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 Are simply different approaches or ways  VISUAL LEARNERS

of learning o Learners need to see the
teachers body language and
4 Basic Learning Styles
facial expression to fully
1. DIVERGERS understand the content of a
- Preference for concrete experience and lesson
reflective observations o Tend to prefer sitting at the
- Watch rather than do front of the classroom to avoid
- Gather information and use visual obstructions
imaginations to solve problems o May think in pictures and learn
- Best at viewing concrete situations and best from visual displays
giving several different viewpoints including diagram, illustrated
rather than viewing abstract situations test books, overhead
- Giving concrete material and examples transparencies, videos and
2. ASSIMILATORS hand-outs.
- Concise and logical in approach o During a lecture often prefer to
- Prefer abstract conceptualization and take detailed notes to absorb
reflective observations the information
- Ideas and concepts are more important  AUDITORY LEARNERS
than concrete o Learn through listening
3. CONVERGER o Learn best through verbal
- Concerned with problem-solving as lectures, discussions, talking
solution to practical issues things through and listening to
- Prefer technical task what others have to say
- People with this style like to experiment o Interpret the underlying
- Less concerned with people and meanings of speech through
interpersonal aspects listening to tone of voice, pitch,
4. ACCOMODATORS speed, and other nuances
- “hands-on learning” o Written information may have
- Experience that relies on intuition little meaning util it is heard.
rather than logic These learners often benefit
- Uses other people’s analysis, from reading text aloud and
information using a tape recorder
- Experimental approach  TACTILE/KINESTHETIC LEARNERS
- Commonly act on “gut” instinct o Learn through moving, doing
- Prefer to work in teams and touching
o Learn best through hands-on
approach, actively exploring the
physical world around them
o May find it hard to sit still for a
long period and may become
distracted by their need for
activity and exploration

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