Astm D1693-15

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Designation: D1693 - 15, Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics’ “Tis snd is ised wer the fned desis DIGO%: the umber immedi fling the dsiznnion indus the 8 of Tia nscptow on in he ease a ern, he yer fle rvion. Ante In pateaeses ates he yer gf oFheanpeoal. A SEE Spo elias an stn change spe th lst yok oF approve ‘eg Tis stander has bere prove for nsx Be agen of he US, Depeten f Df fe B69] Practice for clip say Interlabormory Study to 1. Scope z 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the sus- nine i a Test Method 2.2 ASTM Addjuy 'DSB3, to enviroomentl stress-cracking when subjected t the conditions herein specified. Under certain conditions of tress nd in the presence of environments such as soaps, wetting fagents, oils, of detergents, ethylene plastics may exhibit 3.1 Defias: yy tncchical Fie by racking ML ate tngd extemal of intra rte in & 2 The values awed in SE onits ae to be regarded ax PRstic caused by tensile smesses less than jis shor-time standard, mech yer Hai feussion—The development of such eracks is safety concer, if ey, associated with is use. I 18 the iy ued. The stresses which cause cracking may be present responsibility of the nser of this standant 10 establish appro- (e viy or extras, or may be a combination of these site cepibity of ehyiene plestics as defined in Terminology a eal ‘Apparatus Dr: ng lpn’ 3. Terminology pia sofery and health practices and detervine the applica thy extraly, or may be 9 combination of hee Inlity of regulatory liittions prior to use. Se “rhe appearance of network of fine crack is cll % Nove tei an non SO copa smi, 8831.2 sresscrach fie, a—for pupae ofthis te 2, Referenced Documents eg method, any erack visible to an observer with normal eyesight shall be interpreted as a failure of the entire specimen (1).* 2.1 ASTM Standards? nee Entnsion of the contolfed impertortion shal nt be consued D618 Practice for Conditioning Prastes for Tet 2s 4 failure, The appearance of more than one crack ina single D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics” specimen shall be consirued as a Single flute 1 Chabees of 1204 Test Method for Linear Dimension 31.2.1 Discussion—Cracks generally develop at dhe con- Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or gFilrvabllevated rolled imperfection and run to the outer edge of the specimen ‘Temperature d e ‘approximately at right angles to it (2). The cracks need not D1248 Specification for Polyethylege“Rfistige Extrusion extend completely through the specimen to constitute failure. Materials for Wire aed Cable Cracks sometimes develop under the polymer surlace, mani- i) Specification for Polyethyléne Pages Pipe and Fit- festing themselves as depressions on the surface, ‘The time : ‘when this occurs should be noted, ané ifthe depression Inter for Compress hoking ‘Thermoplastic develops into a crack, the time of dimpling should be consid- ‘Matera into Test Specimens lBques, or Sheets cred asthe flue time. Dan Specie for Roel yee Paes Molding and D3’ sion Mates hg 4, Summary of Test Method é 4.1 Bent specimens ofthe plastic, each having a conwolted oid orastutconmiuee arco Pias imperfection on one surface, are exposed to the action of a ctslivmnics baoisurtmmonnictas® — sfccctive agent. The proportion of he otal somber of " ge crimens that crack in a given time is observ ‘cea eon Re oe far ene poate cere en ren a ee re Thintes mead w ant ie cspons a approved 1989. sien approved a 2013 ay DIG! 13. DOH TISUONESS3. "Foe erenced ASTM standards, vst te ASTM web,, oF came ASTI Coston Seve a vious ore. For Anal Book of ASTM ‘Santas nunc noma, eo He sans Docs Sunnary pag o& ite ASTM wetste. ‘Stew dawings of he agaretes awe aval fom ASTM Hlendquaes, Rest ADIDIGP MHL ADIDIGSAN2,ADIDIONO, sad ADIDIGNSO. "pe ola munier paretese feo thei of ferences end of this tex meted “1A Summary of Changes seta appears tthe end of this standard er Yate ve PO Bx OH Wt omranecian, SR. ed Ses 1 uot AST onl 1008 Aly o1693 - 15 ‘TABLE 1 Standard Test Coneltions Soecnen nen SEW BHP um Teper ae ni mn * a mm 860 3429 089 Daa © mm Sco O48 Ges oes wn tee cons 0m on » mm ter Gore oan fons co mm im do om Gono tone fax 197 00775 _Dad_ 0.015 ‘TSimeraana values oe rat exaely eat Hover fr rere purnoeee Te ‘pats une eal pp Srrreiewe pupoces conecnation of iepel le consent wn th spo pte mona stare ro encanto sgh, ten 20% wom soon Elbe ood CAL a Yenpeture of 100°, tuksregth eager, rater than an aqueous selon ofa roagor, i goneray used because solu fond fo chong Ie ompitens by war evaporation Ise ding he peo te fo i i . % 5 * 5. Significance and Use Gy tae oss-a768 tas San ‘heme 5.1 This est method may be used for rouline inspection purposes by subjecting a required number of specimens to the ist conditions fora specified time and noting tne number that fail The crucking obtained with the test eagont is indicative of saat ray be expected from a vide variety of surface-active dets, soaps ad organic substances that are not absorbed apgeciably hy the polymer, tices ig as shown in Fi. 1 and capable of nothing the 52 Environmental suese-cracking is « property that is fspecipeny in accordance with 102 shal be used spl ad om the thermal history ofthe specimen (Unie Nom 41 rcrmendl ht he i be pemancaly mean the conditions of the test method, high focal multiaxial sues puiviene lumanarcs are developed through the introduction ofa controlled HBF" 63 Specimen Holders Lengis of hard or haar brass fection (2, 3). Environmental stress-cracking has been Rouge, or stainless steel channe) having the dimensions shown in (B) ‘occur most readily under such conditions. J, of Fig. 2 shall be used. ‘The sides of the channel shall be Nom 2_Didereas pe of pave pcs gan’ tegpore varalel andthe ise comers sharp and square. Any burs wc enc ms SN fem ot te ch al rh Te ris When Lis expressly ese to cmyare he pei equafieves ot side widih is eet (See Dimension Fin Fig, 2). Stal he specimen fo al pes seul be sgh andl nee 6 Test Tibes and Closeres—Hand lass tubes nominally 45.3 Information from this test methgd 18% ilended to be 200 mm long with a preferred minimam inside diameter of ws ct pln cae rhe 315 mm and a cork orrubher stopper. Alternatively, tes with i threaded encs and plastic eaps are permissible, Nun, 3—Caution should be used ia comparing ind ranking various esylene plastics into distinct and Sepa@tegroups by this test method (see None S—Some older est tubes have inside diameters of less tha $1.5 FIG. 1 Nicking Jig Section 13 and Not 12} ‘ som. These ae seep at lng athe is adequate fearcet ilow ‘As thermal history is recognized aa, physi wat, fest results by ihe filled specimen holder to be inserted into the wbe without any this est nto employing labo samples camel necessenly—ereeenee expected to show agreannt withest sults fom saps ctaincd by yy ats dhnslcat) tues and No. 18 eas have heen icra The woe prgige paps of engin ase, EH hs (hase) abe and No.5 kt have ima, ower Best he dg sprees hate Ho cet Icha repre emg he 65 Aluninun Foil—Approximately 0.08 10 0.13 mm (0.003, sea t© 0.005 in.) thick, for wrappins. 6.6 Constant-Temperature Bath—A_ constant-temperature 6.1 Blanking big!A'Fectangular die or other means suitable for cutting. spectmss 38225 mm by 134.08 nm liquid bath maintained at $0.0 + 0.5°C for Conditions A and B (15 #01 in, by 0.50% 003 in). These specimens must be of Table I and 100.0 + 0.5°%C for Condition C of Table 1. cut with square edges. Beveled ends in particular are ( be 6.7 Test Tube Rock—A rack to hold test thes immersed to avoided. reagent level 62 Jig—A fig for making 0 controlled imperfection it 6. pending Clamp-As shown in Fig. 3 specimens of the dimensions shown in Table 1, parallel to the Tong edges of the specimen and centered on one of the bread 6.9 Transfer Tool—As shown in Fig. 4, * ans 3 3208 c some abe 4 ° og fee et e or om (ousca) fs - os 6 ‘ee cf 7ds008 cases 20000 é ~~ a) = ® * oe " ? a8 (12885) J san Se he tonto hon emt onmonise ener slate. * 11 The preted agents gilphonoxy poetic oxy)ethanol.* me Nom: T—Thete are envifomnestéoncems regarding the disposal of Nonylphenoxy potytegiyletgny) etbancl (CAS. 68412544), for serbrie Igepal CO-640 ugrsate advised to consult thei suppor oF (eal envionmentaéHeg, et follow the guidelines provided for the proper disposal of his geifca Rein gecthe cekdsat loud be stored in closed metal oF glass cconiners because it 7 Ahowhat hygroscopic Nene Dect lsmotacorer has sated that this aggresive spent unrgues wo Known degradation when sel es flows: A10 % volume ureters purges teal CO sn be bln fo Rope Pole, Progen Plains Crary. NF 08512 FIG. 2Test Equipment seluion in yates 30°C for 1600 of testing Nuns The appearance of eirbanyt bands in a tgspat Fowler trnnorm ied (PIR) see is ah indication of dgradson 72. Other surface-active agents, soaps, or any’ Tiguid organic substance that is not absorbed appreciably by the polymer ean also be used 8, Test Specimen 8.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test specimens shall be tnolded in accordance with Procedure C of Annex Al of Practice DATOS, None 11—Use no Higud rlease agents, waxes, potishes, and 0 focth, won molding, However, inere materials soo a8 polyester lin, wnplsi- SUE Ciohsee, plytetaflaroethyloge, an aluminum foi have been foun stator. Front Clamp Rear Clamp Bushing Guide Bar Strew FIG. 3 Bonding Clamp Assembly M, x x ety 7 E = Te ta Seg he Ss Stet Shing vom ahora enon te Danio Toot esomiy lft ide ts nn ogc cooler as ee ce eta yee ae spesimeterton andomloatonsintesheesspfetscmden, mse 20925 ex sd ender Cerin B, Coon Coy te od arent cnctang om Go a eda nym ie ah carey ah EC re he ash an a oven a XP fo Tape fiene Rapa ee etd sl et emt escains as pla anda 150% for Types Il and IVGgoyfiytne paste? for 30 minutes. If shrinkage of the spedifuensis 4s than 10% 10.2 Give each conditioned specimen a controlled imper- in the lengthwise direction, the motd rae es Decors {ection (notch) on one surface as shown in (A) of Fig, 2. Use satisfactory (see also Test Method Se 3 Cut specimens from smootlgheet pressed fron granules ‘or mill-massed rnaterial to the, is given in Fig. 2 (A), Use a die or other devi luces specimens with clean-cut, square, unbevele ‘The specimens should be ‘cut within 24 by after thestigets ine prepared. 9. Conditioning 9.1 Unless: cate fied, the test specimens should be condoned ina oe Frovedre ho Practice Des Dror bend thie cimens, ick, or wea them wit he ‘agent oil inmedaly prio the te. Testing toad be Sued amin of 40 hand a anion cf 96 hater ontining he specimens bas ben, 10, Procedure 0.1. Select the condition desired from Table 1 ok Non: 12—Generally, polyethylene plasies with densities henween a sharp blade, mounted in the jig shown in Fig. 1, for making this imperfection. A depth micrometer may be used for set the blade in the jig so that the notch depth is controlied as specified in Table I, The difference hetween the height at the top of the blade edge and the channel ofthe jig where the top of the specimen resis whea being nicked is measured to ensure the proper setting of the blade Non: 13) yy (2.1.7 Date of test. 13, Precision and 13.1 Precision—Table 2 is based on a round robin con- ducied in 1995 in accordance with Practice £69, involving five materials tested by seven laboratories. Each material was compression molded by one laboratory and the individual Specimens were cut and notched by the laboratory that tested them, Each material was tested twice by each laboratory ‘Nox 18 The folowing explanation of rand R (13.2 through 13.24) ave jatznded vmly 10 present a meaning way of considering, the ppeuximate pression of this tet method. The daa i Tabs ¥ shoul rot ‘erepplied rigorously #0 acceptance oe rejection of material as those dat te eit te round robin an may othe represcniatve of eter I Conditions, materials, or laboratories 12.2 Users of this test method should apply the principles outlined in Practice E691 to generate data specific to their Taboratory and materials, or between specific laboratories. The principles of 15.2.1 through 13.24 would then be valid for such data, 13.2.1 Concept of Repeatability (r) and Reproducibitty (R/-If S, and S have been calculated from a large enough body of data, then judge the test results as follows: 13.22 Repeatability (r)—The two test results should be: judged not equivalent if they difler by more than the r valle for ‘the material ~ gupponng da have hen le at ASTM lceravonl Headers and oy inant y oqoestng Resse Repo RRDD-120, 15.2.3 Reproducibility (R)—The two test results should be judged not equivalent i they differ by more than the R value of the material 13.3 Blus—There are no recognized standards on which to base an estimate of bias for this test method, 13.24 Any judgement made in accordance with 13.2.2 and 14. Keywords 15.23 wouldve an approximate 98% probaly of Neing 1.1 etionmental resistance: _pplyetiyene; stress comet wracking * eth, ANNEX we (Mandatory Information) Al. GRAPHICAL METHOD OF DETERMINING FAILURE PO} Al.I. Under some circumstances a 50 % failure point (Fs) is of interest and relevant, as wther failure poiuts may be. An example of calculation using a graphical method forthe 50% (or almost any other 9 failure point is as follows: ALI The value reported by this graphical method is btained without reference to 0% failure time Plot the data on logarithmic probability graph paper, Fig. AILI or Fig. AL2, ‘wih appropriate time scales chosen and probability expressed as percentage. (The user is encouraged to copy these figures.) Elapsed time belongs on the logarithmic scale. Number of foifuees. (breaks or cracks), divided by one moze than che number of original specimens, belongs on te probability seal, Adding one to the nurber of specimens provides a divisor that (@) produces a symmetrical weatment of the data, (b) enabic® plotting all the datapoints, (c) is easy to remember wit table, (A) permis using any otherwise appropriate nua and ey aoe. mS specimne . Nor: Al.1—Thisploting convention does not necessasly Binide a mathematically opitaum unbiased estimate ofthe standard devigiiob, but ‘onsié- ‘sag the convestcn appears neatly optimal with en seimen rable mathoratcal bas 19 ustallysatoduced angtay 1Wulp!seonemc tecessity of periodic inspection, that is, pot cogtnugily watching Tor Ireaks dug ath Th scored fare ines gre pegealflats than the seal fae tines This inctaton sama cones bas ‘nlc for conveniene bythe otng gheation (For rhe information se Refs (9) and he resets coed Geren Aa IT ene or mo sexing ole sine the pevous observation, plot # point fore failed specimens. ‘Therefore, one point will appéke reich specimen that fails. A point does not necessarily sppeaPfor each observation time, Draw the best-fiting sifight line for the plot. The time indicated at the inte the data line and the 50% probability line shale tha 50% filo point (P). Simary, Pry Fey Fo. oF ByfniBgafon is obtained from the inersec- 628 Oe dai 105 30 90%. Or a ti ty probability tines. 1e,P 6 Ad F yo points cannot be obtsined, as they do not forte [ALA A specimen thot breaks on bending is called failed at 1 min, or lest Fbitrary convenient short time that is less than te stint ine, The plating dieon are then tear a5, 816,243, 40, an 48itrakistended ests are inspected every 24 fr thereafter. {Geraif’ work schedules would eliminate the 16 and 32h stlons, and possibly shorten the 8.24, and 48-h periods a vores on round-the-clock operations Would Nt be Neaected by this problem, ALA Specific examples of calculations using the graphical ‘method, in conjunction with Fig. A, are given in Table A.) ALS Avoid overextrapolation when using this graphical ‘method. In case of unreasonably extended life of some specimens, the test may be terminated before all specimens have failed. The available data may then be plotied. Reduced precision may result, ALB Generally te specimens are used so that fen points appear on the graph, Occasionally a specimen may be itretvie ably lost, The plotting positions on the probability scule change, but the instructions remain the same. Ruwy AL2—Some possible hints on fining fines by eye ae given in Refs (6) nd (7 ALT After experience with the test method and graphical procedures, an occasional ouier specimen may be noted that violates credibility. The plotting procedure should be reason- able in such cases. A conceivable situation exists, however, in which the apparent outlier is the only point of interest 6 sojokg B07 2 * Aumgedord Hb "Old ox o_o we sora co S01 Sp fol x Aegon pobatitty 3 op eyes FIG, A1.2 Probability x8 Log Oycles is 7 7 ja Lt hel EXAMPLE 1 Lt cy Zl a oe 4 : i Cet : 3 ] Ne 2° y 3 fet” 2 b_bZ rl eaper | aed 2 1.0) tL yee 8 os | Be | ol 54 : dopa 5 ot be ar 5 10 2 a) 3 fe. 413 Graphical one ature Peles TABLE Aj.1 Examples of Cateultions ons 1nteger in the upper ptf he Be athe able sgt numberof pecs fled a he ewe elapsed dime Taped Tah ape es aa Cam immammarieim oe pe oe ee Exam £ ben spear) Sade 2 oe gk F 8 7 8 wm Exar 9 ata sscmens ores Byes fg gS Fame erences oa fest panatgljetmayeancastertvoron< gf iy fb 15 S88. rane weiss te ‘ a 38 mo &, ee Nd me a ars 7p ares Slat papell & evee SS ge a as fly v1693 - 15 APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) XI. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION \ sonal ‘TABLE X1.1 ESCR of Polyethylene, Fy in Hours (From D16G3-20)4 7 Material Density te Average, o 0° i Z = ove sink, 0) oat ie 7 = = 908,55 9 aaa a "a, wa 7 naman ae i See oa é ois. 29 mre 20 a gm, Nie ie $ oor se ‘ao ars ins 70 ee 2 0 Bi oes ios &, a fe “yas wabod Diet, Guten 8, 0% hope CO, 4 5 he hun laborlry sta eva He vers © Sy «ins baworratenras sae cevaton ot Pe sree = repsatabilly tim = 283% 5, 4 ~ Fw roprosueiy tl 29 Be TABLE 1.2 Variables of the Tet ‘Tas Wom Uy sian he Prag and eo Ta varie sere te ne seston aby $2 nt tne) ae aes a TE 2 aa eT Tar eS ea TT Sreen contin eo 2 tteshsesteaenscesne putes msg, ungeg, Blt tat cing ea tn! c 3 aw seperation fending and waneontng lots Nie Not shed scaly 4 Sheen stins ponte sont ‘ao tnondng apices, 0925 py. ingen, mt ty nrg Simonse ot qucnen her 73m Bm Py ‘cet ae . 5 Seecren tines, 1751920971 ga Vary nor api fr atria gh i ts é ‘hdu" gute cao ase toe ss sre tevin 7 srwprassatonte nan toning, fy a oromen see 10% in water oO 9 Cate rt eget 10 Stats! nucuaten gg Hr tinted erberof specimens tested ad rom on duty te at Paletnvety sigan! ce ato: snicct Insgticat tom 7.50 125%, Genoa insgneat aut doponds onthe Fsquency of racing Not evausea fly v1693 - 15 REFERENCES (1) DeCoste, 1B, Malmo, FS. and Wallder, Vi T Joel! and (6) Chernoff, H., and Lisborman, G. J. “Use of Normal Probability Engineering Chemin Vol 43,1981, p17 Paps” Jounal of the Aumerinan Stotstieal Assocation, Vel 49, (2) Hopkins, 1, Baker, W. O., and Howard, J.B. Jeeonal uf Applied Deseret 1954, pp. 778-785. Piysies, Vol 21, No, 3, Match 1950, pp. 206-21 (7) 0. Davis, es Satie Meth it Resch and Prado 13) Grey, RH. “Suess-Crackng of Polyeylene ASTM Buea, No Hainer Publishing Co. New York, 1961, p4l75, ot uly 1950, p36. (era Ping Esper DOR pee of Lg Nora (0) NeTine, FM Enon SusCiking Ress of High rbot Pape” atta Ql gro. BCA, al XV No Density Foiyetnyiens Plastic Technology, Vo 8, Fabraary 1939, pp, 1, July 1958, pp. 1215, 35539. (9) Kimball, BF On the Choice hades Positions on Probsbiity (5) “Fracture” Encyclopetia of Polymer Science and Technolgy: Nol, Paper.” Journal ofthe Amerigyt Stattica Assocarion, ISTNA, Vol pp. 288-289, 55, Sepember 1960, pp. SUMMARY OF CHANGES y Committee D20 has identified the Ioeation of selected changes & dindard since the last issue (1693 ~ 13) that may impact the use of this standard. (May 1, 201g ey é (1) Revised 6.3 10 allow stainless steel specimen holders. AST instal es no pation respecting ta ay sa connec am entered ‘nb standart sansa carey abd ba te ay of any sc ete it, a er re tn a te a Ts stan is suc to rexision a any tina ty the esponsif eee Ln ee en rt eg meget tn crn eer rs taser ee sere ce cette ncn arenes SEVIS TS le yo else ‘This standard is copyrighted by ASTM international Ya9 dav Harber Drive, PO Box C700, West Gonshonocken, PA 19428-2053, nad! Sites Ina! ropa single orm 1 standard may ba cbianed by conacang ASTM atthe above aziross oF a! 610-852 5895 (ahora), C1O8S205R8"YaN) or sonreadacttors forall: or treugy Who ASTI webete lanneastmor. Parmissizn nots to phaccopyins stand may also be secures fam me Copyright Ciesance Cente, 222 Ps Be kt GI Og i yO TARIKH DIKEMBALIKAN (DATE DUE)

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