine they come into
contact with.

-Percy: Worse, they’ve been getting Scot-free before the Fat Controller could
berate them. It’s like ever since Stepney’s last visit, those two have been getting
worse each year.

-Percy’s Fireman: Yeah, and that was like…5 years ago. But at least it’s not
frequent, but let’s hope we can avoid those bastards today.

-Percy: I just hope we can avoid them today, as I hate those two just as much as
the next engine. Let’s get going.

-Narrator: Percy wasted no time in shunting his train of steel flatbeds in line.
Once he coupled up front, relived that neither ‘Arry or Bert showed up to taunt or
prank him. But before he realized it, he heard a rumble, and saw Bert shunting a
line of coal trucks in front of him.


-Bert (Cackles): Well, well, well, 'ave a look wot we got us 'ere ‘Arry.

-‘Arry: Yeah, little green piggy in the middle! (Cackles)

-Narrator: ‘Arry cackled as he rolled alongside him. Percy was furious, and so were
his driver and fireman. With trucks front and behind him, he was officially a
middle engine. But they were running late as it was, so there was no time to shunt
the coal trucks out of the way. Especially since the Ironworks twins would continue
harassing him again. So Percy set off, an infuriated middle engine, but slowly, as
it was dangerous to travel at regular speed with two trains at each end. It was
heavy and insufferable work. But by the time he reached Brendam Docks, the little
green saddle tank was both exhausted, and very late indeed.

-Percy (Panting): Oh god! I don’t know how this day could get any worse.

-Dock Manager: He soon found out, as there standing was the dock manager, and
needless to say, he didn’t look happy on bit.

-Dock Manager: Whaur hae ye bin percy? You’re 20 minutes late! This won’t dae at
a', as that ship wis due tae lea an oor ago. 'N' there’s na wey it wid allow coal
oan boord either.

-Percy (Panting): I’m sorry sir! It’s not like I intended to be late.

-Dock Manager: Ah can’t hae that! Ah shall hae tae report this tae th' Fat

-Narrator: And he stormed away crossly before Percy or his crew could answer. James
arrived with a train of lumber, and he could only laugh rudely at him.

-James (Laughing): What’s this Percy, playing middle engine. How absurd, I knew you
were a little green caterpillar with red stripes, but I never thought that you
would move like one.

-Percy: Oh shut up James! You wouldn’t find it funny if you were squished in the
middle of two heavy trains by those Ironworks gits.

-James: Oh, P-Shaw! I’m a splendid big red engine, and you’d never catch me in the
middle of any train.

-Narrator: And James puffed away laughing, before poor Percy could retort. The
little green engine could only sigh, wondering how ‘Arry & Bert could be put in
their place.
(Cuts to Percy and the Fat Controller at Tidmouth Sheds at night)

-Narrator: That night at Tidmouth Sheds, the Fat Controller came to see him. Percy
was anxious, hoping to get his story straight to him.

-TFC (Sternly): Percy, I know incidents are bound to happen sometimes, but ships
need to leave with their loads on time. Why on earth were you late? You usually
arrive to the Docks on time. Plus, why were you shunting coal trucks in front of
you in the process?

-Percy: I’m sorry sir! But it wasn’t my fault, it was those two jerk scrap diesels,
‘Arry & Bert. They shunted those coal trucks in front of me before I was about to
leave. And, they both have been picking on me every time I got to the Scrapyards.

-Narrator: And Percy explained everything, and the Fat Controller understood.

-TFC: Oh, I see! Sorry Percy, I just had to check first. Those two have been quite
insufferable, even when I tell them to not scrap live engines, they still delight
in harassing them, and I don’t tolerate that. Worse, they keep scampering off Scot-
free before I can scold them. Don’t worry Percy, I’ll conduct an investigation on
this. For now, you’ll have to stay in the yards for the time being, so that way you
don’t have to put up with those creeps.

-Percy: Yes sir, thank you sir!

-Narrator: But Percy’s smile turned to a frown when James came in, once again,
laughing and making more snide comments to Percy.

-James (Laughing): Well look who it is, the little green pipsqueak who got to play
monkey in the middle. Fancy getting tricked by those scum of the earth diesel, eh

-Percy (Mutters): Oh please!

-James: Well those two wasp-striped diesels wouldn’t dare due that to yours truly.

-TFC (Grins): Oh, is that so James, well if that’s the case, I’ll have you do
Percy’s work tomorrow to deal with those “wasp-striped diesels” then.

-Narrator: James jumped. He didn’t know the Fat Controller was there the whole

-James: But sir…I…

-TFC (Sternly): But nothing James! It’s bad enough Percy had to deal with ‘Arry &
Bert’s hassling, he doesn’t need you bullying him to. So maybe you will understand
what it was like for him to deal with those two.

-James: Oh, yes sir! I’ll stop sir! Um…sorry Percy!

-TFC: Good!

-Narrator: And the Fat Controller walked away to his car, but James was still
speechless, but didn’t want to show it, but the other engines, especially Percy
could only laugh at his misfortune.

(Fades to next morning with James arriving at the Smelter’s, where ‘Arry & Bert
-Narrator: The next morning, James arrived at the Ironworks, still full of pride,
hoping not to put was determined not to get pranked by ‘Arry & Bert. But who should
show up at that moment but the two diesels themselves.

-Arry (Cackles): Well look who we got us ‘ere Bert.

-Bert: Why it’s the bloomin’ rusty red scrap iron, ‘ere to meet ‘is end. Come ter
learn a thing or two from real engines like us James.

-James: As if! You grimy, scrap diesels should know better than to taunt an
important engine such as myself.

-‘Arry: Oh no, we wouldn’t want ter insult the great James, the snooty, spoiled
prince who looks like ‘is paint is going to rust.

-James: Just get my trucks ready and stay out of my way.

-Bert: Oh yes sir your ‘ighness.

-‘Arry & Bert: (Cackles)

-Narrator: James just snorted. Though he still thought at least he had those two
under control, but of course, he should’ve known better. Just as he backed down to
his line of trucks, ‘Arry came in shunting another line of coal trucks right in
front of him this time.


-‘Arry: Well ain’t this nice! A little red piggy in the middle, eh?

-Bert: No, right, more like a giant undercooked 'ot dog! (Cackles) This is even
better then Percy!

-‘Arry & Bert: (Cackles)


-Narrator: ‘Arry & Bert jumped! There, was the Fat Controller, who arrived on
Percy, the latter looking at them with cheeky and very pleased look, as the Fat
Controller stepped down from his cab, pointing crossly at the two diesels.

-TFC (Angrily): You both have got a lot nerve in causing trouble for my engines,
and the fact you would made both Percy & James as of late middle engines, truly
disgraceful. You both have caused numerous amounts of confusion and delay lately,
and scamper off before I can scold you both!

-‘Arry: But sir, we…

-TFC (Angrily): I DON’T WANNA HEAR IT! Just because I made it perfectly clear that
you both are not allowed to scrap live steam engines like you tried to do with
Stepney 5 years ago, that doesn’t give you the right to twist my words and bully
the other engines for your own enjoyment.

-Bert: But…

-TFC (Angrily): SILENCE! You both have very horrible attitudes towards steam
engines, even worse than Diesel I must say! You owe both these engines a big fat
apology, and promise that it will never happen again!
-‘Arry (Sadly): Yes sir! We’re sorry James!

-Bert (Sadly): And too yer ter Percy!

-TFC (Sternly): And I should think so to! As punishment, you both will be on
rubbish duty again! And even collecting manure trucks from Farmer Trotter’s farm
for the next 3 months!

-Narrator: ‘Arry & Bert gulped! That was the last thing they needed to hear. Percy
& James just smirked.

-TFC (Sternly): And to make sure you learn you’re lesson even further, you both
will be doing this by shunting in the middle. That way you both will understand
what it was like for the engines you made “middle engines”. And once back on
regular duties, I’ll expect no more bullying from either of you, correct!

-Arry & Bert (Sadly): Yes sir!

-Narrator: And ‘Arry & Bert scampered off to their shed. The Fat Controller looked
at his pocket watch.

-TFC: Oh my, look at the time, the ship’s due to leave in the next hour. Percy,
since you’re here, can you help James make up for lost time?

-Percy: Oh yes sir, right away sir!

-TFC: Excellent then!

-James: Wait, shouldn’t I get uncoupled first to get in front?

-TFC: I’m afraid there’s no time for that James. The ship can’t wait for nothing.
So you’ll have to help Percy out, middle engine. That will teach you to make snide
comments like that towards him again, and now you’ll get to understand how horrible
it was for him. Besides, those coal trucks have to go for the hoppers for Brendam
Docks anyways, so you yourself can shunt them there.

-James: Oh, yes sir, I will sir!

-Narrator: James sad miserably, knowing it was wrong to argue with the Fat
Controller. So Percy coupled in front, and pulled the train, with James pushing and
pulling in the middle, all the way to Brendam Docks.

(Percy & James arrive at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: Once they arrived, the dock manager was there waiting for him, and this
time, he was smiling.

-Dock Manager: Weel dane Percy! You’re richt oan time th'day, 'n' pure useful. Ah
apologize fur blaming ye yesterday, th' Fat Controller tellt me everything.

-Percy: That’s alright, and thank you sir! (Grins cheekily) But it looks as if I
had some help.

-Dock Manager: I’ll say ye hae, is that James, a' th' wey in th' middle?

-Percy: Well it certainly looks like James, but James is a splendid big red engine,
and you’d never catch him playing “middle engine”.
-Narrator: Everybody around the docks just laughed out loud, as James’s face turned
redder than his own paintwork, as he vanished in a cloud of his own steam.

-Narrator: The engines on the Island of Sodor love keeping busy. Always rushing to
and fro with passengers and freight, they enjoy their work. However, there is
sometimes too much work for the engines to handle, which was what prompted the Fat
Controller to purchase new engines on the railway to help handle the recent
increase in jobs over the years. And after he created the contract thanks to BoCo’s
plan that would allow him to preserve more engines, that would be the case now,
especially after BoCo had saved Barry from scrap a few months ago, and would ask
other friends of theirs from the Mainland to help. Barry was the first, but there
would be more engines that the Fat Controller and BoCo would bring.

(Shows Salty, a Class 07 diesel shunter moving down the Ffarqhuar Branch, until
arriving at Anopha Quarry)

-Narrator: And one of those engines this time was a diesel. This is Salty, a BR
Class 07 Shunter from Eastleigh Railway, and it was his first day.

-Salty: We heaved 'til the ole freighter finally caught the tide. Yargh, it’s good
t' be useful.

-Narrator: Now Salty is excited to be coming to the Island of Sodor, as islands of

course are surrounded by the sea. And Salty, loves the sea. He loves working by it
and catching fresh sea air and hearing the waves splash amongst the shores. He
loves to watch the boast and ships that sail, and has a vast knowledge of sea
shanties and sea faring if you’ve ever gotten to know him, as he loves to tell
tales about it. Soon, Salty arrived at his new job, which was at Anopha Quarry on
Thomas’s Branchline.

-Salty: Ahoy thar matey’s. I am Salty, pride o' the seven seas. I’m a new diesel 'n
I’m here t' give ye some help.

-Bill: (Annoyed) Humph! Yeah, hi!

-Ben: (Annoyed) Nice to meet you!

-Narrator: Said Bill & Ben grumpily. The Fat Controller had asked Bill & Ben to
help out at Anopha Quarry, as there was an increase in stone as of late, and Mavis
couldn’t handle everything alone, and so with the Clay Pits closed for repairs for
the time being, he asked Bill & Ben to help out, though the twins themselves didn’t
really think they needed help, especially from a new diesel they haven’t met yet.
But Mavis, pleased to meet a fellow diesel shunter was far more polite.

-Mavis: Why hello there Salty. Welcome to Anopha Quarry. I’m Mavis, and I’m please
to meet you.

-Narrator: Salty looked around, and saw nothing but rocks, cliffs, hoppers, and
trucks all filled with stone.

-Salty: The quarry? There must be some mistake, I’m a dockyard diesel.

-Mavis: I’m sorry Salty, but we need you be a quarry diesel. There’s an important
shipment of stone that has to be shunted in time for the Fat Controller, that way
they can be taken to the Main Line for the engines to take to harbors. Hence why
Bill & Ben over there were brought in from the Clay pits to help.

-Salty: Aye, I see!

-Narrator: Salty said. Now Salty was not the kind of engine who complained about
what job he was given, he was rather upset he didn’t get the chance to work by the
sea. But even he knew what it meant to be a really useful engine, so he didn’t
wanna let that dampen his spirit. So he set to work immediately.

-Salty: Well, then whatever ye needs me hearty’s, ole Salty will lend ye a buffer.
'n aye, at least thar be trucks.

-Mavis: Oh, well, you better mind them Salty, trucks can be a bother.

-Bill: (Smirks) He won’t last even 5 minutes with them (Giggles).

-Ben: (Giggles) Yeah, they’ll trip him up soon enough.

-Mavis: (Sternly) Oh be off you two, we have a guest here, and I won’t hesitate to
tell the Fat Controller about your wisecracks.

-Salty: Ah, no worries Mavis, I won’t let young rascals like 'em prank me.

(Shows Salty working at the quarry)

-Narrator: But much to Bill & Ben’s surprise, the trucks gave Salty no trouble at
all. In fact, Salty actually had them under control easily.

-Salty: Yo-ho-ho, 'n a bucket o' prawns, the tiller spins, 'n the cap'n yawns.

-Narrator: Salty would sing.

-Salty: Yo-ho-ho, 'n a bucket o' prawns, the tiller spins,

-Trucks: And the captain yawns (Laughing).

-Narrator: Sang the trucks back. Despite not being near the sea, Salty was enjoying
himself immensely, shunting the trucks into their proper places, singing his
favorite sea shanties, and even bringing the trucks down to either Ffarqhuar or
Elsbridge Junction. He even became friends with the other engines that he met along
the way. And thanks to Salty, not only were the trucks behaving, but the important
shipment the Fat Controller ordered was nearly done. Bill & Ben were quite
surprised…and, a little jealous. That night, once Toby took the workmen home in
Henrietta, the engines were getting settled for the night. Bill & Ben only cringed
the moment they saw Salty again.

-Bill: Ugh, oh great, if ain’t the sea-curvy show-off.

-Mavis: Oh come now Bill. Salty hasn’t even been showing off. He’s actually quite
friendly, and I do enjoy listening to his sea shanties. Plus, you have to admit,
he’s got a knack with those trucks to.

-Ben: But driver says he’ll bore the bolts off us with his stories.

-Mavis: Oh stop!

-Narrator: Mavis said sternly, as she enjoyed Salty’s company, and both she and the
Class 07 became very close friends. But to her and the twins’ surprise, Salty just
stood there still, as he looked rather upset. He didn’t say a word, and he didn’t
even come near the shed. Mavis felt concerned for her new friend. She rolled up
alongside him, and asked him what he was doing all on his own.
-Mavis: Is everything okay Salty?

-Salty: Oh, I thought that I might jus' catch a bit o' sea-breeze. Bein' a dockyard
diesel, it’s jus' hard t' adapt outside o' wha' I usually know. No offense t' you
shipmates though.

-Mavis: Awe, not at all. You really do miss the sea, don’t you?

-Salty: Aye, I do! But I do know that all jobs are important, 'n I don’t want t'
sound ungrateful t' the Fat Controller after he gave me a home here.

-Mavis: (Giggles) I don’t think you are, as I understand, and I’m sure the Fat
Controller does to. At least you’re able to handle yourself more better than me
when I was young. When I first came to Sodor, I used to be quite the feisty young
lass, who wanted to go out and try other things. Though I thought I knew better,
and didn’t have the best self-control, which got me into trouble. But after I
helped Toby when he was hanging on the bridge over that waterfall you saw, and
owning up to it and promising to listen to orders more, I got my chance to see
different parts of Sodor and meet the other engines. And after being purchased by
the Fat Controller himself, I feel a lot happier now that I have that balance where
I can look after the quarry, but also have a chance to stretch my wheels and talk
with the other engines.

-Salty: Yargh, ye’re right Mavis. 'tis me first day aft all, maybe the Fat
Controller might 'ave another task fer me aft I’m finished.

-Mavis: (Giggles) Never say never.

(Fades to the next morning with Salty talking to Bill & Ben)

-Narrator: The next day, Salty was back to his usually cheerful mood, and tried to
befriend Bill & Ben. The twins didn’t want to, but after Mavis warned them to be
nice, they reluctantly did.

-Salty: Ahoy maties, I hear from Mavis you both been having trouble with the

-Bill: Yes?

-Ben: So?

-Salty: I thought I could let ye in on me secret on how t' keep 'em in order.

-Narrator: Now the twins were intrigued.

-Bill & Ben: Yes, yes, please Salty, tell us, pretty please?

-Salty: (Chuckles) Well, I like workin' t' musical rhythm, 'n so do the trucks, why
don’t ye give it a go me hearty’s.

(Bill & Ben depart, and shows them struggling with the trucks)

-Bill & Ben: Here we go, here we go, here we go.

-Trucks: No we don’t, no we don’t, no we don’t, don’t, DON’T!

-Narrator: But try as they might, Bill & Ben couldn’t even move the trucks as well
as Salty could. But once again, Salty was proving just as useful as he was
yesterday, and everybody was very impressed. And this time, even Bill & Ben had to
admit that Salty was really quite the character. Later that day, the Fat Controller
arrived at the Quarry on Toby, and he was very surprised the fact the whole job had
been completed.

-TFC: (Chuckles) Well, I must say, I am quite impressed, well done all of you.

-Mavis: Oh thank you sir! But really, it was Salty. We couldn’t have done it
without him. He has proven himself to be quite useful. He even sang these sea
shanties to keep the trucks in order to.

-Toby: Sea shanties?

-Salty: Yargh, that’s right Toby me lad. I use a musical rhythm t' keep the trucks
in order.

-Toby: Wow! That is impressive Salty! You did wonderfully!

-TFC: I’ll say he has Toby. Well done Salty. Now that the arrangement of stone
trucks has been complete for the important shipment, I got an even bigger job for
you now as a reward for all your hard work.

-Salty: (Sadly) Aye, aye, sir! What kind of quarry is it?

-TFC: (Chuckles) Quarry? Oh no, I’m actually sending you to work at none other than
Brendam Docks.

-Salty: (Gasps) The Docks? The docks are heart by the sea, oh thank ye sir.

-TFC: Absolutely! They need a shunter to organize the harbor. I was going to send
you there, but when the stone shipment from Anopha Quarry had to be ordered, I
thought I could test you out and see how you did there first. But I know how much
you love the sea, and I think you’d be perfect there.

-Salty: I understand! I’m glad I got t' prove meself. Thank ye sir.

-TFC: (Chuckles) You’re more than welcome Salty.

-Salty: Argh! This reminds me of a time in Birmingham.

-Narrator: Everybody just had to laugh, as Salty was telling his stories again.

(Shows Salty now working at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: Now Salty is as happy as can be with his new life on Sodor, as he loves
working at Brendam Docks. He manages the yards there easily, getting his work done
more than any three engines and feels really useful. After Bill & Ben went back to
the Clay Pits, Salty sees the more often, and the three engines are now good
friends, and despite being annoyed by the diesel, even Cranky there has to admit
how useful he is. Mavis would even make sure to say hello whenever she would come
to visit when delivering trains of stone from Anopha Quarry. Salty just couldn’t
imagine being anywhere else, as he feels much as home at the docks, and really
useful. And when the trucks misbehave, Salty is the one to count on, as only they
would know his secret.

-Salty: Yo-ho-ho, 'n a bucket o' prawns, the tiller spins, 'n the cap'n yawns.

-Narrator: Summertime had arrived once again, and the narrow gauge engines of the
Skarloey Railway were particularly busy. They usually enjoyed this, taking people
to and from Crovans Gate, and showing them around the railway, where they would
stop and have a picnic. But they would also enjoy visiting Lakeside Station where
they would buy refreshments and snacks from a little refreshment shop called
Neptune’s Refreshments. It was a very successful and happy little business along
the line that sells delicious refreshments on hot days such as this. It is run by a
young woman Vera Davies. She loved catering and making refreshments when she was
young, and took over after her grandmother after she passed away. In fact, her
grandmother Mary, the original refreshment lady, was the same women Peter Sam had
accidentally left behind when taunted by Henry. Since the misunderstanding, Peter
Sam apologized, and Mary forgave him, and he had been a friend of the Davies family
ever since. The current refreshment lady, Vera, loved Peter Sam, and always enjoyed
seeing his happy and cheerful expression. However, Peter Sam himself was not in a
cheerful mood, especially when he came into Lakeside one day with a passenger
train. While the refreshment lady was giving out her best refreshments to the
passengers, she took a break to go talk with Peter Sam with whatever time there

-Refreshment Lady: Good afternoon Peter Sam.

-Peter Sam (Sadly): Oh, hello refreshment lady.

-Refreshment Lady: You can call me Vera dear.

-Peter Sam (Sadly): Oh, sorry, I forgot.

-Refreshment Lady: (Giggles) It’s fine! Penny for your thoughts Peter Sam?

-Peter Sam: Oh, no, why do you ask?

-Refreshment Lady: Well, you look rather upset about something love. Actually, if
you don’t mind me saying, you looked like you’ve been at a funeral for a while now.

-Peter Sam: Oh, well, it’s tricky to explain, I…I…well, just thinking of old
friends per say, or those who used to be my friends.

-Refreshment Lady: What do you mean?

-Peter Sam: Well, have you ever had a moment in your life Vera, were somebody would
say something horrid to you, something really nasty, and then your anger hits the
boiling point, and you don’t feel like yourself/

-Refreshment Lady: Of course dear, everyone does. Did something like that happen to

-Peter Sam: Well, it’s just that, it did, but it’s hard for me to say. Even though
this someone did, I argued back, and I feel guilty about it. I…

-Refreshment Lady: Guilty? About what?

-Peter Sam: Well…

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Peter Sam: Oh, that’s my guard’s whistle, I have to go, good-bye Vera, I’ll talk

-Refreshment Lady: Um, okay, cheerio love.

-Narrator: As Peter Sam left, the Refreshment Lady looked rather concerned. Now
most people and engines would know Peter Sam for being a very jolly, cheerful, and
friendly, and overly polite soul that always has a smile on his face. He was an
engine that was full of optimism, and loved getting out and being really useful. He
never complained about a job, and was always kind to everyone, even the coaches and
trucks. In fact, Peter Sam would even sing whenever he was in a good mood. But
lately, he seemed rather downcast and miserable, and would even look as if he did
something bad, which was certainly never in his nature. The other engines were
getting concerned, and they would often wonder why their friend was acting so sad
and distant.

(Cuts to the Skarloey Engine Sheds)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, at the Skarloey Engine Sheds, Edward and Toby were resting
nearby after delivering a train of produce that would be for different supermarkets
along the narrow gauge lines. The two old engines were having a chat with Skarloey,
Rheneas and Duke.

-Skarloey: So, how are things going on your railway you two?

-Edward: Oh, things are just fine. BoCo has really helped make our railway a
success ever since he and the Fat Controller made that plan in giving chances to
other engines.

-Toby: Indeed! And even helping them after any bad experiences that they dealt with
on the Mainland. Like after he helped Barry.

-Duke: Oh, yes, I remember, how has young Barry been, I haven’t seen him in a

-Edward: Oh he’s doing wonderfully Duke. Thanks to him, the Kirk Ronan Branch is
now running like clockwork, and the Fat Controller wouldn’t have to spare so many
engines to run it. Though occasionally he would ask Donald, Douglas and Bear every
now and again.

-Rheneas: Ah yes, and we can see why. But at you’re all doing your best. And hey,
at least more engines will be coming in the future.

-Toby: That’s true Rheneas. In fact, last month, we just got a new diesel named

-Skarloey: Salty? Oh, isn’t he that red diesel with the pirate accent.

-Toby: That’s the one Skarloey. He worked at Anopha Quarry on my Branchline for a
while, and now he’s on Edward’s.

-Duke: Is that so Edward?

-Edward: That it is Duke. He’s the shunter at Brendam Docks. And proud of it, as he
loves the sea, and can tell lots of great stories about it just as much as us old

(All of them laugh)

-Skarloey: (Chuckles) Perhaps us old engines should form a story club then.

-Rheneas: (Chuckles) That would be a wonderful idea.

-Edward: Indeed! Maybe I’ll suggest to Salty when I see him later.
-Duke: True! But still, I’m proud for you lot, because the more engines the better.

-Toby: Why thank you Duke. Speaking of which, how have things been for your

-Skarloey: Oh things are going fine Toby. It’s the usual rush, but it’s still fun.

-Edward: Of course, it’s always important to keep busy. Say, if you don’t mind me
asking, wasn’t there supposed to another engine for your railway sent to help you.

-Toby: Yeah, and didn’t he come the same time Victor did just after you know what

-Skarloey: That’s the strange part you two, we haven’t seen him. According to the
Knapford Harbor records, both Victor and this engine were signed as delivered, but
we never saw him, or her depending on what gender it is.

-Rheneas: We’re still able to manage even after, ahem …well, you know. But this is
still very strange.

-Duke: Indeed it is. Whoever this engine is, I hope we find whoever he or she is.

-Edward: I hope you do to Duke. And we’ll even help in any way can. Still, at least
your railway is still successful. It just wouldn’t be an Island of Sodor without
the Skarloey Railway.

-Skarloey: Why thank you Edward. We enjoy keeping busy every year... (Notices Peter
Sam in the Sheds) though it seems that one of us isn’t at the moment.

-Toby: Who? Duncan?

-Rheneas: Oh no Toby. You know what he’d be like, and if he was here now, he’d
complain loudly and throwing a fit more than usual. It’s someone you’d at least

-Narrator: Edward & Toby looked at the distance where the 3 old engines were
starring, and saw in the opened shed was Peter Sam, sitting there, looking quite
miserable. Edward & Toby looked at each other surprised.

-Edward: Peter Sam? Forgive me, but isn’t quite odd that he’d looking so miserable?

-Skarloey: I know, and we’re surprised to. He can still talk just fine, but lately
he just looks so upset. This isn’t usually like him, he’s always so cheerful.

-Toby: I see. What happened?

-Duke: Well Toby, he’s been like this for 2 years now.

-Toby: 2 years?

-Duke: Yes. You see, Peter Sam has been like this ever since...”it” happened.

-Edward: It? Oh, you mean “that”.

-Rheneas: (Sighs) Yeah. He can still do his work just fine, but he’s still upset
after the incident that occurred…after, Sir Handel got banished.

-Edward: I see now! I mean, what Sir Handel did was horrible, but he did get
punished after he deliberately delayed Bear’s train, and caused him to crash into
Knapford Station’s bookstall.

-Toby: Indeed, not to mention after he badmouthed the Reverend Awdry and our
previous controller. I imagine even after 2 years, Peter Sam hasn’t been able to
recover hasn’t he.

-Skarloey: I’m afraid he hasn’t Toby. Overcoming a trauma doesn’t happen overnight.
It took time for all of us after we exiled Sir Handel, especially after each of us
visited Marlin on our free time, after one of our own would just betray us like
that. But Peter Sam didn’t, as he just took this especially hard.

-Duke: Yes, as Sir Handel had verbally abused the poor fellow by lashing out his
overall personality, and treated him like dirt.

-Toby: Oh right! If I recall, Sir Handel did call him a pathetic, soft-hearted fool

-Duke: Oh he did Toby! And I can understand why he’d take it hard, because after
all, these two were my pupils back on the only Mid Sodor line, back when they used
to be called Stuart & Falcon. Not only were they close with me, but each other to
like brothers. So naturally, of course Peter Sam would snap, as he felt betrayed by
an engine who was like a brother to him. Especially after they were bought together
for the old Peel Godred Aluminum works after Mid Sodor was shut down. (Sighs) I
just can’t believe Sir Handel would.

-Edward: I see! If you don’t mind me asking Duke, how did you take all this after
Sir Handel committed this horrible act?

-Duke: Well honestly, I felt betrayed to, as I looked after him and guided him the
day when he first arrived on Sodor, and it felt like we were getting close, even
after I saved him from falling to his death on the old Mountain Road. I took him
in, put my heart and soul into helping him and Peter Sam, and then I come back and
see how much of a horrid attitude he’s had, and this is how he repays me? And to
make things worse, he tried to use me to defend him and deflect blame from himself.

-Toby: But what you said about, well, you know, “that he’s on his own”, di you
really mean that?

-Duke: I’m afraid so Toby old boy. It’s not the first time I’ve said it too
stubborn and arrogant engines like him, back when I took in Stanley, Smudger,
Albert, after they each had caused trouble. It was because of their behavior that
if this is how they went to kept acting, then there wasn’t a whole lot I can do.
It’s not like with Duncan were he has a good heart, and he can always have many
chances to redeem himself. Sir Handel had many chances, but he kept refusing to
change, and choose poorly.

-Toby: Now that I understand. We even felt the same way about rude visitors like
Diesel. Though after he helped Thomas, who knows if we could give him a chance.

-Edward: Indeed! At least when Bill & Ben are difficult, I can always give them
plenty of chances to redeem themselves, as they are good engines at heart. As for
Sir Handel, I think it’s possible, I mean, at least we did hear a reason why he
acted the way he did.

-Skarloey: You’re right Edward, though he should’ve said something sooner.

-Rheneas: But one thing for certain, we’re not disowning him. I mean after all, his
nameplates and numbers are in storage at the Steamworks.
-Edward: That’s good! Because if there’s anything I’ve learned over the years, you
can’t fight fire with fire.

-Skarloey: Well said Edward. And at least Mr. Sam has the decency in having him
work at the Blue Mountain Quarry as his parole if you will. In fact, Sir Handel is
actually behaving more responsibly now. He realizes his mistake, and the fact we’re
not speaking to him currently after what he did. I mean, it’ll take a long time
until he gains all of our respects.

-Rheneas: Exactly Skarloey, especially since the press were there that night when
Sir Handel got banished. And after seeing that he made the front page news, and
that his selfish acts were broadcast over the world, now he feels really guilty.
Even after he was purchased by the manager at the Blue Mountain Quarry, he now
feels very awkward, and is scared we might all lash out at him.

-Edward: How do you know this Rheneas?

-Rheneas: Oh, I talked with the manager himself. He promised us that he not only
will be watching Sir Handel, but reporting to us about his progress, and that if he
does act like his old self, the manager would punish him severely. Especially
because his brother was on Bear’s train that night Sir Handel caused his accident.
He’s still alive, but he lost his legs. Thanks to Sir Handel, he’ll never walk

-Toby: Oh god!

-Duke: Yes. But what about all of you lot though?

-Edward: Oh we got over it to Duke, and the Bookstall at Knapford was repaired and
reopened in April of last year. And there’s even plaques of Sir Charles Topham Hatt
II and Reverend Awdry there, and a memorial dedicated to the incident. Though all
of us agreed, Bear included, that unless Sir Handel could do something to change
the error of his ways and give good acts of kindness and selflessness, then we
would forgive him and let him back into the Sodor family, but for now, we just
can’t trust him. At least what you said has provided some hope that he could
change, but we’ll just have to see what happens.

-Skarloey: I agree on that to Edward. And I know Peter Sam took it harsh, but I
think he himself will need help. Because right now, it makes us sad to see him like
this. His cheerful attitude always puts a smile on our faces, and he makes even the
passengers happier to.

-Rheneas: Yes, and he is a very hard worker.

-Duke: Indeed, despite being cheeky and quick-tempered at times, he’s one of our
best, and we’re proud of him. Though all the same, we have to talk with him.

-Edward: I agree! As Peter Sam did nothing wrong, and he certainly doesn’t deserve
to be so sad. But will he ever trust Sir Handel again if he does redeem himself?

-Skarloey: We’ll have to ask him, but for now, let’s hope so.

-Toby: Same here! Anyways Edward, we have to go.

-Edward: Indeed Toby. Anyways, we’ll see you three later, and good luck with Sir
Handel & Peter Sam.

-Duke: Thanks Edward! Thanks Toby! We’ll see you both later!
-Narrator: So as the two old standard gauge engines left, the three old narrow
gauge engines went back to work to. Each of them hoped they could help Peter Sam,
though the latter himself overheard everything, and he knew deep down they were
right. Maybe…he thought, it’s time to let this go.

(Fades to the Steamworks at nighttime)

-Narrator: That night at the Steamworks, Peter Sam went to see Marlin to help talk
out his problems. In doing so, the little green engine asked the diesel to have his
workmen put on a certain VHS tape that was recorded from the Sodor News Network.
One that was archived the 20th of October, 1998.

-Marlin: Now Peter Sam, are you really sure you want me to play this?

-Peter Sam: Yes Marlin. I just feel like it’s easier to talk about what happened
with the news report that occurred at the time. To get the emotions flowing so to

-Marlin: Of course Peter Sam, but only just this once.

-Peter Sam: (Sighs) Of course Marlin.

-Narrator: So the workmen placed the tape in the VCR of one of the TV’s at the
Steamworks which the engines would watch while repairs were going on. Then, the
tape started to play. Peter Sam could only sigh, remembering what happened that

(Shows the tape’s recording)

-Martin Campbell: Good evening everyone, I’m Martin Campbell from the Sodor News
Network. We have lot of current events that have happened recently, but an incident
had unfortunately occurred last night on the 15th of this month. A train crash had
occurred recently around 6:30 PM at Knapford Station. A passenger train that was
headed down from Crovans Gate that night was deliberately delayed for 2 hours
because of one of the narrow gauge engines of the Skarloey Railway that had a
connecting service with a local that was bound for a ferry to London. In order to
make up for lost time, the engine pulling that rain, a BR Class 35 Hymek named
Bear, had to go at a fast speed so he wouldn’t miss the ferry, but in doing so, as
well as letting the narrow gauge engine in question, he got so angry, he ran a red
signal, and crashed into the Bookstall of Knapford Station. Here we have some CCTV
footage, but we miss warn you, the video you are about to see is pretty disturbing.

(Shows’ Bear accident)


(Bear spirals out of control and crashes through the buffers, and crunches through
the platform and head onto the bookstall which explodes and catches fire)

-Gordon, James, Stanley, and TFC: NOOOOOO!

-James: BEAR! OH MY GOD!



-Narrator: It turns out the diesel, Bear, when trying to make up for lost time ran
the red signal by accident and ran down the wrong line in the sidings were the
Bookstall of the station is. He tried to stop, but with so much speed in order to
catch the ferry, he spiraled out of control, and crashed through the brick platform
and into the book store itself, which caught on fire in the process. The good news
is, everybody, including the station’s employees cleared out just in time, and the
fire was put out, but many people on board that train were severely injured. But
even to those that weren’t, there is already a lot of psychological trauma. The
ferry was halted into the morning, and operations on the Northwestern Railway had
to be suspended for all of last night. Now to those wondering, this accident was
deliberate, as apparently, the narrow gauge engine in question that started it was
actually held liable, and confronted by civilians, as well as the engines on both
the Northwestern and Skarloey Railways. This engine is called Sir Handel, the
former No. 3 of the railway who once was called Falcon back on the defunct Mid
Sodor Railway, who witnesses describe as being an anti-social, arrogant, and
selfish engine with a bad temper and very poor manners. It was said from
testimonies of the current controller of the Skarloey Railway, Mr. Roger Sam, as
well as the former engine’s driver and fireman that he deliberately delayed the
crashed train, because he wanted to prove that everything in this world should be
about him, so out of pure selfishness, he nearly caused his boiler to explode in
order to stop his train, and the driver had to make an emergency stop to wait for
his boiler pressure to decrease, so he can drive him safely, but still unphased,
Sir Handel just slowed down. In fact, based on the crew’s testimonies, he was even
being rude to the them and the passengers that were on both trains that day, and
berating them if they disagreed with his opinion. Thankfully though, the engine in
question was confronted by every resident and engine on the island as mentioned,
and Mr. Roger Sam had the engine punished by having him his names and numbers
nullified until further notice, and he was banished to the current construction
project of the Blue Mountain Quarry where he will be made to serve his parole, and
will only be allowed back on the Skarloey Railway until he learns to get his act
together and mend the error of his ways. Now whether Sir Handel will redeem himself
is unknown, but he will remain under supervision, and will not be allowed anywhere
in society until further notice.

-Peter Sam: Okay, do you please think you could fast forward to my interview.

-Narrator: And that’s what the workman playing the video did. He fast forwarded the
tape up to the interview Peter Sam had with the anchor women that very night.

-Martin Campbell: And now we go to anchor woman Gale Collins, good evening Gale?

-Gale Collins: Good evening Martin. Now I’m here at the Skarloey engine sheds
interviewing one of the engines who was both a victim of Sir Handel’s verbal abuse,
but who was claimed to be once his best friend, the Skarloey Railway’s No. 4, Peter
Sam, formerly known as Stuart.

-Peter Sam (Shy): Um, hello!

-Gale Collins: Now first off Peter Sam, I really want to apologize on behalf of our
news time of what you and your friends had to go through last night.

-Peter Sam: Oh, it’s okay Miss Collins.

-Gale Collins: If you don’t mind me asking, what was it that Sir Handel did that
got you so upset that led to the incident?

-Peter Sam: Well, Sir Handel was upset that he didn’t get what he wanted, which was
to doze and laze about like a spoiled brat. He’s been doing it for years, and so
many incidents had occurred because of his selfishness. And what happened the day
before, he got furious of being woken from his so-called “rest” that he lashed out
at my friend, James with a guaranteed connecting service for the Northwestern
Railway. And then, they got into an intense argument that Skarloey had to break
them up, especially after Sir Handel insulted the Reverend Awdry and the previous
Fat Controller when James brought him up, that most us confronted him at the sheds
that night, myself included.

-Gale Collins: Okay, what else happened?

-Peter Sam: Well, we all tried to reason with him, but he stubborn wouldn’t listen,
and he kept insulting us, and even me. I started getting fed up with his behavior,
that, we argued, and I started crying, because I just felt so betrayed that an
engine, who honestly felt like a brother to me, would mentally abuse me like that,
and worse (Sniffs) he called me a pathetic, soft-hearted fool. Do you know what
that’s like?

-Gale Collins: Awe, I’m really sorry Peter Sam. So, the night you confronted him
when he caused that accident…

-Peter Sam: Well, I was still upset with him for that horrid insult, but then when
I heard he caused this accident, and nearly got my friend Bear, as well as the
passengers on board killed, it really set me off. I felt the friendship I had from
him, the day when our old line on Mid Sodor was closed down, I felt he was the only
friend I can talk to, especially since nobody wanted to buy Duke, and before we
were bought by the Skarloey Railway. But now that he caused that accident
yesterday, I just lost it, and even retorted to him back by calling him a spoiled
brat, and even threatened to disown him.

-Gale Collins: Oh, did you really mean that?

-Peter Sam: Maybe, but I…I just don’t know, I mean, I feel so betrayed and broken
now that somebody who I thought was my friend would abuse me and cause that
horrible accident, but I just don’t know if I can trust him. I just can’t even
bring myself to say I love or hate him. In fact, I just feel I should never had
said such harsh things, even if it was true.

-Gale Collins: I see! Well, I will ask you Peter Sam, do you wish you handled the
situation differently?

-Peter Sam (Hesitates): I don’t know.

-Gale Collins: Okay, well, thank for your time Peter Sam, and now we go…

-Peter Sam: Okay, stop the video please!

(The workman ends the video)

-Marlin: How did you feel by watching that again Peter Sam?

-Peter Sam: Well, I…I guess that…I wish I did handle things differently. But the
problem is that, I think because I just didn’t feel like myself…

-Marlin: I understand Peter Sam. I think might now why you haven’t gotten over this
after 2 years, you took what Sir Handel said to heart, and that he brought out the
worst in you I assume?

-Peter Sam: (Sighs) Yes Marlin. It’s true now that I think of it…I feel it was
really because of how Sir Handel treated me, that now, I feel so broken. I feel
what if I really am a big soft-hearted fool like he said.

-Marlin: Now you’re not! Listen Peter Sam, you are a soft and a very kind engine,
and that’s a good thing, you are not a fool! I understand your anger towards him,
but it’s what we do with that anger that’s important. You had the right to be angry
at Sir Handel as all of us were that night, as we felt betrayed, because even if
Sir Handel didn’t mean to cause a traumatic accident, he shouldn’t have kept
justifying his behavior.

-Peter Sam: Yeah, but I know I should’ve said something sooner, but I was so
broken, I just didn’t know where to start anymore. In fact, I really felt he was
right, in that I was a fool. It’s just, I feel I’m so cheerful that I don’t think
before I act, I mean, I’ve made countless mistakes before in my life. I mean, I
left the Refreshment Lady’s grandmother behind after falling for a joke Henry made
at me…

-Marlin: Yeah, you did get overexcited, but everybody does. You were only trying to
do that right thing. In fact, Henry told me the Fat Controller at the time told him
off for his rudeness towards you after he found out.

-Peter Sam: Oh, so that’s why Henry apologized to me a week later. But I did fall
for Sir Handel’s trick when he pretend to be ill, and I got myself into a brutal
accident at the old slate quarry.

-Marlin: He could’ve fooled anybody Peter Sam. I mean, horrible as the accident
was, at least you did get your Geisel Ejector Funnel, so you pretty much have Sir
Handel to thank for that.

-Peter Sam: Oh, I forgot about that. And at least Mr. Sam’s father punished him
after Sir Handel fessed up. But I know one incident I just cringe at because I know
it’s my fault, that incident where I lost the trucks waste and debris at the Old
Iron Bridge.

-TTC: Um…yeah Peter Sam, about that…

-Narrator: Both engines looked, and there they saw Duke, with the Thin Controller,
and the Refreshment Lady.

-Peter Sam: Oh, sir, Duke, Vera? I didn’t see you all, hello! Not to be rude, but
what are you all doing here?

-Duke: Hello youngster! We heard from Rusty that you decided to come visit Marlin
to talk out your depression, and we wanted to come by and check up on you.

-TTC: Yes, we’re sorry we interrupted you my boy!

-Peter Sam: It’s okay sir! But were you about to say something?

-TTC: Oh yes, that incident with the trucks. I know this might be long overdue, but
I really want to apologize to you for the incident back then. I’m sorry I was hard
on you.

-Peter Sam: But sir, that was all my fault!

-TTC: It may have been, but you didn’t deserve to be scolded for that, as I felt I
was too harsh, as I realize, it could happen to anyone, which was why I let you
back on regular duties. I overreacted back then…sorry old boy.

-Peter Sam: It’s okay sir! So, all those incidents.

-Marlin: We all make mistakes Peter Sam, but what Sir Handel doesn’t justify that.
What happened, happened.
-TTC: Exactly Peter Sam. You are one of the most reliable and loyal engines in my
fault, and I’m very proud of you. I admit that you should’ve talked to us sooner,
but I’m proud of you know for taking the initiative to talk out your problems.

-Peter Sam: True sir! If Sir Handel really does change, maybe I can forgive him,
but I just don’t know what would happen if I saw him again.

-TTC: Well don’t you worry Peter Sam, because I’ll be there, and so will the other
engines. We’re all on your side my boy. Honestly, I’m just glad my father wasn’t
dealing with him at the time. He would’ve lost it more than I did that night.

-Marlin: Oh, you mean the original controller that was Peter Sam’s namesake sir?

-TTC: That’s the one. In fact, that was one of the resigns he retired, as his
strict disciplinary attitude and short-temper nearly caused his blood pressure to
rise, and spent several days in hospital, because of all the stress he dealt with
back then, hence why I took over.

-Marlin: I see! But I am curious though sir? Those threats he made like breaking up
his engines, did he really mean that?

-TTC: (Chuckles) Oh heavens no Marlin. It’s just that whenever father was dealing
with engines that were being deliberately difficult like Sir Handel or Duncan, he
felt he had to take extremes to get them in line. Father is a good man at heart, he
just takes discipline rather seriously, but he is a good father to me and my
siblings. In fact, after he retired, I asked him that question of why he acted so
harsh at times, and he later said he regretted that.

-Peter Sam: Really?

-TTC: Yes he did Peter Sam. Though, when he heard about Sir Handel’s actions back
in ’98, he was furious as he would’ve been back when he was controller. And he did
say that if he was there, he really would’ve made Sir Handel see sense.

-Peter Sam: Yeesh! Thank goodness he wasn’t then.

-TTC: Same here Peter Sam.

(Everyone laughs)

-Peter Sam: Though to get back on point, Vera, what brings you here?

-Refreshment Lady: Well love, Skarloey told me about why you were upset when I
asked him about you, and now I understand. I’m really sorry love, I didn’t know you
were feeling this trauma.

-Peter Sam: It’s okay ma’am. But after talking to you Marlin, I think…I think I can
manage. I just wish…

-TTC: It’s alright Peter Sam, you had every reason to be angry, and nobody blames
you for what you said. And I’m glad you really don’t mean you’d disown Sir Handel.

-Peter Sam: No sir, but I’m still mad at him.

-Duke: As are we all Peter Sam. But we’re proud of you now for letting this go.

-Peter Sam: Thank you Duke! Thank you everyone! And tomorrow, I hope I can start
over fresh.
-Refreshment Lady: I’m sure you will love. At least you’ll have better luck than I

-Peter Sam: Why, what’s wrong ma’am?

-Refreshment Lady (Sighs): With all the passengers coming in, I’m busier than ever,
and so are my employees. I was trying to set up shop for another new tea room so I
can keep up.

-TTC: Indeed! And I was wondering Peter Sam, which was another reason we came here,
that in order to help forget and cope with your traumas, would you like to help her
tomorrow in finding a beautiful place to set up shop?

-Narrator: For the first time in 2 years, Peter Sam beamed.

-Peter Sam: Oh thank you sir, it would be an honor.

-Refreshment Lady: Brilliant then. Thank you Peter Sam, this will be a piece of

(Everyone laughs, then thunder crackles)

-Duke: It appears we may have to focus on that tomorrow. It seems as if a storm’s


-Peter Sam: Right then, I better get home. Thanks again Marlin!

-Marlin: My pleasure Peter Sam. Stay strong, and be kind to yourself.

-Peter Sam: I will! Oh, and Vera, don’t worry tomorrow, I’ll help you first thing
in the morning.

-Refreshment Lady: Thanks love! And I’m glad you’re doing okay now.

-TTC: Same here! Come on Vera, I’ll drive you home.

-Refreshment Lady: Thanks love!

(Shows the storm thundering across the island)

-Narrator: After everyone left for home, Duke was right, a fierce storm rolled in.
Both engines large and small all finished their jobs early and got back home as
soon as they could to their sheds. The Skarloey engines were already home talking
about the storm, though Peter Sam, determined to help the Refreshment Lady was lost
in thought of where he could help her set up a 2nd shop. But as he kept thinking,
the little green engine drifted off to sleep. The next morning, after the storm had
died down, the Thin Controller came to see the engines. They all had their normal
duties, but then he spoke to Peter Sam.

-TTC: Peter Sam!

-Narrator: He said!

-TTC: I know you were determined to help the Refreshment Lady last night, but
there’s been a change of plans. The storm has already caused some debris to scatter
across the line, so I’ll need you to help Rusty clear the debris.

-Peter Sam: Absolutely sir! I’m on it!

(Shows Peter Sam, Rusty, and Terence by the line side)

-Narrator: So Peter Sam had set to work in helping Rusty clear the lines of the
damages that the storm brought with it. Terence the Tractor even came to help to.
As the three were doing so, Peter Sam began to feel like himself again, and was
really enjoying in helping out and being useful.

-Rusty (Chuckles): I’m glad to see you’re in a much happier mood now Peter Sam.

-Peter Sam: I’m just glad that I’m finally making peace with myself. Thank you

-Rusty: Of course, and thank you to for helping me. I may love to do maintenance
work, but doing so much alone can be tiring for one engine.

-Peter Sam: Of course. Keeping busy and making others happy makes me happy to. Just
e glad Duncan isn’t the one helping you.

-Rusty (Sarcastically): Oh dear god, I could only imagine.

(Both Rusty & Peter Sam laugh)

-Peter Sam: Though I don’t suppose you can help me Rusty, as last night, the
Refreshment Lady also came to see me, and is trying to find a 2nd team room to set
up shop and keep with the customers. Do you have any suggestions where?

-Rusty: Can’t say I do mate. But if I see a suitable spot, I’ll let you know.

-Peter Sam: Thank you Rusty!

-Narrator: No sooner did Peter Sam ask that, they could see Terence towing
something out of a mud bank.

-Terence: Oui lads, look what I found!

-Rusty: What is it Terence?

-Terence: It looks like an old s'ed. It must’ve been blown avf de tracks and intro
this old mud bank.

-Narrator: But then, Peter Sam took a closer look at the old shed, and began to
realize something.

-Peter Sam: Wait a minute Terence, that’s not an old shed. It’s an old coach. It
must be one of the old coach. It must’ve been left here years ago.

-Rusty: Yeah, but it may not like useful I’m sorry to say. It’s all rotten and

-Terence: Aye, and I might regret this, but it may have to be scrapped.

-Peter Sam: Maybe, but maybe not Terence. Because in fact, I think we may have use
for this. Actually, I think Vera might have use for this?

-Terence: Vera?

-Peter Sam: Yes! Terence, are the wheels still intact?

-Terence: Yes dey are And I think it might be able to mahve on rails just fine.

-Peter Sam: Excellent!

-Rusty: What do you have in mind Peter Sam?

-Peter Sam: Well Rusty, I think I know where Vera can set up her 2nd shop.

(Fades to Peter Sam at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: Later that day, Peter Sam brought the old coach to the Steamworks, the
Thin Controller, who was with the Refreshment Lady, came to see him.

-TTC: You wanted to see us Peter Sam?

-Peter Sam: Yes I did sir, and you to ma’am. After helping Rusty & Terence, I think
I may have the answer on what we can use for a 2nd tea room.

-Refreshment Lady: You do?

-Peter Sam: I do Vera! Terence found this old coach in a mud bank, you see. But the
coach may look too valuable to scrap. But instead of restoring it as another
generic coach, why not use this as the 2nd tea room.

-Refreshment Lady: (Gasps) You mean, a tea stand, on wheels?

-Peter Sam: That’s right! We can have a mobile tea stand on the rails, while the
passengers are out enjoying their picnic every summer. They can come to the coach,
and you or any of your employees can serve refreshments and pastries from here.

-Refreshment Lady: Now that idea love sounds like a piece of cake! I love it! Thank
you Peter Sam!

-TTC: Yes indeed! That was very good thinking Peter Sam, and I’m proud of you even
more since last night. This coach would be perfect, and as a special reward, you
can have the Tea Stand as part of your passenger trains every summer.

-Peter Sam: Oh thank you sir!

-Marlin: Well done Peter Sam! The workmen and I will make sure to have this coach
restored, and remodeled into the perfect tea room on wheels. And Vera, we’ll need
you to decide what you’d want it to look like.

-Refreshment Lady: Thanks Marlin!

(Shows the work being done on the coach, then fades to Lakeside with Peter Sam
pulling it one his passenger train)

-Narrator: So the workmen set to work in refurbishing the coach, and remodeling it
into looking like the ideal tea stand the Refreshment Lady wanted. And about a week
later, the Tea Stand was finally complete. Peter Sam and the Thin Controller
proudly presented it as the young green engine pulled into Lakeside right were
Neptune Refreshments with his passenger service.

-Peter Sam: Ta-da! What do you think ma’am.

-Refreshment Lady: It’s wonderful love! It looks exactly how I’d imagine it. I’m
sure me grandmother would love it to, just as much as she’d be proud of you to.
Thank you Peter Sam, and thank you to Mr. Sam.
-TTC: I’m glad I can help ma’am. But thank Peter Sam the most, this was all his
idea anyway.

-Peter Sam: Well I’m just glad I can help a friend.

-Duke: I’m proud of you to Peter Sam. This would definitely suit his grace. So no
more feelings of guilt or depression.

-Peter Sam (Chuckles): Not anymore Granpuff. I’m cured! And even when Sir Handel
comes back someday, I’ll deal with it when the time comes.

-TTC: That’s the spirit Peter Sam. Great job!

-Refreshment Lady: Indeed! Anyways, let’s get going. It’s time we put the Coach to

-Narrator: So the Thin Controller got back in the train, and Peter Sam set off as
soon as the Refreshment Lady and the store works all got everything ready. And they
went around the different stops and stations the passengers and holidaymakers would
get out at. Everybody enjoyed the Refreshment Coach, as well as the tea and
refreshments the Refreshment Lady was serving on board Peter’s Sam train. And
thanks to Peter Sam’s idea, the Refreshment Lady was able to keep up with the
increase in passengers in both the Tea Stand and the shop itself. And she
especially enjoyed serving customers at the Picnic Area. Every summer now, Peter
Sam or the other engines would pull the Tea Stand and serve any passengers that
wanted to have food and refreshments. And after helping out, Peter Sam finally felt
he was in a much better place after 2 years since Sir Handel caused the horrific
accident and insulted everybody. While Sir Handel’s own redemption would be a long
way from now, Peter Sam was finally happy to be useful, and the other engines were
glad that there friend was finally at peace now.

(Opens with Bear, Thomas & Percy at Knapford Sheds)

-Narrator: One ordinary day, Bear the Hymek Diesel had returned from the
Steamworks, and was talking to Thomas & Percy.

-Thomas: So how was your visit to the Steamworks, Bear?

-Bear: Oh it went nice Thomas.

-Percy: What exactly did you go for? It doesn’t seem like there was anything wrong
with you. Was it a yearly service?

-Bear (Chuckles): Oh no Percy, it was so I would be given with brand new equipment.

-Percy: New equipment? Where?

-Bear (Chuckles): I know what you’re thinking Percy, it’s on the inside actually.
It’s a new alert system that the Fat Controller had installed inside my cab. It’s a
special button that my driver has to push as soon as it starts flashing.

-Thomas: What happens if it isn’t?

-Bear: My emergency brake automatically comes on. Basically, it’s a special device
that makes sure my driver would pay attention, that way we could keep on going
without stopping for nothing. But if he’s not in my cab, or if I’m on a runaway,
then at least the device would stop me so there wouldn’t be accident.
-Percy: Oh!

-Thomas: That’s really impressive Bear. This could be a wonderful way to prevent
accidents from occurring.

-Bear: That’s right Thomas, though this is sadly only for bigger diesels like me or

-Thomas: Oh that’s alright! I think it’s a great advantage for you, especially
given the amount of lazy signalman that would doze off.

-Bear (Chuckles): Exactly! And this would be perfect say when I take my turn on the
midnight goods run.

-Percy: Yeah, (Cheeky grin) or to make sure you don’t fall asleep on the job

-Thomas (Firm): Percy!

-Bear (Chuckles): It’s alright Thomas, because even if that did happen, this would
be there to help. God, strike me down if I’m wrong.

(Bear, Thomas & Percy laugh, then fades to Bear on the Main Line)

-Narrator: The next day, Bear was out taking a goods train. His regular driver was
on holiday, so a relief man had took his place. However, the relief driver was a
grumpy elderly man who was just like any stereotype, who just didn’t like modern
technology, and was reluctant to be driving a diesel like Bear.

(Alert system beeps)

-Relief Driver: Now what in blazes is that racket?

-Bear: Ah, that would be the alert system sir. You have to press it or…

-Relief Driver: Alert system? Pah, what rubbish! That’s the problem with you new-
fangled diesels, too easily distracted!

-Bear: Oui!

-Relief Driver: Why back in my young days, those steam engines kept us. You had to
be alert, or…

(Bear’s brakes squeal on)

-Relief Driver: Eh? What’s the matter now?

-Bear: You didn’t let me finish! If you don’t push the button, my brakes come on.
It’s to help in preventing runaways.

-Relief Driver: (Chuckles) Oh fooey! I’ll tell ya how to stop a runaway.

-Narrator: He bragged. Bear just gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes. This just
wasn’t going to be easy. The relief driver had been giving poor Bear grief all day.
He would keep on ignoring the safety system, and only more interested in his golden
days, and ranting at how modern technology was just a bunch of new-fangled
nonsense. He would only push the button at the last second, and would laugh when
Bear tried to reason with him. The old diesel was starting to become very agitated
and stressed.
(Cuts to Bear with BoCo & Derek)

-Bear (Angry): This new driver is impossible!

-Narrator: He complained to BoCo and Derek that night.

-Bear (Angry): He seems to only be interested in his glory days, than he is with
actually doing his job. Some of my trains were late because of him.

-BoCo: Geez, I know how you feel. Sometimes these kinds of drivers are really that

-Bear (Sarcastically): He sure is BoCo. No matter what I try to tell him, he

brushes me off, and just goes on and on about how everything in his time was so
much better than the modern era. So frustrating.

-Derek: Oh dear, he definitely sounds like a handful old chap. But still, at least
there is some comfort in that you’ll be able to stop, even if his minds wanders off
somewhere else.

-Bear: I suppose Derek. I wouldn’t want to have another accident like the one I had
at Knapford 2 years back.

(All of the shudder)

-BoCo: Indeed! Still, this old coot has gotta realize that a railway is no place
for his games.

-Narrator: The three green diesels could only agree.

(Fades to Bear out on the Main Line)

-Narrator: The next evening, Bear had delivered the Midnight Goods train to the
Mainland, and now he was heading back with the return train. The night air was
still, and thankfully, the driver hadn’t given much hassle. As Bear was rolling
through the countryside, the alert system began to beep again. Bear could only
prepare to brace himself for yet another snide comment from the relief driver, but
none came. Instead, the Hymek Diesel hear a snoring in his cab.

-Bear: Grrrr…will you stop fooling around! Honestly, this little joke of yours
isn’t even funny anymore. Wasn’t fun to begin with.

-Narrator: He muttered under his own breath. Still, there was no reply, and the
beeping continued. Then, Bear looked further down the line, and his face turned as
white as a ghost. Up ahead, was Wellsworth Station, were some fish vans from the
Flying Kipper stood at the platform, waiting to be shunted.


-Narrator: But the old driver wouldn’t listen, but the trucks did!

-Truck 1: Oh what, you’re driver asleep?

-Truck 2: No worries mate! We’ll wake him for you.

-Trucks: ON, ON, ON!

-Narrator: The silly trucks giggled as they surged into one another, pushing Bear
as hard as he could. Bear rolled down helplessly along the line. He couldn’t bear
it any longer. He shut his eyes tight, and prepared himself for the worst. Until…

(Brakes squeal)

-Narrator: Bear’s brakes were coming on, much to his relief, all thanks to the
safety system not being pushed. The Hymek Diesel wasted no time, and put all his
efforts in stopping the train, resisting the trucks’ mischief. At last, the train
grinded to a halt, with Bear’s buffers mere inches from the fish vans.

-Bear: Phew! What a relief! Looks like your plan backfired laddies!

-Trucks: (Groans)

-Narrator: Just then, the relief driver finally woke up to the sounds, and climbed
out of Bear’s cab.

-Relief Driver: Eh, what’s happened? How did these vans get here?

-Narrator: Now Bear finally lost his patience.

-Bear (Angry): That was because of you, you fool!

-Relief Driver: Me? What did I do?

-Bear (Angry): You fell asleep, that’s what happened! This is exactly the reason
why the safety system is important.

-Narrator: And Bear managed to shut him up by telling him about how the whole
incident occurred, and how worse it could’ve been, even bringing up the incident he
had at Knapford 2 years ago. Now the relief driver finally realized.

-Relief Driver: Oh! I see (Nervous laughs) oops!

-Edward (Sternly): Bear’s right my good sir!

-Narrator: Said a voice, it was Edward, who was there to shunt the vans away.

-Edward (Sternly): It is okay for you to be happy with your glory days, but those
days are over, and nobody cares if you don’t like the modern day or not, we all
need to learn and adapt with new procedures in how to run a railway. The world is
changing, so you need to change with it instead of making your job about yourself.
It is your job as of now to focus on making sure you attend to your engine, whether
it’s a steam or diesel, and follow all the procedures instead of going on and on
about your times. I find it quite hypocritical that you talk about how you handled
safety in your young days, yet you haven’t been focusing on safety yourself.

-Narrator: The relief driver said nothing.

-Bear: Thanks Edward!

-Edward: My pleasure Bear! You did great to stop those trucks. And look at the
bright side, at least your relief driver’s incompetence saved you both in the end.

-Bear: It did, didn’t it?

-Narrator: Both engines had to laugh. Bear’s regular driver came back the next day,
and he began to adapt to the alert system immediately. Bear was relieved, he
wouldn’t have to worry about being a “runaway” again. Meanwhile, the Fat Controller
had some stern words with the relief driver more than Bear & Edward had. After
that, he wouldn’t forget to stay “awake and alert” anytime soon.

-Narrator: Gordon the Big Engine is proud of being the premiere express engine of
the Northwestern Railway. He loves thundering down the Main Line from Knapford to
Barrow n’ Furness at his record speed, getting passengers to their destinations and
on time to. However, like many of the other engines, the Fat Controller would
roster Gordon to take other rolling stock to in order to help out and be flexible,
that also meant pulling trucks. Now Gordon has matured over the years into a more
kinder, helpful, and humble big engine, but he could still be quite pompous and
snooty when it came to certain topics, and pulling goods trains was one of them, as
he thought it was disgusting and undignified for an express engine like him to be
doing goods work.

(Shows Gordon at Brendam Docks where Salty & Percy are)

-Narrator: One morning, Gordon was collecting passengers from a cruise ship, for a
special charter train at Brendam Docks, when Salty, the new dockyard diesel oiled
in shunting trucks into the Warehouse.

-Gordon: UGH! Careful there where you shunt those trucks, you might get my paint
covered in that soot of yours.

-Salty: Argh, no need t' be hasty me hearty! Pullin' trucks be supposed t' be a
dirty job, but somebody has t' do it. Ye would prolly wouldn’t understand that

-Gordon: Actually no, I don’t! Because I’m an express engine, I don’t associate
with common filth such as trucks, as that’s a job more suited for little shunters.

-Salty: Oui, ye wouldn’t be referrin' t' me matey.

-Gordon: Isn’t it obvious.

-Salty: But Gordon, pullin' trucks be important in keepin' a railway runnin' is it


-Gordon: Yes, yes, but that’s a job more suited for goods engines, and even
shunters as I said. I appreciate what you all do, but it’s just that, well, it’s
not the proper thing for an express engine to pull trucks, as it wouldn’t be

-Percy: Dingy fried? What does that mean?

-Narrator: Percy chirped in, confused.

-Gordon (Groans): No, dignified Percy! It means…

-Salty: When big express engines act too big for their buffers.

-Narrator: The other engines that were working nearby could only laugh. And Gordon
pulled away, grumbling dreadfully.

(Fades to Gordon, Henry & James at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: Later that afternoon, Gordon was complaining to Henry & James about what
Salty said, but they only laughed to, as they knew it was true. The both of them
knew Gordon would always grumble when it came to goods works, but lately, his
pompousness was getting quite annoying, and they decided to talk some sense into
the big blue engine.

-Henry: I’d have to agree with Salty, as I think you should do more than just
pulling the express 24/7 Gordon, we all have to flexible every now and again.

-James: Yeah, because I’ve had just about enough of your whining. Plus, it’s about
time Henry & I took turns in pulling it…especially me.

-Henry (Groans): James, now’s not the time for that. But more to the point, pulling
trucks is just as important as pulling passengers Gordon. We’re not asking you to
like it, but we still have to do it, as at the end of the day, it’s just a job,
like any job, especially pulling the express.

-Gordon: Yes, but the only difference Henry is that I am more suited for pulling
express passengers, being the prototype that created my class, the A1/A3’s, and one
of the very first of the great LNER Pacific’s, the kind of engines that were suited
for express passengers.

-Henry: Yes, but every now and again, even they had to pull trucks, including
Flying Scotsman, remember? Oh, and I think I even remember hearing your cousin, the
Great Mallard even pulled goods trains, and she actually liked it!

-Gordon: Well…well…that was different in those times. Especially when diesels came
in later.

-Henry: Doesn’t matter, we all need to be versatile and help one another out, even
if it means doing jobs we don’t like. Like remember back in ’34 when we went on
strike when we thought we were above shunting? We got confined to the sheds, and it
took us a lot of thinking to get back on the Fat Director’s good side.

-Gordon: Yes, I remember that Henry! What’s your point?

-Henry: The point, my dear engine, is that I learned from it, and after shunting
for a while, it’s really not that bad. I may not be into it, as I’d rather be
pulling my trains, but anything to be flexible and run my trains on time is what’s

-James: For once I’d have to agree with Henry on that topic, as for god’s sake
Gordon, you should be lending us a buffer every now and again, it couldn’t hurt,
especially so I wouldn’t have to pull trucks.

-Henry (Groans): James…don’t make this about yourself either.

-James: Ugh, sorry!

-Gordon: Pah! You two can handle it because you’re mixed-traffic engines. And even
if I was assigned to pull dirty freight, I’d go at my record speed and get the job
done and over with.

-James: Pah! You’re just lazy and slack.

-Henry: Yeah, and stubborn to. Not to mention quite selfish right now.

-Narrator: But Gordon could just harrumph, as he snorted indignantly away to take
the rush-hour service.

(Cuts to nighttime with a fog rolling in)

-Narrator: That evening, a thick pea-soup fog rolled into Knapford Harbor, and
caused major delays with ships arriving into port. Cargo lay on the quayside, and
trucks were scattered everywhere throughout the yards. So to minimize disruption
the next day, the Fat Controller decided to get the majority of the engines that
night to organize the yards, and deliver freight where it was needed…especially,
Gordon, much to the big engine’s horror.

-Gordon: WHAT! Me, pulling trucks! And at this hour! Oh the indignity! This is most

-Gordon’s Driver: Oh come now Gordon, don’t make this about yourself. The yards are
packed right now, and the Fat Controller needs as much engines to help out as
possible. He’s especially choosing you, based on your strength and speed
capabilities. So at least you’re doing everybody a favor. Now let’s go!

-Gordon Ugh, fine! Just let’s get it over with!

-Narrator: And Gordon snorted furiously out of the sheds. Later, Gordon had arrived
at the Docks, and so far, the majority of the trucks were sorted as Duck, Kirby,
and Stanley, bustled about sorting them into place. The Fat Controller also
rostered Salty, being an experienced dockyard shunter, and the old diesel was happy
to help out. So far, BoCo, Bear, Donald and Douglas had already left with their
goods trains, and now Gordon was waiting by the quayside, waiting for his train,
along Henry who was taking the Flying Kipper, and Barry who had to take some trucks
to his branchline.

-Gordon: ARGH! Come on, come on! Hurry up!

-Narrator: Gordon snapped, as Salty shunted his train into place. It was a long
mixed-goods train with box vans, flatbeds, tankers, and all sorts of different
trucks were being shunted into place, as they were all bound for Barrow. Gordon
only hissed angrily.

-Barry: Why the rush Gordon?

-Gordon: Because if I must pull dirty trucks, then I’ll show you all how express
engines such as myself are meant to pull trucks.

-Barry: But Gordon, it’s only just a job, and you’d be able to finish it anyway.

-Gordon: Yes, but you just don’t understand my dear Barry, as I have standards. I’m
not saying that I don’t appreciate the work you do, but I’d rather not be doing it
myself, as this work is beneath me. As I should be thundering down the line with
the express.

-Salty (Chuckles): Careful thar cap'n, don’t get t' big fer yer buffers. Yargh!

-Henry (Chuckles): Salty’s right Gordon. We all know what happens when it comes to
you trying to get out of goods work, like say…that incident many years ago at the
old Vicarstown Sheds.

-Narrator: Gordon just hissed angrily and gritted his teeth. As Henry told Barry &
Salty about the time Gordon tried selfishly to get out of pulling a goods train by
jamming the turntable there, but forced himself even further and crashed into a
ditch. All three of them had to laugh, including the workmen. But then Barry spoke

-Barry: Oh that reminds me Gordon, I heard from the signalman on the way here that
the points by the loop line after Maron are faulty, and need to be repaired in the
morning. So make sure you stop first and whistle to the signalman there so he can
set you on the Main Line.

-Gordon: Yes, thanks Barry, I’ll remember that.

-Narrator: Gordon said dismissively. He didn’t mean to be rude, but he was so

determined to get the job finished and back to pulling coaches, that he wouldn’t
listen, especially as the guard blew his whistle, and he puffed furiously away.

(Fades to Gordon speeding down the Main Line)

-Narrator: Soon, morning was rising over the island as Gordon thundered by with the
goods train. So far he was making good time, but was still eager to get the job
over with.

-Gordon: Now this is how you pull trucks!

-Narrator: He gloated!

-Gordon’s Driver: Steady on old boy! I know you don’t like goods, but there’s no
need to be rushing.

-Gordon: Nonsense driver! Engines like me are meant for this, no matter trains
we’re given. The sooner we deliver this train to Barrow, the sooner I can go back
to pulling coaches. Now come on!

-Gordon’s Driver (Groans): Ugh, alright! But take it easy Gordon!

-Narrator: But the big blue Pacific wouldn’t listen. In fact, he was so eager, he
completely forgot Barry’s warning about the faulty points leading pass Maron. The
trucks up ahead of course continued down the regular Main Line, passing Cronk and
Killdane. But the points leading away from the Main Line went down another route,
which was a special loop line for goods trains only, as various industrial
companies such as the Lumberyard and the Flour Mill are located there. Passenger
trains are not required to pass through there, whether it was local trains or even
the express. And because Gordon forgot Barry’s warning, he didn’t slow down and
stop to alert the signalman, and the signalman was so surprised to see Gordon, as
he hadn’t been expecting him so soon. He had to try and set the points fast. He
did, but because the points were faulty, they wouldn’t switch Gordon to his
designated path.

-Signalman: Oh-ach! The points aren’t working.

(Runs out the signal box with a whistle and red flag)


-Gordon: What?

-Gordon’s Driver: Oh dear, I think the signalman’s trying to warn us.

-Gordon: No driver! We’re making such good time that we can’t stop for nothing! We
must finish this now!

-Narrator: And without thinking or regarding safety, Gordon impulsively sped

through, only to realize the mistake too late.

-Gordon: That’s odd! We’re going down the loop line!


-Narrator: But it was too late. Gordon and his train were already out of sight. The
signalman gulped as he turned as white as a ghost.

-Signalman: Oh son of a bitch, THAT IDIOT! He should know that express trains are
not meant to go that line.

-Narrator: And he was right! Gordon kept speeding like he normally did in this
unfamiliar territory. As passenger trains such as the express are not required to
travel on the loop line, Gordon had obviously never been through here, so this was
all new to him.

-Gordon: Hmm…so this is the loop line. I have to say, it has it a nice view,
despite being a goods only line. Let’s just get out of here fast.




-Narrator: But of course, Gordon should’ve known better, as the other main reason
that express passenger trains were not allowed to pass is because the loop line
wouldn’t take their weight as it would with trucks. In fact, just before the
Lumberyard, the line climbed on a slope, where below it was a field. And because
the line couldn’t take passenger trains’ weight, speed restrictions had to be
placed, in case they had to be switched only if there was an emergency. If an
engine traveled by it slowly, or at regular light engine speed, they can get
through the line safely just fine. But if they went down it at high speeds, then
they would derail, and come flying down the slope. And perhaps if Gordon wasn’t
being so selfish to finish the job, he would’ve realized that, but just like the
points, he thoughtlessly ignored the speed restriction.


-Narrator: Gordon’s driver yelled frantically, trying to fight for control.

minute) Though, maybe we should just a little.

-Narrator: But he really should’ve done that earlier, as Gordon began to realize
his mistake far too late. The rails under his pounding wheels began to feel very
week, and dirt began to give way as he sped through the embankment. The rails began
to buckle and sway, as Gordon realized now that they couldn’t take his and his
train’s weight. Then suddenly…


-Narrator: Gordon shouted. As he derailed and tumbled down the slope. The goods
train he was pulling began to fall down the embankment like dominoes falling, each
falling onto the field with an almighty crash, smashing into each other along with
their cargo, and as well as the brake van. The guard, who failed in putting the
brakes on in said van, jumped clear, as did Gordon’s driver and fireman. But
Gordon, who was still on full speed, tumbled down the rest of the slope, and
thundering right through a farm.

(Shows Gordon breaking through a wooden fence, and right into a corn field as corn
plants goes flying through the airs, and his wheels pick up more dirt)

-Gordon: ARGH! BLUCK! AH!

(Then Gordon comes out from the field and breaks through another wooden fence, and
crashed through a pile of mulch)

-Gordon: PAH! (Spits out the mulch) BLUCK! WHOA!

(Then Gordon crashed through bales of hay, and they hay goes flying everywhere and
all over Gordon!

-Gordon: WAHHHHHHHH! (Gasps, then sees a wheelbarrow ahead, and mutters darkly) oh
no! No, no, NOOOO!

(Gordon runs over the wheel barrow and his wheels crunch it as it brakes his

-Gordon (Groans in pain, and speaks in a chipmunk voice): OOOOFFF! My


(Then Gordon splashes through a mud puddle and mud splatters all over him, and
crashed through a stack of tractor tires, and his tender breaks off)

-Gordon (Spits a tire out of his mouth): PAH! (Coughs) BLUCK! AH!

(Then, Gordon crashes through wooden, and right through the whole barn as the
animals inside run away in terror, as more debris fall on him. Lastly, it ends with
crashing through another set of doors outside again, and ploughing through the dirt
of another field, right in front of a scarecrow)

-Narrator: Luckily, nobody was hurt. But Gordon felt very “undignified”, as he look
back and saw the damages to the farm, as he remained dazed and disgraced, ploughed
through the dirt of the other field.

-Gordon (Groans): Oh the indignity! What will the Fat Controller and the farmer say
about this?

-Narrator: He groaned, eyeing the scarecrow in front of him. He soon found out.
Soon, the Marlin arrived with the breakdown train, as the workmen set fixing the
rails Gordon weakened, and the cranes lifted out the recovered trucks from Gordon’s
train. Bear arrived to take whatever was recovered all the way to Barrow. While
through the field, the Pack was called in to help repairs the damages that were
caused as Gordon sped through. As for Gordon, well, Terence and Butch arrived as
well to help him out of the ploughed dirt, were he was be loaded onto a low-loader
that would take him to Steamworks by road. As Butch pulled him out of the dirt, the
farmer and the Fat Controller came up to him, and as the express engine imagined,
they did not look happy.


-Gordon (Sadly): Sorry sir.

-TFC (Sternly): And I should think so to. What you did this morning was very
dangerous, and again…selfish. Henry was right about what he said when he told me
about you. It doesn’t matter what job I give you, the important thing is that we
all need to do it for the sake of the passengers and goods customers that rely on
us to provide these services. All jobs, no matter what they are equally important,
whether it’s the express, goods trains, etc. and that if you don’t like it, that’s
tough, because they’re more orders, and orders are there when they’re given to. And
besides, you’d finish pulling goods trains anyway, as at the end of the day, it’s
just a job, like all jobs. But in order to understand that, once you’re repaired,
you will apologize to the other engines, and will be pulling goods trains until
you’ve learned the importance of freight, and why it’s important on the railway.

-Gordon (Sadly): Yes sir! Sorry sir!

-Narrator: Gordon said miserable, as the crane loaded him onto the lorry’s flatbed,
and once fastened, drove the disgraced Gordon away to the Steamworks.

(Fades to Gordon working at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: A week later, Gordon was soon repaired and cleaned, and began pulling
goods trains to Brendam Docks, while BoCo took over for the express. After the
accident, as well as the Fat Controller’s scolding, this time, he did the job
without fuss. He didn’t complain, he didn’t speed recklessly, and he ran the trains
to time, and actually taught the trucks manners should they misbehave, and he
apologized to everybody he had lashed out at. But he still felt very humiliated and
disgraced. The other engines could see that and tried to comfort him.

-Thomas: Cheer up Gordon. Everybody makes mistakes, even engines like you.
Remember, you’re not the only who ignored a warning sign, me and Percy had our fair
share of incidents when we thought nothing bad would happen.

-Gordon: I know Thomas, and I thank you for that, but it wasn’t anything like you
two experienced. I mean, at least you two didn’t race through a whole farm. In
fact, the farmer there still hates me after what I did.

-Henry: Don’t worry Gordon, I’m sure he’ll forgive you soon. Though I hope now you
finally realize the importance of goods work.

-Gordon: Oh I do Henry! Because after spending time on it, I realize, it’s really
not that bad as I used to think it is. In fact, I actually don’t mind it. It’s not
the best as coaches, but its quiet work, and even great for testing my strength.

-Thomas (Giggles): Now that’s a healthy mind set to have Gordon.

-Salty: Exactly matey, 'n look on the bright side, at least ye’ll be back on the
express soon.

-Gordon (Sighs): True Salty, but I really wish I listened to you all from the
start, as this whole hierarchy in jobs, it really doesn’t matter. And I just can’t
believe how an experienced engine could forget that.
-Henry: True, but remember Gordon, even experienced engines are never perfect, I
mean…remember the time you were in that goods siding for a few days after that
timetable error?

-Gordon (Shudders): Don’t remind me. But one thing’s for certain, I’ll never
complain about goods work again, that’s for sure.

-Salty: That’s good t' hear me hearty. 'n if it makes ye feel better, I am sorry I
teased ye Gordon.

-Gordon: No need to apologize Salty. You were only trying to help, as really, I’m
the one who’s sorry for being, ahem, “to big for buffers.” Because complaining
about trucks, well, that is clearly “undignified”.

-Narrator: All the engines just gave a hearty laugh at that, especially Gordon.

(Opens at the hustle and bustle at Brendam Docks, then shows Cranky’s grumpiness)

-Narrator: The harbors on the Island of Sodor are very some of the busiest places
on the Island of Sodor. Aside from the Northwestern’s main harbor by Knapford
Station, there is also Brendam Docks, which is just as important and a vital
industry on the island. The engines as well as the boats and ships of the harbor
are very busy there night and day. Always rushing to and fro transporting freight
to barges and cargo ships where they would be loaded or unloaded by cranes, and
goods would be brought in by ships, or transported to different parts of Sodor. The
engines enjoy keeping busy there, and love the hustle and bustle of the harbor, but
every now and again, they know they need to rest. However, there is one individual
that unfortunately can never get a rest. Cranky the Crane has worked at Brendam
Docks for years. He is a large tower crane that is stationed by the main shed of
the Sodor Trading Company, where he load cargo onto ships or onto the engine’s
trains. As his name implies, he is well, “cranky”, and always complaining and
groaning about something, and seemed to be in a bad temper 24/7. He means well, but
always gets easily annoyed by something. The reason is because being a crane, he
always had to keep working, and didn’t get that much of a rest, in fact, he chooses
to work so hard that he never stops to sleep. He’s a workaholic that complains
bitterly and would always argue with the engines, and his only company would be the
workmen that would have to put up with his crabbiness, and the gulls that would
settle on his arm. So needless to say, Cranky is always…well…cranky.

(Shows Salty coming in with flatbeds)

-Narrator: One day, Salty the Dockyard Diesel was shunting flatbeds to Cranky’s
pier. He was right on time, but to Cranky, it felt like ages.

-Salty: Ahoy thar Cranky!

-Cranky: Ugh, and where have you been?

-Salty: Argh, 'n a good mornin' t' ye t' cap’n.

-Cranky: What’s good about it? I have to keep loading and unloading cargo for you
engines from these blasted ships, while you can spend all your time thinking you’re
a pirate.

-Salty: Argh, no needs t' be so hasty me hearty. Jus’ being friendly.

-Cranky: Humph! Who needs friends when you got a lot of cargo to unload?

-Narrator: No sooner did Cranky grumble, Bill & Ben arrived with their China Clay
trucks, and full of mischief. They loved taking advantage of Cranky’s grumpiness.

-Cranky: Well it’s about time you blokes showed up. Hurry up and get moving! I
haven’t got all day.

-Bill: Humph! Well you’re no fun Cranky!

-Cranky: Fun, pah! You wouldn’t find it fun if you were stuck here, with the sun
and wind pelting down on your face, dealing with freezing winters, brutal summers,
and doing the same job over and over, and STANDING HERE IN ONE PLACE!

-Bill: Oh, so that’s why you’re so cranky.

-Ben: You’re lonely, boo-hoo.

-Cranky: Shut up! I’m not!

-Bill: Maybe we should get violin, a candle light and some tissues, this is just
too sad. Boo-frickety-hoo!

(Bill & Ben laughing)

-Cranky: Grrrr…..

-Salty: Aye, so it’s crew ye be needin'. I can understand. It reminds me o' a

lonely ole bank's lighthouse keeper.

-Cranky: Oh god no! Not another one of your stories.

-Bill & Ben: Oh, please tell us Salty. We haven’t heard it.

-Salty: Sure maties, while we’re waitin', I’ll start from the beginnin'. 'twas in
the middle o' a wee naughty storm. The likes o' which ye see once in a lifetime.

-Cranky: (Screams like a woman in a cliché horror movie)

-Narrator: Cranky screamed, as he was so cranky that he swung around…and dropped a

load of large metals pipes onto the tracks instead of the trucks. They were so
smooth and round, they rolled and hit the goods shed nearby, knocking it down.

(The sheds falls on the rails)

-Narrator: And the pipes rolling to the other side hit the warehouse, derails some
of the trucks, and the cargo inside the loading docks fell with a load bang,
blocking the rails.

-Cranky: (Nervous grin) Whoops!

-Salty: Ye’ve blown the mane now matey. 'n now we’re trapped.

-Bill & Ben: Ha, ha! You’re gonna get into trouble, you’re gonna get into trouble

-Cranky: SHUT UP!

(Bill & Ben laugh)

-Dock Manager (Angry): A'richt ye twa, that’s enough! Cranky, ah know that ye hae
some…issues, bit that doesn’t gie ye th' richt tae be rude tae th' ithers 'n' lose
yer temper lik' that.

-Cranky: Um…sorry!

-Dock Manager (Angry): Weel you’re tae late fur that. I’m gonnae be ringin' th' Fat
Controller, ah can’t begin tae jalouse whit he’s gonnae say richt noo.

-Narrator: Cranky didn’t feel so cranky now, as he could imagine.

(Fades to the Fat Controller in his office, then to him coming to Brendam Docks and
scolding Cranky)

-Narrator: The Fat Controller was in his office being measured for a new suit, when
the Stationmaster came in and informed him of what Cranky did.

-TFC: Ugh, you have got to be joking. Well, Cranky and I are gonna have chat once
I’m through with him.

-Narrator: And he left immediately. Thanks to Cranky, the Fat Controller knew now
all goods traffic to Brendam Docks would not only be delayed at that side of the
pier where Cranky worked, but also cancelled.

-TFC (Speaking through a megaphone): HONEST TO GOD CRANKY! CAN I GET ONE DAY

-Cranky (Whimpers): Sorry sir.

-Narrator: Cranky whispered.

-TFC (Speaking through a megaphone): AND I SHOULD THINK SO TO! RIGHT NOW, YOU CAN
EVEN GO ANYWHERE EITHER. (Puts the megaphone away and speaks to the engines) I’m
sorry lads, but it looks like you’ve have to stay here for the night. Marlin is
busy elsewhere, and he won’t be here with the Maintenance gang until the morning.

-Narrator: Now Cranky’s heart began to sink, as Salty muttered those fateful words.

-Salty: Aye, that’s fine sir, 'cause this reminds me o' a story.

-Cranky (Whispers): Help.

-Narrator: That night, Salty was still telling stories, much to Cranky’s horror.

(Shows a fantasy of Salty’s story)

-Salty: 'twas a brave cold winter. The brave wee ship was stuck, 'til the ice
melted the next spring. He barely made it around the cape. Aft 100 scary days at
sea without a scratch, he sailed into port 'n crashed his bow, nah 15 feet from me

-Bill & Ben: Ooh!

-Salty: Luckily, no one was hurt. Yargh!

-Cranky (Groans): Yeah…except my ears.

-Bill: We don’t have ears Cranky.


-Ben: Well for you, everything with us is hell! For god’s sake Cranky, you’ve been
acting like a big jerk more than usual. I mean, we wouldn’t be here right now if
you didn’t lose your temper like that.

-Cranky: Well if Salty dog down there wasn’t telling stories then I wouldn’t have

-Salty: Argh, calm down maties! If you didn’t like it Cranky, you could’ve just
ignored it and moved on.

-Bill: Yeah, you’re making a big fuss over nothing.


-Bill: Geez…no need to get your crane cable in a twist mate! God, you’re even worse
the first day we met!

-Salty: First day shipmates.

-Ben: Oh, (Grins deviously) we haven’t told you about that, have we.

-Cranky (Nervous): Um…well, that’s because you two are talking rubbish, because
nobody needs to know…um, I started out like any other crane, and did…um…just fine
(Nervous grin).

-Bill (Chuckles): Oh come Cranky, we all know that’s a lie.

-Salty: Yargh, now I know I haven’t heard that. 'n I reckon tonight I can retire
from tellin' tales 'n let ye take the wheels me hearties. Yargh! Please, tell us ye

-Bill: Very well then.

-Narrator: And this was the story Bill & Ben told salty, about when Cranky was
first built.

(Flashbacks to 1970)

-Narrator: It was 1970, a 22 years right after the Wellsworth-Brendam Branchline

had been reopened and ready for service, with Edward as its main engine in charge,
and 5 years since BoCo became part of the railway to. At the end of the Branchline
was its namesake, Brendam, where the docks were. And even back in those days,
Brendam Docks was one of the busiest ports on Sodor, and engines from other lines
would bring their deliveries over there to. There were many cranes that helped in
loading cargo for ships or trains, and each year, a new crane would be built to
help on each different quayside of the harbor. And one particular day that year,
the Docks would construct a new crane that would help unload ships from the South
pier of the docks, right were an engine shed was. He was called Cranky, as the
workmen called him, as after being built, he groaned that it took them a while to
finish him up, and even they tried to welcome him, Cranky was rather rude and blunt
with them like he was to this day. It seemed even the slightest of things would
irritate the poor fellow. The workmen would often wonder if they made a mistake in
his construction, such as a rivet out of line, a patch of rusted steel, or one of
his bolts was lose, but Cranky claimed it was because being a static object that
can’t move on his own, and high up in the sky was what irritated him. If that
wasn’t an answer enough for any of them, than nobody knew what it was. Because of
his grouchy nature and bossy attitude, the engines, the boats and the workmen would
often call him “Cranky”. A week after he was built, the Fat Controller had sent
Bill & Ben to help out and organize the harbor for the time being. After meeting
Cranky, Bill & Ben really didn’t like him, and Cranky didn’t seem to like any of
the engines for that matter. When they were shunting at Cranky’s pier at the time,
the crane kept on complaining bitterly as usual.

-Cranky: I don’t believe this, why on earth would the Fat Controller send some
useless yellow little bugs to help me. If you blokes would’ve shunted your trucks
in the middle lines, my crane arm wouldn’t have to travel so far.

-Bill: Oh rubbish! This is how we always arrange our trucks genius.

-Ben: Yeah, we weren’t built yesterday.

-Cranky: No, but you both are sure as hell as dumb as you are useless.

-Bill: Humph! You’re a big bully! I mean, no crane has even complained before.

-Cranky: Yeah, well I’m complaining now!

-Narrator: And as if to prove his point, he banged a load of lumber the quayside
hard, causing the wood to split.

-Bill & Ben: OH!

-Narrator: Just then, the Dock Manager at the time came up to the twins.

-Dock Manager: What the hell’s going on here?

-Cranky: They did it sir! I was trying to unload this cargo, and those two
distracted me.




-Bill: Oh come on sir, you don’t think we had would do something like that.

-Dock Manager: Don’t give me excuses you two. Need I remind you both that the Fat
Controller brought you here to help out as the docks are busy as of now, as you two
are the only engines available. So if you both want to work here, then behave
yourselves, or I shall report you both to your manager and the Fat Controller.

-Bill: But?

-Ben: He?

-Dock Manager: ENOUGH? Either you two comply and stop giving our new crane here a
hard time, or get out!

-Bill & Ben (Sighs): Yes sir!

-Narrator: And the twins reluctantly went back to work without testifying, while
Cranky just smirked while the Dock Manager wasn’t looking.

(Shows Bill & Ben arriving at Wellsworth were Henry & James are)

-Narrator: Later, Bill & Ben brought some trucks over to Wellsworth were Henry &
James were waiting with their passenger trains.

-Henry: Well it’s about time you both showed up. Where you’ve both been?

-Bill: We had to deal with a disgruntled crane, what do you think?

-James: Oh, you mean that new tower crane at Brendam Docks. Cranky was it?

-Ben: Uh, yeah!

-Henry (Smirks): Oh, that explains it then. But I can understand his frustration.

-Bill: Oh, and what’s that supposed to mean Henry?

-Henry: Well, cranes like him have to stay in one place all the time and can’t move
on their own. They are very large and hard-working machines that need a lot of
attention, like us main line engines for example.

-Ben: But Cranky was the one who started it, we didn’t even do anything. Yet that
towering giant has the nerve to call us bugs.

-James (Sarcastically): Sure, of course you didn’t boys. You should really see
Cranky’s point of view, as the big fella is high in the air, dealing with harsh
weather conditions and pesky seagulls, working night and day, then he sees you
blokes causing trouble, and realizes that you both are annoying. Huh, no wonder why
he calls you bugs.

-Narrator: Bill & Ben just fumed as Henry & James just laughing. They knew the big
engines already didn’t like them, but the fact they would judge them like that and
side with Cranky without knowing the facts just made them seethe with fury. But it
only got worse, because as soon as Cranky heard that the big engines were on their
side, he became even worse, and began hassling the twins even more. One day, as
Bill was shunting trucks by the quayside that Cranky was too load with crates.


-Bill (Sarcastically): OH WHATEVER YOU SAY…SIR!

-Narrator: But poor Bill was to grumpy to concentrate and pushed the trucks too
far, causing Cranky to drop a crate of eggs on his boiler.

-Bill: OW! HEY!


-Narrator: Just then, BoCo showed up with a train of box vans.

-BoCo (Sternly): What are on earth are you playing at Bill! You’re meant to be
helping us, not goofing off and playing tricks! I thought Edward & I made that
perfectly clear to you and Ben!

-Bill: But BoCo, it was…

-Dock Manager: Excuse me BoCo, we need you be the warehouse.

-BoCo: Sure thing sir! We’ll talk about this later Bill!

(BoCo departs)

-Narrator: And BoCo sternly shuffled away, leaving Bill both enraged and hurt.
Cranky could only just smirk.

-Cranky (Inner monologue): This just easier and easier.

-Narrator: He thought smugly to himself. The next day, he began to torment Ben
next, when the little yellow engine was shunting flatbeds.


-Ben (Annoyed): Humph! Whatever!

-Narrator: Though Ben should’ve stood his ground, as the moment he did reach the
outside line, Cranky purposely dropped his load beside the trucks, not in them.




-Ben (Gritts his teeth at Cranky): I hope you’re happy with yourself you oversized
crankpin! Edward, this isn’t what it looks like!

-Edward: Oh don’t you try to fool me right now Ben! We’ve already had enough tricks
from you and Ben as it is.

-Cranky: You got that right Edward, this engine should know full well that my arm
can’t reach him there.


-Edward: ENOUGH! Ben, I’m doing both you and Bill here a favor in letting us help
out, now you must help us and not play these childish pranks, especially on Cranky!

-Ben: But Edward, he’s lying, he’s trying to…


-Narrator: And Edward puffed crossly away! Ben couldn’t believe it! Even Edward,
the wise, kind, and more open-minded engine of the whole railway, fell for Cranky’s
lies, and turned on him to! Ben glared coldly at Cranky, as the large tower crane
just looked very smug with himself. Over the next few days, Cranky kept his bad
behavior up, and would cause trouble accidentally-on-purpose, and would blame his
grouchiness on the twins. No matter which engine or staff member was there, they
wouldn’t believe the twins, and Cranky just kept taking joy in making the twins the
scapegoats in his schemes.

-Cranky: Ha-ha! Useless little bugs!

-Narrator: His bullying only kept on causing even more confusion and delay, and the
twins kept getting blamed. And it wasn’t long before Edward did report the Fat
Controller, Sir Charles Topham Hatt II at the time, to the twins.

(Shows the Fat Controller berating the twins at the loading dock)





-Bill: BUT…

-Ben: HE…


-Bill: OH COME ON…


-Narrator: And the twins, feeling defeated, scampered sadly away! They couldn’t
even believe the Fat Controller had turned on them to. But as they were heading
home, they began to think of how the other engines would feel whenever they pranked

(Shows a storm raging across the island, with Edward, Henry, BoCo, and James in the

-Narrator: That night though, a huge storm raged across the island, so work had to
be halted temporarily. Edward, BoCo, Henry, and James were all huddled in the goods
shed at Cranky’s pier.

-Henry: This storm is murder!

-James: Yeah, who though it was a good idea to have an opened view shed near the

-Henry: Yeah, the rain’s pelting in like mad!

-James: Well, you could always use a tunnel Henry if it helps.

-Henry: (Sarcastically): Oh yeah, really funny James!

-Edward: Alright you two, that’s enough! The only thing we should concern ourselves
with now is staying in here safe.

-BoCo: Exactly! This shed may not be perfect, but at least we should be safe until
the storm’s passed.
-Narrator: BoCo said! But he was wrong, as right off in the distance was old tramp
steamer that was headed into port, but wasn’t aware of the storm, as all ships had
to be grounded because of the harsh weather conditions. The ship couldn’t get any
communications because the storm had caused a serious power outage. And along with
the communications, the lighthouse nearby was affected by the outage to. There was
no way of warning the ship! Despite the captain’s best efforts, the wind and the
waves made it steer out of control, and straight toward the docks.


-Narrator: All the ship’s crew were preparing for emergency, as the ship began to
run aground, and headed straight for the engine’s and cranky.



(The Ship hits the shed, knocking it down, then hits into Cranky, knocking him


(Cranky falls violently to the ground)

-The engines: HELP!

-Narrator: Called the engines caved in the shed.

-Cranky (Groans in pain): ARGH! I CAN’T!

-Narrator: Called Cranky pathetically. For once, the huge tower crane didn’t feel
cranky anymore, he felt very meek and pathetic.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller surveying the damage)

-Narrator: Soon, the storm had finally died down, and the workmen were all called
back to help clear the damages, and Donald, Douglas and Bear even helped to bring
the Breakdown Train. The Fire Brigade and EMT’s arrived to help any of the injured
sailors on the ship, while tugboats tried to towed the tramp steam back into the
quay. The Fat Controller soon arrived and surveyed the damages, and then survived
the rather shocked Cranky.

-TFC II: I’m glad to see you’re still in one piece Cranky. I’ll call in Bill & Ben
to help you, and then you can help the other engines out of that shed.

-Narrator: Cranky was not pleased to hear that.

-Cranky: Oh great, just when I thought I got rid of those annoying little bugs, now
they are gonna help me…

-TFC II: Wait, wait, annoying little bugs?

-Narrator: Cranky jumped! He would rant about the twins like he usually would when
he was alone, or if either bill or Ben were there, but he was in such a state of
shock after being knocked down like that, he didn’t realized he ranted about them
out loud.
-Edward: You tried to get rid of them? What do you mean?

-Narrator: Edward said in the caved in shed.

-TFC: I agree Cranky! Please elaborate, we’re all eager to find out!

-Narrator: Cranky gulped! He realized now that game was up, so he began to confess
about everything, his hatred for the twins, his cranky and unpleasant attitude, as
well as his constant grumbling, his torments, his tricks, and how all the delays
and mishaps at the docks were all his fault, and that he made Bill & Ben
scapegoats, and how he manipulated everybody these past few days, all because he
wanted to get Bill & Ben out of his sight. The Fat Controller was furious, as were
all the workmen, the dock manager, the crew, and even the engines all present began
to mutter to one another about how awful Cranky was, and how he did nothing but
bully the twins.


-Cranky: Sir, I…I...



-Cranky (Quivers): Ye…ye…yes sir! Sorry sir!

-TFC II: GOOD! I’ll be watching you from now on!

-Dock Manager (Sternly): Same here mate! I can’t believe you play us for fools.

-Narrator: Cranky, now shaken up even more from TFC’s reprimand and threat, began
to feel guilty about how he treated the twins. The Clay Pits Manager told the twins
what had happened, and he apologized to them first for thinking the twins were
responsible. And when he told them both about what happened, Bill & Ben rushed to
the scene immediately, but also glad that Cranky got his comeuppance, but did feel
a little sorry for him. Once they were there, the engines, the staff, and the Fat
Controller all apologized immensely for jumping to conclusions on them like that.

-Henry: We’re really sorry we misjudged you both like that.

-Edward: Indeed! I’m very sorry as well that I thought you both were up to know
-BoCo: Is there any way we can repay you both?

-Bill: No need you guys! We understand why you thought it would be us.

-Ben: Yeah, so thanks to Cranky over there, at least now we understand ourselves
what it’s like to be tricked.

-TFC: Regardless though you two, we should’ve known better. And don’t worry, Cranky
here will never mistreat you both like that again. Right Cranky?

-Cranky: Yes sir! Bill & Ben, I’m really sorry that I’ve been so horrible to you
both! I should’ve known you both are far from useless, and are actually hardworking
and friendly engines. I’ll never mistreat you both again.

-Bill: Thanks Cranky!

-Ben: Yeah, we forgive you.

-Bill: But anyways, let’s get you lot out of there.

-Narrator: Soon, Bill & Ben set to work. Using strong ropes, they pulled Cranky
upright, and back on his base. And with both twins holding him firmly in place,
Cranky lifted the collapsed shed right off the 4 engines.

-James: Oh thank you Cranky! And thank you two, Bill & Ben. I never thought I’d say
it, but what would we have done without you.

-Cranky: That’s what I’m beginning to think to James. You both really are useful, I
misjudged you both.

-Bill: Thanks Cranky!

-Narrator: Said Bill, whose cable was detached.

-Ben: Yeah, and thank you everyone.

-Cranky: I promise I’ll never be so rude to you both again. But right now, you
“mites” are in my way, so please move over.

-BoCo: Oh damn Cranky, you shouldn’t have said that.

-Cranky: Said what… (Realizes) uh-oh!

-Narrator: Cranky only meant to say mate, but the twins didn’t realize that.

-Ben: Oh great, he’s back to bullying us.


-Ben: WAIT WHAT? Uh-oh!

-Narrator: But it was too late!

(Cranky falls down hard again)

-Cranky: OW!

-Ben: (Nervous laugh) Oops! Sorry!

-Cranky (Groans in pain): It’s fine Ben, I think I deserved that…ow!

-Narrator: Cranky just laid on his side once again, realizing now to never harass
or bully the twins like that again…as they may not be bugs, but they can “bite

(Fades back to present day in 2000)

-Bill: And so after the damages were cleared, the Fat Controller at the time had
him moved over to this pier, where now he can unload ships by the warehouse of the
Sodor Trading Company.

-Ben: And though he’s learned not to bully us again, he can still act like a great
big jerk that is well…cranky.

-Narrator: Now Cranky began to feel very embarrassed and upset, remembering the
whole story.

-Salty: Argh, so even back then, ye we be jus' cranky as ye we be now, but far

-Cranky: Yeah, I was. I did feel remorse for that. And the threat the Fat
Controller’s father made to me, it made me realize how wrong I was to even be so
rude to the others to begin with. I just wanted to be useful, but in doing so, I
took my job rather seriously, that I began to develop this attitude, and…well, I
haven’t gotten enough sleep lately. It’s just that it’s so hard just being this
stationary object standing here night and day, working for hours on end.

-Salty: Now that I understand cap'n. But ye shall’ve said somethin' sooner.

-Cranky: I know, but I just didn’t think I’d have enough time.

-Bill: There’s plenty of time tell someone about your problems Cranky.

-Ben: Exactly, we’re your friends remember, and you can tell us. And if it makes
you feel better, we’re sorry we’ve been teasing you so much.

-Cranky: Thanks lads! And I’m sorry to that I’ve been so overbearing and that we’re
in this mess.

-Salty: Argh, that’s alright me hearty. But we can all live 'n learn. In fact, it
reminds me o' a tale I heard down in Liverpool.

-Narrator: So everyone, including Cranky listened to Salty’s story, and for once,
this time, Cranky enjoyed himself. In fact, he actually got a much better sleep
this time.

(Cuts to the next morning)

-Narrator: The next morning, Cranky and the engines woke up, and this time the
crane was now in a much better mood, as he heard a horn, and there coming into
view, was Marlin, pulling the Breakdown Train, along with Edward, Donald and

-Marlin: Hello lads! What’s this I hear about creaky Cranky getting all worked up

-Narrator: Cranky blushed, but was so pleased the mess would be cleared, he soon
forgot to be cross.
-Salty: Yargh, no needs t' worry about 'im cap'n, Cranky here has learned sense.

-Cranky: That I have Salty. I promise I’ll never misbehave again, though I will
miss you lot being here.

-Bill: Oh don’t worry about that silly.

-Ben: Yeah, you see us here daily anyway, right?

-Cranky (Nervous Grin): Yeah, right!

-Edward: Still, we better get this mess cleared up. Come on everybody.

-Narrator: So everybody set to work clearing the mess. The shed was moved to
another part of the docks, that way there would be no disruptions like that again,
but even so, Cranky, after being reminded by Bill & Ben of his first days on Sodor,
now began to work harder, but this time, even at night, would remember to stop and
take a break, especially since the Fat Controller, who was the last to forgive him,
had made sure to adjust his schedule, that way he have a better work-balance life
like his engines and staff. That way he can still be useful, but get plenty of time
to rest in order to keep his sanity in check. He now works hard this time,
carefully loading the trucks, speeding the engines and ships on their way, and has
become a lot more polite to them, even saying “please” and “thank you”, and does
enjoy engaging in conversations with them. Though Cranky can still be well,
“cranky”, as his name implies, but underneath that cynical and sardonic exterior,
the engines know he is a very well-meaning and good-hearted crane that works hard,
and helps keep Brendam Docks running efficiently night and day.

-Narrator: Snow had arrived on the Island of Sodor, and just in time as well for
the month of December, though it was heavier than usual. Barry the Rescue Engine
was working hard on the Kirk Ronan Branchline for about the remainder of the year,
and he was enjoying it immensely. Even though he would still get counseling from
Marlin, he was still happy with his new life after BoCo saved him from scrap, and
thanks to the other engines, he was able to put his demons to rest and move on.
Right now, the Welsh engine was really looking forward to something else right now,
and that was Christmas. Every year, just a few days before the wonderful time of
cheer and good will, the town of Rolf’s Castle would have a special Christmas
festival on Sunday, and Barry was enjoying this immensely, especially since this
would be his first Christmas after being saved from scrap and restored. Despite
being a capable and versatile engine, it was too much for him to handle for the
occasion, so the Fat Controller made arrangements for another engine to help Barry
for the time being.

(Shows Barry at Ronan End when Oliver comes in)

-Narrator: One afternoon, Barry was resting at his shed after a long day’s work,
when the sight of a certain Great Western 14xx came into view.

-Barry: Oh, hello Oliver, so nice to see you! What brings you here to my

-Oliver: Oh, I’m coming to help you with the Christmas festival, what did you

-Narrator: Oliver said trying to keep on a straight face, though Barry could tell
by his tone that he looked rather annoyed.

-Barry: Please, make yourself feel comfortable Oliver, we’ll start work tomorrow.
-Oliver: Yeah, thanks Barry.

-Barry: Say, if you don’t mind me asking, where’s Toad?

-Oliver: Oh, Toad and I don’t always work together. He’s out working with Douglas
for the time being. But it’s no worries, I can work with other brake vans.

-Barry: Oh, I see! But hey, it’s nice to have some company. Especially with a
fellow engine that was also saved from scrap like I was.

-Oliver: Yeah, it really gives us something in common, doesn’t it?

-Barry: You don’t sound very happy, Oliver. Is everything alright?

-Oliver: Oh, everything’s fine…it’s just that, I’m just not in the mood to talk is
all. I just had a really cold journey getting here, and even before that, I just
had a very unpleasant time waiting for my driver to fill up sand, in the freezing

-Barry: Hmm…I can understand how that feels. But you do have your nice warm boiler
and fire to keep you warm in the cold winter.

-Oliver: That may be Barry, but it’s just I really just can’t stand snow in
general. I mean, it’s freaking freezing, all this snow and ice. Engines like us
shouldn’t let something as annoying as snow bother us. We don’t deserve being
trapped in it, slipping on frozen rails, and shivering in general in the freezing
cold, especially a Great Westerner like me!

-Barry (Giggles): I understand how you feel Oliver, but I personally like snow.
Don’t get me wrong, the problems you said about it are true, it can be annoying,
but it isn’t quite often that you see the countryside covered in this beautiful
blanket of white. Especially since back then, I was never able to see much of it or
enjoy back when I worked on British Railways, and or even back when I was confined
at the scrapyard for many years. To me, its just so refreshing to see it, as if you
think deeply about it, snow can be quite wonderful, and magical to if I do say so

-Oliver: Harrumph!

(Fades to the next morning with Oliver & Barry getting ready)

-Narrator: The next morning, Oliver & Barry were getting ready for work. Barry of
course was cheerful, but Oliver still felt miserable, and the cold air wasn’t
helping either, as he had to wait for his driver to fill up his sand boxes for

-Oliver: Come on driver, hurry up and get moving!

-Oliver’s Driver (Laughs): Okay, okay old boy, chill you pistons. (Laughs) Pardon
the pun. We have to get your sand boxes filled up for today’s work.

-Narrator: Oliver just groaned. But this was an important safety procedure that had
to be followed, as every winter, engines need to have their sandboxes filled to
prevent slipping on the icy rails. Now sandboxes are small boxes fitted underneath
an engine, to help them in braking or starting on slippery rails. And during
winter, they were needed more than ever, as the sand is meant to help the engines
grip the rails firmly so they can carry on like normal. The sand would be filled in
a small container above the box and released thanks to a mechanism controlled by
wither the driver or fireman. Oliver knew this was important, but he still hated
having to wait out in the freezing cold.

-Oliver: Brrr….about time. I just wish snow didn’t exist.

-Barry (Laughs): Oh come on Oliver, it can’t be that bad. You don’t have to like
snow, but just don’t focus too much on it and enjoy the day. Plus, give it a
chance, you’d be surprised to see how magical it is.

-Oliver: Harrumph! I’ll believe it when pigs fly!

-Narrator: Beside the station at Rolf’s Castle, there was a field beside the line,
and a local park were the children would come to play. Every winter, the children
would gather around the fields having fun by building snowmen, making snow angels,
having snowball fights, and sledding. But this year, as the winter festival was
gonna be at Rolf’s Castle, everybody was setting up stands and booths at the field,
but the children this year were setting up something special. When Oliver pulled in
with a passenger train, he noticed them building a large lump of snow.

-Oliver: Humph, now what are they doing? Setting up one of those snow barriers for
one of those ridiculous snowball fights?

-Stationmaster (Chuckles): Oh no Oliver! My daughter Phoebe and her friends are

building a snowman for the Christmas fair. It’s gonna be a special occasion even
before Christmas Eve comes itself.

-Oliver (Sarcastically): Yeah!

-Narrator: Said Oliver sarcastically, as he was still too stubborn to see anything
magical about snow. He just didn’t understand how playing in it was fun. As each
day went on, as Oliver & Barry would pass through Rolf’s Castle with their trains,
the children’s snowman got bigger…and bigger…and bigger…and bigger…and bigger,
until at last on Saturday, the finally finished it, just as the stand had been set
up. Oliver was waiting with at the station with a local, even when Barry came in,
shunting a goods train into a siding, at the platform near the station where only
goods were delivered. Barry smiled as he saw the excited children laughing and
playing. Happy that they got their snowman complete.

-Barry: You see Oliver, if you give it a chance, snow can be quite magical.

-Oliver: Pah!

-Narrator: Oliver scoffed. Secretly he was impressed, but he didn’t want to admit

-Oliver’s Driver: Oh come on old boy! Don’t be such a spoilsport, you’ll ruin
everyone’s fun. You don’t want that to happen again like on Halloween 6 years ago,

-Oliver: Um…no, I didn’t mean anything like that. I just don’t like snow! Now come
on driver, we better get going, the sooner we can finish, the sooner we can get
back and rest in my nice toasty warm shed.

(Oliver departs, then cuts to him at Kirk Ronan)

-Narrator: Later that afternoon, Oliver was waiting at Kirk Ronan. He had just
shunted his coaches away, and was eager to get home, when an inspector came up to
-Inspector: Ah, Oliver, there’s a last minute change of plan I must tell you about.
Barry was due to take a goods train from Kellsthorpe Road to Rolf’s Castle for the
winter festival tomorrow, but was called away to help get BoCo to the Steamworks,
as he’s broken down. You’ll have to take this train for him.

-Oliver’s Driver: We’d be happy to sir. We’ll get it over there right away.

-Oliver: Oh come on driver! I already worked my wheels to death in this freezing

cold, and I ain’t gonna shiver my axles again. Can’t you get someone else to do it?

-Oliver’s Driver (Laughing): Oh stop complaining old boy. You’re the only engine
available. It’s just this one train and we’re done. Besides, really useful engines
always work hard whatever the weather.

-Oliver: Ugh, fine!

(Oliver departs, then cuts to him pulling the goods train down the branchline)

-Narrator: As soon as Oliver collected the trucks full of supplies for the
festival, he set off down the line to Rolf’s Castle. But as he did so, his wheels
were slipping furiously as he tried to slow down. But there was worse to come.
Because of the heavy snowfall, the points were frozen, and Oliver was diverted into
the siding at the goods station there. As Oliver tried to break, his wheels slipped


-Oliver’s Driver: Holy crap, we’re slipping like mad. I better put the sandboxes
on. But as he did so, only very little sand was coming out.

-Oliver’s Driver: Uh-oh!


-Oliver’s Driver: Um…yeah…WE FORGOT TO FILL UP ON SAND?

-Oliver (Dramatically): Uh-oh! WHOOOOOAAAAA!

(Oliver slips through the siding fast, and crashes through the buffers and rolls
down the embankment in the field, crashing through the giant snowman)

-Oliver’s Driver (Nervous laugh): Well… (Nervous smile) that could’ve gone

(Snowman’s head falls to the ground)

-Narrator: The goods news though, Oliver’s crew jumped clear the moment Oliver
crashed through the buffers and rolled down the embankment. The bad news though was
that Oliver himself crashed through the field and right through the giant snowman,
with the train still behind him.

-Oliver: Oh dear, what have we done.

-Narrator: Oliver said worriedly. He felt guilty now that he crashed through the
children’s giant snowman. It’s head had fallen off, and it’s buttons and scarf had
fallen to the ground.

-Oliver: Oh crude, the children are really gonna hate me for this.
-Oliver’s Fireman: Don’t blame yourself Oliver. This was our fault. We should’ve
filled up on sand before we left. It’s just this last minute change, we forgot.

-Oliver’s driver (Chuckles): But it does seem like you really don’t have that much
luck whenever you come to this branchline. First you crash into an old shed, now
you crash into a giant snowman.

-Narrator: Oliver was too upset to see the funny side. The crew phoned for help.
They returned quite later.

-Oliver’s Driver: Bad news I’m afraid old boy. They said they could get Duck to
come help us out, and but that won’t be until the morning. A snow storm is due to
fall this evening, so Barry won’t be able to return either. I’m afraid you’ll have
to be out here all night.

-Oliver (Sarcastically): Oh wonderful! How can this day get any worse?

-Narrator: Though Oliver spoke to soon. His driver, fireman and guard went to stay
at the village inn, but Oliver was out in the field in the pile of the crashed
snowman, freezing like mad. His fire had gone out and icicles were hanging from his

-Oliver: Brrr…I…w...wa...was…r…r…right all along! There’s…n…nothing magical…


-Narrator: The Great Western engine felt so cold miserable, until at last, he
shivered violently, and went into a deep sleep.

(Fades to next morning with the children gather around Oliver)

-Narrator: That morning, as the villagers gathered round, ready for the Christmas
fair. The children went over to the field where their snowman was and gasped at
what they were seeing.

-Little Girl: Look, our snowman has a face in its tummy.

-Little Boy: No it doesn’t Phoebe, it’s Oliver! He must’ve crashed in here by


-Another Little Boy: That poor engine, he must’ve been freezing.

-Another Little Girl: I got an idea. Let’s help warm him up.

-Narrator: So the children gathered around and picked up the fallen items from
their crashed snowman, and placed them all around Oliver. Then, Oliver woke up to
the sound of soft caroling and saw the children and their parents smilingly warmly
at him.

-Little Girl: Merry Christmas Oliver! You really are a wonderful snow engine.

-Oliver: Snow engine?

-Narrator: Then Oliver look at himself, and was surprised to see that he was
covered in the items used for the giant snowman. The top hat was placed on his
funnel, it’s scarf was wrapped around his smokebox, giant stick arms were placed on
each side of him, and three pieces of his own coal from his bunker was placed in a
row in front of him. Oliver was so touched and relieved by this, he suddenly didn’t
feel cold anymore. In fact, he was laughing happily, as the villagers all cheered,
and sang the Frosty the Snowman, but with Oliver’s name mixed in. The driver,
fireman and guard all came out in time for the village festival, and they all
laughed to.

-Oliver’s Driver (Laughs): Well, isn’t this a surprise old boy!

-Oliver’s Fireman (Laughs): Looks as if Father Christmas payed us a visit early,

eh? (Laughs)

-Narrator: Oliver just had to laugh. Maybe…he thought…snow really wasn’t that bad
after all.

(Shows Barry & Duck coming in)

-Narrator: That afternoon, Barry had finally made it back, and Duck even arrived to
with the Breakdown Train to take Oliver to the works. The two could only laugh when
they saw their friend, but proud from him that he was beginning to lighten up. Just
as Barry pulled all the trucks and the brake van back on the rails, to their
surprise, Oliver didn’t want to leave just yet. He was enjoying the Christmas
festival and caroling so much, that he decided to stick around until it was over.
Duck and Barry joined in to, and everybody was having such a wonderful time.

-Duck: Well Oliver, you seemed quite happy, even after spending a long night in
such brutal cold.

-Oliver: I was miserable I admit Duck, but after the children decorated me as their
snowman, I began to feel quite warm inside.

-Barry: So, no more complaints about the snow then Oliver.

-Oliver (Chuckles): Not at all! You were right Barry, as now that I gave it a
chance and enjoying the festival, snow really is quite magical. Merry Christmas you

-Duck & Barry: Merry Christmas Oliver.

-Narrator: And the three engines continued to enjoy the festival, but nobody was
enjoying themselves even more than Oliver…the Snow Engine.

(Opens with Thomas running his branchline)

-Narrator: Thomas the Tank Engine has ran his branchline for many years, and knows
it very well. He always works hard carrying passengers in Annie & Clarabel up and
down the line, as transporting goods to the Main Line.

(Shows Thomas passing Nina and Chris at Hackenback Station)

-Thomas: Hello!

-Narrator: He loves his job, and he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. As he is

always surrounded by the familiar sights and friendly faces on the island every
day, and enjoys waking and seeing what each new day is like. However, there are
times things don’t always go as planned, and Thomas can find himself taking things,
or even his friends for granted. One day, Thomas was on his way to Elsbridge
Junction for a connecting service with James, and then he found his good friend,
Terence the Tractor, blocking the line, but unintentionally though.

(Shows Thomas waiting for Terence to clear the line)

-Thomas: Ugh, come on Terence, you’re holding me up right now, I’m gonna be late.
-Terence: Shrry Thomas. I don’t mean to hold you up, de cart is stuck on de line.
Farmer Finney just has to try an budge it from de rails.

-Thomas: Okay, but just please hurry up you two. I can’t let this hold me up every

-Narrator: As soon as Farmer Finney budged the cart’s wheels out from the rails,
Terence managed to get it clear, and Thomas was soon on his way, trying to make up
for lost time.

(Shows Thomas with James at Elsbridge)

-Narrator: As soon as Thomas arrived at Elsbridge, he was 5 minutes late, and James
was there, waiting impatiently.

-James: (Annoyed) Sheesh, it’s about time you showed up Thomas, where’ve you been?

-Thomas: It wasn’t my fault, Terence was stuck on the line with his cart.

-James: Terence, eh? Never heard that before.

-Thomas: Well it wasn’t like Terence could help it James.

-James: Pah, that’s no excuse Thomas, you shouldn’t let a silly, slow, old tractor
like Terence stop you. He should show us engines a little more respect instead of
delaying us. And you should to instead of holding us up.

-Narrator: But before Thomas could retort, the guard’s whistle blew.

-James: I got no time for excuses now Thomas, I have to get going. Just remember
what I said.

-Narrator: James said rudely, and he puffed away in a huff, leaving a very cross
Thomas, as well as Annie & Clarabel behind.

(Fades to the next day with Thomas blocked by Terence again)

-Narrator: The next day, when Thomas was making his down from Ffarqhuar, Terence
I’m sorry to say was blocking the line again.

-Thomas: Argh! What is it this time?

-Terence: (Sighs) I must apologize Thomas, me engine is now giving me trouble. We

just had to cross over, and now it’s acting up all of a sudden. I have to wait fhr
Farmer Finney to fix me, den we’ll be on our way.

-Thomas: (Sighs) If you must.

-Narrator: Thomas said, trying to be fair to Terence, though he had to admit that
this was really starting to test his patience. As soon as Terence’s engine was
fixed, the old orange tractor finally got out of the way.

-Thomas: (Sighs) Thanks Terence! But please don’t make a habit of this.

-Narrator: Said Thomas sternly. As the little blue tank engine puffed, Terence
hoped himself that he wouldn’t cause an unintentional delay with his work, and that
Thomas would be on time, and would also be a in a much better mood.
(Shows a montage of Terence accidentally causing delays for Thomas)

-Narrator: Though I’m sorry to say it wasn’t, as it seemed poor Terence and Farmer
Finney were having a string of bad luck lately, and kept accidently causing a
delays for poor Thomas.

(Shows Terence was hauling a cart of lumber, and it got snagged on the rails, then
the lumber falls on the rails blocking Thomas)

-Terence: Oops, shrry!

-Thomas: ARGH!

(Then shows a herd of cows blocking the line, and Terence trying to show them away)

-Thomas: Ugh, you’re joking right!

-Terence: Shrry Thomas, dese cows came loose from de pen.

-Thomas: (Groans)

(Shows Thomas waiting for Terence to cross over with a cart of vegetables)

-Thomas: Ugh!

(Lastly shows a large bale of hay all over the rails, and Terence and the farmer
cleaning it up in front of Thomas)

-Thomas: Oh come on! Not again!

-Terence: Shrry Thomas, de hay fell avf de cart, and now it’s scattered.

-Thomas: Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses. I can’t believe you and the farmer keep
letting this happen Terence.

(Fades to Thomas, James and Bertie and Elsbridge)

-Narrator: I’m sorry to say, when Thomas did arrive late at the junction, he kept
getting a backlash from James, and even Bertie who had heard what was going on,
teased him to.

-James: Wow Thomas! Fancy getting stopped by an old tractor, eh? I’m surprised
you’re letting this happen.

-Thomas: Oh don’t blame me for this James, if you were working on my branchline and
experienced what I had to deal with from Terence, you’d understand.

-James: Yeah, well it’s lucky for me I don’t work on old and complicated
branchlines, and I’m sure as hell am lucky I’m not in your wheels right now.
(Chuckles) Anybody would think that Terence was starting to become jinxed, like
Barry was last year. No wait, maybe you’re jinxed Thomas, because I’m beginning to
think you’re losing your touch in running your branchline now.

-Bertie: (Chuckles) You got that right James, anyone would think you Thomas weren’t
a guaranteed connection anymore.

-Narrator: Thomas was fuming, but before he could retort, the guard blew his
whistle, and James puffed away, laughing.
-Bertie: It’s amazing that you’re letting Terence trip you up like this Thomas.
You’d never see me delayed by Terence’s usual farm work.


-Narrator: And as soon as the guard blew his whistle, Thomas puffed furiously away,
leaving Bertie shocked by Thomas’s outburst.

(Cuts to Thomas confronting Terence at his field)

-Narrator: Later, that afternoon, when Thomas was heading down with his return
train to Ffarqhuar, he had to stop at a red signal, by of all places, Terence’s
field. Terence, understanding that Thomas was upset, tried to make amends with him.

-Terence: 'ello Thomas! Lesten, I know you’re upset, and I want to apologize fhr de
delays I’ve caused.

-Thomas: Well you should, because this is causing me so much stress. Honestly
Terence, we may be friends, but the fact that day after day when I head down to the
junction, there is some sort of misfortune. I know incidents are bound to happen,
but this is ridiculous.

-Terence: Oh come on Thomas! It’s not like me and Farmer Finney mean fhr this to

-Thomas: (Sarcastically) Oh right, sure, like all of a sudden you’ve been given a
curse of bad luck like we all thought Barry had.

-Terence: Lad, I’m tryeng to be nice 'ere!

-Thomas: Well you’re a little too late! You should just focus on your work, while I
focus on mine! Because I can’t keep letting this crap become a habit! I haven’t
heard from the Fat Controller yet, but I’m pretty sure he’d be cross to. Just try
to make sure you got your work under control Terence. Or better yet, stay out of my

-Narrator: Just then, the signal dropped, and Thomas left, leaving a rather shocked
and upset Terence behind.

(Cuts to Thomas at Ffarqhuar Station)

-Narrator: Thomas decided to sleepover at Ffarqhuar for the night, as he felt he

needed to be alone. Annie & Clarabel, who were still in shock with Thomas’s temper,
were concerned for him.

-Annie: Thomas, I know you’re upset with Terence, but that sounded pretty hurtful
to say such a thing.

-Clarabel: Quite hurtful indeed Annie. You didn’t really mean that, did you Thomas?

-Thomas: (Sighs) No! I still like Terence, and I do value our friendship, it’s just
I can’t believe these delays just keep happening out of nowhere.

-Annie: True, but this is something beyond our control, even Terence’s.

-Clarabel: Yes, it’s not like Terence means for this to happen. Or is James’s
bluntness rubbing off on you.
-Thomas: (Sighs) I’m not sure. But even before I apologize, first thing is first,
I’m gonna make sure we leave early, that way Terence doesn’t delay us again. Right
now, I’d better get some rest to make sure I’m at my best tomorrow. Good night you

-Narrator: And Thomas went crossly to sleep.

-Annie: (Sighs) Oh Thomas!

-Clarabel: I really hope he doesn’t let this go too far.

(Fades to Thomas waking up at Ffarqhuar Station on a cloudy and damp morning)

-Narrator: The next morning, it was very cloudy. It had rained the previous night,
and now the ground and rails were soaked, and the air was cool and damp. Thomas,
still determined to be on time and avoid Terence’s misfortunes, puffed out of his

-Thomas: (Sighs) Alright then. I will not be late today, and I won’t let that
tractor stop me.

-Narrator: He said to himself, as he went over to the carriage sheds to get Annie &
Clarabel. Once he coupled onto them, he shunted them over to Ffarqhuar, waiting for
Bertie to arrive with his passengers. As soon as Bertie arrived, the passengers all
disembarked into Annie & Clarabel, and Thomas left.

(Shows Thomas puffing down the line)

-Narrator: Thomas puffed as fast he could, hoping to avoid Terence, or any mishap
that occur. But he was so determined to be on time, and worried of James’s
backlash, that he was getting distracted, and picking up speed.

-Thomas: Come on! Hurry, hurry, hurry!

-Annie: WHOA! Slow down Thomas!

-Clarabel: Slow down, you’re going to slip.

-Narrator: And Annie & Clarabel were right, as up ahead was bend, and the other
side was a pool of mud. Thomas only realized not what his coaches were saying. He
tried to slow down and apply the brakes, but he was picking up speed, and the rails
were still slippery from the rains, he couldn’t do so.

-Thomas: WHOA! AH!

(Thomas slips off the bend and detaches from Annie & Clarabel, and rolls down the
slope and splashes into the mud)

-Thomas: Pluh, blah (coughs)! Cinders & ashes!

-Annie & Clarabel: Oh Thomas!

-Narrator: The coaches sighed sadly. Thankfully, Thomas’s crew jumped clear before
the blue engine crashed, and Annie & Clarabel were still on the rails. But poor
Thomas laid dazed in surprised, and covered and filthy, wet, brown mud.

-Thomas: Well isn’t this fantastic. Now I’ll never get to Elsbridge at all.
-Terence: You can’t, but I can.

-Narrator: Said a familiar voice, as there coming into view, was Terence. Thomas at
first was nervous that Terence was still upset with him for his outburst, but the
tractor was smiling, and he was offering to help.

-Thomas: Terence, I thought…

-Terence: Don’t whrry about dat lad. I’ll get yooehr passengers to de junction, and
den I’ll come back and pull you av this mud. I mean, it’s not far, and you are a
guaranteed connection after all.

-Thomas: Ugh! Don’t remind me!

-Terence: Oh lighten up Thomas. It’s not de end av whrld.

(Terence pulls Annie & Clarabel down the Branchline to James at Elsbridge)

-Narrator: Soon a chain was fastened between Terence and Annie, and the orange
tractor pulled away. Terence did his best, and even though he wasn’t going as fast
as Thomas, the passengers didn’t mind, in fact, they actually enjoyed having a
tractor pulled them, and felt it was kind a like hay ride. Even Annie & Clarabel
were enjoying themselves. Soon, they arrived at Elsbridge Junction, just in time.
James was surprised to see them.

-James: What the hell? Terence? Is that you?

-Terence: Top av de mhrneng James. Not what you were expecteng now, were you.

-James: Uuuuhhhhhh?

-Terence: Don’t whrry, at least Thomas’s train is 'ere in de end, as let’s just say
'e took a mud bath. But at least I’m on time, even fhr a silly, slow, old tracthr.
Am I right?

-Narrator: James didn’t know what to say. Secretly, he was impressed.

-Terence: Anyways, I better go 'elp Thomas. De Stationmaster will send fhr Percy to
come take Annie & Clarabel. Goodbye!

(Terence chugs away, while James was still in shock, then cuts to Terence helping
Thomas at the mud pool)

-Narrator: Soon Terence came back to help Thomas.

-Terence: Alright Thomas, let’s get you back on de rails.

-Thomas: Thank you Terence! I thought you wouldn’t want to help me after I’d been
so rude. Regardless, I’m very sorry about the way I acted this week, I didn’t mean
it, I was so overwhelmed that…

-Terence: Don’t whrry about Thomas, I’m not on to hold a grudge. This is really my
fault. Farmer Finney and I were tryeng to keep up with our whrk, all dese
misfhrtunes happened at de whrse mahments.

-Thomas: I can understand that. Life is quite full of surprises.

(Both Thomas & Terence chuckle)

-Narrator: Both Thomas & Terence had a good laugh about that, and soon Terence
pulled the little blue tank engine back onto the rails.

-Thomas: Thanks again Terence. I really appreciate this. I know I may get annoyed
sometimes, but despite everything, you’re still a very close friend to me no matter

-Terence: Thanks Thomas. And Farmer Finney and I have decided to make sure yooehr
trains run on time, we’ll wait fhr you first instead, dat way yooehr trains won’t
be late.

-Thomas: Now that does sound like a good idea. Thanks Terence. But I also gotta
meet you half way and let you carry out your work like normal. Tell you what, I’ll
compromise, we’ll take turns.

-Terence: Sounds good to me lad. Just remember Thomas, life always has it
surprises, and every now and again, we all take t'engs in life, especially de
relashunships with our friends fhr granted. But in de end, you just can’t let
little t'engs like this boder you every day, and just focus on how you’ll spend dat
day, and dat dere’s always tomhrrow. You just gotta take it as it comes, and
instead, focus on getteng to yooehr destination first.

-Thomas: Thanks Terence. I’ll remember that.

-Narrator: Just then, Toby arrived to shunt Thomas to the Wash-downs. As all he
needed was a good cleaned out, and then he’d be back to work as usual.

(Cuts to the next day with Thomas arriving at the Elsbridge until James & Bertie
show up)

-Narrator: The next morning, Thomas was cleaned spotlessly, and was back running
his branchline. Thanks to his and Terence’s compromise, he is now able to run on
time again, and he and the tractor’s friendship grew even stronger. He arrived at
the junction, and waited for James, who arrived, about 5 minutes late, and
completely red in the face and worn out. And then Bertie came in, covered in mud.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) Well isn’t this surprising, where have you two been?

-James: (Panting) Sorry I’m late Thomas, a flock of sheep were on the line, and we
had to wait until the farmer helped clear them out of the way and back into his
lorry. My crew helped to, and I tried to make up for lost time…but…(Gasps loudly)

-Bertie: And I saw the lorry and the sheep, and I tried to stop, but I sped a
little too fast…and well…I swerved and ran into a mud puddle.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) So I see! But at least you both haven’t…lost your touch.

-James: Yeah, we’re really sorry we were so condescending to you and Terence,

-Bertie: Yeah, at least now we both know how you to felt with misfortunes like

-Thomas: (Giggles) It’s okay, as a wise old tractor taught me, you just gotta take
each day as it comes, and focus on getting to your destination first. But mind you
both, at least you both haven’t…lost your touch.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Thomas: Well, it looks like I better get going, see you later to, just take it
nice and slow alright. Come on Annie & Clarabel, do come along, we’re rather late,
do come along, we’re rather late.

-Annie & Clarabel: We’re coming along, we’re coming along.

(Ends with Thomas, Annie & Clarabel puffing down the line chuckling)

(Opens with the some of the engines and the Fat Controller at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: One spring morning, the Fat Controller had summoned some of the engines
to the Steamworks for an important announcement. He, Marlin, and Victor were at the
front, waiting for them.

-TFC: Good morning engines. Now, I’m sure you are probably wondering why I asked
you to come meet me at the Steamworks today.

-Edward: Not sure sir, but I get the feeling it’s something special?

-Percy: Did something happen at the Steamworks itself sir?

-TFC (Chuckles): No, not at all Percy, the Steamworks is just fine. It’s more I’ve
called you all here as we have a new project to show you. A new addition to our

(Engines murmuring to themselves)

-Duck: A new project you say sir? Is it a new branchline?

-Gordon: A new coach?

-Henry: A new service being added to the railway?

-TFC (Chuckles): Good guesses engines, but not even close? Though actually, BoCo
can answer that.

-Thomas: BoCo?

-Donald: Dae ye ken something we don’t?

-BoCo (Chuckles): That I do Donald. Remember last year when I made that plan to
save many different engines from scrap, like when I saved you Barry?

-Barry: Oh yes, how can I forget. Which is the exact reason I’m here on Sodor now.

-Edward: Yes, and the reason why we have Salty at Brendam Docks. (Gives a knowing
smile) Ah-ha-ha, I see where this is going. I remember, 2 months ago you went on a
trip to Manchester for a special salvage operation like you did with Barry last

-BoCo: That’s right Edward. But I think we should cut to the chase, as you can all
probably tell where this is going.

-TFC: Indeed! So without further or do, I’ like to present you with our newest
addition to our fleet.

-Narrator: Then, the shed doors of the Steamworks slowly began to open, with a
plume of steam hissing from the outside. The engines gasped, as they thought they
could make the silhouette of an engine. Or was it an engine…because the engines
could make out a strange arm on what appeared to be on top of its boiler, and with
what looked like a hook hanging from the end. The strange engine puffed out slowly,
and out from the Steamworks, and into the sunlight was a rather unusual looking
steam engine. He was painted in a beautiful shade of maroon with yellow and red
stripes. He had 4 wheels like Percy, a gold funnel cowl, large wooden buffers
instead of the standard steel ones, and on top of his boiler was a large crane arm,
connected together with gears, and a #15 painted on the sides. The engines were
rather shocked, they didn’t know what to think, but still smiled at him warmly. The
crane tank engine began to smile to.

-Harvey: Ah, guid mornin' a' body. Sae, uh…you’re th' engines o' Sodor.

-Edward: That we are. Pleased to meet you.

-Harvey: Why thanks! Same ‘ere!

-TFC: Engines, this is Harvey the Crane Engine. He is a new addition to our railway
that BoCo had saved 2 months ago on his trip to Manchester. He found him in an old
passing siding to avoid being seen by diesels. That would be until BoCo found him,
and helped bring him here.

-Gordon: Interesting! Though without sounding rude Harvey, I’m curious to ask, how
come you have that…um…crane arm on top of your boiler.

-Narrator: Harvey looked rather hurt when Gordon said that. Gordon could tell.

-Gordon: Oh, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to…

-Harvey: Na, it's a'richt, um…

-Gordon: Gordon.

-Harvey: It's a'richt Gordon! It's fur I’m a steam crane tank that used tae wirk at
a steelworks. Ah wis yin o' th' twa engines o' mah class that wis bult` in glescae,
alang wi' mah brother, Dubsy. He is noo preserved at th' foxfield railway. Bit
efter th' steelworks ah worked at went broke, ah hud tae fin' a wey tae avoid bein'
scrapped, sae ah hid in an auld passing siding.

-Donald: Aye, Glasgow. Weel, weel, looks lik' we git a fellow scot oan oor railway

-Douglas: Quite sae Donal’.

-Harvey: Wow, twa Caledonian engines…I’m pleased tae catch up wi` ye baith.

-BoCo (Chuckles): I told you, you’d like this place Harvey.

-Harvey: Aye, thanks BoCo.

-TFC: Indeed! So, Harvey has already had his demonstration with his crane, and is
proven to be quite capable of lifting cargo into trucks, and can lift other heavy
items quite well. So now that the demonstration was a success, he will join the
railway as one of our maintenance engines along with Marlin.

-Marlin: Indeed! I may love my job, but I can’t always be everywhere.

-TFC (Chuckles): No indeed!

-Harvey (Chuckles): Exactly! Dinnae worry Marlin, we maintenance engines hae tae
stick th'gither. Bit it's nae juist that, I’ll even hulp load cargo intae trucks,
'n' hulp oot in emergencies tae.

-TFC: Indeed! So whilst he is new, I hope you will make Harvey feel welcome.

-Thomas: Absolutely sir!

-Edward: Indeed! Welcome to Sodor Harvey.

-Narrator: Then all the engines chuffed away back to work.

(Shows Harvey working around the railway, and Kirby glaring jealously at him)

-Narrator: Soon Harvey began work on the railway. His main jobs were helping Marlin
with the rail maintenance, but aside from that, he would also be seen in different
shunting yards, not just shunting the trucks, but using his crane arm to load cargo
into trucks. And if a truck derailed on sight, Harvey would use that crane arm to
lift it back on the rails. The engines so far were very impressed. And Harvey was
immensely proud to be really useful as well, and was flattered by the engines
comments, as not a lot of the engines he worked with at the time really praised
him, though unlike Oliver, Harvey didn’t let this go through his smokebox, as he
was a more humble crane engine. However, there was one engine that noticed Harvey,
and needless to say, was feeling quite jealous.

(Shows Harvey at Tidmouth Sheds with the engines)

-Toby: I must say Harvey, it’s only been one day so far, and you have really shown
yourself to be a very useful engine.

-James: Yeah, like the way you handle the maintenance like that was amazing. You
and Marlin already make a great time.

-Harvey: Why thank ye lads. It juist feels stoatin that ah kin be workin' again
efter bein' found.

-Edward: That’s understandable Harvey, as here on Sodor, every engine, steam or

diesel can live their dream of being useful, and get the chance they never got. I’m
so glad BoCo found you.

-Gordon: Indeed! And with your crane arm, you’d be great in helping in emergencies
to since you pull the Breakdown Train. I’ve seen you lift that cargo and derailed
trucks and it’s amazing.

-Harvey: Thank ye Gordon, though ah mean na offense though, bit ah hawp ah dinnae
hae tae rescue ye a' daily (Chuckles).

(All the engines laugh)

-James: Rubbish, we manage to stay on rails just fine. The only one who would
obviously would be Percy, given his “accident prone” record.

-Percy (Annoyed): Hey, I resent that, coming from the engine that derails prone to

-James: You cheeky green caterpillar.

-Edward (Laughs): Okay, okay, that’s enough you two. So Harvey, I’m curious to ask,
where was this steelworks, and what work did you do?
-Harvey: Weel…

-Narrator: Harvey began…

(Flashbacks to Harvey’s life)

-Harvey (Narrating): Ah worked oan th' Mainland at a steelworks in Sheffield, efter

bein' bult` in Glasgow. Mah main jab wis juist th' identical whaur ah wid load
cargo intae trucks, 'n' hulp wi' th' maintenance. Ah worked wi' ither engines tae.
Some wur freendly, bit ithers wur juist sae rude, that thay kept ridiculing me fur
huvin mah crane arm oan mah boiler. Though mah mukkers thare did staun up fur me.
Yin engine that didn’t lik' me wis that austerity engine that kept disobeying th'
rules constantly. Bit then, hard times fell when diesels were phased in for the
modernization plan on British Railways, th' Steelworks wis filing fur bankruptcy
aroond 1963, as British Railways saw na uise in it. Tae jook bein' scrapped, mah
friends bolted fur safety, as did ah, bit maist o' th' arrogant engines at th' time
wur a' bein' scrapped. Ah hid in an auld passing siding. Ah hid in an auld shed
thare, in order tae jook bein' spotted by diesels. Bit then, 38 years efter, 'n'
juist aboot 2 months ago, you’re mukker BoCo fun mah in th' auld shed thare. He 'n'
his crew, alang wi' th' Fat Controller’s son, 'n' ah wis scared at foremaist, bit
then thay tellt me aboot yer railway, whilk ah hae heard aboot. BoCo pulled me oot
o' th' shed, 'n' bein' Richard actually was an engine driver back in his youth,
helped run some tests, 'n' helped maintained mah crane arm tae mak' sure ah wis in
guid workin' order.

-Richard Hatt: So far, you seem to be in good working order Harvey, and just the
kind of engine we could use on our railway.

-Harvey: Aye, thanks! Bit whit wid ye hae me dae?

-BoCo: The same jobs you did at the steelworks you once worked at, doing rail
maintenance, loading cargo, shunting, and even helping out in emergencies if

-Harvey: Noo that soonds lovely! Bit dae ye think th' ither engines wid lik' me?
It's juist some o' th' engines ah worked wi' didn’t.

-BoCo: Don’t worry Harvey. I understand, I went through the same thing you did when
I was first built, and when I came to Sodor. But all I did was not let any
prejudice comments get to me, and kept working hard. Plus, the engines on Sodor are
not a whole lot judgmental, and even if they do give you trouble, the Fat
Controller will deal with them personally to make sure you don’t face any ridicule
you did back then. Besides, many of the engines on Sodor are one of a kind, just
like you and me.

-Harvey: Really?

-BoCo: Oh yes. I’m one of the only two of my class, the Metrovick Co-Bo’s, and we
were constantly being ridiculed even by those horrid Mainland diesels like they
would ridicule the steam engines. And each on Sodor is of different diversity,
background and experience, as being different is what makes you special.

-Harvey (Narrating): Wi' BoCo’s wurds o' encouragement, ah smiled, 'n' made mah
decision. Ah cam tae yer railway. Sae ah wis loaded onto a weel wagon, 'n' BoCo 'n'
Richard teuk me tae Sodor, whaur ah arrived at th' Steamworks. While bein'
restored, ah even gave th' Fat Controller, Mr. Gallagher, 'n' th' railway boord a
demonstration o' mah crane arm, 'n' whit ah cuid dae, 'n' thay wur sae impressed,
ah wis allowed tae bade, 'n' so…here a'm.
(Fades back to present day)

-Thomas: Wow, that was amazing Harvey. I’m glad you were able to survive.

-Henry: Same! Sodor is a home to every engine, and you deserve better like everyone
else that had to suffer British Railway’s reign of terror.

-Harvey: Thank ye Thomas, thank ye Henry. Bit ah wouldn’t hae bin 'ere if it wasn’t
fur BoCo. Thanks again fur helping me that day BoCo.

-BoCo: Of course! We engines look out for one another no matter what. And with you
and Marlin working together, you both will be a perfect team.

-Kirby: Humph! More like an absolute failure engine if you ask me.

-Narrator: The engines all looked, and there was Kirby, shunting coaches into the
carriage sheds.

-Kirby: There were plenty of other engines out there you could’ve saved BoCo, I
don’t think we needed an engine like, “that”.

-Thomas: Whoa Kirby! What’s gotten into you tonight? I mean, where are you coming
off insulting an engine you don’t know like that, Harvey only just got here.

-Harvey: Actually Thomas, ah dae know “Kirby” ower thare, a' tae weel.

-Thomas: What?

-Narrator: The engines all looked at each other confused, but then remembering what
Harvey said, and Kirby’s own backstory back when he used to be known as “Sixteen”,
the engine who fell cab over wheels, they began to put to and too together.

-Edward: Wait a minute? Harvey, was Kirby the Austerity tank that you used to work
with back at your old steelworks?

-Harvey: Aye, he is. He wis one o' th' engines that used tae insult me oan a
regular basis. Ah ne'er thought I'd see ye again, "Sixteen", efter that incident
whaur ye bolted bygane that danger notice.

-Kirby: Yeah, well a lot can change Harvey. And at least unlike you, I got
preserved, despite some difficulties here, but that’s aside the point. Every time I
saw you, I just couldn’t help but cringe at the awkward looking engine that looks
so much like a steam-powered breakdown train. I mean you certainly don’t have what
it takes to even be a real engine.

-Other Engines: (Gasps)

-Henry: How bloody dare you Kirby!

-Toby: You should know better than to put another engine down like that Kirby,
especially when you first came here!

-Kirby: Oh I know better Toby. Every engine is equal, but some are more equal than
others, like who would be stupid enough to put a crane on top of a tank engine, it
makes no sense, and is weird beyond belief. If anything, Harvey over here deserves
to be an art museum.






-Narrator: And Kirby stormed away in a huff.

-BoCo: We really must apologize for Kirby’s behavior Harvey.

-Gordon: Indeed! We had no idea you two knew each other.

-Harvey: Aye, it's a'richt a' body. He’s nae th' foremaist yin wha teuk an instant
dislike towards me. Sometimes, ah fin' it sae solid tae bide wi' masell.

-BoCo: Now that think that way Harvey! Like I said, engine’s indifferences is what
makes them special. I just thought Kirby already realized that after his first days
here on Sodor.

-Edward: Indeed! It’s best you don’t let him get to you Harvey. He’ll see
eventually how useful you are and how wrong he was.

-Harvey (Depressed): Aye, thanks lads. Bit it wasn’t enough back whin ah knew him
a' they years ago.

-Narrator: The engines felt sorry for Harvey.

(Fades to the next morning with Harvey loading cargo)

-Narrator: The next morning, Harvey was loading cargo at the Shunting Yards, and
the other engines of course all gave him reassuring whistles and kind words, and
would tell Kirby off whenever he tried to berate him with insults again. As he was
loading pipes into some tube wagons, Toby came in shunting a train of stone from
Anopha Quarry.

-Toby: Hello there Harvey, lovely day so far, huh?

-Harvey (Sighs): Ah suppose it is Toby.

-Toby: Are you okay Harvey?

-Harvey (Sighs): I’ll be honest wi' ye Toby, nae really. Ah hud na idea that one o'
th' engines wis Sixteen, or Kirby as he wis called. He 'n' th' ither rude engines
back then wur aye ridiculing me, 'n' teuk credit fur me wirk, 'n' nae even thanking
me. Saying ah belong in an art museum.

-Toby: I’m sorry to hear, but you did say you did have friends right?

-Harvey: Aye, ah did, 'n' thay understaun me, 'n' made me cop lik' ah wis human.

-Toby: And you are. Listen Harvey, you should never be ashamed of who you are, as
that’s what makes you special, like BoCo said. After all, why do you think he saved
you from scrap, as he planned to save every engine that’s different, even those
that were outcasts, giving them the chance they never had. That was the case when
he saved Barry last year.

-Harvey: That is a stoatin plan. Ah juist wish that British Railways wur lik' BoCo
‘n’ th’ Fat Controller.

-Toby: As do we al, but there’s no use in living in the past. And Kirby shouldn’t
either. In fact, he should know better than that, especially when he first came,
thinking all engines on Sodor should be Austerity tanks like him and Wilbert, but
he did get his comeuppance for that twice.

-Harvey: Really?

-Toby: Oh yes, the first one he accidentally took BoCo’s train which was already
full of ballast, and nearly had a collision with him when trying to go back after
he realized his mistake. But the 2nd and the one that really made him see sense is
when he tried to pull 50 trucks after being tricked by Sir Handel before he got

-Harvey: 50 trucks? Bit na engine kin pull that mony!

-Toby: No indeed! And Kirby realized that too late as the whole lot pushed him down
Gordon’s Hill like a rocket, and his boiler pressure nearly exploded with all that
speed and a low water capacity. But he stopped after crashing into a large tree.

-Harvey: Oh my god! Noo that wis something ah wouldn’t think he’d dae back then,
even if he kin hae bin tricked lik' ye said.

-Toby: Indeed! But he did have a lot of time to think while he was being repaired,
and that’s how the whole railway would find out about his secret back when he was
“Sixteen”, and he began to change the error of his ways. Especially since we
learned that he was an outcast to, and was also gonna be scrapped once. He finally
proved himself after diverting himself into a runaway siding to prevent a collision
between him and Gordon. And after that noble effort, he back part of our railway.

-Harvey: Sae, Kirby changed tae.

-Toby: Oh yes Harvey, people and engines can change, if you give them a chance.
Though Kirby also needs to learn to give you a chance, just the way he gave us all
a chance after becoming a part of Sodor. He may be snarky and bad tempered every
now and again, but he is a good engine at heart who can be quite helpful, serious,
and very social with us.

-TFC: Toby’s right Harvey.

-Narrator: Said a voice, it was the Fat Controller, who was standing there smiling
at the old crane engine.

-TFC: Don’t let Kirby’s insults get to you, as I will deal with him as soon as
possible, and makes sure he learns to watch his mouth. BoCo always makes the right
choices, especially with the engines he saves from scrap. He choose you for a
reason, and I’m so glad he did, as not only are you just what we need, but I know
that you are a kind and good-hearted engine with a strong work ethic, and a desire
to be useful. You have proved yourself already, and that’s why me and the railway
board agreed that you are a great addition to our railway, as different is what
makes us special. If I had all the engines on my railway be the same class, it
would be boring, and it we wouldn’t be able to compete with other railways,
especially in this modern world, as I love all my engines for being one of a kind.
Like for example, Toby here is the sole-survivor of the LNER J70 Wisbech Steam
Trams, BoCo is one of the only two remaining Metrovick Co-Bo’s, and the same for
Derek’s class to, Edward is the prototype and the only surviving Furness Railway
K2, and Thomas is the only remaining member of the Billington E2 class, and an
experimental model that was different from the rest of his siblings.

-Harvey: Wow! That’s amazing!

-Toby: Indeed! I never let my appearance bother me, as I was always proud of being
a steam tram, and I don’t care what other engines have to say about it.

-TFC: Indeed! Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are Harvey.

-Harvey: Thank ye sur. Thank ye tae Toby.

-Narrator: Harvey smiled, feeling a little better by now.

(Shows Kirby roughly shunting at Anopha Quarry)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Kirby was still in a bad temper, as he was shunting his stone
train together at Anopha Quarry.



-Narrator: Kirby said, and kept roughly shunting them in line. Though this didn’t
go unnoticed by Mavis, who spoke sternly to the Austerity.

-Mavis (Sternly): That’s enough of that already Kirby! What you said about Harvey
was bad enough, I don’t need you right now causing trouble in my quarry like a
customer at a pub.

-Kirby: Well I got every right to be annoyed, and how did you know about that

-Mavis: News travels fast on this island. Toby told me what you said to that poor
engine last night when he came down here, and I gotta say, that was very
disrespectful of you.

-Kirby: Disrespectful? Mavis, I’m stating a fact here, the fact that, that crane
tank is just too weird looking to be an engine, and I’m quite surprised he hasn’t
fallen over with the weight of that arm of his.

-Mavis: Ugh, Kirby!

-Kirby: What?

-Mavis: Don’t what me! Listen to me, it’s very disrespectful, and even cruel in
fact, to take about someone like that. You’ve learned to accept the differences
amongst every engine, and you need to do the same for Harvey, because that rudeness
of yours is gonna come and slap you in the face if you keep insulting him so

-Kirby: But you don’t even know the whole…

-Mavis: I don’t care about that! That was then, and this is now! I’m warning you
Kirby, you can’t judge somebody by their looks, as we need to appreciate who they
are on the inside, not the outside, and if you keep having this irrational bias,
you’ll get yourself into serious trouble, and might feel embarrassed if Harvey
proves you wrong.

-Kirby: That is “if”, emphasis on the word “if” my dear Mavis. Now if you’ll excuse
me, I got my own shunting to do, and I’m gonna be running late as it is.

-Narrator: And Kirby ran off in a huff, disregarding Mavis’s lecture, leaving the
diesel to sigh. She knew Kirby’s stubbornness and grudge against Harvey would only
get him into trouble. Just 5 minutes later, Kirby shunted the train, but he put the
brake van in front, and not behind. Realizing what he did, he tried to fix it, but
his driver said…

-Kirby’s Driver: No old boy! You’re temper tantrum has already been making us late,
and there wouldn’t be enough time to switch the brake van to the back. You’ll just
have to push from behind. It would serve you right for being such a bad-tempered

-Kirby: Oh not you to driver! (Sighs) Let’s just do that already and get it over

-Narrator: And as Kirby hastily made his way to the back, the trucks, who had
enough of Kirby’s abuse, were chatting amongst themselves.

-Truck 1: Wow, to think he hadn’t come that far, hasn’t he.

-Truck 2: Yeah, let’s teach him a lesson.

-Narrator: Soon, Kirby coupled to the back, and as soon as the guard blew his
whistle, began to push.

-Mavis: Take care Kirby!

-Kirby: I’ll be fine Mavis! Nothing I can’t handle forward or backwards.

-Narrator: But Mavis did worry! As soon as Kirby was out on the branchline, the
trucks were waiting for the right moment to give Kirby the run for his life. Just
as they reached the Windmill, the guard came out, checking on the line ahead, and
then checked in the back to see if the train was alright, but then…

-Trucks: NOW!

-Narrator: The trucks screeched. And banging their buffers, they caused the guard
to lose his balance and fall off the van, and into the marshlands near the
Windmill, and the used their weight to drag Kirby down the line.



-Narrator: Kirby shouted. The driver tried to fight for control, but without the
guard, they couldn’t stop the train. The line ran down a gradient from here, and as
soon as Kirby passed the Canal Bridges where rail and road met, and began picking
up speed.


-Kirby: HELP!

-Narrator: Kirby shouted, as they were switched on the opposite line, as Thomas was
collecting passengers at Maithwaite. The little blue tank engine watched in shock.



-Narrator: Kirby was horrified, he knew that a bend like that was the last thing he
needed. His driver applied the brakes hard on, but it wasn’t enough, as increasing
speed caused the brake vans front wheels to derail, and Kirby, still screeching his
brakes, felt the train slow, but thanks to the derailed brake van, it was too late,
and the whole train cascaded down the embankment at Maithwaite Bridge, and onto the

(All the trucks fall down and crash, then Kirby derails on the slope)

-Narrator: Luckily, nobody was hurt, and even though Kirby wasn’t smashed on the
bottom, he derailed and stuck on the slope, feeling very foolish.

-Kirby (Nervous grin): Uh-oh!

-Narrator: But there was worse to come, as at the bottom, was Bertie the Bus, who
was glad Kirby was safe, but very cross.


-Kirby’s Driver: Bertie’s right Kirby. If you hadn’t been saying those horrid
things about Harvey and shunting the trucks around like as if you were in a bowling
alley, this wouldn’t have happened. Now all traffic on the branchline will be
delayed, both rail and road.

-Narrator: Now Kirby began to feel ashamed, as Mavis’s words swirled around his

(Cuts to Harvey in the Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Harvey was at Knapford, fixing one of the sidings, when the
Foreman ran up.

-Foreman: You can come back to this later Harvey, there’s an emergency on the
Ffarqhuar Branch.

-Harvey: Och, what’s up?

-Foreman: Kirby has derailed with a train of stone at the bridge near Maithwaite
Park. There’s no casualties, but Kirby’s derailed on the embankment, and this train
has blocked the roads, so the operations on the branchline as well as the roadways
are gonna be delayed thanks to him.

-Harvey: Richt! Say nae mair sur! I’m oan mah wey!

-Narrator: And Harvey coupled to the Breakdown Train, and set off to save Kirby.

(Shows Harvey heading down the branchline to a derailed and humiliated Kirby)

-Narrator: Harvey soon arrived, and saw what had happened. Kirby was worried.

-Kirby (Inner monologue): Oh dear, I guess Harvey’s gonna laugh at me for this,
especially with how rude I’ve been to him.
-Harvey: Dinnae fash yerself Kirby, I’ll hae ye back oan th' rails.

-Narrator: He said, making Kirby realize he was wrong. Soon, chains were fastened
to Kirby’s front, and Butch the Breakdown Vehicle had arrived to help clear the
trucks from the bottom. Though everyone looked amazed seeing a crane engine at
work. They watched, as Harvey carefully lifted Kirby from his front.

(Shows a slow but amazing scene of Kirby carefully lifting Kirby back on the rails)

-Narrator: And thanks to Harvey, Kirby was firmly back on the rails. The purple
Austerity was amazed, and very grateful.

-Kirby: Oh! Thank you Harvey! I don’t know why you bothered after I’ve been such an

-Harvey: Aye, I’m juist daein' mah jab. Bit we’ll blether aboot this efter. Richt
noo, let’s git yer trucks 'n' thair cargo back oan th' rails.

-Narrator: Soon, Harvey, the re-railed Kirby, along with the Breakdown Train and
Butch, had al the trucks and the brake van back on the rails, and Thomas, who came
to take the passengers from where Bertie was right then and there, also collected
the fallen and wet guard from the Windmill. The passengers each congratulated
Harvey, as they got into Annie & Clarabel.

-Thomas: Well done Harvey! You did wonderfully! (Sternly to Kirby) Well Kirby, I
hope this’ll teach a lesson now wouldn’t it.

-Kirby: It has Thomas, I know.

-Butch: Still, you did wonderfully Harvey. Great job!

-Harvey: Aye, 'n' thanks fur helping tae Butch.

-Bertie: You all did great, but you’re the real hero Harvey. Thank you!

-Narrator: Harvey smiled happily!

(Fades to Harvey and Kirby at Tidmouth Sheds with the Fat Controller, BoCo and the
original 7 engines)

-Narrator: Later that night, Harvey and Kirby at Tidmouth Sheds where the engines
and the Fat Controller were there waiting for them. Everybody praised Harvey for
saving the day.

-Gordon: Well done Harvey!

-BoCo: Indeed! You did wonderfully!

-Toby: We told you, you were useful.

-TFC: I couldn’t agree more. These past two days, you have shown how valuable you
were to my fleet Harvey, and after your performance today on a rescue mission, I am
most impressed, and very proud of you. You are a true credit to my railway.

-Harvey: Thank ye sur! Thank ye a' body! ah pure couldn’t hae dane it if it hadn’t
bin fur a' o' ye. Ye truly ur th' greatest mukkers this auld crane engine cuid ever
ask fur.
-TFC: You are more than welcome. And speaking of friendship…

-Narrator: He said, walking over angrily at Kirby.

-TFC (angry): You have caused a significant amount of trouble with that temper of
yours Kirby, and I thought after the first year you came, I would expect better
from you. How you treated Harvey was…

-Gordon: Disgraceful!

-James: Disgusting!

-Henry: Despicable!

-TFC: Good choice of words. I expected you to learn to accept differences amongst
other engines after you got tricked by Sir Handel 7 years ago, but it seems you
need to learn to respect all diversities, especially crane tank engines like
Harvey. You shouldn’t have been so rude to him back in those days at the
steelworks, and more importantly, you should’ve learned to move on instead of
holding this petty grudge the moment you were reintroduced to Harvey, and should
also know better in saying those hurtful comments. I don’t approve of such
prejudice and snide behavior. Plus, you ignored Mavis’s advice as well, and bashed
the trucks hard like bowling pins, causing yourself to run late, and then delaying
both rail and road traffic of the Ffarqhuar Branch.

-Kirby: Yes sir! I’m really sorry!

-TFC: You should be, but most of your apologies will go to Harvey, and I better
hope you will never treat him like this again, and starting tomorrow, you’ll be
working with Mavis at Anopha Quarry until you learn to be careful with your words
and actions from now on Kirby.

-Kirby: Yes sir! Harvey, I’m really sorry about how hurtful I’ve been to you. The
moment I saw you, I forgot the morals I’ve learned since the day I came. If I’ve
learned anything from these engines, that we all accept one another without being
judgmental, and that it doesn’t matter how different we are, as all of us being
different engine classes and working together putting these differences aside is
what being a really useful engine is all about. I promise I will never be so snide
to you ever again. Do you think you can forgive me, after the way I treated you all
these years?

-Harvey: O' coorse ah kin Kirby! As ah kin see ye'v changed, 'n' I’m proud o' ye
fur howfur far ye'v come. Wur nae sae different efter a'.

-Kirby (Chuckles): Your right! I hope now, we can be friends and let bygones be
bygones once and for all.

-Harvey: I’d lik' that Kirby. Let’s stairt ower fresh.

-Edward: Well done you two! I’m glad you both can start again.

-Toby: Indeed! See Harvey, being different, is a very good thing after all.

-TFC: Exactly! Old engines, new engines, steam engines, diesel engines, you are all
really useful!

-Harvey: Indeed!

-BoCo: Welcome to the Island of Sodor Harvey!

-Narrator: And Harvey smiled happily, as now, he finally has a new place he can
call home, and friends with all different engines of all different diversities.

-Narrator: One morning, Duck the Great Western Engine was waking up and getting
ready for work. It was a nice peaceful morning as the warmth of the sun touched his
boiler, and the warmth of his fire burning his boiler. But aside from peaceful
mornings, there was nothing Duck liked better than keeping busy, the Great Western
way. As soon as he was cleaned and oiled up, Duck set off to start shunting. He was
shunting trucks together for a goods train he was to take.

-Duck: Ah, now this is the life. A nice peaceful morning, and keeping busy like I
normally would, this is truly the Great Western way for me.

-Narrator: Duck thought contently to himself. He shunted his trucks in order, and
then went around to couple to the front.

-Oliver: Morning Duck! Say, where’s that freight headed today?

-Duck: To Suddrey on Edward’s Branchline. We got a whole order of produce needed

for the local grocery store. Everything’s ready and the trucks here are on their
best behavior.

-Oliver: They certainly are. As all of us here have spent many years of keeping
these lads in order.

-Toad (Chuckles): Quite so Mr. Oliver!

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Duck: Well I better get going. See you later you two.

-Oliver: See you later Duck!

-Toad: Have a good run Mr. Duck.

(Shows Duck headed down the branchline)

-Narrator: Duck was enjoying himself as he coasted down the branchline. He was
headed down the middle section of Three-Way Rail Bridges down to the line that made
a shortcut to Elsbridge on Thomas’s Branchline. As he was doing so, all of a
sudden, he felt a little uneasy. His side rods felt quite loose. And once he was
halfway there, all of a sudden, he felt a painful near his wheels.

-Duck: OW! Oh bother! What happened!

-Narrator: Duck’s crew got and saw the problem.

-Duck’s Driver: Oh dear Duck, one of your crankpins popped, and your left side rods
have fallen off.

-Duck: Oh damn! And the day was going so well, and now we’re going to be late.
Especially with these groceries on board.

-Duck’s Driver: And a shame to, we’re in the middle of nowhere. If this was at
Elsbridge, somebody could’ve helped take the train onwards.

-Duck’s Fireman: Yeah, and I’m trying to phone for help, but you can’t get any good
service around here.
-Duck: Wait a minute you two. Look over there.

-Narrator: Duck noticed right by the line was an old shed.

-Duck’s Driver: Hmm…maybe there’s an old telephone that works that we can use.

-Duck’s Fireman: Maybe we can use it to call for help.

-Duck: Well anything beats waiting around here. But please hurry. We can’t be late!

-Narrator: So Duck’s crew went inside the old shed, while the guard set detonators
on the rails to inform them of Duck’s predicament. As the crew opened the door,
Duck swore he heard a voice from inside the old shed.

-Elizabeth: Oh! Do you mind, I’m trying to sleep!

-Duck (Nervous): What was that?

-Narrator: Then, Duck’s driver came out.

-Duck: Driver, was someone in that old shed? Who were you talking to?

-Duck’s Driver: It’s a surprise more likely. We’ll show you what we’re talking
about, but we’ll need to use some of your coal.

-Duck: My coal? What for?

-Duck’s Driver (Smirks): What and see.

-Narrator: So Duck’s fireman transferred some of Duck’s coal in a bucket, and

headed into the old shed.

-Duck’s Driver: Let’s just hope she can get us help to the nearest engine in sight.

-Duck’s Fireman: Yeah, if her boiler holds that is.

-Duck: Driver, fireman, what exactly is the surprise?

-Duck’s Driver: Duck, I’d like to introduce you to…Elizabeth.

-Duck: Elizabeth?

-Narrator: Soon the shed doors opened, and out from shed chuffed a dirty, grimy,
looking steam lorry. She was painted maroon with yellow and black lining, a funnel
on top of her cab, and an orange tipper at the back. She just scoffed and spoke in
a voice that didn’t sound very friendly, at all.

-Elizabeth: Humph! So you’re the useless steamer that has broken down. And named
after a bird, how pathetic.

-Narrator: Duck was taken aback.

-Duck (Angry): I beg your pardon? Where does a steam lorry like you come off
calling me that?

-Elizabeth: That’s Vintage Sentinel Lorry, and I haven’t much time to get your so-
called “help”.
-Duck: Oh charming?

-Narrator: But Elizabeth just scoffed at Duck, and left in a huff.

(Cuts to Elizabeth making her way down the road)

-Narrator: The driver was concerned, as what the fireman said regarding Elizabeth’s
boiler was true. It’s that Elizabeth was tuck away in that old shed for so long,
time was taking its toll on her, and she was grinding and squeaking like mad.

-Duck’s Driver: Steady, she’s not built for these hills.

-Duck’s Fireman: Indeed! Careful Elizabeth, you’re losing steam.

-Elizabeth (Panting): P-Shaw…I’m just…catching…my breath!

-Narrator: And after travelling many miles, she made it to Wellsworth. There, Kirby
was shunting trucks in the yard.

-Elizabeth: I say, you there, steamer, I’m talking to you!

-Kirby: Huh? Well, who the devil might you be?

-Elizabeth: I’m Elizabeth, a vintage sentinel lorry, and far superior to you rail
ruffians any day.

-Kirby: Humph! Geez, no need to be so rude sweetheart!

-Elizabeth: You watch your tongue you dolt!

-Duck’s Driver (Sternly): Okay, that’s enough you two! Let’s just cut to the chase!

-Kirby’s Driver: Oui! Jeff, Mike, is that you two? Shouldn’t you be with Duck?

-Duck’s Driver: That’s just the problem old boy. Duck’s crankpins have popped, and
he can’t go anywhere, We can’t find them, and we can’t delay either. So we took
Elizabeth here whom we found in an old shed by the line to come get help.

-Kirby: Oh geez! Is he alright?

-Duck’s Fireman: He is Kirby, but we can’t delay. He has a train that’s needed for
Suddrey, and some of the produce could rot of he’s there in the middle of the line.
He’s on the branchline leading from the Little Western to Elsbridge.

-Kirby: Right, on me way!

-Narrator: So Kirby set off without another minute to spare.

-Elizabeth: Oh and do try to make sure you don’t get lost there you purple camel’s
hump, there’s a good fellow.

-Kirby: Ah shaddup!

-Narrator: Kirby blurted out, as he headed for Duck. He soon arrived at the very
spot Duck was.

-Duck: Oh Kirby, am I glad to see you.

-Kirby: Of course! I was at Wellsworth shunting, and your crew informed me of what
was happening. They also came in some rude steam lorry that just insulted me for no

-Duck: Oh yes, Elizabeth! Yeah, charming ain’t she! But if it wasn’t for her, you
wouldn’t be here.

-Kirby: Indeed! Let’s get you to Suddrey, and I hope the station has some spare

-Duck: Me too, and that we don’t have to put up with Elizabeth once we get there.

(Kirby departs with Duck and they arrive at Suddrey)

-Narrator: They soon made it too Suddrey just in time. Kirby shunted the vans into
their shed, then shunted Duck into one of the sidings.

-Kirby: Right, we better get you repaired Duck.

-Duck: Thanks Kirby, I owe you one.

-TFC: Indeed so!

-Narrator: But tank engines looked and saw the Fat Controller standing next to

-Duck: Oh sir, where did you come for?

-TFC: I was inspecting Suddrey to see how they were getting on. Though I must ask,
what took you so long Duck, you’re usually on time.

-Narrator: Duck and Kirby explained what had happened.

-TFC: Oh, I see! Well, at least you both made it in the end, but how did you know
Duck was in trouble Kirby.

-Kirby: Well sir, that all happened after Duck’s crew found this really
insufferable and rude lorry.

-TFC: What rude lorry?

-Narrator: The two tank engines were just about to explain, when Elizabeth, still
in steam with Duck’s fireman still maintaining her, pulled up. She looked down at
the Fat Controller.

-Elizabeth: Well I’ll be, is that you Stephen?

-TFC: Oh my word! Elizabeth?

-Duck: Wait, you two know each other?

-TFC: That we do Duck. She used to be my father’s own private lorry.

-Kirby: She was?

-Narrator: Both engines were in disbelief.

-TFC: She was indeed! I haven’t seen her for many years.

-Elizabeth: But now I’m found, and I hope you’ve learned how to drive unlike how
your father first handled me.

-TFC: Now Elizabeth, don’t be so rude!

-Elizabeth: Oh, sorry, I forgot, you’re family owned me.

-TFC: Yes, and while I’m glad to see you, I heard from Duck & Kirby here that you
were rude to them, and I really hope that you don’t keep up that behavior up.

-Elizabeth: Yes Sir Topham. I’m sorry Duck…and I’m sorry Kirby. I’m glad I can help
you both…and thanks for finding me.

-Duck: Well thanks for helping us.

-Kirby: Yeah, I suppose so!

-TFC: Indeed! But still, it’s great to see you again! I’ll have you sent to Jem
Cole’s repair garage, and have you restored to your full glory.

-Elizabeth: Why thank you sir!

(Fades to Elizabeth at Jem Cole’s garage where Duck & Kirby are)

-Narrator: Elizabeth was soon sent to Jem Cole’s yard, and a few days later,
Elizabeth was restored in a beautiful gleaming maroon, and her wooden panels were
polished to perfection. Duck & Kirby were impressed.

-TFC: Now you look as grand as you once did. And, you’re just what I need to help
out on the railway, delivering supplies to stations and cargo from different
industrial yards where the rails can’t reach.

-Elizabeth: Why thank you sir! I know I will be very useful. (Inner monologue) Even
more useful then these rail abiding claptraps, ha-ha.

-Duck (Whispers): Beg pardon sir, I’m glad you’re both great friends, but
Elizabeth’s attitude…

-TFC (Whispers): Don’t worry Duck, I know. There was a reason why she was left in
that shed. If she causes any trouble, she’ll have me to answer to.

-Kirby (Whispers): Thanks sir!

-Narrator: But deep down, Duck & Kirby were happy for them, though this would only
enhance Elizabeth’s arrogance even further. But that’s another story.

-Narrator: Ever since she’d been refurbished, Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry became
highly conceited and somewhat cruel more than ever. She would constantly belittle
engines and road vehicles who ever tried to give her advice. Not only that, if they
would then warn her about how that “attitude” doesn’t sit well on their railway,
she would boastfully remind them that being the Fat Controller’s father’s special
lorry made her invincible. However her cocky rude attitude was soon a cause for
trouble. One day Elizabeth was making her way to Wellsworth Station to collect some
crates for market when ahead, Trevor was chauffeuring cheerfully carrying a large
cart full of hay.

-Elizabeth: Hurry up you useless old thing, I’ll be late at the rate you’re
travelling at.

-Trevor (panting): Sorry, I’m afraid this is as fast as I can go. Not to mention
this cart I’m pulling is old, any sudden movements could break a wheel or

-Elizabeth: RUBBISH!! You’re so pathetic, it’s a surprise you are even in service.
Why the fact that…g

-Narrator: Trevor had heard this sought of talk before so payed no attention to it.
He chauffeured along cheerfully as the Vintage Lorry fumed behind. Soon they
approached a level crossing. Then suddenly without warning, Elizabeth swerved
violently. Trevor in a state of shock bumped the cart. There was a loud crack.

-Elizabeth’s Driver: EASY OLD GIRL!!!


-Jem Cole Jr: ROAD HOG!!!!! (Climbs down and observes two wheels on the cart have

-Narrator: Then Trevor heard a whistle.

-Trevor (Gasps): OH NO, THAT’S….

(Donald and Douglas come round the corner with a heavy goods)

-Donald: STOP!!!!!

-Narrator: Donald’s driver applied the brakes hard on, but Douglas, who was not
aware of what was going, kept on puffing, until it was too late.

(Donald crashed through the cart and derails on his side near the line while hay
goes flying everywhere)

-Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt. But the cart was smashed to smithereens, and
Donald had derailed on the side of the line, covered in hay. Douglas however, was
still on the rails, but the twins were quite cross with one another as Douglas came
over to him.

-Donald: Lor’ sakes Douggie, stoap bein’ pushy!

-Douglas: Pushy? I’m not being pushy!

-Donald: Aye yer! Ye shouldn’t hae pushed me intae th' cart!

-Douglas (Gasps): Ye pulled me, ye mean!

-Donald: DIDN’T!

-Douglas: DID!

-Donald: DID NAE!

-Douglas: DID TAE!

-Trevor (Sighs): Oh dear! Elizabeth, you selfish lorry! I hope you’re happy with

-Narrator: Trevor muttered to himself, and worried for the twins.

(Cuts to Trevor at the Vicarage Orchard, when Edward arrives)

-Narrator: Later Trevor was resting at the Vicarage orchard. He’d just finished
being checked over when Edward puffed in.

-Trevor: Oh Edward, how are Donald and Douglas?

-Edward: Mechanically they’re alright, however each is blaming each other for the
accident. It doesn’t appear as though either’s willing to back down.

-Trevor: But it wasn’t either of their fault it was…

-Edward: Now Trevor, I know you well, and you mustn’t blame yourself for what
happened. That cart was old and bound to….

-Trevor: I know it wasn’t my fault Edward.

-Edward: Oh, you know?

-Trevor: Oh yes, because in fact, I know whose fault it really is.

-Narrator: Edward listened intently as Trevor recounted what Elizabeth had said.
Later Elizabeth was at Wellsworth taking on supplies when Edward steamed in with
his last train of the day.

-Elizabeth: If this is how you engines keep to time, consider me unimpressed.

Clearly none of you are reliable or as time conscious as me.

-Edward: I’m not here to listen to your insults Elizabeth. I’m here to warn you
that your actions caused a very nasty accident, that’s ultimately resulted in our
Twins having a fallout. Goodness knows what would’ve happened if Trevor had ended
up on the middle of the mainline. It’s a relief the only thing lost by your
recklessness was an old cart.

-Elizabeth: Rubbish, it’s called overtaking obstacles. Those twins having a fallout
is not my problem. And in any case so what if Trevor ended up being crushed.
Useless old thing deserves to be retired anyway, possibly scrapped.

-Edward (Gasps and speaks furiously): Trevor is twice the road vehicle that you’ll
ever be. Continue on with an attitude like that, and the only vehicle who’ll be
retired or scrapped is you. And I’ll see to it that the Fat Controller will be
-Elizabeth: I think your forgetting steamer that I’m your controller’s private
lorry. I’m invincible. He’ll never scold me, anything happens to me and he’ll blame
you lot. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve had a hard day’s work and wish to return

-Narrator: Elizabeth shunted away leaving Edward unimpressed. That night he told
the other engines about what she had said.

-Gordon: Goodness gracious me. So she’s the cause of why those two have had a
falling out?

-Edward: Not to mention what she said about Trevor.

-Percy: Well that’s utterly horrid!!!! No wonder why Duck and Kirby got so
infuriated by her. Her attitude is appalling.

-James: You’re right there Percy. Just yesterday, she criticized me for starting
slowly out of Wellsworth. What does that bitch expect me to do? Bump my

-James: Sorry Toby, but seriously, with that attitude, she’s beginning to remind me
of a certain Narrow Gauge Engine.

-Thomas: Are you referring to Sir Handel?

-Henry (Shudders): Don’t mention that name Thomas! After what he did to Bear and
about how he spoke about Wilbert Awdry and our previous controller is unforgivable.

-Gordon: Indeed!!! Thank goodness we no longer see him on the mainline!

-James: Yeah, but at the rate Elizabeth’s acting, she’s looking like she’ll end up
with a similar fate.

-Thomas: Same here, because by the way she’s going on, she makes that little blue
bugger look more polite.

(All the engines murmur in agreement)

-Gordon: That’s a good way of summing it up Thomas.

-Thomas: Thanks Gordon! But what I can’t understand is why she thinks she’s so

-Edward: It’s because she believes that being the Fat Controller’s private lorry,
she believes that she deserves special treatment, and that she’ll never get into

-Gordon: Ridiculous if you ask me. We should tell the Fat Controller before this
gets out of hand.

-Percy: That’s easier said than done Gordon, our schedules are too full, and we
hardly have time to speak to each other.

-Henry: True, and right now we have a more important issue to deal with. Like
getting Donald and Douglas back on speaking terms.

-Toby: You’re right Henry, I just hope someone or something happens to Elizabeth
that makes her see sense before it’s too late.

-Narrator: The main seven went to sleep still lost in thoughts. Little did they
know someone would soon take action in a confusing way. Daisy the Diesel Railcar
had recently been repainted, she was very proud of this and boasted more than usual
to the others. They took no notice for Daisy was all mouth to them. One day Daisy
was collecting the milk at Ffarqhuar, when Elizabeth shunted. Smoke and soot poured
from her funnel.

-Daisy (Coughs): Mind my paintwork you ruffian. I’ve just had it applied.

-Elizabeth: Ruffian!!! How rude? Rolling stock like you should learn some manners.
I mean it’s not as if you’re any good at anything else.

-Daisy (confused): Rolling stock? What on earth are you talking about?

-Elizabeth: Oh dear, you really aren’t a bright one are you? Isn’t it obvious?
You’re a standard coach dear, nothing more.
-Daisy: COACH!!! COACH!!! COACH!!! How very dare you? I’m no bumpy old coach. I’m a
diesel railcar. Highly sprung and much more unique than some old fashioned steam
lorry like you.

-Elizabeth: That’s Vintage Sentinel Lorry thank you. Besides I’m far more useful
than you!!! You’re only pulling one measly tanker, I could do that with my eyes

-Daisy: Yes but you wouldn’t make it further than the first crossing. What a silly
idea, making a lorry steam powered. (Guard’s whistle blows). Now if you’ll excuse
me, some of us have work to do.

-Narrator: Daisy flounced away, Elizabeth growled and followed suite. Whenever they
met both railcar and lorry quarreled incessantly, each throwing insults at each
other every time. The other engines were glad that they didn’t have to deal with
Elizabeth’s insults now she was occupied with only Daisy, but hated being caught in
the middle if they were near them. But they did worry that their cat fight would
lead to trouble. As summer ended and autumn began, low suns became more frequent.
Despite what many believe about snow or ice, low suns are in fact the most
dangerous conditions. The low bright light makes it difficult for engines, crews
and road vehicles to see ahead and this is especially dangerous if they’re
travelling at high speed. The Fat Controller had put up notices that during
mornings and late afternoons, the engines had to travel at reduced speed so if a
low sun did strike, they would stop more immediately. One late afternoon, Daisy
pulled into Elsbridge Junction where Elizabeth was waiting.

-Elizabeth: Not even pulling a train this time. My, my, you are pathetic aren’t

-Daisy: Oh, I don’t need to pull a train, my passengers are much more comfortable
inside me, thank you very much. Besides that, makes me much lighter than you old
thing, much more economical and…

-Elizabeth: You’re not suggesting that you could possibly win a race against me.

-Daisy: There’s no point even having a race (Guard blows whistle) as I’d be waiting
for you at the top station.

-Narrator: Daisy smirked triumphantly away. Elizabeth was furious. No sooner had
her final crate been loaded, she sped away racing after Daisy.

-Elizabeth’s Driver: WOAH OLD GIRL!!!! SLOW DOWN!!!


-Narrator: Daisy was at Maithwaite collecting passengers, when Elizabeth raced


-Elizabeth: See you at the finish line slow coach.


-Narrator: No sooner had her guard blown the whistle that Daisy set off with a
bang, leaving him on the station platform.

-Guard: HEY!! STOP!!!

-Narrator: Daisy didn’t hear, she was too busy focusing on catching Elizabeth. Soon
both were speeding through their respective routes, neither giving a care about who
they passed.

-Caroline: Be careful! Master says it isn’t safe to travel fast in low suns.

-Elizabeth: Out of the way you useless rust bucket! (Speeds past blowing dust at

-Caroline (Coughs): How rude!

(Shows Daisy passing McColl’s farm where Percy is taking on water)



-Narrator: At the canal bridge where road and rail met, both Railcar and Lorry sped
down, but eventually Daisy drew ahead.

-Daisy: Ha-ha, I’m winning, I’m winning!

-Narrator: Then there was trouble. The road by Terence’s field doesn’t have a
barrier to protect road vehicles. As Daisy raced around the corner, a low sun
blinded her.

-Daisy: ARRGH!!! MY EYES!!!


-Narrator: Daisy’s driver slammed on the brakes as Daisy skidded to a stop.

Elizabeth came chugging round the corner much too fast, right into the path of the
low sun.

-Elizabeth: Having trouble slow coach, I suppose it’s….ARRGH I CAN’T SEE!!!

-Elizabeth’s Driver: OH CRAP!!! NEITHER CAN I!! HOLD ON!!!

-Narrator: Elizabeth swerved violently as her driver jumped clear and shot off the
road. She bounced off Daisy’s roof before plunging into the Terence’s ploughed
field. Mud splattered all over Elizabeth and Daisy.

-Daisy: OUCH!!! (Opens eyes in horror) OH MY PAINT!!! YOU STUPID OLD THING!!! LOOK




-Narrator: Daisy gulped. Elizabeth smirked from underneath the mud. The Fat
Controller who’d been onboard Daisy climbed out and slammed her door shut. His suit
was covered in coffee and cream buns splattered his top hat. He was red in the face
and pointed angrily at Daisy.


-Daisy: Ummm…sorry sir.


-Narrator: Daisy slunk sadly away. Elizabeth smirked and was just about to speak
when the Fat Controller swung round suddenly, and glaring furiously at her, much to
the lorry’s shock!


-Elizabeth (Mumbles): Bu’ sir, I’ was all that Daisy’s faul’.


-Elizabeth (mumbles): Well sir, I….



-Elizabeth (gulps): But sir, I…


-Elizabeth: Yes sir.


-Narrator: The Fat Controller marched towards the line, just as Toby and Henrietta
arrived to take him back to Knapford. Both the tram engine and his coach glared
coldly at Elizabeth as the Fat Controller climbed in. The next day, Terence pulled
a sorry Elizabeth clear of the mud and then Harvey took her to Jem Cole’s yard to
be repaired. Jem himself gave Elizabeth a big earful of how she treated Trevor and
caused that horrific accident with the cart, which made Elizabeth whimper for once.
No-one spoke to her and Edward’s words finally swirled around her cab. When she was
repaired, she chugged silently away to begin her work at the Blue Mountain Quarry,
not paying attention to anybody, especially since the engines were now all keeping
an eye on her to make sure she never belittled anyone again. A few days later
Thomas and Henry were discussing the situation at Elsbridge.

-Henry: Good riddance I say, those two deserve each other.

-Thomas: Yeah, but I only hope they can redeem themselves Henry, because as
arrogant as they were, it isn’t nice being an outcast, especially those two.

-Henry: True Thomas. (Notices a signal drop and Daisy approaching with a slow
goods) Still at least we’ll have no more insults or comebacks thanks to our special

-Thomas (Cheekily): Indeed, well done Daisy, whoever though that for once, you’re
boasting was put to great use this time.

-Narrator: Thomas and Henry laughed. Daisy went red with embarrassment and with the
trucks cackling and banging behind her, slunk quietly away. And as for Elizabeth…
well that’s another story.

-Narrator: Donald & Douglas are the Northwestern Railway’s #’s 9 & 10, originating
from Scotland. These Caledonian Twins are very popular with the other engines, as
they are practical, peppery, and proud. They are the some of the kindest, bravest,
mature and even the strongest engines with have a snarky, but strong sense of
humor. They are very hard to miss, as they are some of the most versatile of the
Fat Controller’s fleet that are seen anywhere and everywhere on the railway, being
mixed-traffic engines, as they can handle any different job with ease, be it
coaches or trucks, and can work individually wherever needed, but they can still
work together on even the most hardest of jobs. They are without a doubt, some of
the best engines on the railway, and hated to be parted from each other, as
wherever you’ll see Donald, you’ll see Douglas, and wherever there’s Douglas,
you’ll see Donald. One morning, Donald & Douglas where headed down to Brendam
Docks, hauling a heavy goods train.

(Cuts to Trevor and Elizabeth)

-Narrator: While that was going on, Elizabeth, the Fat Controller’s rude and
conceited steam lorry was headed to Wellsworth Station to pick up some crates, but
had to wait behind Trevor the Traction Engine, chauffeuring cheerfully with an old,
but large cart full of hay.

-Elizabeth: Hurry up you useless old thing, I’ll be late at the rate you’re
travelling at.

-Trevor (panting): Sorry, I’m afraid this is as fast as I can go. Not to mention
this cart I’m pulling is old, any sudden movements could break a wheel or

-Elizabeth: RUBBISH!! You’re so pathetic, it’s a surprise you are even in service.
Why the fact that…g

-Narrator: Trevor had heard this sought of talk before so payed no attention to it.
He chauffeured along cheerfully as the Vintage Lorry fumed behind. Soon they
approached a level crossing. Then suddenly without warning, Elizabeth swerved
violently. Trevor in a state of shock bumped the cart. There was a loud crack.

-Elizabeth’s Driver: EASY OLD GIRL!!!


-Jem Cole Jr: ROAD HOG!!!!! (Climbs down and observes two wheels on the cart have

-Narrator: Then Trevor heard a whistle.

-Trevor (Gasps): OH NO, THAT’S….

(Donald and Douglas come round the corner with a heavy goods)

-Narrator: Unfortunately, Donald was the only one who saw the cart.

-Donald: STOP!!!!!

-Narrator: Donald’s driver applied the brakes hard on, but Douglas, who was not
aware of what was going, kept on puffing, until it was too late.

(Donald crashed through the cart and derails on his side near the line while hay
goes flying everywhere)

-Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt. But the cart was smashed to smithereens, and
Donald had derailed on the side of the line, covered in hay. Douglas however, was
still on the rails, but the twins were quite cross with one another as Douglas came
over to him.

-Donald: Lor’ sakes Douggie, stoap bein’ pushy!

-Douglas: Pushy? I’m not being pushy!

-Donald: Aye yer! Ye shouldn’t hae pushed me intae th' cart!

-Douglas (Gasps): Ye pulled me, ye mean!

-Donald: DIDN’T!

-Douglas: DID!

-Donald: DID NAE!

-Douglas: DID TAE!

-Trevor (Sighs): Oh dear! Elizabeth, you selfish lorry! I hope you’re happy with

-Narrator: Trevor muttered to himself, and worried for the twins.

(Cuts to Harvey and the Breakdown Train clearing up the mess, then to Donald &
Douglas falling out)

-Narrator: Soon, Harvey arrived with the Breakdown Train, and Donald wasn’t
damaged, so he and Douglas were still able to carry on. However, the twins were
still cross with each other over the accident, despite it being Elizabeth’s fault.
In fact, the moment they arrived at Brendam Docks, they both left in a huff, and
just refused to speak with one another. They refused to sleep in the same shed,
double head any trains, or even whistle to each other as they passed. The other
engines were getting worried, especially if they would be in the middle of the
twin’s conflict. They tried everything to get the twins to reconcile, especially
Edward, whom had found out from Trevor that it Elizabeth was responsible. But the
twins were still cross, they just wouldn’t listen to reason.

(Fades to next morning at Wellsworth Sheds with Donald, Douglas and BoCo with the
Fat Controller)

-Narrator: The next morning, the Fat Controller came to see the Scottish Twins who
were with BoCo at Wellsworth.

-TFC: Good morning you three. Now, I need an engine to help Thomas & Duck out at
the Wharf for the time being.

-Donald: May ah go sur?

-Narrator: Donald bursted out eagerly. The Fat Controller was surprised.

-TFC: I appreciate your eagerness Donald, but I only just need one engine, not two.

-Donald: Aye, bit a'm ainlie oan engine sur. 'n' ah wid loue tae wirk wi' Thomas
‘n’ Duck.

-TFC: Oh, well, I was gonna send either BoCo, James, or Kirby to help. Okay Donald,
if that’s what you want.

-Donald: Aye, thank ye sur.

-Douglas (Deadpan): Humph! Guid fur ye.

-BoCo: Oh come on you two. This is ridiculous. Wouldn’t you both miss one another?
I know Bill & Ben would argue every now and again, but they always reconcile and
move on.

-Douglas: Dinnae worry aboot me BoCo. I’ll wirk better oan mah ain.

-Donald: Ugh, ah git wirk tae dae.

-Narrator: And Donald fumed away.

(Shows Donald working with Thomas & Duck at the Wharf)

-Narrator: Soon, Donald was enjoying himself at the Wharf, working with Thomas and
Duck. Though it wouldn’t last very long. The next day, Thomas was shunting trucks
right the Marshalling Sheds, when Donald idled next to him, with a rather sour look
on his face.

-Donald: Thomas! Did ye shunt those trucks onto th' ither line?

-Thomas: Why yes, I did! In fact, you said you wanted them on the other line.

-Donald: Och na! Nae that ither line! Th' ither, ither line!

-Thomas: What?

-Donald: Och! Forgoat it Thomas! Douglas would’ve kent whit ah meant.

-Narrator: And the Caledonian engine steamed away in a huff to collect to his
train. Thomas could only sigh.

-Thomas (Sighs): Oh cinders and ashes. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

-Narrator: Just then, Rheneas came up, he had seen everything.

-Rheneas: Oh my, looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the shed.

-Thomas (Sighs): You could say that Rheneas. Donald is upset over a
misunderstanding that he and Douglas have regarding an accident they had on the
Brendam Branch.

-Rheneas: Oh my, I can see why Douglas isn’t here. But those two usually get along
just fine don’t they.

-Duck: True, but they would work individually if there was a workload in a certain
area that would require that strength.

-Narrator: Duck said coming in, as he overheard the two engines.

-Duck: I know there were some occasions the two would bicker, but never would I
have seen them fall out like this.

-Thomas: Exactly Duck! Especially over a misunderstanding.

-Duck: A misunderstanding? What’s the misunderstanding part Thomas?

-Thomas: Well Duck, Edward told me and the other engines about two days. He had
heard from Trevor of what really happened.

-Rheneas: Oh, what was that?

-Narrator: Thomas explained everything to the two engines of what Edward recounted
to him and the other main engines.

(Shows Douglas puffing down the Main Line)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Douglas was working hard on the Main Line, all by himself.
Unlike Donald, he didn’t like the idea of being separated from his brother,
especially because that was initially gonna happen to them on their first days on
Sodor, and either of them would’ve been scrapped if one of them was sent back. Now
the engines knew that even though Donald & Douglas were in every way identical like
all twins were, especially in their personalities, there was one key difference in
each twin; Donald was the more wittier of the duo who was a lot more headstrong and
passionate, as he was always quick to lose his temper, and can be quite
confrontational and belligerent. Douglas on the other hand was the more friendlier
twin, as he was more calm, thoughtful, and had more of an open mind than his
brother, and had more empathy, but at times can be a little sensitive. He was more
easy to cool down after losing his temper and reflect on what happened, as he
realized that what happened between him and Donald was more of a miscommunication,
and he was already beginning to miss his brother. He knew he had to speak with him.

(Cuts to Donald & Douglas at a goods shed at Knapford Harbor)

-Narrator: On his way home, Douglas asked his driver to take him to visit Donald.
It wasn’t that hard to find him, as they saw him right there, resting bitterly at
one of the goods at Knapford Harbor. Donald was still in a really grumpy mood and
acting quite territorial, that he not only wanted to be separated from Douglas, but
also the other engines, as he stubbornly wouldn’t listen to reason. But Douglas
still tried.

-Douglas: Um…evening Donnie.

-Donald (Annoyed): Och, it's ye. Whit urr ye wanting?

-Douglas (Nervous): Well…I wis juist passing, 'n' ah thought…

-Donald (Sarcastically): Och, hae ye come tae say sorry fur yer complete stupidity?
-Narrator: This made Douglas cross. He just couldn’t believe his own brother called
him “stupid”. And now he abandoned all his attempts in making amends.


-Donald: THEN GIT OOT!

-Douglas: FINE!

-Narrator: And Douglas puffed away in a huff, all the way back to Callan Sheds on
the Little Western.

(Fades to next morning at Knapford Station)

-Narrator: The next morning, it was now the start of September, so summer was
changing to autumn, but Donald was still in a bad temper. Especially as he was due
to take a fast goods to the Wharf. He waited impatiently as Stanley was shunting
his trucks into places.

-Donald (Angry): Och, wull ye hurry up awready Stanley!

-Stanley: Geez! Don’t cop yor couplings in a twist mate! This is the chuffin'
normal pace I go at, guv!

-Donald (Angry): At least Douglas doesn’t tak' his time lik' doesn’t this?

-Stanley: Yeah, well if yer ask me Donald, maybe if yer were workin' wiv Douglas
right now, yer wouldn’t be throwin' a tantrum.

-Donald (Angry): Och, nae ye tae Stanley! Ah hae na intention o' speaking tae that
brother o' mines. I’m better aff wi' him.

-Gordon: Now is that fair!

-Narrator: A stern voice called. Donald & Stanley looked, and there was Gordon,
nearby waiting to leave with the express.

-Gordon: Donald, there is no reason for you to be getting so angry right now! What
happened was an accident. And it wasn’t either of your faults, nor was it Trevor’s.
Edward told us the night after your accident that it was Elizabeth’s fault. She cut
Trevor off at the crossing which caused the wheels of his hay cart to break off.

-Donald: Aye, sae aye say! Bit he shouldn’t hae pushed me intae th' cart…

-Gordon: It was a miscommunication Donald. It couldn’t be helped, and you’re

getting worked up over incident that was caused by someone else, and lashing out at
your own brother, who you helped saved from scrap, who you were there for when he
was being tormented the Spiteful Brake van. And who was always there for you,
especially since the day you both were built. He’s your brother Donald, you need
him more than he needs you. You can’t keeping staying angry at him forever,
especially since all he wants to do is move on and make amends, with his own

-Donald (Angry): 'n' whit mak's ye sae sure Gordon.

-Gordon: Because Henry & James are very close to me, like brothers in fact. We have
our differences and get into petty arguments every now and again, but we know we
can’t be mad at one another forever and reconcile like sensible engines should, as
we really do care about each other deep down, and try to find common ground. But
it’s not just them, there’s even my only surviving brother, Flying Scotsman. We’re
very close like you and Douglas, but every now and again we can have our little
disagreements and can have our own petty issues, as well as envying one another,
but it’s a good natured rivalry like all siblings have. I could never distance
myself from him, as Scott will always be close with me, as I love him dearly like
all brothers should. Right now Donald, you have to calm down and let this go like a
sensible engine, because this attitude of yours is not gonna accomplish anything.

-Donald: Humph! Thanks Gordon, bit ah dinnae need yer opinions tae.

-Narrator: And as soon as the guard blew his whistle, Donald just left in huff.

-Stanley: Humph! Well, can’t say we tried Gordon!

-Gordon: Indeed! Don’t worry about him Stanley, he’s bound to get into trouble with
that temper of his.

(Guard’s whistle blows, and Gordon departs)

-Narrator: Just as Gordon, and Stanley left to arrange some trucks, the Fat
Controller came out of his office waiting for Daisy to take him to Ffarqhuar. He
hadn’t heard the argument, but he knew what had happened as he was watching Donald
leave, and feeling quite concerned.

-TFC: Oh bugger! I really hope Donald stops with this attitude as soon as possible.

-Narrator: Just then, Edward pulled in with a local.

-Edward: Morning sir! Something the matter.

-TFC: Oh yes indeed Edward. Donald was having a fit with his falling out with
Douglas, and he won’t listen to reason, even after Gordon & Stanley tried to do
just that. I haven’t heard what they said, but I’m still conducting the
investigation, in order to find out what really happened, and then explain things
to the twins in order to hopefully slap some sense into them both.

-Edward: I see. Well, it’s a good thing you’re here right now sir, as I have the
evidence you need.

-TFC: You do?

-Edward: Oh yes sir! Just after the incident, I had a conversation with Trevor
himself while he was being checked over, and he told me something really
interesting regarding what happened.

-Narrator: And Edward told the Fat Controller what had happened. And how Elizabeth
not only was the culprit, but about her horrible behavior of bossing around and
berating the other engines and road vehicles in general, and how it was affecting

-TFC: Oh…I see. Thank you for telling me Edward. I knew that having Elizabeth
restored would only increase that arrogance of hers. Despite the closeness my
family had with her, we knew deep down she did act like a selfish, spoiled brat.
She felt she can use her position as our private lorry for her own advantages,
especially berating others because she thought she was better than them. That’s why
we left her in that shed, because she was too stubborn to change. But don’t worry,
now that you told me, I will deal with her most severely.

-Edward: Thank you sir!

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Edward: Anyways, I’ll see you later sir!

-TFC: So long Edward.

-Tea Girl: Excuse me sir, here’s your coffee right now, and your cream buns.

-TFC: Why thank you Jane.

-Tea Girl: By the way, nice new suit and hat.

-TFC: Thanks Jane. I just got it yesterday. It really is quite the find, and I
wouldn’t even dream of getting it spoiled today, as that would never do. I’m going
over to Ffarqhuar to find some other clothes to go along with it. I just gotta wait
for Daisy.

-Tea Girl: Will do sir! I hope nothing bad happens to it.

-TFC: Same here! I wouldn’t ruin it for the world.

(Shows Donald heading angrily down the Main Line to the Wharf)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Donald was still in a stubborn mood as he was headed down to
the Wharf. The trucks, who had enough of how rough Donald was with them, were
resorting to pay him out. As it was a low sun today, the engines had to take car
and travel slowly if the sun glared their eyes, so that way there wouldn’t be in an
accident. Now while Donald was still bad-tempered, he didn’t let that interfere
with his work. But as soon as they reach the Wharf, a low sun was coming into view.
Donald began to slow down, which was the exact signal for the trucks.

-Truck 1: NOW!

-Narrator: The lead truck called out. And banging their buffers, they pushed Donald
hard, and he began to pick up speed.



-Narrator: The trucks yelled! Now the twins were usually quite good at keep trucks
in order, but it was because of Donald’s bad temper, they say this as their chance.
As Donald kept shutting his from the low sun glare’s, the driver braked hard
fighting for control, and so did the guard in his brake van, but it wasn’t enough
as they were headed to the sidings, were past the buffers was a ramp, leading into
the quay of the Wharf’s harbor. Duke was were working nearby, and saw everything.



-Narrator: But as soon as the sun died down, and Donald finally could, it was too

(Donald crashes through the buffers, rolls down the ramp, and plunges into the

-Narrator: Poor Donald was footplate deep in the quay, cold and miserable. He had
finally cooled down, but not properly. The trucks could only laugh, until Duke
berated them and promptly made them shut up.


-Donald: Aye, i’m sorry Duke. 'twas th' sun, 'n' th' trucks pushed me.

-Duke: Oh is that all.

-Donald’s Driver: Och nae at a' Duke.

-Narrator: Donald’s driver said, as he and the fireman had jumped clear before the
crash. He turned sternly to his engine.

-Donald’s Driver: This wouldn’t hae happened if ye listened tae th' ither engines
'n' reconciled wi' Douglas.

-Donald: Och aye, you’re richt.

-Duke: Well one thing for certain, we have to get you back on the rails. We can’t
use a salvage barge, the water’s not deep enough for it to sail through. It’ll just
run aground. But thankfully, I know one engine that’s here right now that can help

-Narrator: And Duke left his trucks by the quay and went to find the very engine.

(Shows Douglas shunting by the Marshaling Sheds)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Douglas was shunting trucks by the marshalling sheds, when
Duke came in from the narrow gauge side.

-Duke: Leave those trucks immediately Douglas, there’s an emergency by the


-Douglas: Och, what’s wrong?

-Duke: Your brother, Donald has been pushed by the trucks into the bay, and we
can’t use a salvage barge to haul him out of the water.

-Douglas: Donald’s in trauchle? Then I’m oan mah wey!

-Narrator: And Douglas steamed away immediately, with Duke following him. Donald
stood in the water, feeling guilty about his behavior, when suddenly, he heard a
familiar whistle, realizing who Duke was talking about.

-Donald: Och mah, it’s…its’…

(Douglas comes into view)

-Donald: Aye, Douggie!

-Douglas: Aye, dinnae fash yerself Donnie, I’ll git ye oot!

-Narrator: So, with strong chains, first Douglas pulled way the trucks, and banged
them into a siding. Then, the strong chains were attached between him and the
sunken Donald, rails were layed on the quay, and with all his might, Douglas was
able to pull his twin out of the water, and back onto the rails. Douglas was so
glad that Donald was safe, but he was also sorry.
-Donald: Aye, ta fur helping me Douggie. Ah thought aboot how ah acted, 'n' Gordon
even tellt me he heard fae Edward that Elizabeth, that muckle nuisance o' a lorry
wis responsible.

-Douglas: Och, ah ken Donnie. Edward tellt me this mornin' tae. Pretty silly o' us
tae fall oot ower something that wasn’t even oor faults.

-Donald: Aye true! Bit still, thank ye fur saving me, 'n' I'm really sorry.

-Douglas: Aye, me tae. Let’s be glad wur back th'gither.

-Donald: Same! 'n' ah promise, I’ll ne'er let mah temper consume me lik' that or
distance masell fae ye again.

-Douglas: Thanks Douggie!

-Duke: Well done you two! I’m glad to see you both finally back together.

-Narrator: And this time they were. While Elizabeth was being repaired by Jem Cole
after her incident with Daisy, and punished by the Fat Controller after Edward had
informed him of her behavior and how she was responsible for the twin’s accident
the other day, Douglas shunted Donald to the Steamworks. He was soon repaired, and
back at work, along with his lovable twin, Douglas. Both engines are happy to be
back together, and the other engines and the Fat Controller were glad that they
finally made peace. Like all twins, Donald & Douglas have their occasional moments
where they argue from time-to-time, but no matter how much they would disagree,
they would never fall out again, as Donald & Douglas are very close with each other
like all brothers are, and will always be on each other’s sides no matter what.

-Narrator: The Island of Sodor has had many visitors over the years in both Steam
and Diesel. Most are usually kind, friendly and very genuine engines who are proud
to visit the Fat Controller’s railway and meet the engines, like Stepney from the
Bluebell Railway, Wilbert of the Dean Forest line, Pip & Emma the High-Speed Twins
or Gordon’s brother, the Flying Scotsman too name a few. There are the engines that
have a strong impact on the island and are very great friends with the engines
through and through. Unfortunately, there would be an occasional rude and
antagonizing engine, most notably a diesel, and when they arrive, they leave Sodor
in a very bad taste. However when it comes to “infamous” visitors, none quite match
the anger that the majority of the Sodor engines feel than when a certain diesel
shunter visits. Ever since his “lies” about Duck, and many other attempts to show
up the steam engines, Diesel, or Devious Diesel, as he’s nicknamed, has always had
a bad reputation, but not just on Sodor. During his many trials on the Island, he’s
often found himself hopping from Station Yards to Harbors to Industrial Plants to
even Heritage Railways and then back to Station Yards again. Due to his high level
of arrogance, snark, clumsiness, and prejudice towards the steam engines, most
controllers, shed masters and even other diesel engines, couldn’t stand Diesel. No
sooner did he arrive one day that a few days later, he was sent away. No matter how
many chances he was given, Diesel couldn’t even put his constant schemes and
arrogance to rest, and would stubbornly brush off anybody who tried to reason with
him. Eventually, Diesel found himself working at a large station yard near
Manchester alongside two other ex-Sodor visitors. One was the Class 40 known as
D261, or as he’s commonly known as Bowler after absorbing a railway inspector’s
bowler hat into his air intake by accident, and D199, a Class 46 nicknamed Spamcan
after he failed at Maron Crossing with a line of tankers, and only whined for his
fitter instead of carrying on, causing the signalman to “threaten him with a tin
opener”. Needless to say, neither of these three horrid diesels ever got along.

(Shows Patrick pulling in with passenger train at Manchester)

-Narrator: One Sunday evening, Patrick the Class 40 arrived in Manchester station
with his last train. As the passengers got out, a familiar gentleman got out and
walked in front.

-TFC: Thank you for a smooth ride Patrick, you deserve a good rest now.

-Patrick: No problemo sir, an honor to have you onboard. How long are you in
Manchester for?

-TFC: Oh, just a week, I’m here to discuss about a potential fuel contract for our
Diesel fleet. Ever consider joining us Patrick?

-Patrick: Very kind of you sir, it is a nice offer, but my managers been so good to
me, and I enjoy what I do here, that I’ll say I can’t now, maybe someday.

-TFC: Absolutely understandable and I appreciate your honesty my friend. Engines

like you really do represent the best of British Rail. But, if you ever change your
mind, just give me a call.

-Patrick: Thank you sir! I’ll see you later, and good luck with the contract.

-TFC: Thanks Patrick, I’ll see you later to.

-Narrator: The man walked way and after uncoupling from his coaches, Patrick rolled
away to the sheds. However when he arrived he was shocked and appalled to here bad
mouthing and arguing coming from the three stooges themselves occupying the sheds.

-D199: I had to wait fifteen minutes for you to bring my coaches, those ruddy
peasants blamed me as well. Thanks to some runt like you.

-Diesel: Why should I care, it’s not as if they were going to get anywhere far.
Knowing you “Spamcan” you would’ve failed and moaned for a fitter if you ever broke

-D261: Insolent bastard, a common shunter like you should look up to engines like

-Diesel: … and the same goes to you, getting a Bowler Hat clogged in your air
intake. You’d be good enough to be a vacuum cleaner.

-Narrator: Bowler growled but Spamcan simply sniffed.

-D199: Oh yes, good ahead Diesel, insult us with those events from that rotten
railway all you like, but tell us this, how many times have you been back there and
made a fool of yourself. (Diesel gulps) I thought so. Surely after all your events,
you should be known as Liar, or Waster, or Terrorist, Hooligan, or Idiot or…

-D261: Completely worthless, because that’s what you really are. I mean, it’s no
wonder you’ve barely been able to stay on one railway, they wouldn’t filth like you
staining the yards.

-D199: Yeah, but why they keep an utter renegade shunter like you around and
haven’t taken you out of service is beyond us. Like your track record is so piss
poor that I’m surprised the railway board hasn’t even favored of scrapping you

-Narrator: Diesel sneered, and was just about to have another outburst until
Patrick roared up.
-Patrick: Well they wouldn’t want you two blokes either! If I recall, you two have
only been based here for five years because of your last incidents moaning about
fitters and improper drivers. You’re both are just as flawed and you’re the reason
an engine like myself has so much trouble trying to create a good image, because of
the bad reputation you’ve caused us diesels. Now for the sake of the atmosphere of
this yard, both of you, clear off.

-Narrator: Bowler and Spamcan gritted their teeth and slunk to the back of the

-Diesel: Humph! I could’ve handled those imbeciles myself you know. I don’t need
you to defend me you…

-Patrick: I wasn’t defending you Diesel, you’re buffers are equally as filthy as
those two are. But as intolerable as they are, they are right about one thing, how
many railways have you been trialed on and failed?

-Diesel: THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Who cares anyway, I was too good for them?

-Patrick: There you go again. Are you that arrogant that you can’t see the issue
and why these railways reject you?

-Diesel: GRRR…the issue is that no-one…

-Patrick: The issue is you Diesel. Every 24/7 you’re always boasting about how
great you are and that diesels like us are revolutionary. Well your so-called
“revolution” has given every diesel in Britain a very bad reputation that some
might not even deserve, as you feel to realize engines like us are not even that
modern anymore. Everyone, engine or human goes out of their way to be kind, but
instead, all you do is take it upon yourself to make everyone’s lives a living hell
for your own selfish gain. But worse than that, when things go wrong you always try
and wriggle out of it instead of facing your demons. Some of the managers and
controllers of British Railways who are fairly calm people even find you to be
intolerable. Yet, only one man has actually had the kindness to give more than one

-Diesel: Don’t mention that name!

-Patrick: Why shouldn’t I? Sir Topham Hatt gave you more chances than any other
Controller, as he’s a man more open to giving many different engines chances. But
all you do is keep letting him down because you won’t put this horrid attitude and
bias you have towards the steam engines to rest. However, the only one time you
didn’t screw up was when you helped Thomas about two years ago.

-Diesel: GRRR…not you to! For the last umpteenth time, I didn’t intend on helping
him. That stupid blue fool was in my way, and I needed to get off that railway
didn’t I?

-Patrick: Keep convincing yourself that, but we all know the truth. The fact that
you finally did something felt good could change everything, but you’re too
arrogant to admit it. It’s about time Diesel you learn to grow up and realize that
being so rude and selfish is very unhealthy and you’ll make things worse.

-Diesel: The only thing that feels good, Patrick, is teaching those two idiots not
to order me around. None of these fools ever understood me, not even you.

-Patrick (Sighs): You know what Diesel, I’m not even going to bother. But I will
say this? Change your act before it’s too late. Otherwise you’ll go too far and no-
one will want you.

-Narrator: Diesel harrumphed as Patrick rolled into the sheds, seeing nothing
further to say to the arrogant shunter. Though he’d never admit it, Diesel was
secretly pleased for the praise he earned after helping Thomas out. Diesel however
still remained adamant that he was fine on his own and stated openly that he didn’t
need help from any Sodor Engine, no matter who it was. As the days passed, Diesel
kept on causing even more trouble for the big diesels, he would leave their trains
in the sheds or shunt them in the wrong spots, refusing to start, but even when he
did arrive billow nasty fumes at both passengers and waiting engines and often
stalled so as not fetch the trains. But worse than that, he kept patronizing
everyone even further, and was too stubborn to listen to anybody both himself.
Unlike the other two diesels who often moaned and complained about their treatment,
Patrick would try and calm the situation by fetching his own train, and ignoring
Diesel whenever he tried to insult him. Seeing as how the friendly diesel wasn’t
affected by his attitude only annoyed Diesel further. So much so he began to make a
plan, one that would have dire consequences. One morning, Patrick was due to take a
slow goods to the Docks by Bristol, to his surprise Diesel offered to organize his
trucks and bring them for him. Deep in his generator, Patrick knew something was up
and he was right. After organizing the long train, Diesel backed in front to “bring
the trucks” to the station. After securing the brake pipe, the driver attempted to
sand the rails. That’s when it happened. Diesel jerked forward, moving the entire
train into motion and nearly running over his driver’s foot, who leapt back and
fell over.

-Diesel’s Driver: OUI!!!! GET BACK HERE YOU IDIOT!!!

-Diesel (Evil cackles): This’ll show that Patrick! Bastard claims I’m at fault!
I'll teach him! I'LL TEACH THEM ALL!

-Narrator: At precisely the right moment the signal dropped to show line clear as a
driverless Diesel dragged the heavy goods train out of the yards. He thought he was
being clever but he’d reckoned without the hill. Just as the line exits Manchester
it climbs steeply for a bridge. A driver needs to ensure he’s built up enough speed
to tackle such a gradient while also having the right engine for the job. Diesel
had neither. No sooner had he climbed the first half that the heavy trucks
tightened his coupling. He tried to regain traction but with no driver, his wheels
spun and slipped and then with a bang his old engine stalled.


-Narrator: It could. Whenever an engine stalls, a driver is required to apply the

brakes to prevent them from rolling back. As the weight of the train began to take
effect, Diesel found himself being dragged back, slowly at first, then faster, and
faster and faster and faster until the whole train rocketed down the gradient at a
dangerous speed and out of control.


-Narrator: Diesel tried to brake but he couldn’t without his driver. The whole
train rocketed towards the big station. A signalman managed to spot the train and
quickly changed the points into the goods sheds before the yards. Unfortunately he
hadn’t realized that in the shed was a train of fuel tankers.

-Diesel: OH HORRORS!!!

-Narrator: Cried Diesel and shut his eyes. There was a crash followed by an
enormous BOOOM!!!! Fire erupted from the building, burning everything in sight. The
signalmen quickly dialed 999 and fortunately the fire brigade were on the scene in
less than 5 minutes. Using their hoses they battled the fire and all trains at
Manchester Station were halted. The three big diesels could only watch as the
distant shed erupted in flames. When the smoke cleared, the devastation was tragic.
Fortunately no-one was hurt but most of the trucks and tankers had burnt to a
crisp. Diesel lay on his side, a sad specimen. His cab and wheels had melted and
his engine spluttered weakly. As Patrick brought cranes to clear up the mess and
load Diesel onto a flat truck, three men walked up. The yard master, Diesel’s
driver and the chairman of British Railways, Sir Alistair Morton. Diesel gulped.

-Yardmaster: Sir Morton, in all me years as yard master and having gone through
many engines, never ‘ave I experienced such a despicable, rude, lazy, inconsiderate
and horrid engine as this worthless shunter. ‘e ‘as now gone too far by attempting
to trick of the other diesels resulting in an explosion that not only will cost
thousands to repair but could’ve also claimed the lives of many. Oh, but no’ like
‘e would’ve care. This is the final straw, I don’t care what you do to that engine,
jus’ ge’ ‘im out of me yards.

-Diesel’s Driver: You’re not the only one sir. ‘Scuse my French but this bastard
nearly ran me over trying to prove a ridiculous point. I’ve had to go through many
escapades with this engine and I’ve had enough too.

-Sir Morton: I understand your frustrations gentlemen and must apologize, (Turns to
Diesel), especially given this isn’t your first incident is it DIESEL? (Diesel
gulps) IS IT?

-Diesel: N…n…no, it…isn’t? (Gulps)

-Sir Morton: Indeed it isn’t! The truth is gentleman this worthless, awful, rude
and inconsiderate shunter has been from railway to railway over the last 40 years.
He’s gone through more shed managers, drivers, controllers and yardmasters than any
other engine in our fleet. And it’s always the same with him, always causing
trouble through his lies or arrogance and inability to accept his own faults. Well
gentlemen, this problem has gone on for too long. (Turns to Diesel who shudders) So
just for this, you will not receive any repair from us, nor will you receive an
overhaul, not now, not EVER! In two weeks’ time, a scrap train is due here, and
you’ll be put on that and taken to Crew Scrapyards.

-Diesel: WHAT?

-Sir Morton: You heard me Diesel! Your time is over!

-Diesel (gasps): No, NO!!! PLEASE SIR!!! I PROMISE, I W…WON’T BE…

YOU’RE FIRED! Gentlemen I apologize once again, Nathan we’ll decompensate any money
to repair that shed and pay for delays. Josh, we’ll have you transferred to another
region and have you trained on another locomotive. Once again, apologies for all
the trouble you’ve received.

-Yardmaster: No problem sir (Turns to Patrick), Patrick, could do me a favor and

take that worthless shunter to the out of use siding.

-Patrick: With pleasure sir. Come here you!

(Patrick rolls forward and buffers up to Diesel’s flatbed).

-Diesel: No, please, Joshua I…

-Diesel’s Driver: Screw you, you bastard!!! I always wanted to be an engine driver,
but never would I have imagined having to put up with a scumbag like you. I’ve had

-Patrick: As have we all. Come along Diesel.

-Narrator: Patrick rolled the heavy flatbed away with Diesel protesting in fear.
The shunter glared as the bigger diesel shunted him into the siding.

-Diesel: I bet you wanted this, you thought it be good for…

(Diesel in shock) You really just don’t get it, do you Diesel. What happened here
was your own fault and no one else’s. I tried to warn you, I begged you to change
your attitude before it’s too late. And instead you take my train and cause an
entire shed to explode and damaging yourself in the process. And you need to take
this into account, as YOU COULD’VE KILLED SOMEONE! You know something, you’re worse
than Bowler or Spamcan, not even they would do something that foolish. (Diesel
gulps, the words hitting his frames). Sir Morton’s right Diesel, you don’t deserve
anymore chances, because your time is up.

-Narrator: Patrick was uncoupled and began to roll away, Diesel called back.


-Patrick: I would love to help you Diesel, but a couple things stop me. One, I
can’t go against British Railway’s orders, unlike you, two, you’ve done too much
damage to deserve, but three, most importantly, you’ll never change. Because even
if Sir Morton has you repaired and back in service, you’ll still keep causing
trouble for your own selfish advantages, so I think being scrapped will finally get
you to realize that the whole world does not revolve around you! It’s over Diesel!
Good bye and good riddance!

-Narrator: Diesel could only watch hopelessly as Patrick rolled away. For the next
few days Diesel felt very uncomfortable, the rains poured down and into his melted
cab. He was in great pain and the cold weather never helped. To make matters worse,
passing engines would either taunt, berate or ridicule him.

-D261: Well what a surprise, the worthless shunter is finally where he deserves to

-D199: With any luck, he’ll be gone sooner than anticipated.

-Narrator: The two big diesels laughed. Diesel wanted to protest, but he couldn’t,
realizing he had no more leg to stand on, as he realized that was one of the
reasons he was on the scrap heap to begin with. He knew now he wouldn’t win. It
suddenly occurred to him just how vulnerable he was, and how he was nothing special
at all, but a small, generic Class 08, how expendable he was. He then thought about
all his previous troubles and all the time he’d been in trouble. Patrick’s words
struck him in the radiator. The biggest issue with Diesel was himself. He began to
sob silently knowing that he’d wasted all his chances, particularly on one railway
that would’ve kept him safe. Little did he know, Patrick had spoken to a certain
gentleman who was deliberating about this in his hotel.

(Shows TFC in his hotel)

-TFC (Sighs): Poor Diesel, no engine deserves that…oh what are you talking about
Stephen, this is Diesel we’re talking about, he caused a serious accident that
could’ve killed people or engines due to his selfishness...still it’s not fair that
no other railway would want him…but why should I want him, after all he’s done to
my engines…especially to Duck all those years ago, the deviousness, the arrogance,
the selfishness, his attitude sucks…but still, he did help Thomas that one time? Oh
what to do?

(Knock at the door)

-Waiter: Uh Sir Topham, its room service, you fifteenth order of Fish and Chips is

-TFC: Ah excellent (Opens door to waiter), thank you my good man…(Opens bag of
chips and munches)…mmm…ok, I’ll give him only one chance left, but I hope I don’t
regret this…(Picks up phone).

-Narrator: The days passed and Diesel had given up all hope. He knew he was time
was up and for once, he finally admitted it was all his fault. One cold morning he
heard footsteps approaching, he opened an eye and then gasped at the familiar

-Diesel (Gasps) Oh my god.

-TFC: Good day Diesel.

-Diesel: Sir…Sir Topham, what are you doing here?

-TFC: Here on important business, hoping to negotiate a few contracts, needless to

say where you have been wasting money like you normally would, I’ve been looking
for opportunities.

-Diesel (Sighs): Oh, you’ve…heard about my mishap (Sighs).

-TFC: Oh I did indeed! Now Diesel let me make one thing perfectly clear. What you
did that day was foolish, selfish, arrogant, horrible, narcissistic and downright
appalling and I do not blame Sir Morton for his decision. All the railways in the
UK had given you numerous chances, but you ruined them, and all the times you were
given opportunities to redeem yourself, you wasted them, and were too arrogant and
too stubborn to change your horrible personality. Believe me, after all the trouble
you’ve caused on my railway those 4 times alone, I would’ve never invited you back.
(Pauses and regains composure confusing Diesel) But if there’s one thing I detest
more than a selfish troublemaker it’s an engine in dire need of repair and sent for
scrap. So before we move forward I need to hear something from you.

-Narrator: Diesel was confused, what could the Fat Controller want from him. Then
it occurred to him. Normally, when he heard something relating to Sodor, he
would’ve snootily looked away and sulked, but today was different. Today, he felt
would be his last ever chance. So sucking his ego for once in his life, he took a
deep breath.

-Diesel: I’m very sorry sir, for all the trouble I caused in the past, for
everything. From pushing that line of China Clay trucks into the sea at Brendam
Docks, to bumping Percy, to boasting and crashing into that barge full of manure,
too crashing through that wall with a truck, and all the lies I told about Duck &

-TFC: So, you’re admitting your sins Diesel.

-Diesel: Uhh?

-TFC: Oh don’t you curl your lips at me Diesel, as admitting you’re wrong and
taking responsibility is a good thing, and nothing to be ashamed of, and that you
are not above everybody, so if you don’t want to be scrapped, STOP ACTING LIKE A

-Diesel (Gulps): AH! YES SIR, I’M SORRY S…I’m sorry sir! I admit what I did was

-TFC: Good! And for your sakes, I hope that was genuine. Fortunately scrap engines
are a lot cheaper to buy than most others, so I was able to negotiate a price of
£100 for you. You shall be taken to our works by Bear, as BoCo is busy back on
Sodor, so Bear was the only engine available. Now there you will be repaired, have
a new engine, cab and wheels, as well as a new driver who will keep your
deviousness in check, and report to me if you even think of being rude and causing
trouble. I know most of my engines won’t approve of knowing that I bought you, so
you shall work at the Steamworks for the time being with Victor and Marlin and
interact little with my engines. They will understand, but I want you to understand
one final thing Diesel.

-Diesel: Wha…what’s that sir?

-TFC: You are a very lucky engine. You will do the work you are given, no matter
how hard it is. And finally. If you dare, and I mean dare even so much as upset,
harm, bully, tease, ridicule or do anything of the sort to my engines be that steam
or diesel or if you try to cause trouble and not own up and try to squirm your way
out like you have so many times, I will send you back to British Rail and they will
send you for scrap, and that will be all. Is that clear?

-Diesel: Y…yes sir, thank you sir.

-TFC: Oh don’t thank me Diesel, as you better hope for you sake that you don’t make
me regret this. (Picks up a radio) Okay, Bear, he’s ready, come along now.

-Narrator: Diesel sighed, his inner arrogance didn’t want to admit his faults, but
he couldn’t deny the opportunity that lay in front of him. Soon Bear arrived and
buffered up to the flatbed as the Fat Controller climbed aboard the Hymek and the
driver fastened the coupling, Bear growled.

-Bear: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the arrogant shunter who doesn’t know when to
grow up. I just want to let you know personally Diesel, I was disgusted when I
found out what you did. Heck, I hate the fact that our Controller would even you
bring you to our railway, but you know what it’s his decision and he knows what’s
best, because having a scum like you getting scrapped would be to brutal. Know what
I mean?

-Diesel: Um…I guess.

-Bear (Raises an eyebrow): Grrr, you guessed wrong!

-Diesel (Panicky): AH! OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, yes, you’re right Bear, I really should be
grateful, and I’ll do anything you say I swear.

-Bear: That’s what I thought you’d say! Because we’ve already sent away two
troublemakers, a rude steam lorry who nearly harmed Donald and Douglas and a narrow
gauge engine who caused me to have my worst accident, but at least after saving
that same steam lorry, he's actually redeeming himself. The last thing we need is
another troublemaking low-life who is just as bad as them. So believe me Diesel,
you do anything and I mean anything to any of my friends or play of your stupid
immature tricks, I’ll be the one to push your sorry ass off our island and I’ll be
the one to personally recommend you for scrap. Do you understand?
-Diesel: Yes Bear, I…I won’t Bear.

-Bear: Good. (Looks up at his cab and winks at the Fat Controller, who gives a
thumbs up to Bear. Then Bear notices signal drop). Come along then, let’s go.

-Narrator: Bear dragged Diesel’s flatbed and onto the main line for the long
journey to the Island of Sodor. As they ventured onto the mainline Diesel spotted
Patrick in siding. The big diesel gave a serious wink. Diesel completely
understood, and gave a small and nervous smile. Eventually after a long journey
they arrived on Sodor, they tried to be discrete but were spotted by Duncan at the
Steamworks. The big mouthed Scottish engine was shocked at what he was seeing, and
soon spread to the truth. Needless to say, most of the Fat Controller’s engines
were appalled at the idea that Diesel was now a member of their railway, Duck in
particular was most horrified. But after hearing from the Fat Controller and Bear
about the whole story and eventual scrapping, they understood and calmed down,
especially after they told them how vulnerable Diesel was at that moment, and how
they made him promise to behave, which made them chuckle a little, and were glad at
least when the Fat Controller and Bear gave Diesel that word of warning if Diesel
failed to keep his promise. Though they didn’t approve of Diesel being on their
railway, they could agree that no engine deserves scrap, not even one as horrid as
Diesel. And remembering that he was really just one engine, and that if he messed
with one of them, he’d mess with all of them, including the Fat Controller.

(Cuts with Diesel looking grimly while being repaired at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: As for Diesel himself, while he was grateful to be alive, he often

wondered if he made the right choice, and how he would fit in on Sodor. All he
could do was look up at the sky grimly, wondering what the future would bring. But
whether Diesel will change for his sake more than anyone else’s…well, that remains
to be seen.

-Narrator: Harriet, is an old Great Western Brake Coach that is a kind, benevolent
and pleasant with everyone around her, and can provide positive moral support. She
was saved from the Smelter’s Yards about 8 years ago from Thomas & Percy after the
Workman’s hut at Knapford was destroyed in a fire thanks to a careless and lazy
workman. Even though the workmen’s break room was rebuilt, Harriet is still used by
them when carrying the workmen to wherever maintenance needed to be done. As of
now, the old harbor on Thomas’s Branchline was in need of repairs, so each morning,
Percy would bring the workmen in Harriet, and spent the day taking trucks of
supplies to and from the quay. Harriet stayed at the harbor during the remainder of
the repairs, providing the workmen shelter and shade as needed. She didn’t mind one
bit, in fact, she actually loved this, and she was more than happy to help out, and
enjoyed being by the sights and sounds of the sea. The engines were happy for her
to, all except for one, who couldn’t understand, and you’d probably guess who that
might be.

(Fades to Daisy, Percy and Harriet at the Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: One morning, as Percy collected the workmen at the Shunting Yards, Daisy
couldn’t help but catch a rather, brimy, salt water kind of smell.

-Daisy: Phew, oh goodness gracious me, when was the last time you had a wash-down
my dear?

-Harriet (Giggles): Sorry about that Daisy. I’ve been really busy lately, I suppose
that’s what happens when you’re at the harbor all day.

-Daisy: The harbor (Shudders). That simply won’t do my dear, a splendid coach like
yourself should be out in the beautiful countryside carrying passengers, not

-Harriet (Giggles): Oh come Daisy, it’s not all bad. I think the other coaches are
better with the passengers, and I’m actually quite content with my position, as
it’s lovely being assistance.

-Percy: I agree there. Since when do you start taking an interest in rolling stock

-Daisy: Well…I...that’s aside the point Percy. I’m just saying that those “filthy”
workmen have nothing to offer. Just imagine though Harriet, you and me, running the
branchline as the premier passenger service…

-Percy: Oh get out of here Daisy. You can’t take one measly milk tanker without
making a fuss, let alone a coach.

-Daisy: Humph!

-Narrator: Daisy was deterred. She knew Harriet could be out to better use, in her
mind that is, and was keen to prove it.

(Fades to Ffarqhuar)

-Narrator: The next day, Harriet was at the carriage sheds at Ffarqhuar having a
tune-up. She was upset that she wasn’t going to the harbor that day, but Percy
promised he’d come back for her when she was ready, so Toby took the workmen in
Henrietta instead. This gave Daisy the chance she desired. At that moment, Thomas
arrived with Annie & Clarabel.

-Stationmaster. Ah, Thomas, can you take Harriet down to the harbor on your return
train please? Percy needs her to carry the workmen, but he’s tied up with the

-Thomas: Certainly sir. I’ll shunt her behind my train and drop her off from there.

-Daisy: Oh no need for that Thomas old darling, I’m headed up the line soon, so
I’ll take our darling coach with me.

-Harriet: Wait, what?

-Thomas: What?

-Annie & Clarabel: Huh?

-Daisy: Oh yes, I mean, a little run along the countryside is sure to cheer her up.

-Narrator: Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel were speechless, and the coaches were
secretly a little jealous. Harriet on the other buffer was apprehensive.

-Harriet: Well…okay Daisy, only as long as were going to the Branchline Harbor.

-Daisy: Oh don’t you worry your pretty little head my dear, I’ll make sure of it.

-Narrator: Though secretly, Daisy had other ideas for her own gain. Soon after
Thomas had left, Daisy coupled up to Harriet and brought her to the platform, and
the passengers soon began to crowd around curiously at the old coach.

-Passenger 1: Oh wow! What a beauty.

-Passenger 2: You don’t see this every day.

-Daisy: I couldn’t have put it better myself. Well, go on, get in.

-Harriet: What? No, wait, I…

-Daisy: Oh no fussing my dear, we don’t want to be late.

-Narrator: And soon the guard blew his whistle, and Daisy set off, with the
uncomfortable Harriet behind her. Daisy was pleased with herself, and the
passengers were enjoying the journey, but Harriet felt very uneasy. But Daisy just
didn’t pay attention in the slightest. They soon arrived at Maithwaite Station, and
more passengers boarded.

-Harriet: Wait everybody, stop, there’s been some sorta of mistake. You’re not
meant to travel in me.

-Daisy: Mistake? What nonsense, this is a success, I told you’d be a hit Harriet,
you are one magnificent coach. You can even give Annie, Clarabel and Henrietta
altogether a run for their money.

-Harriet: That’s not the point Daisy! I’m not supposed to…

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Daisy: No time to lose, must be off.

-Narrator: And Daisy set off again, being even more attention seeking and
dismissive. All the while, Harriet was growing increasingly uncomfortable.

(Cuts to Derek at Elsbridge Junction)

-Narrator: They soon arrived at Elsbridge, where Derek was waiting with his
connecting service for Edward’s branchline. Thomas was also there to, and he
noticed how unhappy Harriet looked.

-Derek: Oh, hello Daisy, Harriet. My, my, you two look like a very ravishing sight.

-Daisy: Why thank you Derek. That’s what I’ve been telling Harriet herself.

-Harriet (Holding back her anger): Daisy, I think there’s something we need to…

-Daisy: See my dear? Imagine us doing this every day…

-Harriet: NO!

-Narrator: Harriet shouted angrily! Daisy, Derek and Thomas were all shocked. Never
had Harriet lost her temper like that.

-Derek: Oh…um…oh dear, look at the time! I must be off, can’t be late!

(Derek departs)


-Daisy: Uh…well…I…


-Daisy: (Gulps)

-Narrator: The stationmaster heard the commotion, and noticed the shocked
passengers inside Harriet.

-Stationmaster: Um…sincerest apologies folks, but this coach won’t be going down to
the end of the line.

-Thomas: Indeed so! Don’t worry everyone, I’ll take you all there.

-Narrator: Thomas said kindly. He looked apologetically at Harriet, but gave Daisy
a very disapproving look, and spoke so only the railcar could hear.

-Thomas: Way to go Daisy.

-Narrator: He muttered sternly. Annie & Clarabel also glared at her.

-Annie: I couldn’t have put it better myself Thomas, you Daisy are quite selfish.

-Clarabel: Yes, quite selfish indeed Annie.

-Narrator: The passengers all got into Annie & Clarabel, and Thomas set off down
the line. Daisy felt ashamed as she left the junction. It finally dawned on her
that she hadn’t made Harriet happy, as she was only caring more about herself. She
wanted to apologize, but felt a lump in her throat every time she tried to make the
attempt, still fearing that Harriet didn’t want to talk to her. She was so lost in
thought once she past Toryreck station without stopping, and didn’t notice the
points diverting her down the goods line to the Branchline Harbor. As she was
headed down the line, Crowe’s Farm Crossing lay ahead. Sam the farmer, who wasn’t
the most attentive person out there, had let his horses out to pasture.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t keeping a close eye. His prize horse, Pegasus, slipped
away from the farm and down towards the railway line. Now despite Toby’s advice,
Daisy still felt very uncomfortable when around animals. She glided towards the
crossing, still thinking about trying to apologize to Harriet, when…

-Daisy’s Driver: YIKES!

-Narrator: Daisy’s driver shouted, and slammed the brakes hard on the moment he saw
Pegasus on the line. Daisy stopped just in time, but poor Pegasus was startled that
he bucked and neighed frantically, which frightened Daisy to, that she blew a fuse.

-Daisy: AAH! NICE HORSEY! GOOD BOY! (Daisy blares her horn)


-Narrator: Daisy listened this time, and took a deep breath, trying to keep calm.
To her surprise, Pegasus began to settle down.

-Harriet: There, there, it’s alright.

-Narrator: Daisy was about to reply, but realized Harriet was talking to Pegasus,
not her.
-Harriet: It’s okay boy, you’re safe now, there’s nothing to be frightened of.

-Narrator: That made Pegasus feel much better, as he snorted, and stood happily by
Harriet, flickering its tail. Soon enough, Sam came running along and was glad to
see Pegasus was safe. He apologized profusely to Daisy and her driver, and thanked
Harriet for calming down his horse, and then led Pegasus back to the pasture.
Daisy’s driver pulled out his cell phone to call for assistance, and Bertie the Bus
arrived with Daisy’s fitter. Once he left back on Bertie, Daisy continued her way
down to the harbor. Once they arrived, Daisy made her attempt.

-Daisy: Thanks Harriet. How did you know how do that?

-Harriet: Oh, some of the workmen I transport, they live at farms with their
families, and they often talk about their horses and how they try to calm them
down. They often talk about their horses and how they calmed them down. Though I
never imagined that I would be putting their tricks to use.

-Daisy: Well it did help, and I’m glad you were there to help me…even though I went
against your wishes. I’m really sorry Harriet. I should’ve listened to you, but I
acted like a jerk.

-Harriet: Apology accepted, and I’m sorry to for my outburst. I know you were
trying to make me happy Daisy, but not everybody can agree with you. Everyone has
their own interests, but if you don’t like that, that’s none of your business, and
you can’t just force someone to agree with you, as that’s very selfish and

-Daisy: You’re right, and if being by the sea and doing maintenance is what makes
you happy, then I support you.

-Harriet: Thanks Daisy!

-Narrator: And Daisy uncoupled from Harriet, and left back for the branchline after
a long day. She was glad for Harriet, but after today, she had a lot to think

-Narrator: One morning, Stanley the White Engine was heading down to the Brendam
Branchline. BoCo was away on a special salvage mission in Scotland to help expand
the railway with more new engines, so the Fat Controller decided to roster Stanley
to help, and called in Duck to fill in as station pilot at Knapford, not only as a
reward for his hard work, but also his strength and efficiency and to see how he
can do running branchlines. The silver saddle tank was excited. He had never been
down Edward’s line yet, and despite being station pilot, Stanley would venture out
of Knapford to help run errands or cover for other engines.

(Shows Stanley arriving at Wellsworth)

-Narrator: Soon, he arrived at Wellsworth Station where he found Edward shunting

the yard.

-Edward: Ah, good morning Stanley.

-Stanley: Mawnin Edward. I go' 'ere as soon as I could. 'ow’ve you bin?

-Edward: Everything’s going just fine my boy. And you?

-Stanley: I'’s goin nicely Edward. I enjoy shun'in 'he 'eavy 'rains back a' 'he
yards, bu' I'm exci'ed 'o 'elp ou' on your branchline while BoCo is away.
-Edward: Indeed! Until he gets back, I think you’ll do just fine. I have to get
going with a charter train, so the stationmaster will fill you in on what to do.

-Stanley: Brillian'! I’ll do me bes' Edward.

(Edward departs, then shows Stanley at work)

-Narrator: Soon, Stanley set to work, and understood exactly what it was that he
had to do. He was enjoying himself instantly, and took in the beautiful sights of
the Brendam Branch, but enjoyed most of all the hustle and bustle of Brendam Docks.
Now being on Sodor for the past 7 years, he gotten to many of the engines, so at
that point, he was already friends with the likes of Edward, BoCo, and Derek, and
later became friends with Salty and Trevor. Even Cranky the Crane found him
impossible not to like, especially when the young tank engine would help Salty
shunt at the docks.

(Shows a few scenes of Stanley asking Cranky questions)

-Stanley: Oui Cranky, where do 'hese 'rucks go? Are 'here only supposed 'o longer
'rains by 'he quay? 'ah ov'en should 'he line be clear faw any oncomin engines?

-Narrator: Now Cranky never usually liked being asked questions, but he knew
Stanley was very polite and only trying to be useful, so he happily helped him out.
And Stanley would even work at the China Clay Pits as well where Bill & Ben work.
The tank engine twins were at first attempted to paly tricks on him, but they
subsided once they saw how much of a capable engine Stanley himself was to get his
own back.

-Bill & Ben: (Snickers)

(Shows slowly rolling up alongside a waiting Stanley, ready to blow their whistles

-Stanley: BOO!

-Bill & Ben: AH!

-Stanley (Laughs): Go' you 'heir ma'es!

-Narrator: The twins were so surprised, they knew it be wise not to play tricks on
Stanley…and secretly, were rather impressed. Even the trucks didn’t play any tricks
on the young saddle tank either, especially because of how strong he was. Soon,
Stanley was enjoying his work on the Brendam Branch. One evening, Stanley was asked
to pull a late night shipment of China Clay for a delayed cargo ship at the docks.
The workmen had already gone home, and the twins were asleep, so Stanley was more
than happy to help. As he was making his down to the Clay Pits, he noticed
something. It appeared to be an old junction, just before the pits. And it looked
as if the line itself was running right beside the industrial area itself.

-Stanley: Hmm… 'ah strange. I don’' recall seein 'ha' line befawe.

(Fades to Stanley talking with Derek & Salty at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: An hour past as soon as Stanley made his delivery, and he decided to
rest at the sheds at Brendam Docks for the night where Derek and Salty were resting
for the night. The young engine explained to the two diesels what he had seen.

-Derek (Chuckles): Your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you at all old chap, I’ve
seen that old line daily ever since I started working here.

-Salty: Yargh! 'n I’ve seen that line meself whenever I collect trucks from the
Clay Pits.

-Stanley: Wow, so i'’s no' jus' me. Bu' why 'as i' bin closed off? I mean, I
no'iced 'he warnin barrier blockin 'he 'rack.

-Derek: Well Stanley, it’s because trouble exists on that lines.

-Stanley: Trouble?

-Salty: Aye! Edward has told us about this matey since our first days workin' on
the branchline. Or anybody that comes t' help out. You see Stanley, the Brendam
Branch was originally property of the old Wellsworth & Suddrey Railway.

-Stanley: Wellswaw'h & Suddrey? Wasn’' 'ha' one ov 'he 'hree railways 'ha' made up
'he Naw'hwestern in 'o wha' i' is 'oday?

-Derek: That it is old chap. You see, when the Branchline was being reopened during
1948 after the China Clay Pits was discovered, Edward of course was chosen to run
it due to his great track record, and the fact he was based at Wellsworth. Though
he did have another engine run the line the line back then to run the Clay Pits
itself. He hasn’t told us that much about this engine, as he has never met him, nor
has he ventured down that line.

-Stanley: Really? Bu’ why?

-Derek: Edward says that the original manager of the pits of himself said that
trouble existed down there at the time, regarding the engine, but he didn’t know
what he meant by that. And this occurred for 3 years, so the manager had the engine
moved to the side of the area, and closed off that line by placing a barrier in
front of the track.

-Salty: Aye, an' Edward says 'ha' i' was because ov 'ha' engine, 'his is wha' led
'o 'he purchase ov Bill & Ben, so Edward was able 'o ven'ure down 'here. Bu' 'e
advised us 'o never 'ravel down 'ha' line, as i' wasn’' un'il 'e me' 'his engine,
'e began 'o realize wha' 'ha' was.

-Stanley: God, wha' was so 'roublesome abou' 'his engine? was 'e wawse 'han Bill &

-Derek: Well according to Edward from what he encountered, he wasn’t mischievous

like Bill & Ben, but he was deliberately difficult and impossible to work with.

-Stanley: Wow! I guess I can see why…I mean, a' leas' Bill & Ben despi'e 'heir
mischief, can ac'ually coopera'e mawe.

-Salty: That they can. But I guess from the details Edward did give us, I guess we
best be glad t' 'ave nah encountered this “trouble”. But 'twould make a great
story, har har-hargh!

-Stanley: Yeah, I guess it would.

-Narrator: Stanley said. Even though it sounded interesting at first to know a part
of Sodor’s history, Stanley felt a little worried, hoping he’d never have to meet
this “troublesome” engine himself. But as he, Salty and Derek went to sleep, he
couldn’t help but wonder what the “trouble” with this mysterious engine was. Days
passed and worked continued on the railway like normal, except BoCo was still in
Scotland at this point, so Stanley was still covering for him. He was enjoying
himself in keeping busy, that he soon forgot about the old line next to the Clay
Pits, and this so-called “trouble”. That was until one night, two teenagers decided
to snoop around at night on the railway, and right near the Clay Pits itself.

-Girl: Come on Todd, this stupid, we’re gonna get in trouble if we’re near the
railway line, especially at night.

-Boy: Oh shut up Becky. You said you wanted see the railway, well here it is.
Besides, dad’s the manager of the Clay Pits, so I think we’ll be just fine.

-Girl: Oh sometimes you act like such a child, just let’s be careful okay.

-Boy: Ah shut up!

-Narrator: As the two siblings were mucking about on the line, they also noticed
the old line at the entrance, and the barrier blocking it.

-Boy: Hey, what’s this?

-Girl: What’s, what Todd?

-Boy: This old line. Dad never told me about this. I wonder where it leads to.

-Girl: I don’t know, and I don’t care, we can’t go down there. There’s a freaking
hazard sign over these tracks, so…we can’t go down there. No come on, we have to
get going, we’re gonna be late to get back home.

-Boy: Ugh, you’re such a killjoy Becky. I mean, what’s the worse that can happen…

(Stanley’s whistle blares)

-Narrator: No sooner had the teenage boy had heard the whistle, and saw Stanley
coming down with a train of supplies for operations at the Clay Pits tomorrow, the
two teens ran, but the boy had accidentally activated the switch that leads to old

-Boy (Nervous grin): Whoops!

-Stanley: Oui, wha' are you kids doing? GE’ OU' OV DA LINE!

-Narrator: But as they did so, Stanley realized to late he had been diverted, and
had broken through the warning notice.

-Stanley: OOF! WHOA! ‘ELP!

-Narrator: Stanley’s driver tried to put on the brakes, but the train of supplies
were too heavy for him, despite Stanley’s strength, it wasn’t enough, as he slipped
on the old rails.

-Stanley: AHHHHHHHH!

-Narrator: But then, as Stanley began to reduce speed a bit, up ahead, he saw an
old engine shed at the end. There’s not enough time for the silver saddle tank to
slow down in time.

-Stanley’s Driver: Oh boy!

-Stanley: INCOMIN’!
(Stanley crashes through the shed)

-Narrator: Luckily, no one was hurt, and Stanley was undamaged.

-Stanley: (Coughs) Ugh, well, a’ leas’ I stopped. Wha’ ‘appened?

-Fergus: I’ll tell you what happened, you nearly ran me over you fool, that’s what

-Narrator: Stanley was surprised. He looked through the dust to find a queer
looking object right in front of him. As soon as the dust cleared, he could see
right in front of him was a traction engine, like Trevor, except this one was
bigger and covered in rust, and its wheels appeared to be right on the rails. And
through that rust, Stanley could make out what appeared to be a shade of royal

-Stanley: Whoa!

-Fergus: Do you mind? Bursting through an engine shed like that is just
irresponsible! Do it right!

-Stanley: Whoa, cushy 'here old fellah I’m sawry, I didn’' even knah you were in
'here. In fac', I was swi'ched in 'ere by acciden'.

-Fergus: Oh, excuses, excuses. Whatever are you young engines coming to?

-Stanley’s Driver: He’s serious you old jerk! We were switched in because a bunch
of teenagers were goofing off by the railway line.

-Fergus: Oh! Oh…I see, sorry!

-Stanley: I'’s alrigh' ma'e. My name is Stanley by 'he way, who are you?

-Fergus: My name is Fergus. I was the original engine that ran the China Clay Works
of this line for 3 years, until the manager had me stored away in this shed. He was
a fool for not understanding my ways of discipline and responsibility, and kept
referring to me as “trouble”.

-Stanley: Oh, so you’re 'ha' engine I 'eard abou'.

-Fergus: What?

-Stanley: I 'eard abou' 'his stawy ov yours no' 'oo long ago. Two friends ov mine
who wawk 'his line 'old me 'hey 'eard from 'he engine who runs i' abou' wha'

-Fergus: The engine that runs it? You mean…Edward?

-Stanley: Yep!

-Fergus: Well I never! So he’s still around.

-Stanley: Well ov course 'e is. Edward’s 'rack recawd is one ov 'he bes' an' 'e’s
provided grea' years ov service.

-Fergus: Oh…he is, I thought he would’ve drove the branchline into the ground. As
not even he understood the ways doing it right.
-Stanley: Whoa, geez, Edward is an engine 'ha' always does 'hings righ'. You don’'
sound a' all cushy 'o please.

-Fergus: Respect for your elders goes a long way youngster, do it right!

-Stanley: Ugh, well nah I can see exac'ly why you were referred 'o as 'rouble.
Because you don’' seem 'o care abou' 'he wawk an' value ov o'hers around you. I’m
'ryin 'o be nice 'o you, bu' if you’re gonna con'inue 'o ac' all bossy, I migh' as
well jus' chip. Come on driver! Le'’s go!

-Fergus: No, no, no, wait! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off as rude, I…(Sighs)
I didn’t know. I guess you heard the part of why I was confined to the shed.

-Stanley: Yeah, because 'he engine 'ha' ran i' was delibera'ely difficul', an'
af'er mee'in you, I can see why nah.

-Fergus: (Sighs) Yes, I wasn’t exactly all that liked. My old railway sent me to
Sodor because they wanted to get rid of me. I was only trying to do things right
you see. So I thought I could do things right at the Clay Pits, but they deemed me
troublesome. But it would serve them right, as that place must’ve been shut down
when they realized their mistake.

-Stanley: Uh, no 'hey didn’'. In fac', 'he clay pi's was still around. I was comin
down 'he line wi'h a supply 'rain 'here, un'il 'hose 'eenagers swi'ched me on'o
'ha' line by Cadbury Flake, which is 'ah I ran in'o you.

-Fergus: Oh! But wait? It’s still around? But how?

-Stanley: Well mate, after you were confined to this shed, they bought in two twin
saddle tank engines to run it. They’re called Bill & Ben.

Fergus: Bill & Ben?

-Stanley: Yeah, 'hey’ve bin runnin 'he clay pi's faw years, righ' befawe i became
par' ov 'he railway.

-Fergus: Oh, I see! I guess then, maybe they didn’t need me after all. After being
locked in this shed, I began to wonder about my behavior, and when I’d be let out.
It’s awful sad and lonely here, and I really didn’t have that many friends.

-Stanley: Well you do nah ma'e. Tell you wha', af'er I make my delivery 'o 'he clay
pi's, I'll come back an' 'ake you 'o Brendam Docks, an' arrange 'o see 'he Fa'
Con'roller firs' 'hin in 'he mawnin.

-Fergus: Why…thanks, wait, Fat Controller? You mean Sir Topham Hatt.

-Stanley: Tha'’s 'is stage name yes.

-Fergus: Oh! But how could he still be in charge after, what year is it exactly?

-Stanley: 2002 mate.

-Fergus: Oh my god! 51 years! I’ve been here that long?

-Stanley: Yeah! bu' 'e’s no' 'ha' Fa' Con'roller from your 'ime. Dis is 'is
grandson, S'ephen Topham 'a'' III. Don’' wawry ma'e, i’ve bin wawkin 'ere faw 7
years, bu' I've educa'ed a lo' in 'he 'istawy ov 'his island.

-Fergus: Oh! I see! Well, thank you, um…what’s your name again?
-Stanley: Stanley!

-Fergus: Right! Thanks Stanley!

-Stanley: No problem ma’e!

(Stanley departs)

-Narrator: Soon after Stanley had made his delivery, the silver saddle tank came
back to move the rusty Fergus out of his shed. Fergus creaked and groaned and
Stanley pulled him along. At last they arrived at Brendam Docks, both engines
parking at the shed for the night. Salty was there, and was honestly surprised to
see the two.

-Salty: Ahoy thar Stanley! How might this be here?

-Stanley: Salty, this is Fergus. The engine that used to run the Clay Pits.

-Salty: Argh, do ye mean?

-Stanley: Aye! 'he engine ye, me 'n derek we be 'alking' abou' a few days ago.
Don’' be impoli'e fergus, say 'i!

-Fergus: Um…hello!

-Salty: Wha'’s wit' 'im matey?

-Stanley: He’s rather…perfectionist, no offense.

-Fergus: None taken. Yeah, I was left in the shed for the past 51 years because I
was considered “troublesome” by the original manager. I was only trying to do the
right thing.

-Stanley: I knah ma'e. Bu' you go''a be on your bes' behaviaw when i presen' you 'o
'he Fa' Con'roller 'omawrah.

-Fergus: Looking like this? Have you no sense of cleanlin….

-Stanley: Fergus, wha' did we 'alk abou'?

-Fergus: Sorry!

-Salty: Yarr, ye mighty got 'im in line matey.

-Stanley (Chuckles): I' 'akes years ov prac'ice Sal'y. Don’' wawry Fergus, firs'
we’ll shah 'im 'o you, 'hen we’ll 'ake you 'o 'he S'eamwawks 'o be restawed.

-Fergus: Ah!

-Salty: Argh, listen t' Stanley well me hearty. Anyways, we best get some shut eye!

-Stanley: Agreed! Good nigh' you 'wo!

-Narrator: As soon as Salty went to sleep, Fergus whispered quietly to Stanley so

that only he could hear.

-Fergus: Stanley, thank you!

-Stanley: My pleasure ma’e!

-Narrator: And soon, they were all fast asleep. The next morning, as everybody was
waking up, Stanley’s driver came into work.

-Stanley’s Driver: Good news Stanley, I called the Fat Controller, and he said to
take Fergus to Wellsworth to meet him.

-Stanley: Excellent! Alright Fergus, we better get going then.

-Fergus: Alright! Can’t wait to meet this Fat Controller.

-Narrator: So Stanley was coupled to Fergus, and said good bye to Salty as they
left for Wellsworth. Fergus enjoyed looking at the sights of the branchline.

-Fergus: Wow! This line is really beautiful. I can see what you meant earlier by
how Edward keeps it running efficiently.

-Stanley: You an' me bo'h ma'e. Dese pas' few days 'ave bin my firs' 'ime wawkin
'he line.

-Fergus: Really? What do you usually do?

-Stanley: I’m 'he sta'ion pilo' a' Knapfawd S'a'ion. Bu' I was called 'ere when one
ov 'he engines 'ha' wawks 'his line, BoCo was on a special salvage opera'ion in

-Fergus: Salvage operation?

-Stanley: Tha'’s righ' Fergus. Two years ago, BoCo came up wi'h 'his plan 'o save
many engines as 'e could, an' la'ely 'his decade, we’re ge''in new addi'ions 'o our
railway. So le'’s jus' say 'ha' nah 'ha' I've found you, we’re bo'h doin 'he Fa'
Con'roller an' BoCo a 'uge favaw.

-Fergus: Wow! Then that means we’re both doing it right together then.

-Narrator: Stanley just chuckled as he rolled his eyes and looked up. Experienced
as Fergus might be, he did seem to be rather overzealous. The duo soon arrived at
Wellsworth, where the Fat Controller, Edward and Marlin were waiting for them. The
three of them were impressed to see what Edward had found.

-Marlin: Wow! We’ll I’ll be, a railway traction engine. I never thought I’d see in
real life.

-TFC: Indeed! So this is the engine that used to work the China Clay Works.

-Edward: Indeed so! Hello Fergus! Long time no see.

-Fergus: Oh, hello Edward! Um…I see you’ve been running the branchline, um…right!

-Edward: I have and thanks, but…

-Fergus: Oh yes, I’m sorry I was bossy to you the last time we met.

-Edward: Apology accepted Fergus, but I do hope you’ve learned from your mistakes
after spending all those years in that shed.

-TFC: I should hope so to, as I heard plenty about you Fergus from when I was a
boy, and Edward has even warned me about your behavior when you first worked at the
Clay Pits for 3 years since it opened. But I am a man willing to give chances to
everyone. In fact, I had to do the same last year for a diesel shunter that kept
rebelling against authority, and while he hasn’t caused trouble yet, me and my
engines are keeping a close eye on him. And I hope that I can see an improvement
from you to.

-Fergus: Oh, yes sir! I promise, I will do whatever you saw, and I’ll do it right!

-Narrator: The Fat Controller and the others starred, but knew Fergus was only
trying to do his best to impress them.

-TFC: Very well then Fergus. Marlin here will deliver you to the Steamworks where
you will be refurbished and back in working order. You’ll feel like a new engine,
and once ready, you will work at the Clay Pits with Bill & Ben. And seeing as you
are ahem, a “stickler for the rules”, I’ll trust you’ll keep them in order, as they
mean well, but can get into mischief.

-Fergus: Absolutely sir! I will make sure I keep these twins you speak of in order.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity. And thank you Stanley for finding and
helping me get another chance.

-Stanley: Glad 'o 'elp ou' a fellah engine ou' Fergus. Bu' remember wha' i said,

-Fergus: Of course!

-TFC: Indeed! Anyways, Marlin, please take Fergus over to the Steamworks.

-Marlin: Right away Sir!

-Narrator: Soon, the breakdown train loaded the rusty Fergus into a well-wagon, and
as soon as everything was secure, Marlin set off with Fergus to the Steamworks.

-TFC: I’m very proud of you Stanley. You’ve been a wonderful addition to my railway
for the past 7 years, and along with your brilliant work ethic, the fact you helped
out another engine that was deliberately difficult in the past and gave him another
chance, that is very remarkable of you.

-Stanley: Thanks sir! Jus' doin my job!

-Edward (Chuckles): Indeed! And thanks to you, now we have a new addition to our

-Stanley: Indeed! So, 'ow’s BoCo's mission goin along sir?

-TFC: BoCo, Richard and Emily are doing just fine Stanley. In fact, they found the
engine they were looking for though, and they will be returning in 3 days. Until
they come back, I’ll still need you to look after his trains.

-Stanley: Absolu'ely sir! Bu' who is 'his engine BoCo found?

-TFC: Haven’t seen this engine yet, but once BoCo brings he or she in, I’ll meet
with it, let you all in on the details.

-Edward: Excellent sir! Still Stanley, great job!

-Stanley: Thanks Edward. Though if you don’' mind me asking, wha' abou' Fergus? I
was only lucky 'o keep 'im in awder.
-Edward: Indeed you were. Fergus usually is stubborn to listen to anybody but
himself. But don’t worry Stanley, if Fergus’s obsessive-compulsive behavior kicks
in again, I’ll keep an eye him to make sure he listens to reason.

-TFC: And I’ll do the same here, as there’s always room for improvement on my
railway, no matter which engines were dealing with.

-Narrator: As the three left back to work, they each wondered if Fergus could
really behave himself, but only time will tell.

-Narrator: Fergus the Railway Traction Engine was on his way down from the
Steamworks to the China Clay Works. It had been about a week ago since he was found
by Stanley, after two teenagers were fooling about on the line. The girl was let
off the hook after owning up and trying to reason with her brother, but the boy
himself was grounded for a month for fooling around on railway property, especially
since their father was the Clay Pits Manager himself. BoCo had already returned
from his salvage operation in Scotland, so Stanley went back to work at Knapford,
so Fergus after being restored for a whole week was headed down the Brendam Branch,
eager to show his work ethic. Though too eager, as despite being an old engine,
Fergus was nothing like Edward & Toby, as he was a very persnickety and
perfectionist engine, and loved for everything to go his way, which he thought was
right, as the old traction engine had an obsessive-compulsive disorder that was
very overwhelming to maintain, and he would come off bossing others around, and
being rude to them and not respecting their work ethics. In fact, that was the main
reason why the original Clay Pits Manager had him confined in that shed for 51
years, which was what led to the purchase of Bill & Ben. Now Fergus meant well, and
could be friendly at times, but because of his perfectionism, he was very hard to
get along with, and the workmen that were restoring him were glad when he was
finally gone, as Fergus had bossed them around to. Though the traction engine
thought nothing of it. As he was on his way, he stopped at a red signal by the
Vicarage Orchard, where he saw Trevor. Trevor was very impressed with what he was
seeing, as he was surprised when he saw Stanley bringing in Fergus that day, but
was pleased to have the chance to talk with a fellow traction engine.

-Trevor: Oh, hello there, you must be Fergus. I’m pleased to meet you. I’m Trevor.

-Fergus: Oh, you’ve heard of me.

-Trevor: Well, Edward & Stanley have told me so much about you, and I was so eager
to meet a fellow traction engine like me.

-Fergus: Well I’m sure! Nothing bad I hope.

-Trevor: What, oh no, not at all.

-Fergus: Good, because I’ve been confined to a shed for 51 years, and everybody is
beginning to talk about how much of a fussy perfectionist I am, when really
everybody should focus on doing it right.

-Trevor: Oh, I’m sorry about that old chap. But nobody has been doing anything,
ahem, “wrong”, as far as I can see. We’re just being friendly. So…um…I hear you’ll
be working with Bill & Ben at the Clay Pits.

-Fergus: Yes, as I was the original engine, and they need me to handle the work,
because it’s been run by two mischievous scamps.

-Narrator: Trevor was surprised. He heard from Edward & Stanley that Fergus was
high-strung and orderly, but to be so judgmental and demeaning of others without
knowing them, that sounded quite unpleasant. Though still, being a benevolent sort,
Trevor still tried to be friendly.

-Trevor: Come now Fergus, there’s no need to judge a book by its cover, I’ve known
Bill & Ben for years, they may be cheeky, but they mean well and are very hard
workers if you give them a chance. It’s best to be mindful of their tricks and be

-Fergus: Humph, that maybe Trevor. But getting others to do things properly and
getting them in line is the proper way to run a railway, and I don’t need anyone’s
advice. If I need help, I’ll ask for it, do it right!

-Trevor: Oh, I was only trying to be friendly there Fergus, no need to…

-Fergus: And as this Bill & Ben, I can handle myself, and I won’t let a bunch of
young rascals like them get the better of me.

-Narrator: Just then, BoCo passed through with his morning good, and Fergus’s
signal dropped.

-Fergus: Anyways, I’d love to stay and chat, but I have much work to do, nice to
meet you Trevor.

-Narrator: And Fergus flounced importantly away, leaving Trevor concerned.

-Trevor: Oh dear, Edward wasn’t joking in how much of a perfectionist Fergus is.

-Jem Cole: Don’t worry about him old boy, he’ll be in trouble if he isn’t careful
with that attitude.

(Fades to the Clay Pits where Fergus meets Bill & Ben)

-Narrator: Soon, Fergus arrived at the Clay Pits. He was amazed with what he was
seeing so far. It looked much more improved and efficient since the last time he
had been there.

-Fergus: Well I never. At least everybody is doing everything right.

-Narrator: But he said it too himself. Just he came about, there he met with the
Clay Pits Manager.

-Clay Pits Manager: Ah, hello there. So you’re Fergus. Pleased to meet you, I’m
Darren Corby, the current manager of the China Clay Pits.

-Fergus: Pleased to meet you sir. It’s great to be back in these here Clay Pits. I
hope that everything will be better than the last 3 years I worked there.

-CPM: Yes, but Fergus, don’t take this the wrong way, but I heard what happened
with you getting confined in that shed was your own fault, because you were acting
very compulsive. Now I’m not saying that to be rude, but I just want to let you
know that the Fat Controller has informed me you have this OCD disorder, which is
understandable, but I really need you to promise me you’ll keep it under control
and be respectful to those around you.

-Fergus: Oh, uh, yes sir! Of course sir! I assume that your children have learned
their lesson.

-CPM (Sternly): I can assure they have Fergus, but my son, Todd was the one who was
deliberately causing trouble and I grounded him, and my daughter Becky was the one
who saw sense and owned up, but you shouldn’t ask things like this with people’s
families, as that’s none of your business. Plus, if it wasn’t for them, Stanley
wouldn’t have found you now wouldn’t he.

-Fergus: Oh, right, sorry sir!

-Bill & Ben: (Snickers)

-CPM: Oh don’t you two start right now.

-Bill & Ben: (Gulps)

-CPM: Anyways, personal stuff aside, Fergus, now that you’re part of this team
again, you will be working with Bill & Ben shunting trucks around the facility, and
occasionally making trips down the branchline to either Brendam Docks, Wellsworth,
etc. to deliver China Clay wherever it’s needed.

-Fergus: Yes sir! I’ll sort them out as best I can. That’s the correct way to run a

-CPM: Okay then, anyways, I must get back to my office, Bill & Ben, you two behave

-Bill: Yes sir!

-Ben: We will sir!

-Narrator: Just as the manager walked away, Bill & Ben were about to tease Fergus,
but in a friendly manner as they would, but Fergus shot them a strict look.

-Fergus: Alright you two scallywags, now I know you both have worked here for many
years, but I have heard plenty about you scamps and the tricks you play on the
other engines, and I tell you now, I do not tolerate cheekiness, rudeness,
arrogance, or any fool-hardy antics from youngsters like you.

-Narrator: Bill & Ben were aghast. They didn’t expect Fergus to come off as rude.

-Bill: Now listen here you old coot. We’ve been working in these Clay pits for
years all because you’ve been nothing but a bossy boiler.

-Ben: Yeah, and we don’t need you blurting about a couple of insults like that to

-Fergus: You both watch your tongues, as I’m not insulting you, I’m simply stating
facts. And I won’t stand here and let my reputation be tarnished by two scamps,
especially to those two that replaced me. Now get to work and do it right!

-Narrator: And Fergus steamed sternly away, leaving the twins shocked and outraged.
They were gonna things right, but it was gonna be their way. Soon, as Bill & Ben
set to work in the busy Clay Pits, and despite all their tricks and cheekiness,
Bill & Ben were really quite the hardworking engines that did their jobs very well.
However, in Fergus’s eyes, that didn’t seem to be the case at all. Wherever Bill &
Ben were, Fergus would just boss them around without knowing the whole story.

-Fergus: Oui, quit lazing about you miscreants and get back to work. Do it right!

-Bill: We weren’t lazing about!

-Ben: Yeah, we’re taking on water you moron!

-Fergus: Insulting others will get you nowhere, do it right!

-Bill: Oh shut up!

-Ben: Yeah! What he said!

-Narrator: In fact, it was thanks to Fergus’s perfectionism, Bill & Ben would
deliberately cause trouble just to set him off. When Bill was arranging some trucks
for Donald to come and collect, he banged them to hard that load spilled out.

-Fergus: Oui, be careful there, you’ve caused that trucks to spill it’s load, clean
it up and do it right!

-Bill: Oh shut up and don’t interfere!

-Narrator: Next, Ben decided to block his path to make sure he wouldn’t bark

-Fergus: Oui, get these trucks out of my way you impertinent scallywag, do it

-Ben: Yeah, like who’s gonna make me. (Runs way cackling)

-Fergus: ARGH! (Sighs)

-Narrator: It seemed at every moment, the twins and Fergus were at each other’s
throats. Bill & Ben at this point would’ve been on their best behavior, but Fergus
kept bossing them around and judging them so rudely, that this kept setting the
twins off. And Fergus found it stressful himself at the fact he had to work with
these twins, but of course, the traction engine should’ve known better. Though the
worse was that it wasn’t just the twins that Fergus was belittling, he was very
intolerant of the other engines and even the workmen, he began to boss them around
to, because everything they did in his mind was inconsistent.

(Derek comes to collect his train)

-Fergus: Be careful there you daft diesel. Those trucks don’t need to be bumped
like that.

-Derek: I didn’t do anything wrong, that’s how I normally collect my trains.

-Fergus: Well you gotta do better than that. Do it right!

-Derek: Humph!

(Derek snorts away, then cuts to BoCo coming into the yards)

-Fergus: Slow down there you hooligan. It is dangerous to race about in a yard, do
it right!

-BoCo: That’s my normal speed Fergus, and it’s perfectly safe, the line’s clear.

-Fergus: It doesn’t matter, all engines must come and slowly, so too make myself
clear, do it…

-BoCo: Fergus, I don’t wanna hear it, because by the way you’re going about, you
act like as if everybody was doing it wrong. Now are you gonna get out of my way,
or can I get back to work?
-Narrator: It wasn’t long until the manager overheard, and to Fergus’s surprise, he
was on BoCo’s side and ordered the old engine to move out of the way. Fergus could
not understand why everybody was not doing things right, to him that was. No sooner
did he try to order Bill around again, Edward intervened, and spoke severely to

-Edward: Alright Fergus, that’s enough!

-Fergus: But Edward, he was shunting those trucks to fast under the hopper, and he…

-Edward: I don’t want to hear it Fergus! Nobody was there, as Bill was shunting
them at a normal speed. There’s no such thing as going to fast or to slow, as
everybody is working at their own pace. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it gets
the job done.

-Bill: Ha!

-Edward: And don’t you start giving any cheek right now Bill. Just because Fergus
was being bossy, it doesn’t give you both the right to act out and cause trouble
like that.

-Bill: But Edward…

-Edward: But nothing Bill. You and Ben continue as you were and not cause any
trouble, and you Fergus mind your work and no one else’s. You manager and I will
speak to the three of you tonight!

-Narrator: And Edward puffed away sternly away, but when he was gone, both Bill &
Fergus were staring daggers at one another. That night at the sheds, the Clay Pits
Manager and Edward spoke severely to Bill, Ben, and Fergus.

-Edward: I don’t understand this Fergus. Stanley decided to save you after the
accident Mr. Corby’s son caused, and the Fat Controller chose to have you repaired
not only to help keep up with the workload at the Clay Pits, but also out of the
kindness in his heart, as well as give you another chance, but all you’ve done was
boss everyone around because you don’t think everybody is doing it right. Well they
are. But its thanks to your attitude, you are causing serious tension around here,
and the other engines are even afraid to go near you. And when I had a conversation
earlier today with Trevor, he told me what you said about everybody doing just
that, and needless to say, I was hoping it wouldn’t get worse, but it did because
what you said sounded very demeaning and very harsh.

-CPM: I second that Edward! Worse is that the workmen have been complaining to me
about how rude you were to them, and how all you’ve done was boss them around
instead of conversing with them. At least my son listens to me whenever he falls
out of line. You may fall the rules, but the problem is that your too much of an
overzealous control-freak, you go around acting like your above everyone. Well
there’s also a damn rule in keeping to yourself and being humble right?

-Fergus: Um, yes sir, of course….

-CPM: Well you sure as hell didn’t apply that now did you? It’s no wonder why the
original manager of these pits locked you in that shed.

-Ben (Smugly): I couldn’t have put it better myself, eh Bill?

-Bill: Quite right Ben!

-Edward: Don’t you two start right now, as you’re as much to blame!
-Bill: But…

-Ben: He…

-Edward: No excuses you two! Yes, Fergus should’ve known better than to boss you
both around and insult you both, you two should've know better than to act out like
that. Setting others off with your tricks will only make things worse, it would add
coal to the fire. And if that fire continues to engulf, then me and your manager
will also be enraged.

-CPM: Agreed! Because once we do, either of us won’t hesitate to inform the Fat
Controller all that’s been going on with the three of you. And if he finds out,
pray right now it’s not gonna be any worse than this.

-Bill: Yes sir!

-Ben: We’re sorry sirs! We’re sorry to Edward!

-Edward: And too Fergus!

-Bill: You’ve gotta be kidding with…

-Edward: Now you two!

-Ben (Gulps): Fergus…we’re sorry!

-CPM: And Fergus, is there something you have to say since you’re the cause of all

-Fergus: Um…well…uh…I…think we should…do it right.

-CPM: I’m going to my office now, and I’m going to call up the Fat Contro….

-Fergus: Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Every engine is doing things just fine!

-CPM: Excellent then. See, was that so hard. You’re an old engine, the kind that
should be full of wisdom and experience like Edward, but yet your behaving like a

-Edward: Exactly, and most of all, you three need to find some common ground, work
together, and get along. That is all! Good night everyone!

-Narrator: And Edward puffed sternly away! The manager left crossly to, and warned
the three to improve on their behavior tomorrow. But Fergus and the twins were
still cross with one another that they refused to get along and angrily went to
sleep. The next morning, the Clay Pits were beginning blasting operations, so the
manager had sent bill & Ben to go Brendam Docks to collect a special rock crusher
to help operations run smoothly. But since yesterday, Fergus and the twins were
still holding a grudge with one another that they didn’t take their manager and
Edward’s warning seriously.

-Ben: Come on Bill. Let’s get going before that bossy boiler keeps making our lives
feel like a cold day in hell.

-Bill: I’m with you Ben.

-Fergus: Listen here you buggers. Make sure you wait for the “all clear” signal. Do
it right!
-Bill: Ugh, there he goes again! Do it right from morning till night!

-Ben: Well Bill and I got words for you, shut up and keep out of our Clay Pits,

-Narrator: And the twins angrily scampered off. Fergus was all the more relieved
that they were gone.

-Fergus: Humph! Good riddance! That’s what I say!

(Fades to Bill & Ben at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: Later at the docks, Bill & Ben were still fuming about Fergus’s OCD.

-Bill: I can’t believe this was the engine that used to run the Clay Pits we worked

-Ben: Yeah, but at least we were the ones that replaced that old grump. Stanley
should’ve left him in that shed!

-Bill: Well if hadn’t been for our manager’s idiot son, we wouldn’t be dealing with
him right now. Our lives wouldn’t be a living hell.

-Ben: Yeah, I mean Edward & BoCo may have been strict with us, but at least they
don’t call us out on everything we do and insist we do it their way. It’s just not

-Bill: Yeah, it’s like do it right from morning till night. Well next time he says
those awful words…

-Ben: Well do it “wrong”.

-Bill & Ben: (Evil laughs)

-Ben: But wait a minute, Edward and our manager said if we keep causing trouble
like that, they’ll tell the Fat Controller, and he’s gonna blow a serious gasket.

-Bill: Maybe, but the three of them might let us off the hook if we teach that
pushy Fergus a jolly good listen of learning to keep the large mouth of his shut.

-Ben: Ha-ha! Good one! Well do it when we get back.

-Narrator: Soon, Cranky unloaded the powerful rock crusher from the ship, and the
twins set off, pushing down to the Clay Pits. Meanwhile, Fergus was enjoying
himself. He felt much better that Bill & Ben were gone for a while, and he was
still keeping up his overwhelming OCD behavior, which was starting to annoy the
engines, the trucks, and even the workmen, as all Fergus did was boss them around.

-Fergus: Ah, now this is the life. No obnoxious twins, just me running the pits the
way they should be, and doing it right.

-Narrator: Nobody took much notice, but they did wish Edward or the manager would
be here to bring Fergus back down-to-earth as soon as possible. Though that may a
real tall order right now the moment Bill & Ben came back with the rock crusher.
Once again, the twins and Fergus glared at one another. Once they placed the rock
crusher at the blasting sight, that’s when it happened.

-Fergus: Alright you young scallywags, listen here and listen good, that rock
crusher is very dangerous, and you both had better stay here, as it is unsafe to go
near the rock face, and wait until orders, and…

-Bill: GRRRR….don’t say it, don’t you say dare say it!

-Fergus: Do it right!

-Bill & Ben: ARRRGGGHHH!

-Ben: You know Fergus, we have had just about enough of this bossy attitude of
yours right now, and treating us like we’re gonna deliberately cause trouble!

-Fergus: Oui, respect your elders and do it…








(A long silence breaks as the workmen watch petrified)

-Bill: Humph! We didn’t think so…

-Fergus: Do it right!

-Bill & Ben: THAT’S IT!

-Narrator: And without thinking twice, Bill & Ben, in all their fury pushed the
rock crusher passed the warning flags and into the blasting sight as roughly as
they could. But only when they pushed into the rock face, their anger drifted away
when they realized what they got themselves into.

-Bill: Uh-oh!


-Narrator: Then came the alarm.


(Everyone runs away screaming)

-Narrator: Rocks came tumbling down, the twins were trapped. The only way out was
to keep going to the other side, but they were both to scared to move.


-Bill: WE CA-CAN’T!


-Narrator: Just then, a whole rockslide was headed toward them.

-Fergus: LOOK OUT!

-Narrator: Fergus shouted, and without thinking, he charged into the blasting
sight, bumping the twins out of the way just in time.

(Fergus’s driver runaway just in time as the avalanche buries Fergus)

-Narrator: Luckily, the twins got out unscathed, and Fergus’s driver got out just
in time. But Fergus himself was buried in the rock slide, with only his face,
smokebox and funnel showing. He didn’t look all high and mighty now.

-Fergus: Ow!

-Bill: Oh dear!

-Ben: What have we done!

-Narrator: Just then, the manager, who had seen everything and had heard the whole
argument came up, and starred furiously at the three engines with glowing red eyes.

-CPM: I’ll deal with the three of you later! Right now, you two can start and clear
up this mess, NOW!

-Narrator: Shaken up, the twins did just that. Everybody worked hard, and Thumper
even came to help clear away the rocks, and Edward had also arrived to take Fergus
back to the Steamworks. But nobody worked harder that day than Bill & Ben. After
the rockslide was clear, and Fergus was freed, the old traction engine was battered
and bruised. He was loaded onto a well-wagon to be taken to the Steamworks. The
Clay Pits Manager was furious, as Edward, and a certain stout gentleman. The three
engines winced, fearing for the worst.


-Fergus: But sir, I…




-Bill: We’re sorry sirs!

-Ben: And we’re sorry to Edward. Oh, and Fergus, we’re sorry that we caused you
this mess, for real this time.

-Bill: Yeah! We shouldn’t have snapped.

-Fergus: It’s okay you two! And this time, I’m very sorry for my own behavior! I
should’ve stopped to get to know you both instead of being so…

-TFC: Rude!

-Edward: Obsessive!

-CPM: Demeaning!

-BoCo: Ignorant!

-Fergus: Yeah, all those words. I just…I just don’t know what else to say.

-TFC: Well the fact is Fergus, whether you meant it or not, you have caused a
significant amount of trouble with your attitude. And in order for you to learn,
after you’re repaired, you’ll be working in the main yards at Knapford & Tidmouth,
while Stanley will be brought down again to look after the Clay Pits along with
Derek. And Bill & Ben, you two will stay in your shed for a whole week. After you
had served your punishment in the yards Fergus, once you return, you, Bill & Ben
will learn to get along and find common ground. Is that understood?

-Fergus: Yes sir!

-Bill: We will sir!

-Ben: It won’t happen again, honest!

-TFC: Good, because I really hope so.

-Narrator: As the Fat Controller had gotten into BoCo’s cab to leave back for
Knapford, the twins spoke to Fergus before Edward took him away.

-Bill: Again, Fergus, we’re so very sorry about the way we acted.

-Fergus: It’s okay, but it wouldn’t have happened if I had been so bossy and so
demeaning. I hope you both can forgive me as I forgive both of you.

-Ben: Well we do, and thanks! I mean, if didn’t get stored away in that shed, we
would never have come to Sodor to prove ourselves, so thanks.

-Bill: Yeah! And plus, you saved our lives after our...ahem...impulsiveness, so we
should really thank you for that to.
-Fergus: You’re welcome. And you both had done a good job in running the Clay Pits
efficiently I’ll say. And once I return, we can, ahem, do things right, together.

-Bill & Ben: Here, here!

-Edward: That’s a good way to start. Come along Fergus, it’s time to go.

-Narrator: And so with that, Edward pulled the damaged Fergus to the Steamworks,
and the three engines were grateful to have made a friend in one another. And while
Edward was proud of them to, he hoped while Fergus was working in the yards, that
he would firmly learn his lesson. But that’s another story.

-Narrator: Trap points play a vital part in a railway yard. They receive their name
as they help in preventing accidents, as the points would be switched into a clear
area away from the main line, as this is to help prevent runaways from colliding
with oncoming trains. They wouldn’t be used as often, but if the need arose, they
could derail runaway trucks, coaches and even engines, should they be set loose by
mistake. Many of the engines are grateful for the use of trap points.
Unfortunately, there was only one that really thought they were unnecessary, as
poor Duck found out.

(Shows Duck working in the Shunting Yards while dealing with Fergus’s behavior)

-Narrator: Duck was assigned to help run look after the yards while Stanley was
called back to the Brendam Branch to look after the Clay Pits along with Derek ever
since the incident with the rockslide caused by Bill, Ben and Fergus. Afterwards,
Fergus was repaired after a whole week, but he was still being punished for letting
his persnickety behavior get out of control. The twins were already forgiven and
were soon back at work, but the Fat Controller still felt an engine as stubborn as
Fergus needed to learn his lesson, and thought using a sensible and polite engine
like Duck to teach him the way to do things would benefit. However, even though
Fergus apologized for his behavior the last time, he was still very obsessive and
overzealous, and still thought he knew everything as he was above everyone. And
anytime Duck would try to teach him, Fergus stubbornly insisted that his way is the
proper way, and he kept belittling the great Western engine, and every other engine
around him, especially with his “do it right” quote. Though the worst it got was
that it wasn’t just Fergus, Duck had to look after, he was also assigned to work
with a trainee driver. He was a young man that was keen to learn, and not just
about driving the engines. He was more eager for his “tea breaks”, which was really
just an excuse to see other jobs on the railway. Now he was thinking about
shadowing the stationmaster, but in his haste to leave, he foolishly hadn’t put
Duck’s brakes on properly, and Duck felt himself moving backwards.

-Duck: What the? Oh no, HELP!

-Narrator: Duck cried! He shut his eyes as his weight shifted, his wheels came off
the rails, and he finally ground to a halt.

-Duck: Phew! Thank lord! Chet, where are you?

-Trainee Driver: (Nervous grin) Uh-oh!

-Narrator: Duck was great at least that the trap points had done their job, but
less grateful for the engine that came to his rescue.

-Duck: (Groans) Oh bugger!

-Fergus: If this is the Great Western way you speak so highly about, color me
-Duck: It wasn’t my fault, it was that trainee driver who thinks he could do more
than just drive engines. We already let him off with a warning, but you should be
glad Fergus that this incident couldn’t have gotten any worse had it not been for
the trap points here.

-Fergus: Pah! If you’d been doing it right, then you wouldn’t have needed those
confounded trap points. We never used them in my young days, as they only exist as
an excuse for you and the other engine’s blunders.

-Duck: Well I never! Even after your incident at the Clay Pits, you still have
learned nothing. I’m trying to help you here, but instead, you’ve forcefully take
control and force these ideals onto everybody like you own the place.

-Fergus: Oh I have learned my lesson young engine. (Duck snorts) I’m just doing my
best to run this yard, and to make sure you engines learn the proper way of doing
things right.

-Narrator: Duck was furious! He just didn’t know what else to say, as he knew
Fergus would keep blabbering on, so once he was re-railed, he stormed off to the
sheds without another word.

(Fades to Duck, Oliver, Donald and Douglas at Callan Sheds)

-Duck: And then he has the nerve to claim that he’s above all of us and that were
not doing our job properly, Honestly, I don’t know where he comes off with this
stupid “do it right” nonsense.

-Donald (Chuckles): Now that’s pot callin' the kettle black if I ever heard it.

-Duck: Now what do you mean by that?

-Douglas: Well ye have tae admit, it’s no a far cry from whan ye blither aboot the
“Great Western Way”.

-Duck: I know I take pride in that you two, but that’s different, the Great Western
Way is really about stopping and thinking about using common sense. Fergus’s way is
nothing but a bunch of dangerous perfectionism.

-Oliver: He’s gotta point guys. That stupid traction engine just never approves of
anybody else’s work but his own.

-Narrator: The twins couldn’t argue with that, Fergus is so difficult to please
with his OCD disorder. The next day, Duck was back in the yards hard at work. The
driver, who still felt guilt, wanted to make up for his mistake, but Duck was
determined to show Fergus a thing or two and make sure he listened to reason. But
that was easier said than done.

(Ducks collects his train at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Fergus: Oui, a bit smoother when buffering up those trucks! Do it right!

-Narrator: Duck just ignored him, and set off towards Knapford Station. But Fergus,
still thinking he should “talk some sense into this young engine”, still tried
being persistent again.

-Fergus: And mind those trap points, I’ve a yard to sort and no time for “rescues”.

-Narrator: Once again, Duck just ignored his remark, but Fergus just huffed

-Fergus: Humph! Young engines these days, no discipline I tell you! Now look sharp
you hooligans.

-Narrator: The trucks, who actually preferred Duck more than Fergus, just ignored
him. But secretly were thinking of a plan to pay the compulsive traction engine
out. It wasn't just Duck and the trucks who were finding Fergus difficult, the
other engines grumbled dreadfully to.
-Henry: He's insufferable. To think this was the engine Stanley found a few weeks
ago. Nothing we ever do is right in his eyes.
-Percy: Yeah Henry! Just yesterday I was shunting some quarry trucks and due to the
fact some stone slipped, he slated me for doing it wrong. I've been shunting for
years, I think I know what's right to do.
-Gordon: Indeed, this traction engine is so thoughtless and insufferable. Dare I
say it, as annoying as Bill and Ben are, I'm hardly surprised they lost it with
Fergus bossing them around.

-James: Yeah, the guy just has to be a jerk at every moment, even after he caused
the incident at the Clay Pits.
-Toby: Your right James, Fergus needs to understand, that we've been running this
island much longer than he's been around and we've never been "doing it wrong

-Narrator: At that moment Fergus rolled up, belittling them as usual.

-Henry (Groans) Oh no, here we go!

-Fergus: Chatting around and not working is equivalent to laziness. DO IT RIGHT!
-Narrator: The engines hissed angrily. Fergus just harrumphed and rolled away.

-Percy: Honestly, no tact! And we’re not all due to be back at work yet.

-Gordon: Quite so Percy! If only Edward or Stanley were here, because at least that
overzealous twit would stop and listen to them.

-Toby: Never you mind about him Gordon. If he keeps this attitude, he could get
himself into serious trouble again and the Fat Controller would really give him an
even bigger earful.

-James: And not a moment too soon (Shudders).

-Narrator: Though I’m afraid to say, Toby was right, as Fergus would get his
comeuppance a lot sooner than expected. Later that afternoon, Duck’s substitute
driver took another “tea break”, this time, to watch the signalman at Tidmouth
Sheds. Fergus was shunting close by, still feeling very pleased with himself. The
driver watched as levers were pulled, points were changed, and Fergus rolled
smoothly towards the trucks.

-Fergus: Ah, now that’s right. No young scallywags to bother me, just me arranging
the yards like a proper railway should be.

-Narrator: Though he said it to himself. The trucks on the other hand were still
waiting for the right moment to plot revenge on Fergus. As they were, the driver
noticed a lever that seemed to be untouched.

-Trainee Driver: Hey, what’s this lever do?

-Signalman: No, don’t touch that! It’s…

-Narrator: But it was too late, the young and eager driver thoughtlessly pulled the
lever without thinking twice. Then, everything happened at once. Fergus was backing
out of the siding with some box vans when he swerved suddenly.

-Fergus: Ohhh! STOP! STOP!

-Narrator: The vans, seeing as their chance, pushed him violently.



(The vans push Fergus through the trap points and derail him)

-Fergus: OOF! Ow!

-Vans: (Laughing) Not so high and mighty now, are you gramps! Let’s see you try to
do it right now! (Laughing)

-Narrator: Fergus looked down at the ballast he was pushed onto, feeling
embarrassed. The driver on the other hand was horrified, realizing his actions just

-Trainee Driver: Um…oops!

(Shows the signalman shooing the driver out with a broom)


-Narrator: The signalman yelled as he shooed the driver out with a broom. The
driver raced right back to Duck.

-Duck: Good lord Chet, what happened this time? And where’ve you’ve been?

-Narrator: Before he could answer, the yard manager came up.

-Yard Manager: Quickly Duck. Get steam up as quick as you can. That goods train
Fergus was shunting is due out soon.

-Duck: Right away sir! But what about Fergus?

-Yard Manager: Oh, leave him where he is. He’s caused everybody enough trouble as
it is, we’ll deal with him later.

-Narrator: Duck set to work at once. This time, the driver was extra careful, and
they worked quickly to sort out the train. He said nothing as he drove Duck to the
station. Fergus on the other hand, felt foolish laying by the line side. It finally
dawned on him that his compulsive behavior had once again caused nothing but
trouble, and had only made an ass out of himself, as the other engines would pass
by laughing at him.

(Gordon passes by)

-Gordon (Laughs): Well, well, well! If it isn’t the old geyser that doesn’t know
when to keep his mouth shut! Well let’s see you try and tell us right now

(James passes by)

-James (Laughs): So much for trying to stick to the rules, eh, Fergus? (Laughs)
Though today, I find it hypocritical that the jerk that bosses everybody about
doing it right, actually done it wrong (Laughs).

(Douglas passes by)

-Douglas (Laughs): Nice impression ye made thare laddie! Duck did say yer ideals
were a bunch o dangerous perfectionism, an he sure wis richt (Laughs)! Well in our
book, thare is na such thin as perfection (Laughs).

(Percy passes by)

-Percy: Wow Fergus, I though you said that not working was considered lazy, and
here you not doing any of that. Well, I guess it could happen to any engine, but
coming from the engine who goes nuts when things don’t go his way, that’s a whole
different story (Runs off laughing).

-Narrator: Fergus said nothing! He finally began to see the consequences of his
overzealous behavior, and began to feel ashamed, realizing how the other engines
felt when all he did was boss them around and belittle them. But he also worried
what the Fat Controller was gonna say when he saw them. Eventually, Duck arrived
back to help the disgraced Fergus back on the rails.

-Duck: Well I say, is that you Fergus? I am surprised, I thought you said trap
points were created as excuses for engines slipping up, oh but you would never do

-Fergus (Sighs): I’m sorry Duck. I guess we can’t all prevent our little, er,

-TFC: No indeed!

-Narrator: Said a familiar voice, as coming down from Duck’s cab was the Fat
Controller himself. He glared sternly at Fergus.

-TFC: I have been getting a numerous amount of complaints about your behavior once
again Fergus! I thought after your incident at the Clay Pits with Bill & Ben, you
would’ve learned not to let this OCD disorder get the better of you and be polite
to the other engine, including letting them work the way they normally would. But I
was wrong! You lacked total self-control, and were very rude and inconsiderate to
my engines.

-Fergus: I’m sorry sir! I thought I was only trying to help.

-TFC: Help is only given to other engines Fergus only if necessary, as what
happened lately was your fault, and the other engines really don’t trust you right
now! I am absolutely frustrated with you, as you are stuck in these delusions, you
think every engine in how they do things is a sin, and you go around acting like a
jerk and belittling them, feeling you’re so much more important. Well let me tell
you Fergus, you are not that important, as you are equal to every engine in the
world, and I hoped having you work these yards with Duck would get you to learn to
be more humble, and to learn from more experienced engines like Duck, as going
around claiming you follow the rules doesn’t make you wise, it makes you look
obnoxious, and incidents like, err, this, is what helps us to learn from this, as
wisdom comes from being experienced from life events. Duck here is a hardworking,
kind, wise, and very professional engine that always uses common sense. So just for
that, I will be extending your punishment further until I can trust you to behave,
and if you keep bossing around the other engines and insisting they do things your
way, I will leave you in your shed until further notice. Is that understood?
-Fergus: Yes sir! I’ll behave sir!

-TFC: Good then! Duck, please get Fergus back on the rails.

-Duck: Right away sir!

-Narrator: So Duck was coupled to Fergus, and pulled him onto the rails. As Duck
shunted Fergus into the carriage sheds, the Great Western engine tried to comfort

-Duck: Cheer up Fergus! These incidents can happen to anybody. But I think you know
by now how wisdom and experience go.

-Fergus: I’m beginning to. Again, I’m very sorry for how I treated you Duck, as
well as the other engines.

-Duck: It’s okay! Don’t forget, this incident wasn’t all your fault, as the Fat
Controller had a word with my driver in training as well. And that if he kept
trying leave his position to learn about operations, the Fat Controller would
really give him the sack. Isn’t that right Chet?

-Trainee Driver: Yeah! Fergus, I’m really sorry about what happened. After the
earful the Fat Controller had given me, and the fact he’d fire me if it happened
again, I promise I will be a good driver now, and learn to take my position

-Duck: And only your position, right Chet?

-Trainee Driver: Yes Duck! I’ll never use those “tea-breaks” of mine as excuses to
learn other jobs again. It really is distracting.

-Duck: Exactly! So I hope you in return Fergus, you’ll learn to focus on your own
work to, and nobody else’s. But so far, at least admitting you were wrong is very
Great Western.

-Narrator: Both engines had to chuckle at that, as Duck parked Fergus into his
shed. As Duck was uncoupled, and left back for home, Fergus just looked up in the
sky pondering, he had a lot to think about.

-Narrator: Back in 1995, the Fat Controller and two of his children, Richard and
Emily went on a holiday with Toby along some abandoned areas past Ulfstead, one was
a castle that was once by a king named Godred Crovan in Medieval Sodor. The other
was an old mine that was run the by narrow gauge engines of the former Mid-Sodor
Railway. It was used at the time to help supply coal to help keep the engines on
the different railways of Sodor at the time running. That wasn’t until the Fat
Controller has them made as special fairground exhibits to tourists to come see.
That was the case for Ulfstead Castle, but the old Mid-Sodor mines was a different
story, as the Fat Controller had it made as a carnival, but only as a fundraiser,
so that way he can raise enough money to use that to restore the mines for its
original purpose, as even though the Northwestern Railway already had a colliery,
this one would act as a back-up, as with an island were mostly everything was steam
traction, they needed a very sustainable supply of coal to help keep the engines
and industries of Sodor running night and day. And after 8 years, they managed to
use the funds to reopen the mines back to their original purpose, supplying an
endless amount of sustainable coal. The mines even had their own private engine
running it at the time called Bertram, an old narrow gauge engine that was found by
Toby, and is the younger brother of Duke, and one of the original engines in the
Mid-Sodor fleet, who was also known as the “Old-Warrior”, because he was known for
being very noble and brave, but also was very jolly and enthusiastic to. Both
engines large and small are now kept busy delivering coal to various parts of the
island. Of all the engines, there was one in particular who was just as proud of
this job aside from Bertram. Kirby, enjoys this, as being an Austerity tank, his
class used to work at many industrial sights, especially collieries. So doing this
job, gave Kirby a sense of nostalgia, as he enjoyed making these coal deliveries,
and the engines were grateful for him, knowing how important the coal was. However,
there was one engine you can tell from a mile away that could really care less,
viewing coal as a dirty substance for an engine such as himself.

(Fades to the engines at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: One, morning, James had gotten a new coat of paint, and was boasting per

-James: Now you see this lads, this paint job here, this is a fine example of how
an important engine should look. With a livery like this, I’m ready for anything
and easy on the eyes.

-Henry (Groans): Oh boy, here we go.

-Percy (Sarcastically): How many times have we heard that before.

-James: You would never catch another as splendid as me, as I am the pride of the

-Thomas: Rubbish James! We’re all the pride of the line, and even the Fat
Controller says so, as we’re all just as important as one another.

-James: That may be Thomas, but I’m far important that I get the most important

-Gordon: Well all jobs are important James, but just because you have that red
livery, it doesn’t make you special. I mean I see you pulling trucks mostly every
day, and you can never keep a straight face for even 5 minutes.

-James: But I pull coaches to you know!

-Gordon: Not as much as I do. You’re only a mixed-traffic engine used for general

-James: Rubbish, I’ve pulled the express when you were out of order on more than
one occasion.

-Henry: Well so have I James, but I don’t boast about that anymore, especially
after incident you and I had back in ’93.

-Gordon: Indeed so Henry, as I know that you’re a very capable engine, but James
maybe physically, mentally, he isn’t.

-James: Shut up Gordon! I am more capable than any of you lot put together. And you
know, I find that very hypocritical coming from you Gordon, the engine who also
considers goods work beneath him.

-Gordon: That’s because I’ve changed James, especially after that…ahem…incident I

had 2 years ago on the loop line when I crashed through that farm. Which is why you
see me pulling goods trains on occasion and not complaining now that I know I’m
doing something useful.
-James: Humph! The only thing useful is each is assigned to their ideal jobs they
were built for, and tenders like you, me and Henry are pulling coaches.

-Kirby: Humph! I beg to differ Jamesy boy!

-Narrator: A voice called out, and the 5 engines looked over to see Kirby shuffling
in, shunting some coal trucks never the shed, and covered in coal dust from
smokebox to bunker.

-James: Ugh, keep away. I just got myself this splendid new repaint yesterday, and
I don’t need you mucking it up and making me look like a common workhorse Kirby.

-Kirby: Oh lighten up James, it’s just a livery, big whoop. I’ve been working
harder than you probably have in your life, as look at me, this coal dust,
represents a true industrial engine that keeps the railways running.

-James: Yeah, well I’d rather not Kirb! You aren’t a splendid sight, and wouldn’t
understand the importance and etiquette of a proper engine like me.

-Percy: Well Kirby is far more proper than you James. At least he’s doing us a

-Thomas: Yeah, and in the kindness in his heart to.

-Kirby: Why thanks you to! You see that James, at least I’m getting my praise for
doing such a fine job.

-James: You would, as engines like you were meant for industrial work, especially
your class.

-Kirby: Well locomotives have a lot to do with the word “industrial” James. I mean,
how else are we supposed to work without coal. You get one dirt on your paint, you
clean up later. But I will say this though, your so-called, splendid red-livery
definitely matches your face right about now.

-Narrator: James’s face went even redder than his paintwork as all the other
engines couldn’t help but laugh.

-Percy (Laughing): Oh burn!

-Gordon (Laughing): He got you there James!


-Thomas (Laughing): Oh come now James! It will happen eventually, you are one of
the mixed-traffic engines after all.

-James: Humph! That would be the day! Now if you’ll excuse me, I got passengers to

-Narrator: And James puffed away crossly without another word, while the remaining
5 engines were still laughing. The next morning, Kirby was taken ill. He felt
stuffy and steam was leaking in all the wrong places. The Fat Controller and an
inspector came over, and the inspector looked all over the purple tank engine and
made notes in his pad.

-Inspector: It would appear that Kirby’s boiler is leaking. He may need to have his
boiler and smokebox replaced.
-Kirby: Oh bugger! And I was so looking forward to a useful days work.

-TFC: Don’t worry Kirby, you’ll be back soon, we just have to send you to be
overhauled at the Steamworks. It will be a long job, but we’ll make sure to have
you back as soon as possible.

-Kirby: Yes sir! But who will look after my job at the mines.

-TFC: Oh don’t worry my friend. James shall do you work until you return.


-TFC (Sternly): Now James, I won’t get into another argument about what jobs you
want to do, especially since Kirby is indisposed. Donald & Douglas have their own
work, and you are the only engine available, as you too are designed for mixed-
traffic work. Plus, I heard from Thomas that you’ve been getting very conceited and
lashing out at the other engines again over your repaint you recently had, so I
think you doing Kirby’s jobs, especially at the mine, will really humble you. Now
get to it!

-James’s Driver: Come on James, orders are orders!

-Narrator: And reluctantly, James stormed crossly out of the sheds to collect his
train, while Kirby and the other engines just snickered.

(Fades to James at the Old Mines)

-Narrator: Soon, James arrived at the mines, still grumbling dreadfully about doing
Kirby’s jobs.

-James: I can’t believe me of all engines has to take dirty trucks from dirty mines
and shunt them into dirty sidings. Bluck!

(Bumps the trucks in front)

-James: Disgusting!

-Narrator: Bertram had heard everything, and he tried to comfort James.

-Bertram: Oh come now James, you should be grateful to be even doing this job at
all. While if I were given this job, I would be delighted and very eager, proud to
be doing something useful.

-James: Rubbish Bertram! Pulling coaches is the only way for me to be useful.

-Bertram: But James my dear engine, there is plenty of time to be pulling coaches,
and I would enjoy it to, but not every day of the year.

-James: Yeah, but I sure as hell would. To say that I’m the one getting conceited,
pah! I just feel I was made for better things than this.

-Narrator: Just then, the mine foreman came up.

-Foreman: Well if you’re done whining right now James, you can make yourself useful
right now and take these trucks over there. It has to go to Knapford Harbor.

-James (Groans): Yes sir. Just where’s the turntable so I can be on my way.
-Foreman: There is no turntable James. Actually, that’s under construction as the
establishment is new. So I’m afraid you’ll have to pull your train tender first.

-James: Backwards? But that’s something a common tank engine would do, I should be…

-Foreman: James…go!

-James: Ugh! Fine!

-Bertram: Oh don’t let this ruin your spirit my boy. At least you’re still moving
on your merry way, providing the island its coal, it’s fuel if you will, and…

-James (Sarcastically): Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks Bertram, you’re so helpful, I feel
much better knowing that I’m being motivated by of all engines like you.

-Ivo Hugh: Wow! Well he’s in foul mood today.

-Bertram: Don’t worry my dear Ivo, he’s just making a fuss over nothing.

-Peter Sam (Chuckles): Well here is fun to hear complain. But I don’t know who’s
even funnier, James…or Duncan.

-Duncan: A heard thon?

(Peter Sam, Bertram and Ivo Hugh just laugh, then cuts to James out on the main

-Narrator: James grumbled dreadfully about pulling the coal trains. He just wished
that he would be back to pulling coaches, and was determined to make sure his paint
would remain spotless, but that was easier said than done.

(Coal dust flies out as James moves and it covers him)

-James (Shrieks): Oh come on! I just got this repainted!

-Trucks: (Laughing)

-James: SHUT UP!

-Narrator: He hoped the other engines wouldn’t see him either. But of course, that
would be impossible, as engine he passed would just laugh.

-Bert: Oui ‘Arry, look wha' we go' us 'ere.

-‘Arry: I' looks like James. Da fabulous red engine on 'he line.

-Bert (Cackles): Awer should we say was. Bu' 'ha'’ a good look faw you 'here James!

-‘Arry: Then again, faw an old steamer like you, we shouldn’' be 'ha' surprised. As
you mukkers are supposed 'o be dir'y anyway.

-James: Yeah well the same goes for both you damn diesels working in this damn
Smelter’s Yard. Now where do you want me to shunt this stupid coal?

-‘Arry: Send i' 'o 'he back.

-Bert: Yeah, oh an' be careful no' 'o ge' any ov 'he soo' from 'he furnaces on you,
unless you wan' 'o really look like pig sty.
(‘Arry & Bert cackling)

THAT MAKES THREE OF US! (Sighs) Then again, those grim messengers of doom are full
of crap anyway.

-Narrator: James was feeling very fed up as he shunted coal truck on his train into
the sidings, while the engines would either praise him or laugh at him. Later that
afternoon, James was at the wash-downs getting cleaned after a hard day’s work. He
was relieved that it was over and the suds and water had helped to calm him down,
but he was still upset at working the coal trains. Just then, Henry came up.

-Henry: Hello James! How was your day working at the mines?

-James: Do you even have to ask?

-Henry (Chuckles): Oh lighten up, I’m just teasing you.

-James: I already heard enough from the other engines the whole day, and I don’t
need your cheek too right now Henry.

-Henry: Well if you must know James, we do appreciate your efforts, but at the end
of the day, it’s just another job, like the passengers.

-James: Rubbish, there is an absolute hierarchy of which engine does which job, and
you should know that better than anyone else Henry.

-Narrator: And James fumed away crossly back to Tidmouth Sheds, leaving Henry

-Henry (Sighs): Well this isn’t going to be easy.

(Fades to James meeting with Stanley at the Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: The next morning, James was devising a plan to make sure he wouldn’t
have to work at the mines, and that someone would until Kirby got back. He was
gonna pull passengers one way or the other and keep up his reputation as a fabulous
red engine that was above industrial work. He saw Stanley shunting 4 of the green
bogie coaches, and without hesitation, came up to him.

-James: Good morning Stanley!

-Stanley: Hmm…oh good mawnin James. Wha'’s up?

-James: I was wondering, well…would those coaches be for me by any chance?

-Stanley: Wha', no! dese are faw 'he express, which will be pull by Gordon. You’re
still wawkin 'he coal 'rains a' 'he old mine un'il Kirby's repairs are done.

-James: Not today Stanley! Because today, there’s been a change of plan, the Fat
Controller said to me and my crew that he wants me to pull the express today.

-Stanley: Wha’? Really?

-James: Yes! In fact, he himself had asked me to inform you.

-Stanley (Suspiciously): Are you sure James?

-James: Of course, would I ever to lie to you Stanley?

-Stanley: Um…okay, bu' wha' abou' 'he 'rucks?

-James: Oh simple, give them to Gordon, I think it’s about time he took some turns
in doing coal deliveries.

-Stanley (Ponders): Um… alrigh', bu' i 'ope you’re 'ellin 'he 'ru'h James.

-James: Of course I am! It only feels right that a splendid red engine should pull
the express after all.

-Narrator: So Stanley reluctantly left the coaches where they were and James backed
down to the as the shunter fastened the coupling. Then, the big red engine set off
down to Knapford. A few minutes later, as Stanley was shunting the empty trucks,
Gordon came up, rather confused.

-Gordon: Say Stanley, where’s the express coaches?

-Narrator: Stanley told Gordon everything that James said.

-Stanley: An' so 'ere are your 'rucks Gordon. Tha' was wha' 'he Fa' Con'roller said

-Gordon: What, no, certainly not! Argh, it’s that James! Ugh, that idiot! I knew he
didn’t like working at the mine, but he needn’t steal my train to prove his damn

-Stanley: Yeah, sawry abou' 'ha' Gordon!

-Gordon: No, no, it’s quite alright Stanley. You couldn’t have known. James can
always be quite manipulative and mischievous at times. I’ll take the coal trains
for now, as somebody’s got to do it.

-Stanley: Okay 'hen. Bu' boy, wai' un'il 'he Fa' Con'roller finds ou' abou' 'his.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, James was puffing down the line with the express, enjoying
himself enormously.

-James (Laughing): What a clever plan! What a clever plan (Laughing)! I am the
express engine, pulling passengers as best as I can! I have such clever plans, and
glossy red paint wherever I am!

(Passes by Thomas at Elsbridge, looking rather confused and stunned, and Annie &
Clarabel look at each other surprised by what James was signing, then fades James
arriving at Cronk where the Fat Controller is)

-Narrator: Unfortunately, James’s delight was short-lived once he pulled into Cronk
Station, where there waiting was the Fat Controller, looking very angrily at James)

-James (Gasps): Uh-oh!


-James: I, uh…


-James: But sir, I…


-James (Stutters): Ye…yes sir!

-Narrator: Just then, Gordon came in pulling the trucks, and had a very dirty look
on his face!



-James: Yes sir!

-Narrator: And just like that, James uncoupled from the express, and he and Gordon
swapped trains, and James puffed sadly to the mines. That night at the sheds, the
Fat Controller still spoke severely to James, and the other engines glared crossly
at him to when they heard what he had done.

-TFC (Sternly): My engines do the work they’re given without fuss James! They don’t
throw temper tantrums when being placed on jobs they don’t like, and most of all,
they don’t steal other engine’s trains for their own selfish advantages. Stanley is
very cross with you right now that you played him for a fool, and I can’t say blame
him, or even Gordon for the fact you stole the express. You James will do the work
I give you, you finish the job as best you can, and that’s it! You will still work
the coal trains until Kirby returns until you learn the importance of it. But if
you don’t stop boasting and hatch another elaborate scheme like that again, I’ll
have you work at the mines for the remainder of the year! Is that understood?

-James: Yes sir! It won’t happen again, I swear it!

-TFC (Sternly): And I should think so to!

-Narrator: And the Fat Controller strode on his heel and walked sternly back to his
car. James felt very ashamed. The next morning, the other engines were waking up to
another day’s work, though decided to tease James a little.

-Thomas: Ah, another day of being useful, eh lads!

-Gordon: Quite so Thomas! Though I wonder who will be pulling the express today.

-Henry: I expect it’ll be you Gordon. James has already caused enough trouble with
that stunt of his.

-Percy: And if he does, the Fat Controller will blow an even bigger gasket than

-Narrator: All the engines laughed. James pretended he hadn’t heard. As soon as
they all set off, Duck spoke to James.

-Duck: Don’t take it seriously James, because you know you deserved it.

-James: Yes, I know, but it still doesn’t get me over pulling these stupid trains
filled to the brim with dirty coal.

-Duck: If I were you James, I’d actually be happy about pulling coal trains, and
you should to.

-James: Grateful? Why would I be grateful, it’s another dirty goods train!

-Duck: That may be James, but all jobs are important, and the coal trains are just
as important as pulling passengers. I mean, we are steam engines after all.

-James: And what does that have to do with it Duck?

-Duck: What do we steam engines run on?

-James: Water…and (Sighs) coal.

-Duck: Exactly! And where does the coal come from?

-James (Sighs): The mines?

-Duck: Exactly! Because we are called “steam” engines for a reason James. We burn
coal to stoke it up, boiler the water in ours boilers and make steam. And given
that we live on Sodor, were the majority of engines and industries running it is
steam traction, which relies heavily on coal. Yes, it may be dirty and hazardous to
the environment, but it’s very useful in keeping us steam engines running, as coal
is our bread and butter, as well as the whole island, because without it, industry
would ground to halt. Think about that James.

-Narrator: And as Duck puffed away, James was taking in what the Great Western
engine said. Later, when James arrived at the mines to shunt the coal, he decided
to talk about this Bertram, as he was the engine who looked after the mine. And
there he found, talking to Skarloey.

-James: Um, good morning Bertram, good morning Skarloey.

-Bertram: Ah, good morning there James my boy! A humble abode!

-Skarloey: Hello James! I see you’re back at work this time.

-James: I sure am Skarloey. And Bertram, I’m sorry I was rude to you the other day.

-Bertram: Oh it’s quite alright there James. But I’m glad to see you’re in a much
better mood.

-Skarloey: Maybe not better, but at least you’re actually doing your job without
complaining, or trying to get out of it. I heard about what happened yesterday
James. That was the most childish and most selfish act I ever heard of.

-James: Yes, I know Skarloey, I was being vain, you don’t have to tell me. I
already got quite the earful from the Fat Controller and the other engines. But
that’s also what brings me to the point about working the coal trains.

-Narrator: And James explained to Skarloey and Bertram all about what Duck said.
-Skarloey: Well Duck is quite right there James. Coal is a valuable resource that
provides our fuel to be really useful. I had often said passengers are our coal and
water, and that also applies to the situation that no coal means no railways, no
railways means no industries.

-Bertram: He’s right James, and since you love passenger trains, that also applies,
as Duck is right that the coal trains are just as important than passengers.
Because no coal means no trains will be running, so no coal…

-James: Means…no passengers. Oh! I guess I didn’t think about that.

-Skarloey: You have to expand your horizons James, as we may not like be putting
jobs you don’t like, but despite it being dirty, you’re doing us all a great big
favor, as that’s the mindset Kirby has when he works these trains. Because without
coal, no steam engine would running, not even you.

-James: Your right you two! I think by now I should apply that. Thanks Skarloey!
Thanks Bertram!

-Bertram: Happy to help my friend! Don’t hesitate to shout if you need any help.

-Narrator: Soon, James left the mine with a full train of coal. He took in what
Duck, Skarloey and Bertram just said, and he was starting to get it as he delivered
the coal to its designated spots. But when he was headed down to Killdane, he found
Gordon, stranded on the main line.

-James: Oh my, what are you going here Gordon, it’s not like you to stall like
this. And in the middle of the line.

-Gordon: Not by choice! I was headed down to Knapford, but I ran out of coal on my
return journey. Now I can’t go anywhere, and I have to wait for another to help me
to the next station. Now I’m going to be late, and we were going so nicely.

-James: Oh, that’s a shame. But wait a minute, you said you ran out of coal, and
yet I’m pulling a coal train myself. Tell you what Gordon, you don’t have to wait
for another engine, you can take the coal from my trucks. We’ll refill your tender
to help you get going again, and the passengers can make it to their destinations.

-Gordon: That’s brilliant then. Thank you James, let’s do it then.

-Narrator: So James & Gordon’s crew wasted no time in transferring the coal in
James’s trucks into Gordon’s tender, until at last, his tender was filled to the
brim, and Gordon was soon making steam.

-Gordon: Ah, now that feels much better. Thanks again for helping me there James. I
believe this definitely makes up for what happened yesterday, and my passengers are
grateful to.

-James: My pleasure, and thanks Gordon.

-Narrator: And soon, Gordon puffed away very pleased, as did James. The big red
engine finally understood now. James was kept busy the whole day, delivering the
coal where it was needed. Even Stanley was impressed when James brought in the coal
for the yard’s coal hoppers that the silver tank engine forgave him after James
apologized for his scheme. That night in the shed, the engines were talking about
the days adventures. A few days later, as the engines were resting after a hard
day’s work, they could see a newly repaired Kirby coming into yards.

-Thomas: Ah, Kirby, I see you’re repairs are done that fast!
-Kirby (Chuckles): They don’t mess about the Works Thomas. It’s great to be back
though. I feel like a new engine. So James (Looking smug), how did you do with my
coal runs?

-James: Well, to be honest Kirby, I rather enjoyed it.

-Kirby: Huh?

-James: Yeah, I mean, I didn’t at first, and despite a…minor incident, I finally
understand how important it is and what you were talking about. I mean, I prefer
pulling passengers over goods any day, but despite how dirty it was, the coal
trains were wonderful, and a very vital job, just as much as the passengers, as
without it, we steam engines would be nothing, and industry would ground to a halt.
No coal means no railway, and no railway means no passengers.

-Kirby: Well I’m glad you see things that way James, and thank you for looking
after my trains while was being repaired! Great job!

-Percy: Here, here!

-Duck: I’m glad you have a new outlook on coal James. You make us all proud.

-TFC: I couldn’t have put it better myself Duck.

-Narrator: The engines looked and there was the Fat Controller, smiling at both
James & Kirby.

-TFC: Welcome back Kirby, and I’m also very proud of you these past few days James.
Despite that stunt you pulled, I’m very proud you took Duck, Skarloey, and
Bertram’s advice seriously, and did what was needed for the railway, which
definitely makes up for it. And now that Kirby is back and you’ve learned you
lesson, you can now go back to pulling passengers…

-James: Oh thank you sir…

-TFC: And a new coat of paint!

-Narrator: James beamed. Even though he still had a disdain for pulling trucks, he
couldn’t deny that coal trains were very important, and did the job without fuss,
as no coal would mean no passengers.

-Narrator: When it comes to the Skarloey Railway, very few engines are quite as
well-known as their second engine, Rheneas. Ever since braving a storm to prevent
his railway closing, the nearly 140 year old engine had earned the title Gallant
Old Engine. However being so old like his brother and best friend Skarloey, Rheneas
often required a lot of maintenance, especially during summer periods. Not only
were the railway’s at their busiest in terms of passengers and goods but the heat
often meant that the water supply at the towers were low and the engines often had
to struggle on minimum water capacity. For an engine as old as Rheneas, this proved
to be challenging. One scorching afternoon, Rheneas limped home wheezing and

-Duncan: Are ye feelin’ alrigh’ Rheneas? Ye dinnae soun’ good.

-Rheneas (Panting): Oooh, oh I’m alright Duncan, just a little tired out.

-Peter Sam: Duncan’s right. You sound very weary and clanky, almost as though you
need another maintenance check.
-Rheneas: No need to fret young ones. This Gallant Old Engine just needs a drink.

-Duke: I’m afraid that’s not going to be likely Rheneas, the water supply here has
dried out. We won’t be getting fresh water until morning.

-Ivo Hugh: Yeah, it’ll mean Rusty will have to run the line by himself. Poor
fella’s stretched out enough as it is with all his maintenance

-Bert: Well maybee if your Gallan’ Ol’ Engine wasn’ such a pile of scrap, a diesel
wouldn’ ‘ave to be your onlee solution.

-Narrator: The engines groaned. ‘Arry and Bert stopped by a signal close to the
sheds, a long line of scrap trucks from the mainland groaning behind them. The
Ironworks Twins were often known for their cruel words and threats of scrap towards
steam engines.

-Duncan: Och great, if I’ isne the twae _____ o’ doom.


-‘Arry: ‘Ere Bert, tha’ one’s awfully gobby, we should scrap ‘im as well.

-Bert: True ‘Arry, then again, we should scrap the lo’ of ‘em, except fur tha’
Rusty. Trust a diesel to run the railway.

-Ivo Hugh: Shut it you two!!! It’s not any of our fault that the water supply is so

-Peter Sam: Yeah, you two and all the other diesels would have the same issue if
the fuel ran out.

-Bert: Bu’ I’ isn’ ‘as I’. Still, I’ doesn’ change the fac’ tha’ your gallan’ old
engine ‘as gone wrong again. ‘Ow old are you again Rheneas?

-Rheneas (Proudly): I’m 137 years old and by the looks of it, in a lot better
condition than you two.

-‘Arry: HA! Tha’s onlee external my dear engine. Dis’ grime comes from ‘ard work at
the Smelters. Now internally we could ‘ere your clanking before we even arrived.

-Bert: From the looks of i’, you’re on your way ou’. One more puff and you’ll be
broken down for good.

-‘Arry: Yeah and frum wha’ we’ve heard, you ‘ave at least three maintenances a
year. Talk about a waste o’ money.
-Bert: Yeah, I’ be much cheaper if you jus’ allowed us to scrap you and….


-Duke: DUNCAN! (Looks back and notices the green signal) If you two ruffians are
quite done here, you’ve got a train to deliver and being late, oh that would never
suit his grace.

‘Arry: Oh we’ll be gone, bu’ we’ll be back for our gallan’ ol’ engine.

-Narrator: Perhaps if the twins hadn’t been so busy insulting Rheneas, they
would’ve noticed the hot sun had bent the rails in front of them. Then it was too
(‘Arry derails and Bert follow suite)

-Bert: OW! Oh ‘Arry you stupid twi’ why don’ you look where you’re goin?

-‘Arry: Where I’m goin’. Perhaps if you slammed yer brakes on sooner…

-Duke: And that youngsters is what my driver’s daughter called karma.

-Peter Sam: You know you two, Rheneas has been on this railway 137 years and has
never once caused trouble or gotten himself into it, which is why our Thin
Controller would never dream of scrapping him.

-Duncan: Aye and ye twae jerks have been ‘ere onlee six and havve been nothin’ bu’
trouble. Perhaps the Fat Controller shuld considerr scrappin’ ye twae.

-Narrator: The engines chuckled as ‘Arry and Bert cursed in annoyance. During the
summer, scouts often visit the Skarloey Railway on expedition tours. Some even help
learning how to run the Skarloey Railway and help clear bushes that have grown too
close to the line. They often camp in the Woods that lie between Rheneas and
Skarloey stations. However during hot summers, the grass and greenery becomes dry
and that makes it at risk to forest fires. To prevent this the Scoutmaster camps
near the lake, where the grass is damper to prevent the spread of fire. One day
however, this all changed. Three scout girls had broken away from their crowd and
had wandered into the forest. Amy and Tiffany were very bold and strong willed,
Sarah was more timid and shy.

-Sarah: Are you guys sure about this? Scoutmaster did say not to go into the forest
without him being there.

-Amy: Quit being such a spoilsport Sarah, Tiffany’s brought her new electric

-Tiffany: Yeah, no way are we sitting round a fire getting flames spat into our
face. Plus it’s far more peaceful here.

-Amy: Tiffany’s right, you’re not scared of a few squirrels and rabbits are you

-Sarah: No, it’s just, forest fires are dangerous. I don’t want to be the cause of
one Amy.

-Tiffany: You won’t, just stop worrying. There’s a good sport.

-Narrator: The girls found a quiet place, close to the railway line. Tiffany took
out the heater and began fitting batteries. The heat was intense and from the
corner of her eye, Sarah could spot smoke.

-Sarah: I’m serious guys. This isn’t a good idea Tiffany, I suggest we go back to
Scoutmaster now, before we actually start a forest fire.

-Amy: Scoutmaster this, forest fire that, don’t be such a pansy Sarah.
You gotta think for yourself, that’s what a real scout does. Besides, what’s the
worst that could happen?

-Tiffany: Yeah Sarah, lighten up will you! (Laughs rudely) Right it’s this button
on and…OW!

-Narrator: Tiffany had forgotten that her hand was touching the metal plate of the
heater. She dropped in shock after the sudden burn scar to her hand. The heater
slammed into the ground, smashing into pieces. The hot blade came loose and landed
on the grass. Then came a crackling and glow of orange.

-Tiffany: Uh…oops!

-Amy: Tiff, you idiot, look what you’ve done!

-Sarah: Never mind that, that fire’s spreading. We have to warn someone.

-Tiffany: And if they find out we’re the cause, we’ll be toast. I’ve a better idea.

-Narrator: Amy and Tiffany turned and fled back towards the lake like cowards.
Sarah was about to follow but then she realized that if the fire continued, it
could spread into towns and villages. She then spotted a path and without thinking
ran down it, hoping it arrived at into town. Meanwhile, Rheneas was puffing up
towards the top station with a full train. He had seven coaches in tow, all crowded
to the brim and even the guard’s van was loaded. This along with his low water
capacity and clanking meant Rheneas was struggling.

-Rheneas’ Driver: Easy does it old boy. Just one turn after another. When we reach
the next station, we’ll call for someone else to assist.

-Rheneas: Normally I would object driver, but if we’re to help these passengers to
the top station. That wouldn’t be such a bad suggestion.

-Rheneas’ Fireman: No worries Rheneas, I’ll notify the signalmen when we reach the
next station. If you feeling like letting off some steam just let me know.

-Narrator: They’d just gone a little further when dark grey smoke billowed into the

-Rheneas’s Driver (coughing): You could’ve warned us old chap.

-Rheneas: What? That wasn’t me driver.

-Narrator: Everyone looked out. A thick grey smog billowed round the train. People
closed the carriage windows. The crew covered their mouths. Rheneas could barely
see in front of his buffers, and when he could he was horrified. All around the
train, orange flames danced like demonic witches and the passengers were frantic.


-Passengers: AAAAHHHH! GET US OUT!!!! GET US OUT!!!!

-Rheneas’ Driver: WHAT DO WE DO? WHAT DO WE DO?

-Narrator: Everyone was in a panic. The flames seemed to grow more intense. Rheneas
was stunned but then he had an idea.

-Rheneas: Driver, open up my regulator. We need to outrun this.

-Rheneas’ Fireman: Don’t be a fool Rheneas! In your current condition that’s not
only impractical, but dangerous. What happens if you’re unable to beat the flames
or worse break down and we’re not able to repair you.

-Rheneas: That’s a risk I’m willing to take. Besides, we can’t continue as we are,
otherwise the passengers will burn up like fish fingers, and we’ll go with them!
-Rheneas’ Driver (sighing): Alright old boy, you win. Good luck.

-Narrator: Using all his might, the driver threw open the regulator. Rheneas’
wheels slipped, gripped and he was away. Faster and faster he went. The flames
seemed to grow more and more intense. Rheneas panted and panted, he’d never gone so
fast, let alone with such a heavy train, shrieking passengers and in poor
condition. But he forced himself onwards. It was through that fire or bust.

-Rheneas: I’LL OUTRUN IT!!! I’LL OUTRUN IT!!!!

-Narrator: His water level was nearly empty, his clanking grew worse and the train
seemed to be getting heavier. But Rheneas pressed on. Eventually the flames gave
way, the smog began to lift and the sunshine beat through. Then came the cheering.



-Narrator: Rheneas smiled and felt relieved as fire trucks dashed in the opposite
direction towards the fire eventually they pulled into Lakeside and with a final
clang, Rheneas gave way. He could go no further. But passengers swarmed around him,
thanking his crew and him for such a daring escape and rescue. It took a long time
but eventually the fire was under control. Duncan soon arrived to take Rheneas and
his train home after the eventful day. When they arrived at the sheds the Thin
Controller was waiting. Instead of arriving at James’ connection, the passengers
instead walked over to the sheds listening intently.

-TTC: Over 50 years ago, our little railway was on the brink of closure, with very
few passengers and only two dilapidated engines running the line. However, thanks
to a brave Gallant and Noble Old Engine, our railway lived on. Today we celebrate
another triumph. A triumph of courage, resilience and true bravery, our Gallant
little engine saved his crew and passengers from a deadly forest fire, despite
being mechanically flawed. He shall receive a full overhaul, complete repaint and
plaque he’s always deserved. I know you’ve already done plenty of this but please
let’s raise our hands and cheer for our Gallant Old No.2, Rheneas.

-Narrator: People cheered, engines whistled and honked, and the coaches sang in
happiness. Rheneas just beamed. Amy and Tiffany were found out and their
Scoutmaster scolded them and made them help clear up the paths from litter. Their
parents too grounded them and forced them to read novels about the dangers of
fires. Sarah however was praised for notifying the town, not giving into her fellow
scout’s mischief, and sending the fire brigade and earned the highest badge in
scout history. She now directs other scouts on which rules to follow. When Rheneas
returned from the works a new engine, he no longer had any more mechanical faults
anymore, and a shiny plague was bestowed on his front, quoting, “Gallant Old
Engine”. This was eventually placed in the shed where Rheneas and his friends
admire its magnificence. Standard gauge engines who pass the Skarloey Railway never
forget to recount the events of Gallant Rheneas. Needless to say, ‘Arry and Bert,
who were secretly impressed with Rheneas’s accomplishment, say nothing at all.

-Narrator: Summertime had once again brought many visitors to the railway, but no
line would be busier than the Little Western that runs by the sea. Every year, Duck
& Oliver would bustle about the line taking passengers to the seaside, touring
Arlesburgh Harbor, and visiting the Small Engines of the Arlesdale Railway. It was
hot, hard work, but the engines themselves didn’t mind, as they all look at the
positives of the beautiful weather and focused on making sure the passengers had a
wonderful time, so they didn’t complain. Though they unfortunately would leave that
to someone else.
(Shows kids playing in Bulstrode and one drops ice cream on him)

-Child: (Giggles) Oops!


-Child: (Gives him a “raspberry”)

-Mother: Hey, don’t speak to my little boy like that. Come on honey, I’ll get you
another ice cream, and report “you Mr. Barge” to the manager.

-Bulstrode: ARGH! People these days, they make me sick!

-Narrator: Groaned Bulstrode! Now Bulstrode was a very disagreeable and bad-
tempered barge that never stops complaining. He has a very unpleasant and nasty
attitude towards everyone he meets, due to his cynical outlook on life, as the only
thing he enjoys doing is floating around harbors with full cargo, and bossing
others around to work at a fast pace. But that got him into trouble one day when
Percy was shunting stone trucks at Knapford Harbor, and they accidentally got
loose, when he was switched into the wrong siding, and hit some other trucks in the
way, which crashed through some buffers, falling off a pier and crashing into
Bulstrode’s cargo bin, and causing a puncture in his hull, nearly sinking him to
the bottom. The trucks and their stone were recovered, but Bulstrode was beyond
repair, and as punishment due to his nasty attitude, he was confined to Tidmouth
Beach where he was made as children’s playground. He hated it, as he still wishes
he would be working at Knapford Harbor again, and not “babysitting” some little
brats, he thought to himself. With the influx of holidaymakers as of late, he was
moved to Bluff’s Cove, which was a little bit closer to the water, and the fact he
was disturbing the peace at Tidmouth Beach one time too many. The children that
played in Bulstrode were having a lovely time at Bluff’s Cove, but as usual,
Bulstrode kept on grumbling relentlessly, which did begin to annoy the parents and
stationmaster, as well as the engines. One afternoon, Oliver stopped at Bluff’s
Cove to left off passengers. All of them spilled out of the coaches with so much
glee, but not Bulstrode.

-Bulstrode: Oh god, quiet already, and keep those brats out of me! I don’t deserve

-Oliver: Oui, Bulstrode! Whatever you’re complaining about, shut your trap! You’ll
spoil everyone’s day with that attitude of yours.

-Bulstrode: Humph! The same to you to chump!

-Oliver: I beg your pardon!

-Bulstrode: You engines are just as bad. Always concerned about the damn
passengers. When’s anybody gonna check on old Bulstrode, eh?

-Oliver: Like what? What’s there to check on?

-Bulstrode: I should be mended and out at sea being useful by hauling cargo, not
babysitting some rotten little tykes.

-Oliver: Oh please, what happened back at Knapford Harbor was your own fault, as
all you do is piss and moan over the slightest things and lash out at others. Maybe
if you would enjoy the little things in life and stop whining, you wouldn’t be such
a curmudgeon.
-Bulstrode: Humph! Yeah, that would be the day!

-Narrator: Bulstrode grunted dismissively. Oliver knew Bulstrode was just too
stubborn to listen to reason, especially when it came to children, but that gave
him an idea.

-Oliver: Now Bulstrode, you really mustn’t have this sorta attitude like that,
especially towards children. Its best you do keep an eye on them, that way we don’t
have another “seaside spectre” around here.

-Bulstrode: What are you on about?

-Oliver: (Eerily) Oh, driver told me that this was a local legend on our line. Many
years ago, a single mother and her son used to leave at Bluff’s Cove, and she would
take her little boy there to come play at the sea. But one night, when playing near
the ocean, this woman lost her beloved little boy at sea, and she was so
distraught, she died of depression, and every night now, her spirit waits for him
by the shoreline, hoping she would reunite with him. But when he doesn’t return,
she whips up the winds, and makes the waves crash. And anybody near the area that
is caught saying horrible things about children like you have, will taste her
watery wrath.

-Bulstrode: PAH! Pull the other one, you engines are just like the children, stuck
in your own silly little imaginations.

-Oliver: Think what you like there Bulstrode, but I’d be on your guard tonight if I
were you.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Oliver departs)

-Bulstrode: Humph! That’ll be the day.

(Shows Oliver & Duck at Callan Sheds)

-Narrator: Later that night, Oliver, who still felt very content with himself, told
Duck about his plan that night at Callan Sheds.

-Duck: (Sighs) Oh god Oliver, you really shouldn’t joke about things like this.
This is honestly quite hypocritical coming from you.

-Oliver: Hypocritical?

-Duck: Yes, Bulstrode shouldn’t really be saying these things and having such a
grudge against innocent children, you shouldn’t make up stories like that,
especially if really sensitive parents that love their children overheard you, they
would rip you to shreds.

-Oliver: Relax Duck, I know better than that, it’s just that I had to think of some
way to shut Bulstrode up, and I felt something a little “harsh”, if you will, might
be the key. Besides, it’s only just a bunch of folklore.

-Duck: Maybe so, but it’s still very insensitive and cruel to talk about.

-Oliver: Oh come on Duck, I don’t mean any real harm in it. Besides, I reckon it
will shut Bulstrode up for a while.

-Narrator: And in a twist of irony, Oliver would have no idea how right he would
be. The next morning, when Oliver was letting off passengers at Bluff’s Cove again,
he saw Bulstrode, except looking unusually skittish. For once, he didn’t grumble,
and he hardly made a peep.

-Bulstrode: (Nervous stutters)

-Oliver’s Driver: That’s odd. Doesn’t he seem closer to the sea than yesterday?

-Narrator: Oliver thought for a moment.

-Oliver: Hmm…he looks the same to me. (Chuckles) Maybe that “spectre” payed him a
visit last night.

-Oliver’s Driver: Now Oliver, there’s no need to be so horrid. I know Bulstrode can
be a great a great big jerk, but not even he deserves to look like…well…that.

-Oliver: I’m not trying to be rude driver. I mean, whatever is causing him to look
so pale, it must be some teenagers or something playing some cruel prank.

-Oliver’s Driver: How? I mean, who on earth would be strong enough to pull a huge
ass barge down a beach, huh?

(Shows Oliver stunned and surprised)

-Oliver’s Driver: Regardless, I think we need to keep an eye on Bulstrode and see
what’s going on.

-Narrator: As the days went by, the driver’s suspicions were confirmed. Every time
Oliver passed Bluff’s Cove, he kept seeing Bulstrode inching down the beach.

-Bulstrode: (Nervous) P-P-please, p-p-pull me back up…she’ll d-d-drag me into the


-Oliver: Oh don’t be so daft Bulstrode. And who’s she?

-Bulstrode: (Nervous) You know?

-Narrator: Bulstrode said meekly. Oliver was taken aback. No matter how many times
he did try to deny it, Oliver could see Bulstrode getting dragged down further each

-Oliver: (Inner monologue) Could this story about the seaside spectre be real?
There must be a reason, and I intend to find out what.

(Fades to Oliver & Douglas at Callan Sheds, then with Oliver heading to Bluff’s

-Narrator: One evening, Douglas wasn’t feeling well. He was scheduled to take a
train of ballast to Knapford Station, but with him out of commission, Oliver saw
this as his chance.

-Oliver: Say Douglas, I’m not busy tonight, maybe I could take your train for you.

-Douglas: Thank ye Oliver, I wouldnae mynd. Bit tak' yon Toad wi' ye. He’ll see ye
hae na trouble wi' th' trucks.

-Oliver: Thanks Douglas. Toad and I have been friends for years, and I can never
doubt him, I’ll see you later.

-Douglas: Aye, guid nicht and thanks Oliver.

-Oliver: Of course. (Inner monologue) And after what’s been going on with
Bulstrode, I’ll need that company.

-Narrator: Oliver thought nervously to himself. When darkness fell, Oliver set off
with the trucks, and even though they behaved well, that was the least of the Great
Western engine’s concern, as he was eager to get to Bluff’s Cove to figure out what
was going on with Bulstrode. Soon as the station itself came into view, the wind
began to blow, and the sound of crashing waves echoed from the distance. And just
as they came to the platform, Oliver’s brakes came on with an almighty screech.

-Trucks: OW! HEY, WHOA…

-Toad: Beg pardon Mr. Oliver, but is something wrong? We’re not meant to stop at
this station.

-Oliver: Not by choice Toad, because LOOK!

-Narrator: Oliver, his driver, fireman, guard, Toad, and the trucks looked in
horror, as there in front of them was a sight they would never forget. Bulstrode
had finally slid from the shore, and right into the ocean, as he was being pulled
in violently by giant hands of water. The mystic waves were throwing him around and
dunking the cantankerous barge down into the depths. Bulstrode had never been more
terrified in his whole life, as the giant water hands kept smacking him, drowning
him, all while the barge was in terror.


-Oliver: HOLY HELL!

-Narrator: Oliver shrieked, but if that wasn’t enough, something even more
terrifying came into view. As Bulstrode was now beginning to slowly float lop side,
with more water being thrown on his deck, they saw on the shore line was a pale
young woman, holding her arms out and clenching her fists as she manipulated the

-Toad: What’s going on Mr. Oliver?

-Oliver: I’ll tell you what’s going on Toad. Mommy’s very angry!

-Narrator: And he was right. The young woman stared coldly at Bulstrode, and spoke
in a very chilling voice.


-Bulstrode: (Stuttering) I-I-I…


-Bulstrode: NO PLEASE! SPARE ME!

OF THE SEA, RIGHT NOW…(Calms down) but that would be too cruel.
-Narrator: Then she turned to Oliver with a stern look.

-Seaside Spectre: (Crying) And you, you may have wanted to teach…that, a lesson,
but don’t you ever use the story about me and my son like that…EVER!

-Oliver: (Stuttering) Ye…yes…yes ma’am. I’m sorry!

-Seaside Spectre: (Sighs) I’ve had enough, look to see me no further.

-Narrator: And the seaside spectre turned, and walked slowly away into the seas
with tears still in her eyes, and disappeared into the wind. As she did, the water
hands holding Bulstrode disappeared, and Bulstrode himself landed into the water,
and with the hole in his hull…


-Toad: Mr. Oliver, what’s happening now?

-Oliver: Bulstrode’s in the water, we have to help him.

-Narrator: Oliver’s driver raised the alarm, and by the salvage barges had arrived,
the wind and waves completely calmed down. Bulstrode was loaded onto a salvage
barge, and a tugboat towed him away from the shores of Bluff’s Cove. For the first
time in his whole life, Bulstrode was speechless. Oliver was given the all clear to
leave, and as he headed down, he completely felt sorry for Bulstrode, while also
trying to grasp what had happened.

(Shows Oliver & Duck at Callan Sheds)

-Narrator: Soon, Oliver arrived home at the sheds late, where he found Duck waiting
for him.

-Duck: So, how was your evening run?

-Narrator: Oliver said nothing.

-Duck: (Smirks) So, it’s nothing more than folklore, isn’t it?

-Narrator: He smirked, before promptly falling asleep. Oliver had never felt very
ashamed as he had in his life. He didn’t know what to think. He knew know that he
owed poor Bulstrode an apology after what happened. But sadly, he never got the

(Shows Bulstrode back at Tidmouth Beach, still traumatized)

-Narrator: As for Bulstrode himself, well, he was completely traumatized by his

whole ordeal, and refused to go back to the Little Western. But thanks to the
Seaside Spectre, he had finally learned his lesson, and vowed to change his
attitude for good. He was moved to the shores at the Branchline Harbor on Thomas’s
Branchline, and isolated from the engines. Children still play in his cargo bin,
but Bulstrode doesn’t mind, as he has even vowed to be a lot kinder to everybody,
especially the children. Nobody bothers him anymore, and he himself has promised to
not even the slightest things bother him, but sometimes, you will find him looking
very scared, gazing silently across the horizon, hoping the ghostly mother would
forgive him. I wonder though if Bulstrode would ever meet his Seaside Spectre
again…don’t you?

(Opens with the history of the Blue Mountain Quarry)

-Narrator: The Blue Mountain Quarry is a brand new industrial establishment that
was first purposed in 1997 after the project of the Boulder Quarry failed. The
reason for its creation was because the Ministry of Defense needed the old Slate
Quarry past the top station, Skarloey on the titular railway. As they needed it as
an ammunition base. The other reason was because instead of just bringing slate
from the quarry into the Transfer Yards, the Thin Controller, Mr. Roger Sam and the
Fat Controller, Sir Stephen Topham Hatt III, needed a special slate quarry to
accommodate both standard and narrow gauge rail, that way it would be easier for
both the Northwestern and Skarloey Railway’s to get their slate. The quarry was
located through the mountains and on the Peel Godred Branch, and rightly so as the
branchline itself is for goods traffic mostly. It is called the Blue Mountain
Quarry because of how the slate appears to be in a bit of a blue tint. The engines
were still working on it, though for now, it did have its own privately owned
engine…well at least for the time being.

(Flashbacks to Sir Handel in February 1999)

-Narrator: Their private engine was Sir Handel, the former 3rd engine of the
Skarloey Railway. Sir Handel as we all know, was a pompous, pampered, arrogant and
selfish narrow gauge engine with horrible manners and a nasty temper. He was an
engine who was always so rude to everyone and too stubborn to reason with, thinking
things should only go “his” way, and his way only. That wasn’t until October of
1998, the arrogant engine would go too far with his horrid behavior by lashing out
at the other engines and his passengers when he wanted to laze about, and
badmouthed the Reverend Wilbert Awdry that made him and the engines of Sodor the
famous engines they are today, and the Northwestern’s Fat Controller, Sir Charles
Topham Hatt II, Stephen’s father, thinking that they were harsh on him and
slandered his legacy, when it was really his fault. This caused his anger to
worsen, he deliberately delayed a guaranteed connecting service with Bear on the
Main Line for 2 whole hours, and in return, when bear had to hurry to catch a ferry
bound for the mainland, he overran a red signal and crashed into the bookstall at
Knapford Station, that nearly killed him and the passengers and set the bookstall
on fire. And when word reached that Sir Handel was the culprit and how he kept
letting his childish behavior go to far, every engine and person on the island
confronted him, which really scared the pompous, blue engine, and the Thin
Controller decided the only punishment he could think of to make him see sense was
by banishing from the Skarloey Railway and sold to the Blue Mountain Quarry, not
before he was stripped of his nameplates and number plates. Though this wasn’t
permanent, the Thin Controller, and the superintendent of the railway and Sir
Handel’s namesake, Sir Handel Lloyd Brown II would only allow him to return if he
saw sense and changed the error of his ways. However, the other engines, both large
and small were so appalled by Sir Handel’s behavior, they just didn’t think he
could be trusted or not, so for now, they just didn’t want to speak with him. Sir
Handel himself though was so scared of being confronted by the whole mob of engines
and people like that, it actually hit him in the smokebox on how horrid his
behavior was. And now that he was confined to the sheds of the Blue Mountain
Quarry’s construction, he spent every night for the past few months feeling guilty
about his behavior, finally coming to terms with his wrong-doings, and wondered to
himself if he’d ever be allowed out and if the whole island would ever talk to him
again. Though Sir Handel also wondered how he himself could ever change his
attitude. One day, in February of 1999, Sir Handel was still in the shed and still
feeling guilty. His painted was faded, cobwebs stuck in different areas, and dust
collected on his footplate. The outlines were his nameplates and numbers shown, and
wouldn’t be hard to notice.

-Sir Handel (Sighs): I just don’t know who I am anymore. I may have wanted things
to work out, but was it really worth it? I just don’t know why I act the way I do,
but not like the other engines will care, as nobody would wanna see my face again.
-Mr. McGuire: Well, I’m glad to being hearing that from you then.

-Narrator: Sir Handel looked, and saw right in front of, a man who appeared to be
in his late 30’s. He looked at Sir Handel with a stern, but sympathetic look.

-Mr. Graham: Hello there, Sir Handel is it?

-Sir Handel: Yes, that’s me…um…who might you be…um…

-Mr. Graham: Sir.

-Sir Handel: Oh, sir! Sorry, I have a hard time trying to be….

-Mr. Graham: Nice. Yeah, so I’ve noticed! My name is Simon Graham. I’m the new,
appointed manager of the Blue Mountain Quarry. The Thin and Fat Controller hired me
to look after this establishment, and I was pleased, but then they told me that you
will be temporarily working here until you learn to behave. Now I heard plenty
about you Sir Handel, and that you were very troublesome and conceited back when
you worked on the Skarloey Railway.

-Narrator: Sir Handel just cringed and looked down at his buffers.

-Mr. Graham: However, I do believe in second chances, I do believe in redemption,

and I am determined to help you in becoming a better engine.

-Sir Handel: You will sir! Oh thank you sir…

-Mr. Graham: Now hold on a minute Sir Handel. Don’t thank me just yet, you can’t
just use this as a way to change things in a snap. Remember, you’re in a real mess,
as I am aware of the reason why you were sent here.

-Narrator: And Mr. Graham pulled out right in front of Sir Handel a newspaper
article from October 1998. It was titled; “ARROGANT ENGINE IS BANISHED FOR CAUSING
SERIOUS ACCIDENT”. It was on the very front page, and the picture on the headline
was Sir Handel in shock and fear, the night when the mob confronted him. Sir Handel
was shocked.

-Sir Handel: Oh my god, they made…

-Mr. Graham: That’s right Sir Handel. You didn’t think this scheme of yours was
gonna go unnoticed, huh?

-Sir Handel: Well, I…uh…

-Mr. Graham: Either way, I’m sure you remember that night, the press was there to,
and your selfish act was all over the news. The whole island, and possibly the
whole world doesn’t trust you right now, which is another reason why nobody has
come to see.

-Sir Handel: That I’m aware of sir. And I can’t say I blame them.

-Mr. Graham: Exactly! Which is exactly why you shouldn’t thank me yet, as you’re in
a real mess right now, so unless you wanna come out of this shed, you are going to
work and think about others around you. You will put others needs before your own,
and after work, I will spend nights counseling you in good behavior. Kindness and
sincerity can only go along Sir Handel, and as you stated, you don’t know how to be
nice, so that’s why I’m going to teach you.
-Sir Handel: I see what you mean? But if I may sir, and well, without being rude,
why are you helping me? I thought you’d be like everyone else on the island.

-Mr. Graham: Well Sir Handel, it’s simply this. I was nervous first myself when I
heard you were going to be working here in order to serve you parole. I was
wondering if you were willing to change instead of acting like spoiled brat like
you did back on Skarloey. But seeing that you are feeling remorse and are willing
to change, that’s a start. Plus, the other reason I was afraid to trust you is
because as you know, a lot of the passengers on that train you crashed were nearly
killed. Nobody has died thankfully, but there were some serious casualties and
trauma you caused, as lots people had to spend weeks on end recovering from that
trauma…including my brother.

-Sir Handel: Your broth…(Gasps)! NO!

-Mr. Graham: Oh yes! He was one of the passengers on both yours and Bear’s trains
that night. He’s still alive, but the incident cost him his legs. Because of you,
he’s now crippled, and in a wheel chair. He’s recovered after visited a
psychiatrist, but because of your attitude that night, he’ll never walk again.

-Sir Handel: Oh god! You’re telling me, I did that to your brother.

-Mr. Graham: You hurt a lot of people and engines throughout your life Sir Handel.
In fact, I was in the mob that night to, as my family were distraught over what you
did, which was one of the reasons why I was nervous when I took the job. So that’s
why I had to see if I could trust you at first, as like I said earlier, I do
believe in redemption, and since I can see that you are showing remorse, I’ll let
you out now, on a few conditions.

-Sir Handel: What’s that sir?

-Mr. Graham: You will do everything I say and when I say it. Think about others, no
complaining about work, no lazing around, no being rude, and do not cause any
trouble of any kind for your own selfish advantages. You have to promise me that
you will behave yourself and control your anger, because if I can’t trust you, me,
the Thin and Fat Controllers will leave in that shed for always, and always, and
always. And like I said, I will be having these classes with you, and will even
have an inspector involved, in teaching the proper etiquette of good behavior, and
you will take this seriously, not just to redeem yourself, but also with
interacting with other engines more professionally. If you follow these rails, you
will find hard work will bring success, and eventually, the Thin Controller will
let you back on the Skarloey Railway.

-Sir Handel: He will?

-Mr. Graham: Oh yes, he will. Now, do we have an understanding?

-Sir Handel: Well…okay…I’ll try.

-Mr. Graham: Oh no Sir Handel, don’t say the word try.

-Sir Handel: But I thought trying was…

-Mr. Graham: Sir Handel, there is a real big difference between trying something
and doing it. Now, look me in the eye, and promise me, you’ll “do” it. Deal?

-Sir Handel: Ye…yes sir…I’ll…I’ll do it! I’ll do whatever you say, I swear it!

-Mr. Graham: Good! Okay then. Now the quarry is still not fully complete, so we
need all the help with the construction. I will assign you a crew and we’ll fill
out your paper work. We will mend you and polish you, but since you’re still on
probation, that’s all you’re gonna get. Then you will help with the construction,
and once that’s done, you will work at the quarry.

-Sir Handel: Yes sir! I understand!

-Mr. Graham: Excellent then.

-Narrator: So as Mr. Graham walked away, Sir Handel thought to himself, this was
really it, he’d been offered a second chance, and Mr. Graham was so determined to
help him redeem himself, but was also very firm in making him swear to his
commitment. It was hard at first to admit he was wrong and promise to change, but
after doing so, it wasn’t all that bad. Especially because he knew know that he’d
been given another chance, he was determined not to waste it, so there was no
turning back.

(Shows Sir Handel out working)

-Narrator: Soon afterwards, Graham had hired a new driver and fireman for Sir
Handel, and the men had filled out the paperwork for his allocation at the quarry.
Once that was settled, Sir Handel was introduced to his new crew members, and after
the blue engine promised to be as good as gold, they had him restored, but now
fully repainted, as the little engine had a lot to learn. So Sir Handel got too
work and started shunting trucks around the facility wherever they were needed,
they had already completed construction on half the quarry, so now that Sir Handel
was back in action, he set about finishing up the remainder. For once in his life,
Sir Handel felt quite shy, as having the wrong attitude, but trying to be nice was
hard. There were a few moments where he would have awkward outbursts with the
workmen, and by force of habit, would bump the trucks. But Mr. Graham wasn’t too
angry with him, as he knew that Sir Handel was still developing, but he would be a
little firm with him though. Graham kept to his word and taught Sir Handel to
behave, as well as an inspector, as the inspectors on the railways of Sodor would
act as like a therapist for the engines to, as it isn’t just the physical problems
they have to keep an eye out for. Sir Handel took this seriously, and even tried
taking what Graham taught him while he was working, and when Sir Handel was nice to
the workmen, they were nice to him to, and Sir Handel smiled. He finally was
beginning to understand what respect was. He even began to realize actually doing
his job was quite easy once he started getting the hang of it to. He began to
realize hard work really began to bring success. About a year later, the
construction of the quarry was nearly complete, and Sir Handel was managing to get
plenty done. Mr. Graham was very impressed, and he and Sir Handel gained each
other’s respect. It wasn’t until November of 2000, the construction of the Blue
Mountain Quarry was finally complete. However, the engines may have been difficult,
not just when they were called into help with the construction, but now help out
with the real work, and of course, the just didn’t know whether to trust him or
not, even after he was let out. Graham assured Sir Handel to give them time, and
tried to help Sir Handel with his social skills. Sir Handel was nervous, but he
knew he had to do his best, so he decided to have a practice test himself.

(Shows Sir Handel coming up to Percy in September of 2001)

-Sir Handel: Um…uh…hello uh…Percy.

-Percy (Gasps and turns angry): Oh no, look who decided to show his sorry attitude
out of the shed. I see they let you out Sir Heinous.

-Sir Handel: Now Percy, I know this make look surprising, but…
-Percy: If you’re gonna try and come up and snub me right now Sir Heinous, you can
forget it. You may have already caused trouble for James & Bear about 2 years ago,
but I won’t let you try and insult me.

-Sir Handel: No, no! My dear Percy, I’m not here to do any of that. I’m here to…

-Percy: Say what now?

-Sir Handel: Yes, I’m really sorry for what I did. I know this is surprising, but I
had to make amends somehow, so I thought I could start with you.

-Percy (Thinks for a minute): Oh…you’re serious. Okay then, but why are you being
so nice now?

-Sir Handel: Well for starters, since I’ve been banished, I began to feel so guilty
about my behavior, and causing the horrific accident. I admit I was being selfish,
but I really meant what I said that night in that I never intended to crash Bear
and kill the passengers like that.

-Skarloey: I get that. But action speaks louder than words Sir Handel.

-Narrator: Both engines looked, and there they saw Skarloey coming into view, he
overheard the both of them.

-Skarloey: Hello Sir Handel!

-Sir Handel: Oh, hello Skarloey. I, didn’t think you’d be talking to me.

-Skarloey: Well you didn’t say anything to us yet.

-Sir Handel: Oh…I thought…

-Skarloey: Relax Sir Handel, we weren’t going to shun you. We were aghast by your
actions 2 years ago, but we are willing to forgive. Though no offense, that was
something you never did.

-Sir Handel: I know, I know, but I had been getting help.

-Narrator: And Sir Handel explained to Skarloey & Percy about his sessions with Mr.
Graham, and the threat that would happen if he didn’t change his attitude.

-Percy: Oh, that makes sense now. So now that you see you’ve been given a second

-Sir Handel: That’s right Percy. I was determined not to waste it. I had plenty of
months to think in that shed. And now that I’ve been let out and working at the
quarry, well, I realize, that the jobs I do, they’re easy, once I do them and get
the hang of them that is.

-Skarloey: Well, that is a massive improvement there Sir Handel. Very different
from the engine I knew many years ago when he first arrived with Peter Sam.

-Sir Handel: That I have. Still, Skarloey, I’m sorry I called you rubbish the first
day I came to the railway.

-Skarloey: Well in that case, I accept your apology my friend.

-Sir Handel: Friend?

-Skarloey: Yes, because I think we can be friends, but only if you behave.

-Percy: Skarloey’s right Sir Handel. Everybody needs friends. But what you said
about your old railway closing down when Edward asked why you were so cynical, was
that true?

-Sir Handel (Sighs): Yes Percy. It was. I just felt that when the Mid-Sodor was
closed down, I felt betrayed, and I took it out on both the Northwestern and
Skarloey Railway, because, well…I held you responsible, no offense.

-Skarloey: None taken, because I can understand why now. But Sir Handel, our
railway was in just as much trouble as Mid-Sodor was, remember, in fact, that was
the reason why you and Peter Sam came to the railway after you both were sheeted
after working at the old Aluminum plant at Peel Godred, and why Rheneas was sent to
the mainland to have his overhaul.

-Sir Handel: I know, I just, I was so angry, I just thought if I talked my problems
out, I would look weak and pathetic.

-Percy: But it isn’t Sir Handel. Admitting your feelings and that you were wrong is
a very strong and brave move to make.

-Sir Handle: You’re right Percy. I guess I should’ve realized that. (Sighs) I
shouldn’t have been so rude, I realize at the time I had been given a second
chance, I just took it for granted, and tried to make myself feel known, that I
wanted the grand fame that engines like Gordon had.

-Skarloey: That’s understandable Sir Handel, but even engines like Gordon had to go
through a lot of life events to humble him.

-Percy: He’s right, because just last year, Gordon got annoyed about pulling
trucks, he soon changed his mind after getting switched onto the loop line between
Maron and Killdane, exceeded the speed limit and tumble down a hill through a farm.

-Sir Handel: Oh my lord, seriously?

-Skarloey: It’s true. He got in trouble for it, but decided now that he’s getting
old, that he should start changing his views, for the railway.

-Percy: Yeah, and he’s really a lot nicer to in recent years when you get to know
him. A little boastful every now and again sure, but he’s a grand, wise engine.

-Sir Handel: Oh, I see. I didn’t think about that. I just thought being a grand
express engine, you know, being one of the famous LNER Pacific’s, he had it all.

-Skarloey: Yes, and he is one of the very first to, but even he had his limits, as
Gordon is equal to every other engine out there.

-Sir Handel: Yeah, and the fact even he pulls trucks on occasion, I guess that’s
made me realize, I’m not that special after all, am I?

-Skarloey: Now that doubt yourself Sir Handel. Everyone is special in their own
special way, but if you go one believing that, it would give you a very unhealthy
mindset that not only makes you arrogant and selfish, but can create a dangerous
mindset that has a negative effect on those around you, like of course, three years
ago when you caused Bear’s accident and abused Peter Sam.

-Percy: Yeah, badmouthed Reverend Awdry and the Fat Controller’s father. Nobody
ruined your legacy Sir Handel, you did. But, since you stated you’ve changed, and
are going out of your way to apologize, that’s a good way to start.

-Sir Handel (Sighs): You’re right you two. At least you two can forgive me, but I
don’t know if the other engines well.

-Skarloey: Give it time Sir Handel. In fact, last year in the summer, Peter Sam was
having a hard time getting over how you abused him, and was feeling the trauma so
much that he didn’t know how to move on.

-Narrator: Sir Handel just sighed, he hadn’t forgot that.

-Skarloey: But he has been getting help after talking with Marlin, Duke and the
Thin Controller, and later made peace after helping the Refreshment Lady find a new
tea shop, which was a refurbished old coach Terence found, converted into a tea
stand on wheels.

-Sir Handel: Wow that was nice of him, even after how I treated him, though after
what I did, I don’t think he’ll ever want to see my face again.

-Skarloey: Not true Sir Handel. He said that now that he has made peace, he says
he’ll be ready to deal with you when the time comes. He is an engine willing to let
things go. You two will have to deal with each other when the times comes.

-Sir Handel: I see! But I hope if I ever do get back to the Skarloey Railway,
nobody would be afraid to go near me.

-Skarloey: I don’t think that they would Sir Handel, but again, just give it time.
Right now, all I can say is that Percy and I are the first two engines to forgive
you. Great job Sir Handel, keep up the good work.

-Sir Handel: Thank you Skarloey. And thank you to Percy.

-Percy: Of course Sir Handel. And if it makes you feel better, we can even tell the
other engines what just happened.

-Sir Handel: You’d do that?

-Skarloey: Well seeing that you have started to mature, of course. We can’t
guarantee that everyone will believe you, but we’ll just have to see what happens.

-Sir Handel: That’s understandable. Thanks again you to.

-Narrator: So as the three engines were headed back to work, not only did Sir
Handel feel good about himself, Mr. Graham had overheard everything, and he was
quite proud to. That night he spoke with Sir Handel.

-Mr. Graham: I saw earlier that you were starting to make amends with the other
engines so far Sir Handel, and I must say, so far, I’m quite proud with what you’ve
done. That was brave of you to take that chance with Percy & Skarloey. You keep
this up and everyone will respect you properly and that hard work does brings

-Sir Handel: Thank you sir!

-Mr. Graham: Now the reason I’m here tonight is not just for a session, but also
because tomorrow, we will have a new addition to our Quarry for the time being, and
let’s just say this newcomer is kind of in a similar position to you almost.
-Sir Handel: What do you mean?

-Mr. Graham: She’s a vintage steam lorry called Elizabeth, who was once a private
lorry owned by the Fat Controller’s family that was said to be found in an old shed
by Duck last month. She’s being sent here because she too was being rude and
standoffish towards the other engines like you were, but far more posh, and very
harsh and somewhat cruel from what I heard.

-Sir Handel: Whoa, you don’t say.

-Mr. Graham: Yeah! In fact, a few days ago, she got into a dangerous race with
Daisy on the Ffarqhuar branch and crashed into a field. So the Fat Controller
punished her by sending her here. I don’t know for sure if she’s actually changed,
but all I can ask Sir Handel is if you can make her feel welcome as best you can,
but don’t let anything she says or does that’s rude get to you.

-Sir Handel: I promise sir! As knowing where she might be coming from, maybe I can
help her.

-Narrator: Sir Handel said trying to be reassuring, though little did he know what
Elizabeth herself was really like. The next morning, Sir Handel was getting ready
for work, where right in the corner, he spotted a maroon vintage lorry with a
larger orange tipper at the back.

-Sir Handel (Inner monologue): Hmm…that must Elizabeth. Wow, I haven’t seen a
vintage steam lorry in ages. Wow, Mr. Graham was right, she doesn’t look friendly.
But I’ll still try, what’s the worst that can happen.

-Narrator: Sir Handel puffed up to her, attempting to be kind.

-Sir Handel: Good morning there, you must be Elizabeth.

-Elizabeth: Who wants to know?

-Sir Handel: I’m sorry, I was only trying to be nice.

-Elizabeth: I don’t need support from a railway engine, thank you very much.
Especially from some old and pathetic narrow gauge ruffian.

-Sir Handel: EXCUSE ME!

-Elizabeth: It’s bad enough that the Fat Controller had already punished me
unfairly like with that motorized, oil-consuming coach, now I’m demoted to work at
this dusty and filthy old slate quarry, with a bunch of railway engines.

-Sir Handel (Gasps): Whoa! Hey, no need to be so rude! And all these opinions just
sound, very snooty.

-Elizabeth: Well it’s not my fault that I have to be surrounded by filth.

-Sir Handel: Humph!

-Elizabeth: And who the devil are you?

-Sir Handel: I’m Sir Handel, that’s who!

-Elizabeth (Laughs rudely): You, a sir. You’re hilarious old bean. Who do you think
you are, a member of the Queen’s court?
-Sir Handel: I was named after the superintendent of the Skarloey Railway, Sir
Handel Lloyd Brown. Though I don’t have that honor right now, as I have to earn it.

-Elizabeth: Ha! So it would appear you lost it then because you’re a ruffian.

-Sir Handel: No…if you’d listen!

-Elizabeth: Well I’m not interested in hear your story steamer. I’m here to do my
work, and show how Lorries like me are far superior than you rail-rolling

-Narrator: And Elizabeth chugged rudely away, blowing dust at Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel (Coughs): How vulgar!

-Narrator: It turns out, Elizabeth was just as bad as last time. She was very
snooty to the engines, bossing everyone around, ignoring the rules set up, even by
Mr. Graham, and she even patronized the workmen. The engines did their best to try
and keep a distance from her, she proved even worse than ever. Sir Handel of
course, hated her because of her arrogant, overbearing attitude reminded him of
himself before he got banished, and a huge realization was hitting the blue narrow
gauge engine hard. Though the other reason, she deliberately caused trouble, and
worse, the workmen who saw Sir Handel at that very moment, would blame him for the
incident, thinking he was the one who hadn’t changed.

(Elizabeth accidentally backs into slate wagons derailing them)

-Elizabeth: OOF! OH HELL! WHO PUT THESE DAMN WAGONS HERE! Humph! How undignified!

(Elizabeth storms off)

-Workman 1: What? Hey?

-Workman 2: What happened to these trucks?

(Sir Handel shows up)

-Workman 1: Oui, Sir Handel!

-Sir Handel: What me?

-Workman 3: No, I mean Charlton Heston, who do you think?

-Sir Handel: What? What did I do?

-Workman 4: You know damn well what you did, you derailed the trucks you idiot!

-Sir Handel: Me! I would never!

-Workman 2: Oh really, who did, little green from Mars?

-Sir Handel: Spare the sarcasm, I’m being serious here!

-Workman 1: Sorry Sir Handel, but we’ll have to let the manager know about this.

(Sir Handel looks at the tire marks on the ground, and seethes with fury as he sees
Elizabeth roll off in the distance)

-Narrator: Elizabeth took notice, and decided to use this blame game on Sir Handel
for her own advantage.

(Shows Elizabeth racing down fast and stones falling out of her tipper and onto the

-Duncan: Och aye, the line's blockit wi’ stone! Who could’ve done… (Sees Sir Handle
showing up) Och richt, it haed tae be ye, didn’t it Sir Handel?

-Sir Handel: Did what Duncan?

-Duncan: Um…causin stone tae fall ower the line A have tae tak tae get oot o here.

-Sir Handel: What, hell no! I only just got here!

-Duncan: Och sure! Sae much for Skarloey sayin ye changit. It’s lucky A wasn’t
here, A could’ve gotten smashed!

-Sir Handel: Oh come on Duncan, how could I have done this?

-Duncan: A don’t know Sir Handel, ye tell me!

-Narrator: Sir Handel was furious that everyone was accusing him without evidence,
and not taking into account that he really was turning over a new leaf. Though
luckily for him, a certain green narrow gauge engine had witnessed everything. That
night at his shed, Mr. Graham came to see him.

-Mr. Graham: Sir Handel, what has been going on lately? You were doing so well with
each of our sessions, but then I get complaints for the workmen and a few of the
engines that you’ve been acting up.

-Sir Handel: Sir, you must understand, this time it wasn’t me, I swear. I would
never do anything like that. I mean, I did in the past, but that’s changed now.

-Mr. Graham: You’re telling me the truth are you?

-Sir Handel: Sincerely sir. That’s what you told me to do, and what I’m doing right

-Mr. Graham: Hmm…okay. Then, who did it.

-Peter Sam: I’ll tell you who did it sir, it was the stupid lorry’s fault.

-Mr. Graham: Wait what?

-Sir Handel (Gasps): Oh my god!

-Narrator: Sir Handle was surprised, as there coming into view was Peter Sam, along
with Duke.

-Peter Sam: Sorry for the interruptions Mr. Graham, but the Thin Controller said
you needed engines to help out Sir Handel tomorrow, so Duke and I thought we could
come. But were really here to show our support.

-Duke: Indeed! The workmen must understand sir that Sir Handel is innocent. Peter
Sam says he saw that rude steam lorry the Fat Controller owned called Elizabeth
causing trouble.

-Mr. Graham: Oh! Oh, I see now! Sir Handel, I apologize for that.
-Sir Handel: It’s okay sir! But still, I don’t believe it, Peter Sam, Granpuff, you
both came…just for me?

-Peter Sam: Well if you hadn’t changed, we wouldn’t have, but Skarloey told us that
you made you attempts in apologizing when you spoke with him and Percy. I knew I
had to come see you for myself to believe it, and now that I have, and that horrid
lorry Elizabeth has, now I know.

-Duke: Indeed! Trust me Falcon, you’re not the only one who got snubbed by that
lorry. She’s been horrid to everybody, including the workmen.

-Sir Handel: You don’t say! Well, in that case, since you both are here, my two
closest friends, or were my friends that is, are here, so I could apologize.
(Sighs) Duke, Peter Sam, about what happened after all these years, and ever since
3 years ago, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, for everything! You both were right all
along, I have been acting like nothing more than an arrogant, anti-social, and
pompous, pampered brat. I just didn’t realize that I had caused so much misery and
pain on not just the both of you, but the other engines, and many innocent people
that could’ve died because I deliberately delayed Bear and damaged Knapford
Station. I was being a real idiot.

-Duke: It’s alright Sir Handel. Skarloey told us how genuine you were being to him
and Percy, and after the hell that Elizabeth has caused, I feel sorry for you my
young friend. I don’t regret saying that you’re on your own, but now that you have
been changing by yourself and taking your sessions with Mr. Graham seriously, I’m
very proud of you. And this time, because Elizabeth is now the offender, Peter Sam
and I are going to help you. Because mark my words, that lorry is going to have to
think twice before she can get away Scot-free.

-Sir Handel: Thank you! But I’ll tell you this, meeting with Elizabeth has really
begun to remind me of how much of a selfish and stubborn brat I’ve acted. I realize
now that doing the job is easy, and it really does make me feel good inside. I just
don’t understand what came over me. I really meant what I said about Mid-Sodor
closing down. I just…

-Peter Sam: It’s okay Sir Handel. I understand why you took it harshly, and I was
upset as much as you were, but there wasn’t anything that could’ve been done.

-Duke: He’s right Falcon. Times were changing.

-Sir Handel: But what about you Granpuff, I thought you would’ve held a grudge
towards the Northwestern and Skarloey Railways, because you got the worst end when
no one bought you, and spent many years buried in that shed.

-Duke: I understand why you thought that Falcon, but I didn’t because like Stuart
said, this was out of control. I never had a grudge against the Northwestern
engines, as they were the main standard gauge railway that handled the majority of
the island’s services, as they were more convenient to use. And the Skarloey
railway was in the same position as we were when Skarloey was decommissioned and
Rheneas struggled alone to run the line. If it wasn’t for that, you and Stuart
wouldn’t have been given a second chance. Plus, I spent most of my years in the
shed sleeping anyway.

-Sir Handel: Oh (Giggles).

-Duke (Giggles): Plus, after being found, and getting to know the engines of both
standard and narrow, I felt really grateful. At least in the end, I got that second
chance like you two did. At least if it wasn’t for the Skarloey, we wouldn’t have a
railway to run on at all.
-Sir Handel: That is true!

-Duke: Plus, I began to understand how much the world changes and different methods
are used to keep the railway going 10 years ago at the Wharf when I met Toby,

-Sir Handel: Oh yes! I forgot about that!

-Duke: Yes, turns out there was something this old engine needed to learn to

-Peter Sam: But needless to say, at least you now know he we felt after
encountering Elizabeth.

-Sir Handel: True! I just hope we can knock some sense into her.

-Peter Sam: We will!

-Sir Handel: But still, Peter Sam, I think I owe you an even bigger apology. I’m
sorry I abused you like that and called you those horrible words. I heard you went
into depression because of me. I just feel so guilty, as you were like a brother to
me, but all I did was treat you like dirt.

-Peter Sam: Thank you Sir Handel. That does mean so much. I didn’t mean I was gonna
fully disown you, but I was so angry.

-Sir Handel: Yes, all because of me. You are like my brother Peter Sam, and I do
admire your optimism. Honestly, I did envy you and I just wish I had it.

-Peter Sam: You were jealous? Of me?

-Sir Handel: Yes, but I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have had that horrible attitude
towards everyone. Including you. I should’ve talked out my problems with someone
like I am now.

-Peter Sam: Well at least you are making up for it now in the end Sir Handel. I did
say I would be ready to face you again when the time came, and seeing that, that
stupid lorry is making your life hell, I’m gonna be there for you my friend. As I
forgive you! We’ll always be family Sir Handel. You, me, and Granpuff are the
legacy of the Mid-Sodor.

-Duke: Indeed! We’ve been through many adventures together, and once you come back
to Skarloey, that’s how it shall be, together. It’s never too late to change Sir

-Sir Handel: Thank you Granpuff. Thank you Peter Sam. I just hope we can stop
Elizabeth before she keeps causing trouble. Honestly, she also seems just as bad as
George the Steamroller.

-Peter Sam: She sure does. In fact, the reason she’s really here was because she
got in trouble for causing a fallout between Donald & Douglas.

-Sir Handel: What? She didn’t!

-Duke: I’m afraid so! But don’t worry, a few days ago, they reconciled after the
trucks pushed Donald into the quay at the Wharf when we had that low sun frequency.
I was there to, and I told Douglas who was also working there to help him. It was
the same day she and Daisy had that dangerous race.
-Sir Handel: Wow! That fact she’d do this and didn’t care.

-Duke: Indeed!

-Mr. Graham: Well it’s a good thing you both are telling me this now. I’ll make
sure to tell the Fat & Thin Controller first thing in the morning, and we’ll deal
with her. Sir Handel, good job right now for making amends with Peter Sam & Duke.

-Sir Handel: Well I wouldn’t have done it if it hadn’t been for you. Thank you sir.

-Duke: Anyways, it’s be get some rest. Good night you two.

-Peter Sam: Good night Granpuff. And Sir Handel, good job!

-Sir Handel: Thanks you two!

-Narrator: Sir Handel fell happily asleep, proud that he had finally made amends
with his two closest friends, and that the guilt he had when he caused it had
drifted away. He was proud to have done the right thing. The next morning, as
everybody was setting for work, he backed down to a train of empty slate trucks,
ready to be collect slate up in the mountains. As he did so, Elizabeth pulled in
just as smug as ever, ready to gloat again.

-Elizabeth: Well, well, well, if isn’t the little blue steamer with his fancy
knighthood. I hope you learned your lesson after all the trouble you had caused Sir
Handel. Once I leave this quarry, the Fat Controller is sure to let me back on the
roads, and I’ll find ways to prove how superior I am, and that railways are
insufficient and filthy.

-Sir Handel: Oh I’ve learned plenty before you came here sweetheart. The question
is, have you?

-Elizabeth: Now what is that supposed to mean?

-Sir Handel: Whatever the hell you want to mean Elizabeth.

-Elizabeth: Ugh! And you give me the cheek, why let me tell you…

-Peter Sam: Why don’t you let us tell you to shut up and listen for once in your
life you great big spoiled brat!

-Narrator: Elizabeth was shocked when Peter Sam came rolling in.

-Peter Sam: If you think you’re so superior to us and treat us so horribly, as well
as let my friend be a scapegoat in all these irresponsible actions of yours, you
got another thing come.

-Elizabeth: And who are you with an improper funnel to talk to me like that.

-Duke: Never you mind Elizabeth! We’re here because we will not stand for this
pompous and irresponsible behavior of yours! You think yourself special, well
you’re certainly wrong. Even after the Fat Controller scolded, even after all the
times you had treated every engine, road vehicle and human with a great amount of
disrespect, even after your constant gloating and cruelty that you enforced on
everyone, especially after cutting off Trevor and causing Donald & Douglas to fall
out, and even after your race with Daisy, you’ve learned nothing! Well let us tell
you the world doesn’t revolve around you, and you are not that special! We were
brought in to help us after “your” punishment for this constant behavior you
enforce on everyone right now. Everyone tries to warn you to take care, but you’re
so delusional, you constantly cause trouble, and never take into account the
constant lives around you. We know it was you that has been causing this trouble

-Elizabeth: Humph! So what if you do? Huh, what are you fools gonna do about it.

-Duke: We’re trying to reason with you, that’s what. Because at Sir Handel may have
been pompous, but at least he’s learned his lesson, and doing his best to make
amends after reality came to him. And that’s what you have to do, unless you want
to end up like Smudger.

-Elizabeth: Smudger? Who in pray tell is that?

-Duke: Smudger was an engine I used to work with back on the old Mid-Sodor Railway.

(Flashbacks to the Mid-Sodor Railway and showing Smudger’s antics)

-Duke: You see, Smudger was just like you. An arrogant, cocky, and impulsive fool
that thought he was on top of everything, and spent every moment in his life
gloating and disobeying orders, like you were. But because of his obnoxious
attitude, he ran so roughly, he would derail at every moment. I would warn him
constantly to be careful, but the fool took no notice.

-Smudger: Listen Dukey! Who worries about a few spills!

-Duke: We do here youngster! Unless you don’t want a place on this railway, you had
better follow the rules and smarten up. (Narrating) But I’m sorry to say, Smudger
would only brush of my warnings and laugh.

-Smudger: (Cackles)

-Duke: It wasn’t until one day, after he kept acting up, the manager back then had
put his foot down, and gave Smudger the biggest scolding that really made him feel
meek, and told him he was gonna have his wheels removed. Smudger stopped laughing

-Elizabeth: Oh really, what happened to that fool?

-Duke: He was scrapped and turned into a steam-powered generator, used for the back
of our sheds. He never moved again, but after our railway closed, we never heard
from him again, and we can only assume that he either got scrapped, or time really
did a toll on him thanks to many years of weathering and erosion.

(Fades back to present day)

-Duke: So that’s why you better change this horrid attitude, or both our
controllers and the manager are going to blow a gasket, and you can put more lives
in danger with this pompous and cruel attitude of yours. Is that understood?

-Elizabeth: Pah! Nothing like that would ever happen to me! This “Smudger” you
speak of already got what was coming to him, and good riddance to him being turned
into some generator. I am far superior to you all, so if you’re done talking
nonsense, get out of my way and don’t interfere with my work. Good day and good

-Narrator: And Elizabeth drove off rudely again!

-Sir Handel: Geez! She’s even stubborn than I was! I know for a fact if she keeps
this up, she could get herself in trouble.

-Duke: Give it time Sir Handel, because her actions could justify that, but I think
it maybe even worse.

-Narrator: And Duke was right. Up in the mountains, Elizabeth stubbornly thought
she could go up the mountains and take the slate herself without having to wait for
the engines below.

-Elizabeth’s Driver: Oh for god’s sake Elizabeth, this ridiculous! First you cut
off Trevor and crash Donald & Douglas, then you get into that race with Daisy that
could’ve gotten somebody killed, but this is even stupider!

-Elizabeth: You think I’m stupid! You insolent swine! I said keep driving! I’m
going to prove that this island doesn’t need railways!

-Elizabeth’s Driver: Oh will you just stop acting like an arrogant brat right now!
Road vehicles are not allowed on the upper terraces! If you got caught up here,
you’ll be in even bigger trouble! But regardless, it’s one wrong move, you’ll kill
us both!

-Elizabeth: I don’t want to hear your excuses you pathetic fool! Now shut up and
keep driving! Or you can find yourself out of a job!

-Narrator: Elizabeth’s driver reluctantly did so, especially because he needed to

get down. This was very risky, but Elizabeth was being such a brat, she was too
stubborn to listen. Though once they got on the highest terrace, that’s when it
happened. Getting up the mountains required so much energy, that Elizabeth used up
all her coal and stopped.

-Elizabeth: ARGH! NOW WHAT?


-Narrator: Elizabeth said nothing!

-Elizabeth’s Driver: One thing for certain, we have to get down from here. I can’t
believe you forced me to do this!

-Elizabeth: Well…I…I…

-Elizabeth’s Driver: Oh save it for the manager. I better call for help.

-Narrator: Just then, the foreman in charge of the loading at the upper terraces
came up, and was surprised.


-Elizabeth’s Driver: Sorry sir, but it was this damn lorry’s fault, she forced me
to drive her up here because she thought she could take the slate by herself from
there to one up the engines. She used up all her coal to get up here, and you get
the idea.

-Foreman: So I have. Still, that is the stupidest thing I had ever heard. Trying to
one up the engines.
-Elizabeth’s Driver: Tell me about it! Anyways, we better call for help. Like
Harold the Helicopter maybe.

-Foreman: We just take the engines up here. But even if you called for Harold, it
wouldn’t matter, he’s already busy on another rescue operation. And obviously he
can’t bring “her” down with his cargo hoist, it’s stupid anyway. Don’t worry, I’ll
call Butch the Breakdown Vehicle. He’s the only road vehicle strong enough to come
up here, plain and simple.

-Elizabeth’s Driver: Excellent then. Elizabeth, I don’t wanna hear another word
from you, so you stay put.

-Narrator: But Elizabeth just scoffed. She still thought she was better, and this
time…the unthinkable happened.

-Elizabeth: I’ll show them all how invincible I am, I can get out of this mountain
without that driver of mine.

-Narrator: And with an extra oomph, she forced her emergency brake off and slowly
started to roll away, downwards.

-Elizabeth: Ha, ha! Now I’ll show them, I’ll show them all! (Cackles)




-Narrator: And Elizabeth began to pick up speed as she began racing down the
terrace. But only in a straight line. She was too busy gloating and thinking how
clever she was, without her driver, she couldn’t move on her own, especially
turning other directions or stopping, too late, she saw there was a rock wall up

-Elizabeth (Gasps): OH HORRORS!

-Narrator: She wailed! She shut her eyes, and only now she realized without her
driver, she couldn’t put on the brakes, and she tried to force them on, but she
knew she couldn’t know, and then crashed through the rock wall.

-Elizabeth: OOF! OUCH! (Opens eyes and gasps) OH NO, OH, OH, HELP!




-Narrator: Though it didn’t take long for everyone to notice. Everyone at the
bottom heard Elizabeth screaming, looked up, and gasped in horror, to see the
arrogant and irresponsible lorry, now in a very dangerous situation herself this




-Sir Handel’s Driver: What?

-Sir Handel: Listen, it’s the only way we’re gonna save Elizabeth. We just need a
long and very strong chain to pull her back on firm ground.

-Sir Handel’s Driver (Sighs): Okay, but be careful, as we might get dragged down
with her if were not careful.

-Sir Handel: Okay! LET’S HURRY!



-Narrator: Elizabeth wailed pathetically. She was dangling from that cliff, and any
minute, her weight from her cab would cause her to plummet down the mountain. Just
then, she heard a whistle.

(Sir Handel’s whistle blares)

-Sir Handel: ELIZABETH!

-Elizabeth: WHAT?


-Narrator: Sir Handel raced as fast as he could, until at last, he made it.



-Elizabeth (Crying): BUT WHY?


-Sir Handel’s Driver: RIGHT YER!

-Narrator: Sir Handel’s crew wasted no time. They tied the chain to Elizabeth’s
bumper, tight and secure. The fireman tied attached to other end to Sir Handel’s
front coupling and made sure both engines were secure on the ground.


(Sir Handel pulls Elizabeth back on the ground)

-Narrator: Sir Handel pulled with all his might! He kept pulling and pulling, until
at last, Elizabeth was finally back on solid ground.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: HA, HA! YOU’RE DOING IT SIR HANDEL!

-Narrator: Sir Handel still had to pull extra and make sure Elizabeth was away from
the cliff, and then, her driver got back in, and secured the brake.

-Sir Handel: Phew! That was close!

-Narrator: Everyone on the bottom cheered!


-Everyone! HOORAY!

-Duncan: Wow! Well I'll be damnit.

-Sir Handel’s Driver: Well done old boy. You did it!

-Sir Handel (Panting): Thanks driver. Still, Elizabeth, WHAT IN GOD’S NAME WERE YOU

-Elizabeth’s Driver: She thought she could try and one-up you, that’s what she was
thinking. But we’ll worry about her later, because we need to get her down. But I
don’t think she’ll be gloating and causing trouble now, she’s in shock.

-Narrator: And she was. Elizabeth didn’t feel outspoken and rude now, as through
the dents and dust marks from crashing through the rocks, the vintage lorry was
traumatized at the fact she nearly caused her own death. She slowly began to cry
and realize that she wasn’t really that special at all.

-Foreman: You carry on Sir Handel, and get Elizabeth’s driver back down. I’ll call
for Butch to bring her back down.

-Sir Handel: Yes sir!

-Narrator: So Elizabeth’s driver got into Sir Handel’s cab, and the little engine
set off back down the mountain. All the while, Sir Handel couldn’t help but feel
sorry for the vintage lorry despite her rudeness. Everybody cheered as Sir Handel
finally got back down. The little blue engine beamed, but this time, he was humble
about his accomplishments.

-Peter Sam: Well done Sir Handel. You did it!

-Sir Handel: Thank you Peter Sam. I’m just glad Elizabeth is back on firm ground.
But she’s in severe shock.

-Mr. Graham: I’ll say. Because I know she did this deliberately, and I’m still
gonna report her to the Fat & Thin Controller. (Sighs) There not gonna be happy
when they hear about this.

-Peter Sam: No kidding. But I hope Elizabeth will be okay.

-Sir Handel: I hope so to Peter Sam. I hope so.

-Mr. Graham: Even so, congratulations Sir Handel. That was very brave of you to
save her.

-Sir Handel: Thank you sir! I couldn’t have done so without you and the other

-Narrator: That afternoon, Sir Handel was called over to the shed where Butch towed
Elizabeth. Peter Sam & Duke were with him.

-Sir Handel: Ah, Butch, how's Elizabeth?

-Butch: She’s alright now Sir Handel. And perfectly safe thanks to you Sir Handel.
But not sorry as she’ll have to go back to Jem Cole’s for repairs.

-Duke: Indeed! But still, that was the most irresponsible and childish stunt from a
lorry who’s just as old as us, and would never suit his grace.

-Peter Sam: I’ll say to that Granpuff. What were you thinking Elizabeth?

-Elizabeth: I…I’m sorry.

-Peter Sam: Oh, so you’re sorry now!

-Elizabeth: Yes. I just thought…

-Sir Handel: What, because you wanted be better than us, you wanted to be right.
Well you’re not Elizabeth. Duke is right, you’re not that special. You’re equal to
everyone else. I would know, because I was just like you, as that’s what I’ve been
trying to tell you. I was trying to help as I’m in a similar position as you right
now. Did you ever wonder why I’m really here?

-Elizabeth: Uh…no…why?

-Narrator: Sir Handel explained to Elizabeth of his past behavior and what he was
like, and about his worst mistake back in October of 1998, from badmouthing the
Reverend Awdry and 2nd Fat Controller, to insulting everybody harshly, to being
selfish, and of course, for causing Bear’s accident which set Knapford Station’s
bookstall on fire and nearly killing the passengers in the process. Elizabeth was
shocked even more.

-Elizabeth: Oh my word. So that’s why you lost your names and numbers…and you’re
old home.

-Sir Handel: Yes! When the mob surrounded me that night and confronting me, and
showed me the damage I caused on everyone, I began to feel guilty, and I still do.
I only developed this horrible attitude because I thought I lost everything when
Mid-Sodor closed, and for many years, I was lost. But after coming to the Blue
Mountain Quarry. I found that happiness again. But even after saving you, I just
can’t go back, as I still feel I need to pay for my mistake. And I believe it’s
about time you did and realize the world doesn’t revolve around you. For your
sakes, I can’t begin to imagine what the Thin and Fat Controller would say.

-TFC: Oh I got plenty to say to her Sir Handel.

-Narrator: Elizabeth gulped, as there was Mr. Graham, the Thin Controller, and the
Fat Controller, who all arrived on James.


-Elizabeth (Crying): I’m s…I’m sorry sir! I…I didn’t realize…I…

-Sir Handel: With respect sirs. I know what Elizabeth did these past few days was
wrong, but she’s very sorry, plus, she’s already in a state of shock now after all
that trauma. Plus, I can understand, as I know that I’ve been a jerk before I came
to the Blue Mountain Quarry, and once I realized my mistake, I made sure to pay for
it. And Elizabeth herself was in just as much of a state of shock as I was that
night I caused Bear’s accident, which I’m terribly sorry for the trouble I caused
for you and your engines that day. But what I’m trying to say is after being put in
shock, she may never misbehave again, as I have now, and I think she just needs
maybe one more chance. She can join me in my counseling sessions with Mr. Graham.
If it’s okay with you that is sir, as Elizabeth may not be perfect, but I’m sure if
we keep helping her and giving her a chance, she could become a much better lorry.

-Narrator: Everybody was shocked to hear this. They had heard Sir Handel was
reforming, but for him to give Elizabeth, who was far more rude and outspoken than
him another chance and offering to help her, that really was something. Even James
was surprised to see this change coming from him to.

-TTC: Wow! I’m really amazed you vouched for her Sir Handel, and admitting that you
were wrong to, I’m very impressed. Plus, since you did save her from falling to her
death, I’m very proud of you.

-Sir Handel: Thank you sir! And again, I’m so sorry, to both of you, for how
selfish I’ve been, and for the pain and misery I’ve caused. I realize the world
doesn’t revolve around me. And James, I’m very sorry I lashed out at you and tried
to play that nasty trick on you but did to Bear. And you don’t have to let me back
to the Skarloey Railway sir. As I still feel I need to pay for my mistake, as I’m
not ready yet.

-TTC: But even if you aren’t, I’m very proud of you Sir Handel. You really have
showed me you changed. Especially when you took Mr. Graham’s sessions you have

-Sir Handel: Well if it wasn’t for him, I would have, and I think you made a right
choice in picking him for the job. Thanks again Mr. Graham.

-Mr. Graham: Thanks Sir Handel. That really means a lot. And I’m glad I’m, helping
you. And I’m even proud you’re willing to help Elizabeth redeem herself like I am
for you.

-Sir Handel: Well it’s my way of paying it forward.

-Mr. Graham: Indeed! Sir Topham, if it’s okay with you, I think we should consider
Sir Handel’s suggestion and give her another chance, as I will counsel her like I
am for Sir Handel.

-TFC: I think that would be a wonderful idea. Okay Elizabeth, I shall send you back
to Jem Cole’s, but you get one last chance, and I really hope to see an improvement
in your behavior, and that you will respect everybody from this day onwards. Deal?

-Elizabeth: Yes sir! Thank you sir! And thank you Sir Handel for vouching me. I’m
sorry I’ve been so cold-hearted and cruel to you and the other engines, and that I
tried to get you in trouble.
-Sir Handel: Apology accepted! I’ll help you out to. Oh, and sir, about what I said
about your father and Wilbert Awdry.

-TFC: No need Sir Handel. As I forgive you to. Well done!

-James: I forgive you to Sir Handel. And I’ll make sure to tell the other engines
that you’ve changed as well.

-TTC: Indeed! But if you really feel you need to be here Sir Handel, I understand.
When you’re ready to return, just let us know.

-Sir Handel: Thank you sir! Thank you everyone for putting up with me, and giving
me another chance to redeem myself.

-Duke: Well done Sir Handel. So far, I’m very proud of you for all that done, and
even giving Elizabeth another chance, especially for being so brave to save her
without thinking.

-Sir Handel: Of course Granpuff, I mean, many years ago, you did the same thing for
me back when I was still new to Sodor. So it’s time to repay the favor.

-Peter Sam: Regardless though, we’re so proud of you Sir Handel. And I’m just glad
we’re friends again.

-Sir Handel: Same here Peter Sam, same here.

-Narrator: And the day after, Sir Handel continued to work hard at the Blue
Mountain Quarry. Working hard without fuss, and was far more considerate and polite
to everybody. While occasionally he may act only a little pompous and cocky, he
knows now when to keep his ego in check and now knows where his morals lie. The
workmen all apologized to him after Mr. Graham had told them the truth, and Sir
Handel forgave them. Duncan even apologized to, but Sir Handel also apologized for
insulting him the day before. The standard gauge engines were shocked after Percy
and then James told them about Sir Handel’s sudden change in personality, but they
did congratulate him after they each visited the quarry. He still apologized to
them, but they did forgive him now, and looked forward to seeing return him return
to the Skarloey Railway real soon. Bear was even the last to forgive him after
hearing about Sir Handel’s efforts, and the little blue engine apologized to him to
for calling him inadequate and causing his accident, and overtime, they both became
friends. Elizabeth was soon repaired by Jem Cole, and back at the Blue Mountain
Quarry. Unlike Sir Handel, the other engines haven’t fully forgiven her just yet,
as Elizabeth realized after her mishap and near death, she had to pay for her
mistake to just like Sir Handel, and did everything she could to redeem herself.
She’s also taken part of Mr. Graham’s counseling sessions like Sir Handel has, and
she’s still learning to control her ego and stubbornness, she’s learn to change her
attitude and become a lot nicer and more appreciative, and ever since he saved her
and stood up for her, both Sir Handel and Elizabeth are now best friends. And while
Sir Handel is still doing his best to fully redeem himself until he eventually
returns to the Skarloey Railway, but so far he is proud of what he’s done far. In
fact, later, in September of 2002, the little blue engine would come across a
shocking discovery.

(Sir Handel hears a noise)

-Sir Handel: Huh? Who...who’s there?

(Sir Handel heads into a mine tunnel and finds a little green narrow gauge engine,
later known as Luke)
-Sir Handel: AH!

-Luke: AH! Oh my!

-Sir Handel: It’s okay, it’s okay! I’m a friend. I’m Sir Handel. Who are you?

-Luke (Shy): Oh, um hello, my name’s Luke. Sorry, it’s just…well, I shouldn’t be

-Sir Handel: What do you mean?

-Narrator: But I won’t spoil that, as that’s a story for another time.

-Narrator: Thomas the Tank Engine has been around on the Island of Sodor for many
years, as he was the first engine that arrived ever since the Northwestern Railway
was formed back in 1915. Since then, he has become the most popular figure that is
one of the more well-known engines on Sodor, and because of this, he has seen many
different engines come and go, and is a friend to everyone he meets. From steam or
diesel, standard or narrow, tank engine or tender engine, rail or road, visiting
engines, and even with humans, he is a very kind, friendly, polite and loyal tank
engine that is always cheerful to everybody he meets, and will always take it upon
himself to go out of his way to help those in need and do his best to support
anybody in anyway, as he always puts everybody first before him. Thomas is the best
friend anybody can ask for, and everybody always loves to see and talk with him, as
he always helps provide that color that makes the Island of Sodor a very special
place. And Thomas in return cares about everybody around him, and loves to make new
friends, and taking it upon himself to make them feel comfortable, and even helping
to bring out their humanity.

(Shows Thomas, Percy, and the Fat Controller at the Branchline Sheds)

-Narrator: One morning, Thomas was due to go the Steamworks, as today was his
yearly service, so he would be out for a day or two.

-Percy: I hope you come back real soon Thomas. The branchline just would never be
the same without you.

-Thomas: (Giggles) Don’t worry Percy. I’ll be back soon. At least after my
inspection, I’ll feel like a new engine, and I’ll be to perform better. I trust
you, Percy, Toby, Daisy and Mavis will do well on the line?

-Percy: Absolutely! I’ll always make sure to do my best for you Thomas.

-TFC: That’s good to hear Percy.

-Narrator: Said a familiar voice, and both tank engines looked to see the Fat
Controller approaching them.

-Thomas: Good morning sir!

-TFC: Good morning Thomas, good morning Percy. Now, before Marlin comes, I have
come to inform you both of the engine that will be substituting for you Thomas
while your away having your maintenance done.
Now I know that you Percy, are hardworking, but I can’t take you off of your
regular duties. So that’s why I’m bringing in another engine.

-Thomas: That’s understandable sir. In fact, I was gonna ask, who were you gonna
have cover for me? Duck? Stanley? Kirby? Donald or Douglas? Or maybe even brining
in substitutes from the Mainland, like Stepney or Wilbert?
-TFC: (Chuckles) Good guesses Thomas, but not them, as with the vast amount of new
engines we’ve been getting lately thanks to BoCo, Marlin and our friends from the
Mainland, there wouldn’t be any need to spare them, especially because they are
needed on their respective duties.

-Percy: Oh, do you mean sir that…

-TFC: That’s right Percy! We have another new engine, and it’s one that has been in
the Steamworks for some time now since last year. BoCo found this particular engine
all the way in Scotland.

-Thomas: Scotland, huh? Wow, like Donald & Douglas, and Harvey. Interesting. Who is
this engine sir?

-TFC: (Chuckles) You’ll see Thomas. I promise, it’ll be a real treat.

-Narrator: Soon Marlin came over to the Sheds to collect Thomas for the inspection.

-Marlin: Morning Thomas, morning Percy!

-Percy: Oh, hi Marlin.

-Marlin: So, all set to go Thomas.

-Thomas: Absolutely Marlin. Especially to even see this new engine you’ve had
overhauled there.

-Marlin: Ah, so the Fat Controller told you both.

-TFC: Indeed! In fact, I’ll be traveling aboard you Marlin, that way I introduce
Thomas to our new addition, and so I can brief her?
-Thomas: Her?

-TFC: (Chuckles) Wait and see!

-Marlin: Anyways, we better get going.

-TFC: Right! Percy, when the new engines comes to cover for Thomas, I want you and
the others to make her feel welcome.

-Percy: Yes sir, I will sir! See you later Thomas!

-Thomas: Bye Percy.

(Marlin departs with Thomas and the Fat Controller, then shows them traveling down
to the Steamworks)

-Narrator: As Marlin was shunting Thomas to the Steamworks, the little blue tank
engine couldn’t help but wonder what this new engine would be like, and was very
eager to meet and become friends with her. They soon arrived, and Marlin shunted
Thomas right over the inspection pits.

-Thomas: So where is this new engine?

-Marlin: See for yourself.

-Narrator: Thomas looked around, and at first, he didn’t see anything. Until…
-Inspector: Okay, now we’re gonna need to move forward for a minute, then that’s

-Emily: Sure.

-Narrator: Thomas nearly gasped, as he had never heard such a beautiful, calm, and
gentle voice like that. It sounded almost like an angel, but with a light Scottish
accent. But then, Thomas was in shock even more when suddenly, an beautiful green
tender engine he had never seen before pulled right up next to him. Thomas began to
gasp in awe. He felt a lot of feelings that he had never felt before in his life,
as his eyes were glued, with his mouth gaping open, but then giving a rather shy
smile, and even though his fire wasn’t lite, his boiler began to feel quite warm on
the inside, he had seen many engines in his life, but never had he seen an engine
like this one. The engine in question was incredibly beautiful. She was a long
tender engine with 2 large driving wheels, shiny brass fittings, a tall funnel with
a golden funnel cowl, chocolate running boards, as well as gleaming emerald green
paint with bright yellow lining, and golden boiler stripes and handrails to boost.
And if that wasn’t enough, Thomas looked directly at her face, as she had a very
beautiful face with big, loving eyes, and thin eyelashes that seem to put you in a
trance, a cute button nose, and a warm, friendly, but rather shy smile that could
take someone’s breathe away for miles. Thomas was impressed.

-Emily: (Shy) Och, hello! It’s Thomas is it?

-Narrator: The engine said, rather shyly. But Thomas even felt shy himself to.

-Thomas: (Lovesick) Oh…uh…hel…hello!

-Narrator: Thomas uttered. He just couldn’t stop smitten, and the engine herself
just sounded so very kind and gentle. Just then, the Fat Controller came up, and
secretly, he chuckled to himself a little, as he had to admit, he had never seen
Thomas’s face blush a deep shade of pink. And even Marlin was quite surprised to
see Thomas reacting to the engine like this.

-TFC: (Chuckles) Well, this is quite the introduction isn’t it? Anyways, Thomas,
this is Emily. She is a Great Northern Stirling Single that BoCo found last year
when he went to Scotland. She will be covering for you for now, but after you
return, that’s when she will be pulling local passenger trains on the Main Line.

-Thomas: I see! I’m really pleased to meet you Emily.

-Emily: (Giggles shyly) I’m pleased tae meet ye Thomas. It's bin years sin I’ve bin
steaming again, bit ah promise, ah wull dae mah absolute best tae run this
branchline o' yers.

-Thomas: I think you’ll do just fine. You seem like the kind of engine who knows
exactly what to do.

-Emily: (Blushes) Och…um…thank ye. (Giggles)

-TFC: I think you will Emily. In fact, the inspector says that you did very well in
fact with all your tests, especially after we overhauled you after being hidden
away after 87 years. So you’re good to go.

-Emily: Why thank ye sur! Sae Thomas, before ah go, is thare anythin' ah shuid know
whin running th' branchline?

-Thomas: Oh, not much. The Stationmaster will fill you in once you get to Tidmouth.
My coaches there are two brown, 4-wheeled coaches called Annie & Clarabel, and
they’ll help you along the way. Plus, my best friends Percy & Toby run the line to,
and they’ll be there to help. Just listen to what they have to say, and you won’t
go wrong.

-Emily: Thank ye Thomas! I’ll dae mah best, 'n' ah won’t let ye doon.

-Narrator: Said Emily in a very sweet and quiet tone. Though she did feel rather
nervous deep down.

-TFC: Anyways, Emily, since you’re good to go, I’ll need you to head to Tidmouth.
Don’t worry about getting lost, the Signalmen will guide you, plus, at least you
can now see what my railway is like. You’re in for a real treat.

-Emily: Thank ye sur! I’ll be richt thare. 'n' it was nice tae meet you again
Thomas. I…I hawp we kin talk soon.

-Thomas: Same here! Good luck Emily!

-Narrator: And Emily puffed away. Nervous a little, but eager to see what Sodor
would bring for her. Thomas was impressed.

-Thomas: (Sighs) Emily…that is such a beautiful name.

-Inspector: Excuse me Thomas, we’re ready to begin the inspection.

-Thomas: (Lovesick) Of course, right away Emily.

-Marlin: Um…Thomas?

-Thomas: Yes (Snaps out of it), whoa what? Oh, sorry! I’m ready when you are lads
(Grins nervously).

-Narrator: And as the workmen got started, while the Fat Controller and Marlin
grinned at each other knowingly.

-Marlin: Has Thomas ever been like this before?

-TFC: In all the years since I’ve known him as a child, no. I’m honestly quite
surprised, but at least he and Emily seemed to get along wonderfully.

-Marlin: Indeed they have. So, do you think Emily is ready, even after…well, you
know…the therapy as well.

-TFC: (Sighs) Honestly Marlin! I hope she’s able to settle in. I hope the other
engines will make her feel welcome. (Sighs) Especially after what she’s been
through all those years even before being hidden in that shed.

(Shows Emily puffing peacefully down the Main Line)

-Narrator: Soon, Emily was puffing out on the Main Line, light engine. She was
enjoying herself with optimism. She enjoyed the sights and sounds of Sodor, and the
fact that she would be running on a railway with many different engines. Though she
was still feeling rather nervous at first.

-Emily: Tis is such a really beautiful island. And a really lovely looking railway.

-Emily’s Driver: It sure is dear. I’m glad I even got to be your driver as well.
-Emily: (Nervous) Same. I’m glad that you’re th’ one looking efter me, lik’ your
great grandfather, David always did. Thank ye Karen.

-Emily’s Driver: Of course. Emily, are you okay? You still sound nervous.

-Emily: Och, I still feel nervous. Ah juist worry, whit if ah don’t fit in wi' th'
ither engines? Whit if thay don’t lik' me?

-Emily’s Driver: Don’t worry about that yet, Emily. We only just got here, and I’m
sure they will. Besides, BoCo’s been benevolent since he saved you from scrap, even
before British Railways would’ve found you. Not to mention Marlin was there to help
when you told him about your past. And… (Giggles), that Thomas engine really seemed
to like to didn’t he.

-Emily: Aye! Thomas seemed lik' a very nice engine. Ah really lik' him. You’re
richt, ah kin dae this. Ah juist hawp hings gang weel. Though ah don’t know whaur
I’d be wi'oot ye Karen. Promise you’ll aye be thare fur me?

-Emily’s Driver: Always! Now let’s get going. Don’t wanna be late, eh?

-Emily: (Giggles) Richt!

(Emily arrives at Knapford where BoCo is)

-Narrator: Soon, Emily started to feel better a little, and soon, she arrived at
Knapford Station. She was surprised to see all the activity that was going on.

-Emily: Oh mah! This a pretty big station. Ah juist hawp ah ken mah wey aroond.

-BoCo: I’m sure you will my dear. You’ll get used to it over time.

-Narrator: Emily looked around wondering who said that, and right in front was
BoCo, pulling a commuter train.

-Emily: Oh, hello BoCo.

-BoCo: Hello Emily! I heard that you’ll be filling in for Thomas while he’s having
his yearly service.

-Emily: Mmm hmm! Ah juist hawp ah know whit tae dae. Ah juist hawp ah dinnae mak' a
fool o' masell.

-BoCo: You’ll do fine my dear.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-BoCo: Oh, I’d love to stay and catch up, but I have to go. I’ll see you later, and
good luck on your first day.

-Narrator: And the Metrovick Diesel departed. Just then, the stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Ah, good morning. Your Emily right?

-Emily: (Shy) Um…yeah, that’s me.

-Stationmaster: Splendid. Thomas’s passenger train down to Ffarqhuar Station will

start in 15 minutes.

-Emily: Richt away sir. I’m looking fur twa coaches th' Fat Controller tellt me ah
wid uise, um…Annie & Clarabel?

-Stationmaster: That is correct. There those two brown coaches, over at Knapford
Sheds, there’s a carriage shed near there, you can’t miss it.

-Emily: Why thank ye sir. Ah really appreciate that.

(Emily departs)

-Stationmaster: Um, you’re welcome. Whoa!

(Emily comes to Knapford Sheds and meets Annie & Clarabel)

-Narrator: Soon, Emily made it to Knapford Sheds, and puffed near the carriage
sheds. She looked at the different coaches, remembering what the Fat Controller
said, and there in the siding in front of her, she saw two brown, 4-wheeled coaches
with white roofs.

-Emily: That mist be thaim driver. Excuse me, urr ye twa Annie & Clarabel?

-Annie: Why yes? To whom may we ask might you be?

-Clarabel: Yes, and where’s Thomas?

-Emily: I’m sorry ye twa, bit Thomas is unavailable. He’s huvin his yearly service
dane, sae I’ll be his replacement.

-Annie: Replacement?

-Emily: (Nervous) Och, na, ah meant until he gets back, I’m nae replacing him

-Annie: Oh no! We’re sorry dear, we didn’t know Thomas was…ahem…indisposed. We’re
just surprised, that’s all.

-Emily: (Giggles) It’s okay!

-Clarabel: Indeed! We just had never seen you before, what’s your name?

-Emily: (Giggles) Me name is Emily! I’m new 'ere, 'n' ah promised Thomas ah dae a
guid jab fur ye baith. Ah hawp ah don’t disappoint ye.

-Annie: Well then welcome to Sodor Emily. Don’t worry, Clarabel and I will help

-Clarabel: Yes. Any friend of Thomas is a friend of ours two. We’ll show you the

-Emily: Thank ye!

(Shows Emily leaving with Annie & Clarabel, arriving at Knapford)

-Narrator: Soon, Emily was turned round and was coupled to the coaches, then she
set off for Knapford. She arrived just in time, and came to a very graceful stop.
The young Stirling was nervous at first, but the passengers sound gathered around
in awe at the rare engine that was pulling their train.

-Emily: (Shy) Um…hello!

-Passenger 1: Would you look at that? A Stirling Single, you never see one of them

-Passenger 2: Yeah, say, um, you don’t mind if we take any pictures?

-Emily: (Stutters) Um…uh…uh…well…

-Passenger 3: Well, speak up already!

-Guard: There will be no time for that. You all have a train to catch, in you go.

-Narrator: As soon as the guard gathered everyone in, Annie & Clarabel could tell
Emily was nervous.

-Annie: Are you alright Emily?

-Emily: Um…ah think sae. I’m juist nae used tae attention lik' this.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Emily: Anyways, we better get going.

-Narrator: And Emily set off down for the branchline, leaving Annie, Clarabel, and
her driver feeling very concerned for the shy Stirling.

(Shows Emily puffing down the line)

-Narrator: But soon as Emily was puffing down the line, she started feel a little
bit more comfortable, and properly puffed down the line. The peaceful sights of the
line began to help take her mind off her troubles. She started to feel the same way
she did that morning when coming down from the Steamworks.

-Emily: This is sae peaceful. Ah really enjoyed daein' this. I’ve bin in hiding fur
sae mony years, ah a'maist forgot whit it was lik'. Puffing doon th' countryside
always helped tak' mah mynd aff th' (Gasps)…

-Emily’s Driver: Shh, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay Emily. Calm down honey, we’re not
gonna focus on that. You’re finally back in service now and actually working on a
new railway that was not like the Great Northern. You should be glad for this.

-Emily: Aye, yer richt. Thank ye driver. Ah shuid focus oan bein' happy noo.

-Emily’s Driver: That’s the spirit. It’s gonna be okay sweetie.

-Narrator: Annie & Clarabel overheard what was going on, and were quite surprised.
Emily’s shy and nervous behavior didn’t go unnoticed to them, and they became even
more concerned, but the old coaches said nothing feeling they didn’t want to
disturb her.

(Emily arrives at Elsbridge when Gordon show up)

-Narrator: Soon, Emily arrived at Elsbridge Junction, and she managed to stop
gracefully. The passengers got out, and were very impressed. They did take pictures
though, and though Emily tried to put a brave face, she still didn’t like the
attention. She decided to let it go for now, not wanting to spoil the passengers’

-Emily: So…I don’t mean tae be rude, bit how lang shuid we wait 'ere?
-Annie: Not rude at all Emily. You’re still learning your way around. This is
Elsbridge Junction. It is where services between both our branchline and the Main
Line connect.

-Emily: Och, a guaranteed connection richt?

-Clarabel: Exactly dear! You’re doing well so far. We just have to wait for the
next Main Line train to come to our junction.

-Narrator: So that’s what they did, and 4 minutes later, Emily saw a large blue
engine with an express train coming into view. This of course was Gordon, but Emily
never met him before. The big blue engine took notice of her in surprise. Emily at
first was nervous why the big engine was staring at her, and worried what if he was
one of those big engines that would bully other engines. But he wasn’t, as Gordon
pulled in, he introduced himself warmly to the young engine.

-Gordon: Oh, hello there, don’t recall seeing you around in these parts.

-Emily: (Shy) Um…uh…hello?

-Gordon: Oh, are you alright young lady?

-Emily: Um…I…I'm fine, A juist don’t know why ye were starin at me like thon.

-Gordon: Oh! Oh my, I’m sorry about that, it’s just that, I’m interested in seeing
another fellow Great Northern engine like me.

-Emily: Lik’ ye?

-Gordon: Yes, you’re a Great Northern Stirling Single.

-Emily: Aye, um…that’s whit I am.

-Gordon: It’s just that I’m A0, the experimental prototype that started the LNER
A1/A3 class!

-Emily: Och, ah didn’t realize. I’m sorry!

-Gordon: No, no, it’s okay my dear! I’m sorry, I’m just surprised, that’s all, as
I’m pleased to be speaking with a fellow Great Northerner.

-Emily: (Giggles) That’s a'richt! I’m juist glad ah git tae be friends wi' anither
engine in general. I’m Emily!

-Gordon: Pleased to meet you Emily! My name is Gordon. I’m the main express engine
on the railway. If you don’t mind me asking, how come you’re pulling Annie &
Clarabel, and where’s Thomas?

-Emily: Och, Thomas is huvin his yearly service. Sae I’m starting oot workin' oan
his line 'til he gets back. Then I’ll be workin' oan th' Main Line pul'in local

-Gordon: That’s good to hear. The more engines the better.

(Gordon and Emily chuckle)

-Gordon: Forgive me, but I thought there was only one of your class at the National
Railway Museum? How did you survive?
-Emily: (Nervous) Och, um, thare wis, mah older sister, Serena. Ah survived a' they
years in a shed…to avoid bein' scrapped.

-Gordon: Oh…I see.

-Emily: (Sadly) That wis 'til lest year, yer friend BoCo found me, 'n' teuk me tae
th' Steamworks, 'n' hud me restored, and…that’s howfur I’m 'ere.

-Gordon: Oh yes, I forgot BoCo has been saving engines lately. I remember, he even
met up with Flying Scotsman one time to, who told him to say “hi” for me. And that
was very noble of BoCo I must say. He truly is one of the greatest in our fleet.

-Emily: He sure is. I’ve bin great friends wi' him, Marlin, 'n' even Thomas this

-Gordon: That’s nice! They are great engines.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Emily: Och, ah think ah better git gaun. Goodbye Gordon. It was nice tae mak ye.

-Gordon: So long Emily. And best of luck.

-Narrator: As Emily departed, Gordon looked on impressed, but also curious.

-Gordon: She did seem upset when I mentioned the GNR.

-Gordon’s Driver: Maybe so old boy. I guess maybe she didn’t have a good experience

-Gordon: Nonsense! I may have been on the Great Northern for one year, but it was
the greatest, and influential railway in Britain. Especially

-Gordon’s Driver: That maybe good for you, but it might not be for Emily.

-Gordon: Well maybe something happened, but she shouldn’t be ashamed about it.

(Shows Emily working on the Branchline)

-Narrator: Emily was a little upset, but decided not to let it bother her. She knew
Gordon was only being friendly, and she did appreciate that at least she did start
making new friends, which is what she hoped she’d do, and that was good for her.
For the most part, Emily was having fun, and began to smile gleefully when working
on the branchline. Despite her shyness, she became friends with a few of the people
on the line. She became great friends with Percy and Toby when she met with them,
as well as with Bertie & Terence. She especially became great friends with Mavis
when she came down from Anopha Quarry to shunt some trucks. The diesel shunter and
her instantly became best friends, and Mavis even promised her that if she ever
needed to talk to someone, she would always be there for her just in case, which
made Emily feel even happier. Unfortunately, that wasn’t too last.

(Cuts to Emily arriving at Elsbridge where James is waiting)

-Narrator: Later that afternoon, Emily made her way with the return train back to
Elsbridge Junction, and that was unfortunate, as the engine she had to exchange
trains with was a certain red engine, who I’m sorry to say, look in disbelief at
what he was seeing, and was quick to criticize.

-Emily: (Shy) Oh, hello!

-James: Yeah, hi!

-Emily: Um, is something wrong?

-James: Well just now there is. I’m waiting here at the junction, only to find a
fine tender engine such as yourself degrading yourself to branchline work.

-Emily: Whit?

-James: You heard me. For starters, I don’t recall seeing your face before. Who on
earth are you?

-Emily: (Stutters) Me? Um…um…my name is Emily.

-James: Emily, eh? And how come I’ve never seen you before?

-Emily: (Stutters) Well, I…I…

-James: Stop stuttering relic, and speak right now!

-Emily: (Stutters) I…I was saved by BoCo from scrap, and I was brought here to
cover for Thomas while he’s being serviced.

-Narrator: Said Emily nervously, who couldn’t believe the absolute rudeness of this
red tender engine, whom she only just met? But it almost felt deep down, Emily
might’ve nearly been closed to tears.

-James: Covering for a tank engine, that won’t do. A tender engine like you should
be pulling passengers on the Main Line, not pulling those two bumpy and dirty
coaches on an old branchline.

-Annie: (Gasps) JAMES! That’s very rude!

-Clarabel: Yes, very rude indeed Annie. What has gotten into you James?

-James: I’m not being rude, I’m just stating a fact here, tender engines like me,
or especially looking like that…shouldn’t work on branchlines…they should be
working on the glamourous and luxurious Main Line where people can admire us along
the countryside.

-Emily: (Gasps) Bit that also happens oan branchlines tae. Plus, it's ainlie 'til
Thomas gets back. Efter he does, ah wull be pul'in local trains oan th' Main Line.

-James: Oh you are huh? Well listen here sister, I am meant to pull passengers on
the Main Line. And an engine like you could pull passengers, but only slow
passengers or rail tours as far as I’m concerned. I mean, you may look like a Main
Line engine, but you’ll never be in the same ranks as us original engines like Moi.

-Emily: (About to cry) But…but, I’m ainlie daein' whit th' Fat Controller asked me.

-James: Well the Fat Controller should know better and get a silly shunter like
Percy, Duck or Kirby to cover instead. But even so, an engine like you is past it
for the kind of work engines like me are meant to do. Besides, you’re so old, you
belong in a museum.

-Annie: Oh stop it already James. You should show Emily some respect here.

-Clarabel: Indeed! She is far more hardworking, and far friendlier than you I
should say.

-James: Pah! I don’t know why I bother you lot.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-James: Lucky for you relic, I have to go. Goodbye Emily, remember what I said and
know you’re place.

-Narrator: And James rudely puffed away hissing steam at the poor engine, whom was
very hurt.

-Emily: (Sniffs) How cuid he say that aboot me?

-Annie: Don’t pay attention to him sweetheart. James is like this with everyone. He
thinks no engine should be important but him.

-Clarabel: Exactly! You’ve done nothing wrong dear, he’s probably just jealous.

-Emily: (Crying) Jealous? Bit why? He juist doesn’t seem tae lik', 'n' acts lik'
workin' oan a branchline is a sin?

-Emily’s Driver: Awe, shh, shh, there, there honey. It’s not a sin, bigger engines
tend to act like that sometimes.

-Annie: Exactly! James isn’t exactly that special.

-Clarabel: Just ignore him. He’s only interested in himself and his paintwork than

-Emily: (Crying) It’s okay everyone. I felt much worse like this before.

-Narrator: Emily said sadly, leaving Annie & Clarabel quite surprised. What could
she have meant by that? Just then, the guard blew his whistle, and Emily, still
hurt by James’s rudeness, puffed melancholically away.

(Cuts to Emily pulling in Knapford where the Fat Controller is)

-Narrator: Later, Emily finished her journey at Knapford where the Fat Controller
was waiting.

-TFC: Ah, good afternoon Emily!

-Emily: Och, guid efternoon Sur Topham?

-TFC: (Chuckles) Please Emily, no need for formalities, you could just call me Sir?
Well, okay at least for short (Chuckles).

-Emily: Och, yes sur!

-TFC: I here you’ve been making good time today, and not a single complaint from
your passengers. Great job today on your first run.

-Emily: (Sighs) Thank ye sur.

-TFC: You don’t sound happy about it. Emily, is something wrong?

-Emily: Na sur, everything is juist fine.

-Narrator: And Emily puffed away sadly, leaving the Fat Controller rather

-TFC: (Inner monologue) Oh my, did something happen today that triggered some of

(Shows Emily puffing to the Carriage Shed near Knapford)

-Narrator: As Emily was shunting Annie & Clarabel back into the carriage sheds, the
coaches were now getting even more worried.

-Annie: Emily? Why didn’t just tell the Fat Controller about what happened?

-Emily: Oh…I juist don’t wanna cause ony trouble.

-Clarabel: But you aren’t causing any trouble! You have to report this Emily, you
can’t just let James talk down to you like that.

-Emily: Ah can’t! Ah appreciate whit ye baith ur trying tae dae, pure. Bit tis
better ah handle this alone. I’m sorry (Leaves crying)!

-Narrator: Annie & Clarabel didn’t know what to think. Then, Emily shunted herself
in Knapford Sheds, where she decided to spend the night, all alone, as she didn’t
want anybody to see her, as she felt that none of the other engines would like her
that much.

-Emily’s Driver: They’re right Emily. You can’t let this James engine treat you
like that.

-Emily: Ah know Karen. Bit even wi' we tellt th' Fat Controller, whit difference
wid it mak'? Whit if th' ither engines don’t lik' me, whit if it wid be back oan
th' gnr, whaur a'body juist picks oan me? Am ah really an outcast, dae ah really
deserve this? (Breaks down crying)

-Emily’s Driver: (Sternly while shedding a tear) Now don’t you think like that
Emily. Listen to me, you are good engine with a loving heart. Forget about what
your late siblings and the passengers back then thought of you. And don’t let James
get to you either. He’s just one engine! We’ll tell the Fat Controller about this
as soon as possible, but you gotta realize that not everybody on this island is out
to get you. I mean, you made some friends, so don’t let that big red jerk make you
feel like an outcast, because you are not.

-Emily: Thanks Karen. (Breaks down crying)

(Fades to the next morning with Emily leaving the Sheds)

-Narrator: The next morning, after a long sleep, Emily woke up, still feeling
rather unsure of what today might bring. But after her driver comforted her, she
decided to not let anybody get to her.

-Emily: (Inner monologue) Okay! I’ve bin thro' much worse than this, ah won’t let
whit happened yesterday git tae me. I’m juist gonnae focus oan mah wirk 'n' be mair
confident in masell.

-Narrator: She thought to herself. She knew that the Northwestern Railway was a
good place, and that she could do her best to improve on herself. But she did hope
that she wouldn’t run into this James engine again, or anyone like him. Soon, she
set off with Annie & Clarabel down the Ffarqhuar Branchline, and was determined to
have a wonderful day today.
(Emily arrives at Tidmouth where Toby is)

-Narrator: Once she made her way to Tidmouth after a relaxing ride, there she met
up with Toby who was collecting trucks to take to Farmer McColl’s farm.

-Toby: Ah, good morning there Emily. Lovely day so far.

-Emily: It sure is Toby. Very relaxing. (Sighs) Ah ne'er hud days lik' this efter
bein' hidden in that shed. Th' air juist feels sae calm.

-Toby: I know how that feels my dear. So, how are you doing so far?

-Narrator: Now Emily still felt uneasy, and didn’t want to sound like a tattletale
if she told him about James’s rudeness at Elsbridge yesterday, as well as her
breakdown last night. So she tried to think of what else to say, but her cheeks
began to blush, and she began to stutter.

-Emily: (Nervous) Weel, I…I…I did hae a relaxing nicht, ah git tae kip peacefully…

-Toby: (Suspicious) Um…are you okay Emily? You look nervous.

-Emily: Weel, I..I…

-Toby: Calm down dear, you can tell me. I mean…did something happen yesterday?

-Narrator: Toby could she like a shed of tears coming from her eyes, but Emily
tried to hide that.

-Emily: (Nervous) Och, na, I’m juist aye trying tae adjust tae workin' oan Sodor,
freish steid, and…ah…it’s bin a lang time sin I’ve bin in steam (Nervous giggles)…

-Toby: Are you sure?

-Narrator: Toby asked concerned. Being a wise old engine, Toby can always sense
someone’s behavior from the inside based on their speech and facial movement alone.
He already knew after talking with her yesterday that Emily was a kind, yet shy
engine, but now he can tell she looked rather nervous about something. But if that
wasn’t any justification, Daisy, who Emily hadn’t met yesterday, showed up at the
other platform for her passenger train, and the moment she saw the young Stirling,
she just sneered.

-Daisy: Oh my word, another steam kettle, ugh, whatever is this railway coming to.

-Emily: Huh?

-Toby: (Sternly) Daisy!

-Daisy: I mean, the Fat Controller should be sensible and get engines like me,
highly sprung, tip-top, and thoroughly modern.

-Emily: Modern?

-Daisy: Yes my dear, something an outdated kettle like you wouldn’t understand.

-Toby: (Stern) Oh hush Daisy! That engine is Emily. She’s a kind old dear that’s
covering for Thomas until he returns.
-Daisy: Oh of course, replace the old with the even more outdated. And pulling his
bumpy old Annie & Clarabel to.

-Annie: (Angrily) Ugh, oh I say!

-Clarabel: How rude and vulgar!

-Daisy: I’m not being rude, I’m just stating a fact. I mean, I handle the passenger
services with easy, and I won’t let that be taken from me by some useless teapot
with one driving wheel.

-Emily (Gasps) I’m nae stealing anyone’s wirk, I’m covering fur Thomas until…

-Daisy: Oh I don’t wanna hear a word from you. Because let me tell you right now,
there is only one passenger along with Thomas, and it’s me. He may be the main
engine, but I’m the main diesel. We don’t need you, so know your place and make way
for the real engines.


-Narrator: Emily, who was still crying, was shocked that Toby stood up for her,
which made her feel she had support, but still felt the same emotional trauma after
how rude James was. Just then, Emily’s guard blew her whistle, and the Stirling
left with Annie & Clarabel, in tears. Toby looked furiously at Daisy.

-Toby (Sternly): Ugh, I hope you’re happy right now Daisy! Now look what you’ve
done. Now Emily may be too afraid to go near you.

-Daisy: Well it serves her right, I mean, what you said to me Toby, it is utter
pish-posh, as I can do whatever job I please and no more. And if this Emily, wants
my respect, she can stay out of my way or leave this island to the cutter’s torch.

-Toby: (Gasps) Daisy the Diesel Railcar! That is utter bullocks! You are just so
selfish and spoiled, you know that! (Guard blows his whistle) We’ll talk about this
later, and don’t be surprised if I bring this up to the Fat Controller (Toby

-Daisy: Humph! Shows what he knows!

-Narrator: Then Daisy’s guard blew her whistle, and flounced away. (Shows Nina
Kyndly on the platform looking concerned. But it wasn’t just Toby, Annie and
Clarabel who were concerned for Emily. A certain young woman who was on the
platform was buying coffee, and she had been watching the whole incident and felt
sorry for Emily to.

(Shows Emily puffing down the line with Annie & Clarabel)

-Narrator: Meanwhile down the line, Emily wasn’t feeling cheerful as she hoped she
would be. She just felt very miserable, and Annie, Clarabel, and her driver tried
to comfort her, but the poor engine was still weeping terribly. They later arrived
at Ffarqhuar, where the driver used this is the time to console her.

-Emily’s Driver: Ssh…Ssh…there, there Emily, calm down, no more. Don’t waste your
time with that diesel, she didn’t know what she was talking about. You did nothing

-Annie: She’s right Emily. You don’t know Daisy like we have, she’s far worse than
James, and thinks just because she’s a diesel railcar, she thinks she’s above

-Clarabel: Exactly! James is more goodhearted you see, but Daisy, ugh, she’s just
so vulgar and rude. She even objects to pulling rolling stock like us, thinking
it’s (Impersonates Daisy) bad for her swerves.

-Emily: (Sobbing) Ah tak' yer word fur it, bit ye don’t ken whit it's lik' tae be
bullied lik' that. James & Daisy, they…they…they remind o' a lot o' horrid engines
wha made me feel lik' a piece o' scrap iron (Crying).

-Annie & Clarabel: (Gasps)

-Annie: Oh, so that’s what you meant yesterday, didn’t you? About how you felt

-Clarabel: It just brought back some painful memories that you didn’t want to think

-Emily: (Sobbing) Mmm…hmm!

-Emily’s Driver: Its true girls. She didn’t want to talk about this. She’s gone
through this…trauma of being isolated and ridiculed by others.

-Annie: (Sadly) Oh my…Emily.

-Clarabel: (Sadly) We’re so sorry!

-Emily: (Crying) Na ye twa, ye hae hee haw tae be sorry fur. It's juist ah wis th'
youngest 'n' th' lest o' mah class bult`, 'n' th' ither engines, anaw mah older
siblings wid pick oan me, thinking ah wis awfy much o' a soft, goodie-two wheels,
'n' a coward. Ah didnae hae ony friends back then, bit i...i...i juist cannae say
anymair (Crying).

-Annie & Clarabel: Awe!

-Emily’s Driver: Come on Em. We’re not due to leave yet, let’s go to the sidings
and refill on water.

-Emily: (Sniffs) Okay.

-Narrator: So Emily went to the sidings to refill. As she continued bawling her
eyes out over Daisy’s bullying, Mavis came in with another stone train. As she
shunted her train in, she saw Emily crying and took pity on her. She and Emily were
getting along so wonderfully, that Mavis wanted to comfort her friend. So after she
shunted the trucks, she went to speak with the young Stirling.

-Mavis: Hello Emily.

-Emily: (Crying) Oh, hello Mavis!

-Mavis: Are you okay, you look so depressed, and certainly not as cheerful as you
were yesterday.

-Emily: (Crying) Well…I…

-Mavis: Come on, you can tell me. Remember, you can always come talk with me in
case you ever feel sad. I promise, I’m right by your side.

-Narrator: Emily hesitated, as she didn’t want to drop her problems on somebody she
didn’t know. But then she remembered how warm and kind-hearted Mavis was, and how
both of them instantly became best friends since she started working on the
railway. After all, her motherly side did make her feel comfortable to be around,
and reminded her a bit of her older sister, Serena, plus Mavis promised she would
always be there to console if she ever felt upset. So she took a deep breath, and
told Mavis about how her time on Sodor has been so far, as well as her past
traumas, and why she acts the way she does. Mavis was shocked, to hear such a
sweet, gentle and innocent engine like Emily was treated so badly by many of the
people and engines that worked on the GNR. And with encouragement from her driver,
she even told the diesel about her encounters with James & Daisy, which Mavis was
appalled by.

-Mavis: Oh my word, Emily, I’m so sorry dear. The fact you were sinned against like
that. I know how annoying James & Daisy can be with their arrogant behavior, but I
understand why you took it personally. Their rudeness just brought back some
painful memories of being neglected and ridiculed.

-Emily: (Crying) Aye, ye hae na idea whit 'twas lik' tae be treated lik' an

-Mavis: Oh, there, there honey. I understand. I’m not outcast, but I can see how
what it would be like from another engine’s point of view. Listen to me, James &
Daisy don’t know what they’re talking about, and are only caring more of their
self-image. But you shouldn’t let them treat you like that, in fact, you should
tell the Fat Controller.

-Emily: Bit if ah dae that, thay micht hate me even mair. Th' shed master back
then, wha wis an' a' yin o' th' ainlie mukkers ah hud, he wid punish they wha
bullied me. Bit th' boord o' directors didn’t lik' me, 'n' thay wid treat me
unfairly, ainlie wanting mah ither class members mair than me, saying i’m an
haunless witch wha can’t dae anythin' richt. Sae bit wis cheers tae thaim, th'
bullying aye kept gaun oan and…

-Mavis: Don’t let that concern Emily. Listen to me, the Fat Controller is one of
the greatest men that ever lived that not only expects to work hard, but the care
of our own well-being to. He will understand, and he certainly won’t tolerate their
behavior. Plus, some engines can change, as James & Daisy may be vain, but they do
have good hearts, but mostly mind you, as when he realizes the error of his ways,
he will go out of his way to make amends. But even son, if somebody is being mean
to you or saying some nasty insults, you just have to ignore them and pretend they
don’t exist. What they say might be horrid, but it’s also pointless, and really the
only problem is how you react to the bullying. Just keep you chin up, don’t let
them hassle you like that, and tell the Fat Controller.

-Emily: Bit wouldn’t that mak' me a…tattletale?

-Mavis: (Laughs) No sweetie, not in the slightest. Telling him about other engines
when they behave so rudely isn’t tattling, it’s being sensible, especially because
that behavior towards you is just horrid.

-Emily: Oh…um, okay! Thanks Mavis! Ye pure ur a true friend.

-Mavis: Of course Em. Remember, you can always come talk to me if you feel this
way. And in fact, I’ll even have a word with Daisy later when I see her, as she
should know better than to jump to conclusions on you like that. I have to go now.
Just give me a shout you need anything, okay?

-Emily: Okay, thank ye Mavis.

-Narrator: And Mavis left. Emily’s driver patted her on the running board.

-Emily’s Driver: Atta girl Em. I know it was hard, but I’m proud of you so far for
confiding in a fellow engine. Plus, that Mavis really is such dear.

-Emily: Aye, she sure is. 'N' at least th' ither engines ah met sae far wur mostly

-Emily’s Driver: Exactly! It’s gonna be alright dear. Anyways, our next train is
ready. We’ll tell the Fat Controller about this later at Knapford, okay?

-Emily: Okay!

-Narrator: So Emily headed over to the platform and coupled to Annie & Clarabel.
The two coaches asked Emily if she was alright, and Emily gave a small but assuring
smile to tell them that she’ll be okay. Soon as the guard blew his whistle, Emily
set off down the branchline, feeling a little bit better.

(Fades to Emily arriving at Knapford Station where the Fat Controller is)

-Narrator: Later that day, Emily came into the platform at Knapford, to find the
Fat Controller waiting for her there. Emily was worried what if the Fat Controller
would be mad at him, but then she remembered what Mavis said. In fact, the Fat
Controller was smiling warmly, hoping to make Emily feel comfortable, but deep down
was concerned about her behavior since yesterday.

-TFC: Hello Emily, you’re right on time again.

-Emily: Aye, aye a'm sur! Juist daein' mah best fur Thomas.

-TFC: Oh I can see you are. I’ve come tell you actually that his service is nearly
done, and he’ll be back later this evening.

-Emily: That’s wonderful sir. (Nervous) Sae that means, I’ll…be oan th' Main Line.

-TFC: Yes, in fact Emily, I wanted to talk to you about something else to. I heard
earlier today from Toby, as well as a friend of our railway, that Daisy, our diesel
railcar on the branchline has been rather horrid to you, and caused you to cry. Is
this true?

-Narrator: Emily looked sad, and began to look like she was about to cry again, but
spoke in a soft, but sad tone.

-Emily: Aye, it's true sur. She doesn’t seem tae lik' me. In fact sur, yesterday,
anither engine, James ah believe, he doesn’t seem tae lik' me. He said ah shuid ken
mah steid 'n' that ah don’t deserve tae be oan Sodor.

-TFC: Oh, so that’s why you looked so pained. I can’t believe James & Daisy, I
mean, I know those two can be quite rude and judgmental to newcomers to boost their
own egos. But Emily, why didn’t you tell me?

-Emily: Fur ah didn’t wanna sound lik' a tattletale? Ah wis worried that if ah did,
thay wid keep hassling me 'n' making me feel lik' a piece o' scrap iron. That ah
wid juist mak' hings worse.
-TFC: Nonsense. Don’t ever think that Emily. Listen to me, you are a very kind,
sweet and innocent engine who doesn’t deserve to be mistreated like that. I will
attend to the matter at once, and make sure that those two learn to respect you.

-Emily: Bit whit if they…

-TFC: If the bullying keeps going on, they’ll have me to answer to. It won’t be
like how it was in the old days Emily. Your late shed master David was a good man,
but the board of directors on the GNR were just a bunch of greedy, prejudice jerks
that didn’t see the potential in you, and kept unfairly confining you to the sheds
instead of treating you with respect. You didn’t deserve that Emily, and I promised
I wouldn’t let you be abused like that again.

-Emily: Thank ye sur. I’m sorry ah didn’t (Sheds a tear), ah should’ve…

-TFC: Ssh…there, there Emily, don’t worry about that. It’s done now. In fact, I’ll
talk with Daisy and James when I get the chance. Right now, if you need some time
to think, I can let Percy take this train…

-Emily: Na sur, ah awready hud enough tears tae shed th'day. I’m gonnae keep oan
gaun, tae tak' mah mynd aff this. 'N' I’m gonnae huv a go 'n' let whit happened nae
fash me, especially fur o' th' engines wha became mah friends noq.

-Narrator: The Fat Controller smiled.

-TFC: That’s a good engine. If you’re sure then, but remember Emily, you’re not
alone, and like I said, I will talk with those two.

-Emily: Thank ye sur.

-Annie: Atta girl Emily!

-Clarabel: See it will work out. Have faith my dear.

(Fades to Thomas returning from the Steamworks, and stops at Elsbridge)

-Narrator: Later that evening, as the sun was setting, Thomas had past his yearly
service, and was on his way back home to Tidmouth Sheds. He felt great after the
inspection was done, and couldn’t wait to get home, and not only to get back to his
branchline, but also talk with Emily. The little blue engine took a great liking to
the Stirling, and he really wanted to get to know her.

-Thomas: Ah, it feels great to be back. Especially getting this nice long run to
stretch my wheels.

-Thomas’s Driver: Yeah! Great to go back tomorrow, eh Thomas?

-Thomas: It is indeed driver. But I really am curious to know how Emily did. I
really like her, she seems like such a sweet engine, and I love the sound of her
voice. So sweet-sounding, and quite beautiful I have to say.

-Thomas’s Driver: (Cheeky grin) Oh, is that all you got to say Thomas, are you sure
that there isn’t anything…deeper than that.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) Oh hush driver (Chuckles). Though in all seriousness, I never

felt that way about an engine before in my life. I mean, I have heard engines can
fall in love, but I didn’t think it might happen for me.
-Thomas’s Driver: Well, sometimes, any engine can develop new feelings.

-Thomas: Well, I think I’d rather start out as friends. I mean, I’m anxious to get
to know her, especially because she seemed a bit nervous yesterday when we got to
the Works.

-Thomas’s Driver: Was she now?

-Thomas: Yeah? I’m curious why though.

-Narrator: As Thomas kept pondering about Emily, he had to stop at a red signal,
and there standing on the platform was Nina, waiting for a train.

-Thomas: Oh, hello Nina.

-Nina: Oh, hello Thomas dear. I see your back from your inspection.

-Thomas: That I am. I feel like I’m a newly built engine (Chuckles). What brings
you out on this nice evening?

-Nina: Oh, I’m just out doing some shopping at Elsbridge. I’m just waiting for Toby
to take me home. But before he comes, I was hoping I could talk to you for a bit.

-Thomas: Oh sure, what’s up?

-Nina: Well, it’s about the new engine who’s been covering for you since yesterday.

-Thomas: Oh, Emily?

-Nina: That’s the one, that cute green engine with the big driving wheels. I saw
her at Tidmouth this morning.

-Thomas: You did?

-Nina: Yeah, I was getting a cup of coffee there, and I saw her talking with Toby.
She looked rather scared.

-Thomas: Scared. Of what?

-Nina: I don’t know, but I think it might have to do with some past trauma. I
haven’t spoken to her, but then Daisy came in berating her, and acting like a
complete snob.

-Thomas: Daisy berated her? Oh bother, why haven’t I heard something like that
before? What else happened?

-Narrator: So Nina told Thomas everything that she witnessed with Emily, and Thomas
began to feel both empathy and concern. But I won’t spoil what else happens,
because that’s another story.


(Opens with Emily backing into the Knapford Sheds)

-Narrator: While Nina was explaining what she witnessed to Thomas that morning,
Emily herself was backing down at Knapford Sheds for the night. She had a long day,
and she needed to overcome the events that took place today, and because she was
shy, she didn’t want to interact with the other engines just yet. She did great in
being social with some of the engines so far, but still felt uneasy about getting
to know them, especially because she didn’t want to go where either James or Daisy
was, as they would probably berate her and wouldn’t let her in. Plus, because she
had a hard time building up social skills, she didn’t know exactly what else she
could even say to the other engines anyway.

-Karen: Okay, I have to go home for the night, are you sure you’ll be alright by
yourself tonight Emily?

-Emily: I’ll be fine Karen, don’t worry. Besides, efter whit happened th'day, ah
juist need tae be alone tae think.

-Karen: I understand.

-Emily: Plus, I’m nae ready tae face those ither twa engines again.

-Karen: Of course! I have to go, but if anything does happen, just let me know
okay. I’ll be right there.

-Emily (Giggles) Thanks Karen!

-Narrator: As Karen walked away back home, Emily began to feel sad again. Deep
down, she hated the idea of being lonely, as she had always been, and despite that
she said that she would keep a straight face, she still felt like there were tears
she still had to let out. It just was too much for her, especially after being
found and restored, and despite the few friends she had now, she still felt like an
outcast, and worried that the other engines, and even the people might still not
like her.

-Emily (Sniffs): Ah juist don’t ken. How come does a'body hate me? Am ah pure an
outcast, dae ah deserve ony friends? How come ah couldn’t hae ever hud a lee whaur
maist engines wid loue me fur wha a'm? How come ah can’t juist hae a family? How
come ah can’t juist be…happy?

-Narrator: The more Emily kept pondering, and just as she was about to cry, out of
nowhere, a little black cat came, and it perched itself right on her footplate. The
Stirling began to smile. She loved animals, and began to giggle, as the cat cuddled
on her footplate.

-Emily: Och, hello little one. Trying tae play lion in th' Serengeti?

-Cat: Meow.

-Emily: You’re a cute one aren’t you?

-Narrator: The cat took a liking to Emily, and the young engine began to feel
better a bit. She giggled as the cat snuggly rolled around on her footplate. At
that moment while Emily was finding happiness, who should come puffing quietly into
the yards, but Thomas. After Nina told him what happened, Thomas was looking for
Emily, as he did take a liking to her after they met, as she seemed like such a
sweet engine, and wanted to go to know her, but was also concerned for her, and
wanted to see what he could do to help her. As he was making his way, he did recall
earlier on how nervous she seemed.

-Thomas: I really hope Emily is alright. I remember now before she left, she seemed
rather giddy and nervous. I wonder why that is?

-Thomas’s Driver: I don’t know old boy, but at the very least, we gotta see what we
can do. I mean, Marlin said she had been abandoned in a shed for 87 years. And
that’s long.
-Thomas’s Fireman: Aye, 'n' Victor even tellt me that even afore that, her past
wasn’t really a' that pleasant fae whit I’ve heard.

-Thomas: Really? Hmm…I don’t know what it was Emily has been through, but I’m
determined to find her and see what I can do to be a friend. You sure you two can
make it back alright.

-Thomas’s Driver: Of course! Don’t worry Thomas, our cars are parked near the yards

-Thomas: Good then. Hey, ssh… there she is. Oh man, she’s all alone. I mean, I know
not a lot of engines sleep at Knapford Sheds, but to be alone by yourself.

-Narrator: Thomas remained quiet as he saw Emily in the distance in Knapford Sheds,
still playing with the kitten. The black cat then began to nuzzle itself on Emily’s
cheek, and brush the tip of its nose at her, and purr quietly.

-Emily (Giggles): You’re sae soft. Ah pure wish ah hud a moggie. Bit i’m ainlie
juist an engine, 'n' engines don’t hae pets. Bit if thay did, you’d be mah kitty.

-Cat: Meow!

-Emily: (Giggles)

-Thomas: Awe, that’s sweet. I see she likes animals. I hope I can still talk with

-Narrator: So Thomas slowly made his way, but as he did so, the cat stopped
cuddling Emily, and it turned its attention to the little blue tank engine making
his way right in front of the green tender engine. Emily snapped out of it

-Emily: (Gasps)

-Thomas (Shy): Oh! Um…hi Emily! Sorry to bother you, I…I thought I might find you

-Emily (Shy): Oh, Thomas! You’re back! Um, how long have you been here?

-Thomas: Only just now when I was coming into the yard. I wanted to come see you
and introduce myself properly.

-Emily (Shy): Och, um…that’s gey nice o' ye. I…I didn’t ken ye wanted to…meet me.

-Thomas (Shy): Of course! I just thought you were…well, interesting, and I thought
I could. Ahem…driver, fireman, would you please…

-Thomas’s Driver: Of course! Good night Thomas, and good night Emily! We’ll see you
in the morning.

-Thomas: Good night you two. So I um…see you like animals.

-Emily: Och aye, ah love animals. They’re juist sae cute, 'n' pure breathe taking,
and…and ah juist love nature. This cat 'ere is juist sic a cutie. It's lik' she
perched doon oan mah footplate. Lik' an angel fae heaven.

-Thomas: Oh, an angel?

-Emily (Shy): (Gasps) Och, och mah, I’m sorry! That sounded sae really weird,
dinnae listen tae me, ah don’t know whit I’m talking aboot.

-Thomas: Ssh…ssh…no, no, it’s okay, it’s okay! You have a right to your opinion.
That honestly sounded rather cute.

-Emily: Och, it…it did?

-Thomas: Mmm hmm. (Inner monologue) Cinders and ashes, how could I known this
earlier. She’s nervous not just because she’s eager…she’s really shy. That’s kinda
adorable. (Back to normal) Don’t feel embarrassed Emily. It’s nothing to be
shameful of. The cat is kinda cute to. She’s always wandering around the station.
In fact, she’s the stationmaster’s cat, Jenny. I guess she warned off again now
didn’t she (Giggles).

-Emily: Och, she does that a lot.

-Thomas: Yeah! At least the stationmaster will be pleased you found her.

-Emily: (Giggles) Maybe he wid.

(Both Thomas & Emily laugh)

-Emily (Shy): So…um…what brings ye 'ere Thomas?

-Thomas: Oh, well, I wanted to come talk and get to know you more.

-Emily (Blushing): Oh…you did? You dae?

-Thomas: Yeah, I just thought you were such a nice looking engine, I just wanted to
really know you more. Plus, I also was rather concerned as well. Forgive me for
bringing it up, but I heard from a friend of mine at Tidmouth that Daisy verbally
assaulted you this morning…and well…is that true?

-Narrator: Emily’s smile turned back into sadness and fear.

-Thomas: Oh…it was…wasn’t it?

-Emily: Thomas, why did ye bring that up…I wis trying tae git ower it (Sniffs and

-Thomas: Oh no, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I was only coming because I wanted to
comfort you.

-Emily (Crying): Ye dae?

-Thomas: Yeah! I’m not here to ridicule or laugh at you. I’m not like that! But if
I made you feel that way by mentioning it, I’m truly sorry.

-Emily (Crying): No, it's okay Thomas, ye couldn’t hae none. That did happen tae me
th'day, 'n' Daisy wis sae mean tae me. She judged me before getting tae ken me.

-Thomas: Ssh…don’t cry Emily. Daisy’s like that with everyone, both steam and
fellow diesels that are nothing like her. Trust me, she caused a lot of trouble
when she first came her to cover for me after my incident with the stationmaster’s
house. In fact, we didn’t see eye-to-eye the day I came back. She does have a good
heart, but I will admit lately, it really is hard to find, as she’s been getting
into a lot of trouble in recent years. Trust me, she’s not even remotely perfect.
-Emily (Crying): Ah see whit ye mean. It's juist that she reminded me o' th' kind
o' engines that tormented me, 'n' sae wis that rid engine, James.

-Thomas (Angry): James to! Ugh, I can’t believe him, and Daisy for that matter. I
just don’t…I know they can be vain, but I never thought they both would sink this
low in mean-spirited out casting and bullying.

-Emily (Crying): Ah don’t ken either. Thay a' bullied me juist tae mak' themselves
cop important. James said ah shouldn’t be running branchlines, 'n' ah deserve tae
be in a museum, Daisy said th' identical thing, bit howfur I’m outdated and…she
thinks I’m 'ere tae replace her, saying that she’s th' ainlie yin wha can…(Breaks
down crying)…

-Thomas: Ssh…ssh…calm down Emily, it’s okay, ssh, I’m here! Still, I can’t believe
those two. But I think Daisy is far worse. They’ve said lots of rude comments, but
it sounds you took this more personally. If you don’t want to talk about it, I

-Emily (Crying): No Thomas, you’re bein' sic a guid friend tae me richt noo, 'n'
treating me lik' I’m an angel, that ah think ye deserve tae ken. It's juist ah did
talk aboot it th'day wi' Mavis.

-Thomas: With Mavis?

-Emily: Aye, she’s bin sic a guid friend tae me tae. 'n' mah driver 'n' fireman
know tae.

-Thomas (Sadly): Oh, I see! Does BoCo know after he saved you last year? And the
Fat Controller?

-Emily: Aye, BoCo, Marlin, Victor, th' Fat Controller 'n' his children, Richard 'n'
Emily know whit I’ve bin thro', bit ah made thaim swear nae tae tell a' body, as
wi' Mavis.

-Thomas: Oh, something traumatic?

-Emily: Mmm hmm…so if ah tell ye, please Thomas, don’t tell th' ither engines. Ah
juist can’t yit, thay micht laugh at me.

-Thomas: I promise Emily! You can confide in me.

-Emily: Thank ye. Richt, here’s what really happened to me.

(Flashback to 1895 on the Great Northern Railway)

-Emily: Back in thae days, A wis the very last o ma kynd thon wis built, the GNR
Stirling Singles as ye know. In fact, A wis the final engine made, basit on the
1894 series. We were usit as express passenger services, an’ were callit Stirlin
Singles because o hou we haed twa large drivin wheels on each side, an’ they were
the only powerit ones, wi 4 leadin wheels I’ the front, an twa I’ the back. Ma
brothers an sisters were proud o this, but whan A wis first built as the final
engine o the class, A juist didn’t know hou tae react, A wis sae feart thon i’d
make a fool o myself, an wad stutter whan A triit tae say something, but…it wis
hard for me tae socialize wi ma siblings. I fact, they didn’t feel like siblings
tae me, they were horrid tae me. None o thaim wantit tae speak wi me, an this wis
juist richt after A wis first built. A triit tae speak up, but they wad juist
ignore me an pretend A didn’t exist, an e'en found me “annoying” because A wis the
-Thomas: Oh, my, how awful!

-Emily: Mmm hmm, but it got worse from their Thomas. A wis triit oot for the
passengers services back then, an because nobody really likit me, nobody wis thare
tae teach me except ma driver an fireman at the time. I fact, the only ane o ma
class wha did tak a likin tae me wis ma older sister Serena.

-Thomas: Serena? Wait a minute, by Serena, do you mean, Stirling No. 1?

-Emily: Aye? Hou did ye know thon?

-Thomas: I met her about 13 years ago when I was invited to visit the National
Railway Museum in York. She was one of the few engines I became friends with, and
was really beautiful, and very sweet, just like you are.

-Emily (Giggles): Thank ye. She wis the first o ma class, an wis the only ane thon
really treatit me like family, an A lookit up tae her. She wis the ane wha telt o
ma siblings whan they triit tae bully me. She no only felt like family, but also a
best friend, but ootside o ma class, it wis hard for me tae build up any social
skills. It wis because A wis sae shy an nervous o whit tae say, thon A wad leuk the
other way, an blushin a deep shade o rit. The other engines on the gnr wad treat me
badly, an wad judge me because they thoucht A wis ane o thae engines thon wis cauld
an arrogant, like James & Daisy. They juist didn’t realize thon A wis shy.

-Thomas: Oh god, but what about the people?

-Emily: Well the passengers at the time wad judge me, but no the same way the other
engines wad. They were sae concernit aboot their trainspotting, thon they wad gae
up tae ilka engine like a paparazzi, an treat thaim like A static object they wad
gae I’ awe ower.

-Thomas: But Emily, that’s what passengers do when it comes to us engines.

-Emily: A know, but A wis ower shy an scared, thon the crowds made me nervous. A
juist didn’t know whit tae say, an A kept gettin overwhelmit. But whit really hurt
wis thon they only admirit me for ma looks, an no stop tae get tae know me. A know
I’m no thare tae make friends, but thon wis the probably, whan A wis first built, A
didn’t have any friends. In fact, all the other engines on my old line kept doing
was scolding me, ridiculing and belittling me.

(Shows Emily coming into a station and stopping too quickly)

-Emily: OOF! Och…I’m sorry…I didnae…



-Passenger 3: WHAT AN IDIOT!

-Stirling 1: Ha-ha! A couldn’t have put it better myself, whit a fool.

-Tender Engine: I feel sorry that this fool had to be the last of your class.

-GNR J52: Yeah, but at least she makes things a little bit more interesting to
watch, that’s for certain.

(Everyone cackles)
-Emily: (Sniffs, and runs away crying, after being uncoupled)

-Stirling 2: Oh an leuk at thon, she’s cryin’ like a baby. Juist pathetic.

-Emily (Sadly): Nobody really likit me. They kept sayin a lot o hurtful insults
thon made me feel weak. The shunters wad also bump me whenever they got the chance.
They e'en ridiculit me whan A decidit tae shunt ma own coaches, accusin me o
thinkin A wantit tae play shunter. Na offense tae ye Thomas.

-Thomas: No, none taken. But why did you shunt your own trains?

-Emily: A wantit tae be nice tae the tank engines I’ the yard, an tak the weicht o
their buffers, but they wad tease me an call me coach thief. The other engines wad
hiss me wi steam, verbally abuse me, an e'en the board o directors didn’t like me.
I’ fact, whenever somethin bad happened, A wis the scapegoat, an they’d have an
engine viciously shove me intae a blank an derelict shed, lockin me i' thare until…
A learnit sense (sniffs an cries) an A didn’t dae anythin. (In the flashback) LET
crying). (Back in the present) It juist felt nobody carit aboot me.

-Thomas (Sheds a tear): Oh Emily. You poor sweet engine, I’m…I’m so sorry. They…
they did those horrible things to you? But why?

-Emily: Many o the engines thoucht A wis tae pathetic for an engine o ma class tae
be nice. They thoucht o me as a pushover, an thoucht me bein shy made me leuk
pathetic, an they kept bossin me around. The people aw thoucht A wis ane o thae
tender engines, ye know, arrogant, rude, an cruel maybe.

-Thomas: They just judged you like that. I know many engines over the years that
can biases like this, but those engines would mature over the years, but unlike
those bastards, this…this is wrong. Those engines that mistreated you…but didn’t
you have any friends at all.

-Emily (Sighs): Only 2 really. Ane wis Serena, the first o our class, wha wis the
most nicest an sweetest o thaim, an she did tell the other engines aff whan they
were pickin on me. An the same wi ma old manager. I’ fact, he went against the
board o director’s orders, aw juist ower make me happy. His name wis David, David
Winchester, an he wis a kynd man thon actually saw me for wha A wis, wha made me
feel A haed a purpose.

-Thomas: Did he also punish the engines that tormented you?

-Emily: Ay, he did, an severely ower. Serena may have been thon ane sister wha
lovit me for wha A wis, but david, he wis like a father tae me.

-Thomas: That’s nice! I imagine it really must’ve been horrifying growing up on the
Great Northern, but at least you have two supporters that cared for you back then.

-Emily: It wis. Throuch aw the misery, aw the trauma, thae twa made me feel sae
happy whenever A wis depressit. But unfortunately, thon didn’t last very long, as
around 1898, that’s whan they creatit the Ivatt Atlantic C1 class, which were much
stronger an powerful than us, an withdrawal o the first batch o ma class from 1870
began a year later. An then later me an the other 1895 Stirling’s were usit on
secondary services until 1916. Serena, bein the first o ma class wis the only
chosen tae be preserved, ma brothers an sisters, despite hou cruel they were, they
endit up bein sent on the scrap heap, an worse, they triit tae place on the scrap
heap i an instant, because o hou ma old railway hatit me. But ane man thouch wis no
gonna let thon happen. David came tae ma rescue, as we were sae close, he took it
upon himself tae keep me safe from bein meltit doun. (In the flashback) Sir, are ye
really sure aboot this?

-David: Absolutely my dear. All I have to do is get you to an out-of-view shed, out
of sight, and nowhere any engine nor human could ever find you.

-Emily: But, ye can get serious trouble.

-David: Oh don’t you worry about me my dear. I don’t care if that does happen, the
board are idiots, and they shouldn’t be so judgmental and cruel towards you. You’ve
worked very hard and had provided great years of service, despite what everyone
else thinks, and to have you scrapped, well, that’s just a sin. Especially for such
an angel like you.

-Emily: Angel?

-David: Yes sweetie. That’s what you are, you just don’t realize how much potential
you truly have. I do get fired, at least I can keep an engine like you safe.
Besides, at least it would mean much to your sister Serena.

-Emily: A guess sae. A guess…but hou can ye hide me? They’ll probably notice richt

-David: Don’t worry about that, I have ways. As there are good people and engines
out there if you give them a chance.

(Emily notices a GNR C1 Atlantic headed towards her)

-Emily: A wis surprisit wi whit A wis seein. It wis a C1 atlantic, but o the later
design wi the larger boiler. A wis worriit she wad be ane o the atlantics thon also
tormentit me, but instead, she smilit at me warmly.

-Alice: Hello there, you must be Stirling No. 53.

-Emily: Ay, that’s me. Wha are ye?

-Alice: My name is Alice. I know this maybe surprising, because of how my class
were built to replace you, but I really don’t like that idea. I wanted to get the
chance to meet a Stirling Single, but I never did, and then when I heard from David
that he plans to save you from being scrapped, I decided to help, as I know a shed
far away from the main line where nobody would even dream to look. It’s an
abandoned goods shed in Aberdeen, and it’s hidden in the mountains.

-Emily: You’d help me?

-Alice: Of course, trust me, I’m not like the other engines. David also told me
that you were mistreated by your actual class, and everybody that’s worked on your
old line. So I definitely want to keep you safe for harm by all means. I promise.

-Emily: Thank ye Alice. A trust ye.

-David: Excellent. Don’t worry my dear, we’ll get you somewhere safe our bust.
That’s a promise to the end.

-Emily: Sae Alice couplit up tae me, tender first, an wi a tarp placit ower me, an
at nicht, they set aff doun the line, an allice kept hidin i different sidings an
sheds tae keep me hidden. Before aw thon happened, David haed ma tender removed, as
a way tae throw aff the inspectors, tae fool thaim intae thinkin A did get
scrappit. It wis later usit as a snow plouch from whit A heard, until it actually
did get scrapped, sae while A wis bein hidden, A wis a tenderless engine. Sfter 3
nervous days, they finally reachit the old shed. It wasn’t usit bi the gnr as much,
sae it haed juist been sittin thare aw thon time, but because nobody took any
notice o't, it wis perfect for keepin' me hidden. They removit the tarp, an alice
shuntit me intae the shed.

-Alice: You should be safe here.

-Emily: Thank ye Alice. An thank ye David, A didnae know whit I'd dae without ye

-Alice: I promise, whenever I’m not busy, I’ll come visit you, and make you feel

-Emily: Are ye sure ye won’t get I’ trouble?

-Alice: Of course. It’ll be okay silly, I promise. You have a friend now, and I
want to make sure after all you’ve been through sicne you were built, that you
deserve better. You have my word.

-Emily: A smilit thon day. Relievit A made another friend wi ane o ma peers. An
David stood bi me tae, givin me an assurin smile. It made me realize thon thare wis
guid I' this world. (In the flashback) Thank ye both. (Narrating) And Alice left.
Then David spoke to me.

-David: And I’ll promise to come see you to my dear. Because even after keeping you
hidden, I certainly don’t want you to be alone. I want to make sure you’re as happy
as can be.

-Emily: But wouldn’t ye get fired?

-David: So, I can always find another job. It doesn’t mean I can stop and come see
my own engine. You mean a lot to me angel, and I don’t mean that out of pity, I
mean that because I see how much potential you truly have. You really are a very
kind, selfless, gentle, and loving engine. But the truth is, you’re very shy, and
you keep punishing yourself when you did nothing wrong, and let the other engines I
had get to you.

-Emily: A guess. A juist don’t know gin anybody wad iver be ma friend.

-David: I’m your friend, and so is Alice right. Plus, your sister Serena loves you
to. Besides, why do you think we always kept defending you a lot from the engines
who kept bullying you. Because you didn’t deserve it, as you are a sweet engine
that honestly deserves better. You’re nothing like the other engines you were
allocated with either that’s for sure.

-Emily: No, because all I want to do is work and be really useful. And even make
friends. I just don’t know how to communicate properly.

-David: Well that’s why I’m gonna help you sweetheart. In fact, I will come with my
wife to, as she’s even eager to meet you, and we will come by, and make you feel
like an engine with humanity.

-Emily: Really?

-David: Really. In fact, speaking of which, before I go, I was thinking, now that
you’re with me in hiding, and away from those jerks back on the Great Northern, I
was thinking…would you like me to give you a name? A human name that is like me and
-Emily: Oh, ay sir, please. Tae be honest, A hatit bein callit 53, or juist a
number I’ general. An A really hatit whan everyone back on the GNR callit me thae
horrid insults, eicht-footer idiot, soft-hearted fool, wallflower, witch…

-David: Now don’t you get into that angel. You are none of those things, as I feel
it’s about time we made you feel humane. In fact, I was gonna call you “Angel”.

-Emily: Awe, thanks sir. But A don’t mean any disrespect, A think it’s better as a
nickname, no an actual name…you dinnae mind, dae ye?

-David (Chuckles): No, no, of course not! This is about you hon. Don’t ever feel
that I’m gonna dictate that. Listen, you can be whoever you want to be, and it
would make no difference, as you’re your own engine, and you shouldn’t let anybody
pick on you and make you miserable.

-Emily: Och, thanks sur.

-David: Of course. But you don’t have to call me sir anymore. You can just call me
by my actual name now. It’s quite fine.

-Emily: Och, okay.

-David: So I was thinking, I got one name that I could suggest. Since I’m bringing
my wife to see you tomorrow night, I was thinking I could name you after her.

-Emily: Thon sounds nice, but what’s her name?

-David: Emily.

-Emily (Gasps and smiles): Emily? A aye lovit thon name. I fact, it’s ma favorite

-David: Well, what a coincidence then.

-Emily: It’s such a beautiful an endearin name. I fact, I’d like tae be callit
thon. Ma name will now be…Emily.

-David: And I support your decision 100%. Now it seems like I have two important
loved ones I know by that name. Anyways, I have to go, good night Emily, and sweet

-Emily: Guid nicht David, an thank ye. (Narrating) Sae after David left, A actually
felt happy thon nicht. No only wis A saved, but A haed people an engines thon
appreciatit me for wha A am. David kept his promise an visitit me ivery nicht wi
his wife wha A wis namit after, an she took care o me juist as much. They oilit me
up, polishit ma brass, an emily herself wis school teacher, sae she wad teach me
whit she wad teach her students. An A lovit it whan she did, as A took her
teachings seriously, as A enjoyit education. An we wad talk, sing, they wad aye
visit me on holidays, especially Christmas. Another reason they became attachit tae
me, the couple were expectin a child, but e'en after it came, they telt they lovit
me sae much, thon they considerit me tae be like their surrogate dauchter, despite
bein an engine. The moment they telt me thon, A began tae cry, as David & Emily
became more than juist ma care takers, they became like surrogate parents, an
thanks tae thaim, A haed a family wha no only kept me hidden, but wha lovit me for
wha A wis. But david wis the ane A wis the most closest tae, A e'en callit him…I
callit him…daddy.

-Thomas: Awe. That is so sweet for you think of them that way. But what about
-Emily: Alice kept her promise tae, an juist like David an Emily, she appreciatit
me for wha A wis. She wad aye visit me on her free time, an made me feel A haed sae
much support. She stood wi me, e'en after the lner wis formit I’ 1923. They managit
tae keep throuch despite aw the harshest times such as the great depression an the
second world war. Thankfully, both David & Emily kept their jobs i order tae earn
money, an it wasn’t until 1935, they haed their own dauchter. An after her, she wad
have her own children. Ye get the idea.

-Thomas: Ah! But…if you don’t mind me asking, what did happen to David & Emily?
Because, you know…

-Emily (Sniffs): Well, I’ 1952, juist a few years after the four railway companies
mergit intae British Railways, David passit away, at the grand age o 74. He deed
peacefully, but whan his dauchter passit the news at the time, A wis absolutely
distraucht. His wife wis thare tae comfort me as A did for her, but the fact a
friend, wha kept me safe from bein scrapped, an wad eventually become like a father
tae me passit away, A juist didn’t know hou tae control myself. A wis weepin
uncontrollably, e'en after A wis done. A felt A haed lost ane o ma only friends. A
e'en felt the same way tae after Emily did three years later. But the rest o their
generation did come tae keep seein me, an it did actually make me feel very happy,
they did help me get ower the trauma, an convincit me an aw thon the legacy o David
& Emily Winchester still lives on, I thaim, an e'en me as long as I’m still alive.
Thon made me feel better. But then hard times came whan the modernization plan o
British Railways wad tak effect, an A wis feart o whit wad happen, e'en thouch the
Winchester family wad expand an wad keep lookin after me an helpin me brin thae
family qualities thon addit thon happiness i ma life tae overcome ma traumas.
However, Alice on the other hand, despite her class bein withdrawn at the time,
actually made it intae preservation believe it or no, as she wis withdrawn richt
before david deed, an A wis feart ma best friend at the time wis gaun'ae be
scrappit. But thankfully, thon wasn’t the case, as she endit up bein found bi the
board o the Great Central Railway, haulin rail tours.

-Thomas: So, she survived.

-Emily: Ay, an A wis glad, but sadly, A niver got tae see her again.

-Thomas: But if you don’t mind me asking Emily, how come she got preserved, but the
Winchester’s couldn’t ask them to preserve you?

-Emily: Because we were worriit gin they saw me, thon British Railways wad first
choose tae scrap me. Because ye know whit they’re like whan they find a steam
engine I’ hidin. Especially an old Stirlin' Single like me.

-Thomas: Oh! So, they had to keep hiding you, because if word got out…

-Emily: Mmm hmm. I know it sounds strange at first, but I just couldn’t be seen or
I’d be scrapped.

-Thomas: But did you ever really feel alone, because of how the major people and
engines you loved in your life and who kept you safe, all, I’m sorry, that’s not a
very considerate question.

-Emily (Giggles): Na it isn’t Thomas. A haed thae same lonely feelings back from ma
days at the GNR, but A wasn’t completely alone, as the Winchesters kept lookin’
after me an makin’ sure the line tae ma old shit wouldn’t be discoverit. Their
generations kept on gang. Whan A wis alone, A wis crying, as A iver wonderit gin
wad iver come tae a railway thon A coud call home, where A can reinvent myself an
start a new life, where A can be happy, where A can be I’ a family wi fellow
engines, where it wad feel juist like bein wi the Winchesters. The family
themselves wad aye keep assurin me tae no lose faith, an for many decades, e'en
whan British Railways wad modernize the railways, they still made sure A wad remain
safe an detectit bi thaim.

-Thomas: Wow…I had no idea. You were hidden, all that time, but had to battle your
demons like that on a regular basis, even to theis very day, despite the help you

-Emily: Ay, but A worriit thon I' general, nobody still likit me ootside o David's
family, as A juist feel like A am an outcast (Sheds a tear).

-Thomas: Ssh…no you’re not. But I will ask though, how did you end being found and
brought to Sodor.

-Emily (Smiles): Well, while A wis I’ thon shit for the past 87 years, the
winchester family wad read me stories aboot ye lot, from the railway series books.
A lovit listenin tae yer stories, an hou yer railway felt like a haven for steam
engines like us. But we juist weren’t able tae get i contact wi the Fat Controller
at the time, especially wi whit yer railway wis gang throuch, especially because A
still afraid at the time o bein discoverit an scrappit. But then, aboot 2 years
ago, ma current caretaker, Karen Winchester, david’s great-granddauchter, an ma
current driver thon ye saw me wi, she heard something, regardin the plans BoCo made
wi the Fat Controller.

-Karen: Emily, guess what, I have some good news.

-Emily: Whit?

-Karen: Do remember the stories of that railway my mother, and her parents before
kept reading to you about?

-Emily: Ye mean, the Northwestern Railway, on the Island o Sodor?

-Karen: That’s the one. Apparently, one of their engines, a diesel engine believe
it or not, has made plans with the controller of the railway, Sir Stephen Topham
Hatt III that they are going to expand their railway, not just by creating new
contracts and building new industries and railway lines, but also rescuing other
engines, far and wide.

-Emily: Whit?

-Karen: That’s right sweetie. Just last year, they had just brought in an LMS Ivatt
called Barry from the Woodham Bros. scrapyard, and then a few months ago, they just
rescued another engine called Harvey, who was also hiding from scrap like you were.

-Emily: Really?

-Karen: Mmm hmm. And well, I was gonna surprise you, I sent an email to the Fat

-Emily: Fat Controller? But, doesn’t thon sound rude

-Karen (Giggles): Don’t worry sweetie, it’s not meant to be an offense. It’s more
of a stage name really. So I sent the email, and he’s agreed to buy you so you can
work on Sodor.

-Emily (Gasps): He did?

-Karen: Yeah. He plans on sending this diesel called BoCo over here, and load you
onto a well-wagon, where he will take you to Sodor.

-Emily: A dinnae whit tae think, A wis nervous, but at the same time, A dinnae
wanna be I' this shit anymore. Karen understood hou A felt.

-Karen: It’s okay, you’re nervous, I know. About, British Railways knowing your
whereabouts. But the Fat Controller took care of that.

-Emily (Sadly): How?

-Karen: He had to notify them about your escape once I told him.

-Emily: (Gasps)

-Karen: Ssh…ssh…it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not what you think Em, I swear. It was
the only way we could ever convince him not only to buy you, but also so British
Railways would never scrap you either, because you see, he made a contract with the
railway board that any engine that he saves will be in his custody will be safe
from harm, and that this is a way to give other engines who trying to survive from
BR a chance they never have, as some of the engines, steam or diesel, they may have
been in just as worse as a position that you were in.

-Emily: Ye mean, this is tae save any engines thon were…outcasts?

-Karen: Mmm hmm.

-Emily: But whit gin the other engines on Sodor won’t like me?

-Karen: Don’t worry about that Em. I promise that if that happens, we’ll tell the
Fat Controller, and he’ll deal with any of those engines that try to bully you. And
you needn’t worry, as I’ll be there. Besides, I am a licensed engine driver, but
the engines I have to drive are horrid, and honestly, I’d rather be driving you, as
you’re my family’s legacy, and I love you Emily.

-Emily (Sheds a tear): A love ye tae Karen. Okay, but promise you’ll be wi me.

-Karen (Strokes her footplate): Always.

-Emily: Sae it wis arrangit. Karen phonit the Fat Controller an telt her A wis
ready, an i' march o last year, that’s whan he sent BoCo tae come pick me up. He
haed a breakdown train an a well wagon, an the Fat Controller’s children, Richard &
Emily thare tae meet me.

-BoCo: Hello there. Oh my, so you’re Emily, the Stirling Single who had been in
hiding for many decades.

-Emily (Shy): Uh…hel…hello.

-BoCo (Chuckles): It’s okay my dear, I’m not gonna hurt you. My name is BoCo, the
second diesel of the Northwestern Railway. And, I’m the diesel who made
arrangements with the Fat Controller of the expansion plan for Sodor, which
includes saving engines from scrap and giving them a home.

-Emily: Really?

-BoCo: Exactly! Not only that, a few friends of ours on the mainland even agreed to
help by asking around and seeing if there were any engines on heritage lines that
could come to Sodor to. We’re giving every engine around the chance they deserve,
and when the Fat Controller told me about you, I knew I had to come over here and
help you.

-Emily: Why thank ye BoCo, I'…I' don’t know whit tae say, other than juist thanks.

-BoCo (Chuckles): I’m happy to help my dear. Plus, I was even informed about your
history, and I’m very sorry to hear about what happened to you. I understand how
you feel, because I’ve been judged for being a diesel, and that I could put the
steam engines out of work.

-Emily: Ye don’t seem thon way now thon I've met ye.

-BoCo: Exactly. But I held on and stood up for myself, and even standing up for
other engines when any diesels were trying to patronize my friends at them time. I
didn’t let that bother me, and I kept working hard and doing my best. And you can
do that to Emily, as that’s one of the reasons I created this plan with the Fat
Controller, because on the Island of Sodor, every engine is free to be who they are
and work hard, as we value character more than anything.

-Richard Hatt: He’s right Emily. I’m the Fat Controller’s son by the way, Richard
Topham Hatt IV, director of public affairs for the railway. And this is my sister,
who (Giggles) coincidentally is also named Emily.

-Emily Hatt (Giggles): That’s true (Sighs) oh my, I never seen such a beautiful

-Emily (Blushes): Och, why, thank ye…Emily.

-Emily Hatt (Giggles): You’re more than welcome, Emily.

-Karen: She was named after my great grandmother, Emily Winchester. Anyways, we’re
ready to go. Now that BR is aware of Emily’s presence, I talked with the Fat
Controller and the railway board, and got a transfer, so me and my husband will be
moving to Sodor along with Emily, as I’m going to be her new driver.

-Richard Hatt: Splendid then. Don’t worry Emily, the engine (Chuckles), we’ll get
you to Sodor, and make sure we restore you to your full glory. You’ve been in
hiding long enough.

-Emily: Thanks everyone. But gin ye dinnae mind, coud A speir ane favor please?

-BoCo: What’s that Emily?

-Emily: Is thare a tarp or anythin ye coud place ower me, A know thon British
Railways now knows A survived, but A juist don’t like tae be drawin attention tae
myself. Please?

-Karen: She’s shy.

-Emily Hatt: Certainly. Don’t worry Emily, nobody is gonna hurt you, but just in
case you felt that way, we brought a tarp over so nobody can fully see you.

-Emily: Thank ye.

-BoCo: Indeed! Don’t worry Em. We’re right by your side.

-Emily: Sae BoCo pullit me oot o the shed after 87 years, an it felt great tae be
oot i the sunlicht again. They loadit me onto a well-wagon, chainit me doun, an
placit the tarp ower me tae prevent me from bein exposit. Then, BoCo set aff, takin
me doun the line tae Sodor. We soon arrivit twa days later at the Steamworks, where
the tarp wis removed, an A gotta see the railway, or part o't, itself. An thare on
the side, as BoCo shuntit me i, wis the Fat Controller, along wi Richard & Emily.

-TFC (Gasps): Oh my word…that poor engine, she really looks like she’s been through
a lot as Karen said.

-Emily Hatt: She sure is dad. The Winchester’s kept her in best condition as they
had, but mentally…

-TFC: I see! Hello there, you must be Emily. I heard tales on the mainland that
there was a Stirling Single in hiding even way before British Railways came into
power, and now I can see there is.

-Emily: Och, A…

-TFC: Your story was spreading that a Stirling Single survived the cutter’s torch,
but nobody knew if it was true or not. But now that I know, well, let’s just say
you’ve made history my dear.

-Emily (Giggles): Och, A guess A have.

-TFC: Anyways, I am Sir Stephen Topham Hatt, the current controller of the
Northwestern Railway, I’m pleased to make your acquaintance Emily.

-Emily: Pleasit tae meet yer Sir Topham. A hope A can fit I’ after (Chokes)…

-TFC: It’s alright my dear. I heard about what happened to you from Karen, and I
really must apologize on behalf of all of us about the traumas you went through.
But I can assure you, that will not happen on my railway. If anyone does try to
bully you, they’ll have me to answer to, but the majority of my engines on this
railway are the nicest, and I can assure you that we are there for you Emily. If
you can work hard like you had back on the Great Northern and if you can be brave
to hide from scrap as you already have, I’d be more than happy to offer you a life
here Emily.

-Emily: Thank ye sur. A will promise A will dae whatever ye neit me tae dae. But
gin ye don’t mind me asking, whit will A be doing?

-TFC: Since your class in those days were passenger engines, I will need you to
handle local trains on the main line, but even though once you’re restored, you may
not be as strong and fast as you once were due to age, as technically, and I don’t
mean this to be rude, you’re an antique.

-Emily: A understand sur. A don’t care whit A dae, as long as I’m workin an bein
uisefae, an e'en makin friends wi the other engines.

-TFC: That’s understandable. And I appreciate your honesty and loyalty there Emily.
Those are the traits of a really useful engine to. Plus, it won’t be just
passengers, I will also need you to handle other jobs, especially with trucks.

-Emily: A can handle thon sur. Ma old shed manager thon kept me safe wad let me tak
trucks, e'en thouch A got ridiculit for it.

-Karen: It’s true sir. Emily actually has some experience with goods. My great
grandfather went in every way to make her happy, even if it meant going against the
GNR at the time.

-TFC: I understand. And I appreciate that to. Well you needn’t worry Emily, as here
on Sodor, engines on my railway are allowed to be who they want to, as you’re not
just a machine or tool made to keep a business running, but a sentient being with
humanity, and I have faith in you.

-Emily: Thank ye sur. Thon means sae much.

-TFC: Absolutely! We will have you restored and making you feel as good as new. And
since you lost your tender after your original manager and caretaker had it placed
on the scrap heap to have it removed, we shall build a brand new tender from
scratch which you will use, and you’ll be given a brand new coat of paint where you
will feel free to choose whichever livery you want, and feel like a brand new
engine. And, this may be hard for you I can tell, but Marlin and Victor, my two
maintenance engines are also professional counselors that help engines talk out
their feelings, even traumas.

-Emily: Och, okay. I’ll talk tae thaim, but there’s ane thin ye have tae promise
me, as A telt BoCo tae.

-TFC: Oh, um, anything.

-Emily: Whatever problems A haed, promise no tae tell anybody, please, A don’t want
anybody tae know whit I’ve been throuch, or at least no yet.

-TFC: Don’t worry Emily, whatever you tell me stays between us, but when you’re

-BoCo: Exactly Em. I know it’s not easy to talk about a trauma, but that’s why
we’re here. You have our support.

-Emily: Thank ye. Aw o ye. (Narrating) Sae everyone set tae work, an A telt Marlin
& Victor awthing A telt ye an amvis today. A began tae feel A haed support, but A
juist hadn’t been ootside the Steamworks yet. An because A didn’t want tae be seen
bi the other engines yet, A wis kept I' secret once ma restoration wis done. The
Fat Controller haed thon brand new tender o mine built, an it lookit wonderful.
While A wis bein repaired, A e'en met a railway traction engine callit Fergus, wha
also wis bein restored, an he wis actually quite friendly.

-Thomas: You’re kidding, Fergus, you met him when was being restored after Stanley
found him.

-Emily: Ay. He seemit nice enouch.

-Thomas: Thank god he was.

-Emily: Whit dae ye mean?

-Thomas: After he came back, he got into a lot of trouble with this OCD disorder of
his, and drove everyone bananas.

-Emily (Giggles): Ay. He did mention thon. But it wis because he wasn’t working, an
thon we were I' the same position, thon we actually became friends. An' plus,
Marlin wis thare tae make sure he wouldn’t get aw tense an bossy as ye say he is.

-Thomas (Giggles): That’s good! At least he behaved himself then. What else
happened Emily?

-Emily: Well, aw ma trials an tribulations at the works were gang successfully, an

it wasn’t until the week before christmas, A wis repaintit intae this emerald green
livery wi chocolate runnin boards an gold linin ye see me wearin. An then it wasn’t
until twa months later I’ February ma restoration wis done, an well, that’s pretty
much whan A met ye. Sae now, now ye know ma story.

(Fades back to the present in 2003)

-Thomas (Shedding a tear): Wow…that was quite a story, and to be honest…a rather
emotional one to. Now I understand everything. Emily, I’m so sorry that you had to
experience all this crap. You didn’t deserve any of that like you do now, in fact,
you were sinned against.

-Emily (Crying): A know, it wis, an e'en after talkin tae Marlin & Victor, A juist
don’t gin A can fully get ower ma trauma.

-Thomas: You can Em…you don’t mind if I call you Em for short right?

-Emily: No.

-Thomas: You can get over it Em. Really, the problem to be honest, you just don’t
have a lot of confidence in yourself, when really, you are a wonderful engine from
what I’ve seen and heard about you. Just those bastards back on the GNR were
idiots, they’re pathetic, while you were just sweet and innocent. But despite all
that, I will say that you were very brave.

-Emily: Ye think I’m…brave?

-Thomas: Mmm hmm. I say that because, at least you did get through it, and you
survived 87 years in Aberdeen in that old shed to avoid being found by BR. That
alone says a lot about your character Em. Plus, I don’t think you were truly an
outcast, because you did have engines and people that did care loads about you.
Your older sister Serena, the C1 Atlantic named Alice, and the Winchester family.
Plus, you made plenty of friends with the other engines aside from BoCo, plus, you
told everybody about your traumas.

-Emily: But it’s still painful for me talk aboot.

-Thomas: Of course, because it was a horrible experience, and you don’t have to
tell everyone, but you did tell me and Mavis just today, and for that, I respect

-Emily: Ye dae?

-Thomas: Yeah, I really like you Emily. Your original controller was right about
you, you are an angel. And in fact, I think David and his wife would be very proud
of you. As I’m very proud of you.

-Narrator: Emily smiled. She was still crying, but it was now tears of joy as she
starred lovingly at the little blue tank engine.

-Emily: Awe, Thomas, that’s sae kynd o ye. The Fat Controller wis richt aboot ye,
ye are such a very guid friend.

-Thomas: It’s my job Emily. Because don’t worry, I’m your friend now, and you can
trust me, as I’ll always be here for you no matter what.

-Emily: Och Thomas.

-Thomas: And you’re secret’s safe with me.

-Emily: Thanks Thomas. But, ye know something, since ye coud convince me hou brave
A wis, then maybe, A can let the other engines know.

-Thomas: Are you sure about that?

-Emily: Maybe, but you’re right Thomas, I can’t just hold this forever. But I don’t
wanna tell everybody.

-Thomas: Definitely not, but if you’re sure.

-Emily: Well, the Fat Controller says he wad berate James & Daisy after A telt him.

-Thomas: Well, that sounds nice. Though I think, and if it’s okay with you, I may
need to tell just James first. As James is far more caring and goodhearted. Daisy
just needs to learn to keep her mouth shut.

-Emily: Och, A dinnae know.

-Thomas (Chuckles): It’s okay Em. James maybe a vain and conceited jerk at first
with a bad temper, he’s really a nice engine deep down, it takes a lot to get
through to him. Besides, he and I worked together when we helped that friend of
mine, Nina, prepare a good luck package for her wedding. As deep down through his
boastfulness and pride, he’s a very loyal and caring friend.

-Emily: Och, I guess he is. I just…

-Thomas: You don’t have to talk to him, but I’ll tell him not to pick on you. But
Daisy though, she’s so flamboyant and self-obsessed, it would take a lot of karma
to convince she’s wrong.

-Emily: A tak yer word for it, as A think Daisy’s far worst.

-Thomas: She is. But just know Emily, you got plenty of friends now that will love
you for who you are, as I care about you now. I promise I won’t let anything happen
to you, and if you ever need anything, you can always come talk to me. I’ll always
be there.

-Emily (Tearfully smiles): Thank ye Thomas. Thank ye.

-Thomas: Of course.

-Narrator: Thomas said softly. And to show his newfound love, Thomas released his
brake a bit, and rolled slowly up to Emily, giving her a very gentle and loving
nudge up the buffers, which Emily blush and smile. Her tears had gone as she and
Thomas stared at one another with loving smiles, as Emily slowly drifted happily to
sleep, knowing she now had a new best friend in Thomas. And Thomas fell asleep to,
happy that Emily seemed to have made peace tonight, and kept nudging up to her in
front. Though he did hope that Emily would be able to find her place on the railway
and get James & Daisy to stop bullying her, but that’s another story.


(Opens with Thomas & Emily waking up at Knapford Sheds)

-Narrator: Morning had arrived, and Thomas & Emily were still in Knapford Sheds,
with the two engines facing one another face to face, with their buffers touching
each other. They both woke up and looked at one another.

-Thomas (Yawns): Morning Emily.

-Emily (Yawns): Mornin’ Thomas.

-Thomas: How are you feeling right now?

-Emily: Och, A think I'm managin' sae far.

-Thomas: That’s good to hear.

-Emily: Thomas, thank ye again for comfortin me last nicht. A feel sae much better.

-Thomas: My pleasure. And listen, if anybody gives you trouble, ignore them and
pretend that nobody is saying anything horrid to you, and carry on with your work.

-Emily: Thanks Thomas. I’ll keep thon I' mind.

-Narrator: Just then, their drivers arrived to get them started for the day’s work.

-Thomas’s Driver: Ah, good morning you two…oh.

-Thomas: What?

-Thomas’s Driver: Nothing. Anyways, I see you both had a night.

-Thomas’s Fireman: Bob!

-Thomas’s Driver: Sorry!

-Thomas: It’s fine. Just helping Emily feel comfortable.

-Karen: You did.

-Emily: Yeah Karen. A wis upset aboot ma traumas, an Thomas came tae help comfort

-Karen: Oh, oh my god that’s so sweet. Why thank you Thomas. That was so thoughtful
of you.

-Thomas: Glad I can help Karen. Anyways, driver, what’s our schedule now that I’m
back from the Works?

-Thomas’s Driver: Well, the Fat Controller says we are to take you to Knapford to
see him for the time being as well as Emily. He wants to speak to you both.

-Thomas: Oh, well in that case, we better get going then.

-Emily: Och, because Thomas came back now tae run his branchline.

-Karen: Exactly Em. I guess he’ll be telling us what he wants us to do for the time

-Emily (Giggles): Then let’s make sure we have a wonderful day today.

-Narrator: So the two engines got steamed up and headed to the station. They
arrived at the platforms where the Fat Controller was waiting for them.

-TFC: Ah, Thomas, Emily, good morning you two.

-Thomas: Good morning sir.

-Emily: Mornin' sir.

-TFC: I see you made a new friend today Emily.

-Emily: A did sir. Actually, it wis last nicht. A wis upset aboot aw thon happenit
tae me throuchout ma life, Thomas came tae comfort me, an A telt him…you know.

-TFC: Splendid then. See Emily, you definitely have friends by your side. And
Thomas, that was very compassionate of you, well done.

-Thomas: Thank you sir! Oh, and it’s great to be back by the way.

-TFC: Marvelous. Anyways, Thomas, now that you’ve returned, you have your normal
duties on your branchline per usual. But later in the afternoon, I need you to work
with Duck, as there’s a train of scrap going to the Smelter’s, and I need you to
help him with it.

-Thomas: Absolutely sir. I’ll see you later Emily.

-Emily: I’ll see ye later Thomas.

(Thomas leaves)

-TFC: And Emily, since after all the trouble you went through these past 2 days,
now you can work on the main line with both local trains and goods trains.

-Emily: Yes sir. Though will…

-TFC (Chuckles): Don’t worry my dear, I know how you feel right now, and you won’t
be doing it alone, as I decided that you need help in order to get use to handling
trains again, as well as someone you can confide in like how Thomas helped you last

(Edward’s whistle blares)

-TFC: Ah, and speak of the devil, here’s the help right now.

-Narrator: Emily looked up in front of her and saw an old tender engine coming up
to her. He was painted in the same shade of blue Thomas & Gordon were in, but was
in between their sizes, and had a large #2 painted on his tender, and a very warm
and friendly smile towards her.

-TFC: Emily, this is Edward, the second engine of my fleet, and a wise old sage who
is knowledgeable about anything. I figured since you need more support that aside
from Thomas, BoCo or Mavis, I think Edward would be perfect in helping you.

-Emily (Shy): Oh, hello Edward. Nice to…meet you.

-Edward (Giggles): I’m pleased to meet you to Emily, and it’s okay my dear, you can
trust me to. Anyways, there’s a charter train headed down to Vicarstown, and we’ll
be double heading it, as I’ll help you in learning the line, as well as how to
handle trucks as well.

-Emily: Thank ye Edward. Och, sir, before A gae, did ye talk wi James & Daisy yet?

-TFC: Sorry Em, but I haven’t yet, I’m pretty busy right now, but I will when I see
them, I promise.

-Edward: And don’t worry Em, because if he doesn’t get the chance, I’ll do so, as
no friend of mine deserves to be harassed like that.

-Emily: Thank ye both. Anyways, I’m ready whan ye are Edward.

-Narrator: So Edward & Emily got ready to get coaled up and turned round for their
journey. As both tender engines went to the coal hoppers, Edward let Emily go
first, and it was there she also got to meet the other engines such as Henry and
Duck. Unfortunately, she also meet up with James again.

-James: Alright, let’s make sure we get filled extra driver, but make sure you
don’t get any coal on my paint, as I’m an important engine, and need to keep up
appear… oh, it’s you again.

-Emily: (Gasps)

-James: So, I see the Fat Controller is letting you pull trains on the main line
now, eh?

-Emily: Well, A…

-James: Well enjoy it while you can there Evelyn, because you maybe in the
spotlight for now, but soon, I’ll be the one on top, and you’ll just be a thing of
the past.

-Edward: Now James, that’s enough. There’s no cause to be rude.

-James: Rude! Pah, she’s the one being rude. As Evelyn here just thinks she can
come out of nowhere and try to act all high and mighty and think she can one up, me
well I tell you now, it ain’t gonna happen, as like I said the other day, you
should know your place relic and…

-Henry: James, shut up! Her name is “Emily”, and she’s not her to show anyone up.

-Duck: Exactly! She’s doing us all a favor, like she did for Thomas while he was
being serviced at the Steamworks.

-Edward: Indeed! Today, she and I will be double-heading a local to Vicarstown and
back, and then she and I will later be working with trucks at Wellsworth.

-James: Oh, well I seen it all now. First I fine engine degrades yourself to
branchline work, then you laze about and get another engine to work with you, and
now you decided to shunt dirty trucks in dirty sidings. You’re not only a relic of
the past who forgets her place, but also thinks you could play nice and…


-Narrator: Just then, Percy came in when he brought some milk tankers. He took
great liking to Emily when they met, and just couldn’t stand for an engine as
judgmental and arrogant as James bullying her. And he wasn’t gonna stand for it

-Percy: I got to know Emily just two good damn days ago, and she is not boastful at
all. She handled the branchline splendidly, treated everybody around her with
compassion and care, and I mean, look at her, she looks really sad right now
because of how you been ridiculing her.

-James: Ridiculing, well it seems like a silly shunter like you is so naïve Percy
that, you don’t see this witch here is gonna try and…
-Henry: No James, Percy is right! That’s just prejudice the way you’re speaking
about Emily.

-Percy: Yeah, because I know what I’m talking about James, as I got to know her. In
fact, she’s like the big sister I never had. (Emily looks at Percy in awe and

-Duck: Here, here! You know James, I find it quite hypocritical that you say Emily
is the one showing off and claiming she’s out for the spotlight, when that’s what
you do 24/7.

-Edward: Exactly Duck. Plus, you can’t even seem to make up your mind, you say
Emily is a fine engine, but all you’ve done is ridicule her. Plus, I’m just as old
as her, and so are you, does that make us look like relics?

-James: Well, I…

-Henry: And she only does things like shunting or running branchlines because she
has to, the Fat Controller said so, as it’s his orders James. Especially coming
from the engine who finds work like that degrading, when it help benefits the
railway. Isn’t that right, Emily?

-Emily: Yes…yes, exactly! I’m only doing what’s right James, for the sake of the
railway, not mine. I have to get to work, and I don’t need you bullying me again.

-Narrator: And with that, Emily, feeling hurt, snorted away.

-Edward: We’ll talk about this tonight James. In fact, the Fat Controller also
plans to see you later to.

-Narrator: James gulped as Edward finished loading up and coal, and he followed
after Emily. The big red engine didn’t understand why everyone else was taking
Emily’s side, and he still felt he was in the right. But little did he know, he was
in the wrong. Meanwhile, Thomas was puffing down the branchline with Annie &
Clarabel. The two coaches were pleased to have their friend back, and Thomas was
happy to be running it, but he still thought about Emily, as he really cared about
her, and wanted to do everything he could to make her feel comfortable and secure.

-Annie: Penny for your thoughts Thomas?

-Thomas: Huh? Oh, yes there is Annie. I was just thinking about Emily, you know,
the new engine who was covering for me.

-Clarabel: Oh yes, she’s such a sweet engine.

-Annie: Yes, but very shy?

-Clarabel: Yes, very shy indeed Annie. I felt so bad for her, she was in so much
pain after what James did to her.

-Annie: And not to mention that…Daisy (Seethes with fury).

-Thomas: Yes, I know. Nina told me about it last night.

-Annie: Nina?

-Clarabel: As in, Mrs. Kyndly’s daughter?

-Thomas: Yep. She told me had witnessed Daisy assaulting her with her outlandish
attitude. Then, I even spoke with Emily myself that night. I assume she told you
both about her past.

-Annie: She did indeed. And Mavis to.

-Clarabel: Oh, she told you about that?

-Thomas: Yeah, I came to comfort her at Knapford Sheds last night, and I even made
a promise to her that I’m gonna protect her and care for her, as I do honestly like
her. She’s such a sweet and caring engine. All she wanted was a family and a home.
And the chance to gain the life she never had. I was there with her that night when
she was in pain.

-Annie & Clarabel: Awe!

-Annie: That’s very sweet of you Thomas. To be there for such a sweet, gentle

-Clarabel: Though are you sure it’s not just for something even deeper.

(Annie & Clarabel laugh)

-Thomas (Chuckles): Very funny you two. Though I will admit, yeah, I do think
Emily’s beautiful. I mean, throughout the past 88 years of my life, I never thought
I’d have these feelings of love, and being infatuated with an engine that’s so…
well…really gorgeous.

-Annie: It’s okay Thomas, we do understand.

-Clarabel: Besides, the Fat Controller has nothing against that either.

-Thomas: I know. I mean, he and Marlin were there when I met Emily. Though I would
never let this interfere with my work, it’s just, this is really the first time I
had ever fallen in love, and well, I just don’t know if I’m ready for this.

-Annie: Just give it time Thomas.

-Clarabel: Yes, plenty of time Thomas. Maybe she might feel the same way about you.
Though you’re not going for her just for….

-Thomas (Giggles): Don’t worry you two, I’m not like that. It’s not just her looks
that draw me in, I really do care for Emily on the inside, as she’s very beautiful.
I even admitted that to her last night. But regardless, I thought her shyness was
kinda cute, and she’s easily the nicest and most endearing engine I met. If only
those jerks back on the GNR saw her full potential instead of tormenting her with
all this pain and getting sucked into their pride. But, let’s just hope nothing
else happens that’s bad.

-Narrator: And Thomas made his way to Ffarqhuar. As he was going into the sidings
to refill on water, there he met up with Mavis, who was shunting stone into the
sidings by the loadings docks in the yards.

-Thomas: Oh, hi Mavis.

-Mavis: Hello Thomas! I see your back from the Steamworks.

-Thomas: Yep, I’m good as new and back to running the branchline. I even got to
talk with Emily to.
-Mavis: Oh yes, as did I to. We immediately became best friends, she’s such a dear.

-Thomas: She sure is. And it was horrible what happened to her.

-Mavis: Oh, she told you to?

-Thomas: Yeah, she even told me that she told you.

-Mavis: She did, it was so depressing.

-Thomas: Yeah, the moment Emily told me how she was an outcast like that, it made
me cry.

-Mavis: I felt the same way to Thomas. Argh! I just don’t understand engines
sometimes, and people for that matter, to have such a bias to an engine who’s
really shy, but very sweet. Yet, all the other engines and people did back on her
old line was treat her like scrap iron.

-Thomas (Sighs): I know. And it took everything we had to prove pompous engines
like them wrong.

-Mavis: But that was nothing Thomas. This was just discrimination and rejection,
that poor engine just didn’t have any friends as much. Well, except the ones she
mentioned. I just…I just wish people would come to learn to respect others that are
different instead of acting so cruel and rejecting them.

-Thomas: I know, I know, it really is said that some people and engines aren’t as
fortunate as we are. The fact that Emily, and plenty of other engines BoCo saved
were. Barry, Harvey, not to mention Derek before he came here, and the same with
Kirby, and Fergus, just a little, but he was too proud to think he didn’t need
friends. The point being, it’s completely unfair and really stupid to reject others
because of their differences.

-Mavis: Yes. But all they needed was a chance to prove themselves, but sadly, Emily
and the engines you mentioned weren’t because of the mainland’s greed and pride.

-Thomas: Yeah. I mean realistically, you can’t help everyone, but I just wish there
was a way to do so.

-Mavis: There is honey. It’s the little things we do that help make a difference.
Just like how Emily is doing her best to earn her place on the railway, it’s just
both of us being there for her to help give her the strength and confidence she

-Thomas: Yeah, that is true. I did keep my promise to be there for her if she ever
needed me. Like you did as well.

-Mavis: Exactly! We just have to catch her if she falls. But I think you did just
as great Thomas, as you really are such a great friend, no, you’re the best friend
any engine all over the world can ask for. As you fought against the engines that
tried to bully others and prove how engines like us are just as useful, and you
made sure to give everybody a voice, and helped bring out their humanity.

-Thomas: Why thanks Mavis.

-Mavis: Of course, and I really mean that Thomas, as you really are a sweetheart
and you mean so much to me to, ever since the day we met. I always feel comfortable
when I’m around you, and I enjoy spending time with you.
-Thomas: awe, I feel that way to Mavis, you’re one of my best friends. And whenever
the situation is tough in my life, I always think about you to.

-Mavis: That’s wonderful honey.

-Thomas: Yes, anyways, I have to get going. I gotta work with Duck later today. And
since I’ll be on the main line, we’ll try and handle James & Daisy if they ever get
all high and mighty and try to pick on Emily again. I’ll look after James on the
main line, while you handle Daisy on the branchline.

-Mavis: Good plan. I’ll see you later Thomas.

-Thomas: See you later Mavis.

-Narrator: So Thomas left, as that was a good way. Yes, there plenty of people and
engines in this world that needed help, but doing their best to a friend and
helping them in moments of need was the best they could do. He only hoped that
Emily would be alright. Meanwhile, Emily was enjoying herself while working with
Edward. The wise old engine’s kindness was what helped keep Emily in a positive
mood and took her mind off of James’s rudeness. Anything Edward would teach her,
Emily listened attentively, as she had a great respect for his wisdom. Plus,
considering that one of Edward’s best friends was BoCo, the diesel who later helped
save her from scrap, she knew right away she could trust him, especially because
Edward was one of the most respected and wise sages on this railway like Toby.

-Emily (Laughing): This is sae much fun.

-Edward: I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. I figured since you want to learn the
line, you should go in front.

-Emily: Thank ye Edward. You’re a true a gentleman. You’re sae kynd.

-Edward: Awe!

(Emily blows her whistle at an oncoming BoCo)

-Emily: Hello BoCo!

-BoCo: Hello Emily! Hello Edward! I see you’re out on the main line.

-Emily: Thon A am! I'll see ye later!

-BoCo: See you later Emily, and keep on going.

-Narrator: And Emily did. Though she still hoped either James no Daisy was in
sight. Later, the two engines reached Crovans Gate. Here Emily saw the Skarloey

-Emily: A really like hou this island relies on both standard gauge like us, an
e'en narrow gauge rails.

-Edward: Oh yes, the Skarloey Railway is one of the most famous railways in our
island’s history. It’s been around a lot longer than our railway. We work together
in exchanging passengers and goods.

-Emily: Wow…that’s amazin'.

-Narrator: Just then, Rheneas arrived to exchange passengers for the service.
-Rheneas: Hello there Edward. Who’s your new friend?

-Edward: Hello Rheneas. This is Emily, our newest member. She will be taking local
trains along the main line.

-Rheneas: Marvelous. Hello there Emily. My name is Rheneas. I’m pleased to make
your acquaintance.

-Emily: Nice tae meet ye Rheneas.

-Narrator: Duke was on the opposite platform, and was impressed at the engine he
was seeing also.

-Duke: Hello there young Emily. My name is Duke. Pardon the interruption, but I
couldn’t help but overhear, so I thought I’d introduce myself.

-Emily: It’s alricht. I’m pleasit tae meet ye tae Duke.

-Rheneas: Wait a minute. I think I remember now, weren’t you one of those new
engines BoCo found about last year?

-Emily: That’s richt, ay. A wis I’ a shit for the past 87 years, hidin from scrap
back on the mainland. E'en before British Railways came intae power. I’m ane o the
last o Stirlin' Single’s ye see. But A don’t mean tae be rude, I'd rather no talk

-Edward: She went through some trauma you see.

-Rheneas: Oh! I’m sorry to hear.

-Duke: As am I my dear. But don’t worry my dear, you don’t have to talk about it if
you really don’t want to. But I will say I do know how you feel, as myself had gone
through a similar position for 2 decades.

-Emily: 2 decades?

-Duke: Indeed. I was one of the original engines that ran the Mid Sodor up in the
north of the island, until it was closed down. Nobody wanted to purchase me back
then because of my old age, so the sheeted me up and left me in one of their old
sheds also, which in return, got buried by a landslide, and nature ran its course,
cause grass to grow, trees and bushes covering the area to.

-Emily: Och, och ma, I'm sae sorry Duke. Thon must’ve been horrible.

-Duke (Chuckles): Don’t worry my dear. I was nervous for how long I’d be in that
shed, but I didn’t let that stop me, as I was certain that someday, help would come
soon. To make sure I didn’t worry, I kept thinking about all the golden years of my
life before that, and I would often keep falling asleep in order to pass the time.
And it wasn’t until one day, help did arrive and I was freed. I was sent to Mid
Sodor and given another chance, and now, the rest is history.

-Emily: Wow (Giggles). Ye really stayit strong Duke. An held onto aw yer hope. Thon
is wonderful. A wish A could’ve done the same.

-Edward (Chuckles): Don’t worry about that Emily. You were just as hopeful and
brave as Duke was. You managed to stick through your traumas, plus, you weren’t
exactly alone, as the Winchesters were there by your side.
-Emily (Shy): Och. I’m sorry, I dinnae know what I was talking about, just ignore
me, I…

-Rheneas: Calm down Emily, its okay, there’s nothing wrong with what you said.

-Duke: Yes my dear, you have a right to express your opinion there my young friend.
Even after all that you’ve gone through, at least you did get through it. And we
respect you.

-Rheneas: Exactly! We all faces challenges every day, but it’s that bravery that
comes from inside us that defines who you are. I mean, years ago, I put everything
I could to get a whole passenger train home in a brutal storm, despite jamming my
valve gear. And if I stayed in the middle of the line like that, the railway would
be closed.

-Emily (Gasps): Och mah. What did you do?

-Rheneas: I kept pushing myself forward, until I finally made it, despite my poor

-Emily: Wow!

-Rheneas: In fact, just last summer, I managed to get a whole passenger train
through a forest fire that was set by some rebellious scouts, despite having some
mechanical faults, and I’m still here.

-Edward: Exactly! Plus, I even did something similar when I brought a whole
passenger train home through a horrid storm, and had my side rods removed after my
crankpins popped, but I managed to push through despite all the odds against me.

-Emily: Wow…this…this is amazin. A think, gin ye lads can be brave, A guess, A can

-Rheneas: Now that’s the spirit Emily.

-Duke: Exactly! I’m sure you’ll have plenty of adventures to my dear.

-Edward: Exactly! You do have self-confidence Em. But it only has to come from you,
and you alone.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Edward: Anyways, we better get going.

-Emily (Giggles): I’m ready Edward. Thank ye Rheneas. Thank ye Duke. It wis nice
meetin’ ye both.

-Duke: The pleasure is ours to young Emily.

-Rheneas: Just believe in yourself Emily.

-Narrator: And soon, Emily & Edward headed down the line. Later, Thomas was working
with Duck, double-heading a train going to the Smelter’s Yard. As they were going,
Thomas decided to talk his concerns to the Great Western Pannier, especially after
Duck told him about how outlandish James was back at the coal hoppers.

-Thomas: Oh god, James didn’t.

-Duck: He sure did Thomas. He really try to enforce that Emily was second best, so
he can put himself on top, then he deludes himself into thinking Emily is a cold-
hearted and arrogant snob that’s trying the show him up. And even playing nice by
running your branchline and taking trucks.

-Thomas: Ugh, I can’t believe James. I’ve known him to be very vain and rude to
make himself feel important, but I never thought he would act this horrid.
Especially because Emily is very sincere, she doesn’t even have one mean bit in her
soul, as she’s just so gentle and kind.

-Duck: Exactly! Not to mention responsible, because she actually cares about doing
her work, for the sake of others. She’s everything James isn’t I have to admit. And
from what you told me regarding her history, I feel even sorrier for her that this
poor engine was an outcast.

-Thomas: Yeah. Just be glad Daisy wasn’t there, as she was snooty to her, it
reminded Emily of the engines that used to bully her. I just hope we can get both
her and James to stop and appreciate Emily for who she is.

-Duck: Same. But I will say this though, just be glad Diesel hasn’t met with Emily,
because if he even thinks he could get away with being as outlandish and obnoxious
as he is with that childish behavior, I’m gonna rip him to shreds.

-Thomas: Yeah, so would I. But you know, at least since we are headed to the
Smelter’s, it’s given me an idea.

-Duck: Oh, what’s that Thomas?

-Thomas: Remember a few years ago when Percy and I saved Harriet from being
scrapped after the idiot workman set the hut at Knapford on fire?

-Duck: Of course. You helped Harriet gain a new purpose in her life.

-Thomas: Thanks. Like what I had in mind is we look through that grim wasteland and
see what we can find for Emily to make her feel happy. Basically, I’m gonna try and
find a gift for her, let the Fat Controller know, and bring it to the Steamworks to
be restored just for her.

-Duck: Now that is very noble of you Thomas. Truly worthy of the Great Western. And
I’ll help you out in any way I can.

-Thomas: Thanks Duck.

-Narrator: So the two tank engines headed down the Peel Godred Branch all the way
to the Smelter’s. Once they arrived and shunted their trucks in place, they looked
around, to see exactly what it was they could find for Emily. As they did so. ‘Arry
& Bert showed up.

-‘Arry: Well, well, well, if ain’t the two tank engines that take are the kings of
their branchlines.

-Bert: Comin 'o “re'ire” perhaps?

-Thomas: Humph! Yeah, like that’s ever gonna happen you scrap-dealing jerks.

-Duck: Yeah, we may be old, but we still keep pushing onwards. Like as if you two
weren’t doing anything else.

-‘Arry: Well a' leas' we 'ave a purpose, which bo'h yours an' your steam 'rac'ion
comrades expired a long 'ime ago.
-Bert: Yeah, an' wha'’s 'his we’re 'earin abou' ano'her old 'imer wi'h big drivin
wheels runnin on 'he main line?

-Thomas: That’s none of your business you bastards. You both won’t even dare go
near her.

-Duck: Exactly! Don’t forget, your both are still on probation ever since that
incident with Stepney, and you both know what will happen if you tried. And
honestly, you both have gotta be the only two diesels that I probably hate just as
much as Diesel.

-Bert: DIESEL? Okay look, we’re really mawe acquain'ances we’ll 'ave you knah. We
jus' simply 'olera'e 'im, bu' all 'ha' bugger ever does is ge' on our damn nerves.

-Duck: Humph, so for once I guess we’re on the same page.

-‘Arry: Begrudgingly yes.

-Thomas: Okay, well aside from that, maybe you two and your manager could give us a
hand with something at least.

-‘Arry: Humph! Like wha', doin business wi'h you ke''les, over our dead bodies!

-Foreman: Actually, I think it would be a good idea.

-Narrator: ‘Arry & bert froze, as there was their manager, who was actually more
polite to the engines than they were.

-Foreman: I must apologize on behalf of their behavior you two. What do you both

-Thomas: Well sir, there’s a new engine taking care of local trains on the main
line you see, and we were hoping maybe if you had some kind of gift we could give

-Duck: Exactly, like, maybe any spare parts, rolling stock, something as a lucky

-Foreman: Hmm…I am aware of this new engine, Emily I believe, and that she’s a
passenger engine correct?

-Thomas: Yes, she is sir. But she’s also gonna handle mixed-traffic work to.

-Foreman: I see! Now that you mention it, I think I might have just the ticket.
‘Arry, Bert, show these two the back.

-Bert: Bu’ sir…

-Foreman: Now you two.

-Narrator: Reluctantly, ‘Arry & Bert, with the manager in their cab, lead Thomas &
Duck to the back, and there in a siding, and very rusty, were three old coaches.
Two composites in front and the brake coach in the back. They also looked around
the very era that Emily was built in, the 1890’s. Despite their decaying condition,
they still looked in good shape to be restored.

-Thomas: Wow, those are some really beautiful looking coaches.

-Duck: I’ll say to that Thomas. Those Great Western’s six-wheeled Clerestory roofed
coaches. They were old vintage coaches that the Great Western would use for
passenger trains, until bigger and more efficient boogie-wheeled coaches came

-Thomas: Interesting Duck. And by the look of them, I’d think they be perfect for
Emily. She can have her own set of coaches. We’ll take them sir.

-Foreman: Splendid! ‘Arry, Bert, get some flatbeds for these three coaches, and
load them on for the Steamworks.

-Narrator: ‘Arry & Bert, still upset about working with the steam engines,
reluctantly did so. Thomas & Duck’s crews filled out the paperwork and arranged to
have them brought to the Steamworks and show them to the Fat Controller. The
coaches wouldn’t be able to move on their as there could be the risk they might
fall apart in the middle of the line. So each was loaded onto a well wagon, and
Thomas & Duck coupled in front, double-heading the train.

-Foreman: Okay you two, you’re both set to go.

-Thomas: Why thank you sir! And thank you two ‘Arry & Bert. For once, we actually
appreciate it.

-‘Arry (Annoyed): Yeah, don’' men'ion I'.

-Bert (Annoyed): Jus' 'ell anybody abou' 'his.

-Duck: Oh relax you blokes. We didn’t say we were.

-Thomas: Indeed! Come on Duck, let’s get going.

-Narrator: And with that, Thomas & Duck left the Ironworks, with the three 6-
wheeled coaches in tow. They soon made it to the Steamworks, were they found the
Fat Controller waiting for them with Victor.

-Thomas: Afternoon sir! Duck and I found something we thought you might like to see
that we could give to Emily.

-Narrator: The Fat Controller starred in amazement.

-TFC: Oh my, what an impressive find. Three six-wheeled coaches. These were once
used even way before the Northwestern was formed. I thought they were all scrapped.

-Thomas: So did I. But the foreman showed us this, and I was thinking I wanted to
make Emily comfortable in every way possible.

-Duck: So I volunteered to help Thomas to when we were headed to the scrapyard, and
the foreman, ‘Arry & Bert showed us these remarkable coaches from the Great
Western, which I’m surprised these models were also used in Sodor’s pre NWR days.

-Thomas: And seeing that Stirling Singles like Emily pulled passengers, I thought
it’d be nice maybe she’d have her own set of coaches to go with it.

-Victor: Wow, excellent idea my friends. I think these coaches will work
wonderfully for Emily.

-TFC: I’ll say they are Victor. They would look perfect, and just too valuable to
scrap. And at least Emily can have her own set of coaches that way the others
coaches can be used for the other engine’s convenience. Excellent job you two, I’m
proud of you both for going out of your way to make Emily feel welcome.

-Duck: Beg pardon sir, but this was really all Thomas’s idea. He’s the one who
wanted to make Emily the most comfortable.

-Thomas (Blushes): Oh, I’m just trying to help a friend in need sir.

-TFC: Don’t worry Thomas, I understand. And I appreciate what you did.

-Thomas: Thanks sir! I mean, your grandfather back in the 20’s not only gave me my
branchline, but James’s older brother gave me Annie & Clarabel, so I thought I’d do
the same for Emily.

-TFC: That’s a very noble and compassionate thing to do Thomas. You really have
come so far, as you and Duck are really useful engines. We shall restore these
coaches, and to make them glamorous, we will repaint them to Emily’s livery, that
way she can have a matching pair of coaches.

-Narrator: Thomas & Duck beamed. At the same time that was going on, Edward & Emily
were done pulling passengers, and Edward brought her to Wellsworth to learn how
deal with trucks. Edward was very impressed, as Emily not only handled passengers
with ease, but she was very good at handling trucks. Though her way of making them
behave was being kind and polite to them, as Emily, being her usually gentle-
natured self was very soft towards them, and treated them with respect and
compassion, and didn’t even dare bump them, as it wasn’t in her nature. In fact,
the trucks were especially shocked that Emily, a glamorous looking tender engine
that clearly was designed for passenger trains, was actually treating them with
respect. Because of this, they didn’t even dare take any advantage of her, as they
actually took a looking to her because of her benevolent nature.

-Truck 1: Wow, she’s really an angel isn’t she?

-Truck 2: Best we not play trucks on her.

-Truck 3: Yeah, can’t imagine what she’d be like if she was upset.

-Narrator: And they’d be right, as something to note about Emily, is that because
she is very sensitive, if you push her too far, she can have a very emotional
temper that would scare even the toughest of engines that would try and take
advantage of her. Edward already understood this, and was doing his best to make
sure Emily had no stress or trauma whatsoever. But Emily herself on the other hand
was having a wonderful time, and felt great that she was actually achieving some
happiness in her life. She enjoyed working with the trucks, and even the occasional
trip down the branchline. Her optimism helped her feel a little self-confident to,
she even became friends with the other residents that ran on it aside from Edward &
BoCo, such as Derek, Salty, and even cranky found her impossible not to like. She
would even meet with Bill & Ben as well as Fergus again, and the two actually took
into Emily’s kindness, and Fergus would even stop acting very compulsive to. Once
back at the yards, she even got to meet with Donald & Douglas who were collecting a
train from the yard.

-Donald: Hello thare. Ye must be the new passenger engine?

-Emily: Thon A am, ay. But A also handle mixed-traffic work tae. Um…my name is

-Douglas: Aye, that’s a beautiful name. An it’s really interestin tae see an engine
wha can handle both trains.
-Donald: Maybe ye can show yon James a thin or tae.

-Emily (Can’t help but giggle a bit): Maybe A coud.

(All three engine laugh)

-Donald: Anyways, where’s our manners. Ma name is Donal', an this is ma brother


-Emily (Giggle): Nice to meet you both.

-Douglas: Say, is thon bi any chance A Scottish accent I’ yer voice?

-Emily: Why…yes it is, A am Scottish. Like ye twa A can see. A, well, it’s a bit…

-Douglas: Aye, is somethin’ wrong lass?

-Narrator: At first, Emily did feel shy and nervous again, but she saw BoCo in the
yards, smiling gaily at her, and gave her an encouraging wink, for either being
brave to see she didn’t want to talk about if she had to, or just taking the
courage to talk about it, as she was entitled to her choice. At first she was gonna
go with the former, but then, she remembered Thomas’s kind words of encouragement,
and her conversation with Rheneas & Duke, she took a deep breath and gave the twins
her backstory. The twins were amazed as Emily helped shunt their train, but unlike
the previous times, this time, Emily wasn’t crying. In fact, it did feel much
better now.

-Donald: Och, we’re very sorry aboot whit ye experiencit Emily. Douggie an A know
hou ye feel.

-Douglas: Aye, an sae wad Oliver if he wis here richt now.

-Emily: Hou sae?

-Douglas: Ye see, the three o us ilka were savit from scrap tae. Donnie an A escape
bi paintin ower numbers as only ane o us wis tae be expected, an later, A wad save
Oliver & Toad whan they triit tae escape.

-Donald: But after hearin whit ye went throuch, it makes our escapes from the
cutter’s torch leuk sae much easier. Ye were sae brave tae face aw thon.

-Emily: Wow, A haed na idea. A guess.

-BoCo: Most of us engines were all in a similar position to you Emily. But you’re
doing the right thing by facing your demons.

-Donald: She sure has BoCo. Anyways, thanks for helpin' us wi our train Emily.

-Douglas: Aye, an it wis nice tae meet ye. An dinnae worry aboot James & Daisy.

-Donald: Exactly, Douggie an A will be keepin an ee on thaim. Cheerio Emily!

-Emily (Giggles): Cheerio, it wis nice talkin tae ye both.

-BoCo: Well done Emily. See, you’re actually doing really well so far in tackling
your demons and enjoying your life.

-Emily: Well A wouldn’t have done sae gin it hadn’t been for ye an the other
engines lookin’ oot for me. Thank ye BoCo, for savin me from scrap an for havin’
faith I’ me, an well, awthing.

-BoCo: It’s my pleasure Emily. I know despite the “controversies” you’ve had in the
past, I’m very proud of how far you had come in the past two days. Honestly, I
think you have everything it takes to be a perfect Sodor engine.

-Emily: Thanks BoCo. Thouch A wish James & Daisy weren’t sae mean tae me. A still
feel shy an helpless.

-BoCo: Don’t worry Emily. You’re doing fine, forget about those two, they’re each
one engine. They’ll come around eventually. You haven’t seen Daisy all that much
since yesterday, plus, Edward said you did stand up to James a little bit back at
the coal hoppers at the yards.

-Emily: Och yes, I did, didn’t I. I’m still nervous though.

-BoCo: It’s okay Em, it’s natural, but like I said, you’ll prove them both wrong
soon enough. That’s what I did when I first came here after I managed to survive
being scrapped. Just have faith in yourself Emily, and if James & Daisy start
becoming insufferable, ignore them and pretend they’re not even there.

-Emily: Thanks BoCo.

-Narrator: She said softly. Emily was still worried about meeting with either of
the two arrogant engines, but with friends like BoCo, Mavis, Edward, and even
Thomas being there for her, it did help her.

(Fades to Tidmouth Sheds at night)

-Narrator: That night at the sheds, James was still complaining harshly about
Emily, and Daisy was also there to doing just the same, but really glad that the
Stirling was not on the branchline. Needless to say, their rant about Emily was
upsetting the other engines, especially because most of them took a liking to the
sweet Stirling Single.

-James: I just don’t know what the Fat Controller was thinking, buying an engine as
outdated as that (Groans) Emily. And the fact BoCo saved her from scrap, when deep
down, he could’ve saved a lot more engines than that outdated relic.

-Daisy: BoCo should’ve gotten another fellow diesel like us. Actually, he and the
Fat Controller should’ve found another highly-sprung diesel railcar like me. That
steam engine is so old fashioned and out of date. Especially with only two working
driving wheels.

-James: Well we steam engines are just as important you Daisy, but this Emily, she
just thinks she can come out of nowhere and expect special treatment, well she sure
as hell doesn’t.

-Henry: Oh my god, I can’t believe how insensitive you both are being right now!
But I don’t know who’s worse.

-Gordon: Both are. Engines like Emily are a credit to us, like in the same way
Edward is.

-James: Yes, but you used to belittle him to Gordon. I bet she only got Edward
because she needs someone to give her a hand. I mean, there’s no way she can take a
local train without breaking down.

-Daisy: At least we can agree on one thing James, that useless fool should be

(Everyone gasps)


-Donald: Aye, an why the Fat Controller still keeps ye around despite actin' like
thae horrid mainland diesels is beyond us.

-Douglas: An tae ye tae James.

-James: Whoa, hey, I didn’t say that! I mean, I don’t think this engine should be
scrapped, just confined in a museum.

-Bear: But it’s really unfair of you to say these things James, regardless. I mean,
the both of you don’t even know this engine. She’s only been here for 2 days, and
all you bastards had done was scold, ridicule, and demean her.

-Oliver: Exactly! Especially for an engine who was gonna be scrapped. I mean, you
both welcomed me when I first came.

-James: That’s because you, Donald, and Douglas all fought your way here Oliver.

-Percy: Oh yeah, but what about Barry & Harvey. BoCo saved them from scrap to long
before Emily. Oh, and Kirby was nearly gonna be scrapped to damn it.

-Daisy: Well those commoners were found in the right place at the right time.

-BoCo: Commoners? So you really never agreed with this plan of mine, eh Daisy?

-Daisy: Well because we should get more engines like us BoCo. This island is so…


-Stanley: To right! In fact Daisy, if you don’t even like this place, why did you
even bother to stay…

-Daisy (Nervous): Well, it’s not that I don’t, I mean, this place is my home.

-Toby: Stanley’s right Daisy, I thought I taught you better than this. To say
things about others like this, sometimes I don’t even know who you are lately.

-Gordon: But more to the point, it’s completely unfair for you and James to be so
horrid to Emily. She did nothing wrong!

-James: Not yet Gordon, you never know it. She’s such a pampered brat that she
thinks she can pretend to be nice just to show us up. And then we have this engine
crying when I try to question her, because she’s…


(Everyone gasps)

-James: Ex…excuse me!

-Narrator: The engines looked, and there was Thomas, coming into the yards along
with Edward, Duck, and Mavis. They all looked really cross, but Thomas was red in
the face and glaring angrily at both James & Daisy.


-James: What?

-Daisy: You’re…you’re joking right Thomas?

-Thomas: Do I look like I’m joking Daisy. Listen, that engine has been through a
lot more than you could ever imagine. As I stated, she’s the nicest and most caring
engine that wants what any engine wants. A chance to be useful and a place to call
her very own and have more than just friends, but a family that really loves her
for who she is. But she never had any of that back on the Great Northern Railway,
because she was mistreated by everybody around her.

-Gordon: Mistreated? By the Great Northern Railway. But Thomas, that railway was
what founded the GNR…


-Narrator: The engines froze at Thomas’s outburst.

-Thomas: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overreact. (Sighs) Look, not all engines were
lucky like you were Gordon, or any of us. The engines back on the GNR were a bunch
or arrogant, selfish, and discriminating bullies that mistreated Emily, who was
just as shy as she is now. You have no idea how hard that was for her.

-Gordon: Oh. I’m sorry, I thought…oh, so that’s why she felt uncomfortable when I
brought the GNR up to her back at Elsbridge 2 days ago.

-Duck: Exactly Gordon. I’m proud of being Great Western, yes, but I don’t just
overwhelmingly lure it onto other engines, as I’ve learned not all engines are
proud of being Great Western, and that deep down, engines like Emily only want to
be respected just as engines with humanity, nothing more.

-Henry: Here, here! But still, the fact what you’re telling us right now, that
really must’ve been hard for her.

-James: Well if what you’re saying is true Thomas, why hasn’t she gotten over it or
talked to Marlin.

-Edward: Because some engines have different ways of coping with trauma more than
others, and that’s what you have to realize James.

-Toby: And the same to you too Daisy. If Emily really was as bad as you thought,
she would’ve acted like you both would’ve. Overbearing and arrogant, making sure
everyone knows it to make themselves feel important. A trait that’s been carried
out for many decades on the railway.

-James: Well I…

-Mavis: You think that Emily is here to show you guys up when you never met her
before, and yet when you both made your move in berating her like that, you really
hurt her. You made her feel isolated and depressed. What if that was wither of you?

-Daisy: Pah! Who would dare even do that to me?

-James: You mean us Daisy?

-Daisy: Well I’m more important than…

-Percy: Oh god Daisy, just shut up! You’re not that special, okay! But man, who’d
have thought you of all engines would so discriminating and mean.

-Thomas: Exactly Percy! And as for you James. I find your grudge towards Emily not
only despicable, but also downright hypocritical to.

-James: Hypo what now?

-Thomas (Groans): Oh please! Remember when BoCo saved Barry 3 years ago from being
scrapped. He was in a much similar position to Emily, not only for what I just
said, but he had PTSD like she did, and had to fight his demons on an everyday
basis. Right Barry?

-Barry: You’re right Thomas. In fact, I can see what he means because you lot were
all there for me when I first came. You took me in and became a family to me. And
you James, you were one of the engines that was there to support me.

-James: Well…I liked the idea of being with a fellow Mogul.

-Barry: That doesn’t matter. I met Emily myself, and she was very nice to me. Plus,
I can also see what Thomas means by the hypocrisy part, because you and Daisy claim
Emily is cold and arrogant, but yet here both are acting like just that to an
engine who is not even remotely like this.

-James: Well…I…

-Daisy: We just thought that, well…

-Henry: What, because you both thought you were better, because you both wanted to
be right, huh? Is that it?

-Mavis: Henry’s right you two. You have no idea how hard it was for Emily to battle
her demons like this 24/7. She avoided scrap by hiding in that shed in Aberdeen for
the past 87 years. Though she wasn’t friendless, as she did have support from the
family of her current driver.

-James: Was this how you found her BoCo?

-BoCo: That’s correct James. She was in a lot of pain the moment I first saw her in
that shed. I mean, didn’t either of you both even bother to think Emily the
Stirling Single actually has feelings?

-Thomas: Exactly! At least we spent time getting to know her. I even wanted to know
her. James, Daisy, you both aren’t even giving the poor engine a chance. You
could’ve just stopped and been friendly and spent time getting to know Emily before
you decided you didn’t like her.

(James stares in shock and guilt, while Daisy rolls her eyes)

-Thomas: Now, well, now it may be too late. Because she’s already too scared to go
near either of you, and may never want to talk to you both again.
-James: I…I didn’t know…oh god.

-Daisy: Well, I don’t even want to know that witch. She doesn’t a place on this

-Thomas: Whatever Daisy! I can’t talk to you anyone, so get out!

-Toby: Indeed! Come one Daisy, we’re leaving!

-Edward: Yes everyone, let’s all go and get some rest.

-Narrator: So one by one, each of the engines left back for their respective sheds,
but Thomas puffed out determined to find Emily. Emily on the other hand, who wanted
try and make friends with the other engines after today was shocked, as she
overheard everything, as James & Daisy’s comments, really hurt her feelings. And
she left crying. Thomas saw this, and tried to follow her. And even though Daisy
was too proud and too stubborn to change, James on the other hand began to feel
guilty. He even remembered some unpleasant times in his life to that may have
related to Emily. He felt so bad, he went unhappily to sleep, thinking of trying to
find and reconcile with Emily. Meanwhile, Emily herself was in Knapford Sheds
feeling just as miserable as yesterday. Thomas found her, as did Edward, BoCo,
Duck, Mavis, Toby and Percy.

-Thomas: Oh, Emily, are you okay?

-Emily (Sniffs): A thoucht A wis, but…A…

-Edward: Oh…you overheard everything did you?

-Emily: Mmm hmm.

-Thomas (Starts to cry): Oh Emily! We’re so sorry! I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean
to make you upset.

-Emily (Crying): Na Thomas, please don’t apologize, ye did nothin wrong. Ye were
only tryin tae stand up for me. It’s Daisy & James I'm mad at.

-Edward: I understand. But just know that the majority of the engines of this
railway do care a lot about you Emily, as we already see your true potential.

-BoCo: Indeed! And even Gordon already sees how the GNR was too painful for you to
think about.

-Emily (Crying): A wis gonna try an come an make friends at Tidmouth Sheds, but A
wasn’t prepared, especially after whit A overheard, an tae think thon this is hou
they see, lookin at me like I'm a monster …(Sniffs and breaks down sobbing
terribly) AN A THOUGHT THINGS WERE GANG SAE WELL (Continues sobbing

-Mavis: Ssh…ssh…there, there Emily, it’s okay, ssh.

-Duck: They are my dear. It’s just tonight, well, we had to get to them somehow.

-Thomas: Exactly. (Sniffs) I did everything I could Emily. I’m sorry you overheard
this Em.

-Toby: But I do no one thing tough, after seeing how James took the news, I think
he’s already sorry about what he did.
-Thomas: Toby’s right Emily, as like I said, James does have a good-hearted side.

-Toby: And so does Daisy, but lately for the past couple of years, she’s rarely
showing that, and thinks the whole world revolves around her.

-Percy: Don’t take any notice Emily. She’s just a glorified coach who thinks she’s
all that and a bag of chips. You know, I know how you feel as well. Before I came
to Sodor, I had a hard time making friends, not because I was shy, but just too
cheeky and drove the other engines bananas, even if they were jerks to. I was
wondering if I would ever get my chance, until the Fat Controller’s grandfather
came and bought me after I promised to work hard. And I was lucky to be part of a
railway were I can work hard and make friends with the other engines, and grateful
to be surrounded by engines who tolerate me. And that’s why we’re here, because you
wanna know why Emily? Because we’re your mates, your friends, your family.

-Emily (Crying): Thank ye Percy. Thon means sae much. But A guess today, despite
whit happened, wis still guid, because it did benefit.

-BoCo: Exactly! You did tell Donald & Douglas about you’re history.

-Edward: And you were wonderful when handling trains on the main line.

-Mavis: And despite being shy, you made friends with mostly every engine.

-Emily (Stops crying a bit): Thanks everyone! A definitely took I' whit Rheneas &
Duke says tae, an they’re richt, I'm braver than A realize.

-Edward: That’s the spirit Emily. Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are.

-Toby: Not to mention you’re smart, mature, wise, and your smile makes everyone
around you feel special in return.

-Emily: It daes?

-Toby: It does.

-Thomas: Exactly! We love you Emily. We’ll always be here for you.

-Emily: Thanks Thomas! Ye truly are the best friend any engine can iver speir for.
Aw o ye are.

-Mavis: We’re glad we can help you. Don’t worry Em. If Daisy tries to bully you
again, she’ll have to go through us.

-Edward: Indeed! Right now (Yawns), we best get some sleep. Good night Emily.

-Emily: Guid nicht everyone.

-Narrator: So BoCo, Duck, Edward, Toby, and Percy left for their respective sheds,
while Thomas & Mavis stayed with Emily, to comfort her. As Emily was okay with
that, as she understood. Because honestly, she enjoyed being with Thomas & Mavis
the most, who were her best friends the most as of now. She especially really liked
Thomas. The two looked at each other lovingly.

-Emily: Guid nicht Thomas. An’ thank ye.

-Thomas: I’ll always be here for you Emily. Good night!

-Narrator: And the two engines fell fast asleep, with Emily now very happy that she
had friends by her side that really did care about her. The next morning, the
engines were all waking up to a useful days work. As James was getting ready, he
still thought about Emily, but in a new light this time, as everything the engines
said, especially Thomas really got to him. He knew now he had to find Emily and
apologize before it was too late. He also knew if the Fat Controller found out, it
would be something he would seriously regret even more.

-James’s Driver: Well you seem too eager to leave the sheds today don’t you James.

-James: Yes, I just need to find Emily as soon as possible.

-James’s Driver: Oh no you don’t James. I believe you already put Emily through
enough hell as you already have.

-James: No, no, this is different. I want to find her and apologize for how rude
I’ve been to her.

-James’s Fireman: Oh, and you only just realize that now? Where’s the sudden change
of heart came from all of a sudden?

-James: The other engines and I got into an argument, and Daisy and I were ranting
until Thomas berated us for being so horrid. He told me about Emily’s past and why
she acts the way she does…and how much of a hypocritical jerk I’ve truly been.

-James’s Driver: Humph! You got that right!

-James: Yes, yes, I know driver, I was being a selfish idiot, okay! Don’t rub it
in! I just gotta try and find her and apologize for being so judgmental…before it’s
too late that is.

-James’s Driver: Well we’ll have to wait for that old boy. Right now, we have a
goods train to take right now.

-James: Oh…okay.

-Narrator: James said immediately. Normally, James would object to pulling goods
trains. But today, he was so set on making amends with Emily, he didn’t care about
pulling coaches anymore. He knew he had to make things right. Meanwhile, Thomas,
Mavis and Emily were all waking up at Knapford Sheds when the Fat Controller came
to see them.

-TFC: Ah, good morning you three.

-Thomas: Oh, good morning sir.

-TFC: Anyways, I was told you three would be here, as I heard from Toby about what
happened last night. Emily, how are you holding up?

-Emily: I’m okay richt now sir. Juist managin. Thanks tae the other engines,
includin Thomas & Mavis here, A know feel very happy, an I'm ready tae face today.

-TFC: That’s good to hear Emily. I’m proud of you for being so brave. Anyways, I
was wondering, if you’re up to it, your local is ready to leave in about 15

-Emily: Don’t worry sir. I’m ready. And thank ye.

-TFC: That’s good! Also, I’m so sorry I hadn’t had the chance to scold James &
Daisy yet. I was just too busy. I hope you can forgive me.

-Emily: It’s okay sir. A dae understand. It couldn’t be helpit. Thomas did scold
James last nicht thouch.

-TFC: So I’ve heard. I’m very proud of you to Thomas, for standing up to a friend
in need.

-Thomas: Thank sir!

-TFC: Anyways, you and Mavis have your normal trains that is all. Have a good day
you three.

-Thomas, Mavis and Emily: See you later sir.

-Narrator: So Emily left, feeling a little happier. Meanwhile, at Knapford Station,

Daisy on the other hand was still in a very bad temper. Unlike James, she hadn’t
learned anything, and still felt untitled to Emily deserving not to be on Sodor.

-Daisy: That stupid pathetic, eight-footer idiot! Thinks she can come in and ruin
my life, well I’ll show her, I’ll show them all.

-Daisy’s Driver: Oh will you just stop it already Daisy! You have been acting like
a judgmental, pompous, and cold-hearted bitch right now to an engine that has not
even done anything to you, and this attitude of yours is getting of hand. Either
you stop being mean to her, or I can call the Fat Controller right now.

-Daisy: Ugh, well the Fat Controller is also in the wrong, as he and BoCo should’ve
just let this stupid engine rust in that shed as she should.

-Narrator: And Daisy soon flounced away from the platform. As she was headed down,
her rant about Emily got even worse to the point where she blew a fuse, just as she
approached the signals and was about to exchange track to get onto the branchline.

-Daisy: Oh my word! I’ve blown a fuse.


-Narrator: Just then, the signalman ran out of his signal box urgently.


-Daisy’s Driver: Well signalman, it’s all because this diesel has been acting like
a brat she blew a fuse, and with the passengers inside. If we get out of this
Daisy, you are in so much trouble.

-Narrator: Daisy gulped. She already knew she was in enough trouble, as well as her
passengers if they didn’t get off the line. Fortunately, Emily, who had just
arrived with her train had seen and heard everything from the distance, and was

-Emily: Och mah. Karen, Daisy’s I' trouble, an James is due soon. We have tae help

-Karen: What? Emily, are you sure about that? Regardless of Daisy’s attitude
towards you, she’s too heavy for you to move.
-Emily: It doesn’t matter. Daisy may have been horrid an cruel tae me, but she an
James don’t deserve tae be I' A serious accident. Plus, thare are passengers still
inside her, an they coud aw die.

-Stationmaster: She’s right ma’am. There’s no way of stopping James right now. He’s
been signaled through and coming at a pretty fast speed. It might already be too

-Karen (Sighs): You’re right Em. If you’re sure, I’ll be there for you to. Just be

-Narrator: So with full determination and confidence, Emily set off to go help
Daisy. The railcar was honestly surprised she of all engines was going to help.

-Daisy: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. You of all engines is sent to help me, this
simply won’t do at all. She’s so pathetic that she might breakdown before James

-Narrator: Emily still felt hurt by those awful words again, and it almost felt
like her traumas of being bullied were about to kick in, until she remembered all
the kind words of encouragement from her newfound loving friends, and the friends
she had before, especially from Thomas. Thinking of him made her feel stronger.

-Emily (Angry): Listen here Daisy! A don’t care at aw whether ye don’t like me or
no, but A have haed juist aboot enouch o this horrible attitude o yours.

-Daisy: Oh how dare you, you insolent little…


-Narrator: Daisy, shocked by Emily’s outburst, said nothing, as deep down, she knew
she was right.

-Emily: Karen, couple me up!

-Narrator: And that’s what she did. Once Karen got back in the cab, Emily, with all
her might, pushed Daisy as hard as she could.


(Shows Emily’s wheels skidding, and slowly pushing Daisy)

-Narrator: After first, Daisy had her doubts, but seeing that they were moving, and
how hard Emily was working to save her, her driver and passengers, she was quite
surprised. The other engines and the Fat Controller who were at the station were
watching and cheered Emily on.






-Narrator: Emily kept pushing hard, her fire burning fiercely, but then, they heard
a whistle which made everyone pale.

-Daisy: OH NO! IT’S JAMES!


-Thomas: STOP JAMES!

-Narrator: James was puffing down the line with his goods train at his regular
speed, but he was going too fast, and once he was passing through the station, he
was shocked.

-James: HOLY ____! GET OUT OF THE WAY!

-Daisy (Shrieks): HURRY EMILY!

-Narrator: Emily kept pushing and pushing with all her might.


-Narrator: She struggled and strained to push the heavy DMU and her passengers off
of James’s line. The passengers in Daisy huddled and comforted one another in fear.
Everyone at the station were in suspense, Emily kept pushing, until at least, she
budged, and got both Daisy and herself off of James’s line just in time!

(James skids through fast)

-Narrator: Daisy was shocked, as was a very exhausted Emily, but Daisy’s passengers
and everyone at the station cheered. Emily felt very pleased. She had done it. She
put her mind to it, and was brave and strong, she managed to save Daisy and her
passengers. The railcar was surprised that an engine like Emily, and whom she was
rude to her, saved her life.

-Karen (Laughs): Well done sweetie! You did it! You saved that pompous railcar and
all her passengers. Well done!

-Daisy: Yes…well done...indeed. You saved…me…and my passengers…but why?

-Emily: Like I said Daisy. You were a horrid jerk who treated me like scrap iron.
But seeing you caught in a horrific accident is far worse than that. Plus, your
passengers could’ve died.

-Passenger 1: I’ll say it is, because after that, I’d like to be on a different

-Passenger 2: Yeah, we could’ve been killed you bitch!

-All Passengers: YEAH!


-Narrator: Everyone looked and saw the Fat Controller, marching angrily to Daisy.
The railcar winced, fearing for the rest.


-Daisy (Gulps): Ye…yes sir! Emily, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so mean to you.
It was wrong. And to all you passengers, I’m sorry I nearly got all of you killed.

-Passenger 1: Maybe, but we still demand another engine, blown fuse or not.

-TFC: And don’t worry my good man, you shall. I’ll send Toby with Henrietta.

-Narrator: Then, he turned proudly to Emily.

-TFC: Oh Emily, I am so proud of you. Even after the hell you’ve had thanks to
James & Daisy, and all your past demons, you were able to push through and prove
that you’re not only the kindest engine I met, but also the most bravest and
caring. You truly are a credit to my railway.

-Emily: Awe! thanks sir! A juist couldn’t let anyone get hurt.

-TFC: Certainly not! As you clearly have the biggest heart than many engines that
I’ve ever known. And I’m even sure your old manager and caretaker David and his
wife you were named after would be especially proud of you.

-Narrator: Emily smiled, a small tear of joy trickled down her cheek.

-Emily: Thank ye sir.

-TFC: Anyways, now that, that’s settled, I got more to say, as come by Tidmouth
Sheds later this evening, I got a surprise for you.

-Emily: Ye dae? Och, thanks sir. I’ll get tae it later, A must get back tae work.

-TFC: Absolutely! We’ll talk about tonight! Good job Emily!

-Narrator: So Emily shunted the disgraced Daisy into a siding, and coupled back
onto her train. The passengers got in as they praised Emily. And the other engines
praised the young engine to.

-Percy: Wow! Emily, that was awesome!

-Henry: Great job Emily!

-Bear: Ha-ha! You got guts love!

-Thomas: I’ll say she does Bear. (Softly) Emily, congratulations! You really are an

-Emily: Thank ye Thomas!

-Narrator: Soon, Emily set off, feeling happy, for the first time she ever had in
her life since the day she was built.

(Fades to Tidmouth Sheds at night)

-Narrator: That night at Tidmouth Sheds, all the engines were gathered together,
including a now repaired Daisy after her fitter mended the blown fuse. The railcar
was still sulking, and James was anxious to see Emily, but worried she might rip
him a new one.

-Percy: I hope she comes soon.

-Edward: Don’t worry Percy, I’m sure she will be. We just have to wait.

-Narrator: Just then they heard a beautiful-shrill whistle, and knew right away who
it was.

-Douglas: Och, here she comes!

-Narrator: Called Douglas. And in came Emily. Everyone cheered, which really
shocked her. Never had she gotten so much recognition like this, but even though
she was still shy, she smiled happily.

-Thomas: Hi Emily! We were waiting for you!

-Emily (Giggles): Sorry I'm late. A haed tae gae tae the Steamworks tae check for
sure ma wheels were alricht after savin’ Daisy.

-Gordon: Oh, are you alright dear.

-Emily: I’m fine Gordon. Surprisingly, A have na strains at aw.

-Gordon: Splendid news!

-Henry: Indeed! You were wonderful Emily!

-Barry: I second that Henry. You even handled your demons just in the same way I
could, but honestly, I think today, you became an inspiration to us all.

-Emily (Sniffs): Awe, thanks Barry! Thank ye everyone!

-James: Yeah, well done indeed Emily! And, listen, about the way I treated you
these past few days, I hope it’s not too late, because…I’m sorry! I’m so sorry for
how much of a jerk I’ve truly been. After Thomas yelled at me about your past and
why you act the way you do, I realize how selfish I’ve truly been, and how
judgmental I was to you. I assumed that you were gonna be one of those arrogant
passenger engines that were dead set in your ways, but I was wrong, and I just
didn’t know who you were, when I really should’ve. I was so well…

-Gordon: Disgraceful!
-James: Yeah, and disgusting of me.

-Henry: Not to mention downright despicable to James.

-James: Uh-huh, I know. You definitely are not past it Emily, and you certainly
don’t deserve to be in a museum, or to be treated like that in general. You’re just
as great as all of us, and I should’ve known my place and gotten to know you, and I
promise I will never treat like that ever again! Do you think you could ever
forgive me?

-Emily (Giggles): Absolutely James! At least unlike the engines thon bulliit me, ye
apologized, an A thank ye for thon.

-TFC: I’m glad you’re not one to hold a grudge Em. But still James, when I heard
you bullied Emily, I was furious, and I certainly don’t approve of engines like you
having such a prejudice and treating others so horribly. But, seeing that you did
feel remorse after Thomas scolded you, and went out of your way to give this very
heart-felt apology, I’ll let this slide, but I will let you off with a severe
warning if it happens again.

-James: Yes sir! I promise!

-TFC: Good! And as for you Daisy, you’ve been worse than James, as not only for who
you treated Emily, but you didn’t feel any remorse and kept on mistreating her, and
tried to recommend her for scrap! Unbelievable! Worse, your unhealthy and selfish
grudge nearly got you and your passengers killed after blowing a fuse. There
would’ve been serious casualties thanks to you, so unlike James, you’ll receive a
punishment, and a harsh one to regarding how miserable you made Emily. You will be
working at the Smelter’s Yards with ‘Arry & Bert, in order to understand how
harmful scrap is to an engine. So for your sakes, you had better not keep up this
behavior, or I’m gonna do something I’m going to seriously regret.

-Daisy: Yes sir! I’m sorry Emily! For everything!

-Emily (Sternly): Apology acceptit Daisy, but after hou horrid ye were tae me, A
don’t know gin I’m ready tae fully forgive yet.

-TFC: And you don’t her any of the sort Em. Because Daisy has a lot to learn. But
anyways, onto you Emily, even after these past three days, I’m so proud of you! I
honestly wish I had an engine like you on my railway, and I’m sure my father and
grandfather would’ve loved you just as much as we do.

-Edward: Exactly Emily! Consider yourself part of our family! And a real emphasis
on that word, as I think it’s finally time you had one.

-BoCo: Agreed! You were sinned against for too long and didn’t deserve that,
especially for an engine as sweet and kind as you.

-Gordon: Exactly! And if I may take a moment myself, Emily, I really apologize for
what happened when we met back at Elsbridge. I had no idea that the GNR was such a
painful experience for you and how horrid the engines were. It doesn’t matter
whether you’re GNR or LNER material, what matters is that you’re an engine like all
of us with feelings and a true humanity. I hope you can forgive me.

-Emily (Giggles): It’s okay Gordon. Ye couldn’t have known. But i’ll say o aw the
engines on the GNR thon I've known aside from ma sister Serena an' allice the
Atlantic, you’re ane o the best examples o the Great Northern oot thare. Thank ye
Gordon! I fact, A want tae thank aw o ye for bein the best friends thon I've iver
haed. Tae BoCo, wha savit me from scrap an gave me strong words o wisdom, an aw as
tae Edward, an Rheneas an' Duke gin they were here, for yer compassion an wisdom,
makin me realize I'm braver than A realizit. Tae Mavis, wha A see as a true mother
figure an the best friend A iver haed.

-Mavis: Awe! Thanks Em! Happy to help you!

-Emily: An tae ye sir for aw yer support an understanding, an hou ye went oot o yer
way tae help me whan A felt traumatizit.

-TFC: Absolutely!

-Emily: An A also want tae thank ma driver Karen an her family, for aw the love an
support they gave me, especially whan they savit me from scrap. But ma biggest
thanks goes tae none other than Thomas the Tank Engine, for aw his love an support.
Whan A wis upset aboot aw the trauma A endured, ye were thare for me, an made me
feel like A wasn’t an outcast anymore. An A will niver forget thon. An like mavis,
A am happy tae call ye ma best friend. Thank ye (Sheds a tear).

-Thomas (Sheds a tear): Awe! You’re more than welcome! In fact, whilst we’re on
that subject, I got a present for you I think that you’ll really love.

-TFC: Indeed so! Duck!

-Duck: Here they are sir. For you Emily, from Thomas and me.

-Narrator: And Duck had shunted in three beautiful green sixed-wheeled coaches,
painted in Emily’s emerald livery.

-Emily (Gasps): Are thae for me?

-TFC: That they are my dear. It’s a gift from Thomas & Duck.

-Emily: I dinnae know what tae say, except, thank ye both.

-Duck: Your welcome my dear. But really, thank Thomas most of all. This was his

-Narrator: Thomas blushed a deep shade of rude and smiled awkwardly.

-Emily: Och Thomas, now A love ye e'en more. A can’t thank ye enouch.

-Thomas: You don’t have to Emily. As I was rewarded Annie & Clarabel once I got my
branchline, so since you’re working on the main line, I thought you should have
your own coaches to make you feel even happier.

-TFC: Indeed! Because as another special reward, because I know how much you both
care for one another, Emily, you can also work on Thomas’s branchline, with both
passengers and goods.

-Emily: Awe, thank ye sir! And thank ye Thomas.

-Narrator: Then, Emily puffed slowly up to Thomas, and gently nudged up to his
buffers the same way he did for her.

-Emily: Thank ye for awthing. Ye really are the best friend any engine coud ask

-Thomas: Absolutely! Anything you need, I’m always there.

-Emily: Promise you’ll aye be wi me?

-Thomas: Always!

-Narrator: Everyone went in awe. And they were really happy, as they now had a new
member in their family who had finally found peace. Now Emily is as happy as a can
be, being the 17th engine of the Northwestern Railway. She is still shy and timid,
and can have panic attacks from her PTSD, but with support from her new friends and
family, she is able to relax and talk out her problems, knowing she can confide in
them. She loved spending time with each engine as they all meant a lot to her. She
is always grateful to BoCo for saving her from scrap and always would enjoy talking
with him. She also really loves pending time with Edward, listening to his words of
wisdom, and saw the old engine like a father figure to her just like David was. And
she even felt the same way about Toby to, and any advice the tram offered, Emily
took it seriously as she did with Edward, BoCo and even Duck. She enjoys talking
with Donald & Douglas being fellow Scots, and would even talk with them, Oliver,
Barry and Harvey, being the few engines who had also escaped from scrap. She got
along easily with the bigger engines, viewing them as older brother figures, as she
enjoyed talking with Gordon, who also would teach her about the good of both the
GNR and LNER, she would even go to Henry for advice, and the big green engine would
even share his forest to her whenever she needed to be at peace, and now she and
James get along this time very well, as James now sees Emily as precious, and would
always stand up for her if she was being wronged, in fact, Emily would gain some
confidence and would even tell the big engines off if they ever got too cocky. She
has lots of fun with Percy, as the little green engine looks up to her as a big
sister figure. She and Daisy haven’t got along just yet, as while Daisy was
remorseful even when serving her punishment, she was still boastful and rude, but
that’s a story for another time. But she and Mavis were best friends, as she saw
her as a mother figure, and the two always would have fun together, as Emily would
go to her for advice and support, and Mavis would always comfort her and make her
laugh with her sense of humor when needed.

(Shows the relationship between Thomas & Emily)

-Narrator: But of all the engines, she is the most closest with Thomas, and the
little blue tank engine is also happy to have a new best friend. These two are very
close, and are always happy to see each other and feel very comfortable when around
each other, but a little shy sometimes because of their own inner feelings, but
that’s a story that would take a lot of time in the future. They are so close in
fact, that they never even at all argue, as they always they care about each other
so much, and would talk out their feelings when they feel concerned. They would go
to one another when feeling upset, and would even confide in each other in their
deepest secrets. But they also have fun with one another, and think about each
other every day, feeling they can’t live without one another, and always there for
one another in need of moral support. These two have a relationship that will stand
the test of time, as Emily loves Thomas for being such a great friend who helped
her through all her traumas, and looked up to him for his kind, responsible, and
honorable personality. And Thomas loves Emily because of how beautiful she is, both
on the outside for her looks, but also on the inside, as Emily is a gentle soul
that’s very kind, motherly, benevolent, wise, sweet, compassionate, caring,
sensible, humble, and a very loving engine with a strong work ethic and a great big
heart. But deep down, Emily is really happy to have a home and a family where she
will always be loved for who she is.

(Opens with a burgundy LMS 2MT Ivatt called Arthur puffing down the lines to
Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: One pleasant day in spring, a new tank engine was making his way from
the Mainland, all the way to the Island of Sodor. He was puffing down the line
cheerfully, as seeing that this was his first day, he was keen to make an
impression, and he didn’t want to be late. He soon made his was over to Tidmouth
Sheds, where there waiting was the Fat Controller, as well as the engines getting
ready for the day’s work.

-TFC: Ha, ha! Right on time! Hope you had a great journey coming here.

-Arthur: I did indeed, and thank you sir! I’m pleased to meet you.

-TFC: It’s an honor to meet you to my friend. I see that our works got you
repainted in the livery you asked for.

-Arthur: They did indeed. Thanks again sir, I’m really glad to be here. (To the
engines) Oh, hello everyone, you must be the original engines of Sodor, it’s nice
to finally meet you.

-Edward: Why it’s a pleasure to meet you to.

-Narrator: Edward said warmly. The engines were surprised to see this newcomer. He
was a large tank engine painted in a beautiful shade of maroon with yellow lining.
He had a warm and friendly smile, and had an LMS Railway logo painted on his sides,
and on his bunker was a large #18.

-TFC: Anyways, engines, this is Arthur, our 18th engine. He is an LMS 2MT Ivatt

-Percy: 2MT Ivatt sir? Like Barry?

-TFC: That he is Percy. Though the 2MT Ivatt also had a tank engine version, which
in this case is Arthur. After BoCo had saved Barry from scrap, I knew that his and
Arthur’s class would be useful, so I thought to myself that I will also purchase an
Ivatt tank engine, that way I can have both members of the class. And I knew just
the place, as Arthur is from the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway in Haworth, and
I’m glad I did, as he was able to avoid being scrapped, as Arthur is said to have a
“spotless record.”

-Gordon: What?

-Henry: A spotless record?

-Thomas: No way!

-Percy: Wait, what’s a spotless record?

-Toby: A spotless record means that Arthur has a really good track record. Meaning
he works hard, his trains are always on time, he has never been naughty rude by any
means, and has never even had an accident.

-Percy: Wow!

-Thomas: Impressive!

-James: Whoa, you gotta be joking?

-Arthur: (Blushing) Thanks everyone, but it’s nothing really. I’m just glad to be
working hard and being really useful.

-TFC: That’s good to hear Arthur. We can definitely use an engine with that
attitude. Anyways, for now, Arthur will be working on the Main Line as a utility
engine, like Donald & Douglas, hauling goods trains, but occasionally shunting
trucks. Speaking of which, I know you just got here Arthur, but there is a job I
need you to do right now.

-Arthur: Of course sir, anything. To be honest, I’d rather be working right now
then resting.

-TFC: Ooh, very eager I see. Well, then Arthur, there is a train of tankers that
Edward has to take to go to Brendam Docks on Edward’s Branchline. Edward, I’d like
you to double-head with Arthur and show him line.

-Edward: Absolutely sir. Come along Arthur, I’d happy to show you the way.

-Arthur: Thanks Edward.

(Shows Edward & Arthur leaving, then puffing around the Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: Soon, Arthur was turned around from on the turntable, and Edward puffed
out of the sheds, going along with Arthur to the Shunting Yards. The engines were
very impressed. Soon, Edward was in front, showing Arthur around the Yards, the
maroon tank engine was quite impressed with what he was seeing, and both he and
Arthur were becoming very good friends.

-Arthur: Wow, this is wonderful, even compared to the yards I worked at back on the
LMS, this is nothing.

-Edward: (Chuckles) I’m glad you like it so far Arthur. Though wait till we go down
my branchline to Brendam Docks. Ever worked at a harbor before.

-Arthur: Sadly no, I never worked anywhere near the sea before to be perfectly

-Edward: Well then you’re in for a real treat. But be careful, as Brendam Docks is
very busy.

-Arthur: (Chuckles) Don’t worry Edward, I’ve seen busier. I’m ready when you are.

(Shows Arthur & Edward leaving down the line to Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: Soon, both engines were coupled to the tankers. With Arthur in the
front, that way he can learn the line. Then, they set off. Arthur took in the
sights and sounds of the island in awe, but still remained absolutely focused in
helping Edward bring the tankers down to the docks. Edward himself was really
impressed with Arthur’s work ethic. He had seen many engines come and go, but he
had never seen such dedication and discipline in this burgundy tank engine. It
wasn’t hard to see why Arthur had such a spotless record. But aside from that,
Arthur himself was very polite and well-mannered, and certainly seemed more humble
about his accomplishments than anything. They soon arrived at Brendam Docks, and
shunted the tankers to the loading docks.

-Edward: Alright. That was very impressive Arthur, you handled that train very
well, and on time to.

-Arthur: Thanks Edward. It’s all these techniques I learned back when I worked on
British Railways. I wanted to be very successful in what I did, I took them to
heart, and made sure to be the best that I was.

-Edward: And you certainly are. I think that you are going to do very well here.
-Arthur: Thanks Edward. I think I will to.

-Narrator: Just then, Bill & Ben came into the view with a train of China Clay
Trucks. They look at the newcomer with great interest.

-Ben: Oh look Bill. Another newbie.

-Bill: Yeah, and another red engine like James. He’d certainly looks like a lot

-Ben: Yeah, a lot of fun to play tricks on.

(Bill & Ben laugh)

-Bill: Excuse me there. Never seen you around in these neck of the woods.

-Edward: Ah, hello Bill & Ben, this is Arthur, our new utility engine. He’s here to
haul heavy goods trains for the Main Line.

-Arthur: Oh, hello there, Bill & Ben is it?

-Ben: Yeah, but I guess you can’t tell which is which.

-Arthur: Well, uh, you do have your nameplates.

-Bill: Yeah, good guessing Arthur. Say, Ben and I have to help Salty shunt some
trucks around here at the docks before we go back to the Clay Pits. Care to join us

-Arthur: Um…I’d like to, but I have more work I was told to do on the Main Line.

-Bill: Oh come on, we could always use more help. It’ll be fun.

-Ben: Yeah, biffing the trucks around, making sure you show them who’s boss.

-Arthur: Uh huh. That’s great, but no thank you, I’m really busy.

-Bill: (Annoyed) Pah, you’re no fun there Artie.

-Ben: Yeah, who’d be friends with a goodie-two wheels like you?

-Edward: (Sternly) Now, now, that’s enough you two. Do not think for one minute of
hassling poor Arthur. He’s new to this railway, and like always, I want you both to
be on your best behavior and make him feel welcome. I will not have you both
playing pranks on him.

-Ben: But we were only just having a little bit of fun Edward.

-Edward (Sternly): I told you both millions of times, work is more important than
fun. Plus, you’d be wise not to play tricks on an engine like Arthur, as he has a
spotless record.

-Bill: A spotless record?

-Ben: What does that mean?

-Edward: (Sternly) It means, that he works hard, has never had an accident, and
more importantly, “never been naughty.” Unlike you two.
-Narrator: Bill & Ben were surprised.

-Bill: Never been naughty?

-Arthur: (Annoyed) Yes, and I’m only here to do my work and make friends. I don’t
want any trouble.

-Edward: Well said Arthur. Now if I were you two, I suggest you leave your trucks
by the quay, and get back to work and stay out of trouble, especially when you help
Salty later.

-Narrator: The twins took that immediately as a cue to leave. Though, they still
had their minds set on trying to hassle Arthur.

-Edward: I must apologize for their spiteful behavior, Arthur. Bill & Ben are like
this with everyone.

-Arthur: It’s okay Edward. I’ve dealt with worse engines than them back on BR. But
I won’t let that stop me.

-Edward: You certainly didn’t. In fact, you gave them a good telling off.

-Arthur: Why thanks.

-Edward: Anyways, there’s a return train of fish that has to be taken back to
Knapford. I have work to do here, but if you could do that that would take a good
weight off for Donald.

-Arthur: Consider it done Edward. I’ll be on my way.

-Edward: Thanks Arthur.

-Narrator: So Arthur left to collect the fish vans, while Bill & Ben, who were
still shunting nearby overheard, and eyed the young tank engine enviously.

(Shows Arthur working hard and gaining everyone’s respect)

-Narrator: Soon Arthur was working hard, and was starting to grow accustomed to
life on Sodor. He enjoyed making goods deliveries across Sodor, and he soon became
friends with many different engines. He even got to meet his long-lost cousin
Barry, and both immediately became friends with one another, especially with Barry
confiding with him as well on his past and how he overcame his trauma of being a
jinxed. He even became friends with other new engines that arrived before him such
as Salty, Emily, Harvey, and even Fergus too name a few, and even the younger tank
engines like Percy looked up to him. Thanks to Arthur, everything was running like
clockwork. However, the only two engines that didn’t respect Arthur were Bill &
Ben, ever since their first encounter yesterday. They found Arthur to be rather
boring, and…were rather jealous of the fact he had a spotless record, but yet they
didn’t. They even assumed Arthur was one of the engines that was full of himself
and used his accomplishments to brag, though of course that was far from true, but
the twins always jumped to conclusions and let their imaginations get the better of
them. Arthur tried to be friendly to them, but being Bill & Ben, tried every
attempt to tease him or play jokes on him, which was always thwarted by any engine
that was nearby, especially Edward or BoCo. One day, while Arthur was shunting
trucks alongside Stanley, Thomas and Percy.

-Thomas: Wow, you’re really good at this Arthur.

-Arthur: Thanks Thomas. Shunting was one of the jobs I did back in Euston, so no
matter where I am, I still got the skills.

-Stanley: Careful though Arthur, yer might put us out o’ our jobs (Chuckles).

-Arthur: (Chuckles) Wouldn’t dream of it Stanley.

-Percy: I have to admit, I am kinda jealous. I wish I had a spotless record. I was
always very prone to accidents.

-Arthur: Oh, don’t worry about it Percy. Nobody’s perfect, as I did have accidents,
and it took me a while until I could achieve the track record I hoped for. My
friends were always the ones that helped keep me on track. No pun intended.

-Thomas: (Chuckles) None indeed. Still, I admire your dedication.

-Narrator: Just then, Bill & Ben came into the yard with a China Clay delivery.

-Bill: Oh look Ben, its Arthur, the spotless record engine.

-Ben: Yeah, the big tank engine that thinks he’s better than every tank engine
around, just because he’s a high and mighty goodie two wheels.

-Percy: You two just shut your gobs. Arthur has worked harder than any tank engine
out there, and honestly, I think he’s much better than you two.

-Arthur: It’s okay Percy. I got this. I just don’t know why you two won’t stop
hassling me. I’m proud of having a spotless record, yes, but that’s fine, it was
what helped me to survive being placed on the scrapper’s torch. I just like working
hard and getting to know other engines. You probably wouldn’t hear me talk high and
mighty about all this, because I’m not the kind of engine to boast about this.

-Thomas: Exactly! Unlike how some engines do.

-Bill: Ooh, you four are so boring.

-Ben: Even you Thomas & Percy, and I thought you two knew how to have fun.

-Thomas: That’s because we’ve matured. A word you two might never understand.

-Percy: Yeah, work can also be play to you know.

-Stanley: But regardless, yer two can’t just waltz into the bloody yard doin'
wotever yer want like yer own the bleedin' place.

-Thomas: Exactly! So I just you but clear off and leave Arthur be.

-Narrator: Both Bill & Ben puffed way with their trucks in a huff.

-Thomas: Sorry you had to put with that Arthur.

-Arthur: It’s alright Thomas. Like I said, I’ve dealt with behavior before, and my
old friends would always try to teach me stand up for myself.

-Narrator: Just then, the Yard Manager appeared.

-Yard Manager: Excuse me Arthur. You’re needed over by the loading dock, there’s a
goods train of fruit that needs to be taken to Kellsthorpe Road.
-Arthur: Right away sir! I’ll see you later you three.

-Percy: Bye Arthur.

-Thomas: See you later.

-Stanley: Right yer.

(Arthur leaves, then shows him by the loading dock, then Bill & Ben nearby)

-Narrator: Arthur’s next job as the yard manager mentioned was to deliver box vans
fruit to Kellsthorpe. The train was 5 vans long, with the brake van in the front,
and Arthur was gonna push the train from behind. Bill & Ben, after they had
delivered the China Clay Trucks to the quay, saw this as another chance for
mischief. They looked to see if no other engine besides them or Arthur was around,
and seized their opportunity.

-Trucks: Root-toot-two, we won’t go, the fruits gonna rot cause you’re too slow.

Arthur: Yeesh, how rude. Even trucks back on BR didn’t behave as immature as that.

-Bill: You got that right.

-Narrator: Arthur looked, and saw Bill & Ben coming up beside him.

-Bill: Hello Arthur! Ben & I wanted to come and apologize for how rude we’ve been.

-Ben: Yeah, and to make it up to you, we thought we should warned you that if the
trucks sing, you should tell them to shut up and bump and show who’s boss.

-Arthur: (Suspiciously) Are you sure you two? I mean, the trucks singing like that
is rude, but just annoying, it certainly isn’t extremely malicious. Besides, the
logical thing is really just to ignore them really. I mean, it isn’t a crime if
they were just singing.

-Bill: Oh no, that’s where you’re wrong Artie. You see, the Fat Controller just
hates their singing.

-Ben: Yeah, and so much so, that he says we have to take action or they’ll disturb
the peace of this railway.

-Arthur: Hmm…well if it’s the Fat Controller’s orders, then I understand. Okay
then, but I’ll try it. Thanks you two.

-Narrator: Said Arthur, suspecting nothing. Though of course, Bill & Ben were only
making this up. So Arthur buffered up to the vans once they’ve been loaded, and as
soon as the guard blew his whistle, he was on his way.

-Bill: (Cackles) Stupid fool. He really fell for that.

-Ben: (Cackles) Yeah, he’s such a good-two wheels, that he’ll believe anything to
keep his spotless record in order. That will teach him a lesson for thinking he’s
better than us.

-Bill: (Cackles) Yeah, the trucks will give him so much trouble he’ll be late, and
the Fat Controller will have kittens. His record won’t stay spotless now.

-Narrator: The twins laughed maliciously, as they went to the coal bunkers before
going home. Though little did either Bill or Ben know, their scheme to delay Arthur
would backfire.

(Cuts to Arthur pushing the vans on the Main Line)

-Narrator: As Arthur was making his way down the Main Line, he was taking in the
peace again, but soon the trucks started to sing rudely again.

-Trucks: Chuff, chuff, chuff, you tug and huff. But you’re so rusty, you can’t even

-Narrator: Arthur was about to ignore them, until he remember what Bill & Ben said.

-Arthur: Shut up! Trucks like you should know better than to sing such childish and
immature songs.

-Narrator: Then he bumped them.

-Trucks: OOF!

-Narrator: Now the trucks were ticked. They didn’t like being spoken to that way.
They felt if they couldn’t sing, maybe they should take Arthur on a ride. Arthur
was making good time as he was puffing down the line. Of course, he expected
nothing as the trucks rolled along quietly. As soon as he reach Wellsworth, he then
passed through the crossing, then made his way up Gordon’s Hill. Now it’s required
that all trains must stop briefly on the top to make sure trains don’t pick up
speed and start a runaway down the hill, but once they reached the top, that’s when
the trucks began their trick, and with all their strength, one van each pulled each
other, then pulled Arthur himself before his driver could apply the brakes.


-Arthur: WHOA! STOP! HELP!

-Narrator: But unfortunately, no one could, as the trucks, with all their force,
knocked the guard out of the brake van before he could apply the brakes. As soon as
Arthur’s Driver did apply his, the trucks kept pulling the burgundy tank engine
down fast at an alarming rate. But there was worse to come.

(Shows Duck at Maron Crossing)

-Narrator: Up ahead, Duck was waiting with a goods train at Maron Crossing. The
same place where Henry once helped a failed diesel called Spamcan many years ago,
when suddenly, they heard a loud whistle blaring in the distance.

-Duck: Good lord! What is that?

-Narrator: Duck’s guard peered out to see what it was, and saw a runaway Arthur and
his train headed down the line at a dangerous speed.


-Narrator: He shouted, and he jumped out just in time. Arthur tried to fight for
control and stop the imbecilic vans, but it was too late.

(Arthur and his train crash into the back of Duck’s train, and squashed fruit
splatters everywhere)

-Narrator: Luckily, nobody was, but squashed fruit splattered everywhere, including
on the signalman, the guard, Duck, and even a very dazed and distraught Arthur.

-Arthur: (Stuttering) Oh…oh my…I’m so sorry…this isn’t like me.

-Narrator: The poor engine stuttered. He just couldn’t believe for the first time
in his life, his own spotless record was tarnished after 55 years.

(Shows Harvey arriving with the Breakdown Train, and Bill & Ben coming to help)

-Narrator: A few minutes later, Harvey had arrived with the Breakdown Train, and
the Fat Controller on board. Bill & Ben, who were on their way back, were stopped
by the Wellsworth Stationmaster, and told to come help. The twins were horrified at
what they were saying. Troublesome as they were, even they would never play a prank
as extreme as this.

-Bill: (Gasps) Uh-oh! We didn’t mean for this to happen.

-Ben: Yeah, we only wanted to delay and annoy Arthur, not crash him.

-Narrator: The twins surveyed the accident with guilt, as the Fat Controller strode
up to Arthur. While he was glad that the red engine wasn’t hurt, he was rather

-TFC: Oh my word, what on earth happened here Arthur. I thought you had your trains
under control.

-Arthur: I’m sorry sir! It’s just the trucks were singing really obnoxiously. I was
trying to obey orders by telling them to stop. And I even bumped to make sure they
stay in line, but they caused well…this.

-Narrator: The Fat Controller’s annoyance turned to confusion now.

-TFC: What? Stop them from singing. That’s odd. I mean trucks should do as they’re
told, but them singing isn’t really a crime, just obnoxious. The wisest thing is to
ignore them and move on, not to matters into your own buffers by telling them to
stop and bumping them.

-Arthur: (Surprised) It isn’t?

-TFC: No! In fact, where on earth did you hear such a thing?

-Arthur: Well, something Bill & Ben said earlier before I left?

-Bill & Ben: (Gulps)

-TFC: Something Bill & Ben said, eh? Bill? Ben? What exactly did you say to Arthur?

-Bill: (Nervous) Well…uh…sir…

-Ben: (Nervous) Well…the thing is…

-Narrator: And twins, realizing it was time to admit defeat, told the Fat
Controller what they had done, as well as how they’ve treated Arthur since they met
two days ago. The Fat Controller clenched his fists and stomped his foot furiously
in front of the mischievous twins, who shuddered nervously.

-Bill: (Nervous) Bu…but sir…he was being a killjoy.

-Ben: (Nervous) Yeah, and we only wanted to teach him a lesson by delaying him, not
crashing him.


-Bill: (Sadly) Yes sir!

-Ben (Sadly) Sorry sir! And we’re sorry to Arthur.

-TFC: And I should think so to. (Calms down) Arthur, I must apologize for blaming
for you this, but Bill & Ben, you can start redeeming yourselves and cleaning up
this mess. I’ll deal with you both tonight.

-Narrator: And the twins, shaken up by the Fat Controllers reprimanding, set to
work at once. Everybody else made sure to help clear up the mess.

-Harvey: Dinnae worry Arthur. This wasn’t yer fault, at least those scamps git whit
thay deserved. We’ll hae ye back oan th' rails, 'n' you’ll be back at wirk in na

-Arthur: Thanks Harvey!

-Narrator: Butch the Breakdown Lorry even came to help, and the remaining fruit
that wasn’t squashed was loaded into vans taken by Douglas, who had hauled what
remained to Kellsthorpe Road. As soon as Harvey re-railed Arthur, Marlin came to
shunt him as well as Duck to the Steamworks. And Bill & Ben took whatever remains
of the damaged trucks and debris to Crock’s Scrapyard.

(Fades to two days later with Arthur speaking to Thomas, Edward, Henry and Percy at
Tidmouth Station)

-Narrator: Two days later, both Duck & Arthur were cleaned, repaired, and back to
work. The engines cheered as the maroon tank engine was making his way to them at
Tidmouth Station.

-Thomas: Hello Arthur! Great to see you back.

-Arthur: Thanks Thomas! Though I still feel pretty embarrassed after what happened.

-Henry: Don’t worry about it old chap. It wasn’t your fault. Besides, it could
happen to any engine.

-Edward: Exactly! We still like you Arthur. In fact, here comes Bill & Ben right
now, I hope those two behave themselves this time.

-Narrator: And they did this time. The Fat Controller decided as punishment for
their treatment towards Arthur, they would shunt coal trucks at Tidmouth, while
Derek & Kirby would look after the Clay Pits. The twins came up rather nervously,
fearing Arthur would still be mad at them.
-Bill: (Nervous) Um…morning Arthur. We…um…we want to say we were…

-Ben: (Nervous) We wanted to say…we’re sorry!

-Edward: For?

-Bill: (Nervous) For being jealous.

-Henry: And?

-Ben: For being so rude and misjudging you.

-Thomas: As well as?

-Bill: For tricking you and causing your accident.

-Ben: Yeah, we were being idiots.

-Arthur: It’s okay you two. I will say thank you both for owning up to it.

-Ben: Your welcome. Bill and I promise we’ll never treat like that again.

-Bill: We hope you don’t hate us.

-Arthur: Don’t worry, I’m not one to hold a grudge. But just don’t let it happen

-Bill: Understood! We just wished we had spotless records of our own. It’s just
hard sometimes, because, I guess maybe sometimes they are meant to be broken.

-Arthur: You’re right Bill. Yes, records can break every now and again. But they
can also be mended, just like friendships.

-Ben: Really? You mean, after…

-Arthur: Exactly Ben! Let’s start over fresh, and I’ll even let you in on my
techniques on how to gain a spotless record.

-Bill: Why thank you Arthur.

-Ben: Yeah, we promise we’ll be good.

-Edward: Well done you three. Now that’s a good way to start.

-Arthur: Thanks Edward. Still, despite the accident, I’m really gonna love it here
on Sodor.

-Henry: And we enjoy your company to Arthur.

-Thomas: Yep, record or no record, you truly have what it takes to be a Sodor

-Narrator: After their trick on poor Arthur, the Fat Controller sent Bill and Ben
to work at Tidmouth Yards to shunt coal trucks. He then requested that Kirby the
Austerity Engine be transferred to the China Clay Works to assist Fergus. Kirby was
excited, he’d never been to the Clay Works before. On the way he met Salty.

-Salty: Ahoy there shipmate Kirby, headin’ to them Clay Pits.

-Kirby (Chuckling): Yes sir, Salty, I’m to assist Fergus at the Clay Pits while
those silly little twins learn not to play tricks on bigger engines.

-Salty: Yargh, ye’d best be careful matey. Cap’n Fergus is known round these parts
for bein’ a little too pushy. Don’ le’ ‘im get to yer smokebox.

-Kirby: Trust me Salty, any engine who has to put up with Bill and Ben, can
obviously go a little Cranky.

-Cranky: HEY!!!!

-Kirby: Oops, no pun intended (Laughing). But seriously, I’ve got nothing to worry

-Narrator: And Kirby puffed away, still brimming with confidence.

-Cranky: What’s he in such a good mood for?

-Salty: Oh just you wait Cranky boy, young Kirby will soon bite back those words
once he’s met Fergus.

-Narrator: Salty was of course right. Kirby had never met Fergus, so had simply
assumed that he’d been one of Bill and Ben’s victims like poor Arthur. He arrived
at the Clay Pits where all sorts of vehicles were bustling around. Kirby was
impressed. He spotted a long line of trucks in a siding, but as he approached them…

(Fergus puffs up and eyes Kirby suspiciously)

-Kirby: Oh hi there. You’re Fergus, I’m Kirby, here to assist you with the shunting

-Fergus: In that state. (Fergus notices ash on Kirby’s boiler)

-Kirby (Confused): What’s the big deal? It’s just a bit of ash.

-Fergus: Ash Kirby, spoils the China Clay. China Clay isn’t exactly cheap and we
can’t have you ruin it because you’re a ruffian.

-Kirby: Whoa, hey, no need to be so rude.

-Fergus: Rude, I’m never rude! Just stating the obvious, you should’ve been cleaned
up before arriving. Do it right!!!!

-Narrator: Kirby was outraged, but before he could retort, Fergus was called away.

-Kirby: Geez, what a rude punk. Just let him talk to me like that again.

-Kirby’s Driver: Really, his tone reminds me of yours when you first arrived

-Kirby: Oh shut up driver!!!

-Narrator: Kirby soon set to work, and began re-organizing trucks to be shunted
under the clay chutes before being shunted into trains. Later he was preparing a
train for Derek, when the Clay Pits manager came running up.

-Clay Pits Manager: Kirby, we’ll need some more trucks for Derek’s goods. Can you
fetch some empty trucks from the other side of the yard?
-Kirby: Right away sir.

-Narrator: Kirby raced away to find the trucks, but as he approached the siding.

-Fergus: What do you think this is? A children’s playground.

-Kirby: Ugh, what do you want now?

-Fergus: To know why you think it’s ok to break the speed limit in the Clay Pits.

-Kirby: To fetch these trucks for Derek’s train, the clay pits manager asked me
too. So that’s what I’m doing!

-Fergus: He didn’t ask you to turn into a race car while doing it. With all that
recklessness, you could’ve derailed or had an accident, but then I here, you have a
history of that.

(Kirby glared furiously at Fergus.)

-Kirby: Don’t you bring that up, you tall funneled freak….

-Fergus: Oui! Respect for your elders would go a long way. Now stop racing around
and DO IT RIGHT!!!

-Narrator: Kirby gritted his teeth and puffed crossly away. Now Fergus isn’t a mean
spirited engine or indeed openly rude, but he is an insane perfectionist. Being
designed by a disciplined inventor, he has a very disciplined attitude that rubs
other engines up the wrong way. He cannot understand why engines don’t follow his
way and instead of teaching them orders them to do it right. With an engine like
Kirby who has very thin patience, this wasn’t going to end well. As Kirby shunted
Derek’s trucks together, Fergus rolled up.

-Fergus: What do you think you’re doing?

-Kirby: Take a guess Einstein, I’m organizing Derek’s train.

-Fergus: Organizing it wrong, I can see.


-Fergus: Profanities aren’t exactly favorable here. And if you were “Doing It
Right” you would know that the middle too trucks have more clay in them than the
front and rear trucks.

-Kirby: So?

-Fergus: So if Derek were to go round a corner too fast, these trucks would flip
over and the clay would be spilt.


-Fergus: Well don’t come crying to me, if Derek’s train tips over before he reaches
the junction. Now reorganize it and DO IT RIGHT!!!

-Narrator: Fergus flounced away, Kirby's face was red, he was about to shout back
when a horn interrupted his thoughts.
-Derek: Morning old bean, I’m here for my trucks.

(Kirby moves out of the way and Derek backs down).

-Kirby: Oh, morning Derek. Didn’t notice you there, sorry! Just a little
frustrated, that’s all.

-Derek: (Sighs) Oh dear Kirby, has Fergus got to you?

-Kirby (Gritting teeth): You could say that Derek. Ugh, he’s insufferable, a
patronizing little bastard! Every five minutes its “Do It Right, Do it Right!”
Everything I say or do is wrong and I can’t catch a bloody break!!! I mean, even if
I did, he can’t even give credit was do, I mean, who does he think he is…general of
the Ministry of Defense?

-Derek: (Chuckles) I understand your frustration old boy, I know Fergus isn’t the
easiest engine to please, but don’t let his words get to you. He’s not a bad
engine, just a little OCD.

-Kirby: OCD?

-Derek: Yes, its short for obsessive-compulsive disorder. My driver’s brother has
it. She says he wants everything perfect, focusing too much on every little aspect,
and can’t see why others can’t do things the way he can. Instead of helping them,
he just orders them to “DO IT RIGHT!” So Laura has to constantly remind him to keep
it under control and not obsess.

-Kirby: Geez, he sounds a lot like Fergus.

-Derek: Indeed, take my advice Kirby, just carry on with your work like you
normally would and ignore Fergus, his bark is worse than his bite. If he keeps this
attitude up, he could get himself into serious trouble.

(Guard blows whistle)

-Derek: Oh, that’s my signal, cheerio Kirby.

-Kirby: See ya Derek!

-Narrator: However, that was easier said than done, Kirby tried to ignore Fergus
but each and every time he thought he’d gotten away, Fergus would appear out of
nowhere and berate him for not doing it right. Needless to say, Kirby’s boiler
pressure was rising. It all came to a head when Kirby was martialing some trucks to
a siding. They were bored and wanted to play tricks on an engine.

-Truck 1: Hold back!!! Hold Back!!!

-Kirby (Annoyed): Oh seriously, you idiots think to do this now.

-Truck 2: Do you hear something, sounds like an engine.

-Truck 3: I don’t see no engine, just an enormous purple splodge.

-Kirby: SHUT UP!!!

-Narrator: Kirby bumped the trucks hard, some of their load spilt, Fergus had seen

-Fergus: What in the name of Aveling do you think you’re doing you idiot?
-Kirby: Ugh, oh god! Weren’t you listening, these horrid things were taking the
mick out of me and causing me trouble. All the other engines say trucks should only
be bumped if they misbehave!

Fergus: Do you not realize, that bumping open top wagons leads to spillage of

(Kirby notices the clay on the sides of the wagons and blushes)

-Kirby: Well, uh…

-Fergus: I thought not!

-Kirby: Alright, fine, I’m sorry, okay? It was a bloody accident! So what if it’s a
little clay, that compares nothing than teaching these stupid trucks who’s boss.

-Fergus: Clearly you have no value for money Kirby, but then why am I not
surprised. I mean your rough treatment of trucks proved very well on your first
days here, didn’t it.

-Narrator: That’s when it happened. Fergus had gone too far, and Kirby finally


-Narrator: He bumped the wagons fiercely they rolled forwards and into Fergus,
knocking his driver off the footplate. Fergus rolled backwards into a siding and
bumped into the buffers. Kirby was in shock.

-Fergus: OUCH!!! Mind your temper youngster, you could’ve seriously injured my

-Narrator: Fergus paused in horror realizing his driver wasn’t on the footplate.
Then he and Kirby heard a faint voice, and saw the driver, lying on the ground.

-Fergus’ Driver: (Groans) Ooh! My head, my head.

-Kirby: (Gasps) Uh-oh!

-Narrator: Fergus and Kirby looked down in horror. The driver was clutching his
head. He’d had a nasty knock and blood was spilling everywhere.

-Clay Pits Manager: Jesus, what have you both done! We have to get him to a

-Workmen: But how will we do that, no-one can drive Fergus like John can and
there’s no roads for miles.

-Kirby: Not if I could help it. Driver, load him into a brake van. If we go fast
enough we can get to Brendam Hospital on time.

-Kirby’s Driver: Excellent idea Kirby! Come on fireman, let’s get him onboard.

-Narrator: Workmen covered Fergus’ driver with a sheet. Kirby backed onto a
brakeman and his crew loaded the injured driver on the brake van.

-Fergus: Where are you taking him? I don’t trust you lot with my driver. You’ll
probably injure him like you just did…
Kirby: Fergus, SHUT UP! Alright, whether you dislike me or vice versa, there’s an
injured man who needs to get to Hospital. And you can’t take him, so I must.

-Clay Pits Manager: He’s right Fergus, because clearly you don’t trust anybody at
all! Don’t forget, this is partially your fault to! If you hadn’t been bossing him
around, Kirby wouldn’t have lost his temper now, would he?

-Narrator: Fergus said nothing. His driver was loaded onto the brake van and Kirby
snorted away. He thundered down the line, puffing and snorting fiercely. The driver
checked the speed and the fireman shoveled furiously.


-Narrator: Kirby said to himself. Soon they arrived at the station. Whilst the
fireman ran into the hospital, the driver supported Fergus’ driver upright and gave
him water to cool him off. Eventually medical staff arrived to check on the injured
man and take him inside.

-Medic: He’s had a nasty bang, but thankfully he hasn’t lost too much blood. He’s
going to be alright.

-Narrator: Kirby and his crew breathed a sigh of relief, but this wouldn’t last
long. When they returned to the Clay Pits who should be waiting but the Fat
Controller and needless to say he was far from happy.


-Fergus: Wait he’s going to be OK?

-TFC: Yes, the driver and fireman have checked him all over. You almost made it
sound like he wouldn’t, is there anything the matter Fergus?

-Fergus: (Sighs) No. Sir, I’m sorry, but it’s really my fault. I’m the reason Kirby
lost his temper in the first place.

-TFC: Really. (Sighs) And what may I ask did you do this time Fergus?

-Narrator: Fergus took a deep breath and told the Fat Controller about how his
constant perfectionism. By the time he’d finished the Fat Controller was shaking
his head, and gave the traction engine a very disapproving look.

-TFC: Well that makes sense now does it? I am very disappointed in you Fergus, I
thought after what happened after getting caught in that rockslide after setting
off Bill & Ben and with Duck at Tidmouth last year, that you would’ve learned not
to be so bossy and rude. I know you mean well, but constantly demeaning other
engines for their work is not acceptable on my railway. Everybody has their own way
of doing things, and if you don’t like it, that’s tough, as you can’t force other
engines to do things your way. (Looks at both Kirby & Fergus) It seems I have one
engine who can’t control his temper and another who can’t control his mouth. I
think both of you need to a lesson to learn. You will both stay in the sheds until
further notice. Kirby will get two days and Fergus will get a whole week. Bill and
Ben shall return and do your work. And after that Fergus, I suggest you spend time
with Marlin & Victor until we can get to the source of this OCD.

-Kirby: Yes sir!

-Fergus: We’re really sorry sir!

-TFC: Good!

-Narrator: The Fat Controller turned and walked away leaving both engines feeling
very ashamed. Later when parked in the Clay Pits sheds, Kirby spoke up.

-Kirby: I’m sorry I called you those profanities Fergus, and nearly killed your
driver. I realize how hard you work and how well you’ve kept these Clay Pits in
order since you’ve joined.

-Fergus: Thanks! And I’m sorry I bossed you around so much Kirby. I realize that
not every I say is right. In fact quite often I “Do it Wrong”.

-Kirby: Well we can’t all be perfect. But admitting you’re wrong is actually…well…

-Fergus: True! Thank you for rescuing my driver though! Perhaps it’s time I finally
got this OCD of mine sorted out once and for all. Do you think we can be friends
now, after all that trouble I caused?

-Kirby: Of course, I just hope Bill and Ben don’t find out about this.

-Narrator: It was too late. Bill and Ben arrived at the Clay Pits the next morning.
They had heard everything from the other engines.

-Bill: Oh look Ben, Clumsy Kirby and Pushy Fergus got into trouble. Clearly both of
them were “Doing It Wrong”.

-Ben: Yeah, oh well, I guess it’s up to the magnificent twins to “Do It Right.”

-Narrator: Perhaps if the twins hadn’t been so cheeky, they would’ve noticed the
points were set towards each other.

(Bill and Ben collide into each other)

-Bill: OW!! Ben watch what you’re doing?

-Ben: What I’m doing, that was your fault.

-Bill: Wasn’t!!!

-Ben: Was!!!

-Bill: Wasn’t!!!

-Ben: Was!!!

-Bill: Wasn’t!!!

-Ben: Was!!!

-Bill: Wasn’t!!!

-Ben: Was!!!

-Bill: Wasn’t!!!

-Ben: Was!!!
-Kirby (chuckling): Some things never change, eh Fergus?

-Fergus (laughing): Quite! Hey you two, keep an eye on the tracks why don’t you!!!

(Kirby & Fergus laugh)

-Bill and Ben: OH FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!

(Opens with Fergus working at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: Fergus the Railway Traction Engine was feeling very unhappy about
himself. It had been a whole week since the incident with Kirby after the Austerity
Tank had accidentally killed his driver when the Fat Controller brought him to
cover for Bill & Ben. He and Kirby had a lot of time to think after they were
confined to the Clay Pits Sheds. Kirby already left back to the Main Line after he
served his time, and his driver, John was recovering in the hospital, but Fergus
was confined for a week, due to his bossy and stubborn perfectionism. Now Fergus
means well, but the problem was that he has an obsessive-compulsive disorder, or
OCD for short. Which meant he was very fussy, precise, and persnickety about how
things are done, and would constantly lashed out at the other engines if they
didn’t do things the way “he” saw it. But after the incident with Kirby, he finally
began to realize how overwhelming his behavior had been, and took the Fat
Controller’s suggestion of going to see Marlin or Victor at the Steamworks. Whilst
he was there, Fergus, who also had a temporary relief driver, had helped out there
a little by shunting trucks around the facility, which Marlin suggested as practice
in order to not get fussy about how the other engine’s work ethics. This time,
Fergus had remained relaxed and calm, he kept the trains there in order, putting
everything in their designated spot, and he also struggled to not make a fuss about
how other engines or people did things, and even said please and thank you, and not
once did he say “do it right”. Despite all this, the other engines who had enough
of Fergus’s perfectionism, didn’t even want to speak with him, fearing he would
keep bossing them around and belittling them again. Now Fergus began to feel quite
hurt. One afternoon, he spoke about this with Victor.

-Fergus: It’s not fair, the other engines won’t even talk to me.

-Victor: Ah, I’m sorry to hear that my friend, but you have to remember, that was
your own fault, because after all those times you kept bossing them around and
being very rude to them like that, who can blame them.

-Fergus: I know Victor, and that’s what I’m getting at, I feel really ashamed of
myself after all those incidents, correcting Bill & Ben constantly and getting
buried in a rock slide, arguing with Duck about trap points, then bossing Kirby
around and causing him to lose his temper, and nearly getting my driver killed. At
least he’ll be back to work soon by the end of the month from what I was told, but
I shouldn’t have gotten so orderly. I mean, I know I’m a pest, but I do feel

-Victor: Relax my friend, I know you’re sorry for what you did, but at the same
time, you’re letting this get to you too much. As part of having OCD means
obsessing over the slightest things, whether it was your fault or not. Like Marlin
& I have been telling you, you can’t just take everything seriously that, as you
can’t expect everything in life to go the way you want it.

-Fergus: You’re right about that Victor, but it’s so hard. Especially since my
designer, Thomas Aveling, he had a very obsessive-compulsive way of doing things
to, and it rubbed off on me. So now I got this mindset where I feel the need to
correct others.

-Victor: I understand my friend, but you have to remember, nobody is doing anything
wrong, we all have our own way of doing things, as each engine has brought up by
different backgrounds, disciplines and work ethics, and were each taught a
different method in how they succeed in their work. You have to remember, no engine
is perfect, as the engines on Sodor have been here longer than you have, and have
done their jobs with care and professionalism, as they have many years of
experience. And to go around blurting that they are doing it wrong and that should
do things the way you do is very patronizing, disrespectful, and rude, and it would
only make you look like a very nasty engine. Do you want that?

-Fergus: Oh, no, of course not, that would be doing it wrong.

-Victor: Exactly! As you can’t always expect everything to go the way you want it,
and you should only correct them if they were being deliberately difficult, as you
should focus on your own work, not others.

-Narrator: Fergus looked down at his buffers sadly, he couldn’t deny that, but that
may have been easier said than done. Just then, Duck arrived.

-Duck: Afternoon all.

-Victor: Ah, hello Duck my friend, what can I do for you?

-Duck: Oh nothing at all Victor, it’s really what I can do to help Fergus.

-Fergus: Help me?

-Duck: Uh-huh! I’m not due to take my next train yet, so I thought I’d come and
check up on you, as I heard about the incident between you and Kirby at the Clay
Pits, and that you decided to help out here.

-Fergus: Oh. Well, I don’t know what to say, except thank you Duck, I really
appreciate that.

-Duck: Of course, as that’s what we Sodor engines do, look out for those in need.
Especially since we earned each other’s respect last year.

-Fergus: Thanks Duck, but I wish the other engines would, they don’t even want to
speak to me. In fact, I’m sure the Fat Controller is still cross with me for what
happened, and I haven’t seen for a whole week since my driver went to the hospital.

-Duck: Cheer up Fergus, deep down they know you’re sorry, you just have to give
them time, as I’ve known all of them longer, and they’re not as judgmental as you
think. Same with the Fat Controller, as you to remember, he is a great man that
cares loads for us engines, he is strict, but he’s very forgiving and patient. At
least you’re taking the first step in handling your OCD.

-Fergus: True. But I wish I hadn’t had it all.

-Victor: Ah Fergus, that’s perfectionism right there, as like Marlin said

yesterday, you can’t just force yourself or others to change, as it doesn’t happen
overnight. You need time, guidance, and patience to do so.

-Duck: Exactly Victor. You know Fergus, I know exactly how you feel. When I first
came to Sodor, I was a little bit like you in fact. As coming from the Great
Western Railway, I felt very proud of my heritage, as it was very successful back
in the days of steam on the Mainland. So successful in fact that I became very
overzealous and proud about it, to the point where I thought it was above everyone
else’s way of thinking. But overtime, even I began to realize that not even that
was perfect.

-Fergus: You did?

-Duck: Of course! As I only use the Great Western way for common sense, though back
then, I used to think how others did things were wrong to, to the point where the
other engines got annoyed, just like how you kept bossing the other engines around.

-Fergus: Really?

-Duck: Oh yes. But that all changed in due time. Shall I tell you about it?

-Fergus: Oh, I think that would be a great idea.

-Victor: Same here, I think this would be a good insight for you Fergus. Please,
tell us Duck.

-Duck: Very well then.

-Narrator: So this was the story Duck had told them.

(Flashbacks to 1956 at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: A year after Duck had arrived on Sodor as the new station pilot for
Knapford Station, and Percy became the new goods engine on the Ffarqhuar Branch,
Thomas at the time was feeling very ill, and had to go to the Steamworks to be
mended, so the Fat Controller had asked Duck to look after the branchline. Duck was
delighted, as he had never ran a branchline before, so this was a very nice change
from what he was used to, and got along swimmingly with Annie & Clarabel.

-Terence: Take care av Thomas’s coac'es, Duck. 'e’s sure to miss dem while 'e’s

-Duck: Don’t worry Terence, I wouldn’t dream of anything else. That’s the Great
Western way.

(Duck departs)

-Annie: He has such nice manners Clarabel.

-Clarabel: Indeed! It really is a pleasure to go out with him.

-Narrator: Duck was pleased, though maybe too pleased. While Percy was happy to see
him again, Toby, while he was grateful for his help, found the Great Western Engine
to be rather opinionated.

(Shows Toby puffing down the branchline)

-Narrator: One morning, Toby was bringing trucks down from Anopha Quarry. It was a
fine and peaceful morning so far, and it seemed like nothing would spoil it. Just
then, Bertie was approaching the road crossing, but to Toby’s horror, he wasn’t
slowing down.


-Toby: What on earth?

-Bertie: TOBY! LOOK OUT!

-Toby: (Gasps)

-Narrator: Toby applied his brakes, and both tram engine and bus shut their eyes

(Bertie speeds past Toby at the crossing)

-Narrator: Luckily, they missed each other just in time. When they met at Ffarqhuar
Station, Bertie was most apologetic.

-Bertie: I’m sorry Toby! I have this new driver, you see. He seems to think I could
beat you or the other engines to the crossing, I tell him to stop, but he just
brushes me off.

-Toby: Oh that’s alright Bertie. It’s not your fault. That new driver of yours
should know better than to exceed the speed limit, as you’re not a race car. I just
hope he doesn’t put you are the passengers in danger like that again.

-Bertie: I hope so. Because my manager says if he keeps behaving so recklessly,

he’ll not only be fired, but his license will be revoked.

-Toby: That’s good to hear.

-Narrator: Just then, Duck arrived with Annie & Clarabel, he overheard their

-Duck: Beg pardon Bertie, but didn’t your new driver see the crossing gates?

-Toby: Oh, there are no gates, Duck, this line is…

-Duck: (Gasps) No gates! How can you run a line without crossing gates? It isn’t
dignified! Otherwise, road vehicles like Bertie wouldn’t know when to stop. And
then BAM, there’s a serious accident that could jeopardize countless lives.

-Bertie: Oh lighten up Duck. It wasn’t my fault, and I know when to stop, thank

-Duck: No excuses will do, because as it’s for your safety as well as ours, Bertie.
Accidents can cause for all of us. The Fat Controller needs to put up gates at
once. In fact, you should’ve asked him or his father to do that ages ago.

-Narrator: Toby & Bertie said no more, as they knew this wasn’t going to be easy to
explain to Pannier. Now while Duck is a well-meaning, kind, and responsible tank
engine, he did let his pride and strict work ethic get in the way of his common
sense. He certainly wasn’t at all arrogant like the big engines, but his Great
Western heritage did make him come off as rather uptight, overzealous, and a very
stubborn perfectionist. Toby knew he would waste his breathe if he tried explaining
to Duck, so perhaps, he thought, its better he figures this out himself.

(Cuts to Duck talking to Percy at the Branchline Harbor)

-Narrator: Later that day, he complained about the idea to Percy at the Branchline

-Duck: I don’t believe it Percy. I never thought Toby would be foolish enough to
run on an unsafe line.
-Percy: Come on Duck, it’s not the end of the world. The quarry line is safer
because Toby himself runs on it. He has cowcatchers and side plates for a reason,
as they work wonders to prevent people or animals from getting hurt if they should
stray onto the line. In fact, that law Thomas got in trouble with got banned after
Toby arrived, as the locals around there realize how dangerous it is if they did
stray on the line. You needn’t worry, Duck. If the Fat Controller thought gates
were needed, he’d have them put up ages ago.

-Narrator: But Duck was still unconvinced. They were needed…in his opinion that is.
Recently, one of the level crossings had been having issues with its gates.
Sometimes they worked as intended, but other times, they were stuck, no matter how
hard the signalman tried to pull the lever.

-Signalman: UGH! UGH! (Back cracks) ARGH, MY BACK!

-Narrator: There there hadn’t been any accidents, but only headaches from the
delays, and the engines took care as they approached. Unfortunately, nobody warned
Duck. The next morning, Duck was puffing happily along. The coaches sang quietly to
each other, and Duck was pleased with himself so far. He passed a level crossing,
its gates keeping traffic at bay.

-Duck: Ah, now that’s the way, just like a proper railway.

-Narrator: Though he spoke too soon. At the troublesome crossing, cars, buses and
lorries had passed safely through. A new signalman was on duty there. He pulled the
lever and went back to his coffee. But he didn’t notice the gates were jammed. Duck
soon approached the gates.

-Annie: Oh my. Um…Duck, I think we should stop.

-Duck: Nonsense, they’ll open, they’ll open.

-Narrator: He smiled reassuringly. But they didn’t.

-Duck: They’re sure to open, they have to.

-Narrator: But the gates still stayed shut, and Duck was getting closer and closer,
until everything happened at once.

-Duck: Oh no. STOP! STOP!

-Narrator: Duck applied his brakes and blew his whistle loudly, but it was too

(Duck crashes in the crossing gates)

-Duck: OOF! Oh dear!

-Narrator: Duck blushed as he sat on the crossing, remnants of the gates clinging
to his front. There wasn’t time to examine him, as traffic was building up on
either side, so Percy had to pull him to the next station.

(Fades to Percy brining Duck to Tidmouth where Toby & Bertie are)

-Narrator: When they arrived at Tidmouth, Toby & Bertie were there.

-Bertie: hey Toby, who’s that?

-Toby: Why it’s duck. Seems like he got his wish of more crossings having gates,
though I don’t think he can’t decide between pulling a train or being a crossing

-Bertie: Well whatever he’s doing, it doesn’t look safe to me.

-Narrator: Everyone laughed, as Bertie roared away with his passengers. Duck
blushed and looked at his buffers, decorated by the broken crossing gate. After
that, he wouldn’t be making remarks about “safety” for some time. But late, after
he was parked near the branchline sheds, as the gates were being removed, and his
scrapes being painted over, the Fat Controller came to see him.

-TFC: I’m glad to see you’re alright Duck, and you are certainly not to blame for
this accident, however, I had heard from Toby that you were being rather uptight
and insistent on crossing gates, and how they should be used on the line to Anopha

-Duck: (Sighs) Yes sir, but I wasn’t trying to be rude. I…

-TFC: I know Duck, you were only trying to do what was right, and that’s
appreciative of you to imply common sense, but I’m sorry to say you haven’t been
using common sense yourself, as what you said to Toby & Bertie was quite
belittling. I know you are proud of being Great Western, but not even the Great
Western way is always perfect, as everybody has their own way of doing things, and
my engines have years of experience that made them who they are today. Percy was
quite right in that the quarry line doesn’t need crossing gates, because it doesn’t
really require them, and that Toby is always very careful when traveling through
there, hence why he has cowcatchers and side plates. He’s a wise, knowledgeable,
and very open-minded engine, and anything he doesn’t know, that’s classified
information, as our Toby is that much of an experienced engine who has his own way
of doing things, just in the same you do.

-Narrator: Duck now began to feel very embarrassed.

-Duck: Oh, I see.

-Toby: Don’t beat yourself up Duck, you were only just trying to help, but you have
to realize, not everything can be just like the Great Western Railway, therefore,
not everything in life is perfect. I know that you are a very experienced engine,
but even experienced engines have to learn something new every day, as that’s our
way of understanding life.

-Duck: Yeah…that is true. I’m sorry Toby that I demeaned you like that. I
understand now that its accidents like these that helps to gain experience. And I’m
sure thanks to you, this branchline continues to be successful, and the people
along our line are perfectly safe.

-Toby: Thanks Duck!

-TFC: Good job Duck. I’d even be lying if I said I wouldn’t make mistakes every now
and again. You just have to learn from these mistakes, not dwell on them.

-Duck: You’re right sir, and thank you both. Still, I do enjoy running the

-TFC: That’s good to hear, as Thomas won’t be back yet, so you can still run the
line, as I think you have been doing great in handling a branchline, and who knows,
maybe someday, you might get your own branchline like Thomas & Edward have

-Duck: Thanks sir! That is a nice idea. And don’t worry, this time, I’ll make sure
to focus on my own work, not everyone else’s.

-TFC: I know you will Duck. Because I trust you already.

-Toby: Same here.

(Shows Duck running the branchline)

-Narrator: So the next day, Duck went back to work running the Ffarqhuar Branch,
and now he and Toby became good friends. He even became friends with Bertie after
Duck apologized, and the bus forgave him, especially after his new driver finally
got fired, and had his licensed condemned. Duck managed the branchline clockwork,
and there wasn’t any more talk about safety or how to do things the Great Western
way for some time. He soon went back to his duties as station pilot after Thomas
returned from the Steamworks, though the Great Western engine still felt that maybe
someday, he could have a branchline to call his very own, but you all know that

(Fades back to present day in 2003)

-Duck: So you see Fergus, it was thanks that incident, I began to understand that
every engine has their own way of doing things. I finally began to learn the Great
Western wasn’t always perfect, especially after my first confrontation with Diesel
a year later.

-Fergus: I see! But you still talk about it.

-Duck: I do, but I know only use it for the sake of common sense. Basically I’m
trying to imply that it’s okay you have your own way of doing things, Fergus, but
bossing others around and to forcing them to do it the way you want it, it’s very
demeaning of their work and very disrespectful, as every engine has their own years
of experience, and can handle their jobs well.

-Victor: Duck’s right Fergus, as this perfectionism of your is very unhealthy for
an engine, as the sensible thing in “doing it right”, and correct them only if
they’re being deliberately difficult.

-Fergus: Yeah…yeah you’re both right, I should be focusing on my own work. I just
hope I don’t make a mistake like this again.

-Duck: Even if you did, the logical thing instead of being obsessive-compulsive is
to learn from it and move on.

-Fergus: Thanks Duck. I hope I can break these bad habits of mine.

-Duck: I’m sure you will Fergus. Now I have to go, but just remember, you can still
ask us for help when needed, just think about what we said carefully, okay?

-Fergus: I will. Thanks Duck! Thanks Victor!

-Narrator: So Duck left, but Victor had more news for Fergus.

-Victor: You know Fergus, since Duck mentioned Toby, I think he could even help you
to, as I heard that Mavis needs help at Anopha Quarry with a vast amount of
shipment of rocks, and Toby can’t just help her alone. Maybe I could ask the Fat
Controller and see if he could send you there to give you another chance.

-Fergus: I think that’s a good idea. Thanks Victor. I hope he does.

-Victor: I’m sure he will Fergus, you’ll see.

-Narrator: Though that was a story for another day.

(Opens with Fergus at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: One morning, Fergus was waking up at the Steamworks, waiting for his
driver. He was still worried about what the Fat Controller would say to him the
next time they met, as he still felt that he didn’t trust him since his incident
with Kirby. He had felt better after Duck came to comfort him, and took his advice
to heart, especially after the Great Western engine had told him about his story
with the crossing gate incident back when he was still new to Sodor. And Victor
even promised to help Fergus in getting a second chance by speaking to the Fat
Controller about letting him working at Anopha Quarry with Toby & Mavis. Fergus
felt nervous, hoping to provide a good example to the Fat Controller. But at the
moment he was expecting his relief driver, Fergus noticed Marlin pulled up to him.

-Fergus: Oh, good morning Marlin.

-Marlin: Morning Fergus. I brought somebody here to see you.

-Fergus: Oh, who might that be?

-Narrator: Stepping out of Marlin’s cab, was his own driver, still with a bandage
on his head, but in good condition nonetheless.

-Fergus: Oh my god! Driver, you’re better.

-Fergus’s Driver: That I am old boy. My head still needs to heal, but I’m finally
good again.

-Fergus: Glad so. John, about how I treated Kirby, I’m very sorry! Especially since
this was what got you in the hospital? I should never have let things go too far.

-TFC: I’m glad to hear you say that Fergus.

-Narrator: Fergus was surprised, he knew who that voice was, as also coming to see
him was the Fat Controller. Fergus was nervous, but the Fat Controller smiled at

-TFC: Relax Fergus, I’m not mad at you anymore, as I heard you took my suggestion,
and heard from Victor yesterday that you’re really sorry about what happened
between you and Kirby.

-Fergus: Yes sir. I am sir. I’ve learned my lesson.

-TFC: I’m pleased to hear. Especially because Marlin & Victor tell me that you’ve
taken their advice seriously, and learned to relax and focus on your own work. Not
only that, Victor also recommended me to let you work at Anopha Quarry on Thomas’s
Branchline with Toby & Mavis. I gave it some thought, and I figured I think it
would be a good idea, especially because they need help in easing the work load
there. But I need to hear from you that only on the condition you listened to
everything Marlin & Victor said and that you will promise to behave and not be so
bossy and rude to the other engines, and only focus on your work, and only “your”
work. N more perfectionism and no more belittling to the other engines. Is that

-Fergus: Yes sir! I understand. I’ll do my best to not be compulsive anymore,

especially after Duck told me his story with some crossing gates years ago.
-TFC: Excellent then. But I should also mention something else, is that before
Victor recommended you for the job, I had no choice but to reluctantly allow Diesel
help out there, and he’s being pretty difficult.

-Fergus: Diesel? Which diesel?

-TFC: No, I mean, Devious Diesel, the 08 I saved a year before Stanley found you.
You probably may have heard of him.

-Fergus: Oh…yes, I heard about him plenty of times, especially from Duck, who told
me his history with him.

-TFC: I figured you’d have. All I can say is ignore him and don’t give into his
schemes. If he does try anything, he’ll have me to answer to. But please remember
Fergus and promise me that this “do it right” nonsense must stop.

-Fergus: Yes sir! It will sir!

-Narrator: Soon, Fergus was steamed up, and his driver drove him to Elsbridge
Junction to meet with Toby. He was hoping this time everything would go well, and
that he would have more self-control this time. But he was also worried about going
up against this Diesel, based on everything Duck told about him. He soon arrived at
the junction. There was Toby, who greeted him warmly.

-Toby: Hello there Fergus. Glad to see you.

-Fergus: Hello Toby! Nice to meet you again.

-Toby: Oh, why thanks.

-Fergus: Yes. I’m just trying to be, well, nice.

-Toby: Don’t worry Fergus, I’m aware of what’s been going on lately, and I am going
to help you.

-Fergus: Thanks Toby. So, I’m ready to help you at the quarry.

-Toby: Splendid then. While we’re going there, I’ll show you along the branchline.

-Fergus: But we must get there on time to meet the demands and do… oh, sorry! I
mean, wouldn’t we be late.

-Toby (Chuckles): No we won’t, don’t worry Fergus, we have plenty of time. It’s
that since you’ve never been here before, I’d thought I’d show you around, as a
friend. Sometimes, you have to take things easy and enjoy what’s around you.

-Fergus: Oh, right! Sorry Toby!

-Toby: It’s okay Fergus. I mean, hey, at least you corrected yourself right?

-Fergus: Um…yeah…I did.

-Henrietta: Still, at least you did your best Fergus.

-Fergus: Oh, why thanks ma’am.

-Henrietta (Giggles): Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Henrietta, Toby’s

faithful coach.
-Fergus: Oh, I’m impressive. Nice to meet you Henrietta.

-Henrietta: Nice to meet you to.

-Toby: Henrietta and I have been around for many years. Even before we came to

-Fergus: Well that’s nice! Anyways, I’m ready when you are you two.

-Toby: Splendid! Let’s get going.

-Narrator: So Fergus followed Toby with Henrietta in tow down the Ffarqhuar Branch.
The little traction took Toby’s advice, and began to stop and smell the roses for
once, and it actually felt quite relaxing. He loved looking at the sights and
sounds of the Ffarqhuar Branch, from the stations, the watermill, the windmill, and
soon became friends with Terence and the Kyndly family. They soon reached Ffarqhuar
itself where Thomas was collecting passengers in Annie & Clarabel for the return
trip down to Knapford.

-Thomas: Oh, hello Toby, Henrietta. Oh, and hello Fergus.

-Fergus: Morning Thomas. Lovely day so far, huh?

-Thomas (suspicious): Uh, yeah. It sure is. No offense Fergus, but that’s the last
thing I thought I would hear you say.

-Toby: Don’t worry Thomas, he’s with me today. The Fat Controller is sending him to
help me and Mavis at Anopha Quarry today as another chance. So I’m going to look
after him and make sure he behaves himself.

-Thomas: Oh, well in that case, I’m glad you’re getting a second chance Fergus, and
I’m happy for you. I wish you luck and just take things slow.

-Fergus: Thanks Thomas. I promise, I will not be rude to any of you, because I’m
sure you all work hard in running this really magnificent branchline.

-Thomas: Why thank you! Though I will advise you on two things. Number one, Mavis
is the diesel that runs the quarry, and she’s very sweet and caring diesel, and a
very good friend to me and Toby. So I’m saying this to be nice, make sure you keep
yourself under control, as she is a hardworking and valuable asset to the railway,
and you don’t wanna get on her bad side.

-Fergus: I understand Thomas, I won’t. I already learned that the hard way after
ticking off Bill, Ben and Kirby. What’s the second thing though?

-Thomas: Well, I’m sure Toby and the Fat Controller told you already, Diesel is
working at the quarry today, and he is deliberately devious and difficult diesel
that is the exact opposite of Mavis or any of the diesels on our railway. You best
keep your distance and ignore him.

-Fergus: Oh yes, I heard about him from Duck. I admit, I am a little nervous
though, but I will try and ignore him.

-Thomas: Excellent then!

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Thomas: Anyways, I have to go. See you later you two, and best of luck today
Fergus. Just know now you have my support.

-Fergus: Thanks Thomas! I’ll see you later!

-Narrator: So as Thomas left, the two old engines made it to Anopha Quarry. Fergus
was amazed.

-Fergus: Wow! This is just as industrial and amazing as the Clay Pits.

-Toby (Chuckles): Glad you like it. This and the Clay Pits are great in their own

-Narrator: Just then, the two were greeted in by Mavis.

-Mavis: Morning Toby! Oh, and hello there, you must be Fergus.

-Fergus: That I am. Nice to meet you, um, your Mavis right.

-Mavis: Mmm hmm (Giggles). Welcome to Anopha Quarry. Please make yourself feel
welcome Fergus, and I’ll show you what to do.

-Toby: Excellent! As will I! So Mavis, how’s Diesel?

-Mavis (sarcastically): Oh, as well as you think.

-Narrator: No sooner did Mavis answer, who should show up now was Diesel, shunting
some trucks into place.

-Diesel: Oh, good morning there. I see we got more help today Mavis. And from a
bunch of pathetic clapped out furnaces again.

-Mavis: Oh shut your mouth Diesel. You were sent here to help us and cooperate, not
be a total pain in the ass right now. You know what would happen if the Fat
Controller found out.

-Toby: Exactly Diesel. You may not have caused trouble right now. But I have heard
you have been quite rude and stubborn.

-Diesel: Well I can do my work just fine I’ll have you know Toby, but depending on
who it is, I certainly don’t need help from you Sodor chumps. (Eyes Fergus
suspiciously) And especially from some clockwork looking steamer.

-Fergus: Mind your attitude youngster! I’m here to do my work, and I certainly
don’t need any insults from you. I’ve heard plenty about you Diesel, and I won’t
stand for it.

-Diesel: Ooh, well you put up quite a fight there old timer. Who the hell are you

-Toby: This is Fergus, and he’s gonna be working with us today Diesel, whether you
like it or not.

-Diesel: Fergus? Hold on a minute, I’ve heard of you, you’re that traction engine
Stanley found that goes ballistic over every slight inconsistency. Yes, the neat

-Fergus: Respect for your elders goes along…

-Diesel: Ah shaddup! I don’t need your mouth getting in my way too you know, as if
you try to boss me around, you’ll get in even further trouble. I mean, I heard
about your history of mishaps because of your compulsiveness, especially that
recent incident between you and Kirby a few weeks ago, all because you kept
flipping out that he wasn’t doing things you’re way and you couldn’t keep your damn
mouth shut. And where did that get you…oh that’s right, your driver, that man
standing on you right now nearly died. I can tell by looking at the bandage on his
head. (Fergus looks in shock and horror) So if you try going about me with this
stupid “do it right” bull crap, you might get in even worse trouble (Evil laughs).

-Mavis: Diesel, shut up! I won’t have any arguments or bullying here in my quarry.
You are already in enough trouble yourself. I won’t hesitate to report you to the
Fat Controller, as need I remind you why you were saved from scrap two years ago.
So I won’t stand for you bullying Fergus or causing any trouble with this attitude
of yours.

-Toby: Agreed! I know how much you don’t like us Diesel, and you may stand there
working, but we know full well you plan to cause trouble. Besides, you’ll already
tarnish your own reputation yet again if you don’t behave. You’ve been doing well
at least these past two years when you’re actually working, but you’re still on
probation. So any trouble you give Fergus or any of us, you’ll answer to the Fat
Controller, as don’t forget, he can said you back to the Mainland, and I don’t
think I need to explain the rest.

-Narrator: Diesel, speechless, and remembering the promise he made, just left
fuming without another word.

-Mavis: Are you okay Fergus?

-Fergus: Yeah, I am. Thank you both! I (Sighs), nobody has ever stood up for me
like that. But, I can’t believe he tore into me like that.

-Toby: Well Diesel always has way of doing so, but don’t take him seriously.
However, he is right about one thing, you can’t keep saying “do it right” all the
time, or you really could get into trouble, and this is your last chance if you
ever want the Fat Controller to trust you again, and keep you on this railway.

-Fergus (Sighs): Yes…yes, you’re right Toby. I’ll do my best to control myself.

-Toby: That’s better. And you can even talk to Mavis to, as she’ll understand where
you’re coming from.

-Mavis: Exactly! Come on Fergus, I’ll show you what to do.

-Narrator: Fergus, feeling much better, set to work at once. The traction engine
was really enjoying himself, using the same work ethic that he knew at the quarry,
and felt very pleased with himself, but this time, he remembered what Duck, Marlin
& Victor taught him, and only was focusing on his own work. Though he would correct
someone if they were being deliberately difficult, though he was still struggling
with not saying “do it right.” Thankfully though, Toby & Mavis helped him correct
that. Fergus enjoyed working with them. However, he and Diesel still didn’t like
each other, but then again, Diesel never really liked anybody but himself. However,
after ripping into him like that, especially since Fergus knew he was on his last
chance now, that he did have a slight fear of the black 08 shunter. Though he still
tried to correct him as best he could, for, well, obvious reasons.

(Diesel shunts trucks under a hopper, and gets quarry stones poured on him)

-Diesel: GRRR! DAMN IT!

-Fergus: OUI! Careful there, you have to wait to shunt the trucks slowly under the
hopper instead of bumping them in so thoughtlessly. So one could get it hurt. Do it


-Fergus: Humph! I don’t know why I’m even bothering with you. You know what, the
other engines are right, I’d waste my breathe if I tried to reason with you.

(Fergus rolls away in a huff)

-Diesel: Humph! Stupid neat freak!

-Narrator: Even though he was at odds with Diesel, Fergus did get along well with
the other engines this time now the he had learned his lesson, and the other
engines were beginning to like him now as he slowly began to gain their trust. And
Fergus began to feel great now, not thinking about rules or being important, but
the fact he began to make friends with the other engines, and got to know each of
them better.

(Shows Fergus shunting trucks of stone behind Henry’s slow goods at Elsbridge)

-Henry: Excellent! Right on time! Thanks Fergus! You’re doing very well!

-Fergus: My pleasure Henry! Glad to be of help.

(Henry departs and then shows Fergus bonding with Mavis)

-Narrator: But of all the engines, he especially really like Mavis, not only due to
her work ethic, but also her kindness, her beauty, and was intrigued when Mavis
explained her own backstory back when she first came to Sodor, and how in her
youth, she used to be a rude and stubborn perfectionist like he was, but how she
would learn from that over the years and matured into the kind, charismatic and
wise motherly diesel that she is today, but every now and again can be a bit of a
feisty perfectionist who still would needs to keep herself in check. Fergus was
impressed by Mavis’s maturity, and it really gave him a lot to think about.
However, Diesel on the other hand, who was being cleaned at Ffarquhar after his
incident with the chute, was seething with fury. He not only found Fergus annoying,
but he also was starting to become very jealous of him to.

-Diesel: GRRR! That stupid old fool! I mean really, who does he think is coming up
with this stupid “do it right” crap. Does he think saying that is gonna get someone
into submission. Well he’s sure as hell wrong about that. Honestly, I think he may
even be worse than that Duck, grrr, no, actually I hate Duck more than any steam
engine. Stanley should’ve left that old coot in that shed to rust, but then again,
that’s the problem with these Sudrians, both steam and the traitorous diesels,
they’re a bunch of soft-hearted fools. GRR! When can anybody give me a little
consideration god damn it!

-Diesel’s driver: Oh will you just stop whining already! For god’s sakes Diesel,
being good, is well, good, it brings out a healthier side that makes us
respectable, unlike you who tries to bully others to agree with you.

-Diesel: And what would you know Jack. I mean, like you’ve only been with me for
two years since I came here. Look, I get it, I know it’s important to be all nice
and stuff, but the only reason I’m not is because it’s hard for me. I mean, yes, I
can’t deny now that it’s my own fault that I got fired from every railway, private
company, yard and heritage sight in the bloody UK, but for god’s sake, it’s not
fair! I mean, like I just feel nobody even trusts me one bit. I just wish maybe
they could’ve tolerated me, just like give me a chance!

-Diesel’s driver: Okay, I guess I can understand that. But Diesel, you need to give
others a chance instead of being so angry and so selfish all the good damn time.
Like you and Fergus are kind of in the same position a little bit, but at least he
actually works hard.

-Diesel: Yeah, well so am I ever since the Fat Controller gave me another chance,
what’s your point?

-Diesel’s driver: I’m saying Diesel, your only solving half the problem. Now that
Fergus is getting another chance, he’s learned not to let this OCD get the best of
him and be a lot nicer to the other engines. You may not have OCD, but every day
you continue to be a rude, condescending schmuck.

-Diesel’s driver: Well I don’t care Jackie boy. Because Fergus and I are not on the
same level. Honestly, that compulsive know-it-all would be better as a clock.
(Inner monologue) A clock, huh?

-Narrator: That’s when it hit him. Diesel looked over at a line of scrap tracks in
one of the sidings, where he saw Bert collecting them for the Smelter’s.

-Diesel (Inner monologue): (Evil grin) I may not like the engines of this god-for-
saken railway, but at least I can do them a favor and get rid of that OCD nut job
myself. Since Fergus follows the rules…yes, he’ll believe anything now would he
(Evil laugh).

-Narrator: And Diesel left back to the quarry, smirking to himself, his driver
completely unaware of his plan. Meanwhile, Fergus was shunting the next line of
trucks in line. He was making good time and thanks to him, the quarry was running
like clockwork, and the important job was almost done. As he stopped to take on
water, Diesel pulled up next to him.

-Diesel: Ah, Fergus my lad. I’ve been looking for you.

-Fergus: Ugh, what is it Diesel?

-Diesel: I wanna apologize for how much of an outlandish dickhead I’ve truly been,
and I thought I should because I just got word from the Fat Controller that he
needs you work at the Smelter’s Yard tonight.

-Fergus: Wait, what? That can’t be. He wants me to work here.

-Diesel: Sorry Fergus, but there’s been a change of plan. You see, there’s no other
engine to help out there at the moment, and he thought an engine like you so
hardworking and wise would be perfect for the job.

-Fergus: But I’m needed here. Plus, no engine likes going to that horrid place.
There’s gotta be some sorta mistake.

-Diesel: Oh it’s no mistake there Fergus. This is the worthy fat, I mean, Fat
Controller who gave these orders, right. And you haven’t already gotten yourself
into a number of mishaps since the day you came back to the railway, and he already
isn’t happy with you after the trouble you caused. So you don’t wanna disappoint
him further now, do you?

-Fergus (Nervous): N...n…no, of course not, I do want him to trust me again. But
what about the quarry, Toby & Mavis still need help here.
-Diesel: Oh don’t you fret about that old bean, I can help you with that. Since
you’re doing the Fat Controller a favor, I can help you do a favor and help Toby &
Mavis here. Besides, it is after all, doing it right, as you constantly blurt out
every 5 minutes, right Fergus.

-Fergus (Nervous): Um…yeah…you’re right, best not despite him again. Um…thanks
Diesel, at least I know now you’re not lying since you said it was the Fat
Controller’s order. What time should I get going?

-Diesel: Well the Fat Controller said it was urgent, so you best get going right
now. And don’t worry, I’ll help out at the quarry, and make sure that your absence
isn’t missed, especially by Mavis & Toby. Now you best get going.

-Fergus (Nervous): Ye…yes, you’re right, I’d better head over there. Don’t wanna
get on the Fat Controller’s bad side again. Thank you Diesel, and please take care
of the quarry.

-Diesel: Oh don’t mention it. Toddle-oh Fergus and be careful.

(Fergus leaves in a hurry)

-Diesel: (Evil snickers) Fool! I knew he’d fall for that. Little does that
clockwork contraption realize what’s about to hit him once he gets there. See you
in hell poindexter (Evil laughs).

(Shows Fergus headed down the Peel Godred branch to the Smelter’s very nervous)

-Narrator: Now Fergus was warned by the other engines and the Fat Controller of
Diesel’s bad reputation and how he’s an engine that should never be trusted, but
Fergus didn’t know him all too well and of course was quite afraid of the malicious
shunter, the fact that Diesel said the exact kind of words to get into traction
engine’s insecurities like that, really got him paranoid, especially because he
knew the Fat Controller didn’t exactly trust him yet because of his OCD. So he
went, despite falling for Diesel’s lies. Though he was reluctant, as Fergus, like
all engines, hated the scrapyards, and the fact he had to work there made him feel
terrified. Everything around him made him feel pale, to the glowing hellish red
lights, to the sound of cutters torches and scrap being crunched, but the worse of
all, the scrapped remains of engines, rolling stock and road vehicles made him very

-Fergus: Oh geez! Why of all places did the Fat Controller decide on sending me
here? Was he so fed up with me, that he thought it would teach me a lesson? Have I
really been that much of a perfectionist?

-Fergus’s driver: I don’t know old boy, but there’s trucks that have be shunted, no
crew, I mean, this has gotta be some sorta mistake. In fact Fergus, I don’t think
we should even be in this dump.

-Fergus: But it’s the Fat Controller’s orders, and I can’t disappoint him anymore
or he’s gonna kill me.

-Fergus’s driver: No Fergus, we should really use common sense here, because I
think Diesel’s lying. We must get out now.

-Narrator: Before Fergus could reply, he heard two deep horns that echoed. Fergus
froze in fear, but then his eyes widened with fright as coming out from the red
lights of the smelting shed was ‘Arry & Bert.

-Fergus: AAAAHHHH!
-‘Arry: 'ello! are you 'appy 'o be 'ere?



-Narrator: Fergus, no realizing what he’d gotten himself into after listening to
Diesel, ran as fast as he could!




(‘Arry & Bert cackle evilly)

-Narrator: Fergus made it away just in time as the doors slammed. He ran down the
branchline in fear. He couldn’t get over what happened, but it finally dawned on
him that his overzealous and perfectionist OCD really was a horrible burden on all
the engines. He felt very disgraced and humiliated that he decided he didn’t want
to show his face anymore. His driver had him switched onto an old line far away
from the Smelter’s. It was an abandoned line right after Killdane that was hidden
by trees, rocky mountains and the rails were rusty. At last, Fergus reached a spot
by an old siding. There, next to it was an old well. The little traction engine was
really shaken up, he just didn’t care where he was. He began to finally realize
lots of things about his life.

-Fergus: I guess now I can understand why the other engines got annoyed with me so
much. In fact, I can now understand now why I was even bored up in that shed for 51
years. All I did was care about the rules, I only made things worse for myself. I
just can’t believe that I picked up these traits from my own designer. And I
thought things today were going so well.

-Fergus’s driver: Calm down old boy. Listen, I understand how you’re feeling, as
those diesels scared me to, but now is not the time to make everything about

-Fergus: I’m sorry! I just felt.

-Fergus’s driver: Listen Fergus, I know that you were worried about the Fat
Controller, he may be strict, but he cares about all his engines, even those that
may have OCD. I’m sure he would never want you to work at the Ironworks. Diesel
manipulated us.

-Fergus: I can see that now. I can’t believe I listened to him. But then again, I
should’ve realized we should’ve left, but my OCD got the better of me, and those
diesels nearly scrapped me. I’m sure the Fat Controller is gonna blow a gasket when
he finds out I ran away.

-Fergus’s driver: Come down old boy! I’m sure he’ll understand, as this wasn’t your
fault this time, because again, Diesel has us fooled. But, I guess we’ll just rest
here for now until morning.

-Fergus: Yeah, I suppose so.

-Narrator: Fergus said sadly. Though his disappearance didn’t go unnoticed, as
later at the quarry, when Mavis returned, she found Diesel working there, and
Fergus wasn’t in sight.

-Mavis: What on earth?

-Diesel: Ah, good evening Mavis, I was expecting you.

-Mavis: Um yeah, because I work here, this is my home. Diesel, where’s Fergus?

-Diesel: Oh that clockwork contraption, oh he left!

-Mavis: What, what are you talking about Diesel?

-Diesel: The old coot hadn’t learned his lesson and insisted on the whole do it
right nonsense he kept going on about, so the manager decided to teach him a lesson
by having him work elsewhere.

-Mavis: Elsewhere? Where might that be?

-Diesel: Oh, that’s for me to know, and you want to find out, ha-ha.

-Mavis (suspicious): Diesel? (Comes up right in front with a threatening glare)

-Diesel: Ooooh! Whoa! Calm down will you! I don’t really know!

-Mavis: Diesel, I can tell when somebody is lying! They have a sarcastic tone in
their voice, a devious grin, not mention, not very good at blending the fact with
the truth, as Fergus had been on his best behavior since he got here. The only one
I know he’s told to do it right was you. And obviously you! He’s kept the quarry in
good order and has gotten along well with the other engines, except you!

-Diesel: Okay, okay, you made your point my dear! But it’s not like I had anything
to do with it.

-Mavis: Oh really, because I had to make deliveries at Crosby, Brendam Docks, and
Knapford Harbor today, and I left Fergus in charge. He was the only one there, not
me, not Toby, not even you! And you were out getting cleaned after getting yourself
under that chute. So, I’ll ask again, where is FERGUS?


-Diesel’s driver: I can answer that Mavis. Diesel here got so jealous and annoyed
by him, he tried to tell a lie that the Fat Controller needed him to work at the
Smelter’s, so he can run the quarry just to impress you!

-Mavis (Gasps): THE SMELTER’S! OH NO!

-Diesel (Sarcastically): Oh thanks driver!


-Diesel: Well this island doesn’t need any more steamers, especially those that are
such fussy perfectionists like that Fergus. Plus, at least I get to work alongside
you, as…well…I always did think you were rather beautiful Mavis.

-Mavis (Gasps): Are you trying to say what I think you’re saying YOU PERVERT!
(Mavis angrily blasts diesel fumes at him)



-Mavis’s Driver: Right, and let’s take Diesel with us, considering what he tried to
do right now.

(Cuts to the Fat Controller in his office)

-Narrator: The Fat Controller was in his office, about to leave for home. He was
looking forward to picking up Chinese take-out for his family tonight, when the
telephone rang.

-TFC: Hello. Oh, hello Clark. How’s everything with Fergus…wait, what’s that you
say…Fergus has gonna missing…ugh, and here I was beginning to trust that engine
after the engines sang his praises, and Toby even told me he’s been on his…wait,
what’s that said…you mean, he has been on his best behavior…then why would he…yes…
SICK, BUT AT LEAST MAVIS FOUGHT BACK! Tell Mavis to bring Diesel over here to
Knapford Station, and then stay there, as I’ll be calling the other engines to,
we’re gonna send out a search party to find Fergus and bring him home…excellent…
thank you…bye (Hangs up the phone). Oh dear, poor Fergus. He must be out there
alone and scared to death. We better find him, whatever it takes.

(Fades to the Fat Controller with the engines at Knapford Station)

-Narrator: So the Fat Controller gathered not only just Toby & Mavis, but whichever
engines where available.

-TFC: Now engines, I’m sorry to disturb you from your sleep, but you all are
probably guessing why I called you all here tonight, as thanks to a certain black
diesel shunter standing right here covered in oil smudges, Fergus the Railway
Traction Engine has gone missing.

(All the engines gasp)

-Emily: Och mah! Poor Fergus!

-Henry: Oh dear that’s horrible!

-Duck: How could he just go missing? (Looks at Diesel in anger) Diesel?

-Diesel: Uh…well.you see…it’s a funny thing…

-Mavis: Diesel lied to Fergus about working in the Smelter’s Yard tonight in order
to get him scrapped by ‘Arry & Bert so he can work the quarry to show up steam
again, and, the bugger tried to seduce me.

(All the engines gasp)



-Barry: But why the oil stains all over him.

-Mavis: Simple, because when he tried to seduce me, I smoked him.

-TFC: I’m glad you did Mavis, because you Diesel are in serious trouble when this
is over!

-Duck: Agreed! But sir, what, are we getting to do about Fergus? We can’t just
leave him.

-TFC: We won’t Duck. As that’s why I summoned most of you, as we’re going to send
out a search party.

-Edward: Excellent idea sir! What do you propose sir?

-TFC: We split up into different teams to find Fergus. Once found, contact me
immediately, and bring him back to Knapford.
-Thomas: Excellent sir! Percy, Toby, Daisy, Mavis, we’ll check our branchline.

-Mavis: Actually Thomas, if it’s alright, I think I’d rather check the main line.
As I think I might have a few ideas where he might be.

-TFC: I think that’s a good idea Mavis. Emily, since you’re also a Ffarqhuar
engine, you go with them.

-Emily: Ay sir. A juist hope fergus will be okay. A know whit it’s like tae be
feart an alone.

-Thomas: I hope so to Emily. We’ll find him together.

-Edward: Indeed! BoCo, Derek, Salty, the four of us will check our branchline.

-BoCo: You got it Edward.

-Salty: Aye, aye, cap’n!

-Bill: Fergus may be annoying, but he’s still our friend. Plus, he saved us from
nearly getting crushed by that rockslide, even after we were at each other’s

-Ben: Quite right Bill! This is for Ferus!

-TFC: Bear, Kirby and Harvey, since Fergus was tricked into going to the Ironworks,
I’ll send you three to search there and check the whole Peel Godred line.

-Bear: You got it sir!

-Harvey: Aye, we’ll find here!

-Stanley: An' if ‘Arry & Ber' do 'ave 'im, 'hey go' ano'her 'hin comin.

-Duck: Indeed! If I may sir, I’d like to accompany Mavis on the main line. As I
care for Fergus to, and I don’t wanna see him hurt.

-TFC: I understand Duck. Kirby, you go with Oliver on the Little Western.

-Kirby: Absolutely sir! I may have found Fergus annoying at first, but after
getting to know him, he’s alright and has certainly got my respect.
-Oliver: Here, here!

-TFC: Indeed! Donald, Douglas, Barry, Arthur, check the Norramby and Kirk Ronan
branches on the Wharf. The rest of you, you’ll search the main line along with
Mavis & Duck. I called for Harold the Helicopter, and he’s searching high in the
sky for Fergus even as we speak. I’ll stay here with Diesel and deal with
personally, and those searching on the Peel Godred line, bring ‘Arry & Bert here, I
wanna talk to them personally. Any questions?

-Gordon: Not at all sir! We’ve got a traction engine to find!

-TFC: Indeed! Alright, let’s get moving!

-Narrator: So all the engines set out in various places to find their missing new
friend. The searched everywhere from the main line to the branchlines, to shunting
yards to industrial sights. The road vehicles such as Bertie, Terence or Butch kept
a look out, and even Harold the Helicopter was high in the air, looking for him
with his search light. Bear & Stanley searched the Smelter’s while Harvey checked
the rest of the line. As they did so, they saw ‘Arry & Bert, and tried to
interrogate the Ironworks twins.

-‘Arry: Nah wha' are you blokes doin 'ere?

-Stanley: We’re 'ryin 'o find our friend Fergus, 'ave you seen 'im?

-Bert: Oh, you mean 'ha' li''le blue 'eap ov gears? oh 'e was 'ere, an' ‘Arry an' I
'ried 'o give 'im a “warm” recep'ion, bu' 'he li''le bugger ran off scared.

-Bear: No doubt by you! Where is he now?

-‘Arry: 'ah should we know? i'’s no' like we bo'h can leave 'he Smel'er’s. Even
'hough we’d go lookin faw 'im, 'e’d make very fine scrap indeed.

-Bert: An' i'’ll be a stress relief 'o finally ge' rid ov an annoyin 'in po' 'ha'
obsess even over sligh' 'hings.

-Bear: Well you won’t have to worry about leaving fellas! Because in fact, you’re
both coming us!

-‘Arry: Wai', wha'?

-Stanley: Grab ‘hem Bear!

(Bear & Stanley buffer up in front of ‘Arry & Bert)

-‘Arry & Bert: AH!

(Fades to Duck & Mavis out on the main line)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Duck & Mavis were carrying on with their search on the Main
Line. They looked everywhere on the first half before Wellsworth, and they couldn’t
find Fergus, but the little old engine was nowhere in sight. So they both headed up
Gordon’s Hill.

-Mavis: Oh Duck. I hope we can find Fergus real soon. I’m awfully worried about

-Duck: Hey, me two. But we’ll find him one way or another. Argh, I still can’t
believe Diesel. I mean, I wouldn’t have wanted he to be scrapped, but god, the fact
he had to trick Fergus into going to the Smelter’s and being left for dead makes me
hate him even more now. Well even after the Fat Controller punishes him and his
brothers, I got plenty of choice words for him, but you did a really good job in
shutting him up.

-Mavis (Giggles): Thanks Duck! I had to do something. There is no engine who is

gonna try and go up to me like that. But argh, I can’t believe he would even do

-Duck: Same! Who’d have thought Diesel would be such a pervert. But regardless, we
have to find Fergus and bring him home.

-Mavis: Right! Hmm…I think I might have one idea. Duck, do you by any chance
remember seeing this old line, right outside of Killdane, leading into a forest.

-Duck: Hmm…I think I do Mavis. You don’t suppose that Fergus…

-Mavis: There’s only one way to find out. Come on!

-Narrator: So both Duck & Mavis set off for that area. Meanwhile, Fergus was
feeling cold, alone, and very sorry for himself, with only his driver keeping him

-Fergus (Sighs): How can I ever have been so foolish. I thought things were going
well, but after I abandoned my post like that, I’m sure nobody will ever want to
talk to me ever again. Even after I started earning the other engine’s trust,
they’ll probably go back to rejecting me, and I’ll be alone again like I was in
that shed. (Sighs) And just when I started making friends. And I thought I didn’t
need any friends, but I know, everyone does.

-Fergus’s driver: Don’t be so hard on yourself old boy. I’m sure they’ll
understand. Besides, it’s not your fault this happened. And for all I now, they’re
not only worried, but they’re probably looking for you right now.

-Fergus: I hope so. Because I really worry what if I’ll never see them again, like
Stanley or Duck or Toby…or even Mavis. (Sighs) Especially Mavis.

-Fergus’s driver: You must really like her.

-Fergus: Yeah, because she used to be a lot like me, and even though I’m older, I
kinda feel like she’s been a mother to me. And after leaving the quarry, I’m scared
she may never talk to me again, especially because of all the engines, I really
liked her the most.

-Narrator: No sooner did the traction engine say that, he saw to lights headed
towards him.

-Fergus: Oh my word! What’s that?

-Fergus’s driver: Looks lights. Probably fireflies.

-Fergus: Driver, be real, those aren’t fireflies. In fact, they are way bigger than
fireflies, and they seem to be headed towards me. (Gasps) Oh no, I hope it’s not
those diesels, coming all this way to take me to the melting pot.

-Narrator: But then, Fergus heard two voices he knew all too well.

-Duck: FERGUS!


-Fergus: Oh my word, that’s not the diesels…it’s Duck, and Mavis. OUI, LADS! WE’RE

-Narrator: Just then, coming through the trees and undergrowth of the old abandoned
line and peering through the mist was Mavis & Duck. Overjoyed to see their friend.

-Mavis: FERGUS!


-Narrator: The two engines stop in front of him, with Mavis on the siding Fergus
was, and he slowly nudged up to his buffers like Thomas did with Emily, which made
Fergus so overjoyed, he nearly cried.

-Mavis (Crying tears of joy): Oh Fergus! You’re safe! Oh we were so worried!

-Fergus: You were?

-Mavis: Mmm hmm. We’ve been looking all over for you, all the engines have.

-Fergus: But I thought nobody wanted to find me, after all the times I bossed
everyone around and demeaned them

-Duck: Rubbish Fergus! We Sudrians are never like that. We look after our own kind
and those not living on our island, because we care. You may have been a stubborn
perfectionist, but that won’t change anything, especially for an engine who did
what was right to regain his honor.

-Fergus: Really?

-Duck: Exactly! I do value our friendship Fergus. Don’t ever forget that. Besides,
you, me and Mavis were all stubborn perfectionists to.

-Fergus (Chuckles): Right. I just hope the Fat Controller isn’t gonna be mad at me,
and I hope you’re not mad either Mavis. I didn’t mean to run away, I just…

-Mavis: It’s okay Fergus. You have nothing to apologize for. We know. I found out a
few hours ago when I came back to the quarry, and well, let’s just say I
interrogated Diesel the moment I knew something was up.

-Fergus: You found out Diesel tricked me?

-Duck: Yes, and I guess you must’ve caught onto that fact.

-Fergus: I have Duck. Especially because those scrap diesels, they were gonna kill

-Mavis: Argh! Damn that ‘Arry & Bert. Ugh, I can’t believe them to. Well, let’s
hope the Fat Controller gives the three of them a very severe punishment.

-Fergus: The Fat Controller knows.

-Duck: All of it Fergus. Mavis told him after she found out, and let’s just say
gave him a taste of his medicine.
-Fergus: Huh?

-Mavis (Giggles): You’ll see. Don’t worry Fergus. You’re not in any trouble, and we
do care about you. You did a phenomenal job in helping me handle the quarry. Plus,
we can still use your help before you go back to Edward’s branchline.

-Fergus: Really?

-Mavis: Really (Giggles). Now come on. Let’s get you out of here.

-Narrator: So Mavis was coupled up to Fergus, and the young diesel pulled the
little traction engine, and Duck followed after. Duck’s driver phoned the Fat
Controller that they found him, and the Fat Controller called off the search after
it was a success. The engines cheered when they were back at Knapford once the
three engines arrived, with Mavis towing Fergus right to were the Fat Controller
was with the very disgraced Diesel, ‘Arry & Bert.

-Emily (Sheds tears): Fergus, you’re safe, oh we’re so glad.

-Edward (Chuckles): We were worried sick.

-Fergus (Chuckles): Hi everyone! I’m sorry to scare you all.

-TFC: It’s okay Fergus! We’re not angry with you. We’re just happy to see you’re
safe. Especially because Mavis interrogated Diesel and told me, and Bear and
Stanley even gave ‘Arry & Bert here a big scare like they tried with you. I think
the three of you owe Fergus here a big fat apology starting now!

-Diesel: Yes sir! Fergus, we’re sorry for how cruel we were to you! I should never
have lied to you like that, and I should’ve kept my mouth shut and left well enough
alone! I seriously got a lot to learn from you!

-‘Arry: Yeah, an' we’re sawry 'o Fergus! We didn’' knah Diesel 'ricked you 'o
comin’ 'here! (Whispers) Thanks a lo' diesel!

-Diesel: What, I thought you both wanted…


-‘Arry: Oh okay, we’re really sawry! Regardless, we shouldn’' 'ave 'rii' 'ae scrap
ye. Especially af'er ano'her inciden'!

-TFC: Damn right you both shouldn’t have. I made it clear that the three of you
will learn to be polite and respectful to steam engines, and all engines for that
matter! So to make sure you learn your lessons, Diesel, I am leaving you with those
oil stains Mavis smoked on you as a way to never seduce female engines like that
again, and since you tricked Fergus to go to the Smelter’s to die, you will work
there in order to understand why I saved you from scrap, and why I can send you
back to the mainland where that’s what they’ll do with you if I so choose. Is that

-Diesel (Gulps): Yes sir!

-TFC: And ‘Arry & Bert. Since Diesel will take over for both you, you two can work
at Farmer Trotter’s farm, shunting trucks of fertilizer for his crops.

-‘Arry & Bert: (Groans)

-TFC: Hmm!
-Bert: Sawry, we mean yes sir!

-‘Arry: We’ll never scrap ano'her engine again sir.

-TFC: Better! But still Fergus, I had heard about your work at the Clay Pits, and
how you kept yourself under control this time after the lessons you learned as of
late, and that you have now made some new friends to. And I’m very proud of you.

-Fergus: Thank you sir! Again, I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused. And to all
you engines, even though we’re friends now, I feel so bad for how I treated all of
you after being found by Stanley. I’m very sorry!

-BoCo: It’s alright Fergus. We can see that you’ve changed, and we already forgive

-Toby: Exactly! Why would you think we all set out to find you.

-Emily: Exactly! Besides, A know hou ye feel tae, as A wis an outcast tae, as were
Barry & Derek.

-Fergus: You’re right Emily! I didn’t think I needed friends at first, but now I
realize I do, to help me, ahem, do it right. You all are the greatest friends this
traction could ever have. Thank you, for putting up with me, and for being there
and looking out for me. I promise I’ll do the same.

-Mavis: We know you already have Fergus. Because we’re all family. Don’t ever
forget that.

-Fergus (Sheds tears): Thanks Mavis. Thanks everyone! That means a lot. I’m glad to
be part of the railway to.

-Gordon: Absolutely! We’re right by your side Fergus, as we Sudrians look out for
one another no matter what!

-Narrator: And all the engines agreed! The next morning, Fergus went back to Anopha
Quarry with Mavis, and enjoyed being the student and listening to everything she
and Toby had to say. As he feels happy to have new friends now that tolerate and
care for him. When he went back to the Clay Pits, he was a changed engine, and he,
Bill and Ben were a magnificent team that worked and played together. While Fergus
can still be a little bit fussy and obsessive, and he and the twins can get on each
other’s nerves, he’s finally learned common sense, and no longer bosses the other
engines around, and completely respects the way they do things, and only says “do
it right” to engines that are being deliberately difficult, as the Fat Controller
only allows him to say it to only three certain 08’s, as Diesel, ‘Arry and Bert
were still serving their punishments, and certainly not happy about that, as Diesel
was creeped out by the Smelter’s, though he’d never admit it, and ‘Arry & Bert just
hated smelling like crap. Overall, the engines and the Fat Controller care a great
deal about Fergus, praising his efforts, and now he’s a firm part of the railway
family, and the little old engine is glad to have new friends, especially with
Mavis, who he’s very close with and thankful to her for showing him what it means
to be pride of the railway.

(Opens with the engines busy at work, especially Henry)

-Narrator: Spring had once again come to the Island of Sodor, and the engines were
busier than ever, especially with the expansion of the Main Line. New services were
being offered, especially goods services with various industries, and the engines
were keeping busy as best they could. Henry the Green Engine in particular was very
busy, as he loved keeping busy when handling both coaches and trucks, and always
loved putting his strength and versatility to use, even he was beginning to feel
worked off his wheels.

-Henry: (Panting) Oh my god! I may love working hard, but the workload has started
getting harder, even for me.

-Narrator: He would say. But Henry was always a hard worker that always did what
was needed, and made sure to help the other engines when needed to, and he wouldn’t
complain. But he was so busy with the new services, that he would have less time
for his other duties, and came back to the sheds exhausted and worn out. The Fat
Controller knew this, and spoke kindly to Henry one day.

(Shows the Fat Controller talking to Henry, Donald and Douglas at Tidmouth Sheds)

-TFC: I’m very proud of how you’ve been putting yourself out there to help keep the
railway running Henry. While I’m pleased to see how flexible and eager you are,
this may be too much, even for you.

-Henry: You’re certainly right about that sir, and thanks. It’s hard for me to keep
up with my regular jobs, especially the Flying Kipper.

-TFC: Indeed! But don’t you worry Henry, I certainly won’t be retiring you or any
of my engines any time soon, that’s for sure (Laughs). Not to mention we certainly
can’t keep sparing BoCo, Bear or even you for that matter Donald & Douglas.

-Henry: Certainly not, and thanks sir.

-Donald: Bit whaur would…wait a minute sur, ah know that look, dae ye mean?

-TFC: (Chuckles) That’s right Donald! With our new contract that we made with
British Railways, to make sure new engines find a home in order to save them from
scrap, and help us keep up with the changing times, BoCo also managed to not only
save engines like Barry & Emily by himself, but he also has even for asked some of
our friends on the Mainland to help to. To see if they find other engines they
would know to come help. One of them he asked was Jinty

-Henry: Jinty? The black tank engine that covered for Thomas many years ago when we
all went to London?

-TFC: The very same Henry! He’s an old friend of BoCo’s, as well as many of the
other engines before they came to Sodor.

-Douglas: Aye, that’s true. Donnie 'n' ah ken him tae afore we baith cam 'ere, 'n'
we wur stoatin mukkers. Bit whit haes Jinty dane?

-TFC: Well Douglas, he’s been allocated to numerous railways, as his track record
is one of the best. He now works on the Great Central Railway, and has been helping
other engines to make sure they are preserved, and have a new lease of life. You
see, when BoCo set off on his first mission when he rescued Barry, he let Jinty in
on his plan, the same way he let Patrick in on our plan, and Jinty, and some of the
other Mainland engines have been going around to see if they could find other
engines to work on Sodor. One of the engines he recommended for me was Arthur, but
now he has recommended for me another engine that both he and BoCo were friends
with back on BR.

-Douglas: Really?

-TFC: Indeed! And this particular engine he has recommended is a very big one that
is needed for the kinda of heavy goods work that you three can do.

-Henry: Really?

-TFC: Oh yes, but he’s a lot bigger than you Henry, and even bigger than Gordon.
And his class is incredibly strong to pull even the longest and heaviest trains.

-Henry: Really?

-TFC: (Chuckles) Really! So now you have some Henry, that way you could handle your
jobs again.

-Henry: That’s great sir! I’ll make sure to show him what to do. But who is he
though, and when will he be arriving?

-TFC: (Chuckles) All in good time Henry. In fact, that’s another reason I summoned
you three specifically, as he’s coming in today, by cargo ship at Brendam Docks.

-Donald: Really?

-TFC: Really. You’ll see him soon Henry. Right now, there is a line of tankers that
has to go to Vicarstown. You’ll probably meet him at the Steamworks later today.

-Henry: Excellent! Right away sir!

(Henry departs)

-TFC: Donald & Douglas, the reason I called you two over, as that I’d like you both
two meet the new engine at the Docks, and shunt him over to the Steamworks were he
will be restored.

-Douglas: Aye, absolutely sur!

-Donald: We’ll be thare richt awa'!

-Narrator: And the Caledonian Twins set off to Brendam Docks to meet the new

(Donald & Douglas head off to Brendam Docks, and that’s where they meet the new
engine, a 9F Class named Murdoch being unloaded by Cranky)

-Narrator: Once they arrived, Cranky the Crane began to unload the new engine from
the ship. And as he was doing so, Donald & Douglas could gasp in amazement. They
knew the Fat Controller said the engine was going to be bigger than Henry, but
never in their lives have they recalled seeing an engine that huge. He was a large
hulking engine with a long thick boiler that sloped downwards from the front, a
double chimney, distinct smoke deflectors on each side of his face, a large gallon
tender, 10 massive driving wheels, and painted from wheels to boiler in BR Black
with red lining. Salty and Harvey were working nearby and they were impressed,
though Cranky was just glad he was done.
-Cranky: Phew, ugh, glad that’s over, that was making cable ache. I might need to
get it replace.

-Murdoch: Sorry aboot that me lad. Hawp it wasn’t tae much.

-Cranky: Oh, I’ll live, welcome to Sodor by the way, I never seen an engine so big

-Murdoch: (Chuckles) Weel I’m glad ah git tae be yer first then.
-Donald: I’ll say tae that Cranky. Awright thare, um…what’s yer name?

-Murdoch: I’m Murdoch.

-Salty: Ahoy thar Murdoch. Welcome t' our railway, I be Salty, pride o' the seven
seas 'n shunter at Brendam Docks.

-Harvey: 'n' I’m Harvey

-Donald: I’m Donal’.

-Douglas: ‘n’ I’m Douglas.

-Murdoch: Please tae meet ` ye a'. 'n' ah look forward tae becoming a new addition
tae yer railway.

-Douglas: That’s guid tae hear. If ye dinnae mynd mah asking, how did ye git 'ere,
ye look a bit beaten.

-Donald: Shh, wheesh Douggie.

-Murdoch: (Chuckles) Na it's fine. Th' truth wis that ah used tae wirk oan British
Railways hauling heavy goods trains, 'n' ah loved daein' it, especially whin
diesels became mair common at th' time. Ye see, ah wis th' very lest steam engine
in th' UK that wis ever bult`.

-Donald: Och, that explains it, you’re a 9F aren’t ye?

-Murdoch: That a'm Donald. Th' lest yin bein' mah young sister, Evening Star.

-Harvey: Wow! Bit whit aboot ye?

-Murdoch: Och ah spent a guid workin' joab workin' oan British Railways fur some
time. Bit then…

-Douglas: Bit then?

-Murdoch: Whin diesels became mair frequent, 'n' steam wis finished by 1968, ah wis
withdrawn, 'n' placed in storage at th' back o' th' diesel’s sheds fur 2 years. Ah
wis worried it might’ve bin th' end, 'n' ah would’ve bin scrapped. Bit that's whin
some preservations cam, 'n' bought me, 'n' ah wis preserved oan th' stoatin central
railway. Bit that ainlie lest fur 30 years, as mah boiler certificate expired, 'n'
ah wis placed in storage thare fur a lang time. 'til...

-Donald: 'til whit?

-Murdoch: Whin BoCo tellt Jinty aboot his plan tae save mony engines as he cuid,
Jinty tellt th' high heid yin at th' stoatin central that some o' th' engines at
th' stoatin central cuid uise engines lik' me, whither thay wur in service or nae.
'n' efter 10 years o' waiting sin th' workshops didn’t hae enough funding tae pay
fur mah overhaul, th' boord tellt me that yer controller wull gimme a stowed oot
restoration. 'n' seeing as ah wanted tae be back in service efter sae lang, ah
finally git mah chance, 'n' weel, 'ere a'm.

-Salty: Wow! Wha' a tale me hearty! I’m glad ye got yer chance.

-Cranky: Same!
-Donald: Aye, that’s ferr a story. We ken howfur yer feelin', as mony engines,
especially recent ones richt noo wur a' saved fae scrap, including me 'n' Douggie.

-Douglas: Though at least times wur guid tae ye fur th' maist pairt.

-Murdoch: Cheers! Ah heard sae muckle aboot yer railway, 'n' i’m glad ah git th'
chance tae wirk 'ere. As ah wish a' railways wur juist lik' yers.

-Douglas: Aye, identical 'ere. Anyways, we better git ye tae th' Steamworks.

-Narrator: Soon, the twins were turned round, with Donald pushing Murdoch from the
back, and Douglas coupling up from the front.

-Douglas: Aye, ur we ready?

-Dock Manager: Absolutely! Aff ye gang ye twa!

-Narrator: Soon the twins started shunting Murdoch off to the Steamworks, with
Salty & Harvey giving cheerful whistles as they left.

(Cuts to Donald & Douglas shunting Murdoch on the Main line to the Steamworks)

-Narrator: Soon, they were out on the Main Line. Murdoch was impressed, taking in
the beautiful sights of the railway.

-Murdoch: Noo this is a gey bonny railway. This is nothing compared tae whit
British Railways is lik'. Weel, okay, mibbie juist a bawherr bit, bit it's pure th'
fact that it's a railway whaur thare ur mair steam engines than diesels really
impresses me.

-Donald: Aye, we ken whit ye mean. Sae, you’re friends wi' BoCo?

-Murdoch: That a'm! we worked th'gither back oan british railways alang wi' Jinty.
He really is th' greatest diesel ah ever met, 'n' th' fact he 'n' Jinty git me a
position 'ere, ah wis overjoyed 'n' touched.

-Douglas: Aye, they twa really ur th' greatest.

-Murdoch: Indeed! I’ve heard sae much aboot ye lot fae th' Railway Series Books 'n'
TV series tae, 'n' ah wis pure hoping tae catch up wi` ye a' whenever ah git th'
chance. Ah wis pure hoping tae catch up wi` th' engine ah wid be helping, Henry.

-Donald: Aye, grand lad is oor Henry. He really is quite th' enterprising engine.
Ah think ye twa wid mak' a great team, lik' me 'n' Douggie.

-Narrator: Donald said proudly. And the trio were talking like old friends long
before they reached the Steamworks. Donald was uncoupled from the back and switched
into one of the sidings, while Douglas back the big engine into the works right
into the Inspection Shed. The Fat Controller greeted him warmly, as did BoCo,
Marlin and Victor.

-TFC: Welcome to my railway Murdoch. I trust you had a good trip?

-Murdoch: Ah did. Gey peaceful 'n' wheesht, juist th' wey ah lik' it. Weel, minus
th' raucle seas.

(Everyone chuckles)

-TFC: That’s understandable my friend. Anyways, I’m pleased to have you as a new
addition on my railway. You’re just the kind of engine we need to help relieve the
other engines of the increasing heavy goods. It will help take the pressure of
their pistons, especially our #3, Henry.

-Murdoch: It's an honor sur. 'n' I’ll dae mah best 'n' won’t let ye doon.

-Victor: Ah, now that’s the spirit my friend. My name is Victor, on of the engines
that runs the Steamworks.

-Marlin: And I’m Marlin, the Maintenance Diesel on the railway. And this fellow,
well (Chuckles), you know who this is.

-BoCo: Hello Murdoch. Long time no see.

-Murdoch: BoCo! It's sae great tae see ye. Ye haven’t changed a bit.

-BoCo: I see no reason to old friend.

-Murdoch: Guid! Because ah waantin' tae thank ye 'n' Jinty fur giein' me a freish
opportunity 'ere.

-BoCo: Of course. A promise made is a debt unpaid.

-Marlin: Very true. Don’t you worry Murdoch, once here at the Steamworks, you’ll
feel like a new engine.

-Victor: Exactly! We’ll make sure you are ready to go as soon as possible Murdoch
my friend.

-Murdoch: Thank ye Victor, 'n' thank ye tae Marlin. Och, 'n' thank ye as weel Sur

-TFC: The pleasure is absolutely mine Murdoch. Anyways, Henry will be coming later
too meet you, and I’m sure you both will get along wonderfully.

-Murdoch: Ah think sae tae sur. I’m his biggest fan, 'n' ah pure hawp ah mak' a
guid impression fur Henry.

-TFC: Well then, they I see no reason why you both wouldn’t (Chuckles). I’ll leave
you and BoCo to catch up then. Donald, Douglas, I’ll need a ride back to Knapford

-Donald: Richt awa' sur. 'Twas crakin' meetin ye Murdoch.

-Douglas: Aye, we keek tae th' future tae seeing ye oot oan th` Main Line. Cheerio!

-Murdoch: Cheerio lads, 'n' thanks again!

(Donald & Douglas depart, then shows work being done on Murdoch while he talks with
Henry, BoCo, Marlin and Victor)

-Narrator: Soon, the workmen set to work at once in restoring Murdoch to his full
glory. While he was being overhauled, he and BoCo were talking like old friends,
and BoCo filled him on how much Sodor has changed lately since the decision he made
3 years back, and Marlin even filled Murdoch in on how much has changed on British
Railways, and the recent engines that also had been saved from scrap along with
him. He even got to meet Henry that same day. The big green engine was most
impressed, and the two instantly became fast friends, as they both had a lot in
common, especially since both were gentle giants that preferred peace and quiet,
and had preferences for pulling goods over passengers. In recent years, Henry had
preferred goods more than passengers himself after years of maturing from the times
when he boasted about coaches, and learned his lesson well after the incident
between him and James that caused his tender to jump the points, trapping both him
and James in a siding, with the express being pulled by Donald & Douglas. The other
engines that visited the Steamworks for their own repairs or deliveries came in and
met Murdoch, and they all great him warmly. Except for Gordon strangely, who only
looked away with a disapproving look, which really seemed to confuse Murdoch. But
he didn’t let that bother him, as 2 weeks after he arrived, his repairs and tests
were done, and now the workmen began to repaint him. They gave him many choices of
colors, but there was one that really seemed to interest Murdoch. It was a bright
shade orange-yellow. The next day, Henry was outside the Steamworks, waiting for
Murdoch’s restoration to be done so he could show him his jobs. Once the doors
opened, out puffed a large 9F class, with a bright appealing shade of orange-yellow
with gold boiler stripes, green and red lining, his nameplates gleaming in gold on
the sides, and a large yellow #19 painted on his tender. Henry was amazed.

-Henry: Wow Murdoch. You look amazing so far.

-Murdoch: Thanks Henry!

-Henry: Though I’m curious though, what made you choose orange?

-Murdoch: Weel, orange ah aye thought wis a mair optimistic color that ah felt wis
very appealing, 'n' mak's me cop lik' a free engine, na under control o' British
Railways anymair. Ah wale this particular shade o' orange, 'n' added green 'n' rid
stripes tae hulp me staun oot fae th' ither engines.

-TFC: That’s a very good analogy, and I think suits you well Murdoch.

-Narrator: Both big engines looked, and saw the Fat Controller beaming proudly at

-Murdoch: Ah, guid mornin' sur!

-TFC: Good morning Murdoch! Morning Henry! Anyways, now that your restoration is
complete and you passed all your tests, now you can start work. There is a load of
vans over at Vicarstown that has to be brought to Knapford Harbor. Henry will go
with you and double-head the train, that way you can familiarize yourself with my
railway. And, for the time being, you will be working alongside with Henry, in
order to understand the kind of jobs you have to do.

-Murdoch: Aye sur! I’ll dae mah best!

-Henry: And I’ll make sure I show Murdoch all that needs to be done.

-TFC: Excellent! Good day you two.

-Narrator: And the Fat Controller walked away.

-Murdoch: I’m ready whin yer are Henry.

-Henry: Excellent! Let’s get started!

(Shows a montage of Henry & Murdoch working hard, and Murdoch pulling his own
trains and passing different engines, then cuts to henry & Murdoch at the coal
hoppers at Knapford)

-Narrator: Soon Murdoch & Henry set to work, as the big green engine showed the 9F
on what he had to do. Murdoch began to learn quickly, especially because of his own
years of experience when pulling trains back on the Mainland. He started to become
familiar with all the sights on Sodor, and even began to become friends with the
other engines he met while he was at the works. Though Gordon kept looking away
pompously every time they passed each other, which still confused Murdoch, but with
his hard work ethic, and the fact he was fast friends with the other engines, he
didn’t let that bother him. Soon, Murdoch was growing accustomed to life on Sodor,
as he now resided at Knapford Sheds with Stanley, Emily, Arthur, Harvey, and
occasionally Salty, Donald and Douglas. He enjoyed puffing down the Main Line with
heavy goods trains, as many an engines greeted him warmly as they passed by, and
plenty of enthusiasts, amazed at seeing a 9F class, took his pictures and numbers
whenever they were out trainspotting. Henry was impressed to, as he was not only
glad that Murdoch’s strength helped relieved him some his duties that he wouldn’t
have time for, but was glad that Murdoch was a big fan of his back on the Mainland,
and that he took the big orange engine under his wing. A few days later, both
Murdoch & Henry were asked to double-head a train of stone from Elsbridge, and take
it to Brendam Docks. They were at the coal hoppers near Knapford Sheds, filling
their tenders to the top with a good supply of coal.

-Murdoch: I’m nearly dane Henry!

-Henry: Alright, I just hope there’s enough coal left for me, this is gonna be a
double loader of stone. Mavis I’m sure is probably organizing the train at
Elsbridge right now.

-Murdoch: Don’t worry Henry! There’s plenty, we’ll tackle this lot th'gither in na

(Shows Henry & Murdoch arriving at Elsbridge where Mavis shunts their train)

-Narrator: Soon, the two big engines arrived at Elsbridge, where Mavis was bringing
in the last trucks for their train, which was 30 trucks long.

-Mavis: Here you go you two. The last 10 trucks for your delivery.

-Henry: Thanks Mavis. Hope it’s not trouble for you.

-Mavis: (Giggles) Not at all Henry. I’m sure you and Murdoch will get it there in
no time anyway.

-Murdoch: (Chuckles) Why thank ye Mavis. It's nothing we couldn’t handle though.

-Narrator: Soon, the two engines went over to the yards, and to the front of the
train. They double-headed it, with Henry in the back, coupled to the wagons, and
Murdoch in the front, as Henry decided to let him enjoy the view.

-Henry: Right then, are you ready Murdoch?

-Murdoch: I’m ready Henry! Let’s roll!

(Henry & Murdoch depart)

-Mavis: See you later you two, and good luck!

-Henry: Absolutely! Thanks again Mavis.

(Shows the two engines out on the Main Line, until they stop near a junction)

-Narrator: As the two engines were puffing down the Main Line to Brendam, Henry
began to notice something rather unusual coming from Murdoch’s funnel.

-Henry: Oh my lord! Murdoch! MURDOCH!

-Murdoch: Och, is something wrong Henry?

-Henry: I think so! The steam from your funnel, it’s getting dark some reason, and
very thick.

-Murdoch: (Gasps) Och mah god! Yers tae Henry!

-Narrator: Murdoch exclaimed, as both stopped at a signal near a junction.

-Henry: That’s odd, it wasn’t like it this morning. Not even after we filled up on
coal. Coal? Hmm…

-Narrator: No sooner did Henry start pondering about what was going on, he and
Murdoch began to put two and two together when Duck passed by them, pulling empty

-Duck: Oh dear! Seems like you two must’ve took on some of the bad coal that
arrived this morning.

-Henry: (Gasps) Bad coal?

-Duck: That’s right Henry! Don’t worry, I’ve been sent to get some fresh coal to
replace it.

-Henry: Well that explains it then. I can’t believe the workmen didn’t even double
check that. (Sighs) I was so looking forward to using my strength on heavy trains
like this. I guess we’ll just have to get another engine to take our train and get
our smokeboxes cleaned until Duck comes back with the fresh coal.

-Murdoch: Na, wait a second Henry. We micht nae hae tae. Brendam Docks is juist a
few miles doon.

-Henry: I know! But, it’s just I personally had a bad experience with bad coal like
this. I was so congested, I couldn’t breathe properly, and I had to go for an

-Murdoch: Och! Ah remember that story. Wis that whin ye gaed tae be overhauled 11
years ago?

-Henry: Yep! Plus, it even reminds me of when I was in that terrible hybrid shape
in my early years. I just don’t think I should risk that.

-Murdoch: Ah understand Henry! Bit wi' respect, I’m gonnae tak' th' train masell.

-Henry: What, are you sure? Even after taking that bad coal?

-Murdoch: Absolutely! Ah ken it's risky fur an engine tae tak' a train wi'
hazardous coal lik' that, bit ah juist don’t waant this delivery tae miss th' ship.
Ah wis aye taught whin ah wis young, that na maiter th' circumstances, ye hae tae
keep oan puffing tae mak' sure trains run oan time, even oan ill conditions.

-Henry: Really?

-Murdoch: Really! Especially back whin British Railways wis oot tae replace us
steam engines, 'n' wid aye huv a go tae scrap ony that wid break or fail. Bit
nonetheless, if ye pure don’t cop sure hendrie, ah dae ken. Don’t worry, i’ll juist
git th' stane train thare, then mak' sure tae hae mah smokebox cleaned oot tae.

-Henry: Good plan! Thanks Murdoch, and good luck!

-Narrator: Soon as Barry passed through with a mixed goods train, the signal
dropped to green, the two engines set off. They went to a passing siding, where
Henry was uncoupled from the train, and went back to the Yards, while Murdoch took
the rest of the train onwards. The 9F pulled with all his might, but then, that’s
when he began straining, as the 30 trucks of heavy stone wouldn’t even be a
problem, but the bad coal was beginning to take its toll. Worse, without Henry, the
journey became rather difficult.

-Murdoch: Ugh, och mah! Ve'er hud ah felt a strain lik' this.

-Murdoch’s Driver: Maybe we should go back and get your firebox cleaned out
Murdoch, and see if another engine could take train onward.

-Murdoch: Indeed! this won’t be easy…hmm…wait a minute. Mibbie we don’t need tae.
Ah hae an idea, bit it kin pat mah boiler at risk.

-Murdoch’s Driver: Really? What’s that?

-Murdoch: We kin tak' oor train tae th' nearest passing siding or station, 'n' tak'
hauf th' train tae th' docks. Then we kin come back fur th' rest, 'n' finish up
richt then 'n' thare.

-Murdoch’s Driver: Hmm…sounds brilliant! It’s a risk, but anything to get our train
on time.

-Narrator: So that’s what they did. They saw a passing siding up ahead, just before
Wellsworth. They called out to the signalman about their plan. The Signalman was
quite surprised, but agreed. Murdoch was soon switched into the passing siding, and
rationed what they had. His fireman got out and uncoupled the train, leaving
Murdoch to pull 15 trucks. Then they set off for the docks. As they did so,
Murdoch’s smoke became even thicker, and smellier.

(Shows Murdoch passing Gordon at Wellsworth)

-Gordon: Bluck! Oh I say! What is that horrible smell?

-Murdoch: Sorry aboot that Gordon! Ah teuk on some bac coal by mistake this

-Gordon: Then perhaps it would be wise to go back and have your firebox cleaned out

-Murdoch: Na time fur that Gordon! Ah hae an important delivery tae mak' that
cannae be late!

-Narrator: Murdoch exclaimed as Gordon held his breathe.

-Gordon: (Releases his breathe) Good lord! The indignity!

-Narrator: Soon Murdoch was switched at Suddrey Junction, and making his way down
to Brendam, when all of a sudden…(Clanking noise sounds).

-Murdoch: Uh-oh! That’s nae guid, mah boiler is clanking lik' mad! Bit we hae tae
keep gaun.
(Murdoch passes James)

-James: What the? Whoa!

-Murdoch: Sorry James! Ah hae tae git mah jab dane!

-James: (Holds his breathe as Murdoch passes, then releases it) Phew! Oh god!

(Murdoch arrives at Brendam Docks where Thomas is)

-Thomas: Oh my! You okay Murdoch? You sound like you got your coupling rods in a

-Murdoch: Sorry Thomas! Na time tae talk. Ah mist git mah train in on time.

(Murdoch departs bellowing more smoke towards Cranky)

-Cranky: (Coughs) Well at least get yourself cleaned out for god’s sake!

-Narrator: As soon as Murdoch delivered that line of trucks, he soon went back for
the remaining 15 back at the passing siding. But the more he kept on puffing, his
condition got worse, and everywhere he went, he kept trailing with nasty bad smoke,
and every engine and person he passed wonder what the noise was. And what the smell

(Murdoch passes Wellsworth, and the passengers get disgusted by his smell)

-Narrator: Regardless, Murdoch was determined, as he coupled up to the remaining 15

trucks, and set off down for Brendam Docks.

(Murdoch passes Diesel)

-Diesel: (Sarcastically) Oh dear! Another clanking and creaky old kettle. Whatever
is this railway coming to? This just proves that steam engines like you are nothing
but useless and outdated, and the we diesels are… (Murdoch passes by wheeshing
black smoke at him, and Diesel coughs terribly, and covered in soot) bluck! GRRR!!

-Narrator: Then, to Murdoch’s relief was Suddrey crossing.

-Murdoch: Ha-ha! Almost there!

-Trevor: (Gasps) Uh-oh! (Hold his breathe)

(Murdoch passes through)

-Trevor: (Releases his breathe) Phew! Ah!

(Trevor departs, then cuts to Murdoch arriving at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: Soon, Murdoch arrived with the remainder of the train, just in time.
Murdoch was relieved. But then the Fat Controller arrived.

-TFC: Ah Murdoch! Just in time! You’ve done wonderfully getting these trucks in on
time. Though for this next task, I need you to work with Henry again. There is a
train of heavy iron girders at the Smelter’s Yards that need to be taken here to
Brendam Docks. Bear was meant to take them, but is busy with a passenger train. I
know you’re strong, but you’ll need Henry’s help for this long train.
-Murdoch: (Nervous) Oh, yes sur! But…

-TFC: But what Murdoch? I’m sorry, but I can’t stop to talk. This is an urgent
delivery, and the ship that would take it leaves at 4.

-Murdoch: At 4?

-Narrator: Murdoch was nervous, as he now was faced with a difficult decision. He
knew he had to stop and get his firebox cleaned out immediately. But he had been
working so hard, and he wanted to keep his promise and tell the Fat Controller no.

-Murdoch: Richt! I’m on me way sir! I’ll make sure to Henry and get that steel
delivered on time.

-Narrator: And Murdoch bravely set off, not before clacking and letting out smoke
again, right in front of the Fat Controller.

-TFC: (Coughs) Wait Murdoch! Why are you clanking, and smoking so…oh! Oh dear!

(Shows Murdoch arriving at the Shunting Yards where Henry is)

-Narrator: Soon Murdoch had clanked all the way to the Shunting Yards, where he
found Henry in a siding, waiting to cool down before being cleaned out.

-Murdoch: Ah, Henry, thare yer! Ah managed tae git a' th' stane trucks fae th'
Ffarqhuar Branch tae Brendam. Bit this time, 'n' ah pure don’t mean tae pressure
ye, bit a'm needin' yer hulp noo fur annur jab th' Fat Controller haes git fur us.

-Henry: Whoa! You’re joking? You got all 30 trucks to Brendam Docks? Despite the
bad coal?

-Murdoch: That ah did! Ah split th' train 15 trucks at a time. It wasn’t easy, bit
lik' ah said, sometimes ye hae tae keep puffing na maiter whit.

-Henry: You’re right! I mean, even though I know its sensible to be cleaned out, I
can’t just let the Fat Controller down, especially since he says you need my help
to. Plus, I moved Bear and a rude Mainland diesel once when they failed, and I lost
my regulator as best I could, so I shouldn’t let some stupid coal just beat me down
like this. So if you could do it, then so could I! Let’s go!

-Narrator: Murdoch beamed! So he and Henry set off for the Smelter’s Yard.

(Fades to Murdoch & Henry leaving the Smelter’s Yard with the iron girders, down
the Peel Godred Branch, and to the Main line, before stopping at Gordon’s Hill)

-Narrator: Once they arrived, they collected the flatbeds of iron girders, with
Murdoch in the front, and Henry at the back, to push from behind. They set off down
the Peel Godred Branch, with Murdoch pulling and Henry pushing with all their

-Henry: AARRRRGGGGHHHH! I’ve pulled heavier trains before, but this is heavy.

-Murdoch: It's this bad coal that’s causing th' strain. Juist keep puffing Henry!

-Narrator: So they kept on pushing themselves to make up for lost time. But just
after they passed Maron, now Henry started to clank and grind even more than
Murdoch did. If that wasn’t enough, his smoke began to get thicker and filthier.
-Henry: Oh no! My firebox is beginning to clatter to Murdoch.

-Murdoch: Sorry Henry! Bit there’s na turning back noo! We mist git tae th' docks
afore 4! That’s whin th' ship leaves!

-Henry: Then what are we waiting for! Let’s hurry!

-Narrator: So that’s what they did, but as soon as the two big engines snorted up
Gordon’s Hill, that’s when it happened. A strange squealing occurred, and the train
was getting slower and slower. But it wasn’t Henry that was slowing down, it was
Murdoch, who broke down with a bang, as one final puff of black smoke bellowed out
from his funnel.

-Henry: Murdoch? What’s going on up there? Why have we stopped?

-Murdoch: Mah firebox! It's blocked, i’ve goosed doon fur real this time. Och dear,
how foolish hae ah bin, even oan mah foremaist week! I’m really sorry Henry, ye wur
richt, we should’ve tried tae git oor fireboxes cleaned oot 'n' wait fur th' new
coal. Looks as if we won’t mak' it tae Brendam on time noo.

-Henry: (Chuckles) Never say never Murdoch! I know we have to be sensible, but you
just taught me to keep puffing no matter what. If I can move two failed diesels and
their trains many years ago, than what’s stopping now right? Driver! Full throttle!

-Henry’s Driver: Right away Henry!

(Henry’s whistle blares)

-Narrator: And with all his might, Henry puffed with every last puff of steam there
was, slowly started up the hill, with the first flatbed pushing the second, the
second pushing the third, and so on, until Henry alone ending up pushing all the
heavy flatbeds and a broken down Murdoch up Gordon’s Hill until they reached the
other side coasting downwards triumphantly.


-Narrator: Henry kept clanking and rattling, his wheels wobbled and his axles
ached, with more nasty black smoke bellow from his funnel, but he didn’t let that
hold him back. Soon, they were puffing down the Brendam Branch to the docks. Many
engines and people were surprised, but kept cheering Henry & Murdoch on as they
passed by.



-Narrator: They snorted, as Henry kept pushing even before he broke down like

(Henry & Murdoch arrive at Brendam Docks)

-Narrator: At last, Henry the Green Engine shunted the heavy iron girders and
Murdoch to the quayside, just in time! Salty, BoCo, the dockworkers, and even
Cranky all cheered at what they were seeing.

-Salty: Yargh! Well done maties! Ye did it!

-BoCo: Ha-ha! Great job you two!

-Cranky: Wow! I gotta say, that was impressive!

-Narrator: Just then, the Fat Controller came forward, and he beamed proudly at
both engines.

-TFC: Well done you two. You got here just in the nick of time. And what’s more,
you both even managed to keep on puffing with that heavy load, despite taking on
that bad coal. I spoke to the Mainland severely for the mistake, and they promised
not let it happen again. Duck had managed to dispose of the bad coal, and now
everything is put right. But regardless, you two have proven to be very

-Murdoch: Thank ye sur! But ah couldn’t hae dane this wi'oot Henry. He haes taught
me sae much, 'n' plus, he brought th' hail train in a' on his ain efter ah broke

-Henry: True! But even after I wanted to wait to get myself cleaned out and have my
coal replaced, you encouraged me to keep going no matter what.

-TFC: Well then. It seems like you both have learned somethings from each other
then. I’m glad I purchased you Murdoch, but I’m glad I made the choice in paring
both you and Henry up, as you both are quite an enterpsing duo.

-Murdoch: Thank ye sur!

-Henry: The honor was ours!

-TFC: And now that, that’s all settled, now you both can go to the Steamworks to be

-BoCo: Indeed! Don’t worry you two, I’ll get you both over there right away.

-Narrator: And soon after being uncoupled from the train at each engine, BoCo both
brought the broken, but triumphant Murdoch & Henry to the Steamworks.

(Cuts to the next day)

-Narrator: The next day, Henry the Green Engine and Murdoch the Goods Engine were
soon cleaned out and repaired, and given much safer and clean coal this time. Both
big engines were glad they could go back to work now.

-Henry: I’m really glad you came to our railway Murdoch. You proved yourself to be
both a valuable asset, and an enterprising engine that soldiers on even in darker
moments. You are a true Sodor engine.

-Murdoch: Thanks Henry! Bit I’m glad ah git tae catch up wi` ye, as ah knew ah wis
write tae wale ye as mah hero, as that’s exactly whit yer.

-Henry: Why thank you! But after you proved yourself like that yesterday, well,
you’re my hero now to. Anyways, there’s a load of lumber form the lumberyard that
has to be taken to Knapford Harbor. And since we now have the much safer coal.

-Murdoch: We kin noo dae oor joabs usefully th'gither.

(Henry & Murdoch laugh)

-Henry: Lead the way my friend!

(Henry & Murdoch depart)

-Narrator: And so the two big, strong titans of the tracks went off to their next
job. Murdoch was glad to prove himself and find a place to call his new home, and
even glad to met his hero, Henry the Green Engine. And Henry was just as glad to
have a new student, and a new best friend, who is also a hero to him to.

-Narrator: Once a year, plate-layers would inspect the tracks of the Main Line.
They started from Knapford, and finishing their inspection all the way to
Vicarstown, as they had to check if the rails were safe. Searching for signs of
wear, killing weeds, replacing any rotten sleepers, replacing any weak ballast
where needed. Of course, work on the Fat Controller’s railway still had to carry on
no matter what, so the engines had proceed with caution by whistling to the plate-
layers, as it was always imperative that they whistled to tell the workmen to clear
the line.

(Gordon blares his whistle)

-Harvey: Ah, mornin' Gordon.

-Gordon: (Sighs) Morning Harvey.

(Gordon arrives at Wellsworth were BoCo is)

-Narrator: One morning, Gordon pulled into Wellsworth, looking very annoyed.

-Gordon: (Annoyed) Hmm! Humph!

-BoCo: Hello Gordon! Problem?

-Gordon: (Annoyed) Well there is something to be said for “quiet” engines like you

-BoCo: What do you mean?

-Gordon: (Annoyed) Ugh, it’s just that I can’t even get a decent peaceful run with
the express all because of this maintenance work. Don’t get wrong, I understand we
must whistle for the plate-layers in order to warn them, but some of this whistling
is most excessive, and really disturbing. I mean, it isn’t wrong, of course, but

-Narrator: Before he could finish, Gordon’s speech was interrupted by a booming

whistle in distance. It grew longer and louder, and sure enough, Murdoch, the new
goods engine, came shrieking past the station with a heavy goods train, as the
passengers nearby held their ears tight.

-Gordon: ARGH! Humph! I rest my case!

-Narrator: Gordon harrumphed indignantly. Leaving BoCo surprised.

(Fades to BoCo meeting Murdoch at Knapford Sheds)

-Narrator: Later, BoCo went to go see Murdoch, who was resting at Knapford Sheds.
The orange 9F looked pretty grumpy by the time BoCo saw him.

-BoCo: Afternoon Murdoch.

-Murdoch: Huh? Och, hello BoCo.

-BoCo: Say, you don’t mind if I ask you something?

-Murdoch: (Sighs) Well if you come to complain about my whistle, I’ve heard quite
enough from Gordon alre…

-BoCo: Relax old friend. I’m not complaining at all. Just concerned.

-Murdoch: Och, sorry!

-BoCo: It’s fine! It’s just in all the years since I’ve known you, I never heard
you make such a racket like that. I thought you always loved peace and quiet.

-Murdoch: Aye, ah dae! But it's nae by choice. It's this blasted new driver!

-BoCo: New driver! But what about your regular driver, Craig?

-Murdoch: Craig hud tae tak' a week aff fae wirk tae move everything fae his auld
hoose back oan th' Mainland efter ah wis reallocated tae Sodor a few weeks ago.
It's na problem, juist th' relief driver who’s covering fur him.

-BoCo: I see! I imagine he’s very difficult isn’t he.

-Murdoch: Och he’s mair than difficult BoCo. His manners ur th' worse! He’s smug,
immature, arrogant, impolite, obsessive, 'n' very thoughtless. He seems tae think
mah whistle’s a toy! He blows it at ony chance he gets, tae lang, 'n' much tae
HE’S ON TOP O’ THE DAMN WORLD! (Sighs) Sorry fur raising mah voice, it's bin a lang

-BoCo: It’s okay Murdoch, I quite understand. In my experience, new drivers like
him, tend to learn their listens rather quickly. Especially younger ones to.

-Murdoch: (Sighs) Aye, true! Bit it can’t happen “quickly” enough th' wey he acts.
He’s lik' a 9-year auld in a 30-year old’s body.

(Fades to the next day with Murdoch passing the plate-layers)

-Narrator: The next day, the plate-layers had nearly reached Maron Station. Every
day, Murdoch would rush past, whistling well before reaching the workmen, but not a
short one, as thanks to his overzealous driver, he would keep pulling it long and
loud, and trying everybody’s patience.

-Murdoch’s Fireman: Really Cosmo, one or two blasts is enough. You’re going to wear
him out at this rate.

-Relief Driver: (Laughs) Nonsense! Engines like him are meant for it. Why give a
big engine like him a big, booming hooter if we’re not even gonna use it?

-Murdoch’s Fireman: (Chuckles) You really just don’t get it do you Cosmo. Because I
honestly don’t think you understand which engine you’re driving. I’ve worked with
Murdoch for years, and he hates loud noises. He’ll never want to whistle again
after you’re throw with him.

-Relief Driver: But I’m the driver, you and this engine are just a bunch of wet
blankets. Whistling is just so much fun.

(Murdoch’s whistle blares)

-Narrator: Murdoch groaned. The fireman was right, thanks to the relief driver,
poor Murdoch grew increasingly irritated by the sound of his own whistle. He was so
grumpy, he barely said a word to anybody as he scowled down the line, while the
rude relief driver kept pulling the whistle over and over again, even disturbing
residents that live near the railway. BoCo, Edward, Henry, and Emily could see how
upset Murdoch was, and tried to comfort the big engine, but the other engines
weren’t as sympathetic.

(Shows Murdoch at Knapford Station with the other engines)

-Gordon: This whistle of yours is going to be the end of us.

-James: (Smirks) Yeah, you don’t suppose we could get some that so-called “peace &
quiet” you’re always moaning about?

-Kirby: Careful lads, he’ll probably drown us out with that whistle of his.

(Gordon, James and Kirby laugh)

-Henry: Oh, will you three get out of here!

-BoCo: Indeed! Murdoch has been through enough as it is today with that rude
driver, he does need you louts mocking him now.

-Narrator: Gordon, James and Kirby just snorted away.

-Edward: Don’t pay attention to them Murdoch. We know it’s not your fault.

-Emily: We understand! Wur sorry that ye hae tae pat up wi' this rude driver.

-Murdoch: It’s alright lads! Really ah juist dinnae understand whit made him
qualified tae be a driver if he doesn’t understand reality?

-BoCo: Don’t worry BoCo. If he keeps behaving like this, his lesson is gonna come
and give him a rude awakening.

-Murdoch: Aye, 'n' nae a moment tae soon.

-Narrator: Murdoch sighed.

(Fades to the next day with Murdoch at the Shunting Yards)

-Narrator: One morning, mist shrouded the island, and a light rain made the rails

(Murdoch departs, then cuts to him out on the Main Line)

-Narrator: As Murdoch set off with his goods, he was struggling to see the line
ahead. But if that wasn’t bad enough, all too often, his focus was once again
broken by his own whistle.


-Relief Driver: (Smirks) Oh come now. We have to let people and engines know we’re
coming, especially in this mist, don’t we?

-Narrator: The driver replied with a smirk. And as if to prove his point, he yanked
on the whistle chain once more, drowning out any noise. And laughing rudely as he
was doing so. Leaving Murdoch feeling even more annoyed.

-Murdoch: This is gonnae be a lang day again.

-Narrator: He muttered to himself. They soon approached Wellsworth, and Murdoch

knew what came next, Gordon’s Hill, and a hard climb to. BoCo was nearby, and
tooted a friendly “hello”. Of course, it was swallowed by the sound of Murdoch’s
own loud whistle. Soon, Murdoch charged up the hill, puffing and snorting furiously
until they reached the top. Murdoch knew the plate-layers were up ahead, and he
began to brace himself for what he knew would come next. But for once, there was no
loud booming whistle.

-Murdoch: Weel, I’m glad you’re finally seeing sense. Bit this is th' yin time wur
we hae tae whistle.

-Relief Driver: Um…yeah, about that, I can’t! Something’s jammed!

-Narrator: Murdoch went pale, as there he saw Harvey and the plate layers just down
the line.

(Murdoch’s Fireman grabbing the relief driver by the overalls and shaking him


-Relief Driver: I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY!



-Narrator: So the driver kept pulling the whistle chain with all his might, but
still, no sound came.

-Murdoch: Och, ah ne'er thought I’d dae this, bit …LOOK OUT! LOOK

-Narrator: Harvey and the plate layers were startled, but no sooner they heard
Murdoch’s shouting, they saw the silhouette of a big engine coming down fast in the


-Narrator: And that’s what the plate-layers did, just in time.

(Murdoch flies right past with brakes screeching, as he and Harvey have their eyes
shut tight)

-Narrator: Everybody breathed a sigh of relief, as Murdoch ground to a halt, a few

miles down.

-Murdoch: (Lost Voice) Och! This is why ah hate raising mah voice (Coughs), och!

-Relief Driver: (Nervous laughs) Oops!

(Murdoch’s Fireman clutches him hard by the right ear)

-Relief Driver: EEK!

-Narrator: Soon, BoCo arrived to help take Murdoch to the Steamworks, and take his
goods train onwards.

-BoCo: Are you alright Murdoch?

-Murdoch: (Regaining his voice) I think so, yeah. Thanks to that idiot driver, I
nearly lost my voice just a I did with my whistle, and my brakes are locked.

-BoCo: Well you needn’t now old chap. Because after today, I’d say the lesson been

-TFC: It sure is BoCo.

-Narrator: Said a familiar voice, as the Fat Controller stepped down from BoCo’s
cab, and marching crossly to the relief driver, whose ear was still being clutched
by the fireman.

-TFC: At ease Sam.

(The fireman lets go of the driver’s ear)

-TFC: (Sternly) I have been getting loads of complaints about your behavior these
past few days, and needless to say, I am very furious that you would even think you
could just use Murdoch’s whistle for goofing off.

-Relief Driver: But sir, I was only trying to…

-TFC: (Sternly) STOP WITH YOUR CHILDISH EXCUSES KRAMER! You obviously just don’t
get it! I brought you to help not only to cover for Craig until he and his family
get settled on the island, but I wanted to give you a chance to see if you were
capable. And after witnessing how careless, immature, irresponsible and conceited
you truly are, you’re certainly not, as Sam even said no matter how many times they
try to warn you, you stubbornly disregard advice just to play this really childish
game. An engine’s whistle is used only to communicate and warn others in
And seeing as how irresponsible you’ve been, I won’t sack you, but I think an
appropriate punishment would be for you to work temporarily with the plate-layers
you nearly killed, in order to learn why engines really use their whistles. Any
more immature behavior, and you’re out. Do I make myself clear Kramer?

-Relief Driver: (Gulps) Yes sir! Sorry sir!

-TFC: Good!

-Narrator: Then he turned to Murdoch himself.

-TFC: I’m very proud of you Murdoch! How you proved yourself that day after you and
Henry accidentally took on the bad coal, but kept pressing on was amazing beyond
belief, but how you handled an emergency like that, I am impressed, as the plate-
layers say you’ve never been so loud before.

-Murdoch: Thank ye sur. Dae mynd ye, I’m juist nae uise tae raising mah voice that
-TFC: (Chuckles) I can understand that. But like I said, there’s a time and a place
for everything, and thanks to your quick thinking, you’ve prevented a very nasty
accident after your relief driver’s careless behavior (Eyes the driver who looks
down in guilt). We’ll soon have you mended in no time, but for now, after what
you’ve been through, I’m sure you can finally enjoy some “whistle-free” moments of

-Murdoch: Och, thank ye sur!

-Narrator: Murdoch beamed, as BoCo coupled up in front, and took him to the

(Shows Murdoch puffing happily down the line)

-Narrator: Sure enough, Murdoch was soon back on the Main line hauling heavy goods
train peacefully, and with his regular driver back after he and his family got
settled on Sodor. His whistle was working better, and with his driver back on the
controls, it saw far less usage than before. The relief driver, who finally learned
his lesson, worked hard in assisting the plate-layers, and decided that even after
he was done serving his punishment, he felt it would be better to work as a plate-
layer instead, as the incident did leave him in shock. He now finally understood to
take his job seriously, and tools on the railway, like an engine’s whistle, are not
toys, and have a vital role to play. Whenever he heard Murdoch’s whistle, he
smiled, knowing it meant two things, a warning to stand clear as an engine passed,
or…a means of aggravating Gordon.

(Murdoch’s whistle blows)

-Gordon: Humph! I say, it isn’t wrong but we… (Murdoch’s whistle blows), ugh, oh
the indignity!

-Narrator: Ever since the incident with his whistle, Murdoch and Gordon were not
exactly on the best of terms. Gordon would always pick fault with Murdoch and the
two big engines would argue constantly. One afternoon as James returned home, he
could hear the arguing growing louder as he approached the sheds.



-Murdoch: A'M SORRY, WHIT NOW?



(James backs next to Bear who looks uncomfortable. James speaks up).


-Gordon: You’re one to talk James, especially after how horrid you and Daisy were
to poor sweet Emily. Perhaps Murdoch here should focus more of his attention on
Goods Work instead of trying to outperform me for my express….


-Narrator: Murdoch was now redder than ever. The big engine rarely lost his temper
but Gordon was proving more irritating than his own ex driver. He was about to
shout when Percy spoke up…

-Percy: Bad coal you say. Reminds me of a time a big blue engine covered an entire
wedding party because he clumsily used bad coal.

-James: Or how about the time a big engine caused even the Fat Controller’s ears to
bleed because he whistled so loudly. No one will ever forget Gordon’s whistle.

-Narrator: Everyone laughed even Murdoch, Gordon was furious but before he could
respond his driver came up.

-Gordon’s Driver: Right come on you. It’s time to prepare for our evening express.

(Gordon puffing away)

-Gordon (Murmuring): It isn’t wrong but we just don’t do it. It isn’t wrong but we
just don’t do it.

-James: I am sorry Murdoch, I can’t understand why he’s so bad tempered.

-Murdoch: Iz fine James. Imma sorry fur raisin my voice. I jus’ canne understand
wha’ Ivve don’ so wrong tha’ makes him ha’e me so much.

-Bear: I can’t understand it myself, Gordon’s never had a problem with any new

-Henry: I think it’s not about who you are Murdoch but more about what you are?

-Percy: What do you mean Henry?

-Henry: I’ve known Gordon for many years and we’re very close. In fact in terms of
friendship we’re like Thomas and Percy, almost like brothers. We share everything
with each other and looking at Gordon now, I have a theory. He isn’t angry at you
Murdoch, he’s frightened of what you will do.

-James: Hang on, you’re not suggesting that Gordon honestly thinks Murdoch will
prove to be so superior that he’ll eventually take his express.

-Henry: That’s the ticket right their James.

-Murdoch: Bu’ I dinnae even li’ passengers. Their tae noisy and complain tae much.
Gi’e me a nice goods train anee dae.

-Bear: You’re certainly different to the rest of us then.

-Percy: Especially for a big engine. Not to mention you’re far more humble, less
conceited, less grumpy and more friendly and wise than any of the…

-Henry & James: WE’RE RIGHT HERE PERCY!!!

(Percy gulps, Murdoch laughs at the banter presented towards him)

-Murdoch: Ye lo’ really re characters.

-Bear: And so is Gordon. Henry’s right. Beneath that temperament and ego is one of
the finest and most honorable engines on this railway.

-Henry: Indeed! I’m due out with my local soon, I’ll go and speak to Gordon before
he leaves.

(Henry puffs away)

-Murdoch: Och I dou’ Henry will ma’e Gordon’s opinions o’ me change!! I dinnae
wanne rrun intae ‘im on me evenin’ goods!!

-James (Smiling): Trust me Murdoch if any engine can make Gordon see sense, Henry
and Edward are normally the first you’d turn to.

-Percy: That’s right, now I’d best go and help Stanley prepare your goods Murdoch.
(Looks cheekily at James) It’s pity that unlike the others, you can never make
anyone see sense let alone yourself James.


(Murdoch laughs as does Bear as James chases after Percy. Scene cuts to Gordon as
rains start!)

-Narrator: Meanwhile Gordon was waiting at Knapford Station to set off with his
evening express. The rains had begun light at first but then harder and harder.

-Gordon: Bother that Murdoch! Bother his whistle! Bother this rain!

-Henry: You sound like me all those years ago Gordon.

(Henry backs down onto his local next to Gordon).

-Gordon: If you’ve come to give me some lecture Henry, you can forget it, I know
what that Murdoch is he’s a…

-Henry: I’m not here to lecture you, I’m here as a friend (Whispers) as a brother.
Gordon, I know really why you’ve taken such a dislike to Murdoch. It’s because you
fear he’ll replace you.

-Narrator: Gordon glared at Henry. The big green engine prepared for the worst but
it never came.

-Gordon (Sighing): You’re right Henry, Each day I’m getting older and older. Seeing
this bigger more modern steam engine, one would think naturally that he would be
here to assist and later take over my express. I’ve worked too hard with my
express, I still have a fair number of years in my boiler and I don’t want to let
it go.

-Henry: I understand your concern Gordon, but really you have nothing to worry
about. Murdoch isn’t here to take your express, he doesn’t even like coaches or
passengers. If the Fat Controller were to replace you, he would’ve done it years
ago. But he knows how hard you’ve worked with the express and won’t just take it
away, unless he has good reason too.
-Gordon: You’re right Henry. I’ve been such a foolish old engine. Taking my anger
out on poor Murdoch. I’ll apologize to him when I come back.

-Henry: That’s the spirit Gordon. But take care in this weather, it’s getting

-Gordon: Don’t worry Henry, unlike you, rain doesn’t bother me. But then again
safety valves do.

-Narrator: The guard blew his whistle and Gordon snorted into the night. Just then
Henry’s driver came running up.

-Henry’s Driver: Just received news from Vicarstown Henry. Apparently the storms
getting worse.

-Henry: Thanks Ted, I only hope Gordon doesn’t have any trouble at the rolling

-Narrator: Henry puffed thoughtfully. The rolling bridge by Vicarstown acts as a

connector between Sodor and the Other Railway. It has a mechanism so when large
boats approach, the bridge operator sets a red beacon to make them wait until the
engine has passed with its loads. Only then does he operate a small mechanism that
raises the bridge to allow boats to pass. Unlike local trains which terminated at
Vicarstown and the express terminated at Barrow in Furness, so Gordon was always
familiar with this bridge. Today though, the blinding storms swept around the
bridge and made navigating ships very difficult.

-Bridge operator: Right, Gordon should be arriving, I’ll just set the beacons to

-Narrator: The Operator lowered the bridge and set the beacons to red.
Unfortunately the storm was so thick that a nearby goods boat didn’t notice the
beacon. The captain, assuming all was okay, advanced his engines.

-Captain: Right, bridge should be up, we’ll be on our way and have this load
delivered before we know it.

-Narrator: Gordon was approaching the bridge, unaware of the danger that lay ahead.

-Gordon’s Driver: Come on Gordon, Just a few more miles and then we can have a rest
in the dry shed.

-Gordon: I understand driver, goodness me it’s blinding.

-Gordon’s Driver: You’re telling me, I can barely see beyond your boiler in this

-Narrator: As Gordon began the cross the bridge, he noticed a strange object to his

-Gordon: WHAT’S THAT?

-Gordon’s Fireman: OH CRAP!!! IT’S A FLAMING BOAT!!!

-Narrator: Gordon whistled a warning, the Captain and the bridge operator heard.


-Narrator: The captain threw his engines into reverse and tried to turn the boat
away. Gordon’s brakes came on hard. But it was too late.

-Everyone: Argh!!!

(Boat collides into the bridge with Gordon on it. Gordon comes to a stop)

-Narrator: There was a mighty crash. Gordon stopped suddenly with the bridge
creaking and groaning beneath his wheels. He opened one eye and noticed the
disjointed rails ahead of him.

-Gordon: Driver, fireman are you ok?

-Gordon’s Driver: We’ll live Gordon, what the hell just happened?

-Gordon’s Fireman: Stupid boat, crashed into the bridge that’s’ what? (Stares out
the cab) And it doesn’t look like we’ll be reaching Barrow Tonight on those rails.
We’ll have to go back to Vicarstown.

(Gordon tries to push backwards but his wheels slips and the train doesn’t move.
The bridge tilts slightly)

-Gordon: What’s happened?

-Gordon’s Fireman: The brake pipes have burst Gordon, the coaches’ brakes are
locked on. You can’t push the train.

-Gordon: BLAST!
(Bridge Operator comes running out).

-Bridge Operator: You best stop trying to push Gordon, your wheel slip is causing
the Bridge to tilt. Anymore and you’ll fall into the ocean.

-Narrator: Gordon froze, his driver brought him to an immediate stop as the bridge
groaned. The fireman went to inform the passengers.

-Gordon’s driver: What are we going to do, if we stay here we’ll fall into the
ocean and drown.

-Bridge Operator: I’ve informed the Captain to keep his ship stable, and keep you
lot upright. We need to get you lot cleared before the bridge falls, I’ve contacted
the yards at Vicarstown for the nearest engine.

-Gordon: Let’s hope it works.

-Narrator: Sighed Gordon. Meanwhile at Vicarstown, Murdoch had just arrived with
his goods train where the plate-layers were finishing up with their maintenance
work. The big orange engine was about to rest when the stationmaster came running

-Stationmaster: Murdoch, there’s an emergency! Gordon is stranded on the bridge by



-Plate Layer: Don’t bother Murdoch, it would serve that idiot right for how rude he
was to you.

-Murdoch’s driver: Well you’re one to talk Kramer. You were being just as rude,
that compulsive whistling of yours. I can’t believe the Fat Controller choose of
all people, you for the job.

-Plate Layer: Oh come on! I said I was sorry!

-Stationmaster: He’s right! This is no time for childish games driver. A ship ran
into the bridge and dislodged its mechanism. The coaches brakes have locked on and
Gordon can’t move. The ship’s keeping the bridge stable but we don’t know how long.
If it gives way…

-Plate Layer: What even after he’s been so rude to you?

-Murdoch’s fireman: Kramer, shut up and stay out of this! That doesn’t matter!
Gordon is a good engine at heart, and nobody deserves to be out there and plunging
rock bottom into the sea. Besides think of the poor passengers and his crew, and
how’d you feel if you were in that situation, right? I mean, you nearly killed the
plate layers for acting like such a thoughtless child with that stupid whistling,

-Plate Layer: Oh…right. Sorry Craig. Sorry Sam. I’m shutting up now!

-Murdoch’s driver: Thank you! Come on old boy! Let’s show Gordon how powerful you


-Narrator: Once he’d been uncoupled Murdoch raced into the storm. But at the
bridge, things were getting worse. The rains pelted even harder, the creaking was
growing louder, the passengers began to scream. Gordon put on a brave face so as
not to startle them, when he heard a familiar whistle.

-Gordon: Oh no, of all the engines, now Murdoch’s going to probably laugh at me


-Narrator: Murdoch’s driver and the guard secured the coupling and brake pipe of
the Brake Coach to Murdoch. His fireman sanded the rails and soon all was ready.

-Murdoch’s driver: Right lad, unleash your power.

-Narrator: Murdoch gave a mighty heave, his wheels struggled to get grip, and the
bridge tilted even more. Then all of a sudden the brake coach started to move,
followed by the next and the next until Gordon’s wheels began to move. Murdoch
slipped and snorted, his wheels pounded furiously on the wet rails and rain pelted
furiously at his face. The bridge groaned and began to tilt even more.

-Murdoch: I’ll dae I’ or burst, I’ll dae I’ or burst!!!

-Narrator: Murdoch panted, he was red in the face and tired but with a last great
effort. He pulled Gordon clear of the bridge, just in time.

(Shows Bridge tilt left as boat reverses back and crumbles into the ocean).

-Narrator: It had been a very close shave. The Fat Controller was waiting anxiously
at Vicarstown, pacing up and down the platform. Then out of the storm came a tired
but triumphant Murdoch with Gordon and his express in tow. He braked the coaches
gently at the platform and the passengers flocked round him and cheered. The Fat
Controller had to fight his way through the crew to reach Murdoch.

-The Fat Controller: Murdoch, you really are a credit to my railway since the day
you arrived. In your short space of time, you have proven yourself capable enough
to complete the job despite using bad coal, sharp enough to save plate layers on
the line and brave enough to face bad weather to save one of my engines. I am very
proud of you, and I think you deserve two rewards, a new coat of paint and perhaps
some time pulling the express.

-Narrator: Gordon shuddered his worst nightmare had come true. But what came next
surprised him.

-Murdoch: Tha’s verry kin’ o’ ye sirr bu’ I’ll onlee ta’e the pain’. Imma goods
engine an’ nothin’ moor. Ye dinnae need another engin’ tae pull the express, ye
already hav’ the best on the island, tha’ bein’ Gordon.

-The Fat Controller: I understand my friend. Still, congratulations, and keep up

the good work.

-Narrator: He walked up to a still startled Gordon.

-TFC: As for you Gordon, I have heard about your behavior towards Murdoch since the
day he came, and while I would normally punish for you for such behavior like this,
I understand why, as I overheard you and Henry at Knapford earlier, and that you
were considering apologizing to him. Plus, I am proud of how brave you were in such
a dire situation. And I’m just glad that you and your crew are alright. And after
such bravery, and seeing that you learned your lesson, I’ll shall let this one
slide. But just make sure it doesn’t happen again.

-Gordon: Yes sir, sorry sir. And I’m sorry to Murdoch. Thank you for saving me and
my passenger’s lives.

-Murdoch: Mah pleasure Gordon! Mah pleasure.

-Narrator: Later that night, as the storm died down, the two big engines were at
Tidmouth Sheds.

-Gordon: Murdoch, I am truly sorry for my behavior towards you. You’ve been nothing
but a credit to this railway. The way I acted was disgraceful.

-James: Disgusting.

-Henry: Despicable

-Murdoch: An’ Disrespectful tae, bu’ ye know wha’ Gordon, I canne blame ye. Ye were
jus’ a li’’le threatened by me size bu’ ye rreally hand nothin’ tae word abou’.
Besides trucks are much better than coaches.

-Gordon (Chuckling): Well, to each his own. But still, if it wasn’t for you, I
wouldn’t be here right now. Thank you! You know old chaps, I think with all the new
engines BoCo and the other mainland engines added in, I think it’s time we have a
fourth member to add to our big engine trio.

-Murdoch: Ye mean?

-Gordon: Absolutely! Welcome to Sodor Murdoch.

-Narrator: The engines cheered and whistled as the three big engines became four.
Gordon and Murdoch are now great friends. Though occasionally, they still bicker
about which was better in terms of best rail traffic, goods vs passengers, but both
respect each other massively and always help on another out. After all, the two big
strong tender engines had to stick together, like Murdoch & Henry did. Murdoch is
honored to be part of the railway’s big engine elite and pull heavy goods trains
along the main line and enjoying some nice peace and quiet, but is even more proud
to be part of the Fat Controller’s railway.

-Narrator: Derek the Paxman Diesel has been on the Island of Sodor for a number of
years. He is a polite and friendly diesel who is popular with all the engines and
works hard with the goods traffic on Edward’s Branchline, especially at the China
Clay Pits, where he would deliver trucks full of them to different parts of the
railway. However, he’s sometimes plagued with engine troubles and often has to have
a yearly service. One afternoon, he was making his way to Brendam Docks with a
light goods from the main line. As he neared Crock’s Scrapyard, he spotted ‘Arry
and Bert. The two diesels had been tasked with collecting scrap and delivering it
to the Ironworks. The signal was red and Derek had to stop.

-Derek: Good afternoon chaps, having a good day?

-‘Arry: Bloody terrible a’righ’. Our stupid bro’vers claims he go’ engine trouble
so we ‘ad to come ‘ere and do ‘is work.

-Bert: Yeah, tha’ our Smel’ers, we should be scrapin’ steam engines not seein’ em.

-Derek: Well I don’t believe talk like that is acceptable chaps, I mean it

-‘Arry: Oh yeah forgo’ you would ta’e their side Derek, you’re just like ‘em?

-Derek: Like them?

-Bert: Yeah, a disgrace to us diesels, alwaes breakin’ down and no’ bein’ useful.
Frum wha’ I ‘eard, Fa’ Ha’s ‘as to pay extra for u.

-Derek: Well I mean I am due for a service soon but that doesn’t stop me…

-‘Arry: HAH!! We Class 08’s only need servicin’ every three years, but we’re the
mos’ versatile engines there are.

-Bert: Yeah, it’s no surprise there’s only two o’ you Paxmans, you were a disgrace
to us then and u still are now. In fac’ I ‘eard tha’ Fa’ Ha’’ wants to replace you.

-Derek: That’s not true, I’m a…

(Signal drops)

-‘Arry: Sorry, no time to talk to a failed steam lover. Don’t breakdown on us soon
Derek, otherwise we migh’ ‘ave to scrap our firs’ diesel. Cheerio.

-Narrator: The two diesels cackled away, leaving Derek feeling awful, he hadn’t
realized how costly he’d been.

-Derek’s driver: Ignore them old boy, everyone else knows how much of a credit you
are. It’s engines like those and their stupid brother that are…

-Derek: Versatile Laura, let’s face the truth, Class 08’s are the most reliable
engines around. I mean, they’re practically everywhere on the mainland. Me and my
class were a joke by comparison, I reckon the Fat Controller must be getting tired
of my yearly services.

-Derek’s driver: Now don’t let their words get to you. Those two are just shallow
trolls who’ve got nothing better than to put others down because they themselves
are insecure. The Fat Controller won’t get rid of you or the other engines ever.

-Derek (sighs): That is if I don’t breakdown again.

-Derek’s driver: Awe (Pats Derek on the cab).

-Narrator: Eventually the signal dropped and Derek continued his journey. He
arrived at the Docks just as Salty was pushing some trucks into line.

-Salty: Ahoy there cap’n, ta fur the goods ye brought.

-Derek: Um yes I suppose so.

-Salty: Is somethin’ botherin’ ye matey.

-Narrator: Derek sighed and told Salty what the Ironworks twins had said.

-Salty: Arggh!! Don’t pay attention to them two trolls matey. They’re just tossers
who wanne ma’e ye feel done cause they ain’ go’ nothin be’’er to do.

-Derek: But they aren’t wrong Salty, I do need regular service….

-Salty: Now don’ talk li’e tha’ Cap’n, why we all need servicin’. And if they
listened properlee those idiots would know….

-Dock Manager: Sorry tae interrupt chaps, but Derek we neit tae head doun the line
tae collect a late shipment o China Clay, it’s due on an early mornin' ship.

-Derek: Of course right away sir.

-Dock Manager: Thanks, but tak' care, there’s a storm comin’ tonicht.

-Narrator: With that Derek headed off to collect the trucks leaving an annoyed
Salty wondering about how to deal with the Diesels. Fortunately two other twins had
been listening in.

-Bill: Can you believe that Ben? No-one talks about Derek like that?

-Ben: Hell yeah, I think we ought to teach those dirty diesels a lesson, but how?

-Bill: Well you know how they have to collect trucks filled with scrap later, I
know where they are?

-Ben: So you’re saying….

-Bill (chuckles): Exactly. Let’s show those two there can only be two troublesome
twins on this Island.

-Narrator: Later, ‘Arry and Bert arrived to collect their trucks full of dockyard
scrap. The clouds had begun to role in and storm clouds. However when they arrived
at their designated sidings, they found them to be empty.

-‘Arry: ‘Ang on, Dockmaster said scrap wuld be ‘ere.

-Bert: Well I’ clear isn’t you twit!

‘Arry: ‘Ooo you callin’ a twit, git?

-Bert’s driver: Alrigh’ cu’ this fightin’ both o’ ye. We ain’ gonna find dem trucks
bickering. I sugges’ we spli’ up an’ find em.

-Bert: More than li’ely I’ll find em first.

-‘Arry: No you won’t!!!

-Narrator: The diesels were so busy competing that they hadn’t notice the points
were set onto one line. Too late, they collided and derailed.

-Bert: Oh you git look wha’ you’ve done to me engine?

-‘Arry: Git!!! You ran into me.

-Bert: Didn’t!

-‘Arry: Did!
-Bert: Didn’t!

-‘Arry: Did!

-Ben: Deary me, Bill, they argue more than we do.

-Bill: Yeah, missing some trucks you two.

-Narrator: Sure enough Bill and Ben arrived with the missing trucks.

-‘Arry: Oh you li’le buggers you did dis on purpose. When we get back we’ll…

-BoCo: …do nothing I hope.

-Narrator: BoCo arrived in the yards, a stern look on his face. At first, Bill &
Ben were nervous.

-BoCo: Normally I’d scold Bill and Ben for their tricks but after hearing what you
two have said about Derek, I’d say that’s a deserved punishment. (Bill and Ben
chuckle). Okay you two that’s enough tricks, we need to get to the sheds
immediately, a storm’s brewing.

(BoCo rolls away)

-Bert: ‘Ey wha’ abou’ us?

-Bill: Well the cranes are on the other side of the Island, there wouldn’t be
enough time to fetch them. Especially in this weather.

-Ben: Besides this part of the Docks never gets flooded, and you two deal with
scrap metal on a daily basis, I’m sure a little storm won’t harm you.

-Narrator: The tank engine twins guffawed away leaving the diesel twins grimacing.
Meanwhile Derek had buffered up to his long train, the clouds seemed to be getting
thicker and the rain had begun to poor down. Just then the guard’s whistle blew.

-Derek: Right away we go. I hope we don’t get caught at that drain.

-Narrator: Derek cautiously moved his train forwards, but little did he know, the
drain would be the least of his worries. The line to the Clay Pits crosses round
the coast before reaching Brendam Docks. A lighthouse is situated here that guides
ships in. It was usually operated by two personal who worked but today it was
operated by a single operator.

-Lighthouse Operator: Right that settles everything, now Maxwell you can enjoy that
delicious fish and… (BANG!!!)…WHAT THE HELL? ___ THE GENERATOR’S BUSTED!!! (Horn
blares in the distance!) OH AND THERE’S A SHIP DUE IN!!! GREAT!!!

-Narrator: The worker was right, a ship filled with passengers on the horizon was
due into port as the generator busted.

-Second in Command: Captain, the lighthouse, she’s not shining anymore.

-Captain: Oh son of a bitch! Well get the lifeboats ready Will, I’ll steer
starboard, try to avoid the worst rocks. Hope they get it started or we’re toast.

-Narrator: Meanwhile Derek was battling his way through the storm, the rain pelted
his face, his wheels slipped on the wet tracks, his engine roared and his load
seemed to be getting heavy.

-Derek’s driver: Steady Derek, steady.

-Derek: I know Laura, but this is awfully tiresome and… (BANG!!!!)…oh my, what’s

-Narrator: Derek grounded to a halt near the lighthouse. The driver tried to engage
more power from the motor but it revved loudly and they didn’t go anywhere. She
clambered down and investigated what had happened.

-Derek’s driver: Oh bloody hell the rod that’s connected your motor to your chassis
has broken. There’s no way we can get going again.

-Derek: Oh no, ‘Arry and Bert were right, I should….

-Lighthouse Worker: Oh thank goodness!

-Narrator: Derek and his driver turned to notice the lighthouse worker running up.

-Lighthouse Worker: I thought that incessant revving couldn’t have come from any
car. Listen I need your help to…

(Guard walks up)

-Derek’s driver: Sorry mate but if it’s lift you’re wanting, we won’t be able to…

-Lighthouse Worker: No, it’s not that, the lighthouse generator’s broken and I
heard a ship coming in, are there tools you have on you to repair it?

-Guard: Sorry mate, we’re carrying clay, not tools and…

-Derek: Hold on a second. My engine is still active, if you have some wires and
cables sir, why don’t we connect it to the Lighthouse. Then Laura when you engage
my motor the lighthouse bulb will hopefully transmit and we can prevent ships from
striking the rocks.

-Derek’s Driver: What a splendid idea Derek it could just work.

-Lighthouse Worker: There are some cables in the building, we’ll go and fetch them
and connect up right away.

-Narrator: The guard and worker ran back to the lighthouse to fetch the cables
while the driver opened up suitable points on Derek’s engine for a positive
connection to be made. Meanwhile the ship still blinded was on a collision course
for the rocks. Eventually the cables were connected, and the worker had gone back
up. The guard and driver waited in Derek’s cab as a call came through on the

-Lighthouse Worker: All connected.

-Derek’s driver: Cheers Max, okay Derek, here we go. Let’s hope this works.

-Narrator: Gently using the throttle the driver gently built up the revs. Then as
if by magic, the lighthouse began to shine.

-Lighthouse Worker: It’s working.

-Derek’s driver: Well done Derek you clever brave engine.

-Second-In Command: Captain, the lighthouse has come back on.

-Captain: Brilliant, no need for those boats now Will. Brendam Docks here we come.

-Narrator: Derek stayed up all night, his engine powering the lighthouse as ships
came to and from the docks until the storms settled and sunrise dawned. He was
tired but triumphant as the grateful worker ran down the line for help. A couple of
hours later Emily arrived.

-Emily: Derek! Och, thank goodness you’re alicht.

-Derek: Oh, I’m okay, just helping to power the lighthouse after the generator went
-Emily: Och, A heard. Ye were wonderful Derek. I knew ye diesels were adaptable,
bu’ I dinnae realize ye were so good a’ being Ligh’ Keepers (Giggles).

-Derek: Well you may as well leave me here Emily, I’m not much use seeing as my
rod’s snapped.

-Emily: Nonsense, the Fat Controller would never alllow tha’. I know how ye feel as
an ou’cas’ Derek, bu’ yer nae one an ye’ll niver will be. Ye’ll see.

-Narrator: Derek was a little confused but as they arrived at harbor, he was
surprised to see so many people surrounding the sheds where BoCo, Salty and the
Twins were waiting. Among them were the Fat Controller.

-Lighthouse Keeper: There he is, there’s the brave engine who saved you all.

-Captain: Indeed? Thank you much my dear friend. You’re quick thinking saved me, my
crew and my passengers. We owe are lives to you.

-Derek: Oh my I don’t know what to say?

-TFC: There’s nothing to say Derek, I’ve heard all about it and I’m very proud,
you’re a very adaptable and useful engine, and a very good generator as it turns
out too (Chuckles).

-Derek: Thank you sir, though I imagine I should probably have my wheels removed.
I’d be more useful as a generator in anywise.
-TFC: Nonsense, I heard about what ‘Arry & Bert had said, and I will tell you now,
that is never going to happen. What you need my dear engine is a complete overhaul
like my father did for BoCo all those years ago. You’ll have new chassis, engine
parts, everything, and you’ll be as good as new. You are one my engines Derek,
don’t ever listen to the likes of ‘Arry & Bert, as you are and will always be a
credit to my railway no matter what.

-Salty: And a credit to our crew ma’ey.

-Emily: Ye really are wonderful Derek. An if ye ever need us, ye can talk tae me

-Bill: We could never be that brave Derek.

-Ben: Certainly more brave than those two. (Derek looks across the Docks to see
‘Arry and Bert squirming). Silly diesels wouldn’t stop screaming about storm and
rainwater. And to think they run a Smelter’s Yard.

-Derek: Deary me what happened to them?

-BoCo (Winks): Let’s just they faced the wrath of our own twins.

-TFC: Indeed! And I’ve had strict words with them Derek. As punishment for their
actions, they’ll be acting as temporary generators until that one at the lighthouse
is fixed. And if Diesel slacks off, he can bloody well join them for all we care.

-Narrator: Derek and the others could only laugh. Once celebrations were over, and
Emily took Derek to the Steamworks while BoCo fetching a crane to free the
screaming twins, The Fat Controller sat in his office one night, deep in his

-TFC: Dear me these 08’s are difficult. I just don't understand why of all diesel
classes in the UK, why is it always them that have to be the most devious. I’m sure
there are plenty of good 08 Shunters, but the ones here are just dreadful. Two who
think it’s okay to bully and threaten others and one…well now I question why I even
gave him another chance. Still they are adaptable…when they want to be…hmm. Well
with Derek in the works and those two on generator duty, it’s clear what we need is
another diesel… (Picks up the telephone)…specifically an 08 diesel, and hopefully a
kind one who could help put the class in a positive light this time.

-Narrator: But I shan’t say anymore, else I’ll spoil the next story.

(Opens with the Fat Controller talking to the engines at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: One evening, the engines were all at Tidmouth Sheds, as the Fat
Controller had called them over for an important announcement.

-Thomas: I wonder what he’s got announced tonight.

-Edward: I think it might have to do with Derek’s overhaul after his valiant
efforts of powering the lighthouse on the coast of the Clay Pits line.

-Duck: Probably so Edward. Derek really came through that day. Had it not been for
him, that ocean liner and its crew and passengers would’ve been in serious danger.

-Henry: Indeed! It’s a good thing he was there at that moment. And he definitely
deserves that overhaul, but I miss him already.
-BoCo: Same. Plus, while he’s away, we’ll need another engine to do his work.

-Duck: I just hope it’s not gonna be Diesel. I mean thank god ‘Arry & Bert are
getting a taste of their medicine, but it’s like even after trying to kill Fergus
thanks to Diesel’s trick, it’s like those jerks never learn diddly squat. I know
this may sound rather judgmental, but begging your pardon everyone, as I respect
diesels, but whenever we have the devious and arrogant stereotypes that can’t stand
our kind, the culprits are Class 08 Shunters. Like, think about that for a second,
it’s just a strange coincidence that of all the diesels that try to discredit
steam, it’s usually the 08’s. I mean no disrespect you understand, as I’m sure
there are plenty of good ones, but it’s such a strange and rather unfair

-Narrator: The engines looked at each other and murmured in agreement.

-Henry: We understand what you mean Duck, like it is strange of all the haughty
diesels that hate steam engines, it’s usually them. Not just Diesel, ‘Arry & Bert.

-Edward: Yes, but Duck also has a good point to in that there are certainly good
08’s. To say that all of them are devious would be a very unfair stereotype.

-Gordon: Indeed! The problem is that the ones we have are just horrid monsters. I
can testify as on some of the rail tours I’ve pulled to the mainland, most of the
diesels are nice, but the 08’s are a mixed bag. There were some working at stations
that are more professional and polite, which I imagine is how they got their
positions, but some that I see in yards behave like horrid street thugs. They would
bump the rolling stock, including the coaches, and used such foul language.

-Arthur: I know what you mean Gordon. I’ve seen this to, as on the main line,
that’s where you have the worse 08’s like our favorite unlikable trio. Most of the
diesels of course were very nice and took sympathy when steam was being withdrawn,
especially me, but the shunter who ran the yards that was an 08 was an utter jerk
who sarcastically said to me that me and my friends deserved it as we should’ve
been withdrawn years ago. But she soon shut up after I got preserved, and at first
I was nervous of going up to another 08 again, but then when I met the ones back on
the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway, they were very polite and had spotless records
like I did, so I was lucky.

-Murdoch: Same here. The 08 wha shuntit me as A got withdrawn took pity on me, an
vowit she would’ve done anythin tae see me I’ steam again.

-Percy: Well that was nice of her Murdoch. Yeah, there are definitely good 08’s, I
just wonder why when it comes to the devious diesels, they’re the ones representing
that horrible stereotype.

-TFC: I sometimes wonder that myself to Percy.

-Narrator: The engines looked, and saw right there was the Fat Controller.

-TFC: Good evening engines, now after Derek’s brave efforts last month of helping
the men at the lighthouse save that cruise ship, I've decided that during his
overhaul, we need an extra set of wheels. So I've decided to use this as an
opportunity to trial out three new diesel shunters for the railway. In the end, I
hope to at least purchase one to stay on our railway.

-Henry: Diesel shunters you say sir? What kinds, the Class 14’s, the 06’s, or maybe
04’s or 07’s like Mavis & Salty?

-TFC: Not exactly, as I’m sorry to say Henry, there are only a few of them seen
these days. Which also relates to what you all were talking about, as like you said
Percy, most of you wondered why the 08’s were usually the most difficult diesels,
and I often wondered that for some time myself. So, I’ve decided during Derek’s
overhaul, I will be trialing three class 08 shunters.

-Gordon: You have sir?

-TFC: I have indeed Gordon. I know what most of you are thinking, and I do
understand, but of course, there are some that are good, and I am man willing to
give chances to those in need. Not only am I doing this because we’re three diesels
short at the moment, but for mental reasons to, as I picked 3 08’s, as it’ about
time we had one in our fleet that can actually provide a good example, not just to
diesel kind, but also the 08 class in general. So at the moment, I have decided to
trial specifically 3 08’s I found in order to see which one or if all 3 of them can
stay if they prove successful.

-BoCo: I think that’s a wise idea sir. Because I have seen many 0’s back on BR,
some were bad, but there were also plenty goods one that I befriended back then.

-Thomas: I agree BoCo, because maybe some 08’s can be bad, but so can any engine.
When I went to the National Railway museum in York back in 1990 and damaged my
front on that crossing gate. The diesel that shunted me onto the Low Loader
happened to be another 08, who laughed and said there was no way they’d fixed me,
bur I didn't take it personally, as I can tell he was jealous. But once I arrived
at the NRM itself, their 08, Sydney, she was very polite, very gentle and a
pleasure to be around.

-TFC: Oh, that’s good to hear.

-James: And I can vouch for these two Sir, as I know I'm not the best engine to
voice this a lot, but we will welcome these diesels as politely as any other
engine. But given our previous experience with 08s away and on this Island, we will
be on guard and a little suspicious.

-Edward: Now that is a mature answer there James. I’m glad to see you can take this
with a grain of salt.
-TFC: Same here, you certainly have come a long way since you ended your prejudice
towards diesels James, well done. I know you all will be welcoming. I hope for all
our sakes, they aren't like our current troublesome trio of 08’s, but we can only
do our best. But please let me know if any of these engines are ones from the past
any of you remembered that’ve been arrogant, bullying or caused any forms of
trouble. The moment I find out, I won't be hesitant to send all three home.

-Narrator: The engines all agreed, and some of them went back to their respective
sheds, while the original 7 engines in Tidmouth Sheds went to sleep.

(Fades to next morning, where we see three 08 shunters, Splatter, Dodge and Paxton
heading down the main line to Knapford)

-Narrator: The next morning, coming down the main line across the now repaired
Vicarstown Drawbridge were the three 08’s the Fat Controller trialed. The trio
looked rather goofy, but different in appearance. Two of them were twins, but the
other was the youngest. The twins were Splatter & Dodge, the same twin diesel BoCo
encountered when he save Barry 3 years back at Woodham Bros. Scrapyard. They were
each painted dark grey with black undercarriages, but with their front panels,
cabs, radiators, roofs, side rods, running boards and fillet caps in a signature
color, with Splatter being purple and Dodge being olive green. The youngest, Paxton
was different. He was painted in a dark green with yellow stripes, black components
such as vents and roofs, and a red-orange bufferbeam and side rods to match. The
three diesels were eager to work on the Northwestern. Paxton was actually quite
excited and enthusiastic, but a little nervous to make a first impression, but the
Splodge pair on the other hand, let’s just say they had their own motives.

-Dodge: Oh come on already Paxton, you’re gonna make us late.

-Paxton: Oh, sawry abou' 'ha'. Jus' exci'ed.

-Splatter: Well hurry up already. Geez!

-Narrator: The other engines they did pass were quite suspicious, but still did
their best to be friendly. Mostly because of the expressions on each diesel’s face.
They soon arrived at Knapford Station where the Fat Controller was waiting for

-TFC: Ah, right on time. Hello there, you must be our new diesels.

-Paxton: Tha' we are. 'ello sir, my name is Paxton.

-Dodge: Ssh, pipe down will you.

-Splatter: Yeah, speak when you’re spoken to.

-TFC: Ahem! He was only being friendly you two, do you have a problem with that?

-Dodge: Oh, uh, no sir, we’re um…sorry Paxton.

-Splatter: Yeah, well except maybe when…

-Dodge (whispers): Ssh, shut up!

-Splatter: Oh, I mean, no sir!

-TFC: Mmm hmm, quite. Anyways, I’m pleased to meet you Paxton. And you two are?

-Splatter: Oh, it’s Splatter.

-Dodge: Yeah, and Dodge.

-TFC: Splatter & Dodge, eh? I see! Anyways, I am Sir Stephen Topham Hatt III, the
controller of the Northwestern Railway. I hope you three had a splendid journey
getting here.

-Paxton: Oh we did sir. I heard about your railway before, and it looks wonderful.

-TFC: Oh, why thank you there Paxton. Well, anyways, I’ll need you three to start
off by shunting trucks in the main yards here at Knapford. I’ll assign you other
jobs on the main and branch lines as soon as possible, but for now, I’d like to see
how you shunt around the yards, show how versatile you are. Stanley and the other
engines will show you what to do.

-Paxton, Splatter and Dodge: Yes sir!

-Narrator: Soon the three diesels headed over to the yards. The Fat Controller was
already pondering. So far he could see that Paxton was far friendlier, and very
eager to work. The Splodge pair, as they were sometimes nicknamed for short, well,
the Fat Controller already had some suspicions about them. Soon, the three shunters
set to work, and Stanley was already showing them what to do. Paxton was already
working hard and did keep the trucks in order as best he could, but because of his
enthusiasm, he also was quite clumsy, but Stanley understood. The two got along
very well, but Splatter & Dodge on the other hand were far different from that. In
fact, they were far clumsier and goofier than Paxton, and not very friendly to the
other engines, especially the steam engines.

(Splatter bumps Percy with his train)


-Splatter: (Snickers)

(Splatter runs away, while also showing how annoying the Splodge twins are)

-Narrator: In fact, compared to other diesels, the twins were rather annoying with
their schemes. So annoying, that they were also very talkative and absent-minded,
to the point where they waste time, they attend to what they’re doing, and would
drive the other engine’s patience very thin unless they would shut them up.

-Bear: Hey, you louts, where the hell my train is, I’m running 5 minutes late.

-Splatter: Has it been 5 minutes, I thought it was 2?

-Dodge: No it’s been 5 minutes nimrod. You just can’t keep track of time.

-Splatter: Oh yeah, I forgot about that. We should get a watch.

-Dodge: But we’re engines, where would we put it?

-Splatter: Maybe we could like tie it around the buffers, it could happen.

-Bear: SHUT UP!

(Splatter & Dodge jump)

-Bear: If you two dumbasses are done talking, get my train ready now, AND GET BACK

-Splatter: Um…okay!

-Dodge: Yeah, we’re going, we’re going!

(They both bump into trucks)

-Dodge: Oh, the other way, right.

-Splatter: Yeah, let’s scram!

(Splatter & Dodge flee)

-Bear (Sighs): Ugh! Idiots!

-Narrator: Because of this, the trains they would shunt for would run late, and
there would be a mess in the yards. Paxton didn’t want to get involved, but the
truth was that he was quite shy, he couldn’t bring himself to stand up to the
incompetent duo, as truthfully, Paxton was more of a follower than he was a doer.
The Splodge pair were just the same, mostly for the simple reason, they weren’t
really all that bright, and didn’t think before they acted.

(Gordon comes into Knapford shocked to see a pattern of the red and green express


-Splatter (Annoying snicker): You like?


-Dodge: We thought it would make a cool pattern?


-Splatter: Humph, well you certainly don’t have a sense of humor.

-Dodge: Eh, those sausages never have a sense of humor. Those saps.

-Splatter: But sausages are pretty delicious.

-Dodge: But how would you know, we’re engines, it’s not like we can eat…

-Gordon: SHUT UP!

-Splatter & Dodge: GAH!

-Gordon: I’m not gonna say this twice, get these coaches rearranged and get me only
4 of the green, the “green” express coaches RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!!!

-Splatter & Dodge: AH! YES SIR! YES SIR!

(Fades to Gordon leaving the station late with the right 4 coaches)

-Gordon (groans): Oh the indignity!

-Narrator: Even after being scolded by the Fat Controller, managers, inspectors,
and even the other engines, Splatter & Dodge were just too stupid and mentally
inept to realize their mistakes. But the more the twins failed, the more Paxton
prevailed. Though this didn’t go unnoticed by a certain other member of their class
as he was shunting trucks near the quay one day. Later one night, the engines were
complaining about the two inept twins.

-Percy: Those two are awful.

-Henry: You got that right Percy. The problems with Diesel and the Ironworks
bastards is that they were malicious and cruel. Those two, they’re just idiots!

-Duck: They sure as hell are! They’re absent-minded, they’re incompetent, they’re
inept, and worse of all, they don’t even know how to shut up!

-Arthur: Exactly Duck! I remember these braindead dunderheads back on BR. They are
the worst. Like they’ll go on and on about any random topic they want for hours on
end, which would completely distract them from their work, and before they would
know it, trains would run late, and even they got blamed, they’re too stupid to
learn anything, but then again, British Railways never disciplined any of their bad
engines, because you know those bastards, it’s money.
-Donald: Aye, I'’s like 'hose fa' ca's a' BR go' 'umani'y.

-Douglas: They never do Donnie. They jus' 'ave 'o keep mos' ov 'he wawse engines
around, an' Spla''er & Dodge, ugh, 'hey 'ave go' 'o be some ov 'he waws'.

-Gordon: Indeed! Plus, those idiots thought it’d be fun to mix the coaches just
because of their colors, and thanks to their immature game, the express ran 20
minutes late. The fact British Railways kept those incompetent idiots around just
like they did for Diesel, ‘Arry & Bert, its disgraceful!

-James: Yeah, and disgusting!

-Henry: Despicable!

-Murdoch: Disrespec'ful!

-Stanley: If I' 'ha' wasn’' bad enough, 'hey ac'ually bump 'he coaches around 'he
yard 'he same way 'hey do wi'h 'he 'rucks. Any instruc'ions I gave 'hem, I' was in
one radia'aw an' ou' 'he o'her. Bu' a' leas' pax'on is mawe coopera'ive.

-Thomas: You’re right about that Stanley. I hadn't met with Paxton yet, but I have
seen him in the yards, and he’s actually quite friendly from what I've noticed.
He’s very eager to work compared to the Splodge pair, but he seems rather shy.

-Emily: Och, thon poor engine. A know hou thon feels, he must feel nervous like A

-Edward: I’m sure of that to Emily. In fact, he spoke kindly to me, and was very
eager to know where to shunt trucks.

-Donald: Your right Edward, he wanted to try and make friends with me and Douggie,
but he dinnae know what to say.

-Douglas: Aye, an whan either o thae Splodge devils show up, they berate him for
tryin tae make contact wi us.

-Henry: Yeah, I’ve noticed that to. For their incompetence, Splatter & Dodge really
seemed to be focused on something, and they’re sharp enough to make poor Paxton do
whatever they want. I think it’s all becoming a little bit clear now who’s the
better 08.

-Kirby: I don’t know about that Henry. I mean, he’s only just been here for two
days, and this whole goodie-two wheels naïve thing is probably just an act.

-Thomas: Oh and how would you know Kirby!

-Kirby: Oh believe me, I know Thomas! I’ve been surrounded by those shunting
scumbags, and they are just as bad as any diesel, especially back at the steelworks
me and Harvey worked at.

-James: That’s because you were surrounded by those kinds of engines at the time

-Emily: Exactly! he juist seems sae sweet an sincere. A niver got tae meet him yet,
but A saw him whan A wis collectin ma coaches. Then thae bullies came an seemit tae
be rather mean tae him.

-Kirby: Oh wow Emily, you’ve only been here for only 6 months and you’re already
giving him the sediment.
-Emily: But I’m only trying to be nice, I…

-Kirby: Wow, you seem to want to do a favor to everyone, even to strangers. You
gotta listen to your smokebox Em, because it…

-Edward (sternly): That’s enough Kirby! There’s no need in being so rude right now,
as Emily has a point and every right to be sympathetic. Paxton is actually very

-BoCo (sternly): Indeed! You know Kirby, I find it quite hypocritical that here you
are discriminating on the 08’s you’ve never met, yet there were some Austerities I
remember that captured the horrid stereotype that your class acted like rude and
abrasive smart mouths.

-Kirby: Well…I…I…

-Duck (sternly): He’s right Kirby. Don’t forget, you were an outsider to that also
got discriminated, and it was painful for you after your accident. Need I bring it
up again?

-Kirby: Oh…no…no (sighs). I’m sorry Emily! I’m sorry everyone! I didn’t mean to be
rude. I just never had that great of an experience with 08 shunters, not just the
troublesome trio here, but also back on the mainland. But you’re right with what
you said BoCo, some engines saw Austerities like me as dirty industrial workers
with abrasive attitudes and foul language. And yes, it did hurt, which was why I
can be such a smart Alec.

-Emily (Giggles): It’s okay Kirby, we understand!

-BoCo: Indeed! In fact, since I was one of the engines that used to work on British
Railways, I can provide some insight on the three diesels now that I have the

-Percy: Wow, BoCo, did you like know every recent engine before they came to Sodor?

-BoCo (chuckles): You could say that Percy. The truth is, I got to know and
befriend a lot of engines back in my pre-Sodor days, both friends and enemies
alike, hence why engines like Arthur & Murdoch are here after Jinty helped
recommend them for Sodor. You see, Splatter & Dodge are two very goofy, arrogant,
and very absent minded. They think of themselves to be the best shunters out there,
and boast so much in how great they are, they exaggerate on their abilities, only
to realize the consequences too late. In fact, I ran into them and had to deal with
their annoying banter that day I rescued Barry from scrap. Their incompetence is
because they just don’t pay attention to what they do and they lack direction, as
even though they would take orders for whoever they would work for, they get easily
distracted and can get into trouble because of their cowardly behavior. In fact,
just like with Diesel, they were passed down to many railways, industrial yards,
preservation sights, you name it, so we can only assume them being to Sodor may
just be their last chance with BR.

-TFC: You’d be right to think that BoCo.

-Narrator: The engines looked and saw the Fat Controller standing there.

-TFC: Engines I really must apologize these past two days with the behavior of the
Splodge pair. BoCo informed me about what they were like, and I was aiming to
prepare due to the past experiences we had with arrogant visiting diesels, but now
I can clearly see how incompetent and frustrating these two truly are. They may
cower when any of this berate them, but it doesn’t seem to be enough, especially
given how they treat Paxton. I am prepared to send them away and give Paxton more
of the chances. Especially because I’m also aware of how the brother’s friend is.

-James: Who’s their friend sir?

-BoCo: That James would be the leader of the diesels, the one mainland diesel who
is worse than any of them.

-Percy (Shudders): Oh…you mean?

-BoCo: Yes Percy. But I don’t think I need to explain anymore. He’s not as bad, but
he’s one to watch out for. But even after all the trouble he has caused, he’s
whereabouts are currently unkown.

-Gordon: Unknown?

-BoCo: Oh yes Gordon! The he just vanished without a trace and was never seen

-TFC: Indeed. It’s a long story, we’ll explain some other time. But I have been
getting loads of complaints of Splatter & Dodge’s behavior, but I am determined to
give them one more day, and if they keep misbehaving and goofing off, then they can
bet their wheels will never run on Sodor rails ever again.

-Toby: But what about Paxton sir?

-TFC: Oh, Paxton I can clearly see is different. You see, BoCo knows him to, and
has actually worked with him in the past.

-BoCo: It’s true sir! Paxton is a very wonderful sort that really doesn’t want to
be on any side. You see, he can’t exactly stand up for himself, but that’s because
he’s young, and easily naïve and gullible. In fact, the other diesels would always
ridicule him for taking sides with the steam engines. He’s clumsy yes, but his
excitement is because nobody was ever there to be a proper friend, and sadly, he
turned to the guidance… (Sighs) of Diesel.

-Duck (Sighs): Oh no! I can imagine how well that turned out.

-BoCo: Indeed Duck! We tried to get him to talk with us, but Paxton was afraid to
speak his mind, and the arrogant diesels would always take advantage of the poor
lad. He never gets the chance to stand up for himself, as for many years he’s been
with the wrong crowd.

-Narrator: The engines felt very sympathetic for him once BoCo said those words.
Even Kirby finally began to realize he judged a book by it cover yet again, and
felt the same guilt he had when he mistreated Harvey.

-BoCo: Sir, if it’s okay with you, I think I might have an idea in how to come to a
final verdict for each of the three’s trails.

-TFC: Really? What’s that BoCo?

-BoCo: What if we split them up, and have them work on different parts of the
railway. Think about it, it would give us a chance to see how each diesel performs
here on our island, while also keeping the Splodge chumps away from Paxton, so that
way the latter can be with somebody under better guidance and understand who his
true friends are, but also so neither Splatter or Dodge can be so talkative with
each other and get distracted. We’ll see how each performs. They might cause
trouble individually, but at least we’ll all know if they’re capable or not.

-TFC: Now that is an excellent idea BoCo. I like it! Thank you! I’ll make the
arrangements first thing in the morning. Right now, you should all get some rest,
as we got a busy day tomorrow.

-All engines: Good night sir!

-Narrator: So everyone parted ways again, as the Fat Controller went back home to
think of what to do with the three 08’s. While that was going on, Splatter, Dodge
and Paxton were sleeping in another one of the goods sheds at the yards.

-Dodge: We honestly have a job to do in discrediting those kettles Paxton, and you
only choose to be friends with them.

-Paxton (Nervous): Bu' 'hey’re very nice, an' I don’' understand why we 'ave 'o be

-Dodge: Because they’re old and past it…or at least that’s what the boss said.

-Splatter: Yeah…until he disappeared. So last thing we need is you giving our kind
a bad repostation.

-Dodge: Uh, don’t you mean reputation?

-Splatter: Oh right, I forgot.

-Paxton: Bu’ why?

-Diesel: I can answer that.

-Narrator: The three other 08’s looked and saw coming from the distance in the dark
moonlight was another member of their class who was far older than them. He peered
through the moonlight and right in front of them.

-Splatter: Oh my god!

-Dodge: Diesel? Is that you?

-Diesel: The one and only my lads. Ah, and Paxton, long time no see.

-Paxton: Oh! 'ello Diesel!

-Dodge: So I see that Fat Hatt really did give you another chance.

-Diesel: He sure did Dodge. I may grateful, but it still is hard for me to be nice
to (Shudders) these kettles. The fact this island has to be surrounded by them and
not more diesels like us. But worse, the other diesels apart from ‘Arry & Bert, are
on their side. They genuinely like them. They don’t understand our ways back on BR.

-Splatter: But doesn’t BR hate you?

-Dodge: Yeah, they were gonna scrap you after causing that fire…

-Diesel: THAT’S ASIDE THE POINT! (Realizes he could cause a disturbance) I mean,
that’s aside the point. For once I can’t deny it’s my fault, and I may have a place
here and I take my work seriously at least, hence why I’m still here, but that
doesn’t mean I have to get along with (Shudders) them.
-Splatter: Yeah, and shrimpy over here thinks he can be friends with them.

-Diesel: Oh, still got the love for those steamers do you Paxton?

-Paxton: Well, uh, 'hey are qui'e nice, an' i' doesn’' ma''er if 'hey’re differen'…

-Diesel: It matters a whole lot you fool. Listen, steam engines have no place in
this world, and this island doesn’t deserve to have them running here. Even your
mentor, our leader of the dieselization back on British Railways thought highly of
it. Why do you think he was Dr. Beeching’s right hand, er, man, so to speak? That’s
why I have come to you three simpletons. To urge you to carry out our leader’s
motivations. He was after, a 10 out of 10 for his brutal strength… (Smiles grimly)
and devious deeds.

(Splatter and Dodge chuckle evilly)

-Dodge: That is true. But that’s what Splatter and I have been doing Diesel.

-Diesel: Yes, I know. That’s my point, keep carrying on with it. Because at least
it’s pretty clear that the two of you think the same way I do.

-Splatter: Yeah, unlike those bumble striped killjoys.

-Dodge: Yeah. Hell, where are those two grim reapers? Don’t they work on this
outdated death trap?

-Diesel (Sighs): They do! It’s just last month they got punished for trying to
speak their minds towards one of the steam-loving diesels, and got turned into
generators for a lighthouse on the Brendam Branch.

-Splatter: Oh, now that’s unfair.

-Diesel (Sighs): You’re telling me.

-Dodge: Yeah, but one other thing, why are you covered in oil stains?

-Diesel: Oh that you don’t need to know. All you do need to know is continue as you
both were and make sure you put those steam kettles out of business once and for
all. (Turns slyly to Paxton who looks nervous) And as for you my dear brother,
looks as if you’ll be needing a mentor, a proper friend to show you how evil steam
engines truly are. Meet with me first thing in the morning. And don’t get lost!

-Narrator: And Diesel purred away.

-Splatter: Yeah, don’t screw this up bone head.

-Dodge: Yeah, last thing we need is you ruining our chances in staying on this
stupid railway.

-Narrator: Paxton felt sad. The Splodge twins and Diesel clearly weren’t being all
that friendly, and all they seemed to do was mentally abuse him. He wanted to speak
up, but was scared that the two would bully him even more. The little green diesel
felt very helpless. The next morning, as the three 08’s were waking up, Splatter &
Dodge were still full of mischief, and determined to cause trouble for the engines,
both steam and fellow diesels. All the while, they still kept on continuing to
belittle poor Paxton.

-Dodge (Cackles): We’ll show those teapots who’s boss.

-Splatter: Cut them by storm, steal their thunder.

-Dodge: And all the while you better not screw this up Paxton.

-Paxton: No, never, I…uh…

-Splatter: Oh quit your sniveling already.

-Dodge: I see you already are chickening out.


-Narrator: The three diesels jumped to see the Fat Controller standing right into
front of them, he glared angrily, but only at just Splatter & Dodge.

-TFC: Splatter! Dodge! I have been getting numerous amount of complaints these past
2 days that you both have been causing trouble on my railway!

-Splatter: What? No, that can’t be us.

-Dodge: Yeah, you must have us confused with two other diesels, I think they’re
names were…


-Splatter & Dodge: GAH!

-TFC: I will not allow any excuses from the likes of you! I know it was you two, do
you both think I was born yesterday! Lately you both have been very immature,
arrogant, incompetent, and rather talkative as well, not knowing when there is a
time to stop talking and pay attention! You both have don’t either of that, which
in return, you both are very clumsy when shunting around the yards, delaying
trains, unintentional or not, and then I hear you have been both rude, obnoxious
and standoffish towards my engines, testing every single one of their patience and
bumping them for no reason, and not caring of the well-being of them and the
passengers. Plus, I also heard you both have been very rude to your compatriot here
Paxton. So far, he’s actually been doing well, but you interfere and force him to
only be friends with engines like you! That is not only intolerable, but also
disgraceful! You don’t control other engines like a slave!

-Dodge: But sir…

-TFC: But nothing, either of you two! Listen to me and don’t say another word or I
will leave you both in your shed. You will do the work I assign you and do it
without complaining, and that there is a time and a place for everything, as I
can’t have engines standing and talking all day and not doing any work, or playing
these childish games. Furthermore, you will be courteous and respectful to all the
engines, including Paxton! He can make friends with whoever he wants, and you two
are not allowed to dictate what he can and can’t do with his life! But after
talking to BoCo, I think there is one way I can know for sure if you both can
redeem yourselves and behave. I will split the three of you up so that way you
don’t keep bullying and bossing Paxton around and making him an addition to your
schemes, and to make sure everything on my railway runs like clockwork, and you two
don’t get carried away in these stupid conversations of yours about random topics
that have nothing to do with anything, to make sure you both stay focused!

-Splatter: SPLITTING UP?

-Dodge: But you can’t do that?

-TFC: Engines on my railway don’t argue, especially you two! The decision is final,
and if you both want to stay on my railway, then I better see an improvement in
your behaviors, the both of you. If you keep letting these bad habits of yours from
those absent minds continue, you would not want to know the alternative that me and
the board members of British Railways would have in mind. HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?

-Splatter: YES SIR!

-Dodge: CRYSTAL!

-TFC: Then you both had better act on it and start by apologizing to Paxton, now.

(Splatter & Dodge gulp)

-Splatter: Paxton, we’re sorry!

-Dodge: Yeah, sorry!

-Paxton: Um…apology accep’ed.

-TFC: Let’s hope you both mean that. (Turns and smiles at Paxton) Now Paxton, I
really must apologize with what you had to go through lately, especially with those
two. I’ve heard that you have been working very hard lately, and I am very
impressed so far. But, I do notice you seem nervous, especially because of these
two. To make things better, I decided, you will go to help out on the Ffarqhuar

-Paxton: Oh, yes sir! Thank you sir! I'll be 'here righ' way. Where is I' 'hough?

-TFC: Don’t worry, just head over to the stationmaster, he’ll tell you what you
have to do.

-Paxton: Yes sir! Thank you sir!

(Paxton departs)

-TFC: As for you Splatter & Dodge. In order for you both to make up for the trouble
you’ve caused, and to see an improvement in your behavior, I will split you up in
different parts of Sodor. Splatter, you will be working on the Arlesburgh Branch
and Dodge, you will be shunting at the Lumberyard. And if you either of you cause
any trouble, then pray and tell that you don’t want to find out what I have in
store. Understood?

-Splatter & Dodge: Yes sir?

-Narrator: The Fat Controller strode on his heel, and walked sternly away, leaving
the twins seething with fury.

-Dodge: He may split us up, but we’re still gonna cause trouble.

-Splatter: But how? He said we’ll be in big trouble again if we do.

-Dodge: Well I got a plan, and it’s simple. Just keep annoying the other engines
and doing what we’ve been doing as of late while you’re working on this…Little
Western. Okay, stupid!

-Splatter: Oh, um, okay!

-Dodge (Sighs): Like we need more to stress about.

-Narrator: So the Splodge twins went their separate ways, Dodge headed to the
Lumberyard on the 2nd Loop Line, while Splatter went down to the Little Western.
Once Dodge arrived at the Lumberyard, he saw how complex it was. The Lumberyard, as
you couldn’t tell, is the industrial where trees would be cut down used to produce
lumber used for buildings, furniture, sleepers of the railway lines, and many other
daily objects made out of wood. It has a marshaling shed, sidings for the trucks,
and of course, a large sawmill to cuts large pieces of lumber. Secretly, Dodge was
rather impressed. However, as he clattered in, there was Oliver, who was collecting
a goods train, and needless to say, the Great Western engine eyed Dodge with
suspicion, and Dodge even did the same thing.

-Dodge: Hey, wait a minute, don’t I know you from somewhere?

-Oliver: Maybe you have, because I’ve seen you and that idiot brother of yours.

-Dodge: Humph! Really? In fact, your design, your voice? Oh yeah, I remember you,
you’re that Great Westerner that escaped all those years ago, the one me and
Splatter caught and place in a scrap siding at Barrow.

-Oliver: Oh how I wish to forget. You and that brother of yours were just the most
annoying scoundrels Toad and I have ever have had the pleasure meeting.

-Dodge: Oh really, because I thought we were great company, despite the fact we
were gonna scrap you and that brake van of yours.

-Oliver: Oh please, you both were obnoxious! You just kept on boasting at how you
were gonna scrap me and my friend and how you both would get a so-called
“promotion” that you both wouldn’t shut up!

-Dodge: Well hey, all we wanted was to celebrate our victory in getting rid of you
Great Western geek.

-Oliver: Well you needn’t boast about it. I just didn’t know at that point which
was worse, getting scrapped, or dealing with you two. But thankfully I escaped
again after Douglas came to my rescue. Had you both not been dozing off?

-Dodge: Pah! It wasn’t our fault, we were…uh…we were…

-Oliver: Oh I don’t have time for this. Just do your job and stay out of our way.
Thank you very much!

(Guard’s whistle blows and Oliver leaves)

-Dodge: Humph! What does he know?

-Narrator: Just then, the foreman of the Lumberyard came up to Dodge.

-Foreman: Ah, you must be one of the diesels that the Fat Controller has brought on
trial. Welcome to the Lumberyard. Now, I’ve heard all about you, and I’ll tell you
now I won’t be having any trouble in my yards.

-Dodge: Oh no, of course not Mr. uh….

-Foreman: Mulligan.

-Dodge: Of course Mr. Mulligan. What do you need me to do here?

-Foreman: Simple! I just need you to shunt and organize the yards. That’s all.

-Dodge: But I thought I was gonna be pulling trains from this yard.

-Foreman: No, the Fat Controller said you were going to be sent here to my yards to
shunt, I mean, you are a shunter after all. Besides, it’s only just for today.
Maybe if keep working hard here maybe you could pull trains to and from here
alright. The Fat Controller did warn me about your inept behavior, so this is a way
for you to learn to behave. And if you do go against my rules, then I’ll report to
him and make sure your trial comes to a significant end.

-Dodge (Groans): Fine. (Glares sternly at him) Oh, I mean, yes sir, sorry sir! I’ll
do whatever you say!

-Foreman: And you better. Okay, now, the only rules I got is for you stay in the
yard and just shunt, as we need an engine to handle the trucks here and get every
engine’s trains ready. And another rule, no racing at high speeds, as this is an
industrial yard after all.

-Dodge: Yes sir!

-Narrator: And with that, Dodge reluctantly set off to work. Meanwhile, Splatter on
the other hand was enjoying his time on the Little Western, because unlike his
brother, he was also used for shunting, but also delivering ballast, as part of the
track at the Castle Tunnel between Tidmouth and Tidmouth Hault was in need of
maintenance, and ballast needed to be supplied there to support the dilapidating
tracks. Though the engines were still able to get to the Little Western thanks to
the Three Bridges. The Middle Bridge went through the Main Line going to Elsbridge
Junction on Thomas’ branch, The Top Bridge was connected from Tidmouth Hault to
that extension on the Main Line that also has Road Bridge running along with it.
And the Bottom Bridge that also ran by a canal was a short cut from Tidmouth to the
Hault itself, especially if the line that ran past the tunnel and then along
Tidmouth Beach was unavailable, especially right now. The engines had to repair the
track outside the tunnel, that way both entrances could be used more. The engines
were collecting ballast from the Arlesdale Railway, while Oliver would be tasked
with collecting rails and sleepers, hence why he was collecting trucks of wood at
the Lumberyard. While Oliver was always collecting the rails and sleepers, Splatter
was to fill in for him. The fact he was doing this job was going through his

(Splatter bumps the trucks at Callan)

-Trucks: OOF!

-Splatter (Annoying snickers): Boy do I feel like a king. At least I get to do more
than just shunting.

-Donald: Oh wad ye put a heap o coal I’ it already. Sae you’re helpin us oot until
Oliver gets back wi the rails an sleepers, big deal. This is a serious job, an’
dinnae neit ye boastin’.

-Splatter: Humph! What would you know you oversized pair of bagpipes? You’re just
jealous because I’m a lot more effective than you tin cans.

-Donald: Aye, that’s no ma point ye idiot! An’ it’s efficient A think you’d be

-Splatter: Sure, whatever, I know what I mean thank you. Just you wait, the more I
fix the tracks on this so-called branchline, the sooner you tea pots end up in the
scrap heap (Annoying snickers).

-Donald: Aye, A got nothin more tae say tae yeah syne you’re a delusional jackass.
Gin ye get I’ trouble, dinnae come cryin’ tae me.

-Narrator: And Donald left in a huff with his train of ballast.

-Splatter: Humph! Well what does that bagpipe know anyway? I bet I can more trucks
than him and that brother of his combined.

-Mike (Laughs): Okay pal, I think now you’re going overboard. You can’t pull more
trucks of ballast than that, you’d probably break down in the middle of the line.

-Splatter: Pah! What does a little toy train like you know? You ain’t that big
yourself if you think you can pull a whole line of those little toy hopper wagons.

-Mike: Oui! Watch your mouth when you say the word toy train pal! I happen to be
the strongest engine on our railway.

-Bert: Careful Mike, you know what would happen if you did that, so we don’t need
you getting competitive right now to.

-Mike: Humph!

-Rex (Chuckles): He’s right you know Mike. You can’t even more like 15 ballast
hoppers even if your life depended on it (Laughs)

-Mike: Ah shaddup Rex! I don’t need any snark from you now.

-Splatter: Yeah…what he said!

-Rex: Well I can agree on one thing there…Splatter, you may have brawns, but you
ain’t got no brains (Laughs).

-Splatter: Oh you little green lima bean. I gotta brain…I just don’t use it that

-Narrator: And Splatter, after being coupled to his train, clattered grumpily away,
leaving the three small engines laughing.

-Mike (Laughs): Brawns but no brains, for once, that was a good one there Rex.

-Rex (Laughs): It’s a talent.

-Bert: Yeah, but still, let’s hope he doesn’t get into trouble, because by the way
he’s bashing the trucks like that, well, that’s a recipe for disaster.

-Rex: Yeah, especially with the ballast trucks to.

-Frank: Well I for one am appalled by that…thing.

-Mike (Sarcastic laughs): Oh, boy here we go. What’s your problem with him there
Frankie boy. Thought you’d be happy to see a fellow diesel.

-Frank: Well for your information Mike, I was, until I realize how much of a great
A-imbecile he and that brother of his really are. His grammar sucks, he smells
horribly, he overcompensates for his empty head, despite the fact we engines
physically don’t have brains, he is incredibly annoying especially with that laugh,
and I have to ask to, what kind of name is Splatter? I mean, it sounds so absurd
for a diesel.

-Rex: Oh come now Frank, he’s just one engine, he may be annoying and contemptable,
but he’s nothing compared to you.

-Mike: Yeah, seeing you throw a hissy fit over something slight as Splatter is way
more entertaining.

(Rex & Mike laugh)


-Bert (Laughs): Okay everybody that’s enough, we best get back to work. It’s best
we just don’t take that purple schmuck seriously.

-Narrator: So the Arlesdale engines went back to work, when Duck came to fill up
his ballast trucks.

-Duck (Chuckles): I couldn’t but overhear. I will admit that yeah, seeing Frank
complain like that was actually quite hilarious.

-Bert (Chuckles): You got that right Duck. Though what are you gonna do about those

-Duck: It’s best we give it time Bert. He obviously won’t listen to reason. And I’m
pretty sure Dodge won’t be doing the same anytime soon.

(Cuts to Dodge back at the Lumberyard)

-Narrator: And Duck was right. Dodge was being just as difficult as Splatter. He
honestly felt that he should be working on the Little Western instead of shunting
away at a saw mill. He didn’t like the smell of wood shavings, and felt that
because he was the smarter of the two (In his book at least), that he should be out
pulling any sort of trains on the main line, and wanted to do more than just
shunting. As absent-minded and annoying as those two were, the difference between
the two was not only their signature colors, but Splatter was really the more
stupider, while Dodge was quite intelligent despite being an insufferable
scatterbrain, but was more impulsive and arrogant than his brother. But it didn’t
matter, as at the end of the day, the twins were still a bunch of inept and
incompetent chatterboxes that kept getting into trouble. Despite not liking to
shunt, Dodge was quite efficient, as he systemically scurried around the lumberyard
shunting trucks into place, but he was still just as standoffish and rude to the
other engines. Always enjoying to bump them, and never missing a chance to make a
lot snide remarks towards them. The engines and the workmen were beginning to lose
their patience with the olive green diesel.

-Percy: Ugh, even when you separate him from that brother of his, he’s still just
as insufferable.

-Bear: Tell me about it Percy. Grrr…and I thought Diesel was bad. In fact, I never
thought I’d say this, but those scoundrels actually make Diesel look more well

-Percy: Honestly, I wish that could happen.

-Bear: Same!

-Percy: That’s not the only thing I don’t like, but also the absurd names. I mean
really, what kinda names are “Splatter” & “Dodge”. I mean, that just sounds stupid.
-Bear: No kidding. With a diesel being named Splatter, people might actually get
the wrong idea. Especially if he splatters a puddle of oil. And Dodge, like what,
did his builder think naming him after a car company would be cool.

-Percy: Yeah! Last thing I’m thinking is he’d be good enough to become a car with a
name like that.

-Narrator: Just then, the foreman came up to them.

-Foreman: I apologize for the inconvenience you two. I even understand your
frustration, as my dad back when I was young, he used to be an engine driver, who
actually drove a 08 Class, who was actually a lot friendlier. I actually like this
class, but I seriously wish that the Fat Controller sent one that was a lot more
cooperative than…that.

-Bear: Yeah! Well we do have that other new diesel, Paxton. Speaking of which
Percy, how’s he doing on your line?

-Percy: Oh, he’s actually doing really well. So far he’s already feeling
comfortable after all the hell the Splodge twins put him through. And Thomas has
taken him under his wing like he and Toby did for me when I joined the branchline.

-Bear: Ah, that’s nice! We could use an engine like him.

-Foreman: Same! I hope he could come by here, I’d like to meet him. Anyways, Bear,
there’s a load of fuel tankers I need you to bring from the Wharf. Percy, before
you head back to your branchline, there’s a train I need you and Dodge to shunt,
it’s for Henry.

-Bear: Yes sir!

-Percy: Right away sir!

-Narrator: So as Bear left, Percy did his best to shunt alongside Dodge. He tried
to do his best to get him to cooperate, but that was easier said than done. As it
seemed, Dodge might have some ideas of his own.

-Dodge: To think that stupid foreman and that thick green caterpillar can get me to
shunt for that giant cucumber. Oh I’ll shunt the train, but I’m taking it for
myself, and prove that I’m stronger than this Henry fellow.

-Narrator: And Dodge kept stealing every truck that Percy was about to shunt for
Henry’s train.

-Percy: HEY!

-Dodge: (Annoying snicker)

-Narrator: Dodge kept on adding more trucks. And more…and more…and more…and more.
Soon, Dodge had a whole line of 31 trucks, as well as the brake van in the back.

-Percy: Humph! I gotta say, for all the rotten tricks that was quite impressive
there Dodge. But Henry doesn’t need that many trucks.

-Dodge: Who said this train was for Henry.

-Percy: What are you talk about?

-Dodge: Oh what, you haven’t figured it out my little green chump. I’m taking this
train instead of that pile of old square wheels.

-Percy: WHAT? You can’t take this train. You’re meant to be here in the yards

-Dodge: Yeah, well Mulligan made a mistake in keeping here. I’m gonna take this
train, and you ain’t gonna stop me. I mean, not like you would shrimpy! Besides,
I’m stronger than you and that Henry anyday. TTFN, ta-ta for now! (Annoying

(Dodge departs)

-Percy: WHOA! HEY! STOP!

-Narrator: But it was too late! Dodge had already taken off with the long, heavy,
and “stolen” train. Worse, there was nothing Percy could do to stop him, especially
when Henry came in.

-Henry: Oh my word, hey, STOP! Percy, who’s taking my train?

-Percy: It’s Dodge, Henry. He thought he could show you up like how Diesel tried to
once back at Knapford Harbor, and well…you can figure out the rest.

-Henry: Oh damn! That idiot! If he thinks he can steal my train with that many
trucks out on the main line, he gotta another thing coming.

(Cuts back to Splatter at Callan yards)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Splatter was also up to know good. He felt that just like his
brother, he could take more ballast than Duck, Donald & Douglas combined.

-Splatter (Snickers): They may think I’m stupid, but I can be quite smart.

-Narrator: He said, and once coupled to his own train which had 8 ballast hoppers,
the purple diesel didn’t let the shunter couple on the brake van and scampered off.

-Shunter: OUI YOU!

-Splatter: (Cackles)

-Narrator: Then, Splatter added in 9 of the ballast hoppers that was meant for
Donald. They were still in the process of being loaded by the Arlesdale Railway’s
chute. Without thinking twice, he stole it when they were in the middle of loading.


-Splatter: Na-na-na-na-na, you can’t stop me.


-Duck: Hey, what’s going on and…WHAT THE HELL?

-Splatter (Cackles): TRY AND CATCH ME NOW QUACKERS! (Cackles)

-Narrator: Duck could watch shocked as Splatter stormed out of the yards with 17
ballast hoppers, but unlike Dodge, he didn’t even have a brake van on his train.


-Rex: Donald is really gonna have kittens when he finds out that idiotic diesel
stole his train to add to his own.

-Duck: True, but Splatter still might fall regardless Rex. I mean, ballast hoppers
are very heavy, plus, he stupidly forgot the brake van. And, when we’re talking
ballast trucks.

-Rex (Shudders): Oh...I don’t think I even wanna know right now.

-Narrator: As Splatter was strolling down the line with Donald’s train, Dodge was
having a blast abandoning his post and speeding the main line with Henry’s train.
The olive, arrogant shunter was gloating enormously at speeding down the line with
a long train and how both clever and how strong he was.

-Dodge: Ha, ha! I’d like to see those Sodor suckers try and catch me now. Diesel is
gonna have a ball at the fact I just stole one of those pathetic steamers trains.
Showing I’m not only smarter than them, but also stronger to. They’ll all be
scrapped real soon. (Cackles)

-Narrator: The trucks on the other hand who had about just enough of Dodge’s
flamboyance and gloating, decided to teach the olive green diesel a lesson. No
sooner had they approached Gordon’s Hill, the trucks began their tricks.

-Trucks: Hold back! Hold back!


-Narrator: Dodge strained and tried to keep the long and heavy train in order, but
because he foolishly added so many trucks, it was too heavy for him. While diesel
shunters like the Splodge pair, Diesel, and the Ironworks twins were stronger, they
weren’t stronger enough compared to bigger diesels. But with enough struggling and
straining, Dodge made it to the very top.

-Dodge: HA! Eat your heart out you packing you packing crates on wheels!

-Narrator: Now trains had to stop to pin down brakes when at the top of a hill, so
they don’t travel down at dangerous speeds. Overconfident and stupid as Dodge was,
he was aware of that, but the trucks saw this as their chance, and bumped him down
the steep gradient.

-Trucks: ON! ON! ON!




-Narrator: Dodge try to fight back, but as he braked, he realized he just wasn’t
that strong enough as he thought he was. Not even the brake van was helping either.
The guard sensing the worse, jumped clear.


-Narrator: Just up ahead, Dodge could see a large orange shape, as well as deep
puffing noises thundering on the rails in front. Then he saw a cloud of steam
realizing…it was Murdoch, coming down on his heavy goods run!

-Dodge: Eep! Mama!

-Narrator: Thankfully, the signalman saw what was going on, and changed the points
just in time.

(Dodge misses the oncoming Murdoch)

-Murdoch: HOOLIGAN!

-Dodge: OH GOD HELP!

-Trucks (Laughing): DOESN’T FEEL GOOD DOES IT NOW!

(Dodge thunders past Suddrey Crossing and nearly hits George)

-George: OUI! WATCH IT!

-Narrator: Though back on the Little Western, Splatter was about to have just the
same trouble. He had just passed through Haultraugh, and was headed down the
gradient where Bulgy’s Bridge was. The hoppers, who had also just about enough of
Splatter’s stupidity, mischief, as well as abuse towards them, decided to use the
gradient as their advantage. Just as the signal was about to turn red, the hoppers
shoved hard.

-Hopper 1: NOW!




-Narrator: Splatter wailed as the heavy hoppers loaded with ballast kept pushing
him down the line. The force was so strong, Splatter’s driver was knocked out of
the cab he fell into a ditch near the line. He was unscathed thankfully, but

-Splatter’s Driver: OUI! COME BACK!

-Splatter: WHOA! HELP!

-Narrator: Worst, because Splatter foolishly forgot the brake van, there was no way
of stopping the train, but it wouldn’t matter, as like Dodge, Splatter wasn’t that
strong enough. But because they overran a red signal, Donald was headed up to
Callan to collect his ballast trucks to repair the line, but stopped at Tidmouth
Hault when saw Splatter speeding down the line with both his and Donald’s hoppers.


-Donald: LORD SAKES!

(Splatter thunders past Donald)


-Narrator: Splatter heard that, and immediately went pale. Stupid as he was, he
knew what was coming up next. Harvey was assigned to help the plate-layers, while
Oliver arrived with the rails and sleepers.

-Harvey: Ha, ha! Richt on time Oliver!

-Oliver: Thanks Harvey. Looks as if we’re almost finished.

-Harvey: Aw we gotta dae is unload the trucks, place the rails an sleepers on the
ballast an (Hears screaming) say, Oliver, dae ye hear somethin’?

-Oliver: That depends Harvey. Is that…screaming?


-Foreman: There’s a light on in there. IT’S SPLATTER! HE’S COING FAST TOWARDS THE


(The plate-layers run and scream clearing the line)

-Splatter: OH NO!

(Splatter runs onto the ballast slips and falls down the slope and into the lake
where his engine sparks out)

-Oliver: OOH! Yikes!

-Harvey: Holy mackerel!

-Splatter: Glub, glub, glub!

-Oliver (Chuckles): Well, talk about a wet landing. (Laughs) And to think this was
one of the two diesels that captured and annoyed me and Toad all those years ago
during my escape to Sodor.

-Harvey: We can joke aboot thon later Oliver. We better get him oot o thare before
he leaks oil on the lake.

-Narrator: And that’s what they set about doing. As they were trying to rescue
Splatter, Dodge was still in hell as the 31 trucks he stole from Henry were still
pushing him. The diesel strained as his he felt his axle boxes heating up from
trying to stop them.



-Narrator: They raced along the line, and that’s when it happened. A goods train
had passed by and its brake fluid had leaked right onto Dodge’s line. The signalman
was already aware that Dodge was in danger, and had the points set to an abandoned
out-of-view siding, that lead through some trees on old rusty and overgrown rails,
with decaying buffers, and over a hill, which on the other side was a construction
site. The signalman had no idea, as well as the leaky rails. Dodge tried to apply
his brakes again, but his wheels slipped and increased speed, and broke through the
barrier and on the old rails.

-Dodge: AH! OOF! AH! OOF! AH! UH-OH!

(Dodge smashes through the decaying buffers and pushes through the buffers and
crashes through the trees and bushes and rolls down the hill to the construction


(Dodge crashes through the supports and into the foundation and falls into the hole
as the trucks and steel beams fall and crash right on him. Then a crane lands right
on top of him with a really hard thud)

-Dodge (Groans in pain): Grease and oil. Ooooohhh!


-Narrator: Dodge just groaned and sulked miserably. The trucks laughed in triumph
that their trick worked. Thankfully, the Pack set about to work getting the mess
clear. Butch the Breakdown Lorry had even arrived to help clear up the mess, as
Kelly the Crane had lifted the debris out of the way, then he lifted a very badly
mangled and smashed Dodge onto a low-loader. Miss Jenny came up to the olive diesel
furious, shaking her fist at him, which made Dodge quiver.


-Dodge (Groans): Yes, owwww. Sorry!

-Miss Jenny: I should think so to. Yooehr lucky nobody gaht ‘urt in dis meshap o’
yours and dat your driver joehmped clear.

-Butch: Same here Miss Jenny! Trust me, this diesel and his twin have been getting
into all sorts of trouble since they came here.

-Miss Jenny: You dahn’t say Butch.

-Butch: Indeed! It’s lucky for you Dodge nobody did get hurt, except yourself. I
only hope that the damages and pain you endured are enough to literally knock some
sense in the scatterbrain of yours. I heard from Percy & Henry about the stunt you
pulled in stealing this train. Though the signalman shouldn’t have switched you to
hear, and should’ve known about the leaky rails. You shouldn’t have been showing
off and staying at your post instead of being so arrogant and selfish like that.

-Narrator: Dodge only looked down at his dented and scraped buffers in disgrace. He
knew deep down Dodge was right.

-Butch: Though I also heard it wasn’t just you, Splatter had as similar mishap,
while not as bad as yours, let’s just say he took a dip in the lake near the Castle
Tunnel and is completely water-logged.

-Dodge (Groans): Oh…really.

-Butch: You got that right. But save you’re squirming for the Fat Controller, he’s
already furious right now, and is gonna speak to you and Splatter tonight at the
Steamworks. I can’t begin to imagine what he and the Lumberyard foreman are gonna
say about this.
-Narrator: Dodge gulped. He could imagine. In fact, at the Castle Tunnel,
Splatter’s mess was taking long to clear. The mess on the ground had to be cleared
first, then the ballast from the hoppers had to be layed after Splatter had
scattered them on impact. Then, once the rails and sleepers were placed, Harvey had
shunted the breakdown train on the newly mended track, which first lifted the
hoppers out of the lake, then it lifted out the cold, miserable and disgraced
Splatter, who quivered helplessly. Oliver, Donald and Harvey couldn’t help but
laugh at him.

-Donald: Sae, triit tae steal ma train, huh? (Chuckles) A wad unleash aw hell on ye
Splatter, but ye already done me the favor after yer little stunt. Besides, you’re
sae dumb ye e'en forgot the brake van. E'en an engine like ye wad neit tae brin
thon now, richt? (Laughs)

-Oliver: You got that right Donald! To think these idiot twins were the ones who
captured me before I met with Douglas during my escape that night (Chuckles). You
know Splatter, some of us did wonder about you and your brother’s names, and after
today, your accident pretty much fits with your name, after you “splattered” into
the lake (Laughs).

-Harvey: Indeed! (Laughs) Still, at least we still got the tracks fixit. But the
bad news is thon the Fat Controller is no happy wi you’ve done. An he’s juist as
furious at Dodge tae. Juist an hour ago, he accidentally got switchit onto a
disusit sidin an richt throuch a construction site whan tryin tae steal Henry’s
train an is already badly manglit.

-Narrator: Splatter was surprised, but was still feeling ashamed and scared, as
they knew the Fat Controller was gonna blow a gasket when he saw him and Dodge
tonight. That night, both the disgraced and damaged twins were shunted into the
Steamworks, the engines who had already heard laughed at the incompetent duo as
they passed them. Percy & Henry had already given Dodge a big earful, but still
laughed at both twins misfortunes, and the Lumberyard foreman even berated Dodge
for going against his orders liked that, but the biggest scolding came from the Fat
Controller, who tore the scatterbrained diesels to shreds.


-Narrator: Splatter & Dodge froze when the Fat Controller said that, and looked at
each nervously. The Fat Controller could already tell what that meant.


-Dodge: Overseas sir?


-Narrator: Splatter & Dodge were horrified.

-TFC: Oh yes! You both will be fitted with knuckle couplers like they have with
American engines, and will be staying permanently at the Strasburg Railroad Museum
in Pennsylvania. There you both will be under strict discipline of the curator
there, and will be helping out at the museum to learn to be conscious of your
behavior and take responsibility and learn to respect steam engines. IS THAT

-Splatter: Ye…yes sir!

-Dodge: We’re really sorry sir!

-TFC: And I should think so to. As Paxton’s trial is already being extended, as he
is far more responsible and polite than the both of you, and you should’ve known
better than to bully the poor engine. Once you both go to the States, you will
never return. But regardless, you will never be allowed to come back to Sodor ever

-Narrator: And the Fat Controller strode on his heel and strode sternly away to his
car, leaving the disgraced and damaged twins quivering. The next morning, Marlin
had shunted the Splodge twins on their flatbeds onto Patrick’s goods train for the
mainland. They were shipped to British Railway’s workshops were they were repaired,
and a few months after their repairs were complete, they were instead given knuckle
couplers instead of their hook and chain ones, both shunted by Patrick to the
harbors of Liverpool, where they both loaded onto a cargo ship and sent to the
United States, never to return to England or any part of the British Isles again.
Though as for how the duo faired in the Railroad Museum at Strasburg, Pennsylvania,
well, that’s a story that will have to wait for a very distant day.

-Narrator: While Splatter & Dodge had their own mishaps that got them banished from
Sodor to America thanks to their annoyingness and incompetence, the other 08 that
came with them had a much different experience of his own. Paxton is a young green
diesel that is an 08 just like Diesel, ‘Arry, Bert and the Splodge pair he came
with, and the youngest of tem thus far. However, he is the exact opposite of them,
especially proven during his trial. He is incredibly kind, friendly, and very
optimistic and polite. He is one of those few diesels that has a great amount of
respect for the steam engines and could never understand the rivalry that occurred
ever since the infamous Beeching era. He has very good heart, but the only problem
though…he could never stand up for himself, and always felt under pressure to even
think for himself to. Because of that, other diesels like Diesel, the Splodge Pair,
as well as their boss that was said to be allegedly missing, always took advantage
of the poor diesel due to his gullible nature. And the steam engines on BR at the
time didn’t take kindly to him, as he came into contact with the wrong ones that
were arrogant, close-minded, and dead set in their ways. But even when he did run
into the right ones, the devious diesels would always get in the way and force him
not to make friends with him. Berating him for trying to befriend steam engines, as
well as making the poor diesels life a living hell.
(Shows Paxton trying to befriend Henry)

-Henry: Oh, hello there. You must be Paxton.

-Paxton (Shy): Oh…yes…hello 'here. Wha'’s your name?

-Henry: I’m Henry!

-Paxton: Nice 'o mee' you 'enry! Is 'his 'rain I’m shun'in faw you?

-Henry: That it is, and wow, very organized to. Thank you! So, how do you like
Sodor so far?

-Paxton: Well, so far…

-Dodge: Hey, Paxton, what are you doing talking to that big green tin can?

-Paxton: Bu' Dodge, we were jus' bein friendly…

-Dodge: Pah! You don’t need a bunch of steam kettles as your friends!

-Henry: Actually, he doesn’t need you as your friend you rotting olive. You gotta
problem here, then get the hell out and get back to work.

-Dodge: Oh I’m leaving, but you’re coming with me. Come on, get moving you.

(Dodge rudely pushes Paxton away)

-Paxton: Oh my, looks like I go''a go…bye 'enry. I' was nice 'alkin wi'h you.

-Henry (concerned): Yeah…it was…hmm.

-Narrator: No matter what Paxton tried, Splatter, Dodge, or even Diesel would stop
him and make everything for him be decided upon. Paxton was too afraid to stand up
to them, but his heart got in the way and put him under the illusion that the
diesels deep down were well-meaning, caring and had good deep down, but clearly,
that wasn’t the case at all, as Paxton was very naïve and gullible, not
understanding what a true friend was, but he didn’t like being bullied like that.
It didn’t take long for the engines to notice this, and how Paxton was being
mistreated like that. And it certainly wasn’t long until the Fat Controller had
found out and took empathy on the poor diesel. He knew that Splatter & Dodge were
already a bad influence on Paxton, and the same could be said for Diesel. He knew
that something must be done, and thankfully, he had an idea.

(Shows Paxton arriving at Elsbridge where he meets with Thomas)

-Narrator: That same day when the Fat Controller had Splatter sent to help repair
the tracks at the Castle Tunnel on the Little Western and Dodge to the Lumberyard
on the Loop Line, he thought Paxton would fair out better on the Ffarqhuar
Branchline. The young diesel soon arrived at Elsbridge, where the first engine he
met with was Thomas.

-Thomas: Oh, good morning there. It’s Paxton is it?

-Paxton (Shy): Yeah…'ha'’s me. Please 'o mee' you uh….wha'’s your name?

-Thomas (Giggles): My name is Thomas. Thomas the Tank Engine.

-Paxton (Gasps): Da Thomas 'he Tank Engine. Oh my! I'’s ac'ually you…sawry, I'’s
jus' I 'eard so much abou' you over 'he years. I'’s an 'onaw mee'in you.

-Thomas: Oh, why thank you. Yeah, lots of engines from the mainland have said that
to me (Chuckles). Anyways, the Fat Controller said that I am to show you around my
branchline and help you learn the roots. And I promise I will do my absolute best
to help you.

-Paxton: Oh, why fank you Thomas. I’ll do 'he bes' I can.

-Thomas: I’m sure you will Paxton. I’ve heard that Splatter & Dodge haven’t been
that all friendly to you, and I’m gonna look out for you and help you in every way.
If you ever need anything, don’t be afraid to talk to me, as I’ll be right there.

-Narrator: Paxton smiled. He was already taking a liking to this blue tank engine,
as Thomas really was very friendly and loyal.

-Paxton: Fanks Thomas! I really appreciate that. So, is there anything I can do to

-Thomas: Well the stationmaster will fill you in on what to do, I have get my
passengers down the line to Ffarqhuar. Good luck today Paxton, we can talk later.

(Thomas departs)

-Paxton: Fanks Thomas, I' was nice ge''in 'o mee' you.

-Narrator: Soon, the stationmaster came up, and informed Paxton what he had to do.
He shunted some empty trucks that also had to go up the branchline, as they were
needed at Anopha Quarry for Mavis. He headed down the branchline, Paxton was
enjoying himself. The beautiful sights such as the meadow fields, Maithwaite Park,
Farmer McColl’s farm, the watermill, the windmill, as well as the different
stations, Paxton was amazed with his surroundings, and best of all, nobody was
there to ruin it for him. It definitely help take his mind off of Splatter &
Dodge’s rudeness from earlier, and this time, he finally stop to get to know the
other engines more without any standoffish diesel getting in the way in forcing to
not make contact with them. He soon became friends with Percy, Toby, as well as
with Daisy, who had to admit, the diesel was actually quite impressive, and he even
made friends with Bertie & Terence along the way to. He even became friends with
Mavis once he soon arrived at the quarry.

-Mavis: Thank you for bringing in these empties there…Paxton right?

-Paxton: Yeah, 'ha'’s me! ‘appy 'o 'elp, uh, Mavis is I'?

-Mavis (Giggles): That’s right honey. Anyways, there’s a loaded train over there
that has to go to the Branchline harbor, would you like to take the train?

-Paxton: Oh, yes please Mavis. Fank you Mavis.

-Mavis (Giggles): Of course sweetie. I hope you enjoy yourself on Sodor.

-Narrator: Paxton soon coupled to the train and departed. Mavis smiled. She liked
this new diesel, especially because he was obviously the complete opposite of the
other diesel that was the same class as him. Paxton was able to focus so well, that
he wasn’t clumsy or paranoid whenever diesels like the Splodge pair or Diesel would
show up and berate him again.

(Paxton stops by Terence’s field)

-Terence: ‘ello again dere Paxton. I see yooehr getting the ‘ang o’ working around
de branchline.

-Paxton: I sure am Terence. Dis is fun. I can see why Thomas mus' be really proud
'o 'ave 'his line.

-Terence (Chuckles): ‘e sure is. ‘ey, maybe you might get a branchline to.

-Paxton: Hmm…maybe I could, bu' I'm jus' 'appy 'o be par' ov 'eam.

-Terence: Aye true. I can understand dat.

(Signal drops)

-Paxton: Righ', I go' 'o go, see you la'er Terence. Nice 'alkin 'o you.

-Terence: Aye, you two Paxton. Take care.

-Narrator: Paxton soon arrived at the branchline harbor on time, and the foreman
there was very impressed. So was Percy as he was shunting nearby.

-Toby: (Chuckles) Great job so far Paxton.

-Paxton: Fank you Toby.

-Toby: My pleasure. In no time at all, I’m sure you’ll make a fantastic

Northwestern engine.

(Toby departs)

-Narrator: Later that day, back at the yards, Diesel was in an even grouchier mood
than ever. He did tell Paxton to skip work just too meet him, but he didn’t show
up, as Paxton obviously followed the Fat Controller’s orders. The shunter was in
such a bad temper, as usual, he was taking his anger out on the trucks.

-Trucks: OOF!

(Sighs) And to think he’s one of my younger brothers, just pathetic. Then again,
he’s probably following the worthy fatso’s orders.

(Hears laughing and chatting)

-Diesel: Hey, I swear I think I hear Paxton’s voice. (Idles on the side of Knapford
Station) OH! Oh you got to be joking me!

(Paxton laughing with Gordon, Henry, James and Duck)

-Henry: I must say Paxton, you seem to be a lot happier lately.

-Paxton: Thanks 'enry! I always am when 'here’s jobs 'o be done.

-Henry: True, but I mean from before when we met, and one of the Splodge jerks
showed up.

-Paxton: Oh 'ha'.

-James: Yeah. I imagine that those two have always been making your life a living

-Paxton: Yeah, they always treated me very badly and kept bossing me around. But
I’m sure they do mean well. Same with Diesel even.

-Duck: Paxton…it’s of you to think that, but I beg pardon, those three don’t mean
well. They have only done nothing but cause trouble. Splatter is already becoming a
pain in the ass right now on the Little Western.

-Gordon: Indeed! And them telling you the friends you should and shouldn’t have,
that’s even worse.

-Paxton: Bu', I 'hough' 'hey were my friends.

-Duck: Paxton, somebody who’s mean to you is not your friend.

-Paxton: Oh.

-Henry: It’s not your fault Paxton, you’re still young, and those diesels think
they can manipulate you into doing whatever you want.

-James: Yeah. But you Paxton, you’re one of those few diesels out there that isn’t
like them, especially the 08’s. I don’t mean to say that to be rude, but the 08’s
we’ve come into contact are…

-Paxton: Devious an' rude.

-James: How’d you know that?

-Paxton: I'’s okay James, I knah where you were goin wi'h 'his, as i one ov 'he few
08’s 'ha' did boat race a 'on ov ridicule.

-James: Oh.

-Paxton: Yeah. Da steam engines I ran in'o were 'awrid 'o me, an' when i did come
in'o con'ac' wi'h nicer ones like you lo', o'her diesels, especially in my class
would fawce me no' 'o make friends wi'h 'hem.

-Gordon: Oh, I see! That is just horrid. But I also can assume, if you don’t mind
my saying, was that the reason why you saw Diesel and the Splodge pair as friends.

-Paxton (Sighs): Yeah, i'’s 'rue Gordon. I knah 'hey’re devious, an' I didn’' wan'
'o be 'heir friends…'hey fawced me 'o be, because 'hey 'ook me in when no one else

-Henry: Oh you poor engine. That’s just horrid, it’s just…

-Gordon: Disgraceful.

-James: Disgusting.

-Henry: Despicable.

-Duck: I couldn’t have put it better myself. I apologize Paxton, I wasn’t aware.

-Paxton: I'’s okay Duck, you couldn’' 'ave known. Da 'ru'h is, I don’' really like
'hem. Because 'hey don’' really like me. So faw years, I never 'ad any 'rue friends
a' all. Bu' knah 'ha' I’m 'alkin wi'h 'he 4 ov you, I ge' I' nah. I jus' don’'
understand why 'hose 'hree 'ave 'o be so mean.
-Gordon: Because they want to think diesels are superior to steam traction, that’s
why, and they want to make it known to everyone. We engines are equals, no matter
what class or background we come from.

-Duck: Exactly Gordon. However, Diesel will never be equal with us. I know that
those Splodge morons are a nasty piece of work, but believe me Paxton. Diesel is
the worst. He may be your brother, but that doesn’t give him the right to threaten
and bully you like that for his own selfish gain. Trust me, you don’t know him like
I do. He’s a horrid jerk that cares about nobody except himself.

-Paxton: You gotta point there. I even heard about what he did all these years ago
the first time he came, and I’m really sorry for you Duck.

-Duck: It’s okay Paxton. But the fact that, that delusional, arrogant scoundrel
spread those rumors about me and tried to humiliate and replace me, I just boil
whenever I think about him.

-Henry: And we all do the same. In fact, after Duck was sent to Wellsworth while
the Fat Controller’s father was conducting the investigation, he then targeted me
by making every believe I was stealing everyone’s trains, and got me, Gordon and
James to turn on each other, only from when we learned from Percy the truth.

-Gordon: Indeed! And thanks to that big black weasel, he even gave other diesels a
bad reputation to, only until we got to know BoCo and Bear when they first arrived.

-James (Sadly): Yeah, but I wish I saw that later to. I took it especially hard
with diesels, only after Marlin came, and meeting with Old-Stuck Up the night he
was gonna be scrapped, I changed my views on diesels ever since. But we apologize
that you had to hear this from us Paxton, we really don’t…

-Paxton: I'’s okay lads, I do understand. A' leas' you guys did see 'ha' la'er on.

-James: Oh, why thank you Paxton. Don’t worry, we can see that you are one of the
good diesels, especially out of the 08 class, unlike Diesel and those grim wasps
from hell, as well as that olive and grape that expired.

(Everyone laughs as Diesel seethes with fury from the corner of the station)

-Paxton: They sure are. (Laughs) Fanks lads, you lo' are 'he best! Anyways, which
'rain should I shun' faw you righ' now?

-Gordon: Oh, that would be my train, the express. It’s due to leave in 20 minutes.
They’re 4 green and cream colored bogie coaches by the carriage sheds at Knapford,
you can’t miss them.

-Paxton: Got it. I’ll get them right away. Fanks everyone.

-Gordon: Thanks to you as well Paxton.

-James: All I can say is I’m glad he’s on our railway. Let’s hope he becomes a
member of our fleet real soon.

-Duck: Indeed. He does deserve it, unlike Diesel and those Splodge morons. Speaking
of which, I gotta get back to my branchline and make sure Splatter isn’t causing
any trouble.

-Henry: Same here Duck, as I gotta head over to the Lumberyard. Dodge is shunting
there, and I hope he stays out of trouble to. See you later everyone.
-Narrator: So each of the 3 engines went their separate ways, while Gordon stayed
to wait until Paxton got his coaches. Diesel on the other hand was already turning
as red as James’s paintwork.

-Diesel: Grrr…I should’ve known that green imbecilic brother of mine defied me to
work for Sir Fatso, and would become friends with those outdated furnaces on rails.
Grrr, well I’m gonna make sure I talk some sense into…


-Diesel: My…my train?

-Yard Manager: Yes! A line of oil tankers, it’s gotta go to Crosby. Now stop
getting all pissy and get moving.

-Narrator: Reluctantly, Diesel set off. Not before he carelessly bumped the trucks…


-Narrator: But Diesel just scoffed as he left the yards. Little did he know that
the bump caused some of the oil to slowly leak from the 4th tanker on his train as
he headed down to Crosby, thinking of a way to make Paxton see things “only his”

(Fades to Paxton with Thomas and Emily at Ffarqhuar Sheds)

-Narrator: That night at Ffarqhuar sheds, Paxton was recounting his day with
Thomas, as well as Emily, who also wanted to check up on him.

-Thomas: Well I’m glad that you were able to tell the other engines about your
history with those jerks. I still can’t believe that Splatter & Dodge, as stupid as
they are, would even threaten you like that.

-Paxton: Yeah, an' I only believed 'hey were my friends because 'hey 'ook me in
when I was bein discrimina'ed, an' made me believe 'hey were my friends…ac'ually,
'he 'hrea'ened me 'o makin me 'hink we were friends.

-Emily (Sadly): Awe, you poor dear. I’m so sorry. I know how that feels. I was a
loner myself back then, and every engine on my old line, and the staff there, they
all hated me.

-Paxton: You too Emily?

-Emily (Sadly): Mmm hmm. (About to cry) A niver haed thon many friends, as A wis
juist as shy an feart as ye were, an nervous on hou tae fit i. An juist like ye,
thae wha tormentit me, wad dictate ma life, an lock me I the shit for na reason. Wi
the only ones wha carit aboot me bein' ma older sister Serena, another engine
callit Alice an ma old shed manager an his family. An whan A wis hidin i a shit
from scrap, A still felt neglectit bi society, e'en whan A wis found bi BoCo an
broucht tae Sodor.

-Paxton: Oh my. I’m sorry to hear that. But how did you fit in.

-Emily (Starts to smile and giggle): A confidit I’ the other engines an’ the Fat
Fontroller. But the biggest an bestest friend A haed o aw (Giggles), you’re lookin’
at him.
-Thomas (Blushes): (Giggles) Oh shucks.

-Emily (Giggles): Na, I'm serious, you’re the best friend A iver haed Thomas.

-Thomas: Awe. You’re my best friend to Emily.

-Paxton: Wai', you mean, you 'elped 'er Thomas.

-Thomas: It’s true Paxton. Not too long ago, Emily first came here, and she was in
just the same position as you were. In fact, a lot of engines, even some BoCo saved
and brought here, they were just like you and Emily. So if those 08 dip____ think
that we’re too different that they we can’t be friends, they better think again.
Steam engines and diesels are not so different from one another, and we’re all
entitled to be friends.

-Paxton: You’re righ' Thomas. I jus' wish i knew 'ha' sooner. Bu' I'm jus' so
scared 'o stand up faw myself, especially 'owards Diesel, Spla''er & Dodge. In
fac', 'oday, 'he 'wins 'ried 'o fawce me 'o mee' diesel, un'il 'he Fa' Con'roller
go' in 'he way, an' 'ha'’s pre''y much 'ah i me' wi'h you 'ha' mawnin Thomas.

-Thomas: I see! But did you enjoy today?

-Paxton: Oh absolutely! But I’m also scared, as Diesel is gonna eat me alive. And
so will the Splodge twins.

-Thomas (Chuckles): Don’t you worry about Diesel, Paxton. He’s an idiot, and he
always will be. If he does try to bully you again into doing only what he wants,
the Fat Controller is gonna find out and punish him severely. In fact, Diesel is
already being punished right now.

-Paxton: 'e is? Oh my…wha' did 'e do?

-Thomas: Not too long ago, he tricked Fergus into going to the Smelter’s Yard where
he’d be left for dead at the buffers of ‘Arry & Bert, so that way he could run
Anopha Quarry, along with Mavis, who he had an unhealthy infatuation with, and he
tried to seduce her.

-Paxton (Gasps): OH MY!

-Emily: It’s true Paxton. But dinnae worry, (Giggles) Mavis showit him a thin or
tae bi smokin' oil at him.

-Paxton (Giggles): Oh, that’s why he’s coverit I' thae oil stains.

-Thomas (Giggles): Yeah! The Fat Controller said he’ll only be cleaned unless he
behaves. But he obviously hasn’t (Laughs). And you needn’t worry about Splatter &
Dodge anymore either, as just today, they tried to cause trouble, but they only
went as far as getting themselves into it, as I heard from Oliver earlier in the
afternoon that Splatter tried to steal Donald’s ballast trucks so he could add to
his train, when they and Harvey were fixing the tracks at the Castle Tunnel on
their branchline. But that backfired because of Splatter’s stupidity, as with all
the abuse he lamented on the ballast hoppers, they got their revenge by showing him
down the line and causing him to crash on the newly laid ballast and into the lake
near the tunnel (Chuckles) and worse, he was so dumb, he forgot the brake van.

-Paxton (Laughs) Now that is hilarious! I guess it fits with his name.

-Thomas (Laughs): It sure does. In fact, Oliver said he, Donald and Harvey thought
the same thing.

(All three engines laugh)

-Paxton: Bu' wha' abou' Dodge?

-Emily: Dodge got the worst end o’ the stick. He wis bein a jerk at the lumberyard,
an poutin' like a child at the fact he haed tae stay thare an shunt. Sae he triit
tae steal Henry’s train o’ 31 trucks.

-Paxton: 31? But he can’t pull that many.

-Emily (Giggles): He certainly couldn’t. Because the moment he got tae Gordon's
hill, they pushit doun the hill settin him on a dangerous runaway, an before he
e'en made it tae Tidmouth, he slippit on some oil left on the rails for some
strange reason, an the signalman divertit him intae a disusit siding, crashit
throuch the buffers, doun a hill an throuch a construction site an intae the hole o
the foundation were the trucks an buildin materials pilit on top o him. A have tae
admit, horrid as he wis, A feel sae sorry for him.

-Paxton: Oh my.

-Emily: A know. Butch telt me he wis alricht, but badly manglit. But he an'
Splatter were sent tae the works thouch, an the fat controller says thon he gave
thaim a big scolding, an says he wad no repair thaim at the Steamworks.

-Paxton: Oh my. Bu' I 'hough' …

-Thomas: Don’t worry Paxton, the Fat Controller would never do something to cruel
to them. He’s said that they will be sent back to the mainland to be repaired. But
British Railways can’t stand those idiots just as much as we do, they said once
they’re repaired, he’s gonna… (Hold his laughter) he’s gonna send them… (About to
burst) he’s gonna send them to America.

-Paxton (Laughs): America?

-Emily (Laughs): Yeah, at a railway museum I' Pennsylvania. Strasburg A believe

it’s callit.

(All three engines laugh)

-Thomas: See Paxton, it’s gonna work out. Because those dolts already got what they
deserved, and tomorrow, we will never see them again.

-Paxton: Tha'’s a relief. I jus' 'ope Diesel doesn’' cause any mawe 'arm 'owards
me, aw any ov you faw 'ha' ma''er. I jus' don’' understand why 'e 'ad 'o be kep'

-Thomas: Same here Paxton. It’s quite complicated Paxton, but we’ll tell you in the
morning. Right now, you best get some rest, tomorrow is a busy day.

-Paxton: You’re righ'. (Yawns) Good nigh' Thomas. Good nigh' Emily. An' fank you

-Emily (Giggles): Guid nicht Paxton. Sweet dreams.

-Narrator: As Paxton fell asleep, Emily looked at Thomas lovingly, they she always
did when the two of them were together.
-Emily: Ye are juist such a wonderful friend Thomas. A mean it. Ye aye know hou tae
brin oot everyone’s humanity. Juist like hou ye did for me whan A first came here.
A will niver forget thon.

-Thomas: It was my pleasure Em. I mean what I say to, as of all the new arrivals
that have come in the past 3 years, I really feel the most closest to you. I know
it’s been 5 months, but I just like you so much. You mean a lot to me more than
anything Emily. Even more than my branchline, or life itself.

-Emily (Gasps): Ye mean thon?

-Thomas: Mmm hmm. I really just think your wonderful Emily…I know it’s shocking,
since, again, we’ve only known each other for 5 months, but…I just think there’s so
much about you that makes you so loveable. Your kindness, your sincerity, your
wisdom, your integrity, your love, and dare I say it, I think that you’re
incredibly beautiful.

-Narrator: A small tear of happiness trickled down Emily’s cheek as she smiled at
the little blue tank engine.

-Emily: Awe, Thomas. Thank ye. Thon means sae much tae me. I fact, ye mean a lot
tae me tae, as yer mah best friend.

-Thomas: Awe. And you’re my best friend to Em.

-Emily: I think you are very wonderful, you’re kind, caring, strong, funny, and
always look out for others. And…if you don’t mind me saying…I think you’re quite

-Thomas (Blushes): Awe. Thanks. And you’ve come along lately Em. You helped comfort
Paxton just now along with me.

-Emily: O course, as A know whit it’s like tae be an outcast. But here on Sodor,
nobody’s an outcast. An I'm gonna dae aw A can tae make sure Paxton gets the love
attention he deserves.

-Thomas: Same here Em. And I’ll do the same for you every day.

-Emily: Me tae. Guid nicht thomas.

-Thomas: Good night Emily.

-Emily: Och, an' Thomas.

-Thomas: Yeah.

-Emily (Whispers): I love you.

-Thomas (Gasps): Oh Em… (Sheds a tear) I love you to.

-Narrator: Both tender and tank engine smiled lovingly at each other, as it was
becoming so clear by now. They said good night to one another one more time, and
both engines fell asleep, dreaming happily about one another, and that things were
gonna turn out wonderfully for Paxton.

(Fades to Paxton at the Shunting Yards next morning)

-Narrator: The next morning Paxton was being refueled in the yards. He was about to
bring Gordon’s express to the platform when…
-Diesel (Growls): WHAT WAS THAT!

-Paxton: Oh my, oh didn’ see ya dere bruver.

-Diesel: BROTHER! BROTHER! Don’t you dare call me that you fool!

-Paxton: Oh ‘ave I done I sumthin’ wrong.

-Diesel: Something wrong? You insult our very existence with what you did

-Paxton: I can’t see wha’. All I did was shun’ an den chatt’d wit the ovver
engines, like Thomas, ‘enry, Gordon, James, Duck, Emily, ‘o name a few. All nice
fellas really.

-Diesel: YOU IMBECILE! How dare you even interact with those kettles? Particularly
that Great Western bastard, do you know the shame you’ve brought on our kind.

-Paxton: Uh, wha’ shame? I’ve seen ovver Diesels bein’ friends with steam engines.

-Diesel: GRRRR!!!! Those are pathetic steam lovers. We 08’s are the most versatile
engines of the all. We shouldn’t have to sink so low as to speak to those out of
date kettles. And you have brought insult to us all. You stupid, pathetic…

-Percy: And what’s going on here?

-Narrator: Percy puffed into the yards having heard everything.

-Paxton: Oh hi Percy, wha’ u doin’ ‘erę?

-Percy: Gordon was curious as to why you hadn’t brought his express to the Paxton.
Now I see why… (Glares at Diesel)…seems you can’t go four weeks without causing
trouble can you Diesel.

-Diesel (Grits teeth): Mind your own funnel you little Caterpillar!!!!

-Percy: Call me and Paxton all the childish immature names you want Diesel, but
remember, we’re not the ones with by far the worst track record on this Island.
Need I remind you about the incident at Manchester?



-Gordon: Do nothing of the sort! (Gordon steams into the yards) Percy’s right you
know. Now, I’ll ask, what you are going to do Diesel, run along like a mature
engine and leave Paxton to do his work while do your own…or should the Fat
Controller be told that you haven’t learnt your lesson…AGAIN! He still hasn’t
forgiven you after your stupid trick on Fergus or your frankly revolting treatment
of Mavis. I’m sure BR would be very pleased to have you back.

-Narrator: A chill of fear and anger ran through Diesel’s oil, he wanted to snap
but he knew Gordon was right. So gnashing his teeth he rolled away.

-Gordon: Are you alright dear Paxton?

-Paxton: Err, no’ rreally Gordon, what he…

-Percy: Now listen Paxton, don’t listen to half the ____ that comes out of that
Egotistical Weasel’s mouth. You are a fine engine an example to all Diesels 08s in

-Paxton: Oh I know tha’ Percy. After bein’ insulted by those other two morons, his
insul’s are nothin’. I jus’ can’ believe tha’ one of my bruvers was capable of
causing such a destruction. I ‘eard abou’ the inciden’ in Manchester thank goo’ness
no-one was ‘urt, bu’ still ‘ow could ‘e be so irresponsible.

-Percy: Well that’s Diesel for you Paxton, he’s a rolling mess of manipulation,
egoism, narcissism in one. Me and Gordon still question why he’s back on our
railway, given his history here.

-Paxton: Wai’ ‘es done stuff ‘ere too.

-Gordon: Indeed, but that’s a story for another day. The point is Paxton you are a
fine engine, as Percy says, you belong on Sodor. Don’t bother interacting with
Diesel, he’s not worth your energy. And believe me, if he starts causing trouble
for you, just let us know we’ll always be on your side.

-Percy: Gordon’s right, whether steam or diesel, we stand as one on this Island.
Against bullies like Diesel, Splatter and Dodge and any other engine who thinks
they can harm others for their own gain. Sure we have our differences and our flaws
but we all strive to be members of the Fat Controller’s railway. And you definitely
belong here.

-Paxton: WOW!! Fanks guys, you two r grea’ friends.

-Gordon: Absolutely! We Sudrians look out for one another no matter what. Anyways
though, if you don’t mind Paxton, could you fetch my coaches please, the express
really must leave on time and the passengers can’t be kept waiting. Show them what
a fine Sudrian you are.

-Paxton: Righ’ away Gordon, see u both a’ the station.

-Narrator: Paxton rolled off eagerly to find the coaches, as Gordon and Percy made
their way back to the station.

-Percy: We sure showed him didn’t we Gordon.

-Gordon (Chuckles): Indeed! That was a fine show by you by the way Percy. Certainly
have come a long way.

-Percy: Why thank you. So have you.

-Gordon: Of course. We certainly make a grand pair.

-Percy (Chuckles): Hell yeah!

(Percy & Gordon chuckle)

-Percy (Sighs): But still, that big black weasel is a freaking nightmare. I hope he
doesn’t make things worse than they already are. And that Paxton can stand up to
that bastard.

-Gordon (Sighs): So do I Percy. So do I.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Diesel soon arrived at Wellsworth Station to begin shunting.

He was in a foul temper after being shut down by Gordon and Percy and the reminder
of his infamous Manchester incident made his oil bubble. Unfortunately this meant
he wasn’t looking where he was going.

-Diesel: Humph! Stupid steamers, stupid Paxton, stupid everyone, probably would’ve
been better staying… (Collided with oil tanker)….OOOFF!!!

-Yardmaster: OUI!!! Watch where you’re going you stupid fool. You could’ve damaged
those tankers… (Diesel backs away as oil drips from the trucks)…honestly Steve
what’s wrong with these 08s, two just came in yesterday and ruined my yard.

-Stationmaster: Not all are the same Raj, that new one Paxton seems a nice fella,
hardworking too. Even if the others are all dunderheads.

-Yardmaster: Yeah suppose your right, with all luck, old Topham will send him and
the rest of those bad apples away and keep young Paxton.

-Stationmaster: You needn’t worry Raj. I already heard that those two chatterbox
scatterbrains got sent away this morning after one crashed through a construction
site, and the other splashed into a lake.

-Yardmaster: Ugh, thank god for that.

-Diesel’s driver: Indeed! Right you, I’m going for a coffee, your antics have given
me a headache. So stay here and stay out of trouble

-Diesel (murmurs): GRRRRR fools. I should’ve known those Splodge idiots were gonna

-Fred Pelhay: Well, no point calling them names now, you won’t change that. And you
won’t change those men or anybody else’s opinion about you.

-Diesel: Who said that?

-Narrator: Diesel’s eyes scanned the yards and eventually found the source of the
voice. An orange truck with white lettering stood beside him, however he looked
different from the rest. His face was more sly than troublesome and he seemed far
better spoken.

-Diesel: And who the hell are you supposed to be and what do you know?

-Fred: Well it seems that since you have no manners allow me to introduce myself.
I’m Pelhay, Fred Pelhay, but I know all about you diesel…and your incident in

-Diesel: WHAT? HOW?

-Fred: Let’s just we trucks are more observant than you engines. We hear everything
that any engine has to say, and believe me they’ve said plenty about you.

-Diesel: Oh have they now.

-Fred: Yeah! Some red engines don’t know when to shut up.

-Diesel: Grrrrr! James, wait till I…

-Fred: Get yourself in more trouble. Come now. Even you can’t be that stupid.

-Diesel: You dare mock me. I’ll have you know….

-Fred: I’m not here to mock you, more here to make an alliance. You are not so
different from us. We’re all outcasts in our own ways.

-Diesel (curious): Go on.

-Fred: Those engines are clearly very jealous of you, but your little brother seems
to have made quite the impact. Jealousy would be understandable.

-Diesel: Jealous, nonsense, I’ve nothing to be jealous about him.

-Fred: Of course not. But what if you damaged their trust in him.

-Diesel: What do you mean?

-Fred: A coal train is due for Ffarqhuar tomorrow, I believe you are to take the
train to Elsbridge tonight. Now who do you think is due to pull it to Ffarqhuar

-Diesel: Why Paxton of course. I checked that schedule earlier.

-Fred: Exactly. Now, I have a rusty coupling and am due for service soon. Now if
you were to put me at the head of the train, let’s just say at the gradient going
up the branchline, the coupling might break…

-Diesel: … and he’ll have the lost train, which will inevitably crash into a
kettle. They’ll turn on him and then he’ll come groveling to me. Begging for
forgiveness. Then starting forward with my diesel revolution (Evil cackle).

-Fred: (Evil cackle) Precisely, so do we have a deal or what?

-Diesel: Indeed we do.

-Narrator: The two chuckled as Diesel oiled away to continue shunting. That evening
Paxton brought some empty vans to Elsbridge. He’d had a good day and was looking
forward to returning to the yards. Then suddenly…

-Paxton: Say Stacy, can you ‘ear laughin’?

-Paxton’s driver: Why sure Paxton, soun’s like ur bruver and someone else. Perhaps
we should investiga’e?

-Narrator: Paxton rolled quietly into a nearby siding behind a long line of trucks.
He noticed Diesel talking to an orange truck. He listened intently.

-Diesel: Everything set then.

-Fred: Yes indeed, I’ve given the message to the lads rostered on the train. The
moment we hit the gradient, the jerk will happen and then boom

-Diesel: I’ve checked the schedule, Toby is the first engine down the line. Oh how
they’ll turn on him when they realize my brother harmed their precious wooden box.

-Fred: Exactly, (Laughs) it’s going to be quite the spectacle.

-Diesel (Laughs): I’ll say it is. Oh dear me Paxton, only you would be so aimless
as to what’s going on.

-Paxton: OH AM I?
-Narrator: Diesel and Fred jumped, Paxton had heard everything.

-Paxton: Y’know sumfin’ I fough’ nun o’ my bruvers culdn be as bad Splodge, bu’ u
r. Cause you can’t ‘andel the fact dat you caused dat ‘orrible acciden’ in
Manchester, you wanna sabotage my train so I go through the same.

-Diesel: Well I…

-Paxton: Shut I’! Gordon and Percy were righ’, you can’ be trust’d. Fink you culd
try and trick dumb Paxton, fink again. I’ll le’ the others know exactlee wha’ you
were plannin’ and den the Fat Controller can decide wha’ to do with you. Let’s go

-Paxton’s driver: Right away Paxton.

(Paxton rolls away.)

-Diesel: BLAST! He’s not even that stupid as I assumed he was.

-Fred: So the plans off then.

-Diesel: What do you think you foolish wagon. GRRRR! I suppose I’ll have to now
take this train to prove Paxton wrong.

-Diesels driver: That’s the least we’re doing Diesel.

-Diesel: What was that?

-Diesel’s driver: Oh yeah, you’ve really done it now. Of all the stupid crap you’ve
pulled off, argh! When are you gonna grow up? Well, guess what, we’re not just
starting early tomorrow, its everyday we’re starting. Oh and we’ll be finishing
late too. And since we are starting early, you can spend the night here. You and
that truck deserve each other’s company.

-Narrator: And Diesel’s driver stormed off over to the bus stop at the station,
where Bertie the Bus.

-Diesel: Great! Well, we’ll just to have to work around “him” to.

-Fred: Oh don’t you worry your head off Diesel, we’ll make sure to carry out this
plan. (Sly grin) One way or the other.

-Narrator: Later that evening at Knapford, the Fat Controller was finished with his
paperwork and decided to pick up dinner from the station’s café for him and Lady

-Thomas: Evening sir. Heading home.

-TFC: Ah good evening Thomas. I am indeed. Though not before I pick up dinner for
me and Lady Hatt. I decided to pick up a nice delicious pizza. With a mixture of
the toppings that me and Lady Hatt love.

-Duck: Brilliant choice sir. What kind of toppings?

-TFC: Well, sausages, onions, ham, and…

-Paxton: SIR!
-TFC: What the devil?

-Thomas: Cinders and ashes, it’s Paxton!

-Duck: Dear lord, he looks like he’s seen a ghost.

-Paxton: Sir, lads! There’s some'hin I 'ave 'o 'ell all ov you!

-TFC: Calm down Paxton. It’s okay. Now, what’s wrong?

-Narrator: Paxton calmed down, and told the Fat Controller, Thomas and Duck
everything about Diesel’s plan, as well as his accomplice involved.

-Paxton: An' so Diesel ac'ually wan's me 'o be 'he engine 'o cause 'his acciden'
'omawrah along wi'h 'his brigh' awange 'ruck.

-Thomas (Gasps): Oh no! That bastard!

-TFC: ARGH! That scumbag, ugh! Even after I punished him for attempting to get rid
of Fergus and committing sexual harassment on Mavis, he’s still learned nothing!
UGH! Well, tomorrow, Diesel and I are gonna have a serious chat.

-Duck: Indeed! You did the right thing in telling us the truth Paxton. And, you
even just stood up to Diesel to.

-Paxton: Fank you Duck. You’re all my friends now! I can never le' 'ha' 'appen 'o
any ov you.

-TFC: And I appreciate that to. You did the right thing in coming to me right now
Paxton, and I’m proud of you.

-Thomas: Same here Paxton. You’re a lot braver and had a lot more common sense than
you realize. And no matter how hard it was, you told Diesel off and did the right

-Paxton: Fanks Thomas. Bu' I' wasn’' faw you an' 'he o'hers, I wouldn’' 'ave.

-Duck: O course. We’re right by your side Paxton. By the way, you mentioned Diesel
was working alongside an orange truck you said.

-Paxton: Yeah! A little plank wagon, but painted in bright orange with white
lettering. Plus, he spoke in a sly and raspy voice.

-Duck: Oh no…I think I know who you’re talking about. You must be referring to Fred

-Thomas: Fred Pelhay?

-TFC: Oh, that orange coal truck from the colliery.

-Paxton: You knah 'im Duck?

-Duck: As matter of fact Paxton, I met him many years ago. He was one of the
lieutenants of Scruffy when he and the other trucks on our line were making fun of
Oliver after the turntable incident. Though he and the trucks finally backed down
in fear after Oliver ripped Scruffy to shreds.

-Paxton: Oh my.
-TFC: Indeed! And I thought he and the other trucks at the time learned sense after
that incident. It seems now I gotta deal with them tomorrow morning. Again, thank
you Paxton, for doing the right thing.

-Thomas: Indeed! We’re all very proud of you.

-Paxton: Fanks everyone. I just hope we can stop Diesel & Fred’s plans.

-TFC: Don’t worry Paxton. I’ll make sure of it. Right now, you all better get some

-Duck: Indeed! Good night sir. And good job Paxton.

-Thomas: Yes, great job indeed. Come on, you can rest with us at the sheds, you’ve
had a long day.

-Paxton: Fanks lads.

-Narrator: Paxton smiled. But he just hoped that Diesel and Fred’s plans would
still fail, and that Diesel won’t go after him. The next morning Diesel was up
early, taking the coal trucks himself to Elsbridge. He was both annoyed and worried
that his plan hadn’t worked and even more so that his driver had made him deliver
the trucks. Little did he know he was heading for trouble.

-Fred: All set lads.

-Truck 1: Sure thing Fred. He won’t know what hit him.

-Truck 2: Yeah, serves him right for calling us foolish wagons.

-Narrator: As they rumbled passed the river Els Bridge where Thomas went fishing
one time, they soon approached the hill. The same one Diesel had helped Thomas up
during his fourth trial.

-Fred: I really am sorry that our plan didn’t work Diesel…

-Diesel: Well you should be you stupid wagon, all because you don’t know when to
shut up.

-Fred: True but then again, you are also just as stupid, you broke one major engine

-Diesel: Stupid, stupid, what rule would I have broken you filthy bugger.

-Fred: Any wise engine knows that they can never trust trucks. But than, again,
wise is not even a word to describe a selfish, bad-tempered moron like you.

-Diesel: Wait? WHAT?

-Fred: NOW! (Coupling breaks and the trucks begin racing down the line). Goodbye
Diesel, I’m sure you’ll enjoy life back on BR.


-Diesel’s driver: Isn’t it obvious. That bastard Pelhay played you and has given
you a taste of your own medicine.

-Diesel: No kidding Jack. What are we going to do now?

-Diesel’s driver: What do you think genius, firstly we’re gonna notify the
signalman and then you are going to play chase.

-Narrator: Diesel rolled back still in shock that a “foolish wagon” could outsmart
him. Meanwhile Paxton had arrived at Elsbridge expecting to find Diesel and the
trucks. However when he arrived, there was no-one there.

-Paxton: Say where’s Diesel an' 'ha' friend ov 'is gone?

-Stationmaster: Oh he left this morning with the trucks. Apparently he had to make
up for something or other?… (Telephone rings)...Oops sorry gotta take that.

-Paxton’s driver: I wouldn’t think he’d try and ma’e amends.

-Paxton: Yeah, I’s veree strange… (Pauses)…’ang on Stacy, can you ‘ere somethin’?

-Paxton: Yeah, I can Paxton, I’ sounds sum trucks.


-Paxton’s driver: Damn an’ tae think ‘e was actually ‘helping.

-Paxton: Never mind ‘im Stacy, we ‘ave to stop those trucks… (Turns to
stationmaster)…change the signals, QUICK!

-Narrator: The stationmaster did so and Paxton began to reverse quickly, he

switched lines as the trucks came into view.

-Trucks: ON!!! ON!!! FASTER!!! FASTER!!!

-Narrator: Paxton’s wheels whirred faster and faster, his engine roared. However
being class 08, he soon hit his top speed of only 20mph. The trucks were catching
up at alarming rate.



-Narrator: As they rounded the bend, the trucks bumped Paxton hard. His driver
slammed on the brakes and Paxton forced his weight against the trucks. They seemed
to be slowing but not fast enough. Toby rounded the bend, pulling Henrietta who was
filled with important people like the Fat Controller, who assumed Diesel was still
at Elsbridge, and was still set on deciding what to do with him and Fred. But just
as Toby was coming down the line.



(Runaway train gets closer to Toby).

-Fred: You stupid engine, you honestly you think you can stop us. You really are a
fool. I mean, we tricked your supposedly intelligent brother. What makes you think
you can stop us?


-Narrator: Paxton groaned as his wheels locked in place. Eventually with one last
effort, Paxton brought the train to a stop just inches from Toby’s buffers.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

-Toby: Paxton, that was amazing. You saved me and my passengers.

-TFC: I'll say. That was the finest act of bravery, I've ever seen from any new
engine. I am very proud of you Paxton.

-Paxton (Breathing): Fanks Toby, sir,….just remind me never to go dat fast again.

-TFC (Chuckles): Promise! This I can only assume must’ve been Diesel’s trick, oh,
when I get my hands on him…

(Diesel’s horn blares)

-Toby: Speak of the devil and he shall appear.



-Diesel (Gulps): Uh-oh!

-Toby: So Diesel, trying to kill me, huh? And my passengers to eh?

-Diesel (Stuttering): Uh…uh…it’s not what it looks like, I swear…


-Diesel: (Gulps)


-Diesel: But…but…I…


-Diesel: Huh?

-Narrator: Diesel spluttered! Everyoen else was in shock to.

-Toby: So, it wasn’t all Dodge’s fault. You caused one of your own goons to fail.

-TFC: Indeed he has Toby. And it turns out, you hired Splatter & Dodge to causing
even more trouble for your own selfish and delusional schemes. DIDN’T YOU?

-Diesel: YES…YES SIR! I DID!

-Paxton (Gasps): DIESEL! Bu' 'ha'’s no' all, you jerks kep' on 'hrea'enin an'
bullyin me faw likin steam engines. Da fa' con'roller’s righ', 'he only Diesel I
brough' shame 'o is you! Wawse, you 'ried 'o ge' me 'o cause 'his very acciden' on
Toby wi'h 'ha' friend ov yours! YOU’RE NO FRIEND DIESEL! YOU’RE A BULLY AN’ A JERK!

-Narrator: Diesel went pale. Shocked that Paxton just stood him up.


-Narrator: Diesel of course hated taking responsibility, so he didn’t, and that’s

when realized that it’s probably best he should’ve.


-Diesel: Completely clear sir!


-Fred: Uh-oh!


-Diesel: Ye…yes sir!

-Fred: Sorry sir!

-Narrator: And with a temporary coupler made with a piece of wire in Diesel’s cab,
Fred was uncoupled from the train, and Diesel pulled him along as fast as he could
in fear all the way to the Steamworks, both realizing they went too far. The Fat
Controller then turned proudly to Paxton.
-TFC: I’m so proud of Paxton. After these past few days, you have really made quite
the impression, and you’ve made us all proud. I couldn’t have asked for a better
engine. Plus, you clearly were the only good Class 08 I had compared to how
horrible and annoying Splatter & Dodge were, and now that you’re away from them,
you’ve proven to be both a really useful and kind engine with a pure of heart. That
alone says a lot about your character. Congratulations my friend.

-Paxton: Fank you sir! Bu' you really are 'he grea'es' an' kindes' con'roller I
me', an' your engines are 'he bestes' friends I could ask faw.

-Toby: The pleasure is Paxton. But thank you also for saving me and my passengers
from what could’ve been a very tragic accident.

-TFC: Indeed! Anyways, we can’t stay on the middle of the line forever. Could you
get these trucks to Ffarqhuar please?

-Paxton: Absolutely sir. I’m on my way.

-Narrator: So Paxton shunted train up to Ffarqhuar as planned, while the fat

Controller climbed back into Henrietta, and Toby continued on his way. After he had
got the train there, the Fat Controller sent Paxton to the Steamworks as well,
because as noble as the rescue was, he had to have his brakes seen to, but to also
have a new coat of paint for his act of heroism and bravery. The Fat Controller
also made sure to punish Diesel and Fred severly as he planned, and for Diesel…
well, he decided in order to learn to be more responsible and courteous, he had
removed from the rails, and place onto a track with buffers at each end in the car
park at Vicarstown Station. And he was to remain there for the whole entire year,
dealing with harsh weather conditions, noisy and rowdy children. All the while as
the oil stains from Mavis still remained, and something worse to make sure Diesel
really kept his mouth shut.

-Diesel (Sighs): This is awful! I don’t know how to cope with this one and… (A
pigeon lands on top of him at the front) oh what are you doing bird brain, get off
of me and…hey…what are you doing?

(Bird lifts up its tail)

-Diesel (Shrieks): Oh no, you have got to be kidding me.

(Shows an aerial view of Vicarstown station)


-Narrator: As for Fred Pelhay, well, the sinister and malicious orange truck had
got what he deserved as well. It turns out, the Fat Controller’s granddaughter,
Connie, who was also the daughter of his first born Richard, said that her class
needed a new garden for their school, so the Fat Controller decided to them a favor
in helping by having Fred’s wheels and axles removed, and made into a new garden
for the front of the school. Fred hates it, as he hates dealing with the soon, the
fact he’s now filled with dirty mulch, and the insects that dwell on him,
especially the slugs and mosquitoes. And worse, the kids, who make sure to annoy
the orange truck every day. Fred didn’t feel so clever and sly now, in fact, he
felt he was in absolute hell. But the good news was that in those few days that
passed, Paxton had finally returned from the Works, with a stronger engine and
brakes, and with a spotless new coat of paint. Best of all, he also returned
alongside a new friend of his, who also had been in the Steamworks for some time.
The two green diesels clattered happily as they came into Tidmouth Station, where
all their friends, both steam and fellow diesels whistled, honked and cheered.
-Thomas: Paxton! Welcome back buddy! And welcome back to Derek!

-Paxton: Fanks Thomas!

-Derek (Giggles): Hello old chaps! It’s great to be home!

-Emily: Derek! Oh we’ve missit ye!

-Derek (Chuckles): I’ve missed you all to Emily. But now that my overhaul is done,
I’m back now, good as new and immune to teething troubles once and for all.

-Edward: Oh that’s wonderful Derek. The Brendam Branch has not been the same with

-Salty: Aye! Ahoy home me hearty.

-BoCo: Indeed! And I also see you met our newest member, Paxton.

-Derek: That I have BoCo. And I must say, he’s a wonderful chap. I’m so glad to
have made your acquaintance Paxton, and congratulations for your heroic efforts to
when foiling Diesel’s plans and saving Toby. I’m glad you’ve now become a member of
our family.

-Paxton: Fank you Derek! An' congra's 'o you 'o faw savin 'ha' cruise ship. An' all
ov you, I knah I've already said 'his, bu' fank you all faw bein 'he bes' friends I
ever 'ad. I never 'ad any friends back on bri'ish railways, an' even 'hose 'ha'
were my friends, were nasty bullies 'ha' used me faw 'heir own selfish advan'ages.
Bu' 'hanks 'o you lo', I nah knah wha' a 'rue friend is. All ov you are 'he
grea'est, an' i don’' care wha' Diesel, 'he Splodge pair an' any ov 'hose mainland
jerks say, because I can make friends wi'h whoever I wan', an' nobody can stop me.
Fank you all!

-Gordon: You’re more than welcome Paxton. And we’re glad to have another new member
in our team.

-Oliver: Exactly! Because you deserve it Paxton.

-Arthur: Here, here!

-TFC: Indeed! You have proven yourself to be a value member Paxton, both you and
Derek, who I must say it’s great to have you back and fully overhauled, for real
this time.

-Derek: Why thank you sir!

-TFC: As another special reward for your selflessness, kindness, bravery, and
heroism Paxton, the Blue Mountain Quarry on the Peel Godred Branch needs an engine
to help in shifting the slate from there to various places on the railway. So if
you do that, you can see many different places and meet up with any of the other
engines. What do you say?

-Paxton: I’d say I’d be honored. Fank you sir!

-Percy: That’s wonderful to Paxton, as at the Blue Mountain Quarry, you’ll even
meet with the Skarloey engines to.

-BoCo: Yeah, and you’ll be interacting with many different engines, so you’ll won’t
feel lonely.
-Mavis: Indeed! We’re proud for your sweetie.

-Edward: And remember, if you ever need anything, or if anybody tries to use you,
just come to us immediately, and we’ll always be here.

-Paxton: Fanks Edward. I’ll remember that. Still, it feels great to be part of a
railway I can call home.

-Emily: Same here Paxton. Same here.

-Duck: And best of all to, as Diesel, ‘Arry & Bert will be put of our funnels and
radiators for the remainder of the year.

-Henry: Indeed! And that we have an old friend who’s back, and a lot of new ones
who joined us along the way.

-Thomas: You got that right Henry. Still, three cheers for Paxton, the greatest 08
we’ve ever met.

-Narrator: And everyone cheered again, for the return of Derek the Paxman Diesel,
for his bravery during the storm and that his teething troubles were finally
rectified, and for their newest member, Paxton, the good 08 diesel.

-Narrator: Arthur the LMS Engine was enjoying his new life on Sodor after these
past few months. He had been working hard in helping out on the main line handling
goods traffic, but occasionally shunting or pulling passengers. Despite that one
incident where he crashed into the back of Duck’s goods train at Maron crossing
after being fooled by Bill & Ben, Arthur was a very reliable and versatile engine
with plenty of years of experience that gained him the spotless record that got him
where he is today, and now feels like he’s become part of Sodor all his life, and
being a utility engine Donald, Douglas and Kirby, was seen everywhere on the
railway, though there is one sight that Arthur was particularly fond of; the
Norramby Branchline. The Norramby branch is a special coastal branchline on the
east of Sodor diverting away from Henry’s tunnel where the line terminates at the
town of Norramby, which is a beautiful fishing village by the sea, as the line
itself is very famous on Sodor for its fish. It had been running since the
Northwestern Railway was founded, and had a special joint service running there
from Barrow in Furness on the mainland, but it never had its own engine running it,
but they would still make deliveries or collect fish there, just like when the Kirk
Ronan branch was reopened, but changed after BoCo had saved Barry from scrap. Now
the Fat Controller was thinking of an engine he could trial there to run it, but
the question was, which one?

(Fades to the Fat Controller with the engines at Knapford Sheds)

-Narrator: One morning, the Fat Controller came to see the engines at Knapford

-TFC: Good morning engines. Now, as most of you are probably aware, the branchline
at Norramby has been very successful over the years, and the line is very famous
for its fish. And even though you all of you have provided great services and I’m
proud of you all, I can’t keep sparring you all to go there, because I think that
just like when BoCo rescued Barry, who I assigned to work the Kirk Ronan Branch, I
will trial an engine to run the branchline there to deliver the fish and bring
trucks to the line itself.

-Narrator: Arthur beamed. He was hoping deep down, the Fat Controller could choose
him. But unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.
-TFC: James, I’d like you to run the line for the time being.

-James: What? Me?

-TFC: Yes James. As you one of my medium sized engines, that are just as light to
go on branchlines, as the Norramby Branch is one of those lines that is not strong
enough to hold the weight of bigger engines. Don’t worry, this is not permanent, as
you will be back your normal main line duties soon, I just need to see how you can
handle working the line.

-James: Bu…but sir. I’m far too important to be pulling dirty trucks on
branchlines. Can’t Donald or Douglas do it, or Kirby, they’re…

-TFC: You will do as you’re told James. I told you this millions of times, no
engine is important to do the jobs I give them. Everyone else is already busy with
their own jobs. The other reason I’m assigning you is to open your horizons, as
change is as good as rest. And if that won’t work, I guess I could have you deliver
rubbish trains then.

-James (Gulps): Yes sir, sorry sir!

-TFC: Right! Arthur, I’d like you to handle James’s jobs for the time being.

-Arthur: Oh, yes sir, anything you need.

-Narrator: Arthur said sadly. He said that confidently, as Arthur was always an
obedient and responsible tank engine. But deep down, he loved the Norramby Branch,
and was hoping he’d be the engine running it.

-Emily: Arthur, are ye okay?

-Arthur: Huh? Oh, I’m fine Emily. Just business as usual.

-Narrator: And Arthur puffed away. Even though he was still upset to not be working
on the branchline, Arthur still put on a straight face, and handled James’s trains
as best as he could. James on the other hand, grumbled like anything, but then,
would you expect him to do anything else when it came to goods traffic? But he
couldn’t stand the fish and how smelly it was, but his hatred for justified even
more ever since his incident at Knapford Harbor while Henry was having his
overhaul, where he was forced to take the Flying Kipper after tricking a fatigued
Bear into doing so, only to slide on some spilled fish. The big red engine had
never forgotten that, and working the branchline only just made him hate fish even

-James: Bluck! Damn branchline! Damn fish! Damn smell! I think I’m gonna be sick!

-Fisherman: Oh lighten up dere laddie. Dis is what de line is famous fahr. You
should wahrk on dis line.

-James: Humph! Like that’s ever gonna happen.

(James snorts away in disgust)

-Narrator: The only positives was that at least he got to pass by Ballahoo
Cathedral, where he and Thomas helped out Mrs. Kyndly’s daughter Nina with her
wedding, as that was one of his fondest memories, plus, he had to admit for a
branchline that supplied fish, it was rather beautiful to look out. The cool sea
breeze, bright yellow sand and glimmering ocean were really a sight to behold. But
this still didn’t help all that much, especially when he would meet with Gordon &
Henry, and the two big engines wouldn’t let him hear the end of it.

-Henry (Chuckles): Oh hello there, you must be a new eng…oh wait, hold on, it’s
only James. Well isn’t this a surprise.

-Gordon: What’s this here James, playing branchline engines are we? (Chuckles) And
I thought you were too important for such work, but then again, from an engine of
your caliber, it would make a lot of sense now.

-Henry: Oh look on the bright side James, I mean it’s not the first time, you’ve
handled fish trains, I mean, you pulled the Flying Kipper for me on some occasions
when I’m absent, especially that other time you did during my overhaul when you
were “sliding on the scales” so to speak (Laughs).

-James: Humph! Well if you like fish so much Henry, why don’t you be a sport and
run the line.

-Henry (Chuckles): No can do, as I’m needed here on the main line.

-Gordon (Chuckles): Indeed! I think the Fat Controller made a right choice in
picking you, an engine that can fit on branchlines. Plus, with your red livery,
you’d look great as a tasty halibut (Laughs).

-Narrator: And Gordon & Henry left laughing, leaving James seething with fury.
Later that afternoon, after a hard day’s work, James went over to the wash down to
clean himself from the stench.

-James: Ugh, make me pull rotten fish trains on dirty branchlines. Bluck! I may
never get the smell of my tender for weeks.

-Narrator: Just then Arthur showed up. The Ivatt couldn’t help but laugh.

-Arthur (Laughs): Well look who it is, huh? (Smells)How was your day at the fishing

-James: Do you even have to ask? It stunk, literally! I just don’t know how the
locals on that line can even live with this smell? In fact, I can’t place my buffer
on how some people like to eat fish?

-Arthur (Chuckles): Fish is actually quite healthy for the human body James. In
fact, the country of Japan loves fish, as seafood is part of their culture.

-James (Snorts): Well good for the Japanese then, it’s like the whole ocean is free
buffet, just like the fishing villages at Norramby. I mean, I get I’m doing them a
favor, but I just don’t like that smell. It’s completely unpleasant for a fine
engine like me, ugh!

-Arthur (Sighs): Well I envy your job James. Just to let you know, things are going
just fine with your duties on the main line. But I hope I got my chance to do yours

-Narrator: Arthur sighed and puffed sadly away to Knapford Sheds, leaving James
feeling quite concerned.

-James: Was it something I said?

-Narrator: James thought to himself.

(Fades to Arthur collecting trucks at Elsbridge)

-Narrator: The next morning, Arthur was shunting trucks at Tidmouth for his first
train of the day, right now he was adding some trucks of stone and milk tankers
from the Ffarqhuar Branch onto his train. Thomas was nearby collecting passengers.

-Thomas: Morning Arthur. I see you’re doing James’s work today.

-Arthur: Yeah, I’m doing the slow goods run.

-Thomas: That’s nice! Just be glad it’s not James himself doing it, he’ll just
complain bitterly about how engines like him are not suited for it (Chuckles).

-Arthur: Yeah, but he’s already upset he’s working at the Norramby Branch.

-Thomas: That’s true! What’s wrong Arthur, you don’t sound very happy. Everything

-Arthur: Oh, well, it’s just that Thomas, I just wish I was the one working at the
Norramby Branch.

-Thomas: Oh, I see! I take you must’ve liked it there.

-Arthur: More than that Thomas, I loved it there. I actually like fish and the
sights of the line. And seeing as the Fat Controller has already begun trialing
different engines, well, I just hope I could run the branchline.

-Thomas: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Have you spoke to the Fat Controller about

-Arthur: Oh, I could never Thomas. He’s a great man, and enjoy doing whatever job
is given really, but I just don’t want to interfere with his decisions, as I might
sound ungrateful.

-Thomas: Nonsense Arthur. You wouldn’t be ungrateful in the slightest, you’d be

advocating for yourself. Listen, I do understand how you feel my friend, as I felt
the same way to back when first came and started out as the railway’s first station
pilot, and I desired to do more, and after Edward let me take his trucks and I
stopped at Wellsworth, that’s where I expressed my desires to the Fat Director at
the time. He understood, made arrangements for me to work at Wellsworth to learn
how to understand how to deal with trucks and pull my own trains. And after saving
James after crashing into that field on his first day, I managed to obtain the
branchline I have, all because of my work ethic and compromise. Though unlike me,
you’ve already had years of experience Arthur, as you do have the spotless record.

-Arthur: (Giggles)

-Thomas: The point being, I think you deserve a branchline to call your very own. I
did, so did Edward, and Duck, and then recently your cousin Barry, though he was
needed because the Fat Controller felt it was about time the Kirk Ronan Branch had
its own engine. I think it’s about time you got your chance to Arthur.

-Arthur: Thanks, but again, I wouldn’t want to sound like I’m opposing on him. As
after all, engines on BR could never be allowed to speak up for themselves.

-Thomas: Don’t worry about that, as you’re not on BR anymore. The Fat Controller
does have requirements for us, yes, but you have to remember, this is the Island of
Sodor, a place where any engine can be whoever they want, and the Fat Controller is
understanding about that, as long as there is a compromise. He sees the humanity in
us engines, and always do our best to meet our needs and wants, as he expects us to
also voice your opinions to. He’ll understand Arthur, and besides, if you do become
the permanent engine on the Norramby Branch, then you’ll be doing him a big favor
after all.

-Arthur: Oh, I guess I would then. You’re right Thomas. This isn’t British Railways
anymore, and I think it’s about time I did. I’ll try and talk to him later when I
get the chance. Thanks Thomas!

-Thomas: Anytime Arthur.

(Fades to James arriving at the Fishing Village)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, James arrived back at the Norramby Branch again, and just
like yesterday, he was still irritated. He just didn’t want to be doing the job any

-James: Come on! Come on! Hurry up! I’m a splendid red engine, and I’m far too
important to be stalling on at a harbor with smelly, odorous fish.

-Fisherman (Laughs): And a very fussy one to. If I were you, I’d enjoy this smell

-James (Snorts): Phew! Like that’s ever gonna happen.

-Narrator: The trucks could see James was in a grumpy mood, so they decided to take
advantage of that. As soon as the fish was loaded and the van doors were locked,
James set off to deliver the fish to the Wharf. All was going was smoothly as James
was puffing down the coastal track, and the sight and sounds of the coast actually
helped James calm down, but only just a little, as he was still determined to
finish the job. But perhaps, if James hadn’t been so grumpy, he would’ve known that
up ahead, there was a set of malfunctioning points. One switch continued down the
line, the other one diverted off the branch and onto an old pier line. The
Troublesome Trucks knew and saw this as their chance.

-Van 1: Now lads!

-Vans: ON! ON! ON!


-Narrator: The vans had knocked James’s crew out of the cab, so nobody could the
brakes on, and James was pushed through, crashing through the barrier and onto the
dock itself, while the trucks detached from James in the process and went down the
other line, leaving poor James helplessly running down the pier.

(Shows James running down the dock and pushing all sorts of objects off the pier,
crashing through the buffers and falls into the sea)



-James: Pluh, pah! Ugh!

-Van 1 (Laughing): Look lads! He’s fallen in the water!

(Vans laughing)

-Van 2: And looks at his color, he’s look perfect enough to be some salmon.
(Vans laughing)

-James (Deadpan): Wonderful.

(Shows the Fat Controller in his office)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, the Fat Controller was in his office when he got the call
from James’s driver.

-TFC: Oh dear. (Sighs) Somehow I had a feeling this was gonna happen. But at least
it wasn’t James’s fault though and no harm was done…what’s that you say…the ice
refrigerating the fish is melting…oh dear, we all know how unpleasant that is…
especially if the fish did get sent to the mainland smelling like that. Hmm…let me
check my timetables…let’s see…ah ha, you’re in luck Martin, Arthur is the nearest
engine right now at Vicarstown where he’s delivering his slow goods. I’ll send him
there immediately.

(Cuts to Arthur talking to Barry)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Arthur had delivered his slow goods to Vicarstown, and was
resting, while also having a chat with his cousin Barry.

-Barry: Thomas is right Arthur. You’ve been working hard here for 6 months and have
kept everything running like clockwork. I think it’s about time you got a special

-Arthur: I think so to Barry, and thanks. Though I hope the Fat Controller

-Barry: I’m sure he will. If this was on the mainland, those jerk controllers would
never understand, but with the Fat Controller, he’ll always go out of his way to
make sure us engines are happy. Besides, I think the Norramby Branch wouldn’t have
asked for a better engine than you Arthur, as I believe it would be in good

-Arthur: Thanks Barry. And if I did get the line, then that means Sodor would have
two successful branchlines run by Ivatt 2MT’s of different designs.

(Arthur and Barry laugh)

-Narrator: Just then, the stationmaster came up.

-Stationmaster: Arthur, we have an emergency.

-Arthur: Oh, what’s up?

-Stationmaster: James has derailed at a peer rail at the Norramby Branch and has
fallen into the sea.

-Arthur: Oh my lord, is he alright!

-Stationmaster: He is, and Marlin and the Breakdown gang will take care of him. But
this is urgent, as the ice keeping the fish fresh is going to melt, and they need
to get to the Wharf as soon as possible.

-Arthur: Right away sir! I’m on my way!

-Barry: Go on Arthur. Show that you deserve to run that line.

-Narrator: So Arthur set off to help James as quick as he could. Meanwhile, James
was feeling miserable, laying in the sea, and covered in seaweed, kelp and all
sorts of debris.

-James: Oh this is just horrible. I honestly can’t imagine how this could get any
worse and (Sniffs), oh no, you got to be kidding me.

-Narrator: James realized that because of the summer sun, the Fat Controller’s
worries were justified, as the ice meant to refrigerate the fish was slowly
starting to melt, and the smell of odorous fish was slowly at its peak.

-James: Oh god no! If that ice melts, those fish will go off soon, and Gordon &
Henry will never let me hear the end of it.

-Arthur: Not if I can help it!

-Narrator: James looked, and there coming along the line in front of the vans was

-James: Oh Arthur, am I ever glad to see you.

-Arthur: I imagine. Are you alright though James?

-James: I’ve had worse. It’s the fish you have to worry about. You have to get them
to the Wharf as quick as you can, or it’s gonna be one serious stink bomb.

-Arthur: Don’t worry James, I’ll get it there as soon as possible. Fireman, couple
me up.

-Narrator: So Arthur’s fireman coupled him up to the vans, and Arthur set off as
quick as he could to the Wharf.

-James: Hurry Arthur!

-Narrator: James called out. Of course, Arthur was an engine who knew how to run
trains to time. He puffed as fast as he could, while also paying attention to the
rules as to not get into trouble, until he arrived at the quayside at the Wharf,
just in time.

-Arthur: Ha, ha! We did it!

-Arthur’s driver: Well done old boy. You always were a great timekeeper back on the

-Skarloey: I’ll say he is.

-Narrator: Said Skarloey who was shunting nearby.

-Skarloey: That was a fine effort today there Arthur.

-Arthur: Why thanks Skarloey.

-Skarloey: I think the Fat Controller should really consider making you the engine
that runs the branchline at Norramby. Especially given how conscious you are about
keeping trains to time.

-Narrator: Arthur smiled, maybe, just maybe, he thought, maybe he could request
this to the Fat Controller. Later, Arthur went to check up on James at the
Steamworks. The big red engine was being repaired and cleaned, but the damage
wasn’t to major, though James didn’t like being plunged into the ocean.

-Arthur: Hi James! How’re you holding up?

-James: Oh, just fine, getting cleaned inside and out. Thank you again for helping
me with the vans.

-Arthur: My pleasure. But thank you though at least letting me work that train.

-James: Oh, um really? What for?

-Arthur: Well, it’s because I wanted to run the Norramby Branch. I really like
sights and sounds of the fishing villages there, and working with the fish trains,
as I shunted them before and I actually like the smell.

-James (Shocked): You’re kidding? You like…fish?

-Arthur: Yeah! I shunted the back on BR, but being a Midland engine, I never got to
work by the sea.

-James: Oh, I see! So that’s why you were upset last night at the Wash-downs. But
why didn’t you just tell the Fat Controller?

-Arthur: Because I didn’t want to oppose on him.

-James: Oh believe me Arthur, you wouldn’t. I’m glad you like it, but you should’ve
said something sooner, because I just can’t stand the smell of fish.

-Arthur (Giggles): I understand my friend! Because tomorrow, that’s what I’m gonna
do. Hey, at least you’ll be back on the main line.

-James: Oh you have no idea Arturo.

-Narrator: James said with glee as he bragged about coaches per usual. Arthur
couldn’t help but laugh. The next morning, the Fat Controller came to see the
engines at Knapford Sheds again.

-TFC: Good morning all. Now, James’s repairs are done, though I can see he
certainly wouldn’t want to be back on the Norramby branch anytime soon. So I’ll
still need to see who else I can trial for the branch. Any volunteers?

-Arthur: I’ll do it sir!

-Narrator: Arthur blurted out. The Fat Controller was surprised, as were the other

-TFC: Oh my…well…that was fast.

-Arthur: Yeah, I know it’s surprising sir, but if you don’t mind, there was
something I wanted to talk to you about, and it’s something I suppose I should’ve
said sooner.

-TFC: Oh, um, okay Arthur, sure.

-Arthur: The thing is sir, I was honestly hoping to work the branchline at
Norramby, as I actually like the sights and sounds of the fishing village. Plus, I
actually the small of fish, and I thought that I would like to run the branchline.
If it’s okay with you sir, because I know how much James pulling trucks, working on
branchlines, and well…the smell of fish.

(Everyone murmurs in agreement)

-TFC: Couldn’t be further from the truth my boy. But Arthur, why didn’t you tell
you me this sooner?

-Arthur: Because sir, you gave me a home on this railway, and let me work as best I
can, and well, I thought because you are the controller, that you knew best, and I
didn’t want to oppose on you.

-Narrator: To Arthur’s surprise, the Fat Controller laughed.

-TFC: Oh Arthur, you wouldn’t have been opposing on me at all. While I understand
why you thought that at first, I can assure you that you aren’t opposing on me in
the slightest.

-Arthur: Really?

-TFC: Absolutely! Even though I do give the order, that doesn’t mean I can’t listen
to my engines, as every engine on my railway deserves to have the chance they want
Arthur. Just like Emily & Murdoch here, I’m very proud of you as well, and I’m glad
you just spoke up right now. As you have been working very hard and dedicated to
your work with complaining, and after you helped get the fish on time at the Wharf
yesterday after James’s incident at the dock, I’m so proud that I have decided as a
special reward for helping out at the last minute and all your hard work these past
6 months since you’ve been here, the Norramby Branchline as all yours, and I don’t
think I could ever ask a better engine for this job now.

-Arthur: Sir, why thank you sir! I don’t know what to say, this means so much.

-Emily (Giggles): Congratulations Arthur! ye deserve it. But, gin it’s okay tae
say, despite aw o us bein on this railway for a few months. A will miss ye bein

-Arthur (Chuckles): Don’t worry Emily. I’ll still be around. I’ll just make fish
deliveries all over the railway.

-TFC: Exactly Emily. Plus, despite having his own shed there, if tired, any of you
could rest at which shed is available, and your crew can get a ride back in a taxi
or a bus anyway.

-Emily: Och! A forgot! Sae, ye can still stop bi here at Knapford Sheds Arthur?

-Arthur: Of course silly!

-Murdoch: Plus, at least the locals will be glad tae have their own engine runnin’
the line an you’ll have sae much peace an quiet tae yourself tae. I’ve known for a
while back on British Railways, an A think the branchline will be I' guid buffers
thanks tae ye.

-Arthur: Thanks Murdoch! And thank you sir!

-TFC: No, thank you Arthur! You’ve been a very useful engine indeed!

-Narrator: Arthur beamed. Now Arthur is happy as can be, as he’s not only proud to
be a Sodor engine, but also proud to be running the Norramby Branchline. All the
engines were happy for him, though James was all the more relieved to not be
working the line, though the engines couldn’t resist teasing him about his
incident, much to his disdain. Arthur enjoyed running the branchline by the fishing
village, and is always kept busy, as that’s what he always prefers every day, as
he’s shunting trucks at Ballahoo Marshalling Sheds, delivering the fish to wherever
they were needed, though he’s never lonely, as he would stop by every now and again
and talk with the other engines, especially the ones residing at Knapford Sheds
like Bear, Emily, Murdoch, Harvey, etc., and would even bring supplies to his
branchline as well. He now realized it was okay to talk with the Fat Controller
about anything, with a little confidence and a little compromise makes all the
difference, as nonetheless, Arthur was proud to be the engine running the Norramby
Branchline, which he also would call the Midland Marina. And, he was one of the few
engines that loves the smell of fish, which to this day, James could never
understand. But if it made Arthur happy, then that was good enough for him.

-Narrator: If you should ever visit the Island of Sodor, and travel on the
Northwestern Railway, you’d meet a whole diversity of different engines, whether
steam or diesel of different classes or different backgrounds, the engines of Sodor
are world famous and some of the most beloved. But probably one of the first and
more well-known engines that would come to mind is none other than Gordon the Big
Engine. Gordon is one of the original seven engines and one of the biggest and most
powerful engines of the Northwestern family. He is an LNER A0 Pacific, the
prototype that created the LNER A1/A3 class, and is one of the very first built in
1922. He is the 4th engine of the Northwestern Railway that is in charge of pulling
the express, the Wild Nor’ Wester, on the Main Line from Knapford to Barrow, and
for good reason to, as his class were world famous for traveling at a high speed of
100 mph, especially Gordon’s only-surviving brother, Flying Scotsman, one of the
most famous steam engines in the world. Now if you would’ve met Gordon, his
personality wouldn’t be any different from any other engine, as he was known for
being pompous, arrogant, rude and quite opinionated, all because of his pride in
his capabilities and position as express engine. He would always belittle the other
engines because he considered himself above them, and stubbornly tried to get out
of work he considered beneath them. Though this arrogance of his did get him into
plenty of mishaps that would humble him over the years, and over time he matured
into a kind, sensible, wise, diplomatic and honorable express engine with a great
big heart and proud to be a member in the Fat Controller’s. He enjoys speeding down
the line with the express and always there to help his fellow engines in need with
his great strength, as those are the traits of what makes him an honorable and
exemplary express engine.

(Shows Gordon & Thomas at Tidmouth Station)

-Narrator: One morning, Gordon came into Tidmouth Station feeling very excited.

-Thomas: Oh, good morning Gordon.

-Gordon: Morning Thomas, lovely day isn’t it.

-Thomas: Um, yes, lovely day for what Gordon?

-Gordon: Why don’t you know?

-Thomas: Why no. If you don’t tell me what you know.

-Gordon: Today, the Duke & Duchess of Boxford are visiting our island for the very
first time.

-Thomas: Of yes, of course, I forgot about that. They’re visiting our island, and
from what I heard, they’re building a summer house near Vicarstown are they?

-Gordon: Ah yes, that they are! And the whole island is awaiting their arrival, as
am I, as I intend to look my best.

-Thomas: Why?

-Gordon (Gasps): Why? Because I’m intending to meet them myself. It’s just it’s not
every day important figureheads like politicians or royalty from Britain come to
visit Sodor, and if I work real hard and keep my appearances in pristine condition,
not only would I meet them, but they might even let me be the engine that escorts
them around the island.

-Thomas (Rolls his eyes and smirks): Sure Gordon!

-Gordon: I’m serious, I mean, I did pull the queen when she visited our railway,
and you and Edward helped to.

-Thomas: Yes, but I don’t think they might need you Gordon. Because they might come
to Sodor on an HST like Pip & Emma. Remember when Prince Charles came to Sodor for
the Golden Jubilee of our legacy?

-Gordon: Yes, but maybe something different might happen. Especially since the Duke
& Duchess are also steam enthusiasts like the Fat Controller. Hence the reason why
they’re coming here, as the Fat Controller and the Duke were old friends. If
anything, I deserve to be showing them around the island, as only the finest
engines should. I mean, you’re all worthy to, don’t get me wrong Thomas, but I’m an
exemplary express engine that pulls even the most dignified individuals on the
island. And I will see to it that I have a chance in doing so.

-Narrator: Thomas just rolled his eyes. It was normal for an engine like Gordon to
boast about how superior he was, but realistically, the odds were from a million to
1 in showing the Duke and Duchess of Boxford around, even for engines like Gordon.
But the big blue engine was confident and determined to meet and offer his services
to them. Though of course, Gordon and the other engines didn’t know all about the
Duke & Duchess.

-Thomas (Sighs): Well, you can try Gordon, but don’t surprised if they have
something else in mind.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Thomas departs)

-Gordon: Pah! What would you expect a tank engine to know about royal figureheads?

(Guard’s whistle blows and Gordon departs, then fades to Gordon later at

-Narrator: Later that afternoon around lunch, Gordon was waiting with the return
train to Knapford at Vicarstown Station. He was still excited to meet the Duke and
Duchess, but apparently, they were waiting for what seemed like ages.

-Gordon: Come on! Come on! Why are we waiting? The express cannot be delayed on

-Gordon’s Driver: Sorry old boy, but the stationmaster told me that all trains are
actually being halted.

-Gordon: What? Why? Has there been an accident?

-Gordon’s Driver: Not exactly! It’s really for a special occasion.

-Gordon: Special occasion? Wait a minute? Do you mean…

-Gordon’s Driver: Oh yes Gordon! Apparently, the Duke & Duchess are coming in

-Gordon: Wow, that early! Then again, they’re probably arriving on an HST they
rostered, like Pip & Emma perhaps.

-Gordon’s Driver: Actually Gordon, I also heard from the Stationmaster that they
aren’t arriving on Pip & Emma or any high-speed train, or even any diesel or
electric for that matter.

-Gordon: What? But how are they getting here, most engines on the Mainland are
diesels or electric engines. I mean, the only way they could get a steam engine is
through a special rail tour or something.

-Narrator: Before Gordon’s driver could answer, a loud, shrill, chime whistle
blared in the distance.

(Spencer’s whistle blares)

-Narrator: Passengers and enthusiasts headed toward the platform with video
cameras, and the station staff also did the same, looking very excited. Gordon was
surprised, but his question would soon be answered when they saw a streak of silver
in the distance, and a huge, silver, streamlined steam engine with two brown
coaches in tow thundered past Gordon.


(Spencer speeds past Gordon)


-Gordon’s Driver: WHOA! I don’t know old boy! But I think that’s the Duke & Duchess
of Boxford’s transport.

-Gordon: I guess it is! Anyways, are the passengers all on board?

-Gordon’s Driver: They are indeed old boy. We better get going.

-Gordon: Indeed! I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Gordon departs)

-Narrator: As Gordon was headed down the Main Line, he kept thinking about the
silver streamlined engine, and how fast he was. This seemed to be a speed even
faster than what Gordon or his brothers and sisters were famous for. Or even faster
than any engine for that matter. In fact, even though he only saw very little,
Gordon did see his shape, and began to think to himself that the kind of engine
that passed him looked very familiar, but where exactly, he thought to himself.

(Fades to Gordon arriving at Knapford shocked to see the silver A4 class called

-Narrator: And once Gordon arrived at Knapford…he soon found out. As there at the
platform was that very engine he saw. The Duke & Duchess of Boxford had already got
out and were greeted by the Fat Controller, while the engines who were at the
platform were starring in amazement of the big silver engine. He looked immaculate.
He seemed to be in a similar Gresley design as Gordon, as he had a 4-6-2 wheel
configuration to, but unlike other steam engines, he had a smooth streamlined
boiler with a double chimney, bronze buffers and his whistle was right in the
front. His builder’s plate was right in the middle of his boiler, and written in
blue was the number 2513 on his cab, and the logo of the LNER railway on what
appeared to be a corridor tender like Flying Scotsman, and to top it off, was
painted from tender to boiler in bright metallic silver. Gordon was gobsmacked by
the kind of engine he was looking at. The silver engine was looking at the
enthusiasts who were flashing their cameras and taking notes, adoring the
attention. He stood their smugly, admiring the attention, and humming quietly.

-Spencer: Hmmm…..

-Gordon: Oh my word. Excuse me, who on earth are you?

-Narrator: But the engine just ignored Gordon. But James & Henry spoke up.

-James: Ah, Gordon! You’re just in time! This is Spencer, he’s the fastest engine
in the world.

-Henry: Yeah, and it’s said his class was known for going at 126 mph!

-Gordon: Fastest engine? 126? (Gasps) Of course, now it’s all coming back to me!
You’re an LNER A4 class. The same class of engine that was built by the same great
man who built me and my siblings, Sir Nigel Gresley.

-Spencer: Why that I am! And you’re an A1 I see!

-Gordon: A0 actually! The prototype that started my class and made them the success
they once were.

-Spencer: Yes, but my class is far superior than yours anyday old bean.

-Gordon: I beg your pardon?

-Spencer: After all, we A4’s were upgraded versions of you A1’s anyway. You were
great for what you were sure, but we A4’s were better. After all, we did set the
world speed record of 126 mph.

-Gordon: That was your sister, the Great Mallard who did that.

-Spencer: Yes, but we were all the same class after all. I’m far superior than her
to, as I was one of the original silver A4’s.

-Gordon: What?

-Spencer: Oh yes, I was No. 2513, Silver-Storm. It definitely fits my appearance

and speed now does it (Chuckles).

-Gordon: Humph! Good for you! You definitely like act like one. In fact, how is it
that one of the silver A4’s survived, I thought there was only 6 of your class left
last I checked?

-Spencer: (Chuckles) Well you should never look a gift horse in the mouth, um…
Gordon is it? I was unfairly placed on the scrap heap back when those disgusting
and scum of the earth diesels took over, but then the Duke of Boxford’s father
purchased me to keep me safe, and made Moi his own private engine. And only an
engine in my ranking deserves such a position as that. And when he did, he also
asked me, would if I’d like to be renamed now that I was preserved by him, and
though I love my original name Silver-Storm, I felt it could be my title, and I
could give myself a human name like you lot. So I choose Spencer.
-James: You don’t say! But why that name?

-Gordon: I think I know why James. That was the surname of Sir Nigel Gresley’s
right hand man, Bert Spencer. The engineer in charge of the construction of A4’s.

-Spencer: My, my, you brilliant Gordon, for a second rate Gresley engine.

-Gordon: Argh, I say!

-Spencer: And now that he has, I’m the Duke & Duchess of Boxford’s private engine.
I take them everywhere, as well as the most dignified of passengers all over
England. And this is my first time your railway, which I think, now, I believe is
in need of a change seeing a grand preserved A4 like Moi, I don’t like to brag

-Gordon (Sarcastically): Humph! I can clearly see that!

-Narrator: Gordon retorted sarcastically, knowing this kind of attitude. Gordon

knew engines like him did act pompous and arrogant, but now that he was interacting
with Spencer, already the big blue Pacific didn’t like him. He just seemed far too
pompous, far more snobby, and a lot ruder than he was in past, especially because
Spencer already sounded very patronizing towards other engines, even to him. Just
then, the Fat Controller came over along with the Duke & Duchess of Boxford
themselves. They looked very smart and dignified, but a lot more warm and
benevolent than their engine.

-TFC: Ah, hello there Gordon! I see you met Spencer.

-Gordon: That I have sir! And you must be the Duke & Duchess of Boxford. It is an
honor to meet you my lord and lady.

-DOB: It is an honor to meet you to Gordon. But please, you can just call us sir or

-Duchess: That it is. So far this has been a very beautiful and friendly island.

-DOB: And a very wonderful railway to. I can see why your controller thinks so
highly of you all.

-Henry: Why thank you sir!

-James: We do our absolute best.

-Narrator: The Duke & Duchess already began to take a liking to the engines. But
whilst they weren’t looking, Spencer just sniffed, and looked away at the engines

-TFC: Anyways, since the Duke & Duchess are here, their engine Spencer will be
pulling rail excursions along the main line. I hope you will all make him feel

-Gordon: Of course sir!

-Narrator: Gordon said with a straight face, but deep down he eyed Spencer
suspiciously, as with an engine like him, he had a feeling he knew where his
attitude was going.

-DOB: And Spencer, since you’re a guest with Sir Topham’s engines, I want you to
mind your manners whilst we’re here.

-Spencer: Of yes sir! We’re all gonna get along just fine.

-Narrator: Spencer said, but he was lying, as while Gordon eyed him with suspicion,
Spencer eyed the Fat Controller’s engines with a very smug and pompous look.

-Spencer (Whispers): Oh we’ll get along just fine alright (Evil chuckles).

(Cuts to Spencer racing about on the main line the next day)

-Narrator: The next day, Spencer began making his presence feel well-known to the
engines when doing his rail tours along the Main Line. Many enthusiasts were by the
line taking pictures as he went passed. Though all Spencer could do was relish in
the glory, and would boast relentlessly about how special he was.


(Spencer’s whistle blares and he speeds right though Donald & Douglas)




-Narrator: It turned out that Spencer was being practically rude to everyone, and
even those who wanted get to know him, Spencer would just scoff and say a lot of
really hurtful comments. And every time he passed those trying to be friendly and
even say a simple “hello”, the silver A4 would just dismiss them rudely!

(Shows Spencer passing Percy at Elsbridge)

-Percy: Oh, hello there!

(Spencer speeds past blowing steam at the platform and Percy)

-Percy: OH! (Coughs) HEY! What a show-off!

-Spencer (Chuckles): It is so much fun being me, ha-ha!

-Narrator: All the same, the Fat Controller’s engines were really beginning to take
a dislike to their new guest, especially because he instantly disliked all of them
with getting to know any single one of them. Spencer just seemed to be too much
into well…himself. But of all the engines, Gordon really began to dislike him the

(Fades to Gordon at Elsbridge Junction when Thomas shows up)

-Narrator: One day while Gordon had to collect passengers from Thomas’s connecting
service at Elsbridge. As the little blue tank engine came in, he noticed Gordon’s
disgruntled look.

-Thomas: Hello Gordon! How are you this morning?

-Gordon (Sarcastically): Oh, as well as you think.

-Thomas: Let me guess, the Duke’s private engine Spencer’s getting to you to isn’t

-Gordon: How did you know?

-Thomas: I’ve known you for that long to understand how you would feel about that
sort of thing Gordon, like when arrogant visitors come to our railway and try to
boss others around because they think they’re superior, when they’re really just
pathetic. That, and also because Spencer himself is just an insufferable prat!

-Gordon: Oh, did he do anything to you Thomas?

-Thomas: Well whenever any one of us on the Ffarqhuar Branch would stop by here at
Elsbridge, we try to be friend, but he completely dismisses like we don’t even
exist, and rudely smokes us, and not to mention some the passengers for that

-Gordon: WHAT? The nerve of some engines!

-Thomas: Indeed! Though, needless to say, and forgive me for bringing this up, but
he does remind me a little bit of someone I used to know.

-Narrator: Thomas said, and Gordon just blushed and look down at his buffers.

-Gordon (Sighs): I know where you’re going with this Thomas, and you’re right.

-Thomas: Sorry Gordon, I’m not trying to tease you or anything.

-Gordon: No worries Thomas, I do understand, as that’s honestly my point too, he

reminds me so much of myself when I was younger. Every time I pass him and see him
gloating, I honestly feel really embarrassed by this, because it reminds me of when
I acted so pompous, arrogant, and rude to everyone.

-Thomas: Don’t blame yourself Gordon, at least unlike Spencer, every trial and
tribulation you’ve been through, you learned from your mistakes and matured
overtime, as you are far more goodhearted and kinder than he is, and quite honest
and humble to. Honestly, you’re one of the best engines I’ve ever known, and traits
of what you describe as an exemplary express engine.

-Gordon! Oh! Why thank you Thomas! That was very kind of you.

-Thomas: Of course! You’re one of my closest friends Gordon, and were a team
together. Remember our old alliance, united we stand…

-Gordon: Together we fall. You’ll help me and I’ll help you.

(Thomas & Gordon laugh)

-Gordon: Thanks Thomas! I really do value our friendship, but needless to say,
seeing Spencer, I still feel embarrassed, as now I know how I made all of you feel
all those years ago, because that arrogant A4 acts so much like me if I hadn’t
learned anything. I honestly have no idea how the Duke & Duchess, two really great
people, would choose an engine so obnoxious and insufferable as him.

-Thomas: Well it was said the Duke’s father preserved him so he wouldn’t be

-Gordon: True! He should’ve appreciated that more.

-Thomas: Hell yeah! Even Daisy’s a little more polite than this!
-Narrator: Just as Gordon & Thomas were talking, BoCo pulled up alongside, with a
commuter train bound for Brendam Docks.

-BoCo: Hello you two!

-Thomas: Oh, hello BoCo!

-Gordon: Good day BoCo!

-BoCo: I couldn’t help but overhear you both talking about Spencer. And you’re both
right, as I remembered encountering him once.

-Gordon: Wait, do you mean, you met him before BoCo?

-BoCo: I did, back when he was called Silver-Storm, but I didn’t encounter him a
whole lot, as we were allocated at different sheds on the Mainland, but I do know
he was one of the pompous steam engines I had to prove myself to in those days. He
was just as insufferable and stubborn as he was now. It’s that when modernization
began, and diesels like me were phased in, he would even go as far as to threaten
them, mostly the goods ones such as myself, as he couldn’t stand their presence,
and judged them because he thought these were the kind of diesels that would “plot
his demise”.

-Thomas: What? Now that’s prejudice right that!

-BoCo: Indeed! He thought we diesels were lazy, devious and good for nothing scum
even before getting to know us. In fact, only yesterday when I was delivering some
tankers of oil to Vicarstown, that silver bastard was resting in a siding when Bear
had to rest, and that tosser threatened him.

-Gordon: HE DID WHAT?

(Flashbacks to Bear & Spencer at Vicarstown Station)

-BoCo: Oh yes, as I was shunting my train into a siding, I saw the whole thing.

-Spencer: Ah, sometimes, it’s really tiring to be such a large, grand and famous
engine, one does have to keep up appearances so.

(Bear backs in)

-Bear: Ah, now that I got the train settled, might as well rest before going out


-Bear: I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?

-Spencer: Oh, are you deaf you ugly contraption? GET OUT!



-Spencer (Scoffs): Oh I’m just stating the facts you common diesel. And the last
thing I need is for you to ruin my paint. Besides, a grand A4 like me doesn’t share
a siding with some useless, lazy oil guzzler on wheels. NOW CLEAR OFF!


-BoCo: And Bear just clattered crossly away, and all Spencer could do was smile
smugly, feeling pleased with himself, while I was in the back cringing at how he
treated poor Bear.

(Fades back to present day)

-Thomas: That bastard.

-Gordon: The nerve of some engines, to treat Bear like that. And he honestly thinks
you diesels are just like the horrid ones on the Mainland. He just can’t appreciate
what real engines like us are.

-BoCo: He sure as hell doesn’t Gordon. It’s that ever since he was saved from
scrap, he claimed that everything through his perspective in being an engine like
him and having only what desires, and putting others down is “how things are, and
the way they’re meant to be.” All for the sake of preserving the legacy of steam,
but we all know that’s just a selfish delusion.

-Gordon: Indeed! Treating others like equals, working hard and looking out for
others is how things are meant to be. Even I never went this far. We should really
deal with this engine before he gets out of hand.

(Spencer rushes past)

-Spencer: OUT OF MY WAY!

-Thomas: And not a moment too soon.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Thomas departs)

-Thomas: Anyways, I better get going. I’ll see you all later.

-Gordon: Same here. See you later Thomas.

-Narrator: After Thomas left, and then BoCo & Gordon did with their trains a few
minutes later, Gordon pondered to himself, how he could put a pompous and arrogant
engine like Spencer in his place.

(Shows Gordon at Knapford where he sees Spencer again)

-Narrator: Later that evening, when Gordon arrived at Knapford with his last train
for the day, he saw Spencer, being photographed by the enthusiasts yet again. The
smug streamliner kept basking in the attention, feeling too pleased with himself.
Gordon could only look in disgust.

-Spencer: Ah, hello Gordon! Nice run with the express I see.

-Gordon (Annoyed): Oh I always do. I see you found some time to attract more
“publicity” again.

-Spencer: Why not, an important express engine deserves it after all (Smugly
laughs). You could join me if you’d like, with you being the first generation of
Gresley’s legacy, and me being the more modern and far superior.

-Gordon: And let you keep hogging the spotlight and acting like a big shot, fat
chance! Besides, I got better things to do when there’s work to be done.

-Spencer: Ha, that’s the first response I’d thought you’d say, coming from a second
rate LNER built by the same man who built Moi.

-Gordon: And that’s just the problem right there Spencer! You want to preserve the
legacy of steam, but yet you patronize all the other engines out there that do the
real work, bully them when they disagree with you even on the slightest things, and
worse of all, you abide to everything like a caste system to demean everyone and
place yourself on top.

-Spencer: My, aren’t we the jealous type aren’t we.

-Gordon: Ugh, you really just don’t get it do you?

-Narrator: Just then, Toby came in with his passengers, and Spencer just seethed
with fury.

-Spencer: Get out of here you insignificant tram. I’m already too busy looking
glamourous for the cameras, and I don’t need absurd engines like you to ruin it for

-Toby: Why I never! Absurd indeed! I’m here to collect my passengers you jerk, what
do you think!

-Spencer: Humph! How rude!

-Gordon: Don’t you speak to Toby like that! I mean, haven’t you heard the phrase,
“respect your elders.”

-Spencer: Pah! When the elderly need respect, they should respect the engines that
they were created from them. That’s the true legacy of steam.

-Toby (Angry): You selfish, ignorant bastard! That’s no way to speak! How do you
expect me to respect you, when you don’t respect everyone else.

-Gordon: Indeed! Plus, Toby is an exemplary engine just like all of us! Why, you
should respect him as he’s authentic LNER like us. A J70 Wisbech Steam Tram.

-Spencer (Cackles): Yes, and clearly your controller’s grandfather made a huge
mistake in preserving that old shack on wheels!

-Narrator: Toby began to lose patience. Emily who had been watching was on the
other side with her passengers. Seeing Spencer’s horrid behavior did bring back
some painful memories of the engines who bullied her, and she hoped Spencer
wouldn’t notice, but the pompous engine did, and then began to give a sinister

-Spencer: But you and Gordon aren’t the only ones Toby you old coot! That engine
over there is probably even far worse when it comes to preserving the LNER’s

-Emily (Gasps): What?

-Gordon (Gasps): You bastard!

-Spencer: I mean, Stirling Singles are just an embarrassment, I mean, an engine
with one fat driving wheel that was meant to pull the express, you gotta be joking.

-Emily (Crying): STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!

-Spencer: And a useless and pathetic one at that. But then again, there should be
more engines like me and Gordon on this railway, you and Toby are just unsuitable
for LNER heritage!

-Toby: WHOOSH!

-Gordon: SPENCER!

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Emily (Crying): Well that just shows what you know…YOU BIG JERK! (Departs crying)


-Spencer: Fellow engines, pah! Your railway is such a joke Gordon. Your railway
looks good enough to be a railway museum for all I care.



-Spencer: Fine then! I’ve already finished my work, and I don’t need to be bothered
by you commoners anyway. Ta-ta, you pathetic LNER wanna-be’s!

-Narrator: And with that, Spencer rudely snorted out of the station, leaving Gordon
& Toby at a loss for words.

-Gordon: This engine is the worst!

-Toby: Indeed! And his insults are just as hurtful! Anyways, I have to get these
passengers home. I’ll see you later tonight Gordon.

-Gordon: You too Toby. Something must be done.

-Narrator: As Gordon and Toby respectively left, the Fat Controller stepped outside
his office, feeling very disgusted and horrified. He had heard everything.

(Fades to the engines at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Narrator: Later, the engines were at Tidmouth Sheds, discussing about Spencer’s







-Percy: I don’t know, but we gotta act, and we gotta act fast!

-Stanley: Yer got that right Percy! That bastard bossed me ‘round for me ter
bring’his coaches for ‘im, and ‘e didn’t even thank me! Worse, ‘e told me ter clear
off because he said my presence was intolerable! Can yer believe that guy!

-James: Yeah, and when I was out with a local, he suited that I’m nothing but a
common goods engine and that I should know my place! I tried to tell that jerk I
pull coaches to, but he scoffed and told me to leave!

-Bear: Yeah, and the way he spoke to me at Vicarstown yesterday, unbelievable!

-Toby: And if that wasn’t bad enough, he belittled me and Emily at Knapford
earlier, saying were not suited for LNER heritage.

-Gordon: Indeed! He even used me to defend himself, but still kept patronizing me!
I just cannot believe an engine like him would be that arrogant and that selfish,
and saying such brutal and snide comments! At least when I did that in the past, I
realized when I was wrong and always went to make amends, and I treated you all
more than just fellow engines, but my family. I mean, how does that engine live
with himself!

-Thomas: I don’t know Gordon, but I remember meeting his sister the Mallard many
years ago at the National Railway Museum, and she certainly wasn’t anything like
this. She was a lot more respectful, kind, and very down-to-earth, though with
Spencer… (Sighs) I just get the feeling he’s even like this to his own family I

-Gordon: I think he is Thomas. He did claim he thought he was superior to her,

especially being one of the original A4’s.

-Henry: Well he sure as hell doesn’t deserve that title.

-James: Yeah, and to think we wanted to get to know him, and all he does is treat
us like dirt.

-Gordon: By the way, how’s Emily holding up?

-Thomas: Oh I checked on her Gordon, she’s doing just fine after I comforted her.
She’s sound asleep back at Knapford Sheds.

-Murdoch: Och, that’s a relief.

-Toby: I’m glad she’s doing alright!

-Oliver: Yeah, but the fact Spencer would say these sort of things.

-Douglas: Aye! That yon devil shuid really ken whin tae keep his mouth shut.

-Donald: Aye, we shuid pay him oot as soon as possible.

-Edward: Now, now you two, that’s not going to help our situation. Spencer is
insufferable, no question about it, but we would only be adding more coal to the
fire if we tried that.
-James: Yeah, but we can’t just let him keep making our lives miserable Edward.

-Edward: Oh don’t worry James, we won’t. The logical thing of course is to ignore
him and not take him seriously. But after the way he’s been treating all of you,
I’m going to have a chat with him when I see him tomorrow.

-Henry: You’re gonna confront him Edward?

-Edward: That’s right Henry! He will not be speaking to my friends like that and
getting away Scot-free.

-Percy: Has he done anything to you Edward?

-Edward: He hasn’t fully met me yet Percy. But I won’t let any insults he has get
to me. And if he’s too stubborn to listen, at least I did confront him.

-Duck: That’s very brave of you Edward. You really are the best when it comes to
dealing with egomaniacs like Spencer.

-Gordon: Indeed! (Chuckles) I would know. In fact Edward, tomorrow when you
confront him, I’ll help you, as I’m not finished with him just yet.

-Thomas: And I’ll even help to, as no way will I let him get away with this,
especially with how he treated Emily. Plus, we’re a team, united we stand…

-Gordon: Together we fall!

-BoCo: That’s excellent you three. In fact, I’ll even help to, and make sure the
Fat Controller, and the Duke & Duchess find out.

-Edward: Thank you BoCo. Right, its best we all head home and get some rest for

-Duck: Right! Good night all!

-Narrator: So each of the engines went back home to their respective sheds, while
the main 7 went to sleep in theirs, hopeful that they can tell Spencer off. The
next morning, the engines were all getting ready for another day’s work. As they
were, Gordon and Thomas spoke to Edward.

-Gordon: So Edward, how exactly are you gonna confront Spencer?

-Edward: Only when he’s being rude to another yet again, especially with how rude
he was to Toby & Emily last night. We’ll do it only when provoked.

-Thomas: Great idea Edward. That way it would be more, how do we say, diplomatic if
you will.

-Gordon: Indeed! Let’s hope the Fat Controller and the Duke & Duchess will
understand, I don’t care if Spencer’s their private engine. They have to.

-Edward: Don’t worry Gordon, they will, as the Duke and Duchess will not tolerate
their engine acting in such a manner.

(Fades to Spencer at Knapford Sheds near to coal hoppers)

-Narrator: Later, Spencer, who had been resting in Knapford Sheds during his stay,
was still feeling as haughty and conceited than ever. He didn’t like sharing the
sheds with the “dirty, working engines” in his mind, so he remained a distance from
them, near the carriage shed there so he wouldn’t interact with them. All the
engines had left for work, and were getting ready, and as Emily was about to fill
up on coal, Spencer tried to cut her off.

-Spencer: Out of my way you insignificant Stirling!

-Emily: HEY! I was about to head off first!

-Spencer: Well I’m sorry my dear, but bigger engines like Moi have more priorities
over you generic working engines. Especially ones that are as old that they don’t
deserve to be running.

-Narrator: Emily did feel hurt, but remembering her experience when she first came
to Sodor, and all that she had learned, she tried to stand firm.

-Emily: Ah won’t let ye git tae me this time Spencer. Ah juist hae tae fill up fur
mah local passenger train. Besides, ye hae plenty o' time.

-Spencer: Oh excuses, excuses. Grand passenger trains are far more important…than
the local. And you my dear are not suited to be part of LNER herit….




-Spencer: WHAT?


-Spencer: Oh what’s this, now I’m being stood up to shunter who doesn’t know how to
treat his superior?




-Narrator: Gordon thundered in as he pulled up alongside Edward and Thomas. The

three blue engines all glared sternly at the silver A4.

-Spencer: Oh what’s this? Three blue engines, a common shunter, an old outdated
teapot, and a Gresley wanna-be, all trying to speak up to me, to protect this
Stirling witch!

-Thomas: Don’t you speak to her like that! In fact, you shouldn’t be speaking to
anyone like that at all Spencer.

-Edward: Indeed! We’ve been trying to be nice to you for the past few days since
you came here as a guest. But you haven’t done your part and respected any of us.

-Spencer: Pah! Why should I respect any of you Sudrian engines, you’re all just a
bunch of brightly colored toys that ruined the legacy of steam. Especially back
when me and my class and our other compatriots had to fight for survival when the
diesels were out there plotting our demise. You all clearly don’t understand how
things were. Like a little shunter like you Thomas running a branchline and pulling
his own trains, it wouldn’t make sense.

-Thomas: Not to you Spencer, but to others that work hard and achieve so much over
the years, it does to the public.

-Gordon: Exactly! Because Thomas here runs a fabulous branchline that has served
our railway well. But everything you have in mind about “how things were”, Spencer,
it’s all wrong. And let me ask you, is this the code of conduct for the legacy of
steam, secrecy, prejudice, hierarchy, and bullying? Unbelievable you are!

-Spencer: Now Gordon, I think you may be acting a bit hypocritical. I mean, I was
hoping to meet you because I thought you understand my cause. We all know about the
book series, the ones that gave you and those other commoners your celebrity
status. Tender engines don’t shunt I believe were once you’re words, well let me
ask you something Gordon, where’s the dignity now? I mean, it’s more insulting that
you would even fight alongside these engines…









-Spencer (Scoffs): Oh please, they won’t believe you, as it’s your word against

-Emily: (Gasps)

-Spencer: What?

-Narrator: Just then, BoCo pulled in, with the Fat Controller, and the Duke and
Duchess on board, and they looked furiously at the A4, which made him shudder.

-BoCo (Sternly): Remember me Spencer? One of the scum of the earth diesels you
encountered? I really couldn’t stand your horrible attitude them and I sure as hell
won’t now.

-DOB (Sternly): Indeed Spencer! We’ve been getting loads of complaints from the
other engines and your crew regarding your behavior these past few days, and we are
absolutely appalled!

-TFC (Sternly): As I am! In fact Spencer, I overheard the argument you had with
Gordon, Toby and Emily last night and contacted the Duke & Duchess after it all

-Spencer: But sirs…I…




-Spencer: Uh…uh…I guess…


-Spencer: Yes sir!


-Narrator: And with that, Spencer sadly left. The Fat Controller beamed proudly at
the three blue engines.

-TFC: I’m very proud of you three in how you handled the situation, and
diplomatically to.

-Thomas: Why thank you sir! But this was all Edward’s idea.

-Edward: Why thank you, but together as a team, we all faced up to him.

-DOB: That you did! But again, we really must apologize Spencer’s behavior towards
all of you.

-TFC: As am I! But all of you handled it and carried on with your jobs. And Emily,
I apologize for what you had to go through to. How are you holding up?
-Emily: I’m better noo sur. Thanks tae thae three. Ye threee ur th' greatest
friends a`body kin ask fur.

-Thomas: We’re always here Emily.

-Gordon: Indeed!

-TFC: I’m also really proud of you too Gordon especially, you have really come such
a long way from the engine that arrived on Sodor 80 years ago.

-Gordon: Why thank you sir! Just doing what’s right.

-TFC: Indeed! Anyways, that being said, we got a railway to run, and a party to
prepare for.

-Gordon: Yes sir!

-Emily: Richt awa’ sur.

-DOB: BoCo, could you take us back to our summer house us please? My wife and I
need to prepare ourselves.

-BoCo: Absolutely sir!

-Narrator: So BoCo took the Duke & Duchess back, while the engines all set about
getting ready for the important occasion. Everybody was getting ready the whole
day, while Spencer on the other hand just sulked as he pull the heavy coal trucks.
The trucks themselves just laughed at him, causing the big streamlined engine to
bump them harshly. Though unfortunate to say, despite being reprimanded, he
remained unphased…at least as of now. And the next day, when the day of the
celebration came, the Duke let him back on his regular duties, as he and the
Duchess needed their private engine ready for the special occasion to pull them and
the guests. Despite them letting Spencer off with a warning to behave himself,
Spencer still became as rude and insufferable as ever. That very morning, the Fat
Controller gathered most of the engines and Spencer at Knapford Station for the
important announcement.

(Cuts to the engines and the Fat Controller with the Duke & Duchess at Knapford

-TFC: Good morning engines! Now, the Duke & Duchess’s welcoming party has already
been arranged, and the party for our guests will be at Vicarstown Station, which is
also where their new summer house is to.

(Engines all whistle and cheer)

-TFC (Chuckles): Okay, okay, settle down everyone. So now that Vicarstown Station
is cleaned and decorated, I need all of you to be cleaned and looking your best,
and to help out with the final preparations. That is all.

-Narrator: So as the engines were leaving to get ready, James felt concerned.

-James: Vicarstown Station? I mean, that’s great and all, but that’s like far away
on the other side of the island, and over Gordon’s Hill.

-Spencer: Pah! Nothing an engine like me can’t handle little James. After all, I am
taking the guests there.
-Bear: Humph! I see you haven’t changed!

-Toby: Indeed! Don’t you get all high and mighty Spencer, even after you got
scolded at, you should still show more respect.

-Spencer: Respect? Oh come on, I’m just simply stating a fact that I can get over
there in a thousand miles, especially because I’ll make sure to get there early.

-Gordon: Toby’s right Spencer! It doesn’t matter how powerful you are, even express
like us always need to prepare.

-Spencer: Oh I don’t need advice from you Gordon…or any of you imbeciles for that

-Gordon: Now hold that insulting tongue of yours Spencer, you didn’t even hear what
I was gonna say. I’m saying you’ll need to take on plenty of water for each trip,
to and from. That’s what I always do.

-Spencer (Cackles): TAKE ON PLENTY OF WATER (Cackles)! OH NOW THAT’S A GOOD ONE! I
have plenty of water, thank you very much, I’ve never run out, and I can get there
just fine and not having to listen to a second rate Gresley engine, or any of you
working class filth for that matter. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must be off! Ta-ta!

-Narrator: And Spencer snorted dismissively away.

-Gordon: Humph! Well thank me for trying to be helpful then!

-Thomas: Don’t bother with him Gordon, it’s not worth it. Though I do think that,
that stubborn egomania will give him a good taste of reality real soon.

-Narrator: Gordon had to agree.

(Fades to Spencer at the water tower at the shunting Yards where Duck & Arthur are)

-Narrator: After Spencer was cleaned and polished at the Wash-downs, he was eager
to get back to Knapford, but despite his dismissal towards Gordon's concern,
Spencer's driver insisted that they fill up on water regardless. Spencer was cross
and grumbled dreadfully towards the tower. When he arrived, Arthur and Duck were
busy filling up.

-Spencer: Oh good grief, as if this railway couldn't get any worse.

-Duck: Excuse me?

-Spencer: I thought having a second rate cousin be in charge of the most important
train on this railway was bad enough, but now it's easy to see why?

-Arthur: Easy, what are you talking about?

-Spencer: You'd think the LMS and GWR would supply more fitting engines for this
Railway. Castles, Duchesses, Patriots and Halls. But alas, what do I find here, two
filthy common tank engines.

-Duck: Common Tank Engines indeed!! I'll have you know we run our own Branchlines!
Thank Very Much.

-Spencer (Sniffs): Huh, Branchlines, oh how pathetic.

-Arthur: Pathetic eh? The Norramby Branch and the Little Western are the some of
the most beautiful parts of this Island. What's pathetic is your attitude?

-Spencer: How rude? That's another thing. The old LNER Tank Engines knew their
place and wouldn't dare speak back to a bigger engine. It seems neither of your
companies taught either of you two with the same level of manners.

-Duck: Manners? What would you know of manners? You've just spent the last two
minutes insulting us. Hypocritical or what?

-Spencer: No hypocrisy here shunter, just stating the facts.

-Arthur: More like the facts in your mind.

-Duck: Quite right Arthur. It’s easy to see why the tank engines on the LNER
wouldn’t speak back, because of how annoyed they’d be taking this abuse from you.

-Spencer: Ugh, you two just can’t appreciate a certain grace! Now if you both would
stop being so belligerent and allow my idiotic driver to refill my already filled

-Arthur: Well your highness, if you were observing and not insulting us and your
crew, you'd see that the right hand water tower is out of order.

-Duck: Indeed, only one is working and Arthur and I have trains to take, so we are
authorized to use it first.

-Spencer's Driver: That sounds fine, we'll be happy to...

-Spencer: Are you agreeing with these commoners driver?

-Spencer's Fireman: No you silver buffoon, he's merely agreeing so we can fill up
your tender which is only...

-Spencer: Don't interrupt me fireman, your duty is to shovel coal and keep your
trap shut. Now if we're quite done here gentlemen, I refuse to wait with these
commoners. Take me to the station at once!

-Narrator: Spencer's crew tried to argue about how he desperately needed water, but
the big engine spoke so loudly and condescendingly that the Yardmaster ordered them
to leave. Duck and Arthur watched as the big engine snooted out of the yards and
towards the station

-Arthur: How soon do you reckon it'll be before his arrogance bites him in the
tender Duck?

-Duck: Give it an hour Arthur. Stupid engine hasn't filled up on water anyway. And
knowing him he'll probably forget to refill.

-Arthur: I just feel sorry for his crew or whoever has to meet him next.

-Narrator: Arthur was right. Spencer watched on in disgust as Kirby pushed his
coaches to the platform. The Austerity was already in a bad mood that morning and
Spencer's words were beginning to get to him.

-Spencer: This is an utter outrage. It's bad enough that I meet a second rate
cousin and get talked back to by two tank engines from the failed companies. But I
refuse to tolerate that my beautiful midland coaches are handled by, by filthy
Industrial Engine scum.
-Kirby: Oh screw you, you bastard! I'm bloody well doing you a favor. Why don't
pompous bastards like you try and fetch your own coaches?

Spencer: Oh and he speaks in that revolting language as well. Bleugghh!! You

culinary engines really are revolting in mannerisms, attitude, design and language.
Now be off, I need those buffers polished to rid them of your industrial filth.

-Narrator: Kirby snorted away, annoyed cleaners got to work on the coaches' buffers
as Spencer refused to back done until the culinary filth had disappeared. And after
5 minutes, Spencer was coupled on, and ready as the Duke & Duchess arrived with
their guests as they all boarded the coaches.

-Spencer: Ah, now this is the life. Now I’ll show you commoners what a true engine
can do. And once he does, your controller will make sure to replace you lot with
engines like me.

-Thomas: Oh don’t you get all high and mighty Spencer. This isn’t your railway, and
you don’t have a say.

-Emily: Exactly! 'n' th' fact ye made th' cleaners polish juist one spot o' dirt,
weel, that’s ridiculous. Ye awready wasted 5 minutes, 'n' it would've bin cleaned
aff anyway.

-Spencer: Pah! I needed my train in pristine condition, but then again, you Sudrian
fools wouldn’t understand how important I am. But you will soon once I go at my
record speed. I’ll see you both then, ta-ta!

(Guard’s whistle blows, and then shows a montage of Spencer running down various
locations of the Main Line)

-Narrator: Spencer was soon puffing down the Main Line at a tremendous speed. Of
course he didn’t know that the Duke and Duchess had overheard his rudeness to
Thomas & Emily and how dismissive he was, but it didn’t matter now, as Spencer
still kept speeding down the line, taking in the enthusiasts that were
photographing him, and when he thought the Duke & Duchess didn’t take any notice,
he still kept gloating and being rude to the other engines.

(Spencer passes Mavis at Elsbridge)


-Mavis: ARGH! JERK!

(Spencer speed pasts Murdoch)



-Narrator: Later, Gordon and Spencer were collecting passengers at Wellsworth, when
Spencer came thundering through as rude as ever.


-Spencer: PAH! WHO CARES!

-Edward: Don’t bother with him Gordon! By the sound of things, he’s gonna be in
real trouble soon.
-Narrator: And Edward was right. As Spencer kept showboating and thinking of how
clever he was, he began to approach Gordon’s Hill, and was gonna charge up the
gradient with all his might, when he found himself going slower…and slower…and

-Spencer: Rattle my rods, whatever is happening?

-Narrator: Halfway up the gradient, Spencer came to a complete halt.

-Spencer: What’s happened?





(Hears complaining in the background)

-Spencer’s Driver (Sighs): I can’t begin to imagine what the Duke and Duchess will
say about you right now. But we better call for help, whether you like or not!

-Narrator: And that’s what the driver did. As Spencer sulked miserably, the driver
pulled out his cell phone, and called Wellsworth to see who was available.

(Fades to Wellsworth with Gordon pulling on)

-Narrator: By now it was around 1 PM, and Gordon was already on his way to the
party after he had finished with the express. As he was headed there, he was
approaching Wellsworth where he saw the stationmaster out on the platform, waving a
red flag.

-Gordon: Oh my word, driver, there’s a red flag up ahead, we have to stop.

-Narrator: And that’s what they did.

-Gordon: Something wrong Jerry?

-Stationmaster: Yes there is Gordon! You have to rescue Spencer, he’s stranded on
your namesake hill with the Duke & Duchess, as well as the other guests for the

-Gordon: Stranded on my hill you say. Ha, what could’ve happened to him?

-Stationmaster: Apparently he was using up every last bit of his speed to get there
on time, and that big silver idiot ran out of water. Thanks to him, trains will be
delayed now.

-Narrator: Gordon and his crew just laughed, and so did BoCo who was nearby.

-Gordon’s Driver: Well what do you know about that old boy! Seems like that
stubborn egomania of his finally gave him a rude awakening after all.

-Gordon: Yeah! Especially after he himself was being so rude! (Laughs) Well then,
we go better go rescue him so the party won’t be delayed.
-BoCo: Indeed! And I think you’d be the perfect engine to do so. Go get him Gordon,
show that arrogant spoiled brat what a proper Pacific can really do.

(Gordon blares his whistle, then arrives at where Spencer is on Gordon’s Hill)

-Narrator: So Gordon set off to the rescue. The big blue engine was really looking
forward to seeing Spencer. Meanwhile, Spencer was still sulking very childishly as
the Duke and Duchess spoke severely to him, while the guests were telling him what
a bad engine he was, and even wrote in their notebooks about his pompous behavior
and abysmal performance. Just before he could say anything, he heard a whistle that
he dreaded to hear.

-Spencer (Groans): Oh god! You gotta be joking.

-Gordon (Laughs): Well, well, well, if it isn’t Spencer, the big proud silver A4
engine that thought he was above every engine on Sodor and thought he could make it
to Vicarstown as early as possible. What’s the matter Spencer, ran out of water I

-Spencer: What, heavens no! I…had, uh…a leaky tank!

-Gordon (Chuckles): Unlikely story! But we can argue about that later. Come on, we
must get to the party, everybody is waiting and trains need to get through, even
more important trains than you.

-Narrator: As Gordon went ahead to switch lines, Spencer wanted to argue his point,
but his crew got him too shut up, and Duke of Boxford spoke next.

-DOB: That’s enough excuses Spencer. We’ll talk about this later. So, are you going
to behave now like a sensible engine should?

-Spencer (Gulps): Yes sir!

-Narrator: Soon, Gordon was switched onto Spencer’s line, and the big blue A0
coupled up to the silver A4. The Duke, Duchess, and the guests all got back into
the coaches.

-Gordon: Right, are we ready?

-DOB: We are indeed! Do your best Gordon!

-Gordon: Yes sir! Let’s go!

(Gordon’s whistle blares, and shows a montage of Gordon speeding down the Main Line
to Vicarstown with Spencer and his train in tow)

-Narrator: And Gordon set off, with the sulky Spencer and his two private coaches
behind him. Gordon was soon speeding down the Main Line at his top speed, and
enjoying himself enormously! Many people and engines greeted him with cheers and
whistles, as Gordon was not only proud to be running at his usual express speed,
but glad to be helping those in need.

-Gordon (Blares his whistle): THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

-Narrator: All Spencer could do was pout like a little child, but Gordon or anyone
else took any notice, but Spencer’s embarrassment grew even more as many rail
enthusiasts were by the line in awe and taking pictures at the rare sight. An LNER
A0 and an A4, double heading a special together, that had to have been the most
rare sight on the Northwestern Railway to have ever been seen. Gordon was making
good time, as even though he wasn’t running as fast as Spencer, it was still a very
fast speed enough for an express engine. Meanwhile, the Fat Controller and the
other engines were at Vicarstown Station waiting for them, and they all cheered
when they heard that very whistle and the sight of a big blue Pacific they knew all
too well, as Gordon, along with the disgraced Spencer arrived just in time.

-Narrator: Everybody, both engines and humans cheered in applause. And so did the
Duke and Duchess and their guests.

-Gordon: Ha-ha! We’re right on time!

-Edward: Well done Gordon! That was definitely your finest hour!

-Thomas: Yeah, you were amazing Gordon! Great job!

-Emily (Giggles): Weel dane Gordon! Wur sae proud o' ye.

-Gordon: Why thank you everyone, much appreciated! See Spencer, we made it on time,
eh, and for the sake of the passengers to. Not bad for a “second-rate” Gresley
engine, huh?

-Narrator: Spencer was embarrassed. His cheeks were as red as James’s paintwork and
he just looked down at his buffers in disgrace.

-James: What do you think of Spencer now lads?

-Henry: Simple James, he’s too much puff and not enough steam.

-Narrator: And everyone laughed. Spencer could only groan in humiliation. Just
then, the Fat Controller, the Duke, and the Duchess all came up in front of Gordon
as soon as the laughter died down.

-TFC: Well done Gordon! That was a valiant and remarkable effort. Truly worthy of
an exemplary express engine.

-Duchess: I couldn’t have put it better myself Sir Topham! Well done Gordon, and
thank you!

-DOB: Yes indeed! That was spectacular Gordon! It’s not hard to see why the Hatt
family made you the main express engine, was you clearly are the fastest engine on
the Island of Sodor.

-Gordon: Why thank you sirs! And I’m happy to be that engine.

-Narrator: Said Gordon humbly. But then the Fat Controller and the Duke and Duchess
turned crossly to Spencer.

-TFC (Sternly): As for you Spencer, ever since you came to my railway, you have
been noting but an obnoxious, rude, selfish, and insufferable engine that has done
nothing but gloat horrendously, berate my engines for who they are clearly so you
can put them down to make yourself feel important, bossed everybody around and even
threatened my engines for your own needs and wants, disregard advice, and tried to
change everything on my railway because you were stuck in this selfish and stubborn
delusions and delayed any trains on the Main Line.

-DOB (Sternly): Exactly Sir Topham! But the worse it gets Spencer, is that you not
only let this pride of being our private engine go through that thick smokebox of
yours, but you kept ignoring every warning we gave you. My wife and I warned you to
behave, but you wouldn’t listen, and worse, you lied to us numerous times just for
the sake of your massive ego. And we realized letting you back on your regular
duties instead of serving your original punishment was a big mistake, as this whole
party nearly got delayed because you stubbornly wouldn’t listen to Gordon’s advice,
and half of the trains on the Main Line were delayed because of your pig-headed

-Gordon: Indeed! And if I may be so bold, your personality is disgraceful, your

ideals are belittling, your desires are just plain selfish. Worse, you even tried
to use me to back you up, despite the fact you patronized me to. You know, you
remind me of an A0 I once used to know, but at least he changed for the better.
Because the legacy of steam is respecting other engines for who they are and the
jobs they do, looking out for others, and giving it your all when doing the best
with what your given, and helping those in need. That is the way the legacy of
steam is and was meant to be!

-Everyone: YEAH!

-TFC: I couldn’t have put it better myself Gordon! Just for that Spencer, since you
still need to learn some humility, for the rest of your stay, you will be shunting
coal trucks in the yards until me and your owners can trust you to behave.

-Spencer: Yes sirs! Sorry sirs!

-DOB: And we should think so to!

-Narrator: And soon, the Duke of Boxford made his speech, and then turned to

-DOB: Despite our engine’s pompous behavior, this visit so far has been truly
wonderful, but this welcome party would not have been possible without the valiant
and selfless efforts of the Northwestern Railway’s $4, Gordon the Big Engine, a
true example of what an express engine is.

-Gordon: Why thank you sir! But honestly, I couldn’t have done this, nor would’ve
been a success without the other engines who have been by my side since Day 1. They
are the true heroes that made the Northwestern Railway the success it is to them.
So they deserve just as much praise as well.

(Everyone cheers)

-Emily: Awe! Thank ye Gordon. That’s very thoughtful.

-Edward: Indeed! You have come such a long way, and we’re very proud of you!

-BoCo: Exactly! This railway would never be the same without you.

-Gordon: Why thank you everyone. But it’s all of us as team that makes us all
famous engines.

-Thomas: Exactly Gordon! Because we are the engines of the Island of Sodor, united
we stand…

-Gordon: Together we fall! Words to live by my fellow engines.

-Henry: Here, here!

-TFC: That’s very noble of you Gordon. But still, let’s all celebrate for the
welcome of the Duke and Duchess of Boxford, and to Gordon and rest of the engines
of my railway.
-Narrator: And everybody cheered, for both the Duke and Duchess, but also for
Gordon the Big Engine.

(Opens with a slow peaceful view of Edward’s branchline where it comes to Suddrey
Tunnel, when Edward himself steams out in a very epic introduction)

-Narrator: Edward is a wise old blue engine that is a friend to everyone on the
Island of Sodor. He is the Northwestern Railway’s 2nd engine, and has been around
forever since the railway was first created, and has seen many engines come and
gone. He is one of the medium-sized engines that is painted blue like Thomas &
Gordon, and runs the branchline going from Wellsworth all the way to Brendam Docks.
Everybody on the island has a great amount of respect for this old engine, as
Edward is known for being an engine with a strong amount of kindness and a loving
heart. He’s very polite and cheerful to everyone he meets, but can also be quite
strict if any other the engines misbehave. He’s a wise old sage with vast amount of
knowledge and can provide great moral support to those in need, being the one
others can go to for advice, and Edward would go out of his way to help others
through many trials and tribulations, and even proving the more bigger and more
modern engines that would try and belittle him wrong, as Edward may be old, as BoCo
once said, but he’ll surprise us all. And that couldn’t be any further than the
truth. One November morning, snow had arrived early to the Island of Sodor, and it
was heavier than usual. The engines had to make sure to take extra care in the
harsh weather conditions, though some didn’t like snow, it was getting them in the
Christmas spirit, as that was coming around the corner next month. One morning,
Thomas was at Elsbridge Junction, were coming into the platform was Edward, with a
local train in tow.

-Thomas: Morning Edward.

-Edward: Hello Thomas. Lovely day isn’t it?

-Thomas: Yeah, but I definitely don’t enjoy the snow. Especially with much heavier
drifts that we have to clear on the branchline. What fun?

-Edward (Chuckles): I can understand that. But it’ll subside soon. Especially since
it’s that time of the year Donald & Douglas would be out with their snow ploughs.

-Thomas (Chuckles): Indeed! But at least Christmas will becoming very soon, and
well, I’m already in the Christmas spirit. Favorite time of the year.

-Edward: Same here Thomas. And, it’ll really be a very big Christmas party to this
year, as 2003 has undoubtedly been a very remarkable year in our railway’s history.
Especially with the engines we have helped persevere tanks to BoCo’s help.

-Thomas: Yeah, like from Emily overcoming her PTSD and fitting in, searching for
Fergus, Arthur’s spotless record which would land him the Norramby Branch after
James’s accident, Murdoch’s trials and tribulations in just one month, Derek
getting his full overhaul, and then Paxton becoming part of our railway as our
first Class 08 that’s not devious, especially after we dealt with those idiot 08
shunters, Splatter & Dodge.

-Edward (Chuckles): Indeed! This is going to be special.

-Thomas: So Edward, what brings you here to the Main Line?

-Edward: Oh, I’m pulling a charter service to Brendam. I just have to head to
Knapford for the first stop. Then tomorrow, the Fat Controller needs me to pull a
local charter train to Vicarstown. BoCo & Derek will look after the branchline.
-Thomas: That’s nice! I also heard from the Fat Controller despite everything going
well, services on the main line will need help to keep with the influx of
passengers, so he’ll be bringing in a visitor will be coming from the mainland to
help out on the main line and stay for Christmas later on.

-Edward: Oh that’s nice. Did he say what kind of engine would come?

-Thomas: Not yet. But I really hope it’s an engine that has no grudge against us,
like maybe he could get Pip & Emma, or maybe even Gordon’s brother, the Flying
Scotsman maybe. I just hope this engine won’t be like the visitor we just met.

(Spencer’s whistle blares)

-Thomas (Gasps): Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me? Not him again?

-Edward: I’m afraid so Thomas, look.

-Narrator: And coming down the line was a certain unwelcomed engine speeding down
the line.

-Spencer: Make way, important engine coming through.

(Spencer speeds past)

-Thomas (Annoyed): Oh cinders and ashes. It had to be that jerk didn’t it.

-Edward: Looks like it. Then again, the Duke & Duchess of Boxford are visiting for
their first Christmas on the island, so of course.

-Narrator: And Edward was right. Because the Duke & Duchess were visiting for
Christmas, that meant of course that they’d be visiting along with their private
engine, Spencer. Now Spencer as we know is a large silver A4 locomotive and the
cousin of Gordon, who is the Duke & Duchess’s private rail escort, but also does
rail tours sponsored by the Duke of Boxford on the mainland. And many of the
engines on Sodor cringed, as Spencer was very arrogant, pompous, pig-headed, bossy
and rude, especially when he first visited Sodor about two months ago after the
Duke and Duchess had their summer home built at Vicarstown, as Spencer was very
snobby and demeaning to the engines of Sodor, as he felt they weren’t worthy of
being the famous engines they are said to be, and thought he was above them,
especially his Gordon. Though the snooty streamliner got his comeuppance after
running out of water on Gordon’s Hill after stubbornly disregarding the big blue
engine’s advice, and later resulted in Gordon himself helping him to Vicarstown.
Spencer did get punished for his treatment towards the engines, but unfortunately,
he hadn’t learned sense, and continued to be just as arrogant and insufferable than
he was the last time. He soon reach Knapford, where the engines cringed at seeing
the smug streamlined engine.

-Gordon: Ugh, the indignity! Not you again!

-Spencer: Hello you common workhorses! Did you miss me?

-Gordon: Pah! Missing you would be an understatement! What the bloody hell are you
doing here?

-Spencer: Oh I’m here to help you lot for the upcoming Christmas holidays because
you’re all incompetent to handle passenger trains. So the Fat Controller of course
asked me, “me”, to help you all in my express expertise because you all can’t
handle your trains properly.


-Spencer: Oh calm down my dear engines, it’s nothing personal. The Duke & Duchess
are visiting for Christmas after all anyway. And after my last visit to this
dreadful railway, I’m determined to make prescience feel known, and that all you
engines want to be me.

-Henry: Humph! Not in your damn life Spencer! We can clearly see that you haven’t
learned a thing since you’re last visit.

-Duck: Exactly! Here you are patronizing us like you did the last time, and think
you can waltz onto our railway to make it in the way you seem fit. We don’t care
who you are Spencer, because we tell you now, it ain’t gonna happen.

-Spencer: Well I see I’m being stood up to by a common shunter again. At least if
my visit goes well this time, the Fat Controller will finally see sense and scrap
you lot, and get engines like me and Gordon. And even if we kept some pathetic
unnecessary tank engines, we’ll have them doing what they were designed to do,


-Spencer: Oh p-shaw! Some are more equal than others! Just you wait, the Duke &
Duchess and your controller will see my potential and will soon change their minds.

-Narrator: The engines were furious, until, a certain old blue engine came in with
his passenger train.

MAKE YOU SPECIAL! So stop living in your arrogant delusions and show some respect!

-Spencer: Oh my, aren’t we jealous then old timer! Well at least if my plan goes
well, I’d say you’d be the first engine to be scrapped!

-Narrator: The engines, and even the passengers and staff who had heard the
argument gasped in horror!



-Edward: We had every right to Spencer! You tried to terrorize Emily at the coal
hoppers last time. What’s wrong with standing up for a friend, which you know
nothing about. You really just get it do you? You’re only being sent here as a
favor, and especially with Christmas coming, we certainly don’t need you bossing
and patronizing us or gloating like you did before.
-Spencer: Pah! And what would an old relic like you have in trying to tell me I’m

-Duck: Because Edward is one of the wisest engines on the railway. Like Gordon
said, he’s made our railway the success it is today. He’s got kindness, sincerity,
and does whatever job is given with fuss, and one of the best records with the Fat
Controller, unlike you!

-Gordon: Exactly! He’s proven himself time and time again, even when we didn’t see
it at first. He taught me so much and is a very good friend! He runs the Brendam
Branch with ease and is an excellent banker, old or not. He’s even helped bank my
trains and does it very well.

-James: Yeah, and time I was on a runaway on the Main Line, Edward was the one who
wore himself to bits with an inspector holding a shunter’s pole and rope, all to
save my life, and boy did he!

-Duck: And of course the biggest when he was wearing himself to bits during a
horrible storm, he still managed to get his whole train back to Knapford, despite a
blown out sanding gear, damaged side and no side rods. Shocking for an engine like
you to hear Spencer, but you would be surprised to see how Edward succeeded that
day, getting his passengers home safely.

-Henry: Exactly! As BoCo put it, Edward’s old, but he’ll surprise us all!

-All engines and people: Here, here!

-Narrator: But Spencer laughed rudely in everyone’s faces, much to everyone’s

surprise, as he clearly wasn’t buying this. But Edward still remained firm, as he
clearly wasn’t gonna let Spencer put him down like this.

-Spencer (Laughing): Now this is comedy gold I must say. That old antique,
accomplishing what you told me just now, how absurd (Cackles). And such a waste of
money to keep an old relic like you around.

-Edward: I really could care less if you believe it or not Spencer! Because you
clearly aren’t understand your behavior or your responsibilities. It’s not about
the limelight, it’s about the safety and comfort of our passengers that rely on us.

-Spencer: Pah! Passengers are what keep the money rolling and are there to admire
engines like me!

-Edward: Humph! So you even disrespect the passengers, unbelievable!

-Gordon: Indeed! Even we express engines put our passengers first than the glamour
and fame. Need I remind you last time you did that Spencer, you ignored my advice
and ran out of water on my hill!

(Everyone laughs)

-Spencer: GRRR! For the last time, it was a leaky tank you fool!

-Gordon: Sure it was!

-Edward: Indeed! You clearly don’t have any understand of the value of anybody but
yourself Spencer.

-Spencer: Humph! Well in that case old-timer, if the engines on this god-for-saken
railway are as excellent and high-powered as they say you are, then why don’t you
prove it, as I challenge you to a race.

(Everyone gasps)

-Edward: Oh, now you’ve gone mad! You know that’s against the rules to speed.
Especially in this weather!

-Spencer: Oh, and I see your pushover already. As to be expected from an old relic.

-Gordon: No, he’s right you idiot! You try to go at your “record” speed, and you
could get yourself into accident!

-Passenger: But Gordon, what if Edward really can beat him.

-Staff Member 1: Yeah! Edward is an engine who works twice as hard as that silver

-Jane the Tea Girl: Exactly! He’s been around since my great-grandfather was a
little boy, and has practically the legacy of this whole island.

-Little Boy: Yeah! Edward’s the greatest! He can beat that big silver bully, I know
he can!

-Everyone: YEAH!

-Narrator: Now Edward of course knew the Fat Controller would never approve of
racing, as it was dangerous, especially during winter, but Spencer clearly was too
stubborn and dismissive to listen, and because his friends, his crew, the
passengers, and the station staff were all encouraging him, right there he made a

-Edward: Okay Spencer, seeing as you’re too stubborn right now, I rise to your
challenge, on two conditions!

-Spencer: Oh, and what in pray tell might those be.

-Edward: To focus on our passengers and to not race at dangerous speeds. Because
the Fat Controller and the Duke and Duchess will have kittens if they find out
about something like that.

-Spencer: Tsk-tsk! See somebody’s trying to be a goodie-two wheels. But since I’m
racing against an outdated relic, I’ll make some exceptions, especially since I’m
obviously going to win.

-Gordon: (Snorts)

-Spencer: We’ll start from here at Knapford tomorrow. I’ll give you a head start at
8:30, while I follow in pursuit at 8:45.

-Edward: What a coincidence. The Fat Controller has asked me to help with a special
charter train to Vicarstown tomorrow. So whoever will get there wins. If I win, you
apologize to those you have wronged, swallow your pride and keep to yourself and
focus on your work.

-Spencer: Sounds like a deal, as if I win, I’ll convince your controller to scrap
you or preserve in a museum like you should be. Ta-ta!

(Spencer departs)
-Narrator: And Spencer uncoupled from his coaches and left for a shed where he
wouldn’t have to spend the night with any of the Fat Controller’s engines. Though
secretly, he was rather nervous of the challenge, and jealous of Edward, but being
Spencer, he’d never admit it. Later that night, Edward had arrived back home at
Tidmouth Sheds, to find the other engines there waiting for him, as even though
they encouraged him, they were rather concerned. And the other engines, especially
the newer engines were rather worried.

-Percy: Oh my god Edward! You’re seriously gonna challenge that jerk? You know the
Fat Controller won’t approve of racing.

-Edward (Chuckles): Certainly not my dear Percy! I would never give into a
challenge like that.

-Henry: What?

-Edward: Oh yes Henry. Despite his pig-headed pride, I’m not going to race him

-James: But Edward, if you don’t, he’ll become even more insufferable than ever.
Plus, I don’t mean to be rude, but what makes you think you can even beat that
silver schmuck head? He’s way too fast.

-Edward: I understand your concerns everyone, but I have no intention of racing

him. I may have said those things, but that doesn’t necessarily mean, that I mean
any of it.

-Narrator: The other engines were surprised, until Gordon gave a knowing chuckle.

-Gordon: Ha, ha! I know that look anywhere! You have a plan do you Edward.

-Edward (Chuckles): You could say that Gordon. Spencer is clearly not going to
reason, as he really believes he can challenge me. I’m going to give into his
challenge, but only on my own condition I made him agree to, as I am only going to
carry on with my work and not give into Spencer’s behavior. Besides, the Fat
Controller would know there’s no harm in that as I’m not one to bow down to peer
pressure, as my only real intention is the safety and comfort of my passengers
tomorrow, and that they’ll all get to their destinations safely.

-Narrator: The engines were amazed.

-Toby: Ha, ha! That’s a good plan Edward. You’re basically letting Spencer be the
one to make a fool of himself do you?

-Edward: That I am Toby.

-Emily: Wow! Edward, you’re sae brave.

-Gordon: Indeed he is Emily. I know that’s how it worked on me, Henry and James
when Edward proved us wrong. I’m sure it can work on Spencer to, as I’m behind your
plan 100% Edward.

-Edward: Thank you Gordon!

-Kirby: But Edward, are you even sure about this. I mean, no disrespect, and
Spencer maybe a great big, upper class jerk, but that bathtub is too powerful, he
could easily beat you!

-Thomas: Not ever underestimate Edward, Kirby. Spencer may be all speed and hot
air, but Edward is logical and full of spirit.

-Edward: Indeed! And even if Spencer does win, he’ll still get his comeuppance.

-BoCo: Indeed! Edward’s old, but he’ll surprise us all.

-Narrator: All the engines murmured in agreement before some went home to their
respective shed, but some like James or Kirby were doubtful if Edward’s plan was
really going to work. The Fat Controller, who had also heard about what was going
on form the stationmaster, actually agreed, as he understood, as he already knew of
Edward’s true intentions, and clearly wasn’t going to stand for Spencer’s rudeness
and boasting. He made the arrangements, and the next day, everybody was getting
ready. Because of the winter season, precautions had to be taken, such the fillet
caps that let in have to be fastened shut, sandboxes had to be filled, and if the
weather was worse, the engines would have to wear snow ploughs, but the line was
mostly clear, so there was no need for that. Everybody was at the platform, waiting
and eager to see the races. They had out there videos cameras as Stanley had
shunted Spencer’s coaches to Platform 1, while Edward arrived at Platform 2,
already prepared and ready with his 4 red coaches behind him, as Edward liked
shunting, and would arrange his trains to be fair and ease the workload of the
shunters. The other engines were there cheering for their friend, but cringed and
booed as Spencer backed down onto his coaches.

(Everyone boos)

-Spencer: Humph! How rude! I see they’re already cheering for their overrated
relic, old-timer. It won’t last long, because I will win, and everybody will learn
to appreciate what a “real” engine is.

-Edward: Your overconfidence is your weakness.

-Spencer: Your delusions to beat me are yours. I intend to win no matter what it

-Edward: All I can say is take care, we can’t afford any accidents.

-Narrator: Spencer fumed. He didn’t think he needed advice, especially from an

outdated teapot, and before he could retort, Edward’s guard already blew his
whistle, and the wise old engine puffed smoothly and carefully away, as the other
engines, the passengers, and the station staff cheered. Spencer went even redder,
and by the time he was due to depart 15 minutes later, he set off with a vicious
jerk, and his wheels began to slip violently on the icy rails.

-Spencer: AH! WHOA, WHOA, I SAY!

-Spencer’s driver: Calm down Spencer, we have to plenty of time.

-Narrator: Said his driver as he applied the brakes, then laid sand on the rails as
he left. The other engines who were watching nearby laughed.

-Henry: Be careful not to slip again Spencer (Laughing).

-Narrator: Spencer pretended he hadn’t heard Henry. Right now, he had one goal, and
one goal in mind, to beat and discredit Edward. Meanwhile, Edward himself was
making good time, and running at his regular speed, while also making sure to be
careful of the ice and snow. He already got his passengers to Tidmouth, now he made
it to Elsbridge Junction. Once he arrived, he had to wait for Daisy. Sure enough,
she arrived, and the railcar was shivering terribly.
-Edward: Ah, good morning Daisy. Is everything alright?

-Daisy: No of course not. I had to wait a while until Percy could clear the line
from here to Toryreck. And I’m shivering my axles. My fitter says this dreadful
weather would clog up my engine.

-Edward: Oh come now Daisy, it could be worse. If you’re not careful, you could get
stuck in a snow drift. And we all know what happened the last time you were.

-Daisy: Humph! Well anyways, I hear you’re going to be racing that streamlined
engine Spencer. You really must be mad to think you can beat him Edward.

-Edward: And even if I don’t at least the passengers are safe and getting to their
destinations with care. Besides, if Spencer’s not careful, he could really get a
terrible comeuppance.

-Daisy: Um…sure, yes. You make it sound so simple Edward. I mean, I hear this a lot
from Toby.

-Edward: That’s because Toby and I have years of experience, as we’ve encountered
this behavior many times before. And if I’m not mistaken, it has worked on you
hasn’t it.

-Daisy (Blushing): Well, I…uh…

-Narrator: Before Daisy could reply, Spencer came in speeding as usual.

-Spencer: OUT OF MY WAY!

-Narrator: He blurted out rudely. But thanks to Spencer’s speed, snow and icicles
from the station’s roof landed on Daisy, making her feel very uncomfortable.

-Daisy: Oooh! Freezing!

-Edward (Chuckles): Don’t worry Daisy. It’ll melt, besides, snow is only just water

-Daisy: Humph! Speak for yourself!

-Narrator: Just then, the guard blew, and Edward set off down the main line, with
Daisy still in disbelief that an engine like Edward was racing against Spencer. The
old engine kept on puffing down the line at his regular and safe speed, as Spencer
kept speeding. The passengers on board his train were getting quite uncomfortable.
And this didn’t help as Spencer was thoughtlessly ignoring the rules. And as usual,
he still kept on being rude and boasting to the other engines he passed about how
he was going to win regardless.

(Spencer rudely speeds past Derek)



-Narrator: But Spencer just huffed. Soon, Edward had already arrived at Wellsworth
itself. Spencer was already there, feeling very content with himself.

-Spencer: Humph! Just as I though, even after I gave you the 15-miunte head start,
you still couldn’t catch up, even after I passed Elsbridge. (Cackles) You’re making
this too easy relic!
-Edward: Maybe Spencer, but we haven’t gotten to that point yet now, have we?

-Spencer: Oh you are in such denial are you? Well it’s lucky for you I need to
refill on water.

-Edward: Water you say?

-Spencer: I know what you’re thinking, but that wasn’t my fault the last time damn
it. I’m just…thirsty is all.

-Narrator: Edward, as well as BoCo who was nearby resting, and even Salty who had
come to help organize the yards for the time being, could only laugh. Just then,
Edward’s guard had already blown his whistle after his passengers got on.

-Edward: Well, I must be off! I’ll see you all later.

-BoCo: Take care Edward! And good luck!

-Spencer: Yes, well unlike like him, I don’t need luck. The old kettle would
probably snap very soon.

-Salty: Argh! Ne'er under estimate Edward matey! He knows exactly wha' he’s doin'.
Especially wit' this snow around.

-Spencer: Pah! A little snow is nothing to a fast and powerful A4 like Moi. Even
you diesels are just as vulnerable as the shunters.

-BoCo: Oh don’t think you can patronize us again Spencer! You may be fast, but even
engines like you need to take precautions.

-Spencer: Pah! I don’t know why I even bother with you lot! You’re all fools, just
like that Edward!

-BoCo: Edward may be old, but he’ll surprise us all. So if I were you, I’d get your
head out of the clouds and be aware of your surroundings Spencer. Because if you’re
not, then Edward might beat you after all.

-Narrator: Spencer went even redder than ever.


-Narrator: Spencer’s crew did just that, and as soon as Spencer was refilled, the
guard blew his whistle, and the bat-tempered and stubborn streamliner set off.

-Salty: Aye, it looks like he’ll be in trouble real soon, wouldn’t he matey.

-BoCo: Somehow Salty, probably a lot sooner than expected.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Spencer was still showing off. Everything that the other
engines and people were saying about Edward was getting to him, and though he
didn’t want to admit it, he was worried what if Edward, an old relic from the past,
really could beat him. He didn’t seem worn out or out of breathe back at
Wellsworth. He was now determined to prove he was far superior not just to Edward,
but every engine on Sodor.

(Spencer races past Bertie and Caroline at the crossing and whooshes them)


-Caroline: OH I SAY! HOW RUDE!

-Narrator: He soon charged furiously up Gordon’s Hill.



-Narrator: Spencer’s driver just sighed, it was hard to reason with his own engine,
especially since Spencer never really respected him or the fireman that much. He
charged up the hill and then sped down at an enormous speed where they saw that
Edward had already made it to the other side and was coasting down gently. Without
thinking, Spencer flew past Edward.

-Edward: OH I SAY!

AND BEST (Laughs).


-Edward: Oh dear! Now he’s really taking this challenge too far. Looks as if his
comeuppance will come real sooner than expected.

-Edward’s driver: You got that right old boy. I just got word from the signalman
that the rails coming up are icy, and Marlin and Donald, Douglas and the workmen
are busy laying salt on them. I just hope Spencer actually took refilling his
sandboxes into consideration.

-Edward: Indeed! Because speaking of which, we’ll need to refill ours once we get
to Maron.

-Narrator: Edward said urgently, as he kept coasting down Gordon’s Hill carefully.
Soon, Spencer kept speeding, and gloating.

-Spencer: I’ll beat that old relic and show who’s fastest and best now!

-Narrator: Spencer gloated as he sped past Oliver.




-Narrator: But Spencer just ignored Toad.

(Spencer passes Toby at Cronk)



-Narrator: Called Toby who was taking a special vintage train to Ulfstead. Then, as
Donald & Douglas were passing by near Killdane laying rock salt on the rails,
Spencer rudely thundered by them to.





-Narrator: Donald & Douglas just huffed, but slowly Spencer began to realize that
they were picking up too much speed.

(Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner plays in the background)


driver tries to control the regulator or apply the brake)



-Narrator: The driver did so, but only a little amount.



-Narrator: Spencer’s driver tried to fight for control, but it was no good. But it
got even worse when they sped past a red signal as they were coming into
Kellsthorpe Road.

-Spencer (Gasps): OH LORD! HE…HELP!

-Narrator: Spencer shouted as he kept picking up speed. Meanwhile, at Kellsthorpe

Road station, James, Bear and Barry were collecting their passengers.

-James (Sighs): I really just can’t believe Edward gave into Spencer’s challenge
like that. And I thought he was our wise old sage, and I’ll always respect him, but
this is ridiculous.

-Bear: Yes, but you stood up for him against that silver schmuck at Knapford
yesterday. Plus, Edward has proven many engines wrong in the past before right?

-James: Well, I…I guess he could. I just.

-Barry: Don’t worry James, I’m sure Edward knows what he’s doing. Who knows, maybe
Edward might show up before Spencer anyway.

-James: Let’s hope so Barry. I still wouldn’t know how an engine like Edward, can
beat an A4 like…
(Spencer’s whistle blares)

-James (Groans): Ugh, Spencer! I knew it, Spencer’s gonna keep gloating again, and
he’ll never let us hear the end of it.

-Bear: Or, it could be serious, that sounded more like an emergency whistle.

-Narrator: Then the stationmaster raised the alarms.




-Narrator: Bear wasted no time and cleared the platform just in time, and the
stationmaster told him to move even further, not only to prevent a serious
accident, but because there were special points that lead into a runaway siding.
The passengers already hid in the waiting room, and the stationmaster switched the
points just in time.


-Narrator: Spencer cried! But just as he thought he was gonna crash into Bear’s
coaches, he felt himself being dragged into the siding, which at the end, had a
large bank of snow behind the buffers.

-Spencer: AH!

(Spencer crashes through the buffers and slams himself hard into the snowdrift with
an almighty crash)

-James: OOH! That has gotta hurt, I don’t care where you’re from!

-Barry: No Kidding!

-Spencer (Groans in a muffled voice): Oooohh, hoo, hoo, hoo! Oh the humanity!

-Narrator: Luckily, no one was completely hurt, but some did have only a few cuts
and bruises, but other than that, everybody was alright. But the engines couldn’t
help but laugh at Spencer’s mishap. The big silver engine heard, and was feeling
most embarrassed. Later, Edward was coming down the line Kellsthorpe itself, when
he noticed the signalman from his tower holding a red flag.

-Edward: What’s wrong?

-Signalman: Edward, since you’re headed to Kellsthorpe, you’ll need to help out
Spencer’s passengers.

-Edward: Oh, what happened?

-Signalman: Apparently that, big silver idiot was too busy gloating again, overran
a signal at dangerous speeds, and crashed into the runaway siding at the station

-Edward: Oh my word! Then we better see what we could do.

-Narrator: So Edward headed for Kellsthorpe. When he arrived, he heard laughing,

Barry had already left, but James and Bear were still there. And Marlin and the
Breakdown gang arrived to help get Spencer out of the snowdrift. The passengers of
course were fine, and they laughed to. And once Edward saw, he also couldn’t help
but laugh at the sight of the arrogant A4, through the siding and crashed boiler
deep in the snow drift.

-Edward (Laughs): Well, Spencer, seems like karma has already come and knocked some
sense into you after all. And literally I must say. This is what happens when you
think you’re above everything and everyone.

-Narrator: Spencer, who can hear just even fine, even in the snow, just sulked

-Stationmaster: Excuse me Edward. Since Spencer has sped into that snowbank, and
his passengers still need to get to Vicarstown. Could you take them please? They
need to get home quickly, especially since some are from the mainland.

-Edward: Absolutely sir! There’s plenty of room in the coaches, especially with
some that have to get off here. I’ll get there them as safely as possible.

-Stationmaster: Thank you Edward. It’s a good thing you didn’t race this engine.

-Edward: Don’t worry! Racing is not would I do.

-James: Wow! Seems like your plan worked after all Edward. Looks like that
streamlined fool made and even bigger fool of himself.

-Edward (Chuckles): He sure did James!

-Bear: Yep! He’s got nothing on you Edward. I’ll see you at Vicarstown.

-Edward: See you later Bear.

-Narrator: So Spencer’s passengers had gotten into Edward’s coaches, as Marlin had
took away the coaches, and was pulling Spencer out of the snow drift. The guard
blew his whistle, and Edward set off.

-James: Great job today Edward. Sorry if I doubted you, I’ll see you later!

-Edward: It’s quite alright, and I’ll see you later James!

(Shows Edward puffing down the line to Vicarstown)

-Narrator: Soon Edward was headed down to Vicarstown at his usual pace, make sure
to be extra careful, and used sand whenever he felt his wheels slip on frozen
rails. The passengers were pleased to be riding behind one of Sodor’s most
legendary engines, and people who wear playing in the snow by the line waved and
cheered for him. And many passing engines who saw him coming gave him special
cheers as well.

-Edward: Thank you everyone!

(Shows Gordon, Emily, Kirby, Pip and Emma at Vicarstown)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, at Vicarstown, Gordon, Emily and Kirby were at Vicarstown,

hoping for Edward to show. At least Gordon & Emily were, as Kirby still remained
doubtful. Pip & Emma were all there, and they were anxious.

-Kirby: I knew it, I knew this was a bad idea. I can’t believe Edward would even
give into Spencer’s challenge. To think he could even try and race that upside down
bath tub on wheels, he’s really lost it, and now that stuck up snob is gonna come
in and gloat even more to make our lives a living hell.

-Emily: You’re wrong Kirby! A have faith I' Edward. He really is a wonderful engine
thon has stood the test o’ time. He’ll be here. He has tae.

-Gordon: I’m sure he will Emily. He should be coming here soon I’m sure.

-Kirby: Yeah, and how do you reckon Gordon, it’s not like Edward just so happen to
pass Spencer and make it here in a…

(Edward’s whistle blares)

-Emily (Giggles): Ye were sayin’.

-Kirby: Wait, WHAT?

-Emma: Here he comes!

-Narrator: And coming from the view was Edward the Blue Engine coming into view as
he pressed on. Everyone gave Edward a three cheers, and the engines blew their
whistles and horns in applause for Edward’s victory. And slow, steady, and safely,
Edward pull in triumphantly at the platform. The passengers got out and cheered,
thanking Edward, his driver, his fireman and guard for the finest efforts. The
other engines were especially proud, but Kirby was speechless.

-Kirby: I…I…

-Edward: Oh hello Kirby, you were expecting spencer perhaps.

-Narrator: Kirby said nothing.

-Emily (Giggles): You did it Edward! I knew you could it! We’re so proud of you!

-Edward (Chuckles) Thanks sweetheart! Just doing my job.

-Gordon: Well you definitely did it well. That was a fine show there Edward. You’ve
proven how useful you are once again.

-Edward: Thanks old friend!

-Pip: Great job Edward, that was amazing! And thanks for getting the passengers on

-Edward: Why thank you Pip. Glad to get them here. If we don’t see you both yet,
Merry Christmas.

-Pip: Yes, Merry Christmas you all, and we’ll hope to see you soon.

-Narrator: They said, as Pip & Emma left. Later that afternoon when Edward arrived
back at Knapford, all the engines cheered in delight for Edward’s accomplishment,
and Edward felt very proud.

-Thomas: There he is everyone, the engine of the hour. Welcome back Edward! And

-Henry: We heard what you did, and we are very impressed indeed. You just took on
that big silver jerk and showed him that slow and steady wins the race.
-Edward: Why thank you everyone. I’m just glad that I got my passengers on time and
safe, as I had no intention of racing Spencer, and look where it got him. There is
no way I can never let my own passengers be caught in some childish and dangerous

-BoCo: Regardless though, you still did what was right which already makes you a
real winner than him any day.

-TFC: True words never spoken BoCo.

-Narrator: The engines looked and saw the Fat Controller standing with a proud
smile, along with the Duke & Duchess.

-TFC: I am very proud of you Edward. I heard all about the challenge last night
from the stationmaster, and I was nervous at first, only until I heard from Henry
that you didn’t give into Spencer’s challenge at all, and preferred doing what was
right. And I’m very proud and amazed to that you stood your ground did it only just
to keep on working the way you normally would. You are definitely one of the most
sensible, wisest and most cautious engines I’ve ever known Edward, and I’m just
proud to have you in my fleet even to this very day.

-Edward: Why thank you sir! Just doing my job.

-DOB: And a job well done indeed Edward. Which is the least I can say about
Spencer, and again, to all you engines, we really must apologize for Spencer’s
arrogant and patronizing behavior. We warned him to improve and show more respect
after his last visit, and we even tried to scold him further, but hearing that he
raced about again like a fool to boost his ego, and in this weather as well as
disregarding the passengers’ safety, we were very furious and horrified at this.
Though I have to say Edward, how you handled him was most impressive, and well the
more Spencer made a fool of himself…well (Laughs), we thought you all might like to

-Narrator: The engines looked back saw coming into view was a very disgraced and
badly dented Spencer. The arrogant A4 was battered after crashing into the snow
drift and covered in snow from the front. The engines, the Fat Controller, and even
the Duke and Duchess as well as the passengers all laughed. Spencer was most
humiliated even more than the last visit were he ran out of water.

-Edward (Laughing): Well I never! In all my years I’ve faced up against bigger
engines like Spencer, never in my life would I see them like…well…this (Laughing).

-Gordon (Laughing): Indeed (Laughing)! Even I never would risk the speed limits
like that. That’s a great look you Spencer (Laughing).

-Percy (Laughing): Oh no, everybody flee in terror, it’s the abominable snowman.

-Henry (Laughing): Yeah, or the yeti, because Spencer definitely looks like one.

-Toby (Laughing): Well after how Spencer has behaved today, he definitely is very

(Everyone laughs)

-DOB (Laughing): I couldn’t have put it better myself (Laughing, then recovers and
speaks sternly), but still Spencer, let that be a lesson in humility to you! Me and
the Duchess are absolutely furious with your behavior today, just like the last
time. You not only disregard our warning to be polite and respectful to the
engines, but we also heard you tried to enforce your ideals on to the Fat
Controller and worse, recommend the engines should be scrapped, and Edward should

-Spencer: But sirs…I…



-Spencer (Gulps): Yes sirs, and ma’am. Edward, everyone, I’m, I’m, (Marlin bumps
his flatbed a bit) OOF! Okay! Everyone I’m sorry! What I said and how I acted was
absolutely stupid and selfish, and I should never have done that. I will never
treat you all so horribly again.

-Marlin: I really hope you mean that Spencer.

-TFC: Even if he doesn’t Marlin, the Duke and Duchess will have ways that seem fit.

-DOB: Exactly! Because of your selfish behavior Spencer, you will not be spending
Christmas on Sodor with us. Actually, once you’re repaired, you will stay in the
Steamworks, and only in the Steamworks in the back until you’ve learned to be more
open-minded, kind, humble, and responsible, especially when pulling passengers, and
you will not join us for the Christmas party. Then when we return back home, you
will take us back, and I hope that the next time I expect more care and
consideration to the engines and people around you, and that you will never set up
dangerous challenges and risk your passenger’s lives again. Do we make ourselves

-Spencer: Yes sir!

-TFC: Excellent then! Because I will never retire or scrap any of my engines
Spencer, as they are hardworking, caring and responsible. Especially Edward, who
will not be going anywhere. Marlin, take him to the Steamworks.

-Marlin: Yes sir. Come on you!

-Narrator: So as Marlin left with the disgraced Spencer, everyone turned to Edward.

-TFC: Like I said, you have done wonderfully in getting your passengers to
Vicarstown Edward, and cared about their safety and done the right thing in not
giving into Spencer’s challenge.

-Donald: Aye, ye did a great job I’ lettin’ the fool make an e'en bigger fool o’
-Edward: Thanks Donald. It’s the only when you get to someone that won’t listen.

-Kirby: You got that right. I’m really sorry I doubted you Edward. I can see why
you’re so well-respected on this railway. You are very wise and sensible.

-Edward: Why thank you Kirby!

-TFC: Indeed! As a special reward, I think you should get yourself a new coat of
paint Edward.

-Edward: Why thank you sir!

-BoCo: Indeed! Let’s give Edward here a round of applause.

-Narrator: So all the engines whistled and hooted for the accomplishments of their
friend, Edward the Blue Engine, who may be old, but he’ll surprise us all.

-Narrator: Christmas had arrived on the Island of Sodor once again, and all the
engines were excited. They were all rushing to and fro, getting passengers and
freight to their destinations. It was at that time they would be worked off their
wheels the most, but they didn’t mind, as the point, doing their best to make every
year the best Christmas the island ever had. The Northwestern Railway was busy as
usual, but after Spencer’s incident with him crashing into a snowdrift when he
tried to race Edward, the Duke and Duchess had him confined to the Steamworks for
the remainder of the year as punishment for his arrogance and rudeness to the other
engines once again. So with Spencer out of commission, the Fat Controller decided
there was only engine he can turn to with the influx of passengers that being none
other than Gordon’s brother, the Flying Scotsman, much to the other engine’s joy.
Flying Scotsman loved visiting Sodor every time he came, especially to catch up
with his only-surviving brother, Gordon, and he also enjoyed getting to meet many
of the new engines that have come over the years to. And the passengers were very
pleased to be traveling in the famous A3, as thanks to Scotsman, passengers were
getting where they needed to be and one time, as there was no place like home for
the holidays, especially with loved ones. It wasn’t just the standard gauge
engines, but even the narrow gauge engines of the Skarloey Railway were just as
busy. They enjoyed this time of year just as the standard gauges engines. Well, all
except for one.

(A snowball hits Duncan at Skarloey Station)

-Duncan: OOF! OCH AYE!

(Kids laughing)

-Duncan: Ugh! Watch yer throwin thaim snowballs ye little tikes!

(Kids run off laughing)

-Duncan: Ugh!

-Narrator: Duncan of course was an engine that was always known for complaining.
But when it came to Christmas season, the yellow Scottish engine just could only
grumble as usual. Now Duncan didn’t exactly hate Christmas, as he would join in for
the annual Christmas parties on the night of Christmas Eve, but he just never
exactly saw the point of it. Every time he saw the Christmas decorations, heard
carolers singing, and people giving presents, he only thought this was out of
greed, as he thought the festive time and cheer and being with loved ones was the
opposite. A whole holiday based for advertisements. No matter how hard the other
engines tried to reason with him, Duncan just couldn’t understand and thought it
was modern society being overzealous of selling presents. One evening at the Sheds,
the engines and workmen were getting the sheds decorated.

-Rusty: This is going to look wonderful.

-Skarloey: Indeed! I love this time of year. So far I’m already feeling in the
Christmas spirit.

-Rheneas: Same here old friend. Though let’s just hope it will even get Duncan into
the Christmas spirit for once.

-Rusty (Sighs): We can only hope and pray.

-Ivo Hugh: Well now’s our chance Rusty, here he comes.

-Narrator: Duncan was coming home after another rough day of work in his eyes, and
the only thing the Scottish engine wanted to do was take a nice rest and not have
to think of anything,

-Duncan: Aye, I’ll be glad tae be I’ ma shed.

-Workmen 1: Okay, drumroll. (Long pause) Um…drumroll.

-Workmen 2: Oh. (Makes a drumroll noise)

-Skarloey: JOY TO THE WORLD!

-Duncan: Och, what’s gang on?

(Christmas lights flash on at the sheds)


-Workmen 1: Ah, oh, okay maybe I used to much power (nervous laugh).

-Rusty (Sarcastic): Oh you think.

-Workmen 1: Ah, here we go. (Turns the switch down, toning down the bright lights)

-Duncan: Och, that’s better. What the bloody hell’s going on?

-Rusty: Merry Christmas Duncan. You like it?

-Duncan: Och, whit dae ye think Rusty? Ye nearly blindit me!

-Rusty: Oh, sorry, but, we just got the Christmas decorations set up at the sheds.

-Peter Sam: Yeah, and just in time. Do you like them?

-Duncan: Och, they may look nice, but we dinnae need them.

-Workmen 1: What? But we just worked hard on them.

-Skarloey: Indeed! And we won’t be taking them down either. It’s the Christmas
season Duncan, where’s your Christmas spirit?

-Duncan: Humph! More like greedy spirit.

-Peter Sam: Greedy? Why do you say that Duncan?

-Duncan: Because ivery time Christmas comes, people aye spend their money away
buyin so-callit presents, settin up these big-ass decorations, sin these so-callit
Christmas carols, watchin movies relatit tae the holiday, especially thon clay
matit ane wi the reindeer wha haed some birth defect wi his nose, an then eat a
crap load o’ food tae the point they’ll be as bloatit as blimps. It’s like this
ivery day o’ the year, it drives me mad.

-Rheneas: Oh come on now Duncan, that’s not true. That’s all just to get people and
engines into the holiday spirit. No offense, but I think you’re missing the point.

-Duncan: I’m a plain-speakin engine Rheneas, an A speak as a a find thon Christmas

juist seems more like a marketin gimmick.

-Ivo Hugh: That’s not true Duncan. It’s a time for being with family and loved
ones. If didn’t know any better, I’d say you were being a Scrooge.

-Duncan: Whit? oh na, na, na! I'm na Scrooge Ivo. Leuk, it’s fun at this time whan
we have Christmas parties, believe me, but A juist don’t think we shoud be givin
intae the holidays like this. A love ye guys, an gin it makes ye happy, that’s
fine. But A juist dinnae wanna tak part i' this advertisement rubbish. Now gin ye
dinnae mind, coud ye please turn thae lichts aff. A neit some shut ee for ma busy
day tomorrow. Guid nicht.

-Narrator: And Duncan bluntly puffed into his shed without another word. The
engines were surprised. Everyone on the island already know Duncan was the classic
resident grump, who was very cynical, and complained about everything and anything.
But to hear him think about Christmas like that and not giving it a try, well…that
just didn’t feel right. They knew that they couldn’t reason with him right now, as
Duncan was a very stubborn engine.

-Skarloey: Just wait everyone.

-Narrator: Skarloey said calmly.

-Skarloey: He’ll realize eventually.

-Narrator: The engines really hoped so. The next morning, at the Blue Mountain
Quarry, Sir Handel was working hard shunting trucks around the industrial area. He
had certainly come a long way ever since he was given a second chance. But of
course, he knew better now than to boast about such things. So far, he was actually
really happy with his work at the quarry, shocking for an engine who considered
work like this beneath him. But Sir Handel did change for the better, as he finally
understood what hard work, honesty, trust, and friendship really meant. However,
with Christmas coming around the corner, he was feeling quite awkward right now, as
in his sessions with the quarry foreman, Mr. Graham, he had been learning a lot of
things, including the spirit of the holidays, especially, so as to make sure the
little blue engine didn’t feel lonely, Graham himself host Christmas parties at the
quarry, where he would bring his family. Those Christmases did feel great to Sir
Handel, the problem really was spending Christmas back on the Skarloey Railway, or
in general, going home. Despite all his good deeds and change in personality, Sir
Handel was nervous of going back because he felt that not a lot of people could
ever really trust him. But one day, he finally got his chance, as Mr. Graham came
up to him, with a smartly dressed man. He was a tall slender man with a warm and
friendly smile on his face, and a similar attire to what the Fat Controller wore,
but instead of a top hat, he has a bowler hat and spectacles. Sir Handel was most
-Mr. Graham: Good morning Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Oh, good morning sir. Um, to whom may I ask is with you.

-Mr. Graham (Chuckles): I’ll let him answer.

-TTC: Hello there Sir Handel. Pleased to meet you. My name is Peregrine Percival,
the current controller of the Skarloey Railway.

-Sir Handel: Oh, so you’re Mr. Percival, oh I’m very pleased to meet you sir.

-Narrator: Sir Handel said respectively. Now just last year, the previous Thin
Controller, Mr. Roger Sam had retired as he was getting old, after putting in a
good 20 years. The engines were sad to see him go, but Mr. Sam assured his engines
he would still be around. Thankfully, his good friend, Peregrine Percival, who used
to be a stationmaster at Rheneas station and engine driver, would end getting the
job. The engines did like him, as Peregrine was a kind and hardworking person who
knew how to speak to engines. He was always fair, but of course could be strict if
they misbehaved.

-TTC: I’m pleased to meet you to Sir Handel. I’ve been hearing lots of great things
about you.

-Sir Handel: Oh, you have?

-TTC: Indeed! (Sees Sir Handel looking upset) Don’t worry Sir Handel, I’m not here
to criticize. I had heard what you did all those years with the incident at
Knapford, and I was shocked, but then I heard you performed well here at the
quarry, and saved a rude lorry from nearly falling to her death when she
thoughtlessly went up the upper terraces 2 years ago, and I was dead impressed.

-Sir Handel: You were sir?

-TTC: Of course. An engine who started off as rude and pompous, would gradually
mature into a selfless, wise, and caring engine that takes responsibility.

-Sir Handel: Oh, why thanks you sir? I admit, it was hard, as I just feel that I
haven’t gotten over this. The fact I nearly killed innocent people when I held
Bear’s train up and was surrounded by a whole angry mob, that’s what really brought
me into reality, and I was honestly horrified. And I feel I did make peace when I
apologized to everyone and saw what hard work really meant…not to mention saving
Elizabeth from nearly dying, and vouched to give her another chance, I still feel
scared about going back to the Skarloey Railway, as I don’t know if anyone would
want me back, as I worry I might be awkward.

-TTC: I understand how you feel Sir Handel, and at least you’re remorseful for what
you did.

-Sir Handel: Yes sir. I am sir, but not to be rude, but what does this have to do
with you coming to see me?

-TTC: Oh, well, the reason being is Christmas, and the railways around this time
are very busy, including the Skarloey Railway to. We need another engine to help
out with the extra trains, and since I’ve been hearing good things about you
lately, I decided, how would you like to come back to there to help with the busy

-Sir Handel (Gasps): You mean that sir? Me, working on the Skarloey Railway, even
after 5 years? But, I…I…I don’t know what to say. Even after all that trouble I

-TTC: I understand how you feel Sir Handel, but I was thinking about this, and this
could be your grand comeback. I know it seems like too much to ask, but with the
increase in passengers and goods for the holidays, we need another to help out, so
I thought that after hearing how you’ve been improving on your attitude, this can
be your opportunity to come. If you work hard and help before the Christmas Eve
party, which will be held this year at Crovans Gate, as a special reward, you will
be allowed to become part of the railway again. What say you?

-Sir Handel: Wow! I don’t know what to say. Mr. Graham?

-Mr. Graham: I think this would be a good opportunity for you to return and show
you redeemed yourself Sir Handel. You already had shown you’ve reformed. And even
though you would still come back to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry, I will miss
you fully living here. Remembering that engine who did come off as bad-tempered,
rude and conceited, has gradually matured into a wise, grand, and selfless old
engine. Plus, what no better time to show that than on Christmas.

-Sir Handel: Christmas you say? Hmm…well, then if you fellas believe in me, then
I’m ready for it. I’ll help out sir.

-TTC: Excellent then. Like I said, if you keep up your good behavior, then you can
become the railway’s #3 again. I have faith in you Sir Handel, and I know you’ll do
your best.

-Sir Handel: Oh, thank you sir. I just hope the other engines will be pleased.

-TTC: Oh they will indeed. In fact, ever since you made amends with them, they miss
you being on the railway. Especially Peter Sam & Duke. Though Duncan on the other
hand, well, he does, but mind you, he’s been in a rather foul mood lately.

-Sir Handel: Oh, I see. Though I’m surprised as he always complains every time I
meet up with him.

-Mr. Graham: True. But at least you don’t anymore. So maybe you can reason with

-Sir Handel: I’ll try. So, Mr. Percival, when do I start?

-TTC: Tomorrow, first thing in the morning. I look forward to seeing you.

-Sir Handel: Same. Thank you sir.

-Narrator: So both men left, as Sir Handel went back to work. The little blue
engine was nervous about how he would feel the moment he came back, but at the time
excited to come home and be with his old friends again. The next morning, Sir
Handel, after 5 years, puffed under his own steam out of the Blue Mountain Quarry,
for the first time in 5 years. Before he did, he said good-bye to Mr. Graham.

-Sir Handel: Thank you again for everything you’ve done for me Mr. Graham. I
appreciate what you have done, and even though I’ll still be seeing you, I will
miss you, as you were a great friend.

-Mr. Graham: And the same here my friend.

-Sir Handel: Before I go, will Luke be alright on his own? I know he’s still
nervous of being found.
-Mr. Graham: Don’t worry Sir Handel. Luke will be fine. I’m sure he’ll eventually
become part of the railway soon enough as you’ll be again. Good luck Sir Handel,
and I’ll see at the Christmas party soon.

-Sir Handel: You too sir. Merry Christmas.

-Mr. Graham: Merry Christmas Sir Handel.

-Narrator: So Sir Handel set off down the line of the entrances to the Blue
Mountain Quarry. The narrow gauge line leading there went around mountains over a
cliff near a beautiful lake. Once he passed through the Cliffside Runby, that’s
when he was back Skarloey Railway metal for the first time in 5 years, as he passed
the junction and over Skarloey Bridge. Sir Handel remembered all the gates and
stations there was on the line.

-Sir Handel: Oh my. I never stopped to admire how beautiful the line really looks.
I had almost forgotten. It especially looks in winter I must say.

-Narrator: He said to himself, and as soon he came out of the other side of Rheneas
Tunnel, he felt so excited to be on running down the line all the way to Crovans
Gate. Meanwhile, the engines were waking up to another day’s work, when they heard
a very familiar whistle.

-Peter Sam: Oh my god! Is that…

-Skarloey: I should say it is…LOOK!

-Narrator: And there coming into the shed for the first time in years was a dark
blue narrow gauge engine, he smiled awkwardly, but proud to be home with his old

-Peter Sam: I don’t believe it, Sir Handel. Ha-ha! You’re home.

-Sir Handel: Hello Peter Sam. Hello everybody. Uh…it’s been a long time.

-Duke: I’ll say it is, welcome back Falcon.

-Rheneas: Yes, we’re just so surprised to see you.

-Duncan: Aw say A am ower. Whit are ye doin here?

-TTC: I can answer that.

-Narrator: Said a voice, as the Thin Controller came into view.

-TTC: Good morning engines. Now, as you can see right now, I had brought Sir Handel
in to help out with the Christmas rush this year, as I know we would need his
strength in helping out, and because as of late, his track record has been
outstanding since he turned over a new leaf and made amends with you all. So I
decided to bring him in not only to help us out, but to also give him a chance, as
if all goes well, Sir Handel will be part of the Skarloey Railway once again as our

-Skarloey: Ah, that’s wonderful Sir Handel. You must be very proud.

-Sir Handel (Shy): Yeah…I am. Yes! Anyways, what’s my first assignment sir?

-TTC: Well, I need to take a passenger that’s due for Lakeside. It’s due to leave
in 20 minutes, you’ll have plenty of time.
-Sir Handel: Yes sir! Thank you sir!

-Narrator: So as the Thin Controller gave the engines their jobs for today, Sir
Handel still felt a little awkward, but tried to do his best to keep his composure.
When, he arrived at the carriage sheds to collect his coaches, the little blue
engine felt nervous, as one of his main targets back when he used to be pompous and
bad tempered were the coaches, whom he would rudely call “cattle trucks” back in
the day. He tried to go up to be as kind as possible.

-Sir Handel: Uh…hello dears.

-Coach 1: Oh no! Not you!

-Coach 2: What are you doing back?

-Sir Handel: I was called here to help with the holiday schedules.

-Coach 3: Yes, but an engine like you.

-Sir Handel: I know, I know. But that’s what I wanted to talk about. Listen my
dears, ever since I came to this railway, I’ve been pompous and vulgar to all of
you, and I was wrong. I realize how selfish and bad-tempered I was, and I’m sorry.

-Coach 4: I beg your pardon, what now?

-Sir Handel: I’m serious. I realize my behavior in those days was wrong, but after
spending time working at the Blue Mountain Quarry, I had a lot of time to think
whilst I was there for the last 5 years. And Christmas is coming after all, so we
have to work together to keep times. Do you think you can forgive me?

-Coach 1: Well…I don’t know.

-Skarloey: You will forgive here dears.

-Narrator: Skarloey said sternly as he came to collect his own train.

-Skarloey: Now listen, I know you all have your doubts, but Sir Handel is really
being sincere. A lot can change in 5 years, and haven’t you all been hearing the
news, Sir Handel has really changed. In fact, two years ago, he saved a steam lorry
from nearly falling to her death, whom I may add was even worse than what Sir
Handel used to be. No offense Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Eh, no taken Skarloey.

-Skarloey: But the point is, people and engines can change, and even coaches.

-Coach 1: Oh.

-Skarloey: Besides, Christmas Eve is coming, and we need all of you at your best,
especially for the sake of the passengers. So I ask you do your best now and get
along with Sir Handel, you’ll be surprised at how far he’s come.

-Coach 2: Oh, yes Skarloey. Okay Sir Handel, you can pull us, we’ll give you a

-Sir Handel: Thanks dears. And don’t worry, I promise I’ll be gentle with all of
you. Oh, and thank you to Skarloey. I wouldn’t have gotten them to cooperate if it
hadn’t been for you.
-Skarloey: Glad to help my friend. Still, it’s great to have you home. Especially
for the holidays.

-Sir Handel: Thanks. (Sighs) Though it may be the least I deserve.

-Skarloey: Is everything alright Sir Handel?

-Sir Handel: Oh, everything’s alright. I better get my train to the platform. I
guess I’ll see you later.

-Skarloey: Okay, but just remember, you can always talk to us Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Thanks Skarloey.

-Narrator: Soon, Sir Handel was coupled to his coaches, and he set off to the
station, leaving Skarloey rather worried for his friend. Something just didn’t seem
right with Sir Handel the moment he came back. Meanwhile, Sir Handel arrived at the
platform, worried the passengers were gonna lash out at him, but thankfully, that
wasn’t the case, as unlike the coaches, they weren’t at all aghast or standoffish,
as the majority already had heard Sir Handel had reformed, and each welcomed him
back. They each got into his train, and Sir Handel was quite surprised.

-Sir Handel: Wow! Everybody aside from the coaches seems to forgive me already.

-Sir Handel’s driver: Well the story about you making amends hasn’t gone unnoticed
Sir Handel. Don’t forget, news travels around fast on this island.

-Sir Handel: True.

-Sir Handel’s driver: What’s the matter Sir Handel? I thought you’d be happy to
return home and gain a second chance here. And the fact that mostly everybody
forgives you.

-Sir Handel: Oh I am driver. Really. It’s just I feel awkward coming back after
causing a traumatic accident. Even after my sessions with Mr. Graham, it’s hard to
get over what happened. Especially around Christmas, which I know used to rant, but
only managed to love it after spending Christmas at the quarry.

-Sir Handel’s driver: Oh. So that’s why you feel awkward. You feel accustomed to
life at the quarry then here. And that now you’re back…

-Sir Handel: Yes. (Sighs) I just feel like since I finally got my new understanding
on life, I feel like it was also possible after being banished to there. As I feel
like I need it there. It’s great that all of this is happening, but after 5 years,
I don’t know where to start.

-Scotsman: There’s plenty of places to start my dear engine. And today is a good
time as any.

-Narrator: Sir Handel was shocked. He didn’t expect someone else to overhear him.
He looked over and was absolutely shocked at who was speaking to him. It was a
large tender that was in the very same shape and design as Gordon, but instead of
blue, he was painted in a bright apple green with white and black stripes, a
different style front running board, German style smoke deflectors, and two large
corridor tenders behind him.

-Sir Handel: Oh my lord, I don’t believe it…you’re…you’re…the Flying Scotsman.

-Scotsman (Laughs): That I am. And you must be Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Yes. That I am. I don’t believe it, Gordon’s only-surviving brother,
and the most famous engine in the world. It’s an honor to meet you.

-Scotsman: Why thank you Sir Handel. But it’s nothing really. I’m just glad I get
to meet all of you. Sodor is such a marvelous place.

-Sir Handel: Indeed, thanks! If you don’t mind me asking Flying Scotsman, what are
you doing here exactly?

-Scotsman (Chuckles): You can call me Scotsman, Sir Handel. That’s what I go by for
short. Or maybe even Scott if you’d like.

-Sir Handel: Oh…okay, um Scott.

-Scotsman (Chuckles): I’m here on business, as with the increase of passengers

during the holiday season, the Fat Controller had rostered me to come over and
help. Especially after another engine failed.

-Sir Handel: Oh, what kind of engine?

-Scotsman: Ah visiting private engine, and one of my obnoxious Doncaster cousins.

An A4 named Spencer. Just last month, he was being very outlandish to the other
engines, and tried to challenge Edward too a race, only for the silver fool to make
an even bigger fool of himself and slip on the rails and crash into a snow drift.

-Sir Handel: Oh my god, seriously?

-Scotsman: Thankfully, nobody was severely hurt, but his owners, the Duke and
Duchess of Boxford had him confined there for the whole holiday.

-Sir Handel: My god, this Spencer engine almost sounds a bit like me. Um…well,
unless, well…

-Scotsman: Don’t worry Sir Handel, I know what you’re getting at, as I mean no
offense at all, but I heard about the incident that you caused for Bear 5 years ago
and badmouthed a lot of good engines and even people.

-Sir Handel (Sighs): Yes, and I actually feel remorseful for that. I guess that’s
what you overheard from me.

-Scotsman: Indeed. But don’t worry my dear engine, I’m not the kind of engine to
lash out over past mistakes like that, especially those who have redeemed
themselves after that.

-Sir Handel: True. But I feel so awkward because it’s just hard to start over. I’m
afraid everybody still hates me because I delayed a train because I acted like a
brat, and nearly got Bear and lots innocent people killed. I don’t know how to live
with myself for that.

-Scotsman: I understand how you feel Sir Handel. But we all have gone through
things in our lives that were not proud of. In fact, before I go any further, may I
ask, what caused this attitude you had at the time.

-Sir Handel (Sighs): It all happened at the start of 1947, when my old railway, the
Mid-Sodor was shut down for good. The economy of the island began to change with
the increase in traffic of the Northwestern Railway. Especially the services
provided at the Peel Godred Branchline later on. After our railway closed, me and
my good friend Peter Sam were sold off to the Aluminum works at Peel Godred, but
after that closed, we were both worried about our fates, until we were found and
purchased by the Skarloey Railway. We were given a second chance, but I wasted it
as after Mid-Sodor was closed down, I felt betrayed, and felt I deserved better, so
I developed this horrible attitude, and kept lashing out at others and rebelling to
get what I wanted, and I always got in trouble for it. Looking back, I do feel
ashamed of myself, and wish I talked my problems out sooner. I felt especially
upset to, as my mentor Duke was left in a shed buried under earth for decades.
I just felt so ungrateful and never treated this railway, the Northwestern Railway,
and both engines that run on it with respect. I was given a second chance, but I
soiled it.

-Scotsman: Ah, I understand. I know how that feels, as sometimes in our lives, we
all feel betrayed, but it’s not because life is cruel, it’s because the world has
to change and grow in order to develop. Everything that happens in our lives that’s
unfortunate is all caused by a bad series of events, as that’s just life. I too
went through some tough life changes that led me to who I am.

-Sir Handel: You did?

-Scotsman: I did indeed. Just because I may be a celebrity, that’s not exactly at
all that glamorous as it looks. I was proud to be one of the first of the Doncaster
Pacific’s, and in my youth, I used to be boastful to, but not in the same Gordon or
Spencer would.

-Sir Handel: Oh, and not like me I imagine.

-Scotsman: To be honest, not at all. I did have my moments of being pompous, but I
did respect the other engines around me, and did have my morals. But that ego I
used to have back in my young days would change through many events in my life I
needed to stop and come to terms with, events such as my speed record being broken
after the creation of the A4 class like Mallard, especially when she would break
the world speed record of 126 miles. Fighting during World War II, the changes
occurring ever since nationalization, especially later on during the Beeching era,
as to my horror, I was going to be scrapped in 1962. I just didn’t know how to get
over myself at the time, but thankfully my owner at the time, Alan Pegler managed
to step in and purchase me before that happened, and thank god he did. Had it not
before him, I wouldn’t believe right now. In fact, after he restored me a repainted
me back into my current livery you see me in, I was determined to start life a new
as steam was being phased out. I knew I had to be strong now that I was given a
second chance.

-Sir Handel: But I thought you loved pulling rail tours on the main line on British

-Scotsman: I do. But I still miss the glory days of being like a regular engine
like all of you, and live on a railway, spending time with friends. But no sooner I
make friends on one railway, it’s on to another. In fact, during my tour the United
States in the early 70’s, Alan Pegler went bankrupt at the time, and I was lost and
trapped thousands of miles away in San Francisco, and I was worried at the time, as
I could’ve been bought by a company like Disney, and made into a theme park
attraction at Disneyland.

-Sir Handel: (Shudders)

-Scotsman: Thankfully though, my next owner at the time, Sir William McAlpine came
in and purchased me back to Britain before that could even happen.

-Sir Handel: Still, I’m sorry to hear that.

-Scotsman: It’s quite alright Sir Handel. It isn’t all bad, as I get the chance in
being the representative for British Rail Preservation, and sooner next year,
especially because my current owner is having financial difficulties in keeping me
in service, so there gonna negotiate with me being preserved at the National
Railway Museum in York.

-Sir Handel: Oh, that’s wonderful.

-Scotsman: In fact, I’m here now to help out during Christmas, and that counts for
something, I mean, I get to see my dear brother Gordon again. But the point I’m
trying to make Sir Handel sometimes, life is always gonna have a lot trials and
tribulations, good or bad, but sometimes in life we just have to roll with the
punches, as trying to resist and rebel from certain changes will only make things
worse. Because it’s better to appreciate the little things in life and be grateful
and content for what we have.

-Sir Handel: Oh that I have learned thanks to my sessions at the Blue Mountain
Quarry. It’s just I realize that now, and wish I could’ve done something sooner.

-Scotsman: True, but you can’t really change the past, as really, it’s important to
live in the now and take it from there. It won’t be easy, I know, but since you’ve
been given a second chance now, this is a good opportunity, and on what better time
than on Christmas.

-Sir Handel: Yes. You’re right. Besides, I got the other engines to help me to, as
well as my crew, especially since I’m now on good terms with them again. I guess I
just have to take what I’ve learned and use it to adjust. I mean, I’m given a
second chance, so I mustn’t waste it.

-Scotsman (Chuckles0: That’s the spirit Sir Handel. Like I once said to Gordon, you
are lucky to be on a railway were you’re in good care.

-Sir Handel: Indeed I am.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Sir Handel: Anyways, I have to go. Thank you Scotsman, and I’ll see you later.
Must keep time you know.

-Narrator: Sir Handel said, feeling a little bit better. Scotsman watched proudly,
as he was sure that Sir Handel would improve. And he did, as the little blue engine
now applied his new outlook and positive attitude to the now, and it did wonders.
Many people came by the line side and waved and cheered. Sir Handel smiled happily
as people took his pictures, and Sir Handel himself even would have pleasant
conversations with the passengers, and the other engines. Sir Handel was actually
feeling really good about all this, and was starting to get more into the Christmas
spirit. The other engines were happy for him to, and they had to admit it was
surprising to see Sir Handel in a new light after all the other interactions they
had with him in the past, but they knew Sir Handel had changed after he was given a
second chance. Even the coaches apologized for how standoffish they were to Sir
Handel after overhearing his conversation with his driver and the Flying Scotsman,
now realizing Sir Handel was telling the truth, and had really turned over a new
leaf. However, the same couldn’t be said for Duncan. Duncan may have been glad for
Sir Handel, but the truth was that he was only focusing on his own problems,
because as usual, all Duncan could really do was complain. He complained about
being overworked, he complained about the snow, he complained about the fussy
coaches and the troublesome trucks, he complained about the passengers, and most of
all, he complained about Christmas again, seeing it as a holiday more for marketing
instead of being Merry. Needless to say, his behavior was beginning to test the
other engine’s patience, including Sir Handel, but unlike in the old days were they
were bitter rivals, the blue engine was concerned more for Duncan, and decided to
help him.

(Fades to the engines at the Skarloey Railway Sheds)

-Duncan: It isn’t fair! I've been workin non-stop for this holiday, an i’ve been
workin ma wheels aff juist tae make sure A keep people happy for their so-callit
“modern society o presents”. A get na rest.

-Skarloey: I’m ashamed of you Duncan. Every year, you grumble about Christmas more
than anything else. It’s not all about greed, it’s a time for being thankful and
happy, and all this “working your wheels” off is for the passengers. Passengers who
rely on us to get them home.

-Duncan: Yeah, sure, tae open their presents for things they want, whan they can
buy thaim at a store. Like anythin else I’ this world. Especially wi the kiddies
will cry ower no gettin their presents.

-Rusty: Oh come on now Duncan, that’s not true at all. In fact, there are presents
to give and share with their loved ones.

-Duke: Exactly. This is absolutely vulgar of you to think of a beloved holiday like
this Duncan.

-Duncan: Well if you all love this bloody holiday, fine, enjoy it all you want. I
just dinnae care for being part of it. I dinnae see the point, it’s like this every
time of the year with all this Christmas stuff being shoved down our throats and it
never stops.

-Peter Sam: Well that’s because it is only once a year Duncan. It’s just to get us
in the holiday spirit.

-Sir Handel: Exactly! You know Duncan, I know how you feel about all this, as I
used to be a Scrooge myself back in my “rebellious youth” if you will. I used to
think Christmas was an overzealous time for being over joyful and Hallmark
advertising, but after spending time at the Blue Mountain Quarry, my views on this
holiday changed to. I began to love Christmas, and see how much joy it brings,
especially when Mr. Graham would even bring his family to see me for the holidays,
and those moments were wonderful. Hell, they even forgave me to the first Christmas
after Mr. Graham’s brother was on Bear’s train I crashed. I was feeling awkward
yesterday about coming home after all the trouble I caused, but after talking to
the Flying Scotsman when we’re exchanging passengers at Crovans Gate, I finally
understood the point, as it’s never too late to change, especially when you’re
given a second chance. It’s better to enjoy and be grateful for things in life, as
trying to get out of it will only make things worse. And it’s never too late to
apply those morals on Christmas, which is also a time for redemption, being
grateful for those things we have, as sometimes Duncan, we don’t know how lucky you

-Duncan: Humph! Lucky tae be slavin’ away an’ bein’ overworkit on an overratit

-Sir Handel: No! That we have a railway to run on that we call home, and the people
that rely on us to get them home, to be with their families and their friends. And
you know, that’s something I could safely say now I’m back, there’s really no place
to be then on the holidays, as that’s how lucky were are.
-Rheneas: Well said Sir Handel. That was a very good moral.

-Sir Handel: Well all of you taught me well, so I have all of you to think. But you
understand what I’m getting at now Duncan?

-Duncan (Sighs): I suppose. But it dinnae make me feel any better. I’m overworked
and I won’t stand it. Especially in this modern society of presents.

-Rusty: Humph! Well you’re a tough nut to crack this year.

-Duncan: I’m no bein’ stubborn Rusty, i’m juist bein realistic.

(The Engines roll their eyes and groan)

-Duncan: But the sooner Christmas ends, the better until neist year. Now gin you’ll
aw excuse me, A haed a long day, an A really neit tae rest.

-Narrator: And Duncan once again rudely puffed into the sheds, hastily going to
sleep, leaving a set of upset engines tired as well.

-Sir Handel: Wow, and I thought I was stubborn.

-Skarloey: Take no notice of him Sir Handel. The last thing he might do is cause
trouble. He obviously won’t listen to reason, so I guess we’ll just have to deal
with it.

-Sir Handel: True, but it’s as a certain green express engine taught me, it’s
better to roll with those punches, I mean, Duncan does mean well, that’s for sure.

-Rheneas: That is true. And at least you did try to talk some sense into him Sir
Handel. So good job, and again, we’re so pleased to have you back.

-Peter Sam: Same here, we’re sure you’ll become part of our railway once again. But
right now, it’s great that you’re home for the holidays.

-Sir Handel: Same here Peter Sam. Thank you all so much. Right now (Yawns) best get
some rest for the big tomorrow.

-Peter Sam: Indeed (Chuckles). Good night Sir Handel, and good job so far.

-Narrator: And the engines one by one, went happily to sleep. The next morning, it
was Christmas Eve, and all the engines were on their last day of work for the
festive celebration. Every year since 1989, Christmas parties would be held at an
different big station on the Northwestern Railway, and the engines, their crews and
their families, as well as loads of the island’s residents would spend time here,
and to make it even more special, engines from the mainland like Flying Scotsman
are invited as well. Everybody was making sure to make this season bright.
Unfortunately, Duncan was still in a grouchy mood, especially since he was assigned
to collect the mountain villagers from the top station of Skarloey itself, and take
them to Crovans Gate for the Christmas party. This train would also consist of
carolers from the local Church there to. Duncan just wanted to get this over with
so much, he was not only in a bad temper, but being carless to as he was refilling
with water.

-Duncan: Och aye! For god’s sakes, hurry up driver! A dinnae wanna be here any
longer. Let’s juist get this ower wi because A wanna gae home.

-Duncan’s driver: Oh don’t be such a Scrooge, Duncan. You’ll spoil everyone’s fun.
Plus, we can’t go yet, as we have to refill on water. We’re running low, so now’s a
good time, or we won’t be getting back.

-Duncan: Ugh, fine! Juist make it quick.

-Narrator: So Duncan’s driver and fireman set to work and opened his fillet cap,
and soon started to refill Duncan, though the drink was far from refreshing for his

-Duncan (Shivers): Lord Sakes! That is freezing! I’d rather be in the Great White
North to deal with that.

-Duncan’s driver: Well it is winter Duncan, what’d you expect?

-Narrator: The driver joked. So as the cold water cascaded into Duncan’s boiler,
the Scottish engine was not only getting cold, but growing even more impatient.

-Duncan: Aye, alricht, now can please get gang? I'm freezin ma wheels aff.

-Duncan’s driver: Okay, okay, we’re going Duncan, geez, calm down already.

-Narrator: But in his haste to leave, Duncan didn’t realize that his fillet cap was
still open. His crew would warn him, but Duncan was being so insistent and stubborn
he wouldn’t listen.

-Duncan: Alricht let’s gae! Alricht let’s gae!

-Narrator: And Duncan puffed out grumpily out of the station. The passengers were
having a wonderful time, but Duncan was still fed about his views on Christmas
being a holiday for marketing, that the little yellow engine wasn’t paying
attention to his own condition, and only wanted to get home and rest in his shed,
hoping not attend the party. Just as came through Rheneas Tunnel and over the
bridge, he began to feel even colder than usual.

-Duncan: Brrrr… holy crap! I'm freezin like subzero richt now. Driver, aren’t ye
keepin ma fire gang or whit?

-Duncan’s driver: Oh your fire’s fine Duncan, but I think something must be wrong
with your injectors.

-Narrator: His driver said looking at the gauges. But before he could comprehend,
all of a sudden, Duncan felt a pop!


-Narrator: Duncan shouted in pain, as the train ground to halt in the middle of the
line. It was clear Duncan’s safety valve burst. The question was why? His driver
checked, and noticed his fillet cap was still open, and with leaking water that had
already frozen.

-Duncan’s driver: Argh! Now you’ve done it you whiny moron! You were so impatient
and eager to leave and get the job over with, you didn’t let us close the fillet
cap, and now, the water in your boiler has frozen, and has caused your injectors to
fail and safety valve to burst. I warned you to be patient and stop your whining.

-Duncan: Och.

-Narrator: Duncan said, feeling very embarrassed. Later at Crovans Gate, the sun
was starting to set, and soon, the Christmas party was about to start. Many of the
islands engines, both big and small, steam and diesel, as well as many of the new
additions that have come the Northwestern in recent years even joined. The road
vehicles were already at the Car Park for the party, and most of the engines were
decorated with fancy Christmas decorations and Santa hats. However, the party could
not begin, and already, the Thin Controller could see why.

-TTC: Oh dear lord, where is Duncan? He’s 20 minutes late!

-Rheneas: Yeah, I’ve noticed that to. For all his grumbling and impulsiveness,
Duncan’s usually on time at least.

-Ivo Hugh: Oh dear, you don’t suppose something’s wrong do you?

-TTC: I think we should just give him a few more minutes Ivo. It’s a little too
early though.

-TFC: Indeed! Some of the guests haven’t even arrived yet.

-Thomas: I’ll say sir. But if I may ask Mr. Percival, didn’t you say Sir Handel was
also going to be helping out?

-TTC: I did indeed Thomas. But he’s not here right now either.

-Rusty: Yeah, he’s covering for my maintenance train as I was needed to help out
with the party.

-Henry: I hope he gets here soon, and that the station will be warmed up in time,
because out there, Brrr, those two could be freezing cold.

-Skarloey: You’re right Henry. And so would the passengers. Maybe they’ll show up

-Narrator: So the engines waited. Meanwhile, out on the line, Sir Handel and the
maintenance crew were finishing up with some of the repair work before heading

-Foreman: Okay everyone, that’s a wrap, everything on the rails will be good even
in the New Year.

-Sir Handel: Splendid sir! With that being said, we better get to the party,
everybody will be waiting.

-Narrator: So the workmen got in the guard’s van, and Sir Handel set of down the
line to Crovans Gate. It was starting to get darker and colder.

-Sir Handel (Shivers): Let’s hope we get back to the nice warm station as soon as

-Sir Handel’s driver: You mean and me both boy. Especially since our families are
already waiting.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, out on the open line, Duncan was feeling miserable.

-Duncan (Sighs): This is awful. A juist cannae believe A let the water i ma boiler
freeze. At least the passengers are cozy I’ the warm coaches, but A juist broucht
myself tae freeze i the middle o’ the line.

-Duncan’s driver: Well, Duncan, if you hadn’t been so impatient and grumpy again,
your fillet cap would be shut, and you wouldn’t have broken down like this, would
-Duncan: A know, A know, i’m sorry okay driver. Juist dinnae rub it i. This blastit
few days have been awful as it is.

-Duncan’s driver: Okay I’m getting quite fed up with this right now Duncan. You
know, the other engines were right, this whole idea about you not liking Christmas
has gone too far.





-Narrator: At that moment, Duncan gasped in shock.


-Duncan: Bu…but A thoucht it wis aw for the money.

-Duncan’s driver (Sighs): No Duncan. That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you, but
you are so close-minded, bad-tempered and stubborn, you just fail to realize. The
decorations, the movies, the carolers going around, its not there to make profits,
it’s there to make people happy and get into the spirit of the holidays. Time for
being with loved ones. But even if you take away all this “marketing crap” as you
so called it, it wouldn’t matter, as Christmas is in all of us. It’s the spirit of
being kind and optimistic, and sharing it with loved ones. If you take all that
marketing stuff out of your smokebox, you’d honestly be surprised.

-Narrator: Duncan now felt guilty, especially remembering what Sir Handel told him
the night before. And realizing his own passengers were just as stranded as he was.

-Duncan: Och, och, A didnae realize. Driver, I'm sorry.

-Duncan’s driver: And I’m sorry to. But now you realize the situation were in, and
these people may not have a happy Christmas.

-Duncan: Yeah. And it’s all my fault.

-Narrator: But just then, the passengers, as well as the carolers came out in front
of him, as they heard the whole argument. Duncan braced himself, fearing they were
gonna berate him to, but instead, they were smiling at the yellow engine.
-Man 1: Now Duncan, you may have made a mistake here, but we’re not gonna hold it
against you.

-Woman 1: He’s right. It is Christmas after all. We understand why you thought
that, but that’s just a distraction. Really, it’s being together that brings us so
much joy and happiness.

-Woman 2: Yeah. Sometimes Duncan, you really don’t know how lucky you truly are.

-Elderly Man: Exactly. And credit’s where credit’s due, at least you did work very
hard, and were doing your best at least to get us to Crovans Gate.

-Elderly Woman: Yes, and even though we’re not at the station now, we can keep you
company Duncan until help does arrive.

-Vicar: Indeed! In fact, allow us to help cheer you up.

-Narrator: The choir got out in front, and sang Duncan silent night. As he was
listening, a small tear came in Duncan’s eye.

-Duncan (sniffs): A wis sae wrong. Now A can see hou much Christmas means tae
awbody. This isn’t a marketin gimmick, it’s a time tae let gae o troubles an be
grateful for life an spendin it wi lovit ones. Hou coud A have been sae selfish?
here Sir Handel wis actually reformin himself, an yet, A failit tae realize the
true greatness o’ Christmas thon wis richt I’ front o’ me aw along. (sichs) At
least this carol is makin me feel a little bit better.

-Narrator: Now sooner did Duncan begin to smile, he heard a faint whistle behind

-Duncan: Och mah driver. Sounds like an engine, comin’ from behind.

-Duncan’s driver: You’re right.

-Narrator: And it was. It was Sir Handel, coming from behind with the works trains.

-Sir Handel: Duncan! Oh my word! What’s going on here, are you alright?

-Duncan: Och Sir Handel. Am A glad tae see ye. A neit yer help please.

-Narrator: And Duncan explained to Sir Handel about the predicament he got himself

-Duncan: I’m really sorry A didn’t tak yer advice seriously sir handel. Ye were
richt aboot awthing. A should’ve listenit tae ye.

-Sir Handel: It’s okay Duncan. I do understand. It was hard for me to adjust, and I
had to learn my lesson the hard way, and probably even harder than you have.

-Duncan (Nervous grin): Ye got thon richt.

-Sir Handel: But at least you’re seeing it now, as it’s never too late Duncan. And
it’s a good thing I’m here now, as I’m gonna help you to Crovans Gate right now.

-Duncan: Ye will.

-Sir Handel: Absolutely! What are friends for right?

-Duncan (Giggles): Richt.

-Narrator: So everyone climbed back into the coaches and took their seats. Sir
Handel was coupled to the back of the brake van.

-Sir Handel: Duncan, even though you’re broken down, are you still able to use your
brakes? I won’t be able to see up ahead.

-Duncan: A think sae, ay. I’ll dae the best A can Sir Handel.

-Narrator: And so with enough sand, plenty of coal and water, and much
determination, Sir Handel, with all his strength, pushed Duncan’s train as well as
pull his own. Duncan did what he could to help to, but it wasn’t fast enough. But
to the two engines, they worked hard as best they could, as all they had to do was
get to Crovans Gate one way or the other.

-Duncan: We can make it! We can make it!

-Sir Handel: We will make it! We will make it!

-Narrator: They snorted. The passengers cheered as the two narrow gauge engines
were making their way done the line as best they could. They passed through the
forest Runby, and all the stations along the line. Sir Handel was getting tired,
but of course, he didn’t feel any strain as he was a very strong engine. Duncan did
his best to, and much to their relief, they were soon approaching Cros-Ny-Curin.

-Duncan: Ha, ha! We’re almost there! Keep going Sir Handel!

-Narrator: Sir Handel grunted and shoved. It was tough going, but he didn’t care,
because one way or another, he was determined to make sure that this Christmas will
still go on, one way or the other. Meanwhile, everybody at Crovans Gate waited for
3 hours, as soon the party was about to start, and everybody was getting nervous.

-Skarloey: I knew it! Something is definitely wrong. Duncan must be in trouble.

-TTC: You’re right Skarloey. We can only assume the poor engine must be stranded.
I’ll have to ask one of you to go find him as well as Sir Handel and see if
anything’s wrong.

-Rheneas: I’ll go sir. I’ll just have to keep going until I find…

(Sir Handel’s whistle blares)

-Rusty: No wait a minute Rheneas, that’s Sir Handel’s whistle, he’s coming.

-Ivo Hugh: Yeah, and look in front, there’s Duncan.

-Narrator: And it was them. The engines and people were amazed to see Sir Handel
struggling and pushing the broken down Duncan right to the platform just in time.
At least, they stopped, with Sir Handel panting, red in the face, tired, but
triumphant. Everybody cheered for Sir Handel’s brave efforts, and soon, the
passengers got out and embraced their families, as well as Duncan’s driver with his
own. Duncan felt very happy, realizing how much the holidays did mean. Though he
was still worried with what the Thin Controller was gonna say to him. Just then,
Mr. Percival himself came down to the platform to speak with Duncan, smiling at

-TTC: Your driver had told me everything that was going on Duncan, and while I
can’t say that I am at all pleased with your behavior as of late, and for how you
caused yourself to break down like that, I am pleased you learned your lesson, and
that you did your best to help Sir Handel in getting you home. Now I understand I
can’t force you to change your personality, I do hope you’ve learned from this. But
since it’s Christmas, and you dod your best for the passengers, I’ll let this one
slide. Just don’t let it happen again.

-Duncan: Ay sir. An tae ye an the other engines, i’m sorry. I’ve actit like well, a
“Scrooge” as o late, an A juist dinnae realize whit the holidays were aboot. Only
after bein strandit an savit bi Sir Handel, A finally dae, an i’ll niver rant like
thon again. As A don’t know hou lucky A am sometimes. Like A am lucky richt now tae
be here safe an sound, an on a wonderful railway wi the greatest friends this old
grump iver haed.

-Rusty: Well we’re just glad you’re safe now Duncan.

-Peter Sam: Indeed! And Sir Handel, that was amazing what you did.

-Sir Handel: Thank you Peter Sam. Though I would always do it for any of you lot to
just in case.

-TTC: I’m glad to hear. And I must say Sir Handel, congratulations. I’m so proud of
you. You’ve really proven yourself so far, and this honestly had to be the best
comeback ever.

-Sir Handel: Thank you sir! Though if you don’t mind, I’d like to make a speech for
this occasion.

-TTC (Giggles): By all means Sir Handel. Let’s just set the microphone up.

-Narrator: So they gave Sir Handel a special headset, hooked it up, and Sir Handel

-Sir Handel: Thank you all for your praises. I really appreciate them, and I really
mean it, but honestly, I just can’t say I’m proud of myself yet, only if I made
something very clear, and quite frankly, I should’ve done this a long time ago
since I first came to the Skarloey Railway back in 1952. To all the engines and
people of the Island of Sodor, I want to apologize deeply and humbly about my
horrible behavior you experienced for me all those years ago. I know I already had
been making amends right now, but I really do feel I should do this to let you all
know I have changed. I only acted so vulgar because I felt I had lost everything
after my old railway, the Mid-Sodor Railway was closed. I just felt betrayed, but
little did I know that couldn’t be any further from the truth. I realize now how
the Skarloey Railway has been a marvelous place, and that I never lost anything,
all those wonderful surprises in life, a place to call home, and the greatest
friends I ever had, they were all right in front of me. Only after I caused that
horrific accident towards Bear about 5 years ago in 1998, and surrounded by the mob
that day, I finally began to get it. As I would never intend to hurt many innocent
people. Good people in fact. But after spending a wonderful 5 years at the blue
Mountain Quarry, even during its construction, I finally began to realize what
being a really useful engine means. Being a great engine doesn’t mean being rude to
others and choosing whatever job you want do, no, it’s about being kind to others,
helping them in need, and doing your absolute best with that job. Plus, it’s better
to actually do it, as getting out of it, well…it’s a recipe for disaster, and it’s
better to roll with those punches and accept that change. I want to personally
thank the Quarry Manager and my close friend, Mr. Simon Graham for showing me that.
He is a wise, kind, and thoughtful man who showed me the way. And the same he’s
doing for Elizabeth, who I see is in a much better mood I must say.

-Elizabeth: That is true Sir Handel. I mean, you saved my life and vouched for me.
And thanks to you, I’m finally beginning to understand what life means each day.

-Sir Handel: That’s good to hear, and good job Elizabeth. But still, I am now a
changed engine, and I promise I will never behave so horribly like that again, but
I also thank you for putting up with this old engine’s attitude at the time.

-Gordon: It’s okay Sir Handel. We do understand, and we thank you though for
apologizing. Besides, we were all in your position once to. I once tried to jam a
turntable to avoid pulling a goods train and landed into a ditch, thus was banned
from pulling the express. Realizing the situation I was in, I knew I had to pay for
it, and I did everything I could to regain the original Fat Director’s trust.

-Kirby: Same here Sir Handel. I was a lot like you when I wrong, though it took a
lot of times to get me to realize I was given a second chance, even after falling
down cab over wheels when I worked at that old steelworks back when was called
Sixteen. And well, if you hadn’t play that trick on me when I first came after
crashing into that tree with 50 trucks, I wouldn’t have realized, so I have you to
thank for my own development Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Oh, well your welcome then Kirby. I hope you and I can start over
fresh to.

-Kirby: Oh we already have. Don’t worry Sir Handel, we’re good now.

-Bear: Same here to Sir Handel. James and I forgive you with what you put us
through 5 years ago. I was definitely surprised to hear you reformed and saved
Elizabeth, but after you had done that, and just helped a stranded Duncan, you’re
proved me wrong. So congratulations.

-James: Same here Sir Handel. You truly are a wonderful engine now that you had the
opportunity. And we can see you changed, and besides, there are much worst
troublemakers than you.

-Narrator: Everyone had to laugh at that, knowing they were referring to Diesel,
‘Arry, Bert, the Splodge pair, and Spencer, who were still serving their own
punishments after their recent behaviors.

-Sir Handel (Laughs): I can clearly see that now (Laughs). And to Wilbert Awdry and
Sir Charles Topham Hatt II, I apologize to about what I said, and I hope in heaven,
you both can forgive me just as much.

-Duke: I’m sure they do Sir Handel. As what you did today for Duncan has proven it.

-Scotsman: Indeed! I’m very proud of you as well Sir Handel. You are lucky to be on
a railway to call home.

-Sir Handel: Thank you Scotsman. But I couldn’t have been able to see that hadn’t
it been for you to, so thanks.

-Scotsman: My pleasure Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Still, thank you everyone, and Merry Christmas to you all.

-TTC: Same here Sir Handel. And, there’s someone else who wants to see you to.

-Narrator: The Thin Controller turned, and revealed his predecessor, Mr. Roger Sam,
as well as his father, Peter Sam’s namesake, the original Thin Controller.

-Sir Handel: Sirs! I don’t believe it.

-Roger Sam: Merry Christmas Sir Handel, and welcome back. We are very impressed
with what you did.

-Mr. Peter Sam: As am I. I was horrified to hear what you did 5 years prior, but
when I heard you went out of your way to reform and make amends, I was very
shocked, but very proud of you.

-Sir Handel: Thank you sirs. And, I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused back

-Mr. Peter Sam: It’s okay Sir Handel, as I do understand why now, but what’s done
is done. Besides, those threats I made of taking an engine to pieces, I didn’t
really mean that.

-Sir Handel: It’s okay sir! But, um sir…or Roger?

-Roger Sam (Chuckles): It’s fine Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Well, I wish you a happy retirement, and to you Mr. Percival, thank
you for giving me the chance, and putting me on the right path. And to you Mr.
Graham. Thank you for setting me on the right path.

-Mr. Graham: Absolutely Sir Handel. I’m glad that I did help you, and I’ll always
see you around whenever you come by the Blue Mountain Quarry.

-Sir Handel: Same here sir!

-TTC: And thanks as well Sir Handel. In fact, as a special reward, I now officially
welcome you back to the Skarloey Railway.

-Sir Handel: Really sir?

-TTC: Absolutely, as after all that you’ve done the past 5 years, I think you
deserved it. Though you can’t join the railway yet, without these.

-Narrator: And the workmen had in a crate, new nameplates and number plates with
the #3. But with shiner brass and paint than ever before. Sir Handel beamed, he
nearly cried.

-TTC: This is our Christmas present, from us to you Sir Handel, for reforming into
a grand, kind, honorable, and wise engine.

-Sir Handel: Oh sirs! I don’t know what to say. Thank you.

-Peter Sam: You deserve it Sir Handel. Welcome home!

-Narrator: And the workmen placed the new numbers and nameplates on Sir Handel, and
his honor was finally restored for good. Sir Handel was now the #3 of the Skarloey
Railway once again. And now, he felt proud and very humble about it.

-Sir Handel: Thank you all for everything. I feel glad to be back home, and to
start over fresh. Oh, and I even see we have some new faces this whilst I was gone.
I’ve seen most of you all the Blue Mountain Quarry, but it’s an honor to see you
all hear, and making the Northwestern Railway not great, but even better than

-Salty: Argh, why thank ye matey!

-Arthur: Yeah, and congratulations.

-Murdoch: Indeed! Thon wis indeit a brave effort o’ yours Sir Handel.

-Emily: It sure is. An it wis sae nice tae meet ye.

-Rheneas: I must say, this has definitely been some year has it Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: It sure has Sir Handel. Still, Merry Christmas to everybody, and thank
you all.

-Narrator: And everyone cheered, as the party began, Duncan spoke quietly to Sir

-Duncan: Thank ye for helping again out there Sir Handel, and showing me the true
meaning Christmas. I now understand. Welcome home.

-Sir Handel: Thank you Duncan, and Merry Christmas.

-Duncan: Merry Christmas Sir Handel.

-Narrator: And everyone cheered and had a wonderful Christmas they would never
forget, as through ups and downs, 2003 had to have been one of the golden years of
the Island of Sodor. For both old friends and new faces, and the many opportunities
that would come in the future. But the biggest highlight of all was the redemption
and return of Sir Handel, the grand, wise and honorable narrow gauge engine.

(Opens with Spencer headed down the line to Sodor)

-Narrator: One fine spring day, Spencer the Silver Engine was bound for the Island
of Sodor since he first visited there last year. The Duke & Duchess were eager for
a nice relaxing holiday at their new summer home, and to meet up with their
friends. Spencer was excited for the long run, but not the destination itself, as
he never really liked the Island of Sodor, and was never fond of the Fat
Controller’s engines. But that was okay with the engines themselves, as due to
Spencer’s pompous and arrogant behavior, the feeling was mutual. Even after his
mishaps during his visit where he ran out of water on a hill and had to be rescued
by Gordon, and later lost a race with Edward after crashing into a snowdrift, he
still considers himself above the Sodor engines, and always eager to prove that he
is far superior to them, and dreads going to Sodor. Though these pompous beliefs
only get the Silver A4 into trouble. And this visit wouldn’t prove any difference.

(Shows Spencer at Barrow and Furness)

-Narrator: Once he reached Barrow and Furness, Spencer stopped to allow the regular
services on the line to pass. He was just having a drink, when he heard two diesels

-Zack: (Groans) Thank god we’re clear away from 'hose Sodor engines faw a few
'ours. I can’' bear anymawe 'alk abou' 'hese “musicians”.

-D199: Tell me about it Zack. It’s not fair, the fact these “humans” just have to
advertise those clapped out steam kettles on that god-for-saken Sodor. Especially
those damn musicians, I mean, they should focus on taking pictures of engines of
engines who work hard for their album covers, like modern diesels like us.

-Zack: I knah righ'. People 'hese days, 'hey’re jus' like 'hose steamers, livin in
'he god damn pas'.
-Spencer: Hmm…an album cover? Most intriguing. Perhaps my visit back to Sodor won’t
be a dreaded waste of time after all.

(Spencer departs and shows clips of him boasting and arguing to the other engines,
then shows him arguing with Percy & Daisy at Elsbridge)

-Narrator: Spencer thought smugly to himself. Once he arrived on Sodor, he was

pulling his rail tours along the Main Line, and began looking for these musicians.
And just like the last time, Spencer made his presence known by boasting to the
Sodor engines about how “vital” he was, and how engines like him were fit for being
on an album cover. Though the engines would still get their own back by reminding
Spencer about stubbornly not taking on water or crashing into snow drifts, which
promptly shut him up for now. Though he was still persistent to feature on an album
cover and prove he was far superior to them one way or the other. Later, he still
kept this behavior up when he stopped at Elsbridge Junction, where he then began
questioning Percy & Daisy.

-Spencer: I can’t understand why they’d think any of you common working engines are
suitable subjects.

-Percy: (Chuckles) Well like it or not Spencer, we’ve all been suitable subjects
for years. We’re just as famous as you are you know, for keeping steam engines like
us alive.

-Spencer: That may be, but I’m far superior. Why choose you lot when they can go
for a glamourous streamlined A4 and private engine like me.

-Percy: Well were not just any common engines. We did star in a book series from a
famous writer after all, which later got adapted onto the telly. Not only that, we
even had our own album covers thanks to that. In fact, Rheneas and I were on an
album cover back in ’86.

-Spencer: You and Rheneas? Pah! Surely I would’ve known if you somehow ended up in
the limelight.

-Percy: Well is was rather brief though. The band didn’t get permission from our
controllers, so they had to change it. But still, it was a really honor, and I
mean, Rheneas and I were cover stars, which is more than you can say, Spencer.

-Spencer: (Angry) Oh you cheeky scoundrel! Let me tell you…

-Percy: Op, sorry Spencer, can’t talk, I gotta get these trucks to the harbor. Good
luck trying to find the limelight, because it won't be lasting on you for very
long. (Laughs)

(Percy departs laughing)

-Spencer: ARGH! The little scamp! I’ll show him…and all of you lot for that matter!
That cover shot is as good as mine!

-Daisy: (Giggles) I doubt it my dear! The fact they would want a common, filthy
steam engine like you is beyond the question.

-Spencer: Oh I say!

-Daisy: They would want a more unique and thoroughly modern engine, and that would
be Moi.
-Spencer: You! You’re just a glorified, motorized coach with no train.

-Daisy: (Gasps)

-Spencer: (Angry) And furthermore, I am not a common and filthy lout like all
these…other engines, as my brothers and sisters were grand, luxurious, fast, and
sleek in our streamline design. We are the peak of steam and that’s I’m sure to be
chosen more than of you.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Spencer: (Angry) Now if you’ll excuse me, I have more pressing matters. Good day
to you!

-Narrator: Spencer pouted, as he left off in a flash, leaving Daisy fuming.

-Daisy: Luxurious peak of steam you say. Argh! We’ll see about that you outdated
mirror on rails.

(Daisy leaves, then shows a montage of her and Spencer arguing, while looking for
the music artists on different parts of Sodor, and the other engines getting

-Narrator: Needless to say, Daisy & Spencer became quick enemies, due to the fact
both were snooty and egotistical engines that believed they were luxurious and
glamourous, as well as above the other engines, except Daisy thought of herself
being bang up-to-date and pristine being a DMU, and Spencer being a luxurious,
sleek, and powerful A4 used as a private engine with a high speed record. Every
time they would pass each other, they would lob insults at one another, while also
keeping their eyes peeled for the musicians or any of signs of a camera. This of
course was really beginning to irritate their passengers, their crews, and even the
engines that pass them by and having to be in the middle of their arguments and
attention seeking.

(Shows Daisy snoozing at the Carriage Sheds at Elsbridge when Toby shows up)

-Narrator: One afternoon, Daisy was dozing at the Carriage Sheds at Elsbridge, when
she woke to see a very dirty and congested Toby arriving with some coal trucks.

-Toby: (Coughs)

-Daisy: Goodness! Well you certainly wouldn’t make a nice picture now Toby.

-Toby: (Congested) Oh never you mind about those pictures again Daisy. I’m bringing
this awful new coal back.

-Daisy: Awful new coal?

-Toby: (Congested) Yes! This new coal came in today, and the Fat Controller wanted
to conduct a field test to make sure it was safe. And after experiencing this
myself, I can safely say it isn’t. (Coughs) It’s a good thing that nobody else has
taken on this horrid coal. I can’t even imagine would that would be like.

-Daisy: Indeed! It’s a miracle I wouldn’t have to being a modern diesel, I’m far
too important to…

-Toby: (Congested) Oh don’t you start boasting right now Daisy. We already heard
enough from you and Spencer about your…“publicity stunt”. Now, Marlin will becoming
later today to collect these trucks, and make sure this coal is properly disposed
of. So make sure that no engine, especially steam engines like me, will not take
this coal for any reason, just Marlin.

-Daisy: Oh, yes of course Toby. I’ll make sure of that.

-Toby: (Congested) Good! Now if you’ll excuse, I need to get my firebox cleaned
out. (Coughs)

-Narrator: And Toby trundled away, coughing terribly while nasty black smoke came
out from his funnel. Daisy could only feel glad that none of the soot and ash would
get one her, and just as she was about to go back to sleep, hoping for the music
artists to arrive, who should show up at the junction at that very moment, but
Spencer, who pulled up slowly to the platform, looking very flustered. His driver
and fireman were not happy.



KNOW IT’S YOUR FAULT! (Whispers to Spencer’s driver) And I thought for the first
time when he refused to take on water was bad.

-Spencer’s Driver: Indeed! We better think fast, the passengers are already

-Narrator: And he was right, the passengers marched out like angry bees, and right
to Spencer, telling him what a bad engine he was. This didn’t go unnoticed by
Daisy, seeing an opportunity present itself, and then hatched a devious idea, as
there was only gonna be one engine for the album cover, and it was gonna be her.

-Daisy: Excuse me there Spencer. I couldn’t help but over hear your dilemma.

-Spencer: (Sarcastically) Yes…what about it?

-Daisy: Well you’re in luck my dear engine. Toby just delivered this marvelous new
coal, and only the “finest” steam engines such as yourself are using it.

-Narrator: Daisy lied. But that was all Spencer needed to hear. As immediately,
disregarding any common sense, puffed over to the carriage sheds, and his fireman
began filling his tender with the coal, though unaware at how hazardous it was. But
Spencer, being as rash and overconfident as usually, didn’t care to notice.

-Spencer: Now that’s more like it. I must be off, the cameras are waiting, ta-ta!

-Narrator: And then Spencer left in flash, smugly, and like always, didn’t thank
Daisy, but to the latter, that was just fine, as Daisy smirked triumphantly. Though
she really didn’t realize herself even after Toby came by, at how consequential the
side effects of the coal really were to steam engines. Just Daisy left to get back
to work, Marlin showed up to collect the trucks.

-Marlin: Ah, here they are, the hazardous coal. I can’t believe this coal was being
allowed to be tested.

-Marlin’s Driver: Indeed! It’s a good thing only Toby was said to use it, because
goodness knows what could happen.

-Marlin: Yep (Chuckles)… (Then looks suspiciously in the trucks) or what would
happen. Driver, look at the first two trucks, they’re both empty.

-Marlin’s Driver: Empty? (Looks inside) Oh my god! You don’t think…

-Marlin: Oh dear, I better hope somebody didn’t take this coal. Come on driver,
let’s get this coal disposed of and find out who took it.

-Marlin’s Driver: Right!

(Fades to Daisy at Tidmouth Station)

-Narrator: Later that afternoon, Daisy was at Tidmouth Station, and stood at the
platform with glee. She could see the musicians themselves with their cameras, and
grew excited. Though she tried to retain a “candid” look.

-Daisy: Ooh, how I’ve waited long for this. Now I’ll show all those common, soft-
hearted engines, and that obnoxious Spencer that I am a grand, luxurious diesel,
highly sprung, tip-top, and thoroughly modern.

-Narrator: Of course, the diesel should’ve known better, as no sooner did Daisy say
that, there came an almighty puffing and clanking. There, coming down the line at a
slow speed and wheezing horribly…was Spencer. He was red in the face, coughing
hoarsely, and letting out a nasty black cloud of smoke. Daisy couldn’t help but

-Daisy: (Laughing) Oh dear Spencer. Not a very fitting subject for the camera, are

-Narrator: Daisy said smugly, as Spencer tried to retort, but could only let out a
lot of nasty coughs as more ash and soot came out.

-Daisy: Now I’ll show you that diesel railcars like Moi are far superior than you
outdated, filthy…

-Narrator: But she got no further, because just as Spencer crawled past the glass
roofs of the station, a huge plume of black smoke erupted from his funnel like a
volcano. Soot and ash rained down on the roofs, the platform, the passengers, the
staff, and on Daisy and Spencer themselves. After that, Spencer finally ground to a
halt with one final below of black smoke popping from his funnel. The other engines
who were coming in from the distance or working in the yards, were lucky not to be
in the middle, but were shocked.

-Emily: (Gasps) Och mah!

-Harvey: Holy mackerel!

-Bear: Ugh, at least we weren’t in there.

-Harvey: Ye git that richt Bear!

-Salty: Yargh! Shiver me axles!

-Mavis: I’ll say to that!

-Arthur: Good lord!

-Duck: Truly you’d never see even that happen on that Great Western.

-Narrator: Luckily, nobody was hurt, but the station, the passengers, the staff,
and Daisy & Spencer were all covered in filthy black soot.

-Musicians: (Coughing) OH GOOD LORD! OUR CAMERAS!

-Spencer: (Coughs) My paint!


-TFC: NO! YOU MEAN OUR CLOTHES! (Door bursts open)

-Narrator: Shouted an angry voice! Now both Daisy & Spencer gulped, the Fat
Controller, and the Duke & Duchess of Boxford, who looked furiously at the two
engines in question. They heard everything, and just before they could start asking
questions, Marlin, who had also witnessed the incident, came up furiously to

-Marlin: (Angry) Ah ha! So it was you Spencer!

-Spencer: Me? What did I do?

-Marlin: (Angry) You took on the bad coal Toby took for yourself, only to realize
the mistake too late. What’s wrong with you?



-TFC: Indeed! But I think there’s more to it than that…right Daisy?

-Daisy: Um…well!

-Marlin: Yeah, in fact, I remember Toby mentioning to me that he put you in charge
of warning the other engines, didn’t he Daisy?

-Daisy: (Sheepishly) Yes! He did! But I wanted to get the spotlight from the
musicians, that I tricked Spencer into taking the bad coal…just for the sake of
myself (Gulps).

-Narrator: The Fat Controller, the Duke & Duchess, and Marlin looked at the two
pompous engines furiously.




Steamworks and make sure they stay there!
-Marlin: Yes sir! Come on, the both you!

(Shows Daisy & Spencer at the Steamworks)

-Narrator: And so Marlin coupled up to both Daisy and Spencer, and sternly shunted
the two arrogant engines to the Steamworks where they were both being cleaned and
repaired. While that was happening, the Fat Controller, who had just had a shower,
spoke severely to Daisy about her camera hogging and for even thinking of such a
spiteful trick like that. Likewise, the Duke & Duchess also berated Spencer for his
careless mishap, as well as his usual behaviors. After they were repaired a week
later, their actual punishments regarding the album covers came, when the letter
from the musicians arrived. The Fat Controller read it too himself and chuckled,
and so the Duke & Duchess.

-TFC: While you did take good photos Daisy, they decided not to include you, as
they found you, ahem, “to modern” for their liking. You see, they didn’t intend on
having diesels on the front. Spencer on the other hand captured exactly what they
were looking for.

-Narrator: Spencer smirked at Daisy, but unfortunately for him, it didn’t last

-TFC: However, You’re incident last week, left you looking less than front cover
material. Still they’ve included a picture of both of you as (Chuckles)…keepsake.

-Narrator: Both engines blushed, and looked embarrassingly at their buffers.

-DOB: Nonetheless, I hope you both learned something from this, as you Spencer will
be working with the Fat Controller for a while, as he’s agreed to loan us Emily to
take us around Sodor for the time being.

-TFC: Indeed! As you both will be pulling heavy goods trains for the time being,
and I hope this incident will teach you to be courteous of other engines and show a
lot more humility, and less attention seeking. Correct?

-Daisy & Spencer: Yes sirs!

(Shows Mallard racing past, the keep sake picture of Daisy & Spencer, and the
engines at Tidmouth Sheds laughing)

-Narrator: They said sadly. It turns out in the end, the music artists used a
painting of Spencer’s sister, the Great Mallard for their album cover. And what was
the keepsake? It showed a pained Spencer at Tidmouth Station, with nasty black
smoke bursting out from his funnel at the incident. And in the background, was
Daisy, who was staring open-mouthed in horror, seemingly aware of what was coming
next. The other engines could laugh.

-Murdoch: Sae Spencer, ah heard from Percy that ye don’t think wur suitable
subjects, eh? (Laughs)

-Donald: Mair lik' thay dinnae fin' ye a suitable subject. Same goes tae ye tae
Daisy (Laughs).

-Douglas: Bit efter ye yon prats kept gaun aboot us, ye baith mak' a grand pair

-Percy: Oh don’t feel bad Spencer. At least now you, me, Daisy and Rheneas are in
the same league as “cover stars” (Laughs).
-Duck: At least the picture did come at well. In fact, it did capture a “dramatic

-Emily: Ah wonder whit thay cuid uise it fur.

-Henry: I don’t know, but it would certainly capture the “dramatic” genre.

-Gordon: Indeed. And the musicians could even write a song about the arrogant
diesel railcar and the obnoxious A4 who wanted to be on an album cover, but at a
price, they both did, but rather horribly.

(All engines laugh)

-Narrator: Daisy & Spencer, who were still on goods work, could only agree on
something for once, the prospect of appearing on an album cover, had certainly lost
its luster.

-Narrator: Ever since the incident over “records” the Fat Controller had allowed
Emily to look after the Duke and Duchess of Boxford while Daisy and Spencer were
punished with goods work. She had enjoyed herself wonderfully, but being the sweet
engine she was, she was more humble about it than anything, but the engines and the
Fat Controller were very proud of her. All except for Daisy, who despite being
punished for her recent actions, still felt she was in the right, and her pompous
behavior kept getting even worse. She was still especially rude to Emily, despite
the Stirling saving her life from the near collision James when she was still new,
and because of her popularity, she was rather jealous of her, despite the fact
Emily was more well-mannered and humble. The Duke and Duchess had already gone back
to the mainland, and one night, Emily was resting at Ffarqhuar sheds with Toby,
Percy and Daisy. Percy and Toby were keen to learn about her adventures, Daisy just

-Emily: An’ then we visited the Skarloey rrailwae. The Duke obviouslee wante tar
travel on Duke. Canne blame ‘im (Giggles).

-Daisy (Sarcastic): Wonderful!

-Percy: Well certainly seems like you’ve had quite the time. We’re really happy for

-Emily: Thanks Percy. It’s nothing really.

-Percy: You kidding, this is such an honor for you. (Sighs) Though I must say that
it is surprising that all the engines they could’ve saved they chose one as
arrogant as Spencer. I mean, why couldn’t they pick an engine who was like Emily?

-Emily: Awe, come on Percy, A know Spencer can be a horrid jerk, but he can’t be aw
thon bad.

-Toby: Emily’s right Percy, I’m sure Spencer has a heart somewhere in that pompous
smoke box somewhere.

-Daisy: Huh! Unlikely.

-Percy: You can hardly talk Daisy. Spencer’s a lot of things but you could’ve
seriously harmed him or anyone else with that stupid trick. All because you wanted
your time in the limelight. Ugh, typical selfish Daisy.

-Emily: Aye, apar’nlee the Duke said tha’ ha’ he had tae repair Spencer on yon
other rrailwae, it wulda been veree expensive. I’s a goo’ thing the Fat Controller
haz so many par’s fur steam…

-Daisy: Oh be quiet you old relic! No-one asked you!

(Emily looking hurt)

-Toby: DAISY! Don’t be rude! Emily’s right! Money doesn’t grow on trees and if it
weren’t for our passengers and goods, the Fat Controller would be in serious debt
running us. Think of all the money he has to spend maintaining and mending us as
well as paying our drivers, fireman and all the station staff.

-Percy: Yeah, what you did was just waste his money in repairing an engine that
isn’t even his own. If you ask me Daisy, you’re just jealous.

-Daisy: Why would I be jealous Percy, I know the Duke and Duchess would’ve rather
picked a modern railcar, instead of some old out of date single (Emily looking even
more hurt and about to cry, but Percy gets fed up).

-Percy: Well firstly they know Emily is a far more useful engine than you’ll ever
be. She’s kind, she’s loving, she’s mature, she’s very hardworking and always does
her work with care and no complaining, and just a very good friend in general who
is also very humble to. I mean, you treated her horribly when she first came, yet
she still saved you and your passengers from the near collision with James all
because of how horrid you were, and this is how you repay her. Secondly you’re not
actually modern. You’re over forty years old and on the mainland you’d be
considered ancient.

-Daisy: Ancient indeed! I’m far better than any mainland engine and any of you clap
kettles for that matter. Just you wait, one day the Fat Controller will see my

(All three look cross at Daisy particularly Percy who grits his teeth)

-Percy: Wow, I can’t believe how much of jerk you’re being right now. You know what
Daisy, one day you’ll be in trouble if this attitude of yours goes too far, and
you’ll be the helpless victim where you’ll want us to believe you, should said
trouble occur, but we won’t! Because you don’t deserve it you glorified coach!

-Narrator: Daisy was about to retort when a loud crunch filled the air, followed by
a crack and then a loud…

-Thomas: OH BOTHER!!!!

-Narrator: The engines looked up to see Thomas, derailed on a set of rusted points
near the goods and carriage shed. He looked most annoyed.

-Emily: Och, Thomas!

-Toby: Are you alright Thomas?

-Thomas: Oh, I’m okay Toby, it’s just these blasted points. They keep getting
jammed. The Fat Controller really ought to replace them. I constantly derail every
time I roll over them.

-TFC: Well don’t worry Thomas, because now that I know, I’ll get to it straight

-Narrator: The engines looked down to see the Fat Controller standing next to them.
-TFC: Evening engines. I had come to ask Percy to cover for Stanley at Knapford
Station while he’s getting his overhaul, but it seems we have other issues. I’ll
organize Harvey and the maintenance crew to fix the points in the morning. In the
meantime Percy, since you’re still in steam, I’ll need you to help Thomas back on
the rails and then the two of you can take me home and spend the night at Tidmouth

-Percy: Yes sir.

-TFC: As for the rest of you, just normal duties as usual. Especially you Daisy,
after you’re little stunt with Spencer, you’ll be helping Mavis with the quarry
trucks for the rest of the summer. Hopefully it’ll teach you to be a lot more
humble and responsible.

-Narrator: Daisy grunted but said nothing as Percy pulled Thomas back onto the
rails and then the two engines headed to Tidmouth. The next morning Daisy stirred
as Mavis arrived with the first train of stone.

-Mavis: Morning Daisy, fresh stone for you.

-Daisy: Oh how wonderful? You wouldn’t be a good dear Mavis and shunt those trucks
to the platform for me.

-Mavis: Sorry Daisy, my duty is at the quarry, not to be your servant. Don’t
forget, you’re still in trouble with the Fat Controller, and he certainly wouldn’t
like it if he heard about you trying to get out of work again. Besides, I think
you’d look most distinguished pulling these lot.

-Narrator: Mavis chuckled away while Daisy grimaced. She was about to respond when
a familiar whistle. Harvey arrived early to begin work on repairing the tracks.
Though he has a crane, Harvey is very much a 0-4-0 tank engine like Percy, this
means he can navigate tight turns and points. One might say idea for shunting. This
gave Daisy a very naughty idea.

-Daisy: Oh magnificent, simply fantastic, absolutely brilliantly.

-Harvey: Och good mornin’ tae ye twae Daisy. I agree i’s a lovelee mornin’ an…

-Daisy: No, I’m not saying about the morning Harvey, I’m talking about you. Why you
with your magnificent hook and crane, all combined in a marvelous tank engine body.
It’s simply spectacular.

-Harvey: Och why than’ ye Daisy, tha’s veree kin’ o’ ye.

-Daisy: Oh indeed, you and I my boy are a pair of most singular engines. Both
unique and so much more different and superior to any of the others. (Harvey looks
confused). But unfortunately we all have our limitations. My railcar design means
I’m not any good at navigating the tight points and so it’s most unfortunate that I
should be placed on shunting my own trucks. My fitter famously said, “Daisy my
dear, never shunt?”

-Harvey: Och tha’ is a shame Daisy, I mean I dinnae hav’ tha’ problem wit’ me tight
chassis and 0-4-0 gauge. I’d luv tae ‘elp, bu’ I nee’ tae star’ wurk on dis track.
Plus I nee’ a coach to collect yon wurkmen frum Bertie at Hackenback.

-Daisy: Don’t you worry about that Harvey, I’ll collect your workmen for you if you
can arrange my trucks in the correct order.

-Narrator: Their drivers agreed and as Harvey headed off to reorganize the trucks,
Daisy headed to Hackenback to collect the workmen. When she returned, the trucks
were all tidily arranged in a long line in the siding.

-Daisy: Thank you Harvey, most kind of you.

-Harvey: Och thank ye Daisy.

(Harvey departs)

-Daisy: It’s fun getting others doing you’re work for you. With better luck, the
Fat Controller would truly realize how much of a superior and efficient engines I

(Cuts to Tidmouth Station with Thomas and Emily)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Thomas was starting his morning train with Annie & Clarabel
at Tidmouth Station. As he was waiting, he saw Emily on the opposite platform,
looking upset.

-Thomas: Oh, good morning Emily.

-Emily (Sighs): Och, mornin’ Thomas.

-Thomas: Oh, what’s the matter, is something wrong?

-Emily: Och…it’s, I…I…

-Thomas: Don’t worry, we’re best friends, remember. You can tell me anything.

-Emily: Och, it’s thon A enjoyit ma time wi the Duke & Duchess before they left wi
Spencer. An A thoucht things were gang sae well, but i…

-Thomas: Until Daisy was being rude to you again.

-Emily: Hou did ye…

-Thomas: I overheard the argument last night when I was coming into the yards
before I derailed on the rusted points. I’m sorry to hear what happened.

-Emily: Och, ye have nothin tae apologize for Thomas. A still feel hurt thon Daisy
still hates me.

-Thomas (Sighs): Awe. Don’t feel sad Em. You are a very special engine, and the Fat
Controller, and the Duke and Duchess made a great choice in choosing you. You’re
kind, responsible, caring, humble and always putting others needs before your own.
And if I may say so, full elegance and grace. I mean, that does capture the feel of
a private engine.

-Emily: (Giggles)

-Thomas: Ah, there you go, your smile, just what’s needed to complete the wonderful
engine I know.

-Emily (Laughs): Awe Thomas, thanks.

-Thomas: Of course. Besides, you did a very great job when being the Duke and
Duchess’s engine after Daisy’s scheme towards Spencer. And this whole year, you
have been doing wonderfully.
-Emily: Thanks Thomas. That’s makin me feel better. Thouch really, A juist don’t
know why Daisy on the other hand is sae jealous o’ me.

-Thomas (Sighs): You’re not the only one, as she gets jealous of everyone all
because of something she can’t have. And she becomes very rude and standoffish
because of this. It’s just that being this modern railcar built in the early 60’s,
her capabilities and appearance just went through her vents, especially after she
came while I was being overhauled after my incident with stationmaster’s house.

-Emily: Oh. Thon makes sense. She sounds a lot like ma late siblings thon pickit on
me. (sichs) But A can see the guid I’ her thouch.

-Thomas: You’re right about that Em. I see the good in her to, as I would with
anybody that would act very rude. But I do agree on one thing, lately that railcar
has been getting progressively worst. Even after you saved her life, she’s very
ungrateful and rude, and she still hasn’t taken on any responsibility after playing
that horrible trick on Spencer. Yeah, Spencer may be an arrogant jerk, but Daisy’s
trick was even more malicious than something even Diesel would hatch. I mean, the
Fat Controller’s father gave her one more chance after she partially caused Percy’s
accident with the brake van, and this is how she repays us. Absolutely ungrateful.

-Emily: Exactly! If A were her, A would’ve been happy tae be gettin another chance
an dae whatever job I'm given, because I'm no only bein’ uisefae, but helpin
others, aw for the sake o’ kindness.

-Thomas: Same here Emily. Because you are the exact opposite of Daisy, and well,
I’m getting very concerned about her. (Sighs) I only hope that railcar doesn’t do
anything else stupid, or she’s gonna sink herself down an even bigger hole.

-Emily: Me too Thomas. A don’t care hou horrid she’s been, e'en thae thon may be
jerks don’t deserve anythin' horrid happenin tae thaim either.

-Thomas: Same here Emily. Same here.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Thomas: Anyways, I better get going. I’ll see you later Emily. Maybe we can talk
at the sheds tonight.

-Emily: Me too Thomas. I’d love thon. I’ll see ye later, an thanks.

-Thomas: My pleasure. Bye!

-Emily: Bye!

-Narrator: Emily said softly. The benevolent engine starred at her buffers
concerned, hoping Daisy’s arrogant behavior wouldn’t get any worse than this. I’m
sorry to say for the next few days, Daisy did get worse. The schedule was pretty
much the same at this point. Daisy would collect the workmen while Harvey would
reorganize her trains. This proved to be very efficient as even Mavis was surprised
at how soon Daisy was delivering her trains. But soon problems arose, the workmen
found it more convenient to use Bertie and Daisy was no longer needed, which meant
she could get more rest. Not that she conveyed this to an already hardworking
Harvey who was finding balancing shunting with maintenance all the more tiring.
Daisy thought she had a winning formula, little did she know how wrong it would
soon turn out. One morning, Mavis had to take an early train to the harbor which
meant Daisy had to go to the quarry and pick up her own trucks. She hated the
thought of this and refused to budge.
-Daisy: NO! I won’t go to a dirty quarry! That dust will ruin my radiator.

-Daisy’s driver: Stop it Daisy! You’ve already been causing enough trouble as it
is. You need to show the Fat Controller you can take a little thing called
“responsibility”. Now come on!

-Narrator: But try as he might, the driver couldn’t start Daisy’s engine.
Eventually fed up, he headed to the station cafe for a coffee and cake. At that
moment Harvey puffed in. Daisy grinned deviously again.

-Harvey: Och r ye alrigh’ Daisy? Ye luke awful.

-Daisy: Oh Harvey my dear, unfortunately my engine is playing up. All this dirty
quarry dust has clogged my motor. It’s most unfortunate that Mavis isn’t here to
handle my quarry train, alas I shall have to go to the quarry myself, if I can get

-Harvey: Och dear, iz there anythin’ I canne dae fur ye?

-Daisy: If you wouldn’t mind being such a dear and bringing the trucks down from
the quarry. I can then take them onwards.

-Harvey: Welll Ivve go’ a bi’ o’ time. Of courrse I canne do I’.

-Daisy: Oh thank you Harvey, you truly are magnificent.

-Narrator: Harvey puffed away to the quarry leaving Daisy to smirk in triumph. Now
Harvey is a unique engine with gears inside his cab to help move his large crane.
But because of this Harvey is poor puller, other than the breakdown train, he can
barely move five trucks at a time, four is his maximum though three is more ideal.
But Harvey was never aware of this and it was most unfortunate that he would learn
this truth while pulling the devils themselves. While ballast trucks are the worst
behaved and generally delay trains more, as they are far more thoughtless and bad-
mannered, quarry trucks are known for causing more dangerous accidents. Percy,
Toby, Mavis and Thomas have all learned this the hard way. Too aggressive and the
trucks will pay an engine out, too soft and they’ll abuse that engines’ kindness
with a nasty bump. I’m sorry to say, Harvey was the latter. When he arrived at the
quarry, seven trucks and a brake van were already waiting for him.

-Harvey: Hullo ye lo’. Ivve come tae ta’e ye tae Daisy.

-Truck 1: Cor look at that. He looks like he’s gone fishing.

-Truck 2: Yeah, one might say he’s an odd bod.

-Truck 3: Definitely a most ugly engine.

-Harvey: Och ye lo’ are funny. Now come along.

-Truck 1: Oooh, he’s a gullible one too.

-Truck 2 (Whispers): No kidding. Let’s take advantage of this contraption.

-Narrator: The trucks began whispering about their plan but Harvey didn’t hear. His
driver was too busy worrying about getting to the station on time for the workmen.
In their haste to leave the quarry, they forgot to check the brake van but neither
crew nor engine noticed. The trucks did and they were delighted. Harvey was soon
puffing down the line, enjoying himself. Then a notice sign came, “ALL TRAINS STOP
TO PIN DOWN BRAKES!!” Harvey whistled twice but instead of a response from the
guard, their came a chilling response.

-Truck 2 (Snickers): If you’re expecting the guard, don’t even bother, because
you’ve left the brake van behind you silly crane. For such irresponsibility you
deserve to be punished.

-Trucks: ON!!! ON!!! FASTER!!! FASTER!!!

-Narrator: And banging their buffers, they knocked Harvey’s crew out the footplate.

-Harvey: OCH!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!! WHOOOOOAAA!

-Trucks: NO CHANCE!!! GO ON!!! GO ON!!!

-Narrator: They surged forwards. Harvey was scared, he tried to brake but he
couldn’t without his crew. At Ffarqhuar, Mavis had arrived back, and was organizing
the empty trucks into a siding while Daisy waited patiently outside of the shed.
Dozing in the sun, and still thinking how clever and how on top of the world she
was. Bertie the Bus was dozing to after dropping the maintenance workmen off and
Emily puffed into the station with her passengers and the Fat Controller, who had
come to check on the maintenance work. Suddenly a frantic noise was heard. Harvey
came racing down the line, and swerved violently. Mavis gasped and shut her eyes.
There was an enormous CRASH!!!! Trucks split open and stone flew out and bashed the
shed doors violently. One landed on Bertie denting his roof. Dust filled the yards
and the engines. Fortunately no-one was hurt, except for Mavis’ driver who had a
bent wrist. Poor Mavis had felt the brunt of the impact, her side plates were caved
in and her cab bent. Harvey lay on his side, his crane detached, his chassis
shattered, and his funnel snapped. Everyone was shocked, particularly Daisy.

-Emily (Gasps): Oh ma god! Mavis! Harvey! Bertie! Is everyone alricht?

-TFC: Harvey, what happened? What on earth were you doing taking Daisy’s trucks!

-Harvey: Sorry sirr, i’s par’ of an agreemen’ Daisy an’ I had. Her engin’ waz
playin’ up!!! So I offered tae ta’e the trucks!!

-TFC: Wait, Daisy did what now?

-Mavis: To be fair sir, Daisy has been working hard, shunting and reorganizing
trucks, it would make sense for her engine to break.

-Harvey (confused): She hasne been shuntin’ Mavis, she’s been collectin’ the
wurkmen fur the repairs tae yon sidin’ whilst I've been shuntin’.

-Mavis: What?

-TFC: Huh?

-Bertie (crossly): Are you kidding? She hasn’t been doing that for days. The
workmen have been using me because it’s easier for them to travel.

-Daisy’s driver: Yes, and her engine hasn’t been playing up she was refusing to go
to the quarry this morning.

-Narrator: Everyone gasped. All eyes, turned on Daisy, she gulped, knowing it was
all her fault. The Fat Controller looked like he was going to explode. He marched
over and pointed at her.


-Daisy: Sir, I’m sorry, I didn’t know....

TIME DAISY! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! (Walks up to Daisy’s driver, looking petrified)

-Daisy’s driver: Yyyyyyyeess…yes sir.

-Narrator: The driver hastily jumped into the cab and drove Daisy away. The dark
and angry glances followed her out of the yards. For the first time in her life,
Daisy felt vulnerable. Emily noticed a small tear form in the Railcar’s eyes. The
kind engine couldn’t help but feel sorry for Daisy. Soon Percy arrived with the
breakdown train to help clear the mess.

-Percy: Ugh, I knew this was gonna happen. I warned her but she took no notice.

-Mavis: It’s not your fault Percy, she had it coming.

-Harvey: I cannae believe I waz foolish enough tae believe her. Imma so sorry.

-TFC: It’s not your fault Harvey, it’s none of your fault. Sometimes I wonder why I
don’t just send that railcar away.

-Percy: Wait, sir…do you mean…

-TFC: I’m afraid so Percy. In fact, I’d like to ask you all something, that we’re
all gonna take a vote on, and please, be honest with me. How do you all really feel
about Daisy, even before this incident?

-Narrator: Percy, without thinking, already gave the Fat Controller his answer,
because at that point, he just lost all respect for Daisy. Slowly, Mavis & Harvey
did to. Daisy soon reached the Goods Shed near Knapford station. Her driver walked
out of the cab after parking her and didn’t even say goodbye, as he was just as
angry with her to. For several days there she stayed, the other engines who’d heard
everything gave her dark glances and comments.

-Gordon: Look Henry, another engine who think’s it’s okay to harm others for their
own needs.

-Henry: Indeed Gordon that glorified coach has no place here.

-Murdoch: Leave her lads, the lassies no’ wurth I’.

-Narrator: Occasionally kinder engines like Thomas, Edward and Toby would pass and
give her sorrowful looks, but the majority just either ignored her, blew steam or
fumes or said cruel comments. Daisy cried for several days, realizing she lost
everybody’s respect. One evening she was sobbing as usual when Emily puffed in.

-Daisy (Sniffles): Emily? What are you doing here?

-Emily: Hullo Daisy, how are ye?

-Daisy: What kind of a question is that? What do you expect?

-Emily: I waz jus’ askin….


-Emily: Och nae, I wan’ed tae sae…

-Daisy: I don’t want to hear it Emily, I don’t even like you just leave me a…..


-Narrator: Daisy was shocked. She hadn’t heard Emily shout even more than the last
time she saved her from the near collision with James last year. In fact, seeing
Emily that angry, really terrified her, as kind as she was, Emily was not one you’d
want to push. She looked sternly at the vulnerable railcar.

-Emily: NOW LISTEN WILL YE? The Fat Controller’s nae happee. He’s even considerin’
sendin’ ye awae!!

-Daisy: Banishment? But…but he can’t. I realize what I did was wrong, and this
time, I’m really sorry.

-Emily: A know ye are. But ye have tae prove thon tae him. I’s no jus’ ‘im Daisy,
the other engin’s r in deba’e as tae whether tae keep ye. Tae be ‘onest, onlee
Edward, Toby, Thomas and Duck r on yer sides. But the others are sae angry, they
wan’ ye off the island.

-Daisy: Oh no. But what about you?

-Emily: Why dae ye think Imma ‘ere? Daisy, ye were a real ‘orrid engin’ tae me. Bu’
I dinnae wanne see ye leave. Despi’e everythin’ yer…passengers still luve ye, an’
Thomas and Toby sae yer be’’er than ye pu’ on!!

-Daisy: They did?

-Emily: They did.

-Daisy (Sighs): Oh Emily, I’m truly sorry for how I’ve treated you. I’ve really
been a horrid engine. I can see why everyone on Sodor loves you so much, I mean,
you saved me and James from nearly getting damaged. And I should’ve appreciated
that more. I just didn’t understand your full potential. And the fact you came here
to comfort me, even after how much of a jerk I’ve been, I finally get it out now. I
promise I will never be cruel to you again. Do you think you could ever forgive me,
even after how horrid I’ve been?

-Emily (Smiles and giggles): O course Daisy. You’re definitely no' like the bullies
A facit back on the GNR.

-Daisy: Really?
-Emily: Ay, they were much worse Daisy, an the Fat Controller wad have niver given
thaim a chance. But he can wi ye. Like A says, Thomas & Toby telt me you’re be’’er
than ye put on. But ye have tae show thaim thon, ye juist neit tae be more nicer
an’ selfless, an' tak more responsibility.

-Daisy: You’re right about Emily. I just don’t know we’re to start.

-Emily: Well that’s why, I’m gonna help you.

-Daisy: Really?

-Emily: Really.

-Narrator: Emily said softly. Soon the two were talking, and finally becoming
friends now, which made Daisy feel a little bit happier, but more ashamed she
didn’t give this engine, who was so incredibly sweet a chance. Emily gave her
advice on how to be a better engine. And Emily even told her about her history,
with Daisy fully listening, and that’s when she began to get it.

-Daisy: Oh my, you poor engine. It really is true. Oh Emily, I’m so sorry you had
to go through that. Now I understand you weren’t trying to show me up. And how I
reminded you of those horrid bullies you faced. I just can’t believe how cruel I’ve

-Emily: Yes. (Looks down sadly) But unlike thaim, you’re sorry for whit ye did. But
it’s time ye learn tae put yer needs an wants aside, an think o the others around
ye. Percy wis e'en right aboot whit he says, gin ye continue ye actin this way,
you’ll no only get i' trouble, but ye coud be the victim tae like A wis. A don’t
want thon.

-Daisy: You’re right. But it does seem that, that manager of yours, he fathered you

-Emily: He sure did. He an his wife taucht me many things, aboot life, happiness,
hou tae be a guid engine, an tae niver give up on myself. Ye don’t know hou lucky
ye were Daisy, an gin ye want the others tae trust ye, ye have tae earn it.

-Daisy: You’re right. Thank you Emily, You’re a very true friend.

-Emily: You’re welcome Daisy. Just think about what I told you, okay?

-Daisy: Okay, I promise.

-Narrator: Both engines smiled, finally gaining each other’s respect. But Daisy was
still on her own. She felt very lonely and cold. Cob webs had begun to hang from
her frames and her paint had begun to dull and become grimy. She did think about
Emily’s kindness and words of wisdom, but she still wondered if she would ever be
allowed out. But after what she’s done, I think she deserved her punishment, don’t

-Narrator: Daisy the Diesel Railcar had been left in the goods shed for several
weeks. She was not allowed out after her trick on Harvey and Mavis. Cob webs and
dust began hanging from her frames and her paint was beginning to fade. But for
once, that was the least of Daisy’s concern, as she knew she was responsible, and
the guilt was killing her. But to make matters worse, the other engines and the Fat
Controller were so ashamed of her, that if she kept acting up, Daisy would be
banished to British Railways…forever.
-Daisy: Oh what a foolish engine, I’ve been. I always thought my ways were best and
that I was a splendid, highly-sprung railcar, but all they’ve proven is that I’m a
lazy, arrogant, and self-entitled fool. All those times I was stubborn and refused
to pull goods trains and help out has resulted in this horrid accident, and three
really good engines getting damaged, all because I was caring only about myself.
Worse, all those times I’ve patronized the other engines to make myself feel
important, it’s pushed everyone away, and most of the engines will never want to
speak to me to again. (Sighs) I don’t deserve any kindness after what I did, but I
do promise that if I’m ever let out again, I will be a lot kinder to the other
engines and do any work possible.

-TFC: I’m glad to hear that Daisy.

-Narrator: Daisy looked up and noticed the Fat Controller standing in front of her.

-TFC: Daisy, over the years since you came here, you’ve given my railway a lot of
trouble. You’ve been lazy, manipulative, conceited, selfish, rude, and very
malicious and outlandish to as of late. In the short space, you’ve damaged three
engines and Bertie with your selfish behavior and cost this railway a great amount
of money. I don’t like wasting money due to engine’s selfishness. Do you ever
wonder how frustrating that is?

-Daisy: Yes sir. I do, and I’m very sorry. I just didn’t realize that my schemes
would go that far.

-TFC: I can see that. But whether you meant it or not, you not only caused
significant damage, many lives would’ve been put at risk. Do you not realize the
trick you played on Spencer, not only was the whole station, and the passengers
inside get covered in soot, but they could’ve suffocated if they inhaled that soot
from the coal you tricked Spencer into taking. And the recent stunt you pulled on
Harvey & Mavis was just as worst. There would’ve been serious causalities if
somebody got hit with that stone. In fact, Mavis’s driver had broken his wrist
thanks to you, but those two are very disgusted and furious at how you played them
for fools like that. (Daisy looks down in guilt) However, I had heard from Emily
that she tried to comfort you, and she told me that you were feeling remorse, even
apologizing for your mistreatment towards her since the day she came. I always
trust Emily, as she’s very kind and sincere, and was pleased to hear what she told
me about you, but I only have hers’ and a few of the other engines’ words for it.
As you should be grateful at least some engines are taking pity on you. But
unfortunately, the other engines are just not sure about you right now as I am.

-Daisy: I understand sir and I’m very sorry. Even if I don’t pull passengers or
earn you or the other engine’s trust, I promise I will work hard.

-TFC: And I should hope that you mean that Daisy, as seeing as goods work hasn’t
helped, you will be on station pilot and relief engine duties. Stanley is still
being overhauled, so I think this will be a good opportunity for you to realize
that all jobs are important, and that you can’t go around standing on a pedestal
and boasting again. You shall organize the goods and passenger trains for the other
engines and will only be allowed out if there’s an emergency. It’ll take time to
build up trust in me and the other engines, but believe me Daisy, this is your
final chance.

-Daisy: I promise sir, I won’t let you down.

-TFC: I hope so Daisy. Because I’m gonna hold you to that.

-Narrator: The Fat Controller said sternly and then turned away back to his office.
For the first time in weeks, Daisy felt a small smile creep on her face. So for the
next few days, Daisy took over the role as station pilot. Though she wasn’t use to
the tight turns at the big station and her motor sometimes struggled with the
heavier trains, she worked hard and tried her best to keep trucks and coaches in
order. Some engines like Edward, Toby, Duck, Emily and even Thomas gave her
kindness and encouragement, some were mixed, as they weren’t exactly sure if they
could trust her, but the rest just ignored, blew steam or fumes and ridiculed her
for not working hard enough, and even suspicious that she might be up to her old
tricks. Daisy ignored this as she was too busy working to notice, but this did lead
to conflict between the engines.

-Edward: You know it’s really not nice to demean someone when they’re working hard.

-Gordon: PAH! Hard work, that glorified coach doesn’t know the meaning of hard

-Murdoch: Gordon’s righ’, after all she’s done, Imma surprise’ ye suppor’ her
Edward, ‘onestlee her behavior is…





-Duck: Huh, you’re all one to talk. Not you Murdoch but those three after what they
did in the past.

-Percy: In the past Duck! Gordon, Henry and James are now all changed engines and
certainly a lot more so than that Daisy. I knew that railcar couldn’t be trusted.

-Thomas: Now Percy, Daisy’s worked very hard, you can’t just demean her based on
her past.

-Oliver: Based on her past! Why are you defending anyway Thomas, she’s disrupted
your Branchline the most!

-Thomas: But we got it covered Oliver. It’s not that bad as you think.

-Donald: Aye, but because o’ her actions, pur Mavis haz had tae go tae the

-Douglas: Harvey an’ Bertie r also victims!! Now pur Toby haz tae handle yon Quarry
wurk all by ‘imself.

-Toby: And I can handle it fine Douglas. Just like Daisy is here in the yards.
Besides, Kirby is helping at the quarry until Mavis returns.

-Kirby: Yes, but if that pretentious self-obsessed diva hadn’t been playing hooky
like that and doing her dam job, then Mavis would still be working at the quarry
and everything would be just fine. Not to mention Harvey and Bertie would still be
here. We’d get along just fine without that conceited control freak.

-Arthur: Oh come Kirby that sounds a little too harsh. I mean, I admit, I don’t
know if we can trust Daisy given the trouble she’s caused, but you make a pretty
good point though Toby.

-Toby: Thanks Arthur. Listen, Daisy’s a lot of things, but people and engines can

-Edward: Indeed!

-Henry: I don’t know about this guys. I mean, I trust you guys, but when it comes
to an engine like Daisy, I’m not so sure.

-Percy: You got that right Henry. But me, I gave the Fat Controller my full answer,
and I’m sticking by it. That railcar has been nothing but trouble since the day she
came here.

-Oliver: Exactly Percy. She maybe going about shunting around the yards, but it’s
clearly just an act, as you never know it.

-Fergus: Indeed, she’s certainly not doing it…

-All Engines: SHUT UP FERGUS!!!

-Fergus: Sorry.

-Emily: Aneewae Toby’s righ’ we cannee jus’ demean the pur lassie, I see how much
she wan’s tae redeem herself, li’e so many others.

-Henry: PAH!!! That’s just rubbish Emily! In fact, why are you defending after
she’s been so rude to you anyway?

-Edward: Because Emily knows sense Henry, it’s not right to fight fire with fire.

-Emily: Exactly! A talkit wi her up close an’ personal, an’ she felt really guilty
aboot whit happenit. A can tell whan somebodies I’ pain, or whan they realizit
they’ve gone tae far. Plus, she apologizit tae me, an’ we’re friends now.

-Gordon: Friends? With that bitch?

-Edward: Gordon!

-Gordon: I’m sorry Edward, but you’re serious, you’re actually gonna trust her,
even after all she’s done?

-Edward: Yes! Because people and engines can change if you give them a chance.

-BoCo: I’m sorry Edward, but for once, I’m not sure. I do agree with the others
here. Daisy has been causing a lot of trouble, especially with what she did
recently to Spencer, Harvey and Mavis. But on the other buffer, I can see she’s
sorry, and I take into account she’s working hard, but I’m just not sure if we can.

-Paxton: But lads! Daisy can’t be all that bad, can she?

-Derek: Exactly! She did at one point call me an improper diesel right before my
overhaul, but just two days ago, she actually apologized for that. I realized she
was telling the truth, and I forgave her.

-Bear: That’s great and all Derek, but so many engines have had to be repaired
because of how selfish she is.

-Toby: Was Bear, she’s changed!

-James: Pah! Changed my tender! Daisy doesn’t deserve to be on this railway. In

fact, she never appreciated that fact! I can’t see why you’re all defending her?
She’s a selfish, irresponsible, rude…


-Toby: Duck, Duck, calm down.

-Duck (sighs): Sorry Toby, I just, I can forgive many engines and apologize if I’m
wrong. But I can never forget or forgive what he’s done.

-Gordon: We’ll deal with him when the time is right Duck, but right now it’s Daisy
that needs discussion.

-Thomas: Duck’s right though Gordon, when compared to all those lot, Daisy is a
saint. I mean, remember what happened with Sir Handel? I mean, I took us a while
until we can trust him. As he was being sincere the moment he realized he landed
himself in hot water. I mean, he saved Elizabeth from falling to her death, and
helped Duncan when he stranded in the snow last Christmas. Look, we’re not saying
that you have to be friends with Daisy. Just give her a chance.

-Narrator: The engines pondered for a moment.

-Henry: Well…I suppose. But Sir Handel, it took a span of 5 years until we could
trust him again.

-Gordon: Yes, but maybe the others have a point. Okay, we’ll try, but we’re only
doing this for you lot.

-Donald: True! But if that railcar skank is still being snooty again, then she’s
out! And once she is, there’s no coming back!

-Edward: Well, we’ll continue this afterwards. Anyways, the Fat Controller’s

-TFC: Ahh good evening engines, another good day’s work behind us. Due to the busy
summer rush, its clear Daisy cannot handle the shunting work all by herself. And
with Mavis and Harvey still away at the works, we do need another engine to assist
with the shunting.

-James: It’s not as if those engines had a choice, she caused their accident.

-TFC: AHEM!! Thank you James, but we’ll deal with her when the time comes. Anyway,
I’ve come to inform that I’m putting a new diesel shunter on trial to help Daisy
manage the yards. His name is Dennis and he’ll be coming tomorrow. I hope you all
will give him a warm welcome.

-All Engines: Yes sir, we will.

-TFC: That’s good, you all get a good night’s rest, I’ll see you in the morning
(Drives away).
-Donald (Yawns): Och knowin’ Daisy she’ll probablee le’ the pur laddie do all the
wurk ‘imself.

-Narrator: But the engines were too tired to argue about Daisy anymore, so they all
went to sleep. The next morning, Percy arrived at Knapford Yards to take some empty
milk tankers back down Thomas’ Branchline. As he backed down onto his train, he
noticed a queer looking engine dozing in a siding. He was a diesel shunter, but his
initial shape looked quite similar to Spencer almost, with a sloped front and
silver paint. However like many familiar diesel shunters he had a broad cab and six
driving wheels. This Percy, correctly assumed was Dennis.

-Percy: Good morning, you must be Dennis.

-Dennis (yawns and startled): Oh ooh don’ do dat, I was havin’ a nice doze.

-Percy: Oops sorry, you must’ve have had a long journey. I’m Percy by the way.

-Dennis (uninterested): Oh ok, well um, nice t’ mee’ you. I’m ‘ere to uh shun’ and

-Percy: …Arrange trains.

-Dennis: Yeah dat’s I’. Will I be workin’ alone?

-Percy: No, you’ll be working with Daisy. But word of advice, don’t expect much
help from her by the way, (Turns serious) she’s a lazy sort of engine.

-Dennis: Oh is she, well, don’ worrie, I’ll ma’e sure she doez ‘er work.

-Percy’s driver: Come along Percy, off we go. We’ve got to help Toby with the next
stone train.

-Percy: Right away driver. It was nice meeting you Dennis. Good luck.

-Dennis (uninterested): Yeah, good to mee’ you two.

-Narrator: Now Percy is a good-hearted engine who is usually very kind and means
well, but sometimes when in a bad mood with another engine, he will often
unintentionally bad mouth them, sometimes to the wrong sought. Though little did he
know about this particular diesel he’d just met. You see, Dennis wasn’t exactly
trustworthy…in fact, he just hated working to begin with, as all he really cared
about doing is whatever he wanted, whenever you wanted, and never respected anybody
or their needs and own well-being except his own, as Dennis was very lazy,
inconsiderate, and incredibly selfish. Ever since he had been built in 1949, Dennis
had earned a very poor reputation for his laziness, as he has no respect for
anybody but himself, and only wanted to spend his life sitting in a siding and
dozing like a sod, and would often lie to get what he wanted, and didn’t care on
bit. Because of this, he had gone through many railways and many drivers as none of
them wanted him. Now he had ended up on Sodor, with yet another new driver called
Lucy. Unlike him, she was young and eager to start work.

-Lucy: Come on Dennis, time to get to work.

-Dennis: Ugh no’ now, I need five minutes rest.

-Lucy: You said that an hour ago. Come on. (Turns the key) Eh what’s happened?

-Dennis: Mus’ be me fuel pump, ya stupid girl. Ya bes’ go ge’ sum and leave me

-Narrator: Lucy marched away to find the nearest oil pump. At that moment Daisy

-Daisy: Oh good day dear, my name’s Daisy, what’s yours?

-Dennis (Annoyed): Ugh Dennis, wha’ you doin’?

-Daisy: Well I was going to go for a rest after organizing the morning’s trains,
but a call’s just come through that James needs a slow goods to take to Brendam.
You wouldn’t mind lending a buffer would you.

-Dennis: Ugh, well Daisy, I’m er no’ use to dese trucks. You wouldn’ mind showin’
me ‘ow to shun’ em?

-Daisy: Oh errr, certainly not my dear. I’ll organize this one before I fetch
Bear’s coaches, you just rest there and I’ll take care of it.

-Dennis: Oh ‘ow kind o’ you.

-Narrator: So Daisy, suspecting nothing, set to work, organizing the long goods
train. The trucks put her through her paces but she worked hard and refused to be
beaten by them. Dennis on the other hand didn’t care one bit. He didn’t even pay
attention to Daisy, he dozed in the sun while Daisy scuttled around. Eventually the
long train was ready.

-Daisy’s driver: Well done old girl.

-Daisy: Thank you driver, there you are Dennis dear, that’s how you do it.

-Dennis (uninterested): Oh err thanks.

-Daisy: My pleasure deary, now if you don’t mind, I need to get my buffers
polished. Don’t want to dirty the coaches now do we.

-Narrator: Daisy rolled away pleased with herself. Dennis too was pleased that he
didn’t have to do any work, he grinned deviously.

-Dennis (Snickers): Stupid fool.

-Narrator: No sooner had Daisy disappeared that James arrived in one direction and
Oliver in another with a train full of ballast. He noticed that James was looking
quite purple and groaning.

-Oliver: Oh my James, you look awful.

-James (coughing): Oh, I might have taken on some bad water Oliver, no worries
though, nothing that an important engine like me can’t handle (notices Dennis). Oh
hello there, you must be Dennis. I’m James and that’s Oliver.

-Dennis (uninterested): Huh? Oh hi, nice to mee’ ya.

-James (coughing): Oh and eh thanks for arranging my train or by chance was it

Daisy who arranged it?

-Dennis (smirks): Oh uh, I don’t wan’ to ge’ Daisy in trouble bu’….

-Oliver (annoyed): Oh crude, let me guess, she made you shunt the trucks without
helping once.

-Dennis: Uh yeah.

-Oliver: Oh just wait till I see that railcar. (Oliver puffs away).

-James’ driver: Are you sure you’re feeling alright old boy, your steam pressures
shot through the roof.

-James (breathing and starting): I’ll be fine driver, just a few aches. I won’t let
stale water beat me. And I’ll make sure to give Daisy a piece of my mind when I see
her next time.

-Narrator: James put on a brave face and heaved his heavy train out of the yard.
Dennis didn’t care, for him all the noise had disturbed his dozing. Meanwhile Daisy
had brought Oliver’s coaches to the platform as Bear left with his local. She was
just parking into the siding when Oliver puffed in.

-Oliver (sarcastically): Enjoying a break Daisy.

-Daisy: Oh yes, why just a quick rest before me and Dennis have to arrange Donald’s
goods. My it’s been a busy morning.

-Oliver: Daisy, don’t lie, you surely aren’t that dumb that you don’t know the

-Daisy: Excuse me?

-Oliver (sarcastic): Oh did I stutter! James and I know the truth princess, you
made poor Dennis do your work while you lazed around. And now just to get brownie
paints you bring a few coaches to the platform.

-Daisy: Not at all, I was… (Guard’s whistle interrupts)

-Oliver: I’ve no time for this nonsense Daisy. Some of us have work to do. We’ll
talk about this later.

-Narrator: Oliver puffed crossly away leaving Daisy in a state of shock. Meanwhile
Dennis’ driver Lucy had returned with the fuel can. She was just about to refill
Dennis’ tank when she noticed something.

-Lucy: Eh, that’s a full tank! Alright, what are you playing at Dennis?

-Narrator: Before Dennis realized it, Lucy climbed aboard his cab and turned on the
motor. Dennis’ engine roared into life. Just then Daisy arrived back in the yards.

-Daisy: What was Oliver talking about? Calling me a liar. I’ve been overstraining
myself for this past few days.

-Daisy’s driver: Don’t overthink it old girl, he’s probably had a rough morning
with those ballast trucks.

-Daisy: Well if he says I don’t work hard enough, I’ll show him. (Notices Dennis’
engine has roared into life). Ah Dennis, excellent dear, can you please help me
with organizing Donald’s goods.

-Narrator: Before Dennis could reply, the foreman came running up.
Foreman: Daisy, there’s an emergency. James has broken down on the mainline, we
need you to collect him and his train and take them to Brendam. Marlin will be
waiting to take them to the Steamworks

-Daisy: But what about the yards?

-Lucy: Don’t worry love, Dennis and I will handle it, won’t we Dennis?

-Narrator: Once the line ahead was given the all clear Daisy sped out the yards to
help find James. Lucy then tried to operate Dennis’ motor but for some reason, he
kept on stalling his engine.

-Lucy: Seriously Dennis, you’re playing this now. You were running fine just a
minute ago.

-Dennis: Well i’s your faul’ fur disturbin’ me. So I’ll keep stallin’ as long as I

-Lucy: ARGH! JERK!

-Narrator: But Dennis still remained unphased again, and dozed smugly. At that
moment, Donald and Thomas arrived for their goods, when they heard an awful noise.

-Thomas: What on earth is that racket?

-Donald: Aye i’s frum tha’ new diesel, ye feelin’ alrigh’ laddie?

-Dennis (panicking): Ugh urgh no, my er engine’s all over de place. Mus’ be down to
dis heat. Sorry I ‘aven’ go’ ur train ready.

-Donald: Dinnae fash yerself laddie, ye ge’ tha’ engin’ luked over. Besides
shouldna dat Daisy be ‘elpin’ ye.

-Dennis: Dat’s de ting I tried to ask for ‘elp but she just strolled away like i’
wasn’t important.

-Donald: Och the veree nerve, wai’ till I….

-Thomas: Now hold a minute Donald, Daisy wouldn’t be allowed out of the yards
without permission, remember. The foreman’s under strict instruction from the Fat
Controller. Plus, she…

-Donald: Daisy’s a rreal manipula’or Thomas, she probablee lied abou’ the Fat
Controller allowin’ her down the line. Now talk sense an’ le’s help pur fella ou’.

-Narrator: Thomas wanted to protest, but seeing the yards in disarray and Daisy
away, he knew someone had to help organize the yards. So he and Donald set to work.

-Lucy: Why did you lie like that Dennis? That diesel had to go help that red engine

-Dennis: Listen ‘ere youngster, you don’ understand, ge’’ing others to do yer work
is so much be’’er than doin’ yerself.

-Narrator: Lucy wanted to argue, knowing what Dennis said was wrong, but being
young she second guessed herself and listened to Dennis. Little did she know,
Thomas had heard everything.

-Thomas (Inner monologue): So it’s him, huh? That lazy, arrogant weasel. I just
can’t believe he would do that. Hmm…better keep an eye on this one.
-Narrator: As the two engines martialed the trucks into the correct sidings, Thomas
kept a close eye on Dennis. He didn’t move once from the siding or even offer to
help them. Already, the little blue tank engine was beginning to feel disgusted
with Dennis. Donald on the other hand was too busy working to notice. But still
believing Dennis’s lie, was eager to give Daisy a piece of his mind. That evening,
Daisy returned home after her trip to Brendam Docks, after such a busy day, she was
looking forward to a long rest. However, once she entered Knapford Station an
unpleasant view greeted her.

-Henry (sarcastic): Well, well, well, if isn’t the pretentious princess herself.
Enjoy the sights of Sodor Daisy, because believe me after tomorrow this’ll be the
last time you see them.

-Daisy: Henry, I’ve had a long day and don’t have time to get such an attitude from
you. Now please…

-Percy: Oh don’t talk rubbish Daisy, we all know what you’ve done or rather haven’t
done. All Dennis was a bit of help and yet you couldn’t even give him that. Then
again, it’s not like you ever do.

-Daisy: What?

-Oliver: He had to organize James’ goods train, which he wasn’t experienced in and
ultimately ruined his engine. You then pretend to work hard by organizing a few

-Daisy: That’s not true, I…

-Bear: Grrr….who knows what to believe with you! Don’t you think you’ve done enough
of that!

-Donald: Aye the laddie’s engin’ waz terrible. So me an’ Thomas had tae organize
yon yards because ye think i’s ok tae jus’ wander down the line fur god knows wha’?

-Douglas: Dinnae fash yerself Daisy, we’ll be sure tae le’ the Fat Controller know
abou’ how ye’ve been treatin’ Dennis? In fac’ Dennis will sae i’ himself.

-Daisy: But I’ve been helping Dennis, he said it himself that.

-Gordon: Oh enough Daisy, Dennis has told us everything we needed to hear and to be
honest we’re not at all surprised. We promised some of the engines like Edward,
Thomas, Toby to name a few that we would give you another chance, but once again,
you blew it for your own selfish gain! (Daisy looking pained) Just get out of here
Daisy and say goodbye to that one railway that you called home.

-Percy: Yeah! Because we never wanna see you’re smug, snooty, self-important face
here ever AGAIN! GOOD NIGHT!

-Narrator: The engines hissed and snorted. Poor Daisy was too upset to say
anything. She rolled sadly away to her sheds. When she arrived, Dennis was already
there, Lucy had already gone home, exhausted at putting up with the deliberately
difficult diesel, so there he was dozing selfishly yet again.

-Daisy: THERE YOU ARE! What on earth do you think you’re playing at?

-Dennis: Ugh do you mind, I’m tryin’ to ge’ sum sleep.

-Daisy: I think you’ve done enough sleeping for the day? Now tell me, why are you
telling lies about me?
-Dennis: Lies what lies?

-Daisy: Don’t play funny with me…dear! I found out just today! You were making up
stories that I didn’t help you in the yards or that I just gallivanted down the
mainline. Who do you think you are? If anything I’ve been doing all the work while
you’ve just been sleeping in the siding. You’re the one who hasn’t pulled their
weight not me, just wait till the others hear!

-Dennis (smirks): I wouldn’ do dat if I were you. You fink anyone would believe

-Daisy: Excuse me?

-Dennis (evil grin): I’ve heard wat dey say abou’ you Daisy. Dat you’ve be’n jus’
as wors’. Especially casuin’ a ‘armful acci’ent, all because you wan’ed to pla’
‘ooky. An' now, you've lan'ed yourself i' 'ot water and no' you lost' everbodies
trust, includin' dat gorilla of a controlle' of yours. Oh yes, your buffers are as
dir’y as mine.

-Daisy (Gasps): I…I…

-Dennis (Evil laughs): Clearly you ‘aven’ go’ a good track record. Now answer me
dis, wha’ do you think will ‘happen if you tell em the truth. (Daisy says nothing
and looks down at her buffers). Exactly they won’t believe a word you say. As I see
i’ you ‘ave two choices. Either you apologize sincerely and work ‘arder than you
‘ave been an’ no’ make me do anythin'. Or you tell ‘em the truth an’ ge’ sen’ off
dis stupid railway and away from dese pathetic engines. Either case, I’ll win. Now
if you’ve go’ nothin’ more to say then keep that mouth shut and let me ‘ave my
rest. You can make yer decision in de mornin’.

-Narrator: Dennis closed his eyes triumphantly, as Daisy sobbed, remembering what
Percy said about a month ago. She finally realized what it meant to be the victim
of an engine’s laziness. Little did either of them, know a certain green tender
engine was parking her coaches in the yard. Horrified at what she witnessed.

-Emily (Looks worried): Och mae, poor Daisy. (Goes from worried to serious) No!
Nobody is gonna dare treat ma friend like thon. Especially some lazy, uncarin’
monster! Karen, we muste fin’ Edward and the others. Those laddies will know how
tae handle this.

-Emily’s driver: He’s probably be at Wellsworth. Fortunately there’s some empty

trucks due for their tomorrow.

-Narrator: The Foreman agreed and once coupled to the trucks Emily puffed towards
Wellsworth. Meanwhile Duck who’d arrived at Wellsworth was pleasantly surprised to
find Toby, Thomas, BoCo and Edward waiting.

-Duck: I take it you three couldn’t stand the complaining at Tidmouth Sheds.

-Toby: Oh what are they complaining about Daisy now?

-Duck: I’m afraid so Toby. Apparently they say, she’s been a lazy engine and let
that new diesel do all the work.

-Thomas: Really? What exactly was their context Duck?

-Duck: Well apparently she made Dennis shunt James’ slow goods and then later in
she tricked the foreman into allowing her to meander down the mainline.
-Thomas (suspicious): Hmm...that’s interesting…

-Edward (firmly): Indeed! And false to! Daisy didn’t meander down the main line.
James had taken on bad water and she had come to his rescue. After she dropped him
off at Wellsworth, she took the whole train down to the Docks. Bill, Ben, Salty and
Cranky all witnessed it, as well as Derek, the Dock Manger, and Marlin when he came
to take James to the Steamworks. And James too is obviously a witness. You should
have seen his face when Daisy pulled him in. He finally realized Daisy’s innocent,
and even apologized for his rudeness towards her.

-Duck: So that’s a false accusation. (Notices Thomas in thought) Is there something

on your mind Thomas?

-Thomas: Oh yes Duck, earlier today I was helping Donald in the yards where I met
Dennis. But I don’t know something seemed shifty about him.

-Toby: What exactly happened Thomas?

-Narrator: Thomas told the other engines all about what he’d overheard and saw. The
engines were surprised, and at the moment Emily puffed in and recounted her events.
By the time both had finished everyone went from surprised to shock.

-Toby: Oh my god! So he’s been refusing to do any works, lies and then poor Daisy
gets all the blame. What an awful engine!

-Emily: A know! an worse, thon lazy monster threatenit her, an playit wi her
emotions! Then he juist selfishly went tae sleep wi’ a smug grin on his face.

-BoCo: Indeed! (Sighs) I can’t believe I misjudged her. And I usually never do. I
was just mixed on whether she could change. But now I know she has.

-Emily: It’s alright BoCo. You couldn’t have known. None of the other engines did.

-Edward: Exactly. We understand why you and the others thought that way, as what
Daisy did before all this was wrong, but she does have a good heart. Though after
encountering Dennis myself earlier today, well, I can clearly see something about
him was really off color, and now that we know who he is, well, I'm really
disgusted by this personality of his. And I’m sorry to say his lazy and selfish
behavior has really given Daisy a rude awakening.

-BoCo: Indeed! We can’t just let that scumbag of a diesel get away Scot-free!

-Emily: Aye bu’, even if we tell the others, they wouldnae believe us.

-Edward: We don’t know if they’ll believe us Emily. But what we need to do is prove
Daisy’s hard work ethic and that she has reformed, and send that nasty Dennis away
once and for all. Duck, I believe we’re double heading taking a goods train full of
ballast to the Skarloey Railway early tomorrow morning.

-Duck (knowingly): That’s right Edward, what exactly do you have in mind?

-Narrator: Edward whispered his plan, the other engines grinned knowingly. The next
morning, the foreman came running up to the goods shed at Knapford.

-Foreman: Wake up you two, you’re needed right away. Edward and Duck were due to
take a Ballast train to the Skarloey Railway but they’re having trouble steaming up
at the moment. You two will need to double head the train yourself. Can you manage?
-Daisy: Oh, Of course sir!

-Dennis (confused): Ugh, well, my err, engine is…

-Lucy: Of course he can, a good stretch down the mainline is what Dennis needs.
Don’t you Dennis.

-Narrator: Dennis harrumphed at his driver’s interruption but he couldn’t say

anything as he and Daisy rolled away. The long train was waiting for them. Daisy
martialed in front while Dennis rolled behind, where a pleasant surprise was
waiting for them.

-Toad: Good day you two.

-Daisy: Oh, good morning Toad. What are you doing here?

-Toad: I’ll be your brake van today Miss Daisy. We’ll keep these trucks in order

-Daisy: Oh thank you Toad, how kind of you.

-Dennis: Yeah whatever.

-Narrator: Soon the guard blew his whistle and the heavy train moved out of the
yards. Daisy pulled with all her might, while Dennis, who was still being selfish,
didn’t bother trying. He just dozed and rolled along. Soon the train was on the
main line moving at a substantial crawling pace. Daisy was red in the face, the
weight of the trucks, plus Dennis’ extra weight and stubbornness to help, was
causing her engine to strain. Fortunately, Dennis’ driver Lucy kept his motor
active to ensure he helped no matter what. Toad realized this, and was beginning to
get annoyed.

-Toad: Mr. Dennis, if you don’t mind me saying, it’s awfully selfish of you to not
help Miss Daisy.

-Lucy: Don’t bother speaking to him love, he won’t listen to anyone. I’ll keep his
brakes off and his engine active so we can at least get this train moving.

-Toad: Oh thank you very miss err…

-Lucy: Lucy Graham, at your service love, and you’re Toad if I’m right.

-Toad: Yes ma’am. I’m pleased to meet you, and I must say, your driving skills are
amazing. And, your dedication to your job, I am impressed.

-Lucy: Why thank you love.

-Narrator: Toad liked this young lady, and seeing right now how rude and lazy
Dennis was being, and how annoyed Lucy looked, gave the old brake van an idea to
help her.

-Toad: I must say Miss Lucy, I must recommend your services to Mr. Oliver. His
driver’s retiring soon and he’ll need a replacement fireman.

-Lucy: Oh err thanks Toad. I’ll keep that in mind.

-Narrator: Dennis was getting even more annoyed, he didn’t like having to do all
this work, so he made a plan. As they approached Wellsworth, Daisy knew what came
-Daisy: Steady on back there dears, Gordon’s Hill is upcoming.

-Dennis: Oh screw dis!!! I’m no’ goin’ any furver.

-Narrator: And before Lucy could check him, Dennis locked his brakes suddenly. The
jolt caused the coupling between Toad and him to snap. Daisy was working too hard
to notice but Toad did.

-Toad: Oh my, what are you doing sir?

-Dennis: ‘avid’ a rest, I deserve one don’ I?

-Narrator: Toad, aghast by Dennis’s horrid behavior, could do nothing but watch as
Dennis became smaller and smaller. Lucy was furious.


-Dennis: It wasn’ my faul’ you made me do too much work, now look wha’s ‘appened.


-Narrator: Lucy put Dennis into reverse and stood on his side to speak to the
signalmen, unfortunately she hadn’t secured the brake. This gave Dennis another
devious idea. All of sudden, Lucy was thrown back onto the station platform, as
Dennis began reversing back down the mainline.


-Dennis: NO’ A CHANCE!!! YER ON YER OWN NOW KID (Evil chuckle)!

-Narrator: Daisy meanwhile had begun to climb Gordon’s Hill the weight of the
trucks began to strain her coupling and her engine revved higher.

-Daisy: I say, Dennis dear, could you give me an extra push or not.

-Toad: He’s not here Miss Daisy.

-Daisy’s driver: What, what do you mean?

-Toad: He broke his coupling at Wellsworth, accidentally on purpose. So now we’ve

left him behind.

-Daisy’s driver: Oh what a selfish prick, we’ll have to go back for him.

-Daisy: No driver, we’re not delaying this train any further because of him. He’s
caused us enough trouble. I’ll get there before my engine strains.

-Daisy’s driver: That’s the spirit Daisy.

-Toad: Well done Miss Daisy.

-Narrator: The driver opened the motor and Daisy’s engine roared throughout the
hill. Her wheels slipped but she pressed on. Emily came puffing down the other side
with her local train. She saw Daisy and whistled excitedly.
-Emily: (Blows whistle) Ye can dae I’ Daisy, go on!

-Daisy: (Blows horn) Thank you Emily!

-Narrator: The passengers too cheered, one in particular seemed most impressed.
Daisy was red in the face but pressed on. At last the top came and it was easy
going from there on.

-Daisy: I DID IT! I DID IT!

-Daisy’s driver: Indeed you did old girl, well done! We’ll get your engine checked
once we get to the Steamworks.

-Narrator: Meanwhile Dennis was enjoying himself. He didn’t care about Daisy, he
didn’t care about his driver, he didn’t care about being useful, and he certainly
didn’t care about safety. All he cared about was getting back to the sheds and
lazing about and no more.

-Dennis: Wha’ a plan! Wha’ a plan!

-Narrator: He chuckled. But then there was trouble. A booming great whistle
interrupted his thoughts.


-Narrator: Dennis tried to apply his brakes but he couldn’t without Lucy.
Fortunately a quick thinking signalmen, changed the points just in time. Gordon
shot past very surprised and cross. Dennis thought the worst was over, but he was
wrong. Henry was waiting at Crosby with his local.


-Narrator: Fortunately a quick thinking shunter set the points just in time.


-Narrator: Dennis was too scared to reply. He wheels turned faster and faster and
there was no chance of stopping him. Thomas and Percy were at Elsbridge when the
station master came running up.

-Stationmaster: All trains halt, there’s a runaway (Dennis shoots past)…due.


-Percy: Bust my buffers!!! Was that Dennis, he should be helping Daisy.

-Thomas: That’s just it Percy. He hasn’t been helping Daisy, in fact, he hasn’t
been helping anyone since the moment he came here.

-Percy: What do you mean?

-Narrator: Thomas then told Percy everything. As he was doing so, Dennis was
switched onto the branchline, and had already raced past Toryreck.

-Dennis: Oh god! I ne’er ran so fas’ in me life. WHOOAAA!

(Dennis races past Toby at Dryaw)


-Henrietta: DENNIS? Isn’t that the diesel you told me about Toby? The one that’s
been lazing about and blackmailing Daisy?

-Toby: Afraid so my dear. The bugger that’s been lazing about and blackmailing poor
Daisy for his selfish gain.

-Henrietta: Oh my word. But it looks like he’s in trouble now.

-Toby: He sure is, and I think I might know how.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, after Daisy’s triumph over Gordon’s Hill, now she was doing
her best to get herself to the Steamworks itself now.

-Daisy (panting): I’ll make it! I’ll make it!

-Toad: You can do it Miss Daisy! You’re almost there!

-Narrator: And she soon was, as to her relief, Crovans Gate was in sight.

-Daisy: Ha, ha! You’re right Toad. Just a few more miles left to go.

-Skarloey: Well I’ll be. Is that Daisy?

-Rheneas: It sure is! Never thought I’d see here working this hard.

-Peter Sam: Well I say she’s got determination right there. Go for it Daisy.

-Skarloey: Indeed! You’re doing wonderfully!

-Rheneas: Keep going!

-Narrator: Daisy felt very pleased. Hearing the words of encouragement made her
feel proud. She finally began to understand what being really useful really meant.
At the Steamworks, Mavis, Harvey and James were all being repaired when a loud
noise greeted them. Daisy rolled into the platform, her engine coughing, her face
red and her wheels slipping. Finally her engine coughed and spluttered and stopped.

-Daisy (breathing): WE MADE IT!!!

-Marlin: Goodness me Daisy, did you pull all of that?

-Toad: She did indeed Mr. Marlin, quite a load, wouldn’t you agree.

-James: I’ll say, that was fantastic. Daisy, listen, I’m sorry again for treating
you so poorly these last couple of days. I just didn’t know if I could trust you.
But now I know can. You’ve been working very hard as of late, keeping our trains to
time and all. Just seeing you struggle to bring that whole train of ballast, I
finally understand now. Great job!

-Daisy: Thank you James, and don’t worry, all is forgiven. Speaking of which,
Harvey, I’m so sorry I tricked you all those weeks ago, and you as well Mavis. I
realize now that working hard and respecting others is what being useful really
means. I’m a changed engine now, and I promise I’ll never do anything that selfish

-Harvey (Chuckles): Ye dinnae hav tae explain yerself, Daisy I can see tha’
clearlee. A already forgive ye.
-Mavis: Indeed. Moving all those trucks by yourself must have been aching, but
we’re very proud of you Daisy.

-Daisy: Thank you all.

-Marlin: Hang on Daisy, weren’t you meant to have another engine help you.

-Toad: Oh about him…

-Narrator: Daisy and Toad told the others about Dennis and his lazy behavior.
Meanwhile, Dennis was still having a horrible time being a runaway. What started as
a plan to get out of work again, started to backfire, especially since he now
realized he can’t go anywhere without a driver. He had no idea where he was going
now, and was beginning to cower.


-Narrator: He wailed pathetically! But he would never get a chance to laze about
now. In fact, he came right up to the first crossing before the branchline, where
Caroline the Car was about to cross.

-Caroline: Ah, what a lovely day for a…OH HORRORS!

-Dennis: GE’ OU’ OF MY WAY!

(Caroline darts out of the way just in time and Dennis breaks through the gates,
causing the lumber to fly about)

-Dennis: OOF! OUCH! MY PAIN’!


-Narrator: Dennis’s back was dented from the impact and his paint got scratched.
Before Dennis could whine like a child again, he saw he was approaching the
junction where the bus depot was, and coming down from the main line was Paxton
with a train of stone for the harbor.


-Paxton: What the? WHOA!

(Paxton screeching his brakes on, as Dennis races past him)

-Dennis: AH, HA, HA! SOMEONE! ‘ELP!

-Paxton (Confused): A wonder why he’s I’ hurry.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Donald and Douglas were resting at Knapford Harbor when an
alarm sounded off.

-Donald: Wha’s goin’ on?

-Douglas: LUKE!!!!


-Narrator: Dennis rolled helplessly into the harbor yards. He swayed violently left
and towards the old siding near the Quay.
-Dennis (Winces): OH GOD! (Smashes through the buffers) OOF! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
(Falls off the quay, and slashes down hard into the sea)

-Donald & Douglas: WHOA!

-Douglas: LORDS SAKES!

-Narrator: Dennis had fallen down hard into the sea. But he was still panicky, as
he has smashed his chassis on impact, and was whining helplessly in the cold ocean

-Dennis: (gurgling) ‘ELP! Someone ‘elp me, I’m drownin’.

-Foreman: Sorry mate. No can do until lower tide.

-Donald: Wha’ happened Dennis, w’ren’t ye mean’ tae be helpin’ ol’ lazy Daisy wit’
yer train.

-Dennis: Uggh well my driver lef’ my brake of an’…


-Narrator: Dennis gasped. Emily puffed into the yards, with her train, a scowl upon
her face as she starred coldly at the childish and sniveling diesel, which made him
squirm. Then out from her first coach stepped Lucy and the Fat Controller. He first
looked at the twins.

-TFC: Donald, Douglas. You two don’t know the whole story. I was on Emily’s train
and I saw everything. Daisy was struggling on the main line because she had to pull
a long train of ballast because Edward & Duck were unavailable. She was struggling
because this scumbag that you see shivering helplessly in the bay down there wanted
to try and get out of work for his own selfish gain.

-Narrator: The twins were shocked.

-TFC: I understand you and the others have your doubts about Daisy for all that’s
she done in the past, as did I, but was really sorry about what she did, and after
I gave her a second chance, she has been an incredible worker these last few days.
She has kept the yard in order, shunted without fuss and even helped James out when
he broke down yesterday, which is why she left the yards.

-Donald: WHAT?

-TFC: That’s right Donald. And today, she managed to move an entire ballast train
all by herself. Now while I understand your attitude, it’s important that you two
and the others learn that engines and people can change if you give them a chance
and to not to jump so quickly to conclusions.

-Douglas: Aye we’re sorrie sir.

-TFC: I appreciate that, but you it’s Daisy you should really save this for.

-Donald: Aye, an’ we will. Bu’ wha’ abou’ Dennis?

-TFC: Lucy if you may.

-Narrator: Lucy then went on a rant and rave about how awful Dennis was and about
how he had tricked so many engines and didn’t do any work. And that he only cared
more about himself and had no remorse for his childish and selfish actions. Then
Emily revealed what Thomas had been observing yesterday when he was working with
Donald, and then what she herself witnessed last night about him blackmailing and
threatening Daisy, and how pleased he felt about it, it was too much for the twins.


-Dennis: Lads, di….dis isn’t wha’ it looks li’e.


-TFC: Calm down you two. (Points his top hat downwards in a furious manner as he
glares angrily at Dennis) I’ll handle this!

-Narrator: Dennis winced, realizing the game was up! He quivered in fear as the Fat
Controller marched over and pointed furiously at him.


-Dennis: Please sir, I’m sorry le’ me ou’...

ALLOWED BACK HERE AGAIN! (Turns to Lucy) Now as for you my dear, you have been a
victim of this horrid engine as much as Daisy. From what I’ve heard, you seem and
eager and friendly sought and would be a credit to my railway. Our No.11’s driver
is retiring soon and needs a replacement fireman, how would that sound to you.

-Lucy: Oh sir, that would be wonderful.

-TFC: Excellent! Then I shall make the arrangements right away, now if you don’t
mind, Donald, can you take me to the Steamworks, I need to go and speak to Daisy.

-Donald: Of coursse sirr.

-Narrator: The news soon spread down the line. The other engines were cross that
they’d been manipulated by Dennis, and were enraged by the kind of engine he truly
was deep down. But they also felt guilty about their treatment of Daisy. One by one
they visited her at the Works and apologized to her. And Daisy even apologized to
the in return for her own past behaviors towards them. Soon Donald arrived with
the Fat Controller. After Donald apologized, the Fat Controller walked up. But for
the first time in weeks, he smiled at her.

-TFC: Good evening Daisy, I hear you’ve done quite the number on your engine. It
will take quite a lot of time to have it repaired.

-Daisy (sadly): Yes sir, does that mean I’ll go away sir?

-TFC (Chuckles): Certainly not!!! I’ve heard all about your recent work and I am
very pleased. You’ve kept these yards in order for several days and got on with
your work without fuss. Then you help others when they’re in need and are
determined enough to get an entire train home by yourself. I am very proud of you
Daisy. The biggest comeback I’ve seen of any engine on my railway. Consider
yourself worthy of a complete engine overhaul, repaint and repair.

-Daisy: Oh sir! Thank you sir! And again, I do apologize for all I’ve done over the

-TFC: Oh I accept your apology Daisy, but I also apologize in what you had to go
through, as I heard about what Dennis did to you last night, and I am very
appalled. But don’t worry, I already had given him a really good scolding after he
left you and crashed into the quay at Knapford Harbor. Don’t worry, he will never
be allowed back on Sodor again.

-Daisy: Oh thank you sir, and don’t you worry, as after meeting him, I finally
understand now, and I promise I’ll be a better engine. In fact, once I’m repaired,
I’ll keep those yards in ship shape order.

-TFC (Chuckles): That should not concern you anymore Daisy. Once you’ve been
repaired, the only place you’ll be going is Thomas’ Branchline. Besides, our first
diesel does have passengers that rely on her.

-Narrator: Daisy was very happy. She had finally redeemed herself. When she
returned a few weeks later, the engines all whistled and cheered. Daisy was just
happy to be back in service. Now she worked extra hard and didn’t mind doing any
job that was required of her on the railway. She’s still a little snooty as that’s
just Daisy, but she has a good heart, and has become a lot kinder and sweeter now,
as she now cares about the well-being of those around her, and vows to help them
out in any way she can. The other engines now know that she’s a credit to the
railway, and are glad to have her with her. Of all the engines, she is most
thankful to Emily for helping her get her act together, and now the two engines had
become best friends, with Emily being the one to help bring Daisy back down-to-
earth if she ever got full of herself, and Daisy standing up for Emily, and
comforting her whenever she felt said. A few days later, Daisy and Percy were
waiting at Elsbridge when Oliver steamed in.

-Daisy: Good morning Oliver, how’s your new fireman getting along?

-Oliver: Why don’t you ask her yourself?

-Narrator: Lucy climbed out of Oliver’s cab, beaming.

-Lucy: Hello Daisy. It’s been fantastic working with an engine who actually cares
about his work and helping others and get a loud of this.

-Narrator: She walked over the platform and towards Daisy. In her hands was a
newspaper. Daisy looked at the front picture and nearly laughed in surprise. It
read “New Ice Cream Parlor Opened at Barrow”. The photo showed a rather miserable
looking Dennis, his wheels and engine had been removed and windows covered all
around. A que of children waited outside eagerly waiting for their ice cream.

-Lucy: I guess his wish about permanently resting came true.

-Daisy: Indeed, you know working with Dennis did remind me about myself, back when
I was younger. It frightened me that an engine could be so uncaring and selfish and
how I could almost have become that.

-Percy: Well you’re nothing like that Daisy, as you do care and you are really
useful and a true North Western Engine.

-Oliver: Percy’s right, you deserve place here just like the rest of us. (Guard’s
whistle blows) Right come along fireman, time to go.

-Lucy: See you later Daisy, and thank you.

-Narrator: As Oliver puffed away, Daisy smiled. She now felt her true purpose on
the railway. In being a shunter, it had taught her so many things that she hadn’t
realized about herself. She knows that change is possible but an engine must be
humble enough to grow and learns. And that’s what it means to be a Sodor engine.

-Narrator: Everything on the Northwestern Railway was going along just fine as of
late. Things seem to be normal in terms of hard work and the family connection the
engines had, especially after a month ago when Daisy had finally redeemed herself
after her recent experiences and after the engines had helped her prove herself, as
well as denounce the lazy and selfish diesel known as Dennis. Since then, Daisy has
matured more, and has become a lot more polite and cooperative, and didn’t mind
whatever job she was given, as she now realized it’s better to work than not work
at all. Stanley had also returned after his overhaul at that same time and was
happily back at work as station pilot. It seemed after those misadventures, things
were going along just fine. But goods work was increasing as of late, and of
course, because BoCo’s plan of saving other engines, the Fat Controller knew at
this point, he need more new engines for the Main Line again. Thankfully, he knew
just the place.

(Fades to the Fat Controller at Tidmouth Sheds with the engines)

-TFC: Good even engines. I have an announcement to make, especially in regards

after “recent events”.

-Henry: What’s that sir?

-TFC: Well Henry, as of late, work has been increasing on the railway a little bit,
and while engines like you, Murdoch, the Scottish Twins, and any of the diesels
have been doing great, I am beginning to think you’ll need help in order for goods
traffic to be stable. So for this occasion, I have ordered a new engine. No
actually, two new engines.

-Thomas: Two new engines sir?

-TFC: That’s right Thomas. One to handle mixed traffic work from goods trains to
local passengers and another to help with the shunting in the yards here and
various odd jobs to. The reason not only to keep up with changing times of course,
but also because these are two engines from a heritage railway I wanted to trial.
This of course is true after the events with Daisy’s exploits as well. Especially
after to make up for the last trial when I bought that despicable scumbag Dennis.
And even though Stanley is back from his overhaul, and is handling the pilot duties
effectively, who’s gonna cover for him should he be needed elsewhere or out again.
Plus, you engines are very hardworking and I’m very proud of you, but know I can’t
keep sparring all of you lot and taking you away from your regular work, so these
two be an extra set of wheels so to speak, to make sure the work on Sodor is stable
for years to come.
-Edward: That’s a wonderful idea sir. But may we ask, who are these engines?

-TFC: Oh, you’ll all meet them soon, as they’ll be coming here tomorrow first thing
in the morning. But I will say this, they are both Southern built engines. One is
tender engine and the other is a tank engine, and I can assure you all not to
worry, as they’re nothing like the last southern engine we had.

-Gordon: Ugh, don’t remind us.

-James: Indeed! As long as they aren’t anything like that scumbag Dennis. It’s a
good thing that lying low-life will never be running on rails again.

-TFC: And he won’t James. In fact, Stepney put in a good word for them, as he’s the
one who recommended the both of them for me.

-Gordon: Stepney did?

-TFC: That’s right Gordon, as you see, these two are from the Bluebell Railway,
which is a heritage line for Southern Railway engines. And I even think this would
make you pleased Thomas, as you yourself are of Southern Railway heritage.

-Thomas: Indeed I am sir. I can’t wait to meet them, especially after Stepney
recommended them to work here.

-TFC: I’m glad you’re pleased Thomas. The engines are very polite and have
excellent tracks records. I hope you will all make them feel welcome once they
arrive tomorrow.

-All Engines: Yes sir!

-Narrator: The engines said, and the Fat Controller walked away, as the engines
went content to sleep, wondering what these new engines were gonna be like. The
next morning, the two new engines arrived, as the Fat Controller had confirmed, one
was a tender engine and the other was a tank engine. They were two Southern built
engines each painted in BR Black, with 0-6-0 wheels arrangements, and the spokes on
their wheels having a more box pox design that was more commonly found on American
engines. And it was ironic as the tank engine, called Rosie, is an American engine.
While she had buffers and brake pipes like regular British engines, that’s where
the similarities ended, as her design consisted of a stove pipe chimney, three
domes, shortened wheelbase, enormous cab, a squashed yet wide appearance and heavy
puffing as well as a loud chime whistle. The tender engine, who was called Neville
on the other hand, was different. He was relatively tall, but with a rather bizarre
design, with a shorter funnel, a very square shape, a squeezed in footplate, and it
looked like everything was showing from the inside out, making the engine look like
a large metal bread box on wheels. The two engines arrived at Knapford Harbor,
where they met Thomas, Edward, Duck, Henry, Emily, Murdoch, James and Stanley both
eager to stark work.

-Neville: ‘ello everyone, whoa! (stops quickly) Oh, sorry abou’ dat.

-Rosie (Giggles): Don’t worry Neville, you’ll get the hang of them. Hello everyone!

-Neville: Fanks Rosie. I ‘ope so.

-Duck: Why hello there. You must be the new engines.

-Neville: Dat we are. ‘ello!

-Thomas: Wow, and I’m impressed to, a SR Q1 and a USA Dock Tank.
-James (Worried): USA?

-Thomas: Yeah, that’s what I just said. (Glares sternly) That’s not a problem is it

-James: What, oh no, no, no, no, no. (Nervous grins) America’s great. God bless
America (Nervous chuckle).

-Rosie: Well let’s hope so buddy. (Grows excited) Hey guys, so please to meet you
all, and (Notices Thomas) Thomas: A pleasure to meet you…OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU

-Thomas (Confused): Ah, yes, that I am.

-Rosie: Oh my god it is! (Fan girl scream) Jesus, sorry. I’m just a little excited
and all. I just wanna say, I’m a huge fan. My driver read me all the Railway Series
books, and showed me the television series on a TV next to our old she. My favorite
was your book of course, I still can remember how you saved…oh I’m sorry, am I
getting to you?

-Thomas: Not at all, but I wouldn’t be half the engine I am without my friends
right now (Chuckles).

-Edward (Chuckles): Seems like you have quite the attention there Thomas.

-Henry (Chuckles): Indeed! She definitely seems to like you very much.

-Thomas (Blushes): Oh, she does.

-Emily (Giggles): I dinnae blame ye Rosie. Our Thomas really is a special ane.

-Rosie (Giggles): You can say that again. But I’m pleased to meet you all as well.
You must be Emily, I heard so much about you to, and how you saved Daisy from a
near collision.

-Emily (Blushes): Och, why thank ye. I wis only tryin’ tae help an’ save the

-Rosie: Still, you go girl!

-Emily: (Laughs)

-Stanley (Laughs): I like 'his gal already. ‘ello you 'wo, I’m…

-Rosie: Stanley! I heard so much about you two. And I gotta say, I really look
forward to shunting in the yards with you.

-Rosie: And you all must be Edward, Henry, Duck, Murdoch and James. This is a dream
come true right now and…oh, I’m sorry, where my manners. I’m Rosie, and this is

-Murdoch: Aye, nice tae meet ye lads.

-Edward: Hello you two.

-Neville (Shy): Oh, ‘ello. I ‘eard so much abou’ you all. I mus’ say, dis is a very
lovely islan’…oh, an’ a very beau’iful railway.
-Henry: Oh why thanks Neville. (Whispers to Rosie) Is he okay?

-Rosie: Don’t worry about him Henry. He’s a little shy.

-Emily: Och, that’s alricht honey. I can relate.

-James: This is nice and all, really, but can we just get started, we’re already
standing here wasting precious steam. I gotta get back to work pulling coaches.

-Thomas (Sternly): Well there’s no need to be such a suck up in front of new

arrivals James.

-Edward (Sternly): Indeed. The two only just got here, so you must behave yourself,
especially once the Fat Controller comes.

-James: Oh, right, sorry lads.

-Duck: Speaking of which, where is he?

-TFC: Right here everyone.

-Narrator: Soon, the Fat Controller came up to the group of engines and their new

-TFC: Ah, Neville & Rosie, you made it just in time.

-Neville: Fanks sir.

-Rosie: Happy to be here sir.

-TFC (Chuckles): That’s nice. Anyways, I see you engines met Neville & Rosie, are
newest members. Rosie will be handling the shunting along with Stanley, but also
handle light freight duties and odd jobs where ever needed.

-Rosie: Oh yes sir. I’m really excited to work with you Stanley.

-Stanley: Me too Rosie. I’ll show you what you need to know.

-TFC: Excellent. Though while I am aware you’re an experienced shunter Rosie, I

will need to show you how things are handled here in these yards and the different
rolling stock we work with. Plus, I also asked Duck, a former station pilot
himself, to even lend you a buffer as well in order to learn the ropes. He’s an
experienced engine, learn from him, and you won’t go wrong. And don’t worry about
the branchline Duck, Oliver and the twins will look after it for the time being
once you return.

-Duck: That’s fine sir. As I’m happy to show you the ropes Rosie.

-Rosie: Thanks Duck, this is gonna be so much fun. You, me and Stanley, handling
the coaches and cars.

-Henry: Cars?

-Edward: It’s the American term for trucks Henry.

-Henry: Oh.

-TFC: Indeed (Chuckles). Neville, you’ll be handling the mixed-traffic on the main
line. You’ll mostly be handling trucks, but occasionally I’ll need you on
passengers to, Edward will show you what to do.

-Neville: Yes sir. I look forwar’ to workin’ with you Edward.

-Edward: Same here Neville. And don’t be afraid to ask if you need advice.

-Neville: Fanks lads.

-TFC: Splendid then. Welcome to Sodor you two. I hope everything goes wonderfully
during your time here,

-Neville & Rosie: Yes sir.

-Narrator: So the engines set off to work. Rosie went with Duck & Stanley to begin
shunting, while Edward and Neville went to Brendam Docks where the blue engine was
gonna lead him to his first job. The two engines soon arrived at Wellsworth were
Edward showed him what to do. Neville soon was enjoying himself with Edward, and
soon began to understand what he had to do. He was arranging a train that was load
with machinery parts and tools that he had to take to the Steamworks. Now Neville
was a very kind engine that took his responsibilities quite seriously, he was a
true gentleman that was very polite and well-mannered. However, his shyness from
earlier meant that he was nervous, as he wanted to make a great impression, but
faced lots of ridicule because of his bizarre appearance, as he was one of the 40
of his class known as the Southern Railway’s Q1’s. A medium sized 0-6-0 class meant
for goods traffic, as they were quite strong, but very strange, for their
controversial design. Once Neville’s train was ready, he went around to back up and
couple on. Unfortunately, Bill & Ben were also there, and they couldn’t help but
tease Neville for his physical awkwardness.

-Bill (Snickers): Nearly there.

-Ben (Snickers): Almost there.

-Narrator: They snickered. Neville wasn’t going to fast when backing up, but once
he tried to apply his brakes, he couldn’t stop himself and bumped his train.

-Neville: AH!

-Bill (Laughs): Oh dear, what a clumsy engine.

-Ben: Yeah, and with a shape like that, he’s very awkward looking to. (Laughs)

-Neville: I…it wasn’ my faul’.

-Bill (Laughs): Yeah, sure it wasn’t. But I guess an engine like you just has a
habit of bumping his trains.

(Bill & Ben laugh, then Edward shows up next to them)

-Edward: That’s enough, the both of you! You both should know better to ridicule a
fellow engine, especially a newcomer after what you both did to Arthur last year.
Now run along you two, you have a train of supplies to take back to the Clay Pits.

-Narrator: With that, Bill & Ben promptly left.

-Edward: I apologize on behalf of those two Neville. Bill & Ben mean well, but they
are relentless when it comes to their cheekiness and their trickery.

-Neville (sighs): Oh, it’s a’righ’ Edward. I fel’ much wors’. Anyways, I be’’er get
goin’. The Steamworks is gonna be expectin’ these.

(Neville departs)

-Narrator: Edward couldn’t but feel sorry for Neville as he puffed sadly away. The
wise old engine could clearly see something was wrong with Neville, and his odd
design probably may have something do with it. Meanwhile, Neville was puffing down
the Main Line with the goods train bound for the Steamworks. The twins taunting was
dwelling in his smokebox. He understood the other engines like Edward, as well as
the others he met earlier were very nice, but he still felt very insecure,
wondering how he was gonna fit in. The passengers he had passed by at each station
were baffled at the kind of engine they were seeing. And some even taking pictures
of him, and needless to say, Neville found this rather humiliating. Meanwhile, at
Crovans Gate’s yards, Kirby was shunting some trucks over to the Steamworks, but as
Neville was preparing to slow down as he came into view, he tried to brake, but he
skidded, and the heavy train was only making things worse as Neville tried to fight
for control.

-Neville: ARGH! STOP! STOP!


-Narrator: He cried, as he was pushed through a red signal. As Kirby was about to
switch onto one of the two lines that lead to the Steamworks, Neville, with his
heavy train, fighting for control, couldn’t stop in time and collided into Kirby’s
vans derailing.



-Neville: I…I didn’t mean it. It was an acciden’. I tried to stop, bu’ my brakes
faile’ and…

-Kirby: Oh spare me the excuses will you! These parts for the Steamworks I’m pretty
sure are smashed by now. I just can’t believe a giant toaster on wheels like you
didn’t even see that coming.

-Neville: I tried to stop, but I couldn’, it was ‘ard, I…

-Kirby: I shouldn’t be surprised a deformed bread box on wheels could make a

mistake like this, I even have to imagine what you driver was even drinking when he
built an ugly hodgepodge like you.

-Narrator: That made Neville very hurt, he began to cry. Soon, Marlin, who was
nearby saw everything, and got the breakdown train to clear the mess. Kirby still
kept badmouthing Neville, until Marlin shushed him.

-Marlin: Cheer up there Neville, this accident wasn’t your fault. Thankfully, your
driver and fireman jumped clear before the crash and both are unscathed. Though
they confirm with me that your brakes were what caused the accident.

-Neville (Sniffs): Yeah, they were. It wasn’t de firs’ time. I really coul’ve
prevente’ dis acciden’, I really coul’ve.

-Marlin: Calm down my friend, its okay. No one was hurt, and that’s what’s
important. We’ll have your repaired and running back in order soon. And if
anything, we better have these brakes of yours seen to.
-Kirby: Yeah, and hopefully no accidents from a bread box like you.

-Marlin: Now you watch your tongue right now Kirby. I thought you had already
learned not to judge others by their appearance, especially after your rudeness to
Harvey when he first arrived. Beside, Neville is already had enough after you
mistreated him, especially for a situation beyond his control.

-Narrator: Kirby subsided. He knew Marlin was right, and immediately apologized to
Neville. However, despite Kirby realizing his mistake, ‘Arry & Bert were in the
corner shunting a train of scrap they were to take to the Smelter’s Yard, and the
two sinister diesels couldn’t help but find the situation hilarious, as they had
witnessed the whole incident. They looked at the queer engine with interest, and
grinned deviously. Later that evening, Neville was being repaired at the
Steamworks. The damages weren’t as severe, and the parts in Kirby’s train weren’t
totally damaged, but the poor engine couldn’t help but feel sorry for himself and
worried what the Fat Controller was gonna say to him.

-Victor: There you go Neville. We’ve had you repaired, and we even made sure that
your brakes are adjusted properly to. You can take them for a first test run.

-Neville (Sighs): Fanks Victor. Bu’ dat may be de leas’ I deserve.

-Victor: Cheer up my friend, this accident wasn’t your fault. The Fat Controller is
a very understanding man, and he always makes sure to get the fact straight first.
He would never blame an engine for a situation beyond their control.

-Neville: Well, I’ll take your wor’ for it Victor, bu’ dat’s no’ de only thin’
dat’s botherin’ me. I was always trea’ed like dis since I was built you see. My
bro’hers and sis’ers and I were always the subjec’ of ri’icule because of our
absur’ appearance. We were buil’ durin’ Worl’ War II to ‘andle ‘eavy goods trains,
but because the workmen didn’t wanna spen’ ‘ours cleanin’ us top to bo’’om, they
designe’ us like dis to make cleanin’ easier. We were very powerful on de main
line, stron’ enough to ‘andle any task, bu’ every engine we came across look’ at us
with disgus’. They though’ we were so absur’ and awkwar’, they woul’ call us
‘orrible names like Charlie’s, coffee pots, oversize’ brea’ boxes, frankens’ein’s,
an’ wors’, ugly ducklin’s.

-Victor: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that my friend. But I don’t think of you like
that in the slightest, and neither do the other engines. Kirby may have been vulgar
earlier, but he did apologize, as he’s faced moments of ridicule himself, and he’s
learned to respect others over the years. He may be bad-tempered and rude, but he
has a very good heart and will always make amends.

-Neville: True. An’ I do forgive ‘im. But I ‘ope I don’t keep facin’ ri’icule like
dis any longer.

-Victor: Well you needn’t worry about getting into an accident Neville. Our
engineers and workmen are professionals. Like I said, we made sure to your best in
modifying your brakes in order for you to stop properly.

-Neville: Are ye sure they’ll wor’ Victor?

-Victor (Chuckles): Positive my friend. Don’t worry my friend, I’m sure everything
will work out just fine, but I think you need to go talk about your experiences
with the other engines. I’m sure they’ll all lend a listening ear.

-Neville: Oh, are ye sure?

-Victor: Of course my friend. In fact, have you had any friends in the past?

-Neville: Oh yes, I ‘ave indeed. I wasn’ a comple’e loner. I ‘ad a few friends who
did take pity on me and my siblings. One of them was Rosie, as we’ve known each
o’her for many years back in Sout’ampton. And were la’er preserve’ by de Bluebell
Railway. In fac’, Stepney was our mentor who guided us in what to do. ‘e was de one
who recommended us to work on Sodor. I was nervous abou’ comin’ ‘ere, but Rosie is
my best friend, and she assure’ my she woul’ be there with me, which ‘elped give me
confidence. An’ since you fixed my brakes, I think maybe I’ll be alrigh’. Thanks

-Victor: Anytime Neville my friend. Marlin and I are here in case you need to talk.

-Narrator: So with that reassurance, Neville set off to Tidmouth. As the Q1 had
been thinking of what Victor had said, he was feeling a little bit better, but
unfortunately, that wasn’t to last, as the moment he came into Knapford Yards, the
trucks there could only laufh rudely as usual, and it was all directed towards poor

-Truck 1: Ooohh. Doesn’t he look quaint?

-Truck 2: Absurd would be more like it. Like whoever built him must’ve been on

-Van (Laughing): He looks good enough to heat bread in his firebox for all we care.

-Tanker: Yeah, or to shout coffee out from his funnel.

-Truck 3: Either way, he sure is one large ugly duckling.

(Trucks laughing)

-Narrator: Neville began to feel hurt all over again, as the truck’s insults really
began to get to him, he wasn’t watching where he was going and bumped into some

-‘Arry: Oh dear. Looks like 'he clumsy 'odgepodge strikes again.

-Bert (Laughs): Cer'ainly is an awkward one is 'e.

-Neville: Dat’s no’ funny! Who do you bot’ fink you are?

-‘Arry: Da Grim Messengers ov Doom, 'ha'’s who. Name’s ‘Arry, an' 'his is Bert.

-Neville: Gri…grim meesangers?

-Bert: Yeah, as 'his railway no use faw ou'da'ed steamers like you. Awer any
railway in 'he wawld. Especially some gian' coffeepo' who can'' stop properly.


-‘Arry (Laughs): Sure 'hey were. Bu' i' wouldn’' be long un'il you 'ave ano'her
acciden' like we saw back a' Crovans Ga'e.

-Bert: An' once you do, an' you will, ‘Arry an' I are gonna be 'here, ready 'o
scrap you like many ov your pa'he'ic steamers deserve (Evil laughs).

-Narrator: Neville was already feeling hurt, until who should at that moment but

-Bert: Oh damn, ‘ere we go.

-BoCo: Neville has quite the ordeal as of late, and he doesn’t need a bunch of scum
like you being outlandish right now as it is, and telling such horrid jokes like
this to the trucks right now.

-Narrator: The trucks were laughing at the twins getting scolded at, but BoCo
rolled his eyes sharply at them.

-BoCo: And as for you lot! I know we can’t expect idiots like all of you to change,
but to treat another engine as horribly as you all had right now, I would have the
right mind to bump you all until it really hurts.

-Salt Wagon: But those twins, they said…

-BoCo: Doesn’t matter. You lot should know better than to listen to these Ironworks
ruffians. No engine deserves to be treated like. ‘Arry, Bert, you both have
tormented Neville enough, so kindly, take your scrap train and CELAR OFF! Any
threats of scrap, I won’t hesitate to get the Fat Controller involved ASAP.

-Narrator: The twins scowled as the scampered off with their train. And the trucks
promptly went to sleep.

-Neville: Oh, fank you um…sorry I’ve seen you earlier on de Brendam Branch, bu’ I
don’t know your name.

-BoCo (Chuckles): BoCo. I saw you earlier to Neville, and Edward told me about what
happened earlier today at the docks with Bill & Ben. He’s rather worried about you,
as I am to. In fact, the Fat Controller has heard about the incident as well.

-Neville: Oh damn.

-BoCo: It’s okay Neville, he’s not angry at all. He’s worried about you to.

-Neville: Oh. ‘e is?

-TFC: Absolutely. Come on, everyone’s waiting at Knapford Sheds.

-Narrator: So Neville followed BoCo to Knapford Sheds, where the Fat Controller and
some of the other engines were waiting.

-Neville: Oh sir, I’m really sorry abou’ today. I tried to stop, but my brakes
failed and de ‘eavy train push…

-TFC: (Holds up his hand) Neville, it’s okay, I understand. I know this wasn’t your
fault, and I would never jump to conclusions and blame an engine for a situation
that wasn’t their fault. Besides, you’re repaired now, and the parts in Kirby’s
vans are intact, but those that got damaged, they can still be repaired, as this
was by the Steamworks after all.

-Neville: Oh.

-TFC: But still Neville, I already could tell that you seemed rather insecure, and
I’m very sorry with how you’re first day went, but it’s okay, as nobody gets
everything on their first day perfect, but I understand you have a low self-esteem.
In fact, Rosie mentioned to me earlier today that that you had moments were you
were being bullied by other engines because of your design.

-Neville (Sighs): Yes sir. It’s all because of dat. Rosie, and even Stepney fel’
like de only few friends I ‘ad. I really jus’ don’t know ‘ow I coul’ cope with
myself. I mean, I look like a ‘odgepodge, and I jus’ never got the chance to prove

-TFC: Now don’t put yourself down Neville. Listen to me, you’re not any of those
things, as there was a reason Stepney recommended you and Rosie, and why I
personally chose to purchase you along with her, as your class after all was one of
the strongest engines built by Southern Railways at the time, and can handle
numerous goods trains that not even any steam engine or diesel probably wouldn’t
have. The brakes were a serious flaw, but that’s why the Works made sure of that,
as we rectify any problems or design flaws an engine once had when their builders
wouldn’t fix it, even when they were ignorant to do so. But the point being though,
I see your true potential Neville. Just because you have design different from the
norm on the outside, that doesn’t mean engines and people can’t see who you are in
the inside, as Rosie told me how much you wanted to be useful.

-Rosie: He’s right Nev. You gotta remember, you provided probably the best years of
service, even with those bad brakes. Plus, you made it this far and managed to
survive the scrappers, and got preserved on the Bluebell Railway. Besides, there
were people out there that did take a liking to you, and everyone we were with back
on the Bluebell even cared. Besides, you’re my best friend since the day we met,
and I was always there for you when the other engines were horrible to you because
I cared about you for who you were.

-Neville: Oh…yes…that is true. You always were there for me Rosie, and I ‘ones’ly
don’t know where I would be without you.

-Rosie: Exactly. And at least nobody got hurt in the accident. And you did your
best to focus on your job.

-TFC: Exactly. I know how much you want to be useful Neville, and how hardworking
and kind you are. You’re very well-mannered and conscious about your surroundings
at least. Plus, nobody here is gonna judge you, as the engines on my railway are
caring and go out of their way to help those in need. And some of them, especially
most of the newcomers that BoCo had saved, they were a little bit of the outcasts

-Neville: They were?

-Barry: It’s true Neville. I know how you feel, as nobody wanted to give me a
chance, and judged me as being a jinxed engine. That was until four years ago, BoCo
found me, and he and the Fat Controller gave me the chance I never had, and with
the right crew and the greatest group of friends, I was able to enjoy my new life
here, and I even run the Branchline at Kirk Ronan now. My life’s been different
ever since.

-Emily: Barry’s richt. An A know hou ye feel tae, as whan A wis first built, A wis
very shy an insecure, an’ A haed na friends. The other engines back then usit tae
bully me, an A wis the scapegoat i the een o the board back on the gnr. But thon
changit whan ma old manager savit me from scrap along wi another engine thon wis
built tae replace me an ma class. An years later, BoCo wad come an save me. A wis
feart A wasn’t gonna fit i, but after gettin tae know the other engines, an thaim
bein thare tae support me, A overcame ma problems tae.

-Neville: Wow, really?

-Emily: Absolutely Neville.

-Edward: Exactly. Everybody has a chance to show how special they are Neville. In
fact, I spoke with Bill & Ben later today before I got here about their behavior
towards you. Here on Sodor, we engines don’t care one bit with how others look on
the outside, as we all know it’s important to respect them for who they are on the
inside. You are a very unique and versatile engine Neville, and we will never run
out on you.

-BoCo: Exactly. And don’t pay a word to ‘Arry & Bert either. Those two are
worthless and pathetic. Their minds are completely stuck in the past, and no matter
what they try, they’ll never be right.

-TFC: Exactly BoCo. And don’t you worry Neville, after what they did by saying
those things to the trucks, I’m gonna have a lot of serious words with them, as
well as the trucks. Forget about what happened today Neville, as it’s a mistake any
engine can make. I know you’ll be a credit to my railway.

-BoCo: Here, here sir. In fact, I think I might have an idea to. And if it’s okay
with you sir, Neville, I’m rostered to take a mixed-goods train consisting of vans,
flatbeds, hoppers, etc. to Vicarstown tomorrow morning. But I was wondering, would
you like to pull the train?

-Neville: Me?

-BoCo: Indeed.

-TFC: I agree, as I think it would be a perfect opportunity for you tomorrow

Neville, to prove how useful you are. Do you think you can do it?

-Neville: Well (looks at the smiling and reassuring faces of the other engines)
I’ll do my bes’ sir.

-TFC: Excellent. I’ll make the arrangements. BoCo, since Neville will be taking
your train to Vicarstown, you can pull a local train tomorrow.

-BoCo: Yes sir. You’re gonna do great tomorrow Neville, as I believe in you.

-Edward: Indeed, we all have faith in you Neville.

-Rosie: So do I, you’ve been through much worse to let this go through your frames,
and you handled your trains at best back on BR and the Bluebell. If anything,
you’ll do just fine on this train as you have now.

-Narrator: Neville began to smile happily, knowing he had great friends by his

-Neville: Fank you everyone.

-Narrator: He said happily, as he back down into the shed with Rosie and his new
friends, and drifted happily to sleep. The next morning, Rosie & Stanley were
preparing to shunt Neville’s train, and as BoCo stated it, was a long heavy goods
consisting of many open wagons, box vans, flatbeds, etc. It was 40 trucks long,
which is the kind that a big engine would take, especially for an engine like
Neville. The Q1 was feeling a little nervous.

-Neville: Oh dear, I really ‘ope it’s no’ to la’e to tra’e places with BoCo.

-Neville’s Driver: Sorry old boy, but it’s already been arranged. Besides, just
look on the bright side, this is the kind of train you’re strong enough to pull.
Plus, you needn’t worry, your fireman and I will be right with you.

-Neville: Fanks driver.

-Rosie: He’s right Neville. Plus, the fixed your brakes at the Steamworks
yesterday, so this would be a good opportunity to test them.

-Stanley: Yeah ma'e. Focus on wha' could go righ', an' i' anybody like ‘Arry & Bert
still 'ry 'o 'aun' you, jus' ignawe 'hem an' remember who you really are, special,
'ardwawkin an' poli'e gen'leman wi'h a grea' streng'h 'o boos'.

-Neville: Fanks you two.

-Narrator: Neville was soon turned round and was backing down to his train. He
slowed, his driver put the brakes on, and he came to a gentle stop at the train.
Neville was relived. Marlin, Victor and the workmen were as good as their word. The
trucks were beginning to laugh to themselves, and Neville was getting nervous, but
then remembered what the Fat Controller and the other engines told him last night.

-Rosie: You can do this Neville.

-Neville: Yeah, you’re righ’ Rosie. I can.

-Narrator: Soon the guard blew his whistle, waved his green flag, Neville blew his
whistle and began to pull the train. Wheels slipping at first, he got the long
heavy train moving.

-Neville: Come on! Come on!

-Stanley: Ha, ha! Good job Neville! Full power! Full power!

-Rosie: You got this Nev. Show them what you’re made of.

-Narrator: Neville pulled the train as carefully as possible, but as he approached

the station, everyone there cheered at the sight of the big black engine pulling
the long heavy train.

-BoCo: Alright Neville! You can do it!

-Gordon: Full power Neville! Full power! Ha-ha!

-Narrator: The passengers got out their cameras amazed at the sight they were
seeing. Neville soon began to puff out on to the open country of the main line. He
no longer felt nervous or shy anymore. Especially because the other engines were
there cheering him on.

(Emily passes by)

-Emily: Guid job Neville. A knew ye can dae it.

-Narrator: Called Emily as she passed by with a local. Soon he passed through
Wellsworth, and Neville remembered what was coming next, Gordon’s Hill, and a hard
climb awaited them.

-Neville’s Driver: Don’t worry old boy. It it gets too heavy, we can call for a

-Neville: No fanks driver. I fink I can ‘andle dis. We go’a a good speed, so I fink
you we can tackle dis incline. Let’s go!

-Narrator: So Neville charged up the hill furiously with every ounce of strength he
had. It seemed difficult at first, but with enough momentum, as well as
determination, the Q1 made it to the very top.

-Neville: Ha, ha! We ma’e it!

-Narrator: He cheered. Soon as he reached to top, he stopped first, and slowly but
surely, Neville coasted carefully down Gordon’s hill, as well as controlling the
weight of the trucks behind him, and began to coast down at a very steady, but
quick speed. ‘Arry & Bert, who were passing by with a train of steel were shock by
what they were seeing.

-Neville: ‘ello lads! (Blows his whistle loudly)

-‘Arry & Bert: AAAHHHH! GRRRR!


-Narrator: Neville was making good time, and all the smiling and encouraging faces
of the other engines he passed by was making him feel confident. Moments later, he
made it to Vicarstown, and got the train to the yards just in time.

-Yard Manager: Alright excellent. Your right on time old chap.

-Neville: Why fank you sir.

-Yard Manager: I must say, that was a fine show of strength. I always admired the
Q1 class, and I think the Fat Controller made the right choice in purchasing an
engine like you. So far, I’d say you were already a credit to this railway.

-Narrator: Neville beamed. The fact many people and engines were respecting him for
he was, he began to feel both very proud and very content with himself.

-Neville: Fank you sir. Dat really means a lo’. Say, where do you wan’ me to shun’
dis train.

-Yard Manager: Oh just leave it there um, what’s your name?

-Neville: Neville sir.

-Yard Manager: Just leave your train here Neville. I called for that new tank
engine, um Rosie I believe her name is, to come sort it out.

-Neville: Excellen’ sir. I reckon you’ll like ‘er to.

-Yard Manager: Oh I’m sure of it. You return train is waiting in that siding over
there Neville. Good job.

-Neville: Fanks sir.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, ‘Arry & Bert were also out on the main line with their own
goods train bound for Peel Godred. The two diesels, still brooding over Neville’s
strength, were determined to one up him, so they took the long heavy train down the
main line.

-‘Arry: We’ll shah 'ha' coffeepo', 'hose clapped ou' steamers an' diesel traitors
'ow we shun'ers 'andle 'eavy goods 'rains.
-Bert: Yeah! We’ll 'ake 'hem by stawm an' steal 'heir 'hunder.

-Narrator: They both boasted. But had the two brothers not been boasting and
focusing on showing up Neville, they would’ve remembered to use the other entrance
to get back onto the Peel Godred Branch. Now the branchline itself had two
entrances. One that was before Killdane for engines to come in on the right, but on
the left, was a set of points before Cronk that went through a tunnel where the
line would elevate on a hill going through a bend, and going across a plate girder
bridge over the main line and the roads. However, the bridge itself was in need of
maintenance, and in their distraction, ‘Arry & Bert were switched onto the wrong
line leading to the bridge.

-‘Arry: Oui ber', weren’' we supposed 'o 'ake 'he o'her en'rance by Killdane 'oday?

-Bert: An' why would we do 'ha'?

-‘Arry: Because 'he bridge is under main'enance 'oday.

-Bert: I’ is. OH DAMN!

-Narrator: In fact, the more they were picking up speed, that’s when they saw up
ahead was the warning barriers, were Harvey and the maintenance crew were repairing
the bridge.


-Narrator: Harvey called out! Both ‘Arry & Bert tried to apply their brakes, but
the heavy train pushed them both onwards, they broke through the barrier and the
supports of the bridge that were still being maintained, gave way, with Bert in
front, dangling dangerously over the main line.


-‘Arry: Oh nice goin you bugger! I 'old you we should’ve wen' back, bu' oh no, you
didn’' even realize 'ha' we…





-Foreman: Well obviously Harvey can’t pull you back on, we’ll need a much bigger
engine, someone like (Neville’s whistle blares)…

-Narrator: No sooner did the foreman say that, Neville came into view, shocked by
what he was seeing.

-Neville: OH MY GO’!


-‘Arry: Wha' an embarrassin’ way 'o go.

Neville: Humph! Well dat’s very condescendin’ to say even in de face of dange’. But
regardless on ‘ow ‘orrible your jerks were, I’m gonna ‘elp you!

-Bert: SAY WHA’?


-Harvey: Well wad ye twa rather plummet o’ this bridge or whit?

-Bert: Oh, na, na, okay, please, ‘elp us!

-Neville: Gladly. Come on driver, let’s go.

-Narrator: So Neville set off towards the bridge itself. He placed his trucks in an
out of view siding before Cronk, and set off to the points leading to the bridge.
He was able to go backwards at regular speed just fine, and soon began to slow down
to where the twins and their train were dangling.

-‘Arry: Oh crude, I almos' fawgo'. Tha' biscui' 'in can’' stop properly, if 'e
'ries 'o stop now, 'e’ll bump us off 'he bridge.

-Bert: Damn! Tha'’s 'he las' 'hin we need.

-Narrator: But to their surprise, Neville backed down gently as his tender touched
the brake van. The guard coupled him to the train, and Neville, with all his
strength, pulled the devilish diesels back onto the rails. ‘Arry & Bert were even
more surprised at the fact at how strong this engine was, not just from earlier
back at Gordon’s Hill, but the fact the was strong enough to pull them and their
train back onto firm rails. At last, Neville pull them away from the bridge as soon
as Bert’s wheels were firmly back on solid rails. Everybody cheered in honor of
Neville’s heroic actions.

-Harvey: Ha, ha! Guid show thare Neville. Ye did it!

-Neville: Ha, ha! Yeah, I did. Wow, I actually ‘ad. Fanks ‘arvey.

-Narrator: The twins blushed, but were grateful for once.

-Bert: Wow…um…fanks…gian’ coffeepo’

-Harvey: AHEM!

-Bert: I mean um…Ne…Neville.

-‘Arry: Yeah…we really mean 'ha'.

-Neville: No problem lads. No’ too bad for a “coffeepo’” eh? (Chuckles)

-Foreman: Certainly not. You two have no idea how lucky you are to be alive thanks
to this engine. But even so, nobody was supposed to pass through here you idiots!
Take your train to its destination and head over to Knapford as soon as possible.
Oh, but with the other entrance this time, as I shall be reporting you ruffians to
the Fat Controller for your obnoxious behavior.

-Narrator: Now ‘Arry & Bert went red with embarrassment. Soon, the three engines
went back to the main line and went their separate ways. ‘Arry & Bert continued
onwards with their train for Peel Godred, but using the Killdane entrance, while
Neville collected his trucks back from the siding and carried on back to Knapford.
Later that evening as he finished his work, he was heading towards Knapford Sheds,
where there waiting was the other engines and the Fat Controller. Neville was

-Thomas: Ha, ha! There’s the engine of the hour. Great job today Neville.

-Edward: Indeed! Congratulations Neville.

-Neville: Oh, why fank you everyone. Dis means a lo’.

-TFC: It should, as I heard all about your accomplishments today, and I am very
proud of you Neville. You have certainly proven you are a very useful engine

-BoCo: He certainly is sir. I knew you could do it when I offered you to take my
train Neville, and the more you put your mind to it, you accomplished doing your
job well, and on time to.

-Neville: Fanks lads. But I’m sorry I couldn’ ge’ my re’urn train from Vicars’own
on time though sir.

-TFC (Chuckles): Please don’t worry about that Neville, as I heard about your other
accomplishment to, and I am very impressed with that to. As you have proven not
only to be strong and hard-working, but also selfless and heroic, even for two
carless, irresponsible and obnoxious diesel (turns angrily to ‘Arry & Bert). As for
you two, you both have proven once again at how horrid, spiteful, and very
outlandish you’ve both been. Not only for badmouthing another steam engine as
usual, but worst of all, for provoking your thoughts towards someone as stupid as
the trucks! And you’re both proven how arrogant and careless you were in showing up
Neville, you took the wrong path and nearly fell to your deaths! I’ve already
punished the trucks involved by placing them on the scrap train, but you two are
going to apologize to Neville at once, and starting tomorrow, you’ll both be
shunting manure trucks for Farmer Trotter until you’ve learned to be courteous and
cautious of your actions. IS THAT CLEAR?

-Arry: Ye…yes sir.

-Bert: Sawry sir! An' (gulps) we’re sawry 'o Neville.

-Neville: Oh dat’s alrigh’ you two. I can forget wha’ ‘appened. Bu’ only as long as
you bot’ keep to yourselves.

-TFC: Indeed. Now both of you, clear off!

-Narrator: ‘Arry & Bert scampered away without another word.

-Rosie: Still, you did wonderfully Neville. I always knew you could, and I’m so
proud of you.

-Neville: Fanks Rosie, I ‘onestly couldn’t ‘ave done dis withou’ you. You’re my
bes’ friend, an’ I’m gla’ we’re both on dis railway together.

-Rosie: Same here Nev. It’s been going wonderfully so far, but I can’t wait to see
what the future has in store for both of us Southerners.

-TFC: Oh I’m sure there’s plenty of adventures and accomplishments for you and
Neville, Rosie, as in the span of two days, you both have been credits to my
railway. Stepney was right about both of you, and I’m glad I got to purchase you
-Thomas: Indeed! Rosie, Neville, welcome to the Northwestern Railway.

-Narrator: And everyone cheered, as Neville & Rosie. As a special reward for his
brave and heroic actions, Neville was given a new coat of point. It was still
black, as that’s what he preferred, but instead was given the Southern Railway logo
painted in yellow with green lining, but on his cab, he received the number #20,
now that he became the 20th engine of the Northwestern Railway, pulling heavy goods
trains on the main line when the other engines are busy, and occasionally pulling
passengers. Neville is as happy as can be working on Sodor, and really enjoyed
talking with the other engines, as he is a very polite and well-mannered gentleman
who can actually be quite social. He can still be sensitive about his appearance
and a little nervous when it comes to certain things, but is no longer shy anymore
now that he got the chance to prove himself, and his confidence and strength helps
in getting the job done. He and Rosie are proud to be part of the Northwestern
Railway. But as for Rosie was getting on, well, that’s another story.

-Narrator: While Neville had his own adventure during his first days on Sodor
trying to fit in, the other new arrival from the Bluebell Railway, Rosie,
immediately began to fit right in. Rosie was a Southern Railway’s Dock Tank from
the United States that was brought to England during the Second World War, and had
been there ever since. She’s a very bubbly, optimistic, and hardworking tank engine
that is very social and outgoing to everyone she meets. Despite being quite
excitable and energetic, the other engines started to take a liking to her.
Especially Duck & Stanley who were teaching her the ropes. The two tank engines
however found they had little to teach. Rosie was an expert at shunting.

-Rosie: Wow, I gotta say fellas, you guys have got the best looking rolling stock I
ever seen.

-Duck: Why thank you Rosie. Since our railway is also known for handling heritage
and legacy of railway history, there is a very diverse range of rolling stock we
work with.

-Stanley: Yeah, 'hough given 'ah good ov a shun'er you are, you seem 'o knah 'he

-Rosie: Why thank you Stanley. Shunting is what I do best. I may like pulling
trains out on the main line, but for me, shunting is my favorite job.

-Duck: Wow, you seem very content there Rosie.

-Rosie (Giggles): Yeah, it’s just running a branchline might not be for me. Well,
maybe shunting on a branchline, but shunting and handling different odd jobs is
what I’m good at the most.

-Stanley: Well, whatever works for you love.

-Rosie (Giggles): Thanks!

-Narrator: Rosie was already enjoying herself right now. She took Duck’s advice
with great interest, and Rosie looked up to the Great Western engine like a mentor
figure, but she also was very close with Stanley, and the two already became best
friends. Thomas even greeted her whenever he came by, and was pleased to know he
had a fan of his here on Sodor, and like Duck, Thomas would even mentor her to. The
little blue tank engine became like an older brother figure, and Rosie in that
short span of time was already becoming accustomed to life on Sodor. She treated
the coaches with care and bumped the trucks when they misbehaved, they soon learnt
it was a bad idea to play tricks on Rosie. The other engines were most impressed
with Rosie’s work ethic and praised her for it, and began to take a liking to Rosie
in an instant due to her kind and energetic nature. Well, almost everyone, and you
can probably guess which one. James the Red Engine really didn’t take that much of
a liking to Rosie. He only pretended to because of how stern the other engines
were, and how the Fat Controller would scold him if he found out. Now James had
learned over the years to respect tank engines, but his grudge against Rosie was
rather different.

(Fades to Thomas, James, Percy & Duck at Tidmouth Sheds)

-Thomas: I don’t know what your damn problem is with her James. Rosie has been very
friendly, but yet all you’ve done was patronize, demean and belittle her.

-James: Humph! And why should I. I mean she seems a simple sort of engine.

-Duck (Sarcastic): Oh gee, where’ve I heard that one before?

-Percy: Belittling tank engines again James?

-James: No, I’m not belittling you lot, you three are just fine. Though mind you,
tenders like me, Gordon and Henry are far superior in terms of railway status.

-Percy (Groans): Oh please.

-Duck: You are so smug you know that.

-Thomas: Yeah, I mean like is this because of the fact Rosie is…”American”.

-Percy: Wait what?

-Thomas: Yeah Percy, I remember when Rosie & Neville first came here, you groaned
when I pointed that out.

-James (Groans): Well if you must know Thomas, yes, I really don’t like American
engines. You happy to know that?

-Thomas: What do you think? That’s just racist coming from you James.

-James: Racist? No, never! I’ll have you know I have a lot friends of different
ethnic backgrounds. I mean like my fireman Tim is Afro-Caribbean, and Henry’s
driver Ted is Jewish, my guard is Muslim, oh, and the stationmaster I’m friends
with at Maron is from Japan. Diversity is a great thing. If anyone’s a racist
bigot, it’s her.

-Percy: What are you going on about James?

-James: Oh didn’t your driver teach you a little history Percy. The Americans are
known for their hatred of everything and anything that isn’t them. From slavery to
wars, to just plain ridiculing, they are a horrible nation that we won’t allow to
infect our rails.

-Duck: James the Red Engine! That is so judgmental of you, it was bad enough with
the diesels, but what you’re saying about Rosie is just stereotyping. You think
just because Rosie’s American she’s somehow a racist, a bigot…

-James: Don’t forget homophobic as well Duck. Not to mention simple-minded, loud,
vulgar, in your face, showboating, rude, stuck-up, spoiled, indiscrete and just
generally dis…

-Thomas: A disrespectful jerk! I can’t believe you right now James. To slander
someone like that. First Emily, now Rosie! We’ve been talking to Rosie since she
got here, and she’s wonderful, she’s not like any of the things you describe, and
even she’s not proud of America’s faults. America is just like us in a lot of ways.
Yeah, maybe some are rude, but there are really good Americans, and some that did
abolish slavery, end wars, and did stand up to racism. They accomplished so much in
history that made this world what it is today. They may not be perfect, but is
anyone. I mean, some people who live here on Sodor are from the US. Did you ever
think of that James?

-James: Well…okay I guess you have a point Thomas. But my point being is that we
don’t need a yank on our rails. Like last thing we need is a filthy American trying
to come by and shape our island like if it was the “U, S of A”. (Shudders)

-Percy: Oh come on James that is just stereotyping right now. And for the record,
driver did tell me about history from all different countries, including America.
Furthermore, he also told me that not all Americans are like that, some are very
accepting, intelligent and kind people. We’re not that much better here, the
original Fat Controller had certain views that neither his sons nor any of us
agreed to.

-Duck: Percy’s right, and Rosie’s none of the things that you just mentioned. She’s
sharp witted, hardworking and will put you in your place if you’re not careful

-James: Humph! I’d like to see her try.

-Narrator: The three tank engines just groaned, as no matter what they tried, James
was too stubborn to listen. Though Rosie herself did notice, and needless to say,
she was quite cross. She already took a dislike to James herself. Later that
afternoon, Thomas had to collect a train he was to take to Farmer McColl’s, where
he found Rosie shunting.

-Thomas: Hello Rosie. See you’re working hard.

-Rosie: Thank you. Doing my best, but lately, it’s been pretty dirty, and well, to
be honest, I haven’t had a good wash down in a while.

-Thomas: Oh, sorry to hear. Well the wash downs are here in case you need them.

-Rosie: Oh, I know, but usefulness before cleanliness you know.

(Thomas & Rosie laugh)

-Rosie: Besides, anything to get James to shut his trap about what me being a
“filthy yank”, that stereotypical jerk.

-Thomas: Oh yeah, I really must apologize regarding James’s behavior.

-Rosie: Oh it’s not your fault Thomas. It’s just James himself. I don’t know why
this guy has to be such a conceited jackass.

-Thomas (Sighs): You’re not the only who wonders that honey. But despite how stuck-
up and arrogant he is, James is a good engine at heart. In fact, since you’ve heard
the Railway Series, as well as TV Series based of it, you probably remember there
was a lot of James’s genuine moments of kindness, and he’ll always go out of his
way to make amends with those he’s wrong. Like one time when we worked together to
save a wedding celebration by looking for a good luck package for the bride, my
friend Nina.
-Rosie: Oh I remember that. But still, I just hope somebody can trim that idiot’s

-Thomas: Trust me Rosie. Karma is the best way for him to learn. But if not, you
can always tell the Fat Controller if he keeps pushing it. After all, he always
makes sure those that are being deliberately difficult get their comeuppance.

-Rosie: Thanks Thomas. I’ll keep that in mind, but right now, I best get back to
work, I’ll see you later.

-Thomas: You to hon. Take care.

(Thomas & Rosie leave, then fades to the next scene)

-Narrator: The next day, an autumn gale was coming to Sodor, and due to wind and
showers, trees that were close to the railway were cut down as they had become more
hazardous than helpful. Even along Henry’s forest, arborists placed markers to
ensure no trees grew too close to the railway line. Terence, Trevor and Butch were
kept very busy, sawing trees down and clearing the line for the other engines. Toby
had been helping with clearing away wood.

-Trevor: That’s the worst of it cleared, now we’ll have to clear the ones on the

-Terence: Ach we’ll start wit’ Duck’s and work our wae down. Sum o’ dese trees can
be jus’ as powerful as engines.

-Butch: So long as the worst are out the way we’ll be alright!

-Narrator: But Terence, Trevor and Butch weren’t the only ones hard at work. Rosie
had been working in the coal yards all day. By the time work had finished the
little engine was covered in coal dust. As she puffed to the wash down there was

-Rosie’ Driver: Sorry old girl, We can’t clean you up tonight. Bloody hosepipe’s
been blocked.

-Rosie: That’s fine Dave, not that it would make much difference with this black
paint. I just hope the others don’t say I look silly.

-Narrator: But the engines were too busy arguing to notice Rosie. And you wouldn’t
be surprised by who was talking loudest.

-James: Of course its fair lads, that I deserve a new coat of paint. The Fat
Controller says I’m the pride of the line, the magnificent the….

-Henry: Rubbish! You’ve made more mistakes than any engine on this railway.

-Gordon: I agree, hardly the pride of the line James.

-Rosie: What’s going on Douglas?

-Douglas: Och’ i’s been the case as usual Rosie. James getting a new coat of paint,
boasting as usual, nothing really new.

-Rosie: Of course not. That lark, I mean, I have worked hard here these past few
days, and if anybody needs a new coat of paint it’s me. I mean, like look at me
right now.
-Narrator: The other engines notice her grimy face and even darker paintwork and
sympathized with her, but James just sniffed rudely.

-James: PAH! I’d rather not. You’re not a pleasant sight you filthy yank! Then
again what would I expect from a vulgar American, who clearly never understands the
needs of a really important engines like Moi. Just face it cowgirl, if you can’t
adapt to our “British” ways you don’t belong on this railway.

-Narrator: Rosie was fuming, so where the other engines but they knew better than
to argue with James. Rosie then remembered Thomas’ advice about talking with the
Fat Controller if he kept getting to prideful and rude. Next morning, once the
other engines had left, the workmen began repainting James. Only Toby was in the
yard taking on water.

-James: Ah, this really is the life. Nothing like a good repaint to make an engine
feel like he’s on cloud nine.

-Narrator: But soon James’ rest was interrupted by a booming noise. Henry huffed
into the yards. Rosie had been so busy trying to find the Fat Controller that she’d
forgotten to organize his empty trucks, so the yardmaster had asked him to do it
himself. Now Henry didn’t mind shunting, especially remembering when he, Gordon and
James went on strike many years ago, but the fact he want to make sure his train
was on time, and how snooty James was being to and getting a repaint right then and
there, was putting the big green engine in a very grouchy mood.

-James: My, my Henry, do be careful where you shunt those truck, there’s a good

-Henry: Humph! That stuck up snob! I work hard enough for two engines, I deserve a
repaint more than that arrogant, conceited…

-Henry’s driver: Careful old fellow, or else…

-Narrator: But it was too late, Henry was too distracted, he bumped some trucks
hard, they rolled toward some trap points, derailed and piled up on one another.
James found it all rather funny.

-Henry: Uh-oh.

-James: Ha, ha, ha! Oh Henry, Henry, Henry, if you can’t push trucks properly at
this stage in your life, why not talk to a tree instead. We all know how much you
love that forest!

-Narrator: Henry went red with anger and was about to retort but Toby spoke up.

-Toby: That’s no laughing matter James, because as a matter of fact, the Fat
Controller is inspecting the island for trees that are too close to the line. He’s
worried they might cause trouble.

-James: Pah! (Sarcastic laugh) If I came upon a tree, I’d just push it aside like
it was nothing.

-Henry: Humph! Really?! I doubt that. You wouldn’t feel important if one of these
trees crashed on you, you’d feel crushed.

-Toby: Exactly Henry. You should take this seriously James, as Terence says “trees
can be just as powerful as engines.” Now if you two excuse me, I have to inform the
Fat Controller about this mess and then head to the forest.
-Narrator: Toby puffed away, and soon Rosie arrived with the cranes and the Fat
Controller. Needless to say he had some choice words for Henry.

-TFC: Argh, Henry, why sometimes can you be the most sensible engine on my railway
and sometimes the most foolish. You should know better than to go on a whim and let
your moods get the better of you like that.

-Henry: Yes sir, sorry sir.

-TFC: Regardless, you can start by clearing up this mess and then Rosie will teach
you how to shunt properly and to control your temper.

-Rosie: But sir, I’ve got that goods train to take to Brendam Docks.

-TFC: Don’t worry Rosie, I know just the engine for the job. James.

-James: Uh-Oh?

-TFC: You must go to Knapford Harbor and collect an important goods train due for
Brendam Docks, James. It’s heavy, so be careful.

-James: But, sir, I’ve just been repainted. Can’t that Yank do it? She’s dirty and
likes working with dirty trucks.

-TFC: Don’t push it James! Rosie has told me what you said to her, and how you’ve
been treating her these past few days since you’ve arrived, and Thomas has even
informed me about the racist things I’m aghast you would even say. I honestly
expected better from you James. So like I rewarded you with your new coat, consider
this a punishment for being so rude and belittling to her. Plus, what do I always
say to you when you protest about goods work?

-James: Oh, really useful engines don’t argue. Yes sir, I’ll get right on it.

-TFC: That’s a good engine, now off you go.

-Narrator: So James did as Henry and Rosie just chuckled cheekily. By the time he
arrived at Knapford Harbor, the weather had changed for the worst.

-Truck: Wow, you’re color’s nice, James. Pity about your face though.

-James: ARGH!

-Narrator: James grunted, as the trucks laughed obnoxiously (The other trucks
laugh). James already in a foul mood, bumped them fiercely, once the guard had
blown his whistle.

-James: Okay you horrid lot! Let’s be off! No nonsense.

-Trucks: We’ll give ‘im nonsense lads!

-Narrator: The trucks laughed as they set off. Soon they approached Wellsworth, and
his driver was worried.

-James’ Driver: We’ll be in for a difficult time tonight old boy.

-James: Yeah, we have to see the crazy duo of Cranky and Salty. They sure as hell
won’t let me hear the end of this.

-Narrator: But that was the least of James’ worries, as just beyond Suddrey, the
line curves round a small hill. On top of it sat an old, very large and very dead
tree. It had stood there for many years, but due to strong spring showers the soil
below was weakened, and the wind was lapping furiously at its branches. All of a
sudden, the tree moved.

-James’ driver: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?

-James’ fireman: Oh lord! It’s a flaming tree George and it’s on our line.

(The tree slides onto the tracks. As James rounds the bend and spots the tree, he
applies his brakes. James slides along the wet rails and comes to stop right in
front of the tree.)

-James: Ooh, help! Go away!

-Narrator: But, of course, the tree wouldn’t. James tried to reverse away from the
tree, but the rails were wet, his train was too heavy and the trucks had the
perfect opportunity to carry out their plan.


-James: ARGH! You idiots! You think to do this now! MOVE IT!

-James’ driver: It’s no good James, the silly trucks won’t let us back out.

-James: Well you’d best get clear George, you as well Tim. When that tree falls
it’ll crush my cab like an anvil.

-James’ fireman: No chance James, you’re our engine and we’re staying until we
figure this out.

-Narrator: Fortunately for them, a nearby farmer had noticed the tree blowing
beforehand and raised the alarm. Rosie had just taught Henry how to stay focused
and organize trucks properly when the Yardmaster came running up.

-Yardmaster: Leave those trucks immediately Rosie, it’s an Emergency. The line by
Suddery been blocked by an old tree. James almost collided but stopped in time. The
line is slippery and he can’t back home. Please go and assist.

-Rosie: I’m sorry sir! But I don’t think so. That James called me a filthy yank and
has treated me like a pile of coal since I came here. He can help himself and let
his smart new paint work get all scratched up.

-Narrator: Henry was cross, and so was Thomas who had delivered a train of milk

-Henry: I’m ashamed of you Rosie. Did you not hear what Toby said earlier from
Terence. “Trees can be just as powerful as engines”. Think about James’ crew, they
could be badly injured if that tree fell on them. Worse think about James. It won’t
be a few scratches he has, it’ll break his smokebox in half. (Rosie gasps) I know
James can be a great big jerk and all, but despite all his countless flaws, James
is still one of us, as he’s a good engine underneath.

-Thomas: Henry’s right Rosie. Plus, regardless of how he’s been treating you, you
can’t make this about yourself, as what would your actions say about you if you did
leave James to be crushed by that tree. (Rosie looking guilty) Like what Henry
said, and what I said before, James may be vain and arrogant, but he’s a very good
engine who will admit when he’s wrong. You gotta help him or he and his crew will
be in a terrible position.
-Rosie (Realizing): Oh geez, you’re right Henry, and you too Thomas. I’m sorry, I
didn’t know. Yes we must rescue him. Come on Dave, let’s go.

-Rosie’s Driver: That’s the spirit old girl. We’ll show that red show off what a
Yank can do.

-Narrator: Rosie set off to the rescue. Meanwhile at Suddrey things were still
tense, the fierce winds were blowing against the tree. James’ crew had tried
sanding the rails but it made no difference, they were about to give up and accept
their fate when they heard a familiar whistle.

-James’ driver: Hang on, that sounds like Rosie.

-James: Oh crude.

-Narrator: James felt embarrassed and worried that Rosie would laugh at him. But
Rosie didn’t. She knew what Thomas & Henry said, and knew that this was no time for
teasing. Her crew sanded the rails and she was coupled to the break van.

-Rosie: Okay James, I’m ready.

-James: So am I Rosie. As ready as I’ll ever be.

-Narrator: Rosie pulled back hard, the powerful little engine soon had James and
his train moving and clear of the tree. They were just in time (The tree falls down
hard to the ground)! Later at Wellsworth, James spoke to Rosie.

-James: Thank you for rescuing me, Rosie. I am so sorry I was so rude these past
few days. It was only because I…

-Rosie: It’s okay James, I already know. Listen, not all Americans are as bad as
you think. Yeah, some may be rude and outspoken, but so can anybody, no matter
where they’re from.

-James (Smirks): Yeah…right (Chuckles).

-Rosie: Besides, I had these some issues with my country to, believe me.

-James: Well I do now. Still, I’m so glad to have met you, and I promise I’ll never
treat you like that again, as you and Neville really do belong on this railway and
are clear assets through and through. After all, you saved me and my crew’s lives,
and I’ll never forget that. Thank you.

-Rosie: My pleasure James. We engines must pull together, whatever the weather.

-TFC: I’m glad to hear it.

-Narrator: Both engines noticed the Fat Controller standing in between.

-TFC: You both are very brave and reliable engines. James for protecting your crew
and making amends with Rosie, I shall recommend you pull a special express
tomorrow. As for you Rosie, well, I think these past few days, especially today’s
events, you deserve not only just a wash-down, but also a brand new coat of paint.

-Rosie (Gasps): A new coat of paint.

-TFC: Absolutely my dear! I can tell you never liked being in that black livery do
-Rosie: Oh yes sir, I’ve never been a fan of this black one bit.

-TFC (Chuckles): That’s understandable dear. What color would you like?

-Rosie: You mean I can I choose any color I want?

TFC: Certainly. That’s the idea, as on this railway, any engine can choose whatever
livery to make themselves feel human. We have plenty of selections to choose from
at the Steamworks, so choose whichever one you want.

-Rosie: Thank you sir.

-Narrator: And the next day, Rosie returned from the Steamworks, repainted in a
brand new livery that consisted of a beautiful shade of lavender with gold boiler
stripes, red and white wheels, and light grey panels with red lining and in them
painted in yellow was the Northwestern Railway’s logo and the #21 on her sides.
James was first to meet her and was most impressed.

-Rosie: Tada, what do ya think James?

-James: Lavender eh? Very unique. Certainly stands out alongside my red.

-Rosie: I guess you could say we’re the most unique engines on the island.

-James: That we could.

(James & Rosie laugh)

-Narrator: James and Rosie are now great friends. James taught Rosie how to handle
coaches the other day and Rosie always ensures to have James’ trains ready first
when he arrives. And, both would even confide in each other if need be. Both
engines are also quite in agreement on the “trouble with trees”.

-Narrator: Rosie the Lavender Engine was enjoying herself these past 2 months since
and Neville had first arrived on Sodor. Both engines have grown accustomed to life
on Sodor, especially Neville after facing his past demons. But Rosie already felt
like a true Sodor engine, and had befriended every different engine on the railway,
such as Stanley the most, and she definitely looked up both Northwestern Veterans,
Thomas & Duck. She also had become good friends with James after the Dock Tank had
saved him from nearly being crushed by an old decaying tree. However, there was one
engine Rosie herself hadn’t meet yet on one certain day. While shunting a train of
fish vans for Donald, Rosie was working especially hard, as being an active and
eager engine, Rosie was always focused on her work that sometimes, she never
bothered to stop and take it easy, especially back during the years of WWII.

-Rosie’s Driver: Careful old girl, you wouldn’t want to work yourself too hard.

-Rosie: Oh don’t worry about Dave, I’ll be just fine. We just got two more vans to
shunt so Donald can be on his way.

-Narrator: As Rosie was shunting the last vans onto Donald’s train, she did feel a
strain on her wheels, but thought nothing of it.

-Donald: Aye, are ye alricht there Rosie, ye leuk a wee put out.

-Rosie: Oh I’m fine Donald. I’ve felt worse. Never stopped me from working hard.
Just gotta get these vans on your train and…ARGH!
(Rosie grinds to a halt)

-Donald: Lord sakes! Rosie, whit happened? Are ye alricht?

-Rosie: Argh! I think so. Something with my wheels felt like it snapped.

-Narrator: Her driver got down to check.

-Rosie’s Driver: You’d be right to think that old girl. I know you’ve been working
hard, but you were too busy overworking yourself that you caused the tire in your
middle wheel to snap.

-Rosie (Sighs) Oh damn.

-Narrator: Thankfully, Stanley came over to help, and he shunted the remaining vans
onto Donald’s train, allowing the Caledonian engine to leave, but Marlin arrived
with the Breakdown Train to load Rosie onto a well wagon, and take her to the
Steamworks. The Fat Controller came to see her.

-TFC: Rosie, I understand that you take your work seriously, and your work in the
yards is very good, but I also expect my engines to stop and take a breather. I
know you understand the meaning of hard work, and I definitely appreciate that, but
even I expect you and the other engines to make sure you have some time to yourself

-Rosie: I understand sir, and I really apologize, I just wanted to do you proud.

-TFC: Oh I am proud Rosie, as like I said, you’ve been doing well, but it doesn’t
hurt to take a break every now and again. Don’t worry about they yards, Stanley
will handle everything just fine, but we’ll need another engine to assist him.
Thankfully, I know just the one. All we have to do is have your tires replaced and
you’ll be back in good working order as soon as possible.

-Rosie: Yes sir, thanks.

-Marlin: Don’t worry Rosie, it’s a quick fix. You’ll be back before you know it,
but I think this would be a good time for you to actually have a breather.

-Rosie: Right. Thanks Marlin.

-Narrator: And the Brush type Diesel pulled Rosie away.

-Stanley: Sir? Which engine did you send exac'ly 'o 'elp me while Rosie’s away?

-TFC (Chuckles): You’ll see Stanley. Let’s just say it’s someone who hasn’t worked
here yet, and I felt could use a change of scenery for the time being.

-Narrator: Stanley was confused, but he knew he’d find out soon enough. In fact,
just an hour later, he soon found out.

-Salty: Yargh, ahoy thar Stanley.

-Stanley (Chuckles): We’ll I'll be. Sal'y, wha' a pleasan' surprise. I 'ake you
mus' be 'he 'elp 'he Fa' Con'roller 'ad brough' in while Rosie is away bein

-Salty: Ya hargh, that’s correct matey. 'twould be fun t' useful, especially since
ye 'ave trucks that needs shuntin' 'n right by the harbor.
-Stanley (Chuckles): Tha'’s righ' ma'e. I’m glad you’re 'ere. Bu' 'old on, wha'
abou' Brendam Docks.

-Salty: Oh no needs t' worry matey, Brendam Docks doesn’t 'ave much activity today,
but BoCo will be helpin' t' take care o' operations 'til I return.

-Stanley: Tha'’s good 'o 'ear.

-Salty: Aye, 'n I also can’t wait t' meet this new engine Rosie. I already met
Neville recently, 'n I can’t wait t' meet this lass.

-Stanley (Chuckles): Trus' me Sal'y, I 'hink you’ll really like Rosie, she’s go'
qui'e 'he spiri' an' spunk 'o win anyone over.

-Salty (Chuckles): I take yer word fer it matey. Anyways, I’m ready cap'n, jus'
show me wha' t' do.

-Narrator: Soon Salty & Stanley got work in arranging the harbor and yards, and
making sure every engine got their trains and ran to time. Salty of course already
adjusted, as he wasn’t just confined to Brendam Docks, as sometimes he can even be
used in other parts of the railway, like the main shunting yards between Knapford &
Tidmouth. He enjoyed being useful, and of course, using his “secret” if you will,
in controlling even the most troublesome of trucks. The other engines were glad to
see him to, and they enjoyed hearing his stories on their free time.

-Henry: Thanks for getting my train ready Salty.

-Salty: Argh! It be no problem Henry me lad.

(Henry departs)

-Salty: While that was going on, Salty was still curious to meet Rosie once she
returned. At the Steamworks, despite what the Fat Controller & Marlin had said,
Rosie was still eager to get back to work. All the while, the young engine was
curious as to who was doing her work for the time being.

-Rosie: I don’t mean to be rude you guys, but can you please hurry up, I really
want to get back to work soon.

-Victor: Take it Rosie, you can’t rush this kind of work.

-Rosie: Sorry Victor, I just really feel eager to…

-Victor (Chuckles): I know my friend, but work like this has to be done carefully
and safely. Plus, the Fat Controller did say that you need to learn to relax didn’t

-Rosie: I know, I know, it’s just being around during the war years, and while also
trying to work hard so BR would have me preserved, I never once stopped to take a
break, as you gotta keep busy and work hard in order to succeed.

-Victor: That’s understandable my friend, but, overworking yourself is not a

healthy mentality for an engine. I understand you want to be at your best, but even
the best engines need to stop and take a break every now and again, as you need
balance in your life. In fact, wasn’t that the case back on the Bluebell Railway?

-Rosie: Well…it was…I guess. Actually, Stepney would remind me to stop and take
thing nice and slow, but I wouldn’t listen, as I kept shunting the trains on the
clock every day.
-Victor: Ah I see. But you don’t literally need to be on the clock, as yes, it’s
important to be on time, but it’s also important to spend some time for yourself.
You just need balance Rosie.

-Rosie (Sighs): I guess. It just wasn’t easy for me, and it’s that after the War, I
felt like I could relax a little bit, but it’s just when British Railways was
formed, and diesels became a new thing, that’s when these “workaholic” tendencies
kicked back up again, especially because… (Sighs) back in Southampton, another
group of diesel shunters replaced me and my brothers and sisters. This one in
particular replaced me, saying I was to worn out and oversized to be useful, and he
kept taunting me at every moment, to the point where I would lost control of my
anger, and would argue with him constantly, to the point where I obsessed with
perfecting my work ethic. But it wasn’t enough, and thanks to that dickhead diesel
shunter, BR had me withdrawn, not until I was preserved by the Bluebell Railway 3
years after Stepney was preserved. I guess I just never got that much help
afterwards. To be honest, it’s not gonna be easy taking a break every now and

-Victor (Chuckles): I do understand that my friend, it’ll take time, but that’s why
we’re gonna help you. Besides, you needn’t worry, as the Fat Controller said he got
another engine to help cover for you for the time being.

-Rosie: Oh that’s nice. What’s his name?

-Victor: It’s Salty, you’ll meet him soon enough.

-Rosie: Oh, okay then (Giggles).

-Narrator: Rosie laughed. That did feel reassuring to her at least, and she began
to consider Victor’s advice. The next morning however once she was given new
wheels, she was very eager to start work, even during the inspection to make sure
she was running properly. Her driver had to keep holding her back. But after she
passed the exam, she set off back to Knapford. Meanwhile, Salty was doing
wonderfully in keeping the trucks in order. As he was stopping for a bit and
talking to Duck, Rosie came into the distance. She was at first excited, but start
to freeze in fear a little bit the first time she Salty.

-Duck: Ah Rosie, welcome back.

-Salty: Ahoy thar Rosie. Pleased t' meet, I be Salty, the Dockyard D….

-Rosie: Oh my god, you gotta be kidding me? So, you’re the engine who’s come to
fill in for me?

-Salty: Um…aye thar shipmate…be somethin' the matter?

-Rosie: Uh, yeah! I heard from Victor that an engine would be sent to help cover
for me, and I was relived, only until I find out what kind of engine you are the
moment I come back!

-Salty: Wha’?

-Duck: Rosie, that is very rude of you, in fact, what’s going on right now?

-Rosie: Stay out of this Duck, you don’t know the full story between me and an
engine like him. In fact, since I’m back, you can back wherever you came from…
-Salty: No wait jus' a minute thar matey? We’ve ne'er met afore, wha' could ye 'ave
against an engine like me?

-Rosie: Oh like you wouldn’t know. Your type may be here now, but I’m gonna let you
know now Captain Crunch, you ain’t gonna replace me, not again. Now if you’ll
excuse me, I got work to do. See ya!

(Rosie storms away)

-Salty: Shiver me axles, wha' was all that about?

-Duck: I have no idea Salty. Rosie definitely didn’t go into any detail about this.

-Salty: Aye, well like it or nah, I’m nah too due t' go back t' the docks in two

-Duck: Exactly, but regardless, don’t you worry Salty, I’ll try and talk to her and
see what’s going on?

-Salty: Argh, thanks matey. Anyways, we best get back t' work.

-Narrator: So as Duck & Salty headed back to work, the Great Western engine felt
very concerned. Rosie had only been on Sodor for 2 months, and even though she has
proven to be hardworking and very sweet and optimistic, Duck had never seen Rosie
act so hostile and rude, especially to an engine she had only just met. In fact,
Rosie made it sound almost like as if she met Salty, or at least an engine like
him. But the Dock Tank was very vague with the details, it was very confusing to
understand. In fact, during Salty’s stay, Rosie continued to glare suspiciously at
him, and when Salty tried to be his usual friendly self or even share one of his
stories, Rosie would either ignore him or whish steam rude at the old diesel, as
she just didn’t wanna listen to him. It didn’t take long for the other engines to
notice Rosie’s unusually rude behavior. In fact, the sight of Salty not only made
Rosie angry, but also more determined to work hard. In fact, she was working even
harder before she went to the works, and was being even more stubborn than ever,
despite the Fat Controller, Marlin and Victor’s warnings. In fact, whenever Salty
was shunting and minding his own business, Rosie would cut him off and steal his

-Salty: Yo-har har har 'n a bucket o' prawns, the tiller spins 'n the cap'n… (Rosie
cuts him off and steals his trucks) Ahoy! Ye young scallywag, come back here wit'
those trucks.

-Rosie: Oh go shunt somewhere else Salty dog, you ain’t stealing my jobs.

-Narrator: Now normally Salty was a very polite and well-mannered engine, but
Rosie’s hostility towards him made him confused and hurt, he was beginning to feel
rather annoyed. Duck & Stanley, who were very close with Rosie since she arrived
were also getting worried, so the three engines had decided to find out why.

-Salty: Argh, alright matey, I don’t know wha' ye’re problem be. Ever since we jus'
met, ye 'ave been naught but hostile 'n rude. Wha' could ye ever 'ave against me?

-Rosie: Oh what, you really haven’t figured it out?

-Salty: As a matter o' fact, no…I haven’t 'cause ye’re lettin' me walk the plank
here. Why don’t ye tell me?

-Rosie: Okay, fine! It’s really due to “what” you are, that’s my problem!
-Salty: 'n “wha'” do ye mean by that me dear?

-Rosie: I’m talking about the fact I was replaced by douchebag diesels like you
that’s what.

-Salty: Replaced?

-Rosie: Your class, the 07’s were responsible for replacing my class back in
Southampton. In fact, the 07 I met with was an utter jerk that said I was to worn
out and oversized to be useful. I tried to prove him wrong, but he kept hassling me
into being useless, that I would overwork myself to the point where I obsessed so
BR would keep me on. But they didn’t because I wore myself, all because of your
class coming in and ruining my life.

-Salty: Oui Rosie, I…on behalf o' that matey o' mine I sincerely apologize, I
wouldn’t 'ave known about this.

-Rosie: Oh sure you don’t. I don’t really care Salty, you 07’s were the biggest
jerks of all diesels I met more than the 08’s if anything. And now that’s why
you’re here, so you can show me up and replace me again.

-Salty (Gasps): Shiver me axles, I would ne'er.

-Rosie: Do you really think I’m gonna believe that?

-Duck: Okay Rosie, that’s enough! Listen right now, we’re all deeply sorry for what
happened to you all those years ago with this 07, but that was the past, and that
07 you met was only just one engine. You shouldn’t have listened to him, but at the
same time, you have to live in the present and see now Salty here is nothing like
that. He is in the same leagues as diesels like BoCo, Bear, Mavis, and even just
recently Daisy, you get the idea, he’s not one of those diesels that wants to try
and replace steam engines.

-Stanley: 'e’s righ' Rosie. Sal'y’s bin 'ere faw 'he pas' 4 years alone. An' 'as
bin one ov 'he mos' useful diesels 'o da'e 'ha' 'as never once caused us any
'rouble aw said any'hin agains' us steam engines.

-Rosie: Stay out of this you two, I don’t need anyone else getting involved, this
is between me and the diesel shunter who thinks he’s a freaking pirate! If you
think you can show up and put me out of work pal, forget it! Now if you’ll excuse
me, I gotta get Gordon’s coaches ready!

-Narrator: And Rosie fumed away, leaving Duck, Stanley and Salty shocked.

-Salty: Aye, I had no idea.

-Stanley: Nei'her did I. Wha' are we gonna do, Rosie clearly won’' listen 'o reason
righ' nah.

-Duck: Certainly not Stanley. I did sense along with her energy and passion, there
was definitely a stubbornness in her, that’s for sure.

-Salty: I can see that t'. I jus' hope thar be a way can convince Rosie I’m on her

-Duck: I’m sure there is Salty. I just hope the Fat Controller doesn’t find out
about this either, I wouldn’t want Rosie to get in trouble.

-Stanley: Same ‘ere. Don’' wawry, Sal'y, we knah 'ah useful an' generous you 'ruly
are, Rosie will come around even'ually.

-Salty: Thanks lads. Anyways, we best get back t' work Rosie shows up again.

-Duck: Indeed. Let’s go.

-Narrator: So the three engines went back to work, hoping Rosie would get past her
grudge against Salty, and to not overwork herself. After all, her stubbornness and
anger was not going to help on bit. The next day, Salty was shunting trucks for
Thomas to take to Ffarqhuar.

-Thomas: Thanks for arranging my train Salty.

-Salty (Sighs): Aye, it be no problem matey.

-Thomas: Salty, are you okay?

-Salty: That depends shipmate. Especially if Rosie comes about 'n starts rantin' at
me again.

-Thomas: Rosie was ranting at you? You mean the Rosie who along with Neville have
been on Sodor for the past 2 months alone?

-Salty (Grunts): If ye mean that purple American engine, yes!

-Narrator: Salty blurted out, and explained to Thomas about Rosie’s behavior
yesterday as well as her reasons for why she had a grudge against him.

-Thomas: Oh cinders and ashes, I can’t believe Rosie did that. It was only a month
ago that James got over his initial grudge against her, now Rosie having a grudge
against you like that?

-Salty: Aye. 'n all 'cause o' a bad memory where a hand o' me crew replaced her. I
couldn’t 'ave known, 'n yet she treats me like a savvy sea serpent. 'n it’s mighty
hard t' be helpin' out in a place where I’m ridiculed by some stubborn tank engine!

-Thomas: Calm down Salty. I understand, and I am quite angry myself by what you
told me. But I can also see why Rosie would think that.

-Salty: Aye. I jus' hope she’s stops hatin' me, as I would ne'er try 'n replace
another engine. But worse than that, she’s overworkin' herself like if she was
swabbin' the deck overnight.

-Thomas: Oh crap, that’s just horrible. She’ll be back in the Steamworks again if
she does this. Don’t you worry Salty, I’ll have a talk with Rosie when I see her
later. No way am I gonna let two good friends of mine get into an irrational
conflict like this.

-Salty: Oh thank ye Thomas. I’d mighty appreciate that.

-Thomas: My pleasure captain. And, I’ll give another engine involved, who was in a
little bit of a similar situation to Rosie as well.

-Narrator: So Thomas puffed away, with Salty feeling a little bit better, but he
only hoped the little blue engine could get through to Rosie, and also curious to
who else Thomas had in mind as well. Later, Rosie was shunting some milk tankers at
Tidmouth around noon. There, Thomas was at the Branchline sheds along with Emily,
both witnessing Rosie’s stressed out, workaholic behavior.

-Emily: Oh ma. This is serious.

-Thomas: It sure is Emily. Salty wasn’t joking about this at all. We better make
our move quick. Excuse me, Rosie, do you have a moment?

-Rosie: Now what do you want now you bucket of barna… (Cracks a smile) oh, hello
Thomas. And…hello Emily.

-Emily: Hello Rosie.

-Thomas: Rosie, is it okay if we can talk to you for a moment?

-Rosie: Um…sure Thomas, but I’m pretty busy, I gotta…

-Thomas (Giggles): It can wait Rosie. In fact, that’s what I’d like to talk to you
about. Come on now, one break won’t kill you my dear.

-Emily: He’s richt sweetie. Come on, relax wi’ us.

-Rosie (Sighs): If you say so you two.

-Narrator: And Rosie backed down to the sheds next to Thomas.

-Thomas: Rosie, is everything okay?

-Rosie: Yeah, everything’s fine. Why do you ask Thomas?

-Thomas: Well, if you don’t mind me saying this, but this doesn’t seem alright, as
everyone’s getting worried, and when Emily and I heard, we’re getting worried to.
Not only that, I heard since yesterday that the moment you got back, you were being
very rude to Salty.

-Rosie: Oh not you to Thomas. I had my reasons for doing so, as that 07 is…

-Thomas (Sternly): Doing you a favor! (Rosie looks taken aback) Salty told me the
reasons why you hated him, and I can understand that, but it’s not the right
attitude to have, especially since you don’t even know Salty all that well.

-Salty: But Thomas, he’s a Class 07, they were the biggest jerks I ever met and…

-Thomas: Well so can any engine sometime, and you can’t just blame the actions on
just one member. I mean, that’s what James did with you when you first came, and he
apologized after you saved him from being crushed by that big ass tree. But now
your being more of a hypocrite right now and not even giving him a chance.

-Rosie: But…

-Thomas: No buts young lady! Listen to me, I understand why you’re uneasy about
Salty due to the bad memories you had, but Salty is not here to replace you, no one
is. That’s the point of our railway, to help give engines a chance, steam & diesel.
Salty has been here for 4 years and is a very wise, kind, and optimistic diesel
that is very hardworking and always helpful to everyone around him. He’s very fun
and natural storyteller.

-Rosie: Well what about him acting like a pirate?

-Emily: That’s juist his background sweetie. Salty wis a dockyard shunter back I’
Eastleich e'en before he came here, an he’s been fascinatit bi the sea iver syne.
I’ fact, that’s hou he got his name. He’s a wonderful diesel thon aye helps others
i neit an is very such a guid friend. Plus, he tells the most wonderful stories. We
understand aboot hou ye felt aboot bein near an 07, but ye can’t juist say aw o
thaim are bad juist because o the actions o ane engine.

-Rosie: Well I…

-Thomas: Emily’s right Rosie. Plus, I don’t think this ever occurred either, but
did you know that your class actually replaced my class back in Southampton even
before the 07’s came along?

-Rosie: Oh…um…well…I did, but I didn’t bring that up to you because I was worried
you um…might’ve had a grudge against me for being a USA Dock Tank…no offense.

-Thomas: Oh none taken Rosie, as I don’t have grudge against you at all. That never
mattered to me one bit if my class, the E2’s were replaced, as I never had anything
against you or your class Rosie, as it wasn’t your fault or anyone’s fault that
anybody got replaced, times change. The real culprits were British Railways
themselves. Plus, I was never even present in Southampton anyway, as I’ve only been
part of Southern Rail for one year, and that was the very year I was built in 1915,
as that same year, I would be sent to Sodor, where I’ve been ever sine for the past
89 years. I mostly see myself as more of a Sodor engine than Southern engine,
especially because most of my brothers and sisters back then were actually big
jerks and I never got along with them, as I’m an experimental build of that class,
hence my smaller design and extended fuel capacity.

-Rosie: Really?

-Thomas: Yeah. It’s shocking I know, but I’m honestly proud of that, as like I
said, I see myself as an engine from the Island of Sodor more than Brighton. So the
whole issue of my class being replaced by yours never bothered me once. I was upset
at the time to hear I’m the last E2 left, but not anymore, as the other E2’s at the
time were arrogant, stubborn, and delusional to their faults.

-Rosie: So when they finally got you, the perfect take on the E2 model?

-Thomas: The LBSC were being too ignorant to realize. That’s why I was sent to
Sodor, as they wanted nothing to do with me, and even harshly stated in their
documents that I was “lost in the war”, which wasn’t true at all.

-Emily: Oh Thomas…honey, I’m sae sorry tae hear thon.

-Thomas: It’s okay Em. As like I said, my time in Brighton was short-lived anyway,
and I didn’t like them that much anyway, so being on Sodor all my life was what
filled me with so much happiness, and where no one would ever be replaced. The
point I’m trying to make here Rosie, is that you can’t judge the actions of a whole
engine class because of one bad apple. That 07 you encountered was a jerk, but if
you encountered someone that was like Salty, then it would’ve been different.
Besides, my class was also replaced by the 07’s along with your class anyway, but I
never held a grudge because of all I just mentioned. Besides, the 07’s themselves
weren’t exactly lucky themselves either, as there are only 7 of them left to this
very day, and Salty is one of those engines.

-Rosie: Only 7?

-Thomas: Oh yes. In fact, since I never got along with my siblings, how did you
fare with your own?

-Rosie: Oh, well come to think about it, I had a hard time relating with my other
brothers and sisters. Well, some of them I got along with, but the other engines I
enjoyed talking with more, especially back when Neville came in those days. It was
fun to talk with a variety of engines….oh.

-Thomas: Exactly. You treated Salty like a monster. Didn’t it occur to you how
hurtful you were to him, especially since you love getting to know other engines

-Rosie: Oh!

-Thomas: Plus, it wasn’t just us both Rosie, most of the other engines also had
gotten along with different engines that replaced them to. Like Toby never held
this grudge against Mavis, despite the fact the 04’s replaced the J70 Wisbech
Trams, and Emily here, well, she even had a similar experience to.

-Rosie: Wait, you too Emily?

-Emily: It’s true Rosie. Ma class wis also I’ danger back then o bein replacit tae
bi the GNR C1 Atlantics, but A niver held a grudge against thaim either, because
ane o thae Atlantics wha wis callit Alice, she savit me from bein scrapped, as she
wis a kynd an endearin engine wha didn’t like the idea o her class replacin mine an
wantit me tae survive. Sae ma late manager callit her I’ tae shunt me intae thon
shed ‘i aberdeen tae keep me safe. Plus, Alice wis such a very guid friend tae me
she remindit me o ma oldest sister Serena, especially because ma other siblings
were aye pickin’ on me a lot. Sae juist like Thomas, I'm happy A niver saw thaim
again, an I’m happy wi ma life now, especially because we’ll niver be replacit.

-Rosie: Oh, I really had no idea. I only overworked myself to prove I’m still
useful, but in the end, I had nothing to worry about, even back when that 07 I met
was being a jerk to me.

-Thomas: Exactly Rosie. Plus, that sort of thing won’t happen right now, as again,
Salty is a wonderful diesel that is the exact opposite of the one you encountered.
You could’ve spent time getting to know him before you decided you didn’t like him.
Because this grudge you have is very unhealthy for any engine.

-Emily: He’s richt Rosie. Ye have tae give I’ order tae receive. Please give him a
chance, an don’t let this interfere wi yer work either. You’ve been doin sae well
thon we don’t want ye tae get I’ trouble.

-Rosie (Sighs): You’re right you two, I’ve pretty much acted like a jerk myself
lately. I’ll go and apologize to Salty when I see him, though I hope I’m not too

-Thomas: You won’t be Rosie. Salty is always willing to forgive and let bygones be
bygones. But you better find him soon.

-Rosie: I will. Thanks you two. You’re both the best.

-Emily: Anytime Rosie. Remember, we’re here gin ye neit tae talk tae someone.

-Narrator: So Rosie set off back to work, determined to find Salty.

-Emily: Ye really are a great brother figure tae her Thomas.

-Thomas: Thanks Em. Just making sure she makes the right choices. I think you did
wonderfully to. You already are a great mother figure to the younger engines

-Emily: Awe, thanks. A juist love helpin other engines, like hou ye an the other
engines helpit me.
-Thomas (Blushes): (Laughs)

-Emily: (Giggles)

-Narrator: Later that afternoon, Rosie after shunting some trucks at the harbor,
Rosie for once, started to take a rest for a bit before getting back to work. She
realized that taking it easy wasn’t as bad as she thought after all. As she was
relaxing, she was thinking of what to say to Salty while her crew went to talk with
yard manager. But then, a young and careless workmen nearby, thought he wanted to
drive an engine by himself. So without thinking, he thoughtlessly rushed into
Rosie’s cab while the driver and fireman weren’t looking, and tampered with Rosie’s
controls. It didn’t take long for the crew to notice.

-Rosie’s Driver: What the? Rosie, where you going?

-Rosie: Wait what? Hey, who’s in my cab! Get out now!

-Narrator: But the immature workmen himself didn’t care one bit, as he only just
wanted to drive an engine and opened the regulator even more, allowing Rosie to
pick up more speed.

-Rosie: I’m warning you, you imbecile, GET OUT NOW!

-Workmen: Oh come on, I’m just trying to have fun, live a lit… (Gasps)

-Narrator: He gasped in horror, realizing that he was driving Rosie over to a pier
rail. The same one where Percy lost his trucks once into Bulstrode, and where
Diesel once fell off into a barge of manure when trying to prove how strong he was.
But instead of being sensible and screwing on the brakes, he stupidly jumped out of
the cab and ran like a pathetic coward.

-Rosie: OH GOD HELP!

-Narrator: Rosie cried in horror. But thankfully, a certain diesel shutner had
witnessed everything.


-Narrator: And without thinking, Salty swerved onto the points before the pier
rail. He slowed down a little to catch up with Rosie. As the two engines were
nearly headed towards the buffers, Salty applied his brakes hard on, and the two
engines stopped, just in time. Everyone around cheered, and Rosie was both shocked
and relieved. As the incompetent workmen tried to flee, the foreman called out…

-Foreman: HEY YOU!

-Workmen: Me?


-Rosie’s Driver: Yeah, trying to run off on our engine when you’re unqualified to
be a driver.

-Rosie’s Fireman: And nearly let her fall off the pier and into one of the barges.

-Workmen: Well I….

-Foreman: Oh stow it, as I’m gonna report this to the Fat Controller.
-TFC: No need for that Ben, I’ve seen everything.

-Narrator: Everybody looked, and there was the Fat Controller, glaring crossly at
the young workmen. It was short, but not very sweet.

-TFC: I shall talk to you LATER! Head over to my office, now!

-Workmen: Ye…yes sir!

-Narrator: Squirmed the workmen, as he ran away in fear. The Fat Controller then
turned to the two engines.

-TFC: I must say Salty that was some very quick-thinking, well done, you have saved
Rosie from nearly falling off the pier. Hell, this would’ve been the 3rd accident
experienced at this very pier.

-Salty: Aye, me pleasure sir.

-TFC: As a reward…well…actually, for once, I wouldn’t know, what would you like?

-Salty: Argh, naught ye can give sir. I’m perfectly fine wit' wha' I got. I jus'
wouldn’t mind goin' back t' Brendam Docks as soon as possible.

-TFC (Chuckles): That’s understandable. Well after sorting out the trucks here, you
can. As for you Rosie, well, I heard that you tried to overwork yourself again, but
for a reason I can understand as I heard from Thomas earlier. I understand why you
were uncomfortable around Salty at first, but you shouldn’t have judged a book by
its cover like how James was with you last month, as the actions of one member of
Salty’s class doesn’t define all the 07’s as rude and as devious as you think.

-Rosie: Sorry sir. And I’m really sorry too Salty. I didn’t mean to come off as
rude, I just…

-Salty: Argh, it’s alright Rosie, I do understand. Trust me, we 07’s are nah all
alike. Besides, I’m nah one t' hold a grudge so easily.

-Rosie (Sighs): But I was. And worse, I let my stress get to me all because of my
painful experience.

-TFC: Don’t beat yourself Rosie, credit’s where credit’s due, your work ethic in
the yards is impressive, and I’m proud of you, but having this irrational grudge is
not helpful. Salty is an engine who is wise, hardworking, kind and very optimistic.
He would never intend to replace anyone.

-Rosie: You’re right sir, as I can see that now. I mean after all, you did save me
from falling into a barge or the canal itself. Thank you Salty. I hope now we can
start over fresh after how horrible I’ve been.

-Salty (Chuckles): Then say no more me hearty. As we be shipmates now.

-TFC: Well done you two. I’m glad you both are making amends.

-Rosie: Thanks sir. Anyways Salty, now that I got my crew back, you wanna get back
shunting, together this time.

-Salty (Chuckles): Ya-hargh! 'twould be me pleasure matey!

-Narrator: So Salty & Rosie set off back to work, and this time, they were working
together and had now become very good friends. Even Duck & Stanley were relieved
Rosie had finally made peace, and had now become friends with a diesel from a class
she initially despised. The workmen that foolishly tried to take Rosie out for a
joy ride was fired by the Fat Controller, and was never allowed to come near the
railway again. In fact, now, he was charged with community service of picking up
liter at Maithwaite Park. Rosie & Salty were very close friends now, and the diesel
was impressed with Rosie’s work ethic and tales from the war and Bluebell
Branchline, and likewise, Rosie enjoyed listening to Salty’s stories and sea
shanties, seeing what Thomas & Emily meant by how Salty’s cheerful nature makes any
engine smile. Rosie was sad to see Salty go back to Brendam Docks, but both now
enjoy each other’s company, and when Rosie visits Brendam with goods, she always
makes sure to chat with Salty, and the two enjoy working together. As they are now
proud to settle the grudge and let bygones be bygones, and our proud to call one
each other “friends.”

-Narrator: Bear the Hymek Diesel has been on the Island of Sodor for many years,
and is proud to call himself a Northwestern engine. He is one of the good diesels
that has a great amount of respect for the steam engines, and is one of the very
first along with BoCo that would defend them against the delusional mainland
diesels that try to badmouth them. This was especially true when he first came on
trial back in 1967 with another diesel, D199, who tried to insult them, only to be
shut up by Bear himself, clearly showing he was on the steam engines side. This
loyalty, respect, as well as his determination to finish his job despite his
ejector failing, gave him a position as the Northwestern Railway’s 3rd diesel,
while D199 was banished for his arrogance and constant whining. Bear, as he’s named
by the growling noises his engine makes, is a very friendly, charismatic and
passionate diesel that is immensely loyal to his fellow engines, both steam and
fellow diesel, always makes sure to use his strength when completing his jobs on
time. His loyalty is so strong that he’ll go out of his way to help a friend in
need. One day, the Hymek diesel was passing through Elsbridge with a goods train
when he heard a terrible grumbling.


-Porter: Oh sir, inside voice, there’s children about.

-Stationmaster: (Grabs him by the shirt) When they’re grown up they’ll understand.

-Bear: Ugh, poor lad.

(Shows Bear pulling into Tidmouth Sheds with Edward, Henry, Gordon and Murdoch)

-Bear: And then he lashed out at the porter when he started swearing.

-Edward: Oh my, that poor man.

-Bear: I know, that’s what I thought.

-Henry: I heard from Toby when I was at Elsbridge itself that this vandalism has
been occurring on the railway these past few weeks now. Not just at Elsbridge, but
all over the railway. There’s been the usual graffiti, damaged property, and all
these acts of sabotage that have been causing a serious disturbance. In fact, the
coaches on my local train today were sobbing terribly because apparently their
seats were ripped.

-Bear (Shudders): Now that’s gotta be uncomfortable. So let me get this straight,
vandalism has been occurring on our railway for some time now?
-Edward: I’m afraid so Bear.

-Murdoch: Aye, an’ lately some o the trucks have been paintit on wi graffiti. They
were sae upset wi it thon they remainit silent for once. A have tae admit, I aw
thae times the trucks were the culprits, A feel sorry for thaim, especially syne
someone else is the culprits.

-Bear: No kidding. Why can’t people ever just learn to take some responsibility?
This is so immature.

-Gordon: And dangerous to. It’s a good thing though that none of us ever got
vandalized, that’s for sure. The stationmaster at Elsbridge should consider himself
lucky that at least nobody spray painted graffiti on the station buildings.

-Edward: Indeed. We must all be careful.

-Bear: Yeah, because no way are we gonna let some terrorists bastards vandalize our

-Narrator: Bear said, as he felt that he should take matters into his own buffers,
but the question was, how. Two days later, the vandalism kept occurring, there was
graffiti painted everywhere, smashed windows, damaged equipment, and when Bear
arrived at the yards, he was surprised to see a whole line of trucks all covered in


-Diesel: Apparently these mongrels were vandalized about two nights ago. They’ve
barely said a work since they were violated like that. I gotta say, as annoying as
the trucks are, I kinda feel bad for them almost.

-Bear: Indeed! (Raises an eyebrow) Though I honestly didn’t expect such honesty
coming from you Diesel.

-Diesel: Well, uh…I mean, I work with trucks, and well…I’m just glad I didn’t get
vandalized. Those buggers ain’t get tamper with me if they think they can come over
with their spray paint and their tools.

-Bear: Don’t tempt fate there Diesel, it can happen to anyone. And kind of ironic
coming from the engine who also tries to sabotage the railway.

-Diesel: Oh come on, I’m not the heartless. Anyways, here’s your last few trucks
Bear, they have to be taken to the Steamworks to be cleaned and repainted.

-Bear: Well, at least something’s gonna work out for them.

-Diesel: Indeed! Now if you’ll excuse me Bear, I have to get going, some of us have
got real work to do. Nobody would even dare to vandalize us diesels, especially one
as splendid as Moi.

-Narrator: As Diesel slunk off smugly away, Bear was thinking of retorting, only to
see a bunch of inappropriate graffiti painted on the back of Diesel’s cab, painted
in red. Bear couldn’t help but laugh while Diesel was out of ear shot.

-Bear (Laughs): I think it’s safe to say those buggers had already left their mark

-Percy (Laughs): They sure did! This was just the same night when those bastards
terrorized the trucks. Apparently Diesel was in the open shed over there, were the
vandals easily painted on him while he was asleep. And best of all, that bugger
hasn’t even noticed even after two days (Laughs).

-Bear (Laughs): Oh geez, I would sure hate to be him!

-Percy (Laughs): No kidding! Oh, but don’t tell him, I wanna see how far this
actually goes (Laughs).

-Bear: Same here (Laughs).

-Narrator: The two green engines laughed as Bear left with the vandalized trucks
for the Steamworks. Despite having a good laugh about Diesel, Bear was still
concerned, as he knew that this vandalism just couldn’t continue. He soon dropped
off the trucks at the works and was headed to Wellsworth with a train of box vans
from the Wharf. As he was headed down the line, he swore he saw something out on
the open field. A small blue was off in the distance. It look almost like a bus,
and in the same model as Bertie, but blue.

-Bear: Hey, driver, is it me, or do you notice that bus over in that field over

-Bear’s Driver: That’s odd, I wonder why it would be here, it’s not like it’s on
some coach tour or something.

-Bear: No indeed. In fact, I can only see like three people coming out.

-Narrator: And there were. He couldn’t see them too closely from such a far
distance, but the Hymek diesel could make out that they were each wearing black,
and sitting on the field next to their bus, like as if they were discussing
something. He also swore he could even see some tools and equipment next to them as

-Bear: Hmm…this is getting interesting now isn’t it?

-Narrator: Later, Bear dropped of his trucks at Wellsworth, and told Edward & BoCo
everything that he saw. Bertie the Bus was also there exchanging passengers with
BoCo’s commuter service, and he was very intrigued as well once Bear mentioned the
bus he saw.

-Edward: Oh my word, you saw that these men had some tools next to them?

-Bear: Yep.

-BoCo: As well as some railway equipment to?

-Bear: That’s right BoCo, I saw from the distance as clear as day. I swear they had
in their bag what looked like a railway signal.

-Edward: A signal, huh?

-Bear: Yeah, and I even saw what kind of outfits they were wearing. They were all
wearing black as if they were ninja warriors. Which is quite ironic to if you think
about it, as black is the kind of color to wear at night to avoid getting noticed.
A little too convenient don’t you think?

-Edward: Hmm…indeed.

-Bertie: And you say Bear that they were next to a bus like me?
-Bear: That’s right Bertie. In fact, I was hoping to find you in order to confirm,
as this bus was the same class as you, but in blue.

-Bertie: Well it’s a good thing I’m here right now Bear, as the bus company had
lost one of its buses a few days ago, which was indeed the same design as me, and
painted blue. It wasn’t sentient like all of us though. But it was said to be
hijacked about like 4 weeks ago.

-BoCo: 4 weeks ago. Hmm…that would’ve been when the vandalism attacks have been

-Bear: Oh my god, do you think that…

-Bertie: It could be possible Bear. Besides, no buses are doing coach tours this
season, given where you saw this specific bus. But did you see it’s license plate?

-Bear: Not exactly. But I do think this blue bus is one we gotta keep an eye on, at
least we may have a lead on these scumbags now that we know.

-Edward: Excellent work Bear. We might be a step close to catching them. But still,
we best be careful.

-Bear: Indeed. See you all later.

-Narrator: Bear said as he went back Tidmouth. As the Hymek went over to the
station, he noticed near the yards was Harvey with the Breakdown Train, trying to
lift a derailed Barry back onto the tracks.

-Bear: Holy hell, Barry, what happened here, are you alright?

-Barry: Oh, I’m alright Bear. I was backing down to use the water tower, and I
jumped the points and derailed.

-Bear: What? Oh damn, that’s horrible, how did that happen?

-Barry: I don’t know. It just did, and I’m honestly just as surprised as everyone
else. Thankfully though, I’m not badly damaged, but the points will need repairs.

-Harvey: Aye, an we e'en found the answer tae. Apparently, somebody placit stones
richt intae the points sae they couldn’t be switchit. Sae whan Barry ran ower
thaim, that’s whan his tender ran ower the stones which causit him tae derail.

-Bear: Hmm…and I think I might know who’s responsible.

-Barry: You do Bear?

-Narrator: Bear explained everything he discussed today with Edward & BoCo, and the
information Bertie recounted to him.

-Harvey: Oh mah, thon explains awthing now doesn’t it.

-Bear: Yeah, I just hope we get the police involved, because enough is enough. No
way are we gonna let this continue.

-Bear’s driver: But are we gonna do Bear? We just don’t know when these vandals
would strike and how to stop them.

-Bear: We’ll figure it out driver, we just gotta keep an eye on them and stop them
in their tracks. If Thomas can stop a group of burglars from robbing the Ffarqhuar
stationmaster’s car and gardening trophies many years ago, then what’s stopping us.
All we need to do is keep an eye out on that blue bus. And we can even put this
plan into action as tonight it’s our turn on the Midnight Goods run. We might be
able to stop those bastards.

-Barry: Wow, that’s very brave of you Bear.

-Bear (Chuckles): It takes a lot to get me to back down Barry me lad. Trust me,
nobody is gonna terrorize this railway or my friends while I’m around.

-Harvey: An we support yer plan Bear. Guid luck.

-Bear: Thanks Harvey. Driver, tonight, we’re going hunting.

-Narrator: That night, Bear was at Knapford Harbor, getting ready for the Midnight
Goods run. The big green diesel was determined to catch the vandals by any means
necessary. Stanley was shunting the trucks onto his train.

-Stanley: 'ere are your 'rucks Bear.

-Bear: Thanks Stanley. Let’s hope were able to catch these vandalizing bastards.

-Stanley: I’m sure you’ll find 'hem Bear. Dese 'errawists are makin’ my smokebox
ache wherever I go.

-Percy: Yeah. But at least they did one thing that was good after violating Diesel.

-Bear (Laughs): Oh yeah, I forgot about that. How’s Diesel holding up after that

(Shows the flashback)

-Percy (Laughs): Oh just today he actually found out. He was shunting at the
station, and everyone, the passengers, the staff, and even the Fat Controller had
seen everything, and the whole station erupted into laughter. Diesel was confused
by why, only until his driver got down and saw it, and showed him a picture of the
graffiti on his cab. (Laughs)

-Stanley: Yeah, 'e cer'ainly was embarrassed when 'e found ou', an' angry 'o,
especially a' 'he kind ov graffi'i 'ha' was pain'ed on'o 'im. (Laughs)

-Percy: So the Fat Controller had ordered him to go to the Steamworks to have it
cleaned and repainted off of him, and he’s still there (Laughs).

-Bear (Laughs): He certainly sounds really furious about this.

-Percy (Laughs): He sure was. In fact, he’s still grumbling about being violated
like that.

-Diesel (In the flashback): Grrr! Why does this crap always happen to me (Groans)!

(Fades back to the present with Percy, Bear and Stanley laughing)

-Bear (Laughs): Oh the poor lad. And to think he tried to violate Mavis, maybe this
would give him an idea of what it’s like for him to be violated. (Laughs)

-Percy (Laughs): Damn right! (Laughs)

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-Bear: Anyways, I better get going, I’ll see you both later.

-Stanley: See you la'er Bear, an' good luck.

-Narrator: Soon Bear was out on the main line, making good time so far, but still
keeping a lookout for the vandals. All he needed to find was a blue bus, then work
from there. As Bear was headed towards Wellsworth, he thought he could see
something moving in the night. Or someone, as there were a group of men, dressed in
black, and tampering with the signals. Bear was shocked, and there he looked on the
hill where the station’s car park was, and next to the fence was a bus, painted in
bright blue.

-Bear: Oh god. Driver, it’s them, it’s the vandals. It really is them. Quick, come
up quietly, I might have an idea.

-Narrator: So Bear’s driver slowly pushed down on the throttle, coming up slowly,
and Bear put his plan into action, as he knew diesels were silent and can sneak in
easily without being noticed compared to steam engines.

-Bear: Grrr….grrrr…

-Vandal 1: Ah, what was that?

-Vandal 2: I don’t know man, but it sounded like a bear.

-Vandal 3: Oh come on you idiots, no bear would show up near the railway lines…

-Bear: GRRRRR!

-Vandal 3: AH! Then again!

-Narrator: Thankfully, Bear also had his head codes turned off so the thugs
couldn’t see, and Bear crept up slowly. Who dares tamper with the sanctity of this

-Vandal 1: Wha…who said that?

(Bear’s head codes flash on revealing the angry diesel) TO PAY!


-Vandal 1: Let’s book!

-Vandal 2: I’m with you!

-Vandals: AAAAHHHH!

-Bear: HA, HA, HA! Those morons actually fell for it! Right driver, they’re making
a break for it, let’s get them!

-Bear’s driver: You got it Bear!

(Bear chases after them)

-Narrator: Bear soon chased after the vandals in their stolen bus. The vandals
tried to speed up as fast they could, but Bear was faster. Especially when they
split off at Gordon’s Hill. But Bear wasn’t worried, as they knew where they were
headed. Up ahead was Maron Crossing. Bear saw the bus headed down. The diesel sped
up as quick as he could, and at the right moment, the diesel applied his brakes,
and the middle of his train blocked the crossing right before the vandals can dart
through the crossing.

-Bear: HA, HA! Got you now suckers!



-Vandal 2: Great, we’re caught.

-Signalman: You three bastards better stay where you are, as I am phoning the

-Narrator: And he did. Soon the police arrived surrounding the bus…

-Policeman: I gotta say, that was some very quick thinking blocking them right then
and there. You both had stopped those thugs from getting away. The bureau thanks
you both.

-Bear’s driver: Our pleasure sir, but really it’s Bear here you should be thanking.
It was his idea. He was determined to stop those vandals, and he did so first by
scaring them, then blocking their path to make sure they didn’t escape.

-Policeman: Well in that case Bear, we should really thank you for this. We’ll put
in a good word with the Fat Controller, as I’m sure he’s proud to have an engine
like you.

-Bear: Why thank you officer. But if you don’t mind me asking, what are you gonna
do with those scumbag vandals?

-Policeman: Well, before we take them away, we thought you’d like to speak with
them, as let’s just say your railway has a history with these blokes.

-Bear: Go on!

-Narrator: Said Bear intrigued, and the cops brought the three men forward,
removing their ski masks, and the diesel was quite shocked to see who the men
really were.

-Bear: Holy…no…you gotta be kidding me! I know you bastards! You two, you both were
Barry’s former driver and fireman that disregarded his advice right after he came.
And you…you’re the workmen that tried to take Rosie out on a joyride and nearly
plunged her off of the pier at Knapford Harbor last month. I don’t understand…why?

-Kenny: Oh like you wanna know you giant gas can! After getting fired by that
overweight controller of yours, we lost our job with Miss Jenny’s construction
company because we were trying to chill.

-Bear: Oh you mean slack off? That’s all you idiots did. You both getting fired was
your own fault! And what about you…Mickey is it?

-Mickey: Oh well after trying to drive that Yankee Doddle tank engine, I got caught
and was fired to, and I swore revenge for not letting Fat Hatt do what I want.


-Marvin: Well hey, your railway was so uptight and expecting us to work and listen
to their stupid rules…so after we got fired, we met Mickey at a video game arcade,
and plotted to get revenge. So when nobody was looking, we stole that very bus
while it was available.

-Kenny: Yeah, and we’ve been playing all those stunts to get even with your stupid
railway. Especially when we derailed Barry. You guys were just killing our fun….


-Policeman: I couldn’t have put it better myself. Right then, you three are coming
with us, and we’ll make sure you know what responsibility means. Let’s go!

-Kenny: Wait, let us go!


-Policeman: Shut up you two! The three of you have the right to remain silent,
anything you say or do will be used against. Get them in the car.

-Mickey: ARGH! THIS ISN’T OVER! (Mickey bumps his head) OW!

-Policeman 2: Watch your head!

-Policeman: Still, thank you so much for helping us Bear.

-Bear: Absolutely officer. Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta get my train delivered.
Let’s go driver.

-Bear’s driver: Right away Bear.

-Narrator: And so Bear pulled the midnight goods on his way again, making up for
lost time. They soon arrived at Barrow just in time. The next morning, Bear was
back at Knapford Sheds with the other engines, he had told them everything.

-Barry: Oh my god, so the vandals that have been terrorizing us, were my old driver
and fireman?

-Rosie: And the same workmen that tried to drive me off that pier?

-Bear: That’s right you two! It was them the whole time. They just wouldn’t take
any responsibility, and decided to take revenge on us for their own selfish

-Murdoch: Indeed! Still, that was brave of you to go up to those bastards!

-Neville: I’ll say. You’re a true ‘ero Bear.

-Arthur: Yeah, we wouldn’t know what we could’ve done without you.

-TFC: I couldn’t agree more Arthur.

-Narrator: There standing was the Fat Controller, smiling proudly at Bear.

-TFC: I’m very proud of you Bear. That was some very quick-thinking on your end,
and have saved this railway from those selfish and irresponsible vandals before
they made everything worst. I always know how useful you are, but last night, you
definitely proved how capable you are in taking matters into your own buffers, and
I’m oh so proud.

-Bear: Glad to be of service sir. No way was I gonna let our railway be terrorized
by those bastards any longer.

-TFC (Chuckles): No indeed! As a reward, consider yourself worthy of a new coat of

paint, and, the police even want to give you a medal in helping to stop the thugs.

-Bear: Oh why thank you sir!

-TFC: No, thank you Bear. We don’t know what we could’ve done without you.

-Narrator: The other engines cheered. After that, the railway finally returned to
normal. No more rolling stock was violated, no graffiti was seen, and no more
property damages or accidents. And every engine on Sodor, had had Bear to thank.

(Fades to Elsbridge Junction)

-Stationmaster: Ah, there we go, my windows are all as good as new. Ah, now we just
have to put this next one in and… (Slips and drops the window and it shatters) OH

-Narrator: Ever since his return to the Skarloey Railway, Sir Handel truly was a
reformed and changed engine. Gone was the arrogant, selfish, narcissistic prick and
in his place a much softer, kinder and significantly better behaved engine. He was
now pleasant to everyone, treated the coaches and passengers with such high respect
and always made sure to give everyone a memorable journey up. Some people and
coaches swear that the old Sir Handel was scrapped and a new engine had taken his
place. However while he was a far more improved engine, Sir Handel wasn’t exactly
perfect. For some reason, Sir Handel’s trains would sometimes run late and he would
often finish late working at night. Every week a special coal train heads up to the
top station for the villagers to use in their fires in the evenings. For some
reason, Sir Handel always offered to take these trains and then never returned
until late at night. The other little engines were becoming suspicious and it all
came to a head one day when Sir Handel was late to the junction. It come as no
shock to the angry red engine who confronted him.


-Sir Handel: I’m so sorry James, no excuse of mine, I just left the station late,
no fault of the guard’s or anyone else’s. I must have dosed off.

-Narrator: James stunned by Sir Handel’s response quickly fell silent, he now felt
guilty about lashing out. He looked closely at Sir Handel, noticing his bloodshot
eyes and weary expression.

-James: Oh, no, sorry for lashing out Sir Handel, and sorry for misjudging you. I
of all engines should know the importance of change. I just forgot after these past
3 years…
-Sir Handel: It’s fine James, (yawns), I have been rather late lately so it’s only
natural you would assume that.

-James: True but that’s no excuse for my outburst, I’m sorry. To be honest, it
looks like you seem to be doing the complete opposite of what I previously thought.
You seem to be overworking and tiring yourself out. Take my advice Sir Handel, take
it easy, you don’t want to damage yourself, especially since you haven’t been back

-Sir Handel: Thanks James, but I’m honestly fine.

(Guard’s whistle blows, James departs as Peter Sam arrives)

-James: Well I best be off, get some rest Sir Handel. And sorry again for
misjudging you.

-Peter Sam: What was that all about?

-Sir Handel: Oh nothing really, just a little misunderstanding.

-Peter Sam: I see, but I did hear the tail end of that conversation and to be
honest Sir Handel, James is right, we’ve all noticed that you seem to be
overworking. Granpuff is especially worried.

-Sir Handel: Nonsense Peter Sam, I’m completely fine, I owe the passengers and the
Thin Controller everything after the trouble I’ve put them through.

-Peter Sam: True, but then again, I’m sure he wouldn’t want you to push yourself
too hard. Tell you what, why don’t I take the coal train tonight while you…

-Sir Handel: NO! Most certainly not, I promised I would take that train and only I
shall! Besides Mr. Graham meets me at the top village, that man helped me become
the engine I am, it’s my duty to prove myself to him.

-Narrator: Peter Sam looked closely at his friend, through his weary eyes, it was
hard to tell whether Sir Handel was being honest or hiding something. Eventually,
he gave up trying to consider which and agreed.

-Peter Sam: Very well, Sir Handel, but I’m going to speak to the Thin Controller
about taking your morning train. Last thing I want is to see you all worn out,
we’ve only had you back for a whole year, don’t go breaking down on us now.

-Sir Handel (Giggles): Of course Peter Sam, I’ll remember that and thank you. That
would be a great help.

-Narrator: And with a chirp of their whistles the two engines departed. That
evening when the other engines were resting in the sheds Sir Handel collected his
coal train and puffed up the line towards Skarloey station. Once he was out of
earshot, his crew breathed a sigh of relief.

-Sir Handel’s driver: That was a close one today, I thought with how tired you were
you might’ve revealed…

-Sir Handel: Of course not Mark, I promised to keep a secret. For the sake of a

-Sir Handel’s fireman: That may be so old boy but you know those engines well. I’m
sure an engine like Skarloey, Rheneas or Duke would understand the situation at
-Sir Handel: Maybe so Matthew but the fact is, we made a promise and we’re sticking
to it.

-Sir Handel’s driver: If you say so.

-Narrator: Soon they reached the top station, where a familiar face was waiting. As
Sir Handel pushed the trucks into a siding, the man walked to the train uncoupled
two trucks from the train and then walked to the front.

-Sir Handel: Good evening Mr. Graham, how is he?

Mr. Graham (smiles): He’s doing okay Sir Handel, just a little paranoid as you
might expect. I still tried convincing him, but he still he feels scared to even go
to Mr. Percival. His crew are keeping him company but I know he’d be glad to see

-Sir Handel’s driver: Indeed, well hop onboard Mr. Graham, we can’t keep our young
friend waiting. And I don’t want Sir Handel here to be causing suspicion amongst
his friends. Because if one of them finds out, they all find out.

-Mr. Graham: Quite so Mark, okay lads, let’s get going.

-Narrator: Mr. Graham switched the points leading to the Blue Mountain Quarry and
once he climbed aboard, Sir Handel puffed gently towards the quarry. When they
arrived, at the large industrial complex, everything was silent, until…


-Sir Handel: Calm yourself dear friend, it’s only me. Got a fresh supply of coal
for you.

-Narrator: Sir Handel came to a stop just outside one of the built in quarry
tunnels. Then out from the tunnel came a peculiar looking very small green tank
engine. He had white lining a tall funnel and cab, a short 0-4-0 wheel base and the
name “Luke” on his tanks. Though he was initially scared he perked up at the sight
of Sir Handel as did his crew.

-Luke: Oh i’s jus’ ye Sir Handel, fanks fur the coal. Should keep me goin’ until
next week.

-Narrator: Sir Handel smiled, as Mr. Graham and the crews got out to chat, and the
trucks were uncoupled, Luke and Sir Handel made small talk.

-Luke: So how’s life naew tha’ ur back home fur a ‘hole year.

-Sir Handel: Oh it’s been wonderful dear chap, to tell you the truth I’ve missed
everyone, particularly Peter Sam and Duke. To think it’s almost been 100 years
since I was built and came to Sodor. Shame I blew it consistently on the Skarloey

-Luke: Now don’ sae dat Sir Handel, ur a hardworker all dese years I’ve known ya.
Not tae mention you had the chance tae redeem urself.

-Luke’s driver: An’ so wil ye two pal, me mum an’ pa never kept ye workin’ fur so
long, even after Bri’ish railways ended on the farm fur ye to give up hope.

-Luke: I know Hannah, bu’ we got ‘a face fac’s, until they find a yellow engin’ i’s
hopeless. Ye don’ know anythin’ abou’ a yellow engin’, do ye Sir Handel?
-Sir Handel: Well unless you’re talking about Duncan, who arrived 40 years before
you did, I’m afraid I don’t know Luke, I’m sure if I asked Skarloey he would…

-Luke: No Sir Handel, ye promised. We can’ le’ anyone know. (Sighs) Ye know exac’ly
wha’ happen’d, I’m…I’m…(begins tearing up) a murderer.

-Luke’s driver: Yer no murderer pal, we don’ know exactlee wha’ happen’d I’m sure
we’ll find out what happen’d tae tha’ yellow engine.

-Narrator: Luke gave a sad smile, it reminded Sir Handel of their past. He thought
back to their very first encounter.

(Flashback to 2002 back at the epilogue of First Steps to Redemption)

-Sir Handel: Huh? Who...who’s there?

(Sir Handel heads into a mine tunnel and finds a little green narrow gauge engine,
later known as Luke)

-Sir Handel: AH!

-Luke: AH! Oh my!

-Sir Handel: It’s okay, it’s okay! I’m a friend. I’m Sir Handel. Who are you?

-Luke (Shy): Oh, um hallo, my name’s Luke. Sorry, it’s just…well, I shouldn’t be

-Sir Handel: What do you mean?

-Luke: Well (Looks like he’s about to cry) I did somethin’ very bad.

-Sir Handel: Bad? What do you mean by bad?

-Luke: Well, it’s just dat, I…I…

-Sir Handel: It’s okay Luke, you can tell me, as I’ve done lots of bad things to.
We all have. In fact, that’s the reason I’ve been here these past 4 years, as I’ve
been serving my parole if you will.

-Luke: Oh yes, I heard about dat. Ye saved dat rude steam lorry las’ year from
nearly fallin’ tae her death. Congratulations by de way.

-Sir Handel: Thanks, but I still can’t go back as I just don’t think I can trust
myself yet.

-Luke: Oh I’ve heard.

-Sir Handel: You have, huh? No offense Luke, but how long have you been here? And
what could you have done that was so horrid? You seem like such a nice engine.

-Luke (Sighs): Do ye really wanna know?

-Sir Handel: Yes please. So I can help you Luke.

-Luke: Okay. But remember, none of de ovher engines mus’ know.

-Sir Handel: Promise.

(Flashbacks to Luke back in 1998)

-Luke: Aboot 4 years ago, I was told dey needed me tae work on de the Islan’ of
Sodor at the Blue Mountain Quarry. My boiler bubble’ with excitmen’. It had been my
dream tae work on Sodor for many years. On dat same ship, anovher engine was on
board. He was yellow and de same gauge as us, and spoke a foreign language.

-Yellow Engine: Hola, por favor conocerte, Vas a Sodor?

-Luke: A language I couldn’t understand.

(Ship blasts its horn)

-Luke: We sailed across de sea for two straigh’ days. During dat time, a storm was
brewing across de island, and de ship rocked aboot a bit. But I wasn’t worried, as
dere in de distance, I could see Sodor. Our ship pulled intae port at Brendam
Docks, where dere was hus’le and bus’le. Both engines and wurkmen were hard at wurk
tryin’ to finish up before de storm. De workmen were going tae unload de foreign
engine off de boat first. But I was so excited, I wanted tae be unloaded firs’. (In
the flashback) Take me up firs’, please. Please! (Narrating) So dey agreed, and de
crane at de dock set tae work.

(Fades back to present day)

-Luke (Sighs): But then…

-Sir Handel: Then what?

-Luke (About to cry): I knocked de yellow engine off de ship’s deck.

-Sir Handel (Gasps): Oh my god! But how could you have done that?

(Back to the flashback)

-Luke: Well, I swayed at the end of de crane’s hook, and bumped into him. De yellow
engine rolled back and fell right off de boat and into de sea. I was brough’ to de
Steamworks by a diesel, Marlin, I believe he was called. And while being inspected,
I just fel’ so guilty. De storm was so intense dat I wondered what was going ontae
de yellow engine.

(Fades back to the present)

-Luke: After my inspection was complete, my driver came and got me, and she was
informed aboot what ‘appened, and fearing de worst, she drove me to de Blue
Mountain Quarry while it was under construction. I’ve been hidin’ aboot an’
secre’ly workin’ here ever since. Nobody has found out, but if dey did, I could
either be sen’ away frum Sodor…or wurse, scrapped maybe.

-Sir Handel: Oh god! You’re serious! Luke, I’m sorry to hear that. But you don’t
even know for sure if that was true.

-Luke: Maybe not, but I was told aboot de yellow engine from me driver Hannah,
righ’ after she move’ to Sodor. De yellow engine was lef’ in de sea fur some time.
But by de time dey lif’ed him out of de quay, he was rusty and decaying. Nae news
speard aboot dis, but I can only assume he mus’ve been sent tae de scrapyard…
(crying) all because of me. I jus’ feel if I hadn’ been so selfish, if I had just
wai’ed my turn, he would still be alive. (Sighs) It’s all me faul’.
-Sir Handel: Oh Luke, I’m so sorry. But you couldn’t have been selfish, as you were
just eager to work. This clearly must’ve been some sort of accident.

-Luke: Maybe, but regardless, I jus’ can’t show me face, as las’ thing I need is
someone poin’in’ fingers at me and saying “oh leuk, dat engine is a bloody murder”.
How messed up is dat.

-Sir Handel: I don’t know about that, but I can see you’re no murderer. But I do
understand how you feel, as I promise, I won’t tell anybody you’re here. Besides,
since you have been here for a while, I imagine you may have heard about me.

-Luke: Tae be hones’, I onlee hear’ you’re here because of some parole.

-Sir Handel: Yes, because I did something horrible just that same year, right
before you came to Sodor. I let my anger and arrogance go too far, lashing out at a
little of really good people and engines, bad mouthing two really great figureheads
to Sodor that both passed away a year before that, which resulted in me causing a
local passenger train to crash into the standard gauge railway’s main station at
Knapford. Nobody died, but some were severely injured and in a state of shock…all
because I was throwing a petty tantrum.

-Luke (Gasps): Oh my…ye did dat?

-Sir Handel (Sighs): I did, and for an engine who had done something bad 2 years
ago, I just feel so guilty.

-Luke: But I can see ye changed. Especially after savin’ Elizabeth las’ year. I
could’ve come an’ said hi, but I didn’t know you, an’ I was scared. Plus, the
manager could’ve found me.

-Sir Handel: Make sense. But even so, I still can’t go back…at least not yet, I
still need to stay here, as I feel it’s the only way I can ever pay for my mistake.

-Luke: Dat is true. Dough I don’t know how tae explain tae Mr. Graham.

-Sir Handel: We’ll work that out I think, because he is an understanding man. Plus,
even though what happened to this foreign yellow engine is a mystery, I understand
that you don’t want to be shown to the public. Believe me, I know what it’s like to
have done bad things. Don’t worry Luke, I’ve not seen anything, and neither will
the other engines.

-Luke: Really?

-Sir Handel: Really. You have my word.

-Luke: Fank ye Sir Handel. I apprecia’e it.

(Fades back to the present in 2004)

-Luke: I never forgo’ dat day. And I still fank ye Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Of course, you mean a lot to me Luke, and like I said, I know what
it’s like to feel guilty for any wrongdoings, though even though what I did back in
’98 was horrid and I deserved it, I have to agree with Hannah, we really don’t know
for sure if you did anything wrong.
-Luke: Maybe, but I really hope no’, an’ dat the Fin Controller and de other
engines won’t find me.

-Sir Handel: True, but even if they did.

-Luke (Sighs): I hope dey could a’ leas’ unders’and. Especially because ye wen’ ou’
of yer way tae keep me safe an’ I apprecia’e it, bu’t I wouldn’ wan’ ye tae ge’ in
trouble, no’ after you’ve regaine’ yer honor for over a year now.

-Sir Handel: Don’t worry about that Luke. I couldn’t bare anything happen to you.
Because I made a promise, and I won’t let ye get kicked off this island…or worst.

-Mr. Graham: Same here. Besides Luke, you’ve worked very hard, despite being
anonymous to everyone on the island. But whatever happens, we’ll deal with it when
it comes.

-Luke: Yer righ’ sir. I jus’ hope fur now, nae one does. Fank ye Sir Handel, fank
ye sir.

-Sir Handel: Always Luke.

-Narrator: Smiled the old blue engine. But little did anybody know about the
changes that would occur the next day. Though try as he might to make sure that the
other engines just didn’t find Luke, but that was easier said than done. Peter Sam
in particular couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being withheld from the real
truth. He didn’t understand Sir Handel’s strange behavior and what he could be
hiding. And he didn’t want to lose his friend again. However, his mind was so
occupied on it all week as he went about his work, so much so that sometimes he
would miss a guard’s whistle. Only one engine noticed these changes and he was
fairly clear to make his voice heard.

(Peter Sam resting in a shed when he is startled by a whistle. Duke enters stops
then his crew leave)

-Duke: Rule one of being a locomotive Stuart, never let your mind be distracted
especially during work. I’m sure I’ve told you that enough times.

-Duke (Smirks): You know Stuart, rule number one of being a locomotive, never let
your mind be distracted especially during work. (Gives a stern smile)

-Peter Sam: Huh, oh I know, I’m sorry Granpuff.

-Duke (Chuckles): It’s alright, because I can tell something’s troubling you. Is
something on your mind Peter Sam?
-Peter Sam (Sighs): To be honest Granpuff, I’m not sure. It’s just well…ever since
Sir Handel came back, I felt just as happy and overjoyed that he had turned over a
new leaf, but this whole year, he seems to act maybe to hardworking and too
selfless. There’s nothing wrong with that one bit, but he seems to be going
overboard on his work and always seems to be tired lately. And that’s resulted in
him being late at the stations. That’s why for this last week I’ve been doing his
morning trains, just to give him a rest. I don’t know, but he acts as if he was
hiding something. Something he doesn’t want us to know about it.
-Duke: Well I can justify my dear Stuart you are not the only one concerned, as
I’ve noticed the same thing to.
-Peter Sam: You have?
-Duke: Indeed. Besides, I’ve watched you two since you first came to Mid-Sodor and
I know you both all too well to know when you’re either distracted or disturbed.
That’s what years of mentorship does for you, dear boy. The more you time you spend
with your pupils, the more you know about them.
-Peter Sam (Grins): Right. And it was thanks to you Granpuff, I learned plenty from
right and wrong. Though I do admit, you were a bit slow in doing so. (Duke rolls
his eyes) But in all seriousness though, I really just hope nothing bad is going on
with Sir Handel. I just don’t know what we’re even going to do.
-Duke: I’ll tell you what we are going to do Stuart. Find out exactly what exactly
is he hiding? Let’s figure out what we do know so far.
-Peter Sam: Hmm…well lately Sir Handel is always insistent in pulling the coal
trains to Skarloey station in the evening. The fact he did it every week is already
a suspicion but when I spoke to him he mentioned that the reason he went up there
was to see Mr. Graham?

-Duke: Simon Graham, I assume you mean. The manager of the Blue Mountain Quarry who
also supervised Sir Handel’s banishment at the time?
-Peter Sam: Yes, I’m wondering, why he would need him so often. I mean I know in
about two months, the Thin and Fat Controllers have already opened it for official
service for the past 4 years, and we’re soon all being rostered to help with the
final clear out but…

-Duke: …why would Graham need Sir Handel so often? Either there’s more clearing out
to do that he’s trying to hide from the Thin Controller or there’s something hidden
in those mines, that only Graham and Sir Handel know about?

-Peter Sam: I’m betting it’s the latter, Mr. Graham seems like an honorable man, he
wouldn’t hide a slight bit of extra stone for profit reasons. Maybe he and Sir
Handel found something unexpected at the quarry that they didn’t want it to be
-Duke: It’s possible. Regardless of whatever it is those two are hiding, we can’t
let this go unnoticed.
-Peter Sam (Excited): You don’t mean…
-Duke: Oh I do indeed dear boy. A train of empty trucks are due for the yards at
Skarloey tomorrow to be pulled by Duncan. Knowing our grumpy friend he’ll probably
be enthusiastic that we took the train of his buffers. Then when shunting, let’s
say a “slight” derailment may occur and result in the both of us having to stay at
the sheds up there. I’ll explain the plan to our drivers and make sure they phone
the yards at precisely the time Sir Handel has left. Then we’ll be able to find out
exactly what Falcon and Graham are hiding.

-Peter Sam (Cheekily): That could work Granpuff, but I thought you once said “such
schemes would never suit his Grace.”

-Duke (Clears smokebox): Well there are exceptions Stuart, this is just one of
them. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Now we must keep this a secret
from the others, as we don’t want to make a big deal over such a situation in case
there isn’t much to discuss. Especially since we do not have the knowledge about
this topic ourselves.

-Peter Sam: Agreed, but I also suspect we don’t want the others to find out that
sage old Duke is making plans that aren’t to the schedule. After all, that would
never suit his grace.

-Narrator: Peter Sam gave a cheeky laugh while Duke’s eyes rolled in fondness and

-Duke (murmurs): Oh that impotent scallywag.

-Narrator: The next morning, both engines spoke to their crews individually who
agreed with the plan. Then after speaking to Duncan, who was only too happy to gain
an early rest and give up his evening trucks as Duke predicted, the plan was in
motion. That evening Sir Handel backed onto his coal trucks and with the line clear
set off towards the Top Station. At the sheds, Rheneas, Rusty, Ivo Hugh, Duncan and
Skarloey all watched him go.

-Rheneas: You know, it’s hard to believe sometimes that that was the same grumpy,
selfish, narcissist who left this railway ages ago. It’s almost as though he’s
turned over a new leaf.

-Ivo Hugh: Yeah, I suppose that’s what age does for you? A shame I’ve still not got
the same amount of wisdom as you guys.

-Skarloey: You’ll get their one day Ivo, but I must admit, he does seem to be
working a little too hard. I mean I admire Sir Handel for having this change but he
seems to be going a little overboard.

-Duncan: Och qui’ worryin’ Skarloey, besidez ‘is hard wurk, means sum of us can ge’
sum rest.

-Rusty (cheekily): You’ve certainly had quite the rest today Duncan, especially in
how quickly you handed over your trucks to Peter Sam and Duke.

-Duncan: Tha’ waz because they ask’d. I was onlee bein’ considerate, i’s nae my
faul’ they insist’d. Besides tha’s the wors’ tha’ can happen.

-TTC: Everything for you information Duncan.

-Narrator: The engines noticed the Thin Controller approaching the sheds, he seemed
a little annoyed.

-TTC: I’ve just received word from up the line that Duke’s tender derailed and his
crew have decided to keep him and Peter Sam up at top station, once Duke has been
re-railed. Of course this wouldn’t have happened if one engine had done his job as
expected. Since you were so eager to have an early rest Duncan, you can take Peter
Sam’s first train tomorrow.

-Narrator: The other engines laughed, Duncan murmured crossly under his breath and
rolled into the sheds.

-Duncan (murmurs): I ge’ no res’ or respec’.

-TTC: Now for the rest of you, you have your normal duties as usual, though there’s
some stone that needs clearing out at the Blue Mountain Quarry, so I will need only
four to five engines to go to the quarry at a given time, the rest will continue
with their normal duties. These duties will be shared equally between all of you,
to ensure everyone contributes to quarry work. Have a good rest engines, we’ll
speak in the morning.

-Skarloey: Good night sir.

-Narrator: The Thin Controller turned on his heel and walked away leaving the
engines to drift off to sleep one by one. All except Skarloey, he couldn’t help but
wonder why exactly Duke and Peter Sam insisted on pulling Duncan’s trucks.
Meanwhile Sir Handel reached the Top Station where a familiar man was waiting.

-Mr. Graham: On time as usual I see Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Indeed sir, we’ll leave these trucks here and then bring the rest of
this coal for our little friend.

-Narrator: Mr. Graham uncoupled the last few trucks and then climbed aboard the
cab, and then Sir Handel puffed into the night. So sooner was he out of sight, two
tail lamps flickered on and crews rostered around the sheds nearby.

-Peter Sam’s driver: We’ve got ‘em lads, they seem to be heading towards the Blue
Mountain Quarry.
-Peter Sam: Your theory was right Granpuff but who’s this little friend they’re
talking about?

-Duke: We shall find out soon enough Stuart. Come dear boy, we’ve got a mystery to

-Narrator: With fires burning with determining the two ex-Mid-Sodor engines headed
off into the night. The journey was mostly uneventful and soon they arrived at the
Blue Mountain Quarry.

-Duke’s driver: Jeez, forgot how vast this blooming quarry is. This’ll really cause
profits on both railways to rise.

-Duke: Yes indeed, but hush driver, we can’t let them hear us. Can you hear
something Stuart?

-Peter Sam: Why yes Granpuff, it sounds like Falcon but there’s someone else?

-Duke: Indeed, sounds Irish.

-Narrator: The two engines slowed their puffing to a gentle whisping. They stopped
round a bend and spotted Sir Handel talking to a little green tank engine.

-Peter Sam (whispers): Who’s that Granpuff?

-Duke (whispers): I don’t know, but let’s listen to their conversation.

-Luke: Oh Sir Handel, glad ye can come? I was beginnin’ tae wurry.

-Sir Handel: Well you needn’t now my friend. Here’s the coal, as promised per
usual. You feeling okay though, even after yesterday.

-Luke: Maybe, bu’ no’ any be’’er. I still feel guil’y aboot wha’ happened those 4
years ago.

-Duke (whispers): What?

-Sir Handel: Don’t worry Luke, I’m pretty sure you’re innocent. Besides, we don’t
even know if this mysterious yellow engine was sent to the Smelter’s anyway. But I
know you don’t want to reveal yourself to the other engines and the Thin Controller
just yet, and I promise that I will do everything I can for now to keep your secret

-Peter Sam (whispers): Secret? Oh my god. So that’s what Sir Handel’s been hiding.

-Duke (whispers): Indeed. It seems we’ve had another arrival the whole time

-Peter Sam (whispers): Yeah. The previous Thin Controller said he was gonna
purchase a new engine to help us after Sir Handel got banished. Do you think that’s
him Granpuff?

-Duke (whispers): I’m sure it’s possible Stuart.

-Peter Sam (whispers): But what could he mean by yellow engine? He certainly
wouldn’t be talking about Duncan I assume.

-Duke (whispers): No, he couldn’t have. As we’ve never seen this “Luke” before. But
it must sound dire. Come Peter Sam, we must leave immediately, last thing we need
is for all of them to know we’re present.

-Peter Sam: Right.

-Narrator: So the two engines left. But as they were puffing back to Skarloey
station, both were still shocked and very confused. They began to talk about their
discovery as soon as they arrived at the sheds at the top station.

-Peter Sam: Why would Sir Handel keep this Luke engine secret from us?

-Duke: I’m sure he must have a good reason for why he did Stuart. Especially
because Luke seems to be quite young. Younger than you two no doubt. But it sounded
like he did something horrible. But I won’t question Sir Handel or let him know we
were spying on him…not just yet. Luke seems to mean a lot to him and Mr. Graham.

-Peter Sam: Yeah. Almost like how you looked after us. Seems like your mentorship
really worked on us after all.

-Duke (chuckles): Very funny you impudent scallywag.

-Peter Sam (chuckles): Well it is true. But what about the other engines?

-Duke: Let’s not tell them just yet dear lad…actually, let’s not tell Duncan about
this yet. He is a very well-meaning engine, but he’s very excitable, and we cannot
have him blurt a secret just yet. Remember what happened 4 years ago when that
scoundrel Diesel became part of the standard gauge railway.

-Peter Sam: Oh, right. But the others…

-Duke: Well inform them when the time is right. But for tonight, we keep this
between ourselves and so will our crews.

-Narrator: Duke said, as the two ex-Mid-Sodor engines went to sleep, pondering
about their findings they discovered tonight. The next morning, as work was
carrying on as normal, but Skarloey had to go to the Steamworks for repairs, as
while working at the Blue Mountain Quarry, excess quarry dust resulted in
Skarloey's whistle being clogged and excess stone on the line had blocked his
undercarriage. Victor greeted him warmly.

-Victor: Good day Skarloey, how are you feeling my friend?

-Skarloey (chuckles): Just a little clogged up Victor, whistle and undercarriage a

little blocked.

-Victor: I'm sorry to hear that mi amigo, and I'm even sorrier to report, that you
will have to wait. Henry and Percy are due for some annual services, as are Bill
and Ben, you wouldn't mind waiting.

-Skarloey: Not at all Victor, I waited three years for my first overhaul, a day or
two shouldn't matter. Plus with all the work at the Blue Mountain Quarry we've had
a good rest lately, so I think this little old engine had another for now.
-Narrator: Victor smiled and went back to work as Henry and Percy arrived already
deep in chat. Skarloey dozed peacefully as the rains started outside. He'd barely
been asleep long when...

-Bill: Once and engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain.

-Ben: He went into a tunnel and squeaked through his funnel and...

-Percy: Yeah, that song is now old news. Hardly anyone sings that anymore or goes
on about Henry's tunnel... (Pauses)...apart from Diesel and the Ironworks Twins but
then again they've got about as much intelligence and maturity as a sweet wrapper.

-Henry: Indeed, but not as bad as those two Percy. Incredible to think you two
morons are almost 60 years old and you're still acting like a bunch of toddlers. Oh
and making jokes about rain. Like seriously, grow up already.

-Narrator: Skarloey woke at the younger engines arguing, as Victor puffed in over
hearing everything.

-Victor (nervous): Okay my friends, I think that’s about enough right now. Let's
not talk about rain in such jovial manner. Let's all make up and....

-Bill: Grow up? Well at least me and Ben were not clumsy enough to go paddling in
water unlike you two.

-Ben: Yeah, we all know the tale of Percy's plunge and Henry going swimming with
the kipper.

-Victor (more strict): Okay you two, that was uncalled for, you both had better
apologize now or…

-Percy: No, no it's fine Victor, I mean it's not like Bill & Ben have not had their
own incident with water. Oh wait they did! They got stuck down a drain and Thomas
had to rescue them.

-Henry (Sarcastic laughs): Indeed, that is truly what one calls paddling. Really
paddling pathetic twins.

-Narrator: The twins were furious and the four engines soon got into a heated
argument about water. Skarloey was about to firmly tell them to stop when...

-Victor: OKAY ENOUGH! THE PAIR OF YOU! (All engines gasp and look at Victor), I

-Percy (Gulps): Comprende.

-Henry: Yeah, sorry lads.

-Bill: Yeah, same here (Nervous grins).

-Victor (Sighs): Gracias. (Mutters quietly and leaves) Honestly, some engines have
no tact.

-Narrator: Victor snorted to the back of the works, the four standard gauge engines
carried a look of guilt and remained respectfully silent. Skarloey however looked
more confused, he'd never heard Victor outburst like that ever before. The question
was…why? The next evening, when he returned from the Steamworks, Skarloey told
Rheneas and Rusty about Victor’s outburst.
-Rusty: Wow, and to think Victor was always so calm and level headed only for him
to outburst like that. Even over something as simple as an argument over rain

-Rheneas: Maybe there’s more to it than what we assume Rusty. We all know that
Victor was purchased to help Marlin at the works, but we don’t know where he came
from. Maybe he came from somewhere in South America that was mostly dessert and had
no water. So coming here to the UK, where it rains more frequently must’ve
surprised the poor engine.

-Skarloey: Whatever it is, that’s two secrets that are being. Victor’s reaction
being unexplained and what exactly are Sir Handel, Peter Sam and Duke being so
secretive about?

-Rheneas: I honestly wish I knew although…(pauses)…shhh here comes Duncan.

-Narrator: Duncan steamed into the sheds. He’d had a rough day with nonstop
passengers and goods trains.

-Duncan: Wha’ r ye all blatherin’ abou’ me? An’ wha dis abou’ secrets?

-Skarloey: Oh well, we were just talking about how you have been working very hard
Duncan and well you do deserve a rest. So I shall handle your first passenger

-Narrator: Skarloey hated lying, but knowing Duncan’s ways knew it was for the
best. You see Duncan, as grumpy and cocky as he was, always had a tendency to blurt
out everything, even if it was meant to be a secret. Remember, Duncan was the
engine who blurted out Diesel’s permanent return which caused days of chaos on the
Northwestern. The other engines accepted this as one of Duncan’s flaws, but
unfortunately, Duncan’s flaws often caused more chaos than help.

-Duncan: Och if ye insis’ Skarloey tha’ wul’ be ‘elpful. Nae if ye dinnae min’ I
nee’ me res’.

-Narrator: Duncan snorted to the back of the sheds surprising the other engines

-Rusty (whispers): What’s his problem?

-Rheneas (whispers): You know Duncan, Rusty, always complaining about something
when it’s not right. It’s not his fault he wears his heart on frames and is a very
good engine deep down, but unfortunately it means that he’s not very good at
keeping secrets.

-Skarloey (whispers): Indeed, remember the Diesel incident three years ago.
Whatever we find out I believe it’s best we keep it from Duncan...for now that is.

-Narrator: The three little engines continued to chat in whispers. Little did they
know from the back of the shed, Duncan had heard everything. A small tear formed in
the Scottish engine’s eye.

-Duncan: So tha’s I’. I’ve been workin’ ‘ere ages an’ they still dinnae trus’ me.

-Duncan’s driver: Don’t take it personally old boy, I’m sure that’s not what they
meant. They do trust you it’s….

-Duncan: Dinnae ma’e excuses fur them driver. I’ve been on dis railway bein’
nothin’ bu’ ‘ardworkin’ an’ ye’ still they think so li’’le o’ me. Well if they
dinnae wannae tell me nothin’ I’ll fin’ ou’ meself.
-Narrator: And with that Duncan closed his eyes and nothing his driver said would
make him reopen them until the following morning. Work continued as usual with
engines taking turns at both the Blue Mountain Quarry and regular services on the
railway. Then one late afternoon, Skarloey, Rheneas, Rusty and Sir Handel were
tidying up sidings at the Blue Mountain Quarry. Sir Handel was working the hardest
eager for the other engines to go home and not find out about Luke. Little could he
predict what happened next. Unknown to the engines a bunch of immature workmen were
blasting near the entrance to the quarry. They found some dynamite and were using
it to create what they considered to be a small explosion. Then there was trouble.


-Narrator: A large explosion was heard all over the quarry. The engines jumped, Mr.
Graham came storming out of his office. Then Rusty noticed rock fall.



-Sir Handel: OH NO!

-Narrator: The engines backed down quickly as rock’s piled down the side and piled
up at the entrance. Fortunately no-one was hurt but the entrance to the quarry was
blocked high with rocks. The engines were trapped. Rheneas looked up and spotted
the three nervous workmen standing up top.


-Rheneas’ driver: OUI YOU LOT!!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!

-Narrator: The workmen tried to run away but with high cliffs on the other side,
they had no choice but to give in. The engines all glared as their driver’s and
fireman gripped each one of the four workmen by the shoulder and dragged into Mr.
Graham’s office.


-Lead Workmen: Sorry Mr. Graham, we were…

suggest you get an early night, as you’re going to the job office tomorrow morning.

-Narrator: The men walked out of the office, their heads in shame. Fortunately the
road entrance was at a separate part of the quarry and was not blocked. The engines
and remaining workmen tried clearing away as many rocks as they could but to no
avail. Soon they gave up and Mr. Graham called a meeting.

-Mr. Graham: I was just on the phone with the Fat Controller, he’ll be sending
Thumper as well as Miss Jenny and the Pack tomorrow to help clear away this excess
rock. Unfortunately it’s too late now, you’ll all have to sleep here tonight. I’ll
arrange a taxi for you workmen, but as for the crews, there’s a sleeping quarter
nearby. And there’s a few sheds at two opposites sides of the quarry suitable for
you engines. Now Sir Handel can you take me to my office.

-Narrator: Everyone began to leave, as Mr. Graham climbed aboard, Sir Handel
whispered to him.

-Sir Handel (whispers): What about Luke, Mr. Graham? This is usually the night I do
my coal runs, I don’t want him to be discovered.

-Mr. Graham (whispers): You’ll have to try and warn him Sir Handel but be subtle,
you don’t want to raise too many suspicions.

-Sir Handel’s driver: Let’s hope so, after all a thick fog’s heading in, should
help camouflage us.

-Sir Handel: Let’s hope so.

-Narrator: Unfortunately for them, Rusty was just behind. Though they hadn’t heard,
he and his driver had suspected everything. Later night when the crews left, they
told Rheneas everything they suspected.

-Rheneas: I had a feeling whatever this secret is, Mr. Graham knew something about
it. What exactly did they say Rusty?

-Rusty: Well I didn’t hear everything but what I did hear was…“a thick fog’s
heading in, should help camouflage us.” That was from Sir Handel’s driver. By the
way where’s Skarloey?

-Rheneas: Oh he’s staying at the engine shed at the other side of the quarry.
Hopefully he’ll be able to figure out what’s going on? (Sighs) Though I doubt we’ll
get any secrets tonight with all that fog.

-Narrator: Meanwhile at the other corner of the yards, Skarloey waited anxiously
for Sir Handel to return. The fog was thick and he couldn’t see beyond his buffers.
Then he heard puffing dart across the yard.

-Skarloey: Sir Handel?

-Skarloey’s fireman: What is that silly engine doing out here in this fog?

-Skarloey: I don’t know fireman, but we can’t just let him stay out there himself.
He could get himself hurt not seeing beyond his headlamps.

Skarloey’s driver: Okay old faithful, but let’s be careful.

-Narrator: Skarloey puffed out of the sheds and onto the quarry yards. Meanwhile
Luke had come briefly of his sheds, he’d heard about the quarry blasting and
knowing Sir Handel was involved, at his driver’s insistence ventured out of his
mine before darting back when they couldn’t see a thing.

-Luke: I tol’ ya dat’ was not a good idea Hannah. We foun’ no-one.

-Luke’s driver: Don’ ge’ yer couplin’ in a hook Luke, we’ll fin’…(notices a
silhouette as they near the mine shaft)…wha’ tha’?

-Narrator: Luke peered through the fog, a Saddle Tank Silhouette seemed to be
puffing down the line. In his excitement in thinking it was Sir Handel, Luke rushed
forward, and bumped into the engine.


-Narrator: Luke was baffled as that clearly wasn’t Sir Handel’s voice and about to
open his mouth when suddenly the fog cleared. Then he gazed in shock. This engine
was also a saddle tank like Sir Handel, but he was red with white lining, had a
No.1, a different funnel and cab, and the nameplate Skarloey. At that moment Sir
Handel puffed round a corner.

-Luke: OH MY!

-Sir Handel: OH NO!


(Luke looks perplexed and tries to reverse away from Skarloey)

-Skarloey: HEY! COME BACK! STOP!

-Luke: (Panting)

-Rusty: Eh, Rheneas, did you just hear that?

-Rheneas: Oh very well Rusty. It sounded like Skarloey. But I can’t recognize the
other voice. (Rheneas and Rusty look at each other)

-Rusty: You don’t suppose…

-Rheneas: I think so. Say…I hear puffing in the distance.

-Rusty: Me to. And I think I can see a shape.

-Rheneas: Headed this way. HEY! STOP!

-Luke: Huh?

(Luke bumps Rusty)


-Luke: OH MY! UH…UH…UH…


-Rusty: We got him Skarloey.

-Skarloey: Ah, excellent you two.

-Rheneas: Oh my word…who are on earth you?

-Luke: (Stutters)

-Sir Handel: WAIT! STOP PLEASE, I…oh no.

-Luke: Sir….Sir Handel, I thought…ye…

-Sir Handel: Luke…everyone…this is not what seems.

-Rheneas: I’ll say it is.

-Skarloey: Sir Handel…I think you have some explaining to do.

(Cuts to a few minutes later)

-Sir Handel: So with no proof if the foreign yellow engine survived, Luke had been
seeking refuge after his inspection was complete and he hid here in the quarry ever
since during its construction. I found him about a year right before I came back to
the railway on Christmas. The workmen who handled him at the Steamworks vowed to
not say anything, and so did Luke’s driver Hannah after she moved here. Mr. Graham
even took pity on him, and we made sure to keep him safe.

-Skarloey: Hmm…I see. Well I can’t say I’m pleased you kept this secret Sir Handel,
but I’m pleased now that you’re telling us the truth. And I’m also pleased you even
looked after Luke and took him under your wing.

-Rheneas: Indeed. That was very caring of you.

-Sir Handel: Thanks my friends. And again, I really must apologize. I didn’t want
to keep this secret from you all, believe me, but poor Luke was so traumatized of
what could happen, I couldn’t just let him be found out, they could’ve banished
him…or worst…

-Rusty: But what if he won’t be. Besides, what happened at Brendam Docks when Luke
and this mysterious yellow engine arrived was clearly some sorta accident. Plus, he
was on Cranky’s hook that night and wasn’t in steam, that doesn’t count as doing
something bad.

-Luke: Maybe, bu’ I onlee blame meself for bein’ impatien’…a’ selfish. (Tears up)
If I ha’ jus’ wai’ed me turn, dis yellow engine wuld still be alive.

-Skarloey: Awe, there, there Luke. Maybe he is still alive. Especially because our
island would never just scrap a live engine out in cold blood. And we promise we’ll
take good care of you just like Sir Handel did these past 2 years.

-Luke: Ye will?

-Skarloey: We will. But in order to do so, we have to tell Mr. Percival.

-Luke: Nae, please, don’ do dat. I…

-Rheneas: It’s okay Luke, the Thin Controller is a kind and very understanding man.
He will welcome you and we’ll do your best to clear your name, we promise.

-Sir Handel: Sorry lads, but Luke’s too scared of that right now. I tried to
convince him, but he’s just too scared to reveal himself to the public. Especially
if another engine finds out…

-Rusty: Oh, they might get the wrong idea. Ah. We understand that you two, but we
can’t just keep secrets like this. The Thin Controller is gonna have kittens we
finds out that another engine that was going to be part of our fleet after…you
know…just mysteriously vanished.

-Rheneas: Rusty’s right. Luke, we understand your situation, believe us, but if we
keep this secret up, you and Sir Handel can get in serious trouble. We might even
get in trouble to, especially because we have no proof of anything.

-Luke: I know, an’ I wuld tell, I…I jus’ don’ know…

-Skarloey: We understand Luke. Tell you what you two, we’ll keep the secret for now
just for Luke’s sake, but we’re going to try and conduct an investigation as best
we could about this yellow engine, because I believe he’s still alive.

-Sir Handel: That sounds like an option. But you’re not gonna name drop are you?
-Skarloey: Of course not Sir Handel. More we’ll ask the other engines if they have
heard of another engine that speaks Spanish and is painted yellow. But, if the
secret gets out of hand, I’m sorry, but we will have to tell the Thin Controller no
matter what. And Luke, you have to tell him the truth or this is gonna cause
confusion and delay.

-Luke (Sighs): I unders’and Skarloey. An’ fur and trouble I ‘ave cause’ I’m sae

-Rusty: It’s okay Luke. No trouble at all. And listen, the Thin Controller will
understand. But like Skarloey said, in due time.

-Sir Handel: Exactly. Plus, I’ll be there to.

-Rheneas: Same. Though now that we know as well as Mr. Graham, we’ll also have to
tell Peter Sam, Duke and Ivo Hugh as well. However, until we know otherwise, we
can’t tell Duncan. He’s a good engine deep down, quite loyal and friendly when you
get to know him, but because he’s both bad tempered and, ahem, excitable, he’ll
more than likely blurt out this secret.

-Sir Handel: No argument here Rheneas. Though are you okay with this Luke.

-Luke: Sounds fare Sir Handel. Besides, I wouldn’ wan’ any of ye tae ge’ in trouble
because ov me. Bu’ fank ye all.

-Skarloey: Of course Luke. Don’t worry, it’s gonna work out.

-Narrator: And the 5 engines went happily to sleep until the fog burned off. The
next morning, the Pack and Thumper arrived to help clear up the rockslide to free
the engines. Of course, none of them had witnessed or encountered a light green
narrow gauge anywhere in sight, as Luke himself made sure to stay hidden in the
tunnels just in case. Skarloey, Rheneas, Rusty and even Sir Handel. After the
entrance to the quarry was cleared, the engines headed home with their trains, but
Rusty promised to go and fetch some coal trucks for Luke since the rockslide
prevented Sir Handel from doing so previously. When Sir Handel confessed to Peter
Sam & Duke about Luke, at first he was nervous, especially if Duke would try to
lecture him, but that wasn’t the case, as the two admitted they spied on him a few
nights ago and had already known, which really shocked the blue engine, as well as
Luke once he introduced the duo to him. Sir Handel did apologize, but like with
Skarloey, Rheneas and Rusty, Peter Sam & Duke instantly forgave him as they
understood, as the two engines even apologized to Sir Handel & Luke for spying on
him. They two took pity on Luke after the latter informed them about his backstory,
but Duke couldn’t but feel suspicious as well, as he knew like the previous three
engines that something about that story just seemed off. The engines also made sure
to tell Ivo Hugh as well, and Ivo immediately understood, being a young engine who
was all heart. In fact, he was glad to be friends with another young engine. The
other Skarloey engines even kept to their promise to see if this missing yellow
engine was still around. Of course, they made sure not to name drop whatsoever, but
they still made sure to figure it out by asking the other engines if somehow they
may have heard of a yellow narrow gauge engine that spoke Spanish, but
unfortunately, they kept drawing blanks. In fact, the standard gauge engines were
quite puzzled to understand what they were talking about. But they still tried.
However, the engines still made it perfectly clear until they had all the evidence
they needed to know if Luke was innocent, everything about the Irish engine had
remain anonymous to Duncan. Speaking of which, the yellow Scottish engine was even
more grouchy and bad-tempered than ever. He was still furious about being kept in
the dark about a secret the engines wouldn’t tell him about. And just like usual,
he’d let his temper interfere in his work and complained endlessly, and lashed out
at those in sight. He would bump every train he was meant to be taking, not just
with trucks, but even the coaches to.

(Duncan bumps the coaches)



-Coach 1: What did we do to him?

-Coach 2: Yeah…we’re coaches, not trucks.

-Narrator: He would ride very roughly making the passengers very uncomfortable.

-Passengers: WHOA! HEY! SLOW DOWN!




-Narrator: And he would even take his anger out at everybody around him.

-Elizabeth: Oh, good morning Duncan.

(Duncan blares his whistle loudly)

-Elizabeth: OOOOOHHHH!

(Duncan rushes by with his goods train blowing steam at Elizabeth)



-Narrator: Agreed a bull that Elizabeth was carrying. A week had passed and Duncan
was still brooding.

-Duncan: A cannae believe it, aw thae years I’ve been here an this the thanks A
get. A juist dinnae know why they can’t confide I’ me. Plus, whit coud they e'en be
hidin’ up at thon bloomin’ quarry thon they can’t e'en confide I’ me.

-Duncan’s driver: Oh stow it already. Look Duncan, I understand you feel that way,
but I’m sure the other engines have their reasons. Not all friends have to tell
each other everything, as I’m sure they trust you regardless. But no offense
Duncan, you aren’t exactly the best when keeping a secret.

-Duncan: Och, an’ juist what’s thon supposit tae mean?

-Duncan’s driver: Well for one thing, whenever someone tells you something
personal, you have the nerve and blurting it out and not accepting the others
feelings. You just around spreading gossip like if it was no tomorrow.

-Duncan: Thon no’ true. A can keep a secret. But thon depends on whit secret
they’re keepin’. Come on driver, A feel really betrayit here. I’ve known aw thae
engines ma whole life syne the day A came, an A feel they treat me like I’m gonna
screw things up.

-Duncan’s driver: Well you are the more passionate of the engines Duncan, and I
mean no offense, but you always were quite excitable. Look, I’m sure we’ll find out
what the secret is, and the engines will give a sensible reason why they never
informed you.

-Duncan: You’re no’ helpin’ driver. Ane way or the other, I’m gonna find oot this
damn secret an show thae bastards thon this engine deserves tae be acknowledgit.

-Narrator: Just then, the foreman came up.

-Foreman: Excuse me Duncan, but there are some supplies that have to be brought
over to the Blue Mountain Quarry. They’re over by the goods sheds.

-Duncan: Och richt away sir. Ha, ha! now I'll get ma chance an see whit thae jerks
are hidin frum old Duncan (Evil snickers).

-Narrator: Duncan snickered. But he said to himself. Duncan soon collected the
supply train and eagerly headed over to the Blue Mountain Quarry, determined to
find out what this “supposed” secret was that the other engines were hiding. He
soon arrived at the quarry where he was greeted by Mr. Graham.

-Mr. Graham: Ah, Duncan, there you are. Right in time.

-Duncan: Aye o’ course sir. Anythin’ tae help our railway. But ye wouldn’t mind me
sayin’ gin you’ve been hidin’ anythin’ here…at aw.

-Mr. Graham (Gives a nervous smile): What, no. Of course not. What gave you the

-Duncan: Because the other engines are hidin’ somethin’ I’ this quarry, an none o
thaim are lettin’ me I’ it.

-Mr. Graham: Oh we’re not hiding anything at all Duncan, I can assure. If something
strange was going on I’d tell you. Anyways, there’s a load of slate that needs to
be taken to the Transfer Yards. I’ll need you to do it.

-Narrator: Now normally Duncan would object outright as he thought he was being
overworked, but he was so eager to find out what the other engines were hiding, for
once, he strangely played along.

-Duncan: Aye, no’ a problem sir. I’ll be thare richt away.

-Mr. Graham: Um…excellent then. It’s right by the loading incline.

-Duncan: Thank ye sir, richy away.

(Duncan puffs away)

-Duncan’s driver: You’re acting unusually cooperative for once Duncan.

-Duncan: Driver, I’m a plain speakin’ engine. An A speak as A find thon gin thae
jerks think they can hide a secret frum yours truly, they got another comin’.

-Narrator: And Duncan made his move as he saw Peter Sam come in hauling three
trucks of coal into another part of the quarry. Just as the little green engine
thought nobody was watching, Duncan quietly followed him. Once Peter Sam arrived in
the other part of the quarry, Duncan hid in some shelter of rock so the engines
couldn’t see him. The yellow Scottish engine was quite surprised along with Peter
Sam where Rusty and Ivo Hugh, as well as Sir Handel, who Duncan would suspect would
be there, as he knew that this was related to him.

-Duncan (whispers): Alricht suckers, whit coud ye be hidin thon wis sae secret.

-Narrator: No sooner did Duncan whisper that, out from the tunnel peered a small,
light green engine with a tall funnel and 4 wheels. Duncan was surprised.

-Duncan (whispers): Lord sakes! Wha the bloody hell is thon?

-Peter Sam: Here you go Luke, three trucks of coal to keep you going all week.

-Luke: Oh fank ye Peter Sam. (Sighs) It’s the least I deserve I suppose.

-Ivo Hugh: Don’t worry Luke. We’re sure that you didn’t knock that yellow engine
off that ship that night.

-Rusty: Exactly. Like I said before, you were hanging on a crane. Objects can sway
about like that on a crane’s hook.

-Luke: Yeah. Bu’ it still wouldn’ change anyfing I’m sure. I still should’ve wai’ed
me turn dat nigh’. An’ even af’er dese pas’ 6 years, I still feel so guilty. An’
now anovher engine is dead…all because ov me (Cries).

-Duncan: What?

-Sir Handel: Now don’t talk like that Luke. Listen, we all know for a fact you
would never kill another engine. And you weren’t being selfish one bit. Besides, we
kept asking around, but we unfortunately have been drawing blanks. Sorry my friend.

-Luke: It’s okay Sir Handel. I fank ye all dough. Bu’, you didn’ tell anybody aboot
me did ye?

-Rusty (Giggles): No of course not. And when the time is right, I’m sure we’ll
clear things over with Mr. Percival. But like Skarloey said, eventually we will
have to tell him.

-Luke (Sighs): I know. I hope I’m ready.

-Ivo Hugh: I’m sure you are Luke. Hey, just be glad we didn’t mention this Duncan.

-Duncan (whispers and seethes with fury): Whit?

-Rusty: Oh yes, definitely not Duncan. I mean, Bertram’s great and all, but he’s so
excitable he might blurt it out. But you tell Duncan, he can never keep a secret.

-Duncan (whispers): (Gasps) Whit?

-Peter Sam: Yeah, and by the way he’s been acting these past few weeks to, now is
definitely not a good time.

-Luke: Really? Sir Handel has been tellin’ me aboot him since we met dese past 2
years. An’ I remember seein’ him when he comes intae de quarry. He’s always yellin’
all de time (Shows Duncan looking both hurt and furious). He’s no’ bad is he?

-Sir Handel (chuckles): Oh no Luke. Trust me, back in my pompous days, oh ho, I was
much worse than him. But Duncan is a very good friend. The only problem about him
is really that he complains 24/7 (Duncan cringing), and is quite stubborn and
persistent that things should go his way and this gets him into trouble. But deep
down he is a very good friend, but he’s rather how do we say…excitable (Shows
Duncan at a loss for words).

-Rusty: Yeah, like he’s really not good at controlling his emotions, especially his
anger, and sometimes he can be quite inconsiderate and rude. But he means well deep
down and is quite loyal. But we can’t tell him about you Luke, as Duncan is not the
best when keeping a secret. Anything he hears, good or bad, he’ll blurt it out
which starts spreading gossip. Which in return causes more harm than good. (Shows
Duncan turning red and about to pop)

-Peter Sam: Yes. Trust me Luke, it’s better we don’t tell him or the Thin
Controller yet until we know otherwise. As Duncan can really be quite the gossip.

-Duncan: OH AM I NOW?

-Narrator: The engines jumped, Duncan stormed into the area red in the face and
shocked. Luke who was too shocked and scared to stay ran into the tunnel.

-Luke: OH MY! (Luke puffs into the tunnel scared)

-Rusty: Duncan, what are you doing…?


-Peter Sam: Calm down Duncan we are your friends.




-Duncan’s driver: S…sure Duncan.


-Narrator: It was all a massive frenzy. Duncan was charging out of the quarry and
the other little engines were charging back to stop him. Ivo Hugh, being the
youngest and most inexperienced, had never been involved in such a situation.
Without thinking, he bumped into some quarry trucks that rolled quickly down the
line. They were at the intersection as Duncan came close. Then there was trouble.

-Peter Sam: NO DUNCAN! STOP!

-Narrator: It was too late. The trucks whacked into Duncan with a mighty biff
causing the little Scottish engine to derail as the trucks crashed against his cab.
When the dust settled the scene emerged, though they got out, Duncan’s fireman was
clutching his hand in pain. Worse than that Duncan’s cab was completely bent.
Needless to say the Scottish engine wasn’t impressed.


-Narrator: Duncan’s ramblings continued on as the crews ran to a phone box to call
for help. Eventually Skarloey and Rheneas arrived with cranes and workmen to help
clear the mess. The two old engines glared at all 5 engines involved in the scene
disapprovingly. The Thin Controller was on board and wasn’t happy, he demanded an
explanation. Ivo stuttered but before he or Duncan could respond, Rusty spoke up.

-Rusty: Well what happened sir, was Mr. Graham called us up here for a late night
special. Duncan suddenly arrived and blew a shrill whistle that caused Ivo to panic
and uh…bump the trucks.

-Ivo Hugh (Nervous grin): Yeah. (Nervous giggle) Sorry about that. Whoops.

-Duncan: WHA’ THA’S NO WHA’…

-TTC: ENOUGH! I know you well Duncan to know you probably did blow your whistle
with shrillness. Just last week, Elizabeth reported you blowing your whistle and
hissing steam when passing her with a bull. Now this is the result. (Turns to Ivo
Hugh) And as for your Ivo, well I know your young, but that’s no excuse to act so
recklessly. Now Duncan needs repairs, his fireman needs to go to the hospital and
the quarry needs tidying up. You four will stay here and help, Skarloey, Duke and
Rheneas will handle the passenger trains and Bertram will handle the goods.

-Narrator: The Thin Controller marched into Rheneas’ cab and the old engine puffed
away with Duncan, as well as the return train he was meant to be taking to. When
they were out of earshot, Skarloey spoke severely to the younger engines.

-Skarloey: That was very irresponsible of all of you. A man was injured because of
this reckless behavior.

-Peter Sam: We’re sorry Skarloey, but we panicked. We couldn’t just allow Luke’s
secret to be discovered.

-Skarloey: Oh it’s gonna be discovered one way or the other Peter Sam. Let’s face
the facts, the quarry has been opened for 4 years now, how do you expect Luke to be
hidden for so long? (Sighs) I apologize if I come across annoyed but we have to
realistic here, as the truth is this whole situation is blundered. If we don’t
tell the Thin Controller the truth, it’s only gonna cause serious trouble for all
of us. We can’t go on like this. Especially if poor Victor will be….Victor…hmm….

-Narrator: Skarloey paused, his mind flickered back to that night all those weeks
ago. Then he paused and his eyes widened as Luke’s tale played in front of him.

-Skarloey: Hmm yes, I think I better go talk to Victor. In the meantime, after
Duncan’s repaired, none of you do anything rash. Understood?

-Ivo Hugh: Oh, yes Skarloey, understood.

-Narrator: And Skarloey left, though Ivo was confused.

-Ivo Hugh: What’s on his mind?

-Rusty (chuckles): If you know Skarloey as well as we do Ivo, you’d know how clever
an engine he is. And it seems our old faithful has discovered something that not
even we know. But I think we might find out soon enough.

-Narrator: So the engines set back to work. Luke, who had overheard everything
couldn’t help but wonder. Who was Victor, and what did he have to do with it.
Meanwhile at the Steamworks, Duncan’s cab was being mended, but the Scottish engine
was still brooding over today’s events.

-Duncan: Uch, A cannae believe this, I’ aw the years I've been on this railway, an
dis is the thanks A get. Humph! an A thoucht they were aw ma friends, but it turns
oot, they betrayit me.

-Victor: Who betrayed you Duncan?

-Duncan: Huh, oh, Victor, A dinnae see ye thare.

-Victor: Well perhaps if you were paying attention. But don’t worry Duncan, we’ll
have you repaired by tomorrow, you’ll be as good as new. Though what’s wrong my
friend? In fact, why would Ivo Hugh just bump a whole line of wagons at you like

-Duncan: Och it’s what I’ve been trying to tell the Thin Controller before Rusty
cut me off. It turns out those buggers are keeping a secret frum me.

-Victor: A secret? What kind of secret?

-Duncan: Well it aw start …. (Skarloey’s whistle blows) och great.

-Skarloey: Ah Victor, just the engine I needed to see.

-Victor: Oh, hello mi amigo. What brings you here?

-Skarloey: No, but I came to ask you something…something important.

-Duncan: Och like yer homicidal friend thon ye an the backstabbers kept secret frum

-Victor: What?

-Skarloey (Stern): Now Duncan, we have a reason for that. But I just need to ask
Victor because I think it might relate to this.

-Victor: Relate to what?

-Skarloey: Well, let’s start from the beginning. Victor, I’ve heard about 2 weeks
ago about a story about two engines that were the same gauge as us that came to
Sodor about a few years ago after Sir Handel’s banishment. One of them was a from a
foreign country and was painted bright yellow, and he spoke in a different

-Victor: Different langau…(eyes widen) Oh mi Dios maldito!

-Duncan: Lord sakes man! Whit did ye juist say?

-Skarloey: Something in his native language Duncan. In Spanish.

-Narrator: Skarloey answered. Then he and Duncan looked closely at Victor whose
eyes were wide with fright.

-Skarloey (Gasps): Oh my god! It was you wasn’t Victor? You were that missing
engine…were you?

-Victor (Sighs): Yes Skarloey, it was me.

-Skarloey: Oh…so that outburst you had a few weeks ago when Percy, Henry, Bill &
Ben were arguing about water, it was…

-Victor: All because I had a similar experience.

-Duncan: Whit? Oh ma lord. But A thoucht…

-Skarloey: I’m sorry to hear. I’ll explain how I found out later, but Victor, if
it’s okay with you, could you tell us please, what happened the day when you first
came to Sodor?

-Victor (Sighs): Before I tell you both now, I must let you know I haven’t spoken
or thought about this for a very long time. In fact the only engine that was aware
was Marlin. But you both deserve to know. About 6 years ago after Sir Handel’s
banishment, far away, in my country…

(Flashbacks to 1998 in Cuba)

-Victor: I was told they needed me to work on Sodor. You see, I came from the
country of Cuba on the other side of the world, where I would shunt trucks at a
sugar plantation. But I was told that I’d be sold to the Island of Sodor to become
a maintenance engine that would supervise in repairs for both standard and narrow
gauge engines. I was quite excited you see, as my country was under communist rule,
so living in a much peaceful place was a dream, especially since I’ve heard plenty
about Sodor from the Railway Series books and the TV series based off of them. One
November morning, I was loaded onto the deck of a cargo ship that was to take me
too Sodor itself. I was excited to see what my life would be like on this new
island. The ship was big, we sailed for many days. But before we reached Sodor, we
had to make a stop in Ireland, and that’s when a small little green engine was
loaded onto the ship. (In the flashback) Hola, por favor conocerte, Vas a Sodor?
(Narrating) We didn’t speak the same language obviously, but I can tell from the
look on his face, he was excited.

(Ship blasts its horn)

-Victor: As we sailed into Sodor, a storm was coming across the island. It was
already making its mark as the ship was sailing into port. I had experience with
tropical storms back in my country, and hoped that we would all be safe. But
miracles seldom happen as the storm had caused the waves to rock the boat as it
bobbed up and down in the sea. That’s when it happened. As one hard wave caused the
boat to rock that the chains that were meant to be holding me down snapped. There
was no chocks to even keep my wheels in place either, and I began to shift around a
bit. I was worried, because without those chains, I was in danger.

(Fades to Brendam Docks)

-Dock Worker: Come on, the weather’s coming in.

-Victor: We said into port at Brendam Docks. I was relieved, and hoped soon to be
unloaded after my chains snapped, until…

-Luke: Take me up firs’, please. Please!

-Dock Worker: Um, okay. Let’s get started.

-Victor: Oh, no. Um... espera, Nosotras tenemos un problema. (Narrating) I tried to
call to the crew to see if they could at least have me supported properly so I
didn’t fall off the deck, but they didn’t understand my language, so they couldn’t
do anything to help me. A crane lifted the excited green engine first, and as he
was being unloaded, he swayed at the end of the crane’s hook and bumped right into
me. And with no chains supporting my wheels, or anybody to apply my brakes, I began
to roll backwards until I fell off the boat and into the sea (Splash). Luckily, I
didn’t hit rock bottom, as I landed on jetty. But because the weather was so bad, I
was left in there for a long time. The salt water was taking its toll. A week
later, I was finally lifted out of the sea and placed onto a well wagon. But after
being in the quay for a long time, I was covered in rust, seaweed, kelp, and I
looked like I was beyond repair. And that’s when Marlin came, and he took me too
the Steamworks.

(Fades back to the present)

-Skarloey: Oh my word. So that’s what happened. And I can even see why you had that
outburst to.

-Victor: Yes…because it was too much to hear, being reminded of what happened that
whole week. So when Percy, Henry and the China Clay Twins were arguing about water,
I felt they were being insensitive, as my dip was far worse than what they had.

-Skarloey: Indeed. You must’ve been very scared.

-Victor: Oh I was my friend. But the scariest part was, nobody understood me.

-Duncan: A can imagine. But whit did ye dae Victor?

-Victor (Smiles): Simple Duncan, I decided it was about time I learned your
language. And Marlin was the one who helped me with that. Once I was repaired,
that’s when I had to be repainted. And my first word…was red.

-Skarloey: Red (Chuckles). Why red?

(Shows Victor being repainted)

-Victor: Because it’s my favorite color. So when I was choose to be repainted, red
was the color I choose. A bright new color for my bright new life on Sodor.

(All engines laugh)

-Victor: So after that, Marlin taught me full English, showed me what to do, and
I’ve been here for the past 6 years, here on the Island of Sodor. I never looked
back, but I’m glad I got tell you both what happened.

-Skarloey: And we thank you for sharing to Victor, because now we understand. What
happened that night when Luke hit you was because you weren’t chained to the deck,
as the chains snapped thanks to the rough seas of the storm.

-Duncan: An luke niver killit anyone, because ivery engine I’ an accident gets sent
tae be repairit. Oh ma lord…I misjudgit him. Sae horribly. An aw the other engines.

-Skarloey: Exactly Duncan.

-Duncan: But why didn’t you tell me? It’s that I overheard you Rheneas and Rusty
that night you got back.

-Skarloey (Sighs): Well Duncan, I’m sorry you overheard us, and if you felt that
way, but we meant nothing offensive. You are our friend Duncan, and our railway
would never be the same without you. But the problem is that you can be very
excitable, as Luke was going through some serious trauma over something he assumed
was his fault, and he was scared of being exposed and either banished or scrapped.
Sir Handel was scared to break his promise to Luke because of those reasons, and we
never told you as we needed evidence first before we could tell the Thin Controller
in order for Luke to see he was innocent. But, and I don’t mean anything rude
Duncan, but whenever you were made to keep a secret, you immediately jump to
conclusions and tell everybody out load to the public. Remember what happened a few
years ago after Diesel was saved from scrap and brought to Sodor?

-Duncan: Och…that’s why.

-Skarloey: Yes. We trust you Duncan, we really do. But when someone gives you an
important secret to keep, you have to keep it quiet and not gossip about it.
Especially at the expense of others. I mean, how would you like it if you had a
secret, but someone found out and blurted them out in public.

-Duncan (Sighs): Oh…oh, A, A see now. A didn’t know. An A thoucht it wis because ye
didn’t trust me. But…I guess I’m no really guid at keepin’ mouth shut.

-Skarloey: Don’t be so hard on yourself Duncan. But next time, you have to get your
facts straight first instead of jumping to conclusions and spreading rumors. If you
do that, we promise we’ll let you in on secrets, okay?

-Duncan: Okay. I’m sorry Skarloey, A wis bein selfish. A promise tomorrow once I'm
repaired, I'll apologize tae the other engines, an aw as Luke.

-Skarloey: I know you will. Thanks Duncan.

-Victor: Excuse my friends. But I must ask, who’s Luke? Was he that same green
engine from the ship that night?

-Skarloey: The very same Victor. That’s why I’m here tonight. You see, Sir Handel
found him about two years ago, and he’s been hiding at the quarry since the
incident. All because he thinks that he…well, you know.

-Victor: Oh. I see. Well, tomorrow, I shall make sure to find him and speak to him
at once.

-Skarloey: And tomorrow, I will talk to the Thin Controller and clear things up.

-Duncan: Same. An syne ma repairs will be done tomorrow, I’ll gae tae the Blue
Mountain Quarry an apologize, especially syne A now know why luke wis kept I’
hidin’ I’ the first place.

-Narrator: And so all three engines agreed. The next morning, Duncan’s repairs wee
finally complete and he was good as new. He had a relief fireman now while his old
one was recovering at the hospital. With no time to waste, Duncan hastily went back
to the Blue Mountain Quarry to clear things up with the other engines.

-Duncan: Aye, A hope they’ll aw be I’ a forgivin’ mood bi the time A get thare.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, at the Blue Mountain Quarry, Luke was still feeling shaken up
after meeting Duncan. The other engines did their best to comfort their friend.

-Luke (Sighs): I don’ know wha’ tae dae. I jus’ fear now dat Duncan has foun’ me,
he’s gonna tell de Fin Con’roller, an’ maybe he migh’ tell de Fa’ Con’roller, and
wha’ever comes, I’ll have tae face me fa’e.

-Sir Handel: Don’t worry Luke, I’m sure Skarloey will work things out. He’s always
an engine with both an open heart and open mind. He always stands by his friends,
but always make sure to get the facts straight first before jumping to a
conclusion, and is determined to seek answers.

-Peter Sam: Exactly. I’m sure that this yellow engine is still out there.

-Duke: Indeed. But even so young Luke, Skarloey was right yesterday, you can’t just
hide forever. Especially because even if the yellow engine that fell into the sea
had not survived, running away and hiding is never the answer. In fact, it’ll only
make things worse.

-Luke (Cries): I know Duke (Sniff), but I’m so scared to…

-Duke: Ssh…there, there my friend. It’s gonna be okay. We promise. The Thin
Controller is an understanding and thoughtful man. He may be cross at first, but he
is willing to listen and see through the evidence. But as I mentioned before, it’s
never go to run away from a problem. A mistake was made that night, but as my grace
once had so long ago, you are given two choices in life when dealing with a
problem. The wrong choice is to run and hide, deflecting the responsibility, which
will make things worse. The right choice is to take responsibility, learn from it,
and move on. It’s hard, I know, but if you take a stand and face your problem, that
burden you carried will vanish into thin air, as you owned up, and now you can move

-Luke: Yer righ’ Duke. I guess never coul’ because my ol’ railway had never been
all dat kind tae me. As my con’roller back den was a horrid man dat thought of me
as pathetic.

-Peter Sam: Oh, I’m sorry to hear.

-Luke: It’s okay Peter Sam. Bu’ since you all stood by me, an’ made me feel
confiden’ in meself, den I’m ready to own up to de Fin Con’roller.

-Duke: That’s the spirit Luke. And you needn’t worry dear boy, because we’ll be
right your side.

-Sir Handel: He’s right. Trust me Luke, I felt guilty when I realize hoe pompous
and rude I used to be, and how negative selfishness could really be, and the harm
it does on others. But after being banished here, I learned from my mistakes, and
the more I took responsibility, I began to feel better, as the guilt had finally
gone. We’re gonna help you Luke. That’s a promise.

-Luke (Smiles tearfully): Fank ye all. Ye all are really grea’ friends.

(Duncan’s whistles blares)

-Luke: Oh my.

-Peter Sam: Oh great! Duncan’s back. I guess he’s not gonna let us hear the end of

-Duncan: Mornin lads. Luke, wait richt thare.

-Luke: Oh nae. He’s comin’ up tae me.

-Sir Handel: Run Luke, RUN!

(Luke scampers off)

-Duncan: WAIT! STOP!

-Peter Sam: Oh no you don’t Duncan! Didn’t you think you’ve done enough since

-Ivo Hugh: You want Luke, you’ll have to get through us!

-Duke: Oh no you don’t young Ivo! I think you’ve done enough sicne yesterday!

-Ivo Hugh: Oh! (Nervous grins) Right, sorry!

-Duncan: Listen, lads, I’m sorry okay! A realizit hou much o a selfish jerk A wis
bein. A realize now thon maybe it wis better A dinnae know aboot Luke yet, A get
it. It’s thon A haed a talk wi Skarloey an’ Victor while A wis bein repairit and…

-Sir Handel: Victor? What does he have to do with this?

-Duncan: Thon supposit yellow engine Luke thoucht he killed, well, we aw know him.
It wis Victor!

-Duke: What? Are you sure Duncan?

-Duncan: Aye Duke! I’m dead serious aboot this. Leuk, I’ll explain later, A juist
gotta talk tae Luke. LUKE! COME BACK! (Races after him)

-Sir Handel: Wait Duncan, slow down up there, one of the rails on the upper terrace
has a defect!

-Narrator: But Duncan was so eager to make amends and talk things out with Luke
that he couldn’t listen to Sir Handel. Luke was so scared that Duncan was only
trying to capture him that he kept on running. Duncan still tried to chase after




-Narrator: Duncan kept chasing Luke all over the upper terraces of the Blue
Mountain Quarry, but Luke was still too scared to know the truth. The other engines
who had to carry on with their work could only watch, hoping both engines would be
careful, knowing Luke was too scared to listen to reason right now. But that’s when
it happened. Luke went up on track along the trestle bridge through tunnels, but
Duncan went down another line. As Sir Handel said earlier, there was a defect in
one of the rails up there that had to be repaired. But Duncan was so flustered to
find Luke that he wasn’t watching where he was going, as at that moment, he saw the
snapped rails up ahead.



-Narrator: Duncan’s driver applied the brakes but it was too late.

(Duncan hits the broken rail and derails, hanging over the cliff)


-Sir Handel: DUNCAN!



-Narrator: But they needn’t bother getting to him, as Luke saw everything on the
bridge and was horrified.

-Luke: OH MY! Driver, we have to get down there!

-Luke’s driver: Wha’, af’er wha’ he tr’ed tae dae tae ye yes’erday?

-Luke: It’s de righ’ fing tae dae. We can’ jus’ leave him! Come on!

-Narrator: So Luke reversed to go down a terrace to rescue Duncan. Duncan who was
still dangling helplessly was scared that Luke might want revenge for trying to
expose him yesterday, but could see now that was definitely not the case.

-Luke: DUNCAN!


-Luke: It’s okay, I’m no’ angree. I’m goin’ tae help ye. Trus’ me, we can be

-Narrator: Duncan’s crew who had jumped clear beforehand tied a long chain from
Luke’s cab to Duncan’s rear coupler, first securing both engines to make sure they
were safe. The other engines watched anxiously. Then, with all his strength, Luke
pulled Duncan as best he could back onto the rails.

-Luke (Struggling): ALMOS’…DERE! ARRRGGHHH!


-Luke (Struggling): ARRRGGGHHH! HOL’ ON DUNCAN!

-Narrator: Luke struggled and strained until…

-Duncan: WHOA! WHOA! (Duncan is back on the ground and re-railed) AH! HA, HA!
(Laughs triumphantly) YE DID IT LUKE! THANK YE!

-Luke’s driver (Laughs): GOOD JOB WEE LAD! YE GO’ HIM!

-Narrator: Luke felt triumphant. He never felt so strong and so proud than he ever

-Sir Handel: HA! HA! WELL DONE LUKE!

-Peter Sam & Ivo Hugh: HOORAY!

-Duke: MARVELLOUS! (Laughs triumphantly)

-Narrator: Just as that moment, Skarloey & Rheneas arrived with the Thin Controller
and Victor, whom all 4 had been watching the whole thing.


-Rheneas: Indeed!
-TTC: I’ll see he has. But Duncan…oh my word.

-Skarloey: We’ll deal with him once he gets down sir, but I think you could see him

-Victor: That I have my friend. Now I remember him, it’s all coming back to me.

-Duncan: Och, Luke thank ye fur savin me. A juist didn’t think ye were gang tae
after whit A triit tae dae tae ye yesterday
-Luke: Well seein’ ye hangin’ frum the cliff made me realiz’ that maybe I was
wrong. Bu’ I can see Skarloey & Rheneas have go’ anover engine…an’ it looks li’e
dis is…

-Duncan: Dinnae worry Luke. It’s gonna wurk oot. You’ll see. But again, thanks fur
savin’ me, an’, I’m really sorry wi hou triit tae treat ye yesterday.

-Luke (Giggles): Apology accep’ed Duncan. Besides, de ovhers did say you were a
veree friendlee and loyal engine anyway.

-Narrator: Duncan smiled. He finally realized that his friends really did care for
him after all. Soon the two engines got down to the lower levels where the other
engines were waiting, as Luke shunted Duncan into place. But then came up where
Skarloey, Rheneas and Victor were. Luke was still nervous at first, but Sir Handel
idled up alongside his friend.

-TTC: Ah, so you’re Luke.

-Luke (Nervous): Um…yes sur. Dat’s me.

-TTC: Don’t worry Luke, I’m not angry with you, and I’m not going to send you away.

-Luke: Yer no’?

-TTF: Of course not. But let me make one thing clear though. While I don’t like the
idea of engines hiding from my railway and not explaining themselves, I can
understand why you thought that. Skarloey & Rheneas were conducting their own
investigation, and they told me everything that had been going on. I admit I was
quite shocked to hear there was another engine on my railway that I didn’t know
about that was hiding from my railway, but after they told me the reasons and how
Sir Handel had been looking after you these past 2 years, I began to understand.
And I definitely appreciate what you did to by the way Sir Handel.

-Sir Handel: Um…thanks sir. But still, I’m sorry I never told you the truth about
Luke. I didn’t want to lie, but Luke was so scared that…

-TTC: It’s okay Sir Handel. The important thing is that you’re all telling me the
truth now. Besides, I commend you for taking care of Luke and treating like he was
your own son.

-Sir Handel: Thank you sir. But what about Luke himself?

-TTC: Well, that’s why Victor is here.

-Victor: That’s right sir. I’ve come to see an engine that I have met 6 years ago
since I first came to Sodor, who’s standing right in front of me.

-Luke: Wai’, I know ye?

-Victor: Hello Luke, my friend. It’s been such a long time. You remember a yellow
engine that you had accidentally knocked into the sea by mistake?

-Luke (Fearful): Oh my…bu’ wai’, how dae ye…

-Victor: Well, you’re looking at him.

-Luke: Wha’?

-Victor: What happened that night was an accident Luke. You didn’t push me off the
boat Luke. I was knocked off by mistake because the chains meant to be holding down
to the ship’s deck had snapped in the storm. Without them, I slipped and fell off
into the sea. It was never your fault from the start.

-Luke: Bu’ it can’ be ye. Yer red, an’ ye don’ speak a differen’ language.

-Victor (Laughs): I figured you’d feel that way my friend. But allow to me explain,
in my native language. Hola Lucas, mi nombre es Víctor. El mismo motor que encontró
hace seis años. Y ahora, ambos estamos en Sodor.

-Luke (Gasps): Dat’s de language.

-Victor: That’s right mi amigo. Spanish.

-Luke: Bu’ de engine on de boat with me dat nigh’ was yellow.

-Victor: That’s correct my friend. I “was” yellow, but after spending a whole week
in the sea, I was in a sorry state, but I had to be repaired. So red was the color
I choose. A bright new color, for my bright new life on Sodor.

-Luke (Smiles): You never went to the Smelter’s Yard.

-Victor (Chuckles): No my friend, as Sodor would never do that to any engine. I

went to the Steamworks were I was repaired into my current state, as that’s where I
work. You see, I was sent to work on Sodor to become a new maintenance engine for
the narrow gauge repairs on the island. Come down to visit me some time, in case
you need a repair, or if you need a new coat of paint and polish, all that you need
to feel like a new engine.

-Luke: (Laughs)

-Narrator: For the first time in a very long time, Luke finally began to laugh and
smile now that he finally knew the truth.

-Luke’s driver: See lad, ye hid fur nothin’. Ye were innocent de whole time.

-Luke: I am. Bu’ still, Mr. Percival sir, I’m sorry I hid frum ye.

-TTC: It’s okay Luke. I do understand. I am impressed though, but since you’re here
now, we can let that slide. Besides, you did save Duncan just now from nearly
falling to his death, and have been working hard from what Skarloey told me, and I
comment for that. Welcome to my railway.

-Luke: Fank ye sur.

-TTC: In fact, I think you should take Victor up on his offer now, as we will have
you repainted and your driver will fill out the allocations for your paperwork, so
you can officially become part of my railway once and for all.
-Luke: Fank ye sur. In fac’ fank ye everyone, fur helpin’ me. Includin’g ye
Skarloey fur helpin’ me learn de truth. An’ tae ye as well Sir Handle fur lookin’
out fur me.

-Sir Handel: Absolutely Luke. Plus, you saved Duncan the same way I saved Elizabeth
3 years ago. It really shows how far you’ve come.

-Duncan: Agreit. Thanks again Luke. An i’m very sorry thon A accusit ye. An tae aw
o ye, I’m sae sorry A lashit oot at ye the way A did.

-Peter Sam: And we’re sorry to Duncan. We never meant to make you feel the way you

-TTC: Yes, and it feels I owe you an apology to Duncan for yesterday. But
regardless though, I think we’ve all learned a lesson about trust and honesty
today. At least two engines made us realize that the most.

-Skarloey: Exactly. All of you, listen, we all had our doubts about Duncan, but
deep down, he is our friend, and he’s not perfect, but he is loyal to us and has
worked just as hard as we have. And Duncan, I hope you’ve also learned that when a
secret has to be kept, you really must keep it and not blurt it out until you know
otherwise, and to never jump so hastily conclusions.

-Duncan: Aye, indeit A have Skarloey.

-Peter Sam: Same here.

-Rheneas: But still, it’s important we find out what really happens first, as what
really happens is what really matters.

-TTC: Indeed! But still, let’s give a hearty welcome and congratulations to our
newest member of my narrow gauge fleet, Luke the Green Engine.

-Narrator: And all the engines cheered, but none of them could’ve felt happier than
Sir Handel, Duncan, and Luke. A few days later, Luke became an official member of
the Skarloey Railway family as their 10th engine. He is very happy to become part
of the railway and happy to now be out in public now that he knew he felt guilty
over nothing. He’s still shy and timid, but that’s because he is a young engine who
is still learning and doing his best to build his self-confidence. Though the other
engines are there by his side, especially he hasn’t forgotten Duke’s advice either,
and realizes he’s actually quite braver than at first glance. He now resides at his
own shed at the Blue Mountain Quarry, taking slate from there wherever it was
needed, and helps out with most of the good work on the railway. And is friends
with both his fellow narrow gauge and even later on the standard gauge engines as
well, who were surprised, but took a great liking to the young green engine. He and
Duncan have now gotten along for the most part, and while the Scottish engine can
still complain and lost his temper as he is that sort of engine, he now knows
better to keep a secret and never jump so hastily to conclusions, as the other
engines now began to trust and confide in Duncan more. But Luke is most grateful to
Sir Handel, considering him as both a best friend and father figure, like how Sir
Handel & Peter Sam considered Duke in that same regard. But now Luke feels happy
with his new life on Sodor, as it was right ahead of him, and he was now ready to
seize it.

-Narrator: One morning, the Fat Controller came to see the engines at Tidmouth

-TFC: Good morning all. Now, I have an important announcement to make. The coastal
track along the main line has been starting to suffer from wear, and the ballast
under it has become uneven, so for the time being, that section of our main line’s
loop will have to be closed off for now. So Gordon, your express will have to go
through Tidmouth for the time being on the upper part of the loop line so the
express can continue to run to time.

-Gordon: Yes sir, of course.

-TFC: But no worries, as work on that section of the main line will be starting
even as we speak, and Harvey and the plate-layers will be repairing the line, and
once the line is somewhat stable, services can travel through there, but slowly and
cautiously. Now, for the time being, James, you will be bringing in ballast from
Callan on the Little Western to that section of track each day.

-Narrator: He said, but James once again was horrified.

-James: Me sir? But why me? I’m too important and splendid to be working on a
branchline and collecting dirty ballast. Why can’t Donald & Douglas do it, or Duck
& Oliver, as it’s their branchline after all?

-TFC: You will do as you are told James. The reason I am sending you is because you
are the lightest of the main line engines. Duck & Oliver will also be helping, but
they have their own work, because as you said, yes, it’s their branchline, but
those two have so much to do, so another engine would be helping to level the
playing fields so to speak. I would send Donald & Douglas, but they are busy
helping out Edward’s branchline today, and Kirby I would also send, but he’s
helping Barry out on the Kirk Ronan Branch. Do I have to repeat myself again James.

-James: Um…no sir, sorry sir. I’ll get right on it.

-TFC: Good then, I was hoping we could do this the easy way.

-Narrator: So reluctantly, James puffed out of the sheds, while the other engines
just sniggered. Now everybody knows James never liked pulling goods trains, but he
also never liked the idea of working on a branchline, as he preferred seeing
himself as main line express engine like Gordon. But alas, James was always in
denial about who he was, being a great big wanna-be who deserved better. And even
doing track maintenance he considered beneath him. He even went as far as saying
engines like Donald, Douglas, and Kirby were too lazy to handle this, feeling
they’d be better off somewhere else. Of course, this wasn’t true, but nothing could
convince the stubborn red engine otherwise. He soon arrived at Callan were Duck
tried to great him warmly.

-Duck: Oh, hello there James, I see you’ll be helping with the ballast deliveries
today of the coastal track.

-James: Yeah, like I got nothing else better to do.

-Duck: Oh, well, I apologize if you feel that way, but at least you’re doing us a
big favor. So, um…welcome to my branchline.

-James: Yeah, thanks.

-Narrator: James said in a deadpan tone. As the red engine was turned around on the
turntable, he went to couple up to his ballast trucks, but because he was still
furious about his job, he banged the trucks angrily.


-James: SHUT IT! Ugh, again, I ask, why is it always me?

-Narrator: The other engines and the staff just ignored him, as they knew it was
pointless to argue with James. However, there was one engine who certainly took an

-Mike (Laughing): Oh dear, looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the
shed today.

-James: What the? Who the hell are you?

-Mike: Read my name plate you big red hot head.

-James: Um I wasn’t built yesterday you know, I just can’t see it from here.

-Mike: Well I’m Mike, the strongest, hardworking and the best of the Arlesdale
Railway, who the hell are you?

-James: I’m James, the fabulous and most splendid red engine of the whole island.

-Mike: Whole Island you say.

-James: Yeah, and so much better than any small engine, especially some toy train
who thinks he can act like some smart aleck to an important engine like yours

-Mike: Smart aleck? Toy train? Well who are you to talk down to me like that.

-James: Yeah, well you almost look like near the right size to be on some kid’s
model layout or as a kiddie ride for all I care.

-Mike: Oh watch your big mouth you big red sausage. Like who just comes in
complains about trucks. If you were you, I’d glad to be pulling trucks, as moving
freight is a lot easier as you just have to deliver them and they don’t make noise
or complain.

-James: You’re joking right? Trucks are filthy, undisciplined ruffians that cause
trouble and ruin the image of an important passenger engine such as myself. Donald,
Douglas and Kirby are suited for this being common goods engines that can fit
easily on branchlines. Coaches are an engine’s best friend.

-Mike: Coaches? Pah! Coaches are just annoying and don’t know when to shut up.
They’re just so fussy about their “precious self-image”, and the passengers are
just as bad, as they do nothing but complain.

-James: I beg to differ munchkin. Passengers are what make railways what they are
today, and they come miles to see an engine like me. Like I said, you’re nothing
good for a kiddie ride.

-Mike: Kiddie ride, that’s it pal, I ought a…

-Oliver: ALRIGHT STOW IT! James, you’re brought here to help us, not whine, and you
had better watch your temper, especially because those are ballast trucks you’re

-Bert: He’s right. And you Mike, you should know better than to tease others when
they are in a bad mood.

-James & Mike: He started it!

-Oliver: Oh spare us the childish bickering alright. Just because you both look
alike and act alike, doesn’t mean you should butt heads right now.

-James & Mike: WHAT? US?

-Mike: No, no, no, no, I am nothing like him!

-James: Yeah, and this little tike ain’t good enough to be as important as me, as
I’m the classic red engine on Sodor.

-Bert: And yet we could care less. James, your train is loaded, and Mike, your
passenger train is due, get going, both of you.

-James: Humph!

-Mike: Humph!

-Narrator: And James & Mike snorted away, starring daggers at each other.

-Oliver: I really wasn’t joking about that part, I mean look at them Bert, they
look so much alike.

-Bert: Oh I can see what you mean Oliver. Hell, they even act a lot alike. Small
world we live in.

-Oliver: No kidding. Let’s just hope it’s not like this whilst James is here.

-Narrator: Both Oliver & Bert could only agree. Though sadly, that wasn’t the case.
James kept on whining about being on the ballast runs, but at the same time, he
still couldn’t stop thinking how rude and bad-tempered Mike was. Complaining of who
the little red engine thought he was. And likewise, Mike felt just the same way,
complaining that he was pulling passengers, but also of how whiny and pretentious
he was. James of course still hated the usual teasing from Gordon or Henry about
him being a “common branchline engine”, as well as Mike’s usual taunting from Rex
or Frank about his usual temper, but whenever both the big and small red engines
met at Callan, they would keep arguing and hurling rude insults towards one
another, as well as arguing about which railway traffic was better. James favoring
coaches while Mike favored trucks. No matter how much both of them stubbornly
denied it, they both were alike both by their red liveries and gold domes, as well
as the same personality.

-James: I tell you, pulling passengers is tops because they are what make railways,
they’re our coal and water damn it. I mean, if it wasn’t for us they’d have to

-Mike: Oh pah, they got cars they can drive. With goods you can deliver every
supply that humans need in their daily life.

-James: Ugh, it’s bad enough I’m on these stupid ballast runs, but worst, I gotta
put up with an annoying toy train like you.

-Mike: I ain’t no kid’s toy. In fact, your mama’s so fat she…

-James: Oh what’s the matter munchkin? Running out of things to say already,y
because engines don’t have parents.

-Mike: Yeah…well…shaddup…

-James: Oh, good come back there…Mickey.




-James: LOBSTER?

-Mike: Yeah, cuase you sure as hell looks like one. (Sings Rock Lobster by the B-
52’s) We were at a party, everyone was wearing matching towels…

-James: Shut up!

-Mike: Somebody went under a dock, and there they saw a rock…

-James: Shut up!

-Mike: But it wasn’t a rock…it was a rock lobster!

-James: I’m warning you!

-Mike: Ah rock lobster…rock lobster…rock lobster…


-Mike: CRAB AM I?

-James: Yeah, because you sure as hell are…crabby.

-Mike: Oh, so we’re using lame puns now!

-James: I don’t know, because that’s what you are munchkin.


-James & Mike: WHAT? NO? NEVER?

-Duck: Deny it all you want you two, but this petty bickering between you both is
causing a disturbance in the yards. Not to mention wherever you both are going for
that matter to.

-James: Well he’s the one who started it.

-Mike: Yeah well if you hadn’t been whining about goods work…

-Duck: Oh stop it already. The both of you just stop right now, I don’t care if you
both don’t like each other, neither would any of us, but just ignore each other and
deal with it, is that really hard to ask.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

-James: Well its lucky for you munchkin that I have to go. Sooner I finish the
ballast runs, the sooner I can get back to working properly on the main line and
pulling coaches like a respectable engine.

-Mike: Yeah well good riddance to you obsessive egomaniac. At least I won’t have to
see your face much longer either.
-Narrator: And both red engines went their separate ways in a huff with the trains
they disliked. Duck just sighed. Though thankfully, both James & Mike would each
get their comeuppance. As James was puffing down the Little Western, the big red
engine was still in a bad temper. He complained about being put on goods work, he
complained about being on a branchline, but now, he was complaining about Mike’s
rudeness, and was determined to one-up. Though James of course had been taking his
anger out on the ballast trucks, who every wise engine knows are the worst trucks
of them all because of how obnoxious and unruly they are. Their tricks are far more
forceful and relentless than most trucks, especially if an engine took their anger
out on them. Once James passed Tidmouth Hault, that’s when it happened. The trucks
began plotting their scheme as up ahead was a red signal. James was prepared to
slow down and stop, but then the trucks began to violently shove him.

-Truck 1: Okay lads, let’s give him the shove! ON! ON!


-Truck 2: You’ve been shoving us about for too long Jamesy boy!

-Truck 3: Now it’s your turn! You think you’re tired of goods work, well we’re sure
as hell are tired of your whining and taking it out on us!

-Trucks: ON! ON!

-James: WHOA! HEY, STOP!

-Narrator: James wailed! But the worse is that the more they kept bumping him, the
coupler between James and the trucks broke away and the shove knocked James’s crew
out of the cab.


(James speeds down the line while the trucks chase after him, then fades to Mike at
Marthwaite Station)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, Mike was at Marthwaite collecting passengers. He was still

brooding just as much about taking passengers, as well as how much he couldn’t
stand James right now. Needless to say, he was an even bigger temper which he was
taking out on the other engines, his crew, and the passengers.

-Mike: Ugh, I got better things to do than this! (Blows his whistle) GET A MOVE ON

-Passenger 1: Ah okay! Jerk!

-Passenger 2: Why did we have to get pulled by him?

-Passenger 3: Beats me!

-Mike: Ugh, this is like watching paint dry.

-Mike’s driver: Oh behave yourself already Mike. I know you hate passenger work,
but this isn’t a way to deal with it.

-Mike: Well I don’t need a lecture from you driver! Just stay behind the cab and
keep quiet, because I don’t need you bothering me to.

-Mike’s driver: Okay Jesus. (Sighs) I better hope he gets over this soon.
-Jock: Geez Mike, calm down will you. I think you’re taking this a little too


-Jock: Okay, sorry I asked. (Inner monologue) Good thing Rex wasn’t here right now.
Sheesh, he’d have a field day with him.

(Guard’s whistle blows)


-Narrator: Mike said in a huff. Mike still kept on grumbling, and needless to say,
the little red engine was being very rough with his passengers.

-Passengers: OOF! OOF! WHOA!

-Business man: OUI! CAREFUL THERE!

-Elderly Woman: Oh I think I’m gonna have a heart attack.

-College Student: I think I’m gonna lose my lunch.



-Narrator: But the more Mike was seething, the more he was increasing speed, and
the more speed he picked up, the passengers rocked about in the coaches holding on
for dear life. But that’s probably when Mike should’ve snapped out of his temper
tantrum, as the coaches bumped into him.



-Mike: Oh crap! DRIVER, SLOW DOWN!

-Mike’s driver: Oh I’m gonna, I just have to (Burns his hand) AAAHHH! MY HAND!

-Mike: Driver? What happened?

-Mike’s driver: I burned my hand dummy! All because of your childish temper tantrum
you overheated again.


-Mike’s driver: OKAY! LET ME JUST GET MY GLOVE AND (Feels a jolt and falls out)

-Mike (Gasps): Uh-oh.

-Narrator: Mike gasped horrified as he was going pretty fast without his driver.
But then he was approaching the line to the watermill, and as he rounded the bend,
the coaches shoved into him, and Mike, still exceeding the speed limit was pushed
violently off the rails, and the coupling between him and his coaches broke as they
ploughed right through the grass.


(Mike careens down the slope and into the river at the watermill)

-Narrator: Thankfully, none of Mike’s passengers were hurt, but his first two
coaches were derailed and deep in the earth. Mike himself broke away and plunged
into the river at the watermill. Mike’s driver, who’s hand was still burned and had
hurt his knee, limped slowly. Looking down crossly at his own engine, sulking in
the river humiliated.

-Mike’s driver: Well it’s a good thing you finally cooled down now. Literally I
guess to. Now look what you’re done!

-Passenger 2: Yeah, you were speeding like a maniac.

-Passenger 3: Yeah, nice speed racing Mario.

-Mike (Gurgles): Glub! Oh bugger!

-Narrator: Back on the Northwestern however.

-Stanley: ‘ello Oliver. ‘ow’s James getting’ on, on de Li’’le Wester’?

-Oliver: Oh, as well as you think. Grumbling dreadfully, throwing temper tantrums,
and worse, he’s getting into a fight with Mike.

-Stanley (Chuckles): Is ‘e nah. I never 'hough' I’d see 'ha' 'appen. Then again,
'hose 'wo do look an' ac' alike.

-Oliver: True. I just hope that…

(James screaming)

-Stanley: Oui, Oliver, sawry 'o in'errup', bu' can you 'ear…screaming?

-Oliver: Yeah. In fact, I can hear…it’s James, and it looks he’s on a runaway.


-Stanley: JAMES! LOOK OUT! THAT’S DE RUNAWAY… (Crash noise is heard) siding.

(Shows James crashed through the buffers at Tidmouth Yards)

-James (Whimpers): Ow. Well…at least, it didn’t get any worse.

(Troublesome Trucks laughing in the distance)

-Oliver: Oh god, and hear comes his train, running in at a rapid speed.

-Stanley: TAKE COVER!

(Trucks run past Oliver & Stanley)


(Crash noise is heard with Oliver & Stanley shut their eyes)

-Stanley: No kiddin’. I’ll ge' 'he breakdown 'rain.

-Narrator: And Stanley did. The damagers were very severe with all the spilt
ballast and debris piling on top of the disgraced James. The stupid trucks had
knocked their guard back on the Little Western, right at the red signal they pushed
James through. But they didn’t care, as they were feeling very pleased with
themselves. Stanley brought the breakdown train and everyone soon set to work in
clearing the mess. Workmen had shoveled in the ballast into any of the recovered
trucks or empties that were in the yard, as BoCo took them onwards to the Coastal
track. James was loaded onto a well wagon, ready to be taken by Marlin to the
Steamworks. The big red engine felt very humiliated, and gulped in horror to see
the Fat Controller, who did not look happy.


-James: Bu…but sir…I…


-James: Well…it was…but also because of that annoying little red engine on that
Arlesdale Railway on Duck’s branch.

-Oliver: It’s true sir. James & Mike have been at each other’s throats these past
few days.

-TFC: Hmm…I see. Kinda ironic it’s those two that had to meet. As I do admit they
are rather similar looking in both appearance and attitude. But nevertheless James,
I don’t care whether you don’t like goods trains, as we’ve been through this
millions of times, we can’t always do the jobs we want. I only sent you not only
because engines like Donald, Douglas, and Kirby were busy, but also because you’re
the lightest of the main line engines, but just like the Midland Marina incident
two years back, you once again let your temper get the better of you and trucks
take advantage of you. And as for Mike, well yes he shouldn’t have teased you, you
should’ve ignored him and found some common ground with him. But regardless, Mr.
Duncan will handle him. As for you James, it’s lucky for you Donald & Douglas have
completed their work on the Brendam branch right now, but even though they will be
handling the ballast runs, you will be working at Wellsworth for two months
shunting trucks until you learn to control your temper and deal with jobs you have
to do. Understood?

-James: Yes sir! Sorry sir!

-Narrator: James said miserably. Likewise, Mike’s accident was also being taken
care of as Frank arrived with the breakdown gang, and the workmen put the coaches
back on the rails, with Bert pulling the train back down the line. And Butch the
Breakdown Lorry had also arrived to help tow Mike out of the river. Then the
workmen placed him back on the rails, as Frank towed Mike back to Callan.

-Frank (Giggles): Seems like that river water really cooled you down, eh, Mike?

-Narrator: For once, Mike said nothing. The diesel shunted Mike to Callan by the
Ballast chute, where Duck was ready to take him to the Steamworks. The Small
Controller was waiting for him, and he was just as furious.

-Mike: Well I…I…


-Mike (Sighs): I’m…I’m sorry sir. I realize how horrible that would’ve been if
somebody was teasing me.

-TSC: Quite. And you two should really find some common ground. And kinda ironic
considering how you two look and act very much like. Regardless though, the Fat
Controller is taking care of him even as we speak, as you’ll be seeing him at the
Steamworks tonight, as he’s already been in an accident after both of your petty
arguing. You both will apologize to one another, and once you return, you will be
on passenger work for a whole month until you learn to control your temper and your
mouth, and to be courteous and careful.

-Mike: Yes sir. I’m really sorry sir.

-Narrator: The Small Controller sternly nodded as Mike was loaded onto Duck’s
flatbed as the Pannier took him to the Steamworks. That night, Duck shunted him in,
right next to James who was being repaired.

-Duck: Well you two, this is it. I’ll leave you both out to settle your
differences, plus Marlin will be consoling you both, but I’m afraid you both will
be on your own from here. Good night you two.

-Narrator: And Duck puffed away, as James & Mike starred awkwardly at one another.

-James: Uh, hey.

-Mike: Hey.

-James: I hear you took a swim in a river on your railway.

-Mike: Yeah, and I hear let your trucks runaway with you.

-James: Yeah, after I ahem…took my anger out on them. (Nervous grins)

-Mike (Nervous grin): But still, James, I’m really sorry I was so rude to you when
we met. That was totally uncalled for. And I realize pulling trucks isn’t really
for everyone.

-James: It’s okay, and I’m very sorry that I belittled you called all those
horrible names. You’re definitely not a toy train that’s for sure, as I see you and
your friends in action, and I respect and appreciate how hard your railways works,
as you guys maybe small, but you’re just as strong and industrial as us bigger
engines. Plus, if it wasn’t for your railway, we wouldn’t have that fresh, weed-
killing and smooth running ballast that our rails run on. Plus, like you, I realize
pulling passengers is not for everyone.

-Mike (Laughs): Well water over a bridge. Literally (Laughs), as I’ve already
learned my lesson the hard way, and now I gotta handle passengers for a month.

-James (Laughs): And I got to shunt trucks at Wellsworth for 2. It serves us right
for a couple of red hot heads.

(James & Mike laugh)

-Mike: Yep. The other engines and our controllers are right, we do look a lot like.

-James: Yeah, and act a like, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

-Mike: Indeed. And you big engines are quite useful I gotta say.

-James: Why thank you. And you small engines can do even the biggest things that we
standard gauge engines couldn’t.

-Mike: Thanks. And let’s just say our favorite jobs also have their disadvantages
to all things considered.

-James: Yep.

-Narrator: So James & Mike finally found common ground and began chatting like old
friends. They still have their differences, but despite looking and acting the
same, they are finally glad to be friends with one another as red engines gotta
stick together, don’t they?

-Narrator: In summer time, the Island of Sodor finds itself fluctuated with rail
enthusiasts. These are people who spend their lives photographing, listing and
interviewing the engines as they go about their daily work. Some engines revel in
the attention.

(Shows Daisy leaving Ffarqhuar)

-Daisy: Oh thank you dears, Merci Beaucoup.

-Narrator: Some just find it pointless and disturbing.

(Shows Duncan wheeshing steam at Enthusiasts near the Rheneas station)

-Duncan: Och ge’ ou’ o’ my wae! Bloody tourists!

(Shows engines smiling as they go around being admired by the enthusiasts)

-Narrator: But most are happy with the friendly enthusiasts on the Island. Recently
a new rail tour was organized for Rail Enthusiasts. The plan was that a visiting
engine would take an enthusiasts all over the island for several weeks where they
would have the opportunity to photograph the engines and the landscape. The engines
were most pleased, that was, until they found out who the visitor was.

(Shows the four big engines resting at Tidmouth Sheds before a familiar whistle is

-Murdoch: Och no, ‘ere wee go!!

-Spencer: Good day fools, no need to queer, his magnificence grace, Lord Spencer is
-James: You know rhyming doesn’t make you sound intelligent Spencer, it makes you
sound ridiculous.

-Spencer: Oh dear, we are a jealous lot aren’t we?

-Gordon: And what reason do we have be jealous of you, cousin?

-Spencer: Why isn’t it obvious Gordon, firstly you’re jealous of my status, a

private engine of the Duke and Duchess of Boxford no less, while you lot toil
around with normal work. Second is my shape…

-Henry: Why would we be jealous of your ugly shape? You don’t even look like a
proper tender engine with your rectangular boiler and dome.

-Spencer: That’s because I’ve designed for speed Henry, my dear sister Mallard is
of course the fastest engine in the world and finally it’s my magnificent corridor

-James (Sarcastic): Oh, you mean that old truck behind you, what’s so special about
that. It looks no different to Murdoch’s tender bar that horrid piece of rubber
glued on.

-Spencer: It seems your brain matches your paintwork James, i.e. it’s a mess. Oh
well, allow me to explain. That strip that you so blatantly insult means my
corridor tender can be vacuum sealed to my coach. This gives my guard easy entrance
to my cab, if he wants to speak to my driver and fireman and keeps the coach warm
for the enthusiasts and the Duke and Duchess. And in the case of a runaway, it
means the guard can enter my cab and shut off steam. Really the most brilliant
invention in railway history.

-Gordon: More like an excuse for your clumsiness Spencer.

-Spencer: Really, then why does your dear brother have one Gordon.

-Narrator: Before Gordon could reply the engines were interrupted by a wheezing and
coughing. Oliver backed into the sheds covered in soot and ash.

-Murdoch: Are ye alrigh’ Oliver?

-Oliver (coughing): Sorry lads. Took on some bad coal today. Driver says he’ll
clean out my firebox now but…

-Spencer: Well keep your smoking mess away from me shunter. The last thing a famous
engine like me wants is ash from some common tank engine.

-Oliver (coughing): I’m no common tank engine or shunter. I’m a famous engine

-Spencer (laughing): You famous!!! Oh, that really is hilarious. What’s famous
about a little engine like you?

-Gordon: For your information Spencer, Oliver here is a fine example of resource
and sagacity.

-James: Exactly, unlike most engines who were purchased by the Fat Controller,
Oliver escaped from the cutters torch just to be here. That makes him amazing.

-Henry & Murdoch: Here, here.

-Spencer: Well it’s fairly obvious why The Fat Controller purchased him isn’t it?

-Oliver: Fairly obvious, what are you talking about?

-Spencer: Oh Oliver, don’t tell me you can’t see why?

-Oliver: No I cannot, so why don’t you elaborate.

-Spencer: Well Oliver, you were just in the right place at the right time. The Fat
Controller’s father probably just saved you because he felt sorry for you and had
no other choice or other engines to rescue. Believe me, if one my brothers or in
fact any express engine had escaped to the Sodor, he would’ve easily saved them. In
fact he should’ve, their lives are worth far more than some insignificant tank
engine like you.

-Narrator: The engines gasped, Oliver’s face fell. No one had ever spoken to him in
such a demeaning tone. The big engines were outraged.

-James: Spencer, that’s vile, its low even for your standards. It’s, it’s…




-Spencer: Well it’s my opinion and if we’re all honest it’s the truth. The poor ex-
Fat Controller, had no choice but to save that little runt. Had he been given an
entire fleet of engines to save, well believe me, Oliver would’ve been bottom of
the Que. Now I think that’s enough arguments, an engine like me needs beauty sleep
away from you common lot, and that insignificant tank engine. Ta-ta!!!

-Narrator: Spencer slunk snootily away. The big engines were infuriated and blew
angry whistles to voice their disapproval. Poor Oliver however was too hurt to
reply and rolled quietly to the back of sheds. For the next two days, Oliver was
very distant, he never whistled or greeted passing engines and kept very quiet
whenever he reached the sheds. It didn’t take long for Toad to notice and one day
as Oliver shunted some trucks for his goods train to Crosby he decided to find out

-Toad: Excuse me Mr. Oliver, but you’ve been very quiet these last few days and I
can’t help but notice how sad you look. What seems to be bothering you sir?

-Narrator: Oliver knew if there was anyone he could talk to, Toad was that brake
van. So he took a deep breath and told Toad everything. Toad was shocked when he

-Toad: Oh how awful and completely untrue sir?

-Oliver: How do you know it’s untrue Toad? We weren’t purchased or chosen
specifically, we were at the right place at the right time.

-Toad: And isn’t that enough to warrant us a place on the railway Mr. Oliver?

-Oliver: Shhh, keep your voice down Toad, I don’t want anyone else hearing…

-Thomas: Hearing about what?

-Narrator: Oliver looked up. Thomas arrived at the yards with a train of empty milk

-Thomas: Are you ok Oliver? You’ve been acting very quiet and distant these past
two days, what’s up?

-Toad: It’s Mr. Spencer, Mr. Thomas sir. He says Mr. Oliver was purchased by the
ex-Fat Controller out of sympathy and that given the choice he would’ve chosen a
better engine.

-Thomas (crossly): What utter nonsense? That stupid selfish son of a bitch! Oliver,
don’t you listen to that Spencer, he’s a selfish idiot who’s boiler is full of so
much sludge, he can’t even speak straight.

-Oliver (annoyed): And how would you know Thomas, it’s not like you were in a
similar situation.

-Thomas (sighing): Actually I was. (Oliver notices Thomas change his expression). I
don’t think I ever told you this Oliver, as I have told the other engines, with the
last ones I would mention this to are Mavis, Daisy, Emily and Rosie. You see, I’m
an experimental build of the E2 class, hence I look different from the original
build, even being labeled E2X. I was the only class that was a successful design,
as my late brothers and sisters were utterly flawed, physically and mentally, and I
never was really appreciated or all that liked by them. They used to tease me and
think they were the successfully built tank engines. In fact, even the LBSC
themselves didn’t seem to like me, and a few months after they built me, they
decided to send me away to Sodor, as they wanted nothing to do with an “oddity” as
they called me. In fact, they would even write me off saying I was “lost in the
war” at the time instead of saying I was sold to Sodor.

-Oliver: Oh god, that must’ve been hard. How did you get over that ridicule and

-Thomas (Begins to smile): That’s when I did arrive on Sodor, and I felt like my
life was finally beginning to look up. As the other engines at the time felt more
like a family, and so did the Fat Director at the time. I was nervous of how I was
gonna fit in after what I want through back in Brighton, but thanks to a very great
friend and my hard work ethic, the Fat Director saw how eager I was and decided to
keep me on, and I never looked back. (Sighs happily) You see Oliver, the reason the
Fat Controller’s father chose you was because of your determination to still work.
You were willing to fight it all, just to have the opportunity to still work. That
makes you as much a part of this railway as anyone else, never forget that.

-Narrator: And for the first time in days, Oliver smiled.

-Oliver: Thank you Thomas, you really are an inspiration and a really useful

-Toad: You both are, now Mr. Oliver, let’s get these trucks to Crosby.

-Narrator: Oliver whistled goodbye Thomas and then set off for Crosby. As he
disappeared, Edward arrived in the yards.

-Edward: Oliver seems to be in a better mood than before, what exactly did you say
to him.

-Thomas (winking): Just about some little engine who felt like he didn’t belong but
realized he did after some help from a wise and great friend, whom without him, he
wouldn’t be the engine he is today (Gives Edward a thankful smile).

-Narrator: Edward smiled knowingly. Later that day, Oliver had shunted his trucks
into a siding and was just taking on water when he heard a familiar whistle.
Spencer snorted into the station very annoyed. His driver was talking to him

-Spencer’s driver: If you hadn’t spent so much time racing about and showing off,
you would’ve remembered to take on more water, you big buffoon.

-Spencer: I don’t see what the big deal is, there’s a water tower right in the
siding. Keep that gob shut when speaking to me like that driver, and you fireman,
uncouple me.

(The fireman jumps down to uncouple the coach)

-Oliver: Oui Spencer. Watch your tongue, it doesn’t matter who you are. You really
shouldn’t speak to your crew like that.

-Narrator: Oliver said now gaining his confidence back.

-Spencer: Oh stay out of this you insignificant tank engine, you’ve no business
getting involved.

-Oliver: I really don’t give a crap of what you say Spencer, you may think I’m
insignificant, but I’ll ask, what you have done throughout your life to earn your
“precious” title. (Spencer’s jaw drops) Go ahead and insult me all you want you
Spencer, because I can careless now, as in the end, you’re always going to be a
selfish jerk.


-Narrator: Spencer growled. But that was the least of his worries, as what happened
next, nobody knew. Spencer says his fireman forgot to turn off the vacuum seal, the
fireman says Spencer was being so pigheaded that he distracted him. Either way, the
coach had just been uncoupled when Spencer shot forwards. There was a tremendous
rip and snap. Spencer came to a stop and gasped. As the vacuum had not been turned
off the coach’s compartment had been ripped off. It quivered in fear and Spencer
was in shock. Oliver and Toad couldn’t help but laugh. The Duke of Boxford who was
with the enthusiasts on the coach was not pleased at what had happened.

-DOB: Oh Spencer you absolute fool, look what you’ve done. You’ve damaged the coach
with your abrasiveness, now it can’t go anywhere. What do you have to say for

-Spencer: Sorry sir.

-DOB: Well that’s not good enough Spencer, how are we going to take the enthusiasts
tot the Little Western.

-Enthusiast 1: Oh my god. Hey Dan, isn’t that Oliver?

-Enthusiast 2: Why yes Jake it is?

-Enthusiast 3: What chaps, you mean the Oliver, the famous tank engine who escaped
from scrap.

-Enthusiast 1: The very same George. The Northwestern’s own #11, and his trusty
brake van Toad.
-Enthusiast 4: Well what are we waiting for fellas, let’s go and see him.

-Enthusiast 3: Right you are Matt.

-Narrator: Oliver was surprised, all of a sudden he was surrounded by enthusiasts

asking him many questions. He was both overwhelmed and elated. Eventually the Duke
came across.

-DOB: Sorry about the delay chaps, we should have another coach to us within the

-Enthusiast 5: No need to worry about that sir, we have a better idea?

-Enthusiast 6: Haydn’s right, (turns to Oliver) excuse me Mr. Oliver, would you
mind giving us a ride to the Little Western?

-Narrator: Oliver couldn’t believe what he had heard, neither could Spencer.

-Oliver’s driver: Certainly lads, we’re heading back to collect some ballast. It
does mean you’ll have to pile into Toad.

-Enthusiast 6: Fine by me, being pulled by two legends is better than by some
arrogant fool.

-Spencer: HEY!

-Enthusiast 1: Here, here Mike.

-Narrator: So the enthusiasts piled into Toad and Oliver set off to the Little
Western, leaving a humiliated Spencer baffled beyond belief. They had a lovely
time, Oliver and Toad told the enthusiasts all about their adventures and the
enthusiasts had fun taking photos and videos from inside Toad. Eventually they
arrived at Arlesburgh. The enthusiasts thanked for a thrilling ride and Oliver
beamed proudly. That evening when he returned to sheds, Oliver was surprised to
find the Fat Controller and the Duke of Boxford waiting for him.

-DOB: After today’s incident, the enthusiasts have requested that you be their
private engine and give them tours of the railway Oliver. I believe it to be an
excellent Idea, what about you Sir Topham?

-TFC: Certainly. I am most pleased with you Oliver, you’ve proven yourself a really
useful engine once again. But I would like to make one thing clear. (Turns to the
other engines).Everybody, I don’t care whether you’re big, small, steam, diesel,
flawless, flawed or even whether you came to railway by accident or intention that
will never matter. What mattered to me, my father and my grandfather was that you
lot were brave, hardworking, kind, fearless and mature. (Turns back to Oliver). So
Oliver, Spencer is indeed wrong, my father didn’t choose you because you were the
only engine available. He chose you because of your grit, determination and
resilience and you easily belong on this railway with all of your fellow engines.

-DOB: Here, here. And Spencer, I want you to suck up your selfish pride and
apologize to Oliver…now!

-Spencer (Gulps): Yes sir! Oliver…and everyone…else…I...I’m…I’m (Notices everyone

glare sternly at him) I’m sorry! What I said was very thoughtless and selfish, I
should know better than to belittle my “fellow” engines. Thank you for saving my
train Oliver, and I sincerely apologize and will never treat you so horribly again.
-Oliver (Grins): Oh that’s totally fine Spencer. As long it doesn’t happen again.

-DOB: Indeed, and I really hope you were being sincere to Spencer. Now back to the
summer house, I’ll deal with you later.

-Narrator: And with that, Spencer, once again in disgrace, puffed away humiliated.

-DOB: Don’t worry about him Oliver, me and my wife have thought of the perfect
punishment for him. But nonetheless, congratulations and thank you.

-Oliver: Thank you to sir.

(TFC and DOB walk away).

-Thomas: You see Oliver, you weren’t chosen because of sympathy. You were chosen
because you’re a really useful engine.

-Toad: Indeed he is Mr. Thomas. THREE CHEERS FOR MR. OLIVER!!!

-Other Engines: HIP, HIP HOORAY!!!

-Narrator: And so it was arranged, Oliver took enthusiasts up and down the railway
showing them the sights of Sodor from the familiar seats of Toad. Needless to say
they were very impressed with the railway. And as for Spencer, well his punishment
was clear. The Fat Controller had needed a temporary goods engine during the summer
rush and the Duke of Boxford was only so willing to lend Spencer, to learn about
goods trains and shunting, until he learned not to get so big in the smokebox as
well as to respect the other engines around them and their background. Of course
the Fat Controller made sure he would behave himself by assigning him the ideal

-Fergus: Not so hard, your silly corridor tender will break the vans. DO IT RIGHT!

(Spencer groans)

-Narrator: One afternoon on Sodor, a visitor was coming to the railway. A certain
unwelcomed visitor. This was D199, a BR Class 46 that once visited Sodor on trial
along with Bear back in 1967. While Bear became part of Sodor, 199 broke down at a
level crossing with some tankers, and only whined for his fitter instead of
carrying on. Since then, he was banished from the railway, and many engines and
people would call him “Spamcan”, as the signalman threatened to “open him with a
tin-opener”, and his reputation was tarnished ever since. Now Spamcan would come to
Sodor on occasion to deliver goods from the mainland, but really hated coming there
as he was no different from any other British Railways diesel.

-Henry (Laughs): Well, well, well, say driver, you wouldn’t happen to have a “can-
opener” would you?

-Henry’s driver: That depends old boy, regarding the kind of can that needs opening
(Both laugh).

-D199: (Shudders) Fancy being sent back to “here” of all places. On this dreaded
Island of Sodor with those outdated claptraps and those traitorous excuses for
diesels. Ugh, what we do back on the mainland is modernize. The fact this island
hasn’t bombed itself back to the Stone Age is propster….(Explosion goes off) AH!

(Grinds to a halt)

-D199 (Whimpers): Isn’t it obvious…I’ve blown a fuse.

-D199’s driver: Uh…no you didn’t. And you stopped at the level cross….

-D199: It would happen after being sent here to this horrible, outdated island. And
now, I’ve broken down. I’m not built for these rails…I just want to go home.

-Trevor: What on earth are you talking about?

-Narrator: Spamcan broke out of his sulking and saw on the side was Trevor the
Traction Engine, pulling some supplies from the orchard. He looked confused, but
then he saw behind him, a large line of different road vehicles behind him. As well
as on the other side. They were honking their horn crossly at the pathetic diesel.


-D199: But…I…

-D199’s driver: You didn’t blow a fuse you childish idiot. You ran over a
detonator, to warn us from the fog, is that so hard to believe?

-D199: Well, I…I knew that all…

-Signalman: OUI! Shut it with the excuses already and get your ass moving! You’re
holding up traffic.

-D199: (Groans)

-Narrator: So he reluctantly did. As he was moving, Henry past him laughing.

-Henry (Laughs): Nice impression you made there Spamcan (Laughs).

-D199: (Shudders)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, the Fat Controller was waiting at Knapford impatiently. He

paced up and down the platform looking at the station’s clock. Until at last, he
heard a frantic horn, and coming into view was Spamcan, still sulking like a child.

-D199: I can’t believe I had to be sent back on this dreadful island on this
dreadful railway and look at these dreadful engines….

-TFC: I will not have any “dreadful” comments from your “dreadful” attitude on my

-D199: (Gulps)

-Narrator: D199 stopped sulking immediately and froze in fear. The Fat Controller
glared sternly at him and pointed angrily to the clock.

-TFC: You’re late 199!

-D199 (Smiles nervously): Oh, Sir Topham! How lovely it is to see you on such a

-TFC: Don’t try to play innocent with me. British Railways has sent you to deliver
a goods train for my railway at the harbor for this station. But you were late by
10 minutes. Care to explain why?
-D199 (Stutters): Well…uh…sir…you see the thing is….my fitter was being incompetent
you see….and didn’t check…

-D199’s driver: He deliberately pinned his brakes down at the level crossing
outside of Maron and was whining like a little child at a candy store because he
thought he blown a fuse.

-TFC (Raises an eyebrow): Blown a fuse, eh? You seem just fine to me.

-D199: Well…I am…it’s just I thought I…

-D199’s driver: He ran over a fog detonator and assumed he was breaking down.

-TFC: Ugh! Of course you did! Why am I not surprised that something like this
happens whenever you visit my railway. That is absolutely childish of you.

-D199: But sir, it…

-TFC: Enough! Now you listen to me right now 199. You are only sent here to just
deliver goods and leave with the return train you are given. No complaining, no
snide comments towards my engines, and none of your delusional beliefs and selfish
needs and wants. Not everything revolves around you. You nearly held up traffic
because of your delusional behavior! Fog detonators are needed to warn engines
about oncoming fog and to slow and proceed with caution. And, even if you were
breaking down, I would expect my engines to carry on as best they can before
throwing in the towel, especially if those engines have an open mind.

-D199: But with all due respect sir, I…

-TFC: Hmm.

-D199: I mean…yes sir…I’m sorry sir! I shouldn’t have misjudged the situation.

-TFC: I should think so to. It’s a good thing no engines were coming down your line
anyway to begin with. Now, the fog tonight is getting quite thick, and since you
don’t like fog detonators, you can stay here until tomorrow and help out with the
goods work for the time being, as you will be headed home tomorrow evening. So
whilst you’re here, I will not have any whining, rudeness, boasting, and
complaining about my railway being outdated and that you learn to keep an open
mind. I will not have you giving into your own outdated and selfish delusions and
whining like a child again, or I shall report you to your controller, understood.

-D199: Yes sir!

-TFC: Good! Now take your train over to the harbor and get yourself settled in.

-Narrator: And with that, D199 left to do just that. He shunted his train over by
the quay, then he headed to find a shed. Of course, despite the Fat Controller’s
warning, the arrogant diesel still felt he was important to share a shed with steam
engines, and didn’t want to go anywhere near them. So he reluctantly slept at one
of the goods sheds at the harbor, not wanting to see anyway, and went sulkily to
sleep. The next morning however, he was still boasting. As he met Donald & Douglas
in the yards.

-D199: So as you can see, I knew it was fog detonators all along. I knew right away
the fog was coming, and made sure to stop with my powerful brakes, just to make
sure I knew the line was cleared, and then seeing as it was, quick as a flash I
started off right on time.
-Donald: Aye, an whit aboot the traffic at Maron crossin' bein blocked?

-D199: Well…only a minor setback you see.

-Douglas (Suspicious): An are ye sure this true?

-D199: Well…uh…more or less.

-Donald: Aye, we see, but thin is lad…

-Donald & Douglas: We were talkin’ tae Henry.

-D199: Wha…what?

-Douglas: Aye, he telt us at Tidmouth Sheds last nicht after yer wee mishap.

-D199: Bu…but…you can’t believe a word of his “propaganda”.

-Donald: Och, ye mean these words (Imitates D199) “oh na, I've blown a fuse”.

-Douglas (Imitates D199): Och I've broken doun. Och I'm no built for these rails.

-D199 (Groans): Oooh. I hate you bastards! (Scampers off)

-Donald & Douglas (Imitates D199): Och an A want tae gae home. (Laughs)

-Douglas: Whit a baby.

-Narrator: Needless to say, Spamcan’s stay was anything but pleasant. Despite the
Fat Controller’s warning, the diesel still continued to be insufferable throughout
the rest of the day. He did whatever job was given, but all he did was moan and
sulk about how “out of date” Sodor was, and continued to patronize the engines
whenever he saw them. Though the engines would still get their own back whenever he
tried to badmouth them such as reminding him of his mishap yesterday or how bad of
a start he made during his first visit when he came along with Bear.

-D199: You know there is something to be said about your railway. It is far out of

-BoCo: That’s more of a problem for you 199. You just don’t get it do you.

-D199: Get what?

-BoCo: You just don’t get how times have changed. Look at you, here you are going
on and on about how out of date our home and the steam engines are, you forget that
diesels like us are getting just as old. You’re about like 41 years old, and you
act like an arrogant fool that thinks steam is insignificant and obsolete even to
this day. Yet more modern engines that now run on electricity now are the future.
And at least what the ones we came into contact with, I admit that they are far
more mature than you are.

-D199: What? But we are the future, we are the revolution, we…

-Bear: Don’t know when to stop whining like a child. Your no better than the diesel
I knew many years ago who claimed “steam engines spoil our image”. Well the only
diesel who’s image is spoiled by steam engines is you.

-D199: Ugh, how rude!

-Harvey: Yeah, an’ before ye start makin judgements Spamcan, why don’t ye tak a
jolly guid leuk at yourself.

-Duck: Harvey’s right. They may have preserved you sure, but all you do is spend
your whole life sulking and not carrying on with your work. Quite hypocritical, eh?
Why, you’re no better than Diesel.

-D199: Wha? How dare you compare me to that completely worthless, insignificant
weasel! He’s nothing but a terrorist and a renegade.

-Duck: Humph! For once we can agree on that. But beg pardon, Diesel is honestly far
worse than you.

-D199: Oh I say!

-Arthur: The point is 199, I think it’s about time you finally learn to grow up and
start acting your age. Not just for your sakes, but for everyone’s.

-BoCo: Exactly. Because regardless of how you feel, nobody is gonna follow engines
likes you, D261, or even Diesel. We could care less if you dislike us and our home,
but just because you hate coming here, doesn’t mean you have to pout about like a
self-centered brat, as we’re not interested.

-Bear: Yeah. So keep your tongue to yourself and just shut up.

-D199: Pah! I can say and act however I want, and you foolish claptraps can’t stop
me. This whole island is frightfully out of date. Nothing ever goes right when I’m

-Harvey: Aye, here we gae.

-Bear: Just as delusional as ever.

-D199: Delusional? Pah! Nothing I can’t do with my modern way of thinking. Like
take those detonators I ran over yesterday, totally outdated. And quite “shocking”
I might add.

-Arthur: Well what did you expect Spamcan, our head codes do the work for us.
There’s nothing that not even modern technology can’t handle.

-Harvey: Exactly! Detonators are essential. The bang thon ye got frichtenit ower is
tae prevent us from gettin' intae a worse situation wad shoud fear more.

-D199: Oh what would you know, you’re just an outdated contraption with a crane

-Harvey: Watch yer gob man. I’ve been around for years. Ye realize gin it hadn’t
been four us “outdatit contraptions” ye wouldn’t exist.

-BoCo: Harvey’s right. It’s what we tell Diesel every time we see him sulking. We
diesels owe everything to steam engines like Harvey, Duck and Arthur here. They
were what made railways the success it is today. We’re not asking you to like them,
we are asking is for you to respect them and have an open mind.

-D199: Pah! I am more open minded than you out of date kettles and you two steam
loving traitors. And furthermore. I am not afraid of anything and my protection
systems can handle anything.
-Bear: Oh, like can they handle this. (Growls his engine)

-D199: AAAHHH!

(All engines laugh)

-D199: ARGH! How rude!

-Narrator: He sulked once again. And Spamcan sulked away to the Diesel Yards, which
honestly suited the Fat Controller’s engines just fine. Later that night, Spamcan
was called to Knapford Harbor again.

-D199: Oh for god’s sake, do I have to? I just want to go home.

-D199’s driver: Oh shut your whining damn it. We are going home, we have to collect
the return train back to the Mainland and take it to Manchester, and that’ll be it.
Like god is it that hard.

-D199: Um…no, I’m a more powerful, thoroughly modern diesel with brutal strength
and efficient protection systems. It’s just I don’t want to stay on this god-for-
saken island any longer. Can’t they just get one of their traitorous diesels here?

-D199’s driver: Spamcan….shut up….okay, the diesels on this island have got their
own work. This happens for every engine that visits Sodor. They have to take a
return goods train, for people back in England that need it. Plus, the Fat
Controller warned you to behave yourself, and you failed at that like you always
do. So unless you wanna to get on his bad side even more, stop making this about
yourself and move it.

-Narrator: Spamcan just sulked even more. He assumed that the railway’s purpose of
sending the return train was to disrupt him. But realizing what his driver said, he
didn’t have a choice. He reluctantly arrived at Knapford Harbor where his train had
already been arranged. He was in such a bad mood that he bumped hi trucks.


-D199: SHUT IT YOU MISCREANTS! Ugh, I deserve better than this.

(Guard’s whistle blows and D199 blows his horn and leaves)

-Narrator: Soon Spamcan was out on the main line, still grumbling dreadfully. The
trucks who of course didn’t like being bumped like that and were getting really
ticked off at hearing the delusional diesel’s whining that decided to take
advantage of that. They were laughing and bumping about behind him, and even using
the kinda insults like “baby”, “lunatic”, “snob”, describing everything about 199’s
personality and even going as far as calling him “insignificant” which really
started to annoy the diesel even further.

-D199: Oooh.

-Narrator: He groaned. In fact, Spamcan just desperately wanted to leave the

railway he hated so much that once again, he made the whole situation about
himself. In fact, he even thought the one way to get even the trucks to shut up was
by speeding and when stopping at a red signal, stopping roughly to bump the trucks.

(D199 stops roughly that bumps the trucks in line)

-Trucks: OOF! OOF! OOF!

-D199: Ha-ha! Sucks to be you lot doesn’t it (Laughs).

-Narrator: Spamcan really thought his plan was gonna work. But little did he know
about the fog. In fact, just on both sides of Gordon’s Hill, detonators had to be
placed up again to warn oncoming engines to take care when travelling up and down
the gradients in the fog. Once Spamcan was approaching Gordon’s Hill, that’s when
it happened.

-D199: Ha, ha, I’ll be glad to see the back of these fools, on this outdated and
primitive island. A return to more modern (Bang), ah, oh no, I’ve blown a fuse.

-D199’s driver: Argh no you haven’t idiot! You’re being delusional again. Now slow

-D199: No, I’m not delusional! They’ve come to get me! They’ve forced me to stay

-Narrator: He winced as he reached the top, of course his driver tried to warn him
it was the detonators warning him about the fog, but the delusional diesel wasn’t
listening, when he probably should’ve, as thanks to his cowardly and incompetent
mindset, the trucks saw this as their chance.

-Truck 1: Ha-ha! NOW LADS!



-Trucks: ON! ON! ON!



-D199: OH HELP!

-Narrator: Spamcan whined, as the diesel was being so cowardly, he didn’t even
bother to do anything to stop the runaway. Especially when running over more of the
detonators downhill. And the driver tried to put on the brakes, but it was no good.
He knew now he couldn’t get through to his stubborn and delusional behavior, as he
had jumped clear. And at the right moment to. As the points up ahead were switched
to all D199 to be switched onto the up line in order to get on right line to go
home. But because of Spamcan’s delusions, he flew through the switches and derailed
crashing in to a river (Splash). The trucks on the first half of his train were
scattered all over the main line. Spamcan’s back end was blocking the line while
his front end was dipped in the riverbed near the line.

-D199: Pluck! Blah! Oh, ho, ho! Disgusting!

-Trucks: Ha, ha! Serves you right you great big stupid baby! (Cackles)

-Narrator: The trucks laughed. Spamcan was about to retort when he heard a horn in
the distance.

-D199: GAH! OH NO!

-Narrator: He wailed. It was BoCo’s horn. The Metrovick was coming down the line
right to where the crash was. Spamcan shuddered, fearing if BoCo couldn’t stop in
time, he would hit has back end as it did sound like he was on his line.

-D199: Oh no. He’s gonna hit me. Someone, oh somebody please LET ME GO HOME!


-Narrator: Spamcan opened one eye, then opened both shocked to see BoCo coming in
slowly and stopping.

-D199: What the? How were you able to stop in time?

-BoCo: Oh with the fog going around, detonators obviously had to be pleased to warn
us to proceed with caution.

-D199: Detonators?

-BoCo: Yes, detonators, those “safety systems” we use to warn us about oncoming
fog. It’s a good thing I ran over them to proceed carefully in this fog, and had my
head codes turned on, only to see…this. What they bloody hell were you even trying
to do.

-D199’s driver: I CAN ANSWER THAT!

-Narrator: Called Spamcan’s driver, who ran over to his own engine who was
shuddering in the river.


-Narrator: D199 felt embarrassed now that realization came.

-BoCo: And too add to that, thanks to your “delusions”, you blocked the main line
and could’ve caused a lot of fatal accidents for the other engines that could’ve
been a lot worse than yours. And that’s also a problem for me, as my passengers are
going to be late. But as far as I’m concerned, at least they’re all safe now than
sorry had I not slowed down thanks to the detonators you thought were “outdated
rubbish.” I can’t begin to think what the Fat Controller and your manager is gonna
think when they hear about this.


-D199 (Gulps): Uh-oh!

-Narrator: The Fat Controller who was travelling on BoCo’s train came out and
marched over to the disgraced diesel pointing furiously at him.


-Narrator: 199 just shuddered. He wasn’t whining now, as he felt the Fat
Controller, BoCo and his driver had said quite enough. Harvey soon arrived with the
breakdown train, and the breakdown gang set to work clearing the line. Terence and
Butch were even called in to come help gather the missing trucks that rolled down
the embankment of the line and through the field nearby. Arthur had even arrived to
help shunt the re-railed trucks in line as Bear had even come to help take the
train away. The Fat Controller stayed to watch the operation, and as the line was
cleared, BoCo slowly made his way through the points and onto the down line as he
carried along.

-Harvey (Laughs): Oh dinnae threat Spamcan. At least yer still i' ane peace. An
thon we’re here tae help ye whether ye like or no. No’ bad for a bunch o’ outdatit
contraptions, eh? (Laughs)

-Bear (Laughs): And you claimed you were brave and that your protection systems can
handle anything Mr. “I want to go home”. (Laughs)

-Arthur: So much for your “modern way of thinking”.

(The engines and the Fat Controller laugh)

-D199: Oooh.

-Narrator: Spamcan graoned, as with a cable fasted between him and Arthur, the
maroon Ivatt tank pulled him back onto the rails. As Bear set off with the re-
railed goods train off to the mainland, Arthur towed the disgraced D199 over to the
Steamworks with the Fat Controller on board. Once they arrived, the workmen set to
work cleaning and repairing the diesel. As Arthur left, the Fat Controller spoke
severely to him.

-TFC: I warned you to behave yourself 199, but once again, you refused to listen,
and have been very horrid to my engines, and have been living in these arrogant
delusions of yours. Worse than that, you violated loads of railway regulations just
because you don’t want to be here. I don’t care whether you like my railway or not,
but I do expect you to keep that bull crap to yourself and suck it up! Because of
you, you blocked the main line and delayed lots of trains. Not I had to cancel my
ride back to Knapford on BoCo’s commuter service just so I can deal with you. I
honestly could question if your designer made some sorta flaw or was drinking when
he built you. Because you have been nothing but an arrogant, childish, rude,
disrespectful, irresponsible and delusional diesel that is completely stuck in his
own little world and has caused nothing but trouble for your own selfish delusions
and puts other engines down to make yourself feel important. Well you my friend are
certainly not!

-D199: Bu…but sir…

What happened today was all your fault because you refuse to open your mind and
accept any responsibility, but even when somebody tries to reason with you, all you
can do is WHINE! Steam engines are important in the history of railways, as they
were the iron horses that made them the success in the transportation industry that
they are now! They may be old, but the fact they have lived that long is what makes
them successful, as its in them they contain the memories and the nostalgia of the
past. Like how even you diesels have, because I gotta newsflash for you “Spamcan”,
you’re getting just as old as they are.

-D199: No…no…I can’t be…I’m…

-TFC: You can deny it all you want 199, but it’s true, you’re not thoroughly modern
and you’re not that special anymore! You’re just as old as my engines. And they
made it perfectly clear, but once again, you are still in such denial. And if you
go on carrying that attitude and not accepting reality for what it is, then me and
British Railways are gonna make sure you finally get the picture by making you a
permanent resident on Sodor, but not as an engine, as I’m sure the island can use a
brand new diesel generator.

-D199: (Gasps)

-TFC: Oh yes! I was on the phone with your controller while Arthur was shunting you
here, and he’s had just about enough of you. I’m not one to withdraw engines from
service and administer brutual and harsh punishments, but because of how delusional
and how childish you are, and how irresponsible and dangerous your actions are like
they’ve been today, I think it’s about time you finally get into your radiators
right now that you are getting just as old and you had better start acting your god
damn age. So in other words, stop your whining, doing your work, quit the arrogance
and insults towards my engines, and start to have an open mind and respect those
around you…or you can kiss your wheels goodbye. HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?

-D199: Ye…yes sir! I’m sorry sir! I’ll behave sir!

-TFC: Good! But just know your controller is gonna have an even harsher scolding
for you, and a much more appropriate punishment. So you better start considering
your actions right now.

-Narrator: And with that, the Fat Controller strode on his wheel, and walked
sternly away to catch his train, leaving the disgraced D199 feeling very
humiliated. D199 was soon repaired and arrived back in Manchester where his manager
really did tear into him as the Fat Controller said, and as punishment, was made to
pull rubbish train for the next 2 months. He hated it, but he already knew that if
he was whining or insulting the steam engines, he would be taken out of service. Of
course, Spamcan is still very arrogant and stuck-up, and doesn’t want to return to
Sodor anytime sooner as he is that sorta engine. But ever since his last visit, and
the scolding’s by everyone, he now took reality very seriously and did his work
without fuss. And even when he sent to make goods deliveries to Sodor, he wisely
keeps his mouth shut. And he finally realizes that steam engines and the way they
do things like putting up detonators and using crane tank engines are actually
quite useful, but of course, you just wouldn’t hear him admit it unfortunately.

-Narrator: Emily the Stirling Single has been living peacefully on the Island of
Sodor for the past 2 years as of now. If you would’ve known her before she came to
Sodor, you’d remember her for being a very shy, timid, and very nervous engine that
had a hard time fitting in due to her past traumas of being a friendless outcast
that was always being picked on. But after 2 years, she finally found her place on
Sodor, and was very happy to be working on railway she could call “home sweet
home”, as well as making friends with many of the engines that loved her for who
she was. To Emily, she felt so happy, as she felt like she was part of an actual
family, as well as something big, given the celebrity status that the engines of
Sodor had, especially since many railway enthusiasts who have heard Emily’s history
and impressed to see such an attractive engine, even begun taking pictures and
interviewing Emily as well. Emily was happy that she had this recognition that she
wished she had, however, being the shy and bashful engine she was, would always
blush or stutter when given the spotlight. But even when she was, she preferred to
be more humble about as she was never the kind of engine who would boast. But
regardless, everyone on Sodor, both engine or human just loved Emily for being the
kind, compassionate, and benevolent sweetheart that seemed to be the ideal mother
figure on the railway. One day, Emily was coming to collect a special load from
Brendam Docks.

-Emily: Mornin’ Cranky.

-Cranky: Oh what’s good about it… (Cracks a smile) oh hello Emily.

-Emily (Giggles): Hi Cranky, how’ve you been?

-Cranky: Oh um…things are fine.

-Narrator: Cranky said, faking a smile. Cranky was always known for being well…
cranky, but Emily is one of the few engines aside from Edward or BoCo that he was
pleasant with, and made sure to behave himself in front of her, as Emily’s
sweetness always would leave an impact on everyone, including the most grumpiest on
the island, and the tower crane himself just couldn’t help but like Emily.

-Cranky: So what brings you to Brendam Docks?

-Emily: Oh, A have tae tak’ a special delivery tae Ulfstead today.

-Cranky: Oh, what for?

-Emily: A dinnae know. But I’m excitit tae see.

-Narrator: While Cranky began loading Emily’s flatbeds, Bill & Ben showed up with
their own train of China Clay trucks.

-Bill: Morning everyone.

-Ben: Ain’t it a wonderful day.

-Cranky: Oh no, with you two around, it never is.

-Bill: Well you’re no fun Cranky. But then again, you don’t even know the menaing
of that word.

-Ben: Yeah, you’re just too boring and dull anyway.

-Cranky: Ugh that’s not point you blokes.

-Emily (Giggles): Okay ye guys, that’s enouch. Hi Bill. Hi Ben.

-Bill: Oh hello Emily. Care to join me and Ben in our shunting game?

-Emily (Shy): Oh, um, na thanks ye twa. A have a lot o work tae dae richt now.
Plus, A dinnae mean any offense, but shuntin’ isn’t well…a game…

-Ben: Oh you’re no fun Emily. Then again, you’re a tender engine, to clumsy for

-Emily: Whit? that’s no A meant…and that’s no true. Shuntin’ takes a lot o care an’
delicacy. A actually shunt ma own coaches anyway.

-Cranky: Yeah, because unlike you knuckleheads, Emily here actually knows the
meaning of what hard work means. And if you two don’t mind, we got some “delicate”
cargo that needs to be unloaded with “care”.

-Bill: Humph, sour pusses.

-Ben: Yeah, well you can unload your “delicate” cargo, while Bill & I can sort our
trucks by having a little fun.

-Narrator: And Bill& Ben set about doing just that as Cranky unloaded each crate
from the ship onto Emily’s flatbeds.

-Emily: Sour pusses. That’s not true, I like to have fun…this is serious work.

-Cranky: Oh don’t take any notice of them my dear. Those two are just idiots at
worst. I just hope they don’t try anything stupid right now.

-Narrator: But that was only easier than done, as Bill & Ben were still at it.
Their shunting game consisted of taking one or two trucks each to the quay instead
of shunting the whole train together. First Bill would snatch two trucks and shove
them to Ben who would slow down and shunt them to the quay right behind Emily and
her train once Cranky left. Emily was rather nervous, as she knew Bill & Ben meant
well, but of course was warned by Edward & BoCo to be careful when encountering
them and to not let their tricks get to her.

-Bill: Ha, ha, this is fun, eh Ben?

-Ben: Quite right Bill. And to think you two were worried about us messing this up

-Cranky: Well wouldn’t it make sense for you dunderheads to bring the whole train
onto this line instead of splitting up and playing?

-Ben: Oh come, what’s the worst that can… (Ben bumps the back of Emily’s train and
a crate falls) OOF…happen.

-Emily: Ow! Careful ye twa!

-Bill (Nervous grin): Uh, ha, ha, oops.

-Cranky: Ugh, I know this was gonna happen, you idiots. NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!

-Narrator: The Dock Manager and the workmen went over to inspect the fallen crate
from Emily’s train.

-Emily: Oh na. Is the cargo i' thare okay?

-Dock Manager: Let’s check…oh, oh my…well here’s somethin’ ye don’t say ivery day.

-Narrator: The Dock Manager pulled out what looked like an arm. It turns out, it
was a piece of armor worn by knights during medieval times.

-Emily: Wow…knicht armor.

-Cranky: Wow, look valuable (glares at Bill & Ben) doesn’t it boys?

-Bill & Ben (Nervous laugh): Yeah, it does. But where did it come from?

-Dock Manager: A dinnae know, but ye both could’ve seriously damagit it. Get yer
train shuntit behind Emily's richt now, an carefully this time. I’ll talk tae ye
both later.

-Bill: Oh, yes sir.

-Ben: Right away sir.

-Narrator: And that’s what Bill & Ben did as they scampered off. Emily was left in
shock at what she was seeing.

-Emily: Och ma. Where did thon e'en come?

-Narrator: She wondered. Thankfully, the knight armor or anything aboard the train
was not in any damage, but Emily couldn’t help but wonder what it was doing here to
begin with. When she arrived later at Ulfstead itself, she tried to ask the
stationmaster what the cargo was for. But the stationmaster said that he couldn’t
tell, as this was meant for a grand surprise for all the island to see, and it will
be worth the wait, as he winked and walked away. Emily understood, but she still
felt rather confused. Later that afternoon, she was called to Knapford Station
alogn with the other engines to.

-Emily: Och, hello everyone. Don’t suppose ye aw know why we’re here?

-Henry: Not exactly Emily. The Fat Controller said he wanted to come see us here.

-Thomas: Yeah, and for a special occasion to.

-Emily: Special occasion?

-Edward: That’s right Emily. He said that someone special will be coming over to

-Emily: Someone special, wha?

-Gordon: We don’t know, but he said he’ll reveal everything once he comes out.

-Emily: That’s great tae hear. Hmm, maybe this micht e'en have somethin tae dae wi’
whit A saw today.

-Percy: What did you see Emily?

-Narrator: So Emily explained about the events earlier today and the knight armor
she found. The engines were surprised, especially Toby once she mentioned she took
her delivery to Ulfstead of all places.

-Toby: Well I never (Chuckles). This could be for Ulfstead Castle I’m sure.

-Emily: Ulfstead Castle Toby?

-Toby: That’s right Emily. About 10 years ago, I took the Fat Controller, Richard
and Emily out on a holiday where we went exploring on some abandoned railway lines
before the village of Ulfstead itself. They lead us to the Old Mines once serviced
by the old Mid-Sodor Railway that Bertram works at, and the other was the ruins of
Ulfstead Castle. While the mines were restored for its original purpose years
later, Ulfstead Castle was still left as a tourist attraction. Hmm, and I think
that maybe this occasion may have something to do with it.

-TFC: You’d be right to think that Toby.

-Narrator: Said a voice, and out of his came the Fat Controller.

-TFC: Good afternoon engines. Now, you’re probably wondering why I have summoned
you all this evening. But I guess after what you discovered today Emily, and the
conclusion you made just right now Toby, you both beat me to it (Chuckles). In fact
Toby, remember when I brought up those 10 years ago how I mentioned one of my good
friends was hoping to find and restore Ulfstead Castle? Well, apparently, that
friend of mine, is coming to Sodor.

-Toby (Gasps): Do you mean sir?

-TFC (Chuckles): That’s right. In about next weeks’ time, Sir Robert Norramby, the
Earl of Sodor will be returning after to the island after his yearlong world-
travelling expedition. You see, he has been sending in lots of artifacts and great
treasures he has found, and is now sending them to Ulfstead Castle, as the castle
itself will be restored into a museum from medieval times, prehistoric life, and
even railways.

-All Engines: Wow!

-TFC: Oh yes. In fact Emily, you were delivering some of those very artifacts to
Ulfstead just this morning. And even got a glimpse of one of them…by accident you
might say.

-Emily: Wow! That whole time?

-TFC: Oh yes, that whole time. You’ll soon see what his full plans will involve, so
until then, I’ll need you all to help in the preparations for the event of his

-Narrator: The engines cheered.

-Oliver: We’ll do our best sir.

-Edward: Absolutely! But also because we can’t wait to meet him, as I honestly
can’t wait to meet him myself.

-Toby: Same here Edward.

-Gordon: I must ask sir, who will be bringing in Sir Robert Norramby himself the
day he arrives. Perhaps if you’d approve of course, I can be of assistance.

-TFC: Oh I appreciate your offer there Gordon, but the truth is, another engine
from the mainland will bringing him over, as you’d all be busy with your own work

-James (Groans): Oh no, sir, please don’t tell me its…

-TFC (Chuckles): Relax James, don’t worry, it’s not Spencer this time. The Duke &
Duchess of Boxford won’t be attending anyway, and plus, Spencer is still being
punished after slandering Oliver so horribly. Instead, on two other engines that
will be the Earl’s main transport for this specific occasion.

-Thomas: Oh of course, Pip & Emma. That will be nice.

-TFC (Chuckles): Oh no, it won’t be Pip & Emma this time Thomas. You see, the Earl
himself has his ways. As he’s got two other engines.

-Gordon: Two others? Who may they be sir?

-TFC (Chuckles): You’ll see Gordon. Trust, me, it will all make sense in due time.
And the Earl and I have promised that all of you will each get to meet him now that
he’s finally returned to Sodor. Trust me, the surprises will all be worth it. That
is all.

-Narrator: And with that, the engines went back to work, excited to meet the Earl
of Sodor himself. Over the next few days, the engines were doing their best to
prepare for the grand occasion itself. Everybody was busy setting up for the
occasion. And were very curious to know what the Earl’s return was gonna entail
regarding Ulfstead Castle. Toby in particular was excited, as he was the one who
along with the Fat Controller and his family helped rediscover Ulfstead Castle. He
still was surprised that it would take 10 years later ever since that happened. And
Emily was particularly excited, as being a very intelligent and wise engine that
has been around since 1895, it was exciting to see a whole history museum in an old
medieval castle. Especially because her original caretaker’s wife whom she was
named after was a school teacher, and Emily took what she taught her seriously, and
valued studying as well. So seeing all these artifacts throughout history, as well
as Ulfstead Castle itself was gonna be exciting for her. But of course, it wasn’t
just the standard gauge engines, on the Skarloey Railway, there was one narrow
gauge engine in particular who was very excited. Maybe too excited for his own

-Duke: Oh no, no, no, this simply won’t suit his grace.

-Peter Sam (whispers and grins): Uh oh, here we go.

(Duke puffs into the sheds where Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Duncan and Rusty are

-Duke: Oh enough with that cheek Stuart, as this is no time for jokes. His grace is
coming, my coupling rods are filthy and there’s not a cleaner in site. Even you
would feel the same way.

-Sir Handel (chuckles): Calm down Granpuff, Sir Norramby’s not due for another two

-Duke: Well time flies Falcon. Humph, that’s the problem with you youngsters no
respect for time and ... (pauses and notices Luke pull in with some BMQ Trucks)…I
say there, Luke.

-Luke: Ach goo’ mornin’ ta ya Duke, I’ve jus’ brough’ dese lo’ down frum the Quarry

-Duke: That’s great and all, but where’s your aesthetic taste youngster? Those
things simply don’t suit being near the sheds. Go and park them in the goods
sidings and then get yourself cleaned up. You look positively filthy, it won’t suit
his grace.

-Luke (chuckles): Oh I will Duke, bu’ Ivve go’’a ge’ back to the quarry an’
comple’e dis order an…

-Duke (excited but orderly): Well get going youngster, the sooner you complete work
the sooner you get cleaned up. And when you’re back at the quarry, tell young Ivo
and that brother Bertram of mine to get a move on. Now be off Youngster, chop,
chop… (Luke puffs to the sidings laughing, so do the others)…And what are you
giggling about their Rusty, that track maintenance isn’t going to happen itself. I
want this line absolutely perfect for when his grace arrives. It won’t happen with
you giggling about here. And you as well Duncan, your buffers are frankly
revolting, and see to it that you get a repaint too.

-Rusty and Duncan (chuckling): Yes sir.

-Narrator: Even Duncan had to laugh as he and Rusty departed. Every engine knows
that whenever the Earl of the time comes to Sodor, Duke would become particularly
excited. And in his excitement he became an extreme perfectionist. Everything
needed to be perfect and everything needed to be right. Engines needed to look and
act their best, yards needed to be spic and span, he even ordered the workers and
cleaners and passengers about. No-one took it personally, they all knew Duke just
wanted to look his best, after being named after his Grace. Some cheekier engines
even took the opportunity to tease Duke, Peter Sam and Sir Handel knowing him the
longest especially.

-Peter Sam: You know Granpuff, I’m fairly certain, his grace would like to see a
little bit of dirt on you…

-Sir Handel: …indeed, to pristine and he might think you’ve become a little lazy.


-Narrator: Sir Handel and Peter Sam still grinning set off for work. Just then
Emily pulled into the station, where Skarloey and Rheneas were waiting.

-Skarloey: Good morning Emily, how are things?

-Emily: Och brillian’ Skarloey, everyone’s exci’ed fur the big even’ Toby
especiallee as he discovered Ulfstead Castle all dem yearrs ago…(notices Duke
barking and giggles)…though no’ as much as others I can see.

-Skarloey (chuckles): Oh yes, you and the others know how excited our Duke gets
when he hears his grace is coming.

-Rheneas (laughs): Indeed, just yesterday, he was scolding some farm boys for not
controlling their sheep dog, (imitates Duke) “Keep that hound under control
scallywags, last thing I need is her creating such a ruckus when his grace arrives,
oh dear, oh dear.”

-Duke (notices the others): Excuse me, what are you three doing chit chatting when
there’s work to be done?

-Emily (giggles): Och no, we’vve been caugh’ lads.

-Duke: Emily, my dear, what time did you arrive?

-Emily (innocent guilt): Um…1:00 Duke.

-Duke: Five seconds later than you were meant to, hmmm!! I respect you my dear, but
this type of lackadaisical chit chat must not happen when he arrives. Now, what are
you waiting, your passengers have boarded, be off youngster! This type would never
suit his grace.

-Narrator: Emily had to laugh as she departed, she was very fond of Duke. His
grouchy but wise nature always lifted her spirits and like the others she knew
never to take him seriously, in fact his ordering about always made her laugh.


-Narrator: Later that day at the wash-downs, Emily came over to get cleaned and
polished as the other engines were there to. She even told the other engines about
Duke as well.

-Gordon: Ha, ha, ha, of course he is. Typical old Duke, but on the other hand, I
can’t say I blame him.
-Henry: Indeed. Especially since this Duke, or Earl, whatever way you like it, he
never met him before.

-Emily: Exactly. (Giggles) As funny as it is whan he starts gettin aw fussy, I’m

really happy for him. As A wish A can see ma sister again.

-Edward: Indeed. It’s better to not take it seriously, as on this occasion, he

deserves this moment, as everyone deserves to have their happy moments. And the
visit of Sir Robert Norramby will be very special, none of us have ever exactly met
him. Well, actually, I did once.

-Toby: You have Edward?

-Edward: That I have Toby. It was just a year before his world-travelling
expedition. He was a very friendly man, very jovial, very enthusiastic, and very
passionate to.

-Percy: That sounds great to hear. I really can’t wait to meet him.

-Toby: Me too Percy. Still, I find it so hard to believe I found Ulfstead Castle 10
years ago with the Fat Controller and his family. And now that we’ve come to 10
years later, I can’t wait to see what Ulfstead Castle itself will look like once
it’s restored.

-BoCo: Indeed. And the many surprises the Earl has planned.

-Henry: And lucky for those on the main line, we’ll be able to see it now that,
that extension route on the Peel Godred Branch has been made so we can view it.

-Emily: A honestly hope A can meet the Earl, because from whit A heard, he sounds
like a very wonderful man.

-Thomas: I’m sure he will Emily. Especially you, because I know how much you’re
into studying, and honestly, I think the Earl will really like you.

-Emily: Ye think sae Thomas?

-Thomas: I know so Em.

-BoCo: He’s right Emily, you should introduce yourself to him.

-Duck: Indeed. You deserve it Emily. But honestly, I just feel this is gonna be a
great day once he arrives.

-Percy: I’m sure it will Duck. Let’s make sure we give the Earl himself a warm

-Narrator: And all the engines agreed. Two days had passed, and the great day for
the Earl’s arrival had just arrived. All the engines were cleaned and polished to
perfection, each with gleaming paintwork and their best decorations for the affair.
They worked hard in bringing people to and from Knapford where the Earl would

-Thomas: This is gonna be exciting isn’t it Gordon.

-Gordon: Indeed it is Thomas, just like when we welcomed royal figures heads like
the Queen, Princes Charles, and even the Duke and Duchess of Boxford. Then again,
this is a nobleman, so of course. The best part of all…
-Thomas: What’s that?

-Gordon: At least Henry’s not an utter grump again. You’d think he’d be a nervous


(Gordon & Thomas laugh)

-Henry: Humph! Hypochondriac indeed, oh hell no!

-Narrator: Meanwhile, the Skarloey engines were all at Crovans Gate ready for the

-Duke: Ha, ha, at long last, the day finally comes where my own current grace has
finally come. I can’t believe it’s been so long, but you know what, it was worth
it. I hope you all made sure to prepare yourselves for when his grace actually

-Skarloey: Yes, and we’re happy for you Duke, but just remember, not everything has
to be completely perfect. As Sir Robert Norramby is a wonderful man, and it’s
always important to prepare for guests, but you can’t ask for anything perfect.

-Sir Handel: He’s right Duke. Besides, even if you were a little messy or had a few
smudges, I’m sure his grace won’t mind, as he’ll love you all the same.

-Duke: Yes, yes, I know, and I appreciate that my friends, but his grace, and his
many fathers before him were a vital aspect into what made me the engine I am
today. And this one who had no idea I existed back when he was a child, just as
much as I wasn’t aware of him. So I want to make the best impression for him.

(Connor & Caitlin’s whistles blow)

-Rheneas: I think that might be him right now, because I don’t recall those
whistles before.

-Duke: Certainly not. He did say he would have his own transport here. I wonder
what kind.

-Narrator: Once Duke asked that, he and the other Skarloey engines received as two
large streamlined engines double-heading a long rake of coaches came speeding down
the line at very fast express speed.

-Duncan: HOLY…

-Skarloey (stern): Duncan, whatever you do, don’t swear!

-Duncan: Sawry.

-Duke: My word. (Chuckles) Now I really look forward to meeting his grace.

-Sir Handel: Same here Granpuff. Same here.

-Narrator: Sir Handel agreed, as in flashes of navy blue and maroon, two large
tender engines in a streamlined casing were speeding down the line with their own
coaches as many people by the line side and at the stations were cheering as they
sped through and made sure to get their cameras out as quick as they could before
they past. The two engines themselves were all the more happy as can be.




-Caitlin (Laughs): YES, LET’S!

(Connor & Caitlin thunder by blowing their whistles triumphantly)

-Narrator: Many engines who passed by were amazed at the double-header of the two
rare engines. Everybody was excited, as this was gonna be great. At Knapford
Station, the engines, the people, and even the road vehicles who attended at the
car park were waiting anxiously for the Earl to arrive.

(The marching band plays the original Thomas the Tank Engine theme song)

-Gordon: Any minute he should be coming. Oh yes, this is it.

-Emily: This is it.

-TFC: This is it.

-Narrator: Yes, this was it, as pulling into Knapford were the two streamlined
engines themselves. Everybody erupted into applause, while the engines also looked
amazed to at the engines rostered for the Earl’s private train. The blue one was a
Battle of Britain, while the maroon was an LMS Coronation class like the Duchess of
Hamilton. But that was nothing compared to the man who stepped out of the coaches.

-TFC: Ladies, gentlemen, engines and road vehicles, I give you Sir Robert Norramby,
the Earl of the Island of Sodor.

(Everyone applauses and the engines blow their whistles and horns)

-SRN: Hello everybody! Oh my, a celebration. How kind of you all.

-TFC: Sir Robert, how wonderful to see you again. It’s been so long.

-SRN: It certainly has Sir Topham. But it was worth.

-Narrator: They both laughed and embraced each other as the Earl went in front to
introduce himself to the engines, who were all very impressed. He was a tall man
with white hair and a fancy white beard. He wore a black dress jacket over a red
patterned waistcoat, as well as white shirt and blue ascot, with grey trousers and
fancy black boots.

-SRN: Hello there engines. I’m absolutely thrilled to meet each and every one of

-Edward (Chuckles): The honor is our Sir Robert. We’re just as pleased to meet you

-Gordon: Indeed. In all the years we’ve heard about you, it’s a privilege to
finally meet you.
-SRN: Why thank you Gordon. And you too Edward.

-Gordon: Oh, you know our names?

-SRN: Why of course. Everybody native to Sodor knows all you engines. Especially
you two legends.

-Gordon: Well, that’s flattering to hear your grace.

-Edward: Indeed. But we just do our best in being useful.

-Thomas: Still, welcome back home to Sodor Sir Robert.

-SRN: Why thank you, you three, but you can just call me sir. I may be the Earl,
but even I don’t fancy any strong titles.

(Everybody laughs)

-BoCo: I’m pleased as well sir, as may I ask, you’re engines over there…

-Connor: Oh yes, we almos’ forgo’ tae in’roduce ourselves. I’m Connor.

-Caitlin: An’ I’m Caitlin. We’re de Earl’s express engines.

-Gordon: Ooh. Now that is impressive, meeting fellow express engines like me.

-Percy (whispers and rolls his eyes): Oh boy.

-Henry (whispers and smirks): Here we go.

-Thomas: That’s wonderful. More new faces on our island.

-Caitlin (Giggles): Fanks Thomas, but we’re nae exac’lee par’ of yer railway, we’re
gonna be working fur de Earl bringing passengers frum de mainlan’ to Ulfstead
Castle itself.

-Toby: That makes sense.

-Connor: But we can’ wai’ tae mee’ all ov ye lo’. We’ve heared sae much over de
years. An’ even seein’ some ol’ faces. Like our dear frien’ BoCo.

-BoCo (Chuckles): Indeed! I had a feeling I’d recognize you both. Hello Connor.
Hello Caitlin. It’s been so long.

-Caitlin: Same here. An’ I see Murdoch an’ Arthur are now par’ of de flee’.

-Murdoch: Thon we are ye twa.

-Arthur: Hello Caitlin.

-Caitlin: Hallo Arthur.

-TFC: Wow, seems like everybody knows each other even before coming to Sodor. I
guess our island pretty much has brought everybody back together (Laughs).

-Emily (Shy): A think it has sir. Hello…Sir Robert…sir, ma name is Emily. I’m
really pleasit to…meet ye an aw.

-SRN: I’m pleased to meet you to Emily. I heard so much about you. The Fat
Controller has even told me that you live history and education, and I was hoping I
might the chance to speak to you.

-Emily (Gasps): Ye have?

-TFC: Absolutely Emily, as I think you deserve something special.

-SRN: Indeed! And the same to you Toby.

-Toby: Me sir?

-SRN: Oh yes, because after all, you were the one who found Ulfstead Castle about
10 years ago and helped cleared the path for me along with Sir Topham and his
family. So I should really thank you, and I decided, how you and Emily, starting
tomorrow would, would love to help me in restoring Ulfstead Castle to its former
glory. I’m sure even Millie would be pleased to meet you as well.

-TFC: Well we can talk about that later. Right now everyone, let us celebrate for
the return of Sir Robert Norramby, the Earl of Sodor.

-Narrator: And soon the party was began. Everybody was enjoying themselves, and the
Earl made sure to talk to each and every one of the engines to.

-Percy: He definitely is a fun sorta man.

-Donald: Aye, an’ really passionate aboot this plan o his o restorin' Ulfstead

-Duck: Yep, he certainly is full of surprises I can see, like with Connor &

-James: Yeah, and that’s not all, but who’s this Millie he speaks of?

-Toby: Not sure James, but the Earl stated I’m due to take some crates tomorrow to
Ulfstead Castle from Knapford Harbor. I get the feeling we’ll find out eventually.

-Emily: Same. Still, A really like the earl. He’s sae kynd an fou o spirit, an I'm
juist excitit as he is now.

-Toby: Same here honey. But don’t worry, as since the Earl says that we’re to help
out during the castle’s restoration, so I’m sure we shall find out plenty.

-Thomas: But even so, I’m proud for both of you, two best friends of mine given
such an opportunity, as you Toby for being the one who rediscovered that beautiful
castle in the first place, and you Emily, I know how much this means and I really
want the best for you, as I think…no, you really deserve this.

-Emily (Giggles): Thanks Thomas. A much appreciate it. But A also appreciate hou ye
an me, student an mentor, are gonna work together. As A enjoy our time together, an
A wad love tae spend time wi’ ye.

-Toby (Blushes): Awe, that’s very thoughtful of you Emily. I’d love that to.

-Narrator: Toby smiled, as even though Emily’s best friend of all was Thomas, she
loved the other engines, and aside from Edward & Duke, Toby also was a mentor to
her, especially since she was also part of the Ffarqhuar Branch. The next morning,
Toby himself arrived at Knapford to pick that special load needed for the castle
-Stanley: Mawnin Toby. 'ere’s your 'rain.

-Toby: Thanks Stanley.

-Stanley: Exci'ed abou' seein Ulfstead Castle?

-Toby: Indeed I am. 10 years ago I found the historical landmark with the Fat
Controller and his children. And 10 years up to today, now I’m gonna help in
restoring it to its full glory. Plus, Emily is just as excited as she loves
learning about different things, and this will be a good opportunity for her as

-Stanley: Yep, an' wi'h 'wo engines like you in restawin 'he castle, i 'hink you
bo'h will make a grand pair.

-Toby (Laughs): I was thinking the same thing to. An LNER J70 Steam Tram and a
Great Northern’s Stirling Single helping to restore a historic castle, we’d make a
grand pair (Laughs). Though were not the only ones.

-Narrator: Toby chuckled, as he knew very well another engine that was certainly
gonna help out. He trundled down the branchline past the station of Ffarqhuar down
the extended route. The tramway to Ulfstead, as while Thomas did run most of the
branchline, the Ulfstead line was mostly handled by Toby & Mavis. But before
reaching the village, he went the set of points before Ulfstead that lead to two
different locations. One was to the old Mid-Sodor Mines that Bertram works at that
was already opened, but the one on the left went to Ulfstead Castle itself. Toby
felt excited the same way he did when found both places about 10 years ago. He
puffed down the line up ahead was Ulfstead Castle itself. The place looked
magnificent, and work was already beginning as of right now. The engines and
workmen were already getting to work, and the Pack even arrived to help with
construction to. Toby was most impressed.

-SRN: No, no! That tower mustn’t be that short, it must be higher. (Toby’s bell
rings) Ah-ha, the next shipments have arrived, ha, ha.

-Toby: Hello sir.

-SRN: Hello Toby. You’re just in time. Just leave the trucks here, the workmen will
set about unloading them. Emily will be coming in shortly. (Emily’s whistle blows)
Ah-ha, speak of the devil. Good morning there Emily.

-Emily: Mornin’ sir. Mornin’ Toby.

-Toby: Oh, hello Emily. Got the goods from Brendam Docks?

-Emily: Ye bet? This gaun'ae be excitin’.

-Duke: I couldn’t agree more my dear.

-Narrator: Both tram and single looked and saw a certain Ffestiniog engine coming
into view with a goods train of his own. He smiled broadly as the Earl looked
excited to see the Duke himself coming into view.

-SRN: Ha-ha! Duke my own engine, how wonderful to see you on this fine morning.

-Duke: And the same to you my grace.

(Duke & SRN laughing)

-Emily: Och ye twa already met?

-SRN: Absolutely Emily. Right after the party I had with you at Knapford for the
Northwestern Railway, I knew before I headed up to the castle that I had to visit
the Skarloey Railway and meet Mr. Percival and his narrow gauge engines. Though the
real reason I wanted to visit was to meet the engine who carried the namesake of my
late dear father.

-Duke: Indeed. And it was an honor myself that I finally got to meet you your
grace. After all those years, and now we are united.

-SRN: Indeed. But you’re all just in time to meet another engine I acquired on my
travels to run the line to the castle. And, she’s another narrow gauge engine like
you Duke.

-Duke: Really? And she sir?

-SRN (Chuckles): Oh yes. Millie! (Blows a royal trumpet)

(Millie’s whistle blows as she comes into view)

-Millie: Coming zir.

-Emily: Och mah.

-Toby: Well I never.

-Narrator: And coming into view was a small blue narrow gauge engine with four
wheels, a tall funnel and eyeliner. She smiled cheerfully at the three engines.

-SRN: My dear fellows, allow me to introduce you to Millie.

-Millie: Bonjour everyone. Pleazed to meet you all.

-Toby: Hello there, so you’re Mille.

-Mille (Giggles): Zat’s me.

-Duke: Why bonjour young Mille.

-Millie: Bonjour Monsieur Duc. I’ve ‘erad everything about ye.

-Duke: You have, huh?

-SRN: Indeed. I told her plenty about Sodor. Especially about you as well Duke. You
see, while I was looking for artifacts in France, I was searching in an old narrow
gauge mine there, and I even came across an old shed there. Me and a few guides
that were helping me opened the shed and found Millie here inside, all alone and

-Millie: Yez, I used to work thoze minez, but after zey were shut down, I waz left
in my zhed because nobody wanted to buy Moi. I’ve been in there for a long time,
until ze Earl found me and had me zhipped to Zodor to be reztored.

-Toby: Really? Wow, that’s quite the tale. I’m really sorry that you were left
there Millie. I was in a similar position myself after my tramway in East Anglia
was shut down.

-Emily: Me ower. A wis left i a shit for a long time myself tae avoid bein

-Duke: I can relate to that just as much. Due (Smirks) mind the four of you, I
wouldn’t have known too much of the experience, as I was sleeping those decades.

(Everybody laughs)

-Duke: But at least you made it in the end Millie. I’m glad his grace has given you
a new opportunity to work here on Sodor with us.

-Millie (Giggles): I’m glad to Duc.

-SRN: Same here, Millie was just perfect for what I needed, as the lines here at
the estate will be dual-gauged, as that way both the standard and the narrow gauge
engines can come up to visit the castle. And with Ulfstead being in the heart of
Sodor, it would be perfect to accommodate both gauges.

-Duke: I couldn’t agree more Sir Robert. If you don’t mind me asking dear Millie,
how long have you been in that shed.

-Millie: I think it might’ve been 45 yearz. But now zat I’m out and fully restored,
I am ready to get rolling again (Millie nudges forward).

-SRN: Oh, careful Millie, we still have to unload from everyone.

-Millie: Oh, zorry zir.

-Toby: It’s okay Millie, a mistake any engine can make.

-Duke (Chuckles): Indeed. Reminds of Peter Sam & Sir Handel in their younger days a
little bit, back when they were known as Stuart & Falcon.

-Emily (Giggles): Don’t worry Millie, A wis juist the same back whan A wis young.
But we’re really happy fur ye. An’ we’re happy fur ye twa sir. It’s amazin ye have
aw these artifacts.

-SRN: Why thank you Emily. The real adventure was searching for them. Sadly though
there was one I never got the chance to find, as I’m not sure where it could be?

-Toby: What might that be sir?

-SRN: Oh that Toby is the lost crown of King Godred.

-Emily: Kin’ Godred?

-Duke: King Godred was a famous and beloved king back in Medieval Sodor dear Emily.
(Shows an illustrated flashback) He was the original ruler of Ulfstead Castle who
defend the island from a Viking invasion. Life in those days were good under the
rule of Godred, a golden age if you will, especially because Godred himself wore a
magnificent crown made out of solid gold with beautiful colored jewels on each end.
Unfortunately, a band of thieves had snuck into the castle to steal his crown in
order to make a fortune, but his knights were already alerted and chased after the
thieves, chasing them towards a cliff. They caught them, but in the struggle, one
of the thieves stupidly lost it in a mine tunnel. As punishment, the thieves were
executed for such a devious act, and King Godred was still at rule until his death,
but sadly, the crown was not seen since. (Fades back to the present)

-Emily: Och mah. A feel sorry fur him. An the fact such an important artifact like
thon wis stolen.

-SRN: Indeed. I’ve looked for years to find that crown, but never once had found
where it was.

-Toby: Don’t worry sir, I’m sure you’ll find it soon. Especially since we’re at
Ulfstead Castle right now. You never know, it could be hidden in the earth.

-Duke: That’s a good possibility Toby. Especially since there are mines tunnels
that were used after railways were being invented back then. They’ve been boarded
up since, but maybe it’s possible the crown could still be in there.

-SRN: That sounds like an excellent idea you to. Though we can do that some other
day, as there’s so much to do in order to get Ulfstead Castle ready.

-Duke: Absolutely. And anything you need your grace, we shall do.

-Emily: Yeah, we’ll help ye I anyway we can. I’m very excitit aboot this.

-Millie: I’m pleazed to meet you all to. Ezpecially you Duc.

-Duke: Same here Millie, and I know you will do our grace proud.

-SRN: I’m sure she will Duke. Though now that I have returned to Sodor, I was
hoping you can help be my escort. I hope its okay with you, as I understand you
work on the Skarloey Railway, though…

-Duke (Chuckles): Of course its no trouble sir. You are my grace, as well as
Millie’s as well, so I will be more than happy to escort you as well as help with
the castle restoration.

-SRN: Splendid.

-Toby: Good on you Duke. Come along Emily, are trucks are unloaded, it’s time to

-Emily: Okay Toby. It was still nice to meet sir. And it was nice to meet you to

-Millie: Thank you Emily. Au revoir you two.

-Narrator: So Toby & Emily left, while the Earl & Millie gave Duke a tour of the
castle’s restoration and what he was about to plan. But that was only the
beginning, as more was about to come real soon. The next day, Percy was collecting
trucks at Brendam Docks.

-Percy: Morning everybody, how’s everyone on this find day?

-Cranky: Oh what’s good about it?

-Percy (Chuckles): Well that answers my question.

-Salty: Argh, ahoy matey!

-Percy: Ahoy there Salty. These my trucks?

-Salty: That they be cap'n. Goin' t' Ulfstead Castle.

-Percy: Thanks Salty. Wow, that’s a lot of trucks. The Earl must be one really busy
man. Wonder what’s in them?

-Cranky: Oh how should we know? This is more like a load of nonsense if you ask me.

-Percy: Nonsense? (Grins) Why Cranky, dear sweet Cranky, these are artifacts that
are part of history. History that made our world what it is today. You wouldn’t
wanna be disrespecting world history like dinosaurs and knights and crap right?

-Cranky: More like the history that made me lose faith in this damn world.

-Salty: Argh matey, thar are so many great treasures out thar in this “wonderful”
world. I wonder if the Earl has any pirate or Maritime artifacts.

-Percy: Yeah, see Cranky, Salty clearly has got the respect for history. You can
learn a thing or two from him.

-Cranky: WHAT? You saying I don’t know how to learn. ARGH, you green mite, let me
tell you…

(Percy & Salty laugh)

-Percy: Goodbye Cranky. See you later Salty (Laughs)

-Salty: Ha-ha-har! Now that was clever. Percy reminds me o' a chipper dock worker I
knew back in Liverpool.

-Cranky: Mommy.

-Narrator: Later, Derek arrived to collect some rails and sleepers from the
Shunting Yards.

-Rosie: Your train’s over here Derek.

-Derek: Why thank you Rosie. Oh my, rails and sleepers I see. Where are they going?

-Rosie: Ulfstead Castle.

-Derek: Really? Wow, I wonder what’s going on up there. I wonder…

(Guard’s whistles blows)

-Derek: I’ll see you later Rosie, and thanks.

-Rosie: See you Derek.

-Narrator: At the Blue Mountain Quarry, Thomas was collecting a load of stone.

-Thomas: I wonder where this stone will be going.

-Mr. Graham: It will be headed up to Ulfstead Castle Thomas.

-Thomas: Ulfstead Castle?

-Skarloey: Absolutely Thomas. In fact, only yesterday I did a slate run myself.

-Thomas: Really?

-Skarloey: I do indeed. Turns out the Earl is acquiring lots of building materials
and plenty of them to.
-Thomas: Wow, you don’t say Skarloey. In fact, Derek & Henry even mentioned to me
that they both delivered rails and sleepers. In fact, Donald & Douglas have even
been delivering ballast from the Arlesdale Railway on their line to each day on
their goods trains.

-Skarloey: Oh that I’ve noticed. Duke says that the Earl plans to make the grand
opening for Ulfstead Castle very special, the greatest day in Sodor’s history.

-Thomas (Chuckles): I’m sure it’s gonna be. Though Toby also mentioned to me that
unfortunately he doesn’t have a crown.

-Skarloey: Oh yes, the lost crown of King Godred.

-Thomas: Yeah, I remember Edward telling me about him once. But hey, I’m sure it’s
still around. We just gotta keep an eye out for it.

-Skarloey (Chuckles): Indeed. It’ll most likely be around the area of Ulfstead.

-Thomas: That’s what me and Toby agreed on. It’ll be a good place to start.

(Thomas & Skarloey chuckle, then the guard’s whistle blows)

-Thomas: I better get going. Can’t wait to see the progress of the restoration. See
you later Skarloey.

-Skarloey: Take care Thomas.

(Thomas departs and then fades to Knapford Yards)

-Narrator: That afternoon, the engines were discussing the restoration at Shunting

-Duck: The Earl really want out the quite the treasure hunt now did he.

-Arthur: Yeah, he could even give Indiana Jones a run for his money.

-Percy: And the fact he ordered rails and sleepers, as well as all that stone…maybe
he’s gonna build a railway of his own.

-Gordon: Probably, but you don’t need stone to build a railway line Percy.

-Barry: No but you do if you’re building bridges and platforms Gordon.

-Gordon: Oh right, I forgot. Hmm…then again, he did acquire Connor, Caitlin and
Millie. I suppose this is one of those estate railways.

-Toby: It is Gordon. He’s layed lots of railway lines around the perimeter, hence
why there was a line built up to the castle itself.

-Donald: Douggie an A have been deliverin ballast frum the Arlesdale Railway each

-Douglas: Aye, he’s e'en buildin a garden railway tae.

-Percy: Wow, now that does sound special. Especially since Millie will have plenty
to do.

-Arthur: And Connor & Caitlin to.

-Gordon: And even Patrick mentioned when he came in that he had a delivery for the
castle to. I wonder how much this will keep going on.

-Edward: Oh it should be over soon Gordon, as now all that’s needed is to build the
castle. Though there is one more train of artifacts and supplies waiting over at
Brendam Docks. I’ve come here to tell you all as Henry was meant to be taking it
but has broken down you see. So the Fat Controller has sent me to relay the message
to you Donald & Douglas, as you two are the only engines available, as Murdoch is
busy elsewhere, BoCo is busy on my branchline as well as Neville, and Bear’s
pulling passengers today.

-Donald: Aye, now that’s an honor.

-Douglas: And we’ll even get to see what’s been going on at the castle even as we

-Donald: Then we better get gang Douggie.

-Douggie: I’m wi’ ye Donald.

-Narrator: And the Caledonian Twins set off for the Brendam Branch, leaving the
engines wondering even more as they all set back to work. Donald & Douglas arrived
at Brendam Docks where they say Marlin taking Henry to the Steamworks.

-Henry: Thanks for coming to get me Marlin. (Sighs) Shame, I really wanted to take
that long heavy train up to the castle to see the restoration project, and deliver
that long train in style.

-Marlin (Giggles): Don’t worry about that Henry, there’s still plenty of time, as
the restoration is still carrying on. Besides, the Fat Controller has rostered
Donald & Douglas and to help anyway.

-Henry: Oh, that’s nice.

-Donald: Dinnae fesh yerself Henry, we’ll tak’ care o the goods.

-Douglas: Aye, Donnie an’ have handlit these kinds o trains tae remember.

-Donald: But at least we can brin the train ower thare i style now. I the style o’

-Henry: Good for you two, but thanks anyway.

-Douglas: Aye, say na more Henry. You’ll still get a chance tae help oot. Cheerio.

(Donald & Douglas leave)

-Marlin: They’re right, you have nothing to worry about Henry, there’s still time.
Besides, it’s just collapsed fire bars. You’ll be right as rain tomorrow.

-Henry: Thanks Marlin.

-Narrator: Salty was already by the quayside shunting the trucks into place,
consisting of open wagons, vans, flatbeds, etc. Harvey and Cranky already set to
work loading the trucks.

-Donald: Lookin’ guid thare lads.

-Salty: Yargh, all ship shape me hearties. These are the last o' the goods bound
fer Ulfstead Castle.

-Cranky: Humph, and about time to. Honestly, this is making my chain ache.

-Douglas: Och 'n be thar one thing in this world that doesn’t make yer chain ache

-Cranky: Rubbish, I can lift loads of things just fine. I just need to give it a
rest is all.

-Harvey: Och come now Cranky, yer stronger than thon. Besides, at least yer doin
the Earl a favor.

-Cranky (Sighs): I suppose so. Just gotta unload this one crate now. (Starts
lifting) Oh…Jesus, this is a heavy one.

-Narrator: Cranky said as he slowly loaded the crate onto the flatbed. The crate
was huge. Everybody looked curiously at it, even Cranky was rather impressed for
once. Nobody could tell what was in the crate, but they saw an object popping out
of the crate that looked like a steam engine funnel.

-Donald: Och, A wonder whit coud be I’ thare?

-Salty: Aye, I wouldn’t know fer sure Donald, but I guess ye’ll both find out soon.

-Harvey: Same here. Anyways, that’s all the cargo, ye two are set.

-Douglas: Aye, thanks lads, we’ll see ye later.

-Narrator: Soon, Donald & Douglas were turned round, refilled with coal and water,
and with all their strength, set off with the long and heavy train to Ulfstead

(Shows a montage of Donald & Douglas puffing to Ulfstead Castle)

-Narrator: The twins were enjoying themselves, as the train may have been heavy,
but there was nothing that the Caledonian Twins loved more than double heading
heavy trains together. Now to get into Ulfstead Castle on the Main Line was simple,
it was through the Peel Godred Branch, one of the few branches that is strong to
support larger engines, as the branch served different industrial companies. Ever
since Toby and the Hatt family rediscovered the castle, a special line diverted off
the branch to the castle for people to see, just like with the Old Mines. But now
it had to be closed because of the restoration project. Donald & Douglas soon
arrived in style up at the castle, and saw everything that was going on. Everybody
was already hard at work. Connor & Caitlin were already practicing their passenger
runs for when services would finally be open, and both engines large and small were
bustling to and fro shunting trucks into place and helping with the construction.
Speaking of which, when construction was about, the Pack was even called in to help

-Donald: Hello Jack. A see ye lads are oot an aboot tae.

-Jack: You got that right mates. Can’t stay and talk, there’s so much to do.

-Narrator: Jack said eagerly as he bustled away to shovel more rock away. As the
twins did so, they pulled up to the halt where the Earl was waiting with Millie.
-SRN: Ah, Donald & Douglas. You’re just in time. Just leave your trucks there and
Toby and Emily will help you both shunt them into place.

-Donald: Aye, thank ye sur, glad we can help.

-Douglas: Yeah, an’ the castle looks magnificent. Reminds me an’ Donnie o’ our home
back I’ Scotland.

-SRN (Chuckles): I can imagine so.

-Narrator: So Donald & Douglas were uncoupled and set to work shunting the trucks
into place as Toby & Emily arrived. Some of the cargo was being loaded into
Millie’s trucks. But as Donald shunted the mysterious large crate into a siding…

-SRN: Hold on a moment Donald. The truck isn’t meant to be here just yet

-Donald: Och, it’s no’.

-SRN: Oh no, it’s meant to go to the Steamworks.

-Toby: The Steamworks?

-Emily: Whit dae ye mean sur?

-SRN: Well I think you have all worked hard today. Why don’t all 4 of you go down
to the Steamworks, and we can all see what’s inside it together.

-Douglas: Sounds like a plan sur. Donal’ an A have been wonderin’ what’s I’ thon

-SRN: Well you needn’t wonder anymore Douglas. All your questions will be answered
once we arrive. I’ll meet the 4 of you later in Duke, as he’s meant to taking me
there to unveil my newest addition for the Estate Railway.

-Emily: That’s wonderful. Let’s get gang.

-Narrator: So Toby, Emily, Donald and Douglas all set off for the Steamworks as
Duke arrived to take the Earl to the Steamworks. All 5 engines arrived there, where
Marlin took the flatbed off of Donald and right onto the turntable where the crate
was lifted off the flatbed.

-Emily: I’m getting’ quite anxious. Excuse me sur, but whit is I’ the crate?

-SRN: You needn’t wait anymore dear Emily, as this will all be part of my big
surprise. But first my friends, all you to introduce to you my flagship engine that
will be running the line at Ulfstead Castle.

-Duke: Another engine? Along with Millie sir?

-SRN: That indeed dear Duke. Emily, Toby, Duke, Donald, Douglas, allow me to
introduce you to my friend…Stephen!

(The crate lifts up to reveal a rusty looking old engine that looks like
Stephenson’s Rocket)

-Stephen: SURPRISE! (Parts fall in the back and he blushes)

-Duke (Gasps): Oh my word.

-Donald & Douglas: Lor’ sakes!

-Emily: Wow!

-Toby: A rocket locomotive?

-SRN: Oh yes. I admit, there is a lot of work to do on him, but he’s beautiful.

-Stephen: Hello engines, pleased to meet you all.


-Narrator: The 5 engines couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Right in front of
them was very old and peculiar looking steam engine that looked completely
different from them or any other steam engine. He was a little rusty but seemed in
quite good condition for the most part. He smiled warmly at all of them.

-Stephen: Hello engines, pleased to meet you all.

-Emily: Pleasit tae meet ye tae Stephen. Ma name is Emily. An this is Toby, Donald,
Douglas an' Duke.

-Donald: Hello lad.

-Douglas: Welcome tae Sodor.

-Stephen: Thank you, thank you all.

-SRN: Of course. Now Stephen will be restored giving tours of Ulfstead Castle’s
ground along with Millie on the estate railway that’s being built.

-Toby: That’s sounds wonderful sir. But if you don’t mind me asking, what is this
bring surprise regarding the estate railway.

-SRN (Chuckles): All in good time Toby. It will have something to do with my big
surprise. I shall reveal everything at the castle’s grand opening.

-Emily: Thon sounds wonderful sir. Och, an Stephen, it’s an honor ower meet ye, the
world’s famous Stephenson's Rocket.

-Stephen: Oh, why thank you there young Emily, that’s quite flattering. If you come
by later on if you have time, I can tell you stories if you’d like.

-Emily: Oh, why thank ye Stephen. I’d really love tae hear thaim.

-Donald: Aye, sae dae we.

-Duke: Indeed. I’d like to hear some to.

-Narrator: Duke said with a smile. But deep down he looked quite suspiciously at
Stephen, as to him, something didn’t exactly feel right in his smokebox regarding

-Emily: I’ll see ye around Stephen, it wis nice meetin’ ye today. I hope we can
talk more.

-Stephen: I promise we will dear Emily, as I would really love to socialize with
you to.
-Narrator: Emily giggled and blushed, as she loved making new friends, especially
with this Rocket Locomotive. Soon the engines left as the Earl boarded Duke’s cab.
They were intrigued, but Emily was most impressed, especially since Stephen seemed
to be a very polite and kind engine. Toby however while pleased to meet Stephen
seemed rather puzzled. Though Duke still eyed Stephen suspiciously. To him,
something just didn’t feel right. That night, Emily, Toby, Donald and Douglas were
at Tidmouth Sheds telling the other engines about Stephen. Emily was talking most
highly of him or all.

-Gordon: Well I never, Stephenson’s Rocket, the very engine that gave life to all
us engines.

-Emily: That’s richt Gordon. An now he’s here wi us, on the Island o’ Sodor. Oh
this is wonderful.

-Bear: Wow, then let’s hope we get to him meet him then.

-Henry: I did just earlier after I had my fire bars replaced. I was rather shocked.
He was actually quite friendly though and even told me about his time during the
Rainhill Trials and after he was built.

-Toby (Suspicious): Really? What did he say Henry?

-Henry (Yawns): It would be too much for me to tell you all the details, you’ll
have to ask him yourselves at the Steamworks, it’ll save the surprise. But for now
(Yawns) I’m ready to pack it in for the night.

-Narrator: Henry yawned as he back down into the sheds.

-James (Giggles): Same old Henry. Always wanting to get a rest.

-Emily: But he makes a guid point James. A think it’s better we here from Stephen
himself. Makes sense an engine as old as him wad tell us the fou experience o’ his
life aw thae years ago.

-Toby: I’d like to hear to. To be honest, I can’t help but wonder if that is
Stephenson’s Rocket, what’s he doing here?

-Edward: That’s what I’m wondering myself Toby. As realistically there is only one
Rocket still around. And this engine is certainly not a visiting engine like
Stepney or Wilbert or even the Flying Scotsman.

-Emily: Whit?

-Gordon: You gotta point you two. Plus, if that is the Rocket, the surely the Earl
would’ve had to have paid a pretty penny to let him come to Sodor.

-Toby: Perhaps. But he does seem like a nice engine, and we just met him, I
wouldn’t want to jump to any hasty conclusions just yet.

-Edward: You’re right Toby, but I think it’s better we go into this with an open
mind to. Especially when he tells his backstory. Right now, I think it’s better we
all get some rest.

-Douglas: Aye, same, guid nicht everyone.

-Narrator: And so the engines went to sleep, while Toby headed back to go rest at
the Branchline Sheds. Though Emily was still intrigued about Stephen and wanted to
get to know him more. The next day the engines woke to an awful coughing noise.
Percy was out of breath and red in the face. His driver and fireman were checking
him all over as the Fat Controller arrived.

-TFC: What seems to be the problem here chaps?

-Percy’s driver (sighs): We’ve taken up bad water sir, Percy’s pipes are clogged
thick. Blast that stupid moron Jenkins, I told him the water looked too mucky. Oh
but no, he wouldn’t listen.

-TFC: Don’t worry Chris, I’ll be having a word with him later. (Turns to Emily) Now
Emily, I believe you and Toby will be taking a supply train this morning to
Ulfstead Castle from Crovans Gate. You wouldn’t mind taking Percy there?

-Emily (smiles): O’ curse no’ sirr. (Couples up to Percy) Come along Percy, I know
someon’ who migh’ cheer ye up.

-Henry (yawns): Oh not this Stephen again, you’ve been talking nonstop about him
since yesterday evening Emily. And I already met him while I was being repaired

-Emily: Och, I'm sorry Henry, I juist wis excitiit meetin an engine like him.

-Donald: I dinnae think i’s such an issue Emily, especially given he’s men’ tae be
a famous engine who withou’ him, nae of us would exist.

-Douglas: Aye an’ if ye dinnae wanne talk abou’ tha’ Henry, we can alwaes talk
abou’ yer six lovely tenders.

(Henry scowls at the laughing twins as Emily departs)

-Narrator: Emily stifled a laugh as she puffed away with Percy in tow who also
laughed as well, she greatly enjoyed the banter between these engines. Soon they
arrived at the Steamworks, as Emily pushed him into the siding, Percy looked

-Percy: I can’t see this Stephen you’re talking about Emily, all I can see is
Oliver, Paxton and Peter Sam being repaired.

-Emily: Tha’s strange, when we dropped ‘im off yesterdae, he was in no sta’e tae
move by ‘imself, I wonder where he is.

-Stephen: Well you could say I’ve taken up flying…(engines look up to see Stephen
being craned above with workmen on ladder checking his undercarriage)…or hanging I
suppose. Hello Emily, nice to see you back so soon, who’s this engine you’ve
brought here?

-Percy: Hello Stephen, my name’s Percy, Emily’s talked a lot about you.

-Stephen: Oh she has Percy, how nice though, she’s a fine engine herself is your

-Emily (blushes and giggles): Och thank ye Stephen, bu’ wha’ r ye doin’ up there?

-Oliver: Well apparently because Stephen’s been around for so long, Victor and the
workmen wanted to check underneath to ensure there’s rust buildup.

-Peter Sam: Indeed, Granpuff had to be checked for a similar thing when he was
-Emily: Och aye, I ha’ the same thin’ done tae me when BoCo found me. (Sees Victor
puffing in) Hello Victor, dae ye know where me train is?

-Victor: Hola Emily, Marlin had gone to collect it from Barrow but unfortunately
the diesel who was bringing it broke down outside the station. It should be here
within 10 minutes. I believe the number of this diesel was 261.

-Percy (Laughs): D261, eh? That jerk. Oh let me guess, did he suck in a bowler’s
hat again?

-Paxton: Who’s wearin’ an ‘at?

-Percy: Oh you haven’t heard Paxton, well then I really must tell you some time.

-Victor: Well before you do Percy, I think you should all here Stephen’s tale?

-Percy: Oh yes, by all means Stephen, please do.

-Stephen: Oh Victor, I don’t want to bore them, with my longwinded tale of woe.
It’d probably bore them to death.

-Emily: Och dinnae sae tha’ Stephen, please tell us. Ye promisit me tae remember.

-Narrator: The engines erupted into a chorus of pleas that Stephen couldn’t help
but blush and smile, especially seeing the warm smile and sparkle in Emily’s eyes.
Unknown to everyone else, Toby had arrived to help double head Emily’s supply
train. However with the delayed train he opted to shunt outside the works and tidy
up the sidings. Eventually the pleas settled down and Stephen chuckled.

-Stephen (chuckled): Oh alright, I suppose it won’t hurt. Where do we begin…

(Flashbacks to 1829)

-Stephen (narrating): Before I was built, railways existed for ages, but they were
very different to how they are now. Back then the coaches, trucks, shunting all the
things that we do were handled by horses. (Chuckles) Now not to be rude, though
they were reliable, the intelligence of mankind looked to improve solutions in
order for industry to grow. The 19th century was typically known as the Industrial
revolution where they looked at ways of improving travel on land as opposed to
horses. The solution came from many smart engineers who looked at steam pumps that
were used in heavy industry. They each decided to have a go at making an invention
which could work on the railways and take the work away from the horses. And so
they came up with the concept of steam locomotive. From what was told, people were
frightened of them, as they didn’t always work but these men never gave up. One of
these men was called Robert Stephenson, and he came up with an experimental design
of an 0-2-2 engine, and placed him in races. The engine managed to beat everyone in
the competition, engines and horses a like. He was lighting fast, pow, so fast that
they called him the Rocket. (Chuckles) As you probably know that engine is me.
People came to see me constantly, ho-ho, oh it was wonderful, all those crowds
cheering. Once I’d proven how fast I was, I went to work at mines, docks, stations
and yards. My wheels would whir with excitement at every opportunity to work
whether it be coaches, trucks or whatever. Eventually times moved on and I was
retired, but I couldn’t help but smile.

(Fades back to present day 2005)

-Emily: Och wow, wha’ an incredible storee Stephen, ye really had an excitin’ life.
Bu’ why did ye feel happy abou’ retirin’?
-Stephen: My work was done Emily, I paved way for incredible engines like you, all
modern an up to date. (Chuckles) It’s no wonder I was left behind.

-Oliver: I wouldn’t know about that as we’re not exactly modern ourselves Stephen.
Sodor is the only place where we’re all “out of date”, but we still keep on
kicking, even Paxton over there and he’s the most modern by far.

-Stephen: Oh really Oliver, well, you all must tell me about this modern world, ho-
ho, and you Paxton must tell me how these… err um…diesels run?

-Paxton: Oh well it’s uh…

-Narrator: As the engines continued to chatter, Toby had finished shunting outside,
he’d heard everything and was a little perplexed. But his thoughts were interrupted
by the sound of a horn as Marlin pulled alongside.

-Marlin: Morning Toby, sorry for the delay, that stupid git Bowler broke down
outside the station, had to wait for the line to clear ahead before I could move
and retrieve him.

-Toby: Oh that’s alright Marlin. That bowled out buffoon is always causing trouble
like that. Like he’s got nothing better to do.

-Marlin: Yeah, except moan and complain

(Toby & Marlin laugh)

-Emily: Och Toby, mornin’, I dinnae see ye there?

-Stephen: Oh is Toby out there, how are you doing old boy?

-Toby: Oh hello Emily, Stephen, sorry didn’t make myself available, was just
occupying myself with some shunting. In any case Emily, we best be leaving, can’t
delay the Earl.

-Emily: Och yer righ’ I bet’ be off. Grea’ storee Stephen. Be seein’ ye la’er.

-Stephen: Goodbye Emily and good luck. (Emily departs). Now young’uns would you
like to hear another tale?

-Narrator: As Toby and Emily left with their train, the workmen had finished
checking the underside and had relayed something rather surprising of what they’d
found to Victor and the Works Manager outside.

-Victor: Hmmm interesting.

-Marlin: What is Victor?

-Victor: According to the chief engineer, there was little to no rust underneath
Stephen. The parts were so well kept, he thought they were brand new.

-Marlin: Hmmm strange, engines who come in for restoration always have a fair
buildup of rust underneath. Barry, Harvey, Emily, Murdoch, and Fergus all had rust
when we were restoring them when each of them arrived. How come Stephen doesn’t,
especially since he’s way older than every engine imaginable?

-Work Manager: Well my men couldn’t find anything boys, the Earl did mention he had
him semi completed, so I imagine he probably had all the rust removed.
-Victor: I suppose, still it’s strange, especially given that, that part looks
almost brand new.

-Marlin: Yeah…we’ll have to keep an eye on him.

-Narrator: Marlin said and they all agreed. The past few days have been going on
nicely, work on Ulfstead Castle was progressing, and the engines bustled to and fro
bringing in supplies and building materials in making the castle as good as it did
back in Medieval Sodor. Toby & Emily enjoyed it as well given that they were the
engines the Sir Robert was using more. The artifacts were all unloaded carefully
and placed in different places to avoid the activity of construction so they
wouldn’t get damaged, and the workmen and even archaeologists were hired to help in
restoring them and making them look as good as new. Toby felt particularly proud,
as it looked a lot better than they he and the Hatt family found it about a decade
ago. He enjoyed coming there every day with Henrietta who would carry the workmen
there to restore it. Duke also felt proud as these had to have been the best days
in his life, even Peter Sam & Sir Handel’s usual cheekiness didn’t annoy him for
once. He enjoyed bonding with his current grace and even reminiscing of Sir
Robert’s father, Robert Charles Norramby, the previous grace of Duke. Duke also
enjoyed even talking with Millie, and the French engine who was also settling into
her new life on Sodor, was happy to be in the company with other engines, and as
one would expect, Duke definitely took her under his wing like he would with any
young engine, though this time they were getting along, as in fact, Duke actually
found her spirited and determined nature rather amusing, and Millie had to chuckle
whenever Duke was fussy about things being “just so”. Each day, Duke would escort
the Earl and showing him how things have changed on the Skarloey Railway as well,
and he even enjoyed telling him the history of the Mid-Sodor Railway for
information he could use once Ulfstead Castle was restored. Connor & Caitlin the
two Streamliners were enjoying themselves to and have grown accustomed to their new
lives on Sodor already, rushing by with their express trains across the island. Of
course since the castle was still in the process of being restored, they were doing
trial runs by bringing people from Barrow & Manchester on the mainland to Sodor.
BoCo was glad to be reunited with two of his old friends back from his BR days, and
likewise Connor & Caitlin were even glad to reconnect with other old friends aside
from BoCo and even Murdoch, like Caitlin catching up with Arthur back on the LMS,
and Connor catching up with Neville & Rosie back on the Southern Railway.
Especially Neville being a fellow Bulleid Pacific. Gordon also enjoyed their
company to, as the big blue engine was glad to in the company of fellow express
engines, especially from different companies of the big four.

-Gordon: These two are much better examples of streamlined engines.

-Narrator: He would say, given how well-mannered and hardworking they were compared
to Spencer. But of all the engines, Emily was the most excited in helping to
restore the beautiful Medieval castle and making it a museum, and always enjoyed
learning new things from the Earl, as it did bring back lots of happy memories back
when she was in hiding, and her former manager David whom had saved her from the
breaker’s yard, would bring her wife Emily, who the Stirling was named after, and
his wife would teach her lots of things, as she used to be a school teacher back
when she was alive, and Emily loved learning what she taught her. And she even
helped apply her own knowledge into making Ulfstead Castle even better, which the
Earl and everyone else sang her praises. Emily is all the more really pleased, as
that’s what she loved, being a part of something, just as much as being in a
family. But along with the castle’s restoration, she also enjoyed talking with her
new friend, Stephen the Rocket, and listening to his stories.

-Stephen: And then I managed to get the whole passenger train home on one piston in
record time.
-Emily (Laughs): That’s amazin. Juist like hou Edward did many years ago I’ thon
storm, or Henry whan he helpit bear an thon rude diesel, Spamcan thon ane time.

-Stephen (Nervous smiles): Why thank you Emily. Those were the days, when steam was
at it’s peak.

-Emily (Giggles): Wow, yer incredible Stephen. ’m sae glad A got tae know ye.

-Stephen: Same here Emily. I don’t know if anybody else would praise me as much,
because some don’t seem to do so.

-Emily: That’s because nobody has gotten tae know ye aw thon well. Believe me, I
felt the same way after I wis built, as A haed a hard time makin’ friends, but
after getting’ tae know the likes o Thomas, BoCo an Mavis, an aw as engines like
Toby & Duke, I felt like I belonged, I felt I haed a place i this world. An’ here
on Sodor, you’ll feel like ye have a place tae call home. Imagine, Stephenson’s
Rocket, bein’ here, on the Island o’ Sodor.

-Stephen: Oh…um…thanks, that would nice.

-Narrator: He glanced at her loving eyes, as Emily was just sincere, and the young
Stirling herself was happy to be friends with another engine that felt like a hero
to her. The other engines were impressed, however, not all of them praised Stephen.
Duke on the other hand remained suspicious. While he was nice to the Rocket
locomotive, that was for now, as deep down, something about Stephen seemed really
off. For starters, there was only one Stephenson’s Rocket, not another, and it was
on the mainland. So why would the Rocket be bought by Sir Robert Norramby now and
restored to work at Ulfstead Castle, especially given how old the actual engine
was. The other thing was that he kept observing Stephen’s behavior, as despite
being an old engine, he certainly didn’t act like it, as being an old engine
himself, they would act more reserved, peaceful, calm and whenever they would share
their experience, they do it more calmly and try to remember everything as best
they could. Of course every old engine can feel they’re young at heart, but
Stephen, he acted as if he was more like a younger engine that was telling tall
tales to make others think highly of him. Especially because the way Stephen was
telling these stories, seemed more like overused fabrication, like as if he was
exaggerating on these stories, especially because the actual Rainhill Trials of
Stephenson’s Rocket have been known to everybody in railway history. But Duke
didn’t flat out question Stephen or the Earl just yet, as he felt it would be
better to let things play out first, and would question them if he knew otherwise.
Though it wasn’t just Duke that was suspicious of Stephen’s tales. After
overhearing Stephen’s origin story, Toby could feel something wasn’t right. His
faithful coach could tell all was not right with Toby, and she decided to find out

-Henrietta: What’s on your mind Toby dear?

-Narrator: Henrietta questioned one day as Toby brought workmen and rock from the
Quarry to Ulfstead Castle for reconstruction.

-Toby: Oh it’s nothing Henrietta, just procrastinating is all.

-Henrietta (with stern eyebrows): Now Toby, I know well enough to know when you’re
lying to me. Something is on your mind and I have a feeling it’s connected to
Ulfstead Castle. It isn’t about the time we discovered it’s haunted too.

-Toby: No, no it’s nothing about the Castle, it’s about well Stephen, and…oh never
mind, you’d probably think me silly for having these thoughts.
-Henrietta (Laughs): Toby the Tram Engine, no-one considers you silly. You are one
of the most perceptive and wisest engines around. If you think something’s not
right with that Rocket, something isn’t right. Now please tell, me what causes you
concern my dear.

-Narrator: Toby sighed and told Henrietta everything, unknowingly his crew also
heard everything to.

-Toby’s fireman: Jesus, old boy, that’s quite a theory.

-Henrietta: I don’t think it’s a theory Jay, I think it could be true. The truth
is, I’ve had the same thoughts about that fellow too.

-Toby: Wait you have?

-Henrietta: Yeah, I don’t know why, but his stories always seemed to be more full
of energy than fact.

-Toby’s driver: Hmm, sounds a bit like a scam, old boy. I wonder if Norramby up on
this as well.

-Toby: I doubt it Rick, he never seems to be around when Stephen’s telling the
tales. Actually the more I think about it, Stephen hardly talks about his history
when ever Sir Robert’s around.

-Toby’s fireman: Well we should probably let the others know about your theory,
before this fabricator fools everyone.

-Toby: Not right now Jay, I’d rather wait a while and see what happens. I just
don’t know if Stephen is lying about anything. I’d hate to think what would happen
to Stephen if everyone found out he was a liar…if he even was one.

-Henrietta: Maybe so, but one thing’s for certain, you must tell Emily.

-Toby (surprised): Oh but I can’t do that, she and Stephen have built such a strong
friendship and…

-Henrietta: Friends are honest with each other. And as Emily’s friend and as an
engine she looks up to, you should tell her the truth. She knows you don’t have a
malicious part in your smokebox.

-Toby’s driver (joking): If you were James, it would be understandable why other
engines would doubt you, but you my lad, your instinct and perception is something
only I would wish to match. Henrietta’s right, it’s your duty as Emily’s friend to
tell her the truth.

-Toby: Thank you all, I’ll do it this evening. (Approaches the castle), Hush now
we’re arriving at our stop.

-Narrator: Toby puffed into the Castle where work was underway. Donald, Douglas,
Barry and Neville were busy shunting trucks into their correct sidings and Harvey
was also present lifting parts to where they were needed. The Pack were also busy
too, in helping with construction and Millie was darting up and down the line with
construction. Sir Robert Norramby was overseeing everything, he beamed broadly as
he spotted Toby arriving.

-SRN: Oh thank you dear Toby, this stone will be absolutely essential in making the
castle look grand again. Please place those trucks in siding five, I’ll assign
Barry to collect them.

-Toby: Of course sir, and thank you. How’s the work going?

-SRN: Absolutely marvelous dear fellow. I think I’ll be taking a break soon to pop
down on my dear old Duke to go and see how young Stephen is doing?

-Narrator: As the workmen disembarked and Toby pushed his trucks into line, the
words “Young Stephen” couldn’t leave his smokebox. What could the Earl have meant
by that for an engine who was supposed to centuries old? As Toby made his way back
down the line, Duke arrived at the station, elating the Earl even more.

-SRN: Now there is an engine worth cheering about. Oh it’s good to see you dear
Duke. Come to take me to see our dear friend.

-Duke: Absolutely your grace, no other engine would be better suitable than the one
your grandfather named you after. Climb aboard.

-SRN: Of course, it’ll be good to see young Stephen again and see how his
restoration is going on.

-Narrator: As the Earl boarded the train a grimaced look crossed Duke’s face as he
puffed away.

-Duke: Hmm…”young” is most certainly accurate.

-Narrator: Duke muttered to himself as he puffed away. Now something seemed really
off color. That evening, Toby and Emily were assigned to sleep at Ffarqhuar sheds
with Daisy and Mavis. The diesels grinned broadly as two of their closest friends
backed down in the sheds.

-Daisy: Good evening, mes amis. How was your day?

-Emily: All goo’ Daisy, construction a’ the castle goin’ well an’ Stephen’s jus’
ha’ his funnel fi’’ed in place. How abou’ ye twae?

-Mavis: It’s been busy few weeks. With you two busy helping at the Castle, me,
Daisy, Percy and Thomas are doing are best here to. The Branchline’s had more
passengers than ever due to excitement at Ulfstead Castle. We’ll be going up there

-Daisy: Indeed a double header service of stone and early visitors who want to see
the Castle. I am particularly looking forward to meeting this Millie. Je me demande
si je pourrais pratiquer mon français avec elle.

-Mavis (chuckles): She’s there to do work Daisy, not to be a tutor to you.

-Daisy: Au contrair Mavis, it’s nice to have an engine who appreciates the more
delicate touches of la Francais. Anyway enough about us, we’ve still yet to meet
this Stephen fellow, what’s he like Emily?

-Emily: Och he’s grea’ a real splendid engin’. He’s so full o’ life and stories fur
such an ol’ engin’. Why todae he was tellin’ me abou’ the time he go’ caugh’ in a
storm. The year waz 1855, and….

-Narrator: Emily continued to ramble on about Stephen’s tale, Daisy and Mavis
watched with interest, Toby couldn’t help but cringe. However halfway through the
story, the two diesels fell asleep, Emily was about to continue on until she
noticed Toby.
-Emily: Och Toby, r ye okay? Is me storee tellin’ annoyin’ ye.

Toby: Oh no, not at all Emily, it’s nothing really.

Emily (upset): Imma so sorree Toby, I dinnae meen tae drag on, I shuldne ha’ go’
carried away.

Toby: You’ve nothing to be sorry for Emily, you’re not the one who came up with
that fabricated story and…

-Narrator: Toby paused, he wished he hadn’t been so obvious, Emily looked closely.

Emily: Wai’ is dis abou’ Stephen? Has he dun sumthin’ tae upset ye?

Toby: Well, no he hasn’t upset me it’s just (Toby sighs considering his words
carefully), doesn’t it feel like his stories are a little more entertainment and
fabrication rather than truthfulness.

Emily: Fabrication, wha’ do ye mean Toby?

Toby: Well take that time on his first day when he mentioned about the Rainhill
Trials. All he could talk about was how advanced steam engines were compared to
horses and how he won the race. Never once did he mention either of his competitors
nor the actual details of the race or where it took place. Surely such an important
event in railway history, you would think he would’ve actually remembered.

-Emily: Och Toby, bu’ he’s an ol’ engine, yer talkin’ abou’ an even’ tha’ waz over
180 years ago. Long before even me sister Serena was drawn up. He might’ve
forgo’’en the moor intrinsic details.

-Toby (stern but kind): I understand Emily that normal day to day activities it’s
easy to forget but such an important event never leaves an engine’s smokebox. For
instance, I may not remember every day from my past but as an example I distinctly
remember the day when I got stranded on the mainline 50 years ago. I remember
exactly what day it was, what time, the roses that grew, the name of that
stationmaster who got me stranded in the first place and the exact words James
described me as when he had to push me to the works. (Chuckles remembering) Some of
them were so extreme that the Thin Clergymen decided to leave them out of his book.

-Emily (giggles): I can imagine wit’ James. Bu’ how is tha’ related tae Stephen?

-Toby: Dare I say this Emily, but Stephen’s story about the Rainhill Trials sounded
more like a fictional sea tale from Salty than a part of Sodor’s history if you
were to ask Edward. I don’t think he’s a bad engine, but I don’t feel he’s being
honest about who he is. All his other tales about himself seem to be complete
fabrications and more about his impact rather than factual memories of the actual
event. I’m sorry I had to bring this up Emily, but I’m your friend, and the last
thing I want is to see you growing fond of something that isn’t real.

-Narrator: Emily didn’t know what to say, her mind was in a complete dazzle.
Stephen seemed like such a friendly energetic engine, he wouldn’t be lying about
who he was would he, but Toby wasn’t the type to speak badly of anyone unless he
had genuine concern. Confused both engines drifted off to sleep and as her eyes
closed Emily, dreamed of a past memory, a year after she was built.

(Fades back to 1896)

-Narrator: It was the 5th of April, 1896, at King’s Cross Station, GNR No. 1008,
Emily was waiting patiently with her return train to Edinburgh. Just then a signal
dropped and a familiar whistle was heard. Emily beamed as a familiar sight steamed
into the platform, GNR No.1 Serena. No sooner had she stopped, the coaches doors
burst open and several passengers poured out.

-Emily: Hello Serena, my tha’s a lo’ o’ passengers?

-Serena (giggles): Of course sis, they’re visiting the science museum.

-Emily: Science museum wha’s that??

-Serena (giggles): It’s a museum dedicated to all inventions on the past.

Apparently they have a lot of old inventions in the museum, like the very first
bicycle or the…

-Serena’s driver: Never mind all that rubbish old girl, there’s only one machine in
that museum worth seeing.

-Serena: Ugh, not again Jim. Sorry Em, Jim keeps going on and on about this ancient
engine called Stephenson’s Rocket?

-Emily: Stephenson’s Rocke’ wha’ tha’?

-Serena’s driver: Why only the finest engine ever invented girls? Without her, they
wouldn’t have even thought of building fine engines like you two. (Sighs dreamily)
Me grandad used to tell me stories of the Rainhill trials, “Jim me lad, there was
never a day like it,” he would say. He was only a small boy at the time, “An
endurance day it was. Rocket takes the lead over Novelty. She’s maxing out while
Perseverance drops…”

-Serena’s fireman (chuckles): Alright Jim we don’t need another lecture on engines
past. I think the present looks rather more distinguished don’t you think. And
besides I’ve heard rumors that Holden and Pickersgill are collaborating on some new
experimental engine. Now that’s what you call exciting.

-Serena’s driver: Maybe so Fred, but without old Rocket setting her goal all them
years ago, we wouldn’t have the capability to have engines like we do now. Shame
the poor thing’s stuck in that museum, she’s probably all alone.

-Emily: Och wha’ a shame, I’d luv tae visi’ the museum and keep dis Rocket company.

-Serena (warmly): I’m sure we’ll one day meet Rocket sis, but until then we’ve got
trains to pull and if you ask me, I’d rather my wheels be turning than being in a
museum. And who knows, maybe Rocket will be let out one day and you can meet her,
she’ll certainly be enthralled to meet a fine engine like you.

-Narrator: Emily smiled warmly at her older sister but was interrupted by the
guard’s whistle.

-Emily: Och wuld ye leuk a’ tha’, I bes’ be offf. See ya la’er dis evenin’ Serena.
(Emily’s wheels slip bumping the coaches).

-Passenger 1: Watch it clumsy wheels, you nearly spilt my tea.

-Passenger 2: Stop chatting and focus on the line.

-Emily: Och sorree.

-Serena: Bye Em, and don’t worry about those passengers. They always complain about
something no matter what you do, (Serena watches Emily depart before looking at her
driver), Now Jim, we really must talk about this obsession with the Rocket.

(Flashback ends)

-Narrator: Emily woke suddenly, it was still dark, Toby and the Diesels were still
asleep. Emily’s mind was confused, that memory, it happened, she remembered
everything, Serena, Jim, the talk about the Rainhill Trials. Why didn’t Stephen
mention that Rainhill was an endurance race rather than a speed race. Why didn’t he
mention names of other engines like Perseverance and Novelty. But most of all…

-Emily (whispers): Why did Jim sae she nae he? Surely he must’ve known.

-Narrator: Emily’s thoughts soon caused her weariness caused her to grow tired. She
fell asleep a more suspicious engine. The next day, James failed to steam up so
Emily was taken away from her usual castle runs with Toby and was assigned to pull
James’ first local. She didn’t mind of course, her mind was still on the subject of
Stephen. On the one hand, he seemed so energetic and open to be a liar but on the
other Toby and her sister’s past driver’s words circled her funnel. These words
confused her as she brought her coaches to the platform.

-Emily Hatt: Something on your mind Emily?

-Narrator: Emily glanced over and smiled, there on the platform was non- other than
the Fat Controller’s daughter, Emily Helen Hatt. She had grown a lot since her
younger days and now was an established Archaeologist and Paleontologist doing
discoveries of ancient fossils and artifacts all around the world.

-Emily: Goo’ mornin’ Miss Hatt, r ye excit’d fur the unveilin o’ Ulfstead Castle?

-Emily Hatt: Oh I am Em, but unfortunately I won’t be attending. I’m meeting my

team in London before we head of too Mongolia to discover some old dinosaur
fossils. Dad’s disappointed but I’m sure he’ll get round.

-Narrator: Emily too was disappointed, when suddenly she realized what a golden
opportunity this was.

-Emily: London ye sae Miss Hatt. Can I ask a favor on behalf o’ the Earl?

-Emily Hatt: Sure Emily what’s up?

-Emily: We’ll as ye know, yon Science Museum is in London an’ the Earl telt me he
wan’s pic’ures o’ old machines. He’d be ecstatic, if he knew abou’ sum in yon

-Narrator: Now Emily was partly speaking truthful, the Earl had many a times talked
about having portraits about old machines including steam engines but they didn’t
necessarily have to be in a museum. Never the less this slight alteration would
help Emily discover the truth about Stephen and who he was.

-Emily Hatt: Sure, I’ll see what I can do Em, it’ll have to be for a couple of days
but I’m sure I can get photos for you. Heck I’ve heard they have a few steam
engines there. I’ll send them to your driver’s email. That okay with you Karen?

-Emily’s driver: Totally fine with me love.

-Narrator: Emily smiled, just then they were interrupted by a booming whistle.

-Gordon: Apologies for interrupting your discussion ladies, but we really must get
going soon to connect with Pip and Emma. Get on board quickly please Miss Hatt.

-Emily Hatt: Of course Gordon, see you in two months’ time Emily.

-Emily: Buy Miss Hatt, an guid luck I’ Mongolia.

-Narrator: Emily watched Miss Hatt board the train as Gordon steamed away. Though
she was contempt a sinking feeling suddenly hit her. What would this mean for her
and Stephen’s friendship? Deep in her smokebox she really hoped that there wasn’t a
Rocket engine in a museum. However her thoughts were soon interrupted when she
spotted a small boy carrying a book. The book was titled, “Railway Series No.35:
Thomas and the Great Railway Show”, by Christopher Awdry, and showed a picture on
its front cover of Thomas and…a Rocket locomotive.

-Emily: O’ course, maybe Thomas knows sumthin’ abou’ Stephen.

-Emily’s driver: Well you’re in luck old girl, we’ll be meeting him at Elsbridge

-Narrator: Emily couldn’t help feeling excited and steamed swiftly away as the
guard blew his whistle. Though excited, she still felt a little nervous about what
Thomas would reveal. She didn’t have to wait long, no sooner did she pull into the
platform that she spotted the familiar blue tank engine.

-Thomas: Morning Em, how are you feeling today hon?

-Emily: Och I’m okae sweetie, local trains gi’ me a goo’ chance tae stretch me
wheels bu’ can I ask ye a question?

-Thomas: Of course ask away.

-Emily: Well I culdne help bu’ no’ice one o’ me passenger had a book abou’ ye. The
one where ye go tae yon National Railway Museum. We’ll on yon frunt cover an’….

-Thomas (Chuckles): And you’re wondering if that Rocket on the front cover was
Stephen weren’t you? (Emily wide eyed)

-Emily: Well sweetie, I did…I’ juist don’t know gin it really is him.

-Thomas Well dear, to tell you truth, that engine wasn’t Stephen but just a replica
Rocket called Simon.

-Emily: A replica. Wha’s dae ye mean by replica?

-Thomas: A replica engine is an engine who’s been built to celebrate the existence
of an old engine or engine class that no longer exists. At the Museum, I actually
met a couple. An Iron Duke Replica that was built specifically to celebrate the
fact that the broad gauge Iron Duke’s no longer existed. Very friendly fellow.
Simon was one of two Replica Rockets built and was used to give rides to
enthusiasts who wanted to ride behind the Rocket but couldn’t get the chance to.
Lovely fellow. I wonder how’d they’d feel knowing that Stephen…. (Guard’s whistle
blows)… Oops that’s my cue. See you later Emily, I’ll tell you more tonight.

-Narrator: Thomas puffed away with Annie and Clarabel while Emily watched him go.
She desperately wanted to tell him her thoughts but she was so conflicted in her
thoughts and didn’t want to make Stephen seem mean spirited without full evidence.
Plus the way Thomas talked about Stephen, one would feel he was genuine. Her
conflated mind was only made worse as Henry and Bear passed double heading a fast
goods to Knapford Harbor.
-Henry: You know Bear, for an old engine, that Stephen is rather young at heart.

-Bear: Maybe he’s just full of life Henry, I can imagine he can’t wait to be back
in steam and all.

-Henry: True.

-Narrator: Emily departed soon after the two had passed still nervous about what
the truth would bring. Later she pulled into Crovans Gate station where she hoped
she wouldn’t see a familiar sight. However…

-Stephen: Hi there Emily, been a while since I last saw you?

-Narrator: Emily glanced over nervously, Stephen sat outside the works beaming. His
funnel had now been fully attached and his tender hooked up. Workmen were crowding
round him and checking all over. Emily put on a brave smile.

-Emily: Och hi Stephen, how are ye?

-Stephen: Oh right as rain Emily. They’ve just fitted my safety valve now and
they’re running some steam tests on me. When they’re done perhaps I can tell you
the time I ended up in a snow storm.

(Guard blows whistle)

-Emily: Och, maybe nex’ time Stephen, have a train tae pull?

-Narrator: Emily puffed away, relieved that she didn’t have to speak with Stephen
just yet. As she past the Skarloey Railway yards she spotted Duke resting in one of
the sheds, a scowl crossed the old engine’s face that Emily could have sworn was
directed in Stephen’s direction.

-Emily: Maebee, Duke know’s sumthin’ abou’ Stephen. I’ll have tae talk tae him as
soon as possible.

-Narrator: She thought to herself. The next day, when Emily was back on the castle
project, she and Toby were resting during a driver’s break there. Emily told to
Toby about what she had learnt and her plan yesterday.

-Toby: Hmm, I do remember that time Thomas telling me and the others about his trip
to the National Railway Museum and he even told us about Simon. A shame these
replicas never get the attention they deserve. Some people just see them as copies
that will never live up to the original. Makes me wonder if all Stephen is just
another replica Rocket, and if so, he felt he had to fabricate these alleged tales
just to feel important. But either way, we’ll just have to wait and see what Miss
Hatt says?

-Emily: I dinnae know Toby, bu’ I’ll be ‘ones’ I dinnae wanne fin’ ou’. (Looks at
her buffers), Stephen’s been such a kin’, poli’e and Carin’ engin’, I dinnae wanne
think tha’ ‘es a liar, I dinnae know if I culd cope.

-Toby: Don’t worry Emily, we’re here for you. And who knows Stephen may not being
lying, it’s just maybe he has a different way of expressing himself. But all in
all, it’s a very young hearted and slightly unrealistic way.

-Emily: I s’pose bu’ whaddye mean by unrealistic?

-Duke: And what’s going on here, you two shouldn’t be resting on the job when
there’s work to be done.
-Narrator: Duke puffed alongside, before Emily and Toby could explain, his driver
climbed out of his cab and joined the other crews.

-Duke (chuckles): Don’t worry you two, this old engine’s only pulling your wheels.
Because we certainly need a good rest.

-Toby (laughs): Still got that sense of humor (winks at Emily), Duke since we’re
resting could you perhaps tells us about the time you played a prank on Peter Sam?

-Duke: Mmm yes. The time I got my own back on young Stuart when he teased me about
himself rescuing me, one of the best moments in my life. Hmm, well let’s see, it
all started that morning during my return from the picnic run. Time was 11:52am on
the 18th of June 1928. I felt a slight looseness in my tubes and my driver said I
was short of….

-Narrator: Emily and Toby listened with admiration. Duke’s tale sounded like that
of an 18th century poet, such a simple story turned into fascinating details about
the old Mid-Sodor line in its hay-day, including what flowers grew on the line that
time of year, the exact words the passengers used, to the temperature of the day
and exactly what his driver planned when playing a trick on Peter Sam. It was so
poetic that it almost brought out tears of joy to both Emily and Toby. It then
struck Emily that this was what a true sage old engine should be like. A calm and
collected engine who still had energy to showcase to youngsters. She then
remembered the old engine’s disapproving scowl at Stephen yesterday.

-Duke: …”It’s not good Stuart, you can’t win”. I told him. (Chuckles) His face was
a red as the roses that grew by the line side at Marthwaite. Poor little fellow,
cheeky but hardworking, but I needed to remind him that there was still life in
this old bulldog.

-Emily: Wow, wha’ a beau’iful storee, I heard abou’ I’ once bu’ I never realised
all the li’’le details. How dae ye remember all dem li’’le details?

-Duke: Why thank you Emily. Events such as that one never forgets my dear, it stays
in our smokeboxes forever. But I must ask Toby old fellow, what made you want to
hear that story?

-Toby: Oh well you see….

-Emily: Actuallee Duke i’ was me, ye see I culdne help bu’ notice yesterday when I
pulle’ me passenger train tha’ ye were a li’’le cross tha’ I was speakin’ tae
Stephen an...

-Duke: Ah yes, that fraud.

-Narrator: Duke’s face suddenly turned from contempt to a serious frown. The two
engines were surprised.

-Toby: Fraud, what do you mean by that Duke?

-Duke: Well for the start of things, he claims to be to the real Rocket but can’t
even remember specific details about his past. He acts more young at heart than
Stuart and Falcon did when they arrived on the Mid-Sodor line. Now while I don’t
wish to pass judgement on others, I can’t help but feel that an engine who’s over
170 years old with certainly act with a little more grace and not be quite so
immature. I mean…

-Narrator: Emily’s began to feel uncomfortable, all of it seemed to be pointing in

one direction. Replica’s, Duke’s rambling words, Duke’s tale, Toby’s initial
doubts, it all became too much for the poor engine. Fortunately her crew arrived
and she steamed quickly away.

-Duke: I say where’s young Emily going in such a hurry. Is she okay?

-Toby (sighs): It’s a complex situation Duke. Ever since Stephen arrived, she’s
built such a strong friendship with that Rocket and well…I hate the fact that we
all have these doubts. I’m also worried for what will happen to Stephen himself if
it turns out he’s not who he says he is, and he really has been fabricating this
whole tale.

-Duke: I see. Well there’s only to find out the truth Toby old boy. I’m going to
speak to the Earl tonight, see what he has to say about this.

-Toby: Oh my word, are you sure about that Duke?

-Duke: Positive. Don’t worry Toby, I understand your concern, but I was only going
to do so if there was foul play in the air. Clearly the Earl knows something about
Stephen we don’t, but I don’t know if he’s aware that one of his own engines is
supposedly telling these tales. I’ll make sure to put it very diplomatically to

-Toby: Sounds like a plan Duke. (Sighs) I only hope that whatever happens, Emily
won’t be hurt.

-Duke: Same here old boy, but it’s at times like these, you have to know the truth,
no matter how hard it is to handle. (Duke’s crew climbs back in) I’ll talk to you
both later, there’s some trucks that need my attention.

-Toby: Okay, I’ll see you later Duke (Duke puffs away)

-Narrator: That evening Toby and Emily had gone back to Ffarqhuar, the Earl was
waiting patiently at the platform when Duke steamed in. Now, he thought, was his

-SRN: Ah there’s my dear old engine, care to give me a ride back to Crovans Gate
dear Duke.

-Duke: Indeed I have sir. Unfortunately though, there are no coaches up here at the
moment and…

-SRN: Oh bah with coaches, the only way for this Earl to travel is in the Duke

-Narrator: Duke smiled as the earl boarded and they began their long journey
towards Crovans Gate.

-Duke: So, any plans for this evening sir?

-SRN: Just to my manor for an evening roast my dear Duke, although I hear young
Stephen’s construction is complete. He’ll be going for his first run tomorrow.

-Duke: I see. Excuse for my interlude here sir, but what do you mean by these
terms? “Young”, “construction” and “first run”?

-Narrator: The Earl was taken aback so Duke explained everything. The next morning
at Ffarqhuar, Emily woke to hear her crew arguing.
-Emily’s fireman (whispers): You shouldn’t show her this photo Karen, it’ll really
hurt her.

-Emily’s driver: Oh she’ll find out either way Dewey, we have to be honest with
her. She’d be more hurt knowing we hid it from her.

-Emily’s fireman (Sighs): I suppose your right.

-Emily: Wait, Karen, Dewey, wha’s this abou’?

-Emily’s driver: Oh, Emily, morning sweetie. Well, there’s something we have to
tell…no...there’s something we have to show you.

-Emily: Show me? (Gasps) Wai’ Karen, did ye hear frum Miss Hatt? An’ ye both says
somethin’ aboot a photo, wha’ photo?

-Narrator: Toby at that point had also woken up, Emily’s crew looked nervously at
one another and then sighed.

-Emily’s driver: Alright, here goes, brace yourself old girl.

-Narrator: The driver lifted a photo from her pocket and nervously held it to
Emily’s face. At first she squinted and then she froze in shock. Tears began to
weep from her eyes, Toby looked almost unphased by what he saw. There in the photo,
smiling at “her” fans in the middle of a large museum, was a rusted old Rocket. The
real “Stephenson’s Rocket”.

-Emily: Och mah…(Sobbing) I DINNAE BELIEVE DIS! HE LIIT TAE ME (sobbing) HE’S NO’
DE REAL ROCKET? He’s…and she’s… (Sobbing).

-Toby: Oh my god. I knew it, Stephen had us all fooled. Those tales were

-Emily’s driver: Oh Emily, I’m so sorry. I knew you’d be hurt by this, I just had
to show you.

-Emily (Goes from depressed to enraged): It’s okay Karen. I haed tae find oot, an
I’m glad ye showit me, because now I know stephen’s a fraud an a liar. An’ I
thoucht he wis ma friend (Breathes angrily).

-Toby: Ssh…Ssh…there, there Emily. I’m upset to, but don’t worry, we’re headed to
the Steamworks to collect a supply train for the castle again. We’ll both deal with
him. That Rocket has gotta a lot of explaining to do.

-Emily: He sure daes Toby. Let’s gae!


-Narrator: Emily & Toby arrived at the Steamworks both ready to question Stephen
about his lies. Emily was red with fury about the deception, while Toby was more
calm and composed. Though they weren’t the only ones, as once they arrived, a
certain old engine was already giving Stephen a piece of his mind.

-Stephen: Honestly Duke, I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about?

-Victor: Whoa, calm down mi amigo, what’s going on here? I don’t appreciate such
harsh words at my Steamworks.

-Duke: Well that depends on who you’re directing those harsh words to Victor, as
you don’t know the whole story. He’s been playing every engine on this island long

-Victor: What do you mean?

-Duke: Stephen here is not who he says he is. In fact, he’s been an utter fraud
who’s been lying about his identity, and his stories have been nothing but a
façade. Well I for one have had about enough of this fraud and his tall tales. You
may have fooled the others Stephen, but you haven’t fooled me and Toby, as both of
us knew all along something was suspicious the moment we first saw you, and I have
been studying your tales and behavior like a book. And now that I know, this façade
stops now, as I won’t have him spread these false rumors on this island anymore.

(Marlin and Victor looked shocked)

-Marlin: Is this true Stephen?

-Stephen (Eyes around nervously): What? No, impossible (chuckles nervously). A
fraud, eh, that’s a good one. I think your smokebox needs cleaning out my dear
engine. Too much ash can clog your mind.


-Stephen (notices Emily and Toby enter the works): Oh Emily, Toby, morning (Nervous
grin). How long have you both been standing there?

-Toby (Stern): Oh just long enough. I think it’s time we had a little talk Stephen.

-Stephen: Talk, talk about what? Is something eating at your couplings?

How culd ye lie tae me?

-Stephen (nervously shaking): Lie, I don’t know what you’re talking about.


-Emily’s driver: Sure thing old girl. (Driver walks to Stephen) So you’re the ‘real
Rocket’ are you, well then how the hell do you explain “her”?

-Narrator: The driver thrusted the photo in Stephen’s face. The fake Rocket’s eyes
widened, he looked at a loss for words at the picture of the real Rocket. He
goggled and tried to think of the best words to get himself out of trouble. Then he
was interrupted by a car door slamming and footsteps marching towards the works as
a familiar figure stood very cross and with fists clenched.

-SRN: I can explain everything dear engines. After what dear old Duke told me, to
say I was shocked is an understatement. I’m afraid I muddled up my words the first
day we met. The truth is, Stephen isn’t being restored, he is being built for the
first time.

-Toby: Built? What do you mean by that sir?

-SRN: Well Toby, when I decided to restore Ulfstead Castle to its former glory I
felt it would be a good idea to turn it into a working estate railway. After
purchasing Millie to represent engines of foreign lands, I really wanted an engine
who would represent the past memory of steam. So I decided to speak to volunteers
about building a third Replica Rocket and they got to work in a small workshop in
London. I was so proud, that I named him after Robert Stephenson by just calling
him Stephen for short. However the workshop was not large enough to complete
Stephen, hence why I spoke with Sir Topham Hatt about using his engine works, the
Steamworks. Stephen was only partially complete hence why he arrived in a separate
crate (Turns to Stephen annoyed) But never once did I think that Stephen would
spread such a woe of lies. I must sincerely apologize for this dear engines, but
what I want to know is why on earth did you spread such lies Stephen?

-Narrator: Stephen looked down at his buffers, guilt overtook him as the eyes of
the people and engines gazed at him. Then he took a deep breath and sighed.

-Stephen (sighs): I wanted to feel important and special. You lot wouldn’t know
what that’s like, as you’re not replica engines, you’re all the genuine article,
the kind of engines that rail enthusiasts fawn over. But us, we’re not real engines
but copies of those once gone, and I feared you all might judge me if you knew I
was a replica. So I made up that tale to make myself feel important, otherwise you
would just judge me as being a pointless replica.

-Narrator: Silence followed Stephen’s reveal, Victor and Marlin were at a loss for
words, Toby, Duke and Earl looked somber and very disappointed, but Emily began to

-Emily: So tha’s wha’ ye really think. Tha’ me an’ all me friends are judgmental
monsters, tha’ werre ‘ere tae jus’ leuk down on others fur bein’ replicas. (Cries)
Well Stephen, if tha’s how ye feel then I wuldne be a ‘fake’ friend no more. I HATE
YE! (Calms down) Come on Toby, we’ve a train to take. (Runs off crying)

-Toby: I hope you’re happy with yourself Stephen. I hope lying about your identity
to feel special was really worth it.

(Toby puffs away crossly while Stephen looks aghast)

-Stephen: No wait Emily, Toby, it’s not what it seems.

-Duke: Oh it’s exactly what it seems……youngster. You’ve just broken a pure and
innocent engine there because you couldn’t be proud of who you were, Replica or
not. Now poor Emily may never want to speak to you again.

-SRN: Indeed. But it’s not just her you hurt. Stephen, I did everything I could to
help make you feel important and special as you desired. But this, and the fact
that I gave you a home and a name bespoke to you wasn’t special? I see. (Looks at
his feet trying to hide his face as he climbs aboard Duke) Come along Duke, we’ve a
castle to restore.

-Duke: Absolutely your grace. Good day…youngster!

-Narrator: Duke puffed sternly away. Victor and Marlin too left the works, giving
Stephen very disapproving looks. and the workmen all went back to work and minding
their own business. Stephen was all alone, it dawned on him the effect of his lie.
Stephen had felt so guilty he just looked down at his buffers, ashamed.
-Stephen: Oh dear. What have I done?

-Narrator: The news of Stephen’s ultimate reveal spread around the island like
wildfire. Every engine could talk nothing but the truth.

(Cuts to Brendam Docks)

-Derek: I say old bean did you hear the news from down the line.

-Salty: Aye, I did me’har’ee, an’ I though’ I be the one telling’ tales around
‘ere. Though never abou’ me past.

-Fergus: Humph!! Don’t even compare yourself to that liar Salty. At least you’re
honest. Just how can that twit even make up such a story is beyond me. Certainly
not do…

-Cranky: Oh shut up with that stupid catchphrase already Fergus. It winds me up

more than Salty’s tales.

-Stanley: Still regar’less, wha’ wuld ma’e ‘im come up wit’ such a lie like dat.

-Kirby: Honestly, I’ve no idea.

(Cuts to Arlesdale)

-Jock: What’s all this about an engine lying Rosie?

-Rosie: Well apparently Jock, Stephen was lying about who he was and his age.

-Mike: Humph! Well good riddance. That’s the problem with these old geezers, they
always seem to think they’re younger than they are.

-Bert (snickers and whispers): Eh, Rex, do you think we should tell Mike that it
was actually a young engine lying pretending to be older?

-Rex (chuckles and whispers): Nah, let Mike figure it out himself.

-Frank: What’s gonna happen now, that it’s all been revealed?

-Rosie: All I heard from Duck was he and most of the others are having an Indig…

-Bert: Indignation?

-Rosie: Yeah sure, some meeting at Tidmouth Sheds.

-Narrator: Indeed an indignation meeting was being held with more of the more
prevalent members being present. The bigger engines were the first to voice their





-Oliver: Yeah, the cheek of that engine. I can’t believe he would just lie to us
like that day about who he was and carried poor Emily’s emotions on some fool’s

-Arthur: Tell me about it. And the fact he would even drag the real Stephenson’s
Rocket name and Robert Stephenson himself to feel all high and mighty.

-Percy: Maybe guys, but maybe he was lying for a reason. Now I’m not saying it was
right, especially not coming out to us, but we don’t know what he might be going
-Thomas: Percy’s right. These replica engines are under a lot of pressure to be
someone they’re not, especially being part of legacy that they had no idea about.
Maybe he couldn’t deal with just being a copy and created this lie to make himself
feel special.

-Duck: But it’s one thing having a wild imagination Thomas, it’s another lying
about it.

-Donald: Aye Duck’s righ’! How li’lle mus’ he think o’ us tae lie abou’ ‘is age and
tha’ we wuld think he was no’in special.

-Douglas: Aye if i’ hadne been fur Toby’s thoughts tha’ engine coulda fooled us all
fur years.

-Toby: Whoa, not so fast Douglas, you’re putting words into my mouth. I never once
said he was horrid at all. He certainly wasn’t, especially because of how terrified
he looked the moment he got caught.
-BoCo: Here, here, Stephen was in no way a horrid engine. We just have to talk to
him, as he deserves understanding not lambasting.

-Bear: But lying about who you are…that’s pretty awful BoCo. No-one here does that,
except for a couple of 08 scum.


-Narrator: A huge row broke out that echoed across the yards. Eventually it was
interrupted by a certain sharp whistle at the middle of turntable.


-Narrator: The engines stopped as Edward glared from one corner to another, then
spoke in a calming voice.

-Edward: Now listen everyone, we’re all emotional and confused here now that
Stephen’s secret is out. We’ve all been lied to but that’s no excuse for a repeat
of what happened with Daisy last year. Some of you here judged her and she managed
to prove you all wrong, especially after Dennis was the one causing trouble. I’m
not for one minute going to defend Stephen, but we’ll deal with him later. Right
now, we mustn’t forget who’s the real victim here. Poor Emily genuinely believed
more than any of us in Stephen’s lies, feeling she had a friend and feeling
betrayed because of the deception. She is hurting deeply at this moment in time.
Thank Toby and even Duke that at least he put some doubt in her smokebox so she
wasn’t hurt more. It’s our duty to make sure she feels better first, then once she
is we can talk to Stephen. BoCo’s right, we need to understand exactly what Stephen
was thinking and that won’t be through shouting and interrogating him like a
criminal. Instead, we will question him peacefully like the dignified engines we
all are. And if he apologizes and gives a legitimate and understanding reason, we
will forgive him in open arms and move on.

-Narrator: Silence went round the sheds, one by one the engines understood Edward’s
comments. Eventually Gordon spoke.

-Gordon: Edward is right. Tomorrow our main focus should be making Emily is better,
especially given she’s more hurt than everyone else. Comforting Emily could also
help calm many of our emotions. The day after one by one we shall go and see
Stephen and understand exactly what was the purpose behind this deception.

-James: Sounds like a plan. Speaking of which, where is Emily?

-Percy: Oh, she’s at Ffarqhuar. Stephen’s lie really got the best of her. Daisy
told me her and Mavis will be comforting her even as we speak.

-Thomas: Well in that case, I better go see her, Toby you’d best come with me to.

-Toby: Absolutely Thomas, see you tomorrow lads. And remember tomorrow is about
making Emily feel better and only then shall we speak to Stephen.

-Henry: Of course Toby, good luck.

-Narrator: So Thomas & Toby set off to the branchline to find their friend.
Meanwhile, Emily was feeling very worst. Mavis & Daisy were doing their best to
comfort their friend.

-Emily (Sobbing): I cannae believe him…I cannae believe hou stupid I wis tae fall
for such a horrible lie. (sniffs) juist whan I thoucht I haed another friend, I
lose him because he playit me for a fool, aw for his own petty gain (Sobbing).

-Mavis: Ssh…there, there baby, it’s okay.

-Daisy: Believe me dear, we’re just as upset that he played us all to. But he can’t
be any worse than Dennis.

-Emily: You’re right Daisy, but this is different. Dennis wis a lowlife scum thon
only carit for himself, an’ threatenit everyone gin he dinnae get his way. Stephen
liit tae make himself feel important (Sniffs) an I thoucht he wis ma friend.
(Cries) But I juist wish he could’ve been honest, I juist wish I could’ve known,
but he playit me for a fool.

-Thomas: Don’t blame yourself Em, you couldn’t have known.

-Narrator: At that moment, Thomas & Toby came into the sheds with sorrowful looks.

-Thomas: Hi Emily. How are you holding up?

-Emily: Horribly (Sniffs). I still feel sae betrayit. I thoucht Stephen wis ma
friend. But he liit tae me. I feel sae humiliated, sae angry, sae depressed, thon I
juist don’t know anymore (Cries).

-Toby: Cheer up Emily. It wasn’t your fault. Don’t be so hard on yourself, as like
Thomas said, you couldn’t have known.

-Emily (Crying): Aye, but ye did Toby. Ye an duke knew somethin’ wis up from the
start. I juist didn’t listen tae reason.

-Toby (Giggles): That’s rubbish Emily. Of course you did. You are one of the most
open-minded and caring engines I’ve ever known. The moment I got suspicious, you
were also being open-minded to both facts in the debate. You still wanted to be
friends with Stephen, but were willing to find out the whole story. Plus, you were
the one who asked Miss Hatt to send the picture of the actual Rocket in the first

-Emily (Sniffs): Yer richt aboot thon Toby. I juist wish I did know sooner. An’ I
even hate myself sae much tae, as I understand now why Stephen made this up, but
the fact he liit juist really hurts me sae much thon I let ma emotions get the
better o’ me an’ said I hatit him. I didn’t really mean thon, but I juist feel like
such a brat right now that all I can dae is cry and...

-Thomas: Emily…stop. Don’t keep punishing yourself. Look at me. Look at me you big
silly, you’re a very good engine with a great big heart. You did nothing wrong, as
you have every right to be upset, as what Stephen did was wrong, but I’m sure he
had his reasons deep down. But it’s no excuse for him to lie about his identity. In
fact, you, Toby, Duke and the Earl confronting him I think was what he needed to
give him a taste of reality, especially for an engine so young. I think you said
what he needed to here, and is feeling quite sorry about his behavior.

-Toby: Thomas is right Emily. You have nothing to be ashamed, and you even admitted
you don’t hate Stephen.

-Emily: O’ course. But dae e'en o ye hate him?

-Toby: Not at all sweetheart, as like Thomas said, he definitely had his reasons,
as he admitted himself he felt under pressure.

-Thomas: Exactly. Replica engines actually feel this way after being recently built
as a way to capture the legacy of an engine that was way before their time and had
knew nothing about their time. Simon at the National Railway Museum and even the
Iron Duke replica admitted to me that they both felt nervous and afraid because of
the pressure they had, because of how they had no knowledge of the engines they
were designed after. And while not exactly a replica of anyone, Ivo Hugh on the
Skarloey Railway actually felt nervous himself when I first him a week after he was
built, being a steam engine built in the 90’s. And Stephen himself is a young
engine, and we all do things that were not supposed to as he’s still learning. I
think this lie he spread really became a learning experience for him.

-Emily (Slowly recovers): Yeah…yer richt Thomas. Stephen wis feart an insecure…like
I wis whan I first came tae sodor. Back whan I wis an outcast, an wis tryin tae fit
I’. Like hou Stephen wis these past few days.

-Mavis: Exactly Emily. But you can help him. You can help him start over and make
him feel confident in himself.

-Emily: Ye think sae Mavis. It’s thon I hope he’s no’ afraid o’ me after whit I
said tae him.

-Daisy: I’m sure you can reason with him dear, as you’re a very good and caring
friend to everyone, and always help provide great moral support. Especially since
you helped me, twice. The second one I will never forget that. You helped me regain
my honor and showed me a new lease on life that made me a better engine, especially
after Dennis tried to blackmail me so he can laze about and get off Scot-free.

-Toby (Chuckles): Indeed. And it was thanks to you Emily, Dennis got his
comeuppance and will never be allowed to run on rails again. Plus, you help to
comfort and provide great moral support like Daisy said, and you have a wonderful
work ethic. After all, the Fat Controller and the Earl choose you to help restore
Ulfstead Castle for a reason, and that’s not only because of your love for history
and education, but also because of how you’re a kind, hardworking, caring and
thoughtful engine that makes sure to do best for everyone. Plus, you yourself even
gave the Earl ideas on how to make Ulfstead Castle even better.

-Thomas: He’s right. You Emily are a really useful engine through and through. And
hey, since Stephen is still trying to find his place in the world, I think you’d be
the perfect engine to help him, which can even help rekindle your friendship with
him. As you bring out the best in everyone. We love you Emily.

-Narrator: Emily stopped crying and began to smile for the first time in the past
two days.
-Emily: Och thank ye everyone. Thon makes me feel sae much better. An' yer richt,
as Stephen juist needs tae find his place. He made a mistake, but I'm willin tae
find him an forgive him. I’ll be the friend he deserves.

-Thomas: Ha-ha, that’s the spirit. I’m glad you’re feeling okay. Don’t worry Emily,
we’re you friends, no matter what happens, and we’re always honest and will never
leave you.

-Emily: Thanks Thomas. Thank ye aw, I love ye aw sae much.

-Mavis: Same here sweetie. Let’s get some rest, and tomorrow is a new day.

-Daisy: Indeed. You’re doing wonderful so far Emily, and I know you always for many
years to come.

-Narrator: Emily smiled happily, feeling much better knowing her loving friends
were right there for her, and now willing to do the same for Stephen. She just
hoped she could talk to him. Speaking of which, that same evening Stephen sat alone
in the Steamworks, no-one bar the workmen and crew came near him, but it wasn’t
like they weren’t going to speak with him. Even Victor and Marlin kept their words
to just discussions on progress and mainly spoke to Stephen’s new crew on how to
handle the controls. He realized just how foolish his whole lie had been, just to
make himself feel important and special, when in reality, the idea that he was
built in the first place and given his own name was special enough.

-Stephen: Oh dear, what have you done old boy? I made everyone hate me, all because
I wanted to feel special. How stupid of me to think that these engines would’ve
judged me for being a replica. Now they’ll judge me for being such a liar. And not
even a good lie, since Toby and Duke saw right through it. (Sighs) What have I
done? Especially to Poor Emily, I never meant to hurt her, but my lies did anyway.
She’s such a sweet engine and I was too wrapped up in my smokebox of stories to
even consider how far this was going? And now she hates me. Oh I need to prove I’m
sorry…or maybe just hide myself. Oh what to do, what to do?

-Rheneas: Don’t fret, it wasn’t your fault….

-Narrator: Stephen heard Rheneas’ voice, he looked around to see if the Gallant Old
Engine was around the workshops. He looked out and from the corner of his eyes
caught the little engines in their sheds. When Rheneas spoke again, he realized the
old engine wasn’t speaking to him.

-Rheneas: …you couldn’t have helped it Duke, you shouldn’t go blaming yourself
because of it. Especially since you knew from the start something was up.

-Duke: I know Rheneas, I’m just more appalled really that, that fraud would
honestly think that being built in the first place isn’t gratitude enough. I mean,
Sir Robert, even gave him his own name and he rejects it as if it’s something to be
taken lightly.

-Skarloey: Oh come now Duke, you heard what he said. He felt a lot of pressure not
being the real Rocket and didn’t want to just be seen as some other replica that
was gonna be ostracized. It’s no excuse for what he did.

-Duke: I know Skarloey, but for now, I don’t want to think or speak to him for the
rest of the night.

-Sir Handel: We understand Granpuff. It’s better to deal with him with a clear
smokebox. Say how about you tell us a story instead, to take our mind off all this?
-Peter Sam: Yes the one about King Godred, after all he does sound a brave and
grumpy as you.

-Duke (chuckles): Oh you impotent scallywags, very well, where do we begin?

-Narrator: As Duke retold the tale of King Godred, Stephen listened with
admiration. As Duke finished the tale and the little engines drifted off to sleep,
Stephen beamed.

-Stephen: That’s it, that’s how I’ll redeem myself. If I can find King Godred’s
lost crown, it can be both a redemption to all these good engines and people who
have given them a chance and it’ll prove that I am a useful engine. Oh brilliant.
I’ll just need to speak to my crew in the morning, oh but best do it at night,
don’t want the other engines to try and stop me or deter me.

-Narrator: Fortunately the other engines were all too busy with regular work, as
well as comforting Emily to take notice of Stephen. His tests had been completed
and he was now ready to roll. As the workmen took a tea break, Stephen spoke to his

-Stephen: Psst Scott, Allie.

-Stephen’s Fireman: Yeah what is it Stephen? You’re not gonna tell us a false tale
are you?

-Stephen’s driver: Oh lay it off him Allie, what is it Old Boy.

-Narrator: Stephen explained to him about his plan, his crew looked at each other

-Stephen’s fireman: No way hose, firstly there’s no way we can do it broad daylight
and secondly how do you know this tale is even true?

-Stephen: I know it because I overheard Duke talk about it and we’ll leave tonight.
Just fill me up with coal and water and I’ll be gone in a jiffy.

-Stephen’s driver (Sighs): Alright, but are you sure you want to be goofing around
with this tale around an old mining network? Especially an abandoned one? It could
be incredibly dangerous.

-Stephen: I must. Plus, it’s my only way to prove myself and to show the others how
sorry I am for that stupid lie? Please Scott, it’s not as if they think much of me
now, and this is all I have left. Please…I beg you.

-Stephen’s driver (Sighs): Very well Stephen, we’ll top you up on coal and water.
Allie you go and speak to the signalmen about what’s the quietest time when there
are no trains running, and then we’ll go and search in these mines. But if we can’t
find anything by 9 AM, we’re returning, and that’s it.

-Stephen: Okay, deal. Thanks you two.

-Stephen’s fireman: Don’t mention it. Let’s just hope this does go well.

-Narrator: Stephen sighed a little excited, this would be his chance to prove
himself. So that night at precisely 1 AM, when all trains had passed and none were
returning, the signalmen gave them the all clear. Very gently, Stephen tried one
piston and then another has his crew steadied their hands on the regulator. They
crept passed the sleeping duo of Victor and Marlin and began making their way
towards the mainline.
-Stephen (whispers): Right, off we go.

-Stephen’s driver: SHHH, Quietly now.

-Narrator: Fortunately because Stephen was such a small engine, he was virtually
silent. Once on the mainline he began making his way towards the Old Mines of
Ulfstead Castle.

-Stephen: Right. Here we go, an adventure of my very own for the first time.

-Narrator: Later that morning, Daisy and Mavis pulled into Ulfstead Castle pulling
a train of quarry the trucks. The workmen disembarked from Daisy and began heading
towards the Castle. The two engines noticed a long line of trucks filled with
excess rock waste on the adjacent line. As they did, Millie pulled up alongside.

-Millie: Bonjour mademoiselle Daisy, comment allez vous?

-Daisy: Très bien, merci beaucoup mademoiselle Millie, et toi?

-Millie: Je vais bien mais très fatigué…(notices Mavis)…oh I sorry madame Mavis, I
forgott you w’ere zere.

-Mavis (giggles): It’s fine Millie, Daisy’s been teaching me a bit of French,
especially some words to describe an engine I don’t exactly like. In any case
Millie, what are those trucks there for?

-Millie: Oh mademoiselle, w’hen rebuilding un chateau, sometimez bad quality rock

iz used, so it needz to be taken avway and zhe good rock zhat you and madame Daisy
have brwought is uzed inztead. I believe vous deux r to be taking zhis rock wiz a
zird engine. But ‘oo zis engine tu n’aimes pas?

-Narrator: Before Mavis could ask which engine, an oily rumbling and a deep
unwelcomed horn was sounded. Mavis rolled her eyes and Daisy groaned as familiar
shape purred into the yards, grumbling dreadfully.

-Mavis (Groans): You have gotta be kidding me.

-Daisy: Oh for goodness sake, couldn’t the Fat Controller have sent Paxton or Derek

-Diesel: Well I’m sorry to disappoint you, you moaning motorized coach, it’s not as
if I wanted to come here and collect this filthy rock waste (shudders). I should be
doing more suitable duties for an engine such as myself.

-Mavis: Hey Diesel, watch your tongue. Don’t speak to Daisy or anybody else like
that, at least she works hard and doesn’t make anyone’s life hell unlike you.

-Diesel: Humph!

-Mavis: Besides didn’t you do the work you are given, no matter how hard or dirty
or tedious it is? You wouldn’t go back on it now, especially after what you tried
to do to me?

-Diesel: Trust me the last thing I would want to do is work with you again Mavis,
but alas I must… (Begins rolling back)…now let’s get this stupid job over with.

-Millie: Monsieur, je n'aime pas ton attitude. You arre very rude, and zhe Earl
wuld not like a character like you ‘ere. Be patient and wait for mademoiselle to…
-Diesel: Oh and who are you to tell me what to do you mini pathetic mime loving
surrender monkey? Learn how to speak proper English before coming here, especially
to an engine like me.

-Narrator: Millie fumed and Mavis was so furious and was about to retort, but Daisy
had, had enough.

-Daisy: How rude of you Diesel but actually how ironic. An engine like you say, but
the question is what exactly are you?

-Diesel (Baffled): And what do you mean by that?

-Daisy: Oh wait, I’ll tell you what you are. You are pathetic, sad, manner less and
selfish weasel, but amongst other negative things, you are absolutely delusional.
(Diesel gasps in shock) You heard me. You insult all three of us just to make
yourself feel important, but our designs are unique. You think you’re something
special but you’re just one of nearly a thousand meek shunters built for a purpose
with no specialty in mind. (Diesel’s jaw drops) In fact you’re not even painted in
a distinct livery like some other members of your class like Paxton, and at least
he behaves properly unlike you. In fact, you don’t even have a name, unlike the
rest of us. The reason you’re called Diesel is for one reason; your designer
considered you so insignificant that he couldn’t even bother thinking of a name for
you. (Mavis, Millie, Diesel’s driver and some workmen burst out laughing while
Diesel goes red). Now if you wouldn’t mind going to the back of that train and
being helpful instead of being a horrible bâtard pervers.

-Narrator: Millie gasped, then laughed out loud, some workmen who didn’t even know
French just scratched their heads, Mavis chuckled and winked. Even Diesel’s driver
stifled a laugh while Diesel clenched his teeth.

-Mavis: Those we’re the exact words she taught me.

-Diesel’s driver: Damn that’s what I call a Diesel roasting.


-Narrator: Diesel still furious reversed to the end of the rock waste train while
Mavis and Daisy pushed the remainder of their trucks of new rock into a siding. As
Diesel approached the train, the waste trucks who’d heard everything began to

-Truck 1: Careful of this one lads, he’ll try it on with you like he did Mavis.

-Truck 2: Yeah, watch your backs, the forgettable Diesel’s back.

-Truck 3: Doesn’t even have a name, just a horrible bâtard pervers.

-Troublesome Trucks: Horrible bâtard pervers!! Horrible bâtard pervers!! Horrible

bâtard pervers!! Horrible bâtard pervers!! Horrible bâtard pervers!!


-Narrator: Diesel snapped, and bumped the trucks hard. They’re brakes had not been
set and they rolled helplessly down the line until they reached the base of the
hill and gathering speed, they careened down.

-Troublesome Trucks: HURRAH!!! HURRAH!!! HURRAH!!! HURRAH!!! WE’RE AWAY!!! WE’RE

-Diesel (Gulps): Oh no.

-Diesel’s driver: Oh no? You know what why am I not surprised. I’ll just phone down
the line. You’d best hope it doesn’t collide with an engine.

(Diesel’s driver storms away)

-Millie: ‘Oww many mistakan has monsieur Diesel made?

-Mavis: Honestly honey, I’ve lost count.

-Narrator: Meanwhile further down the mountain, Stephen and his crew were at the
abandoned Ulfstead Mines. His driver and fireman were searching for the lost crown.

-Stephen’s driver: Sorry old boy, we’ve been searching for well over an hour, but
we can’t find this crown anywhere. (Climbs back on board). We’ll have to call it a

-Stephen: No, we can’t give up, there must be some way we can find it. I must show
the Earl and the others. It’s the only way for them to forgive me (Notices the
blocked mine shaft). Maybe it’s in there.

-Stephen’s fireman: Are you crazy? No way in hell are we going down a closed mine
shaft. It’s too dangerous.

-Stephen’s driver: She’s right old boy, last thing we need is to be trapped in this
god forsaken mine. Besides I’m sure the engines and the Earl would forgive you if
come clean about what you did.

-Stephen (sighs): Suppose your right Scott. (Suddenly hears a faint Clickety clack
of trucks) Say can you two hear that?

-Stephen’s driver: Yeah sounds like some runaway trucks.

-Narrator: The fireman looked back and gasped horror. Heading towards them were the
runaway waste trucks.

-Stephen’s fireman: Oh god, it is a line of runaway trucks. Those gits will knock
us off the rails. WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?

-Stephen: There’s only place we can go, into the mines. Full steam ahead Scott.

-Stephen’s fireman: Are you joking? We’ll be…

-Stephen’s driver: No Allie, Stephen’s right, either that or we get smashed off the
rails. I’d rather be trapped than dead.

-Stephen’s fireman: Well then what the hell are we waiting for then? HURRY!

-Narrator: And with that the driver threw open the regulator. Stephen shot
forwards, he shut his eyes and his crew ducked as they bursted through the board
and into the mines. But in the process, the force had snapped off Stephen’s very
own funnel. The troublesome trucks hurtled towards them but going too fast for the
bend, they hurtled off the rails and smashed into the mountain, most breaking into
smithereens. Then all of a sudden, a rockslide occurred, destroying the remaining
trucks and blocking the entrance to the mine.

-Stephen (coughs): Is everyone okay?

-Stephen’s fireman: Yeah, little startled but good news we’re okay. Bad News we’re
trapped, and your funnel just clipped.

-Stephen: Oh damn, so it is.

-Stephen’s driver: we’ll just have to find an opening. Else we’ll just come back
here and try to shift some of these rocks.

-Stephen: Wow, never expected this adventure to take a “dark” turn.

-Narrator: With hid headlamps on, Stephen ventured further into the mines.
Meanwhile the Fat Controller had arrived at Ulfstead Castle with Harvey. As the
crane engine was searching the mountain side for any derailed trucks, while the Fat
Controller and The Earl were giving Diesel some stern words.


-Diesel (Stutters): Uh…well…I…


-SRN: Indeed. And those comments you said towards my dear Millie were both
derogative and racist! You owe those engines a sincere apology.

-Diesel: Uh…well…uh…

-TFC: If your arrogance is gonna get in the way again, once again deluding yourself
to how bad it is to be…well good, guess what that means?

-Diesel: Ah, no, no, no! Please sir, I’m sorry sir, I’ll behave!

-SRN: Well then start apologizing…now!

-Diesel (Gulps): Mavis, Daisy, Millie, I’m sincerely sorry about how selfish and
rude I was. It was so wrong and I was so stupid, I promise I’ll never treat you so
horribly again.

-Mavis: Oh that’s alright Diesel. Only as long as you mean it.

-SRN: Oh don’t you worry dear Mavis, Sir Topham and I will make sure of it. As of
today, you Diesel are banished from Ulfstead Castle forever, even after it’s

-TFC: Indeed. And as punishment for your incompetence and arrogance Diesel, you
will be on waste duty for a whole month.

-Diesel: Yes sir.

-TFC: Now run along, or I can just change your name this time to “horrible bâtard
pervers” from now on (winks at Daisy as the three engines just giggle).
-Narrator: Diesel, feeling defeated, and even shocked that even the Fat Controller
agreed on Daisy’s joke and would even call him that, slunk away meekly.

-TFC: I really must apologize for his behavior Sir Robert. I tried to give him a
second chance, but he keeps being so prideful and selfish.

-SRN: It’s okay Sir Topham. I’m sure after that, he’ll never be causing trouble
like that again.

-TFC: Mmm, let’s hope so. Besides, we already have had enough trouble since
yesterday after Stephen’s deception was found out after my daughter showed my Emily
that picture of the actual Stephenson’s Rocket.

-SRN: Indeed. At least Stephen would never behave like Diesel that’s for sure.
Speaking of which, how is Emily holding up since yesterday?

-Mavis: Oh she’s just fine sir. Thomas & Toby came over to comfort her last night
and she’s feeling much better, and is willing to forgive Stephen.

-SRN: Ah, splendid, as I am willing to forgive him to. However, we may have to wait
on that.

-Millie: What do you mean zir?

-SRN: That’s what I was going to say Millie, as Duke and I were going to check on
Stephen at the Steamworks, and he’s gone missing.

(Everyone gasps)

-Mavis: What?

-TFC: You’re kidding! How?

-SRN: I don’t know. Duke and I showed up, and he wasn’t there. We asked Marlin and
Victor, but they haven’t seen him either. As he just vanished in the middle of the
night while they were asleep.

-TFC: Oh…I don’t believe this. First that scamp fools us all into thinking he’s the
Rocket and tells us those tall tales, now he just…runs away?

-SRN: I’m just as baffled to Sir Topham. And I’m worried that maybe I was a little
too hard on him, despite telling those horrid lies. After all, he was well-
intentioned and didn’t mean to harm anyone.

-TFC: Indeed. But regardless though, we just have to focus on finding him.

-Mavis: What do you propose sirs?

-TFC: There’s only one thing to do Mavis. Call the other engines, as we’re gonna
need all the help we can get.

-Narrator: That afternoon, the Fat Controller, the Thin Controller and the Earl had
gathered up all their engines large and small at Crovans Gate to discuss the

-TFC: Okay, now that we have everybody present, you’re all probably wondering why
we we’ve summoned you all here today. It’s because the Earl’s newest addition,
Stephen the Rocket Replica has gone missing last night.
(Everyone gasps)

-SRN: Indeed. He’s gone missing from the Steamworks when Duke and I were going to
check on him.

-Marlin: We really apologize sirs. We didn’t know he had left, as Victor and I were

-TFC: Don’t worry about that you two, it wasn’t your faults. Engines like Stephen
are very silent as a mouse, so he could’ve sneaked past anybody at night. But I
just can’t believe that little scamp has just run off.

-Toby: He probably has because of us sir. I mean yes, what Stephen did was wrong,
but he didn’t intend to harm anyone. He was afraid we were gonna ridicule him.

-Henry: But we would never do that. Especially because now, we’re ready to forgive

-TFC: Indeed, and so was I. Especially after what he did to you Emily.

-Emily: Ay sir, but I can’t be mad at him anymore. As deep doun, he is a kynd
engine wi’ a guid heart, he juist wantit tae feel special an went tae an’ extreme.
I wis gonna come ower an talk this oot wi him, but now thon he’s oot thare an has
runaway tae whoever knows were, I’m awfully worriit.

-Duke (Sighs): Same here my dear. I’m still aghast by his behavior, but now I feel
maybe I was a little too hard on him.

-SRN: Don’t feel bad Duke, as so was I.

-TTC: We were all angry and confused.

-Edward: We were but those are just natural traits when we find out somebody has
lied. These things happen and talking about who’s to blame will not help, as it was
just a miscommunication. Stephen shouldn’t have lied, and we had the right to be
angry, so what’s done is done here. All we need to focus on is finding Stephen,
making peace with him, and move on.

-Duke: That’s a good way of putting it Edward.

-TFC: Indeed. We’ll send out a search party and cover every place on the railway to
see where Stephen has gotten to like what we did for Fergus. Of course we still
have a railway to run, so to all of you of you, if any of you find Stephen, contact
us immediately.

-SRN: Indeed, but Emily, Toby and Duke, since you three have been helping me on the
castle restoration, I’ll need you three to help me find Stephen.

-Emily: Absolutely sir. We’ll help I’ any way we can.

-TFC: Excellent. And don’t worry you three, we’ve assigned other engines to help
with your jobs anyways. Good luck.

-Toby: Thanks sir, we’ll find him.

-Narrator: So all the engines split up into different parts of island while they
were doing their jobs to find Stephen. But Emily & Toby were excused from their
work to search everywhere on the Northwestern Railway to find them, and even Connor
& Caitlin had their practice express runs to help them in covering more ground to.
While on the Skarloey Railway, Duke and the Earl were searching every narrow gauge
territory, and even Millie helped them to. And of course, even Harold the
Helicopter, Terence the Tractor and Butch the Breakdown Lorry helped in the search

-Terence: Foun’ anyfing Butch?

-Butch: Can’t say I have Terence, I looked everywhere.

(Harold hovers ahead)




(Terence, Butch and Harold split, then fades to Stephen)

-Narrator: Meanwhile, in the Old Mines at Ulfstead Castle…

-Stephen (Blowing his whistle): HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! IF SOMEONE CAN HEAR US FROM

-Stephen’s driver: It’s no good old boy, we’re trapped. Plus, you’d be wasting
you’re steam if you did.

-Stephen’s fireman: He’s right. Now that your funnels been clipped, we’re losing
steam. We’ll just have to go a little slower.

-Stephen’s driver: Exactly. We’ve been trapped in here since yesterday and have
found nothing. I’m sorry Stephen, but this search is hopeless, we’re looking for a
needle in a haystack.

-Stephen (Sighs): You’re right you two. I’m so sorry I got us into this mess. If I
had just come clean about who I was in the first place, this wouldn’t have
happened. I’m such an idiot. It’s all my fault.

-Stephen’s fireman: Now come one Stephen, don’t be so hard on yourself. You made a
mistake, it happens. Besides, you’re only a young engine anyway that was just
learning, and I’m sure everybody has forgiven you at this point.

-Stephen: Maybe Allie. But I don’t know if they could. In fact, I might as well be
left in this mine if that was the case.

-Stephen’s driver: Now that you talk like that Stephen. Listen, even when me and
Allie were young, we made mistakes as children, but that’s because we were just
that, children. We grow up, we make mistakes, we learn and mature from them. Like
you are, and I’m sure everybody didn’t mean what they said to you. Besides, even if
you didn’t find this crown, I’m sure everybody will still respect you. I mean we

-Stephen: Really?

-Stephen’s fireman: Yeah! And we’re not gonna leave you Stephen, as even if the
engines don’t forgive you, we’re your friends now, and we’ll always be by your
side, right?

-Stephen (Cracks a smile): Right. All that matters is we find a way out of here.
-Stephen’s driver: That’s the spirit old chap. But again, we go slowly, just to
conserve your steam. (Smirks) Don’t suppose an old drain pipe could be in here.

-Stephen (Smirks): I doubt it. But I’m sure Peter Sam wouldn’t mind hearing that if
we see him.

-Narrator: They all had a good laugh about that. Stephen and his crew kept
searching with Stephen feeling short of steam. But each tunnel they patrolled, they
found a dead end.

-Stephen: Ugh, this is hopeless, we maybe stuck in here for...god knows how long.

-Narrator: As Stephen reversed, his tender hit some rocks.

-Stephen (Pauses and eyes the tracks): Uhhhhh-oh (Gulps).

-Stephen’s driver: RCOKSLIDE!

-Stephen’s fireman: LET’S SCRAM!

-Narrator: Stephen raced as fast as he could with every last ounce of steam he had
as the rocks tumbled from the ceiling. But he made it out of that mine tunnel just
in time.

-Stephen: Phew, that was a close one. Hey, Scott, Allie, look at that.

-Stephen’s driver: What the? What’s this?

-Narrator: The three of them looked to find in a pile of rubble next to them was an
old treasure chest on the side.

-Stephen: A treasure chest? What’s it doing here?

-Stephen’s fireman: Not sure? But let’s take a look inside.

(Stephen’s fireman opens the chest which shines brightly)

-Stephen’s driver: Oh my god, it can’t be.

-Stephen (Gasps): Oh my…it is…

-Narrator: Stephen gasped, feeling both amazed and proud. Meanwhile, outside the
mines, Toby & Emily were searching the perimeter.

-Toby: They could be the last place he could be Emily. Bertram said that there was
some old mine tunnels at the bottom of the hill the castle is standing on.

-Emily: Aye, it must’ve been abandonit for years. I’m sure Duke an the Earl micht
know more aboot this.

-Toby: I’m sure they have. Shame the Earl won’t reopen this place, especially given
that it has both standard and narrow gauge track (Chuckles).

-Emily: Yeah (Giggles and looks at the rockslide in front). But thare is somethin
thon is worth checkin oot, leuk at thon.

-Toby: Whoa. Oh my word, it’s a rockslide. And with some smashed trucks. (Rolls his
eyes and chuckles) Bet I know what caused this. Oh Diesel, always causing trouble
with that temper of his.

-Emily: Aye, can’t thon jerk ever learn tae tak’ responsibility?

-Toby: Only time will tell honey.

-Emily: True…but I think he’s caused even more harm to not just to the trucks,

-Narrator: Both engines came up and saw the dented remains of Stephen’s clipped
funnel on the bottom next to the debris.

-Toby: Holy…that’s Stephen’s funnel (Gasps). Oh my word, he was here.

-Emily (Gasps): Ye don’t think he got smashit i' the avalanche dae ye Toby?

-Toby: Let’s hope not. He could be in the mines themselves.

-Emily: Yer richt! (Emily blows her whistle) STEPHEN! STEPHEN! ARE YE I’ THARE!

-Narrator: From the inside of the mines, as Stephen and his crew were still trying
to escape, the young Rocket heard noises from outside the very entrance that was

-Stephen: Driver, fireman, do you hear that?

-Stephen’s driver: I sure do old boy, it sounds like an engine’s whistle, and a


-Stephen (Gasps): IT’S EMILY! AND TOBY! THEY’RE LOOKING FOR US! Driver, we have to
whistle to them.

-Stephen’s driver: But if we do that, you’ll lose all your steam.

-Stephen: I know, but there’s no other choice now, just do it.

-Stephen’s driver: Okay (Blows his whistle).



-Stephen’s driver: You hear that old boy, they’ve come from you. Turns out they
don’t really hate you at all.

-Stephen: Yeah…you’re right.

-Toby: Emily, you get Jack, I saw him working on the castle ground loading up
trucks earlier. I’ll go find Duke and the Earl and let them know about this.

-Emily: Richt, guid luck Toby.

-Narrator: So the two old engines split. Toby left down the branchline while Emily
headed straight up to the castle and found Jack.
-Emily: JACK! JACK!

-Jack: Oui, what’s wrong Emily, you look frantic.

-Emily: Jack, I neit yer help. Toby an’ I found Stephen.

-Jack (Gasps): You did?

-Emily: Ay, he’s I’ the mines. Trappit bi the very avalanche thon Diesel causit twa
days ago.

-Jack: Oh that idiot. Well don’t worry Emily, I’ll give you a hand.

-Narrator: So Emily was coupled to a well wagon, tender first, and Jack was loaded,
as the Stirling raced down there with the front-loader on board.


-Narrator: Soon Emily shunted Jack’s well wagon into a siding, and the front loader
got off and set to work.

-Jack: Don’t worry Emily, I’ll have this rock shifted away in no time.

-Emily: Thanks Jack.

-Narrator: And in no time at all, the debris blocking the mine entrance was

-Emily: Richt, here we gae. Thank ye Jack.

-Jack: My pleasure. Good luck Emily, and be careful.

-Narrator: So Emily boldly made her into mine tunnel with her head code on full.
Once she made it in, she saw a glow of light, and right in front of her, the sight

-Emily (Tears of joy): STEPHEN!

-Stephen: EMILY!

-Narrator: Emily rushed up to embrace him, and slowly stopped and nudged his
buffers up to him like she and Thomas would do to each other sometimes.

-Emily: Och Stephen, yer safe. Och I'm sae glad, I wis worriit aboot ye.

-Stephen: You…you were.

-Emily: Mmm hmm.

-Stephen: But…but I thought you…hated me…after what I did.

-Emily: That’s rubbish. Listen Stephen, I dinnae mean whit I said tae ye after I
found oot. I wis juist angry aboot whit happenit I juist lost control.

-Stephen (Tears up a bit): Yes, but I still can’t blame you, because it was all my
fault. Oh Emily, I’m so sorry, for everything. I should never have told you those
stupid lies. I was so insecure that everybody was gonna ridicule and judge me for
not being the Rocket they loved at the Science Museum, but I now caused myself to
be ridiculed after lying. I really just don’t…
-Emily (Tearfully smiles): Stephen…look at me. It’s okay. Listen, I’m sorry I got
angry wi’ ye. Ye only wantit tae fit i, but lyin aboot thon will only make things
worse. Because once ye dae it, it becomes an unhealthy habit thon hurts everyone.
Ye don’t have tae be the real Rocket tae be friends wi’ everyone, an ye don’t have
tae make up stories aboot yourself tae feel special. Yer special I’ yer own way.

-Stephen: Really?

-Emily: Really. Besides, I know hou ye feel. Whan I wis first built, I dinnae have
many friends. Iwis aye ridiculit because I wis shy an feart. But A did have some
people an engines thon carit for me for wha I wis, an helpit me survive bein
scrappit. An' whan I came tae Sodor, I wis nervous i hou tae fit i', A dinnae know
whit tae dae. But after gettin tae know an trust the other engines, I felt happy, I
niver felt lonely again.

-Stephen: Oh…I see, so when you got angry at the Steamworks.

-Emily: It broucht back a lot o’ traumatic memories o bein betrayit an manipulatit.

-Stephen: Oh…Emily, I’m still so sorry.

-Emily: It’s okay Stephen. We aw make mistakes. Besides, the other engines are aw
ready tae forgive ye tae, as now they aw understand an want tae reconcile.

-Stephen: They do?

-Emily: They dae. Even the Earl as well, as we all think we may have been to hard
on ye. But we can let this go, as I forgive ye, and I promise that I will be the
best friend you’ve always had no matter what.

-Stephen (Tearfully smiles): Oh Emily…thank you. And I promise, I’ll never lie

-Emily: I know, as I trust ye Stephen, we’ll always be friends.

-Narrator: And Emily released her brakes and nudged closer on Stephen’s buffers,
which made Stephen cry, but happy, as he and Emily were now friends again.

-Stephen: Oh Emily…thank you. In fact, I think I should even show you something…the
real reason I left the Steamworks last night, Scott?

-Narrator: And Stephen’s driver stepped down and showed them…a beautiful golden
crown with sparkly colored jewels on them.

-Emily (Gasps): Och mah…it cannae be…Stephen, ye found it…Kin' Godred's golden

-Stephen: I know, I was surprised to. I tried to find it worried you’d still be
mad, but I can see…

-Emily: Well ye wouldn’t have needit tae gae thon far, but ye livit tae tell the
tale an’ found the crown. Stephen, I'm sae proud o’ ye. An' I think the earl wad be
tae. Come on Stephen, let’s get ye home.

-Narrator: So Emily was coupled out Stephan, and the Stirling pulled the Rocket
out. As she did so, outside waiting anxiously was Toby with Sir Robert Norramby,
Duke, Donald, Douglas, Millie, Harold, and Jack.


-Duke (Chuckles): Same here your grace! Oh Stephen, you had us worried.

-Stephen: Yeah, I did, and I’m sorry everyone.

-Narrator: Stephen said sadly, and he explained everything he told Emily. The
others smiled warmly.

-Duke: Oh, I think this may have been fault. You overheard me last night when I
told the others the tale of King Godred.

-Stephen: I did, but it’s not your fault Duke. But thanks to overhearing you, I
found something for you sir.

-Narrator: As Emily pulled him back onto firm ground, Stephen’s driver gave him
that very artifact.

-SRN (Laughs): I don’t believe it. You found it Stephen. You found King Godred’s
last crown. Ho-ho, how wonderful. I must say, I’m so proud of you.

-Stephen: Thank you sir. And again, I’m really sorry I wasn’t grateful for what you
did for me, and all of you, I apologize for what I did.

-Toby: It’s okay Stephen, we forgive you, all of us do. We weren’t pleased that you
lied to us, but we do understand now, and we can let it slide.

-Duke: Same here my young friend. But I also hope you can forgive us to. In fact, I
apologize that I was so hard on you. I should’ve been more understanding.

-Stephen: It’s okay Duke, it was my fault, but it won’t happen again. I may not be
the real Stephenson’s Rocket, but I do feel proud that I have a new job there, and
a legacy I can live up to. And even if nobody does appreciate it, I have friends on
this island that do.

-Toby: Now that’s the spirit Stephen.

-SRN: Indeed. Plus, you helped me find that one artifact I thought was lost
forever. So I thanks you. Right now, let’s get you repaired and ready for the grand
day itself. And, you won’t be alone, as here is my other engine, Millie.

-Millie: Bonjour monsieur Stephen, I’m Millie. An’ I vill be ‘elping you in workin’
at Zlfzead Caztle.

-Stephen: Thank you Millie. Thank you everyone.

-Narrator: And everyone beamed. About a week later, Ulstead Castle was finally
restored to its full glory. Looking just as magnificent as it did back in Medieval
Sodor. With dual gauge track all around the perimeter, and both engines large and
small as well as the road vehicles made it in to. Everybody was excited, especially
with the last train with the Fat Controller and the guests have arrived, pulled in
by none other than Emily the Stirling Single herself. She beamed happily as she
puffed in slowly with her gleaming emerald paint and brass work with her
decorations on each side as pulled into the halt.

(Marching band plays the original Thomas the Tank Engine theme song)

-Emily: Thank ye, thank ye everyone.

-Thomas: Looking great Emily.

-Emily: Thanks Thomas. Say, where’s Stephen?

-Edward: Oh he’s coming, right about (Stephen’s whistle blows)…now.

-Narrator: And in pulled a newly-repaired Stephen, with ateal open-topped carriage,

and a set of new Liverpool and Manchester Railway’s coaches, painted in dark blue
and cream with gold lining, and like Connor, Caitlin and Millie, Stephen and his
coaches were now fitted with the Earl’s crest on each side. And if that wasn’t
enough, Stephen had a brand new funnel fitted on, painted in gleaming white with a
bronze funnel cap, decorated to look like the crown of a king. Emily beamed happy
at her new friend.

-Emily: Ye leuk wonderful Stephen.

-Stephen: Why thank you, and so do you Emily.

-Percy: Say Stephen, is that a knight in your train?

-Stephen (Chuckles): Oh not just any knight Percy.

-Narrator: Stephen chuckled, as the knight climbed out of the open-topped coach and
made his way to the front of the podium revealing it to be…Sir Robert Norramby

-SRN: Ta-da!

-Narrator: Everybody cheered.

-SRN (Taps the microphone): Ladies & Gentlemen, engines and road vehicles, I, Sir
Richard Robert Norramby, the Earl of the Island of Sodor have been away for many
years on a long expedition to foreign worlds to retrieve many priceless and
beautiful artifacts, as for one special occasion. When I was a boy, I always
admired the beauty that is Ulfstead Castle, and hoped someday to restore it, and I
was able to do so, travelling around the world, meeting and acquiring many great
engines, and restoring it to its former glory. And now, Ulfstead Castle will be the
center of my new museum of artifacts and national treasures from century past. Now
there’s still plenty of work to do in many years to come, but from this day onward,
I now declare the museums and Estate Railways of Ulfstead Castle…OPEN!

(Everyone applauses and engines blow their whistles and horns)

-SRN: Now before we cut the ribbon, I’d like to give special thanks to all you
engines who helped make it happen, both steam and diesel, standard and narrow
gauge, rail and road, you name it. First I want you all to give a huge round of
applause to Toby the Tram Engine, who he along with Sir Stephen Topham Hatt III and
his two children Richard and Emily have rediscovered the castle along with the old
Mid-Sodor mines, about 10 years ago. I thank you for helping to clear the way old

-Toby: Why thank you sir.

-SRN: And to Duke, the Graceful and wise and experienced engine. The one that
carries the very namesake of my father. I was hoping the day I returned to Sodor, I
would finally get the chance to meet you. And I’m glad I finally did, especially
for carrying the namesake of my father, god rest his soul. Everyone is right about
what they say about you Duke, you are the Duke of Sodor.

-Duke: Well…why thank you sir, I really appreciate that.

-SRN: My pleasure. But of all the engines, I owe the biggest thanks of all to the
engine that made it happen. A beauty that has been around for the past 2 years and
has been one of the most successful and sweetest engines that always goes out of
her to help everyone in need, and one of the most intelligent engines on the island
to…Emily the Stirling Single (Everyone applauses while Emily blushes and smiles)

-Emily: Why…why thank ye sur. Thank ye everyone.

-SRN: No…thank you Emily.

-Stephen: He’s right Emily, you deserve it

-Thomas: Exactly Stephen. Three cheers for Emily!

-Everyone: HIP-HIP HOORAY!

-Millie (Giggles): Congratulationz Emily. You dezerve it.

-TFC: I couldn’t agree more, we’re so proud of you my dear. You’d really come along
after two years.

-Emily: Thank ye sir. But this estate railway is now I’ guid hands tae the engines
thon run it. Millie, Connor, Caitlin, an’ especially Stephen the Rocket, wha A
consider the “Kin’ o’ the Railway”.

(Everyone applauses)

-Stephen: Me?

-SRN: Emily is right Stephen my lad. You have been the best help of all to. I am
proud of you, and despite everything, you really care the name of Robert Stephenson
with grace and legacy. And definitely deserve the title of “King of the Railway”,
as being a replica of Stephenson’s Rocket, the first steam engine ever made, you
deserve it.

-Duke: Indeed you do Stephen. And your new funnel definitely represents your
character as well.

-Stephen: Why thank you Duke.

-SRN: But that’s not all, it was thanks to you Stephen, as well as you Duke, you
found something I thought would be lost for centuries. The true treasure the
represent the beauty of Ulfstead Castle itself. (Unveils the crown in a glass
container) It is thanks to my two graceful engines that Stephen was able to uncover
the greatest treasure of all, the golden crown of King Godred, which was once lost
and now found again (Everyone applauses). And I would also like to announce as well
that now the Ulfstead Castle is opened to the public that means our Estate Railway
will play a vital part in running it. With Millie and Stephen helping out around
the castle grounds and providing tours of the estate itself and every exhibit on
display, and with Connor & Caitlin, my 2 express engines that will be carrying
passengers from both the mainland and all over Sodor to Ulfstead Castle, and
providing rail tours as well from the castle to the Island itself (Everyone
applauses as the Ulfstead Castle engines blow their whistles in delight). And
whilst we’re on that subject that also means that our first major exhibit will be
with Sodor’s railway history, as I will be opening a brand new railway museum.

-Narrator: Everybody was surprised.

-SRN: This museum will be just like the National Railway Museum in York, but except
it is here on Sodor where like Sir Topham Hatt, I will collect my own engines from
either Sodor’s past or in need of a home here like I’ve done for Stephen, Millie,
Connor & Caitlin, but mostly for older engines, and for everyone on the island to
see (everyone applauses).

-Edward: Interesting, a railway museum. How exciting.

-Gordon: Indeed. I wonder what kind of engines the Earl will acquire.

-Skarloey: I guess will have to find out soon Gordon.

-Stephen: Yeah. But regardless though, thank you all for forgiving me, and helping
me fit in. I really do feel pleased, and again, I’m sorry I lied to you all.

-Duck: Don’t worry about that anymore Stephen, what’s done is done.

-Emily: Exactly, you’re our friend now, an leuk, aw the people here, nobody is
judgin’ ye at aw.

-Edward: Exactly, because here on Sodor Stephen, any engine can be who they are.

-Duke: Quite so Edward. But not only that Stephen, if you didn’t lie, than later
overheard me, you wouldn’t have gone off to the castle’s mines and found King
Godred’s crown. That counts for something, and we all have you to thank for that.

-Mavis (Grins): Yeah, and admitingly, a little bit of thanks to Diesel in a way.

-Percy (Chuckles): I guess that idiot was useful for something for once.

-Rheneas: Regardless though, Duke’s right, as you really do feel like a King of the
Railway Stephen.

-Donald & Douglas: Here, here.

-Stephen: Why thank you all. But I wouldn’t be a king if I had my other friends,
like you Toby, and you as well Duke, as you both really are wise old sages I’m glad
I got to know.

-Toby: Awe, that’s awfully kind of you Stephen.

-Duke: Thank you my young friend, but I think I prefer being a “Duke of the

(Everyone laughs)

-Stephen: But one thing I think we can all agree, is who the “Queen of the

-Thomas: Indeed.

-Narrator: And everybody all turned to Emily with wide and proud eyes, causing her
to blush.

-Emily: Me…me…

-Murdoch: Absolutely Emily, because ye deserve it.

-BoCo: Indeed, as you really brought so much to this railway not even any of we
could have.

-Thomas: Exactly, you’ve really come a long way Em.

-Stephen: Indeed, as you even helped me find my place in the world, and I thank you
for that, as the Earl, Marlin and Victor I agree you should have this.

-Narrator: And the workmen got out of a crate a beautiful looking gold tiara with
emeralds in it, and they placed it on top of Emily, right in front of her funnel.

-TFC: Ha-ha, now that is beautiful. My I represent to you everyone, Emily, the
Queen of the Railway, and the true hero of this wonderful occasion.

-Narrator: And everybody cheered, as Emily smiled, shedding tears of joy. And all
those years she was an outcast, it felt great that everybody was admiring her for
who she was, as well as saving Stephen and making Ulfstead Castle what it is now,
and she couldn’t have been happier.

-Emily: Thank ye everyone, thank ye aw. I feel proud tae be yer queen.

-Narrator: She said humbly.

-SRN: And now with that said, I hereby declare Ulstead Castle and its Estate
Railway, OPEN! (Everyone applauses)

-Narrator: And he climbed aboard Stephen who steamed through cutting the ribbon,
with Emily and Toby following behind, while Duke and Mille did so on the narrow
gauge line.

-Connor: Well den, since de cas’le is open, Gordon, Caitlin an’ I were finking,
wuld ye like tae take par’ in our cavalca’e on de main line.

-Caitlin: Yeah, it’s our trea’, especially tae have dae Nor’hwes’ern’s premiere
express engine joining us.

-Gordon (Laughs): It would be my honor you two. I’d love that. Lead the way.

-Narrator: So with Gordon coupled to the coaches, Caitlin in the middle, and Connor
in front, the long train set off speeding down the main line. After the castle
cavalcade’s were done, Emily & Stephen in one of the siding’s on top of the castle,
looking at the whole view, feeling very proud as this truly was a great day.
Stephen finally found his place in the world and proud to be working at Ulfstead
Castle under Sir Robert Norramby, and carrying the legacy of Stephenson’s Rocket.
He really felt today and at Ulfstead Castle, that he was “King of the Railway”. But
to him, it wouldn’t have been possible without his new best friend and even mother-
figure, Emily the Stirling Single, who was both the hero of the occasion and the
“Queen of the Railway”.

(Ends with You Get What You Give by New Radicals)

-Narrator: The big stations of Barrow, Vicarstown, Tidmouth and Knapford all have
turntables to allow the Fat Controller’s fleet of tender engines to be turned
round, as it’s dangerous for them to go fast backwards. As we all know tank engines
are small and don’t haul heavy tenders so they can run backwards just as well as
forwards. Diesels also have no use for turntables as smaller shunters like Mavis &
Salty have similar benefits to tank engines while bigger diesels like BoCo or Bear
have two cabs like Toby so can be driven at either end. Still the Fat Controller
ensures maintenance of his turntables as faulty ones can lead to difficulty as poor
James found out. One cold afternoon, James parked his trucks at Vicarstown station
and then ran to the turntable to be turned around with a return goods. However as
he approached he was flagged down, the foreman came running up.

-Foreman: Sorry lads, the turntable mechanism is jammed, frozen solid due to all
this frost.

-James: OH BLAST! That means I’ll have to go backwards don’t I.

-James’ driver: Oh don’t be so melodramatic James, it’s not good for either of us
either. We can’t exactly see.

-James: I know Tim, but this means we’ll be late and the others are sure to laugh.

(Cuts to Knapford where Gordon and Oliver are waiting as James pulls in)

-Oliver (Giggles): Say Gordon, I never knew Arthur gained inside valve gear and a

-Gordon: (Chuckles) Oh heavens no dear Oliver, it’s just little James, playing tank
engine again. Sometimes I have to wonder why he’s part of our mainline fleet

-James: Oh very funny Gordon, ha-ha, guess what. The bloody turntable at Vicarstown
is jammed. I’ve had to pull this entire train here slowly in the flaming cold. Now
stop distracting me or else….

(James’ tender derails at a set of trap points)

-James’ fireman: Oops.

-James: (sighs) …that happens.

-James’ driver: Alright James, no need to get all angsty, I’ll go ask the
Stationmaster to fetch Harvey.

-James: That’s not the point Tim, if that turntable had been working this wouldn’t
have happened.

-Diesel: Well maybe it’s due to the fact that you’re quite generally a clumsy
engine in general James. Especially having to use such unnecessary rubbish.

-Oliver: Oh for God’s sake.

-Gordon: UGH! We forgot you exist!

-Narrator: The three engines groaned. Diesel slunk alongside grinning at James’
misfortune. Though he’d become less intolerable than before, Diesel was still the
most insufferable and hated engine on the entire railway. The others would do their
best to avoid interacting with him as often what spouted out of his mouth was
insults or sarcasm.

-Diesel: Really it's out of date, I mean who would honestly use the thing.

-James: Firstly who are you calling “it”, and secondly if you mention another time
about steam…

-Diesel: Oh not you steamers James, of course you are, but really it’s those
ghastly turntables that suit only a percentage of you steamers. Really their
unnecessary and frankly should’ve been scrapped years ago. Unless they would use
that heap of scrap as a carousel at a carnival.

-Gordon: They aren’t unnecessary Diesel, they are essential to ensure that we can
run our trains efficiently and safely without trouble.

-Diesel: Oh really, because if I’m not mistaken the three of you have all had
trouble on turntables. Gordon as I recall couldn’t balance himself and had to go
all tank engine and another time once rolled off one into a ditch to avoid pulling
a goods train. James of course has also played tank engine today and been clumsy
enough to derail, not to mention he also spun round like a Topsy-Turvey idiot.

-James (Holding his anger): Argh, watch your tongue Diesel!

-Oliver: Yeah, but better careful if the Fat Controller is…

-Diesel: Oh but you Oliver, you intrigue me the most. You have no use for a
turntable unlike those two and yet you still managed to have an accident in one.
(Cackles) Fortunately we diesels have no use for such unnecessary rubbish nor do we
have trouble on one.

-BoCo: That’s enough Diesel!

-Narrator: BoCo rolled up glaring at Diesel.

-BoCo: Interesting you mention trouble when you are very definition of it. Not even
the trucks are as bad as you.

-Diesel (grits teeth): Mind your own business BoCo.

-BoCo: Firstly it is my business when you act like the childish bully you usually
are and insult my friends and secondly I’m actually here to deliver a message.

-Diesel: What message?

-BoCo: The Fat Controller wants you to help Harvey repair the Vicarstown Turntable
tomorrow. You’ll have handling the vans and cranes and putting them in their place.

-Diesel: Me, go near that calamity. Oh hell no! Why can’t that yank Rosie or that
silver stranger Stanley or my gullible younger brother Paxton go and…

-BoCo: Because they are busy working hard rather than wasting their time insulting
others 24/7 and throwing temper tantrums. Besides unnecessary turntables don’t
trouble you Diesel.

-Narrator: The others laughed, Diesel growled and slunk away.

-Gordon: Where would we be without you dear BoCo?

-BoCo (winks): At the bottom of the sea perhaps Gordon?

-Gordon (Blushes and looks at both sides): Oh.

-Narrator: For the next few weeks, Diesel would bring trucks filled with new parts
for the turntable along with an old crane. After Harvey had removed the old
turntable base, Diesel then used the old crane to assist the men and women in
replacing the old gears with new ones. He hated it and grumbled bitterly.

-Diesel: Ridiculous expecting me to help with this bloody old contraption. In the
freezing cold no less (shudders). And working alongside that mixed mongrel itself
isn’t bad enough. Grrr!

-Narrator: Harvey, who knew all the engines would take his side over Diesel’s saw
no point in even reacting to the comment and simply occupied himself in work. At
around 11:50, the men and women would pause work for lunch and a coffee. Diesel’s
driver often joined them and this meant turning off Diesel’s motor and applying his
handbrake as when the motor is on the handbrake its more loose. However due to the
cold weather this meant when he returned, the motor took a longer time to startup.
This along with cold weather and tedious work made the already sour Diesel even

-Diesel: Oh for god’s sake Jack, do you have to turn my engine off? I’m shivering
enough as it is and it takes ages for it to restart. Just leave it on.

-Diesel’s driver: Oh shut up, you spoiled idiot. Do you want me to be fired to meet
your satisfaction? Or do you want the Fat Controller to punish you again even after
your last mishap at Ulfstead Castle? Screw that. Last thing I want is you being a
runaway and causing an accident. Now stop complaining for once and be on your best
behavior. (Walks away) And people ask why I need two coffees and Ibuprofen with my

-Narrator: A few weeks later, Diesel’s driver caught a flu and could barely get out
of bed, so a relief was called in. She had just past her Rail Qualification and was
looking forward to working with an engine. Diesel after learning this, hatched up a
scheme of his own. By around this time, the gears had been replaced, the turntable
base had been put back in place and the men were now focusing on the turntable
controls. Harvey had gone to do track maintenance on the Kirk Ronan line so Diesel
had to work alone. As the clock struck 11:50, the relief went to turn off Diesels
engine, when…

-Diesel: Uh excuse me dear, but that won’t be necessary. See my engine needs
maintenance and I’ll most likely not turn on if you switch it off.

-Relief: Are you sure, my examiner said to always turn off a diesels motor when out
of the engine.

-Diesel: True but in certain circumstances the engine must be kept on when the
diesels motor is old. It’s a problem that our drivers have often had to adapt to.

-Relief: Makes sense I suppose, alright you win.

-Diesel: (Silent) Excellent. Ah, nice and toasty.

-Narrator: The relief clambered down as Diesel grinned, unfortunately he’d

forgotten about his loose handbrake. The workmen had just finished with the
mechanism and we’re giving it a test spin when Diesel began to move forward.

-Diesel: Oh my, what’s happening, I…Oof. (Diesel bumps into the Crane). Oh no.

-Foreman: Hey, what the hell are you doing? Stop!

-Narrator: But he didn’t, the driverless Diesel pushed the crane towards the
rotating turntable. As the tracks became the level, the crane rolled onto the
turntable, but not Diesel. With a jolt he role face first into the turntable well
and upside down.

-Diesel: Aaaahhh!! Oh crap!!!

-Narrator: The men were in such a panic, they’d forgotten to turn off the turntable
motor, it struck Diesel groaned and then with a bang stopped. The motion had
unsettled the crane which tipped over, snapped the barrier of the turntable and
landed with a thud on top of Diesel. Fortunately, no one was hurt but the turntable
was damaged beyond belief and Diesel groaned upside down and with the crane resting
on his damaged wheels. The foreman was furious.


-Diesel (coughing): It wasn’t my fault sir, the relief left my motor on and…

-Relief: Hang on you liar, you told me too, you said your engine wouldn’t start
unless I did so.

-Foreman: AS I SUSPECTED! Word of advice youngster, don’t listen to this fibber.


-Diesel: (Gulps)

-Narrator: Diesel gulped as the men and women marched away. At that moment a pair
of whistles filled the air as James and Gordon came from opposite directions.

-James: Say Gordon that looks like Diesel in the turntable well.

-Gordon: You must be mistaken dear James, Diesel has no use for such unnecessary
rubbish nor ever has trouble on one.

-James: True, then I suppose it must be someone else acting like a Topsy-Turvey

-Diesel: GRRRRRR!!! You fools, when I get out of here….

-TFC: I think you’ll find they have every right, Diesel.

-Narrator: Diesel gulped again, he knew that voice.


-Diesel: Uh, sorry sir.

men and women) I apologize for the inconvenience ladies and gentlemen, you may take
the rest of the day off.

-Narrator: Diesel felt very abashed. Engines who passed laughed and called him
names, he felt very cold and cross as day turned to night. Eventually Harvey and
the crew rescued and he was sent to the works. When he was eventually repaired, he
was put back on repair work on the turntable. And while he did, engines would often
talk about the incident whenever they passed. Diesel would just growl in annoyance

-Oliver (Chuckles): Mind that unnecessary rubbish, unless you want another fall
“Topsy-Turvey Diesel”


-Narrator: He still has a lot to learn doesn’t he?

-Narrator: One morning, Mavis the Quarry Diesel was at Ffarqhuar Yards, getting
herself ready as tomorrow was an important occasion. Railway enthusiasts were
coming down to Anopha Quarry today for a tour to see what the quarry itself was
like and how it operated. The diesel shunter was very excited, and was really
aiming to present the quarry and herself at its best. She was at the yard’s having
a wash down, and collecting a rake of brake vans for the occasion to. Mavis, who
had never pulled enthusiasts trains before, was rather curious about that.

-Mavis: Toby? I’m curious to ask, since I’m pulling the enthusiasts train to the
quarry, I’m curious to know, what makes brake vans “special”?

-Toby: Special? Hmm…well I don’t know about special, but they are “essential”.
Fancy trying to stop those fancy trucks on your own do you? (Smirks)

-Mavis: Oh, no, no, no, certainly not (Giggles). It’s just the name kinda confuses
me I admit, especially after what you told me. I mean, I know brake vans are
important for goods trains, but wouldn’t make sense to call these trains “brake van
essential” instead of “special”?

-Thomas (Chuckles): Oh no Mavis.

-Narrator: Thomas said as he was resting nearby.

-Thomas: This is different. They’re called brake van specials because when visitors
tour industrial areas like quarries and mines, brake vans are required for the
occasion as coaches are needed for regular passenger services. Plus, those
traveling will even get to experience what riding in a brake van is like to, as
nobody is allowed to travel in them except the guard.

-Mavis: That makes sense. But still, I’m really excited, I’ve never had visitors

-Thomas: And you should be glad, as you deserve it Mavis. You’ve worked harder than
any engine.

-Toby: I agree Thomas. This is certainly a real treat for you Mavis, and I think
it’s about time that visitors saw Anopha Quarry.

-Thomas: Indeed. Plus, you can’t have a branchline without any industrial at the
end, and the quarry is definitely one of those better places.

-James: Pah! I beg to differ.

-Narrator: The three engines groaned as James had come into the yard with a goods

-James: Why anybody would want to visit a dirty old quarry is beyond me? Or even
this old branchline for that matter? The main line has far better places that are
worth seeing any day.
-Mavis: Humph! I’ll have you know my quarry is absolutely spotless! And what are
you even doing here anyway James?

-Thomas: Percy’s working at the Wharf today, so the Fat Controller choose James to
come and substitute for him, as well as to “humble” him if you know what I mean.

-James: P-Shaw! Who says I’m not humble! Just because I was expressing my
appreciation for what a fine and splendid engine I am, it shouldn’t mean that I
should be demoted to branchline work. And the fact that enthusiasts are visiting a
quarry of all places, it’s like this whole planet is turned upside down and never
to recover.

-Toby: Oh come now James. Industrial areas like quarries are essential, not just to
branchlines, but the whole railway. Without them, there’d be know goods, and no
goods means no contracts, no contracts means no money, and no money, means no

-Thomas: Exactly James. Just because you don’t like goods, doesn’t give you the
right to belittle engines that work hard and actually deserve this publicity. Mavis
has earned every right to have visitors just as much as you and the other tender do
on the main line.

-Mavis: Why thanks you two.

-James: Humph! That may be, but we main line engines are the ones out there doing
the real work, while you Mavis handle just simple shunting in dirty old quarry. And
hauling those filthy brake vans. And it’s not like you can pull passengers anyway,
especially after that other incident you had a few years ago in Terence’s field.

-Mavis: Well these brake vans I’m taking to the quarry are in perfect condition
I’ll have you know James. And secondly, it’s not my decision that they’re coming
here you know. They just want to, and I think it’s about time that my home did get
the attention it deserves whether you like it or not, as I’m just as popular on
this railway as you and the other engines. So I’m taking visitors down there
whether you like it or not. Speaking of which, I have to get going, the quarry
won’t tidy itself up. See you all later.

-Thomas: So long Mavis.

-Toby: And good luck today. You see James, Mavis is just as busy as you lot on the
main line. Maybe if you’d work at the quarry yourself and handle her
responsibilities, you’d understand.

-James: Pah! Like that’s ever gonna happen, as I’m just lucky I don’t have to work
in a filthy quarry on an old branchline. We main line engines are the top priority
of the rails, and shouldn’t have to waste our time collecting dust like Mavis does.

-Narrator: Thomas was about to retort, but Toby calmed him down.

-Toby: Give it time Thomas, he’ll come around eventually.

-Narrator: Toby said content. The next day, Mavis was getting the quarry set up for
the great day. She shunted the brake vans into a siding, and soon set to work
tidying up. Now being an experienced shunter, Mavis had no trouble, and in 20
minutes, everything was set. The staff had already gotten everything else cleaned
in time.

-Mavis: So far, everything is looking perfect.

-Quarry Manager: Indeed it is old girl. Anyways Mavis, we’ll need to polish you
next before you collect the visitors.

-Mavis: Right away sir.

-Narrator: Mavis said. But that could’ve gone smoother, as the manager made a
terrible mistake, as the sidings he sent Mavis to be cleaned had trucks in the way,
and where the brake vans were placed to, and the points were set up properly in
time. In her distraction, Mavis clattered forward at normal sped, not realizing the
mistake, and before she could think of anything else, bumped the trucks in front,
lurching forward on the points and they toppled over.

(Mavis bumps the trucks and they hit and fall over spilling stone on the rails)

-Narrator: Thankfully, there was no serious damage, but the stone in the trucks
spilled onto the tracks, and worst, blocked the very siding with the brake vans.

-Mavis: Oh. Uh-oh! Oh sir, I’m…I’m really sorry about that.

-Quarry Manager: No, no Mavis. It’s not your fault, I shouldn’t have distracted
you. Plus, we should’ve checked on those points. But unfortunately, this puts us in
a predicament, as now we can’t get the brake vans, even after we just got them
ready. (Sighs) Wonder what we’ll do now?

-Mavis: Well, there is the goods sheds back at Ffarqhuar. Maybe they still have
some brake vans there we could borrow.

-Quarry Manager: Excellent idea Mavis. I’ll phone them right away. And maybe even
send an engine to come help clear the mess to.

-Narrator: So he pulled out his phone and set about doing just that. Toby was at
Ffarqhuar when the call came through.

-Stationmaster: Round up some brake vans Toby. Quick as you can. There’s be an
accident at the quarry.

-Narrator: The stationmaster explained everything that happened. Thomas & James who
were shunting in the yards overheard. Thomas took pity, but James as usual couldn’t
help but laugh rudely.

-James: HA! I knew it! (Laughs) I knew that clumsy shunter was gonna screw this up.
This definitely proves that places like quarries are not suited for visitors. And
now it looks like they’ll come crawling to a more “appealing” sight, if I do say so

-Thomas: Now is that fair James. You’re the one hardly to considering you’re the
one staying here and shunting yourself and did nothing but complain the whole time.

-Toby: Exactly. Plus, this wasn’t Mavis’s fault. Just an unfortunate coincidence
nobody could’ve seen. All the same, we need to get some brake vans…or…

-Narrator: Toby trailed off, looking over at Annie, Clarabel, and Henrietta resting
in the carriage sheds.

-Toby: Actually sir, I think I have a better idea.

-Thomas: Me too, maybe instead of brake vans…

-James: Oh no! You two can’t be serious, you’re gonna give your coaches to that
diesel, and give them filthy in that quarry.

-Thomas: Oh there’s no problem with that James. That place is spotless like Mavis
said. I think it would be a great idea.

-Toby: Exactly. It would be an even nicer treat for her to. Plus (Smirks), I find
it quite hypocritical that you’re defending us, a bunch of “branchline engines”.

-James: Well…well…that’s different.

-Thomas: Maybe, but there’s no harm, especially for a freind.

-James: But…I…I…what about your passengers you to. (Nervous smile) You can’t let
them down.

-Thomas (Smirks): Oh so now you care about the branchline. (Chuckles) Toby’s right,
you gotta make up your mind James.

-Toby: Indeed (Laughs). Besides, Daisy & Emily can handle them.

-James: Oh man. Two branchlines, deciding to give their passengers to girls, and
leaving their coaches to that diesel. (Groans) Whatever is this railway coming to?
But, it’s not like your coaches even wanna go to the damn quarry. Because coaches
don’t belong in quarries, or any industrial sight for that matter. Especially since
Mavis had an incident with coaches before.

-Thomas: So, it was an isolated incident, big deal. In fact, Annie, Clarabel,
Henrietta, you three wouldn’t mind going to the quarry right?

-Annie: Oh it’s no problem at all Thomas. We’d enjoy a jaunt up the quarry line.

-Clarabel: Indeed Annie. Plus, we haven’t been there in years. And it would be
lovely to see dear Mavis again.

-Henrietta: And I certainly wouldn’t mind either. After all, I do take the workmen
with Toby there daily anyway.

-Stationmaster: Exactly. And James, if you really think that quarry work is really
degrading, maybe you should go up there and get an understanding seeing you’re
being such a whiny, sexist and pretentious jerk right now. As you can follow Mavis
up to the quarry to help clean up the mess from the accident, those trucks won’t
put themselves up right you know.

-Narrator: Thomas & Toby just laughed, but James sighed and decided it was best to
say nothing. Soon, Mavis made it to Ffarqhuar to collect the visitors. But once she
pulled in at the platform, she was surprised to see instead of brake vans, were
Annie, Clarabel, and Henrietta, polished and packed with lots of happy passengers.

-Thomas: Surprise! What do you think of your “special train” Mavis?

-Toby: They may not exactly be brake vans, but Thomas and I made it very special,
just for you.

-Mavis: Awe. You guys. I don’t know what to say except, thank you both.

-Thomas: Not a problem Mavis. Not at all.

-Toby (Smirks): And don’t you worry about the mess, as we got the right engine to
help you.
-Narrator: Toby chuckled, as he and Thomas grinned cheekily at the disgruntled red
engine with a breakdown train. Mavis couldn’t help but laugh.

-Mavis (Laughs): Oh how kind of you to James. Thank you. Hey, at least now I can
show you what goes on at the quarry, it will be a very nice change from the main
line, eh?

-Narrator: James just sulked. Soon the passengers were all on board.

-Henrietta: We’re ready when you are Mavis dear.

-Mavis: Excellent. Let’s go everyone.

(Mavis departs, and shows her going through the quarry line, and the visitors
exploring Anopha Quarry)

-Narrator: Soon, Mavis clattered down the quarry line with glee, the coaches
singing along the way. The visitors were most impressed as they were exploring
Anopha Quarry, and Mavis felt even happier than she had in her life.

-Visitor 1: I must say Mavis, this is truly wonderful.

-Visitor 2: Indeed! We can see how well you run this quarry.

-Visitor 3: This branchline, let alone the whole railway wouldn’t be without you
and this magnificent quarry.

-Mavis: Why thank you everyone. Much appreciated.

-Thomas: This quarry is just as great as the engine that runs it. You truly are
wonderful Mavis.

-Toby: Indeed, as our Mavis is truly one of Sodor’s Finest.

-Narrator: Mavis blushed. Very flattered by the comments from both the visitors and
two of her best friends.

-Visitor 1: Say Mavis? If you don’t mind me asking, what’s that over there?

-Narrator: The man asked, pointing to a very dusty and disgruntled James, who was
trying to re-rail the trucks and recover the spilled cargo.

-Mavis: Oh, that’s just an engine reacquainting himself with one of the “better
places” on this railway.

(Mavis, Thomas and Toby laugh)

-James (Deadpan): Duty.

-Narrator: Paxton the Green 08 Diesel was enjoying his new life on the Island of
Sodor. Once starting out as a diesel shunter who was shy and had a hard time
standing up for himself, now became one of the most useful and friendliest engines
with a positive attitude. His main job was delivering stone from the Blue Mountain
Quarry to various places on the island. Paxton loved this, as he got to see many
different sights and stretch his wheels, but really enjoyed meeting and befriending
the different engines he came across.

-Paxton: Mawnin Skarloey.

-Skarloey: Good morning Paxton.

-Narrator: Every engine, both steam and diesel just loved Paxton for his kindness
and upbeat attitude, and Paxton in return looked up to them, especially to Thomas &
Duck, who were his biggest supporters. And when shunting, the coaches were very
fond of him because of his gentle and friendly nature, and even the Troublesome
Trucks didn’t even dare play tricks on them, especially since engines like Edward
taught Paxton everything he needed to know about how to deal with trucks. Even the
grumpiest of characters were fond of him and treated him with the most utmost

-Cranky: Ah, good morning Paxton.

-Paxton: Mawnin Cranky. I go' fresh Blue Moun'ain s'one, your favawi'e 'hin 'o

-Cranky (Chuckles): Ah Paxton, you shouldn’t have.

-Narrator: Paxton was certainly a very lovable and plucky little diesel shunter
with a big heart and a friend to every engine and human on Sodor. One day, Paxton
was shunting at Tidmouth Station when he saw Duck at the platform pulling a
passenger train, and next to him were some children standing nearby with notebooks
and pencils, and browsing around the platform intently.

-Paxton: 'ello Duck. Can I ask you some'hing?

-Duck: Sure Paxton, what’s up?

-Paxton: Wha' are 'hose children doin wi'h 'heir books an' walkin up an' down 'he

-Duck: Oh, they’re taking down engines. They’re taking down mine just now.

-Paxton: Bu' why? I 'hough' you’re all proud 'o 'ave your numbers?

-Duck (Giggles): Oh no, no, not literally taking them off Paxton. What I meant is
that they’re writing it in their books. They’re trainspotting.

-Paxton: Oh…oh! tha'! Yeah, I've 'eard abou' 'rainspo''in. I'’s like a scavenger
'un', bu' wi'h engines.

-Duck: That’s a good way of putting it Paxton, yes. It really is fun for them,
recording different engines and what they do. Wilbert Awdry was known for
trainspotting in his day.

-Paxton: Tha'’s nice. You’re all so lucky, 'hough 'o be 'onest, i don’' 'hink
'hey’d be recawdin me.

-Duck: What do you mean Paxton? You’ve worked hard just as much as any engine on
this railway.

-Paxton: I knah Duck, bu' 'ha'’s my problem, no 'rain spo''er ever once recawded me
aw my class, we’re 'o generic lookin’. 08’s like me are seen 'hroughou' Bri'ish
Railways all 'he 'ime, I doub' I’d be unique enough faw 'hem.

-Duck: Now don’t say that old boy. I’m sure you have plenty of appeal. After all,
you’re the first 08 we’ve ever known that’s actually very kind and does their work
without fuss, as you do things that are very significant. Plus, you can bet the
train spotters never once even take down the numbers of Diesel, ‘Arry or Bert,
that’s for sure, as those three are so insignificant, like as if they weren’t good
for anything else.

-Paxton (Chuckles): Tha' is 'rue.

(Both engines laugh and the guard’s whistle blows)

-Duck: Oh, that’s my cue, I have to get going. See you later Paxton, and keep your
chin up.

-Paxton: Fanks Duck, I’ll see you la'er.

-Narrator: As Paxton pondered to himself he thought maybe he could impress the

train spotters, but thought it would be better just to carry on with his own work
for now. Some days later, a goods from British Railways had arrived, and
unfortunately, pulled by one who had been there before. In fact, that very diesel
hoped he wouldn’t even be recognized. But that was easier said than done.

-Gordon (Laughing): Well, well, look who it is. Found anymore “bowler hats” to
absorb as of late (Rushes past D261).

-D261 (Grits his teeth): Ugh. Stupid bastards.

-Narrator: Bowler groaned. D261 soon made it to Knapford Station where all the
engines present saw him and couldn’t help but.

-Henry (Laughs): Well look who it is. (Departs)

-Thomas (Laughs): Oh no, everybody hold onto your hats, because old Bowler is back.

-D261: Pah! You steamers just suck.

-Paxton: Bu' wai', I’m no' wearin a 'a'.

-Narrator: Paxton said perplexed, until a half-forgotten memory was coming to him,
as during the construction of Ulfstead Castle last year, he remembered Percy
telling him a story about a diesel like him that tried to show off, but broke down
after absorbing an engine inspector’s bowler hat and failed. The little diesel
remained cautious.

-Paxton (Suspicious): Oh yeah…Bowler is i', I’ve 'eard abou' you.

-D261: Oh have you know. And who might you be young engine?

-Thomas: His name is Paxton…Bowler, and he is far more hardworking and polite than
a diesel scum like you.

-D261: PAH! That insignificant little box, hardly believable. Your class may be
strong…Paxton, but not as powerful as engines like Moi.

-Thomas: Oh that shouldn’t matter Bowler, as Paxton has the heart and the work
ethic, and has even managed to save Toby from nearly being killed in a collision by
dare I say…one of your own.

-D261: Oh yes, now I have heard of you, but don’t you compare to that insignificant
black weasel you blue puffball.

-Thomas: And why not! You two are just as bad as each other!
-D261: Well my buffers maybe filthy, but that stupid idiot is just full of nothing.
I can’t believe your controller would be foolish enough to even save that ruffian.

-Paxton: Don’t you take about the Fat Controller like that. He did it because it
was right!

-D261: And of course you would defend him there Paxton! I mean, I’ve heard plenty
about you, an engine of very little brain! Pathetic!

-Thomas: Don’t you speak to him like that you oversized vacuum cleaner! If you
think you can come and cause trouble on our railway now, than you got another thing

-D261: Oh relax there Thomas. It’s not like I want to be on this pathetic and
outdated railway. I’m just delivering these trucks, and then I’m off.

-Thomas: Then just make sure that’s all you do then Bowler.

-Narrator: Thomas said, as he left with Annie & Clarabel, who also gave the
arrogant diesel stern looks.

-Paxton: Well, I be''er go, I go' shun'in 'o do.

-D261: Then run off then, there’s a good fellow. Humph! Pathetic shunter.

-Narrator: Paxton already felt uncomfortable. Even though he wasn’t the brightest
of them, Paxton could tell when something wasn’t right, as he already didn’t like
Bowler just by his unpleasant and brutal attitude, especially since it reminded him
of the likes of Diesel and the Splodge pair. But he decided it would be best not to
make any contact with this diesel.
Later, Bowler had dropped his train off to the yard was back at the station on the
other side, noticing some little boys trainspotting and taking notes of Gordon’s

-D261: This is an outrage. These pathetic children, why can’t they have the decency
in recording numbers of real engines like us diesels.

-Paxton: Well maybe it’s because steam engines are more unique, I mean, we wouldn’t
exist if hadn’t been for them.

-Narrator: Paxton said as he shunted some coaches ready for Donald’s local. Bowler
just glared angrily at Paxton and was about to gloat about how unique he was while
putting him down and saying how insignificant he and his class was…until, he had a
very devilish idea as he turned his attention to the kids.

-D261: Excuse me my fine lads.

-Boy 1: Oh, um, are you talking to us Mr. um…

-D261: D261. I see you love taking numbers of “unique” engines, well there’s one
engine I recommend you find, #49.

-Boy 2: #49? Who’s that?

-D261: Oh, a new chap, who just arrived to this railway recently. He’s a fellow
diesel like me and Paxton here, who I chat with at Barrow from time-to-time. He’s
probably in the yards right now. If you hurry, you might find him.
-Narrator: The boys, excited by the idea of meeting and recording another engine,
raced off the platform.

-Paxton: I didn’' knah 'here was a new engine 'ere.

-D261: Of course you haven’t Paxton. But never you worry, as I’m sure you’ll meet
this old chap soon enough. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to go refuel before I
head home. Farewell little Paxton.

-Narrator: Bowler devilishly grinned, feeling very pleased with himself.

-Paxton: Well, if 'here is a new engine, I mus' mee' 'im a' once.

-Narrator: Paxton said, as he too was tricked. Paxton whirred around the yards, his
attention focused on this new engine, but unfortunately not the trucks.

(Paxton bumps the trucks)

-Trucks: OOF! OUI, WATCH IT!

-Paxton: Sawry!

-Narrator: Paxton said. Though he knew there was one way to settle this. He spoke
to the yard manager about seeing the Fat Controller to see who this #49 was.
Meanwhile, the boys were looking for this mysterious engine to, but thanks to
Bowler tricking them, all notions of railway safety had gone out the window as they
paced the yards, all wanting to be the first to spot this mysterious #49.

-Boy 1: Not here.

-Boy 2: No, but let’s keep search, Maybe he’s by the diesel fuel pumps.

-Boy 3: Good idea. Let’s go there.

-Narrator: Meanwhile, D261 was backing down towards those fuel pumps, feeling very
pleased with himself.

-D261 (Cackles): Let’s see how those Sudrian fools fare for once in not being
fawned over all the time.

-Narrator: He cackled. As the truth was, this #49 Bowler was referring to was
really his own self, so that way when the boys gave up, he would pretend to confess
he was tricking them, as a way to make sure that the Sodor engines, both steam and
diesel, would not get any attention at all, and all of that would be turned to him
and him alone. It was a clever plan, and it probably would’ve work, if only had it
not been for his overconfidence, as the boys made it to the fuel pumps, and one of
them stepped onto the tracks from behind a truck onto his line. The boy didn’t even
notice D261, in fact, the arrogant diesel didn’t even notice him either, as he was
too busy backing down thinking how clever he was and getting the attention he so
long desired. Both there attentions were elsewhere, until… (Paxton’s horn blares)…


-Boy 2: Huh? (Looks and sees Bowler and gasps)

-D261: What the devil (Gasps)!

-Narrator: The young boy, startled by the sight of the Class 40 was frozen in fear!
But thanks to Paxton alerting everyone, D261 applied his brakes with an almighty
screech, and with one final effort, he came to a grinding halt just in time.
Everyone was quite surprised as Paxton drew alongside, but before he could speak,
the boys began to cheer!

-Boys: Hooray! Hooray for Paxton.

-Boy 2: Oh, thank you Paxton, you saved me.

-Paxton: Oh…well…'hanks lads. Bu' please don’' do 'ha' again. My engine nearly

-Boy 1: Sorry Paxton, we were only looking for this #49 D261 told us about.

-TFC: I can answer that.

-Narrator: Said a voice, as the Fat Controller had stepped down from Paxton’s cab
and marched over the front of D261, and pointed angrily at him.


-D261: Well…uh…the truth is sir…#49…it’s actually me. I tricked those children into
coming into the shunting yards so I pretend I tricked them so they can come see me…
to take the attention off of your engines…mostly the steam engines…sir.


-D261 (Gulps): Yes sir.

-TFC: Now as for you boys, I know that despicable diesel tricked you three, but
that’s no excuse for running off onto railway property, as you son could’ve been
killed if 261 hadn’t stopped in time. In fact, if it weren’t for Paxton warning me
and showing up here with me the moment he did, I’d shudder to think what would

-Boy 1: We’re sorry sir.

-Boy 2: Yeah, really.

-Boy 3: We won’t do it again.

-TFC: Regardless though, I won’t be allowing you back until you understood railway
safety, and I will have to have a word with your parents to.

-Boy 1: Yes sir. But, before we do go, could we take down Paxton’s number please?

-Boy 2: Yeah, he saved us, and we don’ really train spot diesels that much, but I
think it’s time we did.

-Boy 3: Yeah, thanks Paxton.

-Paxton: Your welcome lads. My number is D11 on 'he roster list, bu' if I'’s okay
wi'h you nippers, could you 'ake down my name instead please? I'’s just, I mean no
disrespec', bu' I jus' don’' wanna be referred 'o as jus' an objec'.

-TFC: Oh I’m sure we can do that from now on Paxton, because I think it’s about
time my engines did get referred to by both their names and their numbers, and even
time my diesel fleet got more attention to. Especially you Paxton, as you have
proven once again to be a really useful and selfless engine, and I’m proud of you
today. Had it not been for you, D261 over here wouldn’t have been found out, and
those boys would not even be alive. You are a true credit to my railway. I think
you even deserve a new coat of paint for all this to.

-Narrator: Paxton beamed. He felt so proud just the way he did when he saved Toby
that day. So the boys returned a few days later, and their parents seeing they
meant no harm and were tricked by such a shady diesel, only let them off with a
warning to be careful. And now they were, and would wave and cheer at Paxton every
time he passed and the young diesel gave them a friendly hoot of his horn. They
would come to watch him work, and ever since meeting Paxton, the boys now recorded
the diesels in their books, and every engine they meet, they took down both their
numbers and their names. The engines, including the diesels were happy at this, and
had Paxton to thank for that. And even D261, who was put on colliery trains for 2
months, while still as arrogant and ruthless, but has now learned not to judge one
08 diesel for being insignificant after seeing how capable Paxton was. Paxton just
beamed, just glad to help his railway out, but this shows you how capable this
plucky little diesel is, doesn’t it?

(Shows Spencer gliding down the Main Line and gloating to the engines)

-Narrator: Spencer is a silver A4 Pacific from the mainland that is owned by Duke &
Duchess of Boxford. He is their private rail escort that would not only transport
them where ever they needed to be, but he mainly gives rail tour that are sponsored
by the Duke and Duchess themselves, as they two are rail enthusiasts. While the
Duke and Duchess of Boxford themselves are very respectable and honorable noblemen
that are benevolent to those around them, their private engine Spencer was the
exact opposite. Spencer was known for big like any express engine, pompous,
arrogant, rude and very selfish and inconsiderate. Though compared to others,
Spencer was far worst, as he always had an opinion, and would voice it very
thoughtlessly, not caring what others thought but himself, and because of his
capabilities and position as a high-class private rail chauffeur for respectable
figures, this added to his conceitedness even more, as he viewed himself above
every engine around him, and would thoughtlessly belittle them to make himself feel
important. This didn’t prove any different when the Duke and Duchess would visit
Sodor with their private engine, as the conceited A4 had a huge disdain for Sodor,
as he really thought of the engines on the island with great distaste, and would
always try to prove how “vital” he was, and how their railway should be more like
the LNER, but it was this selfish and arrogant persona that always got him into
trouble, especially when trying to one-up Gordon, Edward, Daisy and Oliver during
his last visits. All the engines on Sodor just hated Spencer, but were glad when he
always got his comeuppance, especially because the Duke and Duchess, as well as the
Fat Controller were the only ones who would put him in place when he as being
haughty. One day in summer though, Spencer was invited to Sodor once again, and as
usual, he was just as insufferable as ever.

(Shows Spencer and the other engines at Knapford Station)

-Gordon: Great Gresley, don’t you ever just shut up?

-Spencer: Oh my Gordon, jealous are we?

-Gordon: Jealous, of an insufferable prat like you, that would be the day.

-Thomas: I’ll say to that Gordon. In fact, what are you even doing here Spencer?

-Spencer: Why isn’t it obvious little Thomas. The Earl of Sodor is hosting private
rail tours at Ulstead Castle, and who better than to choose for the job than me,
the magnificent A4, showing the sights of your little island.

-Henry: Yeah well this “little” island you speak of has so much rich history to it
that has stood the test of time.

-Duck: Agreed. The Earl could’ve chosen any engine to do it, why he had to choose
you is baffling.

-James: Yeah, why he couldn’t he use his own engines like Connor or Caitlin maybe.
Excitable as they are, at least those two are more far more useful and polite as
you are.

-Spencer: Well for your information there dear James, those express wanna-be’s are
already busy with their own work taking people to and from Ulfstead Castle. So he
would have to roster another engine even before his railway museum is even set up.

-James (Looks up annoyed): Oh right, how dumb of me?

-Thomas: Well Spencer you learn a little thing about being humble for once in your
life. If I was given this job, I would be grateful and pleased about it instead of
boasting like you’re on top of the damn world.

-Spencer: Well you’re not me Thomas, you’re just a silly little shunter who just
envies that you can’t be a fine, sleek and prestigious express engine like yours

-Thomas: ARGH! That’s a load of rubbish if I ever heard it.

-Henry: Indeed! Thomas here is far worth the engine than you’ll ever be Spencer.
Why do you think people come around and see him?

-Thomas: Oh it’s nothing too much Henry. I’m just glad to have people admire me at
all, unlike some engines right now.

-Spencer: Humph! You lot just can’t appreciate natural grace now can you.

-Gordon: Like you never learned a thing over your own mishaps. Should I go through
them again?

-Spencer: PAH! These minor mishaps were certainly not my fault, getting stranded on
a hill was because of a leaky tank, crashing into a snow drift was my…err…crew’s
incompetence, the bad coal was Daisy, and the carriage clippings was that stupid
Oliver showing me up.

-Gordon: ARGH! Just as I thought, you’re so deluded in this arrogance of yours, you
can’t even admit your own faults. Whenever I made mistakes, I was always honest to
admit that and learn like a mature engine. But oh that’s right, you’re far from the
word mature, even if it hit you in the smokebox.

-Duck: Gordon’s right! You’re being totally unfair Spencer. We all know those
mishaps you had were your fault, because you’re just too pompous and stubborn to
admit that you’re just as equal to every other engine in this world.
-Spencer: Yes but while most engines are equal, some are more equal than others.
Especially some impudent shunters. I mean, the fact you’re all running branchlines
and pulling trains is disgraceful, and honestly wouldn’t do, especially back when
the world made sense.

-Narrator: Thomas & Duck were appalled, and so were the big engines.

-Gordon: Tank engines are far more than just shunters you arrogant git, as they
provide great services when handling these tasks. They work far harder than you.

-Spencer: Humph! I don’t know why I bother with you commoners. Just you wait, your
controller would soon put on his thinking hat and see O was right, and maybe even
considering making this railway the way things were really meant to be.

(Guard blows his whistles)

-Spencer: Sorry, can’t talk, must be off. Ta-ta!

-Narrator: And Spencer puffed rudely away, blowing steam at the other engines.

-James (Coughs): ARGH! I seriously hate this guy!

-Gordon: We all do James, believe me. Ugh, though what he said about tank engines,
including you Thomas and Duck, that is clearly disgraceful.

-James: Yeah, and disgusting!

-Henry: Not to mention despicable.

-Thomas: Thanks lads! But it’s not like we can convince that idiot. It would really
take a lot of karma to convince him he’s wrong. I mean, he’s got no respect for his
fellow engines, but even his own passengers.

-Duck: Exactly, because all respectable engines care for their passengers.

-Gordon: Indeed! As that was part of a moral conduct even we express engines
follow. And as well as to respect the other engines around us. The Earl is
seriously making a mistake in letting that streamlined schmuck actually handle
these rail tours.

-Thomas: We’ll just have to worry about Spencer later Gordon, as we definitely have
to get back to work.

-Henry: Indeed! We’ll just work the way we can and show that pompous git what hard
work really means.

-Narrator: But unfortunately for them, that wouldn’t even convince them. That night
at Tidmouth Sheds, when the engines were resting and talking with one another,
Spencer showed up again, and was still being an insufferable and boastful jerk more
than ever.

-Gordon: Ugh! Now what are doing here? Don’t you think you’ve done enough boasting?

-Spencer: Boasting, me, (Laughs rudely) never! I’ve come to inform you lot that
tomorrow I would begin the rail tours for Ulstead Castle, and that once I do, many
people would come all over this pathetic island taking pictures of me, and once
they do, they’ll see how much of an example a fine engine like me is. They
certainly wouldn’t want worthless shunters, common goods engines, diesels that plot
our demise, and second rate express engines, as you lot would certainly never do.

-BoCo: And before you start making judgements and boasting again Spencer, why don’t
you get out of your delusions and take a good look at yourself and all that you’ve

-Edward: Exactly! There is no need for you to be so selfish and condescending


-Spencer: What? How rude!

-Percy: Oh, and delusional as well. You really just don’t get it do you Spencer.

-Spencer: I’m afraid you don’t understand Percy. Shunters like you don’t speak back
to you’re…


-Arthur: Gordon’s right! And no “superior” engine if you can call yourself that
would go around belittling other engines.

-Thomas: And with such cruel comments. Especially at tank engines like us, even
after what happened last year with Oliver.

-Douglas: Aye, I think it’s time ye learn tae open yer mind more Spencer.

-Spencer: Pah! You just don’t know what to appreciate what a real engine is. But
then again, the Earl would certainly never choose any of you.

-Harvey: Well that’s because we got our jobs tae dae ye prat.

-Percy: Yeah, and we “shunters” as you rudely deem can do even the biggest things
that an engine like you couldn’t, (Pretends to be horrified) like say notice the
seriously large scrape on your paint right now!

-Spencer: WHAT WHERE?

(All engines laugh)


(Spencer departs)

-Oliver: Good one Percy! (Laughs) That sure shut him up.

-Percy (Giggles): It’s a talent.

-Henry: Still, this engine just keeps getting worse every time he comes here. I
have a great respect for the Duke and Duchess of Boxford anyday.

-James: Same, but for them to pick that upside down bathtub, like why him?

-Gordon: Indeed! Not to mention, he’s stuck in his own little world and thinks that
everybody is just gonna admire him just because of his appearance.

-Bear: It certainly doesn’t work that way.

-Thomas: Yeah, and what he says about us tank engines is so infuriating and cruel.

-Emily: A juist don’t understand hou engines like him can be this arrogant an

-Donald: Aye, it’s ower teach him a lesson we be wantin’.

-Douglas: Yeah, but hou?

-Edward: We’ll wait what the time is right lads. Right now, it’s better we just
focus on our own work and be the engines we are, as those are the kinds people
would look up to.

-Toby: You’re right Edward. Though that silver bathtub will come around eventually.
Especially because he doesn’t know something I found out when I visited Ulfstead
Castle today.

-Gordon: Oh, what’s that Toby?

-Toby: Well apparently Gordon (Snickers), there’s something Spencer doesn’t know. I
was talking to the Earl himself when I was dropping off passengers to tour on
Millie, and he said that Spencer has to share the rail tours with another engine.
And (Snickers), and who is a tank engine.

-Thomas: Really (Chuckles). Did they say who it is Toby?

-Toby: Oh, that I won’t say, because I think it’s a worth surprise, especially
given Spencer’s haughty and delusional behavior right now. He did say he’ll be
coming tomorrow. Just wait and see.

-Narrator: The engines were excited, and one-by-one, they all set off back to their
respective sheds, but the ones remaining in Tidmouth Sheds itself went to sleep,
wondering which engine it was gonna be. Next morning at Elsbridge, Thomas was
exchanging passengers with Emily. As they were, both engines were talking about who
they thought the engine would be.

-Thomas: I’m curious to know who the Earl decided to bring over for these rail

-Emily: Me too. I hope it’s someone that’s very nice.

-Thomas: Oh I’m positive Emily. Trust me, we’ve had many nice visitors from other
railways in the past, and some of them were tank engines like me and Percy.

-Emily: Ye have? Oh, like whan Flyin' Scotsman came for Christmas the same year I

-Thomas: Exactly. I bet whoever is coming, we’ll see him soon, though I just hope
they can handle Spencer though. Because we certainly won’t let that silver schmuck
come here and…

(Stepney’s whistle is heard)

-Emily: Oh ma. A think thon must be him.

-Thomas: Yeah, and (Smiles with glee) I know that whistle anywhere.

-Emily: You dae?

-Thomas: Yeah, look!

-Narrator: And there coming into view was a small terrier tank engine that was in a
similar design to Thomas, but smaller and more compact looking, with a taller
funnel with a copper chimney cap that’s exhaust sounded like a loud dog, and was
painted in a bright goldenrod with dark green and red linings. Many passengers
applauded and got out their cameras, as the little engine came into view with two
brown and cream Metropolitan Railway Coaches in tow.

-Stepney: Fank you everyone, fank you! Oh, 'ello 'here Thomas. Good 'o see you
again mate.

-Thomas: Ha-ha! Stepney! I don’t believe it! Oh it’s so good to see you again. And
my you haven’t changed a bit.

-Stepney: I see no need 'o. Though I 'hink I can say 'he same faw you.

(Thomas & Stepney laugh)

-Thomas: Boy it’s good to see you. How’ve you been?

-Stepney: Things 'ave bin wonderful Thomas. Bu' mind you, i'’s so grea' 'o be back
on Sodor af'er a while (Giggles).

-Thomas: Same here. Oh, and since you’re here, Stepney, this is my new best friend,
Emily, one of the newer engines that has come. And Emily, this is my good friend
and cousin, Stepney the Blue Engine. Emily, Stepney. Stepney, Emily.

-Emily (Shy smile): Hello Stepney, nice tae meet ye?

-Stepney: Pleasure 'o mee' you 'wo my dear. I mus' say, you Emily are one very
beau'iful lookin engine.

-Emily (Giggles): Why thank ye. It’s nothin really, I’m juist glad tae be part o a
railway tae call home.

-Stepney: Believe me, I feel 'he same 'o my dear. I see 'ha' plen'y 'as changed
since 'he las' 'ime I came 'ere.

-Thomas: That it has Stepney. Especially after you helped recommend Neville & Rosie
to work on our railway two years ago. In fact, I can only assume right now you’re
the engine that Sir Robert Norramby called for to take charge of the rail tours for
Ulfstead Castle aren’t you?

-Stepney (Laughs): Tha'’s righ' Thomas. I was sen' by 'he Earl 'imself 'o come
'elp. An' along wi'h ano'her engine I 'ear.

-Thomas: Yeah (Sighs). That would be Spencer. He’s a private A4 locomotive owned by
the Duke and Duchess of Boxford back in England, and he’s like any other big
engine, but worse. Be careful with him Stepney, he’s one to watch out for.

-Stepney: Don’' wawry Thomas. I’ve deal' wi'h a lo' ov wawse engines, an' if 'his
Spencer charac'er 'hinks 'e can beli''le me, well 'e be''er compared.

-Thomas (Laughs): I admire your spirit Stepney. And I hope you have a great visit.

-Stepney: Fanks Thomas, an' I' was nice mee'in you 'oo Emily. We’ll 'alk la'er.

(Stepney whistles and departs)

-Emily: See ye later Stepney. (Giggles) He’s such a nice engine. Is Stepney ane
these “regular visitors” tae Sodor Thomas?

-Thomas: That he is. Ever since he was preserved by the Bluebell Railway, there
would be some occasions Stepney would visit us, and he’s always a welcomed visitor

-Emily: Oh, well that’s nice. But wait, are ye twa really cousins?

-Thomas (Chuckles): That we are Emily. We were built by the same company, the
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway. He’s one of the A1X Terriers, and I’m an
E2X, meaning a different version of that class. We became great friends ever since,
and held a strong family connection, as we Brighton engines have to stick together.

-Emily (Giggles): That is true.

-Narrator: Soon, the engines were at Knapford Station waiting to leave with their
trains when they noticed a flock of passengers coming out onto the platform

-Percy: Say, what’s with all the passengers, no train is due to come in yet.

-Gordon: Well if it’s that Spencer again, then we better prepare ourselves for more
insults and gloating from his.

-Narrator: But Gordon & Percy were wrong, as the signals changed, and they heard a
different engine’s whistle.

-Douglas: Ladies! Leuk whose coming!

-Narrator: Douglas shouted, and the engines looked ahead, surprised to see…

-Henry: Stepney!

-Stepney: ‘ello lads! Long ‘ime no see.

-Edward: Hello Stepney. Marvelous to see you again. To what do we owe the pleasure
our dear engine?

-Stepney: Well Edward, Sir Rober' Norramby 'he Earl said 'e needed ano'her engine
'o wawk 'he rail 'ours a' Ulfstead Castle cawrec'?

-Gordon: That’s true…wait, you mean…

-Stepney: Tha'’s righ' Gordon. I’m one ov 'hose engines.

-Percy: That’s wonderful Stepney. I think the Earl made a perfect choice.

-Henry: Indeed. An engine like you is wonderful at handling these trains, plus the
passengers will have a splendid time with you.

-Stepney (Chuckles): Why fanks everyone. I in'end 'o make 'his a amazin' visi' like
i always do on 'his wonderful island.

-Duck: That’s nice. But beg pardon Stepney, if you’re gonna be doing these rail
tours, that also means you’d be working it along with another visiting engine that
comes to our island (Sighs) and a really unwelcomed one called…

-Stepney: Spencer?
(The engines looked surprised)

-Stepney: Don’' wawry lads, Thomas an' Emily ‘ad filled me in on da'. I knah ov
'his engine, an' if 'e 'ries any ov 'ha' 'ender engine 'ierarchy crap, 'hen 'e’s
go' ano'her 'hin comin’.

-Douglas: Aye, ye definitely are a brave on that’s for sure Stepney.

-Stepney (Chuckles): Oh I' 'akes a lo' mawe 'o break me Douglas.

-Narrator: Just then, the Fat Controller came up, and so did the Earl.

-TFC: Ah, welcome back to Sodor Stepney.

-Stepney: ‘ello sir! I'’s grea' 'o be back. An’ ‘ello Sir Rober’.

-SRN: Ah, hello Stepney! It was ever so kind of you to accept my invitation.

-Stepney: An' I' was very kind ov you 'o invi'e me sir. I can’' wai' 'o see
Ulfstead Castle by 'he way.

-SRN: Oh I’m sure you will be absolutely thrilled me dear engine. Like I promised,
it’ll be a big surprise, and I’m sure you’ll get along swimmingly with the engines
I have up there at the castle.

-Stepney: Oh fank you sir. I look fawward 'o 'his, an' seein 'he engines you 'ave
will be a really 'rea' af'er you 'old me abou' wha' you 'ad in mind.

-Percy: Wait, what does that mean?

-Stepney (Chuckles): Oh, a fink a shoud 'ell ye aw Percy. Ye see, 'he Earl an’ I
me' a few years. 'e visi'i' 'he bluebell railway durin' 'is 'ravels, an came ower
'ae speak wi me af'er 'e read 'he book aboo' me 'he reverend Awdry publishi' whan a
firs' visi'i' Sodaw.

-SRN: Oh yes, and I was so intrigued, that once I visited the Bluebell Railway, I
knew I had to meet with you Stepney.

-Stepney: An' so 'e arranged wi'h my Con'roller 'o mee' wi'h me, an' I was even
mawe surprised 'ha' when 'e 'old me 'e was 'he Earl ov Sodor. So we jus' 'alked faw
a while, me 'ellin 'im my 'istawy ov my life befawe I visi'ed Sodor, an' 'he o'her
adven'ure I 'ad 11 years ago af'er I made a wrong 'urn on 'he Peel Godred Branch.
While 'e also 'old me 'is 'istawy an' 'ah 'e was on 'his mission ov findin special
ar'ifac's an' findin’ differen' engines on 'is ques' 'o restawe Ulfstead Castle
las' year.

-SRN: And then I told him that once I had the castle restored, that I would
organize a special rail tour and that Stepney himself would be invited to haul them
around the Island of Sodor.

-Stepney: An' I was exci'ed, an' so 'he Earl said 'e was star'in 'hese 'ours around
Sodaw from 'he castle, so, 'ere I am.

-Edward: That is amazing. Please make yourself comfortable Stepney, I’m sure you
would want a rest after your long journey.

-Stepney: Fanks Edward. Bu’ af'er I do, I’m ready 'o star' wawk as soon as
-SRN: Splendid. We’ll meet you up at the castle Stepney.

-Narrator: AS the Earl left, Stepney left for Tidmouth Sheds to rest and recuperate
for a bit while everyone from behind still cheered. Soon as he was resting for a
bit at the yards and talking to the other engines, especially with the more recent
additions that have come since his last visit. Rosie & Neville were also present
talking with their old friend and mentor as well.

-Rosie: Man, it’s so great to have you back Stepney. It just feels like the
Bluebell all over again.

-Neville: True Rosie, bu’ everywhere Stepney is always reminds us ov ‘ome.

-Stepney: Awe, well I’m glad 'o give you ‘ha’ nostalgia you 'wo. An’ I’ve even
‘eard you bo’h ‘ave ‘ad your own adventures, Neville savin’ ‘hose dastardly scrap
diesels ‘Arry & Ber’, an’ Rosie savin’ James from nearly bein’ crushed by a ‘ree,
you bo’h ‘ave made me proud.

-Neville: Why fanks Stepney, bu’ we ‘ave you to fank.

-Murdoch: Yeah, ye are amazing, as we’ve e'en have heard aboot yer adventures here
as well.

-Arthur: Yeah, like you and Duck double heading a train after that bastard diesel
broke down after absorbing bowler hat. Funny to, as that diesel was here just last

-Stepney: Oh, was 'e? Humph, wha' 'as 'ha' bowled-ou' bastard done 'his 'ime?

-Thomas: Oh, trying to trick some young boys into going into the yards to find
another engine numbered 49, which was really him so he can steal the attention from
us, only to get distracted in his arrogance and run over one of those boys he had

-Stepney: Oh my god! Is 'ha' engine jus' stupid?

-BoCo: He sure is. Though thankfully, our Paxton here warned them and told the Fat
Controller. And now D261 has been placed on colliery trains for 2 months.

-Stepney (Laughing): Well…serves 'im righ'. An’ good job Paxton

is i'?

-Paxton: Tha'’s me (Chuckles). An’ fanks, I jus’ couldn’' le' 'hose children ge'

-Edward: None of us would. But thanks to Paxton, those children are still alive and
everything is right as rain.

-Paxton: Awe why fanks everyone. Oh, an' S'epney, I 'ope you 'ave fun on your rail

-Stepney: Why fanks Paxton. Fank you all again. I' would grea' seein 'his Ulfstead
Castle, mee'in 'he earl’s engines an' ov course, ge''in 'he chance 'o stre'ch my

-Thomas: Absolutely. Though again, be careful of (Spencer’s whistle blows)….ugh,

speak of the devil.
-Narrator: And came Spencer again, gloating per usual.

-Spencer: Make way commoners, important engine here.

-Narrator: But to Spencer’s surprise, nobody noticed him.

-Spencer: Um…hello, my I have your attention, important engine here!

-Narrator: Still nothing.

-Spencer: ARGH! What are you all deaf, what does an important express engine like
Moi have to do to get some attention here?

-BoCo: Oh we’re not in the mood for your gloating today Spencer, as we already are
talking with an important engine as you can see.

-Spencer: What, more important than me?

-Rosie: Yep, and you’re looking him right now.

-Stepney: Oh, hello there, so you’re Spencer.

-Spencer: What the? A common tank engine? Important?

-Edward: This Spencer is Stepney the Bluebell Engine, the mascot of the Bluebell

-Spencer: Oh yes, I’ve heard about you. You’re that tank engine that was saved from
scrap numerous times.

-Stepney: Yeah, 'ha'’s righ' an' i’ve 'eard abou' you 'oo spencer, loads in fac'
since I jus' go' 'ere.

-Spencer: You have? About what exactly?

-Stepney: Oh 'ha' you’re an arrogan', pompous, rude, bossy, selfish, stubbawn,

delusional an' demeanin jerk 'ha' goes around slanderin everybody because 'e 'hinks
'e’s mawe impaw'an', an' 'as go''en in'o 4 mishaps because ov I'.

-Narrator: Spencer’s jaw dropped as everybody laughed at how Stepney could come up
something like that in an instant.

-Spencer: Oh I say! The nerve!

-Stepney: Well i' is 'rue. I’ve seen you’re 'ype befawe Spencer, an' I 'ell you
duri’n my visi', i won’' pu' up wi'h any ov i'. Especially since you an' I will be
wawkin 'oge'her.

-Spencer: What, working with a common tank engine?

-Edward: That’s enough your selfishness Spencer. We’ll not have another moment of
you disrespecting another engine, big or small.

-Duck: Exactly. Stepney here is a fine example of a famous engine, one who’s more
humble and content, unlike an arrogant fool that is rude to others because he wants

-Neville: Yeah, because Stepney ‘ere is da one who men’ore’ me an’ Rosie before we
came ‘ere.
-BoCo: Indeed. And, he’s gonna be working with you in pulling rail tours from
Ulfstead Castle.

-Spencer: WHAT?

-Edward: That’s right! The Earl said it himself. He thought that it would be better
that two engines do it, a tank engine and a tender engine.

-Stepney: Yeah, an' i'’s because 'he earl is a close personal friend ov mine since
'e visi'ed 'he bluebell railway. So I’m goin 'o be wawkin wi'h you Spencer whe'her
you like I' aw no'.


-Stepney: Well I'm 'eaded up 'o Ulfstead castle 'o star' my firs' 'rain. So you can
go over 'here an' ask 'im yourself.

-Spencer: Alright then, I will. Meet you at the Castle then.

-Narrator: And Spencer puffed crossly away as the other engines laughed.

-Thomas: Nicely done Stepney, you got him in the ropes there.

-Stepney: Fanks Thomas, I’ve 'eard years ov prac'ice when dealin wi'h jerks like
'im. I ga'her Spencer does a lo' whenever 'e visi's?

-Murdoch: Ugh, you don’' even wan' 'o knah lad.

-Stepney: I see. Well, don’' wawry lads, I won’' le' 'im ge' 'o me, an' i cer'ainly
won’' le' 'im pa'ronize any ov you ei'her. Anyways, I be''er ge' going, I’ll see
you la'er.

-Arthur: See you later Stepney, and good luck today.

-Narrator: Stepney gave a charismatic wink of reassurance to everyone, and puffed

away excitedly to Ulfstead Castle. Both Stepney & Spencer made their own separate
ways to the castle to be briefed by the Earl himself. With Spencer taking the main
line as one would expect, but Stepney instead went on his own separate route…the
Ffarqhuar Branchline. As while it was separate from the very fast and convenient
main line, Stepney didn’t care, as he preferred taking a peaceful route anyway, and
even went at his own pace, carefully, as well as whistling too many rail
enthusiasts by the line that wanted to see him. The Bluebell Engine had no problems
getting lost on his way, as being an experienced branchline engine, he made it
there with no trouble, especially unlike the last time to. Spencer, running at his
usual record speed was so confident that he could beat a tiny tank engine who more
than likely could never go that fast, but the A4 was surprised the very moment he
arrived at Ulfstead Castle, to see right at the halt talking to Millie, Stephen and
some of the visitors at the castle was Stepney. On time and quite content.

-Spencer: Wha…bu…who…how…where…I…

-Stepney: Oh, 'ello Spencer, you seem ra'her shocked. Every'hin okay old chap?

-Spencer: This is preposterous, how did a small tank engine like you managed to get
here before me?

-Stepney: Simple…I jus' 'alk 'he branchline. I prefer a nice peaceful rou'e where
you can relax an' stop an' smell 'he roses.
-Narrator: Spencer was shocked even more not only beaten by this older, smaller
19th century tank engine, but how Stepney didn’t seem phased at all one bit by
Spencer’s shock and anger. Mille & Stephen chuckled, as they were rather impressed.

-Stephen (Giggles): Wow, he got you good there Spencer.

-Millie (Giggle): You look tired after all zat running about, care for a nice drink


-Stepney: 'umph, Terrier, huh? nah 'ha' sounds degradin 'o refer 'o a small engine
by 'ype 'han by name. Bu' I suppose I' could sui' you well…A4.

-Spencer: Humph! A4 eh? Well then…Stepney! You may have been lucky, but I still
simply refuse to share these rail tours with some pathetic and insignificant tank….

-DOB: Well it’s the Sir Robert Norramby’s decision Spencer, so like it or not,
you’d better watch that pompous tongue and show some respect.

-Narrator: Spencer gulped, as there was Duke and Duchess of Boxford, along with Sir
Robert Norramby. The Earl smiled proudly at Stepney, while the Duke and Duchess had
once again glared sternly at their own engine.

-DOB: The Earl has already made this decision for some time now Spencer, even
before we came here. You see, he wanted to rare engines from the mainland giving
special tours while Connor & Caitlin are busy escorting passengers for the castle.
Plus, the other reason we personally thought it was a good idea was to get you to
humble down, as every time we visit Sodor, all you do is boast, speed carelessly
which upsets the passengers, and thoughtlessly bad mouths the engines on this
island all because of you pigheadness.

-Spencer: But…but sir…ma’am…you can’t…

-Duchess: But nothing Spencer. You need to learn to respect other engines around
you. Especially tank engines. You’ve already gotten yourself into trouble for that
after slandering Oliver last year with that brutal comment, so having you paired up
with a famous tank engine like Stepney I think would be a good way to teach you
both respect and humility.

-SRN: I agree. Furthermore, these runs themselves are also meant to be humble, as
this is also for charity to.

-Spencer: Charity?

-Stepney: Yeah, money faw 'hese rail 'ours are goin 'o chari'y faw grea' causes
such as cancer research, makin sure awphaned children 'ave a good 'ome an' family,
you know, 'ha' saw' ov 'hin. (Raises an eyebrow) I assume 'he Duke & Duchess 'old
you abou' 'ha'.

-DOB: Not exactly Stepney old boy. We did as a way to give Spencer a good taste of
reality. To make him realize that not everything is about him. Isn’t that right

-Spencer: Well…I suppose.

-DOB: Suppose?
-Spencer: Um…I mean…yes sir.

-DOB: Good, as I have heard from Edward that you have already been badmouthing him
and the other engines again, from “worthless shunters, common goods engines,
diesels that plot your demise, and second rate express engines” you rudely deem

-Narrator: Spencer gulped. He hoped the Duke & Duchess weren’t gonna find out, but
the A4 should’ve known better. But then again, Spencer never did.

-DOB: So we’re only going to let you off with a warning just this once Spencer for
your own good. So having a humble and polite tank engine working alongside you on
these rail tours is a way for you to learn to respect the other engines around you,
including tank engines who are not just shunters. So you will be working with
Stepney whether you like or not, and I expect you to be on your best behavior
whilst were here. Is that understood?

-Spencer: Yes sir.

-DOB: Good then.

-SRN: Excellent. Anyways, your coaches are already prepared you two, as the first
rail tour will begin in 10 minutes.

-Stepney: Brillian' sir. We’ll be 'here righ' away.

-Narrator: So Stepney puffed away eagerly, while Spencer reluctantly followed. As

so as both were fueled up with coal and water, and coupled to their respective
coaches as the passengers climbed aboard.

-Stepney: Well, good luck 'oday wi'h your rail 'ours Spencer.

-Spencer: Humph, luck, pah! I am an experienced express engine, and I don’t need
your advice there Stepney! You do your rail tours your way, and I’ll do them mine,
as they will be most successful than an insignificant tank engine.

-Narrator: Stepney just ignored him. Though as soon as the guard blew his whistle,
Stepney left with his rail tour around the castle first, then down the branchline
before reaching the main line. Just at a regular light speed pace, while Spencer
left in a mighty huff down the Peel Godred Branch to the main line. Naturally,
Spencer just sped down the line hoping mostly to seek more attention. Despite the
Duke’s warning to behave, Spencer stubbornly refused and was more obsessed with his
self-image and attention seeking. While Stepney, he could really care less about
that, as he enjoying the peaceful runs and giving the passengers what they wanted.

-Stepney (Blows whistle): Hello, fank you very much.

(Shows Spencer at Kellsthorpe Road)

-Spencer: Make way, important engine coming through (Stops suddenly)!

-Passengers: OOF! OH!

-Passenger 1: SON OF A BITCH!

-Spencer: Uh…uh oh…SORRY!

-Kirby (Laughs): Nice grand entrance there Spencer. I’m sure your making a great
first impression being such a splendid A4 engine (Laughs) NOT! (Puffs away

-Spencer: Ugh!

-Narrator: In fact, the very opposite of what Spencer said earlier was happening,
as Stepney’s rail tours proved far more successful than Spencer’s, as he enjoyed
showing the enthusiasts around both the main line and the branchlines. He also got
to meet plenty of the other engines that arrived after his last visit, and was
already becoming instant friends with each of them.

(Shows Stepney meeting Salty at Wellsworth)

-Salty: Argh, ahoy thar Stepney. Lookin' sharp I see.

-Stepney: Tha' I am Sal'y. I'’s goin' wonderfully.

-Salty: Aye, nay 'har'’s good 'o 'ear ma'ey.

-Stepney: Oh, as soon as I’m done, I 'ope i can join you an' o'her 'onigh' faw
ano'her sea farin 'ale.

-Salty: Absolutely me hearty. Enjoy yer rail tours t'.

(Stepney whistles and leaves)

-Narrator: The passengers were even amazed at how fast he could go, just like when
he and Duck did back during his visit all those years ago.

-Passenger 1: Thank you Stepney, that was wonderful.

-Nina Kyndly: I couldn’t agree more. You really are one of the greatest engines
I’ve ever met Stepney. It feels great to travel behind such a charming tank engine
that cares about his passengers.

-Passenger 2: You certainly are a lot smoother and more friendlier than that
Spencer, that’s for certain.

-Stepney: Oh I'’s no'hin lads. Dis was jus' fun 'o do in general, an' I 'ope you
all 'ad fun 'o.

-Elderly Women: I should say we did.

-Nina Kyndly: Say, Stepney, you don’t mind if we each gotta picture with you, our
children included?

-Stepney (Giggles): By all means Mrs. Kyndly. Everybody, please, ga'her around.

(Everyone gathers in front of Stepney for different shots)

-Thomas: Wow Stepney, your rail tours for the Earl are already becoming successful.

-Stepney: Fanks Thomas. I'’s all fun a' 'he end ov 'he day, an' i’m jus' glad i can
'elp ou' 'he Earl 'o.

-Henry: You certainly know how to be a crowd pleaser, as we all know how great you
are with enthusiasts.

-Stepney: Fanks, bu’ I'’s no'hin really ‘enry. I’m used 'o 'his saw' ov 'hing, an'
I’m glad 'o give 'he en'husiasts exac'ly wha' 'hey wan' 'o.
-Spencer: Oh pah! Clearly you just don’t understand there Stepney!

-Narrator: Spencer called out indignantly as he pulled into the junction, the
passengers complaining and booing at him.

-Passenger 1: OH I SAY!

-Passenger 2: What the bloody hell!

-Passenger 3: One more bang like that and I could bust a knee cap.

-Thomas: Oh dear, why doesn’t this surprise me.

-Henry (Chuckles): No kidding. So Spencer, how does it feel trying to show us how
superior a grand exemplary A4 like yourself is better than us?

-Spencer: Only a minor setback you two. This is only just the beginning. They’ll
all see my potential, and all that attention that’s on you Stepney old bean, it’s
gonna shine away from you real soon, you mark my words Terrier, and so will all of
you. As you Stepney clearly don’t have the personality of a famous engine.

-Stepney: Oh I don’', eh? Well 'ha'’s qui'e 'ypocri'ical comin from 'he a''en'ion-
seekin A4.

-Spencer: Now what utter nonsense is that supposed to mean?

-Stepney: Well I'’s obvious why 'hey’re complainin abou' you, as you only 'hough'
ov 'he par' 'ha' you’d be on a pedestal ac'in like a big sho', while all 'he
en'husiasts an' engines 'ail you as some god. Well I go''a news flash faw you ma'e,
I' doesn’' wawk 'ha' way.

-Spencer: Well I gotta news flash for you to…MATE! You clearly have no taste of
what it means to be a famous engine, but then again, what did I expect coming from
a common tank engine. Express engines like me are the type that relish in the

-Stepney: From a cer'ain poin' ov view. I mean, 'ell me Spencer, does bein famous
also involve bein an everyday jerk 'o your own passengers. Because 'he way you
'rea' 'hem, 'hey may no' wan' 'o ride aw 'ake pic'ures ov you. I only became famous
because i was given a second chance af'er survivin 'he cu''er’s 'awch, an' I
apprecia'e 'ha' very much mawe 'han any'hin. I 'ave a 'ome, a family, friends, an'
a purpose in life. I make sure 'o be respec'ful 'o 'he passengers because no' many
ov 'hem would even ge' 'o see steam engines like us 'hese days. Think abou' 'ha'!

-Thomas: Now that’s a perfect way of summing it up Stepney, as I agree. We have a

lot to appreciate in our lives. We don’t care as much for glamour and fame, we only
care about working hard and giving the passengers the chance they wanted in seeing
steam engines and first generation diesels still in service. As well as respecting
everyone we have, our friends, our family, but you Spencer, you’re just so
ungrateful and rude every time you come here. It doesn’t matter which engine is
famous, as we all our in our own way whether you like it or not.

-Spencer: PAH! I don’t know why I bother with you lot. You’re just as bad as the
Sodor engines Stepney. But just you wait, this won’t last long. Come along
everybody, chop, chop, we are leaving at once!

-Passenger 1: Yeah, change of plans Spencer, we’re not traveling in you.

-Spencer: EXCUSE ME?

-Passenger 3: Let us spell it out for you, you first class jackass, you’ve given us
a rough ride and have disrespected each and every one of us because of your massive
ego. And what Stepney and Thomas say here is true. In fact, Stepney, could we
travel in you please?

-Stepney: I’m sawry ma'es, bu' I don’' knah if 'here’s a lo' ov room in my coaches
faw everyone.

-Henry: Oh don’t worry about that Stepney, I can take them for you, as some are
headed to Knapford, I’ll get them there.

-Thomas: And I’ll take some to, as I’ll get some of them back to Ulfstead Castle.

-Spencer: PAH! SO BE IT THEN!

-Narrator: And Spencer steamed rudely hissing steam everywhere.

-Henry: ARGH! That stupid pompous bastard! I swear, if I could…

-Thomas: Don’t bother with him Henry, it’s pointless to argue with Spencer. Though
after his performance today, I’m sure the Earl, the Duke and Duchess are gonna have
kittens by now.

-Narrator: And Thomas was right, it didn’t take long for the enthusiast’s
complaints to reach the Earl, Duke and Duchess, and needless to say, they were not
happy with Spencer’s behavior, though the Earl was not one to get particularly
angry, he did show his disapproval, but the Duke and Duchess scolded Spencer


-Narrator: And with that, the Duke, Duchess and the Earl strode sternly away.
Later, as Spencer was shunting at Tidmouth Sheds, he was still in a bad temper.



-Spencer: Well I’m just as surprised that even you Gordon, a grand LNER Pacific
express engine like me would even approve of this.

-Gordon: Well I have my reasons to Spencer. And I’m surprised you’re calling grand,
considering how you think I’m second best to you. Well unlike you, I have learned
to be second best when needed, as the only reason the passengers refuse to travel
in you was because of how improper you were, as you were being a pain in the ass.
If I’ve learned anything over the years Spencer, is that all engines are equal to
each other no matter their shape, size, livery, background, position, it doesn’t
matter, it’s the engine on the inside that matters. I am proud of being an express
engine and gaining the recognition I do, I’m more humble about it as I do my best
for the passengers, as they come first more than anything. And furthermore, Stepney
has earned every right to do this, as he’s worked harder than any engine and is far
more well-mannered and polite, something you’ve failed to achieve.

HAVE COME TO ADMIRE ENGINES LIKE US! We represent real engines Gordon. Back in a
time when the world made sense. Passengers coming to admire a small old-fashioned
shunter wouldn’t make sense at all.

-Gordon: Only in your mind Spencer, but not to the public, as we can see that you
are stuck in your delusions again. I was to, but I grew and matured, and I have a
respect for every engine on this railway, and those that have visited over the
years, and Stepney is a true example of famous engine that has proved himself time
and time again. Plus, you say engines like us, but clearly you only mean for the
people to come and admire you more than anything. I just don’t know why you have
these outdated thoughts. If you ever want to be back on the Duke and Duchess and
Sir Robert’s good side, then I suggest you smarten up and act like a proper engine,
i.e., being polite and respecting other engines and their jobs, being humble and
grateful for what you have, and also, giving engines like Stepney a chance.

-Spencer: Never in my life I will. And who are you to tell me…

-Gordon: Somebody who has learned. It’s high time you learn to be second best for
once in your life Spencer. It’s really not that bad. As I given it a chance, and it
feels great to let others have a turn and get the chance they deserve. Though not
to brag, but whenever I’m at first best, it really does feel special for an engine
like Moi (Chuckles as Spencer sniffs). But the overall point is that you have to
give others a chance and respect the other engines around you, as you can’t have
things just your way all the time. As that’s what being in a team…a family, is
really about it. I believe it’s about time you get out of your pigheaded pride
Spencer and know your place by making way for other engines, as you need to realize
you can’t go off a whim and rant about something beyond your control.

-Narrator: And Gordon puffed off the turntable and away to pull the express,
leaving Spencer fuming, as there was only gonna be one way in his book…his way and
only his. That evening Spencer was still grumbling about Stepney dreadfully in the
yards when a mournful noise was heard. Arthur came puffing into the yards, wheezing
and coughing with brown thick smoke pouring from his funnel.
-Spencer: If you wouldn’t mind Midlander, some of us are trying the rest. The last
thing I need is fumes from whatever you’ve drank.
-Arthur (coughing): Oh shut up Spencer, it can’t be helped that I’ve got bad water
in my tanks. Last thing I need is a snarky comment from you…. (Coughs)…
-Kirby (passing through): Especially given that not that long ago, you took on bad
coal and nearly had your boiler explode like a volcano.


-Kirby: Yeah well neither does yours! (Departs while murmuring) Dickhead.
-Arthur: (Coughing)…Well when you’ve quite finished insulting others Spencer…
(Coughs)…a word warning, avoid the tower at track 2 in Tidmouth Station’s yards.
The water in there is contaminated.
-Arthur’s driver: Indeed, I’ll write a report to the Fat Controller about that
tower next morning. First thing we need to do is get you cleaned out old boy.
-Arthur: And not a moment too soon (Coughs and backs away).
-Narrator: Arthur backed into the sheds still coughing awfully. Spencer was about
to leave for home when he spotted Stepney backing into the sheds.
-Stepney’s driver: We’ll need an early night tonight old boy. Tomorrow the Duke
wants to tour of Ulfstead Castle, apparently the Fat Controller and some
distinguished guests are joining him.
-Stepney: Sure ‘fing driver bu’ we may nee’ to fill up on wa’er tommorrow. Me tanks
are feelin’ a li’’le low.
-Stepney’s fireman: Sure thing old boy, we’ll get some at Tidmouth Yards tomorrow.
-Narrator: As Stepney fell asleep, Spencer grinned deviously as a plan came to his
-Spencer: Excellent.
-Narrator: He murmured to himself. The next morning Stepney set off for the yards
at Tidmouth. However when he arrived, he was surprised to find Spencer waiting at
the water tower.
-Stepney: Err, if ye don’ mind, I nee’ to ta’e on wa’er mate. Is I’ okay if I go
firs’ please?
-Spencer: First of all, we’re not mates you silly little terrier, and secondly no.
I’m here first, you’ll just have to wait.
-Stepney: Bu’ I can’ wai’. I’ve go’ a ta’e the Duke an’ Duchess to Ulfstead t’day.
You wouldn’t’ wan’ a le’ em down.
-Spencer: Well there’s a tower over there on the next track, why don’t you use it
if your in such a hurry?
-Stepney: Bu’ I’s much an’ moor difficult to ge’ too, there’s trucks in tha’ siding
by the way an’…
-Spencer: Well that’s not my problem terrier, you’re a shunter deal with it.
-Stepney’s driver: Come along Stepney, let’s not bother wasting steam arguing with
him. We’ll shunt the trucks away as quickly as we can and then try to make up lost
time to Knapford. We’ll explain to the Fat Controller why we’re late.
-Stepney (Sighs): Migh' as well. I jus' 'ope you you’re 'appy wi'h yourself…jerk!
-Spencer (Smirks and whispers): More than you think old clapped out terrier. Ha,
ha, excellent, all going to plan…right, are we nearly filled yet driver.
-Spencer’s driver: Almost, although doesn’t this water look a little funny to you
-Spencer’s fireman: Yeah, looks a little mucky.
-Spencer: Nonsense, this is the finest water there is.
-Spencer’s fireman: Oh and how would you know Spencer?
-Spencer: It’s errr, instinct. Now come on, chop, chop.
-Spencer’s driver: But why such a rush? You do know the Duke has asked Stepney
specifically to pull this train. Especially because you’re not allowed to pull
-Spencer: Indeed, but, errr, I just want to see them off…(murmurs)…hopefully pull
their train when that insignificant terrier has bad water in him. Ha, ha!
-Narrator: Eventually Spencer was full of water and puffed snootily away, blowing
steam at Stepney as he passed.
-Stepney: ‘Ey, watch I’!!!
-Spencer (sniggering): You’ll be the one watching it terrier…watching me take my
Duke as expected while you fail in a cloud of steam on the main line (Evil cackle).
-Narrator: Spencer thought his plan was very clever. But I’m afraid, his arrogance
had once again made him overlook an important point. Though not as big as Knapford,
Tidmouth still has a busy yard, hence why there are two water towers and a coal
bunker here. There are four separate tracks in the yard and every Sodor engine
knows to count the tracks from left to right. So furthest left track is Track 1 and
furthest right closest to the station is Track 4. Track 2’s water tower is easier
to access as all an engine has to do is reverse two sets of points to reach it.
Track 3’s water tower is harder to access and often there’s a line of trucks or
coaches in a siding that need to be moved before it can be used. Engines generally
prefer using Track 2’s tower as it’s easier to access and not as pedantic. Being
very full of himself and not asking for the correct advice, Spencer had miscounted
the track spreading in the yards, he’d counted from right to left, and had mistaken
Track 2 for Track 3. Without realizing he had in effect sent Stepney to use the
clean water instead. Trouble was beckoning. The Fat Controller stared at his watch
in confusion, the guests were becoming agitated.
-TFC: Where’s Stepney, it’s not like him to be this late.
-Lady Hatt: I’m sure he’ll be around soon dear… (Pauses and listens)…in fact I
think I can hear him.
-DOB: That doesn’t sound like Stepney… (Pauses and notices)…that sounds like
-Duchess: Indeed, what is he doing here?

-Spencer: Hello everybody, good tidings to you all.

-DOB: Spencer? What is the meaning of this? And where’s Stepney?

-Spencer: Oh, I’m dreadfully sorry sir, but Stepney is…err um…indisposed. He took
on bad water you see and has been coughing and wheezing like mad, and his face was
as purple as a plum. So as a way to apologize for my behavior, I thought who better
than me to help save the occasion.

-Spencer’s driver: Wait a minute it, that didn’t happen.

-Spencer’s fireman: No, but let’s wait it out and see what that idiot is playing

-DOB: Humph, I find this sudden change of heart rather shocking Spencer. But since
we need to get to Ulfstead Castle, very well, but no boasting or rudeness towards
others, understood.

-Spencer: Oh absolutely sir.

-Narrator: Spencer grinned, but we now that that was a lie. Soon, the Duke and
Duchess, the Fat Controller, Lady Hatt, and the guests all boarded the coaches, and
Spencer set off smugly, feeling very pleased with himself. But thanks to his
miscalculation when sending Stepney to the right water tower, problems began to
arise when he pulled out slowly and started to wheel slip. He became rather
lightheaded and his face was turning bright purple as Kirby’s. He began wheezing
and coughing like mad!

-Spencer’s driver: Oh god are you alright Spencer?

-Spencer: Nonsense driver! I’ve never been better! Only a minor setback! Now come
on, let’s go! Come on, let’s go!

-Narrator: He thundered. The other engines at the station were really surprised to
see Spencer coughing so terribly. But if that wasn’t enough, they could also see a
huge plume of filthy brown smoke bellowing from his funnel. No sooner was he
leaving in a cloud of steam, Stepney arrived.

-Stepney: WHOA! OUI! GE’ BACK ‘ERE MA’E!

-James: What the? Stepney, I thought Spencer said you took on bad water.

-Stepney: No’ exactly James. In fact, Arthur jus’ revealed 'o me one ov 'he wa'er
'owers was con'amina’ed. I’’s a good fing we use’ the o'her 'ower even if Spencer
was bein an' ass an’…(Realizes Spencer’s trick) oh my….you don’ fink…

-James: I think he did. It’s another one of Spencer’s tricks again! That idiot!

-BoCo: Indeed. But in the means of trying to sabotage his train, he ended up
sabotaging himself by mistake.
Kirby: Ha! Explains the irony to that Spencer really is full of ____.

(James, BoCo and Stepney glare sternly at him)

-Kirby: What? It’s true isn’t it?

-Narrator: Meanwhile out on the main line, Spencer was still suffering dreadfully.
He continued to run at his record speed despite his crew trying to hold him back.
The arrogant A4 was so determined to one up Stepney, he failed to realized his

-Spencer (Coughs): I’ll show that Stepney, and all these fools why things ARE THE

-Spencer’s driver: Oh will you stop your delusional boasting for 2 seconds Spencer,
something is clearly wrong with you!

-Spencer’s fireman: Yeah, and I think it may have something to do with that water.

-Spencer’s driver: For sure. But you know Spencer, too stubborn to listen to
reason, and only wanting to prove his own way works.

-Narrator: It was just the crew, the Fat Controller began to notice Spencer’s
condition and asked the Duke and Duchess.

-TFC: I say Duke, is everything okay with your own engine? He’s wheezing like mad
and is letting out nasty brown smoke.

-DOB: To be honest sir, I can’t understand this either. He seemed just this
morning. Hmm…and kind of ironic, he said Stepney was indisposed due to bad water.

-TFC: Yes (Both stare in shock) you don’t think.

-DOB: I have a feeling yes.

-Narrator: Spencer kept trying to boast, but instead of his usually rude comments,
all he kept doing was coughing even worst as he passed Elsbridge Junction.


-Annie: Oh my, how ghastly.

-Clarabel: Very ghastly indeed Annie.

-Narrator: But the worst it got was that once Spencer was about to pass under
signal gantry, he was too busy wheezing to realize the signal up ahead on his line
was red, and before the signalman could get out to warn him, Spencer let out a
nasty plough of brown water bellowing from his funnel. It covered him, the coaches,
and the whole signal gantry. But thankfully, the signalman was safe inside, but
Spencer overran the red signal and went down...THOMAS’S BRANCHLINE!

-Signalman: WHAT THE? OH NO! (Gets out of the signal gantry) OUI! STOP! COME BACK!

-Spencer’s driver: Oh lord, Spencer, we have to stop, the signalman…

-Spencer (Coughs): No excuses driver! Roll forwards now, chop, chop!

-Narrator: Spencer’s driver tried to stop him, but it was no good, as despite his
own engine’s poor condition, Spencer still remained stubborn, until he thundered by
the River Els Bridge, much to his surprise.

-Spencer: What the (Coughs)? I say, I don’t remember crossing over this bridge.

-Narrator: As soon as Spencer passed the bridge, he felt the rails under him
getting weaker and looser, and then that’s when it finally hit him.

-Spencer: Oh my word, I’m on some branchline. Driver, we bet…(Coughs and vanishes

in a cloud of nasty brown smoke) ARRGGHH!

-Narrator: No sooner did Spencer finally realized he miscalculated he let off one
final wheeze and vanished into a cloud of brown smoke that covered him, his crew,
the coaches, and blocking their own visibility.

-Guest 1: AH!

-Guest 2: OH I SAY!



-Narrator: But just as the Fat Controller could pull the emergency cord, Spencer
still speeding on the branchline and trying to get a grip on himself and see
through his filthy smokescreen, felt the rails underneath him weaken until…


(Spencer derails and falls down the slope and ploughs into the field below)

-Narrator: Luckily, nobody was hurt, but Spencer and the first coach had derailed
on the slope and into the lush green fields of Thomas’s branchline. But thankfully
though, the brown smokescreen from the contaimanted water began to fade as Spencer
was breaking out of his illness.

-Spencer (Groans): Colonel Mustard killed a man in the kitchen with a wrench. Or
was it Miss Scarlet. (Breaks out of his light headiness) What the devil?

-Narrator: But coming out the wrecked coaches were the guests, battered and their
best clothing ruined. Everybody turned angrily at Spencer.

-Lady Hatt: MY PURSE!



-Spencer: Uh-oh.
-DOB: Bert Spencer, you have better explain yourself right now, what on earth was
-Spencer’s driver: I knew something was up with that water. (Turns to Duke)
Apologies your Grace, we tried to warn this fool that the water didn’t look right.
Then we tried to stop after we were switched onto the wrong line, but he kept on
being stubborn to listen, and that’s when he let out that nasty smokescreen from
the bad water and well…this happened.
-Duke: Hmm, I see. Disrespecting your crew again Spencer. Argh!!! You never do
listen to sense. What on earth were you thinking taking on that water? In fact, you
said that Stepney was the one who took on the bad water, which is why you took
over. (Raises an eyebrow) Is there something you know Spencer that we don’t.
-Spencer: I errr miscounted.
-TFC: And I suspect you were too arrogant to ask for help…again?
-Narrator: Spencer blushed. At that moment, Stepney puffed on, very cross.
-Stepney: Oh my lord, wha' 'appened 'ere?

-TFC: I was wondering if you would know Stepney. I thought Spencer said you took on
bad water.

-Stepney: Oh not at all sir. Especially Arthur jus’ revealed i’ was contamina’ed
las’ nigh’. Good fing Spencer did 'rick me in'o usin 'he o'her 'ower.

-TFC: He did huh? I suppose this was more than just a…miscount, wasn’t it Spencer?
-DOB: Indeed. You weren’t trying to sabotage Stepney’s train…were you Spencer?
-Narrator: Spencer gulped and revealed everything. Everybody was furious to hear
Spencer’s trick, as well as his own petty reasons.

-DOB: Oh Spencer you’ve really done it now. Your manipulation and jealousy of
Stepney, as well as your stubbornness to heed to my warnings as well as learn from
your mistakes meant that you were willing to sabotage his train once again for your
own selfish advantages. Only due to your arrogance, overconfidence, and lack of
common sense it back-fired on you.

-TFC: Indeed! But worse, you still kept stubbornly refusing to listen to your crew
the moment your problems arise, that you’ve gotten yourself, the coaches, and the
signal gantry back at Elsbridge covered in rust water. Worst, in your distraction
thanks to the sickness you were gonna put Stepney through, you overran the signal
and went down the Ffarqhuar branch, speeding down and derailing at this slope,
damaging yourself and your first coach, and nearly getting us injured. IT’S A
your selfishness Spencer you have damaged yourself, your coaches, a signal gantry,
part of Thomas’s branchline, our best clothes, and worst of all, delayed services
on this branchline and have upset my arrangements, but oh, you would never care, as
you considered branchlines and tank engines that run them beneath you anyway, but
how does it feel today to be beneath something for once, know what I mean Spencer?

-Spencer: Uh…yes sir.

-DOB: Regardless though, your behavior has been horrid once again. As well as your
constant treatment of the other engines and the passengers of late to. Especially
like tank engines like Stepney here. EVEN AFTER EVERYTHING WE TALKED ABOUT
but I think looking like that for the rest of the day and derailing on this slope
in this field is punishment enough. However when you next return to Sodor, you’ll
be sticking with goods work and only goods work, until you learn to respect other
engines around you, big or small, HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?

-Spencer (Gulps): Yes sir. Sorry sir!

-DOB: And I should think so to. Now Stepney, I really must apologize the he
sabotaged your train and tried to put you in the horrible position he had put
himself in.

-Stepney: No wawries sirs. I’m jus' glad you’re all safe. Bu' wha' are we gonna do
now, especially since 'e’s damaged par' ov Thomas's branchline. I knah Thomas
'imself is no' gonna be chuffed abou' 'his.
-TFC: No indeed. And we’ll have to change our clothes and clear this mess.

-Narrator: Thankfully though, everything was settling out, as after the Earl had
found out about Spencer’s scheme in disrupting the rail tour, he decided to
postpone it for tomorrow in order to make up for what happened. Terence the Tractor
and Butch the Breakdown Vehicle arrived to help clear the mess, while Percy had
brought the Breakdown Train from the other side to left the damaged coaches as
Stepney helped get them back to the junction where Marlin would take them to the

-Percy: Well, well, well, look who it is, the silver schmuck who will never learn
to grow up. I always thought you considered tank engines like me, Stepney and
Thomas, as well as branchlines to be beneath you, well for once, how does it feel
for you to be beneath us Spencer (Laughing).

-TFC: Funny you should say that Percy, I made that same remark to earlier.

(Both laugh)

-Narrator: Spencer said nothing. With all their strength, Terence and Butch pulled
him to the nearest road near Maithwaite Park where a low loader was gonna take him
by road to the Steamworks, Spencer felt very humiliated, realizing his attempt to
try and cheat Stepney, he cheated himself, and felt very embarrassed to be beaten
by a bunch of tank engines and to even be delivered to the Works by road.
Thankfully, Harvey and plate-layers got to work in maintaining the slope and
building new rails on top. While Bertie the Bus helped in getting passengers from
Elsbridge to Maithwaite so services can carry on. Later at the Branchline Sheds,
Stepney spoke with Thomas.

-Stepney: I’m really sawry 'ha' Spencer damaged your branchline Thomas.

-Thomas: Oh that’s alright. We were able to carry on like normal, and the tracks
have been repaired. But after what Spencer tried to do to you and your special
train today, he had it coming to him. Especially since some of the guests could’ve
been hurt. I’m sorry that your day was ruined.

-Stepney: Oh 'ha'’s alrigh' Thomas, I' could’ve bin waws'. An' a' leas' 'he rail
'our is back on 'omawrow, bu' I 'hough' wi'h spencer indisposed an' pu' on goods
wawk, I 'ave a proposi'ion faw you.

-Thomas: Oh, do tell.

-Narrator: So Stepney explained what he had in mind, and when the Earl came to see
Stepney later that night to explain the new change of plans for tomorrow, both he
and Thomas explained their plans, and the Earl, as well as the Fat Controller after
he told them, both agreed. The next morning, the special coaches were repaired and
spotless as Stanley shunted to the platform. The other engines were waiting there
to, as well as the guests, and found instead of just Stepney, the Bluebell engine
also arrived with Thomas behind him. And decorated with beautiful decorations such
as the crests of both Sir Robert Norramby and the Duke and Duchess of Boxford.

-Duchess: Well I never.

-DOB: Thomas, you’re joining the rail tour to?

-Thomas: That I am sir. Stepney suggested it.

-Stepney: I 'ave indeed. I feel since Spencer yesterday par'ially damaged 'he
branchline, I figured Thomas an' I, 'wo fellah Brigh'on engines can double-head
'his rail 'our, jus' like when me an' Buck did faw 'he express way back durin my
firs' visi'.

-SRN: And when Stepney proposed the idea, I agreed wholeheartedly. But instead of
going up to the castle, first we will head to Vicarstown, then on the return run up
to the castle, and I think the idea is marvelous.

-TFC: I couldn’t have put it better myself Sir Robert. As I would love for one of
my engines to represent this tour, and who better than my #1, Thomas the Tank

-Thomas: Why thank you sir. And to do it with you Stepney is such an honor.

-Stepney: Yeah, you and me, cousins double-heading this. Besides, we Brighton
engines have gotta stick together right?

-Thomas: Exactly. Let’s get started.

-Narrator: So everybody climbed aboard the coaches, all eager to travel on board
the double header by two very famous tank engines.

-Stanley: Good luck ou' 'here you 'wo. Shah 'ha' silver schmuck Spencer wha' 'ank
engines can really do.

-Stepney: Absolu'ely! Even small engines like us can do even 'he bigges' fings 'o
(Laughs). You ready Thomas?

-Thomas: I’m ready when you are Stepney. Let’s get rolling.

(Guard’s whistle blows and Thomas & Stepney depart)

-Narrator: The cavalcade slowly puffed out of the station. Soon, both Stepney &
Thomas were out on the main line and ready to reach their top speed.

-Stepney: Nah faw a sprin'.

-Thomas: Yeah, let’s give the passengers what they deserve.

-Narrator: And with that, both Stepney & Thomas reached their full speed, but
carefully though just for the sake of their own passengers, who were having a
wonderful time. Everybody along the line, engines, road vehicles, and humans waved,
greeted and cheered as both Stepney the Bluebell Engine and Thomas the Tank Engine
thundering down the line like Stepney did with Duck back during his first visit in

(Shows a montage of Stepney & Thomas racing past different locations along the main
line, and being greeted along the way by Percy and Toby at Elsbridge, Gordon on the
Viaduct, Edward and BoCo at Wellsworth, Bertie at Suddrey crossing, Oliver and Toad
past Gordon’s Hill, Emily at Maron, Donald & Douglas past the entrance to the Peel
Godred Branch, Henry through Henry’s Forest, Barry at Kellsthorpe Road, James,
Arthur, Skarloey, Peter Sam, Duncan and Luke at Crovans Gate, Rheneas, Sir Handel,
Duke, Rusty and Derek at Crovans Gate Yards, as well as Marlin, Victor and an
envious and disgraced Spencer at the Steamworks, Neville along the Sodor Suspension
Bridge, Harvey and Paxton at Henry’s Tunnel, then reaching Vicarstown greeted by
Bear, Murdoch, Pip, Emma, Patrick and Rosie)

-Narrator: Soon, the two Brighton Tank Engines had arrived, triumphant and proud as
the passengers got out and applauded, commending them for a wonderful and smooth
ride. Thomas & Stepney beamed. They soon made it to Ulfstead Castle on the return
run, where they received even more praises.

-Millie: My, you two look like you’ve had a good run.

-Thomas: We sure have Millie.

-Stepney: A wonderful one in fact.

-SRN: Oh ho, and I should say we have. That was marvelous. Thank you Stepney, thank
you Thomas.

-Stepney: Our pleasure sir.

-Thomas: We’re glad we could help. This was just overall…fun.

-TFC: It sure was Thomas. As even after the disaster Spencer caused yesterday, this
was a better way to make up for it. Especially on you part to Thomas. You both are
really useful engines.

-Narrator: Both Stepney & Thomas beamed. Later that evening, the two Brighton tank
engines were having their own celebration at Tidmouth Sheds were their friends snag
their praises.

-Gordon: I must say you two, that was a fabulous show. You both have proven that
silver idiot wrong.

-Edward: Indeed. And even helping to make up after it after what Spencer tried to
do yesterday.

-Thomas: Why thank everyone, but this wouldn’t have been possible without you
Stepney, as the Earl made a great choice in picking an engine like you to handle
the rail tours for the castle. And your quick thinking even saved this one today,
as the Earl has raised a great amount of money for all the causes he choose to

-Percy & Toby: Here, here.

-Stepney: Why fanks, bu' if 'adn’' bin faw you Thomas, rail 'our wouldn’' 'ave also
bin successful, as I’m jus' glad we could do 'his 'oge'her. Plus, you are 'he 'ank
engine 'ha' gave every small engine a voice, 'he one 'augh' us all li''le engines
can do 'he grea'es' 'hings imaginable.

-Thomas: Why thank you. But we both pulled through, as we Brighton engines gotta
stick together, eh?

-Stepney: Absolutely!

-Emily: Well regardless, ye both are juist as great as ilka other, an’ the best
tank engines we coud iver speir for. An’ we’re sae glad tae have ye both I’ our

-Thomas: Awe, thanks Emily.

-Edward: Still, at least you both have proven that no matter size we are, large or
small, all are very useful in our special way, and I think every engine around the
world should stride to live up to your examples.

-Gordon: Indeed, and thanks to you, Spencer will finally keep that big pompous
mouth of his shut for a while now. Let’s give a great big round of applause for
both Stepney the Bluebell Engine & Thomas the Tank Engine, the two greatest tank
engines that ever lived.

-Narrator: And everybody cheered as both Stepney & Thomas beamed. The two really
were the greatest tank engines that ever lived. And Spencer, who was repaired and
cleaned, was picking up a goods train in the yards and could only sulk, making sure
to stay out of sight from everyone, as he still felt humiliated, especially both
Stepney &
Thomas had beaten him. Though he is still pompous, he has learned now that tank
engines do have their uses and after that, has made sure to never overlook and
belittle them again. I’m sure this will be a lesson that will stick with Spencer
for a while now. Don’t you?

Narrator: The summer season had arrived on Sodor, and more and more tourists
visited the Island. Gordon had worked very hard during this period and eventually
became worn out, due to the many express runs he had done. He was sent to the
Steamworks for new tubes which left the question as to who would be the temporary
replacement. One afternoon the Fat Controller arrived at the sheds to make the

TFC: Afternoon everyone. Now, as you all aware, Gordon’s maintenance will take
approximately two weeks to complete and the express needs a temporary engine. After
much debating, I’ve finally made my decision.

Narrator: He raised his arm turned and pointed in the direction of the very
surprised big mustard colored engine.

Murdoch: Me sir. Bu’ I’m no’ a passenger engine, I’m stric’lee a goo’s engin’, an’
I’ve never pulled passengers in ages.

TFC: I understand your worries Murdoch, but you are a very adaptable, gentle and
hard-working engine. You’ve proven your strength on slow goods and capability at
even handling faster ones. Plus you’re very responsible, humble, and don’t get
quite so…ahem….competitive.

Narrator: He raised an eyebrow, Henry & James looked away sheepishly, embarrassed
after their last stunt in 1993, the last thing they wanted to do was compete for
“Express Rights”.

TFC: So tomorrow you shall begin working on the express runs. I know you will do me

Narrator: He turned and walked away leaving a nervous Murdoch behind. Bear who’d
been resting had seen everything.

Bear: Nervous about the express Murdoch.

Murdoch: Och aye, Bear, I’ve never pulled I’ before and dinnae have the bes’
experience wit’ passengers.

Arthur: What do you mean Murdoch?

Murdoch: We’ll back’ on BR, they trailed me one day with yon local an’ well I’ waz
veree loud. Too manee passengers a’ each station an’ ma’e me feel uncomfortable.
Plus I couldnae ge’ a good run always stoppin’ a’ each station. An’ whan I did,
sometimes I wad bump the passengers sae hard they wad blame me for givin' thaim
such a rouch ride.

Bear (chuckles): I understand that can be a little daunting, but really you’ve
nothing to worry about. I’ve pulled the express many times when Gordon’s been in
for maintenance and it’s well wonderful. The thrill of speeding down the line with
the wind rushing through your face, and getting the passengers it’s really a
fabulous experience. (Notices Murdoch’s driver looking longingly) Your driver I
believe would agree certainly.

Murdoch: Ye know abou’ express’ Craig?

Murdoch’s driver: Oh yes old boy, My dad was a driver of the old Duchess classes
pulling express trains between London and Scotland, TBH it’s wonderful. The great
surge of power as you get onto the mainline and other trains moving out of your way
it’s just pure adrenaline (Chuckles). Look old boy, despite your worries, I can
just tell you’re going to nail this. You’ve got reserves of power just waiting to
be unleashed. You’ll do brilliantly tomorrow.

Murdoch: Och I dinnae know abou’ tha’. Imma no’ exactlee suitable fur the express.

Spencer: Now what’s this I hear about suitability?

Arthur: Oh no, here we go again?

Narrator: The other engines groaned, Spencer backed down into the sheds.

Henry: Oh great. What are you doing here Spencer?

Spencer: Isn’t it obvious dear Henry, the Duke and Duchess want me to give private
rail tours of your island again and…

Spencer’s driver: Oh that’s not what they said Spencer. They said after your last
incident with Stepney that you needed humbling down and sent you to help Donald and
Douglas with their goods work until you learn to behave.

Spencer: Shut up driver, don’t…(other engines chuckle)…oh no, no, it’s not what

James: Oh it is, Spencer the magnificent private A4 is now just like the rest of us
“commoners” (Snickers).

Spencer: Well at least I am doing work James, unlike that cousin of mine who’s
broken down.

Henry: For your information Spencer, Gordon has been actually doing hard work, and
due to summer rush, the Fat Controller realizes he needs maintenance. Otherwise
he’d be doing the express runs and… (pauses and thinks)…hang on you’re not jealous
that you weren’t chosen for the express were you Spencer.

Spencer: Oh what, no, no, not at all. Peasant train if you ask me, I’m a private
engine only suitable for private work.

Arthur: Really Spencer, the most important and prestigious train on this Island is
now somehow for peasants.

James: You know what I think lads. I think Spencer here isn’t suitable for our
express, hence why the Fat Controller chose Murdoch.

Spencer: Excuse me? Firstly I’m perfectly suitable just not right and secondly,
your controller clearly had limited choice, hence why he choose that heffalump of a
Goods Engine.
Murdoch (cross): Who ye callin’ heffalump?

Bear: Don’t bother reacting Murdoch, he’s just jealous that the “heffalump” is not
only stronger than he is but will also outperform him tomorrow.

Spencer: Oh certainly not, I…

Donald: Och wha’ r ye doin’ blabberin’ abou’?

Narrator: Donald snorted into the sheds, catching Spencer off guard.

Donald: Yer mean’ tae be helpin’ me and Douggie, instead o’ insultin’ our friends.
Unless ‘dese trucks r beyond yer capabilities I sugges’ ye move yer tender. Nae
come on.

Narrator: Spencer sneered but unable to maintain the fix one battle, snorted away.

James: Don’t bother listening to him Murdoch, Henry and Bear are right, he’s just
jealous and can’t handle the fact that another engine could outperform him.

Murdoch: I know James, Spencer’s jus’ an idio’, bu’ I cannee help bu’ think Imma
no’ exactlee express material.

Bear: Nonsense Murdoch, you’ll do brilliantly. It may seem terrifying at first but
take it from myself, Henry, James, and even Donald & Douglas one time. It’s not as
scary as you think.

Henry: Yeah, Spencer is wrong in calling you a “heffalump”, but he is definitely a


Narrator: The others laughed at Henry’s remark. Murdoch knew the others were right
but he couldn’t help but feel on edge for the rest of the day. The next morning,
Murdoch’s crew arrived early, the oiled and polished him till his brass shone and
his paint glistened, they were both giddy with excitement.

Murdoch’s driver: Ready to shovel coal like you’ve never done before Sam me lad?

Murdoch’s fireman: Certainly Craig, just gotta fit the correct headcode, don’t want
ruin our Murdoch’s big run.

Narrator: Murdoch smiled at his crew’s optimism. Once the head code was fitted and
he steamed into Knapford Station. 8 coaches all smart with new paint stood proudly
at the station, Paxton had just finished shunting them as Murdoch backed down. They
looked a lot more delicate than the trucks he was used to, and he approached very
slowly and buffered up very gently. The coaches purred happily, as the fireman
secured the brake pipe and the passengers climbed aboard. Murdoch waited anxiously
as the porter banged the doors shut and then the guard’s whistle came.

Murdoch’s driver: Okay old boy, let’s show them what you can do.

Murdoch (sighs): Richt, ‘ere we go.

Narrator: Murdoch took a deep breath and dragged the heavy train out of the
station, over the crossing and onto the mainline. Slowly his regulator was opened
and Murdoch began to go faster and faster and faster, he’d never quite felt such a


Narrator: His wheels pounded the rails as stations, bridges and tunnels flew by. He
shot over Gordon’s hill with such a pace that the passengers barely noticed the
climb. The driver was most impressed.

Murdoch’s driver: (Chuckles) Steady old boy! Oh brilliant boy! (Turns to fireman) I
knew he was powerful, but I didn’t think we were driving a rocket all these years.

Narrator: Peoples held onto their hats and engines watched in amazement as Murdoch
whizzed by. He’d forgotten all about his nerves and was enjoying himself more than
ever. Spencer was waiting with a slow goods by Kellsthorpe Road as Murdoch flew




Spencer’s fireman: Jealous are you Spencer?

Spencer: WHAT? NO!!! (Signal drops and jerks forward causing trucks to derail). Oh
now look what you made me do.

Spencer’s fireman: Don’t worry, we’ll call the cranes. (Winks at driver).
Definitely jealous.

Spencer’s driver: (Laughs)

Narrator: Eventually Murdoch reached Barrow-in-Furness at the end of the line. As

he pulled smoothly into the station, the fireman cheered in joy.

Murdoch’s fireman: Well would you look at that, we’re fifteen minutes early.

Stationmaster: I’ll say, the other engine hasn’t even arrived. Mind you he’s always

Narrator: The passengers climbed out and showered Murdoch with praise.

Passenger 1: What a fine engine you are?

Passenger 2: How did you do that, we barely bumped at all.

Passenger 3: Speed and smoothness, a fine piece of engineering you are lad.

Narrator: Murdoch was overwhelmed with praise.

Murdoch: Och thank ye all, yer too kind. I dinnae know wha’ tae sae?

TFC: Oh nothing my dear engine, your performance today just speaks for itself.

Narrator: The Fat Controller stood at the front of the train, his face beaming.

TFC: I am most proud of you Murdoch, despite never pulling an express before,
you’ve handled it as if you’ve been doing it for a lifetime. Continue runs like
this and I will guarantee a new coat of paint by the end of the month.

Murdoch: Och thank ye sir, an’ tae the res’ o ye, yer tae kind.

TFC: Now if you’ll excuse me I have, ahem, meetings to attend to.

Narrator: He followed the crews and the waiting passengers to the station
cafeteria, Murdoch was glad for the peace and quiet, it meant he could have a rest.
He’d been dozing for quite some time when he was interrupted by some growling,
honking and arguing.

D199’s driver: For god’s sake, we’re 7 minutes late because you needed to get your
bloody buffers polished and blew your fuse because of it.

D199: Oh come on Matilda, it’s not my fault! It’s not as if that old kettle would….
(notices Murdoch)…oh my, what are you doing here?

Murdoch: Um, pullin’ the express?

D199: Oh don’t get smart with me steamer, I mean how long have you been standing
there, you probably just arrived.

Murdoch: Uhhh no, abou’ half an ‘our I think.

D199: HALF AN HOUR! You’re joking. Tell me you’ve gotta be joking?

Murdoch (Chuckles): I rarely dae lad.

D199: Oh….bugger!

D199’s driver: You bloody idiot, now we’ll have to make up for lost time because of
your precious ego.

D199: Oh don’t be sarcastic with me Matilda… (Notices Murdoch chuckling)…and you

can stop laughing too, steamer. You probably cheated and left early, I’m onto you.

D199’s driver: Perhaps you should on time and be more open-minded rather than onto

Narrator: Spamcan’s protests were drowned out by passengers who both praised
Murdoch and slandered him. Disgruntled he left the station leaving Murdoch beside
himself with laughter.

Murdoch: (Chuckles) Som’ engin’s are qui’e the characterrs.

Narrator: That evening Murdoch returned to the sheds to a chorus of cheering


Bear: My, my, Murdoch, that was quite some run you had.

Henry: Indeed, I’ve never known anyone, bar Gordon, who’s ever gone that quick.
Very suitable for our express.

Emily: I’ll sae Henry, me driver an’ fireman nearlee los’ their caps cause ye went
so fas’!

Murdoch: Och, Imma sorree I gave ye’s a shock.

Donald: Och dinnae nee’ tae apologize laddie, ye certainly ma’e ol’ Spencer
jealous. Ol’ fool derail’d ‘is trucks ye gave ‘im such a frigh’.

Douglas (chuckles): I reckon cause he’s jealous tha’ would give ‘im a fright’

Murdoch: Och thank ye all, especially ye Bear. Ye were righ’ the express is
brilliant (sighs), although verree tirin’. Bu’ I’ was wurth I’.

Narrator: The others chuckled as no sooner had finished speaking Murdoch fell
asleep at once. From the corner of the yards, Spencer had heard everything and was
green with envy. For the rest of the week, Murdoch continued to perform faultlessly
with the express, he was always on time, gave a smooth ride and showed up multiple
waiting Diesels at the junction. Each time Spencer saw the bigger engine pass, he
grew more and more envious.


Spencer: Oh no need to showboat!

Spencer’s driver: Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Don’t you showboat
all time?

Spencer: That’s not the point driver, the point is…

Spencer’s fireman: Your jealous Spencer, admit it. Secretly you wish it was you who
was pulling the express so that you could prove that you’re faster than Murdoch.

Spencer: PAH! Nonsense, of course I’m faster than him... (Signal drops and Spencer
grins)…and given the correct opportunity I’ll show it. Suitable for the express

Narrator: Spencer sniggered as a plan formed in his smokebox. Every so often two
extra coaches are added specifically onto the express, these are dining coaches and
come equipped with small kitchens which prepare fine meals for passengers who pay
an extra month in advance. Gordon and the other engines know to handle the express
with more care during these periods and to slow pace as these coaches are more
prone to being swayed at high speeds. The Fat Controller had decided to bring them
back for the next coming week, and Bear had informed of what to do. Murdoch was
relieved, all the rushing about over the past few days had been tiring. But Murdoch
wasn’t the only one beginning to feel worn out. Henry had been working hard and
like Gordon he needed maintenance to, which left the Flying Kipper requiring an
engine. It came as a shock to the one who was chosen.


Spencer’s driver: Oh lighten up Spencer, what’s the point in arguing, the plans
already been made.

Spencer: Well unmake it, the Fat Controller has plans for me.

Spencer’s fireman: What sorta plans?

(Spencer grins as Murdoch backs down into the sheds next to him)

Spencer: Wait and see…(Changes Tone)…I say good evening Murdoch.

Murdoch (tired): Och evenin’ Spencer, I’ve jus’ go’ back from me las’ run. Pur
Henry, all that hard work and…

Spencer: Oh yes, of course, course, poor dear Henry, but my, my, you look redder in
the face than James dear Murdoch, getting a little tired out?

Murdoch: Och, nae dat i’s anee o’ yer concern bu’…(yawns)…yon express can be a
li’’le tirin’. Thankfully tomorrow will ‘opefully be smootherr. All the saime, I
hope tae ge’ back tae me goods work.

Spencer: Oh that maybe sooner than expected Murdoch, you see there’s been a change
of plan. The Fat Controller clearly recognizes how hard you’ve worked and wants you
to be back on goods tomorrow, starting with the Kipper tonight. In the mean time I
shall be handling your express.

Murdoch (Suspicious): Are ye sure Spencer, he surelee woulda tol’ me and didne ye
sae I’ was a peasen’s train.

Spencer: Yes and I don’t change my views Murdoch, but I must do what I must, the
Duke of Boxford would certainly expect that of me.

Murdoch’s driver: Does sound strange that he wouldn’t notify us. But I suppose he
is a busy man, and probably just passed on a message.

Murdoch: Aye, migh’ as well. Bu’ one moor thin’ Spencer, regardin’ yon express…

Spencer: Please Murdoch, I’ve pulled expresses I know everything there is to know.
I’m the most suitable for that type of train.

Murdoch: I s’pose…(yawns).

Narrator: Murdoch was so tired that he drifted off to sleep immediately.

Spencer’s driver: Wait, the Fat Controller never came to us today, how did…

Spencer: Oh he did to me, you two were in the cafeteria at the time.

Spencer’s fireman: I suppose so…(walks away)…you don’t think…

Spencer’s driver: I don’t know what to think with him.

Narrator: Spencer grinned as his plan seemed to work, but in him dismissing
Murdoch’s advice, he had no idea about the dining coaches. The next morning as
Murdoch dozed from his Kipper run, Spencer was polished and pristine for the
express, and once the head code was fitted he steamed triumphantly to station. The
passengers had already boarded, with a smartly dressed gentlemen and his wife
joining the Fat Controller and Lady Hatt in the dining coach. Paxton who’d brought
the coaches in was surprised to see Spencer backing down in front.

Paxton: ‘Allo Spencer, shouldn’ Murdoch be ‘ere?

Spencer: Change of plan Gronk, Murdoch told me he’s been worn out from all these
express runs, so we’ve swapped jobs. As once again it comes to Spencer the grand to
save the day.

Paxton: Oh well, tha’s strange, I mean Murdoch doesn’ shy away….

Spencer (Annoyed): Don’t insult my knowledge shunter, I know what Murdoch told me.

Spencer’s fireman (whispers): Hang on, didn’t he say the Fat Controller told him

Spencer’s driver (whispers): Oh great, he’s pulled a fast one on us, I’ll give to
him once this journey’s over.

Paxton: Oh, awrigh’ Spencer, bu’ I must let ye know, Murdoch’s been se’’in new
records wit’ tha’ train. I’s been amazing.
Narrator: Unfortunately Paxton’s innocent comment sent made Spencer red in the

Spencer (Grits teeth): Records Eh? (Guard’s whistle blows)…I’ll show that Murdoch
how to set records with expresses, I’ll show them all!


Narrator: Spencer set off with a jerk, the coaches caught off guard bumped into
each other. His wheels slipped furiously as he left the yards, leaving a bewildered
Paxton behind.

Paxton: Strange? I must’ ask Murdoch abou’ that?

Narrator: Spencer was soon flying down the line, his boiler seemed to swell up
bigger than usual as he thundered by with noise and steam spouting everywhere. The
coaches rocked faster, his crew were finding him hard to handle.

Spencer’s driver: Steady you old fool, you’re going to knock yourself to pieces if
you carry on going any faster.


Narrator: Then it happened, as they approached the viaduct a sudden sound was heard
as the emergency cable was pulled. The coach’s brakes came on as Spencer felt a
burning sensation.


Narrator: The driver brought the train to a sudden stop on top of the viaduct. The
fireman clambered won to investigate.

Spencer’s fireman: Oh great, you arrogant idiot, now you’ve run a hotbox with all
your competitive running of yours. Now we’re not going anywhere.

Spencer: Oh bother, can this be any more embarrassing?

DOB: SPENCER!!!!!!!!

Spencer (Gulps): Uh-oh!

Narrator: Spencer gulped, he knew that voice. The dining coaches’ doors flung and
out stepped a mob of angry passengers all covered in food. Worst of all, two
certain gentlemen stepped forward, who Spencer recognized. The Fat Controller’s
shirt was stained with onion soup and his hat had ketchup and chips clinging on.
Next to him stood the Duke of Boxford with poached eggs and mayonnaise clinging
from his cheeks.



Spencer: Ah, well you see sir, Murdoch asked me to look after the express as…

Murdoch: We’ll tha’s a lie if everr I hearrd one!!!!

Narrator: Everyone looked over as Murdoch puffed alongside with his goods, glaring
angrily at Spencer.

Murdoch: Paxton tol’ me tha’ ye claimed I ask’d ye to leuk after me express. As far
as I remember, ye were the one who tol’ me dat the Fa’ Controller want’d me tae
handle the Kipper an’ goo’s work.

Spencer’s driver: HA! I knew he was lying.


Spencer: Um sorry sirs.


Passenger 1: This is all well and good but some of us have meetings to attend to.

Passenger 2: Indeed, we can’t be kept waiting.

Narrator: The Fat Controller pondered, it would be ages until they could notify the
signalmen for another engine. But then he had an idea.

TFC: Murdoch, you’ve already proven yourself capable of handling the express. Could

Murdoch: …try an’ ge’ the express tae the end of the line. Na disrespec’ sir, Imma
no’ sure.

TFC: I know it’s a lot to ask, but I have utter faith in you Murdoch. It’ll be ages
before another engine comes through and there are no roads near. I know you can do
it Murdoch, as I believe in you.

Narrator: Murdoch pondered but was interrupted by cheers from passengers. He took a
deep breath and made his decision.

Murdoch: A’righ’ sir, le’s do this.

DOB: Excellent, what a brave and fine engine you are Murdoch. I know some could be
learning from your actions.

Narrator: Spencer blushed in embarrassment as Murdoch switched tracks and parked

his trucks in front of him. Then everything was ready.

TFC: Good luck Murdoch and do your best.

Narrator: Murdoch took a deep breath as his driver opened the regulator. He felt
every coupling tighten as he willed the trucks, Spencer and the express into
motion. His pace slowly quickened but he made sure not to go too fast as they past
Edward’s station.
Murdoch’s driver: Alright old boy, here comes the hill. Do your best

Narrator: The train felt heavier than ever here but Murdoch never gave up. At last
they reached the top. It was smooth sailing after that, until they reached Crovans
Gate. The little engines watched in utter bewilderment as Murdoch parked Spencer at
the station.

Ivo Hugh: Say Duncan what do ye suppose happened there?

Duncan: Isne i’ obvious, Spencer waz probablee goin’ tae slow, Murdoch ‘ad tae come
wit’ ‘is goods an’ speed ‘im up. Much moor sui’able fur yon express.

TFC: I couldn’t have put it better myself Duncan. Words cannot describe how proud
of you I am Murdoch. You are a credit to my railway and a very useful capable
engine. As a reward, you shall receive a new coat of paint and, well, how would you
like to pull the express sometimes when Gordon’s not available?

Murdoch: Och tha’s veree kin’ o ye sir, bu’ I think after all me rushin’ abou’, I’d
li’e tae rest me wheels on goods work.

TFC: Completely understandable my dear engine, as I support you 100%. But if you
wouldn’t mind taking the remainder of this train to the end of the line with your
goods. I know the passengers will be grateful.

Murdoch: Nae problem a’ all sirr. I’m on I’.

Narrator: Murdoch briefly uncoupled so that Marlin could take away the dining
coaches and a humiliated Spencer in for repairs. Once he was coupled back on and
set off, he could hear the distinct laughter of Gordon and Henry from the
Steamworks. He’d just pulled into the big station of Barrow, when…

(D199 arrives at platform to back on coaches, D261 following him)

D199: And I’m telling you 261, when I arrived that, steam engine said he was there
for half an hour. The cheek of him.

D261: Rubbish 199, no engine can be… (notices Murdoch)…wait a minute, is this the

D199 (Pauses for a minute): Yeah.

Murdoch: Och aye, bu’ dinnae ge’ all hoo’ed on yer couplin’s I’ve onlee jus’

D261: Hah you see 199, he isn’t so efficient, he probably arrived with…

D261’s driver: May I just say one thing before you two morons gloat. He came here
with two trains late and yet despite that, he still beat both of you.

D261: WHAT? No, no, that is not true Adam, it’s more like….

D199’s driver: Oh put a dent in it will you. I think what this shows is that you
two spend too much time moaning and not enough working. Now stop gawping like
morons and let’s be at least for once on time.

D199: Oh, the very cheek… (Looks at passengers)…alright get on board you lot, I’m
going… (Turns to Murdoch)…ugh, you win this round steamer, but I swear, this isn’t
over, one day you’ll be late and… (Guard’s whistle sounds)…Okay, okay I’m going.
Geez, no need to be so rough on my accelerator Matilda.
D261: Ugh! You win this round you hulking steam kettle, but if you’re done looking
so smug, I’d like my goods.

Murdoch: Relax lad, dinnae get yer couplings I’ a twist…Bowler.

D261: Humph!

Narrator: Murdoch watched and laughed as Bowler backed onto his trucks and oiled
away still throwing a fit and arguing with his driver.

Murdoch (chuckles): Sum’ Engin’s.

Narrator: A few days later, Gordon had returned from the works, and he and Murdoch
were resting at the Tidmouth Sheds waiting for their crews to arrive.

Gordon: I heard how well you looked after the express Murdoch, thank you for giving
the passengers such a smooth ride. I now know who to recommend should I be out of
action again.

Murdoch: Aye thanks, bu’ ye shuld recommend Bear. I apprecia’e yer words Gordon bu’
Imma moor a goo’s engin’. All tha’ rushin’ abou’ can wear an engin’ ou’. Besides I
think the express already has i’s premiere engin’.

Gordon: Totally understandable and thank you… (Pauses and sniffs)…I say can you
smell something Murdoch?

Narrator: Murdoch glanced over the yards and saw Spencer backing to the water
tower. A strong smell seemed to waft through the air.

Murdoch: Och aye, phew, Spencer, pleese, ye need a washdown, isne righ’ fur such a
“private engin’” tae hav’ such a stench.

Gordon: Indeed, not very suitable for the express one might say.

Narrator: The two big engines laughed, Spencer’s only response was disgruntled

Narrator: One morning, Donald was puffing along the coastal track of the Little
Western with a passenger train that he was feeling quite proud of, as the Fat
Controller had introduced a brand new lunchtime service that would run from
Tidmouth to the end of the branchline at Arlesburgh. Though passengers who would
get off at Callan would join the afternoon service of the Arlesdale Railway. And
due to the popularity of the local ducks that live beside the pond on the line that
the engines, staff and passengers are very fond of, the Fat Controller decided to
dub the new service as “Dilly’s Diner”, named after the first duck that Donald
found after Duck and his crew tried to get even with him once. And because of how
popular that story was, Donald was chosen to head the service, and the Caledonian
engine was more than happy to head the service. So far the service’s maiden voyage
went off without a hitch. Donald was keeping good speed and the passengers were
enjoying their lunch. The different meals and drinks were handpicked by the Fat
Controller. They arrived at Callan Station right on time were Bert & Rex were
watching from the Arlesdale Railway sheds.

Donald: Afternoon lads.

Bert: Hello there Donald. I see things are going well with the new lunch service.

Donald: Aye, thon I’ is Bert. I’m glad da Fa’ Controller askit me tae head the
service. Bu’ then again, there’s nae such an honor than a train namit for me wee

Rex (Chuckles): Well you must feel really proud Donald, and you have quite the
weird headgear to prove it.

Donald (Raises an eyebrow): An’ what dae ye mean by thon Rex?

Rex: Well I just gotta ask what is like that thing on top of your smokebox? It
looks rather silly looking (Chuckles). I mean, anyone would think you needed a hat
to keep the sun from blinding your eyes (Laughs).

Donald: I’s no’ silly. I’s callit a headboard. Aw important trains have thaim for
grand occasions.

Rex: Pah! That’s the thing with you big engines. So fussy that you need names for
all your trains. Like what, is it that hard to remember what your next job is

Narrator: Donald seethed, annoyed by Rex’s remark, but Bert gave him a reassuring
look and spoke up towards him.

Bert: Why Deary me there Rex, I didn’t expect you to envy Donald’s train (Smirks),
but then again, you are painted green after all. (Both Donald & Bert laugh)

Rex: What? Envious, me? Never! I’m just saying it looks really absurd to have
something ridiculous like that on an engine’s smokebox. I don’t need some
ridiculous headboard to spell out that my trains are “special”. Besides, it would
spoil my look.

Donald: Och really. Sae ye think headboards wad spoil yer leuk wouldn’t ye Rex.
Because I thoucht it wad be yer sour face thon wis.

(Donald & Bert laugh)

Narrator: Rex just huffed indignantly, as he snorted away to fetch his coaches. Now
while Rex was always polite, as well as very intelligent, he did have a tendency to
act like a smart alec who felt he knew everything and always felt he came out on
top, and was not afraid to show that, especially when he make cheeky remarks
towards the other engines.

Rex: Humph! Those dip wads, what do they know. They won’t catch me wearing a
headboard anytime sooner. In fact, I’ll show them I can make it just fine without

Narrator: He said as he snorted down the line. Now a stretch of line on the
Arlesdale Railway passes through a forest preserve. The tree branches there were
growing heavier, which made them droop low towards the line. Workmen would be sent
here to trim the branches in order to make sure they don’t breakaway and cause
trouble for the engines and their crews and passengers. Smaller branches from way
up high however, would occasionally breakaway, but got caught onto larger trees.
The engines made sure to take extra care when travelling through, but as Rex came
through with his train, he was still grumpy about Donald & Bert’s remarks that he
wasn’t paying attention.

Rex: Humph! Stupid Donald! Stupid Bert, what do they know? Especially that Donald.
Those standard gauge dip wads, it’s like they’re so focused on their image for
these so-called “special trains” that they just have to think up names for them,
and create some sorta hat they call a headboard to spell it out like the passengers
are freaking idiots.

-Narrator: But he said it to himself. Thankfully though, the passengers were too
busy enjoying themselves taking pictures and admiring the landscape to notice Rex’s
grimace. Though Rex was still in such a bad mood, he was puffing harder than usual,
which caused thick smoke to pour from funnel, weaving through the leaves and
branches. And just when he passed through another tree…

Rex: I’ll show them, I’ll show those dip...OOF, OW!

(Rex grinds to a halt)

Narrator: Rex grind to a halt as something from the very tree he passed under fell
right on top of his own smokebox. He looked up and gasped, as there nestling
against his funnel was a twisted, leafy branch. The passengers and his driver
laughed as Rex tried to blow it off, but the smaller offshoots curled around his
handrails, holding it in place.

Rex (Shudders): Ow, oh god. Please take this off, I look so absurd with this branch
on my smokebox.

Rex’s driver: Sorry old boy, but we can’t just stop in the middle of the line, and
we can’t be late getting our passengers back to Callan. Plus, it’s not blocking my
view of the line, and (Chuckles), it would serve you right for being such a

Rex (Shudders): Bugger.

-Narrator: Rex shuddered to himself. (Departs down the line) Rex didn’t feel
special anymore. In fact, when he arrived back at Callan, the passengers got out
and took his picture, much to his embarrassment. He wanted to get back to his shed
so his driver could remove the branch while hiding so nobody else would see him.
Though he reckoned without Donald & Bert.

Donald: Well, well, well, is thon ye Rex? Whit’s thon ridiculous thin on top o’ yer

Bert: My, I thought you made your disdain about headboards quite clear Rex. But I
didn’t think you would be such a “stickler” to them so soon.

(Donald and Bert laugh as Rex storms away)

Narrator: Rex just frowned silently. And still remained even more silent as he hid
in the shed when the driver was removing the branch. And the next time when of
headboards and named trains came up, “silent” is how he remained from now on.

Narrator: The Island of Sodor really is the definition of paradise with so many
beautiful places. From the stunning countryside of Thomas’ Branchline, to the
charming forests of the Arlesdale Railway. From the pretty and flourishing orchards
near the Wellsworth Vicarage to the visually striking coasts of the Little Western.
Whether it’s the hustling, bustling busy Mainline to the quiet and peaceful nature
of the Skarloey Railway, there are so many places on Sodor that anyone, engine,
non-rail vehicle or human would love to visit. However, not everywhere is quite so
heavenly, as there’s one place on Sodor, that no-one enjoys visiting and most would
prefer to avoid. Some don’t even believe it has any place on the picturesque
railway. This is the Sodor Ironworks, commonly known as the Smelter’s Yard. If one
where to travel here, they wouldn’t find the jolly, warm environments that would be
experienced on Sodor, but grimness and despair. This is only further emphasized by
the lineside litter of rusted old trucks, coaches, cars, buses, boats and worst of
all steam engines. The only light at the end of the tunnel is the smelting shed
that is as bright red as hell itself, where these rusted old engines would be
shunted in to be melted down and meet their end, and would be reused again. And if
that’s not enough to make someone’s stomach churn, then they would truly be sick
upon encountering the most-vilest engines on Sodor. That would be ‘Arry and Bert,
the Ironworks Twins. Two horrid Class 08’s who take great pleasure in their work,
making rhymes about scrapping, laughing at those in need, and never missing a
chance to taunt the steam engines with death threats.

‘Arry: Oui ‘o' dog! Be careful no’ 'oo ge’ 'o close 'o 'ha' cu''er’s 'awch.

Bert: Yeah, aw else 'hey migh' scrap you sigh' (Both cackle).

James: Yeah well screw you, you bastards. Screw you both to hell!

‘Arry: Well no' unless we drag you ke''les wi'h us (Both cackle).

Bert: Jus' you wai' rusty red. Your 'ime will come real soon.

(Shows James seething as the twins leave)

James: I hope those grim bastards get what’s coming to the real soon.

Narrator: Every engine on Sodor, both steam, and even fellow diesels hated these
two due to their malicious threats. And whenever they got the chance, the Ironworks
Twins would try to scrap a live steam engine on sight, as they had attempted with
the likes of Stepney & Fergus. Though thankfully, the Fat Controller would always
discipline the brothers and out them in their place if they carried on with these
threats, but ‘Arry & Bert’s malicious reputations had earned them the names, the
“Grim Messengers of Doom”. The Fat Controller of course is an honorable man that
loves his engines dearly, and would never have them scrapped, but ‘Arry & Bert
would keep taunting the other engines with such brutal death threats that sometimes
even leave the steam engines chilled to the boiler. One cold autumn night, the
diesels were idling outside the Smelting shed. A low mist just hang over the
scrapyards, as the echoes of the smelting machines danced in the air.

‘Arry: Well, well, ano'her good day’s wawk behind us, eh?

Bert: Couldn’' be be''er.

(Bear’s horn blares)

Narrator: Just then, a horn blared through the yards, and clattering through the
mist was Bear, a line of trucks groaning behind him.

‘Arry: Well allo 'here Bear, wha' brings you 'o our yards?

Bear: Humph! Well it’s lucky as I got a delivery for you scrap dealing devils.

Narrator: Bear shunted the flatbed behind him, as perched on top of it was a rusted
old steam engine. It was clearly narrow gauge, and its shape bared a very similar
appearance to that of Rheneas. But its cab, coal bunkers, funnel, and its wheels
were missing. It was covered all over in rust and dirt, which the twins could make
out right through the decay was a shade of dark green. All its frames were
decaying, and its remaining parts such as its handrail, dome as well as its
controls and firebox were deteriorating.

‘Arry: 'mm, well, our kind ov surprise.

Bert: I’ll say. Where did 'his 'eap ov scrap come from.

Bear: From the Arlesdale Railway. Apparently, they were doing some cleaning up over
at Arlesdale, at the ruins of the old Mid-Sodor sheds.

Bert: Mid-Sodor?

Bear: Yes, because the Arlesdale Railway was built on half of its old line. While
they were cleaning, they found this old boiler in the back of the sheds, dug out
through much earth and tangled in weeds. Clearly it looks like an engine, but it’s
almost look like it was made into some generator.

‘Arry: Genera'aw, eh? 'a-ha! Seems like Mid-Sodor didn’' care abou' 'hose useless
old ke''les even way back befawe proper engines like us were 'hough up on
designer’s blueprin's.

Bear: Oui, watch your tongue ‘Arry. This engine is already in a state of disrepair.
They couldn’t take but the Arlesdale Railway’s track because of its size, so they
sent over on a low loader back to Callan where Donald brought it to the yards. They
were gonna send to the mainland, but all the scrapyards are crowded. So the Fat
Controller told me to send it here. Regardless though, this poor fella is now at
its end. Sad really.

‘Arry: Yeah, I'll be'. Don’' you wawry Bear, we’ll 'ake good care ov i'.

Bear: Grr, you better be. Now if you blokes could quite being murderous and escort
me to the fuel pumps, I’ll be on my way.

‘Arry: Oh ov course Bear. Don’' you wawry radia'aw. Ber', 'ake 'his old rust bucke'
in'o 'he Smel'in Sheds while I escaw' Bear 'o 'he fuel pumps.

Bert (Sarcastically) Oh wha'ever you say…sir!

Narrator: Bert retorted sarcastically as Bear and ‘Arry rolled away. He grumbled as
he dragged the heavy flatbed of the rusted old engine in the hellish red glow of
the Smelter’s shed.

Bert: Ugh, yeah righ’, I'’s always go''a be me 'ha' does all 'he wawk around 'ere.
S'upid ‘Arry, 'e could’ve brough' 'his piece ov rubbish in 'ere 'imself. (Groaning
noise heard from the engine) I swear, I feel 'his old rus' bucke' is laughin a' me
aw some'hin.

Narrator: Bert pondered as he shunted the flatbed into place and then rolled
alongside cackling.

Bert: Who’s go' 'he las' laugh now? (Cackling) See you in 'ell! Useless old ke''le
Smudger: Now who you callin' ol' kettle bud!

Narrator: Bert ground to a halt! For the first time, he saw the front of the old
steam engine boiler. His face was smudged and dirty, eyes weary and he gritted his
teeth at Bert's remark.

Smudger: I may not be the same engine I once was, but I’m far from useless pal!

Bert: Pah!!!! Ano'her stupid steamer in denial!! Why am I no' surprised. Don'' you
ge', you an' all your fellah steamers are pas' I'. Modern up 'o da'e, diesels like
us are 'he way fawward. There’s no need faw you lo' nah.”
Narrator: The old engine smirked confusing Bert.

Smudger: Maybe so, but answer me this bud!! What happens when you diesels become

Bert: Pah!! Never goin 'o 'appen!

Smudger: Ye know sonny Jim, I used to be just like you. When I was young and
strong, I came to the Mid-Sodor Railway, always believin' myself to be the best
engine on my railway. That o' course led to me to be careless and derail myself.
But I thought nothin' would happen despite ol' Dukey warnin' me!!

(Flashbacks to 1925)

Smudger: Listen Dukey, who worries abou' a few spills.

Duke: Don't Dukey me youngster!! We do care about them here, so you had better get
your act together before it's too late. The Manager won't tolerate your arrogance
and clumsiness much longer Smudger, as it stands, your behavior would never suit
his grace.

Smudger (Laughing): This again, here me ou' Dukey, his Grace don' matter. Manager
ain't gonna do nothin'. You jus' worry abou' yourself.

Narrator: The old engine's face turned to that of solemnness. Bert was secretly
shocked but didn’t show it.

Smudger: And look at me now pal. Turns ou' manager did have plans. He pu’ his foo’
down and said he was gonna make me useful at last. Took away my wheels and cab and
turned me into a generator, where I stayed at the back of the sheds far after the
closure of the Mid-Sodor. I was there for many decades, until I was eventually
found and brough’ to here, to (coughing) meet my end. And now (Rolls his eyes
creepily to Bert) here I am.

Narrator: The old engine gazed up staring coldly at Bert who was now in a state of

Smudger: Here my words pal!! You maybe modern, but for how long? What will happen
to you if a more efficen' engine is buil', or if your controller has had enough you
and that brother of yours, and you both get turned into generators?

Bert: You’re bl…you’re bluffin’. That'll never…that’ll never ‘appen! It’ ca...ca…
can’t…can it?

Smudger: Yes, go ahead pal, deny it all you want. But I stand here tonight in fron’
of ye as proof of it. The world has to change in order to survive doesn’t it? Face
it buddy, time will go one, and one day, you will be replaced.

Narrator: Bert went completely pale. His eyes were widened with his jaw gaping down
as the words sent chills through his vents.

Smudger: Perhaps pal, you should stop and think about the many engines you work
with on this railway and appreciate who they are. I don’t give a damn if you don’t
like steam engines, but you could start by showing more kindness to engines at
their end. Steam and diesel, we ain’t so differen’ if you think abou’ it. In the
end, we’ve all done our fair share of work. And when we die, we just want to go in
peace withou’ your mockery and sneerin’. Because if you were bein’ scrapped, you’d
get the picture. Now git! I wanna revel in some that peace I’m deserving of. So
remember what I said there buddy.
Narrator: Bert was speechless. As he was deeply affected by the narrow gauge
engine’s words. He was so at a loss for words that he scampered away in terror,
unable to comprehend. Once he exited, there was ‘Arry, waiting impatiently for him
after Bear had left with his goods train and the fog had descended.

‘Arry: Abou’ 'ime. Where 'ave you bin? an' who 'he 'ell were you 'alkin 'o in

Bert: Huh? Oh, ‘Arry, sawry abou' 'ha', i' was jus' ano'her stupid steamer 'ha' was
'ryin 'o 'ell me 'ha' we’ll be ou' ov da'e an' replaced one day?

‘Arry (Suspicious but blunt): Oh really? then 'ell me Ber', 'ah did 'alk wi'h i'?

Bert: Wait what…(Gasps)!

Narrator: Bert starred in shock as the doors of the Smelting sheds were about to
close, as in the distance where the old engine, there was no face on it, but
instead, a rusted smokebox door. Bert went even more pale, as the shed doors shut
with an unsettling slam.

Bert: I…I don’…bu’…

‘Arry: Oh ber', all 'ha' exhaus' 'ave go''en 'o you (Cackles).

Bert: Oh shu' up! You wawn ou' old radia'aw!

Narrator: Bert snapped as he rolled away to the sheds, trying to comprehend what
just happened. Leaving ‘Arry still laughing, thinking his own brother has really
gone mad. The next morning however…

James (Sarcastically): Oh great, if it isn’t one of the grim bastards of doom. You
got any death threats of scrap today Bert, well forget it, because I got something
to say to…

Bert: No, none a' all, I’m done wi'h 'ha' business you see.

James: Yeah, you think you’re so modern don’t you, well let me…wait what?

Bert: Listen…James, I wanna apologize faw 'ah me an' ‘arry 'rea'ed you an' 'he
o'her engines. I 'alk i' back, I 'ake all ov i' back nah.

James: Huh?

Bert (Nervous grins): Yeah…you lo' were righ' an' we were wrong (Nervous giggle).
Jus' leave yer 'rucks 'here James, I’ll deal wi'h 'hem.

James: Um…okay then. Never thought I’d say it but, uh thanks…I guess (Puffs away

Narrator: Bert is a different engine now. While he could still come across as
menacing and gruff, he no longer taunts or the steam engines with threats of scrap.
After the scrap engine’s threat, he has now looked at his job of scrapping other
engines in a new light. In fact, his views on steam engines have begun to change
since then, though he never talks about it with ‘Arry, as clearly he wouldn’t
understand. In fact, ‘Arry just thinks Bert has gone mad all of a sudden, but has
remained silent, but watching him suspiciously. But regardless, he is completely
silent and paranoid whenever he goes into the Smelting shed, for his thinking of
the spectral old engine known as Smudger, who maybe out there, watching him (Shows
Smudger’s ghost watching from a siding proudly at Bert) I think Smudger’s words
will remain in Bert’s mind for a very long time...don’t you?

Narrator: Over the years, Diesel, or simply known as Devious Diesel by many is
devious by name, and devious by reputation. He is one of those bad diesels that is
insufferable and hated by every engine, both steam and diesel. But this is because
unlike other villainous diesels, his personality is undeniably more pathetic and
with really outdated and petty thoughts, as he is arrogant, rude, sinister,
malicious, as well as extremely selfish and delusional. He believes everything
should only go his way, and that diesels are far more superior and “revolutionary”,
and if he didn’t get his way, he would manipulate and play a lot mean-spirited
tricks just to prove his own petty points, doing things only for his own selfish
gain. Though his plans always backfired on him and he always got in trouble every
time, especially back when he work on British Railways. Though even after being
saved from scrap by the Fat Controller, who made him swear to change his ways and
behave himself, Diesel was still very devious and arrogant, as his mind was still
stuck in the past, and every now and again he would keep acting up, and treating
everybody around him horribly just to make himself feel important. He would only do
it on occasion and usually kept to himself, all the engines, on Sodor and the
Mainland just hated him because of how pathetic he is, and Diesel would keep
getting punished by the Fat Controller whenever he was rude and causing trouble for
the other engines. That was until one day though. One morning, BoCo was coming into
Knapford with a goods train of China Clay Trucks, when heard an awful arguing from
the yards.

Donald: Lord sakes Diesel, whit are ye hasslin’ us for this time?

Arthur: Yeah, some of us have trains to collect!

Rosie: And trucks to shunt!

Diesel: Well not my problem if you can’t get to them. You pathetic kettles don’t
deserve to be pulling trains, as we diesels should be the ones pulling your lots’
trains. While you rusted old kettles go to the Smelter’s and rot like you were
meant to. You lot are pathetic and outdated, and don’t deserve the attention and
the life you all have. The worthy gorilla with the top hat should really consider
getting more modern engines. Real engines! So if I block your paths, it’s all your
lots’ fault.

Donald: Och, no’ dis again.

Arthur: As if we hadn’t heard it all before. Diesel, we don’t have time for this.
Get out of our way already.

Rosie: Yeah, plus I gotta get everyone else’s trains ready, like Gordon’s express,
Henry’s local, and even Arthur’s fish vans as well as Donald’s mixed goods.

Diesel: Well to bad sister. I won’t move an inch.

BoCo: You will unless I’m around.

Narrator: Just then, BoCo came into the yard, with a vert stern glare at Diesel.

BoCo: Now what’s going on here?

Arthur: Ah, BoCo, thank god you’re here. It’s Diesel again, he’s trying to block us
from getting to our trains.

BoCo: Oh is he now?
Diesel: Stay out of this BoCo, you have no business getting involved.

BoCo: This is my business…Diesel. Every time you go around and acting like bratty
and obnoxious bully who plays all these childish games. What are you trying to do
by accomplishing this?

Diesel: What does it look like? Proving we diesels are should be the ones pulling
trains, while these useless outdated artifacts deserve to rot in scrapyards.

BoCo: Ugh, this again, I’m not even the least bit surprised! This is utterly
disgraceful of you Diesel. This grudge of yours is very irrational of you. Most
diesels have already moved on from that, and most electric engines on BR have no
intention of getting involved as they are mostly concerned with their own work, but
even so, they are way more mature than you. We gave you another chance to prevent
you from being scrapped. So you wouldn’t want the Fat Controller to come here right
now and deal with you personally now right?

Diesel: GRRRRR!

BoCo: Oh don’t you growl at me Diesel. Either you get out of the way, or the Fat
Controller will find out and berate you again, and who knows, maybe you might get
sent back to British Railways, for real this time.

Narrator: Diesel just fumed. This was the one threat that every engine and the Fat
Controller would use to put Diesel in his place if he ever kept acting up. So he
reluctantly scampered off.

Donald: Aye, thank ye BoCo. Yer a lifesaver

Rosie: We don’t know what we’d do without you.

BoCo: Thank nothing of it lads. Though mind you, I’m still gonna report him. No way
will I let him get away with this.

Arthur: You got that right. I do feel sorry for him I admit, not just the fact he
was gonna be scrapped before he got here, but it’s like this guy doesn’t know a
thing about being social.

BoCo: You’re right about that Arthur. Don’t worry, I intend to have a word with

Donald: Ye dae?

BoCo: Absolutely Donald. For not only our sakes, but for all of ours. His horrible
attitude is spreading a bad atmosphere around our railway for too long.

Donald: Weel I wish ye luck lad. Though I wouldnae know gin he wuld listen.

BoCo: Trust me Donald. It takes a lot to stop me, as I prefer to die trying no
matter what.

Rosie (Giggles): I like seeing that passion in you BoCo. Good luck.

Narrator: So as the three engines left with their trains, BoCo left his trucks in
place where Stanley shunted them away, and told the Fat Controller about what
happened later on, and naturally, he was not happy. He called Diesel in a made him
stay in the yards for the rest of the day as punishment. Diesel fumed even more as
he eyed BoCo, but the Metrovick spoke up to him with an unphased stern look and
said bluntly…

BoCo: Sheds…now!

Narrator: Diesel, shocked by BoCo’s bluntness, went off to Knapford Sheds.

BoCo: Don’t worry sir, I’ll have a word with him for you if you’d like. I’m gonna
try and help get through to him.

TFC: Why thank you BoCo. I’d appreciate that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to
do some last minute shopping. I’m sending a wedding gift over for Gus Wilkinson.

BoCo: Gus Wilkinson? Oh, the head of the Tidmouth shunting yards. He’s getting
married tomorrow isn’t he?

TFC: That he is old boy. He and his friends and some of the other employees will be
having a stag party for him. I won’t be going to the stag party myself as I’m too
old for these, but I will certainly show my support for him that’s for certain.

BoCo: That’s nice. I’ll see you later sir.

TFC: Good day BoCo, and thank you for trying to reason with Diesel. I just wouldn’t
know what I’d do without engines like you Edward or Toby.

BoCo: It’s our job sir. I’ll see to it Diesel behaves whether he wants to or not.

(Fades to Knapford Sheds)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Diesel was at Knapford Sheds still fuming, and was thinking
what to say to BoCo when the Metrovick himself pulled up next to him.

Diesel: I don’t know why you told me to come here? I got better things to do such

BoCo: Trying to steal work from the steam engines, causing mischief around the
yards, insulting every engine in sight. Well not on my watch Diesel. But more or
less, I just want to talk.

Diesel: Talk, about what? How wrong I am, how steam engines are important and we
should look up to them? Or how I should be more polite and more….

BoCo: Diesel….shut up and listen. I’m coming more to ask why do you have to keep
being so insolent and so rude to everybody all the time? Like nobody had done
anything to offend you, but yet you spend every last minute disobeying the rules
and making everyone’s lives a living hell.

Diesel: Why? WHY? It’s because of the very existence of these steamers that’s why!
And worse, you traitorous diesels insulting our kind by being friendly with them.

BoCo (Sarcastically): Oh it must be very terrifying being surrounded by the

presence of other engines that are caring and looking out for others. And yet you
don’t think you’ve insulted all of us, both literally as well as figuratively by
your standoffish and selfish behavior.

Diesel (Gritts teeth): What?

BoCo: The only diesel that has insulted “our” kind, if you could call us all that,
is engines like you. Every engine is equal Diesel, whether you’re too stubborn to
see that or not. Plus, even the other diesels that are like you, you’re just as
horrid to them, as you are to everybody. All of us engines on this railway, we’re
all a family. The unique part about being a Sodor engine is that we do our best to
help others in need and care for others. Especially since the mainland has changed
their policies when the Beeching Axe took place. Every engine, steam and diesel
felt they lost everything. Their homes, their jobs, their passengers, their crews,
their daily activities they love to do, and worst of all…their lives. Here on
Sodor, every engine can achieve their dream and feel like they have a place in this
world. That’s what I felt when I first came here. And it got better when I won over
the respect and became friends with the other engines.

Diesel: Oh blah, blah, blah, blah, who cares?

BoCo: Watch your tongue Diesel. The point I’m making about all this is that you
could’ve been one of those engines to. Especially after the Manchester fire you

Diesel (Realizing): Well….I…I…oh pah! How’s that supposed to affect me?

BoCo: There you go, being arrogant and ungrateful once more. The Fat Controller
gave you a second chance out of the kindness in his heart Diesel. He gave you home.
And we even tried to do our bloody best to welcome you in open arms as it was the
right thing to do. And it sickens you that people being kind and caring, as well as
taking responsibility is bad.

Diesel: Well I…I just….why are you messing with me BoCo?

BoCo: I’m not. I’m trying to understand you. Because you know what happens if you
keep giving into this behavior of yours right?


BoCo: Lower your voice Diesel! We will not have this power-hungry and selfish
behavior of yours! The steam engines are what made railways what they are today. We
should respect them as if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t exist, neither would your
ungrateful ass. Nobody would approve of you sounding like some murdering dog! In
fact, how do you expect others diesels to respect you when you don’t respect
anybody but yourself, answer that me!

Diesel: I’m too important to have friends, they should look upon me and resp….

BoCo: Respect is something that needs to be earned Diesel! It’s never that simple!
You can’t have everything your way all the time! And if you want to still be alive,
you need to drop the attitude and that responsibility, you be surprised at how well
you do that! Because guess what…you’re getting just as old as they are.


DIESEL! AND THE FAT CONTROLLER WON’T ALLOW IT! In fact, I asked my driver to print
out these sheets he found on the internet. Lawrence?

BoCo’s driver: Of course old boy? Here Jack, this is for Diesel.

Diesel’s driver (Looks at it and smiles): Well I’ll be. Take a look at this why
don’t you Diesel.

Diesel (Eyes bulge and he seethes): ANGER MANAGEMENT? WHY YOU, I OUTTA…
BoCo: If you plan any revenge or selfish tactics on me Diesel, then you can find
yourself on a one way trip back to BR, and I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to have you
back. So unless you want a home, then you better start changing your attitude and
thinking about others whether you like it or not! But right now, you can stay in
these yards all day! Good day to you!

Narrator: And BoCo went away to collect his next train. But Diesel of course was
being just as stubborn and bad-tempered as ever.



Narrator: And Diesel reluctantly did so, still brooding. Meanwhile at Elsbridge,
Percy stopped to collect passengers. He was having a wonderful day, and tonight was
one of his postal runs. He simmered excitedly as he loved pulling the mail. But
unfortunately, his excitement was short-lived when he heard two porters at the

Porter 1: Is everything set for tonight Dash?

Porter 2: It sure is Bash. Old Gus won’t know what hit him tonight (Snickers).

Porter 1: Yeah, despite being head of the yards at Tidmouth and getting married, he
always was a loser.

Percy (whispers): What the hell?

Porter 2: Yeah, he was, but that will serve our advantage tonight at the stag party
tonight, if you know what I mean.

Porter 1: Oh yeah. Like what’s a party without “fine wine”.

Porter 2: Yeah (snickers) he won’t even last 5 minutes. And good thing Glenn will
be meeting us tonight to.

Porter 1: Cool. Remind me again, which train do we have to meet him on?

Porter 2: The post train. It leaves tonight around 9:30 PM.

Porter 1: Excellent. Ooh Gus is gonna look like a real ____head on his own wedding
tomorrow won’t he.

Porter 2: Yeah, but be quiet Bash, we wouldn’t anybody to find out what were up to
eh? (Both leave cackling)

Percy: Oh, but I think I might’ve had. (Guard’s whistle blows) Driver?

Percy’s driver: Oh, yes Percy?

Percy: We’re taking the post at 9:30 tonight right?

Percy’s driver: Yes. I thought you were excited.

Percy: Oh for the post, always, but I don’t know about this one. In fact, I need to
know, which one of the staff on our railway was having a stag party tonight?

Percy’s driver: Oh, that would be Gus Wilkinson. Percy…is something wrong?

Percy: Oh very driver. I just heard something pretty disturbing that I think might
have something to do with it.

Narrator: And Percy filled his crew in on everything he overheard with the porter

Percy’s driver: Jesus, that does sound concerning. Especially since this is gonna
be on our mail train tonight. I’m glad you just told us Percy, well done. Don’t
worry, well tell the Fat Controller once we reach Knapford.

Percy: Thanks driver.

Narrator: Percy said feeling a bit better. But hoped those two porters weren’t
gonna do anything malicious tonight. However, somebody already was, as Diesel was
still in a bad mood, as he was shunting around the yards. He really didn’t take
kindly to BoCo’s warnings and advice, and was being just as stubborn and selfish
than ever. He kept bumping the coaches and trucks roughly, belittled and bossed
around the workmen, he kept on insulting the other engines, as well as purposely
delaying their trains. He just wouldn’t listen to reason and kept causing trouble,
and even taking delight in it. Though he still would try and conjure up another
devious plan to “pay BoCo out”, due to his power-hungry and ruthless behavior. His
grouchiness still didn’t improve when Henry came into the yards with a train of
tankers in tow.

Diesel: Humph! Well, if it isn’t the big, heaving cucumber with the old square

Henry (Sarcastically): Humph! And a good afternoon too you to!

Diesel: Oh don’t give the sarcasm there Henry, I’m busy!

Henry: Oh how hypocritical Diesel, considering that you just did first. But I’m not
gonna waste my time here. You’re stupid behavior has been spreading a bad
atmosphere in the yard enough as it is, so you had better not cause me any trouble,
as I got to drop these tankers off and get to my next train. Can’t keep the

Diesel: Oh the passengers can walk for all I care. They should be traveling behind
a real engine, not some heaving green hippopotamus who’s wheels could run flat.

Henry: Watch it Diesel, I’m not in the mood right now! The Fat Controller said you
are to stay in the yard the whole afternoon, and if you want him to trust you, let
alone respect you, maybe you can make yourself useful with these tankers here. The
first four are loaded with fuel for the diesel pumps here, the rear are filled with
water for the water towers, and the read 9 tankers are filled with milk and cream
from Toryreck.

Diesel: I don’t need advice from some old kettle, I can figure it out myself.

Henry: ARGH, whatever! I don’t have time to argue with you, just don’t do anything
stupid Diesel okay!

Narrator: And once uncoupled, Henry left in a huff, as of course the big green
engine was always very patient and helpful, but he knew that it was difficult to
argue with Diesel, due to his arrogant and bad-tempered behavior. And hearing what
Henry said, Diesel’s oil just bubbled.

Diesel: GRRRR! Stupid am I? Well, if that big green turd thinks he can insult my
greatness, then he’s got another thing….

Diesel’s driver: Diesel just shut the hell up already! This isn’t about you. Henry
was trying to be nice, but because of your standoffish behavior, you already got
him in a bad mood. And he’s gotta point you know, your antics are just stupid. So
stop whining, stop with the temper tantrums and take some responsibility for goods
sakes, now come on!

Narrator: And Diesel’s driver set his controls in motion, and the little shunter
reluctantly set to the tankers Henry brought. Though secretly, he had another
devious idea, one that he hoped would work on either BoCo or Henry later on. So
instead of listening to Henry’s advice, he fooled his driver into shunting the
wrong tankers in the wrong spots, accidentally on purpose. The milk and cream
tankers were pretty self-explanatory by their logos, so Diesel shunted them in the
right place, but instead of shunting the correct fuel source to their certain spot,
he shunted the tankers with water at the fuel pumps, and the fuel tankers to the
water tower.

Workmen 1: It’s a good thing these tankers had come in, some of these towers are
running low.

Diesel (Slyly): Well you needn’t worry boys, as this lot should be exactly what you
need then.

Narrator: Diesel said convincingly, as he fooled the workmen. Then he scampered

off, smirking with triumph. The workmen were more focused on refueling the water
tower that they didn’t even bother to check what was in the tankers first. In fact,
they foolishly believed Diesel’s lie. So they already set to work, and by the time
they refueled the water tower, the water inside was well and truly contaminated.
Diesel who was shunting trucks nearby watched from a distance with glee.

Diesel’s driver: Alright Diesel, what has gotten into you know? Even more so than

Diesel: Oh nothing driver. Turns out you, BoCo and Henry’s warning made me realize
how selfish I was being, so I thought I’d stop and do the right thing.

Diesel’s driver: Really? Because whenever anyone mentions anything positive, you
seethe and rant, dismissing others advice and care and do things for your own
selfish gain. (Raises an eyebrow) What are you up to Diesel?

Diesel: Oh nothing at all Jack my boy. Now come on, there’s some fish vans we have
to shunt for Murdoch’s next goods.

Narrator: Diesel said. His driver knew it was probably better not to argue with
Diesel given how difficult he was, but decided to play things out in order to see
what’s up. It was at that moment Percy showed up in the yard after bringing some
trucks of wheat and farm produce from Farmer McColl’s to the yards. The porter’s
conversation had been on his smokebox the whole day. His crew tried to phone the
Fat Controller, but they could only get his answering machine. They left a voice
mail, but they weren’t sure they got it.

Percy (Sighs): I hope we can get to the Fat Controller soon Chris. Just something
that those twin porters were discussing just sounds so malicious. Probably even
something Diesel might conjure up.
Percy’s driver: I know what you mean old boy, and I’m glad you’ve done the right
thing in listening and telling us. Very sensible.

Percy: Oh, well, I do my best. Especially because this could risk a man’s life. But
wait a minute, shouldn’t we like warn Gus though?

Percy’s driver: Well I might answer that by asking you old boy, do you really think
he would believe us?

Percy: That is true. Gus is a good man, but he can be kind of a schmuck sometimes.
Especially since the porters said it themselves. When you put him near drinks like

Percy’s driver: Exactly. Don’t worry Percy. Well tell the Fat Controller once we
get to his office. But first, we gotta get you refilled. Your tank is nearly half

Percy: Yeah no kidding. I could use a drink right now.

Narrator: So Percy backed down to a water tower, but the worse was that he backed
down to the wrong water tower were Diesel was attempting to trick Henry.

Percy: Fill it up Keith.

Percy’s fireman: You got it.

Narrator: So Percy’s fireman set the hose pipe to Percy and placed it in his water
tank. As he did so, that’s when it happened.

Percy’s fireman: Say, (sniffs) is it me, or does this water weirdly smell like
(sniff)….diesel fuel.

Percy: Wait what? (Sniffs) Oh lord it does, and, oh, oh my lord, I think I feel a
little light headed. Oh, what’s going…(coughs)…

Percy’s driver: Goodness gracious, Percy, are you alright old boy?

Percy (coughs): Oh, what the (glub)…oh my word, this doesn’t feel like water.

Percy’s driver: Oh dear, check the tower.

Narrator: Percy’s fireman checked from inside, smelled it but covered his nose at
the nasty smell, but then was so shocked he never fell over at what he saw next.


(Shows Percy and his crew shocked as the Season 3-5 shocked theme plays in the

Percy: DIESEL FUEL? WHAT THE (Coughs)…


Percy’s fireman: RIGHT!

Narrator: So the fireman stopped the refilling process and got the very oil-drowsed
water crane out just in time. While Percy’s driver doused the firebox with a fire
extinguisher, putting put the fire and cooling it down just in time. The foam
prevented excess heat from expanding, as it’s dangerous for steam engines to take
on fuel in their boilers, as fuel is flammable, hence why diesels and road vehicles
take it for internal combustion to start. And if fuel is an engine’s boiler instead
of water, then the fire would heat the oil at a terrible rate, causing the pressure
to exceed the limit and the boiler would explode, thus killing the steam engine
taking it. Thankfully though, that wasn’t the case, but thanks to that fuel, Percy
was so sick his face was a deep shade of purple and was coughing terribly. Though
his coughing did catch attention nearby of one certain shunter.

Diesel: Geez, what was all that coughing. It sounds like it came from (Gasps)…

Percy (Coughs): OH JESUS! JUST HOW AND WHY DID THIS HAPPEN…. (Coughs and groans)…

Percy’s fireman: I don’t know. In fact, how could to workmen not have known this.

Diesel (whispers): Grease and oil. What’s Percy doing here? That was supposed to be

Percy’s driver: Indeed. You’d think they’d tell us. I mean everyone knows you put
fuel in a steam engine’s boiler, the heat from the firebox would cause them to
internally combust and kill them. Worst, we could’ve been killed to.

Diesel (Gulps): Killed? (Stuttering) Oh s….

(Mavis’s horn blares)

Narrator: Just then, Mavis showed up after delivering stone. She too had heard
Percy’s coughing, and was horrified at what she was seeing.

Mavis: Oh my word, Percy, honey, are you okay?

Percy (Coughs hoarsely): Not one bit Mavis (Coughs). One minute I was looking
forward to a nice drink, and then all of a sudden (Wheeze), I find out the water in
that towers is filled with diesel fuel for some strange reason. And the next thing
I knew it (Coughs), I’m suffocating like mad (Coughs).

Mavis (Gasps): Oh you poor thing, I’m so sorry to hear that. But wait a minute,
fuel in the water towers. That’s just stupid. What idiot would something this sick?

Percy: I don’t know. But whoever did has got a lot of explaining to do. I could’ve
been killed. And so could any other steam engine taking this.

TFC: You’re right about that Percy.

Narrator: Said a familiar voice. Both Percy & Mavis looked and there stood the Fat
Controller with an inspector.

TFC: Percy, are you okay my dear engine?

Percy (Groans): I’ll be honest with you sir…no (Coughs). I had never felt so sick
in my life (Coughs) ugh. I don’t know how (Coughs), but the water tower, it’s
contaminated with (Coughs) diesel fuel.

TFC: So I’ve heard. I was inspecting earlier at the diesel fuel pumps just now, and
apparently, Derek is just as sick as you are, as apparently, he’s taken on some
contaminated fuel, and is as green as you two are.

Diesel (Gasps and whispers): Derek to.

Mavis: Why, what happened sir?

TFC: Well Mavis, apparently, his driver and the workmen checked, and apparently,
they found that the fuel pumps have been contaminated with water. Realizing that,
me and the inspector were going to check the water towers to see if anything was
wrong, and it turns out it is just now after…well, after seeing you in such a poor
condition. So whoever made this mistake must’ve shunted the wrong tankers (Diesel
looking nervous).

Percy: Wrong tankers?

Mavis: It’s a good thing I didn’t go to the fuel pumps just now, I would’ve been
just as sick as Percy & Derek right now.

TFC: A good thing indeed dear Mavis. However, this has upset my arrangements. The
workmen are cleaning the fuel pumps, but this water tower Percy used by mistake is
off limits until it’s cleaned out.

Inspector: Indeed. It’s a good thing you two put out Percy’s fire in time, as any
of the steam engines could’ve died. Worse, if it was a big engine like Gordon or
Henry, and we couldn’t put it out in time, the consequences would’ve been most

Diesel: (Shrieks)

TFC: Don’t even say that inspector. But the worse of it all, while Derek is going
to be repaired and is not busy currently, I’m sorry to say Percy that somebody else
will have to take over your postal run while we have your boiler cleaned out of all
that fuel.

Percy (Gulps and wheezes): Good point sir. But who?

Diesel: Um, excuse me sir.

Narrator: Diesel blurted out as he came into view, with an unusually big smile,
trying to look innocent.

Diesel (Nervous grin): I couldn’t help but overhear Percy’s predicament and feel
incredibly sorry for him. I was wondering, maybe, if it’s okay with you sir, I
could take over for the post train tonight.

Percy: What? You’re kidding (Coughs)!

TFC: I couldn’t have put it better myself Diesel. You of all engines?

Diesel: Yes, and to apologize for my behavior earlier with Donald, and Arthur, and
Rosie (Trying to crack a smile). I realize what I did was wrong, so I thought I can
show you sir I am responsible (Nervous grin.

TFC: Really? You’re acting unusually polite for once Diesel. I know how selfish you
can be, and how you hate showing remorse, being polite or taking responsibility.
You’re not up to something…are you?

Mavis: In fact, this whole tanker mix up, you wouldn’t know anything about it,
would you Diesel?

Diesel: Oh heavens no my dear Mavis. I wasn’t present at all. I heard about Percy’s
misfortune, so I thought I would try and help as way to…um…show I do care.

Percy: This isn’t another attempt at proving how revolutionary you diesels are, is
it Diesel? No offense Mavis.

Mavis: Oh none taken Percy dear.

Diesel: No, no, of course not. Just a chance to prove how useful I can be for once
(Nervous grins). I really apologize, and I promise I’ll never be rude again. You
wouldn’t mind, would you sir?

TFC (Pondering): Hmm…I honestly don’t know where this sudden change of behavior has
come from Diesel, but since Percy is indisposed and all the other engines are busy,
very well then. Just don’t do anything stupid or try to show off and be rude to
others, or you’re in the yards for another day.

Diesel: Yes sir, that’s understandable. I better go prepare, bye.

Narrator: And with that, Diesel scampered off with a wide grin as fast he as could,
leaving Percy, Mavis, the Fat Controller and the inspector surprised.

Percy (Groans): Well this is new.

TFC: Indeed. Anyways, I’m gonna be investigating here in the yards. I’ll be at the
Steamworks later to check on you and Derek, Percy. Mavis, do you think you could
shunt Percy over there please?

Mavis: Absolutely sir. Come on Percy.

Percy: Thanks Mavis. Much appreciated.

Narrator: So Mavis shunted the sick Percy over to the Steamworks. As they were on
the main line, Percy began to speak with Mavis. He loved spending time with her,
even in a bad condition as he was in now, but being with Mavis helped give him
comfort, as secretly, the little green saddle tank did have some strong feelings
for her, as she was quite beautiful.

Percy: Ugh, thanks for getting me over to the Steamworks Mavis. I appreciate that.

Mavis: Oh my pleasure sweetie. How are you feeling right now?

Percy: Oh, the coughing and wheezing has stopped, but I still feel really sick.
Like if I was a human and just choked to death. And very light-headed, But I just
hope we get all this fuel cleaned out.

Mavis: I’m sure they will Percy. They never waste time at the works. But I still
can’t believe this has happened. And then there’s the thing with Diesel.

Percy: Yeah. Diesel being kind and taking responsibility, that’s a first.

Mavis: Yeah, and he never respects anybody but himself, so him feeling sorry for
someone, diesel or steam, just why?

Percy: I don’t know what it is, but maybe he might have something to do with that
tanker mix-up. I wouldn’t be too surprised, but I just wonder if him pulling the
post is not another one of his cruel pranks just for the sake of his massive ego.
Wait…post train…pranks… (Gasps), oh no!

Mavis: Percy, what’s wrong?

Percy: Mavis, there was something I forgot to tell the Fat Controller before we
left that was so important.
Mavis: Oh, what’s that? We could still tell him at the Steamworks.

Percy: No Mavis, this is urgent. It’s just that I was gonna tell him right after my
drink. But after taking on that fuel, it slipped my mind, and I forgot. It’s
something horrible I heard at Elsbridge earlier today.

Narrator: And Percy explained the disturbing conversation he heard from the
malicious porters back at Elsbridge.

Mavis (Gasps): Oh my lord! You’re serious! Are you sure they meant that Gus that
works at Tidmouth?

Percy: That’s what I heard them say, yeah. And they even confirmed it was the 9:30
post, which was the train I’m taking. And if Diesel pulls that train, I mean, yeah,
Diesel’s horrible, but even I wouldn’t want that to happen to him.

Mavis: Me neither. Don’t worry Percy, well contact the Fat Controller immediately.

Narrator: Mavis said reassuringly as they were approaching Crovans Gate. Later that
evening, Gus’s stag party was taking place at one of the local pubs at Elsbridge.
The party was ending, and everybody was having a splendid time. Well one was more
than others that it, as Gus was enjoying himself and drank so much wine that he
ended up getting so wasted that his behavior was beginning to become awkward until
he passed out. Worse, while nobody was looking, the two malicious porters
intoxicated with too much heavy double-bourbon that he was completely smashed. So
they snuck him out, carrying him while putting sunglasses on him so nobody can
tell. As soon as they were out at the car park, the two men decided to tease him.

Porter 1: So, are you ready for your big day tomorrow there Gussy boy?

Gus (Drunk): Yes (hiccup)…ready….this is me last night as a free man (Laughs and

Porter 2 (Waves his hand over his mouth): Well that’s good there Gus, because we
decided to celebrate your special night, you are going on journey.

Gus (Drunk): Oh…(hiccup) really? Where?

Porter 1: Oh, a journey beyond the other railway there sir. Trust me, it’ll be the
adventure of a lifetime. Your fiancée will love you even more.

Gus (Drunk): Oh, that’s lovely. To think, me and here be together forever (laughs).
Oh Adrianne (Laughs and burps). You and me, me and you, together forever, ugh

Porter 2: Yes, yes, but lower your voice sir, this is supposed to be a surprise.
(Whispers) This is perfect. He’s so drunk he won’t even know what hit him.

Porter 1 (Whispers): Yeah, he ain’t gonna last on this railway for much longer if
the Fat Controller finds out he got drunk again. Right, now’s our chance, let’s

Narrator: So while nobody was present, they threw Gus into the trunk of their car,
drove out at a fast speed before anybody could spot them. It was about 9:20 when
the two goons arrived as they parked right near one of the warehouses, and went
over to the back of a workmen’s hut wear the post train Percy was going to be
taking was. And out of the brake van came the guard who was waiting anxiously.
Guard: Awesome, he’s here. Did anybody spot you?

Porter 1: Not even one Glenn.

Guard: Excellent boys. Nobody’s here, let’s do it.

Narrator: So they got out the intoxicated Gus, and began stripping him of all his
clothes, except his underwear, but still kept his shades on, and then poured more
whisky down his mouth to make sure he was even more drunk. Then, the unthinkable
happened…they tied poor Gus, both drunk and stripped naked, to the very back of the
brake van.

Porter 2: Is he secure?

Guard: He sure is Dash. Strongest cable around. You two better stay hidden that way
nobody gets suspicious. (Evil laugh) Man oh man, where gonna get in so much trouble
if we’re found out.

Porter 1: Yeah, but it’s gonna be worth it. And to think, Glenn Ferdinand, one of
our own guards is in on this.

Guard: Yeah, but nobody is gonna know a thing. Not even gussy boy over there (Evil

Porter: Trouble. We’ll get into nothing more but troubbbblllleeee (All three

Narrator: So all three got in, while Gus was still to intoxicated to notice
everything taking place.

Gus (Drunk): I love trains, and I love railways. But I also love the Fat
Controller, Sir Topham Hatt. Big, cuddly, wuddly, Sir Topham Hatt. He’s mine toppy
(Laughs and gurgles).

Narrator: At that moment, Diesel was backing down to the post train, still feeling
guilty. It was hard for him to be on his best behavior and act like a different
engine, but he was beginning to wander was losing his temper and pranking others
really worth it. His driver could tell something wasn’t right.

Diesel’s driver: Okay old boy, you’re acting really strange right now. What’s
gotten into you, and in a way that’s not like your usually atrocious behavior.

Diesel (nervous grins): Oh, uh, nothing Jack. Nothing at all. I realize how I’ve
been acting was immature, so I decided to help Percy after he got sick to show how
wrong I am.

Narrator: Now to Diesel, it was hard for him to admit that. But telling the truth
was much harder, and he honestly hoped he wouldn’t get found out and that the fuel
incident would blow over real soon. But he couldn’t be any further from the truth
tonight. As he backed down, he was coupled to the post train.

Diesel’s driver: Right are we ready?

(Guard’s whistle blows)

Guard: Ready.

Diesel: Well then, let’s get going then (Nervous grin).

Narrator: And Diesel set off. Unaware of the prank that was going on. As he was
rolling down the line, he still felt that same unease. He didn’t understand why
pranking somebody and telling lies just felt so wrong, but trying to do something
right did. He hoped to get the job done and over with, but as he did so, he swore
he could hear some random voice from behind wailing and laughing, and making hiccup
or burping noises.

Diesel: Jack, do you hear something?

Diesel’s driver: I don’t know old boy, but it sounds like somebody being obnoxious.

Gus (Drunk): Weeeeeeeee…….

Diesel: Oh, I’m sure it’s nothing. Let’s keep going.

Narrator: Though as soon as the 08 was making his way down the Ffarqhuar branch,
they were at the Goods station at Toryreck where they had to stop and collect some
parcels, until…


Diesel: WAIT, WHO, US?

Signalman: DAMN RIGHT I DO!

Diesel’s driver: Whoa, calm down mate, what’s wrong?


Diesel: Wait what?

Diesel’s driver: A naked man?

Workmen 1: Oh my god, ew!

Workmen 2: Lord Almighty.

Tom Tipper: Dat’s jus’ disgus’in’!

(Diesel’s driver runs to the back)


Tom Tipper: Wai’, ye didn’ know aboot dis Jack?

Diesel’s driver: Afraid not Mister Tipper. In fact, what is the meaning of this?

Gus (Drunk): Yawn, lights are on. Tip-toe-hello (Laughs).

Diesel’s driver: Wait a minute. I know that voice. (Comes over and takes the
sunglasses off) Good lord, its…it’s Gus!

Diesel: Wait, Gus! You mean, the beer drinking basket case of the shunting yards

Diesel’s driver: The very same. Ugh, what the hell is he doing tied onto the brake
van with tiddy-widdes and sunglasses on him? And is he even aware of this at all?
Gus (Drunk): Whoa man, like better be careful with my treasure chest. I hid it in
my castle, with my pet dragon, who’s also named Gus. You’ll like Gus, he breathes

Tom Tipper: Well dere’s yer answer Jack. He’s drunk. Dead drunk!

Diesel’s driver: And I think I might know, okay, whoever’s in the brake van, get
out now!

Narrator: And slowly, the door opened, and the guard and the two porters slowly
came out trembling in fear as they stepped meekly onto the platform. Diesel on the
other hand was shocked that something like this would happen. Despite being a
selfish troublemaker, never in his life would he ever think something like this
would happen, and that he would be the victim of both a malicious and a very
dangerous prank.

Diesel’s driver: Alright you buggers, what is all this? In fact Mr. Guard, you know
its against regulations to let other people into your van, just much as it is to
harm somebody by stripping them and tying them onto the back of a moving train like

Signalman: Exactly! You morons better start talking.

Guard: Okay, okay, the truth is, we just thought of Gus as a big loser, and we just
never had any excitement for a while.

Porter 1: So we intoxicated him, kidnapped him, stripped him, then tied him to the
back as part of a stag due.

Stationmaster: Oh no, you didn’t!

Porter 2: Uh…yes (Gulps). We were only trying to have fun!


Guard: We didn’t mean for it, we were only gonna…


Tom Tipper: Don’ blame yerself Jack, you couldn’ have. Bu’ ye idiots shou’ve known
dat Gus bein’ tied tae de back, anyone wuld no’ice frum a mile away.

Stationmaster: Indeed. Didn’t think that one through you three. Especially since we
know your threes reputation. Bash & Dash Sanderson, the delinquent porters who
always prank others for their own selfish gain. And Glenn Ferdinand, the
disobedient guard who puts his trains at risk.

Diesel’s driver: Indeed. You three should be ashamed yourselves, calling yourselves
employees of the railway. Why, you three remind me of my own engine. Isn’t that
right Diesel?

Diesel: What, me?

Diesel’s driver: You knew something about this didn’t you? Why else would be so
“eager” to pull the post train to night. And Percy getting sick, was that you to?
Diesel: Uuhhh.

Stationmaster: Well interrogate him later Jack, right now, we’re gonna sort this,
as I’m phoning the Fat Controller immediately!


Porter 2: Yeah, if he finds out, he’s gonna kill us. We’ll lose our jobs.

Guard: That’s right! If I lose this job, I’m gonna have to go back to my old job as
a male stripper. (Everyone looks at him shocked) I didn’t just say this out loud
did I?

Stationmaster: Well regardless, your not gonna get any jobs for a while you three
stooges, as I’m also phoning the police as well, as no way are we gonna let this

Narrator: And the stationmaster went back in his office and slammed the door!
Everybody looked at the men, then to Diesel.

Diesel: I…I… don’t believe.

Narrator: And soon, the Fat Controller did arrive, as well as Thomas & BoCo who
came to help. Needless to say, all three were disgusted and horrified at what they
were seeing, as well as the police when they came. The three men were handcuffed
and brought in front of the Fat Controller, who was red in the face, and his fists
clenched, looking like he was gonna explode. And Thomas & BoCo likewise starred
coldly at Diesel, who didn’t feel outspoken and power-hungry now.


Thomas: I agree sir. In fact, do you idiots even realize if that cable holding Gus
onto the brake van snapped, he could’ve fallen on the rails! Oh, and that there
would’ve been “deadly” consequences, when we do mean “DEAD”?

Guard: No…no…it’s not like that Thomas! We didn’t mean for this. In fact, Gus was
well and secure, we all made sure…


Porter 1: But sir…everyone…we’re sorry!

AND DANGEROUS PRANK! (Marches over and points angrily at Diesel) WERE YOU DIESEL?

Diesel: No…no…sir, I can explain!


Thomas (Gasps): IT WAS YOU?

Diesel: Thomas, I can explain, I…


BoCo: Calm down Thomas. In fact, we all have to calm down. Diesel, what was the
meaning of all this.

Diesel (Sighs): I…I…it started with that argument we had that morning. I, ahem,
still dwelled and got angry over you telling me off BoCo, and about being punished
in the yards I…was plotting revenge. Especially when Henry came later that day with
a delivery of tankers. He told me not to do anything stupid, and I…uh…got angry
about it, I wanted revenge. Against both Henry & BoCo.

BoCo (Groans and rolls his eyes): Oh no, this again?

TFC (Cringes): Diesel (Clenches his fists).

Diesel (Nervous grin): I realized how wrong it was, as I mixed the tankers up, with
the water one’s going to the fuel pumps and the fuel going to the water tower. I
was hoping that Henry would take on the contaminated water, while you BoCo took on
the bad fuel. Only to realize the plan backfired as Percy took on it and nearly got
sick, and Derek got sick at the fuel pumps. And then when I overheard the
consequences of what happens when a steam engine takes on fuel in their boiler and
how they could explode, I…I was terrified (Everyone looks shocked). And then I
gulped when I heard Derek got sick instead. But seeing how much harm Percy took
from the prank, I got nervous, I thought if I took the post train, I would let
guilt slide and nobody would find out, until…we’ve come to this.

BoCo: And this prank with Gus being tied to that brake van?

Diesel: That was different. I didn’t commit that one. I was never aware of this. In
fact, I had no idea that this was gonna happen. But when I did, well…I was

Thomas: You horrified. Well, isn’t this surprising. Especially for nearly killing
Percy, which I’ll be honest, I thought you would’ve been glad to see that,
considering how much you hate steam engines.

Diesel: It’s not like that Thomas. Okay maybe I don’t like steam engines, but…but…

TFC: But what Diesel? Spill it out!

Diesel: I….


Diesel: Okay, okay, but I don’t like to see anybody, engine or human die okay! It,
it just feels so cruel that I feel sick to my fuel tanks. I know I may be devious,
but I would never kill somebody, honest.

Thomas: You’re telling us the truth, are you Diesel?

Diesel: Yes Thomas. Nothing but the truth. I realize now what I did was wrong.
BoCo: And all the times before that?

Diesel: Very wrong. But I would never intend to hurt or kill anybody. Especially
back in…Manchester 6 years ago.

TFC: Hmm…I see.

Diesel: And sir, I’m sorry about all that trouble and temper tantruming I did in
the yards today. It was wrong. I was being selfish, and I accept full
responsibility. And this time, I’m not lying to save my ass, I give in.

Narrator: Everybody starred in silence. Even the three goons were feeling awkward

TFC: Well Diesel, I’ll start by saying I am furious with you, and more than I could
ever be with you in all my life. I should sell you back to British Railways first
thing tomorrow.

Diesel: (Gulps)

TFC: However, I will say on behalf of everybody here, I am honestly quite proud
that you actually took responsibility for once in your life and were honest about
your wrongdoings. I still don’t like you, as all of us do, but for once, you did
the right thing, especially since for once, you were the victim in a prank you knew
nothing about. But I must ask, have you learned anything from this Diesel?

Diesel: Yes sir. Revenge is pointless, and I shouldn’t make everything about me.

BoCo: And?

Diesel: And to control my temper and be respectful to all the engines, including
the steam engines.

Thomas: And what about Percy, Derek, and Henry.

Diesel: I will apologize to them.

TFC: And do you mean it?

Diesel: Uh….

TFC: I thought so! I may have said I appreciated your honesty Diesel, but you bad
reputation and horrible personality leave much to be desired. As after tomorrow,
you will stay in you shed until the investigation is complete, which is where we’ll
see were that responsibility lies, while I also think of a punishment for you.

Diesel: Punishment? But sir…

TFC: But nothing Diesel. Just because you did something right, that doesn’t mean
I’m gonna let you off the hook, as don’t forget, prior to this, your behavior was
abysmal, and I will not let this go unpunished. Because if I let you off the hook,
you’re not gonna change, and therefore, I will send you to be scrapped on the
mainland and that’s it! So this will be a lesson to you to make sure you finally
get this into your cooling fans, and that I hope by god you change your personality
and opinions on steam engines, or I send you back to BR. That’s final!

Diesel (Gulps): Yes sir! Sorry sir!

TFC: And you will apologize to BoCo to.

BoCo: No worries about that sir. I’ve heard what I needed. I feel just the same way
as the Fat Controller, Diesel. But you’re gonna follow that sheet I gave Jack
whether you want to or not.

TFC: Indeed. Thomas, I’ll need you to take over for the post train tonight until
Percy’s repaired. BoCo, I’ll need you to shunt Diesel into his shed. He will not be
moving on his own for the rest of the night.

BoCo: Yes sir.

Thomas: Absolutely sir. Oh, and word of advice Diesel, make sure your apology to
the others is very sincere. And live by it.

TFC: Indeed. As for you three. I will not forgive you of this. You three are fired,
and you will also be placed under arrest, and will never be allowed on my railway
ever again.

Policeman: Don’t worry Sir Topham, they won’t, as these three will be spending the
next few years of their pathetic lives in prison. And on parole, they will not be
permitted near any railway ever again. Now come on you three, get in the car!

Narrator: And so the cops dragged the three former railway employees into their
car, and while other police officers made sure to grab Gus by removing the cord,
putting a robe on him, the giving him water and putting him into another car.

TFC: Make sure he gets home safely officers. After all, he is getting married

Policeman: Don’t worry about it Sir Topham. Well make sure of it. He’ll be sober
when he wakes up, but after he gets married, I think its about time Gus started to
see a shrink and deal with this drinking.

TFC: Indeed. Take care.

Narrator: So they left, as BoCo coupled onto Diesel and shunted him away, while
Thomas took over the mail train. As BoCo shunted Diesel to his shed at Vicarstown,
Diesel still felt very guilty.

BoCo: I really hoped you learned something from this Diesel. We’ll talk about this
later, but for now, I think you finally realize there are consequences to your
actions, and how they affect other people, like yourself.

Diesel: Yes…I do. BoCo, I’m sorry. I’m terribly sorry for how selfish I’ve been.

BoCo: And I should think so to, and I forgive you for trying to prank me. Though
you better save your apologies for the other engines. But you better get your act
together. You want to keep being selfish and only doing things out of your own
gain, that’s up to you, but I think after tonight, you know the consequences for
that, and how they can affect others. Just know that I’m not going to help you
anymore, as you are on your own. As everybody’s trust and respect, you need to earn
it yourself, by behaving properly. I’ll be watching you. Is that clear?

Diesel: Yes BoCo, crystal clear.

BoCo: Good. Good night Diesel.

Narrator: And BoCo left, leaving Diesel feeling humiliated and miserable. The next
week however, he saw Percy, Henry, and Derek all approaching the sheds, each having
stern looks.

Henry (stern): Hello Diesel.

Diesel: Uh, hello Henry, Percy, Derek, um, how’ve you all been?

Percy: Oh, I’m better now. Ship-shape, good as new, and feeling a lot healthier,
especially with much cleaner water. No thanks to you however. What about you Derek?

Derek: Oh I’m just as fine to Percy. Though I believe we’d like to hear something
from you Diesel.

Diesel: Um yes, uh, Henry, I apologize for how rude I was, and tried to play that
cruel prank.

Henry: You got that right! But I may never forgive you for that. At least for now,
but I accept the apology though. Just again…

Diesel: Don’t do anything stupid, I know. And Percy, Derek, I apologize I got you
both sick. Especially you Percy.

Percy: You better, as you do that again, I’m not gonna go easy on your ass.

Diesel (Gulps): Perfectly understandable.

Derek: We may not expect you to fully change Diesel, but we do appreciate you
taking responsibility for once.

Percy: So you had better get out of this pride of yours and live in the present.
We’ll be watching you.

Henry: And if you screw this up, it’s over, you’re out of here. And I’m sure Bear
will be looking forward to that. Good day Diesel and may god have mercy in your

Narrator: And the three green engines coldly left him, leaving Diesel quivering in
fear. Then another voice spoke.

TFC: They’re right you know Diesel.

Narrator: And out came the Fat Controller right in front of him, glaring sternly at

Diesel: Um…good…morning…sir?

TFC (Stern): Good morning! Now Diesel, the inspector and I went over the
investigation, and so did the railway board, and decided that the workmen at the
water tower and fuel pump that day shouldn’t have been so desperate and stopped to
check with they were pumping form the tanks, so I let them all off with a warning.
However, you shouldn’t have been very bad-tempered and selfish that day, and a lot
more polite to the other engines. Don’t forget, Henry did try to warn you last
week, especially which tankers you were meant to shunt to wear. He warned you not
to do anything stupid, but you did.

Diesel: Yes sir. I’m really sorry. But what about Gus and the stag party prank?

TFC: Well those men responsible are serving their time in prison and Gus is already
married, but his wife and I agree that he should go be seeing help, and he is now
in taking advantage of dealing with his drinking. However, I’m sure this is a
lesson in to you in how you make others feel about pranks like these. Your driver
Jack is still mad at you, but he’s gonna do his best to tolerate you and teach you
to behave. And you had better, as I want you to see this.

Narrator: And the Fat Controller pulled out a newspaper form the Sodor Railways
Gazette, which had a picture of a very shocked Diesel on the front page, as well as
the three men that caused the prank, saying; FORMER RAILWAY MEN PLAY PRANK ON THE

TFC: Not very appealing isn’t it now.

Diesel: No sir, it isn’t.

TFC: But I do hope you understand now what it feels like to be the victim in a
cruel prank played by men that are much worse than you. In fact, the railway board
were so bent on having you permanently banished, but after I told them you owned up
and felt remorse, they backed down, but we all agreed that this is your last chance
now. You will be shunting coal trucks at Elsbridge for a few months as punishment
until I can somehow be able to trust you again, as well as the other engines. This
arrogant and selfish behavior of yours, as well as your opinions of the steam
engines stops now Diesel. Don’t let me down.

Diesel: Yes sir! I won’t sir!

Narrator: Diesel said gloomily. And the Fat Controller strode on his heel, and
walked sternly away to his car, while Jack came to get Diesel ready. The next few
weeks, Diesel was serving his punishment shunting coal trucks at Elsbridge
Junction, and this time, he took it like a mature engine and didn’t boast, he
didn’t throw a temper tantrum, and kept his mouth shut, but was still gloomy. Yes,
he did understand what it was like to be the victim of a prank, and seeing somebody
harmed like that was to grotesque. The other engines would tease him though for
what happened, but others kept their distance and watched over him. Diesel finally
realized for once in his life, he had a lot to think about.

Narrator: During the 1950’s, diesels were now becoming a new part of British
Railways. All across England, many railway lines were trialing out diesel
locomotives as part of the modernization plan of British Railways. The diesel
engine was a rather bizarre and completely different engine to what steam engines
were. Instead of running on coal and water, they run on oil, instead of whistles,
they used horns, and had a motor that was powered by this diesel oil and internal
combustion in order to move, and were more box-shaped and compact than what a steam
engine was. In fact, they were stronger and powerful than them. And because of
their “efficiency”, they were much cheaper to run and seemed to be less harmful to
the environment. Though most of the diesels at the time were aware of that, and
seemed most proud of it. Believing themselves to be the future of railway traction,
too much to the point of coming off as arrogant, conceited, and thinking that
everything will work only in “their” favor, and come off as rude and belittling,
and sometimes threatening to the steam engines. There was one diesel in particular
that seemed most proud of that…maybe a little too proud. One day, a certain diesel
shunter was working in the yards at Manchester. He purred through the sidings
slowly but intently, shunting different trucks and coaches in their place and
feeling quite pleased with himself.

Diesel: Perfect. All these rolling stock are in their place. We diesels are
“revolutionary” after all so of course.

Diesel’s driver: Oh but don’t get cocky there mate. Being “revolutionary” isn’t
always everything you know.
Diesel: Nonsense driver. We are the next big step in modernization. Those clapped
out kettles they call steam engines may have been the face of railways, but their
time soon be up real soon. And soon, diesel power rule supreme. Why my class are
the first successful design to pave way for the future.

Diesel’s driver: You mean one of the first, like there were other diesels built
before you, and some of them were test model. Plus, there will be other diesel
prototypes built in future years to come, so that could all change real soon.

Diesel: True, but we 08’s have proven most successful.

Diesel’s driver: Yeah…for shunting. Let me just tell you right now Diesel. The 08’s
don’t exactly serve any other purpose other than to shunt. I don’t mean to be rude,
but your class is maybe strong, but the only purpose you all serve is to shunt in
yards, nothing more. In fact, you can’t go that fast and can only move like a
minimum amount of trucks altogether. Too add to that, because of the fact that more
of your class is being made each year, it’s almost as if BR is creating a whole
nameless clone army. And you in general I have to ask, And you in general, I have
to ask, when you were first built, why on earth did you choose to be painted black
and not give yourself a real name?

Diesel: Well is you must know the workmen didn’t have any other options of what to
paint me back then, as that was all they had. But it didn’t matter, as black I felt
suited me, as I didn’t want just some colorful livery, as this helped me to feel…

Diesel’s driver (Rolls his eyes): More like generic and quite bland if I’m honest,
as a colored livery kinda represents who an engine is. Especially since BR has
forced every engine to wear some basic and degrading livery. Plus, if you wanna be
real technical, black isn’t really a color.

Diesel: Pah! What would you know? You’re just a human. You just can’t appreciate
the taste in an important engine such as myself.

Diesel’s driver: Well your certainly in denial aren’t you mate. Speaking of
humanity, I have to ask, what kind of stupid ass name is “Diesel”? I mean it’s so
obvious you’re a diesel, yes, but yet you got no human name and you decide to
freaking call yourself after your own kind.

Diesel: Hey! I was named after a human. Rudolph Diesel, the man who invented the
“diesel” engine like yours truly. I feel I owe a great debt to that man. So giving
myself the name Diesel just makes me feel “unique”.

Diesel’s driver: More like basic and generic, again. And dare I say this and your
livery make you feel dare I say, very insignificant. Like you are so delusional to
British Railways’ degrading treatment of all engines, you actually agree with it,
talk about pathetic

Diesel: Grrr….pathetic, eh? Well BR already has a clear goal, a clear agenda, a
clear vision, and we diesels are that vision. Just you wait there mate, I’ll prove
how revolutionary we diesels are. I will show our true potential, “my” potential.
As I am the prime example of modern rail traction that ever lived, for my name’s
not Diesel.

Manchester Manager: Well may just get your chance there mate.

Narrator: Diesel looked over, and there standing in his view was his manager.

Manchester Manager: Since you really seem to think yourself efficient there, you
can go prove that as British Railways are planning to send a diesel on trial to a
railway that hasn’t even been modernized just yet, and even though you 08’s are the
only prototypes made before any new designs can be planned on the drawing boards,
you’re the best we git.

Diesel: Excellent idea sir. Which railway would that be?

Manchester Manager: The Northwestern Railway.

Diesel: The Northwestern Railway? You mean, on that Island of Sodor?

Manchester Manager: The very same. They don’t exactly have a diesel yet, so I
thought you might do just fine. Besides, while I admire your work ethic in these
yards, I really can do without your ego, as all you do is boast about how efficient
you are 24/7. Not to mention, you’re rude to the other engines for no reason at all
except to brag. So honestly, I’m just glad to have you out of my sight as soon as
possible. You leave for Sodor tomorrow at 8 AM. So all I can say is “Diesel”, good-
bye, good riddance, and don’t screw this up, okay.

Narrator: And the manager walked bluntly away.

Diesel: Humph! Stupid fool, what does he know?

Diesel’s driver: Common sense, that’s what. You really need to respect authority
you know Diesel. Especially because the controller of the Northwestern, Sir Charles
Topham Hatt II is a man who may be kind to his engines, but he’s very strict and
will make it perfectly clear he will not stand any nonsense of any sorts.

Diesel: Oh rubbish. I’ll do nothing of the sort. Though I will ask you a favor
driver, what is this “Island of Sodor” really all about, and who are the engines
that run on it?

Narrator: So Diesel’s driver explained everything to Diesel about the Island of

Sodor, its history, the Northwestern Railway, and the different engines that live
there. And that night, his driver had even him each of the Railway Series books
that he owned by the Reverend W. Awdry. Now Diesel felt very intrigued…but for all
the wrong reasons.

Diesel: Hmm, these steamer, the really got a lot of spirit, don’t they. Well that
will all change once I, leave my mark (Evil snicker).

Narrator: He smirked to himself, as tomorrow, he was gonna make an impression on

Sodor alright…his way…the “revolutionary” way. Meanwhile, on the Island of Sodor
itself, one engine in particular was feeling he was on top of the world just as
Diesel was on the Mainland. Duck the Great Western Engine had been part of the
Northwestern Railway for 2 years at this point. He was a proud and very orderly
engine who was somewhat bossy and stubborn due to his strong pride of being Great
Western. But he is a kind and obedient tank engine that works hard to and makes
everything run like clockwork. It was a splendid day, as thanks to Duck’s strong
work ethic, the trucks and coaches behaved well. The passengers even stopped
grumbling. But the engines didn’t like having to bustle about.

Duck: There are two ways of doing things…

Narrator: He boasted persistently…

Duck: The Great Western way or the wrong way. I’m the Great Western and…

Gordon, Henry, and James: Don’t we know it!

Narrator: They groaned. Now ever since Duck joined the railway after taking over
Percy’s old job as station pilot at Knapford, he was very proud of being a Great
Westerner, and made sure to let everybody know. The big engines only tolerated it
for a while, as they did appreciate Duck’s hard work, and how sensible he was
compared to Percy & Thomas, but Duck’s pride was getting out of hand, as just about
a week ago, the famous preserved steam engine, City of Truro came to visit the
island with a special rail tour to meet the engines. And Duck was the most ecstatic
to meet him, as City of Truro him, as City of Truro was a fellow Great Western
Engine like him. So Duck’s pride of his Great Western heritage exceeded even more
and made him cockier than ever. The big engines were getting rather annoyed,
especially Gordon, who Duck claimed Truro was the first engine to travel up to 100
mph; a debate that’s been disputed for decades by railway enthusiasts of who was
the first to break that record, City of Truro or Flying Scotsman. Gordon, being a
brother of Scotsman, wanted to prove Duck & Truro wrong. So he tried to break that
record, only for his steam dome to shake loose and be blown away by the wind when
he reached the viaduct, Poor Gordon was a laughing stock for that whole week, but
even after that, Duck, still prideful of meeting a famous engine of his heritage,
continued to tease the Pacific in an “I told you so” fashion. The pannier’s
arrogance thanks to Truro’s visit gradually got worst to the point that Gordon,
Henry and James were getting very fed up with him. That was until, they received an
announcement from the Fat Controller that was gonna give a new engine a trial. To
them, that was refreshing, as they were glad to take their minds off of Duck’s
boasting for a while, but the latter was rather annoyed in the fact that all the
attention was being taken off City of Truro’s visit for something else. And that
would bring us to that morning when that visitor came. Diesel arrived on Sodor
after his journey from Manchester, and so far, he didn’t like the look of it at

Diesel (Inner monologue): Humph! What a queer place. So outdated I saw in those so
called Railway Series books. No matter! That will all change real soon (Evil

Narrator: He thought too himself. He purred smoothly towards them. The engines were
surprised at the kind of engine they were seeing, as he certainly looked different
from the norm. The Fat Controller introduced the strange new arrival.

TFC II: Here is Diesel. A new form of rail traction made from British Railways. I
have agree to give him a trial. He needs to learn. Please teach him Duck.

Duck (suspicious): Oh of course sir, as you wish. Hello there, um….Diesel is it?

Diesel: Good morning. Pleased to meet you Duck. I’ve heard so about you. And all of
you in fact. Say, is that James, and Henry, and Gordon to. I am delighted to meet
such famous engines.

Narrator: He praised highly. Already, the silly big engines were flattered, as one
would expect.

James: Oh, wow, why thank you there, um, Diesel.

Diesel: Oh of course James. I look forward to working with all you fine engines.

Gordon: Well then, welcome to Sodor. Wow, he has such nice manners.

Henry: Indeed, we’re pleased to have him in our yard sir.

Duck: Yeah, as am I. Come on!

Narrator: Duck said shortly, clearly having his doubts as he fumed away.

Diesel: Ah yes, the yards, of course, excuse me engines.

Narrator: And he purred away after Duck. Diesel thought to himself his plan was
working, as he already knew how big tender engines like Gordon, Henry and James
were so vain and conceited, any flowering praise would go through their smokebox
they would ignore their own judgment. However, he reckoned without Duck, who
clearly could see right through Diesel’s façade. As despite being prideful of his
heritage, Duck was a good judge of character and suspected when there was foul
play. Diesel already took a dislike to the Great Westerner, especially seeing how
uppity and strict he looked. Though the 08 did think it would be fun to try and
mess with this old fashioned shunter, especially because of another reason, as this
Duck from what he could see, was a Great Western’s 5700 Pannier Tank, which was the
same kind of engine that he and his class were replacing back on the mainland.
Diesel’s delight grew even more, as he figured if he was gonna show efficient he
was to steam engines, why not start with an old fashioned shunter of the very class
of engine he loathed. But Duck still had his doubts, and was gonna make it clear to
Diesel he wouldn’t stand any nonsense.

Diesel: You’re worthy fat…

Duck: Sir Topham Hatt to you!

Narrator: Ordered Duck. Diesel looked hurt.

Diesel: Fine, you’re worthy Sir Topham Hatt thinks I needs to learn. He is
mistaken, we diesels don’t needs to learn. We know everything. We come to a yard
and improve it. We are “revolutionary”.

Duck: Oh! Well, if you’re rev…revothingumuy, then perhaps you could collect my
trucks while I fetch Gordon’s coaches.

Diesel: Very well then Duck, I will.

Duck: Good, go over to the…

Diesel: Oh I don’t need your advice steamer. I can manage myself, thank you.

Narrator: Diesel boasted, determined to show off, as he purred away. Little did he
notice the expression on Duck’s face.

Duck (Chuckles): That stupid fool. I did try to warn him (Runs off laughing).

Narrator: So Diesel set to work, bustling about and banging and clashing a row of
trucks together. Now Diesel needed to move another line of trucks in front. The
manager tried to warn him which siding, but Diesel was so conceited and determined
to prove how efficient he was too steam engines, he stubbornly wouldn’t listen.
Though it was probably better he should’ve. At that moment, Duck returned after he
shunted Gordon’s coaches to Knapford, just in time to see Diesel now moving some
trucks from a siding nearby.

Diesel: Ha-ha, so far so good. That Pannier prat says I need to learn, eh? Well I’m
gonna teach them a lesson when I get these trucks in line.

Narrator: But Diesel miscalculated. The problem was that these trucks were meant to
be taken to Crock’s Scrap yard on Edward’s branchline, as they were old and empty.
Clearly they had not been touched for a long time. Duck knew this, but was so
determined to teach Diesel a lesson, instead of warning him, he just sat in one of
the sidings, grinning with excitement.

Diesel: Alright you horrid lot. I’m gonna shunt you all in place for that train, so
you better do as I say, and nobody gets bumped, okay, good.

Diesel’s driver: Oh no need to be so cocky Diesel. Or threatening them for that

matter. Nonetheless, let’s get moving.

Narrator: So Diesel’s driver coupled him on, and Diesel tried to move them. But
that was easier said than done.


Duck (whispers and snickers): This is gonna be good.


Narrator: The trucks groaned!

Trucks: WE CAN’T! WE WON’T!

Narrator: Duck watched with interest. Diesel lost patience!


Narrator: He growled! He gave a great heave! The trucks jerked forward.


Narrator: Diesel’s temper was beginning to reach his boiler point, until…it
happened. Some of the truck’s brakes snapped and the gear hanging down bumped onto
the rails and sleepers.


Narrator: Diesel growled again. Then, all of a sudden, a rusty coupling snapped and
he jerked forward suddenly!

Duck: (Chuckles)

Narrator: Chuckled Duck. Diesel recovered and tried to push the trucks back. But
they suffered so much damage that he finally gave up. Then Duck ran quietly around
to where the other trucks all stood in line. Laughing as he did so.

Duck: Well, so this is how revo-revodunderly you diesels are.

Diesel (Grits teeth): You knew those trucks were out of order, didn’t you?

Duck (Smiles innocently): I wouldn’t have known. But thank you for arranging these
Diesel. I must go now.

Diesel: What? Don’t you want this lot?

Duck: No thank you.

Diesel (Gulps): You’re joking. You mean, I’ve taken all this trouble. WHY DIDN’T

Duck: You never asked me. Besides, you were having so much fun being re-whatever it
was you said. Goodbye.

(Duck puffs away laughing)


Narrator: Diesel had to help the workmen clear the mess. He hated it. All the
trucks were laughing and singing at him.

Trucks: “Trucks are waiting in the yard, tackling them with easel, show the world
what I can do, gaily boasts the Diesel. In and out he creeped about, like a big
black weasel, when he pulls the wrong trucks out, Pop Goes the Diesel”. (Laughing).


Narrator: Diesel growled. And he scuttled away to sulk in the sheds. Later as Duck
was just finishing up, he was still feeling rather pleased with himself.

Duck (Chuckles): That stupid fool! Thought he could try and show how revol-
revolightenary he was.

Duck’s driver: First off Duck, it’s pronounced revolutionary. And second, that was
totally uncalled for what you just did right now.

Duck: I beg your pardon.

Duck’s driver: I can see myself that Diesel was already being a sneaky and arrogant
ass, and he was too stubborn to listen to reason, but leaving him hanging like that
and not helping him, that was really unwarranted.

Duck: Oh come on driver. It’s not like I was gonna try something malicious or
anything. I suspected something was up about Diesel, so I had to test him, and now
I can see he can’t be trusted.

Duck’s driver: But tricking him and humiliating him. In fact, I can even say the
same thing about what happened when you first arrived here, when you and Percy
blocked the entrance to Tidmouth Sheds and refused to let the big engines in.

Duck: There are two ways of doing things Robert. The Great Western Way or the wrong
way. I’m Great Western an….

Duck’s driver: Don’t say it. In fact, may I ask, does the Great Western Way involve
making a fool out of another engine? Look Duck, just because the big engines were
rude and belittling to you and bossed you around, doesn’t give you the right to
block their path. The same with Diesel and those trucks. Like my father always
taught me that two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because you don’t like somebody
that’s being deliberately difficult, doesn’t give you the right in angering them,
as sometimes Duck, your actions and moral conduct is completely uncalled for. Like,
what if that was you being humiliated like that.

Duck: Rubbish Robert. That would never happen. The Great Western Way is common
sense, and Diesel rightfully deserved it for being so cocky. Besides, today was
today, and this will blow over real soon.

Narrator: Said Duck dismissively. Though I’m sorry to say, that couldn’t be further
from the truth. As days passed, Diesel was still fuming, as the trucks wouldn’t
stop saying rudely about him. Everywhere he went, he kept hearing that awful song.
It grew louder, and louder, until it reached the other engines who were also
getting annoyed. They had heard about what Duck did and were rather surprised. Even
the Fat Controller had heard about it, and scolded Duck for doing something so
heinous like that. The Pannier finally realized his mistake and began to feel
guilty. So when he came into the yards the next day, there was Diesel, as well as
the big engines who were collecting their own trains. All 4 looking very annoyed as
the trucks kept singing obnoxiously.

Trucks: “Trucks are waiting in the yard, tackling them with easel, show the world
what I can do, gaily boasts the Diesel. In and out he creeped about, like a big
black weasel, when he pulls the wrong trucks out, Pop Goes the Diesel”. (Laughing).

Duck: SHUT UP!

Narrator: Duck yelled, and bumped them hard.

Duck: Oh beg pardon, I’m sorry our trucks were rude to you Diesel.

Diesel: You should, because it’s all your fault! You made them laugh at me in the
first place! You Great Western geek!

Henry: Rubbish! Duck would never that! Okay, yeah, we engines may have our
differences, sure, but we always look out for each other like a family. And we
would never do something that stupid as talking about them out loud. Especially in
front of the trucks. That would be dis…dis…

Gordon: Disgraceful!

James: Disgusting!

Henry: Despicable!

Diesel (Murmurs): Humph! No kidding!

Narrator: Diesel murmured to himself. Diesel began to hate Duck even more now.
Despite Duck’s realization and apology after his joke went too far, Diesel was an
engine driven by vengeance and lust. He wanted to replace the steam engines since
the day he was first built, and after Duck’s trick, now seemed like a good chance
to do so. The question was, how could he get him sent away. Later that afternoon,
Henry was taking a goods train to Vicarstown. As he was puffing down the main line.
The trucks were already being as obnoxious as they were that morning.

Truck 1: Hey Henry, are we there yet?

Henry: No!

Truck 2: Are we there yet?

Henry: No!

Truck 3: Are we there yet?

ONCE WE GET THERE YET! Argh, stupid things! Like they got nothing better to do.

Narrator: Of course, Henry should’ve just ignored them and carried on. But that’s
when the trucks were now determined to pay the big green engine out. As soon as
Henry was approaching Gordon’s Hill, Henry climbed the hill furiously, the trucks
pinning their brakes.

Trucks: Hold back! Hold back!

Henry: ARGH! God, not now! Get moving you cretins!

Narrator: Henry strained as soon as he reached the top. They had to stop and brake
for a bit to reduce speed.

Truck 1: You want us to get moving big guy, well let’s do you a favor. NOW LADS!

(Trucks bump Henry down Gordon’s Hill)

Henry: OOF! HEY! STOP!

Trucks: ON! ON! ON!

Narrator: They yelled as Henry rocketed down the gradient at a tremendous speed,
the trucks rattling and laughing behind him. Soon, they were approaching Maron.
Seeing this was their chance, the driver slammed the brakes hard on, the same with
the guard in his van. Outside the station, Henry grind to a halt!

Henry: Phew! That was close! Like I said, you stupid packing crates on wheels, like
you’re so brain-dead, you got nothing better to do.

Trucks (Laughs): Serves you right! You great big mongrel!

Henry’s driver: Okay! Stow it, the lot of you! Just be glad nobody was hurt. Come
on, let’s go.

Narrator: But as Henry’s driver eased open the regulator. Henry began to feel a
burn in his wheels.

Henry: ARGH! MMMM! OW, what’s going on!

Narrator: Henry’s driver stopped until a loud thud came from Henry’s wheels. Henry
felt a very unsettling pain. His driver got down and checked.

Henry’s driver: Here’s your problem old boy. The trucks were causing a strain on us
back on the hill, and with all the braking we had in trying to stop the runaway,
it’s caused your tires to run flat.

Henry: Tires? No offense driver, but isn’t that something on road vehicles?

Henry’s driver (chuckles): No, no, this is different old fellow. A tire is a steel
rim that holds your wheel in place as you run along the rails. Your tires have been
aging, and thanks to those trucks being deliberate asses, well, we’re not going

Henry: Oh bugger. The other engines will never let me hear the end of this.

Narrator: Henry fumed. His driver and fireman called for help, and soon, Diesel
arrived with the breakdown train to take Henry to the Steamworks, while Edward
arrived to take over for Henry’s train. Because of Henry’s tires running flat, he
was loaded onto a well wagon, as Diesel shunted him over to the Steamworks.

Diesel: My, are you alright Henry?

Henry: Oh, I’ll live. It’s those trucks I’m mad at mind you.

Diesel: Indeed! Annoying little buggers!

Henry: You got that right. The others will probably not let me hear the end of it.
Anyone would think that my wheels running flat like that, that they would end
looking square shaped.

Diesel (Intrigued): Square shaped you say?

Henry: Indeed. Pretty awkward looking all things considered.

Diesel: Yes, indeed.

Narrator: Diesel said with interest. It was thanks to Henry, he unintentionally

gave Diesel an idea.

Diesel: Your wheels run flat you say.

Henry: Yep. I found out from my driver after I stopped. Apparently our wheels also
have tires, but it’s a steel rim to protect them as they run along the rails.
Apparently, mine were getting old you see.

Diesel: Hmm, I do see indeed Henry.

Narrator: Diesel said with interest. As Diesel shunted Henry on his flatbed into
the Steamworks, he scuttled away putting on a look of concern, but as he was out of
view and away from Henry, he smirked with triumph now that he thought of his
revenge on Duck.

Diesel (Inner monologue): Yes, it’s perfect, ha-ha. Insults. I’ll think of the most
nastiest and dirtiest insults for the big engines, and who better than to frame
than their dear old Duck, ha-ha! Especially those big galoots. They’re so foolish
and vain to believe anything I see. And from what I can tell, they don’t seem to
like Duck. Well maybe I can enforce that for them. Oh this is gonna be great. Once
I do, those three stooges will hate Duck even more just like I do (Cackles). So far
I thought of a pretty good name for that Henry, as “Old-Square Wheels” won’t
suspect a thing. But what kind of names could I give Gordon & James?

Narrator: He’d soon find out. The next morning, as Diesel was waking up, he could
see Gordon from the distance after he had woken up. He was preparing to get ready
to leave for the station to take the express. He was about to take on a good supply
on water before he left.

Gordon: Come on fireman. An important engine such as myself needs a good amount of
fresh water for the long journeys ahead to day.

Gordon’s fireman: Oh be patient already Gordon. This has to be done delicately.

Narrator: He said. As he connected the hose pipe and began refilling Gordon’s
tender. But as he was finishing up and about to put the water crane back up, the
driver had forgotten to turn off the handle and the water crane that was still
pumping out water swung about across Gordon’s boiler and began to sizzle on him.


Gordon’s driver (Nervous chuckles): Whoops.

Gordon: Careful you fools! Last thing I need is my warm boiler to evaporate that it
could strain my boiler of hot steam.

Gordon’s driver: Oh rubbish Gordon. It doesn’t work like that. Sorry really. But
anyways, we’re filled up, so let’s go.
Narrator: As Gordon left to go fill up on coal for the express, Diesel watched on

Diesel: I say, driver, what was all that about? How come Gordon’s boiler gave off
steam like that when the water from the tower sprayed on him?

Diesel’s driver: Well they don’t call them steam engines for nothing Diesel.
They’re called that because they need coal to burn a fire under a boiler filled
with water to make steam. And if you poor water onto something hot like the boiler
of a steam engine, it will sizzle and evaporate. Like cooking sausages in a frying

Diesel: Ah, I see. Funny you should mention that. Gordon’s boiler in general almost
looks like a very sausage, because of how long and smooth his boiler is. So that’s
kinda ironic to. Not only that, I notice that every time I see him go past. He does
so at a very fast speed, like a racehorse. In fact, his side rods trotting along
like that are like a horse galloping its legs.

Diesel’s driver: You’d be right to think that Diesel. You see, Gordon’s class were
known as A1/A3 Pacific’s. They were known for running at such high speeds, hence
why Gordon and his siblings are top link express engines. And funny you should
mention racehorses to, as because of their speed, the A1’s were all named after
famous race horses.

Diesel (Intrigued): Really? (Inner monologue) Hmm, it’s kinda awkward I must say.
Not only are steam engines out of date, but strange looking, like Gordon. Anybody
would think he was a large blue sausage galloping across a field. (Cackles) Yes,
that’s it, a “Galloping Sausage”. It’s perfect such a pompous ass like Gordon.
Brilliant. Now all I have to do is think of an insult for James.

Narrator: He smirked triumphantly. Though that happened sooner than expected. Later
as he was shunting the yards by the rail bridge, still thinking of what kind of
insult he could plan against James only for the red engine show up, and as red as


Diesel: Um, my job Einstein! I’m shunting as I said was. We are after all…

James: Revolutionary, yeah, yeah, you said that about like the gazillionth time.
And if this is your so-called definition of revolution, color me unimpressed.

Diesel: Humph! Well looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the shed.
What’s gotten you in a right mood?

James: You are you oily, black bugger! My train was due to leave in 5 minutes, and
my vans aren’t in place. Where are they?

Narrator: Diesel just fumed at the insult James made at him.

Diesel (Sarcastically): Well don’t get your couplings in a twist there my lad. I’ll
get them for you. Save your steam.

Narrator: And Diesel scampered off to find them. Now despite Diesel’s insistence
that he was very efficient, his work ethic now was that utter opposite. The yards
were a disorganized mess that everything felt like a maze. Diesel kept going
through each van, but each one he got, they weren’t the ones James was asking for.
Only until he found some NE Vans in dark brown, that was when he got it right.
James: Ugh, about time! Honestly, this is just chaotic. An important engine like me
should be out pulling coaches on the mainline, not looking for dirty trucks in
dirty sidings like some needle in a haystack. And the last thing I need is some
incompetent and disorganized shunter screwing about like it’s no tomorrow. Next
time, learn a little thing about coordination, and good riddance.

Narrator: James said crossly, as he snorted indignantly away with his late train.
But perhaps it was better James kept himself composed, as Diesel fumed even more.

Diesel: GRRRR! Learn about coordination my ass. That red, overbearing, hotshot!
Thinks he’s better for this sorta work, huh?

Truck 1: Oh take no notice of him lad. He’s like that with everybody, especially
when it comes to us trucks.

Diesel: You don’t say. But why is that?

Truck 2: Well it’s because of his splendid red paint, he thinks an engine like him
should be suited as a high celebrity express engine like Gordon.

Diesel: Humph! Celebrity express engine! Well he certainly doesn’t fit the bill.
Especially painted red. At least it’s not as bad as green, but anybody would think
he was a rusting piece of scrap iron that looks like it should belong in the

Truck 3 (Laughs): Funny you should mention that. He made a rude remark like that
towards Edward a few years ago.

Diesel: Edward? You mean that old blue engine with the #2 on his tender?
(Flashbacks to the events of Old Iron)

Truck 1: Yeah. You see, Edward in those days was getting old and clanking terribly,
to the point he had a hard time keeping up, and James was getting irritated by it.
So much that he lashed out at Edward by saying he clanks about like a pile of “Old
Iron”. He was being so insufferable, that he finally got his ass handed to him when
a couple of young scamps snuck onto the railway and decided to take him out for a
joyride, but chickened out at the last minute, sending him on a runaway down the
main line. James was terrified, but who should come to his rescue but Edward
himself. The only engine came to his rescue by chasing after him with an inspector
who saved him with a shunter’s pole and a rope. It seemed impossible, but they
saved him as the inspector lassoed one of James’s buffers like a cowboy, and
James’s fireman who got left behind scrambled across and took control. After that,
James realized how much of a jerk he was and vowed to never insult Edward like that
again, while the latter was finally given a much needed overhaul.

(Fades back to the present)

Truck 1: But we trucks haven’t forgotten, eh lads?

Truck 2: Nope.

Truck 4: Not at all.

Truck 3 (Laughs): But funny you should mention it, considering his red paintwork
matches the color of rust.

(Trucks laugh while Diesel smirks)

Diesel: Good point lads. (Inner monologue) Very good point indeed. Given how much
of a pile of “Rusty Red Scrap Iron” James truly is. Even more so than these other
kettles (Cackles). This is gonna be perfect.

Narrator: Diesel smirked as he set back to work. Later while he was shunting, he
put his plan into action.

Diesel: Hello lads. I see you lot love jokes.

Cattle Truck: Yeah? What about it.

Diesel: Well you all made a good joke about me yesterday. I laughed and laughed. I
can contribute, as Duck told me one about Gordon. I’ll whisper it to you. Oh, but
just don’t tell Gordon I told you.

Narrator: He said as he purred away. One the trucks heard, the laughed till their
frames were about to hurt.

Box Van (Laughing): Gordon will be cross with Duck when he knows.

Hopper Wagon: Yeah, let’s get back at that Duck for bumping us.

Narrator: The trucks laughter spread throughout the yards. As they laughed rudely
at Gordon & James when they came to the yards. And when Henry returned back from
the works, the trucks laughed at him to. They kept taunting them throughout the
whole day with those horrid insults Diesel tricked them to using. The big engines
were appalled and enraged that the trucks would call them such derogatory insults,
and their patience was beginning to wear thin every time they passed the trucks,
here, there and everywhere.

(Trucks laughing, then fades to Tidmouth Sheds)

Narrator: Soon, Gordon, Henry, and James found out why. As when trying to
interrogate the trucks, they blurted out of all engines they heard it from, they
all answered Duck. This obviously wasn’t true, but no matter what you tell the
arrogant big engines, they’ll let their tempers cloud their minds and believe
anything they hear.




Gordon: Indeed not! We tried to be nice to Duck after the Fat Controller told us
all off that day, but every time we’re near him, it’s Great Western this, great
Western that, then he takes the mick out of me, ME, after going to St. Pancras and
not understanding all the stations in London last year. Then he rubs City of
Truro’s visit and his Great Western heritage in my face after I lost my dome!

Henry: Yeah, and he’s such a control freak, that he insists we do things the “Great
Western way”, and has the nerve to belittle us.

James: And then he just pranks Diesel when he was being nice to us, but he and
Percy blocked us from the sheds. Okay, maybe we were wrong to boss them around, but
he needn’t blocks us from our… (All 3 looks at each other and realize) hey, you
lads thinking what I’m thinking?
Gordon: Absolutely James. Duck has always been rather outlandish since the day he
came here. Yes! He did it to us, we’ll do it to him, and see how he likes.

Narrator: They consulted together. Meanwhile, Duck was feeling rather tired out.
The trucks had been cheeky and troublesome all day ever since he started that prank
against Diesel. For all his stubborn insistence, Duck was usually on top of his
work, but the trucks were becoming so obnoxious and rude, that he worked his wheels
off endlessly to get them to behave. After he had finished, he headed off to
Tidmouth Sheds for a nice long rest. Until…

(The big engines hiss steam at Duck)

Gordon, Henry and James: KEEP OUT!

Duck: What the? Beg pardon you three, but what’s going on here? Why are you three
blocking the sheds?


Duck: What?



Gordon: Well said James. Especially after all the insults you said about the three
of us?

Duck: Beg pardon, but what insults?

Henry: Ooh, trying to play dumb, eh? Like you don’t remember the same insults you
used against us and told them to the freaking trucks!

Duck: Oh stop fooling already you three! It’s been a long day and I’m tired!

James: Yeah, so are we, we’re tired of you!

Duck: What?

James: Yeah, you and that big mouth of yours. At least Diesel respects us, unlike
you! We like Diesel!

Gordon: We don’t like you!

Henry: Especially after you’ve been telling tales about us to the trucks!

Duck: Rubbish! I don’t!

James: YOU DO!

Duck: I DON’T!

Gordon: YOU DO!

(All 4 engines erupt into an argument of whistles)

Narrator: All 4 engines were all in a bad temper that they erupted into a storm of
whistles. Diesel, who was resting in the sheds lurked behind in delight. This was
the moment he’d been waiting for, and he was enjoying Duck in anger, and how much
the big engines were asses at this point. But of course, a certain stout gentleman
stepped in and had been watching the whole thing. The Fat Controller stepped in at
once the stop the noise!


Narrator: He bellowed! The 4 engines stopped at once!

TFC II (Stern): I thought either of you 4 would know better than to let history
repeat itself again. What is going on here?

Narrator: The 4 engines each explained their side of the argument. First Duck gave
his side, then the big engines. The Fat Controller was rather surprised at what he
was hearing.

TFC II: What utter nonsense! You say Duck insulted you three behind your backs?
What kind of insults may I ask did the trucks say they heard?

Gordon: Duck called me a “Galloping Sausage!

Duck: (Gasps)


James: Yeah, and “Rusty Red Scrap-Iron” am I?

Duck: Uh…I…

Henry: And I’m “Old Square-Wheels” apparently? No doubt I know where that came

Narrator: Duck was at a loss for words at what he was hearing.

TFC II: Well Duck?

Duck (Considering): No sir, I would never do that. In fact, I only wish sir, I had
thought of those names myself. If the dome fits.

TFC II: Ha! Ahem! (Coughs).

Narrator: The Fat Controller coughed. As insulting as those horrid names were, they
were rather awkward-sounding, but he tried not to laugh himself.

TFC II: I see. What else happened?

Henry: He made trucks laugh at us.

TFC II (Swings around): Did you Duck?

Duck (Gasps): No! Certainly not sir! I would never! No steam engine would be as
mean as that.

TFC II (Pondering): Hmm….I see. (Notices Diesel in the sheds) Diesel, I’d like you
come to forward right now.
Narrator: Diesel idled forward, trying to hide his look of concern.

TFC II: Now Diesel, you heard what Duck said, correct?

Diesel: Yes, and I can’t understand it sir. To think Duck of all engines…I’m
dreadfully grieved sir, but know nothing.

TFC II (Pondering): Hmm….I see.

Narrator: Diesel squirmed, and hoped he didn’t. Duck from the distance glared
angrily at Diesel, seething with fury at what he had heard.

TFC II (Sighs): I’m sorry Duck, but I’m afraid you must go to Wellsworth for the
time being to work with Edward.

Duck (sniffs): Beg pardon sir, but do mean now?

TFC II: Yes please. I will be conducting a full investigation of this incident. But
it’s best you go an work with Edward for the time being until this tension dies
down. Besides, I know Edward will be glad to see you.

Duck (Cries): As you wish sir? (Leaves crying)

Narrator: Duck trundled sadly away. Crying as he did so, while Diesel smirked in
triumph into the darkness of the sheds while no one was looking. As Duck left the
yards, the Fat Controller seized his top hat and regained his angry expression,
glaring furiously at the three big engines.

TFC II (Sternly): As for you three! Never in my life had I ever thought you three
would make such a harsh disturbance like that! That was the most standoffish,
brutal and prejudice action either of three could ever have done! Do you realize
how hurt Duck is now thanks to you three?

Gordon: But sir, Duck had…

TFC II: No excuses Gordon! I overheard the argument before I came into break up the
noise, and while yes, Duck may do things that are unwarranted, you three have been
just as worst. Especially since you three were interrogating him like as if he was
some sorta criminal.

Henry: Criminal? But Duck was…

TFC II (Raises his hand): Not another word Henry. Not from any of you three in
fact. Tell me, where did you get the idea that Duck said those insults?

James: From the trucks sir. We heard it from their mouths.

TFC II (Raises an eyebrow): You heard it from the trucks? Humph! That was the worst
decision you three made. Every wise engine knows you can never trust trucks. Just
because they said it, that can’t just mean that’s the straight answer. Especially
because most trucks themselves are really stupid and braindead. And even they
couldn’t think of something like that.

Gordon: But…

TFC II: No enough! Like I said, I will be conducting a thorough investigation of

this incident, as we need full evidence to back this up instead of you three
letting your egos get the better of your judgement. But until then, you three will
not be allowed near Duck until he returns. And if Duck is innocent, and rightfully
so, I will expect you three to apologize and never let this happen again.

Narrator: The big engines reluctantly grunted in agreement, but being as they were,
they secretly disagreed. The Fat Controller then turned over to Diesel.

TFC II: Could you come out here again Diesel? I’d like to have a word with you.

Narrator: Diesel squirmed again, but didn’t show it. He was nervous that the Fat
Controller knew he was lying, but once he idled forward…

TFC II: I must apologize you had to experience such brutal behavior from those

Diesel (Hiding his nervousness): Um…that’s okay sir, perfectly fine.

TFC II: But you realize now that with Duck gone, you’ll have to handle the yards
alone. But this because you’re still new, and I want to see how you handle yard
work for the time being. Can I rely on you to keep the yards in order and arrange
everyone’s trains on time while I conduct the investigation?

Diesel: Why yes sir. You can count on me. We diesels are meant to improve yards.
Making them better than before. I’ll be a great addition to this railway when I

TFC II: No hold your horses Diesel. I appreciate your, ahem, eagerness, but I’ve
heard from your previous controller of this ego you have. I expect hard work and
consideration from my engines, but having a massive and ego and overconfidence
above everything else is not what I will approve of. My engines may have that, but
I would never be bothered by it as they are good engines deep down that work hard
without fuss. So if you want to be on my railway, I need to see an improvement in
work ethic and attitude. Is that understood?

Diesel: Oh…yes sir…of course sir…I understand sir.

TFC II: Good. Now off you go, there are some vans waiting for Henry’s fast goods

Diesel: Yes sir.

Narrator: And Diesel left, not wanting the Fat Controller to see how upset he was
by his strict warning. Despite the Fat Controller telling him that for his own
good, but Diesel, ever since he was built, thought he was too important to be
polite and obey rules. Though little did he know how smart and cautious the Fat
Controller was, as while he wasn’t looking, the Fat Controller was watching him
from a distance suspiciously? Clearly, thought the controller, something about
Diesel was off color. Meanwhile, Duck, still upset that the big engines
interrogated him like that and cross that Diesel just got off Scot-free, puffed
sadly to Wellsworth where Edward was waiting for him. He smiled warmly at him.

Edward: Hello Duck. I heard about what happened today at Knapford yards. Are you

Duck: Clearly not Edward. It’s not fair. Diesel has been telling lies about me and
has made the Fat Controller and all the engines think I’m horrid.

Edward: Oh no, I know you aren’t Duck, and so does the Fat Controller. He’s a very
open-minded and intelligent man, and he knows us engines through every detail.
That’s why he sent you here, as he said himself he is conducting a full
investigation, as he would never jump to such hasty conclusions. And I’m sure the
big engines will realize themselves how wrong they were to.

Duck: Really?

Edward: Absolutely. You wait and see. We’ll talk tonight. Right now, would you like
to help with these trucks?

Duck: Sure. Thanks Edward. I’d appreciate that.

Narrator: Duck said, feeling a little bit better. Duck felt happier with Edward. He
helped him with arranging the trucks and coaches in the yard, and on occasion would
even help foreign engines from the mainland by banking their trains up Gordon’s
Hill. Despite the Fat Controller’s warning, Gordon, Henry and James kept on
accusing Duck, and would hiss him rudely or say more hurtful and accusing comments,
only for Edward to step in and tell them to keep to themselves and leave. They
reluctantly did so, but while Duck was working in the yards and trying to keep the
distance from him, it was after the confrontation, he even began to learn things
about himself, but decided it be better to talk to Edward about it later. While
Duck was away, Diesel soon set to work in the yards alone. He was very pleased with
himself and wanted to prove just how “revolutionary” he was, though his lack of
experience resulted in delayed trains, disorganized sidings and mess in the yards.
Though they were still irritated, Gordon, Henry and James didn’t dare voice their
annoyance so as not to have that “Rumor Spreading Westerner back”. And they
couldn’t be cross for long they were occupied with something else. Ever since City
of Truro’s visit, enthusiasts frequently visited the Island to see the eight famous
engines. The Fat Controller had organized time slots whereby an engine would be
present in the yards by Knapford so that enthusiasts could take photos and their
numbers. Henry got the most amount of attention and requests and this unfortunately
made him very conceited, much to the other engines dismay.

(Shows Henry waiting at Elsbridge with Thomas)

Henry: It’s only natural that the enthusiasts would want to see me. I mean, I am
the most capable engine on the island, not to mention the one who had to overcome
the most. I’m simply an inspiration to them.

Thomas: Humph!! Well if you ask me, their only doing you a favor. I mean you Henry
are known for many things, including laziness. I mean you did hide in a tunnel and
went on strike, this is probably just another excuse for you to be lazing around in
a siding and not do any work.

Henry: LAZY? What cheek? At least I know my limits, unlike someone who ignores
danger signs and almost ruined our chances of going to London because of his own

Thomas: OUI!!!! At least I didn’t make myself look like an ice cake for the Queen.

Henry: ICE CAKE!!! You little…

Henry’s driver: OKAY!! OKAY!!! That’s enough you two. Come along Henry! The sooner
we get going, the sooner you can see these enthusiasts that are waiting for you at

(Henry puffs away leaving Thomas annoyed, shortly departs later).

Thomas: HUMPH! That Henry! I tell you, he’s way too big for his wheels.

Annie: Indeed, remind of you anyone Clarabel?

Clarabel (giggles): I can’t think who Annie.

Narrator: Henry wasn’t the only one who was in delusion about the enthusiasts.
Diesel also was excited that enthusiasts had come to the railway, for he felt it
was a way of proving just how “revolutionary” and important he was. Despite this,
over the past few days, none of the enthusiasts seemed to take notice to the 08. Of
course Diesel was in complete denial about this.

Diesel: Once these enthusiasts see how revolutionary I am, they’ll stop paying
attention to those steamers and hopefully take note of the future.

Diesel’s driver: You keep saying that but none of those enthusiasts have even come
near us. Mind you not that I blame them?

Diesel: Oh and what’s that supposed to mean?

Diesel’s driver: They’re here to see the Sodor Engines, not some shunter they
probably see every single day of their lives.

Diesel: Nonsense! You’re just negative! When they see me I’ll…

Yardmaster: OUI!!!! You two! Stop gossiping and get those trucks to the coal

Diesel’s driver: Sorry about that Bill, we’re on our way.

Narrator: Diesel annoyed by the yardmaster’s insistence, roughly pushed the coal
trucks towards the bunker sidings. At the very sidings, Henry was being admired by
the enthusiasts, they took his number and some even took photos. He simmered
happily as Diesel arrived with coal trucks. One enthusiast turned to flip a page of
his note book, unfortunately he turned towards Diesel, making the 08 very excited.

Diesel: Ha-ha, now that’s more like it. You see driver, I told you these
enthusiasts were just waiting to see me. I’ll now show them how the future of
railways will look.


Narrator: But it was too late, Diesel was so distracted he’d forgotten about the
buffers at the end of the siding. With a bump, the first two coal trucks derailed
and spilt their loads all over Henry and the enthusiasts. Fortunately no-one was
hurt but the enthusiasts were annoyed about their coats and Henry was furious!


Narrator: Diesel was at a loss for words, he was too stunned to say anything until
his driver spoke.

Diesel’s driver: Sorry about that lads. He got distracted thinking the enthusiasts
wanted to see him.

Henry’s driver: Can’t be done old fellow, we’ve got to take our next train.


Henry’s fireman: Sure you can, it’ll serve you right for all your conceitedness
over the past few days, not to mention your rudeness towards Diesel.

Narrator: Henry snorted away, hissing furiously. Now we know when Henry’s in a bad
mood, he can say pretty harsh stuff to any engine. In fact Thomas, Percy and even
Duck had to sometimes bear the brunt of Henry’s anger, but they tended to ignore it
or throw an insult back. Unfortunately not only had Henry made the mistake of
insulting Diesel but in front of the enthusiasts too.

Enthusiast 1: Seriously John, did this idiot really think we were here to see him?

Enthusiast 2: I canne explain I’ Bernie, I see yon 08’s every dae!!! Their nothin’

Enthusiast 3: And clearly ineffective, what was Topham thinking replacing Duck with
that pile of rubbish?

Enthusiast 4: Yeah, he spoiled my coat, just to make us all have his color.

Enthusiast 5: Such a dull color too. I bet this moron doesn’t even have a name.

Narrator: Diesel was furious, there was absolutely no need to be ridiculed in front
of enthusiasts like that, especially from an engine with a past as Henry. But
knowing he had to clean up his mess, he oiled away to collect the breakdown train.
As the mess was being cleared up, Diesel spotted a familiar figure heading towards
him. He gulped when he realized who it was.

TFC II: Diesel, I’ve heard about today’s incident and needless to say I am most
certainly not pleased. While Henry’s words were uncalled for and I shall speak with
him as soon as possible, I cannot ignore what’s been presented today or the past
few days. Therefore I have no other choice but to say that you… (Diesel gulps)…
clearly lack experience in handling this yard work. I was going to hope Duck
would’ve taught you, but it seems with the recent allegations that plans must
change. You… (Diesel gulps again)…clearly need tuition about our yards. Therefore I
shall send for one of our most experienced ex-station pilots to help you.

Narrator: Diesel felt relieved, but tried not to show it so as not to raise the Fat
Controller’s suspicions, he thought his lies had been revealed. But then it struck
him what exactly the Fat Controller had said just now.

Diesel: That’s very kind of you sir, but it isn’t necessary. I can handle these
yards with…

TFC II: You clearly cannot Diesel. I’ve received several complaints about delayed
trains over the past few days. And I even heard from your driver just now that you
were under the delusion that you thought the enthusiasts were coming here to see
you. Now every engine is special, but you haven’t exactly done anything to earn
that title, though the enthusiasts, while snooty of them, were right in that your
class has been seen all over the UK 24/7, so it wouldn’t make that big of a
difference right now. And even so, I would expect you to be more humble even if
that was the case. Now with all due respect, would you get off that high horse of
yours and understand that I am simply trying to help you here.

Diesel: Yes sir, sorry sir, thank you sir.

TFC: Good, Percy will arrive in 2 days’ time and show you what to do.

Narrator: Diesel oiled away, trying to hide his face from view of the Fat
Controller. He didn’t want to know his displeasure at having to be taught again by
another steam engine. Little did he notice the suspicious look on the Controller’s
face as he turned on his heel and walked thoughtfully away. As Diesel passed
outside Knapford, he heard the familiar voices of Gordon, James and Henry.

James: I must say Henry, I’m loving your new paint job.

Gordon (chuckling): Indeed, now you truly are a Black Five! (Gordon & James laugh)

Henry: Oh be quiet you two, it’s not funny that, that silly little Diesel shunter
covered me with coal. Not to mention his lack of coordination in handling these

James: You’re not wrong there, I still remember the time he forgot about my vans.
Still at least he’s better than that cheeky little bug and that cocky rumor
spreading Westerner. He’s at least polite and respectful.

Henry: True, but if he’s going to stay in these yards, he needs to get his act

Narrator: Diesel was now redder than James’ paintwork. He scuttled off to the sheds
growling furiously.

Diesel (Mumbling): Stupid old fool…..getting my act right….what nonsense…first that

Pannier Prat plays a trick on me…and now this Black 5 Bastard dare calls me, ME,
taught by some little green bug…I swear, I hate green engines…I’d hate to think if
one my kind was painted in such a ghastly color. Bluck! Still, this is all that
mongrels fault, if only…wait… (Diesel grins)…yes I got rid of the Westerner, I’ll
get rid of him too. Then we’ll see whose menial. All I need is a plan. (Evil

Narrator: As he drifted off to sleep, Diesel was determined to pay Henry out. That
night at Wellsworth, Duck spoke to Edward about how he felt lately.

Duck: I just don’t know any more Edward. I only thought the Great Western Way was
all about common sense. But it would seem I was the one who was senseless.

Edward: Oh, don’t beat yourself up Duck. Not everybody in life is always perfect. I
admit that yes, you did have the wrong attitude in how you handled the situation. I
respect that you’re proud of your Great Western heritage, but to constantly keep
boasting about it and insist that everything should be like the Great Western,
that’s very belittling and disrespectful.

Duck: I didn’t realize, but I didn’t mean to be so cocky.

Edward: I know you didn’t Duck. But there’s a difference between meaning it and
actually doing it. You have a right to admire your traditions, but common sense and
compassion come before traditionalistic values. The Great Western Way isn’t always
everything, as when you give into only one value, it makes you come off as close-
minded, stubborn, and a compulsive perfectionist that can be unintentionally rude.
In fact, since the Fat Controller sent you here, I wanted to take the moment to
talk to you about that to. For example, when City of Truro came a few weeks ago, I
was happy for you, but the only criticism I will say is that you should’ve been
more grateful Duck. As just because you met somebody famous, especially from your
railway of origin, boasting about it to the other engines, as well as openly
teasing others like Gordon for their misfortunes after he left was very
inconsiderate of you.

Duck: Oh.

Edward: And then there was that incident with Diesel. Now I heard about what
happened that day, as those trucks Diesel took were supposed to be for me to take
to Crock’s scrapyard. Now Diesel should’ve stopped to check which truck he supposed
to shunt, what you did was wrong by standing by sides and laughing at him like you
did with Gordon.

Duck: I know, and I realized that after seeing how far it went and getting told off
by the Fat Controller. I only just thought that I would keep Diesel in line if I
tricked him because I knew something was up.

Edward: I understand that Duck. But just because something about Diesel was
suspicious, it doesn’t give you the write to trick him, or anybody else. As you
can’t just go around angering those you don’t like, as that’s only adding fuel to
the fire. What if that was you being tricked like that, how would you feel then?

Duck (Sighs): I think I already know, as Diesel told those lies to the big engines,
so I just feel hurt by being on the receiving end. I admit, I really took things
too far. I only thought I was doing the right thing, and happy I gotta to meet one
of my biggest idols of the Great Western, but I never meant to annoy the other
engines and play spiteful tricks. But even so, I would never lie or say such
spiteful insults about the other engines like that. As much as I hate Diesel right
now, I just feel somehow…somehow, we’re a lot alike. (About to cry) Oh Edward, how
could I have been so horrid. How could I just let my pride get the better of me
like that? If City of Truro was here, he’d think I was being a disgrace to the
Great Western, and even…Tamara.

Edward: No, no, don’t say that about yourself Duck. Listen to me, we all make
mistakes, not just you. But we just have to learn to from them, that’s all. The
important thing now is that at least you admit you were wrong and your showing some
humility, especially because Diesel had wronged you, and in the worst way possible.
A path you would never follow. Maybe City of Truro would be disappointed, but I
think he’d be proud of you for showing that humility.

Duck: He would?

Edward: I’m positive Duck. He is a very kind and sincere engine, and I’m sure he’d
understand, just as the Fat Controller and I have. Remember last year when Thomas
had to go to the Steamworks after the coal incident, and you had to cover him?

Duck: Oh, yes, I forgot about that (Blushes). When I…belittled Toby and Bertie.
Well smashing into those crossing gates that day did knock some sense into me…
literally that is.

Edward: Yes, and you did learn. Toby and Bertie did forgive you, as you were good-
intentioned Duck, but you just had to listen to others and their experience. Not
everything in life is always going to be Great Western, and it never will. The
important thing is as long as it’s done right and it helps everyone, that’s what
matters. In fact, before you came here, we had a railway traction engine rostered
to work our Clay Pits, and he too was orderly, but in the worst way possible. He
was just as fussy and stubborn like you were, but at least you have your morals
Duck. This traction engine, it was hard to tell, as no matter what you said or did
for him, he was being deliberately difficult, to the point where the workmen and
other engines would lose their nerve. We tried to reason with him, but he was too
stubborn and unintentionally rude, insisting we “do things right”. So the manager
finally put his foot down three years after he arrived and had him locked in a shed
out of view for being some compulsive. In fact, this was what led to the Clay Pits
manager purchasing Bill & Ben, who maybe difficult, but hardworking and good at

Duck: Wow, sounds deep. Did you ever hear from this engine again?

Edward: Sadly not. I admit locking him away was harsh, but maybe it was for
Fergus’s own good. That’s his name by the way. But who knows, maybe someday, we’ll
let him out, and he could change his ways.

Duck: Probably, but at least I’m not on his level.

Edward (Chuckles): You certainly aren’t Duck. And neither on Diesel’s, as deep
down, you are an engine with a good heart. And I know that you will come through in
the end, and Diesel will be found out and sent away.

Duck: Really?

Edward: Really.

Duck: Thank you Edward. You certainly are a good friend, and a wise voice of
reason, like my friend Tamara was.

Edward: I’m always here to help you Duck. But I am curious, who is this Tamara you
speak of?

Duck: Oh, Tamara was another engine I was best friends with back on the Great
Western, and somebody who meant a lot to me. She maybe young, but you’d surprised
at how wise she is, and at how pretty she is to.

Edward: Oh, do tell me.

Narrator: And this is the story Duck had told Edward.

(Flashbacks to 1943)

GWR King: Hurry up shunter! This isn't a practice session for you, get moving!

Duck: Oui, don't get your couplings in a twist, I'm going as quick as I can.

GWR King: No excuses shunter, GET MOVING NOW!

(Duck hurries but accidentally bumps him)


Duck: Oh come on, it was an accident.

GWR Castle: What's this, the Pannier stepping out of line here?

GWR Manor: Looks like some shunter doesn't know how to respect his superior.

Duck: Now look here, I...

GWR King: And he's standing up to us, how rude.

Tamara: Rude, pah, isn't that hypocritical.

All engines: Huh?

(A beautiful young Great Western Hall Class steams in looking stern)

Tamara: Didn't you blokes ever learn to pick on somebody your own size, or lack of
a better term, don't pick on anybody at all.

GWR King: Stay out of his business Hall, you've no right getting involved.

Tamara: Oh when a couple assholes like you are being jerks to engines that are only
doing their jobs. Come on, I saw the whole thing, he only bumped you by accident
because you jerks were only concerned about your damn egos.

GWR Castle: Oh Helmingham, I think you have too much as in your smokebox, we tender
engines are superior, we don't befriend insignificant shunters.

Tamara: Well I don't befriend insignificant bullies. Who cares what he is, he's an
engine like you me and all of us whether you like or not. Now are you gonna leave
him alone and we all stay focused on our work, or is this gonna ugly.

GWR King: Now you listen here young lady, I...

(Tamara hisses him)


Tamara: Op, it got ugly, my bad.

Duck: Whoa!

GWR Manor: You revolting insolent...

(Tamara hisses the Manor and Castle)

Castle: ARGH!

Manor: ARGH!

(Passengers and Duck laugh)

Tamara: Anybody next, or next step, I'll tell the manager you three have been
lazing about and picking on innocent engines. Besides, you there sir, you're making
your passengers late enough as it is.

King's driver: She's got a point dips***, and the manager will find out eventually.


Tamara (Giggles): You got that right pal! Now you three jerks, apologize to this
engine and get back to work, or you three will find a one way ticket doing some

King: Gah, okay, okay, we're going, um, we're sorry there shun....

(Notices Tamara glare)

King: I mean, um, Montague, we're going. Bye.

Castle: Yeah, we'll never pick on you again.

Manor: Yeah, bye!

(All three scamper off as Duck stares in amazement)

Duck: Whoa!

Tamara: Hey, you okay there hon?

Duck: Well, I am now.

Tamara (Giggles): That's good. See you around kiddo, take care.

(Tamara leaves)

Duck: Well I never.

(Fades to the afternoon at the sheds at Paddington with Tamara resting)

Duck (Shy): Um, excuse me.

Tamara: Yes...oh, hello again. You work here to.

Duck: That I do. I'm one of the station pilots here. Beg pardon, I just wanted to
come and say thank you again for defending me against those jerks.

Tamara: Oh (Giggles). Well I'm glad I can help.

Duck: I'm pleased to meet you, um Helmingham Hall right?

Tamara (Giggles): Yeah, but I'm not really all into that. My name is Tamara
actually. My driver and his new wife are gonna have a baby soon, and they thought
if it was a girl, Tamara would be the name they'd choose, so I choose it for
myself, and we agreed. So now it's my official name.

Duck: Wow, that's a beautiful name. Especially for a fine engine such as yourself.

Tamara (Giggles): Awe, thanks. What's yours?

Duck: Montague. Though beg pardon, I was never too fond of my name. Especially
since my driver loves Romeo & Juliet.

Tamara (Giggles): I understand Montague. I like Shakespeare, but it's not for

Duck: True. So what brings you here?

Tamara: I'm gonna be one of the next mixed-traffic engines here at Paddington,
though they'll mostly need me for express passengers.

Duck: Oh, that sounds like an honor, especially for a fine engine of the Great

Tamara (Giggles): Thanks, but it doesn't matter to me, as I wouldn't mind doing any
job, as anything we really do, it's for the people. Know what I mean?

Duck: Oh...of course. Truly the Great western way.

Tamara: Yep, though I think anyway you do it, that's what matters.

Duck: Oh, of course Tamara. (Inner monologue) Wow, she really is a humble one isn't
she? Very mature, very easy going. (Regular voice) Still, you were very brave going
against those bullies.

Tamara: Thanks Montague, though I just couldn't stand letting an innocent engine
get picked on.

Duck: Thanks, though I don't know if I could ever be so brave.

Tamara: Awe, don't doubt yourself. In fact, I think you're brave than you know
Monty. Like a Duck flying throw the air and showing its defense when standing
against a predator.

Duck: Really? And a duck?

Tamara: Mmm hmm, I just thought a Duck would be a good analogy, as not to be rude,
I've noticed you puff around with grace when you move about the yard I've noticed,
like a duck waddling through water. Very fast, very graceful, very elegant.

Duck: Wow, thanks. Hmm, I always thought ducks were cool birds. In fact, my
favorite animal probably. In fact, I wouldn't mind...no, I think I like it better
than Montague, like a Duck maybe.

Tamara: Oh, duck?

Duck: Yes, like I know it may sound absurd, but I think I like being called duck.

Tamara (Giggles): I think I like it to. Than that's we can call you, and if others
don't like it, screw them. Nice to meet you...Duck.

Duck: Thanks...Tamara.

(Both Duck & Tamara laugh)

Tamara: If it helps Duck, I'll show how you how to stand up to those jerks if they
ever try to pick on you again, but diplomatically though, and only if they attack

Duck: Oh, like blocking their way into their sheds.

Tamara (Stern): Oh no, anything but that Duck, as that would only add fuel to the
fire, and you could get in trouble with the manager to.

Duck (Disappointed but understanding): Oh...right, I'm sorry.

Tamara: It's okay, I understand why you thought that. But there’s something you
need to know, next time those bullies try anything, you just have to stand firm for
your rights, but don’t pick a fight. As Great Western Engines, our duty is to our
Controller and the board and no-one else. When bigger engines, their crews and all
the bullying work staff make fun of us and order us about, it is our duty, our
mantra, to stand firmly on our wheels, look them dead in the eyes and say, "No our
duty is to our Controller and the people that rely on us, not to insignificant,
insecure bullies." I'll show how you how to stand up to those jerks if they ever
try to pick on you again. Besides, I'm still gonna report those goons to the
manager regardless, and I'm sure other engines like you need help to.

Duck: You're right, thanks Tamara. I feel we are gonna be the best of friends ever.
Tamara: Awe, thanks honey. As I already like you, and I'm sure we'll be the best of
friends till the end.

Duck: Here, here.

(Fades back to present day in 1957)

Narrator: And Tamara and I had become the best of friends. Despite being younger,
she felt like a bigger sister to me, and maybe even a mother figure to me to. She
was kind, loving, wise, a love for music and animals, and was very confident to
stand up for herself and other engines, as she was somebody who stood no nonsense.
Her track record is gold, and it was thanks to her, I learned to stand up for
myself. She meant everything to me. (Sighs) But I took her advice the wrong way and
ignored her warning about starting a fight, and look where it got me. She’d be
really disappointed in me for how selfish I’ve been as of late to.

Edward: Please Duck, no more, there’s no need to be so hard on yourself. Even an

engine with a good heart can make selfish mistakes at times, as you said yourself
you didn’t intend on going down Diesel’s level, and you didn’t. Like I mentioned
with Truro, myself and the Fat Controller, I think this Tamara would be
disappointed at first, but very proud of you for all you’ve done and how you’re
taking responsibility now. Plus, from what you’ve told me tonight, she sounds like
a lovely young engine, and I would’ve love to have met her. And if she was here
now, I’m sure she would’ve stood up to Diesel and the investigation might already
be complete.

Duck: It sure would (Chuckles). You never know Edward, maybe you might Tamara
someday, and you’re right, whenever I felt upset, I always went to her for moral
support, like how I am with you. But all the same, I’m probably overthinking this,
and all I can do now, is just give it time and wait. Thank you Edward. You are one
of the best.

Edward: My pleasure Duck. Now get some rest, as you’ve had a long week lately.
Sweet dreams my friend.

Narrator: And both engines went to sleep. Edward only hoped that Diesel wouldn’t do
anything else stupid. The next day however, that couldn’t be any further from the
truth, as Diesel was still up to no good, as he put his plan to action.

Diesel: Good morning there lads. I hope you all had fun in getting back at that
Great Western geek after all he’s done.

Truck 1: We sure did. And we got you to thank for that.

Truck 2: Yeah, he just wouldn’t stop blathering about the Great Western now would

Diesel: Certainly not. (Chuckles) Though I did hear something interesting on the
other hand about Gordon again.

Truck 3: Oh really. What did that quacking crackpot call him this time?

Diesel: Oh no, this wasn’t Duck who told me. It was the other green engine.

Truck 1: What? You mean Henry?

Diesel: Oh yes, you see, Henry has had enough of being second best to Gordon, so he
mentioned how he’s had enough of that “Sluggish Blue Whale”.
Trucks: Ooooooh!

Truck 1: Sluggish Blue Whale, eh? Has a good ring to it. I wonder how an engine as
fast as him can go that fast.

Diesel: Indeed! And likewise, I’ve heard from Gordon that he feels no other engine
is worthy of pulling the express other than him. And he certainly wouldn’t want
that “Mixed Green Mongrel” pulling it.

Narrator: The trucks laughed, as to them, they felt as if this Diesel understood
them in a way.

Diesel: I know right. Oh, but like with Duck, you didn’t hear this from me. Ta-ta!

Narrator: And Diesel slunk away, the trucks laughing till their frames burst. And
at just the worst moment when who should come into the yards now, but Henry. They
called him the exact names Diesel tricked them into saying. And just like before,
Henry seethed with fury.


Trucks (Laughing): Wouldn’t you like to know.


Truck 1: Why don’t you go ask Gordon? He said that a “Mixed Green Mongrel” like you
isn’t worthy of being famous and pulling the express like he would.

Henry: Gordon, eh? Oh, the nerve of that engine! Well if he think he could call me
something that heinous, he’s gotta another coming tonight!

Narrator: Henry fumed. As he puffed furiously away. Later that evening, Diesel
carried out the rest of his plan when Henry snorted into the platform, still in a
foul mood.

Diesel: You look rather ticked Henry. Whatever is on your mind?

Henry: It’s that Gordon that’s what. That pompous blue egomaniac, I always hated
hearing his constant boasting, and putting others down to make himself feel
important, but then, I heard from those braindead wooden rascals we call trucks say
they heard from Gordon himself that he thinks of me as “Mixed Green Mongrel”. I
can’t believe him, like I covered for him on the express when he’s out, and this is
the thanks I get. Despicable, that blue bastard!

Diesel: Yes, so I’ve heard, and I’m ever so sorry you had to put up with that
Henry. But I know one thing that would make you feel better.

Henry: Oh, and what’s that?

Diesel: Well I felt bad about what happened yesterday after covering you in coal,
so I thought as a way of making amends, I’ve come forward with a message that the
worthy Fat, um, Sir Topham Hatt said that he wants you to pull the express tonight.

Henry: What?

TFC: Oh yes, you see, the Fat Controller has decided after all the recognition you
have gained as of late, that you deserve to pull the express, to gain more praise,
as a Black 5 like you would look splendid pulling that train. And he feels that
maybe that Gordon is more worth of pulling that Kipper of yours. Besides, the Fat
Controller even tells me an engine like you pulls the express far better than that
Pacific prat anyday.

Narrator: Henry beamed, as Diesel once again baited him with the kind of words only
he would want to hear. The big green engine smiled devilishly as Diesel did and
coupled onto the express at one. He was still being just as conceited and selfish
than ever, he didn’t even apologize or thank Diesel. But to the 08, that was okay,
as Diesel was satisfied his plan worked as the arrogant Henry puffed haughtily out
of the station. When Gordon arrived, he was enraged to find his beloved express
steaming out if the platform. And even more so at what Diesel was telling him, but
just like with Henry, Diesel twisted everything around, and said to the big blue
engine that the Fat Controller wanted him to pull the Flying Kipper tonight. But
Gordon fumed even more when Diesel told him that Henry had said to the trucks that
he told him that he was “Sluggish Blue Whale”. Gordon seethed with fury at the
remarks, especially after being in the yards a few times and hearing it from the
trucks, but never got on an answer until Diesel told him the reason. Gordon wanted
to rant and go after Henry, but his driver sternly silenced him as Gordon
reluctantly left to take the Flying Kipper, unaware of the sly grin on Diesel’s
faces. The next day, Diesel was feeling very pleased with himself, chatting eagerly
with the trucks about his plan when he heard an unfamiliar whistle.

Diesel: Who’s that?

Truck 1: Oh that’s Percy, cheeky little bugger he is. We showed him right last year
didn’t we lads.

Truck 2 (chuckles): Yeah, pushed ‘im righ’ into the sea we did, and better still he
asked us for i’.

Diesel (smirks): I’d love to hear that tale (regains composure) but I’m afraid I
must leave you my friends, to deal with this “bugger”.

Narrator: Diesel oiled out of the sidings, so as not to be seen. Percy who’d
arrived from the Branchline wasn’t exactly pleased at the fact of having to work
alongside the three big engines again. Gordon, Henry and James had always looked
down upon him and often picked on him, until Duck had famously stood up for him in
blocking them from the engine sheds two years ago. Though Percy wasn’t pleased, he
didn’t want to let the Fat Controller down, especially after last year’s plunge.
When he arrived at the yards, he was in shock. Trucks were scattered everywhere
blocking sidings, coaches were organized with little care and the whole yard
appeared like a toddler’s cradle.

Percy’s driver: Jesus, what a mess. I’ve never seen the yards in such a state in my

Percy: You’re telling me Mike, it’s not like Duck to leave the yards in such a
state of disregard.

Diesel: Well I’m afraid, Duck has taken a leave of absence, due to unforeseen
circumstances, that only Sir Topham knows about chaps.

Narrator: Percy and his crew looked up and noticed an unfamiliar engine purring
into the yards. Diesel oiled alongside, a polite expression across his face.

Diesel: Good morning, you must be the famous Percy. I’ve heard much about you.

Percy (suspicious): Oh thank you. You must be the new addition to our railway, um…
Diesel: Oh how rude of me, I am Diesel.

Percy (smiles fake): Oh, well nice to meet you as well Diesel. Are you enjoying
your time on Sodor, and what are these unforeseen circumstances with regards to

Diesel (fibbing): Oh absolutely, I can’t think of a better railway with such a

polite fleet of engines. It is most unfortunate about this situation with poor
Duck, but I’m afraid I know nothing.

Percy: Hmm I see, so I take it that due to these “unforeseen circumstances” you
weren’t shown how to properly organize yard sidings.

Diesel (grits teeth behind smile): Oh…well...you see it’s very different on the
other railway and well…I suppose these new yards are proving challenging and well…

Percy (suspicious): …And clearly the other railway ways are not helpful here. No
worries, let me fill up on water and I’ll show you just how to organize yard

Narrator: The two engines exchanged forced smiles before Diesel oiled away.

Diesel (mutters): Rude little schmuck. They send something as small and puny as him
to help me. Ridiculous.

(Diesel disappears)

Percy’s fireman: So that’s a diesel eh? Must say, doesn’t quite have the charm that
a steam engine does. Not to mention, what a silly name, calling himself Diesel,
that’s like me calling myself human?

Percy (chuckles): Good one Rich, but engine type aside, is it just me or does this
Diesel come across as well how do I put it…

Percy’s driver: Shifty lad, glad I’m not the only one who thought that. Yeah, he
seems a little too polite, I don’t think he’s very genuine.

Percy: Exactly, something just seems a little off about him.

Percy’s fireman: Maybe so boys, but we best keep it to ourselves, last thing we
want is to cause a ruckus. Especially until we find out exactly what this situation
with Duck is all about.

Narrator: With all that agreed, Percy headed off to fill up on water. The day
proved challenging for poor Percy, every time he made a suggestion or insisted that
a train needed to be in a designated siding, Diesel would, in his own words,
“politely decline” although in Percy’s eyes he was being “respectfully
condescending”. No sooner had Diesel shunted something in a wrong siding did Percy
have to rearrange it, this in Percy’s eyes, was how “it worked on Sodor”, in
Diesel’s eyes, it was “pathetic meddling”. Though they never said anything and
greeted each other with polite whistles and horns it was clear that both Saddle
Tank nor 08 secretly loathed each other. Never the less the trains left on time and
the passengers were very grateful. The less could be said about the three big
engines as an exhausted Percy found out that night.

(Shows Percy backing down into Tidmouth Sheds, only James is present).

James: Well, well, well if it isn’t the little green piranha, fancy going for
another plunge eh Percy.
Percy: Oh can it James, I’ve had an exhausting day as it is and the last thing I
need to hear is any gobble coming out of you. Your paint may be “splendid” but your
face and mouth certainly aren’t.

James: HUMPH!!! That’s the problem with you tank engines, no respect at all! Unlike
our new addition who seemingly understands importance and manners.

Percy: Self-importance you mean? Honestly, I thought you three were arrogant. That
Diesel is probably the most awfully conceited engine ever. He’s so bloody
condescending and rude yet tries to mask it in a fit of politeness. Every time I
told him how to shunt, it was all “No trouble dear Percy, an effective shunter like
me knows exactly about shunting,” only for it to be in the bloody wrong siding and
me having to clear it before the Yardmaster finds out. The yards are a mess with
him and all he does is secretly brag about how revo-rev-whatever the heck he is? I
don’t understand a thing you are saying, Duck was far better.

James: Okay maybe he doesn’t have the best skills, but at least he doesn’t play
tricks on us. I mean I know you do, but not even you stooped to the lowness that
that Westerner did. Calling us names is one thing but to the trucks of all
beings….BLEUGH!!! DISGUSTING!!! Thank goodness he’s gone.


(Gordon enters the sheds exhausted)

Gordon: Unfortunately not little Percy, my are you that naive. (Percy sighs then
looks cross). Now our Controller still has that much of a heart, that he’s
transferred that Pannier to Edward’s Branchline. A soft approach especially for
something as disgraceful as spreading rumors and names to the trucks. HUMPH! Why am
I not surprised though. You green engines are all the same. You, Duck, Henry, I

Percy: Wait Henry, what’s this got to do with him?

James: Oh I can’t understand it myself, these two have got into an ego argument
about who’s a more capable express engine.

Gordon: The cheek of that Henry is really outrageous, first he calls me “fat face”
and now he tells the trucks I’m a “Sluggish Blue Whale”. And to add to that, he
thinks he can pull my express as well as me and has the utter boldness to take my
evening train. IT’S, IT’S, IT’S UTTERLY DISGRACEFUL!!!!

Percy: Wait first Duck tells trucks about names, and now Henry does. Actually one
step at a time, what exactly did Duck say to the trucks.

Narrator: As James recited the names, Percy stared and then he laughed.

Gordon: Oh yes, laugh all you want little Percy, will see how you like being called
such names by those trucks.

Percy (chuckles): To be honest, the names are pretty funny and whoever came up with
“Sluggish Blue Whale” is fairly accurate, but no that’s not reason I’m laughing.
What I find hilarious is that for the past 20 odd years, I’ve been pushed and
bossed around by three utter…IDIOTS!! Like, how stupid are you three, you honestly
think Duck, the same engine who wouldn’t tolerate your nonsense, would spread names
to trucks. WOW!! You two and Henry are stupider than I thought. Heck, I thought,
after my accident, you lot reminded me constantly “every wise engine knows that you
can’t trust trucks.” Oh but you lot have just believed trucks, so that clearly
means you aren’t wise. Now I have trains to organize in the morning for three
schmucks who believe the words of trucks. Good night.

Narrator: Percy still chuckling to himself rolled to the back of the sheds. Gordon
and James were about to retort, but then they looked at each other. Though their
egos didn’t want to admit it, Percy’s words circled round their smokeboxes. The
next morning, Percy was at Knapford organizing the first passenger trains. Gordon
had already left with the morning express, so now a disgruntled Henry was forced
onto the local train. He was very cross, and spoke rudely to Percy.

Henry: Stop dawdling back there, I have a timetable to keep and can’t have some
submarine attached to my train Percy.

Percy: HUMPH!!! Well at least I don’t go round stealing trains that aren’t mine

Henry: PAH!!! That Gordon deserved it, saying I’m a “Mixed Green Mongrel!” Telling
it to the trucks!!! DESPICABLE I TELL YOU! He thinks he’s so grand, the only engine
who can handle the express!! I showed him up on the day I returned from Crewe and
I’ll show him up again!!! I’ll show him just how capable I really am.

Percy (sighs): Henry, do you honestly think, Gordon, who looks down and talks down
to everyone, except Thomas, honestly would tell such things to Trucks. I mean, why
would Gordon, the express engine associate with trucks? And for that matter, why
would Duck even…

Henry (defensive): I haven’t got time to listen to your tales Percy. I’m going! And
I’ll show that Gordon a thing or two later this evening, and I don’t need the
opinion of some annoying green tadpole.

Narrator: Henry hissed away, Percy was cross.

Percy: Nobody ever listens to me, they still think I’m a silly little engine.

Narrator: Just then the Fat Controller walked out of his office.

TFC: Hello Percy, I’ve been impressed with how the yards were kept yesterday, but
my dear engine, you look hot and bothered.

Percy: Yes sir, I am sir, all this recent ruckus is making me tired sir. (Pauses
and thinks). Excuse me sir, I hope this doesn’t sound to forthcoming but sir, well
I can’t but feel that this situation what with Duck and these names sir, it doesn’t
feel right sir, Duck would never…

TFC (in a low voice): Never come up with the names. Indeed he wouldn’t Percy, I’m
quite aware of that.

Percy: Wait, you believe Duck really is innocent sir?

TFC: I always did Percy, from the moment he denied it, I knew he was being
truthful. Duck maybe proud and somewhat conceited, so much so that he played a
rather silly trick on Diesel during his first day, but I have no doubt in my mind
that he did not come up with those names.

Percy: Then why send him away sir?

TFC: To simply eliminate him as a suspect Percy, with Duck out of the way, it was
only a matter of time for the next spread of rumors to go around. And now all of a
sudden I hear Gordon and Henry are calling each other names to the trucks. I
suspect there’s a malicious individual acting here, who simply wants to cause havoc
on my railway between my engines.

Percy: Do you know who it is sir?

Butler (interrupting): Excuse me sir, you are wanted on the telephone.

TFC: Bother that telephone, I’m sorry Percy, but I’m afraid I need to go.

Narrator: As the Fat Controller disappeared into his office, Percy’s eyes darted
left and noticed a familiar black object roll through the station. Percy’s eyes
narrowed with somewhat focused intent.

Percy: Hmmm, I wonder.

Narrator: He thought to himself. That evening, Henry was headed over to the
platform to pull the express. But as he arrived, he saw instead was Gordon who was
already backing down to the express.

Gordon: OH NO YOU DON’T!

Narrator: He sneered, as Gordon backed down quickly.

Henry: And what in pray tell do you think you’re doing?

Gordon: Pulling my express, and rightfully slow!

Henry: PAH! Like hell you are! The Fat Controller said I’m more deserving of this
train, as according to him, I pull the train much nicely and more elegantly as he
claims. The only passenger trains I see you’re suitable for are locals.

Gordon: Locals! Never! I’m an engine specifically designed for fast expresses! The
last thing they need is some mixed traffic mongrel saying I’m some “Sluggish Blue

Henry: Watch your tongue there Gordon, I said no such thing!

Gordon: Oh really, than where do you come off saying I’m not worthy of the express
anymore! Me, built by one of the best engine designers in the world that made
express engines what they are today! I know how much you and James want to think
you’re as important as me, BUT STEALING MY TRAIN?


Gordon: EXCUSE ME?



Gordon (Gasps): HOW BLOODY DARE YOU!







Narrator: Gordon & Henry erupted into a tornado of insults towards each other, as
the passengers and station staff stood in shock at the commotion they were seeing.
Percy couldn’t believe it either he was shunting nearby. But as the two big engines
kept bad mouthing each other, their shouting match was interrupted by a great big


Narrator: It was the Fat Controller, who had heard everything! He glared angrily at
both big engines who were still staring at each other with fury.


Gordon: But sir, Henry said…

Henry: No Gordon said…


Narrator: Still seething, Gordon and Henry departed their separate ways, while
Percy, shocked by the argument, began to think to himself after hearing every word.

Percy: They both are right and wrong. Neither of them would tell the trucks. But
then again, they both are to bad-tempered and selfish to see the full picture.

Percy’s driver: You got that right old boy. As angry as those two are, they
wouldn’t be sneaky and malicious to do something like that to one another.

Percy: Yeah, just like with Duck. Hmm…and this seems to fall on one engine. Driver,
do you think we should…

Percy’s driver: Perhaps tomorrow would be better Percy, there was too much tension
tonight as there already is.

Percy: Good point. (Yawns) Let’s pack it in for the night.

Narrator: Percy yawned, as he set for the sheds. But as he did so, he thought he
saw the same familiar black shape in one of the goods sheds on the side of the
station. Now Percy was growing even more suspicious. Diesel on the other hand who
had heard the whole argument smirked with triumph.

Diesel: Ha-ha! With better luck, these clapped out artifacts would be sent off
sooner if Fat Hatt grows tired of all of them (Evil snickers).

Narrator: He snickered to himself. Later that night after Gordon & Henry finished
their jobs, the two pompous engines still stared daggers at one another, and
despite the Fat Controller’s warning, they still wanted to argue to prove their
point. James & Percy were also there, and neither were looking forward to this.
James only wanted his “beauty sleep”, but Percy was more determined to finally pins
his brakes down, as for him, he had, had enough tonight.

Henry: Humph! So, I see you had a nice run with “my” train.

Gordon: First off, it was never your train to begin with. Secondly, I always knew
how much a high-strung, opinionated and cynical curmudgeon. And how prideful you
can get whenever you pull the express or when you receive recognition, but stealing
my express. I don’t even know who you anymore Henry the Green Engine.

Henry: Pah! Funny you should say that I’m prideful and grouchy, as that’s exactly
what you are 24/7, you pompous hypocrite.

Gordon: Yes, well at least I have more maturity than the engine who seems to act
like a hypochondriac over things like rain, elephants, or iced cake domes.

Henry (Gasps): You take that back!

Gordon: Only if you take back what you said about me being a sluggish blue whale.

Henry: For the last time, that wasn’t me! Do I look like the kind of engine who do
something stupid!

Gordon: Well considering how you’re the same color as Duck, damn right I do!

James: Oh well you both just shut up. I need my beauty sleep, and I won’t be woken
up by a bunch of big galoots acting like a bunch of stray dogs fighting for

Gordon: Stay out of this James. We don’t need your opinion or anybody else’s!

Percy: No for once I agree with him, especially since the Fat Controller said you
both of you aren’t to speak with one ano…

Henry: And the same goes for you two little Percy! It was bad enough we had to have
Duck humiliate us, now we have the sight of saddle tank who won’t know his place
like a good shunter and…


Narrator: The three big engines were surprised. Never in their lives have they ever
expected Percy to lose his temper like that, but the little green engine was not
having any of it.

Percy (Breathes out and gains composure): Wow, never seen you three looked so
surprised before, because good, as I don’t want to hear it! You three have been
nothing but a bunch of arrogant and selfish jerks that have belittled and
patronized me long enough, but as horrid as you idiots have been too me, you’ve
also been horrid to Duck, and now you Gordon & Henry are being horrid to each
other. Yet you three are so bad-tempered you all fail to see the real picture.

Gordon: PAH! It’s more like you haven’t seen the real picture little Percy, and my,
your even more naïve than we thought, as we all know that Duck…

Percy: Would never do such a thing! As it’s not in his nature! And second, don’t
call me little Gordon! In fact, none of you say another word right now, as the real
picture is that you’re all so bad-tempered and snappy that you think Duck said
those things all because the trucks did! Well you three told me relentlessly of
never trusting trucks, when that’s exactly what you’re doing all because of your
“precious” egos! But you didn’t even bother to stop and think that there’s more to
this meets the eye.

James: Percy, what are you talking about?

Percy: Well didn’t you bother to think maybe somebody put them up to this.
Remember, the trucks maybe rude, but they’re not exactly smart!

Henry: Yeah, well neither are you! Telling us this rubbish!

Percy: But you know, you I’ve had just about enough of Henry, as lately I’m hearing
just that coming out of your mouth, rubbish!


Percy: In fact, that’s all I hear from you three jerks! Percy’s an idiot, Percy’s
naïve, shunters should know there place, Percy’s never sensible, Percy plays
tricks, Percy is just plain stupid, Percy doesn’t show any respect at all! Well I
maybe small, but I ain’t bloody stupid! I say sensible things all the time, but
know you blokes over listen! Because all you three care about is your own damn
selves that you belittle others to make yourselves feel important! I tried me
bloody hardest to be nice, but you all look the other way and snub and boss me
around, treating me like I’m worthless! In fact, I was annoyed about coming here,
as spending time with you three feels like a cold day in hell! You think I’m
annoying, well you three don’t have any idea how much I cringe whenever I have to
put up with you three being so prideful and cruel.

Gordon (Gasps): Cruel!

James: Whoa, Percy, calm down, we…

Percy: NO! I’m not listening to any word you three say, as you’re not the bosses of
me! I only obey the Fat Controller, and so do you three, as he said it himself!
This is his railway, and only he gives the orders! Okay, I admit, I am cheeky, but
I can’t help it sometimes, as I’m young, what more do you bloody want from me! I
know my limits at least now, and stop and realize when enough is enough, as being
on Thomas’s branchline changed me! The only reason I prank you three is because of
your big egos, as you three are always being big pains in the ass! And looking
back, maybe Duck and I shouldn’t have blocked you three, but what else could we
have done, as all you do is treat every new tank engine that works with you like a
pile of scrap iron!
Henry (Gasps): WHOA! SCRAP IRON?

Percy: You heard me Henry! Just because we tank engines are small, that doesn’t
mean we’re slaves to a bunch of selfish tender engines who will never listen to
reason! You silly big engines never listen to me, or any tank engine, but just
because you don’t like me, doesn’t give you three the right to treat me and other
small engines like dirt!

(The big engines stare in surprise)

Henry: We…we didn’t mean it like that Percy, but nonetheless you….

Percy: DON’T PUSH IT HENRY! I make mistakes, but I learn from it! Like I said, I
never respect you three because you three don’t respect me, even after all I’ve
done for you when I worked in these yards!

James: Yeah, but Duck didn’t respect us if you weren’t aware Percy, and that Diesel
has been far more poli…

Percy: He’s only polite to you “idiots” because he baits you all like a sharks to
blood, saying the kind of things you big engines wanna hear because your egos need
to hear it! I’ve seen this guy, he’s nothing but condescending, rude, arrogant, and
very stubborn! Why else do you think the yards are a mess? Like he was rude to me
every time I tried to teach him how to shunt properly. Plus, Duck is far better,
because at least he’s more polite!

Gordon: Duck? You mean that rumor spreading westerner? He…

Percy: He’s one of the best friends I’ve had along with Toby, and now Thomas since
I became part of the Ffarqhuar fleet. Just like how you and Thomas found common
ground, Gordon (Looks surprised). Like yes, I admit, Duck isn’t exactly perfect, as
he can be proud, and his Great Western talk can be a little annoying at times, but
he’s not malicious, as he’s not the kind who would just play spiteful tricks. And
before you interrupt me, I heard what had happened with him and Diesel. Yes Duck
shouldn’t have tricked Diesel, but he would never lie and insult others behind
their backs. Like you Gordon & Henry. As arrogant and insufferable as you both are,
you both would never do something spiteful, to each other, would you?

Gordon (Ponders for a minute and sighs): No.

Henry (Sighs): No…we wouldn’t. In fact…I would never do that you Gordon.

Gordon: Yes, me neither Henry. (Realizes) Oh my word, it wasn’t you.

Percy: Exactly! And even if I played tricks, look at me guys, would I do something
so heinous and cruel like that.

Henry: N…no! No Percy, never had you once done that!

James: Yeah, and we thought…

Percy: Well you thought wrong about Duck to. Duck may not be perfect, but he is a
hard worker and a very good friend. In fact, he and even Thomas have been like
brothers to me. I know he wouldn’t, because I know him. Just because the trucks
said it, doesn’t mean your big egos should cloud your minds and blind you from the
truth. Plus, despite his boasting, he’s not mean-spirited, and think about what
he’s done for all you after what you did to me? Duck is a hardworking, intelligent,
kind, and sensible engine with a heart. Sometimes I wonder if you three even have
Gordon, Henry, and James: (Gasps)

Henry: Percy…we…

Percy: Oh I don’t wanna hear it anymore. I’ve said what I needed and I’m already
tired out as it is. You three can sulk and argue all you want, but I won’t hear
anymore. As you don’t want to listen to me, so I won’t listen to you three. Driver,
let’s see if the other goods sheds are available, somewhere quieter.

Percy’s driver: Sure thing old boy.

(Percy leaves in a huff)

Gordon: Percy, wait!

Henry: Percy…come back!

James: Percy…please…we’re…we’re sorry!

Narrator: But it was too late! Percy already left in huff. The three big engines
looked at each other ashamed of their actions. Gordon & Henry especially, as the
two big engines starred at each other with sorrow. Thanks to Percy, they finally
realized how wrong they were. Percy went over to one of the goods sheds in the
yards, somewhere much quieter.

Percy (Sighs): Why didn’t I think about spending the night here?

Percy’s driver: Better late than never I guess. But hey, you really got guts there
Percy (Pats his cab). You sure shut them up.

Percy: Thanks Mike. Those three had been looking down on me for so long, enough was
enough. Especially because they clearly don’t get it right now, as they honestly
think Duck would do something that horrid all because they’re holding a petty

Percy’s fireman: Well you were certainly right about one thing old boy, Diesel’s
only trying to act like their friend clearly to save his own ass and avoid
suspicion. But if you don’t mind me asking Percy, what you said about them not
having a heart, did you really mean that?

Percy (Sighs): A little bit…I don’t know, I mean, they don’t act like they do
sometimes, but they’re so conceited and bad-tempered it’s like they lose sight of
everything else in life. I mean sure, Gordon helped me out of that pile of dirt
after I came to Sodor, but that was just it. I’m sure they mean well, but 24/7,
it’s hard to see their kind side, know what I mean?

Percy’s driver: Do we ever. I’m sure they do Percy, I just think you standing up to
them really opened their minds more.

Percy: Yeah, maybe so. I mean, Thomas and I just fully became friends after I saved
him from that runaway last year, and at least he’s more kind-hearted than them,
it’s really more thanks to Toby that I’m able to find my place in the world more,
as really helped me a lot.

Percy’s driver: Indeed. Toby has taught you well (Chuckles). And you definitely are
determined to prove Duck’s innocent don’t you?

Percy: Absolutely, as like with Toby, Duck has been such a great friend to me since
the day we met. Like I said before, he may not be perfect, but not all friendships
need to be, as proud as he is, I know full well he would never do something this
sick, as it’s not in his nature. Duck is one of my best friends, and he helped me
when the big galoots were making my life hell, so in light of what’s been going on
between him and this Diesel fellow, it’s about time I repaid the favor to him. I’m
not gonna let that condescending creep cause trouble for him or this railway any

Percy’s driver: That’s very noble of you Percy. Though as suspicious as he is, are
you really sure it’s him?

Percy: Oh I’m sure, but first we need hard evidence. Like Toby once taught me, you
dig deeper and get to the root of the problem. In fact, one of the reasons I asked
you to drive me here to these sheds is so we can observe Diesel carefully while
we’re working, but making sure we stay out of sight.

Percy’s driver: Brilliant plan Percy. And we could even help to.

Percy: Excellent. Thanks fellas, and good night.

Percy’s driver: Night Percy.

Percy’s fireman: See you in the morning.

Narrator: As his crew left, Percy looked up at the nighttime sky.

Percy: Don’t worry Duck, tomorrow, I’m gonna make sure I clear your name, no matter
what it takes.

Narrator: He said triumphantly. The next morning, Percy had set to work shunting
around the yards, as he did so, he kept noticing Diesel doing the same thing. Percy
made sure to stay out of silent remained silent, trying to not make the tiniest
sound as to not blow his cover. He noticed Diesel shunting about as carelessly as
he did, and even abusing the trucks if they didn’t comply with him. Percy couldn’t
help but feel disgusted. As troublesome as trucks were, they didn’t deserve to be
treated like soldiers in a boot camp now did they.

Percy (whispers): Wow, what a dick.

Percy’s driver (whispers): No kidding.

Narrator: And just like last time, whenever Percy and Diesel did meet, and the
little green saddle tank tried to be friendly and give advice, Diesel politely
dismissed him.

Percy: Humph! Even the big engines weren’t that condescending either.

Percy’s driver: Certainly not.

Percy: Diesel’s behavior is proving a lot of things lately. He’s rude, he’s
condescending, he’s inconsiderate, and all he does is boast about how revolutionary
he is. Not only that, he’s even treating the trucks like as if they were his
slaves. It’s like he’s got them following his every move.

Percy’s fireman: Yeah, and the way he arranges these yards like as if this was some
maze, there’s a sly grin on his face, it’s almost like he’s enjoying being this
deliberately difficult.

Percy: Yeesh, that’s just horrid. Plus, every time we meet face to face, he seems
to cringe when I ask him our thoughts about Sodor, and one Duck, like there’s so
sarcasm mixed in. And his eyes twitch.

Percy’s driver: That’s true, as those are the kinda characteristics you’d find when
people and engines lie. Maybe you should become a detective sometimes Percy.

Percy (Giggles): Maybe I should. Anyways, let’s go over to the carriage sheds,
Gordon’s express will be due soon.

Narrator: Percy said as he puffed away. As soon as Percy got Gordon’s coaches to
the station, he was soon arranging trucks in their sidings, when he heard a
familiar purring coming into view.

Percy: Here he comes driver, hide my behind those trucks.

Percy’s driver: Got it. Well stay quiet and see what he’s up to.

Narrator: So that’s what they did. Diesel came into the yards looking quite
disgruntled this time.

Diesel’s driver: I’m gonna go on a quick break Diesel, so you had better not try
anything stupid.

Diesel: Oh no worries there Kenny. I wouldn’t dream of it.

Narrator: As he left, Diesel’s expression went from a fake smile back to a really
bad tempered one.

Diesel: GRR, I don’t know how long I could even put up with that, especially with
that fool keeping an eye out on me. I don’t know how that Percy does it, trying to
be nice all the time and being cheerful, humph, I swear, the little green bugger
has been nothing but a bloated tick ever since he came here. Insisting I do things
“properly” as he says. But at least he’s not as bad as that Duck, or that Henry for
that matter (Percy’s jaw drops)! GGRRRRR! This railway is pathetic, the manager was
a fool to send me to this outdated, pathetic, god-for-saken hell whole, and to work
amongst these outdated, creaky, and useless old claptraps that call themselves
engines! It makes me sick! But all the while, this shall be worth it, because as
soon as that gorilla with a top hat sees how useful I am, he’ll send these furnaces
on wheels to the place they truly belong, the scrapyards!

Percy: (Quietly gasps)

Diesel: The only problem though is even after last night, Fat Hat hasn’t even sent
that pile of Old-Square Wheels off this sickening railway. And Duck I hear is still
on it, but at this Wellsworth.

Truck 1: Well he wouldn’t Diesel, because the Fat Controller cares about these


Truck 2: Whoa, we were just stating the obvious.


Truck 3: Well you did want Duck sent away, and he did.
Diesel: I meant off of Sodor you idiots. And the same for that Henry to. Thinking
he could call me a menial, ineffective and unimportant shunter, when those
enthusiasts should be admiring an engine like me! But even before that, that Duck
engine thinks he could make a fool of me like that by leaving me hanging with a
bunch of rusty old trucks that are even worse than you lot! As much as I hate steam
engines, the green ones are the worst! ARGH! And such a ghastly and sickening
color, these green engines make me sick, quite literally, first Duck, then Henry,
and now this annoying bug, Percy, GRRRR! (Gains composure) But it’ll all be worth
it like I said, as I’ll see to it that Fatso sees sense and modernize this pathetic
railway, and all those stuffy and clapped worn hunks they call steam engines are
scrapped, and replaced with more modern and efficient engines like me! Especially
me, as I’ve been rejected and looked down upon by British Railways for so many
years, so having that Galloping Sausage, that Rusty Red Scrap Iron, and that heap
of Old Square Wheels as my own personal puppets is worth it so far. Nobody ever
respected, as enthusiasts only seemed to be more fond of these steam engines, who
in railway terms, they’re like a disease, but we diesels are the cure, as that’s
what I am.

Truck 1: Whoa! Calm down mate! This sounds like your taking this to personally,
they’re just engines…


Truck 2: Oui, I thought we were friends!

Diesel: Friends! Friends! GRRRR! An engine like me is too important to have

friends. Who am I kidding (nearly cries) nobody ever wanted to be my friend,
especially those steamers, or any of the railway staff, not even my driver. After I
was built 5 years ago, they couldn’t think of anything else for me, and just told
me I was a generic, insignificant shunter that is only bent on just shunting, and
had no mind of my own. Worse, they only painted me black like they couldn’t come up
with anything else, and thought because I was a diesel, that’s what they decided to
call me, like nothing else. Like doesn’t anybody ever appreciate me? (Gains
composure and smiles evilly) No matter, once I get rid of these steamers, not only
will more my kind be brought here, but I will become the new face of Sodor.

Truck 3: No you won’t! In fact, we’ll expose you!

Diesel: Let me make one thing clear, you pathetic packing crates on wheels, your
nothing but a bunch worthless, braindead, trucks that are only meant to carry dirty
freight! You speak to me with respect and only when spoken to! I tell you stories
about these insufferable steamers, and you help by laughing like the retarded
morons you are and helping me get right of them. Disobey me, speak out of line, or
even think of betraying me, I’LL SHOVE YOU ALL INTO THE SEA AND BLAME IT ON THAT

Trucks: Yes Diesel! We’ll do what you please!

Diesel: See that you do! (Calms down) Now then, were gonna make sure we get rid of
that high-strung Mixed-Green Mongrel, Henry, especially since that Sluggish Blue
Whale Gordon has turned on him last night. Then, we get rid of that Percy. I’m sure
I’ll think of something, but he is after all an annoying green bug like he has
been. His time will come, as will all of them (Evil cackle).

Narrator: Just then, Diesel’s driver came back.

Diesel’s driver: Right, I’m back. There’s some stone trucks we have to shunt to the
quay, so let’s get moving.

Diesel (Pretending to be polite): Of course driver, whatever you say.

Narrator: As Diesel left, Percy seethed with anger.

Percy: So, it really was him, all that time, Diesel has been the one coming up with
those insults…all because he hates steam engines. Though hearing his backstory, I
feel kinda sorry for him.

Percy’s driver: Well don’t Percy, as he clearly didn’t understand how respect works
and has only made Duck’s life a living hell for his own selfish gain.

Percy: Yeah, and we sure as hell won’t all that anymore. Come on driver, let’s go
find the Fat Controller immediately, he’ll know what to do.

Narrator: And Percy left. At that same time Percy was spying on Diesel, Gordon,
Henry and James were waking up, still feeling guilty with their treatment of Percy
and Duck…as well as each other.

Gordon (Yawns): Morning Henry. Morning James.

Henry: Oh, morning Gordon.

James: How are you both feeling?

Gordon: Oh, upset, ashamed, disgraced.

Henry: I have to admit, seeing Percy berate us like that, I never knew he had it in

James: Yeah, as he was only cheeky for our own good, but all we did was scold,
ridicule and bully him.

Gordon: Worst, we never once appreciated him, or any of the tank engines, as if you
think about it, they’re not just shunters, they’re really useful engines that are
working hard and trying to make friends. (Sighs) And all we did was think about
ourselves. And even after Thomas and I made our alliance after we regained the Fat
Director’s trust prior to the Queen’s visit, I failed to see how useful smaller
engines are.

Henry: You’re not the only one Gordon. I’ve been worst, especially as of late since
the enthusiasts have come, and all I did was take in the attention instead of
appreciating it. And even after the mishap Diesel had, all I did was demean him
because all I cared about was myself. (Sighs) I’ve been a jerk.

Gordon: Hey, me to.

James: So have I. So what are gonna do about it?

Gordon: Simple…we apologize to each other and to Percy, then we work together to
figure this out.

Henry: Well I’ll start and say Gordon, I’m sorry I stole your express last night,
and for how much of a horrid asshole I’ve been lately. Just know I would never call
you, James, Percy, Duck, or anybody horrid names like that.

Gordon: Me neither, as despite our differences, you’re really one of my best

friends Henry, and you too James, so I’m sorry to.
James: Same. Percy brought up a lot of good points, but what about this whole
situation with Duck?

Gordon: Well, after much thinking last night, it’s only occurred to me now, yes,
Duck may have been annoying since City of Truro’s visit, and he did prank Diesel,
but that wasn’t out of spite, as deep down, he would never do something as horrid
like that. Not even Percy or Thomas for that matter.

Henry: You’re right, and Duck got really angry when we blocked him from the sheds,
serious it wasn’t him and looked really hurt after what we did.

James: Yeah, and Percy even stated it himself to it’s not in his nature or any of
ours. But if it’s not him, who else could it be?

Gordon: Well James, after much thinking after what Percy said, I’m beginning to
think he’s right, I’m beginning to think it really is Diesel.

James: Are you sure about that Gordon, because he seemed polite enough.

TFC II: Maybe too polite in fact James.

Narrator: The three big engines looked, and there stood the Fat Controller, who had
heard everything.

Henry: Oh, good morning sir, we were…

TFC II: Relax Henry, I’m not angry with you or Gordon anymore. I was going to scold
you, but I see you both are finally coming to your senses and are getting along

Henry: Indeed we are sir. And about my behavior these past few days, I’m sorry.
I’ve been nothing but a selfish jerk, and I should’ve appreciated the attention I

TFC II: Well I forgive you for that Henry. But why did you steal the express these
past two nights.

Narrator: Henry explained to the Fat Controller what Diesel said to him.

TFC II: Well that explains it then, and proves my theory even more.

Gordon: Theory sir?

TFC II: Yes Gordon. The truth is, I always was suspicious of Diesel since the day
he arrived. Like you said James, he seemed polite, but you can never go by first
impressions, as I always keep telling you that, especially with how horrid you
three have been to Duck lately, and with how belittling and indifferent you’ve been
to Percy as I’ve heard to. (The big engines look down at the buffers) But we’ll
worry about that later, as the point being, when Diesel tries to act polite, he
does so with a sense of sarcasm, and has a sly grin on his face. Not to mention,
the utter chaos and disarrangements of the yards, especially since he ignores
Percy’s advice. I sent Percy to help him as he is one of the most trusted and
hardworking engines in our fleet.

Henry: I don’t mean any disrespect sir, but even after…

TFC II (Stern): Because my mind is focused one present events Henry. Besides, it’s
an isolated incident now, as Percy’s young. He made a mistake, but he learned from
it, and apologized, and I forgave him after that, it still doesn’t change how I
feel as his track record is still exemplarily. But that’s aside the point, as he
even asked me about the situation, as even he knows that Duck would never do
something so horrid, and I would agree with how about how he feels about Diesel, as
I can see Diesel is clearly telling nothing but lies. After all Henry, who was the
one who tricked you into thinking I wanted you to pull the express and say I have a
preference over you to Gordon.

Henry (Realizing): Diesel did.

Gordon: Yes, and Diesel said he heard it from the trucks.

James: Oh my god, what if Percy was right? What if…

Percy: SIR! SIR!

Henry: Speak of the devil, there he is now!

TFC: Yes, and he looks nervous, Percy, calm down, what’s wrong my dear engine?

Percy: Sir, I’ve been doing a little investigating myself this morning while I was
shunting in the yards. I kept an eye on Diesel as I never trusted him, and then I
hid behind a line of trucks, only to realize that it really was him.

TFC II: Go on Percy.

Percy: I heard it from his own mouth while his driver went on brake, and he started
acting all angry and obsessed with power. He admitted he hated being polite and
kind like we would, he was playing you three like puppets as I said last night (The
big engines gasp), and worst…it was him who came up those insults towards you
three, and blamed them on Duck after that trick.

James (Gasps): NO WAY! That bastard!

Henry: I don’t believe it! But what about with me and Gordon.

Percy: He admitted that to Henry, all because somebody didn’t watch his mouth after
the other incident he had with the coal trucks.

Henry (Gasps, then sighs): Oh god…what have I done! This is partially my fault to
isn’t it.

Percy: Doesn’t matter, as either way, he stated the only reason he came to Sodor in
the first place is so he could replace us with engines like his kind, so he pretend
to be polite, made our yards look like a maze, framed Duck and tried to do the same
with Henry, all because he actually hates steam engines.

Narrator: And Percy went into full detail of all the horrible words Diesel said,
and even his motives, how he planned to target him next because of how he hates
green engines, how he really feels about Sodor and how he feels sickened by it as
much as the polite and kind atmosphere, and how he even treats the trucks like his
slaves. The three big engines and the Fat Controller seethed with anger after Percy
had finished.

TFC II: So…it really was him, I knew it! I try to give him a home and place on this
railway, and this is how he views everything. Well I’m already sickened by him now
that I now.

Henry: So are we all sir. I admit, I should’ve kept my mouth shut, but the fact
Diesel would do that to all of us for his own selfish gain, that is just…




TFC II: Calm down you three, I share your anger, but that won’t help. Now that we
know the truth, we need to think of a plan of how to stop him.

Percy: I got one sir, as a certain tram I’m close with taught me in the worst
situation, you do nothing.

TFC II: Nothing Percy?

Percy: Yeah, as we’ll let that fool make an even bigger fool of himself. He’s
already incompetent at his job and too arrogant, too stubborn and very rude to
listen to advice or accept kindness, which really wouldn’t last long, especially
with all those threats towards the trucks.

Henry: HA-HA! Now that is brilliant! He wouldn’t last 5 minutes with them.

TFC II: No indeed! And that’s very clever thinking Percy. You’ve certainly have
come a long way. Plus, I’m very proud of how you helped me and how clever you were
when spying on Diesel. Well done and keep up the good work.

Percy: Why thank you sir.

Gordon: Indeed! In fact, Percy, about last night, and the way we’ve treated you,
Duck, and all the other tank engines for the past few years, we’re sorry! We really
mean it this time. How we treated smaller engines like you was very degrading and
very cruel.

James: Yeah, we didn’t mean to be so rude. But after you told us off, we were quite
impressed in how you stood up to us, and realized how selfish we were, and your
cheekiness did teach brings us down to earth, and without you…well, we don’t know
where we’d be.

Percy: Oh, thanks you guys.

Henry: We now see tank engines in a different light now and promise we’ll never
treat you, Thomas, and Duck that horribly again. In fact, I owe you an even bigger
apology for how rude and cocky I’ve been. Engines like you are a fine example to
this railway, and only together we’re really useful. Do you think you can forgive

Percy: Of course I can you three. Let’s call a truce, eh?

Gordon, Henry, and James: Truce!

Percy: Good. Right now, let’s focus on getting that big black weasel off our
railway once and for all.

Narrator: They all agreed, though that may have been sooner than expected. Diesel
was still being as rough and as disobedient than ever. He was enjoying every last
moment of his horrible behavior and was still plotting on how to get rid of Percy,
but the trucks, who were appalled by Diesel’s threats and how he treated them like
slaves have had enough of his abuse.
Trucks: He’s treated us like his own personal monkeys, making us his slaves,
treating us like its boot camp, well let’s see how he likes it!

Narrator: They consulted together. Just then, Diesel came in, bumping them as

Diesel: Get in line you railway rats, or I bump your rivets out.

Narrator: Diesel threatened. As he purred smugly away, the trucks after first came
along smoothly, until they pinned their brakes down, accidentally-on-purpose.


Trucks: NO!

Diesel: What was that I heard!

Truck 1: We’re not doing anything you say anymore you big black weasel!

Diesel: What was that!

Truck 2: Yeah, we’re not slaves to you! We maybe troublesome, but we didn’t think
this to happen, in fact, we want no part in your selfish gain!



Truck 4: Yeah, you can’t push us around, so let’s see how you like it!

Narrator: They released their brakes and gave Diesel a bump of their own that
knocked his driver out of the cab!

Diesel’s driver: (Wilhelm scream) OUI! COME BACK!



Diesel: OOF! WHOA!

Narrator: Diesel wailed helplessly, as his driver went to the nearest signal box to
try and direct from the yards. As the trucks kept shoving him, the signalman had
Diesel switched into one of the sidings at Knapford Station. But by mistake,
switched him into an occupied siding where Diesel carelessly left two flatbed
trucks of paint cans. But it wasn’t just any color paint the cans were filled with.


Narrator: He wailed, as the trucks at full force pushed Diesel fast into the siding
and into paint flatbeds.

(Diesel gets biffed into the flatbeds and they all derail as the paint cans go
flying up in the air)

Diesel: GAH! OH HELL NO!

(Paint cans come crumbling down and smash all over Diesel covering him in bright
green paint)

Narrator: Luckily, nobody was hurt. But Diesel the two flatbeds crashed through the
buffers and derailed, while the first split in half on impact. And the paint cans
were dent, battered, and spilled all over Diesel, covering the 08 in much to his



(Trucks laughing)

Narrator: Diesel sulked, but his embarrassment grew as coming into the yards was
Percy, Gordon, Henry and James with the Fat Controller shocked at what they were
seeing. They all looked angrily at Diesel, but at the same time, they couldn’t help
but laugh.

Diesel: Oh bugger.

Percy (Laughing): Well would you look at this lads!

Henry (Laughing): We heard how much you hated the color green Diesel, but at least
now you fit in quite well with us.

Gordon: Indeed, it’s a much refreshing choice after looking at that generic black.

(All 5 of them laugh)

TFC II (Laughing, but recovers): Okay, okay, that’s enough of everybody, please
head to your trains, I’ll sort this out. Percy, bring the breakdown train over here

Percy (Laughs): Right away sir.

Narrator: Percy said as all 4 engines puffed away laughing. But the Fat Controller
stilled glared furiously at the disgraced Diesel.


Narrator: He bellowed. Diesel, finally began to feel vulnerable. Meanwhile, at

Wellsworth, Duck was working hard there, and he was enjoying himself with Edward.
He ignored the rude comments from Gordon, Henry and James every time they passed
by, and has been doing very working in the yards and baking trains up Gordon’s
Hill. Thanks to Edward’s advice, he finally began to understand that there was more
to life than being Great Western, and Edward had been teaching him many different
methods in how to do things. He began to feel much happier with himself, and
humbled now by those events. While he was shunting, a mainland engine showed with a
goods train for British Railways.

S&DJR 7F: Excuse me, do you think you could help bank my train over the gradient

Duck: Certainly. I’m on my way.

Narrator: Duck said kindly, and he buffered up in reverse, pushing the train from
behind, and the two engines set off. The trucks were silly heavy and noisy, but
with hard work and determination, Duck and the 7F engine managed to keep them in
order, until at last, they reached the top.

S&DJR 7F (Whistle blows): Thank you.

Duck (Whistle blows): Goodbye.

Narrator: Duck called as he rolled gently over the crossing and onto the other
line. Duck loved coasting down the hill, running easily with the wind whistling
past. He was humming a little tune when….

(Guard’s whistle blows)

Narrator: It was a guard’s warning whistle. Duck knew they hadn’t a guard, but his
driver look back and shouted.

Duck’s driver: HOLY S***! HURRY DUCK! HURRY!

Narrator: He yelled, and set Duck’s regulator down at full, as coming down the hill
was the mainland engine’s goods train Duck helped bank. It broke away thanks to a
rusty coupling and careened down the hill at an immense speed as 20 heavily-loaded
trucks were chasing on after Duck. Worst, before the signalman could change the
points, they chased Duck down the up line.


Narrator: They yelled. The guard who had whistled the warning was knocked off his
van by the idiotic trucks right after he warned Duck. But the silly trucks didn’t
care, as they were too busy having fun to notice.

Duck’s driver: HURRY DUCK! HURRY!

Narrator: Yelled the driver, as they raced through Wellsworth station furiously.
But the trucks were catching up behind them.



Narrator: And they did with a shuddering jar. This allowed the fireman to climb in
carefully into the brake van and apply the brakes with an almighty scream. The
driver was gaining control as they thundered through the viaduct.



Narrator: A passenger train that was also from the mainland, was providing rail
tours on Sodor. The engine was pulling out on their line from the station ahead.
Any minute, there could be a crash.

Duck’s driver: IT’S UP TO YOU KNOW DUCK!

Narrator: Yelled the driver, and Duck put every ounce of weight and steam against
the trucks.

Narrator: He groaned. The trucks were feeling his weight but the station got


Narrator: Duck groaned. But as soon as the foreign engine cleared the line at the
right moment, the signalman switched Duck and the Great Westerner veered into a
siding where a barber had set up in an old wooden shed near the yards. Right now,
he was shaving a customer.

(Duck’s brakes skid and he crashes into the barber shop derailing and shocking the

Narrator: Luckily…no one was hurt. But the silly trucks had pushed Duck into the
barber shop, as the barber and his customers jumped in shock.


Narrator: He shouted in an angry Italian accent.

Barber: Look what you have a done to my shop.

Duck: Beg pardon sir. Excuse my intrusion.

Barber: No I won’t! You’ve a frightened my customers! I’ll teach you.

Narrator: And he angrily lathered Duck’s face all over in shaving cream. Poor Duck.
At that same time, Diesel was already put back on the rails, and Percy shunted him
to Tidmouth Sheds. The Fat Controller decided as part of the punishment, to leave
Diesel covered in the green paint that spilled all over him. It already dried, but
nobody even bothered to clean him, but just the mess that he caused. The big
engines seethed with fury as soon as they returned after they found out his
deception. They and Percy had a few choice words for him.

Gordon: So Diesel! Thought you could fool us eh? Well we’re afraid not!

Henry: Indeed! YOU USED US!

Diesel: I don’t know what you’re talking ab….

James: Oh don’t try and play innocent Diesel. You’ve fooled us all long enough. We
found about everything you said, and thanks to you, we turned on a very good engine
who’s been nothing but a friend to us.

Diesel: You and that Pannier! Pah! I thought you three hated him after he told
those lies!


Henry: But what we don’t like you! He may not be perfect, but he’s been nothing but
a blessing to us all. But you, you’ve been nothing but a deceiving, arrogant, and
lowlife scum that came here and made all our lives hell and turned us against each

Diesel: I did no such thing, in fact, where’s your proof?

Percy: Take a wild guess, as you’re not the only one that’s been working these
yards…Diesel! Only this morning I overheard you threatening the trucks while you
were glad to pretend playing polite engine and getting sick of it, and how you only
wanted to come here and replace us outdated, creaky, and worn out old kettles as
you rudely deem us, and most of all, the same douche bag that also came up with
those horrid insults you used against my friends.

Diesel (Grits teeth): You what?

Percy: You heard me dick head! You’ve caused me, my friends, and this railway
enough trouble as it is. Well you’re right Diesel, we steam engines are disease, to
an engine like you!


Henry: Well…I…


Diesel: Well I’d like to see you do it you “Sluggish Blue Whale”. But I’ll get
even, as I’ll get you all, as you pathetic steam engines have been running these
rails for too long! Well guess what, your time is up, and soon, more diesels like
me will be made, and your sorry asses will be withdrawn and sent to where you all
truly belong…the scrapyards!

(All engines gasp)

Diesel: Your controller will see sense, and he will soon…


Diesel: GAH! (Gulps) Uh-ho.

MELTED INTO A TOILET! I’ve heard what I need to hear, and may I just ask right now,
who the bloody hell do you think you are…Diesel?

Diesel: Um, I…





TFC II: good choice of words you three.

Henry: Speaking of which. I’m sorry about I said Diesel, really, but you didn’t
need to pull a stunt like that.

TFC II: Indeed so Henry. But all the same, you are not that important Diesel. You
are nothing but a devious, delusional, rude, arrogant, prejudice, irresponsible,
power-hungry, incompetent, bad-tempered and selfish engine that has horrible petty
grudges against my engines just for being different! You make me sick!

Diesel: But sir, I…


Narrator: Diesel, realizing the game was up, purred sulkily away, and disappeared
into the distance as the engines glaring at him as he did.

TFC II: Gordon, Henry, James. I’m glad that you three had finally saw sense and had
defended Duck as well as make peace with Percy, I hope this will be a lesson that
will stick with you three from this point onwards. I hope now you three have
finally learned about the value of friendship, trust and honest, and to more
grateful whenever you get praises like with the enthusiasts instead of conceited,
learning who your true friends really are and to never judge and bully others just
because of their size or minor faults, as well as how harmful it is in jumping to
such hasty conclusions without solid evidence.

Gordon: Yes sir! We have indeed, and we’re very sorry.

James: Indeed. We’ll never look down on smaller engines again. But after meeting
Diesel, I hope we never have to encounter one again.

TFC II (Stern): Now James, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

James: Sorry.
Henry: But don’t worry sir, we’ll apologize to Duck once he returns.

Gordon: Absolutely!

James: Honest!

TFC II: Good. Though I will say, one particular engine saw sense. I am very proud
of you Percy. You’ve been a great help to all of us. Thanks to you, you have been
able to stand up and give the bigger engines a good taste in common sense and have
been so clever that you were able to help us denounce Diesel and figure out the
truth. And now Diesel will never return again. As a special reward, you shall a new
coat of paint.

Percy: Oh sir, thank you.

TFC II: You’re more than welcome. However, until Duck returns, can I trust you to
help get the yards back to order?

Percy: Absolutely sir! I’m on it!

Henry: And Percy…thank you.

Percy: Of course you guys. I’m just we’re finally getting along. Friends?

Gordon, Henry and James: Friends.

Narrator: And with that, the three engines went happily back to work, as soon as
the yard manager came over.

Yard Manager: Excuse me sir. There’s an emergency at Crosby Station.

TFC II: At Crosby? Oh my word, what happened?

Yard Manager: A runaway train from the mainland has broken away on Gordon’s Hill
and has chased after Duck. Duck did his best to stop the run away, but it pushed
him even further into one of the sidings at Crosby and into the wall of that new
barber shop there.

TFC II: HOLY LORD! Is anyone injured?

Yard Manager: Don’t worry sir, no causalities. But they are in a state of shock,
and Duck is damaged badly. They got the breakdown gang there, though the barber
mind you is throwing a hissy fit and blaming Duck for it.

TFC II: Oh damn. Well, call the barber, I’ll be there right away.

Narrator: Soon, the Fat Controller arrived at the scene of the disaster. Thomas had
arrived with the breakdown train and helped to pull away the trucks, while the 7F
it broke away from took what was left of it. Soon, the Fat Controller burst the
door open and was shocked to see Duck covered in shaving cream. But the barber was
shaking his fist.

Barber: You have a lot of explaining to do Sir Topham. I do not like engines
bursting through my walls and frightening my customers like.

TFC II: Yes, I appreciate your feelings and we’ll gladly pay for the damages. But
it was an accident. You must know this engine here and his crew have done their
bloody hardest in preventing what could’ve been a serious accident. This situation
could’ve been far worst and you and your customers would be dead, and you wouldn’t
be doing any business at all. It was a very close “shave”.

Barber: Oh! Oh, excuse me (Nervous grin)

Narrator: And the barber filled a vase with water and washed Duck’s face.

Barber: I’m sorry there, um, Duck. I didn’t know you were being such a brave engine
and stopping a runaway.

Duck: That’s alright sir. To be honest, I didn’t know that either.

TFC II: Ho-ho, you were brave indeed Duck, and I’m very proud of you. And I shall
tell even City of Truro about you and your efforts the next time he comes.

Duck: Oh sir! Thank you.

Narrator: Duck beamed. Feeling happier than he had in weeks. As Thomas was pulling
Duck out of the wrecked barber shop, the Fat Controller had more news for him.

TFC II: And once you are mended and cleaned, you will finally come back home.

Duck: Home sir? Do you mean the yards?

TFC II: Of course.

Duck: But sir, the big engines don’t like me anymore. They like that Diesel.

TFC II (Chuckles): Not anymore. That was one of the reasons I sent you to work with
Edward, as to prove you were innocent. You see, I never really believed Diesel. In
fact, I didn’t really like him all that much, as after you left, he told lies about
Henry. But thanks to Percy, everyone knows the truth and he got what he deserved.
So I sent him packing. He’ll never return again.

Duck: Really?

TFC II: Really. Now that the big engines know the truth, they’re sorry now and they
really want you back.

Duck: Oh sir. Thank you.

Thomas: He’s right Duck. Because after what you’ve been through and what you did
today, you deserve it.

Edward: Indeed, congratulations Duck.

Narrator: Duck beamed. A few days later, Duck came back home to the yards, fully
repaired and with shining new paint. Percy also came to in another gleaming livery.
They both puffed into Tidmouth Sheds where there was a rousing welcome for both of

Gordon: Oh Duck, we’re so sorry about what had happened. We’ve been so selfish, and
treated you like a criminal.

Duck: It’s okay you three. In fact, I owe you all an apology for my own behavior
before Diesel came. I was in so much glee about City of Truro’s visit, that I never
appreciated it. I should’ve been more humble, so I’m sorry to that I kept annoying
you guys.
Henry: Apology accepted Duck. But all the same, the three of us really do
appreciate your efforts, and plus, your one of the most sensible and hardworking
engines we’ve ever known. Plus, you saved those people in that barber shop from
that runaway. That I feel is definitely worthy of the Great Western way.

Duck: Thanks Henry. But no matter what way you do it, as long as it’s done the
right way, that’s all that matters. Oh, and Percy, I’ve heard from the Fat
Controller of what you did for me. I don’t what to say except, thank you for
helping me.

Percy (Giggles): Well you helped me. So I felt I had to return that favor.

James: Well things for certain, you both are true examples of how even tank engines
maybe small, but are just as useful, hardworking and brave as the biggest of us. We
promise will never look down on tank engines again. Great job you three.

Narrator: So everybody cheered happily for both Percy the Small Engine and Duck the
Great Western Engine. And after that, the big engines were true to their word, as
they never belittled smaller engines again, as now, they have a great respect for
them, especially Percy & Duck. While at times they can argue, that’s just normal,
as they all do care about and respect each other. As horrible as Diesel was, his
presence that day really changed everything on Sodor, and made the engines realize
how much they need and care about each other, and that they would always look out
for each other in the end. As for Diesel himself, well, he went back to British
Railways in a foul mood, and still covered in the green paint stains. His
controller scolded him severely for what he had done the moment he got back to
Manchester, and as punishment, was made to stay in his shed until further notice,
and that he wouldn’t be cleaned repainted. Diesel just sulked. In fact, his driver
had, had enough of his behavior that he resigned and went to driver another engine,
leaving Diesel, cold, lonely and miserable for a whole year. It wasn’t until a year
later that the manager finally let Diesel out and given a new driver. He was
repainted black, but with other engines and railway enthusiasts who had heard about
him and his devious deeds, they would sneer and boo at him whenever they saw him,
much to Diesel’s anger. But if that wasn’t enough, a week later after he was let
out, his driver even showed him a copy of a brand new Railway Series book. It was
titled “Railway Series Book No. 13: Duck and the Diesel Engine” written by Reverend
Wilbert Awdry. Diesel goggled in horror, as now his reputation was tarnished even
further. But was honestly surprised at the fact Awdry didn’t write his story on how
he got his comeuppance. And the driver pulled out a newspaper article, reading an
interview saying the reason Awdry didn’t was because he only intended on showing…

Reverend Awdry (Voice over): The valiant and heroic efforts of Duck the Great
Western Engine and how he has changed. Diesel had put himself beyond the pale, and
there was no chance of him coming back. Especially because this Diesel by his class
is one of the most insignificant engines that was ever made. The Class 08’s are the
most common engines seen on British Railways and Diesel isn’t any different,
especially because of his black livery and the fact he is literally named after his
own kind. But even so, mentally, he has no characteristics that made him stand out,
as he was deliberately difficult for his own selfish advantages, and only has
caused harm and conflict with the steam engines of the Island of Sodor. I wouldn’t
mid writing about a diesel if they came to Sodor, but Diesel has done nothing to
achieve the like. Both physically and mentally, he is very insignificant and
pathetic. If you were to travel along British Railways, don’t even bother talking
to him or giving him any attention or he shall gloat and make everyone’s lives
miserable. Because of this, he is not worthy of his own back, nor shall he ever
return to the Island of Sodor again.

Narrator: Diesel’s face fell. Hearing the from Wilbert Awdry himself really gave
him a taste of reality. Though he may not have changed a whole lot, Diesel only
stayed silent as he did his work. But in recent years to show off and prove how
efficient diesels are, it always backfired on him and kept getting banished from
every railway and industrial company across the region, especially in recent years
when he did return to Sodor. Though he did become part of the railway again later
in 2001, but that story all you already know. But as far as him changing, well,
that’s a different story.

Narrator: The Island of Sodor has been doing quite well in the last 10 years alone.
Ever since BoCo and the Fat Controller came up with their great plan of saving
innocent engines across the UK and giving them the chance they never had, things
have been going rather wonderfully for the engines and people of the island, as
thanks to BoCo, the Fat Controller, and every veteran engines doing their part,
life on the Island of Sodor was not only good, but even better than ever. Every new
arrival that BoCo had saved has grown accustomed to their new lives on the railway,
starting out as misguided outcasts to champions that have triumphed over their
demons and have found their place in the world. Becoming just famous as the Sudrian
veterans that have made the railway what it is today. Now it was 2010, and it feels
like life on the island was carrying out like normal…that was until one day, the
Fat Controller received an email addressed from of all places, the National Railway
Museum, and to his surprise, it was addressed to of all engines…Edward the Blue

(Fades to Tidmouth Sheds one evening)

TFC: Good evening engines, I have an important announcement to make. The National
Railway Museum in York is hosting a special rail gala for 2 months, and bring this
up as apparently, I received an email as they want to invite one of you to attend.

Gordon: Splendid sir. Who did they ask? I mean I wouldn’t mind going there again,
but I have on so many rail tours there.

Thomas: And I already went there once, and while it was one of the best experiences
in my life, there’s place like home.

James: Says you Thomas. I would give anything to be at the National Railway Museum,
I mean the museum would just have to choose me obviously.

Henry: You? Pah! Like that’s ever going to happen. You’re a medium-sized mixed
traffic mogul. A common workhorse, and you ain’t fooling anybody with that red
livery of yours.

James: Pah! I have just the appeal with this red livery as the Duchesses and
Princesses of the LMS. Your green livery is too generic looking, especially on a
Black 5 that man rail enthusiasts would see daily.

Henry: Yeah, well I beg to differ. My class was massively produced for a reason,
and the word “class” is one way to describe us Black 5’s, as our looks and
versatility draws so much popularity we have mass appeal.

James: Oh sure. But there’s no other engine who can be a crowd drawer but Moi. I am
unique in design and easy on the eyes.

TFC: Ahem! (Both henry & James at once) If you both would listen and not have any
competitive bouts, you would know neither of you both were picked.

Henry & James: WHAT? Ooooh!

TFC: Now you two, I won’t have you both acting like a couple of sore-losers.
Besides, need I remind you both the last time you got competitive?
Narrator: Henry & James blushed and looked away. That was the incident to shut
them. So they remained respectively silent.

TFC: Anyways…the museum wanted a different engine this time, and one in the same
league as Thomas & Gordon. The engine they’ve chosen is… (Points to Edward) Edward
the Blue Engine.

Narrator: The engines were surprised, especially Edward himself. But then they
cheered as that did sound like a grand idea. Though Henry & James did cheer, it
wasn’t as much, as they were still disappointed that they weren’t chosen.

Edward: Oh my word sir, me…wow, I don’t know what to say except, what an honor.
Never would I have thought I’d represent Sodor for a special event all my life,
especially at the National Railway Museum. But regardless, I just couldn’t say no,
as this is very generous of the museum.

Thomas: I’ll say it is, I don’t think they could’ve chosen a better engine. Our
wise old sage and one of the two founding engines alongside me.

Gordon: Indeed. You are an absolute legend Edward, and I don’t think there could be
a better engine to choose.

Edward: Why thank you everyone. Even though I love my home, I am quite excited to
visit the NRM, as well as the mainland in general, as well as the different engines
I would meet there.

TFC: And I’m happy for you to Edward. The museum wanted a different engine to visit
this time, and I don’t think they couldn’t have chosen a better engine, especially
given that it is the 65th anniversary of our own legacy since Reverend Awdry
published our stories in his Railway Series books.

Edward (Chuckles): Indeed. So when will I be leaving.

TFC: In two days’ time, so tomorrow, you’ll be needed at the Steamworks to be

inspected before your journey to York. I got Emily to look after your branchline
until you return back in November as during that time right before Christmas,
that’s when things get special. It’ll all make sense in due time.

Edward: Brilliant sir. Sounds exciting.

Thomas: Gee, we’ll miss you Edward, but we wish you all the best. Have fun. And
look forward to whatever this surprise is to sir. If you don’t mind me asking, what
does it involve?

TFC (Chuckles): All in good time Thomas. Besides, it wouldn’t be a surprise if told
you. Trust me, it’ll all be worth it. In the meantime, there’s another topic I must
address, especially because it involves you Gordon.

Gordon: Me sir?

TFC: Oh yes. As you are all aware lately, the ending terminus on our railway has
changed its location now from Barrow n’ Furness to Manchester, as the Railway Board
and I believe ending the Main Line’s terminus at a big city in England such as the
nearest being in Manchester would make sense and will gain more publicity for our
railway. No disrespect to Barrow, but it wouldn’t work as the main line’s end
terminus anymore as it’s really more a small local station. But no worries though,
as we’ll still be using Barrow, but as a stop for local train really. Most of our
influx of passengers and goods from the mainland will be at Manchester from this
point onwards.

Gordon: Splendid idea sir. I think it’s a wonderful idea four our railway ending
its stop at a big and more populated city like Manchester. Though if you don’t mind
me asking sir, how will this affect me?

TFC: Well Gordon, since you’re our top link express engine, your service will end
there from now on. So all the stations you are required to stop at will be
partially altered for the new timetables so the express can keep to time. You’ll
start from Knapford per usual and make two stops at Crovans Gate and Vicarstown for
this service, but this time you won’t be stopping at Barrow now that it’s for local
trains, so you’ll be going all the way to Manchester as the final stop. And because
everything still needs to run like clockwork, I’ll need you to be there precisely 5
minutes earlier.

Everyone: (Gasps)

Gordon: 5 minutes you say sir?

TFC: Indeed. Now, I understand this is gonna be difficult, but don’t worry Gordon,
this is really just a trial run. But in order for you to run this service, I’m
really sorry to say this, but it means you would have to push yourself a little.

Gordon: I understand sir. And anything to keep our railway running. If that’s what
you and the board want, I shall do my best. For our railway and our passengers.

TFC: Oh…well, uh, thank you Gordon. I know it’s too much to ask, but I’m sure
you’ll do your best. The new timetables will take effect next week right after
Edward leaves for York, so you can start with trial runs. I wish you the best of
luck Gordon and thank you. The rest of you have your normal duties as usual. That
is all.

Narrator: And the Fat Controller left. The engines were pleased for Edward, but
turned rather concerned towards Gordon.

Toby: If you don’t mind me saying, are you sure you can handle this Gordon?

Gordon: I’m sure of it dear Toby. And I don’t mean it out of boasting, as this is
for the passengers more. Like I’m sure if I give it my all, I’m sure the service
will be successful.

Edward: Well if you’re sure then, we’ll leave you to it and we wish you the best of
luck Gordon. But promise me one thing though.

Gordon: Oh uh, sure Edward. What’s that?

Edward: just don’t push yourself too far Gordon. As it’s our job as engines of
course to take care of our passengers and the people who rely on us. But we also
have to take care of ourselves to.

Gordon: Of course. I promise Edward, I’ll keep myself in check and I wish you the
best of luck on your trip to the National Railway Museum. I’m sure you’ll enjoy
yourself and that you’ll be an honoree member like me and Thomas have.

Edward: Why thank you old friend. Anyways, we best get some rest right now.

Narrator: As the engines went to sleep, Gordon had a lot on his mind he to sleep
on. He spoke confidently to the Fat Controller and his friends as he usually did.
But this new timetable and how he had to arrive 5 minutes beforehand. The
responsibility did sound like a heavy burden, even for a big, powerful engine like
him. For once, the big blue express engine was beginning to have doubts about his
capabilities. The next morning, after he had gotten himself ready, Gordon was
steaming on his way to Knapford, trying to think of a way to make ends meet. He
still pondered as Stanley shunted his coaches to the platform.

Stanley: ‘ere are your coaches Gordon. Good luck ‘oday.

Gordon: Thanks Stanley. (After Stanley leaves) Because with this new change of
schedule, I’m gonna need it.

Narrator: He said nervously as he backed down onto his coaches.

Gordon: Driver, make sure we have plenty of sand please, and conserve most of the
energy we have until we make the trip down to Manchester.

Gordon’s driver (sighs): Okay, but please, don’t overdo it Gordon.

Narrator: His driver replied concerned. So as soon as the passengers all boarded
the coaches, the guard blew his whistle, and Gordon puffed epically out of the

(Shows a montage of Gordon thundering down the main line)

Narrator: He was soon speeding down the line like he normally did, and it seemed
like things were going normally, especially since this time he wasn’t required to
stop at the normal stops the original express had, being at the junctions of
Elsbridge and Wellsworth. He used his strength and speed to make it all the way to
Crovans Gate the same he normally would with the express. Though unlike all the
other times were he made it there on his record speed with ease, Gordon found
himself feeling a little strained when pulling the coaches and felt himself
struggling when trying to keep up.

Gordon (panting): Good…lord…I never remember struggling like this….but we have a

timetable to keep. Driver, fireman, more power.

Gordon’s driver: Right!

Narrator: His driver said, but reluctantly though. All seemed to be going fine at
least, and Gordon wasn’t completely worn out, especially by the time they did reach
Crovans Gate.

Peter Sam: Good morning Gordon. You’re in early today.

Gordon: Oh, really, how early?

Peter Sam: About I think um, 6 or 7 minutes.

Gordon: 6 or 7 you say.

Peter Sam: According to the clock, I think so. Still, that was really impressive

Gordon: Oh, why thank you Peter Sam. I was just hope I could’ve been there in 5.

Peter Sam: Oh, I’m sure you did your best Gordon. I mean, it is close enough.

Gordon: Good point. Thanks Peter Sam. I do appreciate the comment.

Peter Sam: Of course my friend. If anybody’s good at breaking records, it’s you.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

Peter Sam: Oh, that’s my guard. I must be off. See you later Gordon.

Narrator: Peter Sam said warmly as the little green engine trundled cheerfully
away. While Gordon was flattered by Peter Sam’s optimism and kind words, 6 or 7
minutes didn’t feel early enough. The same was said when used all his efforts to
make it to Vicarstown where Douglas and Bear where giving him the same compliments
Peter Sam gave him. Once again, he may have appreciated that, but in terms of
keeping to time, it wasn’t enough. Though he knew Crovans Gate and Vicarstown were
the calm before the storm so to speak. As he had to save his biggest efforts of
course, for Manchester. As planned, Gordon thundered through Barrow as he wasn’t
required to stop their anymore. Now the distance from Barrow to Manchester was
about 2 hours and a few minutes, so Gordon had to give it his all to make sure he
arrived early. But it wasn’t enough, as now he felt himself panting and short of
breathe. He was still going fast, but it wasn’t enough once he finally did reach
Manchester. Gordon arrived in exhausted, gasping to catch his breathe. Before he
could say anything, there on the other side of the platform was the connecting
service, pulled by a more modern looking diesel-electric, who just sniffed at him.

Shane: What time do you call this?

Gordon (panting): Sorry…I was trying to…catch up the timetable…I just…

Shane (Sarcastically): Of course you were. How pathetic. But then again, this is
bloody typical of steam engine now isn’t it.

Gordon: And who are you to be patronizing an engine like me!

Shane: Oh how rude of me. They call me Shane, I’m one of the express diesels of
British Railways and newest form of express traction.

Gordon (Sarcastic): So I can see. Well I’m Gordon. The 4th engine of the
Northwestern Railway and its top link express engine.

Shane: Oh yes, you’re one of those outdated Sodor engines. How could I forget,
especially seeing a steam engine with a colorful livery on our metals.

Gordon: You watch your tongue their…Shane, as I did my bloody best to get here. You
should be grateful you have your passengers now.

Shane: Yes, but arriving 10 minutes behind schedule.

Gordon: 10 minutes?

Shane: Oh what, are you deaf to old man, that is what I said.

Gordon: Don’t you make any sarcastic remarks at me there you narcissistic mongrel.
I may be old, but I have been pulling express trains for yours without trouble.
Maybe on some occasions I’ve run late, but I do my best to keep to time.

Shane: Uh-huh! Sure!

Gordon: I’m serious you fool! I worked my ass off to get here now that my
controller changed the ending terminus from Barrow to here, and I wasn’t here,
you’d have no passengers at all! What would you do then?
Shane: Run my train on time for one thing. Just you wait old man, time is catching
up, and soon, you will be replaced, forgotten, and hopefully scrapped.


(Guard’s whistle blows)

Shane: Uh, uh, uh, can’t talk, must keep to time you know, as its British Railway’s
policy to make sure everything is “done on the clock.” See you later old timer

(Shane departs while Gordon seethes)


Narrator: Gordon really didn’t take kindly to Shane’s rudeness. As most diesels on
the mainland were rude, arrogant and thought that they were above steam engines,
but most diesel electrics being made now in modern day were usually more mature,
polite, and quite respectful to their steam-traction predecessors. They were only
more focused on their work if anything. But Shane seemed to behave more like the
first generation diesels on British Railways. When Gordon was arriving on return
journeys, he was now becoming consistently late. The big blue engine was rather
shocked and a little embarrassed. Usually Gordon always arrived on time with the
express, but now, it seemed he was struggling terribly. Was he beginning to lose
his touch? Later, Gordon finished for today when he pulled into Knapford tired and
late. He was worried what the Fat Controller was gonna say. But instead he looked
rather concerned as he was walking towards him.

TFC: Gordon, I hear you’ve been running late lately with the express. Is everything

Gordon: Oh, I’m sure I’m fine sir. But I do apologize though, I’ve been doing my
best to keep to time. I think I just need is a good rest and an early morning
start, that would work better.

TFC: Are you sure Gordon?

Gordon: Positive sir. I’ll make sure to keep time tomorrow.

TFC: Okay, but before you do, just know Edward is leaving from Knapford tomorrow
for his trip to York. So before you start, you and the others can spend some time
saying goodbye to him before he leaves.

Gordon: That would be nice sir. Though I think I better get some rest, that way I
can keep my strength up right after.

TFC: Oh, um, okay Gordon. But remember, this is just a trial run, so don’t strain
yourself, as you can tell me if there are any problems present.

Gordon: Thank you sir. I’ll remember that.

Narrator: And Gordon puffed away back to Tidmouth Sheds just as Stanley came to
shunt the coaches back to the carriage sheds. As the big blue engine left, the Fat
Controller looked on concerned for Gordon, wondering if this time trial was
something personal for him. The other engines could see something was not right
with their friend, as each and every time they passed by, they saw him disgruntled,
red in the face, panting and struggling.

Henry: Has everything been okay lately Gordon?

Gordon: Oh, everything’s fine Henry. I’ve been doing my best to keep up with the
new timetables at Manchester. But sadly I keep struggling and I’m running late. I
was fine this morning when I arrived at Crovans Gate and Vicarstown, but the run to
Manchester difficult.

Thomas: I understand how that feels. But surely even express engines like you need
to stop and catch their breathe.

Gordon: Oh I know Thomas. Because I admit I did get exhausted, but I don’t think I
would have a time for a rest in between journeys. But definitely at the stations.
This is still a trial run and only the first day, maybe things would get better

James: Sure they would Gordon. But hey, if you’re unavailable, then that means the
Fat Controller would turn to Moi. I can beat that timetable with ease.

(Everyone groans)

Gordon: Oh don’t be preposterous James. You know what would happen if you did that.

Henry: Yeah, and you can’t climb hills you know. Plus, and engine like you can’t
even go that fast.

James: Yeah, well neither can you Henry. I mean, at least not as fast as Gordon
that’s for sure.

Edward: Alright you two, that’s enough. Tomorrow is my last night here before I
visit York for 2 months.

Thomas: Edward’s right, we should at least spend it in peace.

Emily: But still, we weel miss ye Edward. An’ I’ll dae me best tae leuk after yer

Edward (Chuckles): Don’t worry Emily. I’ll be back, and I know you’ll do fine.
Plus, at least going to York, I get too meet your sister Serena for the first time.
Wouldn’t that be a treat?

Emily: Och aye, I forgot aboot that. Och I’ weel be lovely tae see her again. But
I’m glad ye are Edward. Tell her I said hi.

Edward: Of course sweetheart. I’ll make sure of that.

Gordon: Oh, and make sure you do for me with Scotsman Edward.

Edward: Of course Gordon. Though I must ask, are you sure you can still handle the

Gordon: If I put my mind to it, I’m positive. Like I said, today was my first day,
so maybe tomorrow things will work out. Especially to shut that mainland diesel I
was transferring passengers with back at Manchester wrong.

BoCo: What mainland diesel? Oh no, was it D261 or D199 again?

Gordon: No, not them this time BoCo. Actually, this was a more modern looking

Narrator: And Gordon told the other engines about his encounter with Shane as well
as his rude behavior.

BoCo: Ah yes, Shane, I know him. I met him once before when delivering a goods
train to Manchester. He’s a Class 67 Bucket Class built in 1999. And proud of it.
He’s not as bad as D261 or D199, or even Diesel for that matter prior to the brake
van incident after he mixed up the tankers, as he takes his work very seriously and
always makes sure to carry out his tasks with care and no complaining. However, he
is nothing like the other electric engines, as he is a very rude, ambitious and
stubborn diesel-electric feels being a new form of traction means he’s more
improved and built to perfection, calling out any steam engine, and even older
diesels for being too outdated that they might as well retire and make way for
engines like him.

Thomas: Ugh, of course he would. I hate those kinds of engines.

Duck: Same here. Like they got nothing else better to do.

Gordon: Indeed. I did my bloody hardest to get to Manchester and this is the thanks
I gets. Ugh! Honestly, he reminds me so much of myself when I was young.

Edward: Oh don’t worry about that Gordon. At least you’ve matured and did your

BoCo: Edward’s right Gordon. Just don’t take Shane seriously, as he doesn’t know
what he’s talking about. His arrogance would soon be his own undoing.

Gordon: I suppose you’re right. I just have to make sure to keep to time. Anyways,
we should all get some rest, especially since our dear friend Edward is leaving

Edward: Thank you Gordon. We might as well get some sleep.

Henry: Indeed. Good night everyone.

Narrator: And the engines all drifted to sleep, leaving Gordon to figure out his
next move. The next morning, the engines gathered at Knapford to see Edward off.
The old blue engine was polished to perfection and was pulling his special orange
coaches that he usually uses on his branchline. Edward is very proud of these
coaches, as they had been with him through many adventures, most notably, the time
the old engine was aging and his crack pins snapped during a storm, only for him to
carry on without his side rods making the great exploit he ever had, and the
engines learned to respect him ever since. The passengers all climbed on board, and
the engines and the Fat Controller were waiting to see them off like they had for
Thomas on his first trip there 20 years prior.

Thomas: So long Edward. We hope you have fun in York.

BoCo: Emily, Derek and I will make sure to look after the branchline.

Edward: I know you three will BoCo, and I thank you all. I’ll miss you all, but I
will make sure to tell you about my adventures there once I return, especially for
the big surprise coming to. You all behave yourselves and take care whilst I’m

James (Nervous smile): What? Of course we will.

Henry: Yeah, we hate trouble.

Edward (Laughs): Of course you both do. I’ll see you all next month.
TFC: Indeed. Goodbye, and like Thomas and Gordon, be a credit to our railway.

Narrator: Soon the guard blew his whistle, and Edward the Blue Engine puffed off
all the way on his trip to the National Railway Museum at York. The engines were
gonna miss him, especially because it would feel the same without their wise old
sage. After he had left and the celebration was over, work continued, and Gordon
was determined now to make sure he would stick things according to plan. As soon as
he departed, he made sure to put more effort into his speed as he kept going, but
once again, he was feeling the strain and feeling rather puffed, especially when he
arrived to Crovans Gate where instead of Peter Sam like yesterday, there waiting
impatiently was Duncan.

Gordon: (Panting)

Duncan: Och, an’ where have ye been?

Gordon (Panting): Sorry I’m late Duncan. Trying to catch up with the times.

Duncan: Aye, an’ ye couldnae any sooner thon expectit. It’s ane thing whan the
other engines are late, I thought ye were supposit tae be a fast express engine
built for this kinda work.

Gordon: I am! Just lately it’s been hard to keep up with these timetables. You
wouldn’t understand.

Duncan: O’ course I wouldnae, because I dinnae care. I should spend time restin’ a
wee bit, no’ workin’ me ass o’.

Gordon: Watch your tongue there Duncan, there’s passengers about, and some of them
are children.

Duncan: Och, whan they grow up they’ll understand.

Gordon: Oh how typical of you Duncan, always complaining about something. Might I
ask, why are you even passenger runs, and where’s Peter Sam?

Duncan: Peter Sam is workin’ at yon Blue Mountain Quarry today, so the Thin
Controller put me on passengers for the time. An’ last thin’ I neit is tae deal wi’
yon passengers complainin’.

Gordon: Oh look you would. I only would if it was serious.

Duncan: Weel this is a serious situation Gordon, ye ran late, an now I have tae
make up for loss time thanks tae ye. (Guard’s whistle blows) Aye, I must be off.
Good day tae ye.

(Duncan storms off)

Gordon: Humph! How absolutely vulgar of that engine. At least Sir Handel isn’t like
that, but Duncan, it’s like he’s an engine trapped in the body of a 9-year old
child with temper tantrums.

Gordon’s driver: Oh pay no attention to him old boy. Duncan always was a natural

Gordon’s fireman: Yeah, maybe he should’ve been a stand-up comedian or somethin’.

(All 3 laugh)
Gordon: Maybe so. Anyways, we best get over to Vicarstown.

Narrator: Soon Gordon made it to Vicarstown, but found himself struggling more than
he did to Crovans Gate. He rested for a bit, but then came the hard part, the
journey all the way to Manchester. Gordon puffed as fast as he could down the main
line, but the more effort he put, the more exhausted he was feeling speeding down
there for 2 hours straight. He soon arrived out of puff and red in the face. And to
make matters worse, there once again was Shane, giving him a smug smile and more
insulting comments.

Shane: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the galloping blue sausage, later than

Gordon (Panting): Bite me Shane!

Shane: Your controller really is a fool for thinking he keep a bunch outdated
antiques pulling trains. You may have been great pulling express trains in “your
time” old man, but in this decade, that is so outlandish (Laughs).


Shane: Or what? I can say whatever I want, as British Railways will always make
sure I’m in top condition, being such a thoroughly modern top-link express engine.
Unlike you. You’re gonna wear yourself to pieces in 5 minutes. Just face it Gordon,
you’ll either retire in a museum or face the cutter’s torch for all I care. Ta-ta!
(Shane departs)



Gordon’s driver: Calm down old boy! You shouldn’t take him seriously. No offense,
but you acted like that to remember.

Gordon (Calms down): Yes I know Jake, and that’s my point. And I thought Spencer
was bad. Let’s go take a rest before the return journey.

Gordon’s driver: Right.

Narrator: As Gordon left, a certain Class 40 who was also pulling passengers could
see all was not right with the big blue engine. As Gordon was resting in one of the
sheds, Patrick pulled up beside him.

Patrick: Hello Gordon. You alright?

Gordon (Sighs): Oh, hello Patrick. I guess you saw me arguing with Shane didn’t

Patrick: Of course. Don’t take him personally Gordon, he’s horrid to everyone
really, but he’s not as arrogant and stubborn as certain other diesels.

Gordon: Oh that I’ve heard from BoCo last night. I’m more upset because he does
remind me of myself, and back when I put down other engines when they ran late when
I had to wait for them. But even so, he’s so arrogant that he makes Spencer look

Patrick (Chuckles): Oh I don’t know about that, as with respect, Spencer is far
worst. Shane at least does care about his passengers and running his trains to

Gordon: That I believe. So at least it’s not Spencer I’m not connecting with here.

Patrick: Aside from Shane though, I’ve noticed you were rushing and panting
terribly as you came in. Is something else on you mind Gordon?

Gordon: You could say that. Know how the railway board wanted to change the ending
terminus of our railway to hear and tightened up the timetables.

Patrick: Absolutely. Oh, where you having like some sorta time trial?

Narrator: Gordon explained his problems yesterday and what happened that morning
after Edward left, as well as the thrashing from Duncan earlier.

Patrick: Oh, I see. I imagine these timetables have been very straining for you
haven’t they Gordon?

Gordon: One way or the other, yes. I’ve dealt with hard situations, but not as hard
as this. I thought yesterday I had to adjust, but since today, I never thought I’d
be feeling so exhausted. And I suppose without the other stops I made at Elsbridge
and Wellsworth, it’s even harder now, especially because I have to use up my energy
like this for 2 hours straight to get here. And now I’m running behind schedule.
This isn’t usually like me. I usually make it in just fine without getting out of
breathe. Then again, I did feel that way back in ’83 when I had to go the
Steamworks when my tubes needed replacing, and Thomas, Percy and Duck took over.

Patrick: Yes, and I must admit, having these timetables of you running 5 minutes
beforehand, that sounds very pressuring.

Gordon: It is, but to be honest Patrick, I don’t really have a choice now.
Especially since stopping here will help keep our railway running for future
generations. The others can get here just fine, but I have to push myself just so
the service can run to time.

Patrick: I get that, but at what cost?

(Gordon pauses looking concerned)

Gordon (Sighs): Maybe so I don’t get replaced I suppose. About 22 years ago, I had
a fear of being replaced by a high-speed train, so I tried to do what I can to
prove myself, only to accidentally get on the Fat Controller’s bad side, especially
after I crashed a wedding with soot. The misunderstanding was cleared, but I felt
nervous and rather paranoid, as I knew deep down the idea of being replaced could
come. And it feels that day, is about to come.

Patrick: I understand that Gordon. But I don’t think the Fat Controller could ever
replace you. You’re the top-link express engine. But then again, everybody gets
old, and there comes a time we have to look after ourselves to. I admire how you
would go all out for the railway Gordon, but I don’t think you should be waring
yourself thin. But I do think you’d have to find an alternative.

Gordon: What kind, double-heading the express with the likes of Henry, James, and
Bear. That maybe impossible, as I know the Fat Controller can’t just spare them.
Plus, the trial run hasn’t even been finished yet, so I know I’d still would have
to try my best.

Patrick: But how? You can’t keep pushing yourself. I mean, if Spencer was tasked
with doing this, he would run himself to pieces and breakdown horribly, but he
would be too delusional to acknowledge his faults. You’re better than this Gordon.
We all have to look after the passengers, but don’t forgot yourself to.

Gordon: I know, and I thank you Patrick. But there has to be something I could do.
This is all I have now.

Narrator: Just then, Gordon’s crew arrived.

Gordon’s driver: Come on only boy, we gotta get ready for our return train.

Gordon: Right. I’ll see you later Patrick.

Patrick: Take care Gordon.

Narrator: As Gordon puffed away, Patrick looked on feeling very concerned for him.
That night, Gordon returned to Knapford once again, late and exhausted. Then when
he went to go rest in the sheds. He once again was thinking deep on what to do
next. He looked up at the full moon and thought to himself.

Gordon (Inner monologue): I’m gonna make sure to give it my all tomorrow. I’m gonna
make sure I keep pulling the express to time one way or the other.

Narrator: The Pacific thought to himself. The next morning, Gordon woke up to get
himself ready. He made sure to ask his crew to make sure all his pits and pieces
were tightened, his joints were thoroughly lubricated, and they had plenty of sand,
as well as a good supply of coal and water to make sure the journey was easy. They
did so, but rather reluctantly, but Gordon still felt the stress deep down in his
smokebox. Just as he was at the platform waiting, Kirby was shunting his coaches
today instead of Stanley.

Gordon: Oh, good morning Kirby. Where’s Stanley?

Kirby: Oh, he had to help give Barry a hand on the Kirk Ronan Branch today, so I’m
filling in as station pilot for the time being. Anyways, here’s your coaches

Gordon: Why thank you Kirby.

Kirby (Smirks): Oh don’t mention it big guy. As you already got enough on your
mind. And with these trials, good luck, because you’re gonna need it (Laughs).

Gordon: What cheek. How did you know I’ve been struggling?

Kirby: Oh, something Duncan has been complaining about last night when I can over
to collect some trucks from the Wharf. I mean as whiny as he is, can you blame him

Gordon: Fancy you and that Duncan speaking about me like that! ME WHO’S BEEN

Kirby: Oh p-shaw, even an Austerity like Moi can handle a train just fine.

Gordon: Humph! Says the engine who Sir Handel tricked into pulling 50 trucks and
struggled on my hill, only to come hurtling into a tree.

Kirby: Oh that was different. I mean at least I wouldn’t complain and require so
much coal and water and inspection of every part like a “grouchy old man” (Laughs).
Narrator: Gordon seethed with fury.

Kirby: Just face it Gordon, you’re getting old. Maybe it’s about time you retire so
somebody could take care of you (Laughs).

Narrator: And Kirby puffed away laughing rudely, as Gordon seethed with fury.

Gordon: That airheaded Austerity, what does he know? That’s it, driver, fireman,
get ready, as we need all the energy there is.

Gordon’s driver (Sighs): Okay…but please, don’t overdo it Gordon.

(Guard’s whistle blows, and Gordon lets out a loud bellow from his whistle as he
thunders out of the station, playing a montage of Gordon struggling set to I’m
Still Standing by Jackson D. Begley;

(Shows different angles of Gordon struggling such as his wheels pounding the rails,
steam erupting from his funnel, his face cross and red in the face. He passes
several engines shocked to see Gordon as the song plays such as Percy at the bus
depot, he thunders through Elsbridge with Toby & Daisy looking shocked, past Emily
and BoCo at Wellsworth, thunders past Elizabeth at Suddrey Junction, Douglas at
Maron and Neville with a goods train)

Gordon’s driver: Good lord, what the hell is trying to do?

Gordon’s fireman: Och ye know Gordon, Jake. He’s juist tryin’ tae prove himself.
Especially as o’ now.

Gordon’s driver: Yeah…but is it really worth it.

(Gordon still thundering down the line past Henry’s forest)

Gordon (Panting): Come on driver, come on, we’re almost there.

Gordon’s driver: Calm down Gordon. I know we’ve been running late, but using up all
our energy will make us even later.

Narrator: But Gordon was still focused about running to time, and all the rude
comments Duncan, Kirby and Shane have made, he stubbornly wouldn’t listen. He soon
pulled into Crovans Gate, battered, but unbeaten, but once again, very late.

Gordon (Panting): Made it…at last…oooh!





Duncan: Och fur ye to retire fur all I care! I’s ane thing waitin’ fur me fellow
narrow gauge engines tae be late an’ go fur maintenance every year, I’s somethin’
tae be said aboot sum large blue whale who pulls the express to wear oot like a
balloon. An’ if this is really stressin’ ye, why dinnae ye juist retire frum the
express altogether ye sluggish sausage!
Narrator: Gordon seethed with fury! But before he could retort, Duncan just left
off in a huff with his train!

Gordo (Holding his anger): That insolent Scottish maggot. Can he ever learn to keep
his mouth shut!

Gordon’s driver: Now Gordon, don’t take it personally, he’s just…

Gordon (Angry): Like that, I know! But why can’t they all just stop and think about
the engines that actually do their jobs and stress they endure. And that’s ironic
from the yellow, foul-mouthed Scot who complains about nothing! Let’s just get over
to Vicarstown alright!

Gordon’s driver: Oh, okay old boy.

Narrator: His driver said, concerned for his engine. Clearly, the stress was
getting to him. As Gordon glided into Vicarstown, he ran late again to. The others
tried to compliment him, but Gordon was in such a bad temper from Duncan’s
rudeness, he didn’t spare anytime to calm down and notice. As one thing remained on
his mind, and one thing only…getting to Manchester…and on time to. Soon Gordon
thundered down the main line as fast as he could, but as he did so, his driver
though he could hear a clanking and a squealing.



Narrator: Gordon ordered as he thundered down the line! The squealing got louder
and louder, and then a knocking could be heard. The passengers heard it to, and
they were getting concerned. Soon, Gordon pulled into Manchester, 10 minutes behind
schedule. Once again, he was red in the face and exhausted. The passengers, feeling
empathy for Gordon, walked away slowly, but once again, there was Shane, looking
very smug, as he didn’t care about whether Gordon was late or not, but seeing how
exhausted he looked made him all the more please.

Shane: Well would you look at this. The galloping blue sausage gets worn out and
late again. Tsk-tsk, so typical of an outdated steam engine. Why your controller
hasn’t scrapped you and your kind is a mystery.


composure) No matter, your time will come Gordon. In fact, do us all a favor, just
retire you piece of scrap iron before it’s too late. (Cackles)


Narrator: And Gordon whished steam angrily, which made Shane shocked a bit, but
didn’t fully show it. Then as soon as Gordon was refueled and turned round for the
return journey, he left in fury his wheels slipped at first.

Gordon’s driver: JESUS GORDON! CALM DOWN!

Narrator: But Gordon wouldn’t as he gained control after letting of sand and steam
out of the station in a cloud of steam.

Gordon (Panting): COME ON…COME ON…COME ON!

Narrator: Soon Gordon thundered the tracks of the mainland, still in a bad temper,
Shane really set him off and he was not gonna have any of it!


Narrator: He bellowed! But needless to say, he was wearing himself out to pieces so
terribly that the squealing and straining was only getting worst. Not only that,
his safety valve began to increase heat to as he thundered through Barrow and
across the Vicarstown Drawbridge!



(Coughs) STATION!

Narrator: But the more Gordon pushed himself before he got to Vicarstown…

(Metal rupture sound)

Gordon: DRIVER?

Narrator: Gordon shouted, as his left valve gear just ripped off, and the side rods
were dragging on the rails!

Gordon: OH NO!

Gordon’s driver: GORDON! STOP!


Narrator: The squealing got louder and louder that the crew and passengers had to
cover their ears! Then, Gordon’s right valve gear burst, his side rods dragging
terribly and steam hissing into a plume from his cylinders!


Narrator: Gordon shouted as now his safety valve burst. Gordon’s boiler began to
increase heat as the damaged side rods caught in his wheels and crunched. His
driver shut off steam and tried to apply the brakes as the guard did in the brake
coach, but that just made things worse as a bend was ahead and Gordon’s wheels
began to derail thanks to the obstructions!




Gordon’s fireman: HE’S RIGHT JAKE! (Grabs him by the arm) WITH ME NOW!

Narrator: And Gordon’s crew jumped out of the cab just in time!
(Gordon reaches the bend with a depressed and nearly teared up expression as he
derails with the coaches detaching behind as he tumbles down the embankment and
through the field and into a river severely damaging himself as steam plumes from
his cab, with Gordon looking like he’s about to cry)

Narrator: The crash was devastating. Gordon’s crew were shocked and heartbroken to
see their own engine take so much damage and crash like that. The passengers were
also beyond devastated to. And Gordon, he never felt so depressed in his life, as
his front lay in the river and plowed through the dirt, feeling the same way Henry
did after his infamous crash with the Flying Kipper that sent him to Crewe years

Gordon (Cries a bit): I…I…failed.

Narrator: Gordon said miserably. The awful words from Duncan, Kirby and Shane
circling around in his smokebox.

Kirby (In Gordon’s mind): I mean at least I wouldn’t complain and require so much
coal and water and inspection of every part like a “grouchy old man”.

Duncan (In Gordon’s mind): Och fur ye to retire fur all I care! I’s ane thing
waitin’ fur me fellow narrow gauge engines tae be late an’ go fur maintenance every
year, I’s somethin’ tae be said aboot sum large blue whale who pulls the express to
wear oot like a balloon. An’ if this is really stressin’ ye, why dinnae ye juist
retire frum the express altogether ye sluggish sausage!

Shane (In Gordon’s mind): No matter, your time will come Gordon. In fact, do us all
a favor, just retire you piece of scrap iron before it’s too late.

Narrator: Gordon had never felt so vulnerable. Soon, Harvey and Marlin arrived on
the scene with the Breakdown Train as Derek was called into pull the express back.

Derek: Don’t worry Gordon. I’ll take the express onwards for you.

Gordon (Sighs): Thanks Derek. Though it maybe the least I deserve.

Harvey: Dinnae fesh yerself, I’ wasnae yer faul’ Gordon.

Gordon (Depressed): Maybe not Harvey…but there was so much…I could’ve done.

Marlin: You did so much Gordon. Don’t blame yourself. This could’ve happened to any
engine. We’ll make sure to give you a much deserved overhaul. I’m sure you’ll be
pulling the express again in not time.

Gordon (Sighs): Thank you Marlin.

Narrator: Gordon said sadly as he was loaded onto a well-wagon. As soon as Derek
pulled away with the express and it’s passengers, Marlin took the damaged and
distraught Gordon to the Steamworks. Meanwhile, at Crovans Gate, Duncan was once
again waiting impatiently, and was expressing his frustrations to Skarloey and

Duncan: I tell ye all. Thon lazy blue sausage has been delayin’ me trains these
pas’ two days an’ I’ve haed tae pick up the slack.

Skarloey: Oh come one now Duncan. Gordon was struggling, and he was going his best
to run on time. Remember, this isn’t about you, it’s for the passengers. I
overheard what you said to Gordon earlier today, and I am very disappointed.
Duncan: Och, an’ the same tae ye Skarloey. I mean, whan ye strugglit all those
years before I came here. The passengers couldnae took thon bus, bu’ och nae, ye
had tae work yer ass off.

Emily: Thon’s because Skarloey is a selfless, brave and noble engine thon cares
aboot his passengers. Same wit Gordon. BoCo an’ I saw him strugglin’ this mornin’,
and these timetables have been stressful fur him. Like how I’ve been lately on the

Skarloey: You too Emily? Oh my, when was this?

Emily: Fur 2 months. The Fa’ Controller is tryin’ tae look intae I’, bu’ seems
workin’ oan the branchlines like Thomas or Edward’s benefits me more.

Narrator: Just before Emily could continue, the three engines saw instead of Gordon
coming into the platform, instead, was Derek, looking concerned.

Emily: Och, Derek? Whit are ye doin’ here wit Gordon’s express?

Skarloey: Yes, and where’s Gordon himself?

Derek (Sighs): Well old chaps, I…I don’t know how to tell you all this, but, Gordon
you see…he…he…

Duncan: Weel spi’ I’ oot Derek, we havenae go’ all day.

Skarloey: Duncan, no need to be rude. Derek, what’s wrong?

Derek: Lads, you wouldn’t believe this if I told you but I’m pulling the express,
because Gordon struggled, and he’s been in a horrific accident.

Emily (Gasps): WHIT? NAE!

Duncan (Gasps): Gordon’s been I’ an accident?

Narrator: Before Derek could explain, there coming through the station was Marlin,
with the damaged Gordon looking very depressed on his well-wagon. The other engines
and the passengers were shocked, and some nearly in tears.

Emily (About to cry): Och nae…Gordon (Sniffs), he must’ve wurkit himself sae

Skarloey: Indeed (Shots a stern glare at Duncan) You wouldn’t happen to know
anything about this? Would you…Duncan?

Duncan (Gulps): Uh…weel…I…och lord…whit have I done?

Narrator: Duncan said. He finally understood what Gordon was going through. He left
the station feeling guilty, realizing what his words done to the big blue engine.
That night, Gordon was being overhauled as Marlin said. While he was grateful, the
express engine still felt it wouldn’t matter, as there were more extreme matters on
his mind.

Victor: Cheer up my friend. It wasn’t your fault, and you did the best you could.

Gordon (Sighs): I know Victor. But to be honest, I’ve had fears about this for some
time, way before you and the other engines came here. I just feel, maybe…maybe this
is it.
Marlin: What do you mean Gordon?

TFC: Yes indeed.

Narrator: The three engines looked, and they saw the Fat Controller on the
scaffolding. Gordon spoke immediately.

Gordon: Before you say anything sir, I just want to let you know I am really sorry
about today. I did what I could to meet the timetables, but I couldn’t. Despite
everybody telling me to stop and take it easy, I couldn’t, I failed you sir. I’ve
failed the whole railway, and I apologize…I just feel….

TFC (Holds his hand): It’s okay Gordon. Listen, I’m not angry one bit. When I heard
about your accident, I was beyond devastated myself. Your crew told me everything.
The reality is, I owe you an apology, as this is really me and the Board’s fault.
We still wanted to set Manchester as our new ending terminus on the mainland, but
to make it difficult for some, that was asking a lot. Plus, your crew even told me
about what Kirby, Duncan and this Shane diesel had said to you, and we will make
sure those three are dealt with. But don’t worry Gordon, I know you did your best
and I am proud of you. We’ll have you fully overhauled and back on express trains

Gordon: Thank you sir, but as I was going to tell Marlin & Victor, I don’t know if
I could do that anymore.

TFC: What?

Gordon: Because regardless of what you said, today proves something…I’m getting
old. Even if you and the Steamworks did give me this overhaul, it wouldn’t matter,
as lately I’ve been feeling very much worn out. I didn’t realize at first because
of how I had those stops at junctions like Elsbridge and Wellsworth beforehand. But
after going through this trial, I can see that I’m not as young as I once was. I
feel bad about what I said to Edward all those years, as now I know how he felt. I
strained, I struggled, bent backwards and forwards after three days, and BAM…I end
up damaged and into a river. Ever since High-Speed Trains were becoming a thing on
British Railways, I always feared I would reach my limits, and it feels that day…
was today.

TFC: Gordon…what are you saying?

Gordon: Sir…I wish to retire.

(Everyone gasps)

Gordon: It’s true everyone. I loved pulling the express, but in all my years of
growing and maturing, I realize it doesn’t matter about maintaining images, showing
off speed records and keeping to time. What matters is the future of our railway
and the passengers that rely on us. I want our railway to survive sir. I want to
maintain our future. As I don’t want the other engines to be taken out of service,
especially for the hard work and character they’ve displayed. And Edward was given
a wonderful opportunity to visit the National Railway Museum in York, as he
deserves it. Maybe it’s better I do other work from now on, especially trucks,
which I honestly wouldn’t mind, it’s just this express route to Manchester won’t
work if I run it, especially back when I would arrive at Barrow, and the coaches
would be taken on by another engine, which I can see would be much of a hassle.
Instead, I think for the future of our railway and our friends to survive, it’s
better another engine did. No, actually, it’s better two engines did.
TFC: Two engines Gordon?

Gordon: Yes sir. There’s two engines I can always trust my passengers well-being
to, Pip & Emma. Those two are the best British Railways had to offer, and honestly,
I feel the express’s future would be better in their wheels. Plus, they’ve always
wanted to be part of our railway since the day we met them. And they deserve it. I
know it’s too much to ask sir, but do you think you could purchase them?

TFC: Of course I can, as British Railways wouldn’t mind. And I can speak to the
board about rearranging the timetables. But on a personal note, I’m (Nearly crying)
…I’m so surprised, but flattered you’d make this sacrifice for us all Gordon. You
really have matured over the years, but the fact you’d give the express up.

Gordon: It’s for the best sir. Besides, it’s time I gave local trains a chance now,
as I’m curious to know what it’s like.

TFC (Teary eyed): I understand. And I appreciate what you’re doing. But just know
Gordon that deep down, I always thought you were a very useful and honorable
engine, and I’m so proud of you. But if you wish to retire, I respect that
(Sniffs). But know I’m here in case you change your mind. Regardless (Crying), you
are a really useful engine Gordon, and I’m proud of you. I know your service with
the express has been exemplary, and will live on forever.

Marlin: And we respect your choice to Gordon. We’re so glad to have met you
(Cries). But we don’t want you to do this, but we’ll support you deep down.

Victor: Same here my friend. Same here (Sniffs).

Gordon (Tears trickling): Thanks everyone. I mean, I don’t know what will happen if
I’m perfectly honest, but for now, it has to be done. For our railway.

Narrator: Gordon said, and the Fat Controller left in tears as everybody went home
for the night. Gordon said what he had to, as he felt that it was over. He loved
the express, but he knew he couldn’t go on. But was his choice the right one to
make. The big blue engine looked up at the moonlight, wondering what the future
would bring.

Narrator: News about Gordon’s accident and retirement soon spread around the island
like wildfire. Every engine and human on the island was beyond devastated for their
friend, and shocked he would even consider this. They decided to ask the Fat
Controller, who revealed to all of them of Gordon’s struggles, not before he had
also given Kirby a good telling off and warning after his wisecracks to Gordon.
Reminding him to be more careful of what to say with his smart Alec mouth. But as
for Duncan, well, the Thin Controller was not happy when heard that Duncan was
being rude to Gordon which was partially the reason for why Gordon crashed. He knew
as Duncan confessed everything to him, and while the Thin Controller was pleased
Duncan was taking responsibility for his actions, unlike Kirby, a punishment was
still in order, as Duncan was made to shunt in the yards for 2 months. The yellow
engine accepted without complaining, as he knew he had to apologize to Gordon when
he next saw him. As for Gordon himself, well a month after his accident, his
overhaul had finally been complete, and the big blue engine was completing some of
his final tests. While he was glad, Gordon still felt his position deeply.

Gordon (Sighs to himself): If only I had known sooner that my own age was getting
to me. I could’ve stopped and took a breather, but that just feels easier said than
done. Then again, these feelings of wearing out, retirement and replacement have
been on the back of my smokebox for years. I just couldn’t imagine today…I’d just
lose my touch. Even so, what else is there?
Narrator: No sooner did Gordon ponder that, Henry showed up, feeling rather tired

Gordon: Oh, hello there Henry.

Henry (Yawns): Oh, hello Gordon. How have you been since well, you know? We were
all worried for you after what happened.

Gordon: Well you needn’t worry Henry. I’m okay now, especially since the Fat
Controller is rearranging on what to do for the express going forward.

Henry: Are you sure you’re feeling okay since you decided this?

Gordon: Well, I’m still managing, as it wasn’t the easiest decision, but for the
sake of the railway, my health and how much my age was catching up on me after that
strain, and to make sure you all can still be in service.

Henry: Why that’s thoughtful of you Gordon. But I hope things will work out for

Gordon: Don’t worry old chap, I’ll figure it out. But are you okay though Henry?
You look as exhausted as I was during the time trials.

Henry: Well lately I’ve been feeling a little overworked as of late. You know how
it is, handling goods, local trains, etc. So I’m here to get my firebox checked.

Gordon: Oh, is it alright?

Henry: Oh, it is. I’m just here to get it cleaned out. And in time for my local
train tomorrow. I’ll need all the energy I can for tomorrow.

Gordon: Indeed. (Realizes) Hey…actually, maybe I could…

Henry: What is it Gordon?

Gordon: Henry, I think I might have a proposition that could help benefit both of

Henry: Oh, what’s that?

Gordon: Well, I’m gonna return tomorrow after my tests are complete, and Pip & Emma
come that day to take over the express now that the Fat Controller and the Railway
Board thought of a new game plan for the timetables. I would still need to find a
new job to help keep busy, so what if I took the local for you tomorrow.

Henry: What? Are you sure about that Gordon?

Gordon: Of course. Besides, I’m curious to know what it’s like to pull local trains
anyway, and at least it’ll give you a chance to rest and handle your other jobs.
Henry: Well…that is a good point. Well, I’ll leave you to it then. And I hope you
like it.

Gordon: Thanks Henry.

Narrator: So the next morning, after Gordon & Henry’s maintenances were done, they
both spoke to their crews who phoned the Fat Controller about the plan. And when he
said yes, both left the Steamworks with Henry going to pull a goods train from the
Wharf, while Gordon puffed away eagerly, anxious to try the local. Once Gordon
arrived at Knapford, Thomas was there to collecting passengers with Annie &

Thomas: Ah Gordon, welcome back.

Gordon: Hello Thomas. How have you been getting on?

Thomas: Oh I’m fine, just busy like everyone else. How are you after the time

Gordon: Oh, I’m managing. Especially after considering retirement.

Thomas: Yeah, and I’m sorry to hear. But if you don’t mind me asking, what will
this mean for you?

Narrator: Before Gordon could answer, twos horns blared out, as coming into view
was a certain yellow and blue diesel with a rake of coaches coming into view.

Pip: Hello Gordon. Hello Thomas, remember us?

Gordon: Of course, hello Pip. (Confused) Or is it Emma, sorry, I have a hard time
telling you both apart.

Pip: No you’re correct, it’s me, pip (Giggles). Well done, Emma’s at the back

Thomas: Great to see you both again. So what brings you both here this time?

Narrator: Before Pip could answer Thomas’s question, the Fat Controller came to
greet them.
TFC: Ah, hello Pip. Right on time, great to see you and Emma again.

Pip: Thanks you sir, and were glad we finally get to stay this time.

Thomas: Here to stay?

Narrator: Thomas exclaimed surprised. He looked over and on Pip’s side instead of
their BR logos, they now had the NWR logos painted on instead. Pip also had the
number D12 and her own nameplates.

Thomas: Oh my lord, you mean you and Emma are…

Pip: That’s right Thomas, we’re part of your railway now.

TFC: Indeed. The truth is Thomas, after Gordon decided to retire, he decided that
Pip and Emma of all engines will take over the express from now on. And because of
their high-speed capabilities, it’s been decided that the ending terminus will now
be in none other than London itself.

Thomas: London? Well that makes sense, but, Gordon…what about you? Does this mean
you’re no longer an express engine?

Gordon (Chuckles): Oh no Thomas, it’s nothing like that. It’s just more I can’t
pull “the express” to Manchester. So for now, I made an arrangement to help Henry
with his local today.

TFC: Indeed, until we can decide what happens, Gordon will be helping out Henry,
James and Bear with their local trains and occasional goods trains to until we can
decide. Don’t worry Thomas, Gordon will still be in service.
Pip: Indeed. Plus, Emma and I will only be doing non-stop expresses now to London.

Thomas: Oh, that makes sense. Good for you three. But what about Manchester?

TFC: Oh Manchester will still be our new ending terminus. But since for now I put
Gordon on locals, he can stop there now before making the trip to London and so he
won’t have to push himself anymore.

Gordon: That’s a relief. Thank you sir. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure Henry’s
passengers are in good buffers to.

TFC: Oh I know they’ll be. Thank you to Gordon for doing this.

Narrator: Soon, the guard’s whistle blew, and Gordon left with his local train,
ready to get a feel for it.

Thomas: Well, in this case, Pip, to you and Emma, welcome to our railway, for real
this time.

Pip: Thank you Thomas, we’ll see you later.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

Narrator: As Thomas left, he did have mixed feelings. While it was nice Gordon
would still be useful, and that Pip & Emma have become permanent members of the
Northwestern. He was rather concerned for the big blue engine and what his future
might be. Meanwhile, Shane the Diesel Electric that antagonized Gordon during the
time trials was tasked in pulling a slow goods to Sodor. The diesel wasn’t happy
about this, as he’d rather be out pulling express passenger trains. The only reason
he wasn’t as the railway board had found out about his rudeness to Gordon, so
decided as punishment, they’d put him on slow goods to what he considered to be an
“antiquated and outdated” island in order to humble him down and teach him about
what past engines before him are like and how important they are to the history of
railways. Although Shane was sorry deep down, he just felt too proud to admit he
was wrong towards an old fashioned steam engine.

Shane: This is an outrage I tell you, and outrage! I should be on the express, not
pulling dirty trucks and stopping at each station to collect more.

Shane’s driver: Oh will you just stop your whining. You brought this upon yourself.
Maybe if you hadn’t been so rude to that blue express engine, you wouldn’t be on
slow goods now, would you?

Shane: Oh what do you know Carl? That steaming blue sausage just wasn’t fit to pull
the express anymore. I just can’t understand why you’re all defending him?

Shane’s driver: Because engines like him are legendary. When it comes to railways,
steam engines are like goods. And that blue Pacific called Gordon, he is one of the
most famous engines not just on this island, but the whole UK in general, and the
world. Especially since he’s the brother of the world’s famous Flying Scotsman, the
first engine who broke the 100 mph speed record.

Shane: Yeah…in the 30’s! Why even go for these steam engines and old outdated
diesels like Patrick when they could go for engines like me. We are the future.

Shane’s driver: Maybe, but slandering them like that is very disrespectful. Don’t
you get it, if it wasn’t for steam engines like Gordon, you wouldn’t have been
built now, would you. They are what made railways, and even technology what they
are today. I’m not saying you should like this, but for God’s sake, show a little
more respect.

Shane: It’s not that I do Carl, but that was so many decades ago. Yet everybody is
so disheartened over incident which is so honestly expected to be of those

Shane’s driver (sarcastic): Yeah…and for good reason. Because again, steam engines
are the heart and soul of railways. And seeing one struggle and crash like that is
so heartbreaking. And plus, after the way you spoke to Gordon last month, who can
blame them? I mean, don’t you even feel any responsibility at all? The passengers
could’ve been seriously hurt if Gordon dragged the coaches with him in the crash.

Shane (Realizing a little bit): Yes…but…steam engines would tend to go wrong like

Shane’s driver: Well so can modern diesel or electric engines. As they’re not
always perfect. In fact, modern technology like you can also fail every now and
again. Speaking of which, your engine sounds rather jittery.

Shane: Oh come of it driver. I felt worse.

Shane’s driver: No Shane I’m serious. That engine really needs seeing to.

Shane: There’s nothing wrong with it! Just a bit clogged up that’s all. Come on,
let’s just get this stupid train over to this so-called Knapford and get it over

Narrator: Shane barked. But that of course was a big mistake. They were soon
approaching a crossing right outside Killdane where a farmer was moving some hay in
his lorry. This was Farmer Trotter, the same farmer near the loop line on the
bottom of a field. In fact, it was the same farm he owned that Gordon ran through
after he tumbled off an embankment when he ignored a speed limit sign 10 years
prior. His lorry had a flat and was waiting for Butch to come help lend assistance.

Farmer Trotter: Ugh, I hope Butch gets here soon, I can’t wait all day.

Narrator: Just then, he heard a clatter and a splutter, as he saw struggling

through was Shane with his goods train. As the silver diesel made it through, his
kept roaring and letting out nasty fumes. Then, all of a sudden, he was approaching
Farmer Trotter and his lorry.

Farmer Trotter: Oh dear god, not now!

Shane: I say driver, argh, can you put the throttle on full, we’re slowing down.

Shane’s driver: It is full, but your engine is making it difficult. We better…

Narrator: But it was too late. The moment Shane approached the crossing, his
popped, he spluttered and all of a sudden, the Bucket himself finally broke down at
the crossing. Shane’s face was as green as a leaf, as sparks went flying from his

Shane’s driver: You overconfident, arrogant idiot! I told you something was up! Oh
but no, you were too stubborn listen again! I just can’t understand why you can’t
show any humility.

Shane: Okay, okay, I was wrong, I shouldn’t have been so brash! You happy!

Farmer Trotter: Now you two, that’s enough. I’m in much trouble here to after my
lorry has a flat. But there’s a breakdown vehicle named Butch who’s coming to help
me, so maybe his mechanic might help to.

Shane’s driver: Fair enough sir. But say (Sniffs) is it me, or does anybody smell
something burning?

Shane: Wait what? Burning…(Realizes and gasps) um, excuse me uh, Mr. farmer, but,
it appears your load of hay over there…it’s giving off smoke.

Farmer Trotter (Gasps): And I think I know why? IT’S ON FIRE? Oh dear god, looks as
if I’ll have to call the fire brigade to.

Shane: Indeed, we better act fast.

Narrator: So that’s what Farmer Trotter did. Meanwhile, Gordon was actually
enjoying himself when pulling the local. He was able to run at a normal fast speed,
but each station he stopped at, he got to rest for a bit before departing. He even
understand how important it was, as unlike the passengers who rode in the express
to get to the Mainland, the passengers stopped daily in the local to get to
different places, like for work, for shopping, for errands, for exercise, you name
it. Gordon even enjoyed stopping to take it easy and observing the sights around
him that he rarely got to enjoy back when he was on the express. Aside from talking
to the passengers, he even got to talk to his friends, like Oliver at Tidmouth,
Toby at Elsbridge as well as Mavis when she was shunting stone at the yards there,
Neville at Crosby, BoCo at Wellsworth, it was rather nice. And it was nice to stop
at these different stations that he normally wouldn’t get the chance to stop at
with the express. All the while the different engines he met up with would ask him
how it was going, and Gordon would answer the same thing. While he liked the local,
he wonder if his retirement from the express was the right choice to make. As
Gordon was approaching Killdane however, he had to stop as he saw the stationmaster
waving a red flag.

Gordon: Oh my lord, what’s wrong sir?

Stationmaster: There’s an emergency Gordon. All trains on the main line are
grounded for the time being.

Gordon’s driver: Why, what’s up?

Stationmaster: There’s a fire up by the nearby crossing. A diesel from the mainland
broke down and sparks went flying from his broke engine and into Farmer Trotter’s
load of hay bales, and now his load as well as his lorry are on fire.

Gordon: OH DEAR GOD! IN FACT, I CAN SEE THE SMOKE! Are the fire brigade present?

Stationmaster: Not yet, they’re still trying to get there. If they don’t, there
could be a serious explosion, and the broken down diesel is in no shape to move.

Narrator: Everybody was worried. But then, Gordon had an idea, remembering what
Thomas & Percy did back in 1994 when a workmen’s hut caught fire. He had a plan.

Gordon: Wait a minute. We don’t know how long it will be until the fire brigade
gets there, but what if I went over there to save that diesel and put out that

Stationmaster: What? Are you insane?

Gordon: I know it sounds risky sir, but we don’t have a choice. That diesel could
die if the flames come into contact with the lorry’s petrol tank. And his own fuel
tank to. My crew has a special fire hose in case of emergencies and my tender is
completely full before I left this morning.

Gordon’s driver: Yeah, our Gordon is brave enough to handle a task like this. Plus,
it’s either that or that engine dies.

Stationmaster: Good point. Okay, but be careful.

Gordon: Right. Jake, Dan. LET’S GO!

Narrator: So they uncoupled Gordon from his coaches and the big blue engine raced
off to face the situation. When he got there, Gordon was surprised, the flames seem
to be increasing. He was also surprised to see of all engines, there was Shane,
looking very terrified. His driver and the farmer had to flee so they wouldn’t be
killed, but the diesel electric was shocked to see the big blue steam locomotive
right in front of him.

Gordon: Well isn’t this surprising. You again Shane.


Gordon: What do you think, I’m here to save you, that’s what!



Gordon’s driver: RIGHT!

Narrator: The crew wasted no time, and got the hose hooked up. Shane’s driver and
Farmer Trotter also helped to, as the farmer himself was surprised to see Gordon,
the engine who ran over his farm, actually helping, but he couldn’t deny that and
set to work. Once everything was in place, the crew aimed the hose right at the
engulfing flames.


(Water blasts out from the hose)

Narrator: Gordon’s crew battled against the fire as the water gushed out and
blasting the engulfing flames. It almost seemed hopeless, but with more pressure
and determination, the flames decreased in number until at last…the fire was out!

Gordon: HA-HA! WE DID IT!

Narrator: Everybody cheered! But Farmer Trotter was devastated.

Farmer Trotter: My…my lorry...my beautiful lorry, it’s destroyed. (Points angrily

Shane: Well…I…uh…I…well.

Shane (Gasps and looks down in shame): Oh…oh I see. I don’t know what to say, other
than…thank you Gordon. You…you saved me…after how much of a horrid jerk I’ve been.

Gordon: Humph! You got that right Shane! You don’t know how lucky you are to

Farmer Trotter: Indeed. Thank you Gordon. Geez, I think this makes up for what
happened 10 years ago…I…

Gordon: It’s okay sir. Really I’m the one who’s sorry I wrecked your farm that day.
I’ve learned since, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that fire is out and
everybody’s safe.

Gordon’s driver: Indeed. Well done old boy! That was some quick thinking and a
brave move you made.

Narrator: Just then, the fire brigade themselves showed up, along with Butch and
the Fat Controller. But all were rather surprised to see the very fire they were
sent to put out, was already out, just the remains of the burnt and melted lorry
with its cargo of burnt hay bales disintegrated.

Fire Chief: Whoa! Well (Chuckles)…isn’t this surprising. Here we were getting
ourselves prepared to put out that fire, but it seems like you beat us to it.

Gordon’s driver: Really sir, you should thank our Gordon. This was really his idea.
The stationmaster warned us what was going on, but Gordon had an idea that saved
the situation from getting worst.

Narrator: And Gordon’s driver explained the initiative Gordon took and how brave he
was in saving Shane and putting out the fire. Everybody was very impressed they all
cheered in honor of Gordon’s selflessness and heroism.

Butch: Wow that was very impressive! Great job Gordon. You really came through

Fire Chief: Yes, that was wonderful. You managed to step in and take the initiative
and put out that fire right before we got here. You deserve the biggest praise of
all. (Smirks) But be careful, you might put us out of work.

Gordon: And we can’t have that now can we (Chuckles).

TFC: Regardless though, that was a great initiative you took Gordon, and you were
very brave to, putting your life at risk to save this diesel before an explosion
could occur. You are a very brave and honorable engine Gordon, and I’m very proud
of you.

Gordon: Why thank you sir.

Fire Chief: No, thank you Gordon.

Butch: Yeah, like goodness knows what could’ve happened. Sir, Chief, I think Gordon
should get some sorta reward for this shouldn’t he?

TFC: For acting quickly and bravely in emergency, I think he should Butch.

Fire Chief: Indeed. Like tomorrow, we have just the kind.

TFC: Yes, though I believe there’s somebody else who should owe their thanks. Isn’t
that right…Shane?
Narrator: The Fat Controller said, turning to the disgraced diesel. Shane at once
admitted what happened, taking full responsibility, as well as for what he had said
about Gordon that led to his accident.

TFC: I had a feeling it would be something like this, but needless to say, I’m very
furious with you, and I’m sure British Railways would be to. What you did Shane was
very rash, overconfident and irresponsible. I understand the need of finishing a
job and running on time, but common sense and safety come first on my railway just
as much as yours. Not only that, I have heard you have said loads of snide and rude
comments to Gordon lately and how you were partially responsible for his accident.
Gordon was in a lot of anger and depression thanks to you, and the passengers on
his train could’ve been hurt…or worst. And you caused a fire that could’ve killed
you had the flames came into contact with the fuel line in Farmer Trotter’s that
you set on fire. And all because of this arrogant, snooty, and stubborn
perfectionist attitude you have, and how dismissive and rude you were to engines
built before you. Well needless to say, my engine Gordon, a steam engine, who you
insulted, belittled and demeaned, saved you, and had it not been for a steam engine
like him, you wouldn’t even be alive now, both in terms of you being built and just
right now, as you Shane need to learn a lot about respecting your elders! Think
about that as I will be phoning your manager and informing him of your behavior and
disregard for older engines. Is that clear?

Shane: Ye…yes sir.

TFC: Regardless, we’ll talk about this later. I’ll send for Bear to finish your job
and Marlin to come collect you and bring you to the Steamworks.

Butch: And Farmer Trotter, I apologize what happened to your lorry, and don’t
worry, I’ll bring it over to the Abbey Repair Garage where it will be repaired at
once and look good as new.

Farmer Trotter: Thank you Butch, much appreciated, and thank you as well again

Gordon: My pleasure Farmer Trotter.

TFC: Indeed. Though as noble as that rescue was, Gordon, you better go refill on
water, and don’t worry about being late, as it was worth it. And tomorrow, we’ll
have a special celebration for you.

Gordon: Thank you sir.

Narrator: So Marlin arrived to shunt the disgraced Shane to the Steamworks as Bear
came to finish with his slow goods. Butch towed the burnt lorry to the Repair
Garage as Gordon was refilled and back to finishing the local. As he stopped at
Crovans Gate, he went to go check up on Shane. After the fire and being scolded by
the Fat Controller, the diesel electric was now considering his actions.

Gordon: How are you feeling Shane?

Shane: Oh, as well as you think. Gordon…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry about all the
horrid things I’ve said to you and causing you to crash. It was wrong. I don’t care
about running to time or keeping up to date, especially because you just saved my
life earlier, and I thank you for that. I owe you my life.

Gordon: You don’t have to owe me anything Shane, as I do forgive you. I understand
as believe me, when I was young and about your age, I used to be much worst
(Chuckles). I used to think I was the best in being a top-link express engine and
that I was above everyone to. But being an engine on Sodor and a member of this
family made me realize life isn’t all about pride, timetables, speed records, self-
image and hierarchy. It’s about being a really useful engine that does the best at
their job and what they’re given, as well as the effort in doing so. It’s also
about looking out for other engines and the people that rely on us, and helping
them out in any way they can, especially risking their lives in danger for a

Shane: You’d…you’d really consider me as a friend.

Gordon: I don’t see why we couldn’t be, as you weren’t as bad, as there were some
first generation diesels I knew that were far worst and got into a lot of
humiliating mishaps because of their delusions. Plus, there is an A4 I know back on
the mainland that’s a private engine for the Duke and Duchess of Boxford and oh-ho,
he was far worse than both of us, as he has outdated thoughts and would never learn

Shane (Chuckles): I can see what you mean. But at least you didn’t make the mistake
of setting a lorry and its cargo on fire and nearly killing yourself.

Gordon: No, but it could be worst. You could try and get out of goods work by
attempting to jam a turntable and falling into a ditch.

(Gordon & Shane laugh)

Shane: You know, I admit it…I was so wrong about steam engines, as well as older
diesels. I should’ve went into this more with an open mind. It’s just I didn’t know
what past generations were like that I just preferred everything in the modern era.
My driver was right, not every in the modern world is perfect.

Gordon: Well not even some aspects of past decades were either. But that’s okay, as
I was thinking next time we meet, I can teach you about the past and the history of
railways. Especially because engines like you now have a lot to live for.

Shane: I do?

Gordon: Oh I’m sure you do.

Shane: Oh thank you Gordon. I appreciate this, and that you’d teach me.

Gordon: Of course, and at least unlike Spencer or those other diesels, at least you
were eager to get your job done and took responsibility for your actions. So that
says a lot about your character. Don’t worry Shane, I’ll teach you everything you
need to know.

Shane: Thank you Gordon.

Narrator: After that, both express engines, both old and new now become great
friends. Shane’s engine was repaired and the diesel-electric went back to the
mainland where his manager scolded him, but was pleased Shane apologized and took
responsibility for his actions. But he was still made to pull slow goods on the
mainland for 2 weeks, which Shane accepted as he knew what happened was his fault.
After that, he became a much better engine and apologized to every engine he’d been
rude to in the past. As for Gordon, well at Knapford Station next morning, there
was a huge celebration in honor of the big blue engine’s heroic deeds. All the
engines were present as everybody cheered.

Fire Chief: For his quick thinking and initiative, act of bravery, selflessness and
heroism, and helping some in need and preventing a dangerous situation for getting
even worst, I present this Queen’s Fire Service Medal to the Northwestern Railway’s
#4, Gordon the Big Engine.

Narrator: Everybody cheered as the Fire Chief pleased a Queen’s Fire Service Medal
around Gordon’s funnel. Gordon beamed, but humbly, as to him, all that mattered was
that Shane, his driver and Farmer Trotter’s whose lorry was still being repaired,
were safe. Helping others felt like the true reward more than ever.

Gordon: Thank you everyone, thank you.

TFC: No, thank you Gordon. I am very proud you came through in the end. Even though
you retired from the express, as least you came through in the end. You are a very
useful and an honorable mature engine.

Narrator: Gordon felt very proud and the other engines were to. Though some still
felt worried what this would mean for their friend. Especially Thomas, as the
little blue tank engine felt worried what could this mean for him in the future.
But that’s another story.

Narrator: Edward the Blue Engine was puffing down the tracks of the Mainland all
the way to York. He was given a special invite to the National Railway Museum for a
special Rail Gala. The old engine was excited, as it had been a long time since he
had been to the mainland, and to go meet the engines that have been preserved at
the NRM. While he usually was very content with is life on Sodor, Edward just
couldn’t turn this down. Plus, it would be nice to meet the different engines
preserved or visiting there, especially catching up with any old friends that might
be there.

Edward: Ah, now this is wonderful. It’s not every day you get to see such beautiful
sights like these along the lone. My things really have changed on the mainland
probably more than they do on Sodor.

Edward’s driver: Maybe, but they still have that beautiful countryside feel to it.

Narrator: The driver remarked. So far, Edward’s journey had been fairly uneventful.
After a long journey the first day, they’d stopped off at Preston where the crew
had topped him up on coal and water, and hotels had been booked for the many
passengers on board. Despite setting off early the next morning, the journey was
still long. Edward hadn’t been to the other railway for nearly 55 years, since the
time the engines were invited to London for a big gala. He’d never been to York
before and was exhausted when they finally pulled into the big terminus station.

Edward (exhausted): Goodness me, I never expected this journey to be quite so long.
Nor have I ever seen such a large station.

Edward’s driver: Well York is one of England’s biggest cities old boy, plus not to
mention with a whole collection of engines, a massive station would only seem

Edward’s fireman: Yeah, all the same Charlie, Edward’s right, I need a good

Narrator: Before the fireman could get out of the cab, a distinguished looking man
came onto the platform, followed by a selection of porters. They opened the doors
for each of the passengers as the man walked in front and gave a warm smile to

Mr. Davies: Well if my eyes don’t deceive me, Edward the Blue Engine, it is a true
pleasure to meet you, especially given how much inspiration you were to me as a

Edward: Oh uh thank you sir, but I’m sure all of my friends are inspirations of
their own right.

Mr. Davies: Oh indeed, you all were. Oh but where are my manners, my name is Steven
Davies, the director of the National Railway Museum and I am proud and honored to
welcome you to York, to take part alongside our fleet.

Edward: The honor is all mine Mr. Davies, if you don’t mind me asking, why was I

Mr. Davies: Well Edward, that was mostly down to myself. See as a child, I was a
huge fan of the Railway Series. And it all started with a simple line “Once upon a
time there was a little old engine called Edward”. It was no secret my favorite
book was “Book No.9: Edward the Blue Engine”, my mother and father would want me
desperately to read other RWS books outside of that one but, well, let’s just say,…
(winks at Edward). I would always sneak re-reading “Old Iron” every time at the
dinner table. As you can tell, you were my favorite engine (Chuckles).

Edward: Well…I’m glad I was (Chuckles).

Mr. Davies: Indeed (Chuckles). It was my dream to visit Sodor and I finally got my
chance when my father told me we could do a tour of the Island in 1965. Your
Branchline was the final tour, where we wanted to visit the China Clay pits. As you
can remember it rained that day and well…

Edward (gasps): …you mean you sir, were one of the passengers on board my train
that evening.

Mr. Davies: Indeed I was, Edward, and so were several chair members of this museum,
including our first director Mr. John A. Coiley. Everyone was simply in shock and
excitement that despite your awful condition, running as a single, you still
managed to get us home. I on the other hand, always knew you’d overcome everything.
In fact I made it my promise that if we ever were to hold another railway gala you
would be at the top of my priority. The board agreed and well here you are. And I’m
pleased to see you’ve brought these fine dears, same ones I travelled in.

Edward (smiles): Well thank you very much sir, not just for the invitation but for
knowing that my efforts have inspired not just my friends but people and engines
outside of Sodor too.

Mr. Davies: Oh believe me Edward, you thought I was excited, most of the engines in
our museum have heard or know all about you and can’t wait to meet their biggest
hero. In any case, you best head off to the sheds, I think you deserve a good rest.

Edward: Certainly sir, but where may I park my coaches?

Wilbert: Leave that to me old friend.

Narrator: Edward smiled as a familiar voice and shape came up behind. Wilbert had
also been invited from the Dean Forest Railway to take part in the Gala, he
buffered smoothly up to Edward’s old coaches.

Edward: Hello Wilbert, good to see you again old chap. Really you don’t have to.

Wilbert: Edward, please, though I’m preserved, I’m an Austerity. If we didn’t know
how to shunt goodness knows how those Collieries would have run.
Edward: I suppose, but allow me to follow you to the sidings, and then the sheds,
we have a lot to catch up on.

Wilbert: Oh indeed, as I particularly want to know about this “Kirby” brother of

mine who was purchased a year after I left.

Narrator: As they headed off the yards, shunted the coaches and made their way to
the sheds, Edward informed Wilbert all about “Kirby” many adventures and run-ins on
Sodor. Despite Kirby’s bad temper and poor manners, Wilbert couldn’t help but feel
proud that the engine once known as “Sixteen” had changed for the better.

Edward: Most recently he has been proving himself a hard-worker, he keeps our
trains organized on time and he even keeps his language in check…for the most part.

Wilbert (chuckles): Well I suppose all of us have traits we can’t change, can we?
That all being said, I’m glad to see he’s no longer the “Sixteen” I used to know.
Mind you, that incident you mentioned with this “Fergus”, I can’t really blame old
Kirby for losing his temper.

Edward: Indeed, Fergus was quite the difficult engine when he was rediscovered by
Stanley all those years ago. Not a bad engine, just incredibly stubborn and set in
his ways, due to his OCD undoubtedly. Fortunately his attitude’s improved, mostly
thanks to Mavis and Duck that is.

City of Truro: Well I’m glad to hear my words of encouragement have stuck in my old
friend’s smokebox. Pride of the GWR we are.

Narrator: Edward looked over and smiled. Their in front of Wilbert was the 100mph
record breaker himself, City of Truro. The magnificent engine was standing proudly
outside the big sheds awaiting to be placed on the Turntable, he glanced over at
Edward and winked.

Edward: Hello Truro, how are you feeling?

City of Truro: Only as well as ever other preserved engine, my dear Edward,
absolutely fabulous. Just arrived from Didcot today, lovely little preservation
line. How’s life on Sodor been?

Edward: Eventful to say the least. We’ve had a number of changes since you last
visited, some good, some…not so good but I suppose what’s life without it’s events.

City of Truro (Chuckles): Very true, I’m so pleased that my good friend Duck,
earned his own Branchline and now runs it with his other friend Oliver. That all
being said, I wasn’t impressed to hear that, that engine who framed him all those
years ago and has caused nothing but trouble is now a part of your railway.

Edward (serious): It’s quite a long story Truro but all I hope is that after his
most recent event, he will now see sense.

(Thunder storm sounds)

City of Truro: Oh dear, the typical British weather is calling. We best get inside,
though I should warn you, the others are quite excitable to meet you.

Wilbert: Yeah, they’ve been talking non-stop about you all day.

Narrator: Edward smiled and puffed into the large shed. When he pulled inside, the
lights flickered on and Edward found himself on a turntable. He looked around and
saw a whole array of engines, large, small, tank, mostly tender, some who he
recognized and others not at all. No sooner had the turntable positioned itself
into the correct bay that Duchess of Hamilton let out a loud cheer, followed by
many others.

Duchess of Hamilton: Here he comes, here he comes!

Edward: Hello everyone!


Edward: Thank you all it’s an honor to be here.

Flying Scotsman (chuckles): Okay, settle down everyone. Hello Edward. It is so

wonderful to see you again. We’re so glad you accepted our invitation.

Edward (Chuckles): The honor is mine Scotsman. I never thought I would come here to
the National Railway Museum. I’m really pleased to catch up with old friends like I
have with Wilbert and Truro earlier, and meet with some you haven’t met before.
Though I will admit, I appreciate the recognition, but I never knew I was such an
inspiration to all of you in this regard.

Flying Scotsman: Oh it’s true. You are Mr. Davies’s favorite engine as I’m sure he
already told you. And while Thomas’s first visit was wonderful given his own
popularity, and the few times my dear brother, Gordon would visit whenever he went
on rail tours to the mainland, but you Edward we’re excited about as you were of
course the very first engine Awdry wrote about in his Railway Series books. They
became so popular that this made people enthusiastic about the history and legacy
of railways, and us steam engines that made them what they are today.

Stepney: ‘e’s righ’ Edward. Preserva'ion was bein’ 'aken seriously nah because ov
'he Railway Series books, no' 'o men'ion 'he TV Series based off 'hem. Especially
when I firs' visi'ed sodaw. Each ov 'he engines 'ha' live on 'he island were 'ruly
inspirin in your journeys an' adven'ures over 'he years, bu' i' was because you
Edward were no' only 'he firs' engine, bu' 'ah kind, 'ah posi'ive, an’ 'ah wise an’
de'ermined you were 'ha' 'ad really inspired us. Too many ov us, you were 'he
Railway Series.

Duchess of Hamilton: Indeed. And when the Beeching Axe took place, it was when
Reverend Awdry himself wrote his later books during that time, our drivers would
read them to us and they gave us hope. But when we heard about the daring exploit
you made in 1965, how an engine older than most of us kept pushing through despite
all the odds against you. And yes, all the other Sodor engines were just as
inspirational, it’s because you were the first, an engine who as BoCo put it “was
old, but surprised us all.”

Mallard: Well said Duchess. And it was an engine from your generation like some
here we feel we owe our lives to. That was honestly why we the engines not just at
the NRM, but also the mainland in general admire you the most.

Narrator: Edward was flattered hearing all this.

Edward: Ah, now I understand. And I really appreciate that I was the one who
provided that hope. Thank you all.

Truro: Our pleasure Edward. It just feels so right that after Gordon and Thomas’s
visits, it would make sense to have the first Railway Series character, one of the
Northwestern’s 3 ambassadors, the 2nd engine of the railway, and most importantly,
one of the oldest, kindest and wisest engines that always proves himself through
these trials and tribulations a chance in the spotlight here at the National
Railway Museum.

Edward: Why thank you Truro, and I’m happy to be that engine. I really look forward
to meeting you all. And what my visit here entails.

Flying Scotsman: Of course. In fact, we should introduce ourselves right now.

Narrator: So that’s what they did. Now Edward already knew Flying Scotsman,
Stepney, Wilbert, and City of Truro since their past visits to Sodor, but the rest
felt like a real treat to. There was Mallard of the LNER, the engine who broke the
world’s speed record and Spencer’s sister who was fair kinder, benevolent, and more
down-to-earth than her arrogant brother. The Duchess of Hamilton of the LMS and
Caitlin’s sister, who was undeniably gorgeous in her LMS Maroon and streamline
casing. While she was kind and very sweet, unlike Caitlin, was far more diplomatic,
relaxed and calm. He also met Green Arrow, the first engine Thomas befriended
during his visit 20 years prior. And then there was Serena, the first of GNR
Stirling Singles, the older sister of Emily. She was very kind and as cheerful as
her sister, but seemed a little upset, which Edward could tell right from there
this had to do with the years of separation she had from Emily. He also met other
engines but the ones mentioned previously where the ones he was introduced to the

Edward: Why thank you all for you introductions. And I look forward to talking with
each and every one of you. But for now (Yawns) excuse me, I think we should all get
some rest.

Flying Scotsman (Yawns): Agreed. Make yourself comfortable Edward, as tomorrow, the
Gala begins.

Narrator: And everyone went to sleep ready for the big day tomorrow. The next day,
the cold air blew and the winds were strong. Never the less the Gala went on. Once
Edward had been steamed and polished he was ready to pull the demonstration. A
single orange coach from his consist was shunted behind him by Stepney and he spent
most of the morning travelling backwards and forwards along a short piece of line.
Ever since Thomas’ infamous “trouble on the line”, there were extra high barriers
so that bags or people couldn’t run across the line. Edward was pleased that
railway safety had been improved and after some morning demonstrations soon joined
the others for an afternoon rest. He parked himself alongside Green Arrow and
Duchess of Hamilton. Green Arrow was telling them all about the time he and Thomas
had to pull an excursion train down the line.

Green Arrow: …but on our return journey, Thomas spotted a bend in the line and we
had to stop. Buses came for our passengers and once we were switched to the other
line, Thomas bravely trekked across and I shortly followed with the coaches. The
following day he was honored with becoming a member of our museum. He deserved it
for being so brave and thoughtless, even after his bad experience a couple of days

Duchess of Hamilton: Such a sweet brave and honorable little engine’s your Thomas,
all be it a bit cheeky and grumpy, and wonderful engine nonetheless. He talked a
lot about all of you when he was here.

Edward: Well that’s Thomas for you, always putting others needs in front of his own
even if he is a little impatient and stubborn at times. (Edward chuckles and
notices people readying themselves for demonstration trains). I wonder where my
crew are, I didn’t think the demonstration trains would be back on so soon.

Voice: Oh don’t fret dear fellow I’ll handle these trains.

Narrator: Steaming alongside was a very familiar looking engine, who Edward at
first thought was Stephen, until he rolled alongside and Edward noticed his thick
eyebrows, bristly moustache and beard. Then he remembered what Thomas had told him.

Edward: Hello there, you must be Simon.

Simon: That I am old friend, and you’re Edward. Young Thomas has told me all about
you…well I say young, despite him being 20 years older than me.

Edward (chuckles): I know what you mean, so you handle some of the demonstration

Simon: Indeed I do, nice for the visitors to know what it’s like to travel behind a
really old engine… (Winks)…even though I’m not that old.

Edward: Quite, we have a replica Rocket of our own on Sodor. Named Stephen for
short after Robert Stephenson himself. He’s proven to be quite popular…even if he
did cause a little trouble on his first day.

Simon: Oh yes, Serena was telling me all about what he did to her dear sister,
Emily. On behalf of all replica engines Edward, I must apologize for this Stephen’s
actions, I don’t approve of it at all. There’s no cause to lie about who you are…
(Pauses)…although, I can understand why he felt so insecure.

Edward: Exactly. But you needn’t worry, as he was only young at the time and didn’t
know better, and it was after everyone confronted him, he learned from his mistake
and has now become a very respected and popular engine, and we even apologized for
being so hard on him to. He and Emily are very close to, as it was her that was the
one who helped him fit in.

Simon: Now that’s good to hear. See it’s no secret that some of us replicas are
often looked down upon, being copies of original designs. I myself was subject to
being put down for being an “insufficient rip-off”.

Edward: Oh really, by whom exactly.

Duchess of Hamilton: Oh err, I’m afraid it was me. Yeah I was a very different
engine back then all snooty, proud and high and mighty, you know who it is. I used
to think replicas were improper steam engines, just copies of legendary engines. I
was very wrong, as I realized now they are as important as us who lived through
they times. They carry the memories of the original engines they’re based on and
for that they need to be commended.

Simon: That’s very wise of you Duchess and don’t worry, it was 55 years ago. I’m
not one to ever hold grudges against a fine engine like you. Not to mention these
replica engines help keep alive the spirit of the engines gone by.

Green Arrow: It’s true. I mean recently this Tornado, who’s been built, carries the
legacy of the original Peppercorn A1s that were scrapped. Myself, Scotsman and
Mallard were thrilled when we heard of the project and even more so when we first
met him. Though all the praise did get to his smokebox, he eventually humbled down
after he raced on some car show called Top Gear, where he lost a race to an old
sports car.

Narrator: Edward smiled, remembering his driver, who was a big fan of Top Gear,
told him that very story last year. The engines continued to speak for a while
until Simon was called to take the demonstration trains and his birth was taken
over by Flying Scotsman. Mr. Davies climbed out of the cab.
Mr. Davies: A fine trial on the demonstration trains Edward, the visitors say you
were a natural and the smoothest running engine we’ve had.

Edward: It’s only right that the visitors are kept well sir.

Mr. Davies: Absolutely, due to your popularity, the board want you to pull an
excursion train to the same area that Thomas did with Green Arrow here.

Green Arrow: But sir, what about the flooding of the embankment?

Mr. Davies: No worries GA. Ever since your last excursion arrow, they’ve created
new barriers to prevent that from happening again. There are fewer visitors than
last time as well so Edward’s train won’t be as heavy. A diesel should be arriving
with two vintage BR MK1 coaches for you to pull.

Narrator: As Mr. Davies walked to the station, Edward was excited, but felt giddy
all in side. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come though at the same time,
pondered who this diesel would be. When the evening came, the last guests left the
museum, and the engines all lined up outside, Edward found out who the diesel was.

Edward (Giggles): Oh, I had a feeling it was him.

D199: Oooh, ridiculous, that’s what it is.

Flying Scotsman (chuckles): Oh no, here we go. I heard the stationmasters looking
for a couple of “Spamcans”, though he didn’t expect one this big.

Narrator: The other engines chuckled as D199 aka Spamcan rolled into the yards with
the two coaches, he was in a bad mood and today wasn’t the day he fancied being
taunted by other engines. Instead he grumbled to his driver.

D199: Why on earth would my shed master ask me to pull these old rakes to this
clapped out museum, it’s appalling I tell you Matilda.

D199’s driver: Oh I dunno…maybe lazing around the sidings and boasting about having
an afternoon off despite doing very little could be a reason behind it.

Narrator: Spamcan grumbled at his driver’s truthful words, as he waited for the
points to divert him into the carriage sidings the other engines laughed.

Serena: So this is this infamous “Spamcan” you told us about Scotsman. Never seen
him until today.

Mallard: I did dear, back when I was in service in 1964, he came once to our sheds.
He bragged endlessly about how up to date and full of pride he was…only to fail at
a set of points outside King’s Cross, and then I had to pull his train.

D199: I resent that!

Mallard (Giggles): Oh why, because of how true it is. You really are in denial
aren’t you…”Spamcan”.

(Everyone laughs)

D199 (Grits): Damn claptraps! This feels a trip to hell! I’m too important for

Edward (Chuckles): Well it certainly doesn’t surprise me you haven’t changed 199.
Especially after your last visit to my railway.
D199: Wait a minute, I know you! You’re one of those Sodor steam kettles….what are
you doing here?

Edward: Oh, I was invited to represent Sodor for the museum’s gala this year.

D199: Oh yes, fancy sending one of you dreadful claptraps to represent the
“nowhere” railway, and an even older claptrap for that matter. Makes sense
considering this outdated museum with you outdated rust buckets.

Stepney (chuckles): I ha’ a simila even’ wit’ ano’er diesel on Sodor. Though ‘dis
one seems a li’’le moor of a moaner than ol’ Bowle,r bu’ I wunder where he go’ ’is
name Spamcan…

Narrator: Stepney paused, noticing the diesel was entering the siding a little too


D199: Oh blow out your funnel Fido! I don’t need any help from an old claptrap like
you (Sniffs)…or any of you old relics for that matter. You think just because you
exist you think you can lecture us more modern up-to-date diesels on how we should
“properly” do things, well I know perfectly well where the end of the siding… (Last
coach burst through buffers, crashes through shed building where bricks topple on
it. Some engines look shocked, some laugh, others glare, especially a very stern
Edward, Spamcan blushes red)…is.

Narrator: Fortunately no-one was hurt but the second coach was battered with bricks
and the shed was in an appalling state. Mr. Davies who’d heard the crash came from
his office and needless to say he wasn’t impressed.


D199: I’m…I’m…sorry sir.

Mr. Davies: (picks up phone and makes a call) You’d better be or else… (Wanders off
speaking on the phone. Spamcan eyes him nervously, Mr. Davies returns)….well for
good news a spare train of building supplies is at Hammerton, on lesser good news
the workshops their can’t have our coach repaired until tomorrow and on super bad
news, they don’t have a spare engine. Fortunately we do now.

D199: But…but…sir, it’s getting late and what about my…

mess, now you can fix it.

D199’s driver: And I’ll make sure he does it this time sir.

Narrator: 199 moved sheepishly away, Stepney pulled away the undamaged coach while
Wilbert and the works train sought about freeing the damaged coach. Mr. Davies
walked up to where the engines were resting.

Mr. Davies: I’m sorry Edward, but thanks to that idiot, we may have to cancel the
excursion train, unless we can find some other vintage coaches.

Edward: Well that’s it sir, we do have vintage coaches. My old orange ones aren’t
going to be busy any time soon why don’t we use those.
Mr. Davies: BRILLIANT EDWARD! WELL DONE! I’ll have them refurbished at once.

Narrator: Mr. Davies hurried away to make the arrangements and the other engines
gave Edward plenty of praise, though Simon looked a little worried. As the damaged
coach was placed on a flatbed and shunted behind Spamcan, Simon voiced his concern.

Simon: Take care tomorrow Edward, I’ve heard it’s even colder than today, you’ll
need plenty of sand, and well, we don’t have much here.

Serena: Simon’s right, there’s suspected frost tomorrow. You’d best top up at the
seaside… (Winks)…I’m sure they have plenty of sand to spare.

Narrator: Spamcan who’d overheard everything voiced his opinions.

D199: HUMPH!!! You steamers and your sandboxes, you’re not children for crying out
loud. Always using up the earth’s resources. We diesels never lose our grip on the
rails and have no need for such out of date matters. If I were pulling these
excursion trains, I wouldn’t need to steal from a seaside. You’d never catch me
“Running on the Spot”.

Wilbert: Well you could have fooled me mate. You may not “Run on the Spot” but you
also couldn’t “Come to a Stop”. That’s why we’re in this mess to begin with.

D199’s driver: I couldn’t have put it better myself, come on you, the sooner we
reach Hammerton the more rest you can get. (Advances motor backwards causing 199 to
jerk and slip).

D199: Okay, okay Matilda, don’t be so rough.

Narrator: The other engines chuckled as the diesel rolled away but Edward stayed

Edward: For the life of me, as horrid as he is, I hope he doesn’t get into any
trouble with that hypochondriac behavior of his, especially in this weather.

Mallard: Don’t worry about him Edward. Spamcan is clearly whinier and utterly
childish if anything. Which is honestly more amusing, as I’d rather put up with his
arrogance than say, ugh, Spencer. I mean if that was him just now, sheesh, I
wouldn’t even begin to imagine.

Edward: You have a point there Mallard. As deep down that could be worst given how
bad-tempered and selfish he is.

Stepney: Yeah. An' 'o 'hink 'ha' pompous bugger 'ried 'o 'rick me in'o 'akin on bad
wa'er from an ou' ov use 'ower so 'e could sabo'age my rail 'our on Sodor. Only faw
'im 'o 'ake a 'umble on Thomas’s branchline. A' leas' 'e go' 'is in 'he end.

Edward: Indeed. The good news was that nobody was scathed that day, but he caused a
lot of damage and disruption for services Thomas’s branch. But you two still did
wonderfully in showing him up.

Stepney: Oh, fank you. Bu’ wai’ a minu'e, didn’' 'e back 'o Sodor again af'er I

Edward: Oh he did indeed. You see, he came back again to help Donald & Douglas with
goods as he was still being punished after trying to sabotage your train Stepney.
As Gordon was in for maintenance, the Fat Controller rostered Murdoch to help, and
as you could imagine, Spencer was jealous once again that he tried to sabotage
Murdoch’s train by manipulating his way through once again.

Serena: Oh my, what happened when he did?

Edward (Chuckles): Well, he got his comeuppance after coming to an abrupt stop on
our viaduct, damaging himself in the process as well as our dining coaches when
trying to show off. The Fat Controller and the Duke and Duchess, as well as Murdoch
himself were furious at his actions, so his punishment was extended further by
confining him to the Flying Kipper during his stay on Sodor.

Narrator: Everybody had to laugh at that, especially Mallard.

Mallard (Laughs): Well it serves him right (Turns serious), good riddance that’s
what I say. (Everyone looks shocked) Oh, I’m sorry everybody, I didn’t mean to
sound harsh, it’s just I…

Edward: Oh it’s alright Mallard. Is anything the matter?

Mallard (Sighs): Well, it’s just that despite bringing it up, but anything relating
to that pompous, self-important, idiot brother of mine, I just can’t help but rant.
In fact Edward, since you got here, I’ve been meaning to find some time to
apologize to you.

Edward: Apologize? Whatever for?

Mallard (Sighs): For all the trouble that Spencer has caused for you every time he
visited Sodor. ARGH, I’m so embarrassed by him!

Edward: It’s okay Mallard, you owe us no apology at all. This is all on Spencer
himself. But if you don’t mind me asking, do you have some resentment against you

Mallard: I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. Trust me Edward, you and your friends
aren’t the only ones that hate him. Everyone on the mainland does.

Edward: To be honest, that’s not surprising given his behavior.

Mallard: True, but he always has the nerve in belittling and making everybody’s
lives around him a living hell at every moment. This narcissistic and arrogant
behavior of his drivers me bananas. Especially me and our own brothers and sisters.

Edward: What? You mean, he’s like this with his own family to?

Mallard: Unfortunately yes. Spencer, or Silver Storm as he used to be called thinks

no other engine should be important than him, and just him alone, even the rest of
the A4’s. In fact, sometimes when he visits the National Railway Museum, he gloats
here just as much as he does on Sodor and is constantly making snide and cruel
remarks towards every engine, even fellow LNER express engines like us and
Scotsman. In fact, he and I always got into fierce arguments, claiming I stole his
title of breaking the world’s speed record. And he even feels that same way after
being tricked by Daisy into taking on some bad coal all because those two competed
for an album cover, hence why the musicians chose me back in ’04.

Edward: Now that I know isn’t true at all. And you held the record wonderfully

Mallard: Oh why thank you Edward. Whilst I’m proud of it, I’m not the kind who
would boast about it, unlike him.
Edward: I can see that. Because unlike Spencer, you are far humble and diplomatic.
Easily one of the kindest and courteous engines I’ve ever known.

Mallard: Thank you. But Spencer brought out the worst in me. So much that the
museum had us separated, which I’m honestly glad for, as I cringe every time I see
him. As you imagine, we had more a falling out.

Edward: Really?

Flying Scotsman: It’s true Edward. Mallard and Spencer have not been on speaking
terms even before that pompous git was withdrawn and saved by the father of the
Duke of Boxford. Even back when me and Gordon had those similar attitudes back
then, we were never like this.

Mallard: True Scott. In fact, in those days, Spencer, a.k.a. Silver-Storm was just
as arrogant and pig-headed as ever, and always boasted endlessly and bossed other
engines around and belittled them, especially the tank engines. He felt he could
get away with anything because he was one of the top-link express engines. But he
did work hard in those days and wasn’t as belittling to the passengers as he was
now, and when he did get high and mighty, those A4’s weren’t as pompous and
arrogant as he was would bring him back down-to-earth, but surprisingly, he

Edward: Oh my word. He did, huh? If that’s true, how did this exceeded arrogance
and disregard of the feelings, respect and safety of those around him even occur?

Mallard: Well for starters, it happened after I broke the world’s speed record when
I was built, and Spencer became jealous he felt he would have to work himself
harder to achieve his goal, only to horrible proportions. Then when WWII came, he
felt those golden years of being an express engine on the LNER were being stolen
from him when we were all put in service for the war. In fact, he honestly could
care less and wanted the spotlight too himself. And he even got jealous when one of
my late brothers at the time, Sir Ralph Wedgewood got to take a special passenger
train that day.

Edward: Sir Ralph Wedgewood? Forgive me for bringing this up, but isn’t that the
same Sir Ralph Wedgewood that…well…

Mallard: The one and only (Sighs). It’s just that not only was Spencer jealous, but
he voiced it outright and was rude to him for it. Though when Wedgewood was killed
in the bombing, we were all distraught, even Spencer, who actually regretted being
rude to him ever since, especially back when he and Wedgewood were very close as
much he and Silver Link were. In fact, these two always made sure to console him if
he ever got high and mighty.

Edward: Oh…I see. I imagine this incident and guilt left him feeling bitter.

Mallard: Oh it did, but as usual, he was too stubborn to admit that, and it only
got worse when Nationalization came about, as he detested everything occurring with
British Railways at the time as much as every steam engine was. And he definitely
was patronizing and standoffish towards the diesels as well. In fact, he felt the
need to show how important he was that he kept pushing himself, refusing to take
goods trains or do any job he would selfishly claim was beneath him. We tried to
console and reason with him, but this time, it was no good, as after
Nationalization, his attitude became even more horrid, and one day he attempted to
show off in ’65 that he jumped some points when going into reverse and derailed.
British Railways had enough of him as we did, especially because of how horrible
his track record was since Nationalization, they outright withdrew him and were
gonna have him exiled to Barry Island Scrapyard.
Edward: Oh my? And if I were to guess given what I heard from his backstory, was
this when the Duke of Boxford’s father purchased him.

Mallard: Oh indeed. You see, the Duke’s father wanted his own private engine not
only as his own chauffeur, but also for rail tours he hosted. He could’ve chosen
any engine realistically, but he specifically wanted an A4, given how we were the
most luxurious and fastest engines back in the days of steam. Though he didn’t
really care about his personality or track record, and maybe thought saving him
from scrap would help him repent. But oh how wrong he was, when my other dear
brothers and sisters that were the exact opposite could’ve been chosen. ARGH! He
renamed him Spencer as you know in honor of Sir Nigel Gresley’s right hand
engineer, Bert Spencer. But being preserved and made as his private engine made him
even more pig-headed, arrogant and selfish more than ever. He was very ungrateful
and used his accomplishments but a means to brag, and thus starting his horrible
attitude ever since. (Sighs) Well, now you know the whole story. Which is why
again, I’m very sorry Edward, and to all you of right now. You have no idea how
much this arrogant, pompous, selfish, jerk has been an embarrassment to me and my
remaining siblings.

Serena: Calm down Mallard, it’s okay, nobody’s blaming you.

Duchess of Hamilton: Indeed, we understand my dear.

Edward: As do I. Again, you have nothing to apologize for, or to even be

embarrassed about, as it doesn’t change anything, we trust you and respect you, as
we can clearly see you’re nothing like him. But now I understand why Spencer is
this selfish and manipulative. Clearly his arrogance came from somewhere, and now I
know. Gordon I know had his moments of boasting, but was far more good-hearted and
matured over the years after every trial and tribulation he’s had. But now that I
know, it is something to keep in mind next time I see Spencer. He hasn’t visited
since the dinning carriage incident 4 years ago, but it is something to keep in
mind. Though hearing that, he almost makes Diesel look more sympathetic, especially
given how the 08 was in that same position to of nearly being scrapped.

Flying Scotsman: Indeed. Though honestly, it sounds like this Diesel is far worst.

Edward: Maybe, but honestly, I wouldn’t be too sure. But I do empathize on both, as
it would be wrong just to hate on someone, but not understanding why they act the
way they do.

Wilbert: Yep, unless it was that Spamcan from earlier, that’s a different story.

(Edward chuckles)

Edward: I suppose so Wilbert. But anyways (Yawns), I think it’s time to retire.
Better get some rest for the big excursion tomorrow. Good night everyone.

NRM Engines: Good night Edward.

Narrator: So one-by-one, the engines all drifted off to sleep. The following
morning, Edward’s crew arrived early and topped his sandboxes with the little sand
they could find. With many cheers from the other engines he set off to the station,
Stepney had organized his train. The old coaches were polished spic and span as
they stood in front of the modern BR coach. Passengers squeezed into the coaches
and Mr. Davies at his request joined his crew in the cab. Stepney rolled alongside.

Stepney: Ta’e care Edward, remember tae top on sand w’en you wreach de seaside
Edward: Will do Stepney, don’t worry… (Stepney departs, wheel slipping slightly as
Edward watches him go. Guard’s whistle sounds out)…Right driver, nice and steady,
we’ll be alright.

Narrator: With careful control the driver opened the regulator though slipping
initially Edward found grip and began his excursion. The NRM engines who were
looking all cheered on.


Narrator: Edward puffed steadily along, dropping sand if he felt he had no grip.
Thankfully, the morning sun helped melt the frost and the journey was mostly
smooth, not to mention the sights around York were stunning. Just before the
junction towards the seaside station there was a long tunnel. It was dark and
frigid, and the frost clung hard to the rails. With no sun to melt it, the ice was
almost perilously thick. No sooner that he entered the tunnel, Edward’s wheels
slipped and the heavy coaches dragged him to a snail’s pace. The fireman tried open
the sandboxes but then there was trouble, they were virtually empty.

Edward’s fireman: Oh Christ, we’re out of sand, we’ll have to call for help.

Edward: No need fireman, we can’t turn back now. I can do it, I can do it.

Edward’s driver: Steady Edward, don’t push yourself too hard. We’re nearly there.

Mr. Davies: Go on Edward, go on.

Narrator: The passengers all wanted to cheer with their heads out of the tunnel and
cheer but the guard strictly reminded them to keep all windows shut until they
exited the tunnel. It was good that he did as Edward was now puffing so hard that
his smoke began clamoring round the tunnel. Mr. Davies and his crew held their
noses with their jackets.

Edward: Nearly there…nearly… (Exits tunnel)…ha-ha, we made it out!

Edward’s driver: Brilliant old boy well done!!!

Narrator: Edward was relieved he was out of the tunnel but his triumph was short
lived. From the opposite direction, coming from Hammerton Spamcan came trudging
along with his supply train. He noticed Edward’s tired expression and chortled with

D199 (cackles): Looking a little worse for wear, eh, Old Timer. Out of breath from
a single tunnel, stand aside and watch a proper engine show you how to handle
simple frost with little trouble.

Mr. Davies: Wretched Diesel. I swear when we get back to the museum, I’ll give him
little trouble.

Edward: I wouldn’t worry about him Mr. Davies, I’m more concerned that our friend
here won’t exactly like my smoke in the tunnel!

Narrator: Edward was right, he didn’t.

D199 (coughing): What’s going on? WHAT’S HAPPENING!!!! OH HELP!!! HELP!!!! FIRE!!
Narrator: The silly diesel was in such a state he didn’t notice that the frosty
rails and heavy train had dragged him to a complete standstill.

D199’s driver: Oh you’ve got to be joking me. IT’S JUST SMOKE YOU IDIOT, YOU KNOW
radio) Greg can you go back down the line.

Guard: Oh crap, not again. Stupid moron! Hang on, I’ll take care of it.

Narrator: The guard ran back down the line towards the seaside station. Signals
were placed at red and other mainland diesels had to be halted. Meanwhile Edward
was resting at the station he’d turned around as the passengers took in the sights
of the scenery. Using sand from the beach, his crew refilled his sandboxes and
carried spare amounts in buckets to refill if he ran out. As he backed onto the
train and the passengers began re-boarding he gazed upon the beach and noticed Mr.
Davies doing the same.

Edward: I must say Mr. Davies, it is a very lovely halt here. My friend Duck would
certainly tell me that it’s one of the finest sites around as would Salty.

Mr. Davies: Why thank you Edward, it certainly is. This used to be part of a
branchline but alas the line closed in 1965, we’ve since reopened this particular
station as a good terminus on our excursion trains. Did you know it…

Narrator: Mr. Davies was interrupted by deep panting and he and Edward looked and
saw the guard staggering towards them, nearly slipping on the snow. He was out of
breath so they gave him a drink of cocoa and then he explained everything.

Mr. Davies: Argh, that foolish diesel, fancy bragging about his abilities then
failing like that. I’ll give him a…

Edward’s driver: Never mind about that Mr. Davies, I’m sure old Spamcan has had
enough humiliation for the past few days. Now Edward, we’ve topped up your
sandboxes, we’ve plenty to spare and there’s a diesel and his goods train blocking
the line. Do you think you can manage?

Edward: Absolutely. I’ll have a jolly good try driver, away we go.

Narrator: The guard blew his whistle and Edward puffed gallantly to the rescue. By
now, the smoke had cleared from the tunnel, not that Spamcan had noticed. His eyes
were shut tight, and he continued to shudder and whine as his wheels spun.

D199: All these years of service, only for it to end! All because of some silly old
shed, I’m to meet my maker!!! It’s curtains for me. Tell Matilda, I’m sorry.

D199’s driver (Sarcastic): Oh wow, that’s a first I’ve heard from this moron.

D199: Tell the other diesels, I let them down, tell my fitter that I…

Edward: Made it out of the tunnel.

Narrator: Spamcan cracked open one eye, surprised to see Edward and his coaches
backing down in front. It was only then that Spamcan noticed the smoke wafting from
Edward’s funnel, realizing what had happened and went redder than James’ paintwork.

D199: Oh…oh…oh…my…perhaps I got a bit caught up in all the excitement and all…

Edward: Is that so? Well let’s get you moving so the other diesels can get ‘caught
up’. You’ve delayed them long enough with all this ‘Running on the Spot’, despite
claiming you’d never do so.

Narrator: Spamcan thought it best at that point not to say anything. Once he’d been
coupled to the last coach, the driver used some of the spare sand on the rails.
Then slowly and carefully, Edward pulled his coaches, then Spamcan and the entire
goods train free of the tunnel. The train was heavy but with plenty of sand and
refusing to back down, he had no trouble with the icy rails or the sulking diesel,
whose driver made sure he helped this time. At the museum, the engines waited with
baited breath, they hadn’t expected Edward to have been so delayed. Stepney and
Wilbert waited at the station just in case they needed to help. Then they all heard
a PEEP, PEEP! And coming into sight was Edward, his coaches, Spamcan and his entire
goods train. Passengers hung their heads out of coaches and cheered, as did
Edward’s crew, the NRM engines and the people surrounding them. With one final
effort Edward brought the train to a gentle stop at the station, from around the
Museum cheers could be heard from everyone around.

People and Engines: THREE CHEERS FOR EDWARD!!! HIP!!! HIP!!! HOORAY!!

Narrator: Once the cheering had died down and Stepney and Wilbert had taken away
the coaches and trucks, Edward rolled alongside Spamcan who was preparing to leave
and winked as his driver handed Spamcan’s driver a bucket of sand.

Edward (chuckles): Not too shabby for an old timer wouldn’t you say chap. Take this
sand, it’ll help you keep grip on the icy rails. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind that
beneath you, eh?

Narrator: Spamcan wisely kept his mouth shut as the diesel left in disgrace with a
disgruntled honk.

Mr. Davies: That was quite the show Edward, well done. Despite that idiot diesel
causing trouble and delaying trains, you were resourceful and made sure to push
through despite everything and have saved this event. Now I know for a fact I’m
glad we invited you.

Edward: Why thank you sir. After all, we have to keep trains running to time right,
and not on the spot.

Narrator: The engines had to laugh at that.

Mr. Davies: Oh, speaking of which, Edward, there’s another guess I’d like you to
meet. Somebody who’s been on our train, and wants to show his regards.

Edward: Oh that’s nice. Send him forward.

Narrator: So Mr. Davies escorted a young man who looked around his late 30’s. He
was a tall man up to 6 ft. with a strong build, but a clean, sophisticated 1940’s
suit and tie, as well as black bushy hair with a goatee and brown eyes. He smiled
warmly at Edward.

Edward: Hello there sir. How can I help you?

General Snow (Chuckles): You already did. I was impressed by what you did today in
getting the excursion through despite that idiot diesel blocking the line and
whining like some spoiled brat. Congratulations Edward.

Edward: Why thank you sir. May I ask to whom do I make you acquaintance?

General Snow: I am Mr. Snow. William Snow. A former general of the US Army and a
rail buff to.
Edward: Oh my word, The American Army, impressive. I had a feeling that’s where
you’re from.

General Snow: Thanks. I’m from upstate New York actually, and was visiting here on
vacation, or holiday as you say in Britain.

Edward (Giggles): I understand. So I take you have a fascination in railways, or

railroads as you call them?

General Snow: You kidding? I’ve been a fan of railroads since I was a tike. I’ve
always been into steam engines, and my wife Isabel and I decided to come visit
here. Especially when we heard that you were gonna be displayed here for this 2-
month period. You see, me and my family actually own our own railroad up in New
York in the Catskills, and have our own fleet of not just engines, but steam
engines like you and your friends on the Island of Sodor.

Edward: Oh, that’s wonderful to hear.

General Snow: Thanks. I’ll tell you about it, my family and our engines some time,
but I am so glad I got to meet you, as I’ve enjoyed your legacy for some time. In
fact, I’m close friends with one of your controller’s children, Charlie.

Edward: Charlie? Oh my word, he’s told me so much about his travels, but not the
kind of people he’s met. But I’m glad I got to meet you um…how do you prefer to be
addressed sir?

General Snow (Chuckles): You can call me Mr. Snow, as I maybe retired from the
army, but still have my resources. But you can also call me William or sir if you’d

Edward: Why thank you sir. I hope I get to see you more.

General Snow: Don’t worry old boy, you will, as in fact, I will be headed over to
Sodor with my wife for Christmas, and I hope soon too meet you and the other
engines along the way.

Edward: Thank you Mr. Snow.

Mr. Davies: Anyways, should I get us some wine, especially after your heroic
efforts Edward?

Edward: Oh I won’t mind sir. Charlie, Sidney, care for a drink?

Edward’s driver: Sure thing.

Edward’s fireman: Please do.

General Snow: Yes, let’s all of us celebrate.

(From a corner are two strange men in black ninja suits and Communist soldier
attire hiding)

Hellfire Soldier 1: Looks like the general has made contact with one of those Sodor

Hellfire Soldier 2: Why so he has. Especially that old engine. (Snickers) Little do
they know what awaits them from the shadows.
(Both snicker)

Hellfire Soldier 1 (Speaks into a strange looking wrist-watch device): My lord…

we’re at the National Railway Museum in York, following that former General/Railway
Controller even as we speak. He’s talking to one of the engines from the place you
hope to claim…the Island of Sodor.

Mysterious Voice (Evil chuckles): Excellent. Which engine may I ask?

Hellfire Soldier 1: The old blue one they call Edward.

Mysterious Voice: Oh, that wise old sage. At least an engine from my generation,
but damn do I hate these Sodor engines, they never learn do they? Thinking they
know what reality is like when they have no idea of the harsh brutality of this mad
world. Had they known “my” ideals, it would be a perfect world. Never mind, just
keep an eye on the General and that “Edward” and make sure to stay out of sight.
Very soon, very soon in the New Year, they know very little of what’s to come
(Quiet evil cackle). Report to base now and continue stalking once this gala is

Hellfire Soldier 1: Yes my lord. (Hangs up) Let’s go.

(Throws smoke bombs and the Hellfire Soldiers vanish into thin air)

Narrator: The next day, the gala continued as normal as Edward was handling
demonstration trains along with Serena and Simon. Everything was going along

Serena: You did wonderful to get that excursion through yesterday Edward.

Edward: Why thank you Serena. I’m just glad the event itself was saved and trains
could get through. And I’m even glad you got to meet this William Snow. A nice
fellow I must say.

Simon: Same here old friend. He’s definitely passionate about steam engines as I
can see. Though I wonder what happened to that hypochondriac lunatic Spamcan after
his err mishap.

Edward: Don’t worry about him Simon. Mr. Davies told me he’s been taken care of.
(D199’s horn blares) Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Narrator: Edward chuckled, as coming into view was the sulky D199, whom was pulling
rubbish trains, as punishment by British Railways for the damage he caused and
delaying trains on the main line all because of his childish whining. But he had
brought in two trucks instead filled with sand, as BR thought it was help in
repaying the favor, as that way the incidents Spamcan cause would never occur
again. As he did so, the diesel began to slip on the icy rails as he exited, but
this time, he used some of the sand Edward made him took yesterday to keep a grip.
The selfish diesel looked way hoping nobody would notice this, but of course, they

Edward: So I see you’re taking my advice now 199. That’s a good chap. Don’t worry,
at least using a common railway practice like that, your cooperating with the
safety regulations. You wouldn’t say that’s beneath you, right?

Stepney: Nope, bu' pullin’ rubbish 'rains righ' now, i’d say 'e benea'h everyone

(Everyone laughs)
D199: (Groans)

Narrator: Edward smiled. His time at the National Railway Museum was eventful so
far, and definitely in a good way. His excursion and triumphant rescue was only
just the beginning, but it felt like more positive memories were yet to come.

Narrator: Edward was having a wonderful time in York. He enjoyed interacting and
getting to know the different engines that have been preserved there and catching
up with old friends. Even after his heroic effort when he saved the excursion train
thanks to D199’s delusions and incompetent arrogance, he was still very successful.
And at night when the event was over, Edward and the NRM engines would even tell
stories from Sodor. Some they have heard before, but as a refresher even hearing
details they haven’t heard before, and some of the more recent ones to from the
80’s and 90’s, leading up to present day. The NRM engines were amazed, as some of
them even seemed impossible beyond belief to. Though there was one story Edward
hadn’t told them yet, one he felt the engines and visitors deserved to know and
were curious themselves to find out. It was the last week if the gala, and a month
before Christmas. Everybody was inside the museum this time, observing and talking
to the different engines, including Edward, who was at the center if attention on
the turntable. He was telling more stories to the engines and visitors, and thought
for Serena, who had been feeling quite upset from many years of separation from her
dear little sister Emily, that he could tell stories about Emily and
accomplishments to cheer her up.

Edward: And after rescuing Stephen from the Old Mines at Ulfstead Castle, Emily
pulled him out and the two reconciled their friendship, becoming stronger than
ever. But if it hadn’t been for Stephen overhearing Duke, then he wouldn’t have
rediscovered King Godred’s lost crown.

Serena (Tears of joy): Awe…that’s so touching, my own little sister, I’m so happy
she overcame her depression and selflessly saved another engine again, despite what
happened prior.

Edward: Oh it gets even better my dear. After Stephen was repaired and Ulfstead
Castle opened, everyone forgave Stephen and thus earning the title, “King of the
Railway”, especially because of the design of his new funnel. But as a special
reward and as a thank you for her hard work and kindness, Emily officially gained
the title of “Queen of the Railway”, and the Steamworks even made her a special
headboard in the form of a beautiful tiara, which she would still wear on special
occasions to this very day.

Everyone: Awe.

Serena (Tears of joy): Oh, my dear sister, she really has come a long way from the
engine I used to defend because of my siblings and Controller’s massive egos. Sodor
really is such a happy and charming place. If only Emily was sent there to begin
with. But words cannot express how proud of her I am, and how I want thank you
Edward, as well as your family for being the friends my sister deserved. Especially
Thomas as well because of how much compassion and love he gives her.

Edward: Of course. But I also told this to cheer you up to, as I know how much you
missed her.

Serena: Why thank you. It really means so much, as I didn’t feel happy being
preserved unless my sister was, but now that I know she’s both safe and happy with
her life on Sodor, and has grown a bit from the sister I used to know, I’m so proud
for her.
Edward: Same here. And to those who plan to visit Sodor someday, make sure you get
to visit Emily, and show her the love she deserves…thank you.

(Everybody claps and cheers)

Edward: Now, before we end, there is but one story I’ve gotten a lot of requests
for, answering questions all of you wanted to know about me that Awdry did not
write in his books. Questions such as what is my actual basis, where I came from,
what was I like when I was young, and of course, how did I come to the Island of
Sodor in the first place?

(Everyone murmurs in agreement)

Edward: Well tonight and on the final week of the gala, I feel all of you deserve
to know the truth.

Mr. Davies (Gasps): Do you mean…

Edward (Giggles): That’s right Mr. Davies, I’m going to tell you all in depth the
story of how I came to be.

(Everyone ooh’s)

Flying Scotsman: Now that is exciting. And it will be a great way to finish the
gala off to. Please tell us Edward.

Everyone: TELL US! TELL US!

Edward (Chuckles): Very well everyone. Let us get started. It all started back in

Narrator: Edward began.

(Flashbacks to the mainland in 1895)

Edward (voice over): When railways were still at their peak in England back in
those times, there were two mean that were gifted engineers that worked for 2
different railway companies that would later form the LNER. One was William
Pickersgill of the Great Northern Railway and the other was James Holden of the
Great Eastern Railway, who was also responsible for building Toby I should mention.
The two were tasked with building a new type of express engine for the great
Northern and Eastern regions of the later LNER, as the Stirling Singles at the time
were beginning to age. They both were planning and drawing blueprints for what kind
of new express engine they would create. One thing they both agreed on was that it
had to be of the most contemporary wheel configuration at the time, the 4-4-0’s,
which in those days, they were the top-link express engines. That was when both
were drawing and the idea struck them. They decided to create a mix of two engines
they decided to create in the future, where they’d both be working on different
parts of said prototype, and combined them into what they considered to be “their
greatest creation ever made.” Work commenced on their new project, so as they
compromised, Pickersgill agreed to construct the boiler, the steam dome, the
funnel, the smokebox and the running board, while Holden did the chassis, the
wheels and arches the tender, the whistle and safety valves, and the sandboxes. The
construction was complex, but both were having fun collaborating, IN fact, both men
would work together on the last part, the cab, with two square windows on the side,
two rectangular windows in the front, and the roof extended for better comfort for
the crew. Until at last, on the 12t of May, 1896, the project was finally complete.
Pickersgill and Holden were excited to unveil their newest project, as the board
members and the press came to observe the latest addition at a press conference.
Pickersgill: Ladies and gentleman, my partner James Holden and I would like to
present you our latest experiment that will redefine what an express engine is
going forward. Now admittingly, we don’t have an official name, but he is a new
prototype with the modern 4-4-0 wheel arrangement, and combined with the efforts
myself and Mr. Holden when someday we work on our own engines, so without further
or do, may we present, our latest project, the North Eastern Class “D0”.

(Doors open to reveal a newly built, “Edward”)

Edward (Voice Over): Everybody was shocked, staring in awe at the newest model, NE
Class D0, which was in fact…me. I opened my eyes for the first time that day,
shocked and rather shy, since I was first built. I didn’t know what to say, or even
think for that matter. (Stuttering in the story) Uh…uh…am…am I…am I real?

Holden (Chuckles): Real as you think my friend.

Edward (Voice Over): I was nervous now that I was brought into this world like
anybody would when they are first born or built. But the warms faces of my creators
and the press gave me comfort. It was until the next day after the unveiling, my
creators filled me in on what I had to do. I was put on express passenger trains.
The coaches I was to be pulling were at first concerned.

Coaches: Be careful Mr. uh…D Class, please don’t bump us like the Stirling Singles
do, well except for the oldest and youngest of that class that is.

Edward (Chuckles): Don’t worry my dears, I would never do such a thing. (Voice
Over) I would say gently, and buffer up to them carefully as I departed. Now being
newly built at the time, I was nervous, but after assurance from my crew, and
encouragement from the coaches and passengers, I felt confident, especially because
I promised myself after being built that there was on clear agenda…to focus on the
comfort, safety, and care of the passengers, and how much they rely on us to get
them to their destinations. As “with great power comes great responsibility.”

(Guard’s whistle, then Edward’s whistle blows he sets off)

Edward (Voice Over): I set off from Doncaster Station that day and ran with
smoothness and gentleness, but the passengers were so amazed that they claimed I
was better than the Stirling Singles, but I disagreed, as I knew the two the
coaches were talking about were great. We made it to each and every station on time
and praise from the passengers. They were impressed, and both Pickersgill and
Holden were very proud, especially Holden, who was the most fondest of me. As 3
weeks after I was built, he spoke with me one night.

Holden: You have been doing successfully my friend, and have made us all proud.

Edward: Why thank you sir.

Holden: No…thank you D…uh…you know what, one good turn deserves another. You helped
us in our plan, so I’ll do the same, as I think it’s about time we gave you a
proper name.

Edward: A name? Oh why thank you side. It would definitely help in making me more,
well, human.

Holden: Agreed (Chuckles). And I think I got one name for you I’d think you like.

Edward: Oh, what name might that be sir?

Holden: Well, I was thinking about…Edward?

Edward: Edward?

Holden: Yeah…I had an uncle I was very close with who worked for the NER once,
“Edward Fletcher” was his name.

Edward: Now that does sound nice sir. I love it. And in honor of your uncle and
both of you, I have that name with respect and pride.

Holden: Excellent, then Edward it shall.

Edward (Voice Over): And that was how I got my name.

(Fades back to present day)

Mr. Davies: Wow, interesting so far.

Flying Scotsman: So you were of LNER heritage…all this time.

Edward (Giggles): That I was Scotsman.

Flying Scotsman: Well (Chuckles) definitely gives engines like you, me, Mallard,
Arrow, and even Gordon, Toby and Emily more in common. Oh, and Serena to, sorry my

Serena (Giggles): Oh no, that’s alright Scott. I’m really more surprised as I’ve
heard rumors of a 4-4-0 that was built by Holden and Pickersgill, but never did I
think all along, it was you Edward.

Edward (Chuckles): It was indeed Serena. But you and Emily as I said did
wonderfully to.

Serena (Giggles): Why thank you.

General Snow: One question though Edward, if you were this hybrid of a D40 and a
D16, why were you labelled in the archives as a Furness Railway K2, especially, and
without sounding rude, don’t look like that actual class.

Edward (Chuckles): I understand Will, as this was a question I got asked a lot over
the years. And that’s the part I’m gonna get to.

(Fades back to the story)

Edward (Voice Over): So from that point on, I was known as Edward as I mentioned
earlier, and carried on with express trains over the next few months. And with
every trial completed, the board of both the GNR and GER agreed to approve the
project of the 4-4-0 D Classes, but…at a price. You see railway companies never
approved of experimental prototype engines, as they only saw them as just “test
models” and only wanted the finished project of the later successful model. So they
unfortunately wanted me scrapped as clearly all they wanted was just the money.
Both Holden and Pickersgill were outraged and tried to argue with them to keep me
on, but to no avail. I too was worried about my fate, especially after surviving
into the New Year of 1897. But thankfully, Pickersgill had an idea to keep me safe
from the breaker’s yard. You see, Pickersgill learned of the Furness Railway, and
how it was a small railway with a fleet of 4-4-0’s like me, and their K2’s at the
time that were built the same year I was. So Pickersgill and Holden conjured up a
plan by altering the documents saying I was a K2, and wrote a false document saying
I was written off for scrap to throw the board members off. And that night, I said
goodbye and thank you to both Holden and Pickersgill for the final time, promising
I’d live up to their legacy, and escaped to the Furness Railway at Barrow and
Furness. After that, Holden and Pickersgill parted ways and worked on their own 4-
4-0 locomotives, with Pickersgill working on the D40’s and Holden on the D16’s. I
finally arrived on the Furness Railway where my documents were forwarded to the
Controller. I was repainted into the railway’s Furness Indian Red with Black Lining
and yellow “FR” logo, and soon began working there. The Furness engines themselves
however did not take kindly to me, as because I had a different styled cab and
tender, they would ridicule me, feeling I didn’t belong, so the manager put me on
shunting and maintenance, and an occasional relief engine if need be. I didn’t
really mind all this, as I was just glad to still be alive and have actual work,
especially with trucks, which I really wanted to know more about back then. And
overtime, I became great friends with the other engines that came and went,
especially from a small red J1 class tank engine named Albert. A very nice fellow,
who was a hardworking and polite gentleman, but a little cheeky and boastful like
Thomas was. But he was more thoughtful and an expert in dealing with trucks. In
fact, he was the one who taught me about shunting and disciplining trucks. We
became very good friends and for a while, I was happy. Though the few years I
shunted at Barrow, I did notice from the distance, the line past Barrow that lead
over a drawbridge and over to a beautiful island with a railway all on its own. And
one day in 1915, I decided to ask Albert about it.

Edward: Say Albert, I was wondering, the line past Barrow, what railway does that
lead to?

Albert: Oh, those tracks lead all the way to the Island of Sodor. You probably
might be familiar with it.

Edward: Indeed I have. Plenty about the Island of Sodor. In fact, on my free time
in fact, I actually study the history and lore of this beautiful island. Though I
know very little of the engines and railways that service it.

Albert: Neither would I, but I do know about their railways, as there were 3
standard gauge lines that used to run it; the Sodor & Mainland Railway, the
Wellsworth & Suddrey Railway, and the Tidmouth, Knapford and Elsbridge Railway. But
I say used to, as since last year, the board of directors there have banned
together to form a new bigger railway combined from those three companies called
the Northwestern Railway. Named because of the fact Sodor is in the Northwest
corner off the coast of England.

Edward: I see (Sighs). To be honest, I always had dreams of working on Sodor. It

looks like such a beautiful and lovely place.

Albert: Yeah, most people and engines there are very nice and pleasant. But hey,
who knows Edward, you might actually get your chance to become part of Sodor. As
the Northwestern Railway is still under construction, but the new director there, I
can’t remember his name, he’s currently looking for new engines to become the
official members with their own numbers, but the older engines there will mostly be
handling odd jobs and such. And I think you Edward are perfect for this, as after
all, unlike most of the other engines around here, you are incredibly kind and
polite, as even if you were built as a prototype for expresses, you’re eager to
tackle any job, never complain, and handle said job with care and profession. Plus,
you look out for others even when they’re unpleasant and arrogant, and you always
put everyone’s needs before you own, especially the passengers.

Edward: Why thank you Albert. That is kind, even if some of the other Furness
engine don’t like me, I really can care less, as that’s their problem. Besides, at
least you and some of the other engines, as well as my crew and the staff and
locals I am friends with. But even so, I have on clear agenda now, too work hard
and look out for those in need, as kindness, optimism, honesty and compassion are
what really defines a really useful engine. All the matters is doing what’s right
for others more than yourself.

Albert: Well said Edward. I would go to Sodor, but I’m honestly happy here. You
deserve it me lad. After all, even after 19 years since you were built, you’re
already one of the wisest engines I’ve known. I think you got a shot, as the
controller himself is coming to the Furness Railway next week to trial a 4-4-0 to
help run the railway, and I think you’d be perfect Edward. A true blue so to speak.

Edward: Why thank you Albert. I’ll make sure to be at my best when he comes. (Voice
over) And that’s what I did. I made sure to practice, and then next week came. The
Furness Controller came with a smartly dressed gentleman with a top-hat. This was
of course my current controller’s late grandfather, the newly appointed director of
the Northwestern Railway, Bertram Topham Hatt I, or the Fat Director at the time,
and my current controller’s grandfather. He looked around, all of us for the trial
were anxious wondering who it was gonna be. Now the Controller at the time clearly
wanted to sell a more expensive engine of authentic Furness origin for high price,
and they trialed one of the K2’s he had in mind, and they did so on a passenger
run. Only for that K2’s injectors to fail and he was leaking steam. The arrogant
and ambitious K2 broke down and failed on his own trial, so that’s when I was
called in to help. Once we reached back to Barrow, that’s when it happened.

TFD: Ho-ho-ho, I must say, that was a fine effort there, thank you there dear

Edward: Glad I can help sir.

Furness Controller: I must apologize for my engine’s performance and behavior Mr.
Hatt. I do have one other K2 we can trial…

TFC (Holds up his hand): Thank you, but that won’t be necessary, as I believe I had
just found my next engine.

Edward (Voice Over): He paused impressively, and looked surprised, as did the
controller and failed K2.

TFD: This engine who helped us here clearly has shown clear honor, determination,
kindness and dedication to his duty, refusing to stop when finished and has handled
it with care and profession.

K2: But sir, he’s not even a proper Furness engine, he is…

TFD: Silence! I don’t care about how strong, fast or any physical looks, can the
outside, but who an engine is on the inside. And this engine who helped save you,
he’s a “true blue” so to speak. Tell me dear engine, what is your name?

Edward: Edward sir.

TFC: Hmm, Edward, lovely name. In fact Edward, I’m curious to know, what class are
you really?

Edward (Voice Over): I was nervous at first, but told TFC everything that went into
my origins. Thankfully, the Fat Director didn’t sneer at me being a prototype, in
fact, he was rather impressed.

TFDL So you’re the NE Class D0 that Holden and Pickersgill created. I heard about
you, and was very impressed. I find it very disgraceful though that both the GNR &
GER would even consider scrapping such a reliable and kind-hearted engine such as
yourself. It’s a good thing Holden and Pickersgill did keep you safe here these
past 18 years. Tell me Edward, would you like to join my new fleet of the
Northwestern Railway once it’s done?

Edward (Laughs): Oh sir. I thought you’d never ask, it would be my honor. I’ve
always wanted to part of Sodor. I’d be more than happy to be called one of your

TFD: Brilliant then, thank you Edward.

K2: Ugh, you gotta be joking.

Furness Controller: He isn’t there Harry, as I respect his decision, but I’ll talk
to you later.

K2: (Gulps)

Edward (Voice Over): So it was arranged, the Fat Director talked with the Furness
Railway Controller and was able to purchase me for a reasonable discounted price.
And the next morning, after I was oiled, fueled up with coal and water, and the
paperwork for my reallocations were filed out by my crew, who were also looking
forward to moving there and settling down, I set off for my new home on the Island
of Sodor. I made sure to say good-bye to my old friends to, especially Albert, as
this would be the last time I would see him again. As a few years later, Albert was
unfortunately scrapped.

Everyone (Voice Over): Awe.

Edward (Voice Over): Yes, it was sad, but like Holden and Pickersgill, I made sure
his legacy would live on in me to, as had it not been for him, I wouldn’t be
encouraged to go to Sodor. So once I did arrive on the island, I began to take in
the sites and beauty of the island. I arrived at Vicarstown Station, which back
then was the original headquarters of our railway before Knapford. Once there, the
Fat Director, briefed me in what I had to do, as for now, I was shunting and
pulling in construction trains at the time, as this was when the Northwestern
Railway was first being built. Whilst doing so, I also met the other engines at the
time. They were nice engines. I won’t go through all of them, but just on the major
ones. There was Neil, one of the original Sodor & Mainland engines, along with his
brothers Clive and Matthew. Glynn, one of the original Coffeepot locomotives that
used to work on the Tidmouth, Knapford and Elsbridge Railway, especially on
territory that would later become the Ffarqhuar Branchline, and the original trio
of the Wellsworth and Suddrey Railway, Colin, a W4 Peckett Saddle Tank, Lily, a
LSWR O2 Tank Engine, and Adam, named after his class, the Adams Radial Tanks. But
there were two other engines that recently arrived. One was a loaned experimental
J11 Mogul named Riley, who came about a year ago as contracted engine, and who’s
also James’s older brother. The other was an engine that just recently arrived
before me, an experimental model of the later E2 batch with the extended side
tanks. Oh yes, it was indeed, Thomas. But back then, he was known as just LBSC #105
and didn’t have his official name yet, in fact, like me at the time, he wasn’t
painted in his trademark blue with red lining and #1 just yet, but in LBSC Brown
with yellow lining. But unlike me, Thomas was nervous of fitting in due to some
ridicule he received back in Brighton, despite the warm reception he did receive on
Sodor and the hard work ethic he had. I took pity and took it upon myself to help
comfort him, considering we were both new arrivals for this new railway.

Edward: Hello there lad.

Thomas: Huh? Oh, hello, you’re the other new engine, Edward was it?
Edward: That’s right. What’s your name?

Thomas: I don’t have one sadly. In fact, I don’t know I ever will. As everyone back
on my old railway in Southampton didn’t seem to like me.

Edward: Awe, I’m sorry to hear. But everybody has been rather nice here.

Thomas: Yes, but I’m scared I might not fit in, as I was recently built a few
months ago, and everyone says I’m an “oddity”, because I’m not like the rest of my
class, being small in size and actually functioning. Unlike my other brothers and
sisters, who are huge, very flawed, and oblivious to their faults. They and the
board at Brighton are in denial you see.

Edward: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear. You know, I was ridiculed by the K2’s of the
Furness Railway for being different, but I didn’t let that bother me, as I always
made sure to find the best in a situation and to work hard and look out for those
in need. Like I’m doing for you right now.

Thomas: Really?

Edward: Really. Nobody deserves to be alone, not even those that are working hard
and do their best to prove themselves. I can already see that in you.

Thomas: Oh, why thank you. Yes, I want to work hard and please everyone, but I just
don’t know where to start.

Edward: Well I can help you, as if the Fat Director can purchase me, I’m positive
he’ll do the same for you. Besides, the ridicule you received only happened for
only a few months ago, and you’ve been here for 3 weeks before I have, and
everybody you met on Sodor despite some faults have been very nice. I put up with
for ridicule for 18 years.

Thomas: But you didn’t let that bother you, and kept on going. And I respect that
Edward. Thank you.

Edward: My pleasure 105, as the reality is, kindness, optimism, determination and
compassion are the true traits of a good character to succeed in life. As its
working hard and looking out for other that makes us “Really Useful Engines”.

Thomas: Yes…yes, you’re right Edward. There was one person who was apprenticed at
Brighton works who felt like a friend and appreciated me for who I was and I forgot
that. And if you both believe in me, than I can do it.

Edward: That’s the spirit, and I’ll even help in guiding you and teaching you all I

Thomas: Thank you Edward, I’d appreciate that.

Edward (Voice Over): And from that moment onward, Thomas and became the best of
friends. And as promised, I helped him in showing him all that needed to be done
and how to do things, all that I learned back on the Furness Railway. In no time at
all, Thomas was able to handle shunting, and then years later, I’d help him learn
about how to discipline trucks and pull his own trains, but you all know that
story. And thankfully, as well as both our crews at the time getting accustomed to
life on Sodor and marrying local girls, a month later, the Fat Director had Thomas
officially purchased as the NWR’s #1, as he came before me. And as the LBSC were so
cruel that they didn’t want anything to do with him, Thomas stayed. And with Thomas
becoming the #1, I became the railway’s official #2. So now that we were official
members, we needed new liveries, so the Fat Director sent Thomas to be repainted
first at the newly built Steamworks, while I stayed to handle the construction
trains until Thomas’s repaint was done. It was one day that the Wellsworth &
Suddrey Railway’s #1, Colin, was bringing a construction train to the foundations
of the soon to be, Wellsworth station. Now Colin you see was a very polite engine
with a good work ethic and heart, but had a tendency to be rather over eager and
overconfident. As Colin was bringing a heavy train of building materials, which
realistically, he didn’t have the strength to pull. But Colin was so eager, he
ignored his better judgement. He was struggling up the hill that years later would
be named after Gordon.

Colin’s driver: Come on Colin, this is ridiculous. You shouldn’t even take a train
this long. Now we need to crow for a banker.

Colin (Struggling): Nonsense driver…ARGH…we…can…ARGH…make it over…

this….ARGGHHH….hill…ARGH…just…a little…more…argh, ah-ha, I made it. Ha-ha, I made
it. See driver, not trouble at all. Now let’s put on the brakes.

Edward (Voice Over): He said, but before the driver could, the heavy flatbeds
pushed Colin down the gradient, and even when they put on the brakes, it didn’t
matter, as Colin’s own brakes weren’t strong enough, and the Peckett thundered
helplessly down the hill.


Edward (Voice Over): He wailed. I was shunting at Wellsworth with Neil and Lily at
the time, when we heard a loud whistle.

Neil: Och, mah wurd. Thon sounds like Colin.

Edward: Indeed. And it sounds like he’s in trouble.

Lily: Oh dear, what are we gonna do?

Edward: Hmm….I got one idea, but it’s gonna be risky. Driver, see if you could get
me onto the line in front of Colin. We have to try and stop him.

Edward’s driver: What? Are you mad? It’s too dangerous!

Edward: Doesn’t matter, as the situation will be even worse if Colin crashes. There
could be a serious accident, and someone could get hurt and there’d be severe

Edward’s driver: Uh…well, you gotta point there. But what do you even have in mind?

Edward: I’ll explain along the way, now let’s go! (Voice Over) So I set off, Neil
and Lily looking surprised that I’d put myself at risk like that, but I had to as I
couldn’t let Colin or his crew get hurt. So my driver talked with the signalman,
who reluctantly agree to put my plan into motion. It was all or nothing now. There
was Colin coming up fast, so the driver, set on the reverser, and I set off with
enough speed to catch up with Colin. He was picking up speed, so we had to use
every once we had to increase ours, until at last, with a bump, Colin caught up
with us, and I tried to put on my brakes.


Edward: ARRRRGGHHHH! SAVING YOU, THAT’S WHAT! ARRRGHH! (Voice Over) We both braked
hard as the train was approaching Wellsworth. Neil and Lily looked on surprised, as
the train was slowing down. But by mistake, a young shunter accidentally set me
onto one of the sidings that lead to the yard’s newly constructed turntable. (In
the story) WHOA, OOF! ARGH, OUCH! (Voice Over) Luckily, both our crews jumped clear
in time before the crash, and Colin and supply train were safe, though the little
tank engine’s brakes were worn out after all the skidding. But I got the worst end
as the turntable wasn’t set properly, and I fell into the well the same way Oliver
did years later, and my tender was damaged terribly.

Colin: Um…oops…sorry Edward. Oh dear.

Edward (Voice Over): Said Colin meekly, realizing his mistake. But the workmen
cheered at the fact I prevented what could’ve been an even worst accident, as I lay
in the well, pained and battered, but triumphant that nobody else was hurt. Soon,
Riley arrived with the Breakdown Train, as Neil and Lily helped shunt Colin and the
flatbeds away. The cranes set to work at lifting me out of the turntable, while the
Fat Director, who arrived on the newly repainted Thomas. Now painted in his
trademark blue livery and #1, and prior to the accident, he managed to come up with
his name, as he had named himself after the Brighton Works apprentice who supported
him, Thomas Campbell. Despite being happy to be repainted and named, he was worried
to see me damaged. The Fat Director spoke severely to both the shunter first, then
to Colin.

TFD (Sternly): I understand you were in a hurry, but you young man need to think
and look more carefully instead of just pulling a random switch. Thanks to you,
that turntable and Edward will have to be mended.

Shunter: Yes sir, sorry sir.

TFD (Sternly): And as for you Colin, I am very disappointed in you! I know you are
always eager to work hard, but I expect my engines to understand their limits and
to not be so overconfident! Edward here risked himself to save you, and because of
you, he’s badly damaged, so both you will have to go for repairs. And after your
brakes are seen to, you will stay here at Wellsworth shunting until you learn to
not be so impulsive and overconfident, as I cannot let you put yourself and others
at risk like that again.

Colin: Yes sir. I’m really sorry sir, and I’m sorry to that I got you damaged

Edward: Apology accepted, though I apologize if this has inconvenienced you sir.

TFD (Laughs): I should say it hasn’t, as I’m impressed you put yourself at risk to
save someone, and while it is inconvenient that you and the turntable got damaged,
I’m proud of you Edward that you would risk yourself to save someone else and the
yards. You are indeed a really useful engine and I’m proud of you. And this wasn’t
a total loss, as both you and the turntable will be repaired, and now that Thomas
is finally repainted, you can go for yours now after you’re repaired. Thomas, since
you’ve been working hard, can I trust you to help in repairing the turntable and
helping with the construction while Edward is away being repaired.

Thomas: Yes sir, please sir.

TFD: Excellent then. I’m so happy I bought you two. And Edward, keep up the good

Edward: Thank you sir. Oh, and Thomas, I like your new livery. It’s a very nice
shade of blue.

Thomas: Why thank you Edward. I hope to see you back soon to.

Edward (Voice Over): So I was loaded onto a flatbed and Colin and I were taken to
the newly built Steamworks were Thomas was. Whilst were being repaired, I also got
to properly meet Skarloey and Rheneas for the first time, and the three of us
because great friends. Colin’s repairs were complete as he left for Wellsworth,
while the Chief Engineer spoke with me.

Chief Engineer: Okay Edward, I got some good news and some bad news. The good news
is, your body is completely repaired after the accident.

Edward: Why thank you sir? But what’s the bad news?

Chief Engineer: The bad news is, your tender is beyond repair. It got the worst in
the impact, and I’m sorry to say, it’ll have to be replaced.

Edward: Oh, I understand sir. Shame, Mr. Holden worked hard on that.

Chief Engineer: Don’t worry Edward, I’m sure he’ll understand. But we do have good
news on that, now that you’re gonna be repainted, we have a new Fowler Tender you
could use.

Edward (Voice Over): And he did, as one of the Coffeepot engines shunted behind me
a beautifully designed Fowler Tender. (In the story) Oh my, what a beautiful
tender. It’s very efficient, and I love the arch shapes. Thank you sir.

Chief Engineer: Of course. In fact, it actually looks a lot better on you than your
old tender. Very compact, and big enough for plenty of coal and water so you can go
at long journeys. However, your tender I’m afraid will have to be scrapped.

Edward: It’s alright sir. Now that I’m on Sodor, it’s a new beginning. And at least
I have a tender and I’m still here. Thank you sir.

Chief Engineer: Your welcome old bean. Anyways, here’s the colors we got for your
repaint, and here on Sodor, any engine is free to choose whichever color they want.

Edward: Splendid sir. What are your options?

Chief Engineer: Well, as we want over with Thomas, even though he was being rather
impatient in letting me finish, we got jet black, even though it’s more for your
smokebox and all the other black parts.

Edward: I see. But I don’t think I would prefer that.

Chief Engineer: I can understand that. We got golden yellow, we have scarlet red,
but given your old livery I don’t think you’d want that.

Edward: Not really, to be honest, red is probably not my favorite color.

Chief Engineer: Understandable. So we’ll scratch that and black off. We also got
bright apple green, chocolate brown, and the livery we just painted Thomas in,
bright cerulean blue.

Edward (Voice Over): Now the other 4 were good options, but the blue Thomas had
clearly stood out to me, as it was a beautiful shade of blue. But even when I was
first built, blue was always my favorite color. And, Albert and the Fat Director,
and pretty much everybody I knew said that I was a “True Blue”, which seem to fit
my personality. I jumped at the chance at once. (In the story) I got just the
option sir, I’d like the same blue livery you just gave Thomas, as well as the red
lining you gave him to.

Chief Engineer (Chuckles): Blue again, huh? That almost sounds like this could be
our railway’s company color (Chuckles). I think it would look great on you,
especially because it represents your personality. Alright men, let’s get started.

Edward (Voice Over): So the workmen wasted no time. They attached my new tender,
and it fit perfectly. Then, they set to work, scrapping off the Furness Railway Red
I received after 18 years, and into the unpainted grey livery I had when I was
first built 19 years ago. Then they set about applying a silver, monochromatic grey
as the undercoat. And after 3 touches, that’s when they got started painting the
cerulean blue. Adding 3 touches, then adding red lining and painted my running
boards red. The last detail of all, they painted a large yellow #2 on my new
tender. And at last, I was finally completed. I starred in amazement in a mirror,
amazed, as I knew now I made the right choice, as the blue livery just felt so
right. Just then, the Fat Director arrived with Thomas, impressed. Well, I never,
seems like Thomas isn’t the only who picked blue, you look amazing Edward.

Edward: Thank you sir.

Thomas: Wow, looks like we’re a matching team, eh Edward?

Edward (Giggles): We sure are Thomas. And since you were given the #1 because you
came before me, I have the #2.

Thomas: Wow, that’s amazing, so we really are the railway’s first two engines.

TFC (Chuckles): Indeed you both are. And in future, goodness knows who many new
engines will join our fleet in recent years to. You two are the perfect start.

Thomas: Thank you sir.

Edward: It is our honor.

TFD: Glad so. Now Edward, since your repaint is complete, can I trust you and
Thomas to help in completing the construction of my new railway.

Thomas: Yes sir.

Edward: We’ll do our best sir.

TFD: Excellent then. Off you both go.

Edward (Voice Over): So the both us in our new blue liveries and numbers set off
proudly, glad to become part of a railway we can call our home. We both worked hard
in completing the construction, until at last, on October 9th, 1915, the
Northwestern Railway so far was finally complete.

TFD: Ladies and gentlemen, engines and coaches. After being formed last year, and a
whole year of construction, our newest standard gauge railway is finally complete.
May I present to you all, the Northwestern Railway! Starting from Vicarstown and
ending at Knapford and Tidmouth. While there is still more work to do and more
engines to come, this is the start of a new era on Sodor, thanks to many engines
from the previous railways formed to create this one, and with our newest and most
hardworking and friendly engines, our #1, Thomas the Tank Engine and our #2, Edward
the Blue Engine. Who are our founding engines, and I’m sure there will be plenty of
hardworking and honorable engines to come in future, but for now, the future of the
Island of Sodor has just gotten brighter, as I now declare the Northwestern
Railway, OPEN!

(Everybody applauds)
Edward (Voice Over): So I steamed through cutting the ribbon as all the engines
followed behind me in a cavalcade that day, exploring every part of the railway
that was completed thus far. And after that, we all settled in. The other engines
were doing various odd jobs, but Thomas worked as station pilot at Vicarstown,
while me and Riley handled express passenger trains. I did so until age began to
catch up, especially when Henry & Gordon came in later years. In fact, by 1922, it
seemed like it may have been over…until one certain day a year later.

Driver: Hello there. Why are you say old boy? Would you like to come out today?

Edward (Smiles): Oh yes please sir! (Voice Over) I said. And he and the fireman
made a nice lot of steam. The driver pulled the lever, and I puffed away happily.
(Whistle blows) Look at me! (Voice Over and Laughs) And well, you all know the rest
of the story.

(Shows an intriguing montage of Edward’s accomplishments over the years in order

set to Edward’s classic theme, then fades back to present day)

(Everybody applauds)

Mr. Davies: Wow! That was an amazing story Edward. I was so happy we invited you,
but to hear your whole origin that was a real treat for all of us.

Edward: Why thank you sir. You all wanted to know and you all deserved it. I told
many of my friends in recent years, but to share it with the public was a treat. I
couldn’t reveal I was NE Class D0 as I was built as, but times were different back
then. But now in modern times were that doesn’t matter anymore, I’m glad I could.

Mallard: Same here Edward. That was wonderful. And to know you’re a fellow LNER
like most of us, that’s an even bigger honor.

Edward: Indeed. Especially in time for the Fat Controller’s big surprise once I
return home.

Mr. Davies: Oh yes, speaking of which, I want to thank you all who came to visit
for this year’s gala. And until next year’s gala, the museum will be closed for a
while, as in time for Christmas, some of our engines here will be going along with
Edward to visit the Island of Sodor for the holiday.

(Everyone applauds)

Flying Scotsman: Yes, indeed. Don’t worry everyone, we’ll be back in the New Year,
but for this occasion, the Fat Controller has planned a big surprise for us
engines, as I, Stepney, Wilbert, City of Truro, Serena, Mallard, Duchess of
Hamilton, and Green Arrow will be going over with Edward to visit the Island of
Sodor for the holidays, and will stay until New Years.

Edward: Indeed. And for those of you who plan to visit, you know where to find us,
especially since some of you will be on our Christmas cavalcade back home to Sodor.
But until then, thank you all for your visits. I’m glad I got to meet all of you,
and I look forward to the next day me and my friends will visit again. Thank you
everybody, and we all hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take

(Everyone applauds then fades to night)

Stepney: Fank you again faw 'ellin’ us 'ha' stawy Edward.

Edward: My pleasure Stepney. And, this will be good for all of you to, as now you
get to visit your friends and family back on my home, on Sodor. Serena, I’m sure
Emily will be very happy to see you.

Serena (Giggles): Oh I’m sure. But not as excited as I am. Though I know I’m gonna
feel loads of tears. Better prepare for the waterworks.

Mallard: Indeed. And after meeting Thomas & Gordon, I can’t wait to see Sodor for

Duchess of Hamilton: Same. I just can’t wait to see Caitlin and Arthur again.

Flying Scotsman: And I look forward to, to seeing Gordon again. (Sighs) Especially
as of now, as I’ve been worried for him, I’ve heard about what’s been going on with
him back on Sodor now that your ending terminus is at Manchester.

Edward: Indeed. Even though I loved my trip here and meeting all of you lot, I’m
worried for Gordon to, especially after his horrific accident. At least from what I
heard, Pip & Emma have joined our fleet and our taking expresses all the way to
London. And Gordon even got rewarded the Queen’s Fire Service Medal after saving a
diesel from a fire he caused. We better do what we can to support Gordon.

Flying Scotsman: Indeed, as I’m sure I know where he’s coming from. And as his
brother, I’ll see to it that I’ll support him.

Wilbert: We all will. As Edward, you visit here has proved a lot. Even those of us
who may be old, just have to keep on going with kindness…

City of Truro: Optimism.

Serena: Compassion.

Edward: And determination.

All engines: Yeah!

Simon: I couldn’t agree more. Me and the rest of the engines will miss you all, but
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas on Sodor.

Green Arrow: Thanks Simon. We will. And we’ll even tell this Stephen you said “hi”

Simon: Thank you all.

City of Truro: You know Edward. Your kindness and determination remind me of an
engine I knew back on the Great Western.

Edward: Oh, really.

City of Truro (Chuckles): Oh I should say so old friend. And she was one of the
best engines and friend to everybody even when the big four was nationalized into
British Railways.

Mallard: Oh yes, I remember this engine. She was a beautiful looking steam engine.

Edward (Curious): Really. Of what class was she?

City of Truro: She was a Great Western’s Hall Class, like Olton Hall. The engine
they used as the Hogwarts Express in the Harry Potter films. But this engine, I
think you would’ve loved to have met her, as she was also a big fan of you and the
other Sodor engine like we are.

Duchess of Hamilton: Yes. She was a hard worker, and a very attractive engine. Went
by some sorta rare name that started with a T. Oh, what was she called, uh?
Tiffany, no, that’s not it. Tara, no, anybody has that name. Teresa, no, to basic.

Edward (Surprised): Tamara?

(Everyone pauses in surprise)

City of Truro: Yes…that’s it. Edward, how did you know that?

Edward: Well, back on Sodor, and over the years, many of my friends, particularly
Duck and BoCo have told me stories of an engine with that name. Of their many
friends from the mainland they met, even before some like Arthur or Murdoch came to
Sodor, they told me stories about an engine with that name. A very beautiful Great
Western Hall Class who was kind, gentle, wise, and full of confidence. She was a
hard worker that handled whatever job was given to her and was very brave, willful
and stood no nonsense from everybody. I never met her myself, but I would love to.

Flying Scotsman: I’m sure you would Edward, as Tamara would’ve love to have met
you. She was a bit like you and Toby, but was more street-wise if anything. She had
a wonderful track record, but sadly when steam was abolished in 1968, we never saw
her again. Not that she was scrapped, no, far from it. In fact, she was not
recorded in the breaker’s yards records at all.

Edward: What? Where did she go?

Wilbert: That’s just it mate, we don’t know. Nobody has seen here again. She didn’t
abandon us, but we haven’t seen or heard any news about her, as it’s a shame, as
was easily one of the best engines we’ve ever met. In fact, like you, she’s friends
with everybody, and when somebody was trying to antagonize us, oh boy could she
kick ass.

Edward (Chuckles): Sounds like it. At least we get the idea she did survive, but I
do hope we can find this Tamara. Especially after what Duck, BoCo and the other
engines told me.

Serena: Well if your visit has taught us anything Edward, there’s always hope. And
I’m sure Tamara will return someday. She was just so pretty and so kind. But both
of you were examples to us all.

Edward: Why thank you Serena. And we’ll make sure to help provide that hope for
Gordon to once we arrive home. Right now (Yawns) Let’s get some rest. We got a long
journey ahead. Good night everybody, and thank you for a wonderful time here at

NRM Engines: Good night Edward.

Narrator: And the engines all went to sleep. But the topics of visiting Sodor,
seeing their friends and family after all these years, Gordon’s latest struggles,
and the controversy surrounding this mysterious Tamara engine raced in their
smokeboxes as they slept. The next morning, the engines chosen to go with Edward to
visit Sodor were all lined up for the Christmas cavalcade back home. Edward was
triple heading with City of Truro and Serena in front of Edward’s vintage orange
coaches. Stepney and Wilbert had their own train with Stepney’s Metropolitan
coaches, and Flying Scotsman, Mallard, Duchess and Green Arrow were with their own
train of 10 Mark 1’s. Everybody was excited as many people, including Mr. Davies
and General Snow all climbed into Edward’s train. Everybody cheered as the
cavalcade began.



(Everybody blows their whistles)

Narrator: And so with cheerful and triumphant blasts of their whistle, all 9
engines lead by Edward the Blue Engine, were thundering down the tracks of British
Railways, and back home for a very Merry Christmas with old friends and family on
the Island of Sodor.

Narrator: Gordon the Big Engine was not sure where he was lately. He felt he had
gone through a lot of difficult life changes that tested his capabilities with the
express. And after his horrific accident when trying to match the new timetables,
he felt he should retire and pull local trains and occasional goods. The Pacific
felt he was doing the right thing for the railway, and it the local runs themselves
were a nice change, especially talking with the other engines he called his family.
But I’m sorry to say that wasn’t enough, as even after being rewarded the Queen’s
Fire Service Medal from saving Shane from that fire the latter caused, and Pip &
Emma were growing accustomed to their new life on Sodor and were doing wonderfully
with the express, especially since their last stop was all the way in London
itself, Gordon was beginning to feel bored with local trains. Not that he disliked
them as he would’ve in the past, but because of how slow they were in general and
while grateful for the rests and talking with the other engines, it was starting to
feel bored, as deep down, he missed his younger days when he would rush by with the
express on his record speed. But Gordon knew if he did that, he would probably feel
exhausted or break down and crash again, and he didn’t want to risk that, but he
also wondered if retiring and pulling local trains was the right decision. For once
in his life, the big blue engine wasn’t sure where his future would lie. One day,
Gordon was at the Yards, as he was to take a goods train to the Wharf. It was
shunted by Kirby, the purple Austerity Tank still felt guilty about his snarky
remarks to Gordon, and was scared the latter was still angry with him.

Kirby (Nervous): Um…here’s your train Gordon. All ready for delivery.

Gordon: Why thank you Kirby. You seem rather nervous, is everything alright?

Kirby: Well, I…Gordon…about what happened last month…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…

Gordon (Giggles): It’s alright my friend, I do understand. You just have to be

careful with what you say sometimes.

Kirby: I know, it’s hard, but I feel bad as I felt like I caused you to retire.

Gordon: No you haven’t Kirby. I was getting old, I honestly thought I could make
the timetables. But alas, even express engines like myself have limits.

Kirby: I can understand how that feels, as before I came here, I didn’t think
Austerities like me didn’t have any limits, only after that horrendous crash Sir
Handel caused me to have many years ago, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Gordon: Indeed. Don’t worry Kirby, you are not in any way responsible. Even if
Shane wasn’t antagonizing me initially, this still would’ve happened. But even so,
I did what I had to now, for the railway and for all of you. I just have to adjust
more. Anyways, I’ll see you later Kirby.
(Gordon departs)

Kirby: Oh, okay, bye Gordon.

Narrator: Said Kirby, feeling bad for him. Unbeknownst to either of the two, a
certain blue tank engine was feeling just as worried for him, and even wondered how
this might affect him. As Gordon was pulling his goods train along the main line,
he did wonder himself if retiring was the right choice. He may have said it
confidently, that wasn’t exactly how he felt mentally, especially since he could
tell the other engines were worried about these changes. He soon arrived at the
Wharf, still contemplating on his decisions, where he met Skarloey and Luke.

Skarloey: Oh, hello Gordon. Lovely day isn’t it?

Gordon: Huh? Oh, hello Skarloey, I didn’t see you there. Yes, it’s a lovely day
indeed. How’ve you been and who’s your friend?

Skarloey: Oh, this Luke. He was one of our newer members to our railway after when
Sir Handel got banished. Luke, this is Gordon, one of the main line engines of the

Luke (Shy): Oh, hallo Gordon. Nice tae meet ye.

Gordon: Pleasant to meet you to young Luke. Say, if you don’t mind me asking,
aren’t you one of the two narrow gauge engines that came with Victor back in ’98.

Luke: Yeah, bu’ it’s nofing I really wan’ tae talk aboot. It’s a complica’ed ye

Gordon: Oh, yes, I’ve heard about that, the mysterious engine from the Blue
Mountain Quarry. No offense.

Luke (Giggles): Nun taken. I’ve been tryin’ tae leave dat par’ ov me life behin’,
which is why I’m a’ de Wharf today. Skarloey’s jus’ showin’ me aroun’.

Gordon: That’s nice. Always great to take in new surroundings. In fact, this is the
3rd time I’ve been here, and I enjoy this place, very industrial and compact. And I
love all these standard and narrow gauge lines working side-by-side, along with the
boats running through the canal. A pleasant surprise to take in.

Luke 9Giggles): Same ‘ere. I’ve seen ye rushin’ by on de express, I jus’ never go’
tae meet ye Gordon. I wan’ed tae, bu’ I was a li’le nervous.

Gordon: Nervous?

Skarloey: Luke can be a little shy sometimes.

Gordon: I understand. But you needn’t worry young Luke, you have nothing to be
worried for. I can see that you are a hardworking and kind young engine. I respect
that, and I’m sure we’ll get to know each other plenty of times.

Luke: Thank ye Gordon, I’d apprecia’e dat.

Skarloey: Me too Luke. See, you are more social than you realize.

Luke: Thank ye Skarloey.

Skarloey: Of course. Say, do you think you could help shunt over by the quayside
with Peter Sam for a bit, he needs your help.

Luke: Righ’ away Skarloey. Nice meetin’ ye Gordon.

Gordon: Same to you Luke. Take care.

(Luke puffs away cheerfully)

Gordon: What an endearing little engine.

Skarloey (Chuckles): He sure is. Luke has come along way after he found out that
Victor was the engine he knocked off by mistake and that he’s still alive. He’s a
bit shy though, but very eager and cheerful to those he meets.

Gordon: Indeed. Sorta like Emily in recent years to (Chuckles). So, how’ve things
been with you Skarloey?

Skarloey: Oh, things are nice Gordon. Just busy, especially with Christmas coming
next month. I was curious to ask, how have you been now that you’re handling local

Gordon: Well… (Sighs) if you really want me to be honest, it’s been a struggle. In
fact, I was hoping to find you, as I know you went through a similar situation many
years ago. Like I’ve gone through so many tough challenges, but never have I had a
mid-life crisis like this. All my life I always felt I knew what I was doing, even
if I never made the right choices. I may have grown from them, and I always managed
to keep pushing through, but was it enough. And now that I’ve made this choice to
retire, well…for once, I’m not sure I made the right choice…if even at all. Know
what I mean?

Skarloey: Wow, that’s a deep analysis Gordon, and I understand how you feel. Going
into retirement is not exactly an easy choice to make sometimes, especially because
after you do, you wonder to yourself, what’s next? In fact, when I was placed in my
shed for years I did feel lonely, right before Sir Handel & Peter Sam came and
Rheneas was sent away to the mainland to be overhauled, I would ponder to myself if
my time will ever come and what would be next? That was until that day when Sir
Handel derailed in front of some sheep with the market day train, and I saw this as
my chance. It was risky of course considering my age and how strained I was, and I
broke down on route just like Rheneas did during his gallant effort. Now easily we
could’ve solved the problem by phoning for a bus, but after being out for so long,
I just felt despite my old age, I had to prove myself.

Gordon: But Skarloey, with all due respect, you didn’t have to put yourself at such

Skarloey: Your right, I didn’t. I just wanted to, to show I was still capable for
my railway and my passengers. It was risky, but after limping after popping one of
my springs, I made it. Even after that effort I made, I was concerned what would
happen there, until the Thin Controller told me at the time that he was proud of
me, and because of how I’m the namesake of this railway, that I deserved to be
mended and back to pulling trains again like I usually do. And he did, he sent me
to be overhauled where I also met up with my twin Talyllyn, I was back in good
working order and always ready for work.

Gordon: Of course. And you got a lot out of that, you succeeded with flying colors
that day. Me, I failed when pushing myself and crashed into a river. I just feel as
an express engine that I had to push myself more for the railway. And look where it
got me. Even after my efforts after that and saving Shane from that fire and making
peace with Farmer Trotter, I just don’t know if being on locals is enough. As its
pleasant, but after a while it can be boring. And I was only lucky to be on goods
trains today, just to see something different. At least you don’t get bored now
pulling trains.

Skarloey: Well you’re right about that Gordon. I’m more grateful not be in the
sheds if anything. But I manage to keep my life balanced. But after hearing all
this, I imagine after what happened you feel confused don’t you.

Gordon: Yes…and humiliated…and depressed. I just don’t know what to do. I said I
retired from express duties, but that’s proved to be boring doing local trains
24/7. But I feel it’s too late, I can’t go back on that, as I feel like if I did, I
would struggle and the railway would close. I do like a good long run, but good
will that do. I just don’t want to make it look like I’m being selfish or anything,
as I gave my position to Pip & Emma because I wanted my friends to be in service.
But I don’t want to go back on my words, like I feel morally confused.

Skarloey: That does make sense. But like I said before about keeping my life
balanced, I feel that’s what you have to do Gordon. I appreciate that you’d go out
of your way for the other engines, but I don’t think whatever decision you made
would affect the railway.

Gordon: But I want to show I’m not that engine I once was in my youth.

Skarloey: And I can see that you’re grown Gordon. And it’s not selfish if you asked
if you could pull express trains. Maybe not that fast express to London, but maybe
ask the Fat Controller to see if he can make an arrangement so you can have the
best of both worlds. The point overall, it’s great that you would sacrifice the
express for your friends Gordon and that your keeping your health in check, but
don’t sacrifice everything that makes you happy. Just make sure you find some time
for yourself to in order to keep yourself active, but also happy.

Gordon: You’re right Skarloey. Though I just don’t if I could…

Skarloey (Chuckles): Don’t worry, no pressure Gordon. Just think about it. Oh, but
before you go, here comes Duncan, as he has something to say to you, (Sternly)
don’t you Duncan.

Duncan: Och aye, I’m comin’, ye dinnae have tae remin’ me Skarloey. Um, hello
Gordon, uh…long time nae see.

Gordon: Um…hello Duncan. You wanted to speak with me…oh, this had better not be you
complaining again.

Duncan: Whit? Och, nae, nae, nae, nae, nothin’ like thon. In fac’ I wuld li’e tae
apologize fur how nastee I was.

Gordon: Oh, really?

Duncan: Aye (Sighs) Gordon, I’m sae sorry I was sae rude tae ye. I hadnae any idea
ye’ve been strugglin’ this hard. All I carit aboot was meself, an’ that wasnae
richt. I dinnae mean I’, bu’ whan I saw the damage ye recievit, I fel’ sae guil’ee,
an’ feel responsible fur…

Gordon: Duncan…it’s okay. I forgive you. In fact, Kirby even apologized just this
morning to. But neither of you had nothing to do with me retiring as it was bound
to happen. Besides, Christmas is coming up, so let’s put that aside okay. You just
have to control what you say sometimes.

Duncan: Aye, yer richt. I’ll dae me bes’. Bu’ I’ won’ be easy.
Skarloey: Well that’s why we’re all here Duncan.

Duncan (Smiles innocently): Richt. Still, ye did the bes’ ye culd Gordon, an’ I
apprecia’e yer effor’s. In fac’, yer one of the bes’ engines on this islan’ I know

Gordon: Why thank you Duncan. That does mean a lot.

Sir Handel: I agree to. Don’t worry Gordon, we’ll respect whatever decision you
have, but just know that you’ll always be the Northwestern’s premiere express
engine through and through. I always admired how close we were in recent years, so
I wouldn’t feel like a friend if I didn’t give my insight. What happened during the
time trials was not your fault, as we all support you. But like Skarloey said, you
always have a choice.

Narrator: Gordon smiled for the first time in a good long while. Even though he
still morally confused, hearing what Skarloey, Duncan and Sir Handel had to say
gave him some insight.

Gordon: Thanks you three. I appreciate that. I guess we’ll see what happens. I’ll
see you later.

Skarloey: Take care Gordon. And we wish you the best of luck with whatever you

Narrator: Gordon smiled as he left the Wharf. Meanwhile, Thomas was still worried
about Gordon. The big blue engine was one of his best friends, and while he
respected his decision to retire to, the little blue tank engine even wondered if
he made the right choice. But it wasn’t just that, as Mavis and Daisy could see to
when the three engines were having a rest at Ffarqhuar.

Mavis: My Thomas, you look positively down in the dumps, everything okay sweetie.

Thomas: Huh? Oh, everything’s fine Mavis.

Daisy: I’m not sure about that dear, these past few weeks you’ve been looking very
concerned, and quite frankly that makes us concerned. You can tell us.

Thomas: Maybe, but I might concern you both even further.

Mavis: Why don’t you let us be the judge of that hon.

Thomas (Sighs): Your right, the truth is, I’ve been feeling worried…about Gordon,
like many of us are?

Mavis: I had a feeling you’d say that. Believe me Thomas, we’re worried about him
to. I know how close you both are and that you felt concerned he would choose to
retire from the express.

Thomas: It’s not just that Mavis. But I feel that Gordon’s retirement is like the
beginning of something, like a new era.

Daisy: What do you mean dear?

Thomas (Sighs): How do I put this. I feel since Gordon wore himself out during the
time trials to Manchester, I feel worried that what if something like that could
happen to us. Or more, steam engines like me and him. I know this sorta thing is
happening with Emily as lately the workload on the mainline is tough for her, but
she’s able to do well on the branchlines like here and what she’s doing for Edward
while he’s away at York. I know we steam engines are getting old, and we always
press on, and we do get repaired or overhauled so we can keep working. But…for how
much longer? In fact, I’ve had this question with me in my smokebox for some time.
I just wonder how long is forever?

Narrator: Mavis & Daisy were surprised. They never considered that, but they both
smiled at their friend.

Mavis (Giggles): Thomas…nobody knows how long forever truly is, but as nothing
really lasts forever, both good and bad. We just have to keep moving with the

Thomas: I know Mavis, but that’s also my point, like I feel Gordon made the choice
to retire because he cared about the railway, but also more about all of us. That’s
noble of him, but I feel it affects me somehow. Like I’m 95-years old. And I worry
what if I end up breaking down like Gordon did last month.

Daisy: But Thomas, there’s no chance in that happening. As at least we don’t have
to worry about the burden of the hustle and bustle of the main line. As we live
peaceful and quiet lives here on the branchline.

Thomas: True. But I feel what if I keep pushing myself and I’ll never steam
anymore. Like I feel what if it’s over and…well…I don’t mean to be rude to both of
you in any regards, but what if I end up having to retire like Gordon did…and…and…

Daisy: Yeah…

Mavis: What’s wrong?

Thomas (Blurts it out): What if I end up being replaced by diesels or something

modern. (Twitch’s and looks worried at both Mavis & Daisy) I’m sorry, I didn’t mean
anything like it. I meant in a realistic sense, like because you both are diesels
that don’t have the same faults we steam engines do, and I worry Daisy, you might
have to take over for me with passengers, and you Mavis might replace Percy or Toby
(Panting), just like how Pip & Emma replaced Gordon. That’s all I had to say, I’m
sorry girls.

Narrator: Daisy & Mavis looked shocked at first, but then held their breathe
smirking…and to Thomas’s surprise, the two diesels began burst out laughing.

Thomas: What’s so funny, I…I don’t understand…I thought you’d both be angry with

Mavis (Laughing): Oh Thomas, we’re not angry with you. In fact, we understand, and
we appreciate your honesty, but we could never do that.

Daisy (Laughing): Mavis is right Thomas old darling. No offense but I think you
maybe overthinking this a little too much.

Thomas: Overthinking?

Mavis (Giggles): Yeah…Thomas, we could never replace you or the other steam
engines. That would never happen. You’ve gotta remember, the Fat Controller would
never retire engines that have been putting in a lot of great years of service.

Daisy: Exactly. Because that’s why this railway, the whole island in fact, is so
famous in the first place, to admire every engine both old and new, it’s a haven to
those looking for a home and to be useful, steam or diesel. Engines like you,
Gordon, Edward, Percy, Toby, etc. are the legacy of this island. If you retired,
well…Sodor would lose all it’s color. I would never replace you as you are the
legacy of this branchline, as somebody has to run it. But mentally to me, I don’t
want that, I could never replace you Thomas. As you’re so important to all of us.

Thomas: Really?

Mavis: Really. You gotta remember, even we diesels aren’t as young as we once were,
sometimes we have to go in for service to.

Daisy: Exactly. Even though I still think I’m highly sprung, sometimes I have to
make sure I go in for maintenance to maintain that. No pun intended mind you.

Thomas (Giggles): Definitely not. I mean still love to run my branchline with Annie
& Clarabel, but to work in general.

Mavis: Exactly Thomas. And nobody should take that away from you. You gotta
remember, Gordon hasn’t officially retired, and it’s more he’s on locals. Pip &
Emma are only just taking the express services now that the Fat Controller and the
Board agreed on the service ending in London.

Thomas: That is true. Maybe I have been overthinking this too much.

Daisy: Of course you have silly. We understand though, and you did the right thing
by confiding in us.

Thomas: Thanks. I was worried you two thought I may have been selfish saying things
like diesel replacing us. I just didn’t wanna ruin our friendships.

Mavis: Thomas…look at us…you didn’t ruin anything, as you’re our best friend, we
love you. And we appreciate your honesty. We would never replace you, as somebody
has to run this branchline, and the Fat Controller knows that.

Daisy: Exactly. And we’re so glad you told us. Nobody knows how long forever will
be or what the future holds in store, but its best not to think about it and enjoy
what we have now. Besides, you should consider yourself lucky, as Gordon has been
feeling bored lately with locals.

Thomas: He has?

Daisy: Yes, I found out from him last week when we met at Elsbridge. In fact, he
isn’t sure he’s made the right decision now.

Thomas: Oh my. Well in that case, I’ll talk to him later. But thanks for helping me
you two.

Mavis: Of course sweetheart. You were there for us when we needed it, and we
wouldn’t feel like friends if we didn’t do the same. Don’t lose hope Thomas, as
it’ll always work out.

Daisy: Exactly. But promise us, don’t ever consider giving up your branchline. As
there could never be another engine to run it, as there can only be one engine, and
his name is Thomas the Tank Engine.

Thomas: Thanks you two. That really means a lot. I appreciate that. I have to get
to my next train. I’ll talk with Gordon later when I see him. Goodbye you two.

Mavis & Daisy: See you later Thomas.

Narrator: Called the two friendly diesels, smiling at their friend as he left.
Later as Thomas had finished his work, he found Gordon resting in a siding, he
decided to ask him.

Thomas: Afternoon Gordon.

Gordon: Oh, hello Thomas. How’ve you been?

Thomas: Oh, I’m fine, busy as usual, but I have been feeling concerned lately.
About you.

Gordon: Oh, you have?

Thomas: Yeah, and the retirement plan you came up with.

Gordon: Oh…that. (Sighs) Well to be honest Thomas, I’m rather concerned myself to.
But you needn’t worry, as it didn’t fully go through yet, but I just feel bored
lately pulling the local trains. It’s nice, but doing over and over mind you, I do
miss the thrill of being on the express.

Thomas: I understand. I found out about that as Daisy told me you expressed your
concerns to her last week.

Gordon: Oh, she did huh? Well…it’s true. To be honest Thomas, I don’t really know
where I am right now. Both figuratively with my position, but also mentally. I just
feel that lately, I’m not sure where my life will go know. Even if I told the Fat
Controller I wanted to pull the express, I know the consequences of that, as I
would burst my valve gears again or breakdown or crash in so devastating accident.
But I also don’t wanna say that to him because, I just don’t wanna feel like I’m
being selfish like I had in the past.

Thomas: No…Gordon…you could never be that selfish. You’ve matured so much over the
decades, and I understand. Like I honestly felt worried to as I felt that…well,
maybe I might have to retire in the future.

Gordon: Retire? What made you think that?

Narrator: Thomas explained to Gordon what he expressed to Mavis & Daisy, as well as
their answer to him.

Gordon: I understand why you thought that. But those two are right Thomas. But
don’t do it because of me. You run that branchline wonderfully for yours. Without
you, the Island of Sodor in general would feel like it’s lost its color. You should
never consider that, as there’s no other engine that can run it like you can.

Thomas: Thanks Gordon. That’s what Mavis & Daisy said, and you’re right. At least
thanks to your decision, Pip & Emma finally have a place on our railway. But I will
ask, are you really sure about your decision to retire?

Gordon: Well, I thought I was. I thought for a while I was doing the right thing,
for everybody…but now…I don’t know if I made the right choice for myself.

Narrator: And like Thomas, Gordon explained to him what he expressed to Skarloey
and the advice the old engine gave him.

Thomas: Well Skarloey is always an engine of words. His wisdom can never be
questioned, like Edward or Toby’s could.

Gordon: Undeniably. I know he’s right. I’m just wondering what could I even do,
like what choice do I make from here that will help me keep my life fulfilled?
Thomas: That is a good question. Talking with Mavis & Daisy made me realize that we
engines will never be retired, especially since we’re in good hands here courteousy
of the Fat Controller.

Gordon: Indeed. I mean, I did get overhauled after the accident. Hmm…maybe we both
have been overthinking this haven’t we?

Thomas: Perhaps. But it is true…Gordon, the truth is, even though I enjoy my life
and content with who I am and what I do…I’m scared…scared of life, the past, the
present, the future, and how we move on from this.

Gordon (Sighs): I know how that feels. I used to think everything in this world
always stay the same. But that can’t be further from the truth anymore. I’m just as
concerned as you are Thomas. I felt this way when I found about High-Speed Trains
back in the ’86, and who’d have thought that day would eventually come. I just wish
I knew the answer.

Thomas: Same here. But everybody we know of is right. It’s better play these events
out until they come and make the best of them. But no matter what does happen,
(Tearfully smiles) we’ll always have each other (Sniffs).

Gordon (Sniffs and tearfully smiles): Yes…we always will, we’re family Thomas. No
matter what. I’m just glad your one of my best friends, as aside from Edward,
there’s no one else I can turn to.

Thomas: Same here Gordon (Sniffs). United we stand….

Gordon (Sniffs): Together we fall. I’ll help you, just like you’re helping me to.

Thomas: Exactly.

Narrator: The two blue engines smiled, recovering from this a little. They didn’t
know what would happen, but at least they did have each other, and that was good

Thomas (Recovers): Anyways, we best get to Knapford Station, the good news is, and
oh damn, I almost forgot, Edward’s coming home tonight.

Gordon: Oh my word he is. At least that’s worth something. Plus, the Fat Controller
said a surprise would occur once Edward returns. Question is, what could it be?

Thomas: Well, we’re about to find out.

Narrator: So Gordon the Big Engine and Thomas the Tank Engine puffed buffer-to-
buffer to Knapford Station to find out. The one thing though was that at least it
was nice that Edward was finally returning from York. The two blue engines came
into the platform where the other engines and even the people were waiting for the
return of their wise old sage that kept them together.

TFC: Ah, Gordon, Thomas, you’re both just in time.

Gordon: That we are sir. Wouldn’t have missed Edward’s return for the world.

Thomas: Same. Just how long is until he returns.

TFC: Well, according to the station clock, he should be returning right about…

(Edward’s whistle blares)

TFC: Ha-ha! Right about now!

Narrator: And there steaming into view after 2 months was the long awaited return
of Edward the Blue Engine. The old engine was happy to be home and to see all his
dear friends and family. The engines were happy to, but he wasn’t alone, as behind
Edward, they were all shocked to see, 8 of the famous mainland engines. Everybody
roared with thunderous cheers as coming into view was Edward…the City of Truro…
Serena the Stirling Single…Stepney the Blue Engine…Wilbert the Forest Engine…Flying
Scotsman…the Great Mallard…the Duchess of Hamilton….and Green Arrow, all headed to
Knapford Station. Everything seemed to happen at once, as the engines could see
what the grand surprise the Fat Controller had planned.

Edward: Hello everybody! It’s great to be back! The National Railway Museum was
fun, but oh I have missed you all so much!

James: Believe me Edward, the feeling is mutual.

Emily: I did me bes’ fur yer branchline Edward an’ (Gasps) OCH MAH! IT CANNAE BE?

Serena: Hello Emily. (Tearfully smiles) Dear god has it been so long.

Emily: SERENA! (Both laugh and cry) Serena, och mah (Sniffs) I dinnaw believe I’,
I’s ye...I cannae believe I’s been sae long.

Serena (Cries): Belie me sweetheart, I know how you feel…because, I feel the same
way (Both Cry)

Everyone: Awe!

Serena: Sorry everyone. (Recovers) Hello engines, I’m Serena, Stirling no. 1, or as
you know, Emily’s older sister (Giggles). It’s so nice to meet you all, and to see
you all again.

Henry: Nice to meet you to Serena, and to see all of you.

Stepney: That’s righ’ ‘enry ol’ fellow. ‘ello lads!

Percy: Hello Stepney! Hello Wilbert!

Wilbert: Hello again Percy. Say is, that you there bro.

Kirby (Shy): Oh god…Wilbert, it’s you…uh, hi…

Wilbert (Laughs): Oh come now, is that a way to greet your old brother…Sixteen.

Kirby: Uuuuhhh, well, I…

Wilbert (Laughs): Don’t worry there Sixteen…or should I say, Kirby, I do


City of Truro: Hello there Duck. Long no time see.

Duck: Truro! Ha, oh my god, I didn’t think I’d see you again!

City of Truro: Same here my lad. I’ve heard so much about you from Edward since my
last visit, and I must say, I am proud.

Duck (Laughs): Thanks. Oh, Truro, this is Oliver, the other Great Western Engine.
And Oliver, this is the famous of our Great Western heritage, City of Truro.

Oliver (Shy): Oh my word, City of Truro in the flesh. It’s an honor.

City of Truro: Ah, so you’re Oliver, the auto tank that escaped from scrap and
lived to tell the tale. I believe the honor is mine old chap.

Oliver (Blushes): (Awkwardly laughs)

Flying Scotsman: Well, if it isn’t my dear blue brother Gordon.

Gordon: Scotty, ha-ha! Oh it is so good to see you again.

Flying Scotsman: And the same to you dear brother. Oh, but here’s the other engines
who finally get their chance to visit Sodor for the first time.

Mallard: Hello engines of the Island of Sodor. It is such an honor to be visiting

Sodor for Christmas. Some of you I know, but the rest I’m thrilled to meet you. As
you know, I am Mallard.

Duchess of Hamilton: I’m the Duchess of Hamilton. Or Duchess for short.

Green Arrow: And I’m Green Arrow. But you could call me either GA or Arrow for

(Everyone laughs)

Thomas: Hello you three, it’s great to see you again.

Mallard: Ah, hello there Thomas. Oh my word, it’s been so long, 20 years.

Thomas: I know right. Hello Arrow.

Green Arrow: Hello again Thomas. Boy have I missed you. We gotta lot of catching up
to do.

Edward: I think we all do GA, now that I’ve returned and brought you to Sodor. Oh,
and speaking of which, hello sir.

TFC: Edward! It’s great to see you again. Oh have we missed you.

Edward: Same. Anyways, I brought two very important people who want to speak with
you. Right here gentlemen.

Narrator: And out from Edward’s coaches stepped Mr. Davies and General Snow, both
smiling warmly, excited to meet the Fat Controller.

Mr. Davies: Hello there Sir Topham, it’s such an honor to finally meet you in
person this time.

TFC: The honor is mine Mr. Davies. Especially sending Edward to visit the National
Railway Museum, then having some its engines along Stepney and Wilbert to visit
again. This is gonna make this year’s Christmas very special.

General Snow: I couldn’t agree more Sir Topham.

TFC: Why hello there. So you’re this William Snow my son Charlie befriend when
traveling to America. Pleased to meet you, any friend of my children is also my
friend to.
General Snow: You got that right. Especially from one railway controller to
another. I would’ve brought some of my engines, but they’re all too busy, but who
knows, maybe next year they can visit Sodor.

TFC: I’d love that, and maybe some of mine can visit America.

(Both TFC and Mr. Snow laugh)

Toby: Still, welcome back Edward, and welcome to all of you famous engine to. Oh
this is gonna be a wonderful occasion for us all.

BoCo: Well said Toby. Anyways, come everyone, we’ll escort you for a chat at
Knapford Sheds tonight, you all must be tired after your journey.

Narrator: So that’s what they all did as all the guests, including the ones in
Edward and the NRM engines trains. Stanley, Rosie and Paxton shunted away their
coaches as Edward the 8 famous engines went over to the sheds. Whilst there, they
all talked about each other’s adventures.

Bear (Laughs): Of course, so old Spamcan screwed up again (Laughs), why am I not

Wilbert: Yep. But had it not been for Edward, the excursion would’ve been a
disaster, but thank lord it wasn’t.

Mallard (Laughs): Indeed. Edward is an example to all of us. Especially after he

told his history.

Thomas: He did huh? Did you tell about your actual class Edward? And how we met all
those years ago?

Edward (Chuckles): Of course I did Thomas. I had to. My trip to York was fun, and I
enjoyed myself and getting to know all of you, but alas, it’s so good to be home.
Oh, and Emily, thank you for looking after my branchline whilst I was Emily.

Emily: Awe, I’m juist glad I can help ye Edward.

Serena (Giggles): That’s my sister. I’m just so proud of you and all that you’ve

Emily: Thank ye Serena. Och, but it juist feels sae hard no’ seein’ ye fur all
these years (Sniffs).

Serena (Sniffs): Oh believe me honey, being preserved didn’t mean anything if you
weren’t, especially since both of us could never relate to any of siblings.

Emily: Exactlee. I hope yer visi’ won’ be the las’.

Serena: Don’t worry sweetheart, it won’t be, I promise. Speaking of which, to all
you engines, thank you for being the best of friends for my sister, I really
appreciate it. Especially to you most of all Thomas. I heard what you did for my
sister, and all have to say is thank you. You really helped bring out the best in

Thomas (Blushes): Of course Serena. Emily means so much to me, and I’m so glad to
call her my best friend.

Emily (Blushes): Awe Thomas. (Blows a kiss)

Everyone: Awe.

City of Truro: I for one am impressed with how things have changed on the railway
since last time I came here.

Duck: Trust me Truro. You ain’t seen nothing yet. I have gotta show you me and
Oliver’s branchline.

City of Truro: Oh yes, the Little Western (Chuckles). I shall see it indeed my dear
engine, as the Fat Controller will be having me on display down your line.

Duck: Excellent then. So tomorrow, first thing in the morning, I’ll give you a

City of Truro: Thanks old friend. I’d appreciate that.

Duchess of Hamilton: I also can’t wait to see Caitlin later on, but hey, I’m just
happy to see you again Arthur. Oh and, congratulations on your new Branchline at
Norramby, the Midland Marina is it?

Arthur (Giggles): That’s the one Duchess.

Duchess of Hamilton: That’s wonderful. Plus, the name is so charming to.

Arthur: Thanks. Figures we Midlanders never got the chance to travel along the
coast, so I felt combining those two words would add more to it.

Duchess of Hamilton (Giggles): True.

Flying Scotsman: Indeed. And I’m happy to see you again Gordon.

Gordon: Same here Scott. (Sighs) Mind you, I’m very glad you’re here.
Flying Scotsman: Of course. We’ve all heard about what happened with well…the time
trials. Are you feeling okay Gordon?

Gordon: Oh, I will be Scott. But we can talk about it later. Right now, you’re all
here, so let’s all have fun tonight.

Edward: Indeed. But don’t worry Gordon, if you never to talk, I’m here, as well as
the rest of us.

Gordon: Thanks Edward. So, I’m curious though about something else. You’ve
mentioned before that you all pondered before leaving about some Great Western
Engine called um…what was her name…Tamara I believe?

Duck: Oh my word, you all know Tamara?

Arrow: If you mean that Great Western Hall Class who was also known as Helmingham
Hall, yes Duck. Edward mentioned you’re friends with her.

Duck: More than that. She was one of my best friends before I came to Sodor. She’s
the one taught me to stand up for myself and was like a big sister to me. Even BoCo
knew her.

BoCo: It’s true. I knew her as much as you all did back when we all worked together
on BR. She was one of the engines who took me and looked out for me back when
diesels like me were being ridiculed. She was the sweetest engine, and she was one
of the few along with some of you lot that helped recommend me to the Fat
Controller’s father.

Murdoch: Aye, I miss her tae. Tamara was the swee’es’ engine we’ve ever known.

Thomas: I can tell. She sounds like a very lovely engine.

BoCo: Oh she is Thomas. She’s like our own Edward in a way. Kind, loving,
versatile, incredibly confident and wise, and who will stand no nonsense from
anybody. Yet, we don’t know where she is.

Flying Scotsman: Actually BoCo, I think I might’ve known, as this just occurred to
me. I remember her talking to somebody about going to America, hence why she wasn’t
recorded in the scrap yard’s records.

Duck: America? Why would she go to America?

City of Truro: I don’t know. But if there’s any news about her, let’s hope so.

James: With all due respect guys, come on, I mean, she was another engine from the
Great Western, I don’t see what the big deal is.

Everyone (Sternly): JAMES!

James: What?

Gordon: James, that’s very rude.

Thomas: Indeed. Just because some of haven’t meant this Tamara engine, doesn’t give
you the right to be dismissive.

James: Oh…oh…I’m sorry everybody. I just didn’t understand.

Narrator: James said meekly. Though he felt sorry for their friends, he wanted to
hear about Edward and his adventures as well as the mainland engines. He just
didn’t want to hear stories about this unkown engine over and over.

Donald: Weel, in thon case, please, teel us aboot her.

Douglas: Aye, we’re curious tae know.

Henry: Same here. Who knows, maybe we might meet her someday.

Duck: Absolutely Henry.

Narrator: So the engines continued telling stories about the engine called Tamara
as well as the adventures of the NRM engines, before everybody went back to rest in
their shed, with the mainland visitors all being offered a home at the railway
museum of Ulfstead Castle, as promised by the Earl, who also agreed to display them
there. He was more than happy to. The next few days, work carried on like normal as
the engines were getting ready for Christmas, especially Edward who had gone back
to running his branchline. Meanwhile, the famous 8 mainland engines spent a few
days being displayed at Ulfstead Castle, for a gala the Earl set up himself. The
engines were enjoying themselves, especially Duchess who got to catch up with her
sister Caitlin. They even got to meet Stephen as well, and although the Rocket was
nervous at first because of the fact they heard about his lie, the engines
understood and were kind to him, and were impressed to meet him, even telling
Stephen about his other counterpart Simon back at the NRM. Meanwhile, Gordon had
come bringing a local to the Castle. While resting, that’s where Scotsman got the
chance to talk to his dear brother, as well as Edward who was also being displayed
at the gala for a bit since his visit to York. The old engine was worried for his
friend, and wanted to help him in any way he could to.

Edward: Hello there Gordon.

Gordon: Hello Edward. Hello Scott. Hope you both are enjoying the Earl’s gala. As
well as your stay for the holidays Scott.

Flying Scotsman: I am indeed Gordon. I see your stopping for a rest a bit.

Gordon: Indeed. At least coming here to the Castle is a nice change.

Edward: Of course. We all can use a change. Though, I hear being on the local has
been rather…uneventful if I’m not mistaken.

Gordon (Sighs): You’re right about that Edward. It’s just that after what happened
with the crash during the time trials, I feel like I failed. I strained myself too
much that I crashed. I know what you said before Edward about not pushing myself,
but I just felt I had no choice but to.

Edward: I understand my friend. Sometimes we all feel that way when we feel we have
to prove something. You only did what you thought was right.
But I’ll be honest, why take on all that stress?

Gordon: Well, it’s because I thought being the top-link express engine, I had to
push myself further. I thought that if I failed, then the whole railway would to.
And despite reconciling with Shane, I also feel that deep down, I’m not fit to pull
the express anymore.

Flying Scotsman: That’s nonsense Gordon. You are fit to take the express.

Gordon: I’m not sure Scotsman. I appreciate your honesty, but I just don’t know…

Flying Scotsman: Listen Gordon. I do understand how that feels, especially through
all those trials and tribulations I have, I often wonder how long I can go on.
After surviving the scrap yard, being passed down from three different owners,
nearly getting lost in the United States, and all these overhauls I have to keep
going, I often wonder myself how long I could keep going.

Gordon: Did you ever feel Scott that you to didn’t know if your mind was in the
right place or not?

Flying Scotsman: Oh absolutely. Going about my duties, day-to-day, and doing the
same thing, I often forget who I am sometimes, and wish I can go back to simpler
times. But then I look back and remember all the positive moments in my life and
the good things about representing rail preservation in England.

Gordon: What are you trying to say brother?

Flying Scotsman: I’m saying Gordon, what you need is balance in your life.

Gordon: Oh, that. Funny you should bring that up, before you all came here,
Skarloey and I had a conversation about that.

Narrator: And Gordon explained to Edward & Scotsman about what Skarloey told him,
and his conversation with Thomas to.

Edward: Well Skarloey is always right Gordon. He is an engine of words. Yes, it’s
better to keep yourself balanced that way you can always enjoy life and not feel
bored or depressed.

Flying Scotsman: Exactly Edward. And you have to remember Gordon. The incident
wasn’t your fault, as it could happen to anybody, even if they weren’t faced with a
difficult situation or feeling everyone’s rude criticism was getting to you. And
while it was noble that you would sacrifice your position to save the railway, I
don’t think the Fat Controller and the engines deep down would’ve wanted that just
as much as we would. I respect your decision, don’t get me wrong, but were you
really sure?

Gordon (Sighs): I thought I was, but not anymore. I know the other engines were
worried, but I just didn’t wanna look selfish.

Edward (Chuckles): It’s not selfish at all if you wanted to go back to express
trains Gordon.

Gordon: True. That’s what I’ve learned. But I know from a realistic stand point,
even if I did the express again, I’d knock myself to pieces like I did prior.

Edward: But maybe you won’t. What you really need is an alternative Gordon. A way
for you to have the best of both worlds, one where you can enjoy running at high
speeds like you have with the express, but another like you’ve had lately with the
locals where you can stop and take rests and have time to talk with the others and
enjoy your surroundings.

Gordon: But how? In fact, Scotsman? Since you still do express rail tours, how do
you manage to keep going?

Flying Scotsman: Simple. Ever since I was preserved by the National Railway Museum
in 2004, I feel I have that advantage of resting and talking with the other engines
instead of going from railway to railway all the time. But with the overhauls I
have over the years, I don’t feel as tired as I would be, especially because I
would have. Besides, you got overhauled after the accident didn’t you?

Gordon: Why…yes, I had. And it actually served.

Flying Scotsman: That that’s one advantage, but maybe not pulling the fast express
that you’ve given to Pip & Emma, but maybe a different kind of express…a local
express maybe.

Gordon: A local express?

Edward: Oh yes, a branchline flyer. That’s what both of us and the other NRM
engines talked about back in York. As mainline trains on heritage railways do that.
Stopping at different junctions for branchlines, but still thundering down the main
line like other express trains.

Gordon: Hmm…now that does sound like a good idea. I think it might work. I just
hope the Fat Controller could work something out.

Edward (Chuckles): I don’t see why he couldn’t Gordon. As you have to remember,
this is the Fat Controller, he may have expectations for us, but always goes out of
his way to make sure we’re happy.

Flying Scotsman: Indeed. And he’ll always overhaul all of you to keep you all in
service, not only for the sake of the island and railway’s reputation, but because
he knows you all want to be out there and be really useful.

Gordon: That is true. And you’re both right, maybe it’s not too late. I know I
could ask him, but I’ll have to wait till later. Not that I’m doubtful, but you
know, Christmas is coming, better to get that out of the way first.

Edward (Chuckles): I can understand that, as it wouldn’t be the holidays if we were

worked off our wheels.

(All 3 laugh)

Gordon: Indeed. Though I may bring it up to him along the way, and we’ll work it
out after the holidays.

Flying Scotsman: Now that’s a good advantage brother. I’m proud for you.

Gordon: Why thank you Scotsman. Edward, before I leave, I was curious, when you
made the grand exploit all those years ago, the one where we realized how useful
you were, did you feel you had a choice when you pushed yourself?

Edward: Well aside from the fact I had to get my passengers home that night, I did
feel I had that choice to either throw in the towel or keep going. But I cared so
much for my passengers more, that I choose the later. But being in York and after
saving Spamcan after his mishap showed me that no matter how old we get, we keep
pushing forward, as we always have that choice to keep going. Like you have right
now. It’s never too late to change Gordon.

Narrator: Gordon smiled. Thank you Edward. And thank you too brother.

Flying Scotsman: Of course Gordon. Whatever you decide, we’ll support you to the

Edward: Indeed. Just remember, you always have a choice.

Narrator: Gordon puffed away thoughtfully. Yes, he did have a choice, and it was
never too late to change. But of course, he had to talk with the Fat Controller
later, as the next few weeks, everybody was getting ready for Christmas. Like every
year, the engines would rush to and fro getting passengers to their destinations to
be with their loved ones, as well as engines rushing through with freight being
delivered between both Sodor and the mainland. Then came the night of Christmas Eve
itself, and all the engines were making sure to get their passengers to be with
their families. On that afternoon, Thomas, Duck and Oliver arrived at Knapford
Yards after clearing the branchlines of snow.

Oliver (Panting): Ugh, god no, not more snow, I just cleared the whole branchline
all day.

Duck (Chuckles): Or it could be worst Oliver. You could keep ploughing until you
create a snow mound.

Thomas: Yeah, or crash into a snow drift like I did all those years ago.

Duck: Just be glad you’re not gonna become a snowman again like you did 10 years

Narrator: Thomas and Duck laughed, as Oliver blushed.

Thomas: But really Oliver, look on the bright side, snow can be quite magical,
remember. Plus, we won’t have to wear our snow ploughs later that evening.

Duck: That’s right, as we’ll all be at Knapford station tonight.

Oliver: What are you both going about?

Thomas: Tonight’s Christmas Eve silly. After Pip & Emma arrive with the guests, no
trains will be running after that. And after that, we can have our nice rest
tomorrow for both Christmas Day and Boxing Day, remember.

Oliver: Oh (Giggles) right, I forgot about that. That would nice. I mean at least
the snow makes everything look pretty. In that case then, let’s make this Christmas
our best effort.

Thomas: That’s the spirit Oliver. Come on lads, let’s not let this snow beat us

Narrator: Thomas said enthusiastically, as he Oliver and Duck set off to their
respective lines. Meanwhile on the mainland, Gordon was at Manchester with his
final train back to Sodor. It was going nicely, but there was just one problem.
There were too many people and his coaches were already full.

Little Boy: Awe, I was looking forward to spending Christmas on the Island of Sodor
and meeting you engines.

Narrator: Gordon gave the little boy a warm and reassuring smile.

Gordon: Don’t worry son, I’m sure you will. In fact (Guard’s whistle and Gordon’s
whistle Blows), rest assured everybody, I’ll see if I can make arrangements,
there’s still one last train before Christmas.

Narrator: He shouted reassuringly as he headed off back to Sodor. After completing

his local rounds, Gordon arrived at Knapford, looking for the Fat Controller, until
at last, he saw him.

Gordon: Sir! Might I have a word please?

TFC: Yes Gordon?

Gordon: There’s still a group of passengers at Manchester. My train was full, but
if I could have some help, I might be able to make one more run to the mainland and
back, and everyone will be home for Christmas.

TFC (Looks at the clock): Oh…I’m sorry Gordon, but I’m afraid there might not be
enough time. Weather reports say heavy snow will be due in, and it would be too
deep to carry on even by the time you reached Crovans Gate.

Gordon: Oh, but are there any extra coaches?

TFC: Sorry Gordon, but there isn’t plus, you could risk yourself again.

Gordon: I know sir, but with respect, I don’t want to leave them stranded,
especially so they can be with their families.


Narrator: Said a voice. It was Pip and Emma, who had just arrived from London.

Gordon: Pip…Emma, yes, you two could do it.

TFC: Excellent idea you three. Thank goodness you two are on time.

Emma: Of course. Don’t worry Gordon, we’ll take care of it, we’ll stop at
Manchester on our return from London, then we’ll take it from there.

Gordon: Excellent. Thanks you two. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you

TFC: Same here. Make sure you do so as quick as you can and you might be able to
return from the mainland before the snow gets to deep, but be careful to.

Emma: Yes sir. We will sir. We got you covered Gordon.

Narrator: And as soon as their passengers disembarked and their rubbish bins were
cleaned out, they set off with a roar down to the mainland to make up for lost
time. Gordon watched on relieved, but also proud, as he, Pip & Emma were very
close, and he knew he could rely on them if need be. The High-Speed Diesels raced
as fast as they could. They soon made it to London per usual, hoping soon that they
could make it in time. Emma looked at the clouds as they grew darker and darker,
and the snow started falling heavily at first, but that was only the calm before
the storm.

Emma (Sighs): I hope we get to Manchester and back home to Sodor in time. Gordon
and the Fat Controller are counting on us.

Pip: So do I Emma. And those people, as they really deserve a happy Christmas no
matter it takes.

Emma: Yeah…no matter what it takes.

Narrator: As soon as Pip and Emma were cleaned out and their last passengers
boarded in, the twins set off to Manchester as fast they could. They arrived just
in time as their stood the anxious passengers.

Guard: Good news folks, there’s just enough room for all of you. We’ll get you home
to Sodor in no time.

(Everyone cheers)

Pip (Giggles): Alright, lucky us.

Emma: Yeah, we’ll make it home in no time.

Pip: Yeah, but we better hurry Emma, the snows falling harder.

(Guard’s whistle blows)

Emma: Right, let’s go.

(Pip & Emma race off)

Narrator: The High-Speed Twins thundered down the main line as fast as they could.
They battled against the heavy snow, just as they soared across Vicarstown Bridge.

Pip: We’re gonna make it! We’re gonna make it!

Emma: We will make it! We will make it!

Narrator: They chanted. They already past Vicarstown, made it through Henry’s
Tunnel, and glided across the Suspension Bridge. They were just making it to
Crovans Gate when… (BANG)! Pip & Emma grind to a halt.

Pip: We’ve broken down. But how?

Narrator: Their drivers examined them carefully as the passengers watched from the
coaches, anxious.

Emma’s driver: You’ve blown a fuse Emma. There’s no way we can get back to

Emma: Oh no! This can’t be happening! And we were going so nicely to! This is all
my fault.

Pip: Don’t blame yourself Emma. It could happen to anybody. But at least our
coaches will be warm for the passengers. Maybe we could still get another engine to
help us.

Emma’s driver: Sadly not. The snow is getting heavier.

Narrator: And Emma’s driver was right. The snow began to fall into huge lumps that
the engines were struggling to keep the line clear. And even Paxton managed to get
himself stuck on his way home. News reached the Fat Controller who felt very
depressed. He had no choice but to make an announcement.

(Fades to the Fat Controller and some of the engines at Knapford)

TFC (Sighs): Bad news I’m afraid everyone. Pip & Emma have broken down outside
Crovans Gate, and the snow is getting heavier. The main line is blocked. I’m sorry
everybody, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to run anymore trains tonight.

Percy: Oh bugger. But what about the party?

TFC (Sighs): Well the party won’t be cancelled, but I’m afraid we’ll have to make
do with what we got now. I’m sorry everybody.

Thomas: Oh no.

Gordon: Blast. I just don’t know how things could get any worst. And to think this
is how we’re gonna spend Christmas Eve (Sighs). But what about Pip, Emma, and the

BoCo: Indeed. Not even Paxton has come home yet. Plus, the other engines are
blocked back at their berths.

Emily: No’ tae mention me sister an’ the other mainlan’ engines a’ Ulfstead Castle.

Edward: Now everybody, we mustn’t lose hope. Maybe there could still be a way.

James: Get real Edward. The snow is heavier than a trainload of stone. I hate to
say it, but the last train for Christmas might have to be cancelled.

TFC: You’re right James. Though I hate to leave everybody stranded in the snow.

Narrator: Then, Gordon had an idea.

Gordon: Wait a minute sir. We don’t have to cancel it. In fact, I think I might
have an idea.
Thomas: You do?

Henry: What is it Gordon?

Gordon: Well, look outside for a minute, the snow is beginning to stop right now.
And it’s not even close to midnight. Plus, if we could clear the lines to each
location our friends, as well as the last express by Pip & Emma are, then the
Christmas party can still go forward.

TFC: I don’t know Gordon, are you sure?

Gordon: Absolutely sir. I know it might be risky, but we have to try. In every
situation we faced throughout our lives, when it felt like the world was against
us, when it seemed hopeless, did any of us once stop to give up?

Everybody (Realizing): No.

Gordon: No! And what about every trial and tribulation, what happened whenever we
were faced with a difficult situation.

Duck: Oh…we…well, we pushed right through it.

Gordon: Exactly Duck! We never once stopped to contemplate defeat.

Edward: Gordon’s right everyone! Just because we had all these bad weather
conditions now, we can’t just let that dampen our spirits and cancel Christmas.
Why, I remember the exploit I made 45 years ago. It seemed hopeless, especially
after my crankpins snapped and my rods were removed. But I didn’t want to give up
and contemplate defeat, as my passengers were relying on me, and I wanted them to
get home. I could care less if I brought any further damage. And even if we did,
we’d still be repaired, because at least we took that damage for a reason.

Thomas: I agree to. We have so many of these snow drifts yes, but that’s the point,
you have a wall in the way, you push right through it.

Gordon: Exactly, we maybe at a disadvantage, but our friends, our family, they’re
still out there, and it would be even risky to leave them out stranded in the snow.
We can’t just stop now and contemplate defeat. Why, Oliver, when you running from
the scrapper’s torch with Toad to escape to Sodor, do you give up?

Oliver: N…no…no I didn’t. Especially later on when Toad helped me in defeating


Gordon: Exactly. And Emily, when everything seemed hopeless on your first weeks on
Sodor, and after Stephen lied when he tried to fit in, did this stop you from
wanting to be friends?

Emily: Nae! Nae, I dinnae. I wantit friends, I wantit tae have a happy life, an’
all of you were there fur me.

Donald: Exactlee, sae whit are we all sittin’ aboot for?

Douglas: Aye, we gotta try.

TFC: Oh…oh my…engines…are you sure about this?

Gordon: It doesn’t matter if we are sure sir. All that matters is we put that
effort into getting everybody we love home. In fact, this maybe risky, but I’ll
even go and rescue Pip & Emma.
TFC: What? But Gordon, you could risk yourself, I…

Gordon: Yes, but like Edward said, at least we did for a reason. I promised those
passengers on their train they can get home for the holidays, and I don’t want them
to feel depressed and isolated out there in this cold weather. Plus, Pip & Emma are
some of my best friends, and they looked up to me. I don’t want to abandon them by
leaving them out in the brutal cold, especially on Christmas.

Henry: He’s right sir. We’ve gotta try.

Narrator: The Fat Controller pondered, until he thought what if that was his own
family left stranded, what would he do if he was isolated from them. He thought
about Gordon, Edward and Thomas’s words of encouragement, then he looked over, and
tearfully smiled, as there was a women hugging her daughter, happy to be with each
other. Then he made a decision.

TFC: Yes…yes…you’re right engines. What am I doing sulking and worrying about this.
We’ve been through much worse than this to let this ruin our holiday. Just because
these conditions are bad, we can’t let this stop us, not now, not ever! I support
you all to the end. LET’S DO IT!

(Everyone cheers)

Gordon: That’s the spirit sir! Come on everybody! Let’s roll!

Narrator: So all the engines cheered and they all set off on their important
mission. And to make sure the engines had back up, Harold the Helicopter and
Terence the Tractor even helped. Thomas & Percy were racing down the branchline to
rescue Toby, Mavis and Daisy.

Thomas (Laughs): We’ll beat this snow our best.

Percy: Yeah! Reminds me of that great rescue we made to Ulfstead.

Thomas: Yep. And now, we’re doing it again.

Percy: Oh yeah!

(Both Thomas & Percy laugh as the arrive at Ffarqhuar)

Narrator: They soon made it to Ffarqhuar, tired but just in time.

Percy: Phew! That was worth it.

Thomas: Indeed. Good thing our snow ploughs or nothing like that silly, heavy,
awkward thing I used to wear, ugh.

Percy: Yep. But at least we made it. Hey guys, over here!

Toby: Ha, ha! Percy! Thomas! We’d knew you’d come.

Daisy: We were worried we were gonna be stuck here.

Mavis: But hoped you guys would come and…at last (Giggles).

Percy: You got that right Mavis. Just let us recuperate and we’ll

Terence: Nae need Percy me lad. I’ll give ye ‘and.

Narrator: The Ffarqhuar engines looked and cheered as there was Terence coming into
view as he helped plough the entrance way to the sheds.

Thomas: Alright Terence. Just in time!

Terence: Ov course. Me an’ me ca’epillar tracks can ‘andle anyfing.

Percy: Of course (Laughs). Come on Thomas, let’s help him.

Thomas: Right.

Terence: Don’ worry lads, we’ll ‘ave ye oot.

Narrator: And in no time at all, Thomas, Percy and Terence set Toby, Mavis and
Daisy free.

Daisy: Ha-ha, a fine show! Thank you Terence. And thank you to Thomas & Percy.

Thomas: Of course, no engine gets left behind.

Percy: Yeah. Say, look in the sky, I see something glowing.

Narrator: The engines and Terence looked up and saw a gleaming white light in the

Percy: I wonder if that’s who I think it is.

Thomas: I think its….it’s Harold the Helicopter.

Percy: Oh! (Nervous laugh) Right. Silly me.


Percy: Thank you Harold.

Toby: Say Harold, how’s everybody else holding up?


(Harold flies off and then fades to Wellsworth)

Narrator: Meanwhile Edward, BoCo, Arthur and Derek were all at Wellsworth.

Edward: Okay, BoCo, Arthur, you clear the tracks at Wellsworth so Gordon can come
through with Pip and Emma. Derek, you’re with me. We’ll done the branchline to free
Bill, Ben, Salty and Fergus.

Derek: You got it old chap. I’m right behind you.

BoCo: Don’t worry Edward, we’ll have the line cleared in time.

Edward: Excellent, I’ll leave it to you then. Good luck you two.

Arthur: Same here.

(Edward & Derek leave)

BoCo: You ready Arthur?

Arthur: I was built ready.

Narrator: Paxton was still stranded on the main line, feeling cold miserable.

Paxton: Brrrr… oh my. Ter fink I’m gonna spend christmas like 'his. (Sighs) Well…I
guess I’ll play eye-spy 'hen.

Donald: Dinnae fesh yerself Paxton.

Narrator: Paxton looked up, and there he saw Henry, Donald and Douglas who were
clearing the main line. Gordon followed in pursuit with other engines going to
clear different sections, but Bear stopped by as he was gonna free Paxton.

Bear: Don’t worry Paxton. We’ll have you out.

Paxton: Fank you Bear. I was wawried I 'urn in'o an icicle.

Bear (Laughs): Not on my watch me lad, as no friend of mine we’ll be left out here
in this brutal cold. Especially on Christmas. Let’s get you out of there and ready
for a very Merry Christmas.

Narrator: Bear said heartily, as the workmen dug away the snow, and the Hymek with
all his strength pulled Paxton out free at last. Emily, James and Murdoch were
headed up to Ulfstead Castle to free the NRM Engines. Murdoch of course was in
front due to his strength. Nothing was gonna beat this big engine down.

James: Whoa! Wow Murdoch! You really know how to pack a punch in this weather.

Murdoch (Laughs): Trus’ me James. I’ve clearit heavier snow banks li’e dis back oan
the mainlan’. I’ takes more than dis tae stoap me.

(Murdoch blasts his whistle)

Emily: Woo-hoo (Giggles). We’ll ge’ everyone free a’ Ulfstead nae ma’’er whit I’

(Emily blasts her whistle)

James: Well okay then.

(James blasts his whistle)

Narrator: The engines at Ulfstead Castle were worried.

Stephen (Sighs): To think this is how we’re gonna spend Christmas Eve. Trapped

Serena: I know. And I never get to spend my first Christmas with my sister in

Cailtin: We’ve go’a git oot ov ‘ere.

Duchess of Hamilton: Be reasonable sis. We’re trapped. Even with snow ploughs,
there’s no way we can leave the castle.

Flying Scotsman: Indeed. But at least we have each other. We’ll just have to make
the best of it.
SRN: That’s the spirit Scotsman. In fact, we could start by playing charades.

Stepney: Okay 'hen, who’s firs'.

(Murdoch’s whistle blares)

Murdoch: I think I’s be’’er we continue dis a’ the partee, because I’s back on.

Connor: Oh go’. I’s Murdoch!

SRN: Oh my word, raise the drawbridge!

(Drawbridge opens)

Murdoch: Hello lads! Merry Christmas!

Emily: Dinnae worree everyone, we’re gonna make dis the bes’ Christmas ever.

Everyone: ALRIGHT!

SRN: Ah Splendid!

Wilbert: Thanks you three.

Serena: Indeed! (Laughs) That’s my sister. (Emily & Serena smile at each other).

Green Arrow: Let’s get going everyone.

James: Say, everybody, look up ahead, I see something.

Narrator: James shouted as they saw a gleaming white star in the sky.

SRN: Ooh, how delightful its…

Murdoch: Actualee sur. I’s juist Harold. He’s checkin’ tae see if everyone made I’

SRN: Oh. Oh well then, everything’s just fine Harold.


Emily: Aye, thanks Harold!

(Harold hovers away then cuts to Pip & Emma)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Pip & Emma were feeling both cold and anxious, as snow began
to build around them till they were nearly buried.

Pip: Well…so this is how we’ll be spending Christmas. As well as our passengers.
What a way to go.

Emma: I know, and things were going so well, but now…brrrr…we have to suffer like

Pip: Look at it this way Emma. At least the passengers we’ll be alright and we did
what we could.
Emma: Yeah, shame, we’ve been finally purchased by the Northwestern and this is how
it ends.

Narrator: Just then, they heard a loud chorus of whistles, and Emma saw lights
gleaming up ahead.

Emma: Hey, Pip, look.

Pip: I can’t Emma. For obvious reasons…but I can hear…

Emma (Gasps): It’s the other engines, we’re saved (Giggles).

Narrator: And it was. Coming into view were Gordon, Henry, Donald, Douglas, and

Gordon: Don’t worry you too, we’re here to get you home.

Emma: Oh Gordon, everyone, thank you.

Douglas: Aye, dinnae thank us ye’ Emma. We still have tae git ye both an’ yer
passengers oot.

Henry: Yeah, and not a moment too soon.

Gordon: Indeed. Marlin, now that the Steamworks is free, I’ll need to use the
turntable there so I can pull the twins and their passengers back to Knapford.

Marlin: You got it Gordon. But be careful.

Gordon: Don’t worry, I’ll make sure.

Henry: You can do it Gordon. We have faith in you. Donald, Douglas, we’ll clear the
line to Vicarstown Bridge so trains can get through. Duck and Oliver are already
freeing Barry, Rosie, Stanley and Neville on the Kirk Ronan Branch.

Donald: Guid plan Henry.

Douglas: Aye, thon snow won’ be a match fur us.

Narrator: So that’s what they did. Henry and the Scottish Twins cleared all the way
to Vicarstown. Donald & Douglas lead the way in their classic snow ploughing
consist with a works unit coach between their tenders and each twin at the end.
After all, nobody was better at clearing snow than the Scottish brave hearts. Henry
followed, laughing while trying to keep up. Oliver and Duck already left with
Barry, Rosie, Stanley and Neville on the Kirk Ronan line, but as Gordon said, he
was turned around at the Steamworks after Marlin got Pip & Emma free. The big blue
engine slowly buffered up to Emma as her driver coupled them on. The twins were
grateful, but still nervous for their friend.

Emma: Gordon, are you really sure about this?

Gordon: Of course. Only because I can’t let two good friends of mine and all those
people be stranded in the bitter cold, especially on Christmas.

Pip: But you could wear yourself out again.

Gordon: Maybe, but it’s all worth it to help some friends in need. And those are
friends indeed. I may struggle, but I’m not going down without a fight.
Emma (Giggles): That’s the spirit Gordon. Good luck!

(Gordon’s whistle blows and his wheels slip as he pulls the train)

Narrator: Gordon puffed as fast as he could with the broken down Pip & Emma in tow.
He was nervous, but it started to melt, as it turned out, the overhaul served it’s
purpose. He felt great running at express speeds again. The Skarloey engines who
were having their own party at their sheds saw Gordon and cheered as he rushed bye.


Rheneas: HOORAY!





Narrator: Gordon put every ounce of steam he had to get home. The passengers on
board cheered, not only for being saved, not only so they can be with their loved
ones, but that Gordon, the pride of the main line, was back in action, and helping
them get home. As Duck and Oliver were making their way down with the engines they
rescued they stopped at the red signal to wait for a train to pass. And the rescued
engines were in shock, but cheered realizing who it was!



Neville: GO GE’ EM GORDON!

Duck: Ha-ha! Yep, that’s our Gordon.

(Signal changes)

Oliver: Come on lads, let’s go!

(Everyone puffs away and then fades to Gordon)

Narrator: Gordon thundered down the tracks. He hoped that he wasn’t gonna have any
problems, but as the passed Killdane, how looked up on the Plate Girder Bridge
where he saw James, Emily and Murdoch making it across with the engines they
rescued at Ulfstead Castle. The engines looked down and cheered.



Mallard (Laughs): He’s still got it!




Narrator: But then came the challenging part. Gordon was feeling a little
exhausted, especially when it came to the biggest challenge on the main line…
Gordon’s Hill.

Emma: Oh dear.

Gordon: Don’t worry Emma, we’re gonna make it over… (Panting) no matter what it

Narrator: Gordon said as he puffed up the hill furiously. His wheels pounding the
rails. Gordon was worried that he was gonna have the same problems he did. He felt
like he wouldn’t make it, and was about to stop until…

Edward (In Gordon’s mind): Remember, you always have a choice.

Thomas (In Gordon’s mind): You have a wall in the way, you push right through it.
(Gordon’s face turns from hopeless to determined)


Gordon’s driver: You got it Gordon.

(Gordon’s wheels spin)

Narrator: And Gordon thundered up the gradient the same way he did back in 1986.
His fire burning fiercely, his sand boxes letting out sand, his wheels pounding the
rails, and smoke bellowed from his funnel. He was exhausted, but he wasn’t gonna
let his age hold him back, not again. Pip, Emma and their passengers held their
breath and held their hands, their heart pounding nervously. But that was when
until at last, Gordon the Big Engine made it over his namesake hill and coasted
carefully, but fast down the other side. Everybody roared with cheer.


Gordon (Panting): I did indeed. But we’re not out of the woods yet Emma. We still
gotta get Knapford. Hold on everybody.

(Gordon’s whistle blows)

Narrator: Edward and Derek freed Salty, Fergus, Bill and Ben, but waited at a
signal, then saw Gordon thundering down the line with the last train for Christmas.



Fergus: Well, now that’s doing it ri…I mean, great job Gordon!

Narrator: They cheered. BoCo & Arthur got the tracks at Wellsworth clear just in
time as Gordon thundered down.



Narrator: Gordon smiled. The words of encouragement from his friends and family was
the real strength that kept him going. He soon made it through the Viaduct. He was
getting tired, but he was still puffing strong.


Pip (Laughs): WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT!

Narrator: At Knapford, Thomas and Percy already made it with their friends from the
branchline. Harvey & Kirby were also there to. The Fat Controller was impressed,
but was anxious to know if the other engines had made it.

Percy: Sir, look up ahead. There’s a light coming in the distance.

TFC: Yes…and it looks familiar. (His expression turns with glee) Oh my word…it’s…


Narrator: And it was. By now, the big blue engine was already feeling exhausted,
but he made it. Battered, but unbeaten. Gordon the Big Engine made it triumphantly
to Knapford the same Edward did, 45 years on that stormy night. Everybody raced out
of the coaches to embrace their families but also cheered and thanked Gordon, Pip,
Emma and their crews. The Fat Controller and the engines cheered as well, happy for
their friend.

Thomas: Well done Gordon! You made it! I always knew you could!

Gordon: Thank you Thomas. Thank you everyone.

TFC: No…thank you Gordon, and you too Pip & Emma. You three have done it. All you
engines have…I’m proud of you all.

Mr. Davies: Wow, and to thank I was on Edward’s train the night of his grand
exploit, that was a fine show Gordon. You have done it.

General Snow: I’ll see he has. You done good Gordon. You done good. Though I will
admit, it’s a shame you decided to retire.

Gordon: Actually Mr. Snow. I got an announcement about that later.

Narrator: Soon, all the engines arrived, happy to be united for Christmas, but also
gave Gordon a lot of praise for his efforts. The Pacific was proud, but humbled
that he did something that helped everyone.

TFC: Ladies and gentleman. Engines, rolling stock and road vehicles. I was so
worried because of this heavy snowfall that no trains would make it through, and
that our yearly Christmas party would have to be cancelled. At first it seemed that
way, but after encouragement from my engines, particularly Thomas, Edward and
Gordon, I decided against that and realized that we had to keep going. As that’s
what the spirit of Christmas is, and even what we learned from Edward while he was
away at York. The efforts and determination of all of us. We were faced with a
difficult situation that could’ve ended Christmas on a horrible note, but thanks to
the efforts of all my engines, we managed to get everyone home and save Christmas.
As in times like these, we have to put effort into that kindness, putting effort to
the love we have for our families. And in this mad world were greed, selfishness,
pride and corruption have interfered, it’s the love, determination and the efforts
we make that help bring out the best in this world. I could never have asked for
better engines and I’m so proud of you all. But, my biggest praise of all goes to
our #4, Gordon the Big Engine.
Gordon: Why thank you sir. But honestly, that’s nothing, as I couldn’t have done
this without my friend. My dear brave, compassionate friends. I may have gotten
Pip, Emma and their passengers home, but with my friend helping me in clearing the
line, we made it through in a difficult situation and kept pressing on to make sure
this would be the best Christmas for everyone. Let’s give a round of applause to
every engine old and new.

(Everyone cheers)

Gordon: Speaking of which, sir, I’d like to make an announcement.

TFC: Oh, why sure Gordon, what is it?

Gordon (Sighs): Where do I begin? Ever since I was first built in 1922, I was a
prototype of a new class of express locomotives, the LNER A1 Pacific’s. I was proud
of this, as I was strong, fast, powerful and proud. Though it did go through my
smokebox, and I thought I was above it all. But that couldn’t be further from the
truth, as every exploit, every trial and tribulation, every life challenge, I was
brought down to earth, and began to mature over time. I started out pompous and
arrogant, but gradually matured to a wise, humble, and respectable engine with
honor you see before you. And as the world kept changing, I felt I had to change
with it. And that was until 2 months ago when our railway had to change its
terminus to Manchester, that I was faced with the biggest challenge of my life,
where that was the day I was my capabilities reached their limits. I was beyond
devastated when running late, and even more so after that horrendous crash. I felt,
it was over, I felt like I had to retire, and while pulling local trains was a nice
change, especially after saving Farmer Trotter and my new friend Shane from that
fire and being awarded the Queen’s Fire Service Medal, it wasn’t enough. I began to
wonder if I made the right choice, I wondered, was I still capable even after my
overhaul? For once, I didn’t know what my life would entail. But after talking with
my dearest friends, and my dearest brother who was in just the same position, I
realized that I shouldn’t let some accident and my old age just rule my life like
that, especially when there’s so much more I’m capable of to everybody around me. I
now know I can still be useful and that it’s never too late to change, and on
Christmas itself, that can’t be further from the truth. As a certain blue tank
engine I know just said, “you have a wall in the way, you push right through it”
(Gordon winks at Thomas who smiles), and after my effort of saving Pip & Emma who
did wonderfully with the express, especially tonight, I realized that. I got
exhausted, I was battered, but, it was worth it, I made it through to make sure
everybody would have a happy Christmas. And I realize now that no matter what
happens, I will never back down, especially to keep our railway running. As I may
be old, but I am proud to be the pride of the main line.

Narrator: Everybody gasped, but smiled.

Henry: Does this mean Gordon, that?

Gordon: Absolutely Henry. I am not going to retire. Not now! Not ever! Though going
for a long run non-stop would be exhausting, I realized after pulling the locals,
talking with my good friend Edward and my dear brother the Flying Scotsman, and
saving the last train for Christmas, that what I need is balance in my life aside
from locals or goods trains. A local express to help me find the best of both
worlds and make sure my life is fulfilled for many years to come.

TFC (Smiles): And I support your decision 100% Gordon, as I think it’s a wonderful
idea. As a special reward and a Christmas present from me, I will now commence for
you personally, a local express train and branchline flyer. It will make stops at
Elsbridge, Wellsworth, Killdane, Kellsthorpe Road, Crovans Gate, Vicarstown, Barrow
and Manchester. That way, you can have nice rests when needed and talk with the
other engines on a daily basis, but to make sure we keep your reputation as the
fastest engine on the Island of Sodor. We’re proud of you Gordon, as you are the
pride of the mainline.

Gordon: Thank you sir. Life is such a beautiful and valuable thing nobody can
comprehend until the end, with many life challenges, but we all push through and
find the beauty in in. With everybody we know and love helping us shape the
journey. And as long as we have each other with kindness, optimism, compassion and
determination, we can always push through.

Flying Scotsman: Ha-ha! Well said my brother! Let’s give a three cheers for my
brother, the #4 blue engine, the top-link express engine and pride of the line…
Gordon the Big Engine.

(Everybody applauses)

Narrator: Everybody cheered. Gordon had never felt happier than he ever could’ve
been. This was one of the best moments in his life. The Christmas party was
wonderful, everybody laughed, joked, sang carols, and spent time with their loved
ones, especially the engines, all happy to be with their loved ones, and it
wouldn’t be the last. Tonight was a night to remember, and all the engines received
thanks, but Gordon got the biggest thanks of all. Soon, the New Year had passed.
2010 had now become 2011. The engines of the National Railway Museum as well as Mr.
Davies, and Stepney and Wilbert all returned home. The engines were sad to leave
them, but the NRM engines promised they’ll see each other again soon, especially on
Christmas time. Worked returned to normal on the Island of Sodor. But for 2011,
Gordon now had a new and happy life ahead of him and he seized it. He was now on
the local express, stopping at each of the junction stations for the branchlines as
well as Crovans Gate for the Skarloey engines, and even got stop all the way at
Manchester as well. He loved them, as he didn’t get exhausted one bit, and his
trains ran to time again. He got to take much needed rests but also chat with his
friends. Especially Thomas and Edward, who he still thanked and felt grateful for,
for helping him in his new aspect of life. While maybe a little egotistical, it was
more self-contained, as Gordon was a kind, wise, humble, honorable, strong,
determined, and a compassionate, mature express engine that goes out of his way to
help everyone. As no matter how life changes, it’s the traits of a good character
and the efforts we do that pushes through the negatives of life and helps us to
strive and be successful. And Gordon the Big Engine was the one to maintain that,
as no matter how old he gets, and no matter how much the world changes…”legends
never die.”

(Ends with Gordon rushing by and blowing his whistle loud and the screen fades to
black, playing with Ode to Gordon by Headmaster Hastings)


Epilogue: Sometime in March, 2011, and somewhere in Pennsylvania in the United

States. The same two ninjas known as “Hellfire Soldiers” appear in an abandoned

Hellfire Soldier 1: My lord. We have returned.

Hellfire Soldier 2: We have what you need to know about the Island of Sodor. What
are our next moves?

Mysterious Voice: Excellent. Take it to the conference room later. I have other
matters later.

Hellfire Soldier 1: Yes my lord.

(The Hellfire Soldiers leave, and a mysterious man walks out of the shadows)

Mysterious Voice: These Sodor engines. They gotta lot of nerve of existing.
Thinking they don’t know the true horrors of this world. While those outside are
left to suffer…humph…ridiculous. But no matter. Me and my minions will soon reign.
And this world, it’ll never be the same. The whole planet will be all mine, and
what better place than to start my conquest…(In a flash, turns into an American
Steam Engine, a Pennsylvania Railroad B6 0-6-0 Switcher to be exact, then comes out
from the shadows to reveal the face of the villain…Danny the Hellfire Switcher)

Danny: Then the Island of Sodor (Evil Cackles).

(Screen turns to black, saying; “Engines Together will return sometime in 2023)

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